The Bermuda Atlantic Time
The Bermuda Atlantic Time
The Bermuda Atlantic Time‐ The Bermuda Atlantic Time‐series Study: A Research Platform to Study Change in y g the subtropical North Atlantic Michael W. Lomas, Nicholas R. Bates, Rodney J. Johnson, and Anthony H. Knap CINTOO: Center for Integrated Ocean Observations Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences BATS/ location& sampling frequency/ BATS/ location& sampling frequency/ 1988 1990 1992 1994 Year 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Core Cruises Bloom Cruises BATS/ Original Motivation and Objectives/ BATS/ Original Motivation and Objectives/ The Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) was initiated under the JGOFS umbrella with the overall motivation motivation… “ To determine and understand the time time--varying fluxes of carbon and associated biogenic elements in the ocean and to evaluate l t the th related l t d exchanges h with ith th the atmosphere, t h sea flfloor and continental boundaries .” (SCOR, 1987) Original Objectives: To understand the seasonal and interannual variations in ocean physics, chemistry and biology To understand the processes that control surface pCO T d t d th th t t l f CO2 To understand the physical controls on biological rate processes To provide a test‐bed for the validation of new methods and technologies p g OBJECTIVES OF THIS TALK… 1. Present patterns in the 22-year data records. 2 Id 2. Identify tif what h t we now think thi k we are missing i i (e.g., ( eddies, ddi mesopelagic ecosystem) to understand the original objectives. 3. Present brief overview of a future “integrated g time-series platform” McGillicuddy et al. 2007 Depth (m m) # of Observattions BATS/ Mesoscale variability/ Eddies Chlorophyll (ug/kg) Primary Production (mgC/m3/d) Depth h (m) Cyclone Anticyclone Ewart et al. 2008 Longitude (oW) Bacterial Biomass Baacterial Production (m (mgC/m3/d) mgC/m3) Phytoplankton community (% changes) C export (g m‐2 d‐1) Mourino‐Carballido 2009 On an annual scale, eddies appear to ‘average out’ their impact on biogeochemistry. BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Hydrography/ Depth h (m) 0 250 500 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 SST (oC) 32 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 Repeatable annual Repeatable annual pattern, with a seasonal cycle of ~9oC MLD driven by temperature ranging from 150‐300m. 150 300m. 28 24 20 J F M A M J J A S O N D No clear long‐term pattern, although deep MLD i 1991 d 1995 MLD in 1991 and 1995 are the cause. Interactive effects of eddies and convection? BATS, unpubl. BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Hydrography/ Deepth (m) 0 Heat content anomaly ‐ low pass annual filter x 106 5 20 4 40 3 60 2 80 1 100 0 120 ‐1 Long‐term changes in heat content ‐ Seasonal cycle but apparent increase in surface waters at BATS ‐2 140 ‐3 160 ‐4 180 ‐5 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 Longer HS record suggests warming subsurface waters within the gyre. BATS, unpubl. BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Dissolved inorganic carbon/ ΔnDIC = 1.22 ± 0.09 µmol kg‐1 y‐1 Bates 2010 Bates 2010 Inorganic carbon content has increased to a level exceeding g annual variability. Surface ocean pCO2 increasing at the same rate as atmosphere, p , but notice ‘stutters’ Surface ocean is acidifying. Annual sink increasing overall due to increasing winter flux which offsets summer. Bates et al. 2007 DJFM NA AO Index BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Production/ 6 3 0 -3 -6 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Lomas et al. 2010 Summer net p primary yp production ((NPP)) doesn’t change g significantly. g y Winter NPP inversely related to NAO via mechanism of convective nutrient inputs. BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Composition/ NPP increase due to biomass accumulation during the winter/spring bloom. NO3 PO4 Increased nutrient drawdown i. Autotrohic biomass has become more efficient. ii. Increase in supply – frequency of mixing? Lomas et al. 2010 1 10 25 0 0 80 (D) 60 40 -2 20 60 0 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 -2 0 cells m ) (mg gm ) -2 50 11 25 10 (B) (x10 50 (C) 20 Synech hococcus 20 0 %Chla aSyn ChlaSyn 0.0 (mg m ) 2 0.5 Chlahapto -2 (mg m ) 3 (A) %Chlahapto o FluxPIC/POC 1.0 %Chladiat Chladiat BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Composition/ Lomas et al. 2010 Casey, Lomas unpubl. POC (ugC l‐1) NAO +ive 40 30 20 10 POC Flu ux 2 d-1) (mmol-C m-2 50 9 6 3 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Lomas et al. 2010 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Remineralization/ Lomas et al. 2010 POC more extensively remineralized, [DOC] higher, deeper and not being consumed as completely through the year. Figure courtesy of Dennis Hansell, modified. BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Remineralization/ BATS unpubl. Changes in bacteria in response to dissolved organic matter inputs via convection. What about in response to enhanced availability due to POC remineralization? Carlson et al. 2009 POC and BCD (in nt. 150-300m) P AOU (int. 200 0-300m) (all mmol-C m-2 d-1) BATS/ Multi-year Variability/ Particulate Matter Remineralization/ 12 8 POC BCD AOU Col 1 vs Col 2 4 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 Lomas et al. 2010 + 0.013 g m‐2 y‐1, 44% increase over 15 yrs Steinberg et al. in prep. OBJECTIVES OF THIS TALK… 1. Present patterns in the 22-year data records. 2 Id 2. Identify tif what h t we now think thi k we are missing i i (e.g., ( eddies, ddi mesopelagic ecosystem) to understand the original objectives. 3. Present brief overview of a future “integrated g time-series platform” Future research topics to understand original objectives: Future research topics to understand original objectives: 1. What are drivers of episodic/patchy biogeochemical events – atmospheric inputs, eddies, convergent zones? 2. Eddies: mesoscale variability of the Sargasso Sea potentially masks the impact of atmospheric forcing over annual or shorter timescales, but what about year over year predictions of climate forcing? but what about year‐over‐year predictions of climate forcing? 3. How does plankton community structure change in response to short‐term short term and long and long‐term term forcing and how does this affect C flux forcing and how does this affect C flux (events vs. trends)? 4. The mesopelagic: What are the regeneration length scales of p g g g individual elements? Role of chemoautotrophy? 5. How do we define the right timescales to assess the natural versus anthropogenic signal? 6. Have we defined all the ecosystem processes? Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based underway sensors, moorings and floats. Topic 1 & 2, episodic events over time Bermuda Testbed Mooring (e.g., Dickey et al. 2001) Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based underway sensors, moorings and floats. Topic 1 & 2, episodic events over time “Future” Bermuda Mooring Particulate matter sampler (McLane) sampler (McLane) Submersible flow cytometer (Cytobuoy, Inc) UV nitrate analyzer (S tl ti ) (Satlantic) Submersible i b i d i incubation device (Craig Taylor, WHOI) Environmental sample processor Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based underway sensors, moorings and floats. Topic p 3 (p (parts of)) SeaFLOW – position sensitive underway flow cytometer. Highlights small scale spatial variability (great for coordinating with satellite data p products. Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based underway sensors, moorings and floats. NOAA underway pCO2 VOS program Topics 1 & 3 23 24 25 26 Day in August 2006 Wanninkhof et al. 2007 Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based Integrated Time‐series Platform: coordinated integration of ship‐based underway sensors, moorings and floats. APEX Float program p g ((Johnson et al.)) Topics 1, 2 & 4 (parts of) Floats provide a combination of temporal data and ‘drifting’ spatial data Photo credit: Ken Johnson Eddy heaving? Future research topics to understand original objectives: Future research topics to understand original objectives: 5. How do we define the right timescales to assess the natural versus anthropogenic signal? 6. Have we defined all the ecosystem processes? Year when ‘global global warming’ warming signal can be detected detected. Henson et al. 2010 Thanks to: All the BATS technicians and project scientists, past and present, whose diligence and dedication have assisted in the collection of the data and publication of the results presented in this talk. Members of the international oceanographic community who have supported BATS both in the peer‐review peer review process and through ancillary projects. U.S. National Science Foundation Chemical and Biological Oceanography Programs for funding BATS through the most recent award OCE‐0326885.
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