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Five stars for
fire alarm systems
2 –3 SecoNEWS
– Editorial
– Anytime and everywhere
– Excellent TV and
multimedia terminals
from Schrack Seconet
– Special mission for
– Trend-setting
IP technology for
Vienna’s General Hospital
– Amazing development
in Azerbaijan
– Full power in Vorarlberg
6–9 SecoCOVER
– Five stars for
fire alarm systems
10 –11 SecoREPORT
– Schrack Seconet
shines at
international trade fairs
– Glossary
Customer magazine for Fire Alarm-, Communication- and Security Systems of Schrack Seconet AG
© Schrack Seconet AG
I am very pleased that you
have decided to travel the
road of IP technology
together with us. We were
able to convince you of the
benefits of IP technology in
the field of fire alarm systems and
communication systems as well as in
the field of security systems. Reference
projects in Austria and in our export
markets are a proof of the enormous
interest in flexible, future-oriented
and high-quality solutions. We keep
developing our IP-based systems, as
top solutions and services are our top
priority. And, of course, we are glad
about the positive feedback we are
getting from you. In this issue we will
present to you a very special type of
information and alarm technology that
only Schrack Seconet can offer.
The past fiscal year was very
challenging for all of us, as global
economic development was quite
exciting and influenced by many
different factors. We have to assume
that the economic situation will remain
rather volatile also during the year
to come. Therefore we will keep doing
everything to be a competent and
flexible partner to you as well as a
stabilizing factor. Quality always has
been and always will be our first
Let me take this opportunity
to thank you all for your excellent
cooperation and to wish you a Merry
Christmas, pleasant holidays and a
successful and satisfying New Year.
© Schrack Seconet AG
Dear customers and
business partners of
Schrack Seconet AG,
Anytime and
l e r t i n g – i n f o r m i n g – alarm panel on their mobile phones,
responding: these are the big PCs or tablets via Internet or internal
three of fire alarm. This network. Even objects that are not always
emergency chain has to be followed staffed, like garages, and technical
facilities, such as
rapidly and reliably.
transformer stations
However, the fire
or mobile phone masts
protection officers
not monitored by
are not always
makes possible mobile
human beings, are
directly on the site of
optimally monitored
the fire alarm panel.
thanks to this leadingWith the Integral
VirtualMAP software the fire alarm edge technology. Also malfunction
system’s control panel can be reports, e.g. contamination of a detector,
presented one-to-one on mobile will be immediately transferred with
phones, notebooks or tablet PCs and Integral VirtualMAP, and the competent
therefore retrieved everywhere on safety officer can take the requisite
mobile devices.
measures immediately.
Schrack Seconet is setting the trends
in fire alarm technology and, with the
development of IP-based systems, has
taken a big leap into the future. Fire
protection officers now can directly
receive the information from the fire
With this quality leap, the high-tech
expert once again proves its leadership in
technology. And another benefit: The
system can build on existing networks
and, of course, also has a comprehensive
security concept.
IMPRINT: Editor, owner, publisher: SCHRACK SECONET
AG, Security and Communication Systems, Eibesbrunnergasse
18, A-1122 Vienna • responsible for the contents: Schrack
Seconet AG, Rosa Maria Seilerbeck, Tel.: +43-1-81157-0*, Fax:
+43-1-81157-222,, • layout: Atelier Mayer • text: Schrack Seconet AG,
Lang & Tomaschtik Communications • production: Edelbacher
Druck Ges.m.b.H. • place of publication: Vienna.
© Schrack Seconet AG
Wolfgang Kern
Excellent TV and multimedia
terminals from Schrack Seconet
odern hospitals are turning into health centers and
entertainment is becoming more and more important for
the recovery process. It increases patients’ well-being and
thus contributes to a positive healing process. Schrack Seconet’s new
terminals offer information and diversion for patients and more
time for the nursing and medical staff to care for and treat patients
entrusted to them.
Depending on the model used, these terminals are equipped for receiving
analogue signals, DVB-T and DVB-C up to IP TV and Internet access. They
can be installed with flexible wall brackets as well as on the bedside table
and can be operated intuitively. Therefore, even older people have no
problems using the new technology. Depending on the model, the
terminal is either operated via a membrane keyboard or a touch screen.
The terminals come in different sizes. The analogue 8.5 inches screen
is designed for very short watching distances. Other models with
10 or 15 inches also bring high-resolution images to the sickbed.
© Schrack Seconet AG
User-friendly operation,
individual entertainment,
flexible use
This advanced technology is suitable for every hospital bed
and offers a great variety of options during the hospital stay as
well as individual entertainment without being a nuisance to
other patients in the same room. In 2010 and 2011 the
terminals received the “red dot design award”. For this award a
panel of experts evaluates different products according to criteria such
as degree of innovation, functionality and ergonomics. The competition is
held every year. The “red dot design award” is one of the world’s largest and
most renowned product competitions. Schrack Seconet’s innovative hightech solutions offer the highest quality and meet the demands of everyday
routines in modern hospitals. The “red dot design award” confirms the
innovative spirit of Schrack Seconet and shows that user-friendly and
intelligent products are in great demand in all situations of life.
Special mission for HeatSCREEN MHD 535
ire protection is an important issue in all temperature and report it to an evaluation unit. Each
monitored areas. Fire alarm systems from Schrack individual sensor can be programmed to fit its environment
Seconet meet the highest demands and are reliable and, consequently, also be evaluated. In this way a highly
and ready for use also in extreme situations. For accurate localisation of alarms is possible.
example, fire alarm systems in tunnel
The MHD 535 already operates
systems have to meet the greatest
MHD 535
successfully in several industrial enterprises
c h a l l e n g e s . Wi t h h e a t d e t e c t o r
can tackle extreme
and one road tunnel in Austria is also
HeatSCREEN MHD 535 Schrack
reliably monitored by this line heat
Seconet has created the perfect solution
detector. The great advantage of the
for difficult ambient conditions.
system is its individual handling. After
Whether in road tunnels or assembly lines in industrial all, ambient temperatures in tunnels tend to vary greatly
plants, in extremely variable temperature conditions, and have to be responded to individually. The cable is also
HeatSCREEN MHD 535 will always be ready for use. In optimally designed for protecting garages or cable ducts,
the heat sensor cable highly-sensitive sensors are installed where often extreme conditions, such as heat, humidity or
at customizable distances, which measure the ambient frost have to be coped with.
© AKH Wien
IP technology for
Vienna’s General
© Schrack Seconet AG
aluti et solatio aegrorum” – “To heal and comfort
the sick” – this is the motto of the General
Hospital, known as AKH, at Währinger Gürtel hospital-wide communication. “Both VISOCALL IP and
in Vienna. This motto has been valid since 1784 and it our extended communication and infotainment offer were
is still lived by today. That year a “General Hospital” thoroughly checked by the hospital’s computing center
before the system was taken live,” says
was opened at Alserstrasse in the
product manager
building of the former “Major house
Edwin Fisar. “The
for the poor and invalidated”. After
result of this test has
the turmoil of two world wars,
convinced all the
political authorities decided to
people responsible!”
establish a new central building,
which, as a consequence, was erected
and occupied step by step.
Schnizer, Head of
Te c h n o l o g y a n d
In 1994, the hospital in its current form was finished
Informatics, the
and accommodates about 103,500 patients per year on
reason why the
premises of about 240,000 square meters. More than
AKH has opted for
560,000 patients are treated in outpatient departments,
IP technology is
about 1,500 doctors as well as 2,800 nursing staff members
cater to the needs of the people entrusted to them. And in obvious: “There has already been some IP know-how at the
the background there is, of course, the administrative team AKH. Therefore, to base new services on an existing network
was the logical thing to do. Voice communication is
who take care that everything runs smoothly.
developing towards IP around the globe and it would have
People tend to get well more quickly if they feel made no sense at all for us to decide against a logical trend.”
comfortable during their stay in hospital. Therefore Another argument in favour of IP technology, according to
sickrooms have comfortable furniture and equipment Schnizer, were cost considerations and system consolidation.
“The future lies in unified communication,” says Schnizer.
which make even the stay in a hospital quite agreeable.
“We need a multifunctional
network. In this area Schrack
Ever since it was opened, communication
Seconet is a reliable partner who
systems from Schrack Seconet have been installed
offers individual solutions.”
at the AKH, as the General Hospital usually is
user support
referred to. These systems had to be gradually
Mr. Schnizer is also very
upgraded to the nurse-call system VISOCALL IP,
which is based on IP technology. satisfied with the communication and infotainment offer of
Another challenge was to connect Schrack Seconet: “The systems are extremely user friendly
VISOCALL IP with IT systems, and further services can be added quickly. The users are
which provide patients with new accustomed to handle such technical devices in their own
communication features rolled into environments. From the statement of account from the bank
one single system. Among these or the installation of software in a remote control unit –
features are value-added services, technology is a major feature in our daily lives. “In former
such as VoIP/SIP telephony, internet times, everything had to be simple. Today there are
and portal access from the sickbed, practically no borders left,” says Schnizer. “With the new
which put patients into the center of communication and infotainment options many functions
can be fulfilled and doctors and the nursing team, but
also patients, can benefit from using the devices.”
© DI Georg Schnizer
Head of Technology and Informatics at the Vienna General Hospital
© Schrack Seconet AG
in Azerbaijan
▲ Metro station in Baku
won and implemented.
Among others, the
Armada Hotel and the
In the framework of the
Luxen Plaza Shopping &
modernization process which
Business Center were
goes hand in hand with the
equipped with Schrack
economic upswing, and, in
Seconet fire alarm systems
particular, with the growing
Larisa Kirsch,
by our partner in
petrol industry, safety and
Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer
Azerbaijan. Cooperation
security is gaining in importance
with Safe Live LLC is
in this Caucasian country.
Schrack Seconet is proud to have successfully excellent and the business location is very
gained a foothold in this country and has promising also for the future of our export business.
implemented a lot of projects together with its Schrack Seconet was represented by export manager
partner company, Safe Life LLC. Safe Life LLC is Larisa Kirsch during a business delegation trip,
a young company. It was founded in 2007 and which took place in the framework of the visit
has been cooperating with Schrack Seconet since of the President of the Republic of Austria,
2009. Already after such a short time contracts Dr. Heinz Fischer, to Baku in October this
for equipping hotels, metro stations, banks, offices year. Representatives of our partner company,
and historic buildings as well as schools could be Safe Life LLC, were present as well.
© Schrack Seconet AG
▲ Luxen Plaza Shopping & Business Center
© Schrack Seconet AG
zerbaijan is an economically dynamic
country in the Middle East. Its capital
Baku is situated at the Caspian
Sea. The total area of the republic amounts
to 86,600 square meters. The Democratic
Republic of Azerbaijan, which was founded
on 28.05.1918, was the first democratic
country in the entire Islamic orient. After
incorporation into the USSR in 1922, it was
not until 1991 that Azerbaijan
became independent again.
The venerable Vorarlberg utility
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG and Vorarlberger
Kraftwerke AG now operate under the roof
of illwerke vkw and generate power from renewable energy sources,
particularly hydropower. The company supplies both private homes
and major customers with sustainable energy. And with the generation
and distribution of ecopower, illwerke vkw are on the pulse of time,
as ecological and thus sustainable economic activities today are of
particular importance for utilities. Schrack Seconet, too, is renowned
for its modern technology and future-oriented thinking and, therefore,
n December 1901 electrical power
company Jenny & Schindler started
to supply power to the Vorarlberg
communities Rieden-Vorkloster and
Kennelbach. This was the birth of
Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG (VKW).
Full power in Vorarlberg
Power Plant Gampadels ▲
Distribution station Bürs
was able to prove
itself at illwerke vkw.
A great number of
systems of the energy company were equipped with Integral fire
alarm panels from Schrack Seconet. More than 1,000 detectors are
monitoring the premises of 16 different power plants and substations
all over Vorarlberg. Schrack Seconet came up with individual solutions,
as the fire alarm systems had to be integrated in existing distribution
cabinets – a requirement that we were able to meet to the full
satisfaction of our customer.
Five stars for
fire alarm systems
© Schrack Seconet AG
or most
people the
holiday season
is the best time of the
year. Whether a hiking tour or a holiday on
the beach, an adventure trip or a sightseeing
tour, the tourism business has the right offer
for everybody. Comfortable and pleasant
makes our holiday
complete. For hotel
managers the safety of
guests and personnel is
of great importance. Therefore many national
and international hotel operators have opted for
fire alarm systems from Schrack Seconet.
Hotel de France
Schrack Seconet. These renowned hotels
have been owned by the families for
110 years.
© Libor Svacek,
More than 300 hotels
put their trust in the safety expert
Over the years, Schrack Seconet has
become a renowned safety expert also on
the international market and was able to
win numerous contracts from hospitality
organizations. More than 300 hotels in
27 countries, among them Kazakhstan
and Montenegro, but also hotels in more
lready in the ancient world people
De-luxe fire alarm systems
travelled in order to relax or to
from Schrack Seconet
educate themselves. The Greeks
went to Delphi to ask the Oracle or to
The long years of experience of Schrack
attend the Olympic Games. In the Middle Seconet and the innovative technologies are
Ages travelling was reserved for the convincing facts for many representatives of
Nobility. By the end of the 19th century the tourist sector. Managers of renowned
industrialization and a growing mobility hotels choose fire alarm systems from
had made it possible for the middle Schrack Seconet to protect their guests and
classes, too, to treat themselves to a summer personnel. In the Austrian de-luxe hotels
vacation or a bathing holiday. In the 1840s Hilton Plaza and Marriott in Vienna, Royer
a new concept was
in Schladming, as
b o r n : o rg a n i z e d
well as the Sheraton
Safety for hotels
group travelling
in the form of
Integral fire alarm
all over the world
packaged tours.
panels have been
The Englishman
installed. Also in
Thomas Cook (1808 – 1892) is seen as the the design hotel Aenea, situated at
inventor of the packaged tour and the Wörthersee, this trend-setting technology
pioneer of mass tourism. Today, tourism is is employed to protect the premises. The
one of the most important international Aenea design hotel was established in
business sectors.
2003 and is a holiday and travel destination
of a very special kind. The classic and
Sector of great
modern architecture as well as the stylish
economic importance
interiors call for fire detectors that blend
in with this style in all rooms. With its
About 850 billion US dollars are earned systems, Schrack Seconet was able to meet
every year in tourism. With a market share these demands to perfection.
of almost nine percent, the most popular
destination is France, followed by the USA.
The Austria Hotels International
Also Austria is among the top 15 holiday Group comprises 12 hotels of different
destinations in the world. The Austrians classifications in Vienna, Baden, Eisenstadt,
themselves like to go to Italy and Croatia. Prague and Brno. Tradition, hospitality
In total, they took 5.9 holiday trips with and comfort are important features of the
four or more overnight stays in 2010. About Austria Hotels’ business philosophy. And,
59 percent of the Austrian population go of course, safety is an important component
on a holiday trip at least once a year, most as well. Schrack Seconet has equipped
of them leading them abroad. About five buildings in Vienna of this successful
5 percent of Austria’s gross national product hotel group with fire alarm systems. Also
is generated in this business.
Kremslehner hotels, comprising Hotel
Regina, Graben Hotel and Hotel Royal
in Vienna, are protected against fires by
Aesthetic requirements
met to perfection
conventional holiday regions, like Turkey,
have been equipped with the high-tech
solutions from Schrack Seconet. In Croatia
almost 50 hotels rely on the safety solutions
of the Austrian fire protection specialist.
Among the customers of Schrack Seconet
are, apart from individual hotels, also
famous hotel chains, like Radisson, Sheraton
and Hilton.
guarantees reliability
Fire protection is paramount in highlyfrequented hotels and reliability of fire
© Hotel de France
© Schrack Seconet AG
alarm systems is a must. This can be
guaranteed by the redundant fire alarm
systems from Schrack Seconet. The IPbased systems excel by their expandable
technology and 100 percent backward
compatibility. Thanks to the most
advanced communications technology,
the action forces are alerted immediately.
However, Schrack
Seconet’s portfolio
not only meets the
IP technology
highest safety
guarantees reliability
standards but
also excel by its
flexible and individual options
of use. Due to the often
very demanding
architecture of
hotels, use and
installation of the
devices calls for
utmost sensitivity.
Detectors from
Schrack Seconet
meet any aesthetic
requirement to perfection.
© Libor Svacek,
▲ Hotel de France
Hotel Kummer, Bar
The 15 most popular
holiday destinations
in the world:
Great Britain
Hong Kong (China)
Schrack Seconet
shines at international
trade fairs
© Schrack Seconet AG
© Schrack Seconet AG
© Schrack Seconet AG
ith about 137,000 visitors therefore a trailblazer in this sector.
a n d m o r e t h a n 4 0 0 0 Following international and national trends
exhibitors from 70 nations, in the health sector, various multi-media
the world forum in the field of services, such as IP TV, radio or film,
healthcare, the MEDICA,
MEDICA is among the video-on-demand, internet or voice-over-IP
world’s largest fairs in the healthcare telephony are made available to patients
and medical sector. Schrack Seconet’s by means of the communication system
participation in this fair has a long VISOCALL IP. With the multimedia
tradition and offers the optimum terminals, therefore, multiple entertainment
opportunity to present the great variety options are available. Via the terminals,
doctors and nursing staff
of multi-media options
have access to the Hospital
for doctors, nursing staff
Information System (HIS)
and patients.
with full-IP
by means of a chipcard.
nurse-call system
In this way all the
From November 16 to
patient’s data can be
19, experts of medical
engineering from all over the world retrieved and a clear information flow
gathered in Düsseldorf to share or gain as well as the fast meeting of patient
expert knowledge. At the stand of Schrack requests are safeguarded.
Seconet interest in the networking concept
Seco CareNet® was very keen. It offers the
“We are already ‘old hands’ at the
perfectly networked hospital, where every MEDICA, but we always come up with
wish comes true under the motto “Full IP innovative system solutions for the visitors.
right to the sickbed” and any information IP technology has stood the test of time
can be made available for the benefit of and at the same time is absolutely trendthe patient. Schrack Seconet is the only setting. Our customers and partners are
vendor of the certified full IP system and well aware of this fact. At the MEDICA we
are able to present this technology also to
interested people who have no previous
knowledge of the subject. But we also
address experts in order to present the latest
developments. After all, as it is an open
system, this technology is continuously
being developed further,” says Edwin Fisar,
head of product management.
IP-based communication systems from
Schrack Seconet not only distinguish
themselves by their total downward
compatibility but also by their expandable
technology. There was a lively discussion
about this innovation and a lot of new
contacts were made. The team of Schrack
Seconet were also pleased to see many
familiar faces at their stand. Fisar: “The
MEDICA is a fixture on Schrack Seconet’s
calendar. Also this year the great enthusiasm
of the visitors has proven that decision
to take part was right. I am looking forward
to MEDICA 2012.”
© Schrack Seconet AG
© Schrack Seconet AG
Sales Manager Jürgen Tichy was present
at the fair stand in Bangkok. Tichy: “We
focused on VISOCALL IP and our new
multimedia IP terminal, which could be
tested live. We had the pleasure to be
able to welcome interested people from
all over the world at our stand. Visitors
came from Bhutan, Burma, but also from
European countries, such as Holland.”
© Schrack Seconet AG
The Asian market is in motion
and Schrack Seconet is pleased about
the great interest in its high-quality
technology made in Europe. In
September the company presented its
fire alarm and communication solutions
in India and Thailand. Visitors were
amazed about the innovative spirit of
Schrack Seconet and the high-tech
company again proved its internationally
accepted competence.
Since 2003, the Medical Fair
Thailand has become an institution
among medical fairs. In 2011 the
organizers of the biennial event were
pleased to have attracted a record number
of participants with 5,500 visitors and
328 exhibitors. Schrack Seconet, too,
presented its products and solutions
in Bangkok in the halls of the Queen
Sirikit National Convention Centre. Area
at Fire India
© Schrack Seconet AG
Successful autumn of fairs in Asia
It was already the third time that Schrack Seconet
took part in Fire India. The fire protection trade fair
is held every two years, the venue alternating between
Mumbai and Delhi. This year Schrack Seconet exhibited
its IP-based fire alarm systems in Delhi, Northern India.
The presentation about innovations in fire alarm systems
for the 21st century by export manager Herbert Hübl
was met with great enthusiasm by a large audience
during the conference accompanying the fair and a
lot of interested people gathered at the stand. “Indian
customers attach great importance to the latest
technology. Interest in the revolutionary Integral IP,
which uses the most advanced communication features
was enormous,” says Hübl.
▲ Export
In 2011, Schrack Seconet participated in a lot of other
fairs as exhibitor and presented the know-how and
technology of the future in Azerbaijan, Dubai, Russia,
Turkey and Ukraine.
ASD 535
© Schrack Seconet AG
Special fire protectors
Use under demanding conditions
pecial fire detectors are used where
conventional point detectors do
not offer sufficient protection due
to special ambient or space conditions,
for example in industrial areas and
production units, computing centers,
car parks, road tunnels as well as highbay racking. Such special detectors are
aspiration smoke detectors which
continuously sample air for suspicious
particles, sensor cables that immediately
register the slightest increases in
temperature at long distances or line
smoke detectors that monitor large
halls or historical buildings for smoke
The sensitive smoke aspiration
system AirSCREEN ASD 535 consists HeatSCREEN
of one or two mutually independent
MHD 535
suction pipes with suction inlets as
well as a metering box. The smoke of the rooms to be
monitored is suctioned and analysed. If smoke particles are
detected and if these particles exceed a defined maximum
value, an alarm is triggered. In the heat detecting cable
HeatSCREEN MHD 535 a great number of highly-sensitive
and individually programmable sensors have been installed
which lokalize and report suspicious increases in temperature
and higher values of infrared radiation immediately. Line
smoke detectors, such as the ECO or ILIA systems, are
optimally designed for use in historical buildings, museums
or large halls, as they also meet aesthetical demands, thanks
to reduced wiring requirements.
Multimedia Terminals.
Top class patient entertainment.
The new Multimedia Terminals bring the complete variety of new media directly to the patient bed.
Simple operation, razor sharp pictures, and great design – which takes the patient’s mind of things,
while informing and helping to give nursing staff more time for efficient patient care.
SCHRACK SECONET AG • Security and Communication Systems
A-1122 Vienna • Eibesbrunnergasse 18 • Tel.: +43-1-81157-0 •