Moriel News - Harpazo (~3.4 MB)
Moriel News - Harpazo (~3.4 MB)
First Quarter 2015 Issue No. 60 Feature Article: Harpazo Preview TABLE OF CONTENTS American News & North American Itiner ary....................3 Harpazo Preview..........................4 Overview of Harpazo................8 First Quarter 2015-Issue 60 How to Discern, Test and Judge Rightly...............................13 Published By Moriel Ministries International An Update From Sandy Simpson............................................17 Moriel International Director James Jacob Pr asch Men of Faith Comparison.....18 Administr ator Thailand Update........................19 David Lister Phone: 1-142-321-6154 Moriel Austr alia, New Zealand & Singapore Margaret Godwin National Administr ator P.O. Box 112 Tr afalgar Vic 3824 Phone: 61 03 5633 2300 Fax: 61 03 5633 2300 MOB: 0416 138 008 E-mail: moriel@vic.austr Moriel South Africa Isr ael Update................................21 Philippines Update.....................24 Moriel CD Inventory..............25 Moriel DVD Inventory...........27 David Nathan PO Box 1075 The Falls Benoni 1522 South Africa Phone: +27 11 849 4963 MOB: +27 84 470 6995 Moriel United Kingdom Allison Dodd PO Box 201 Maidenhead Berks Sl6 9FB England Moriel Isr ael Elon Moreh PO Box 249 Nahariya, Isr ael 22102 E-mail: moriel.isr Moriel USA David Lister PO Box 100223 Pittsburgh, PA 15233-0223 Phone: 1-412-321-6154 E-mail: 2 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 American News JACOB’s ITINER ARY FOR NORTH AMERICA We are back! So after a long interruption we are back. While we are still working to get back to regular publication dates we ask for your prayers. We lost back to back our volunteer that puts together the Quarterly and our sermon transcriber and copy editor. It was a real one-two punch. We are working on the next transcription and hope to get the next Quarterly out close to on time. No dates planned at this time, check for up to date information. Jacob Asks for Prayer Jacob has long suffered from an accident some 20 years ago and has left him with a lot of pain in his neck and arm as well as other health problems. So he asks for prayer for his health. Also, he is asking for prayer for his family, mainly Pavia and his son Eli. If you want to write him a note of encouragement, send them to the PO Box in Pittsburgh and I will be forwarding them to him once a month with other correspondence. The Persecuted Church Jacob is considering a tour so some areas of some countries where there is persecution of the church. While we won't be making a formal announcement of this tour or the countries he is going to but we do ask your covering in prayer. We do have local contacts and local support. But a trip like this, during this time of rising persecution of Christians, has to be done by the Lord's guidance and hand. But there is great need for sound teaching in these areas as the compromising money church is dominant and is a hindrance unless they get their 30 pieces of silver. Moriel TV on Roku and New Website Soon Moriel will soon have a new advanced website that will have many more capabilities to move Moriel forward to our goal of Moriel TV. Also, Moriel will soon have a Roku channel. There are many unnamed volunteers working towards this goal. So we ask your prayers for them as well as some professionals we have hired to help with this effort. We thank all of you who donated toward Moriel TV as we are trying hard to make sure this gets done right and sets Moriel up to do more live broadcasts of Jacob as well as, hopefully, more regular updates and Q and A sessions from Jacob. Thank You Moriel and all of its workers would like to offer a big thank you for all of your generous gifts, offerings and tithes. These offerings do allow us to continue on in the work that the Lord has called us into. We continue to expand missions and as you will see in the Quarterly. Again, we are most appreciative of what you give. On a personal note I want to thank you as we could not do what we do without you. Please continue to pray for this ministry and for the ever expanding work we are all called to perform. May The Lord of all Truth and mercy bless you all and Moriel. Come Quickly Lord Jesus! First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 3 Chapter 1: We Shall Be Changed As They Have Been Changed Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. (1 Co. 15:51-52) And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. (Mt. 17:2) Events Preceding the Transfiguration In all three synoptic Gospels we see the phase of Jesus’ upper Galilee ministry following His return from the Syro-Phoenician areas of Tyre and Sidon. It is here He first explicitly foretells His death and challenges the god of this world at Caesarea-Philippi where Pan in Greek mythology was a god pretending to be man worshiped in a Greek temple, while Caesar Augustus had been a man pretending to be god worshiped in the same location in a Roman temple. It was here also that Jesus identified Himself as the “Rock” and made reference to the gates of Hades. (Mt. 16:13-20) The gates of Hades were a cascade inside of a cave, which is still visible to this day on the western façade of Mt. Hermon. In the pagan Pan worship, sacrificial goats, after copulation with the pagan Greek priests, were sacrificially tossed into the whirlpool at the base of the cave where the suction would draw the goats under the surface, drowning them and retaining their carcasses. If the whirlpool failed to suck the goat into the underlying crevices, it meant the sacrifice was not accepted in the pagan thinking of Pan worshipers. It was here Jesus arrived, not as a man pretending to be a god nor a god pretending to be man, but rather as the Jewish Messiah who was both fully human and fully divine. These gates of Hades have become a popular Jewish metaphor for biological death. Hence Jesus’ teaching that because He was the Rock of our salvation (1 Co. 3:11; 10:4) upon which His Church would be built, biological death would no longer have power due to the life He would give. By Resurrection and Harpazo it is no coincidence that the Messiah as the “scapegoat” (“Seir Azazel”) as we read in Hebrews 9, would instead become the sacrificial goat dying in our place. And this immense boulder upon which the temples were built would be replaced by the Church, the same boulder from which the living waters flowed in direct typological correspondence to the water coming from the rock struck by Moses, referred to by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10. Much can be said about the events that took place here at Caesarea-Philippi, but it lies beyond the scope of this book except to say that it was before ascending to the Mt. of Transfiguration that Jesus here first spoke of His own death, but also because of the victory He would claim over it, there would be both Resurrection and those who would never die—that is, Harpazo. What would be unique about Christ as our scapegoat is that unlike the pagan goats which were either sucked under to the netherworld never to be seen again or else were not, rendering them an unacceptable offering, Christ as our scapegoat would indeed depart to the netherworld—that is, to Hades, revealing Himself to the Old Testament saints and rising again from the dead. It would be as if one of the goats at Caesarea-Philippi had been sucked below to the depths but then rising again from the rocky tomb that had no power over it; nor would the grave have power over Christ or those who trusted Him as the Rock of their salvation. Hence it is here He first speaks of the Resurrection and Harpazo. The concept of Hades was simply a placing into Greek terminology and cultural familiarity the existing Hebrew concept of “Sheol”, which like Hades, was comprised of two sections separated by an uncrossable chasm. One was the “bosom of Abraham” where Old Testament saints rested with the Patriarchs awaiting the sacrifice and Resurrection of the Messiah by which both they and we are saved. It was to here Jesus descended after His Crucifixion in a partial fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, “bringing release to the captives” in the Isaiah 61 Jubilee theme. The opposing section across the chasm was the holding tank of damnation. Unfortunately, translational inaccuracies in certain English versions of the Scriptures conflate the two as “hell”. The Transfiguration Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.” And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone. As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, “Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” And His disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” And He answered and said, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things; but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist. (Mt. 17:11-13) 4 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Harpazo Preview Contrary to some much later traditions in the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic communions, the Mt. of Transfiguration could not have been Mt. Tabor on the northern side of the Valley of Jezreel, but was certainly Mt. Hermon where the preceding text says Jesus and His disciples had been at that particular time. Although they could have reached Mt. Tabor by foot within six days, the earliest manuscripts tell us the Mt. of Transfiguration was exceedingly high, which Mt. Tabor is not but Mt. Hermon certainly is. (Mk. 9:2) It was here on Mt. Hermon where Galilee, the Golan Heights (then known as Bashan) and Lebanon converge where one of the most diabolical episodes in human history took place according to the Book of Jerash and extra-biblical Jewish historical sources. It was here in the days of Jabesh that the Nephilim came to earth procreating demonoids with human women referred to in Genesis 6 and in the Epistle of Jude as well as being alluded to more nebulously in other passages such as 1 Corinthians 11. Where these demons came down, the Son of Man went up. He is again using geographic symbolism as He did at Caesarea-Philippi to demonstrate His challenging the gods of this world. Mt. Hermon is approximately 10,000 feet high and snowcapped over seven months of the year on its highest peak. It is not infrequently shrouded in cloud cover and would also appear to match the brightness described in the Transfiguration narratives with a natural light and cloudy backdrop. Taking only Peter, James and John as witnesses, Jesus is transfigured. The term is the same used by Paul as “we will be changed”, aptly meaning “metamorphosized”. We have three synoptic accounts of these events in Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9. The gleaming nature of His face would speak to Jews of the prophecy of Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18 that the Messiah would be a prophet like Moses. As Moses came down from the mountain with the Shekinah glory reflecting from his face, so too the Messiah would present the same experience. The gleaming radiance of His face, features and garments described as brighter than the sun and white as light would again be experienced by John in Revelation 1 on the Isle of Patmos where the whiteness and glowing effect with His face shining like the sun are once again described in acute detail. (Rev. 1:14-16) John knew Jesus as a man, but on at least two occasions before being caught up to heaven himself in Revelation 4:1, saw that same Jesus in His divinity and required supernatural strengthening to behold Him for who He actually is, even though he knew Him as a man with no former comeliness about His natural human appearance. (Is. 53:2) Moses and Elijah appear to the Apostles speaking with Jesus. The subject of that conversation was His coming departure and what He would accomplish in Jerusalem. In actual fact, Luke 9:28 tells us that the purpose of the ascent was not to be transfigured, but to pray. The climb would have been arduous and the Apostles, understandably tired, were overcome with sleep. This would also take place in the Garden of Gethsemane where, taken with Him to pray, they would once again fall asleep, requiring a sudden awakening. (Mt. 26:45-46) Again, drawing on the background of the Song of Solomon, Jesus speaks of the virgins both wise and foolish as drifting off to sleep and requiring a sudden awakening when the bridegroom comes. (Mt. 25:5) This recurrent phenomena points to the future state of affairs when He returns. The Scriptures speak of working while we have the light because the night will come when no one can, (Jn. 9:4) and with the return of Jesus as the time of the Resurrection and Harpazo when there will be a sudden awakening. Some will sleep, but we shall not all sleep. (1 Co. 15:51) Once awakened suddenly, however, we will see Christ in His glory. And it was in this awakened state that Peter, James and John witnessed the encounter with Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets. This is the clearest picture we have of the Parousia—that is, the Resurrection and Harpazo. Moses and Elijah Represented by Moses, we have a faithful servant of God who died biologically—that is, “slept” in the Lord. Because of beating the rock more than once typologically illustrated multiple crucifixions of Christ, he was unable to enter the land and died on Mt. Nebo. Ironically, churches adhering to the doctrine of the mass where Christ dies again sacramentally repeat the same sin as Moses, striking Jesus again and again when He died once and for all. (1 Pe. 3:18; Heb. 7:27, 9:12, 10:12, 14) Moses represented the Law and the Law could not save but only teach for our need for salvation. Hence, because of his sin, and because of his representation of the Torah which could not save but only teach of our need for a Savior, it was impossible for Moses to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land, a figure of entering into the Millennial Reign of Christ and the eternal kingdom. Once the Messiah arrived, however, it now became possible for Moses to enter the land. Before when he petitioned God that he might enter, the Lord instructed him to seek the Lord no more on that matter. (Dt. 3:26) The Old Testament saints of Israel who died faithful to God under the Torah enter the Messianic Kingdom only through recognition of the Messiah. Hence in Moses we see a man who died but is now alive in Christ. Elijah, however, was a man who never died but who was raptured. He was simply snatched away and caught up to heaven (2 Ki. 2:1-14) after an ugly conflict with the wicked woman Jezebel. (1 Ki. 18) Jesus in fact would use this horrible woman Jezebel as a metaphor for the spiritual seductress personifying false religion in Revelation 2:20, beguiling the Lord’s servants to eat food sacrificed to idols (a prophetic reference to Eucharistic transubstantiation in Thyatira, which in Greek means “the church of continual sacrifice”, as in Jesus dying repeatedly, much as the sin of Moses). Thus in Elijah’s conflict with Jezebel before he dies, Elijah excoriates those who eat at Jezebel’s table. (1 Ki. 18:19) Without doubt, Eucharistic idolatry, responsible for the blood of so many martyrs in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation who refused to engage in it again becomes a horrific issue eschatologically which relates to Jeremiah’s prophecy of sacrificing cakes to the queen of heaven in the last days of Judah (Jer. 44:17-19), which prefigures the last days of the Church having the same themes of Babylon and Babylon the Great, respectively. What is remarkable is that Moses—the one who died in the Lord, and Elijah—the one who never died but was raptured, appeared the First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 5 Harpazo Preview same as Jesus. As the Scriptures say, we shall be as He is. (1 Jn. 3:2) It is also remarkable that these Old Testament saints were identified by the Apostles. At the Resurrection and the Harpazo we shall automatically know who Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Mary, Peter, Paul, James, John and Ruth all are, and they shall know us. As the New Testament tells us, He brings His saints with Him. (1 Th. 3:13) So it is here on Mt. Hermon, the highest mountain in Israel, they met the Lord in the air. This is undoubtedly the clearest picture we have of the Resurrection and Harpazo. It will matter not if we are asleep in the Lord in the character of Moses or alive, having escaped the woman Jezebel who runs amok once again in Revelation in the form of false religion in league with the Antichrist in the manner Elijah escaped her; it will only matter if we are in Christ. We shall all appear the same with Him. As St. Paul writes, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. (Rom. 14:8) The Greater Meaning We have at least three direct and unambiguous reasons to understand the Transfiguration as a picture of the Resurrection and Harpazo and a preview of our future with the coming of the Lord at the Parousia. First, we have two clear Scripture references connecting the eschatological passage of 1 Corinthians 15 dealing with the Resurrection and Harpazo—that is, the Parousia or revelation of Christ, with the Transfiguration of Christ. The same word employed by Paul for what will take place as “will be changed” (“metamorphoo”) is the same term used by Matthew to describe how Jesus was changed in the Transfiguration. Secondly, Peter’s mistaken desire to build three booths can only be understood as his misunderstanding that the eschatological fulfillment of the Feast of Booths (known as Hag Sukkot) was taking place. As Jews, Peter, James and John knew that with the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom (the Millennial Reign of Christ), the Feast of Booths would be celebrated based on the prophecies of Zechariah 14, which follows the return of Christ described in Zechariah 12 and 13. Thirdly, the Transfiguration narrative is preceded in Mark 9:1, Matthew 16:28 and Luke 9:27 by the words of Jesus that some of His disciples would not taste biological death, which is exactly reiterated in the resurrection chapter of 1 Corinthians 15 by St. Paul, “We will not all sleep”. (1 Co. 15:51) The direct links of these three factors indicate unmistakably that the Transfiguration of Jesus is a typological foreshadowing of the Resurrection and Harpazo events predicted by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 and alluded to in 1 Thessalonians 4:15. The Wrong Supposition In wanting to build three booths, Peter’s supposition was the Messiah had now been revealed in His glory. Moses was with Him and so was Elijah whom the Apostles, like all Jews of the day, understood was in some sense to come before the Messiah, based on the prophecy of Malachi 4:5. It was Peter’s expectation that the Messianic age was at this time to be inaugurated. At the same time, Luke 9:34 tells us that a cloud formed over them which they entered, and out of the cloud came the voice of God stating, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!”, reconfirming a similar pronouncement at the baptism of Jesus in Luke 3:22, Matthew 3:17 and Mark 1:11, and prophesied in Isaiah 42:1. It was to beholding this splendor that Peter would give later attestation. For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased”— and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. (2 Pe. 1:17-18) The descent of the cloud on the mountain would, again, ring familiar with any Jew of the Shekinah glory descending in the pillar of the cloud as it did with Moses. Due to the altitude, the natural whirlwinds swirling about would have also rung familiar with the whirlwind that saw Elijah raptured. (2 Ki. 2:1) Thus all three persons of the Godhead were present in the Transfiguration. The Parousia also will involve all three persons of the Godhead—the Father issuing a decree, the saints both resurrected and raptured meeting the Lord Jesus the Son in the air, and these being engulfed in the Spirit of God. In Luke’s account, Jesus was in the cloud as the Son of God, corresponding to His presence within the Shekinah, from which the voice of the Father was heard. We have a counterpart resemblance here to the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7:55 where we are told, being filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen had a visual revelation of the relationship between the Father and the Son while suspended between life and death at the moment of his martyrdom and reception into glory. It has rightly been contended by many that only a partial comprehension of the tri-unity of the Godhead and the oneness of the Father and the Son together with the Holy Spirit is possible in this temporal life. The apprehension and comprehension of it took place for Stephen upon entering eternity from which we may extrapolate that the same will be true for other believers who fall asleep in the Lord—that is, die in Christ. We shall not all sleep, however, according to 1 Corinthians 15, hence that same revelation of the nature, unity and interplay of the three Persons of the Godhead were demonstrated at the Transfiguration just as they will be at the Episunagoge—that is, at the time of the Harpazo when the dead in Christ will be risen first and we meet in the air. (1 Th. 4:17) The Son will be in the cloud, yet combined with the presence of the Father, and it is something those who are raptured will at that point likewise behold. This transfiguration experience probably accounts for why the Apostles did not see a need in their writings to devote much time to explaining the tri-unity, as to Peter, James and John it was not a complete mystery as it will not be to those who are raptured any more than it was to Stephen. In a sense we may think of the Transfiguration narratives as what in Great Britain is called a “movie trailer” or in America a 6 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Harpazo Preview “coming attraction”. It should so captivate us that it makes us look forward to what we are actually going to see, hear and experience when we join Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James and John in the air. The theme of meeting Jesus in the air on a mountain was not a new one to either Elijah or Moses. When God appears in human form, it is always the Son, never the Father or the Holy Spirit. This is co-equally true in the Old Testament. As no one can see God and live, (Ex. 33:20) God would therefore appear in a human form as a “Christophany”, often as “the angel of the Lord” or “Ha Malach Adonai” (known as the “Metatrone” in Judaism). This is the Lord Jesus. The angel of the Lord—that is, Christ—appeared to Elijah on Mt. Horeb, the mountain of God, not eating for forty days or forty nights before and had a direct conversation with God the Son, and the Lord passed before him. (1 Ki. 19:7-11) So, too, Moses had his forty days and forty nights and, ascending to the mountain of God, likewise conversed with the Lord. Both of these Old Testament figures—Moses and Elijah, again corresponding to the Law and the Prophets, had met on a mountain with Jesus before. The Transfiguration was not the first time, only this time it would be witnessed by the Apostles and related by them to us. It is curious that when Peter, whom the text describes as “terrified”, saw Elijah and Moses departing, that he wanted to build three booths or tabernacles, not realizing what he was saying. It was not yet the establishment of the long-awaited Messianic Kingdom for the Messiah had to first die and raise from the dead; thus the instruction of Jesus to them not to make this vision known to any until after His Resurrection. (Mt. 17:9; Mk. 9:9) They had not yet understood the concept of “resurrection”. (Mk. 9:10) It is also immediately following this that Jesus engages in a mini-discourse of the prophecies concerning the coming of Elijah before the coming of the Messiah. (Mk. 9:11-13) Although Elijah is to come again in some way before the return of Christ, Jesus taught that Elijah did come in the sense that the spirit of Elijah rested on John the Baptist; yet on the Mt. of Transfiguration it was not John the Baptist but Elijah himself who actually and literally did come. These two aspects of Elijah having come both in spirit through John and actually having arrived himself will prove crucial in understanding the manner in which Elijah is to come again prior to the Second Coming of Jesus. In fact, John the Baptist himself had already been murdered by Herod (a type of the Antichrist) in Matthew 14 and Mark 6, an event to which Jesus made reference in Mark 9:13. The Wrong Supposition Yet Again This, however, would not be the only time in the New Testament when confusion surrounds the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, thinking it has had an ultimate Messianic fulfillment. We indeed see a partial fulfillment of it in John 7 with the rituals of “Simchat Beit Ha Shoy’iva”, with the pouring of water drawn from the Pool of Siloam onto the Temple Mount platform at which Jesus said, “I will give you living water”. (Jn. 7:37-39) At the Triumphal Entry the temple liturgy known as the Machzor for Passover required the ritual singing of Psalm 113-118 with its climactic chorus, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”. This was to be sung again, however, at the Feast of Booths in Autumn with palm branches known as “lulavim”. The messianic expectation of the people at the Triumphal Entry singing hosanna to Jesus and shouting, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”, was that He would depose the Romans as the Maccabees had deposed the Greeks and establish His Millennial Kingdom. Instead of attacking the Pagans and setting up His kingdom, He attacked the money changers who corrupted the faith of His own people for whose sin He was preparing to die. Thus in Matthew 23, in weeping over Jerusalem, Jesus states they will not see Him again until they say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” despite the fact this is what they had said to Him a few short days earlier waving palm branches when they expected Him to depose the Gentiles and proclaim the Messianic Kingdom. This kingdom, however, was not to come with a sign to be recognized; it was rather to come by His death in our place followed by resurrection and Pentecost which would not be a kingdom of this world; it is His Second Coming when the Feast of Booths is to be celebrated and He establishes His earthly Davidic Messianic Kingdom. Again, in the Triumphal Entry, the mistake of Peter on the Mt. of Transfiguration is now played out by the entire nation who arrived as pilgrims for the Passover in Jerusalem. And it was these events in Jerusalem, where Jerusalem is specifically mentioned, which Jesus discussed with Moses and Elijah (Lk. 9:31). It is therefore obvious that for His coming to establish the kingdom, the Jews must be back in Israel with Jerusalem as their capital. (Mt. 23:39; Lk. 21:24; Zech. 12:1-10) When these events are concluded the Israelites and the nations together will indeed celebrate the Feast of Booths in Jerusalem. (Zech. 14) It is this that Peter and the other Apostles, as well as the people generally, did not understand—it was “one Messiah, two comings”: the first time for the atonement for sin, the second time as the Davidic conqueror. These events are explained at length in our earlier book, The Final Words of Jesus and Satan’s Lies Today where we address the two pictures of the Messiah in Jewish thought: the Messiah as the “Son of David” who was the Conqueror, and the Messiah who was the “Son of Joseph” who was the Suffering Servant, also known in Judaism as “Ben Ephraim”. Conclusion The importance in understanding the Transfiguration as a paradigm to properly grasp the Resurrection and Harpazo cannot be overstated. It is on the words and teachings of Jesus provided in the Transfiguration narratives which furnish the basis of Paul’s later teachings in the Epistles of the return of Jesus and our destiny in the Resurrection and Harpazo in his Epistles both to the Corinthians and the Thessalonians. It is in essence from here where Paul derives his own Resurrection and Harpazo eschatology, which under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he relates and deciphers it for us. In any consideration of the subject of the Resurrection and Harpazo, our concepts must be framed by the Transfiguration narratives and the doctrinal principles derived from them, mainly by St. Paul. END First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 7 Overview of Harpazo Overview of Jacob’s Latest Book Jacob’s latest book, titled “HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church” has been a work in progress for more than three years. It is no secret that Jacob’s technology and typing skills are so marginal that it gives us hope that he’s human after all, so we have come up with a system tailored to Jacob’s needs when it comes to writing his books, mainly that he temporarily relocates to my town for weeks at a time, literally dictating every word of every chapter to my furiously little typing fingers. Many within Moriel have expressed their envy that I have been present for every word, version and associated discussion that has gone into The Dilemma of Laodicea, Shadows of the Beast, and now Harpazo. As Jacob’s “stenographer”, so to speak, I have derived more benefit from this process than anyone else by literally typing and copy-editing these manuscripts over and over again. So I thought that those who are most familiar with Jacob’s teachings may appreciate an insider’s view of some of the things to expect from his latest and much anticipated work. From the very outset, we purposely decided not to write this book using the usual format which it seems nearly all works on eschatology employ. Typically such books spend far too much of their time reviewing the eschatologies which its author does not support and devotes a tremendous amount of textual real estate in refutation of those things belonging to those “isms” which he/she does not believe to begin with. The reader is most often guided through an almost endless referral to various charts of competing views, not to mention having to know each eschatology well enough to set them apart from each other where appropriate, and at the same time understand how to keep them in alignment when they are congruous with the author’s particular view. An example I often cite is Marv Rosenthal’s Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church, a seminal work on the Pre-Wrath position originally published in 1990. If it were pared down to contain just those pages exclusively devoted to the author’s eschatology, the book would probably only be about a third of its current size. This is typical of most treatments of eschatology. Frankly, it is an overall bad teaching technique to focus more on what one does not believe versus what they do, and can probably be successfully argued that this is not a great approach if one’s goal is more oriented toward Bible exposition and discipleship. So we decided from the outset that the book would be written in two “halves”: the first half would be something akin to someone sitting down across the table from Jacob as he opens his Bible and simply teaches the doctrine of the Harpazo and Resurrection, completely focused on explaining Scripture; the second half would be devoted to a more academic refutation of the various competing eschatologies and address the more technical issues which are more the domain of scholars, scribes and professional critics. The problem is that as the first “half” of the book began to exceed 500 pages, we saw how unrealistic it would be to include a second “half” which would have required publishing something like a “Volume 1, 2 & 3” in order to avoid a single 1,000 page book. And would such a voluminous work actually provide the benefits we wanted to impart of plain Bible teaching? Jacob is considering following up with a book specifically addressing the academic and scholarly perspectives most often associated with seminary-level and above discussions, but such will not be found in this book. While there are occasional and sparse references to these positions and the technical terms most associated with eschatology, they are very scarce overall. In fact, we are most proud of the fact that this may be very first book on eschatology ever which has absolutely no charts and is written for the benefit of the average believer, not the so-called expert. What Does “Intra-Seal” Mean? Every eschatology is first and foremost defined by its proposed timing of the Rapture in relationship to the Tribulation. We will find individual exceptions and nuanced positions, but in general, “Pre-Tribulationism” believes the Harpazo takes place before the entire final seven-year Tribulation, “Post-Tribulationism” asserts it occurs at the end (most usually transitioning from the Tribulation to the Millennial Reign), and “Pre-Wrath” that it takes place between the 6th and 7th seals. Eschatology books still give a passing nod to “Mid-Tribulationism” which believes it takes place at the exact midway point, but in truth it’s been a very long time since I met anyone actually holding this position, as they mostly seem to have migrated to the “Pre-Wrath” camp. Many of you familiar with Jacob’s teaching, as you read the above, may have nodded your head knowingly with the notion that Jacob teaches the Pre-Wrath position. Actually, he does not. The problem is that while the timing of the Rapture is the major defining event which gives each position their name, there are many, many, many other End Times events beside the timing of the Rapture which they all define differently. While Jacob is in fundamental agreement with the Pre-Wrath position as to its definition of “the day of the Lord” and the placement of the timing of the Harpazo between the 6th and 7th seal, there are a significant number of Pre-Wrath interpretations on a wide variety of other things with which he does not, and some of them result in important doctrinal distinctions. As Jacob overtly states more than once in the book, he shares common points of agreement to a degree with brethren holding each of these competing views, but at the same time experiences disagreement on many other issues, and such sometimes matter significantly to the point of shaping other areas of doctrine and theology. Eschatology is not only limited to the timing of the Rapture but embraces many related issues and events as well. For instance, as but one example, while Jacob provides that the Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2 is the Holy Spirit, it’s hard to find Pre-Wrath advocates who do not alternatively maintain that this is instead the archangel Michael. In other words, because of a 8 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Overview of Harpazo large attraction to the Pre-Wrath position by many holding to Cessationism, there is a fundamental dissimilarity in theology when it comes to the Holy Spirit which, in our opinion, is no small thing. Likewise, there are those subscribing to other eschatologies who affirm that the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit, who subsequently speak of the Holy Spirit “returning” to heaven (which is impossible for a member of the Godhead) and yet asserting that in the Holy Spirit’s absence there will be those who somehow get saved without Him. This is but one example where a position on eschatology undermines the more fundamental doctrines associated with pneumatology (the Holy Spirit) and soteriology (salvation). So the intention of identifying the book as “Intra-Seal” is to call attention not just to the sole, singular issue of where the timing of the Harpazo falls within Jacob’s overall teaching, but to serve as a platform to establish the scriptural basis for all the elements related to the doctrine of the Harpazo and Resurrection, or more specifically what Scripture refers to as the “Parousia”—Christ’s appearing wherein “anastasia” (“resurrection”) of those asleep in Christ and “harpazo” of those alive at the time equals “episunagoge”—our gathering together with Him. If the only thing each eschatology addressed was the timing of the Harpazo, it would make the overall discussion much easier, but the fact is that each view proceeds from there to engage contrasting interpretations not just of the identity of the Restrainer, but of nearly every element of the Last Days such as the Two Witnesses, the role of Israel, the 144,000, the identity of the Antichrist, and on and on and on. All the Other Stuff “From six troubles He will deliver you, even in seven evil will not touch you. — Job 5:19 Those familiar with Jacob’s teachings on the Harpazo have long known Jacob’s position that the Harpazo takes places between the 6th and 7th seals, the 7th seal being the initiation of what Scripture prolifically describes as the onset of “the day of the Lord”. Jacob selected Job 5:19 as the main theme for the book because it describes the fact that the seals are very different in character and execution from the trumpet and bowl judgments unleashed by the 7th seal. The “six troubles” of the first six seals are judgments which everyone on earth experiences, believer and non-believer alike, all replaying the same kinds of judgments used by God repeatedly in the Old Testament for everyone. With the trumpet and bowl judgments, however, these all come about through angelic agency through divine direction and are no longer judgments to get mankind’s attention and possibly turn us back to Him, but become the wrath of God poured out on the kingdom of Antichrist. From this point on, things are very, very different both spiritually and doctrinally. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. — 1 Thessalonians 5:9–10 While one popular eschatology asserts believers will escape all the seal judgments and the whole of Revelation, another asserts we will go through the entire thing, but in yet another a distinction is made within the overall sequence between “judgment” and “wrath”. Here is but one example of what results from different interpretations of the biblical term “the day of the Lord”. There is near universal agreement that this describes the final outpouring of God’s wrath, and that Scripture specifically promises that although believers will be judged they will never experience wrath, but great disagreement as to when “the day of the Lord” takes place as well as its overall definition. In this case, Pre-Trib insists that the whole final seven years and “the day of the Lord” are the exact, same thing while both Pre-Wrath and Intra-Seal see the 6th seal (Rev. 6:12-17) as literally fulfilling the oft-repeated descriptions in Scripture of what takes place on “the day of the Lord”. This is no small point of difference. But this is but the beginning. The fact is that each major side brings to the table certain presuppositions which we cannot confirm when examining them on the sole basis of Scripture alone, especially as they are taught in the many types and patterns of these things provided throughout the whole of God’s Word. Part One: Harpazo Rescues & Their Typology in Scripture The first third of the book explores the types and patterns which confirm the fundamental doctrine and theology of the Harpazo and Resurrection. The chapters in this section are: 1 • We Shall Be Changed As They Have Been Changed 2 • Them & Us 3 • The Rescues in the Old Testament 4 • The Rescues in Daniel 5 • The Rescues in the New Testament 6 • The Historical and Cultural 7 • Summary of Part One As Jacob has often stated and does so again repeatedly in this book, type and pattern can only illuminate doctrine, it can never serve as the basis for it. But Scripture has much to teach not just about how the Harpazo will take shape and be executed, but of the greater doctrinal purposes behind it. Even those familiar with Jacob’s teachings are going to encounter quite a bit of material in these examples they have not heard him exegete previously in this sizable list of examples. Part Two: The Elements & Components of the Harpazo & Parousia The middle section of the book contains some titles very familiar to long-time followers of Jacob’s teachings, but there are also things never previously and formally taught. 8 • The Great Church Robbery 9 • Parousia 10 • The Vector 11 • The Ten & the Forty 12 • The Harpazo & Ministry of Elijah 13 • The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 14 • The Interlude Marking 15 • Interludes 16 • Prelude to “The Day of the Lord” 17 • What is “The Day of the Lord”? 18 • Summary of Part Two First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 9 Overview of Harpazo While there is new material interspersed throughout, entirely new ground is covered where interludes and the Two Witnesses are concerned. It is very enlightening to understand the important scriptural connection between particular things which some might say, at least initially, do not have a direct bearing on the Harpazo, but most certainly and exegetically do. Part Three: The Sequence of Prophetic Events Climaxing with the Harpazo This last section concentrates on the event itself and where it falls within the overall eschaton. 19 • The Apostolic Perspective of the Harpazo 20 • Daniel 9 and the Timing of the Harpazo 21 • These Are Those Who Have Come Out 22 • Immanency & the Harpazo 23 • Events Leading to the Harpazo 24 • The Sequence of Events 25 • Summary of Part Three One of the biggest points of contention in the field of eschatology is called by many the “Doctrine of Immanency”, and one of the most significant chapters in this book is Jacob’s exposition of 1 & 2 Thessalonians to show, exegetically, that one of the biggest problems associated with the Last Days is a prevailing false doctrine of immanency. This final section, as well, is filled with material Jacob has not directly covered in previously published sermons. Additional Materials There are several addendums as well as an “Epilogue” and “Appendix”, but the closing chapter is actually: 26 • The Anti-Climax. This chapter is devoted to explaining what is to take place of major importance in the wake of the Harpazo, which is an incredible eschatological interpretation of the Book of Esther, and the figure of Mordecai in particular, which Jacob only realized in the final weeks working on the book. (I wouldn’t be surprised to hear him teaching this as a standalone sermon in the very near future.) But What Did I Learn? At the risk of launching into a full-blown sermon, I am going to pass along what I believe to be the most important and lasting lessons I’ve taken away from these past three years’ of work, and that has to do with hermeneutics. In researching all of the alternative positions and measuring Jacob’s interpretations against those arrived at by others, I kept coming back to the question, “Why does everyone seem to be wrong at some point? Why are Bible expositors who are right when it comes to most other doctrines so askew when it comes to eschatology?” I have come to believe that one of two things most commonly take place: errors come from so-called “experts” who have never really taught the whole Word of God but make an attempt to specialize only in certain aspects of prophecy, or those who are regular preachers of God’s Word who make exceptions to their own rules when it comes to prophecy. I believe that those within the Church who will take issue with Jacob over this book will try to make the argument about his hermeneutics, claiming that Scripture cannot be interpreted this way. In fact, we should all be prepared to hear this coming from many who have shared the teaching platform with Jacob over the years, and not just the usual suspects who are always antagonistic. There is going to be those who previously held Jacob’s hermeneutics in high regard when it came to non-eschatology teachings such as “Kashrut and Famine”, “The Rite of Ordeal”, “Simchat Torah”, or many other such signature sermons. But all of the sudden those who approved of previously of Jacob’s handling of Scripture are going to cry, “Foul!” when it comes to this book, because they themselves suffer from the problems I just identified most often having to do with changing their own hermeneutics when it comes to eschatology. They would never handle the Greek in the way for which they make an exception when it comes to an End Times interpretation, they would never normally lift a verse out of context in such an egregious manner, they would normally be able to identify when a presupposition is reading into Scripture (eisegesis) instead of drawing out what is actually there (exegesis), and a number of other similar things. Although they approved of Jacob’s hermeneutics in other areas of theology in the past, they will now make an exception for eschatology because they are in the habit of making such exceptions themselves. I consider this to have been my most important function, to constantly test Jacob’s hermeneutics to verify their consistency not only where eschatology is concerned, but that there is no conflict with any other teaching in which he has employed them. Regular readers and listeners of Jacob’s sermons are going to feel very comfortable with the book, but I predict angst, particularly among the “scholars” and self-proclaimed “experts” whose handling of Scripture overall is often found to be irregular at best. The Lesson of Synonyms However, to drill down ever more specifically, this was a great, multi-year exercise reaffirming the right hermeneutic where synonyms are concerned. Human writers know that they will lose a reader’s attention if they keep using the same word or phrase over and over again. The great writers make a name for themselves as wordsmiths who manage the most colorful and descriptive substitutes. I would get a failing grade if I turned in to my English teacher something like, “My really big nose, feeling a really big itch, experienced a really big sneeze, ejecting a really big booger.” Human writers know that they have to replace all the repeated uses of “really big” with much better synonyms to keep the writing interesting. I’d get a much improved grade if I wrote, “My Pinocchio-sized nose trembled at a rumbling itch in anticipation of a hurricane-like sneeze, catapulting into space a capacious booger.” (I don’t care who you are, that’s 10 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Overview of Harpazo good writing.) Because there is such an emphasis in Western churches on grammatical-historical exegesis, Scripture is often handled just like any other literature. The problem is that the Bible isn’t “any other literature”, and in particular, the Holy Spirit does not employ synonyms like this. For instance, “sin” means “to fall short of the standard”, “transgression” means “to rebel against the standard”, and “iniquity” means “to twist the standard”. These are three completely different words in the original languages that have an overall general relationship to sin, but they are describing three independent situations. The Holy Spirit did not simply get tired of overusing the word “sin” and, like a human writer, decide to change it up and occasionally switch to “transgression” or “iniquity”. Bible translators would be doing us a great injustice if they did not literally translate each word exactly as given so we can understand the right and proper context. These are not synonyms which can be exchanged at will for each other, but unique descriptions of different actions with alternate motivations. Now as Jacob has pointed out in the course of many of his sermons, when the Holy Spirit uses what appears to look like a synonym, it is actually to highlight a different aspect of the same thing. Just as “sin”, “transgression” and “iniquity” differentiate between different actions taken toward “the standard”, an easy example to understand is when God calls His people “Israel” versus when He calls them “Jacob”. When He calls them “Jacob” in Scripture, He sees them in the character of their unsaved forefather before he wrestled with the Lord, coming into a face-to-face relationship with Him and forever changed going forward. “Jacob” is what He calls them when they act in the character of the backslidden conniver; “Israel” is used when they act as the saved person who has come into a right relationship with the Lord and received a new name in the character of a regenerate believer. They both refer to the same people group, but to completely different spiritual states. The same thing occurs in Scripture when it comes to “Jerusalem” versus “Zion”; one is the corrupt earthly version of the more perfect heavenly counterpart. The point is that we cannot simply alternate between what appears to be synonyms or terms which, on the surface, appear to be addressing the same thing. The Holy Spirit is communicating something very specific and unique in each term He repeatedly inspired many authors to employ in all areas of theology including eschatology. Seven Textual Terms & Eight Expressions of Math I have come to believe that no one’s eschatology can hope to be error free if they have not mastered this concept of synonyms and applied it to the key terms associated with Scripture’s explanation of the End Times. Specifically, there are seven textual terms which many expositors, more or less, all too often treat as synonyms and subject to interpretation in the light of human presupposition rather than according to God’s Word alone: • Daniel’s 70th Week • Tribulation • Great Tribulation • The Day of the Lord • The Time of Jacob’s Trouble • The Time of the Gentiles • The Fullness of the Gentiles Even before the first chapter, Jacob provides a basic definition for these terms and then builds upon it throughout the book. Scholars and experts too freely switching in and out among these terms is, I believe, at the root of so much of the theological disagreement and resultant error, not to mention all the really bad and inaccurate charts graphically depicting the eschaton. But sometimes connected to these textual terms, along with other notable End Times milestones, are eight mathematical expressions of time: • “7 years” • “time, times, and half a time” (3-1/2 years) • “42 months” • “1,260 days” • “1,290 days” • “1,335 days” • “2,300 evenings and morning” • “three years, six months” It is remarkable how often many of these terms are exchanged for one another as if they are synonyms for each other, or assumed to be equal because of the biblical use of a lunar calendar, when actually they are not. And even if they were, the Holy Spirit would still be using them to describe something spiritually unique and not merely employing synonyms which can be exchanged, one for the other. Yes, 3-1/2 lunar years could theoretically equal 42 months and 1,260 days, but in reality that is never the case. A lunar month may be 30 days, but it is very often 29 from moonrise to moonrise. So much so that when the Jewish Temple had to calculate such things in order to conduct the new moon sacrifices and keep the festal calendar, the Talmud explains that a lunar year was never calculated as having more than 10, nor less than 4, 30-day months. That means that a lunar year actually only had 350-356 days, not 360. During a typical 3-1/2 year period, therefore, in order to adjust for the actual solar years to keep the calendar straight, an additional leap month of Adar was thrown in to make things balance. This not only means that 3-1/2 lunar years in this situation is not usually “1,260 days”, but neither is it usually “42 months”—it’s actually 43 months! (“1,290 days” might simply just be a 3-1/2 year period First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 11 Overview of Harpazo with a leap month of Adar—1,260+30=1,290.) In other words, these are probably not all time periods starting and stopping at the same time but instead are used to communicate different aspects of the Last Days. (This brief synopsis does not do justice to what is more fully explained in the book, but I don’t want to permanently side-track us here.) Correcting Ourselves This all came about because one day, as I sat here taking Jacob’s dictation, he said something he has said a thousand times, I have said a thousand times, and probably all of us have said a thousand times: “…the 70th Week of Daniel, which is comprised of two halves of 1,260 days…” At the end of the day after Jacob left and I began to edit the text and insert the appropriate Scripture references, I went to look up the “1,260 days” in the Book of Daniel and, to my great dismay and distress, could not find it! Get your concordances out, kids, Daniel never uses either “1,260 days” nor “42 months”—they are exclusively used by John. And not only are they exclusively found in Revelation, but it turns out they are used only for very specific things. It turns out that John only used “1,260 days” with Israel’s escape from persecution in Revelation 12:8 (the woman in the wilderness) and the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11:3; he only rendered “42 months” in conjunction with the Beast in Revelation 13:4-7 and the Times of the Gentiles trampling Jerusalem in Revelation 11:2. When I showed this to Jacob, and after he’d picked himself off the floor after realizing our mutual error of using synonyms, he immediately saw something very significant that had eluded me completely: “1,260 days” is used only with “good” guys (Israel and the Two Witnesses) whereas “42 months” is only used with “bad guys” (Antichrist and the nations). As we did further research, we quickly discovered the common teaching that “42” is the number most often associated with apostasy. It was 42 youths taunting Elisha over the rapture of Elijah whom the bears came out and snacked on, 42 places the unfaithful generation stopped at in the wilderness between Egypt and the Promised Land, 42,000 apostate Benjamites whom the whole of Israel came against and killed, 42 sons of an unfaithful king of Northern Israel whom Jehu, God’s assassin, killed. “42”, derived at by multiplying the number of man (“6”) times the number of perfection (“7”) so as to represent spiritual corruption is assigned exclusively in Revelation by John to the Antichrist and rebellious nations’ trampling of Jerusalem. There is something very spiritually significant not only when these mathematical quantities overlap and stand apart between Daniel and Revelation, but are teaching us something worth paying attention to far more than just trying to make a calendric chart of the End Times balance out. If we are going to teach an eschatology devoid of biblical error, I believe it begins by no longer treating as synonyms these terms and quantities which were never actually synonyms to start. This hermeneutic replays itself throughout Jacob’s book not just in the area of these critical terms and expressions of time, but in almost every related area over and over again, but I nonetheless embrace the notion that this is a kind of litmus test we can employ to determine who is/is not properly exegeting Scripture. Oil In Our Lamps Ultimately this confirms the importance of the Olivet Discourse teaching of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. (Mt. 25:1-13) Hopefully what this book will inspire is the desperate need for each individual believer to seek an ever-deepening understanding of Scripture by the anointing of the Holy Spirit—the greater meaning to the oil in the lamps. This book is not intended to address the esoteric arguments of the scholars and scribes, but hopes to generate within each rank-and-file believer the greater need to be ever more immersed in God’s Word so that the Apokalypsis—“the unveiling” will not merely be about timing, but take root in our most basic Christian behavior. In Him, Danny Isom See Elsewhere in the Newsletter for Details on Ordering Harpazo or visit the Web Site at for this or more books. 12 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 How to Discern, Test & Judge Rightly In running a web site with thousands of articles, 1-2 million hits per month from all over the world, and hundreds of e-mails per week, I have come to realize, with time, that there is a terrible problem in Christendom today. The problem stems from an existential subjective view of the world that has filtered into the church from secular society, but also from the teachings of heretical wolves who have taught an entire generation of churchgoers completely unbiblical methods of discernment or to get rid of any discernment altogether. Let me start out this article by telling you what methods are being used for "discernment" today that don't have biblical support, then I will move on to the ways in which the Bible does tell us to test teaching, prophecy and actions. The following criteria are what many people who call themselves Christians are using to test reality and truth today: (1) Experiences, manifestations (2) Feelings, emotions (3) Numbers of followers (4) Numbers of people who claim to be saved (5) The size of a church or movement (6) Signs and wonders, purported miracles (whether real or false) (7) Subjective testimonies (8) Hearsay and rumors (9) How successful and rich a teacher is (10) If a person speaks with authority (11) The atmosphere of a meeting None of the above criteria being used by many churchgoers today are cited in the Bible as ways we are to test, discern and judge rightly. Experiences Experiences and manifestations can be from many sources; physical, emotional, mental, paranormal/demonic, or from the Lord. ALL experiences need to be tested against the testimony and teachings of the tried and true written word of God. "Slain in the spirit" is an occult technique imported into Christianity, and has nothing to do with what we are taught in the Scriptures. The prophets, Apostles and Jesus Christ did not do it or teach it as something that should be done. If you have an experience, you had better check the source. Think twice before you submit to people laying hands on you for whatever reason. Feelings Mormons made the "burning in the breast" standard fare for their followers, but now a large cross section of Christendom has been taught to judge everything by similar criteria. Modern Christians are, for the most part, not being taught to submit to the Word of God -- but rather to the way they feel emotionally. The phrase "I think" has been replace by the phrase "I feel". This is partially due to influences from the New Age through movies like Star Wars. But in the last twenty years teachers in the Church have taught a whole generation to rely on their feelings. Emotions are a part of the realm of the flesh and the mind (soul). Emotions can be used by God, but often they are a way for the enemy to get Christians away from the truths of the Bible and gain a foothold in their lives. Numbers Of Followers Many leaders have large numbers of followers, including cultists and other religious "gurus". In fact some of the most popular leaders, who have the most followers, are not Christian. Numbers of followers is not a good test of the authenticity of a leader or his ministry. Numbers Claiming Salvation Ultimately, only God knows who is saved. Believers can certainly tell if people are false prophets and heretics and must be rejected, but we are not the ultimate judge of their salvation. One fact is certain. When someone claims to be saved they will evidence the fruit of the Spirit, believe in and teach sound doctrine, and not make false prophesies. Church Size Church size means nothing in the realm of discernment. God looks for quality over quantity, regardless of what "apostles" like C. Peter Wagner claim: "... we ought to see clearly that the end DOES justify the means. What else possible could justify the means? If the method I am using accomplishes the goal I am aiming at, it is for that reason a good method. If, on the other hand, my method is not accomplishing the goal, how can I be justified in continuing to use it?" (C. Peter Wagner, "Your Church Can Grow - Seven Vital Signs Of A Healthy Church", 1976, pg. 137. - emphasis in original) Quantitative judgments are of men. The size of a church could be due to God blessing a ministry and people being truly saved or due to the oratorical skills of a preacher. Big clubs are not necessarily good clubs. Church size is no way to test a ministry. Signs And Wonders Signs and wonders are a dime a dozen today and have just as many evidences in false churches the occult as they do in biblical Christianity. Jesus did state that those who saw him perform miracles should have believed, though for the most part they did not. They couldn't even tell the signs of the times (Matt. 16;1-4). People today love to be able to claim they saw or experienced a wonder or miracle from God. Perhaps this is because they want to feel like they have been touched by God personally, are holy, or simply want to be accepted by their peers. If you are going to claim you have seen or experienced a miracle from God, then that miracle must be held up to biblical criteria to prove it is a biblical Divine healing as opposed to many other forms of healing. I cover this subject later on in the chapter called "Test Everything". True believers are careful not to use deceptive methods, to lie about experiences and signs, in order to gain converts. 2 Corinthians 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. Subjective Testimonies Testimonies are nice and can even be an inspiration (if they are true), but they are also inherently subjective. In other words, they are hard, if not impossible, to prove objectively, unless incontrovertible proof exists. Don't allow testimonies, First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 13 How to Discern, Test & Judge Rightly uplifting as they may be, to get in the way of biblical methods of testing. Don't rely on testimonies to shape your belief system. Just as you would test a cake to see if it is done by manually inserting a toothpick, instead of relying on the good smell of the cake and the feelings you get from it's aroma, don't use subjective methods to test stories--use the objective Word of God. Hearsay Most stories are being passed along today as hearsay. They often gain a little here and there until they have been blown all the way out of proportion from the original account. Don't pass along rumors, gossip and stories unless you check them out thoroughly. In this day and age of the Internet, that has become a much easier task, so there is no excuse to avoid researching claims from all angles. Don't just take people's word for it. Do the math yourself. Success Of A Teacher Anyone can be successful given the tools, the gifts, the right connections and the right circumstances. Some of the most godly men and women in the church have been dirt poor. Don't be swayed by rich televangelists. They have often raised their money off the backs of the less fortunate, the naïve, the hopeless, the poor, the fatherless, the widows. True success is not measured by money, power, number of followers, or any of the criteria of the "American Dream". Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart. We can get a pretty clear picture of the heart of a person if we test what they say and what they do against the Scriptures. Apparent Authority Many men and women are capable of speaking with authority. It can be a natural gift, a demonic gift or a gift from God. But it is no way to test whether a person is a true or false teacher. Authority can be put on, learned, acted. True authority from God is accompanied by true teaching, true prophecy and the fruit of the Spirit. Atmosphere Benny Hinn claims he needs an "atmosphere" to do his "miracles". Interviewer: If Benny Hinn is real, he'll go into the hospitals and cure everyone there. Benny Hinn: "I've been told that many times. What I tell them is quite simple. Healing most times needs an atmosphere of faith. I have gone to hospitals. I've done it actually many times or people's homes and pray for them. Most times, they cannot get healed. … God's people make it happen; bring this atmosphere of faith ..." (Benny Hinn, interview by Marla Weech, of WFTV , "Inside Central Florida") When did the Apostles need an atmosphere to heal? Beware of testing meetings by the atmosphere created there. Like and Amway meeting or halftime at a football game, an atmosphere can be manipulated. God does not need an stadium full of screaming Benny Hinn fans burning with fleshly passion to move. What He requires is simple obedience to His Word. BIBLICAL DISCERNMENT There are three important biblical ways in which we are to use discernment. (1) Test all teaching for sound doctrine, and especially against the core doctrines of the Faith as laid down in the sixty six books of the Bible (see the chapter "Know What You Believe"). (2) Test all prophesies to see if they are biblical and if the predic- 14 tions of a prophet all come true. (3) Test their lives, words and actions for the fruit of the Spirit. TEST THEIR TEACHINGS The Church and individual Christians, are commanded by the Lord to reject false teachers -- heretics. Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject; (KJV) A heretic is defined by Peter as one who lays error alongside of truth, secretly introducing destructive heresies. 2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-- bringing swift destruction on themselves. Christians are to reject those who preach a false gospel because they are condemned by the Lord.. Galatians 1:8-9 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned! Even Paul, a foundational Apostle, encouraged his listeners to test his teaching against the written Word of God, and he stated that those who teach must not "go beyond what is written.". Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. 1 Corinthians 4:6 Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. Believers are to be discerning. Phil. 1:9-11 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ-- to the glory and praise of God. Proverbs 15:14 The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. Proverbs 17:24 A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth. Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 28:7 He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father Proverbs 3:21 My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; Why do we test teaching against the Scriptures? Because we are commanded to remain in sound doctrine, to keep the faith and to follow the teachings of the prophets, Apostles and Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 How to Discern, Test & Judge Rightly gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. Titus 1:9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Titus 2:1 You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. False teachers are liars and do not remain in sound doctrine. 1 Timothy 1:10 for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers -- and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine TEST THE SPIRITS We are warned by the Lord to test every spirit because many false prophets have gone out. 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. How do we test the spirits? By comparing what they are teaching and prophesying to the Scriptures, and if they are living in the fruit of the Spirit. How do we do that? First we must be a believer in Christ to test anything rightly. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you-unless, of course, you fail the test? Then we test our own words and actions to be sure we are in the Faith and in sound doctrine. Galatians 6:4 Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, How much are we supposed to test? Everything. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test everything. Hold on to the good. JUDGE RIGHTLY Are we to judge? Certainly. We are not to judge hypercritically (Matt. 7:1) -- in other words, judging someone while doing the same thing ourselves. We are not the final judge of anyone's salvation. But we are to judge what people teach and prophesy. Paul commanded those who listened to him to judge what he was saying. 1 Corinthians 10:15 I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. We must learn to judge rightly, now, because someday we will judge the earth and the angels with Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you." TEST THEIR PROPHECY We are to test prophecy to see if it comes true and is biblical. A true prophet is 100% accurate because he worships God in Spirit and in truth and speaks the truth. We must reject false prophets and remove them from the assembly of believers. Duet. 13:1-5 If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them," you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the LORD your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you. False prophets may have a good track record, but they are never 100% accurate. However, they may be able to fool people into thinking they do. That's where the teaching test comes in, and why it is listed as the first test of discernment. Some prophets can look really good, but if they are teaching heresy you can be sure it is a test from God to see if you will "love Him with all your heart". John tells us that if we love the Lord we will obey His commands (John 14:21, 15:10; 1 John 5:2-3; 2 John 1:6). The Bible commands us over and over again to test, discern and judge teaching, prophecy and fruit. We must reject heretics who are unrepentant. If we do not obey the Lord in this, we are proving that we do not really love Him. Deuteronomy 18:20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death." We don't put false prophets to death today, but we are to remove ourselves from their presence. Deuteronomy 18:22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. The Lord is against those who give false prophesies. Jeremiah 23:32 Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the LORD. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the LORD. 1 Corinthians 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How Jeremiah 27:15 'I have not sent them,' declares the LORD. 'They are much more the things of this life! prophesying lies in my name. Therefore, I will banish you and you will perish, both you and the prophets who prophesy to you.'" We are told by the Lord to judge those inside the Church because God judges those outside. We are to reject heretics and Those who follow false prophets will share in their judgment. expel wicked men from the assembly of believers because if they are allowed to remain they will leaven the whole lump. Jeremiah 5:31 The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 15 How to Discern, Test & Judge Rightly in the end? Jeremiah 23:31 Yes," declares the LORD, "I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare, 'The LORD declares.' Jeremiah 27:15 'I have not sent them,' declares the LORD. 'They are prophesying lies in my name. Therefore, I will banish you and you will perish, both you and the prophets who prophesy to you.'" Ezekiel 13:9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD. tions, they do not have the fruit of peace or self-control. If they are cocky mockers they do not have the fruit of gentleness. Gal. 5:18-25 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step We are not to even listen to false prophecy. with the Spirit. The Lord will cut off anyone who does not bear fruit. Jeremiah 23:16 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Do not This means anyone who does not have the fruit of the Spirit and listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with has not been doing the will of the Father. false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more False prophets are often those who claim they had a dream or a fruitful. vision of the Lord or from the Lord. CONCLUSION Jeremiah 23:25 "I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy Finally, we must understand that those who are false lies in my name. They say, 'I had a dream! I had a dream!' teachers, false prophets, without the fruit of the Spirit are a blight on true Christianity. We must separate ourselves from them. False prophets are actually using divination and the delusion of Rom. 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause their own minds instead of communicating with God. divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are Eph. 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them darkness, but rather reprove them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divina- 2 Thess. 3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of the Lord tions, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that Ezekiel 22:28 Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by false walketh DISORDERLY, and not after the tradition which ye received visions and lying divinations. They say, 'This is what the Sovereign of us 2 Tim. 3:5,7 Concerning the last days, he says that some will LORD says'-- when the LORD has not spoken. have "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. From such turn away" for such people are "never able to come to the knowledge TEST THEIR FRUIT of the truth" Matt. 7:15-20 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in 2 John 10:11 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed For he you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad 2 Cor. 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree separate, saith the Lord, and touch no the unclean thing; and I will cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut receive you down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize Jude 1:12 These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you them.” without the slightest qualm-- shepherds who feed only themselves. The final test is to compare the words and actions of any They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, teacher or prophet with the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians without fruit and uprooted-- twice dead. 5:18-25. Notice that the passage above comes right after the We all were once in darkness. Now that we are in the light we must passage most "Christians" quote today to try to make a case that walk in the light, rejecting darkness. we are not to judge at all, namely Matt. 7:1. If you read on you Eph. 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the realize that "judge not" is not to be applied to every situation. The Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all Bible has specific criteria on how to judge and how not to judge. goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. In judging fruit, it is also helpful to look at the list of things in Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather Galatians 5:18-25 that are the opposite of the fruit of the Spirit. expose them. If a person falsely prophesies, even once, they are likely using divination and false visions. Are they trying to build a This article is part of Sandy Simpson’s book and DVD series following and promote themselves, gaining fame? Then they likely called “Discernment Toolkit”. You can learn more about these have "selfish ambition". Do they promote "drunk in the Spirit"? materials at these links: That's the sin of "drunkenness". If they are stripping the poor of their money with crooked money-raising schemes, that's not the fruit of kindness. If their meetings are marked by wild manifesta- 16 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Update From Sandy Simpson Dear Friends, I want to first of all thank you for your prayers and support through our move from Oahu to North Carolina. This was one of the most difficult moves I have ever made, even more difficult than our move from Oregon to Guam in 1989 and our move from Guam to HI in 1999. It was a monumental task to make the arrangements for both ourselves and my mother for new living arrangements, bank accounts, utilities, flights, travel, vehicle shipping for us and finding a way to unload my mother’s leased car, etc. We also had concerns that the Bible study groups we started in HI and have been teaching for 16 years would have a way to continue. I am pleased to let you know that two of the pastors in our studies volunteered on their own, without our prompting, to continue to meet together as a mixed island group using our Bible study materials (which are available on my Apologetics Coordination Team site at The following pictures are from our last get together as our house was being packed up. We had a lot of setbacks on this journey including not having our small container picked up on the day scheduled. While we were enroute to NC the longshoremen on the West Coast decided to strike and we were no longer able to get any date for the arrival of our household items, which included my computers, materials for sale, guitars, music and many other things that were of great value to us. It was also stressful for us to go by faith to Los Angeles, hoping our van would be there when we got there, having made a whole two weeks’ worth of scheduled plans. We had decided to ship the van to Long Beach from HI because it was way cheaper to ship it there and drive it across to NC, plus we had a number of people we wanted to visit along the way. We were very thankful to the Lord that He made sure our van was there and we could keep our schedule. The van actually arrived over a week earlier (fortunately before the longshoreman strike began) and we were looking at paying a storage fee or even having the van towed to another location adding an additional towing fee. I called our shipper and she went to bat for me and even got them to totally drop the storage fee charges. I gave them a five star review on YELP. We were very blessed to be able to visit with Pastor Mark Quintana of Devore Community Church in CA and also Jacob Prasch who was still there after filming some promotion for his book at the church. We had good productive conversations and I offered my help in video editing for Moriel when I got my equipment up and running again. We also visited my uncle and aunt in Amarillo, TX, a couple in Tulsa, OK who had attended our church in Hawaii and the wife worked with Josiah on a number of drama presentations there. Both of them wrote plays and acted in them. We also got a surprise call from Rose’s brother Steve in Arkansas who invited us to take a detour to visit him. It had been a long time since we had seen him and it was really nice to finally meet his boys and wife there. We then proceeded to drive to Wadesboro. The house we had reserved and were paying rent on for a few months (while still paying rent in HI) was everything we had hoped it would be. The only problem is that we had very little in it. But Rose’s brother Roger and wife Marlene, who only live 5 minutes from our new home, helped us by providing many necessities and the ladies from their church also donated items so that we could make it. It was bitterly cold when we arrived and it has been, I am told, the coldest season on record. Roger showed us a storage facility that does auctions of items left in storage units but also sells a huge amount of items in their warehouse between auctions. We were able to pick up a number of furniture items for $10-$20 dollars, many of them. We are still getting our house together but the Lord has been gracious to us all the way. Meanwhile we were awaiting any news of our container which was originally scheduled to be her on 2/10. Finally our stuff arrived on 3/1. It was pouring down freezing rain and they only sent one man to deliver. He brought it in an 18 wheeler which could not fit down our rather long driveway. So I had to quickly call Rose’s brother and we began to haul the stuff ourselves to the porch of our house. Another man from their church came over and brought his truck as well, so the Lord again provided. Since that time we have been working on getting things sorted and set up. I am gradually turning on my equipment one piece at a time and have yet to test my video editing equipment. But we continue to trust the Lord. I am amazed that nothing got broken or stolen along the way. The Lord knows I need this equipment to continue to keep in contact with people, to do the apologetics ministry I have been doing on the web since 1996, to be able to produce and edit video and audio projects, to continue to produce Bible study materials and books on relevant subjects, and to perhaps be able to travel and speak at churches and conferences within the 48 states (something that I could rarely afford to do before from HI). This move has been a test of our faith and God has proven faithful at every turn. I have learned again what David wrote about when he said: Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Sometimes the Lord allows us to wait but it is for our benefit that we might be strong and take heart. That is a lesson I relearned on this trip. Pray that well will be a blessing here but that also the ministry of apologetics I am doing will continue to have a ripple effect around the world. We appreciate your continued prayers and support. They have not been in vain.In His hands, Sandy Simpson & family First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 17 Men of Faith Comparison There are many kingly prophecies about the Messiah, which the people expected their Messiah to fulfill. These "Son of David prophecies," are for Jesus' second coming, when He will reign victoriously over the whole world. In His first coming Jesus nonetheless did typify aspects of David's life, which will be shown in the chart after this one. But, there are also the "Son of Joseph prophecies," which he fulfilled in His first coming. Jesus was the son of Joseph, his earthly and legal father, the husband of Mary. Being the son of Joseph, he typified many aspects of another Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob. Based on the audio message "One Messiah, Two Comings" by Jacob Prasch You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me John 5:39 18 Jesus Joseph Jacob loved Joseph more than all of his sons (Genesis 37:3) T he Messiah the son of Joseph (Jesus) was the beloved of His Father (Matthew 3:17) Joseph dwelt with his father and was sent by his father to seek the welfare of his brothers (Genesis 37:13 -14) Jesus dwelt with his Father and was sent by His Father to seek the welfare of his brothers (Philippians 2:5- 7) Joseph testified about the sins of his brothers and they hated him (Genesis 37:2) Jesus testified about the sins of His brothers and so they hated Him (John 7:7) Joseph foretold that he would rule and was hated even more (Genesis 37:5) Jesus foretold that He would rule and was hated even more (Matthew 26:64) Joseph was rejected by his Jewish brothers and betrayed by them into the hands of the Gentiles, but God turned it around and made it into a way for all of Israel and the world to be saved Jesus was rejected by his Jewish brothers and betrayed by them into the hands of the Gentiles, but God turned it around and made it into a way for all of Israel and the world to be saved Joseph was tempted, but did not sin (Genesis 39:12) Jesus was tempted to the utmost, but did not sin (Matthew 4:1- 11) Everything that Joseph did God caused to prosper (Genesis 39:5) Everything that Jesus did God caused to prosper (Isaiah 53:10) Joseph was falsely accused Jesus was falsely accused Joseph was condemned with two criminals and prophesied that one would live and one would die Jesus was condemned with two criminals and prophesied that one would live (go to Paradise); and the other having rejected Jesus would go to hell Joseph was betrayed by his brother Judah for twenty pieces of silver (Genesis 37:26 - 28) Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14 -15) Joseph had a servant's heart Jesus had a servant's heart Joseph was forgotten by those he helped (Genesis 40:23) Jesus was forgotten by those he helped (Luke 17:17- 18) Joseph was a wonderful counselor (Genesis 41:39) Jesus is a wonderful counselor (Isaiah 9:6) When Joseph told people the things of God people told him he was out of his mind (Genesis 37:19) When Jesus told people the things of God people told him he was out of his mind (Mark 3:21) Upon exaltation Joseph took a Gentile bride Allegorically, upon exaltation Jesus took a Gentile bride (the church) Joseph went from a place of condemnation to exaltation in a single day Jesus went from a place of condemnation to exaltation in a single day The people were told to do what Joseph bid them to do (Genesis 41:55) The people were told to do what Jesus bid them to do (John 2:5) When Joseph was exalted every knee had to bow to him (Genesis 41:43) When Jesus is exalted every knee will bow to him (Philippians 2:10) Joseph was not recognized by his brethren the first time Jesus was not recognized by many Jews in His first coming even though He was their Messiah His brothers recognized Joseph at their second coming and wept bitterly (Genesis 45:4;14) Jesus will be recognized at His second coming and the Jews will weep bitterly (Zechariah 12:1-10) First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Men of Faith Comparison The following comparisons are adapted from: Joseph's brothers conspired against him (Genesis 37:23) They took counsel against Jesus (Matthew 27:1) They stripped Joseph of his garments (Genesis 37:23) They stripped Jesus (Matthew 27:28) All things were laid into Joseph’s trust (Genesis 39:4-8) God hath given all things into his hand (John 3:35; 13:3; 16:15) Joseph was bound (Genesis 39:30 ) Jesus was bound ( Matthew 27:2 ) Joseph was 30 years old when he was exalted in Egypt and ministered to people (Genesis 41:46) Jesus was "about 30 years of age” when he began his ministry (Luke 3:23) The following comparisons are adapted from: 60similaritiesbetweenjosephandjesuspink.pdf Joseph was a shepherd (Genesis 37:2) Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10) Joseph won the respect of his jailer (Genesis 39:21) Jesus won the respect of a Roman centurion standing at the cross (Luke 23:47) Joseph was seated on the throne of another and ruled over Pharoah’s house with his word. Jesus shares the Throne with His Father and rules over the Father’s household by and through His word. Not many years after rejecting Joseph, his brethen had to leave their homeland. Not many years after rejecting Jesus their Messiah, his brethen, the Jews, had to leave their homeland. Jacob believed that his son was dead, not knowing that he had been exalted over all the house of Pharoah. Many Jews believe that Jesus is simply dead, not knowing that He has been exalted as Lord over all the world. Joseph became the sole distributor of bread to a perishing world (Genesis 41:55) Jesus is the sole distributor of the Bread of Life to a perishing world (Acts 4:12; Matthew 17:5; John 6:35) A New Earthling Last month after almost eight years of marriage, our first child was born! It's so amazing to see him in the flesh. Thank you God! Thank you all for your prayers, too. His name?... --Micah (Who is like God?) Micah was one of the pre-exile prophets at about the same time as Isaiah. The book of Micah also has some great verses, such as: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Micah 5:2) "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8) --Berekiah (God blesses) --Wycliffe We like this name, because John Wycliffe gave the Bible to the common people and also stood against the false doctrines of Roman Catholicism. --Octavian This is not after the emperor's name, but because this name means "the 8th." This was our 8th attempt at IVF, and also next month will mark 8 years of our marriage. --Noble (our last name) Yes, all of these names (=! In Thailand they also use nicknames for everyone. Avian is his nickname (from Octavian), and maybe Bear, too (from Berekiah). A friend told me about how he gave each of his children a psalm. He would often read that psalm to this child when putting them to sleep, when correction was needed, when encouragement was needed, etc. This sounded like a good idea. I've chosen psalm 81 for our son to be "his psalm." Of all of the psalms that I've put to music, this is the one that Khae likes best. Our son took 18 months to get here-- 9 months frozen, and then 9 months in the womb! And, 9 times 9 is 81, his psalm. Just an interesting math way to remember this psalm. Children's Classes We see some definite improvements in some of the children's attitudes. Two of the boys who required a lot of attention before are now coming to study with us with good attitudes. Some of the other children continue to be tempted away from our class by the online game shop. First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 19 Thailand Update Last Christmas we broke the old record of having 28 people in our truck-- the new record is 29. That was on a Sunday when they had a Christmas drama at church. On Sundays the children get about two hours of Bible lessons, so I'm surprised and thankful to God that they come in such large numbers. Our regular attendance is lower than that though. Some children come for a short while until the novelty wears off, and for the Shan people working construction they often have to move to new locations, so sometimes we don't know where they move to, but we have a core group of regular children. Of these regular attendees one boy has made a definite decision that he wants to be a Christian and become baptized. All of these children come from Buddhist backgrounds. Some of the other children believe in Jesus, but are not yet ready to take a stand for Him. This young fellow is 13 years old and has already read through the entire book of John and Romans on his own. The first time that we went to the Shan work camp in July of 2013, we met him. When I gave a gospel presentation using balloons he volunteered to be Adam. There's a picture of him here from 2013. Swimming Upstream In Thailand there's a lot of peer pressure in the culture so that children and people in general will rarely do something ALONE. Only if their friends come with them, they will go. This is true of our classes also. At each location where we pick children up, if other children are not free that day, the others, even if they are free, will often choose not to come. This kind of behavior was also very common at the university where I used to teach. Some people would pass by the opportunity to go to heaven, simply because their friends were not interested. For this reason I've been impressed with the one boy in our group who wants to be baptized. He's standing alone and is not ashamed of Jesus in a culture that rarely does that. Last month Khae gave an extended version of her testimony for the children. The children listened well and heard an example of someone coming from a Buddhist family, like themselves, but who now is a dedicated Christian. Parents of Children At the end of January we went to talk with the father of one of the boys who had been skipping our class in order to go to the online game shop. I told him about some statistics in America of children and teenagers who played violent video games and then went out and actually acted out the violence in real life. We told him we're concerned about his son. Since that time his Dad has been more supportive and insisting that his son come study with us. This boy who usually was a trouble maker has become more polite. He was sick one week and told me later that he prayed to God for healing. He also watched the video "Light of the World," and had a lot of good questions afterwards. Since talking with this one father, another set of parents at the same location also has started to encourage their two sons to come to our classes. Leviticus 19:17 "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him." This quarter we started a Bible study for the parents of the children from several of the families also. They are from Burma (Shan) and are construction workers. They've invited us into their one room home, made from two-by-fours, plywood, and metal sheeting. We don't have time to reach out to all of the parents of the children we teach (the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few), but teaching the classes for the children is a witness to the parents already and sometimes we give the children tracts to take home. We wanted to do more than that though, so we started visiting two sets of parents to teach them from the Bible. Now we alternate between going to one camp one week and another camp another week to teach the parents from the Bible, including the parents of the boy who wants to be baptized. Women's Prison At the beginning of 2014 one of our students became a Christian. Then, we did not see her for many, many months. I saw her late in the year in passing through the hallway, and she said she was moved to a different area, but that she's still reading the Bible. That was encouraging. At the end of the year we had about 35 students. They listened respectfully when we taught the Bible, but only one of them has expressed real interest in giving her heart to Jesus. Maybe there are others who are considering though, and we pray for them. And, we rejoice and pray for this one who is very close to being born-again. This year we've been given a new group of 35 students. Loy Grathong Festival On November 6th, was the main day for the Loy Grathong Festival here. That's a festival where people put small floats into the river, supposedly releasing their sins and negativity into the river, and also paying respect to the "goddess of water." For others it's just a time of entertainment, and they don't think about the spiritual meaning. I went with Jallay to hand out tracts there. We gave tracts to monks, soldiers, firemen, and ordinary folks. In total we gave out 300 Thai tracts and probably more than 300 Shan tracts. We also stopped at an Israeli restaurant for a late dinner and gave out a couple of tracts there to some Israelis. Getting used to our "new normal" here, gratefully. Peace in Christ, Scott, Khae, and Micah. 20 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Moriel Isr ael Update Political Developments In another week or so, we have a general election here for the Knesset. Some of the electoral campaign shenanigans are amusing in a twisted kind of way. Shas an ultra-orthodox party, put out a poster which says (referring to the other parties) "Atem lo skushfim", meaning "You are not transparent". Shas is probably our most corrupt party bar none, and their current leader Aryeh Deri is a convicted criminal who did time for embezzling millions of shekels of public money! The fact that a man like Deri is actually allowed to run for public office, is pretty eye-popping, but this is our Jewish state and sometimes our political process reads like a purimshpiel. Deri's rank dishonesty and embezzlement was public knowledge for years before his parliamentary immunity was lifted and he was prosecuted. Perhaps they are trying to say that they are transparently corrupt as compared to their electoral opponents. Also on the political front, a quiet earthquake is taking place. As you may be aware, the Arab parties in our Knesset are notoriously anti-Israel, with some Arab MK's like Haneen Zoabi openly avowing support for Hamas. In any normal country this woman would be on trial for treason, but this is Israel. This alone is bad enough, but this year all these Israel-hating Arab parties are burying their differences to form a united bloc in order to grab a larger share of the vote, and thus more Knesset seats, which is worrying. However, only last year, the government authorised the creation of a new ethnicity. Now certain qualifying Arabic-speaking Christians can register themselves as Aramaeans and not Arabs. This means that these Arabic-speakers can divorce themselves from the whole anti-semitic Palestinian narrative clung to by many (even Israeli) Arabs, and instead declare their loyalty to the state of Israel. This change in status was due at least partly to the efforts of Orthodox priest Gabriel Nadaf, who not only affirms his support for the state of Israel, but does not mince his words about organisations like Musullakha and its founder Saleem Munayer, whom Nadaf clearly states are hiding their pro-terror sympathies behind a mask of "reconciliation" between Arab Christians and Messianic believers. It is refreshing to hear our own concerns about Musallakha and its leader echoed in Arab voices. Not only so; now some Aramaeans are wanting to run for Knesset office on a Zionist ticket, as either candidates in the main Jewish party lists, or form their own pro-Israel Aramaean parties. But it doesn't even stop there, there are news reports of Muslim Arabs who have come out in support of Israel, wanting their children to serve in the IDF and even desiring to run for office on a Zionist platform! This is completely staggering. This tiny group of Aramaeans and pro-Israel Muslims, is at the centre of a furore out of all proportion to their numbers. Of course they are automatically unpopular with the those who identify as Palestinian Muslims, but they are very unpopular with Palestinian Christians as well, who despise them as being traitors. Nadaf's son was badly beaten up not long ago, and death threats and harassment are not uncommon. They may pay a high price for their choice, and they need our prayers, not only for their protection and encouragement, but as they bless Israel that the LORD would bless them with salvation. away, time soon to break out the fans ready for the warmer weather. Winter is a time for doing indoor things, writing, reading and such. So we have begun to translate a number of Yakov's videos into Hebrew, by means of subtitles. At the moment we are concentrating on some short videos produced by GV247. These are available on our Moriel Israel YouTube Channel, and should eventually be embedded into the main Moriel Hebrew Web site as well. Subtitles for each video are available in Hebrew or English. For some time I had great difficulties in making the subtitles work properly, the subtitling software I had was not intended to work with Hebrew text and weird stuff kept happening! I have now found a method that achieves passably good results so we should be be putting up a number of these every month, but it is a time-consuming process. First I have to transcribe the sound track in English for each one, after that it is sent off for translation, and then the subtitles and annotations have to be added and synchronised. We now also have a presence on Google+ as well, where we will post items of interest from time to time and updates links to stuff etc. I have also connected a Blogger account to this where I will be posting stuff, that I have lined up. Feel free to drop in. What might be of interest to Moriel followers is that very many of Yakov's tapes and videos are now freely available on YouTube. A young lady called Hazel Allen has uploaded about 360(!) of them to her YouTube channel, this is a great resource for Moriel materials. Our Friends and Local Contacts. We would always covet your prayers for the salvation of our friends, and that our circle of them would grow, but at this time particularly for D and T, our two friends who are asking most of the questions. Please pray for them, that their seeking would not stop at intellectual curiosity, but that the LORD would deeply convict them of their need for Him, and awaken a hunger to know the truth; and for us, that the LORD would grant us wisdom to speak the right words in season to these precious people. Another Round of Leafleting. This spring we are continuing on with our leafleting project in the Galilee area. Initially we plan to print another batch of the current leaflet, but after this we would like to develop the leafleting outreach more, partly by producing some new materials and resources more suited to the Moriel perspective than the ones we are using at the moment, but also to expand our field of operations. Please pray for us, that the LORD would guide and enable. Theological Propaganda The political events in the Arab community are not the only astonishing thing. I could say the same about transcripts for some recent editions of the "Berean Call" radio show that I read. Now before I go any further, let me emphasise that what I am about to write is about doctrines and hermeneutics, not people. I testify from personal experience that Dave Hunt's books the Seduction of Christianity and Beyond Seduction, were great helps in awaking me personally to the errors of the Word of Faith Movement in the 80's; and Dave's book "What Love is This?" is a great resource to people who are struggling with, or have been afflicted by Calvinitis. It lays out very clearly what Calvinism is all about, Local News using Calvnistic authors own words; which is exactly why its oppoMoriel Israel YouTube etc. nents hate and malign it so much. This was Berean Call at its best. Well another winter is now over; with the longest cold So it was particularly tragic to read these transcripts. Each spell that we can remember. We have just put the paraffin heater of then was littered with scripturally unsubstantiated claims,(1) First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 21 Moriel Isr ael Update which is bad enough, (however, I have read enough Pretrib material by now to become used to that): but, there were some statements made, especially in the interviews with Thomas Ice(2), that were particularly problematic. Ice: You know, it’s amazing to me that no one articulated the substitutionary atonement of Christ until a thousand years in church history with Anselm. Their view in the early church was closer to Benny Hinn, you know? It was called the “ransom to Satan” theory. No one that we know of articulated the doctrine of justification by faith until Martin Luther came along for 1,500 years! And it led to a schism, you know, within the church, thank God… References to substitutionary atonement can actually be found in early writers such as the 2nd letter to Diognetus, the writings of Athanasius, Chrysostom and Eusebius etc. But ultimately there is the testimony of Scripture. "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, THE JUST FOR THE UNJUST, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." 1 Pet,. 3:18 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth TO BE A PROPITIATION THROUGH FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. Rom. 3:23-25 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who WAS DELIVERED FOR OUR OFFENCES, and was raised again for our justification. (Rom. 4:24-25) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now JUSTIFIED BY HIS BLOOD [substitutionary death], we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Rom. 5:8-11 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; . . . he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed . . the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all . . . . he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due . . . it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, . . . by the knowledge of himself shall my righteous servant justify many; and he shall bear their iniquities . . . . because he poured out his soul unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors: yet he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. And to this we could argue that the whole OT sacrificial system teaches us about substitutionary atonement. In addition, what Anselm actually articulated was not Substitutionary Atonement per se, but the Satisfaction Theory of Atonement, where he posited that the injury done to God's honour and glory by mankind's sin was rectified by the death of Christ, who paid the debt to God's honour that man owed. Perhaps Ice is confusing this with the Penal Substitution Theory of Atonement, where Christ suffers the punishment for every sin of man.(3) However regardless of the above; it is clear that Ice, by his claim that certain Atonement Theories were not fully articulated for a considerable time, would thus have us accept that there 22 should be no barrier to our receiving a Rapture Theory that only appeared in the 1830's. However, he is here glossing over or omitting a fact of critical importance: whatever aspect of Atonement is emphasised by any of the various theories; its substitutionary nature is clearly and explicitly taught throughout the Scriptures in numerous places, as shown above. The same can be said for the doctrine of Justification by Faith, this can be found throughout the Bible, and is most explicit of course in Paul's Epistles; indeed, it is so ubiquitous in the New Testament, that it would be superfluous to give references here. Both Substitutionary Atonement and Justification by Faith, are explicit teachings of the Bible, derived by exegetical method from in context statements of Scripture. We must not forget this or allow it to be glossed over, because this is the real issue that is at stake. The Pretribulational Rapture on the other hand; never was, nor is it now, in any shape or form, exegetically or contextually derived from any verse in the entire Bible; all of the verses it uses as proof texts have to be severely contorted or quoted out of context to arrive at a predetermined Pretrib conclusion. As we have repeatedly stated, even its own proponents readily concede that it is a doctrine based solely upon "inference",--which brings us to another comment from the transcripts. T.A. McMahon: Now, however, and I want to talk about this: now, we believe in, you know, the objective Word of God. We believe in literal interpretation. But when we look to Scripture, yes, we want the verse. We want to see the verse clearly, objectively, and so on. But we also believe in EXTRAPOLATION. In other words, a number of the doctrines – you know, I think you mentioned this before we started recording; we were talking about something like the Trinity and so on. You can’t find that term. But we find so many other verses that we can put together that form a clear doctrine. Now, the part that we don’t want to go – we don’t want to go beyond that to speculation. So we can accept, you know, what a verse says clearly and distinctly, but we can also extrapolate a number of other verses to put together a solid teaching, a solid doctrine of the church. Now, it’s speculation where we draw the line. Would you agree with that? While admittedly, the teaching on the Trinity is more scattered throughout Scripture, and it is less explicitly taught but rather assumed as a "given" by the NT writers; nevertheless the reasoning behind the doctrine can be inductively derived from contextual exegesis of explicit statements or facts made in the passages used to support it. Here are just a few samples; Jesus undoubtedly claimed to be the YHWH and his hearers understood that is what he was saying. He accepted the worship of the disciples. The angels are said to worship him. He explicitly claimed to one with the Father. He explicitly claimed to have glory with the Father before the world began. Many, many OT texts describing YHWH are explicitly applied to Jesus. The Spirit is revealed to be a personal being, who works in concert with the Father and Son. Divine attributes are explicitly ascribed to Him in numerous places. He shares a name with the Father and the Son. These things found in the very warp and woof of the New Testament. Scripture does not have to be twisted to arrive at some kind of Trinitarian conclusion. Extrapolations and Self Contradictions. The "extrapolation" statement is actually very revealing, First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 because in spite of Ice's claim that: Moriel Isr ael Update . . .if you remove pre-Tribulationalism from the New Testament epistles, it’s like trying to unravel a piece of cloth, or pull a thread out of the cloth, you know? It just doesn’t work because it’s embedded, and a lot of people just don’t take the time to understand that later on in 1 Corinthians, it’s called a mystery, meaning it’s a new revelation, see? and McMahon's claim that: " . . It was in the Bible all along" and "And there’s so many verses that support that. And the thing that shocks me, . . . is that people are saying, “Oh no, this is some kind of esoteric, secret…you know, this isn’t there, they’re making it up,” and so on. it’s as clear as it can be." They actually admit that it is only obtainable by extrapolations. The question is then: If it is so "clear as it can be", not "esoteric"or "secret" and so "embedded" why the necessity to resort to "extrapolations" in order to arrive at it? This is completely self-contradictory:--and why does this seem to be the only doctrine in modern evangelicalism that is given special dispensation to based on extrapolation/inference alone? A doctrinal basis that is established upon exegesis and honest handling of the biblical text, is what separates orthodox biblical Christianity from the cults, and the likes of "Kenny and Benny". The Pretribulational Rapture is indeed problematic, but is it an outward symptom of an underlying malaise that is far more disturbing; an indicator of how willing we are to bend the Word of God to suit our wishes? It is not biblical hermeneutics that we see in these radio interviews, but theological propaganda masquerading as biblical doctrine. The praises of literal interpretation are sung, and speculation is decried; but it is all too readily apparent that this is lip-service; for to do homage to the Golden Calf of Pretrib theory, literal interpretation must be deposed, context summarily executed and "extrapolation" usurp their place to provide an apologetic for a doctrine which orthodox hermeneutical method can not. If this is not in actuality "esoteric" or "secret" I don't know what is. Without the extrapolative tradition/magisterium of the Pretrib "elders" this doctrine simply cannot be arrived at. Scripture warns us very clearly about "making the Word of God of none effect through our tradition." When we try to create or sustain a doctrine with the kind of methods exemplified in these radio interviews;--are we not in essence saying that we love our favoured notion more than the truth that God has explicitly stated? When we show an unwillingness to honestly handle God's Word, because to do so would deal a death blow to our pet theories; are we not actually revealing that we have at least in some measure departed from love of the truth and prefer a lie? This is serious enough for us on a personal level, but what for teachers of the Word? --are they not even more accountable? There has been quite a lot written on the "Apostasy equals Rapture" teaching that is so enthused over in this interview. Its utterly baseless nature has been well and truly documented (4); I am astonished that this canard keeps being repeated by Ice, as he does again in these broadcasts. The "Apostasy equals Rapture" is way out beyond the speculation Ice claims to want to avoid, it is pure fantasy; but such is the nature of spiritual deception, it will take us to places, that if we escape it to look back from the outside, we shake our heads in wonder that we actually ran with such nonsense. I know, because I have been in that place myself. Many years ago, when I was walking in the false doctrines of the Word of Faith movement; there was a point when I began to experience a sense of misgiving about the way WOF teachers were handling Scripture; but at the same time the doctrine was very appealing. Initially I tried to avoid listening to or reading anything that would contradict it, but that internal disquiet would not go away. One day a dear friend, who saw clearly WOF for what it was and had been praying for me, handed me a copy of "Seduction of Christianity". I really did not want to read that book! But at that point I knew I was being presented with a choice: I could ignore my misgivings and carry on in that which was exciting and pleased my flesh; or I could read the book. The message of the book did sting somewhat; but in its wake it brought great joy. New light broke forth from the Scriptures as the deluding mists were blown away, and this point in time marked the beginning of my understanding of what it means to "rightfully handle the word of truth". Over time since then, a serious amount of theological demolition went on, as ideas, practices and teachings that could not be exegetically substantiated were disposed of; but what I gained has always been well worth the cost. The hermeneutical principles that I began to learn at that time, when applied, have also been of tremendous benefit in preserving and protecting me from the Apostasy that has mushroomed in our midst since then. These interviews worry me, because they may be a sign that the Pretrib camp is simply ignoring calls to sharpen up on their hermeneutic, and is instead closing its ears so that it may blithely continue on with these cult-style interpretive methods. Will we soon observe even sharper declinations from biblical truth, of which this "Apostasy equals Rapture" claim is but an early symptom? Will it come to pass that in a wilful refusal to return to sound hermeneutics they will veer every deeper into error and ironically, eventually be found fulfilling the prophecy of 2 Thess. 2:3 in themselves? I truly hope not, because I shudder to think where I would be today if I had chosen other than I had;--if I had not hearkened to the voice of the LORD. I thank God for that woman who prayed for me and kept "getting on my case" about Word Of Faith, even if I did not want to hear it, and who ultimately gave me the book that was such a life changer. I heard recently, that some, even among Pretrib's big names,--are beginning to entertain reservations about it. This is very encouraging, it means that God is answering prayers for these our brethren. We need to continue to pray earnestly for them and for friends and associates who are ensnared by this doctrine, that their hearts be soft to the truth, that they make the right choices, even if it costs them dearly in prestige, finance and following. Let us also pray for courage for all those leaders who know Pretrib to be serious error, but are afraid to come out of the closet. Many truly godly men preach this error in sincerity, I count a number of precious friends among them. Let us in all humility, lift these brethren up to the LORD. May the LORD bless you from Zion. Elon and Hadas Moreh 1. I intend to deal with some of these issues on the Blogger site, because there are too many of them for this article. 2. The transcripts for the Radio shows in question can be found on the Berean call site under the December 2014 boadcasts "What about the Rapture?". 3. I think it fair to say that substitutionary atonement is explicitly declared in the Scriptures, and it appears that through Church history the differing views of atonement that arose, were more to do with the details of what substitution actually entailed not over the fact of substitution itself. The Atonement is a multifaceted concept and it accomplished a number of different things; while the New Testament is clear over what Christ's death has accomplished, the question of how it did this is not really emphasised. 4. Yakov has dealt with this on a number of occasions, and this was also covered in a previous Moriel Bulletin. First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 23 Moriel Philippines Update Grace and peace be unto you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This month of March is the end of school year of our children who receive a regular assistance from our Moriel Programs . We have Christian John Advincula who will graduate from High School on March 27. Then we have four children who will graduate from Elementary - Marivic, Maricel, Marites and Ramonaliza. On recognition day ceremony some of our children will receive awards honors and tops of their respective class. We have already finished the repairs of the roof of the Sunday school room. We have transferred the kitchen to a new area which is closer to the feeding room. We have constructed the generator house and set in the generator machine. Since January 2015 up until now we are experiencing weekly electric power interruption. Thank you so much, the generator set served us good in times of Feeding sessions and on Bible Study sessions. Let us pray for some of our young children. May the Lord grant them willingness to attend the Christian Summer Camp this coming March 30 to April 3. So far, some of our dump children gained weight which is a sign of good health, but some need more attention and care. Jason, Christian John, Joren, and Benben are the teachers who teach the younger children every Saturday Children's Bible Study, while Loureanne and Angela are the teachers every Sunday Bible Class. All of the children are always present in Saturday Bible Study, Sunday Bible class and Chapel Hour. Let us continue to pray that the generation of these children will become useful in the Lord's work. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for us. Please extend our gratitude to all our supporters. May the Lord God continue to bless all of you. Sincerely in Christ, Ptr. Paul 24 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Moriel CD Inventory This is our master CD listing up to date. This reflects our current inventory. Should you wish to order any title on this list, single CD’s are $5, 2-CD sets $10, 3-CD Sets $15 and so on. All titles are single discs unless noted in the description. CDJP0001 Abraham’s Journey CDJP0002 Simchat Torah CDJP0003 Caveats of the Olivet Discourse CDJP0004 Christian Cults CDJP0005-6 Pop Psychology in the Church 2CD SET CDJP0007-8 Who Do You Say I Am? 2CD SET CDJP0009 Sold Out or Sell Out CDJP0010 Mezuzot-The Doorposts CDJP0011 When God Speaks CDJP0012 The Birdcage CDJP0013-15 Study of Timothy 3CD SET CDJP0016 Babylon Revisited CDJP0017 Fundamentals of Ecclesiology CDJP0018 Israel, Islam in History & Prophecy CDJP0019 What the Reformers Forgot CDJP0020 What the Spirit Explicitly Says CDJP0021 Jeremiah 51 CDJP0022 Spirit of the Antichrist CDJP0023 Rose Between Two Thorns CDJP0024 70 Weeks of Daniel CDJP0025 Iron and the Clay CDJP0026 The Theology of Conversion CDJP0028 Cross Cultural Mission CDJP0029 Fellowship CDJP0030 Jesus in the Garden CDJP0031-32 Hanukkah 2CD SET CDJP0033 Men Not Like Other Men CDJP0034-40 History of the Church in Britain 7CD SET CDJP0041 Twin Pillars of Madness CDJP0042 Reign of King Asa 2CD SET CDJP0043-44 Devil’s Algebra 2CD SET CDJP0045 The Burning Bush CDJP0046 Hope for the Hopeless CDJP0047 The Bride of Christ CDJP0048 Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Error CDJP0049 Jacob’s Trouble in the Last Days CDJP0050 Phases to Freedom CDJP0051-52 Fundamentals of Ecclesiology 2CD SET CDJP0053-54 Jehu-God’s Assassin 2CD SET CDJP0055-61 Thanatology-Death and Afterlife 7CD SET CDJP0064 This Generation CDJP0065 When God Writes CDJP0066 Leviticus 18 CDJP0067 Those Who Drift CDJP0068 Ephesus Autopsy CDJP0070 Song of Solomon CDJP0071 Who Killed Jesus? CDJP0072 Strength of the Ox CDJP0073 Second Sin of David CDJP0074-75 Shadows of the Beast 2CD SET CDJP0076 The Day of the Lord is Near CDJP0077 Dressed and Ready CDJP0078 Noah and Lot Revisited CDJP0079 Future History of the Church (Overview) CDJP0082 Vow of the Nazarite CDJP083 Children of the Harlot-Hosea 1&2 CDJP0084 Jehoida the Priest CDJP0085 Amos 8 Past Present and Future CDJP0086-87 What the Spirit Expressly Says Concerning the Last Days 2CD SET CDJP0089 Things Satan Wants You To Wrongly Believe CDJP0090 Order of Melchizedek & The Royal Priesthood CDJP0091 Reductio Ad Absurdum CDJP0092 Leviticus 21-The Living and the Dead CDJP0093 What the Spirit Expressly Says…Single CD Version CDJP0094 Kingdom Now & The Restoration Movement CDJP0095 Jesus in the Talmud CDJP0100 One Messiah Two Comings CDJP0101 When They Burn The Scroll CDJP0102 Chink in the Armor CDJP0103 Judgment Day is Coming CDJP0104 Do Not Be Deceived CDJP0105 All That Can Be Shaken CDJP0106 Attack on the Remnant CDJP0107 Christ The Foundation CDJP0108 Psalm 23 From The Hebrew CDJP0109 Signs of the Rapture CDJP0110 Deception in Evangelicism CDJP0111 Deception About World Peace CDJP0112 Jesus-A Prophet Like Moses CDJP0113 What is Hanukkah? CDJP0122 Typology of the Dietary Laws CDJP0124 Who Are the Jews? CDJP0125 Who Are the Palestinians? CDJP0126 What’s Wrong With Judaism? CDJP0127 False Prophets/False Teachers CDJP0128 Death of Reason CDJP0129 Upon This Rock CDJP0130 Unity: Where Does God Draw the Line? CDJP0131 Unless You Eat this Flesh CDJP0132 Woman at the Well CDJP0133 Nothing New Under the Sun CDJP0134 When the Truth Becomes a Lie CDJP0135 What’s Wrong with the Church? CDJP0136 Who Doesn’t Support Israel and Why CDJP0138 Antichrist 3CD SET CDJP0139 Palestine: Fiction or Reality? CDJP0140 Oil In Your Lamps CDJP0141 Strange Fire CDJP0142 Final Jewish Revolt in 2nd Century A.D. CDJP0143 Jerusalem and the Coming Temple CDJP0144 Jerusalem: The Dwelling Place of God CDJP0145 The New Jerusalem CDJP0146 Stars That Shine 2010 Update CDJP0147-148 Current Events-Things Coming 2CD SET CDJP0149 The Great Church Robbery CDJP0150-151 The Seven Woes 2CD SET CDJP0152 The Last of the Kings CDJP0153 Iran and Prophecy CDJP0154 2 John-In Love and Truth CDJP0193 Appealing To Caesar-Peter CDJP0194 Diligence in Holiness-Joshua 7 CDJP0195 Election of Israel First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 25 Moriel CD Inventory CDJP0196 Typology of the Temple CDJP0197 The Nut Shell CDJP0198 Israel and the Coming Temple CDJP201-207 Gospel in the Last Days 7CD SET CDJP0208 Book of Ruth CDJP0209 Jehu-God’s Assassin Single version CDJP0210 Stars That Shine 2005 Version CDJP0211 Road to Damascus CDJP0212 Book of Esther CDJP0213 The Grain Offerings CDJP0214 The Prayer God Will Answer CDJP0215 Day of the Lord CDJP0216 Christ Crucified CDJP0217 Dilemma of Laodicea CDJP0218 Thanksgiving Message CDJP0219 Ships of Tarshish CDJP0220 David & Goliath CDJP0221 End of the Road CDJP0222 What is the Millenium? CDJP0223 Will Israel Survive? CDJP0224 What is the Day of Lord? CDJP0225 The Approach of Day of Lord CDJP0226 Aberrational Eschatology CDJP0227 Come Let us Reason Together CDJP0228 The Hallel Rabah CDJP0229 When an East Wind Blows CDJP0230 Those Who Will Be Ready CDJP0231 The Last Revival CDJP0232 Hope in Times of Suffering CDJP0233 Sojourning in the Wilderness CDJP0234 Parable of the Wedding Feast CDJP0235 Right of Ordeal, Law of Jealousy CDJP0236 Zeal of Phineas CDJP0237 When Korah Rebels CDJP0238 Lamentations CDJP0239 Nehustan-The Anatomy of Idolatry CDJP0240 The Plastic Bible CDJP0241 Is It Nothing to You? CDJP0242 Are There any Signs? CDJP0243 Beware of the Wolves CDJP0244 Ezekiel’s Scroll CDJP0245 Gideon’s Army CDJP0246 Understanding Judaism pt. 1 CDJP0247 Just as in the Days of Noah CDJP0248 Understanding the Apostasia CDJP0249 The Road to Emmaus CDJP0250 Persecution is Coming CDJP0251 Honest Questions for Muslims CDJP0252 An Unjust Balance CDJP0253 Prelude to Jude 10 CDJP0254 Devil’s Geometry CDJP0255 Isaac Son of Promise CDJP0256 John the Baptist CDJP0257 Habakkuk-Judgment and Hope CDJP0258 Biblical Demonology CDJP0259 God’s Master Covenant & Dispensational Theology CDJP0260 Thou Shalt Not Ask! CDJP0261 The Belt of Truth 26 CDJP0262 The Judgment of Satan CDJP0263 The Nature of Laodicea CDJP0264 Pedion ha Ben: Consecration of the Firstborn CDJP0265 Death of Absalom CDJP0266 God’s Will and Man’s Opinion CDJP0267 End Times Vectors CDJP0268 A Different Jesus, Spirit, Gospel CDJP0269 The New Galatians CDJP0270 The Theology of Revisionism CDJP0271 The Furnace of Affliction CDJP0272 Jeremiah 23: Synopsis of Old Testament Eschatology CDJP0273 Blow the Trumpet, Sound the Alarm CDJP0274 Behold the Days Come Saith the Lord CDJP0275 The Scarlet Cord CDJP0276 Not Even A Minyan CDJP0277 Hidden In Plain Sight-The Invisible Enemy CDJP0278 Horses and Footmen CDJP0279 Three Sons of Isaiah CDJP0280 The Ninth Judge CDJP0281 Children of the Light CDJP0282 Roots of Babylon CDJP0283 A Society Unaware CDJP0284 Oholah and Oholibah CDJP0285 Revivals That Went Wrong CDJP0286 The One Way Conversation CDJP0287 The Real “Lord’s Prayer” 2CD SET CDJP0288 The East Gate CDJP0289 The Boiling Pot CDJP0290 The Devil is in the Details CDJP0291 He is Risen! CDJP0292 Marriage and Divorce CDJP0293 Gray Areas CDJP0294 The Ten and the Forty CDJP0295 Tell the Many For the Sake of the Few CDJP0296 Yoma: Day of Atonement CDJP0297 Signatures of Satan CDJP0298 Beelzebub: Master of the Flies CDJP0299 Last Days: Danger to the Church 2CD SET CDJP0300 Storga: Family Love CDJP0301 Broken Cisterns CDJP0302 Evidence for the Resurrection From A Jewish Perspective CDJP0303 The Woman and the Leaven-Zechariah 5 CDJP0304 Israel and the Choice of God CDJP0305 Israel and the Covenant of God CDJP0306 Euraquilo 2CD CDJP0307 Play the Man CDJP0308 The Silver Trumpets CDJP0309 Year of Jubilees CDJP0310 Elektos CDJP0311 The Real Noah CDJP0312 Red Heifer & The Reproach of Christ CDJP0313 Kicking Against the Goad CDJP0314 Pattern of Saul CDJP0315 Charming the Snake CDJP0316 The Perfect Bride CDJP0317 A Good Jewish Lawyer, Doctor and Accountant First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60 Moriel DVD Inventory This is our master DVD listing up to date. This reflects our current inventory. Should you wish to order any title on this list, single DVD’s are $10, 2-DVD sets $20, 3-DVD Sets $30 and so on. All titles are single discs unless noted in the description. DVDJP0001 The Devil’s Algebra DVDJP0060 The New Jerusalem DVDJP0002 Abraham’s Journey DVDJP0061 When and Why Babylon Destroyed Jerusalem DVDJP0003 The Iron and the Clay DVDJP0065 When God Writes DVDJP0004 Reign of King Asa DVDJP0066 Leviticus 18 DVDJP0005 Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Error DVDJP0067 Those Who Drift DVDJP0006 The Burning Bush DVDJP0068 Ephesus Autopsy DVDJP0007 Fundamentals of Ecclesiology DVDJP0069 Christ the Foundation DVDJP0008 Jehu – God’s Assassin DVDJP0070 Attack on the Remnant DVDJP0009 Phases to Freedom DVDJP0071 Honest Questions for Muslims DVDJP0010 The Last Revival DVDJP0072 Why We Think the Way We Do DVDJP0011 Sold Out or Sell Out DVDJP0073 Future History of the Church DVDJP0012 The Judgment of Satan DVDJP0074 Upon this Rock DVDJP0013 Caveats of the Olivet Discourse DVDJP0075 Thanksgiving Message DVDJP0014 Paul at Mars Hill–Truth About Binding and DVDJP0076 Synagogues of Satan Loosing DVDJP0077 Come Let Us Reason Together DVDJP0015 What the Spirit Expressly Says About the Last Days DVDJP0078 When Korah Rebels DVDJP0016 David and Goliath DVDJP0079 Show Me DVDJP0017 Sons of Zadok DVDJP0080 Ships of Tarshish DVDJP0018 Second Sin of David DVDJP0081 New Wine in New Wine Skins DVDJP0019 The Grain Offering DVDJP0082 End of the Road DVDJP0020 Road To Emmaus DVDJP0083 Shiloh DVDJP0021 Nehustan-Anatomy of Idolatry DVDJP0084 Ein Harod-Tel Dan DVDJP0022 Book of Esther DVDJP0085 Twin Pillars of Madness DVDJP0023 Day of the Lord is Near DVDJP0086 Psalm 23 DVDJP0024 Strength of the Ox/Amos 8 DVDJP0087 Roman Catholicism-Is It Biblical? DVDJP0025-26 Shadows of the Beast 2DVD SET DVDJP0089 Israel, Palestinians and Human Rights DVDJP0027 Jewish/Arab Reconciliation in Christ DVDJP0090 Christian Cults DVDJP0028 Elijah-A Man Who Could Make it Rain DVDJP0091 Paul At Thessalonica DVDJP0029 Divine Aristocracy DVDJP0092 Devil’s Geometry DVDJP0030 Makshafut DVDJP0093 Future of the Endtime Church DVDJP0031 Jesus-A Prophet Like Moses DVDJP0097 Right of Ordeal, Law of Jealousy DVDJP0032 Israel, History and Prophecy DVDJP0098-99 Paul and Philippi 2DVD SET DVDJP0033 Death of Reason DVDJP0100 Parable of the Wedding Feast DVDJP0034 Judges 1 & 2 DVDJP0101 Understanding the Apostasia DVDJP0035 Last Days of Saul DVDJP0102 Rescuing Your Loved Ones From the Deception of DVDJP0036 Hope for the Hopeless Talmudic Judaism DVDJP0037 Belt of Truth DVDJP0103 Rescuing Your Loved Ones From Key Errors in the DVDJP0038 Just as in the Days of Noah Evangelical Church DVDJP0039 One Messiah, Two Comings DVDJP0104 Death of the Unsaved DVDJP0040 Kashrut and Famine DVDJP0105 Blow the Trumpet Sound the Alarm DVDJP0041 Revivals That Went Wrong DVDJP0106 The Great Church Robbery DVDJP0042 Children of the Harlot-Hosea 1 & 2 DVDJP0107 Behold the Days Come Saith the Lord DVDJP0043 Jehoida The Priest DVDJP0108 The New Galatians DVDJP0044 Death of Absalom DVDJP0109 End Times Vectors DVDJP0045 Jacob’s Trouble & The Last Days DVDJP0110 A Different Jesus, Spirit and Gospel DVDJP0046 Spiritual Warfare DVDJP0111 Theology of Revisionism DVDJP0047 Days of Deception DVDJP0112 The East Gate DVDJP0048 Psalm 23 From the Hebrew DVDJP0113 The Real Lord’s Prayer 2DVD SET DVDJP0049 Bible and False Interpretations DVDJP0114 The Boiling Pot DVDJP0050 Heresy and Biblical Authority DVDJP0115 The Ninth Judge DVDJP0051 The Scarlet Cord DVDJP0116 Oholah and Oholibah DVDJP0052 Stars That Shine 2010 DVDJP0117 Not Even a Minyan DVDJP0053 What is the Day of the Lord/The Approach of the DVDJP0118 The Devil is in the Details Day of the Lord DVDJP0119 The Ten and the Forty DVDJP0055-56 Things Coming Current Events 2DVD SET DVDJP0120 Tell the Many For the Sake of the Few DVDJP0057 The Final Jewish Revolt in 2nd Century A.D. DVDJP0121 The Woman and the Leaven-Zechariah 5 DVDJP0058 Jerusalem and the Coming Temple DVDJP0122 Israel & The Choice of God/Israel & The Covenant DVDJP0059 Jerusalem: The Dwelling Place of God of God 27 First Quarter 2015 ~ ISSUE 60