Past Lives of the Rich and Famous
Past Lives of the Rich and Famous
Sylvia Browne The N E W S Winter L E T T 2 0 1 3 E R Issue No. 17 Happy New Year! As another year begins, let’s look forward to the beginning of another year of opportunities to enhance our lives. If we are heading in what we feel is a negative direction, let’s start out the New Year in a more positive one. We can see negativity operating because our planet is inbred with it. We chose to come into it for our perfection, but we lose sight of this. We see sickness, cruelties, etc. and it begins to drag us down. Happiness is contagious, but negativity is more quickly absorbed because it is operating in its own atmosphere. To stop this snowball of negativity, we must cycle up our belief and optimism. We must love ourselves and really program daily to do this. We must then turn to others and concentrate on loving them. It is the time to unfold new pages and start a new chapter in our life. Forget about making a long list of New Year’s resolutions that we usually don’t keep. This year let us all resolve to make just one to keep throughout 2013 and beyond – to be kinder to each other and to love God. God love you, I do, Past Lives of the Rich and Famous Discover the prior lifetimes of celebrities, musicians, and cultural icons including Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Mother Theresa, Jack Kevorkian, and dozens of others in Sylvia’s newest book Past lives of the Rich and Famous. Have you ever met a person for the first time yet felt certain you’d met before? How does a child who has never taken a lesson suddenly begin playing the piano with the skill of virtuoso? Have you ever arrived in a place you’ve never been before only to discover you feel completely at home and somehow seem to know your way around? Ask those questions of scientist, theologians, psychologists and other experts on human behavior and you’ll likely hear the word “coincidence.” World renowned psychic Sylvia Browne has a different explanation: those are echoes from the past lives we have all lived. In her new book, Past Lives Of The Rich And Famous, Sylvia Browne, through her Spirit Guide Francine, shares the accomplishments, challenges, and synergies of the past life incarnations of more than 50 rich and famous icons we’ve known and loved. Most of them, and most of us, have lived anywhere from fourteen to fifty-some past lives, not all of which are directly relevant to their most recent and famous incarnations. While Sylvia has written previously about what transpires after death, Past Lives Of The Rich And Famous addresses what happens before each most recent incarnation. Each lifetime is an opportunity for our spirit to learn important lessons, and through hypnosis and past-life regression, we can heal old wounds and spiritual challenges by recalling and revealing the source of many seemingly inexplicable physical, mental, and emotional challenges we’ve had over numerous lifetimes. In her latest book, Sylvia and Francine provide an intimate and often surprising look at the prior lifetimes of famous figures we are fascinated by. Readers will come to see their favorite celebrities in a whole new light. In this book Sylvia reveals far more than what celebrities were doing on their past lives; she makes a spiritual connection between past and current lifetimes, and reveals whether this is a celebrity’s final life or if he or she will continue the journey into future lives. More than fifty celebrities are profiled in fascinating detail. Go to: 2 Novus Spiritus Church Services Novus Spiritus™ believes in worshiping all-loving and caring Father and Mother God, loving others as you love yourself, and respecting your innate divinity. For the latest information, please visit or call 408-440-3266. Society of Novus Spiritus™ Services are conducted at the following locations: California Headquarters 6000 Hellyer Ave. Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95138 Contact phone: 408-440-3262 Spiritual Celebrations - Every Sunday at 11 am Nevada Hilton Garden Inn 7830 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89123 Contact phone: 702-914-5953 Spiritual Celebrations - First Sunday of each month at 11 am Michigan Taylor Masonic Center 23263 Goddard Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 Contact phone: 313-399-9826 Spiritual Celebrations - First Sunday of each month at 11 am Washington Masonic Temple 505 Williams Ave. Renton, WA 98055 Contact phone: 425-255-9042 Spiritual Celebrations - Every Sunday at 11 am Meditation - AT ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE From The Nature of Good and Evil by Sylvia Browne Put your hands upward on your thighs and call on all the Hosts of Heaven - God the Father, our dearest Mother Azna, and all the spiritual avatars who have lived to show others the way. I want you to feel yourself sitting all alone, very quietly, cross-legged, hands upward in a very quiet, dark field at night. You’re not afraid, because the darkness around you creates a protective mantle. You’re sitting there in the darkness, and you’re wishing for, and aspiring to find, enlightenment. All of a sudden, in the far sky directly in sight of your third eye, there appears a tiny pinpoint of light; at first you think it might disappear with the blink of an eye. You sit transfixed by it. As you focus on it, it becomes almost silvery blue. It becomes a little bit larger. Finally, you have to blink, and sure enough it’s still there. It opens larger. In an motion, a heartbeat second, this ray of silver-blue light shoots from the darkness, pierces through the night sky and presses warmly into your very being. All of a sudden, you’re aware now that there are millions of tiny lights like fireflies beginning to dot the darkness. You feel bombarded in the most luxuriant way by all of these pinpoints of light hitting different parts of your essence like a laser that cleanses darkness. All of these fireflies of light now seem to be dancing around you. Way off in the distance, you hear the sounds of the most unbelievable music, very soft at first, but beginning to roll stronger like a wave coming in. You can almost feel the molecules coming toward you. Every fiber in your being is now alert, and adrenaline is pumping life-giving fluid to every part of the body. You know that you’re synthesized with the universe – it is a part of you, and you’re a part of it. All of a sudden, it’s aware. Your uniqueness has addressed the universe. All the eyes and ears and feelings and emotion and beneficence is poured down now toward you. Over all that stands God - God the Mother, God the Father watching, from a distance. What is even more miraculous is watching from the present, from the past, and from the future. The Caretaker. You have now been given healing ability and the rapture. Splinters of light have been imbued in your body and can now shoot off your fingertips. You stand in the field and shine like a silvery knight - armored protected, sword glistening smiling, fervent, loyal, honorable, dedicated, constant responsible. Feel your foreverness, feel your continuation, feel your power. Ask this in the name of Our Lord to attend you this day for healing, comfort, and sanctity. Bring yourself up, all the way up, feeling absolutely imbued with knowledge, inspiration, and healing. 3 Society of Novus Spiritus® Study Group Program A Soul’s Journey As we enter a new year, many of us are writing resolutions and thinking of ways we can make this year better and filled with the changes we see in our minds and in our hearts. Some of these changes may be external, a new job, a new romantic relationship, maybe a new home; but, we also may wish to make changes internally. Changes to how we feel in this world and how we live from the inside out. We may be wishing to transform ourselves into the people we’ve always longed to be. At the Society of Novus Spiritus® we believe the way to this transformation and the way to peace is to scale the mountain of self and through spiritual enlightenment we can all perfect easier and faster. As Sylvia Browne has said, knowing yourself and growing spiritually can help us transform ourselves into the souls we hope to be. The Novus Spiritus® Study Group Program was created for this very reason. We bring Sylvia’s Gnostic Christian philosophy directly to you through materials designed to broaden your understanding, answer questions, and help you integrate the philosophy into your everyday life. These materials include books with information taken directly from research with Sylvia’s Guides, Francine and Raheim, as well as audio CDs of services held at Novus Spiritus® churches. You are also given support through the program. Not only are the Novus Spiritus® offices open to help, but those who join are also assigned an official Study Group Liaison who can help you understand the material and answer any questions. Whether studying on your own or building a spiritual community in your area, joining the Study Group Program is about enhancing your spirituality, perfecting and transforming ourselves from the inside out. As Sylvia has said, “I want to emphasize how important the Study Group program is. It really goes beyond just a learning experience. Since knowledge is power, then this program will become a powerful means to enhance your Spirituality. The most important job we have is to make our innate goodness manifest in this world. Once we can integrate God into our daily lives, then we are doing as Jesus commanded, namely; love God, love one another.” If you would like to learn more about Novus Spiritus® or Novus Spiritus® Study Groups, locate a Study Group in your area, or wish to join the program, please contact us at Novus Spiritus™ (408) 440-3263 or or visit us at Evening Prayer Dearest Mother and Father, The day is finished, a day like so many that I have lived, and many more that I may live within Your blessed grace and light. As Your mantle of darkness falls, let peace come into my heart and all despair be replaced by joy. I know that I have completed another day in Your service. I call on all the blessed angels and the Christ-consciousness to attend to me and bring me peaceful sleep and blessed dreams. Amen. Sylvia’s 2013 Tour Schedule Sylvia is coming to a town near you! Don’t miss this opportunity to see Sylvia LIVE! Click Here For Complete Tour Dates Sylvia’s Latest Book Autographed & Personalized Copies! Past Lives of the Rich & Famous Sylvia’s autographed and personalized books make for great gifts all year round. 4 Sylvia Browne’s 2013 Predictions (written October 24, 2012) Politics Weather - In the spring, there will be a big scandal involving oil companies. - The Northeast and Northwest will see a severe winter. - The war comes to a halt in May. - There will be revolts in our country about taxes and healthcare. - The President becomes more removed and the Vice President deals solely with foreign policy. - The Midwest and Texas will suffer drought conditions. - The South again suffers more floods and tornadoes than ever before. - The weather will be so erratic that people are again convinced the end of the world is at hand – not so! - Women picket furiously about healthcare. - There will be a resurgence of mad cow disease in the summer. - Many doctors leave their practices because of money issues. - Hail falls in California. We are in a polar tilt, so the whole earth feels the effects in the weather being so indefinable. Medicine & Health Economy - There will be a recall for all dairy products and again for meat. - The stock market rebounds and shows a strong recovery but should be watched carefully, because it can still fluctuate dramatically. - The FDA cracks down on many popular medicines because they are caught pushing dangerous medicines through to the consumer. - The recession is over and American companies start adding jobs here in the U.S. - There will be another cocktail that not only stops AIDS but cures it. - More jobs become available in the medical and tech fields and more people will start their own business. - Tattooing will be rigorously regulated because of an out break of hepatitis. - People will still be concerned about spending for fear of another economic collapse. - There will be a resurgence of mad cow disease in the summer. - We see a resurgence in automobile and house buying. - There is a protein found that helps stop cancer. - A new type of steroid without side effects will help people with breathing problems. Schedule a Reading Call our office at (408) 379-7070 to schedule your appointment or to order your gift certificate TODAY! - Frivolous buying is only for the few. Celebrities - Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart will break up. - Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones have health and marital problems. - Sharon Stone marries a noted producer. - Ashton Kutcher should be careful in October and November to avoid a potential car accident. - There will be trouble in the Streisand and Brolin household. - Jennifer Aniston’s marriage lasts just over a year. 5 DREAM ANALYSIS – REVEREND TOM BIGLEY This dream is from a client and was particularly interesting to me due to the variety of objects and activity. The dream starts in the dreamer’s apartment, dimly lit and has the same furniture but the wall decorations were placed differently than they actually are. The dreamer was in the bedroom, heard a loud noise and had an ominous feeling there was another presence in the apartment. The dreamer walked into the living room and saw items that were on the wall had fallen and boxes of papers fell behind a “La-Z-Boy” chair. A large picture over the “love seat” couch had fallen behind the couch. Next to the picture, on the floor, was a golden sword. The dreamer felt something made the sword fall and the “ominous something” was to their right, “like feeling my Spirit Guide is present.” The dreamer’s mother was in the bedroom meditating. The dreamer went into the bedroom which scared the mother. The dreamer left the apartment to do something but felt awkward leaving the mother with the “ominous something” in the apartment. There is more to this dream, but with limited space here, I at least wanted to share a significant part of the dream. To me this is not an astral (spirit out of body) trip because of the choppiness of the story and “random symbols.” It doesn’t seem to be a premonition because my analysis did not provide a reference to the future. I asked the client to tell me the first thing that came to mind when I ask for meanings of symbols that feel important to me. The client’s mother meant sadness and heartache. The bedroom can mean personal space. The picture on the wall, “safe and comfortable.” The falling of objects from the wall, “danger.” The boxes of papers, “need filing, need more organization.” As I asked about the “ominous presence,” in my mind I was thinking “self” (the client). The client replied the same, “self.” Side note, scary unknown things that scare or chase us usually represent something about ourselves that we don’t want to face. Sylvia, and her Spirit Guide Francine, suggest, turn and face that scary thing. As I asked about the La-Z-Boy chair what came to me was “lazy boy” or “lazy intellect.” The client agreed. The same for the “love” seat, “love.” I asked what golden sword meant, “Mother Azna” or “Protection,” what we at Sylvia’s Church, Society of Novus Spiritus, call Mother God. So now it’s time to “retell” the story with the “clues” or new meanings and give the interpreted meaning. *“Self” caused “Protection” and “Safe And Comfortable” to fall behind “Love” = Because of fearful part of self, important things are being hidden behind a false outward display of love and that is dangerous. The falseness is derived from important things or the “True Self” being hidden behind “Something,” because of fear, makes the “Something” false.*“Organization” is hiding behind a “lazy boy or intellect” = Lazy about being organized. *“Sadness” was in “Personal Space,” dreamer going into room scared sadness = Being in personal space is sad and scary. *The dreamer left the apartment but felt awkward leaving “Sadness” and “Self” in the apartment = Feels awkward leaving or not dealing with the sadness and the scary part of self. Now, like Sylvia in her readings, I have little or no clue what this means to the client. So I ask, “Does that make sense?” The fun part is 9-1/2 times out of 10 the client says, “Yes.” The ½ is because some parts don’t make sense at that time but do later. This client was ecstatic because it was a confirmation what the client was feeling inside, that the current career and education direction choices were the “safe path to follow”, not the best and proper path to follow. If you’re interested in help understanding your dreams, I provide dream analysis in a one-on-one session. Send me an email or leave me a voice message to schedule an appointment at or (408) 379-7070 ext. 145. In future articles I will share more examples of dreams and their validated meanings. Of course I will maintain privacy. I look forward to hearing your dreams and I hope I’ve helped you in some way. Dream Catcher – Sylvia’s Interpretations of Your Dreams Q. Dear Sylvia, I have had this dream and you are in it. This is the 2nd time, it’s almost a continuation of the first dream I had months ago. I was possessed and you told me to wear a certain shirt and you did a ceremony behind me while someone was in front of me and I was grabbing this person and I supposedly cured. The 2nd dream I had I was sitting in front of you with my husband telling you what you saw when you looked at me and you showed me a picture of someone else. I was trying to find that shirt to do the ceremony again. I was searching and searching for this shirt and I finally found it. And I wake up. Does this mean anything? Kyra R. A. You just want to be perfect and find your spirituality. And you already have. Q. Dear Sylvia, I had 2 dreams where I was walking with Jesus. In one of them Jesus and I were walking down a fort path way. It lead to a valley where there were a lot of people just standing around waiting, I would guess for Jesus. While walking down this lane we talked about my brother. I would like to know if this was just a dream, was I really with Jesus or was it a memory from a past life? Was I supposed to take something away from this dream? Thank you, Cathy C. A. You really were viewing a past life. What you should take away from it is just to know that it’s true. 6 Sylvia Browne’s Hypnosis Training Center Sylvia wrote her books Psychic Healing and Past Lives, Future Healing to share some of the healing possible in this lifetime. You can learn her hypnosis techniques to help others. Please join us for a Hypnosis Training class. You can help your family and friends by learning some of Sylvia’s methods. You can help yourself, your circle of family and friends if you choose become a certified hypnotist. Sign up for a hypnosis class. Use Sylvia’s innovative methods and spiritual tools. The only thing you need is a high school diploma or GED. Please visit our website at to discover more information about hypnosis and healing available to you. We look forward to you joining our classes. For more information or to register, please contact Theresa, Director, SBHTC at 408-440-3261 or email Class Schedule: Hypnosis Certification Training Classes Spring Session: Sunday April 21 - Saturday April 27, 2013, San Jose, CA Summer Session: Sunday July 21 - Saturday July 27, 2013, San Jose, CA Fall Session: Sunday October 13 - Saturday October 19, 2013, San Jose, CA Hypno Talk Sylvia Browne’s Hypnosis Center Answers Your Questions. Past Lives??? I was skeptical until…. I was in the middle of hypnosis training with Sylvia. I had heard her talk about past lives but was skeptical. Part of our training is to practice hypnosis with volunteer clients. Of course, I asked my Mom to do hypnosis. We were both skeptical; however, writing scripts for regressions was part of our class and Sylvia had discussed and demonstrated regressions numerous times. Hypnosis was not a problem because I had been doing self-hypnosis since I was eleven years old. We decided since my mom loved English history - the kings and queens, a natural place to try to go during past life regression was that period of time. Since hypnosis is a natural level of brain activity like daydreaming, I knew my mom could be hypnotized. I started the induction (relaxation part) of hypnosis with her and she followed the predicted path with signs of changing her state to a relaxed, heighted awareness, focused state. She showed signs of being in REM with her eyelashes fluttering and her body relaxed. As Sylvia taught us, I asked her soul to choose a place to go. As the scene settled, my mom was dressed in clothing from the 1800’s and was reading to a few children. When I asked her if they were her children, she vehemently stated, “These are not my children. I am not married!” My mom’s whole attitude had changed. She was a strong, young woman in that life who was more materialistic than my mom and did not put up with false statements. I asked this young woman if she knew the name of her town. She stated, “Charleston.” I asked, “South Carolina?” She stated, “NO, not South Carolina!” She said it with such attitude in a dismissing way, like why would anyone ask such a question? I asked her if she did marry in that life and was told of course, she was to be married in a month. She started to explain the wedding day train ride in a snippy, full-of-herself way. She specifically, elaborately described her outfit and her reticule (drawstring purse). continued on page 7... 7 ...continued from page 6 The next life she went to was a life in England. She was married to a Duke who had just passed on. The King was coming and the community was setting up a reception. My mom was watching from a hill. They were setting out food and tall poles with ribbons (like May Poles). The next life was in China. Her grandfather was the leader and she could recall his name and the year. She was playing with her daughter who was wearing a silk, pink and green outfit. They were playing with her jewels, mostly jade - a necklace of very large yellow jade beads among them. She could describe the view out the window of her very large house (palace?) overlooking a river. The walls were covered with yellow silk. She would not go to another room. (I thought her feet were probably bound, but I could not get her to say that and Sylvia says, “Do not lead the client.”) After the regression, my mom said she wanted to bring her Chinese jewels back with her to the present. She said that she felt like she was there in each life. I could not believe the attitude and change in voice during her life in Charleston. My mom was able to research the names and places and times she had given. Her life in China was as royalty. Her grandfather was the emperor of a short-lived dynasty which only lasted about 60 years. Only royalty was allowed to use yellow silk. After doing the past life regression on my mom, I began to believe in past lives. And thus began the wonderful adventure of exploring past lives with people, using regression to deal with people’s phobias and unexplained aches and pains, and helping people to release the negative memories they did not know were causing them problems in this present life. Hypnosis is a gift. What a wonderful tool to help people in such a short amount of time. I feel blessed having the knowledge to use this tool of hypnosis to help others. Now, you know why I finally believe in past lives! - by Theresa Micheletti, Director of Hypnosis, SBHTC What a gift Sylvia gave - sharing her techniques for healing. If you want to learn how to do hypnosis, Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center offers trainings during the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer each year. Check our website, If you wish to have a hypnosis session or learn to do hypnosis to help your family, friends or others contact Theresa at the Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center, 408-440-3261 Sylvia - You Rock Our World Dear Sylvia, Thinking of you and wanting to thank you for putting closure to my daughter’s death. God bless you! Winifred S. Dear Sylvia, Just wanted to thank you for the book you’ve written and the way you speak in them that makes the reader feel as if they are having a one-on-one conversation. Most of all, your devotion to God helps put disciplined types like me at ease for learning beyond our religious establishment. Many blessings, Ramona B. My precious spiritual teacher, thank you for being you. Thank you for bringing back the Lord’s teachings. Thank you for your infused knowledge, for sharing your Spirit Guides teachings. I love you for all these things. You are a blessing to me and the world. One of your most devoted students. Many blessings, Sonnia M. Dear Sylvia, Chris and Staff, As always, I remain eternally grateful for you being in the world and I’m humbled to have been able to have readings with you. You all are never forgotten in my heart. Sincerely, Maureen B. Dear Sylvia, Love you and appreciate all the loving truth you have given and shared with me. My loving gratitude for all you do. Love, John C. Dear Sylvia, You may be out of my sight but you are never out of mind. Because of your dedication and love for others and courage to be the first to share what you learned about Mother and Father God despite the repercussions you would face. I am among the hundreds of thousands that are able to go through life knowing we aren’t alone and are protected. You, more than anyone else I have met, have made more of an input and positive difference in my life and I can’t thank you enough. Love, Robyn S. Dear Sylvia, I’ve learned so much from you, yet I feel like I have just begun. The first book I read was “Past Lives, Future Healing”. That was 12 years ago and I haven’t stopped. I recently became one of your study group coordinators. Thank you for showing me the way and for being an awesome teacher, psychic, etc. I love you all of your hard work. God Bless, Cheryl M. Dear Sylvia, The world is a much better place because of you. I know I would not be the woman I am today without you being in my life. I am so grateful to Mother & Father God and of course to you! May your heart be filled with love always! Thank you and God Bless, Patti G. continued on page 8... 8 ...continued from page 7 Dear Chris, You said I would have a grandson and granddaughter and that they would both be white (soul) entities and so they are. Thanks to you and your staff for all that you do. Love, Valerie S. Dear Sylvia, First of all, let me thank you for doing that wonderful reading for me. Thank you! I know you do this regularly for people all over the world but for me it was a unique and once in a lifetime experience. Everything you said was on the money. Stay well and continue with the wonderful service to humanity. Warmly, James K. Dear Sylvia, You have my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. I was fortunate enough to have read your “Angel” book and your words not only enlightened, but comforted and relieved me. I have been praying my ass off and it is working! Regardless of the outcome, I want to thank you for what you have done for my peace of mind and spiritual well-being. I will close here. Until we meet may God keep you and bless you. Jeff Dear Sylvia, You have touched my life with beauty. You have been my friend for over 25 years. Your telephone reading was very accurate and I had a reading with your son, Chris and loved it too. I have all of your books and read them almost daily. You give me strength! Love, Laura G. Dear Sylvia, I just wanted to thank you. You don’t know it but you saved my life and I truly believe that you wrote that book just for my benefit. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. I was really depressed over a loss, and had every intention on killing myself and was walking through the library and stumbled over your book, “Life on the Other Side”. I decided when I do die I want to go home and killing myself was not going to get me there. So here I am alive and well happier than I have been in a very long time. Thank you so very much, I love you. Joanne M. The Spirit Guide Speaks Sylvia shares wisdom to help you on your daily path toward spirituality from her beloved Spirit Guides Francine and Raheim. Raheim: From Journey of the Soul Topic 4 – Soul’s Perfection Wishes I want to talk to you about something that has to do with “Reality versus Unreality.” Something that may seem to you to be very esoteric… I was very pleased with how you responded to the knowledge of the opportunity of Windows opening. There are secrets that you still do not know… because you do not know the question to ask! All the Wishes that you have go into a safe place. They are held in safe keeping, and are allotted out at given times. It is like a catch in which we can disperse these like a piñata when the time is right… This does not disturb Windows, Chart, Option Lines, or Emotions that you are working on. But it is a sprinkling, I guess you might say, of luck, that is allowable in your dream, your wish-state. So many of these Wishes (like the Windows of Opportunity that you may pass up that never come again) can only be used once. It sounds like the “Three Wishes.” A specific wish or want can only be used once with all fervency. This happens from the very time that you were a child, and sometimes these wishes are bestowed on you in the most inopportune moments. Let us say, hypothetically, that when you were two years old you wanted a teddy-bear. You did not get a teddy-bear. You are now in the process of dating a man, and you are 30 years old. He comes and brings you a teddy bear! You did not get the teddy-bear at two, but you got it at 30! The amazing thing is, the reality that was then is still in the time of God. Francine was very eloquent when she said, “Not only are thoughts things, but don’t just say that you are hungry. Say, specifically, what you want to eat.” The same with your dreams. You may say to me, “If I have asked for a perfect mate, does that mean that I got one a long time ago, and lost them? My window is also closed, and I will never get one again?” No! If you had a perfect mate, you would not have lost them! It is so specifically spiritual. You must now start asking for the perfect health, perfect wealth. Do not be afraid to ask for perfect wealth, but make it so that you know what perfect wealth is! Do not ask for $50,000, which is something that you would wish for right now, but will not take you through a long life. When you ask you must be specific enough to say, “I would like to have perfect wealth that will take me into a very comfortable position for as long as my time is in this world.” Now, your wish for money has become a practical reality. People will go around wishing for just enough money to pay for a car, or to pay for this or that. Why not now start putting wishes in your wish bank? The angels, the archetypes are “controllers” of your wishes. That does not mean wishes do not come from God, but they can also bestow those. No wish in fulfillment is ever selfish. Do not be afraid to ask for as much as your mind can think! God wants every entity living on this planet to have a long happy life. 9 Spiritual Spotlight Bishop Yvonne Dilsworth Q. How did you first hear about Sylvia Browne? A. I was sixteen, it was the early 70’s and I was at home with the flu. Sylvia was on a talk show talking about God and answering people’s questions. I listened to her speak, and immediately wanted to meet her. I dozed off and when I awoke the show was over. I did not see or hear of her again until 1998. She was on the Montel Williams Show. I got her website address and the very next day I went to the site and read everything: all about God, all about Spirituality and the purpose of life. I couldn’t stop reading. I ordered all of the Journeys of the Soul the same day. And I was so anxious I visited the Society of Novus Spiritus that coming weekend. The first book I read was Novus Spiritus Questions and Answers. After reading it, I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I cried several times while I was reading. Q. What made you become a minister with Sylvia’s organization? A. The simplicity of the philosophy and the quiet reconnection I felt with God made me want to become a minister. It made so much sense. I was at last finding my way in this mad, mad place. I wanted to shout from the mountain tops for all to hear. The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth about God, Love, and Life. There are so many people caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to their relationship with God. I felt I could make a difference by showing my commitment and sharing the philosophy with others. It was also the Love I was shown by the ministers and their acts of acceptance of me, always sharing their knowledge and Light. You could feel the energy and love every time you came to church. Q. Give an example of Sylvia’s psychic ability that helped you with an issue? A. Since the age of seventeen I had stomach problems that could not be diagnosed by any doctor, but they were very real and sometimes left me paralyzed with pain. During the minister training, we all spent a day with Sylvia and she did a group past life regression. She said go to the map and I found myself on my knees dressed as a Geisha. The wife of the man that I was seeing had run me through with a sword killing me. Sylvia said to release the negativity and that it was not happening now and to let it go. Since that day, I have not had the painful stomach aches. It changed my life. Q. What did you learn from the experience? A. Our cells have memories of all our lives that are stored in our subconscious mind. In some instances the tragedy of certain lives can resurface and give us problems in this life. I learned past life regressions have the power to heal. It was amazing and made so much sense. If you lived many lives and your cells have the memory of those lives, it is possible during this life, when you reach a certain age or experience something from one of your past lives that the pain or fear can resurface and cause problems. I knew about the conscious mind but not the subconscious mind. I’ve learned that the subconscious mind holds the key to who we are and can be accessed to heal the mind, body, and Soul. Q. What is your role in Sylvia’s organization? A. My role is speaking in church, sharing God’s truth, love, and light. I do Spiritual counseling in person, by mail, e-mail, or phone. I volunteer my time, donate books, and help those in need. I do Healings, Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings. I will show my Gratitude, Loyalty, and Commitment in any way I can. Q. Why do you choose to practice Gnostic Christianity? A. It is my food for life. For every question there is an answer. How frustrating life can be without answers. I’m one of those why, what, when and where people! continued on page 10... 10 ...continued from page 9 Q. What do you love most about being a minister? A. Learning how to heal others and myself. Helping others to find the answers and understand God and the meaning of life. I am no longer frozen with fear about God and life. I’m currently studying Hypnosis for Past Life Regressions and Behavior Modification. Q. What is the favorite prayer you learned at Novus Spiritus? A. Prayer to “Be in God’s Service,” page 55 in Prayers by Sylvia Browne. This prayer is powerful and I say it every day. It helps to keep me focused. Another favorite “Pillar of Light Prayer,” page 77 also in the Prayers book. I share it with newcomers inquiring about Novus. We say it together. Q. Name your top three Sylvia Browne books and explain why. A. 1. Prayers – The prayers are simple and to the point. They say exactly what I want to say, and ask for what I want to ask for. The prayers are not encrypted they are easy for me to visualize what is going on as I pray. 2. Light a Candle – I believe in the power of candle light. A candle and a prayer, the symbolism and the energy being sent can be seen throughout the Universe. 3. Past Lives, Future Healing – The Healing that takes place in the lives of the people in the book and the information and confirmation about how one can heal themselves. This book not only gave me hope but gave me direction. Q. Describe Sylvia using 3 adjectives. A. SPIRITUAL-LOVING-COMMITTED Q. What do you see for Novus Spiritus in future? A. Church Services, Spiritual Classes and Study Groups by Internet, Novus Spiritus will reach out to more and more people around the world increasing the circle of Light. I envision a Temple for Convalescing, Healing, and Learning where the ministers cannot only teach and heal, but will live and care for one another. Sylvia Browne Newsletter Published quarterly by: The Sylvia Browne Corporation 6000 Hellyer Ave. Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95138 For customer service, or to subscribe to the newsletter, call 408-379-7070 or fax 408-365-1955. Please write or call if you have a question or concern about your subscription. Copyright © 2013 Sylvia Browne Corporation All Rights Reserved, Photocopying or reproduction without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Sylvia Browne cannot respond personally to all your letters, but she will answer selected readers’ questions in her Dear Sylvia column. Please mail letters (of a general, not personal, nature) to: Dear Sylvia, c/o Sylvia Browne Corporation 6000 Hellyer Ave. Suite 150 San Jose, CA 95138 11 Dear Sylvia... If you would like to ask Sylvia a brief question of a general (not personal) nature, please write to: Dear Sylvia, 6000 Hellyer Ave. Suite 150, San Jose, CA 95138. Only the questions published in this newsletter will be answered. They may be edited for length and clarity. Please note: Sylvia Browne does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. In the event you use any of the information in this newsletter for yourself, neither Sylvia Browne, contributors to this newsletter, nor the publisher accept responsibility for your actions. another stroke or heart attack? We are going to lose our health insurance due to the high cost of Cobra. Will we be able to pay for it until he reaches retirement age? You affect so many lives in your daily work; I hope you continue to be a shining light for so many. Love you, Barbara C. A. Yes, you will survive this lot. You will get into health care. He will unfortunately have another stroke. Then your life starts anew. Q. Dear Sylvia, I am having problems with my legs and arms falling asleep. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to stop the poor circulation that I think I have. Love you so much. God Bless you and your family, Jill G. A. Take two CoQ10 capsules and 2400 mg. of Lecithin each day A. A companion by the name of John next October Q. Dear Sylvia, I want to be able to hear the love ones from the other side. Another person told me my spirit guides name and other things like that my mom was going to die this year. I need to hear the truth from you. It’s like I have this feeling you can help tweak me a little. Please. All I know is I am sent here to help and you are my mentor. God love you, I do… Tina G. Q. Dear Sylvia, Is the lady that I am seeing now the one that I am supposed to be with? She was raped by her father when she was a small child. Thank you, Clarence M. A. You will be able to hear your loved ones from the Other Side. Don’t listen to these people; your mother is not going to die for a long time. A. Yes, she is the one you’re supposed to be with. Q. Dear Sylvia, Will I become a doctor in this life. If so what area of practice? Thank You!! Stephanie R. Q. Dear Sylvia, I’m up in years and wonder maybe there’s a man out there for me? If you have a name or where we might possibly meet that would be great. I would appreciate your answer regardless good or bad. Q. Dear Sylvia, I am currently separated from my husband, do you see us working this out and staying together? I survived a major brain aneurysm and believe my theme is survivor, am I correct? Much love, Ricki, OH A. Yes, it will work out within this year. Yes, your theme is survivor. Q. Dear Sylvia, What is the real deal with seeing repeating numbers on the clock? It seems I am always looking up to see 4:11, 7:11, 2:22, 5:55, but usually 11:11. I feel like my guide prompts me to look up at these times, but what is he trying to tell me? Chase B., Oceanside, CA. A. 11:11 means you are spiritually on track. Q. Dear Sylvia, I think that you are wonderful and have a question for you. The past seven years have been really bad with the passing of my mother and father. Now that everything has been settled I expected things to get better, but I am very depressed. I have a boyfriend that I wonder if it is going anywhere. Will I be able to pull out of this? God bless you, Benita R., Lothian, MD. A. Thank you. Yes, you will be able to pull out of this, but it takes a few years to get over it. Trust me, I know. Keep yourself busy. Q. Dear Sylvia, My husband suffered a massive stroke last year at age 59. The doctors say he could have another stroke at any time. Could you tell me if he will have A. Yes, you will become a doctor in pediatrics. Q. Dear Sylvia, My 8 year old son has been undergoing tests on his retina. The doctors are giving very little information. I am worried and don’t want this amazing little person to go through life losing his sight. This little boy is my only child and as a mother I want to make this better for him, is there anything that I can do? Thank you for listening and God bless Dawn-lee M., Winnipeg, MB. A. Yes, there is something you can do. Get the Bates Method for eyes exercises. Also, get another opinion. Q. Should I move, sell my home? I have a negative feeling about my current home. If so where should I move to? L.A., Los Angeles, CA. A. You should move from your current home. You will move within the same area to a condo. Q. Dear Sylvia, Can you help my doctors figure what is wrong with me?? I was going to Kaiser, they gave me one diagnosis, now I’m seeing doctors at the University of Davis doctors and they think something else. I wish I could give you a hug!! You have been close to my heart for many years. Thank you. Hugs, Susan F., Roseville, CA. A. Talk to the doctors about Fiber Myalgia and also have your thyroid checked thoroughly. ...continued on page 12 12 ...continued from page 11... Q. Dear Sylvia, I wrote recently regarding my partner’s health issues and am concerned because things are becoming more compromised. Will he find his way back to a healthy life? Susan K., Hidden Hills, CA. A. Not totally, because he doesn’t follow instructions. Q. I recently had a reading with you mid-November. I forgot to ask you my spirit guide’s names. Thank you. Susan S., Brookfield, IL. A. Your guide’s name is Fred. Q. My husband and I, are we okay? Will we be comfortable without any more major interruptions? Or should we go back to work? Jean C., CA. A. No need to go back to work. You will be fine. Q. Dear Beloved Sylvia, There is much about your predictions for 2013 that sounds very promising. Once my stitches come out of my palm, I have a new job. Will this be a good move? Love, Sandra L., Napa, CA. A. Your new job will be great. Q. Dear Sylvia, I am a 17 year old girl and I feel like I’m losing my senses, and especially my spiritual sense. I’m having false hope in my life and I just can’t seem to pull myself out of this chaos. Since I was a little girl I’ve been told that I was special/ gifted child. I do believe in that, but like I said I feel like I’m losing my senses because of me becoming so weak, what can I do? Ashley P., Santa Clara, CA. A. You will be better in February. It’s just that it’s a difficult time in your life. You are a good girl. Do some writing, drawing, and even acting. Q. Hi Sylvia, I would like to know my spirit guides name? Michael A. A. Bertram. Join Sylvia’s Mailing List We truly appreciate the great feedback we have received for our totally revamped Sylvia Browne Newsletter. If you have not yet signed up on our mailing list, please do so as soon as possible, so you don’t miss out on a single Sylvia event and then follow-up with a subscription to our wonderful newsletter packed full of information and articles on all things spiritual. We also invite all current Sylvia Browne Newsletter subscribers to give us input on info you’d like to see featured in upcoming issues. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the editor at editor@ or write to Newsletter Editor at 6000 Hellyer Ave - Suite 150; San Jose, CA 95138 and include your current contact information. If you know someone else who’d like to receive our updates, please pass this email address on to them as well. We want to hear from you and your family and friends. The Sylvia Browne Newsletter P.O. BOX 251291 Los Angeles, CA 90025-9791 Toll-Free: (888) 979-5842 Sylvia’s website at Twitter: Become a fan of Sylvia’s on Facebook
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