The Voice Issues 44-46
The Voice Issues 44-46
THE TRUTH IS IH HERE IF YOU 100K CAREFULLY CONSPIRACIES FOR THE 21" CENTURY we VOICE mes £2 s*~ ISSUE NUMBER 44 ISSH1462-9313 AUGUST 2000 THE VOICE August 2000 EDITORIAL Number 44 I guess the tig buzz at the moment is next months big bash, the 19th Leeds International Ufo Conference, from an array of interesting names I look forward to the lectures being delivered by the Rendlesham riot squad, namely Larry Warren and Peter Bobbins, plus what looks to be an enlightening talk by Michael Undemann* The overhyped Christopher Martin and his so called videos are, to me, hardly convincing, and to be honest I do not know what all the fuss is about, gadzooks the bounder has even had a book published recently, another ordinary run-of-the-mill Joe pubiicfamateur researcher whom came from nowhere in the last few years and is an instant celeb in the ufo field!! What the hell is going on here? Do we get further 'smoking gun" goodies via Martyn Stubbs on the naughty boys and girls from NASA?, good old Alan Godfrey will be detailing some thoroughly dark matters concerning the cover up of details re the extremely weird Adamski case (Zygmunt not George!!). A ¿special debate'hosted by the two Nicks also looks very promising, maybe on their agenda should be the insidious manipulation and suppression, even censorship within mainstream ufology, censorship by ufologists on other ufologists, dont tell me that it does not happen, I'm on the receiving end of it and I can tell you that it works very effectively* Not to be missed will be the lecture by messrs Wood and Wood on the fascinating MJ-12 business which simply refuses to lay down and die. A fun fact filled conference by all accounts, pity I've got to miss it, or will I?, maybe I'll be stalking the fringes within the shadows in my usual invisible way*m„who knows! I hope all of you are wearing your badges, supplied last issue, with due pride, another wonderful free gift next issue* THE VOICE threw down the gauntlet some months ago, a challenge was given to the UK mainstream ufologists, this has seemingly been totally ignored by one and ali, what the hell is the matter with everyone, too many researchers are ego-centric, selfish, bad mannered and discourteous, in other words downright arseholes, not worth the time of day, I will not taint all ufologists this way but very many certainly deserve the title, no wonder the ufo subject in this country is going nowhere, too many right old tits are in charge. SAUVITER IN M0D0....F0RTITER IN RE Publication figures for issue number 43 totalled a pleasing 104 copies Global!! Still a long way to go but at least we are getting there......keep the net wide THE FEHCE SITTERS YES ITS THAT BREED OF RESEARCHERS THAT FOR YEARS HAVE STUBBORHLY REFUSED TO BUDGE FROM THEIR LOFTY VIEWS AHD OPIHIOHS, EVEN THE CONSTANT RATTLING OF THE FEHCE FROM BOTH SIDES FAILS TO SHIFT THEM, THEY WILL HANG OH FOR DEAR UFE IF NECESSARY, IH ORDER TO PROTECT THEIR IMAGE OF OBJECTIVITY, HEALTHY SKEPTICISM AND RATIONALE. I TRIED SITTING ON THE FEHCE ONCE, AFTER A TIME IT BECAME VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, THE TOP OF THE FENCE DUG INTO MY BUTT AND NUMBED IT, WORSE STILL IT BEGAN TO NUMB MORE DELICATE PARTS OF MY ANATOMY, A HUMB BUM IS ONE THING, NUMB BOLLOCKS I CAN DO WITHOUT! THERE I WASSITTIHG, PERCHED PRECARIOUSLY ON THE FEHCE, BALANCING JUST RIGHT, CERTAIN MOVEMENTS CAUSING A STABBING PAIN IN THE NETHER REGIONS, LOOKING TO MY FAR RIGHT I COULD SEE OTHERS I KNEW, LIKEWISE BALANCING AS BEST THEY CAN, SAME THING TO THE LEFT OF ME, FACES I RECOGNISED THEH, AND THEY ARE STILL THERE TODAY, OH TOP OF THAT BLOODY FENCE, HERE ARE A FEW OF THOSE BRAVE SOULS, RISKING NUMB AND/OR PERMANENTLY DAMAGED BUTTS, EGOS AND UNTOLD MISERY IN THE LOWER QUADRANTS'! JENNY RANDLES ANDY ROBERTS KEVIN McCLURE GLORIA DIXON DAVID CLARKE TIM MATTHEWS THESE AND QUITE A FEW MORE ARE THE TROUBLED SOULS, FOREVER WORRIED THAT THEY MAY INADVERTANTLY FALL FROM THE FEHCE OR BE TOPPLED FROM THEIR POSITION AND BE MADE TO MAKE A STAND, ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER, THESE POOR BUGHTERS ARE TORN BOTH WAYS, IS THERE EVIDENCE, IS THERE NOT, DO UFO'S EXIST OR DO THEY NOT, ITS SO EASY HAVING THE DECISIONS MADE FOR THEM BY OTHERS AS THEY CONTINUE TO FENCE-SIT AND MISS OUT ON ALL THE FUN OF HAVING A MIND THAT CAN WORK THINGS OUT FOR ITSELF AND COME TO FIRM CONCLUSIONS....THESE POOR BUGGERS CANNOT MAKE THAT FINAL DECISION SO MUST FOREVER REMAIN ON TOP OF THAT BLOODY FENCE NEED ANY ICE FOR THAT ARSE? DURING WIS YEAR GEORGE FARQUHAR AND PROJECT FREEDOM PUN ON PUTTING TOGETHER A VIDEO DOCUMENTARY ON MIND CONTROL, "THE VOICE" INTENDS TO TAKE PART IN WIS FILM AS A VICTIM ANO AS A PARTICIPANT IN MINO CONTROLLING PROCEDURES ON OTHERS IN THE PAST. WATCH WIS SPACE. I'M HAVING A TOUGH TIME TRACKING DOWN A PIECE OF FILM THAT WAS TAKEN DURING1978/9 BY AN AUSTRALIAN TV CREW AS PART Of A DOCUMENTARY WAT WAS BEING POT TOGETHER AT WAT TIME, IN FACT We PAW WAT I AM ON IS IN TWO PARTS, A BRIEF SEGMENT FROM THE SUMMER OF 1978, THEN A LONGER SEGMENT FROM THE SUMMER OF 1979 WHILST I WAS IN THF COTSWOLDS....THIS HAS BEEN SEEN BY A FEW PEOPLE WHOM RECOGNISED MY NAME AFTER ATTENDING MY ONE MAN UFO WORKSHOPS HERE IN CHELMSFORD IN THE MID 90'S AT THE LOCAL MARCONI SOCIAL CLUB DOES ANYONE eue RECALL WIS FILM?, GET IN TOUCH WITH THE EDITOR WITH ANY HELPFUL INFO PLEASE. DAMN, THE SUMMER IS UPON US IN FULL FORCE AND I HAVE NOT YET RETURNED TO BENTWATERS/WOODBRIDGE TO CARRY ON THE INVESTIGATION INTO ASPECTS OF THE INFAMOUS 'BO CASE.. .I'LL HAVE TO GET MY SKATES ON BEFORE ITS TOO LATE IF MATTHEW WILLIAMS AHD HIS CREW CAN DO IT, SO CAN I, BASE BASH THAT IS, GETTING ONTO THE BASE ITSELF AND HAVIHG A DAMN GOOD LOOKSIE, IH PARTICULAR I WISH TO 'DIG DEEP' INTO THE CENTRAL AREA FENNS ROW, BETWEEN THE TWO BASES, THERE IS MORE HERE THAN MEETS THE EYE WE ARE TALKING UNDERGROUND BIOWARFARE STORAGE HERE...NOT QUITE AN ALIEN BASE! •••••••• JHIjDUg ! v .- ilutar .-?* ' S B R ' f * , * ANYOHE REMEMBER SEEIHG THIS OH TV EARLY BO'S? (Whats My line, name of programme) PERSON NUMBER ONE "My name is Jenny Randies and I'm a Ufo Investigator" PERSON NUMBER TWO "My name is Jenny Randies and I'm a Ufo Investigator" PERSON NUMBER THREE "My name is Jenny Randies and I'm a Ufo Investigator" Questions, questions, questions posed by the panel, then. "Will the real Jenny Randies please stand up" A QUIRKY PROGRAM AT THE BEST OF TIMES, THEY HAD A FIELD DAY THIS TIME!! THE EDITOR, CAUGHT IN A MOMENT OF QUIET REFLECTION, TO DISCLOSE OR NOT TO DISCLOSE, THAT IS THE QUESTION YEAH SOD IT, DISCLOSE!! THE AUDIENCE WAITS I N QUIET ANTICIPATION AT T H E WORLD PREMIERE OF THE VERY CONTROVERSIAL AND T H O U G H T PROVOKING DOCUMENTARY "BASES 2" GREAT STUFF! ITS THE JOLLY OLD ODDS N SODS/HEWS AHD VIEWS PAGE Damn, blast, sodding hell, some bugger is making waves and creating problems with my long standing security clearance, I V e got to twiddle my thumbs whilst this is being re-checked re DETR and M.O.D bods, bloody nuisance! Hey guess what?, Budd Hopkins must be on a literal busmans holiday over here from N e w York, why you ask?, either that or Budd has an uncanny double working right here in Chelmsford, at the First Eastern Buses depot no less, I've been on his bus twice now, only today being the second time, really uncanny! ....."please have your abduction story ready as you board the bus thankyou".................... Will the bod whom receives copies of preferably BEFORE of the small tunnel phoned and left a message on my answerphone recently, he said he these documents via a Mend, well if you would care to ring again, 1am, I will be happy to discuss the details including actual location linking Portón Down with Boscombe Down....OK? Due to problems accessing my email during the past few weeirs I must advise people to only use the Yahoo one for the time being, the Hotmail one is blocked, apologies to any researchers whom have not received a response...try again using Yahoo address, thanks. In answer to one or two queries from people only recently becoming acquainted with my material, yes I guess I can sit smugly at times when faced by either skeptics or the plain old ignorant (both the same surely?) in that I know what I've seen, heard, touched, smelt, sensed, with my very own keen senses, I have the edge in that respect, I HAVE SEEN, SOMETIMES AT VERY CLOSE RANGE, NIGHT AND DAY, ALL MANNER OF WEIRD AND WONDERFUL AIRCRAFT, SOME THAT LITERALLY DEFY EXPLANATION IN CONVENTIONAL TERMS, ALL SHAPES, SIZES, SOME SILENT SOME NOT QUITE SO, ALL THIS IN THE WIDE OPEN SPACES OF WILTSHIRE, YORKSHIRE AND HAMPSHIRE. SO YES I CAN BE VERY BLOODY SMUG, I HAVE AT LEAST SEEN THESE BEAUTIES..... YOU HAVE NOT!!! Keeping secrets must be a heavy burden?...bollocks it is....its no problem at all matey! MR GEORGE WACKEHHUT AHD STAFF MEMBERS POSE FOR THE CAMERA OUTSIDE FLORIDA HQ IH AMERICA m flHl i m | l\ 1 ' * ; ! WACKEHHUT AREA 51 CAMMO DUDES POSE FOR THE CAMERA ^ . v» ¡PU fifí i ¡MlTilh ^ftwiittiln '* jllffp"" j-.- .. **F*^l*r , Ï —pn', 1 *kî îhy & • • • -.'.i.iptiír ;-¡i il-f WACKENHUT SECURITY SERVICES WACKENHUT SPECIAL SECURITY SERVICES WACKENHUT SECURITY SERVICES (UK) <J3 *uf M. • & • % • ; j¿' if. JOB KNOWLEDGE CLASSIFIED ADS.....CLASSIFIED ADS.....CLASSIFIED ADS PROJECT FREEDOM P.O. BOX 2641 GLASTONBURY BA6 8XP GEORGE THE TRUTH CAMPAIGN 49 TREVOR TERRACE NORTH SHIELDS TYNE & WEAR NE30 2DF IVAN GAZELLE BOOK SERVICES FALCON HOUSE QUEEN SQUARE LANCASTER LAI 1RN LTD FARQUHAR FRASER GRAHAM DUGDALE "NEXUS NEW TIMES" MAGAZINE "UFO MAGAZINE" "THE UNOPENED FILES" "NORTHERN UFO NEWS" "STRANGE DAZE" "TRUTH SEEKER" MAGAZINE "FORTEAN TIMES" "THE VOICE FILES" "THE CONSPIRATORS NEWSLETTER" f '^ • -! '"^¡jl it' EDITOR BOOK MV/WS a mm eWTOIl'SCH0/CE The Ufo's That Never Were" Jenny Randies, David Clarke, and Andy Roberts 2000 ISBN 1-902809-35-1 237pp illustrated £16.99p LONDON HOUSE, 114 New Cavendish Street, London, W1M 7FD MB PR Blurb: "The authors, all expert ufologists and skilled investigators are widely respected for their serious 'detective' work over many years. In this ground-breaking book they present a range of international incidents, which turned out to be something very different than fírst imagined". Better late than never, a copy of the book duly arrived from the publishers after obtaining details from a colleague, one of the authors didn't see fít to reply to requests for publisher info over a number of weeks, hence the delay in this review. Some said this book was written by skepticsldebunkers out to flatten certain cases but was not really so......................yes it bloody isl Between the three wise ones they cover 9 major incidents including the Alex Birch photo case, the Howden Moor incident, the Peter Day fílm and the grandaddy of them all, Rendlesham. Also given the hatchet treatment are a number of boxed incidents, all well known cases, from Ken Arnolds sighting in 1947 to the Belgian wave of £89l990 onto the infamous alien autopsy and beyondl Whilst I agree whole-heartedly with the views on some of the incidents I have to strongly disagree with others, which at times approaches a whitewash situation on the case. Here we have classic fence-sitting Jenny Randies, ultra skeptical and cynical Andy Roberts and arch skeptic, only second to Phil Klass himself, Dr David Clarke, whom in all instances shows his acute disapproval of ufologists and his contempt of the ufo subject in general, here is one guy whom would not take seriously any account passing his way no matter how good the evidence, no mincing words here, David Clarke holds both the ufo subject and those that try to investigate the aftermath of countless sightings over the years with pure 100% contempt, in truth he and his ilk should not be let loose anywhere near the subject, unbiased and objective skeptiscism is one thing, but pure contempt is another. Fence-sitter Jenny covers the Rendlesham forest incident in some detail but very conspicuous by its absence is the account we all know and love from none other than Larry Warren, nowhere in her ramblings on the case does she mention Larry or his version of events, why is that I wonder?....something does not add up here, and as usual { Jenny covers all her bases (not one of em underground) by flitting from one possible explanation to another as if by siding with any particular explanation would taint her in some way, no, she flits from one to another like some little butterfly. A good book well written nonetheless, you know what to expect now when buying the book, this might give you an insight into what UFOIN holds for the future for ufology. A BEGRUDGING 8110 / BOOK mvmws CONTINUED. "UFO's IN THE HOUSE OF LORDSI1979" Editor Tim Coates ISBN 0-11-702413-9 £6.99p 136pp The Stationery Office PIB 2000 London Uncovering moments in history, a new series from The Stationery office, new books revealing fascinating insights into events which shocked the nation, have been launched by TSO. Drawing on international and domestic events from the past, the six new titles in the UNCOVERED EDITIONS series are accounts selected from official archives and published in a popular form for the fírst time. So goes the PR blurb, the above book, a small paperback, forms part of the series being released by TSO, and a right cracking little read it is, covering the entire House of Lords debate at that time, covering topics from WW2 foo-fighters right up to the sightings made in New Zealand in '78. A good read in just one or two sittings, certainly worth the at first glance highish price but a little gem in its own right. In fact I think PU get hold of a few of the other interesting titles. .THE LOSS OF THE TITANIC 1912 WAR 1939, DEALING WITH ADOLF HITLER TRAGEDY AT BETHNAL GREEN, 1943 THE JUDGEMENT OF NUREMBERG, 1946 Thoroughly recommended as a piece of official ufo history, order your copy today...nowl 8110 "THE BLACKDOWN MYSTERY» A tale of Ufo's, Crash Retrievals and High Strangeness Jonathan Dow ne s AS softback 80pp £7.50p ISBN 0-951-2872-07 Goblin University PresslCFZ Communications I didn't know quite what to make of this book before a copy actually arrived, knowing of Jonathan's reputation and sense of humour, plus what I'd read in Nick Redfern's review and what he told me of the book over the phone. But its ail true!!, Jon is a very good writer, a good researcher and has the weirdest sense of humour apparently doing the rounds in modern ufologyl Straining my poor old eyes to read the tiny print put me off initially until I really began to get into the story, then it was a case of worrying about eyestrain and headaches later, I had to continue reading, Jon has that all too rare ability to keep the reader hooked, of not wanting to put the book down, because of this I finished the book in under 90 minutes eyes smarting at 2am and fell asleep picturing the weird events from the book. Using so much factual material from this particular area of Somerset, Biackdown, I'm quite surprised Jon did not use a particularly weird abduction case from October '73, from exactly that location, it being one of my cases to bootl, the very strange Mrs Versilli abduction case, just the sort of crazy material Jon likes to use, oh well. The book made a change from the material I usually receive for review, a refreshing change, if he can send me copies of his other books I'd appreciate further refreshing reading, ok with you Jon?.......not bad at all, go order a copy, recommended 8110 ir. GAZELLE BOOK SERVICES-REVIEWS For a Catalogue of thousands of extremely interesting titles, some very hard to get elsewhere, please write to Gazelle directly, mentioning THE VOICE......... GAZELLE BOOK SERVICES LTD FALCON HOUSE QUEEN SQUARE LANCASTER, LA1 1RN "WHOSE DEATH IN THE TUNNEL?" 1099 H/B ISBN 1-885003-20-x The Tale of a Princess A.McCallum Becker 320pp £18.99p Robert D Reed Publishers Author's note.....Although this novel is based upon known historical events and circumstances, it is above all a work of complete fiction. We remind the reader to separate the many facts from the fiction. The author is a longtime confidante of the européen glitterati and has moved in Diana's circles, and privy to little known but verifiable facts about the Princess. Beautifully w r i t t e n , this novel serves up an alternative to the many crazy conspiracies that sprung up within hours of the tragic accident in the tunnel in Paris that night, in fact one could say that taken at face value the events painstakingly put together in this book could, if you really w a n t e d to join the conspirators network, be true and that this IS w h a t really happened, it honestly would not surprise me at all. The fully workable plans laid out by the 'Puppet Master' (where have w e heard that name before boys and girls?) central to the plot of this book are not outside the realms of modern technology, everything is so spookily feasible it scares the reader. Here is one hell of a book to get you thinking, really thinking.. Who really died in the tunnel? Excellent, a brilliant read ®UFO AND ALIEN COLLECTIBLES PRICE GUIDE* 160pp fully illustrated in color and monochrome Krause Publications, USA 9/10 Dana Cain 1999 large S/B £16.S0p ISBN 0-87341-690-2 Memorabilia relating to UFO's and aliens is one of the hottest collecting areas aroundand this is the first price guide to tackle the subject* From Japan-made tin flying saucers of the 50' and 6 0 ' to the latest collectibles from the UFO hot spot Roswell, N e w Mexico, this guide has it all for UFO and alien buffs. Collectibles from movies (Earth vs The Flying Saucers, ET, Independence Day, Men in Black) T V shows such as Alf, Mork and Mindy, My Favorite Martian and The X-Files, and a variety of space toys based on flying saucers and alien invaders. There's also an extensive listing of serious UFO books and magazines. With more than 1,000 listings and accurate values, over 450 photographs, 16 pages of color, the truth is here! FANTASTIC....A MUST FOR ANY UFOLOGIST...ORDER IT TODAY 10/10 f Other interesting books received from Gazelle lor - review.. "THE ANTI-GRAVITY HANDBOOK" very good 7110 "ANTI-GRAVITY AND THE WORLD GRID" very good 7110 "TIME TRAVEL HANDBOOK" very weird 6110 "THE WHITE SANDS INCIDENT" ufo historical value 6110 "EVIL AGENDA OF THE SECRET GOVERNMENT" also very, very strange 6110 "SECRET BLACK PROJECTS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER" baffling stuff 7110 LONE WOLF SAYS. WHAT WITH £ 6 4 , 0 0 OF ACCIDENT UFE INSURANCE COVERING HIM "THE VOICE" CAN MAYBE TAKE A CHANCE OF ACCEPTING OFFERS OF GIVING LECTORES TO INTERESTED GROUPS IN THE UK MAYBE OVERSEAS, THE SCARE VALUE OF THE NSA IS NOW SUFFICIENTLY SHADOWED BY ENOUGH INSURANCE COVER TO NOW MAKE IT REASONABLE TO TAKE RISKS... LINE UP. DON'T ALL RUSH AT ONCE!! EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NOT MUCH TIME NOR THE INCLINATION I AM CONSIDERING JOINING THE BAND-WAGON AND SETTLING DOWN TO WRITE A BOOK OR TWO, ONE CERTAINLY WILL BE ABOUT MANNEQUIN', ANOTHER WILL CENTRE ABOUT MY PAST 34 YEARS AS A UFO INVESTIGATOR, AND PERHAPS ANOTHER WILL CENTRE AROUND MY LENGTHY INVOLVEMENT WITH THE AVELEY CASE, MY OWN VIEWS AND OPINIONS ON THE CASE.....OH SHIT, THAT MAKES THREE BOOKS!, CRIKEY, I DO NOT THINK I'LL EVEN MANAGE TO MAKE A START ON ONE LET ALONE THREE, COULD USE SOME HELP IDEAS ANYWAY, PROBABLY COME TO NOTHING AS I REALLY CANNOT BE BOTHERED, ITS JUST THAT I FEEL A NEED EXISTS THERE TO GET IT ALL OUT TO LARGER NUMBERS OF PE0PLE( THE SECRET THOUGHTS OF THE SECRET VOICE REMAIN A SECRET WHILST DEEP IN SECRETIVE THOUGHT OF SECRETS NEVER TO BE REVEALED 000-ERU). ',*-.• ^ / ^ UFO QUIZ.....TEST YOUR UFO KNOWLEDGE...ANSWERS BELOW. YES, HERE ARE THE ANSWERS TO THE RIDICULOUSLY EASY PEASY QUIZ SET LAST ISSUE, CHECK SCORE RATINGS AT THE END, GOOD LUCK, SOME OF YOU wYILL NEED IT! YOUR Scoriton Mystery" and "Sequel to Scoriton99 were based on the Ernest Arthur Bryant case from Devon The The Ivy Chimneys, Gary Myers case originated from Theydon Bois, Essex 19B7 John Keel University of Colorado...."Scientifíc Barry King and Andy Collins.......of Kazik (pronounced The Gulf Breeze study of Ufo9s" course! kayik) Sentinel Alleged female crew member from spaceship Joe encountered by Truman Betherum Simonton Choose any really....Charles Birmingham Halt, John Burroughs, Larry Warren, Adrian Bustinza^lim Penniston, etc, etc 1957 1951 ........ 1950.... 1963,1965, f 0 6 6 . . . . „ 1 065...... 1987..... 1 065..... 1952 FSR (Flying Saucer Review) and Saucer News (Saucer Smear).....both from the 1950's far too easy, too long a list, but, the very ñrst was called "Ufo's A British Viewpoint99 with Peter Warrington 1979 1954 Lossiemouth, Arthur Scotland Shuttlewood Alleged group of intelligence Sputnik 1 launched operatives, in truth a load of and fírst man in space...............both Harold Dahl and Fred bollocks! Russian in origin! Crisman Lavender Dexter, Michigan,..1965 Come on, you know these official reporting ¡regulation October 27™ 1974 1957 Element 114 thingies!!!!!!! in Keliy-Hopkínsvitle Frank Salisbury Frank Edwards A common or garden taxi driver no less! The first was called The The dreaded Warminster Mystery*...from there choose any Men-in~black**.....*MIB9s CIA lOAfëmiFSMS. HOWMAW UFOÍOO/STS OOFS/T TAKF 70 CHAHGFA U0H780Í8? WHAT'SA £/0#TW¿8? T#FS£8V00FRSAR£8FC0M//VÛA RFÛUCAR S/ÛHT OVFR MFIMSF0R0 Fiy/M SMGUlARiy OR W PA/RS..... WHAT DO TW WA/VT Fiy/ffû ¿0W OVFR TMSARFA T/MF A/W AÛA/#.... WHO MOWS, 0H....WHO CARFS/ I IN DEFENSE OF THE LEGITIMATE STUDY OF UFO'S AND AIL RELATED PHENOMENA 8Y THOSE WORTHY OF SUCH STUDY, THOSE PERSONS WHOM ARE OVERLY SKEPTICAL AND IN PARTICULAR THAT BREED CALLED DE8UNKERS HAVE NO RIGHT, MORAL, ETHICAL OR OTHERWISE, TO BE ALLOWED INTO THE 'UFO ARENA'. THESE DINOSAURS SHOULD BE CAST OUT AND BE MADE TO RETURN TO THEIR OWN PATHETIC LITTLE LIVES AND NOT DARKEN THE DOORSTEP OF UFOLOGY EVER AGAIN. THE VOICE of reason 1999 (for an idea of what these 'super-skeptics' and debunkers are like I suggest you carefully read the book review section, in particular the review for "THE UFO's THAT NEVER WERE") MAYBE WE SHOULD SEND THEM ALL TO 'CAMP UFOLAND' TO WHILE AWAY THEIR DAYS IN PEACE AND TRANQUILITY, WHAT DO YOU THINK? WELCOME TO CAMP UFOLAND. WAKE UP BRITISH UFOLOGY SOME MONTHS AGO I THREW DOWN A CHALLENGE TO THE UK UFO MAINSTREAM, THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAKEN UP AND I WONDER WHY. IT WAS A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT AS REGARDS MY PAST EXPERIENCES AND MY CLAIMS OVER THE PAST 6 YEARS AS THE VOICE". THIS WAS TO HAVE BEEN AN OPEN FORUM SET IN AN INFORMAL MODE, ALL OF US ROUND A TABLE, OR OVER A DRINK IN THE BAR TYPE OF RELAXED YET INFORMATIVE STRAIGHT TALKING, AN OPPORTUNITY I REALLY THOUGHT WAS IDEAL IN ORDER TO GET EVERYTHING IRONED OUT, AFTER 25 YEARS IT ALL BADLY NEEDS IRONING OUT!. YET TO DATE UFO MAINSTREAM HAS NOT SEEN FIT TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE MY CHALLENGE, I'M RARING TO GO AND GET IT ALL THRASHED OUT, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU ALL?, YOU HAVE ONE FINAL CHANCE, AFTER THAT YOU HAVE BLOWN IT...PERIODÜ THE CHALLENGE WAS PRIMARILLY AIMED AT THE FOLLOWING WHOM CLASS THEMSELVES AS THE ELITE OF THE MAINSTREAM RESEARCHERS IN THE UK. GRAHAM BIRDSALL PAUL DEVEREAUX BASE BASHERS NICK REDFERN etc, etc, etc!! MARK BIRDSALL JENNY RANDLES TIM MATTHEWS(??I!) HILARY EVANS MATTHEW WILLIAMS AND HIS BAND OF RUSS CALLAGHAN GLORIA DIXON NICK POPE TIM GOOD GORDON CREIGHTON TIM RIFAT PROFILE: GEORGE FARQUHAR PROJECT FREEDOM NETWORK I do not pretend to know why some people simply cannot act as requested and do either the opposite as requested or worse, nothing at it is again with this little profile, I asked George many weeks ago that as I was contemplating doing a profile on him in a forthcoming issue, to give him and the Project Freedom Network some added publicity........unfortunately not a word has arrived from Glastonbury in time for this issue, hence no profile, sure, I could do the profile myself but I'd rather let someone set it out in their own way if possible.....tough luck, a missed opportunity here George, maybe another time. (I wonder if George will be at the Glastonbury Symposium weekend July 28th-30th, as Dr Steven Greer will be speaking there on the Saturday, the 29th, just a thought). Well, what do 1 do with the rest of the page, I know one or two Project Freedom images! .•f.: t t ir J" .««IT." t f Hi ' t-"*t fa * i ta 11 Mr H armes... the SPOOK w h o m c o n t a c t e d George, see ealier issues re this guy and his spooky pal! SPOOK SURFACE /"/ >y AL/499 (NOT TO SCALE) SIGNATURE SHIELDING — — mmmmmmmm l^jj 1 Vl'H1! "V ^U11 W1 ^ lfr'iV|•' P)"!]1?-;1!,'^ LirT[ j f e ' T i 1 ftüiipW» tonta;- "'• y Wñ l S wmmmtm S wmm-mm ¡>*í\v4 É M M W W I M n H W M i wimimmmmmmmmmmÊÊimmÊÊmmmmmmmm *. * , y ¿¡ i, '*' _>..- K-.. v •P***| Xfó&T; ;H s f ^ ^ # ^ 4 ^ | | ' i IMIffÉi^^ * : i .l i. ******** ¿/ * < 'wÊmtÉÊtÊiÊmmmmtm é BORE 1 & 2 //^ ^M^Af^^J^^j>/km^i y y S Oe> CONSPIRACY CORNER ÏAIIeged Government ¡agent Tim Matthews is la wannabe agent, they Ipissed themselves with llaughter when he tried I to join them years agol I He feels it makes him \look good as AHA agent VENUS.....THE MORNING STAR, BLAMED AS THE CULPRIT IN HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF UFO SIGHTINGS AROUND THE WORLD WHAT HAS ALWAYS SURPRISED ME IS HOW ON EARTH A TINY PINPOINT OF LIGHT CAN TRANSFORM ITSELF INTO A GIGANTIC CRAFT OF SOME SORT COVERED IN LIGHTS AND BELTING ACROSS THE SKY AT AN INCREDIBLE SPEED IS BEYOND ME...YET THE SKEPTICS BLAME MISPERCEIVING VENUS AS THE CAUSE SO MANY TIMES. DUHÜ "HOT GOSSIP" 1998 DATELINE WEDNESDAY 19w JULY 2000...BETWEEN 19.00 HRSAND 19.55 HRS....LOCATION, SITTING IN FRONT OF THE PC IN THE 'OFFICE' HERE. / RECEIVED A VERY INTERESTING TRANSATLANTIC TELEPHONE CALL FROM LESLIE KEAN, JOURNALIST AND COLLEAGUE OF DR STEVEN GREER, IT SEEMS THAT THE LITTLE CHAT MILES JOHNSTON HAD WITH DR GREER AND OTHERS WHILST IN LAUGHUN EARLIER IN THE YEAR HAS HAD POSITIVE REACTIONS. LESLIE SAID THAT SHE AND DR GREER WERE VERY INTERESTED IN OBTAINING COPIES OF MY DOCUMENTS IN ADVANCE OF HOPEFULLY USING ME AND MY DISCLOSURES IN THE PROJECT, THE ALMOST HOUR LONG CALL, ON MY MOBILE OF ALL THINGS WAS VERY INFORMATIVE, ARRANGEMENTS WERE MADE FOR ME TO DESPATCH THE SET OF DOCUMENTS, AU 43 TO DATE, NEARLY 600 A4 PAGES WEIGHING IN AT 2.5 KILOS VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS THE NEXT DAY, THURSDAY 20™. THE CALL ENDED WITH LESLIE TELLING ME EITHER SHE OR INDEED STEVEN GREER WOULD MORE THAN LIKELY WISH TO SPEAK WITH ME AS SOON AS THE DOCUMENTS ARRIVED IN THE STATES, THIS COULD PROVE VERY HELPFUL INDEED. SECURICOR, AS AGENTS DULY PICKED UP THE PACKAGE FROM ME THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND SHOULD ARRIVE IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA BEFORE 10.30AM NEXT MONDAY, JULY24™ WEL WELL BOYS AND GIRLS, THINGS ARE INDEED LOOKING UP! UNFORTUNATELY EVEN THESE ARE FAR FROM SECURE AND CAN BE MONITORED GLOBALLY!! OTHER THAN VIA HIS PUBLISHER CAN ANYONE LET ME HAVE, DISCREETLY, A CONTACT ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER FOR JON KING THIS IS VERY URGENTLY REQUIRED, CAN SOMEONE HELP PLEASE? Page 1 of 1 Yahoo! Mail 1/ /> . * Inbox for conspîratorjl Reply | Detela Reply Ait J Yahoo! - My Yahoo* Forward j jas attachment' *} Options - Sign OvX - \ te!p Download Attachments •Choose Folder- i l 1 Prftv | Next | inhox Move Ado Addresses From: "Leslie Kean" <> | m«>ck address To: ^conspirator 1> Subject: Disclosure project Date:Thu? 20 Jul 2000 07:20:12 -0700 Dear Barry King, Thanks for talking with me yesterday. Attached are files explaining the disclosure project I am working on under the direction of Dr. Steven Greer. Dr. Greer will be in England next week, and I believe he or his assistant will contact you to hopefully set up a meeting. In the meantime, I await the documents coming by fedex. To confirm my address: Leslie Kean 46 Estates Court San Rafael, CA 94901 USA phone: 415-485-6030 Fedex acount number: 1905-2276-8 please sign the release which allows them to leave it if I'm not home (house is secluded) Well speak again soon. Please let me know that you received this email. Best wishes, Leslie Kean Attachment U DNP_aimoimcemei!t.€loc Type .doc Download File Attachment U Witness_Archive.doc Download File Type .doc Delate Prcv | Next | Inbox ^p^ LJÏ??^^ J-Choose Folder- H Umm | Download Attachments ' l i ' . j o P u n o - IVnns i'.f \c?x JO Copyright € 1994-2000 i 'alun* Inc. All rights reserved. .../ShowI*tter?MsgId=5732_867104 36484^964 136196 0&YY-90718&inc=25&order=d21/07/00 Page 1 of 2 Yahoo! Mail 1 * y ÓU¿ Î?I os for R&piy j ReplyAtl j Yjl^or* - t\ñ>/ Y e r n o Forward J jas attachment V; tï'j'AZ Download Attachments Choose Folder - * j Next I tnfcoa Reply-to: "Debbie Fochn <> From: "Debbie Foch" <> | mwU <tiUirv\s. To: <conspirator_l> Subject: Meeting with Steven Greer Date:Thu? 20 Jul 2000 18:27:58 -0400 Organisations CSETI jjjyj Add Addresses Hi Barry, If you are available, Dr. Greer, director of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) would like to meet with you next week while he is in the UK. He would like to discuss the possibility of your being a witness and being interviewed as part of our project to disclose to the world definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial intelligence, UFOs, and covert government projects related to the subject. Dr. Greer will be in Salisbury, Wiltshire and generally in Wiltshire from July 23 - 29th, and would be able to meet any time - perhaps a meeting over lunch or dinner would work out for you. I will call you tomorrow (Friday) to discuss this with you and try to set up a time if possible. My phone# : 1-301-249-4030 hours earlier than UK) (until Saturday morning US. Eastern time - 5 If you would like to contact us while we are in Salisbury or Wiltshire, you can leave a message for me or Dr. Greer at: Victoria Lodge guest house in Salisbury, Wiltshire, from July 23 to noon of the 27th - their telephone number is: 01722 320586 from the 27th through the 29th, we will be staying at Fairlawn Hotel in Amesbury - the telephone number there is: 01980 622103 Sincerely, Debbie Foch coordinator and senior researcher, CSETI, and Disclosure News Programming, Inc. i ftfffoj Next | Inbox Reply All | forward \. jas attachment "<r| [-Choose Folder- ^ j Move j Download Attachments ./ShowLetter?MsgId=4726 1004266 366811076 1329J)&YY=96348&inc=25&order=d21/07/00 Yéûc.> STOP PRESS. .LATE Btfffljflif ffffHT fTBT MEtf OR Í T f VEH GREER (CSETI) WISHES TO MEET/INTERVIEW THE VOICE WHILST HE IS IN THE UK AT END OF JULY '00 I sit typing this out on Sunday July 23rd 2000, the day Dr Greer and his associates arrive in Wiltshire, whilst hurried arrangements are being made by Dr Greer's associates to organise a meeting between Dr Greer and THE VOICE, the set of documents despatched via FEDEX courier should arrive in California tomorrow morning directly to Leslie Kean. I'm told that video interviewing will take place during September/October and THE VOICE has agreed to take part in this under the DISCLOSURE PROJECT. I'm hoping to arrange with colleague Miles Johnston to go down to Wiltshire during this coming week to meet up with Dr Greer, failing an actual meeting I will speak to Dr Greer over the telephone and be interviewed that way if necessary, making firm plans for videotaping in the fall. It is now quiet anticipation of the phone going at this moment, landline or mobile. (Depending on events details may make it into this publication prior to printing....if not they will be detailed in the October issue, number 45) THE VOICE is quite willing to risk the displeasure of the NSA in order to come forward and disclose data concerning AL/499 and the 'MANNEQUIN' project to the public via Dr Steven Greer and the DISCLOSURE hell with the NSA,MOD and all others.....this is the opportunity THE VOICE has waited 6 years for, only the direct intervention of the 'heavies' can stop this taking place...will they or wont they risk any action against me? THE VOICE whispers when it is expedient to do so, and SHOUTS whenever it is necessary ITS BUCKLE UP AND BOOGIE TIME ONCE AGAIN FOLKS! Page 1 of2 Yahoo! Mail Yahoo: - My Yahoo! Inbox for Repty RepïyAH Forward Options - S:gn 0 JÎ - Hr*\p as attachment ^r Attachments Choose Folder - •*• 'Mme:{ j^eieie To: Barry King <conspirator 1> CC: | nu^¿-.Lin-^ Subject: Re: Meeting with Dr Steven Greer Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 07:03:25 US/Pacific í-L:1.? —. Ok, thanks Barry actually, Dr. Greer was suggesting that he could just wait and meet with you when he comes back to video tape the witnesses in Sept/Oct. Leslie Keen interviewed you and Miles Johnston just told me that he has video tapes of interviews with you also, so we have enough information for now. We will be in touch as soon as we start working out that filming schedule, ok? Thanks for trying. We wish you the best. Take care, Debbie > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Debbie, After speaking with Miles Johnston I tried two other possible avenues of transportation to Wiltshire, both unfortunately did not pan out. Never to mind, from my point of view of Health/Safety I have no choice but to refrain from train travel at this time, once you know of the hassle/threats I've had over the years I do not wish to place undue or possible avoidable chances of something like an 'accident' being arranged. Besides that my health now dictates how extra careful I'm supposed to be these days. So, if it is agreeable with Dr Greer I'd like to speak with him over the phone for now, I know its no real substitute but under the circumstances its the best I can do. My landline number would be better than the mobile for this I believe, perhaps I could phone you if more convenient, let me have approx. time-frame to do so in order to catch him. My number to use from now is.... 01245-608617.... let me know the situation as regards this proposal, many, many apologies to you and Dr Greer for this inconvenience, but if you knew the whole story it would perhaps sit easier with you. All the best, regards, Barry King _ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ „ > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > or your free {§ address at > file://C:\system\THE VOICE\Yahoo! MailJïles\ShowLetter 28/07/00 Wackenhut Security Services Page 1 of2 ». r \ &>.-< *-v *"* £> Ht>-£-oí/iC*jz ?~-r j'ho&g <&iio z?a srr^mfecí ñere Search... for keyword(s) Top )'M) j Wn.^^ \ e \ v Catalog I New Books Our Bookstore is O P E N iWackenhut Security Sen j I m Page Titles ^iQthership -> Area .51 -> Organizations -> Here This page has been FROZEN as of Jan. 26,2000. It is not currently maintained, so some links may not work and some information may be out of date. More M Q Wackenhut Security Services o Jv, i\u i mu; Private Security Firm Founded in 1954 by former FBI agent George Wackenhut, Wackenhut Security now provides security for numerous private ventures and government facilities worldwide, including the Nevada Test Site. Wackenhut has been accused of operating perimeter security for Area 51, a charge that has not been proven and has been denied by former employees. 1. CEO:k«diard wackenhul 2. Employment o Dade County, Florida: 2500 [source] o Kyle, Texas: 140+ [source] o Global: (Need info.) 3. Relationships o Bec h tel: Working relationship at Nevada Test Site [source] and Savannah River. [source] o Johnson CpnirojsJNcvada: Working relationship at Nevada Test Site, [source] 4. Articles o News article, 1995: Big firms moving in - and more may follow, Palm Beach Post, by Beth Reinhard. o Pressrelease, 1993: V t ^ ^ . i u í ;>o, .,•_.-..:\ h - - p ^ i - ü awarded 5 year contract at K'^-^^-A, o Magazine article, Sept. 1992 , inside the Shadow CÍA , SPY Magazine, Volume 6. By John Connolly. 5. Conspiracy Reports & Clmrm: Paul Frank I m o Wackenhut s, connection to UFO .related .sites, (72 k) o Report on covert surveillance the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company and conducted .by The. Wackenhut Corporation. (55 k) o Report on sting operation conducted by The Wackenhut Corporation for the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. • Pari I (216 k) > Pari 2. (215 k) 6. Offices in Chile. file://A:\wackenhuthtm 28/07/00 Wackenhut Security Services Page 2 of 2 Yé//-â 7. as customer for , a company specializing in mobile logistics and support equipment. 8 Subsidiaries o Wackenhut Corrections Corporation o NASDAQ: WCCX o Articles • News article, August 31, 1995: "Wackenhut probed for misusing funds," (Fredericton) Telegraph Journal, by Gary Dimmock. • Press release, July 13, 1995: "palhousie adult correctional centre short list announced." Department of Supply and Services, Fredericton, NB. (506)4532413. • News article, June 29, 1995: "Wackenhut Corrections Selected For New Brunswick Project1', Canada News IVire. • News Brief, March 1995: Susan Davis vs. Wackenhut. Prisoner alleges Wackenhut Corrections guards complicit in jail rape. • Media Filter: Private Prisons | Wackenhut Rent-a-Cops 9. Page History o 1995: Created Our Design and Original Text Copyrighted © 1994-99 Area 51 Research Center PO Box 30303, Las Vegas, NV 89173 Glenn Campbell, Webmaster & Moderator This site is supported by the lifomind Bookstore Please visit our business if you appreciate our free web services. New items 16.338 visús to this page since 12/1/96. 21 OUT side na-ies link to this one. Send us corrections using this i v^.u^h i-O¡T or email ^v\^:^^:,iy:\\i-:\ •>>..: u-.M This page: http://www,ufomindxom/area51/org/wackenhut/ (4/21/0 18:47) We encourage you to link to this page from your own. No permission required. Last Modified: 12/1/96 tm.e file://A:\waekenhuthtm 28/07/00 y**/o "OH SHITI WHO LEFT ALL THIS FUCKING CRAP ALL OVER MY GOD DAMN FIELD?" RANCHER MAC BRAZEL JULY 1947 THE NSA OWNED SURVEILLENCE SHIP USED FOR INTELLIGENCE GATHERING MISSIONS BETWEEN 1980 AND 1989.... "MAGENTA" THE NSA OWNED SURVEILLENCE SHIP CURRENTLY USED IN GLOBAL SPY MISSIONS... "BURGUNDY" Vé'3 DISCLOSURE NEWS PROGRAMMING ANNOUNCEMENT 12 June 2000 Dr. Steven M. Greer announced today that the long-awaited process to disclose definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial intelligence, UFOs and covert government projects related to the subject has been funded and launched. Disclosure News Programming (DNP), an investigative reporting news organization, has been formed to spearhead and coordinate this disclosure over the next year. Key features of the proj ect include : • A prolonged, sustained and coordinated multimedia global release of definitive evidence and the testimony of top secret witnesses about extraterrestrial intelligence, secret and compartmented government programs and advanced technologies related to energy and propulsion systems; • An integrated strategy which includes a multi-part investigative news special, compendia books and transcripts of government witness testimony, an Internet site dedicated to the disclosure evidence and on-going executive briefings for government, military, scientific, congressional, international, and corporate leaders; • A de facto international government disclosure by virtue of the large numbers of military, intelligence, government, corporate, scientific and government-related institute witnesses now ready to come forward during this integrated and sustained program; • A news conference during which top-secret witnesses disclose the full nature of their direct knowledge concerning the subject. Currently, over 200 top-secret witnesses have been identified in the US, Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Russia, Italy and other countries. It is important to note that during briefings at the Pentagon and with senior congressional leaders and Executive Branch staff that this civilian effort to disclose this matter has been repeatedly green-lighted and even encouraged. Disclosure News Programming and its related strategies are supported by a team of senior researchers and consultants with substantial expertise in military affairs, international affairs, national security, science, technology and related areas. This international team working intensely on the disclosure process has been recently joined by a former senior aerospace executive - a person who has been aware since the P'ó^^ 1970s that the Ballistic Missile Defense Program would be used to target extraterrestrial objects in space - even though there is no evidence of any credible threat from these craft. It has been determined that the combination of accelerating global environmental degradation and the dangers associated with the weaponization of space necessitates a near-term disclosure process. The risks of doing nothing and the benefits to humanity resulting from disclosure make it clear that such an effort - long overdue by most accounts - is now a global imperative. The public is invited to assist in this project by referring credible government and corporate witnesses who have first-hand knowledge of these covert programs, as well as other evidence and materials, to Disclosure News Programming (DNP). Contact: Disclosure News Programming (DNP) Steven M. Greer, MD 540 456 8302 (Telephone) 540 456 8303 (Fax) (Email) Witness Archive Project Dr. Steven M. Greer, Director Information for Witnesses Background Since 1993, my team from the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) has identified hundreds of government, military, intelligence and corporate witnesses to projects and events related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs), extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) and associated technologies. Witnesses have come forward from around the world. From 1993-2000, we systematically presented briefings and substantive evidence to both United States and international leaders. In America, these briefings have included a Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), members of the Joint Staff, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), numerous members of Congress, senior United Nations officials and others. Briefing materials have been presented to President Clinton through a number of channels. Witness testimony from individuals holding Top Secret clearances, government documents and other evidence were presented at the briefings. Starting with a meeting at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in the fall of 1993, and later with CIA Director James Woolsey, we have consistently requested a near-term government disclosure on the subject of UFOs and ETI In 1998, after exhaustive attempts to obtain government cooperation in initiating such a disclosure, it became clear that a civilian-led effort was necessary. Indeed, members of Congress, senior military officers and other officials specifically recommended that we pursue this measure outside of government channels since a civilian-led, public interest disclosure would be the only way to secure official hearings and other government actions. For the last two years we have been organizing for this event. By June, 2000, the necessary structure and funding were in place to initiate the project, and we announced the launching of Disclosure News Programming (DNP), an investigative news organization spearheading the operation. Disclosure The goals of this project are to: - Effect a credible, international disclosure of the facts. - Establish the subject as real, legitimate and relevant. - Return management of issues related to UFOs/ETI to democratic, legal and constitutional control. - Restore congressional and public oversight of unacknowledged ("black") projects currently operating beyond constitutional authority. - Prevent the weaponization of space and its attendant world security risks. - Release technologies related to energy and propulsion systems which could replace •-,* / environmentally damaging and unsustainable fossil and nuclear energy sources. The Role of Witnesses An effective disclosure must involve credible government, military, corporate, and intelligence witnesses from around the globe who: - Have first-hand knowledge of events, projects and/or evidence directly related to the UFO/ETI question. - Are organized into a coalition or group which will come forward en masse as part of a carefully-planned, long term disclosure strategy. Although supporting evidence such as photos and video footage, government documents and physical evidence are important, it is the witness testimony which is the crux of disclosure and will assure its success. Combined with the other evidence, testimony from a host of highly credible individuals will make an undeniable case to mainstream political leaders, scientists, and the public. Past disclosures by isolated witnesses have not been effective because they were not part of a strategic plan or supported by other corroborating witnesses. Multiple, coordinated witnesses coming forward together will create a dynamic far exceeding these previous attempts. This unified effort will provide security, strength and enhanced credibility to the disclosure that will be greater than the sum of its parts. The Witness Archive Project The archive is designed to identify, verify and document testimony from hundreds of government, military, intelligence and corporate witnesses. This archive will be used to: - Support the creation of an international, multi-media news project informing the public worldwide of the subject's legitimacy. - Support the creation of executive briefing materials for leaders and for public education. - Preserve the testimony for posterity. Once a prospective witness is identified, either I or a Senior DNP Researcher will contact him or her. A preliminary history and report will be collected from initial interviews which will be kept in the project data base. Selected, pre-screened witnesses will then be scheduled for a formal interview using state-of-the-art video and audio recording equipment. Once all witnesses are interviewed, the archive will be reviewed and selections will be made for the Executive Briefing Summary and other projects described above. Witnesses will be directed to avoid media or public exposure of their information until news conferences and media arrangements are finalized. In order to ensure strategic long-range effectiveness of the disclosure process, the dissemination of witness testimony will be undertaken as a coordinated, high profile mass release. Preemptive release of individual stories would be counter-productive to this effort. Security Information provided to DNP by witnesses will be kept confidential, only to be released if the witness has provided authorization and has agreed to come forward with us as part of the coordinated disclosure. It should be noted that the project has substantial support within various social, political, military and intelligence circles. By identifying with the project and joining with others, an umbrella of protection is extended to the witnesses. All interview materials are being duplicated multiple times, placed in secure storage, and put into the hands of influential individuals thus negating any attempt to muzzle the project. Please notify me immediately of any harassment or threats to a prospective witness. Should such events occur, appropriate action will be taken. Unless Otherwise Directed (UNODIR) Letter In November 1996, we sent a letter to all key political, national security, military and intelligence officials in the United States regarding the invalidity of any national security oaths related to the subject (see attached). This UNODIR letter states that, since projects related to the subject are unacknowledged, "black," unlawful and unconstitutional, all legal agreements arising therefrom are, a priori, null and void. No corrective action or directive was ever issued to counter this assertion by us. Therefore, we regard such security oaths as null and void, without legal merit and witnesses should act accordingly. This position is highlighted by the fact that senior Pentagon officials urged us in 1997 to publicly effect this disclosure. Conclusion The witnesses who have already joined this effort consider it their patriotic duty to uphold and protect the constitutions of their countries and international law by coming forward. In light of the unlawful and dangerous nature of unacknowledged special access projects related to this subject, and the right of the world's citizens to be informed as to the UFO/ETI reality, we believe that this disclosure is morally justified. Continued secrecy is a threat to democracy and a danger to world security and the environment. The conscience of each witness should be clear that he or she is doing the right and just thing by coming forward. I believe that our way of life will be profoundly affected by the success of this project.. You, as a witness to events or projects related to UFOs/ ETI, have a tremendous contribution to make to our collective future. No witness is insignificant since the big picture is created only by careful assembly of each piece of the mosaic. The time has come to join together and to tell the truth about this critically important subject. Contact: Steven M. Greer, MD Mail or Fed Ex: 7501 Batesville Rd. Afton, VA 22920 phone: 540-456-8302 fax: 540-456-8303 e-mail: "/i v¿, IN CLOSING THIS ISSUE. You are welcome to submit articles, news, views comments for publication in future issues, please exchange mags to editorial address, back issues, set of these brilliant documents is available from You can contact old fashioned and direct all indeed a full the editor. the editor by phone, fax or email or the jolly letter......................... THE VOICE 27 THE GREEN MELBOURNE CHELMSFORD ESSEX CM1 2BQ ENGLAND 24 HOUR PHONEIFAX: (44) MOBILE: EMAIL: 01245-608617 07715-824678 WEBSITE: www.geocities.comlconspirator_ PHONE CALLS MAY BE RECORDEDIMONITORED PROTECTION ISSN 1462-9313 1_uk FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES AND FOR YOUR ISSUE NUMBER 44 AUGUST ALL USUAL CLICHES APPLY. Bye for now, keep ' em peeled, be paranoid but HAPPY! REMEMBER, WATCH YOUR BACKSU^jA AND THAT BIG FARTS LEAVE SKID MARKS!! See ail you Space Cadets in October, enjoy the rest of the summer 2000 Vén THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, SOMEWHERE, BUT YOU PROBABLY WOULD NOT RECOGNISE IT IF IT WERE TO SNEAK UP ON YOU AND BITE YOUR BUM!! THE VOICE FILES NO.45 ISSN 1 4 6 2 - 9 3 1 3 £ 2 ON THE STREET OCTOBER 2000 Vázo THE VOICE ISSUE NUMBER 45 EDITORIAL GREETINGS SPACE CADETS AND FELLOW HALLO WEENIES.......ENJOY THIS SPOOKY EDITION FILLED TO THE VERY BRIM WITH PROJECT 'MANNEQUIN' DISCLOSURES & MTLAR/RLACK BUDGET CONSPIRACIES!!!! First off, Rendlesham forest, and a hastily arranged visit to the area on 31st July in order to look around and to do some updated filming, this time for The benefit of Dr Steven Greer and his Disclosure Program. Miles Johnston, accompanied by Dr Greers associate Allison picked me up in the car late afternoon and the three of us sped up the A12 towards Suffolk Arriving at the Bentwaters base a little añer 7pm. Driving up to the main entrance we were surprised to see a large sign that stated that the former base was now an Anglian Air Park of some sort, the gates and indeed security barriers were open so we cautiously drove in, stating to the duty security guard if it was ok for us to drive onto the base he waved us thru telling us that we could roam around the parts open but that the runway was fenced off....not needing to be told twice in we went! Unfortunately there was still very little to see from our position not far from the control tower so just looked around taking filmiphoto's as we went, the first part of the filmed interview was likewise done here. (This issue was going to be studded throughout with images I took with the 35mm but alas, as I completed the roll of film the following weekend with family members, the fílm must have become unwound in the camera because as I went to remove the film the damn thing was spooling out all over the show, effectively ruining the whole bloody, no recent piccies!!) Then onto East Gate for another looksie and more photo'slfilming before heading into Woodbridge town for a late dinner (ask Miles about his Steak!!) Due to a hiccup a segment of fílm did not come out which resulted in Miles and Allison returning to my home next day, Tuesday 1st August in order to complete the filmed interview in my back garden...all went well, I think. Onto other matters.................................a serious downturn in my health which deteriorated to such a degree during the weekend of September 2nd13rd vw that I was forced to see my GP on the 5th, it seems that my active days are finally over and I'm forced to take a more passive role within ufology, this in effect precludes me from dashing about the place as before, besides my damn angina and other problems I now face the fact that my muscle system is kaput and renders me extremely fatigued all the time and also 'locks' at times effectively preventing me from walking, carrying things, etc, yeah, great bloody fun, another 'Mannequin' experimentation legacy I'm to contend with. The big shit with this of course is the planned meetinglfílming with Dr Greer th at the 19?" Leeds conference on Saturday 15 September, this was arranged with his associates recently, and up until the 5th would have been the perfect opportunity, alas now I'm virtually incapacitated the trip is off. Via good friend and colleague Nick Redfern I've passed a letter to Dr Greer outlining my health deterioration, that a meeting was not possible, but that I still wish to participate in his Disclosure Program in any other way I can, in fact a copy of this letter forms part of this really is a shit!! I shall continue to release these little gems whilst I scale down my ufological activities accordingly, the old bugger is not dead yet! HAVE A GREAT HALLOWEEN SPACE CADETS. SEE YOU AROUND XMAS TIME WITH ANY LUCK (and perhaps Nick's review of THE VOICE will finally appear in the November/December issue of "UFO MAGAZINE"...we can but hope, or will I be proved correct again regarding 'Elite' manipulation and suppression??) os I •' "IIS Pi Vé2Z Barry King, 27 The Green, Melbourne, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2BQ, England Telephoneifax: 01245-008617 Mobiles 07715-824678 September 9th 2000 FOR THE ATTENTION OF DR. STEVEN GREER. CSETI DISCLOSURE PROGRAM Dear Dr Greer, I hope this letter finds its way to you whilst you are in the UK at the 19n Leeds ( \mference, indeed it was planned that J would have met you at the venue and availed myself to interview filming as a witness for the above program However, as recent as September 5th when I saw my doctor this sort of travelling was made out of the question for me, my health has deteriorated to such a degree over recent months that my (JP strongly warned against si4ch exertion, in fact I may he placed on the incapacity lists. Obviously this is a great disappointment to me, inasmuch as that I have to curtail many things and take a hack seat from now on, my active days are over. As the battery of tests and the length of my medication list grow ever longer I can only thank the legacy left me by the 'Mannequin' project, the state of my health now being a direct result of the experimentation done to me by this and related projects. But, not being one to just let things get on top of me I state here in writing for your benefit Dr Greer that ¡fully intend to make myself available to your Disclosure Program in any way possible within my health limitations, Island by all my previous statements/disclosures since 1994,1 will gladly sign any such oath or declaration/statement concerning my claims as a witness for your program, whatever it takes, I will stand up and be counted among your witnesses with pleasure. You may use any and all information/data given to you and your team thus far concerning my claims for whatever use you may have now and in the future. As I said, the state of my health is a direct result of working with and being part of the project I've detailed over the years, plus my being a guinea-pig for genetic experiments in that same project, the premature aging process has finally took a deep hold on me and my system. I fm willing to come forward, I can only hope that you can still use me as a witness within your program Albeit in a more limited fashion than previously hoped, I'm ready Dr Greer; let me know what I can do now for you, I sincerely hope we can meet someday, somehow, till then take care and every success in your efforts to bring the truth out into the open, many are counting on you. Yours Very Sincerely, • ¿OrJf Vé2Z : ....••; ":ÍÍ-.^. r- ï« H K îï- . . _ Barry King, 27 The Green? Melbourne, Telephone/fax: 01245-608617 September Chelmsford? Essex, CM1 2BQ, England Mobile: 07715-824678 9th 2000 FOR THE ATTENTION OF DR. STEVEN GREER. CSETI DISCLOSURE PROGRAM Dear Dr Greer, I hope this letter finds its way to you whilst you are in the UK at the 19ifl Leeds ( \mference, indeed it was planned that I would have met you at the venue and availed myself to interview filming as a witness for the above program. However, as recent as September 5i1 when I saw my doctor this sort of travelling was made out of the question for me, my health has deteriorated to such a degree over recent months that my GP strongly warned against such exertion, in fact I may be placed on the incapacity' lists. Obviously this is a great disappointment to me, inasmuch as that I have to curtail many things and take a back seat from now on, my active days are over. As the battery? of tests and the length of my medication list grow ever longer I can only thank the legacy left me by the 'Mannequin 'project, the state of my health now being a direct result of the experimentation done to me by this and related projects. But, not being one to just let things get on top of me I state here in writing for your benefit Dr Greer that Ifully intend to make myself available to your Disclosure Program in any way possible within my health lintitations, ¡stand by all my previous statements/disclosures since 1994,1 will gladly sign any such oath or declaration/statement concerning my claims as a witness for your program, whatever it takes, I will stand up and be counted among your witnesses with pleasure. You may use any and all information/data given to you and your team thus far concerning my claims for whatever use you may have now and in the future. As I said, the state of my health is a direct result of working with and being part of the project I've detailed over the years, plus my being a guinea-pig for genetic experiments in that same project, the premature aging process has finally took a deep hold on me and my system. I *m willing to come forward, 1 can only hope that you can still use me as a witness within your program Albeit in a more limited fashion than previously hoped, 17w ready Dr Greer, let me know what I can do now for you, I sincerely hope we can meet someday, somehow, till then take care and every success in your efforts to bring the truth out into the open, many are counting on you. Yours Very Sincerely, Y¿23 PROJECT "MANNEQUIN» AND GOVERNMENT SURVEY GUINEA-PIGS (THE GENETIC SURVEY....RUN SINCE 1946 BY UK, USA AND CANADA) (UK PART OF SURVEY WAS CODENAMED 'ANVIL'*) CATEGORY ONE GUINEA-PIGS...... GUINEA-PIGS ARE VOLUNTEER & NON VOLUNTEER MILITARY PERSONNEL ALSO CIVILIANS IN NUMEROUS CATEGORIES. SURVEY GUINEA-PIGS UNDER THE CONTROL OF HARWELL CIVILIANS WORKING FOR GOV. DEFENCE CONTRACTORS STUDENTS AT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ASSISTING IN MEDICAL TESTS THE PUBLIC ASSISTING IN PRIVATE MEDICAL TESTS CIVILIANS 'EARMARKED' FOR MILAB PROCEDURES CIVILIANS ENGAGED IN SPECIFIC RESEARCH AREAS (ESPECIALLY UFOIGHOSTIPARANORMALIFORTEAN RESEARCH AREAS) CIVILIANS WORKING WITHIN AREAS OF THE MEDIA CATEGORY TWO GUINEA-PIGS. PATIENTS IN NHSIPRIVATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALSICLINICSIASYLUMS PRISONERS IN LOWIMEDIHIGH SECURITY PRISONS CIVILIANS UNDERGOING DRINKIDRUG REHABILITATION PATIENTS UNDERGOING OUTPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT * 'ANVIL' WAS THE BRITISH CODENAME FOR THEIR PART IN THE GENETIC SURVEY BETWEEN 1946 AND 1955, AFTER THAT DATE THE CODENAME WAS CHANGED TO 'OAKTREE' TO COINCIDE WITH BOTH THE AMERICAN & CANADIAN PROJECTS UNDER THE SAME GENETIC PARAMETERS, THIS CONTINUES TO THIS DAY V¿2£ THE ,VOICLJSTUIfiHT TALKING! NO HOLDS BARRED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS PUT TO THE VOICE OVER TIME Q: IN THE COURSE OF YOUR WORK, YOUR DUTIES AT PEASEMORE, DID YOU PERSONALLY EVER SEE ANYONE GET KILLED OR ASSIST IN THE KILLING OF ANYONE? A:THE STRAIGHT AND TRUTHFUL ANSWER TO THAT, IN BOTH PARTS IS YES, I NOT ONLY WITNESSED THE DEATHS OF A NUMBER OF PEOPLE AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THE EXPERIMENTATION CARRIED OUT ON THEM IN THE LABS AND MEDICAL AREAS, AND I ASSISTED IN THEIR DEATHS INDIRECTLY BY WAY OF PHYSICALLY TAKING THE SUBJECTS TO THESE AREAS, KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT AWAITED THE POOR SODS. Q: IN WHATEVER CAPACITY, AS PART OF YOUR DUTD2S WITH PEASEMORE, OR THE SURVEY, OR MAYBE WITH THE PSYCHOLOGICAL UNIT, DID YOU EVER HARM OR KILL ANYONE DIRECTLY, UNDER ORDERS OR NOT? A: AGAIN THE STRAIGHT AND TRUTHFUL ANSWER TO THAT IS YES, WHILST CARRYING OUT ORDERS I HAVE INJURED AND REGRETTABLY KILLED SOMEONE, BUT THIS WAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PEASEMORE AS A SECURITY OPERATIVE, IT HAD TO DO WITH THE 5992nd UNIT, I'M NOT PREPARED AT THIS TIME TO GO INTO FURTHER DETAILS ABOUT THOSE INCIDENTS. Q: OK, BUT THERE WAS MORE THAN ONE INCIDENT, MORE THAN ONE PERSON/INDIVIDUAL INVOLVED THEN? A: YES, I'M AFRAID SO. Q: YOU MENTIONED IN THE PAST ABOUT YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES BEING BOOSTED AND USED BY PROJECT 'MANNEQUIN', DID THIS USE INCLUDE ANY PSY-WAROR SPYING, REMOTELY OR OTHERWISE, IN ANY OPERATIONS? A: YES IT DID ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS Q: COULD THESE PSYCHIC ABILITIES BE USED NOW?, COULD THEY BE USED ON PEOPLE BY WAY OF PERHAPS MANIPULATING OR CONTROLLING PEOPLE? A: I STILL HAVE THESE ABILITIES YES AND I CAN USE THEM NOW, BUT NO I CANNOT CONTROL OR INFLUENCE ANYONE WITH THEM IN THE SENSE YOU MEAN, I CAN SCAN THEM, IN PERSON OR EVEN OVER THE PHONE, BUT THAT IS NOTHING NEW OR UNUSUAL, CALL IT PSYCHIC INTERROGATION IF YOU LIKE, I TRY NOT TO USE THESE ABILITIES BUT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN I FIND IT USEFUL AS A MEANS OF PROTECTION, YOU KNOW, TO BE PERHAPS ONE STEP AHEAD OF SOMEONE, JUST IN CASE! MORE STRAIGHT TALKING NEXT ISSUE mt INSIDER REVELATIONS OF HORRIFIC HUMAN EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT ON PATIENTS AT THE FORMER CHELMSFORD AND ESSEX HOSPITAL DURING THE 1950V1960's A couple of years ago one of the many callers at my home was a conspiracy researcher whom set up a meeting here with me in order to 'chew the fat' over a number of topics which really intrigued him, and during his five and a half hour stay he covered numerous conspiracies, one of which hit a nerve in me and brought distant and hazy memories to the surface, memories of conversations with a former hospital employee at the old C&E some years back. This former employee worked at the hospital between 1955 and 1969 and it was part of her duties to administer certain drugs to patients before they were taken to a specific ward prior to being placed in the 'isolation5 wing of the hospital, an unofficial isolation wing, used exclusively by certain medical personnel. This ex-employee was privy to certain data concerning the patients that were thus 'isolated', she was also on friendly terms with one or two of the medical personnel from that section of the hospital and knew a great deal of the experiments carried out on unwitting/unknowing patients. Men, women and children were used for various physiological and psychological experiments at the C&E under the guise of normal everyday medical procedures for over twenty years in the utmost secrecy, as with so many other things it operated on a 'need to know' basis. Experimental new drugs and surgical procedures were used time and again and much of the work centred around mind controlling/manipulating procedures. I was told about horrific operations carried out on patients, not all under anaesthetic, with limbs being amputated or even grafted on others, organ removal, electrical and/or chemical procedures, the list went on and on. There was some talk of radiation experiments during this same time frame, working with another, unknown to the ex-employee, hospital/medical establishment. The range of this hideous, illegal and immoral experimentation was extensive, I can only briefly mention it here, to do it justice I would need many pages, so another time. My conspiracy friend had unearthed a great deal of material on this and thought I was likewise 'in the know', I simply played dumb and extracted as much information from him during his stay here, and then checking with the data the former employee gave once my caller left for home, chilling, bloody frightening really, all in the name of science and the betterment of mankind! Vé2¿ LOCATION OF 1979/80 SECONDARY IMPLANT (CRANIUM) BIOCHIP INSERTED VIA LARGE GUAGE (NO.3) NEEDLE DIRECTLY INTO THE TOP OF THE NECK/BASE OF SKULL, ROUGHLY AS ARROWED IN DIAGRAM TO THE RIGHT G UAGES OF NEEDLES VARY DEPENDING ON TYPE OF WORK TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE LABS.... USING OWN CLASSIFICATION (NSA) REFINED GLOBAL TRACKINGICONTROL MICROWAVE CONTROL ONE OF THE TECHNICIANS IN THE ELECTRONIC AREAS BEGINS A SERIES OF PROGRAMS AIMED AT THE SECURITY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS WITHIN THE FACILITY... THESE WILL BE INSTANTLY OBEYED WITHOUT QUESTION THROUGHOUT CENTRAL SECURITY AND ONTO ALL LEVELS CONTAINING SECURITY PERSONNEL IN AL/499 PEASEMORE Vé¿7 IMPLANTS 1976 & 1979180 "THE VOICE» Sternum LOCATION OF 1976 IMPLANT....BEHIND STERNUM (BREASTBONE) FOR PURPOSE OF 24 HOUR GLOBAL LOCATION/MONITORING OF BASIC PHYSIOLOGY/CARDIAC ARREST INITIATOR CRANI LOCATION OF 1979/80 SECONDARY IMPLANT...CRANIUM...INSERTED VIA VERY TOP OF NECK.....PURPOSE: MUCH BETTER TRACKING GLOBALLY AND MORE REFINED TRANSMITTING CAPABILITIES RE SUBJECT CONTROL ^ I H D CONTRO/ mr MICROCHIP IMPLANTATION VIA HYPODERMIC NEEDLE, NSA MEDICAL STAFF, NSA STANDARDISED SYRINGE, RANGE 1-3 (NOT KNOWN WHAT EQUIVELENT GUAGE RANGE IS) MAIN AREAS OF IMPLANTATION: CRANIUMINR BRAIN STEM SYRINGE IS DIFFERENT FROM STANDARD MODELS IN THAT A TUBE IS CONNECTED TO THE NEEDLE WHICH IN TURN IS CONNECTED TO A MACHINEIMEDICAL CONSOLE A SOLUTION OF SOME KIND IS INJECTED ALONG WITH THE MICROCHIP AND BONDS WITH THE CHIP IN ITS LOCATION, AS WITH ALL IMPLANTS A BIOPSY IS FIRST PERFORMED ON THE TARGET j _t / \ ^—. Cranium V¿2? A FEW ADDITIONS HAVE BEEN MADE RECENTLY TO THE REVIEW SECTION OF THIS PUBLICATION, WE NOW HAVE 'TAKING OUT THE TRASH' WHERE THE MERCHANDISE IS ABSOLUTELY CRAP 'THE TEMPLE OF SHAME' WHERE PROMISED ITEMS HAVE FAILED TO ARRIVE WEEKS EVEN MONTHS AFTER A COMPANY STATED THEY WOULD BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SEE THEIR GOODS REVIEWED/PUBLICISED USUALLY ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION! 'HALL OF THE IGNORANTS' WHERE THOSE COMPANIES/INDIVIDUALS COP A DEAF EAR WHEN APPROACHED FOR REVIEW MERCHANDISE THEY DO NOT ANSWER EITHER LETTERS OR PHONE CALLS/FAXES! 'THE GOLDEN TORTOISE AWARD' SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! AND WHEN YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL NEXT TO A REVIEW/NEXT TO AN ARTICLE/NEXT TO A REPORT, ETC, YOU WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I THINK OF IT WON'T YOU? SPOOKY!! Vé3o Merchandise reviews this issue ÍREAL|!YENÍ^«1' STUFF Roswell Crash Scene and Alien head maskslwall plaques supplied by the Fantastic team at ft ^ ^ j t Art & Design SIUDM28QQ AND SO IT WOULD HAVE READ, WITH PERHAPS GLOWING REVIEWS OF THE MERCHANDISE PLUS PICCIES OF THE ITEMS THEMSELVES, HOWEVER, AFTER WAITING WEEK AFTER WEEK THE GOODS CONTINUALLY FAILED TO ARRIVE, THEY WERE SO BUSY WITH ORDERS THAT THEY HAD NO TIME TO SEND ME REVIEW STUFF, FAIR ENOUGH, BUT AFTER TWO MONTHS AND THE PROMISE THAT GEAR WOULD COME MY WAY A SUDDEN TURN AROUND, THEY NOW WANTED TO SEE A COPY OF THIS PUBLICATION FIRST, THEN MAYBE, MAYBE, THEY WOULD SEND REVIEW MATERIAL BUT NOT JUST YET, MAYBE FOR THE DECEMBER ISSUE....JULY TO DECEMBER BEFORE I HAD A CHANCE TO SEE THE MERCHANDISE?, NO FORGET IT LADS, IF YOU CANNOT BE BOTHERED NOR CAN I, AND I THEREFORE PUT YOU FORWARD INTO THE TEMPLE OF SHAME'. .. AND GUESS WHO IS BEING PLACED INTO THE 'HALL OF THE IGNORANTS1? DUE TO THE EXCESSIVE TIME FRAME OF 415 WEEKS AND STILL SOD ALL, NONE OTHER THAN JONATHAN DOWNES AND CREW AT CFZ IN DEVON. SORRY LADS BUT, WELL, YOU DID NOT BOTHER EITHER DID YOU? WITH MY HEALTH NOW IN SUCH A STATE I'M EVEN LESS INCLINED TO USE PATIENCE ON PEOPLE, I WILL TOLERATE NO SODDING ABOUT, NO LIES, NO PROMISES, NO RUDDY BULLSHIT, I DO NOT HAVE THE LUXURY OF A LOT OF TIME TO BE WASTED AWAY BY PEOPLE ANYMORE, COURTESEY AND GOOD MANNERS HAVE LONG DEPARTED MANY PEOPLE IT SEEMS! SPOOKY!! YéJ/ Merchandise Reviews this issue................................... ^ r videotapes NASA-Case proven and found guilty! "WHAT HAPPENED ON THE MOON?" An investigation into Apollo (An expose of serious faults in the Apollo photographs) VHS 2 tape set 222 minutes running time Aulis Publishers London Color £15.95 plus £1 P&P It is strongly recommended that the reader acquaints themselves with and Gets a grounding with the very impressive book written by Bennett and Percy entitled "DARK MOON"...Apollo and the whistleblowers, also by Aulis. I reviewed this excellent book in a previous issue, it is required reading and Compliments the above videotape. Absolutely brilliant, this video girls at NASA with their pants one think this evidence proves been overly truthful about the happened? "THE FACE ON MARS" has definitely caught the naughty boys and down, many areas here need addressing, I for beyond a reasonable doubt that NASA has not moonshots, come on guys, what really Compelling viewing 9110 color vhs running time 65 mins £15.95p See how the Cydonia region of Mars is accurately replicated at Avebury and Stonehenge in England, as well as in the layout of the passages and chambers of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. NASA went to Mars in 1975 to look for life ...what did the agency discover? More Compelling viewing 8110 "THE TERRESTRIAL CONNECTION" Similar to above tape Very Interesting viewing 7110 £15.95p y¿?z EDITOR Books reviewed this issue. "TWO THIRDS...A HISTORY OF OUR GALAXY" David Myers & David Percy Revised 1999 large softback 608pp illustrated Aulis Publishers, London ISBN 1-898541-019 Grey Matter Expander! 8110 "LEY LINES A comprehensive guide to alignments" Danny Sullivan softback £9.99p PIATKUS BOOKS Very Good 8110 "HEALING GRIEF" PIATKUS BOOKS James Van Praagh 2000 softback Emotional 7110 2000 £9.99p "Ql: THE QUEST FOR INTELLIGENCE" Dr Kevin Warwick 2000 softback PIATKUS BOOKS £16.99p hardback Interesting 7110 "INVESTIGATING THE UNEXPLAINED" Paul Roland 2000 PIATKUS BOOKS £17.99p Mysteries unravelled, good Hardback 7110 "MESSAGES FROM THE MASTERS" PIATKUS BOOKS £9.99p softback "PAN AM 103: THE LOCKERBIE GAZELLE BOOKS "PROJECT SEEK" COVER UP" softback Very Chilling 8110 softback "DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION" GAZELLE BOOKS "TWA 800....ACCIDENT GAZELLE BOOKS Dr Brian Weiss 2000 Fascinating 7110 £13.99p GAZELLE Weird 7110 softback Good Conspiracy £14.50p BOOKS £13.99p stuff 7110 OR INCIDENT?" softback Excellent and very Spooky £10.50p 9110 "DIRECTORY OF NEW AGE & ALTERNATIVE PUBLICATIONS" large £19.50p GAZELLE BOOKS A Brilliant Must Buy 9110 "EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY" large softback GAZELLE BOOKS David Hatcher Childress Great Stuff 8110 softback £16.50p féiï "SECRETS OF COLD WAR TECHNOLOGY" softback £12.99p GAZELLE BOOKS I Do not like this guy's writing style, very Arrogant, very off-putting, so I'm going to trash this one....4H0 Here's a turn up for the books!!!................... "VISITATION.....THE CERTAINTY OF ALIEN ACTIVITY" Peter Hough 1999 small softback ISBN 1-902809-09-2 £6.99p London House Peter Hough on the pro side of aliens and ufo's? I cant believe it! Is this a turn around?, not really, perhaps written under duress or during a fugue! Interesting reading though, a good author and researcher 8110 "THE UFO INVESTIGATOR'S GUIDE" David Coomer 1999 softback ISBN 0-7137-2782-9 £8.99p Blandford Press I like this, I would have liked it better if I was in the damn thing, you would have thought that after 34 years loyal and prominent service to ufology that yours truly would be in most guides and encyclo's of this nature, never mind! Worth a look at anyhow 8110 "THE ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANCIENT EARTH MYSTERIES" Paul Devereux large hardback ISBN 0-7137-2764-0 £18.99p Cassell & Co (Blandford) Yep, certainly a big bugger, very interesting, very colourful, very expensive! Worth a read though, perhaps via the local library. 7110 Apologies for not being able to do full and detailed reviews this issue, my health dictated abbreviated reviews for now, still, that should not spoil your enjoyment of the rest of this brilliant little gem of a publication. HAPPY READING SPACE CADETS! In closing this issue........................ Bear with me, whilst this issue is shorter than usual, due to ill health and its limitations on me, hopefully back to near normal next issue. Please send all exchange magsljournals direct to editor, feel free to send in any newslviewslcommentslgripeslarticleslwhatever for use in future issues. Back issues are available upon request. The editor can be contacted at: "THE VOICE" 27 THE GREEN MELBOURNE CHELMSFORD ESSEX CM1 2BQ ENGLAND 24 HOUR PHONEIFAX: EMAIL: (44) 01245-608617 MOBILE: 07715-824678 Watch your post, watch your phone, watch your PC, WATCH YOUR The truth IS out there if you have the time to look for it KEEP WELL SPACE CADETS. SEE YOU ALL IN DECEMBER BACKS! ^"WMg IDE VOICE BLES CONSPIRACIES FOR THE 21ST w # CENTURY HRISTMAS COMPOSED COMPILED EDITED AND GENERALLY THROWN TOGETHER BY BRITAINS ANSWER TO BOB LAZAR! ISSN 1462-9313 DECEMBER 2000 ISSUE 46 £2.00 y¿3¿ <$? ISSUE NUMBER 46 DECEMBER 2000 EDITORIAL HO HO HOf yes Its that festive time of year again f my 7th stint as editor/Santa Ctaus/ufofogist/whistleblower and all round good guy. My xmas present to ufologyf indeed the public at large is simply further disclosures on various little secrets which I do not think are in our best interests by being kept secret A number of my loyal readers would have by now noticed the review in the current issue of UFO MAGAZINE, put together by Nick Redfern. I have to say that it was a fair review considering the complex and difficult to want to believe nature o f some of my claims, I admit I go further than any other whistieblower to date, but tough-titty, the claims are genuine, believe or disbelieve, I care not Nick, I stiff have that bee buzzing around my bonnet perhaps with good cause, I'm speaking now of the dreadful and pitiful response I received from the review, even Nick reckoned on average 20*25 responsos, which is lousy enough, but for some reason only 5 (yes FIVE) people cftese to bother to write to me since the glossy was duly published at the arse end of October, today being November 30*. what Is particularly annoying is that Quest Publications beast something like 100,000 readers to UFO MAGAZINE, )ll hose me down to prevent me from self combusting here but 100,000, and only 5 little responses?, do I take it that the majority of their readers either do not read the classifieds and the review section or simply only look at the pretty pictures! My twisted logic reasoned at least a couple of hundred weird and wacky letters with some actually having the balls to purchase copies of this publication, but fate, scepticism and plain old ignorance kept them all away. Of course It had nothing to do with the feet that there were distribution delays, cock-ups with the release date, floods all around the UK and numerous other little problems doing the rounds.» .no, course not, Just because THE VOICE had his review in a big flashy glossy UFO mag, excuse me whilst I go and readjust my Karma. Of course what is even more annoying is the fact that I had an advertisement in the current issue of Ivan Fraser's fine magazine and that I received a better response to that than from UFO MAGAZINE, and I'm sure the circulation figures of THE TRUTH CAMPAIGN mag are much much smaller, It does not make sense. Sadder news or gladder news, depends on which way you health problems which are forcing me to slow way down these days, besides my angina, high blood pressure and arthritis lfve recently been diagnosed with a particularly nasty strain of M.E., that Is Myalglc Encephalomyelitis to you witch-doctors, win doctors and anyone else running around in a white lab coat!! Because my GP was not overly familiar with the complaint he had to do a bit of research. When I saw him a few weeks later he had a mild look of confusion on his face and said something along the lines that If he did not know better he would have diagnosed me as having Gulf War Syndrome, as his research uncovered the fact that many of my symptoms mimic that very disorder, I said a Arm NO to that then went to have, añer further research, M.E. diagnosed. So there you have, or rather I do!. Sometimes when the arm and leg muscles lock I'm in great pain and virtually immobile, still, that is lite as they say. Any time now Fm waiting to hear from Busty Taylor and friends to pop round and do the Aiming for Dr Steven Greer, Which was postponed a few weeks ago due to Aiming schedules, plus George Farquhar of the Project Freedom is due to pop round and do a bit of Aiming also for his mind-control network, yep, should prove really interesting. I hope you all And tills issue of special interest as I've detailed further bits and pieces on Peasemore, there Is still a lot to be said but if the UFO climate remains as cold towards me as its been of late then I'm in no Moody rush to disclose further Information. Nick, according to his review reckons I'll be a lone voice for some time to come, hopefully that situation will change when others step forward, there are retired security staff, technicians and of course the human guinea-pigs, plus not forgetting the MIIAB abductees whom Alter into either mind control or ufo research camps seeking answers to their nightmares. Jon King detailed 4 or 5 sources that verify and corroborate my claims to a degree if you remember, in his book COSMIC TOP SECRET, these being Q, STEALTH, and two high ranking government ministers.-..even NIMROD hinted at strange goings on although did not exactly mention anything along the lines of my claims......NIMROD?, hang about, that isn't good old Timothy Good Is it? Enough for now boys and girls, go and be happy and festive little space cadets, peace to you all, Merry Junas. VéV THE PEASEMORE FACILITY THE MOTOR POOL, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL VEHICLES, CONTRACTORS VEHICLES, MODIFIED VEHICLES, MAGNETIC CARTS, SECURITY CONTROLS, VEHICLE CHECKS AND SANITIZING PRIOR TO ENTRY, LIFE FORM TRANSPORTATION, TRANSIT FRAMES AND CRATES, ACCESS TUNNEL PROTOCOLS, VISITORS VEHICLESfSECURITYIPROTOCOLS, CONTACT WITH NCBW AGENTS, GUINEA PIG TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM FACILITY, BIOPARTS STORAGEITRANSPORTATIONISECURITY, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ALL WILL BE DETAILED OVER THE NEXT FEW ISSUES, FOR A SEE SKETCHES WHERE START.„.....„.m.„.„.„...„.M„ INCLUDED VEHICLES: For facility and access tunnel use there are small lightweight magnetic carts, used singularly or drawing trailers, personnel or freight, the personnel ones are used to ferry visitors, staff and VIP's around the facility...goods ones are used for transporting all manner of items Including PGLF transit frames and crates from the sheds to the loading bays at central security prior to shipment The motor pool, near central security, houses the magnetic carts, shuttle vehicles, which are standard 4 door sedan type cars and security jeeps, plus standard 1 ton vans, either UK type Ford Transit or US Dodge, these are used for transporting the transit frames loaded with up to S pods containing stage three PGLFs. Adapted fork HA trucks are housed in the motor pool and are primarily used for carrying loaded transit frames from the magnetic carts onto the vans ready for shipment Visitors vehicles, many classed as VIP, are temporarily parked in the motor pool whilst visits takes place, these vehicles, usually sedan cars are driven up from tine access points. file use of the 4 and 7.5 tonne trucks, which are normally housed at access point entrances, are for shipment of large amounts of software/hardware (such as Rendlesham 1980), large numbers of personnel are likewise transported from facility direct in standard USAF minibuses. Because the facility has to be kept as clean and sterile as possible, within obvious limitations, when vehicles, except magnetic carts, reach a certain point in the tunnel on their way to the facility, some short distance before the outer security point, they are required to stop for sanitizing, or known in-house as the 'car-wash'. These cleansing procedures are carried out automatically from the facility, vehicles come to a halt in the tunnel in a marked area, windows and vents are closed, OK signal given by the driver of the vehicle initiates procedure. This includes blasts/jets of liquid followed by jets of vapor/gases, followed by a warning to vehicle occupants to dim special goggles, again when driver ¿Ives the OK to continue sudden very bright light erupts over the vehicle and then a warning bell goes off telling everyone all is clear, goggles can be removed and vehicle may proceed onto the outer security point To prevent vehicles from continuing along the tunnel until these procedures are completed, the tunnel roadway some yards ahead is hydraulicalty IIfled some 45 degrees across Its width and Is lowered only when the warning bell finishes. Remember, there are traces, however minute, of CBW agents within the facility, which are used in certain areas. VÏ3X FURTHER SKETCHES RE PROJECT 'MANNEQUIN' PGLF TRANSIT CRATE VENTED CENTRE HINGED CUPS ONTO TRANSIT FRAME, 3 EACH SIDE MOULDED SHAPED REAR SECTION (THESE ARE SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS PODS AS WELL) ¡or cuts&kak TRANSIT FRAME SLOTS INTO TOP AND BOTTOM GROOVES IN REAR OF VAN....FORD TRANSIT OR DODGE 1 TONNE toof 1 s£¿ir ¿rf yx^o ACCESS TUNNEL VEHICLE SANITISING AREA (THE CAR WASH) VEHICLES MUST STOP WITHIN THE MARKED GRID AREA IN TUNNEL MARKED WITH RED LINES, ALL SÛ&S ¿ze/¿> y¿ MIKE AND FRIENDS FROM DIS (DIS) AND HOW "THE VOICE" CAME ABOUT. m«••••»«« »»»«•»» Tills was simply a case of them sitting and talking with me Informally, discussing what was to occur and how the ufo community and indeed joe public would accept my claims. They said that as I was to be their spokesman, their voice as such, In getting tills Information out and Into the public domain .«....."you mail be our voice... yes, that's It, you will be THE VOICE".. ...and In late '93 early '34 that is how it all came about, we agreed on a newsletter as the best form of release to test reaction, before that of course it involved contacting various researchers in the ufo and conspiracy field in '93, Andy Collins and Mary Seal being the Arst such individuals. I have not accesseil my email or been on tibe Internet since July, problems with the PC here, beginning on the day I went to Bentwaters with Miles and Dr Steven Greer's assistant, have not been rectiAed yet so apologies to anyone whom had contacted me via email and failed to receive a reply, now you know why! Watch out for the extensive book review next Issue of Georgina Brunts book "YOU CAN'T TELL THE PEOPLE" This unfortunately arrived too late for inclusion in this issue, but it's a cracker of a book and I suggest you go and get a copy immediately. *~vm what I've read so far.........WOWEE!I There are still many secrets to be uncovered re Bentwaters/Woodbridge but it probably will remain that way. No matter who investigates the mystery, no matter how thoroughly they Investigate and research, secrets will remain. Bentwaters in particular, Is a bad place, A BAD PLACE, too much pushing for answers will only result In ones mind being played with (in polite terms, being fucked with in not so poIHe terms!!). Re her book, in it she states she was given a copy of the large wall map of Bentwaters, well in fact there probably are 3 maps in ail, she was given the least secret one of the above ground buildings, etc. The second map would be the same as the Arst one but would have superimposed upon It the underground section, showing access points. The third map would be of the underground complex itself, very detailed, it would be interesting if someone could come up with a copy of tills lor me! Just a little thought to keep you all on your toes................. Dont forget Operation Mountain Haze\„.,.„......designed to keep you awake at night, to keep you walking towards that door called paranoia..*.....Jts been working for years and will continue to do so for years to come. SEASONS GREETINGS Yé- I K UFO COMMINITY A CLASSIC CASE OF FAILURE W I T H I N ITS RANKS TO RECOGNISE SMOKING G U N E V I D E N C E H A N D E D TO T H E M O N A PLATE, E V I D E N C E W H I C H HAS BEEN CENSORED, MANIPULATED A N D SUPPRESSED FOR OVER 6 YEARS BY THE UFO COMMUNITY THEMSELVES! WAKE UP UFOLOGY. FORGET BOB LAZAR'S BULLSHIT, CHECK THIS HERE YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHOM NOT ONLY RIVALS BUT BY FAR SURPASSES ANY CLAIMS MADE BY BOB LAZAR, SOMEONE VERY WELL KNOWN IN THE UFO COMMUNITY, SOMEONE VERY PROMINENT, SOMEONE CONNECTED WITH THE UFO SUBJECT FOR WELL OVER 30 YEARS, SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO IN REAL TIME, SOMEONE WHOM IS AVAILABLE AS A REAL PERSON GIVING YOU MORE INFORMATION THAN ALL THE AMERICAN WHISTLEBLOWERS PUT "~ GETHER. TALK OF MISSED OPPORTUNITIES. THE UFO COMMUNITY HAS FAILED ITSELF AND EVERYONE CONNECTED TO IT BY OVERLOOKING, NO, DELIBERATELY IGNORING DISCLOSURES PASSED INTO THE UFO MAINSTREAM BY THIS WHISTLEBLOWER, YOU HAVE ON YOUR DOORSTEP SOMEONE WHOM. HAS ACTUALLY WORKED ATA TOP SECRET BLACK BUDGET FACILITY IN THE UK HAS PHYSICAL AND MENTAL SCARS OF THE EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT ON HIM HAS SEEN TOP SECRET BLACK BUDGET ADVANCED STEALTH AIRCRAFT OF DIFFERING VARIETIES HAS TAKEN PART IN MIND CONTROL PROCEDURES ON OTHERS HAS USED PSI-WAR TECHNIQUES ON FELLOW RESEARCHERS IN THE PAST HAS GIVEN NAMES, LOCATIONS, PROJECT DETAILS, DATES ON PROJECTS PAST & PRESENT HAS UNDERGONE MILITARY ABDUCTIONS HAS THE ASSISTANCE OF A GROUP OF RENEGADE INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES IN RELEASING THE DISCLOSURES INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN \S BEEN SHOWN A WEALTH OF TOP SECRET INFORMATIONIDATAIFILMSIPHOTO'SIFILES PERTAINING TO THE UFO SUBJECT IN AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY HAS BEEN THE TARGET OF THREATS, INTIMIDATION AND PHYSICAL HARM BY THE NSA AND MIS IN SHORT, THE UFO COMMUNITY HAS SOMEONE HERE WHOM CAN ANSWER A LOT OF YOUR QUESTIONS REGARDING THE MYSTERIES SURROUNDING THE UFO SUBJECT. BUT YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO IGNORE THE ASSISTANCE OFFERED, AND WORSE, YOU HAVE SUPPRESSED AND CENSORED THE FREELY AVAILABLE DATA POSSIBLY BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID TO FACE THE TRUTH AND REALLY DO NOT WISH TO HAVE ANSWERS TO THE UFO QUESTION, IT MIGHT SPOIL YOUR GAMEl BACK IN 1988 THE OPERATIVES FROM DIS KNEW, THEY HAD THE INSIGHT BACK THEN IT SEEMS, THAT THE UFO COMMUNITY WOULD CLOSE RANKS AND IGNORE THESE DISCLOSURES, IT WAS A RISK THAT HAD TO BE TAKEN, AND TAKEN IT WAS IN FEBRUARY OF 1994. YOU POOR IGNORANT SOULSI THE VOICE yt*./ THE FOLLOWING WAS FOUND IN THE CURRENT (NOVEMBER-DECEMBER) ISSUE OF "UFO MAGAZINE". GRAHAM, THE BELOW IS IN FACT THE GREG MARCHANT PHOTO, A SINGLE POLAROID PICCIE THAT BARELY CAUSED A RIPPLE AT THE TIME, ONCE THE PRESS AGENCY GOT THEIR HANDS ON IT! I IN FACT HAD A HAND IN THE ANALYSIS & INVESTIGATION OF THIS PHOTO CASE AS THIS WAS ONE OF MY SPECIALITIES DURING THE 1970S LET ME KNOW IF YOU REQUIRE ANY FURTHER DATA. I MIGHT STILL HAVE THE ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE COPY FROM THE BOURNEMOUTH AGENCY, THE AREA WHERE GREG MARCHANT TOOK THE PHOTOGRAPH, I WILL CHECK IT OUT. to NASA and a mental hospital That being said, it's possible that focal researchers in the Bournemouth area may shed same light on the matter. Alleged UFO photographs are a rare commodity these days, especially since the advent of camcorders. Alt the same, it's extremely rare to be handed an original photograph which has barely seen the light of day since the -mid-1970s... 1 was given a few other details and jotted them down on the back of the photo next to a stamped impression which read 'Wessex Press Agency'. From that, I suspect this photo was afforded space in a focal Bournemouth The photograph in question was forwarded by ML Si Cleggett, BSc {Hans), a freelance archaeologist who resides in Weymouth, Dorset, Mr» Cfeggelt submitted the photograph in order that we might first stabilise the image before embarking on attempts to enhance it. "It was given to me by an elderly gentleman some years ago," explained Mr. Cleggett Interestingly, faded {ink) handwritten notes on the back of the photograph read: Glen (photographer] 1975 A/ortfí-*""* r "" ñlAQñ ™ * men fo ,^. w,,_ ,.. - _._.._ pftofo to be real. Object 6 x double-decker buses in size. Glen now in mental hospital, "Greg Norman"? "As you can see, it is somewhat battered by time and handling, but nevertheless, shows a stunning image. As far as I am aware, the shot was taken by a Mr. Greg Norman through a window of his house in Northbourne, Bournemouth in 1975. The shot clearly shows what appears to be a washing line in the top left-hand corner. * Several filters were deployed to ascertain detail, but given the absence of foreground a n d background light, the c l e a n e d up i m a g e {main inset) is the best we could m a n a g e . The passage of time has meant real uncertainty over whether the photographer was named Glen or Greg Norman, as well as Mr, Cleggeft drawing reference raodr ^yp****^ in the meantime, all.we have to go on are Mr. Cleggetf s comments and the photograph itself which, to be fair, even allowing for the absence of any negative, leaves a lot to be desired. /.' i GROOM LAKE/AREA 51/DREAMLAND DUGWAY PROVING GROUND ï5 LL^ÉSS LOS ALAMOS/MANZANO/KIRTLAND FT.McCLELLAN NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FT.DETRICK MOUNT WEATHER *• < * , ms MILABS MAKE WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS, WHY NOT TREAT THE ONE YOU LOVE TO SOMETHING REALLY UNUSUAL THIS "EAR, SIGN THEM UP FOR THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME, SIMPLY CALL YOUR NEAREST USAF BASE FOR FURTHER DETAILS. /m RESEARCHERS PLEASE HOTE...HO 8ACK-STA88ING HERE!! THIS NOTICE SHOUIO APPCA* AT AU CONftMNCeS/VeNUCS/SllOUf MEET/MM AND Of SATIS r"jy il" V&é LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FOR YOUR DELIGHT AND UNTOLD PLEASURE I PROUDLY PRESENT THE REVIEW FROM THE CURRENT ISSUE OF -UFO MAGAZINE" DELICATELY PUT TOGETHER BY NICK REDFERN.... WOULD YOU SAY THIS DESERVED ALL OF 5 RESPONSES FROM THE BOASTED 100,000 READERS OF THE FAMOUS GLOSSY? Nick RerJfern THE VOICE -mmmsam SBlH«l,EomGM12H| •MGE: 22.00 PS BSE This is, frankly, a bloody odd magazine that has been doing the rounds in the dark and paranoid Ufological underworld for a few years now. Some of you will know the name of Barry King. A prime-mover in British Ufology in the 1970s, Barry was a familiar figure at the time and was involved in investigating a number of well-known UFO cases (the Aveley abduction of October 1974 being a prime example) and built up a good reputation for solid research. He then went underground for a white (literally he claims! ] and resurfaced from his cavernous home in the mid-90s with 'The Voice'. Quite simply our Bazza tetls a bizarre story that covers everything from his (alleged!) covert contact with sources from Defence Intelligence; underground bases; genetically-created beings; supersecret conspiracies; the surveillance of certain UFO investigators (me, Tim Good, Andy Roberts, Jenny Randies, Tim Matthews and a few others are listed) and much more that crawled right out of the set of The X-Files'. Barry even suggests that Urology's own Oliver Reed himseif, Jon Downes, is under surveillance by the Government! God help the person who has to transcribe Jon's telephone conversations!! Barry, I suppose, likes to think of himseif as a kind of British Bob Lazar. In addition, Barry always has a bee in his bonnet about how his claims are ignored by much of Ufology. In fairness they are. But as I've told Barry loads of times, while I know that many people have an interest in what he has to say, he is a relatively lone voice. And unless someone else comes along to back up on the record the very controvefsiai things he's saying, then I think he's going to be a tone voice for a long, iong time. Also, Barry's writing style is a bit odd. For example, he loves his commas but seldom makes use of something popularry known to most of us as the full-stop. Whilst I have to admit that I do have problems with some of Barry's more extreme claims, I also know that some of his information checks out with certain things I've uncovered (Special Branch, for example, is up to Its neck in monitoring certain UK UFO investigatorsas I'll be revealing soon). And for «xaf reason, Barry deserves a fair hearing if nothing else. * * * * * IW WELCOME READERS OF "THE VOICE" Nick Pope was supposed to have been standing here outside Bentwaters addressing you lot, but to be honest he couldn't be bothered so they asked me instead! Me and my mates here in the underground complex are getting a special xmas party put together for all you crazy ufo types, it promises to be a real hoot, we want to hold this in two parts over a three day period starting very late of xmas eve, the first part to be held on base, in our little hidey-hole, you know, under the photo labf and the second part of the bash we thought would be nice in the open alrf like, in the middle of the forest, great Idea eh? Some of the more dopey ones here said that this Idea was not new and in fact was done twenty of your years ago, but I ask you, who remembers a bit of a bash at that time? Anyway, you are all welcome to attend our little get together, nothing formal, Just show up anytime añer 9pm, meet at the East Gate of Woodbridge and a party of stewards will escort you to the complex, it'll be great!. BRING A BOTTLl XMAS PARTY INVITE y¿4# ERRYXMAS YOUR GREY FRÍE / .* n?/ CLASSIFIEDS PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS ARE PLACED FREE OF CHARGE FOR READER INTEREST/INFORMATION PLEASE SEND YOUR AD DIRECT TO THE EDITOR. THE TRUTH CAMPAIGN Superb A4 quarterly magazine covering a very wide range of topics including cover-ups, conspiracies, New World Order, health and medical ethics, ufo's, alien abductions, In fact you name it and Ivan has it covered in his diligent research, this is a must read magazine. Single issues are £3, better still a years sub at £12 would keep you informed. • >-$£> Ivan Fraser, THE TRUTH CAMPAIGN, 49 Trevor Terrace, North Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE30 2Df, England kû H tai A . tai 4 m/ Sí. 47 & iMi ït W 11 H ta PROJECT FREEDOM NETWORK Run by George Farquhar, the Project Freedom network is dedicated towards the expose of remote mind control weapons used by the MIND CONTROL POLICE..........M15 NSA MOD GCHQ US INTELLIGENCE ETC Project Freedom P.O. box 2641, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8XP, England GAZELLE BOOK SERVICES LTD You simply must get in touch with them and request a copy of their latest catalogue, in this you will find thousands of books on ufo's, aliens, cover-ups, conspiracies, earth mysteries, mind control, hidden technology, ghosts, time travel, etc, etc, etc. They have many difficult to get elsewhere titles. Brilliant service from a brilliant company. Gazelle Book Services Ltd Falcon House, Queen Square, Lancaster, LAI 1RN, England REVIEWS A N D VOICE CHOICE "OPERATION LIGHTNING STRIKE" Truths so startling they can only be told in fiction Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster) £9.991» Nick Pope tira 2QWP/B In this sequel to Operation Thunder Child, the conflict-ridden relationship between Earth and a technologically advanced group of aliens deepens. As the mothershlp heads for Earth they beam powerful messages to governments and the media, assuring them of their peaceful intentions and promising partnership and prosperity, WHOA!!, here we go again on a roliercoaster of a ride driven by that ali smiling MOD maverick whom insists he is the equivalent of a Major, the words in the book are different, unlike his lectures. I still cannot get my head round this, and ufology still cannot realise that there is something wrong here, a bod with 3 years part-time behind a desk, at no time did he spend his entire 3 years solely pursuing ufofs.....yet suddenly he is one of the top experts!! I 0 0 NOT THINK SO, Nick is the equivalent to any other armchair ufologist for that amount of time. For Christ sakes, he's even got the TV rights to his first novel, it is unbelievable. What's next?, his own chatshow? Call me paranoid, call me a conspiracy nut, whatever, this Just does not sit right, I will not so easily welcome Mr Pope ~on-a -rope into the wfo scene as the bandwagon ufo community have done. And still no-one has noticed that sliding panel In his back where the batteries go!!. ne books written so far by Nick Pope are fine, pity about the author! 6 10 for sheer cheek -UNEARTHLY DISCLOSURE Timothy Good 2000 H B £ 16.99p Century Books Ah, this is more like it, a stable book from a stable researcher.....good old boy Tim does it again dishing out the disclosures like there is no tomorrow, the blurb states.............. In Unearthly disclosure, Timothy Good, one of the world's most respected authorities on the alien phenomenon, reveals for the fírst time sensational Information provided to him by high level sources, who confirm that aliens have established subterranean and submarine bases on Earth and that contact has been made with a select group in the US military and scientific intelligence community. WOW, HEAVY STUFF INDEED Yes I like Tims books, very well researched 10 10 THE VOICE CHOKE «UFO'S- A CENTURY OF SIGHTINGS" Michael David Hail 1999 large S/B £32.50p Galde Press inc. USA Gazelle Book Services Ltd 37§pp illustrated ISBN 1-880090-62-7 Eleven sections covering period 18961997-to present......conclusions & recent revelations AS author drew heavily on the resources of the National Archives Records Service and therefore Project Blue Book many cases are omitted or heavily condensed, only a broad sweep of reported cases mere generally known to researchers are covered in the book. Very well written, I did not think I'd like this book when I first Saw it but it grew on me. Excellent, deserves a read 8/10 (Obtained from the Central library here during November 2000 )...—.... "MILABS....,.,..Military mind Control and Allen Abduction" Dr Helmut Lammer & Marion Lammer illumlnet Press, USA US $14.95 (£W?) ISBN 1-981532-19*6 1999 P/B Even though some of the sources and references are out of date or Incorrect I would very much recommend researchers read this book as it goes a long way to support and verify my claims. Very good 7/10 "SCIENCE MEETS THE UFO ENIGMA" Desmond Bragg & Paul Joslin 2000 H/B £20.95p Kroshka Books, USA Gazelle Book Services Ltd 242pp ISBN 1-56072-742 X It looked a bit daunting, heavy and scientific at fírst, but It is reader friendly, very useful, recommended. Very good 7/W AUFORA - Military Bases y/C ^ / Page l Military Bases Suspected of UFO Activity Bases in: • • • • • • Australia Canada England Iran Russia The United States UNITED STATES Andrews Air Force Base: Location: Southeast of Suitland, Maryland. Very close to Washington, D.C. Description: UFOs have been spotted over this base by military personnel and public. Barksdale Air Force Base: Location: West of Shreveport, Louisiana. Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. Boiling Air Force Base: Location: Washington D.C. Description: UFOs have been spotted at this major Air Force Base. Brunswick Naval Air Station: Location: West of Brunswick, in southern Maine. Description: A UFO was sighted at this base just before the Loring AFB intrusions in 1975. A strange abduction occurred less than 40 miles from this base. USAF Claims Freedom Ridge for more information). A 1988 Soviet Satellite photo shows a high-security compound at one end of the base, purpose unknown. 21:05:59 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Military Bases Holloman Air Force Base: Location: Approximately 15 km. southwest of Alamogordo, New Mexico. Description: This air base is a well known testing site for experimental aircraft. It is also near where the first A-bomb was tested. On April 25,1964 (12 hours after the famous Soccoro, New Mexico, UFO landing), a UFO (escorted by 2 others that remained in the air) landed at this base. Three aliens got out of the craft and talked with base officials. This story was confirmed by Richard C. Doty (possible pseudonym), a retired counterintelligence officer with the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Homestead Air Force Base: Location: Florida. Description: This base is suspected of keeping alien bodies in a Top-secret, underground repository. Hunter Army Air Field: Location: Georgia. Description: In 1976,2 base security policemen spotted a UFO near this base. Kinchloe Air Force Base: Location: Michigan. Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. Kinross Air Force Base: Location: Michigan. Description: UFOs have been sighted over this base and jets have also been scrambled from this base to chase UFOs. Kirtland Air Force Base: Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Description: This Air base is a well known landing site for space shuttles and is suspected to be harboring alien bodies. During 1980, UFOs were spotted over Kirtland AFB by Base Security Personnel. The UFOs would fly solo and would hover over an area known as Coyote Canyon (part of a restricted testing range on the base). This testing range is used by the Air Force Weapons Laboratories, Sandia Laboratories, Defense Nuclear Agency, and the Department of Energy. Langlev Air Force Base:'bases.html 21:05:59 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Military Bases Page 3 / " -, Location: Just Northeast of Hampton, Virginia. / ¿> *\ Description: Also known as Langley Field, this highly-secretive base is suspected to be harboring alien bodies. UFOs have been spotted near this base. Jets have been scrambled from this base to intercept UFOs. Loring Air Force Base: Location: Just Northeast of Limestone, Maine. Description: During 1975, a rash of UFO sightings occurred over this base. The base, along with others, was put on a "Security Option 3" and was told to prepare to "Defend against a helicopter assault". However, the UFOs were never identified as helicopters, and many witnesses said they looked like bright "stretched-footbair crafts about the size of a car. Jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, but their attempts proved unsuccessful. This base has nuclear weapons installations. Los Alamos Research Facility: Location: Los Alamos (north of Santa Fe), New Mexico. Description: This facility is owned and operated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). It was the site of the famous "Manhattan Project" that developed the Atom Bomb. UFOs have been sighted over this facility. This facility is suspected to have analyzed UFO wreckage and EBEs from the 1947 Roswell Crash. Between 1948 and 1952, UFOs were spotted over the facility by personnel. Luke Air Force Base: Location: Arizona. Description: UFOs have been sighted over this air base. Malstrom Air Force Base: Location: Montana. Description: This is a base that was put on alert in 1975 after the Loring AFB intrusions. In 1975, UFOs were spotted (both visually and by radar) hovering over the base's Nuclear Missile Installations. Closer examination of the missiles revealed that the UFOs had somehow tampered with the missiles. Jets were scrambled to intercept these UFOs, but the UFOs were far superior to any military aircraft and therefore could not be shot down. March Air Force Base: Location: California. Description: This installation is a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base. UFOs have been spotted over this base. http://ufon.or^'ufonet/bases.html 21:05:59 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Miiitar>' Bases Maxwell Air Force Base: Page 4 ^ *>ST Location: Near Prattville, Alabama. Description: Two base security policemen spotted a UFO over this base. Minot Air Force Base: Location: The base is located 13 miles north of Minot, North Dakota. Description: This was another base put on alert after the Loring AFB intrusions of 1975. This base is a Strategic Air Command (SAC) base and has a large amount of land reserved for missile sites. In 1975 it experienced UFO intrusions. NORAD Headquarters: Location: Inside Cheyenne Mountain, near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Description: This highly-secretive base is headquarters to the North American Air Defense (NORAD) System. It is built inside a mountain, and can withstand a nuclear blast. Its Deep Space Surveillance Center is believed to have radar tracking of UFOs. Norton Air Force Base: Location: California. Description: Fighter jets have been dispatched from this base to intercept UFOs. Oakdale Armory: Location: Near Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, Pennsylvania. Description: This armory is home to the 662nd Radar Squadron. This squadron was the military group involved in the cover-up of the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, UFO crash of 1965. Pease Air Force Base: Location: Near Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. UFOs have been spotted over this installation. The Pentagon: Location: Arlington, Virginia. Description: The Pentagon is The United States Military Headquarters. It is home to the National Military Command Center (NMCC). The NMCC is believed to have radar tracking of UFOs. http://tt« 21:07:35 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Military Bases Page 5 Peterson Air Force Base: Location: Colorado Springs, CO Description: This Air Base is the home of the USAF Space Command Center (SCC). The SCC is in charge of the Defense Support Program (DSP) Satellites. These satellites are highly classified. The were designed to warn the U.S. Military of Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launches. They are believed to have recordings of UFOs. Plattsburgh Air Force Base: Location: New York. Description: This installation was another base that was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. UFOs have been sighted at this base (especially over the base's Weapons Storage Area). Sawyer Air Force Base: Location: Michigan. Description: This base was put on alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. Truax Air Force Base: Location: Michigan. Description: UFOs have been spotted over this base. Fighter jets have been scrambled from this base to chase UFOs. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Location: About 5 km. west of Fairbora, Ohio. Description: An extremely secretive Air Base, security officials once refused entrance to the defense secretary. Wright-Patterson is home to the infamous Hangar 18 which is suspected to harbor UFO wreckage and dead Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs). The alien bodies and some of the UFO wreckage retrieved from the 1947 Roswel crash was sent to this base. UFO wreckage from around the world (Australia, etc.) has been sent here. W PAFB is headquarters to Project Moondust. Moondust is a "foreign space debris" analysis program of the Air Force Systems Command's Foreign Technology Division (FTD). Hangar 18 is known to have huge Cryogenic freezing chambers, purpose unknown. Wurtsmith Air Force Base: Location: Michigan. Description: This was another base put on UFO alert during the 1975 Loring AFB intrusions. Many UFOs were spotted in and around this base during the 1975 UFO-flap (especially over the base's 21:07:35 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Military Bases Page 6 Weapons Storage Area). Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, but their attempts were useless. # OTHER COUNTRIES Australia Pine Gap Research Facility: Location: Located 12 miles from Alice Springs in Australia's Northern Territory. Description: This base is described as a "Defense Space Research Facility" sponsored by both the American and the Australian defense departments. It is run by the American National Security Agency (NSA). This secret communications base serves primarily as a downlink for geosynchronous SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Satellites. It is suspected to be monitoring UFO communications. UFOs have been sighted in and around the base. It is believed that there is an underground alien base on the facility's grounds. Canada Falconbridge Air Force Station: Location: Near Northbay, Ontario, Canada. Description: In 1975, this Radar Station experienced rash of UFO sightings. American jets were scrambled to intercept the UFOs, after the Canadians requested. England Bentwaters Air Force Base (a.La. RAF Bentwaters): Location: Near Bentwaters, England. Description: In 1980, UFOs were sighted (one hovering above the ground), at very close range, by base personnel in Rendlesham forest (a few miles from the base). The personnel were threatened into silence and the public was misinformed about the incident. Iran Shahrokhi Air Force Base: Location: In Hamadan, Iran. 21:08:31 29/05/ 0 AUFORA - Military Bases Page 7 y¿# Description: In 1976, jets were dispatched from this base to pursue UFOs. The UFOs, which were spotted by the public, and the pilots (and subsequently confirmed by radar), outmaneuvered these jets. Every time the jets approached the crafts, their systems failed. The smaller of the two UFOs engaged one jet, causing it to break off the chase. The smaller UFO landed behind a hill while the larger "Mother Ship" dissappeared into the sky..Military Helicopters dispatched later to find the UFO that apprently landed reported no evidence of a landing. Russia Plesetsk Military Cosmodrome: Location: Plesetsk; in northwest Russia. Description: This super-secret Russian military space center has been responsible for many UFO sightings in Russia. The base's satellite and missile launches along with experimental plane testing have often been mistaken for UFOs throughout Russia. '/ufon.arg/ufonet/bases.html 21:08:3129/05/0 y¿& IN CLOSING THIS ISSUE..... NUMBER 46 DECEMBER 2000 You are encouraged to photocopy and pass to friends and associates copies of these disclosures far and wide. ...........keep the net wide open, the truth is for everyone! You are welcome to submit for publication in future Issues news, views, comments good and bad, articles and of course classifieds, if you feel generous you can always send in donations in any decent currency(UK sterling or US dollars preferred!)- Please send all materials direct to............ The Editor Barry King THE VOICE" 27 The Green Melbourne Chelmsford Essex, C M ! 2BQ England 24 hour telephone: 01245-608617 Mobile: 07715-824678 (calls may be recorded/monitored for your protection and for use by Special Branch/MI5) ********Do n0t ¡pother with email as the blasted PC still has p r o b l e m s ! ! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DO NOT FORGET...THE INFORMATION YOU ARE HOLDING IN YOUR HANDS CONTRAVENES THE OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT IT EITHER WORRIES YOU OR IT DOES NOT, ME?, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE, BE PARANOID IF YOU MUST BUT AT LEAST BE BRAVE TOO. Single copies of this publication are available at a cost of £2 each inclusive of UK postage, All back issues, 1-45 are likewise £2 * years subscription of 6 Issues costs £12 .. full set of back issues is available at a specially discounted price of £45 inclusive p&p US and other overseas rates please contact editor. Total number of copies of issue 45 distributed globally........................117 thankyou Well that's me done for another couple of months, time to sit back and enjoy the festive season as much as I can, have a great Xmas and New Year readers, let there be Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men, more importantly, let the truth shine thru, It is in here if you look hard enough. Watch your backs, watch your post, watch your phone, watch your emails....take care now THE VOICE........a veteran uf ologist with 34 years experience under his belt and damn proud of it!