Eureka Web


Eureka Web
 Eureka Web Remote access to control panels via Web July 2013
Remote access to control panels via Web 2 Remote access to control panels via Web INDEX
General setup of the system. Setting up the connection. Setting the alarm control panel. Setting the connection with Eureka centralized systems. Setting up email. Setting up users. Setting up port forwarding. SETTING MAPS WITH EUREKA WEB UPLOADER •
Setting the control panel. Setting cameras. Configuring macros. Setting Maps. Data transfer on EurekaWeb. Firmware updates. Retrieving data from EurekaWeb. Changing the FTP password. SETTING UP THE CONNECTION WITH EUREKA •
Setting up the connection. Data transfer on EurekaWeb with Eureka. 3 Remote access to control panels via Web ACCESS TO EUREKA WEB
Eureka Web is a system that allows you to communicate with your alarm control panel via Web; by a graphical display it allows you to have complete management of your system, or in other words to have your alarm system always at hand (pc, iphone, ipad, ...). The control panels that can be interfaced are Vista and Galaxy. To connect via web to Eureka WEB enter the IP address in the browser, the default address is Log in with username and password (default user: master and password: master). After access the main map of the system is displayed; from here, it is possible to send commands, change map, view the current status ,and browse the events history data. 4 Settings (impostazioni): click to enter the system settings page Description of the system: to edit the description click on Settings. Legend Events (eventi): click to view the event list of the current status of the system. History (Storico): click to view list of recent events Remote access to control panels via Web Sectors status. The description of the sector is displayed by moving over the mouse. For an explanation of the icons, please refer to the legend. Connection with the control panel. Green: ok Red: error Firmware status. Green: running. Red: not active. The firmware version is diplayed by moving over the mouse. With one click you can choose to run a Restart (restart of the firmware) or a reset (reboot the Eureka Web Pc). Legend 6 Remote access to control panels via Web With one click it is possible to change the current sector. Commands to execute on the current sector. For an explanation of the icons, please refer to the legend. Description of the current sector. The elements on the map circled in yellow belong to the current sector. Legend 7 Remote access to control panels via Web To move to another map simply select it from the list, or click on a map type item. To add maps or map type items use the EurekaWeb Uploader program. 8 Remote access to control panels via Web Description of the active item. To hide the list of commands. By clicking on an item, the executable commands will be displayed. 9 Remote access to control panels via Web One click displays the map containing the object of the event. Event list of the current status of the system. One click on the event description displays the executable commands on the object of the event. 10 To hide the event list of the current status SETTING
After logon,, click on settings to open the EUREK
KA WEB settings menu. N.B. The configuration o
of the maps and of the elements on tthe map musst be perform
med with the
e configuratio
on program EEurekaWeb Uploader ,do
e from the w
website www.eurekasupp To change tthe settings, click on the pencil icon.
By clicking on
n the pencil icon, the enaabled user (
or) can c
change the s
settings. Remote access to control panels via Web General setup of the system. The green icon indicates that the firmware is enabled to connect with the alarm center. The green icon indicates that the firmware is enabled to connect with the Eureka centralized alarm systems. Website access port. Enablement passwords depend on the MacAdress.
Password enabling EurekaWeb communication with Eureka centralized systems. Password enabling the Firmware. Website access port The default website access port is 80, if you need to change it, you must use a value greater than 8000. For example: if you assign the value 8080, you also need to enter 8080 to access the site (i.e. Password enabling the firmware The default password to enable the firmware is already set, please take note of it, so that you will be able to reenter it in case of a compact flash replacement. Password enabling the connection with Eureka The default password to enable the connection with Eureka is set to 000000000000. To request the enabling password it is necessary to communicate the MacAddress. 12 Remote access to control panels via Web Setting up the connection. Depending on its hardware configuration, the device can be connected via wired network or via wireless network. The default wired address is To configure a second address, click on the pencil icon.. TCP/IP address . Select to use a second TCP/IP address. Second TCP/ IP address. To set a static IP address on the device, access Eureka WEB, connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, then in Ubuntu Linux select eth2 from the System, Preferences, Network connection menu, click on the edit button, select IPV4settings, set method to manual and add the desired IP address with ADD. Similarly to set the wireless connection access Eureka WEB, connect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, then select in Ubuntu Linux the wireless connection from the icon in the top right corner and then configure the password. Setting the alarm control panel. Although the model of the control panel is configured with the program EurekaWeb Uploader, it may be necessary to set some connection parameters (such as the offset of the Vista console). 13 Remote access to control panels via Web Setting the connection with Eureka centralized system. If a server is enabled, you can configure one or more connections to it to supervise the device. For more details see the section “connections with Eureka”. Setting up email. You can enter one or more recipients to events report emails. Add a recipient. Modify the recipient and the active events. It is possible to decide which event alert you want each recipient to receive . 14 Remote access to control panels via Web Select the events you want to be emailed. 15 Remote access to control panels via Web Setting up users. You can set up multiple users to access Eureka WEB. 3 levels are available: ‐ Installer: free access to all setting masks , access to the control panel settings, to TCPIP connections, Server and Map settings. ‐ Administrator: free access to E‐mail and to low‐level users. ‐ User: can only change his password. Consente di aggiungere un utente. In addition, the following rules apply: ‐ You cannot insert two users with the same user ID. ‐ The User Id is case‐sensitive. ‐ You cannot delete / modify low‐level users. ‐ A User‐level user cannot delete other users. ‐ You cannot delete yourself. ‐ An installer can delete every user except himself. 16 Remote access to control panels via Web Setting up port forwarding. In the Eureka Web Uploader section, it is described how to add connections to IP cameras. To access the camera it is sometimes necessary to use port forwarding, or in other words, you can indicate to EurekaWeb that calls on a certain port need to be redirected on the local network to a specific port on a specific IP address. In this way you do not need to have a public address for each camera. Often this configuration can be done at router level, but in case it is not possible to do so, then you can do it via software. To add a port forward you need to access the connection settings. So the port forward will be connection‐specific. To add port forwarding. The mask displayed allows you to enter the configuration parameters. Port number to redirect to a specific port on a specific IP address. 17 Remote access to control panels via Web To delete port forwarding. So, following the example, if the EurekaWeb public address is and I have a camera with an IP address port 80, I can include a link to the camera indicating (see section EurekaWeb Uploader ‐ setting cameras). N.B. The port forwards entered will be active only after a RESET of EurekaWeb. 18 Rem
mote accesss to control panels via W
Web S
To set the m
maps you havve to use thee EurekaWeb Uploader p
program, downloadable from the website ,, on the EureekaWeb pagee. Once installled, start thee program byy clicking on the desktop icon. Setting th
he control panel. With the prrogram it is p
possible to co
onfigure the model of the control panel. To configure the conttrol panel. Selecct the model of the conttrol panel. 19
9 Remote access to control panels via Web Select from the table the Sectors section and set the active sectors. X indicates that the sector is active. For the Vista it is important to set the correct use code of the sector. Similarly select from the table the sensors and relays (galaxy) section to set the active elements of the control panel. 20 Remote access to control panels via Web Setting cameras. With the program you can configure the use of IP Network Cameras (e.g. AXIS). To configure cameras. To add a camera. X indicates that the camera is active. In addition to the description, it is also required the IP address of the camera and possibly the camera port configured for pictures. To view the camera with EurekaWeb simply add the item camera on the map (see map settings). 21 Remote access to control panels via Web On EurekaWeb a click on the icon will bring up the camera image. A click on the icon brings up the live camera images. A click on the arrow closes the camera image. 22 Remote access to control panels via Web Configuring macros. With the program you can configure the use of macros, that is, the programming of sequences of commands.. To set macros. To add a macro. X indicates that the macro is active. In addition to the description, you must indicate if the macro is enabled (only enabled macros are transmitted to EurekaWeb): 23 Remote access to control panels via Web In activations enter the sequence of commands to execute. To add a command. The next step is to place the icon on the map in Map settings. On EurekaWeb you will see the icon of the macro enabling its activation. A click on the macro icon brings up the button to activate the command sequence. 24 Remote access to control panels via Web Map settings. To add, change or remove maps select the Maps icon.. To set maps. To add a map. X indicates that the map is active. Once you have chosen the maps it is important that at least one of the maps is of the Main type, which means that this map will be displayed as soon as you enter the EurekaWeb control panel. (N.B. If entering EurekaWeb you do not see any map, it means that you have not selected a Main type map). For optimal viewing, the map on EurekaWeb must be 950x510 pixels. For information on how to create or adapt an EurekaWeb map see the video on the eurekasupport site. To select the map files. N.B Map files must be located in C:\Programmi\EurekaWeb\MAP If this is the main map, select Main. 25 Remote access to control panels via Web Once you have chosen the map file, you have to select the items section to define the items on the map. To view the map and place the items. To add items on the map. To move icons: With the map displayed, click and hold down the mouse to drag the icon to the desired position and then release the mouse button. Place the items on the map using the mouse. 26 Remote access to control panels via Web Data transfer on EurekaWeb. After setting the control panel and the maps, activate the Eureka Web Upload mask to transfer the settings to EurekaWeb . Select to transfer the setting of the control panel. Enter address, username and password to access EurekaWeb FTP. Select to transfer maps and map settings. To transfer data on EurekaWeb. At the end of the data transfer, it is necessary to restart EurekaWeb to give effect to the new data; select the restart command clicking on the top right icon. With one click you can choose to run a Restart (Restart the firmware). 27 Remote access to control panels via Web Firmware updates. On the site you can download the updated firmware. Once saved the file, you can transfer it on EurekaWeb using the program EurekaWeb Uploader. Select to transfer the new firmware. Select the file you downloaded from eurekasupport. To transfer the firmware on EurekaWeb. 28 Remote access to control panels via Web Data transfer on EurekaWeb. In some cases, it may be necessary to recover the EurekaWeb configuration. Control panel, maps and map files settings are all recoverable data. Select to recover maps and map settings. Enter address, username and password to access EurekaWeb FTP. Select to recover data from EurekaWeb After data recovery, you will find your data as set on EurekaWeb in Maps and Peripherals; map files will be located in C:\Programmi\EurekaWeb\MAP . 29 Remote access to control panels via Web Changing the FTP password. To protect access to EurekaWeb data you need to change the password for FTP access. In C:\ Program Files\EurekaWeb\varie click on putty.exe. Enter the EurekaWeb address Click to Open A Linux window opens; login (erk‐eth) and password are required. Type the command passwd erk‐eth. Enter your current password, then enter your new password and confirm it. Close the window. You have changed the FTP password. Login and password are required to access Type passwd erk‐eth to change the password Enter current password Enter new password 30 Rem
mote accesss to control panels via W
Web S
ou can configgure one or m
more connecctions to it to
o supervise tthe device. If a server iss enabled, yo
On EurekaW
Web you can
n activate a maximum of o two conne
ections per server to traansmit the status s
of thee control panel or to receeive comman
nds. For each
h possible connection: dress of the server to wh
hich it must cconnect. Witth Client mod
de enabled Address TCP / IP: is thee TCP / IP add
this addresss is irrelevant. Port Numbe
er: the comm
munication p
port. In Eurekka it is by deffault 1000 + Control ID, b
but to conne
ect with EurekaWeb
b you must usse a numberr greater than 10000 (notte: the samee number mu
ust be configgured on Eureka, and
d each tab must have a different portt number). Mode Clien
nt / Server: in
ndicates the direction of the communication. Pleease note: seet up the com
mmunication on Eureka in
n the same d
direction. Server Type
e: type of connection, 1 w
with Eureka. Control ID: Identificatio
on number off EurekaWeb
b (Note: the same numbeer must be configured on
n Eureka). onnected to Eureka musst have a diffferent ID num
mber. Each card co
1 Remote access to control panels via Web To ensure the communication between Eureka and EurekaWeb it is important to make sure that the settings are the same on both sides.. Protection level: sets the communication security parameters with Eureka. The recommended values for a faster communication are: Protection level 0 and Signature Confirmation (signature check) disabled. In Eureka care must be taken to configure the security parameters of the CEI‐ABI communication in the same way on both Eureka and EurekaWeb. In particular, if you use a level of protection different from 0 you have to make sure that the keys are programmed the same way. The image below shows where to configure security parameters in Eureka. 32 Remote access to control panels via Web Data transfer on EurekaWeb with Eureka. From Eureka version 8.195 on you can transfer data to EurekaWeb. By selecting the desired connection, if it recognizes that it is connected to an EurekaWeb, the Update button is displayed. This brings up a mask that allows you to transfer the configuration to EurekaWeb. 33 Remote access to control panels via Web 34