June/July Scuttlebutt Newsletter


June/July Scuttlebutt Newsletter
Scuttlebutt News
Journal of Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors, 300 Balm Beach Road West, Tiny ON L0L 2J0
June—July 2016
Volume 16, No. 3
Our clubhouse!
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Scuttlebutt News is the bi-monthly newsletter
of Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors, 300
Balm Beach Road West, Tiny ON L0L 2J0
Phone: 705-526-5074.
Website: gssseniors.com.
Scuttlebutt News is produced six times a year
by a team of volunteers and staff who
contribute articles, pictures and time.
Production: Taylor Ledden
Photos: Mike Brooke, Helmut Paddags
Proofing: Arlene Maddock, Heather Kaufman,
Paul Quick, and the entire board
Advertising: Lise Pilon
Mailing: Marnie Dolan, Monique Dupuis, Lise
Pilon and others
Printing: Tiny Township.
Next deadline for submissions July 15, 2016.
We are committed to improving this fine
newsletter with your submissions and
suggestions. Scuttlebutt News is available
online at our website (gssseniors.com), in hard
copy at the club, or by Canada Post. Please let
us know if you need delivery by Canada Post.
Please send articles, photos, critiques, and
suggestions to Taylor Ledden at
There is no other place
Anything like this place
Anywhere near this place
So, this must be “The Place!”
—Vern Finley
This is The Place for fun and friendship, and
The Place to renew or make new
acquaintances. We have programs and
activities that address the diverse needs and
social interests of Adults 50 plus—which help
to build a healthy community.
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Phone 705-526-5074
Email: gssseniors@rogers.com
Website: www.gssseniors.com
Board of Directors
President Paul Quick
Vice-President John Stibler
Recorder-Treasurer Diana Swift
Members at Large
Nina Gallagher
Pat Simmons
Ray Willett
Barb Holloway
Leigh Wallace
Theresa Marchildon
GSSSeniors Club is a wheelchair-accessible facility.
Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors is a registered charity
(Rev. Canada Charity #118937309RR001)
Donations help keep our memberships affordable and
accessible to seniors in our community. Contributions
are greatly appreciated.
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri. 9 am - 4pm
Club Manager
Lise Pilon
Mission Statement
Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors club’s
mission is to build a healthy community with
programs that address the diverse needs of our
seniors who are 50 plus, and that provide and
promote fellowship, recreation, entertainment
and life enrichment in comfortable surroundings.
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Camera Club update: Mike Brooke
(Email from Mike Brooke)
Mike put together a presentation on “Composition”
using some of his own “not-so-good” photos as
G’day Taylor and hello to all you other stalwart
examples of how the guidelines for composition can
members of our happy group.
make better pictures. This initiated a lively
I owe you all an apology. I got my program all mixed discussion.
up. In June we will catch up on some of the “alphabet
For the next month, given the members who will not
project” and review the “picture a day” challenge.
We will also look at the results of the “Stop Action” be able to attend, it was decided to cancel the May
project. My apologies for the inconvenience—I will
try not to let it happen again…my bad! I have added So, on to the June meeting. In addition to the April
a revised update below for the newsletter and for the challenge of “A day in the life project—a picture
every hour on the same day” we will also have the
information of us all. See you in June.
challenge of a “Stop Action project, drops and
breakage.” Our discussion will review shutter speeds
and motion blur.
April 2016
You will note that we have postponed the discussion/
presentation of photo editing and the production of
This month we welcomed Taylor Ledden and guest
books until September. It was felt that this would be
Peter Ridout. Unfortunately only a few other
members were able to make it. Those who did were more appropriate given the upcoming Christmas
treated to some very interesting interpretations of our season.
alphabet photo challenge. Don put together a slide
In June we will also review the Alphabet challenge of
presentation with very appropriate music and Helmut those who were not able to participate in the April
Paddags photographed all the letters of the alphabet meeting. So, until June…happy clicking!
using those items represented by the letters. Kudos to
As with the cold weather, the flowers are behind this Spring so the Hummingbirds will appreciate your
feeders offering a supply of nectar. They return to the same gardens for up to nine years.
Perfect Nectar Recipe:
Add ¼ cup of white table sugar to one cup of tap water (if it’s good enough for you it’s good enough for
Hummers, so no need to boil it).
Use absolutely no colour or honey, or other sugar substitute. It is harmful to add more sugar than the
perfect nectar recipe as it makes them thirsty and it can affect their livers.
The best feeder EVER, EVER is the Dr. JB available from the Wye Marsh gift shop. The bottom two
pieces snap apart and can be placed on the top shelf of your dishwasher with the glass jar. Don’t dry but
remove and thoroughly rinse out any trace of soap and let air dry before filling. Refill with nectar every three
to four days in really hot weather and every six to seven days in cool weather such as in early May. Having a
pristine clean feeder to begin with means no mould. We maintained two dozen at the Wye Marsh for five
Please let us know when your first Hummingbird arrives and the general area where you live. Call Mary
and Ray Nason at 705-361-1018 or email to angelmn1@rogers.com
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Secretary-Treasurer’s Report—Diana Swift
REMINDER! The Annual General Meeting of Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors Club will be held
September 26, 2016
Notice of meeting packages will be forwarded by Email and mailouts to those who are listed on our
membership list.
Note: Elections of Directors shall be held by secret, mail-in ballot received before and tabulated at the
Annual General Membership meeting. Ref: Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors Bylaw Article 5.4
Nominations for candidates on the Board will be closed July 31, 2016.
Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors Club
Program/Activity Report for April 2016
This month we saw a gradual increase in the number of members attending the Wellness Group. People are
becoming aware of how important it is to know what your baseline vital signs are, and how to recognize
changes and possible events that may cause them to fluctuate, and to recognize when they need to see their
Golf lessons for beginners will begin on May 17, 2016 at 10 a.m. with Wally Meisinger at the Balm Beachway
Golf Club. Lessons will take place each Tuesday. Bring your own clubs if you have them or Wally will have
some that you can use. The cost will be a shared cost for a bucket of balls.
Shuffleboard starts May 27 and takes place each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We also have a beginner's
shuffleboard class starting May 31. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 9:30 a.m. There is
a sign- up sheet on the board at the club for both these events.
We are planning to have laptop, tablet and cell phone (computer) courses starting in the fall. A survey will be
sent out by email or will be available at Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors to enquire what people’s skill
levels are with respect to using their technology. If you would like to learn more about your laptop, tablet, or
cell phone please complete the survey and return it via email or hard copy to Lise at 705-526-5074.
Massage therapy also takes place each Tuesday and Thursday. Don’t forget to call Lise at 705-526-5074 to
make an appointment with masseuse Janet Antebi.
— Theresa Marchildon, Programs/Activity Director
Trip to Ottawa to see the tulips
Carroll Ann Girard, John
Forster, Buster Hackshaw and
Jean Forster listen to the tour
guide at the Museum of
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Helmut and Dianne Paddags
not tip-toeing through the
Helmut Paddags and Carrol
Ann Girard enjoy the tulips
John, Jean Forster and Buster
Hackshaw inspect the tulips
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Message from the President, Paul Quick
Spring has finally arrived and with it many things
are happening at the Club. Those of you who have
internet will notice the emails coming out informing
the members of the latest activities, upcoming events,
and possible cancellations. This is a great way to
communicate and I would encourage everyone who is
receiving this to pass on this information to the
members who do not have internet. We are working
on our website to get more articles and pictures
posted. Thanks to Glenda Spencer for her help on this
Our computer system has been upgraded, putting a
big smile on our Club manager Lise Pilon’s face. The
office renovations, hopefully to be completed at year’s
end, will give Lise much needed extra space.
The Nominating Committee has been formed for
the fall elections. It is comprised of Larry McDonald,
Marnie Dolan, Eric Barker and Brenda Bennett.
Thank you folks for taking this on. The closing date
for nominations is July 31. Anyone interested serving
on the board can contact any committee member.
By the time you are reading this our parking lot
and grounds will be swept and cleaned of sand and
leaves. A signup sheet for volunteers for our spring
cleanup day has been posted and the response has
been great. Volunteering saves the Club thousands of
dollars annually and logging of the hours allows us to
apply for much needed funding. This is your Club,
please help out in any way that you can.
Call for Vendors
Artisans’ and Farmers’ Market
The Tiny Stitchers are organizing an Artisans’ and
Farmers’ Market on Saturday, August 13 from 9:30
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. during the Summerama Weekend at
Balm Beach, Tiny ON.
Gail Wilcox 705-526-6368, email
Linda Wilcox 705-526-8553, email
Forms must be submitted no later than June 15 and
each vendor will be notified shortly after that date.
Vendors will be showcased either inside the
GSSSeniors Club (300 Balm Beach Road West) with
tables, or outdoors. You must provide your own
canopy and tables. Outdoor space is limited to 12 feet
All are asked to fill out an application form with
maximum. Please complete the vendor application to
photos and mail to GSSSeniors Club, 300 Balm Beach be considered for our first Artisans’ and Farmers’
Road, Tiny ON L0L 2J0. Attention: Tiny Stitchers
Market. Submission of your application is not a
Conveners. *Application forms are available for
guaranteed acceptance. Vendors will be accepted with
pickup at the GSSSeniors Club. You may submit the regard to availability, product offered and category on
completed application by email to the following
a first come, first served basis. Confirmation of
application status will be emailed.
Do you know someone who would like to sell their
wares? If so, This Artisans’ Market, requires
interested vendors, to register by application, for this
perfect opportunity to sell their wares, at the busy
Balm Beach location.
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Social Report
Tickets are available for the Bruce Lee Band performing June 4th. $15.00 for members $20.00 for non
June 6th Casino Rama Trip $10 per person that price includes free buffet and bus pickup at the club. All
are welcome. We need 45 people for this to happen.
All suggestions or ideas for a social function at the club will be greatly appreciated.
—Barb Holloway. Social Director
Spring Fling photos
Brenda Bennett and
Lanny Totton
Bruce and Marianne
Treat yourself to a Massage, or Reflexology with
Janet Antebi.
Hands-on techniques such as these and others,
will give you, and your body, a break!
Janet can help you. She is a certified practitioner
in Reiki, M.A.R.I., Reflexology and Aromatherapy,
Special rates for The Place
$50 per hour,
$30 per ½ hour
(A portion of the fee goes to the community centre)
Ask me (Janet) for details.
Check online at www.harbourlife.ca (you can
now book online too).
Where? The Place.
Tues. and Thurs. from 9-4pm.
For appointment call 705-534-2467.
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Pat and Mike
STIR IT UP is the
First Nation, Inuit and Métis:
what’s in a name?
As Canadians get set to celebrate N a t i o n a l
Aboriginal Day on June 21, the start of Summer
Solstice, it’s also an opportunity to learn more about
First Nation, Inuit and Métis people in Canada.
 For example, do you know the difference
between First Nation, Inuit and Métis?
 First Nation replaces the outdated term “Indian”
and refers to status and nonstatus Indigenous
 Métis people are a mix of First Nation and
European ancestry and identify themselves as
Métis people, separate from First Nations, Inuit
or non-Aboriginal people.
Inuit people are an indigenous people in northern
Canada who live above the tree line in Nunavut, the
Northwest Territories, Northern Quebec and
Labrador. The word “Inuit” means “people” in
2016 marks the 20th anniversary of National
Aboriginal Day, which recognizes the culture, of
First Nation, Inuit and Métis people in Canada. You
can find celebrations in your area by contacting your
nearest Friendship Centre or visiting www.canada.ca/
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
My summer break is here, but I must say that I’ve
had a wonderful time running this class. Thanks very
much to all who attended. I had a blast and it seems
that most of you did too. I’m sorry that I was unable
to accommodate more people. It seems that the list
filled up very quickly and I heard that people gave up
trying to get in.
The fall session from late September to midDecember is pretty short, so it’s an opportunity to try
a new schedule. Rather than 10 people from 9:30 to
12:00, I’d like to try 8 people 9:30 to 12:00 and then
do the same from 1:00 to 3:30. We must be cleaned
up and out by 4:00. If this could work for more of
you to attend, it would be fine with me.
We always seem to sit down to a very nice meal.
I’ll keep looking for new ideas and you just keep
attending. I will keep you posted as the summer
Thanks again, and I’ll see you in the fall.
—John Bowles
Watch Clinic with Dietmar Schafer:
Small repairs, watch batteries replaced, shorten/
repair bracelets.
Regular Batteries: $5; $2 returned to the Club
as a fundraiser.
For your convenience Dietmar Schafer is at the
Club 2-4pm, the third Monday of the month.
Any questions about watches or small clocks,
are welcome. He will try to answer and help.
Can’t make it to the Club? Watches can be left
at the office, with tag attached, showing your name
and phone number, or call Dietmar at 705-3550399.
Got old watches you don’t need anymore? As
another fundraiser for the Club Dietmar will ensure
donated watches are in working condition when
they are sold at the Club Bazaar, with no charge for
repairs. Thank you Dietmar for volunteering this
fundraising contribution.
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
The Maintenance Committee Report
The maintenance committee would like to thank all the volunteers who help with spring clean-up.
Regular periodic Maintenance of the Club facility and grounds, show no outstanding issues, and all compliance inspections have been completed.
Other club renovations that have been initiated: Change the lower counter cupboards in the board room,
from pull out cupboards, to sliding units. Follow-up on member suggestions received @ May Board meeting:
Rolling counter shutters for the bar, music room, kitchen.
LED-Digital signage to post current events and activities.
Requests for quotations have been submitted to suppliers and are pending.
Please remember, volunteers are always welcome on the maintenance committee.
—Ray Willett
Membership renewal time!
Membership numbers as of May 16/2016:
Active paid members 272, Life members 44.
This is a gentle reminder to renew your membership in Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors.
Membership Renewal date is April 1st each year.
A member in good standing is a paid up member.
* A payment of $25.00 per person will buy your membership from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017
* A payment of $40.00 per person will buy your membership from September 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018
* A payment of $30.00 per person will buy your membership from December 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018
Potluck dinner!
Members enjoying the wonders of the Potluck dinner.
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Jerry Broome's reaction to running for
the board!
Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
NOTE: Once a Month Activities * Camera Club
**Tiny Stitchers Grp: twice/mo. Watch clinic
3rd Monday of the month.
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
9:00 - 10:00AM
9:15-11:15 AM
LEGEND: Room for Activity
B = Billiard Room
Bd. Rm = Board Room
K = Kitchen
MH = Main Hall
OC = Outdoor Court
Coffee Club
Well- Coffee Club
ness Class in Bd. Rm
Beginners Bid Euchre
9:30 AM- NOON
Coffee Club
Coffee Club
Massage by Appoint-
Massage by Ap-
Line Dancing Classes
in MH
Beginners Shuffleboard
Tiny Stitchers 2nd & 4th Thursday of month in
Table Tennis in MH
Coffee Club in Bd.
Beginners Shuffleboard in OC
10:00 AM
10:00 AM - NOON
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Shuffleboard in OC
Shuffleboard in OC
Swing. Crafters in Art Class in Bd.
Hustle & Muscle in
12:00 PM
12:30- 4:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:00-4:00 PM
Chair Yoga in MH
Shuffleboard in OC
Zumba in MH
Bid Euchre in MH
Games Afternoon in
Bridge in MH
Tai-Chi in MH
Watch clinic 3rd Monday of month
Camera Club in MH
Second Wed. of
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
TGIF in MH from 57pm
Darts in Main Hall
Line Dancing Classes
in MH
Bid Euchre in MH
Pool in B
Saturday - June 4
Bruce Lee Band - Live Music - Doors Open 6pm - Music 7pm Members $15 Non-Members $20
Monday June 6
Casino Rama Bus Trip departing time 8:30 am from GSSSeniors $10 p/p
Friday July 1 - Stat Holi- Canada Day BBQ Time 12pm
Sunday July 24th
Afternoon Tea @ 1:00 PM
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
2016 Schedule of Events
May 14, 2016 Potluck spring dance
Starting Time
May 25, 2016 GMM
June 4, 2016 Dance: Bruce Lee (live entertainment) 7:00PM
$15 mem $20 Non-Mem
June 19, 2016 Fathers' Day
July 1, 2016 Canada Day celebration, office closed 12:00PM
July 24, 2016 Afternoon tea
August 13, 2016 Seniors Market
25 per table
August 20, 2016 Corn roast campfire pub Dylan
15.00 Mem 20 Non-Mem
September 17, 2016 Pub night, Italian pub
$12.50 Mem 15 Non-Mem
September 26, 2016 AGM Membership Meeting
September 5, 2016 Club closed
September 8, 2016 Golf tournament (members only)
October 6, 2016 The Great Car Rally
October 10, 2016 Thanksgiving, club closed
October 15, 2016 Bazaar craft ladies
October 19, 2016 General membership meeting
October 29, 2016 Octoberfest dinner dance
$15 Mem $20 Non-Mem
November 19, 2016 Live music western dance Déja Vue
$15 Mem $20 Non-Mem
December 3, 2016 Christmas din dance (Dylan Lock)
$20 Mem $25 Non-Mem
December 11, 2016 Christmas luncheon (church choir)
$20 Mem $25 Non-Mem
December 31, 2016 New Year’s Eve dance
$20 Mem $25 Non-Mem
Restaurant review—Chez Michel
Well, it’s summer and off to Chez Michel in Creemore we go! It is well worth the drive to Creemore.
Yes, the longed for casual weekend—a scenic drive, that couldn’t be better paired with a beautiful meal
and a delightful visit to Chef Michel.
We arrive in the village with a peaceful feeling, like a stroll down memory lane. We find welcoming shop
keepers and artisans galore.
Nestled in this gentle community (for Foodies, the most interesting place of all) is Chez Michel. It is set in
the original town bank, with the wine cellar in the vault.
Chez Michel is quaint and casually elegant, and specializes in fresh French Cuisine.
The variety is astonishing and dishes are prepared to individual taste, in addition to a delicate garden salad
and soups, garnished with local vegetables and ingredients. Local beers and wines are listed as well as imports. The seating allows for intimate dining as well as gatherings, the tables are set with linen, and we are surrounded by soft background music!
Chez Michel is open Wednesday to Sunday and always offers an early three-course, house special.
The bread is fresh-baked, pasta is plentiful, each meal is memorable…and a rare find was an exquisite calf
-liver entrée.
Contact me at 705-718-8488. I wish you happy travels to a fine feast!
—Victoria Kenneger
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Scuttlebutt News
June/July 2016 Volume 16 Issue 3
Scuttlebutt News is produced six times a year by a team of volunteers and staff who contribute
articles, pictures and time.
There is no place like this place since 1974.
The Place for Fun and Friendship
The Place to renew or make new acquaintances
Programs and activities that address the diverse needs and social interests
of Adults 50 plus and build a healthy community.
Production/editing: Taylor Ledden
Photos: Helmut Paddags
Proofing: Arlene Maddock, Heather Kaufman, and the entire Board
Advertising: Lise Pilon
Mailing: Marnie Dolan, Monique Dupuis, Lise Pilon and others
Printing: Tiny Township.
Next deadline for submissions July 15, 2016
We are committed to improving this fine newsletter with your submissions and suggestions.
Scuttlebutt News is available at the club, on the website, or by mail. Please let us know what you prefer.
Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors
300 Balm Beach Road West
Tiny ON L0L 2J0
Phone: 705-526-5074
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