2015 directory - Northern Plains District
2015 directory - Northern Plains District
2015 DIRECTORY Church of the Brethren Northern Plains District PO Box 573 Ames, IA 50010 nplains.org Table of Contents Vision and Mission for Northern Plains District 2 Primary District Contacts 4 Clusters and Cluster Ministers 5 District Board 6 District Board Appointments 8 Related Committees and Boards 10 Church of the Brethren Denominational Positions 12 Church of the Brethren District Offices 13 Related Agencies 14 Ministers List 16 Congregational Self-Allocation Report 19 Northern Plains District Budget 20 District Map 23 Northern Plains Congregations and Leadership 24 Individual Contacts 33 This Directory is a practical tool and it’s meant to be used. Use it to learn about the District’s current organization, congregations, and leadership. Use it to encourage one another by mailing or emailing a helpful word or a thank you to someone in leadership. Use it to organize a project or event by contacting others and inviting them to help. And use to pray for the work and people of the District. Try praying one page a day, from front to back, praying for whatever you find on that page. Thank you for being part of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District and please let us know how this Directory might be improved. Tim Button-‐Harrison, Northern Plains District Executive, 641-‐485-‐5604, de@nplains.org 1 A Journey with Jesus: Another Way of Living Vision and Mission for Northern Plains District: Northern Plains District is a wide community of Church of the Brethren congregations joined together by our devotion to the way of Christ through spiritual growth, community-‐building, peacemaking, and service. Our purpose is to call forth and enable congregations to link their members with other churches and the wider Christian community, which is the Body of Christ. We will work as followers of Christ to strengthen the work of each congregation through the missions of: spiritual growth, leadership support and development, stewardship, church growth and new church development, peacemaking and service. ___________________ Toward these ends the district will, through its board and staff, develop and support the following ministries: God’s vision for our work: We will seek God’s will first, envisioning a vital, spiritual mission, which extends the Good News of Christ’s peace and kingdom community. Spiritual Growth: We will inspire our congregations to live as members of the Body of Christ within the Church of the Brethren with enthusiasm and joy. We will encourage the use of the Church of the Brethren Christian Education materials in our local churches. We will support district and denominational camps and retreats which provide for spiritual growth. We will offer and support fellowship opportunities among congregations. 2 Leadership Support and Development: We will work to help churches in the Northern Plains District to be served by the finest possible ministers. We will call our pastors and congregational leaders to the highest standards of service. We will educate persons as Lay Speakers. We will call, support, and evaluate persons licensed and persons ordained to the Christian ministry. We will call our pastors and congregations to work together toward a shared ministry. We will call congregations to the standards of Annual Conference regarding congregational ethics in the Church of the Brethren. Stewardship: We will encourage all members to follow Biblical principles of stewardship. We will challenge and assist congregations to clarify their mission and goals. We will manage the financial resources of all district ministries and call for support from the congregations. We will provide resources to link the various strengths of the congregations to enhance their ministries. Church Growth and New Church Development: We will plant new congregations, one in the implementation phase while planning begins on another. We will share our stories of how God has led us to grow numerically. We will create a church growth network with lay representatives in each congregation. We will assist congregations to develop faith-‐sharing evangelism and discipling skills. Peacemaking and Service: We will communicate opportunities for service to our congregations. We will work toward peacemaking through a peace and justice network with lay representatives in each congregation. - Adapted at Northern Plains District Conference at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls July 31-‐August 2, 1998 3 Primary District Contacts DISTRICT EXECUTIVE: Tim Button-‐Harrison 1211 Clark Ave, Ames, IA 50010 Phone: 641/485-‐5604 Email: de@nplains.org COMMUNICATIONS & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Brian Gumm 105 W Ohio St, Toledo, IA 52342 Phone: 641/481-‐1980 Email: communications@nplains.org TRIM COORDINATOR: Laura Leighton-‐Harris 2615 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Phone: 712/322-‐1872 Email: ontheshortside@hotmail.com CAMP PINE LAKE: 23008 W Avenue, Eldora, IA 50627 Website: www.camppinelake.com Camp Director: Parker Thompson Phone: 641/939-‐5334 Email: camppinelake@heartofiowa.net Property Manager: Matt Kuecker Phone: 515/689-‐3044 Email: matt.kuecker@fbfs.com Program Director: Barbara Wise Lewczak Phone: 515/240-‐0060 Email: bwlewczak@minburncomm.net CONFERENCE OFFICERS: Moderator: Barbara Wise Lewczak 26505 195th St., Minburn, IA 50167 Phone: 515/240-‐0060 Email: bwlewczak@minburncomm.net Moderator-‐Elect: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich 4820 Upton Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55410 Phone: 612/926-‐9460 Email: rpgingrich@yahoo.com Recording Secretary: Dorothy Sheller 23588 E Ave., Eldora, IA 50627 Phone: 641/858-‐2310 Email: shellstead@heartofiowa.net Financial Secretary: Phyllis Prichard 3819 Emerald Dr, Ames, IA 50010 Phone: 515/232-‐9910 Email: prichardsofames@msn.com District Treasurer: Diane Mason 33766 497th St, Moulton, IA 52572 Phone: 641/642-‐3660 Email: rdmason@netins.net 4 Clusters and Cluster Ministers AREA 1: ENGLISH RIVER, LIBERTYVILLE, MONROE COUNTY, IOWA CITY, FAIRVIEW, OTTUMWA, PRAIRIE CITY Diane Mason 641/895-‐7661 rdmason@netins.net th 33766 497 St, Moulton, IA 52572 Tim Peter 515/994-‐2518 tpeter5672@aol.com 10172 Hwy F70 W, Prairie City, IA 50228 AREA 2: IOWA RIVER, SOUTH WATERLOO, IVESTER, ROBINS, CEDAR RAPIDS, HAMMOND AVENUE, FREDERICKSBURG, GREENE, TOLEDO (Currently discerning cluster ministers.) AREA 3: LEWISTON, ROOT RIVER, HANDS OF CHRIST (ROCHESTER), OPEN CIRCLE (BURNSVILLE), COMMON SPIRIT (MINNEAPOLIS) Rhonda Pittman Gingrich 612/926-‐9460 rpgingrich@yahoo.com 4820 Upton Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55410 Roger Peckover 507/458-‐2517 peckover@luminet.net 421 Dacota St, Winona, MN 55987 AREA 4: PANORA, PANTHER CREEK, DALLAS CENTER, BEAVER, ANKENY, STOVER, PEACE (COUNCIL BLUFFS), SALEM Dave Kerkove 515/993-‐3466 davekerkove@gmail.com 24529 J Circle, Adel, IA 50003 Barbara Wise Lewczak 515/240-‐0060 bwlewczak@minburncomm.net th 26505 195 St, Minburn, IA 50167 AREA 5: WORTHINGTON, SHELDON, LIVING PEACE (SIOUX CITY), BIG SKY (FROID, MT) Lucinda Douglas 712/204-‐8950 nightowl21@q.com th 921 28 St, Sioux City, IA 51104 Ida Van Westen 507/360-‐7387 vanclan@swwnet.com 21284 Knauf Ave, Reading, MN 56165 5 2015 District Board EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Board Chair: Beth Cage Vice Chair: Denise Flory Ministry Chair: Marilyn Koehler Nurture Chair: LaDonna Brunk Stewards Chair: Dan Heefner Witness Chair: Alice Draper EX OFFICIO ON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Moderator: Barbara Wise Lewczak Moderator-‐Elect: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich Recording Secretary: Dorothy Sheller Treasurer: Diane Mason Comm. & Leadership Dev.: Brian Gumm District Executive: Tim Button-‐Harrison MINISTRY COMMISSION Chair: Marilyn Koehler Secretary: Sarah Mason Daniel Butler Conrad Douglas Nancy Davis NURTURE COMMISSION Chair: LaDonna Brunk Secretary: Natalie Bellis Merlin Grady Tara Knapp Diane Sittig Parker Cage (youth representative) STEWARDS COMMISSION Chair: Dan Heefner Secretary: Ron Flory Betty Kingery Vicky Ayers Rhonda Bingman Ex officio: Diane Mason (District Treasurer) 6 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2017 2015 2017 2017 2017 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2015 2016 2015 2015 2017 2015 2017 2017 2015 WITNESS COMMISSION Chair: Alice Draper 2016 Secretary: Christina Singh 2016 Bob Shadle 2016 Diane Nolt 2017 Krystal Bellis (youth representative) 2015 NOT ASSIGNED TO COMMISSIONS Board Chair: Beth Cage 2016 Vice Chair: Denise Flory 2015 Moderator: Barbara Wise Lewczak 2015 Moderator-‐Elect: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich 2016 Recording Secretary: Dorothy Sheller 2017 Mission & Ministry Board: Tim Peter (ex-‐officio) 2015 Standing Committee: Kathy Mack 2018 District Executive: Tim Button-‐Harrison District Elected Committees (not on the board) NOMINATING COMMITTEE Moderator-‐Elect: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich Bill Grove Nancy Oliver Ida Van Westen Todd Cage Paula Hoffert DISTRICT CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE Moderator: Barbara Wise Lewczak Moderator-‐Elect: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich District Executive: Tim Button-‐Harrison Communications: Brian Gumm Board Appointee: Alta Gahm Barb Miller Katie Shaw Thompson Laura Leighton-‐Harris Janis Pyle Dee Reynolds 7 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2015 2016 2016 2016 2015 2017 2017 District Board Appointments CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS Denise Flory – Board V.P. (convener) Dorothy Sheller – Recording Secretary Todd Cage Bill Grove Roger Emmert SHALOM TEAM Diane Mason Barbara Wise Lewczak Ron Flory DISTRICT CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE Alta Gahm 2015 2017 2017 2016 2015 2016 2017 2018 Ministry Commission Appointments ASSESSMENT TEAM Bill Grove Beth Cage Alice Draper Tim Button-‐Harrison (District Executive) Alternate: Sandi Cox ETHICS COMMITTEE Alice Brinegar Tim Peter Nancy Davis (Ministry Representative) David Kerkove Alternate: Barbara Miller MINISTERS’ PROFESSIONAL GROWTH COMMITTEE Laura Leighton-‐Harris Rhonda Pittman Gingrich Marilyn Koehler (Ministry Representative) Brian Gumm (Leadership Development) Tim Button-‐Harrison (District Executive) 8 2015 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2017 2016 2015 2016 2015 REVIEW & SUPPORT COMMITTEE FOR LICENSED MINISTERS Sue Bollinger 2015 Chris Peckover 2017 Barbara Wise Lewczak 2016 Daniel Butler (Ministry Representative) 2015 Tim Button-‐Harrison (District Executive) TRIM COORDINATOR Laura Leighton-‐Harris Nurture Commission Appointments CAMP PINE LAKE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Barbara Wise Lewczak DISTRICT YOUTH ADVISORS High School/NYC: Pending Youth: Pending Junior Youth: Pending Stewards Commission Appointments TREASURER Diane Mason FINANCIAL SECRETARY Phyllis Prichard AUDITORS Laverna Sincox Janice Ackart 2015 2016 2016 2015 Witness Commission Appointments HEIFER PROJECT COORDINATOR Joe Berg 9 2016 IOWA PEACE NETWORK Christine Sheller Keith Sheller BVS DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Pending CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP SEMINAR Pending FOODS RESOURCE BANK Marlin & Joy Hershey DISTRICT PEACE & JUSTICE COORDINATOR Myrna Frantz Jeff Overton DISTRICT DISASTER RESPONSE COORDINATORS Matt Keucker 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 Related Committees CHURCH DEVELOPMENT AND RENEWAL Sarah Mason Betty Kingery Doyle Harper Kim Hill Smith Diane Nolt Roxanne West-‐Johnson LaDonna Brunk (Nurture Liaison) Betty Kingery (Stewards Liaison) Alice Draper (Witness Liaison) Lucinda Douglas (Living Peace) Brian Gumm (Toledo) Kathy Mack (Hands of Christ) Barbara Wise Lewczak (Moderator) 10 2018 2017 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Sandi Cox, Betsy Kuecker Kathy Mack, Barbara Miller Janis Pyle Nancy Davis (Ministry Representative) LaDonna Brunk (Nurture Representative) Vicky Ayers (Stewards Representative) Diane Nolt (Witness Representative) 2015 2015 2015 2015 Camp Pine Lake Committee & Staff Committee Chair: Chris Peckover PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE Committee Chair: Chris Peckover District Nurture Liaison: Merlin Grady Todd Himlie Sara Laqua Kayla Adams Tammy Kerkove PROPERTY COMMITTEE Committee Chair: Steven Brunk District Stewards Liaison: Ron Flory Rick Gingrich Tom Burkgren Kim Sittig CAMP STAFF Camp Director: Parker Thompson Property Manager: Matt Kuecker Program Director: Barbara Wise Lewczak Treasurer: Don Butler 11 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 2018 2016 2018 2016 2016 2018 Spurgeon Manor Board of Directors Spurgeon Manor, Inc. 1204 Linden St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 www.spurgeonmanor.com 515/992-‐3735 Administrator: Maureen Cahill Secretary/Treasurer: Chloe Bennett Bircher Board President: Alex MacConnell (D.C. Community) Vice President: Cynthia Eby (Dallas Center COB) District Board Representative: Susan Mack-‐Overla Christina Singh (Panora CoB) Harley Wise (Stover Memorial COB) Nancy Davis (Ankeny COB) Roger Emmert (Panther Creek COB) Judy Barrett (Dallas Center Community) Ben Rouse (Dallas Center Community) 2017 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2015 2016 COB Denominational Positions Standing Committee (NPD Representative): Kathy Mack (2018) Ministers Association: Christina Singh (2016) Ministry & Mission Board: Tim Peter (2015) 12 Church of the Brethren District Offices Atlantic Northeast: Craig H. Smith (D.E.) 717/367-‐4730 Atlantic Southeast: John Mueller (D.E.) 239/823-‐5204 Idaho: Bruce Holderread (Interim D.E.) 208/543-‐9203 Illinois & Wisconsin: Kevin L. Kessler (D.E.) 309/649-‐6008 Indiana (Northern): Torin Eikler (D.E.) 574/773-‐3149 Indiana (South/Central): Beth Sollenberger (D.E.) 260/982-‐8805 Michigan: Nathan Polzin (D.E.) 989/560-‐3563 410/635-‐8790 Missouri & Arkansas: Carolyn Schrock (D.E.) 417/926-‐1112 Northern Plains: Tim Button-‐Harrison (D.E.) 641/485-‐5604 Ohio (Northern): John Ballinger (D.E.) 419/281-‐3058 Ohio (Southern): David D. Shetler (D.E.) 937/996-‐0187 Pacific Northwest: Colleen Michael (D.E.) 509/662-‐3211 Pacific Southwest: Russ Matteson (D.E.) 909/392-‐4052 Pennsylvania (Middle): David A. Steele (D.E. Minister) 814/643-‐0601 Pennsylvania (Southern): William Waugh (D.E.) 717/624-‐8636 Pennsylvania (Western): Ronald D. Beachley (D.E.) 814/479-‐2181 Puerto Rico: Hector Perez Borges (Associate D.E.) 787/381-‐0957 Shenandoah: John Jantzi (D.E.) 540/234-‐8555 Southeastern: Russell & Deborah Payne (C0-‐DEs) 423/753-‐3220 Southern Plains: Elsie Koehn (D.E.) 405/736-‐0980 Virlina: David K. Shumate (D.E.) 540/362-‐1816 Mid-‐Atlantic: Gene Hagenberger (D.E.) Emma Jean Woodard (Associate D.E.) Western Plains: Sonja Griffith (D.E.) 620/241-‐4240 West Marva: Kendal W. Elmore (D.E.) 301/334-‐9270 13 Related Agencies Bethany Theological Seminary 800/287-‐8822 615 National Road West, Richmond, IN 47374 www.bethanyseminary.edu Brethren Benefit Trust 800/746-‐1505 1505 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120 www.brethrenbenefittrust.org Brethren Press 800/441-‐3712 1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120 www.brethrenpress.com Brethren Service Center 410/635-‐8710 PO Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776 www.brethren.org/brethrenservicecenter Church of the Brethren General Offices 800/323-‐8039, ext. 301 Stan Noffsinger, General Secretary 1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120 Mary Jo Flory-‐Steury, Assoc. General Secretary 800/323-‐8039, ext. 381 1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120 mjflorysteury@brethren.org Church World Service/CROP – Iowa Regional Office 410/596-‐2664 Jordon Bles, Assistant Field Director PO Box 10481, Des Moines, IA 50311 jbles@cwsglobal.org Des Moines Area Religious Council 515/277-‐6969 Sarai Schnucker Rice, Executive Director 1435 Mulberry St, Des Moines, IA 50309 www.dmreligious.org Heifer International 855/948-‐6437 1 World Ave, Little Rock, AR 72202 www.heifer.org 14 Iowa Peace Network 515/255-‐7114 th 4100 6 Ave, Des Moines, IA 50313 www.iowapeacenetwork.org iowapeacenetwork@gmail.com Iowa Religious Media Services 515/277-‐2920 th 2400 86 St, Suite 15, Urbandale, IA 50322 www.irms.org McPherson College 800/365-‐7402 1600 E Euclid, McPherson, KS 67460 www.mcpherson.edu Minnesota Council of Churches 612/870-‐3600 Rev. Peg Chemberlin, Executive Director 122 Franklin Ave. W, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55404 www.mnchurches.org On Earth Peace Assembly 410/635-‐8704 PO Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776 www.onearthpeace.org 15 2015 Ministers List ORDAINED CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN MINISTERS Basler, Lucy (Webster, WI) 715/866-‐7798 Bollinger, Sue (Utica, MN) 507/932-‐4686 Burger, Richard (Moravia, IA) 641/452-‐6708 Button-‐Harrison, Mary Jane (Ames, IA) 515/460-‐5363 Button-‐Harrison, Tim (Ames, IA) 641/485-‐5604 Coffman, Marilyn (South English, IA) 319/667-‐5070 Douglas, Lucinda (Sioux City, IA) 712/252-‐9630 Gingrich, Rhonda Pittman (Minneapolis, MN) 612/926-‐9460 Gross, Anna Lisa (Minneapolis, MN) 612/968-‐6961 Grove, Charles (South English, IA 52335) 319/667-‐5753 Grove, Lois (Council Bluffs, IA) 712/323-‐4770 Gumm, Brian (Toledo, IA) 641/481-‐1980 Harris, Earl (Council Bluffs, IA) 712/322-‐1872 Heien, Sharon (Centerville, IA) 641/856-‐4030 Hoffert, Gordon (Winona, MN) 507/454-‐1503 Kerkove, Dave (Adel, IA) 515/993-‐3466 Koehler, Marilyn (Udell, IA) 641/895-‐0495 Leighton-‐Harris, Laura (Council Bluffs, IA) 712/322-‐1872 Leonard, Jeannine (Burnsville, MN) 952/892-‐3489 Lewczak, Barbara Wise (Minburn, IA) 515/240-‐0060 Lewis, David (Marshalltown, IA) 641/752-‐2802 Lovett, Diana (South English, IA) 319/667-‐2995 Mason, Diane (Moulton, IA) 641/642-‐3660 Mason, Sarah (Moulton, IA) 641/642-‐3532 16 McLearn-‐Montz, Alan (Urbandale, IA) 515/689-‐9517 Merkey, Vernon (Ankeny, IA) 515/289-‐2368 Neher, Marlene (Grundy Center, IA) 319/824-‐6772 Oliver, Gordon (Douds, IA) 641/936-‐7121 Peter, Tim (Prairie City, IA) 515/577-‐3926 Ruff, Clifford R. (Omaha, NE) 402/573-‐1083 Shenefelt, Dale (Ames, IA) 712/322-‐1087 Singh, Christina (Grimes, IA) 515/298-‐9095 Smalley, Marjorie (Beaver, IA) 515/275-‐4387 Steele, Jay H. (Burnsville, MN) 612/578-‐3233 Thompson, Katie Shaw (Eldora, IA) 814/571-‐4528 Thompson, Parker (Eldora, IA) 814/571-‐4627 Whitten, David (Waterloo, IA) 319/610-‐2274 LICENSED CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN MINISTERS Johnson, Randy (Dallas Center, IA) 515/992-‐4808 Leonard, Michelle (Dallas Center, IA) 515/992-‐3785 Follow Northern Plains District on Facebook for the latest news and announcements as well as fun and entertaining posts. 17 ORDINATION RECOGNIZED FOR TERM OF SERVICE Heien, Carl (Centerville, IA) 641/856-‐4030 INTERIM MINISTERS SERVING IN THE DISTRICT Loveall, David (Sheldon, IA) (Reformed Church of America) 712/324-‐4192 Sanford, Dan (Des Moines, IA) (Disciples of Christ) 515/724-‐8483 Yeaton, Todd (Fredericksburg, IA) (American Baptist) OTHER MINISTERS SERVING IN THE DISTRICT 515/423-‐4294 Jerry Bertleson (Cedar Rapids, IA) (American Baptist) 319-‐377-‐8020 Donat, Ann (Greene, IA) (United Methodist) 641/816-‐4256 641/691-‐1546 Knudsen, Mary Kaye (Bainville, MT) (Assembly of God) 406/769-‐2161 Knudsen, Neil (Bainville, MT) (Assembly of God) 406/769-‐2161 McKinney, Larry (Cedar Falls, IA) (Anchor Bay) 319/277-‐7104 Williams, Lois (Eddyville, IA) (Wesleyan) 641/969-‐4224 Gruen, Kevin (Marshalltown, IA) Access news, events, prayer calendars, engaging stories and more at nplains.org 18 2015 District Self-Allocation Report CONGREGATION Ankeny Beaver Big Sky American Baptist/Brethren Cedar Rapids Baptist/Brethren Common Spirit Dallas Center English River Fairview Fredericksburg (Hillcrest Baptist/Brethren) Greene Hammond Avenue Brethren Hands of Christ Iowa River Ivester Lewiston Libertyville Living Peace Monroe County Open Circle Ottumwa Panora Panther Creek Peace Prairie City Robins Root River Salem Sheldon South Waterloo Stover Memorial Toledo Worthington TOTAL GIVING: *amount not reported ALLOCATION ($) 1,400 300 * 1,200 300 420 2,600 850 400 1,500 * 500 1,000 2,700 2,500 0 1,500 * 800 * 200 8,000 250 7,189 * * 1,000 3,000 11,000 3,000 1,000 1,400 $54,009 (2014 total: $53,193) 19 20 21 22 District Map A. Ankeny B. Beaver C. Big Sky (MT)* D. Cedar Rapids E. Common Spirit F. Dallas Center G. English River H. Fairview I. Fredericksburg J. Greene K. Hammond Ave. * Not pictured L. Hands of Christ M. Iowa River N. Ivester O. Lewiston P. Libertyville Q. Living Peace R. Monroe County S. Open Circle T. Ottumwa U. Panora V. Panther Creek W. Peace X. Prairie City Y. Robins Z. Root River a. Salem b. Sheldon c. South Waterloo d. Stover Memorial e. Toledo f. Worthington g. Camp Pine Lake Online map: nplains.org/congregations 23 Northern Plains Congregations & Leadership ANKENY 26-‐010 417 SE Grant, Ankeny, IA 50021 www.ankenycob.com Church: 515/964-‐0773 Cell: 515/724-‐8483 Email: ankenycob@gmail.com Interim Pastor: Dan Sanford Moderator: Marge Smalley Board Chair: Natalie Bellis Treasurer: Roger Hansen Nurture/Witness: Nancy Davis Stewards: Terri Hansen BEAVER 26-‐020 109 2nd St, Beaver, IA 50031 Mail items to: Bob Shadle, 1014 Hancock Dr. Apt 31, Boone, IA 50036 (Affiliated with United Methodist) Email: msmalley@netins.net Home: 515/275-‐4387 Pastor: Marjorie Smalley Board Chair: Norma Jean Herridge Treasurer: Bob Shadle Nurture: Norma Jean Herridge Stewards: Dale Smalley Witness: Tessa Lorentzen Youth Advisors: Norma Jean Herridge and Bob Shadle BIG SKY AMERICAN BAPTIST/BRETHREN 26-‐025 PO Box 217, 6th & Main, Froid, MT 59226 Church: 406/766-‐2472 Home: 406/769-‐2161 Co-‐Pastors: Neil and Mary Kaye Knudsen Board Chair: Larry Krogedal Treasurer: Janice Knudsen Stewards: Larry Krogedal Witness: Heather Mason Youth Advisors: Gwen Bolstad and Gwenie Nelson Nurture: Janice Knudsen 24 THE CHURCH ON NORTHLAND 26-‐050 5200 Northland Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 www.thechurchonnorthland.com Church: 319/377-‐8020 Email: office@thechurchonnorthland.com Pastor: Jerry Bertleson Moderator: Jerry Juett Treasurer: Peggy Brake Nurture: Velda Chapman Stewards: Adriane Van Auken Mission and Outreach: Dina Brake Jr. High & Youth Advisors: Dina Brake & Toby Bartlett COMMON SPIRIT 26-‐060 Contact: Kim Hill Smith Home: 612/722-‐5272 th 5315 36 Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55417 Email: khsmith@usiwireless.com Website: www.commonspiritchurch.org DALLAS CENTER 26-‐080 PO Box 187, 1207 Ash Ave, Dallas Center, IA 50063 Church: 515/992-‐3117 Home: 515/992-‐4808 Website: www.dallascentercob.org Email: randyandkathyjohnson@gmail.com Pastor: Randy Johnson Moderator: Susan Mack-‐Overla Board Chair: Micky Davis Treasurer: Kent Eby Nurture: Pat Brown Stewards: Karen Rittgers Witness: Penny James Youth Advisor: Michelle Leonard Financial Secretary: Jeff Eby ENGLISH RIVER 26-‐110 29252 137th St, South English, IA 52335 Church: 319/667-‐5235 Home: 319/667-‐2995 Email: nanadi2000@yahoo.com Cell: 319/899-‐9842 Pastor: Diana Lovett Stewards: Francis Kerkove Board Chair: Maryl Grove Witness: Chris Ballard Nurture: Crystal Stoner 25 FAIRVIEW 26-‐120 18140 Highway T61, Unionville, IA 52594 Send mail to: Beverly Brinegar, 28937 490th St, Udell, IA 52593 Website: www.showcase.netins.net/web/farmfamily/church.htm Church: 641/452-‐6439 Home: 641/856-‐4030 Email: sharonheien41@gmail.com Pastoral Team Coordinator: Sharon Heien Pastoral Team: Sharon Heien Treasurer: Beverly Brinegar Marilyn Koehler, Diane Mason Stewards: Ryan Brinegar Witness: Gary Hanes Nurture: Ron Mason Moderator/Board Chair: Young Adult Advisor: Sarah Mason Dean Penner FREDERICKSBURG/HILLCREST BAPTIST & BRETHREN 26-‐140 300 Southeast Ave, Fredericksburg, IA 50630 Send mail to: PO Box 279, Fredricksburg, IA 50630 Church: 563/237-‐5772 Home: 515/423-‐4294 Email: crescorev@hotmail.com Interim Pastor: Todd Yeaton Moderator/Board Chair: Dennis Steele GREENE 26-‐160 105 N High St, Greene, IA 50636 (Affiliated with United Methodist Church) Send mail to: PO Box 484, Greene, IA 50636 Church: 641/823-‐5563 Email: pastordonat@myomnitel.com Pastor: Ann Donat Moderator: Donald Daiker Board Chair: Duane Smith Treasurer: Janice Ackart Nurture: Janet Edwards Stewards: Betty Kingery Witness: Janice Ackart Older Adult Contact: Betty Kingery 26 HAMMOND AVENUE BRETHREN CHURCH 26-‐165 1604 Hammond Ave, Waterloo, IA 50702 (Affiliated with Ashland Brethren Church) Church: 319/234-‐4094 Email: office@hammondavenuebrethren.com Website: www.hammondavenuebrethren.com Pastor: Larry McKinney Moderator and Board Chair: Neil Hoppenworth Treasurer: Cheri Harmsen Stewards: Duane Allen Jr. High Advisor: Neil and Georgia Hoppenworth Youth Advisor: Jack Meyers Young Adult Advisor: Mindy Steege Giesler Nurture: Jack Meyers HANDS OF CHRIST 26-‐167 Home: 507/288-‐2045 Email: kathymack411@gmail.com Send mail to: Kathy Mack, 2310 Hampton Rhodes Ct. NW, Rochester, MN 55901 IOWA RIVER 26-‐170 2013 Wallace Ave, Marshalltown, IA 50158 Church: 641/752-‐2802 Pastor: 641/750-‐6015 Email: iowarivercob@gmail.com Pastor: Kevin Gruen Moderator/Board Chair: David Drury Treasurer: Sheila Arney Nurture: Connie Peterson Stewards: Jim Brothers Witness: Dannette Damman Deacon Chair: Cletus Miller Ministerial: Diane Cox IVESTER 26-‐180 25056 E Ave, Grundy Center, IA 50638 Church: 641/858-‐3879 Home: 641/939-‐5334 Website: www.ivesterchurch.org Email: ivester@heartofiowa.net Pastor: Katie Shaw Thompson Leadership Team Chair: Gair Bridges Moderator: Steve Brunk Nurture: Rachel Edittu Witness: Lyle Neher Jr. High/Youth Advisors: Daniel Butler; Matt and Betsy Kuecker Treasurer: Daniel Sheller 27 LEWISTON 26-‐200 25335 County Road 25, Lewiston, MN 55952 Church: 507/523-‐3117 Email: lewistoncob@yahoo.com Website: www.lewistoncob.com Preaching Team: Sue Bollinger, Gordon Hoffert, and Roger Peckover Board Chair: Todd Cage Stewards: Cliff Bollinger Jr. High/Youth Advisor: Joyce Peckover Moderator: Uli Schorn-‐ Hoffert LIBERTYVILLE 26-‐210 1425 230th St, Batavia, IA 52533 Home: 641/936-‐7121 Pastor: Gordon Oliver Board Chair: Rod Miller Treasurer: David Oliver Nurture: Tim Oliver Stewards: Jon Miller Witness: Gordon Oliver Jr. High/Youth Advisor: David Oliver LIVING PEACE 26-‐215 921 28th St, Sioux City, IA 51104 Call for current dates, times and location Home: 712/252-‐9630 Email: nightowl21@q.com Cell: 712/204-‐8950 Pastor: Lucinda Douglas MONROE COUNTY 26-‐240 RR 3, Albia, IA 52531 Home: 641/969-‐4224 Send mail to: Margaret Dage, 150 Maple Dr. #1, Albia, IA 52531 Pastor: Lois Williams 28 OPEN CIRCLE 26-‐260 2400 Highland Dr, Burnsville, MN 55337 Home: 612/578-‐3233 Church: 952/808-‐0161 Website: www.opencirclechurch.com Email: jhsteele58@gmail.com Pastor: Jay Steele Witness: Veda Kanitz Board Chair: Nurture: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich Susanne Ingerson Stewards: Mark Gingrich Treasurer: Andrea Gonzalez-‐Ortega OTTUMWA 26-‐280 1210 W Williams St, Ottumwa, IA 52501 Home: 641/684-‐7051 Interim Pastor: Alan McLearn-‐Montz Moderator/Board Chair: Laverna Sincox Stewards: Tom Sincox Witness: Mary Ann Lobaugh Nurture: Blanche Cartwright Treasurer: Pat Sincox PANORA 26-‐290 2964 200th Rd, Panora, IA 50216 Send mail to: PO Box 566, Panora, IA 50216 Church: 641/755-‐3800 Email: pcob@netins.net Website: www.panoracob.com Pastor: Christina Singh Board Chair: Roger Tallman Treasurer: Maurice Clark Stewards: Alex Krueger Witness: Colleen Tallman Young Adult Advisor: Christina Singh Moderator: Bill Grove 29 PANTHER CREEK 26-‐300 24529 J Ave, Adel, IA 50003 Home: 515/993-‐3466 Church: 515/993-‐4096 Email: panthercreekchurch@gmail.com Pastor: Dave Kerkove Witness: Sue Kimpston Moderator: Christina Singh Jr. High Advisors: Tammy Kerkove Board Chair: David Gilmer and Denise Marie Oneal Worship Team Chair: Youth Advisors: Kaleb Dittert, Denise Oneal David Kerkove and Thomas McMullin Treasurer: Daniel Heefner Young Adult Advisor: Stewards: Alan Oneal David Kerkove PEACE 26-‐303 2605 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Church: 712/322-‐8449 Home: 712/322-‐1872 Email: ontheshortside@hotmail.com Pastor: Laura Leighton-‐Harris Nurture: Sharon Walters Moderator: Dale Shenefelt Stewards: Earl Harris Board Chair: Kathy Rowe Witness: Colleen Dennis Treasurer: Bill Grove PRAIRIE CITY 26-‐310 12015 Hwy S 6G, Prairie City, IA 50228 Church: 515/994-‐2940 Home: 515/994-‐2518 Email: prairiecitycob@aol.com Pastor: Tim Peter Witness: Dave Beyer Bd. Chair: Janet Berkenbosch Jr. High Advisor: Jill Hopkins Treasurer: Garnet Van Winkle Youth Advisor: Phyllis Peter Nurture: Phyllis Peter Moderator: Betty Jo Buckingham Stewards: Jim Elrod ROBINS 26-‐320 365 S 2nd St, Robins, IA 52328 Church: 319/393-‐9427 Pastor: Eileene Sauer 30 ROOT RIVER 26-‐330 23553 Co. 20, Preston, MN 55965 Send mail to: Kathy Schoppers, 455 Main Ave N, Apt. 204 , Harmony, MN 55939 Phone: 507/886-‐3646 Board Chair: Kathy Schoppers Stewards: Don Fishbaugher Treasurer: Kay Himlie Witness: Diane Nolt Nurture: Beverly Mensink Youth Advisor: Todd Himlie Moderator: Marilyn Tammel SALEM 26-‐340 2448 Redwood Ave, Lenox, IA 50851 Send mail to: Rachelle VanGelder, 1071 272nd St., Lenox, IA 50851 Website: www.SalemCoB.com Email: r.vangelder@live.com Board Chair: Rachelle VanGelder Treasurer: Rachelle VanGelder SHELDON 26-‐350 3011 Marsh Ave, Sheldon, IA 51201 Send mail to: Linda Adams, 712 6th St, Sheldon, IA 51201 Church: 712/324-‐3842 Home: 712/324-‐4192 Website: www.sheldonbrethren.org Interim Pastor: David Loveall Moderator/ Board Chair: Linda Adams Treasurer: Sandi Cox Nurture: Jo Rolston Stewards: Sandi Cox Witness: Alan Cox Jr. High/Youth Advisor: Ann Maggert Young Adult Advisor: Jo Rolston 31 SOUTH WATERLOO 26-‐380 6227 Kimball Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 Church: 319/232-‐3125 Website: www.southwaterloochurch.org Email: swcob@mchsi.com Pastor: David Whitten Moderator: Lee Miller Board Chair: Denise Flory Treasurer: Debra Ehmen Nurture: Joy Hershey Stewards: Lynne Cutsforth and Marlin Hershey Witness: Soo Greiman Youth Advisor: Jason Schneider STOVER MEMORIAL 26-‐383 4100 6th Ave, Des Moines, IA 50313 Church: 515/243-‐0416 Home: 515/240-‐0060 Email: bwlewczak@minburncomm.net Pastor: Barbara Wise Lewczak Treasurer: Janet Beem Moderator: Betty Jo Buckingham Administrative Assistant: Marilyn Richards Leadership Team Chair: Harley Wise Witness: Marilyn Richards TOLEDO 26-‐387 105 W Ohio St, Toledo, IA 52342 Pastor: Brian Gumm Pastor Cell: 641/481-‐1980 Pastor Email: gumm.brian@gmail.com WORTHINGTON 26-‐410 20975 Oliver Ave, Reading, MN 56165 Send mail to: Lois Rogers, 23814 160th St, Wilmont, MN 56185 Church: 507/376-‐5301 Email: vanclan@swwnet.com Moderator/Board Chair: Brian Rogers Stewards: Steffen Van Westen Treasurer: Judy Luing Nurture: Keri Larson Witness: Keri Larson Clerk: Ida Van Westen 32 Individual Contact Index Ackart, Janice 641/823-4551 PO Box 83, Greene, IA 50636 ljackart@iowatelecom.net Adams, Kayla 515/618-1579 4112 6th Ave, Des Moines, IA 50313 adamskak.1534@gmail.com Adams, Linda 712/324-5206 th 712 6 St, Sheldon, IA 51201 Allen, Duane 3610 Butterfield Rd, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Arney, Sheila 641/479-2876 th 3281 220 St, Marshalltown, IA 50158 sarney@meskwaki.com Ayers, Vicky 515/975-4877 10640 Plum Ave., Prairie City, IA 50228 vayers123@gmail.com Ballard, Chris 641/622-2941 1019 S Stone, Sigourney, IA 52591 Barrett, Judy 515/992-3635 27690 S Ave, Dallas Center, IA 50063 Bartlett, Toby 319/531-4247 4570 Vasey Ave, Apt 4, Marion, IA 52302 toby.bartlett@hotmail.com Basler, Lucy 715/866-7798 3437 Chenoweth Dr, Webster, WI 54893 lucybasler@gmail.com Beem, Janet 641/363-4648 102 S Walnut, Mingo, IA 50168 Bellis, Natalie & Krystal 515/508-9704 2330 Windover Dr, Ankeny, IA 50021 DN-Bellis11@hotmail.com (N) krystal1028dancer@msn.com (K) Bennett Bircher, Chloe 515/992-3816 th 24530 215 St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 chloebbircher@gmail.com Berg, Joe 515/423-9609 25578 J Avenue, Adel, IA 50003 33 Berkenbosch, Janet 515/994-3255 PO Box 474, Prairie City, IA 50228 jberk@hotmail.com Bertelson, Jerry 319/389-0032 jerry.bertelson@gmail.com 5200 Northland Ave. NE, Cedar Rapida, IA 52402 Bingman, Rhonda 515/480-7017 820 Raven Lane, Madrid, IA 50156 jbingman@mchsi.com Bollinger, Sue and Cliff 507/932-4686 24463 Utica Line Rd, Utica, MN 55979 sbolli1004@aol.com Bolstad, Gwen 406/963-2325 193 Big Lake Rd, Homestead, MT 59242 bolstadg@yahoo.com Boston, Shane 515/480-0035 th 24472 230 St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 stamm36@mchsi.com Brake, Dina 319/929-0630 dinabrake@aol.com 2619 Falbrook Dr, NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Brake, Peggy 319/395-9005 pegbrake@yahoo.com 2619 Falbrook Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Bridges, Gair 641/858-6996 1313 24th Street, Eldora, IA 50627 bridtra@heartofiowa.net Brinegar, Alice & Dale 641/452-6655 th 32164 437 St, Unionville, IA 52594 ajbrine@iowatelecom.net Brinegar, Beverly 641/452-6794 th 28937 490 St, Udell, IA 52593 bevbrinegar@hughes.net Brinegar, Ryan 641/895-8820 th 18536 296 Ave, Udell, IA 52593 ashleybrinegar7@gmail.com Brunk, LaDonna 641/485-0981 12789 240th St, Eldora, IA 50627 labrunk@heartofiowa.net (L) Brunk, Steven 12787 240th St, Eldora, IA 50627 beckbrunk@heartofiowa.net Buckingham, Betty Jo 515/994-2788 10048 Hwy F70 W, Prairie City, IA 50228 bjbuckingham1@gmail.com 34 Burger, Richard 641/452-6708 29820 450th St, Moravia, IA 52571 Burkgren, Tom 515/465-3196 14912 J Ave, Perry, IA 50220 burkgren@aasv.org Butler, Daniel and Alisa 319/939-1526 209 I Ave, Grundy Center, IA 50638 bagona@yahoo.com Butler, Don & Velva 319/825-5049 st 601 1 , Apt 4, Grundy Center, IA 50638 dbvbmelrose@gmail.com Button-Harrison, Tim 641/485-5604 (T) de@nplains.org (T) & Mary Jane 515/460-5363 (MJ) mjbuttonharrison@gmail.com (MJ) 1211 Clark Ave, Ames, IA 50010 Cage, Todd, Beth, & Parker 507/932-5598 836 St Charles Ave, St. Charles, MN 55972 marble@hbcsc.net (T&B) parkercage56@yahoo.com (P) Cahill, Maureen 515/238-6069 th 815 59 St, West Des Moines, IA 50266 mcahill@spurgeonmanor.com Cartwright, Blanche & Leon 515/662-2720 101 4th St, Batavia, IA 52533 leon@hotmail.com Chapman, Velda 319/377-3671 820 S 15th St, Marion, IA 52302 vac820@mchsi.com Clark, Maurice 641/755-2461 1918 Hwy 4, Panora, IA 50216 Coffman, Marilyn & Paul 319/667-5070 th 29297 150 St, South English, IA 52335 pcoffman@netins.net Cox, Alan 712/725-2457 903 Morningside St, Boyden, IA 51234 alcox@mtcnet.net Cox, Ross & Sandi 712/724-6317 2277 Nettle Ave, Ashton, IA 51232 rscox80@mtcnet.net Daiker, Donald 641/823-4675 PO Box 583, Greene, IA 50636 donfdaiker@hotmail.com 35 Davis, Nancy 515/238-4774 315 SE Spring Park Dr, Ankeny, IA 50021 nancymaedavis@gmail.com Douglas, Conrad & Lucinda 712/252-9630 (C) blackstreamlaw51@gmail.com (C) 712/204-8950 (L) nightowl21@q.com (L) th 921 28 St, Sioux City, IA 51104 Draper, Alice 641/939-7038 nd 32668 232 St, Eldora, IA 50627 alicefarms@heartofiowa.net Drury, David 641/751-3609 th 3240 E 200 St, Marshalltown, IA 50158 dave.drury49@hotmail.com Eby, Cynthia & Jeff 515/490-7039 (C) cyntheby@aol.com 515/490-7397 (J) 16845 270th St, Adel, IA 50003 Eby, Kent 515/993-3195 PO Box 415, Dallas Center, IA 50063 Edwards, Janet 641/823-5577 PO Box 253, Greene, IA 50636 Ehmen, Debra 319/236-2518 5500 Kimball Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 dehmen@hoganhansen.com Elrod, Sally & Tom 515/967-4009 5249 NE 96th St, Altoona, IA 50009 elrodtom@gmail.com Emmert, Donna & Roger 515/465-5546 2223 Warford St, Perry, IA 50220 rdemmert@mchsi.com Fishbaugher, Don 507/772-4525 14105 County 15, Preston, MN 55965 Flory, Denise & Ron 319/239-5708 (D) DenFlory@aol.com (D) 319/239-5945 (R) rondflory@cfu.net (R) 301 Spruce Hill Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Frantz, Myrna & Jeff Overton641/475-3463 PO Box 44, Haverhill, IA 50120 myrnajef@heartofiowa.net Gahm, Alta 712/310-7099 512 Curtis St, Council Bluffs, IA, 51503 a_gahm@yahoo.com 36 Gingrich, Mark and 612/926-9460 Rhonda Pittman Gingrich 4820 Upton Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55410 gingrich@vt.edu (M) rpgingrich@yahoo.com (R) Gingrich, Rick 612/867-3257 14942 River Crossing, Savage, MN 55368 richardlgingrich@gmail.com Gonzalez-Ortega, Andrea 651/895-7744 a.gonzalezortega2@gmail.com 1525 Parkwood Dr, Apt 106, Woodbury, MN 55125 Grady, Merlin 319/232-6297 merlin@merlingrady.com 5605 Ansborough Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 Grove, Bill & Lois 712/323-4770 6 Grenville Ct, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 GROVE19@msn.com Grove, Charles 319/667-5733 th 15636 270 Ave, South English, IA 52335 Gross, Anna Lisa 612/968-6961 3129 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407 annalisa144@gmail.com Gruen, Kevin 641/844-3494 2342 Oak Park Rd, Marshalltown, IA 50158 pastormonkeyhead@gmail.com Gumm, Brian 641/481-1980 gumm.brian@gmail.com 105 W Ohio St, Toledo, IA 52342 Twitter: @bgumm Blog: http://restorativetheology.blogspot.com Hansen, Roger & Terri 515/865-8090 (T) tah7100@hotmail.com (T) 515/276-8129 (R) ezrider07@hotmail.com (R) 7100 Townsend Ave, Urbandale, IA 50322 Harmsen, Cheri 1816 Lark Ln, Waterloo, IA 50701 Harper, Doyle & Karen 515/480-8745 dharper@shive-hattery.com (D) 1173 Ryan Circle, Coralville, IA 52246-2821 kharper@gwaea.org (K) Harris, Earl 712/322-1872 2615 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 wco44@hotmail.com 37 Heefner, Dan & Jana 515/993-4015 511 N 15th St, Adel, IA 50003 jdheefner@yahoo.com Heien, Carl & Sharon 641/856-4030 915 Drake Ave, Centerville, IA 52544 sharonheien41@gmail.com Herridge, Norma Jean 515/275-2512 th 232 SW 6 St, B1-A2, Ogden, IA 50212 Hershey, Joy & Marlin 319/342-4210 hersheyjl@lpctel.net 11445 Barnes Ferry Rd, LaPorte City, IA 50651 Hill Smith, Kim 612/722-5272 5315 36th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55417 khsmith@usiwireless.com Himlie, Kay & Todd 507/886-2123 rd 225 3 St SW, Harmony, MN 55939 todd.kay.himlie@hotmail.com Hoffert, Gordon and 507/454-1503 Uli Schorn-Hoffert 457 Dacota St, Winona, MN 55987 ghoffert@passagecustomtours.com uschorn@cotterschools.org Hoffert, Paula 507/450-0093 1693 Charles Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104 paula.schornhoffert@gmail.com Hopkins, Jill 144 63rd Place, Prairie City, IA 50228 jillyhops@msn.com Hoppenworth, Georgia 319/239-5970 & Neil 1420 Pinnacle Pl, Waterloo, IA 50701 georgia_h3@yahoo.com (G) nhoppenworth@yahoo.com (N) James, Penny 515/669-2985 1600 Linden St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 jamesfb79@aol.com Johnson, Kathy & Randy 515/992-4808 PO Box 276, Dallas Center, IA 50063 johnsonrk@q.com Juett, Jerry 319/377-5134 4513 Lyons Dr, Marion, IA 52302 jerryj@mchsi.com Kerkove, Dave & Tammy 515/993-3466 24529 J Circle, Adel, IA 50003 davekerkove@gmail.com 38 Kerkove, Francis 319/664-3656 13099 Hwy 149, South English, IA 52335 fvhmkerk@netins.net Kimpston, Sue 515/465-3196 14912 J Ave, Perry, IA 50220 sfkperry1@gmail.com Kingery, Betty 641/823-4616 PO Box 345, Greene, IA 50636 Knapp, Tara 641/757-9654 1763 Utopia Ave, Panora, IA 50216 knapptara777@gmail.com Knudsen, Mary Kaye 406/769-2161 & Neil 5501 Rd 1009, Bainville, MT 59212 pmkknudsen@yahoo.com Knudsen, Janice 409/769-2192 5805 Wk 1 Dr, Bainville, MT 59212 jknudsen@nemontel.net Koehler, Marilyn 641/895-0495 marilyn_k@eaglecom.net 502 Wall St, Udell, IA 52593 Winter address: 802 Birch St, Marion, KS 66861 Krogedal, Larry 406/766-2248 PO Box 155, Froid, MT 59226 lbkrogedal@nemontel.net Krueger, Alex 641/427-5484 th 2827 110 St, Bagley, IA 50026 Kuecker, Betsy & Matt 641/939-5334 nd 32606 232 St, Eldora, IA 50627 matt.kuecker@fbfs.com Laqua, Sara 507/421-7815 PO Box 551, Lewiston, MN 55952 sara_wcf@yahoo.com Larson, Keri 507/376-4949 28038 US Hwy 59, Worthington, MN 56187 Leighton-Harris, Laura 712/322-1872 2615 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 ontheshortside@hotmail.com Leonard, Jeannine 952/892-3488 510 Wildflower Rd, Burnsville, MN 55306 rose060406@gmail.com 39 Leonard, Michelle 515/992-3785 1001 Walnut St., Dallas Center, IA 50063 ml1969@live.com Lewczak, Barbara Wise 515/240-0060 th 26505 195 St, Minburn, IA 50167 bwlewczak@minburncomm.net Lewis, David 641/752-2802 th 1505 S 5 St, Marshalltown, IA 50158 david.lewis@mchsi.com Lorentzen, Tessa 515/494-5672 PO Box 34, Beaver, IA 50031 zengirlangel@gmail.com Loveall, David 712/324-4192 1631 N 2nd St, Sheldon, IA 51201 loveall@q.com Lovett, Diana 319/667-2995 th 29194 137 St, South English, IA 52335 nanadi2000@yahoo.com Luing, Judy 507/478-4407 24212 McCall Ave, Worthington, MN 56187 Mack, Kathy 507/288-2045 kathymack411@gmail.com 2310 Hampton Rhodes Ct NW, Rochester, MN 55901 Mack-Overla, Susan 515/992-3454 24900 230th St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 smoverla@prairieinet.net Maggert, Ann 712/738-4663 640 Court St, Matlock, IA 51244 ann.maggert@gmail.com Mason, Darren & Heather 406/766-2441 PO Box 316, Froid, MT 59226 thmason@nemontel.net Mason, Diane & Ron 641/895-7661 th 33766 497 St, Moulton, IA 52572 rdmason@netins.net Mason, Levi & Sarah 641/856-9324 33864 497th St, Moulton, IA 52572 levsarmason@gmail.com McKinney, Larry 319/277-7104 2209 Cypress, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 lmckinney@cfu.net 40 McLearn-Montz, Alan 515/689-9517 alanmcmo@gmail.com 7707 Hickman Rd, Apt 38, Urbandale, IA 50322 Merkey, Vernon 515/289-2368 st 7151 NW 21 St, Ankeny, IA 50023 vfmerk@yahoo.com Meyers, Jack 319/269-3707 7807 Ness Rd, LaPorte City, IA 50651 meyersnursery@qwestoffice.net Miller, Barbara 319/234-4130 barb@iowashows.com 4634 Ansborough Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 Miller, Cletus 641/484-3123 912 E 8th St, Tama, IA 52339 milhersch@gmail.com Miller, Jon 641/693-8027 701 E Maple St, Libertyville, IA 52567 Miller, Rod 641/652-7780 th 1479 30 St, Eldon, IA 52554 Neher, Lyle & Marlene 319/824-6772 25195 K Ave, Grundy Center, IA 50638 lmneher@juno.com Nelson, Gwenie 406/963-2325 278B Longview Rd, Homestead, MT 59242 quilting@nemontel.net Nolt, Diane 507/951-3032 10599 State Hwy 56 E, LeRoy, MN 55951 cdnolt50@hotmail.com Oliver, David & Nancy 641/472-3916 th 1603 200 St, Fairfield, IA 52556 dn3oliver@iowatelecom.net Oliver, Gordon & Tim 641/936-7121 th 13729 120 St, Douds, IA 52551 timoliver2@juno.com Oneal, Alan & Denise 515/943-2766 (A) aro67@msn.com (A) 515/993-3411 (D) deeser71@msn.com (D) 22052 M Dr, Adel, IA 50003 Peckover, Chris 319/521-7211 118 Park St. Rollingstone, MN 55969 chrispeckover@gmail.com 41 Peckover, Joyce & Roger 507/458-2517 421 Dacota St, Winona, MN 55987 peckover@luminet.net Penner, Dean 641/664-1115 308 N Elm St, Bloomfield, IA 52537 ebapenner@gmail.com Peter, Phyllis & Tim 515/577-3926 (T) peter.timothy@gmail.com (T) 10172 Hwy F70 W, Prairie City, IA 50228 ppeter@newton.lib.ia.us (P) Prichard, Dave & Phyllis 515/232-9910 3819 Emerald Dr, Ames, IA 50010 prichardsofames@msn.com Pyle, Janis 515/215-0033 1028 Shagbark Dr #15, Nevada, IA 50201 janispyle@yahoo.com Richards, Marilyn 515/266-6577 903 Arthur Ave, Des Moines, IA 50316 mrichards1@mediacombb.net Rittgers, Karen 515/992-3749 705 Vine St, Dallas Center, IA 50063 karenrittgers@juno.com Rogers, Brian 507/372-4971 1528 Park Ave, Worthington, MN 56187 Rolston, Jo 712/738-4361 2829 Log Ave, Sheldon, IA 51201 Rowe, Kathy 712/323-8865 3120 Avenue J, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 kathyrowet@cox.net Ruff, Cliff 402/573-1083 8427 Spaulding, Omaha, NE 68134 Sanford, Dan 515/724-8483 300 Diehl Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315 danmarlene@q.com Schoppers, Kathy 508/765-3646 455 Main Ave. N., Apt. 204, Harmony, MN 55939 Shadle, Bob 515/432-5812 picturetube39@msn.com 1014 Hancock Dr, Apt 31, Boone, IA 50036 Sheller, Dorothy & Keith 641/858-2310 23588 E Ave., Eldora, IA 50627 shellstead@heartofiowa.net 42 Shenefelt, Dale 515/296-5064 2365 Hamilton Circle, Ames, IA daleshenefelt@cox.net Sincox, Laverna 641/777-6219 363 Skyline Dr, Ottumwa, IA 51501 l.sincox@mchsi.com Singh, Christina 515/298-9095 207 NW 8th St., Apt. 2, Grimes, IA 50111 singhchristina54@gmail.com Sittig, Diane 319/235-9826 816 W Orange Rd, Waterloo, IA 50701 sittigdiane@gmail.com Sittig, Kim 319/610-4285 824 W Orange Rd, Waterloo, IA 50701 mssittig@gmail.com Smalley, Dale & Marge 515/275-4387 PO Box 145, Beaver, IA 50031 msmalley@netins.net Smith, Duane & Twila 641/823-5373 th 24334 120 St, Greene, IA 50636 twiluane@myomnitel.com Steege Giesler, Mindy 319/433-0120 122 Lakeview Dr, Denver, IA 50622 Steele, Dennis 563/237-6336 413 Birch Dr, Fredericksburg, IA 50630 Steele, Jay 612/578-3233 728 Chicago Dr, Burnsville, MN 55306 jhsteele58@gmail.com Tallman, Colleen & Roger 641/747-3917 1650 Maple Ave, Guthrie Center, IA 50115 Thompson, Katie Shaw 814/571-4528 (K) kshawthompson@gmail.com (K) & Parker 814/571-4627 (P) parkerathompson@gmail.com (P) 23008 W Ave, Eldora, IA 50627 Van Westen, Ida & Steffen 507/478-4552 (h) vanclan@swwnet.com 507/360-7387 (Ida) 21284 Knauf Ave, Reading, MN 56165 Van Winkle, Garnet 641/259-2594 PO Box 945, Monroe, IA 50170 vanwinklelarry@windstream.net 43 West-Johnson, Roxanne 402/672-9234 3310 Avenue B, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 rmwest1958@gmail.com Whitten, David 319/610-2274 5850 Kimball Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701 pastordavewaterloo@mchsi.com Williams, Lois 641/969-4224 RR 1 Box 260, Eddyville, IA 52553 Wise, Harley 515/288-4007 2611 Cornell St, Des Moines, IA 50313 Yeaton, Todd 515/423-4294 PO Box 279, Fredericksburg, IA 50630 crescorev@hotmail.com 44 2015 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference “Abide in My Love…and Bear Fruit” John 15:9-17 July 11-15, 2015 in Tampa, Florida Register at www.brethren.org/ac 45
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