agenda - Town of Wasaga Beach
agenda - Town of Wasaga Beach
REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held, Tuesday, April 28, 2015 b) Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held, Monday, May 11, 2015 4. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS & PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Val Dickson - Wasaga Beach YMCA and Town Partnership update b) Warden Marshall & Terry Talon, General Manager of Social & Community Services, County of Simcoe – Affordable Housing & Homelessness Prevention Strategy c) Sue Bragg - Collins Barrow, SGB LLP – 2014 Wasaga Beach Financial Statements Recommendation: That Council receive the 2014 Consolidated Financial Report, for information. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None 6. CORRESPONDENCE – Received for Information a) Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit West Nile Virus Program Planning 2015 Recommendation: That Council receive the correspondence from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit West Nile Virus Program Planning 2015, for information. b) County of Simcoe, Notice of Funding Commitment Trails Connecting Communities Program 2015 – Carly Patterson Trail Extension Recommendation: That Council receive the County of Simcoe, Notice of Funding Commitment Trails Connecting Communities Program 2015 – Carly Patterson Trail Extension, for information. CORRESPONDENCE – Requiring Action - None CORRESPONDENCE – Referred - None Council – May 26, 2015 7. Pg. 2 of 3 COMMITTEE, BOARDS & STAFF REPORTS a) Committee of the Whole – April 28, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated April 28, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. b) Committee of the Whole – May 7, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 7, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. c) Committee of the Whole – May 12, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 12, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. d) Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopts the Public Works Committee Report dated May 20, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. e) General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopts the General Government Committee Report dated May 20, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. f) Community Services Committee – May 21, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopts the Community Services Committee Report dated May 21, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. g) Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopts the Development Services Committee Report dated May 21, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. h) Committee of the Whole – May 21, 2015 Recommendation: That Council adopts the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 21, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. i) Accounts – April 1-30, 2015 Recommendation: $2,251,294.88. That Council approves the April 2015 Accounts in the amount of 8. NOTICES OF MOTION – None 9. MOTIONS – WHERE NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN - None Council – May 26, 2015 10. Pg. 3 of 3 BY-LAWS AND CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW a) A By-Law to Authorize the Construction of Robinson Road Between 58th Street and Violet Street (Referred to as “Phase 2” of the Development Servicing Area), as a Local Improvement Under The Provision of the Municipal Act, 2001 b) A By-Law to Authorize the Street Name Change of Powerline Road to Veterans Way and to name Parkette to Peacekeepers Park c) A By-Law to Amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60, As Amended (Pine Valley Homes (Wasaga Heights) – Pt. Lot 2, Conc.15) d) A By-Law to Adopt a Stop Sign Installation Policy e) Confirmatory By-Law 11. CALLING OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS 12. QUESTION PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to raise questions pertaining to items that were dealt with by Council on the evening’s Agenda.” 14. ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL Held Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. In the Council Chambers PRESENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith S. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor G. Vadeboncoeur T. Nicholson P. Archdekin C. Castator D. Henry CAO Clerk Deputy Clerk MLEO HR Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Bray declared a Pecuniary Interest with respect to General Government of April 22, 2015 Item 5c Farmers Market as she is a potential vender and cheque #17715 payment to her business and will vote on all other matters. Councillor Bray declared a Pecuniary Interest with respect to Committee of the Whole of April 21, Item 5d) Grant to Wasaga Beach Rotary as she is a member and will vote on all other matters. Councillor Bray declared a Pecuniary Interest with respect to Community Services Recreation cheque register PAP dated 03-31-2015, for a $45 purchase from her business. Councillor Anderson declared a Pecuniary Interest with respect to the In Camera property acquisition due to a business relationship. Council – April 28, 2015 3. Pg. 2 of 23 ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, plus the holding of one Public Meeting held, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-01 RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, plus the holding of one Public Meeting held Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, are hereby adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS & PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Cameron Castator - recognized for completion of his CMM II Municipal Law Enforcement Executive Accreditation Mayor Smith read the letter received from the Ontario Municipal Management Institute recognizing and awarding Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, Cameron Castator, his CMM II Municipal Law Enforcement Executive designation. Mayor Smith invited Mr. Castator to the table and the Mayor acknowledged his CMMII Municipal Law Enforcement Executive Accreditation. A photo was taken and a round of applause was given. b) The following residents addressed Council with respect to the proposed purchase of seven beach front properties: Mayor Smith advised that this was not a public meeting and to please refrain from asking questions of staff or Council. Questions can be asked at the end of the meeting during the Question Period. Council wanted to get this information out to the public and some people have come forward to voice opinions and Council wants to be as transparent as possible. Mr. John Botelho Concerns and ideas for beachfront and beach; what is the hurry to buy properties when you have mentioned the owner would only sell to the Town. Have you done inspections to bring the up to code, EA`s for asbestos and mold; buying as is; once property acquired is the Town tendering for an outside property manager; hoping for three bars open for the long weekend. It was mentioned one bar will be opened; as a former bar owner and land owner he knows the laws and questioned if the original license will be obtained from the owner, is the license for free or for a fee or new application done by the Town; will you guarantee today a transparent leasing process so that everybody has an opportunity to rent there; suggest the Town use a two tier lease one price for high season and another for low and open year round; stores and good restaurants at beachfront where locals and tourists would enjoy while watching the sunset on the beach; lots of older couples in Town and can see them just looking over the beach at the sunset; attract tourists all year round; stores adapted to season changes to give business to hotels and other businesses all year round. If investing in properties will have to invest in programs for the beach activities such as Volleyball, Wakestock, Chin picnic, flea markets; is there a plan in place with proposal of land and does Council have a plan. Suggested a contest and invite all designers across the world to design a first class beach front resort to accommodate businesses, restaurants Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 3 of 23 etc. with designers presenting designs to be voted on by Town residents by looking at displays. Voting by ballot for the best design and best designer paid to implement it. If the Town needs more land it can expropriate land at market value; you ran on the basis that no taxes would be raised and there are between $25-30M in reserves; when deal was made public, it was noted that 50% is supposed to be from reserve as down payment and 50% from TD; 13.8M is price tag of property; why does the agenda minutes posted online show financial details as the whole amount being mortgaged. Technically to pay back in 25 years an extra $8M is what it will cost. Fixed loan 25 years; you can sell properties for loss or gain and still pay 25 year loan. $300,000 not enough to bring improvements to building; in the explanatory note it indicates that it’ll be six years paying a 4.3% tax increase plus mill rate and they don’t come down. Any future project will increase taxes. Be honest this deal the way it sits is not good for homeowners. It is geared towards business owners. 10% taxes are from businesses and not all will benefit from this 90% taxes from homeowners; where is the benefit. In reality the Town has power over all properties you can say yes or no to any project it doesn’t matter who owns property. Mayor and Council has last vote. Thanks for listening. Mr. John McCartney 53 Bush Crescent - April 21 there was a vote to spend $13.8 M. He sent a letter to Wasaga Sun congratulating Council for creating a Director of Economic Development and Tourism position. This position was created to be responsible planning and implementing economic development and tourism and retention of existing businesses. It might take time to fill the position; the people have been blindsided by Council on April 21 before Economic Development was reorganized. On the local radio you stated that certain staff, CAO, Treasurer and CBO was consulted on issues of the properties in question. He has not seen any evidence or fully documented staff report for Council for consideration regarding the land purchase. He has checked minutes and agendas to no avail. Does such a report exist; if no such report exists on what basis did the majority of Committee of the Whole vote in favour of this purchase. Other major projects such as roads and bridge widening, RecPlex, beach 1 and 2 all were open to input from public and Town staff prior to proceeding. If no fully documented staff report how he as a taxpayer can know that full due diligence and not just perspective renters has been conducted for the property. He has concerns with major repairs; what are the costs; are there any liens; and other legal issues. Social side is it ethical for the Town to be in competition directly or indirectly with local entrepreneurs; do not recall issue or costs being discussed in budgets; where is the transparency; what`s the rush; moving too fast resolves in costly mistakes; is opening two or three bars our top priority; should Council not focus on family oriented activities at the beach for the majority of tourists and residents; he has read the Town’s mission statement found on the Town’s web site. Thanks for listening and hopes the right decision is taken by Council by the end of this meeting. Mr. Derek Van Dyk 1239 Mosley St. - Mr. Van Dyk advised that he purchased in 2012 as a residence and business. His concerns are the same as other speakers; he indicated that he is a developer stating that there are no numbers as to how much you will lose every year and the costs each year; doesn`t see a business plan; he felt it was being rushed and there are a lot of creative ways a deal could be put together. It was in receivership and it is a white whale; a losing proposition that only generating 3-4 months of income; how long will it take to change around; rather than purchase the property, should have a lot of marketing and Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 4 of 23 promotion; Wasaga Idol and a real estate purchase will not do this; lease for a year with the option to purchase; this is being rushed and the Town should vote on this; it’s a major cost at $13.8 million which will grow dramatically; maintenance and services that is required; the buildings are in dire straits and need severe work. Thanks for the time. Mr. Reg Guadagno He has lived in Wasaga Beach 45 years and been in business 25 years. Town has a vision they want to bring it back and that takes a long time to get out of this rut; he went around town and talked to neighbours and businesses and a lot were unaware that this was taking place tonight due to the very little publicity, unless you follow really close what Council is doing; he reiterates what was said; Council is rushing this; the people didn’t elect Council to go into the booze business; has the owner paid up everything and put Town back in level playing field; not opening for whatever reason is the owners’ business; Council is forcing the situation and overpaying for properties that are in disarray and need work and no guarantee they will succeed; it takes six to seven years to get bars on its feet and they can’t; the Beach still has a stigma to it since fire seven years ago; this was done in such a haste; a lot of people are not happy; retirees water bills have doubled, taxes increased and there is a slush fund; if this venture is not successful, Council will not be on the hook, it will be the taxpayers; it’s a gamble; get approval from the Towns people; you have a vision but need a different perspective; take a second look at what people really want who pay the bills; a $6M mortgage and the liabilities; when bars open Friday and Saturday nights is it chaotic and extra officers are needed to control - that is not family oriented. We need a hotel; Sauble Beach is having record years; Grand Bend record years; something going on there that is not here, spend the money to promote the beach; the properties are in receivership and nobody is standing in line to buy them; a relation of the previous owners jumped in to buy them; tourists now come as day timer’s rather than stayers; it is very expensive to stay here and in old cabins; he would like to see a main drag; lower taxes to promote someone to build here; he wishes Council would take a second look and allow the people to have more say in what is going on here. Thanks for your time. Mr. Steve Anthony There has not been an open meeting when tax dollars are going to be spent; how will tax payers benefit from the purchase of these lands; will this land purchase cause our property taxes to increase; who will be burdened by the interest and repayment of loan; these are questions you are not answering, Have a good evening. Mr. Bill Barnes He has lived here all his life, 44 years; his parents have owned Cedar Grove for 70 years; the Town should not purchase these lands; there are other buyers for it - his family being one; the buildings are in receivership and there is no dealing with receivers as they tried and it went back to Dov Levy’s family members and they purchased it. Now they will pass it to the Town without allowing investors to buy it. There are others willing to buy it and the last Council turned it down; this is not fair to the tax payers when there is somebody else that would take the gamble, like himself. Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 5 of 23 Ms. Danielle Falardeau She fails to understand the reason there is not a period assigned for the majority of taxpayers to get on board with the purchase, not negotiate the offer to purchase and now to have a meeting; it is an evident assumption by Council that all residents would be on board and not mind this expense; public media have this as complete and it is not transparent; newspapers talk of more services and a new arena; we will need to borrow money again; she directed questions on the purchase directly to Deputy Mayor Bifolchi and received answers directly; only answer that she is uncomfortable with is why do we have property standards and why By-Laws are not applied fully; there are minimum standards applied throughout; if applied throughout, Wasaga Beach would be beautiful and bring positive comments; whatever the decision on this vote you were elected by us; she is neutral and will go with the majority vote and if it costs, taxes will go up if you want more services; whatever we want; that land has been an issue for 50 years; everybody has an opinion on how to fix it and what to do. If we have the money and you buy it; tear the old buildings down. Land is an asset; the beach created the Town and built the Town; forget the bars bull dozer them down and make it an asset; we can strut our stuff and say we own this. Mr. Jamie Anderson Has owned 17 Main Street since 2002; has seen tourism decline year after year; Beach Area 1 and the buildings are an integral part of tourism; congratulations to Council who voted in favour to pursue this purchase; year after year it has been left to developers to neglect and this is an incredible opportunity to take back the beach; Wasaga Beach is at a crossroads and we can do same thing - complain, see continued decline; or spearhead a turn around and ensure we have the lands to make changes. Wasaga Beach residents voted overwhelming for change. History will look back at the best decision the Town ever made. Ms. Shirley Beere Lives on Dyer Drive and is representing the Wasaga Beach Business Association; for seven years businesses and residents have been held hostage. There is no pride in crumbling buildings, unrented spaces and weeds. She suggested this has severely affected Wasaga Beach and business; tourism dollars are badly needed for prosperity for the Town; Council has an opportunity to control destiny and the Wasaga Beach Business Association firmly stand behind the decision to buy the beachfront properties. Thanks for the efforts to purse an opportunity that will bring change to Wasaga Beach. Mr. Troy Vaine He supports the Town buying main end beachfront properties. He has over 31 years of experience and has owned beach front and riverside property. He believes real estate is the best investment especially waterfront real estate; with the purchase, the tourism industry can survive in Wasaga Beach; we rely on tourism for success for jobs for local people and our and children’s future. The Town purchasing the properties is the next best thing to getting a casino here. Thanks for the efforts to move Wasaga Beach forward with this main end purchase. Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 6 of 23 Mr. Terry & Mrs. Kathy Cantin They don’t envy Council’s position; you are mandated to move the Town forward in the best progressive strategy that has come in years and an increase of $20-30 dollars is worth everything. Mr. Stan McEwen Lives on Meadowlark and has been a resident for 40 years and had businesses at the main end; not having last year’s income and business plan, heard the management may be same as last year; he is listening to the analysis; Wasaga Beach needs three major attractions to draw people as all we have is a beach; the purchase is $13.8M; appraisal $12.2; tourism down; high repair costs; taxpayers we will lose; Town’s minimum beautification is not very good; we need to do something but buying land isn’t it; we should be looking at marketing what we are trying to draw; we want families. The Ministry in that day took out hundreds of cottages and we lost our base in that respect; need business to bring back families if that is what we are looking for; spending money on a property unless grand plan to bring back; been declining since they took out the cottages; business left town. So many parking lots; since the fire nothing has been done; need to do something more than just buy land. Mr. Alexander Stone He is excited to hear that we want to buy a gold mine spot that is the face of Wasaga Beach; there is talk of taxes being raised and afraid of development that has been stagnating; Wasaga Beach is his new 30 and it is good to see a lot of people in support and against.; this is a good way to bring the community together; he has seen more discussion in the last few weeks over this than anything in the last 20 years. Buying the property and continuing discussion with the public as people want to see it the same as it use to be; others don’t; the way we progress is left to be seen; go for it take it over; get input; bring the community together as a start; not the end. A downtown would be nice to. Thanks. Mr. Glen Bailey He is known as the great letter writer and heard talk of no notice given; Council typically with real estate deals make it known 12 noon on Monday for a Tuesday Council meeting; we have had 10 days; and to suggest that most of the people don’t know about it is inaccurate; what’s wrong with them; the Mayor has been on the news radio station and been asked questions; he answered all questions and the people voted for change; this Mayor received a landslide victory because most of us were fed up and the disgusting mess at beach front; what is the cost that is a good question and fair question; what is the cost of doing nothing; the MNR collects visitor stats and the Town does not; it should start to pay attention; in 2002 2.4M visitors; 2007 fire 1.7M; problem deeper than fire; 2014 1M visitors; down 1.4M visitors to town; 10M visitors we have lost since 2000; lost revenue to the economy because the Town has done nothing in three previous Council terms; we elected Council to change things; it is refreshing to want people to take control; you can’t control what you don’t own; congratulations to the four Council members for holding up election promise for change; you are thinking out of the box and it is recognized. Thank you. Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 7 of 23 Mr. Nick Ciccagione Not in attendance Mr. Richard Marcalini Not in attendance Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Representative Danielle Blanchard, Vice President, advised that she was attending on behalf of the President Ehab Masad who is unable to attend and read a letter from him concluding that the Chamber backs and supports Council’s decision. Mr. Gary Cerantola As a private citizen and chair of the Wasaga Beach Short Film Festival he supports this effort; he has a group that want to do something with the purchase; a non-profit organization for social enterprise for the Wasaga Beach Short Film Festival with Wasaga Community Theatre to tap into grants and funding to raise funds for culture using the lower level of Dardenella for the multi culture performing arts, if approved by the Town, would take it on as a mission. They see it as a way to stimulate the economy. He felt there was a lot of potential to revitalize the local economy. Mayor Smith advised that this concludes the registered delegations and with the leave of Council, allowed others people to speak. The Mayor asked to only come forward if something had not been said already. If there is something further to say and if Council supports this we will carry on. By a show of hands Council agreed to open up questions to the floor. Mayor Smith invited anyone who wished to speak to come forward. Mr. Joe Belanger - 16 Fairway Crescent - has lived in Wasaga Beach ten years. This should be a world class destination and is far from its potential; he got involved in the Blues Festival Committee to make a great event to move community forward; his concern is the boomers have driven the economy and lots to come; our community is not winning the war to get residents to reside here; people are choosing elsewhere and it will take a progressive Council, which he sees; this is a vision and taking control of our natural vision; it will take a lot of volunteers and business to move this Town to its potential in the next 3-5 years. No further residents stepped forward. The Clerk suggested to the Mayor that, in consideration of the audience, perhaps the Mayor could seek Council’s permission to move the three By-Law’s dealing with the beachfront property purchase up on the Agenda so the audience is here while that happens. Committee agreed and the three By-Law were moved up on the Agenda. Council – April 28, 2015 a) Pg. 8 of 23 A By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Agreements and Documents Regarding the Purchase of Land (Beach Area 1 Properties) Deputy Mayor Bifolchi read from a prepared statement. We all agree that we would like to see Wasaga Beach healthy and prosperous. She completely understands the need to promote tourism to support of local businesses. However is not supportive of this purchase. If a thorough due diligence had been completed including consultation with the public and a proper business plan that included a 5 and 10 year plan with a targeted goal at the end, then perhaps she could have considered it. Mayor Smith asked the current owners if they were interested in selling their beachfront properties to the Town. A letter was received by the current owners on March 16 and now 6 weeks later we are here finalizing this $13.8 million dollar deal. The owners said it was not their intention to market the properties for sale, but would consider selling to the Town. There was no need to rush this deal as there are no other buyers. We should be spending more time to ensure a sound business plan can be had for this venture before tying this community to years of debt and liability. The Deputy Mayor continued that normal process would have been this idea circulated to all department heads for their input. They would have provided both pros and cons to the purchase and would have brought forward important items for Council consideration. An experienced municipal Council will tell you that staff`s job is to provide Council with recommendations so that Council can make the best decision possible based on the information provided to them. This step was not completed. There is no staff report where our department heads such as our planners, engineers and others weigh in on the pros and cons of this purchase. In the past the Town has received more input from staff when we would a road stub or purchased an empty parking lot. The option chosen for financing this purchase will not only tie this community to decades of debt but will deplete the Town`s reserves and after 10 years the tax payers will still owe $9.4 million. These numbers don`t include what it will cost the Town to deal with the building deficiencies, do repairs to these buildings, demolitions; accessibility and property standard requirements. There are a lot of unknown costs, which the Town has not factored in as of yet. Council hasn`t discussed any future plans beyond the immediate which is to get control of the buildings with the main focus to get the bars open. It has been said that this purchase won`t affect any of the future projects that Council may consider such as a multi-use facility, library or getting our business park going and is not sure how reserves will cover all desired projects, but we can certainly put the Town in debt further in order to facilitate this. Emergencies happen and that is what reserves are for, so if there is an emergency, they are going and the taxpayer will be asked to step up. The fact that well established developers are willing to sell for roughly what they have invested into these prime beachfront properties should be a huge red flag for this Council. Developers don`t walk away from land they can profit from. For the past couple of years the Town has worked to remove the red tape and make the currently owned Town beachfront land shovel ready. Once the Community Improvement Plan is in place both Town and privately owned lands will be ready for development. This was a new step and the Town is in a position to entice new construction and development Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 9 of 23 on the land that the Town already owns at the beachfront. It would make more sense to dip our toe in the water and market these lands rather than jump into owning rundown buildings and the unknown costs associated with them. Municipalities are in the business of providing services to its residents, not to be in the business and direct competition with our local business owners, developers or to be landlords. The Deputy Mayor further advised that she treats taxpayer`s money the same as it if was coming out of her own bank account. She grew up in a family business and is in business herself and would not invest her own money in this purchase. She suggested we can better serve our business community by budgeting more for events and promotion of the Town, even tripling the present budget rather than deplete reserves, getting in debt and becoming landlords of decrepit buildings. This will better serve our residents as well without the long term risk. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that she is not supportive of the purchase and requested a recorded vote. Councillor Ego commented that this is an exciting time and will support the purchase. During his election campaign he spoke to a great number of residents and they wanted change, leadership and something done with Beach area 1. Councillor Bray could not vote to support this purchase. She was concerned that less than three months ago this Council voted on its priorities for the 4-year term of Council which included “review the development plans for the public areas of Beach 1 and the development proposed for Beach 2” but where there was no mention to investigate or purchase privately held properties at the beach at that time. Councillor Bray felt this decision has been rushed and tonight we’re voting to spend $13.8 million dollars without a business plan or even a shared vision for the properties, for that reason could not support this motion. Councillor Smith ran because she wanted to see change; heard over and over again have to take control of the beach front; we will have control over what is going on, not just three bars; buying a whole block for future development; former Council did buy lands without any public consultation; renting one year leases and bringing new businesses to beach; planning to bring in reasonable rents and we will have a say on what type of businesses we want there; decision understanding short time frame and one time only offer. As Councilor based on what they have heard; the best thing they can do to move this town forward is to buy the beach front property and will support this purchase. Councillor Anderson advised that he supports the purchase. He has seen the tourist decline in the last 10 years. Tourism creates jobs and improves the economy and we need to have control. He supports the purchase as it gives control of tourism and the new buildings will come. Councillor Stockwell advised he has heard the pros and cons of this deal and has no quarrel with those who vote for it and vote against it. Fifty years ago lower level municipalities looked after hard services; no day care; no lunches for school kids for the soft services. A healthy municipality consisted of 60% residential and 40% commercial. Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 10 of 23 In Wasaga Beach the residential base makes up 93% of the taxes and industrial taxes are less than 1% based on industrial land that is vacant. We do not have one industrial assessment in this municipality. You have to have strong commercial taxes and our commercial taxes are 5%. It is out of whack. Look down the road 30 years it could be there won’t be a Wasaga Beach. This Council has to take control of its own destiny. The only thing we have to offer is the tourist trade and the tourists don`t do a lot for this community. Tourist numbers have gone down. When you look to the future it will only go in a downward spiral. We can watch it decay before our eyes or make decisions for our own destiny. Councillor Stockwell makes no apologies for this purchase. He believes Beach 1 should be in the ownership of the taxpayers and will then have 72% of Beach 1. No more excuses, no more studies, it will take time; years and he will not be here when the jury comes in with the final decision. There is one opportunity to do it and if it is missed there is not much in the future for this municipality. Mayor Smith stated we don’t have all the answers but what we have and did receive is a lot of information. Is it enough. The Mayor agreed with Councillor Stockwell that if we do not move this Town forward, on which he ran his campaign and was very clear that change started at the top. He will do everything in his power to make Wasaga Beach a better place to live work and play, not only for tourists but the citizens of Wasaga beach. There are rumours out there and many speak to this purchase. The unfortunate part is that many who spoke do not have all the information that Council or Town staff has. We don’t have all the information but believe there is enough to make an informed decision on what we are about to vote on. The Town of Wasaga Beach is not going to be in any business other than a landlord. We are not going to be in the bar business; t shirt or sunglass or have people come to Town Hall for a tattoo. The Town will be the landlords and we are hopeful to generate enough revenue this summer to pay at least the interest and taxes. This summer will be a very bumpy road. May 14th the deal closes, then the long weekend. The Mayor will do his best, on behalf of the citizens to move forward to get buildings leased out and repaired and move the Town forward in positive and sustainable manner. Control is key. He sat on the other side and wondered why didn’t Council`s do this or that. We have excellent staff who has led this Council. Mayor Smith then provided a history of the purchase: January 28th a meeting with himself, CAO, Dave Grossi and Joseph DiTomasso of Wasaga Beach Developments Inc. They had asked for a meeting with the Mayor and it was arranged for January 28th. During that meeting the Mayor told them what was happening to their properties was unacceptable and can’t continue. The meeting was a one hour meeting and it was very direct. When asked about leases they made it clear they struggled to get tenants to fill bars and the other locations. Some leases are in place and indicated several tenants were negotiating to be in Wasaga Beach; however, in each case triple A tenants walked away from the deal. The Mayor indicated he asked off the cuff if the properties were for sale and their off the cuff response was that the properties were not for sale. He was asked if the Town wanted to buy them and he said no but it was good information to have if approached. He then received a call on March 10 from Joseph Di Tomasso apologizing for being disrespectful and flippant in his response to the Mayor`s question. Mr. Di Tomasso advised that based on the vision of the previous Council they would not put the lands for sale on the open market. If the Town wished to purchase it they would entertain that. The Mayor advised that he would have to take that offer to Council and asked the price; $15m was the response. The told him that he wouldn`t take $15M to Council and asked what they paid for it. Mr. DiTomasso advised they paid $12.5. Mr. Di Tomasso was invited to send correspondence to the Town indicating his intentions and he would take it to Council. Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 11 of 23 On March 16 Council received the letter and a Committee of the Whole was called. They indicated it would be as it, where is. There were several meetings and legal counsel was in attendance as well as an engineer looked at the buildings with our Chief Building Official. $12.8 million plus 10% because of revenue generation comes to $13.8M. Council gave direction to negotiate. The CAO and Mayor met and negotiated a price and from then and until now we have been in the due diligence period. The Mayor stated he will make no apologies for how he feels to purchase these properties as he believes the Town should have purchased them under power of sale 3.5 years ago. It has been said this Council has not had public consultation. He felt that to negotiate a price publically we would still be here five years from now. He noted that the previous Councils also purchased property without any public consultation and notice in the Public Agenda was at noon the day before they voted on the purchase. The last Council purchased four properties and one beside the Sports Park and there was no public consultation. Once Council had the price tied down, we had the media present in order to make the public aware of what we were doing prior to the vote. We are being as open and transparent as we can given the circumstances. We are looking towards the next generation. He strongly believed if action is not taken we will be in disrepair; business is declining; businesses are suffering and taxes increasing on an annual basis. There is not enough commercial tax base and we have a responsibility to find as many ways as we can outside of tax payers, to generate taxes for this community. He spoke to a land purchase in Midland for waterfront property and the profit they may see. Mayor Smith further noted that we are looking to purchase the crème de la crème and put it in the hands of the tax payer and is looking for Council support. He gave his word that when this deal is done Council will give everything they have to make sure this works in your favour. Based on property purchases in the past few years, this purchase comes in at less than $9.00 per square foot. These properties were purchased using reserves and that is the very thing that many people say we shouldn`t use. The plan is to fully pay back the cost as this is a business venture. It is our future, our children’s future and our grandchildren`s future. Mayor Smith thanked the residents for attending the meeting. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-02 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute Agreements and Documents Regarding the Purchase of Sale, be received and be deemed to have been read a first second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-32. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED Council – April 28, 2015 b) Pg. 12 of 23 A By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach to Authorize the Submission of an Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for Financing the Land Purchase of Beachfront Properties as Authorized Under By-Law #2015-xx; to Authorize Temporary Borrowing from OILC to meet Expenditures in connection with such works; and to authorize Long Term Borrowing from OILC for such works through the issue of Debentures (Financing Beachfront Properties) MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-03 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach to Authorize the Submission of an Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for Financing the Land Purchase of Beachfront Properties as Authorized Under By-Law No. 2015-32 to Authorize Temporary Borrowing from OILC to meet Expenditures in connection with such works; and to authorize Long Term Borrowing from OILC for such works through the issue of Debentures, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-33. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell c) Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED A By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Financial Agreement with the Toronto Dominion Bank (Financing Beachfront Properties) MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-04 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Financial Agreement with the Toronto Dominion Bank, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-34. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 13 of 23 Mayor Smith called for a ten minute break 8:55 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:05 p.m. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None 6. CORRESPONDENCE – Received for Information a) NVCA 2015 Municipal Levy MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-05 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby receive the correspondence from the NVCA with respect to the 2015 Municipal Levy, for information. CARRIED b) Nottawasaga River Crossing Class Environmental Assessment Notice of Completion of Environmental Study Report MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-06 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby receive the Ainley & Associates Limited Nottawasaga River Crossing Class Environmental Assessment Notice of Completion of Environmental Study Report, for information. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE – Requiring Action a) National Youth Week in Canada MOVED BY B.STOCKWELL SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-07 WHEREAS recreation benefits individuals, families, neighbourhoods and communities and the Town of Wasaga Beach provides high quality programs and leisure opportunities for residents to lead healthy, active lives through recreation and to make our community a great place to live, work and play; and, WHEREAS there is an increasing interest in intentional youth development through recreation in Canada that is founded on a substantial and growing body of research to support the role of recreation in the positive development of youth. Canadian youth are often unrecognized for the valuable contributions they make to communities and Canada’s social, economic and civic landscape. Meaningful youth engagement through recreation emphasizes access, equity and social justice and leads to positive youth development; and, Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 14 of 23 National Youth Week reminds us all of the valuable contributions that recreation and parks can make to youth development and that youth can make to community development. National Youth Week is endorsed by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and the network of agencies and individuals committed to the positive development of youth. THEREFORE in recognition of these benefits and values and to provide a focal point within the year for increasing awareness, the Town of Wasaga Beach, does hereby proclaim May 1 – 7, 2015 as National Youth Week. CARRIED b) Emergency Preparedness Week MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-08 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby proclaim the week of May 3-9, 2015 as Emergency Preparedness Week in the Town of Wasaga Beach coinciding with Public Safety Canada’s National Emergency Preparedness Week. CARRIED c) National Access Awareness Week MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-09 WHEREAS approximately 1.85 million Ontarians, which represent approximately 15.5 per cent of the population, have some form of disability and as the development of some form of disability increases with age, there is a need for greater awareness, understanding and recognition of their needs, capabilities and potential; AND WHEREAS National Awareness Week is an opportunity to remind us to double our efforts to achieve our goal of become an accessible municipality by eliminating the barriers to facilities, services, programs and workplaces; AND WHEREAS the daily lives of people with disabilities are adversely affected by the barriers that exist in the environment, employment, public transportation, housing, recreation and communication; AND WHEREAS the Town of Wasaga Beach Council is innovative and caring, and committed to being responsive to the needs of all people, and recognizes the diverse needs of residents and visitors and responds by striving to provide facilities and services that are accessible to everyone; AND WHEREAS the Town of Wasaga Beach Council is committed to becoming an inclusive municipality in which all persons with disabilities can exercise their civil, political, social and cultural rights on an equal basis with other persons and ensuring that everyone has the right to live in conditions of dignity, respect, independence and peace; Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 15 of 23 NOW THEREFORE in recognition of the importance of raising awareness and accessibility in our community and ultimately, promote full participation for people with disabilities, the Town of Wasaga Beach does hereby proclaim May 31 to June 6, 2015 as “National Access Awareness Week” and encourage everyone to support equality of access, opportunity and outcomes for persons with disabilities. d) Air Cadet Tag Days MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. SMITH CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-10 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby acknowledge the 714 Air Cadet Squadron held Tag Days on Saturday April 25 and Sunday April 26, 2015 at various retail locations around Town. CARRIED 7. COMMITTEE, BOARDS & STAFF REPORTS a) Committee of the Whole – March 31, 2015 Mayor Smith spoke to the highlights; Councillor Anderson requested that the motion to refer the mobile payment parking program Res. No. 2015-11-04 be referred back to staff for further review. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-11 RESOLVED THAT Council refers the March 31/15 Committee of the Whole Resolution No. 20105-11-04, regarding the Mobile Payment Parking Program, back to staff for further review and report to Committee for consideration. MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-12 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated March 31, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein, as amended. CARRIED b) Committee of the Whole – April 7, 2015 Mayor Smith spoke to the highlights and it was then; Council – April 28, 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO Pg. 16 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-13 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated April 07, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. CARRIED c) Committee of the Whole – April 21, 2015 Mayor Smith spoke to the highlights of the meeting. Councillor Anderson requested that Resolution No. 2015-13-05 with respect to grants be referred back to staff. Councillor Smith noted there has been some discussion with having staff meet with Council and review those being considered. The CAO advised that there has been an internal discussion in terms of process and the Grants Review Committee will bring forward a process on which to go forward. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO 2015-04-14 RESOLVED THAT regarding Resolution No. 2015-13-05 of the April 21/15 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council refers Item 5d) – 2015 Municipal Grants Requests back to staff for further review. CARRIED MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-15 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated April 21, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein, as amended. CARRIED d) Public Works Committee – April 22, 2015 Councillor Stockwell spoke to the highlights and it was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-16 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Public Works Committee Report dated April 22, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. CARRIED e) General Government Committee – April 22, 2015 Councillor Anderson spoke to the highlights and requested that the Street Circus motion #2015-04-13 be amended from Saturday to Sunday. It was then; Council – April 28, 2015 MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL Pg. 17 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-17 RESOLVED THAT Council amends the April 22/15 General Government Committee Res. No. 2015-04-13 that the Street Circus event be held on Saturday, August 1/15 and Sunday August 2/15. CARRIED MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-18 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the General Government Committee Report dated April 22, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein, as amended. CARRIED f) Community Services Committee – April 23, 2015 Councillor Ego spoke to the highlights and it was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-19 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Community Services Committee Report dated April 23, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. CARRIED g) Development Services Committee – April 23, 2015 Deputy Mayor Bifolchi spoke to the highlights of the meeting and it was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-20 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Development Services Committee Report dated April 23, 2015 as circulated, and approves all actions contained therein. CARRIED h) Accounts – March 1-31, 2015 MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-21 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby approve the March 2015 Accounts in the amount of $6,854,481.12. CARRIED Council – April 28, 2015 Pg. 18 of 23 8. NOTICES OF MOTION – None 9. MOTIONS – WHERE NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN - None 10. BY-LAWS AND CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW d) A By-Law to Establish and Adopt Guidelines for a Historical Significance and Appreciation Award Programme for the Town of Wasaga Beach MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-22 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Establish and Adopt Guidelines for a Historical Significance and Appreciation Award Programme for the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 201524. CARRIED e) A By-Law to Establish the Tourism and Events Advisory Committee and adopt Terms of Reference for the Town of Wasaga Beach MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-23 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Establish the Tourism and Events Advisory Committee and adopt Terms of Reference for the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-25. CARRIED f) A By-Law to Establish the High School Task Force and Adopt Terms of Reference for the Town of Wasaga Beach MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-24 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Establish the High School Task Force and Adopt Terms of Reference for the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-26. CARRIED Council – April 28, 2015 g) Pg. 19 of 23 A By-Law to Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Toni Basinski MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-25 RESOLVED THAT Council Amend the Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Toni Basinski to include a clause that prior to release of financial incentive from the Town of Wasaga Beach, that Dr. Basinski is required to have hospital privileges at the Collingwood General Marina Hospital and further that confirmation be provided to the Town. CARRIED MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-26 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Toni Basinski, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-27, as amended. CARRIED h) By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Agreement between the Wasaga Beach Farmers Market Organizing Committee and the Town of Wasaga Beach MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-27 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Agreement between the Wasaga Beach Farmers Market Organizing Committee and the Town of Wasaga Beach be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-28. CARRIED i) A By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Indemnification Agreement between Hamount Investments Ltd. and the Town of Wasaga Beach MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-28 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Indemnification Agreement between Hamount Investments Ltd. and the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 201529. CARRIED Council – April 28, 2015 j) Pg. 20 of 23 A By-Law to Deem Part of Registered Plan 930 Town of Wasaga Beach Not To Be A Registered Plan of Subdivision (Vella, Lot 61 & 62, 930) MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO 2015-04-29 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Deem Part of Registered Plan 930 Town of Wasaga Beach Not To Be A Registered Plan of Subdivision, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-30. CARRIED k) A By-Law to Set the Tax Rates and to Levy Taxes for the Year 2015 MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-30 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Set the Tax Rates and to Levy Taxes for the Year 2015, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-31. CARRIED l) A By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Agreements and Documents Regarding the Purchase of Land (Beach Area 1 Properties) Dealt with earlier in the Agenda m) A By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach to Authorize the Submission of an Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for Financing the Land Purchase of Beachfront Properties as Authorized Under By-Law #2015-xx; to Authorize Temporary Borrowing from OILC to meet Expenditures in connection with such works; and to authorize Long Term Borrowing from OILC for such works through the issue of Debentures (Financing Beachfront Properties) Dealt with earlier in the Agenda n) A By-Law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Financial Agreement with the Toronto Dominion Bank (Financing Beachfront Properties) Dealt with earlier in the Agenda o) A By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Agreement Between the C.A. Sellers Cleaning Services Limited and the Town of Wasaga Beach Council – April 28, 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY Pg. 21 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-31 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Authorize Execution of an Agreement Between the C.A. Sellers Cleaning Services Limited and the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 201535. CARRIED p) Confirmatory By-Law MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-32 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Regular Meeting held Tuesday, March 24, 2015 be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-36. CARRIED 11. CALLING OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS Public Works General Government Development Services Community Services May 20 at 8:30 a.m. May 20 at 10:00 a.m. May 21 at 8:30 a.m. May 21 at 10:00 a.m. Committee of the Whole Thursday, May 7 at 4:00 p.m. Cancelled May 19 Special Committee of the Whole Thursday, May 21 at 4:00 p.m. 12. QUESTION PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to raise questions pertaining to items that were dealt with by Council on the evening’s Agenda.” 13. CLOSED SESSION a) Personal matters about an identifiable individual regarding an employee b) Proposed acquisition or disposition of property Council – April 28, 2015 MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO Pg. 22 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-33 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby extend the April 28/15 Council meeting past the hour of 10:00 p.m. CARRIED MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-34 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Council meeting be closed to the public to consider personal matters about identifiable individual/labour relations as well as the proposed acquisition or disposition of land. CARRIED The Closed Session began at 9:50 p.m. Attendance: Mayor B. Smith, Deputy Mayor N. Bifolchi, Councillors S. Bray, R. Ego, B. Smith, and B. Stockwell; G. Vadeboncoeur, CAO and Twyla Nicholson, Clerk. Marlwood Golf Course Bill Courage, BDO Canada Limited was in attendance for this matter. Councillor Anderson declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting. Council discussed the proposed acquisition of Marlwood Golf Course property and Mr. Courage provided Council with an update on the receivership of Marlwood, for information. Mr. Courage left the meeting. Fire Department – Employee – personal matter Fire Chief Mike McWilliam and Denise Henry, HR Coordinator were in attendance. The Fire Chief and HR Coordinator provided Council with an update, for information, regarding a personal matter of a Fire Department employee. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-35 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the April 28, 2015 Council meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED The Open Session resumed at 10:41 p.m. Council – April 28, 2015 MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY R. EGO Pg. 23 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04-36 RESOLVED THAT the Council of April 28, 2015 confirms the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer, in the Closed Session. CARRIED 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 10:42 p.m. The Minutes of this Meeting were adopted the 26th day of May, 2015. Brian Smith, Mayor Twyla Nicholson, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL Held Monday, May 11, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. In the Council Chambers PRESENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith S. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor G. Vadeboncoeur T. Nicholson P. Archdekin M. McWilliam K. Lalonde D. Vincent J. Leggett M. Quinlan B. Vickers G. Reinders M. Stahr CAO Clerk Deputy Clerk Fire Chief Director of Public Works Senior MLEO EDCCO Treasurer CBO Manager of Parks Facilities & Recreation Legal Counsel CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - None 3. STAFF REPORTS The Clerk advised that the first motion should be suspending the Rules of Procedure to permit the May 7, 2015 Committee of the Whole item regarding repairs to the Dardenella Roof Trusses to be tabled. This item will be dealt with last on the Agenda. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT Council suspends the rules of the Procedure to permit the May 7/15 Committee of the Whole item regarding the repairs to the Dardenella Roof Trusses. CARRIED Special Council – May 11, 2015 a) Page 2 of 10 Rental Rates for Beachfront Properties Councillor Smith requested that the last part of the motion “up to a variance of 20%” for the rates for the beachfront be taken out for separate discussion and moved a motion. The motion was seconded by Councillor Stockwell. Discussion ensued with respect to giving the CAO authority to negotiate with a twenty percent spread. It was noted that if Council is negotiating a property matter it should the In Camera. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi did not support the recommendation and requested a recorded vote. The condition of the buildings is not acceptable to lease and asked the CAO when Council would receive a report on health and safety, deficiencies and cost of repairs. Councilor Anderson advised that he preferred to talk about any possible discount first before the rates. Mayor Smith inquired of the Town Solicitor if Council could move In Camera. Mr. Stahr came to the table and advised that as it pertains to leases, which is a form of disposition of land, which is one of the permitted uses to go into Closed Session. Mayor Smith inquired if we can do this at the end of the meeting or should it be done now. The Chief Administrative Officer noted that as we are in a different setting, Council would have to retire to the Board Room for discussion; the public could remain in the Council Chambers. In answer to the Deputy Mayor’s questions of timing of report, the CAO advised that the Fire Chief and Deputy Chief have generated a list of items that need to be addressed. The Chief Building Official accompanied the structural engineer on his tour and he has not talked to the CBO about him generating a report. He expects that within two weeks a report would be provided to Committee of the Whole. There is a list of repairs or maintenance items to go through and engage someone else who has that expertise. An electrician has been contacted and we need a general contractor as well. The CAO advised that he will keep Council informed. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi further inquired if the costs of the repairs will be included in the report. The CAO responded that he will provide estimates if we can for the repairs. The CAO advised that the intent is to get direction on how to proceed in dealing with deficiencies. Councillor Ego inquired of Mr. Stahr as to a leasing question to which he responded that is getting into an area that he may be required to give advice and could do so as part of the Closed Session It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the May 11, 2015 Special Council meeting be closed to the public to consider matters regarding property acquisition, in regards to the Beachfront properties and advice that is solicitor client privilege. CARRIED Special Council – May 11, 2015 Page 3 of 10 Council went into Closed Session at 4:12 p.m. Discussion ensued with respect to the lease rates giving the CAO authority to negotiate. The Town Solicitor provided advice regarding the lease rates and leases. Following a lengthy discussion the CAO was provided direction in negotiating lease rates with tenants. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the May 11, 2015 Council meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED The open session resumed at 4:51 p.m. MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT Council of May 11, 2015 does hereby confirm the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer, in Closed Session, regarding the Beachfront properties. CARRIED Mayor Smith rose and reported that Council held discussion on leases and discussed direction to the CAO; who would sign leases and the authority to negotiate to what percentage. Councillor Smith advised that she wished to withdraw her earlier request for a motion to separate out the items. The Clerk advised that she has received a motion from Councillor Stockwell that requires a seconder to amend Council to approve, in principal, the rental rates and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the leases, and further that “based on these lease rates and the standard Town lease, up to a variance of 20%” be deleted from the motion. Councillor Ego seconded the amendment; Council voted and carried the amendment. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 05-05 RESOLVED THAT Council approve, in principal, the following rental rates for the Beachfront Properties for the remaining vacant retail and food service units for 2015 season: 31 Beach Drive 41 Beach Drive 43 Beach Drive 13 1st Street 14 1st Street 91-93 Beach Drive 50 Mosley Street $45,000 $27,000 $32,000 $18,000 $18,000 $20,000 – fast food, $18,000 – retain space x 2 units $32,000 Special Council – May 11, 2015 115 Beach Drive Page 4 of 10 $8,000 to $10,000 – units 1 to 4, $15,000 – units 5 & 6 combined AND FURTHER THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate and the Mayor and Clerk to sign one season leases with prospective tenants for the vacant beachfront properties. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay CARRIED b) Awarding of RFP for Dardenella, Bananas & Copa Cabana Bars Bananas: Councillor Stockwell inquired what this meant. The Mayor advised that the top proponent was Mr. Grossi and Council is giving direction to the CAO to reach out to Mr. Grossi and negotiate a lease. Councillor Bray inquired if Council is giving the CAO a range to negotiate or is it being left wide open. Mayor Smith responded that the CAO will speak to the proponents to improve the Town’s position in a lease that is acceptable to both parties and will come back to the Mayor and Clerk for signature. Councillor Anderson advised that he can’t support it without an approved lease rate. They did an RFP and put their best rate forward and want to have Bananas open. The economic loss for the whole town is huge and this is more than an improved lease rate. He could not support the motion unless the last words “including an improved lease rate” are taken out. Councillor Bray inquired if someone declared a conflict on the same motion at Committee of the Whole, should they declare on this motion and not speak to it. The Clerk advised that it is up to the Councillor to declare a conflict is he believes he has one. Councillor Anderson advised that he has received legal advice and he does not have to declare a pecuniary interest on these items. It was then; Special Council – May 11, 2015 MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH Page 5 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT subject to the purchase of the Beachfront properties being finalized on May 14, 2015, Council award the RFP for the Operation of the Bananas beachfront licensed establishments to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing May 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and Mr. Grossi that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay CARRIED Councillor Stockwell inquired as to what does this now mean. Mayor Smith advised that Council has given direction to the CAO to reach out to Mr. Grossi to look at the lease terms and negotiate the lease itself and the price and do his best to improve the Town’s position. Dardenella: MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT subject to the purchase of the Beachfront properties being finalized on May 14, 2015, Council award the RFP for the Operation of the Dardenella beachfront licensed establishment to the Smardenka Group for the 2015 season commencing on a date no earlier than May 15th, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to confirming that a liquor license is available for the property and subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and the Smardenka Group that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED Copa Cabana: MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT subject to the purchase of the Beachfront properties being finalized on May 14, 2015, Council award the RFP for the Operation of the Copa Cabana beachfront licensed establishment to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing June 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and Mr. Grossi that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED Councillor Stockwell inquired when the CAO will set up meetings and report back to Council. The CAO responded that Council has a Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Tuesday and that would give him time to initiate conversations. Councillor Stockwell requested a Council meeting be held after this meeting adjourns to deal with the leases. The Clerk advised of procedure for timing and notice required for the calling of meetings. The Town Solicitor also advised that he could provide legal advice in Closed Session regarding the leases. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the May 11, 2015 Special Council meeting be closed to the public to receive advice that is solicitor client privilege in regards to the Beachfront properties. CARRIED Council went back into Closed Session at 5:15 p.m. The CAO left the meeting to discuss the leases with the proponent. The Town Solicitor provided legal advice with respect to calling of meetings; approving of leases; authorization to enter into leases; direction to the CAO. The CAO returned to the Closed Session at 5:22 p.m. and provided Council with the results of his discussions with Mr. Grossi. Special Council – May 11, 2015 Page 7 of 10 The CAO was provided direction and left the Closed Session at 5:27 p.m. for further discussion with Mr. Grossi. Council had a break waiting for the CAO. The CAO returned at 5:39 p.m. and the Closed session resumed. The CAO provided an update on his discussion with Mr. Grossi and further discussion ensued. The Town solicitor provided advice on the lease agreement. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT the 2nd closed session of the May 11, 2015 Council meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT Council of May 11, 2015 does hereby confirm the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer, in Closed Session, regarding the Beachfront properties. The open session resumed at 5:55 p.m. CARRIED Mayor Smith called for a five minutes break. The Clerk left the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Council reconvened and Council desired to go back into Closed Session for a third time. It was verbally, MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the May 11, 2015 Special Council meeting be closed to the public to receive advice that is solicitor client privilege in regards to the Beachfront properties. CARRIED The CAO provided an update on further lease improvement discussions with Mr. Grossi and discussion ensued. The CAO left the closed session at 6:34 p.m. for further discussion with Mr. Grossi. The CAO returned, provided a further update and it was then verbally; Special Council – May 11, 2015 Page 8 of 10 MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLVED THAT the 3rd closed session of the May 11, 2015 Council meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED The open session of Council resumed at 6:37 p.m. Mayor Smith called the Council meeting back to order and it was then verbally; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLVED THAT Council of May 11, 2015 does hereby confirm the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer, in Closed Session, regarding the Beachfront properties. CARRIED Mayor Smith advised that Council has been discussing the negotiations for the three bar establishments and the CAO has been in discussion with the proponents. They have an agreement, in principle, on two locations and information will follow publically once the lease is signed and there is one person to still speak with as the third bar remains under negotiations. The Mayor then asked for permission of Council to table a motion that is not on the Agenda. Council agreed, recorded votes were requested and it was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT Council add to the Agenda. CARRIED The Chief Administrative Officer advised that with 2/3 support of Council he will table the motions. Council agreed. Special Council – May 11, 2015 MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY S. BRAY Page 9 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any lease agreement arising from the RFP in relation to Copa Cabana. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay CARRIED MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any lease agreements arising from the RFP in relation to Bananas. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell c) Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED Dardenella Truss Repairs MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby approve the offer from Wasaga Beach Waterfront Developments Inc., to transfer funds provided by the Insurance Company for the Dardenella Truss repairs directly to the Town in lieu of conducting the repairs prior to the closing of the purchase on May 14, 2015, subject to receiving written confirmation from the Insurance Company that they are paying 100% of the approved estimated cost of the repairs. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay CARRIED Special Council – May 11, 2015 Page 10 of 10 Councillor Anderson inquired if there is a requirement for the Committee of the Whole scheduled for Tuesday and was advised Committee will discuss further plans for the beachfront properties. 4. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-16 RESOLVED THAT a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special Meeting held Monday, May 11, 2015, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2015-37. CARRIED 5. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. The Minutes of this Meeting were adopted 26th day of May, 2015. Brian Smith, Mayor Twyla Nicholson, Clerk Wasaga Beach, Our YMCA Strategic Directions My Y opens Doors • We create opportunities for people to learn, lead, work and play. • Council Priorities 2014 – 2018 - Tourism & Economic Development My Y Inspires Youth • We engage youth and young adults to feel a sense of belonging and community leadership. • Council Priorities 2014 – 2018 – High School & Economic Development My Y is Strong • We invest in people, programs and places to impact community health. • Council Priorities 2014 – 2018 - Tourism & Economic Development My Y opens Doors YMCA team of 55 staff and 110 volunteers Y to employ 45-50 [Wasaga Edition] The Collingwood Connection - Collingwood, Ont. Berlo, Trina Oct 11, 2006 My Y opens Doors The YMCA Annual Fundraising Campaign provides the opportunity for everyone in our community to access our programs and services. Assistance is available to those who are unable to pay the full fee for our programs. “the YMCA has a policy that no one be turned away due to the inability to pay. [Coon] said, through a membership assistance program, staff will calculate a fee that is suitable… [Collingwood Edition] The Collingwood Connection - Collingwood, Ont. Berlo, Trina Oct 14, 2006 My Y opens Doors The Wasaga Beach YMCA currently has 3,500 members o Of these members. Membership Age Breakdown Full Fee Financially Assisted 602 Adults (18-59yrs) 1,151 25% 75% 423 Seniors (60 yrs+) 1,319 Youth (13-17 yrs) Children (0-12 yrs) “This particular YMCA feels like family - friendly faces, encouragement, a place where I feel I belong “ 2011 YMCA SAM 2.0 Membership Satisfaction and Involvement Survey VERBATIM COMMENTS My Y is Strong The YMCA is one of the largest providers of recreational programs in the Beach. • Providing accessible programs suitable for all ages • 0-100 + years We are the largest provider of licensed child care services in the Beach • • Full day infant & toddler care at Birchview Dunes. Before & after care at Birchview Dunes, Worsley, St. Noel Chabanal. My Y is Strong Last Year - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Visitors (other YMCAs) Guests Access Day Passes 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 During the summer months we have over 800 visitors using our YMCA each month! Over 8,000 day passes a year. My Y Inspires Youth ~2,377 grade 3 students participate in a “Swim to Survive /Y Program yearly ~140 grade 5-8 students experience fitness electives “my son zack 4ever9 who tragically lost his life july 18th 2012 in the nottawasaga river in wasaga beach ontario canada. I've been making and selling zacks bracelets 4 swimming lessons and donating the proceeds to the ymca in memory of zack …every child needs 2 learn how 2 swim. swimming is a life skill.” My Y Inspires Youth • Youth Nights • • Sponsored Saturdays – Free Access for Youth 7pm-9pm just for grades 7-12. Fridays – Non-perishable item or $2 • Leaders & Volunteer Corp. • Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays A program for youth, designed by youth. • Wasaga Beach Youth Centre: • Able to access most registered & drop in youth programming free. My Y Inspires Youth Youth says thanks for Y [Wasaga Edition] The Collingwood Connection - Collingwood, Ont. Nov 8, 2006 “I think it is a very good thing to have in Wasaga Beach, thanks.” “They will be Y kids until they are old enough to be Y adults! My oldest daughter used to be very shy but the many different positive interactions with staff members have helped her to come out of her shell.” 2011 YMCA SAM 2.0 Membership Satisfaction and Involvement Survey VERBATIM COMMENTS My Y Inspires Youth Community Events T.I.M.E. Moving forward Building on the existing relationship we have with our municipal partner. Collaborative programming Ongoing & consistent meetings with, • The CAO • Manager of Parks & Recreation • Special Events Coordinator • Manager of Tourism Involvement in event planning – committees Representative from the Town to participate in the Y’s Membership Advisory. An informational tour of the Y building and programs with the Mayor, councilors and senior staff Build a program for Town representatives to join the Wasaga Y – role modelling community health. Real time experience of what the Y has to offer and the benefits of having healthy employees. Thank you. Housing Our Future Town of Wasaga Beach Overview 1 Introduction The Role of the County/Legislative Requirements Housing Our Future: Our Community 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy Preliminary Targets Affordable Housing Programs Tools for Affordable Housing Working in Partnership Introduction 2 Access to affordable/attainable housing is vital to the health and well being of our residents and communities. The County approved a 10-year affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy in January 2014. Every municipality has identified needs. Partnership to address need is critical for success. The County as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager The Province of Ontario has designated the County of Simcoe as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) for this area. The County is mandated to deliver certain services for its member municipalities and the Cities of Barrie and Orillia. These services include: Social Housing Homelessness Prevention Services 3 Housing Our Future 4 County Council approved Our Community 10-Year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy in January 2014. 5 Strategic Themes and 31 Priority Actions 1. The establishment of strong leadership and governance 2. Achievement of an affordable housing target 3. The protection of existing public assets 4. Planning for the public good 5. The creation of an integrated service model for housing and supports This Strategy proposes 2,685 units to be created through a variety of methods such as rent supplements, acquisition, and new construction. Core Need: Town of Wasaga Beach # of households spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs. 1,605 Owner Households, 290 Renter Households. Currently, 73 eligible households within the Town of Wasaga Beach waiting for social housing. 1,890 25% 170 Core Housing Need 2% 290 4% 11.3 % 8.33% 5 # of households in the Town of Wasaga Beach that are residing in unsuitable housing (not enough bedrooms for size and composition of household). # of households in the Town of Wasaga Beach that are residing in housing that is in major need of repairs. Prevalence of Low Income for the Town of Wasaga Beach based on after-tax low-income measure percentage in 2010, compared to county-wide average of 11.3%. Proportion of Rental Units as a percentage of overall dwelling units. Source: Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey Preliminary Target: Town of Wasaga Beach Our preliminary estimate indicates that an additional 110 units of affordable housing are needed to make a modest improvement over the next 10 years. No single solution works for all municipalities within the County. Local needs must be understood and solutions must be tailored to address those needs. 6 Affordable Housing Programs in Wasaga Beach Social Housing Units Rent Supplements Commercial Rent Supplements Strong Communities Rent Supplements Other Affordable Housing Programs 7 41 social housing units Homeownership Ontario Renovates/Financial Support for Secondary Suites Rent Supplements/Housing Allowances Affordable Rental Development Affordable Housing Programs in Wasaga Beach, cont’d Financial Assistance to Support Affordable Housing Development Local Initiatives 8 Development Charge Relief Property Tax Differential Relief Habitat for Humanity Tools for Affordable Housing Planning Act Community Improvement Plans Secondary/garden suites Parking requirements Development Charges Act, 1997: Development charges (full or partial exemption) Municipal Act, 2001, Assessment Act and other sources: 9 Property taxes (multi-residential) Demolition and conversion of residential rental properties Working in Partnership Your input is critical if we are to understand the need and ensure custom strategies for your municipality are included within our implementation plan. We ask that you designate a staff contact at the Town of Wasaga Beach, to liaise with County staff on a regular basis to support local affordable housing initiatives. Would you be willing to share data to assist us in tracking our joint progress? 10 Questions County of Simcoe staff contacts: 11 Terry Talon General Manager, Social & Community Services Phone: (705)722-3132 Ext. 1116 Email: Cathy Kytayko Director, Social Housing Phone: (705) 725-7215 Ext. 1115 E-mail: STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor Smith and Members of Council FROM: Monica Quinlan, Treasurer SUBJECT: 2014 Audited Consolidated Financial Report – For Information DATE: May 26th, 2015 RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive the 2014 Consolidated Financial Report for information. DISCUSSION The 2014 year has closed with the Town of Wasaga Beach in a strong financial position. Overall the net adjusted annual surplus amounts to $471,542 (Note 17 of F/S). This amount is approximately 1.55% of the total budgeted expenditures and is due mainly to greater dividends than expected received from Wasaga Resources and a higher rate of return on investments. Reserves increased by $4.7 Mio, due largely to the transfer of the OMPF (Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund) at 100% as well as the surplus from the OPP due mainly to the reduction in FTE’s from 23.17 (as forecasted) to an actual of 19.73. Within the attached Audited Financial Statements you will find the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) found on page 2 and below explanations are provided for the significant changes that occurred year over year. Accumulated Surplus - $255 Mio - $140 Mio (5.8%) - Note 14 This increase is due mainly to the increased investment in Tangible Capital Assets (i.e. Infrastructure Assets - $8.9 Mio, due mainly to the assumption of Coral Sunrise and the completion of the Knox Rd. East project. It is important to note that Accumulated Surplus does not represent the cash balance of the organization but rather the investments in Tangible Capital Assets - $211 Mio, Reserves - $29 Mio, and the Government Business Enterprise (Hydro) - $14.7 Mio. Cash/Short Term Investments - $21.2 Mio – $2.1 Mio (11%) – Note 8 The significant increase in Cash & Short Term Investments is due mainly to the timing of payments for Taxes and General AR. Form: WB-SR2010 2 Taxes Receivable - $3.7 Mio - $100K - (2.6%) The decrease in Taxes Receivable is due mainly to the continuation of collection procedures introduced in late 2011. Accounts Receivable General (AR) - $1.9 Mio - $318K - 19% The increase in Accounts Receivable is due mainly to the timing of the HST refund. Accounts Payable (AP) - $6.6 Mio - $237K – 3.7% The large increase in AP is due mainly to the timing of payroll. Deferred Revenue Obligatory Reserve Funds - $10.4 Mio - $1.8 Mio (16%) – Note 10 Total DC’s collected in 2014 were $1.9M for 160 units. These are offset by the projects that were financed by DC’s throughout the year which include: Knox Rd East Servicing - $2.1 Mio Schoonertown Bridge - $1.9 Mio Long Term Liabilities - $2.7 Mio - $1 Mio (26%) – Note 10 The final payment for the Mosley St. / RecPlex debenture was made in October 2014 decreasing the overall value of the liability. Offset to this is the new debenture issued for the purchase of the Fire Pumper Truck at $600k, as mentioned in the Subsequent event note (Note 21) this amount will increase in 2015 for the $13.8 Mio debentures financing the Beachfront properties. Attached you will also find the Financial Indicators Review for 2011 – 2014 that is published by the Province each year. Currently the 2014 amounts have been calculated by the Treasurer (according to the Provincial methods) as this report is generally not published by the Province until late in the Fall. Please note also that the Provincial average percentages are based on the 2013 results. These indicators assist us in determining where the municipality is positioned year over year as well as against the Provincial averages. Overall the Town is shown within the low to moderate risk categories for all indicators. Additionally please note that the Net Taxes Receivable as a percentage of Total Taxes Levied continues to be maintained in the moderate category due mainly to the collection procedures continuing. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I am pleased to report that the Town’s financial position remains sound and that it is well positioned for the future. During fiscal 2014 the Town delivered great services and progressed toward its strategic goals while maintaining its financial budget. 3 Ms. Sue Bragg from Collins Barrow LLP has prepared a summary of the highlights (attached) of the Audited Financial Report for your information and will be presenting the auditor’s comments on the 2014 Audited Consolidated Financial Report at the meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Monica Quinlan, Treasurer Enclosure The Coporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach Financial Indicators Review 2011 - 2014 Amounts in '000's % (Risk Assessment: High, Moderate, Low) 2013 Actual 2011 Net Assets or Debt Own Purpose Taxation + User Fees Net Financial Assets or Debt as a % of Own Purpose Taxation plus User Fees 35,559 41,609 24,643 25,636 24,847 27,708 118.1% Operating Expenses / Expenditures 28,438 Debt SC as a % of Op Revenue Net Taxes Receivable Total Taxes Levied Total Taxes Receivable less Allowance for Uncollectibles as a % of Total Taxes Levied 119.9% 143.1% 150.2% Actual 2012 22,005 Actual 2013 24,733 Forecast 2014 30,054 28,732 Provincial Median Provincial Average Risk Level / Range 10% - 20% 97.9% 51.5% 55.6% Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Forecast 2014 Provincial Median Provincial Average 2,773 2,539 2,158 1,678 35,550 39,736 37,775 44,386 5.7% 3.8% 3.4% 4.0% Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Forecast 2014 Provincial Median Provincial Average 4,275 3,826 3,718 31,913 33,655 36,336 36,530 15.7% 12.7% 10.5% 10.2% Risk Level / Range 5% - 10% 6.4% 5,000 < 10% <5% 7.8% > 10 % Risk Level / Range < 10% 10% - 15% 10.6% 11.6% > 15% Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Forecast 2014 Operating Expenses / Expenditures 28,438 30,054 28,732 29,985 88.5% 105.5% 125.5% 127.9% Provincial Median Provincial Average Risk Level / Range > 10% 5% - 10% 51.2% 53.8% < 5% Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Forecast 2014 36,072 21,605 24,464 26,458 28,438 30,054 28,732 29,985 126.8% 71.9% 85.1% 88.2% Provincial Median Provincial Average Risk Level / Range > 10% 10% to (10%) 55.1% 62.1% < (10%) Actual 2011 Net Book Value of Capital Assets as a % of Cost of Capital Assets 31.8% 86.1% 38,339 Cost of Capital Assets 31.5% 73.2% 36,048 NBV Assets (50%) - (100%) 82.0% 31,722 Net WC as a % of Total Op Expenses > (50%) 29,985 25,155 Total Operating Exp. Risk Level / Range 29,344 Total Cash and Temporary Investments Net Working Capital Provincial Average > 20 % Actual 2011 Total Cash and Temporary Investments as a % of Operating Exp. Provincial Median < (100%) 23,330 Total Operating Revenue Forecast 2014 30,739 Total Reserves & Discretionary Reserve Funds Debt Servicing cost (Principal + Interest) Actual 2013 29,099 Actual 2011 Reserves as a % of Op Expenses / Expenditures Actual 2012 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Forecast 2014 175,766 180,191 185,485 192,407 229,867 241,429 247,476 260,716 76.5% 74.6% 75.0% 73.8% Provincial Median Provincial Average Risk Level / Range > 50% 35% to 50% 59.2% 57.6% < 35% 2012 2013 2014 2013 2014 Provincial Provincial Average Median 10.0% 2012 2.0% 13.0% 14.0% 15.0% 16.0% 17.0% 40.0% 11.0% 2011 Provincial Provincial Average Median 3.0% 2010 2011 Debt SC as a % of Op Revenue 2010 12.0% 2009 2009 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 110.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 120.0% 140.0% 160.0% Net Financial Assets or Debt as a % of Own Purpose Taxation plus User Fees The Coporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach Financial Indicators Review Graphs 2009 - 2014 - Pg 1 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Provincial Provincial Average Median 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Provincial Provincial Average Median Total Taxes Receivable as a % of Total Taxes Levied 2009 Reserves as a % of Op Expenses 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% 55.0% 60.0% 65.0% 70.0% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 20.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Provincial Provincial Average Median Net Book Value of Capital Assets as a % of Cost of Capital Assets Provincial Provincial Average Median 30.0% 2014 40.0% 50.0% 2013 60.0% 70.0% 2012 80.0% 90.0% 2011 100.0% 110.0% 2010 120.0% 130.0% 2009 140.0% 150.0% Total Cash and Temporary Investments as a % of Operating Exp. The Coporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach Financial Indicators Review Graphs 2009 - 2014 - Pg 2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Net WC as a % of Total Op Expenses Provincial Provincial Average Median Memo TO: Council, Town of Wasaga Beach DATE: May 26, 2015 FROM: Sue Bragg RE: 2014 Consolidated Audited Financial Report for the Town of Wasaga Beach Here are the highlights from the 2014 audit: We have rendered a clean audit opinion, as in prior years An audit includes assessing and testing internal controls, evaluating accounting policies and management estimates, as well as scrutinizing and evaluating back up for all material balance sheet accounts and significant variances between budget and actual on the statement of operations The financial statements are prepared on a consolidated basis to include the library board and Geosands Inc. Annual surplus is $14 million on a PSAB basis. Refer to Note 17 for a reconciliation to the adjusted annual surplus of $471,542 which outlines the impact of reserve transfers, tangible capital asset activity and principal repayment of debt Cash and investment balances remain healthy; as in prior year excess cash is invested in a bond portfolio. Refer to Note 8 for details on restricted cash of $10.4 million (mainly for development charges, recreational land and gas tax, all obligatory reserve funds) Taxes receivable decreased during the year. 10% of total taxes levied were receivable at year end, compared to 11% last year (other municipalities range from 8% to 12%) The liability for employee future benefits is estimated by an actuarial evaluation, which was updated in February 2015 and estimates the post-retirement cost of extended health and dental care in the current period, when the employees are active There were three significant variances between budget and actual on the 2014 statement of operations: budget did not include amortization expense of $6.7 million, nor revenue from contributed tangible capital assets $3.8 million and actual income and equity pick up from Geosands was over $1 million compared to a budget of $312,000 Note 14 remains an important note in understanding what makes up the accumulated surplus of $255 million: $211 million invested in tangible capital assets, $29 million in reserves and reserve funds and almost $15 million investment in Geosands Note 21 has been added to notify readers of the recent property purchases along Beach Area 1 Overall, reserve balances remain healthy, debt balances are lower than average and the Town has been able to keep residential taxes relatively low Many thanks to the Treasury staff for their assistance during both the interim and year end audits. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your auditors and we look forward to many more years of association with you. sio n CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH COUNTY OF SIMCOE us CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORT Dr aft for Di sc DECEMBER 31, 2014 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH DECEMBER 31, 2014 n CONTENTS sio Independent Auditor's Report us Consolidated Statement of Financial Position sc Consolidated Statement of Operations 1 2 3 4 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow 5 Di Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets for Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 6 19 Schedule 2 - Consolidated Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets 20 Dr aft Schedule 1 - Schedule of Library Operations Schedule 3 - Consolidated Schedule of Segmented Tangible Capital Assets 2014 21 Schedule 4 - Consolidated Schedule of Segmented Tangible Capital Assets 2013 22 Schedule 5 - Consolidated Schedule of Segmented Revenues and Expenses 2014 Actual 23 Schedule 6 - Consolidated Schedule of Segmented Revenues and Expenses 2013 Actual 24 Schedule 7 - Consolidated Schedule of Segmented Revenues and Expenses 2014 Budget 25 COLLINS BARROW SGB LLP CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Town of Wasaga Beach: Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014, and the consolidated statements of operations, change in net financial assets and cash flow for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements sio n Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. us Auditor's Responsibility Di sc Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. Dr aft for An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Municipality's preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Municipality's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach as at December 31, 2014, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. Collins Barrow SGB LLP Licensed Public Accountants Collingwood, Ontario May 26, 2015 This office is independently owned and operated by Collins Barrow SGB LLP. The Collins Barrow trademarks are used under License. 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31 Net financial assets Dr aft for Di sc Liabilities Bank indebtedness (Note 8) Accounts payable and accruals Developer deposits Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds (Note 10) Long-term liabilities (Note 11) Employee future benefits (Note 13) Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets - net (Schedule 2 and Note 4) Prepaid expenses Accumulated surplus (Note 14) Approved 2013 $ $ 2,500,000 18,788,466 17,341,620 3,717,849 1,029,509 1,958,001 1,724,784 3,593,269 14,723,489 356,500 4,748,297 14,353,554 16,946,637 3,825,926 1,125,872 1,639,987 1,610,614 3,593,269 14,229,725 356,500 65,733,487 62,430,381 290,664 6,607,101 3,543,453 10,425,267 2,696,841 560,941 6,370,262 4,183,489 12,205,574 3,625,584 494,773 24,124,267 26,879,682 41,609,220 35,550,699 213,229,559 43,802 205,273,101 69,069 213,273,361 205,342,170 254,882,581 240,892,869 n us sio Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents (Note 8) Short-term investments (Note 8) Bond portfolio investments (Note 7) Taxes receivable Water and sewer billings receivable Accounts receivable Local improvements receivable (Note 9) Note receivable from government business enterprise (Note 18) Investment in government business enterprise (Note 18) Land held for resale 2014 _____________________________ Mayor _____________________________ Date See accompanying notes to the financial statements 2 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 Budget 2014 $ Actual 2014 $ Actual 2013 $ (Note 2) Revenues Net municipal taxation (Note 15) Payments in lieu of taxation User charges Government grants Payments from other municipalities Contributions from deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds (Note 10) Investment Penalties and interest on taxes Other (Note 16) 16,213,477 484,849 7,367,503 2,732,030 292,608 70,000 194,570 425,000 1,229,440 189,579 470,282 572,756 1,135,086 94,965 262,541 548,092 1,194,059 29,090,020 30,272,380 29,190,124 2,672,090 7,891,090 5,000,620 3,802,020 3,233,840 1,375,020 66,860 2,965,188 7,628,972 8,046,118 6,403,617 3,936,942 1,291,270 124,662 2,919,432 7,215,931 7,533,179 6,196,680 3,687,245 1,408,886 63,241 24,041,540 30,396,769 29,024,594 sc us sio n 17,153,008 423,314 7,456,562 2,459,888 411,905 Di for Dr aft Expenses General government Protection to persons and property Transportation Environmental Recreation and cultural Planning and development Health, social and family 17,602,021 432,289 6,337,950 2,518,750 280,000 Net (expenses) revenues Other Grants and transfers related to capital User charges Government grants Contributions from deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds and other (Note 10) Investment Other Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets (Note 4) Income from government business enterprise (Note 18) Annual surplus (Note 17) Accumulated surplus, beginning of year Accumulated surplus, end of year (Note 14) 5,048,480 (124,389) 165,530 2,063,800 3,600,540 3,098,142 1,700,000 863,302 117,299 6,767,030 207,500 - 4,305,096 204,745 169,377 (200,948) 3,795,882 3,088,893 174,177 29,915 (26,486) 3,218,310 311,800 1,041,807 716,805 12,950,670 14,114,101 8,182,215 17,999,150 13,989,712 240,892,869 8,347,745 232,545,124 254,882,581 240,892,869 See accompanying notes to the financial statements 3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN NET FINANCIAL ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 Annual surplus sio n Acquisition of tangible capital assets Amortization of tangible capital assets Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets Change in prepaid expenses Change in net financial assets us Net financial assets, beginning of year 2013 $ $ 13,989,712 8,347,745 (11,066,374) 6,701,876 200,948 2,974 (3,795,882) 25,267 (8,108,717) 6,006,171 26,486 (3,218,310) (3,801) 6,058,521 3,049,574 35,550,699 32,501,125 41,609,220 35,550,699 Dr aft for Di sc Net financial assets, end of year 2014 See accompanying notes to the financial statements 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 2014 2013 $ $ 13,989,712 8,347,745 (493,764) 6,701,876 66,168 (3,795,882) 200,948 16,669,058 (168,762) 6,006,171 49,370 (3,218,310) 26,486 11,042,700 108,077 96,363 (249,936) (114,170) 829,904 (640,036) 25,267 448,801 23,734 155,959 325,216 732,065 (429,109) (3,801) Cash flows from (for): sio n Operating activities Annual surplus Non-cash items: Change in government business enterprise (Note 18) Amortization of tangible capital assets Employee future benefits Contributed tangible capital assets Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets Di sc us Changes in: Taxes receivable Water and sewer billings receivable Accounts receivable Local improvements receivable Accounts payable and accruals Developer deposits Prepaid expenses 16,724,527 12,295,565 (11,066,374) 2,974 (68,078) (593,065) (8,108,717) 68,078 929,184 (11,724,543) (7,111,455) (394,983) (4,434,912) (283,087) (14,353,554) Net change in cash from investing Financing activities Long-term liabilities repaid Long-term liabilities assumed Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds Deferred revenue - other (4,829,895) (14,636,641) (1,528,743) 600,000 (1,780,307) - (1,919,135) 1,691,301 (629,678) Net change in cash from financing Net change in cash position (2,709,050) (2,538,961) (857,512) (10,310,043) Cash, beginning of year 4,748,297 15,058,340 Cash, end of year (Note 8) Comprised of: Cash and cash equivalents Bank indebtedness 2,209,336 4,748,297 2,500,000 (290,664) 2,209,336 4,748,297 4,748,297 for Net change in cash from operations Capital activities Acquisition of tangible capital assets Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets Accounts receivable related to tangible capital assets Accounts payable related to tangible capital assets Dr aft Net change in cash from capital Investing activities Bond portfolio investments Short-term investments See accompanying notes to the financial statements 5 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 Nature of operations The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach ("the Municipality") is a lower-tier municipality located in the County of Simcoe, Province of Ontario, Canada. It conducts its operations guided by the provisions of provincial statutes, such as the Municipal Act, Municipal Affairs Act and related legislation. 1. Summary of significant accounting policies n The consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management of the Municipality in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles for organizations operating in the local government sector as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. sc us sio The focus of PSAB consolidated financial statements is on the financial position of the Municipality and the changes thereto. The consolidated statement of financial position includes all of the assets and liabilities of the Municipality. Financial assets are those assets which could provide resources to discharge existing liabilities or finance future operations. Accumulated surplus represents the financial position and is the difference between assets and liabilities. This provides information about the Municipality's overall future revenue requirements and its ability to finance activities and meet its obligations. Significant aspects of the accounting policies adopted by the Municipality are as follows: Di (a) Basis of consolidation for The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of all committees of Council and the following organizations which are accountable to, and owned or controlled by, the Municipality: Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach Public Library Board Dr aft All interfund assets and liabilities and sources of financing and expenditures have been eliminated. In addition, the consolidated financial statements include the consolidated operations of Geosands Inc. as disclosed in Note 18. This government business enterprise (GBE) is accounted for using the modified equity method. Under this method, the enterprise's accounting principles are not adjusted to conform with those of the Municipality and inter-organizational transactions are not eliminated. (b) Basis of accounting Revenues and expenses are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become available and measurable. Expenses are recognized as they are incurred and measurable as a result of the receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (c) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include all cash balances and short-term, highly liquid financial instruments with a maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition. (d) Land held for resale Land held for resale is stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost includes amounts for improvements to prepare the land for sale. 6 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) (e) Bond portfolio investments Bond portfolio investments are recorded at cost plus accrued interest less amortization of purchase premium discounts. (f) Non-financial assets n Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations. The change in non-financial assets during the year, together with the annual surplus, provides the consolidated change in net financial assets for the year. sio Tangible capital assets sc Di Land improvements Buildings Machinery and equipment Vehicles Linear assets us Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost, which includes all amounts that are directly attributable to acquisition, construction, development or betterment of the asset. The cost of the tangible capital assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives as follows: - 10 years to infinite life - 10 to 100 years - 2 to 25 years - 5 to 20 years - 3 to 100 years for One half of the annual amortization is charged in the year of acquisition and in the year of disposal. Construction in progress is not amortized until the asset is available for productive use. (g) Deferred revenue Dr aft Linear assets represent roads, bridges, sidewalks and water and wastewater infrastructure. Revenue restricted by legislation, regulation, or agreement and not available for general municipal purposes is reported as deferred revenue on the consolidated statement of financial position. The revenue is reported on the consolidated statement of operations in the year in which it is used for the specified purpose. (h) County and school boards The Municipality collects taxation revenue on behalf of the school boards and the County of Simcoe. The taxation, other revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations of the school boards and the County of Simcoe are not reflected in these consolidated financial statements. (i) Segment disclosures Municipal services have been segmented by grouping activities that have similar service objectives (by function). Revenues that are directly related to the costs of the function have been attributed to each segment. Net municipal taxation revenue has been allocated to general government. 7 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) (j) Taxation and related revenues n Property tax billings are prepared by the Municipality based on assessment rolls issued by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Tax rates are established annually by the Municipal Council, incorporating amounts to be raised for local services. A normal part of the assessment process is the issue of supplementary assessment rolls, which provide updated information with respect to changes in property assessment. Once a supplementary assessment roll is received, the Municipality determines the taxes applicable and renders supplementary tax billings. Taxation revenues are recorded at the time tax billings are issued. us sio Assessments and the related property taxes are subject to appeal. Taxes are recorded at estimated amounts when they meet the definition of an asset, have been authorized and the taxable event occurs. For property taxes, the taxable event is the period for which the tax is levied. Taxes receivable are recognized net of allowance for anticipated uncollectible amounts. sc The Municipality is entitled to collect interest and penalties on overdue taxes. These revenues are recorded in the period the interest and penalties are levied. (k) Government transfers Dr aft for Di Government transfers are recognized in the consolidated financial statements as revenues in the period in which the events giving rise to the transfer occur, providing the transfers are authorized, any eligibility criteria have been met and reasonable estimates of the amounts can be made. Conditional government grants are recognized to the extent the conditions imposed on them have been fulfilled. Unconditional government grants are recognized when monies are receivable. Government grants for acquisition of tangible capital assets are recognized in the period in which eligible expenditures are made. Transfers are recognized as deferred revenue when transfer stipulations give rise to a liability. Transfer revenue is recognized in the consolidated statement of operations as the stipulation liabilities are settled. (l) Revenue recognition Fees for water and waste water usage are recorded as user charges in the period service is provided. Connection fee revenues are recognized when the connection has been established. Subdivider contributions and fees for services (included in user charges and other revenues) are recognized over the period of service or when required expenditures occur if applicable. Investment income (other than on obligatory funds) is reported as revenue in the period earned. Investment income earned on obligatory reserve funds is added to the fund balance and forms part of the respective deferred revenue balances. Revenue from the obligatory reserve funds is recognized in the year in which eligible expenditures are made. Other user charges, payments from other municipalities and other revenues are recognized as invoiced if collection is reasonably assured. 8 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) (m) Pension plan n The Municipality offers a pension plan for its full-time and eligible part-time employees through the Ontario Municipal Employee Retirement System ("OMERS"). OMERS is a multi-employer, contributory, public sector pension fund established for employees of municipalities, local boards and school boards in Ontario. Participating employers and employees are required to make plan contributions based on participating employees' contributory earnings. The Municipality accounts for its participation in OMERS as a defined benefit plan and recognizes the expense related to this plan as contributions are made. sio (n) Other post-employment benefits us Employee future benefits other than pension provided by the Municipality include medical, dental and life insurance benefits. These plans provide benefits to employees when they are no longer providing active service. Employee future benefit expense is recognized in the period in which the employees render services on an accrual basis. (o) Use of estimates for Di sc The accrued benefit obligations and the current service costs are calculated using the projected benefit method, prorated on service, and based on assumptions that reflect management’s best estimates. The current service cost for a period is equal to the actuarial present value of benefits attributed to employees’ services rendered in the period. Past service costs arising from plan amendments are amortized on a straight-line basis over the average remaining service period of employees active at the date of amendment. The excess of the net actuarial gains or losses over 10% of the accrued benefit obligation is amortized to expense over the average remaining service period of active employees to full eligibility. Dr aft The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year. Significant estimates have been made of historical cost and useful lives of tangible capital assets and employee future benefits. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 2. Budget amounts The operating budget approved by Council for 2014 is reflected on the consolidated statement of operations, as well as Schedules 1 and 7. The budgets established for investment in tangible capital assets are on a project oriented basis, the costs of which may be carried out over one or more years and, therefore, may not be comparable with the current year’s actual expenditure amounts. Budget figures have been reclassified for the purposes of these consolidated financial statements to comply with PSAB reporting requirements. 3. Commitments The Town entered into an agreement with Floyd Sinton Limited for the operation of the Town's buses. The Town will pay Floyd Sinton Limited $441,300 from 2015 to 2018 and $294,200 in 2019. The contract expires July 31, 2019. 9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 4. Tangible capital assets Schedules 2, 3 and 4 provide information on the tangible capital assets of the Municipality by major asset class and segment, as well as for accumulated amortization of the assets controlled. The reader should be aware of the following information relating to tangible capital assets: (a) Construction in progress Construction in progress with a value of $8,823,429 (2013 - $9,128,910) has not been amortized. Amortization of these assets will commence when the asset is put into service. n (b) Contributed tangible capital assets us (c) Tangible capital assets disclosed at nominal values sio Contributed tangible capital assets have been recognized at fair market value at the date of contribution. The value of contributed assets received during the year is $3,795,882 (2013 - $3,218,310). sc Where an estimate of fair value could not be made, the tangible capital asset was recognized at a nominal value. Land is the only category where nominal values were assigned. 5. Contingencies for Di (a) In the ordinary course of business, various claims and lawsuits are brought against the Municipality. No provision has been made for pending expropriations of land beyond the payments already made to affected property owners. Any payment made by the Municipality pursuant to claims, lawsuits or expropriations will be charged in the year of settlement. Dr aft (b) The Town's landfill site was taken over by the County of Simcoe in 1990. The County rebates the Town for total tonnes of buried waste accepted. The rebate received during the year was $189,470 (2013 $164,847) for 3,712 (2013 - 3,160) tonnes of waste. This rebate will expire once a total of 120,662 tonnes are accepted, which is expected to happen in 2023. 6. Development and letters of credit As part of various developments, the Town has received letters of credit to cover the costs of completing these projects. Letters of credit held by the Town at December 31, 2014 were $8,240,489 (2013 $8,596,158). 7. Bond portfolio investments Bond portfolio investments include fixed income federal, provincial and corporate bonds, rated by S&P at a risk level of AA or higher in accordance with the Municipality's investment policy. The bond portfolio investments balance is reduced by $115,906 (2013 - $196,740) of purchase premiums. The bond portfolio investments have a market value of $17,755,453 at December 31, 2014 (2013 - $16,846,372). 10 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 8. Cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and bank indebtedness Cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and bank indebtedness total as follows: sio n Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Bank indebtedness 2014 2013 $ $ 2,500,000 18,788,466 (290,664) 4,748,297 14,353,554 - 20,997,802 19,101,851 us The total is comprised of unrestricted and restricted amounts as follows: Di sc Unrestricted Restricted $ $ 10,572,535 10,425,267 6,801,347 12,300,504 20,997,802 19,101,851 for Cash and cash equivalents consists of two cashable term deposits with maturity dates of January 21, 2015 and February 2, 2015, earning interest at 1.47% and 1.45% per annum. 2013 balance consisted of cash in bank. Dr aft Short-term investments consist of four non-redeemable GICs with maturity dates between February 20, 2015 and July 3, 2015, earning interest at a range of 1.60% to 2.0% per annum. The 2013 balance consisted of four non-redeemable GICs and one term deposit with maturity dates between February 19, 2014 and April 17, 2015, earning interest at a range of 1.63% to 2.0% per annum. Cash equivalents and short-term investments are recorded at cost which approximates fair market value. Bank indebtedness is the available line of credit with a limit of $2,000,000. Interest is paid on outstanding balances at a rate of prime less 0.75%. 9. Local improvements receivable Benefiting land owners of local improvements had the option to pay for their share of the cost in full or finance over increments of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. Interest rates on the receivable balance range from 2.01% to 6.85% per annum. Amortization schedules are prepared in accordance with Infrastructure Ontario. 11 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 10. Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds A requirement of the public sector accounting principles of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants is that obligatory reserve funds be reported as deferred revenue. This requirement is in place as provincial legislation restricts how these funds may be used and under certain circumstances these funds may be refunded. The net change during the year in the restricted deferred revenue balances is made up as follows: 2014 sio us Di sc Deferred revenue, end of year n Deferred revenue, beginning of year New deposits: Government grants Private sources Investment income Transfers to revenue Dr aft for Obligatory reserve funds: Development Charges Act Recreational land Federal and Provincial gas tax allocation Building Code Act 2013 $ 12,205,574 $ 10,514,273 520,276 1,934,884 259,208 (4,494,675) 517,033 3,524,198 216,436 (2,566,366) 10,425,267 12,205,574 2014 2013 $ $ 7,899,918 1,318,768 1,050,716 155,865 10,297,687 1,136,214 517,400 254,273 10,425,267 12,205,574 12 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 11. Long-term liabilities (a) Long-term liabilities consist of the following: 2014 2013 $ Special area Tax rates and supported user fees $ Total Tax supported 1,043,442 1,643,442 - 1,053,399 1,053,399 600,000 2,096,841 2,696,841 286,347 $ Total 1,964,786 2,251,133 - 1,374,451 1,374,451 286,347 3,339,237 3,625,584 sio 600,000 $ Special area rates and user fees us Bank Ontario Clean Water Agency $ n $ sc (b) Principal payments for the next 5 years are as follows: $ 828,963 640,144 636,159 292,152 299,423 for Di 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2,696,841 Dr aft The above long-term liabilities issued in the name of the Municipality have been approved by by-law. The annual principal and interest payments required to service these liabilities are within the annual debt repayment limit prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. (c) Interest is payable at rates ranging from 1.84% to 5.97% per annum. 12. Trust funds Trust funds administered by the Municipality amounting to $187,888 (2013 - $181,286) have not been included in the consolidated statement of financial position nor have their operations been included in the consolidated statement of operations. The trust funds are comprised of the following: 2014 Cemetery Pre-Need Cemetery Perpetual Care and Maintenance $ 39,609 148,279 2013 $ 41,045 140,241 13 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH sc us sio n NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 13. Employee future benefits The employees of the Municipality participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System ("OMERS"). Although the plan has a defined retirement benefit for employees, the related obligation of the Municipality cannot be identified. The Municipality has applied defined contribution plan accounting as it has insufficient information to apply defined benefit plan accounting. The OMERS plan has several unrelated participating municipalities and costs are not specifically attributed to each participant. Amounts paid to OMERS for 2014 were $806,368 (2013 - $780,047) for current service. OMERS is a multi-employer plan, therefore any pension plan surpluses or deficits are a joint responsibility of Ontario municipal organizations and their employees. The most recent actuarial valuation of the Plan was conducted at December 31, 2014. The results of this valuation disclosed total actuarial liabilities of $77.2 (2013- $73.2) billion in respect of benefits accrued for service with actuarial assets at that date of $70.2 (2013 - $64.4) billion, indicating an actuarial deficit of $7.0 (2013 - $8.8) billion. The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach pays certain post-retirement benefits on behalf of its retired employees, including extended health and dental coverage. The Municipality recognizes these postretirement costs in the period in which the employees rendered the services. The accrued benefit obligation at December 31, 2014 of $1,078,750 and the net periodic benefit cost were determined by an actuarial valuation dated February 25, 2015. Actuarial valuations will be prepared every third year or when there are significant changes to the workforce. Di Information about the Town of Wasaga Beach's defined benefit plan is as follows: 2014 2013 $ 494,773 43,473 40,499 38,851 (56,655) $ 445,403 36,012 23,956 11,695 (22,293) Accrued plan liability, end of year Unrecognized actuarial loss 560,941 517,809 494,773 116,945 1,078,750 611,718 Dr aft for Accrued plan liability, beginning of year Current service cost Interest cost Amortization of actuarial loss Benefits paid for the period Accrued benefit obligation, end of year The main actuarial assumptions employed for the valuation are as follows: (a) General inflation Future general inflation levels, as measured by changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), were assumed at 2.0% in 2014 and thereafter. (b) Interest (discount) rate The obligation as at December 31st, of the present value of future liabilities and the expense, was determined using an annual discount rate of 3.75%. This corresponds to the assumed CPI rate plus an assumed real rate of return of 1.75%. (c) Health care costs Health care costs were assumed to increase 8.0% in 2014, 7.8% in 2015, 7.5% in 2016 and thereafter. (d) Dental costs Dental costs were assumed to increase 4.0% in 2014 and thereafter. 14 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 14. Accumulated surplus The accumulated surplus consists of individual fund surplus and reserves and reserve funds as follows: 2014 $ 2013 $ 210,532,718 (73,653) 356,500 201,647,516 (73,648) 356,500 210,815,565 201,930,368 1,706,806 3,593,269 186,871 96,271 1,333,710 1,680,994 20,576,981 1,498,614 3,593,269 186,871 96,271 53,191 555,445 1,445,223 17,018,216 29,174,902 24,447,100 Reserve funds set aside for specific purposes by Council Current purposes 168,625 285,676 Investment in government business enterprises (Note 18) 14,723,489 14,229,725 254,882,581 240,892,869 2014 2013 $ $ sio n Surplus: Investment in tangible capital assets General revenue Land held for resale for Di sc Reserves set aside for specific purposes by Council Working funds Government business enterprise Contingencies Insurance Parking Current purposes Tax rate stabilization Acquisition of tangible capital assets us Total surplus Dr aft Total reserves Total accumulated surplus 15. Net municipal taxation Net municipal taxation consists of: Taxation revenue Amount levied and remitted to School Boards Amount levied and remitted to the County of Simcoe Net municipal taxation 36,530,421 (8,761,500) (10,615,913) 35,411,055 (8,934,159) (10,263,419) 17,153,008 16,213,477 15 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 16. Other revenues Other revenues on the consolidated statement of operations consists of the following: 2014 $ 321,824 622,507 143,824 46,931 $ 313,241 667,647 122,432 90,739 1,135,086 1,194,059 sio n Rents, concessions and franchises Licences and permits Fines Donations, sale of publications and equipment 2013 17. Annual surplus transferred to reserves us At the end of 2014 $471,542 of unspent funds were transferred to the working funds and tax rate stabilization reserves by council resolution. In 2013 $385,592 was transferred to the working funds and tax rate stabilization reserve. for Di sc A reconciliation between adjusted annual surplus as transferred to reserves and recorded annual surplus as per the consolidated statements is reflected below. The need for this is generated by the actual recorded results complying with PSAB reporting requirements. Dr aft Recorded annual surplus as per consolidated statement of operations Transfers to/from reserves/obligatory reserve funds Change in government business enterprise Amortization of tangible capital assets Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets Tangible capital asset additions Principal payments on long-term liabilities Adjusted annual surplus 2014 2013 $ $ 13,989,712 (3,536,232) (493,764) 6,701,876 200,948 (14,862,255) (1,528,743) 471,542 8,347,745 (579,886) (168,762) 6,006,171 26,486 (11,327,027) (1,919,135) 385,592 16 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 18. Government business enterprise (GBE) The following balances represent the consolidation of Geosands Inc., Wasaga Distribution Inc., Wasaga Genco Inc. and Wasaga Resource Services Inc. for the year ended December 31. The following operations are included in the consolidated statement of operations, accounted for on a modified equity basis: 2014 2013 $ Geosands Inc. 22,100,090 (7,376,601) $ Geosands Inc. 23,810,181 (9,580,456) 14,723,489 14,229,725 2,745,596 5,175,468 6,802,425 2,745,596 5,175,468 6,308,661 14,723,489 14,229,725 19,872,706 (18,983,116) 17,804,542 (17,235,780) 889,590 (400,000) 4,174 568,762 (400,000) - Change in investment in government business enterprise equity 493,764 168,762 Income from government business enterprise: Change in investment in government business enterprise equity Dividends Interest on note receivable 493,764 400,000 148,043 168,762 400,000 148,043 1,041,807 716,805 sio n Total assets Total liabilities Net assets Di Investment in government business enterprise sc us Common shares Miscellaneous paid-in capital Retained income Dr aft Net revenues for the year Dividends Dividend refund for Total revenues Total expenditures The note receivable in the amount of $3,593,269 (2013 - $3,593,269) has no fixed terms of principal repayment. Interest is determined on the principal amount outstanding on the 30th day following December 31st of each year in which principal is owing. The interest receivable in any given year is the Government of Canada 10 year bond rate posted by the Bank of Canada on December 31st of each year. Interest may be receivable in cash or in additional common shares issued by the government business enterprise. The interest rate was 4.12% (2013 - 4.12%). The rate, which exceeds the Government of Canada 10 year bond rate, was agreed to by Council and the Board of Directors of Wasaga Distribution Inc. In 2011, a lease agreement was entered into with Wasaga Distribution Inc., effective January 1, 2012 for the construction of a fire hall on a portion of the land owned by Wasaga Distribution Inc. The Municipality was charged rent of $23,232 for the first year. Rent will increase by the same percentage as the Consumer Price Index for the first ten years. On the eleventh year of the lease there will be a revaluation of rent based on fair market value. The term of the lease is forty years, including options for two extensions of twenty years. 17 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2014 19.Comparative figures Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's financial statement presentation. 20. Future accounting pronouncements n The PSAB has issued PS 3260, Liability for Contaminated Sites, which establishes recognition, measurement and disclosure standards for liabilities relating to contaminated sites. The section is effective for governments for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2014; the Municipality is required to adopt this section for its fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015. Earlier adoption is permitted. sc us sio The PSAB has issued Section PS 3450, "Financial Instruments", which establishes recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure standards relating to financial instruments such as receivables, payables, and equity instruments. The section is effective for governments for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2015; the Municipality is required to adopt this section for its fiscal year beginning January 1, 2016. Earlier adoption is allowed. The new standard is not expected to have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements. Di The PSAB issued Section PS 3041, "Portfolio Investments", which replaces Section PS 3040. The new section establishes recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure standards relating to investments in organizations that do not form part of the government reporting entity. This section must be implemented upon the adoption of Section PS 3450. 21.Subsequent event Dr aft for The PSAB issued Section PS 1201, "Financial Statement Presentation", which replaces Section 1200. The new section establishes reporting principles and standards for the disclosure of information in government financial statements. This section establishes the requirement of the Municipality's financial statements to include a statement of financial position, statement of operations, a statement of remeasurement gains and losses, a statement of change in net debt and a statement of cash flow. This section must be implemented upon the adoption of Section PS 3450. At the April 28, 2015 Council meeting, a by-law was passed to purchase seven waterfront properies in the Beach Area One vicinity located along Beach Drive. The property covers 4.73 acres of land and buildings containing 28 commercial units, which will be leased to external business organizations. The purchase price totalled $13.8 million, closed May 14, 2015 and will be financed through two long-term debentures issued by TD Canada Trust (10 year term with 25 year amortization) and Infrastructure Ontario (25 year term and amortization). These amounts will be repayable through a combination of reserves and taxation. 18 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE OF LIBRARY OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 Revenue Government grants Contribution from municipality Copier, duplicating fees and miscellaneous Donations Budget 2014 Actual 2014 Actual 2013 $ (Note 2) $ $ 35,058 441,391 15,157 1,920 40,389 402,228 12,651 2,967 509,550 493,526 458,235 445,870 5,200 37,980 5,500 430,058 4,200 49,093 4,849 405,121 4,200 39,634 4,335 494,550 488,200 453,290 15,000 5,326 4,945 Accumulated surplus, beginning of the year 361,892 356,947 Accumulated surplus, end of the year 367,218 361,892 sio n 33,300 451,350 19,900 5,000 Di sc us Expenses Salaries, wages and benefits Services Materials and supplies Memberships and training for Annual surplus Dr aft The supplemental information provided above has been extracted from the records of the Municipality and is included in the consolidated statement of operations. See accompanying notes to the financial statements 19 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 2 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 Land Land Improvements Buildings Machinery and Equipment Vehicles Linear Assets Construction in Progress 2014 Total 2013 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cost Balance, beginning of year Additions Disposals 19,599,286 1,289,523 (65,965) 8,104,897 658,470 (5,400) 42,666,788 2,749,261 (46,100) 9,385,648 574,755 (312,536) 8,854,683 1,051,106 - 178,653,198 8,844,621 (463,620) 9,128,910 4,508,932 (4,814,413) 276,393,410 19,676,668 (5,708,034) 265,643,728 11,377,584 (627,902) Balance, end of year 20,822,844 8,757,967 45,369,949 9,647,867 9,905,789 187,034,199 8,823,429 290,362,044 276,393,410 n o si Accumulated amortization Balance, beginning of year Amortization Disposals - 2,367,625 222,623 (2,455) 14,855,186 1,086,503 (13,290) 2,834,428 642,259 (312,536) Balance, end of year - 2,587,793 15,928,399 3,164,151 20,822,844 6,170,174 29,441,550 6,483,716 Net book value, end of year t f ra D r fo c s i us 5,059,240 700,510 - 46,003,830 4,049,981 (361,419) - 71,120,309 6,701,876 (689,700) 65,664,997 6,006,170 (550,858) 5,759,750 49,692,392 - 77,132,485 71,120,309 4,146,039 137,341,807 8,823,429 213,229,559 205,273,101 D See accompanying notes to the financial statements 20 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 3 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF SEGMENTED TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Cost Balance, beginning of year Additions Disposals Assets in service, end of year Construction in progress All assets, end of year General Government Protection to Persons and Property Transportation $ $ $ 9,860,736 1,084,309 (122,159) Planning and Development Health, Social and Family Total $ $ $ $ $ 6,533,725 646,703 (83,869) 63,151,663 4,023,699 (514,202) 167,163,607 8,449,174 (28,400) 19,696,717 918,134 (139,314) 203,734 5,528 (3,078) 654,318 37,590 - 267,264,500 15,165,137 (891,022) 10,822,886 7,096,559 66,661,160 175,584,381 20,475,537 206,184 691,908 281,538,615 - - 5,508,138 3,297,909 9,840 - 7,542 8,823,429 10,822,886 7,096,559 72,169,298 178,882,290 20,485,377 206,184 699,450 290,362,044 Accumulated amortization Balance, beginning of year Amortization Disposals 714,501 125,066 (48,944) 2,018,377 323,016 (83,869) 26,885,107 2,882,677 (412,477) Balance, end of year 790,623 2,257,524 29,355,307 10,032,263 4,839,035 Net book value, end of year Environmental Recreation and Cultural r o tf 42,813,991 n o si i D s u sc 36,072,405 2,723,807 (2,840) 5,252,981 590,354 (136,369) 79,160 8,074 (5,201) 97,778 48,882 - 71,120,309 6,701,876 (689,700) 38,793,372 5,706,966 82,033 146,660 77,132,485 140,088,918 14,778,411 124,151 552,790 213,229,559 D f a r See accompanying notes to the financial statements 21 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 4 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF SEGMENTED TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 General Government Protection to Persons and Property Transportation $ $ $ Environmental Recreation and Cultural Planning and Development Health, Social and Family Total $ $ $ $ $ Cost Balance, beginning of year Additions Disposals 9,757,767 165,832 (62,863) 6,523,867 85,829 (75,971) 61,055,282 2,422,990 (326,609) 163,771,743 3,393,582 (1,718) 19,315,376 491,524 (110,183) 203,734 - 589,147 65,171 - 261,216,916 6,624,928 (577,344) Assets in service, end of year 9,860,736 6,533,725 63,151,663 167,163,607 19,696,717 203,734 654,318 267,264,500 11,210 - 1,178,047 7,929,813 9,840 - - 9,128,910 9,871,946 6,533,725 64,329,710 175,093,420 19,706,557 203,734 654,318 276,393,410 Construction in progress All assets, end of year Accumulated amortization Balance, beginning of year Amortization Disposals 655,619 121,745 (62,863) 1,796,944 297,404 (75,971) 24,826,097 2,361,446 (302,436) Balance, end of year 714,501 2,018,377 26,885,107 9,157,445 4,515,348 Net book value, end of year r o tf 37,444,603 n o si i D s u sc 33,429,043 2,645,080 (1,718) 4,795,617 565,234 (107,870) 72,374 6,786 - 89,303 8,475 - 65,664,997 6,006,170 (550,858) 36,072,405 5,252,981 79,160 97,778 71,120,309 139,021,015 14,453,576 124,574 556,540 205,273,101 D f a r See accompanying notes to the financial statements 22 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH General Government $ Revenues Net municipal taxation Payments in lieu of taxation User charges Government grants Payments from other municipalities Contributions from deferred revenue obligatory reserve funds Investment Penalties and interest on taxes Other Expenses Salaries, wages and employee benefits Interest on long-term liabilities Materials and supplies Rents, financial expenses and external transfers Contracted services Amortization of tangible capital assets Net revenues (expenses) Other Grants and transfers related to capital User charges Government grants Contributions from deferred revenue obligatory reserve funds and other Investment Other Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets Income from government business enterprise Annual surplus (deficit) SCHEDULE 5 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF SEGMENTED REVENUES AND EXPENSES ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Protection to Persons Recreation and and Property Transportation Environmental Cultural Health, Social and Family Total $ $ $ $ 490,815 45,362 - 456,636 2,798 50,000 39,297 - 17,153,008 423,314 7,456,562 2,459,888 411,905 $ $ 17,153,008 423,314 35,893 2,323,775 - 56,571 114,324 958,498 83,014 58,111 5,418,852 4,939 189,470 21,547 470,282 572,756 37,688 103,376 620,657 11,115 157,798 44,524 43,465 9,017 266,703 1,375 7,400 189,579 470,282 572,756 1,135,086 21,038,263 894,928 1,268,536 5,701,250 811,897 510,809 46,697 30,272,380 1,926,636 564,224 2,997,048 3,660 267,284 2,676,932 3,223 1,564,955 952,813 139,297 1,217,856 2,204,314 3,223 922,851 784,964 179,039 9,174 62,106 11,551,881 149,403 4,778,315 162,368 186,894 125,066 236,710 3,801,254 323,016 87,840 829,257 2,883,911 60,841 1,309,003 2,723,807 116,902 99,297 590,355 84,393 236,035 6,839 4,500 48,882 749,054 6,466,240 6,701,876 2,965,188 7,628,972 8,046,118 6,403,617 3,936,942 1,291,270 124,662 30,396,769 18,073,075 (6,734,044) r o tf f a r D $ Planning and Development (6,777,582) n o si i D s u sc (702,367) (3,125,045) (780,461) (77,965) (124,389) 17,293 - - 186,969 1,700,000 2,893,880 - - - - 3,098,142 1,700,000 156,360 - 2,317,946 - 1,966,086 204,745 - 21,064 13,017 - - 4,305,096 204,745 169,377 (70,241) 553,680 - (102,201) 1,233,994 (25,560) 2,008,208 (2,946) - - - (200,948) 3,795,882 1,041,807 - - - - - - 1,041,807 1,698,899 - 5,336,708 7,047,359 31,135 - - 14,114,101 (1,440,874) 6,344,992 19,771,974 (6,734,044) (3,093,910) (780,461) (77,965) 13,989,712 See accompanying notes to the financial statements 23 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 6 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF SEGMENTED REVENUES AND EXPENSES ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 Protection to Persons Recreation and and Property Transportation Environmental Cultural General Government $ $ Planning and Development Health, Social and Family Total $ $ $ $ 493,605 40,389 - 508,757 5,000 - 45,198 8,425 - 16,213,477 484,849 7,367,503 2,732,030 292,608 $ $ 16,213,477 484,849 46,594 2,525,775 - 29,340 8,902 127,761 770,134 129,896 - 5,473,875 13,643 164,847 262,541 548,092 36,533 689,210 63,579 149,723 17,254 38,993 277,705 14,132 1,895 - 94,965 262,541 548,092 1,194,059 20,117,861 855,213 1,113,332 5,708,612 811,699 529,784 53,623 29,190,124 2,009,970 420,042 152,789 214,886 121,745 2,632,830 254,408 225,636 3,805,653 297,404 2,569,268 13,109 1,532,171 143,263 913,922 2,361,446 1,001,889 212,449 1,047,623 144,842 1,144,796 2,645,081 2,085,951 13,109 840,714 91,848 90,389 565,234 764,540 161,877 85,498 390,185 6,786 12,260 28,459 14,047 8,475 11,076,708 238,667 4,285,294 843,876 6,573,878 6,006,171 2,919,432 7,215,931 6,196,680 3,687,245 1,408,886 63,241 29,024,594 17,198,429 (6,360,718) Revenues Net municipal taxation Payments in lieu of taxation User charges Government grants Payments from other municipalities Contributions from deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds Investment Penalties and interest on taxes Other Expenses Salaries, wages and employee benefits Interest on long-term liabilities Materials and supplies Rents, financial expenses and external transfers Contracted services Amortization of tangible capital assets Net revenues (expenses) Other Grants and transfers related to capital User charges Government grants Contributions from deferred revenue obligatory reserve funds and other Investment Other Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets Income from government business enterprise Annual surplus (deficit) r o tf D f a r 7,533,179 (6,419,847) n o si i D s u sc (488,068) (2,875,546) (879,102) (9,618) 165,530 - - 46,892 - 816,410 - 81,077 - 36,222 863,302 117,299 936 3,700 608,115 - 2,426,057 174,177 - 54,721 13,279 - 12,000 3,088,893 174,177 29,915 716,805 - (24,173) 1,040,228 - 2,178,082 - (2,313) - - - 717,741 3,700 1,671,062 5,594,726 - 48,222 8,182,215 (4,748,785) 5,106,658 38,604 8,347,745 17,916,170 (6,357,018) 146,764 (2,728,782) (879,102) (26,486) 3,218,310 716,805 See accompanying notes to the financial statements 24 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH SCHEDULE 7 CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF SEGMENTED REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 Protection to Persons Recreation and and Property Transportation Environmental Cultural General Government $ Revenues Net municipal taxation Payments in lieu of taxation User charges Government grants Payments from other municipalities Contributions from deferred revenue obligatory reserve funds Investment Penalties and interest on taxes Other Expenses Salaries, wages and employee benefits Interest on long-term liabilities Materials and supplies Contracted services Rents, financial expenses and external transfers Net revenues (expenses) Other Grants and transfers related to capital User charges Government grants Contributions from deferred revenue obligatory reserve funds and other Other Income from government business enterprise Annual surplus (deficit) Health, Social and Family Total $ $ $ $ 488,000 33,300 - 370,500 50,000 48,800 - 17,602,021 432,289 6,337,950 2,518,750 280,000 $ $ 17,602,021 432,289 36,000 2,323,700 - 25,000 130,000 50,820 149,250 - 5,318,830 12,500 100,000 194,570 425,000 45,500 719,080 118,500 70,000 74,320 270,040 2,000 - 70,000 194,570 425,000 1,229,440 21,059,080 874,080 318,570 5,575,650 791,340 422,500 48,800 29,090,020 1,911,060 456,530 145,500 3,175,760 262,570 4,222,250 2,421,860 10,140 1,674,280 794,640 1,085,190 148,690 1,021,620 1,462,860 2,214,420 3,270 872,250 43,700 815,710 205,770 253,000 11,210 51,650 4,000 11,635,210 162,100 4,544,670 6,925,950 159,000 230,510 99,700 83,660 100,200 100,540 - 773,610 2,672,090 7,891,090 5,000,620 3,802,020 3,233,840 1,375,020 66,860 24,041,540 18,386,990 (7,017,010) (4,682,050) 1,773,630 (2,442,500) (18,060) 5,048,480 r o tf f a r D $ Planning and Development n o si i D s u sc (952,520) - - 375,710 1,033,340 1,688,090 2,567,200 - - - 2,063,800 3,600,540 200,000 - 2,582,550 - 3,997,280 - 187,200 7,500 - - 6,767,030 207,500 311,800 - - - - - - 311,800 511,800 - 3,991,600 8,252,570 194,700 - - 12,950,670 18,898,790 (7,017,010) (690,450) 10,026,200 (2,247,800) (952,520) (18,060) 17,999,150 See accompanying notes to the financial statements 25 COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Mayor Brian Smith, Chair Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Actions from the April 28, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated April 28, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Committee of the Whole meeting held on April 28, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Process to lease 25 commercial rental units at Beach Area 1 Resolution No. 2015-14-01 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to work initially with the Vendor of the Beachfront Properties on the leasing of Food and Retail locations at the Beachfront, and subject to Council approving the purchase and the purchase becoming final, to work at leasing these locations in accordance with the terms in this report and the direction provided by Committee. CARRIED Committee of the Whole – April 28, 2015 Process to lease three bars at Beach Area 1 2 of 2 Resolution No. 2015-14-02 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to work with the Vendor of the Beachfront Properties to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the operation of three licensed establishments at Beach Area 1, either individually or to a maximum of two establishments using the criteria outlined in this report and direction provided by Committee, as amended. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Biflochi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED Respectfully submitted, Brian F. Smith, Mayor Chair, Committee of the Whole Nay Nay SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Classroom PRESENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor G. Vadeboncoeur T. Nicholson P. Archdekin M. Stahr Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Deputy Clerk Baulke Augaitis Stahr (Town Solicitor) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - None 3. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS - None 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Process to lease 25 commercial rental units at Beach Area 1 The Chief Administrative Officer advised that later this evening Council will consider a By-Law to authorize entering into a purchase and sale with Wasaga Beach Waterfront Development to purchase seven properties. If this goes through the closing is May 14th and we are heading into busy summer season with vendor leasing and with this transition will step into shoes and begin leasing properties at Beach area 1. If we wait until after the 14th and if the deal closes we start behind. He has contacted the vendor to see about working with him on the remaining 14 lease properties at Beach 1. Eight have signed leases; three are pending and there are 14 vacant units. With permission of the vendor and working with vendor the CAO proposed we initiate an advertising campaign to start to lease the properties. Since the news broke last COWOC – April 28, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Tuesday he as well as staff has received phone calls about bars and the potential of leasing. People are coming into Town Hall and there may be other ways individuals are being made aware. The previous vendor had an agreement with a leasing specialist and that agreement was terminated and since then they have been working with a local agent. They are paid a commission. The CAO has had conversations with Mark Ruttan who is in attendance and he is willing to assist with leasing. A short discussion ensued with respect to how it would be opened to all agents to bring forth a tenant and how that agent would be compensated. The goal is to get all properties leased through advertising. Council has to establish rental rates that are reasonable, competitive within the market and we have not got to that step yet. There will be a finder’s fee at perhaps 2.5% of the value of the lease available to anyone, real estate or leasing agent upon a successful lease. Discussion ensued. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted for her to approve, Council has to set and approve the leasing rates; ensure deficiencies are looked after before leasing and know the value of the deficiencies prior to approval. The CAO noted that as the Town doesn’t own the property, if approved, the closing is May 14th. The time between tonight and the 14th, without approval of the vendor, we have no ability to lease. During this period and rather than forward interest to vendor, the Town can step in with the approval of the vendor for the limited time. Once the deal closes it is entirely on the Town to lease. Discussion ensued with respect to lease rates at a per square foot or flat rate and as the existing rate are all different and negotiated on an individual basis, the CAO has looked at each block of buildings and rates that are reasonable and what has been negotiated. Questions were asked about control of the type of T-shirts and music, profanity etc. The Town Solicitor Michael Stahr was in attendance and he responded to clauses that can be put in the leases to be negotiated to cover that. The negotiated leases, the Town inherits. The CAO noted that Mr. Stahr has reviewed the current lease template and asked Committee if there was some language that they would like to have in the leases. Discussion ensued and with the Town Solicitor a draft lease with schedules will be prepared. He noted this will be a team approach with the Communications Officer and there needs to be a point of contact. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi asked that the leasing rates come back for approval prior to leasing. The CAO advised he will have endeavor to have lease rates for next week. Mayor Smith spoke to understanding Committee’s concerns and has the same concerns. Once the leases are set up and we are satisfied, we have to give the CAO direction to move forward and work with the vendor until May 14th. For simplicity we are looking at a per unit cost. He has no issue with paying any realtor a finder’s fee to help find people to lease the units. If they are all filled up by the May long weekend that is ok and will aim for middle of June. It would be nice to have one bar establishment open at the right time. He also felt staff have the ability to do this. Council’s comments are duly noted and will be considered when making the lease and that the deficiencies are addressed before anyone leases. Once again the Mayor noted that the CAO has to be given direction to deal with the Vendor until May 14th and give us the opportunity to receive calls and show properties and work towards leases. COWOC – April 28, 2015 Page 3 of 5 The Mayor then asked for Committee’s consensus to permit Mark Ruttan to come to the table. Committee agreed and Mr. Ruttan advised that he is not here representing anyone; he came to help the Town. He was a Councillor for nine years and this is not for his income. He has been involved in property management at the beachfront for years and keys are available to get into the buildings. He was making proposals to the owners on flat rate leases before he knew the Town was interested in purchasing. The plazas are starting to go flat rates to make it affordable. Some of the beachfront units have been empty for three years and he is here to help make it happen, not to make money. He suggested a flat rate as compensation for all realtors. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi expressed that while it is ok to make the lease at a flat rate have to make sure it is fair value as there are other businesses struggling in the plaza. Mr. Ruttan advised he looks after five plazas and it is difficult to lease the units. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-14-01 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to work initially with the Vendor of the Beachfront Properties on the leasing of Food and Retail locations at the Beachfront, and subject to Council approving the purchase and the purchase becoming final, to work at leasing these locations in accordance with the terms in this report and the direction provided by Committee. CARRIED b) Process to lease three bars at Beach Area 1 The CAO spoke to the leasing of bars and the challenges of the past. He is proposing that we go through an RFP process with a tight time line to lease the three bar establishments. The documents will be created and posted on the Town’s web site, in the local paper. There will be evaluation criteria to determine the operator. He consulted with the AGCO and a bar operator outside this community. The RSP would close next week and a Committee of Ms. Legget and himself will review the submissions with an independent score and come up with a universal score. Due to the tight time frame, Committee needs to decide if they want to have a bar open. It is expected that the Lakeview bar will be open. It is also suggested that when the RFP is awarded that person only is awarded two establishments so one person does not have all three. If this is finalized an RFP will be posted for receipt next Wednesday and awarded Thursday. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi requested that should local establishments apply that their municipal taxes, water and sewer bills must be up to date. Discussion continued with respect to the liquor licenses; time to get a new one; who holds the existing license and if that process is fair. COWOC – April 28, 2015 Page 4 of 5 The CAO advised that the liquor license for the three establishments is under the control of one individual. The time frame that the AGCO works with ranges from a transfer of a license that can be done in a week or a new license which is lengthy and an extensive process. The license is issued for the premises and that individual has a license to operate at that premise. He further advised that the holder of the license is in the audience. He has had a conversation with him and he is very supportive of the Town of Wasaga Beach. He would consider transferring his license; however, liability is a concern and the transferee has to be reputable. Mayor Smith asked for Committee’s consideration to permit Mr. Grozzi to come to the table. Councillor Bray noted the need for the RFP to be open and transparent to allow anyone to bid that may be interested and a fair chance to apply to sell beer. Mayor Smith noted the intent is to be able to get an RFP out sooner than later and have interested parties come to us to open for the long weekend. The CAO noted that Council has to decide if it wants to have one bar open on long weekend. The Lakeview Bar will be open. He has been advised from the OPP that it is better if more than one is open on the May long weekend and recommends Council approve at least one bar be open if you get a satisfactory RFP. Timeline is very quick. That is the one spike and from 3rd week in May to June we have prom parties in the community who rent cottage courts and patronize the bars. The OPP point out it is better that young people partying are at bars in a self-contained area rather than cottage courts. Discussion ensued with respect to requests to lease and bar leases and the RFP as well as the liquor licenses. Mr. Grossi advised that he holds the three licenses and has a valid lease on the buildings. Provided he passes all the required inspections he could have the bars ready for the long weekend. He believes he holds a three year lease and would confirm that. He further advised that he is not averse to signing the liquor license over to a vendor, as he did last year; however, it didn’t work. The operators were not proficient enough. It was not his intent to operate a bar this year. He came back in 2012 and operated it and is not opposed to working with the Town and a prescribed owner. There is an assessment and liability he has to consider and if the risk level is nominal he will consider it. He would be looking for someone who is well rounded and understands the nature of the beach. He is also not opposed to operating it. He would consider a license transfer, but it takes time. He further noted that he would want to qualify just like anyone else and would assign the liquor license to the Town. Mr. Grossi advised that to get the bars open for May long weekend is a difficult task to get ready, but he is willing to work with the Town. It would be doable with the right resources and support network behind him. He is not here for self-serving but to help if he can. If he can throw in his hat and get a bar open he would help in any way he can. Mr. Stahr provided liability advice. Mr. Grossi was asked if he owned the Dardenella at one time. He advised he owned it from 2002 to 2006 and successfully ran it and owns a successful bar in Vaughan for five years. COWOC – April 28, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Further discussion ensued. The Clerk was asked for clarification on procedure. The CAO noted the purpose of today is to allow for a public process with an ad in the paper and on the web site and people have five days to respond if Council wants one bar open by May long weekend. Mayor Smith advised that he will call for the vote and give direction to CAO and he can reach out to Mr. Grossi based on this motion. Councillor Stockwell requested a recorded vote. It was noted that the RFQ will be amended to include municipal taxes, water and sewer to Federal and Provincial taxes and the submission deposit raised to $10,000 from $5,000. It was then; MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY R/ ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-14-02 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to work with the Vendor of the Beachfront Properties to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the operation of three licensed establishments at Beach Area 1, either individually or to a maximum of two establishments using the criteria outlined in this report and direction provided by Committee, as amended. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay CARRIED 6. ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS a) b) 7. Background Information on Establishing a Development Corporation Disposition of the Marlwood Golf & Country Club ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Mayor Brian Smith, Chair Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Actions from the May 7, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 7, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Committee of the Whole meeting held on May 7, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Repairs to Dardenella Resolution No. 2015-15-01 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the offer from Wasaga Beach Developments Inc., to transfer funds provided by the Insurance Company for the Dardenella Truss repairs directly to the Town in lieu of conducting the repairs prior to the closing of the purchase on May 14, 2015, subject to receiving written confirmation from the Insurance Company that they are paying 100% of the approved estimated cost of the repairs. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell CARRIED Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay Committee of the Whole – May 7, 2015 Rental Rates for Beachfront Properties 2 of 3 Resolution No. 2015-15-02 RESOLVED THAT Item 5b) – Rental Rates for Beachfront properties be referred back to staff for further review. CARRIED Resolution No. 2015-15-03 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby recommend to Council the following rental rates for the Beachfront Properties for the remaining vacant retail and food service units for 2015 season: 31 Beach Drive 41 Beach Drive 43d Beach Drive 13 1st Street 14 1st Street 91-93 Beach Drive 50 Mosley Street 115 Beach Drive $45,000 $27,000 $32,000 $18,000 $18,000 $20,000 – fast food, $18,000 – retail space $32,000 $8,000 to $10,000 – units 1 to 4, $15,000 – units 5 & 6 combined FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate one season leases with prospective tenants for the vacant beachfront properties based on these lease rates and the standard Town lease. REFERRED Committee of the Whole – May 7, 2015 Awarding of RFP for Dardenella, Bananas & Copa Cabana Bars 3 of 3 Resolution no. 2015-15-04 RESOLVED THAT subject to the purchase of the Beachfront properties being finalized on May 14, 2015, Committee of the Whole award the RFP’s for the Operation of the three beachfront licensed establishments – Bananas, the Dardenella and the Copa Cabana as follows: The RFP for the Operation of Bananas to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing May 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to the Town and Mr. Grossi negotiating a lease that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. The RFP for the Operation of the Dardenella to the Smarkenka Group for the 2015 season commencing on a date no earlier than May 15th, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to confirming that a liquor license is available for the property and subject to the Town and the Smarkenka Groupo negotiating a lease that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. The RFP for the Operation of the Copa Cabana to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing June 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to the Town and Mr. Grossi negotiating a lease that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Nay Nay Nay Nay DEFEATED CCI High School Stage Request Resolution No. 2015-15-05 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby support the Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreation’s recommendation to allow the Collingwood Collegiate Institute to rent the portable stage for their June 3, 2015, “Relay for Life” event at a total cost of $1,800.00 taxes included. CARRIED Respectfully submitted, Brian F. Smith, Mayor Chair, Committee of the Whole COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Classroom PRESENT: ABSENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor K. Lalonde T. Nicholson P. Archdekin G. Reinders J. Leggett M. Quinlan M. Stahr Director of Public Works/Acting CAO Clerk Deputy Clerk Managers of Parks, Facilities & Recreation EDCCO Treasurer Baulke Augaitis Stahr (Town Solicitor) G. Vadeboncoeur Chief Administrative Officer CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Anderson declared a potential Pecuniary Interest with respect to item 5c). 3. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS – None 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 5. NEW BUSINESS COWOC – May 7, 2015 a) Page 2 of 9 Repairs to Dardenella Roof Trusses Councillor Stockwell inquired if the Town’s insurers were aware of this purchase and the condition of the buildings. He was advised that the Insurance Company is aware of the purchase not the condition of the buildings. The Mayor has discussed the buildings with the legal counsel and the Chief Building Official has been through them with Dan Barill Engineering. Mr. Michael Stahr, the Town Solicitor, was invited to the table. He advised that the CAO explored the insurability of the buildings and the conditions of the offer have been explored. There is a conceptual plan of the amount the insurer is prepared to pay for the repair of the roof trusses in the amount of $207,000. If the insurance company is repairing it they absorb and pay the HST. If they are paying to be rid of the claim, they pay without HST. Mr. Barill has done his own estimate and suggests the Town do the truss repair for potentially less than $207,000. The Town will not be dealing with the insured. The Town Treasurer advised that the insurance company will be given the appraisal from Mr. Peter Gignac. The repairs will be done. It the CBO approves the build repairs there should not be an issue. The Town Treasurer advised that she has spoken with JLT and while not directly about the truss situation, they will be given the appraisal from Peter Gignac, they will look at that appraisal and insure. The repairs will be done and will be okay. If our CBO says the building is okay and repaired there should not be an issue. Councillor Bifolchi expressed confusion as to why work had not already been done and as the owner in the construction business it would be easier for them to do the work; she stated she would not support waiving condition and asked for recorded vote. RESOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-15-01 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby approve the offer from Wasaga Beach Waterfront Developments Inc. to transfer funds provided by the Insurance Company for the Dardenella Truss repairs directly to the Town in lieu of conducting the repairs prior to the closing of the purchase on May 14, 2015, subject to receiving written confirmation from the Insurance Company that they are paying 100% of the approved estimated cost of the repairs. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Nay CARRIED COWOC – May 7, 2015 b) Page 3 of 9 Rental Rates for Beachfront Properties Councillor Anderson hoped that Council would be flexible in the rates and he would like to see every unit filled by July 1st. The rates in the past have been too high and not rented out. Council needs to make sure the units are full and is not as concerned with the rates as with being full. A lengthy discussion ensued with what the private sector is paying next door suggesting there is nothing to compare the rates questioning if they are high or low and current lease rates. Mayor Smith advised that Ms. Legget will circulate a copy of the existing lease rates. Ms. Legget stated her direction from the CAO was that the information was to be kept private and confidential and not included in the report for that reason and as we are being asked what is the lease rates he required direction on how to address those who want to lease our spaces. Mayor Smith requested that the CAO be contacted via phone. It was noted that a notice to lease was put in the paper and people were to contact the Town with the unit they were interested in and the product for sale. The first step was to look at the lease rates and then the Bar FRP`s. People are looking to lease and staff has to be able to respond. Councillor Stockwell suggested that what was just circulated is public information. Mayor Smith responded that the rates in the CAO`s report are public, but the current leases are being kept as private and confidential information. Councillor Stockwell suggested that they may be confidential to the public but not for Council and questioned why they were not provided prior to today. Ms. Legget came to the table. It was noted that the Chief Administrative Officer is on vacation but will join the meeting via telephone. Mayor Smith advised that staff came to these rates based on leases in place and professional real estate agent advice on the leasing market. Discussion ensued with leasing or not because of rates and the CAO`s direction to negotiate; public funds and responsibility to the rate payers; the importance to getting the units leased out for this season; the economic impact to have the units leased for all of Wasaga Beach; attracting tourists and not just the beach front; rental rates and creating unfair business to the rest of the business owners in Town. The CAO joined the meeting via telephone. Mayor Smith acknowledged the CAO and thanked him, noting he appreciates him taking the time to join in. He further acknowledged that the CAO has postponed his vacation twice due to Town business already. COWOC – May 7, 2015 Page 4 of 9 The CAO advised that the document Ms. Legget circulated was prepared a couple of weeks ago and he had copies at a meeting but that discussion did not come up. He did provide a couple of members when asked with the lease rates and did not attach to the public document as he felt it was potentially sensitive information. The CAO further explained that the spread of the lease rates between the recommendation and what is currently there and the factors taken into consideration. Some units were not leased over the past couple of years due to high lease rates and based on the conclusion of his discussions with real estate agents who had been engaged with the current owners to lease the property we had to look at lease rates and lower them in order to be able to rent. We had to be sensitive to what current people were paying and the new lease rates. He felt it not appropriate to significantly go under and while there are some reductions, they are not dramatic. The CAO then spoke to a particular lease rate and the proposed rate difference noting he was cautious of locations and looked at blocks of buildings, rates already established and went on the advice of the real estate agent. The square footage/floor plan of the buildings was to be circulated with his report and apologized for it not being included. It was copied and circulated to Committee. Committee members questioned what the square footage rates are. Once again the CAO advised that he looked at building blocks and came up with comparable rates. Committee`s direction and recommendation was to go with rent at a flat rate. Mayor Smith noted that the beach front is a unique animal in past credence was given to location of building. Closer to Spruce Street the higher the rent. We all agreed that we would look at a flat rate per unit which is the way they have been leased ``forever``. We agreed to look at a flat rate unit price and that is why the CAO is going this way. In speaking to the current owners, it was a flat rate lease. The CAO spoke to the Mr. Ruttan and that was also his recommendation to go with a flat rate. Councillor Bray questioned a potential sharing revenue with an arcade owner in lieu of rent. The CAO advised that was a suggestion by the real estate agent from discussion with a local arcade operator for revenue sharing rather than lease rate and was looked as an option to provide for the beach front. Discussion continued around the lease rates if the units are delayed in being opened and lost revenue for the vendors and the Town; the suggestion Council was trying to do things too quickly and to do it right for the long hall, rather than worry about Victoria Day; all of Committee receiving the same information; timing for receiving information; repairs to mold/mildew that have to be addressed and the units not presently leased that will take some preparation. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that she will support the motion; however, it is important that Council walk through the buildings, deal with issues and allow time to deal with the issues. She strongly suggested Council needs to tour these buildings prior to the purchase. It was then; COWOC – May 7, 2015 MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL Page 5 of 9 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-15-02 RESOLVED THAT Item 5b) rental rates for Beachfront properties be referred back to staff for further review. CARRIED MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-15-03 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby approve the following rental rates for the Beachfront Properties for the remaining vacant retail and food service units for 2015 season: 31 Beach Drive 41 Beach Drive 43 Beach Drive 13 1st Street 14 1st Street 91-93 Beach Drive 50 Mosley Street 115 Beach Drive $45,000 $27,000 $32,000 $18,000 $18,000 $20,000 – fast food, $18,000 – retail space $32,000 $8,000 to $10,000 – units 1 to 4, $15,000 – units 5&6 combined FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate one season leases with prospective tenants for the vacant beachfront properties based on these lease rates and the standard Town lease. REFERRED c) Awarding of RFP for Dardenella, Bananas & Copa Cabana Bars Councillor Anderson previously declared Pecuniary Interest was noted and he withdrew from the table. Discussion ensued with respect to negotiating rates and the CAO advised that he will negotiate an improved rate from what those who submitted proposed as it is dramatically under what staff feels is a satisfactory rate. COWOC – May 7, 2015 Page 6 of 9 Discussion ensued with respect to the condition of the buildings; dry rot; mold, mildew, etc. The Deputy Mayor advised she would support leasing out Bananas as it is in a more reasonable condition and leaving the others closed. She also requested a Council tour of the buildings, received a list of work to be completed, deficiencies, business plan and suggested that the bid received from the Dardenella and the Copa Cabana have a lot of work behind them. Councillor Stockwell did not want to decide at this meeting nor put the leases carte blanche into the hands of staff to negotiate the three leases. He wanted the leases to come back to Council for approval and is looking for better ideas. Councillor Ego had concerns that when the buildings were shown no staff was present to answer questions. Ms. Legget advised that staff did not attend the walk through to ensure a complete, fair and transparent process; the Town does not own the buildings yet. Those bidders who attended all received the same tour. Councillor Ego suggested that because Mr. Grossi knew the background of the buildings and others bidding didn’t, he didn’t think that was fair. Mayor Smith noted that while Mr. Grossi may have more knowledge than others, it was a public RFP process and that does not preclude him from bidding and questioned if it does give an advantage. He would not know the condition of buildings today unless he was in it. Everyone was given a fair opportunity to go in the buildings and see the state of them. The bidders then were making a proposal on what they saw. These are business people and they made those decisions to submit a proposal. Ms. Legget advised that everyone who asked questions and took out RFP’s all received the same answer and questions and answers were posted on the Town’s website for public use. Councillor Bray had concerns for the lack of time for the RFP completion and the tight time line and inquired how many packages were picked up and how many received back. Ms. Legget advised that twelve requests through e-mail for the RFP and five returned. Councillor Bray would like to see a bar open and supported Option 3 to provide for one bar to open and the change to negotiate further. Councillor Smith indicated that if the bar operator thinks he can get open, they should be allowed to open. Discussion ensued with respect to staff inspections, reports and licensing requirements. The lease rates were discussed again and it was noted that staff can only negotiate if it improves the Town’s position only by prices going up. The Mayor noted that Council can give clear direction to staff and if not sufficient we go back to another RFP. COWOC – May 7, 2015 Page 7 of 9 A lengthy discussion ensued with respect to negotiating with the three lead proponents. Legal advice was provided with respect to the RFP bids. The Clerk clarified that the main motion says the award is subject to further negotiations; if a satisfactory lease rate is not negotiated, the proposal will not be awarded. This gets the discussions started and Council could have a walk through the buildings. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that the only bar award she will support is for Bananas. There are major deficiencies in the other two and until a cost for repairs is provided she cannot support awarding the other two. Once again Council needs to tour the buildings to see the state they are in. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi stated that when this comes back to Committee she wants to hear from the different departments that have been through the buildings and the cost estimates. Councillor Bray moved a motion that she will support in principle Option 3 to award Bananas, subject to a lease rate being negotiated; and after discussion later withdrew the motion. The Mayor advised that one proponent; Mr. Grossi is in the audience and with permission of Committee would like to speak. Committee agreed. Mr. Grossi advised that timing is the upmost concern to get the bar open if that is the objective for long weekend. During the bid process the proponents that did walk through to understand the dynamics of the building. The parties have to begin negotiations right away. The CAO advised that he has had conversations with Joseph DiTomasso and he is very much aware of what the Town is doing and will cooperate with the Town moving forward. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY B.F. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-15-04 RESOLVED THAT subject to the purchase of the Beachfront properties being finalized on May 14, 2015, Committee of the Whole award the RFP’s for the Operation of the three beachfront licensed establishments – Bananas, the Dardenella and the Copa Cabana as follows: The RFP for the Operation of Bananas to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing May 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and Mr. Grossi that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. The RFP for the Operation of the Dardenella to the Smardenka Group for the 2015 season commencing on a date no earlier than May 15th, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to confirming that a liquor license is available for the property and subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and the Smardenka Group that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. COWOC – May 7, 2015 Page 8 of 9 The RFP for the Operation of the Copa Cabana to Mr. Enzo Grossi for the 2015 season commencing June 15, 2015 and concluding September 30, 2015, subject to a lease being negotiated between the Town and Mr. Grossi that is suitable to both parties, including an improved lease rate. Deputy Mayor Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Yea Yea Nay Nay Nay Nay DEFEATED Councillor Anderson returned to his place at the table. d) Request by Collingwood Collegiate Institute Co-Chairs Relay for Life Festival Stage Use Deputy Mayor Bifolchi did not support the bleachers being rented out and taken out of town as it was purchased for local group rental and local events. Councillor Anderson did not support the renting out the bleachers as that was a condition of the purchase. Mr. Reinders advised that it was purchased with Council’s direction that it would not be rented out and would be used in Town. The CAO has indicated he supported the request because Wasaga Beach students attend CCI. Mr. Reinders put together a cost for staff and vehicle and it for Committee’s consideration. A short discussion ensued with support to rent it to an out of town organization. It was then; MOVED BY BRAY SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-15-05 RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does hereby support the Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreation’s recommendation to allow the Collingwood Collegiate Institute to rent the portable stage for its June 3, 2015 “Relay for Life” event at a total cost of $1,800.00 plus taxes. CARRIED The Chief Administrative Officer asked for clarification on the vote on the leases and was advised it was defeated 4-2 with Councillor Anderson declaring a conflict. COWOC – May 7, 2015 Page 9 of 9 Councillor Stockwell inquired of the procedure for submitting matters for the Agenda. The Clerk responded Thursday at Noon for the Agenda to go out Friday for the meeting the following week. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Mayor Brian Smith, Chair Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Actions from the May 12, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 12, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND No resolutions were passed. Respectfully submitted, Brian F. Smith, Mayor Chair, Committee of the Whole COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Classroom PRESENT: ABSENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor G. Vadeboncoeur P. Archdekin M. Quinlan Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Clerk Treasurer T. Nicholson Clerk CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - None 3. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS - None 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Discussion on Future Plans for Beach Area 1 The CAO advised the purpose of this meeting, after weeks of discussion, is what the future plan is if we acquire the beachfront property. It is time to initiate conversation on what are the plans and thoughts and to have that discussion. Staff have looked at things we need in the short term to work on the list of repairs and maintenance items; cost estimates and to bring back a budget; revenues and expenditures for the project; short term plans and leasing and getting ready for the summer and bar leases. Those are immediate and short term items. The CAO spoke to the longer term after the summer and into 2016 and beyond to having the conversation of what Council thinks it will be doing. We need to kick off that discussion and this is a good opportunity. He requested that Committee think of thoughts to put on the table to formulate a future action plan. COWOC – May 12, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Deputy Mayor Bifolchi was of the opinion that Council can’t move forward until they have received staff reports to validate the current options for the building, maintenance, health and safety issues and all costs. She would like to see reports from all the different Town departments and an honest opinion of the condition of the buildings; if they need to be demolished then let’s hear it. There is no point in putting money into the buildings until we know what is really going on with them. Councillor Smith spoke to the visioning that was already done for the beach and would like to have it back on the table to see where this Council is and what the next step is for previous thoughts for the future and how it compares to where Council is now. Councillor Stockwell inquired of retaining the current custodian of the buildings. The CAO advised that he has had that discussion with him and he is interested in continuing on as custodian and will be meeting with the property manager as the custodian reports through him. Councillor Stockwell noted that assuming the purchase goes through the Town will own buildings that need work on them and the sooner the better; however, is not sure how much can be done until the season is over. He personally was impressed with the Dardenella even though it needs a lot of work as there is a lot of good usable space once it is fixed up and for a lot of money. The building has not been designated as an historical building but would like to see what can be done to get it back to its original use as it’s a beautiful building and good for the municipality. Councillor Ego questioned the deposits required and it was confirmed that is a total of $20,000. In speaking to the future of the buildings Councillor Ego agreed that there is work that needs to be done and didn’t have an issue with doing our best to get rented for the season whatever that cost is. He agreed that they do have to be assessed at the end of the year for the necessary long term work that needs to be done. Councillor Ego spoke to the $1M that is set aside for landscaping that is not being used this year, and inquired if it can be used to fix up the buildings. Councillor Bray advised that in the last few weeks the media and residents have been asking a lot of questions and people are voicing their opinions that Council has made decisions about the future. Council has not made any decisions and Council needs to make its decision so we are all saying the same story. She is happy to talk about it and get direction. It is embarrassing to not be able to answer the questions and to be called a liar. Councillor Smith spoke to the visioning by the previous Council and the public meetings and public input in that process. She would like to revisit that vision to see if that is where this Council is going. That vision did set out a plan for the future. Mayor Smith advised that he sat on the Visioning Committee and it was a vision for beach area 1 and 2. Some work was done for beach area 2 to be shovel ready if a developer came along. He agreed that Council needs to pull out that vision and see where we are today and where the vision was to take the beachfront. He agreed to see it come back to understand what can be used, changed or whatever this Council decides. The CAO advised that what was presented to Council and the public were artist conceptions of what could happen. From the conceptions a lot of work was done resulting with an amendment to the OPA, new policies, changing of Zoning and the lands are now development ready. The next step is the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) policies which will provide incentives to private sector for development; density was increased with requirement for ground floor COWOC – May 12, 2015 Page 3 of 5 commercial to have residential opportunity above; bonusing and all that is now in place so development can occur. If Council changes the policies or zoning, it will have to be done in accordance with those existing policies. Councillor Smith noted that all the rezoning was done with a vision of something being done; are we off track with that vision; we need a starting point. The CAO responded that if the purchase goes through, a developer now only has to deal with one owner, which is an advantage. The Town is well positioned going forward subject to the CIP being adopted to see elements of the vision implemented. He cautioned that the artists conceptions look nice, but that may not be what it will look like when developed. Councillor Smith would like to see the background and thought process to this point. She also hoped the Director of Economic Development would be hired soon. Councillor Stockwell spoke to this being a major change and would like Council to talk about whether we go back to the Casino people and advise there is a fifth site. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi requested that if there is to be discussion on the casino it is important to have staff reports and input to understand why that is not the best site. Councillor Stockwell wants everything brought back to the table. The Casino people are now doing their thing. The CAO advised that Councillor Bray raised a good point on the future plans. This is a kick off discussion. On behalf of staff, one item is that Council has to determine mid-range plans and he calls 1-5 years being mid-range. He knows what Deputy Mayor Bifolchi is saying about the assessment of the buildings and Council has to make a decision on its investment. We would like to see these buildings rented and that will require a certain investment. If the short term decisions are different; Council needs to give thought to mid-range going forward. Staff needs direction as we approach the fall as to where we are going forward. Right now every decision is for this season; however, mid-range plans need to be looked at. Mayor Smith was of the opinion that Council needs to look at the beachfront in three stages. Short term plans now and leases for the summer. He agreed with the Deputy Mayor that Council needs contractors, professionals and staff costing and then determine what buildings are moving from short term to mid-term, which he considers the next five years and have Council make a decision with respect to those buildings based on the recommendations received and on the cost to keep them running. We will then make that recommendation and come to a conclusion. Mayor Smith then talked of what he considers mid-term being looking at five year terms for leases with options to renew and the out clause of 180 days for the Town and to be fair to the people leasing with some kind of prediction to them and to know if there will be some kind of pro-rated cost back to them upon a termination. The Mayor was of the opinion that the CIP is key. A lot of work has been done on that and it has been approved at the County level. Staff will be coming to the next Development Committee with recommendations. It is up to Council to decide what to approve for enticements, taxes, development charges and is important to get it on the table. The Town can then be speaking with developers sooner than later. The Mayor then spoke to long term redevelopment of beach area 1 and 2. He would like to see beach 1 redeveloped first as that is the Town’s economic driver; however, if a developer came along for beach area 2 Council has to be open to that. COWOC – May 12, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Mayor Smith spoke to the vision of the last Council and the misconception that the vision and conceptual drawing is what is planned to happen. The public saw the drawings of multi-story buildings that they anticipate will be there in the next few years. He has made it clear to all he speaks to that those were conceptual drawings and don’t expect it will be what will be done. The developer who comes forward will present what he is proposing to build and what it will look like. The Mayor suggested it has to fall somewhat close to the vision, but will likely change. He felt it would be negligent to turn down any good quality development because it didn’t look like what we think it should. There are a lot more questions, thoughts and ideas and people can bring them forward. He stated the Town has done the right thing in this purchase as the key is control. It is difficult to have a developer come forward because of the private ownership, but we will have control of 72% of the beach front and have the ability to work with developers. Is there a definite exit plan or finite end result, no, we will get there as we move along and as developers come forward as to what development might be suitable to their business plans. Council then makes the final decision. Councillor Stockwell stated that there has really been a material change with ownership coming to the municipality and Council is on the hook for it. He welcomes sitting with staff and looking at a plan. Council can now accomplish things we would not have dreamed of. Councillor Anderson stated that Council has to have a plan on how we want to proceed; will we sell some lands; long term leases; Council has to have a process. Councillor Stockwell suggested that there is now breathing room and would like staff to do an in depth report, within six months, as to the pros and cons of owning licensed establishments or tenants owing the liquor licenses. Mayor Smith agreed with Councillor Anderson to enter into long term leases rather than selling the asset. That would be his preference as it would generate revenue for the tax payer in perpetuity if lands are kept and leased. Councillor Anderson stated that Council has to decide if we want any more property or not as it could come up quickly and we need to decide where we are on that subject. The CAO noted that Councillor Anderson has raised a good point. His office is quite busy and as we are a couple of months away from hiring the Economic Development Officer he would appreciate some assistance from Council to engage who he needs to provide assistance in his office. There is a lot of work to be done and staff is almost at the limits of what can be done. He requested concurrence from Council to move forward with a new hire. Mayor Smith confirmed that it has been a very busy past six weeks and as he is in the office every day he sees the work load and has no issue hiring someone on an interim bases and supports some assistance. The CAO advised that if it were September or October there would be time. We are heading into our peak time as spring rolls around, population increases and we pick up speed. The CAO advised that for a COWOC on June 2nd he can have the physical assessments completed and staff reports for an initial report to Committee of the Whole. At the next Development Committee there will be discussion on the CIP and Mr. Wukasch will walk Committee through what the CIP is, different examples of how it can be applied; financial costs, and as it will take lots of education asked members to read the 31 page document that will be circulated. There are financial implications and he wants to make sure that Council understands the options and recommendations on what to include in the CIP. Council will need to adopt the CIP. COWOC – May 12, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Mayor Smith inquired how much time the CAO thinks he requires someone and the CAO responded about two months until the new Economic Development person is hired and work is handed over to that person. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Councillor Bill Stockwell, Chair Public Works Committee SUBJECT: Actions from the May 20, 2015 Public Works Committee Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Public Works Committee Report dated May 20, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Public Works Committee meeting held on May 20, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Mr. & Mrs. Turner from #59 Meadowood Dr Notice of Construction re. sidewalk correction and extension on Meadowood Dr Resolution No. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT pertaining to the appeal of the construction of the sidewalk on Meadowood Drive be amended by adding to the last paragraph, “with the developer being responsible for all reasonable expenses related to the construction of the sidewalk”. DEFEATED Mr. & Mrs. Turner from #59 Meadowood Dr Notice of Construction re. sidewalk correction and extension on Meadowood Dr Resolution No. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Pacific Homes, Marl Lake Subdivision Sidewalk Extension, Meadowood Drive Report for information; AND FURTHER THAT, Staff be given authority to direct the Developer to extend the sidewalk across the frontages of #55, #57 and #59 Meadowood Drive as proposed. CARRIED Engineer’s Report Resolution No. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the May 11, 2015 Engineer’s Status Report on Capital Works Projects, for information. CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 Street Sign Specifications – Veterans Way 2 of 4 Resolution No. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the street sign specifications for the proposed Veterans Way signage include the image of a poppy. CARRIED Contract NO. 111115-1 – Robinson Road Area Servicing (Phase 2) – Tender Award Resolution No. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Robinson Road Area Servicing – Phase 2, Contract No. 111115-1 Tender be awarded to B&J Contracting in the amount of $1,329,749.50, which excludes HST; AND FURTHER THAT the project costs exceeding the approved 2015 budget be financed as outlined in the “Financial Implications” section of the May 20, 2015 “Robinson Road Area Servicing – Phase 2, Contract No. 111115-1 Tender Award Recommendation” staff report; AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement for the works. CARRIED Request for Proposal (RFP #2015-10) One (1) New Heavy-Duty Single Axle Plow & Sander Truck Resolution No. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the heavyduty vehicle and equipment contract, RFP# PW2015-10, for a new single axle plow & sander truck with options from Larochelle Equipment be awarded to Lewis Motor Sales, in accordance with the completive bid process issued by the County of Simcoe, in the amount of $290,109.42 (Including H.S.T.). CARRIED Request for Proposal (RFP #2015-05) Three (3) New Pick-up Trucks Resolution No. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the lightduty vehicle equipment contract (RFP# PW2015-05) for three (3) new pickup trucks be awarded to Tom Smith Chevrolet Buick GMC Limited, in accordance with the completive bid process issued by the County of Simcoe, in the amount of $94,270.50 (excluding H.S.T.). CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 Town of Wasaga Beach Stop Sign Installation Policy 3 of 4 Resolution No. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it adopt the Stop Sign Installation Policy, dated May 2015, for the Town of Wasaga Beach. CARRIED Public Works Accounts – April 2015 Resolution No. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the April 2015 Accounts, as reviewed by the Public Works Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Request for Tender (PW# 2015-02) One (1) New Twenty (20) Passenger Transit Bus Resolution No. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Supply and Delivery of One (1) New Transit Vehicle, in accordance with Tender No. PW2015-02, be awarded to Crestline Coach Ltd., in the amount of $95,601.54 (Including H.S.T.). CARRIED Wasaga Beach Transit Report – April Monthly Ridership Statistics Resolution No. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Transit Report for April 2015, for information. CARRIED Wasaga Beach-Collingwood Link Ridership April 2015 Statistics Resolution No. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga BeachCollingwood Link Ridership Statistics for April 2015, for information. CARRIED Closed Session A proposed acquisition of land by the municipality Resolution No. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Public Works Committee meeting be closed to the public to consider a proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 Closed Session A proposed acquisition of land by the municipality 4 of 4 Resolution No. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the Public Works Committee meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED Closed Session A proposed acquisition of land by the municipality Resolution No. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the Director of Public Works during the Closed Session regarding a proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. CARRIED Respectively Submitted, Bill Stockwell, Councillor Chair, Public Works Committee PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Held Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. In the Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT: B. Stockwell N. Bifolchi S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith Councillor/Chair Deputy Mayor/Co-Chair Councillor Councillor Mayor G. Vadeboncoeur K. Lalonde M. Pincivero S. Chapman Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk Director of Public Works Manager of Engineering Services Recording Secretary ABSENT: 1. CALL TO ORDER Councillor Stockwell called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTERESTCouncillor Stockwell informed Committee that Deputy Mayor Bifolchi has declared a Pecuniary Interest with respect to item 5)g Public Works Accounts – April 2015, cheque #17824, as it pertains to a family member. 3. DEPUTATIONS, PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Mr. & Mrs. Turner from #59 Meadowood Drive in attendance to appeal the Notice of Construction re. sidewalk correction and extension on Meadowood Drive. Councillor Stockwell read the recommendation. Mr. & Mrs. Turner were welcomed to the meeting by Committee. Mrs. Turner stated she was notified by Mr. Lalonde that she was welcome to attend Public Works Committee meeting to put a grievance in with respect to the sidewalk placement in front of her property at 59 Meadowood Drive. She mentioned that from the start of the development the sidewalk was overlooked and overseen where it was to end. She stated additional parking in her driveway was the reason for buying the home, and once a sidewalk is placed than half the driveway is gone, and this is the reason she is grieving this decision. Mr. Turner questioned why a change is necessary now. Mr. Lalonde provided Committee with background information on the original design of the Phase 2 of the Marl Lake Village Subdivision and noted that it was not until an on-site final assumption inspection was conducted that it was noticed there was an error in the sidewalk extension. Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 2 of 9 He noted in reviewing the “Accepted for Construction” drawings for the development, it was confirmed that the contractor had installed the sidewalk as per the drawings, however, the driveway locations had not been included on the “Accepted for Construction” design drawings, and this was overlooked at that time by the designer and the Town. Mr. Lalonde stated the Developers Engineers were contacted as the residents needed to be contacted regarding this oversight and made aware of this. Mr. Lalonde further mentioned that the recommendation to extend the sidewalk on Meadowood Drive be done as a safety standpoint as many pedestrians utilize this area to get to and from the neighbourhood park, just three properties from where the existing sidewalk ends. Discussion then ensued as to when the sidewalks were placed. Mrs. Turner then questioned why there is a safety aspect now. Mr. Lalonde stated that the original sidewalk layout forces pedestrians to cross the road twice to get to the neighbourhood park, or forces them to walk across the frontages of #57 & #59 Meadowood Drive, not allowing for pedestrian connectivity or safety for pedestrian traffic to the park. Councillor Bray then entered the meeting. Mr. Turner then asked if a sidewalk is placed in front of his property, would he be compensated for the sprinkler system, curbs and French drain that were placed if alterations were required. Mr. Lalonde stated sprinkler systems are not allowed on town property and noted that when the sidewalk is placed there may be some adjustments that would be required. He stated the contractor would be responsible for arranging locates and to restore and taper off the curbing where necessary. Mr. & Mrs. Turner were asked how long they have owned the property. They stated they were second owners of the home and purchased in August of 2014. Mr. Lalonde indicated that the Draft Plan of Subdivision was done in around 2001 and it has been under construction for approximately ten years. He stated the Subdivision is at the end of the maintenance period and this was noted as one of the deficiencies. Mrs. Turner stated they bought the house the way it is now and stated this is not her error and feels very upset that for the amount of money she paid for the home, known what she knows now, she would have gone somewhere else. Councillor Stockwell stated Mr. & Mrs. Turner’s point has been made, but due to the fact that residents utilize this sidewalk to get to the park area, it is a matter of safety and the municipality has to address this, as it is on Town property not private property. Councillor Stockwell thanked Mr. & Mrs. Turner for their attendance. Mayor Brian Smith mentioned this is the first time he has ever seen a sidewalk at a 90 degree bend, end at the end of the driveway. He recommended that any costs incurred for the three residents affected by this sidewalk extension should not be passed onto these residents, such as relocation of the drain, curb tapering and sprinkler system, and that it should be done through the process. Mr. Lalonde pointed out that the Developer may not want to incur the costs of the sprinkler system, etc. as they realize these items are not to be placed out on town property. Councillor Ego inquired if the sidewalk could follow the curb instead of having to place it across the driveways? Mr. Lalonde indicated that if it were a barrier curb then this could have been considered. There are mountable curbs in this area and there are minimum setbacks to maintain the standard boulevard width. He further mentioned that a streetlight is also situated between #55 & #57, which has to be taken into consideration. Mayor Smith then asked that the motion be amended to include that the Developer be responsible for all reasonable expenses related to the construction of the sidewalk. Deputy Mayor stated she does not agree to the motion and stated she is more comfortable in having Staff deal directly with the Developer. The CAO read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY MAYOR B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT pertaining to the appeal of the construction of the sidewalk on Meadowood Drive be amended by adding to the last paragraph, “with the developer being responsible for all reasonable expenses related to the construction of the sidewalk”. DEFEATED. Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 3 of 9 Councillor Stockwell read the original motion. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Pacific Homes, Marl Lake Subdivision Sidewalk Extension, Meadowood Drive Report for information; AND FURTHER THAT Staff be given authority to direct the Developer to extend the sidewalk across the frontages of #55, #57 and #59 Meadowood Drive as proposed. CARRIED Councillor Stockwell advised Mr. & Mrs. Turner that they will be contacted by Staff regarding the placement of the sidewalk. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Recreation Presentation – Item was referred to Staff for further information re. By-Laws established in other municipalities and related costs, including insurance premiums – PW-February 11, 2015, pw-April 22, 2015. Mr. Lalonde advised Committee that he has received a response from the Insurance Agency with respect to the liability policy. He stated he is working with the Treasurer with respect to the O.P.P. costs. Mr. Lalonde stated this item was referred back to staff with respect to specific area By-laws and the costs incurred. Committee concurred. He mentioned that the recommendation won’t necessarily change in that the ATV Club will still need to pursue the link with the neighbouring communities. 5. DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORTS Public Works a) Mr. Pincivero to provide Engineer’s Report on Capital Works Project Status Report. Mr. Pincivero spoke to additional items he wanted to add to his Project Status Report. He stated under the Construction Projects; Schoonertown Bridge Widening, the traffic west of the bridge is expected to be switched before the July long weekend. He stated under the Design Projects; Trillium Creek Flow Containment Berm, the property appraisal, draft reference plan and agreement have been provided to the last property owner for their review and acceptance. Mr. Pincivero informed Committee that a Report on the Main Street Bridge options for staging and traffic control will be brought forward to the June Public Works Committee meeting. Councillor Stockwell then inquired if the speed signs on Main Street have been relocated? He stated it appears the traffic in this area is travelling at a high rate of speed. Mr. Lalonde mentioned Staff have expanded the limit of the 40 km//hr. speed signs. Mayor Brian Smith asked if there are speed signs that indicate the speed being travelled. Mr. Lalonde stated there are speed notification signs that are solar type panel that could be considered if Committee wishes. Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 4 of 9 He indicated they are in the range of approximately $10,000.00 for those types of signage. Councillor Stockwell suggested communicating with the O.P.P. on the speeding issues. Councillor Bray suggested utilizing the Community Policing Committee’s speed sign, as it is mobile and can be moved from place to place and capable in collecting data on the speeds travelled in this particular area. The CAO mentioned that the Community Policing Committee was looking into possibly purchasing a solar powered pole mounted sign that tracks the speed and the technology has improved and costs have since reduced. Councillor Ego inquired if there are any other projects that will be added onto the Project Status Report. Mr. Pincivero stated new projects are added on as they come up, but as far as new projects for this year, he believes all the projects have been added onto his report at this time. Mr. Lalonde mentioned that the maintenance projects are not included on Mr. Pincivero’s Project Status Report, as they are not a Capital item. Mr. Lalonde informed Committee that they will be advertising in the newspaper and website regarding the scope, limits, and scheduling for each project. Discussion then ensued with respect to a meeting that was recently held with respect to the Baywood-New England Village Development. The CAO suggested that Mr. Pincivero could speak to this meeting that was held, as he was in attendance. Mr. Pincivero stated Ainley Representatives, Public Works Staff as well as himself and a Site Superintendent for Baywood Developments recently met to go over and inspect deficiencies within the Development. Mr. Pincivero indicated that while they were present, topsoil was being placed and they were working towards getting the work done. Mr. Pincivero noted that the notice that was to be sent to the owners regarding the deficiencies and the draw on their securities was held, as they had seen that they were moving forward and that the Site Superintendent was hired to finish the site and it was felt that this work would be completed in due time. Councillor Stockwell expressed that the residents in this Development have been more than patient. Mayor Brian Smith requested that the notice to residents be sent anyways to let them know that if the work is not completed than there will be a draw on securities, so that they do not have to go through another season waiting for this work to be done. Councillor Stockwell agreed. Mr. Pincivero stated he will look after arranging this. Mr. Pincivero then spoke to the Studies on his Project Status Report; Nottawasaga River Crossing Environmental Assessment. He stated this project is complete and notified Committee that this will now be removed from his Report. He stated a Public Information Centre will be held on June 18 th, 2015 between 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the West End Water Storage Facility and Maintenance Depot project, which is just before the next Public Works Committee meeting. He stated it will be advertised in the local newspaper as well as the Town website. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the May 11, 2015 Engineer’s Status Report on Capital Works Projects, for information. CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 5 of 9 b) Street Sign Specifications – Veterans Way. Councillor Bray stated she is happy to see this request come this far. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi stated it is great that the Public Works CUPE Staff have offered to contribute two flag poles and flags and look after the maintenance of them. Mayor Smith stated he had been speaking with Mr. Mike Ambeau with respect to their request and asked that they forward a letter to Council reflecting that. Councillor Stockwell inquired when this will come before Committee and whether this would come through Community Services Committee as it relates to the park. Committee concurred. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY MAYOR B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the street sign specifications for the proposed Veterans Way signage include the image of a poppy. CARRIED c) Contract No. 111115-1 – Robinson Road Area Servicing (Phase 2) – Tender Award. Councillor Bray inquired if evaluating to local priced governed bids is considered. Mr. Lalonde stated that this was a tender, which is priced based, and further that a true process for this type of evaluating local content, would be more through a Request for Proposal. The CAO stated taken into consideration life cycle costs are part of this evaluation. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Robinson Road Area Servicing – Phase 2, Contract No. 111115-1 Tender be awarded to B&J Contracting in the amount of $1,329,749.50, which excludes HST; AND FURTHER THAT the project costs exceeding the approved 2015 budget be financed as outlined in the “Financial Implications” section of the May 20, 2015 “Robinson Road Area Servicing – Phase 2, Contract No. 111115-1 Tender Award Recommendation” staff report; AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement for the works. CARRIED Deputy Mayor Bifolchi asked if notices will be going out to the property owners, advising them that the Town is moving forward. Mr. Pincivero stated the residents will be notified. Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 6 of 9 d) Request for Proposal (RFP #2015-10) for One (1) New Heavy-Duty Single Axle Plow & Sander Truck. Mayor Brian Smith inquired about a recently new Single Axle Vehicle that was purchased and had several issues with the weight of the plow on the truck. He asked if this vehicle is now up and running and if the issues have been resolved. Mr. Lalonde stated all the issues have been addressed. Discussion ensued with respect to the front axle rating of vehicles. Mayor Brian Smith inquired as to the reason for purchasing a Single Axle Truck as opposed to a Tandem? Mr. Lalonde noted that two Tandem trucks were purchased a few years ago, and it was recommended that with the number of cul-de-sacs and narrow road allowances, it is much easier for these problematic areas to utilize a Single Axle truck rather than a Tandem. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the heavy-duty vehicle and equipment contract, RFP# PW2015-10, for a new single axle plow & sander truck with options from Larochelle Equipment be awarded to Lewis Motor Sales, in accordance with the completive bid process issued by the County of Simcoe, in the amount of $290,109.42, (Including H.S.T.). CARRIED e) Request for Proposal (RFP #2015-05) for Three (3) New Pick-up Trucks. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY MAYOR B. SMITH SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the light-duty vehicle equipment contract (RFP# PW2015-05) for three (3) new pickup trucks be awarded to Tom Smith Chevrolet Buick GMC Limited, in accordance with the completive bid process issued by the County of Simcoe, in the amount of $94,270.50 (excluding H.S.T.). CARRIED f) Town of Wasaga Beach – Stop Sign Installation Policy. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it adopt the Stop Sign Installation Policy, dated May 2015, for the Town of Wasaga Beach. CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 7 of 9 g) Public Works Accounts –April 2015. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi previously declared a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest with respect to this item. She then left the table. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY MAYOR B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the April 2015 Accounts, as reviewed by the Public Works Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Deputy Mayor Bifolchi then returned to the table. 6. OTHER AGENCY REPORTS Transit a) Request for Tender (PW# 2015-02) for One (1) New Twenty (20) Passenger Transit Bus. Mr. Lalonde informed Committee that this new bus is to replace the first Transit bus that was purchased. He stated they have the Mechanics going over the old bus to confirm its condition prior to auction or sale. He indicated the engine was rebuilt, but the body is in need of major repairs. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Supply and Delivery of One (1) New Transit Vehicle, in accordance with Contract No. PW2015-02, be awarded to Crestline Coach Ltd., in the amount of $95,601.54 (Including H.S.T.). CARRIED Mayor Brian Smith inquired if consideration was given on the size of the bus when tendering, as the Transit Service is growing. Mr. Lalonde stated the Transit Operator conducts the ridership statistics daily, including how frequent riders need to stand due to capacity issues. He stated there are more riders on the Connecting Link bus, than on Route 2, which is our busiest route. He stated the cost for a larger bus is three times more and he stated it was not warranted at this time. Councillor Bray stated with the cost savings on the purchase of the bus, this can help go towards the automated transit fare management system, as well as the integrated on-board Smart card announcement technology for audio/visual electronic display. Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 8 of 9 b) Wasaga Beach Transit Report – April 2015 and Monthly Ridership Statistics. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi spoke to an email that she was copied on with respect to an issue of a bus stop sign that is on River Road West opposite Birchview Dunes School and near the pedestrian crossing to the school. She stated the property owner is upset with the stop being at the end of their driveway and having to contend with littering of garbage and people playing on their driveway. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi asked if someone could call them back today and speak to them in regards to relocating the bus stop further along the road. Mr. Lalonde stated he has looked at other locations. He indicated the bus drivers log the number of pickups in various locations. He stated according to the logs, there is one pick up a day in both these bus stop locations, averaging 30-32 a month. He stated this stop was situated in an area that complies with our policy. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi stated the situation is escalating, as the resident has had their driveway even blocked and the situation needs to be addressed. Mayor Brian Smith asked if this is the only bus stop that is at the end of the driveway? Mr. Lalonde stated the bus stops are placed at property line and in some instances the riders congregate near the ends of driveways, especially in the winter months when the snow is piled up from residents clearing their driveways, etc. The bus provider will make that adjustment. Discussion then ensued as to whether a bus shelter could be placed close to this area to eliminate this problem. Mr. Lalonde stated bus shelters are issued based on the number of riders generated at that particular area. He indicated this location would not accommodate a shelter at this time. The CAO informed Committee that both himself and Mr. Lalonde went out on site and walked both 30 yards each way of the bus stop to look at an alternative solution. The CAO stated he has not responded to the individual on an update, but will do so. He stated if Committee wishes to get rid of stop all together, this could be done, but from a School standpoint, this location would be the area the kids would go to. Councillor Stockwell suggested the resident be contacted to ask them to attend a Public Works Committee meeting. Committee concurred. The CAO stated he will contact the resident today to notify them of this. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY MAYOR B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Transit Report for April 2015, for information. CARRIED c) Wasaga Beach-Collingwood Link Ridership – April 2015 Statistics. Councillor Stockwell read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY MAYOR B. SMITH SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga BeachCollingwood Link Ridership Statistics for April 2015, for information. CARRIED Public Works Committee – May 20, 2015 7. 9 of 9 CLOSED SESSION a) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality. Committee went into Closed Session at 9:37 a.m. declared. The CAO read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY R. EGO There was no Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Public Works Committee meeting be closed to the public to consider a proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. CARRIED The Public Works Engineer provided an update on the proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. The CAO read the motion. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the Public Works Committee meeting adjourns and the open session resumes. CARRIED Committee went out of Closed Session at 9:51 a.m. MOVED BY MAYOR B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the Director of Public Works during the Closed Session regarding a proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. CARRIED 8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in the Classroom. 9. ADJOURNMENT Councillor Stockwell adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Councillor Anderson, Chair General Government Committee SUBJECT: Actions from the May 20, 2015 General Government Committee Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the General Government Committee Report dated May 20 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the General Government Committee meeting held on May 20, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Economic Development & Communication Monthly Report – April 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby receive the April 2015 Economic Development and Corporate Communication Officer’s Report, for information. CARRIED Skull Island Themed Events Trailer RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT Item 5b) referred back to staff for further review to determine the best way to handle this request and other requests that may come forward to advertise activities offered at the beach. CARRIED General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 2 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the placement of a Skull Island themed portable trailer inclusive of the arcade style game Skee Ball for operation of up to three hours per day (weather permitting) on the pedestrian walkway located at Beach Area One; and, FURTHER THAT the portable trailer inclusive of the arcade style game Skee Ball participate in community based events that the Recreation Coordinator deems appropriate. REFERRED Special Events Monthly Report. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby receive the May 2015 Special Events Report, for information. CARRIED Wasaga Midway Update RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting a second week of the annual Wasaga Midway from August 11 to 16, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT the Midway occupy the Playland Park Square exclusively from August 10, 2015 to and including August 17, 2015 with the Town receiving $6,000.00 for loss of parking revenue; and FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides 10 parking passes to be used exclusively in Playland parking lot from August 10 to 17, 2015 to accommodate management staying on site and staff with mobility issues; and, FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides use of half of the Town owned Nancy Island Lot from July 21, 2015 to July 28, 2015 and August 10, 2015 to August 17, 2015 to accommodate the remainder of Albion Amusement staff, provided the lot is only used for accommodation vehicles, such as recreation vehicles; and, FURTHER THAT the Town allow Albion Amusements to park tractor trailer vehicles at the Wasaga Starts Arena from July 21, 2014 to July 28, 2015 and August 10, 2015 to August 17, 2015. CARRIED General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Corvette Weekend 3 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting Beach Cruize / Corvette Weekend on August 15, 2015; and FURTHER THAT the Beach Drive from 1st Street to 3rd Street and 2nd & 3rd Streets be closed on Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 6am to 4:30pm; and, FURTHER THAT the sponsorship include exclusive use of the 3rd Street and 1st Street lots free of charge for the event for the purpose of parking and display of participant’s vehicles. The closure will be on Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 6am to 4:30pm; and, FURTHER THAT the one lane on Main Street, heading South between the entrance to Swiss Chalet to Stonebridge Blvd. be closed Friday, August 14th, 2015 from 4pm to 10pm; FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve granting a $1,500 sponsorship to the Corvette Club for the Corvette Club’s 25th annual Beach Cruize Weekend. CARRIED Georgian Triangle Music Festival RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the General Government does recommend to Council approval of the Georgian Triangle Music Festival on July 3 & 4 2015 at a variety of venues in Wasaga Beach; and, FURTHER THAT a $2,500.00 sponsorship grant be provided to the Georgian Triangle Music Festival to assist with acquiring live entertainment acts to enhance the event. CARRIED Not So Pro Volleyball RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council to approve hosting the Not So Pro Beach Volleyball Tournament on July 24 - 26, 2015 at Beach Area Two; and, FURTHER THAT the Not So Pro Beach Volleyball Event be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides up to 15 parking passes to be used exclusively in 3rd Street parking lot for event staff valid only on July 24-26, 2015. CARRIED General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Underground Series Approval & Funding 4 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting the Underground Series Event from, Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12, 2015 along Beach Areas One and Two; and, FURTHER THAT the Underground Series Event be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed starting at 2nd Street to 3rd Street, and 3rd Street north of the Public Parking lot be closed from 6:00 a.m. July 9 until 8:00 a.m. on June 13, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed starting at 1st Street to 2nd Street and 2nd Street north of the Former Fire Station #1 be closed from 6:00 a.m. July 10 until 8:00 a.m. on June 13, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT 1st and 3rd Street lots be utilized for participant parking; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that $10,500.00 partnership funding be provided to the organizers of the Underground Series in support of a partnership marketing plan. CARRIED Wasaga Under Siege RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommends to Council hosting Wasaga under Siege, “a War of 1812 Experience” on August 15th and 16th at Nancy Island Historic Site; and, FURTHER THAT a $1,000.00 sponsorship be provided to assist with offsetting the costs of the event; and, FURTHER THAT the remaining half of the Nancy Island parking lot be closed for special needs parking and the 4th Street lot be utilized for event participant parking beginning on August 14th through to August 16th for the duration of the event. CARRIED Scorpions Youth Volleyball Tournament RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommends to Council to approve hosting the 1st annual Scorpions Ontario Volleyball Association Satellite Youth Volleyball Tournament on June 27 and 28, 2015 in Beach Area Two. CARRIED General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Motorcycle Rally 5 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it provide final approval hosting the Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally on Saturday, July 18 to Sunday, July 19, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT the Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed from Spruce Street to 3rd Street, Spruce Street be converted into a two-way, 2nd Street closed from LCBO and 3rd Street be closed to all vehicles except motorcycles from 8:00 a.m. July 18 until 4:00 p.m. on July 19, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT all parking lots in the Main Beach Area (Spruce lot, Playland Park Square, First Street lot and Third Street lot) be available for the event as determined and authorized by staff; and, FURTHER THAT the SL100 stage be utilized as an in-kind sponsorship; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that $5,000.00 sponsorship funding be provided to assist with offsetting festival costs. CARRIED Healthy Parks, Healthy People RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT the General Government recommends to Council that it approve the Town of Wasaga Beach providing free parking in all the municipal lots valid only Friday, July 17th, 2015 in conjunction with the Healthy Parks, Healthy People initiative, Get to know your Park. CARRIED Treasurer – Diamond Solutions Budget Variance RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the budget variance for Software Licenses & Maintenance of $2,980 plus application taxes for the upgrade of the Diamond Software to the 2018 version as the current version will no longer be supported beginning in October 2015. CARRIED Treasurer – Breakdown of Municipal Tax Levy RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it receive the Treasurer’s report on the breakdown of the Municipal Tax Levy on the Town’s Tax Bills, for information. CARRIED General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Treasurer – Financial Disclosure Requirements Ontario Reg. 284/09 6 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-16 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it receive the report addressing the financial disclosure requirements as outlined in Ontario Regulation 2894/09 with respect to the amortization expense being excluded from the 2015 budget. CARRIED Clerk – 1st Quarter Report RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-17 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee receive the 2015 Clerk’s Department (Records Management, Election, Land, Cemetery, Accessibility and Historical Advisory Committees), First Quarter Financial Report, for information. CARRIED Clerk – Bill 8 Accountability & Transparency Act 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-18 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby receive the Historical Advisory Committee Minutes of March 2, 2015, for information. CARRIED Integrity Commissioner RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-19 RESOLVED THAT General Government recommend to Council that it appoint an Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Wasaga Beach. Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Smith Mayor Smith CARRIED Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Clerk – Municipal Elections Act List of Electors 7 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-20 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee received the Clerk’s Report on the Municipal Elections Act – List of Electors; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it encourages the Province to make legislative changes to the Municipal Elections Act pertaining to how information is provided for the Preliminary List of Electors to ensure improvements for an accurate Voters’ list for the next Municipal Election. CARRIED Clerk – Historical Advisory Committee Minutes – April 13, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-21 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee received the Historical Advisory Committee Minutes of April 13, 2015, as circulated. CARRIED Deputy Clerk – 109-37th Street North - Pacione RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-22 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that the municipal lands located on 37th Street North that abut 109 37th Street North, be declared surplus to the municipality’s needs and sold to the abutting property owner at 109 37th Street North. CARRIED Deputy Clerk – Cemetery Fees Increase RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-23 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it approve an increase in Foundation and Repurchase of Interment Rights fees and charges for the Wasaga Beach Cemetery. Single Foundation: Double Foundation: Triple Foundation: Repurchase of Interment Rights: CARRIED $525.00 $600.00 $700.00 $200.00 General Government Committee – May 20, 2015 Accounts – April 2015 8 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-23 RESOLVED THAT the March Accounts as reviewed by General Government Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Quebec Market Partnership RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-24 RESOLVED THAT General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the submission of a grant application to the County of Simcoe for the second $50,000 under the established Economic Development Fund for the purpose of an advertising and promotional campaign focused on the Quebec Market in partnership with Tourism Simcoe County. Respectively Submitted, Ron Anderson, Councillor Chair, General Government Committee GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Held Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT: 1. R. Anderson S. Bray N. Bifolchi B. Smith B. Stockwell R. Ego B.F. Smith Councillor/Chair Councillor/Co-Chair Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Mayor G. Vadeboncoeur T. Nicholson P. Archdekin M. Quinlan J. Legget A. Webster CAO Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer EDCCO Special Events Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - None 3. DEPUTATIONS, PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Wasaga Beach Business Association - Shirley Beere and Bruce Roberts in attendance with respect to Wednesday evening entertainment for residents and visitors Ms. Beere and Mr. Roberts were welcomed to the table. Mr. Roberts thanked Committee for the opportunity to speak. He also thanked the current and former Council for help with the coupon program last year commenting that they are doing the same this year. Mr. Roberts noted that is not why they are here. He wanted to take the opportunity to thank the Council publically. Mr. Roberts advised that he owns Bungalows on the Beach and Ms. Beere owns Edgewater Resort and they have collaborated for an event for residents and tourists for the Town of Wasaga Beach events which will be overseen by Tanya Snell, Shirley Beere, Joe Bickerstaff and Bruce Roberts. The plans are for free entertainment in July and August on Wednesday nights when there are no other events planned. General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 2 of 16 Mr. Roberts advised they are looking for assistance from the Town for use of Playland Park Square; insurance to cover the events; set up and use of the Town Festival stage; sound system; projector; movie screen; free parking for residents and guests on Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 11 p.m.; budget of $3,000 to assist with cost of the events, printing posters, marketing, rack cards, etc; bathrooms open during the event; garbage cans installed and garbage removed as needed as well as Town signage promoting the event. If the Town agrees in principle the core group would continue to work with Town staff to ensure that each aspect of the events are in accordance with the approved guidelines set out by the Town. Mayor Smith commented that it is a great idea and commends the Wasaga Beach Business Association for bringing the idea forward noting that the Town does not have any scheduled events on Wednesdays. It is a great opportunity for locals and tourists. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi requested that a staff report be brought back with actual costs for time staff and equipment and that the chain of command be that staff is under Town direction and this group has no authority to direct for set up. Councillor Anderson requested staff to prepare a Report back to Committee with all costs and Terms of Reference. Ms. Beere and Mr. Roberts were thanked for their presentation. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) b) 102 Fernbrook Drive Encroachments – Aug. 28, 2014; October 16, 2014 Community Health Centre – Development Charges; October 16, 2014 Councillor Bray questioned Item 4a) as she understands 102 Fernbrook has sold. The CAO advised he has not been advised of that and would look into it. 5. DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORTS Economic Development and Communications a) Monthly Report – April 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby receive the April 2015 Economic Development and Corporate Communication Officer’s Report, for information. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 b) Page 3 of 16 Skull Island Themed Events Trailer and Parade Float Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted that she has no doubt this would be a quality product; however, is disappointed to see a recommendation to support one private enterprise for free. If the business community was aware of free spots and opened it up to all businesses she could support it. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi urged all businesses to come in and ask for a free spot. Councillor Smith felt it was a good activity for families and children. She suggested that if other businesses want to provide to add to the experience, let’s hear from them as well. Mayor Smith thought it was a great idea and any business who wants to come forward and put forth a request, he would support that to enhance tourism and business in Wasaga Beach. They have to be willing to come forward and spend significant dollars to make it a viable endeavor. Councillor Bray did not support favouring one business over another and if Council wants this, an RFP should be issued advising what we are looking for and all have an opportunity. She is struggling with providing free space. She inquired if people have to pay for the event. Ms. Legget advised there is a small fee. Councillor Ego supported the idea, but is not sure the way it is put together is the right way; however, he supports entertainment for kids. Councillor Stockwell inquired if this has happened in the past. Ms. Legget advised that three years ago there was an inflatable water slide in 3rd St. Parking Lot and they charged a fee. The parking lot lost revenue. This event is in the Pedestrian Mall. Skull Island is a family activity entertainment themed amusement. There are Go Karts and Lazer Tag; however, this would be the only amusement within Beach Area 1 and 2. Discussion ensured with respect to setting a precedent; nothing else has come forward to go in the Pedestrian Mall, a fee; anticipation of other businesses coming forward once they see a business operating; the need for all businesses to have the same opportunity to make it fair and the land having a value to be used. The CAO advised that a few years ago Phat Wakes Wave Runner Rentals wanted to establish a kiosk, which Council approved and it was located in the Playland Parking Lot between Bananas and Copa Cabana. He promoted his own business as well as an information booth for other businesses. It was provided free of charge in exchange for promoting other businesses, handing out pamphlets etc. They offered information on activities and provided direction to tourists. That kiosk lasted two years. Councillor Smith advised that she would support it but wants a report if further requests are received for costs and policy of requirements to be there. General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 4 of 16 Councillor Anderson agreed with Deputy Mayor Bifolchi that this is offering a benefit to one business only, not every business and being offered for free. This is precedent setting and it has to be open to everyone. It is almost June 1st and he can’t see others getting up and running now. He will not support it. Mayor Smith moved that it be referred back to staff for a recommendation. Councillor Stockwell felt it would be the start of a midway, which is good, but there has to be a charge. Can’t give the land for free and call that fair. He asked that the report expand on the potential. It was then; MOVED BY B.F. SMITH SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT Item 5b) referred back to staff for further review to determine the best way to handle this request and other requests that may come forward to advertise activities offered at the beach. CARRIED MOVED BY B.F. SMITH SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the placement of a Skull Island themed portable trailer inclusive of the arcade style game Skee Ball for operation of up to three hours per day (weather permitting) on the pedestrian walkway located at Beach Area One; and, FURTHER THAT the portable trailer inclusive of the arcade style game Skee Ball participate in community based events that the Recreation Coordinator deems appropriate. REFERRED e) Economic Development & Communications Accounts – May 2015 – no comments Special Events a) Monthly Report – May 2015 General Government - May 20, 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY Page 5 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee receive the May 2015 Special Events Report, for information. CARRIED b) Wasaga Midway update Committee held a discussion on the date the Midway would be operating; use of parking lots for the Midway, employee trailer parking at the Nancy Island and storage of trailers/big trucks at the Wasaga Stars Arena; two other events on the same weekend and use of parking lots for all events that same weekend. Ms. Webster noted that the organizers of the Corvette event did not have an issue with another event at the same time and saw it as a positive that people could go from one event to the other. The Mayor commended Ms. Webster for three events on the same weekend and he felt the more evens the better as it’s good to see so much going on in the summer months. The CAO advised that both parking lots can be used for both activities provided supervision is given to the Midway with respect to how they use the parking lot. Staff can guide them where they need to be and if they keep to one side there is sufficient room for the re-enactors to use the Nancy Island Parking Lot also. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting a second week of the annual Wasaga Midway from August 11 to 16, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT the Midway occupy the Playland Park Square exclusively from August 10, 2015 to and including August 17, 2015 with the Town receiving $6,000.00 for loss of parking revenue; and FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides 10 parking passes to be used exclusively in Playland parking lot from August 10 to 17, 2015 to accommodate management staying on site and staff with mobility issues; and, FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides use of half of the Town owned Nancy Island Lot from July 21, 2015 to July 28, 2015 and August 10, 2015 to August 17, 2015 to accommodate the remainder of Albion Amusement staff, provided the lot is only used for accommodation vehicles, such as recreation vehicles; and, FURTHER THAT the Town allow Albion Amusements to park tractor trailer vehicles at the Wasaga Starts Arena from July 21, 2014 to July 28, 2015 and August 10, 2015 to August 17, 2015. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 c) Page 6 of 16 Corvette Weekend Discussion ensued with respect to the request to use all parking lots and signage directing residents and other visitors where they can park; purpose of one lane being closed to traffic; cost of awards should be from sponsorship money, not the Town; and a discussion on Town sponsorship of the event. It was noted that this is their 25th Anniversary and a lot of Corvette’s are expected and with the opening ceremonies being at Boston Pizza they requested that the lane be closed so the vets can park along the road as well as in the Boston Pizza Parking Lot. Concern was expressed that there would not be any parking lots open for visitors and resident. A short discussion ensued with respect to the Town giving up parking spaces and lost revenue and the private lots raising their prices/gouging the public that has to be addressed. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting Beach Cruize / Corvette Weekend on August 15, 2015; and FURTHER THAT the Beach Drive from 1st Street to 3rd Street and 2nd & 3rd Streets be closed on Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 6am to 4:30pm; and, FURTHER THAT the sponsorship include exclusive use of the 3rd Street and 1st Street lots free of charge for the event for the purpose of parking and display of participant’s vehicles. The closure will be on Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 6am to 4:30pm; and, FURTHER THAT the one lane on Main Street, heading South between the entrance to Swiss Chalet to Stonebridge Blvd. be closed Friday, August 14th, 2015 from 4pm to 10pm; FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve granting a $1,500 sponsorship to the Corvette Club for the Corvette Club’s 25th annual Beach Cruize Weekend. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 d) Page 7 of 16 Georgian Triangle Music Festival MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the General Government does recommend to Council approval of the Georgian Triangle Music Festival on July 3 & 4 2015 at a variety of venues in Wasaga Beach; and, FURTHER THAT a $2,500.00 sponsorship grant be provided to the Georgian Triangle Music Festival to assist with acquiring live entertainment acts to enhance the event. CARRIED d) Not So Pro - Volleyball Committee inquired how many “municipally significant events” the Town can have before the AGCO says there are enough. Ms. Legget advised there is no quota. Event organizers have to get a permit for the sale. Discussion ensued with respect to Town permission on an event on Ministry lands. It was noted the Town works with the MNR and because there is a beer garden they request that the Town call it a municipally significant event for the application. It was then; MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council to approve hosting the Not So Pro Beach Volleyball Tournament on July 24 26, 2015 at Beach Area Two; and, FURTHER THAT the Not So Pro Beach Volleyball Event be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach provides up to 15 parking passes to be used exclusively in 3rd Street parking lot for event staff valid only on July 24-26, 2015. CARRIED f) Underground Series Approval & Funding MOVED BY N. BILFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve hosting the Underground Series Event from, Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12, 2015 along Beach Areas One and Two; and, General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 8 of 16 FURTHER THAT the Underground Series Event be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed starting at 2nd Street to 3rd Street, and 3rd Street north of the Public Parking lot be closed from 6:00 a.m. July 9 until 8:00 a.m. on June 13, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed starting at 1st Street to 2nd Street and 2nd Street north of the Former Fire Station #1 be closed from 6:00 a.m. July 10 until 8:00 a.m. on June 13, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT 1st and 3rd Street lots be utilized for participant parking; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that $10,500.00 partnership funding be provided to the organizers of the Underground Series in support of a partnership marketing plan. CARRIED g) Wasaga Under Siege A brief discussion was held with respect to the two options and it was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommends to Council hosting Wasaga under Siege, “a War of 1812 Experience” on August 15th and 16th at Nancy Island Historic Site; and, FURTHER THAT a $1,000.00 sponsorship be provided to assist with offsetting the costs of the event; and, FURTHER THAT the remaining half of the Nancy Island parking lot be closed for special needs parking and the 4th Street lot be utilized for event participant parking beginning on August 14th through to August 16th for the duration of the event. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 h) Page 9 of 16 Scorpions Youth Volleyball Tournament MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommends to Council to approve hosting the 1st annual Scorpions Ontario Volleyball Association Satellite Youth Volleyball Tournament on June 27 and 28, 2015 in Beach Area Two. CARRIED i) Motorcycle Rally A lengthy discussion ensued with the request for use of every parking lot and the entire main end for this event, what the organizers were requesting and if it was included in the budget. It was noted that the Festival Stage is part of special events budget and when an organizer fills out the application they make the request. Council has not attached a rental fee if used for events in the Town. Mr. Reinders recently recommended a fee for Festival Stage to be used out of Town. It was also noted that Festival Stage is being requested for most events now. The Treasurer explained the difference with grants to organizations and in-kind sponsorship for events. Committee noted that Council has to know how much parking revenue is being lost for these events. The events are wanted but at what cost to the tax payer. We are losing $30,000 – 50,000 a weekend on these events. The CAO advised that he wished to confirm that the request is for an analysis for lost parking revenue. Committee noted that if the parking lots are closed on weekends the By-Law Officers should also not be on duty. It was suggested that Council take a very close look at the whole sponsorship program, grants, giving parking spaces and the effects on the budget at the end of the day. This needs to be addressed in the fall to have something in place for next season. It was noted that groups with beer tents make money so there is no reason why would they need a grant from the Town. The CAO indicated Council and staff need to have a full understanding for the 2016 budget. The Festival Stage is a nice problem to have and Council bought it for these types of events. With the recent decision to let the stage be used out of Town there is now a cost associated with that stage use. The Festival Stage needs to have a full cost attached to it. General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 10 of 16 Mayor Smith suggested that the organizer needs to be put on notice there won’t be any sponsorship next year as the beer tent raises funds. He further suggested that consideration should be given to setting up the Festival Stage and leaving it set up as there is a lot of man power and cost to set up and tear down for every event twice a week in the same location and doesn’t make a lot of sense. Fencing could be put around it when not in use. Committee directed that it be at staff’s discretion on parking and one lot will be filled up before another and if not full lots will opened up to the public. Parking must remain open. Committee directed that a report come back with an analysis of the lack of parking spots and how much revenue is lost from Special Events using the parking lots. Committee gave consensus to amend the motion that the Main end parking lots be available for the event “as determined and authorized by staff”. It was then; MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it provide final approval hosting the Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally on Saturday, July 18 to Sunday, July 19, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT the Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally be deemed a “Municipally Significant” event for AGCO purposes; and, FURTHER THAT Beach Drive be closed from Spruce Street to 3rd Street, Spruce Street be converted into a two-way, 2nd Street closed from LCBO and 3rd Street be closed to all vehicles except motorcycles from 8:00 a.m. July 18 until 4:00 p.m. on July 19, 2015; and, FURTHER THAT all parking lots in the Main Beach Area (Spruce lot, Playland Park Square, First Street lot and Third Street lot) be available for the event as determined and authorized by staff; and, FURTHER THAT the SL100 stage be utilized as an in-kind sponsorship; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that $5,000.00 sponsorship funding be provided to assist with offsetting festival costs. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 j) Page 11 of 16 Healthy Parks, Healthy People MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT the General Government recommends to Council that it approve the Town of Wasaga Beach providing free parking in all the municipal lots valid only Friday, July 17th, 2015 in conjunction with the Healthy Parks, Healthy People initiative, Get to know your Park. CARRIED d) Special Events Accounts – April 2015 – No comments Administration a) Treasurer – Diamond Municipal Solutions – Budget Variance MOVED BY N. BIFOLCI SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the budget variance for Software Licenses & Maintenance of $2,980 plus application taxes for the upgrade of the Diamond Software to the 2018 version as the current version will no longer be supported beginning in October 2015. CARRIED b) Treasurer – Breakdown of Municipal Tax Levy on Final Tax Bills MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it receive the Treasurer’s report on the breakdown of the Municipal Tax Levy on the Town’s Tax Bills, for information. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 c) Page 12 of 16 Treasurer – Financial Disclosure Requirements Ontario Regulation 284/09 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-16 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it receive the report addressing the financial disclosure requirements as outlined in Ontario Regulation 2894/09 with respect to the amortization expense being excluded from the 2015 budget. CARRIED d) Clerk – 1st Quarter Financial Report MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-17 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee receive the 2015 Clerk’s Department (Records Management, Election, Land, Cemetery, Accessibility and Historical Advisory Committees), First Quarter Financial Report, for information. CARRIED e) Clerk – Bill 8 – Accountability & Transparency Act 2014 Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted that the report is being received for information at this time; however, requested a report to appoint an Auditor General. Mayor Smith was of the opinion that there should be an Integrity Commissioner that deals with this Council only and made a motion to appoint one. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi stated that Committee isn’t prepared at this meeting to appoint an Integrity Commissioner as more information is needed. She stated that if this comes forward then she would like consideration to appoint an Auditor General as well. The CAO advised that a report will be coming back to Committee with an opportunity for further discussion. This item is to receive this information on Bill 8 and wait for a further report to address matters then. Mayor Smith stated he is prepared to make a motion now and requested a recorded vote. Councillor Bifolchi didn’t disagree with appointing an Integrity Commissioner; however, was of the opinion that it was premature without further information to consider; she advised she will have to vote against it. General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 13 of 16 The Clerk explained that the Integrity Commissioner carries out independent investigations on members of Council’s ethical behaviour – generally the Code of Conduct and Procedural By-Law and any other affected legislation. Her intention will be to recommend an Integrity Commissioner when the new Code of Conduct is adopted. A Municipal Ombudsman independently investigates complaints by the public. The Auditor General independently investigates how Council and staff spend money. The Clerk explained that Bill 8 is a significant piece of legislation that will have affect all municipalities in Ontario that will give the Provincial Ombudsman the power to oversee accountability and transparency measure of local municipal Councils. As the Bill has not been proclaimed yet, it is unknown how it will affect Wasaga Beach specifically, but it will affect the Town; however, it’s not certain to what extent and will depend on the services the Town provides. The Clerk will report back to Committee as the Bill is proclaimed and Regulations released. Councillor Smith asked what happens if Councillors don’t sign the Code of Conduct. The Clerk explained that there is no legal requirement to sign the Code of Conduct; it is Council’s practice and best practice to sign it indicating that members have received it. Council is still bound to adhere to Federal, Provincial and Municipal legislation and policies. An update to the Code of Conduct is coming back to Committee for consideration. Mayor Smith spoke to the Code of Conduct and saw no reason why someone would not sign indicating they have received it. The Councillor doesn’t have to agree with it, they just sign saying they received it. It is a policy of the Town; therefore, are required to adhere to it. Bill 8 has not been proclaimed yet and whether we have or do not have an Integrity Commissioner, the Mayor was of the opinion that every Council should and made a motion to appoint one. MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-18 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee receive the Clerk’s Report on Bill 8 – Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014, for information. CARRIED Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that she is not opposed to appointing an Integrity Commissioner; however, Committee is not at this meeting to appoint one, but to receive the report for information. The Clerk advised that she will bring a report back on an Integrity Commissioner and their responsibilities for the Town. She suggested that the Integrity Commissioner can be a joint role with the Closed Meeting Investigator, which Council already has. She will report back with further information. General Government - May 20, 2015 Page 14 of 16 Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted this recommendation is saying appoint one and asked that when the report comes forward, if Bill 8 is not finalized wants more information and information on an Auditor General. Councillor Bray indicated there is not enough information to vote on the motion. The CAO advised that the Mayor has put forward a motion and if that motion is defeated, when the legislation is proclaimed, the Clerk will bring the matter forward again with a further report. If the motion is carried it goes to Council next week and at that Council meeting the motion can be referred to staff to prepare a report as discussed. It is important that Council have a full picture of the implications as discussed. Councillor Smith questioned if Bill 8 replaces the Municipal Act requirements for these roles. The Clerk advised that Bill 8 is separate piece of legislation from the Municipal Act. The Municipal Act was rewritten in 2001 to give Council the responsibility and autonomy to govern its own affairs with transparency for accountability. With this new Municipal Act, Council was given authority to appoint certain independent roles to ensure accountability and transparency. However, the Provincial Ombudsman doesn’t believe municipal Councils are being transparent enough; therefore, Bill 8 is coming into law giving the Ontario Ombudsman more power over municipalities to ensure they are transparent and accountable for the decisions that are made. The Clerk advised that it will be prudent for municipalities in Ontario to ensure they have official policies and procedures in place, and adhered to, to protect the municipality against this additional unnecessary oversight of the Provincial Ombudsman. Bill 8 has received Royal Assent; it’s a matter of waiting for the Regulations when it’s proclaimed to determine how it affects Wasaga Beach. Mayor Smith stated that he doesn’t need to see a staff report to make a decision; every Council and Board should have an Integrity Commissioner. The Clerk noted that when Committee of the Whole considered the Code of Conduct there was a concern the CAO had responsibility for doing the investigations. Appointing this role would take the responsibility out of the CAO’s office and put it on an independent Integrity Commissioner. Mayor Smith requested a recorded vote. It was then; MOVED BY B.F. SMITH SEOCNDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-19 RESOLVED THAT General Government recommend to Council that it appoint an Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Wasaga Beach. General Government - May 20, 2015 Councillor Anderson Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Smith Mayor Smith f) Yea Yea Yea Page 15 of 16 Nay Nay CARRIED Clerk - Municipal Elections Act – List of Electors MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY N. BIFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-20 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee received the Clerk’s Report on the Municipal Elections Act – List of Electors; and, FURTHER THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it encourages the Province to make legislative changes to the Municipal Elections Act pertaining to how information is provided for the Preliminary List of Electors to ensure improvements for an accurate Voters’ list for the next Municipal Election. CARRIED g) Clerk - Historical Advisory Committee Minutes – April 13, 2015 MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-21 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee received the Historical Advisory Committee Minutes of April 13, 2015, as circulated. CARRIED h) Deputy Clerk – Request to Purchase Public Property – 109 37th St. N. Pacione MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-22 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that the municipal lands located on 37th Street North that abut 109 37th Street North, be declared surplus to the municipality’s needs and sold to the abutting property owner at 109 37th Street North. CARRIED General Government - May 20, 2015 i) Page 16 of 16 Deputy Clerk – Cemetery Fees increase MOVED BY N. BIFOLCHI SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-23 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Committee recommend to Council that it approve an increase in Foundation and Repurchase of Interment Rights fees and charges for the Wasaga Beach Cemetery. Single Foundation: Double Foundation: Triple Foundation: Repurchase of Interment Rights: i) $525.00 $600.00 $700.00 $200.00 CARRIED Council and Administration Accounts – April 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY N. BILFOLCHI RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-24 RESOLVED THAT the April 2015 Accounts as reviewed by General Government Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED The CAO advised that there is one more motion for consideration from Economic Development with respect to the Quebec Market. Consensus was provided to allow the item to be added; it was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-25 RESOLVED THAT General Government Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it approve the submission of a grant application to the County of Simcoe for the second $50,000 under the established Economic Development Fund for the purpose of an advertising and promotional campaign focused on the Quebec Market in partnership with Tourism Simcoe County. CARRIED 6. OTHER AGENCY REPORTS - None 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – June 17, 2015 8. ADJOURNMENT Councillor Anderson adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Councillor Ron Ego, Chair Community Services Committee SUBJECT: Actions from May 21, 2015 Community Services Committee Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Community Services Committee Report dated May 21, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Community Services Committee meeting held on May 21, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS OPP Huronia West Correspondence Resolution No. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the OPP Huronia West correspondence, for information. CARRIED Community Policing Minutes Resolution No. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the March 2015 Community Policing Minutes, for information. CARRIED Library Board Minutes Resolution No. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the March 2015 Library Board Minutes, for information. CARRIED Library 2014 Year in Review Resolution No. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Public Library 2014 Year in Review report for information. CARRIED Community Services Committee – May 26, 2015 Fire Department Report 2 of 3 Resolution No. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the May 2015 Fire Department Report, for information. CARRIED Municipal Law Enforcement Activities Resolution No. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Municipal Law Enforcement Department’s May 2015 monthly activity report be received, for information. CARRIED Parks, Facilities and Recreation Report Resolution No. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the Parks, Facilities and Recreation monthly activity report as information. CARRIED Shoppers Drug Mart Charity Yard Sale Event Resolution No. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby support the Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreations recommendation to allow the Shoppers Drug Mart “A Walk For The Cure” Charity Yard Sale event to take place in the RecPlex Parking lot on Saturday, June 6, 2015. CARRIED Departmental Accounts Resolution No. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the OPP, Fire, Municipal Law Enforcement, Parks, Facilities and Recreation departmental accounts for the month of April 2015, as reviewed by the Community Services Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Respectively Submitted, Councillor Ron Ego, Chair, Community Services Committee COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT Meeting held Thursday May 21, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. In the Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT: ABSENT: 1. B. Smith R. Ego S. Bray B. Smith B. Stockwell Mayor Councillor/Chair Councillor Councillor Councillor T. Nicholson M. McWilliam G. Reinders D. Vincent L. Licharson J. Beaudin K. Wagner Clerk Fire Chief Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreation Sr. MLEO Huronia West OPP Public Library Recording Secretary G. Vadeboncoeur J. Fisher Chief Administrative Officer Ministry of Natural Resources CALL TO ORDER Councillor Ego called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Bray declared Pecuniary Interest in regards to the Recreation Cheque Register PAP dated 04-30-2015 as it pertains to a family business. 3. DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS a) Mr. Carrier provided a presentation on the Fire Marque Program. Mr. Ego welcomed Mr. Carrier to the table. Mr. Carrier provided background information to the Committee with respect to the Fire Marque Program. He highlighted that Fire Marque Inc. is a Canadian company and further explained how the program is able to provide funding to the community's fire departments. Mr. Carrier reviewed a power point presentation and explained how insurance companies provide coverage of charges related to work carried out by Fire Departments at a fire scene. Any work done by a Fire Department at a fire scene is recorded on a standard incident report that is submitted to the Fire Marshal. He outlined key definitions and interpretations and what costs might be recovered from an insurance company. Mr. Carrier addressed several inquiries and provided clarification. Chief McWilliam will provide a staff report with respect to the Fire Marque Program. b) Ms. Falardeau to discuss the Property Standards By-Law and its application. Mr. Ego welcomed Ms. Falardeau to the table. Ms. Falardeau advised Committee that she would like to bring forward an official request to Council with respect to several by-law related issues. Community Services Committee – May 21, 2015 2 of 5 She expressed her concerns with respect to the application of the Property Standards By-Law for maintenance and occupancy of property. This By-Law has been adopted as the minimum standards for all properties within the Town of Wasaga Beach. Ms. Falardeau commented on the Noise By-Law and indicated separating areas of Wasaga Beach into residential and tourist zones. She spoke in regards to By-Law staff following up on dog registration, licensing and tagging. Ms. Falardeau spoke with respect to concerns within some of the campgrounds in Wasaga Beach. She suggested allowing residents and seasonal property owners to have two garage sales per year at no charge, at the beginning and the end of the summer season. Councillor Ego thanked Ms. Falardeau for her presentation. Mr. Reinders introduced Mr. Joshua Pallas as the Recreation Coordinator for the Parks, Facilities and Recreation Department and provided background information on his work experience. Mr. Reinders highlighted Mrs. Poole’s dedication for her role as the acting Recreation Coordinator for the last sixteen months. The Mayor and Chair extended their thanks to Ms. Poole and congratulations to Mr. Pallas. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – a) 5. Sign By-Law (reviewed) – March 12, 2009 OTHER AGENCY REPORTS OPP a) OPP Report Staff Sargent Licharson advised Committee on the new formatting for reporting the calls for service and then reviewed them for the month of April. He provided details relating to how the street crime unit is dealing with property related offenses. In response to an inquiry Staff Sargent Licharson provided clarification regarding drug crime offenses. He then pointed out that the quarterly Police Services Board Report for Huronia West is based on all calls for the detachment not just Wasaga Beach. Councillor Ego asked if there were any questions or comments. Mayor Smith expressed his concerns with respect to how incidents are being reported to the media during the long weekends and commented that other tourist communities are not reporting in this way. Staff Sargent Licharson mentioned that he cannot control how or if other tourist communities report to the media. Mayor Smith asked if this is a standard practice and who makes the determination on what is reported. A brief discussion took place. Mayor Smith will follow up with Inspector Hunter on this matter. b) OPP Huronia West Detachment Correspondence Councillor Ego asked if there were any comments and there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the OPP Huronia West correspondence, for information. CARRIED Community Services Committee – May 21, 2015 c) 3 of 5 Community Policing Minutes – March 2015 Councillor Ego asked if there were any questions or comments relating to the Community Policing Minutes and there were none. It was then; MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY B. STOCKWELL RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the March 2015 Community Policing Minutes, for information. CARRIED d) Policing Accounts – April 2015 - no comments Library a) Minutes of the Library Board Meeting – March 2015 Councillor Ego asked if there were any questions or comments relating to the Library Board Minutes and there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the March 2015 Community Policing Minutes, for information. CARRIED b) Wasaga Beach Public Library 2014 Year in Review Councillor Ego asked if there were any questions or comments. It was noted that the Wasaga Beach Public Library 2014 Year in Review was very informative. Councillor Bray provided further details to the Committee in regards to the Library Invitation for the Celeb Day in July 2015. It was then; MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Public Library 2014 Year in Review report for information. CARRIED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE a) Chamber of Commerce Report – No report received. It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce has not sent reports to this Committee for the last two meetings. A brief discussion took place. Mayor Smith indicated that new board members were elected and will contact the president of Chamber of Commerce on this inquiry. MNR Mr. Fisher was not in attendance. Community Services Committee – May 21, 2015 6. 4 of 5 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Fire Department a) Fire Department Report – May 2015 Fire Chief McWilliam reviewed the calls for service for the month of April and provided further details regarding three fire related calls. He explained why interconnected smoke alarms with battery backup in a residential garage is highly recommended and referred to a recent fire that started in the garage of the dwelling. Fire Chief McWilliam advised Committee that 28 calls for service occurred during the Victoria Day Weekend pointing out that 21 were related to medical calls. A brief discussion took place. He then mentioned an awareness program dealing with dwellings that use solar power systems and spoke with respect to the various hazards if a fire were to occur. Fire Chief McWilliam advised the Committee of a new protocol when responding to medicals calls. He indicated that if the dispatch centre stands us down from a medical call we will confirm that paramedics are on scene before we return back to the Fire Station. If dispatch stands us down and they can't confirm paramedics are on scene we will continue to the scene at a reduced level (speed) in the best interest of the patient. Considerable discussion took place. Fire Chief McWilliam addressed several inquiries and provided clarification. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the May 2015 Fire Department Report, for information. CARRIED b) Fire Department Accounts – April 2015 - no comments Municipal Law Enforcement a) Municipal Law Enforcement Report Mr. Vincent reviewed his report and provided an update on the property standards complaints for 2014 and for 2015 to date. He indicated that By-Law had no major issues during the Victoria Day Weekend. Mr. Vincent then spoke with respect to challenges that By-Law staff are dealing with when responding to noise complaints. Mr. Vincent reviewed the several By-Law related concerns that Ms. Falardeau had commented on early in the meeting. A brief discussion ensued. Direction was given to Mr. Vincent by the Committee to provide a report with respect to these concerns. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Municipal Law Enforcement Department’s May 2015 monthly activity report be received, for information. CARRIED Community Services Committee – May 21, 2015 b) 5 of 5 Municipal Law Enforcement Accounts – April 2015 - no comments Parks, Facilities and Recreation a) Parks, Facilities and Recreation Report Mr. Reinders reviewed various projects and upcoming events. He indicated that a cairn is being proposed for the Peacekeepers Park and will provide a report at an upcoming meeting. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY S. BRAY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby receive the Parks, Facilities and Recreation monthly activity report as information. CARRIED b) Shoppers Drug Mart Charity Yard Sale Event Councillor Ego asked if there were any questions or comments and there were none. It was then; MOVED BY S. BRAY SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Committee does hereby support the Manager of Parks, Facilities and recommendation to allow the Shoppers Drug Mart “A Walk For The Cure” Charity Yard Sale event to take place in the RecPlex Parking lot on Saturday, June 6, 2015. CARRIED Accounts a) Departmental Accounts – April 2015 Councillor Ego asked if Committee members had any questions related to the Departmental Accounts and there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. STOCKWELL SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the OPP, Fire, Municipal Law Enforcement, Parks, Facilities and Recreation departmental accounts for the month of April 2015, as reviewed by the Community Services Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in the Classroom. 8. ADJOURNMENT Councillor Ego adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Deputy Mayor Nina Bifolchi, Chair Development Services Committee SUBJECT: Actions from the May 21, 2015 Development Services Committee Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Development Services Committee Report dated May 21, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Development Services Committee meeting held on May 21, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Hamount Investments Ltd.– 195 River Road East – Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-Law Amendment – OP01/15 & Z01/15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that a public meeting be scheduled and held at Council to obtain public and agency input pertaining to applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment for lands located at 195 River Road East and described as Block 27 Registered Plan 51M-923, and Part of Lot 26, Concession 9 following the submission of an acceptable Functional Servicing Report/Letter for the proposal. CARRIED 10 Main Street – Vidinovski – Lifting of Holding Provision - Z03/15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that it lift the Holding (H) symbol from part of the lands owned by 1126744 Ontario Inc. (Nick Vidinovski) and legally described as Plan 1458 Part Lot 21, Plan 51R-25988 Parts 2-6, Plan 51R-26124 Part 1, conditional upon a site plan control agreement for the development being executed by both the owner and the Town of Wasaga Beach. CARRIED Hamount Investments Ltd. – 195 River Road East - PS03/15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that a public meeting be scheduled and held at Council to obtain public and agency input pertaining to application for Draft Form: WB-DC2010 2 Plan of Subdivision for lands located at 195 River Road East and described as Block 27 Registered Plan 51M-923, and Part of Lot 26, Concession 9 following the submission of an acceptable Functional Servicing Report/Letter for the proposal. CARRIED Golfview Estates – Change to Conditions of Draft Plan Approval – PS02/13 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that it amend the conditions of draft approval for the Golfview Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision, by adding one additional condition regarding a requirement for the proportionate cost sharing with other benefiting landowners for the mutual stormwater conveyance system to Marl Lake. CARRIED Pine Valley 41st Street South - PS01/15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that the applications for Plan of Subdivision and for Zoning By-Law Amendment submitted by Pine Valley Developments Corporation for lands at Part of Lot 2, Concession 15 South, 41 st Street South, be considered for approval. CARRIED 10 Main Street - Vidinovski – Proposed Commercial Development – SP02/15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Planner’s May 21, 2015 Report describing the proposed development for seven (7) repurposed shipping containers for commercial occupancy at 10 Main Street in Beach Area 1, proposed by 1126744 Ontario Inc. Nick Vidinovski, be accepted for information. CARRIED Committee of Consent/Adjustment Matters RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee does hereby receive the Decisions for A03/15 to A05/15 and B07/15, for information. CARRIED New Unit Report dated May 4, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the New Unit Report dated May 4, 2015, for information. CARRIED 3 Building Department Report dated May 4, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Building Department’s Report dated May 4, 2015, for information. CARRIED Beach Areas 1 and 2 Community Improvement Plan RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT Development Committee recommend to Council to receive the report on the Beach Areas One and Two Community Improvement Plan for information. CARRIED Truck Terminal – Clearview Township Official Plan Amendment RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESLOVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the Proposed Official Plan Amendment for a truck terminal in Clearview Township be received for information; and FURTHER THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Town provide a formal response to the circulation no later than Friday, May 22, 2015 to the Township of Clearview as requested. DEFEATED Truck Terminal – Clearview Township Official Plan Amendment RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT Development Committee reconsider Item 5(h)(ii) regarding the Truck Terminal at the May 21, 2015 meeting. CARRIED Truck Terminal – Clearview Township Official Plan Amendment RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the Proposed Official Plan Amendment for a truck terminal in Clearview Township be received for information; and FURTHER THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Town provide a formal response to the circulation no later than Friday, May 22, 2015 to the Township of Clearview as requested. CARRIED Solar Farm – Klondike Park Road – Clearview Township RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESLOVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the 4 proposed solar operation pre-consultation request by Sky Solar, circulated by the Township of Clearview, be received for information. CARRIED Planning and Building Department Accounts (April 1 - 30, 2015) RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT the Planning and Building Department Accounts for April 1 - 30, 2015, as reviewed by the Development Services Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Ainley Project Status Report Dated April 29, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-16 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Ainley Project Status Report of April 29, 2015, for information. CARRIED Public Works / Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report dated May 13, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-17 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Public Works / Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report of May 13, 2015, for information. CARRIED Planning Application Tracking System Report RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-18 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Planning Application Tracking System Report dated May 14, 2015, for information. CARRIED Healthy Community Network Committee Report dated April 16, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-19 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee hereby receives the Healthy Community Network Committee Report of April 16, 2015, for information. CARRIED Respectively Submitted, Nina Bifolchi, Deputy Mayor Chair, Development Services Committee DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT Held Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. In the Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT: N. Bifolchi R. Anderson B. Smith R. Ego S. Bray B. Stockwell B. Smith T. Nicholson R. Kelso D. Herron N. Wukasch T. Jarratt C. Taggart Deputy Mayor/Chair Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Mayor Clerk Manager of Planning and Development Senior Planner Planner Zoning Administrator Recording Secretary REGRETS: G. Vadeboncoeur Chief Administrative Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER Deputy Mayor Bifolchi called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST The Chair declared pecuniary interest with item 5(h)(ii) due to family owned property beside the property being discussed. 3. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS i) Hamount Investments Ltd. – Mark Crowe/Vienna Hutton – Beachway Trail & River Road East Proposal The Chair welcomed Vienna Hutton of Hamount Investments Ltd. to the meeting. Ms. Hutton advised that they are proposing to develop 13 residential townhouse units at the corner of River Road East and Beachway Trail, formerly Chrissies Cabins. Ms. Hutton further advised that they have submitted three (3) applications, including Official Plan Amendment, Zoning ByLaw Amendment and Plan of Subdivision. She further advised that they are proposing to rezone the lands from Open Space and Accommodation Commercial to a Residential Type Three Special Exception to permit the proposed development. The Official Plan Amendment would re-designate the lands from Open Space and Tourist Commercial to a medium density Residential. Ms. Hutton advised that the townhouse units are proposed to face River Road East and the private internal roadway that is accessed from Beachway Trail and vehicle access to the units is proposed by way of the private internal roadway. The Chair thanked Ms. Hutton for her presentation. Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 4. 2 of 9 UNFINISHED BUSINESS File No. Z19/08 OP05/08 PS02/10 Z23/10 Z03/12 Z01/13 OP02/14 Z09/14 Z14/14 PS01/15 5. Proposed Service Commercial Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-Law Amendment – Mary Picard In Trust (Maram Building Corporation) – Hwy 26 & Fairgrounds Road; 15 Oct 08; Public Meeting 25 Nov 2008; Public Meeting 26 August 2009; (on hold) Draft Plan of Subdivision & Zoning By-Law Amendment – Sunnidale Estates Ltd., Fresun Estates Ltd. – River’s Edge Subdivision, Phase 2, Freethy Road (Mr. Fred Picavet) – 24 November 2010 – 29 August 2012 – On hold at the request of the applicant Proposed General Amendment to Section 3 – Accessory Uses, Building and Structures – Shipping Containers – 22 February 2012 – 22 January 2014 – 26 March 2014 – 28 May 2014 – Public Meeting July 22, 2014 Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment – Corallo (2077143 Ontario Ltd.) – 25 Mosley Street - 20 February 2013; Public Meeting 26 March 2013; 24 April 2013; (On hold pending outcome of Tourism Accommodation Review) Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment – Tourism Accommodation Conversions – July 23, 2013 – September 24, 2014 Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision – Wasaga Heights – 41st Street South – 17 December 2014 – 23 April 2015 - On Agenda DEPARTMENT REPORTS a) Official Plan Amendments i) Hamount Investments Ltd.– 195 River Road East – Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-Law Amendment – OP01/15 & Z01/15 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-01 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that a public meeting be scheduled and held at Council to obtain public and agency input pertaining to applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment for lands located at 195 River Road East and described as Block 27 Registered Plan 51M-923, and Part of Lot 26, Concession 9 following the submission of an acceptable Functional Servicing Report/Letter for the proposal. CARRIED b) Zoning Amendments i) 10 Main Street – Vidinovski – Lifting of Holding Provision - Z03/15 Mr. Herron explained that this application is part of the process prior to a building permit being issued and will help speed up the process. Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 3 of 9 It was then; MOVED BY B. F. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-02 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that it lift the Holding (H) symbol from part of the lands owned by 1126744 Ontario Inc. (Nick Vidinovski) and legally described as Plan 1458 Part Lot 21, Plan 51R-25988 Parts 2-6, Plan 51R-26124 Part 1, conditional upon a site plan control agreement for the development being executed by both the owner and the Town of Wasaga Beach. CARRIED c) Subdivision/Condominium Matters i) Hamount Investments Ltd. – 195 River Road East - PS03/15 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-03 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that a public meeting be scheduled and held at Council to obtain public and agency input pertaining to application for Draft Plan of Subdivision for lands located at 195 River Road East and described as Block 27 Registered Plan 51M-923, and Part of Lot 26, Concession 9 following the submission of an acceptable Functional Servicing Report/Letter for the proposal. CARRIED ii) Golfview Estates – Change to Conditions of Draft Plan Approval – PS02/13 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-04 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that it amend the conditions of draft approval for the Golfview Estates Draft Plan of Subdivision, by adding one additional condition regarding a requirement for the proportionate cost sharing with other benefiting landowners for the mutual stormwater conveyance system to Marl Lake. CARRIED iii) Pine Valley 41st Street South - PS01/15 Councillor Anderson commented that the court area at the rear where the drop off of students occurs could become an issue. Mr. Herron advised that it is a private road system not a public road and therefore it would be up to the condo corporation to police the matter. Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 4 of 9 It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-05 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommend to Council that the applications for Plan of Subdivision and for Zoning By-Law Amendment submitted by Pine Valley Developments Corporation for lands at Part of Lot 2, Concession 15 South, 41st Street South, be considered for approval. CARRIED d) Site Plan Matters i) 10 Main Street - Vidinovski – Proposed Commercial Development – SP02/15 The Chair asked if a complete application had been received. Mr. Herron advised no, that a complete application has not yet been received however further discussion with Mr. Vidinovski is required regarding the amended requirements for submission as there is now a revision for a reduced number of containers. Councillor Anderson commented that he is not in favour of the shipping containers unless they are cladded. Discussion ensued regarding the cladding and aesthetics required for the containers. Mayor Smith commented that to be fair to the applicant the Town should be allowing the same finishing of the containers such as the Kowabunga, liquor store and beer store which are painted corrugated steel exteriors. The Chair commented that those properties are on Town owned land and they can be removed at any time, whereas the approval of these containers would be a permanent approval and the Town has no control to remove them. Councillor Anderson commented that the Kowabunga has been viewed as temporary. Councillor Stockwell asked for staff’s opinion on the requirement for cladding of the containers. Mr. Herron explained that staff has been using the policy guidelines of the Official Plan to require cladding of the containers and higher aesthetic standard because of the importance of the Beach Area 1 location. Councillor Ego asked how it can be guaranteed that the containers are cladded. Mr. Herron advised that through site plan approval the plans and drawings would have to show the cladding and they can also ensure the cladding is completed through building permit process. Mr. Kelso commented that through the site plan agreement staff can ask for elevations and include them in the agreement, staff can also circulate the elevations to Council and ask for comments. The Chair asked if Committee through Council has the ability to turn down the elevations submitted and request a higher standard. Mr. Herron answered yes. Mayor Smith commented that he does not support the containers in the long term but does support them in the short term. The Mayor then asked staff to seek legal counsel for options for removal of the containers after a short term. It was then; MOVED BY B.F. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-06 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Planner’s May 21, 2015 Report describing the proposed development for seven (7) repurposed Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 5 of 9 shipping containers for commercial occupancy at 10 Main Street in Beach Area 1, proposed by 1126744 Ontario Inc. - Nick Vidinovski, be accepted for information. CARRIED e) Committee of Consent/Adjustment Matters Decisions (previously circulated to Council) The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-07 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee does hereby receive the Decisions for A03/15 to A05/15 and B07/15, for information. CARRIED f) Planning Division i) New Unit Report dated May 4, 2015 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-08 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the New Unit Report dated May 4, 2015, for information. CARRIED g) Building Division i) Building Department Report dated May 4, 2015 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-09 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Building Department’s Report dated May 4, 2015, for information. CARRIED Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 h) 6 of 9 Other Business i) Beach Areas 1 and 2 Community Improvement Plan Councillor Smith commented that a meeting should be held to complete the document and that the new Economic Development Director should be involved. Committee agreed to provide comments to staff by Friday, June 5th and that the matter will be brought back to a future Committee of the Whole meeting. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-10 RESOLVED THAT Development Committee recommend to Council to receive the report on the Beach Areas One and Two Community Improvement Plan for information. CARRIED The Chair handed the proceedings of the meeting over to Councilor Anderson as she had declared pecuniary interest with item 5(h)(ii). ii) Truck Terminal – Clearview Township Official Plan Amendment The Mayor advised that he has received calls from residents on Ramblewood with concerns of noise and asked staff if the Town has any recourse. Mr. Kelso advised that staff have drafted a letter to Clearview Township which identifies issues of concern including possible flooding and have requested that a low impact design (LID) be completed, and have further noted that noise could be a potential issue. Mr. Wukasch advised that the intention is to remove the waste disposal use and permit a new use which may have less impact. Councillor Ego asked about the traffic volumes. Mr. Wukasch advised that staff have not been circulated any information regarding the traffic impact. Councillor Ego advised that he would like to know the volume of the trucks that are intended to use the site. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-11 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the Proposed Official Plan Amendment for a truck terminal in Clearview Township be received for information; and FURTHER THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Town provide a formal response to the circulation no later than Friday, May 22, 2015 to the Township of Clearview as requested. DEFEATED Committee discussed Item 5(h)(ii) further and it was then; Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED R. EGO 7 of 9 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-12 RESOLVED THAT Development Committee reconsider Item 5(h)(ii) regarding the Truck Terminal at the May 21, 2015 meeting. CARRIED It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-13 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the Proposed Official Plan Amendment for a truck terminal in Clearview Township be received for information; and FURTHER THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the Town provide a formal response to the circulation no later than Friday, May 22, 2015 to the Township of Clearview as requested. CARRIED The Chair resumed proceedings of the meeting. iii) Solar Farm – Klondike Park Road – Clearview Township The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-14 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Committee recommends to Council that the report on the proposed solar operation pre-consultation request by Sky Solar, circulated by the Township of Clearview, be received for information. CARRIED i) Departmental Accounts i) Planning and Building Department Accounts (April 1 - 30, 2015) The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-15 RESOLVED THAT the Planning and Building Department Accounts for April 1 - 30, 2015, as reviewed by the Development Services Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 6. 8 of 9 OTHER AGENCY REPORTS a) Ainley Project Status Report Dated April 29, 2015 Councillor Smith asked who is doing the sodding works at the New England Village project. Mr. Kelso advised that Baywood is doing the work. It was then; MOVED B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. ANDERSON RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-16 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Ainley Project Status Report of April 29, 2015, for information. CARRIED b) Public Works / Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report dated May 13, 2015 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-17 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Public Works / Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report of May 13, 2015, for information. CARRIED c) Planning Application Tracking System Report The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-18 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee receives the Planning Application Tracking System Report dated May 14, 2015, for information. CARRIED d) Healthy Community Network Committee Report dated April 16, 2015 The Chair asked if there were any comments, there were none. It was then; MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED B. SMITH RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05-19 Development Services Committee – May 21, 2015 RESOLVED THAT the Development Services Committee hereby receives the Healthy Community Network Committee Report of April 16, 2015, for information. CARRIED 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Classroom. 8. ADJOURNMENT The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:10 a.m. 9 of 9 COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORT TO: Council FROM: Mayor Brian Smith, Chair Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Actions from the May 21, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated May 21, 2015, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Committee of the Whole meeting held on May 21, 2015. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Review of Beachfront Retail Leases Resolution No. 2015-16-01 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby receive the report on current Beachfront Food and Retail Leases; and, FURTHER THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby recommend that Council approve the template commercial lease for use by the Town for the 2015 season, subject to minor amendments that may be authorized by the Chief Administrative Officer during the negotiations of the leases; and, FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the negotiated leases as recommended by the Chief Administrative Officer. CARRIED Direction on RFP for Dardenella Closed Session Resolution No. 2015-16-02 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the meeting be closed to the public to consider advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED Committee of the Whole – May 21, 2015 2 of 2 Resolution No. 2015-16-03 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the meeting adjourns and that the open session resumes. CARRIED Resolution No. 2015-16-04 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting does hereby confirm the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer during the closed session. CARRIED Resolution No. 2015-16-05 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby receive the Chief Administrative Officer’s report advising that negotiations for the operation of the Dardenella Licensed Establishment for the 2015 have reached an impasse with the Smardenka Group and have been terminated. CARRIED Resolution No. 2015-16-06 THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to re-issue the Request for Proposals for the lease of the Dardenella Licensed Establishments for the 2015 season based on the previous Request for Proposals. CARRIED Resolution No. 2015-16-07 FURTHER THAT the Committee does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to include a minimum lease rate of $75,000 for the season as part of the Request for Proposals. CARRIED Respectfully submitted, Brian F. Smith, Mayor Chair, Committee of the Whole COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Classroom PRESENT: 1. B. Smith N. Bifolchi R. Anderson S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor G. Vadeboncoeur T. Nicholson P. Archdekin M. Quinlan A. Webster J. Legget M. McWilliam M. Stahr Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer Special Events Coordinator Economic Development Officer Fire Chief Town Solicitor CALL TO ORDER Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - None 3. DEPUTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS AND PUBLIC MEETINGS a) Mr. Scott Emslie - Center of Gravity Sports and Music Festival Mr. Emslie was welcomed to the table and advised that through a Power Point presentation spoke to the event. Mr. Emslie provided an update on the proposed Multi Sport and Music Festival for 2016. He spoke to this event being held for the past 8 years in Kelowna, British Columbia. Two companies will be producing the event; Union Events and Wet Monkey. Mr. Emslie spoke to the music festivals he has presented across the country; types of music and times. He spoke to the type of sporting events that would be offered, vendors, exhibit areas and noted the games would end at 8 p.m. and then the music main stage becomes the focus until 11 p.m. There will be full bands. It is a ticketed event over three days and they will offer a single day ticket also. The event is licensed. COWOC – May 21, 2015 Page 2 of 6 The focus will be on filling the Wasaga Beach hotel motels first then into the next community. Ms. Emsllie spoke to the economic impact for Wasaga Beach. Mr. Emslie advised that he has been working with Ms. Webster and will continue to do so as the application for the event is prepared. Mayor Smith thanked Mr. Emslie for his presentation. Questions were asked by members of Council to which Mr. Emslie responded. In closing Mayor Smith stated it is about partnerships and looks forward to a long term partnership as well as receiving the application. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) 2015 Grant Requests b) Discussion on Future Plans for Beach Area 1 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Review of Beachfront Retail Leases The Chief Administrative Officer spoke to the review of retail leases at the beachfront. The CAO asked Michael Stahr if he would come to the table. The CAO advised that included in the Agenda are two leases that exist and the Town’s prospective new lease. As the owners, Council may get tenants asking specific things about their units which you can either answer or be referred to the Town Solicitor. These are commercial leases and the tenants are responsible for interior repairs. Some leases were entered into with the previous owner and were transferred to the Town and all leases will come up for review in September. Some tenants did approach him advising they wanted a rent reduction and were advised it remains as is for this summer with a review of leases in the fall. The CAO advised the Mr. Stahr has prepared a new lease template with changes and that lease is what is being proposed going forward. Mr. Stahr advised that there were substantial paragraphs added; however, no one size fits all for commercial leases. There are a lot of nuances that will create very specific leases going forward. This a good starting point recognizing each one is different. Councillor Anderson requested that payments be made by July 1st and wants the leases personally guaranteed as well as tighten up the payment of the property taxes over what period. Mr. Stahr agreed those are excellent points and a personal guarantee is what you should be seeking in all cases. This is a template and is a work in progress. Councillor Smith inquired of her previous concerns with use of foul language from the music and on T-shirts and didn’t see anything in the lease that the t shirt must be at the back of the store. COWOC – May 21, 2015 Page 3 of 6 Mr. Stahr advised there are limits as to what you can do as a landlord. In the Bananas’ Lease there is a noise clause and hours. There is also a reference to rules and regulations that will be a schedule and will be more particularized to use. The rules and regulations have to be formulated when the lease is established and Council really needs to have them thought out in advance as to whom it is leasing too. Councillor Ego suggested the payment date be July 15th to give the tenants some time to make some money and have the ability to pay. The CAO advised that to Councillor Smith’s comments on offensive t-shirts, he did commit to go to the tenants as representative of the Town about the t-shirt in question. Mayors Smith indicated he would like to see something in the rules and regulations. Mr. Stahr suggested a rule that no exterior speakers may be way to deal with it. Councillor Stockwell stated that the music adds to the atmosphere but they have to understand what is acceptable. Councillor Bray spoke to music from cars; t-shirt people are wearing the Council has to be careful in what it says is good or bad and not our position to judge what is right or wrong. Discussion ensued with respect to who Council wants to attract noting it is the kids of today that are the next families in Wasaga Beach. The kids that come spend more money than families. We have to accept everybody and if kids want that kind of t-shirt, let them. The volume of music is controlled by By-Law and if it is too loud they can be asked to turn it down. Everyone has different music tastes and there are all kinds of nationalities that come to the beach. We may not all like the kind of music being played but what about freedom of rights. People can’t be restricted. The CAO advised that he has one perspective tenant being Tim Horton’s and has had interest in other locations. The two with the most interest are in the block with Burger King. There is also interest in the former Dairy Queen. Ten units remain to be leased. A question was asked about the blue building units and if someone wanted two, would the price be negotiable. The CAO indicated it would be negotiable. Mayor Smith noted that Council asked Mr. Stahr to add what was commented on and with the CAO will make the changes. The strategy for this year is just to get through the summer. The changes made to the current lease make it more robust and leases will have a thorough review in the fall. We can incorporate some changes going forward. It was then; COWOC – May 21, 2015 MOVED BY R. EGO SECONDED BY S. BRAY Page 4 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-01 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby receive the report on current Beachfront Food and Retail Leases; and, FURTHER THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby recommend that Council approve the template commercial lease for use by the Town for the 2015 season, subject to minor amendments that may be authorized by the Chief Administrative Officer during the negotiations of the leases; and, FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the negotiated leases as recommended by the Chief Administrative Officer. CARRIED b) Direction on RFP for Dardenella The Chief Administrative Officer spoke to the RFP for the Dardenella and advised that negotiations with the Smardenka Group broke down and was terminated by mutual consent and have formally been advised in writing. The Smardenka Group would reconsider for a longer term. The CAO noted that only one bid was received for the Dardenella and he has provided four options for Committee’s consideration. Discussion ensued with respect to the four options in the CAO’s report. It was noted that since the RFP closed the CAO has received four or five calls that expressed interest in the Dardenella. Discussion continued with respect to establishing a minimum lease rate and the figure suggested was based on the food establishment lease rates for the season and what the licensed establishment is paying for the season. Discussion ensued with respect to the item in the former RFP that restricted one operator for all three bars; the Town’s desire to have the Dardenella open; state of repairs and cost of those repairs and lease rates that could be expected due to those repair costs; time passing quickly to get an RFP out, back and a lease established and it was noted that they also pay taxes; public perception if the Dardenella is rented to a particular individual and public perception if the Dardenella is not rented. The discussion turned to legal ramifications of restricting an operator and the need to receive legal advice in closed session. Councillor Bray left the meeting at 5:15 p.m. COWOC – May 21, 2015 MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO Page 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-02 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the meeting be closed to the public to consider advice that is subject to solicitorclient privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. The Closed Session began at 5:16 p.m. CARRIED Mr. Stahr, the Town Solicitor, provided advice regarding the legal issues for the leases. MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-03 RESOLVED THAT the closed session of the meeting adjourns and that the open session resumed. CARRIED The Open Session resumed at 5:24 p.m. MOVED BY R. ANDERSON SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-04 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting does hereby confirm the direction given to the Chief Administrative Officer. CARRIED The Committee gave consensus to divide the motion into three separate questions. MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-05 RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby receive the Chief Administrative Officer’s report advising that negotiations for the operation of the Dardenella Licensed Establishment for the 2015 have reached an impasse with the Smarkenka Group and have been terminated. CARRIED COWOC – May 21, 2015 MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO Page 6 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-06 THAT the Committee of the Whole does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to re-issue the Request for Proposals for the lease of the Dardenella Licensed Establishments for the 2015 season based on the previous Request for Proposals. CARRIED MOVED BY B. SMITH SECONDED BY R. EGO RESOLUTION NO. 2015-16-07 FURTHER THAT the Committee does hereby authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to include a minimum lease rate of $75,000 for the season as part of the Request for Proposals. DEFEATED 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m. Committee Chair Report TO: Members of Council FROM: Councillor Ron Anderson, Chair General Government Committee SUBJECT: Approval of Accounts Payable April 1-30, 2015 DATE: May 26, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: That the listed accounts be approved. BACKGROUND: In accordance with Council policy, the following accounts payable cheque, EFT and pre-authorized payment distributions have been reviewed by their respective Committees and are hereby recommended to Council for approval: Committee General Government Development Division Council Treasury Administration Balance Sheet, Taxes Debentures Archives Information Technology Historical Advisory Committee Property Purchase/Sale Accessibility Committee Elections Cemetery Special Events Economic Development Affordable Housing Sub-total Planning Building Sub-total Amount $9,629.42 $13,068.27 $81,023.21 $769,047.78 $32,868.11 $0.00 $12,041.91 $0.00 $55,845.71 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $8,523.07 $27,324.64 $3,073.10 $1,012,465.21 $11,701.94 $5,924.45 $17,626.40 Community Services Fire Emergency Planning Occupational Health & Safety Policing Parks & Facilities Recreation Youth Centre Medical Arts By-Law Enforcement Sub-total Library Library Public Works Administration & Roads Transit Water-Sewer Storm Sewer County Waste Management Municipal Waste Management Sub-total TOTAL Respectfully Submitted, Councillor Ron Anderson Chair General Government Committee $46,916.34 $0.00 $717.95 $372,584.59 $120,948.53 $1,469.06 $5,908.89 $1,350.15 $8,423.61 $558,319.11 $12,186.96 $317,566.23 $9,647.90 $316,088.17 $3,318.32 $779.70 $3,296.88 $650,697.20 $2,251,294.88 Explanatory Note To By-Law No. 2015The purpose of this By-Law would allow the Town to proceed with the construction of Robinson Road from 58th Street to Violet Street (i.e. “Phase 2”) as a Local Improvement in accordance with the Municipal Act, Ont. Reg. 586/06. Council received a majority petition, from the benefitting property owners which was certified as sufficient by the Town Clerk on November 6/14. At its January 14/15 meeting the Public works Committee recommended, subsequently approved by Council at its January 27/15 meeting to include funding in the 2015 Capital Budget for the construction component, to be tendered in the spring, plus contract administration. The tender was issued and the required 30 notice was provided to the public and affected property owners with Council’s intent to pass the attached by-law. This By-Law is properly before Council for consideration. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW NO. 2015- ____ A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROBINSON ROAD BETWEEN 58TH STREET AND VIOLET STREET (REFERRED TO AS “PHASE 2” OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICING AREA), AS A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 WHEREAS the owners of properties abutting Robinson Road between 58th Street and Violet Street, as set out in Schedule A attached hereto, have petitioned for the construction of the road and the installation of services, as applicable, as a local improvement, hereinafter referred to as “the Works”; AND WHEREAS the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach (the “Corporation”) has certified that the petition for undertaking the Works is sufficient pursuant to the requirements set out in Ontario Regulation 586/06 Local Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status (the “Regulation”) under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 (the “Act”); AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 in accordance with the Regulation, authorizes the municipality pass to a by-law to undertake work as a local improvement for the purpose of raising all or any part of the cost of the Works by imposing special charges; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach, at its meeting of January 27, 2015 adopted the recommendation of the Public Works Committee from its meeting of January 14, 2015, approving the construction of the Works described in Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this By-Law as local improvements under the Act and Regulation; AND WHEREAS notice of the Municipality’s intention to pass a by-law to undertake the Works as a local improvement at the regular meeting of Council to be held on May 26, 2015 was given to the public on April 17, 2015, and to the liable property owners on April 24, 2015, in accordance with Section 6 of the Regulation; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach deems it necessary and expedient to undertake the construction of Robinson Road between 58th Street and Violet Street (referred to as “Phase 2” of the development serving area), as a local improvement under the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the requirements of Ontario Regulation 586/06; NOW THEREFORE this Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT this By-Law being adopted by Council that it is desirable that the works described in Schedule “A” be undertaken as local improvements under the provisions of the Act and the Regulation set out in the Recitals. Page 2 of By-Law No. 20152. THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the Regulation, the cost of the works shall be specially assessed upon the land or frontage abutting directly on the Works and the Remainder of the cost shall be borne by the Corporation as set forth in Schedule “A”. 3. THAT the Engineer of the Corporation shall make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such information as may be necessary for the making of a contract or contracts for the execution of the Works, and the Works shall be carried on and executed under the direction of the Director of Public Works and according to the direction and orders of the Engineer. 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a contract or contracts, and any further documentation necessary for the construction for the Works to be made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, in the form and content satisfactory to the Town. 5. THAT pursuant to the Regulation, the total cost of the Works shall be financed as follows: a) the owners’ share of the estimated cost shall be $1,146,642.05 being the sum of $416.40 per actual linear foot of assessable frontage plus $4300.00 per set of services, as set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw, and a mandatory connection fee as set out in the fees and service charges by-law; and b) the Municipality’s share of the estimated cost shall be $0.00. 6 (a) THAT any person whose lot is specially assessed in the local improvement roll certified by the Treasurer pursuant to Section 22 of the Regulation may commute for a payment in cash the special rate imposed by paying the portion of the cost in full of construction assessed upon the lot, without interest, within 30 days after the local improvement roll has been initially certified by the Treasurer. (b) Repay the full amount over a 5 Year period with interest as determined to be added to the property owner’s final tax bill each year. Once the charge is added to tax bill, that amount cannot be paid out unless both the principal and interest is paid for the remainder of the five (5) year financing term, and further that if those amounts remain unpaid on the tax account that it will accrue interest monthly. (c) Repay the full amount over a 10 Year period with interest as determined to be added to the property owner’s final tax bill each year. Once the charge is added to tax bill, that amount cannot be paid out unless both the principal and interest is paid for the remainder of the five (5) year financing term, and further that if those amounts remain unpaid on the tax account that it will accrue interest monthly. Page 3 of By-Law No. 20157. THAT subject to Section 6 of this By-Law, the special assessment of each of the Works shall be paid in the number of annual installments over the term of the debenture as specified in the Local Improvement Special Charges By-Law. 8. THAT the debentures to be issued to pay for the cost of the works when completed shall bear interest at such rate as may be determined, and shall be made payable within the years specified in the Local Improvement Special Charges By-Law. 9. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF MAY, 2015. Brian Smith, Mayor Twyla Nicholson, Clerk SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW NO. 2015Description of Work: Local Improvement for the construction of Robinson Road as a paved urban road with concrete curbs, sidewalk and associated works including underground services to the property line, from 58th Street South to Violet Street (referred to as “Phase 2” of the development servicing area) as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Charges Ontario Regulation 586/06 under the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended Properties Affected and Cost of the Works/Special Charges: No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Property Address PLAN 1696 LOT 39, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 41, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 40, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 49, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 48, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 47, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 46, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 51, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 50, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 45, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 44, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 43, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 42, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 29, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 19, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 20, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 27, Wasaga Beach, ON Assessed Frontage (ft) Frontage Rate Services Total 89.50 $416.40 $4300.00 $41,567.80 90.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $41,776.00 90.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $41,776.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 102.03 $416.40 $4300.00 $46,785.29 116.51 $416.40 $4300.00 $52,814.76 80.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $37,612.00 80.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $37,612.00 127.50 $416.40 $4300.00 $57,391.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PLAN 1696 LOT 28, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 21, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 26, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 22, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 23, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 24, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 25, Wasaga Beach, ON PLAN 1696 LOT 30, Wasaga Beach, ON 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 120.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $54,268.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 100.00 $416.40 $4300.00 $45,940.00 Total = $1,146,642.05 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY- LAW NO. 2015-___ A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE STREET NAME CHANGE OF POWERLINE ROAD TO VETERANS WAY & TO NAME PARKETTE TO PEACEKEEPERS PARK WHEREAS the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 permits municipalities to establish civic addresses, to name municipal highways and private roads, and to enter land to install signs and affix numbers to buildings; AND WHEREAS Council deems it desirable and necessary to change the street name of Powerline Road within the Town of Wasaga Beach; AND WHEREAS at its meeting of April 21, 2015, Committee of the Whole recommended to Council, subsequently approved on April 28, 2015, that Powerline Road be renamed to Veterans Way and further that the parkette, at Powerline Road and River Road West, be named Peacekeepers Parkette; AND WHEREAS Notice has been provided of Council’s intention to pass a by-law renaming Powerline Road has been duly published, and all affected persons and authorities affected by the name change, in accordance with the Town of Wasaga Beach Notice By-Law No. 2014-23; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT Powerline Road is hereby changed to Veterans Way. 2. THAT the small parkette located adjacent to the intersection of Powerline Road and River Road West be named Peacekeepers Park. 3. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. ________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor ________________________ Twyla Nicholson, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW NO. 2015A BY-LAW TO AMEND TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2003-60, AS AMENDED (Pine Valley Homes (Wasaga Heights) – Pt. Lot 2, Con15) WHEREAS pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach has passed a comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60 for the Town of Wasaga Beach; AND WHEREAS an application to amend By-Law No. 2003-60 has been received with respect to Part of Lot 2, Concession 15 in the Town of Wasaga Beach, County of Simcoe; AND WHEREAS Council deems it advisable and expedient to amend Zoning ByLaw No. 2003-60; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60, is amended, by changing the Zoning on the lands from the Residential Type 1 (R1), Residential Type 1 Holding (R1H), and Open Space (OS) Zones to the Residential Type 3 Thirty First Exception Holding (R3-31H) and Open Space (OS) Zones as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That Section 6 Residential Type Three (R3) Zone, Subsection 6.4 Zone Exceptions is hereby amended by the addition, after Subsection 6.4.30, of the following new Subsection: “6.4.31 R3-31 Zone Schedule “D” The maximum lot coverage for a townhouse dwelling including a deck shall be 49 %. Notwithstanding Subsection 3.18 Street Requirements of the Zoning Bylaw, buildings and structures may be erected on lands that do not front onto a municipal street and a private street shall be deemed to be a public street” Page 2 of By-Law No. 2015-____ 3. THAT all other respective provisions of Zoning By-Law 2003-60, as amended, shall apply. 4. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 c.P.13. READ A FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. __________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor _________________________ Twyla Nicholson, Clerk Town of Wasaga Beach Mo t. S y s le I R1 41st S t. S. OS R3-31H R1 OS inal Way CardR1 Area Rezoned to R3-31H Area Rezoned to OS This is Schedule 'A' to By-Law _________ Passed the ___ day of__________ 2015. Signatures of Signing Officers Mayor_____________________________ Clerk _____________________________ 70 35 0 70 Meters 140 OS 39th St. S. I Schedule 'A' 40th St. S. ¯ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW NO. 2015A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A STOP SIGN INSTALLATION POLICY WHEREAS pursuant to The Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the Council of a Municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act, to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS pursuant the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C. 25, as amended, requires that a municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges, shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach deems it advisable to adopt a Stop Sign Installation Policy; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT the Stop Sign Installation Policy attached hereto as Appendix “A”, be adopted. 2. THAT any by-laws, resolutions or policies or parts of by-laws, resolution or policies inconsistent with this by-law to adopt a Stop Sign Installation Policy are hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY, 2015 ______________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor ______________________________ Twyla Nicholson, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH POLICY MANUAL SECTION NAME: POLICY NUMBER: Environment, Public Works & Transportation POLICY: 8-9 REVIEW DATE: Stop Sign Installation Policy EFFECTIVE DATE: May 26, 2020 REVISIONS: May 26, 2015 IMPLEMENTATION: ADMINISTERED BY: May 26, 2015 By-Law No. 2015- Director of Public Works PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent and standardized process to evaluate the request for the installation of a stop sign within the Town of Wasaga Beach. The policy is intended to provide a procedure for the review and approval or denial of a stop sign request. The purpose of a stop sign is to clearly assign right-of-way between vehicles approaching an intersection from different directions when traffic signals aren’t warranted or not yet installed and it has been determined that a yield sign is inadequate. In accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual, stop signs are not intended to be used as speed control devices. POLICY REVIEW AND PROCEDURE This procedure will be reviewed every five years to ensure that it continues to address the needs of the Town of Wasaga Beach with respect stop sign installations. ATTACHMENTS Stop Sign Installation Policy TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH STOP SIGN INSTALLATION POLICY May 2015 I. PURPOSE: ..................................................................................................... 1 II. STATEMENT OF POLICY:............................................................................. 1 III. DEFINITIONS: ............................................................................................ 2 IV. OBJECTIVE CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION: ...................................... 2 V. POLICY FOR APPROVAL: ......................................................................... 2 VI. PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATION OF NEED AND APPROVAL: .............. 3 VII. APPLICATION: ........................................................................................... 4 May 2015 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent and standardized process to evaluate the request for the installation of a stop sign within the Town of Wasaga Beach. The policy is intended to provide a procedure for the review and approval or denial of a stop sign request. The purpose of a stop sign is to clearly assign right-of-way between vehicles approaching an intersection from different directions when traffic signals aren t warranted or not yet installed and it has been determined that a yield sign is inadequate. In accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual, stop signs are not intended to be used as speed control devices. II. STATEMENT OF POLICY: Council deems it important to provide and improve public rights-of-way to ensure the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the municipality. The Town of Wasaga Beach will determine the placement of a stop sign according to the following: 1. Installation of stop signs in new developments is regulated by the Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 5 (OTM) and the Town of Wasaga Beach Engineering Standards. They are installed in accordance with the design drawings for the development, which have been Accepted for Construction . 2. Any stop sign requested, other than Item #1 above, will be evaluated based on the Ontario Traffic Manual warrants, for the safety of motor and pedestrian traffic. Stop signs are to be used at the following locations where traffic signals are not provided: a) At the intersection of two King s Highways; and at the intersection of a County or Regional road with a King s Highway in a rural area; b) At the intersection of a County or Regional road with a King s Highway in a built-up area; c) At the intersection of a city street or township road with a King s Highway; d) At the intersection of a minor street or road with a through street or highway; e) At unsignalized intersections in a signalized area, except where they would interfere with traffic signal progression; 1 April 2015 f) At intersections where the application of the normal right hand rule or yield control would be unduly hazardous; and g) At intersections which have experienced a record of collisions of the type which are susceptible to correction by STOP control. III. DEFINITIONS: Council means the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach. Director of Public Works means the Director of Public Works or designate for the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach. Engineering Standards means the Engineering Standards developed for the Town of Wasaga Beach, as amended from time to time. Ontario Traffic Manual means the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) design guidelines comprised of a number of books developed to provide information and guidance for transportation practitioners. Public Works Department means the Public Works Department for the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach. Stop Sign is a regulated traffic sign by the Highway Traffic Act to notify drivers that they must stop before proceeding. Town means the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach. IV. OBJECTIVE CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION: Stop signs are regulatory signs and have legal status under both the Highway Traffic Act and Municipal By-law. The Town of Wasaga Beach will consider visibility, surrounding land use, type of roadway, collision frequency and volume of traffic, as outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 5 when making recommendations and decisions regarding installation of a stop sign. V. POLICY FOR APPROVAL: Requests for a stop sign will be evaluated by the Town of Wasaga Beach Public Works/Engineering Department and approved or denied by the Director of Public Works or designate, based on the following objectives: 2 April 2015 1) The stop sign is needed to improve the safety of the motoring and pedestrian public as described in Section I Purpose (of stop signs); and 2) The requested stop sign must meet the warrants for installation as per the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 5, Regulatory Signs. VI. PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATION OF NEED AND APPROVAL: The process for approval for installation of a new stop sign by the Public Works Department will begin by a request from a resident or business owner as follows: Request: A. Requests for stop signs may be made by residents, business operators, or other users of the highway. B. Requests shall be submitted to the public works department using the attached request form. C. Upon Receipt of the request, the Public Works Department will undertake a field survey and public safety evaluation of need including undertaking a traffic and pedestrian count analysis. The guidelines for review are found in the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 5 as previously noted. D. If the request is denied, the Director of Public Works will inform the person making the request. E. The applicant may appeal the denial to the Public Works Committee, who may overturn the Director s decision. F. If the request is approved, the Director of Public Works shall direct the order and installation of the new stop sign and make a recommendation report to the Public Works Committee and a By-law to Council; pending approval of the by-law from Council, the director will coordinate and will inform the property owner(s) making the request. G. The actual date of installation will be determined after the By-law has been passed by Council. 3 April 2015 VII. APPLICATION: Any person requesting a stop sign shall do so by completing the attached application form and mailing it to: Town of Wasaga Beach - Public Works Department 30 Lewis Street, Wasaga Beach, ON Email: Fax: (705) 429-8226 4 April 2015 Request# 20___-_____ Town of Wasaga Beach STOP Sign Request Form Proposed Stop Sign Location - Application Date: ________________________ NORTH Description of Location: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Requested by: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # ______________________ Work Phone # _______________________ Why is a STOP sign requested at this location? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Approved / Denied By: ___________________ Date Installed: ________________ Date: ___________________ GPS/GIS Record Date:___________________ By-Law Number: ____________________ Other:__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE MAIL, FAX OR DROP OFF THIS APPLICATION TO: Town of Wasaga Beach 30 Lewis Street Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1A1 Fax # 705-429-8226 Attachment: Town of Wasaga Beach Stop Sign Policy Documentation THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW NO. 2015 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015 WHEREAS Section 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal power, including a municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; AND WHEREAS in many cases, action which is taken or authorized to be taken by the council does not lend itself to the passage of an individual by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach adopted By-Law No. 2006-20, as amended establishing rules of order and procedures for the Council; AND WHEREAS provision was made in By-Law No. 2006-20, as amended, for enactment of a Confirmatory By-Law at the end of each Regular or Special Council Meeting to confirm recommendations and actions approved at that meeting; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach deems it advisable and expedient that the proceedings of this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE this Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach, at its meeting held on the date listed above in respect of every report, motion, resolution, declaration or other action passed, taken or adopted by Council at this meeting, including the exercise of natural person powers, except where approval of another authority is required by law or where implementation is subject to other legislation, are hereby adopted, ratified, and confirmed as if each report, motion, resolution or other action was adopted, ratified, and confirmed by a separate by-law. 2. THAT where no individual by-law has been or is passed with respect to the taking of any action authorized in or by the above-mentioned minutes or with respect to the exercise of any powers by the Town of Wasaga Beach in the above-mentioned minutes, then this By-Law shall be deemed for all purposes to be the by-law required for approving and authorizing and taking of any action authorized therein and thereby or required for the exercise of any powers therein by the Town of Wasaga Beach. Page 2 of By-Law No. 20153. THAT any a member of Council who dissented from any action or proceeding or has abstained from discussion and voting thereon shall be deemed to have dissented or abstained, as the case may be, in respect to this By-Law as it applies to such action or proceeding. 4. THAT the Mayor or designate and the proper officials of the Town of Wasaga Beach are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions or to obtain approvals where required and are to execute all documents as may be necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Corporate Seal to all such documents. 5. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the date of its final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY 2015. ___________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor ___________________________ Twyla Nicholson, Clerk