Art Filled with Awe
Art Filled with Awe
W i n ter Solstic e 2014 (9 ; : , 5 ; ,9 ;(0 54,5;30 -,:;@3 , Winter Delights Solstice and Equinox Natural Legacy PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary Mindfulness Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings & Prince Edward Counties Experience the personality and charm of Downtown Peterborough! Downtown Peterborough g Season Line-up For complete 2014/2015 visit: 2>05;,9:63:;0*, contents n ts s The Arts Performance Theatre Visual Entertainment 5 Art Filled with Awe 6 Not a Hockey Dad 8 Meaning of Solstice and Equinox 9 Keeping it Celtic in Northumberland County 10 The Eclectic Eye Film 12 Flash Fiction & Poetry Literature 14 Book & Film Reviews 15 ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival 16 Winter Delights 18 Winter Heats Up with Public Energy Food 19 Natural Legacy Nature 20 More Beans Please... 22 PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary 24 Mindfulness 26 Marketplace 27 Regional Link Listings Music Lifestyle Wellbeing 44 Madoc 7 PETERBOROUGH 40 48 Bancroft Tweed Marmora 62 28 Havelock Lakefield 28 62 Norwood 7 37 Hastings Campbellford 2 Stirling Apsley Peterborough Millbrook CR 10 HASTINGS 60 Warkworth 2 Belleville 45 NORTHUMBERLAND 401 Brighton Trenton 33 PRINCE EDWARD Picton Newtonville Bloomfield Cobourg Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings & Prince Edward Counties ‘Cold Milk’ by Nan Sidler Medium: watercolour Size: 21” x 14” &RYHU$UWLVWSJ Newcastle Wellington 2 Port Hope ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH3 from the editor >ŽĐĂůĂƌƟƐƚEĂŶ^ŝĚůĞƌƐĂLJƐ͕͞dŚĞǀĞƌƐĂƟůŝƚLJĂŶĚƉŽƌƚĂďŝůŝƚLJ ŽĨďŽƚŚǁĂƚĞƌĐŽůŽƵƌĂŶĚŐƌĂƉŚŝƚĞůĞŶĚƚŚĞŵƐĞůǀĞƐƚŽĂǁŝĚĞ ƌĂŶŐĞŽĨƐƵďũĞĐƚƐĨƌŽŵůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞƐ͕ƚŽƐƟůůůŝĨĞ͕ƚŽƉŽƌƚƌĂŝƚƐ͙͟ dŚĞĨƌŽŶƚĐŽǀĞƌŽĨŽƵƌtŝŶƚĞƌ^ŽůƐƟĐĞŝƐƐƵĞŝƐŐƌĂĐĞĚďLJ EĂŶ͛ƐǁĂƚĞƌĐŽůŽƵƌ͚ŽůĚDŝůŬ͛ĂŶĚ:ĂŶĞƚ:ĂƌƌĞůů͕ŽƵƌsŝƐƵĂůƌƚ ĐŽůƵŵŶŝƐƚ͕ƐƉĞĂŬƐǁŝƚŚEĂŶŝŶ͚ƌƚ&ŝůůĞĚǁŝƚŚǁĞ͛͘ 38%/,6+(5(',725 Valerie Smith &5($7,9(',5(&725 Tracy Smith $'9(57,6,1*$&&28170$1$*(56 Brenda Bannerman Valerie Smith &2/801,676 Elaina Asselin – Food Lynn Braun – Film Reviews Pegi Eyers – Book Reviews -R\FH+LJJV²/LIHVW\OH -DQHW-DUUHOO²9LVXDO$UW Amanda Newell – Garden/Nature David Newland - Putting Down Roots 8UVXOD3ÁXJ²)ODVK)LFWLRQ &2175,%87256 Sharon Davison Kate Hussey Maria Karampelas Mishall Rehman Tina Rouse 3522)5($'(5 Norman D. Lawson ',675,%87,21 Lynn Braun Linda Chopping For information regarding advertising or editorial submissions: HPDLOLQIR#WKHOLQNFDSKRQH The Link3UHFLRXV5G55&RERXUJ21.$- 0DLOHGVXEVFULSWLRQVLVVXHV View the complete issue online at: The Link LVSXEOLVKHGWLPHVD\HDUE\&HGDU5LGJH Communications and is distributed throughout Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings & Prince Edward &RXQWLHVZLWKDWRWDOFLUFXODWLRQRIFRSLHV Valerie Elaine Smith KƵƌƐƉĞĐŝĂů͚tŝŶƚĞƌĞůŝŐŚƚƐ͛ƐĞĐƟŽŶƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐƐŽŵĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚŝŶŐŝĚĞĂƐƚŽŬĞĞƉLJŽƵĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶĞĚĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞǁŝŶƚĞƌƐĞĂƐŽŶʹĨƌŽŵĐĞůĞďƌĂƟŶŐƚŚĞǁŝŶƚĞƌƐŽůƐƟĐĞƚŽĂƩĞŶĚŝŶŐƚŚĞ ZĞ&ƌĂŵĞWĞƚĞƌďŽƌŽƵŐŚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƟǀĂů͘dŚĞƌĞŝƐ ŵƵĐŚƚŽĞŶũŽLJ͊ ŶĚŚĞƌĞ͛ƐŵŽƌĞ͊ĂǀŝĚEĞǁůĂŶĚŚĂƐĐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞƐǁŝƚŚďĞĐŽŵŝŶŐĂŚŽĐŬĞLJĚĂĚ͘DŝƐŚĂůů ZĞŚŵĂŶĞdžƉůĂŝŶƐƚŚĞŵĞĂŶŝŶŐŽĨƐŽůƐƟĐĞĂŶĚĞƋƵŝŶŽdž͘ŵĂŶĚĂEĞǁĞůůƚĂůŬƐĂďŽƵƚ ůĞĂǀŝŶŐĂůĞŐĂĐLJŽĨƐŽƌƚƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƚŽĚĂLJ͛ƐĂĐƟŽŶƐĂŶĚĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶƐ͕ĂŶĚ:ŽLJĐĞ,ŝŐŐƐǀŝƐŝƚƐ ƚŚĞWƌŝŵZŽƐĞŽŶŬĞLJ^ĂŶĐƚƵĂƌLJ͘ ^ŽŵĞƟŵĞƐ/ƚŚŝŶŬǁĞŽƉĞƌĂƚĞĂďŝƚŽĨĂƐĂŶĐƚƵĂƌLJŽƵƌƐĞůǀĞƐʹĂĐĂƚƐĂŶĐƚƵĂƌLJ͘tĞůů͙ ǁĞŽŶůLJŚĂǀĞĨŽƵƌďƵƚƚŽƐŽŵĞƉĞŽƉůĞƚŚĂƚƐĞĞŵƐĂůŽƚ͘KƵƌĐĂƚƐŐŽŽƵƚĚŽŽƌƐďƵƚŽŶůLJ ĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞĚĂLJĂŶĚĂůůǁĞĂƌĐŽůůĂƌƐĂŶĚƚĂŐƐǁŝƚŚƚŚĞŝƌŶĂŵĞƐĂŶĚŽƵƌƉŚŽŶĞŶƵŵďĞƌ͘ tŚĞŶƚŚĞLJĐŽŵĞŝŶĨŽƌƚŚĞŝƌ͚ƐƵƉƉĞƌ͛ƚŚĞLJ͛ƌĞŝŶĨŽƌƚŚĞŶŝŐŚƚ͘KƵƚƐŝĚĞƚŽŽƵƌŽůĚĞƐƚ ĐĂƚDĂĚĞůŝŶĞƵƐƵĂůůLJũƵƐƚŵĞĂŶƐƚŚĞƐĐƌĞĞŶĞĚͲŝŶďĂĐŬƉŽƌĐŚ͘ŌĞƌĂůů͕ƐŚĞŝƐϭϵ͊ KŶĞĚĂLJ͕/ĨŽƌŐŽƚƚŽŐĞƚƚŚĞĐĂƚƐŝŶďĞĨŽƌĞ/ůĞŌŚŽŵĞĂŶĚĂƌƌŝǀĞĚďĂĐŬĂďŽƵƚϭϱŵŝŶƵƚĞƐĂŌĞƌĚĂƌŬ͘:ĂĐŬĂŶĚĞǁĞLJǁĞƌĞǁĂŝƟŶŐƚŽŐĞƚŝŶ͕DĂĚĞůŝŶĞǁĂƐƐůĞĞƉŝŶŐďLJƚŚĞ ĮƌĞƐŝĚĞ͕ďƵƚ,ĞǁĞLJǁĂƐŶŽǁŚĞƌĞƚŽďĞĨŽƵŶĚ͘DLJŚƵƐďĂŶĚĂŶĚ/ďŽƚŚƚŽŽŬƚƵƌŶƐĐĂůůŝŶŐĂŶĚĐĂůůŝŶŐďƵƚƚŽŶŽĂǀĂŝů͘dŚĞŶĞdžƚĚĂLJ,ĂůŝĞ͕ŽƵƌ'ĞƌŵĂŶ^ŚĞƉŚĞƌĚ͕ĂŶĚ/ƚŽŽŬĂ ǁĂůŬƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƚŚĞǁŽŽĚƐĂƚƚŚĞďĂĐŬŽĨŽƵƌƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJƚƌLJŝŶŐƚŽĮŶĚ,ĞǁĞLJ͘ ŌĞƌŵŝƐƐŝŶŐŚŝŵĨŽƌĂůŵŽƐƚƚǁŽǁĞĞŬƐ/ƐĂĚůLJƌĞƐŝŐŶĞĚƚŽƚŚĞĨĂĐƚŚĞǁĂƐƉƌŽďĂďůLJ ŶŽƚĐŽŵŝŶŐŚŽŵĞ͘dŚĞŶƚǁŽǁĞĞŬƐƚŽƚŚĞĚĂLJŚĞǁĞŶƚŵŝƐƐŝŶŐ͕ŚĞĂƌƌŝǀĞĚďĂĐŬ͊,Ğ ǁĂƐƟƌĞĚ͕ƐŚĂŬŝŶŐĂŶĚǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶ͘dŚĞĨƵƌŽŶŚŝƐďĂĐŬĨĞĞƚǁĂƐĂůůǁŽƌŶŽīĂŶĚŚŝƐ ĐŽůůĂƌĂŶĚƚĂŐǁĞƌĞŐŽŶĞ͘/ĨŽƵƌƉĞƚƐĐŽƵůĚŽŶůLJƚĂůŬ͙ŝƚŵƵƐƚŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶƋƵŝƚĞƚŚĞĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞĨŽƌ,ĞǁĞLJĂŶĚŝƚǁĂƐĂƉƉĂƌĞŶƚƚŽƵƐŝƚǁĂƐŶ͛ƚŽŶĞŚĞĞŶũŽLJĞĚ͘tĞƐƟůůĐĂŶ͛ƚ ĮŐƵƌĞŽƵƚǁŚĂƚŚĂƉƉĞŶĞĚƚŽŚŝŵ͕ďƵƚŽǀĞƌƚŚĞŶĞdžƚĨĞǁĚĂLJƐŝƚǁĂƐƋƵŝƚĞŽďǀŝŽƵƐŚĞ ǁĂƐǀĞƌLJŚĂƉƉLJƚŽďĞŚŽŵĞ͊ ^ŽƐŵĂůůŵŝƌĂĐůĞƐĚŽƐŽŵĞƟŵĞƐŽĐĐƵƌĂŶĚǁĞĐĞƌƚĂŝŶůLJĨĞĞůůŝŬĞǁĞŐŽƚĂŶĞĂƌůLJ ŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐƉƌĞƐĞŶƚǁŝƚŚ,ĞǁĞLJ͛ƐƌĞƚƵƌŶŚŽŵĞ͘ May you experience a miracle over the holiday season and best wishes for 2015! Valerie &HGDU5LGJH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV All rights reserved. No reproduction by any means or any form may be made without prior written consent by the publisher. Cedar Ridge Communications reserves the right to edit, reject or comment on all material contributed. We do not assume responsibility for any errors and/or omissions related to the content. The viewpoints of our writers, contributors and advertisers may not necessarily be the viewpoint of Cedar Ridge Communications. 4>05;,9:63:;0*, Comments, inquiries and suggestions are always welcome: HPDLO²LQIR#WKHOLQNFDSKRQH² The Link3UHFLRXV5G 55&RERXUJ21.$- Next Issue: Spring Equinox Advertising Deadline: Thursday, February 26 Circulation: mid-March thru mid-June The Link is proud to support our arts, entertainment and community-based organizations and businesses WKURXJKRXWWKHUHJLRQ-RLQXVLQDFRQWLQXHGFHOHEUDWLRQ of our creative communities! V I S U A L A RT Art Filled with Awe by Janet Jarrell “There are moments in our lives when we are truly present and experience the awe of our world.” – Janet Jarrell Nan Sidler, of Peterborough, remembers a “charmed childhood,” as she calls it. It was a simpler time when she could play outside all day, “exploring local woodlands for snakes or chipmunk holes, or wading wetlands looking for frogs,” says Nan. These were the days when you were free to explore all day, as long as you were home for supper. Growing up, she has an appreciation for her time living near the beautiful water and wild spaces RI2QWDULRUHÁHFWLQJIRQGO\RQ3LFWRQ and the white sandy beach at the Sandbanks and living near the Ottawa River in Pembroke. She has always used her gift in drawing and painting as a way to engage with the world around her, a gift she says she shared with her grandfather who worked beautifully in pen and ink. Her post-secondary education took her to Peterborough where she met her husband at Trent University. They shared a love for the area with its rocks, trees and shining waters, and decided to stay there to raise their two sons. The family became avid campers, hikers and canoeists, scenes that are captured in many of her paintings and sketches over the years. Her love and respect for nature is an integral part of who she is and how she approaches her art. Over the years, she has worked with PDQ\ GLͿHUHQW PHGLXPV LQFOXGLQJ the heavy materials like pastels and oils, but prefers the lighter graphite and watercolour paint. She describes the versatility and portability, ideal for slipping into a backpack and heading out to work ‘en plein air.’ Her carefree days in childhood serve her well as an artist who enjoys working on location in some of the world’s most exquisite natural spaces. Working out of a wonderful art studio in the attic of their century home, Nan has devoted this space to her art. She describes the natural light of the three north-facing windows where she sets up to paint on sunny days, and westand south-facing skylights where you ZLOOÀQGKHUZRUNLQJRQWKRVHRYHUFDVW ones. She has developed her skills over the years studying under local and international artists, and is involved with the Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio, a cooperative group which gives tremendous support and resource material to Peterborough artists. There are moments in our lives when we are truly present and experience the awe of our world. These moments come and go quickly, but the peace they bring can stay with us for a lifetime. The true beauty and gift of Nan is her ability to capture these moments and share the emotion in that splendour with the viewer. Her dedication to her art has its rewards. The work of Nan is much celebrated and although she describes the privilege she experiences working in this beautiful province we call home we, too, are privileged to experience the awe in her artwork. Afternoon Ski, Jackson Park, watercolour, 10” x 17” To view more of Nan Sidler’s work: Janet Jarrell is an editor and writer of short stories, sketches and poetry. Her work has been published in local magazines, books and on her blog, ‘A Room of My Own.’ She currently lives in the Quinte area. Blue Icing, watercolour, 13” x 21” ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH5 38 7 7 ,1*'2:152276 Not a Hockey Dad by David Newland “It’s never too early for a lad to start his SOD\RͿEHDUGµ – David Newland :KHQORFDO1+/KHUR-XVWLQ:LOOLDPV paraded through Cobourg with the Stanley Cup last summer, I watched with tears in my eyes. “That could have been me,” I thought, “if only I had played organized hockey!” My son must never know this shame. As a boy growing up in a hockey town, I played lesser forms of the national obsession: road hockey, pond KRFNH\ EDOO KRFNH\ ÁRRU KRFNH\ table hockey, air hockey and shinny hockey, to name but a few. But I never skated around in uniform, stick-hanGOLQJ VODSVKRRWLQJ DQG ÀVWÀJKWLQJ my way to glory. The result is that I’m less of a Canadian – less of a man! – than I should EH -XVWLQ :LOOLDPV OLIWV WKH &XS DQG parades through town like a champ, while I’m stuck dragging my mouse around the desk like a chump. 6>05;,9:63:;0*, I blame my father. Wasn’t it my Dad’s MRE WR GUDJ PH RͿ WR KRFNH\ SUDFWLFH DW ÀYH DP ÀYH WLPHV D ZHHN IRU years – plus power-skating in the evenings and hockey camp in the summer? How hard would it have been to tape my sticks and sharpen my skates and drag around my gear, year after year? To establish a dietary regimen, and set up custom exercise equipment, and hire a personal trainer, and drain the family bank account to pay for it all? My upbringing kept me from being a hockey hero. I need to do better with my own son. He needs me to be the hockey dad I never had. The boy will need no pushing. He got enough Leafs gear at birth to clothe him through to Triple A. “Goalie” was RQH RI KLV ÀUVW ZRUGV +H ORYHG KLV foam-rubber hockey puck so much he literally ate pieces of it! He carries a hockey stick around the house like a ZL]DUG FDUULHV D VWDͿ +H·V REVHVVHG ZLWK WKH DQFLHQW 2ULJLQDO 6L[ WDEOH hockey game that has already nurtured three generations of our family. Still, I have concerns. I worry that the sons of real hockey men already have the jump on my son. Those boys were probably born skating backwards. I’m sure they can fake and deke and go top-shelf already. I bet they’re scrappy, gritty, rock’em, sock’em guys who give a hundred and ten per cent every game. Soft hands, big hearts, missing teeth... Some of them have probably been drafted. But there’s no getting around it: if my son is going to grow up to be the next -XVWLQ :LOOLDPV ,·YH JRW WR EHFRPH D hockey dad. Time to put the past behind me, put boards up in the backyard and put a second mortgage on the house. Time to get the boy on skates, on ice, in the zone. It’s never too early IRUDODGWRVWDUWKLVSOD\RͿEHDUG $IWHUDOOWKHNLGLV7:2DOUHDG\:KDW kind of dad waits until his kid is pottytrained before putting him in hockey? 1RWDKRFNH\GDGWKDW·VIRUVXUH'HÀnitely not a hockey dad! David Newland is a writer and musician based in Cobourg. Bear’s Beads Beads, Beading Supplies And Handcrafted Jewellery Come Co e visit s our ou new e bigger and better sstore! INSIGHT OPTICAL 24 King W, Cobourg, ON K9A 2L9 Phone:(905) 372-8287 r*SHZZLZr)PY[OKH`7HY[PLZr r9LWHPYZr)LHK*S\Ir Natural Health Products 271 Spring St. Cobourg, ON 905.377.8998 Naturopathic Dispensary, for all your natural health needs! 73 King Street West, Unit 2, *VIV\YN65 905-372-5111 ILHYZILHKZ'Z`TWH[PJVJH ^^^ILHYZILHKZJH 9LWDPLQV 0LQHUDOV 6SRUWV 1XWULWLRQ 2PHJD 6XSSOHPHQWV 3URELRWLFV %RWDQLFDOV Watch for our demo days on Facebook with Maiga Shea Butter Become an Artist ~ Be Inspired Aveda Concept Salon & Spa 905.372.4247 287 Division Street, Cobourg Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-5:00 Sat 10:00-4:00 Art Classes - Kids and Adults Art Supplies Framing s')&4#%24)&)#!4%3s9/'!s ')&&4 #%24)&)#!4%3 9/'! ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH7 N AT U RE 0HDQLQJRI6ROVWLFHDQG(TXLQR[ by Mishall Rehman “Historically, the solstice and equinox have played an important role for many civilizations.” – Mishall Rehman Stonehenge, located in Amesbury, UK has been the centre of wonder DQG P\VWHU\ IRU FHQWXULHV EDLQJ archeologists. Many researchers, however, speculate the ancient monument was built to mark an annual astronomical occurrence: the solstice. The solstice and equinox, celebrated by ancient civilizations, essentially indicate the changing length of days and seasons caused by the earth’s rotation. The word solstice is derived from Latin as sol means sun and ‘stice’ comes from the Latin word ‘sistere’ meaning standing still. The solstice occurs biannually, once in the winter and once in the summer. The summer solstice, W\SLFDOO\ LQ ODWH -XQH LV FDXVHG E\ WKH sun reaching its northernmost point in the celestial sphere, resulting in the longest day of the year. The northern hemisphere will receive the most sunlight during this time, allowing for warmer temperatures. The winter solstice, on the other hand, occurs when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun the most, resulting in the shortest day of the year. The winter solstice falls in late December. The angle of the earth during winter is tilted in 8>05;,9:63:;0*, such a way that it receives less sunlight, hence the frigid cold temperatures. The equinox is also derived from Latin and means ‘equal night.’ As implied by the name, equinox is the day in the year when there is an equal amount of day and night. The spring equinox, known as the vernal equinox, is in March while the fall equinox, referred to as the autumnal equinox, falls in September. The equinox is characterized by milder weather because the earth is neither tilted toward or away from the sun. This is also the time in the year when the northern and southern hemispheres have the most similar weather since they are illuminated by the sun equally. “If you imagine a knitting needle and put it through the earth between the North and South Pole, that needle is not pointing straight up, it’s tilted by ô GHJUHHV $QG LW PHDQV WKDW WKH illumination of the sun, the amount of sunlight we get, depends on where the earth is in its orbit around the sun. So that knitting needle you could think of is pointing in the same direction all the time but that needle is going in a circle around the sun. So some of the time the northern hemisphere is pointed more toward the sun and other times the southern hemisphere is pointed more toward the sun,” said Dr. Martin Duncan, Professor of Astronomy at Queen’s University in Kingston. Historically, the solstice and equinox have played an important role for many civilizations. Unlike today’s society which heavily relies on technology, hundreds of years ago people paid close attention to astronomy and the pattern of the sun. The solstice and equinox both helped societies determine when to harvest crops and sow their seeds. Many civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans, held celebrations and festivals around these times to revere certain gods and goddesses. For example, the ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia which took place around the winter solstice to honour the god Saturn. They would typically exchange gifts and placed special importance on lights and evergreens. Some Christmas traditions can be traced back to Saturnalia. To this day, people from around the world gather at Stonehenge to watch the sun rise during the summer solstice. 7KLV \HDU RQ -XQH WKRXVDQGV RI people gathered at the monument to revel in celebrations all night long for the summer solstice in anticipation of the sunrise. Originally from south of the border, Mishall Rehman is a freelance journalist pursuing her lifelong passion of writing in her new homeland of Canada. When she isn’t writing Mishall enjoys experimenting with cuisines from around the world. She is also a military spouse and currently resides in Trenton with her husband. MUSIC .HHSLQJLW&HOWLFLQ1RUWKXPEHUODQG&RXQW\ by Maria Karampelas “…you’re compelled to either sing along or form a dance circle and stomp your feet!” – Maria Karampelas So you decide to go out for beverages one night with your good friends and you happen to luck out because the place you go to has booked live music IRU WKH HYHQLQJ$W ÀUVW \RX GRQ·W SD\ much attention to the band playing and singing their hearts out because you’re too busy catching up and laughing with the group. But then, someone strikes a chord and you hear that familiar tune ‘Home for a Rest’ by Spirit of the West and you’re compelled to either sing along or form a dance circle and stomp your feet! Madman’s Window gets a crowd feeling their Celtic roots whether they’re Irish or not. The band combines the talent and charm of two of Cobourg’s Devlin brothers, Chris and Paul, who come to us by way of Dublin, Ireland (that’s where their parents were born); Tyson Galloway, also from Cobourg and known as one of the best bass guitarists in the area; and Kyler Tapscott who recently returned from Spain where he studied Spanish classical guitar. Photo: Maria Karampelas Madman’s Window came about when Paul and Chris Devlin got to talking one night and realized there was a demand for Irish folk music in the area, so they tuned themselves up. Whether they’re performing, teaching music in the community or helping out with private or United Way fundraisers, these guys H[SORGH ZLWK WDOHQW DQG ÀOO WKHLUDQG our lives with music! Along with members from other bands, Madman’s Window puts together fundraisers and special events to help raise funds and awareness for families who are struggling, often with healthrelated issues, or for individuals in the community who need help and just don’t qualify to receive it. “There are so many great musicians in the area and a lot get involved because it’s important to give back,” said Chris. Everyone who is part of this program gets involved as often as possible to put on a really great fundraising event. A CD launch party is being held on 'HFHPEHU DW 3RUW +RSH /LRQV &OXE IURP SP 0DGPDQ·V :LQGRZ along with several other local bands and talented musicians and singers, will be launching a Christmas CD called, ‘The Twelve Days of Northumberland’ by Artists of Northumberland for Northumberland County United Way. There will only be a limited amount of copies made for sale but they’ll be available at local retailers and on iTunes, with all proceeds given to the United Way. Currently, Madman’s Window is working on a few more original tunes and they’re busy recording in the studio putting together an album they hope to have ready to be released by St. Patrick’s Day. Aside from spending a great deal of time in the recording studio over the next few months, Madman’s Window plans to continue with regular gigs DW7KH2DVLV%DUDQG*ULOO&RERXUJ The Cat & The Fiddle (Cobourg), Black Beans Steakhouse (Port Hope) and other venues. Keep tuned to their Facebook page and their website for a romp’n, stomp’n good time: madmanswindow madmanswindow Maria Karampelas is a freelance writer who also works in the hospitality industry in Port Hope. She always makes time for people who follow their hearts and do what they love, and enjoys sharing their stories and wisdom. Madman’s Window (left to right): Kyler Tapscott, Chris Devlin, Tyson Galloway, Paul Devlin THE E C L E CTI C EYE Natural elegance This Tree of Life wall-hanging is made from jute ÀEUHVE\WDOHQWHG)DLU7UDGHDUWLVDQVDW6DVKD +DQGLFUDIWVLQ,QGLD6DVKDHPSOR\VPRUHWKDQ ZRUNHUVSHUFHQWRIZKRPDUHZRPHQDQGXVHD business model which aims to help artisans develop VHOIVXFLHQF\DQGUHOLDEOHLQFRPH)RUPRUHLQVSLUing stories and products of Fair Trade come into our store or view our website. Available at: Ten Thousand Villages .LQJ6W:HVW&RERXUJ RUFRERXUJ#YLOODJHVFD Creation Love, help one another, know yourself and create. What else could there be? I share my spirited formations with the intent of FUHDWLQJEHDXW\8VLQJUHF\FOHGÀQHVLOYHUWKHWH[WXUHRIWKLVIHPLnine necklace exudes strength, yet the posture is playful. May we all have that wondrous balance! We are sometimes referred to as “diamonds in the rough.” As life chisels us into shape, my wish LVWR´H[DOWDUHµDÁDWVKHHWRIVLOYHURUDSLOHRIFOD\LQWRDXQLTXH UHÁHFWLRQRIRXULQQHUTXLHWMR\6HHPRUHGHVLJQVRQP\ZHEVLWH Jeweller: Tannice Goddard Port Hope :LQWHUHVVHQWLDOV Naturally rich in Vitamin E, Maiga RAW Shea Butter is a winter essential! It soothes chapped hands, heels, lips and skin. Shea Butter is a natural product that is extracted from the African Shea Nut. Living Well carries a wide variety of 0DLJD5$:6KHD%XWWHUSURGXFWVFRPHE\IRUDYLVLWWRÀQG WKHULJKWRQHIRU\RX'HPRRQ'HFHPEHUE\0DLJDZLWK gift baskets available. Available at: Living Well Natural Health Products 6SULQJ6W&RERXUJ 10>05;,9:63:;0*, Thunderbird mandala Mandala is a Sanskrit word from Ancient India meaning centre, circumference or mind circle. Throughout history the circle has been an important form of expression in human culture. Using acrylic and gold leaf on canvas Leanne Baird creates mandala paintings to express the process of unfolding of the human psyche. Through colour, line and shape she creates movement in each painting that can inspire the viewer toward their own unfolding. The 7KXQGHUELUGPDQGDODVKRZQKHUHLVµ[µ Artist: Leanne Baird Peterborough RUEOHDQQH#V\PSDWLFRFD Sleeveless hoodie Warm elegance in a simple design. Feather light – it’s like being encased in warm DLU0DGHIURPJUDGH&DQDGLDQDOSDFDLW·VDVVRIWDVFDVKPHUH<RXZRQ·WNQRZ \RXDUHZHDULQJLWXQWLO\RXWDNHLWRͿ8QLTXHRQHRIDNLQGGHVLJQLVKDQGFUDIWed on a knitting machine by Melody Macdonald of Twoloom Alpacas. Visit the store at the farm for a fun shopping experience and meet the alpacas. Available at: Twoloom Alpacas &RXQW\5RDG+DVWLQJV RUPHORG\#WZRORRPDOSDFDVFD Fish and Chips This is one of many unique paintings created by local, Quinte West artist Eucalypta Apurimac. A newcomer to the art world, Eucalypta has developed a keen eye and a skilled hand for portraits and the unusual. She is passionate about the environment and animal rights, including the wellbeing of even the smallest creatures. Artist: Eucalypta Apurimac Quinte West Local artist or artisan? Interested in having your work featured in The Eclectic Eye compliments of The Link? Contact ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH11 ) / $6 +),&7, 2132(75< $7UHQW5LYHU&KULVWPDV by Mary Jane Thomson I was six years old, the middle child in a seemingly ordinary family. My safe home harboured a terrible secret. Santa Claus ZRXOG QRW DUULYH LQ 7KLV VHFUHW WDXJKW me a lesson that left me humbled for life. My older siblings were always away about WKHLU WHHQDJH EXVLQHVV 7KLV DͿRUGHG PH D wide window of opportunity. My paternal grandparents lived across the road. They had generous living quarters in the back of our General Store. Being the parents of three grown sons, granddaughters were a novelty which they embraced. My sister, Dianne, was a teenager and her hormones were stirring a real big pot! She was a handful. Nan and Granddad found me cute and manageable by comparison. I took full advantage of the situation. It was glorious to be number one. Christmas was approaching. The snowbanks were enormous and I marvelled as my big strong brothers shovelled the huge drifts into neat pathways. Granddad would be leaving soon to pick up the newspapers and grocery supplies for our store. They arrived every day by train in Havelock. I was bored and begged to go along. Granddad let me down saying he had important business at the bank. I put on my best pout but he would not budge. My feelings were hurt but I could still look forward to the mail run. Mr. Anderson GHOLYHUHG WKH PDLO WR RXU 3RVW 2FH HYHU\ day. There was always something interesting, especially new magazines with glossy pictures of the Royal family and famous PRYLH VWDUV 'DG DOZD\V OHW PH KDYH ÀUVW pick. I was extra careful not to wrinkle any before he sold them. Nan was busy baking doughnuts. I scooped one of the greasy treasures and headed for the store. I was surprised by Nan’s, “Not today, young lady” tone. I sent up a wail of protest. Nan never blinked an eye and sent me packing back home. A big secret! I decided they must have a special Christmas present hidden in the store just for me. I would have to sneak in later... My chance came shortly after dinner. Mum and Dad seemed to be having serious words. Money and a new refrigerator featured in the heated discussion. Mum burst into tears and Dad left with my brothers in tow. While Mum ZDVVQLLQJDQGPXWWHULQJDZD\WRKHUVHOI, 12>05;,9:63:;0*, seized the opportunity to sneak away. It was black dark and bitter cold as I felt my way along the snowbanks which towered above my head. It was a long, scary tunnel. Determined to solve the mystery, I held my EUHDWKDQGUDQDVIDVWDVP\ÁRSS\ROGERRWV would allow. Crouching down very small and quiet, I slipped in the back loading dock to our store. Dad and Granddad and my brothers were milling around in the light from one dim RYHUKHDGODQWHUQ7KHLUYRLFHVZHUHPXHG but sounded serious. I was afraid they would notice my cold breath in the air. I was sure they could hear my heart pounding, it was so loud. They were absorbed in sorting what looked like a mountain of parcels, but seemed cheerful as they passed around a small whiskey bottle. I heard Dad say, “Ruth will get over it!” I began to realize I was in WURXEOH7KLVZDVVRPH:$<%,*JURZQXS secret I had stumbled upon. Even Granddad would not be able to save my little ass if I was caught. I scurried out as quiet as could be, hit our house door running and tumbled into bed, clothes and all. Mum was still crying in her bedroom. I was sure, the mountain of parcels was stolen from Santa! No wonder Mum was so mad! Dad and the boys were in big trouble. Santa was VXUHWREHSLVVHGRͿDQH[SUHVVLRQ,SLFNHG up from my brother Bob). Dad and the boys FDPHLQODXJKLQJDQGLWVHW0XPRͿDJDLQ, heard her say “We are all going to starve to death!” Dad was making hush-hush noises when I fell asleep. I actually made myself sick with worry. Nan made me chicken soup and Granddad brought me ice-cold ginger ale from the store. They said I had to get better for Christmas. Mum was so worried about me she forgot to be mad at Dad. Christmas Eve day I watched from my bedroom window as Dad and the boys loaded all the parcels into the truck. They went back and forth all day. It made me sleepy. Christmas morning arrived. We had a pretty tree and presents. The policeman in his big long black and white car with the red light on top failed to appear. I relaxed. Mum was cooking up a storm. Everyone seemed happy, so I perked up. All day long pies and jars of homemade pickles and jam were delivered to our house. Bags of frozen venison and moose appeared on our porch. Someone dumped a whole load of stove wood in the side yard. There was one PHPRUDEOH RͿHULQJ RI WKUHH OLYH JHHVH 0\ brothers found that hilarious as they penned them up. I think the boys discovered some whiskey bottles in the plunder. Granddad FRQÀVFDWHGWKRVH*URZQXSVDUHVWUDQJH <HDUV ODWHU , UHDOL]HG 'DG DQG WKH ER\V KDG been sorting all the deliveries from the Simpsons- Sears and Eaton’s catalogues. Some families in the village did not own a car or have a telephone. Some parents were illiterate. Dad was the local Postmaster and an educated man. He patiently made out the neighbours’ catalogue orders and mailed them away to Toronto. Payment was expected upon delivery. Some families were shy of cash. Dad bartered with them for venison, moose and sometimes just a mincemeat pie (because it was his favourite). He supplied all the cash payments and his books always balanced! Mum, ever practical, said he was a BAD SANTA. Her new refrigerator did not arrive. She pointed out you could order a refrigerator from the Eaton’s catalogue. Dad pointed out we had not starved to death. Dad gave families with little children hope for a ‘Happy Christmas.’ It was our family tradition for many years. A large picture of the Queen is displayed prominently in every Post 2FHLQ&DQDGD$VWKH&KULVWPDVSUHVHQWV UROOHG RXW RI +HU 0DMHVW\·V 3RVW 2FH LQ 'DG ZDV KHDUG WR UHPDUN ´*RG EOHVV the Queen.” Mary Jane Thomson was raised in Trent River Village. She studied writing through Loyalist College and is a long-time member of the Scribes of Northumberland writing group. Her chronicles of village life in the 50s and 60s centre around her father’s general store and the local church. Mary Jane still writes her stories by hand on a yellow legal pad. She lives in Campbellford. 8rsula PÁug selects Áash Àction for The Link. Her new novel The Alphabet Stones is available online, at Artspace and Chapters in Peterborough, and at Cat Sass in Norwood. Visit her at ursulapÁ :LQWHU6ROVWLFH Winter Solstice sharp with cold, White owl hoots beneath the moon. infusing life in hopes grown old. Holly and mistletoe, kiss we soon? Winter solstice births new light Sleigh bells jingle a happy tune. pulled from darkest womb of night. White snow softly blankets the ground, Nova star splits the sky! Harp by hearth. Sigh, oh sigh! melting crystals make no sound. Winter’s magic is all around Personalized Wedding Ceremonies, Baptisms, Spiritual Christenings, Naming Ceremonies, Funerals, Celebrations of Life and Memorials for People and Pets. Now offering a well-appointed space for intimate gatherings. *ail Corbett, LakeÀeld Can you hear the whispers? F]ETTSMRXQIRXSRP] KEMWLIHEOLIE[SO$KQEMPGSQ[[[[LMWTIVMRKWSRKGSQ ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH13 %22.) , /05(9, (:6 Book Review Time Machine by Lynn Hilborn (Grafton) %OXUE Many a night I saw the Pleiades, rising through the mellow shade *OLWWHUOLNHDVZDUPRIÀUHÁLHVWDQJOHGLQD VLOYHUEUDLGµ²$OIUHG/RUG7HQQ\VRQ Some of us were born to reach for the stars and the passion of Grafton resident Lynn Hilborn is evident in his powerful understanding of the universe in the pages of Time Machine. Even with the recent setback of Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic tourism program, space travel ventures are testament to our propensity IRUH[SORUDWLRQÀUVWSXUVXLQJWKHOLPLWVRIWKHFRQWLnents and the depths of the oceans, and now turning to the realms of the cosmos. As an award-winning astrophotographer, Lynn Hilborn tracks these discoveries from his own backyard, )LOP5HYLHZ Belleville Culture Days Film Presentation – Fly Colt Fly: Legend of the Barefoot Bandit Whiplash transcends the usual WHDFKHUVWXGHQWÀOPJHQUH Every fall I have the privilege and pleasure of attending Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival. “Why not go to Toronto?” I’m often asked. Because for me Cinéfest is more manageable, more accessible and less stressful than heading to the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). And the drive north to Sudbury (I CANNES FILM FESTIVAL • TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL • NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL A SONY PICTURES CLASSICS RELEASE BOLD FILMS PRESENTS A BLUMHOUSE / RIGHT OF WAY PRODUCTION A DAMIEN CHAZELLE FILM “WHIPLASH” MILES TELLER J.K. SIMMONS PAUL REISER CASTING CO-PRODUCED MUSIC SCORE ORIGINAL BIG ORIGINAL BIG BAND COSTUME FILM PRODUCTION BY TERRI TAYLOR, C.S.A. BY NICHOLAS BRITELL SUPERVISOR ANDY ROSS BY JUSTIN HURWITZ BAND SONGS BY JUSTIN HURWITZ COMPETITION PIECES BY TIM SIMONEC DESIGNER LISA NORCIA EDITOR TOM CROSS DESIGNER MELANIE PAIZIS-JONES DIRECTOR OF EXECUTIVE PRODUCED PHOTOGRAPHY SHARONE MEIR PRODUCERS JASON REITMAN GARY MICHAEL WALTERS COUPER SAMUELSON JEANETTE VOLTURNO-BRILL BY JASON BLUM HELEN ESTABROOK MICHEL LITVAK DAVID LANCASTER WRITTEN AND WWW.WHIPLASHMOVIE.COM WWW.MONGRELMEDIA.COM DIRECTED BY DAMIEN CHAZELLE © 2013 WHIPLASH, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON with an astounding array of cameras, lenses and telescopes tucked into an unassuming structure. What he FDOOVKLV´7LPH0DFKLQHµLVDQ[IRRWJDUGHQVKHG RXWÀWWHGZLWKDUHWUDFWDEOHURRI:LWKVRPHPDMRURStical, mechanical and electronic devices, the space has been transformed into a modern astronomical observatory. With his sophisticated technology, Lynn also captures views of the constellated skies that rotate with the seasons, the transits of planetary bodies, our very own beloved moon, so near and yet so far, and the aurora borealis thrown in for good measure. The photos have great captions describing time, light, distance, movement, colour (or lack thereof), chemical compoVLWLRQDQGRWKHUVFLHQWLÀFGDWD The vastness of space is beyond comprehension, but Lynn enlightens us by describing that the closest heavenly body to the Earth is the moon “at RQO\µ NLORPHWUHV UDQJLQJ RYHU WR ¶4XDVDU 3*·ZKLFKLVELOOLRQOLJKW\HDUVDZD\%\ taking shots that are in reality billions of light years in the past, Lynn is a self-proclaimed “time traveller.” It is fascinating to think that in the time before time, with the rise of human societies and civilizations, the collective myths and ‘ethnosphere’ of the entire hu- always go through Algonquin Park) is spectacular in mid-September. 1RZ LQ LWV WK \HDU DQG FRLQHG ´WKH SHRSOH·V IHVWLYDOµ&LQpIHVW6XGEXU\RͿHUVDERXWÀOPVRYHUQLQH days, including full-length features, shorts, documenWDULHVDQGDQLPDWLRQWKLV\HDU,ZDVDEOHWRÀWLQ SURYLGLQJFLQHSKLOHVZLWKÀUVWFODVVÀOPVDQGLQGXVWU\ discourse each September. It has a long history of proPRWLQJ&DQDGLDQÀOPDQGLQFUHDWHGWKH1RUWKern Film Circuit outreach initiative. This became the PRGHO IRU 7,))·V )LOP &LUFXLW ZKLFK QRZ ERDVWV JURXSVDFURVV&DQDGD)LOP&LUFXLWSURJUDPPHUVÁRFN to Cinéfest each year to preview the best in Canadian DQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOÀOPV A stand-out feature for me at this year’s festival was Whiplash. It’s about a college student attending an elite music academy and his teacher/mentor but this story of the development of a musician somehow evolves man race – our earliest creation cycles and ancient sagas – are based on the exact same constellation conÀJXUDWLRQVWKDW/\QQKDVSKRWRJUDSKHGWRGD\ From the many facts presented in Time Machine, learning that the Pleiades (the ‘Seven Sisters’) are in fact ‘hot blue’ stars is astonishing, as well as knowing there is an ¶(\HRI*RG·QHEXODOLJKW\HDUVGLVWDQWIURP(DUWK As you absorb the magnitude of these galactic maps and feast your eyes on astronomer Lynn’s cosmic delights (photography quite literally ‘out of this world’), you will experience a true sense of awe and wonder, and become humbled by our place in creation. To see Lynn Hilborn’s ongoing portfolio and recent shots of the heavens go to www.nightoverontario. com at SmugMug. Time Machine is available from KWWSZZZEOXUEFRPEWLPHPDFKLQH or as an e-reader copy from Apple iTunes: https:// LWXQHVDSSOHFRPFDERRNLG Cultural creative Pegi Eyers lives in the countryside on the outskirts of Peterborough and is currently writing a book on the First Nations/Settler interface to be published by Stone Circle Press. If you are a local author or poet and would like your book reviewed in an upcoming issue, please contact into a psychological thriller. It draws you in from the beginning and never lets you go. Don’t be surprised to VHHWKH\RXQJ0LOHV7HOOHUDQG-.6LPPRQV-XQR·V dad) nominated big-time in the upcoming awards season. Their performances are stunning and the fabulous MD]]VFRUHLVOLNHDQRWKHUFKDUDFWHULQWKHÀOP7KHGHGLcation and commitment required to succeed in music is not sugar-coated and you’ll cringe watching some scenes. Director Damien Chazelle never misses a beat and I predict WhiplashZLOOEHLQ·V7RS Whiplash is playing Northumberland Film Society, &RERXUJRQ)HEUXDU\DQG4XLQWH)LOP$OWHUQDWLYH %HOOHYLOOH RQ )HEUXDU\ ZZZQRUWKXPEHUODQGÀOPFDDQGZZZTXLQWHÀOPDOWHUQDWLYHFD Lynn Braun writes promotional material for the Quinte Film Alternative and Belleville Downtown DocFest. She is an avid supporter of all the aspects of arts and culture. 2 OPEN 36 AR YE DAYS KAUS OUT CHEC BOOK ON FACE Featuring: Caromal Colour Paint No sanding, no stripping, no priming 14>05;,9:63:;0*, : ,17 ( 5 ' (/, *+76 $3LFWXUH6FUHHQV$7KRXVDQG,VVXHV5H)UDPH)LOP)HVWLYDO by Kate Hussey “If you don’t want to go WRDELJIHVWLYDOLQ7RURQWR like Hot Docs, we’re quite DODUJHGRFXPHQWDU\ÀOP IHVWLYDOWKDWLVDELWPRUH DFFHVVLEOHµ².ULVWD(QJOLVK We are all part of the bigger picture and have a strong connection to this world we live in. The ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival brings to attention a large range of local and global issues, some that we are aware of and others we have yet to discover. The festival, runQLQJ)ULGD\-DQXDU\WR6XQGD\-DQXDU\ ZLOO VFUHHQ ÀOPV DOO ZHHNHQG DW three Peterborough theatres: Market Hall Performing Arts Centre, Showplace Performance Centre and The Venue. 'RFXPHQWDU\ ÀOP LV QRZ D SRSXODU means of education. “A lot of people come to the festival to watch one particuODUÀOPDQGVWD\WRZDWFKDIHZRWKHUVµ said Krista English, executive director. “They are amazed that they didn’t know about something that happened in the world.” $QH[DPSOHLVWKHÀOPJust Eat It, a documentary directed by Grant Baldwin which draws attention to the wasted food LQRXUWKURZDZD\VRFLHW\7KHÀOPPDNers vow to stop buying groceries, planning to survive solely on discarded food for six months. However, food is not the only subject emphasized. Many of the documentaries utilize photography in their story. Monk with a Camera, directed by Guido Santi and Tina Mascara, explores the story of a monk who uses his talent in photography to raise funds to support his fellow monks in rebuilding their monastery. :H IROORZ SKRWRJUDSKHU -RDQ 6XOOLYDQ LQ WKH ÀOP Living on the Edge, directed E\6XVDQ:RRGÀQHDVVKHWUDYHOVDORQJ the St. Lawrence River with her camera. She tracks how coastal communities have adapted to climate change, an idea inspired after a dangerous weather event that acted as a wake-up call for eastern 4XHEHFNHUVLQ Watching movies from the comfort of our own home is something we tend to GREXWDÀOPIHVWLYDOJRHVEH\RQGZKDW we’re used to and allows us to share an experience and new ideas with others. ´0D\EHJRIRUDFRͿHHDQGGLVFXVVLWDIterward,” English suggested. “I hope that the festival creates an atmosphere for the community to engage in something together.” But be mindful that festival tickets sell out quickly so it’s best to purchase tickets early. 7KH IHVWLYDO UXQV )ULGD\ -DQXDU\ WR 6XQGD\ -DQXDU\ )RU GHWDLOV RQ WKH VFUHHQLQJVYLVLWZZZUHIUDPHÀOPIHVWLYDOFD Kate Hussey, a graduate of the Durham College journalism program, is a freelance writer and songwriter, and is currently working on two books. She grew up in Prince Edward County and is now living in Northumberland County. Photo: Natalie Herault 7\SLFDOO\ FURZGV RI SHRSOH DWWHQG each screening. “If you don’t want to go to a big festival in Toronto like Hot Docs, ZH·UH TXLWH D ODUJH GRFXPHQWDU\ ÀOP festival that is a bit more accessible,” she VDLG$QGZLWKDWRWDORIRYHUFDUHIXOO\ VHOHFWHGÀOPVSOD\LQJWKHUHDUHSOHQW\RI topics to choose from. 0DQ\ RI WKH IHDWXUH OHQJWK ÀOPV WKLV \HDUIRFXVWKHLUDWWHQWLRQRQIRRG´2XU themes change a bit from year to year, and this year we really seem to have a ORW RI ÀOPV DERXW IRRG ² IRRG VHFXULW\ and food sustainability,” said English, who added that it’s a bit of a shift since it wasn’t an especially popular topic last winter. ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH15 : ,17 ( 5 ' (/, *+76 :LQWHUVROVWLFHFHOHEUDWLRQ -RLQXVDW7KLUWHHQ0RRQVIRURXUZLQWHUVROVWLFHFHOebration! We’ll begin by sharing a potluck dinner followed by a ceremony to mark the return to the light. Bring your drum if you have one. As usual, there is no charge for this event. Rather, we will collect cash donations for the KawarWKD6H[XDO$VVDXOW&HQWUH3OHDVHFRQÀUP\RXUSDUWLFLSDWLRQ E\)ULGD\'HFHPEHUDQGIXOOGHWDLOVZLOOEHSURYLGHG When'HFHPEHUWRSP Where: Thirteen Moons Wellness, Norwood RUORXLVH#WKLUWHHQPRRQVFD Brent Butt is back! Star of ‘Corner Gas’ and ‘Hiccups,’ Canadian comedy legend Brent Butt returns to Peterborough. Discovering early that being funny was a good way to get attention, Brent KRQHGKLVFRPHG\LQVFKRRODQGDWWKHDJHRIPRYHGWR the city to pursue a career in stand-up. Within months he was headlining top clubs in Toronto and within a couple of years he was touring internationally and appearing at major festivals. Don’t miss what is sure to be a very entertaining evening! When-DQXDU\ Where: Showplace Performance Centre *HRUJH6W1RUWK3HWHUERURXJK RU and :LQJHG7DSHVWULHV²0RWKVDW/DUJH 2QORDQIURPWKH&DQDGLDQ0XVHXPRI1DWXUHWKHKLGGHQ beauty of moths explodes in this exhibition at the Peterborough Museum & Archives. Winged Tapestries – Moths at Large presHQWVLPSUHVVLYHODUJHIRUPDWSULQWVRIPRWKVE\SKRWRJUDSKHU-LPGHV5LYLqUHV7RFUHDWHWKHVHIDVFLQDWLQJODUJHUWKDQOLIH LPDJHVGHV5LYLqUHVVFDQVHDFKPRWKVSHFLPHQDWDYHU\KLJK resolution. The results are spectacular: huge images in which unexpected colours and intricate patterns reveal themselves. Visitors have described the exhibition as “unforgettable”! On Display-DQXDU\WR0DUFK Where: Peterborough Museum & Archives +XQWHU6W(DVW3HWHUERURXJK www.peterboroughmuseumandarchives 16>05;,9:63:;0*, )LOPEX;V«OLVWHQXS Committed to dispelling stereotypes and promoting issues of social justice, diversity, human rights and environmental responsibility, the ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival tries to touch as many SHRSOHLQWKHLUFRPPXQLW\DVSRVVLEOHE\PDNLQJSURJUDPPLQJDͿRUGDEOHIRUDOO7KH\DOVRLQWURGXFHFKLOGUHQDQG\RXWKWRÀOPDQGWRZRUOGLVVXHV5H)UDPHFHOHEUDWHVDUWLVWVDQGUHFRJQL]HVWKHSRZHURIFUHDWLYH H[SUHVVLRQ(DUO\%LUGSULFHVWRWKHÀOPIHVWLYDODUHDYDLODEOHXQWLO-DQ When)ULGD\-DQXDU\WKURXJK6XQGD\-DQXDU\ Venues: Market Hall, Showplace, The Venue (Peterborough) [ [ ZZZUHIUDPHÀOPIHVWLYDOFD 9267KHDWUHSUHVHQWV« "#$$# -RLQXV9DOHQWLQH·V'D\ZHHNHQGIRU¶+DWV2Ϳ$*LOEHUW & Sullivan Revue’ featuring the best of HMS Pinafore, The Gondoliers, Iolanthe, Pirates of Penzance, The 0LNDGRDQG7ULDOE\-XU\(QMR\WKHVRORVGXHWVWULRV FKRUXVHVDQGFKDUDFWHUVEURXJKWWROLIHE\WKHDUHD·VÀQHVWYRLFHV0DGHIDPRXVE\'·2\O\&DUWHSURGXFWLRQV Gilbert and Sullivan productions have been loved by DXGLHQFHVDURXQGWKHZRUOGVLQFH When)HEUXDU\²SP)HEUXDU\²SPSP Where: Victoria Hall, Cobourg TicketsRURURQOLQH Ingenious wearable art 7KHVKRZFDVHRI3HWHUERURXJKDUWLVWVLQ7KH:HDUDEOH Art Show will unleash wild creations upon the catwalk, all WREHQHÀW3XEOLF(QHUJ\·VZRUNLQWKHFRPPXQLW\$VDQ audience member, it is an opportunity to dress up and get down with the artistic milieu while showing your support of Public Energy’s work. As an animator of contemporary dance, theatre, performance and interdisciplinary work, Public Energy is dedicated to supporting the creation, touring and presentation of innovative contemporary performance arts. Come on out to their annual fundraiser! When$SULO Where: Market Hall Performing Arts Centre &KDUORWWH6W3HWHUERURXJK RUDGPLQ#SXEOLFHQHUJ\FD ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH17 W INT E R D ELI GHTS Winter Heats Up with Public Energy by Tina Rouse Always fresh and exciting, Public Energy presents an ever-changing spectacular array of dance, theatre and performance arts. This dynamic organization showcases both international and local performers at home in their Market Hall venue, The Theatre on King, ArtSpace and outdoor venues within Peterborough. One of the mandates of Public Energy is “…bringing artists and audiences closer together,” says Artistic Producer Bill Kimball. One way of achieving this is during their Post-Show Talk Back feature which allows the audience to meet the artist(s), pose questions and hear about the inspiration behind their work. Public Energy is not a dance troupe but a presenter-and-performance vehicle. The organization is open for artists to come to them and present ideas for shows. Fuelled By is a program that supports independent dance, theatre and performance through co-operaWLYH HͿRUWV ZLWK RWKHU DUWV RUJDQL]Dtions, marketing assistance, production support and creative residencies for artists. January 28 to February 1 the Fuelled By program will present damned by this transmigration by Kate Story at The Theatre on King; a musical production based on early 20th-century writer Don Marquis and his creations, cockroach Archy and alley cat Mehitabel. Fuelled By is also hosting dance artist Bill Coleman in a creative residency while he collaborates to develop a new original work of dance theatre which will be produced in the upcoming Public Energy 2015/2016 season. 18>05;,9:63:;0*, February brings two exciting international works to Market Hall. On February 3 at 8 pm Vincent S. K. Mantsoe performs his works NTU and Skwatta. A student matinee has also been added for February 2 at 4 pm with an artist lecture and demonstration. Born in Soweto, South Africa and descended from a long line of spiritual healers, Mantsoe evokes spiritual energy inÁXHQFHG E\ WUDGLWLRQDO VRQJ GUXP and dance from his culture. February 12 brings artist Aharona Israel’s dance festival hit Marathon. Three performers push the limits of endurance in a constant race toward illusive goals in this commentary on western life. March 26 to 29 – Public Energy presents Emergency #21, a festival of new dance and performance by Peterborough-area artists. This showcase of local talent features puppeteer Brad Breckenridge’s performance/installation Vertep and full-length play Myramadon by the late Bernie Martin at The Theatre on King, plus new original works by local artists. Please check the Public Energy website for further details. April 25 is the date for the 2015 Wearable Art Show. Artists and local groups create works of wearable art to walk down the runway at Market Hall. The annual Runway Challenge invites six artists to join forces with six local businesses (that have nothing to do with fashion or fabrics) to create a work of wearable art within one month. As always there will be a silent auction and more during this most enjoyable fundraising evening. Experience the raw vibrance of Public Energy this winter! For more information on upcoming performances visit: Peterborough resident T. K. Rouse is the author of The Paradox of Paradise, c. 2001, and a graduate of Ryerson University’s Publishing program. Her published work includes non-Àction articles, short Àction, poetry and cartoons. Vincent S. K. Mantsoe in Skwatta Photo: Meinrad Heck “…bringing artists and audiences closer together.” – Bill Kimball I N A GAR D EN save the dates! by Amanda Newell Spring starts fresh, then suddenly the trees are windblown and bare. The sumPHU·V ÁRZHUV ZHUH VR YLEUDQW EXW WKHLU time has passed to make way for new. (QWLUHJDUGHQVRQFHVRIXOÀOOLQJEHFRPH vague memories and forgotten details. This time of year, along with the recent SDVVLQJ RI P\ \HDUROG JUDQGIDWKHU leaves me thinking about how short our time here can feel and what happens when it’s over. What is left behind? I grew up lucky enough to know four grandparents and have a strong sense of them as individuals. But their parents, VR VLJQLÀFDQW WR WKHP DUH MXVW OLWWOH FROlections of stories and ideas to me. I hope to know my daughter’s children well and ÀQG LW XQQHUYLQJ WKDW WKH\ ZRQ·W OLNHO\ ever know my own parents. How quickly a person’s whole lifetime worth of moments can fade away! However, their impact can survive! Time marches on and the legacies of all the people before us exist in the details of how we live today. All the decisions, creations and preferences of our parents and their ancestors shape the landscape and society where we spend our days. My grandchildren may not know my parents and they certainly won’t know my JUDQGIDWKHU EXW WKH\ ZLOO EH DͿHFWHG E\ him. He left a quiet legacy of conservation (inherited by my father and passed down to me). He took a barren corner of 2QWDULRDQGWXUQHGLWLQWRDWUHHGKDYHQ He composted when it wasn’t the norm and he pushed for the conservation of water and other precious resources. He And so…we all leave a legacy of sorts through today’s actions and decisions. Let’s work harder to make our collective legacy a great one, with plentiful resources and bountiful green space. Let’s plant more trees and protect existing ones. Let’s leave more rural spaces protected through local land trusts and let’s give more time and dollars to these and similar environmental organizations. Let’s educate ourselves and teach our kids to value relationships and compassion more WKDQ ¶VWXͿ· /HW·V JHW WKHP RXWVLGH DQG foster a connection so they act as protective friends to nature. Let’s leave them something stable and beautiful, and help them know its value. These future people won’t know our faces, our stories or even our names, but they will walk on our trails beneath our trees and they will be mesmerized by KXJHÁRFNVRIELUGVPLJUDWLQJIURPZHWlands we’ve allowed to exist. They will know the beauty and grace of a Monarch GDQFLQJ EHWZHHQ ZLOGÁRZHUV 7KH\ ZLOO know the joy of clean lakes and the majesty of giant trees. They will have rich lives, healthy food and fresh air. Let’s make decisions today that will allow future generations to commune with nature – and be proud of our ancestors who have left this legacy to us. Amanda Newell owns and operates Element Ecological. Based in Peterborough, she works on diverse organic growing, urban greening and land stewardship projects throughout Southern Ontario. Amanda loves all things related to growing food and habitat for healthier communities. She sits on Kawartha Land Trust’s Stewardship Committee and Kawarthas, Naturally Connected’s Environmental Steering Committee. GH GAR U D O R SHOW I’ve learned much about beginnings and endings through communing with nature. Quiet moments in the garden, fall hikes through the woods and watching the seasons change leave me contemplating life and death. thought everyone should know the names of the birds and plants around them. He enjoyed nature and built a cabin on a lake where dozens of grandchildren and greatgrandchildren have loved the trees, rocks and water. I do what I do because of him DQG VRPH SLHFHV RI WKDW ZLOO ÀOWHU GRZQ through the raising of my grandchildren and their children, and so on. EN “…we all leave a legacy of sorts through today’s actions and decisions.” ²$PDQGD1HZHOO Thursday, April 2 – 5 pm to 9 pm Friday, April 3 – 10 am to 5 pm Saturday, April 4 – 10 am to 4 pm PETERB O 1DWXUDO/HJDF\ ES T. 2 0 00 2015 Evinrude Centre, Peterborough (911 Monaghan Rd., North of Lansdowne St.) 150 Vendors & Exhibitors Garden Displays & Floral Arrangements Prestigious Garden Lecturers Informative Demonstrations Children’s Garden Free parking and shuttle bus every 15 minutes, Saturday and Sunday, to and from the Kinsmen Centre, Sherbrooke St. W. and Clonsilla Ave. Admission - $7 per day (Children 12 & under free when accompanied by an adult) Advanced Ticket Sales 705-799-5378 visit us online: ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH19 6 $9 2 8 5< 6 8 6 7)(22' 1$1&( More Beans, Please… by Elaina Asselin ´%HDQVKDYHEHHQ important food sources in almost all cultures for over 7,000 years.” ²(ODLQD$VVHOLQ Beans sure do get a bad rap. I’m talking about heirloom dried beans, not green or yellow wax or snap beans or fancy )UHQFK ÀOHW EHDQV 3HUVRQDOO\ , DGRUH the colourful display of dried beans found at some health food stores and farmers’ markets. And they are more than just healthy – they actually have WDVWH DQG GLͿHUHQW WDVWHV DPRQJ WKH GLͿHUHQWYDULHWLHV My husband Gregory has initiated our bean-growing to new heights. Each year he buys more seed varieties with lovely colours and plants out more ODQG WR WKRVH EHDQV 2Q WKH VXUIDFH LW appears that beans are an easy vegHWDEOHWRJURZ<RXSODQWWKHPLQ-XQH when the soil is warm and you sit back and watch them grow until harvest WLPH LQ PLGWRODWH 2FWREHU :KDW D joy it would be if farming was so easy! 2I FRXUVH WKH\ QHHG VXFLHQW ZDWHU to germinate and grow properly, they need to be weeded if you want to make VRPHVHPEODQFHRIHFLHQWSURGXFWLRQ and harvesting and you have to hope WKH ZHDWKHU LQ 2FWREHU LV VRPHZKDW sunny so those dried beans don’t get ZHWDQGPRXOG\<RXZDQWWRSUD\WKDW you still have some employees left at the end of the season to help with the labour-intensive harvest of those lovely little beans. Now, what happens after they are all harvested – the fun is just beginning! We lay them out on tarps in our little guest cottage and light the wood stove to ensure the pods are all dry. If you over-dry them the beans crack during the podding stage and if they are not dry enough you get mould. When the beans are perfectly dry we pass them through our chipper/shredder on ultra-low speed to crack the pods and release the beans. Gregory built a winnower from an old furnace fan and the beans are then passed through the EORZLQJ IDQ WKH FKDͿ EORZV RXW DQG the beans drop below. Genius! Beans have been important food sources in almost all cultures for over \HDUV,WLVWKRXJKWWKDWEHDQVLQ the New World originated in Mexico and Peru and there is evidence that chickpeas, lentils and fava beans have been found in Egyptian tombs that GDWH EDFN DW OHDVW \HDUV )UDQFH Spain and Portugal all boast excellent bean dishes – think about ‘Cassoulet’ and ‘Bean and Kale Soup.’ Lentils are a major food group in Indian cuisine, being cooked into daal for most meals while chickpeas and fava beans make a delicious hummus. And of course we cannot forget the soybean used in many Asian cuisines as tofu, tempeh DQG VR\ VDXFH 7KH -DSDQHVH HDW HGDmame which is an heirloom soybean eaten freshly steamed and topped with crunchy salt. $QG UHPHPEHU WKRVH KHDOWK EHQHÀWV %HDQV DUH VXSHUKLJK LQ ÀEUH VXSHU high in protein and low in calories and cholesterol. They are also a good source of B vitamins and potassium, and digest slowly helping your body remain full. So bring on more beans please! Elaina Asselin and Gregory Hill are the caretakers of Wicklow Way, east of Grafton a certiÀed organic farm producing market vegetables, a CSA program, eggs, chicken, duck, pork and artisan breads. Shaman Spirit Path Come to Rice Lake this Autumn! FHQWXU\ROGLQWLPDWHGLQLQJRUVSHFLDOQLJKWDZD\ VWUHVVIUHHOXQFKHRQRUEXVLQHVVPHHWLQJ QRQVPRNLQJVXUURXQGLQJV PDJQLÀFHQWVXQVHWVVSOHQGLGLVODQGVRQ5LFH/DNH )RUGHWDLOVDQGUHVHUYDWLRQVFDOO HPDLO9LFWRULD,QQ#HDJOHFD ZZZWKHYLFWRULDLQQFD Romantic weekend packages & wine tasting menus 20>05;,9:63:;0*, Workshops in Core Shamanism Shamanic Healing of the Spirit Glenn Campbell, M.Ed. Shamanic Practitioner & Faculty Member, Foundation for Shamanic Studies 905 430-4953 ROOTS clothing now available Hoodies, jackets, toques, Winter Coat Sale on now Also available, custom screen printing and embroidery 41 John St, Port Hope Hours: Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat: 10-5 How to cook dried beans: Easy Beans and Vegetables Before you start, dump the beans out onto a cookie sheet and clean them of any stones and debris. Give them a good rinse, then soak the EHDQVLQZDWHUWRUHK\GUDWHWKHP2IWHQSHRSOHWKLQNEHDQVWDNHVR ORQJWRSUHSDUHEXWPXFKRIWKHSUHSDUDWLRQWLPHLVKDQGVRͿOHWWLQJ the beans do their own thing. Depending on how fresh or old the beans are will determine how long you soak them. If they are fresh from this year’s harvest they will only take a few hours to rehydrate. Dried beans from the grocery store are often a year or more old and WKH\PD\WDNHWRKRXUVRIVRDNLQJ FXSVFRRNHGEHDQVRI\RXUFKRLFH ôFXSHDFKRIGLFHGRQLRQVFHOHU\FDUURWVDQGIHQnel EXQFKRINDOHFKRSSHG Pinch of cayenne pepper ôFXSIUHVKSDUVOH\URXJKO\FKRSSHG 2OLYHRLO Sea salt and pepper, to taste $IWHUVRDNLQJGUDLQWKHZDWHURͿDQGXVHIUHVKZDWHUWRFRRNWKHP in. Add a few bay leaves, bring the water to a boil, skim the scum and then let the pot simmer until the beans are cooked. Again, length of cooking time is determined by the age of the beans. To deterPLQHZKHQWKHEHDQVDUHGRQH«WDVWHWKHP<RXZDQWWKHPFRRNHG through but not cooked to the point of breaking down (unless you are making a puréed soup of course). When the beans are cooked, add salt to the water. The liquid should taste a tad salty so that the EHDQVFDQVRDNXSWKHÁDYRXULQJ&RROWKHEHDQVLQWKHOLTXLG:KHQ cool you can store the beans in the cooking water and use the water in stock, soups etc. Heat a large sauté pan with 2 tablespoons of olive RLO$GGWKHRQLRQVDQGVZHDWWKHPRͿWKHQDGG the remaining vegetables and a pinch of cayenne. Cover and let them cook and steam – add some vegetable, chicken stock or water if the pan gets too dry. Toss in the beans to heat through. Add the kale and a bit more olive oil. With the heat on high stir in the kale until wilted. Taste and season with VHDVDOWDQGSHSSHUDQGYRLOD<RXKDYHDORYHO\ vegetarian/vegan main course dish or you can use it as a base for roast chicken or pork. ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH21 LIFESTYLE ) 22' $/RYLQJ+RPHIRU$EXVHG 1HJOHFWHGDQG8QZDQWHG'RQNH\V by Joyce Higgs “Donkeys are not VWXEERUQGXPERU YLFLRXVEXWLQWHOOLJHQW gentle animals.” – Sheila Burns Sometimes it’s not the big events that change our lives, but the seemingly inconsequential decisions we make. Sheila Burns’ life changed one day in ZKHQVKHZDVYLVLWLQJKHUSDUHQWV in Grafton. While driving, Sheila decided on the spur of the moment to turn onto Bowmanton Road near Roseneath and saw a ‘For Sale’ sign on a farm. It ZDV ORYH DW ÀUVW VLJKW DQG VKH ERXJKW the six-acre property which included a KRXVH DQG D WKFHQWXU\ EDUQ 6KHLOD PRYHG KHU DQLPDOV ² GRQNH\V WZR SLJV ÀYH FDWV DQG D GRJ ² WR KHU QHZ home. The next year, she opened PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary, named after KHUÀUVWGRQNH\LQLWEHFDPHDUHJLVWHUHGFKDULW\7KHQRQSURÀWVDQFWXDU\ LVQRZKRPHWRGRQNH\VVL[PXOHV three pigs, three goats, two sheep and, as Sheila describes, “gazillion cats.” personal and also learn about the work it takes to care for them. “Donkeys are not stubborn, dumb or vicious, but intelligent, gentle animals,” Sheila explains. Her biggest challenge is seeing the neglect and abuse that some donkey owners think is normal. “People should ÀQGRXWLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWDQLPDOVEHfore they get them, but many don’t,” she says. Her greatest reward is “when I see a donkey who arrived frightened and leery of people come up to you and lean against you, which is a donkey’s version of a hug.” With the increase in the number of animals to care for, Sheila’s current project LVWRIXQGUDLVHWREX\DDFUHSURSHUty across the road. The animals would have larger paddocks, a new well and barn; Sheila would be able to grow hay for the animals. Healthy, established animals would live across the road, freeing up space closer to the house for animals that need a higher level of care. There are many ways to help the sanctuDU\<RXFDQPDLOWKHPDFKHTXHPDNH a donation at their website or sponsor a favourite donkey. As a registered charity, the sanctuary will issue tax receipts. Donations of food and farm supplies DUHDOVRDSSUHFLDWHG<RXFDQEHFRPHD YROXQWHHURUHYHQRͿHUWRKRVWDVSHFLDO fundraising event for the sanctuary. The sanctuary’s biggest fundraiser, the annual ‘Carolling with the Donkeys,’ ZLOOEHKHOGRQ6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHU IURP WR SP 9ROXQWHHUV DQG YLVLtors gather around the organ and sing Christmas favourites and then enjoy some holiday cookies and hot beverages. PrimRose herself, who celebrated KHU WK ELUWKGD\ WKLV VXPPHU ZLOO make a guest appearance to mingle with the carollers. The event is free, but Primrose Christmas, Oliver and Sally Sunday and Thursday afternoons are open house at the sanctuary year round. The tours are free but donations are most welcome. Visitors can tour the farm and visit donkeys up-close-and- 22>05;,9:63:;0*, Photos: Joyce Higgs Sheila is not alone in her mission to heal and nurture abused, neglected or unwanted donkeys and other animals at WKH VDQFWXDU\ 7ZHQW\ÀYH HQWKXVLDVWLF volunteers, including a chiropractor and a massage therapist, work with the animals. Describing their devotion, Sheila proudly claims, “I can call on anyone in the middle of the night and they’ll come help.” The volunteers also give guided tours and work on erecting and repairing fences and buildings and other tasks around the farm. “There’s always something falling apart,” laments Sheila. as always, donations are gratefully accepted. Carolling with the donkeys is a unique holiday event, so plan to join PrimRose and friends to celebrate the festive season. 3ULP5RVH'RQNH\6DQFWXDU\LVORFDWHGDW%RZPDQWRQ5RDG)URP&RXQW\ 5RDG WXUQ ZHVW RQ &RXQW\ 5G XQWLO \RX VHH %RZPDQWRQ 5G DQG WKH GRQNH\V)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHVDQFWXDU\FDOORUYLVLW or their Facebook page. Joyce Higgs is committed to regenerative holistic gardening, growing fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs with her husband Mike in Trent Hills. You can visit her at the Hastings Village Market every Saturday morning from May to Thanksgiving. Daisy smiling for the camera THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES a non-profit public charitable and educational organization Sheila and a new arrival Is offering Michael Harner’s The Way of the Shaman® Shamanic Journeying, Power, and Healing The Basic Workshop in Core Shamanism Toronto: January 24-25 Ottawa (Almonte): February 21-22 Peterborough: March 14-15 Sudbury: April 25-26 Led by Glenn Campbell Faculty Member, Foundation for Shamanic Studies During this experiential workshop, participants are introduced to Core Shamanism, the basic methods used by shamans to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, as well as on shamanic divination and healing. A practical, enjoyable workshop, even for beginners! 905 430-4953 ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH23 :(//%(,1* 0LQGIXOQHVV by Sharon e. Davison Mindfulness is a word that we are seeing more and more, in many contexts and associated with PDQ\ GLͿHUHQW WKLQJV 7KHUH DUH advertisements for a variety of goods and services that use this word as an adjective to describe their product as being on trend and about well-being. Recently I saw an ad for “mindful bread” and wasn’t sure how bread could be mindful. When we see the term mindfulness used in this way our understanding of what it is and its EHQHÀWVPD\EHLQFRPSOHWH,WLVQRW a commodity or another technique. It is a source of health, happiness and well-being for the many who learn and cultivate its practice. Mindfulness is about awareness itself, the awareness one brings to living each moment with an acceptance of what is being experienced. With time, the practice of noticing our thoughts, feelings and sensations again and again will develop more relaxation, calmness and peacefulness. Being calm and centred, we have a greater ability to see what conditions and habits have led to our lack of health, stress or dissatisfaction with life as it is. The practice of mindfulness is thousands of years old and until recently thought of in terms of spirituality, monasteries and eastern religion. However, times are changing and this is not the only context in ZKLFK ZH FDQ ÀQG PLQGIXOQHVV and mindfulness meditation today. Health care, education and business DUHÀQGLQJWKDWWKHEHQHÀWVRIIRUPDO mindfulness meditation and informal mindfulness practices in daily life are a powerful combination to support modern stress reduction and increase physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. In the same way that a brighter light allows us to see deeper into a darkened space, mindfulness allows us to see further into ourselves with greater understanding of what clouds our natural state of well-being. Within this greater space and awareness we can relax, make a change or just learn to be with ourselves with self-care and compassion. We see that being human is not about being perfect but living the life we have been blessed with. We develop patience and learn to accept and appreciate others as we notice that everyone just wants to be safe, healthy and happy. Moving the knots in our thinking, feelings and actions – beyond the demands of daily life – we bring the perspective of calm observer to whatever is going on. This in itself starts to impact and change our experience. 5HVHDUFKGHPRQVWUDWHVWKHEHQHÀWVRI practice (and you do need to practise – reading about it is not enough). Studies show the positive impact of formal and informal practice on memory, attention span, pain management, anxiety, depression, immune system, circulatory health and brain function. The list goes on. 2QHVWXG\,IRXQGLQWHUHVWLQJQRWHG a correlation between mindfulness practices in couples and enhanced relationship. They reported improved closeness, acceptance of each other and general relationship satisfaction. This can be seen when couples come to retreats or classes together. (Note: Stephanie Gilman writes in the November Elle magazine about going to a ‘Mindfulness, Change and 24>05;,9:63:;0*, Photos: Tracy Smith “Studies show the positive impact of formal and informal practice on memory, attention span, pain management, anxiety, depression, immune system, FLUFXODWRU\KHDOWKDQGEUDLQ function.” – Sharon Davison Living with Purpose’ retreat with her husband and how this experience helped them learn about each other and support their relationship after GLFXOW WLPHV (YLGHQFHEDVHG research and antidotal stories bring us the same message, mindfulness supports increased well-being. Through practising mindfulness we connect with the richness in our experience, the potential to be happy and enjoy each moment, and the capacity to make good decisions for a healthy and satisfying life. Whether we practise mindfulness from the perspective of a spiritual tradition, a holistic medicine or for reducing stress and maintaining body and EUDLQ KHDOWK ZH ZLOO DOO EHQHÀW IURP Mindful Living. Sharon e. Davison is an educator (B.Ed. Adult), coach and meditation practitioner who teaches Mindful Living for well-being based on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. Sharon has received instructions from many traditional meditation masters including Thich Knat Hahn, Canadian born Namgyal Rinpoche and the 17th Karmapa. She leads retreats at centres in Ontario and is a faculty member with the Applied Mindfulness Meditation certiÀcate program at the FactorInwentash School of Social Work at the University of Toronto in the Mind at Work and Mindful Leadership stream. The Dharma Centre of Canada – Kinmount A rural retreat facility since 1966 Book your individual or group retreat now for 2015 P: 705.488.2704 / 1.866.266.0966 or ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH25 0$5.(73/$&( Yoga classes and Energy Treatments in Campbellford -PNJMPNJt4IJBUTVt1MBUPOJD4PMJETt.FEJUBUJPOt3FJLJt8PSLTIPQT tXXX&WPMVUJPO:PHB"OE8FMMOFTTDPN NEW LOCATION & TIMES “To Your (Neo-Indigenous) Self Be True: Ancient Spirit Rising” BY PEGI EYERS An examination of cultural appropriation, the interface between Turtle Island First Nations and the Euro-Settler Society, social justice work and solidarity, rejecting Empire, and the vital recovery of our own ancestral earth-connected knowledge and essential eco-selves. Available from STONE CIRCLE PRESS Strength - Flexibility - Balance 3rd Floor, 45 Front Street, Trenton Group Mat Classes and One-on-One Reformer Instruction available. For more Information please visit WPSH[LZ^P[OYVaJVTr Psychic Lori Lori Psychic Personal Readings & Reiki Healing Spiritualist Medium & Intuitive Healer with Over 30 years experience. Reiki Master/Teacher 905-372-0464 (call or text) Lori Semlitch House parties & courses are available :LFNORZ:D\)DUP :LFNORZ:D\)DUP &HUWLILHG2UJDQLF9HJHWDEOHV ł:HHNO\9HJHWDEOH%R[ ł3ODQW6DOH0D\/RQJ:HHNHQG ł$UWLVDQ%UHDGV ł(JJV&KLFNHQ'XFN3RUN ZZZ:LFNORZ:D\FD “Serving Cobourg & Peterborough Areas” Need assistance with grammar, punctuation & style? The ' 53 Main Street, P.O. Box 279 Brighton, ON, K0K 1H0 613-475-0578 Yarns I Quilting I DMC Embroidery Tapestry I Kids Krafts I Classes Gift Certificates I Something for Everyone! Ursula Pflug can help... s OVERYEARSEXPERIENCEASAWRITERANDEDITOR s PUBLISHEDHUNDREDSOFSHORTSTORIESARTAND BOOKREVIEWSINPROFESSIONALPUBLICATIONS THROUGHOUT#ANADATHE53ANDTHE5+ s WILLHELPEDITJUSTABOUTANYTHINGBUTLOVES HELPINGWITHlCTIONANDCREATIVENONlCTION s 2EASONABLERATES PmUGURSULA GMAILCOMsURSULAPmUGCA %RRN<RXU$G&DPSDLJQ1RZLQ7KH/LQN Contact: Valerie Smith | 905-375-4648 | Winter Solstice 2014 Spring Equinox 2014 6SULQJ,VVXH $GYHUWLVLQJ'HDGOLQH ( 9 ; : ,5; ,9 ;( 0 54,5; 30 -,: ; @ 3, The Ancient Art of Pysanky Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre SPARK Photo Festival February 26, 2015 Warkworth Art in the Park Trees for the Future Solstice and Equinox Meanings Natural Legacy PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary Mindfulness Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings & Prince Edward Counties 26>05;,9:63:;0*, (9 ;:, 5 ;, 9 ;(05 4, 5 ;3 0- , :;@3 , Winter Delights Spring Gardens Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings & Prince Edward Counties 5(*, 2 1 $ / /, 1 . /, 67, 1 * 6 $UW&ODVVHV*DOOHULHV6DOHV6KRZV Supplies GANARASKA ART & FRAMING – Provides a wide array of framing services to suit anyone’s needs. Custom framing, giclee printing, local art and portrait photography are available. No job is too big or too small! Look better framed! :DOWRQ6WUHHW3RUW+RSH +$5'<·6+2%%,(6$1'&5$)76² Thousands of art supplies in stock. Large selection of painting supplies for the beginner artist to the professional, specializing in DOOPHGLXPV8SFRPLQJZRUNVKRSV-XG\ :HVWJDDUG-HQNLQV$FU\OLFV)HEUXDU\GDWHV 7%'0LFKDHO6SLOODQH2LOV$SULO *LIWFHUWLÀFDWHVDYDLODEOH7DQQHU\5G 550DGRF, /<66$1'$'(6,*16²2ULJLQDODUWE\3HJL Eyers celebrating images that empower women and honour the divine feminine. THE PAINTED TREE ART SUPPLIES, CLASSES AND FRAMING – Art supplies and art classes for the beginner and the more advanced artist. Adults & kids’ classes in everything from acrylic and oil to clay and cartooning. Custom framing now available. Come in, be inspired and become an artist! 'LYLVLRQ6W&RERXUJ 63,5,72)7+(+,//6²:HSURPRWHDOOWKH creative arts! Comprised of artists, artisans, performing artists, photographers, writers and patrons, we embrace all art forms and traditions including the performing and YLVXDODUWVPHGLDGHVLJQDQGOLWHUDWXUH2XU goal is to build and sustain the arts and artists in Northumberland County. Automotive 9$1'(50((572<27$²6HUYLFHLVRXU business! We are committed to providing top TXDOLW\YHKLFOHVDͿRUGDEOHÀQDQFLQJDQG leasing options, along with great customer VHUYLFHHYHU\WLPH'LYLVLRQ6W&RERXUJ ZZZYDQGHUPHHUWR\RWDFRP %HG%UHDNIDVW$FFRPPRGDWLRQV KING & KNIGHT BED & BREAKFAST – Luxurious suites with private bathrooms RQHZLWKSHUVRQ-DFX]]L$JRXUPHW EUHDNIDVWWKDW·V¶VHFRQGWRQRQH·2OGZRUOG elegance & genuine hospitality overlooking the Trent-Severn Waterway. Campbellford, %RXWLTXHV6KRSV6WXGLRV BEAR’S BEADS – Beads, beading supplies and handcrafted jewellery. Classes, birthday and girls’ night out parties, repairs and bead FOXEV.LQJ6W:HVW8QLW&RERXUJ EHDUVEHDGV#V\PSDWLFRFD ':(//,6,02²2ͿHULQJDFROOHFWLRQRIQHZ DQGYLQWDJHÀQGV:HVSHFLDOL]HLQ&DQDGLDQ designed furniture, original art, graphics, lighting, electronics and home accessories. 2FLDOVXSSOLHUVRIVRPHWKLQJGLͿHUHQW :DOWRQ6WUHHW3RUW+RSH *)$&(<·6²3URXGO\LQEHDXWLIXOGRZQWRZQ 3RUW+RSHIRU\HDUV&ORWKLQJIRRWZHDU and more for men and women. “Canadianmade, is top-shelf alongside a well edited assortment of collections from around the ZRUOGµ²7RURQWR/LIH:DOWRQ6WUHHW3RUW +RSHZZZJIDFH\VFRP ,16,*+7237,&$/²,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\FUDIWHG VW\OLVKH\HZHDUIRUIDVKLRQWKDWÀWV\RXU face. We specialize in personalized customer VHUYLFHH[WUDRUGLQDLUH.LQJ6W:HVW &RERXUJ 2/'7,16+('²+RPHGpFRUDQGJLIWV Heritage lighting, salvage furniture, linens, UXJVKDUGZDUHMHZHOOHU\FORWKLQJ 6KHUERXUQH6W%DQFURIW 7+(3$67$6+23²)UHVKSDVWDGHOLFLRXV sauces and fully prepared meals made daily. Vegetarian dishes and custom made orders also available. Stop by or call ahead DQGGLQQHULVGRQH6KHUEURRNH6W 3HWHUERURXJK 5,3/(<·6²$XQLTXHFORWKLQJJLIWVKRSZLWK regional themed merchandise promoting Canada, Northumberland County, Cycling DQG0XVLF5LSOH\·VDOVRRͿHUVVFUHHQSULQWLQJ and embroidery services for corporate and WHDPDSSDUHO-RKQ6WUHHW3RUW+RSH UDULSOH\#KRWPDLOFRP 52%%,16·1(67²<DUQVTXLOWLQJ HPEURLGHU\WDSHVWU\FUDIWVXSSOLHV 0DLQ6W%ULJKWRQ 6+0226,&&20²$&HOWLFPXVLFVKRS RͿHULQJOHVVHQVLQ7LQ:KLVWOH)LGGOH Bodhran, Celtic Guitar and Uilleann Pipes. :HDOVRVXSSO\&HOWLFLQVWUXPHQWV &RXQW\5G%DOWLPRUH 7:2/220$/3$&$6²$OSDFDVRFNV mittens, gloves, hats and scarves available at the farm. We also have alpaca blankets, WKURZVDQGGXYHWVDYDLODEOHLQVHDVRQ &RXQW\5RDG55+DVWLQJV Community Groups ,1'(3(1'(17:5,7(56$1'32(76 – We write, read, perform, and publish readings and poetry. We meet in each other’s KRPHVWKHQG6DWXUGD\HDFKPRQWK2XU last performance was at Hutchison House in Peterborough. Contact: Gail Corbett, 7+(1257+80%(5/$1'%5($67 &$1&(56833257*5283²)DFLOLWDWHG by the ‘Survivor Thrivers’ Breast Cancer Survivors Society, our goal is to send a message of hope and support to people living with breast cancer. Some of us are newly diagnosed, some are in treatment and some are long-term survivors. Being touched by breast cancer creates a special bond, enabling us to provide enormous support to each other. We provide a safe and secure place to share your feelings. In addition to the monthly VXSSRUWJURXSZHRͿHUWHOHSKRQHVXSSRUW peer support, a lending library and dragon boating. Meetings are held on the second :HGQHVGD\RIHDFKPRQWKDWSPLQWKH .QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXV+DOO(OLDV6WUHHW 3RUW+RSH&RQWDFW6DQG\RU VZDUG#PVQFRP 1257+80%(5/$1'&+2586²:RPHQ VLQJLQJDFDSHOODHYHU\0RQGD\SPLQWKH auditorium at the Golden Plough Lodge, %XUQKDP6W&RERXUJ 3(7(5%2528*+1(:+25,=216%$1' – Come and play with us for fun, fellowship DQGOHDUQLQJ'LͿHUHQWEDQGOHYHOVIURP EHJLQQHUVDQGXSRU 6+(/7(59$//(<6+$3(127(6,1*(56 – All voices welcome! Please join us the 2nd Sunday of each month to sing Sacred Harp’s WUDGLWLRQDODQGXQLTXHKDUPRQLHVSP DW*UDIWRQ&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH6WDWLRQ 6WUHHW*UDIWRQ,QWULJXHG" 7(17+286$1'9,//$*(6²$VDQRW IRUSURÀWUHWDLOVWRUHZHVWULYHWRFUHDWH opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn a fair income by bringing WKHLUSURGXFWVDQGVWRULHVWRRXUPDUNHWV .LQJ6WUHHW:HVW&RERXUJ ZZZWHQWKRXVDQGYLOODJHVFDVWRUH ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH27 ^^ ^[ L ^ 27 5(*, 2 1 $ / /, 1 . /, 67, 1 * 6 :20(16·$57$662&,$7,21²7KH Peterborough area branch invites you to join. :HKDYHDERXWPHPEHUVZKREHORQJWR various interest groups. We meet in Princess Gardens, downtown Peterborough, once a month except for summer. The Art Study Group (the founding group) is accepting new members. This group meets the second Tuesday morning of each month. Members are invited to deliver papers on artists or art RIWKHLUFKRLFH:HVWDUWDWDPZLWKWHD FRͿHHDQGUHIUHVKPHQWV&RQWDFW'RQQLH 6WHGPDQ&RQYHQRUVWHGPDQ#V\PSDWLFR FDRU*DLO&RUEHWWFRUEHWW#QH[LFRPQHW 1257+80%(5/$1'+,//667,7&+(5< GUILD – Interested in creative, artistic and instructional needlework? Please join us RQWKHQGDQGWK7XHVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK 6HSWHPEHUXQWLO-XQHDP/LRQ·V &RPPXQLW\&HQWUH(OJLQ6W(DVW &RERXUJRUYLVLWZZZQKVJFD 'LQLQJ,QQV 7+(9,&725,$,11²,QWLPDWHGLQLQJ special night away, stress free luncheons RUEXVLQHVVPHHWLQJV(QMR\PDJQLÀFHQW sunsets & splendid views of Rice Lake. Gore’s Landing (just north of Cobourg on Rice Lake), ZZZWKHYLFWRULDLQQFD (VWKHWLFV6SDV6DORQV 0<67,&52276²$IXOOVHUYLFH$9('$ FRQFHSWVDORQDQGVSDRͿHULQJ$9('$ ÁRZHUDQGSODQWHVVHQFHVDQG,17(//,*(17 1875,(176FHUWLÀHGRUJDQLFKHDOWKDQG EHDXW\SURGXFWV<RJDFODVVHVRͿHUHG 'LYLVLRQ6W&RERXUJ Events 3(7(5%2528*+*$5'(16+2:² ‘For the Love of Gardening’ is celebrating LWVWKDQQLYHUVDU\LQYHQGRUV DQGH[KLELWRUVJDUGHQGLVSOD\DQGDÁRUDO competition, professional garden speakers and demonstrations, an interactive children’s JDUGHQ$SULODQG7KH(YLQUXGH&HQWUH 0RQDJKDQ5G3HWHUERURXJK RU 5H)5$0(3(7(5%2528*+ ,17(51$7,21$/),/0)(67,9$/²2XU mandate is to build strong, sustainable and HQJDJHGFRPPXQLW\DXGLHQFHVIRUÀOPDQG art that explore and document issues of human rights and social justice, from the local WRWKHJOREDOWRXVHÀOPDQGDUWWRSURYLGH educational opportunities and encourage DFWLYLVPDQGWKRXJKWIXOGHEDWH-DQXDU\ ²3DVVHVQRZRQVDOHRU [ZZZUHIUDPHÀOPIHVWLYDOFD 28>05;,9:63:;0*, 7+(1257+80%5(/$1'+,//6 086,&)(67,9$/²+ROGLQJLWVWKDQQXDO adjudicated music competition at the Port +RSH8QLWHG&KXUFKRQ$SULO7KH competition is open to music students of all DJHVDQGRͿHUVERWKFRPSHWLWLYHDQGQRQ competitive classes. A new category of ‘Vocal Solo’ will be added to the existing string and SLDQRFODVVHVIRU7KH)HVWLYDOSURYLGHV an opportunity for music students to showcase their talents, and winners of competition will perform at a ‘Stars of the Festival’ concert DZHHNIROORZLQJWKHIHVWLYDORQ$SULO The deadline for applications is February &DOORURUIRU registration and syllabus information visit ,1)5207+(&2/'²3HWHUERURXJK·VWK Annual Celtic Christmas concert. Featuring: Carried Away, The Convivio Chorus, Curtis 'ULHGJHUÀQJHUVW\OHJXLWDULVW0LFKDHO Ketemer, and Celtic harpist, Tanah Haney. All SURFHHGVJRWRWKH<RXWK(PHUJHQF\6KHOWHU RI3HWHUERURXJK7LFNHWVDYDLODEOH RQOLQHYLDWKH0DUNHW+DOOER[RFH ZZZPDUNHWKDOORUJ'HFHPEHUDQG SP0DUNHW+DOO&KDUORWWH6WXQGHUWKH clock tower). *DUGHQ/HFWXUHV6KRZV 3(7(5%2528*+*$5'(16+2:² ¶)RUWKH/RYHRI*DUGHQLQJ·$SULO DQG6HHXQGHU¶(YHQWV·IRUPRUHLQIR 7KH(YLQUXGH&HQWUH0RQDJKDQ5G 3HWHUERURXJKRU 3257+23(',675,&7+257,&8/785$/ 62&,(7<²0RQWKO\PHHWLQJVIHDWXULQJ specialty speakers, plant and photographic competitions, and spirited discussions about plants and gardening. Monday, December &KULVWPDV7DEOHWRS'LVSOD\.DWKU\Q 0F+ROP0RQGD\-DQXDU\0DQDJLQJ Northumberland Forest (Ben Walters, Forest Management). Meeting Place: Ruth Clarke &HQWUH0LOO6W6RXWK3RUW+RSHSP UHIUHVKPHQWVSPPHHWLQJ0HPEHUVKLS DQQXDOO\*XHVWVDOZD\VZHOFRPH&RQWDFW 1DQF\0DUWLQ +HDOWK)LWQHVV (92/87,21<2*$$1':(//1(66² 2ͿHULQJ\RJDPHGLWDWLRQORPLORPLPDVVDJH shiatsu, Reiki. Working together to hold space IRUKHDOLQJLQ&DPSEHOOIRUGRU LIVING WELL NATURAL HEALTH 352'8&76²1RUWKXPEHUODQG·VVWRUH for natural health. We stock everything from YLWDPLQV$=VSRUWVQXWULWLRQEHDXW\VNLQ care, probiotics, herbs, teas, candles, protein bars and much more! We also have a full professional dispensary for Naturopathic 'RFWRU·VSDWLHQWV6SULQJ6WUHHW&RERXUJ RU 1257+80%(5/$1'<2*$²&RQWLQXLQJ seasonal classes in Cobourg and Port Hope can be joined at any time if space allows, or book ahead. At Mystic Roots in Cobourg, ZLQWHUFODVVHVVWDUW-DQ&DOO ,Q3RUW+RSHDWWKH.QLJKWVRI &ROXPEXVKDOOFODVVHVVWDUW-DQ &DOO7DQQLFHDWRU 3,/$7(6:,7+52=²6WUHQJWKÁH[LELOLW\ balance. Group mat classes and one-on-one 5HIRUPHU,QVWUXFWLRQUG)ORRU)URQW 6WUHHW7UHQWRQ :$9(/(1*7+6<2*$125:22'² Group classes, yoga therapy, trainings, workshops. Take your yoga to the next OHYHOZLWKRXUKRXUWHDFKHUWUDLQLQJ QH[WWUDLQLQJEHJLQV6HSWHPEHU 2YHU\HDUV·H[SHULHQFHRU <2*$:,7+-$1,&(61,'(5²*HQWOH 0RGHUDWH+DWKD<RJD&ODVVHVDUHKHOGDW St. Marks Church, Port Hope. For more information and preregistration please contact -DQLFHDW <2*$7($&+(575$,1,1*²KU <RJD$OOLDQFH&HUWLÀHGFRXUVHLQDZHHNHQG format in Peterborough. Deepen your practice with experienced instructors. See classes, ZRUNVKRSVDQG&RVWD5LFD<RJD5HWUHDWDW +ROLVWLF:HOOEHLQJ 3$67/,)(5(*5(66,21/,)(%(7:((1 LIVES – With Master Hypnotist, Mary 0F&DQGOHVV-RXUQH\WRWKHFHQWUHRI\RXU soul with past-life regression through hypnosis. Learn the lessons which will enable you to move forward in your life. ZZZPDVWHUKHDOHUFD 36<&+,&/25,²6SLULWXDOPHGLXP LQWXLWLYHKHDOHUZLWKRYHU\HDUVRI experience. House parties and courses available. Cobourg & Peterborough areas. &DOORUWH[W 628/&2168/7$7,216²$VRXO FRQVXOWDWLRQLVDQDXWKHQWLFFRQÀGHQWLDO conversation about what is really going on in your life. In this one-hour consult we will address the lessons/dramas and learnings/wisdom in your personal narrative. Supporting and empowering you with the 5(*, 2 1 $ / /, 1 . /, 67, 1 * 6 ability to re-connect with your gifts of birth. Make the ultimate connection to your true Self and bridge your day-to-day to the wisdom of your soul’s journey. Gaisheda Kheawok is a Medicine Person, Seer, Tribal Elder and Leader RI(DUWK%DVHG6SLULWXDOLW\RU Lectures 1257+80%(5/$1'23(5$*8,/'²7KH next presentation of the Northumberland 2SHUD*XLOGZLOOWDNHSODFHRQ:HGQHVGD\ -DQXDU\DPDW3DOLVDGH*DUGHQV &KDSHO6WUHHW&RERXUJLQWKH comfortable media room. Thais Donald will start a new series of talks on operas inspired by literature, followed by refreshments and discussion. $ERXW7KH&2&$OLDWHV2SHUD*XLOGV NorthumberlandGuild.aspx Museums +87&+,621+286(086(80²2QHRI the oldest limestone houses in Peterborough, WKHPXVHXPRͿHUVDJOLPSVHRIOLIHLQ2QWDULR LQWKHV+RXUV6HSWHPEHUWKURXJK 0D\0RQGD\)ULGD\DPSP-XQH WKURXJK/DERXU'D\7XHV)ULDPSP 6DWXUGD\6XQGD\SP&RVWXPHG*XLGHV RQGXW\SP-XO\$XJXVW%URFN6W 3HWHUERURXJK 3(7(5%2528*+086(80$5&+,9(6 – Egypt: Gift of the Nile (on loan from the 5R\DO2QWDULR0XVHXPFRQWLQXLQJXQWLO -DQXDU\:LQJHG7DSHVWULHV²0RWKVDW Large (on loan from the Canadian Museum of 1DWXUH-DQXDU\WR0DUFK+XQWHU 6W(DVW3HWHUERURXJK Performances 3HW:HOOEHLQJ '$5.3$66,21²-RLQWKH3HWHUERURXJK Symphony as they weave a tapestry of light and dark with a perfect counterpoint between Mozart’s divine Sinfonie Concertante, and 7FKDLNRZVN\·VSDVVLRQDWHWKV\PSKRQ\ Featuring Musicians from the Penderecki VWULQJTXDUWHW)HEUXDU\6KRZSODFH Performance Centre, Peterborough. %(+$9,285,668(6'2(6<2853(7 +$9($1<",&$1+(/3<28².LP 0DORQLHKDVRYHU\HDUV·H[SHULHQFH helping animals with physical, emotional and behavioural issues. Personal and longdistance consultations. Pet sitting available. NPDORQLH#HDJOHFD 38%/,&(1(5*<²SUHVHQWV9LQFHQW6. 0DQWVRH178DQG6NZDWWD)HEUXDU\ $KDURQD,VUDHO0DUDWKRQ)HEUXDU\ 0DUNHW+DOO3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV&HQWUH Charlotte St., Peterborough. Tickets: ZZZPDUNHWKDOORUJ 6+2:3/$&(3(5)250$1&(&(175( – Peterborough’s regional centre for the SHUIRUPLQJDUWV2XUPLVVLRQLVWRSUHVHQW promote and sustain the performing arts. -RLQXVDVRXURUJDQL]DWLRQVWULYHVWRHQULFK the cultural fabric of our community with LWVFRQWLQXLQJDUWVFHOHEUDWLRQ*HRUJH 6W1RUWK3HWHUERURXJKRU VKRZSODFHER[RFH#FRJHFRQHW)RUD complete list of upcoming performances visit: 6725,(6$1'086,&²7ZRIDPLO\PDWLQHHV to choose from, the Peterborough Symphony shares the magic of stories through music with tales of Babar, Mother Goose and more! )RUWKH\RXQJDQG\RXQJDWKHDUW0DUFK SP0DUNHW+DOO3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV Centre, Peterborough. 9267+($75(²SUHVHQWV¶+DWV2Ϳ·D*LOEHUW & Sullivan revue. Proceeds in support of the newly-created Ruth Harcort Scholarship Fund )RXQGHURI926)HEUXDU\SPDQG )HEUXDU\DQGSP7KH&RQFHUW+DOODW 9LFWRULD+DOO.LQJ6W:HVW&RERXUJ RURQOLQHDW Spring G AARR D E N S 5PCOMINGINOUR3PRING3OLSTICE)SSUEs!SPECIALCENTRESECTIONDEVOTED TOALLTHINGSGARDENANDNATURERELATED&ORINFORMATIONONHOWTOADVERTISE YOUREVENTINTHISSPECIALSECTIONVALERIE THELINKCAOR "OOKING$EADLINE&EBRUARY */2%$/3(7)22'6²1DWXUDOKROLVWLFSHW food, supplements and treats, wild bird seed, hypo-allergenic, raw and grain free diets, toys, clothes and accessories. Frequent buyer SURJUDPDQG$LU0LOHVRͿHUHG'LYLVLRQ 6W&RERXUJ Services &2%285*&/2&.6²:HUHSDLUDOOFORFNV new and old with antique clock restoration being our specialty. Grandfather clock pick-up. Professional service, reasonable rates. Dave 8SWRQ*OHQKDUH6W&RERXUJ FRERXUJFORFNV#JPDLOFRP )2856($6216&(/(%5$7,216² Personalized wedding ceremonies, baptisms, spiritual christenings, naming ceremonies, funerals, celebrations of life and memorials for people and pets. Reverend Mary 0F&DQGOHVV*HRUJH6W&RERXUJ RU Link Together! The Regional Link Listings :RUG/LVWLQJV IRUXSWRZRUGVWRGHVFULEH your event, business or service SOXVHYHQWVHUYLFHRUEXVLQHVV name, date, location, phone/email, website Basic Listings for registered charitable organizations only FRPSOLPHQWDU\EDVHGRQVSDFH availability) HYHQWQDPHGDWHORFDWLRQSKRQH email, website SOHDVHSURYLGHFKDULWDEOH registration number with listing submission All Basic Listings based on space availability. EMAIL: ;/,3052^^^[OLSPURJH29 5(*, 2 1 $ / /, 1 . /, 67, 1 * 6 *5$00$5381&78$7,2167</( ²1HHGDVVLVWDQFH",KDYHRYHU\HDUV· experience as a writer and editor. I can help edit just about anything, but I particularly ORYHKHOSLQJZLWKÀFWLRQDQGFUHDWLYH QRQÀFWLRQ5HDVRQDEOHUDWHV8UVXOD3ÁXJ SÁXJXUVXOD#JPDLOFRPZZZXUVXODSÁXJFD +286(32575$,76²,GHDOJLIWVIRUD new house or a memorable gift for that special occasion. People need only bring a photograph of their house and Helen van Poorten will sketch it for them in detail. RUKHOHQYDQSRRUWHQ#JPDLOFRP :RUNVKRSV5HWUHDWV $1,0$/63,5,7*8,'(6$1'727(06 RETREAT – Come enjoy a nurturing weekend. Receive powerful and supportive insights. Sandra Moon Dancer, B.Sc., M.H.Sc., shaman, energy teacher and White Lotus 0DVWHU-DQ7KLUWHHQ0RRQV5HWUHDW 1RUZRRGRU 7+(&(/7,&&$/(1'$57+(5(78512) 7+(6$&5('0$6&8/,1(²-DQXDU\ Location: Toronto. A workshop celebrating the return of the Sacred Masculine and how Archetypal Shamanic Energy ™ and the Wisdom of The Eight Portals of the Celtic Calendar can support both men and women in accessing their inner Sun King. Learn to manifest your Intuitive Wisdom in the day WRGD\*DLVKHGD.KHDZRN '+$50$&(175(2)&$1$'$².LQPRXQW 5HWUHDW&HQWUH&RXUVHVLQ$SU7DURW 5HWUHDWZLWK/DPD6RQDP*\DWVR0D\ <RJD0HGLWDWLRQ+HDOLQJ6\PSRVLXP 0D\,QVLJKW0HGLWDWLRQ5HWUHDWZLWK /DPD/RGUR0D\-XQ%RG\:LVGRP 5HWUHDWZLWK$ORNKD5DYL$XJDQG 0LQGIXOQHVVZLWK6KDURQ'DYLVRQ$XJ /LYLQJZLWK3XUSRVH-RFDVWD%RRQH6KDURQ 'DYLVRQRURU (032:(57+(%86,1(66*2''(66,1 <28²7DNH\RXUGUHDPVDQGEXVLQHVVWRWKH QH[WOHYHO´$KXJHVKLIW,DPFRQÀGHQWDQG create what I desire.” - Business Consultant. Live your true purpose as a creative, leadingHGJHPDQLIHVWRU6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\ Toronto. Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc. M.H.Sc. RULQIR#FLUFOHZLVGRPFD (1(5*<0(',&,1(352*5$0² $FFHSWLQJDSSOLFDQWVQRZIRUWKH year at the Centre of Circle Wisdom - Toronto and Peterborough locations. The Energy Medicine Program empowers individuals to practice energy medicine as practitioners as 30>05;,9:63:;0*, well as in their own journeys. This program includes spiritual, indigenous and alchemical teachings from around the world, as well as essential practical tools for living through the Earth Changes. Sandra Moon Dancer B.Sc., M.H.Sc., shaman, energy teacher and White Lotus Master, founder and executive director of the Centre of Circle Wisdom, is the director of the Energy Medicine Program. RULQIR#FLUFOHZLVGRPFD 7+()(67,9$/2)%5,'*(7)(,/(%5,'( ,0%2/&5(75($7$5(7851727+( /,*+7²-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\/RFDWLRQ Avalon Retreat Centre in the Madawaska Valley. Every year we gather to welcome the return of the light into our World with a weekend retreat celebrating the festival of Bridget. Walk the processional community walk with Bridget as we return to her wisdom. Celebrate the traditions of Bridget and gather the seeds of Wisdom returned and blessed by her. Gaisheda Kheawok, 7+(*,)72)6,*+77+(6+$0$1,& 35,(67(66%2$5'²)HEUXDU\ Location: Toronto. Develop your gift of Sight and learn to vision for yourself in the ancient way of the Priestess. Discover your heart’s true messages and learn to trust the guidance of The Great White Mother Goddess, through the application of a unique and powerful technique called the Shamanic Board™. Celebrate the wisdom of your intuitive gifts and birthright. Gaisheda Kheawok, JDLVKHGDNKHDZRN#JPDLOFRP /28,6(+$<352*5$0²/RYH\RXUVHOI KHDO\RXUOLIH&HUWLÀHG¶/RXLVH+D\·WHDFKHU RͿHUVGD\ZRUNVKRSVDQGSHUVRQDOVHVVLRQV to those seriously desiring positive life changes. Simple, common-sense method, LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\SURYHQ LQWXQHZLWKVHOI#DROFRP SHAMAN SPIRIT PATH – Workshops in Core Shamanism, Shamanic Healing of the Spirit. The Way of the Shaman, Toronto, -DQXDU\2WWDZD$OPRQWH)HEUXDU\ 3HWHUERURXJK0DUFK6XGEXU\ $SULO*OHQQ&DPSEHOO0(G Shamanic practitioner and faculty member, Foundation for Shamanic Studies. JOHQQ#VKDPDQVSLULWSDWKFRP 7+,57((102216:(//1(66²'HF :LQWHU6ROVWLFH&HOHEUDWLRQ-DQ&UHDWLQJ <RXU9LVLRQRI+HDOWKIRU/LNHXVRQ Facebook for a chance to win a free overnight VWD\ZZZWKLUWHHQPRRQVFD Letters to The Link: My husband and I enjoy your magazine – it’s always full of unexpected information about local things, events, shops and people. It’s always a treat to discover something new in the ‘neighbourhood’ we didn’t know about! -XG\3DUQHOO3RUW+RSH (via email) 5HFHQWO\,DWWHQGHGWKHWK/LQH Theatre and picked up the summer copy of The Link noticing that you had published my poem ‘Early in the Morning’ in the edition, for which I want to thank you. In closing I think that publications like The Link play a vital role in the on-going literary discussion in Canada. Thanks again. 5LFKDUG0DVRQ2PHPHH (via email) I was able to pick up a printed copy of The Link yesterday and was GHOLJKWHGWRFRQÀUPP\LPSUHVVLRQ from reading online versions, that the magazine now has a really exciting appearance. The design is delightful and engaging and I think the content is more interesting as well. I enjoy the new literary and artistic focus and there are few magazines of a regional nature which have this. It makes The Link stand out! Felicity Sidnell, Colborne (via email) -XVWZDQWHGWROHW\RXNQRZWKDWZH had a great turnout at the Alpaca Farm Days and that the vast majority who showed up made a point of letting us know they had read about it in The Link. We were very happy with our ad DQGZLWK-R\FH·VDUWLFOHLWZDVERWK well written and accurate, and we really appreciate the interest The Link took in our farm. Dawn Campbell, Twoloom Alpacas (via email) The Link, a top knotch community communicator supporting us all. Keep up the great work, your friends at Loughbreeze B&B! Francis Linton-Schell, Colborne (via Facebook) Discover COBOURG All New Redesigned 2015 Available Now "#$$# '$25#28 91. '$25#28 91.1. "!" "!" " " " " "" "" #! 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