DL-5 1964 - Land Rover FAQ
DL-5 1964 - Land Rover FAQ
ENFRANCHISED DT.ALT.RS & ROVER IAND-ROWR THE ROVER MOTOR COMPANY OF NORTH AIVTER.ICA LIh'ITED 4O5 LEXINGTON AVE.. NEW YORK. N.Y. IOOI7, U.S.A. 373 SHAW ROAD. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA MOBILE DRIVE. TORONTO 16. ONTARIO. CANADA t56 WEST SECOND AVENUE, VANCOUVER IO. BRITISH COLUMEIA - AUTHORIZED DEAIERS UNITED STATES AtASKA ANCHORAGE Universal Motors Avenue (R & LR) BR 5-1155 641 East 4th FAIRBANKS Genets Auto Service, ?30 - 2nd Avenue Inc. (LR) GL 6-6151 JUNEAU Dawsonrs PT Automotive Service, Inc. ?01 Wi].loughby (R & LR) Juneau 6-2365 P. O. Box 6?5 KETCHIKAN Karlson Motors (LR) 1813 Tongass Ave., Box 114 CA 5-5151 ARIZONA FLAGSTAFF Wilson Motors (LR) 820 East Santa Fe Ave. (602) PR 4-322t PHOENIX Town & Country Chrysler Plymouth 1303 E. (R & LR) Camelback Rd. (602) GR 7-4791 TUCSON Bill Edeils Motors 2019 N. Stone (602) (LR) 623-7540 CATIFORNIA ALTURAS Tierney Ford Sales 1029 Modoc Street (LR) (916) AL 5013 BERKELEY English Motors of 261? Shattuck Berkeley (R & LR) Avenue (415) TH L-4027 EUREKA Motors ?th & 'cr Streets (LR) McCrea HAYWARD Hayvrard Auto 20529 Mission (T0Z) Hillside 2-b779 (R & LR) Imports Blvd. (415) EL 7-t543 MARYSVILLE WilliamsrMotors 424 tFr Street (LR) (916) SH 2-6426 CALIFORNIA NAPA Co. Avenue cotoRADo (LR) Gasser Motor 2023 Soscol OAKHURST (707) BA 6-7484 Sales OrRourke Motor Highway 41 (LR) (2og) OV 3-463t PASADENA Peter Satori of California, 325 Inc. (R &LR) (213) SY 5-8835 W. Colorado GRAND JUNCTION Moss Motorama, Inc. 1155 N. sth MONTROSE Carrington Chevrolet 612 Main Street SALIDA (LR) (LR) 539-2548 CONNECTICUT Motors Cypress at Van Buren (LR) (?14) OV 9-8440 Arlington Station (R&LR) Inc. Fulton Avenue (916) IV 3-4388 SAN CARLOS (R & LR) Competition Motors 750-777 El Camino Real(415) 591-3125 SAN DIEC,O British Motor Sales i.902 Kettner Blvd. CANAAI{ (R & LR) (714) BEL 4-8426 Inc. Street (LR) (203) TA 4-5455 Ford Road (LR) (203) OL 5-t423 Morgan Motors Railroad SACRAMENTO Von Housen Motors, 1?29 (LR) 242-1227 (303) CH 9-4539 W. 2nd Street RIVERSIDE Hall Co. Company (303) Stotler Motor 131 (303) DARIEN Frank Miller 1120 Post FARMINGTON Faiola Brothers Imported Motor Cars Farmington Ave. (RT. 4) GREENWICH (LR) (203) oR-7-1628 Greenwich Automdbiles, Inc. 240 Mason (203) TO-9-6666 Street (R & LR) SAN FRANCISCO Executive ]\llotors St. 1255 California (R & SAN JOSE San Jose Imports 195? W. San Carlos LR) (415) GR 4-7779 (LR) (408) cY 3-0121 LITCHFIELD The Nelke Motor Co.of Litch-field (R &LR) Rt. #25, Harris Plains (203) JO 7-9468 MADISON (LR) Madison Motors (203) Ci 5-9505 Route #1 WILLITS Carbrey Motors 1550 S. Main St. (R & LR) (?o?) GL 9-2303 MTDDT,ETOWN Berkeley Motor 545 Washington (LR) Company Street (203) DI 6-773L WOODLAND (LR) Central Motors Co, 433 College Street (916) MO 2-1036 NEW HAVEN The Nelke Motor 226 Whalley cotoRADo BOULDER W. F. Reno, Inc. 1027 Walnut P. O. Fox 1010 (LR) (303) Hr 2-5002 Company (R & LR) Avenue (203) ST 7-351"2 QUAKER HILL Scotch Cap Service Old Norwich Road WESTPORT Hackett Imported GLENWOOD SPRINGS J. V. Rose Co. P. O. Box 330 (LR) (303) WH 5-6126 615 Riverside Station (LR) (203) GI 2-5274 Cars (R & LR) Avenue (203) CA 7-1287 WEST HARTFORD Newman Imported 923 Farmington Cars Ave. (203) -J- (LR) 236-322L FTORIDA DELAWARE DOVER Consolidated SANFORD Industries (LR) (302) RE 4-5957 FTORIDA SARASOTA BELLE GLADE (LR) Hendry Tractor Company East Palm Beach Rd. (305) WY 6-3446 Ave. (305) (LR) 255-534L Canal Corporation (LR) (813) ED 4-1246 FORT PIERCE Sunrise Rental & Leasing 325 S. Fourth St. TAMPA ?810 Adamo Co. (LR) (305) HO 1-6000 (LR) (305) Avenue 284-3033 JACKSONVILLE ( R) Brumos Porsche Car Corp, 1444 North Main Street (305) 356-0747 GEORGIA Co. Montgomery Richards Motor 51L5 VALDOSTA Bosch Oldsmobile 1016 N. Ashley Hammond Jones, Inc. (LR) S. Florida Ave. (B1B) MU 6-7116 LAKE WORTH McCoy Motors 119 EL 4-3212 Sales (912) HONOLULU U. S. Industries, Inc. P. O. Box 300 (LR) 242-24t6 (LR) 81B-01-1 330 Sand Island Road IDAHO COEUR DIALENE (LR) 118 2nd (LR) Street (208) MO 4-5512 HOMEDALE Homedale Tractor & Equipment CoILR) (2oB) FE 7-3144 P. o. Box 2?? N. Dixie Highway (305) JU 2-3555 rtuNols LAKE FOREST MELBOURNE (LR) Bill Lowery Motor Company 700 S. Dixie Highway (305) 723-5661 MIAMI Charles Stuart 2757 N. (R&LR) (912) PooI Motors LAKELAND (LR) 626-3167 HAWAII Roberts Chevrolet 4330 (LR) Co. (813) Drive GREEN COVE SPRINGS Orange Inc. 322-4382 1835 N. Washington B1vd.(813) 955-028? SAVANNAH FORT MYERS Overseas Motors Fowler at Harrison Motors, (LR) (305) Cratle Hall Motor DAYTONA BEACH James Motor, Inc. 642 N. Ridgewood SanJord Motor Co. 800 French Avenue Motors W. 36th Street Service Sales (R & LR) (305) 635-0436 (30b) NE S-44o7 Knauz Continental Autos, Inc, (R & LR) 1044 N. Western Ave. (312) CE 4-1700 (312) CE 4-L701 TOUISIANA SHREVEPORT J. B. Lee Tractor & Implement Co.Inc. (LR) P. O. Box 719 2310 Grimmitt Drive (318) 424-2654 NAPLES The Sportspot Marina, Crafon Cove ORLANDO Paquette Motors 118 S. Orange Blossom Box 5426 Inc, BANGOR Atwood Motors 16 Summer (LR) Trail (305) -4- MAINE (LR) (813) MI 2-3153 cA 3-1654 Street Q07\ (LR) 945-5674 ISLAND FALLS Lougee (207) _q_ (LR) 86 MAINE LEWISToN Co. Avenue Davis Cadillac 6 East MASSACHUSETTS ORLEANS (LR) eol) 784-544I Route PORTLAND PITTSFIELD Haddad Motor Sales, 55-5? West Street (LR) Company (207t 772-3bb2 401 Forest Avenue Maine Motors ROCKLAND Miller's Garage, Inc. 25-31 Rankin Street (LR) (20?) L]. 4-5579 RUMFORD (LR) Taylor Buick Pontiac Co. Inc. cor' Rumford Ave' & 364-2050 Hancock Street Q07') 950 DuaI Highway P. O. Box ?66 (Rt. 40 East) (301) RE 3-8000 (LR) Blvd.w.(301) g4g-LI22 MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Britannic Motors 18 Brighton Avenue LR) (61?) 782-9600 (R & (Milton) Hoover Motors 424 Adams St., Milton (6i?) (617) PLYMOUTH Midway Motors 111 Samoset Inc' Street WEST TOWNSEND West Townsend BOSTON (R&LR) 8-04?0 MOTOTS Street (R& LR) Naumkeag Auto sales (61?) WA 7-0224 4 Colon Avenue (LR) 17) wr (617) HOUGHTON Wenberg Sales Sands oAK (906) NANTUCKET Island Motors PARK MlNNEsorA MINNEAPOLIS Archie D.Walker Jr., Imported Cars Inc' 1820 Quentin Avenue (LR) (6 12) FR ?-7690 MONTANA BILLINGS Danrs Auto sales 1313 6th Avenue N. HELENA B-10 Washington Motor Mart of 524 (R &(LR) (406) AL 9-?843 (R &LR) St. ^ -b- (617) Helena N. Main Street MissoulA Rambler (LR) (LR) 482-3870 Imported Auto Distributors, Inc. (LR) 20830 Coolidge Highwav(313) 541-6360 BUTTE BRIDGEWATER Knievelrs (LR) Inc. 500BedfordSt.,(617)DRB-34B1100EastCalena(406)723'3225 Station,Inc. (R & LR) (61?) 115 (LR) 447-9009 (LR) Performance Cars, Inc. 1439 Eastern Ave., SE (616) CH 1-1656 Globe Motors, Depot corner service Main Street 50 M;CH;GAN EAST EDGARTOWN (LR) 746-2400 GRAND RAPIDS OX BEVERLY (617) Garage 205 Bedford (LR) (413) HI 5-4535 (6 PAU1AN 685 Ine. IsIe Royal KENSINGTON Altemus Esso Servicenter 3745 University .| ' WHITMAN WATERVILLE proctorrs Garage (LR) (207) TR 2-5477 54 North Street MARYTAND HAGERSTOryN (LR) Antietam Motors, Inc. (LR) Motors 6A Orleans CitY S. 2?15 Hwy. 93 228-0680 -7- (406) (LR) 422-4470 (406) (LR) 549-5178 NEW NEVADA ELKO LINDEN Wright Motors (LR) Street 685 ldaho 1686 Aultman (R & LR) Lloyd Buick (702) RE B-34I2 E. (201) WA 5-0610 300 St. Georges Ave. ELY T&cMotors JERSEY MILLBURN Avenue QOD (R) Peter Zage and ComPanY, Ltd. 382 Millburn Avenue (201) 3?9-6655 (LR) 264-248L LAS VEGAS (LR) Pat Clark Pontiac 1620 Fremont Avenue (?02) DU 2-2391 I SoMERVILLE (LR) Town & Country Motors 25 Davenport Street (201) RA 2-1100 RENO NEW MEXICO Motors 600 South Virginia St. (702) Modern Classic (R& LR) 329-4466 NEW HAMPSHIRE ALBUQUERQUE Desert Motor Co. 2501- New York NW (505) (LR) 243-6902 AMHURST Millward Motors, Inc. Route 101 (LR) (603) A BERLIN The Auto Mart, Inc. 1327 Main Street 673-1220 (LR) (603) GALLUP (LR) Navajo Motors, Inc. 110-118 East 66 Ave, (505) I-trrion 3-4497 ROSWELL Roswell Imported Cars 644 1801 S. E. Main (LR) (505) MA 2-6275 COLEBROOK Crest Auto Sales Main Street (LR) (603) CO 333 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES Central Motors 2001 S. BroadwaY (505) (LR) 894-2168 FRANKLIN Piper Motor Co. 135 North Main (LR) NEW YORK (603) 390 AMITYVILLE JAFFREY Garage Street Boutwellrs 3BB Main (LR) (603) KE 2-8200 KEENE (LR) Elmwood Pontiac, Inc. 374 Washington Street (603) EL 2-3522 MANCHESTER Resnik Motors 557 Second Street (603) (R & LR) 625-8908 (LR) Munn Motors, Ltd, 5?30 Merrick Drive BUFFALO Hunt Imported Cars, 1025 (516) PY B-4800 Inc. (716) Hertel Avenue ELMIRA Lyman (R & LR) 873-6717 (LR) D. Gridley, Inc. St. (60?) RE 3-6601 208 South Walnut GREAT NECK North Country MILTON Milton Garage (603) NEWPORT Chase & Avery 20 Sunapee Street oL (LR) 2-452? (R & LR) Motors (516) HU 7-4600 Blvd. HUNTINGTON (LR) (6q3) N 333 NEW JERSEY FRANKLIN (LR) Franklin Foreign Cars (201) JA 7-9440 N. Church Road -B- ?90 Northern (LR) Colds pring Enterpris es 800 West Jericho Tpke. (516) I\tY 2-6465 JAMESTOWN McFadden Ford, Inc. 2258 Washington St. _o- (LR) (?16) JA 4-7L27 oHlo NEW YORK LATHAM Nemith Auto Sales of Latham Traffic Circle (5 18) CLEVELAND British Engineering (LR) 5-8531 sr 16?01 (R & LR) Co. Miles Avenue (216) 991-7041 815 New Loudon Road LONG ISLAND CITY City Buick 36-11 Northern Blvd. OREGON (R& LR) Qlz) EX 2-1300 MARYLAND (607) GE 2-tL20 Manzari Auto & Boating 1 Scotts Corners (Rte. 17K & 208) Center 4301 Robust Motors, Inc. 605 N. Bayshore Dr. (503) (LR) 267-7003 (503) 343-3s26 (LR) COOS BAY (9i4) Arthur I. Flower (LR) 290 Coburg Road (LR) 457-3832 (914) NEW YORK CITY de Langton Ltd. 51B West 51st Street Street (518) (LR) JO 3-0660 SOUTIIAMPTON 5- 1120 CLEARFIELD Strattan Motor 3?14 Germantown (LR) 4347 R. D. 478-4184 Outer Washington Route #11 Co. St. 675-1546 (275) 348-943 (LR) B W. Drinker St. (717J Dr 4-119? (7r7') DI 3-1?33 GLENSIIAW (315) RE 3-4641 Malone Motor Car Co. of Glenshaw 1023 Rte. I (412) 486-2212 (R & LR) (stz') (LR) (315) SU B- 16BO WHITE PLAINS East Coast Imported Cars, Inc. (R&LR) (914) WH 9-7754 25 Martine Avenue -10- (LR) (717) (LR) Fred Skaluba (LR) WATERTOWN Trotter Equipment #1 DUNMORE 118 Street (LR) Pike (215) HU 9-2133 DOYLESTOWN Keystone Motors (315) 22O LaLayette Cars (LR) ?65-6506 AT 3-0576 Midtown Motor Imports Ltd. Utica Imports, Inc. cH 7-3227 (814) DALLAS Kunkle Motors (R & LR) UTICA Co. COLLEGE\'ILLE Uwe Buehl Imported SYRACUSE Erie BIvd. - East (503) BERWYN (LR) Keystone Motors 535 E. Lancaster 4vs. (215) NI 4-5878 (R & LR) (516) Ellensburg PENNSYI.VANIA cI ST. JOHNSYILLE Capece Motor Sales, Inc. (518) Main & Center Road e66 (212) Vincent Jerry & Sons 355 Hampton 205 North (R& LR) PLATTSBURGH Grattans (LR) Olsen Motors (LR) Route 42 801 Co. (503) Broadway & GOLD BEACH MONTICELLO Pashkow Motors 5 McDonald 'B' Sts. Ganger & Grover Motor EUGENE MONTGOMERY D. I (LR) Morris Garage R. I BURNS GREENSBURG Smyder Motor * ,l Sales 951 East Pittsburgh St. (412) READING 486-2212 (LR) TE ?-5660 (LR) Lindgren & Manske, Inc. Fifth & centre Ave. Qrs) 376-7222 -11- UTAH PENNSYLVANIA SEWICKLEY Ascot Imported Cars 604 Beaver Street (R& LR) @12) 74L-43L3 (?1?) (LR) 427-4L40 581 South Main (R & LR) (801) 359-2403 VERMONT STROUDSBURG Baylor Motors ?98 SALT LAKE CITY Mate Sports Car Clinic N. Ninth Street BRATTLEBORO Hometown Motors, Inc. WARREN Keystone Garage of Warren, Inc. (LR) 323 Pennsylvania Ave. (814) RA 3-5080 WILLIAMSPORT Har-WeI Motors, Inc. 463 East 3rd Street (LR) (7L7') YORK Whiteford Motors 1BB5 Whiteford Rd. 0t7) 326 - 15 96 (LR) 476-816 Putney Road BURLINGTON (LR) Lakeview Buick 100 Main Street (802) UN 4-9851 RUTLAND Russ Smith Sales & North Main Street Service (802) ??5 -5 803 (eoz) (LR) 457-2700 NORTH KINGSTOWN (LR) Kingstown Motor ComPanY (401) TU 4-1029 6600 Post Road F. A. VIRGINIA ARLINGTON (R & LR) European Motors WARWICK (LR) Marley Motors (401) RE ?-4180 1??6 Post Road TEXAS (LR) 1VOODSTOCK Richmond 66 Pleasant Street RHODE ISTAND (LR) (802) AL 4-9311 685B N. Fairfax Drive (?03) JE 2-0099 CHARLOTTESVILLE S-K Motors Rt. 29 North (703) (LR) 295-4L25 Inc. (?03) e35-2186 AUSTIN Travis County Equipment Company (LR) 3232 East First Street (512) GR 7-6389 CORSICANA (LR) Navarro CountY Tractor Co. QL4,) TR 4-5312 311 E. 3rd Avenue P. O. Box 1107 DALLAS Precision Motors ?40 N. Pearl QL4\ SAN ANTONIO The Torgerson ComPanY 119 W. Hicks (512) (R& LR) Rr 2-9495 (LR) LE 3-5145 (LR) Bodiford Motor ComPanY (Bi?) 4-3803 LY 522 PaLo Pinto Street WICHITA FALLS 501 Scott (81?) Street L2- Modern Sales & Service, (LR) 322-1169 (LR) MADISON HEIGHTS (Near Lynchburg) (LR) Babcock Auto Sales (703) P. O. Box 247 846-8377 WASHINGTON ABERDEEN Bigelow Chev. WEATHERFORD Birge Motor Company GRUNDY 223 Co. (LR) west Market St. (206) LE 2-0650 MERCER ISLAND (R&LR) Bavarian Motors, Inc. 10025 N. Mercer Way (206) AD 2-8010 WEST VIRGINIA BLUEFIELD Yeager Auto Sales, Stadj.um Inc. (LR) Drive at Cherry St, (304) -13- 325 - 71 93 WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Tag Galyean, (304) 1629) 344-2521 wlscoNslN THIENS\TLLE Milrace Motors Ltd. (R) Road (4i4) FL 4-8080 WEST ALLIS (LR) Daum Motor Cars, Inc. (414) 3-?400 EV St. 6125 W. Burnham 16th St. (LR) (307) 634-1511 (307) 332-4083 LANDER Hallam, Inc. 381 Lincoln POWELL Okay Chevrolet P. O. Box 2?0 (LR) (LR) (30?) sK 4-2822 SHERIDAN Poll Motor Co. Inc. 312 Broadway WORLAND Cook Sa1es & Service 1115 Big Horn Avenue Sheppard Ave. Service (LR) (705) AX3-6641 BANCROFT Vance Motors Ltd. 94 Hastings Street (705) BARRIE Viau Motors Ltd. 17 Gowan Street (LR) (?05) PA 6-6488 (LR) 192-W BELLEVILLE Trudeau Motors 31-45 Station BLIND RIVER 33 Causley CHEYENNE 500 Block E. Ward Bros. Esso Ltd. Street (LR) (613) WO B-6?6? (LR) Station (705) EL 6-7811 Street Lakeview Service WYOMING Halladay Motors, Inc. CANADA AGINCOURT HUNTINGTON (LR) Tag Galyean of Huntington, Inc. (304) JA 3-8425 4th Ave. and 4th St. 122 Green Bay - ONTARIO (LR) Inc. Virginia and Truslow Sts. (Box AUTHORIZED DEAIERS (LR) (s07) 674-69i-1 BRACEBRIDGE Gordon Motor Sales Moskoka Ltd. (LR) 233 Manitoba Street (70b) 645-2347 BROCKVILLE (LR) BilI Hudginrs Garage (?05) DI 2-2054 255 King St. w. CORNWALL Uptown Motor Sales Sixth and Pitt Street HAMILTON (LR) 7-3111 Ltd. (R & LR) (705) 789-5481 Southam Sales & Service 260 Main (307) FI (LR) St. E. (705) JA 8-0061 HUNTSVILLE Simons Texaco South Highway #11 (LR) KAPUSKASING (LR) AIrs B. A. Service Station Government Rd, & Riverside Drive (705) ED 5-2200 KINGSTON Campbellrs Sales & Service 507 Princess Street (705) KIRKLAND LAKE Kirkland Motors 1B Government Rd. -t4- -15_ (LR) Lr 6-L774 (LR) E. (705) 784 ONTARIO ONTARIO LAKEFIELD Frank S. Coyle, Ltd. Bridge Street (LR) (?05) oL2-3301 MASSEY ( Burns Motor Sales Box (LR) TIMMINS Tip Top TORONTO Wheaton Motors 286B 30 (LR) (705') AM4-27L2 Ltd. (LR) Dufferin Street (705) RU 9-116? NEW LISKEARD John ClarkBldg. Enterprises Ltd. (LR) (705) MI 7-4556 Whitewood Avenue TORONTO NORTH BAY Tim Horton Motors 625 Lakeshore Drive WATERLOO W. Ornstein, British Motors Ltd. (R) (?05) wA 5-34s8 2709 Yonge St. Reitzel Bros, (LR) (705) GR 2-3460 440 Bridgeport (LR) 326-3822 CAUSAPACAL Central Garage St. Jacques St. (LR) Road (705) SH3-4106 QUEBEC ORILLA Temple and Faux 1?5 Missisaga St. E. (705) OSHAWA Robinson Imperial Esso Service (LR) Simcoe & Br"uce Sts. (705) 723-953t OTTAWA English Motors Ltd. 316 Bell Street (613) (LR) 237-0230 OTTAWA Trudeau Equipment 1174 Heron Road (LR) (?05) RE 3-5884 McGarvey Motors Ltd. (613) (LR) 687-4124 PORT ARTHUR (LR) R. McDowell Motors Ltd. (705) Dr 5-8222 211- Van Norman st. ST, MARY'S Ottors Speedy Queen Street Repair (LR) (705) SAULT ST. MARIE Algoma Truck & Tractor 119 Sales (LR) 255 Conmee Ave. SUDBURY Edward Motors Sudbury 1?L Elm street E' (LR) Ltd. (?05) os 3-0403 Bros. (Temagami) Ltd. 99 COWANSVILLE Mitch Bedard Auto 170 Main street Ltd. LACHINE Ninth Avenue Motor LACHUTE Ltd. Road MANIWAKI (819) 26 3 - 056 0 (LR) (R & LR) (5i4) ME 7-2385 Welden Motors 275 Bethany 833-66b5 Sales St. Louis St. (LR) (819) (R & LR) (514) LO 2-5238 Station (819) 20W L. Thibault & Son Ltd. (819) 94 St. Pierre 1092 Gatineau Service 392 Des Oblats (LR) MATANE MISTASSINI Garage C. (LR) E. Rousseau (LR) Bt9-2205 TEMAGAMI Pacey (LR) Engr. (819) RI 9-2425 S. COUNTY BERTHEIR Garage Alban Belisle St. Michel Des Saints 895 PETAWAWA Box Motors Avenue 252 Second (705) (LR) 422t MONT JOLI Wilfred Levesque Inc. (LR) 105 BlvdJacques Cartier(819) PR 5-4316 MONT LAURIER Thomas Bertrand 28 Paquette B1vd. -17 (819) - (LR) 665 PRAIRIES QUEBEC MONTREAL (LR) Cambridge Motors(1962) Ltd. 4257 St. Catherine St. w. (514)wE 5-6366 MOUNT ROYAL Triumph-Rover Motor Car Co' (R & LR) Rd. 2505 DeI Meade (514) Rl 7-474L QUEBEC CITY PhiI Larochelle Equipment Inc' (819) LA 250 2nd Avenue ROUYN Engrg. West Gerry Auto Service 165 Gamble Street, SHAWINIGAN EAST (LR) 2-3949 (LRl RO 2-7222 (LR) 42?3 Blvd. Des Hetres (819) LE 9-3?51 Enrg. Mary Automobiles SHERBROOKE Louida Payeur R. R. #4 (LR) Inc. (819) LO 9-7484 EDMONTON, ALTA. Mi1ls Motors Ltd. 10050 108th (R) st. (+os) GA 4-521,4 EDMONTON, ALTA. Wilkinson & McClean Ltd. 9310 125th Avenue (LR) (403) GR 9-1945 GRANDE PRAIRIE, ALTA. (LR) Wilkinson & McCIean Ltd. Clairmont Rd.Box 489 (403) 532-3234 WINNIPEG, MAN. Burnell Motors Ltd. 255 Burnell St. (R & LR) (204) SP 5-2486 WINNIPEG, MAN. Metro Motors 325 Elgin Avenue (LR) (204) wH 2-1817 (306) LA 2-5204 REGINA, SASK. (LR) Reg. Carter Motors 2051 Albert Street MARITIMES BATHURST, N.B, Wilmot HathawaY Motors Ltd. (LR) 610 Cheadle 500 Main Street FREDERiCTON, N.B. (LR) Motors 4?9 Union Street union (506) GR 5-9231 LANCASTER, N.B. (R & LR) Webbrs Ltd. 15 Church Avenue (506) ox 4-205i HALIFAX, N, S, cole Motors Ltd. 11? Columbia Street (902) MIDDLETON, (LR) 454-5807 N. S. Perry Cole Sales & Service Ltd. (LR) Box 3gB,Annapolis Co. (902) 825-3916 TRURO, N.S. East End Service Station (902) 42 Wood Street ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Adelaide Motors New Gower at Adelaide CHARLOTTESTOIMN, P. E.I. Martints Garage 256 Queen (LR) 893-3326 (R & LR) St. Street SWIFT CURRENT, SASK. Wightmants Machinery Ltd. 578-3015 (LR) 894-7309 PRAIRIES CALGARY, ALTA. (R & LR) Kendall Motors Ltd. AM2-3019 W.(403) S. 1st St. 15thAve. and Street (LR) 773-7259 BRITISH COIUMBIA CHILLIWACK Valley Motors 751 Yale Road East (R & LR) (604) SY 2-74r7 CRANBROOK (LR) Dezallrs Garage Co. Ltd. 20SeventhAve.Box 397 (604) JIJ 6-4746 COURTENAY Island Equipment Box 998 Ltd. (LR) (604) i300 DAWSON CREEK Superior Equip. & Rental 9801 1? Ltd. (LR) (604) ST 2-3918 (604) ST 2-262r Street FORT ST. JOHN (LR) Superior Equip. &Rentals Ltd. (604) ST 5-4713 Box 2199 GOLDEN Geck Contracting Box Ltd. 298 (LR) (604) 199 (604) 83 GREENWOOD A&AService (LR) _ -18- (306) 19_ BRITISH COLUMBIA KAMLOOPS Dickrs Automotive 225 7fn KELOWNA Ave. (R &LR) Sales (604) 3?2-3616 Ltd. Street Reliable Motors 1658 Pendozi (LR) (604) PO 2-2419 NELSON City Auto Service Ltd. 803 Baker Street (604) (LR) 352-5346 NORTH SURREY (LR) Mattson Brothers Ltd. l-0392 Trans Canada H'wy'(604) 581-1141 1OO MILES HOUSE (LR) G & C EquiPment (6 Box 220 04) 11 e PENTICON Parker Motors Ltd. 1B? Nanaimo Ave. W. PRINCE GEORGE Aurora Motor Sales 492 Victoria St. (LR) (604) 492-3030 Ltd. (604) 563-3119 (LR) QUESNEL Sterling Service Ltd. Box 735 (LR) (604) 992-6613 (604) 84?-eB3B (604) 368-3010 SMITHERS (LR) J&JMotorsLtd. 16 First Ave' North TRAIL Trail Machine Works 2045 Columbia Ave. (LR) VANCOUVER (LR) Clarke SimPkins KingswaY Ltd' (604) TR 9-52L1 999 KingswaY Ave. VANCOUVER Clarke SimPkins Ltd. Burrard at BroadwaY (604) (R) 736-4282 VERNON (LR) North Okanagan Motors Ltd. (604) 542-2838 3200 32 street VICTORIA National Motors (Victoria) Ltd.(R & LR) (604) EV 4-8t74 819 Yates Street WILLIAMS LAKE (LR) Herbrs Texaco Service (604) EX 2-5035 P. O. Box 1089 YUKON TERRITORY WHITEHORSE Taylorrs Tune-UP Centre Ltd. Phone: P.b. Box 1032 -20- (LR) 7?333 MARK II 3-Litre Sedan ".:'::.& ;',:;.;.J LAND-ROVER BBil Station Wagon MARK DL-5 II 3-Litre Coupe Printed inUSAbyDahl Pub' Co', Stamford' Com'
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