Campus Map - Cornell University
Campus Map - Cornell University
OV E RIV ER PARKWA LO D ET A C O OAD KLINE R N B F E Cornell Child Care Center OA D A D F B 15 H G 14 CORNELL UNIVERSITY BLUEGRASS LANE Moakley House HASBROUCK APARTMENTS OAD ROAD AD OAD Townhouse Community J H OHR Organizational Development Services Equine Drug Testing & Research Program Dyce Laboratory for Honey Bee Studies Cornell Business & Technology Park ROBERT TRENT JONES GOLF COURSE Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport Laboratory of Ornithology Equine Research Park Liddell Laboratory ER ROV NT G ASA PLE FR JESSUP FIELD Africana Studies and Research Center Tau Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Phi Phi CROSS NORTH OF Hurlburt House (Ecology House) A LOT G Blue light telephones: Direct line to Cornell Police for emergencies or other assistance Cornell Golf Center 1618 17 Metered Parking: Pay Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5pm Golf Cart Storage Grounds Maint Shop 1 Cornell Police, in G2 Barton Hall (see map, D5): open 24/7 C E 19 Short Term Parking available: Please stop at an NORTH CAMPUS information booth for details and any required 5 Sigma RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY APPEL 2 OO permit, or visit 4 6 Hasbrouck BASKETBALL Chi Beta EW ROBERT TRENT JONES LR7 3 E C Akwekon G LA 1 LR6 CC LOT ORN P Community COURTS RID Theta GOLF COURSE DEARB Jerome H. Sigma W Robert Purcell HR5 Triphammer YC Center Parking and Information Booth Pi 7 Holland 9 KO Delta 20 NE George Community 10 Cooperative ED 12 F Sigma F Alpha International HA Tau Delta Jameson Center 8 AV Alpha 11 M Pi Delta Psi EN Visitor Information Desk PL Gamma LANE Gamma Alpha Hall 8 Living Xi UE APPEL Delta Mu 22 Rho E Center 10 C Pi Kappa Delta LA P NORTH N Delta 25 O FAIRWAY DRIVE See other side for campus building guide. Ujamaa 9 23 21 SISS Phi PLAYFIELD Phi 28 Mary Donlon Just Kappa HEIGHTS COURT Prospect of Delta 26 24 Delta 27 Hall About Delta Wait Ave Copyright July 2013 29 Whitby Theta WAIT AVENUE Music Cornell University THU Cooperative ACE Bess Clara Dickson RST F PL 0 60' 120' 180' IF L O Campus Planning Office Wait N AV EC Mews (JAM) Brown Court Hall ENU EDG Thurston APPEL SOUTH FIELDS Zeta 307 Wait Terrace Ithaca, New York Alpha E 300m 600m 0 Hall Center Golf Course Hall Alpha & Garages Psi Ave Zeta 410 Thurston Kappa Tool Shed Epsilon Pi TENNIS COURTS Anna Kay Hall Bauer Undergraduate Kappa Chesterton Phi Comstock Thurston Hall Admissions Appel 319 Wait Gamma House Kappa RAWLINGS Hall Court THURSTON AVE CREST LANE Commons Avenue FO Tau GREEN (Latino Living Center) 536 Apts. THE BYWAY RE 109 Barton Balch Thurston Alpha ST Seal CRADIT FARM DRIVE Place FALL CREEK Hall Carol HA Ave Phi Ramin Admin Delta & Serpent LC Fuertes ROBERTS Helen Newman YO Tatkon Center Risley Chi Observatory N Hall Center Hall E RIV ROAD Stewart KD E ATIONS FA E Japes RO NT Noyes CR LL Avenue PLA Alpha FALL AD CR Lodge EE Bridge Sigma Phi Sackett K Hydroelectric Plant (Rockledge) Beebe Pedestrian Foot Triphammer Phi Dam Suspension Bridge Thurston Ave Foot Bridge Gamma Kiln Shed F.R. NEWMAN ARBORETUM Bridge Weinhold Sigma Bridge Intercultural Delta BEEBE Foundry CORNELL PLANTATIONS Center Chilled Nu ENUE (The Oaks) AV ITY Rand RS UNIVE Toboggan Milstein Water LAKE Hall Lodge Alpha Hall Plant 1 Olin Chemistry Chi Delta Research Lab Psi Forest Home PLANTATIONS McINTY Phi RE PLAC Olive Tjaden Sibley Martha Van E Garage WILDFLOWER Human Johnson Hall Rensselaer Sigma Baker GARDEN Hall DR CORNELL Ecology Museum Newman BIT White West Phi Watermargin UR Lab Plant Breeding Lincoln Plantations PLANTATIONS UC Building C of Art Lab Theta Delta Hall Martha Van Epsilon Hall Agronomy Pole Barn Kappa Service Kinzelberg Richard M. Lewis Physical Chi Martha Van Rensselaer ARTS Pole Barn Sigma Phi Building Filtration Hall Arts & Education Center Sciences Clark East Rensselaer QUAD Muenscher Savage Green Nearing Plant Sciences Building Hall Sigma Hall Laboratory Leland Hall Greenhouse Sigma Pi Summer Plantations Alumni McGraw Kappa Blue Lab Computing and Rockefeller & Lab Complex House K Nevin Bailey Yellow Hall Goldwin Boldt Hall Greenhouse TOC J K Communications Hall NYS Veterinary Love Lab OMS R C Warren Hall Von D Welcome S Hall Greenhouse Smith LL (Language House) Baker Beebe & Lab Complex KNO Center Caldwell ON Diagnostic Cramm Alpha Alice H Baker Center TI N & Lab Complex Hall Hall J A E DR Plant Tower Hall T Space Mann R Laboratory MAIZ Tau Hall FL,G AN Hall Cook Roberts MD Breeding AG QUAD PL G MANN DR Morrill ICU D E Bldg Sciences Building Library 660 Stewart Omega House E LIBE e c TRIT North Academic Surge Fernow Hall F A ien PRESIDENTS DR c Hall G Baker S B Vet Surge Avenue SLOPE Bruckner F M ic O E Facility Hall Necropsy TH Bas A Founders C Hall Carl L Plant Science Bldg Emerson P Kroch Lab S Barn Facility IC Big Red Malott B A H Moore Wing McClintock Hall S South Little I K Poultry Kahin Kennedy Hall Andrew M C Becker W Library Hall Federal CRAR Barn J Lab Vet AY PETERSON D Shed B Houses Rice Center Hall Dickson B James House Flora Rose Mennen Hall Nutrition Olin Greenhouses Bradfield I T Barn Annex Med LOT Kenneth Uris Stimson White Law Poultry Virus A Laboratory Library House Lyon Hall Annex Hall Post TOWER ROAD Library Guterman TOWER ROAD Hall Rice Hall House Auditorium Laboratory CALS Surge Facility War WEST Cayuga Vet Seeley G. Lab Dolgen Bioclimatic McGraw Large Animal Dale R. Sage & CALS HR Memorial Food Vet Research Vet College of Medical CAMPUS Lodge Mudd Hall Day Hall Hall Lab Tower Isolation Facility Corson Hall Chapel McFaddin Hall Science Delta Boyce Tower Uris HallIves Ives Hall Morrison Federal Ed Veterinary Center Ives King Nematode Thompson Stocking Hall Lab Medicine Phi Hans Bethe Hall Center Hall BIOLOGY Willard The Cornell Store Hall Shaw Lab Weill ROBISON (Llenroc) Institute House West ALUMNI ROBERT J. KANE Wing QUAD East Campus MARSHA DODSON Straight Livestock East Hall Comstock Hall William T. Noyes Large Animal Research Research HO FIELDS SPORTS COMPLEX Environmental FIELD Hall ILR Research Hall Pavilion Biotechnology Keeton Psil Community Hall & Teaching Unit Statler PLAZA Barnes Health Building Facility Building House Upsilon and B LOT Hotel ) & Safety Hall 6 Friedman 36 Rec Center Ruminant E T U CORNELL AVENUE Wrestling Phi Barton Hall Riley-Robb (RO Nutrition Lab Sage Hall Gannett Sigma AD Teagle Center Kappa Police Hall RO Lynah Rink Bartels Hall Telluride N Health Chilled Water E Phi Statler Hall Hall Psi YD House DR Services Friedman Strength Wilson Plant 2 Delta & Auditorium KITE HILL Olin Hall S CAMPU U S & Conditioning Center Synchrotron ROAD Grumman Schoellkopf Tau LOT Teaching 14P South Delta Friends AM Pomology Anabel Lab Squash C Delta and Research Ave Upsilon House CAMPUS ROAD Hall Cold Storage Taylor Hall SOUTH Phillips Courts Schoellkopf Barns Carpenter JU AVENU and Sales E Duffield Hall D Kappa Equine CRESCENT Memorial Hall D Bill & Melinda Delta Hall FA Hall Myron PEW Schoellkopf LOT Alpha Metabolism LL Gates Hall Kappa Hollister CASC Schoellkopf S Taylor Aquaculture ENGINEERING Crescent Agricultural E Theta 112 Unit R ADILL Kite Hill Epsilon Hall Building O AC Ecotoxicology A CR Pressbox Center for PIN QUAD Hall AD PL EEK CORNELL Engineering HOY E T ORCHARDS Lab Fischell Substation T CREEK Edgemoor RE Thurston T SCHOELLKOPF CASCADILLA I ER Jewish Living OA W FIELD OXLEY LOT Test Lab Band D DE FIELD Hall Upson Parking Bard Kimball Center Water LANE Hall MTJF Graphic Arts Garage Schoellkopf ChiEDGEMOOR Snee Hall Hughes DILMUN HILL Hall Treatment Library Services Bldg Lambda West Stands Phi Hall Dwyer Bridge STUDENT Hall Plant 391 Grumman Addition Chi East Hill ORGANIC FARM & Dam Pine Office Building Machine Tree Hall Alpha Trolley Central AD O Frank H.T. Road Faculty R Blair Farm OY Shop H Judd Foot Heating Schwartz Judith Eisner Rhodes Hall Tennis Falls Barn Bridge Humphreys Plant Center for the Pavillion Eddy Dam Club Eddy DR Bridge Service Building Performing Arts Foot Bridge GY East Hill Plaza GateCascadilla Resource Ecology & ER OAK AVENUE MIT CH EN ELL Management Lab Complex STR Hall 409 College EE E T COL OSMUN PL Maple Ave WILLIAMS STREET OGY City of Sheldon Avenue OA Robison DR KA Fish Hatchery Pipe/Welding Softball VE Ithaca Court NU ELLIS Field Transportation E Bridge Aquaculture Shop HO Parking Reis Tennis Center LLOW RO Vegetable Crops Buildings Services AD Multi-Purpose Belkin International Building 104 Maple Garage 'A' 'B' 'C' Fields Squash Courts Ecotoxicology 116, 118-126 MAPLE AVENUE COLLEGETOWN EAST BUFFALO STREET PIN Lab DRY Maplewood ET Maple Ave A CREEK DEN DRYDEN ROAD RE John T Oxley CASCADILLEllis Hollow Creek Road ROA East ER 312 College Community Equestrian Hungerford Hill Road Newman Barn 'A' D OA Center Sn yder Hill Road D Hill Avenue Center MAPLEWOOD Turkey Hill Road Warehouse ET STRE EAST SENECA D PARK HARVAR PL Swine Barns NE Embryo Transfer L LA IL BR Schuyler 301 College H Shed NY Main Barn Lower Run In SUN YA Levine Lab CATHERINE STREET Barn House Avenue Poultry House 25 NT Pole Barn New Swine Levine Lab 'Q' Sage Lower Barn AV Barn Poultry House 15 Turnout Arena Upper Barn E House O BR Alpha Chi Sigma Tobin Field House Wari Cooperative SUP JES D ROA O K IN LV HO US KE ED R NE WARREN ROAD LA VENU AND A HIGHL PL 2 D AN G HI HIGHLAND AVE PLA CE THURST ON AVEN UE E IV R D O M E H T ES FO R ME D RIV E ENUE STEWART AV HO ST W AY RE FO RD LA AD RO GO DR TUB ER IL W DR LD CA LL WE 5 WING ROAD SAGE AVENUE AD RO OA YR East Hill D REE ET PIN K LA 6) 36 TE OU (R AD RO EN ONEIDA PLACE EDGEWOOD PL SUMMIT AVENUE DR YD ROAD EDDY STREET PINE TREE SCHUYLER PL GLEN PL RD AD REE ET PIN WORTH STREET RO AD RO H ILL E RIV D ER OW FL H RY G ER F D WIL CA A ITH E WB RA ACE RD PL OXFO ST STREET CORNELL STREET D C COOK STREET BOOL Copies of this map can be purchased at the Cornell Store (C5; 607-255-4111). FAIRMOUNT AVE LINDEN AVENUE B COLLEGE AVE QUARRY STREET SAGE PL E STATE ST (ROUTE 79) STEWART AVENUE SPRING LA DEWITT PL WILLETS PL FOUNTAIN PLACE A 7 J East Hill Office Building BOOKBANK DR COLLEGE AVENUE M L PA AD AD RO RO 6 HO R PA IL AD SC CA 7 Fa Ope Shed O She CRISP APPLE DR GARDEN AVENUE STATLER DRIVE NUE ICA MED D Y AVE 4 OA ERSIT LR UNIV EL all an H urm Sch EAST AVENUE 6 Parkmobile Pay-by-cell parking available at designated lots. Look for the green sign. Download the mobile app at or call 1-877-727-5730. SCIENCES DR E EAST AVENUE VENU RAL A CENT More Information Short Term Parking Please visit an information booth Mon.–Fri. to purchase a parking permit, get directions, or for general assistance. Payment or an appropriate permit is required for parking Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m., including holidays and breaks. Please be mindful of parking restriction signs. Some areas are restricted to permit holders on evenings and weekends. State, local, and university traffic and parking regulations are enforced at all times. WEST AVENUE STEWART AVENUE 5 DW T Tours Walking campus tours generally depart from the Day Hall Lobby. Check the website below for confirmation or call 607-254-INFO (4636). L CA REE Visitor Information Desk M–F, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Day Hall Lobby, 144 East Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 LL HI E IV DR BARTON PLACE E E ST 4 Campus Information and Visitor Relations LLS ROAD LAK Questions? Please call or visit: 3 JUDD FA •Explore events and things to do at M HO 3 (Details on parking, tours, as well as university and college-specific admissions sessions can be found below.) Y WA HL GE D LO AV E PR E E AC M NE UR WEST BO O DR OG RA AD ROAD •On-campus dining options vary by day. Go to or take a stroll into nearby Collegetown, which offers a variety of dining, coffee, and snack options. For information about Cornell’s disabilityaccess resources and accessibility map, please visit or call 607-254-INFO (4636). Pi Beta Phi R MER HAM TRIP CK HEIGHTS Alpha Chi Omega HIGHLAND RO Kappa Delta Rho AD RO WY DRIVE CAYUGA Zeta Beta Tau •Campus tours and admissions information sessions are offered separately. See below for details. Discover Ithaca, N.Y. D C K OO RL PL PAR K 2 •Pay to park using your mobile device wherever you see a green Parkmobile sign. Admissions Information Sessions If you are attending a university or college information session, please stop at a parking and information booth Mon.–Fri. for parking and directions. D OA LR HIL Acacia E OV ET NS SU SO Welcome to Cornell University •Visit a parking and information booth for parking permits and instruction. K OA OD DR R 1 Quick Tips to Navigate Our Campus W MARY ANN WO R Allan H. Treman State Marine Park COLLYER BOATHOUSE 112 Edgemoor (co-op).....................................................B6 Admissions Office, Undergraduate (also offices in each college and school)...................................................... C3 A. D. (Andrew Dickson) White House: Society for the Humanities........................................................ CD5 Africana Studies and Research Center: facilities, library.......C1 Akwe:kon (program house).............................................D2 Anabel Taylor Hall: café; interfaith center....................BC6 Appel (Robert and Helen) Commons: dining, fitness center, student activities...............................................E3 Bailey Hall......................................................................D4 Baker Laboratory: chemical biology, chemistry............ CD4 Balch Hall (housing).......................................................D3 Bard Hall: materials science engineering......................... C6 Barnes Hall: auditorium, career and minority services, Public Service Center.................................................. C5 Bartels Hall: climbing wall, fencing salle, Newman Arena, outdoor program, strength and conditioning center, ticket office...............................................................E5–6 Barton Hall: gymnasium, Cornell Police, ROTC............D5 Beebe Hall: human ecology offices...................................F4 Big Red Barn: dining; graduate student center............D4–5 Bill and Melinda Gates Hall...........................................D6 Biotechnology Building: café, biochemistry, biotechnology and life science technologies, genetics and development, molecular and cell biology, nanobiotechnology.......................................DE5 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research................ G5 Bradfield Hall: earth and atmospheric sciences.................E5 Caldwell Hall: Graduate School and other offices.........DE4 Carpenter Hall: engineering administration, engineering and computer science library ................... C6 Carl Becker House (housing)........................................ AB4 Cascadilla Hall (housing).................................................B7 Center for Jewish Living/104West! (housing) kosher/ multicultural dining.....................................................B6 Clark Hall: physical sciences, library...............................D4 College Avenue: 301 (Cornell Information Science)........ C7 College Avenue: 312 (Cornell Chronicle, University Photography, Web Communications)........................BC7 College Avenue: 409 (Faculty Staff Assistance Program, student health insurance)............................................ C7 Computing and Communications Center: CIT, telecommunications, University Counsel and Board of Trustee Offices.........................................................D4 Comstock (Anna) Hall (Latino Living Center)............... C3 Comstock Hall: biological sciences, entomology, library.........................................................................D5 Cook (Alice H.) House (housing)................................. AB4 Cornell Store: retail and service departments; credit union, postmarket............................................. C5 Cornell University Press–ILR Press (Sage House)........... A7 Corson (Dale R.) Hall: ecology and evolutionary biology......................................................................DE5 Court-Kay-Bauer housing complex............................ DE2-3 Dairy Bar/Store in Stocking Hall: Cornell food products.. F5 Day Hall: School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions offices, Information and Referral Center, university administration offices...................... C5 Dickson (Clara) Hall (housing)...................................D2-3 Donlon (Mary) Hall (housing).....................................DE2 Duffield (David A.) Hall: café; advanced materials and nanoscience, Cornell NanoScale Facility, Knight Laboratory....................................................... C6 East Campus Research Facility at College of Veterinary Medicine...................................................H5 Campus Building Guide Cayuga Medical Center Cass Park Ithaca College Ecology House (Hurlburt House).................................. C1 Emerson Hall: crop and soil sciences................................E5 Fernow Hall: natural resources...................................EF4–5 Food Science Laboratory................................................ G5 Friedman (Stephen and Barbara) Wrestling Center...EF5–6 Friends Hall, in Schoellkopf Memorial Hall....................E6 Fuertes Observatory......................................................EF3 Gannett Health Services...........................................BC5–6 Gates Hall (Bill and Melinda)........................................D6 Goldwin Smith Hall: coffeehouse; arts and sciences administration and facilities........................................ C4 Grumman Hall: aerospace engineering........................... C6 Grumman Squash Courts.............................................. D6 Hans Bethe House (housing)...........................................B5 Hasbrouck Apartments........................................... FG1–2 Helen Newman Hall: fitness center, intramural sports office, physical education....................................E3 High Rise 5 (housing)......................................................E2 Holland (Jerome H.) International Living Center...........E2 Hollister Hall: civil and environmental engineering........ C6 Housing, Student: Akwe:kon...................................................................D2 Cook House: cafeteria; Carl Becker House: cafeteria; William Keeton House: cafeteria; Hans Bethe House: cafeteria; Rose House: cafeteria............. AB4–5 Balch Hall: Campus Life offices, Carol Tatkon Center: café............................................................D3 Cascadilla Hall ......................................................... B7 Center for Jewish Living/104West! ........................... B6 Comstock (Anna) Hall (Latino Living Center)........... C3 Court-Kay-Bauer complex....................................DE2–3 Dickson (Clara) Hall..............................................D2–3 Donlon (Mary) Hall; Mews Hall; Just About Music (JAM); Ujamaa.........................DE2 Hasbrouck Apartments.........................................FG1–2 Holland (Jerome H.) International Living Center; Jameson (George) Hall.............................................E2 Hughes (Charles Evans) Hall: cafeteria........................B6 Hurlburt House (Ecology House).............................. C1 Maplewood Park.........................................................F7 112 Edgemoor............................................................B6 Risley (Prudence) Hall: cafeteria, theatre................. CD3 Schuyler House...........................................................A7 Sheldon Court..........................................................BC7 South Baker Hall..................................................... B4-5 Thurston Court Apartments........................................B3 High Rise 5; Low Rises 6, 7; Townhouse Community.......................................E1–2 Hospital for Animals (Cornell University) at College of Veterinary Medicine......................................... HJ4–5 Hughes (Charles Evans) Hall (housing)...........................B6 Humphreys Service Building.......................................E6–7 Hurlburt House (Ecology House)................................... C1 Human Ecology Building ............................................DE4 ILR Research Building, ILR Conference Center in King-Shaw Hall, Dolgen Hall: conference facilities, industrial and labor relations.......................................D5 Intercultural Center...................................................... D3 Ives Hall: distance learning, industrial and labor relations, library..........................................................D5 Jameson (George) Hall (housing).................................DE2 Just About Music, JAM (program house).........................E2 Johnson (Herbert F.) Museum of Art: café; exhibits, galleries........................................................................B4 Kahin (George McT.) Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia........................................................A5 Keeton (William T.) House (housing).......................... AB5 THE COMMONS Stewart Park Cornell Business and Technology Park Moakley House and Cornell Golf Center Warren Rd. East Hill Plaza Cornell Equine Research Park Annex Cornell Athletics Fields Kennedy (W. Keith) Hall: dining; communication, education; post office...................................................D5 Kimball Hall: materials processing engineering............... C6 Kinzelberg (Harvey) Hall: nutritional sciences................D4 Knight (Lester B.) Laboratory in Duffield Hall.............. C6 Kroch (Carl A.) Library (access through Olin Library): Asia, rare, and manuscript collections; archives........ C4–5 Lincoln Hall: music, music and dance library................. C4 Livestock Pavilion.........................................................FG5 Low Rises 6, 7 (housing)..................................................E2 Lynah Rink: hockey, ice skating...................................E5–6 Maplewood Park (housing)..............................................F7 Malott Hall: mathematics, statistics, library ...................D5 Mann Library Building: café; agriculture, life sciences, and human ecology library; Bailey (L. H.) Hortorium...E4 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall: cafeteria; human ecology..DE4 McGraw Hall: anthropology, government, history; Knight Institute for Writing........................................ C4 McGraw (Jennie) Tower (Uris Library): chimes, chimes museum.......................................................... C5 Mennen-Lyon-McFaddin housing complex.....................B5 Mews Hall (housing)...................................................E2–3 Milstein Hall: architecture, art, and planning................. C4 Morrill Hall: linguistics, Romance studies, Russian..... C4–5 Morrison Hall: animal science........................................ G5 Mudd (Seeley G.) Hall: neurobiology and behavior........D5 Myron Taylor Hall: law, library....................................BC6 Newman (Floyd R.) Laboratory/Annex: elementaryparticle physics............................................................D4 Noyes Community Recreation Center: fitness center, student gym/recreation facilities...................................B5 Noyes Lodge: language laboratory...................................D3 Olin (Spencer T.) Chemistry Research Laboratory.........D4 Olin Hall: chemical engineering.................................. C5–6 Olin Library: café; graduate/research library, access to Kroch Library.............................................................. C5 Parking garage................................................................D6 Performing Arts, Schwartz (Sheila W. and Richard J.) Center for the...........................................................BC7 Phillips Hall: computer engineering, electrical engineering.............................................................. CD6 Physical Science Building........................................... CD4 Plant Science Building and Greenhouses.........................E5 Plantations (Cornell) Lewis (Richard M.) Education Center, Nevin Welcome Center...................................F4 Rand Hall: architecture studios....................................... C4 Rhodes (Frank H. T.) Hall: computer graphics, engineering facilities, Cornell Theory Center............ CD6 Rice Hall: various program offices....................................F5 Riley-Robb Hall: agricultural and biological engineering...FG5 Risley (Prudence) Hall (housing)................................. CD3 Robert Purcell Community Center: cafeteria; Campus Life Housing and Dining Office, Conference Services offices, student activities and services............................E2 Roberts (Isaac P.) Hall: agriculture and life sciences, Cornell Cooperative Extension, landscape architecture................................................ D4–5 Rockefeller Hall: Asian, Asian American, and Latino studies; science and technology studies.......... CD4 Rose (Flora) House (housing)..........................................B5 Sage Chapel.................................................................... C5 Sage Hall: cafeteria; executive education, management studies, library ............................................................ C5 Sage House: Cornell University Press–ILR Press..............A7 Savage Hall: nutritional sciences.....................................D4 Neimand-Robison Softball Field Reis Tennis Center Belkin Squash Courts Oxley Equestrian Center East Hill Office Building Robert Trent Jones Golf Course Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport Schoellkopf Memorial Hall: Athletic Hall of Fame, athletics and physical education offices, Friends Hall, physical therapy...........................................................D6 Schoellkopf (Paul) House: athletics and physical education offices............................................D6 Schurman Hall: veterinary college administrative and other facilities.......................................................H5 Schuyler House (housing)................................................A7 Schwartz (Sheila W. and Richard J.) Center for the Performing Arts........................................................BC7 Sheldon Court (housing)..............................................BC7 Sibley Hall: coffeehouse; architecture, art, and planning; fine arts library...................................... C4 Snee (William E.) Hall: earth and atmospheric sciences.. C6 South Baker Hall (housing)........................................ B4–5 Space Sciences Building: radiophysics and space research; National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center; rooftop teaching radio telescope......................D4 Statler Hall and Hotel: dining and lodging facilities, executive education center, hotel administration, library.................................................................. CD5–6 Stimson Hall: biological sciences, university ombudsman.. C5 Stocking Hall: Dairy Bar/Store; food science, microbiology................................................................F5 Straight (Willard) Hall: cafeterias, information, student activities/services, theatre...........................................BC5 Tatkon (Carol) Center: in Balch Hall; café, new student services....................................................D3 Teagle Hall: athletics and physical education facilities, fitness center...........................................................D5–6 Thurston Court Apartments............................................B3 Thurston Hall: theoretical and applied mechanics engineering................................................................. C6 Tjaden (Olive) Hall: visual arts....................................... C4 Townhouse Community (housing A-H)......................E1–2 Transportation Services (116 Maple Avenue): information on parking, bus service, and traffic regulations................E7 Ujamaa (housing)............................................................E2 Upson Hall: computer science, industrial and mechanical engineering, plasma studies ...................... C6 Uris Hall: café; cognitive science; economics; feminist, gender, and sexuality studies; international studies; psychology; sociology.............. CD5 Uris Library: café; chimes, chimes museum (McGraw Tower); undergraduate library..................................... C5 Veterinary Medicine, College of: cafeteria (Schurman Hall); facilities, library......................... HJ4–5 Warren Hall: cafeteria; applied economics and management; biometrics; development sociology ........E4 Weill Hall: café, life science technologies..........................E5 White Hall: government, Jewish studies, Near Eastern studies.................................................... C4 White (Andrew D.) House: Society for the Humanities.CD5 Willard Straight Hall: cafeterias, information, student activities/services, theatre...........................................BC5 Wilson (Robert Rathbun) Synchrotron Laboratory: CHESS, CESR/CLEO.................................................F6 Wing Hall: biochemistry, environmental engineering, microbiology................................................................F5 University Communications 7/13 63.5M CP Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.
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