[ oltrecasello ] 3
[ oltrecasello ] 3
[ O LT R E C A S E L L O ] beyond the tollgate T r i este l i sert GUIDES BY AUTOVIE VENETE 3 Autovie Venete 0432 925111 - 040 3189235 www.autovie.it Design and implementation: © Echo Comunicazione d’Impresa Milano info@echocom.it - www.echocom.it Editorial coordination: Alessia Spigariol Graphics design: Lorenzo Paolo Sdraffa Interactive english version: Altrementi Adv Illustrations: Enrico Gisana Translations: Rossella Mainardis/RB First issue: November 2014 In consideration of the particular characteristics of the Internet, the publisher shall not be held responsible for any changes of addresses and contents of the sites mentioned herein. Editors: Mara Bon (Food, Wine and Typical produce, Lunches and dinners, Shopping) is a journalist, with a passion for art and food. She has published several articles on the culture of food and wine for daily, weekly, monthly and field guide magazines and has edited studies of social-economic surveys, tourist marketing and geographical analysis for various boards. Christian Seu (The Land, Historical and artistic routes) is a freelance journalist, ANSA correspondent for Gorizia Province and collaborates with daily newspaper Messagero Veneto. He has been Press officer in Gorizia and communications manager of numerous cultural events in the capital town of this area. In the past, he collaborated with the daily newspaper Il Piccolo and Radio Gorizia 1 and is coowner of the communications Studio Area12. We thank Turismo FVG and Autovie Venete Press Office for their collaboration. All photos in this Guide are courtesy of Turismo FVG Archives, except those on pages 72-73, 87, 103, which are courtesy of Autovie Venete archives. Information office Trieste Turismo FVG: Infopoint FVG Piazza Orologio 1, angolo Piazza Unità d’Italia 34121 Trieste Tel. +39 040 3478312 / Fax +39 040 3478320 info.trieste@turismo.fvg.it OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ i n de x ] 1 .T H E L A N D C E N T R A L E U R O P E A N D C U LT U R E SOME HISTORY WATER AND ROCKS 2. HISTORY AND ART I T IN E R A R I E S D U IN O FALESIE NATURAL RESERVE DUINO CASTLE GRIGNANO MIRAMARE CASTLE TRIESTE FARO DELLA VITTORIA P I A Z Z A U N I T À D ’ I T A L I A and L E R I V E SAN GIUSTO CATHEDRAL THE SYNAGOGUE SAN SPIRIDIONE TEMPLE IL BORGO TERESIANO T R I E S T E A N D I T S C af é s OPICINA TRAMWAY VIALE XX SETTEMBRE RISIERA DI SAN SABBA FOIBA DI BASOVIZZA M U S E O R E V O LT E L L A MUSEO FERROVIARIO BARCOLA PROMENADE / 4 / INDEX MUGGIA il borgo C A S T E L L O D I M uggia 3 . F O O D , W IN E A N D T Y P I C A L P R O D U C E C O S M O P O L I TA N C U I S I N E , P O R T O F D I V E R S E C U LT U R E S WINES WITH LAND AND SEA BOUQUETS DISCOVERING TYPICAL PRODUCE 4 . L U N C H E S A N D D INN E R S SAVOGNA D’ISONZO TRATTORIA LOKANDA DEVETAK DOBERDÒ DEL LAGO H otel R ist O rant E P ahor D U IN O - A U R I S IN A A lla D ama B ianca A griturismo A l P escaturismo G ran O steria T re N oci T rattoria S ardoc L e T orri di S livia S G O NI C O R istorante S avron E noteca S gonico M O N R U P IN O H otel R istorante K rizman / 5 / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT TRIESTE B uffet da P epi B uffet l ’ A pprodo R istorante B agutta T riestino B uffet B irreria da R udy ( S paten ) B uffet da S iora R osa V ecio B uffet M arascutti 1 9 1 4 T rattoria N erodiseppia A ntipastoteca di mare « A lla V oliga » O steria da M arino O steria A i M aestri B ar T rattoria « A l G uanaco » H ostaria ai 3 M agnoni A ntica T rattoria S uban R istorante S cabar A griturismo G rgic I gor mugg i a T rattoria R isorta O steria de T oni 5 . S hopp i n g D U IN O - A U R I S IN A C antina Z idarich A zienda A gricola S kerk A zienda agricola K ante A zienda agricola Radovic di N evo e F lavia R adovic A zienda agricola A ntonic / 6 / INDEX S G O NI C O A rt H rovatin K a j zer M armi fattoria carsica ba j ta di skerl j slavko e c . A zienda agrituristica M ilic TRIESTE S alumeria S artori A limentazione B M salumare Q ui gatta ci cova C aff è V atta V idali E rik R osso di ferro I l G iulia L e T orri d ’ E uropa MUGGIA P asticceria T riestina U lcigrai B irra artigianale C ampagnolo M ontedoro F ree T ime SEZANA V inakras / 7 / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Dear Client, The motorway you are driving on crosses two Regions; their industrious inhabitants have branded themselves with creativity, entrepreneurship, dynamic spirit, and availability to trade with other markets and this route contributes towards reciprocal market ease of access. In the past these lands lived through the emigration of thousands of people heading to other countries and continents but today our motorway sees men and women coming to search for work in our country. Road transport has become the most used means of transport since the post-war years and motorways are essential to ease the flow of people and goods. Analyses of these flows allow us to make interesting quantitative forecasts as well as important sociological evaluations. They show that travellers’ profiles, destinations and reasons for travelling have changed over the years. In the same way, markets impose increasingly competitive demands on commercial carriers to deliver as many products as possible in the shortest possible time. Often, when we overtake trucks and glance at their number plates, it is hard to recognise their origins, proving that current travel scopes and distances inconceivable a few years ago are now totally possible. Southbound goods and people from Eastern and Central Europe travel along this motorway, thus significantly increasing flows. We have therefore allocated massive resources to technological improvements aimed at safe travel. The safety of travellers on Autovie Venete motorways is a quality standard of utmost importance and the services offered to our clients are continuously being evaluated and improved. However, / 8 / foreword we have achieved this result also thanks to the collaboration of our clients. Rest is essential to safe travelling and even a short stop may often avoid the risk of fatigue or may simply break the tension after hours behind the steering wheel. These breaks are an integral part of our journey and our wish is that you enjoy this aspect of your travelling. Our motorway, which starts in Mestre in the Veneto region, and after a few kilometres winds through Friuli right up to Trieste, on the eastern border of our country, crosses places of great interest. We have compiled this Guide to highlight the history, culture, art and produce of our regions. It provides short itineraries near the tollgates where you can enjoy a break surrounded by beauties that can only be imagined or fleetingly glimpsed while driving along the motorway. I hope that you partake of short yet stimulating itineraries to rest and relax and then peacefully set off again taking with you the memories of having encountered hospitable people, tasted unique flavours and visited unforgettable places. I hope that this Guide will become your indispensable travel companion and will remind you of our heritage, culture and the North Eastern corner of Italy. E m i l i o T erp i n P res i de n t of A utov i e V e n ete / 9 / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT The editorial project Oltrecasello arises from a mere thought: we spend long hours on the motorway to reach workplaces, people and places. Our trips may be long or short. In the past, these were often necessities rather than opportunities. [ gu i d E T o the gu i D E ] Deep in our own thoughts, focussed on our driving and our objective or destination, plugged into earphones and Bluetooth, distracted by music and news broadcasts, talking to fellow passengers, worried about the traffic and the delay that constantly persists, we drive on. We go on without being aware of what we are driving past, without the curiosity of understanding, admiring and getting to know more. / 10 / guid E T o the gui D E The Guides Oltrecasello by Autovie Venete wish to characterise our trips in a different way by leading us, through brief stops, on the discovery of short yet stimulating naturalistic, historical, artistic, wine and food itineraries, all nearby the toll gates along the Venezia-Trieste motorway. These Guides are not meant to interrupt the journey but to make our trip an experience, by allowing ourselves the pleasure of a break, open to the surrounding beauty and to reach our destinations enriched by new experiences and knowledge. A L L D I S TA N C E S A N D T I M E S A R E C A L C U L AT E D F R O M M O N F A L C O N E E S T - T R I E S T E L I S E R T T O L L G AT E S . E XI T S D U IN O A N D S I S T IN A A R E A F T E R T H I S T O L L G A T E . / 11 / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT AUTOSTRADA a4 T oll G ate M O N F A L C O N E E S T TRIESTE LISERT q rcode / G oogle maps / 12 / [ T ollgate mo n falco n e est tr i este l i sert ] [ du i n o ] [ s i st i a n a ] [ sgo n i co ] [ borgo grotta g i ga n te ] [ gr i g n a n o ] [ m i ramare ] [ se Ž a n a ] [ basov i zza ] [ tr i este ] [ mugg i a ] © autovie venete / 13 / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Frontline history flowed through Trieste, a city nestled between the Karst plateau and the Adriatic Sea, in the middle of Europe. From the Romans to the Serenissima, up to Empress Maria Theresa’s revolutionary changes, which contributed to making it a great Julian capital, devoting it to freedom of religion and residence. Then, the twentieth century disputes over Trieste and Trieste being eventually declared Italian. 1[THE LAND] Coincidences have favoured the creation of a cultural fabric that is unique in the world. A melting pot that has seen important poets such as Svevo, Saba and Joyce, meet and debate in the elegant cafés where it is still possible to taste a steaming hot cup of precious mixtures coming from the many coffee roasting plants in the city. / 14 / BACK to INDEX / [THE KARST IN AUTUMN] / 15 / BACK to INDEX / P H O T O ANJ A C O P OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT CENTRAL EUROPE AND CULTURE Trieste is the last northern stop in the Mediterranean and is thus a natural and privileged marine landing in the vast Central European area. The cosmopolitan vocation of Trieste lies perhaps in this unique geographical alchemy, crossway of cultures, people and worship. A city voted to integration, fertile ground for arts and science, literature and technology, protagonist of the events that characterised the early twentieth century. It is impossible not to be overwhelmed by the atmospheres of the cafés evoking Hapsburg splendour or by the enchanting walks along the Rive looking onto the Adriatic. Yet, history has frequently assigned Trieste the role of supporting actress, constrained between the Serenissima and the House of Hapsburg, between the Patriarchy of Aquileia and the County of Gorizia. A city with three thousand inhabitants in the eighteenth century when Maria Theresa of Austria, illuminated and beloved sovereign, contributed to revolutionising the urban and architectural layout by demolishing walls, enlarging the port and amalgamating an area in the place of the salt mines. She welcomed foreigners and granted them freedom of residence and, above all, of worship and this was a determining factor for the growth of the city that was to become the Julian capital during the twentieth century. « Cosmopolitan City, crossway for cultures, people and worship » / 16 / BACK to INDEX / 1.LAND Synagogues flourished in Trieste and the Hebrew community became one of the largest and most important in Europe. At the same time, the city welcomed orthodox worship following the schism between Greeks and Illyrians that would lead to the construction of the splendid Temple di San Spyridon, with its light blue domes characterising the city skyline. The city thus eventually and indisputably fascinated those living in the centre of the Empire, beckoning them to the shores of the Adriatic by cultural fervour and by unique landscape scenarios. « Twentieth Century history swept through here » At the onset of the last century, Trieste consisted of more than 250 thousand inhabitants: among these, Italo Svevo and Umberto Saba who were actually born in the city. James Joyce, who was enchanted by the inns, cafes and sea, spent almost ten years of his life between the Rive and San Giusto. Political events and two World Wars, which ultimately returned Trieste to Italy in 1954, have not mined its invincible cultural verve: if once it was Rilke, Joyce and Trubar, nowadays it is Claudio Magris, PaoloRumiz, SusannaTamarro and Boris Pahor who are the spokespeople for Trieste in the world. The city has also been a cradle for scientists like Margherita Hack, great sportsmen like Nereo Rocco, Cesare Maldini, Nino Benvenuti, Tiberio Mitri and, more recently, Margherita Granbassi and Tanja Romano. / 17 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT SOME HISTORY The area around Trieste has been inhabited for at least 50 thousand years and settlements started to exploit the caves in the Karst hinterland as far back as the Neolithic era. The origins of the city of Tergeste are still controversial: the Greek historian Strabone attributes the foundation to the Carnic people, although the finding of some relics and artefacts would strengthen the hypothesis that it was paleoVenetian populations who first settled on the Adriatic shore, as witnessed by the Venetian roots of the name itself. Conquered by the Romans after the battles between Istrians and Celts, it first becomes a Latin colony and then a municipality, a crucial intersection for trade with Pannonia: Tergeste reached its peak of splendour under Trajan, before the decline coinciding with the end of the Western Roman Empire. In the hands of mostly German bishops, Trieste sides with the Patriarchy of Aquileia and the County of Gorizia against the Serenissima in 1289. The treaty between the Doge and the Patriarch does not stop the lootings and attacks on the Julian capital, which eventually signs a deed of devotion to Austria in 1382. « Tergeste reaches its highest splendour under Trajan’s rule » / 18 / BACK to INDEX / 1.LAND [TRIESTE. PONTE ROSSO. JAMES JOYCE STATUE] P H O T O M A U R IZIO VA L D EMA R IN / 19 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT « Part of the Empire up to the Great war » The turning point for Trieste came in 1740, with Maria Theresa of Hapsburg, who significantly contributed to the urbanistic revolution and to the rise of the new city thanks to the establishment of the free port (it had been the wish of emperor Charles VI twenty one years before), thus significantly boosting the city’s economy. The French occupied Trieste three times between 1797 and 1813 before becoming, together with Ljubljana, capital of the Illyrian Provinces. This status was to last only a year with Austria taking the city into its own jurisdiction and denying municipal autonomy. Trieste remained part of the Empire until World War I and became Italian in 1918. In 1945, it was occupied by Yugoslavian troops for 40 days as well as by the Anglo-Americans and it was then divided into two zones. Two years later, the U.N. decided to establish the Free Territory of Trieste. In 1954, the city was split and shared between Yugoslavia and the Allied Forces, who handed the city over to the Italians for the second time. / 20 / BACK to INDEX / 1.LAND B E T W E E N WAT E R A N D R O C K S The Karst eases into the Adriatic and Trieste elegantly lies between the plateau and the sea. Whipped by the bora wind and kissed by the breeze, the province of Trieste embraces stretches of Karstic rock and Mediterranean scrub, beaches with fine sand and shores of smooth pebbles in just 212 square kilometres (making it the smallest Italian province), Trieste does not conceal its nature as a sea town. The Riviera, especially the seafront in Barcola, is frequented even in colder weather and it is not unusual to see some brave locals in the Adriatic waters in winter. Before reaching Trieste it is worth stopping to admire the Falesie Reserve in Duino, where pine and hornbeam woods wind their way from the plateau down to the coast. Sheer coastal panoramas characterise the coastline from Sistiana to Grignano and heading towards the hinterland it is not unusual to encounter Karstic phenomena such as doline sinkholes and caves like the most renowned Grotta Gigante (Giant Cave). It is one of the biggest caves open to tourism in Europe and certainly the cave with the largest natural hall in the world with a height of 98 metres, length 167.6 and width 76.3 metres. « Stretches of Karstic rock, Mediterranean scrub, beaches of fine sand » / 21 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT The Falesie Cliffs in Duino and the Karst cavities, the cafés downtown, the masterpieces in Revoltella, the Greek Temple of San Spyridon and the Synagogue: Trieste, a multicultural, multifaceted, multi-coloured city, a symbol of the mingling of cultures, landscapes and lifestyles, is the ideal location to spend some hours in a 2[HISTORY AND A R T I T INI R A R I E S ] modern yesteryear setting: from the historical cinemas and theatres to the places of worship, past the Rive and superb Piazza Unità, the biggest seafacing square in Europe. Walks along the shore in Barcola, a steaming cup in one of the downtown cafes, a ride on the Opicina tramway and a visit to Miramare Castle are all popular activities. / 22 / BACK to INDEX / [ trieste . faro della vittoria lighthouse ] / 23 / BACK to INDEX / PH O T O marco milani OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ D U IN O ] FALESIE NATURAL ReSERVe U N S P O I LT N AT U R E B E T W E E N T H E A D R I AT I C AND THE KARST Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 7 km / 9 min Information Comune di Duino-Aurisina Via Aurisina, 102 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 2017111 www.comune.duino-aurisina.ts.it protocollo@comune.duino-aurisina.ts.it / 24 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES One hundred and seven hectares, of which sixty-three on the sea, surrounded by the high and steep limestone coast, a strip of the characteristic Karst plateau and the Adriatic Sea. The Falesie Natural Reserve in Duino stretches along Trieste coast, where central European flora and fauna yield to the Mediterranean environment, with the Karst marking the landscape between Alpine and Illyrian morphology. « Hiking lovers can go through woods of pine, hornbeam and holm trees » The most appreciated sights offered to visitors are the very high cliffs, reaching a height of 90 metres: this is a highly fossiliferous limestone coast of the Cretaceous Age, characterised by the whiteness of the precipice walls overhanging the sea in the reserve, officially established by a Regional Law in 1996. The mingling of biological domains contributes decisively to the variety of fauna and flora: hiking lovers can enter into woods of black hornbeam, holm, canine cherry, ash, hop hornbeam and maple, whereas the upper part of the Reserve is characterised by black pine, planted by man many a century ago. / 25 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT A short distance from the overhanging cliffs is the only place in the world where we find the Karstic Centaurea or fleur-de-lis of the Karst, a herbaceous plant with a characteristic violet coloured flower. Fauna is also of remarkable interest: we can admire more than one hundred and fifty bird species in the park, including the peregrine falcon, short-listed as an endangered animal. In the wood, with a bit of luck, we may see squirrels and small rodents. Proliferous rocks in close proximity to the cliffs create a natural habitat for several species of reptiles: the horned viper, the wall lizard, the green whip snake and even the blue-throated keeled lizard, a large dark brown lizard with black spots. The blue rock thrush, with its unmistakeable blue-grey feathers also nests here. « Natural habitat of several bird species » / 26 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES [FALESIE. AERIAL VIEW] P H O T O M A R CO MIL A NI / 27 / BACK to INDEX / R I L K E T ra i l The superb setting of the Reserve inspired the Prague-born poet Rainer Maria Rilke, who has given the name to the trail that winds along the cliffs for 1700 metres, joining Duino to Sistiana. The trail, which is constantly on level ground, is easy for anyone to cover: opened in 1987, after years of neglect, it belongs to Alessandro della Torre e Tasso, descendant of the Thurn und Taxis princes, who had hosted Rilke. Here the poet lived for many months in 1912, and was influenced by that very enchanting scenario to compose his Duino Elegies. The trail unravels from State Road 14, near the United World College of the Adriatic and winds its way down to the Tourist office in Sistiana. / 28 / BACK to INDEX / [ R I L K E tra i l ] PH O T O AN JA CO P OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT D U IN O C A S T le NOBLE ABODE FOR RILKE, D’ANNUNZIO AND STRAUSS Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 5.7 km / 6 min Information Times Castello di Duino Via Castello di Duino, 32 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 208120 Fax +39 040 208022 www.castellodiduino.it info@castellodiduino.it visite@castellodiduino.it Closed Tuesdays Autumn-winter: 9.30-16.00 Spring-summer: 9.30-17.30 / 30 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Many a distinguished guest including Mark Twain, Paul Valéry, and Rainer Maria Rilke have been guests in this castle. It has a breath-taking view from a sheer cliff overlooking the blue of the Adriatic Sea. Around the magnificent Castle, currently residence of the princes Torre and Tasso rises the town of Duino: a strategic position, dominating the Gulf of Trieste. The manor was built in 1300, where a Roman military outpost had stood one thousand years earlier. From sixteen hundred – after having also played an important political role on the stage of communal communities of the time – it became a humanistic court, privileged destination for writers, thinkers and artists, who arrived here frequently from the end of the eighteen hundreds, when countess Teresa von T h u r n - H o fe r und Valsassina and her daughter Maria von Thurn und Taxis welcomed into their home Twain, Valéry, Rilke, Johann Strauss, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Princess Sissi of Austria, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and Franz Liszt. The period of the Great War was particularly harsh for the prestigious building in Duino as it was on the bombing lines and was practically shelled to the ground. « Many a distinguished guest: Twain, Valéry, Rilke and D’Annunzio » / 31 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [DUINO CASTLe] PH OTO F ABRIC E G AL L INA / 32 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES The renovation of the Castle took place thanks to Prince Raimondo, who adamantly and stubbornly set his mind on reconstructing the castle, appraising the beautiful surrounding park, alternating well-landscaped gardens with wilder Mediterranean scrub areas. « Severely ruined during the Great War, it was reconstructed by Prince Raimondo » The Castle is inhabited, open to the public and available for ceremonies and banquets. Fine china and eighteenth century antique furniture adorn the splendid rooms. Part of the guesthouse hosts the United World College of the Adriatic, which allows students from all over Europe to attend the last two years of high school and then to pursue their studies in the best universities worldwide. It has recently become possible to visit the bunker constructed in 1943 to accommodate the German Navy. Set back from the manor, stands 11th century Castel Vecchio, first home of the Duino nobles. From here, you can enjoy a privileged view of the cliff called the White Lady. The legend says that a cruel feudal lord killed his wife by throwing her into the sea but fate carved her white body into the rock and immortalised her as a cliff. / 33 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [GRIGNANO] MIRAMARe CASTLE A TIMELESS RESIDENCE Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 20.3 km / 20 min Information Times Museo storico and Parco del Castello di Miramare Viale Miramare 34014 Grignano Tel.: +39 040 224143 www.castello-miramare.it info@castello-miramare.it Castle: every day of the year, 9.00-19.00 Park: from April to August, 8.00-19.00 / 34 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Maximilian of Hapsburg personally chose, the plot of land at the tip of the promontory of Grignano to build his home in 1855. He was inspired by the Spanish castles overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, hence mirar el mar, meaning gazing at the sea in Spanish, therefore Miramare. The beautiful neo - medieval palace, located just six kilometres from Trieste, is today one of the most visited State owned historic homes of its kind in Italy and very popular with tourists who arrive in the Regional capital. Miramare Castle designed by Viennese architect Carl Junker became the home of Archduke of Austria (and later Emperor of Mexico) and his wife Charlotte of Belgium in 1860. They lived in the small building called Castelletto situated inside the Park while their home was being built. That same small building set in the gardens was to become Charlotte’s prison when struck by mental insanity after her husband’s death (killed by Republicans in Querètero, Mexico in 1867) she was locked up there. Strongly influenced by romantic sensitivity, Junker designed a house that appears – now as then – an elegant retelling of a medieval fortress, with ‘white towers’ which had also inspired Carducci. The residence boasts over twenty rooms, nowadays lar- « The home of Maximilian of Hapsburg and Charlotte of Belgium » / 35 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [MIRAMARE CASTLe] PH O T O M ARC O M IL ANI / 36 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES « Attractive rooms, including the throne hall and the reconstruction of a ship » gely used as a museum: the rooms preserve the furnishing of the time, allowing visitors to move about in Maximilian’s, Charlotte’s and their guests’ rooms. One of the archduke’s rooms is the most evocative in the entire building, created and inspired by the stern of the frigate Novara, on which the noble Hapsburg had sailed when he served in the Navy as rear admiral. The recently restored Throne room can also be visited and is the largest room in the Castle: ten meters high with a wooden truss ceiling that was intended to praise Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. The Castle is surrounded by a breath-taking natural setting as well as by the sea and the wonderful park stretching in majestic protection of this uncontaminated spot. There are greenhouses, sculptures and rare botanic species in this garden that is one of the most characteristic in Central Europe. The landscaping of the park started at the same time as the building of the Castle and was supervised by Maximilian himself. He often brought plants from his journeys, especially from Mexico. / 37 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ tr i este ] faro della v i ttor i a S H I N E and R E M E M B E R T H E D E A D AT S E A Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 23.8 km / 21 min Information Times Faro della Vittoria Strada del Friuli, 141 34136 Trieste Tel./Fax +39 040 410461 From April to second Sunday in October: Saturday and Sunday, 15.00-19.00 Barcolana Regatta, i.e. second Saturday and Sunday in October, 9.30-17.30 / 38 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Built to commemorate the sailors who died in the First World War, the Victory Lighthouse is 67.85 meters high and guides navigation in the Gulf of Trieste. The idea of the tower came from Trieste architect Arduino Berlam, who had started designing it in 1918, just as the war ended. Poggio Gretta was chosen for the construction of the lighthouse as it overlooks Trieste bay at 60 meters above sea level. The first stone was laid in 1923 and the inauguration took place on May 24 th four years later, in the presence of King Vittorio Emanuele III. The structure has an estimated weight of 8,000 tons and is built with over 1500 cubic meters of Istrian and Karst stone. On the top of the dome there is a copper statue representing the Winged Victory, which weighs more than seven tons. Below is the sculpture of the unknown sailor made by Giovanni Mayer and the anchor of the Audace destroyer ship, the first Italian ship to enter the Port of Trieste on 3 rd November,1918. On a memorial stone, we read the evocative inscription: «Shine and remember the dead at sea». « Built to commemorate sailors who died in the Great War » / 39 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT P I A Z Z A U NI T À D’ITALIA And LE RIVE T he beating heart of a central E uropean city Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 45.9 km / 41 min / 40 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Piazza Unità d’Italia is one of the most characteristic sights in Trieste, a must-see for visitors, tourists and locals who start or finish their evening walks in this square. You can perceive the history of our country and of Central Europe in this square. First-time visitors are enchanted and define it as one of the most beautiful Squares in the world. It certainly is the largest European Square facing the sea. This square is also an intersection of contemporary historical events. In July 1914, the reflecting waters opposite the Square saw the return of the bodies of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, victims of the attack in Sarajevo that triggered the Great War. In 1918, at the end of the war, the people of Trieste welcomed the first Italian troops off the destroyer “Audace” in this very square, which then took on the same name. The Square was the main venue for the occupation on 26 th October 1954 that sanctioned the return of Trieste to Italy, until then under administration of the allied forces. The layout of the Square, which spreads over an area of over 12,000 square meters, dates back to 1870 when a number of buildings converging on Piazza della Borsa (Stock Exchange Square) were demolished (such as San Pietro church, which was the original name of the square) « Theatre of important historical events » / 41 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [TRIESTE. PIAZZA UNITÀ D’ITALIA] PH O T O M ARC O M IL ANI / 42 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES or those that blocked the sea view (Teatro Vecchio and the Prisons). The Square, however, was not completely devoid of barriers till 1920, when the trees that grew near the shore were also removed. The final reconstruction took place in 2001 and included the removal of the asphalt pavement, substituting it with the current sandstone pavement. Historical buildings, now headquarters of the governing bodies of the city and Region, surround the Square. In the background stands the Town Hall, designed in 1870 by architect Giuseppe Bruni: the result is a combination of different architectural styles, with clear German, French and Venetian influence. The people of Trieste have come to appreciate it through the years, affectionately calling the building, Cheba, meaning cage. Dominating the Square is the curious bell tower, topped by two statuesque Moors, called Michez and Jachez, who toll the passing of time every quarter-hour. A similar group, which adorned one of the entrances to the town between 1550 and 1770, inspired the two bronze statues. On the tower, we see copies of the originals, which have been on exhibition at Castello San Giusto since 2006. In front of the Town Hall stands the four continents Fountain, built in 1751: it was removed in 1938 to allow Mussolini’s visit to take place in the city, repositioned in 1970 and only in 2001 moved in line with the clock tower. « Michez and Jachez toll the hours from the bell tower » / 43 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT On the left we can see Palazzo Modello (designed in the same period and by Bruni himself) and Palazzo Stratti, refurbished in 1939 and later acquired by Assicurazioni Generali: the historical Caffè degli Specchi (Café of Mirrors) is on the ground floor. Going towards the Rive, you can see the Government Palace, the most recent building overlooking the Square. It was built in 1904 and designed as Palace of Lieutenancy by Emil Artmann, one of the greatest advocates of historicism and a long-time a professor at Vienna University of Technology. On the side towards the sea, we read the plate bearing the 1918 Victory at Sea proclamation. The plaque contains a rather curious mistake. It actually states that the enemy ships were defeated ‘in Premuda, on the Piave, in Pola, in Trieste and in Trento’. It is understood that the last stated town is definitely not located on the Adriatic coastline… On the other side of the Square stands Palazzo Pitteri (perhaps the most elegant building overlooking Piazza Unità), the eclectic Palazzetto Vanoli and the Palazzo del Lloyd, built in 1880 by Heinrich von Ferstel, at the time one of the most famous architects in the Empire. It was restored in 2006 and is the seat of the Regional government. « Palazzo Pitteri is perhaps the most elegant in the square » / 44 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES [TRIESTE. LE RIVE] P H O T O A N J A CO P / 45 / BACK to INDEX / IL MOLO AUDACE Built between 1743 and 1751, at the time of Maria Theresa of Austria, Audace pier stretches for 246 meters onto the sea, separating San Giusto basin from San Giusto itself. It was built from an initial idea: in 1740, right in the spot where the pier stands, frigate San Carlo sank and the wreck was used as foundation for the new port, which at first was named after the sunken ship. Originally, the pier measured only 95 meters and was later extended by 19 meters (in 1778) and an extra 132 meters in 1861. It had become a docking site for merchant ships and then for the fast ships that plied between Trieste, Venice and Dalmatia. It was renamed in 1918 when the “Audace” destroyer landed Italian military troops of bersaglieri and carabinieri right there. At the top of the pier, now used only for fascinating walks, a wind rose commemorates the 1918 event. / 46 / BACK to INDEX / [TRIESTE. MOLO AUDACe] PH O T O F A BR ICE G A L L INA OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT SAN GIUSTO MARTIRE CATHEDRAL HEART OF TRIESTE’S C AT H O L I C I S M Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 37.3 km / 29 min Information Times Cattedrale di San Giusto Martire Piazza della Cattedrale, 2 Tel +39 040 309666 34143 Trieste Week days: 7.30-12.00, 15.00-19.00 Sunday: 8.00-13.00, 15.00-20.00 / 48 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Built on the hill that gives it its name, San Giusto Cathedral is the result of the union of two pre-existing religious buildings, one dedicated to St. Mary of the Assumption (11 th century) and the other to Saint Giusto, which were in turn built on the ruins of an early Christian chapel. According to tradition, the basilica is located on the ancient cemetery, where martyr Giusto was buried, after his body was recovered from the waters of the Adriatic where he had been sentenced to death by drowning. « Built on the churches of St. Mary of the Assumption and San Giusto » The cathedral, which is one of the symbols of the Regional Capital, has a gable facade, embellished by a gothic rose window in Karst stone dating back to the fourteenth century and over the portal, there is a plaque to commemorate the damage to the church during the Austro-British shelling in 1813. A few cannonballs dating back to the conflict are still embedded in the wall of the bell tower that looks like a defence tower and has five bells tolling the hours daily in a G minor key. / 49 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT The interior has five asymmetric naves, having semi-circular arches: the right and central naves of the Romanesque church of San Giusto have endured, whilst the apse is more recent and was frescoed in 1423 by the Friulian artists Dominic Lu and Domine Antonio Bitetto. There are only a few fragments of the original frescoes including the fiveelement San Giusto Cycle of the thirteenth century in the side Chapel. Splendid mosaics decorate the lateral apses: 11-12 th century works depicting Theotokos (Mother of God) and Pantocrator, flanked by Saints Giusto and Servolo. « Beautiful mosaics decorate the side apses » / 50 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES [ T R I E S T E . C athedral of S an G iusto martyr ] P H O T O A N J A CO P / 51 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT THE SYNAGOGUE A CENTURYOLD LANDMARK FOR THE JEWISH COMMUNITY IN TRIESTE Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 28.9 km / 27 min Information Times The Synagogue Via San Francesco, 19 Tel. + 39 040 363952 34133 Trieste For guided or group tours, contact: Key Tre Viaggi Via Santa Caterina, 7 34133 Trieste Tel. + 39 040 6726736/26 Fax +39 040 672673 visitesinagoga@triestebraica.it Sunday: 10.00-12.00 From Monday to Thursday: 10.00-11.00 (bookings accepted for groups of at least 25 people) / 52 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES The Jewish community in Trieste has always been particularly large including entrepreneurs but also writers like Svevo, Saba and Voghera, intellectuals like Giorgio Fano and Teodoro Meyer, founder of the daily newspaper Il Piccolo and doctors like Edoardo Weiss. Synagogues were set up in ancient buildings, hosted in the ghetto that stretched out between Piazza Unità and Piazza della Borsa. It was there that the Jewish people of Trieste met for prayers before the monumental synagogue was built in via San Francesco, opened in 1912 and designed by architects Ruggeri and Arduino Berlam. The Temple is one of the largest in Europe and does not conceal its Oriental features starting from the facade with its characteristic rose windows forming the Star of David. The main prayer room has a rectangular shaped floor and has three aisles ending with the apse vault, covered by a gilded mosaic: the entire space is orientated towards a monumental Aròn, embellished by gilded copper doors, supporting a niche that holds the Tables of the Law. The structure is framed by a seven-branch bronze candelabra resting on a marble balustrade representing the sheaves, symbol of the Jewish community in the Julian capital. The majestic chandeliers highlight the solemn atmosphere of the Temple: a copper one stands out in the atrium hanging from the stucco ceiling. Nazi troops destroyed the Synagogue during World War II and used the building to deposit books and works of art. The community’s belongings were saved from the German fury and hidden secretly inside the building itself. / 53 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT TEMPIO DI SAN SPIRIDIONE PLACE OF WORSHIP OF THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX COMMUNITY Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 28.1 km / 26 min Information Times Tempio di San Spiridione Via San Spiridione, 9 34121 Trieste Closed Sunday afternoon and Monday. Autumn-winter: 9.00-12.00, 16.00-19.00 Spring-summer: 9.00-12.00, 17.00-20.00 Serbian-Orthodox community Via Genova, 12 34121 Trieste Tel. +39 040 631 328 Fax +39 040 347 6296 crsoit@tin.it / 54 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES White sandstone and mosaics are the elements that characterise the facade of St. Spyridon Temple (actually Holy Trinity and St. Spyridon Thaumaturge), place of worship for the many Serbian Orthodox in Trieste. The right to celebrate the orthodox ritual dates back to Maria Theresa’s edicts, in 1750. The Greek and Illyrian communities shared a church at first but co e x i s t e n c e became more and more difficult over the decades. Therefore, the Greek community built their own place of worship on the Rive and the Illyrian community decided to commission a new and more magnificent church. Carlo Maciachini, an architect from Lombardy, won a public tender, where seven architects presented their designs. Construction started in 1861 and finished eight years later, when the new temple opened. « Designed by Lombard architect Carlo Maciachini » / 55 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [TRIESTE. SAN SPIRIDIONE] PH OTO MAURIZ IO VAL D E M ARIN / 56 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES « Magnificent intense blue domes » The characteristic intense blue colour of the domes attracts the viewer from outside the Temple of St. Spyridon. The inside walls of the church host oil paintings and a wall iconostasis covered in gilded stucco, with icons decorated in gold, silver and precious stones, representing mostly the Virgin, Jesus, the Annunciation and St. Spyridon. A gold and silver gemmed cross dominates the altar. One of the treasures worthy of mention is the silver votive lamp in the entrance hall which was donated in 1722 by Paolo Romanov (future czar Paul I) on his visit to the community in Trieste. Strangely, a local metropolitan legend claims that rubbing your back against one of the walls brings good luck. / 57 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT IL BORGO TERESIANO THE NEW CITY BY MARIA THERESA OF AUSTRIA Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 28.7 km / 26 min / 58 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Ponte Rosso and piazza della Borsa, the Tergesteo gallery and Teatro Verdi all portray Hapsburg rigour and geometrical order with the buildings all level. And it is not just by chance. The most enchanting part of the new city, started in eighteen hundred, is called after the sovereign who made projects come true: it was Maria Theresa who started the urban revolution which was to last over fifty years and gave Trieste its current look. The borough with its central Grand Canal was called the Theresian Borough, Borgo Teresiano, in remembrance of their beloved Empress. The splendid Ponte Rosso square with the eighteenth century fountain adorned by a little statue of Giovanin (perhaps from San Giusto aqueduct where the fountain draws its water) and the Ponte Rosso Bridge with the statue of James Joyce, deserve a visit. A walkway was built in 2012, between via della Cassa di Risparmio and via Trento and dedicated to Joyce, it was called the Dubliners. Due to an incorrect measurement, the Joyce passage was initially built too short, triggering the comical wittiness of the triestini people who called it «Ponte curto» that is “short bridge”. The Canal Grande was actually only one of four waterways envisaged in the urban revolution wanted by Maria Theresa. The canal was navigable and was the main dock « From Canal Grande to Piazza della Borsa, the new Hapsburg imprinted Trieste » / 59 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT for goods heading to the old city for a long time; it once stretched up to church Sant’Antonio Nuovo but in the thirties, the last part was buried with debris from a series of demolitions. On the right bank of the canal, in via Rossini, stands Palazzo Gopcevich, seat of the Museo Teatrale Carlo Schmidl (theatre museum), which documents the history of art and theatre of the last two hundred years. The building is highly recognisable thanks to the small white and red tile decorations. The Stock Exchange Square, east of piazza Unità, is the centre of business and economy in the city and Palazzo del Tergesteo, with the characteristic gallery, has hosted the « Palazzo del Tergesteo, Stock Exchange since 1842 » Stock Exchange since 1842. Through the glass tunnel, you then reach piazza Verdi, where the municipal theatre has been standing since 1801. / 60 / BACK to INDEX / WRITERS AND TRIESTE The twentieth century cultural passion made Trieste one of the literary beating hearts of the short century. Italo Svevo, James Joyce, Umberto Saba have inextricably tied their works to the Julian city, certainly favoured by a diverse and lively cultural environment. Joyce lived in Trieste from 1904 to 1915 and then again in 1920, teaching English to local businessmen and drawing inspiration from osterie (taverns), cafés, cinemas and places of perdition for his Ulysses , written, not by chance, after his return from his experience on the shores of the Adriatic. A life-sized bronze statue of the Dublin writer was placed on the bridge in via Roma a few years ago. Therefore, the city’s famous people are Joyce, Trieste born Aron Hector Schmitz alias Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba, whose real surname was Poli, and Scipio Slataper, an irredentist dissident who died in Gorizia on the Podgora. / 61 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT TRIESTE A n d Its C A F é S MEETING PLACES F or I N T E L L E C T U A L S AND THINKERS / 62 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Trieste is a city of culture, of different religions, of literature, but also of coffee and cafés. If the Julian capital’s important roasting and trading of the perfumed drink is renowned, less known is Trieste of historical places frequented in the past by nobles, intellectuals and dames and nowadays a wise tourist destination. We can easily state that without its cafés, the cultural life « Without its cafes, the city’s cultural life would probably have been less fervent » in times gone by would have been less fervent. Joyce, Saba and Svevo frequented these places regularly, often drawing inspiration for their works. The most ancient café in Trieste is the Tommaseo, opened in 1830 and renovated in 1997: the original furnishings were imported directly from Belgium. The café is renowned also for having introduced ice cream at the beginning of the1900s. Caffè San Marco was the meeting place of intellectuals like Svevo, Saba and Giotti but was never officially opened as it was considered a hideout of irredentist dissidents and thus destroyed by the World War I bombs in 1914. Then, there is Caffè degli Specchi, opened in 1839 and situated in Palazzo Stratti, in the heart of Piazza Unità d’Italia, irresistible refreshment point for millions of tourists every year, and Caffè Tergesteo, inside the gallery bearing the same name. / 63 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT T he O P I C IN A T R A M W A Y A JOURNEY BACK IN TIME, FROM THE CITY TO THE KARST Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 28.8 km / 27 min Information Times Departure station Piazza Guglielmo Oberdan 34133 Trieste www.tramdeopcina.it Departures every 20 minutes, from 7.00 to 20.00 / 64 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Opened in 1902, Opicina tramway, named after the town, is now mainly a tourist attraction that allows you to reach Trieste city centre from the Karst upland and in particular from Villa Opicina. The railway, just over five kilometres from the centre of Trieste and, with gradients reaching 26 percent, reaches an altitude of 329 meters above sea level. The departure station is located in Piazza Oberdan and the tram leaves every twenty minutes for Villa Opicina. After an initial flat land section, a cableway that is unique in Europe hooks, pulls and lowers the wagons at a steady rate. The tramway was built in late nineteenth century to connect Trieste to Opicina: it opened in 1902 and was upgraded four years later during the construction of the Transalpine railway, while in 1928 the drive system rack was replaced by a cableway, still in service today. Currently managed by Trieste Transport Board, the tramway line was considerably renovated in 2012. « The tramway built at the end of XIX century to connect Trieste to Opicina » / 65 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT V I A L E XX S E T T E M B R E T H E AT R E S , ICE-CREAM SHOPS, WA L K S T O T H E « A Q U E D U C T » Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 27.9 km / 26 min / 66 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES The people of Trieste call it the «aqueduct» as before the place name review because the city water supply still runs under the light coloured paving stone. Viale XX Settembre is today mostly a pedestrian area. It is lined by trees, which in the heat of summers grant shade to the people of Trieste for the famous Italian “passeggiata” or walk. This avenue has countless icecream shops, cultural and entertainment places including the Eden and Politeama Rossetti theatres. The Politeama, opened in 1878 and refurbished several times in the last century, is one of the largest prose theatres in Europe, it includes the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia and can seat up to 1500 people. A short distance away is Eden Theatre, one of the most illuminating examples of Liberty Trieste: built between 1906 and 1908 it was largely used both as a theatre and as a cinema: the cinema has been open since that time. Aron Hector Schmitz, alias Italo Svevo was born in a stable in today’s Viale XX Settembre, 16 on 19 th December 1861. « It includes Teatro Eden and Politeama Rossetti » / 67 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT RISIERA DI SAN SABBA T H E D R A M AT I C N A Z I D E P O R TAT I O N S Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 42.3 km / 29 min Information Times Civico Museo della Risiera di San Sabba - Monumento Nazionale Via Giovanni Palatucci, 5 34148 Trieste Tel. +39 040 826202 Fax +39 040 825673 www.risierasansabba.it risierasansabba@comune.trieste.it Every day, 9.00-19.00 For bookings: Tel. +39 040 6754480 Fax +39 040 6754727 serviziodidattico@comune.trieste.it / 68 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Lest we forget, a metal plate and a memorial stone remind us of the presence of a smokestack that spiralled out smoke and ashes. There was a crematorium at Risiera di San Sabba where the oven once was used to dry rice. It is estimated that it contributed to eliminating at least three thousand corpses of men, women and children interned in the only concentration camp in southern Europe. The Risiera is today a National Museum, to remember how the tragedy of the Holocaust involved Italy and specifically Trieste in the cruellest and most direct manner. When the Germans turned it into a concentration camp for the Italian soldiers captured after 8th September 1943, the Risiera – built in 1913 – was already no longer in use. Stalag 339 (as it was called) was placed under the jurisdiction of Odilo Globocnik, one of the founders of the organisation that supervised the management of Polish lagers. He was sent to the Julian capital to enforce the anti-partisan and racist policies of the Reich. The Risiera was first a temporary detention camp for detainees heading to concentration camps in Poland and Germany and later became a place of detention, torture and elimination of political opponents and partisans. April 4 th 1944 saw the first cremations in the oven, built a few days earlier and the bodies of about seventy people «The only Nazi lager in southern Europe » / 69 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT « The crematorium was blown up by the Germans in 1945 » who had been shot the day before near Villa Opicina were made to disappear. A year later, on April 30 th 1945, the Germans who, before fleeing, decided to delete some of the proof of their crimes blew up crematorium and stack. Eye-accounts of survivors later documented the presence of the oven. In 1966, there was call to tender for the restoration of the Risiera into a National Museum. Architect Romano Boico designed the renovation of the “death cell” for short-stay prisoners, the seventeen tiny cells cramming up to eight people awaiting execution and the four-storey building with the dormitories for prisoners waiting deportation to other concentration camps. The main building, once used as barracks, is now a Museum with a documentary exhibition of the history of the Risiera displaying documents, photographs, uniforms and personal belongings. The Sala delle Croci exhibits personal belongings seized from the Jews by the Nazis and returned to the Jewish community after their recovery in Carinthia in 2000. / 70 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES [TRIESTE. RISIERA DI SAN SABBA] P H O T O archivio museo civico della risiera di san sabba / 71 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT FOIBA DI BASOVIZZA IN REMEMBRANCE O F T H E M AY 1 9 4 5 D E A D Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 33.5 km / 24 min / 72 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES In Basovizza on the Karst plateau, a national monument commemorates the people who were captured, killed and thrown into the foibe sinkholes in May 1945 by Tito’s militias and supporters. According to estimates by some historians, in May and June 1945 (during the forty-day Yugoslavian occupation of Trieste) the Yugoslav partisans killed and threw into the Foibe four to five thousand people involved in fascism, but also democratic and simple citizens. The Foiba di Basovizza became a National monument in 1992 and has recently been renovated. It was originally a 260 meters deep mineshaft, abandoned because of a lack of productivity. « Yugoslavian partisans killed from four to five thousand people » / 73 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT MUSEO REVOLTELL A T H E B E ST O F I TA L I A N MODERN ART Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 28.8 km / 27 min Information Times Museo Revoltella Via Diaz, 27 34123 Trieste Tel. +39 040 6754350 Fax +39 040 6754137 www.museorevoltella.it revoltella@comune.trieste.it 10.00-19.00 Closed Tuesdays / 74 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES An elegant building at a short walk from the Rive, Museo Revoltella exhibits one of the most important modern art collections in the country. the German architect Friedrich Hitzig designed the building overlooking the once called piazza Giuseppina (today piazza Venezia) as residence for Baron Pasquale Revoltella. Built in Renaissance style on three floors and completed in 1858, it was donated to the city of Trieste by the Baron, together with all the works of art and collection of books it contained. « The palace was donated to the city by Baron Revoltella » Palazzo Revoltella became a landmark for young artists and for artisans, who could practise their passion for arts and crafts in the former noble residence. Meanwhile, thanks also to Revoltella’s financial bequest, the institution started the acquisition of important works of art, and in such large quantities that the exhibition centre needed to be expanded. In the early years of the twentieth century, the Municipal authority purchased the nearby Palazzo Brunner, but expansion works actually started only in 1963, and were completed only in the nineties. / 75 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Palazzo Basevi and Palazzo Brunner were also purchased together with the palace designed by Hitzig. It is adjacent to the other two buildings and the acquisition thus enabled a 4000 square metre exhibition area, withinstallations that display over three hundred and fifty works of art and sculptures. Palazzo Revoltella has its original furnishings following the principles of the Baron’s time, whereas Palazzo Brunner hosts works purchased from 1972 onwards. On the third floor we find the mid-nineteenth century Italian artists (Fattori, Induno, Palizzi, Morelli); on the fourth floor works coming from international Exhibitions (De Nittis, Nono, Ciardi, Trentacoste, Canonica, Bistolfi, Carena, von Stuck, Zuloaga); the fifth floor has the collections of Trieste and Italy’s early twentieth century (Marussig, Bolaffio, Timmel, Dudovich, Casorati, Sironi, Carrà, de Chirico, Martini) and in a smaller gallery, the artists of the last fifty years in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Zigaina, Afro, Dino and Mirko Basaldella, Spacal, Perizi). The sixth floor is dedicated to the national protagonists of the second half of the twentieth century. « Works by De Nittis, Carrà, de Chirico, Zigaina and Basaldella » / 76 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES [ MUSEO REVOLTELL A] P ET R US S I P HO T O PR ESS - U D INE / 77 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT MUSEO FERROVIARIO B AC K TO T H E PA ST ON LOCOMOTIVES AND TRAMS Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 29.4 km / 26 min Information Times Museo Ferroviario di Trieste Via Giulio Cesare, 1 Stazione Campo Marzio 34100 Trieste Tel. +39 040 3794185 Fax +39 040 312756 www.museoferroviariotrieste.it Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, 9.00-13.00 / 78 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Situated in the ancient station in Campo Marzio, closed since1960, the Museo Ferroviario (railway museum) in Trieste was opened in 1984 thanks to the perseverance of a group of railway enthusiasts, who had joined together in 1975 to form the Sat (Sezione Appassionati Trasporti – Transport lovers association). The exhibition allows the visitor a hands-on experience of fifteen locomotives, some even dating back to nineteenth century, but also carriages, trams and a German armoured train used in World War II. Inside, models, photographs and documents, uniforms of the train operators and the reconstruction of the stationmaster’s office. The Museum is one of the few Italian museums dedicated to the railways and is still run by volunteers of the Dopolavoro Ferroviario association in Trieste. Since 2004, both the station building in Campo Marzio (once called stazione di Sant’Andrea) and the collections inside the Museum have been placed under the supervision of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Heritage Office. « Managed by volunteers, it is one of the few museums of its kind in Italy » / 79 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT BARCOLA PROMENADE W here the locals walk and swim Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 21.8 km / 19 min / 80 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES Leaving Miramare Castle behind and heading towards Trieste, we find the promenade in Barcola, favourite destination of the locals for their walks, jogging and sun tanning. The Barcola borough has its origins in Roman times (Vallicula was the ancient name), when the Riviera was characterised by spas and wealthy patrician villas. In the fifties, the view changed radically with the construction of the complex known as Albergo Americano that buried a large stretch of the seafront. The main features of the Riviera are the magnificent pinewoods stretching over 25 thousand square meters and the legendary Bagni – called «Topolini»: twelve elevated semi-circular terraces built above cloakrooms, toilets and showers. « Barcola dates back to Roman times » / 81 / BACK to INDEX / T he B A R C O L A N A R E G A T T A Over two hundred thousand spectators, almost two thousand sail ships, over twenty thousand crews. These are the figures of the Barcolana, the historical international sailing regatta which has been attracting thousands of enthusiasts to Trieste, every second Sunday in October since 1969. An event that is not only sport but also culture and tradition, attracting large numbers of tourists to the city on the days of the event. The Regatta sails its way around 15 miles, generally starting between Miramare Castle and the offices of the Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano (Sailing association) and finishes in front of piazza Unità. Professionals and amateurs race in the Regatta. Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano Viale Miramare, 32 34136 Trieste Tel. +39 040 411664 Fax +39 040 413838 www.svbg.it segr@svbg.it / 82 / BACK to INDEX / [ T R I E S T E . T he B A R C O L A Na R egatt A ] PH O T O F A BR ICE G A L L INA OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ M ugg i a ] i l borgo LAST STRIP OF ISTRIA I N I TA LY Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 45 km / 31 min / 84 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES The last strip of Istria left in Italy after the London Memorandum and the Osimo Treaty, Muggia is also the southernmost city in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Overlooking the sea, it is characterised by a strong Venetian architectural and urban imprint, with typical small buildings and quaint narrow alleys. It is one of the most beautiful boroughs in Italy and is dated seventh and sixth century B.C. Traces of these early settlements and specifically remains dating back to the Middle Ages are preserved in the Archaeological Park in Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Mugiae). « Strong Venetian architectural and urban imprint » Here it is possible to visit and admire the church of Mary of the Assumption (the only building still standing), a portion of the city walls, and a stretch of the road running among the ancient dwellings and, in particular, a two-storey house which was probably a blacksmith’s shop. / 85 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT MUGGIA CASTLE DEFENSIVE PROTECTION AROUND THE BOROUGH Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert 46 km / 33 min Information Times Muggia Castle Calle dei Lauri, 7 - 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 272772 Muggia Castle may be visited on appointment at the Ufficio Visite of the Consorzio Consorzio per la Salvaguardia dei Castelli Storici del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Castle protection agency) Tel. +39 0432 288588 Fax +39 0432 229790 www.consorziocastelli.it visite@consorziocastelli.it / 86 / BACK to INDEX / 2.HISTORY AND ART ITINIRARIES The first settlement dates back to 1374, when Marquardo Patriarch of Aquileia had a fortified watchtower built overlooking the sea. A superb residence, Muggia Castle belongs to sculptor Villi Bossi, who has to be credited with having restored it. He started in the nineties, whereas for the previous two centuries, it had been stripped of its stone materials used to build local housing. The current layout with the walls making a quadrangle around the central building dates back to 1399, when fortifications were built to protect the borough below. There is also proof of restoration works carried out by the Serenissima government in 1701. Muggia Castle may be visited on appointment or twice a year during the event «Castelli aperti (Open Castles)». « The current plan dates back to 1399 » / 87 / BACK to INDEX / THE SYNCHROTRON LIGHT IN B A S O V I Z Z A On the Karst plateau, on the AREA Science Park campus, there is an international research centre for science and industry: Elettra Sincrotrone in Trieste. Every day, physicists, biologists, chemists, engineers and experts in other fields work to provide replies to the most diverse queries on the properties of materials and the sciences of life. And they do it with rays of light! Their tools, which make of Elettra a unique centre worldwide, exploit the power and versatility of the synchrotron light. An electromagnetic radiation of exceptional properties which reveals the structure and behaviour of atoms and molecules, the properties of materials and their most effective treatment methods to solve the most urgent challenges in multiple fields,: pharmacology, medicine, engineering, nanotechnologies, conservation of cultural heritage. The synchrotron light is produced from two sources: Elettra, a storage ring that has been functioning since 1995 that gives the research centre its name (hosted in a large easily recognisable circular building) and FERMI, a “ free electron” laser (or FEL) with characteristics that are unique in the world and which started operating at the end of 2010. Together with the other three FEL operational sources (in Germany, United States and Japan), FERMI is the latest generation probe available to scientists. It analyses both high-speed (millionth billion a second) and microscopic (billionth of a metre) phenomena at the same time, recording in rapid sequence a series of snapshots or photograms to then make a film of the real ongoing process: from the propagation of a heat wave to a biological membrane or the action of a catalyser. / 88 / BACK to INDEX / [ B A S O V I Z Z A . E L E T T R A S IN C R O T r O N E tr i este ] PH O T O AR C H IVIO EL ET TR A SINCR O TRONE trieste OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Multi-ethnic and varied, the cuisine in Trieste mirrors a cosmopolitan city in a peculiar geopolitical position with centuries-old history. Trieste, a seaport set in the Karst highlands, offers Adriatic dishes together with typical Karst dishes, fish dishes and meat dishes. 3[TYPICAL FOOD AND W IN E P R O D U C E ] The Latin, Venetian, Dalmatian, Istrian and above all Hapsburg influences reflect on Julian food and wine, together with Slovene, Friulian and Italian flavours and tastes. Jewish, Greek and Balkan influences enrich the menu. The result? A real and proper melting pot of tastes, aromas and traditions, inherited from the different communities that have been living side by side in the city for centuries. / 90 / BACK to INDEX / [REFOSCO GRAPES] PH OTO adriano del fabbro - udine / 91 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT A COSMOPOLITAN C U I S IN E , P O R T O F DIFFERENT CULTURES The cuisine in Trieste overflows with tastes and flavours coming from Vienna and the Balkans, crossing Hungary and Serbia, from faraway seaside countries like Turkey or Greece, or nearer places like Istria. They reveal the trading and mercantile vocation of this city, which became a free port in 1719. Then, the eighteenth century Hapsburg domination blended the different cultural and gastronomic souls of Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Spiced and rustic tastes blend with refined tastes to embody an elegant and refined city, characterised by Art Nouveau architecture overlooking the sea. Starting mostly in the fifties, the cuisine in Trieste began adding typical Italian dishes (like pasta, rice and pizza) and international dishes (like kebab and sushi) before anywhere else in the Region right from its annexation to Italy (1918), From breakfast to dinner, Trieste offers a range of rituals and typical products all to be discovered, making it a unique and original city. « A Blend of Central European and Mediterranean flavours » / 92 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE Let us start with coffee, emblem of the Trieste culture. At any time of the day, coffee is a must. Here it is not a hasty morning routine, nor an occasional daily break, but a deeply rooted cultural and economic ritual. From the Hapsburgs docking the first ships laden with green coffee beans to present times, Trieste has rightly won the title as the capital city for coffee, with its coffee importing enterprises, trading companies, roasting and processing mills, coffee shops and the elegant and prestigious ambiences in the splendid historical cafés decorated in style with high ceilings and period furniture. In the past, breakfast was with a long or “Turkish” coffee sipped together with the Kaiserschmarren (Emperor’s sweet frittata, a dainty delicacy widespread all over the old Austrian-Hungarian Empire). « Trieste has won the title of coffee capital » / 93 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [CAFFÈ] PH OTO F ABRIC E G AL L INA / 94 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE Another typical break in the city life is the mid-morning snack, rebechin, still served in the countless buffets around the port and the Stock Exchange. Places that are eateries somewhere between bars, trattoria (diners) and tavola calda (snack bars), these buffets are a typical kind of catering in Trieste. The particular climate, the cold, the bora wind and the dawn-breaking working hours have favoured the habit of having a snack before lunchtime, often a boiled pork meat snack, sausages, ribs, pork trotters, testina or tongue, cooked in the big pots under the counter. A bread roll with porcina (shoulder), a typical crostino with hand carved ham served with grated kren (horseradish sauce) and mustard or the rodoleti de persuto (pickled cucumbers wrapped in ham) are all delicious. Some traditional pork-based snacks are the luganeghe de Viena (Trieste’s version of the Frankfurter) or Cragno (a homemade Karst sausage, slightly smoked and eaten cooked) and the Kaiserfleisch (smoked pork loin). « The rebechin ritual is a typical moment in city life » / 95 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT An absolute must-try delicacy is Liptauer, cheese of Slovakian origins, on a bread crouton. Also known as cheese mousse from Hungary, it has been one of the tastiest starters since the times of the Hapsburg Empire. It is a soft goat-milk ricotta cheese cream and butter or sour cream blend, mostly served with a generous sprinkle of paprika. Some versions mix capers, mustard and silver skin onions. With aperitifs and walks through the city streets, time « Jota, an ancient soup quintessentially from Trieste » hurries by. At lunchtime, the local cuisine offers different first dishes mostly soups and broths. Hot, highly nutritional and tasty, the soups fight back the whipping gusts of bora wind with their rich taste. The jota is quintessentially from Trieste; it has ancient origins and simple and humble ingredients like beans (the ancient recipe had the beans with the ocio, the black spot, later replaced by borlotti beans), potatoes and bacon, but above all the capuzi garbi (sliced cabbage, fermented and sour pickled). This cabbage gives the soup its strong and slightly acid taste. / 96 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE To bind the ingredients of this soup, they used aiprem, Hungarian name for a kind of oil sautéed flour. Jota (from Celtic jutta. i.e. soup, liquid) was probably first made as a leftovers dish to feed the whole family. Over time, homemakers worked out different variants: co’ l’osso de persuto (with ham bone to flavour the soup), co’ l’orzo (with barley), co’ le luganeghe (with fresh sausages). Another typical dish served at the Julian table is the minestra de ‘bobici, with wheat grains (bobici), borlotti beans, smoked cured ham and a pinch of pepper. This soup is originally from Istria. Of Austrian origins is the minestra de bisi spacai, a cream soup made with split dry peas, also known as Bunkersuppe (because of its easy recipe, it was prepared for both prisoners and soldiers during the wars). Very popular and widespread soups in Trieste are the poorer broth soup brustolà (toasted bread) and, like in the whole Region, the bean and barley soup. « The minestra de’ bobici (soup with wheat grains) » / 97 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT First courses on the menus in Trieste offer a wide choice of gnocchi, rice, risottos and pasta that join Slav, Austrian and Istrian-Venetian influences. Some examples? Gnochi de’ susini (of Austrian origin, made with plums, potatoes and eggs), liver gnocchi (of Istrian origin), gnocchi de pan (made with stale bread), risi e bisi (risotto with fresh peas, beans, lard or pancetta bacon, or celery and laurel). Main course dishes also offer a taste of cultural harmony. From the Slav-Balkan world come the renowned cevapcici, small mixed meat sausages (pork, beef and lamb depending on the area of origin) very spicy and slightly hot, of a reddish colour given by the paprika. The cevapcici are generally served with raw sliced onions and Ajvar sauce, a bell pepper, aubergine and chili pepper sauce (sweet, hot or very hot). Of Slav origin is also the lubianska, a kind of breaded Milanese steak filled with ham and cheese. « From the Slavic-Balkan world come the cevapcici » / 98 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE [GRILLED MEAT] P H O T O A lessandro Castiglioni / 99 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Goulash is originally a Hungarian beef stew with potatoes, chunks of ham and plenty paprika to enrich the dish. From the Greek community we taste the calandraca, stewed meat, similar to goulash, served with potatoes. It seems that the name comes from «calandra», a kind of medieval boat. If you add a glass of white wine, you get calandraca co’l vin, whereas the version without tomatoes is called calandraca in bianco. Of Bohemian origin, the Bohemian hare dish and Bohemian black pudding, a pork blood sausage with grated bread, marjoram and garlic. The Karst farming tradition offers the carsolina fillet (cooked with Terrano wine) or the kren lamb. Also very popular is the porzina con capuzi, boiled pork neck fillet served with krauts, mustard and horseradish. A traditional side dish in the Julian cuisine is patate in tecia usually served with goulash and meats or as an alternative chifeletti salati (similar to potato croquettes). Very popular also fagioli alla smolz, that is borlotti beans dressed with butter, lard and onion sauté as well as the rocket and borlotti bean salad called matavilz, rucola e fasoi commonly found on menus. « From the Greek community comes the calandraca » / 100 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE The mid-afternoon break is a must-do sweet stop at a café and a taste of some delicacy. We can find all the traditions of Friuli Venezia Giulia in the Julian patisseries, often in the Trieste variant, together with specialties from across the border. Central European pastries propose Koch (a kind of sweet semolina flan, in the de gries version, and rice and raisins, in the version de risi) and Kuguluf (a highly leavened ring-shaped cake) with almonds, raisins and lemon peel. Strudel, called strucolo, with apple filling (de pomi), but also other season fruit like cherries or nut and ricotta stuffing is also of Austrian origin. When wrapped in a cloth and boiled, we have the strucolo in straza (strudel in the cloth). The elderly cooks in Trieste still make the Schnitte, bread slices soaked in milk and sugar, dipped into an egg batter and fried. Some families also make povezen, a dessert originally from Bohemia (made with dry bread, wine and sugar). «Strudel is strucolo in Trieste » / 101 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT For chocolate lovers, a must-try is a slice of Pischinger cake (made with various layers of wafers and chocolate cream), the renowned Viennese Sacher cake, or Rigojanci cake (made with two layers of chocolate sponge cake with cacao cream, cream and sugar) of Hungarian origin like the Dobos cake (five layers of sponge cake and caramel topping). The carsoline creams are also delicious, made with puff pastry or cream pastry, served in sumptuous portions. « Favette, fritole and pinza to celebrate festivities » In Trieste, celebrations throughout the year call for different desserts. In autumn, on All Saints Day, the favette triestine, small pastries the size of a cherry made with almonds, eggs and maraschino are very popular, traditionally in three colours, white, brown and pink. At Carnival time the fritole, small fritters made with raisins, pinenuts, cinnamon and rum, whereas Easter is pinza time, sweet leavened dough made with flour, eggs, sugar and butter. The mixture is lengthily prepared and leavened and then we add rum, grated orange and lemon peels and vanilla. / 102 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE Of Slavic origin, putizza is Trieste’s version of the Friulian gubana, with a richer and more elaborate filling, enriched with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Presnitz, is another Austrian-Hungarian typical cake made with a rich dry fruit filling, aromas and spices wrapped in the shape of a tortiglione in the puff pastry. It was apparently made for the first time in Trieste during Princess Sissi’s visit to the city. As dinnertime moves in, we continue with other typical dishes but this time predominantly Mediterranean fish dishes, of Venetian origin and Dalmatian-Istrian derivation. The brodeto, a delicious soup made with different types of fish, is very popular and widespread all along the Adriatic coast and traditionally made with small fish and seafood in Trieste. Of many fish starters, we suggest granzevole alla triestina, seared shellfish served with lemon juice, pepper and parsley. « Brodeto and granzevole alla triestina » / 103 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [SARDONI IN SAOR] PH OT O L AU RA T E S S ARO / 104 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE « Sardoni in saor of Venetian origins » Sardoni in saor (anchovies marinated in vinegar) boast ancient Venetian origins. It is the most renowned dish in Trieste, made with layers of fried anchovies and onions (adding vinegar, laurel and garlic). Other popular dishes are tomato cod fish (baked with anchovies and parsley), garnished seabass, baked with a mixture of shrimps, mussels, clams and scallops, risotto with pedoci (risotto with mussels) or pedoci allo scotadeo (mussels with parsley and grated bread). Canocie alla busara echo mercantile origins, prepared with unwanted fish placed in the «busara» - the earthenware pot used on ships. Today canocie (mantis shrimps) are served with a mixture of grated bread, tomatoes, pepper and wine. A day in Trieste can finish only with a walk on the Audace Pier, to admire the magic of this city, a jewel set between the Karst and the sea. / 105 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT W IN E S w i th L A N D AND SEA BOUQUETS The plateau behind the Regional capital has developed an interesting viticulture. It covers a small yet still pristine area. It definitely is not an easy land. This harsh and inaccessible land is characterised by rock soil originated in deep limestone cracks. The soil is highly permeable and the unceasing effect of the rain has created caves, rivers and sinkholes. This is why Karst wines are strong and excellent in character. They stem from grapes that grow clinging to the rock exposed to the Adriatic, so acidity is transmitted from the mountain, flavour from the sea and minerals from the stone and its strength comes from bora wind blowing day in and day out. This merging between strongly diverse natural elements enhances the original quality of these wines. This land has always lived on agriculture, albeit plagued by the dramatic historical events of the past century. « Karst wines are strong and excel in character » / 106 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE However, where once there were trenches today there are famous wineries producing excellent wines. They can be found in small villages with the typical double name, the Italian and Slovenian version written on road signs along the tiny lanes lined with stonewalls. The most representative producers are Cotar (www. co-tar.si), Marko Fon (www.vinogradifon.com), Kante (www. kante.it), Lupinc (www.lupinc.it), Skerk (www.skerk.com), Vodopivec (www.vodopivec.it) and Zidarich (www.zidarich.it). « The three most important autochthonous vines are Terrano, Istrian Malvasia and Vitovska » There are three important grape varieties: Terrano, a red berry grape originated from Refosco, Istrian Malvasia, less aromatic than other Malvasia wines, and Vitovska, the refined result of a fine blend of Malvasia and Gleria grapes. / 107 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [OSMIZa] PH OTO MAS S IM O C RIV E L L ARI / 108 / BACK to INDEX / G O IN G A R O U N D O S M I Z E Typical places in the Trieste interior, osmize are spread all over the Karst territory in the Valleg of Vipacco and on the Slovenian coast. Be pleasantly led through the municipalities of Duino-Aurisina, Sgonico, Monrupino, San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste, Muggia, and then into Slovenia, following the characteristic red boards portraying ivy branches. You will find these osmize inside rural houses and farm yards, with benches and tables outdoors or in the cellars. In their casual ambience you can eat genuine products such as homemade cold meats, eggs, cheese, olive oil and pickles. Served with wine of the house and quattro ciacole (a friendly chat). They represent an institution and are very frequented, mostly in spring and autumn. Their origin is ancient. The name comes from the Slovenian osem , meaning eight. In fact eight were the days granted to the farmers by the Hapsburg civic Magistrate to sell their products in the farmyards, with the advantage that everything sold during these days was not taxed. Opening dates vary during the year and are decided by the farmers depending on the availability of wine and other products. / 109 / BACK to INDEX / T E R R A N O W IN E R O U T E M O N R U P IN O - S I S T I A N A [ KM 18.5 ] A great way to get to know the Karst hinterland is along Strada del vino Terrano - wine route. It is a gourmet journey in the heart of the Karst, created in 1986 by Trieste Province, which includes twenty typical trattorie and restaurants. Following the signs with a stylised bunch of grapes, visitors and gourmets can discover various local products like Karst oil, wine, Tabor and Monte Re cheese and taste Karst cuisine in a very interesting natural, scenic, historical and ethnographic area. Starting from Zolla (in Slovenian Col) in Monrupino Municipality (where you find Trattoria Al Castelliere, Kres restaurant, restaurant Krizman) continue towards Villa Opicina, hamlet town of Trieste (Daneu Restaurant) where you can see the obelisk that commemorates the construction of the Vienna – Trieste railway. / 110 / BACK to INDEX / Moving to the upper part of the Karst we cross some small towns: Repen, Borgo Grotta Gigante (Ristorante Milic), Rupinpiccolo (Trattoria Batic), Sgonico (Trattoria Gustin), Gabrovizza (Trattoria Sociale), Sales (Trattoria Maurica Peric), Samatorza (Trattoria Franc Fabec), Ternovca, Prepotto, San Pelagio, Precenico, Slivia, Malchina, Visogliano, and Sistiana. There are other eating-places in Duino municipality: Trattoria Markovic, Trattoria Sardoc, Trattoria Tence, Trattoria Tre noci, Restaurant Urdith. The route offers many interesting sites, such as Grotta Gigante (Giant Cave), Speleology Museum, Karst Botanical Garden. From a nature point of view the Natural Regional Reserve of Mount Orsario deserves a special mention and we recommend a stop at Casa Carsica di Repen (Monrupino) for fascinating information on local ethnography. / 111 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT D i scover i n g local products COFFEE As already mentioned, one cannot speak of typical products of Trieste without mentioning coffee. The Julian capital city began its outstanding journey in coffee trading in the mid-nineteenth century, with its ascent to a major trading port in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Since then, the coffee activity has steadily grown to the point of setting itself up as an institution called Trieste Coffee District Cluster (www.triestecoffeecluster. com). There are many import Companies and renowned wholesalers in Trieste: Illy Caffè (www.illy.it), Caffè Excelsior (www.caffeexcelsior.it), Primo Aroma (www.primoaroma. com), In Punto (www.inpuntocaffe.it) and PlanetCoffee (www.planetcoffee.it). Moreover, the coffee supply chain includes ten shipping companies and twenty businesses specialised in coffee roasting. It is significant that one of the few decaffeination plants in Italy is also present. (www.demus.it). Statistical reports confirm that coffee has become part of the city culture in Trieste, because per capita coffee consumption is almost double the Italian average. / 112 / BACK to INDEX / COFFEE DICTIONARY Coffee culture in Trieste is so ingrained that a lexicon has been created, used only in the Regional capital, a kind of code that allows customers to communicate with bartenders. It consists of a terminology that applies only here and varies depending on the type of coffee required, the addition of milk, the type of cup or glass used (abbreviated to ‘b’). To order an expresso in Trieste it is good to know that you should order a ‘nero’. When you say ‘goccia’ you refer to coffee with a touch of milk froth in a cup, if it is in a glass ‘goccia in b’. Espresso coffee with hot milk served in the traditional cup is called ‘capo’. There are also codified variants: with a lot of milk froth it is called ‘capo in b tanta’, with a lot of milk froth and cocoa sprinkle it would be «capo in b tanta special» and without milk froth it is abbreviated into ‘cbs’. With «caffelatte» or «capo in tazza grande» we order a ‘cappuccino’. Decaffeinated coffee is simply ‘decaf’. You just have to try! / 113 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Cheese Excellent fresh and seasoned cheese from cow, sheep and goat milk are produced on the Karst highlands. Tabor cheese is the most popular and has a yellow colour with small and diffused holes. It has a special flavour thanks to milk from pasture fed cows in the Karst area. The maturing process varies from six to twelve months. Jamar, another cheese that is widely appreciated in this area, has a more intense flavour and piquant taste. It has a hard crust and tends to be white. It is matured for at least four months in a cave. Karst dairy products also include fresh caciotte and ricotta flavoured with Karst fennel or Satureja (Zepek). Honey The Karst encompasses both the Isonzo and Trieste Karst. In recent years, beekeeping has become increasingly specialised, both technically and professionally. There are about a hundred beekeepers in the Trieste Karst and nearly a thousand hives. Continental and Mediterranean scrub flora coexist and this peculiarity has created extremely exquisite honey. Particularly worthy of mention is the marasca cherry honey, a rare variety coming from a shrub species (Prunus mahaleb) that grows wild only on the Karst plain. It is a liquid amber honey, with a strong almond taste. Excellent acacia, honeydew, lime and mixed blossom honey are produced in the Karst Region, too. / 114 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE Tergeste Dop (Protected designation of Origin - PDO) extra-virgin olive oil The Province of Trieste can boast an excellent product; Tergeste Dop Oil (www.tergestedop.it). Olive growing has been practised since ancient times, especially in the geographically warmer and protected areas of Muggia and San Dorligo della Valle, where we can still see the old olive trees. The main autochthonous variety, Bianchera Belica, has found an ideal microclimate in these lands. Bianchera oil contains excellent organoleptic properties: intense fruity smell, bitter and spicy taste. The local variety CarbonaCernica is also widespread around Muggia. In addition to autochthonous types, there is Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino, Frantoio and Leccio del Corno. Karst processed meats We can taste typical sausages in the Karst upland. The area is actually ideal for the processing of meat following Italian and Slovenian rural traditions. A special mention goes to Karst prosciutto (cured ham), which is slightly more tender than other cold meats. It is hand sliced to best appreciate its taste and flavour. / 115 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Wines The most popular wine in the Trieste area is Terrano (teran in local dialect). It is deep ruby colour wine with a strong taste and full-bodied structure. The colour and texture have given it its nickname, «sangue di Cristo» meaning blood of Christ. It is certainly related to Refosco wine and apparently descends from Pucino, known since ancient Roman times. It has a strong berry bouquet. Vitovska is the most common white grape variety in Trieste Province. The name shows etymological connection with neighbouring Slovenia and probably derives from a town called Vitolje. A dry fragrant white wine is obtained from these grapes. It is greatly appreciated as aperitif and suitable for light starters and fish dishes. Istrian Malvasia is an ancient vine, widespread in the Adriatic area mostly in the Venetian Republic. Slightly aromatic and low in alcohol, it pairs well with fish based dishes. / 116 / BACK to INDEX / 3.FOOD, WINE AND TYPICAL PRODUCE [HONEYCOMB] P H O T O laura tessaro / 117 / BACK to INDEX / R ec i pes for a trad i t i o n al lu n ch JOTA - Serves four people 750 g sauerkraut, 500 g di kidney beans, 4 potatoes, salt, garlic, oil, parsley, pepper, 2 sausages, smoked pork - Preparation After having thoroughly washed potatoes and beans, let them soak, without added salt, for twelve hours. Then, wash the cabbage and boil it in one litre water for about an hour and a half. Add the sausages and pork to the soup. Prepare an oil and flour sauté, add potatoes and half the amount of boiled beans. Blend all the ingredients and add salt and pepper. Let stand. CAPUZI [ sauerkraut ] - Serves four people 1 kg sauerkraut, 2 bay leaves, 2 garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon cumin, extra virgin olive oil - Preparation Put three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and brown the garlic. Then remove the garlic, add the flour and let it brown too. Add sauerkraut (Garbi is cabbage cut into thin slices previously fermented in salty water with laurel), season with salt and pepper and plenty of cumin. Half way through the cooking, sausage or smoked pork ribs can be added to make the dish tastier. / 118 / BACK to INDEX / CALANDRACA [ G oulash w i th potatoes ] - Serves four people 800 g boiled beef or leftover beef (meat cuts for boiled purposes), 500 g di potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 celery stick, 1 onion, 0.5 lt. of broth, 1 glass of white wine, 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 level tablespoon of tomato paste, 2 cloves, black pepper, salt, 1 teaspoon of mixed spices (paprika) - Preparation Fry the onion and chopped carrot in a pan and simmer for a few minutes. Add the meat previously cut into pieces and cook for five minutes to flavour it. Add the wine and let it evaporate. Then add the herbs, salt pepper and tomato paste. Diluite with water, cover the pan and simmer for two hours. Cut the potatoes into small cubes before adding them to the meat and cook over medium heat for another half hour. Season with salt and serve. SWEET KIPFEL [ P otato C h i felett i ] - Serves 4 people 500 g floury potatoes, 150 g flour, 30 g di butter, 1 egg, salt and pepper as needed, frying oil, 60 g di sugar - Preparation Peel the potatoes, boil and then mash. Let them cool on a work surface and then blend in the butter, flour, sugar, egg and salt. Make long rolls and cut them into 8 – 10 cm pieces. Bend the two ends into to shape of a horseshoe and then fry in oil. Serve hot with a sprinkle of castor sugar. / 119 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT The gourmet tradition of the city is truly rich. Austrian, Hungarian, Slavic, Balkan and Adriatic flavours merge into a complex menu. 4 [ L U N C H E S A N D D INN E R S ] The common Hapsburg heritage, the influences of the various ethnic communities, the history of the border, multilingualism and cultural coexistence have evolved into a multicultural cuisine that is found in many inns, wineries, pubs, economical places as well as in the fine restaurants in Trieste and the surrounding Karst. / 120 / BACK to INDEX / [GRILLED MEAT] PH OTO ALES S AND RO C AS T IG L IO NI / 121 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT The food and wine specialities of the Trieste Province differ and range in flavour and in places from elegant and pleasant restaurants to Karst gostilne. Tasty and nutritious to fight off bora wind and cold weather. Both light and tasty made with fresh fish according to the Mediterranean tradition. Trieste is in fact also a harmonious combination of tradition. Below you will find a selection of places in the Karst area and in the capital. The list is not complete, but aims at offering an introductory guide to this multicultural cuisine. Many rural bars offer a panoramic view from the Karst plateau. There are other more fashionable restaurants along the waterfront, which are well worth visiting while wandering the town. It starts with some suggestions from the Gorizia Karst, across the Trieste Karst then follows down towards the coast. The city centre offers many opportunities for all budgets and tastes. Prices for complete meals are stated next to summary information: € less than 25€, €€ from 25 to 30€, €€€ over 50€. / 122 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS [SAVOGNA D’ISONZO] TRATTORIA LOKANDA DEVETAK Established in 1870, this Trattoria Gostilna has refleced bordering land characteristics, where menus adapt to the seasons: selinka (minestrone), mlinci (crusty baked pasta) or supeta (chicken stew), skutna juha (cottage cheese cream with porcino mushrooms), snidjeno testo (leavened dough gnocchi with rabbit stew), goulash and game meat. The extensive wine list offers typical Karst and Regional wines, as well as renowned Italian and foreign wines. An eight room Lokanda furnished in old Karst style has also been available since 2007. Trattoria Lokanda Devetak Via Brežici, 22 - San Michele del Carso 34070 Savogna d’Isonzo Tel. +39 0481 882488 www.devetak.com info@devetak.com Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00; 19.00-22.30 Closed: Monday, Tuesday all day, Wednesday and Thursday at lunchtime Seats: 70 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 22.5 km / 24 min / 123 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ DOBERDÒ DEL LAGO] [ D U IN O A U R I S IN A ] A lbergo RiSToRANTe PAHOR ALLA DAMA BIANCA Located just a few kilometres from Duino, half way between Trieste and Gorizia it is an excellent starting point for hiking the surrounding countryside. The restaurant serves traditional Karst dishes. Gnocchi with cheese and boar sauces are some first course dishes. Game prevails in the main course dishes, but there are also Mediterranean dishes paired with wines from the well-stocked cellar. Hotel & Restaurant Pahor Via 1° maggio 14 - Frazione Jamiano 34070 Doberdò del Lago Tel. +39 0481 410121 www.hotelpahor.com info@hotelpahor.com Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00; 18.30-23.00, from Thursday to Sunday (Wednesday only dinner) Closed: Monday and Tuesday Seats: 80 Booking advised This waterfront restaurant is situated in Duino bay. It is beautifully located, with a large roof terrace, ideal for romantic dinners. Good quality fish only is used in the kitchen. Fish soup, gratin canolicchi and canestrelli are just some examples. Try the delicious desserts Torta sette veli. Alla Dama Bianca Località Duino Porto, 61/c 34013 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 208137 www.alladamabianca.com info@alladamabianca.com Price: €€€ Times: lunch and dinner Closed: Wednesday Seats: 200 (+300 outdoor) Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 25.7 km / 19 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 17.6 km / 18 min / 124 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS AGRITURISMO AL PESCATURISMO GRAN OSTERIA TRE NOCI Enjoy the sea views and a picturesque location in this place where fish is the main dish. The place is cosy and simple. The outdoor parking is inside an old quarry. Some first course dishes are “sea fantasy tagliolini” or tagliolini with prawns. A must-try main course are the mussels. Cooked in various ways, such as au gratin with tartare sauce. Turbot, sea bass and grilled sea bream are also just as delicious. This cosy and quaint restaurant offers meat, fish and Karst flavours, fine and tasty traditional dishes with a touch of creativity, based on strictly fresh ingredients. Try the nettle gnocchi or tagliatelle with cheese as first courses. Grilled meat excels in the main courses, but even the fish satisfies the most demanding palates. White peach parfait is delicious. The extensive wine list caters for all. Agriturismo Al Pescaturismo Località Villaggio del Pescatore - Zona Cava 34013 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 209846 www.alpescaturismo.it Price: €€ Times: lunch and dinner Closed: from Monday to Wednesday Seats: 80 Booking advised Gran Osteria Tre Noci Frazione Sistiana, 33 34019 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 299222 www.trenoci.it trenoci@trenoci.it Price: €€ Times: 11.00-14.00; 19.00-22.30 Closed: open everyday Seats: 80 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 27.3 km / 21 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 28.6 km / 21 min / 125 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT TRATTORIA SARDOC LE TORRI DI SLIVIA Just a short walk away from the Slovenian border and only a few kilometres from Sistiana Bay, lies this charming Karst Trattoria run by the Sardoc family. In summer, it is very pleasant to eat in the garden. It offers typical local dishes such as plum gnocchi. Main courses are mainly game and meat, tasty grills, wild boar and shin. Try potatoes in tecia (pan cooked ) and spinach roll. Apple strudel, sfoglia (puff pastry) with typical pasticcera cream and nut strucolo are just some of the desserts. Wines are from the estate cellar. Underground this Osmiza, discover one of the most impressive Karst caves, the Torri di Slivia where the stalagmites are the Torri (towers) and Slivia the borough. The farm is equipped with a ticket office for guided tours and an agribus taking visitors to the entrance of the cave. The restaurant serves typical Karst cuisine, local cold meats and cheese. Trattoria Sardoc Frazione Precenico, 1/b 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 200871 www.sardoc.eu info@sardoc.eu Price: €€ Times: 9.00-23.00 Closed: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Seats: 80 Booking advised Le Torri Di Slivia Aurisina Cave, 62/A 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 3383515876 www.grottatorridislivia.it info@letorridislivia.net Price: € Times: 10.00-23.00 Closed: variable Seats: 80 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 30.1 km / 23 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33.7 km / 29 min / 126 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS [ S G O NI C o ] RISTORANTE SAVRON This restaurant serves mainly Central European cuisine. The ambience is a bit retro, recalls Hapsburg history, with AustroHungarian photos and images. The rustic and simple country style restaurant is divided into two rooms. It serves excellent meat and vegetable starters. First course highlights are fagottini di ricotta affumicata (smoked ricotta cheese bundles), plum and jota gnocchi (dumplings). The specialty main course is sweet and sour pork loin, pork shank, wild berry sauced venison. Ristorante Savron Frazione Devincina, 25 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 225592 Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00 (Thursday-Monday); 18.00-22.00 Closed: Tuesday and Wednesday Seats: 110 Booking advised ENOTECA S G O NI C O This wine bar and restaurant offers fish based dishes in a friendly and comfortable ambience. It is ideal for raw fish (delicious shrimps with lime, tuna carpaccio with black pepper, sea bass tartare with truffles and Adriatic tuna). Those who love cooked fish will also be satisfied. We particularly recommend calamari with pancetta (bacon) and mackerel with roast potatoes. Top it all with warm Terrano wine chocolate cake. Enoteca Sgonico Via Sgonico, 15 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 2296623 Price: €€€ Times: 12.00-14.30; 19.00-24.00 Closed: Monday Seats: 130 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 38.9 km / 26 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 37.7 km / 25 min / 127 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ M O N R U P IN O ] [ tr i este ] HOTEL RISTORANTE KRIZMAN BUFFET DA PEPI This restaurant surrounded by lush countryside has a long-standing tradition and offers typical Karst cuisine. Typical regional dishes are the delicious brustolà soup and strucolo boiled with ricotta and spinach, and main course dishes such as beef fillet cooked with hay or lamb chops with Karst herbs. The atmosphere is pleasantly friendly and country style. Hotel Ristorante Krizman Località Repen, 76 34016 Monrupino Tel. +39 040 327115 www.hotelkrizman.eu info@hotelkrizman.eu Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00; 19.00-22.00 Closed: Monday lunch-time and Tuesdays Seats: 150 (+50 outdoor) Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 49.2 km / 34 min The most popular buffet place in Trieste, also known as Bepi S’ciavo, has become an institution for mid-morning snacks. Eating takes place seated at tables, but often standing at the counter. Eat what? Boiled meat, prosciutto, sausages. How? Cooked and prepared in the traditional counter built-in pot, in a simple bread bun or on dishes, with plenty of Kren (horseradish), paprika and sauerkraut. Not to be missed. Buffet da Pepi Via della Cassa di Risparmio, 3 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 366858 Price: € Times: 7.00-21.00 Closed: Sunday Seats: 40 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 14 km / 28 min / 128 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS BUFFET L ’A P P R O D O For those that would like an original Trieste buffet, this is where you will find a wide selection of quality food, also ideal for quick informal lunches. Taste the starters, sandwiches, meat or vegetable quiche, breaded vegetables, several kinds of fish-based snacks, such as carpaccio or stock fish. The typical prosciutto sandwich is a must. All paired with a varied range of sparkling and still wines or famous beers. Buffet L’approdo Viale Giosuè Carducci, 34 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 633466 Price: € Times: 8.00-21.00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Seats: 25 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 14 km / 28 min RISTORANTE BAGUT TA T R I E S T IN O This is a typical, simple, and tasty Trieste food restaurant. Quality cuisine served in a cosy setting, with colourful paintings on the walls. The menu offers a wide selection of gnocchi (dumplings), first course dishes and soups, such as Jota, bobici soup or the typical pasta with beans. Karst fried chicken, lubianska, goulash and boiled meat are some traditional main course dishes. It also has a wide selection of fish including tasty cold starters with shrimps, octopus and potatoes, sarde in saor. Ristorante Bagutta Triestino Via Giosuè Carducci, 33 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 3490074 www.baguttatriestino.it akademiametz@yahoo.it Price: €€ Times: 9.00-24.00 Closed: Monday and Sunday evening Seats: 40 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 14 km / 28 min / 129 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT BUFFET BIRRERIA DA RUDY (SPATEN) Country style pub, half way between Bavarianstyle beer bar and Trieste buffet bar. Pork and beer are protagonists on the menu. Kaiserfleisch with goulash, boiled meat with sauerkraut or potatoes in tecia recall Bavarian and Trieste specialities. There is also Jota which is the most typical and traditional soup. The restaurant is located in a secluded and quiet spot. Buffet Birreria da Rudy (Spaten) Via Valdirivo, 32 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 639428 Price: € Times: 9.00-24.00 (Monday-Saturday); 12.00-16.00 (Sunday) Closed: Sunday dinner time Seats: 60 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 14 km / 28 min BUFFET DA SIORA ROSA A typical restaurant that serves traditional Trieste cuisine right in the centre of town, just few steps from Piazza Unità. From the dishes on the menu, try the cooked ham in bread crust with mustard and kren (horseradish). A tasty selection of pasta dishes as well, including potato gnocchi. The buffet also has a vast selection of meat dishes. Try the sweet cinnamon gnocchi to end with a treat. Buffet da Siora Rosa Piazza Attilio Hortis, 3 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 301460 Price: €€ Times: 8.00-20.00 (Saturday, 8.00-15.00) Closed: Sunday Seats: 60 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 15 km / 35 min / 130 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS VECIO BUFFET MARASCUTTI 1914 This historical buffet restaurant in via Battisti has recently celebrated its centennial. Once a liquor store, today it is a classical reference to the city’s tradition. The buffet menu offers dishes inspired by the multi-ethnic traditions of this Julian capital city. Bread and ham gnocchi (elimina dumplings), jota and boiled mixed meat are among the most requested. Strudel and strucoli will worthily round off your meal. Vecio Buffet Marascutti 1914 Via Cesare Battisti, 2/b 34125 Trieste Tel. +39 040 633719 www.buffetmarascutti.it info@buffetmarascutti.it Price: €€ Times: 9.00-15.30; 17.30-22.30 Closed: Tuesday Seats: 40 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 9 km / 27 min TRAT TORIA NERODISEPPIA In the centre of Trieste, just a short walk from Stazione Marittima, there is this small restaurant furnished in a simple and carefully selected style, opened in 2010. Dishes offer an attractive combination of scents and flavours, often very original and creative. Some first courses are the tasty bottarga and pistachio spaghetti, exotic curried rice with shrimps. Main course dishes are sea bream fillet, fried sardines and fried fish. Excellent desserts, such as cream and small crushed pistachio cake or ice-cream on ricotta muffin. And to top it all, raisin sherbet with ground pistachios. Trattoria Nerodiseppia Via Luigi Cadorna, 23 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 339153903 www.trattorianerodiseppia.com nerodiseppiatrieste@libero.it Price: €€ Times: 12.00-14.30; 19.00-22.30 Closed: Sunday and Monday Seats: 20 (+20 outdoor) Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 9.5 km / 29 min / 131 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT ANTIPASTOTECA DI MARE «ALLA VOLIGA» Close to San Giusto Castle, this small seaside place is suitable for feasting with friends. The décor recalls an ancient fishing boat, with fishing nets and knots. The menu offers only traditionally prepared fish from the gulf of Trieste. The starters are particularly tasty, followed by fish lasagne and the soups. Mackerel, monkfish or grilled fish are your ideal main course. Antipastoteca di mare «Alla Voliga» Via della Fornace, 1 34131 Trieste Tel. +39 040 309606 www.antipastotecadimare.it Price: € Times: 12.00-14.15; 19.00-22.30 Closed: Sunday evening and Monday Seats: 50 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 13 km / 28 min OSTERIA D A M A R IN O A meeting place for the young, right behind the main square in Trieste. The restaurant, maintaining past architecture, offers a vast selection of cold cuts, goose salami, lard, Karst cheese, honey and preserved delicacies. The wine cellar is well stocked with Italian and foreign wines. Potato dumplings with green cheese cream, walnuts and red radicchio is one of the first course dishes to try and for your main course, Muscat grape sauce veal or beef fillet cooked with Terrano wine. Osteria da Marino Via del Ponte, 5 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 366596 www.osteriadamarino.com info@osteriadamarino.com Price: €€ Times: 11.00-15.00;18.00-01.00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday lunchtime Seats: 30 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 15 km / 34 min / 132 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS OSTERIA AI MAESTRI BAR TRAT TORIA «AL GUANACO» A nice little restaurant in the centre of Trieste, near Piazza Goldoni with a warm and informal setting. This delightful osteria is nicely furnished with wooden tables and a visible open space kitchen. The presentation of dishes is very accurate which corresponds to accuracy also in the combination of flavours. A must-try is raw lobster or the typical sarde in saor. It is ideal for a drink, a quick lunch and for wine tasting with sandwiches, frittata or other snacks. This is a small family-run restaurant for those who enjoy generous portions. Main courses are mainly fish and the seafood pasta is a must together with fried fish, mixed grilled fish and mussel scotadeo. It is suitable for good slow eaters. Osteria Ai Maestri Via della Sorgente, 6, 34125 Trieste Tel. +39 040 636801 Price: €€ Times: 9.00-23.00 Closed: Sunday Seats: 20 Booking advised Bar Trattoria «Al Guanaco» Via Foscolo, 16 34100 Trieste Tel. +39 327 9150032 Price: € Times: 6.30-23.00 Closed: Sunday Seats: 30 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 13 km / 27 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 13 km / 27 min / 133 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT HOSTARIA AI 3 M A G N O NI Refined and welcoming ambience, having a big wood furnished dining room and a garden. Especially popular for fresh fish, accurate presentation of dishes and a pinch of creativity combining flavours from the territory. Try the aubergine and anchovy parmigiana with crispy lard and Karst caciotta cheese. Starters of the day are real specialties and Istrian calamari as well as the chef’s fantasies are some the delicious main courses. Hostaria ai 3 Magnoni Via dell’Eremo, 243 34123 Trieste www.ai3magnoni.com info@ai3magnoni.com Tel. +39 040 910979 Price: €€ Times: 9.30-15.00; 18.30-23.30 Closed: Monday and Tuesday Seats: 70 (+80 outdoor) Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 10 km / 21 min ANTICA TRAT TORIA SUBAN One of the most ancient and historical trattorie of Trieste, located in the busy San Giovanni neighbourhood between the town centre and the highland. Four generations of restaurateurs have been offering their typically local food: karst jota, small speck and cheese dumplings, Servola recipe sausage and spinach fagottino (stuffed dumplings), Istrian fusi with stew, Dalmatian pastizzada. Karst herb sauces enhance meat dishes such as prosciutto stuffed loin. A must-have dessert is the typical millefoglie (puff pastry with cream). Antica Trattoria Suban Via E. Comici, 2/d 34128 Trieste Tel. +30 040 54368 www.suban.it anticatrattoria@suban.it Price: €€ Times: 12.30-22.30 Closed: Tuesday Seats: 100 (+100 outdoor) Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 9.5 km / 15 min / 134 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS RISTORANTE SCABAR AGRITURISMO GRGIC IGOR Fish has a main role in this restaurant’s cuisine. You can start with a pesce azzurro trio followed by fish ravioli with scallops and for your main course the pleasant and balanced flavours of sautéed shrimps. Swordfish and snapper steak with porcini mushrooms is also a must. The atmosphere is cosy, sober and pleasant. From the terrace, enjoy a beautiful view over the bay. You may encounter noir author Veit Heinichen. This beautiful restaurant is not far from the small church in Patriciano. Taste typical local products in a friendly country atmosphere. The menu offers homemade Karst food such as jota, pasticcio (lasagne), gnocchi de pan (bread dumplings) or surprise gnocchi (sage, spinach and cheese dumplings) and zucchini rolls. Try the first course trio. The main course to try is goulash with polenta and pan-cooked potatoes. Own wines available for tasting and purchasing. Ristorante Scabar 34128 Trieste Tel. +39 040 810368 www.scabar.it Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00; 19.00-23.00 Closed: Monday Seats: 50 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 11 km / 19 min Agriturismo Grgic Igor Località Padriciano, 193 34149 Trieste Tel. +39 040 226445 www.grgic.it info@grgic.it Price: € Times: 10.00-23.00 Closed: from Monday to Thursday Seats: 50 Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 5.5 km / 6 min / 135 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ M ugg i a ] O S T E R I A D E T O NI TRATTORIA RISORTA This osteria is located in Plavie on the Slovenian border and offers tasty grilled meat in a country style ambience. It is a countryside oasis of tranquillity characterised by a friendly atmosphere and a garden for summer dining. Grilled meat specialities with side dishes including potatoes and grilled vegetables are the highlights of this place. This trattoria overlooks the inner harbour, called mandracchio. During summer, you can dine on a large open terrace overlooking the sea. Specialities are creatively prepared seafood dishes such as scallops with red and black truffle. Other dishes worthy of mention are lobster spaghetti or mixed grill. To make your choice easier, the menu suggests seven dishes including dessert of the day. Trattoria Risorta Riva De Amicis, 1/a 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 271219 www.trattoriarisorta.it info@trattoriarisorta.it Price: €€ Times: 12.00-15.00; 19.00-22.00 Closed: Monday and Sunday evening Seats: 58 Booking advised Osteria de Toni Località Belpoggio, 5 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 231061 Price: € Times: lunch and dinner Closed: Monday and Tuesday Booking advised How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 20 km / 18 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 21 km / 22 min / 136 / BACK to INDEX / 4.LUNCHES AND DINNERS [CATCH OF THE DAY] P H O T O maurizio valdemarin / 137 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT Shopping is for everyone in the Julian capital city. Historically an emporium city, it still has plenty of shops, artisan stores and shopping malls located within a few kilometres. Just a walk through via Carducci and Corso Italia, along Via San Nicolò and Via Dante is all you need to find main fashion brands but also interesting quality item shops. 5 [ shopp i n g ] There are plenty of opportunities to make good purchases between Piazza della Borsa and Piazza Unità d’Italia and in the old city called città vecia. The city’s antique shops and small artisan stores are in the Canava area. The two shopping malls just outside the city centre in Trieste are on public transport routes, too. / 138 / BACK to INDEX / [ T R I E S T E . caff è degli specchi ] PH OTO M AU RIZ IO VAL D E M ARIN / 139 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT [ D U IN O A U R I S IN A ] AZIENDA AGRICOLA SKERK On the Karst highland, amidst the vineyards that overlook the gulf, is where in 2009 this company opened a new wine cellar carved into the rock at a depth of 20 meters. This is where we find the barrel room, the wine aging area, characterised by arched rock ceilings, wine tasting and wine processing areas. Vitovska, Istrian Malvasia and Terrano are some of the wines produced and sold here. In Prepotto, on the Karst highland, on small plots located between the rocks and the sea, the Skerk family practises precise intensive viticulture to enhance the varieties of autochthonous grapes such as Istrian Malvasia, Vitovska, and Terrano. After ageing in cellars dug out of the typical Karst calcareous rock, wines acquire unique characteristics and become expressions of the surrounding territory. They are for sale on the premises. Cantina Zidarich Località Prepotto, 23 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 201223 www.zidarich.it info@zidarich.it Azienda agricola Skerk Località Prepotto, 20 34011 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 200156 www.skerk.com info@skerk.com How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33 km / 29 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33 km / 29 min C A N T IN A ZIDARICH / 140 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping AZIENDA AGRICOLA KANTE Edi Kante’s rows of vines stand out on the Karst halfway between the Adriatic coast and the mountains. The environmental sensitivity is a determining element for the produce of this farm, giving importance to vineyard hand-processed treatments. Grapes complete their ripening in the cellar thus resulting in perfectly balanced wines. Here we encounter all the flavours, fragrances and aromas of this territory together with all the passion of the winemaker. Azienda agricola Kante Località Prepotto, 1/a 34011 Duino-Aurisina Te. +39 040 200255 www.kante.it kante@kante.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33 km / 29 min AZIENDA AGRICOLA RADOVIČ DI NEVO E FL AVIA RADOVIČ Radovic farm, on the Karst, is a certified organic food producer and wine, olive oil, fruit and vegetables follow Green standards. It has an ecological fuel heating plant, solar and photovoltaic panels for hot water as well as generation of its own electricity. It sells pleasant white wines (such as Vitovska and Malvasia), red wines with a strong character (such as Terrano and Refosco) as well as spicy and intense flavoured olive oil from autochthonous olives (Bianchera Belica) pressed in the family mill. Taste and enjoy these products in the adjacent farmhouse restaurant. Azienda agricola Radovic di Nevo e Flavia Radovic Località Aurisina, 138/a 34013 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 040 200173 www.agriturismoradovic.it info@agriturismoradovic.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33 km / 29 min / 141 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT AZIENDA AGRICOLA A N T O NI Č [ S G O NI C o ] Products can be purchased directly here in Ceroglie, this Karst hamlet at the foot of Mount Hermada. At the farm shop near the barns, we can buy cheese (fresh and seasoned pecorino from goat milk, fresh, salted or with Karst herbs Ricotta), cold cuts (salami, Karst prosciutto crudo - cured ham, ossocollo, porchetta) and wines (Terrano and Vitovska). The shop is open from 5 pm to 7 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The farm also sells unrefined wool as raw material to manufacturers of insulating products. Not far from Grotta Gigante cave, in the village of the same name, is sculptor Paolo Hrovatin’s workshop. His hands shape works of art, sculptures and everyday objects. Basic materials of his works are Karst stones, such as Aurisina stone, stalactite and calcareous alabaster, shaped according to versatile styles ranging from classic to modern. A R T H R O V A T IN Azienda agricola Antonic Località Ceroglie, 44 34019 Duino-Aurisina Tel. +39 340 5847185 www.kmetijaantonic.it Art Hrovatin Borgo Grotta Gigante, 9/a 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 327077 paolohrovatin@tiscali.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 38.9 km / 26 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 33 km / 29 min / 142 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping KAJZER MARMI Peter Škabar is a marble artist, who set up his company in 2001. He very soon began ranking amongst the best representatives in artisan creations, becoming popular first for his stone artefacts then for his marble works. Kajzer Marmi Zona Artigianale Sgonico, 29/c 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 2529343 www.kajzermarmi.com info@kajzermarmi.com How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 38.9 km / 26 min F AT T O R I A C A R S I C A B A J TA D I S K E R L J SL AVKO E C. In the town of Sales in the middle of the Karst a genuine Zero km farm exists. The whole supply chain is represented here. Farm animals, surrounding fields, vineyards, a food store and farm snack bar co-exist in harmony. Pork meat, cold meats in general, local sausages, own wines, preserves, oil and different kinds of honey from Trieste Province are on sale in the food store. The store times are from 9 am to 1 pm, Tuesday to Sunday, in the afternoon from 4 pm to 7 pm from Wednesday to Saturday. Fattoria Carsica Bajta di Skerlj Slavko e C. Località Sales, 108 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 2296090 www.bajta.it info@bajta.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 38.9 km / 26 min / 143 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT AZIENDA AGRITURISTICA MILIČ (ZAGRSKI) In an isolated location surrounded by the green countryside, Zagrski Farm run by the Milic family, is dedicated to agriculture, animal breeding and farm produce. Genuine and typical products are made in this rural setting with farm animals including horses. The farm offers excellent meat such as bacon and pepper prosciutto, seasoned in the Karst rock cellar, as well as excellent wines obtained from meticulous processing. Azienda agrituristica Milic (Zagrski) Località Sagrado, 2 34010 Sgonico Tel. +39 040 229383 www.agriturismomilic.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 38.9 km / 26 min [ tr i este ] S alumer i a S artor i There is a wide selection of cold cuts in this city centre delicatessen, not far from Piazza Unità d'Italia. It looks like a typical village store and many people of Trieste shop here. It offers typical products from the surrounding territory, such as hand-cut ham and Karst prosciutto. You can buy typical Montasio and Tabor cheese, mozzarella, gorgonzola , ricotta and Karst pickles and olives. Opening time: 7.45 am - 1.15 pm and 3.30 pm - 7.30 pm, from Mondays to Saturdays, Mondays only in the morning. Salumeria Sartori Via di Cavana, 15/a 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 300721 How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 15 km / 33 min / 144 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping ALIMENTA ZIONE BM This delicatessen, daily shopping spot for local gourmets, is located close to city centre, just a short walk from the station. A wide range of products, especially salami and local cheese. You can also choose chocolate products or traditional pastries for a sweet gift idea. Alimentazione BM Via Roma, 3 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 630217 How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 14 km / 28 min SALUMARE As per tradition, you will see salmon and cod hanging from the ceiling. You find yourself in a fish laboratory where the fresh catch of the day is expertly processed, prepared and served in delicious quiches, snacks, simple courses and sauces. Enjoy SaluMare delicacies at the counter, at the tables placed outside or you can have it packed and enjoy it at home. Opening time: 11 am - 2 pm, Tuesday to Saturday. SaluMare Via di Cavana, 13 34124 Trieste Tel. +39 040 3229743 www.salumare.com info@salumare.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 15 km / 33 min / 145 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT QUI GAT TA CI COVA Creatively bespoke vases, lamps, cups, plates and décor are some of ceramic potter Paul Vecchiet’s artistic creations. He creates Italian majolica as well as clay oven dishes and crockery, all with skilled artisanship. He himself carries out all the processing, baking and decorating in his laboratory, located between Via Crispi and via Rossetti, next to the showroom. Qui gatta ci cova Via dell’Eremo, 243 Via Rossetti, 13/b 34124 Trieste Tel. +39 040 7600343 How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 12 km / 26 min CAFFÈ VAT TA Caffè Vatta, recently renovated, is located in historical town Opicina. It is open daily as a café, patisserie and homemade ice-cream shop. An absolute must are the mignon chocolate pastries, Karst bakery creams in different variations and Chantilly cream maltagliati (irregular pastry squares).This café is also recommended for a quick lunch (sandwiches, savoury croissants and salads) for those arriving by Opicina tram way. Caffè Vatta Via Nazionale, 38 - Opicina 34016 Trieste Tel. +39 040 215313 How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 4.5 km / 6 min / 146 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping VIDALI ERIK ROSSO DI FERRO Bespoke handmade stone craft, customised on request. Artistic creations ranging from fountains, tables, vases made out of Karst marble. Artist Erik Vidali’s hands create this artisanal craft. Everyday objects both functional and artistic are produced by traditional methods using stone exclusively. The art of stone masonry and sculpture is passed down from generation to generation keeping the culture alive both historically and economically. Rosso di Ferro is the name of artist Francesco Fragiacomo’s studio. Through constant artistic research, he has developed a skill to shape the essence of creations in a variety of colours, starting with the processing of ceramics. Materials used are stoneware and porcelain, decorated with enamels and baked at high temperatures. Decor items, mirrors, vases, bowls, cups, glasses and lamps are thus created. He also holds pottery courses in his workshop. Vidali Erik Opicina, 905 34016 Trieste Tel. +39 040 212548 Rosso di ferro Via Crosada, 3 34122 Trieste Tel. +39 040 304398 www.rossodiferro.it info@rossodiferro.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 4.5 km / 6 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 15 km / 33 min / 147 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT IL GIULIA S hopp i n g mall A shopping mall located in Via Giulia, in the centre of Trieste. It is on public transport routes (line 9 and line 6). Besides shops selling electronics, optics, jewellery, clothing, shoes and accessories there are also a few eating spots, cafés and a large supermarket. Opening hours: 9.30 am to 7.30 pm From Monday to Saturday; 10.00 am to 7.30 pm on Sundays Il Giulia Via Giulia, 75/3 34126 Trieste Tel. +39 040 578471 www.ilgiulia.it info@ilgiulia.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 11 km / 21 min LE TORRI D’EUROPA S hopp i n g mall ‘Le due Torri’ shopping mall is located in Via Svevo. It is also on public bus route n.29. The mall comprises of one hundred and twenty shops (including shops that sell shoes, clothing, electronics and a range of other products), a big supermarket, multiplex cinema, a leisure area, a playground and an information point for shows and events. Shops are open daily at the following times: 12.00 to 9.00 pm (Monday), 9.00 am to 9.00 pm (Tuesday to Saturday) and 10.00 am to 9.00 pm on Sundays. The dining area is open until late at night. Le Torri d’Europa Via Svevo, 14 34100 Trieste Tel. +39 040 637448 www.torrideuropa.com info@torrideuropa.com How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 13 km / 30 min / 148 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping [ mugg i a ] PASTICCERIA T R I E S T IN A ULCIGRAI Founded as a family run patisserie, it is now a well established business. It specialises in producing fresh cakes, typical Trieste products (such as putizza, presnitz, pinza, Linzer cakes) and traditional bakery (Panettoni and Colombe, Christmas and Easter cakes). Some of their own original and most popular pastries are Favette Triestine, Marzapane triestino (in various flavours) and Veneziana, a widely appreciated popular snack. Opening hours: 8.00 am - 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm, from Monday to Saturday. Pasticceria Triestina Ulcigrai Via Petronio, 1/a 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 232335 www.pasticceriatriestina.it ulcigrai@pasticceriatriestina.com BIRRA ARTIGIANALE CAMPAGNOLO The winds that blow in Trieste city inspired the names of these artisan beers and they are crafted with this precise environmental association in mind: Bora Ciara (Weizen), Borin (Pils), dark Bora (special red) and Neverin (stout). Two brothers, Angelo and Michele Campagnolo, started to produce their beers in 2007. Campagnolo beers are actually served in several good restaurants and can be bought at the brewery outlet. Open from Monday to Friday (8.00 am to 5.00 pm). Birra artigianale Campagnolo Zenit snc di A. e M. Campagnolo Strada delle Saline, 30 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 9234329 www.birracampagnolo.it info@birracampagnolo.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 18 km / 16 min How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 19 km / 17 min / 149 / BACK to INDEX / OLTRECASELLO / TRIESTE LISERT MONTEDORO FREE TIME Montedoro Free Time shopping centre is located in Muggia but easily accessible from Trieste by city bus number 20 from Central Station. Here you can find many shopping opportunities, events, games and entertainment. The building was constructed with a futuristic design and has huge glass windows with bright and luminous areas. Opening hours: 9.00 am - 8.30 pm from Monday to Saturday, 10.00 am - 8.00 pm Sundays. Montedoro Free Time Via Flavia di Stramare, 119 34015 Muggia Tel. +39 040 232320 www.montedorofreetime.it info@montedorofreetime.it How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 19 km / 17 min [ SEZANA] V IN A K R A S Karst viticulture on the border is well represented by the Kras winery, one of the largest in this area. It uses grapes from different Karst vineyards as well as its own produce. Upon request, you can arrange tastings and tours. Terrano excels as a red wine and there is a varied choice of white wines: Malvasia, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Vitovska Griganja. Wines can be purchased in the winery store. Vinakras Sejmiska pot, 1/a 6210 Sezana Tel. +386 (0)5 7313444 www.vinakras.si vinakras@siol.net How to arrive Exit Monfalcone Est - Trieste Lisert, 49.7 km / 35 min / 150 / BACK to INDEX / 5 . shopping [ T R I E S T E . p I azza unità d ' italia ] P H O T O G abriele Crozzoli / 151 / BACK to INDEX / “ Make voyages. Attempt them. There is nothing else. ” Tennessee Williams In the past, wayfarers who walked across the Medieval contrade in Friuli would often come across a Glisiut (cesiol in Venetian dialect). A small votive chapel situated at the main crossroads that offered shelter. The inscriptions that can still be read, invited travellers to rest, meditate and pray. A way to recover strength and thoughts and then continue the journey with renewed spirit. Today our journeys are characterised by speed: technology is our unavoidable companion. This guide aims to recover a forgotten sense and invites modern travellers to slow down, observe and learn. Even for you, as it was for the ancient traveller, the journey will be easier after these rests. Autovie Venete 0432 925111 - 040 3189235 www.autovie.it ➡ UP