2014 Annual Report - Volleyball Manitoba
2014 Annual Report - Volleyball Manitoba
VOLLEYBALL MANITOBA 2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS 2013-2014 Season Annual Report Sept 4th, 2014 at 7:00pm Canad Inns Polo Park – Ambassador Room K Winnipeg, Manitoba TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2014 AGM Agenda Page 2 2. 2013 AGM Minutes September 25th, 2013 Page 3 3. President’s Report Page 5 4. 2013-2014 Program Report Page 6 5. Committee and Representative Reports Regional Officials Chair (MVOA) Awards & Recognition Committee Hall of Fame Committee Finance Committee Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 6. Financial Report 2013-2014 Financial Statements Page 18 Appendix A – 2014 Provincial Championship Results Appendix B – 2014 Indoor Provincial Team Rosters Appendix C – 2014 Beach Volleyball Provincial Championship Results Appendix D – Graduating All-Stars & Awards 1 VOLLEYBALL MANITOBA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS Thursday, September 4, 2014 @ 7:00pm Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park, Winnipeg AGENDA 1. Registration Members are to register their names 2. Call to Order Chairperson to call meeting to order i. Name Recording Secretary 3. Notice of Meeting (If requested) Secretary reads notice calling meeting 4. Statement of Quorum Secretary reports on attendance Chairperson declares meeting duly constituted i. Motion to approve agenda 5. Presentation of Minutes (If requested) Secretary reads minutes of 2013 AGM i. Motion to approve Minutes of 2013 AGM 6. Reports President, Staff, and Committee/Representatives 7. Financial Statements Treasurer tables an annual report and financial statement i. Motion for financial statements and report to be accepted as presented 8. Appointment of Auditor Treasurer calls for motion to appoint an auditor for 2014-2015 i. Motion to appoint auditor 9. Election of Director’s Nominations Declaration and Presentation of Nominees i. Vote is taken 10. Other Business Ask for other business 11. Next Meeting To be determined 12. Adjournment Motion to conclude the meeting 2 MANITOBA VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 25, 2013 7:00 p.m. Sport Manitoba Present: Michael Stephens, Catherine-Grace Peters, Rachelle Needham, Richard Mason, Brenda Westwood, Heather Bradshaw, Linda Clark, Andrei Halkewycz, MVA Staff: Ron Betts, Anthony Roberts, and MVA Members, and Guest Jaclyn Pauls (Sport Manitoba) 1. Members registered 2. President Michael Stephens calls the meeting to order at 7:02 pm a. Rachelle Needham named as Recording Secretary 3. Notice of Meeting 4. Meeting is duly constituted by quorum. Motion to approve the agenda with amendment to move agenda item #9 – Nominations to the top of the agenda MOTION – To approve 2013 agenda – Richard Mason/Catherine-Grace Peters – CARRIED 5. Motion to accept the minutes of the last AGM as circulated. MOTION – To approve 2012 AGM minutes – Linda Clark/Tim Au – CARRIED 6. Staff and Committee Reports accepted as presented 7. Financial Reports – Full report presented by Mario Collette on behalf of the Finance Committee. Year-end highlights: a) Operating deficit of $137,000.00 b) Current Facility Reserve is $44,000.00 which will be moved from restricted to unrestricted in the current fiscal year c) Deficit grew due to bearing NRS and credit card fees for multiple years as well as write offs d) Presentation of a four point plan to aggressively pay down the deficit within 2 – 3 years e) Clarification from the floor that the note regarding the WMVL leaving should have been WWVL MOTION – To approve the 2013 Financial Statements – Andrei Halkewycz/Linda Clark – CARRIED 8. Call for motion to appoint auditor MOTION – to appoint Gislason Targownik Peters as our auditors for the 2014 fiscal year Heather Bradshaw/Tim Au – CARRIED 9. Richard Mason, Chair of Nominations Committee, brought forward a list of candidates for nomination to the Board of Directors. As passed at the 2012 AGM, nominees must submit their nomination / intent to run no later than 45 days prior to the AGM. This year there were four names submitted for consideration for 3 available positions: Richard Mason asks Jaclyn Pauls from Sport Manitoba to act as scrutineer. VOTE TOOK PLACE (for 2 year term on the board) 3 4 nominations: Kate Daniels, Robert Gamache, Chris Marshall, and Jayme Menzies. 3 winners were: Kate Daniels, Robert Gamache, and Jayme Menzies. MOTION – to destroy vote ballots – Andrei Halkewycz/Linda Clark – CARRIED 10. Other Business a) Mike Stephens thanked Linda Clark and Heather Bradshaw for their many years of Service b) It was pointed out that the nominations forms for year-end awards can be accessed and submitted any time of year c) Lee J. Montgomery asked if there could be a Tier 2 specific sanctioning process as it may increase registration. This is a Competitions Committee initiative for this year d) Discussion on better allocation of officials to tournaments…ie…the highest level referees should be officiating 14U level e) Discussion regarding more co-operation between the youth leagues and other beach leagues to rank teams more effectively f) Discussion regarding the meeting date as members advised late September was not good as school season has started by then g) Age Class Meetings/AGM could be held together 11. Next Meeting To be determined 12. Motion to adjourn MOTION – To adjourn 2013 AGM at 8:07 pm – Heather Bradshaw/Linda Clark – CARRIED 4 President’s Report 2014 As President of Volleyball Manitoba, it has been a pleasure to serve both our stakeholders and members of the community. We have faced many challenges throughout my tenure but success does not come without its fair share of obstacles. We have worked diligently to provide an atmosphere of fairness and transparency so that our Association and membership can grow and prosper. Throughout the past year, Volleyball Canada has recognized that the NRS was not the best solution for its user group. The many concerns expressed by the stakeholders did not go unnoticed which lead to the exploration of a new system; one that was user friendly and could address the needs of everyone. I am proud to say that this new system (VRS) is being launched this month with the full endorsement of our Association. It was our hope to have our new Strategic Plan ready to be presented to the membership for the 2014 AGM but, unfortunately, we are not quite there. As one can appreciate, this process is quite detailed as we are trying to capture the direction of the Association’s future. It is hopeful that this process will be completed by years end. The financial stability of the Association is always at the top of the agenda as we need to ensure our future. Over the last year, the Board, Executive and Staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that we can sustain our programs and products without reducing our services to our members. This has been a challenge but has proven to be successful as we are both operating within our existing budgets and also reducing, if not eliminating, our outstanding debt. This year saw Volleyball Canada institute a financial penalty to those not having their proper NCCP level prior to the 2014 National Championships. Although some may deem this to be harsh it seems more than reasonable, ensuring the best interests of the youth participants are at the forefront. Remember, Volleyball Canada did give everyone plenty of notice so this shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Congratulations to all who participated in the 2014 Western and National Championships. We continue to show the rest of the country that Manitoba is a force to be reckoned with. This can also be said for our summer beach and provincial team programs. Well done. Did you know that our province has some of the most internationally renowned officials in the country? Too often we look at the game from a players / coaches perspective. Take some time to learn about this great sport from their view point. It will expose you to a world that will give you a true appreciation for the hard work that these officials contribute. As I mentioned earlier, success does not come without its fair share of obstacles. In November of 2013, our Association was faced with the daunting task of finding a new Executive Director. This vacancy created many challenges as this position is considered to be the head of the Association. During the following months, an application process was designed and st launched. Many applicants with extensive backgrounds applied and on March 31 2014, Mr. John Blacher was hired as our new Executive Director. Mr. Blacher comes to the Association after working with Volleyball Canada as the Director of Operations for the past 15 years. His extensive experience in this sport, both locally and nationally, will serve the association well as we move forward in our strategic plan. This is truly an exciting time as the Association’s future is in good hands. So in closing, the past year has presented with many challenges and changes but all have proven to be necessary as we continue to grow and serve our community to the best of our abilities. Sincerely, Michael Stephens President Volleyball Manitoba 5 Volleyball Manitoba Staff John Blacher Mike Maidment Mitch Davidson Anthony Roberts Alyssa Kidd Executive Director Director of Coaching Technical Director Program Director Beach Volleyball League Coordinator (seasonal) As of this spring, the Volleyball Manitoba office staff is currently operating with the four individuals as outlined above that are tasked with the role of delivering the day to day operations and programs of the association. Our staff work together on many projects and events, sharing in responsibilities as it relates to their job titles and roles. One task that has been underway and will hopefully be completed in the coming weeks is a review and establishment of updated job descriptions for all staff so we can continue to serve our members in the most efficient manner possible. The following report is a summary of Volleyball Manitoba programs and events from 2013-14. Membership Structure Review “Membership, and the act of becoming a member, reflects the commitment of individuals and groups to supporting the governing body’s mission and values. The development and stature of our sport depends on the willingness of participants to buy into the concept of belonging to an entity that encompasses the greater good for our sport – the capacity to speak as one voice that is inclusive of all of the various components and levels of participation. In this regard, our sport’s strength and vibrancy is ultimately reflected by its ability to incorporate and reflect the sum of its parts” Volleyball Manitoba (VM) is revising its membership structure for the current season with the recognition that membership growth is the fundamental platform for the development of volleyball in our province. The strategy to develop membership is based on the following key principles: 1) Membership growth is the result of retaining existing members and attracting new members. a) Retaining membership requires an understanding of the benefits and experiences that are valued by your members. b) Growth requires investment in strategies to develop new members and customers. 2) Everyone – Volleyball Canada, Volleyball Manitoba, Association Members and Local Affiliates - benefits from membership development and needs to collaborate on strategies for growth. 3) Membership fees contribute to the overall growth and development of the sport through supporting the organizations capacity to develop and deliver programs. 4) Tracking memberships - who stays, who joins, who leaves, demographics of membership, patterns of growth, etc. - is essential to evaluating growth and the success of growth strategies. Volleyball Manitoba incorporates a format of Individual Membership jointly with Volleyball Canada, whereby each participant who registers with VM will also register, and be aware that they are registering, with Volleyball Canada. Membership fees include a Volleyball Manitoba and Volleyball Canada component. The membership period is from September 1 until August 31 of each year. Over the past two years, Volleyball Manitoba has lost membership from both the Winnipeg Women’s Volleyball League and most recently the Winnipeg Coed Volleyball League and Winnipeg Coed Volleyball Spring League. Volleyball Manitoba recognizes the reasons behind the decisions made by the leagues and is committed to rebuilding the relationships with them. As membership growth is a fundamental platform for the development of volleyball in our province, regaining these leagues as members, along with attaining membership from other adult leagues that exist throughout the province, will be an objective and priority for Volleyball Manitoba in the coming years. With this in mind, a new Adult Volleyball membership category has been created to better reflect the services and opportunities available to this membership group at this time. In addition to adult members, Volleyball Manitoba is implementing a new category to help capture membership with the ‘Youth Development Player’. Youth Development Players include players competing in programs not leading to a Provincial / National Championship (ie. 12U Atomic or Mini, house-league, try-outs). It is also our hope that we can eventually capture University and College teams as formal association members along with school programs. 6 This membership review has also allowed us to analyze benefits, services and opportunities that we offer to our members. These benefits include the following which may depend on the category of membership. Additional benefits to membership o o o o o o o o o o Insurance (Liability and accident coverage) at sanctioned VM / VC events Access into all VM sanctioned events including tournaments, provincial championships, camps and clinics, for both indoor and beach, as applicable. Access into all VM / VC sanctioned programs including regional teams (MB Games), provincial teams, national teams (senior, B and junior), VCCE (Volleyball Canada Centre of Excellence), camps and clinics Access and use of the Volleyball Registration System (VRS) for league, club, team and individual registration, payment of applicable club and VM membership fees and possible use for league or club website. Letters of Good Standing for International Play (US Open, US Junior Championship, etc.) Provincial newsletter (16-20 per year) - regular communications on volleyball events, activities and news Access to Bingo’s to support league, club or team expenses Discount at VM / VC events such as the Great Plains Coaching Clinic, International Matches, etc. Discount or entry into CIS volleyball matches in Manitoba, as scheduled. Discount at local retail outlets (ie. Homerun Sports, restaurant, car rental, etc.) The new membership structure, including fees, will be posted on the website in the coming weeks. Strategic Planning Volleyball Manitoba is continuously pursuing opportunities that will benefit our membership group and help to attract new members. Your wants, needs, opinions and interests are important to us, and help to provide us with a guide as we seek to add value to our membership. We are in the process of developing a new Strategic Plan to be implemented for the 2015-2020 cycle. We have developed, through a Strategic Planning Committee and stakeholder consultation, a new mission and vision statement, and have also recently acquired feedback from the Volleyball Manitoba membership through an online survey. Close to 170 respondents completed the survey providing their opinions on what the priorities of the association should be as we move forward through the next cycle. Mission Statement Volleyball Manitoba: Our mission is to promote and facilitate the growth and excellence of volleyball in Manitoba Vision Statement: Growing Community. Inspiring Excellence. Leading by Serving. Having now established our mission and vision statements, we move ahead with the Strategic Planning process this fall. Next steps include the following: Membership Survey - Completed, 168 replies Review and Analyze Survey Results to help establish key areas of focus and determine our desired future state (September) Identify organizational assets and constraints for key areas (September / October) Identify targets with measures for each area goal (October) Road Map - Identify Goals, Objectives and Initiatives in areas of focus (November) o Establish priorities, given available resources o Further stakeholder feedback and input Final Plan Established (January / February) o Communicate and activate 7 Provincial Championships 2014 The 2014 Provincial Volleyball Championship titles were all awarded over two weekends (April 26/27 & May 3/4). In total, 166 teams from across Manitoba and North-Western Ontario competed in this year’s Provincial Championship events, with 97 of those teams continuing on to the Volleyball Canada National Championships in the following weeks. The events were held as per the schedule below, and Volleyball Manitoba expresses its sincere appreciation for those hosts that provided their support to delivering this year’s championship events. April 26 & 27: 18U Girls – Winkler: Northlands Parkway Collegiate & Garden Valley Collegiate 18U Boys – Brandon: Brandon University Healthy Living Centre 17U Girls – Portage La Prairie: Portage Collegiate, Arthur Meighen & Yellowquill Schools 17U Boys – Brandon: Brandon University Healthy Living Centre 14U Girls – Winnipeg: Daniel McIntyre & Mennonite Brethren Collegiates 14U Boys – Winnipeg: Maples Collegiate 13U Boys – Winnipeg: Maples Collegiate (in conjunction with the 14U Boys event) May 3 & 4: 16U Girls – Brandon: Brandon University Healthy Living Centre & Crocus Plains HS 16U Boys – Winkler: Northlands Parkway Collegiate & Garden Valley Collegiate 15U Girls – Winnipeg: Daniel McIntyre & Mennonite Brethren Collegiates 15U Boys – Brandon: Brandon University Healthy Living Centre 13U Girls – Winnipeg: Maples Collegiate The final placing’s of all teams for each event can be found in Appendix A. Volleyball Manitoba also completed a survey following the provincial championships with 80 coaches taking the time to respond. This feedback has allowed us a proper evaluation of this program so we can continue to improve the overall satisfaction and experience of all involved – players, coaches, officials, volunteers and family. National Championship Results 2014 This past May, 97 volleyball teams from Manitoba competed at the 2014 Volleyball Canada Western and National Championship events. Of significance, the following clubs had medal performance at their respective championships. 17U/18U Canadian Open – Edmonton May 9-11 A total of 32 Boys 17U teams, 56 Boys 18U teams, 80 Girls 17U teams and 96 Girls 18U teams were involved with this May 9-11 weekend in Edmonton, with teams from Winnipeg medaling in three of the four age categories. These teams include the following: 18U Girls: Cobras (Winnipeg) – 1st Place - National Champions MVP – Katie Friesen, All-Stars – Lexi Janovcik, Cassie Bujan 18U Boys: WinMan Legends (Winnipeg) – 3rd Place All-Star – Carter Bergen 17U Girls: Shock (Winnipeg) – 3rd Place All-Star – Maiya Westwood 17U Boys: All-Star – Eric Loeppky 14U Canadian West Open – Abbotsford May 9-11 In Abbotsford a total of 28 Boys 14U teams and 72 Girls 14U teams competed, with a local Winnipeg girls team earning a western national championship: 14U Girls: Junior Bison Gold (Winnipeg) – 1st Place – Canadian West Open Champions Volleyball Manitoba is proud of all teams who represented our province at this year’s Volleyball Canada championships. 8 2014 Indoor Provincial Teams Volleyball Manitoba’s eight provincial teams were in action this past July competing in their respective championship events that were held in Edmonton, Gatineau and locally here in Winnipeg. In Winnipeg, the Manitoba 18U Women’s Provincial Team competed in the 2014 Women’s National Team Challenge Cup held at the University of Manitoba Investors Group Athletic Centre from July 16 to 20. After losing to Alberta 18 in a 5 set nail biter in the quarterfinals, Manitoba re-grouped to defeat Quebec in straight sets and then New Brunswick in another 5th set marathon to ultimately finish in 5 place. In Gatineau the Manitoba 19U Men’s Provincial Team competed in the 2014 Men’s National Team Challenge Cup held at the Centre Sportif de Gatineau also from July 16 to 20. After a strong start to the tournament with straight set wins over th Saskatchewan and Quebec, Manitoba couldn’t maintain their winning way and eventually finished in 8 place after losses to BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario 18 in the play-offs. Six additional provincial teams at the 17U (Boys) and 16U (Girls) age categories competed in Edmonton at the 2014 Western Canadian Elite Volleyball Championships held from July 18 to 20 at the University of Alberta and the Saville Sports Centre. In the girls competition Manitoba fielded three teams with one 16U (MB White) and two 15U teams (MB Black & Gold). In the quarterfinals following the preliminary round MB Gold lost a hard fought match to AB White, MB Black lost to SK Green, while MB White lost in a heart breaking 5 set match to AB Blue. MB Gold then rebounded nicely defeating MB Black to reach the Consolation Final, while MB White came back to beat both SK White in 5 sets and SK Green in 4 sets to set up th th th the All-Manitoba 5th place match. Ultimately MB White finished in 5 place, MB Gold in 6 place and MB Black in 9 . Special congratulations to Julia Tays (MB Gold) who was selected a Tournament All-Star and Janelle Lawrence (MB White) for being selected the Most Improved player from Manitoba. In the boys competition in Edmonton, Manitoba also fielded three teams with one 17U (MB White), one 16U (MB Gold) and one 15U (MB Black). In this competition MB White claimed the only provincial team medal this summer as they finished th with the bronze after defeating BC Red in four sets in the third place game. MB Gold finished in 8 place while MB Black th finished 9 . Special congratulations to Seth Friesen from MB White who was selected a Tournament All-Star and Brayden Kehler (MB Black) for being selected the Most Improved player from Manitoba. Rosters of all provincial team programs can be found in Appendix B. 2014 Beach High Performance Program This past summer from June through August a high performance beach volleyball program was coordinated through the VM office. In total, twenty athletes were registered, having the opportunity to train at any of seven to eight scheduled weekly training sessions that were held at Adrenaline Adventures and Melrose CC. In addition to Mike Maidment, certified coaches Ryan Munt, Chloe Reimer, Morgan Cheyne and Erin Visch Krahn delivered the training sessions. The training group also had scheduled strength and conditioning and nutrition sessions through the Sport For Life Centre. 2014 Beach Volleyball Provincial Championships Manitoba’s Senior Beach Volleyball Provincial Champions were held at Grand Beach, MB during the annual August long weekend tournament hosted by Beach 4 Life. The tournament began on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon the top teams for both men and women emerged. Manitoba’s Youth Beach Volleyball Provincial Champions were crowned during the August 9 & 10 weekend at the Adrenaline Adventures beach volleyball facility in Winnipeg. The tournament began on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon all champions were determined in the 14U, 16U and 18U age categories. A special thank you to Beach4Life for hosting the 2014 Senior Beach Provincial Championships! Full results of both the Senior and Youth Beach Volleyball Provincial Championships can be found in Appendix C. 9 2014 Beach Volleyball National Championships Volleyball Canada held its Eastern Youth and Senior Canadian Beach Volleyball Championship at Ashbridges Bay Beach in Toronto August 22-24, and twin sisters Josie and Kearley Abbott of Winnipeg claimed the Gold Medal in the 16U Female category. Twenty three teams in total competed in the 16U Female division, and Josie and Kearley Abbott went undefeated with eleven straight wins on route to the championship, defeating a team from Ontario in the final by scores of 18-21, 2118, 15-10. th Other Manitoba teams also competing at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto were Lexi Janovcik and Katie Friesen who finished 5 th out of twenty eight teams in the 18U Female division, and Shanlee McLennan and Rachel Cockrell who finished in 6 place out of 15 teams in the Senior Women’s division. The previous weekend in Parksville, BC, three Manitoba teams also competed in the Volleyball Canada Western Canadian th Youth Beach Volleyball Championship where Sydney Elliot and Shayne Nichols finished 5 in the 14U Female division, Avery th Munday and Emily Yaeger finished in 9 place in the 16U Female division, and Mathieu Lavoie and Darian Picklyk also th finished in 9 place in the 16U Male division. 2014 Beach Volleyball League – Adrenaline Adventures This season the ‘Volleyball Manitoba Summer Series Beach Volleyball League’ along with the ‘Bandits Hot Summer Nights League’ both made a move to the Adrenaline Adventures venue located on Winnipeg’s west perimeter highway between Roblin Blvd and Wilkes Avenue. Adrenaline Adventures is a multi-use recreational facility featuring cable wake-boarding, climbing and zip-line and paintball, and also includes a clubhouse with showers, restaurant and lounge and an outdoor patio. This season the venue included 20 new beach volleyball courts to host the beach volleyball leagues. The first year in moving our summer Beach Volleyball League from Melrose to Adrenaline Adventures did have its challenges. For the most part the league went well with only a few cancelled evenings due to rain-outs. The league was completed in mid-August except for the doubles categories on Monday evenings as they experienced the most rain-out cancellations. These divisions wrapped up their final matches the end of August. The feedback from participants with the Adrenaline facility was with the playing surface - sand depth and quality of sand. To a somewhat lesser extent the height of the fence that surrounds the playing area still allowed many balls to bounce over and into the water or into muddy areas at other times during wet conditions. In addition, the wind in the open area did affect play somewhat, but not to the extent many participants thought it would be. The facility owner is well aware of the concerns, especially with the sand, and this will need to be addressed for start of next season. 2013 Graduating All-Star Banquet & Matches Volleyball Manitoba recognizes the many hours of hard work and dedication that athletes and coaches commit to their team throughout the high school volleyball season and the purpose of the Graduating All-Star Banquet & Games, organized by Volleyball Manitoba, honours those individuals whose contributions have been exceptional over the previous high school season. The 2013 Graduating All-Star Banquet was held the morning of Saturday, December 7 at the Celebrations Dinner Theatre at Canad Inns Fort Garry, and the matches followed at St. John’s Ravensourt School. The full list of all athletes and award winners can be found in Appendix D. 2013-2014 Coaching Clinics & Development Between November 2013 and March 2014 a total of 6 clinics were organized, with 65 coaches in total attending and initiating their certification process. Evaluations of the Facilitators was also extremely positive. There are also currently 5-8 coaches beginning their Level 3 certification and a Level 3 Clinic will be organized this fall / winter to accommodate this need. We will also be recruiting 2-4 coaches to be certified Level 2 Beach Coaches throughout next summer. 10 Moving forward; dates for clinics will be set in September for a series of Clinics and Professional Development workshops to run September to March. This includes opportunities such as the Great Plains Coaching Clinic which we intend to run annually in September. Last year 150+ coaches attended the clinic at Dakota Collegiate which featured Glenn Hoag (Men’s National Team Head Coach) and Doug Reimer (UBC Women’s & Former National Women’s Team Head Coach) as keynote presenters. This year’s 2014 Great Plains Clinic is scheduled for Friday, September 12, again at Dakota Collegiate and features the following presenters: Arnd Ludwig and Scott Koskie (Women’s National Team Head and Assistant Coaches), Ben Josephson (Trinity Western Men’s Head Coach, back-to-back national titles, in 2011 and 2012, a national silver medal, in 2010, and a Canada West championship in 2012), Ken Bentley (Head Coach of the 2013-2014 CIS National Women’s Champion, University of Manitoba Bison’s), Diane Scott (University of Winnipeg Women’s Head Coach) and Lee Carter (Brandon University Women’s Coach) and more! The Brandon University Volleyball Coaches Summit is also organized as a one a one-day seminar aimed at providing basic and technical and tactical sessions for volleyball of all levels. This year’s event is scheduled for September 18 at BU’s Healthy Living Centre. Volleyball Manitoba intends to be more involved in this initiative moving forward, as well as additional development opportunities in the early new year around the club volleyball season. 11 Manitoba ROC Year End Report 2014 Submitted by Barry Miller, Regional Officials Chairperson The MVOA Executive would like to thank all those officials who provided countless hours of officiating this past year. Each year the number of matches we are asked to provide officials for increases throughout the province and at National /International Tournaments throughout Canada and the world. Ed Toews (Winnipeg) and Bev Workman (Brandon) continue to do an exemplary job in ensuring that we provide our services to those who have requested officials. As assignors, their efforts are rarely recognized as being one of the most important function within our organization. Congratulations are extended to Renzie Gonzales who obtained his National Certification this past May in Edmonton. As well to Kevin Hughes, Andrew Nago, Oliver Pagsuyuin and Gareth Thiessen for their successful upgrade to the Provincial Level. This year’s Wezer Bridle Golden Whistle Award winner was Blair Unger. Each year this award is given to an MVOA Official who excels in their commitment to officiating at all levels. Through the efforts of Bohdan Ilkiw and our clinicians, 7-Level 1, 2-Level 2, and 5-Novice clinics were held throughout Manitoba and North West Ontario. These, along with Re-cert Clinics in Winnipeg and Brandon, provided our officials with the information required to have a successful year as officials. Novice Clinics 2013-2014: September 28, 2013 – Salsbury Morse Place (Winnipeg) – 13 participants October 3, 2013 - St. James Collegiate (Winnipeg) – 14 participants October 8, 2013 - HC Avery (Winnipeg) – 17 participants November 24, 2013 - Vincent Massey Collegiate (Winnipeg) – 28 participants December 10, 2013 - John Taylor Collegiate (Winnipeg) – 14 participants Level 1 Clinics 2013-2014: September 7, 2013 – King George School (Winnipeg) – 35 participants September 8, 2013 – Brandon University (Brandon) – 9 participants September 21, 2013 - Riverton Collegiate (Riverton) – 10 participants November 6, 2013 - Team Canada Volleyball Center (Winnipeg) – 4 participants December 7, 2013 - Sport Manitoba (Winnipeg) – 10 participants January 9 & 10, 2014 - St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Kenora) – 13 participants February 12, 2014 - Norway House Recertification Clinics 2013-2014: September 4, 2013 – Fort Richmond Collegiate (Winnipeg) September 8, 2013 – Brandon University (Brandon) Level 2 Clinics 2013-2014: January 9 & 10, 2014 - St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Kenora) – 3 participants February 21 & 22, 2014 – Sport Manitoba (Winnipeg) Level 2 Participants: Brent Harder, Ed Alexiuk, Ekateria Rovskaya, Lindsey Kruschel, Roel Orteza Upcoming Clinics 2014: AGM/Recertification Clinic - September 3, 2014 - JH Bruns (Winnipeg) Level 1 - September 6, 2014 - JH Bruns (Winnipeg) Level 1/Recertification Clinic - September 7, 2014 - Brandon University (Brandon) Travel 2013-2014: International: Taras Ilkiw -World League (2 sites – Brazil, France), Men’s World Championship (Poland) Bohdan Ilkiw - FIVB Grand Prix Azad Hosein - World League Canada (Vancouver & Edmonton), NORCECA - Cayman Islands 12 National: Regina - CIS WOMEN - Azad Hosein, Bohdan Ilkiw Edmonton -CIS MEN - Taras Ilkiw Edmonton (17/18U) - Renzie Gonzales, Kirsten Varey, Chris Yaremkiewich Calgary (16U) - Lindsey Kruschel , James Koop , Ray Wong Regina (15U) - Cade Kaltenthaler, Ron Shewchuk, Mike Tote, Ken Vince Beach: 2013 - Stan Korol,Peg Prokopich,Tom Neufeld,Alex Either 2014 - Stan Korol, Alex Either Clinicians: Peter Henry – Regina - CIS WOMEN Ed Toews, Azad Hosein – Edmonton 17/18U Rob Holmes, Azad Hosein – Regina 15U Beach: Darryl Friesen - FIVB, NORCECA My thanks to each of you who gave of your time to officiate and evaluate far too many matches over a very short period of time. As well, Bohdan Ilkiw has decided to step away from International participation and officially retire as an active International Referee. Bohdan's commitment to the International Program has been enormous and has benefited not only the MVOA'S program but officials development throughout Canada. Thank you, Bohdan. Beginning this May, the Beach program moved to Adrenaline Adventures on the West Perimeter. The decision to move the program from Melrose CC was based upon its better all-round facilities and number and quality of courts. The first Beach Officials clinic was held in May with several new officials certifying. Stan Korol worked with these officials and other returning certified officials throughout the summer during league play in preparation for Youth Provincials and expected National Championship invitations. The Women's National Team hosted a very successful NTCC Tournament in July. My thanks to those who officiated and who worked with the officials who travelled from outside the province. The MVOA has been very fortunate to have the women's team in Winnipeg these past years and looks forward to continuing our officials development program with them in the years to come. In the past year several major issues confronted the MVOA . The Volleyball Manitoba Screening process did create a variety of problems for officials. For those MVOA officials who chose to officiate AGE CLASS, the required documentation was acquired. However, many of those who officiated VM sanctioned Age Class tournaments were neither members of the MVOA, nor did they have the required Screening-documentations. The second issue dealt with this use of non-certified MVOA officials for AGE CLASS Tournaments. The result became obvious at Provincial and National Championships where issues developed as the matches were officiated in the correct manner. Players/coaches and parent behaviour toward officials decisions and other participants created a very inappropriate atmosphere. My thanks to those officials who followed the procedures outlined on the MVOA /Age Class websites regarding inappropriate behaviour by players/coaches/spectators. Welcome back to John Blacher as VM Executive Director. John brings to all members of the volleyball community in Manitoba a wealth of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of volleyball. The MVOA looks forward to working with John for many years to come. The office staff of John, Mitch, Anthony and Mike and the Host Convenors for this year's AGE CLASS Tournaments are to be congratulated for an excellent job. Thanks to Kirsten Varey, who set up a Women's Referee seminar this past November and has kept MVOA Women officials informed on what has been transpiring at the National level to encourage greater participation in the officials program. Hopefully, come fall 2014 another seminar will be held. In closing, my thanks to all MVOA officials who made this year a success. Special thanks to our very capable secretary, Jane Edstrom, who spends many hours each year distributing uniforms and getting materials ready for our meetings and to Azad and Ed who keep the officials assigned and ensure their honourariums arrive on time. 13 Awards & Recognition Committee Report 2014 Submitted by Andrei Halkewycz, Committee Chair th The 2014 Volleyball Manitoba Age Class Awards & Hall of Fame Banquet was held Saturday June 7 at the Canad Inns Club Regent Hotel. With approximately 380 people in attendance, Age Class Provincial Champions, All-Stars, National Medalists, Age Category Players of the Year, Coaches, Official and Volunteer of the Year were recognized along with the 2014 Volleyball Manitoba Hall of Fame Inductees. This year’s award winners included the following: 2014 Age Class Players of the Year: 13U Girls: Talia McMurchy (Fury 13U) 13U Boys: Isaak Fast (Winman Tornadoes) 14U Girls: Katreena Bentley (Junior Bison Gold) 14U Boys: Nigel Nielson (Selkirk Royals) 15U Girls: Emma Leung (Dynamo 15U) 15U Boys: Ashton Jeffrey (Winman Heat) 16U Girls: Darby Coughlin (Shock 16U) 16U Boys: Eric Loeppky (Winman Avalanche) 17U Girls: Courtney Kowk (Shock 17U) 17U Boys: Mikael Clegg (Winman Warriors) 18U Girls: Cassie Bujan (Cobras) 18U Boys: Matt Hooker (204) Cheryl Cable Award Jr. Female Player of the Year: Mark Tennant Award Jr. Male Player of the Year: Mark Jean England Award: Wezer Bridle Golden Whistle Award (Official of the Year): Volunteer of the Year: Nikki Redekop Memorial Scholarship: Canad Inns Team of the Year: Caleigh Dobie Casey Schouten Jeff Spark - Development Coach of the Year Ken Bentley - Elite Coach of the Year Blair Unger Terry Bobychuk Kalena Schulz Cobras - 18U Female Thank you to Brenda Westwood, Tim Au, John Olfert, and Darrel Fingland for their feedback into the award recipient selections. Thank you to John Blacher, Anthony Roberts, and all of the Volleyball Manitoba staff who helped put together a memorable Awards Banquet. Thank you also to the Hall of Fame Committee Chairs Heather Bradshaw and Linda Clark for all of their hard work. 14 Hall of Fame Committee Report 2014 Submitted by Heather Bradshaw & Linda Clark, Committee Co-Chairs th Volleyball Manitoba’s Awards Banquet was held on Saturday, June 7 , 2014, at the Canad Inns Club Regent. Doors opened at 4:45 PM and dinner was served at 6:15 PM. This year four athletes and one team were inducted into the Manitoba Volleyball Hall of Fame: LINDA FREDERICKS (TATARYN) JO-ANNE RICHARDSON (ONISHKO) TERRY GAGNON JOHN PAULSEN THE UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG MEN’S VOLLEYBALL TEAMS 1971-1974 (There were no Honour Society awards presented this year) The committee consists of Dennis Nord, Mike Burchuk, Brenda Westwood, Linda Clark and Heather Bradshaw. A very special thank you to Anthony Roberts, our program director, for his many hours of hard work in organizing the annual event and to John Blacher (Executive Director), Mitch Davidson (Technical Director), and Mike Maidment (Director of Coaching Development). Also, thanks to Michelle Sawatzky, our MC, photographer Rusty Barton, awards committee chair, Andrei Halkewycz, Big Sand Volleyball Clothing and to the Canad Inns for serving such a delicious meal. Recommendations: - to continue using 2 separate committees; Hall of Fame & Awards & Recognition - to continue recognizing other volleyball achievements: University, National Teams and Officials etc. - to send out a press release, pre and post banquet - to use the same venue and book it for next year, if available. - to prevent a late start, have 2 adult bars - to make inductees aware that other awards are being presented at the banquet, not just Hall of Fame To accommodate the growth this event has been experiencing in recent years, the 2015 Volleyball Manitoba Age Class th Awards & Hall of Fame Banquet is being scheduled for Saturday June 13 at the Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park. 15 Volleyball Manitoba Finance Committee Report – September, 2014 Financial and operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014 are presented in the audited financial statements included in this Annual Report. As reflected in the financial statements and this brief report, results are favorable and Volleyball Manitoba has returned to stable footing. In summary; 1. 2. 3. The Plan. A plan to eliminate the cumulative Unrestricted Operating Fund deficit of $137,370 was presented and approved a year ago. This plan included: Transfer of the $44,094 cumulative Facility Reserve to the Unrestricted (Operating) Fund. Operate fiscal 2014 programs at break-even or better, control spending and improve reporting (with the assistance of Sport Manitoba providing day to day accounting/bookkeeping support). Engage new revenue opportunities including incremental sponsorship, new initiatives, and fundraising events (including participation from multiple Volleyball Manitoba stakeholders). Fiscal 2014 Results. All elements of the plan were implemented. These actions, coupled with not having a full complement of staff in place for the full fiscal year, controlled spending and achieving revenue targets allowed the annual surplus to be $123,292, compared to a budgeted surplus of $21,000. The fiscal 2014 surplus of $123,292 and the transfer the Facility Reserve, allowed for the cumulative deficit to be wiped out and Volleyball Manitoba begins the year with a cumulative surplus of $30,016. Looking Forward to Fiscal 2015. Concurrent with the work of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Finance Committee will participate in the development of a multi-year budget. In the meantime a Fiscal 2015 budget has been presented to (and approved by) the Volleyball Manitoba Board– as presented below F2015 Budget Revenue Sport MB Grants Other Grants/Transfers Membership Fees Athlete Programs/League fees VM Tournaments Coaches & Officials Development Recognition/Special Events Marketing/Communication Total revenues Expenditures Athlete Programs Tournaments Coaching/Officials/Membership Dev. Recognition/Special Events Marketing/Communications Administration Total expenditures Surplus (Deficit) $ $ F2014 Actual 228 $ 50 155 160 87 21 18 1 720 271 51 175 234 84 15 21 2 853 262 92 47 29 16 266 712 354 82 40 28 9 217 730 8 $ 123 Note: a) All values in 000s CAD An initiative listed in the 2013 Finance Report was preparation of a feasibility study for a Volleyball Manitoba Indoor and/or Beach facility – utilizing the services/experience of Volleyball Manitoba members (at no cost). In this regard, a sub-committee has been established and a preliminary study will be prepared and provided to both the Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee in fiscal 2015. 16 4. 5. a) Appreciation. The staff of Volleyball Manitoba should be commended for operating modestly during this year of re-stabilization. Heartfelt appreciation to Jaclyn Paul, Bhernalyn Bautista and other members of the Sport Manitoba Finance team who have provided accounting/bookkeeping support during Fiscal 2014. Gratitude is owed to Sport Manitoba for partnering with, supporting and extending operating credit to Volleyball Manitoba during the fiscal year, allowing Volleyball Manitoba to meet all of its obligations in a timely fashion – and for their willingness now to allow Volleyball Manitoba repay the debt without penalty. Thanks to Volleyball Manitoba board-members (and their families/friends) for donating time and effort to bingos, tournaments, and other initiatives (beyond normal board-work) to generate addition bottom line earnings during the fiscal year. Acknowledgement should also be extended to our Board Executive Committee, and the Volleyball Manitoba Finance Committee comprised of John Olfert (Chair/Board member), Kate Daniels (Board member) and Mario Collette (member at large) – who have collectively directed the financial endeavors of the association this past year. Recommendations. The Finance Committee and Board of Directors recommends: That the Volleyball Manitoba 2014 Financial statements be accepted as presented in the VM 2014 Annual Report. b) The Finance Committee recommends: That the Gislason Targownik Peters be appointed auditors for fiscal 2015. Respectfully submitted, John Olfert, Board Treasurer & Chair Finance Committee 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 APPENDIX A 2014 Provincial Championship Results First Second MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star 13U Boys WinMan Tornadoes 13U Selkirk Royals 13U All-Stars & MVP Isaak Fast (WinMan) Kevin Burnett (Selkirk Royals) Nick Brzoza (Selkirk Royals) Lucas Yakemow (Selkirk Royals) Emerson Lesage-Dong (WinMan) Simon Braun (WinMan) 14U Boys BVC Golden Bears Selkirk Royals 204 Gold WinMan Storm 204 Cardinal Tsunami WinMan 212 Jr. Pilots Grey Jr. Pilots Blue Aztecs BVC 14U Dryden Dynasty Pirates All-Stars & MVP Dayton Black (BVC Golden Bears) Max Brook (WinMan Storm) Jackson Pankratz (204 Gold) Nigel Nielson (Selkirk Royals) Alek Morelli (Selkirk Royals) Reece Wilson (BVC Golden Bears) Liam Nohr (BVC Golden Bears) 15U Boys WinMan Heat Selkirk Royals WinMan Rebels Jr. Pilots Steinbach Sabres 204 BVC Saints BVC Golden Bears Dakota Lancers Jr. Bisons WinMan Storm WinMan 212 All-Stars & MVP Ashton Jeffrey (WinMan Heat) Paulo Racano (WinMan Rebels) Jacob Brown (Jr. Pilots) Willem Labun (WinMan Heat) Nicolas McMullin (WinMan Heat) Owen Schwartz (Selkirk Royals) Jack Mandryk (Selkirk Royals) 28 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star 16U Boys WinMan Avalanche 204 WinMan Hurricanes Selkirk Royals Rampage BVC Jr. Bisons Big Sand Aztecs All-Stars & MVP Riley Falk (WinMan Avalanche) Grey Sacher (Selkirk Royals) Marshall Rondeau (WinMan Hurricanes) Ben Hooker (204) Mitchell Green (204) Stefan Lavalee (WinMan Avalanche) Eric Loeppky (WinMan Avalanche) 17U Boys WinMan Warriors WinMan Pursuit Jr. Bisons Tsunami BVC Selkirk Royals 17U All-Stars & MVP Mikael Clegg (WinMan Warriors) Matthew Ginter (Tsunami) Kyle Martens (Jr. Bisons) Jacob Loewen (WinMan Pursuit) Brendan Cairns (WinMan Pursuit) Eric Loeppky (WinMan Warriors) Bronson Teetaert (WinMan Warriors) 18U Boys 204 Volleyball Club WinMan Legends Winnipeg Revolution Aztecs Team Extreme BVC All-Stars & MVP Tom Meier (204) Jadyn Martens (Aztecs) Matthew Friesen (Revolution) Adrian Dyck (WinMan Legends) Braydon Nault (WinMan Legends) Matt Hooker (204) Eric Borton (204) 29 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-First Twenty-Second Twenty-Third Twenty-Fourth Twenty-Fifth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star 13U Girls Fury WinMan Wild Dynamo Red Storm Jr. Bison Gold Impact Jr. Bison Brown Selkirk Blue Prairie Fire Black Jr. Pilots Big Sand Red Dynamo Grey Mavericks Selkirk Black KAOS Prairie Fire Orange Big Sand Vipers Club West Cats 13U Gold All-Stars & MVP Talia McMurchy (Fury) Brooke Schoonbaert (Storm) Jenna Campbell (Dynamo) Camryn Brown (Wild) Victoria Duester (Wild) Leia Jaworski (Fury) Mabel Currie (Fury) 14U Girls Jr. Bison Gold Kryptonite Selkirk Royals Black WinMan Warriors Dynamo STORM Fury Green KAOS Westman Selkirk Royals Blue Vision Elite Pirates Spikers Jr. Bisons Brown Fury 13U Cats White Big Bear Jr. Pilots Fury Blue Cats Blue Pirates Diggers Cats Gold Vipers East Vipers West Club West Whiskey Jacks All-Stars & MVP Katreena Bentley (Jr. Bison Gold) Jadya Nault (WinMan Warriors) Taylor Nickart (Selkirk Royals Black) Kira Oakes (Kryptonite) Kallista Connelly (Kryptonite) Ashlyn Carriere (Jr. Bison Gold) Julia Arnold (Jr. Bison Gold) 30 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-First Twenty-Second Twenty-Third Twenty-Fourth Twenty-Fifth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star 15U Girls Dynamo Vision Elite Luc Blue Fire Cats Gold WinMan Ohana Jr. Bison Gold Prairie Fire Inferno WinMan Rush Westman Parkland Vipers Big Sand Machine Jr. Bison Brown Selkirk Royals Storm Fury Cats Blue Jr. Pilots Fury 14U Club West Rage Aztecs Prairie Fire Ignite Tsunami Vision Elite John Cats 14U Prairie Fire Burn All-Stars & MVP Emma Leung (Dynamo) Jordyn Pickup (Cats Gold) Laura Hill (Blue Fire) Ayiya Ottogo (Vision Elite Luc) Kezia Gesell (Vision Elite Luc) Taylor Boughton (Dynamo) Julia Tays (Dynamo) 16U Girls SHOCK Cats Gold Selkirk Royals Cats Blue Dynamo Aztecs KAOS Alliance Jr. Bisons Vision Elite Brash Green Valley Pirates Jr. Wesmen Jr. Pilots Grey Fury WinMan Jr. Pilots Blue Cats White Pirates VC Kenora Lakers All-Stars & MVP Beth Tooth (Shock) Jessica Friesen (Selkirk Royals) Jenna Ruppa (Cats Blue) Carmen Ross (Cats Gold) Kenzie Robinson (Cats Gold) Keylyn Filewich (Shock) Darby Coughlin (Shock) 31 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth MVP All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star All-Star 17U Girls SHOCK Mavericks SISU STORM Fury Green Cats Cats 16U WinMan Jr. Pilots Forza Fury Blue Fort Frances Vipers (First Tier 2) Prairie Fire Kenora Lakers (Second Tier 2) Alliance Baldur Vikings (Third Tier 2) SNVC (Fourth Tier 2) All-Stars & MVP Katie Reeves (SHOCK) Rylie Dickson (STORM) Melysa McEvoy (SISU) Danella Alvaro (Mavericks) Toni Hawthorn (Mavericks) Maiya Westwood (SHOCK) Courtney Kowk (SHOCK) 18U Girls Cobras STORM WinMan Jr. Wesmen SHOCK Cats Vision Elite SNVC (First Tier 2) Impact (Second Tier 2) Joust Alliance Predators (Third Tier 2) Big Bear (Fourth Tier 2) All-Stars & MVP Cassie Bujan (Cobras) Sam Bridle (Jr. Wesmen) Nikki Majewski (WinMan) Emma Ciprick (STORM) Kristine Ward (STORM) Kalena Schulz (Cobras) LaDawn Friesen (Cobras) 32 APPENDIX B 2014 Indoor Provincial Team Rosters 15U Female Team Black Avery Allard Raelyn Elias Georgia Maxwell Avery Munday Head Coach: Sydney Purvis Jessica Andjelic Hanna Kristjanson Melonie Einerson Kana Khumplien Jessica Kowalski Sami Love Renee Paramor Kayla Quiring Amanda Sandwith Paige Donald Assistant Coach: Bryan Tottle Mentor Coach: Mike Maidment 15U Female Team Gold Shailyn Boschman Emma Leung Félixe Sturk – Lussier Talia Grant Head Coach: Rob Gamache Kaylynn Collier Kelsey Jordan Sidney Michalyshen Ayiya Ottogo Deanne Taillieu Julia Tays Jill Jackson Shayne Nichols Assistant Coach: Andrei Halkewycz 16U Female Team Kaitlyn Arnal Allie Cantello Sam Cattani Shayla Kessler Jocelyn Koswin Janelle Lawrence Alicia Sawatzky Beth Tooth Lauren Weremy Emily Yaeger Head Coach: Dan McGregor Assistant Coach: Kerry Wiebe Ashleigh Laube Calista Sainsbury Karissa Zimmer Mentor Coach: Mike Maidment Chloe Friesen Carmen Ross Ravyn Wiebe Mentor Coach: Ken Bentley 17U/18U NTCC Female Team Alison Alcock Logan Desorcy Rylie Dickson Keir Fey Madison Fyvie Jessica Jabs Courtney Kowk Nikola Majewski Tyneille Neufeld Janelle Neyron Mikayla Sellers-Wiebe Maiya Westwood Head Coach: Chris MacLennan Assistant Coach: Brenda Westwood Mentor Coach: Mike Burchuk 16U Male Team Black Jacob Browne Brayden Kehler Jon Laube Head Coach: Shane Smith Reese Buhr Josh Giesbrecht Will Lassen Daniel Kiesman Spencer Roziere Dylan Sutherland Assistant Coach: Kris Funk Ryan Hopko Matthew Kysh 16U Male Team Gold Adrian Allard Braydon Griffith Lucas Signatovich Head Coach: Ryan Penner Austin Cooper Eric Ellison Willhem Labun Owen Schwartz Matt Stasiuk Jacob Stevenson Assistant Coach: Roger Harder Serge Girouard P.J. Seekings Zack Thielmann 17U Male Team White Jon Bartel Tyler DeSousa Josh McMillan David Dobson Head Coach: James Ellison Ryan Bergen Brendan Cairns Seth Friesen Mackenzie Hilderbrand Mike Ogoms Dryden Wall Kade Korchinski Assistant Coach: Jon Labun Mikael Clegg Jake Loewen 18U/19U NTCC Boys Team Bruce Akubukaka David Bommersbach Adam DeJonckheere Randy Grundmann Josh Mitchell-Dueck John Nieckarz Adam Schriemer Dustin Spiring Nick Stewner Head Coach: Josh Thordarson Assistant Coach: Roy Rodriguez 33 Brendan Folkerts Nolan Parrington Alex Ronnebeck APPENDIX C 2014 Beach Volleyball Provincial Championship Results First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth 14U Girls Anna Maidment/Ashlyn Carriere Sydney Elliot/Shayne Nichols Erika Vermette/Chaelyse Comeault Jasmine Ramsay/Logan Wallace Laila Arjoon/Jamie Robertson Livi Weremy/Maggie Medock Sara Christie/Kaitlyn Mryglod Macy McGrath/Adrianna Anastacio First Second Third 14U Boys Max Paddock/Liam Nohr Alek Morelli/Darian Morris-Izzard Jackson Pankratz/Adam Niessen First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth 16U Girls Josie Abbott/Kearley Abbott Madison Ganske/Charity McMurray Alexi Runke/Dana Wiens Natalie Schulz/Arman Sidhu Julia Tays/Vanessa Smith Emily Yaeger/Avery Munday Gabi Wishart/Sarah Struthers Renee Paramor/Keziah Toews Kelli Beatty/Alycia Palmer Jenna Rupa/Danielle Wallace Riley Smith/Chloe Holroyd Kelsey Dutka/Gabriella Yakemow Autumn Kelly/Nadia Tyles Janique Ditter/Jazi Ditter First Second Third Fourth Fifth 16U Boys Keegan Teetaert/Eric Leoppky Mathieu Lavoie/Darian Picklyk Cole Chandler/Everett Chartier Kieran Smith/Owen Ready Nicolas McMulin/Zachary Janzen First Second Third Fourth 18U Girls Lexi Janovick/Katie Friesen Hailey Hildebrand/Vanessa Schulz Talia Paetsch/Faith McMurray Kelsey Lacroix/Sydney Wensel 34 First Second Third Fourth 18U Boys Kaeden Merasty/Andrey Yaglinksy Evan McAvoy/Cole Armstrong Ryan Bergen/Jackson Potter Matt Hooker/Bruce Akubukaka First Second Third Fourth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Ninth Ninth Senior Women Ozana Nikolic/Elina Domnidou Shanlee McLennan/Rachel Cockrell Patti Parker/Melissa Unrau Stephanie Smith/Mariel Garcia Evelyn Kampen/Lindsay Braul Vanessa Schulz/Hailey Hildebrand Lexi Janovcik/Katie Friesen Josie Abbott/Kearly Abbott Avery Munday/Emily Yaeger Kelsey Lacroix/Sydney Wensel First Second Third Fourth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Ninth Ninth Ninth Senior Men Ryan Munt/Dane Pischke Adam DeJonkheere/Dusty Spiring Brian Enns/Jeff Zylstra Dave Kukkonen/Dean Manness Denis Vermette/Bobby Neufeld Paul Robidoux/Kevin Falconer Carlo Dungca/Mitch Smith Richard Neickarz/Matt Sawatzky Brett McLaren/Cameron MacKay Clement Seyi/Nigel MacAulay Dennis de Leon/Peter Ruiz 35 APPENDIX D 2013 Graduating All-Stars & Awards Girls All-Manitoba Team Boys All-Manitoba Team Amy Gordon Neelin High School Alison Quiring Neelin High School Paige Thomson Neelin High School Nikki Majewski Westwood Collegiate Kalena Schulz Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Cassie Bujan Miles Macdonell Collegiate Kailey Evans Lord Selkirk Regional Adrian Dyck Carter Bergen Thomas Meier Luke Derksen Brandon Sutherland Bruce Akubukaka John Nieckarz The recipient of the 2013 Stefan Savoie Memorial Scholarship: Carter Bergen The winner of the 2013 Mike Burchuk Award and Female MVP: Nikki Majewski The winner of the 2013 Dennis Nord Award and Male MVP: Carter Bergen A-AA-AAA Girls Graduating All-Stars KC Love Heather Pankratz LaDawn Friesen Kennedy Koop Maria Colvin Stephanie Nernberg LaRae Penner Jen Neufeld Lexi Janovcik Madison DeCorby Victoria King Cailey Vaags Courtney Fines Samantha Bridle Brook Krul Rylee Wiebe Shayna Mathison Camille Wall Rheanna Geisel Sydney Parker Lianne Bérard Easton Gryba Rashaan Murdock Krista Edel A-AA-AAA Boys Graduating All-Star Caleb Snider Benoit Thériault Spencer Janzen Alex Franks Evan Ratzlaff Jon Shurvell Rhys Fingas Hans Fehr Ben Miller Lyle Koop Tyson Fletcher Jon Garrecht Tyrell Harder Trevor Dalmaijer Justin Delorme David Dunn JC Dowse Joey Delaquis Adrian Dyck Chad Enns Cole Friesen Brayden Cullum Matthew Friesen Evan Scharfenberg Dauphin Regional Secondary Linden Christian Linden Christian Niverville Collegiate Windsor Park Collegiate Major Pratt School Steinbach Christian Linden Christian Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Major Pratt School Elton Collegiate Calvin Christian Collegiate Elton Collegiate Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Linden Christian Green Valley School Hamiota Collegiate Calvin Christian Collegiate Dauphin Regional Secondary St. Norbert Collegiate College St. Jean-Baptiste Grandview School College Lorette Collegiate Morris School Honourable Mentions Ally Schroeder Megan Bredin Katya Grenier Nikita Silagy Springs Christian Academy Mennonite Brethren Collegiate St. Paul's High School Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Lord Selkirk Regional St. Paul's High School River East Collegiate Westgate Mennonite Collegiate College Louis Riel Calvin Christian Collegiate Springs Christian Academy Mennonite Collegiate Institute Strathclair School Major Pratt School Morris School Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Calvin Christian Collegiate Melita School Niverville Collegiate Steinbach Christian Calvin Christian Collegiate Collège Régional Gabrielle Roy Major Pratt School Glenboro School College Regionale Notre Dame Springs Christian Academy Morris School Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Major Pratt School Green Valley School Rosenort Collegiate Honourable Mentions Green Valley School Linden Christian College St. Jean-Baptiste Linden Christian Layton Haley Mason Hodgson Jon Daman Garett Rempel 36 St. James Collegiate Neelin High School Niverville Collegiate Neepawa Area Collegiate AAAA Girls Graduating All-Stars Amy Gordon Jessica Stewart Alison Quiring Sara Barker Hailey Hildebrand Taylor Peters Nikki Majewski Shayna Staerk Nicole Bailey Mikayla Sellers-Wiebe Amelia Duncan Kailey Evans Baylee Gunter Rae Sigurdson Paige Thomson Rachel Hill Caroline Stitt Emily Harrison Kalena Schulz Cassie Bujan Emma Ciprick Talia Paetsch Tyneille Neufeld Jamie Campbell AAAA Boys Graduating All-Stars Neelin High School Portage Collegiate Institute Neelin High School Dakota Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Miles Macdonell Collegiate Westwood Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate St. Mary's Academy Vincent Massey High Sturgeon Heights Collegiate Lord Selkirk Regional Lord Selkirk Regional Miles Macdonell Collegiate Neelin High School St. Mary's Academy Vincent Massey High River East Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Miles Macdonell Collegiate Neelin High School Miles Macdonell Collegiate Westwood Collegiate Neelin High School Michael Corrigan Luke Derksen Filip Djukic Brandon Sutherland Bruce Akubukaka Brady Nault Ryan Stasiuk Benny Wiebe Matt Sawatzky John Nieckarz Drey Rannard Noel Romero Matt Hooker Garrett Suderman Tim Wiebe Carter Bergen Thomas Meier Brendan Cairns Nick Kress Ryan Bisignano Levi Brunner Jaden Privé Garnett McLoed Garrett Jones Honourable Mentions Katie Trstenjak Kaitlyn Hamm Alex Rose Amber Hunter Emma Donnelly Honourable Mentions Sherief Saleh Connor Bonnett Bryce Toews Ben Klassen Eric Borton Reimer Munoz Jeromy Stril Vincent Massey Collegiate Westwood Collegiate J.H. Bruns Collegiate Vincent Massey High Crocus Plains Regional Girls Coaches of the Year A AA AAA AAAA Nathan Corrigal Jay Thiessen Martin Rochon Brian Schmeichel Wayne Sawatzky Urban Susan Connor Vincent Massey Collegiate Daniel McIntyre Collegiate John Taylor Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Vincent Massey Collegiate Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Lord Selkirk Regional Boys Coaches of the Year Melita School Major Pratt School College Louis Riel Westwood Collegiate A AA AAA AAAA Officials of the Year Rural Garden City Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Miles Macdonell Collegiate Lord Selkirk Regional St. Paul's High School Westwood Collegiate St. Paul's High School Northlands Parkway Collegiate Miles Macdonell Collegiate River East Collegiate Westwood Collegiate Daniel McIntyre Collegiate St. Paul's High School River East Collegiate Northlands Parkway Collegiate Mennonite Brethren Collegiate St. Paul's High School Miles Macdonell Collegiate River East Collegiate Westwood Collegiate Miles Macdonell Collegiate Lord Selkirk Regional Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Vincent Massey Collegiate 37 Angie Gudnason Terrill Outhwaite Tom Neufeld Kevin Neufeld Glenboro School Killarney School Linden Christian School Neelin High School
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