CHIMPIN` THE BLUES With Jerry Zolten


CHIMPIN` THE BLUES With Jerry Zolten
With Jerry Zolten & Robert Crumb
Live At The Avant Garde - June 22 1968
East River CD - ERSB1006
Delmark CD - DE833
What we have here is essentially the finest Desert Island
Disc-style radio programme you are likely to hear, a full
hour of chatter between two zealous and committed collectors of old 78 RPM blues records, interspersed with some
favourite records picked from their respective collections.
This is just the latest of a growing number of live recordings featuring Magic Sam that have
surfaced over recent years. While the
sound quality of these are variable, the
performances have been uniformly excellent. Thankfully we get the best of both
worlds here; a committed and energetic
performance from a top-drawer Chicago
blues trio and a sound that captures the
atmosphere of the intimate setting.
Not that Jim Charne, who engineered and
produced these recordings is having any of
it. In the informative notes to this release,
Charne writes that the recording equipment
was primitive and the layout of the room
meant there was no place to put the tape
machine except against
the bandstand. The only thing he had to
compensate for the limitations was his
experience of working the room and knowing where to place microphones to best
effect. The rest was ’plug in, let it roll, and
hope for the best’.
Personally I think he is being unduly modest as what he has captured, which to me
is delicious and delirious late 60s Chicago
blues at its best. Across each of the 16
excellent tracks, Big Mojo Elem’s bass
throbs, Bob Richey’s drums swing and
Magic Sam’s guitar stings and stabs.
And, as always, Sam’s voice is at turns
tender and powerful on a set that mixes
his own classics (such as the soulful
That’s All I Need, the propulsive instrumental Lookin’ Good
and funky You Belong To Me) alongside some great cover
versions such as Still A Fool, Don’t Want No
Woman, That’s All Right, Hoochie Coochie Man and
(of course) All Your Love.
Some 45 years after his premature, unexpected and
fatal heart attack at the tender age of 32 (a mere
year and a bit after this hot night in Milwaukee) the
untapped genius of Magic Sam continues to captivate the minds of blues fans across the world.
These 16 tracks provide further evidence that these
fans know a thing or two.
That the ‘guest’ role is filled by Robert Crumb, renowned
underground cartoonist, illustrator and musician, ensures
that the discussion is imbued with enthusiasm, humour
and attitude that our ‘host’, the broadcaster and writer
Jerry Zolten, does a fine job marshalling across a highly
entertaining and informative sixty minutes.
This discussion is referred to as ‘chimpin’, explained by
Crumb as ‘chattering and nit-picking, like chimpanzees’
over favourite records; their artwork, rarity, catalogue
numbers, and of course contents - who the artist is, what is
known about them, what the lyrics are
or mean, recording dates, labels and
other assorted paraphernalia that adds
to the fascination and enjoyment of
collecting and listening to old records.
Their banter is more than just enjoyable however, it acts as an enlightening guide to the music they are playing, incorporating eleven rare and littleheard sides from the late 1920s and
1936, a year at which Crumb entertainingly but adamantly states his interest
in recorded music does not extend
beyond. The nearest offering we have
to a well-known song is Cannon’s Jug
Stompers Walk Right In, well worthy of
inclusion here (apart of course from
being a corking record) for the accompanying anecdote of
Crumb on what happened to Gus Cannon when he belatedly received song-writer royalties for this song from the
big-selling version of The Rooftop Singers in the early
sixties. And without Crumb pointing it out, who would spot
the anomaly of a cello solo in Washboard Cut-Out by the
exuberant Bobbie Leecan’s Need More Band?
Elsewhere, as well as obscure, the unearthed treasure
presented here is also marvellously varied, from the beautiful Guenene Tini by Cheikha Tetma, recorded in Algeria
in 1930, through to excursions into sacred and religious
recordings. These include the excellent I’ll Just Stand And
Wring My Hands And Cry by Reverend J.C. Burnett And
Congregation and the delightful Down On Me from Eddie
Head And Family. And for more secular blues, the deeply
affecting Last Kind Words by Geeshie Wiley is claimed by
Crumb to be one of the greatest sides ever recorded.
Not that it is essential to be briefed about this music to
appreciate its various charms. Crumb himself appreciates
this and admits to knowing little about Joe Linthcombe
when introducing his sublime Humming Blues, a pre-blues
ballad with a ukulele and trumpet backing and lyrics not
really attuned to the political correctness of today - a sample being ‘I know a good woman is like a
second hand car, she keeps you busy but
she doesn’t go far’. Quite!
And should you somehow already have any
of these tracks, I’ll wager they don’t sound
as good as they do here. I don’t know what
masters the compilers of this programme
were working from but the music jumps out
of the speakers as clearly and directly as
the discussions of Crumb and Zolten.
All told, a fabulous way to spend an hour, all
presented in a lovely digi-pack featuring
nice notes and an original Robert Crumb
illustration on the cover. What’s not to like?
Ask for ERSB1006 - on offer at a special review price of
only £12.15 + p&p if bought before 21st February
Ask for DE833 - on offer at a special review price
of only £11.75 + p&p if bought before 21 February
R&B STORY 1953-1955
Ace 2CD - CDTOP2 1382
You have to take your hat off to Ace. Not only are they the
best around in researching, re-mastering, compiling and
packaging great music, they also have a keen eye for a
concept. The exemplary and ongoing By
The Bayou series of Louisiana rock ‘n roll,
R&B and blues being a case in point.
Now here’s another excellent concept, the
first in series of comprehensive compilations focussed around the various subsidiary labels of Modern Records, the influential Los Angeles-based musical empire of
the Biharis Brothers. Flair Records was
not the biggest, most successful or longest-lasting of subsidiaries but, as these 50
tracks show, they did release a load of
excellent blues, rhythm & blues and doowop during their two years of operation.
Originally intended as an imprint for Modern’s roster of
hillbilly artists, a prompt shift was made when early re-
leases failed to make any commercial impact. Luckily, this
change of direction made an immediate difference, by luck
or judgement the first non-hillbilly artist signed was the truly
great Elmore James, who went on to release some of his
very best sides for Flair; seven of which are featured here,
including the definitive Dust My Blues,
loose-limbed Can’t Stop Lovin’ and
emotionally-charged Sho’ Nuff I Do.
Other big names featured include
Johnny Ace, Richard Berry, Clarence
Garlow, Mercy Dee Walton, Little
Johnny Jones and Johnny Fuller. The
most influential involvement however is
that of Ike Turner, who was the Biharis
go-to-guy for supplying booked sessions with artists, supporting musicians,
arrangements and songs. Ike only
appears once here as a featured artist
but he casts a giant shadow over most
of these sides (especially those recorded for Flair rather than licensed).
There are also lots of fine little-known artists featured,
many now on CD for the first time. I am particularly taken
by Anna Marie’s An Angel Cried heart-breaker and Bobby
Relf’s softly-sung vocal harmonies on Farewell.
So a great start to what will undoubtedly be a highly-prized
series. Not sure when the next will appear but it can’t come
soon enough for me.
Ask for CDTOP2 1382 - on offer at a special review price
of only £15.45 + p&p if bought before 21 February
Bamako Nights - Live At Bar Bozo 1995
Glitterbeat CD - GBCD003
Captured live in 1995 while still on the road to becoming a
legend of African blues, this enormously atmospheric and
earthy performance provides a riveting snapshot of how
Lobi was transforming the
acoustic Malian blues by
incorporating rock, funk and
more into a broader musical
The venue for this amazing
performance was a nightclub
in a less than salubrious part
of downtown Bamako, capital
city of Mali. The club was
closed down by the authorities a few weeks after this
appearance and, whatever
the reasons for this closure, it
surely couldn’t have been a
musical decision. In front of a raucous but appreciative and
good natured audience, the music smoulders and hypnotises, helped in no small part by the acoustics and atmosphere of the club.
Opening solo with Ni Tugula Mogo Mi Ko, a showcase for
Lobi’s warm and expressive vocals over a simple but
effective delta blues riff, this is a captivating nine minutes
that passes all too quickly. This track alone is sufficient
evidence that we are listening to a major artist and is worth
the admission price alone.
For the remaining eight tracks, Lobi is joined by a rock
solid band, allowing his spectral electric guitar riffs and
solos to float and shimmer. The influences on these tracks
take in much more than African blues, amply demonstrating why Lobi fought against attempts to tightly pigeonholed his music into a pre-defined category.
Unfortunately Lobi passed away in 2010 aged on 49 but
this newly-released live set from 1995 reminds us of a
unique talent that is well worth investigating.
Ask for GBCD003 - on offer at a special review price of
only £11.95 + p&p if bought before 21 February
For more reviews, go to the back page
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Pages 1 & 40
Pages 2-8
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Pages 10-11
Pages 12–13
Pages 14-15
Pages 16-31
Pages 32-38
Page 39
All contents of this catalogue are the copyright of
Red Lick Records Ltd.
No part can be reproduced without our permission.
Just a few of the highlights from a bumper year, in no
particular order and with humble apologies to the many
we have left out!
UK p&p on this paperback is £3.25
BK062 Deke Leonard: The Twang
Dynasty. A hugely informative and
enjoyable history of the guitar (and
profiles on many of its leading
practitioners) as it evolved through
blues, country, jazz and rock and
roll. Leonard is full of enthusiasm,
anecdote and humour and he writes
better than you have any right to
expect of a rock and roll guitarist.
An absolute hoot and highly recommended.
TAR034 Charlie Parr: Barnswallow.
Marvellous album from rustic country
bluesman, with 10 uncompromising
but delightful tracks.
JSP 4CD £14.50
JSP77168 Juke Joints 4 - That’s All Right With Me. 108 more superb rockin’ blues sides, presented as if they came from a 1950’s
juke joint in the Deep South. Lightnin’ Slim, Frankie Lee Sims, Lil’
Son Jackson, Lonesome Sundown, Andrew Thomas, Ernest Lewis,
Leap Frogs, John Brim, Jesse Fuller, Cousin Leroy, Beverley Scott.
ACE CD £10.95
CDCHD1363 Rhythm ‘N Bluesin By The Bayou. Companion to Boppin’ In The Bayou CDs, with romping R&B
and blues from Louisiana, from the Goldband vaults and
recordings made by Jay Miller. 28 obscure tracks with
Rockin’ Sidney, Charles Sheffield, Jimmy Anderson,
Clarence Garlow, Tabby Thomas, Jerry Morris, etc
CDCHD1368 Bluesin’ By The Bayou. More from the
archives of independent studios in Louisiana (notably
Excello and Goldband). The focus is on the swamp
blues of Lightnin’ Slim, Slim Harpo, Silas Hogan, Lazy
Lester, Clifton Chenier & more. 28 rare treasures.
CDCHD1375 Foxy R&B - Richard Stamz Chicago Blues.
25 smokin’ blues and r&b sides from 1950s & 1960s
produced by colourful Chicago DJ and label owner,
Richard Stamz. With Harold Burrage, Lee (Shot) Williams, Freddy Robinson, Willie Williams & Howlin’ Wolf
Band, Detroit Jr, Mary Johnson, etc.
KENT 2CD £16.25
CDTOP2 392 Johnny Copeland: It’s Me - Classic Texas Soul 1965-72.
44 gritty soul sides, with singles for Wand, Suave/Jet Stream, Kent,
Boogaloo and Wet Soul plus alternates & demos. Sensational.
NBM0064 Watermelon Slim And The Workers: Bull Goose Rooster.
Slim re-united with The Workers. And it’s another scorcher, full of
incomparable originals and knock-out covers of blues classics.
CLARION £10.50
CLCD004 Steve Phillips And The Rough Diamonds: North Country
Blues. Excellent new CD from former guitarist with Notting Hillbillies
and friend and collaborator of Brendan Croker and Mark Knopfler.
15 beautifully played and varied tracks, mixing blues, country and
rock & roll, and plenty more besides. Steve doesn’t issue too many
albums but this may just be his best.
FROG PUBLICATIONS £29.75 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK061 Frog Jazz & Blues Annual Vol. 3 (Frog Publications inc
free 25 track CD). Another superb collection of especially commissioned articles on 78RPM era blues and jazz. With 33 sections that
are great to read and look at plus a wonderful 25 track CD full of
rare and gorgeous tracks.
BLUES IMAGE CALENDAR £18.75 (UK p&p included*)
* Due to the way these are packed, they are not included in the ‘p&p
free’ offer on completed UK orders of £100 and above
CAL2014 Blues Images Calendar 2014. The eleventh edition of
this massive-selling calendar is as good as ever and comes with a
marvellous (and free) CD containing 24 vintage blues tracks, including some enormously rare finds. A must have.
BACM433 Art Dickson: Volume 2 - Just A Song Of The West.
ACE CD £10.95
Some Ace titles that have been out of print for a goodly while but 28 more songs from superb country singer who fronted The Merry
are thankfully back again now
BACM434 Various: Main Street Jamboree - Canadian Radio.
CDCHD536 The Medallions: Featuring Vernon Green.
28 tracks captured from radio broadcasts of old-time country
CDCHD581 Teen Queens: Eddie My Love.
musicians from Canada rarely heard on record. With Bill Long,
CDCHD583 Elmore James: Best Of The Early Years.
Peggy Jo Stewart, Chef Adams, Jack Kingston, Slim Gordon and
CDCHD740 Floyd Dixon: Cow Town Blues.
CDCHD893 Various: Swingbillies.
BACM435 The Pell Brothers: Big City Country. 28 sides from
CDCHD1067 Eugene Church: The Very Best Of.
Harry and Sonny Pell taken from private recordings never heard
ACE 2CD £16.25
CDTOP2 1382 Various: Dust My Rhythm & Blues - The Flair before. If you like the country harmonies of the Louvin Brothers
Records R&B Story 1953-1955. From a proposed series high- (or even the Everly Brothers), you’ll love this.
lighting the range and depth of material released on subsidiary
labels of the Bihari Brothers’ Modern Records, the first release
features Flair Records. 50 storming tracks, almost all freshly remastered and many being issued here for the first time, featuring
Elmore James, Ike Turner, The Flairs, Mercy Dee, Johnny Fuller,
Richard Berry, Clarence Garlow, Little Johnny Jones, Saunders
King, Johnny Ace, Shirley Gunter and more. A must-have collection. Read our review on page 1 & buy this at a special review
price - only £15.45 + p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 February)
CHIEF006P Jo Harman: Dirt On My Tongue. Stunning
songstress and songwriter with a big, big future on a new album
of 11 soulful songs that move seamlessly from plucking at the old
heartstrings to getting those toes a-tapping..
ACROBAT 2CD £10.75
ADDCD3103 Oscar Peterson Trio: Live 1953-1956.
ADDCD3104 Mitchell Torok: The Mitchell Torok Collection
ACROBAT 3CD £12.75
ACTRCD9035 The Dominoes: The Dominoes Collection 19511959 - The Singles As & Bs.
Iconic jazz albums re-issued on high quality 180g vinyl
LP3157 Chick Corea: Now He Sings, Now He Sobs.
LP84096 Stanley Turrentine: That’s Where It’s At.
LP84137 Jackie McLean: One Step Beyond.
LP84173 Wayne Shorter: Night Dreamer.
LP84195 Herbie Hancock: Maiden Voyage.
BURNHR103 Sean Chambers: The Rock House Sessions.
New 11 track album from scintillating Florida-based blues rock
guitarist, produced by Reese Wynans, best known for providing
keyboards in Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Double Trouble
ACROBAT 4CD £15.75
ACQCD7066 Ella Fitzgerald: The Ella Fitzgerald Collection
Vol 2 1936-1955. 100 splendid tracks, mostly featuring her Decca
recordings in the decade before moving to Verve in 1955.
250355 Rob Tognoni: Casino Placebo. Energetic, uncompromising and ferocious blues-rock guitarist with new album.
250356 Innes Siburn: Lost In The Wilderness. Another outing
rocket-fuelled blues-rock guitarist and soulful singer. 10 new
ACROBAT 6CD £18.95
ACSCD6003 Various: The R&B No 1’s Of The 1950s. With a originals plus covers of Double Trouble and Going Home.
whomping 159 tracks covering blues, honking R&B, doo-wop, BLUES BOULEVARD 2CD £13.75
soul and more and featuring Ivory Joe Hunter, Little Esther, Ruth 250354 Howlin’ Bill: Midnight Hero. Compilation of recordings
Brown, Percy Mayfield, Little Walter, Eddie Boyd, Guitar Slim, El from popular live act across mainland Europe, enlivening eveDorados, Ray Charles, Elvis, Little Willie John and so many more. nings with an energetic blend of harmonica-driven blues, rock ‘n
roll and swinging boogie. The first CD draws from the band’s
ALIVE CD £13.75
ALIVE0145CD Irma Thomas: In Between Tears. Re-promotion three studio albums from the last ten years or so, the second CD
of a lost classic by immense soul singer demonstrating her strong features an entire live performance from Belgium. Good-time fun.
gospel background. First issued in 1973, this was produced by BLUES BOULEVARD 2CD £12.95
legendary Swamp Dogg (Jerry Williams jr) and features Duane 250315 Various: Mississippi Saxophone. Or the blues harmonAllman on guitar on a couple of tracks.
ica to you and me, and here it is featured on a double CD that
ALIVE0150CD Sandra Phillips: Too Many People In One Bed. compiles classic performances from Sonny Boy Williamson (both
A super deep soul album recorded in 1970 with Swamp Dogg at John Lee and Rice Miller), Little Walter, Walter Horton, Howlin’
the controls, this was not released at the time as the record label Wolf, Jimmy Reed, Slim Harpo, Paul Butterfield and Junior Wells,
(Canyon) went belly up. Another along with some more contemporary exponents, including Charlie
lost classic.
Musselwhite, Kim Wilson, Giles Robson, King Biscuit Boy and
ALIVECD0152 Doris Duke: I’m A more.
Loser. A great 1969 album, now 250316 Junior Wells: Paint The Town Blues. Fantastic early
considered a classic but unbe- recordings from the mid and late 1950s for United, Chief and
lievably was passed on by many Profile, variously supported by Earl Hooker, Muddy, Elmore and
labels before Canyon picked it up. others. All previously released, and available elsewhere, but here
Unfortunately the label did last too all together in one set are classics such as Little By Little, I Need
long, dissipating its commercial Me A Car, Messin’ With The Kid, Hoodoo Man, Blues Hit Big
impact. Stunning southern soul, Town and more.
with Duane Allman guesting on BOB DYLAN ARCHIVE CD £10.00
BDACD107 Bob Dylan: The Mackenzie Tapes. The best of
ALIVECD0153 Z.Z. Hill: The three sessions recorded on a reel-to-reel tape machine in the
Brand New. Re-issue of big- New York apartment of his friends, Eve and Mac Mackenzie, in
selling 1971 album recorded in late 1961 and in 1962. . Sound quality isn’t as good as we have
Muscle Shoals with Swamp Dogg become used to these days but this is offset by the rarity, quality
Super soulful and and informality of the music.
funky blues, with eight bonus
CDBOPM013 Chet Baker Quintette: Cools Out. A set of outAMERICAN JAZZ CLASSICS CD £9.95
takes to the iconic Chet Baker & Crew album recorded for Pacific
AJC99071 John Lewis: European Encounters. Two Atlantic Jazz in the early 1950s but later issued by Modern Records on
albums recorded in 1962 with European jazz musicians
their Crown imprint. Six superb West Coast jazz tracks.
AJC99072 Carmen McRae: Take Five + Live At Sugarhill. Two CDBOPM015 Coleman Hawkins: The Hawk Swings. Early
albums in an intimate setting fronting piano trios, the second of
1960s hard bop with a bluesy
which was with Dave Brubeck. Some live and some studio
edge originally issued on
AJC99073 Jackie McLean: Swing, Swang Swingin’ + Let
CDBOPM024 Chico HamilFreedom Ring. Two classic Blue Note albums in a quartet
ton: With Paul Horn. Outformat from 1959 and 1962
takes from various Pacific
ATO 2CD £13.45
Jazz sessions from the 1950s
ATO0204 Various: Divided & United - The Songs Of The
eventually released by ModCivil War. A new take of songs of the American Civil War
ern Records on their Crown
given a fresh twist by stars of country, Americana, bluegrass,
imprint in the early 1960s.
folk and beyond from different generations. 32 tracks featurFine musicians throughout
ing Steve Earle, Pokey LaFarge, Carolina Chocolate Drops,
and some of Chico’s best
Norman Blake, Taj Mahal, Dolly Parton, The Tennessee
Mafia Jug Band, Jorma Kaukonen, Chris Thile, Ralph
CADIZ DVD £15.95
Stanley, Chris Hillman, AA Bondy, Loretta Lynn and more.
CADIZDVD127 Wilko JohnThe notes also includes an essay by John Cohen.
son: Live At Koko, Camden
BACM CD £8.50
London - March 2013. An
BACM430 Karl & Harty: Vol 2 - Old Time Harmony Singing. hour and twenty minutes of Wilko, Norman Watt-Roy and Dylan
31 tracks, many featuring Shelby Jean Davis
Howe running through old Dr Feelgood songs, highlights from his
BACM431 Wally Fowler: Volume 2. 25 tracks in the company of solo recordings and splendid covers on what was an early part of
his Georgia Clodhoppers and The Oak Ridge Quartet.
his poignant ‘farewell’ tour (having just before being diagnosed
BACM432 Hobo Jack Adkins: Early Bluegrass. 25 tracks with with terminal cancer). If it is the last we will have to remember him
his Kentucky Pals.
by, it’s a corker.
CAM JAZZ 11CD £49.50
BXS5001 Giorgio Gaslini: The Complete Remastered Recordings On Dischi Della Quercia. Eleven albums for the label
in original artwork sleeves from famed Italian pianist. First ever
UK release.
CAM JAZZ 9CD £39.50
BXS1027 Paul Bley: The Complete Remastered Recordings
On Black Saint & Soul Note. Nine albums in slipcases with the
original album artwork, all housed in nice sturdy box.
CAM JAZZ 7CD £27.50
BXS1023 Andrew Cyrille: The Complete Remastered Recordings On Black Saint & Soul Note. Seven albums in slipcases with the original album artwork, all housed in nice sturdy
BXS1024 David Murray: The Complete Remastered Recordings On Black Saint & Soul Note - Volume 2. Seven
albums in slipcases with the original album artwork, all housed in nice sturdy box.
BXS1026 Oliver Lake: The Complete Remastered Recordings On Black Saint & Soul Note.
Seven albums in slipcases with the original album
artwork, all housed in nice sturdy box.
CAM JAZZ 6CD £27.50
BXS1025 Art Farmer: The Complete Remastered Recordings On Black Saint & Soul Note.
Six albums in slipcases with the original album
artwork, all housed in nice sturdy box.
CANDID CD £10.00
CCD79563 Dave Brubeck Featuring Paul Desmond: Gone With The Wind. Vintage sides from
the 1950s also featuring Joe Dodge (drums) and
Bob Bates (bass).
CHCD71018 Roland Hanna: Sir Elf Plus One. Renowned jazz
pianist in the company of bassist George Mraz on a set of two
originals and seven standards.
CCD79564 Modern Jazz Quartet: Round Midnight. 12 tracks
recorded on a tour of Europe with John Lewis (piano), Milt Jackson (vibes), Percy Heath (bass) and Connie Kay (drums) at the
height of their creative powers.
CANDID CD £13.15
CCD71806 Dr John Meets Donald Harrison: New Orleans
Gumbo. Re-issue of album that features the Night Tripper in a
band alongside another New Orleans favourite, jazz saxophonist
Donald Harrison, on eight evocative tracks.
CAP21833 Red Mitchell: What I Am. 1978 recordings, featuring
some solo jazz piano and vocal sides within his apartment and
live tracks in a Stockholm night club with a band of local musicians and Red moving over to bass.
PCARCD22 Paul Carrack: Rain Or Shine. New 10-track album
mixing originals and well-chosen
covers. As you would expect, that
voice shines through.
SMCD920 Tom Waits: My Fathers
Place. Superb live radio broadcast
captured at My Fathers Place, New
York in late 1977, featuring stunning
versions of tracks from then-current
album, the fabulous Small Change.
High quality 180g vinyl lovelies
CLPLP272 Blind Willie McTell: Kill
It, Kid - The Essential Collection.
12 tracks including Dying Crapshooter’s Blues, Broke Down Engine,
Statesboro Blues, Lord Send Me An
Angel and more.
CLPLP302 B.B. King: The Blues King’s Best. Vintage studio
and live performances across 12 tracks including The Thrill Is
Gone, How Blue Can You Get, Save A Seat For Me and more.
CLPLP447 Clarence ‘Gatemouth’ Brown: Boogie Rambler Blues Essentials. 12 vintage Texas blues sizzlers with Okie
Dokie Stomp, My Time Is Expensive, I’ve Been Mistreated and
CLPLP926 Big Bill Broonzy: I Love My Whiskey - Blues
Essentials. 12 tracks including Willie Mae Blues, Trouble In
Mind, C.C. Rider, Bill Bailey and
88691924312 Bob Dylan: Complete Album Collection Volume
One. 42 live and studio albums, a 2
disc selection of non-album tracks
plus a deluxe 268 page booklets.
COM46162 Noam Pikelny: Plays
Kenny Baker Plays Bill Monroe.
Grammy-nominated banjo player recreates Kenny Baker’s seminal
1976 album of Kenny Baker playing
12 bluegrass instrumentals as learned from Bill Monroe.
DAP032 Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings: Give The People
What They Want. New album from the seemingly unstoppable
new Queen Of Soul, this is her fourth album for the label and
features another 10 beautifully sung and supremely well played
soul stirrers. These USA natives have gone down a storm in the
UK and mainland Europe over recent years and this new album
will only cement and advance their popularity.
DAP032LP Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings: Give The People
what They Want. The vinyl edition of splendid new soul album.
DD650 Professor Strut: Professor’s Blues Revue Featuring
Karen Carroll. 8 tracks from Professor Eddie Lusk, one of Chicago’s busiest session piano players, supported by the gutsy
vocal pipes of Karen Carroll.
Compilations celebrating the label’s 60th
DE916 Various: Delmark 60th Anniversary - Jazz. 12 tracks featuring Eddie
‘Lockjaw’ Davis, Red Holloway, Sonny Stitt,
Dewey Jackson and more.
DE917 Various: Delmark 60th Anniversary - Blues. 16 tracks including a previously unreleased tracks by Junior Wells,
Magic Sam and Little Walter. Other tracks
from Eddie C Campbell, Lurrie Bell, Toronzo Cannon, Big Joe Williams, Tail
Dragger and more.
DE832 John & Sylvia Embry: Troubles.
1979 album from Queen Sylvia, best
known as the bass playing vocalist in Lefty Dizz bands. This
features ex-husband John on stirring guitar across 17 classic
Chicago blues tracks
DE833 Magic Sam: Live At The Avant Garde - June 22 1968.
Caught live on a hot night in Milwaukee. 16 blistering Chicago
blues cuts, featuring Sam’s dramatic vocals and masterful guitar,
supported by Big Mojo Elem (bass) and Bob Richey (drums).
Read our review on page 1 & buy at a special review price only £11.75 + p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 February)
DEMON 5CD £10.45
DMG100121 Various: 100 Hits - Blues. A whole bunch of great
blues sides in a nice no-frills budget set - Muddy Waters, Guitar
Slim, Floyd Dixon, Albert King, Fred McDowell, Slim Harpo, TBone Walker, Pee Wee Crayton, Otis Spann, Roosevelt Sykes,
Smokey Hogg, Freddie King, Elmore, JB Lenoir and more.
DMG100126 Various: 100 Hits - Jazz. Ever wanted to get into
jazz but didn’t know where to start? You could do a lot worse than
this - 100 tracks from the best and biggest names in jazz, including Charlie Parker, Bud Powell, Chet Baker, Horace Silver,
Charles Mingus, Lester Young, Sonny Stitt, Sonny Rollins, Ornette Coleman, Ahmed Jamal, Max Roach, Stan
Getz, Donald Byrd and more.
DERAM LP £21.75
3750665 Savoy Brown: Shake Down. Popular
UK blues rock band formed by ace guitarist, Kim
Simmonds, with their 1967 debut album available
again on 180g high quality vinyl cut from the
original analogue masters.
3750659 Savoy Brown: Blue Matter. Third album
from Kim Simmonds and company, first issued in
1969, on 180g heavyweight vinyl, cut from original
analogue masters.
CDX7726 Chuck Berry: Greatest Hits. 40 remastered classics for Chess from 1956-1961
CDX7727 Chet Baker: The Very Best Of Chet
Baker Sings. 40 early classic vocal performances, mostly
from 1953-56, including My Funny Valentine, Let’s Get Lost,
Old Devil Moon and more.
600119 B.B. King: Beale Street Blues Boy. 148 hits and rarities
from between 1949 and 1960. If this ain’t enough to convince you,
this includes his Crown LP made with the Duke Ellington orchestra (Compositions Of Duke Ellington And Others), now on CD for
the first time.
600121 Various: Country & Western Nuggets. 200 rare tracks
featuring Porter Wagoner, Johnny Horton, Carl Smith, Little
Jimmy Dickens, Webb Pierce, Tommy Collins, Faron Young, Bob
Gallion, Sheb Wooley, Hank Snow & many more.
600122 Various: The Greatest Hits Of The ‘50s. Ten CDs each
focussing attention on different musical elements of the 1950s,
including Rock ‘N Roll, Traditional European Jazz, Giants Of
Rhythm & Blues, Crooners, Folk, Instrumentals, Pop and more.
600123 Various: Highschool Rock, Teenage Bop. 200 rare
rock and roll tracks from Jimmy Bowen, Johnny Duncan, The
Nightbeats, Kip Tyler, The Cameos, Jerry Mann, Boyd Bennett,
Jeri Lynn, Sonny Martin, The Morgan Twins and many more.
600128 Various: The Roots Of Soul. 200 corking R&B, rock ‘n
roll and early soul sides featuring Little Willie John, Ray Charles,
LaVern Baker, Etta James, Lloyd Price, Ivory Joe Hunter, James
Brown, Eugene Church, Johnny Ace, Amos Milburn, Hank Ballard, Smiley Lewis, Carla Thomas and many more.
Plus p&p of £5.00 (within UK) for this box set
DTD-28 Various: Longing For The Past - The 78 RPM Era In
Southeast Asia. Another amazing collection from Dust-ToDigital, with 90 tracks over 4 CDs plus a 272 page hardback book
featuring essays and notes. This set compiles the fruits of David
Murray’s shellac-scouting missions in South-East Asia, picking up
rare 78rpm records as recorded from between 1905 and 1966 in
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore
and Indonesia. A sure way to transport yourself to another time
and place and immerse yourself in an unfamiliar but captivating
Tell us the value you want and we’ll mail it to you, post free by
return, in a smart envelope.
Easy as that.
EAGLE DVD £14.75
EREDV993 Hugh Laurie: Live On The Queen Mary. A live
performance from March 2013 including tracks from his two
recent big-selling blues albums.
EREDV1007 Various: Move Me Brightly. A film based around a
musical gathering co-ordinated by the Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir
in honour of what would have been Gerry Garcia’s 70th birthday.
The revolving line-up that contributed to the occasion include
fellow Grateful Dead members, Garcia family members and
guests and friends such as Carlos Santana, Black Crowes’ Adam
MacDougall and more. The film combine live performances in the
studio, interviews and more.
EREDV1009 George Thorogood &
The Destroyers: Live At Montreux
2013. Long overdue debut of rockin’
blues and boogie purveyors, featuring tracks from across their recording
career. Filmed in high definition and
with the added bonus of an interview
with George himself!
EAGLE CD £10.75
EAGCD523 George Thorogood &
The Destroyers: Live At Montreux
2013. A blistering run through their
rockin’ blues back catalogue
EAGDV027 Rolling Stones: Sweet
Summer Sun - Hyde Park Live. The
historic and triumphant return to
Hyde Park and for many the musical highlight of the summer of
DFGCD8751 Mr Bo Weavil: As A Striving Lonesome Bull. 2013. Mick Taylor joins in the fun for a few tracks.
Solo bluesman from France handling all vocal and instrument al EAGLE VISION DVD £14.75
duties on guitar, banjo, flute, bass, percussion and more across EREDV1012 Rolling Stones: Sweet Summer Sun - Hyde Park
10 tracks. As well as blues, he throws in some rock, rap and Live. The DVD only version.
African gris-gris to keep the pot boiling.
DFGCD8754 Pillac: Nervous Breakdown. French bluesman EAGLE VISION DELUXE EDITION £39.50
Xavier Pillac on 10 tracks that fuse contemporary blues with EREDV1014 Rolling Stones: Sweet Summer Sun - Hyde Park
Live. Limited edition special edition which includes the 2CDs,
funk and horn-driven soul to impressive effect.
DVD, Blue Ray edition of the DVD plus a 60 page hardback book.
DOCD5698 Edwin ‘Buster’ Pickens: The 1959 –61 Ses- ECM 3CD £24.50
sions. Texas blues piano captured during field trip involving 2794570 Keith Jarrett: Concerts (Bregenz, Munchen). Two
Paul Oliver, Mack McCormick and Chris Strachwitz. 16 improvised concerts from Austria and Germany in 1981, the
historic tracks plus a bonus track believed to have Texas German concert being available here in full for the first time.
These concerts have been said to be his most brilliant on record.
Alexander as the featured vocalist.
DOCD8065 Narmour And Smith: Complete Recorded
Works Volume 1 - 1928-1930. 24 tracks from popular oldRED LICK CATALOGUES - ON SUBSCRIPTION
timey Mississippi fiddle and guitar duo, Willie Thomas Narmour and Shellie Walton Smith.
Please note that we now operate a subscription service for future
DOCD8066 Narmour And Smith: Complete Recorded
Red Lick catalogues.
Works Volume 2 - 1930-1934. 24 more excellent sides from
old-timey recording team whose popularity weathered the For full details and to ensure your subscription is correct and upto-date, see page 9
onset of the Depression better than most.
ECM CD £14.95
3747708 Tim Berne’s Snakoil: Shadow Man. Second album for
label from acclaimed jazz saxophonist.
3725304 Ralph Alessi, Jason Moran, Drew Gress & Nasheet
Waits: Baida. ECM debut of Ralph Alessi as a bandleader and
in-demand jazz trumpeter.
3744401 Aaron Parks: Arborescence. Label debut for award
winning American jazz pianist.
EE8684 P-A-U-L Lamb & The Detroit Breakdown: Ready Fire
Aim. Not to be confused with popular British blues harmonica
player, this is the American Paul Lamb, providing pulsating blues
rock. This CD should build on his growing European popularity
arising from previous visits supporting on tours with Walter Trout,
Peter Green, Joanne Shaw Taylor and more.
EL CD £9.95
ACMEM258CD Various: Burt Bacharach - Make It Easy On
Yourself 1962. Third in a series of versions of Bacharach songs,
this time with 26 tracks all recorded in 1962. With Tommy Hunt,
Jerry Butler, The Shirelles, Dee Dee Sharp, Chuck Jackson, Etta
James and more.
EL TORO LP £13.45
The CD is selling well (SPSP2928), here’s the LP version
SPSP2929 Los Mambo Jambo: Los Mambo Jambo. Barcelona-based instrumental group re-creating 1950s and 1960s rock
‘n roll, R&B and surf sounds. Said to be electrifying live, this
album shows why.
EL TORO CD £13.15
ETCD1045 Various: The Original Skeets McDonald’s Tattooed Lady. Lots of spicy and risque party novelty songs also
featuring rocking honky tonkers Roy Hall, Boots Gilbert, Jimmy
Myers, Ernest Johnson, The York Brothers and more.
ETCD1061 Various: Infamous Instro-Monsters Vol 3. Another
set of rare and forgotten instrumental rock and roll tracks, featuring The Champs, The Viceroys, The Imps, The Ramrods, Jet
Harris, Sandy Nelson, Buddy Guy and more.
ETCD5004 The Long Boards: Insane! Fourth album from band,
featuring mostly self-penned tracks inspired by the heydey of the
surf and hot rod era.
ELTOROR&B123 Billy Storm: This Is The Nite. Careerspanning compilation of the best sides from sensational R&B
singer, featuring early sides with The Chavelles and The Valiants
and more under his own name.
ELTOROR&B122 Little Willie John: Let’s Rock While The
Rockin’s Good. 30 tracks, full of favourites and rarities. Among
the very best early soul and R&B
singers with a host of sublime
ETCD10002 Various: Over The
Top Doo Wops Volume Two.
Follow up to the first volume
(ETCD10001), this features another
helping of uptempo doo-wop sides
from big name groups and little
known acts - Court Jesters, Mixers,
Five Vets, Four Buddies, Jumping
Jacks and more.
ETCD1046 Various: Arkansas
Rockers - Roy Moss And Friends.
Lots of early hillybilly rock and roll
from Arkansas, led by a bunch of
sides from Roy Moss plus more
from Jimmy Ford, Larry Donn, Don Head, Hank Swatley, Buddy
Killen, Jimmy Williams and more.
SPSP3131 Los Mambo Jambo: Impacto Inminente. Second
album from Barcelona-based group playing an exhilarating mix of
1950s rock and roll, R&B, surf and swing instrumentals with
energy and style.
ERSB CD £13.15
ERSB1005 East River String Band: Take A Look At That
Baby. Lovely new acoustic country blues album nostalgic for the
1920s and 1930s, featuring guitars, mandolins, kazoos and vocal
plus a musical contribution from Robert Crumb (who also provides the cover artwork).
ERSB1006 Robert Crumb & Jerry Zolten: Chimpin’ The
Blues. Robert and Jerry play some favourite 78RPM blues records and discuss (‘Chimp’) the music and record collector’s
nervous systems. Features tracks by Bobby Leecan, Lottie
Kimbrough, Cannon’s Jug Stompers, Eddie Head, Macon Ed and
Tampa Joe and more. Includes cover artwork from Robert Crumb.
Read our review on page 1 & buy this at a special review
price - only £12.15 + p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 February)
ERSB LP £19.95
ERSB1006LP Robert Crumb & Jerry Zolten: Chimpin’ The
Blues. The vinyl version of the above CD.
ESP CD £11.50
ESP1011 Ran Blake: Plays Piano Solo. Re-mastered issue of
1965 solo piano debut album from innovative jazz pianist.
EJC55621 Charles Mingus: Oh Yeah - The Complete Session.
An offbeat album from 1961 where Mingus abandons bass for
piano. With Roland Kirk, Booker Ervin, Jimmy Knepper and more.
Plus 4 bonus tracks.
EJC55622 Ray Charles: Ray Charles & Betty Carter + Dedicated To You. Two famous albums from the early 1960s.
EJC55624 Ella Fitzgerald: Swings Gently With
Nelson + Sings Broadway. Two 1962 albums
with top arrangers, the first with Nelson Riddle, the
second with Marty Paich. 26 super tracks.
EJC55625 Benny Goodman: B.G. In Hi-Fi. The
complete 1954 album plus 8 bonus tracks made
up from recordings from the same sessions and a
trio date recorded earlier in the year.
EJC55626 Grant Green Trio: Remembering
Grant Green. A wonderfully sparse jazz trio
session recorded for Blue Note in 1961 but not
issued until much later. With 4 bonus tracks.
EJC55627 Gary Burton: Who Is Gary Burton? +
Subtle Swing. Re-issue of 1962 RCA album from
then 19 year old vibes man. Plus 5 bonus tracks.
EJC55630 Herbie Hancock: Takin’ Off. His 1962
Blue Note debut which, as well as Herbie’s gorgeous piano, also features Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, Dexter
Gordon on tenor sax, Butch Warren on bass and Billy Higgins on
drums. Plus 3 alternate takes and a live track as a bonus.
EJC55623 Grant Green/Ike Quebec: Complete Instrumental
Sessions. Comprising two Blue Note albums, Blue And Sentimental and Born To Be Blue plus six bonus tracks
EJC55628 Louis Armstrong: Plays W.C. Handy - Complete
Edition. Among Satchmo’s finest records of the 1950s, featuring
a superb band. This has the full original album plus all the available alternate takes and rehearsal tracks and additionally includes tracks from much earlier sessions with Bessie Smith and a
1956 collaboration with Leonard Bernstein.
EJC55629 Ahmad Jamal Trio: The Complete 1961 Alhambra
Performances. Recorded at the pianist’s own club in Chicago,
these classic performances were originally issued as two separate albums but now appear in one set with additional material not
previously released.
FLOATM6211 Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks: Original Recordings. Re-issue of Dan’s first solo album and first appearance
of the Hot Licks. And its got the lot,
super songs and a winning blend of
rock, swinging jazz and country.
FA592 Didier & Francis Lockwood:
Brothers. Two giants of the French jazz
scene with their first album together,
recorded in 2008, revealing a lovely
piano and violin combination
FA596 Claude Bolling Big Piano
Orchestra: Plays Ray Charles. Welcome re-issue of prize-winning 1962
album featuring Bolling’s swinging piano
ahead of Gerard Badini’s Big Band on
13 fantastic tracks written by, or associated with, Ray Charles.
FA5409 Chuck Berry: The Indispensible 1954-1961. 69 of his
very best tracks.
FA5415 Various: The Roots Of Punk Rock Music 1926-1962.
A marvellous 79 tracks that are designed to demonstrate some
kind of linkage between the rise of punk rock in the late-1970s
and the music that preceded it. A wobbly concept I grant you but
this notwithstanding, it does provide loads of great rock and roll,
rockabilly, jazz, blues and so much more. A treat. Read our
review on page 40 & buy this at a special review price - only
£16.75 + p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 February)
Great sides from Samoa’s first-ever jazz singer often compared to
Ella Fitzgerald.
FSRCD808 Mavis Rivers: The Capitol Years 1959-1960. Fine
albums in the company of Nelson Riddle, Jack Marshall, Dick
Reynolds and more.
FSRCD809 Mavis Rivers: Complete Reprise Years 1961-1962.
Her three albums and a few additional singles following her switch
to Frank Sinatra’s Reprise label.
FSRCD811 Sue Raney: Complete Capitol Years 1956-1960. 40
early recordings of popular jazz and pop singer in front of excellent orchestras led by Billy May, Nelson Riddle, Jack Marshall and
FADCD2037 Clarence Williams: The Clarence Williams Collection 1921-1937. 50 classic early jazz sides from pianist,
vocalist, composer, arranger and more, alongside other greats
including Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet, King Oliver, Coleman
Hawkins, James P Johnson, Ethel Waters, Victoia Spivey and
FSRCD815 Various: The Keynote Jazz Collection 1941-1947.
FVTD179 Various: The Forgotten 45s 1960-1962. A tremendous trawl of the vaults of Keynote Recordings Inc, a
New York based label that speculatively turned to jazz and built
Sequel to The Forgotten 45s 1957-1959
up a large catalogue of 78rpm
(FVTD158), this features another 90
discs that helped document the
tracks that failed to set the charts alight
history of jazz of forties America.
despite being recorded by big names of
223 immense tracks featuring
the day or later became accepted as
Lester Young, Coleman Hawkins,
classics of their kind. With Ray Charles,
Cozy Cole, Benny Morton, Rex
The Crickets, Roy Orbison, Johnny
Stewart, Red Norvo, George
Ace, Sam Cooke, The Coasters, Esther
Hartman, Charlie Shavers, Barney
Phillips, Fats Domino, The 5 Royales
Bigard, Milt Hinton, Irving Fazola’s
and many more.
Dixielanders, Bud Freeman, Arnold
Ross, Bill Harris, Neal Hefti and
FVDD181 Various: Dangerous Liaimany more. An impressive presensons - The Road To Rock & Roll Vol
tation comes with an excellent 124
2. Follow up to the first volume, Jitterpage booklet full of discography,
bug Jive (FVDD170), this features
biographical notes and more.
another 50 belters from 1953 and 1954
that provided the raw ingredients in the making of
GBCD003 Lobi Traoré: Bamako
rock and roll. Includes T-Bone Walker, Tiny Bradshaw, Piano Red, Wynonie Harris, Lowell Fulson, Bill Haley, Red Nights - Live At Bar Bozo 1995. Exceptional hypnotic, expressive and trance-like live session from renowned singer-guitarist
Foley, Rudy Grayzell and more.
from Mali, combining the best of African blues and elements of
FVCD180 Various: It’s A Scandal! Songs For Soho Blondes. rock and funk as well as vibes completely his own. Recorded in
A set of songs and musical vibes to recreate the sleazy atmos- an unglamorous, downtown bar this has all the atmosphere and
phere around Soho nightclubs in the early 1960s when the Pro- crowd involvement you could hope for from a live recording.
fumo Affair captured the world’s attention. 25 tracks of cool jazz Unfortunately Lobi passed away in 2010 at only 49 years of age
and risque material sung by female singers as varied as Shirley but this is quite an addition to his memory.
Bassey, Diana Dors, Beryl Bryden, Jeri Southern, Lynn Cornell Read our review on page 1 & buy this at a special review
price - only £11.95 + p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 Februand more.
FM609 Julie London: Your Number, Please + At Home. Two GROOVE HUT CD £12.95
albums on one CD, the first in front of an orchestra led by Andre GH66718 Sonny Stitt/Brother Jack McDuff Quintet: Nuther
Previn, the second with a small jazz combo led by Jimmy Rowles. Fu’ther + Soul Shack. Two smouldering albums featuring a
smouldering collaboration of two jazz titans.
GH66719 Gene Ammons: Blue Groove + Preachin’. Two
BLUE173 Various: Big Box Of Acoustic Blues. 149 early blues
albums for Prestige from the early 1960s from tenor sax legend,
classics ata low price - featuring Charley Patton, Bo Carter, Son
plus bonus track.
House, Muddy Waters, Big Joe Williams, Blind Willie McTell,
Tommy Johnson, Bukka White, Skip James, Robert Lockwood Jr, GVC 2CD £9.50
GVC2037 Link Wray: Rumbles, Raw-Hides, Jacks & Aces
Robert Johnson, Pink Anderson and more.
1956-1962. Link’s own seismic and influential guitar sides in his
FLOATD6203 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Tuff Enuff/Roll Of The own name on CD1, with Rumble, Comanche, Raw-Hide, Jack
Dice/Hot Number. Two albums with Jimmie Vaughan from the The Ripper and more. CD2 has loads of lesser known session
mid 1980s plus Roll Of The Dice from 1995, their second album work and guest appearances. Over 60 slices of guitar genius.
without Jimmie. Great to have the T-Birds back catalogue coming GVC2022 Bob Wills And His Texas Playboys: So Let’s Rock The Hits And More 1936-1957. Re-promotion of classic Western
back into print once more.
Swing compilation. 56 historic tracks.
FLOATM6207 Kinky Friedman: Lasso From El Paso. Classic
irreverent 1976 album featuring his Texas Jew Boys with guests
Eric Clapton, Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Ron Wood and more.
HFM1011 Tinsley Ellis: Midnight Blue. A lively new album from
blues rock guitar master. A follow-up to the recent all-instrumental
album Get It! (HFM1010), this re-introduces Tinsley the vocalist
as well as ace guitarist on ten numbers.
High quality 180g vinyl re-issue of classic Blue Note LPs with
original artwork.
HS103VL Dexter Gordon: One Flight Up.
HS104VL Grachan Moncur III: Some Other Stuff.
HS105VL Hank Mobley: No Room For Squares.
HS106VL Horace Parlan: Happy Frame Of Mind.
HEP 2CD £15.25
HEPCD9798 Alec Wilder: The Octets 1938-1947 - Music For
Lost Souls And Wounded Birds. American musical maverick
fusing jazz with classical music to great effect.
R010CD Various: The History Of Rhythm & Blues 1957-1962.
A tremendous compilation that superbly charts the evolution of
rhythm and blues from hard urban blues through to popular soul
sides. Each city has its own theme and artists, from Big City
Blues (Howlin’ Wolf, Magic Sam, Elmore James, Muddy Waters,
etc), through It’s The Rhythm (Five Royales, Ray Charles, Guitar
Junior, Tarheel Slim, etc), to Soul Sources (Ruth Brown, Little
Willie John, Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland, Charles Sheffield, etc) and
Popular Sounds (Wynona Carr, Aaron Neville, Arthur Alexander,
The Coasters, etc). 124 awesome tracks plus a 28 page booklet.
As good a primer to the music we love as you will find!
SOUL010CD Various: Yes, Indeed! - A Soul Chronology
Volume 4 1957-1958. Another excellent compilation featuring 57
blasters that helped lead the way to the exciting new sound of
soul. Includes Little Willie John, Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland, O.V. Wright,
Ruth Brown, Jerry Butler, The Five Royales, Nappy Brown, Hank
Ballard and more.
SOUL013CD Various: Witchcraft In The Air - Detroit Soul
1957-1962. Super compilation of pre-Hitsville Detroit soul, including 53 highly enjoyable sides including Kim Weston, Joe Tex,
Mary Wells, Eddie Burns, Marv Johnson, O’Jays, J.J. Barnes and
SOUL017CD Various: Where Southern Soul Began Volume 2.
Follow-up to the exceptional Volume
One (SOUL002), and this is just as
good - 55 stunning example of singers
from the southern states and their
recordings before the hits arrived.
Featuring Al ‘TNT’ Braggs, Ted Taylor,
Buddy Ace, Barbara Lynn, Bobby
‘Blue’ Bland, Arthur Alexander, Arthur
K Adams, Fontella Bass, Otis Redding,
Joe Medwick and more.
SOUL018CD Various: Soul Music
Hits The Charts 1955-1962. Another
great set, this features early soul
singers as they started to hit the charts
- 60 tracks featuring Ray Charles,
Lloyd Price, Dee Clark, Sam Cooke,
Chuck Jackson, Carla Thomas, James Brown and more.
263464 Rick Nelson: Rick Is 21 + More Songs By Ricky. Two
early 1960s albums on one CD, plus 6 bonus tracks. The support
band includes great early guitar wizardry from James Burton.
263465 Johnny Kidd & The Pirates: Please Don’t Touch - The
1959-1962 Recordings. 25 of the very best from legendary UK
rock and roll band.
JASCD266 Johnny Tillotson: Poetry In Motion. 16
singles, his debut album and more.
JASCD272 Lloyd Price: Talking About Love - The Ultimate
Albums Collection 1960. With two complete
albums, Mr Personality Sings The Blues and The
Fantastic Lloyd Price plus six tracks from the 1959
album The Exciting Lloyd Price. Full of wonderful
renditions of blues classics.
JASMCD3040 Willie Mabon: Willie’s Blues - The
Greatest Hits 1952-1957. Under-appreciated
Chicago blues singer and pianist whose fame as
the originator of the classic I Don’t Know deflects
from his wider skills and talents. The 25 sides ought
to help address this. Read our review on page 40
& buy this at a special review price - only £8.75
+ p&p (if bought & paid for by 21 February)
JASCD280 Lloyd Price: All Of Me - The Ultimate
Albums Collection 1961. Includes both his 1961
albums Sings The Million Sellers and Cookin’ plus 9
bonus tracks from 1959’s Mr Personality album.
0366080 Morblus: Green Side. Nice
blend of blues, soul, funk and blues rock from Italian blues band
led by Roberto Morbioli. Includes a guest vocal from Big Daddy
Wilson on the closing track.
R012CD Various: Rumba Blues Volume 3 - Dancin’ Fever
1956-1960. Featuring another 62 tracks of top-notch blues,
rhythm & blues, rock and roll and more that variously featured
latin rhythms to get their parties started. With Slim Harpo, Lazy
Lester, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Junior Wells, Larry Williams, The
Orioles, Eddie Cochran, Art Neville, Bo Diddley and more.
R013CD Various: How Britain Got The Blues Volume 3 - How
London Got The Blues. The songs that turned London on in the
early years of the blues boom that led to the formation of the
Rolling Stones, Yardbirds and so many more bands. 58 great
sides from Muddy, Wolf, Jimmy Reed, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley,
Fats Domino, Eddie Boyd, Dale Hawkins, Billy Boy Arnold and
R014CD Various: How Britain Got The Blues Volume 4 - How
Mods Got The Blues. Seminal records that inspired the emergence of the Mods in early 1960s Britain. 60 sides including Mose
Allison, Lazy Lester, Benny Spellman, Ray Charles, Ernie K-Doe,
The Coasters, Lee Dorsey, Arthur Alexander, Fats Domino and
JASMINE 2CD £11.25
JASCD246 Sonny Til & The Orioles: Still Crying In The
Chapel 1948-1962. Door-opening doo-wop, with 57 tracks including the Elvis favourite, Crying In The Chapel, and rare 1962
comeback album.
JASCD247 The Ravens, Featuring Jimmy Ricks: Bass Instincts 1946-1955. 55 tracks from pioneering doo-wop group
JASMCD36445 Mac Wiseman: Folk Ballads, Hits And Gospel
Hymns. Four great albums released between 1958 and 1961
from bluegrass legend.
JASMCD3039 Eddie Boyd: The Blues Is Here To Stay 1947-1959. 52 massive tracks from legendary Chicago blues
pianist and singer who wrote some of the most consistently
covered blues classics ever, including Five Long Years and
Third Degree. A comprehensive and quite brilliant compilation. Read our review on page 40 & buy this at a special
review price - only £10.25 + p&p (if bought & paid for by
21 February)
JASCD253 The Flamingos: Time Was - The Sessions
1957-1962. Follow up to JASCD544
which covered their early years, this
completes the survey of their work.
Over 50 superb vocal group sides.
570027 Ahmad Jamal: Saturday Morning. Follow-up to acclaimed Blue Moon album, this includes 11 jazz pieces including
versions of American Songbook classics and a tribute to Horace
Silver. At 82, Ahmad remains a masterful pianist and the rest of
his quartet are not so dusty either.
HOODOO CD £10.25
263460 Roy Orbison: Cryin’. Re-mastered edition
of 1962 album with Crying, Love Hurts and Running Scared plus 12 bonus tracks.
263461 Bobby Freeman: Do You Wanna Dance.
Re-mastered edition of 1959 debut album plus 12
bonus tracks.
263463 Bo Diddley: Bo Diddley - His Underrated
1962 Album. Re-mastered edition of his 1962 LP
for Checker (his second self-titled album that came
out on Pye International in the UK in 1963), featuring many songs that would son be in the repertoire
of every r&b band in the world - I Can Tell, You
Can’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover and more. Also
includes 12 bonus tracks (among which are some
live sides) plus a 16 page booklet.
HOODOO 2CD £10.25
263462 Sam Cooke: Bring It On Home To Me. 50 track compilation plus 16 page booklet.
HUMP151 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: Definitive. 42 track career
overview of popular country band.
0166190 Jeff Healey: As The Years Go Passing By - Live In
Germany. Mid price re-issue of excellent appearances in Germany dating from 1985, 1995 and 2000. Exemplary blues guitar
on favourites including Confidence Man, Angel Eyes, Roadhouse
Blues, Stop Breaking Down, Yer Blues, See The Light and more.
INT34312 Abdullah Ibrahim: Mukashi - Once Upon A Time.
Distinguished South African jazz pianist with a spellbinding reflection on his 79 years, playing both solo and in a duo and quartet.
IRL CD £11.75
IRL014 Tinariwen: Amassakoul. Classic album from
desert blues maestros, available again after a lengthy
ISLAND CD £12.50
3754865 Various: Muscle Shoals (original soundtrack
album). The soundtrack album for a new documentary
film telling the story of FAME Studios and Muscle Shoals
Sound Studios, featuring many of the great artists and
records that came out of these Alabama based facilities.
13 great tracks from Arthur Alexander, Jimmy Hughes,
Aretha Franklin, Staple Singers, Wilson Pickett, Etta
James, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Clarence Carter, Jimmy Cliff and
JOF001 Various: French New Wave
- Jazz On Film Volume 3. A 5CD
boxset featuring 7 of the most essential jazz soundtrack albums from the
French New Wave of film-making. Includes Modern Jazz Quartet (No Sun In
Venice), Miles Davis (Lift To The Scaffold), Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers (Les
Liaisons Dangereuses and Des Femmes
Disparaissent), Martial Solal (Breathless),
Barney Wilson (Un Temoin Dans La Ville)
and Michel Legrand (Eva). Plus a 60 page booklet.
EBCD21172 Coleman Hawkins: High School Hawk. Late
1950s sides, some from TV broadcasts with Red Allen.
EBCD21282 Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers: Live In The
1950s. A selection of radio broadcasts from Europe.
EBCD21602 Benny Goodman: Magic Carpet Selections 194546
EBCD21482 Les Paul & Mary Ford: Shows May & June 1950.
Rare radio broadcasts.
EBCD21342 Woody Herman: Heard With Friends. Radio
broadcasts with super guests
EBCD21132 Various: USA All-Stars In Berlin - February 1955.
With Dizzy Gillespie, Roy Eldridge, Bill Harris, Herb Ellis, Oscar
Peterson and more.
EBCD21652 Various: The Territory Bands 1935-1937. Featuring Carolina Cotton Pickers, Original Yellow Jackets, Bogan’s
Birmingham Busters, Nate Leslie and more.
EBCD21242 Various: Live 1956 & 1957. Radio broadcasts
concentrating on the talents of the quartets of saxophonists Stan
Getz and Zoot Sims and the Quintet of drummer Shelly Manne.
TMCD21622 Count Basie: At Birdland, Summer 1952. Featuring Lester Young.
EBCD21782 Count Basie: At Southland 1940 And Downbeat
DJ Program 1943. Featuring Jimmy Rushing, Earle Warren and
Helen Hughes.
EBCD21082 Sarah Vaughan With
Woody Herman: 1963 Live Guard
EBCD21102 Della Reese With
Duke Ellington Orchestra: 1962
Live Guard Sessions. Best of their
sides together.
EBCD21412 Chubby Jackson’s All
Star Band: Live At The Swiss
Chalet, Miami, Florida 16th October 1978. Featuring Arnett Cobb,
Nat Adderley, Frank Rossolino and
060253744257 Torun Eriksen: Visits. Norwegian jazz vocalist
on 10 re-configured songs written by the likes of Randy Newman,
James Taylor, Paul Simon and more, sensitively and intimately
rendered with support from just a piano, bass and drums
JD11043 Tony Williams: In New York. Legendary jazz drummer
recorded in front of a studio audience in a New York TV studio in
December 1989, with Wallace Roney on trumpet, Bill Pierce on
saxophones, Ira Coleman on bass and Mulgrew Miller on piano.
JLP1201022 Jimmy Heath Big Band: Togetherness. Recorded
live at the Blue Note jazz club in New York in 2011 as a celebration of the jazz saxophonist’s 85th birthday. An excellent mix of
originals and jazz standards.
JSP 4CD £14.50
JSP77176 Leadbelly: Selected Sides 1934-1948. It’s been a
long time since the first volume (JSP7764) appeared but it has
been well worth the
wait. This covers
roughly the same
period as the first
volume but, whereas
the earlier release
focused on his most
historic recordings,
more on rare, new to
CD sides. Another
phenomenal selection of 89 monsters,
compiled and annotated by Neil Slaven.
Forgive me if I drool!
JSP CD £10.25
JSP8818 Big Walter Horton: Live At The Knickerbocker. A
sensational live performance from Rhode Island in 1980, remastered and re-issued. As well as one of the greatest ever blues
harp players on top form, the band supporting him was the thenband of Sugar Ray Norcia, featuring a young hot-shot guitarist,
Ronnie Earl Horvath (soon to become known just as Ronnie Earl.
A blast.
KENT CD £10.95
CDKEND408 George Jackson: Old Friend - The Fame Recordings Volume 3. More classic song-writing and vocal artistry
that made him such a big southern soul favourite. 24 more previously unheard and un-issued sides from the Fame Vaults and
every one a gem.
CDKEND409 Various: Soul In Harmony - Vocal Groups 19671977. Third in series of harmony soul groups (the others being
CDKEND219 and CDKEND252), this features 24 tracks including
Salt & Pepper, The Mad Lads, The Dramatics, The Performers,
The Premiers and more. A number of these sides are very rare
and now on CD for the first time.
KBR20132 Various: Krossborder Kompilation
Vol 1. New 16 track compilation of some of the
leading contemporary British blues acts around,
featuring new material from Roadhouse, Innes
Sibun, Dave Thomas Band, Zoe Schwarz, The Idle
Hands, White Knuckles Blues Band and more.
KUDZU CD £13.25
KUDCD004 Southern Culture On The Skids: Dig
This. A rollicking fine hybrid of rockabilly, Americana, R&B, surf and more. Highly entertaining.
LDRCD001 The Graveltones: Don’t Wait Down.
Early days for a band so new, but they are already
being talked about as the latest in the line of bluessoaked garage rock that follows on from the White Stripes and
Black Keys. 10 incendiary and noisy sides.
LAKE 2CD £13.45
LACD326 Bob Wallis & His Storyville Jazzmen: A Jazz Club
Session With Bob Wallis. Captured live at the Dancing Slipper
Jazz Club in Nottingham showing the band with their guard down
and demonstrating a greater variety and range than their commercial trad jazz recordings of the early 1960s would otherwise
LACD329 Clyde Valley Stompers: A Jazz Club Session And
Concert With The Clyde Valley Stompers. Excellent recordings
made at the Dancing Slipper Jazz Club in Nottingham in the
LAKE CD £13.15
LACD327 Various: British Traditional Jazz, At A Tangent Vol
4 - The Territory Bands. Trad jazz bands in the UK who concentrated their efforts in various regions away from London, including
Avon Cities Jazz Band (Bristol), Gateway Jazz Band (Carlisle),
Bill Croft (Newcastle) and more. Rare sides and excellent booklet.
LACD330 Jake Leg Jug Band: Next Stop! Second album but
first for Lake from good time jug band who recreate the sounds
and feel of 1920s and 1930s blues, jazz, ragtime, gospel and folk.
Recorded on authentic period microphones and valve equipment
to give the right feel to tracks such as He’s In The Jailhouse Now,
Champagne Charlie, Your Feet’s Too Big, Jesus Is A Dying Bed
Maker and more.
MORELLO 2CD £12.45
MRLL27D Hank Locklin: 1955 To 1967/Irish Songs, Country
Style. The first CD includes the A and B sides of his hit singles,
including the self-penned Send Me The Pillow You Dream On.
The second CD is the complete best selling album of Irish songs,
featuring The Jordanaires on backing vocals. 50 great tracks in
MM0001 Sherman Robertson & Bluesmove: Guitar Man Live. Re-promotion, and at lower price, of tough Texan guitar
blues concert from a festival appearance in Holland in 2005.
Sherman has not been well since being stricken by two strokes in
2011 so we are unlikely to see him on
stage again but this is an excellent way to
remember his music.
1. Dr Ross: The Memphis Cuts 1953-1956 (JSP 2CD)
2. Jackson Stomp - The Charlie McCoy Story (Nehi CD)
3. Sorrow Come Pass Me Around - Rural Black Religious Music
(Dust To Digital CD)
4. Blues Images 2014 (Blues Images Calendar & CD)
5. Birdlegg: Birdlegg (Dialtone CD)
6. Lowell Fulson: Trouble, Trouble - The Definitive Early Years
Collection (Fantastic Voyage 3CD)
7. Sugaray Rayford: Dangerous (Delta Groove CD)
8 Cyril Neville: Magic Honey (Ruf CD)
9. Paul Swinton (Ed.) - Frog Jazz & Blues Annual No 3 (Frog book)
10. Gov't Mule: Shout! (Provogue 2CD)
11. Dues Paid - The Bluestime Story (Ace CD)
12. Leyla McCalla: Vari-Colored Songs (DixieFrog CD)
PWR27317 Billie Holiday: Music For Torching + Velvet Mood.
Two albums recorded for Norman Granz for Clef, featuring an allstar band including Harry ‘Sweets’ Edison, Benny Carter, Jimmy
Rowles and Barney Kessel. With bonus tracks and 16 page
CDSGP1204 T-Bone Walker: The Classic Years. 52 track
collection from one of the true innovators of electric blues guitar,
NEW WEST CD £13.45
featuring Call It Stormy Monday, T-Bone Shuffle, I Know Your
NW6300 John Hiatt: Here To Stay - Best Wig Is Gone, Alimony Blues and more.
Of 2000-2012. There are plenty of Best Ofs
available of Hiatt but these all feature his PROG TEMPLE CD £13.45
earlier years. This is the first that focuses PTCD8012 Dr K’s Blues Band: Dr K’s Blues Band. Re-issue of
on his most recent decade or so, recording 1968 album from London Brit-blues band featuring Ashley
mostly for New West plus a couple of Hutchings, soon join Fairport Convention. 10 Chicago-blues
Vanguard CDs that have since been re- inspired tracks including covers of Key To The Highway, Pet
issued on this label. And this only goes to Cream Man, Messing With The Kid, Long Distance Call and
prove that the singer-songwriter par excel- more. Well-received on release, this is a welcome re-appearance
lence has lost none of his bite, intelligence, on CD.
humour or skill - an excellent filleting of PROMISING MUSIC CD £15.50
eight studio albums across 16 tracks plus a 441192CD Snakefinger: Snakefinger’s History Of The Blues previously unreleased track, Here To Stay, featuring Joe Bona- Live In Europe. Re-issue of well-received 1984 album originally
massa on guitar. If you’ve not kept up with Hiatt over recent issued on Rough Trade featuring the guitar of Phillip ‘Snakefinger’
years, or maybe never heard him at all, do yourself a favour and Lithman. His reach extended from being one-time collaborator of
treat yourself to this.
ex-Beefheart keyboard player, Eric Drew Feldman, pub rockers
Chili Willi & The Red Hot Peppers and avant-gardists The ResiOur postage and packing rates are included on page 9 and on our dents but his roots were in the Brit-blues boom of the 1960s. This
album (plus nine previously unreleased tracks) is his tribute to the
website - any queries however please ask.
blues and takes on blues classics from Skip James idiosyncratic If
You Haven’t Any Hay, Furry Lewis Turn Your Money Green, BB
NOT NOW 2CD £5.50
NOT2CD510 King Curtis: King Curtis Sax Scene. With two King’s You Upset Me Baby, Albert King’s Crosscut Saw and many
albums Soul Meeting and The New Scene Of King Curtis.
NOT2CD511 Link Wray: The Rumbling Guitar Sound.
PROPER CD £13.15
NOT2CD518 John Lee Hooker: Vee-Jay Singles Collection.
PRPCD116 The Magic Band: Plays The Music Of Captain
NOT NOW 3CD £6.95
NOT3CD049 Johnny Cash: The Very Best Of.
NOT3CD097 Various: Definitive Detroit Blues. 75 tracks including John Lee Hooker, Calvin Frazier, Eddie Kirkland, Baby Boy
Warren, L.C. Green, One String Sam, John Brim and more.
NOT3CD125 Anita O’Day: The Verve Years 1957-1962.
NOT3CD126 Various: The Songs Of Leiber & Stoller. 75 tracks
with Elvis, Dion, Ben E King, LaVern Baker, Ruth Brown, etc
NOT3CD127 Ray Charles: The Ultimate Collection.
NOT3CD133 Blossom Dearie: Complete Verve Albums 19571961.
NOT3CD135 Carrmen McRae: Finest Decca Recordings 19551958
NOT NOW 2LP £21.50
88883782329 Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train A-Comin’. Definitive
LPNOT2LP186 Link Wray: The Rumbling Guitar Sound.
documentary of an extraordinary life with previously unseen
LPNOT2LP187 Etta James: Argo Records 1960footage and interviews with musicians, friends and family.
ONE DAY 2CD £5.95
88843016642 Elvis Presley: The
DAY2CD221 Various: Midnight
Perfect Elvis Presley Soundtrack
Special - The Oriole Records
Collection. 20 of his movie soundtrack
Story 1956-62. 50 tracks with
albums in replica cardboard sleeves,
Lonnie Donegan, Mary Wells,
all housed in a hard top cardboard
Titus Turner, The Contours, Chas
McDevitt Skiffle Group and more.
DAY2CD222 Various: The RPM
MW707 Billie Holiday: The Complete
Blues Story. 40 tracks with
1952-1957 Small Group Studio
Roscoe Gordon, Howlin’ Wolf,
Sessions. Limited edition box includLightnin’ Hopkins, Lowell Fulson,
ing 10 LPs and bonus tracks featuring
Drifting Slim, Willie Nix, BB King
a who’s who of jazz greats among the
and more.
supporting musicians. 95 great tracks
DAY2CD224 Various: Action plus a 40 page booklet with original
Apex Records 1960-1962. 50
liner notes, rare photos and reviews.
tracks with The Five Spots,
Johnny Tillotson, Little Caesar,
MOOCHIN 3CD £15.95
MOOCHIN03 Chet Baker: Jazz On
Film - Chet Baker, Italian Movies. First release of Italian film DAY2CD225 Various: This Is The Night - The End Records
scores by composer Piero Umiliani and his inspired experiment to Story 1957-1962. 50 tracks with Little Anthony & The Imperials,
The Flamingos, The Miracles, Little Richard, etc
use the trumpet of legendary jazz man in delivering them.
Red Lick’s best seller chart
RSCD002 Various: The R&B Singles Collection Vol 2. An
exemplary 30 track compilation and a worthy successor to the
first volume (RSCD001). With Earl King, Oscar Brown Jr, John
Lee Hooker, Marie Knight, Solomon Burke, Roy Hamilton, Joe
Simon and more.
ONE DAY 3CD £7.45
DAY3CD046 Various: Any Day Now - Quality Records Story
1960-62. 75 tracks with Chuck Jackson, Barbara Lynn, Dale
Hawkins, Esther Phillips, Etta James and more
DAY3CD048 Various: Love And Fury - Gems From The Decca
Vaults UK 1961-1962. 75 tracks with Billy Fury, Jet Harris, Chris
Farlowe, Joe Brown, The Tornados and more.
DAY3CD049 Various: Foolin’ Around - Gems From The Capitol UK Vaults 1960-1962. 75 tracks with Johnny Otis, Peggy Lee,
Buck Owens, Frank Sinatra, Jack Scott, Gene Vincent and more.
DAY3CD050 Various: Chills & Fever - Dot Records 1955-1962.
75 tracks, with Sanford Clark, Jimmy Anderson, Arthur Alexander,
Dorsey Burnette, Mac Wiseman, Del-Vikings and more.
DAY3CD051 Various: For You Alone - Carlton Records 19581962. 75 tracks with Jack Scott, The Chantels, Big Al Downing,
Dwight Pullen, Anita Bryant, Freddie Houston and more.
Beefheart - Live In London 2013. An inspired performance of
some great Don Van Vliet numbers featuring members from
varied incarnations of the Captain’s backing band. Includes John
‘Drumbo’ French, Mark ‘Rockette Morgan’ Boston and Danny
‘Feelers Reebo’ Walley.
Turn your unwanted CDs, Vinyl and DVDs into useful credit
against future purchases - or even cash - or exchange them now
for something new for your collection. Contact us with your list.
RAM BAM CD £12.50
RAM007 Jo’ Buddy: Inside Out. Another souped-up serving
from Finland’s greatest bluesman and long-time Red Lick favourite. 12 immense new tracks,
associate Down Home King III
but also other guests such as
legendary R&B pianist Gene
Taylor, the Original Crawfish
Kings, and Groovy Eyes.
Whoever he plays with however, this is prime Jo’ Buddy. If
you have bought his previous
CDs from us, you’ll want this. If
you want to find a way in to his
distorted version of the blues,
start here and work backwards. Tremendous. Read our
review on page 40 & buy this
at a special review price only £11.75 + p&p (if bought
& paid for by 21 February)
RAVEN 2CD £24.95
RVCD353 Delbert McClinton: Under Suspicion - The ABC
Sessions. Featuring three mid-70s albums, Victims Of Life’s
Circumstances, Genuine Cowhide and Love Rustler, full of rollicking southern R&B and country-soul.
REP5249 Robin Trower: Compendium 1987-2013. A new 35track compilation of his best sides selected in collaboration with
Robin himself. Features re-mastered versions of well-known and
rare sides, with his rock and blues guitar stylings to the fore.
Release Sheets
Confirm your email address with us to ensure that you get each
new Release Sheet as and when we issue them between catalogues. Simply email and type in ‘please add
to email update list’ in the subject box.
REP5322 Dr Feelgood: Live At Rockpalast 1980.
Captured in Berlin on October 31st by German TV’s
‘Rockpalast’ music programme, this has Lee Brilleaux,
Gypie Mayo, John B Sparks and The Big Figure together
on 18 of their best-loved tracks, including Stupidity, Best
In The World, Milk And Alcohol, She’s A Wind Up, Roxette
and more. One of the final appearances in the band from
Gypie, who left in March 1981. Informative notes from Will
Birch. Read our review on page 40 & buy at a special
review price - only £17.25 + p&p (if bought & paid for
by 21st February)
REP5325 Rockpile: Live From Rockpalast 1980.
Captured in Hamburg on January 12th 1980, this has 17
storming tracks from Dave Edmunds, Nick Lowe, Billy
Bremner and Terry Williams. With Girls Talk, I Knew The
Bride, Promised Land, So It Goes, Juju Man and more.
Tremendous fun. Again, informative booklet with notes
from Will Birch.
REPUK1167 Mickey Jupp: Oxford. Re-issue of 11-track 1980
album never actually issued in the UK. A collectors item from
under-rated British song-writer, now available in nice digi-pack
REPUK1198 Fabulous Thunderbirds: The Bad And Best Of
The Fabulous Thunderbirds. A sublime 27-track collection
drawn from their Chrysalis/Takoma recordings from between
1979-1982 - their earliest and best years featuring both Kim
Wilson and Jimmie Vaughan - plus mid-80s CBS period material
and bonus tracks from later albums Different Tacos and Tacos
Deluxe albums only released in the USA.
8122796241 Ry Cooder: 1970-1987. All his Warners albums
from self-titled 1970 debut Ry Cooder up to 1987’s Get Rhythm.
Packaged in a no-frills box, with vinyl replica cardboard sleeves.
RHINO 2CD £16.45
8122796170 Various: Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival 2013. The latest in a series of star-studded concerts for Eric’s
own Crossroads charity, this year for the first time makes the
highlights of the concerts available on CD as well as DVD. 29
tracks that features (as well as loads of Clapton of course) Gary
Clark Jr, Jeff Beck, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Jimmie Vaughan,
Derek Trucks, Allman Brothers, Taj Mahal and more.
RHINO 2DVD £19.95
349790771 Various: Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival 2013. Nearly five hours of footage across 45 tracks plus
conversations with the artists and back-stage footage. Stunning.
RUF1194 Royal Southern
Brotherhood: Songs From
The Road. Captured live at
the Crossroads Festival in
Bonn in October 2012, this
features the combined talents
of Cyrille Neville, Devon
Allman, Mike Zito, Charlie
Wooton and Yonrico Scott on
an electrically-charged night.
Blues-rock at its finest.
SALVO 2CD £9.45
SALVOMDCD38 Dr Feelgood: Get Rhythm - Best Of
1984-87. Compilation of their
best sides from the post-Gypie
Mayo years. Lee Brilleaux, as
always, in fine form.
Iconic US label finally picked up by a UK
distributor. We have selected back
catalogue titles most likely to appeal to
Red Lickers - the Rev Peyton, with his
brand of rough country blues and Americana, are often requested by customers
in the know!
SD15282 Chris Shiflett & The Dead
Peasants: All Hat And No Cattle. Oldschool honky tonk songs from converted
SD13612 Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn
Band: The Whole Fam Damnily.
SD14872 Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn
Band: Between The Ditches.
SD14532 Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn
Band: Peyton On Patton. The band take a back seat as the Rev
leads the way with (mostly) just his voice, guitar, banjo and slide
on a lively set of Charlie Patton numbers. Great sound, great fun
and guaranteed to send you back to your Patton records.
SD14142 Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band: The Wages.
SIRENS CD £12.95
Their new releases earlier this year sold very well and feedback
has been great. So why not stock their earlier releases?
SR5011 Erwin Helfer: Careless Love. Great boogie woogie and
jazz piano from a true master. Splendid stuff.
SR5014 Barrelhouse Chuck & Kim Wilson’s Blues
Allstars: Got My Eyes On You. Hot Chicago blues
featuring Chuck’s excellent piano and Kim Wilson’s
349790772 Various: Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festi- always superb harmonica. Other contributors include
val 2013. Even more immense in such high definition video and Eddie Taylor Jr (guitar) and Muddy’s former rhythm
section Calvin Jones and Willie ‘Big
Eyes’ Smith.
PSALM2374 Various: Northern Boys
SMITH & CO 2CD £11.45
- Classics, Gems And Treasures
SCCD2496 Chris Barber: Volume 2 From Talcum-Coated Dancefloor. 26
Just About As Good As It Gets.
Northern Soul movers and groovers
Another 40 track compilation demonfrom obscure American labels featurstrating Barber’s admirable ‘broading Charles Sheffield, Major Lance,
church’ approach to playing and celeJoe Simon, Freddie North, Roy Hamilbrating blues, jazz, skiffle and more in
ton, Ernie K Doe and more.
the late 1950s and early 1960s.
ROUNDER 6CD & DVD £107.50
6191382 Woody Guthrie: American
SFWCD40213 Dave Van Ronk: Down In WashRadical Patriot. Contains The CDs
ington Square. A 54 track compilation of the best
contain 85 songs from the archives of
sides from the outstanding folk and blues guitarist
the Library Of Congress, home rewho was such a pivotal influence in the early days
cordings and live radio broadcasts plus
of the Greenwich Village music scene. These
interviews, the DVD is Roll On Columtracks, all recorded between 1958 and 2001 come
bia - Woody Guthrie & The Bonneville
from the label’s archives and include 16 never before issued
Power Administration, and a booklet of unpublished drawings and sides. There is also an excellent 40 page booklet with extensive
notes from Woody and an essay from Bill Nowlin. And if this ain’t notes. Released to co-incide with the Coen Brothers film Inside
enough, there is also a 78rpm vinyl disc featuring Bob Dylan Llewen Davis, inspired by his memoirs. Read our review on
performing Woody’s VD City on one side and Woody singing The page 40 & buy at a special review price - only £26.95 + p&p (if
Biggest Thing That Man Has Ever Done on the other. And there is bought & paid for by 21 February
also a pdf document of transcriptions of all songs as well. Monumental but likely to be limited edition and highly sought after, even SNAPPER CD £12.75
SMACD993 Family: A Song For Me. Re-issue of 1970 album
before its release at the beginning of December.
from Robert Chapman-led band.
RPM CD £9.95
RPM522 Dave Edmunds: Again. Some newly recorded material SOLAR CD £11.95
(his first for nearly twenty years) plus some rarely heard sides 4569943 Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers: Pisces. 1961
Blue Note album but not released on LP until 1979, this includes
with originals and well-chosen covers.
Lee Morgan, Wayne Shorter, Curtis Fuller, Bobby Timmons and
more. First time on CD plus 6 bonus tracks.
RRRCD7125 Babajack: Running Man. Award-winning rootsy
blues band that have been wowing audiences throughout the UK SONY DVD £13.95
and mainland Europe over recent years. Another superior album 88697785779 Jimi Hendrix: Voodoo Child - West Coast Seatthat fuses traditional blues with contemporary sounds and tle Boy. Acclaimed documentary, presenting Jimi’s story in his
rhythms. 10 engagingly varied and stimulating tracks, not least a own words and including rare, previously unseen footage and
artifacts from the Hendrix family archive. Only previously available
version of Son House’s Death Letter.
in the bigger West Coast Seattle Boy box set - including 4CDs
RUF CD & DVD £16.50
(88697770372 - £39.95).
RUF1197 Joanne Shaw Taylor: Songs From The Road. Latest
in an excellent series features blues-rock favourite captured in SONY CD £12.75
88883769922 Jimi Hendrix Experience: Miami Pop Festival.
fine form live at The Borderline, London in May 2013.
First ever release of the band’s appearance at the Miami Pop
For a flying start on the used stuff in the next catalogue, add £1 Festival in Hallandale in May 1968. 11 great tracks recorded on
to your next order and ask for the catalogue to be sent by 1
site by Hendrix’s long-term sound engineer, Eddie Kramer.
class post (option available to UK catalogue subscribers only)
(plus £1 p&p on orders under £40; p&p free on orders £40+)
B&R284 Blues & Rhythm Nov 2013. Dialtone Records Story,
Birdlegg, Boogie Woogie Trio, reviews, etc.
B&R285 Blues & Rhythm Dec 2013. Tampa Red & Big Maceo,
Miltone Records, I.J. Gosey, reviews, etc.
SONY 3CD & BOOK £19.95
88883764062 Rory Gallagher: Kickback City. A 2CD collection
of 21 tracks of Rory’s music most influenced by the early detective noir of the novels and stories of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Along with Rory’s music, this comes with an
exclusive new crime novella by fellow fan, Ian Rankin, an audio
CD reading of the novella and illustrations of Timothy Truman.
Presented in a deluxe hardback book style package. Unusual but
600832 Freddy King: Freddy King Sings +
Let’s Hide And Dance Away. Featuring his
debut album, his all-instrumental follow up plus
three bonus tracks. 27 tremendous tracks.
600833 Odetta: Sings Ballads & Blues + At
Carnegie Hall. Two landmark albums, the first
from 1956 was a formative influence on a young
Bob Dylan, the second a live 1960 concert
originally released on Vanguard but long unavailable.
SPEC2153 Sensational Alex Harvey: Delilah The Best Of. A selection of some of his highlyregarded sides including my favourite version of
Delilah plus a 16-page booklet.
SPEC2155 Glen Campbell: Gentle On My Mind - The Best Of.
A superb collection of his best-known hits, including timeless
classics Rhinestone Cowboy and Wichita Lineman.
SPEC2156 Kevin Coyne: Voice Of The Outsider. Excellent
bargain-price compilation, selected with the assistance of Kevin’s
family and notes from renowned music scholar, Mike Barnes.
SPIT001 Laura Cantrell: Not The Tremblin’ Kind. Re-issue of
debut from 2000 of popular country singer-songwriter at a tasty
mid price. Apparently, John Peel said at the time that his was his
‘favourite record of the last ten years
and possibly my life’.
SPCD1366 Monkeyjunk: All Frequencies. New album from leading Canadian
blues band offering a new stew of
swamp rhythm & blues, boogie and funk.
9039017 Duke Ellington: Treasury
Shows Vol 17. Latest in series of Duke
Ellington and his orchestra’s contribution
to the US Treasury’s drive to sell war
bonds in 1944 and 1945, this contains
superb radio broadcasts recorded in
New York in April 1944 and November
SUNRDD013 Various: Down Beat Shuffle - The Birth Of A
Legend. A retrospective compilation of the early years of Clement
‘Sir Coxone’ Dodd’s Studio One label. Superior early ska, bluebeat and reggae featuring Derrick Morgan, The Mellow Larks,
Don Drummond, Owen Gray, Alton & Eddy, Theo Beckford,
Neville Esson and many more.
SUNRDD014 Various: Forward March - The Jamaican Chart
Hits of 1962. Another superior collection of early ska and bluebeat featuring loads of great sides from Laurel Aitken, Derrick
Morgan, Jimmy Cliff, Prince Buster, Owen Gray and more.
Red Lick’s Current Playlist
Tom Waits: Tom Trauberts’s Blues - from ‘My Father’s
Place - 1977 Radio Broadcast
(Chrome Dreams - SMCD920)
Donald Byrd: I’m A Fool To Want You - from ‘Royal
Flush’ (Essential Jazz Classics - EJC55612)
Arthur Alexander: The Girl That Radiates That Charm from Where Southern Soul Began 2 1955-62
(History Of Soul - SOUL017)
Charlie Parr: True Friends - from Barnswallow
(Tin Angel - TAR034)
Son House: Death Letter - from Newport Folk Festival Best Of The Blues 1959-1968
(Vanguard 3VCD193)
33 JAZZ CD £13.15
33WM148 Zoe Schwarz Blue Commotion: The Blues
Don’t Scare Me. Third album from popular UK blues band
fronted by talented vocalist.
3749169 The Beatles: On Air
- Live At The BBC Volume 2.
Loads of previously unreleased performances, a numTCB CD £13.25
ber of which were never reTCB02352 Max Roach Quintet: Live In Lausanne 1960 corded for release on albums.
Part 1. Captured in February 1960 and available here for
Lots of favourites, rarities and
the first time. Along with Roach on drums, the band feain-studio banter.
tures Stanley Turrentine on sax, Tommy Turrentine on
3749153 The Beatles: On Air
trumpet, Julian Priester on trombone and Bobby Boswell on
- Live At The BBC. First
volume newly re-mastered and
re-released This won a
This set is p&p free within the UK. Sending elsewhere
Grammy award nomination
within the EU will incur an additional delivery charge subject
when first issued and features
to delivery location. Each delivery of this set will be tracked
hits and many songs never
and signed for. Please note we do not hold stocks here, they recorded for official release, including many rhythm and blues and
remain with our distributors who ship from their warehouse.
rock and roll classics and in-studio discussions.
TMR203/RVN215 Various: Paramount Records Volume 1. An
absolute treat of a hand-sculptured cabinet style package contain- UNIVERSAL CD £12.45
ing 6 LPs, books of artwork, discography and artist portraits, a 7101962 Bobby Womack: The Poet I & II. Two of his finest solo
USB drive of hundreds of MP3 tracks, pdfs of artwork and just so albums together. Superior after hours soul, featuring Secrets, If
much more. This is the first of two proposed volumes (Volume 2 You Think You’re Lonely Now, Games and other heartbreakers.
7195632 Sam Cooke: Keep Movin’ On. 23-track set of rarities.
is scheduled for this time next year) telling the story of the
7198992 Sam Cooke: Ain’t That
rise of Paramount Records between 1917 and 1927,
Good News. The final album to be
taking in blues, gospel, jazz and more. There is lots more
released in his lifetime, which includes
to tell on this so check the internet (or see Blues and
his definitive version of A Change Is
Rhythm magazine 284 - page 17). The only downside is
Gonna Come.
that these are strictly limited editions, and are not expected to be available for very long!
3761858 Eric Clapton: Give Me
Strength - The 1974-75 Studio ReTMR206CD Pokey LaFarge: Pokey LaFarge. A new
cordings. Contains all studio realbum of 12 more charming and infectious songs of
cordings made between April 1974 and
American roots music, taking in early country, western
June 1975, including re-mastered and
swing, blues and jazz. As good as his earlier albums, and
expanded editions of the albums 461
you know how much we loved those!
Ocean Boulevard and There’s One In
Every Crowd.
TOM2080 Elvis Presley: Roots Revolution. Louisiana
Hayride live recordings from between 1954 and 1956. Scintillating UNIVERSAL 5CD & 1 BLU-RAY £55.00
3754594 Eric Clapton: Give Me Strength - The 1974-75 Studio
performances plus a 20 page booklet.
Recordings. Also includes the live album E.C. Was Here, a
wealth of out-takes, unreleased recordings and live and hiTSQ2981 Various: I Hear The Angels Singing - Electrifying definition material, plus a 60 page hardback book of extensive
Black Gospel From The Nashboro Label 1951-1983. Beautiful liner notes and rare photos.
4CD set housed in a deluxe gatefold LP sized package featuring
the first licensed re-issue of this iconic label’s material in over a UNIVERSAL CD £12.75
decade. Based in Nashville, Nashboro was possibly the greatest, 3723250 Broken Circle Breakdown Bluegrass Band: The
most prolific and longest- Broken Circle Breakdown. Original soundtrack album for Bellasting specialist gospel label gian-made movie that features lively interpretations of bluegrass
ever and was actually the classics from a band formed out of the film’s production.
parent company of the infa- UNIVERSAL CD £7.25
mous blues label, Excello. 3763564 Badfinger: Timeless - The Musical Legacy Of BadfinThis provides a virtual history ger. 16 track compilation of popular British band that were oneof
demonstrating time label mates and friends of The Beatles during the Apple era.
across a plentiful 80 tracks VANGUARD 3CD £14.50
the evolution of gospel from Available again after long absence, a classic. This was reviewed
close harmony church sing- in Red Lick’s 146 catalogue - read our review at
ing and riveting solo singing 3VCD193 Various: Newport Folk Festival - Best Of The Blues
through to heavy gospel soul 1959-68. Lots of great bluesmen including rediscovered country
groups influenced by R&B blues greats such as Mississippi John Hurt, Son House, Skip
dance rhythms. The superb James, Bukka White and more plus greats on the contemporary
notes are from Opal Louis scene, including Muddy, John Lee Hooker, Memphis Slim, etc
Nations and the musical
highlights include The Consolers, Brother Joe May, The Radio VERVE LP £14.95
Four, Pilgrim Jubilees, Swanee Quintet, The Angelic Gospel Classic albums on vinyl, all include a voucher to download to MP3
Singers, Edna Gallmon Cooke, The Holmes Sisters, The Su- 5345886 Ella Fitzgerald And Louis Armstrong: Ella &
preme Angels and many more.
5345887 Billie Holiday: Lady Sings The Blues.
5345893 Count Basie & His Orchestra: April In Paris.
TEG74002CD Muddy Waters: Can’t Get No Grindin’. From his 5345889 Oscar Peterson Trio: Night Train
final days at Chess, this 1973 album features Pinetop Perkins, 5345890 Stan Getz: Big Band Bossa Nova.
James Cotton, Pee Wee Madison and Sammy Lawhorn and is a 5345888 Charlie Parker: With Strings.
welcome and impressive return to the sounds of his classic 50s 5345891 Bill Evans: Conversations With Myself.
sides after experiments with brass, psychedelia and all-star 5345894 Jimmy Smith: The Cat.
VERVE 5CD £32.95
5345561 Various: Verve - The Sound Of America. ReBLUES IMAGE CALENDAR £18.75 (UK p&p included*)
leased to celebrate the labels 50th anniversary, this includes
* Due to the way these are packed, they are not included in the ‘p&p 100 historic singles from their catalogue plus an excellent 32
free’ offer on completed UK orders of £100 and above
page booklet. Includes a who’s who of jazz - Charlie Parker,
CAL2014 Blues Images Calendar 2014. The eleventh edition of Stan Getz, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Lester Young,
this massive-selling calendar is as good as ever and comes with a Kenny Burrell, etc.
marvellous (and free) CD containing 24 vintage blues tracks, including some enormously rare finds. Whether you want this to keep VIZZTONE CD £13.15
track of your appointments or just kept to look at and admire, this is VTLG101 Little G Weevil: Moving. Mostly acoustic album from
superb bluesman on 11 originals and one cover.
a must have.
Recently voted by Mojo magazine as one of the
blues albums of 2013 and a current 2014 Blues
At the time of writing, we
Music Award nominee. Great soulful singing,
still have a limited number
stirring guitar and a swinging band. No amps, just
of copies still in stock.
microphones dotted around the room to create an
Please note however that
authentic feel. And it works a treat!
we won’t be ordering any
further copies until next
WARNER CD £12.75
autumn when the 2015
5310586992 Chas & Dave: That’s What Hapcomes out. If you have yet
pens. New album from duo that pretty much qualify
for ‘national treasure status. These 12 tracks return
to source your copy, conthem to their roots with early R&B, skiffle and rock
tact us now before it is too
and roll classics plus new takes on a few of their
own songs. Guests include Albert Lee.
BID110 Jerry Lee Lewis: The Sun Years (SUN102). A 12 LP box
set on Sun/Charly Records covering the period Nov 1956-Aug
1963. The LPs and 36 page booklet are in immaculate condition.
The box itself is in good condition but does show some small signs
of wear (ask for details)
BID111 Little Richard: The Speciality Sessions (ABOXLP1). An
8 LP box set on Ace Records. The LPs, 32 page booklet, and box
are all in immaculate condition.
BID106 Elmore James: King of the Slide Guitar: The Complete
Chess, Chief & Fire Sessions (Chess CD RED BOX 4). 73 tracks
on 4 CDs, plus a 32-page booklet with notes and discography.
Discs, jewel cases and booklet all excellent. Box slightly worn at
edges but only very slightly
BID107 Jelly Roll Morton: The Complete Library Of Congress
Recordings By Alan Lomax (Rounder CD11661-1888-2). This is
the very definition of lavish. 8 CDs of music and interviews, a
paperback book on Jelly Roll by Alan Lomax, and an 80 page
souvenir booklet on the life that led up to these sessions, all housed
within a package created in
the shape of a piano. This
set is in very good condition
BID112 Duke Ellington:
Anniversary (Masters Of
Jazz MJCD 1300). A full 13
CDs of Ellington, each
highlighting a different side
to the great man’s music ballads,
composer, jungle, swing,
vocal, pianist and more. A
lovely presented box
BID113 Johnny Cash: The Legend (Columbia Legacy) A bumper
limited edition (numbered) including 5CDs and a DVD housed in a
12” x 16” 128 page hardcover coffee table book with essays and
hundreds of rare and unseen photographs. This is a beast.
Send in your bids in writing (emails accepted) by 31 JANUARY for
items you wish to bid for. Best bid wins (providing we are content
to accept it). It’s that simple. Don’t send money with your bid. We
will inform you if you have won and you then have 7 days to pay. If
no payment is made, we offer it to the next best bid. We do reserve
the right not to accept any offers if they do not meet our expectations. Email any queries and we will do what we can to answer - but
don’t ask for info on other bids. P&P added to the winning bid,
using normal Red Lick rates, see page 9 if in doubt .
WARNER CD £12.95
9362494345 Neil Young: Live At The Cellar Door. Recordings
from an intimate six-night stint at this concert venue in Washington DC towards the end of 1970, with Young playing versions of
songs from his early solo albums on either acoustic guitar or
piano. Also includes a few new interpretations of songs recorded
while with Buffalo Springfield. A fascinating and enjoyable artefact.
WAX TIME LP £16.25
LP771889 Elvis Presley: GI
Blues. Plus 4 bonus tracks.
LP771890 Chuck Berry:
Rockin’ At The Hops. Plus 4
bonus tracks.
WOLF CD £10.95
120847 Boston Blackie &
Otis ‘Big Smokey’ Smothers: ABC Blues - Chicago
Blues Session Vol 1. Repackaged and re-promoted
CD consisting of seven tracks
from Smokey Smothers and 6
tracks from Boston Blackie.
The Smothers sides are
taken from a 1984 session
(involving Eddie Taylor and Willie Kent) and a 1991 session
(involving Willie Kent again, Billy Branch and John Primer), while
the Boston Blackie sides are produced
by Willie Kent who also plays bass in the
band. Tough and uncompromising
underappreciated (and under-recorded) stalwarts of Chicago blues guitar.
WT5109 Mick Taylor: Little Red
Rooster. Live in Hungary in 2001, with
Noel Redding and John Coghlan. With
five lengthy blues work-outs, including
Catfish Blues, Red House, You Shook
Me, I Wonder Why and the title track.
Read This - It’ll Help You When You Order and It Explains How Red Lick Ticks…
GENERAL INFORMATION: If you are posting or faxing your order please use our order form and
make it as clear as possible. If you have already made a reservation by phone, please quote the
order number.
When ordering used and bargain priced items, please quote our stock number in the left hand
column with the artist and title. For new stuff, please quote the label, item code, artist and title.
We have single copies only of many of the used items we list and they sell out very quickly. Giving
alternative choices will help avoid disappointment but, if paying by cheque, please make sure you
allow enough to cover the cost of alternatives if they cost more. We always send your first choices if
they are available.
New items should be in stock either here or at our various distributors but, as you might expect with
the specialised music we deal in, titles can be deleted or go out of print without warning. Temporary
interruption in supplies may be for just a few days or even weeks but we will always inform you if
there is a problem. We will do our very best to supply your full order as quickly and efficiently as
possible but again, if you can give us an alternative or two – please do. Alternatives are especially
important if you’re aiming for the £100 free or reduced p&p deal.
Email or phone us to check availability of used, bargain offer or new items. Alternatively, keep an
eye on our website and use the search facility available to find your requirements.
PHONE: 029 2049 6369
(from outside UK +44 29 2049 6369)
You are welcome to email or phone and check availability, order or reserve stuff at any time during
our normal/stated opening hours.
We are closed most weekends and Bank Holidays. We also close from time to time for short holidays. When we do this, we will identify the dates we are to close in advance in our catalogues and/
or on the Red Lick website.
FAX: 029 2049 4259
(from overseas +44 2920 494259)
The fax line is open
24 hours for straightforward Debit or Credit card orders. Please write clearly – it’s a bugger when
you don’t! If you have any queries, questions or problems, you’ll need to talk to us so please give us
a call.
ANSWERPHONE: Our telephone number offers the opportunity to order at any time of the day or
night as it operates an answerphone service for outside of office hours calls. Place your order by
clearly stating your order requirements and credit card details. Please ensure that you leave a
contact telephone number or email address should we need to clarify your order before despatch.
METHODS OF PAYMENT: Payment can be made by Cheque (Cheques can take 1 week to clear),
Postal Orders, Maestro, Visa or MasterCard. For online orders, we also take payment by Paypal.
DO NOT SEND CASH BY POST. If you pay by Cheque or Postal Order and we cannot complete
your order, we will issue a Red Lick Credit Note for use against your next order. If you would rather
not have a credit note, mark your cheque “Not to exceed £…..”(The maximum amount of your order
including post and packing). We’ll then fill in the exact cost of the goods we send. Please make all
cheques and Postal Orders out to RED LICK RECORDS.
REST ASSURED! We only process card payments when the order is complete and ready to be
sent. We never pass any detail of any kind on to any one else! We take your security and privacy as
seriously as we take our own. You can trust us completely – Red Lick has operated in this way as a
family business for over 30 years!
MAKING RESERVATIONS: We allow you to reserve items on a first come first served basis. Reservations need to be claimed within 2 weeks of placement. If you don’t, you’re just not being fair
on anybody and won’t be very popular…
RED LICK CREDIT NOTES: If you are using a Credit Note as part or full payment, clip it to your
order or quote it’s number and value.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: When you move or change your contact telephone number or email
address, let us have your old details as well as the new ones so we’ll know we’re amending the right
RETURNS: Everything we sell – new or used - is quality guaranteed. If you get a problem, let us
know immediately and we’ll sort it out pretty damn quick!
CATALOGUES: Our amazing catalogues are published 6 times a year and are available on subscription. If you want a flying start to get to the used stuff by having it sent by 1st class post,
you need to add £1 to you order for next catalogue postage.
WEBSITE: Ensure you keep checking the website ( We offer the opportunity to
search for stock information and order and pay online. The site is easy to use and we are adding
new features to it as we go along.
Orders are very well packed with pride and despatched by 1st class Royal Mail,. Additional
services, such as a recorded delivery, etc, are available on request at additional cost.
CDs and DVDs – £1.50 for the first disc then add 50p for each additional disc up to a maximum
of £6.00. Remember that doubles count as 2 CDs.
BOX SETS – Calculate the rate by the number of CDs in the box but check the box listing in the
catalogue. Sometimes, rates have to be higher due to the presentation or booklets included, etc.
VINYL LPs - £2.25 for the first LP then add £1.00 for each additional LP to a maximum charge
of £6.00.
BOOKS - individually priced, see the listings in the catalogue and/or our website
MIXED ORDERS – These are calculated to the best rate for you and won’t exceed £6.00
(regardless of the size of your order) as long as everything can be packed properly in one
parcel. The maximum cost of any combination of items packed in one parcel is £6.00.
MAINLAND. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer this to The Isle of Man, or The Scottish
Highlands and Islands. To these areas, if your order is over £100, we charge £3.00 towards our costs.
To ensure you qualify for these deals, you should give an alternative or two in case part of your
order isn’t currently available or, in the case of used items or bargain priced CDs, sold out.
Alternatives will ensure that the value of your shipped order stays over £100 and gets you the
HANDLING CHARGE – To offset processing costs, a surcharge of £1.00 must be added to
orders under £10.00 in value. This is in addition to the normal postage costs and applies to
every order which totals less than £10...we gotta cover our costs somehow y’know!
When sending outside the UK, p&p is added at cost to the parcel. As p&p is predominantly
calculated by the weight of the parcel, we weigh parcels in advance and then determine the p&p
to be added.
JAN 2nd - JAN 14th inclusive:
MONDAY to FRIDAY (9.30am - 4.30pm) AND SATURDAY 4 JAN (9.30am to 1pm).
FROM 16 JAN (until publication of next catalogue)
When the office is closed, you can still email, order via the web, fax or leave a
message on the telephone answer-machine message, at any time - day or night.
We will always respond as soon as possible.
The printed edition of our bi-monthly catalogue is now distributed according to strict subscription arrangements.
We try to keep these arrangements as simple as possible - explained as follows:
Within the UK, anyone who wants a printed copy of future catalogues is required to become a subscriber. The full year/annual subscription is £20 and the current subscription year runs from the beginning of May 2013 to the end of April 2014.
This subscription can be ordered in the same way as all other items - by adding to the order made (by phone, fax, web order, email or post) against code CAT1314
If you still want to receive the catalogue but do not want to pay a subscription, there are two options available:
- ensure we have your current email address and ask to be moved to our email catalogue list (when each catalogue is published we will send an email to advise
that it is now available to view/download as a pdf from our website). There is of course no charge related to this.
- order more than £40 - any completed order of £40 or more automatically qualifies you for a free catalogue subscription for the remainder of the subscription year.
Consequently, for many of our customers, this subscription will not be charged for but will simply be added free of charge to the first invoice of over £40* in the period
If you want catalogues sent by first class post, the system for adding £1 to orders remains in place. The only other stipulation is your annual subscription has to be
place and up to date.
For customers outside of the UK - There is no change to previous arrangements and no subscription is payable. We will continue to decide on a case by
case basis as to which customers should be sent a catalogue. The only real criteria we adopt is recent order record; presuming you have bought relatively recently, you
should remain on the mailing list.
(* If you have paid the £20 subscription charge and place an order of £40 or more later in the year, we may consider a full or partial refund of the subscription at our discretion;
and this will depend upon how far into the year the order is placed and its total value)
UK Phone (and answerphone): 029 2049 6369
UK Fax: 029 2049 4259
Outside UK Phone (and answerphone): +44 2920 496369
Outside UK Fax: +44 2920 494259
We list below our best selling books
(for a full list of the books we currently sell, and more details
on each of these listed below, see ‘Red Lick Book Store’ )
BK067 Steve Millward: Changing Times - Music & Politics 1964
(Matador p/back). Excellent overview of a watershed year as start
of the swinging sixties and a new political, cultural and social dynamic that impacted upon the evolution of pop, jazz, rock ‘n roll and
rhythm & blues. Ideal for nostalgics who were there and as a piece
of social history for those who weren’t.)
£8.95 (+ £3.25 UK p&p)
BK066 James Gavin: Deep In A Dream - The Long Night Of
Chet Baker (Vintage p/back). Recognised as the biography of
Chet to read. Acknowledges the talent and achievement, but is
harrowing in its portrayal of the decline.
£8.95 (+ £2.50 UK p&p)
BK065 Marybeth Hamilton: In Search Of The Blues (Vintage p/
back). Explores the extent to which recording industry managers,
promoters, producers and executives simply recorded the blues in
its ‘purest’ form or ‘corrupted’ it coercing musical directions that best
met their commercial aspirations. A good read, not as dry or heavy
as it sounds here!
£8.95 (+ £2.50 UK p&p)
BK061 Frog Jazz & Blues Annual Vol. 3 (Frog Publications inc
free 25 track CD). Another superb collection of especially commissioned articles on 78RPM era blues and jazz. With 33 sections that
are great to read and look at plus a wonderful 25 track CD full of
rare and gorgeous tracks.
£29.75 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK058 Buddy Guy (with David Ritz): When I Left Home - My
Story (déjà vu Hardback)
£17.95 (+ £3.75 UK p&p)
BK057 Wilko Johnson With Zoe Howe: Looking Back At Me
(Cadiz h/back). A riveting pictorial autobiography with 280 photographs across 256 pages that covers reminiscences and thoughts
on his years with Dr Feelgood, outer space, India, drugs, guitars,
Shakespeare, guns and lots more. Not a conventional autobiography but a must for fans
.£25.00 (+ £4.00 UK p&p)
BK056 Thomas Brothers: Louis Armstrong’s New Orleans
(Norton p/back)
£12.95 (+ £2.75 UK p&p)
BK054 Mike Barnes: Captain Beefheart
(Omnibus p/back)
£9.95 (+ £2.75 UK p&p)
BK052 John Szwed: The Man Who Recorded The World - Alan
Lomax Biography (Arrow p/back)
£8.95 (+ £2.50 UK p&p)
BK051 Daniel Beaumont: Preachin’ The Blues - Life & Times Of
Son House (Oxford Uni Pres h/back)
£15.95 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK048 Robert Crumb: The Complete Record Cover Collection
(Norton Books Hardback)
£18.00 (+ £4.25 UK p&p)
BK047 Ted Gioia: Delta Blues - Life & Times Of The Mississippi
Masters... (Norton Paperback)
£12.99 (+ £3.25 UK p&p)
BK045 Bob Riesman: I Feel So Good - Life & Times Of Big Bill
Broonzy (Uni Of Chicago h/back)
£17.50 (+ £3.25 UK p&p)
BK044 Robert Shelton: No Direction Home - Life & Music Of
Bob Dylan (Omnibus hardback)
£19.25 (+ £4.50 UK p&p)
BK042 David Evans (Editor): Ramblin’ On My Mind (Uni Of
Illinois Press p/back)
£17.95 (+ £3.00 UK p&p)
BK041 John Broven: Record Makers & Breakers (Uni Of Illinois
Press p/back)
£21.75 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK040 Frog Blues & Jazz Annual Vol. 2 (Frog Publications inc
free 26 track CD)
£29.75 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK039 Nick Tosches: Hellfire - The Jerry Lee Lewis Story
(Penguin p/back)
£10.95 (+ £2.25 UK p&p)
BK035 Tony Russell: Country Music Originals-Legends And The Lost.
(Oxford Uni P/back)
£9.95 (+ £2.50 UK p&p)
BK034 Stephen Calt: Barrelhouse Words-A Blues Dialect
Dictionary (Uni Of Illinois p/back)
£17.99 (+ £3.00 UK p&p)
BK026 Frog Blues & Jazz Annual No. 1. (Frog Publications inc
free 25 track CD)
£29.75 (+ £3.50 UK p&p)
BK025 Graham Jones: Last Shop Standing-Whatever Happened To Record Shops (Proper)
£10.99 (+ £2.50 UK p&p)
BK017 Michael Gray: Hand Me My Travelin’ Shoes - In Search
Of Blind Willie McTell (Civitas p/ack)
£9.75 (+ £2.00 UK p&p)
BK016 Barry Lee Pearson & Bill McCulloch: Robert JohnsonLost & Found (Uni Of Illinois p/back) £13.75 (+ £1.75 UK p&p)
BK002 Paul Vernon: Last Swill & Testament - Hilarious Unexpurgated Memoirs (Mentor p/back)
£12.75 (+ £2.00 UK p&p)
PMO103 John ‘Drumbo’ French: Beefheart - Through The
Eyes Of Magic (Proper p/back). The life and times of Captain Beefheart, as presented by Magic Band member over a
mammoth 900 pages of reminiscences from various band
members, friends & associates.
£18.95 (+ £5.00 UK p&p)
PMO102 Graham Jones: Strange Requests And Comic
Tales From Record Shops (Proper p/back). Anecdotes
from record shop workers left baffled and bewildered by the
strangeness of customers.
£10.99 (+ £2.25 UK p&p)
BK032 Will Romano: The Life And Music Of Bluesman
Jimmy Reed (Backbeat p/back) £11.95 (+ £2.75 UK p&p)
AAA010DVD Stevie Ray Vaughan: Texas Blues. An hour
long live performance with Double Trouble, featuring special
guest Lonnie Mack helping out on a Wham and Oreo Cookie
NJPDVD620N Chicken Shack: I’d Rather Go Live. A two-hour
concert from 2004 featuring many of the band’s best-loved numbers
from across their career, plus some from Stan Webb’s solo albums.
Bonus features include interview with Stan.
AFDVD205 Down Home Music-A Journey Through The Heartland 1962. German film maker accompanies Arhoolie boss Chris
Strachwitz down south. With Jesse Fuller, Lightnin Hopkins, Lowell
Fulson, Black Ace, George Lewis, Mance Lipscomb, etc.
EAGLE DVD £13.95
EREDV723 Jeff Beck: Performing This Week- Live At Ronnie
EAGLE 3DVD £21.95
EREDV961 Rolling Stones: Ladies & Gentlemen/Stones In Exile/
Some Girls - Live In Texas ‘78 - Anniversary Edition. Three DVDs
ARHDVD401 Clifton Chenier: The King Of Zydeco. 15 live tracks, packaged together and at a bargain price to celebrate their fiftieth
mostly from 1982 but also some from 1978 plus interviews.
anniversary together.
EAGLE 3DVD £15.25
AEREC001 Ana Popovic: An Evening At Trasimo Lake. Classy Special edition package of separate DVD releases at a lower price.
EREDV996 Frank Zappa: Baby Snakes/The Dub Room Special/
live two and a half hour recording with an eight piece band.
The Torture Never Stops. Baby Snakes is a live performance from
BHMDVD66 A Tribute To The Mississippi Sheiks Concert. An New York in the late 1970s, The Dub Room Special is a documenall-star gathering for a tribute concert. Held in Vancouver in 2010, tary that incorporates live footage and The Torture Never Stops is
this includes 14 performances with Bob Brozman, Alvin Youngblood another live from 1981 shows. All include extras, such as backHart, Geoff Muldaur, John Hammond, Van Dyke Parks and more. A stage footage, clay animation sequences and more.
EREDV997 Gary Moore: Live At Montreux 1990/Live At Montreux
super companion to the big-selling CD tribute (BHMCD55).
2010/Blues For Jimi. Three storming live performances.
EREDV1001 Joe Cocker: Cry Me A River/Across From Midnight
DVD4M4M001 M For Mississippi - A Road Trip Through The Birth- Tour/Live At Montreux 1987. Cry Me A River is a live in TV-studio
place Of The Blues. A beautifully quirky (and award winning) film performance for German TV’s Rockpalast show in 1980 and Across
about a trip to check out the Mississippi blues as it is now.
From Midnight Tour was filmed in Berlin in 1997.
BHDVD001 We Juke Up In Here. From the team that brought us the EREDV916 Rolling Stones: Some Girls - Live In Texas ‘78. The
fabulous M For Mississippi DVD in 2008 comes a new road trip to DVD only edition of the above.
see what remains of Mississippi’s juke joint culture. A joint venture EREDV824 Jeff Beck: Rock N Roll Party - Honouring Les Paul. A
between Broke & Hungry’s Jeff Konkel and Roger Stolle of Cat 2010 tribute concert with guests. With 27 tracks over 164 minutes.
Head Records, the pair tell their story through an engaging series of Interviews, back stage footage & other bonus features
interviews and live music performances. As well as the documen- EREDV883 Miles Davis: Live At Montreux - Highlights 1973-91.
tary on DVD, you also get a CD soundtrack and glossy pull-out 130 minutes of footage, much never available.
booklet of essays, notes and colour photos. A fabulous package.
EREDV895 Richard Thompson: Live At Celtic Connections.
Filmed in 2011 in Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall, featuring songs
CADIZDVD107 Dr Feelgood: Oil City Confidential. Julian Temple’s from his Dream Attic album plus favourites from across his solo
career. 20 tracks in total (plus, as a bonus feature, two tracks from
acclaimed documentary, 100 minutes plus of bliss.
the 2011 Cambridge Folk Festival). 145 minutes of bliss
CHARLY DVD & CD £18.00
EREDV962 Rolling Stones: Crossfire Hurricane. Over a year in
SDVD001 Jazz On A Summer's Day – 1958 Newport Jazz Festithe making, and with the full co-operation of the band (all members
val, Chuck Berry, Big Maybelle, Mahalia, Guiffre, Monk etc
are interviewed), this tells the story of the band, from bluesCOOKING VINYL DVD £15.95
obsessed youngsters in the early sixties to undisputed rock royalty.
COOKDVD004 Richard Thompson: Live In Providence. A 13 track Archive (and previously un-seen) footage, live in-concert perform2003 concert & 40 minutes of archive live material 1981 - 2001
ance, interviews and more, plus bonus features. Definitive story.
EREDV969 Miles Davis With Quincy Jones: Live At Montreux
1991. Miles last appearance at the festival, notable for being a
DVD1782 Tail Dragger: My Head Is Bald.
tribute to Gil Evans. As a bonus, there is an interview with Miles.
DVD1793 Little Arthur Duncan: Live At Rosa’s Blues Lounge.
DVD1791 Carey & Lurrie Bell: Getting’ Up
DVD1794 Dave Specter: Live In Chicago
EREDV804 Rory Gallagher: Ghost Blues. Rory’s story with interDVD1796 Byther Smith: Blues On The Moon
views from friends & admirers plus the ‘Beat Club Sessions’ conDVD1800 It Ain't Over! 55 Years of Blues
cert, 90 minutes of unreleased footage.
DVD1803 Tail Dragger: Live At Rooster’s Lounge
EAGLE 2DVD £14.15
EVDVD111 Southside Johnny & The Asbury
EREDV473 Rory Gallagher: Definitive Montreux CollecJukes: All I Want Is Everything. Two German
TV Rockpalast concerts, 1979 & 1992
EREDV635 Gary Moore: Definitive Montreux Collection
EVDVD113 Jack Bruce: Golden Days. Two
complete concerts for German TV Rockpalast
EAGLE DVD £10.95
series, one in 1980 and the other 1990. The
EREDV267 Etta James: Burnin’ Down The House
second in Jack alone at the piano with just his
EREDV409 George Thorogood: 30 Anniv. Tour/Live In
songs. Interesting.
EREDV446 Bonnie Raitt: Live At Montreux 1977
EREDV554 Otis Rush And Friends: Live At Montreux
Re-issues of previously released DVDs at a new
bargain price
EREDV589 Canned Heat: Live At Montreux 1973
EVDVD130 Festival! Murray Lerner’s film of
four Newport Folk Festivals of the early 1960s,
first given a cinematic releases in 1967. ReEREDV986 Rory Gallagher: Live In Cork. A triumphant
stored from the original footage with remixed
1987 return to the Cork Opera House, fortunately captured
with classic performances from Sonny
by Irish broadcaster RTE. Previously released on VHS as Messin’
With The Kid - Live At The Cork Opera House, this edition now has Terry & Brownie McGhee, Son House, Mississippi John Hurt,
a much improved audio and visual quality and features alongside Howlin’ Wolf, Paul Butterfield, Joan Baez and Bob Dylan’s famously
the 13 track concert another film called Rough Guide To Rory’s controversial ‘electric’ appearance. A gem.
EVDVD124 The Groundhogs: Live At The Astoria. Filmed in
Cork, showing locations, photographs and anecdotes.
London in 1998 and the only DVD currently available of the band.
EAGLE DVD £12.95
EVDVD126 John Lee Hooker: Come And See About Me. Includes
EREDV759 Little Feat: Skin It Back. Led by Lowell George and vintage Hooker performances, solo and with guests including Eric
filmed in Germany in 1977 days before recording Waiting For Clapton, Rolling Stones, Ry Cooder and Van Morrison
Columbus. 11 tracks in concert plus 30 minutes of rehearsal takes.
EVDVD128 Peter Green Splinter Group: An Evening With…
EREDV828 Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour 1974. Restored, re- Recorded in England in 2003, featuring an acoustic and electric set.
mastered and improved film by Tony Palmer.
EAGLE DVD £11.75
EREDV904 Ray Charles: Live In France 1961. Ray’s performances
EVEDV926 The Who: Live In Texas ‘75. Filmed at The Summit in
at the Antibes Jazz Festival while at his creative peak. A rare treat
November 1975, this famous Who concert from their Who By
EREDV946 Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones: Live At The
Numbers tour has only previously been seen on poor quality bootCheckerboard Lounge, Chicago 1981. DVD only edition
leg video. Now cleaned up and authorised, this has 25 tracks that
EREDV976 Frank Zappa: A Token Of His
cover the whole of their career to this point.
Extreme. First official release of an original
programme created by Zappa for TV, a live EMI 2 DISC (DVD & CD) £13.75
music extravaganza recorded in Hollywood on 5603830 Dr Feelgood: Goin’ Back Home. Brilleaux & Wilko live in
August 27 1974. As a bonus there is also a Southend 1975. The CD has 24 rockin tracks; the DVD has 8 songs
Zappa appearance on the Mike Douglas TV from the gig & a promo video of “Back In The Night”. Fantastic.
Show in 1976. 90 minute of rare Frank.
DVDFA4020 Banjo Frolic. The fascinating story of the banjo, how
EAGLE DVD & CD £14.95
was introduced to American music & some of its best musicians.
ERDVCD069 Muddy Waters & The Rolling
Stones: Live At The Checkerboard Lounge, DVDFA4007 Louisiana Blues. French-made documentary on the
Chicago 1981. Only previously available on Cajun community of Louisiana, with a strong emphasis on the
bootlegs of dubious quality, this historic ap- music
pearance on stage of members of the Rolling
Stones (Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie
Wood and Ian Stewart) with Muddy and his
band (plus appearances by Buddy Guy, Junior
Wells and Lefty Dizz) is now available on this
legitimate release - and in its fullest form and with superior sound
and picture quality. 15 great tracks over 90 minutes on the DVD and
selected highlights on the CD.
HL00320698 Delta Blues Guitar With Honeyboy Edwards. From
1999, blues legend demonstrates slide & lead guitar and talks of life
& times (with an account of Robert Johnson’s death).
HL00320662 Billy Branch’s Blues Harp. Excellent tutorial
HL00321025 Jeff Healey’s Jazz Wizards: Beautiful Noise. ReEAGLE 3DVD £16.50
corded for TV in 2006, with Jeff’s late-flowering, classic jazz side.
EREDV598 Carlos Santana Presents Blues At Montreux 2004. 11 tracks, interview & other footage.
Four hours live with Buddy Guy, Gatemouth Brown & Bobby Parker. HL00321075 Newport Jazz Festival 1962. Clara Ward, Pee Wee
EREDV706 Rory Gallagher: Shadow Play - Rockpalast Collection
Russell, Joe Williams, Roland Kirk & Duke Ellington, etc.
HALL10DVD Les Blank: The Blues According To Lightnin’ Hopkins.
The legendary 1969 documentary now on DVD. An intimate portrait
of our Sam as his mixes with family, friends and in performance on
his own and with other blues musicians, including Mance Lipscomb.
SIGDV5001 Chris Smither: One More Night. Concert & interview.
SHANDV604 High Lonesome -Story of Bluegrass Music inc. Bill
Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Allison Krauss, etc. Award winning film
SHANDV607 Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: Rainbow Quest.
JSP DVD £11.45
JSP5801 Louisiana Red: The Blues For Ida B Session - Chicago Two hours of footage from the 1960s, also featuring Pete Seeger,
1982. 11 great solo blues performances filmed in Chicago, including Mississippi John Hurt, Hedy West & more.
both electric and acoustic sides. One hour of bliss.
JSP5802 U.P. Wilson: Live At The 100 Club London 1998. First SHANDVCD6804 The Panic Is On. The Great Depression of ‘30s
time on DVD, this hot performance demonstrates all the inventive with period footage, commentary & booklet. Bessie Smith, Woody
blues guitar that made him such a draw in the UK for so many Guthrie, Roy Acuff, etc on the CD.
years. 10 smoking tracks, plus an interview and sound check.
LEMAN DVD £15.95
SHANDV6801 And This Is Free: The Life And Times Of
LEMANDVD1 Bert Jansch & Friends: Acoustic Routes. 20th Chicago's Legendary Maxwell Street. Highly recommended.
anniversary releases of BAFTA nominated documentary on the
influential folk musician involving a host of friends including Billy SHANACHIE DVD & CD £21.50
Connolly, Ralph McTell, Brownie McGhee, Davey Graham, Anne SHANDVCD6901 How Sweet It Was-The Sights &
Sounds of Gospel’s Golden Age. Mid-60s footage with
Briggs, Wizz Jones, Martin Carthy, John Renbourn and more.
Consolers, Dixie Hummingbirds, Dorothy Love Coates,
Marion Williams, Soul Stirrers etc. CD covers 1940s-60s,
HATMAN3001 Eric Bibb: Live At The Basement. Live in Sydney,
inc. Rosetta Tharpe, Fairfield Four, Davis Sisters, Joe
Australia in 2002, with 14 of his best
May, Swan Silvertones, Mahalia, etc
tracks, in 5.1 surround sound.
MIG DVD £19.95
SHANDV621 Rosco Holcomb: The Legacy Of Roscoe
MIG90367 Johnny Winter: RockpaHolcomb. An American musical hero and personification
last Blues Rock Legends Vol 3. See
of the ‘high lonesome sound’ in his intense mountain
and hear Johnny ripping through the
music. Film maker, and member of New Lost City
Ramblers, John Cohen presents two documentaries
MIG90397 Roy Buchanan: Live At
alongside ten masterful performances. A fabulous
Rockpalast. Stormin’ performance
from Hamburg in February 1985,
with 13 tracks.
SGDVD030 Bob Dylan: Keep You Eyes On The Prize. Early
MIG90497 Graham Parker And
years in Duluth to landmark 1966 tour.
The Rumour: Live At Rockpalast
SGDVD033 Bob Dylan: Weary Blues From Waitin’. Documen1978 & 1980
tary covering 1966-78. Footage & interviews with critics & friends
OZIT DVD £12.50
SGDVD041 Rolling Stones: Born Under A Bad Sign. Early
OZITDVD0009 US Blues Tour ’63.
years with archive interviews, performance footage, photos and
An English language TV show with
Memphis Slim performing MC
SGDVD047 Keith Richards: The Human Riff. 2 hour documenduties, introducing Muddy, SBW,
tary. Exclusive interviews, photos & footage
Big Joe Williams, Willie Dixon, Victoria Spivey, Otis Spann & more.
SGDVD050 Bob Dylan: Gotta Do My Time. Documentary commencing with his born-again commitment from 1978 up to 1989’s
Oh Mercy release. Rare live an in studio footage plus archive
PRDVD71847 Joe Bonamassa: Live At Rockpalast
interviews with musicians, collaborators and music journalists.
SGDVD062 Rolling Stones: The Second Wave. A documentary
PRDVD72747 Joe Bonamassa: Live From The Royal Albert Hall.
covering the key years of 1966-69 when the band went global. With
rare performance footage and archive interviews plus contributions
PRD73657 Joe Bonamassa: Beacon Theatre - Live From New from acclaimed critics, friends and colleagues.
York. Captured over two nights on Nov 4th and 5th in 2011, includ- SGDVD064 Tom Waits: Second Hand Stories. Mix of performance
ing favourites, new numbers and guest appearances from Paul and studio footage, interviews and rare photos. This tells the story
Rodgers, Beth Hart and John Hiatt. Also contains a behind-the- from his career-shift in the early 1980s to more recent times.
scenes ‘making of the DVD’
SONY DVD £7.75
PRD74037 Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening At The Vi88697637369 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Live At El Mocambo
enna Opera House. The full concert plus bonus material including
SONY DVD £13.75
an On The Road - The Making Of film.
88697869449/2 Jimi Hendrix: Band Of Gypsy’s Live At Fillmore
East. All extant black & white footage of Jan 1 1970 first show in
More DVDs in Bargains, Used & Brand Spanking New .
original programme sequence. Only known footage of band.
88697941389 Jimi Hendrix: The Dick Cavett Show. Documentary
In 2013 Joe played four packed out concerts to an aggregate plus interviews & performances from 2 shows in 1969.
audience of 12,000 people. Each concert had different themes, set 88697941379 Jimi Hendrix: Blue Wild Angel - Live At The Isle Of
lists, arrangements and band configurations to ensure they were Wight. Sensational 1970 performance in front of 600,000 people,
with expanded special features, additional songs & 16 page booklet
unique in their own right. And bonus features differ for each also.
PRD74257 Joe Bonamassa: Tour De Force - Hammersmith SONY DVD £13.15
88691993319 Jimi Hendrix: Jimi Plays Berkeley. A two hour
PRD74267 Joe Bonamassa: Tour De Force - Royal Albert Hall. documentary film chronicling the two concerts played at the BerkeAn all-encompassing evening, showing off the variety of his inter- ley Community Theatre on May 30 1970. Hailed by some as one of
ests and abilities.
his finest performances, this fascinating film includes footage of 11
PRD74247 Joe Bonamassa: Tour De Force - Shepherd’s Bush of his tracks played, plus loads of extra features
Empire. His blues side, with horns.
SPV DVD £18.50
PRD74237 Joe Bonamassa: Tour De Force - The Borderline.
SPV90247 Paul Butterfield Band: Rockpalast – Blues Rock
Return to his early years in a power-trio format
Legends Vol 2. 1978 German TV recording, 11 songs & interviews.
RHINO 2DVD £18.75
0349794785 Eric Clapton: Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010. 4
Detailed instruction guides to the intricate guitar styles of country
hours of music, interviews & backstage. With BB King, Buddy Guy,
blues legends, featuring sample songs selected to reflect different
Jeff Beck, Derek Trucks, Robert Cray, Steve Winwood, Johnny
keys and tempos. With a detailed booklets to help tutorial.
Lang, Susan Tedeschi, Jimmie Vaughan, Hubert Sumlin, etc.
SGGW830 Tom Feldmann: The Gospel Guitar Of Mississippi John
RHINO 2DVD £16.95
Hurt. Step-by-step guide to the guitar playing of John Hurt on 10 of
0349794859 Eric Clapton: Crossroads Guitar Festival 2004. 4 his lesser known, but impressive, gospel sides.
hours, with Robert Jr Lockwood, Honeyboy Edwards, BB King, JJ SGGW831 Tom Feldmann: The Guitar Of Blind Willie Johnson.
Cale, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Jimmy Vaughan and more.
Eight of Willie’s bottleneck masterpieces dissected.
SGGW832 Tom Feldmann: Bottleneck Gospel Guitar. A slide
RHINO 2DVD £24.95
0349798776 Eric Clapton: Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007. With guitar tutorial of bottleneck guitar playing using the work of masters
Steve Winwood, BB King, Jeff Beck, Buddy Guy, Hubert Sumlin, such as Fred McDowell, Blind Willie Johnson, Muddy Waters,
Jimmy Vaughan, Derek Trucks, Johnny Winter and Susan Tedeschi Bukka White, Charlie Patton, Robert Wilkins and more.
SGGW834 John Miller: Hillbilly Blues Guitar. The songs of ClaSEXY INTELLECTUAL/CHROME DREAMS DVD £15.25
SIDVD557 Rolling Stones: 1969-1974 - The Mick Taylor Years. rence Greene, Dick Justice, Frank Hutchison, Sam McGhee & more
Includes archive footage, photos and interviews with Taylor plus SGGW418 Fred Sokolow: Bawdy Blues For Fingerstyle Guitar. An
hour and a half tutorial into playing loads of off-colour blues classics
musical collaborators (inc. John Mayall) and journalists.
SIDVD570 The Beatles: Strange Fruit - The Beatles’ Apple Re- from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Rude but instructionally so!
SGGW841 Tom Feldmann: The Guitar Of Bukka White. A tutorial
cords. The story of the extraordinary record label, including archive
footage of Apple artists, location film, interviews with staff and featuring 10 Bukka White classics. 112 minutes of bliss.
John Miller: The Guitar Of Furry Lewis.
musicians, plus contributions from music writers and biographers. A
SGGW812 John Miller: The Guitar Of Bo Carter.
fascinating 162 minutes.
SIDVD575 The Rolling Stones: Under Review - The Ronnie SGGW817 John Miller: Guitar Of Mississippi John Hurt Vol One.
Wood Years 1975 – 83. Documentary on the music and career
during the period, including rare archive footage and interviews with
music experts and associates of the band.
SIDVD576 Allman Brothers: Song Of The South - Duane Allman
And The Rise Of The Allman Brothers Band. Documentary on the
history of the band including interviews with musicians, producers,
biographers, friends and managers who were intimately involved
with the band. Also includes archive interviews and footage.
SGGW83940 Tom Feldman: The Guitar Of Fred McDowell. Tutorial heaven for those captivated by Fred’s propulsive slide guitar.
SGGW8423 Tom Feldmann: The Guitar Of Son House. A 4 hour
step-by-step guitar tutorial through 15 classic songs.
SGGW8378 Tom Feldmann: Masters Of Bottleneck Blues Guitar.
Over 4 hours of easy to follow tuition, featuring instruction on how to
play like Blind Willie McTell, Furry Lewis, Bo Weavil Jackson,
Kokomo Arnold, Peg Leg Howell, Tampa Red, Leadbelly and more.
STDVD2 Rock Baby Rock It
STDVD3 Hillbilly Rockabillies on TV
STDVD4 Hillbillies On TV - The Ozark Jubilee TV Show 1957-58.
28 performances taken from TV broadcasts including Red Foley,
Roy Acuff, Slim Wilson, Sonny James, Rex Allen, Jimmy Riddle,
Frankie Miller and more. Over 70 minutes of entertainment.
STDVD5 Hot Shot Rockabillies on The Town Hall Party. 45
performances from USA’s barn dance TV broadcasts 1952-61.
Gene Vincent, Wanda Jackson, Hank Snow, George Jones & more.
SFMDVD127 Dr John: Live From London. Captured live at the
Marquee as part of the club’s 25th anniversary celebrations in the company of
Chris Barber and his Jazz And Blues
Band. 10 marvellous tracks including
Memories Of Smiley, Little Liza Jane,
Right Place Wrong Time and more.
SFMDVD131 Fabulous Thunderbirds:
Live From London. Recorded in Camden Palace with both Kim Wilson and
Jimmie Vaughan in the line-up, running
through a set heavily featuring fabulous
early recordings including Scratch My
Back, She’s Tuff, One’s Too Many,
Gimme All Your Lovin’ and more.
9821783 American Folk Blues Festival
Vol 3. Skip James, Bukka, Son House,
Muddy, Buddy Guy, etc
2716031 A Great Day In Harlem. Academy Award-nominated
documentary of 57 jazz legends that met in Harlem in 1958 for a
historic photo session. 30 interviews & narration by Quincy Jones.
8110089 Rolling Stones: Charlie Is My Darling. An intimate,
behind-the-scenes diary of life on the road, filmed as Satisfaction
was climbing the charts in 1965. This was shot during a tour of
Ireland and features their first professionally filmed concert performances and a growing set of adoring and frenzied fans.
079 8589 Levon Helm: Ramble At The Ryman. A fantastic live
performance from Nashville with excellent guest support.
VEST13002 Legends Of Bottleneck Blues Guitar. Son House,
Jesse Fuller, Fred McDowell, Johnny Shines, Furry Lewis, etc.
VEST13003 Legends Of Country Blues Guitar Vol 1. Son House,
Mississippi John Hurt, Rev Gary Davis, Big Bill Broonzy and more.
VEST13011 Mance Lipscomb: In Concert
VEST13014 Freddie King: The !!!!Beat 1966. In a TV studio.
VEST13016 Legends Of Country Blues Guitar Vol 2. Bukka
White, Sam Chatmon, Big Joe Williams, Houston Stackhouse, etc.
VEST13022 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Rare Performances 1960-1979.
Classic footage of a master.
VEST13026 Legends Of Old-Time Music. Roscoe Holcomb,
Clarence Ashley, Jean Ritchie, Tommy Jarrell, etc
VEST13028 Freddie King: In Concert - Dallas, Texas 20 Jan 1973.
An hour of Freddie in a TV studio at his peak.
VEST13037 Legends Of Country Blues Guitar Vol 3. Featuring
rare performance footage of Furry Lewis, John Jackson, Josh
White, Robert Pete Williams, Rev Gary Davis, Pink Anderson &
Jesse Fuller
VEST13038 Legends Of The Delta Blues. With performances
from Johnny Shines, Bukka White, Son House and John Lee
Hooker. Back in print and available again.
VEST13046 Martin Simpson: In Concert.
VEST13047 Bob Brozman: In Concert
VEST13049 Devil Got My Woman - Blues At Newport 1966. Skip
James, Wolf, Son House, Bukka White, etc.
VEST13056 Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry: Red River Blues.
Career retrospective commencing with two pieces filmed for Library
Of Congress in 1948, followed by a series of other performances up
until 1973.
VEST13060 Brownie McGhee: Born With The Blues 1966-1992.
With 14 performances from various concerts.
VEST13065 John Fahey: In Concert And Interviews 1969 And
VEST13069 Stompin’ At The Savoy - World Of Slide Guitar Vol
2. Bob Brozman, Mike Auldridge, Freddie Roulette, Martin Simpson
and Vishwa Mohan Bhatt.
VEST13089 Take Me Back To Tulsa - An Anthology Of Western
Swing. Superb performance footage of Bob Wills, Tex Williams,
Smokey Rogers and more.
VEST13094 Dave Van Ronk: Memories. Live in concert in 1980.
VEST13095 Chicago Blues: Superb 1972 film with Muddy, Koko,
Jr Wells, Hutto, Buddy Guy, etc.
VEST13099 Howlin’ Wolf: In Concert 1970
VEST13108 Rory Block: Guitar Artistry Of
VEST13111 Rev Gary Davis: Video Collection
VEST13116 John Jackson: Video Collection
VEST13123 Eric Bibb: Guitar Artistry Of Eric Bibb. In concert plus
Eric talking about his life and music.
VEST13127 Hubert Sumlin: Living The Blues. Traces the life and
career of one of the greatest electric blues guitarist ever.
WARNER 2DVD £20.95
7599399925 Eric Clapton & Stevie Winwood: Live From Madison
Square Garden. 2008 concert & extras.
YAZDV500 Bukka White/Son House
YAZDV501 Gary Davis/Sonny Terry
YAZDV502 Mance Lipscomb/Lightnin'Hopkins
YAZDV503 Elizabeth Cotton/Jesse Fuller
YAZDV518 Big Bill Broonzy/Roosevelt Sykes
ACE CD £5.25
CDCHK820 Cajun Classics - Kings Of Cajun At Their Very Best.
24 tracks, Balfa Bros, Nathan Abshire, DL Menard, Iry Lejeune, etc.
CDCHK798 This Is Louisiana: Superb 18 track overview, with
Johnny Allen, Rockin’ Sidney, Huey Piano Smith, Tami Lynn, etc.
5486672 Graham Parker And The Rumour: Howlin’ Wind. Classy
1976 debut album, produced by Nick Lowe
5486822 Graham Parker & Rumour: Heat Treatment
5486812 Graham Parker And The Rumour: Squeezing Out
Sparks. Stunning 1979 album, produced by Jack Nitzsche.
BACKB012 Love & Jealousy - Deeper Side Of Southern Soul.
BACKB019 I Get My Groove - Crossover Soul From The Deep METRSL033 New Orleans Blues, Soul & R&B Gumbo. 50 clasSouth. Phillip Michell, The Montclairs, Gloria Edwards, etc.
sics with Jelly Roll Morton, Sidney Bechet, Paul Gayten, Fats
BACKB030 Pain Goes Deep-More Deep Soul Gems. 25 tear- Domino, Guitar Slim, Bobby Charles, Prof Longhair, etc.
METRSL049 The Yardbirds: Smokestack Lightning. 40 track
jearkers, Bettye Lavette, Otis Clay, Ann Sexton, etc
BACKBART003 Tommie Young: Shreveport Soulstress.
compilation of their best live and studio recordings featuring ClapBACKBART004 Willie Mitchell: Memphis Rhythm King. Hi classics ton, Beck and Page on guitar. Detailed notes and full colour poster.
BT3010 Totally Essential Rockabilly. 60 tracks. Elvis, Carl Perkins, Sid King, Sonny Burgess, Gene Vincent, Warren Smith, etc.
BT3011 Totally Essential
Bluegrass. Bill Monroe, Blue
Sky Boys, Stanley Bros, Flatt
& Scruggs, Delmore Bros,
Dave Macon, etc.
BT3053 Soul Early Classics.
60 superb sides, Ann Cole,
William Bell, Carla Thomas,
Johnny Ace, Sam Cooke, etc.
Absolutely Essential 3CD
Collection. 57 great early
blues & soul sides.
METRSV007 Jerry Lee Lewis: The Essential Collection. 40 early
rocking tracks plus a DVD of a sell-out concert in London with
guests Van Morrison, Dave Edmunds, Dave Davies and more.
SROLLCD806 Billy Lee Riley: Red Hot.
SROLLCD808 Sonny Burgess: The Arkansas Wild Man
SROLLCD810 Warren Smith: Rockabilly Legend
SROLLCD815 Ray Smith: Shake Around
SROLLCD818 Sleepy LaBeef: A Rockin’ Decade
SROLLCD824 LaVern Baker: Bop Ting A Ling
SROLLCD827 Jack Scott: Leroy
SROLLCD833 Malcolm Yelvington: Rockin’ With My Baby
SROLLCD834 Gene Simmons: I Done Told You
SROLLCD844 Bob Luman: Red Hot! 28 original rockers
NOT2CD261 Leadbelly: The Definitive Leadbelly.
NOT2CD304 Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: Cripple Creek. Rare
Folkways stuff, with all tracks of 4 Folkways 10” LPs & 8 bonus cuts.
If you were to bid for the 4 albums on vinyl, you’d need £400!
NOT2CD305 American Murder Ballads. 50 tracks including Frank
Hutchison, Kelly Harrell, Blind Willie McTell, Victoria Spivey, etc
NOT2CD327 Bo Diddley: Hey! Bo Diddley. With classic albums Bo
Diddley & Go Bo Diddley
NOT2CD356 Sonny Boy Williamson: Down And Out Blues.
NOT2CD358 Best Of Cajun & Zydeco. Great music with Clifton Chenier, Joseph Falcon, Moon Mullican, etc.
NOT2CD402 Alexis Korner: Easy Rider. 40 tracks.
NOT2CD401 Big Bill Broonzy: Anthology. 50 classics
NOT2CD406 Little Walter: Rock Bottom. 47 killer classics
NOT2CD415 Son House: Raw Delta Blues. 30 classics, including
pre-war and re-discovery sides.
NOT2CD422 Memphis Slim: Boogie After Midnight. 44 gems.
NOT2CD433 Dave Brubeck: Time Further Out. Plus The Riddle.
NOT2CD447 Essential Memphis Blues. 50 tracks with Memphis
Jug Band, Robert Wilkins, Joe Hill Louis, Dr Ross, BB King, etc
NOT2CD450 Essential Chess Blues. 56 of the best with Muddy,
Wolf, SBW, Jimmy Rogers, Willie Nix, Elmore, Otis Rush, etc.
NOT2CD454 T-Bone Walker: The Imperial Blues Years.
NOT2CD470 Big Joe Williams: Essential. 50 great blues sides.
NOT2CD484 Blind Willie McTell: Ultimate Blues Collection. 50
magnificent pre-war country blues sides.
NOT2CD494 Bo Diddley: Singles Collection. 40 great sides.
NOT2CD495 Willie Dixon: Willie’s Blues. His first album as album
coupled with his 1960s album with Memphis Slim.
NOT2CD498 Screamin’ Jay Hawkins: Singles Collection 1953-62
NOT2CD503 A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues. 50 classic that influenced early UK rock & roll bands, with Arthur Alexander, Little Wille
John, Jimmy McCracklin, Nappy Brown, Titus Turner, etc
NOT2CD505 Cafe Hawaii. 50 magnificent sides featuring Sol
Hoopii, Roy Smeck, Leonard Kwan, Alfred Aholo Apaka & more.
NOT2CD507 Willie Nelson: Crazy. 50 classic sides
NOT2CD508 Charley Patton: Essential Collection. 50 earthshaking blues and spirituals from the true master of delta blues.
NOT2CD512 Doc Watson: Doc’s Prescription. 40 country and
bluegrass classics
NOT2CD513 Freddy King: The King Years 1961-1962. First two
albums on King, Freddy King Sings & all-instrumental Let’s Hide
Away And Dance Away plus bonus tracks. 28 classics.
NOT2CD514 Flatt & Scruggs: The Foggy Mountain Sound Of… 50
of the best from the one of the most successful bluegrass duos.
NW6145 John Hiatt: Same Old Man. Excellent 2008 album from a
Red Lick favourite. Laid-back bluesy songs, helped by Luther
Dickinson of the North Mississippi All-Stars on guitar and mandolin.
NOT3CD058 Newport Folk Festival 1959. With Pete Seeger, Leon
Bibb, Odetta, Barbara Dane, Joan Baez, etc.
NOT3CD067 B.B. King: Can’t Kick The Blues. 60 early classics
NOT3CD042 Definitive Cuban. Compay Segundo, Ruben Gonzalez, Ibrahim Ferrer, Miguelito Valdes, etc.
NOT3CD047 Rockabilly’s Gravest Hits. Sleepy La Beef, Charlie
Feathers, Jack Scott, Sonny Fisher, etc.
CAMDEN 2CD £6.50
NOT3CD060 Howlin’ Wolf: Blues From Hell. Loads of classic sides
886979833821 Rory Gallagher: The Collection. 28-track best of.
NOT3CD072 The Story of Bluebeat - Birth Of Ska. 48 sensational
tracks. Derrick Morgan, Byron Lee, Duke Reid, Laurel Aitken, etc
5253892 The Band: The Band (remastered)
NOT3CD076 Newport Folk Festival 1960. With John Lee
5253902 The Band: Music From The Big Pink (remastered)
Hooker, New Lost City Ramblers, Oscar Brand, Cisco Houston,
5253932 The Band: Moondog Matinee (remastered)
5253912 The Band: Cahoots (remastered)
NOT3CD116 Pioneers Of The Electric Guitar. 75 tracks featur5253922 The Band: Islands (remastered)
ing Link Wray, B.B. King, Elmore James, Earl Hooker, Les Paul,
5253942 The Band: Northern Lights Southern Cross
Guitar Slim, Lowell Fulson, Django Reinhardt, Joe Maphis, etc.
5253952 The Band: Stage Fright (remastered)
NOT3CD121 Bluesology - 75 Electrifying Classics. 75 blues
8665682 Johnny Winter: Progressive Blues Experiment.
classics from the delta blues of Son House and Bukka White to
535 0162 Mink DeVille: Cadillac Walk - The Mink DeVille Collection electric Chicago blues of Muddy, Wolf, Elmore, etc.
5984302 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: 30 Years Of NOT3CD122 B.B. King/Albert King/Freddy King: Kings Of The
Rock. Greatest hits plus 2 previously unreleased tracks
Blues Guitar. A CD of early sides from each.
684 0822 George Thorogood & Destroyers: The Dirty Dozen.
NOT3CD128 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Bluesville Story 1960-62.
Contains 3 albums, Lightnin’, Last Night Blues (with Sonny
Terry) and Blues In My Bottle, plus bonus tracks.
Fantastic value - repackaged (mostly) Sun classics at low price
5164432 Fleetwood Mac: Fleetwood Mac
5164442 Fleetwood Mac: Mr. Wonderful
5164482 Fleetwood Mac: The Original
5164462 Fleetwood Mac: Blues Jam In Chicago Vol 1. With Otis
Spann, Willie Dixon, Shakey Horton, etc
5164472 Fleetwood Mac: Blues Jam In Chicago Vol 2
4759722 Otis Spann: Biggest Thing Since Colossus
74321691742 Captain Beefheart: Mirror Man Sessions
4898922 Blind Willie Johnson: Dark Was The Night
82876606442 Etta James: Blues To The Bone (RCA)
82796928442 Derek Trucks: Songlines
5133102 Derek Trucks: Soul Serenade
CSCCD1092 Pokey LaFarge & The South City Three: Live In Holland.
An exhilarating 2012 live set, incorporating blues, folk, jazz, western
swing and more. Pokey & band are hot!
EMI 2CD £6.50
228 1422 Johnny Kidd & The Pirates: Very Best Of
G975 0382 Bonzo Dog Band: Gorilla/The Doughnut In Granny’s
Greenhouse. Two crazed and riotously funny albums together.
5330952 Ten Years After: Cricklewood Green
2081562 Ten Years After: Watt
5789492 Ten Years After: Ssssh
5848152 Groundhogs: Who Will Save The World?
5848192 Groundhogs: Split
5848202 Groundhogs: Thank Christ For The Bomb
5355542 Groundhogs: Live At Leeds
EPIC DVD £5.75
88697092609 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Pride And Joy. A music video
collection 1983-89, with Double Trouble and with brother Jimmie on
the Family Style album. 70 mins.
FLOATB6067 J.B. Lenoir: The Mojo
FLOATB6116 Profile Records Story. From vaults of Chicago independent label. Jr Wells is prominent on diverse & enjoyable set.
IGOXCD512 Paul Lamb & The King Snakes: John Henry Jumps
In. Killer album from blues harp ace.
IGOCD2119 Lightnin Hopkins: Feel So Bad. 22 tracks 1946-1949.
MCD7358 Bobby Bland: Unmatched - The Very Best Of. Gorgeous
mature soul from a master, the best of his Malaco years.
DAY3CD026 Point Of No Return - Liberty Records Story 1962.
75 tracks featuring Buddy Knox, Warren Smith, The Crickets, etc
DAY3CD027 Up On The Roof - Gems From Atlantic Vaults 196162. 75 sides inc Tommy Ridgley, LaVern Baker, Dale Hawkins, etc
DAY3CD037 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Speciality Story. 75sides inc
Percy Mayfield, Wynona Carr, Earl King, Clifton Chenier, etc
DAY3CD042 Come And Get It - Herald Records Story 1953-62.
75 sides; Faye Adams, Eddie Boyd, Jimmy King, Cousin Leroy, etc
DAY3CD043 I Pity The Fool - Duke Records Story 1952-62. 60
stunners inc Fenton Robinson, Buddy Ace, Jr Parker, Bobby Bland,
Johnny Ace, Larry Davis, Little Sonny, Peppermint Harris, etc.
ONEDAY 2CD SETS £5.95 - Over 40 tracks on each!
DAY2CD132 Tell Me What I’d Say - The Atlantic Story 1955-60.
50 sides inc Ruth Brown, Ray Charles, Chuck Willis, Clovers, etc
DAY2CD134 Essential Rockabilly - Decca Story. Over 50 hot
rockers, Billy Lee Riley, Eddie Fontaine, Peanuts Wilson, etc
DAYCD138 Essential Rockabilly - Imperial Story. Bob Luman,
Ricky Nelson, Ronnie Smith, etc.
DAY2CD139 Essential Rockabilly - MGM Story. Marvin Rainwater, Conway Twitty, Sheb Wooley, etc.
DAY2CD142 Essential Rockabilly - Capitol Story. Gene Vincent,
Wanda Jackson, Bob Luman, etc
DAY2CD161 Pink Pumps And Ponytails. 50 classics from the 50s
with Elvis, Everlys, Dion, Floyd Cramer, Billy Fury, etc
DAY2CD171 Come On, Let’s Go - Pye International Story 195861. 50 tracks inc Howlin’ Wolf, Etta James, Slim Harpo, Marcels, etc
DAY2CD173 Hit The Road, Jack - The ABC-Paramount Story. 50
tracks, Ray Charles, Jack Scott, Lloyd Price, The Impressions, etc
DAY2CD178 Rip It Up - The Speciality Story. 50 classics inc Little
Richard, Larry Williams, Lloyd Price, Wynona Carr, etc
DAY2CD204 Double Trouble - Cobra Records Story 1956-59. 40
excellent sides the archives of a great label formed in Chicago’s
West Side. With Otis Rush, Magic Sam, Betty Everett, Little Willie
Foster, Harold Burrage, Sunnyland Slim, Shakey Horton,
DAY2CD218 Bad Bad Woman
- Gems From Phillips Records
USA 1962. 50 tracks - Jimmy
Dell, Ruth Brown, Clydie King,
DAY2CD219 Lonesome Road Jamie Records Story 1957-62.
50 tracks - Titus Turner, Mac
Davis, Sanford Clark, Chuck
Reed, etc
Story. 50 classic early blues
sides from pioneering label of
1920s & 1930s. Rarely anthologised artists, with Snitcher Roberts, Martha Copeland, Dora Carr,
Sloppy Henry, Birmingham Jug Band & more plus Mamie Smith’s
historic Crazy Blues and a track by W.C. Handy himself!
PRESS2CD Spencer Davis Group: Keep On Running - The
Collection. Excellent 20 track overview of the best of a great band.
PRIMO 2CD SETS £6.00 - 40 tracks each!!
PRMCD6012 Bob Wills & Texas Playboys: King Of Western Swing
PRMCD6085 Professor Longhair: The Primo Collection.
PRMCD6092 Charlie Christian: The Daddy Of ‘Em All
PRMCD6108 Memphis Minnie: Essential Recordings
PRMCD6118 Sister Rosetta Tharpe: Essential Early Recordings
PRMCD6125 Ska. Skatalites, Maytals, Pyramids, etc.
PRMCD6134 40 Delta Blues Gems. Sam Collins, Kid Bailey,
Garfield Akers, Joe Callicot, Frank Stokes, etc.
For the full list available in this series, see
SBLUECD015 Ma Rainey: Don’t Fish In My Sea.
SBLUECD033 J.B. Lenoir: Alabama Blues
SBLUECD048 Sister Rosetta Tharpe: Up Above My Head
SBLUECD061 Mississippi Sheiks: Sitting On Top Of The World
SONY CDs £4.95
4670142 The Vaughan Brothers: Family Style. Only album recorded together by Stevie Ray and Jimmie.
74321588132 Guy Clark: Old No1/Texas Cookin
SONY CD £6.75
88697802212 Buddy Guy: Living Proof.
88697893792 Jimi Hendrix: Band Of Gypsys (Sony)
SONY CD £6.50
88697453792 Aaron Neville: Bring It On Home. A 2006 album with
Aaron running through 13 soul classics, including My Girl, You Send
Me, Ain’t No Sunshine, A Change Is Gonna Come and more.
8416002 Taste: Taste
8416012 Taste: Live At The Isle Of Wight
8302462 Robert Cray: False Accusations
SPECORIG1011 The Ethiopians: Engine ‘54. Debut album reissue, a seminal ska & rocksteady classic.
SPEC2132 Allman Brothers: Midnight Rider - Essential Collection.
SPEC2133 Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bad Moon Rising The Collection. Excellent selection of tracks from 1968-1972
SPEC2147 Sandy Denny: The Lady - The Essential Sandy Denny.
DAY3CD001 London American Story - Rarities. 75 tracks with SPEC2148 John Martyn: Sweet Little Mystery - The Essential.
Ruth Brown, LaVern Baker, Smiley Lewis, Fats Domino, and more.
DAY3CD010 Real Rare Rockabilly. 75 belters inc Gene Terry, 2716534 Albert King: Live In Sweden.
Ray Smith, Don Willis, Shelby Smith, Floyd Mack, Daryl Britt, etc
DAY3CD011 Sun Blues Story. 60 fantastic blues with Howlin’ 760482 Cream: BBC Sessions. 20 previously unreleased
Wolf, B.B. King, Dr Ross, Rosco Gordon, Willie Nix, Jr Parker, etc
5303338 Robert Cray: Live At The BBC
DAY3CD020 Poison Ivy - Gems From The Atco Vaults 1959-62. 9844665 John Mayall: Live At The BBC
65 sides inc Boyd Bennett, Otis Redding, King Curtis, Coasters, etc
DAY3CD022 Drummin’ Up A Storm - Imperial Records Story
2799042 George Harrison: Early Takes Volume 1.
1962. 60 sides inc Lightnin’ Hopkins, Floyd Dixon, Fats Domino, etc
DAY3CD025 Good For Nothin’ - Vogue Records Story 1956-62. UNIVERSAL CD & DVD £9.75
2795835 B.B. King & Friends: Live At Royal Albert Hall 2011
Thurston Harris, Jr Parker, Amos Milburn, Bobby Bland and more.
DTD12 The Art Of Field Recording Vol 2. The second retrospec- When ordering from this page, please note:
tive of the work of Art Rosenbaum, revivalist & preserver of a unique - campaign prices quoted here on Page 13 have not been
cultural heritage, covering 50 years of American ballads, blues,
adjusted on our online ordering system - we will make price
spirituals & fiddle tunes. 104 great tracks with a marvellous book.
changes manually at our end so when ordering items from this
page you must clearly state in the online order (or mention
BK-DTD15CD Brother Claude Ely: The Life And Legacy Of
specifically via email, post, fax or phone), that you want a ‘Page
Brother Claude Ely (plus £5.00 UK p&p for this hardback book)
13 Bargain Offer’ campaign item and at the offer price quoted. If
you don’t specify this, the usual price will be charged - we won’t
automatically recognise the item as a Page 13 campaign item;
TSQ2509CD (3CD) People Take Warning! Murder Ballads & Disaster
Songs 1913-1938. Big selling compilation of early blues, country, - items contained within the ‘Page 13 campaign’ are only
available while existing stocks last; once an item is sold out
folk and more. A fantastic collection.
and we have to re-stock, the normal price is applied, so check
JET MARTIN PAPERBACK BOOK £9.95 (plus UK p&p £2.75)
you are getting the ‘Page 13 Campaign’ price before confirming;
BK001 Martin Celmins: Jumping At Shadows - The Biography Of
- to qualify for the campaign price, Page 13 campaign orders have
Duster Bennett. Excellent and increasingly hard-to-find story of
To be paid for promptly. Reservation of items at ‘Bargain Offer’
iconic UK bluesman. Usual price £15.00!!
prices for later date settlement is not allowable.
EARWIG CD £9.95 (USUAL PRICE £13.95)
Any queries or confusions, of course, just ask.
Last few copies left of these, deleted so get ‘em quick!
EW4963 Grady Champion: Back In Mississippi - Live
EW4923 Mad Dog Lester Davenport: When The Blues Hit You
EW4922 David "Honeyboy" Edwards: Delta Bluesman
PRPACD002 Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham: Moments From
EW4953 David "Honeyboy" Edwards: Roamin' & Ramblin'
This Theatre. Two of the greatest songwriters together live in an
EW4914 Frank Frost & The Jelly Roll Kings: Midnight Prowler.
EW4916 Big Jack Johnson: Daddy, When Is Mama Comin' Home? intimate setting in the UK in 1988, singing and playing some of
their greatest creations including I’m Your Puppet, It Tears Me
EW4939 Big Jack Johnson: Live In Chicago.
Up, Dark End Of The Street and more.
EW4943 Louisiana Red: Millenium Blues.
EW4915 Sunnyland Slim: Be Careful How You Vote
GRLIZ001 Karl DeMata: Cross The Mountain (Green Lizard)
51101-2 Dan Hicks And The Hot Licks: Live At Davies. A live 70th SBIRD0005CD Sam Carr's Delta Jukes: Live In Europe
birthday celebration held in San Francisco. Guests include Maria
2564686629 Chris Rea: (2CD) So Far To Go, Best Of (Warners)
Muldaur, John Hammond, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott and more.
FP11492 Fred McDowell: Shake 'Em On Down (Fat Possum)
JRCD001 Bo Diddley Is A Session Man - Studio Work 1955WMTV189 Blue Moon - 75 Old Fashioned Hits 3CD (Warners)
57. (Jerome). Bo as composer, musician or producer behind Little
2760826 Flying Burrito Brothers: Authorized Bootleg/Fillmore Walter, Billy Boy Arnold, Billy Stewart, etc.
East, New York N.Y (Hip-O Select). Stirring embryonic country rock GET54047CD Bo Diddley: Big Bad Bo (Get On Down). Rare
from ‘Version 2’ (Sneaky Pete, Bernie Leadon and Rick Roberts).
early 70s Chess album with experimental funk edge.
CHRX1001 Ten Years After: A Space In Time (Chrysalis). From US0405 Django's Spirit -Tribute To Django (Trikont)
1971, more subdued and reflective than prior power blues albums.
PWR27265 Eric Dolphy: Outward Bound (Poll Winners)
RANDB008 History Of R & B Vol One 1925-42 4CD (R & B)
PWR27268 Red Garland: Dig It! (Poll Winners)
DFGCD8701 Music Maker Revue Live! In Europe (DixieFrog)
TSQ2400 Roland White: Wasn't Born To Rock'n'Roll (Tompkins Sq)
13003 Terry Big T Williams & Wesley Junebug Jefferson: Meet
CDCHD1099 Cool Daddy-Central Ave Scene Vol 3 (Ace)
Me in the Cotton Field (Broke & Hungry)
PWR27266 Art Tatum: Legendary 1956 Session (Poll Winners)
13006 Pat Thomas: His Father's Son (Broke & Hungry)
PSALM2324 Googie Rene & Babs Gonzalez: From Romesville To
13007 Jimmy 'Duck' Holmes: Ain't It Lonesome (Broke & Hungry)
Manhattan (Righteous)
13009 Jimmy ‘Duck’ Holmes: Back To Bentonia (Broke & Hungry) PWR27267 Horace Silver: Blowin' The Blues Away (Poll Winners)
250300 Ramon Goose: Uptown Blues (Blues Boulevard)
BGOCD978 Stefan Grossman: 2CD Ragtime Cowboy Jew (BGO)
BGOCD1033 Doc & Merle Watson: Look Away!/Live & RHRCD154 A Nod To Bob (Red House). A celebration of Dylan’s
Pickin’ (BGO). From 1978 & 1979, with bluegrass & folk delights
60th birthday. Guy Davis, Martin Simpson, Greg Brown, etc
ALIVE0115CD T-Model Ford & Gravelroad: Taledragger (Alive) RHRCD246 A Nod To Bob 2. (Red House) Celebrating Dylan’s 70th
Juke-jointin’ raucous & hypnotic blues. 2010 studio recordings
birthday, with Guy Davis, Ray Bonneville, Hot Tuna, etc
BGOCD1050 Flying Burrito Brothers: Close Up The Honky
COOKCD531 Ron Sexsmith: Long Player Late Bloomer (CookVinyl)
Tonks. 23 track compilation 1969-74, with & without Gram Parsons.
CDCD5066 Keith Richards' Jukebox (Chrome Dreams)
MWR44 Little Freddie King: Messin’ Around Tha’ House
NW0020CD Chuck Berry: Performance (Northworld)
(Madewright). Bown-home 1950s feel, with contemporary remixes.
MEGA1603 Johnny Winter: Roots (Megaforce). with Warren Haynes,
0782082 Merle Haggard: Working In Tennessee (Vanguard)
Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks, Sonny Landreth, Edgar Winter, etc
7559796331 Black Keys: El Camino (Nonesuch)
HEP05292 Anson Funderburgh: .. What I Want To Hear (Hep Cat) FLOATM6068 Mose Allison: The Collection. A compilation of his 50s
HEP05282 Earl King & Roomful Of Blues: Glazed (Hep Cat)
material, showcasing both his instrumental & songwriting talent.
HEP2744 Rod Piazza & Mighty Flyers: Blues In The Dark (HepCat) NCD1019 Dave Lennox: Before Beyond And Blue (Note)
HEP05272 James Harman: Black & White (Hep Cat)
88697637952 Blow Up Original Soundtrack (Sony)
88691960482/5 Willie Nelson: Heroes (Sony)
2746348 Lonnie Donegan: Puttin' On The Style (Sanctuary)
FP10112 Charles Caldwell: Remember Me (Fat Possum)
2564663403 Seasick Steve: Walkin’ Man - Best Of (Rhino)
803012 RL Burnside: Mr Wizard (Fat Possum)
496 4372 Cliff Bennett: At Abbey Road (EMI) 28 song compilation
FATP03692 Robert Belfour: Pushing My Luck (Fat Possum)
of 1960s sides with The Rebel Rousers for EMI.
803492 Robert Pete Williams: Robert Pete Williams (Fat Possum) SPIT039 Laura Cantrell: Kitty Wells Dresses (Spit & Polish).
FATP03182 T-Model Ford: You Better Keep Still (Fat Possum)
Excellent tribute album to country music star at special offer price
ELECTRO3380 Fruteland Jackson: Blues 2.0 (Electro-fi)
CD83556 In The Pocket - A Taste Of Blues Harmonica. James
BURNWJ44 Norman Blake: Green Light On Southern (Western)
Cotton, Jr Wells, Lazy Lester, Billy Branch, etc (Telarc).
SPV42942 Taj Mahal: The Natch'l Blues (SPV)
DOCD5694 Granville ‘Stick’ McGhee: Vol 1 1946-51. 22 tracks.
FVTD064 Bluegrass Big Three Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Don DOCD5695 Granville ‘Stick’ McGhee: Vol 2 1947-51. 22 more.
Reno, Red Smiley & Tennessee Cutups (Fantastic Voyage).
FVTD098 Sassy Sugar - Pure Essence Of Nashville R ‘N R. 75
tracks- Elvis, Carl Perkins, Bob Luman, etc (Fantastic Voyage).
Popular label now back in catalogue - and for a while (only),
VUCD0021 Sheila Gee: Have You Ever Had The Blues (Uptown)
available at a much reduced price. Listed below are just a few
VUCD0020 Vernon Garrett: Don’t Fall In Love With Me (Uptown)
titles available at a temporary price - type ‘upbeat’ into the search
RDS001 The Red Dirt Skinners: Home Sweet Home. UK group facility at for the full list:
integrating americana, blues & old-time country (Some Blue).
URCD137 Ken Colyer: Once More For Auntie.
CDCHD1218 Where The Girls Are Vol 7 (Ace). 26 tracks.
URCD158 Chris Barber: At The BBC With Special Guests.
BGOCD1041 Duane Eddy: Duane Eddy (BGO)
URCD195 Sidney Bechet: A Portrait Of Bechet In Paris.
CDCHD1098 Grandpa Jones: Steppin' Out Kind (Ace)
URCD215 Muggsy Spanier: A-Z
JSP8830 Texas Guitar Summit (JSP) UP Wilson, Henry
URCD219 Big Joe Turner: The Boss Of
Qualls, Bob Kirkpatrick, Andrew ‘Jr Boy’ Jones & Bobby
The Blues.
URCD224 George Lewis: On Stage.
TSQ1042CD Charlie Louvin: Charlie Louvin (Tompkins
URCD225 Johnny Dodds: King Of The
Square). 2006 album with versions of Louvin Bros classics
Blues Clarinet 1926-40
and tribute to Ira.
URCD235 Bunk Johnson: Bunk’s Blues.
5023512 Fats Domino: Greatest Hits-Walking to New
URCD236 Kid Ory: The Kid From N.O.
Orleans (EMI)
URCD242 Sister Rosetta Tharpe: One And
FVDD147 Cadillac Cuties & Hot Rod Heroes 2CD (Fant.
Only Queen Of Hot Gospel.
URCD254 Cliff ’Ukulele Ike’ Edwards: I
RLB1812 Marcus Malone: Let The Sunshine In (Redline)
Did It With My Little Ukulele.
6191332 Meet Me At The Mardi Gras (Rounder). Set of
Mardi Gras songs - Joe Liggins, Larry Williams, Longhair,
URCD240D George Lewis & His New
Chuck Carbo, etc.
Orleans Stompers: Vintage 1954-55
2564674078 Hugh Laurie: Let Them Talk (Warners)
7559797683 Ry Cooder: Pull Up Some Dust & Sit Down URCD244D George Lewis: Jass At Ohio Union-Historic 1954
(Nonesuch). Fierce state-of-the nation CD. And great music also!.
7559796163 Ry Cooder: Election Special (Nonesuch). Political and UPBEAT DVDs £8.95 EACH
angry, but songs as always laced with humour and great playing.
URDVD251 The Big Chris Barber Band: Live In Concert At The
88697986712 Leonard Cohen: Old Ideas (Columbia)
Isle Of Wight.
5186561582 Seasick Steve: Man From Another Time (Warners)
PSALM2353 Ernest Tubb And Friends: Record Shop (Righteous)
SILCD1300 Roy Budd: Get Carter (OST) (Silva Screen)
ELECTRO3418 Bobby Dean Blackburn: Don't Ask.. (Electro-fi)
5311421 Bobby Blue Bland: Best Of (Universal). 27 tracks
2055551ERE Solomon Burke: Nothing’s Impossible (Ear).
9362487302 Eric Clapton: Me & Mr Johnson (Reprise)
88697847422 Bob Dylan: In Concert At Brandeis Uni 1963 (CBS)
CD83675 Eric Bibb: Get On Board (Telarc)
CD83427 A Tribute To Howlin' Wolf (Telarc)
CD83680 Pinetop Perkins: & Friends (Telarc)
CD83624 Jimmy Thackery: Healin' Ground (Telarc)
CD83656 Corey Harris: Zion Crossroads (Telarc)
CD83625 Dave Brubeck: London Flat, London Sharp (Telarc)
CD83690 Otis Taylor: Pentatonic Wars And Love Songs (Telarc)
7599236962 Donald Fagen: The Nightfly. Debut solo album from
1982 of Steely Dan front man (Warners).
3984282262 Los Lobos: La Bamba. Super soundtrack to 1980s bio
pic of Richie Valens. Los Lobos cover Valens’ songs (Warners)
9362477342 Eric Clapton: Money And Cigarettes. Remastered
1983 album, with Albert Lee and Ry Cooder on guitars (Warners).
8122743952 Grateful Dead: Live/Dead. Remastered and expanded
edition of historic 1969 concert album (Warners)
5044202 Chet Atkins: Best Of. 19 guitar-picking tracks (Columbia)
88697843452 Dave Brubeck: Time Changes (Columbia)
74321556922 Sidney Bechet: Jazz Greats. 14 classics (RCA)
5010182 Jeff Beck: You Had It
Coming. 2001 album (Epic)
4728652 Rising Sons: With Taj
Mahal & Ry Cooder (Columbia)
88697794842 Johnny Cash: The
Gospel Collection (Columbia)
CTX615CD Ben Waters: Boogie 4
Stu - Ian Stewart Tribute (Eagle)
88697343162 Buddy Guy: Skin
Deep (Silvertone)
1120472 Howlin' Wolf: The Collection (Spectrum)
331 6292 Dave Edmunds: Best Of
873 7492 Jeff Beck: Truth (EMI)
SABRECD2008 Rev. Gary Davis: From Blues To Gospel (High
Coin). Super 1971 recordings originally issued on LP by Biograph.
CDP7924402 Dr Feelgood: Singles - The U.A. Years +. 24 of their
best, with Roxette, Baby Jane, Milk And Alcohol & more (Liberty)
CDVR2149 Captain Beefheart: Shiny Beast/Bat Chain Puller (Virgin)
CDVR2172 Captain Beefheart: Doc At The Radar Station (Virgin)
CDVR2237 Captain Beefheart: Ice Cream For Crow (Virgin)
MOORECD8 Gary Moore: Still Got The Blues (Virgin)
MOORECD9 Gary Moore: After Hours (Virgin)
MOORECD10 Gary Moore: Blues For Greeny (Virgin)
CDV2768 Gary Moore: Ballads & Blues 1982-84 (Virgin)
PRMCD6094 Duke Ellington: Skin Deep (Primo)
4781732 Keb' Mo': Keb' Mo' (Epic)
WK596692 John Mayall: Stories (Eagle)
ER201242 Albert Collins: Live At Montreux 1992 (Eagle)
ER200922 Steve Earle: Live At Montreux 2005 (Eagle)
ER200392 George Thorogood & Destroyers: Hard Stuff (Eagle)
SBLUECD083 BB King: BB Boogie (Snapper Complete)
SBLUECD031 Gatemouth Brown: Just Got Lucky (Complete Blues)
SBLUECD059 The Roots Of Jimi Hendrix (Complete Blues)
88697694412 Chet Baker: Cool Chet Baker (Columbia)
88697569362 Bill Evans: The Bill Evans Album (Columbia)
SPEC2115 Temptations: My Girl - The Collection (Spectrum)
CDP7954812 Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker: Best Of (Capitol)
RMGS1012 Thelonious Monk: Monk's Mood (Rajon)
SROLLCD805 Carl Perkins: Boppin' Blue Suede Shoes (Charly)
SROLLCD811 Gene Vincent: Bop Street (Charly)
SPV42462 Messed Up In Love And Other Tales of Woe (SPV)
250212 Duke Danger: If It Ain't One Thing (Blues Boulevard)
88697618762 Jeff Beck: The Collection (Camden)
CDP7929322 Chet Baker: Best of Chet Baker Sings (Capitol)
CDP7971612 Chet Baker: Best of Chet Baker Plays (Capitol)
6422942PMI Art Blakey: And The Jazz Messengers (Blue Note)
MMKCD702 Cootie Stark: Sugar Man (Cello)
EAGCD269 Johnny Cash: Presents A Concert Behind Prison
Walls (Eagle). A live set recorded in 1976 at Nashville’s Tennessee
State Penitentiary for a TV special.
INTROCD2070 Arnett Cobb: The Wild Man From Texas (Proper)
INTROCD2072 Lucky Thompson: Just One More Chance
INTROCD2077 Charlie Parker: Star Eyes
INTROCD2043 Duke Ellington: Skin Deep
SNAP071CD Lee Morgan: Just In Time (Charly)
Superb 20+ track compilations in classy digipacks with nice artwork.
9820932 Muddy Waters: Screamin’ And Cryin’.
9821391 T-Bone Walker: Swinging The Blues. 22 of his best
9820773 John Lee Hooker: Blues From The Motor City 1948-53.
9829945 Bluesmen Sing Spirituals-When The Blues Go Marching In. With Blind Willie Johnson, Muddy Waters, Gary Davis, etc.
9820782 B.B. King: Birth Of A King ‘49-53.
9829922 New York City Blues - Big Apple Blues Scene 1951-54.
With Jack Dupree, Brownie McGhee, Tarheel Slim, etc.
5310080 B.B. King: Sweet Little Angel. 16 early sides.
5310178 Jerry Lee Lewis: Great Balls Of Fire. 13 early rockers.
5310142 Hank Williams: Honky Tonk Man 1947-1952. 16 classics.
5310175 Bo Diddley: I’m Bad! 16 selected singles 1955-57
EJC55524 Billie Holiday: Songs For Distingué Lovers + Body &
ACROBAT 3CD £11.95
ACTRCD9033 Duke Ellington: Rare Live Recordings. 1952-53 CDCD5044 Ken Nordine: Word Jazz - Complete 1950s Re- Soul. Two 1957 Verve albums with Ben Webster, ‘Sweets’ Edison,
Jimmy Rowles & Barney Kessel. 15 tracks and 12 page booklet.
recordings from New York, Washington and Portland, Oregon.
cordings. Spoken word vignettes over cool jazz of Chico Hamilton.
EJC55525 Thelonious Monk Orchestra: At Town Hall. 1959
ACROBAT 2CD £10.75
COLUMBIA 10CD £34.50
ADDCD3074 Jazz At The Philharmonic - Seattle 1956. From the 8869797592 Charles Mingus: The Complete Columbia & RCA Riverside album plus bonus tracks. A rare big-band outing for Monk.
Ackermann Tape archives, some of the great names in jazz are Albums Collection. Box set of albums in original LP replica sleeves EJC55538 John Coltrane: Africa/Brass + Africa Brass Sessions
featured, including Stan Getz, Sonny Stitt, Oscar Peterson, Modern including Tijuana Moods (2CD), Mingus Ah Hum, Mingus Dynasty, Vol 2. 1961 Impulse album plus its sequel.
Jazz Quartet, Ella Fitzgerald and more. Rare live recordings.
Alternate Takes, Let My Children Hear Music, Charles Mingus & EJC55574 Red Garland Trio: Bright & Breezy + The Nearness Of
You. Two 1961 albums originally on Jazzland.
ADDCD3075 Earl Hines All Stars: Live At The Black Sheep San Friends (2CD) and Epitaph (2CD).
EJC55581 Cannonball Adderley: Cannonball’s Bossa Nova +
Francisco 1961. 35 tracks taken from six previously unreleased COLUMBIA LEGACY 3CD & DVD £23.50
Cannonball Adderley. 1962 Riverside LP and six bonus tracks.
radio broadcasts recorded between April and May.
88725418532 Miles Davis: The Bootleg Series Vol 2 - Live In EJC55584 Chet Baker: Chet Is Back. 1962 Rome recordings and
ADDCD3097 Tubby Hayes: New Edition - Rare Radio Recordings Europe 1969. Previously unavailable (and excellent sounding) radio
1958-1962. Previously unreleased sides with the Jazz Couriers, his broadcasts featuring Miles in the company of Wayne Shorter, Chick an overlooked classic. Also has four bonus tracks.
own quartets and quintets featuring the cream of British jazz and a Corea, Dave Holland and Jack De Johnette. Not surprisingly, the EJC55585 John Coltrane: Ballads. A rare and exquisite treat, with
McCoy Tyner (piano), Jimmy Garrison (bass) and Elvin Jones
live American recordings from the 1962 Washington Jazz Festival.
music is sensational and historic. The DVD features performances (drums). Plus five bonus tracks.
in Antibes, Stockholm and Berlin.
EJC55610 Milt Jackson: Statements + Vibrations. Two outstanding
AJC99011 Pepper Adams & Jimmy Knepper: Pepper-Knepper CROSSROADS £14.75
albums: one a quartet featuring Hank Jones (piano), Paul ChamQuintet. Complete 1957 album, originally on Metrojazz
CR1001 Charles Mingus Sextet: Live In Rotterdam 1970. Four bers (bass) and Connie Kay (drums); the other with a larger band.
AJC99018 Gerry Mulligan: Meets Johnny Hodges.
rare live recordings including Jaki Byarbyard (piano), Charles EJC55611 Freddie Hubbard Quintet: Here To Stay + Hub-Tones.
AJC99027 Dave Brubeck: Tonight Only! Complete 1960 Columbia McPherson (alto sax), Bobby Jones (tenor sax & clarinet), Eddie Two superb Blue Note LPs from 1962 by renowned jazz trumpeter.
album, 5 bonus tracks & 12 page booklet.
Preston (trumpet) and Dannie Richmond (drums). Also as a bonus EJC55613 Art Blakey: Caravan + Buhaina’s Delight. One of his
AJC99038 Earl Hines Quartet: Earl’s Pearls. 1960 album plus a is a version performed by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra of finest sextets, released in 1961 & 1962 on Riverside and Blue Note.
bonus solo session from same year, both on CD for first time.
Mingus’ The Clown from 1969.
AJC99054 Barney Kessel: Some Like It Hot. After participating on CR1002 Don Cherry Quartet: Live In Nervi 1979. Five tracks ESSENTIAL JAZZ CLASSICS 3CD £19.95
the soundtrack album for Billy Wilder’s classic 1959 comedy movie, featuring Cherry on trumpet and piano, Charlie Haden on bass, Ed EJC55511 Fletcher Henderson: A Study In Frustration. A long
unavailable collection re-issued with extra tracks, now totalling 74.
Kessel was asked to produce an album of proper jazz versions of Blackwell on drums and Dewey Redman on tenor sax
the music used, alongside Art Pepper, Shelly Manne, Joe Gordon CR1004 Hank Jones Trio: Live In Buffalo 1976. Featuring Milt Supporting players include Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller, Henry
and Jimmy Knowles. A superb swinging collection originally re- Hinton (bass) and Nasar Abadey (drums), this has the legendary ’Red’ Allen, Ben Webster, Coleman Hawkins, etc. 24 page booklet
leased on Contemporary. This edition includes as a bonus a rare jazz pianist on nine lovely tracks. Plus interview as a bonus.
FVDD121 Jazz Noire - Darktown Sleaze From The Mean Streets
session of Kessel with Rowles from 1956 plus a 12 page booklet.
AJC99055 Eric Dolphy: Where? + The Quest. Two 1961 albums
Of The 1940s. Fantastic film noir music. 50 atmospheric jazz, blues
7234268 George Benson: Inspiration - A Tribute To Nat King Cole. and r&b cuts from 1940s, with Buddy Johnson, Charlie Parker, Al
with Mal Waldron and Ron Carter, originally on New Jazz.
AJC99059 Gene Ammons & Sonny Stitt: Boss Tenors + Dig Him! Iimpressive arrangements from the great Nelson Riddle plus a 42 Hibbler, Thelonious Monk, Etta Jones, Lester Young and more.
piece orchestra and guest appearances by Wynton Marsalis.
Revered Verve and Argo albums
AJC99065 Stephane Grappelli: Django. His 1962 Barclay album DELMARK JAZZ £13.00
FA5392 East Coast Jazz Workshops - New York 1954-61. 39
and homage to one-time partner, Django Reinhardt. Also has nine DE813 Clarence Johnson: Low Down Papa - Enhanced Piano tracks featuring Al Cohn, Donald Byrd, Gigi Gryce, Bob Brookextra tracks of Grappelli playing Django compositions.
Rolls Vol 2.
meyer, Gil Evans, Charles Mingus, Tony Scott and many more.
AJC99066 Maynard Ferguson: Maynard ‘61 + Straightaway. Two DE2015 Jeff Walker Trio: Bright Light In Winter. Chicago jazz FA5281 Jazz West Coast - Hollywood To LA. Cream of West
albums from the early 1960s originally on Roulette.
guitarist on a set of nine tuneful tracks.
Coast jazz 1950-58. 42 tracks - Shorty Rogers, Zoot Sims, etc.
AJC99067 Count Basie And His Orchestra: On My Way And DE254 Art Hodes: I Remember Bessie. An hour of inspired piano FA5135 New Orleans Revival 1940-1954. Bunk Johnson, George
Shoutin’ Again + Not Now, I’ll Tell You When. Verve and Roulette solos recorded in 1976 as a tribute to the music of Bessie Smith.
Lewis, Sidney Bechet, etc.
albums, the second of which has never been on CD before.
AJC99068 Sonny Stitt: Rearin’ Back + Tribute To Duke Ellington. 233377 Roaring 20s, Crazy 30s - Golden Age Of The
FSRCD661 The Complete
1962 album from saxophonist in collaboration with pianist Ronnie Dance Bands. Stylish jazz bands and orchestras includFelsted Mainstream ReMathews plus 1960 tribute album to Ellington on CD for first time.
ing Harry Roy, Ray Noble, Nat Gonella, Chick Webb, Cab
cordings. Superb package of
AJC99072 Carmen McRae: Take Five + Live At Sugar Hill.
Calloway, Red Norvo, Red Allen, King Oliver, Louis
complete Felsted albums,
AUP 4CD £10.50
Russell, Johnny Hodges and many more.
replica cover artwork, organised
AUPCD129 Best Of Jazz Piano. Over 4 hours of superb jazz ivory 233550 European Jazz 1949-60. 150 tracks with Tubby
by jazz critic Stanley Dance
tickling, including tracks from Mose Allison, Bill Evans, Dave Hayes, Joe Harriott, Enrico Rava, Swedish Modern Jazz
during 1958 & 1959. With
Brubeck, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Oscar Peterson, Thelonious Group, Stephane Grappelli, Jutta Hipp, Toots Thielealbums by Rex Stewart, Earl
Monk, Red Garland, Jelly Roll Morton, Horace Silver, Ahmad Jamal, mans, etc, etc
Hines & Cozy Cole, Buster
233569 Americans In Paris. Fantastic collection of some
Nina Simone and more. An excellent overview.
Bailey, Buddy Tate, Coleman
Hawkins, Dicky Wells, Budd
CDBGPM270 Leon Thomas: The Leon Thomas Album. His 1970
Johnson, and Billy Strayhorn.
album on CD for the first time, this demonstrates his excellent and the work of Art Blakey, Dizzy Gillespie, Mary Lou WilWith 44 page book.
versatile jazz vocals in front of the cream of New York session liams, Lester Young, Chet Baker, Lucky Thompson,
players including Billy Cobham, Roy Haynes, Billy Harper and more.
FSRCD637 Oscar Peterson Trio: My Fair Lady + Porgy & Bess +
DOMINO £12.95
Fiorello. 3 albums dedicated to 3 award-winning Broadway shows
532 1462 Art Blakey Quintet: Night At Birdland Vol 1
FSRCD658 Red Garland & Ray Bryant: Alone + Blues & Ballads.
Porrhaus, with local musicians.
532 1472 Art Blakey Quintet: Night At Birdland Vol 2
Two piano stylists playing solo on albums between 1958-1961.
891220 Dave Brubeck Quartet: Live In London 1966
532 1372 Bud Powell: Amazing Bud Powell Vol 2
FSRCD662 Lurlean Hunter: The Velvet Voice. 4 LPs from 1957-60
891223 Ben Webster Quartet: Live In Hilversum 1970. Recorded with Jimmy Giuffre, Herbie Mann, Hank Jones, Jim Hall & more.
535 5852 Bud Powell: Amazing Bud Powell Vol 3
531 5722 Cannonball Adderley: At The Lighthouse
495 3292 Cannonball Adderley: Somethin' Else
DOMINO 2CD £16.75
FSRCD680 Eddie ‘Lockjaw’ Davis & Johnny Griffin Quartet:
532 1412 Clifford Brown: Memorial Album
891201 Eric Dolphy: The Complete Last Recordings In Hilversum Live At Minton’s Playhouse - Complete Recordings
498 7942 Dexter Gordon: Go
& Paris 1964. First time you’ve ever heard this extended set.
FSRCD697 Gigi Gryce Quintet: Sayin’ Somethin’ + Hap’nins + Rat
362 6322 Donald Byrd: Royal Flush
891203 Ornette Coleman Quartet: Reunion 1990. Live in Italy.
Race + Reminiscin’. Four early-60s albums from altoist.
392 7592 Duke Jordan: Flight to Jordan
FSRCD745 Thelonious Monk: Two Hours With Thelonious - Paris
498 7932 Eric Dolphy: Out To Lunch
FDM365002 Bud Powell: Round About Midnight At The Blue Note And Milan Concerts.
493 3812 Grant Green: Live At The Lighthouse
FDM367462 Louis Armstrong: At Symphony Hall
FSRCD755 Art Farmer & Benny Golson Jazztet: Here And Now +
524 5392 Hank Mobley: No Room For Squares
FDM367952 Stan Getz: Tangerine
Another Git Together + Plays John Lewis.
355 2072 Horace Silver: Horace-Scope
ECM £14.95
532 1432 J.J. Johnson: Eminent J J Johnson Vol 1
2785896 Tord Gustavsen Quartet: The Well. One of ECM’s FSRCD636 Oscar Peterson Trio: Swinging Brass + The Jazz
532 1442 J.J. Johnson: Eminent J J Johnson Vol 2
biggest selling jazz artists with follow up to Restored, Returned
Soul. 2 of his very best albums on one CD, both recorded in 1959.
591 7212 John Coltrane: Blue Train
2778654 Tim Berne: Snakeoil. US saxophonist’s debut for label.
FSRCD664 Paul Serrano Quintet: Blues Holiday. 1960 album by
495 3322 Lee Morgan: The Sidewinder
jazz trumpeter, with an album recorded as a member of MJT.
392 7732 Lou Donaldson: Gravy Train
SomeFSRCD695 Gene Ammons & Sonny Stitt: Boss Tenors + Dig
591 7242 Sonny Rollins: Vol. 1
where. Recorded in concert in Lucerne, Switzerland in 2009 featur- Him! Two studio albums together from 1961. 15 incendiary tracks.
497 8092 Sonny Rollins: Vol 2
Frank Wess/Thad Jones Septets: Opus De Blues.
532 1382 Thelonious Monk: Genius Of Mod Music Vol 1
3724551 Carla Bley, Andy Sheppard & Steve Swallow: Trios. A Two sessions from 1959 and 1960.
532 1392 Thelonious Monk: Genius Of Mod Music Vol 2
FSRCD741 Stan Getz Quartet: At Birdland 1961. Bonus tracks.
re-visit of Carla Bley jazz compositions on an exceptional album
3729508 Ralph Towner, Wolfgang Muthspiel & FSRCD794 Eddie ‘Cleanhead’ Vinson & Cannonball Adderley
CDBOPM020 Buddy Collette Quintet:
Slava Grigoryan: Travel Guide. Sublime 2012 summit Quintet: Back Door Blues. Classic recordings including Nat AdderBuddy’s Best. Pioneering West Coast
meeting of jazz guitarists.
ley, Sam Jones, Joe Zawinul and Louis Hayes.
jazz flautist and saxophonist on a rare
3742710 John Abercrombie Quartet: 39 Steps. FROG CD £11.00
Dootone album from the 1950s, plus a
Excellent jazz ballads and lyrical playing.
DGF51 Jimmy O’Bryant: Mystery Man Of Jazz.
bonus track.
ENJA £10.50
DGF66 Lem Fowler: Chitterlin’ Struts & Washboard Stomps ‘22-27
CDBOPM008 Carl Perkins: Introducing.
ENJ9213 Hampton Hawes: Live At The Jazz Show- DGF71 Frog Spawn – First Batch. 25 red hot jazz rarities - King
The sole album as band leader of sparcase
Oliver, Earl Hines, Thomas Morris, William Bailey, Dicky Wells, etc.
kling jazz pianist who sadly died too
from the early 70s with Cecil McBee (bass) and Roy DGF72 Earl McDonald: & Great Louisville Jug Bands 1924-31.
DGF73 Frog Spawn – The Second Batch. 26 red hot jazz rarities.
Haynes (drums)
CANDID £10.00
DGF75 Clarence Williams: Gimme Blues - Washboards Bands.
WNCD79418 Don Pullen: Plays Monk.
KOCCD8537 Mose Allison: Your Mind Is On Vaca- DGF76 Frog Spawn - White Hot Batch. 25 more early jazz rarities.
Former Mingus sideman with his own
tion. Re-issue of tremendous Mose album, 12 swing- DGF78 Duke Ellington: The Washingtonians & Kentucky Club
tribute to Thelonious Monk.
Sessions 1924-1928
ing, lively and wise tracks.
CCD79106 Ben Webster: In A Mellow
DGF79 Stop & Listen - Rare & Hot Black Bands ‘23-30
Tone. At Ronnie Scott’s in London in the
FROG 2CD £15.95
Classic jazz albums with bonus tracks and booklets
spring of 1965.
DGF77 Johnny Dodds: Johnny Dodds On Paramount. With King
EJC55466 Errol Garner: Other Voices.
CCD79555 Lee Morgan: I Remember Clifford. Live in Holland
CCD79732 Seldon Powell: End Play. Re-release of album by jazz EJC55490 Toots Thielemans Quartet: The Soul Of Toots. 1959 Oliver, Jimmie Blythe, Lovie Austin, Jasper Taylor, Blind Blake,
Freddie Keppard and more. Lots of hot 20s jazz.
saxophonist who played with everyone from Benny Goodman and album from leading jazz harmonica player plus additional sessions.
EJC55520 Stan Getz: Award Winner. 1957 album & bonus tracks.
Count Basie to Buddy Rich and Chet Baker.
GAMBIT £12.95
69296 Stan Getz Quartet: Complete Live At Montreaux 1972
69310 Dexter Gordon: Live At The Amsterdam Paradiso
GH66707 Richard Groove Holmes: A Bowl Of Soul
GH66713 Bobby Timmons: This Here Is… & Soul Time. 1960 LPs
GH66717 Brother Jack McDuff Quartet: Goodbye, It’s Time To
Go + Honeydripper. Two Hammond organ soul-jazz albums originally for Prestige in 1961, both with Grant Green on guitar.
HEP £8.95
HEPCD96 Bunny Berigan: Swingin’ & Jumpin’ - Broadcasts 19371939. A collection of New York broadcasts from various venues by
legendary jazz trumpeter. Also features Buddy Rich on drums.
HEPCD1009 Fletcher Henderson: Wild Party! Re-issue of long
deleted album incorporating four different dates in New York in
1934. 19 great tracks including Ben Webster, Coleman Hawkins,
Henry ‘Red’ Allen, Benny Carter and many others.
HEP £11.15
HEPCD2025 Dill Jones: Up Jumped You With Love. Re-issue of
1972 album by renowned jazz stride pianist originally released by
Doug Dobell’s 77 Records label. On CD now for first time.
HIGH NOTE £14.75
HCD7203 Jeremy Pelt Quintet: Men Of Honor.
HCD7208 Kenny Burrell: Be Yourself - Live At Dizzy’s Club CocaCola.
HCD7216 Jeremy Pelt: The Talented Mr Pelt. A marvellous trumpet & flugelhorn player leading a cool, confident & swinging band.
HCD7253 Andy Bey: The World According To.. Jazz pianist,
vocalist and composer - and one-time accompanist to Roland Kirk,
Sonny Rollins, Joe Henderson, Cecil Taylor and more with new 11track album featuring jazz standards and four unique originals.
IN CROWD £12.45
996680 Miles Davis Featuring John Coltrane: In Copenhagen
1960. An outstanding performance, from the only European tour of
a band that also featured Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Jimmy
Cobb, captured just prior to Coltrane’s departure to form his own
band. With a rare bonus track from 1963
IC1033 Eddie Jefferson: The Main Man. Jazz vocalist in front of
super band on 9 tracks from 1977.
IC1121 Jimmy Smith: The Cat Strikes Again. Founding father of
jazz organ on a re-issued 1980 album with arranger Lalo Schifrin.
IC7001 Clifford Brown: The Paris Collection Volume 1. A live set
from 1953 with Art Farmer, Gigi Gryce, Quincy Jones and Alan
Dawson as part of extra-curricular sessions while the band were on
tour as part of Lionel Hampton’s band. 11 tracks.
IC7022 J.J. Johnson & Al Cohn: Jazz Legacy. Trombonist and
tenor saxophonist together on some 1954 sessions in New York. If
you like this, try IC7007 also has more from the same sessions.
IC7023 Dizzy Gillespie: The Champ. Live in Paris in Feb 1953.
IC7007 J.J. Johnson & Milt Jackson: A Date In New York. A tremendous nine tracks from 1954, featuring Al Cohn on tenor sax. Dynamic, lyrical and varied, with great playing and a superb sound.
The glorious trombone of J.J. Johnson and cool vibes and piano of
Milt Jackson may be the most prominent but all musicians shine.
48727 Miles Davis: Plays For Lovers. Mid-50s ballads released as an
album on Prestige plus 8 bonus tracks.
48736 Nat King Cole & George Shearing: Nat King Cole Sings,
George Shearing Plays. The famous 1961 Capitol album, coupled
with the 1962 Capitol LP Dear Lonely Hearts and 3 bonus tracks.
JD001 Eddie Lockjaw Davis/Johnny Griffin Quartet: The Complete Sessions. All existing sides as taken from 8 albums, including
Junior Mance on piano. Plus a 28 page booklet.
JD004 Donald Byrd/Gigi Gryce: Complete Jazz Lab Sessions.
Late 1950s sessions that became five studio albums, plus alternate
takes, live sides and a complete Oscar Pettiford album and rare Gigi
Gryce sextet session. With a detailed booklet.
JD008 Teddy Wilson Trio: Complete Studio Recordings With Jo Jones. Four mid-50s albums, bonus
tracks and a 20 page booklet.
PROPER 4CD £13.95
For details on the amazing collection of JSP box sets now available, PROPERBOX132 Art Blakey: The Prime Source.
download our JSP BOX SET pdf from This has PROPERBOX158 Serge Chaloff: Boss Baritone. 79 tracks from
great baritone sax player, recorded 1946 - 57. With full booklet.
our write-ups on each & colour pictures of many.
PROPERBOX159 Phil Seamen: Seaman’s Mission. Legendary
British jazz drummer with Jack Parnell, Joe Harriott, Victor Feldman,
Tubby Hayes Quartet, Dizzy Reece Quartet, Stan Tracey, etc.
JSP100 Louis Armstrong: Hot Fives And Sevens.
PROPERBOX176 Tubby Hayes: Little Giants Steps. 1960s reJSP904 Django Reinhardt: Vol 2 Paris & London 1937-48
JSP909 Charlie Christian: Selected Broadcasts And Jam Ses- cordings when he became an international jazz contender. 44 live
sions. Rare material highly prized by fans of this great jazz guitarist. and studio tracks with plus his two US albums. 32 page booklet.
JSP919 Django Reinhardt: Django In Rome 1949-50.
JSP921 Breaking Out Of New Orleans 1922-29.
RSJ112 Ben Webster & Stan Tracey: Soho Nights Vol 2. Live at
JSP922 Count Basie Orchestra: Basically Basie 1937-45
Ronnie Scott’s in 1964, digitally re-mastered off original tapes
JSP927 Fats Waller: Complete Recorded Works Vol 1 1922-29.
RSJ113 Stan Tracey Quintet: The Flying Pig. Veteran British jazz
JSP928 Fats Waller: Vol 2 - A Handful Of Keys.
pianist with original compositions, loosely based around family
JSP933 Sidney Bechet: Pre-War Classic Sides 1931-40.
research into his father’s war-time experiences in the trenches.
JSP936 Duke Ellington: Vol 2 1929-40 Cotton Club To Sweden.
JSP940 John R.T. Davies Collection Vol 1: 1920s-30s.
RTR79069 US Jazzmen In Europe
JSP943 Stan Getz: Smoothest Operator 1946-52.
1926-29. Exciting hot jazz featuring
JSP946 Fats Waller: Complete Works Vol 3 1934-36.
The Georgians, The Plantation
JSP948 Fats Waller: Complete Works Vol 4 1936-38.
Orchestra, Eddie South and more.
JSP949 Fats Waller: Complete Works Vol 5. 1938-40.
RTR79071 Unissued On 78s Vol 1
JSP959 Hoagy Carmichael: Key Cuts 1924-46.
- Jazz & Hot Dance Music 1927JSP960 Paramount Jazz.
31. 24 tracks - Sunny Clapp, Jack
JSP962 Gennett Jazz 1922-30.
Pettis, Miff Mole’s Molers, Memphis
JSP963 Nat King Cole & His Trio: Radio Transcriptions.
Stompers, John Hyman & more.
JSP973 Judy Garland: Creations 1929-1962.
RTR79072 Unissued On 78s Vol 2
JSP974 Jo Stafford: Selected Sides 1953-1960. 107 tracks.
- Hot Jazz 1926-32. With Thomas
Morris, Bennie Moten, Joe Steele,
JSP901 Django Reinhardt: Classic Early Recordings.
Fess Williams, Duke Ellington, etc.
JSP903 Jelly Roll Morton.
JSP915 Charlie Parker: Studio Chronicle 1940-48.
8122797709 Ornette Coleman: (Change Of The Century; Free
JSP953 Django Reinhardt: Django On The Radio ‘45-53.
Jazz; Ornette!; The Shape Of Jazz To Come; This Is Our Music).
JSP955 Django Reinhardt: Post War Recs ‘44-53.
8122797710 John Coltrane (Coltrane Jazz; Coltrane Plays The
JSP952 Fats Waller: 1940-42 Vol 6 Complete
Blues; Coltrane’s Sound; Giant Steps; My Favorite Things)
JSP966 Django Reinhardt: Musette To Maestro 1928-37.
JSP970 Django Reinhardt: Renown & Resistance 1937-1943. The ROCK MELON 4CD BOX £13.95
sixth, and last, of the fantastic series of Django’s recorded output. RMBOX3 Miles Davis: On The Crest Of The Airwaves. Contains 3
rare & previously unreleased concerts from San Francisco (1970),
An essential and incomparable series ends on a high.
England (1970 and Melbourne (1988), all digitally re-mastered.
LAKE £13.15
LACD307 Diz Disley: Diz Disley & His String Quintet.. 1950s SMITHSONIAN FOLKWAYS 6CD BOX £92.00
recordings of Disley’s seemingly one-man crusade to get Django SFWCD40820 Jazz – The Smithsonian Anthology. 111 tracks,
200 page booklet tracing the turning points, inc. Jelly Roll Morton,
Reinhardt’s music fully appreciated.
LACD309 Dick Charlesworth & His City Gents: The City Gent. Artie Shaw, Lester Young, Miles, Mulligan & Max Roach, etc
Popular British Trad Jazz Band from the late 1950s with recordings
first released on the independent 77 label. 23 stomping jazz tracks.
LACD318 Out Of The Limelight - British Traditional Jazz At A
Tangent Vol 3. A collection of trad jazz from the 1950s and 1960s
featuring artists who never hit the big-time. While the names may
not be over-familiar, the quality of the music is consistently high.
SOLAR 4CD £32.75
4569912 Cecil Taylor: The Complete Nat Hentoff Sessions. All his
sessions from 1960-61 for Candid. 22 tracks & 24 page booklet.
SOLAR £11.95
4569891 Louis Armstrong: Live In Amsterdam 1959.
4569902 Shelly Manne: The Proper Time (OST).
4569936 Johnny Griffin: Grab This! + The Kerry Dancers. Two
complete 1962 albums from tenor sax giant with all-star backing.
4569941 Shirley Horn: At The Gaslight Square 1961 + Loads Of
Love. Rare performance, first time on CD, coupled with a studio
album featuring Gerry Mulligan, Al Cohn, Hank Jones and Kenny
Burrell in support.
MJR8892853 Cootie Williams: Cootie + Un Concert A Minuit Avec
Cootie Williams. Duke Ellington trumpeter with own albums, one of
which is on CD for the first time.
MJR8892865 Grant Green & Herbie Hancock: Goin’ West +
Feelin’ The Spirit. Two themed albums from jazz guitarist Grant
Green, both with Herbie Hancock on piano. The first includes SOUNDS OF YESTERDAY 2CD £7.95
country & folk standards, the second a jazz treatment of spirituals.
DSOY932 Duke Ellington: Concert At Pleyel Paris 1958.
DSOY935 Duke Ellington: Famous Berlin Concert 1959. With
MAP13206 Dudley Moore Trio: Dudley Down Under - Unabridged. sensational band - Johnny Hodges, Clark Terry, Ray Nance, etc.
Dudley’s jazz trio in concert in Australia in 1978, re-issued to include STORYVILLE £13.75
Dudley’s funny asides, introductions and between-track banter as 1018433 Ben Webster: Ben Webster In Norway. Live concert
well as extra jazz tracks to the originally released album. Almost performance from Trondheim in March 1970, supported by a Norone hour and fifty minutes of classy music and entertaining humour. wegian trio. 11 sumptuous tracks.
131514 Duke Ellington: Complete Ellington Indigos. Bonus tracks.
131534 Sidney Bechet: Petite Fleur. Plus 12 page booklet.
131536 Jimmy Giuffre Quartet: Live In 1960. 1960 In Person
album & bonus tracks.
131537 Milt Jackson & The Jazz Giants: Bean Bags + Bags’
Opus. 1958 albums, previously on Essential Jazz
131540 Barney Kessel & Hampton Hawes:
131577 Lester Young/Teddy Wilson Quartet: Pres & Teddy.
1038435 Duke Ellington: The Duke At Fargo - 40th Anniversary
Edition. Revered classic recordings from prime Ellington touring
band featuring Johnny Hodges, Ben Webster, Barney Bigard, Rex
Stewart, Ray Nance and more. Loads of great music and brilliant
soloists fortunately for us captured on tape on a hot night in Fargo,
North Dakota in November 1940
TJL74512 McCoy Tyner Trio: Bon Voyage. Re-mastered 1990
session with Coltrane’s former pianist with bassist Avery Sharpe
JAZZ LIPS 2CD £15.25
and drummer Louis Haynes on eight superb tracks.
JL771 Booker Ervin Quartet: Complete Songbook
TJL74513 Dizzy Gillespie: Meets The Phil Woods Quintet. Re131520 Chet Baker & Art Pepper: Complete issue of 1986 European studio session.
Recordings. 1956 album The Route & PlayJL774 Charles Mingus/Eric Dolphy: Complete BreVERVE 2CD £13.25
boys plus other sessions
men Concert 64
131531 Chet Baker Quintet: Conservatorio 3728695 John Coltrane: Complete Sunship Sessions. From AuJAZZ ORACLE £13.95
1965 with pianist McCoy Tyner, bassist Jimmy Garrison and
Cherubni - Complete Concert. Live in Italy on
BDW8011 Robert H Cloud: Florida Rhythm 1927drummer Elvin Jones. His last, and among the finest, sessions with
24 Jan 1956, plus extra tracks.
131555 Thelonious Monk Featuring Johnny his classic quartet, newly re-mastered plus alternate takes adding
BDW8065 Jelly Roll Morton: Rarities - The Rare Band
Griffin: Complete Live At The Five Spot 1958. more than an hour of previously un-issued music. 16 page booklet.
And Blues Sides 1923-1930
Highly regarded.
BDW8067 Jimmie’s Joys: Complete Golden And
Japanese issues of classic and rare jazz albums.
Okeh Recordings 1923-25. Big-selling Texas clarinetist Jimmie POLL WINNERS £9.95
8122796419 Bud Powell: Bud Powell In Paris
Maloney Joy and his band with early sides (plus some later Bruns- Re-issues of albums voted by Downbeat as classics
8122796859 Rahsaan Roland Kirk: Rahsaan Rahsaan
PWR27235 Coleman Hawkins: High & Mighty
wick sides).
PWR27253 Clifford Brown, Sonny Rollins & Max 8122796945 Charles Lloyd: Dream Weaver
JAZZ PLOT 3CD £23.50
Roach: Three Giants! The 1956 Prestige album & 8122796415 Charles Mingus: The Clown
61623 Miles Davis Quintet With John
8122796413 Charles Mingus: Three Or Four Shades Of Blues
Emarcy album ‘Basin Street’.
Coltrane: The Legendary 1960 European
PWR27259 Jimmy Rushing: Rushing Lullabies/ 8122796410 John Coltrane & Don Cherry: The Avant Garde
Tour. The final days together, captured
Brubeck & Rushing. 2 Columbia albums on 1 CD.
just prior to Coltrane’s departure to form
PWR27269 Stan Getz & J.J. Johnson: At The Opera 910198-2 Paul Motian: Monk In Motian. Limited deluxe hardcover
his own quartet.
edition of 1988 album with Joe Lovano and Bill Frisell. Motian’s
JSP 2CD BOX SET £11.00
PWR27278 Barney Kessel: To Swing Or Not To Swing. impressive interpretations of Monk’s music is impressive.
JSP4202 Louis Armstrong: Big Band
1955 Contemporary album with extra tracks and booklet. WORLD MUSIC NETWORK 2CD £8.15
Recordings 1930-32
PWR27294 Lester Young & Harry Edison: Going For RGNET1279CD John Coltrane: The Rough Guide To... 10 key
JSP4209 King Oliver: And His Orchestra
Myself. 1957 LP & 5 tracks from 1958.
tracks as a bandleader from 1950s plus bonus CD of Coltrane’s
1929-30. John R.T. Davies re-masters
PWR27309 Shelley Manne: 2-3-4. 1962 Impulse album recordings within groups of jazz legends such as Miles Davis, Monk,
bring new life to vintage jazz recorded for
with Coleman Hawkins, Hank Jones, Eddie Costa & Art Blakey, Paul Chambers, Cannonball Adderley and more.
George Duvivier, plus bonus tracks.
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Intelligent reissues of the best in American blues and roots music. Wonderful
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ACE 4CD BOX £39.75
ABOXCD8 B B King: The Vintage Years. 106 tracks from RPM,
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ABOXCD4 Elmore James: Classic Early Recordings 1951-56. 71
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CDCH252 Walter Horton: Mouth Harp Maestro
CDCH288 Another Saturday Night
CDCH396 Bo Diddley: Bo's Blues
ACE CDCHD Series £10.95
CDCHD142 Cookie & The Cupcakes: Kings Of Swamp Pop.
CDCHD240 Hop Wilson & His Buddies: Steel Guitar Flash
CDCHD283 Percy Mayfield: Poet Of The Blues
CDCHD300 B B King: My Sweet Little Angel
CDCHD315 John Lee Hooker: Legendary Moderns 1948/54
CDCHD318 Guitar Slim: Things That I Used To Do
CDCHD323 Bobby Bland: The Voice 26 Dukes
CDCHD325 Johnny Otis: Creepin' With The Cats
CDCHD334 Dig These Blues: Dig Masters inc. Al Simmons,
Sugarcane Harris, Slim Green, Jimmy Nolen.
CDCHD337 George Smith: Harmonica Ace
CDCHD339 Lowell Fulson: Tramp/Soul
CDCHD343 Dorothy Love Coates: Get On Board.
CDCHD380 Johnnie Allen: Promised Land - South Louisiana
Swamp Pop Gold. 28 blasters compiled by John Broven. Superb.
CDCHD421 John Lee Hooker: Graveyard Blues. Late 40s cuts.
CDCHD427 Bayou Blues Blasters-Goldband Blues. Hop Wilson,
Lonesome Sundown, Charles Sheffield, Juke Boy Bonner, etc
CDCHD442 Boppin’ Tonight - Goldband Rockabilly
CDCHD454 Freddy King: Blues Guitar Hero
CDCHD456 Brother Claude Ely: Satan Get Back!
CDCHD457 Wynonie Harris: Women, Whiskey & Fishtails
CDCHD462 More Gumbo Stew - AFO Records New Orleans R&B.
CDCHD473 El Primitivo - American Rock ‘N’ Roll & Rockabilly.
Legendary and wild compilation.
CDCHD488 Rod Bernard: Swamp Rock ‘N Roller
CDCHD490 Louisiana Saturday Night
CDCHD491 Louisiana Rockers from Goldband
CDCHD495 Shreveport Stomp - Ram Records Vol 1
CDCHD497 Golden Age of American R&R Vol 3
CDCHD500 Golden Age of American R&R Vol 4
CDCHD503 Little Willie Littlefield: Going Back To Kay Cee.
CDCHD520 Still Spicy Gumbo Stew. New Orleans R&B from AFO
Records inc. Eddie Bo, Dr John, James Booker, Alvin Robinson, etc
CDCHD524 The Ebb Story. 31 sides from LA label 1957-1959, with
Professor Longhair, Floyd Dixon, Smokey Hogg, Ted Taylor, etc
CDCHD548 Papa Lightfoot: Goin' Back To The Natchez Trace
CDCHD537 Get On Board Little Children - The Modern Gospel
Recs. Swanee River Quartet, Echoes Of Zion, Harmonizers, etc
CDCHD545 King Curtis: Trouble In Mind/It’s Party Time With..
CDCHD553 Ike Turner/Kings of Rhythm: Rhythm Rockin Blues
CDCHD568 The Heart Of Southern Soul -Nashville To Memphis
CDCHD592 Dot Rock ‘N Roll. Sanford Clark, Mac Wiseman, Ray
Campi, Ray Sharpe, etc.
CDCHD597 Fats Domino: Early Imperial Singles 1950-52
CDCHD601 Heart Of Southern Soul Vol 2
CDCHD604 Deep Harmonica Blues. 24 great harp blues with Lazy
Lester, Lightnin’ Slim, Jerry McCain, Little Sonny and more.
CDCHD621 Johnny Guitar Watson: Hot Just Like TNT
CDCHD632 PeeWee Crayton: The Modern Legacy
CDCHD649 Fats Domino: Imperial Singles Vol 2 ‘53-56
CDCHD650 Golden Age Of American Rock & Roll Vol 6
CDCHD660 The Heart Of Southern Soul Vol 3
CDCHD687 The Best Of Excello Gospel
CDCHD689 Fats Domino: Imperial Singles Vol 3 ‘56-58
CDCHD693 Dale Hawkins: R ‘N R Tornado from Chess
CDCHD694 Rosco Gordon: Bootin'- Best of RPM Years
CDCHD697 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Jake Head Boogie. Modern sides
from early 50s, recorded originally for Gold Star. Sam at this peak.
CDCHD700 Golden Age Of American R ‘N R Vol 7
CDCHD704 Starday-Dixie Rockabilly Vol 1
CDCHD705 Robert Pete Williams/Snooks Eaglin: Rural Blues
CDCHD708 Starday Dixie Rockabilly Vol 2
CDCHD712 BB King: The RPM Hits 1951-57
CDCHD713 Lonnie Mack: Memphis Wham
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CDCHD720 Jimmy McCracklin: Modern Recs 1948-49
CDCHD725 Red River Blues-Shreveport blues
CDCHD727 Albert Washington: Blues And Soul Man
CDCHD728 Freddy Robinson: Bluesology
CDCHD734 Bay Area Rockers. SF Rockabilly & R ‘N R 1957-60
CDCHD736 Little Willie Littlefield: Kat On The Keys
CDCHD743 Floyd's Early Cajun Singles
CDCHD744 Goldband Bayou Rockabilly Cats
CDCHD746 Gene Phillips: Swinging The Blues
CDCHD753 Joe Lutcher: Jumpin’ At The Mardi Gras.
CDCHD754 Roy Hawkins: The Thrill Is Gone
CDCHD755 Lowell Fulson: The Tramp Years
CDCHD760 B B King: Best Of Kent Singles 1958-71
CDCHD767 Pee Wee Crayton: Blues Gtr Magic
CDCHD768 Long Gone Daddies. Bihari rockabillies
CDCHD776 Wanda Jackson: Queen Of Rockabilly
CDCHD777 King Rockabilly-24 super rockabillys.
CDCHD780 Smokey Hogg: Deep Ellum Rambler
CDCHD782 Ike Turner & Kings Of Rhythm: Ike's
CDCHD803 Joe Hill Louis: Boogie In The Park
CDCHD804 Lowell Fulson: Black Nights-Early Kents
CDCHD805 Arthur Alexander: Monument Years
CDCHD807 Lonnie Mack: From Nashville to Memphis
CDCHD808 Bandera Blues And Gospel. Jimmie Lee
Robinson, Bobby Davis, Elder Samuel Patterson, etc.
CDCHD811 Bandera Rockabilly And Country Roots.
James Mask, Rick Emerson, Bob Perry, etc.
CDCHD813 Travelling Record Man-Historic Down
South Trips of Joe Bihari & Ike Turner
CDCHD821 Goin Down To Louisiana-Goldband Blues Anthology
CDCHD831 Lowell Fulson: Final Kent Years ‘64-78
CDCHD843 Wynonie Harris: Lovin’ Machine.
CDCHD846 Little Willie John: King Sessions ‘54-57
CDCHD854 Hillbilly Bop ‘N Boogie. King/Federal Roots Of Rockabilly 1944-56
CDCHD858 Smokey Smothers: Backporch Blues.
CDCHD861 Freddy King: Blues Guitar Hero Vol 2. 24 influential
Federal & King from 1961-66
CDCHD864 Rhythm Riot. Sid King, Rosco Gordon, Treniers,
Jimmy McCracklin, Wanda Jackson, etc.
CDCHD865 Saunders King: Blues, Jumps & Shufles
CDCHD866 Smokey Hogg: Serve It To The Right 1947-52.
CDCHD869 Sylvester Cotton & Andrew Dunham: Blues Sensation-Detroit Downhome Recs 1948-49
CDCHD873 Best Of King Gospel—great gospel quartet anthology
CDCHD876 Modern Downhome Blues Sessions Vol 1– Early 50s
CDCHD878 Southland Rock’n’Roll-Early Jin Singles
CDCHD896 Jimmy Witherspoon Sings The Blues Sessions. His
Crown LP & 14 extras!
CDCHD922 Arthur Alexander: The Greatest
CDCHD927 John Lee Hooker: That's My Story
CDCHD930 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Blues In My Bottle/Walkin’ This
Road By Myself. Two Prestige albums from the early 60s.
CDCHD938 John Lee Hooker: Live at Sugar Hill Vols 1&2
CDCHD940 Big Mama Thornton: Original Hound Dog
CDCHD976 Jimmy T-99 Nelson: Cry Hard Luck 1951-1961
CDCHD982 Modern Downhome Blues Sessions Vol 2-Mississippi &
Arkansas 1952
CDCHD984 Lula Reed: Drown In My Tears-King Anthology ‘52-’55
CDCHD993 Jimmy McCracklin: Blues Blastin - Modern Recs Vol 2
CDCHD1003 Modern Downhome Blues Sessions Vol 3 Willie Nix,
Howlin’ Wolf, Joe Hill Louis, Alfred Harris, Walter Horton etc.
CDCHD1004 Later JIN Singles-Promised Land Johnnie Allan,
Rockin Sidney, Margo White, Clint West, Tommy McLain, etc.
CDCHD1009 Welcome To The Club-Chicago Blues from Federal
Vol 2 Syl Johnson, Lee Shot Williams, Eddy Clearwater, etc.
CDCHD1010 Leiber & Stoller Story Vol 1 1951-56. Etta James,
Drifters, Milt Trenier, Roy Hawkins etc
CDCHD1019 Smokey Hogg: Midnight Blues.
CDCHD1016 Good Girls Gone Bad. Rockin’ girls such as Sparkle
Moore, Margaret Lewis, Barbara Pittman, Jeani Mack and more.
CDCHD1022 Mellow Cats’n’Kittens-Hot R&B & Cool Blues 46-52.
CDCHD1038 5 Royales: It’s Hard But It’s Fair- King Hits & Rarities.
CDCHD1039 Boyd Bennett & His Rockets: Rockin’ Up A Storm Best Of King Recordings.
CDCHD1051 King Rock’n’Roll Vol 2
CDCHD1052 Red Sovine: Honky Tonks, Truckers & Tears
CDCHD1057 Modern Downhome Blues Sessions Vol 4-The Southern
Country Blues Guitarists 1948-52
CDCHD1061 Little Willie John: The King Sessions 1958-60
CDCHD1071 Gaz’s Rockin’ Blues-Elmore, Joe Hill Louis, etc
CDCHD1087 More Mellow Cats & Kittens-Hot R&B & Cool Blues
CDCHD1096 Roy Hawkins: Modern RPM & Kent Recs Vol 2.
CDCHD1115 Blues For Dootsie-Blue & Dootone Sides. Bobby
Nunn, Johnny Taylor, Pete Johnson, Cleo Brown, etc.
CDCHD1116 Leiber & Stoller Story Vol 2 - On The Horizon 195664. Clovers, Young Jessie, Alvin Robinson, etc.
CDCHD1123 Smokey Wilson: Round Like An Apple. 1977-78 recs.
CDCHD1140 Even More Mellow Cats n Kittens-Hot R&B And Cool
Blues 1945-51. Clarence Williams, Butch Stone, Helen Humes, etc
CDCHD1159 Al Terry: Hickory’s Cajun Hillbilly
CDCHD1163 Hands Off! 1950-1956: Modern Studio Recordings.
CDCHD1167 Stanley Brothers: Ralph & Carter - Later King Years
CDCHD1174 Yet More Mellow Cats'n'Kittens-Hot R&B And Cool
Blues 1945-1957. Roy Hawkins, Jesse Perry, Felix Gross etc
CDCHD1179 On With The Jive! 1950s R&B From Dolphins Of
Hollywood Vol 1 (Little Caesar, Jesse Belvin, Peewee Crayton etc).
CDCHD1180 Johnny Guitar Watson: Untouchable! 1959-68
CDCHD1182 Jimmy Witherspoon: I’ll Be Right On Down: Modern
Recordings 1947-53.
CDCHD1187 Leo’s Five: Direct from Blue Note Club.
CDCHD1192 Mickey Champion: Bam A Lam-The R&B Recordings
1950-1962. w/ Maxwell Davis, Roy Milton, Witherspoon.
CDCHD1193 Little Caesar: Your On The Hour Man 1952-60.
CDCHD1194 Downhome Blues Sessions Vol 5-Back In The Alley 194954. Johnny Fuller, McCracklin, Roy Hawkins, Lowell Fulson, etc.
CDCHD1197 Joe Tex: Get Way Back-The 1950s Recordings.
CDCHD1204 You Heard It Here First! 26 originals of enduring
classics - Red Rooster, Go Now, Louie Louie, etc etc
CDCHD1214 Respect — Aretha’s Influences And Inspiration. Percy
Mayfield, Bobby Bland, Nina, Otis Redding, etc.
CDCHD1215 Toast Of The Coast-1950s R&B From Dolphin’s of
Hollywood Vol 2. Peewee Crayton, Peppermint Harris, etc
CDCHD1221 Little Willie John: Heaven All Around Me 1961-63.
CDCHD1231 Laurie Records Story Vol 3 – Girls & Girl Groups.
CDCHD1232 Bobby Freeman: Give My Heart A Break - Complete
King Recordings.
CDCHD1233 Al ‘Cake’ Wichard Sextette: Cake Walkin’ – Modern Recordings
CDCHD1237 London American Label
Year By Year 1960. 28 tracks. Etta
James, Chuck Berry, Lavern Baker,
Donnie Brooks, etc
CDCHD1239 Shirelles: Swing The Most
& Hear And Now.
CDCHD1241 Brenda Holloway: Early
Years - Rare Recordings 1962-63. 22 preMotown sides from small labels.
CDCHD1242 Charlie Gillett’s Radio Picks
From Honky Tonk.
CDCHD1246 Jack McVea & Orchestra: Fortissimo! The Combo
Recordings. 23 tracks inc. unreleased alternate takes.
CDCHD1249 London American Label Year By Year 1961. Jerry
Lee Lewis, Solomon Burke, Fats Domino, Johnny Burnette, etc.
CDCHD1250 You Heard It Here First Vol 2. 24 tracks that went
on to be recorded by others to great success.
CDCHD1260 Bo Diddley Is A Songwriter. 24 Diddley songs by
Buddy Holly, Dr Feelgood, Animals, John Hammond, Beefheart etc
CDCHD1261 The Ace Story Vol 1. Johnny Vincent’s Ace from
Jackson. Joe Tex, Earl King, Huey Smith, Frankie Lee Sims etc
CDCHD1265 London-American Label Year By Year 1962.
Crickets, Coasters, Roy Orbison, etc.
CDCHD1268 A Rocket In My Pocket – Hipster’s Guide To Rockabilly.
Carl Perkins, Charlie Feathers, Ronnie Self, Freddie Franks etc.
CDCHD1278 How Many Roads-Black America Sings Bob Dylan.
Nina Simone, Isleys, Esther Phillips, OV Wright, Howard Tate, etc.
CDCHD1280 Golden Age Of American R’n’R Vol 12. Bo Diddley,
Slim Harpo, Marvelettes, Dick Dale, Charlie Gracie etc.
CDCHD1281 Ace Story Vol 2. 12 tracks from original LP plus 12
more!. Earl King, Eddie Bo, Lightnin Hopkins, etc
CDCHD1284 Sweet Inspiration - Songs Of Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham. Percy Sledge, Irma Thomas, Barbara Lynn, Joe Simon, etc
CDCHD1285 London American Label Year By Year 1959
CHCHD1288 Barrence Whitfield: & The Savages. R&B blaster from
1984, plus 10 extra tracks.
CDCHD1292 Al King/Arthur K Adams: Together – The Complete Kent
& Modern Recordings. 22 of the finest soul/blues of the sixties.
CDCHD1297 Ace Story Vol 3. 24 scorchers from Huey Smith, Red
Tyler, Mac Rebennack, Mercy Baby, Frankie Lee Sims, Joe Tex, etc
CDCHD1298 Charlie Rich: It Ain’t Gonna Be That Way – Complete
Smash Sessions. 29 genius tracks.
CDCHD1300 Come Together-Black America Sings Lennon &
McCartney. Al Green, Fats Domino, Lowell Fulson, etc.
CDCHD1302 The London American Label Year By Year 1963.
Crystals, Lavern Baker, Del Shannon, Darlene Love etc
CDCHD1303 The Big Beat – The Dave Bartholemew Songbook. Fats,
Shirley & Lee, Pelicans, Smiley Lewis, Tami Lynn, Elvis, etc.
CDCHD1304 Lazy Lester: Rides Again. Expanded edition of 1987
Best Contemporary Blues Album winner, produced by Mike Vernon
CDCHD1306 Fats Domino: Imperial Singles Vol 4 1959-61.
CDCHD1310 London American Label Year By Year 1958. 28
tracks inc Chuck Willis, Billy Ward, Chuck Berry, and more.
CDCHD1312 Johnny Otis: Midnight At The Barrelhouse-Johnny
Otis Story Vol 1 1945-57. His early years at Capitol. 25 belters
CDCHD1313 James Burton: Early Years ‘57-69. Legendary guitarist
behind Bob Luman, Dale Hawkins, Ricky Nelson, Everlys, etc
CDCHD1318 London American label Year By Year 1957. 28 hits
by Bill Haley, Fats Domino, Ruth Brown, Charlie Gracie, etc.
CDCHD1320 Balfa Brothers: Play Traditional Cajun Music. Two
classic Cajun albums - Play Traditional Cajun Music (1964) and a
second volume (1974). Plus bonus tracks and new notes. A must.
CDCHD1322 Further Mellow Cats ‘N’ Kittens - Hot R&B And
Cool Blues 1946-51. 25 obscure R&B treasures, inc. Hadda
Brooks, Duke Henderson, Jimmy Witherspoon, Effie Smith, etc
CDCHD1323 Fats Domino: Imperial Singles Vol 5 ‘62-64.
CDCHD1326 Johnny Otis: On With The Show - Johnny Otis Story
Vol 2 1957-74. 24 classics, including sides 1969’s Cold Shot album.
CDCHD1327 Something Good - From Goffin & King Songbook.
CDCHD1330 Memphis Boys - The Story Of American Studios 196572. 24 peachy tracks from King Curtis, James Carr, Solomon Burke,
Arthur Conley, Wilson Picket, Elvis & more.
CDCHD1329 Ike Turner: Studio Productions - New Orleans & Los
Angeles 1963-65. Studio sides with blues & soul singers Vernon
Guy, Bobby John, Jimmy Thomas, Jackie Brenston, etc.
CDCHD1334 Kent Harris’ R&B Family. 26 R&B tracks from late
50s - early 60s LA, with Ty Karim, Ray Agee, Phillips Sisters, etc
CDCHD1337 Ace Story Vol 4. 24 sides, with Frankie Lee Sims,
Bobby Marchan, Huey Piano Smith, Earl King, Joe Tex & more
CDCHD1345 Boppin’ By The Bayou. 28 corkers from the cream of
Louisiana’s labels of the 50s. Exciting rock & roll with Warren
Storm, Rocket Morgan, Al Ferrier, Johnny Jano, Tommy Todd, etc.
CDCHD1346 Handy Man - The Otis Blackwell Songbook. One of
the great song-writers as shown on these 24 super tracks with Little
Willie John, Elvis, Solomon Burke, Dee Clark, Jerry Lee Lewis, etc.
CDCHD1347 London-American Label Year By Year 1956. 28
sides, with Willie Dixon, Chuck Berry, Smiley Lewis, Werly Fairburn,
Bobby Charles, LaVern Baker and more. With a great booklet.
CDCHD1348 Nathan Abshire: Master Of The Cajun Accordion Classic Swallow Recordings. Upgraded and re-mastered, now with
25 tracks from mid-60s to mid-70s with Pine Grove Boys and Balfa
Brothers. Accessible Cajun music.
CDCHD1351 Ace Story Vol 5. More from Ace Records of Jackson,
Mississippi, 15 tracks from original LP plus nine bonus tracks. Super
R&B and rock & roll from Huey Piano Smith, Frankie Lee Sims, Earl
King, Calvin Spears, Sugar Boy Crawford, Big Boy Myles, etc.
CDCHD1352 Hard To Handle - Black America Sings Otis Redding. 25 songs written or recorded by Otis, with Arthur Conley,
Percy Sledge, Irma Thomas, William Bell, Judy Clay, Aretha, etc
CDCHD1353 Dan Penn: The Fame Recordings. One of the best ever
pop and soul songwriters, this has Penn’s own versions of I’m Your
Puppet, It Tears Me Up, Feed The Flame and more. A major find.
CDCHD1354 Rolling With The Punches - Allen Toussaint Songbook. 24 magnificent tracks including Boz Scaggs, Lee Dorsey,
Irma Thomas, Aaron Neville, Lowell George & more. A treat.
CDCHD1357 Red Sovine: I’m The Man - A Starday Singles Anthology 1960-71. 24 hard-core country sides, many debuting on CD.
CHCHD1355 Boppin’ By The Bayou Again. 28 obscure 1950s–60s
rock ‘n roll & rockabilly scorchers from Louisiana. Johnny Jano, Al
Ferrier, Rocket Morgan, Rusty Kershaw, Warren Storm, etc.
CDCHD1359 Cliff Heard Them Here First. 24 corking tracks from
Bill Haley, Jack Scott, Ruth Brown, Gene Vincent, Elvis and more.
CDCHD1363 Rhythm ‘N Bluesin By The Bayou. Companion to Boppin’ In The Bayou CDs, with romping R&B and blues from Louisiana, from the Goldband vaults and recordings made by Jay Miller.
28 obscure tracks with Rockin’ Sidney, Charles Sheffield, Jimmy
Anderson, Clarence Garlow, Tabby Thomas, Jerry Morris, etc
CDCHD1366 London American Label Year By Year 1964. 28 hits
from the label including Solomon Burke, Otis Redding, Rufus Thomas, Bill Black’s Combo, The Ronettes, Del Shannon and more.
CDCHD1368 Bluesin’ By The Bayou. More from the archives of
independent studios in Louisiana (notably Excello and Goldband).
The focus is on the swamp blues of Lightnin’ Slim, Slim Harpo, Silas
Hogan, Lazy Lester, Clifton Chenier & more. 28 rare treasures.
CDCHD1370 A Road Leading Home - Songs Of Dan Penn. 24
excellent songs written on his own and with collaborators, featuring
Albert King, Percy Sledge, Irma Thomas, James & Bobby Purify, etc
CDCHD1372 Going Wild! Music City Rock ‘N Roll. 24
rockin’ (mostly unissued) cuts from the vaults of Californian label
Music City, with Dialtones, 3 Honeydrops, Jimmy Cicero, Mandarins, Willie Moore and others.
CDCHD1375 Foxy R&B - Richard Stamz Chicago Blues. 25 smokin’
blues and r&b sides from 1950s & 1960s produced by colourful
Chicago DJ and label owner, Richard Stamz. With Harold Burrage,
Lee (Shot) Williams, Freddy Robinson, Willie Williams & Howlin’
Wolf Band, Detroit Jr, Mary Johnson, etc.
CDCHD1376 Where The Girls Are Vol 8. 26 more rare recordings
from 1960s American girl groups, with The Blossoms, The Orlons,
Diane Christian, Jan Bradley, Little Eva and more.
CDCHD1378 Dues Paid – The Bluestime Story. 15 track compilation from Bob Thiele’s off-shoot of his Flying Dutchman label created in 1969 with blues recordings in mind. Hard-to-find and superb
sides by T-Bone Walker, Otis Spann, Big Joe Turner, Big Mama
Thornton, Harmonica Slim, Eddie ‘Cleanhead’ Vinson and more.
CDCHD1379 Louisiana Saturday Night Revisited. 24 contemporary zydecajun & swamp pop sizzlers from between 2004 and 2011.
Travis Matte, Ken Marvel, Warren Storm, Jamie Bergeron & more.
CDCHD1380 Boppin’ By The Bayou - More Dynamite. Fifth in the
‘By The Bayou’ collections, and the third to feature rare and unreleased 1950s rock and roll gems from the vaults of independent
labels in and around Louisiana. Warren Storm, Al Ferrier, Bobby
Charles, Johnny Jano alongside virtual unknowns, 28 delights.
ACE CDCHM 2CD Series £11.50
CDCHM2 1085 Etta James: Complete Modern & Kent Recordings.
ACE CDCHM 2CD Series £13.25
CDCHM2835 BB King: Modern Recordings 1950-51. 33 early
ACE CDCH 2CD Series £14.50
CDCH2 885 Complete Meteor Rockabilly & Hillbilly Recordings
CDCH2 1021 Larry Williams: At His Finest-Specialty R’n’R Years.
CDCH2 1226 Complete Goldwax Singles Vol 1 1962-66. OV
Wright, Ovations, James Carr etc
CDCH2 1236 Complete Goldwax Singles Vol 2 1966-67. James
Carr, Spencer Wiggins, Ovations, etc
CDCH2 1248 Complete Goldwax Singles Vol 3 1967-70. Southern soul -James Carr, Willie Walker, Spencer Wiggins, etc
CDCH2 1259 Lightnin’ Hopkins: His Blues. Super career overview.
CDCH2 1266 More Miles Than Money. Super 38 track musical journey
across America, with blues, soul, country, Tex-Mex, R’n’R, etc. OV
Wright, Jr Wells, Jimmie Rodgers, Furry Lewis, Jr Kimbrough, etc
CDCH2 1202 Theme Time Radio Hour with your host Bob Dylan. The
revelatory songs played by Bob on his acclaimed radio shows.
Superb blues, jazz, soul, country, ska and more.
CDCH2 1225 Theme Time Radio Hour With Your Host Bob Dylan
Season 2. Another slice of timeless music from terrific
radio shows.
CDCH2 1270 Theme Time Radio Hour with your host
Bob Dylan Season 3. Another great selection.
ACE £7.25
CDCHM410 Slim Harpo: The Best of Slim Harpo
CDCHM546 Lightnin Hopkins: California Mudslide
CDCHM680 Etta James: Hickory, Dickory Dock. Her
later 1950s sides for Modern prior to moving on to
Chess. 22 stunning sides.
CDCHM881 BB King: My Kind Of Blues
CDCHM882 BB King: Wails
CDCHM897 BB King: King Of The Blues
CDCHM986 BB King: The Soul Of.. The Crown LP
(8 bonus tracks)
CDCHM996 BB King: Blues In My Heart. 1963 LP +
bonus tracks
CDCHM1011 BB King: Easy Listening Blues. 1962 instrumental LP
CDCHM1013 Howlin’ Wolf: Sings The Blues. His entire output on
Modern recorded in Memphis by Sam Phillips in 1951/52.
CDCHM1034 BB King: More BB King. 1961 LP & 8 extra tracks
CDCHM1041 BB King: Singin’ The Blues. 1957 Crown LP & extras.
CDCHM1043 Elmore James: Blues After Hours. Inc 8 bonus tracks
CDCHM1049 BB King: The Great BB King. Crown LP & extras.
CDCHM1084 BB King: The Blues. Crown LP of 1951-58 singles
CDCHM1356 Dion: Yo Frankie. 1989 album re-issued.
CDHP031 BB King: The Jungle. Kent album from 1967.
AACD0112 Little Feat: Hellzappoppin. 1975 radio broadcast.
AACD0115 Doug Sahm: Inlaws And Outlaws. 1973 radio broadcast at the Bijou Café, Philadelphia with ‘Fathead’ Newman on sax.
An eclectic and thrilling set of blues, country and rock and roll.
AMOEBA 2CD £14.25
AM0002 Gram Parsons & The Flying Burrito Brothers: Archive
Vol 1 Live at The Avalon Ballroom 69. 27 rare live tracks.
CDCHD510 Slim Harpo: I’m A King Bee.
Great value - over 5 hours of music in each set!!
CDCHD517 Lightnin' Slim: Rooster Blues/Bell Ringer
AUPCD968 Best Of Blues. 80 classics - Slim Harpo, Magic Sam,
CDCHD518 Lazy Lester: I'm A Lover Not A Fighter
Lowell Fulson, BB King, Bukka White, Robert Nighthawk, etc.
CDCHD523 Silas Hogan: So Long Blues
AUPCD967 Best Of Rock ‘n’ Roll. 80 tracks, with Bo Diddley,
CDCHD556 Lonesome Sundown: I'm A Mojo Man
Buddy Knox, Sanford Clark, Jack Scott, etc
CDCHD562 Real Excello R&B
AUPCD970 Best Of Early R&B. 80 tracks - LaVern Baker, Johnny
CDCHD578 Lightnin' Slim/Whispering Smith-High & Low Down/ Ace, Willie Mabon, Chuck Willis, Dee Clark, 5 Royales, etc.
Over Easy
CDCHD587 Lightnin' Slim: It's Mighty Crazy
ALCD4944 JJ Grey & Mofro: Brighter Days. Live album, plus DVD
CDCHD604 Deep Harmonica Blues
of concert with extras.
CDCHD606 Slim Harpo-Tip On In
CDCHD616 Lightnin' Slim: Nothin’ But The Devil
ALCD4704 Hound Dog Taylor: Natural Boogie
CDCHD652 No Jive: Authentic Southern Country Blues
ALCD4705 Fenton Robinson: Somebody Loan Me A Dime.
CDCHD658 Slim Harpo: Sting It Then!
ALCD4706 Koko Taylor: I Got What It Takes
CDCHD661 Swamp Blues
ALCD4708 Son Seals: Midnight Son.
CDCHD674 Lightnin' Slim: Wintertime Blues
ALCD4710 Fenton Robinson: Hear Some Blues Downstairs
ACE 2CD £16.25
ALCD4717 Johnny Jones: With Billy Boy Arnold
CDTOP2 1309 Flash Records Story. Detailed overview of Los
ALCD4724 Koko Taylor: From The Heart Of A Woman.
Angeles label 1855-59, with 60 rare dooALCD4727 Hound Dog Taylor: Genuine Housewop, blues and r&b tracks.
rocking Music
CDTOP2 1234 Jimmy Donley: In The Key
ALCD4734 Sonny Terry: Whoopin’
Of Heartbreak - Complete Tear Drop
ALCD4737 James Cotton: High Compression.
Singles & More. Superior swamp pop.
ALCD4742 Johnny Winter: Serious Business
CDTOP2 1349 Joe Barry: A Fool To Care.
ALCD4749 Lil Ed/Blues Imperials: Rough
Louisiana swamp pop from the 50s with a
52 track compilation. Great booklet.
ALCD4751 Lonnie Brooks: Wound Up Tight.
CDTOP2 1360 Del Shannon: Complete
ALCD4761 Lil Charlie/Nightcats: Disturbing The
UK Singles 1961-66.
CDTOP2 1373 Beating The Petrillo Ban ALCD4781 Charlie Musselwhite: Ace Of Harps
The Late December 1947 Modern SesALCD4803 Katie Webster: No Foolin!
sions. Recordings hastily organised in late
ALCD4815 Billy Boy Arnold: Back Where I
1947 to beat the American Federation Of
Musicians strike, creating an impetus for
ALCD4836 Billy Boy Arnold: Eldorado Cadillac
more great recordings than the label knew
ALCD4854 Carey Bell: Good Luck Man.
what to do with. This set includes 50 of
them, most never before released. With
Hadda Brooks, Al ’Cake’ Wichard Sextette, Gene Phillips, Sister Ira ALCD4701 Hound Dog Taylor: And The House Rockers.
ALCD4707 Hound Dog Taylor: Beware Of The Dog.
Mae Littlejohn, Little Willie Jackson, The Ebonaires and more.
ALCD4711 Koko Taylor: The Earthshaker
ACE £11.95
ALCD4713 Albert Collins: Ice Pickin'
CDTOP1341 Have Mercy! The Songs Of Don Covay. An eclectic
ALCD4739 Lonnie Mack: Strikes Like Lightning
mix of soul, R&B, pop and rock & roll, as written by Don Covay.
ALCD4748 Johnny Winter: Third Degree
With Wilson Pickett, Aretha, Little Richard, Etta James, etc.
ALCD4768 Lazy Lester: Harp & Soul
CDTOP1333 Herb Hardesty: The Domino Effect - Wing & Federal
ALCD4772 Lil Ed & Blues Imperials: Chicken, Gravy & Biscuits
Recordings 1958-61. In-demand New Orleans session R&B saxoALCD4794 Little Charlie & The Nightcats: Captured Live.
phonist with only solo album from 1958 & 8 sides from King vaults.
ALCD4802 Buddy Guy & Jr Wells: Alone & Acoustic
CDTOP1339 Modern Music - First Year 1945. 24 tracks from the
ALCD4817 Koko Taylor: Force Of Nature.
Bihari’s Modern Records archives, focused on the first operating
ALCD4829 Little Charlie/Nightcats: Straight Up!
year, featuring Hadda Brooks, Howard McGhee & Happy Johnson.
ALCD4850 Corey Harris: Fish Ain’t Biting
CDTOP1364 Finders Keepers - Motown Girls 1961-67. 24 tracks,
ALCD4867 John Jackson: Front Porch Blues
with Marvelettes, Brenda Holloway, Kim Weston, Mary Wells, etc.
ALCD4868 Lil Ed & Blues Imperials: Get Wild
CDTOP1369 Sophisticated Boom Boom - The Shadow Morton
ALCD4878 Michael Burks: Make It Rain
Story. 24 songs from the career of enigmatic producer- songwriter.
ALCD4886 Lil Ed & Blues Imperials: Heads Up!
ACE CDLUX limited edition £14.75
ALCD4891 Marcia Ball: So Many Rivers
CDLUX002 Satintones: Sing! Tamla & Motown Singles Plus.
ALCD4892 Michael Burks: I Smell Smoke
CDLUX004 The Fireballs: Exotic Guitars From The Clovis Vaults. ALCD4895 Guitar Shorty: Watch Your Back.
An instrumental feast with band as Fireballs and String-A-Longs.
ALCD4896 Hound Dog Taylor: Release The Hound
CDLUX005 Bandera Doo Wop. With 11 early sides of Impressions ALCD4900 Roomful Of Blues: Standing Room Only
plus Boomerangs, Fleettones, Epics, Diatones, etc. 26 tracks in all.
ALCD4902 Little Charlie & Nightcats: Nine Lives
CDLUX009 Jeanne And The Darlings/The Charmels: We’re The ALCD4905 Shemekia Copeland: The Soul Truth
Soul Girls - Complete Volt Recordings. 29 southern soul winners.
ALCD4909 Lil Ed & Blues Imperials: Rattleshake.
CDLUX011 The Innocents: Classic Innocents. 28 tracks from the ALCD4911 Guitar Shorty: We The People
popular 1960s harmony pop band.
ALCD4914 JJ Grey/Mofro: Country Ghetto
ALCD4915 Koko Taylor: Old School
ACROBAT 2CD £10.75
ADDCD3101 Bullmoose Jackson: The Collection 1945-55. With ALCD4919 Roomful Of Blues: Raisin' A Ruckus
ALCD4920 Smokin’ Joe Kubek/Bnois King: Blood Brothers
Buffalo Bearcats, Lucky Millinder, Annisteen Allen and more.
ALCD4921 Eddy ‘The Chief’ Clearwater: West Side Strut
ALCD4923 Michael Burks: Iron Man
31914402 Rory Block & Stefan Grossman: Country Blues Guitar.
ALCD4924 Janiva Magness: What Love Will Do.
Historic stuff from 1963-64, now with extra tracks.
ALCD4925 JJ Grey & Mofro: Orange Blossoms.
31914752 Ernest Lane: 72 Miles From Memphis. Pianist in the Ike
ALCD4926 Lil’ Ed & The Blues Imperials: Full Tilt. High octane slide.
And Tina Revue with 14 rocking tracks with The Kings Of Rhythm.
ALCD4929 Buckwheat Zydeco: Lay Your Burden Down.
A&M £8.95
ALCD4930 Rick Estrin & The Nightcats: Twisted.
3951582 John Hiatt: Bring The Family. Maybe his best album, with ALCD4931 Tommy Castro: Hard Believer.
Ry Cooder, Nick Lowe & Jim Kelther
ALCD4933 Holmes Brothers: Feed My Soul.
AA7502152062 John Hiatt: Slow Turning. Follow up to Bring The ALCD4934 Guitar Shorty: Bare Knuckle.
Family. Sonny Landreth on slide guitar.
ALCD4937 Smokin’ Joe Kubek & Bnois King: Have Blues Will Travel.
ALCD4938 JJ Grey & Morfo: Georgia Warhorse.
ALIVE013CD T-Model Ford: The Ladies ALCD4939 Charlie Musselwhite: The Well.
Man. Small combo of guitar, percussion & ALCD4940 James Cotton: Giant. Aged 75 but still packing a
harmonica, back porch blues to savour
punch. 12 belters from a great band, with Slam Allen on gtr & vocals
ALCD4941 Roomful Of Blues: Hook, Line & Sinker. 12 blasts of
AACD0102 John Hiatt: Paper Thin. 1989 guitar & horn stoked R&B from multi-award winners.
live broadcast, featuring songs from Bring ALCD4942 Marcia Ball: Roadside Attractions. Storming blues &
R&B workouts and liver-quivering ballads by one of the best.
The Family and Slow Turning.
AACD0104 Emmylou Harris: Cowboy ALCD4945 Joe Louis Walker: Hellfire. Label debut and a blistering
Angels. Rare 1975 radio broadcast with set of 11 songs from one of the best living blues musicians.
Hot Band (with James Burton on guitar). ALCD4946 Janiva Magness: Stronger For It.
AACD0108 Steve Miller Band: Shake ALCD4949 Lil’ Ed & The Blues Imperials: Jump Start. Stunning
Your Tree. Live radio broadcast recorded Chicago blues. Raucous slide, passionate singing & super songs
ALCD4950 Rick Estrin And The Nightcats: One Wrong Turn. Majestic
in Sausalito in June 1973.
AACD0110 Loudon Wainwright III: Live At set of witty and wise songs from singer -harmonica player and hot
band, effortlessly moving from rockin’ blues to jazz and rock vibes
The Cactus Café. Superb 1990 broadcast recorded from Austin, TX.
AACD0111 Kris Kristofferson: Let The Music Play. Rare 1972 ALCD4951 Michael Burks: Show Of Strength. Sadly posthumous
release of exciting Chicago blues singer and guitarist on 12 tracks.
radio broadcast.
(e.g., CDCHD1368
ALCD4953 JJ Grey & Mofro: This River. A persuasive mix of Stax
soul horns, funky Southern rock and
gorgeous vocals on a strong set of
songs. One of Alligator’s best-selling
artists over recent years.
ALCD4954 James Cotton: Cotton Mouth
Man. Blues-harp legend blowing up a
storm in the company of Joe Bonamassa, Warren Haynes, Keb’ Mo’,
Gregg Allman, Ruthie Foster and more.
ALCD4955 Roomful Of Blues: 45 Live.
14 favourites caught live.
ALCD4956 Anders Osborne: Peace.
New Orleans-based singer-songwriter
and guitarist moving from rockers to
infectious reggae lilts, blues and soul.
ALCD4957 Holmes Brothers: Brotherhood. Gospel-drenched
blues, soul, funk and country from popular vocal harmony group.
Eight new originals, a stunning Amazing Grace plus lovely covers.
3714113 ZZ Top: La Futura. Back to a rootsy blues approach.
3735112 Johnny Cash: American III - Solitary Man.
3735114 Johnny Cash: American Recordings.
3735116 Johnny Cash: Unchained.
ANGEL AIR £13.15
SJPCD276 John Dummer Blues Band: The Lost 1973 Album.
SJPCD355 Foghat: Last Train Home. Their blues album! 12 tracks.
ANGEL AIR £12.50
SJPCD400 Brewers Droop: The Booze Brothers. Pre-Dire Straits
Mark Knopfler recordings with distinctive Cajun flavour.
SJPCD403 Stackridge: Radio Sessions 1971-73.
SJPCD242 Nine Below Zero: Both Sides Of Nine Below Zero.
DVD recorded live in England; the CD has live stuff from 2006.
ANTI £10.95
268732 Betty Lavette: The Scene Of The Crime
270292 Bettye Lavette: Interpretations – British Rock Songbook.
270762 Mavis Staples: You Are Not Alone. 2010 Grammy winner!
ANTI £12.45
270052 Ramblin Jack Elliott: A Stranger Here.
271012 Booker T Jones: The Road From Memphis.
ANTI £12.95
271952 Bettye LaVette: Thankful N’ Thoughtful. Superb versions of
songs of Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Neil Young, Patti Griffin and more.
272062 Mavis Staples: One True Vine. New 10 track CD from soul
legend with an excellent stark, unvarnished and acoustic feel.
871772 Tom Waits: Bad As Me. 13 bone-chilling songs supplemented on this special edition with 3 bonus tracks & 40 page book.
ANTI 3CD £22.50
268442 Tom Waits: Orphans. Rare, unreleased and left-over sides
No one else could release a set of (effectively) off-cuts and end up
with a career-high. Tremendous.
APRCD1135 Dave Bromberg: Only Slightly Mad. Blues, bluegrass,
gospel and folk from a guitarist back in the spotlight with his involvement in Dylan’s recently re-released Bootleg Series Vol 10.
ARCOLA 2CD £13.75
ACD1008 Son House: In Seattle 1968. Live & intense on CD1, with
an engaging interview on CD2 with classic tracks from old friends
(Charlie Patton, Willie Brown, etc). Historic & enjoyable.
ARCOLA £12.75
ACD1001 Furry Lewis, Bukka White & Friends: Party! At Home’ 68
ACD1002 Henry Townsend: The Real St Louis Blues
ACD1003 Big Al Calhoun With Henry Townsend: Harmonica
Blues. 1979 St Louis recordings.
ACD1005 Babe Stovall: The Old Ace - Mississippi Blues And
Religious Songs
ACD1006 Sunnyland Slim: Long Tall Daddy. Recorded in 1976.
ACD1009 Bonnie McCoy: A Child Of The Blues. 2011 sides from
relative of Joe & Charlie McCoy and (by marriage) Memphis Minnie.
ARHCD324 Earl Hooker: Two Bugs And A Roach
ARHCD350 Clifton Chenier: Out West.
ARHCD371 Dr Ross: Boogie Disease.
ARHCD379 Piano Red: Atlanta Bounce.
ARHCD385 Mississippi Delta Blues Jam Volume 1
ARHCD386 Mississippi Delta Blues Jam Volume 2
ARHCD403 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Po’ Lightnin’
ARHCD419 Angola Prisoners’ Blues
ARHCD427 Cajun Honky Tonk
ARHCD432 I Have To Paint My Face.
ARHCD433 Any Old Time String Band: I Bid You Goodnight.
ARHCD460 Guitar Slim & Jelly Belly: Carolina Blues NYC 1944.
ARHCD468 Earl Hooker: The Moon Is Rising.
ARHCD475 K.C. Douglas: Mercury Blues.
ARHCD519 McCamy’s Melody Sheiks: There’s More Pretty Girls
Than One. 17 old-timey songs selected from the archives of Robert
Crumb. And Crumb plays along!
ARHCD533 Pine Leaf Boys: Blues De Musicien
ARHCD544 HowellDevine: Jumps, Boogies & Wobbles. Arhoolie’s first
original blues recordings for 20 years features the raw slide guitar of
Mississippi Hill country blues artist HowellDevine. 13 hypnotic tracks
including stonking covers of blues standards.
ARHCD541 Cajun Honky Tonk - The Khoury Recordings Vol 2
ARHCD9015 Big Joe Williams: Going Back To Crawford
ARHCD9025 Rev Pearly Brown: You’re Gonna Need Religion.
ARHCD9026 Mance Lipscomb: Pure Texas Country Blues Vol 5
ARHCD9040 Juke Boy Bonner: Ghetto Poet
ARHCD9053 Clifton Chenier: Louisiana Blues And
ARHCD9063 Blue Sky Boys: Presenting The Blue
Sky Boys. 1965 classic country sides from Bill and
Earl Bolick. First time on CD & 30 page booklet
ARHCD540 They All Played For Us - Arhoolie
Records 50th Anniversary Celebration. Almost five
hours of music plus a 192 page book (including 175
full colour photos). Featuring Ry Cooder, Peter
Rowan, Barbara Dane And Bob Mielke’s Jazz AllStars, Creole Belles, Country Joe McDonald, Campbell Brothers, Taj Mahal, Los Cenzontles, Savoy
Family Band, Suzy And Eric Thompason, Treme
Brass Band, Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band, Santiago Jimenez Jr and
more. A massively enjoyable & significant set.
(plus p&p: £4.25 UK; £7.25 p&p within EU; £9.00 p&p ROW)
ARHCD518 Hear Me Howling. 72 sensational track overview of a
great label - Jesse Fuller, Bukka White, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Mance,
Fred McDowell, Skip James, Mama Thornton, Clifton Chenier, etc.
ARMD00027 Nimmo Brothers: Picking Up The Pieces
ARMD00029 Eugene Hideaway Bridges: Live In San Antonio
ARMD00032 Eugene Hideaway Bridges: Rock And A Hard Place.
ARMD00033 Nimmo Brothers: Brother To Brother.
ARMD00034 Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges: Roots And Vines. A
retrospective collection of own songs and some covers.
ARTY £11.15
ARTY07 Russ Tippins: Combustion. Hot blues rock band.
AZAN £13.15
AZAN096 Big Boy Bloater: And The Limits. 2011 album with
stunning R&B rockers, all witty, wise and superbly played. A major
new talent, with Imelda May on backing vocals. Check this out.
AZAN112 Big Boy Bloater & The Limits: The World Explained. More
fantastic R&B-laced originals, gruff singer and ace guitar, plus a hot
band and great sound. Varied, punchy and hugely enjoyable.
BSR14022 Davell Crawford: My Gift To You. ‘Piano Prince Of New
Orleans’ ably mixing blues, R&B, gospel, soul, funk and more.
Please note that from the beginning of 2014 Bear Family no
longer has a UK distributor. We will be working with their EU
distributor, based in Germany, so some short delays in supply
may occur to begin with until the new arrangements settle in.
Superior CD packs, with extensive booklets, rare tracks and photos
BCD16676 Smiley Lewis: Smiley Rocks. 36 blasters (Imperial hits)
BCD16941 Big Jeff Bess: Tennessee Home Brew. Honky tonk,
hillbilly & country on 18 songs, 1947-52. 88 page booklet!
BCD16942 Christine Kittrell: Call Her Name - Complete 1951-65.
BCD16695 Rufus Thomas: 1949-56 - Sun Years Plus. 29 tracks.
BCD16937 Billy ‘The Kid’ Emerson: Red Hot - Sun Years, Plus.
BCD15467 Jerry Lee Lewis: Live At The Star Club Hamburg.
BCD15460 Howlin’ Wolf: Memphis Days Vol 1
BCD15500 Howlin’ Wolf: Memphis Days Vol 2
BCD15524 Joe Hill Louis: The Be-Bop Boy. With Walter Horton
BCD16513 Charlie Rich: Rocks
BCD17207 Bobby Charles: See You Later, Alligator
BCD16529AH Billy Riley: The Mojo Albums Plus.
BCD16672AR Ella Mae Morse: Rocks. 34 tracks
BCD17149AH Billy ’Red’ Love: Gee, I Wish, The Sun Years, Plus.
Memphis R&B singer-pianist on 26 rockin’ tracks. 48 page booklet.
BCD16685AH Jerry Lee Lewis: Old Time Religion. 20 gospel
sides recorded in 1970 in a Memphis church. A treat.
BCD17215AR Big Joe Turner: Rocks. 28 storming tracks.
BCD16532AR You Oughta See My Fanny Dance. 31 rare Western Swing tracks 1935-42 & 52 page booklet.
BCD16894AH Sheb Wooley: White Lightnin’. 30 track CD & 44
page booklet. Up-tempo country boogie from late 40s & early 50s.
BCD17129AR Slim Harpo: Rocks. 31 hits, rarities & alternates.
BCD17138AR Little Richard: Rocks. 31 monster tracks 1951-66.
BCD17139AR Chuck Berry: Rocks. 32 hits & 52 page booklet!
BCD17308AH Johnny Cash: Unseen Cash. Lots of unseen photos
reproduced in a 28 page booklet with a CD of 12 rare live tracks.
BCD17272AH Jack Bradshaw: Saturday Night Special. 22 unearthed rockabilly, hillbilly & country treasures from neglected artist.
BCD16057AH Lovey’s Original Trinidad String Band: Calypso
Dawn 1912. A little known dance band recorded in New York and
believed to be the first recorded calypso sounds. Despite the age
and primitive recording, these 24 tracks are remarkably clear.
BCD17319AH Hank Davis: One Way Track. 38 rare singles & unissued demos from Sun-influenced rocker
BCD17318AR Louis Prima: Rocks. 30 of his best sides.
BCD16939AH Dr Ross & His Jump & Jive Boys: Juke Box
Boogie. Tremendous sides for Chess, Sun, DIR, Fortune and Hi-Q,
plus un-issued recordings and a definitive 42 page booklet.
BCD17277AH Bill Yates: Blues Like Midnight - The Sun Years,
Plus. His bluesy Sun singles plus rare sides for other labels.
BCD17116AH Billy Adams: Rock Me Baby - The Sun Years Plus.
Rockin’ R&B for Sun and other labels. 48 page booklet.
BCD17204AH Eddie Noack: Psycho - K-Ark & Allstar Recordings
1962-69. Renowned country songwriter with his more bizarre songs.
BCD16896AH Bob King: Rockin’ The Jukebox. 21 classic rockabilly and country songs. All his RCA Canada sides & booklet.
BCD17335AH Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant: Bustin’ Thru’ Flippin’ The Lid. 34 super tracks of hillbilly boogie. 40 page booklet.
BCD17312BH Jerry Lee Lewis: Southern Roots - The Original
Sessions. The tapes that became the 1974 Southern Roots LP,
produced by Huey Meaux in Memphis with Steve Cropper, ‘Duck’
Dunn, Al Jackson Jr, Memphis Horns, plus guitar support from Tony
Joe White and old friend from Sun, Carl Perkins. This has alternate
takes and extra tracks and in-studio banter never intended to be
heard! Plus a lovely 32 page booklet!
A comprehensive survey of electric blues - over 300 tracks on 12
CDs + 650 pages of written & visual context within the four booklets.
BCD16921CP Electric Blues - Definitive Collection Part 1
(Beginnings 1939-54). 77 tracks & 160 page booklet. Jimmy
Rogers, Tampa Red, Howlin’ Wolf, Memphis Minnie, Johnny
Shines, Pee Wee Crayton, John Brim, Muddy Waters, JB Hutto, etc.
BCD16922CP Electric Blues - Definitive Collection Part 2 (195467). 79 tracks plus 172 page booklet. Bo Diddley, BB King, Fenton
Robinson, Jimmy Spruill, Earl Hooker, Magic Sam, etc
BCD16923CP Electric Blues - Definitive Collection Part 3 (196069). 70 tracks & 172 page booklet. Freddie King, Jr Wells, Frank
Frost, Albert King, Calvin Leavy, Koko Taylor, Paul Butterfield, John
Mayall, Taj Mahal, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Bloomfield, etc
BCD16924CP Electric Blues - Definitive Collection Part 4 (19702005). 65 tracks plus 156 page booklet. Hound Dog Taylor, Otis
Rush, Johnny Copeland, Bobby Bland, Johnny Winter, SRV, Fab
Tbirds, RL Burnside, Snooks Eaglin, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, etc
BCD16979 Freddie King: Taking Care Of Business. A 168 track
marathon - every studio recording made 1956-73, with rare and
unissued demos & takes. Plus a 104 page booklet. Phenomenal.
BEAR FAMILY 5CD sets £107.50
BCD16778EK Freddie King: Texas Flyer 1974-76. All studio output
for RSO & 4 CDs of live performances and bumper booklet
BCD16094EK The Bristol Sessions 1927-28 - The Big Bang Of
Country Music. 124 tracks & 120 page hardcover book. First ever
recordings of Jimmie Rodgers, Carter Family, Ernest Stoneman,
Blind Alfred Reed, etc. An impressive slice of history.
BCD16083DK The Johnson City Sessions 1928-1929 - Can You
Sing Or Play Old-Time Music? An excellent companion to The
Bristol Sessions (BCD16094EK), this features the recordings made
in nearby Johnson City by Columbia Records in October 1928 and
October 1929, and seen by fans and scholars alike, in retrospect, as
a unique cross-section of Appalachian music captured on the cusp
of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, many now available for the first
time. 100 tracks full of string band tunes, ancient ballads, sacred
songs, hillbilly blues and blue yodels featuring Shell Creek Quartet,
Clarence (Tom) Ashley, Bill And Belle Reed, The Grant Brothers,
Bowman Sisters, The Spindale Quartet, Jack Jackson, Ed Helton
Singers, Moatsville String Ticklers and many more. Another landmark release, with a superb 136 page hardcover book.
CDTL17258CP Hank Williams: The Legend Begins. 60 rare tracks
from his Health & Happiness Shows (1949), his first ever recordings
(as a 15 & 17 year old) & tracks from March Of Dimes Show (1951).
CDTL17039 Hank Williams: Complete Mother’s Best. 1951 radio
shows, increasing the number of Hank songs by a full 50%. Digitally
restored & with 120 page book (inc. 25,000 word essay). Strewth!!
BCD17311FK The Sun Country Box. Subtitled Country Music
Recorded By Sam Phillips 1950-1959, this has 208 remarkable
tracks from Slim Rhodes, Harmonica Frank, Carl Perkins, Malcolm
Yelvington, Charlie Feathers, Warren Smith, Jerry Lee Lewis,
Johnny Cash, Hardrock Gunter & many more. A tremendous 148
page booklet comes with a wealth of info and photos.
BCD17310JK The Sun Blues Box. Subtitled Blues, R&B And
Gospel Music In Memphis 1950-1958, 307 stunning tracks including
Howlin’ Wolf, Junior Parker, Rosco Gordon, Prisonaires, Ike Turner,
Earl Hooker, Little Milton, Johnny O’Neal, Joe Hill Louis and loads
more, plus masses that you are unlikely to have heard of, out-takes
and ‘revelations’. And a magnificent 184 page booklet!
BCD17313HK The Sun Rock Box. The third in the 60th anniversary trilogy, this has a mammoth 335 tracks from Sun’s archive of
rock & roll recordings, featuring artists they made famous (Elvis,
Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, etc) plus untold riches
of rare tracks and artists. Plus a deluxe 224 page book.
BCD17260HK Hank Thompson: The Pathways Of My Life 196686. Massive 246 tracks of recordings for Warner Brothers, Dot,
ABC, Churchill and MCA. Hits, album tracks, rarities and overlooked
gems. Superb honky-tonk country beautifully complemented by a
128 page hardback book full of notes, essays, photos and more.
BCD16086HK Big D Jamboree. 285 tracks from the dawn of rock
‘n roll captured live from Texas between 1950-58 at the Jamboree
for radio broadcast on KLRD locally and CBS nationally. Loads of
soon-to-be big-name artists (Johnny Cash, Gene Vincent, Elvis,
Wanda Jackson, Carl Perkins, Sid King, etc) plus loads of artists
who never rose much beyond regional popularity. A monumental
168 page hardcover book with unseen photos and biographies.
BGOCD12 Canned Heat: Live In Concert 1970.
BGOCD42 B.B. King: In London.
BGOCD49 Canned Heat: Future Blues.
BGOCD69 B.B. King: Blues On Top Of Blues.
BGOCD92 Otis Spann: The Bottom Of The Blues.
BGOCD116 T-Bone Walker: Funky Town
BGOCD137 Freddie King: Burglar
BGOCD145 John Mayall: The Turning Point.
BGOCD221 Otis Spann: The Blues Is Where It’s At. With Muddy.
BGOCD223 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Maverick.
BGOCD425 T-Bone Walker: Stormy Monday Blues
BGOCD617 Ten Years After: Positive Vibrations. From
BGOCD745 Chicken Shack: I’d Rather Go Live. Live in
BGOCD867 Eddie Boyd: And His Blues Band With Peter
Green, John Mayall, John McVie & Aynsley Dunbar.
BGOCD912 Curtis Jones: In London. 1964 Decca sessions.
BGOCD916 Black Cat Bones: Barbed Wire Sandwich. 1970
BGOCD922 The Groundhogs: Blues Obituary.
BGOCD1035 George Smith: Blues With A Feeling. Hot
Chicago blues from 1969, a tribute to Little Walter’s genius.
BGOCD1036 Eric Burdon & The Animals: Love Is. Remastered 1968 2LP set. The Animals were, by this time,
session players (with Zoot Money) but Eric’s vocals are very
much present and correct
BGOCD1038 Nine Below Zero: Third Degree. 1982 album.
BGOCD327 Eddie Lang/Lonnie Johnson: Blue Guitars Vol 1&2
BGOCD332 Tony McPhee & Friends: Me And The Devil & I Asked
For Water, She Gave Me Gasoline
BGOCD478 Johnny Winter: Still Alive And Well/Captured Live!
BGOCD591 Canned Heat: Living The Blues. 1968 Liberty album.
BGOCD649 Champion Jack Dupree: From N.O. To Chicago/
Champion Jack Dupree & Blues Band. Mid 60s Decca albums.
BGOCD668 Otis Spann: The Blues Of../Cracked Spanner Head.
BGOCD672 Canned Heat: Historical Figures & Ancient Heads/The
New Age
BGOCD677 Savoy Brown: Shake Down/Getting To The Point.
BGOCD678 Savoy Brown: Blue Matter/A Step Further
BGOCD694 Canned Heat/John Lee Hooker: Hooker ’n’ Heat
BGOCD844 Savoy Brown: Boogie Brothers/Wire Fire.
BGOCD897 John Lee Hooker: Live At Soledad Prison/Never Get
Out Of These Blues Alive.
BGOCD911 John Dummer: Cabal/John Dummer Blues Band.
BGOCD960 Taj Mahal: Music Keeps Me Together/Satisfied ‘N’
Tickled Too. Mid-70s albums of Hawaiian, reggae, country & more.
BGOCD984 John Dummer Band: John Dummer’s Famous Music
Band/Blue. 1971 & 1972 albums.
BGOCD1129 John Lee Hooker: Kabuki Wuki (Live)/Born In Mississippi, Raised Up In Tennessee. Two albums originally on ABC/
Bluesway. The live album was recorded in San Francisco in 1972,
the studio album has the same musicians with the addition of brass.
BEAT GOES ON £12.50 - 2 albums on one CD
BGOCD287 Bo Diddley: Hey Bo Diddley! & Bo Diddley
BGOCD397 Muddy Waters: Sings Big Bill/Folk Singer.
BGOCD436 Muddy Waters: Real Folk Blues/More Real Folk Blues
BGOCD541 Roy Buchanan: Roy Buchanan/Second Album.
BGOCD561 Jerry Lee Lewis: Sings The Country Music Hall Of
Fame Vols I & II. Super Smash sides. The Killer in top form.
BGOCD577 Canned Heat: Canned Heat/Boogie With Canned
Heat. Two early blues-inspired classic albums from 1967 & 1968.
BGOCD578 Canned Heat: Hallelujah & Cookbook.
BGOCD602 B.B. King: Completely Well/Live In Cook County Jail.
BGOCD603 Sonny Boy Williamson: Down & Out/In Memoriam
BGOCD635 Jerry Lee Lewis: The Killer Rocks On/Boogie Woogie
Country Man
BGOCD658 Jerry Lee Lewis: Country Songs For City Folk/
Memphis Beat. Mid 60s rocking country.
BGOCD659 Jerry Lee Lewis: Another Place Another Time & She
Still Comes Around.
BGOCD665 B B King: Mr Blues/Confessing The Blues
BGOCD666 Savoy Brown: Raw Sienna/Looking In
BGOCD682 Roy Buchanan: Live Stock/A Street Called Straight.
BGOCD717 Savoy Brown: Street Corner Talking/Hellbound Train.
BGOCD752 Johnny Winter: Nothing But The Blues/White, Hot &
Blue. 2 late-70s blues albums, the first with the Muddy Waters band.
BGOCD766 Johnny Winter: Saints & Sinners/John Dawson Winter III
BGOCD784 Dirty Blues Band: Dirty Blues Band & Stone Dirt. Real
early stuff presenting Rod Piazza with his first blues band.
BGOCD806 Roy Buchanan: That’s What I Am Here For/Rescue
Me. Super Polydor recs 1974-1975.
BGOCD845 Savoy Brown: Skin n Bones/Savage Return.
BGOCD892 Taj Mahal: Oooh So Good’n’Blues/ Mo’ Roots.
BGOCD939 Memphis Slim: Legend Of The Blues Vol I & II.
BGOCD959 Fats Domino: Million Sellers By Fats Vols I & II.
BGOCD949 Muddy Waters: They Call Me Muddy Waters/Live At
Mr Kelly’s. The first is a compilation of late ‘50s/early ‘60s sides.
BGOCD957 Fats Domino: Rare Dominos Vol 1 & 2.
BGOCD976 Stefan Grossman: Those Pleasant Days/Hot Dogs.
BGOCD977 Ram John Holder: Black London Blues/Bootleg Blues.
Beacon LPs from 1969 and 1971, first time on CD.
BGOCD1007 Muddy Waters: Muddy, Brass And The Blues/Can’t
Get No Grindin’. Two hard-to-find Chess albums (1966 & 1973)
BGOCD1011 Muddy Waters: Electric Mud/After The Rain. Late60s Chess albums. Electric Mud is the famed psychedelic experiment; After The Rain has more of Muddy’s own stamp on it.
BGOCD1037 Ike Turner: Blues Roots/Bad Dreams. Early 70s solo
albums from UA, with My Babe, Dust My Broom and more.
BGOCD1083 Jerry Lee Lewis: She Even Woke Me Up To Say
Goodbye/There Must Be More To Love. Two stonking country
albums from 1970 & 1971. 22 great sides.
BGOCD1089 Jerry Lee Lewis: The Return Of Rock/Soul My Way.
Rocking albums from 1965 & 1968.
BGOCD1091 38 Special: Wild-Eyed Southern Boys/Special
Forces. Two early 1980s albums from southern-boogie rockers.
BGOCD1102 Jerry Lee Lewis: Touching Home/Would You Take
Another Chance On Me? Two genius country albums from 1971.
BGOCD1123 Buddy Holly: The Buddy Holly Story + Vol 2. Two
iconic albums first issued in Britain in 1959 and 1960 respectively.
CDBGPD168 Southern Funkin’ - Louisiana Funk And Soul
1967-1979. 22 rare tracks from
independent labels, compiled by
John Broven. Inc Rockin’ Sidney,
Katie Webster, Freddie Love,
CDBGPD206 Georgie Fame:
Mod Classics 1964-66.
CDBGPD222 The Gospel
Truth. Super 1970s Stax gospel.
CDBGPD229 Shattered Dreams–
Funky Blues 1967-78. Buddy
Guy, Johnny Otis, Smokey
Wilson, Lowell Fulson, Slim
Green, etc.
BIG BEAT £10.95
CDWIKD295 Willy DeVille: In
New Orleans. Super compilation
CDWIKD296 Leon Russell: Live In Japan. From 1971 & 1973.
BURN1202 Omar & The Howlers: Too Much Is Not Enough.
Second Jimmy Reed tribute, with harp-player Gary Primich shining.
BURMBGM1021 Omar & The Howlers: I’m Gone. Raw, electric
blues plus rockabilly, country & other music he loves.
LMILCD07 Larry Miller: On The Edge. Energetic blues rock
LMIL08CD Larry Miller: Live & Outlawed. Live outing from hugelypopular blues rock guitar hero. Fans of Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa, Walter Trout & Rory Gallagher will approve.
BLM0259 Reverend John Wilkins: You Can’t Hurry God. Son of
Robert Wilkins with superb album of Mississippi blues & gospel
BR201209 Lucky Peterson Band Featuring Tamara Peterson:
Live At The 55 Arts Club. Versatile blues singer, guitarist and
keyboard player live in Berlin in 2012, with wife Tamara on vocals.
BR201210 Lucky Peterson Band Featuring Tamara Peterson:
Live At The 55 Arts Club. As above plus a 20 page booklet, the
concert on DVD with extensive bonus content.
BHMCD55 Things About Comin’ My Way - Tribute To Mississippi Sheiks. John Hammond, Kelly Joe Phelps, Madeleine Peyroux, North Mississippi Allstars, etc
BS193 Justin Townes Earle: Nothing Gonna Change The Way
You Feel About Me Now.
BLUEBLOOD014 Eddie Martin With His Big Blues Band: Looking Forward Looking Back. Popular UK bluesman. Worth attention.
BURNBBCD1017 Nick Moss: Here I Am. 2011 blues-rock album.
BG1920 Hans Theessink: Jedermann Remixed. Songs from film
soundtrack, originals & covers.
BG2220 Hans Theessink & Terry Evans: Delta Time. 13 uplifting
tracks, with occasional guitar from Ry Cooder.
BG2320 Hans Theessink: Wishing Well. Superb blend of folk blues
and Americana, a (mostly) solo album of Hans and his guitar.
250294 John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers: In The Shadow Of
Legends. Live in 1982 with Albert King, Buddy Guy, Jr Wells, Etta
James & Sippie Wallace. Plus Mick Taylor & John McVie.
250154 Muddy Waters: Hoochie Coochie Mannish Boy.
250207 North Mississippi AllStars: Shake Hands With Shorty.
250286 The Persuasions: Knockin’ On Bob’s Door. 14 great
acapella versions of Bob’s best.
250353 Brad Wilson: Hands On The Wheel. 14 high-octane bluesrock tracks from Californian guitar-slinger.
BDACD101 Bob Dylan: The Minneapolis Party Tape. Among his
earliest taped performances, recorded at Bonnie Beecher’s home in
May 1961. 25 songs including Death Don’t Have No Mercy, San
Francisco Bay, Railroad Bill, This Land Is Your Land.
BDACD102 Bob Dylan: Carnegie Chapter Hall. Unreleased 1961
live recording with traditional tunes and Dylan originals.
BDACD104 Bob Dylan: Finjan Club. Rarely heard concert from
Montreal in 1962, recorded just after his debut album.
BDACD105 Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin’ Outtakes. Versions of
tracks that would later appear on his second album, recorded
across seven sessions in 1962. Listen in on history being made.
This is just a selection. We can get everything on BACM - just ask!
BACM131 The Tobacco Tags: Get Your Head In Here 1931-39
BACM202 Fisher Hendley & Aristocratic Pigs with Henry Whitter
BACM239 The Chuck Wagon Gang: Secular & Sacred 1936-1954
BACM274 Dock Boggs/Emry Arthur: Old Time Songs From
Virginia And Kentucky
BACM340 Old Time Tunes & Songs 1926-1937. 26 tracksTweedy Bros, Cauley Family, Happy Hayseeds, Red Fox Chasers.
BACM402 Custom Made Gospel. 30 tracks featuring Hoyt
Scoggins, Delmar Williams Singers, Gene Harper, Lewis Family, etc
BACM404 Colorado Country 1948-1953. 28 tracks with Shorty
Thompson, Ted West, Speedy Haworth, Red Allen, Will Graves, etc
BACM406 The Hi-Flyers: 1937-1941
BACM408 Hillbilly From The Windy City - The Dome Label. 24
tracks featuring Blaine Smith, Johnny Bernat, Saddle Mates & more.
BACM410 Custom Made Hillbilly Vol 4. 29 tracks with Al Clauser,
Cowboy Huff, Willie Nelson, Dorothy Blakey, Hoyt Scoggins, etc.
BACM411 Spade Cooley & His Western Dance Band: Vol 1 Live 1944-1946. 25 tracks.
BACM412 Whitey McPherson With The Rhythm Wreckers: Blue
Ridge Mountain Blues.
BACM414 Jimmie Williams: Paddle Your Own Canoe.
BACM415 Texas Bill Strength: Vol 2 - Don’t Forget About Me.
BACM416 Jimmie Logsdon: Midnight Blues & Other Classics.
BACM417 Paul & Roy/Curtis McPeake & Benny Williams: The
Tennessee River Boys.
BACM418 Bill Clifton & The Hamilton County Bluegrass Band:
Two Shades Of Bluegrass.
BACM419 T. Texas Tyler: Vol 2 - Live 1948-1950.
BACM420 Lawton ‘Slim’ Williams: Slim Pickings.
BACM421 Cowgirl Shuffle. 28 tracks of female singers with great
old-timey bands with Betsy Gay, Cindy Walker, Jill Turner & more.
BACM422 Donn Reynolds: Portrait Of A Yodeler.
BACM424 Fiddlin’ Sid Harkreader: Early Star Of The Grand Ole
Opry. 22 great sides from as far back as June 1927.
BACM425 Down The Transcription Trail. 28 great sides with
Rusty Gill, Tex Owens, Texas Ruby & Curly Fox and more.
BACM426 Custom Made Hillbilly Vol 5. 29 sides, Franklin Bros,
Hank Rector, Olen Little, Leon Holmes, Jimmie Dale and more.
BACM427 Wiley Walker & Gene Sullivan: Live And Let Live. 22
tracks recorded between 1939 and 1958
BACM428 Sleepy Hollow Ranch - Cowboys & Cowgirls. Elmer
Newman, Murray Sisters, Monty Rosci, Carol Wynne, etc.
BACM429 Billy Williams: Livin’ In Western Style. 22 tracks with
Peco River Rogues plus 2 bonus tracks with His Cowboy Rangers.
BLUE NOTE £13.45
623 4912 Van Morrison: Born To Sing - No Plan B. First studio
album since 2008, with a jazz vibe and live-in-the-studio feel.
C623 4892 Aaron Neville: My True Story. Soul/R&B legend pays
homage to doo-wop sounds of Orioles, Clovers, Spaniels, Flamingos, etc. 12 great tracks produced by Don Was and Keith Richards.
9840802 Robert Randolph & The Family Band: Lickety Split. BROADSIDE £9.50
Virtuoso pedal steel guitarist with an album of rocking’ and funky STERN1 When Girls Do It. Legendary Red Lightnin album on CD!
blues. Includes guests Carlos Santana and Trombone Shorty.
M4M002 M For Mississippi - A Road Trip Through The Birth250297 Michael Powers: Revolutionary Boogie. Five-time ‘Blues place Of The Blues. 11 tracks from Big George Brock, RL Boyce &
Music Award’ nominee with hot selection of covers and originals.
Lightnin’ Malcolm, T-Model Ford, Jimmy Duck Holmes, etc.
250324 Doghouse Sam & His Magnatones: Buddha Blue. Debut
album from a trio of seasoned European blues musicians and it’s a BROKE & HUNGRY/CATHEAD £13.25
hoot. Just an upright bass, drums and hollow-body guitar between M4M003 M For Mississppi Vol 2 Second CD from the film that
them, but it’s a lively and bumpy ride across 14 rocking blues tracks. has won a Blues Music Award for Blues DVD of The Year.
250248 Roy Buchanan: When A Telecaster Plays The Blues. Live.
250302 Michael Messer: National Avenue. Rare 1996 album from
virtuoso slide guitarist.
250308 Otis Spann: Ebony And Ivory Blues. Early (and rare) solo
sides in Chicago, the best of his 1960 New York studio sessions
with Robert Jr Lockwood and St Louis Jimmy Oden plus some big
Chicago blues sides Otis played on as a sideman - featuring Buddy
Guy, Howlin’ Wolf, Sonny Boy Williamson, Bo Diddley and Muddy.
250312 Memphis Slim & Alexis Korner: Two of The Same Kind.
Memphis Slim’s 1960 London Sessions, complete & re-packaged.
Slim is in fine voice and his piano playing is, as always, a delight.
250246 Percy Sledge: My Old Friend The Blues.
250343 Tyrone Vaughan: Downtime. Son of Jimmie Vaughan and
nephew of Stevie Ray Vaughan delivering a broad musical cocktail
taking in country & southern rock. Impressive.
250344 Mud Morganfield: The Blues Is In My Blood. Eldest son of
Muddy Waters with a commanding live recording from 2008, fronting The Dirty Aces (with hot harmonica player Giles Robson).
BH13008 Mistakes Were Made - Five Years Of Raw Blues, Damaged
Livers And Questionable Business Decisions. Seriously good label
retrospective with 30 country blues tracks (many previously unreleased). Jimmy ‘Duck’ Holmes, T-Model Ford, Odell Harris, etc.
BBCD001 Gordon Smith: Live At The Parsons Green Club. Recorded in London in 2011, legendary ‘60s British blues guitarist in
top form in an intimate setting, with support from Alan Glen
(harmonica), Tim Penn (piano) and Jim Mercer (double bass). With
covers of Leroy Carr, Lonnie Johnson, JB Lenoir, Gary Davis, etc
BURN HEAT £13.25
BURNBHR102 Sean Chambers: Live From The Long Island Blues
Warehouse. Blues-rock singer & guitarist rips through 10 classics.
CABLE CAR £11.75
CCR031135 Henrick Freischlader: Still Frame Replay. German
blues-rock guitarist who has supported BB King, Gary Moore,
Johnny Winter, Peter Green and Joe Bonamassa. Joe guests here
CCR031139 Henrik Freischlader Band: House In The Woods.
New CD by German guitarist and rising star of the blues-rock circuit.
THE £10
CAPITOL £12.95
CHESKY £14.15
3751421 Alan Jackson: The Bluegrass Album. Modern-day coun- SACD346 John Hammond: Rough & Tough. His 36th CD of blues!
try music sensation cuts his first bluegrass album.
CAPITOL 2CD £13.95
CDCD5047 Rarest Rockabilly Album In The World Ever! 50 rare
3737535 The Band: Live At The Academy Of Music 1971. Songs tracks 1957-59. With Gene Brown, Jimmy Patton, Glenn Bond,
taken from a series of four concerts at the end of 1971.
Marvin Rainwater, Carl Mann, Don Willis, Maylon Humphries, etc.
CDCD5084 Rarest Rockabilly Album In The World Vol 2. 50
CAPO 2CD £15.95
88697903172 Rory Gallagher: Notes From San Francisco. Previ- more rare rockabilly treasures. With Ersel Hickey, Gene Watson,
ously unreleased studio album from 1978 and live material recorded Willie Ward, Hollis Champion, Skeets McDonald, Pat Cupp, etc.
at The Old Waldorf in 1979 with a stripped down three piece outfit.
CDCD5038 Cramps Jukebox. One CD of 30 marvellously rare,
88697902302 Rory Gallagher: Notes From San Francisco. As unhinged, rock & roll; CD2 is of radio interviews with Lux & Ivy.
above, but with 36 page booklet of essays, notes & 4 postcards.
CDCD5027 Captain Beefheart’s Jukebox. 25 tracks Inc. Howlin’
CAPO £6.50
Wolf, Ornette Coleman, Slim Harpo, etc.
Re-mastered, enhanced original artwork & new notes.
CDCD5063 Joan Baez: Debut Album Plus. 1960 LP & 10 re88691917452 Rory Gallagher: Blueprint.
cordings made in 1959 never previously released on CD.
88691936962 Rory Gallagher: Deuce
CDCD5082 Ella Mae Morse: Barrelhouse, Boogie & The Blues.
88691917352 Rory Gallagher: Rory Gallagher
Superb female blues shouter with 1954 album & 20 bonus tracks.
88691917462 Rory Gallagher: Tattoo
SMCD907 Stevie Ray Vaughan: The Fire Meets The Fury. From
88725461492 Rory Gallagher: Against The Grain.
two nights of a 1989 US tour and among his final performances
88725461472 Rory Gallagher: Calling Card.
SMCD915 Dr John: The Lost Broadcast. 1973 live radio broadcast
88725461462 Rory Gallagher: Photo Finish.
from Long Island and a superb slice of groovy New Orleans funk.
88725461452 Rory Gallagher: Top Priority.
SMCD917 Steely Dan: Going Mobile. Rare 1974 live radio broad88725461432 Rory Gallagher: Jinx.
cast from Los Angeles when they were a rockin’ band. Sound isn’t
88725461402 Rory Gallagher: Defender.
as pristine as their studio versions but the songs are great
88883764092 Rory Gallagher: Stage Struck.
SMCD918 ZZ Top: Lucky Thirteen. Rare 1980 live radio broadcast
88883765052 Rory Gallagher: Fresh Evidence.
255606 Julian Sas: Bound To Roll. Popular blues-rock singer- CD3CD5073 Chuck Berry: In The 1950s
guitarist on top form with latest studio album.
CD4CD5075 Gene Vincent: The Capitol Years. 122 tracks from
CEOL £13.15
CEOL02 Graham Parker & The Rumour: Three Chords Good. GP late 50s-early 60s, from LPs, 45s, EPs & live sides.
and original band re-united after 31 years. 12 excellent new songs.
533 2972 Ten Years After: Live At The Fillmore East.
CHARLY 2CD £9.75
SNAD661CD Sehorn’s Soul Farm – 50 New Orleans Soul Classics. A CHRYSALIS 2CD £11.95
CTYX1049 Ten Years After: Recorded Live. Classic 1973 live
gem on vinyl, now with extra tracks!!
SNAD561CD Southern Soul Shake! Two seminal albums of deep album plus an hour of additional live sides recorded across Europe.
60s soul originally released in 1978 & 1982 plus 18 bonus tracks. 50 CLARION £10.50
stunning tracks from Shelby Singleton’s SSS International label with CLCD003 Steve Phillips: Grosvenor Sessions (Live).
Doris Allen, George Perkins, Betty Harris, Peggy Scott, Johnny CLCD004 Steve Phillips And The Rough Diamonds: North Country
Adams, Bettye Lavette, T-Bone Walker and Calvin Leavy.
Blues. Excellent new CD from former guitarist with Notting Hillbillies
SNAD664CD Mr Joe’s Jambalaya. 46 soul & R&B sides from New
and friend and collaborator of Brendan Croker and Mark Knopfler.
Orleans in late-1950s & 1960s. Art Neville, Ernie K Doe, Benny
15 beautifully played and varied tracks, mixing blues, country and
Spellman, Allen Toussaint, Showmen, Irma Thomas, etc.
rock & roll, and plenty more besides. Steve doesn’t issue too many
CHARLY667D Big Brother & The Holding Company: Ball &
albums but this may just be his best.
Chain. Limited edition set of previously unreleased recordings from
1966 and 1967 plus unseen video tracks.
5067X Chris Barber Presents - Blues Lost & Found Vol 1. 23 live
tracks from Manchester in 1957/58 with Sonny Terry & Brownie
SNAJ743 Sun Rockabilly Meltdown. 107 tracks with Billy Lee Riley,
McGhee and Sister Rosetta Tharpe.
Dick Penner, Malcolm Yelvington, Elvis, etc
5068X Chris Barber Presents - Blues Lost & Found Vol 2. 19 live
SNAJ744 Charlie Rich: Complete Sun Masters. 102 tracks includ- tracks from Manchester & London 1958/59 and 1962. With Muddy,
ing all his label hits plus rarities, etc. Brilliant!
Otis Spann, Sonny & Brown, Jack Dupree and Louis Jordan.
5069X Chris Barber Presents - Blues Lost & Found Vol 3. 23
SNAJ723CD Vee Jay Records-Chicago Hit Factory 115 tracks tracks with SBW, Wolf, Hubert Sumlin. Mostly from UK in 1964.
inc. John Lee Hooker, Jerry Butler, Jimmy Reed, Little Richard, CLEOPATRA £13.25
Betty Everett, Kip Anderson, Billy Boy Arnold, Jay McShann etc.
CLPCD8991 Pat Travers: Blues On Fire. Canadian guitar legend
SNAB904CD Jerry Lee Lewis: Sun Essentials. 128 rockin’ tracks with his blues rock take on classic tracks of Blind Blake, Blind Willie
with rockers, country, ballads & novelties. 52 page book.
Johnson, Son House, Tampa Red, Blind Lemon Jefferson & more.
CHARLY 3CD £16.00
SNAJ722CD Elmore James: King Of The Slide Guitar. Complete
Trumpet, Chief & Fire Sessions with a 24 page booklet.
SNAJCD728 Jimmy Reed: Essential Boss Man– 75 great tracks.
CHARLY 2CD £12.75
SNAX624CD Allen Toussaint: Everything I Do Gonh Be Funky. 50
tracks covering New Orleans legend’s solo recs plus great production hits with Lee Dorsey, Meters, Aaron Neville, Irma Thomas, etc.
SNAX628CD Lee Dorsey: Soul Mine - Best Of & More. Holy Cow,
Working In A Coalmine and plenty more New Orleans soul classics.
SNAX629CD Vee-Jay Records Presents The Blues. One of the most
exciting LPs of the 1960s, this introduced us to JB Lenoir, Billy Boy
Arnold, Elmore James, Rosco Gordon, etc. An important record
reissued in full plus 21 more classic blues from Vee-Jay’s vaults.
SNAX630CD Jimmy Reed: I’m Jimmy Reed. Classic 1958 album
plus hits taken from his career at Vee-Jay.
SNAX632CD Aaron Neville: Hercules - Minit And Sansu Sessions
1960-77. Classic hits, alternate takes, rarities, etc. Over 50 tracks.
SNAX634CD Ernie K. Doe: Here Come The Girls - A History 196070. Big R&B hits with Allen Toussaint, for Minit, Instant and Janus.
SNAX635CD Irma Thomas: Soul Queen Of New Orleans. The first
CD has her big hits (plus demos & b-sides). CD2 is a live 1976 set.
CHARLY645X Move With The Groove One-derful Mar-V-Lus Story. Chicago soul
1962-70, with 50 super sides from Otis Clay,
Betty Everett, Lonnie Brooks, Alvin Cash,
Andrew Tibbs, etc
CHARLY646X Alvin Cash: Windy City
Workout. Popular 1960s Chicago soul singer
with his LP Twine Time plus singles & rarities.
CHARLY647X Huey ‘Piano’ Smith: It Do Me
Good - The Banashak/Sansu Sessions 196678. Expanded version of CD collection called
Pitta Pattin’ . Great New Orleans R&B sides
plus rarities.
CHARLY668X Jerry Butler: The Singles. 56
tracks from his Vee-Jay solo years, including
all A & B sides between 1959-1966.
CHARLY £12.75
SNAX640CD Bettye LaVette: Nearer To
You. Soul legend’s complete late 60s and early 70s sides for Silver
Fox & SSS International
88691925502 Joe Cocker: Fire It Up. New 11 track studio album
from legendary singer, As always, a unique and passionate delivery.
88697830152/9 Johnny Cash: Bootleg Series Vol 1 - Personal File.
49 privately recorded and intimate solo performances 1973– 1982
88697600512 Johnny Cash: Vol 2 - From Memphis To Hollywood.
Early years at Sun in 1954 to Columbia years into 1960s, Live radio
broadcasts, demos, out-takes, b-sides, etc. 57 tracks.
88697930332 Johnny Cash: Bootleg Vol III - Live Around The
World. Rare live tracks 1956 and 1979, most previously released.
88697985382/9 Johnny Cash: Bootleg Vol IV - The Soul Of Truth.
51 tracks, mostly rare gospel & spiritual recordings of 70s & 80s.
88697192162 Christine Perfect
82876769682 Eddie Boyd. With Peter Green on guitar.
82876822902 Otis Spann. Everything remastered from Biggest
Thing Since Colossus, Blues Jam At Chess and his Blue Horizon
singles. 28 beautiful tracks including unissued & alternate takes
82876887372 George Smith & Bacon Fat. Original LPs s “Grease
One For Me” & “No Time For Jive”).
82876734942 Chicken Shack. Inc. unreleased gems & singles.
88697847832 The Perfect Blues Collection. 25 original Columbia
albums in replica cardboard sleeves & 40 page booklet. Classic
albums - Robert Johnson, Muddy, Taj Mahal, SRV, Buddy Guy, Big
Bill Broonzy, Son House, Johnny Winter & more
COLUMBIA 20CD £39.75
88883765862 Johnny Cash: The Perfect Johnny Cash Collection.
20 original Columbia albums in replica cardboard sleeves housed in
hard-top box. The albums go from 1959’s The Fabulous Johnny
Cash and end with 1986’s Heroes, including along the way Hymns
By Johnny Cash, Songs Of Our Soil, Ride This Train, At Folsom
Prison, At San Quentin, One Piece At A Time and more.
88883771472 Johnny Winter: The Essential. 34 great sides from
his early Columbia days, with lots of in-studio blues sides and live
rock & roll favourites (including some from Woodstock in 1969).
COMPASS £13.15
COM45432 Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band: Legacy. With guests
Del McCoury, Gillian Welch, David Rawlings and more.
COM46002 Peter Rowan: The Old School. Bluegrass legend with
11 originals and one cover. Guests include Del McCoury.
7234164 Otis Redding: Lonely & Blue. Sub-titled The Deepest
Soul Of Otis Redding, this has hits and lesser-known sides, presented the way albums were packaged in the mid sixties.
7231439 Ray Charles: Live In Concert
7231337 Ray Charles: Modern Sounds In C & W Music
CCD21872 Robben Ford: Keep On Running. With John Mayall,
Mavis Staples, Edgar Winter & Terry Evans. Rocking blues guitar.
SCD85292 Little Milton: Grits Ain’t Groceries. Live Stax-period
tracks from early 1970s in L.A. A great soul-bluesman on top form.
MCD470282 Staple Singers: Great Day. Riverside gospel sides
CLPCD436 Pat Travers: Live At The Bamboo Room. Captured hot 1962-64, remastered with new notes.
and live in late 2012, incorporating his best known numbers plus CONCORD £13.75
smoking blues covers. The DVD includes an exclusive interview.
7230234 Robben Ford: Truth
7231528 Robben Ford: Soul On Ten
CLPCD7548 Little Richard: Rock ‘N’ Roll Anthology. 20 early hits 7232007 Jonny Lang: Live At The Ryman. Live CD from 2008.
plus interview. The DVD is a 1972 documentary of the historic 7231351 Ray Charles: Genius - The Ultimate Ray Charles. A 23
London concert with Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, Bo track anthology of his big hits, digitally re-mastered. Awesome.
Diddley & more. Worth it for the DVD alone!
7233874 Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite: Get Up! Blues, R&B,
gospel, country and more in this, Harper’s 12th studio album,
COLUMBIA 10CD £34.50
88725403102 Bessie Smith: Complete Columbia Recordings. impressively fleshed out by Musselwhite’s superior harp blowing.
Handsome re-packaging of historic sides from 1923-33 featuring a CRE3426202 Slide Brothers: Robert Randolph Presents The Slide
who’s who of early jazz musicians (Louis Armstrong, Fletcher Brothers. The greatest living exponents of the sacred steel style of
Henderson, James P Johnson, Clarence Williams, etc) as well as guitar playing incorporating traditional gospel, blues, soul and rock.
Bessie’s superb voice. For sound quality, you can’t beat the re- Guests include Shemekia Copeland.
leases on Frog, but for a complete set at this price, it is hard to beat. 7234063 Rickie Lee Jones: The Devil You Know. Album produced
by, and featuring, Ben Harper, with covers of songs of Rolling
Stones, Tim Hardin, The Band, Van Morrison & Neil Young.
88697732882 Bob Dylan: Vol 1-3 - Rare & Unreleased
CONCORD 2CD £13.25
7232046 Otis Redding: Live On The Sunset Strip. Three full sets
88697732892 Bob Dylan: Vol 4 Live 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert
from four nights at the Whisky A Go Go club in LA in 1966. Digitally
88697732902 Bob Dylan: Vol 5 Live 1975 Rolling Thunder Revue.
re-mastered from original tapes, this is hot & sweaty soul at its best.
88697732912 Bob Dylan: Vol 6 Live 1964 At
Philharmonic Hall.
88697732942 Bob Dylan: Vol 7 No Direction 7234070 Glen Campbell & Jimmy Webb: In Session. Captured in
1983 in Ontario, featuring Webb on piano and Campbell singing and
88697746102 Bob Dylan: Vol 8 Tell Tale Signs on guitar. A lovely relaxed session.
Rare 1989- 2006.
CONCORD £12.95
7234121 Booker T: Sound The Alarm. New album from legendary
88697761792 Bob Dylan: Vol 9 - Witmark soul musician featuring hot contemporary guests such as Gary
Demos 1962-64. 47 historic early demos (15 Clark Jr, Mayer Hawthorne, Kori Withers (daughter of Bill) and more
previously unreleased Dylan songs).
88883734872 Bob Dylan: Another Self Portrait CBCHCD2010 Danny Bryant’s Redeye Band: Live
1969-71 - The Bootleg Series Vol 10. Built CBHCD2014 Danny Bryant's Redeye Band: Black & White.
around his first critical dud, 1970’s Self Portrait CBHCD2016 Danny Bryant’s Redeye Band: Just As I Am. Blues
album. These 35 out-takes, alternate versions and soulful ballads by one of Britain’s leading bands. Their best yet.
and live recordings reveal that, devoid of syrupy CBHCD2019 John Primer: All Original. 12 new songs.
strings and fussy production, this could (and COOL BUZZ £13.75
should) have been a belting album. The differ- CLBZ032 Hokie Joint: The Music Starts To Play. Second album of
ences in these versions to the original LP are
in-demand British roots-based blues band.
so marked that The Guardian’s review ended by claiming this set is
a ‘self-portrait so improved as to make the first almost irrelevant’.
CSCCD1075 Pokey LaFarge And The South City Three: Middle
Of Everywhere. Follow up to Riverboat Soul (DIRTCD060), another
great set of early-20th century blues, jazz & country roots music.
CSCCD1076 Dale Watson & The Texas Two: Sun Sessions.
Tribute to sound of Sun Records from contemporary rockabilly trio.
CSCCD1082 BettySoo & Doug Cox: Across The Borderline - More
Lies. Heartbreaker ballads and sterling guitar support from Doug.
CSCCD1088 Meschiya Lake & Little Big Horns: Lucky Devil.
Sassy blues singer fronting a New Orleans jazz revival band.
SIG2047 Chris Smither: Hundred Dollar Valentine. Renowned
bluesy americana singer-songwriter with perhaps his best album.
BHMCD0070 Kelly Joe Phelps: Brother Sinner And The Whale.
Singer-songwriter & ace slide guitarist with songs of sin & salvation.
CBHCD2021 John Primer: Blues On Solid Ground. ‘Down home’
tribute to his Mississippi roots of in-demand Chicago bluesman.
CSCCD1095 Dale Watson And His Lonestars: El Rancho Azul.
Texas country legend with a full-on honky tonk sound on 14 new
tracks, great to sing-along to or drown your sorrows.
COCO3007 Kinky Friedman: Bi-Polar Tour Live From Woodstock.
Recorded in New York in 2012 and full of enjoyable jokes and
anecdotes in between great C&W politico-comedy songs, including
of course They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore. A lot of fun.
COCO3008 Meschiya Lake & Little Big Horns: Fooler’s Gold.
More excellent New Orleans singing in front of a hot jazz band.
CORKER £10.25
Master of lap steel guitar, praised by Bob Brozman & Woody Mann.
CORKER001 Tom Doughty: The Bell
CORKER002 Tom Doughty: Running Free
CORKER003 Tom Doughty: Have A Taste Of This!
CJ028 Eric Bibb & Habib Koite: Brothers In Bamako. The joint
forces of Mali and American musicians create a unique set of
transatlantic blues on 13 lovely tracks.
COUNTY £13.15
COCD3505 Uncle Dave Macon: Go Long Mule.
COCD3517 Grayson & Whitter: Recorded 1928-1930
COCD3526 Fiddlin’ Arthur Smith: And His Dixieliners
CCD12013 Billy C. Farlow: Alabama Swamp Stomp. Southern
blues and r&b, a 14 track debut for label.
CCD11106 B.B. & The Blues Shacks: Come Along. Popular
European blues band with another set of hot, swinging blues.
CCD11107 Chuck Leavell: Back To The Woods. 15 track album
from pianist for both Allman Brothers and Rolling Stones. With
support from Keith Richards and John Mayer, Chuck runs through
songs of Little Brother Montgomery, Otis Spann, Leroy Carr, Charlie
Spand and more, ably demonstrating both his and their talents.
CRS £14.25
RM1010 Heritage Blues Orchestra: And Still I Rise. A musical ride
through early blues traditions of field hollers, spirituals, early jazz
and more, utilising voices, guitars, drums/percussion, harmonica
and a fiery horn section (tuba, trumpets, trombone and sax). With
Clarksdale Moan, Go Down Hannah, Levee Camp Holler and more.
DAPTONE £13.15
DAP022CD Charles Bradley: No Time For Dreaming. 2011 debut.
DAP031CD Charles Bradley: Victim Of Love. Follow up to awardwinning debut with 11 more tracks of supreme 60s style soul singing
DECCA £12.95
3727982 Katmen: The Katmen Cometh. Fantastic rockabilly featuring Darrel Higham, Slim Jim Phantom and Al Gare. Imelda May
(Darrel’s other half) features among the backing singers.
DECCA £13.15
3724268 Madeleine Peyroux: The Blue Room. Successful pop,
jazz, blues, you-name-it artist with another winning set.
3724270 Madeleine Peyroux: The Blue Room. The album plus
DVD that has a documentary on the album plus two track videos.
DECCA £13.75
1775577 Susan Tedeschi: Back To The River
DECCA £8.15
9842225 John Mayall's Bluesbreakers: A Hard Road
9840839 John Mayall: Blues From Laurel Canyon
8448272 John Mayall & Eric Clapton: Bluesbreakers
9842178 John Mayall's Bluesbreakers: Bare Wires
9842175 John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers: Crusade
9841805 John Mayall: The Blues Alone
8828982 Ten Years After: Stonedhenge
8828992 Ten Years After: Undead
DD604 Big Joe Williams: Blues On Highway 49
DD605 Curtis Jones: Lonesome Bedroom Blues
DD607 Roosevelt Sykes: Hard Drivin' Blues
DD608 Sleepy John Estes: Broke & Hungry
DD616 Roosevelt Sykes: Gold Mine
DD617 J.B. Hutto/Sunnyland Slim: Hawk Squat
DD628 Junior Wells: Southside Blues Jam
DD635 Junior Wells: On Tap
DD636 J.B. Hutto: Slidewinder
DD644 Jimmy Johnson: Johnson's Whacks
DD653 Willie Kent: Ain’t It Nice
DD655 Sunnyland Slim: House Rent Party
DD666 Carey Bell: Heartaches and Pain
DD705 Albert Ammons with Pete Johnson & Meade Lux Lewis:
Boogie Woogie Stomp
DD711 Robert Nighthawk: Bricks In My Pillow
DD712 Big Walter Horton & Alfred "Blues King" Harris: Harmonica Blues Kings-16 sides from 1954
DD735 Sunnyland Slim: Smile On My Face
DD740 Piano Red: Dr Feelgood
DELMARK £13.00
DE601 Speckled Red: The Dirty Dozens
DE606 Yank Rachel: Mandolin Blues
DE612 Junior Wells: Hoodoo Man Blues. Classic Chicago blues
album in a re-mastered edition with bonus tracks, With Buddy Guy
on guitar, this is a high watermark of
mid-60s Chicago blues
DE614 Arthur Crudup: Look On
Yonders Wall
DE622 Carey Bell: Blues Harp
DE634 Jimmy Dawkins: All For
DE643 Otis Rush: So Many Roads
DE663 Little Brother Montgomery:
Goodbye Mister Blues
DE667 Willie Kent: Too Hurt To Cry
DE679 Lurrie Bell: Mercurial Son
DE686 Brewer Phillips: Homebrew.
Hot album from one-time guitarist with
Hound Dog Taylor and J.B. Hutto.
DE701 Willie B Moore: Troubled
DE723 Willie Kent: Make Room For The Blues
DE724 Lurrie Bell: Kiss Of Sweet Blues
DE767 Big Joe Williams: I Got Wild
DE774 Byther Smith: Hold That Train
DE778 J.B. Hutto: Stompin’ At Mother Blues
DE781 Otis Rush: All Your Love (I Miss Loving)
DE782 Taildragger: My Head Is Bald
DE783 Mississippi Heat: One Eye Open featuring Lurrie Bell
DE786 Magic Slim & The Teardrops/Joe Carter with Sunnyland
Slim: That Ain’t Right
DE787 Junior Wells: Live at Theresa's 1975
DE795 Mississippi Heat: Hattiesberg Blues
DE796 Byther Smith: Blues On The Moon
DE797 Sleepy John Estes: On 80 Highway with Hammie Nixon.
Unissued stuff from 1974. Plenty he never recorded before.
DE799 Eddie C. Campbell: Tear This World Up.
DE801 Quintus McCormick Blues Band: Hey Hodie!
DE803 Tail Dragger: Live At Rooster’s Lounge
DE805 Willie Buck: The Life I Love. Tough Chicago blues
DE807 Mississippi Heat: Let’s Live It Up. With John Primer
DE808 Jimmy Dawkins Presents The Leric Story. Tail Dragger,
Vance Kelly, Queen Sylvia, Big Mojo Elem, Sister Margo and more,
all recorded for Dawkins in 1980s. Tough Chicago blues.
DE809 Junior Wells: Live In Boston 1966. Great rough & ready
recordings with Junior & the legendary Aces on top form.
DE810 Studebaker John: That’s The Way You Do.
DE811 James Kinds: Love You From The Top.
DE815 Quintis McCormick: Put It On Me! 14 tracks on follow up to
successful debut Hey Jodie (DE801). With guest Billy Branch.
DE817 Toronzo Cannon: Leavin’ Mood. Chicago blues singerguitarist influenced by the 3 Kings (B.B., Albert and Freddie) and
Hendrix with a new soul and gospel inflected album.
DE818 Studebaker John: Old School Rockin’. 14 originals from
rocking bluesman. Rough & ready, as he heard on Maxwell Street.
DE819 Eddie C Campbell: Spider Eating Preacher. Follow up to
Tear This World Up (DE799) which was a finalist for the Blues
Music Awards ‘Album Of The Year’ in 2010. Another belter.
DE820 Rockin’ Johnny Band: Grim Reaper. Popular contemporary blues band, incorporating funk, rock and swing vibes.
DE821 Quintus McCormick: Still Called The Blues. Star of contemporary Chicago blues and soul with third album for label.
DE822 Linsey Alexander: Been There, Done That. Debut CD from
Mississippi-born, Chicago-based bluesman. Great mix of gritty
Chicago blues with a soul and funk edge. Comparisons made with
Albert King. Freddie King, Buddy Guy, Magic Slim (and more).
DE823 Mississippi Heat: Delta Bound. With guests Carl Weathersby, Chubby Carrier, Billy Flynn, Deitra Farr and more.
DE824 Mike Wheeler: Self-Made Man. Excellent album from indemand Chicago blues singer, guitarist & songwriter.
DE825 Willie Buck: Cell Phone Man. Veteran Chicago blues singer
with second album for the label, superbly backed by the Rockin’
Johnny Band and with a big nod to the influence of Muddy Waters.
DE827 Arthur ‘Big Boy’ Crudup: Sunny Road. Excellent 1969
session with Jimmy Dawkins and Willie ‘Big Eyes’ Smith, plus a
conversation between Crudup and Delmark boss Bob Koester
DE828 Tail Dragger: Stop Lyin’. Hot Chicago
blues, with Willie Kent, Lafayette Leake, Little
Mac Simmons and more in support.
DE829 Lurrie Bell: Blues In My Soul. Great
new Chicago blues album containing three new
originals plus excellent covers.
DE830 Studebaker John & The Maxwell
Street Kings: Kingsville Jukin’. Over an hour’s
worth of tough Chicago blues.
DE831 Toronzo Cannon: John The Conquer
Root. New CD from Chicago bluesman who
generated loads of glowing reviews for his
previous album (DE817). 11 new originals with
strong vocals, guitar and song-writing across
some straight-ahead blues, with some neat soul
and funk infusions along the way.
DELMARK £12.15
DE615 Magic Sam: West Side Soul. New re-mastered release for an
all-time Chicago blues classic. New digi-pack with rare photos.
DGPCD106 John Long: Lost And Found
DGPCD117 Insomniacs: Left Coast Blues
DGPCD118 Rod Piazza & Mighty Flyers: ThrillVille
DGPCD119 Phantom Blues Band: Footprints.
DGPCD0120 Sean Costello: We Can Get Together
DGPCD121 Legendary R & B Revue
DGPCD122 Mannish Boys: Lowdown Feelin'
DGPCD123 Jackie Payne & Steve Edmonson: Overnight Sensation
DGPCD0125 Los Fabulocos Feat. Kid Ramos: Los Fabulocos
DGPCD0126 Elvin Bishop & Guests: The Blues Rolls On
DGPCD0127 Cedric Burnside & Lightnin Malcom: Two
Man Wrecking Crew
DGPCD128 Mitch Kashmar: Live At Labatt
DGPCD129 Bobby Jones & Mannish Boys: Comin' Back
DGPCD133 Candye Kane: Superhero
DGPCD134 Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers: Soul Monster
DGPCD135 Arthur Adams: Stomp The Floor. Cool soul
DGPCD137 Mannish Boys: Shake For Me
DGPCD138 Elvin Bishop: Red Dog Speaks
DGPCD139 Bob Corritore: Harmonica Blues
DGPCD141 Lynwood Slim & Igor Prado: Brazilian Kicks
DGPCD142 Los Fabulocos: Dos. Energized latin rhythms
fused with good ol’ r ‘n r, blues & boogie. Hot stuff, with
Kid Ramos on guitar.
DGPCD145 Shawn Pittman: Edge Of The World. Shawn
co-wrote most songs here, played pretty much all instruments and
even produced. Superb & varied with a lively 50s R&B vibe
DGPCD147 Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers: Almighty Dollar. A
superbly assured harmonica-led album from leading blues band.
DGPCD149 Big Pete: Choice Cuts. Stunning album by Dutch blues
singer & harp maestro with all-star support from Kim Wilson, Paul
Oscher, Kid Ramos, Shawn Pittman, Kirk Fletcher &, Rusty Zinn.
0250150 Tail Dragger & Bob Corritore: Long Time Friends In The
Blues. Legendary blues singer join forces with harmonica player
extraordinaire to bring us a corking hot & dirty Chicago blues album.
0250151 Nathan James & The Rhythm Scratchers: What You
Make Of It. Southern Californian blues sensations stomp, holler and
scratch their way through a set of amplified juke joint blues. Notable
guest appearance from James Harman on his superb Rhino Horn.
0250158 Andy T And The Nick Nixon Band: Drink, Drank, Drunk.
Superior modern good-time blues, featuring Anson Funderburgh
0250159 John Primer & Bob Corritore: Knockin’ Around These
Blues. Revered and respected Chicago blues guitarist joins forces
talented and in-demand Chicago blues harmonica player on a
spectacular set of covers, in front of a top-notch band.
0250161 Sugaray Rayford: Dangerous. Texas-born, Californiaraised bluesman with a commanding, gospel-inflected voice, best
known as a featured vocalist for the Mannish Boys. On this debut
album, he combines contemporary originals and well-chosen covers
and delivers them with the help of a fine supporting cast - including
Kim Wilson, Big Pete, Kid Andersen, Franck Goldwasser, Sugar
Ray Norcia, Monster Mike Welch and more.
0250162 Smokin’ Joe Kubeck & Bnois King: Road Dog’s Life.
More tough, electrified roadhouse blues, featuring strong originals
and a cover of The Beatles Don’t Bother Me and The Rolling Stones
Play With Fire. Alongside King’s powerful vocals and Kubeck’s
searing blues guitar, guests include Kim Wilson, the Nightcat’s Kid
Anderson and the Mannish Boys rhythm section.
0250153 The Mannish Boys: Double Dynamite. A full 26 tracks
over 2CDs of mostly blues classics, aided and abetted by some
super guest vocalists and musicians including Mud Morganfield,
James Harman, Finis Tasby, Jackie Payne, Rod Piazza, Bob
Corritore, Kid Ramos, Nathan James, Elvin Bishop and more. The
liner notes suggest that the recording of this set was a virtual blues
festival - and one listen confirms that this must have been one hell
of a jam. A must for lovers of modern electric blues and classic r&b.
DEVILDOWNCD001 Mississippi Fred McDowell: Come And Found You
Gone - The Bill Ferris Recordings. Previously unheard sessions, with
support from wife, Annie Mae, and friend Napoleon Strickland
(among others). Fred at his most relaxed and expansive on favourites and songs never otherwise recorded. Great songs and sound.
DEVICD001 Son House: Clarksdale Moan 1930-1942. Complete prewar recordings featuring his Paramount sides recorded on May 28
1930 and Library Of Congress Sessions recorded by Alan Lomax in
Mississippi in 1941 and 1942. Tremendously historic and together in
a nicely packaged set.
DT0024 Milton Hopkins & Jewel Brown: Milton
Hopkins & Jewel Brown. Rhythm guitarist in B.B.
King’s band in 1970s with super female blues
vocalist on classic blues numbers. Recommended.
DT0025 Pastor Mitty Collier: I Owe It To The
World. Big-selling soul singer from the 1960s,
recording mostly for Chess, returned to the church
in 1972 and has only sung gospel since. Ordained
in 1989, this demonstrates she remains a force.
DT0026 Birdlegg: Birdlegg. Superb blues album
from singer-songwriter and harmonica player who
has been around the American blues scene for
years without coming to the fore. This ought to
change that, featuring an excellent band plus Omar
Dykes on guitar
DFGCD8677 Guitar Gabriel: The Beginning Of The Music Maker Story.
Excellent set of Gabriel’s music recorded in houses & back porches.
The DVD documentary is on the charitable foundation Music Maker
DFGCD8649 Music Maker’s Sisters of The South. Fantastic collection.
DFGCD8665 Eric Bibb: Live At Fip. Inc 20 minute video of onstage
(e.g., DEVILDOWNCD001)
DFGCD8733 Ironing Board Sam: Double Bang! Unsung R&B
showman in the tradition of Little Richard and Screaming Jay Hawkins. Sam left behind a street entertainer career after Katrina,
returning to South Carolina before being coaxed into the studio. The
first CD features great horn support, the second is just Sam and
piano. Includes 10 bonus tracks from recordings from the 1960s.
If you don’t see the CD you want, just ask. We can’t list ‘em all .
DOCD32-20-13 James Booker: Manchester ’77. Recorded live.
DOCD32-20-14 Rev. Gary Davis: Manchester Free Trade Hall
1964. Excellent quality & wonderful set.
DOCD8014 Fiddlin’ John Carson: Vol 1 1923-24
DOCD5090 Ed Bell: 1927-30
DOCD5186 Arizona Dranes: 1926-1929
DOCD5232 San Antonio Blues 1937
DOCD5279 Bobby Leecan & Robert Cooksey: Vol 1 1924-27
DOCD5287 Walter Davis: Vol 7 1946-52
DOCD5423 Alberta Hunter: Vol 2 1923-24
DOCD5463 Great Gospel Performers 1937-1950
DOCD5674 Big Maceo: Vol 2 Big City Blues
DOCD5684 Willie Egan: Come On - Early Recordings 1954-1958
DOCD5685 Memphis Blues Vol 3 1927-30. With alt. takes of
Memphis Jug Band.
DOCD5686 Memphis Blues Vol 4 1930-53
DOCD5688 Roosevelt Sykes: ‘Live’ At Webster’s College, St Louis
1974, with rockin’ songs, warm humour & reminiscences.
DOCD5689 Son House: 1941-42 - Field Recordings Vol 17. Library
Of Congress sides, with Willie Brown, Fiddlin’ Joe Martin, and Leroy
Williams. 18 delta blues classics. Notes by Bob Groom.
DOCD5690 Blind Willie Johnson: Vol 1 - 1927-10 Dec 1929. 16
intense guitar evangelist masterpieces. Awesome.
DOCD5691 Blind Willie Johnson: Vol 2 - 11 Dec 1929 - 1930. 14
more of the very, very best. Absolutely essential.
BDCD6028 Memphis Harp & Jug Blowers 1929-39. Re-mastered
title, Minnie Wallace, Jed Davenport, Little Buddy Doyle, etc.
DOCD5692 Blues From Maxwell Street 1960 And 1965. Rough
and tough blues from the famous market in Chicago, featuring Daddy Stovepipe, James Brewer,
King David and Blind Arvella Gray
DOCD5693 Reverend Gary Davis: An Afternoon
With... Recorded at Allegheny College, Meadville
Pennsylvania in 1964, this has 8 extended and
excellent pieces in a relaxed and informal setting.
DOCD5696 Big Bill Broonzy: Vol 13 1949-51 Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order.
Great sides and rare alternate takes of Bill with just
a guitar, with His Fat Four band and with Graeme
Bell’s Australian Jazz Band. 23 great tracks.
DOCD5697 The Blues Revival Vol 1 1963-69. Rediscovery recordings featuring Sleepy John Estes,
Brownie McGhee, John Jackson, Mississippi John
Hurt, Sippie Wallace and more
DOCD1110 Country Music Pioneers On Edison Records Vol
Two 1923-29. 18 sides, featuring Frank Wallace, Jimson Brothers,
Carson Robison, Dixie Mountaineers, Vernon Dalhart & more
DOCD1111 Hawaiian Rainbow - Hawaiian Music On Edison
Records 1916-29. 18 rare and fabulous Hawaiian sides from Hilo
Serenaders, Roy Smeck, Shaw’s Hawaiian Orchestra, Waikiki
Hawaiian Orchestra, The Four Aristocrats and more.
DFGCD8527 Duke Robillard: Living With The Blues
DFGCD8640 Carolina Chocolate Drops: Heritage
DFGCD8647 Kenny Neal: Let Life Flow
DFGCD8651 Joe Louis Walker: Witness To The Blues
DFGCD8654 Little Pink Anderson: Sittin’ Here Singing The Blues.
DFGCD8669 Duke Robillard: Stomp! The Blues Tonight. A reunion
with some of Roomful Of Blues. Steaming stuff from the 40s & 50s.
DFGCD8673 Joe Louis Walker: Between A Rock And The Blues.
DFGCD8686 Napoleon Washington: Mud & Grace.
DFGCD8687 Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers: Live In Detroit.
DFGCD8690 Magic Slim & Teardrops: Raising The Bar. Chicago blues
boss with updated collection of old & new songs on a great album.
DFGCD8693 Kenny Neal: Hooked On Your Love.
DFGCD8694 Duke Robillard: Passport To The Blues.
DFGCD8695 Joe Louis Walker’s Blues Conspiracy: Live On The Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise. Live album with guests Tommy Castro,
Duke Robillard, Kenny Neal, Johnny Winter and Watermelon Slim.
DFG133 Tom Principato: A Part Of Me. With Sonny Landreth.
DFGCD8697 Black & White - Field Recordings by Art Rosenbaum. A
compilation of the work of Art Rosenbaum, musician, folklorist &
professor of art at University of Georgia who spent years recording
traditional music first released on two 4CD boxsets on Dust To
Digital and often compared to Harry Smith’s ‘Anthology Of American
Folk Music’ for cultural significance. 24 stunning sides, with Scrapper Blackwell, Yank Rachel, Balfa Bros, Nathan Abshire & more.
DFGCD8703 Lucky Peterson, Magic Slim, Joe Louis Walker &
Bill Perry: 4 Blues Guitar Masters. 5 unreleased tracks from Lucky
and tracks selected from CDs on the label by the others. A stormer.
DFGCD8708 Duke Robillard: Low Down & Tore Up. High-energy
uptown and low-down blues. A return to the songs & styles that first
spiked our boy’s interest in blues.
DFGCD8720 Eric Bibb: Deeper In The Well. Studio album, recorded in Louisiana, featuring a rich mix of blues, folk, cajun and
Americana. In total, 13 lovely tracks in a beautiful gatefold digipack.
DFGCD8724 Dave Arcari: Nobody’s Fool. Gruff & growly CD that
mixes super country blues from American south and Scottish folk.
DFGCD8725 Larry Garner: Blues For Sale. One of the finest
bluesmen around, with super album of great songs.
DFGCD8728 Magic Slim: Bad Boy. Superb Mississippi To Chicago
style electric bluesman, delivered the goods here when 75 years of
age! 12 great Chicago blues tracks with The Teardrops.
DFGCD8738 Guy Davis: Juba Dance. Regular nominee for Blues
Awards and one of the most popular acoustic bluesmen around with
superb album. Covers of songs by Muddy Waters, Blind Lemon
Jefferson, Blind Willie McTell and more are interspersed with solid
originals, Fabrizio Poggi features on harmonica.
DOCD322017 Barrelhouse Blues - Location Recordings & The
DFGCD8741 Duke Robillard: Independently Blue. Super new
Early Traditions In The Blues. A companion to the Paul Oliver
album, with guest appearance on guitar from Monbook (BK024), Over 60 super country blues
ster Mike Welch.
tracks - Rabbit Brown, Pink Anderson,
DFGCD8749 Tom Principato: Robert Johnson Told
Roosevelt Graves, Bo Carter, Jim Jackson,
Me So. Blues guitarist shines on 8 originals. With
Garfield Akers, Joe Callicot, Tommy JohnChuck Leavell on keyboards.
son, Mississippi Sheiks, etc.
DFGCD8750 Eric Bibb: Jericho Road. Another
DOGSTAR £10.95
outstanding album from much-loved and celebrated
BURNDS1010808 Danny Click: Life Is A
blues and roots musician. A broad mix and styles
Good Place. Texan guitarist compared with
but, as always, its all Eric!
Lowell George, Duane Allman & SRV!
DFGCD8752 Leyla McCalla: Vari-Colored Songs. Debut
album from cellist and multi-instrumentalist who has
made her name over recent years with the Carolina
2000 Mike Sanchez: Just Can’t Afford It
Chocolate Drops. A lovely cross-pollination of her
2001 Mike Sanchez: Blue Boy
Haitian roots and the folk-blues and Americana that
DOOPIN01 Mike Sanchez: Women &
she has been playing over recent years on 14 pieces
of music that build upon the poetry of Langston
DOOPIN002 Mike Sanchez: You Better Dig
It. Cracking R&B
DOOPIN03 Mike Sanchez And The Beat From Palookaville: Babes And
233265 Alexis Korner: The Godfather Of The European Blues Buicks. Another blast from Red Lick favourite.
Scene. Early recordings from 1954-57, with blues & skiffle tracks DOOPIN04 Mike Sanchez And His Band, Featuring Imelda May:
Almost Grown. 14 unreleased recordings from 2004 with Imelda
involving Ken Colyer, Alexis Korner, Beryl Bryden and more.
May before she struck big. Rockabilly, blues, honkin’ r&b & more.
DUST TO DIGITAL 2CD & BOOK £37.50 (p&p £3.00)
DTD19 Never A Pal Like Mother – Vintage Songs And Photographs Of The One Who’s Always True. Old blues, old timey,
Hawaiian, gospel, calypso, world music and western swing songs
about the kindness, teaching, love and loss of a mother. 40 songs
from between 1927-56, with Washington Phillips, Golden Eagle
Gospel Singers, Milton Brown, Louvin Bros, Robert Wilkins, Doc
Hopkins, Georgia Yellow Hammers and more. The book contains 65
antique photographs and a foreword by Rosanne Cash.
(p&p £6.00 for delivery within the UK & is not included in the offer of
free UK p&p on completed orders over £100)
DTD21 John Fahey: Your Past Comes Back To Haunt You - The
Fonotone Years 1958-65. A staggering collection, drawing together
the loose ends of Fahey’s recording career. With an 88 page book
and 115 tracks (most new to on CD) re-mastered from Joe Bussard’s own collection and approved by John Fahey’s estate.
(UK p&p on this is £3.25)
DTD27 Greek Rhapsody - Instrumental Music From Greece
1905-1956. Researched and compiled by Tony Klein, this features
42 tracks meticulously re-mastered from 78s, most never before on
CD or vinyl, all demonstrating the unique styles and variety in Greek
music. The book has 152 pages of extensive liner notes, annotations and photographs. Another sumptious package.
DTD29 Luk Thung - Classic & Obscure 78s From The Thai
Countryside. Amazing collection of Thai country groove music from
1950s & 1960s. 14 rare tracks re-issued for the first time.
DTD30 Qat, Coffee & Qambas - Raw 45s
From Yemen. Rare Yemeni recordings from the
1960s & 1970s. Hypnotic melodies backed by
percussion that support heartfelt vocals.
DTD31 Sorrow Come Pass Me Around - A Survey
Of Rural Black Religious Music. Unique collection
of spiritual and gospel songs performed in
informal non-church settings between 19651973, featuring Napoleon Strickland, Katie Mae
Young, Blind Pete Burrell, Ephram Carter & His
Fife & Drum Band, Eddie Lee Jones & more. 16
tracks with a lovely booklet with photos, biographies and liner notes by David Evans.
DTD32 Kassidat - Raw 45s From Morocco.
Hypnotic grooves from 1950s & 1960s featuring
rare Arabic and Berber recordings.
DTD33 Lonnie Holley: Keeping A Record Of It. From between
2006-2011, this has undiscovered artist well into his sixties delivering intense emotional bluesy singing and riffing word jazz. Beguiling.
EAGCD313 Otis Rush & Friends: Live At Montreux 1986.
EAGCD396 Jeff Beck: Performing This Week - Live Ronnie Scott’s
EAGCD425 Rory Gallagher: Beat Club Sessions
EAGCD437 Jeff Healey Band: Live At Grossmans - 1994. 10
storming tracks from the Healey archives.
EAGCD450 Canned Heat: Live At Montreux 1973. Only appearance at Montreux, with guest Gatemouth Brown on 4 tracks.
EAGCD451 Nina Simone: Live At Montreux 1976. The complete
performance, plus 2 tracks from her 1987 appearance.
EAGCD452 Rockpile: Live At Montreux 1980. 17 stonking tracks.
EAGCD434 Gary Moore: Live At Montreux 2010. Last recorded
performance, 11 tracks that explore his rock and blues sides.
EAGCD467 Paul Rodgers & Friends: Live At Montreux 1994.
Recorded while touring his ‘Muddy Waters Blues’ album.
EAGCD482 Z.Z. Top: Live In Germany. Recorded in 1980 as part
of the Rockpalast TV series while promoting their Deguello album.
EAGCD488 A, B, C, D Of Boogie Woogie: Live In Paris. Axel
Zwingenberger, Ben Waters, Charlie Watts and Dave Green together on a set of blues & boogie woogie standards, originals and
improvisations. 14 tracks allowing two pianos to shine.
EAGCD490 Etta James: Live At Montreux 1975-1993. 11 track
highlights from visits to the festival over a 20 year period.
EAGCD491 Gary Moore: Blues For Jimi. A unique concert at the
London Hippodrome in October 2007 with Gary performing classic
Hendrix tracks. Billy Cox and Mitch Mitchell join in on 3 tracks.
EAGCD521 Jeff Healey Band: Live In NYC. More from his own
archives, as approved by his estate, this is a thrilling live recording
from The Bottom Line in December 1988. Nine tracks from his
DREYFUS £13.75
albums plus covers of songs of ZZ Top and Cream.
FDM369672 Lucky Peterson: You Can Always Turn Around. First EAGLE £7.25
album in years, with covers of songs by Blind Willie McTell, Robert EAGCD483 Peter Green Splinter Group: Blues Don’t Change.
Johnson, Rev Gary Davis, Tom Waits & more. Quite a comeback.
2001 set of blues standards, only available before at group’s gigs.
DTM1471 Guy Clark: Somedays The Song Writes You.
Two Eagle albums together at a bargain price!
DTM1533 Guy Clark: Songs & Stories. A live re-telling of his (and EDGCD514 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Ride’ Til I Die
his fans) favourite songs developed over 40 years as a troubadour.
+ The Hard Stuff. Rockin’ blues & boogie albums from 2003 & 2006.
DUA1636 Guy Clark: My Favorite Picture Of You. First studio EDGCD516 Willy DeVille: Crow Jane Alley + Pistola. Two great
album in four years from legendary singer-songwriter.
albums from 2004 & 2008, the first includes the stunning swamp
233475 Muddy Waters: Chicago Blues Legend. Loads of big hits
and rarities, from 1941 Library Of Congress sides to his historic
appearance of the Newport Festival in 1960.
233504 Rock Instrumentals. Around 200 instrumental classics Billy Haley, Scotty Moore, Champs, Al Casey, Link Wray, etc.
600014 Rockabilly Cowboys. 250 great country-tinged rockabilly
sides with Johnny Horton, Faron Young, Johnny Cash, Mac Curtis,
Wayne Raney, Bob Luman, Louvin Bros, Riley Crabtree, etc.
60019 Wild & Frantic Rock ‘N Roll. 200 crazed songs of the 50s,
with Elvis, Ronnie Self, Larry Williams, Rudy Greene, Little Richard,
Big Al Downing, Jerry Lee Lewis, Dwight Pullen, Tarheel Slim, etc.
60023 Rock-A-Billy Rave. 200 sides from Johnny Carroll, Danny
Wolfe, Farmer Boys, Mac Wiseman, Dorsey Burnette, etc.
600040 Rock ‘N Roll Cowboys. 200 country meets rock ‘n roll
cuts. Johnny Horton, Bob Luman, George Jones, Marvin Rainwater,
Red Foley, Webb Pierce, Hank Snow and more
600082 Country & Western Love Songs. A mammoth 200 original
country and western recordings, with Hank Williams, Kitty Wells,
Johnny Horton, Johnny Cash, Hank Snow, Faron Young & more.
600050 Hank Williams: 173 Hits & Rarities. Fantastic value collection of the greatest country music singer and songwriter of all time.
233434 Little Richard: Original Hits & Rarities. His first five albums
(1957-60) plus rare bonus tracks. Lots of rocking and gospel sides.
DUSK FIRE £10.45
DUSKCD106 Duffy Power: Tigers. Cult British bluesman with first
new recordings since 1973 solo album.
DUST-TO-DIGITAL 2CD & BOOK £29.95 (+ £3.00 UK p&p)
DTD24 Drop On Down In Florida - Field Recordings Of AfricanAmerican Traditional Music 1977-80. An expanded re-issue of a
double LP originally released in 1981, plus an additional 80 minutes
of music drawn from four years in the field researching and compiling blues and traditional sacred music as it was then being played.
Another corker from an award-winning label - over 50 tracks featuring Johnny Brown, Emmett Murray, Moses Williams, Ella Mae
Wilson, Richard Williams, Southeast Alabama And Florida Union
Sacred Harp Singing Convention and more. The book is a 240 page
hardback with the LP’s liner notes and new essays by blues scholars David Evans, Doris J Dyen, Blaine Wade and more. A beaut!
blues of Muddy Waters Rose Out Of The Mississippi Mud and a
transformative version of Brian Ferry’s Slave To Love (no, really!).
EAGCD248 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Ride ’Til I Die.
EAGCD405 John Mayall: Tough. Acclaimed 2009 album.
EAGCD345 John Mayall: In The Palace Of The King.
EAGCD496 Jeff Healey Band: House On Fire. More from his own
personal vaults now administered and approved by his family. 11
previously unreleased studio rarities and demos recorded in the
1990s, mostly from 1992 sessions arranged for the Feel This album.
EAGLE 3CD & DVD BOX £21.75
EAGBX472 Jeff Healey: Full Circle - The Live Anthology. Live CDs
from Montreal Jazz Festival 1989, St Gallen Open Air Festival 1991
& Hard Rock Toronto 1995 plus the St Gallen concert on DVD.
CDs, LPs,
EAGLE 5CD BOX £21.50
EAGBX402 Gary Moore: Essential Montreux. 6 hours of music!
ERDVCD063 Jeff Healey: Live In Belgium. Another from Healey’s
own archives, this is a blistering set at the Peer Blues Festival in
1993. Includes band staples Angel Eyes, See The Light, Full Circle,
While My Guitar Gently Weeps and more.
EW0113CD Allman Brothers: Seven Turns. Re-issue of 1990
album and their first studio release for nine years.
EW0114CD Allman Brothers: Shades Of Two Worlds. Re-issue of
1991 album, first with Warren Haynes who co-wrote 5 of the songs.
EGRCD501 Ana Popovic: Still Making History
EGRCD507 Ana Popovic: Blind For Love
EGRCD508 Mike Zito: Pearl River. Rockin’ roadhouse blues
EGRCD509 Nick Curran: Reform School Girl. Stormin’ R&B and
wild rockabilly.
EGRCD511 Kirk Fletcher: My Turn. Big blues guitar.
EGRCD512 Mike Zito: Greyhound. Produced by Anders Osborne
EGRCD513 Ana Popovic: Unconditional. Among the best contemporary female blues singer-guitarists, recorded in New Orleans with
John Porter, Sonny Landreth and John Cleary.
ELECTRO3410 Mark Hummel’s Blues Harmonica Blowouts-Still Here
And Gone 1993 to 2007. Marvellous 2CD with big harp names from
recent years - William Clarke, James Harman, Kim Wilson, Magic
Dick, Sam Myers, Billy Boy Arnold, Lazy Lester, Carey Bell, etc.
ELECTRO3363 Mel Brown: Neck Bones & Caviar
ELECTRO3370 Mel Brown: Homewreckin' Done Live
ELECTRO3373 Snooky Pryor & His Mississippi Wrecking Crew
Mel Brown, Big-Eyes Smith, Pinetop Perkins & Jeff Healey.
ELECTRO3379 Enrico Crivellaro: Key To My Kingdom
ELECTRO3381 Snooky Pryor & Mel Brown: Mojo Ramble-Live In
ELECTRO3383 Sam Myers/Mel Brown: Coming From Old School
ELECTRO3385 Willie Big Eyes Smith: Bluesin’ It.
ELECTRO3392 Billy Boy Arnold: Consolidated Mojo.
ELECTRO3405 Billy Boy Arnold: Billy Boy Sings Sonny Boy (John
Lee Williamson) with Mel Brown, Willie Big Eyes Smith & Billy Flynn
ELECTRO3408 Lil’ Dave Thompson: Deep In The Night.
ELECTRO3409 Braithwaite & Whitely: Night Bird Blues.
ELECTRO3411 Enrico Crivellaro: Mojo Zone – Blues Guitar Of...
ELECTRO3413 Harmonica Shah: If All You Have Is A Hammer,
Everything Looks Like A Nail.
ELECTRO3414 Harrison Kennedy: One Dog Barkin’. Nice set of
songs, fans of Keb Mo, Guy Davis and Eric Bibb will like this one.
ELECTRO3417 Mark Hummel: Retro-Active. A blistering blues set,
with great harp by Hummel, a superb sound and excellent material.
ELECTRO3419 Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley: Deltaphonic.
Diana has a beautiful classic blues voice & Chris plays mean guitar
ELECTRO3421 Mel Brown: Love, Lost And Found. Final recordings and lost tapes of legendary blues guitarist.
ELECTRO3422 Harmonica Shah: "Live at the Cove" Detroit's
Motor City. A blistering set of his unique raw, rough & ready blues.
ELECTRO3423 George Harmonica Smith: Teardrops Are Falling.
A superb 1983 live set. A little lo-fi but the band is sensational.
ELECTRO3424 Morgan Davis: Drive My Blues Away. Excellent set of
guitar led originals and blues standards. .
ELECTRO3427 Enrico Crivellaro: Freewheelin’. All-instrumental guitar
album, mixing up pulsating blues-rock, authentic Chicago blues,
North Mississippi hill country blues, laid-back southern rock and jazz
stylings, delivered with panache, imagination and flair.
ELECTRO3430 Billy Boy Arnold: Sings Big Bill Broonzy. A stellar set
of 15 songs commonly associated with Big Bill, delivered in a
commanding but relaxed manner. Supported by a mostly acoustic
band, his warm ¬vocals sit perfectly aside his masterful harp.
ELECTRO3431 Fathead: Twenty Years Deep - Very Best Of 19922012. 19 solid blues tracks from their 7 albums for the label. .
ELECTRO3433 Julian Fauth: Everybody Out To Treat A Stranger
Right. Prodigious, award-winning Canadian blues pianist incorporating his amazing piano rolls alongside plenty of horns, funk, jazz and
plenty more to enjoy. A very enjoyable way to spend an hour or so.
ELECTRO3434 Diane Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley: Scrap Metal
Blues. More electric than previous CDs, allowing Whiteley to demonstrate his excellent musicianship on a range of guitars, harmonicas and even cornet. The songs are good also but it is ultimately
Braithwaite’s classy vocals that win your over.
ELECTRO3435 The Walter Davis Project - A Tribute To A Giant
Of 20th Century Blues Music. Nice tribute to pre-war blues singer,
songwriter and pianist, led by Billy Boy Arnold but also with Charlie
Musselwhite, Bob Corritore, Henry Townsend & Jimmy McCracklin
ELECTRO3436 Harmonica Shah: Havin’ Nothin’ Don’t Bother Me.
More tough urban blues from
blues harp ace. The guitar of
Jack De Keyzer and piano of
Julian Fauth add to the oomph!
Kennedy: Soulscape. Excellent
new album featuring Kennedy’s
heartfelt vocals and stellar
banjo and guitar. Lovely country blues vibe on 14 great
ETCDCH102 Campus Boogie – Collector’s Choice Vol 2. Rare
rockabilly & hillbilly gems from 40s & 50s.
ELTOROR&B110 Hot Lips Page: Roll, Roll, Roll - R&B Years.
ETCD1023 Got Them Hillbilly Blues. Rockabilly as envisioned by
Tarheel Slim, Mercy Dee, Jerry McCain, Eddie Riff, etc. Very juicy!
ETCD1024 Rollin’ The Rock - Texas Rockabilly 2. Great sides by
Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Sid King, Johnny Carroll, etc
ETCD6046 Gene Taylor with Jerome’s Jet Setters & Nick
Curran: Let Me Ride Your Automobile. Ex-Blasters, ex-Fabulous
Thunderbirds boogie pianist letting loose.
BE115 Rudy Green: Wild Life. Elusive guitar king with records
made in Nashville from 1946–57 & Chicago session work
BE116 Paul Gayton: Ain’t Nothin’ Happenin’. 36 tracks
ETCD1032 Al Ferrier: I’m The Man. The king of Louisiana swamp
rockabilly in his 1950s heyday.
ETCD1038 Johnny Jano: Rocking And Rolling. Complete recordings (1956-58) of Louisiana’s Crown Prince of rockabilly.
ELTOROR&B118 The Five Royales: Right Around The Corner. 25
great tracks, mostly rare & obscure tracks for King.
ETCD6048 Little Victor: Boogie All Night. Fantastic down-home
‘back-in-the-alley’ blues album, recorded in one take! Larger-thanlife Victor on guitar & vocals & Bob Corritore on harmonica.
ELTOROR&B120 Ted Taylor: Look Out! Here Comes.... His early
rock ‘n roll and R&B recordings, solo and with Cadets/Jacks.
ETCD6056 The Star Shooters: Shake The House. Full-length
debut album from killer rockabilly band.
ETCD6057 The Doel Brothers: Oh Brother, It’s The Doel Brothers.
Rompin’, stompin’ & swingin’ hillbilly, 12 exhilarating tracks.
SPSP2928 Los Mambo Jambo: Los Mambo Jambo. Barcelonabased instrumental group re-creating 1950s & 1960s rock ‘n roll,
R&B and surf sounds. An electrifying experience.
EL TORO 2CD £13.15
ETCD1020 Charlie Feathers: Can’t Hardly Stand It! Complete 50s
recordings from the king of rockabilly. Awesome.
EL TORO 2CD £16.95
ETCD1036 Al Casey: I’m A Guitar Man. Best of 1950s sides, solo &
session support for Duane Eddy, Jody Reynolds, Sanford Clark, etc.
ETTOROR&B119 The Five Keys: Out Of Sight Out Of Mind - The
Complete Capitol Recordings. 56 great tracks from 1954-58
EPIC 2CD £11.25
88697830242 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble: Texas
Flood - 30th Anniversary Legacy Edition. Original album remastered & 9 live tracks recorded in Philadelphia on Oct 20 1983.
EPIC 2CD £14.50
88697747002 Shuggie Otis: Inspiration Information/Wings Of Love.
The original psychedelic soul album from 1974 plus the previously
unreleased follow-up and live and studio bonus tracks 1975- 2000.
ECLEC2333 Chicken Shack: Imagination Lady. Re-mastered 1972
classic, with a new line-up moving away from blues towards rock.
ECLEC2373 Climax Chicago Blues Band: Climax Chicago Blues
Band. Re-mastered and expanded version of 1968 debut.
ECLEC2374 Climax Blues Band: Plays On. Second album from
1969 mixing blues standards & originals, re-mastered & expanded.
ECLEC2375 Climax Blues Band: A Lot Of Bottle. Third album from
1970, re-mastered and expanded, with blues covers plus originals.
ECLEC2378 Chicken Shack: Unlucky Boy. Re-mastered 1973
album still featuring Stan Webb’s powerful blues-rock guitar.
ECLEC2379 Chicken Shack: Goodbye. Re-mastered live album.
ECD26068-2 JB Lenoir: Vietnam Blues
429 £12.95
4178892 Boz Scaggs: Memphis. First new recordings for 10 years.
As always, classy blue-eyed soul, with a few originals interspersed
with choice covers. A super return.
FABTONE £12.15
FAB1001 Gwyn Ashton: Two Man Blues Army.
FABTONE £13.15
FAB1002 Gwyn Ashton: Radiogram. Renegade blues rock guitar
maestro with trademark riffs, hooks and slide
FLAMECD01 The First Rock And Roll Record. 82 splendid contenders
for the title, covering blues, r&b, gospel, bluegrass, jazz, western
swing and gospel. With Charley Patton, Hank Williams, Bob Wills,
Jimmy Blythe, Jackie Brenston, LaVern Baker, Clovers & more.
FLAMECD02 The Backbeat Of Rock And Roll. 94 stonking instrumentals, with Link Wray, Duane Eddy, Freddie King, Bill Doggett, FireEMARCY £13.95
balls, Bill Haley, Ventures, James Booker, Floyd Cramer, Ray
2773466 Madeleine Peyroux: Standing On The Rooftop. Own
Charles, Dave Brubeck, Bo Diddley & more. A nice 24 page booklet.
songs & covers of Beatles, Bob Dylan, Robert Johnson & more.
EMI £8.95
FVCD080 Esquerita: Wildcat Shakeout. Hollerin’ 1950’s R&B.
C029 3382 George Thorogood And The Destroyers: 2120 South
Michigan Ave. Homage to Chess Records and their musical heroes FANTASTIC VOYAGE 3CD £11.95
- Muddy, Wolf, SBW, Buddy Guy, Little Walter, etc. 13 storming ‘Let Me Tell You About The Blues’ series of regional overviews of
classic blues over 3 CDs, usually 75 massive tracks!
covers of My Babe, Spoonful, Still A Fool, Help Me and more.
FVTD012 Chicago 1925–58.
EMI 2CD SET £15.00
FVTD022 Memphis.
3639512 Dr Feelgood: Down By The Jetty - Collector's Edition. FVTD30 New York.
Original album in mono & stereo. 9 bonus tracks, 7 live tracks.
FVTD047 Texas. Texas Alexander, T-Bone, Frankie Lee Sims, etc.
FVTD055 Atlanta. Willie McTell, Peg Leg Howell, Buddy Moss, etc
EMI/WELK CD & DVD £13.75
078 0732 Robert Cray Band: Cookin’ In Mobile. Live at Saenger FVTD062 West Coast. Charles Brown, McCracklin, Roy Milton, etc.
FVTD070 Detroit. John Lee Hooker, Eddie Kirkland, John Brim, etc
Theatre, a 13 song set. The DVD has extra bonus footage.
FVTD078 Nashville. Cecil Gant, Christine Kittrell, Arthur Gunter, etc.
EMI 3CD & DVD £16.95
FVTD095 New Orleans. Longhair, Roy Brown, Snooks Eaglin, etc.
C958 0402 Dr Feelgood: All Through The City (With Wilko 197477). The first two CDs contain the four albums released with Wilko, FANTASTIC VOYAGE 3CD £11.95
all splendidly re-mastered and sounding as fresh as the first pint on FVTD011 John Lee Hooker: Stomp Boogie. 1948-58.
a sunny afternoon. The buried treasure is on CD3, with 23 rare FVTD017 Good Rockin’ Tonight – Red Hot Rockabilly. Elvis,
studio and live tracks, many never before released, and the DVD Billy Riley, Sleepy LaBeef, Charlie Feathers, etc.
with 22 live TV and in concert performances. A hugely enjoyable set FVTD026 Routes Of Rockabilly. 75 tracks, Bob Wills, Jimmy
Revard, Louvin Bros, Ernest Tubb Charlie Feathers, Ernie Chaffin, etc
for anyone interested in adrenline-charged R&B.
FVTD051 Heavy Sugar - The Pure Essence Of New Orleans. 75
EMI 4CD & DVD £29.95
stunners with Fats Domino, Smiley Lewis, Art Neville, Lee Allen, etc
019 5402 Dr Feelgood: Taking No Prisoners (With Gypie 1977-81).
FVTD054 Girls Gone Rockin’ - 75 Fabulous Femme Rockers.
This picks up the Feelgood’s story with Wilko’s successor, Gypie
Ruth Brown, Irma Thomas, Wanda Jackson, Wynona Carr, etc.
Mayo. This contains studio albums plus released live albums, live
FVTD059 Savvy Sugar – West Coast Rock & Roll. 75 tracks, with
sessions never issued and other rare recordings. The DVD includes
T-Bone Walker, Johnny Otis, Larry Williams, Wynona Carr, etc.
a great mix of live in-concert performances, TV appearances and
FVTD066 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Texas Blues Giant. Career overview
interviews. Excellent in both content and packaging.
of hits & rarities.
EMI 3CD SETS £16.25
FVTD087 Jumping The Shuffle Blues - Jamaican Sound System
646 2712 The Groundhogs: Thank Christ For The Groundhogs - Classics 1946-60. R&B that was popular (and influential) in Jamaica before ska & bluebeat. 85 tracks - Gene Phillips, Jimmy
The Liberty Years 1968-1972. Inc. their first 5 albums for Liberty.
642 1542 Robin Trower: A Tale Untold - The Chrysalis Years McCracklin, Zuzu Bollin, Floyd Dixon, Wynonie Harris, etc
FVTD088 King Curtis: Wail Man Wail - Best Of 1952-61. 96 tracks,
1973-1976. All 5 Chrysalis albums plus rare unreleased tracks.
642 1472 Ten Years After: Think About The Time - The Chrysalis with own sides and as bandleader or sideman for Doc Pomus, Five
Keys, Joe Turner, Chuck Willis, Ruth Brown, Coasters and more.
Years 1969-72. Five albums plus rare tracks.
301 3862 Robin Trower: Farther On Up The Road - The Chrysalis FVTD096 Western Swingin’. 85 tracks of western swing with Bob
Wills, Spade Cooley, Hank Thompson, and lesser known artists.
Years 1977-1983. The remaining six albums plus bonus tracks.
975 9902 The Groundhogs: United Artists Years 1972-19. The cult FVTD099 T-Bone Walker: You’re My Best Poker Hand. Capitol,
Black & White, Imperial & Atlantic sides.
British blues-rock band’s 3 UA albums (Hogwash, Crosscut Saw
FVTD106 Girls Gone Rockin’ Vol 2. 75 tracks from rocking sisters
and Black Diamond) plus unreleased BBC In Concert recordings.
- Etta James, Ruth Brown, LaVern Baker, Hadda Brooks, Wynona
EPIC £7.50
Carr, Janis Martin, etc. 3 hours of fun.
Great Blue Sky albums with Johnny Winter, remastered & with a FVTD107 George Jones: Ragged But Right - Starday Years Plus.
bonus track or two.
86 tracks, 1954-57 before he switched to Mercury, with honky tonk,
5151612 Muddy Waters: Hard Again.
country gospel & rockabilly.
5151622 Muddy Waters: I’m Ready
FVTD108 Classy Sugar - Pure Essence Of New York R ‘N R. 75
5151632 Muddy Waters: King Bee.
late 50s-early 60s cuts. Ann Cole, Piano Red,
Chuck Willis, etc.
EPIC £8.35
FVTD114 Honky Tonkin’ - 87 Tracks From
82876872312 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Solos,
Golden Years Of Country Music. Ernest Tubb,
Sessions & Encores
Hank Williams, Webb Pierce, etc.
EPIC £7.75
FVTD116 Doo-Wop - R&B Vocal Group Sound
Remastered with extra tracks!
1950-60. 89 big-sellers from Platters, Cardinals,
4941292 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Texas Flood
Five Keys, Spaniels, Clovers, etc.
EL TORO £13.15
4941302 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Couldn't Stand
FVTD119 Raunchy Sugar - The Pure Essence Of
ETCD1019 Pat Cupp: Long
The Weather
Memphis Rock ‘n’ Roll. 75 great tracks, with Elvis,
Gone Daddy. Complete ‘50s
4941312 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Soul To Soul
Jerry Lee Lewis, Warren Smith, Carl Perkins,
4941322 Stevie Ray Vaughan: In Step
recordings of rockabilly danceCharlie Rich plus lesser known talents.
4686402 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Sky Is Crying
floor classics.
FVTD120 The Best Of Johnny Otis 1945-60. 83
ETCDCH101 Texas Fever – Collector’s Choice Vol 1. Rare 1940s 4978582 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Blues At
tracks as singer, songwriter, bandleader, producer &
and 1950s rockabilly and hillbilly gems.
Sunrise - inc. 4 unissued
talent scout. Classic R&B.
FVTD129 Doo Wop - Rock & Roll Vocal Group Sound 1957-61.
96 US pop hits from The Diamonds, Fleetwoods, Dion, Crests, etc.
FVTD130 Maxwell Davis: Wailin’ Daddy - Best Of, 1945-59. Super
overview of West Coast saxophonist & band leader with own recordings and as arranger, sideman or producer for Floyd Dixon, TBone Walker, Amos Milburn, B.B. King, etc.
FVTD131 Heavy Sugar - Second Spoonful. 75 more New Orleans
R&B & R‘ N R stunners. Longhair, Little Richard, Aaron Neville, etc
FVTD137 Screaming And Crying. 75 blues guitar killers from 35 of
the best - B.B. King, Magic Sam, Guitar Slim, Otis Rush, Albert
King, Elmore, Buddy Guy, Eddie Taylor, Muddy, Earl Hooker, etc.
FVTD140 Jamaica Selects Jump Blues Strictly For You - Jamaican Sound System Classics 1944-60. 85 R&B tracks popular in
Jamaica that sowed the seeds for ska & bluebeat. Louis Jordan,
Amos Milburn, Roy Brown, Gene Phillips, Rosco Gordon, etc.
FVTD145 It’s Saturday Night! Starday-Dixie Rockabilly 1955-61.
Over 100 rockabilly rarities. Sleepy La Beef, Sonny Fisher, Rudy
Grayzell, Link Davis & more. Stupendous.
FVTD149 The Girl Can’t Help It. A 102 track deluxe celebration of
the greatest rock and roll film of the fifties, with Little Richard, Gene
Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Fats Domino, Treniers, Platters, etc.
FVTD155 Get Your Soul Right - Gospel Quartets And The Roots
Of Soul Music. From the 1950s golden age of gospel, 86 stunners
with Dixie Hummingbirds, Blind Boys of Alabama, Gospelaires,
Ward Singers, Davis Sisters, Pilgrim Travelers & many more
FVTD156 Boogie Chillen - Early Mods First Choice Vinyl. 75
influential tracks on the UK’s early 60’s Mod scene. Dale Hawkins,
Link Wray, Howlin’ Wolf, Mose Allison, Bobby Parker, etc
FVTD158 The Forgotten 45s 1957-59. 90 UK singles that failed in
the charts even though they were by proven hit-makers or went on
to be considered classics. With Patsy Cline, Gene Vincent, Smiley
Lewis, Bill Haley, Bill Black’s Combo, Chuck Berry, Carl Mann, etc.
FVTD160 She’s So Fine - Rise Of The Girl Groups. 95 splendid
tracks from early R&B, rise of Motown and Spector-productions.
With Shirelles, Crystals, Bobbettes, Ronettes, Chantels & more.
FVTD165 After Sun. Artists after they moved on from the legendary
Sun label with 97 super tracks from Howlin’ Wolf, Charlie Feathers,
Joe Hill Louis, Elvis, Jr Parker, Willie Nix, Carl Perkins & loads more
FVTD167 Midnight Steppers - 70 Masterpieces By 34 Blues Piano
Heroes. A set devoted to the boogie-woogie giants of 1930s through
to Chicago blues pianists of the post war era. With Sunnyland Slim,
Otis Spann, Jimmy Yancey, Little Brother Montgomery, Eddie Boyd,
Albert Ammons, Rooselvelt Sykes, Pete Johnson, etc.
FVTD174 Teenage Blues - Primitive Rockabilly And Hillbilly
Bop From The Starday Custom Series. 101 stompers from the
archives of Starday Records’ custom record pressing service allowing aspiring rock and rollers looking to record themselves. Super
rare sides from little-known artists. But they are splendid!
FVTD173 Rockin’ Bones - Red Hot Rockabilly. Sequel to bigselling FVTD017, with 75 prime 1950s rockabilly sides from the
vaults of Sun, Capitol, Decca, Chess, Dot, Columbia, Meteor, RCA
Victor, Brunswick and Imperial. With Roy Orbsion, Eddie Cochran,
Ray Campi, Carl Perkins, Wanda Jackson, Pat Cupp, Wayne
Raney, Ronnie Dawson, Gene Simmons, etc
FVTD176 Lowell Fulson: Trouble, Trouble - The Definitive Early
Years Collection. A fabulous 90 tracks from one of the best and
most enjoyable blues singers and guitarists, who effortlessly mastered and adapted his styles and techniques across his long career.
Compiled by Neil Slaven, this features his formative years and
evolution from down-home southern bluesman to West Coast jump
blues master, concluding just prior to his mid-sixties soul crossover.
FVDD016 R&B Spotlight ’58. 60 R&B hits, Chantels, Huey Smith,
Little Richard, Lee Allen, Johnny Otis, Fats, Jimmy Reed etc.
FVDD040 R&B Spotlight ‘59. 60 R&B hits, Chuck Berry, Hank
Ballard, Ruth Brown, Lloyd Price, Lightnin Slim, Little Walter, etc
FVDD061 Instroville. 50 pop instrumentals from 1956-59, inc Bill
Black, Royaltones, Santo & Johnny, Sonny Burgess, Link Wray, etc.
FVDD077 Gospel Celebrities And Celestial Lights. 52 sensational
gospel tracks compiled by Opal Louis Nations. Dixie Nightingales,
Candi Staton, Rosetta Tharpe, Jesse Fuller, Zion Travelers, etc
FVDD081 Soul Breakout ‘60. 60 soul classics from 1960. Ray
Charles, Sam Cooke, Bobby Bland, Aretha, Irma Thomas, etc.
FVDD083 R&B Spotlight ‘60. 60 R&B belters. Bo Diddley, Chuck
Berry, Fats Domino, Aaron Neville, Spaniels, LaVern Baker, etc.
FVDD086 James Brown: I’ll Go Crazy. Every track 1956-60.
FVDD111 Freddie Slack: Down The Road A-Piece - The Definitive
Boogie-Woogie Collection 1940-1955. 43 tracks.
FVDD115 Wynonie Harris: Jump Mr Blues. Definitive 50 tracks
from our favourite blues shouter. All his best sides - a fabulous set.
FVDD113 Three Months To Kill - West Coast Rock ‘n’ Roll. 60
killers inc. Dorsey Burnette, Johnny Otis, Gene Vincent, etc
FVDD123 Roy Brown: Good Rockin’ Man - The Definitive Collection. 50 tracks from his peak period 1947-60. All his R&B jump hits.
FVDD133 Arthur ‘Big Boy’ Crudup: My Baby Left Me. Definitive
50 track compilation, drawing on classic years with Bluebird, Victor,
Champion, Checker, Trumpet & Groove. Compiled by Neil Slaven.
FVDD139 Crime And Punishment - Bloody Ballads, Prison
Moans & Chain Gang Blues. 50 tracks inc. Pat Hare, Leroy Carr,
Blue Sky Boys, Frank Hutchison, Charley Patton, Ernest Stoneman,
Willie Newbern, Mattie May Thomas, Bukka White, Crickets & more.
FVDD142 Texas Tornados. 50 stomping tracks that intertwine
rockabilly, western swing, country & western and Tex-Mex.
FVDD143 Soul Breakout ‘61. 56 chart hits from 1961 - Sam
Cooke, Jerry Butler, Chuck Jackson, Platters, Dee Clark, etc.
FVDD144 R&B Spotlight ‘61. 56 R&B hits from 1961 - Bobby
Bland, Jimmy Reed, Blossoms, Freddy King, Etta James, etc.
FVDD105 Later Alligator - Louisiana Rock ‘N’ Roll. 51 tremendous
1950s tracks from the vaults of Goldband, Jin, Ace, Ram and Vin. A
gumbo stew of rockabilly, R&B, cajun, country & more. With Jerry
Lee Lewis, Paul Gayten, Johnny Jano, Jack Dupree, Al Ferrier,
Bobby Charles, Big Boy Myles, etc.
FVDD117 Johnny Ace: Ace’s Wild. All the solo singles and his
sessions on piano in support of others, such as B.B. King, Bobby
‘Blue’ Bland, Earl Forest, etc. 55 tracks
FVDD136 Love Me Do - 50 Songs That Shaped The Beatles.
Fats Waller, Vipers, Carl Perkins, Elvis, Crickets, Vince Taylor, etc.
FVDD138 Little Junior Parker: Ride With Me Baby - The Singles
1952-61. Both sides of his first 23 singles for Modern, Sun and
Duke, with classics Mystery Train, Love My Baby and Feelin’ Good
plus lesser-known but equally fine tracks. A significant collection.
FVDD148 Drink Up - Light Up! Jazz Noire Tales Of Dope, Booze
& Sleaze. Follow up to 2011’s Jazz Noire, this features the effects
of alcohol, drugs and unsavoury lifestyles. Lots of jazz and R&B
from 1932-54 with Jack McVea, Hot Lips Page, Walter Brown, Pee
Wee Crayton, Dinah Washington, Helen Humes, Joe Liggins, etc.
FVDD151 Memphis Slim: Rockin’ The House - Best Of The R&B Years.
Early sides prior to becoming an international figure in the early 60s
and beyond. This fascinating set includes his first release in 1946
on Hy-Tone and goes up to 1959 live sides at Carnegie Hall.
FVDD157 Just Wailin’ - 50 Masterpieces By 26 Blues Harmonica
Heroes. Stunning harmonica-centric set with Little Walter, Walter
Horton, Howlin’ Wolf, SBW, Slim Harpo, Jr Wells, Lazy Lester, Jerry
McCain, Jimmy Reed, etc. A superb piece of work from Neil Slaven.
FVDD163 Mento, Not Calypso! The Original Sound Of Jamaica.
Early Jamaican Mento, many on CD for the first time. 51 joyous
tracks inc. Lord Tickler, Count Lasher, Local Calyso Quintet, etc.
FVDD164 Soul City Detroit. 60 tracks from the vaults of Lu Pine,
Flick, Harvey, Fortune and Correct-tone labels as well, naturally
enough, of the Motown group. With Falcons, Marvelettes, Mack
Rice, Wilson Pickett, Miracles, Marvin Gaye, Joe Stubbs and more.
FVDD166 Youths Boogie - Jamaican R&B And The Birth Of
Ska. 50 prime examples of early ska from Jamaica, with Laurel
Aitken, Derrick Morgan, Duke Reid, Bluesbusters, Errol Dixon, Lloyd
Williams, Dimples And Eddie and more. Plus a 20 page booklet.
FVDD171 Dancin’ Party. 50 hits and rarities from the dance craze
era of 1957-62. Dee Dee Sharp, Bobby Freeman, Dovells and more
FVDD169 Soul City New York. Second in series of early 60s soul
city-by-city. 60 tracks with King Curtis, Chuck Jackson, Baby Washington, Tommy Hunt, Jackie Wilson, Sam & Dave and more.
FVDD170 The Road To Rock ‘N Roll Vol 1 - Jitterbug Jive. 50
tracks of trail-blazing jazz, r&b, hillbilly, gospel and more that later
influenced the spread of rock ‘n roll. With Tiny Bradshaw, Lefty
Frizzell, Sheb Wooley, Hank Williams, Julia Lee, Nellie Lutcher,
Slim Gaillard, Blind Johnny Davis, Piano Red and very many more.
FVDD172 Soul City Chicago. Third in series of early 1960s city-bycity soul compilations. 60 tracks - Etta James, McKinley Mitchell,
Little Milton, Dee Clark, Howlin’ Wolf, etc.
FVDD175 The Promised Land - A Rock & Roll Road Map. 50
rock & roll, R&B and country tracks
that celebrate USA cities and
locations in song. Jerry Lee Lewis,
Wild Jimmy Spruill, Warren Storm,
Fats Domino, Bob Luman, Piano
Red, etc
FVDD178 Mash It - More Jamaican R&B And The Birth Of Ska.
How Jamaican music between
1952-62 was influenced by both the
island’s mento music and American
R&B. 50 great tracks - Jimmy Cliff,
Jimmy James, Laurel Aitken,
Derrick Morgan, Owen Gray, Lloyd
Clarke, Rico, etc.
FWCD002 Ric Lee’s Natural Born Swingers: Put A Record On.
One-time drummer with Ten Years After joins pianist Bob Hall
(Savoy Brown), Danny Handley (vocals/guitar) and Scott Whitley
(bass/vocals) to re-create former glories of 1960s UK blues boom.
13 cracking tracks, also with Paul Jones, Kim Simmonds and more.
FICTION £12.75
3732897 Seasick Steve: Hubcap Music. New album with Led Zep’s
John Paul Jones and White Stripes Jack White.
FICTION £15.75
3733851 Seasick Steve: Hubcap Music. Limited edition digipack
FFECD1001 Bob Dylan: Live In New York, Gaslight Café 06/09/61.
One of the first recorded Dylan concerts where he performed an
original song. Professionally recorded so sound quality is excellent
FHQ £12.95
FHQ004 John Cleary: Occapella. UK-born, US-based blues pianist
with a lovely album of re-imagined Allen Toussaint songs, with Dr
John and Bonnie Raitt on one track.
FLED3074 Jesse Fuller: Move On Down The Line. Early sixties sides.
FLED3080 Shirley Collins: Sweet England. Re-mastered 1958
classic of English & American traditional songs. New sleeve notes.
FLOATD6007 Buddy Guy, Otis Rush & Magic Sam: Snakebite.
47 classics from Cobra Records.
FLOATD6026 Cobra - Snakebite Vol 2. More Cobras - Otis Rush,
Ike Turner, Shakey Jake, Morris Pejoe, Big Walter, Magic Sam, etc
FLOATD6165 Robert Nighthawk & Houston Stackhouse/J.B. Hutto:
Masters Of Modern Blues. Two excellent Chicago blues albums
originally recorded for Testament in the 1960s.
FLOATD6187 Mississippi Fred McDowell: Amazing Grace/My Home Is
In The Delta. Two historic Testament albums from 1963 & 1966.
The first has Fred singing & playing spirituals with Hunter Chapel
Singers Of Como, the other has Fred alone playing country blues.
FLOATD6188 Johnny Shines: With Big Walter Horton/Standing At
The Crossroads. Two Testament albums from late 1960s and early
1970s produced by Pete Welding. The first showcases Shines in a
band context and as a contemporary Chicago bluesman; the second is just Johnny and guitar on country blues sides. Both are great.
FLOATS6198 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Powerful Stuff + Walk That
Walk, Talk That Talk. Final album with Jimmie Vaughan from 1989
plus first with his replacements (Duke Robillard and Kid Bangham)
from 1991. Two hard to find albums together at a bargain price.
FLOATM6006 Lazy Lester & Jimmy Vaughan: Blues Stop
Knockin’. 1998 album & bonus tracks.
FLOATM6017 James Cotton: Mighty Long Time. 1997 album inc.
Pinetop Perkins, Hubert Sumlin, Wayne Bennett & Jimmy Vaughan.
FLOATM6019 Lucinda Williams: Ramblin’. Debut album.
FLOATM6020 Lucinda Williams: Happy Woman Blues.
FLOATM6111 13: Featuring Lester Butler. Former Red Devils front
man formed new band in 1997 and sparks flew on this, the band’s
only album. Classic Chicago blues with Lester on vocals and driving, amplified harp. The band is also hot - after Lester’s untimely
death they went on to back James Harman. Great blues harp CD.
FLOATM6112 Sonny Landreth: Down In Louisiana. Re-release of
early album, not easy to find over recent years. Until now.
FLOATM6121 Etta James: Time After Time/Mystery Lady. Her
Great American Songbook & Billie Holiday tribute albums on 1 CD
FLOATM6129 Tom Russell: The Rose Of San Joanquin/The Man
From God Knows. 1995 & 1999 albums from Hightone.
FLOATM6131 Joe Louis Walker: Cold Is The Night/The Gift. His
first two albums from the mid-80s. A new blues guitar hero is born.
FLOATM6140 Gov’t Mule: Gov’t Mule. 1995 blues-rock debut.
FLOATM6151 Magic Sam: Raw Blues! Live 1969. Recorded in
Berkeley, California months before his premature death at 32. A
small club date that shows, despite imperfect sound, his genius.
FLOATM6173 Phillip Walker: The Bottom Of The Top/Someday You’ll
Have These Blues. Two Hightone albums from the early 1970s from
excellent blues guitarist.
FLOATM6196 Magic Sam & Shakey Jake: Live At Sylvio’s. Live in
Chicago in December 1966. Sixteen electrifying West Side Chicago
blues performances, plus an interview with Magic Sam himself.
FLOATM6012 Kim Wilson: Tiger Man/That’s Life.
FLOATM6058 Govt Mule: Life Before Insanity/Dose.
FLOATM6130 The Blasters: Trouble Bound/American Music. Two
Hightone albums - the debut American Music plus their live re-union
album made 13 years later. Hot and rockin’stuff.
FLOATM6134 Dave Alvin: Blues Boulevard/Museum Of The Heart.
Early 90s Hightone albums of former-Blaster
FLOATM6146 Dave Alvin: King Of California/Interstate City. Mid90s albums, one studio, the other live.
FLOATD6149 Joe Louis Walker: Live At Slim’s Vols 1 & 2.
FLOATM6158 Deke Dickerson: Number One Hit Record/
More Million Sellers. Splendid rockabilly.
FLOATM6168 Hot Club Of Cowtown: Dev’lish Mary/Ghost
Train. Two great albums from Hightone from 2000 and 2003.
Spirited Western Swing, jazz, country and more Fun for all.
FLOATM6170 Gov’t Mule: Best Of The Capricorn Years
FLOATM6190 Freddie King: Texas In My Blues. Live sides
plus a bonus CD of instrumental album Let’s Hide Away And
Dance Away.
BLUE171 Elmore James: The Big Box Of ... A no-frills
collection of over 90 classic tracks from the King Of The
Slide Guitar. You can’t go wrong at this price.
DIRTCD060 Pokey LaFarge & South City Three: Riverboat
Soul. A rambunctious, rollicking blast of swinging blues and
old-time rocka-boogie.
FA1307 Sister Rosetta Tharpe: Complete - Vol 7.
FA5376 Bo Diddley: The Indispensable 1955-60. Superb 64 track
compilation & 24 page book
FA5406 Bo Diddley: The Indispensable Vol 2 1959-1962. Loads
more great Bo numbers, from blues and rock ‘n roll to novelty
numbers, topical songs and more. An entertaining 63 sides.
FA5223 Sound Of New Orleans 1992-2005
FA5275 Jamaica-Mento 1951-58. Lord Flea, Hubert Porter, Count
Lasher, Laurel Aitken, etc.
FA5348 Trinidad - Calypso 1939-59. 42 tracks - Lord Kitchener,
Mighty Sparrow, Lord Invader, Wilmoth Houdini & more. Great stuff
FA5179 American Five String Banjo 1901-56. 40 tracks, with
Dave Macon, Dock Boggs, Ralph Stanley, Charlie Poole, etc.
FA5358 Jamaica - Rhythm & Blues 1956-61. 44 splendid tracks
with Laurel Aitken, Derrick Morgan, Lloyd Clarke, etc.
FA5374 Bermuda Gombey & Calypso. Marvellous 1950s Caribbean music from Bermuda. The names of the artists may be unfamiliar but the music is unfailingly good. With nice 32 page booklet .
FA5375 Voodoo In America 1926-61. 40 fabulous tracks, with
Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley, Clovers, Art Blakey, Lil Johnson, JB
Lenoir, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Lightnin’ Slim, John Coltrane, etc
FA5384 Jamaica Folk Trance Possession - Mystic Music From
Jamaica 1939-61. Raw and thrilling look at Afro-Jamaican religious
music and rhythms & its influence on the emergence of reggae.
FA268 Casey Bill Weldon: The Blues 1927-1938. With 36 tracks
featuring ace slide guitarist
FA515 Ukelele Club de Paris: Manuia! Spectacular performances
of Hawaiian, Japanese and Javaian songs, early jazz tunes, sambas, show tunes, novelty numbers, bit of spoof Bollywood etc.
FA581 Treme Brass Band: I Got A Big Fat Woman. Splendid New
Orleans brass band music.
FA585 McCamy’s Old-Time Rendezvous: Vintage Americana. Super
collection of old-time American mountain country tracks learnt from
old 78 discs and newly recorded by fantastic group of younger
musicians. Great track by track notes in the booklet too!
Everything recorded on 8 great CDs (Vol 1 due back imminently)
DGF40 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 1
DGF41 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 2
DGF42 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 3.
DGF43 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 4.
DGF44 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 5
DGF45 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 6.
DGF46 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 7
DGF47 Bessie Smith: Complete Vol 8.
FROG £11.00
Mastered to perfection from 78s by John RT Davies.
DGF15 Memphis Jug Band Vol 1
DGF16 Memphis Jug Band Vol 2
DGF18 Memphis Jug Band Vol 3
DGF21 Memphis Blues Singers Vol 1-Tommy Johnson/Ishman
Bracey/Frank Stokes/Rosa Moore
DGF22 Memphis Blues Singers Vol 2-Furry Lewis Tommy Johnson/Ishman Bracey/Robert Wilkins
DGF62 Memphis Jug Band: Vol 4. Complete 1934 sides for
Vocalion & Okeh, alternative takes & unissued tests for Victor 192730. 25 corkers, re-mastered by John R.T. Davies.
DGF75 Clarence Williams: Gimme Blues - Washboard Bands
1926-29. 26 super tracks with Dixie Washboard Band, Blue Grass
Footwarmers &, Clarence Williams Washboard Band.
FDR602 Bobby Whitlock: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way - The
ABC-Dunhill Recordings. One time member of Derek & The Dominos, Delaney & Bonnie and session musician to the stars with ‘lost’
albums recorded in the early 1970s. Excellent southern country,
soul, rock and blues, with support from Eric Clapton George Harrison, Delaney & Bonnie, Rick Vito & more. Super notes & packaging.
GVC2033 On Bended Knee - The Birth Of Swamp Pop. 65 tracks
featuring a pot pourri of musical styles arising from the melting pot
peculiar to Louisiana and New Orleans in the 50s & 60s. Great
music from well known artists and lesser-knowns alike.
GVC2034 Totally Cool - The Shag, & How To Do It. 64 R&B, pop
and R ‘N R tracks that popularised and cashed-in on dance crazes.
GVC2036 Varetta Dillard: Mercy Mr Percy. Powerful singer along
the lines of Dinah Washington, Lavern Baker, Ruth Brown and Big
Maybelle. Super sides for Savoy, Groove, RCA, Triumph and Cub.
HAM-BONE £13.15
HBR108CD Hamilton Loomis: Give It Back. Strong blues-rock
performances from Texan guitarist’s with a splash of soul and funk.
HNCD1431 Alvin Youngblood Hart: Territory. Super album,
mixing haunting country blues, western swing, experimental guitar,
ska and more, all beautifully sang, played and presented.
HNCD1449 Alvin Youngblood Hart: Start With The Soul. A move
towards rock music but further evidence of his unique talent.
HFM1010 Tinsley Ellis: Get It! All-instrumental blues-rock album.
1793783 Chuck Berry: You Can Never Tell – Complete Chess
Recordings 1960-66. Another winner, with 108 recordings, including
18 previously unreleased, hits and a 45 minute 1963 live concert .
2727346 Chuck Berry: Have Mercy - Complete Chess Recordings
1969-74. 71 tracks of the years just prior to the demise of Chess.
With 22 previously unreleased tracks plus booklet. Another cracker.
2747239 Neville Brothers: Authorized Bootleg - Warfield Theatre.
Recorded at the time of ‘Yellow Moon’, this showcases New Orleans soul & funk, spiritual ballads and 50s rock n roll. Classy.
GET ON DOWN £12.75
GET54038CD Howlin’ Wolf: The Howlin’ Wolf Album. 1969 HIP-O SELECT 2CD £15.75
Chess/Cadet album bringing psychedelic rock to the Wolf’s blues. 1107612 Bo Diddley: Road Runner – Chess Masters 1959-60.
Wolf himself called it “dogshit” and hardcore Chicago blues fans Great sound and alternate takes and rare stuff. Cracking.
derided it, but it has nonetheless gathered a committed fanbase.
GET54042CD Muddy Waters: After The Rain. 1969 Chess album 2712262 Koko Taylor: What It Takes - Chess Years. 24 stormers.
that thankfully is a return to his traditional singing and playing style HIP-O SELECT £12.95
after the psychedelia of Electric Mud and it is all the better for it.
2760950 Bo Diddley: Beach Party. 1963 live album.
GET54046CD Howlin’ Wolf: Message To The Young. Mega-rare 2770597 Buddy Guy & Junior Wells: Buddy And The Juniors. Realbum, recorded in 1971 when the great man’s health was fading mastered version of 1969 ‘unplugged’ album with Junior Mance.
and Chess were again messing with his unique sound to create a
new appeal to a younger, rock-oriented audience. 8 tracks of experi- HIP-O SELECT 3CD £31.95
2799314 Jerry Lee Lewis: The Killer Live 1964-70. Four knock-out
mental blues, for fans only perhaps, but that’s all of us, right?
live albums - Live At The Star Club, Hamburg (1964), Greatest Live
GET ON DOWN £13.15
Show On Earth (1964), By Request (1966) and Live At The InternaGET54058CD Chuck Berry: San Francisco Blues. Re-issue of tional, Las Vegas (1970) - plus 10 previously unreleased extras.
largely forgotten album, his first for Chess following his return from a
brief flit to Mercury. Sombre, sober and mature and a must for fans. HISTORY OF R ‘N B 2CD £10.45
R001CD The Coasters: Definitive Coasters (A Sides & B Sides).
GLP £13.15
Both sides of 19 magnificent pop and R&B hits from 1956-62 from
GLP036 Hat Fitz & Cara: Wiley Ways. An amalgam of hill country pre-eminent vocal group that started out as The Robins and problues and old-time folk. Exuberant and compelling.
ceeded to act as vehicle for the great song-writing team of Leiber
GO £12.75
and Stoller (and the top-notch musicians that backed them).
7230699 James Hunter: The Hard Way. Superior soul & R&B vibe. R002CD The Coasters: Those Hoodlum Friends (The Coasters In
7233836 James Hunter Six: Minute By Minute. Five years on from Stereo). Out-takes, alternate takes, album tracks and stereo verThe Hard Way. Ideal for lovers of soulful R&B singing, crisp guitar sions of their big hits and more. Three Cool Cats, Framed, Poison
runs and top-notch song-writing. His best yet? We love ’em all!
Ivy, I’m A Hog For You Baby and more (and sounding great)
GOLF003 John Hiatt: My Kind Of Town. Rare radio broadcast from SOUL002 Where Southern Soul Began. Tremendous 54 track compiChicago in June 1993 and a good one.
lation of artists and recordings that went onto influence or contribute
to the emergence of southern soul, with Bobby Blue Bland, Arthur
GS004 Hot Club Of Cowtown: Rendezvous In Rhythm. Songs Alexander, Joe Medwick, Joe Tex, Ruth White and many more.
from the Great American Songbook, recorded acoustically with an SOUL003 Soul Of New Orleans. 62 great sides with Larry Williams, Irma Thomas, Earl King, Aaron Neville, Johnny Adams, etc.
emphasis on the violin and guitar gypsy jazz styling. Just lovely.
SOUL004 Wade In The Water. 57 uplifting sides 1927-1951 with
GRAND £12.55
Washington Phillips, Blind Willie Johnson, Garfield Akers Wynona
GRANDCD33 Dr Feelgood: Live In London. Live & stirring in 1989 Carr, Clara Ward, Mahalia Jackson, etc. Diverse but brilliant.
in Kentish Town, London. Lee Brilleaux doing what he did best.
SOUL008CD Soul On The West Coast Vol 1. 60 marvellous blues,
R&B, doo-wop, girl groups and rock ‘n roll from the late 1950s/early
GSK1002 Sol Hoopii: In Hollywood
1960s. With Sugar Pie DeSanto, Eugene Church, Ted Taylor, Ray
GSK1004 Ken Emerson & Robert Armstrong: Escape To Jazz Island. Agee, Joy Hamilton, Brenda Holloway and many more.
An eclectic mix of musical styles, taking in Hawaiian, early hot jazz SOUL009CD Save A Seat For Me - A Soul Chronology Vol 3
and Tin Pan Alley standards. A hugely enjoyable set from leading 1955-57. 56 impassioned blues and spiritual vocal performances exponents of guitar, ukulele and steel guitar (Armstrong is a
Jimmy Scott, Little Willie John, Bobby
former member of Robert Crumb’s Cheap Suit Serenaders).
‘Blue Bland, Solomon Burke, Ray
Charles, Clara Ward, Wynona Carr,
Big Maybelle & more.
GSK1003 Gino Bordin: Virtuose de la Guitarre Hawaiienne. Superb 1930’s Paris recordings. Digi pack with
lovely booklet
GSK1005 Genial Hawaiians: 1932-34. 12 tracks recorded in
1933 by Jim Halstein and Bob Pauole (their only sides) and
12 tracks from George Ku and His Paradise Islanders. Fantastic Hawaiian music with steel guitar to the fore on uniformly
excellent songs and musical pieces. Plus a 32 page booklet
of notes and photos. A treat.
GVC £6.50
GVC1001 Charlie Gracie: Cool Baby-Singles & More 195157.
GVC1006 Alexis Korner’s Breakdown Group: Blues From The Roundhouse. With Cyril Davies!
GVC1009 Bobby Charles: After A While Crocodile - 50s Chess
sides from 1956-57 plus rare Imperial singles 1958-59
GVC1012 Wade Flemons: Here I Stand. 24 early recordings from
largely-forgotten, but excellent, R&B singer.
HJRCD61 London Is The Place For
Me Vols 5 & 6. Popular series
featuring music brought to the UK by
West Indian immigrants from the
1950s on. Superb calypso, Jamaican
mento, jazz and ska on 40 sides by
Lord Beginner, Lord Invader, Lord
Kitchener, Buddy Pipp’s Highlifers,
Mighty Terror & more.
HOODOO £10.25
263363 Lloyd Price: The Exciting Lloyd Price + Mr Personality.
263366 Little Willie John: Mister Little Willie John & Talk To Me.
Two albums from 1958 each containing 12 tracks plus 4 bonus cuts.
263370 Chuck Willis: Rockin’ With The Sheikh Of The Blues. Okeh
& Atlantic recs. 29 tracks (1951 and 1959)
263371 Percy Mayfield: Nightless Lover. The most delicious of
vocal stylists & song writers with Speciality A & B sides 1950 - 55.
GVC 2CD £9.50
263379 Professor Longhair: No Buts, No Maybes. Best of 1949GVC2023 Windy City Bop - Chicago Rockabilly 1945-58.
57, 28 great tracks from Atlantic, Mercury, Federal and Ebb.
GVC2024 Boogiology -Boogie Woogie Masters. Great piano collection.
263381 Ray Sharpe: Gonna Let It Go This Time.
GVC2030 Sneakin’ Around - London Records R&B Story 1948- 263377 Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland: Little Boy Blue - The Duke Sides 19521951. 36 honkin’ r&b belters - Sticks McGhee, Hadda Brooks, Paul 59. Early blues sides prior to becoming the greatest voice in soul.
Bascomb, Treniers, Keys, Duke Henderson, etc. Many new to CD.
263385 Ruth Brown: Rock & Roll/Miss Rhythm. 2 Atlantic albums
263389 LaVern Baker: La Vern + Rock & Roll.
263397 Johnny Guitar Watson: Space Guitar Master 1952-60.
263405 Bo Diddley: Have Guitar Will Travel + In The Spotlight.
1959 and 1960 Checker albums.
263395 Link Wray & The Wraymen: Definitive Edition. 1960’s Link
Wray & The Wraymen & 16 alternate takes and demos.
263412 Chuck Berry: One Dozen Berrys + Chuck Berry Is On Top.
Two of his best Chess albums from 1958-59, plus four bonus tracks.
263416 Bo Diddley: Bo Diddley Is A Gunslinger + Bo Diddley Is A
Lover. Two of his finest albums, both from 1961 plus bonus tracks.
263420 Chuck Berry: Rockin’ At The Hops + New Juke Box Hits.
263418 Johnny Cash: Ride This Train + Now, There Was A Song!
263434 Ray Charles: Modern Sounds In Country & Western Music
Vols 1 & 2. Two ground-breaking albums, a bonus track & booklet
263437 Bo Diddley: Bo Diddley & Co + Bo Diddley’s A Twister.
263446 Johnny Cash: Songs Of Our Soil + Hymns By...
263447 Bob Dylan: Bob Dylan - The Debut Album. Plus 12 bonus
tracks from radio broadcasts and a B-side Mixed-Up Confusion.
263454 Fats Domino: The Fabulous Mr. D + A Lot Of Dominos.
Two LPs on one CD from 1958 and 1960, plus 6 bonus tracks
263455 Ray Charles: What’d I Say + Hallelujah I Love Her So!
263456 Muddy Waters: I Got My Brand On You - 1956-62 Studio
Tracks. 27 Chess sides including many not often anthologised. Ideal
if you missed Hip-O Select’s recent (now deleted) You Shook Me.
263457 Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley + Elvis. First two albums as
released by RCA Victor in 1956, re-mastered and with bonus tracks.
263459 Guitar Slim: I Got Sumpin’ For You. 28 explosive 1950s
blues sides with passionate gospel-tinged vocals and fiery guitar.
HOODOO 2CD £12.95
263450 Joan Baez: Joan Baez + Vol 2 + In Concert. First three
albums originally on Vanguard, plus bonus tracks and booklet.
HB0001 Tom Paley’s Old-Time Moonshine Revue: Roll On Roll
On. Collaborator of Woody Guthrie, founder of New Lost City Ramblers and influence on Bob Dylan with an album of 18 great songs.
HB0002 Spider John Koerner: What’s Left Of Spider John. Intriguing 2012 album by early-1960s folk-blues legend.
HUMP132 John Hiatt: The Definitive Collection 1987-94. 36 tracks.
HUX £13.15
HUX094 Wizz Jones: Lucky The Man
HUX137 Incredible String Band: Live At The Fillmore 1968. Remaster of original concert tape, approved by the band. 13 tracks.
HYP13294 Dave Kelly: Family & Friends - We Had It All. Seasoned
Brit-blues slide guitarist with 18 unreleased tracks from his musical
journey since the mid-60s. Featuring involvements from Howlin’
Wolf, sister Jo-Ann Kelly, Eric Bibb, Long John Baldry, Christine
Collister, Paul Jones, Chris Barber, Sonny Black and more.
HYP13298 Mojo Makers: Wait Till The Morning. Hard-rocking blues
band from Denmark featuring soulful singing and hot guitar playing.
IDC £13.45
IDC546 Ray Manzarek & Roy Rogers: Twisted Tales. Final recordings of keyboard player from The Doors, teamed up again with
slide guitar maestro and one-time producer of John Lee Hooker,
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott and others. 10 all-original tracks evidencing
two masters creating a plush and unique musical landscape.
0169119 Jeff Healey Band: As The Years Go Passing By - Live In
Germany 1989, 1995 & 2000. Three separate live performances
that capture the band at different times in their career. 31 tracks.
0162013 Jeff Healey Band: As The Years Go Passing By - Live In
Germany 1989, 1995 & 2000. As above plus the 3 concerts on
DVD, including liner notes and extensive photos. 190 minutes.
0190302 Ana Popovic: Can You Stand The Heat? Popular and
award-winning blues singer & guitarist, with 14 funky soul blues.
0169124 Blues Company: X Ray Blues. New album variously
taking in Chicago and Mississippi blues stylings across 13 tracks
INDIGO £8.95
IGOXCD531Z Paul Lamb & The King Snakes: Take Your Time &
Get It Right. Re-issue of 2000 album
INGOT £13.15
BURNIR0006 Claude Hay: Deep Fried Satisfied. Australian fuses
slide guitar, sitar, bass & percussion on stomping blues funk album.
BURNBGM1202 Claude Hay: I Love Hate You. The Australian
bluesman with 12 more tracks highlighting his fine slide guitar.
JASCD161 The Crickets: I Fought The Law. Everything recorded
1958-60 after split from Buddy.
JASCD171 Johnny Guitar Watson: Original Gangster Of Love
1953-59. 29 sensational blues guitar classics.
JASMCD3010 Bo Diddley: I’m A Man – Singles As & Bs 1955-59
JASMCD3006 Little Esther Phillips: Am I That Easy To Forget?
1950-62. 28 great R&B vocal performances in front of great bands.
JASCD270 Roy Smeck: The Wizard Of The Strings. Lots of great
ukulele, banjo and guitar from a true master on 31 tracks.
JASMINE 2CD £11.25
JASMCD3022 Ruth Brown: Singles A’s & B’s 1953-60. 59 tracks.
JASCD698 Doc Pomus: Singer And Songwriter. 56 tracks of his
own recordings as a blues singer plus his songs recorded by others
- Elvis, Ray Charles, Big Joe Turner, Coasters, Drifters & more.
JASMCD30267 Little Willie John: Sleep - Singles A’s & B’s 1955-61.
60 fabulous R&B and early soul sides from just about the greatest
singer of the lot. Original versions of Fever, Need Your Love So
Bad, Talk To Me, and many more lung-busting ballads and uptempo rockers. Includes some rare B-sides never before on CD.
JASMCD3034 Jimmy Reed: Ain’t That Loving You Baby - The
Singles A’s & B’s 1953-61. A super collection of 50 big sides.
JASMCD3032 Big Joe Turner: Ten Years Of Hits - The Singles A’s
& B’s 1951-1960. 48 storming tracks including Chains Of Love,
Honey Hush, Shake, Rattle & Roll, Flip, Flop & Fly and plenty more.
JASCD259 Carolyn Hester: Introduces Bob Dylan. Influential US
folk singer from late 1950s/early 1960s with her first three albums.
The third features a young, unknown Bob Dylan on harmonica.
After this session, Bob was invited to record his own sessions,
from which his debut album emerged (included here as a bonus).
JASMCD30367 Professor Longhair: Mardi Gras In New Orleans Complete Recordings 1949-62. Both sides of major 78s and 45s,
with joyous R&B biggies such as Bald Head, Tipitina, Go To The
Mardi Gras and more. A great collection.
JASMCD36423 Don Gibson: Oh Lonesome Me - Singles Collection 1956-62. 46 superb sides, including 22 country and pop hits.
JASCD417 Meade Lux Lewis: Gliding From Glendale To Chicago46 red hot boogie & blues piano classics
JASCD537 LaVern Baker: Complete Singles As & Bs 1953-1959
JASCD568 Hank Ballard & The Midnighters: Come On And Get
It-The Singles 1954-1959.
JASCD564 Bobby Blue Bland: It’s My Life – The Singles As & Bs
1951-1960. All his singles between 1951 and 1960.
JASCD592 Ronnie Hawkins: Early Album Collection. 49 early
rockers supported by The Hawks (future members of The Band).
JASMCD30178 Muddy Waters: Natural Born Lover. A & B Sides of
every Chess single released 1953-60, 54 tracks in total. Superb.
JASMCD30201 Howlin Wolf: The Wolf Is At Your Door. A & B
singles 1951-60. 46 unbeatable classics, from Memphis to Chicago.
JASMCD3013 Etta James: Early Recordings 1955-60
JASMCD3015/6 Little Walter: Boom Boom - Singles As & Bs
1952-60. 50 rip-roaring tracks, in order of release.
JASCD170 50 Classics Of Louisiana 1953-60. Blues, swamp pop,
Cajun, rockabilly & more - Bobby Charles, Slim Harpo, Gtr Slim,
Warren Storm, Earl King, Clifton Chenier, Fats Domino, etc.
JASCD178 Jack Scott: Touch Me Baby I Go Hog Wild 1957-60.
Brooding rockabilly - 64 classic hits & rare sides.
JASCD192 Joan Baez: First Lady Of Folk 1958-61. Early albums Joan Baez In San Francisco, Folk Singers ‘Round Harvard Square,
Joan Baez and Vol 2.
JASCD233 Ike & Tina Turner: It’s Gonna Work Out Fine. First
two albums plus rare singles.
JASCD265 Alexis Korner’s Blues Incorporated: R&B From The
Roundhouse, To The Ealing Club, To The Marquee. Historic recordings of Alexis and Cyril Davies, from their first EP, celebrated
1962 Decca LP (R&B From The Marquee) and more.
JHR050 Danny Bryant’s Red Eye Band: Night Life - Live In Holland
JHR067 Danny Bryant: Hurricane. British blues-rock favourite with
a new power trio that embraces a wider range of influences this
time. Nine originals of fine up-tempo grooves and soulful ballads.
JIVE £7.75
88765442232 Buddy Guy: Bring ‘Em In/Skin Deep. Two lattercareer big –selling albums on one CD. A bargain!
JSP8808 Buddy Guy: Live At The Checkerboard Lounge 1979
JSP8809 Elmore James Jr: Daddy Gave Me The Blues
JSP8810 Jay McShann with Al Casey: Best of Friends.
JSP8811 Professor Longhair: The London Concert 1978
JSP 8812 King Curtis: Live In New York. From 1961.
JSP8813 Buddy Guy: Breaking Out. 1980-1981 sides
JSP8814 Tamara & Lucky Peterson: Darling Forever.
JSP8817 Jimmy Rogers & Left Hand Frank: The Dirty Dozens. 30
years after the LP was first released, on CD in its vintage rawness!
JSP8819 Fernest Arceneaux: Zydeco Stomp. Re-issue of 1981
album from leading light of post-Clifton Chenier zydeco.
JSP8822 Rosco Gordon: Rosco Rocks Again. Inc Wayne Bennett
JSP8823 Phil Guy: It’s A Real Mutha’
JSP8824 Lucky Peterson: Heart Of Pain. A cracker.
JSP8825 Buddy Guy: D.J. Play My Blues. Blistering 1981 set.
JSP8828 Lil’ Dave Thompson: C’mon Down The Delta. 2001 album.
JSP8827 Lefty Dizz: Ain’t It Nice To Be Loved. Incendiary guitar.
JSP8833 Phillip Walker With Otis Grand: Big Blues From Texas.
JSP8831 Lucky Peterson: Every Second A Fool Is Born.
JSP8832 Larry Garner: Double Dues. 20th anniversary re-master.
JSP8829 Eddie Kirkland: Pick Up The Pieces. 1980 album &
bonus tracks from John Lee Hooker’s sideman.
JSP8821 Joe Louis Walker & Otis Grand: Guitar Brothers - 10th
Anniversary Edition. Repackaged in a nice digi-pack.
JSP8836 James Booker: King Of The New Orleans Keyboard. Genius
of blues & boogie woogie piano. Class.
JSP8816 James & Lucky Peterson: If You Can’t Fix It. Father and
son on a set of hard-hitting contemporary blues.
JSP8834 Hubert Sumlin: Blues Guitar Boss. Wolf’s long-time
guitarist with a re-issue of his 1980s album.
JSP8842 Louisiana Red: Always Played The Blues. Remixed
studio album, with support from John Cleary on piano.
JSP8845 Michael Hill’s Blues Mob: Goddesses and Gold Redux.
A re-worked version of the 2005 album plus 3 additional tracks.
JSP8839 Mojo Buford: State Of The Blues Harp. Re-mastered
album (probably his best) from Muddy’s one-time harp sideman.
JSP8843 Rosie Ledet & The Playboys: Slap Your Mama. Rockin’
zydeco from one of the hottest bands around right now.
JSP8846 Carey & Lurrie Bell: Dynasty - Classic 1988/89 Chicago
Sessions. Blues harp legend, Carey, with guitar-toting son, Lurrie
plus three more sons in support. Re-mastered plus 2 bonus tracks.
JSP8847 Guitar Shorty With Otis Grand: My Way Or The Highway. Re-mixed issue of award-winning 1991 album.
JSP8848 Tamara Peterson With Lucky Peterson Band: Whatever You Say. 11 track studio album mixing blues, soul and funk.
JSP8849 Randy McAllister: Crappy Food, No Sleep, A Van...And
Some Great Songs. Compilation of Texas roadhouse blues songs
drawn from 1990‘s JSP albums. Some great guests.
JSP4201 Carter Family: Acme Sessions 1952-56.
JSP4203 Ike Turner: Classic Early Sides 1951-57.
JSP4205 Bill Haley: Early Years 1947-54.
JSP4207 Louis Jordan: Later Years 1953–57.
JSP4208 Joe Hill Louis: King Of The One Man Bands 1949-54.
JSP4210 Rosco Gordon: Lets Get High 51-65.
JSP4212 Clifton Chenier/Clarence Garlow.
JSP4213 Crazy With The Blues – Juke Joint Blues. Volume 2 in
popular series
JSP4217 Frankie Lee Sims & Mercy Dee Walton.
JSP4219 Hollywood Blues - Classic West Coast Blues 1947-53.
53 superb and rare down-home California blues. Soldier Boy Houston, James Tisdom, Ernest McClay, Slim Green, Smokey Hogg,
Beverly Scott, Mac Willis, Charles Lacy, Sonny Boy Holmes, etc.
JSP4223 Little Esther: The Early Hits 1949-54.
JSP4224 Swinging On The Golden Gate 1944-58.
JSP4225 Big Jay McNeely: King Of The Honkin’ Sax.
JSP4227 Fred McDowell: Down Home Blues 1959.
JSP6201 Virginia Rocks! Great rare rockabilly collection.
JSP4231 Ray Charles: Complete Early Recordings 1949-1952.
JSP4230 Big Maceo: Complete Sides 1941-1950.
JSP4236 Paese Mio Bello. Historic Italian-American recordings
from between 1911-39, 44 beautiful sides from the team that
brought us the Cantors, Klezmorim and Crooners (JSP5201).
JSP4239 Dr Ross: The Memphis Cuts 1953-56. 54 sides from
amazing one-man band bluesman, with all tracks recorded for Sam
Phillips including tracks and alternate takes not available elsewhere.
JSP2303 Chuck Willis: Complete.
JSP2305 Big Walter Horton: Blues Harmonica Giant 1951-56.
JSP2306 Slovenia USA. Slovenian Music Made In The USA.
JSP2304 Gospel Alive - Sacred Recordings Made In The Field.
JSP 3CD BOX SET £14.50
JSP5201 Cantors, Klezmorim And Crooners 1905-53. Stunning.
JSP929 Bessie Smith: Vol 1 Queen of The Blues 1923-32
JSP930 Bessie Smith: Vol 2 Empress Of Blues 1926-33
JSP7703 John Lee Hooker: Classic Early Years ‘48-’51.
JSP7706 Blind Lemon Jefferson: Complete.
JSP7711 Blind Willie McTell: Classic Years 1927-40
JSP7712 Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys: 1937-49.
JSP7723 Paramount Masters.
JSP7724 Flatt & Scruggs/Stanley Bros: 1947-53.
JSP7726 Cajun Early Recordings.
JSP7727 Delmore Bothers: Classic Cuts 1933-1941
JSP7731 Bluegrass-Classic Recordings.
JSP7732 Cliff Carlisle: A Country Legacy 1930-39.
JSP7734 Charlie Poole: & North Carolina Ramblers/Highlanders
JSP7735 Blind Boy Fuller: Remastered 1935-1938.
JSP7738 Hotter in Hawaii.
JSP7743 Worried Blues (Frank Hutchinson, Kelly Harrell, etc)
JSP7745 Memphis Jug Band & Gus Cannon’s Jug Stompers.
JSP7746 Darby & Tarlton plus Chris Bouchillon.
JSP7749 Cajun Country Two-More Hits From The Swamp.
JSP7750 Big Bill Broonzy: Vol 2 1937-40.
JSP7751 Sounds Like Jimmie Rodgers.
JSP7753 Shake That Thing-East Coast Blues 1935-53.
JSP7755 Mountain Gospel.
JSP7756 Roy Brown: & New Orleans R&B.
JSP7758 Boogie Uproar–Texas Blues & R&B 1947-54.
JSP7759 Rev Gary Davis: And The Guitar Evangelists.
JSP7760 Eddie Cleanhead Vinson: Honk For Texas.
JSP7763 Stick McGhee with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee:
New York Blues 1947-1955.
JSP7764 Leadbelly: Important Recordings
JSP7765 Delmore Brothers: Vol 2 - The
Later Years 1933-52.
JSP7766 Sonny Boy Williamson: Cool
Cool Blues 1951-54.
JSP7767 Big Bill Broonzy: Vol 3 War &
Post War Years ‘40-51.
JSP7768 Cliff Carlisle: Vol 2 1930-41.
JSP7769 Uncle Dave Macon: Vol 2.
JSP7770 Bob Wills Texas Playboys: King
of Western Swing.
JSP7772 Blind Boy Fuller & Others: Vol
JSP7773 New Orleans Guitar.
JSP7774 Paramount Old Time Recordings.
JSP7776 Rembetika. Greek Music From The Underground ‘25-47
JSP7777 Memphis Blues-Important Post-War Blues.
JSP7778 Jimmy Witherspoon: Urban Blues Singing Legend.
JSP7779 Sleepy John Estes: 1929-47.
JSP7780 Serenade In The Mountains-Early Old-Time Music.
JSP7781 When The Levee Breaks - Mississippi Blues ‘26-46.
JSP7783 Sunnyland Slim: Classic Sides 1947-53. .
JSP7784 Delmore Brothers: Vol 3 More from 30s + 40s & 50s.
JSP7785 Houston Might Be Heaven Rockin’ R&B In Texas ‘47-51.
JSP7789 Jimmy McCracklin: Blues Blasters Boogie 1945-1955.
Featuring early R&B classics, plus a 9 tracks from 1970s. 98 tracks.
JSP7790 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Vol 2 1951-56.
JSP7792 Crescent City Bounce - Blues To R&B In New Orleans.
JSP7796 Jook Joint Blues – Good Time R & B 1943-56.
JSP7797 Sonny Boy Williamson: Original Vol 1 1937-39.
JSP7798 A Richer Tradition. Country Blues & String Bands ‘23-42.
JSP7799 Roy Acuff: King Of The Hillbillies 1936-44.
JSP77100 Mountain Frolic - Rare Old Timey Classics 1924-37.
JSP77101 Sonny Boy (John Lee) Williamson: Later Years 1939-47
JSP77104 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell: Vol 1 1928-34.
JSP77105 Rembetika Two. More of The Secret History Of
Greece’s Underground Music 1908-46.
JSP77107 Ernest Tubb: Early Years 1936-45.
JSP77108 Rub A Little Boogie - New York Blues 1945-56.
JSP77109 Ain’t Times Hard? Political & Social Comment In Blues.
JSP77110 Authentic Rare Bluegrass 1951-54.
JSP77112 Gene Autry: Early Sides.
JSP77113 Dixon Bros/Callahan Bros: Make Time For Old Time.
JSP77114 Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys: Texas, Hollywood
And Chicago 1940-47.
JSP77115 Rare & Authentic Cajun 1928-39.
JSP77117 Lonnie Johnson: Life In Music-Selected Sides 1925-53
JSP77118 J.E. Mainer: Early Years 1935-39.
JSP77119 Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys: 1950-58.
JSP77120 Champion Jack Dupree: Early Cuts 1940-53.
JSP77122 Bob Geddins Blues Legacy.
JSP77124 J.E. Mainer: Classic Sides 1937-41.
JSP77125 Leroy Carr: Vol 2 1934-41.
JSP77126 Nuggets Of The Golden Age Of Gospel 1945-58.
JSP77127 Rare West Coast Jump ’n’ Jive 45-54.
JSP77128 Flatt & Scruggs/Stanley Bros: Selected Cuts 1951-59.
JSP77130 Gennett Old Time Music 1927-34.
JSP77131 Classic Field Recordings.
JSP77132 Markos Vamvakaris: The Master of Rembetika
JSP77134 Outsinging The Nightingale. Lost Treasures Of Bulgarian Music 1905-1950.
JSP77135 Powerhouse Gospel On Independent Labels ‘46-59
JSP77138 Riley Puckett: Country Music Pioneer.
JSP77139 Masters Of Memphis Blues. 101 great pre-war blues
with Frank Stokes, Furry Lewis, Robert Wilkins, Gus Cannon, Allen
Shaw and Little Buddy Doyle. A classic and back in print.
JSP77140 Cousin Joe: From New Orleans.
JSP77141 Meaning In The Blues-The 50th Anniversary of Blues
Fell This Morning by Paul Oliver.
JSP77142 The Bobby Robinson Story - Selected Sides 1951-60
JSP77144 Country Guitar - Selected Sides 1935-55.
JSP77145 Golden Gospel Gals - Selected Sides 1949-59.
JSP77146 Apostolos Hadzichristos: A Unique Greek Voice Selected Recordings 1937-53.
JSP77148 Ukranian & Lemko String Bands In America.
JSP77150 Juke Joints 3. 104 stonkers – Slim Harpo, Lightnin’
Slim, Smokey Hogg, Big Boy Spires, Earl Hooker, Homesick James,
Sunny James, Eddie Taylor, etc.
JSP77151 Bo Carter: & The Mississippi Sheiks. 100 essential
sides, solo and with the swinging Sheiks. Marvellous entertainment.
JSP77152 Women Of Rembetika 1908-1947. 89 rare tracks by
leading female singers of the period. Superb.
JSP77153 Turkish Tradition. 96 traditional eastern European (and
beyond) sides, remastered and presented by Chris King.
JSP77154 Memphis Marvels - Memphis Gospel 1927-60. Another
super set from Opal Louis Nations. 105 remastered gospel crackers
- Gospel Travelers, Queen C Anderson, Brewster Singers and more
JSP77155 Gid Tanner And The Skillet Lickers: Old Timey’s
Favorite Band. 100 exuberant old-timey sides with Riley Puckett,
Clayton McMichen, Lowe Stokes and more.
JSP77156 The Bristol Sessions 1927-28. Ralph Peer’s historic
field recordings. The Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers sessions
have already been issued by JSP but this provides the other artists
from the sessions. 94 stunners from Blind Alfred Reed, Ernest
Stoneman, Henry Whitter, Tenneva Ramblers, Ernest Phipps,
Carolina Twins, Blue Ridge Corn Suckers & more. Essential.
JSP77158 Bradley Kincaid: A Man And His Guitar - Selected
Sides 1927-50. 104 sides from huge star of early old-timey country.
JSP77159 Jack McVea: Rarely Was Honkin’ Sax So Much Fun.
102 R&B homkers from influential & entertaining sax blower.
JSP77160 Tampa Red & Georgia Tom: Music Making In Chicago
1928-1935. 100 pre-war Chicago blues from two of the most accomplished & popular musicians of the 30s. Another
must-have set.
JSP77161 Vaudeville Blues. 103 stunning tracks
connecting 1920s & 1930s vaudeville and country
blues. Amazing blues (Charley Patton, Willie McTell,
John Estes, Willie Brown, Barbecue Bob, Memphis
Jug Band, etc) and fabulous ‘vaudeville’ (Margaret
Carter, Margaret Johnson, Edna Hicks, Mary Stafford, etc).
JSP77162 Wilf Carter: Selected Sides 1933-41.
103 sides from country, folk & old-timey musician
often recorded as Montana Slim.
JSP77164 Devil’s Jump - Important Indie Label
Blues 1946-57. 100 rare blues sides, with a focus
on Cincinnati. With John Lee Hooker, Memphis
Slim, Lee Brown, Jimmie Gordon, Smokey Hogg, Walter Mitchell,
Kid Thomas, Johnny Wright, etc.
JSP77165 Rembetika 8 - Have They Got Hashish In Hell (Rarest
Recordings From The Greek Underground 1920-57). 89 rare and
restored 78s. With Marika Papagika, Takis Nicholaou, Laika Orch,
Salonikios, Kitsa Korina, George Katsaros, & others. Compiled by
Charles Howard and re-mastered by Ted Kendall.
JSP77166 Before Rembetika - The Music And Dance Of The
Region Of Epirus 1919-58. 92 rare sides re-mastered by Chris
King adding an exotic and Eastern flavour to Greek music.
JSP77168 Juke Joints 4 - That’s All Right With Me. 108 more
superb rockin’ blues sides, presented as if they came from a 1950’s
juke joint in the Deep South. Lightnin’ Slim, Frankie Lee Sims, Lil’
Son Jackson, Lonesome Sundown, Andrew Thomas, Ernest Lewis,
Leap Frogs, John Brim, Jesse Fuller, Cousin Leroy, Beverley Scott.
JSP77171 Country Fiddle - Fine Early String Band Music 192437. 101 foot-tappin’ sides by Earl Johnson, Leake County Revelers,
East Texas Serenaders, Dixie Ramblers, Magic City Trio and more.
JSP77172 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Acoustic Years 1959-60. Third JSP
box from our Sam with the splendid ’rediscovery’ album recorded by
Sam Charters in Houston and various sides made thereafter.
JSP77173 Skiffle - From Britain To Broadway. 100 enliveners
from Ken Colyer, Lonnie Donegan, Chris Barber, Beryl Bryden,
Alexis Korner, Bob Cort, Chas McDevitt, Johnny Duncan, etc
Our website has more details on the amazing collection of JSP
box sets listed below - see the footnote at the bottom of this page
for more information. For JSP’s jazz box sets, see pages 14-15.
JSP7702 Charley Patton: Complete Recordings 1929-34.
JSP7704 Jimmie Rodgers: 1927- 33.
JSP7705 Lightnin’ Hopkins: All the Classics 1946-51
JSP7714 Blind Blake: All Published Sides.
JSP7715 Legends Of Country Blues.
JSP7716 Memphis Minnie: Queen Of Country Blues 1929-37.
JSP7718 Big Bill Broonzy: All The Classic Sides 1928-37
JSP7721 Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: 1938-48.
JSP7741 Memphis Minnie: Vol 2 1937-53
JSP7782 Blue Sky Boys: Very Best Of Classic Country 1936-50.
JSP7793 Ma Rainey: Mother Of The Blues.
JSP7794 Chet Atkins: Early Years 1946-57.
JSP77111 Vassilis Tsitsanis: 1936-40 Rembetika Three
sides featuring Ty Karim, Marcene Harris, Faye Ross, Eddie
Bridges, Phillips Sisters, Ray Agee, Jimmy Preacher Ellis and more.
CDKEND398 James Govan: Wanted - The Fame Recordings.
Exceptional southern soul vocalist influenced by Otis Redding.
CDKEND402 Darrell Banks: I’m The One Who Loves You - Complete Volt Recordings. Stunning 1969 album mono mixes & demos.
CDKEND403 Darrow Fletcher: The Pain Gets A Little Deeper Complete Early Years 1965-71. His early-period Chicago soul sides.
CDKEND404 King Floyd: I Feel Like Dynamite - Early Chimneyville Singles & More 1970-74. 25 fabulous funky southern soul sides
CDKEND407 Clarence Carter: The Fame Singles Vol 2 1970-73.
20 tracks including the international hit Patches, rounding up the
Fame career of a superb and successful southern soul singer.
KENT 3CD £25.00
KENTBOX10 Take Me To The River - A Southern Soul Story 1961-77.
One of the best releases in any era, on any
label, on any music. A must for anyone with the
slightest interest in southern soul. A bargain at
any price, especially a Red Lick price.
KENTBOX12 The Fame Studio Story 1961-73. 75
KENT £10.95
superior selections from the vaults of Fame
CDKEND301 Mitty Collier: Shades Of-Chess Singles 1961-68
studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, with a virtual
CDKEND308 Ty Karim: Complete. Soul Goddess
Who’s Who of southern soul - Otis Redding,
CDKEND312 Maxine Brown: Best Of Wand Years.
Aretha, Arthur Conley, Otis Clay, Bettye Swann,
CDKEND317 Sugar Pie Desanto: Complete Chess Singles 1961-66.
CDKEND321 Slow’n’Moody, Black’n’Bluesy BB King, Johnny Cope- Mitty Collier, etc. Also includes rare tracks &
superb booklet. Truly marvellous.
land, Jimmy Holiday, Larry Davis, etc. Re-issue, extra tracks
KENT 2CD £16.25
CDKEND324 Jimmy Hughes: Steal Away-Early Fame Recordings.
CDTOP2 392 Johnny Copeland: It’s Me - Classic
CDKEND325 Aretha Franklin: Just A Matter Of Time 1962-66.
CDKEND322 Birth Of Soul-Special Chicago Edition. Etta James, Jan Texas Soul 1965-72. 44 gritty soul sides, with
singles for Wand, Suave/Jet Stream, Kent,
Bradley, Sugar Pie DeSanto etc
CDKEND328 Luther Ingram: Let’s Steal Away To The Hideaway/ Boogaloo and Wet Soul plus alternates &
demos. Sensational.
Do You Love Somebody? 2 Koko albums
CDKEND329 George Jackson: In Memphis 1972-1977.
KENT £11.95
CDKEND331 Jimmy Hughes: Why Not Tonight? – Fame Recs Vol 2. CDTOP406 Brenda Holloway: The Artistry Of Brenda Holloway.
Original album plus 10 extra tracks.
Expanded edition of 1968 compilation of Tamla hits, B-sides, a few
CDKEND340 Spencer Wiggins: Feed The Flame – Fame & XL tracks from her Every Little Bit Hurts LP plus eight bonus tracks.
Recordings. 23 tracks, 11 previously unissued.
KENT 2CD £14.50
CDKEND341 Jimmy Hughes: Something Extra Special – Com- CDKEN2240 Staple Singers: The Ultimate - A Family Affair
plete Volt Recordings 1968-71. Final part of super Hughes trilogy
CDKEN2353 Candi Staton: Evidence - Complete Fame Masters.
CDKEND342 Deep Shadows - Best Of Kent Ballads. Super 24 48 southern soul sides 1969-74, many new to CD
track set of deep Southern soul ballads.
CDKEND344 Doris Troy: I’ll Do Anything – Anthology 1960-96.
KMCD3905 Bob Brozman: Blue Hula Stomp. Stunning debut solo
CDKEND345 Etta James: Who’s Blue? Chess-era rarities
CDKEND357 Bobby Marchan: Get Down With It 1963-67. 28 sides album recorded some 30 years ago, full of dazzling national steel
CDKEND358 Arthur Conley: I’m Living Good - The Soul Of Arthur guitar and ukulele on delta blues, hot jazz, Hawaiian and other rags.
Conley 1964-74. Great deep southern soul for various labels.
CDKEND360 Etta James: Call My Name. First CD issue of 1967 KHR01CD C.W. Stoneking: King Hokum. Magnificent 2006
debut. 11 corkers from a man said to be ‘lost in the 1920s & 30’s’.
Chess album, plus 12 bonus cuts 1967-69.
CDKEND361 Etta James: Losers Weepers. A 1970 album re- KING HOKUM £12.75
corded with Ralph Bass. Plus 11 bonus tracks
KHR02 CW Stoneking: Jungle Blues. Fabulous blend of pre-war
CDKEND362 Barbara Lynn: A Good Woman - Complete Tribe & blues, hokum, vintage jazz, calypso, gospel, ragtime. Genius.
Jetstream Singles 1966-79. 24 rare tracks.
CDKEND363 George Jackson: Don’t Count Me Out - Fame Recordings KROSSBORDER £10.50
Vol 1. Original takes of songs written for Wilson Pickett, Willie KBR20121 Babajack: Rooster. High-energy contemporary blues.
KBR20131 Roadhouse: Gods And Highways And Old Guitars.
Hightower, Candi Staton, Clarence Carter, Jimmy Hughes & more.
Energetic blues, rock and Americana.
24 superior southern soul classics 1968-72.
CDKEND370 Nobody Wins - Stax Southern Soul 1968-75. A fantastic
compilation spotlighting Stax as it widened its reach after early
success. 22 hits and rare tracks Mable John, Little Milton, William
Bell, Eddie Floyd, Johnnie Taylor, Calvin Scott, Jimmy Hughes, etc.
CDKEND372 Hall Of Fame - Rare & Unissued Gems From Fame
Vaults. Great southern soul with Otis Clay, Jimmy Hughes, Clarence Carter and George Jackson alongside less familiar names.
CDKEND373 King New Breed R&B Vol 2. 24 wonderful blues &
R&B tracks from 50s and 60s - Little Willie John, Johnny Gtr Watson, Freddy King, Lula Reed, Eddie Kirk, 5 Royales, etc.
CDKEND375 Behind Closed Doors - Where Country Meets
Soul. ZZ Hill, Little Milton, Solomon Burke, Bettye Swann, etc.
CDKEND376 Clarence Carter: Fame Singles Vol 1 1966-70.
Includes big hits and other classic southern soul and R&B. 26 tracks
CDKEND378 Lost Soul Gems From Sounds Of Memphis. Newlyfound treasures with George Jackson, Ovations, Erma Shaw, etc.
CDKEND379 Manhattan Soul Vol 2. 24 New York soul sides with
Tommy Hunt, Willie Hatcher, Freddie Hughes, Big Maybelle, etc
CDKEND380 George Jackson: Let The Best Man Win - Fame
Recordings Vol 2. 24 more superb southern soul sides.
CDKEND385 Jackie Ross: Jerk & Twine - Complete Chess Recordings. 24 track compilation of her 1960s sides.
CDKEND383 Here Comes The Hurt - Soul Ballads From King. A
successor to Kent’s highly popular King Serious Soul series
(CDKEND194 & CDKEND206), this has 24 stunning soul ballads
from King, Federal & DeLuxe. With Christine Kittrell, Hank Ballard,
Earl Gaines, Bobby Wade, Marva Whitney, James Duncan & more.
CDKEND386 Hall Of Fame Vol 2. Top-drawer rare southern soul of
the 60s & 70s from the Fame vaults. 24 sides with George Jackson,
Otis Clay, Joe Simon, Linda Carr, Clarence Carter, etc.
CDKEND390 South Texas Rhythm ‘N Soul Revue. Fantastic 60s soul
and R&B from the Lone Star state. 24 rare cuts, with Johnny Adams, Johnny Copeland, Warren Storm, Barbara Lynn & more.
CDKEND391 Millie Jackson: The Moods Of Millie Jackson - Her
Best Ballads. A splendid 20 track compilation of her best ballads.
CDKEND393 New Breed Blues With Black Popcorn. 24 R&B
rarities, with Etta James, Johnny Taylor, Harold Burrage & more.
CDKEND394 Something New To Do - Phillip Mitchell Songbook.
23 songs written by prolific soul songwriter, with sides by Joe
Simon, Staple Singers, Johnny Taylor, Garland Green and more.
CDKEND395 Sweet Dreams - Where Country Meets Soul Vol 2.
Follow up to Behind Closed Doors (CDKEND375), 23 super sides,
with James Carr, Bettye Swann, Bobby Bland, Otis Redding, etc
CDKEND396 Dan Greer: Beale Street Soul Man - The Sounds Of
Memphis Sessions. Classic 1970s Southern soul sides.
CDKEND397 Romark Records - Kent Harris’ Soul Sides. 25
LAKE £13.15
LACD311 Hot Fingers: In Glorious Mono. Vintage acoustic string
music, taking in hot jazz, gypsy swing, blues and more. Guitar,
banjo, ukulele and vocals to the fore and a fantastic listen.
LACD320 Dealing With The Devil’s Music - Bluesmen In Britain. 24
super tracks from visiting US bluesmen in 1950s, with Little Brother
Montgomery, James Cotton, Memphis Slim and Speckled Red.
LEGACY £12.75
88765418982 Jimi Hendrix: People, Hell And Angels. 12 unreleased & intriguing studio recordings from 1968 onwards.
88883769982 Willie Nelson: To All The Girls. To celebrate Willie’s
80th birthday, here’s an album of duets with female vocalists including Dolly Parton, Alison Krauss, Mavis Staples, Norah Jones,
Emmylou Harris, Loretta Lynn and more.
LEGACY 4CD £44.50
88697628432 Jimi Hendrix Experience: The Box Set. Previously
unreleased concert & studio tracks, alternate takes, live versions of
blues covers & more. 60 stunning sides & 80 page colour booklet.
LEMAN 2CD £12.75
LEMANCD1 Bert Jansch & Friends: Acoustic Routes. Soundtrack
to a documentary film, featuring excellent collaborations
LEMON £10.25
CDLEM26 Graham Parker: Struck By Lightning.
Superb post-Rumour album full of strong songs.
CDLEM103 Graham Parker & The Rumour:
The Parkerilla. Tremendous 1978 live album.
CDLEMD115 John Mayall: Ten Years Are
Gone. 1973 album.
LITA068CD Jim Ford: Harlan County. Rerelease of 1969 album with Dr John, James
Burton and Jim Keltner. 10 country-soul gems .
LITA056CD Pastor T.L. Barret & The Youth
For Christ Choir: Like A Ship (Without A Sail).
Re-release of 1971 album, an acknowledged
exemplar of contemporary and soulful gospel.
LITA096 Lee Hazlewood: Trouble Is A Lonesome Town. Expanded edition of 1963 debut.
LINUS £13.15
270187 Downchild: Can You Hear The Music? Popular award–
winning Canadian jump-blues band who have been going forty
years with new album of stirring songs and top class musicianship.
They should be big this side of the pond, maybe this will be the one.
LMD001 John Jacob Niles: Boone-Tolliver Recordings. Previously
unreleased home tapes of individualistic folk music legend, recorded in 1950s after LPs on which his legend rests. A revelation.
MIG00860 Miller Anderson: Chameleon. Re-issue of CD featuring
the same musicians from Chris Farlowe’s Hotel Eingang success.
MIG20122 Dudley Taft: Deep Deep Blue. Second CD from rocking
blues guitarist following the success of Left For Dead (MIG20042).
MIG00802 Miller Anderson: Bright City. Lost 1971 Brit-blues album
MIG00812 Chris Farlowe: Glory Bound. Re-issue of 2000 album,
with Mick Green, Paul Jones and the Norman Beaker Band.
MIG00962 Chris Farlowe: Waiting In The Wings. Re-issue of early
1990s album, with guests Alvin Lee, Albert Lee and Mickey Moody.
MIG00842 Miller Anderson: From Lizard Rock. Recorded during
two concerts in Germany. 20 tracks.
MIG00852 Chris Farlowe: Farlowe That! Recorded in 2002 with the
Norman Beaker Band plus guest appearance from Miller Anderson.
MIG90362 Johnny Winter: Rockpalast Blues Rock Legends Vol 3.
Johnny live in Germany in 1979 with 2 hours of blues classics
MWR65 Little Freddie King: Gotta Walk With The King. Juke-joint
blues, live at the Thirsty Ear Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
LAN1040 Sean Costello: At His Best - Live. Much-missed guitarist MGRCDA103 Otis Grand: Blues ‘65. Celebrating the sounds that
influenced the teenage Otis, with an emphasis of feel-good dance
with first live CD. 16 great tracks, mostly covers of blues classics.
and swing grooves. Guest vocalist is Sugar Ray Norcia.
2742033/34 Wanda Jackson: Let’s Have A Party. 60 originals.
HATMAN2023 JoAnn Kelly: Do It And More. The Red Rag album
2742031/32 Bo Diddley: I’m A Man. 52 corkers in nice digi-pack.
with some cuts from her “Open” LP.
HATMAN2026 King King featuring Alan Nimmo: Take My
2742212/13 Ernestine Andersen: Complete 1947-58. With two Hand. Debut solo CD of acclaimed British bluesman’s latest band.
original albums plus additional singles & 36 page booklet.
HATMAN2028 Buddy Whittington: Six String Svengali. Second
2742214/14 Ethel Ennis: Complete 1955-58. Three original albums solo album of Texas blues from former Bluesbreakers.
plus additional singles, unreleased live tracks and 36 page booklet. HATMAN2030 Robin Trower: Roots & Branches. Album of stirring
2742184/85 Abbey Lincoln: Complete 1959-1961. With albums cover versions of blues and R&B classics.
Abbey Is Blue and Straight Ahead, bonus tracks & 36 page booklet. HATMAN2031 King King: Standing In The Shadows. More storm2742186/87 Betty Carter: Complete 1948-1961. Four early albums ing blues-rock guitar and soulful singing from Alan Nimmo.
plus bonus tracks and 36 page booklet.
2742236/37 Aretha Franklin: Complete 1956-62 - Rare & Precious MANIFESTO £9.75
Collection. Four early albums plus a few rarities & 36 page booklet. MFO40601 Tom Waits: Early Years Vol 1. 13 early songs from
2742238/39 Big Mama Thornton: Complete 1950-61 - Rare & 1971-72, Superior demos, many never included on ’official’ albums.
MFO40602 Tom Waits: Early Years Vol 2. More 1971-72 demos.
Precious Collection. 35 early sides plus a 36 page booklet.
Rare live radio broadcasts
LFMCD002 Bonnie Raitt: Lost Broadcast. 1972 radio performance.
LFMCD501 Bob Dylan: Folksinger’s Choice. On New York’s WBAI
radio 1962. 11 tracks inc. 3 originals.
LFMCD504 Bob Dylan: Studs Terkels Wax Museum. 1963 radio
broadcast of Dylan chatting and plays songs.
LFMCD511 Tom Waits: Round Midnight. Super 1975 radio broadcast.
LFMCD514 Captain Beefheart: Ashtray Heart. From 1980-81 tour.
LFMCD515 Leonard Cohen: Back In The Motherland. Toronto ‘88
LFMCD517 Bob Dylan: Life And Life Only. Eclectic mix of early
rare & unreleased live songs and interview broadcasts 1961-65.
LFMCD520 Little Feat: American Cutie. Live from Ebbets Field in
Colorado 1973. An intimate club set, with Lowell George in top form.
LFMCD522 Allman Brothers Band: A&R Studios - New York 26
August 1971. Final show with Duane, on CD for first time. A must.
LFMCD523 Ry Cooder: Down At The Field. From 1974
LFMCD524 Stevie Ray Vaughan: The King’s Head. A hot night in
1980, with early versions of SRV classics and well-chosen covers.
MC0069 Debbie Davies: After The Fall. Popular and award-winning
blues singer, guitarist and song-writer, with 11 great new songs, all
but one originals, full of passion and craft. A winning & eclectic mix.
MC0070 Rick Holmstrom: Cruel Sunrise. One time Black Top
recording artist with first solo album since 2007 has 12 well-crafted
songs showcasing his strong guitar playing and soulful singing.
MC0073 Tommy Malone: Natural Born Days. First solo album in 12
years with enjoyably funky and soulful blues tracks.
MCA £6.75
MCD11646 BB King: Live At The Regal
MCA/CHESS £13.75
AA881126482 Muddy Waters: Fathers & Sons. Muddy & Otis
Spann with Mike Bloomfield & Paul Butterfield.
MEMBRAN £13.15
233789 Jeff Golub & Brian Auger: Trains Keeps A Rolling. Renowned American guitarist, equally at home on jazz and blues,
teams up with British B3 organ legend on enjoyable set of 11 songs.
MRS30001256 Elvis Presley: The Complete Louisiana Hayride
Archives 1954-56. All tracks recorded for radio and TV broadcast
country music show, plus 100 page hardback book with rare photos
MRS30025361 Elvis Presley: Such A Night In Pearl Harbor. Muchheralded 1961 concert performance, with extras & 100 page book.
MRS20054056 Elvis Presley: Greatest Live Hits Of The ‘50s. 24
live sides, 9 of which have never been previously released.
MERCURY 2CD £13.15
773532 Allman Brothers: At Fillmore East (De-Luxe Edition)
MERCURY 2CD £13.45
AA8314452 Duane Allman: Anthology Vol II. With live tracks with
Allman Brothers and killer session support for Dr John, Boz Scaggs,
Johnnie Jenkins, Otis Rush, Ronnie Hawkins, Arthur Conley, Delaney & Bonnie, Wilson Pickett, King Curtis, Aretha Franklin & more.
5312602 Allman Brothers: Live At Fillmore East
5312612 Allman Brothers: Eat A Peach
MIDMOOR £13.15
MMLPCD001 Charlie Lankester & The Mojo Killers: Song In A Minor
Key. Brit-blues pianist with debut album. Engaging and varied
bluesy rock with a super band and great songs
7559799287 Allan Toussaint: The Bright Mississippi. Paying
tribute to jazz legends that influenced the music of New Orleans.
7559798398 Carolina Chocolate Drops: Genuine Negro Jig.
Infectious old-time banjo-driven string band music. Stirring stuff.
NOTE £10
GSCD2001 Gordon Smith: Essential
NCD1023 The Barcodes: Be Cool - Very Best Of.
NCD1026 The Proof: The Proof. Excellent Brit-blues album.
NBM0032 Watermelon Slim: & The Workers. Super debut for label
NBM0038 Watermelon Slim: The Wheel Man. Another belter.
NBM0047 Watermelon Slim & The Workers: No Paid Holidays.
NBM0054 Watermelon Slim: Escape From The Chicken Coop. Superb
slice of hot Americana!
NBM0059 Watermelon Slim: Ringers. Another cracker from Bill.
NBM0061 Watermelon Slim & Super Chikan:
Okiessippi Blues.
NBM0064 Watermelon Slim And The Workers:
Bull Goose Rooster. Slim re-united with The
Workers. And it’s another scorcher, full of
incomparable originals and knock-out covers
of blues classics.
NW0002CD Ry Cooder: Live On Air. 14 live
tracks from mid-70s.
NUGENE £13.15
NUG702 Matt Schofield Trio: Ear To The
NUG704 Ian Siegal: Swagger. Produced by
MCDLX518 Otis Redding: Soul Legend. 38 track best of.
Matt Schofield.
NUG803 Ian Siegal: The Dust. More great tunes UK’s best.
MYSCD205 Virgil & The Accelerators: The Radium. Debut riff- NUG902 Ian Siegal: Broadside. Excellent set.
heavy CD from UK blues-rock band.
NUG1101 Ian Siegal: The Skinny. In north Mississippi with Alvin
MYSCD206 Mitch Laddie: Burning Bridges. Hot blues-rock guitarist Youngblood Hart, Duwayne Burnside, Robert Kimbrough and more.
from Newcastle, championed by Walter Trout
NUG1102 Matt Schofield: Anything But Time-Mojo Blues CD 2011
MYSCD209 WT Feaster: Juggling Dynamite. Rockin’ blues from NUGENE £12.50
UK artist who supported Walter Trout & Buddy Guy on 2012 tours.
NUG1201 Simon McBride: Nine Lives. 2011 live album.
NUG1203 Simon McBride: Crossing The Line. More from Belfast
MYSCD210 Virgil & The Accelerators: Live At Marshall. In concert blues-rocker, heir to Rory Gallagher & Gary Moore perhaps?
recording from leading young hot-shots of the blues rock scene.
NUG1204 Ian Siegel: Candy Store Kid. UK’s premier bluesman
back in Mississippi with Cody & Luther Dickinson, Alvin Youngblood
NSDCD029 Kelly Joe Phelps: Roll Away The Blues - Very Best Of. Hart, Gary Burnside and Lightnin’ Malcolm. Another winner.
28 track compilation from Ryko LPs, EP & previously unheard sides. OLD HAT 2CD £22.50
OHCD1005 Good For What Ails You-music of the medicine
NEHI £9.95
From the same team that brought us Catfish Records, pre-war blues shows 1926-37. Comic songs, parodies, dance tunes, novelties,
rarities, re-mastered to sound better than ever and extensive notes. ballads & blues from traveling revues. A highly informative 72 page
booklet & 48 tracks of marvelous music.
NEH01 Peabody Blues. 26 historic sides captured in the
Peabody Hotel in Memphis in 1929, with Furry Lewis,
OLD HAT £14.25
Robert Wilkins, Garfield Akers, Kid Bailey, Speckled Red,
OHCD1002 Violin Sing The Blues For Me
Walter Vinson and more
African-American Fiddlers 1926-49
NEH02 Jackson Stomp - The Charlie McCoy Story. One of
OHCD1003 Folks, He Sure Do Pull Some
Bow! Vintage fiddle music 1927-35
the most versatile and in-demand musicians in pre-war
OHCD1006 In The Pines - Tar Heel Folksongs
blues, with his contributions showcased here on 26
sublime tracks, either as the featured artist or playing
and Fiddle Tunes. Big selling set of old time
behind the likes of Tommy Johnson, Memphis Minnie,
Sonny Boy Williamson, Walter Vinson and more.
OHCD1007 Gastonia Gallop - Cotton Mill
NEH03 Sonny Boy Nelson And Bo Carter: St Charles
Songs & Hillbilly Blues. Marvellous old time
Blues. Sessions recorded by Victor Records in the St
country music.
Charles Hotel in New Orleans in 1936, capturing many of
OLD HAT £14.95
the sides that Bo Carter would become known for plus all
OHCD1008 Barbecue Any Old Time - Blues
pre-war recordings by Sonny Boy Nelson. The 28 tracks
From The Pit 1927-1942. 24 vintage blues
also include Robert Hill and Mississippi Mathilda
on the joys of eating meat (and as a double entendre). Barbecue
NEW WEST £11.95
Bob, Charlie Campbell, Memphis Minnie, Half Pint Jaxon, etc &
NW6206 John Hiatt: Dirty Jeans And Mudslide Hymns. One of the
super booklet. Finger-licking good!
greatest living singer-songwriters with his twentieth solo album.
OLD HAT £14.50
NEW WEST CD & DVD £14.95
OHCD1009 Cluck Old Hen - A Barnyard Serenade 1926-1940. 24
Album plus DVD of behind-the-scenes making of, with interviews
superb old-time blues, folk songs, novelties and parodies dedicated
NW6209 John Hiatt: Dirty Jeans And Mudslide Hymns.
to the chicken! With Beale Street Sheiks, Leake County Revelers,
NEW WEST CD & DVD £13.75
Dixieland Jug Blowers, Riley Puckett, and more. Superb booklet.
In concert on both CD and DVD, over an hour long.
NW6213 Susan Tedeschi: Live From Austin TX. With 15 tracks.
NW6223 Clarence Gatemouth Brown: Live From Austin TX. OPUS3CD22111 Eric Bibb: Blues, Ballads & Work Songs.
Taking in blues, r&b, cajun, jazz, country & more.
OPUS3 £13.75
NW6224 Albert Collins: Live From Austin TX. Recorded in 1991.
OPUS3CD23001 Bottleneck John: All Around Man. Debut from
singer and resonator guitar player, solo & with a great band.
NEW WEST £10.95
NW6045 John Hiatt & The Goners: Beneath This Gruff Exterior. ORIGINAL BLUES CLASSICS £7.75
2003 album with Sonny Landreth’s rip-snorting slide to the fore.
OBCCD5352 Mississippi Fred McDowell: Long Way From Home.
NW6076 John Hiatt: Master of Disaster. 2005 album with Luther Superb 1966 recordings.
and Cody Dickinson of the North Mississippi Allstars.
OURGATE £11.75
NW6216 John Hiatt: Crossing Muddy Waters. Largely acoustic set
OGP0011 24 Pesos: Busted, Broke And Blue. Fast rising blues
from 2000 and one of his very best. Superb.
band. Dobro, harmonica, Hammond organ, the lot!
NW6217 John Hiatt: The Tiki Bar Is Open. Cracking 2001 album.
OPG0012 24 Pesos: When The Ship Goes Down. The follow up!
250293 Mike Eldred Trio: 61 And 49. Excellent re-issue by blues
singer-guitarist. With Kid Ramos, Scotty Moore, Ike Turner & others.
250259 Little Al Thomas & The Deep Down Fools: Not My Warden.
Great voice, tough little band & damn good tunes. Cracking CD.
NEW WEST £12.75
NW6260 John Hiatt: Mystic Pinball. Latest from Red Lick favourite, RSCD001 R&B Singles Collection Vol 1. The A & B sides of the
and as always, its an absolute corker.
first 15 R&B singles issued by Outta Sight. With Buddy Ace, Etta
James, Tiny Topsy, James Booker, Joe Tex, Benny Spellman, etc.
7559796271 Carolina Chocolate Drops: Leaving Eden. Updated PACEMAKER £13.45
interpretations of American heritage music. Super stuff.
PACE092 Long John Baldry: Good To Be Alive. Re-issue of 1973
album for GM Records.
7559799005 Ry Cooder: I, Flathead
7559795999 Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell: Old Yellow 5331428 Derek & The Dominos: Layla & Assorted Love Songs.
Moon. Lovely 12 track collaboration, their first since the mid 70s.
Clapton’s finest moment - fine songs, great band & Duane Allman!
7559795941 Ry Cooder & Corridos Famosos: Live In San Francisco. Recordings from a two night stint at the Great American POLYDOR 2CD DELUXE EDITION £16.75
Music Hall in 2011. With son Joachim on drums, Flaco Jimenez on 2734295 Rolling Stones: Exile On Main Street. Re-mastered
accordion, vocalists Terry Evans, Arnold McCuller and Juliette deluxe digi pack of classic Stones, with extra tracks & booklet.
Commagere plus a ten-piece Mexican brass band. 12 sumptuous 2784055 Rolling Stones: Some Girls. Well received and big-selling
1978 album plus a treasure trove of unreleased extras.
songs covering the length and breadth of his recording career.
POLYDOR 2CD £12.95
5170862 Roy Buchanan: Sweet Dreams (Anthology)
POLYDOR 3CD £16.50
3710914 The Rolling Stones: Grrr! A 50 track career best of.
POPPYCD015 Vivian Stanshall: Men Opening Umbrellas Ahead.
1974 solo debut album re-mastered. Sheer madness, of course.
PT002CD John Lewis Trio: The Billy Banks Sessions. Authentic sounding southern rock n roll. But from Penarth, south Wales!! You’d
never guess - great rockabilly with genuine appeal.
PDROPCDD7 Laurel Aitken: The Godfather Of Ska. Anthology.
PDROPCD8 Laurel Aitken: Boogie In My Bones 1957-60.
PDROPCD9 Laurel Aitken: You Got Me Rockin’ Best Of 1960-64.
PRDOPCD11 Laurel Aitken: Rudi Got Married ‘80-82
PROPELZ £11.75
PRLZ101CD Jeremy Spencer: Bend In The Road. 14
track album featuring his renowned slide guitar delivered in a relaxed setting.
PROPER 2CD £13.15
PRPCD048 Sonny Landreth: Levee Town. 2002
album & bonus CD with 5 previously un-issued tracks
PRPCDX108 Richard Thompson: Electric. With 7
bonus tracks
PROPER £13.15
PRPCD047 Hot Club Of Cowtown: Wishful Thinking.
PRPCD062 Jimmie Vaughan: Plays Blues, Ballads And Favorites.
Covers of songs of Jimmy Reed, Little Richard, Roy Milton & more
PRPCD083 Jimmie Vaughan: Plays More Blues, Ballads and
Favorites. With vocal support from Lou Ann Barton.
PRPCD097 Bonnie Raitt: Slipstream. 12 excellent tracks.
PRPCD103 Sonny Landreth: Elemental Journey. Louisiana slide
wizard’s all-instrumental stew of blues, rock, jazz, zydeco and more.
PRPCD108 Richard Thompson: Electric. 11 track album produced
by Buddy Miller and recorded in Nashville. One of his best.
PRPCD110 Andy Fairweather Low And The Lowriders: Zone-OTone. 12 songs written in tribute to the music that first inspired him.
PRPCD111 Diana Jones: Museum Of Appalachia Recordings. 11
originals recorded live in front of a fireplace in Tennessee in 2012.
Just guitars, banjos, mandolins and fiddles and it’s all rather lovely.
PRPCD118 Los Lobos: Disconnected In New York City. A live
album recorded in 2012 celebrating their 40th anniversary. 13 tracks
(Just a selection of most recent releases. For others, just ask!)
PROPERBOX164 Lightnin’ Hopkins: The Houston Hurricane. 100
fantastic sides from across his career and labels & booklet.
PROPERBOX166 Willie Dixon Story. Individual discs on Dixon as
performer, session man, songwriter and record company man. 100
tracks with Muddy, Wolf, Otis Rush, Little Walter, Chuck Berry, etc.
PROPERBOX168 Lonesome Whistle - Anthology Of American
Railroad Songs. Blues, folk, country & rock ‘n roll - Kelly Harrell,
Joe Taggart, Tenneva Ramblers, Furry Lewis, Cliff Carlisle, etc.
PROPERBOX170 Ramblers, Gamblers, Vagabonds & Revelers.
With Willie McTell, Crystal Spring Ramblers, Scrapper Blackwell,
Charlie Poole, Darby & Tarlton, Buddy Moss, Black Boy Shine, etc.
PROPERBOX174 Gumbo Yaya - Cosimo Matassa Story Vol 2.
112 sublime New Orleans sides. Bobby Marchan, Lloyd Price, Fats
Domino, Smiley Lewis, Paul Gayten, Ernie K Doe, Art Neville, etc.
PROPERBOX5145 Little Walter And The Kings Of Blues Harmonica:
Blowin’ And Suckin’. Two CDs featuring SBW, Sonny Terry, Walter
Horton, Billy Boy Arnold, Slim Harpo, Junior Wells and more plus
2CDs of great Little Walter recordings.
PROPERBOX175 Louvin Brothers: The Christian Life - The Definitive
Story. Thorough & loving overview of the recording career of influential country music duo. 112 magnificent sides & 24 page booklet.
PROPERBOX177 Roll ‘Em - 103 Rompin’ Boogie Woogie Classics. Piano blues, jazz & r&b, with Albert Ammons, Art Tatum,
Jimmy Yancey, Earl Hines, Montana Taylor, Charlie Spand, etc
PROPERBOX179 Jimmy Witherspoon: Hard Working Man. A
career-overview spanning fifty years, over 90 tracks.
PRD73912 Joe Bonamassa: Beacon Theatre - Live From New
York. Stunning live versions of career-defining tracks. With guests.
PRD74032 Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening At The Vienna
Opera House. All-acoustic set from 2012.
PRD74012 Gov’t Mule: Georgia Bootleg Box. The band’s entire 3
night run in Georgia in April 1996 with Warren Haynes, Matt Abts
and Allen Woody plus guests Derek Trucks and Tinsley Ellis.
PRD73832 Warren Haynes Band: Live At The Moody Theatre. A
scorching set from Austin, TX, with live versions of back catalogue
and covers Jimi Hendrix, Steely Dan and Sam Cooke songs.
PRD74112 Rock Candy Funk Party: We Want Groove. Joe Bonamassa explores his jazz-funk and jazz-rock side.
PRD74145 Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart: Seesaw. 11 soul covers
with gutsy vocals and ace guitar. With a ‘Making Of…’ documentary.
PRD74065 Gov’t Mule: Shout! First new album in four years from
Warren Haynes fronted-band. 11 stunning new tracks from the
band, with the same songs replicated on the second CD with guests
bringing to bear a new interpretation - with Elvis Costello, Dr John,
Toots Hibbert, Steve Winwood, Ben Harper and more.
PRD72742 Joe Bonamassa: Live From Royal Albert Hall.
(e.g., NBM0064
PRD72852 Walter Trout: Unspoiled By Progress.
PRD72942 Gov’t Mule: By A Thread.
PRD73402 Warren Haynes: Man In Motion. Blues-rock belter.
PRD73512 Philip Sayce: Ruby Electric. Blues rock hotshot.
PRD73542 Chris Duarte: Blues In The Afterburner. 12 stonkers
PRD73492 Popa Chubby: Back To New York City.
PRD73772 Robert Cray: Nothing But Love. Studio album, rawer
than recent efforts. Recorded in commendably swift 2 week period
PRD74102 Eric Johnson: Up Close - Another Look. Grammyaward winning guitarist with
album of rock, blues, jazz and
Universal Breakdown Blues.
Luther’s Blues. Album dedicated
to his blues guitar hero, Luther
Allison. 13 bone-crushing tracks.
Runnin’ With The Wolf. Omar
And The Howlers tribute to
Howlin’ Wolf. One original plus
versions of 14 Wolf favourites. A
rip-snorter of an album.
PRD73502 Beth Hart And Joe Bonamassa: Don’t Explain. Lovely
set of soulful covers.
PRD73682 Walter Trout: Blues For The Modern Daze. Emphasis
on his original blues inspirations and songwriting side. Powerful.
PRD73692 Joe Bonamassa: Driving Towards The Daylight. With 5
originals & covers (Howlin’ Wolf, Robert Johnson and more).
PRD73882 Robben Ford: Bringing It Back Home. A return to the
blues. 10 covers of Charley Patton, Earl King, Bob Dylan & more.
PRD74125 The Rides: Can’t Get Enough. A blues rock summit with
Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Stephen Stills and Barry Goldberg.
PRD74195 Johnny Lang: Fight For My Soul. One-time blues guitar
child-prodigy maturing quite nicely. Limited edition digi pack version.
RAINMAN £13.95
RM13022 Alvin Lee: The Last Show. The final live appearance
prior to his passing in 2013, this captures Alvin in Holland on May
28 2012. 14 blues rock tracks plus a poignant booklet.
RAMBAM £12.50
RAM0004 Jo’ Buddy & Downhome King III: Grits & Rattles
RAM0005 Jo’ Buddy & Downhome King III: Whole Lotta Things To Do.
RAM0006 Jo’ Buddy & Downhome King III: Everything’s Gonna Be
Alright! Exuberant blues with clanging guitar & overwrought vocals.
RAVEN £16.50
Excellent label imported from Australia
RVCD209 Ry Cooder: The Border/Alamo Bay (OST) Wonderful.
RVCD264 Taj Mahal: Oooh So Good ‘n Blues/Recycling The Blues
RVCD336 Howlin’ Wolf: Live & Cookin’ At Alices Revisited.
RVCD368 Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen: Hot
Licks, Cold Steel & Truckers Favorites. 1973 tribute to American
truckers incorporating rockabilly, western swing, country and more.
RCA 2CD £13.75
88765433892 Elvis Presley: Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite. Live
1973 TV recording in an expanded edition to include all 30 songs.
88883717592 Buddy Guy: Rhythm & Blues. New 21 track studio
album from still-mesmerizing Chicago bluesman, plus guests.
RCA £12.75
88883724192 Elvis Presley: Elvis At Stax. Compiled from various
sessions in 1973, the results of which were drip-fed on assorted
singles and albums. Perhaps his final burst of creativity.
88883724182 Elvis Presley: Elvis At Stax - Deluxe Edition. Loads
of alternate takes, demos, studio chatter and nice booklet.
REBEL £9.25
REBCD9501 Ralph Stanley: Old Songs & Ballads. Superb 10 song
collection of traditional favourites from bluegrass legend.
REBCD9502 Ralph Stanley: Old Songs & Ballads Vol 2. Second
collection of traditional songs from the Appalachian mountains.
REBCD8008 Memories Of That Old Country Church. Stirring
gospel songs as recorded by bluegrass artists for the label over the
years. 16 great tracks - Ralph Stanley, Mac Wiseman, Jim Eanes,
J.D. Crowe, Joe Mullins & Larry Sparks and more.
RED HOUSE £13.15
RHRCD211 Guy Davis: Sweetheart Like You.
RHRCD217 Jorma Kaukonen: River Of Time. His masterpiece.
RHRCD128 Greg Brown: One Night
RED HOUSE 2CD £13.75
HRCD218 Greg Brown: Dream City - Essential Recordings Vol 2.
RED HOUSE 3CD £17.45
RHRCD253 Peter Ostroushko: The Mando Chronicles. An extensive celebration of the mandolin, with an impressive demonstration
of its variety - Americana, bluegrass, jazz, classical and folk music.
REP5257 Alvin Lee: Best Of. 30-track trawl of solo albums.
REP4776 Sonny Boy Williamson: And The Yardbirds. A great live
recording from The Crawdaddy.
REP5243 Robin Trower: What Lies Beneath
REP5244 Robin Trower: Another Day’s Blues. Playing the blues.
REP5245 Robin Trower: 20th Century Blues.
REPUK1142 Robin Trower: The Playful Heart.
REPUK1174 Jimmie Vaughan: Strange Pleasure. Re-mastered
digi-pack re-issue of fantastic 1994 solo debut album.
REPUK1175 Jimmie Vaughan: Out There. Re-mastered digi-pack
edition of second solo album from 1998, Dr John among the guests.
REPUK1176 Jimmie Vaughan: Do You Get The Blues? Excellent
third solo album from 2001, re-mastered and in digi-pack.
REPUK1194 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Girls Go Wild. Re-mastered
edition of band’s 1979 classic debut album, featuring Kim Wilson
and Jimmie Vaughan. A nice digi-pack with 10 bonus tracks.
REPUK1195 Fabulous Thunderbirds: What’s The Word. Second
album from Kim and Jimmie, and a cracker. Three bonus tracks.
REPUK1196 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Butt Rockin’. Third album,
again from 1981, supplemented to excellent effect by the Roomful
Of Blues horn section. Re-mastered and with five bonus tracks.
REPUK1197 Fabulous Thunderbirds: T-Bird Rhythm. Fourth
album. Re-mastered and with bonus tracks
REPUK1168 Mickey Jupp: Long Distance Romancer. Re-issue
of 1979 album from one of Southend’s finest, whose songs have
been covered by Nick Lowe, Dr Feelgood, Dave Edmunds and
more. Re-mastered and repackaged with a bonus track & notes.
RHINO 2CD £16.25
8122796367 Eric Clapton: Unplugged - Deluxe Edition. The multiple Grammy Award winning 1992 MTV acoustic album re-mastered
plus six previously unheard out-takes and alternates.
RHINO 2CD & DVD £19.75
8122796366 Eric Clapton: Unplugged - Deluxe Edition. Also with a
re-mastered film of the performance & the full show rehearsal.
REP5281 Graham Bond Organization: Wade In The Water Classics, Origins & Oddities. A comprehensive collection from the
early to mid 60s. 96 re-mastered tracks from albums, unreleased
demos, live sides, supporting other artists & more. 24 page booklet.
REVOLA £9.95
CDRBAND19 Wynonie Harris: Rock Mr Blues! The King & Atco
Recordings 1949-56. Ebullient blues shouter on a great 30 track set.
CRREV224 Blind Willie Johnson: Nobody’s Fault But Mine 19271930. 23 spine-chilling depression-era gospel tracks.
5 original albums, collected in one set. Amazing value.
8122798379 Ray Charles (Genius+Soul=Jazz; Genius After Hours;
Genius Hits The Road; Genius Of; Sings The Blues)
8122798279 Aretha Franklin (Aretha Now; Never Loved A Man;
Lady Soul; Live At The Fillmore; Spirit In The Dark)
8122798367 Dr. John (Babylon; Gris Gris; Gumbo; In The Right
Place; The Sun, The Moon & The Herbs)
8122798338 J. Geils Band (Bloodshot; Ladies Invited; Live: Full
House; The J. Geils Band; The Morning After)
8122798359 Little Feat (Dixie Chicken; Feats Don’t Fail Me Now;
Little Feat; Sailin’ Shoes; Last Record Album)
8122798358 Los Lobos (And A Time To Dance; By The Light Of
The Moon; Will The Wolf Survive?; Kiko; The Neighbourhood)
8122798274 Otis Redding (Dictionary Of Soul; Otis Blue; Pain In
My Heart; Sings Soul Ballads; The Soul Album)
8122798340 Paul Butterfield Band (East-West; In My Own Dream;
Keep On Movin’; Paul Butterfield Blues Band; Pigshaw Crabshaw)
8122798377 Wilson Pickett: (In The Midnight Hour; The Exciting;
Wicked Pickett; Sound Of; I’m In Love)
8122798018 Everly Brothers: (It’s Everly Time, A Date With, Rock
‘N’ Soul, Two Yanks In England, Roots)
8122796506 Aretha Franklin: Vol 2. (Aretha Arrives; In Paris, Soul
‘69, This Girl’s In Love With You and Young, Gifted And Black).
8122796490 Otis Redding: Vol 2. (Dock Of The Bay, Live In
Europe, At The Whiskey A Go-Go, Love Man and Tell The Truth).
8122796487 Emmylou Harris: Vol 2. (Roses In The Snow,
Evangeline, Cimarron, White Shoes and Thirteen)
8122796489 Curtis Mayfield: (Curtis, Roots, Back To The World,
Curtis/Live! and Sweet Exorcist)
staples & classic covers with Hubert Sumlin & Bryan Lee
RR77232 Kenny Wayne Shepherd: How I Go. New studio album
from hot young blues guitarist. 14 tracks.
RR77235 Kenny Wayne Shepherdd: How I Go. 3 bonus tracks.
RHINO £13.95
8122797591 Eric Clapton & Wynton Marsalis: Play The Blues Live From Jazz At Lincoln Center. 10 tracks of mostly blues classics
8122797590 Eric Clapton & Wynton Marsalis: Play The Blues Live From Jazz At Lincoln Center. In concert DVD with extra track.
PSALM232 Merle Travis: Merle Travis Guitar. Plus 8 bonus tracks.
PSALM235 Larry Williams & Johnny Watson: A gem - tough
REPUK1149 Blues Band: Few Short Lines. 2011 album with rockin’ OKehs from late 60s. Expanded to 20 tracks.
PSALM2372 Barbara Dane: On My Way - Expanded Edition.
guests Mike Sanchez, Southside Johnny, Al Kooper, etc.
Soulful blues, jazz and folk songs, first issued on Capitol in 1962.
Caught live for a German music TV programme
REP5283 The Blues Band: Live At Rockpalast 1980. 15 of their TUGCD1057 Bob Brozman, John McSherry and Dònal O’Conbest early sides (14 on the CD). DVD has a backstage interview. nor: Six Days In Down. Brozman’s amazing guitar joins Irish uilREP5284 Mickey Jupp: Live At Rockpalast 1979. Southend leann piper (McSherry) & fiddle virtuoso (O’Connor). Superb pieces.
pub-rocker with excellent songs plus covers of R ‘N R classics.
REP5285 Alvin Lee’s Ten Years After: Live At Rockpalast 1978. RR77422 Kenny Wayne Shepherd: Live In Chicago.14 Shepherd
RMMCD104 Janis Joplin: California Blues 1962. Early recordings.
RF012 Killing Floor: Rock ‘N’ Roll Gone Mad. 12 blues rock songs
with original line up, including Mick Clarke.
ROJAC £12.95
RO159CD Big Maybelle: Best Of The Rojac Years 1966-72.
ROKOKO £11.55
ROK8050CD Jay Tamkin: Alibi. Popular guitar-led blues rock
ROUNDER £13.15
6132852 George Thorogood & Destroyers: Live In Boston 1982.
6185952 Gregg Allman: Low Country Blues. Great covers of
Sleepy John Estes, Jr Wells, Magic Sam, Otis Rush, Muddy, etc.
6111672 Woody Guthrie: Live Wire. Rare concert in New Jersey
1949, restored to near-perfect sound quality. A significant find.
ROUNDER £12.95
6191442 Allen Toussaint: Songbook. Live in New York in an
intimate, solo setting playing piano and singing his own versions of
12 of his best-loved songs written over an illustrious career.
RUF1133 Bob Brozman: Post-Industrial Blues. One of his best.
RUF1142 Omar Kent Dykes: Big Town Playboy. A bagful of tunes
with Jimmie Vaughan, Lazy Lester & James Cotton in the band.
RUF1149 Louisiana Red & Little Victor: Back To Black Bayou.
RUF1151 Jack Bruce & Robin Trower: Seven Moons Live.
RUF1170 Lightnin’ Malcolm: Renegade. Mississippi hill country
guitarist & producer with superb album.
RUF1171 Louisiana Red & Little Victor: Memphis Mojo.
RUF1176 Dani Wilde: Juice Me Up. Solid contemporary blues.
RUF1181 Joanne Shaw Taylor: Almost Always Never. Third album
by multiple British Blues Award winner. Another super set.
RUF1183 Bob Brozman: Fire In The Mind. Final studio album from
guitar wizard, mixing blues, Hawaiian stylings & world rhythms.
RUF1188 Erja Lyytinen: Forbidden Fruit. Excellent Finnish blues
RHINO 3CD £15.75
singer & slide guitarist, with strong originals plus enjoyable covers.
8122798690 Grateful Dead: To Terrapin - 28/5/77.
RUF1189 Mike Zito & The Wheel: Gone To Texas. A glowing
RHINO 3CD & DVD £24.95
tribute to the Lone Star state from blues singer and guitarist.
8122796501 Grateful Dead: Sunshine Daydream. Sought-after live
RUF1191 Dana Fuchs: Bliss Avenue. Hot blues-rock.
performance from August 1972 in Oregon. The band at their peak!
RUF1192 Cyril Neville: Magic Honey. Neville Brothers and Meters
RHINO 2CD £16.75
legend with a fusion of New Orleans gumbo, blues, reggae, rock
8122797180 Grateful Dead: Spring 1990 - So Glad You Made It. and funk to create a superb genre-defying album. Great band plus
Excellent live performances.
guests Dr John, Allen Toussaint, Walter Trout, Mike Zito & more.
RUF1195 Samantha Fish: Black Wind Howlin’. 12 tracks from
RHINO 7CD £36.50
8122797350 Ray Charles: Pure Genius - Complete Atlantic Re- burning blues rock singer, songwriter and guitarist. With Mike Zito
cordings. Re-formatted version of deluxe collectors set at a much RUF CD & DVD £16.50
reduced price. Contains all Atlantic sides 1952-59 with an entire CD RUF1193 Oli Brown: Songs From The Road. 2012 live set.
of unreleased rarities - over nine hours of imperious music. Plus an
impressive book featuring essays, session info, discography & more
RCD17003 Susan Tedeschi: Wait For Me. Cracking 2002 album
RHINO 6CD £23.95
with hubbie Derek Trucks on guitar. 11 soulful tracks
8122797313 Woodstock - 40 Years On. Legendary 1969 festival RCD10872 Rory Block: The Lady And Mr Johnson. Tribute to
featuring Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Robert Johnson and first of a series of later tributes on Stony Plain.
Creedence Clearwater Revival, Johnny Winter, Paul Butterfield,
SALVO 4CD Box Set £29.50
Country Joe & The Fish, Joe Cocker, Canned Heat, Santana, Joan
SALVOBX404 Peter Green: The Anthology. A 64 track collection of
Baez and more. Deluxe edition, re-formatted version of the original
much of his best work plus a terrific 72 page booklet.
release from 2009 - over 90 tracks & superb 64 page booklet
SALVOBX410 Jerry Lee Lewis: A Whole Lotta Jerry Lee Lewis. 106
RHINO 4CD £23.50
tracks 1956–89. Rockers and country corkers. 72-page booklet !!
8122797323 Crosby, Stills & Nash: CSN. 77 tracks of demos,
SALVO 2CD & DVD £13.75
outtakes, studio and live recordings. A comprehensive overview.
SALVOSVX007 The Who: Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970.
RHINO 4CD £19.95
Historic concert, with 30 tracks on the CDs and captured on film by
8122797319 The Band: The Last Waltz. Re-formatted edition of Award winning film-maker Murray Lerner. With a 12 page booklet.
deluxe set including all recorded music from the historic 1976
concert from The Band and guests including Bob Dylan, Eric Clap- SALVO 4CD £19.95
ton, Muddy Waters, Dr John, Paul Butterfield, Ronnie Hawkins, Van SALVOSBX102 Monterey International Pop Festival 1967. The
legendary festival from June 1967 with Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Big
Morrison, Neil Young and more. 54 tracks & 48 page booklet.
Brother & The Holding Company, Otis Redding, Paul Butterfield,
RHINO £6.95
Electric Flag, Canned Heat and more. Plus 88 page booklet.
8122796443 Fleetwood Mac: Then Play On. Peter Green’s final
album with the band from 1969, re-mastered and returned to it’s SAVOY JAZZ £12.75
4178322 Steve Cropper: Dedicated - A Salute To The 5 Royales.
original running order and adding some bonus tracks.
SDSM £10.50
SNAPPER 2CD £12.75
SDSMCD2010 The Accelerators: Let’s Turn It Up. Enjoyable r‘n’r SMACD987 Peter Green Splinter Group: Very
Best Of 1997-2004.
album, with great songs, sound & playing. We love this CD here.
SECRET 4CD £13.95
SECBX025 Ike Turner: That Kat Sure Could Play. 118 tracks with SMABX1005 Fleetwood Mac: Boston. Live 1970
recordings from the Boston Tea Party venue from
Jackie Brenston, Howlin’ Wolf, BB King, Johnny Ace, Elmore, etc.
just prior to Peter Green’s sudden departure. ReSECRET CD & BONUS 10” SINGLE £13.75
mastered from original 8-track tapes, this presents a
SECSP041 Ike Turner: Jack Rabbit Blues. 31 track companion to
full document of the shows, a 24 page booklet and
That Kat Sure Could Play. Ike sings or plays guitar or piano, as front
beer mats!
man and behind Otis Rush, Betty Everett, Buddy Guy & others.
SECRET £10.00
SOTS014 North Mississippi Allstars: World
CRIDE83 Jeremy Spencer: In Session. Live and acoustic set.
Boogie Is Coming. Studio album recorded in MissisSECRET £7.75
sippi with Hill Country blues pals Kenny Brown,
SECCD017 Fleetwood Mac: Crazy About The Blues. Studio & live Lightnin’ Malcolm, Alvin Youngblood Hart and more, including
tracks from immediate post-Peter Green Mac.
Robert Plant guesting on harmonica.
SECCD029 John Mayall: Howlin’ At The Moon. Live in early ‘80s.
SECCD037 Savoy Brown: Hellbound Train. 8 live radio tracks.
ORECD516 Buddy Guy: Damn Right I’ve Got The Blues
SECCD039 Fleetwood Mac: Preaching The Blues. Live album from
88697072832 Muddy Waters, Johnny Winter & James Cotton:
the immediate post-Peter Green line-up.
Breakin’ It Up & Breakin’ It Down
SECCD045 Bert Jansch: Sweet Sweet Music. Live.
SONY 2CD £13.95
SECCD047 John Mayall: Smokin’ Blues. Live 1972-73.
SECCD060 Ike Turner: Trouble Up The Road 1961. Ike as main 82876822942 Taj Mahal: Hidden Treasures Of Taj Mahal 1969-73.
artist, backing musician or producer. Great R&B with vocalists Tina, Great previously unissued studio sides & live 1970 London concert.
Jackie Brenston, Billy Gayles, Ernest Lane, Albert King and more.
SECCD076 Mick Abrahams: Hoochie Coochie Man. Unreleased 88697730622 Muddy Waters: Hard Again/I’m Ready/King Bee.
live recording from 2004 with blues covers and self-penned songs.
88697736062 Nina Simone: Sings The Blues/Emergency Ward!/
SECRET 2CD £9.15
SECDD067 Mick Abrahams: Cat’s Squirrel. One acoustic and one SONY 5CD ORIGINAL ALBUM CLASSICS £17.50
electric CD, full of blues covers.
88697656172 Johnny Winter. Johnny Winter, Second Winter, Live
SECDD072 Got Rockin’ On My Mind. 50 rare & early rockabilly Johnny Winter And, Still Alive And Well & Saints & Sinners
sides from Jim Foley, Larry Dowd, Jimmy Stayton, Webb Foley, etc. 88725465472 Johnny Winter: Johnny Winter And, Johnny Dawson
Winter III, Captured Live, Nothin’ But The Blues and Raisin’ Cain.
SEVERN £13.15
SEVCD51 Big Joe & Dynaflows: Can’t Keep A Big Man Down.
SONY 2CD £16.75
SEVCD52 Sugar Ray & The Bluetones: Evening.
88697785812 Jimi Hendrix: Live At Woodstock.16 track performSEVCD55 Mud Morganfield: Son Of The Seventh Son. Eldest son ance from 1969, with 35 minutes of music previously unreleased.
of Muddy Waters on a commanding set of originals & blues covers. 88697559432 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Couldn’t Stand The Weather.
SEVCD56 The Nighthawks: Damn Good Time! 12 super tracks from a Original album, 11 bonus tracks & 13 tracks live.
popular US blues & R&B band that knows how to swing.
88697686082 Derek Trucks: Roadsongs. Live in 2009.
SEVCD58 Fabulous Thunderbirds: On The Verge. A distinct shift from SONY £13.25
blues towards soul but its still the T-Birds and its fabulous.
88883730662 Tedeschi Trucks Band: Revelator. Great album.
SG CD £10.00
SONY 2CD £12.45
SG001CD Steve Morrison And Alan Glen: Blues From South Of 88697842242/2 Janis Joplin: The Pearl Sessions. Final studio
The River. Guitar and harmonica duelling from leading UK blues album, with out-takes, live sides & more
players. 13 super tracks recorded live in 2012 at The Ship, London.
SONY 2CD £13.45
88725421932 Tedeschi Trucks Band: Everybody’s Talkin’. Live
88765437622 Buddy Guy: Live At Legends. Excellent (mostly) live versions of songs from studio albums plus great covers. Superb.
album of own songs, blues standards and Hendrix & Cream covers.
SONY £12.95
88883711822 Tedeschi Trucks Band: Made Up Mind. 11 track
SIMPCD001 Martin Simpson: Bootleg USA.
studio album from Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks. Supremely
played contemporary blues with strong songs, mostly originals.
SIRENS £12.95
SR5020 Erwin Helfer: Erwin Helfer Way. Superb blues, boogie SONY 4CD & DVD £39.95
woogie and jazz piano on 12 beautifully delivered numbers. Reflec- 88697770372 Jimi Hendrix: West Coast Seattle Boy. Stunning 59
tive and lyrical solo piano & up-tempo, bouncy band sides. A beaut
track compilation, with early sideman work but mostly Experience
SR5021 Barrelhouse Chuck & Kim Wilson’s Blues All-Stars: years with alternate takes & demos. Plus a DVD telling the story
Driftin’ From Town To Town. Excellent Chicago blues, with Chuck
on piano & vocals, Wilson blowing great harp and a great band.
88725496352 Stevie Ray Vaughan: SRV. 54 tracks, most previSISTER £13.45
ously unreleased, with live sides, acoustic cuts and with Albert King,
VTSC001 Candye Kane: Coming Out Swingin’. Powerhouse blues Johnny Copeland & more. DVD is a live 1989 set. Nice booklet
singer on album featuring co-songwriter Laura Chavez on guitar.
SOULJAM £11.55
600801 Howlin’ Wolf: Moanin’ In The Moonlight. 1959 classic LP
SKFR6989050042 Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby: Cluck Ol’ with Chess classics, plus 15 bonus tracks from his Memphis days
Hen. Collaborative mix of mountain music classics and originals.
600802 Muddy Waters: At Newport 1960 + Sings Big Bill Broonzy.
Influential live album plus Big Bill tribute album and 6 bonus tracks.
SMITH & CO 5CD SET £11.95
SCCD1119 101 Great Black Gospel Hits. Sam Cooke, Rosetta, 600826 John Lee Hooker: That’s My Story + House Of The Blues.
600827 Jimmy Reed: Rockin’ With Reed + I’m Jimmy Reed.
Mahalia, Soul Stirrers, Wynona Carr, etc
600821 Lightnin’ Hopkins: Lightnin’ Strikes + Lightnin’ Hopkins.
SFWCD40090 Anthology Of American Folk Music Ed. By Harry 1962 Vee-Jay album plus historic re-discovery album from 1959.
600825 Otis Rush: I’m Satisfied. Classic early sides from Cobra
Smith. Legendary anthology which, in its original 6LP format, was
plus some on Chess and Duke. 26 brooding Chicago blues classics.
positively life-changing. It still gets the heart racing 50 years later.
SWMAF11 Dave Riley & Bob Corritore: Hush Your
SFWCD40198 Classic Appalachian Blues.
Fuss! Blues guitarist and harmonica players swing on 12
Super compilation
Chicago blues corkers.
SFWCD40183 Classic Sounds Of New
SPIT & POLISH £10.75
Orleans. Blues, gospel & jazz, with Snooks
SPIT041 Laura Cantrell: No Way There From Here. 12
Eaglin, Kid Clayton, Punch Miller, etc.
lovely songs from Nashville, exploring love and loss.
SFWCD40131 Big Bill Broonzy: Trouble
SPV £11.50
In Mind. Great solo sides
SPV265072 Ray Price: San Antonio Rose + Night Life.
SFWCD40104 Roscoe Holcomb: High
Classic 1962 tribute album to Bob Wills plus 1963 honky
Lonesome Sound
tonk masterpiece.
SFWCD40181 John Jackson: Rappahannock
Blues. Live.
SPV £8.95
SFWCD40206 Dust Busters: Old Man
SPV265872 Clifton Chenier: Shake ‘Em Up Baby. 18
‘Crazy Cajun’ Louisiana swamp zydeco sides, 1966-67.
Below. With John Cohen. Fantastic oldSPV305862 Willie Dixon: I Am The Blues. Performs his own
timey music, delivered as though recorded in 1930s.
SFWCD40204 Classic Harmonica Blues. Super 20 track set, with famous Chicago blues songs - Back Door Man, Spoonful, etc.
Sonny Terry, Dr Ross, Charlie Sayles, Roscoe Holcomb, Eddie SPV 2CD £13.95
Burns, etc. 36 page booklet.
SPV265862 Porter Wagoner: Green, Green Grass Of Home SFWCD40209 Classic Banjo. 30 splendid tracks featuring Dock Singles Collection 1961-80. His big hits.
Boggs, Wade Ward, Snuffy Jenkins, Rufus Crisp, Doc Watson, STAX £10.95
Elizabeth Cotton, Roscoe Holcomb, etc. Excellent 44 page booklet. CDSX014 Mavis Staples: Don’t Change Me Now. Post-Staples
Singers album from soul/gospel giant.
SFWCD40160 Friends Of Old Time Music - The Folk Arrival 1961-65. CDSXD141 Bettye Crutcher: Long As You Love Me. Super soul
song-writer with own 1974 album. First time on CD & 6 bonus tracks
Fred McDowell, Dock Boggs, Jesse Fuller, John Hurt, etc.
CDSXE127 Staple Singers: City In The Sky.
Lovely 1974 album.
CDSXE126 Staple Singers: Be What You Are.
Splendid 1973 album, with Come Go With Me.
7234334 Albert King: Born Under A Bad Sign.
Iconic 1960s album, featuring his distinctive
vocals and guitar. Plus four alternate takes.
CDSXE139 Staple Singers: This Time Around.
Recordings from the 1970s but not released
until 1981. On CD for the first time.
STAX CD & DVD £14.25
7231839 Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan:
In Session. Blues guitar giants together. DVD
has 3 bonus tracks
STAX £14.75
CDLUX012 Carla Thomas: Sweet Sweetheart - Merican Studio
Sessions And More. 23 tracks (mostly) previously un-issued in any
format, with a full 1970 LP plus un-heard mid-1960s gems
SGGW109 Blues Guitar Workshop. Compilation of UK folk & blues
artists - Davey Graham, Sam Mitchell, Duck Baker & Mike Cooper
SGGW146 John James: In Concert. First released in 1978.
SGGW147 Stefan Grossman & John Renbourn: Under The
Volcano. A collection of seven beguiling guitar duets.
SGGW150 Stefan Grossman: My Creole Belle. 1976 solo album.
STCD28 Delbert Barker: Kentucky Hillbilly Rockabilly Man. 34 cuts
STCD29 Johnnie Allen: Louisiana Man. Live in London in 1991.
STCD30 The Last Great Rockabilly Saturday Night Vol 3. Glen
Glenn, Charlie Feathers, Joe South, Jr Thompson, Pat Cupp, etc
STCD31 Rockin’ R ‘N B From Memphis. 32 terrific tracks 196062. Roy Brown, 5 Royales, Willie Mitchell, Billy Lee Riley, etc.
SPCD1324 Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters: Hope Radio
SPCD1329 Rory Block: Like A Man-A Tribute To Son House
SPCD1332 Maria Muldaur: Good Music For Hard Times. Return to
jug band roots, with John Sebastian, Taj Mahal, Dan Hicks & more!
SPCD1344 Rory Block: Shake ‘Em On – Fred McDowell tribute
SPCD1346 Maria Muldaur: Steady Love. Blues & swamp funk set
SPCD1359 Rory Block: I Belong To The Band - A Tribute To Rev.
Gary Davis. 11 excellent songs associated with the great man.
SPCD1363 Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters: Just For Today. All
instrumental live CD from acclaimed modern blues guitarist.
SPCD1369 Rory Block: Avalon - Tribute To Mississippi John Hurt.
10 versions of John’s songs plus the opening Everybody Love John.
1088612 The Chicago Blues Box - The MCM Records Story. The story
of a short-lived label and its capturing of many enjoyable live performances of classic Chicago blues in neighbourhood clubs 197578. Great sets from Magic Slim, Jimmy Johnson, Eddy Clearwater,
Jimmy Dawkins, Joe Carter, Bobby King & more. 32 page booklet.
STR2612 Aynsley Lister: Home. More explosive UK blues-rock.
SUNBEAM £13.25
SBRCD5085 Wizz Jones: Huldenberg Blues. Solo live recording.
SUNRDD003 Story Of Blue Beat 1960 - Best In Ska. Super sides
from Laurel Aitken, Byron Lee, Derrick Morgan, Lynn Hope, etc.
SUNRDD004 Story Of Blue Beat 1961 Vol 1. 50 more bluebeat &
ska sides from Hank Marr, Errol Dixon, Byron Lee, etc.
SUNRDD005 Story Of Blue Beat - 1961 Part 2. 50 sides from
Cecil Byrd, Derrick Morgan, Kent Brown, Roland Alphonso, etc.
SUNRDD007 Story Of Blue Beat - Best In Ska 1962 Vol 1.
Jimmy Cliff, Owen Gray, Eric Morris, Laurel Aitken, Rudy Grant, etc.
SUNRDD008 Story Of Blue Beat - Best In Ska 1962 Vol 2. Eric
Morris, Owen Gray, Derrick Morgan, Prince Buster and more.
SBIRD0051CD Jo-Ann Kelly: Key To The Highway - Rare &
Unissued 1968-74. 23 varied sides. Plus interview
TAKOMA £10.95
CDTAK1001 Bukka White: Mississippi Blues
CDTAK7087 Doctor Ross: One Man Band
CDTAK1048 Revenge Of Blind Joe Death. John Fahey Tribute
CDTAK8907 Takoma Blues. Great label sampler
TECD227 The Bunch: Rock On. Enjoyable 1972 side project of
Fairport Convention and friends. Sandy Denny, Richard & Linda
Thompson, Dave Mattacks and more run through rock & roll songs.
TELARC £13.75
TEL3185002 Pinetop Perkins & Willie Big Eyes Smith: Joined At
The Hip. Respectable old gentleman slamming out super blues.
TEL3276002 Eric Bibb: Troubador Live. 2010 Sweden concert.
7233199 Shemekia Copeland: 33 & 1/3. Gritty Chicago blues.
Superb soulful vocals on excellent set. Buddy Guy guests on guitar.
TEL3432902 Moreland & Arbuckle: 7 Cities. Early delta blues
sounds distilled via a hard-driving garage-rock sensibility.
TEL3449302 Trampled Under Foot: Badlands. Hard-driving bluesrock, with 12 originals plus a version of It’s A Man’s Man’s World.
TELARC £8.75
CD83629 Eric Bibb: A Ship Called Love. 2005 album corker.
CD83537 Ronnie Earl: And Friends. Live in-studio album, with Kim
Wilson, James Cotton, Levon Helm, Irma Thomas, etc.
CD83593 Rory Block: Last Fair Deal. Rare solo album from 2003.
CD83667 Otis Taylor: Recapturing The Banjo.
CD83395 Junior Wells: Come On In This House. 1996 album with
great guest guitarists. His best in years.
STAX £8.25
SFWCD40200 Woody Guthrie: Woody At 100 - Centennial Collec- 7233716 Albert King: I’ll Play The Blues For You. Classic 1972 CD83418 Pinetop Perkins: Born In The Delta. Superb rolling piano
tion. Original Folkway recordings with unreleased tracks & 150 page album re-mastered with bonus tracks & new notes. Albert on top tracks from 1990s, with bonus of in-concert performance video.
CD83614 Rory Block: From The Dust. Classy 2005 album of own
hardback book of essays, artwork, lyrics, photos & Woody’s writings form with Bar-Kays & Memphis Horns.
songs and versions of blues classics, with just her voice and guitar.
TIME LIFE £11.35
TRAFFIC £11.15
27462D Hank Williams: The Lost Concerts. Live in 1952, with TEG74001CD Muddy Waters: Unk In Funk. Re-issue of 1974
relaxed versions of hits, rarities & stage banter. Plus radio interview. album recorded during his final years with Chess Records, featuring
Pinetop Perkins, Willie ’Big Eyes’ Smith, and Bob Margolin in the
TIME LIFE £12.95
27081D Waylon Jennings: Goin’ Down Rockin’ - Last Recordings. band plus guest appearances from Carey Bell, Paul Oscher and
Buford. A curiously over-looked and under-rated album.
From 2002 with only a steel guitar in support. 12 unadorned tracks.
TIN ANGEL £11.75
TAR023 Charlie Parr: Cheap Wine. Folk & blues on National TH44CD0101 King Size Slim: Milk Drunk. Resonator guitar nut
also supplying raggedy vocals, foot-stomping and harmonicas.
resonator guitar & banjo plus a lived-in vocal rasp, A lovely CD.
TAR034 Charlie Parr: Barnswallow. Marvellous album from rustic TRIKONT £13.15
US0392 Roll Your Moneymaker - Early Black Rock’n’Roll 1948-1958.
country bluesman, with 10 uncompromising but delightful tracks.
US0364 Doom & Gloom-Early Songs of Angst And Disaster 1927TOMPKINS SQUARE 3CD £27.95
TSQ2639 This May Be My Last Time Singing - Raw African-American 45. Roy Acuff, Allen Brothers, Gid Tanner, Dixon Bros, etc.
Gospel on 45 RPM 1957-1982. Sensational gospel, fiery sanctified US0412 I Smell A Rat - Early Black Rock N Roll Vol 2. Jr Wells, Bo
Diddley, Magic Sam, etc. Superb.
soul, heavy Pentecostal jams & glorified sermons & hymns.
33 RECORDS £10.95
TSQ2219 Red Fox Chasers: I’m Going Down To North Carolina - CDs of popular live UK blues and jump jive band
Cadillac Kings: Lou Ann
Complete Recs 1928-31. Classic old-timey, minstrel & tin pan alley
33WM131 Cadillac Kings: Highway 17.
tunes, murder ballads, folk songs, gospel, etc.
33WM145 Cadillac Kings: Trouble In Store.
33WM147 Cadillac Kings: Gonna Tell Your Momma. Recorded live
TSQ2271 Fire In My Bones-Raw & Rare & Other-Worldly African
333 RECORDS £12.45
American Gospel 1944-2007. Awesome rare gospel tracks of little295333CD Stephen Dale Petit: Cracking The Code. Third solo
known artists to up the spine-tingle quota. A seriously brilliant set.
album from blues-rock singer-guitarist. Guests include Dr John,
Mick Taylor and Hubert Sumlin.
TSQ2554CD Amede Ardoin: Mama, I’ll Be Long Gone - Complete UNIVERSAL CD & DVD £16.95
Recordings 1929-34. 34 early and innovative cajun & zydeco songs. 2795835 B.B. King & Friends: Live At Royal Albert Hall. A thrilling
night in 2011 with Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi & Ronnie Wood.
TSQ2608 To What Strange Place – The Music Of The Ottoman- UNIVERSAL 2CD £11.75
American Diaspora 1916-29. A priceless set of early 20 century UMC2029 It’s Your Voodoo Working - Best Of Excello Records.
Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Jewish and Syrian music, recorded 36 raw & authentic blues, r&b, gospel & more - Slim Harpo, Charles
either in Manhattan or copied from records from their native lands.
Sheffield, Lazy Lester, Lonesome Sundown, etc.
TOMPKINS SQUARE CD & BOOK £24.95 (Plus UK p&p £2.50)
TSQ2677CD Michael Corcoran: He Is My Story - The Sanctified 5327642 John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers: So Many Roads. Lavish
Soul Of Arizona Dranes. The life and times of Arizona Dranes plus a anthology of 74 newly remastered (and rare) tracks, 1964-74.
16 track CD containing all her Okeh recordings from 1920s, expertly UNIVERSAL £12.50
re-mastered by Chris King. Superb, uninhibited piano-driven gospel. 7189062 Eric Burdon: ‘Til Your River Runs Dry.
TSQ2813 Lena Hughes: Queen Of The Flat Top Guitar. Rare early 60s
recordings of a largely extinct repertoire of parlour pieces, masterfully played and presented. A must for lovers of finger-picked guitar
and old-timey songs. With notes from John Renbourn.
TSQ2851 Imaginational Anthem Vol 6 - Origins Of American
Primitive Guitar. The sounds that led to John Fahey and the
Takoma School, with 14 classic solo guitar performances from
1923-30. With Sam McGhee, Riley Puckett, Bayless Rose, Sylvester Weaver, Lemuel Turner, Frank Hutchison and more.
TSQ2875 Charlie Poole & The Highlanders: Complete Paramount
& Brunswick Recordings 1929. Fantastic old-time banjo sides.
TSQ2899 Turn Me Loose - Outsiders Of ‘Old-Time’ Music. Superior
compilation of re-mastered rare 78s, many supplied by collectors
and enthusiasts. 14 individualistic cuts with Willard Hodgin, Homer
Davenport, South Georgia Highballers, Happy Hayseeds and more.
TSQ2912 Let Me Play This For You - Rare Cajun Recordings. 23
rare sides with Angelas LeJeune, Percy Babineaux & Bixy Guidry
and Blind Uncle Gaspard & Delma Lachney. !
TSQ2776 Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard - Good Time, Hard Time
And End Time Music 1923-36. A collection of old-time country and
hillbilly celebrating the hardships and joys of life. 42 great tracks
including Gid Tanner, Darby & Tarlton, Tennessee Ramblers, Oscar
Ford, Red Brush Singers, Dixon Brothers, Georgia Yellow Hammers
and more. Drawn mostly from a private collection discovered just
hours prior to being dumped! Another winner from a great label.
TSQ2653 Aimer Et Perdre - To Love & To Lose Songs 1917-34. Love
lost and found songs, stretching from the America, Ukraine, Poland
and beyond. 36 rare & glorious tracks plus 60 page booklet.
TSQ2967 Live At Caffe Lena - Music From America’s Legendary
Coffeehouse 1967-2013. Unreleased live recordings from a quaint
upstate town of Saratoga Springs, New York. This coffee shop
opened in 1960 and quickly established itself as a venue for artists
of folk, blues, jazz, bluegrass, county and singer-songwriters. A well
presented collection featuring 47 tracks with Sleepy John Estes,
Jean Ritchie, Dave Van Ronk, Kate McGarrigle, Jack Elliott, Greg
Brown, Roy Book Binder, Rick Danko, Chris Smither and more.
TPDVD180 Fairport Convention: Live In Maidstone 1970. With the
classic line-up of Richard Thompson, Simon Nicol, Dave Pegg,
Dave Swarbrick and Dave Mattacks, this film has been restored and
is supplemented with a 2007 interview with Tony Palmer.
TOPIC £13.15
TSCD567 Martin Simpson: Prodigal Son.
TSCD578 Martin Simpson: True Stories. One of his best.
TSCD589 Martin Simpson: Vagrant Stanzas. 14 solo and intimate
songs from the UK’s finest folk singer and guitarist. A corker.
TSCD822 Linda Thompson: Won’t Be Long Now. New album from
British folk rock legend with Dave Swarbrick, Martin Carthy and
John Kirkpatrick plus former-husband, Richard, children Teddy and
Kami, and grandson, Zak Hobbs.
TOPIC 2CD £15.75
TXCD589PMC Martin Simpson: Vagrant Stanzas. Deluxe limited
edition with an additional CD of 8 recordings & enhanced booklet.
TOPIC 7CD/Hardback book £44.50
TOPIC70 Three Score & Ten - A Voice To The People. 70 years of the
oldest independent label in Great Britain. Fabulous set-simply the
best of its kind. 7 CDs of English, Irish, Scottish folk and more.
5341873 Gary Moore: Back On The Streets. Re-mastered and
extended edition of 1978 debut solo album, plus bonus tracks,
alternate takes and updated booklet.
2795003 Patty Griffin: Silver Bell. Recorded in 2000 but released
now with a new mix by Glyn Johns
5339066 Toots & The Maytals: Pressure Drop - Best Of.
3728801 Allman Brothers Band: Brothers And Sisters. 40th
anniversary re-mastered edition of their classic album from 1973.
3728804 Allman Brothers Band: Brothers And Sisters. Deluxe
edition including previously unreleased rehearsals and out-takes.
5340720 Eric Clapton: Slowhand - 35th Anniversary Edition. Remastered with unreleased tracks & 1977 concert from London.
VMD2 79266 Country Joe And The Fish: I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ To
Die. Re-issue of 1967 studio album, re-mastered as stereo and
mono mixes plus 2 bonus cuts and a deluxe 40 page booklet.
3VCD175 Big Mama Thornton: Complete Vanguard Recordings
3VCD178 Buddy Guy: Complete Vanguard Recordings
3VCD181 Mississippi John Hurt: Complete Studio Vanguard Recs
3VCD172 Chicago-The Blues Today! Vol 1-3.
079 8582 Levon Helm: Ramble At The Ryman. Live in 2008.
798 612 Levon Helm: Electric Dirt. A stirring CD
VANBOX14 Make It Your Sound, Make It Your Scene - Vanguard
Records & The 1960s Musical Revolution. Stupendous and essential
compilation from the Vanguard vaults. 83 live (mostly from Newport
Folk Festivals) and studio recordings from the 1960s. Jesse Fuller,
Doc Watson, Skip James, Bob Dylan, Buddy Guy, John Fahey, Phil
Ochs, JB Hutto, Otis Rush, Joan Baez and more.
VERVE £13.95
2783189 Etta James: The Dreamer. Her final album.
BBVT711 Dennis Gruenling: Rockin’ All Day. Swinging blues harp
player with a new set with Doug Deming on guitar and vocals.
WARNER 2CD £15.95
9362497988 Eric Clapton & Stevie Winwood: Live From Madison
Square Garden
WCJ £10.95
2564642895 Compay Segundo: Guantanamera - The Essential
Album. 20 superb tracks from a great treasure of Cuban music.
CDSEWD152 Denise LaSalle: Making A Good Thing Better Complete Westbound Singles 1970-76. 26 southern soul gems
WNRCD5063 Muddy Waters Blues Band: Mud In Your Ear. Mean
Chicago blues from 1967 with Otis Spann, Mojo Buford, Luther
Johnson, Sammy Langhorn & Francis Clay. Johnson & Buford do
the vocals (for contractual reasons Muddy is restricted to guitar).
WOLF £12.75
120820 Magic Slim & The Teardrops: Rough Dried Woman. Compiles his best studio sides plus 3 unissued live cuts.
120826 Eddie Taylor Jr: So Called Friends - His Best 15 Songs. A
n excellent modern Chicago blues compilation album.
120829 Elmore James Jr: Old School Lover. 12 track Chicago
blues album, with a cover of Elmore senior’s I Can’t Hold Out.
120106 The Story Of Blues Piano - From The Country To The
City. 19 tracks featuring rather splendid exponents of the keys,
including Henry Gray, Pinetop Perkins, Mose Vinson, Booker T
Laury, Detroit Junior, Robert Shaw, Big Joe Duskin and more.
BC010 Mississippi John Hurt: Stack O’Lee Blues. 13 magnificent
country blues from 1928, plus six rare tracks from Hambone Willie
Newbern and five awesome sides by Richard ‘Rabbit Brown’.
120921 R.L. Burnside: Rollin’ & Tumblin’.
371149 The Who: Live In Hull. From same tour as the Live At 120936 Jimmy Duck Holmes: All Night Long. 13 tracks from
excellent Bentonia-style country blues guitarist.
Leeds album, this is an incendiary set of Who classics and covers.
120935 Pat Thomas: Beefsteak Blues. Son of legendary bluesman,
James Son Thomas, with excellent a set of country blues standards.
UGCD009 Joe Brown: The Ukulele Album - Deluxe Edition. New
WBJ023 Alabama Red: Windy City Blues. Super gospel and blues
edition of popular CD which adds four newly recorded tracks plus a
from Chicago in the 1980s.
live album recorded on Joe’s spring tour of 2013.
WCD17 Ali Farke Toure: The River
3716077 The Who: My Generation. Mono edition of 1965 album
WCD40 Ali Farke Toure & Ry Cooder: Talking Timbuktu.
5340724 Eric Clapton: Slowhand. The original album re-mastered
1886262 Delaney & Bonnie: Home
RGNET1298CD Blind Lemon Jefferson: The Rough Guide To....
25 of his best plus early blues from Bill Broonzy, Blind Blake, Teddy
3749252 Fairport Convention: Rising For The Moon. Classic 1975
Darby, Furry Lewis, Sam Collins, Bukka White & more.
album, their last with Sandy Denny, gets the expanded deluxe
RGNET1299CD Blind Willie Johnson: The Rough Guide To.... 22
treatment. As well as the original album re-mastered, this also
spine-chilling tracks plus bonus CD of spirituals by early blues
includes home demos, alternate takes and previously unreleased
greats Skip James, Bukka White, Joe Taggart, Charley Patton,
live recordings. The booklet includes a new essay by Patrick
Jaybird Coleman, Willie McTell and more.
Humphries, rare photos and unseen sketches
RGNET1303CD Blind Blake: The Rough Guide
of the album artwork.
To... 25 from one of the finest finger-picking bluesVALORY £10.75
men, plus a CD of pre-war ragtime, hokum and
Contemporary Cajun and zydeco bands
blues guitarists (Bill Broonzy, Bo Carter, William
deliver entertaining albums
Harris, Willie McTell, Blind Boy Fuller, etc). A delight
VALCD012 Pine Leaf Boys: Back Home.
YAZOO £13.15
VALCD015 Cajun Country Revival: The
YAZCD2072 Frank Stokes: Best Of
Right Combination.
YAZCD2073 Washington Phillips: The Key To The
VCD79844 Levon Helm: Dirt Farmer. Fabulous
YAZCD2074 Charlie Patton: Primeval Blues, Rags
2007 album that became an instant rustic
& Gospel
Americana classic & Grammy winner.
YAZCD3002 The Best There Ever Was - The
Legendary Early Blues Performers. 20 tracks
featuring Garfield Akers, Ed Bell, Geeshie Wiley,
VMD6514 Otis Spann: Cryin’ Time
William Harris, Furry Lewis and more.
VMD79219 Skip James: Skip James Today!
VMD73120 Junior Wells: It's My Life Baby
YAZOO 2CD £18.95
VMD79259 John Fahey: Requia.
YAZCD2203 The Return Of The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of. A
VMD79795 John Fahey: The Yellow Princess. With bonus tracks.
super collection of rare country blues and old-timey - Bukka White,
VMD79262 Junior Wells: Coming At You. 60s sides inc Buddy Guy Uncle Dave Macon, Henry Thomas, Blind Blake, Fruit Jar Guzzlers,
Lulu Jackson, Charlie Poole, Furry Lewis, etc. 46 great tracks
VCD79124 Hedy West: Vol 1/Vol 2. Fantastic 32 tracks encom- YEP ROC £11.95
passing two ultra-rare solo studio albums, plus bonus tracks.
YEP2244 Greg Brown: Freak Flag. Excellent album
VCD79150 Mike Seeger: Mike Seeger. 1964 solo debut album.
YEP2246 Dave Alvin: Eleven Eleven. Superb.
VCD79537 Otis Spann: Best Of The Vanguard Years. 18 tracks.
YEP ROC £13.15
VCD79588 Reverend Gary Davis: Live At Newport
YEP2348 Tony Joe White: Hoodoo. Stripped-down album, cut
mostly as live to-tape first takes, from song-writing legend on fine
VMD2 79244 Country Joe & The Fish: Electric Music For The form. With new songs about growing up on a farm, cautionary tales
Mind And Body. 1967 album in remastered mono & stereo mixes.
of rural Mississippi, and learning the blues. Spell-binding stuff.
5001 Complete Stax/Volt Singles ‘59-68 (Atlantic 7822182) 9 CDs
5002 Atlantic Rhythm & Blues 1947-74 (Atlantic 782305-2) 8 CDs
5003 Swing Time Records Story ‘46-52 (Capricorn 9420242) 2CDs
5004 The Speciality Story (Speciality 5SPCD-4412-2). 5 CDs
5005 Mercury Blues ‘N Rhythm Story 1945-55 (Mercury. 8 CDs
5006 Chess Rhythm & Roll (MCA/Chess CHD4-9352) 4 CDs
5007 The Fire & Fury Records Story (Capricorn 9420092) 2CDs
5008 Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-57 (Epic 48912) 3 CDs
5009 What It Is! Funky Soul & Rare Grooves From Vaults Of
Atlantic, Atco & Warner Bros ‘67-77 (Rhino R277635) 4CD
5010 Piano Red - Dr Feelgood: The Doctor’s In! (Bear Family
BCD15685DI) 3 CDs
5011 The King R&B Box Set (King KBSCD7002) 4CDs
5012 The Cobra Records Story ‘56-58 (Capricorn 9420122) 2CDs
5013 The Jewel/Paula Records Story (Capricorn 9420142) 2CDs
5014 Chess Blues (MCA/Chess CHD4-9340). 4 CDs
We also have some used CDs ‘specials’ in our auctions - see page 9
1010 Porter Wagoner: (3CD) Cold Hard Facts Of Life (Bear Family)
1011 John Lee Hooker: (3CD) Alternative Boogie - Early Studio
Recordings 1948-1952 (Capitol Blues Collection)
1012 Louis Armstrong: (4CD) The Best Of The Hot Five And Hot
Seven Recordings (Columbia)
1013 V/A: (5CD) Ken Burns Jazz - The Story Of America's Music
(Columbia Legacy)
1014 Lucky Peterson: (3CD) Organ Soul Sessions (Emarcy)
1015 Doc Watson: (4CD) The Vanguard Years (Vanguard)
1016 Joe Moss Band: Joe Moss Band (212 Records)
1017 Joe Moss Band: Maricela's Smile (212 Records)
1018 Joe Moss Band: Monster Love (212 Records)
1019 Jerry Lee Lewis: (2CD) Southern Roots (Bear Family)
1020 V/A: (3CD) Living Country Blues - An Anthology (Evidence)
1021 John Mayall/Mick Taylor & others: Back To The Roots (limited
edition live recordings) (Ganja)
1022 Sandy Denny: (3CD&DVD) Live At The BBC (Island)
1023 Fleetwood Mac: (2CD) Vaudeville Years 1968-70 (Receiver)
1024 Miles Davis: (5CD) 1986-1991 The Warners Years (Rhino)
1025 Ginger Baker Trio: Going Back Home (Atlantic)
1026 V/A: (2CD) Jumpin' Like Mad - Cool Cats & Hip Chicks NonStop Dancin' (Capitol)
1027 Willie Dixon: (2CD) The Chess Box (MCA)
1028 Brewer Phillips: Well Alright (Black Rose)
1029 Graham Bond Organisation: Live At Klook's Kleek (Charly)
1030 Bruce Springsteen: (2CD) The Promise - Darkness On The
Edge Of Town Lost Sessions (Columbia)
1031 V/A: High Atmosphere - Ballads And Banjo Tunes From
Virginia & North Carolina (Rounder)
1032 Miles Davis: (3CD & DVD) The Bootleg Series Vol 1 - Live In
Europe 1967 (Columbia)
1033 Miles Davis: (3CD & DVD) The Bootleg Series Vol 2 - Live In
Europe 1969 (Columbia)
1063 Django Reinhardt: (2CD) The Complete Vol 2 1934-1935
1064 Louis Armstrong: Satchmo Sings & Satchmo Serenades
1065 Matt Schofield Trio: Ear To The Ground (Nugene)
1066 Alvin Youngblood Hart: Big Mama's Door (Okeh)
1067 V/A: (2CD) Hand-Picked - 25 Years Of Rounder Bluegrass
1068 V/A: (4CD) Story Of The Blues (Sunday Times)
1069 Balfa Brothers: Traditional Cajun Music Vols I & II (Swallow)
1070 V/A: A Taste Of Doo Wop Vol Two (Vee-Jay)
1071 Charlie Patton: Founder Of The Delta Blues (Yazoo)
1072 Washington Phillips: Born To Preach The Gospel (Yazoo)
1073 V/A: Rock 'N Roll - Aladdin 33 Magic Lamps (Aladdin)
1074 Ronnie Earl & Others: Eye To Eye (Audioquest)
1075 Man: Live At The Padget Rooms, Penarth (BGO)
1076 Pinetop Perkins: Pinetop Is Just Top (Black & Blue)
1077 Ronnie Earl: Plays Big Blues (Black Top)
1078 Barbara Morrison: (2CD) Double Standards (Blue Lady)
1079 Tom Scott And The L.A. Express: Bluestreak (GRP)
1080 Louisiana Red: Blues For Ida B (JSP)
1081 Lance Lopez: (CD & DVD) Salvation From Sundown (MIG)
1082 Coco Robicheaux: Spiritland (Orleans)
1083 V/A: (2CD) Mistakes Were Made-Sampler (Broke & Hungry)
1084 V/A: (2CD) Accordeon 1925-1942 Vol 2 (Fremeaux)
1085 V/A: (3CD) Latcho Drom Integrale 1994-1997 (Fremeaux)
1086 Betty Everett: The Shoop Shoop Song (Vee-Jay)
1087 Dee Clark: Rain Drops (Vee-Jay)
1088 Flamingos/Moonglows: On The Dusty Road Of Hits (Vee-Jay)
1089 Billy Jones Bluez: I'm A Bluesman (American Blues Recording)
1090 V/A: Boppin' The Rock (Black Diamond)
1091 Bettye LaVette: A Woman Like Me (Blues Express)
1092 V/A: (3CD) The Fire & Fury Story (Charly)
1093 V/A: Art Of Field Recording, Documented By Art Rosenbaum Sampler CD (Dust-To-Digital)
1094 Ray Charles: (2CD) Birth Of A Legend - Down Beat Swing
Time Recs 1949-52 (Ebony)
1095 Louisiana Red: No Turn On Red (HMG)
1096 Bluebirds: South From Memphis (Icehouse)
1097 John Nemeth: Come And Get It (John Nemeth)
1115 Queen Emily: Queen Emily (Malaco)
1116 Rock Bottom: Shake Your Boogie Leg (New Moon)
1117 Ronica & Mighty Blazing Stars: Lord, It's In Your Hands (Rabo)
1118 Doyle Bramall II: Welcome (RCA)
1119 Willie Cobb: Down To Earth (Rooster)
1120 Albert King: Live Wire Blues Power (Stax)
1121 Ben Harper With Charlie Musselwhite: (CD & DVD) Get Up!
Special Edition (Stax)
1122 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Painted On (Tone Cool)
1123 V/A: (3CD) Newport Folk Festival - Best Of The Blues 1959-68
1124 Blasters, The: Collection (Warners)
1125 Lynwood Slim Featuring Junior Watson: Lost In America
(Whistle Stop)
1126 Eddie Hinton: Very Blue Highway (Zane)
1098 Louis Armstrong: (4CD) Hot Fives And Sevens (JSP100)
1099 Carter Family: (5CD) 1927-1934 (JSP7701)
1100 Charley Patton: (5CD) Complete Recs 1929-34 (JSP7702)
1101 John Lee Hooker: (4CD) Classic Early Years ‘48-51 (JSP7703)
1034 Frank Proffitt Of Reece, NC: Traditional Songs And Ballads Of 1102 Jimmie Rodgers: (5CD) 1927-1933 (JSP7704)
Appalachia (Folk-Legacy)
1103 Lightnin' Hopkins: (5CD) All The Classics 1946-51 (JSP7705)
1035 Miles Davis Quintet With John Coltrane: (3CD) The Legendary 1104 Blind Lemon Jefferson: (4CD) Complete Sides (JSP7706)
1960 European Tour (Jazz Plot)
1105 Blind Willie McTell: (4CD) Classic Years 1927-40 (JSP7711)
1036 Kate Wolf: An Evening In Austin - Live (Kaleidoscope)
1106 Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys: (4CD) All The Classic
1037 Art Blakey: (10CD) 19 Classic Albums (Real Gone Jazz)
Releases 1937-1949 (JSP7712)
1038 Miles Davis: (10CD) 20 Classic Albums (Real Gone Jazz)
1107 Blind Blake: (5CD) All The Published Sides (JSP7714)
1039 Miles Davis: (10CD) Vol 2, 13 Classic Albums (Real Gone)
1108 V/A: (5CD) Legends Of Country Blues (JSP7715)
1109 Big Bill Broonzy: (5CD) All The Classic Sides ‘28-37 (JSP 7718)
1110 V/A: (4CD) Masters Of Memphis Blues (JSP7725)
1040 Blues Boy Willie: Back Again (DSS)
1111 Blind Boy Fuller: (4CD) 1935-1938 (JSP7735)
1041 V/A: (4CD) Detroit Blues (JSP7736)
1112 V/A: (4CD) Sounds Like Jimmie Rodgers (JSP7751)
1042 V/A: (4CD) Atlanta Blues (JSP7754)
1113 Sonny Boy Williamson (Rice Miller): (4CD) The Classic Sides
1043 B.B. King: (2CD & DVD) Anthology (MCA)
1951-54 (JSP7766)
1044 James Brown: (2CD) Messing With The Blues (Polydor)
1114 Jelly Roll Morton: (5CD) All Available Recorded Work 19261045 The Kodaks: Oh Gee, Oh Gosh (Relic)
1930 (JSP903)
1046 Louie Lyman And The Teenchords: I'm So Happy (Relic)
1047 Nutmegs, The: The Rajahs Of Acappella (Relic)
1048 V/A: The Golden Era Of Doo Wops - Rainbow Records (Relic) 1127 Sam Lay Blues Band: Shuffle Master (Appaloosa)
1049 Ronnie Hawkins & The Hawks: (2CD) Roulette Years (Sequel) 1128 Aretha Franklin: (3CD Box) Trilogy (Lady Soul/Soul 69/Live At
1050 Emerson, Lake & Palmer: (5CD) From The Beginning (Sony)
Fillmore West) (Atlantic)
1051 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers: (2CD) Los Angeles Blues 1129 Big Bill Broonzy/Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee/Josh White:
Complete RCA Recordings 1949-50 (Westside)
(3CD) Blues Legends In London (Castle/Sanctuary)
1052 Lowell Fulson: (2CD) I’ve Got Blues & Then Some (Westside) 1130 Bessie Smith: (2CD long box) Complete Recs Vol 1 (Columbia)
1131 Bessie Smith: (2CD long box) Complete Recs Vol 2 (Columbia)
1132 Bessie Smith: (2CD long box) Complete Recs Vol 3 (Columbia)
1053 Bishop Perry Tillis: Too Close (Birdman)
1134 Bessie Smith: (2CD long box) Complete Recs Vol 3 (Columbia)
1054 Miles Davis & Gil Evans: (6CD) The Complete Columbia
1135 Little Mike & The Tornadoes: Forgive Me (El Rob)
Recordings (Columbia)
1136 Staple Singers: (2CD) A Family Affair - The Ultimate (Kent)
1055 Miles Davis & John Coltrane: (6CD) The Complete Columbia
1137 Blues Project: (2CD) Anthology (Polydor)
Recordings 1955-1961 (Columbia)
1138 Dr John: (2CD) Mos Scocious - Anthology (Rhino)
1056 Miles Davis Quintet With John Coltrane: (6CD) 1965-68
1139 V/A: Teen Beat - Hip Chicks And Hot Mamas (Teen Beat)
1140 Mississippi Heat: Straight From The Heat (Van Der Linden)
1057 Michael Bloomfield: (2CD) Don't Say That I Ain't Your Man!
Essential Blues 1964-1969 (SPV)
1058 Belton Richard: I'm Back! (Swallow)
1141 The Collins Kids: The Rockin'est (Bear Family)
1059 V/A: (2CD) The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of (Yazoo 2202) 1142 Johnnie Ray: Cry (Bear Family)
1143 Johnny Burnette Trio: Rockabilly Boogie (Bear Family)
1144 Ray Sharpe: Linda Lu (Bear Family)
1060 Art Tatum: (2CD) The Complete Capitol Recordings (Capitol)
1061 V/A: (2CD) Rattlesnake Guitar (Music Of Peter Green) (Coast 1145 V/A: Blowing The Fuse 1960 - 31 R&B Classics (Bear Family)
1146 V/A: Shit Happens! (Bear Family)
To Coast)
1147 Vin Bruce: King Of Cajun Music (Bear Family)
1062 The Cues: Vocal Group With Orchestra (East Coast Music)
1148 Kim Simmonds: Blues Like Midnight (Blue Wave)
1149 V/A: (3CD) Red Bird Story (Charly)
1150 Miles Davis: (5CD) Original Albums Classics (Columbia)
1151 V/A: (2CD) John Lennon's Jukebox (EMI)
1152 Clifton Chenier And His Red Hot Louisiana Band: In New
Orleans (GNP Crescendo)
1153 Joan Armatrading: (CD & DVD) Into The Blues - special
edition (Hypertension)
1154 Scott Henderson: Dog Party (import) (Mesa)
1155 V/A: (2CD) World Routes - On The Road (Nascente)
1156 Buddy Guy: (2CD) Rhythm & Blues (RCA)
1157 Miles Davis: (5CD) Original Albums Series (Rhino)
1158 V/A: Black Rock, Rhythm Meat - Rockin' Rhythm Blues (Still)
1159 V/A: Black Sippin' Rhythm (Still)
1160 V/A: Screaming Black - Early Rockin' Rhythm & Blues (Still)
1161 V/A: Smoking The Black - Rhythm Rock (Still)
1162 Roy Hall: Diggin' That Rock-A-Billy Boogie (TRG)
1163 Jesse Belvin: (2CD) Guess Who - RCA Victor Recs (Ace)
1164 The Routers: A-Ooga! Stamp & Shake With The Routers (Ace)
1165 V/A: (2CD) Complete Goldwax Singles Vol 3 1967-70 (Ace)
1166 V/A: Bandera Doo Wop (Ace)
1167 V/A: Hillbilly Jamboree (Ace)
1168 Miles Davis & Milt Jackson: (2CD) Complete Recordings (EJC)
1169 Phillip Walker: I Got A Sweet Tooth (Black Top)
1170 Johnny Jenkins: Blessed Blues - promo (Capricorn)
1171 Johnny Jenkins: Ton-Ton Macoute (Capricorn)
1172 Stefan Grossman: (2CD) Those Pleasant Days - Transatlantic
Anthology (Castle)
1173 Koko Taylor: Love You Like A Woman (Chess)
1174 Bob Dylan: (2CD) No Direction Home-Bootleg Series Vol 7(CBS)
1175 Hollywood Fats Band: (2CD) Hollywood Fats Band (Crosscut)
1176 Hollywood Blue Flames: (2CD) Road To Rio (Delta Groove)
1177 Big Jack Johnson: The Oil Man (Earwig)
1178 Elina Duni Quartet: Matane Malit (ECM)
1179 Keith Jarrett: Facing You (ECM)
1180 Pat Metheney Group: First Circle (ECM)
1181 Long John Baldry: (2CD) Looking At Long John Baldry - The
UA Years 1964-66 (EMI)
1182 V/A: (2CD) Warren Haynes’ Benefit Concert Vol 1 (Evil Teen)
1183 V/A: (2CD) Warren Haynes’ Benefit Concert Vol 2 (Evil Teen)
1184 V/A: Hillbilly Hop (Hop)
1185 Bob Weir: (2CD) Weir Here - The Best Of Bob Weir (Hybrid)
1186 Jimi Hendrix: (2CD) Experience Hendrix (MCA)
1187 Charles Brown: Snuff Dippin' Mama (Night Train)
1188 Gov't Mule: (2CD) Shout (Provogue)
1189 Doc & Merle Watson: Watson Country (Rounder)
1190 V/A: The Art Of Old-Time Mountain Music (Rounder)
1191 Frank Zappa: (2CD) Guitar (Rykodisc)
1192 Dion: (CD & DVD) Heroes - Giants Of Early Guitar Rock
(Saguaro Road)
1193 Al Basile: (2CD) At Home, Next Door (Sweetspot)
1194 Jimi Hendrix: (2CD) Voodoo Child - The Collection (Universal)
1195 V/A: (2CD) The Gee Story (Westside)
Used CDs titles pre-fixed with ‘V/A’ means ‘Various Artists’.
1196 V/A: (4CD) Vocal Groups In Harmony (Boulevard Vintage)
1197 Ramsey Lewis: (2CD) The In Crowd Anthology (Chess)
1198 Bill Monroe: (2CD) Anthology (Decca)
1199 Charles Lloyd/Billy Higgins: Which Way Is East (ECM)
1200 Chris Ardoin & Double Clutchin': Gon' Be Jus' Fine (Rounder)
1201 Jimmy Page & Black Crowes: (2CD) Live At The Greek (SPV)
1202 Hubert Sumlin: About Them Shoes (Tone-Cool)
1203 Henry Thomas: Complete Recorded Works 1927-29 (Yazoo)
1204 Sleepy John Estes: Ain't Gonna Be Worried No More (Yazoo)
1205 V/A: The Rose Grew Round The Briar Vol 2 (Yazoo)
1206 Sandy Nelson: Big Sixties Frat Party!! (Ace)
1207 Dr K’s Blues Band: Dr K’s Blues Band (Akarma)
1208 Sam Lay Blues Band: Live (Appaloosa)
1209 Austin Pitre & Evangeline Playboys: Opelousas Waltz(Arhoolie)
1210 Isidro Lopez: Vol 2 - 15 More Original Hits (Arhoolie)
1211 Lowell Fulson: My First Recordings (Arhoolie)
1212 Mance Lipscomb: Captain, Captain! Vol 3 (Arhoolie)
1213 Robert Shaw: Ma Grinder - Texas Barrelhouse Piano (Arhoolie)
1214 V/A: Angola Prisoners' Blues (Arhoolie)
1215 Oscar Peterson: (10CD) Songbooks Etcetera (Avid)
1216 Canned Heat: (2CD) Canned Heat/Boogie With... (BGO)
1217 Clarke/Duke Project: (2CD) Volumes I, II & III (BGO)
1218 Omar And The Howlers: Too Much Is Not Enough (Big Guitar)
1219 Big Walker: Root Walking - Americana Blues & Roots (BW)
1220 Carey Bell: Mellow Down Easy (Blind Pig)
1221 Deborah Coleman: I Can't Lose (Blind Pig)
1222 Deborah Coleman: Where Blue Begins (Blind Pig)
1223 Jeremy Spencer: Precious Little (Blind Pig)
1224 Magic Slim & Teadrops: Bad Boy (no back cover) (Blind Pig)
1225 Smokin' Joe Kubeck & Bnois King: Show Me The Money
(Blind Pig)
1226 Hans Theessink: Wishing Well (Blue Groove)
1227 Sean Chambers Band: Live From The Long Island Blues
Warehouse (Blue Heat)
1228 Eddie Martin: Contrary Mary (Blueblood)
1229 John Coltrane: (4CD) Evolution - Road To Giant Steps
(Chrome Dreams)
1230 Kurt Elling: 1619 Broadway - Brill Building Project (Concord)
1231 Bonnie Russell & Russell Family: Mountain Dulcimer-Galax
Style (County)
1232 Charlie Poole And The North Carolina Ramblers: Old Time
Songs 1925-1930 (County)
1233 B B & The Blues Shacks: Blue Avenue (Crosscut)
1234 B B & The Blues Shacks: Midnite Diner (Crosscut)
1235 Mississippi Heat: Glad You're Mine (Crosscut)
1236 Mississippi Heat: Handyman (Crosscut)
1237 Linsey Alexander: Been There Done That (Delmark)
1238 Little Sammy Davis: I Ain't Lyin' (Delmark)
1239 Lurrie Bell: 700 Blues (Delmark)
1240 Michael Coleman: Do Your Thing! (Delmark)
1241 Toronzo Cannon: John The Conquer Root (Delmark)
1242 Elvin Bishop: Raisin' Hell Revue (Delta Groove)
1243 Mannish Boys: That Represent Man (Delta Groove)
1244 Mannish Boys: Big Plans (Delta Groove)
1245 Mannish Boys: Lowdown Feelin' (Delta Groove)
1246 Eric Bibb: Jericho Road (DixieFrog)
1247 Magic Slim & The Teadrops: Raising The Bar (DixieFrog)
1248 Nico Wayne Toussaint: Lonely Number (DixieFrog)
1249 V/A: (2CD) Music Maker Presents The Last & Lost Blues
Survivors (DixieFrog)
1250 Charlie Parker: (10CD) Now's The Time (Documents)
1251 V/A: (10CD) Ladies First! Jazz Collection (Documents)
1252 Tom Ball: Music From Films (Dog Boy)
1253 Big Town Playboys: (2CD) Off The Clock - Live (Eagle)
1254 Johnny 'Yard Dog' Jones: Ain't Gonna Worry (Earwig)
1255 Yeahwon Shin: Lua Ya (ECM)
1256 V/A: The Walter Davis Project (Electro-fi)
1257 Li'l Ronnie & Grand Dukes: Gotta Strange Feeling (Ellersoul)
1258 Jody Williams: Return Of The Legend (Evidence)
1259 Sam Lay Blues Band: Stone Blues (Evidence)
1260 V/A: (3CD) Rockin' Bones - Red Hot Rockabilly (Fant. Voyage)
1261 V/A: (4CD) 1958 British Hit Parade - Part 1 January-June
(Fantastic Voyage)
1262 V/A: (4CD) 1958 British Hit Parade - Part 2 June-December
(Fantastic Voyage)
1263 Harmonica Slim: Give Me My Shotgun (Fedora)
1264 Florence Fourcade Quartet: Mademoiselle Swing (Fremeaux)
1265 V/A: (2CD) Jewel/Paula Soul Story (Fuel 2000)
1266 James Hunter Six: Minute By Minute (Go)
1267 V/A: Confessing - Deep Soul From New Orleans (Grapevine)
1268 Tinsley Ellis: Get It! (Heartfixer)
1269 Big Mike Griffin: Harley In The Rain (import) (Hermans)
1270 13: Featuring Lester Butler (Hightone)
1271 Koko Taylor: What It Takes - Chess Years (cracked digi-pack)
(Hip-O Select)
1272 Tinariwen: Aman Iman - Water Is Life (Independiente)
1273 Jackson Browne & David Lindley: (2CD) Love Is Strange - En
Vivo Con Ting (Inside Recordings)
1274 Carey Bell: Harpslinger (JSP)
1275 V/A: (4CD) Bobby Robinson Story (no slip case) (JSP7714)
1276 C. W. Stoneking: Jungle Blues (King Hokum)
1277 C. W. Stoneking: King Hokum (King Hokum)
1278 Howard Glazer: Stepchild Of The Blues (Lazy Brothers)
1279 Gregg Wright: King Of The Rockin' Blues! (Left Hook)
1280 Darrel Higham: With The Kelly Four (Little Angel)
1281 Roy Buchanan: Live At Rockpalast (Made In Germany)
1282 Otis Grand: Blues '65 (Maingate)
1283 Little Walter: (2CD) Blues With A Feelin' - Chess Collectibles
Volume 3 (MCA)
1284 Muddy Waters: (2CD) One More Mile - Chess Collectibles
Volume 1 (MCA)
1285 Miles Davis: (10CD) Just Squeeze Me (Membran)
1286 Dudley Taft: Deep Deep Blue (MIG)
1287 Dudley Taft: Left For Dead (MIG)
1288 R.L. Burnside: Raw Electric (Music Avenue)
1289 Darrel Higham: Mobile Corrosion (Nervous)
1290 V/A: (2CD) Golden Afrique Vol 1 (Network)
1291 V/A: (2CD) Musica Negra In The Americas (Network)
1292 Watermelon Slim: And The Workers (NorthernBlues)
1293 Jimi Hendrix: Blues (Polydor)
1294 Roy Buchanan: (2CD) Sweet Dreams - Anthology (Polydor)
1295 Texas Tornados: Esta Bueno! (Proper)
1345 Eric Clapton: (2CD) 24 Nights (Reprise)
1346 Miles Davis: (4CD) On Crest Of The Airwaves (Rock Melon)
1347 Eddie LeJeune: Cajun Spirit (Rounder)
1348 George Thorogood: And The Destroyers (debut) (Rounder)
1349 George Thorogood & Destroyers: Move It On Over (Rounder)
1350 Norman Blake: Old Ties (Rounder)
1351 Ruby Turner: (2CD) Live At Ronnie Scott's (RTR)
1352 Errol Linton's Blues Vibe: Roots Stew (Ruby)
1353 Errol Linton's Blues Vibe: Vibing It! (Ruby)
1354 Aynsley Lister: Aynsley Lister (Ruf)
1355 Bob Brozman: Fire In The Mind (Ruf)
1356 Dana Fuchs: Bliss Avenue (Ruf)
1357 Omar Kent Dykes & Jimmie Vaughan: On The Jimmy Reed
Highway (Ruf)
1358 Skinny Molly: Haywire Riot (Ruf)
1359 Pretty Things: The EP Collection, Plus (See For Miles)
1360 Alan Wilson: (2CD) The Blind Owl (Severn)
1361 Matt Leddy & Meat Cutters: Prime Cuts (Skull & Bone)
1362 North Mississippi Allstars: Keys To The Kingdom (SOTS)
1363 Tedeschi Trucks Band: Revelator (Sony)
1364 Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation: (2CD) The Aynsley Dunbar
Retaliation/Dr D Prescription (SPV Blue)
1365 Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation: (2CD) To Mum From Aynsley/
Remains (SPV Blue)
1366 Bob Margolin: In North Carolina (Steady Rollin)
1367 Duke Robillard: Exalted Lover (Stony Plain)
1368 Jim Byrnes: Burning/I Turned My Nights Into Days (Stony Plain)
1369 B B & The Blues Shacks: Straight Blues Big Swing (Stumble)
1370 Taj Mahal: An Evening Of Acoustic Music (T&M)
1371 Maria Muldaur: Fanning The Flames (Telarc)
1372 Maria Muldaur: Heart Of Mine-Love Songs Of Bob Dylan (Telarc)
1373 Otis Taylor: Double V (Telarc)
1374 Sam Lay Blues Band: Rush Hour Blues (Telarc)
1375 Precious Bryant: Fool Me Good (Terminus)
1376 Chip Taylor: (2CD) Yonkers NY (Train Wreck)
1377 Oscar Peterson: (2CD) The Best Of (Verve)
1378 Thee Headcoats Sect: Ready Sect Go! (Vinyl Japan)
1379 Gary Moore: (2CD) The Best Of The Blues (Virgin)
1380 Don Griffin: Standing Alone (import) (Vital)
1381 Big Shoes: (CD+DVD) Walking & Talking The Blues (VizzTone)
1382 Taj Mahal: Evolution (The Most Recent) (Warners)
1383 Tinariwen: The Radio Tisdas Sessions (Wayward)
1384 Sandy Denny: 19 Rupert St (Witchwood)
1385 Takashi Hirayasu & Bob Brozman: Jin Jin/Firefly (World Music)
Turn your unwanted CDs, Vinyl and DVDs into ready money or
exchange them for something new for your collection. Contact
us today with your list.
1422 Hank III: (2CD) Straight To Hell (Curb)
1423 Tracy Nelson: Victim Of The Blues (Delta Groove)
1424 Jeff Beck: Performing This Week At Ronnie Scott's (Eagle)
1425 Enrico Crivellaro: Freewheelin' (Electro-Fi)
1426 Finis Tasby: What My Blues Are All About (Electro-Fi)
1427 Julian Fauth: Ought To Treat A Stranger Right (Electro-Fi)
1428 J.J. Milteau: Blue 3rd (Emarcy)
1429 Lightnin' Hopkins: (2CD) Complete Aladdin Recordings (EMI)
1296 Hank Williams: (4CD) Hillbilly Hero (Properbox)
1430 The Treniers: They Rock! They Roll! They Swing! (Epic)
1297 Lightnin' Hopkins: (4CD) Texas Thunderbolt (Properbox)
1431 Jimmy Lee Williams: Hoot Your Belly (Fat Possum)
1298 Lionel Hampton: (4CD) The Lionel Hampton Story (Properbox) 1432 John Hermann: Smiling Assassin (Fat Possum)
1299 V/A: (4CD) Getting' Funky - New Orleans R&B (Properbox)
1433 Tommy Emmanuel: (2CD) Little By Little (Favored Nations)
1300 V/A: (4CD) Roots Of Led Zeppelin (Properbox)
1434 Eric Sardinas: Black Pearls (Favoured Nations)
1301 Gene Krupa: (4CD) The Gene Krupa Story (Properbox1)
1435 Champion Jack Dupree: 1945-46 (Flyright)
1302 Thelonious Monk: (4CD) Monk's Moods (Properbox101)
1436 Samba Toure: Albala (Glitterbeat)
1303 Muddy Waters: (4CD) King Of Chicago Blues (Properbox102) 1437 James Hunter: The Hard Way (Go)
1305 Mahalia Jackson: (4CD) Come To Jesus (Properbox106)
1438 Henry Cooper: Baby Please (High Action)
1306 Peggy Lee: (4CD) Miss Wonderful (Properbox108)
1439 Hot Club Of Cowtown: Continental Stomp (Hightone)
1307 Ronnie Scott: (4CD) Boppin' With Scott (Properbox131)
1440 Lurrie Bell: Young Man's Blues (JSP)
1308 Art Blakey: (4CD) The Prime Source (Properbox132)
1441 Buddy Whittington: Six String Svengali (Manhaton)
1309 John Coltrane: (4CD) Early Trane (Properbox136)
1442 The Platters: (2CD) The Magic Touch - Anthology (Mercury)
1310 Jimmy Smith: (4CD) Electrifyin' (Properbox139)
1443 Travis Matte And The Zydeco Kingpins: Old School (Mhat)
1311 V/A: (4CD) Larkin's Jazz (Properbox155)
1444 Travis Matte And The Zydeco Kingpins: Zydeco Train (Mhat)
1312 Cannonball Adderley: (4CD) 'Dis Here (Properbox157)
1445 Giles Robson & Dirty Aces: Crooked Heart Of Mine (Movin')
1313 Serge Chaloff: (4CD) Boss Baritone (Properbox158)
1446 Malcolm Holcombe: To Drink The Rain (Music Road)
1447 Robert Plant & Jimmy Page: No Quarter (Night Charm - Japan)
1314 Dexter Gordon: (4CD) Settin' The Pace (Properbox16)
1448 John And The Sisters: John And The Sisters (NorthernBlues)
1315 John Lee Hooker: (4CD) Motor City Blues (Properbox163)
1449 Hadda Brooks: Time Was When (Pointblank)
1316 Miles Davis: (4CD) Young Miles (Properbox17)
1450 Miles Davis: Unissued 1956/57 Paris Broadcasts (Rare Live
1317 Miles Davis: (4CD) Essential Miles (Properbox171)
1318 Tubby Hayes: (4CD) Little Giants Steps (Properbox176)
1451 Ruth Brown: This Little Girl's Gone Rockin' (Request)
1319 Wayne Shorter: (4CD) Beginnings (Properbox178)
1452 Mud Morganfield: Son Of The Seventh Son (Severn)
1320 Sidney Bechet: (4CD) Sidney Bechet Story (Properbox18)
1453 Curtis Salgado: Soul Activated (Shanachie)
1321 Count Basie: (4CD) Count Basie Story (Properbox19)
1454 Los Texmaniacs: Borders Y Bailes (Smithsonian Folkways)
1322 Duke Ellington: (4CD) Masterpieces 1926-49 (Properbox25)
1455 Los Texmaniacs: Texas Towns & Tex-Mex Sounds
1323 Sarah Vaughan: (4CD) Young Sassy (Properbox27)
(Smithsonian Folkways)
1324 Dizzy Gillespie: (4CD) The Dizzy Gillespie Story ‘39-50
1456 Little Milton: Grits Ain't Groceries - Live (Stax)
1457 Maria Muldaur: Steady Love (Stony Plain)
1325 Bob Wills: (4CD) Take Me Back To Tulsa (Properbox32)
1473 Bukka White: Complete 1930-1940 Sessions (Travelin' Man)
1326 George Shearing: (4CD) From Battersea To Broadway
1474 Son House: Complete Library Of Congress Sessions 1941(Properbox40)
1942 (Travelin' Man)
1327 V/A: (4CD) Good News - 100 Gospel Greats (Properbox42)
1475 Cleoma Falcon/Armedee Ardoin: Early Black & White Cajun
1328 Benny Goodman: (4CD) The Essential BG (Properbox5109)
1329 Tubby Hayes: (4CD) The Little Giant (Properbox5117)
1476 Billy Branch: Blues Keep Following Me Around (Verve)
1330 Django Reinhardt: (4CD) Swing De Paris (Properbox53)
1477 V/A: Groove Station - King, Federal & Deluxe Saxblasters
1331 Wardell Gray: (4CD) The Wardell Gray Story (Properbox55)
Volume 1 (Westside)
1332 Art Tatum: (4CD) Piano Grand Master (Properbox 60)
1478 Ruben Gonzalez: Introducing (World Circuit)
1333 V/A: (4CD) The Big Horn - History Of Honkin' & Screamin'
1479 Jackie Caillier & Cajun Cousins: Front Porch Cajun Music
Saxophone (Properbox61)
1334 Charlie Mingus: (4CD) The Young Rebel (Properbox77)
1335 Lester Young: (4CD) The Lester Young Story (Properbox8)
1336 Chet Baker: (4CD) The Early Years (Properbox84)
1458 V/A: Vol 1 - Come Let Us Buy The Licence (Topic)
1337 Artie Shaw: (4CD) The Artie Shaw Story (Properbox85)
1459 V/A: Vol 10 -Who's That At My Bed Window? (Topic)
1338 Dave Brubeck: (4CD) Time Was (Properbox90)
1460 V/A: Vol 11 - My Father's The King Of The Gypsies (Topic)
1339 Oscar Peterson: (4CD) Piano Power (Properbox94)
1461 V/A: Vol 13 - Pints Of Beer & Bottles Of Sherry (Topic)
1340 V/A: (4CD) Blazing Bluegrass (Properbox95)
1462 V/A: Vol 15 - As Me And My Love Sat Courting (Topic)
1341 Charlie Parker: (4CD) Chasin' The Bird (Properbox99)
1463 V/A: Vol 16 - You Lazy Lot Of Bone-Shakers (Topic)
1342 V/A: (4CD) Bluegrass Bonanza (Properbox29)
1464 V/A: Vol 17 - It Fell On A Day, A Bonny Summer Day (Topic)
1343 V/A: (4CD) Dawn Of Doo-Wop (Properbox44)
1465 V/A: Vol 19 - Ranting & Reeling (Topic)
1344 Buddy Rich: (4CD) Strike It, Rich! (Properbox Deluxe 5001)
1466 V/A: Vol 3 - O'er His Grave The Grass Grew Green (Topic)
1467 V/A: Vol 4 - Farewell, My Own Dear Native Land (Topic)
1468 V/A: Vol 5 - Come All My Lads That Follow The Plough (Topic)
1469 V/A: Vol 6 - Tonight I'll Make You My Bride (Topic)
1 CD = £1.50
1470 V/A: Vol 7 - First I'm Going To Sing You A Ditty (Topic)
Add £0.50 per CD up until a max. of 10 CDs (£6.00)
1471 V/A: Vol 8 - A Story I'm Just About To Tell (Topic)
1472 V/A: Vol 9 - Rig-A-Jig-Jig (Topic)
Completed and packed orders over £100 still p&p free in UK
£1 surcharge on orders under £10
For 1st class delivery of next catalogue, see Page 9 for information on subscription arrangements for future Red Lick
1386 Steve Cropper: Dedicated - A Salute To The 5 Royales (429)
1387 Lightnin' Slim: High & Low Down (Alive)
1388 Lil' Ed & Blues Imperials: Chicken, Gravy & Biscuits (Alligator)
1389 Lil' Ed & Blues Imperials: Rattleshake (Alligator)
1390 Lil' Ed & Blues Imperials: What You See Is What You Get
1391 Little Charlie & The Nightcats: That's Big! (Alligator)
1392 Little Charlie & The Nightcats: The Big Break (Alligator)
1393 Rick Estrin And The Nightcats: One Wrong Turn (Alligator)
1394 V/A: (2CD) Alligator's 20th Anniversary Collection (Alligator)
1395 V/A: (2CD) Alligator's 30th Anniversary Collection (Alligator)
1396 Bettye LaVette: Thankful N' Thoughtful (Anti)
1397 Booker T: Potato Hole (Anti)
1398 John Lewis Trio: The Billy Banks Sessions (Atomic Cowboy)
1399 Joe Beard ft Duke Robillard: Dealin' (Audioquest)
1400 Joe Beard ft Duke Robillard: For Real (Audioquest)
1401 Joe Beard ft Ronnie Earl: Blues Union (Audioquest)
1402 Larry Miller: On The Edge (Big Guitar)
1403 Larry Miller: Outlaw Blues (Big Guitar)
1404 Sena Ehrhardt: All In (no back cover) (Blind Pig)
1405 Ford Blues Band: Butterfield/Bloomfield Concert (Blue Rock'it)
1406 Ford Blues Band: Memory Of Michael Bloomfield (Blue Rock'it)
1407 Ford Blues Band: Tribute To Paul Butterfield (Blue Rock'it)
1408 Elvin Bishop: She Puts Me In The Mood (Blues Boulevard)
1409 Otis Rush: Can't Quit The Blues (Cobras) (Blues Boulevard)
1410 Odell Harris: Searching For Odell Harris (Broke & Hungry)
1411 John Mooney: Late Last Night (Bullseye)
1412 Smokin' Joe Kubeck Band Featuring Bnois King: Served Up
Texas Style - The Best Of (Bullseye)
1413 Henry Cooper: Slide Man (Burnside)
1414 Garland Green: I Should've Been The One (CDS)
1415 Muddy Waters: Fathers And Sons (Chess)
1416 Etta James: Rocks The House - Live 1963 (Chess/MCA)
1417 Rockin' Tooter Boatman: Rockin' Tooter Boatman (Collector)
1418 Rusty Kershaw: Rusty - Cajun In The Blues Country
(Collector's Choice)
1419 Ford Blues Band: 1999 (Crosscut)
1420 Josh Smith: Don't Give Up On Me (Crosscut)
1421 Josh Smith: I'm Gonna Be Ready (Crosscut)
1480 Commander Cody & Lost Planet Airmen: Bar Room Classics
1481 Roscoe Shelton: Deep In My Soul (Aim)
1482 Jimmy D Lane: Legacy (APO)
1483 David Lindley: El Rayo-X (Asylum)
1484 Jeff Beck: Emotion & Commotion (Atco)
1485 Michael Powers: Onyx Root (Baryon)
1486 Michael Powers: Prodigal Son (Baryon)
1487 Blind Willie McTell: Pig 'N Whistle Red (Biograph)
1488 Leadbelly/Blind Willie McTell: Masters Of The Country Blues
1489 John Mooney: All I Want (Blind Pig)
1490 John Mooney: Gone To Hell (Blind Pig)
1491 Larry Carlton: Fire Wire (Bluebird)
1492 Tyrone Vaughan: Downtime (Blues Boulevard)
1493 Geoff Muldaur: Blues Boy (Bullseye)
1494 Radio Kings: Money Road (Bullseye)
1495 Steve Summers Band: Lookin' Back, Movin' On (Casket)
1496 Algia Mae Hinton: Honey Babe (Cello)
1497 Richard Ross: Coming From Kansas City (Challenge)
1498 V/A: (2CD) The Rarest Rockabilly Album In The World Ever!
(Chrome Dreams)
1499 Jethro Tull: (2CD) Bursting Out - Live (Chrysalis)
1500 Mighty Sam McClain: Betcha Didn't Know (City Hall)
1501 Electric Flag: A Long Time Comin' (Columbia)
1502 Miles Davis: (2CD) At Carnegie Hall (Columbia)
1503 Miles Davis: (2CD) Big Fun (Columbia)
1504 Miles Davis: (2CD) Bitches Brew (Columbia)
1505 Miles Davis: (2CD) Black Beauty - At Fillmore West
1506 Miles Davis: (2CD) Circle In The Round (Columbia)
1507 Miles Davis: (2CD) Dark Magus - Live At Carnegie Hall
1508 Miles Davis: (2CD) Get Up With It (Columbia)
1509 Miles Davis: (2CD) It's About That Time - Live At The Fillmore
East, March 7 1970 (Columbia)
1510 Miles Davis: (2CD) Live - Evil (Columbia)
1511 Miles Davis: (2CD) Pangaea (Columbia)
1512 Hank Williams: (3CD) Settin' Woods On Fire (Complete)
1513 Woody Guthrie: (3CD) This Machine Kills Fascists (Complete)
1514 Fleetwood Mac Members: Fleetwood Mac Family Album
1515 Counting Sheep: The Blues Vision (CRS)
1516 Robert Plant: Band Of Joy (Decca)
1517 Jimmy Forrest: Night Train (Delmark)
1518 Lightnin' Guy: Plays Hound Dog Taylor (DixieFrog)
1519 Pura Fe' Trio: (2CD) Live! A Blues Night In North Carolina
1520 John Mooney: Testimony (Domino)
1521 Neil Carswell: Good Man's Journey (East Winds)
1522 Bob Wills And His Texas Playboys: Your Friendly King Of
Western Swing (Edsel)
1523 Bukka White: 1963 Isn't 1962 (Edsel)
1524 Zoot Sims: In Paris (EMI Japan)
1525 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Texas Flood (Epic Japan)
1526 Corey Stevens: Blue Drops Of Rain (Eureka)
1527 Lavay Smith’s Hot Skillet Lickers: One Hour Mama (Fat Note)
1528 Mario Bradley: Shake It Don't Brake It (Fury)
1529 Eddie Holman: Eddie's My Name - Rare 60's Soul (Goldmine)
1530 Grady Champion: Goin' Back Home (Grady Shady)
1531 Hank III: (2CD) Ghost To A Ghost/Gutter Town (Hank3)
1532 Corey Lueck & Smokewagon Blues Band: It Ain't Easy (HS)
1533 J.T. Lauritsen & Friends: Play By The Rules (Hunters)
1534 Bluebirds: Swamp Stomp (Icehouse)
1535 Radio Kings: It Ain't Easy (Icehouse)
1536 Radio Kings: Live At B B King’s (Icehouse)
1537 Big Papa And The TCB: Six Pack Of Cool (Inland Blue)
1538 Bryan Lee: Live At The Old Absinthe (Friday) (Justin Time)
1539 Bryan Lee: Live At The Old Absinthe (Saturday) (Justin Time)
1540 Chicago Bob Nelson: Back To Bogalusa (King Snake)
1541 Junior Markham: Wound Up Tight (King Snake)
1542 Don Covay: Mercy/See-Saw - Two LPs On One CD (Koch)
1543 Spats Langham: The Hottest Man In Town (Lake)
1544 Stevie Ray Vaughan: The King's Head - Legendary 1980
Radio Broadcast (Left Field Media)
1545 Elvis Presley: (2CD) Elvis Presley - Legacy Edition (Legacy)
1546 Gabor Szabo: Jazz Raga (Light In The Attic)
1547 Nina Simone: In Concert + I Put A Spell On You (Mercury)
1548 Big Town Playboys: Roll The Dice (MI5)
1549 Great Lake Swimmers: Great Lake Swimmers (Misra)
1550 V/A: (2CD) A Cellarful Of Motown (Motown)
1551 V/A: (2CD) A Cellarful Of Motown Vol 2 (Motown)
1552 V/A: (2CD) This Is Northern Soul! Motown Sound Vol 1 (Motown)
1553 Vanilla Fudge: When Two World's Collide (Music Avenue)
1554 Ike Turner: My Blues Country (Mystic)
1555 Calvin Russell: Sounds From The Fourth World (New Rose)
1556 Pat Metheny: What's It All About (Nonesuch)
1557 Pat Metheny Group: Letter From Home (Nonesuch)
1558 Pat Metheny Group: The Way Up (Nonesuch)
1559 Jake Leg Jug Band: Cotton Mouth (Oprah Sounds)
1560 Brian Vollmer: Old Time Music Party (Patuxent)
1561 Tom Mindte & Jeremy Stephens: Radio Favorites & Sacred
Songs (Patuxent)
1562 Tom Neal: Banjoland (Patuxent)
1563 Albert Collins And The Icebreakers: Live '92 - '93 (Pointblank)
1564 John Lee Hooker: Boom Boom -Collectors Edition (Pointblank)
1565 Van Morrison: Pay The Devil (Polydor)
1566 Dave Hole: The Plumber (Provogue)
1567 Dave Hole: Under The Spell (Provogue)
1568 Guy Davis: You Don't Know My Mind (Red House)
1569 John Dummer Band: Blue (Repertoire)
1570 Eric Clapton: (2CD) One More Car, One More Rider (Reprise)
1571 Jelly Roll Morton: Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton (Retrieval)
1572 Lonnie Shields: Portrait (Rooster)
1573 Willie King: Living In A New World (Rooster)
1574 Boozoo Chavis: The Lake Charles Atomic Bomb (Rounder)
1575 Courtney Granger: Un Bal Chez Balfa (Rounder)
1576 Holmes Brothers: Righteous! Essential Collection (Rounder)
1577 Leadbelly: Go Down Old Hannah - Library Of Congress Vol 6
1578 Leadbelly: Let It Shine On Me (Rounder)
1579 Leadbelly: Midnight Special (Rounder)
1580 Tish Hinojosa: Sign Of Truth (Rounder)
1581 Leadbelly: Bridging Leadbelly (Rounder Select)
1582 Bart Walker: Waiting On Daylight (Ruf)
1583 Lightnin' Malcolm: Renegade (Ruf)
1584 Luther Allison: Live In Paris (Ruf)
1585 Luther Allison: Reckless (Ruf)
1586 Luther Allison: Where Have You Been? Live In Montreux
1976-94 (Ruf)
1587 Sean Costello: Sean Costello (Ryko)
1588 John Dummer Blues Band: Cabal (S M Label)
1589 Ruth Brown: (2CD) Miss Rhythm - Greatest Hits (Sequel)
1590 Murali Coryell: Live (Shake It Sugar)
1591 Grady Champion: 2 Days Short Of A Week (Shanachie)
1592 Grady Champion: Payin' For My Sins (Shanachie)
1593 Grady Champion: Shanachie Days (Shanachie)
1594 Joe Tex: Singles A's & B's Vol 1 1964-1966 (Shout)
1595 Vieux Farka Toure: Mon Pays (Six Degrees)
1596 Lucinda Williams: Ramblin' (Smithsonian Folkways)
1597 Miles Davis: (2CD) In Concert - At Philharmonic Hall, New
York (Sony)
1598 Miles Davis: (2CD) At Fillmore (Sony)
1599 Jimmy Reed: Rockin' With Reed (SoulJam)
1600 Muddy Waters: At Newport 1960 + Sings Big Bill (SoulJam)
1601 Hot Sauce Featuring Rhonda Washington: Good Woman
Turning Bad - Complete Volt Recordings (Stax)
1602 V/A: First Came Memphis Minnie (Stony Plain)
1603 Blue Rags, The: Rag 'N Roll (Sub Pop)
1604 Tony Joe White: Uncovered (Swamp)
1605 James Cotton: 35th Anniversary Jam (Telarc)
1606 James Cotton: Baby Don't You Tear My Clothes (Telarc)
1607 Pinetop Perkins: Back On Top (Telarc)
1608 Pinetop Perkins: Born In The Delta (Telarc)
1609 Bill Jackson: Long Steel Rail (Testament)
1610 Rick Holmstrom: Hydraulic Groove (Tone-Cool)
1611 V/A: Krazy Kats - Louisiana Swamp Pop & Rock (Trikont)
1612 Jimmy Rushing & Friends: Oh Love (Vanguard)
1613 Gene Chandler: The Duke Of Earl (Vee-Jay)
1614 James Cotton: Deep In The Blues (Verve)
1615 Calvin Russell: Sam (Wagram)
1616 Tony Joe White: The Train I'm On (Warners)
1617 Gareth Lockranes's Grooveyard: The Strut (Whirlwind)
1618 Robert 'Top' Thomas: The Town Crier (Wild Roots)
1619 John Primer: Blues Behind Closed Doors (Wolf)
1620 John Primer: Cold Blooded Blues Man (Wolf)
1621 John Primer: It's A Blues Life (Wolf)
1717 Son Seals: Live - Spontaneous Combustion (Alligator)
1718 Son Seals: Living In The Danger Zone (Alligator)
1719 Tinsley Ellis: Trouble Time (Alligator)
1720 V/A (Bell, Cotton, Wells): Harp Attack (Alligator)
1721 Kim Wilson: That's Life (Antone's)
1722 V/A: (2CD) Where Have All The Flowers Gone - The Songs Of
Pete Seeger (Appleseed)
1622 C.J. Chenier: Can't Sit Down (World Village)
1723 Jerry Garcia: Run For The Roses (Arista)
1623 Arturo O'Farrill’s Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra: Song For Chico
1724 V/A: Rio Bravo And Other Movie & TV Themes (Bear Family)
1725 Georgie Fame: Mod Classics 1964-1966 (Beat Goes Public)
1726 Muddy Waters: At Newport/Muddy Waters Live (BGO)
1727 Robert Ward: Rhythm Of The People (Black Top)
1624 Claude Hay: I Love Hate You (128)
1728 Ronnie Earl & Broadcasters: Surrounded By Love (Black Top)
1625 Rolling Stones: 12 X 5 (Abkco)
1729 Big Bill Morganfield: Ramblin' Mind (Blind Pig)
1626 Rolling Stones: England's Newest Hitmakers (Abkco)
1730 V/A: (2CD) Blind Pig's 20th Anniversary Collection (Blind Pig)
1627 Rolling Stones: Flowers (Abkco)
1731 V/A: Muddy Waters - All-Star Tribute To A Legend (Blues Bld)
1628 Rolling Stones: The Rolling Stones Now! (Abkco)
1629 Barrence Whitfield & Savages: Plus 10 More For The Pot (Ace) 1732 Jimmy Rogers: Vol Two - Chicago Blues Masters (Capitol)
1733 V/A: (2CD) Southern Soul Shake (Charly)
1630 Bo Diddley: Bo's Blues (Ace)
1734 Jimmy McCracklin: Everybody Rock! Best Of (Chess)
1631 Brother Claude Ely: Satan Get Back! (Ace)
1735 Monster Mike Welch: Cryin' Hey! (DixieFrog)
1632 Chosen Gospel Singers: The Lifeboat (Ace)
1736 Tracy Nelson: Ebony & Irony (Eclectic)
1633 Delmore Brothers: Freight Train Boogie 1946-52 (Ace)
1737 P-A-U-L Lamb & Detroit Breakdown: Ready Fire Aim (EE)
1634 Dovells: For Your Hully Gully Party/You Can't Sit Down (Ace)
1635 Fabulous Wailers: Tall Cool One - Golden Crest Masters (Ace) 1738 Black John: The Soul Of Black John (ElectoGroove)
1739 Lil' Dave Thompson: Deep In The Night (Electro-Fi)
1636 Hadda Brooks: Romance In The Dark (Ace)
1740 V/A: Hey Baby! The Rockin' South (Excello)
1637 John Lee Hooker: Blues Brother 1948-1951 (Ace)
1741 V/A: Krooning - Southern Doo Wop Vol 2 (Excello)
1638 John Lee Hooker: That's My Story/The Folk Blues Of (Ace)
1742 V/A: (3CD) Heavy Sugar - Pure Essence Of New Orleans
1639 John Lee Hooker: Legendary Modern Recs 1948-54 (Ace)
R&B (Fantastic Voyage)
1640 Lowell Fulson: Black Nights - The Early Kent Sessions (Ace)
1743 V/A: (3CD) It's Saturday Night - Starday Dixie Rockabilly
1641 The Medallions (featuring Vernon Green): Speedin' (Ace)
1955-61 (Fantastic Voyage)
1642 Ricky Nelson: Rockin' With Ricky (Ace)
1744 V/A: (3CD) Western Swingin' (Fantastic Voyage)
1643 Rosie & The Originals: Angel Baby Revisited (Ace)
Danny George Wilson: The Famous Mad Mile (Fargo)
1644 Sam Cooke And The Soul Stirrers: In The Beginning (Ace)
1746 Charles Caldwell: Remember Me (Fat Possum)
1645 Scamps, The: Red Hot (Ace)
1747 Johnny Farmer: Wrong Doers Respect Me (Fat Possum)
1646 Shirelles: Foolish Little Girl/It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World (Ace)
1748 Junior Kimbrough: Most Things Haven't Worked Out (promo)
1647 Tony Orlando: Halfway To Paradise 1961-1964 (Ace)
(Fat Possum)
1648 V/A: A Rocket In My Pocket - Guide To Rockabilly Music (Ace)
1749 Nathaniel Mayer: I Just Want To Be Held (Fat Possum)
1649 V/A: Across The Tracks Vol 2 - More Nashville R&B And Doo
1750 Robert Belfour: Pushin' My Luck (Fat Possum)
Wop (Ace)
1751 Robert Cage: Can You See What You're Doing (Fat Possum)
1650 V/A: Birth Of Surf Vol 2 (Ace)
1752 Terry Garland: Trouble In Mind (First Warning)
1651 V/A: Blues From Dolphins Of Hollywood (Ace)
1753 G'Jai: Got The Blues… All Because of You (G'jai Jook Joint)
1652 V/A: Blues Guitar Blasters (Ace)
1754 Smokey Robinson: The Solo Albums Vol 3 (Hip-O Select)
1653 V/A: Bo Diddley Is A Songwriter (Ace)
1755 Candi Staton: Candi Staton (Honest Jons)
1654 V/A: Califia - The Songs Of Lee Hazlewood (Ace)
1756 Etta James: Etta Is Betta Than Evvah! (Kent)
1655 V/A: Caribbean R&B Classics - Big People Music (Ace)
1656 V/A: Cool Daddy - Central Avenue Scene 1951-57 Vol 3 (Ace) 1757 Etta James: Who's Blue? Rare Chess Recordings (Kent)
1758 King Floyd: I Feel Like Dynamite 1970-1974 (Kent)
1657 V/A: Destroy That Boy! More Girls With Guitars (Ace)
1759 Sugar Pie DeSanto: Go Go Power 1961-1966 (Kent)
1658 V/A: Dig These Blues - Legendary Dig Masters (Ace)
1760 V/A: Behind Closed Doors - Where Country Meets Soul (Kent)
1659 V/A: Do-Wah-Diddy - Words And Music By Ellie Greenwich
1761 V/A: Chess Uptown Soul (Kent)
And Jeff Barry (Ace)
1660 V/A: Girls, Girls, Girls-Recollection Of Dream Dates ‘55-65 (Ace) 1762 V/A: Dave Godin's Deep Soul Treasures Vol 1 (Kent)
1763 V/A: Just Keep On Dancing - Chess Northern Soul (Kent)
1661 V/A: Golden Age Of American Popular Music - Hits With
1764 V/A: Kent's Cellar Of Soul (Kent)
Strings And Things (Ace)
1765 V/A: Mod Jazz Forever (Kent)
1662 V/A: Golden Age Of Popular Music - The Folk Hits (Ace)
1663 V/A: Hard To Handle - Black America Sings Otis Redding (Ace) 1766 V/A: Nobody Wins - Stax Southern Soul 1968-1975 (Kent)
1767 V/A: Okeh - A Northern Soul Obsession (Kent)
1664 V/A: Harp Blues (Ace)
1768 V/A: Okeh - A Northern Soul Obsession Vol 2 (Kent)
1665 V/A: Hollywood Rock 'N Roll Record Hop (Ace)
1769 V/A: South Texas Rhythm 'N Soul Revue (Kent)
1666 V/A: It Came From The Beach - Surf, Drag & Rockin Instros
1770 V/A: Sweet Dreams - Where Country Meets Soul Vol 2 (Kent)
From Downey (Ace)
1771 V/A: The Golden Age Of American Popular Music Vol 2 (Kent)
1667 V/A: It's Jesus Y'All (Ace)
1772 V/A: The Goldwax Story Vol 2 (Kent)
1668 V/A: Jiving Jamboree 2 (Ace)
1773 V/A: Yet Mo' Mod Jazz (Kent)
1669 V/A: Jiving Jamboree 3 (Ace)
1774 V/A: Paris Musette (La Lichere)
1670 V/A: Jukebox R&B (Ace)
1775 Chris Barber's Jazz & Blues Band With Ken Colyer: New
1671 V/A: Jumpin the Blues (Ace)
Orleans Parade (Lake)
1672 V/A: Let The Boogie Woogie Rock 'N Roll (Ace)
1776 Hot Fingers: In Glorious Mono (Lake)
1673 V/A: Long Gone Daddies - Modern Rockabilly & R 'N R (Ace)
1777 Big Town Playboys: Playboy Boogie - promo (Making Waves)
1674 V/A: Louisiana Saturday Night (Ace)
1778 Ann Rabson: Struttin' My Stuff (MC)
1675 V/A: Memphis Boys - The Story Of American Studios (Ace)
Pinetop Perkins: Ladies Man (MC)
1676 V/A: Modern Vocal Groups Vol 1 (Ace)
1780 R.L. Burnside: Acoustic Stories (MC)
1677 V/A: Modern Vocal Groups Vol 6 (Ace)
1781 Memphis Slim: The Real Folk Blues (MCA)
1678 V/A: Phil's Spectre III - A Third Wall Of Soundalikes (Ace)
1782 V/A: (10CD) Boogie Woogie (Membran)
1679 V/A: Rare West Coast Surf Instrumentals (Ace)
1783 Muddy Waters: Hoochie Coochie Mannish Boy - On The Road
1680 V/A: Rhythm Riot! (Ace)
1971-73 (Music Ave)
1681 V/A: Starday-Dixie Rockabilly Vol 1 (Ace)
1784 Canned Heat: Live In Oz (ft Walter Trout) (Mystic)
1682 V/A: Teen Beat Vol 2 - 30 Great Rockin' Instrumentals (Ace)
Bill Frisell: The Willies (Nonesuch)
1683 V/A: Teenage Rock 'N Roll Party (Ace)
1786 Carolina Chocolate Drops: Genuine Negro Jig (Nonesuch)
1684 V/A: The Class & Rendezvous Story (Ace)
1787 Ry Cooder/Manuel Galban: Mambo Sinuendo (Nonesuch)
1685 V/A: The Early Jin Singles - Southland Rock 'n Roll (Ace)
1788 Rita Chiarelli: Breakfast At Midnight (NorthernBlues)
1686 V/A: The Heart Of Southern Soul Vol 2 (Ace)
1789 Anders Osborne: Which Way To Here (Okeh)
1687 V/A: West Texas Bop (Ace)
1790 Thurston Harris: Little Bitty Pretty One (Plaza)
1688 Wailers: Wailers Wailers Everywhere/Out Of Our Tree (Ace)
1791 Oscar Peterson Trio: At The Stratford Shakespearean Festival
1689 Wanda Jackson: The Very Best Of The Country Years (Ace)
(Poll Winners)
1690 Willie Dixon With Memphis Slim: Willie's Blues (Ace)
1792 Bobby Mack: Highway Man (Provogue)
1691 Wynonie Harris: Lovin' Machine (Ace)
1793 Paul Geremia: Love, Murder & Mosquitos (Red House)
1692 Nathan Abshire (Featuring The Balfa Brothers): Pine Grove
1794 John Lee Hooker: No Friend Around (Red Lightnin)
Blues/The Good Times Are Killing Me (Ace (CDCHD329))
1795 J Monque'd: Chitlin' Eatin' Music (Reel To Reel)
1693 V/A: Swamp Blues (Ace/Excello)
1796 Eric Burdon And The Animals: Love Is (Repertoire)
1694 V/A: (3CD) 1953 British Hit Parade (Acrobat)
1695 V/A: (4CD) 1956 British Hit Parade - Part 1 Jan- July (Acrobat) 1797 Sonny Boy Williamson (Rice Miller): And The Yardbirds - Live
At The Craw-Daddy (Repertoire)
1696 V/A: (4CD) 1956 British Hit Parade - Part 2 July-Dec (Acrobat)
1697 V/A: (4CD) 1957 British Hit Parade - Part 1 Jan-June (Acrobat) 1798 Philadelphia Jerry Ricks: Many Miles Of Blues (Rooster)
1698 V/A: (4CD) Brylcreamed Boys And Beehived Birds & The Birth 1799 Corey Harris: Daily Bread (Rounder)
1800 Frank Zappa: Sleep Dirt (Ryko)
Of British Rock 'N Roll 1950-57 (Acrobat)
1801 Frank Zappa: Strictly Commercial - The Best Of (Ryko)
1699 Joel Harrison: Free Country (ACT)
The Who: (2CD) At Isle Of Wight Festival 1970 (Sanctuary)
1700 Albert Collins: Cold Snap (Alligator)
1803 The Spikedrivers: Delta Roots (Scratchy)
1701 Albert Collins: Deluxe Edition (Alligator)
1804 Buddy Guy & Junior Wells: Last Time Around (Silvertone)
1702 Albert Collins: Live in Japan (Alligator)
1805 Chris Duarte Group: Tailspin Headwhack (Silvertone)
1703 Albert Collins, Robert Cray & Johnny Copeland: Showdown!
1806 Chuck Higgins: Pachuko Hop (Speciality)
1807 John Lee Hooker: Graveyard Blues (Speciality)
1704 Buddy Guy & Junior Wells: Alone & Acoustic (Alligator)
1808 Roy Milton: Vol 3 - Blowin' With Roy (Speciality)
1705 Clarence Gatemouth Brown: No Looking Back (Alligator)
1809 V/A: Rock 'N Roll Fever! Wildest From Speciality (Speciality)
1706 Clarence Gatemouth Brown: Standing My Ground (Alligator)
1810 Ray Price: San Antonio Rose + Night Life (SPV)
1707 Corey Harris: Between Midnight And Day (Alligator)
1811 Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan: In Session (Stax)
1708 Corey Harris: Green From The Garden (Alligator)
1812 Johnnie Taylor: Super Hits (Stax)
1709 Corey Harris & Henry Butler: Vu-Du Menz (Alligator)
1813 Ruth Brown: Takin' Care Of Business (Stockholm)
1710 Elvin Bishop: Big Fun (Alligator)
1814 Ronnie Earl: And Friends (Telarc)
1711 Kenny Neal: Deluxe Edition (Alligator)
1815 Ronnie Earl: Healing Time (Telarc)
1712 Kenny Neal: Walking On Fire (Alligator)
1816 Mudcats Blues Trio: The Tesla Recordings (Tesla)
1713 Luther Allison: Soul Fixin' Man (Alligator)
1817 Jack White: Blunderbuss (Third Man)
1714 Saffire: The Uppity Blues Women (Alligator)
1818 The Raconteurs: Broken Boy Soldiers (Third Man)
1715 Shemekia Copeland: Turn The Heat Up (Alligator)
1819 The Ranconteurs: Consolers Of The Lonely (Third Man)
1716 Shemekia Copeland: Wicked (Alligator)
1820 John O'Leary Band: (2CD) Two For The Show (Trapeze)
1821 Jim Weider And The Honky Tonk Gurus: Big Foot (UlfTone)
1822 Frank Zappa: Studio Tan (Universal)
1823 Buddy Guy: As Good As It Gets - Best Of (Vanguard)
1824 Denise LaSalle: Trapped By A Thing Called Love/On The
Loose (Westbound)
1825 V/A: Buena Vista Social Club (World Circuit)
1826 Frank Zappa: You Are What You Is (Zappa)
1827 Rev Jimmie Bratcher: Secretly Famous (Ain't Skeert)
1828 Stray Cats: The Best Of - Ultimate Selection (Arista Japan)
1829 Bill Doggett: Honky Tonk Popcorn (Beat Goes Public)
1830 Chuck Berry: Chuck Berry/More Chuck Berry (BGO)
1831 Geoff Bradford: The Return Of A Guitar Legend (BGO)
1832 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Born To Be Bad (BGO)
1833 V/A: Country & West Coast - Birth of Country Rock (Big Beat)
1834 Chris Thomas King: Red Mud (Black Top)
1835 Errol Garner: (2CD) The Savoy Recordings (Brilliant Jazz)
1836 V/A: (8CD) Black & White Box Of Jazz (Castle Pulse)
1837 Barbara Carr: Keep The Fire Burning (Catfood)
1838 Johnny Rawls: Ace Of Spades (Catfood)
1839 Benny Goodman: (2CD) Live At Carnegie Hall (CBS)
1840 Muddy Waters: Complete Plantation Recordings - 1941-42
Library Of Congress Recordings (Chess/MCA)
1841 Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin & Paco de Lucia: Friday Night
In San Francisco (Columbia)
1842 Mississippi John Hurt: Avalon Blues - 1928 Okehs (Columbia)
1843 Frank Goldwasser: Bluju (Crosscut)
1844 Tas Cru: Tired Of Bluesmen Cryin' (Crustee Tees)
1845 Johnny B Moore: Live at Blue Chicago (Delmark)
1846 Junior Wells: Blues Hit Big Town (Delmark)
1847 T-Bone Walker: I Want a Little Girl (Delmark)
1848 Bill Kirchen & Too Much Fun: Tombstone Every Mile (Demon)
1849 Terry Garland: The One To Blame (Demon)
1850 V/A: (4CD) Songs That Won The War - Celebrating 60th
Anniversary Of VE Day (Demon)
1851 Chicken Shack: Unlucky Boy (Deram)
1852 The Bluesmasters: Volume Two (Direct Music)
1853 Bootleggers: Heart Of Dixie (DixieFrog)
1854 Buzztown: Wherever You Hide (DixieFrog)
1855 Dave Arcari: Nobody's Fool (DixieFrog)
1856 Fred Chapellier: Electric Fingers (DixieFrog)
1857 Hell's Kitchen: Dress To Dig (DixieFrog)
1858 Leadfoot Rivet: Welcome To My Mongrel Music World!
1859 Malted Milk: Get Some (DixieFrog)
1860 Mathis Haug: Playing My Dues (DixieFrog)
1861 Harry Manx: Om Suite Ohm (Dog My Cat)
1862 Jeff Healey Band: Live At Montreux 1999 (Eagle)
1863 Albert Bashor: Cotton Field Of Dreams (Earwig)
1864 Liz Mandville Greeson: Look At Me (Earwig)
1865 Joe Barry: Loneliest Boy In Town - Crazy Cajuns Vol 1 (Edsel)
1866 Shakura S'Aida: (2CD) Time (Electro-Fi)
1867 Otis Redding: (2CD) The Very Best Of Otis Redding (Elektra)
1868 V/A: Klezmer Music - A Marriage Of Heaven And Earth
1869 Joe Satriani: (2CD) Surfing With The Alien - Legacy Ed (Epic)
1870 Muddy Waters: (2CD) Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live (Epic)
1871 John Coltrane: Turning Point (Five Four)
1872 Juanita Hall: Sings The Blues (Fresh Sound)
1873 Yonder Mountain String Band: Town By Town (Frog Pad)
1874 Steve Lott Band: If Licks Could Kill (import) (Full Moon)
1875 Jeff Lang: Half Seas Over (Furry)
1876 Cee Cee James: Blood Red Blues (FWG)
1877 Charles Mingus Jazz Workshop: A Night At Café Bohemia
(Giant Steps)
1878 V/A: The Roots Of Northern Soul (Goldmine)
1879 Reverend Gary Davis: Rev. Gary Davis (Gospel Heritage)
1880 Blindside Blues Band: Long Hard Road (Grooveyard)
1881 Blindstone: Rise Above (Grooveyard)
1882 Spade Cooley Big Band: 1950-1952 (Harlequin)
1883 Ronnie Earl & Broadcasters: Surrounded By Love (Hepcat)
1884 Pee Wee King: King Of Western Swing (Heptone)
1885 V/A: Rivertown Blues Plus! (Hi)
1886 Joe J Jones: Until The End (Highpoint)
1887 Billy Lee Riley: Blue Collar Blues (Hightone)
1888 Moondog: Moondog (Honest Jons)
1889 Willie Hightower: Willie Hightower (Honest Jons)
1890 Hank Ballard & The Midnighters: The One And Only (Hoodoo)
1891 Johnny Otis: Hum-Ding-A-Ling - 1957-1959 Recs (Hoodoo)
1892 Jim Belushi & Sacred Hearts: 36-22-36 (House Of Blues)
1893 John Mooney: Against The Wall (House Of Blues)
1894 Legendary Blues Band: Money Talks (Ichiban)
1895 Legendary Blues Band: Prime Time Blues (Ichiban)
1896 Ray Condo And His Rocochets: High & Wild (Joaquin)
1897 John Lee Hooker Jr: All Hooked Up (John Lee Hooker Jr)
1898 Joe Louis Walker & Otis Grand: Guitar Brothers (JSP)
1899 King Curtis: Live In New York (JSP)
1900 Kirk 'Eli' Fletcher: I'm Here & I'm Gone (JSP)
1901 Linda Valori: Days Like This (LeArt)
1902 Handsome Family, The: Twilight (Loose Music)
1903 Furry Lewis: Fourth And Beale (Maison De Blues)
1904 Little Milton: Welcome To Little Milton (Malaco)
1905 Lyle Lovett: Joshua Judges Ruth (MCA)
1906 V/A: Live At The Monterey Jazz Festival Highlights, Vol 1
(Monterey Jazz Festival)
1907 Jo-El Sonnier: Come On Joe + Have A Little Faith (Morello)
1908 Southern Voodoo: Neon Dust Baby (Music Avenue)
1909 Be Good Tanyas: Blue Horse (Nettwerk)
1910 Patty Griffin: American Kid (New West)
1911 Nollaig Casey: The Music Of What Happened (Old Bridge)
1912 Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin & Paco de Lucia: Passion,
Grace & Fire (Phillips/Phonogram)
1913 Hank Williams: (2CD) 40 Greatest Hits (Polydor)
1914 John Coltrane: Standard Coltrane (Prestige)
1915 Red Garland Quintet With John Coltrane: Dig It! (Prestige)
1916 Andy Sheppard And John Parricelli: PS (Provocateur)
1917 Pines, The: Tremelo (Red House)
1918 Neil Young: (2CD) Decade - Very Best Of 1966-76 (Reprise)
1919 Ron Dziubla: Ron Dziubla's Nasty Habit (Rip Cat)
1920 Bill Evans Trio: At Shelly's Manne-Hole, Hollywood (Riverside)
1921 Bill Evans Trio: Everybody Digs Bill Evans (Riverside)
1922 Bill Haley And His Comets: Rock The Joint! (Rollercoaster)
1923 The Knitters: The Modern Sounds Of The Knitters (Rounder)
1924 Wayfaring Strangers: This Train (Rounder)
1925 Frank Zappa: Chunga's Revenge (Ryko)
1926 Frank Zappa: Waka/Jawaka (Ryko)
1927 Warren Zevon: My Ride's Here (Ryko)
1928 Warren Zevon: The Wind (Ryko)
1929 Nora Jean Bruso: Going Back to Mississippi (Severn)
1930 Martin Simpson: Bootleg USA (Simpsonian)
1931 K.D. Lang: Reintarnation (Sire/Rhino)
1932 Screaming Jay Hawkins: The Grand & Gotham Titles (SJH)
1933 Les Primitifs Du Futur: World Musette (Sketch)
1934 Larry Young With The Youth And Elders Of Rural Alabama:
Here I Stand (Smithsonian Folkways)
1935 Family: (2CD) In Their Own Time (Snapper Recall)
1936 Taj Mahal: The Natch'l Blues (SPV)
1937 Dion: Bronx In Blue (SPV Blue)
1938 Albert King: Born Under A Bad Sign (Stax)
1939 Thieving Birds: Thieving Birds (Team Guys)
1940 Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers: Inside Tracks (Telarc)
1941 Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers: We Got It (Telarc)
1942 Joe Louis Walker: In The Morning (Telarc)
1943 Kenny Neal: What You Got (Telarc)
1944 Oscar Peterson & Michael Legrand: Trail Of Dreams - A
Canadian Suite (Telarc)
1945 V/A: (2CD) Living The Blues - Blues Greats (Time Life)
1946 V/A: (2CD) Living The Blues - Blues Legends (Time Life)
1947 Martin Simpson: True Stories (Topic)
1948 Bo Diddley: (2CD) Story Of Bo Diddley - Best Of (Universal)
1949 Rusty & Doug Kershaw: Greatest Hits (Varése Sarabande)
1950 Ben Webster: And Associates (Verve)
1951 Ella Fitzgerald: (2CD) Very Best Of The Song Books (Verve)
1952 Wes Montgomery: Wes Montgomery's Finest Hour (Verve)
1953 Robert Gordon: All For The Love Of Rock 'N Roll (Viceroy)
1954 V/A: Peter Green Songbook - First Part (Viceroy)
1955 V/A: Peter Green Songbook - Second Part (Viceroy)
1956 Paul Rodgers: (2CD) Muddy Waters Blues - A Tribute To
Muddy Waters (Victory)
1957 Gina Sicilia: It Wasn't Real (VizzTone)
1958 Ry Cooder: River Rescue - The Very Best Of (Warners)
1959 V/A: Teenage Party/Pajama Party (Westside)
1960 Robert Lowery: Rainin' down blues (Wolf)
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exchange them for something new for your collection. Contact
us today with your list.
1961 B.B. King: Heart & Soul - A Collection Of Blues Ballads (Ace)
1962 B.B. King: The Best Of - Volume One (Ace)
1963 B.B. King: The Best Of - Volume Two (Ace)
1964 Joe Louis Walker: Cold Is The Night (Ace)
1965 Jackson Southernaires: Destiny (Blackberry)
1966 Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers: Sinner Street (Blind Pig)
1967 Jimmy Thackery & The Drivers: Switching Gears (Blind Pig)
1968 Magic Slim: The Essential (no back cover) (Blind Pig)
1969 Liz Mandeville: Clarksdale (Blue Kitty)
1970 The Kingsnakes (US band, not Paul Lamb’s band): Trouble
On The Run (Blue Wave)
1971 Michael Powers: Revolutionary Boogie (Blues Boulevard)
1972 Mike Eldred Trio: 61 And 49 (Blues Boulevard)
1973 Black Magic Johnson: Call Me (BMJ)
1974 V/A: (2CD) Elvis Inspiration Vol 2 (Boulevard Vintage)
1975 V/A: Testifying - The Country Soul Revue (Casual)
1976 Alvin Cash: (2CD) Windy City Workout - Essential Dance
Craze Hits & Rarities 1964-1973 (Charly)
1977 Albert Ammons: 1936-1939 (Classics)
1978 Albert Ammons: 1939-1946 (Classics)
1979 Andrew Tibbs: 1947-1951 (Classics)
1980 Cootie Williams: 1941-1944 (Classics)
1981 Johnny Otis: 1950 (Classics)
1982 Mabel Scott: 1951-1955 (Classics)
1983 Meade Lux Lewis: 1927-1939 (Classics)
1984 Pete Johnson: 1938-1939 (Classics)
1985 Pete Johnson: 1939-1941 (Classics)
1986 Pete Johnson: 1944-1946 (Classics)
1987 Russell Jacquet: 1945-1949 (Classics)
1988 Wynonie Harris: 1944-1945 (Classics)
1989 Taj Mahal: Mo Roots (Columbia)
1990 Monty Alexander/Ray Brown/Herb Ellis: Trio (Concord)
1991 Pete Escovedo: Live From Stern Grove Festival (Concord)
1992 Jonny King: In From The Cold (Criss Cross Jazz)
1993 Burton Gaar: 100 Pounds Of Trouble (Crosscut)
1994 Bobby Jones: You Ain't Got No Proof (Desert Sounds)
1995 Ted Hawkins: The Next Hundred Years (DGC)
1996 Joe Barry: The Crazy Cajun Recordings Vol 2 (Edsel)
1997 Dr John: Creole Moon (EMI)
1998 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Portfolio (EMI Gold)
1999 Gabor Szabo: Macho (Epic)
2000 Geoff Hartwell: Hate To See You Go (Geoff Hartwell)
2001 Hollisters, The: Sweet Inspiration (Hightone)
2002 John Lee Hooker: (2CD) Blues In Transition ‘55-59 (Jasmine)
2003 Ray Charles: (2CD) Genius in Person (Jasmine)
2004 V/A: (2CD) 50 Classics Of Louisiana Sounds ‘53-60 (Jasmine)
2005 V/A: (2CD) Drumbeat/Saturday Club (Jasmine)
2006 Ry Cooder: Down At The Field (Left Field Media)
2007 Cousin Harley: It's A Sin (Little Pig)
2008 Long Tall Deb: Raise Your Hands (Long Tall Deb)
2009 Brian Bromberg: In The Spirit Of Jobim (Mack Avenue)
2010 Bernie Pearl: Sittin' On Right Side Of The Blues (Major Label)
2011 Paul Rose: Double Life (Mita)
2012 V/A: The Future Of The Blues (NorthernBlues)
2013 V/A: Mercury Hillbilly Vol 1 (Official)
2014 Bob James & David Sanborn: Quartette Humaine (Okeh)
2015 Pretty Things: Get The Picture (Original Masters)
2016 John Hammond: Wicked Grin (Pointblank)
2017 Richard Betts: Highway Call (Polydor)
2018 Rolling Stones: Undercover (Polydor)
2019 Rolling Stones: Voodoo Lounge (Polydor)
2020 Miles Davis Quintet: Relaxin' With... (Prestige)
2021 Johnny Hodges: (4CD) Seven Classic Albums (Real Gone)
2022 Amos Milburn: Let's Have A Party! Aladdin Recs (Revola)
2023 The Five Keys: Rocking & Crying The Blues 1951-57 (Revola)
2024 Sugar Chile Robinson: Go Boy Go! 1949-1952 (Revola)
2025 The Treniers: This Is It! (Revola)
2026 Miles Davis: Very Best Of - Warners Bros Sessions 1985-91
2027 Runrig: (2CD) The Gaelic Collection 1973-1998 (Ridge)
2028 Thelonious Monk: At The Blackhawk (Riverside)
2029 V/A: Talk About A Party! 34 Californian Rock 'N Roll, R&B And
Country Classics (Rockstar)
2030 Willie Nelson: Country Music (Rounder)
2031 Jolly Jumper And Big Moe: Bootleggers Blues (Ruf)
2032 Mick Abrahams: (2CD) Cat Squirrel Blues (Secret)
2033 Otis Grand: He Knows The Blues (Sequel)
2034 Duke Ellington: (2CD) English Concerts 1969 & 1971 (Sequel)
2035 Chuck Miller: Boogie Blues (Sparkletone)
2036 Shuggie Otis: Shuggie's Boogie - Plays The Blues (SPV)
2037 Willie Dixon: I Am The Blues (SPV)
2038 Junior Wells: Better Off With The Blues (Telarc)
2039 Junior Wells: Come On In This House (Telarc)
2040 Son Seals: Lettin' Go (Telarc)
2041 Tab Benoit, Debbie Davies & Kenny Neal: Homesick For The
Road (Telarc)
2042 Eliza Carthy: Rice (Topic)
2043 Ewan MacColl: Chorus From The Gallows (Topic)
2044 Ewan MacColl: The Real MacColl (Topic)
2045 June Tabor: An Echo Of Hooves (Topic)
2046 Maddy Prior & June Tabor: Silly Sisters - No More To The
Dance (Topic)
2047 Norma Waterson: Bright Shiny Morning (Topic)
2048 V/A: Teenage - The Creation Of Youth 1911-1946 (Trikont)
2049 Rotary Connection: (2CD) Black Gold - Best Of (Universal)
2050 Rolling Stones: Bigger Bang (Virgin)
2051 Rolling Stones: Bridges Of Babylon (Virgin)
2052 Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels (Virgin)
2053 Keri Leigh: Arrival (Waldoxy)
2054 Miles Davis: Doo-Bop (Warners)
2055 Jack Rabbit Slim: Hairdo's & Heartaches (Western Star)
2056 Asleep At The Wheel: Served Live (Acadia/Evangeline)
2057 Etta James: Hickory Dickory Dock (Ace)
2058 Blind Willie McTell: (2CD) & Regal Country Blues (Acrobat)
2059 V/A: Bumpin' N Blues Rockin' - 30 R&B Originals (Alley Music)
2060 Cinque: Catch A Corner (Alma)
2061 V/A: Antone's Women (Antone's)
2062 Gil Evans: Svengali (Atlantic)
2063 Travis Moonchild Haddix: A Dozen Times (Benevolent Blues)
2064 V/A: Royal Grooves (BGP)
2065 Vicki Anderson: Wide Awake In A Dream (BGP)
2066 The Liverbirds: From Merseyside To Hamburg (Big Beat)
2067 The Wailers: At The Castle/& Co (Big Beat)
2068 The Zombies: Odessey & Oracle (Big Beat)
2069 Big Bill Morganfield: Blues With A Mood (slight crack in digi
pack) (Black Shuck)
2070 E.C. Scott: Come Get Your Love (Blind Pig)
2071 Frank Bang & The Secret Stash: Double Dare (Blue Hoss)
2072 Jimmy Witherspoon: (2CD) Doctor Blues (Blues Boulevard)
2073 Kat, The: The Kat Is Back In Town (Blues Boulevard)
2074 Cannonball Adderley Quintet: Mercy, Mercy, Mercy - Live At
'The Club' (Capitol)
2075 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: 2120 South Michigan
Ave (Capitol)
2076 Nellie Lutcher: Best Of (Capitol Jazz)
2077 Chris Farlowe/Long John Baldry: (2CD) Chris Farlowe Vs
Long John Baldry - Their Greatest Hits (Castle)
2078 Geno Washington And The Ram Jam Band: (2CD) Foot
Stompin' Soul (Castle)
2079 Bob Dylan: (CD & DVD special edition) Modern Times (CBS)
2080 Mavis Staples: A Piece Of The Action - Soundtrack (Charly)
2081 Muddy Waters: Rollin' Stone (Charly (CDRED1))
2082 Howlin' Wolf: I'm The Wolf (Charly (CDRED32))
2083 Little Walter: Boss Blues Harmonica (Charly (CDRED4))
2084 John Lee Hooker: House Of The Blues (Charly (CDRED5))
2085 Nine Below Zero: Back To The Future (Best Of) (China)
2086 Ella Mae Morse: Barrelhouse, Boogie & Blues (Chrome Dreams)
2087 Leadbelly: (2CD) The Essential (Classic Blues)
2088 Rosa Henderson: (2CD) The Essential (Classic Blues)
2089 The Five Keys: Golden Classics (Collectables)
2090 Boz Scaggs: Down Two Then Left (Columbia)
2091 Boz Scaggs: Middle Man (Columbia)
2092 Chicken Shack: OK Ken? (Columbia)
2093 Charlie Mingus: (2CD) Tijuana Moods (Columbia Legacy)
2094 Herbie Hancock: Futureshock (Columbia Legacy)
2095 Chicken Shack: Forty Blue Fingers, Freshly Packed And
Ready To Serve (Columbia/Blue Horizon)
2096 Colin Linden: Raised By Wolves (Compass)
2097 Kneebody: The Line (Concord Jazz)
2098 Darren Jay & The Delta Souls: Drink My Wine (Darren Jay)
2099 John Mayall: Plays John Mayall - At Klooks Kleek! (Decca)
2100 Blind Willie McTell: Vol 2 (1931 - 1933) (Document)
2101 The Bronzemen: Radio Transcriptions 1939 (Document)
2102 Henry Thomas: Ragtime Texas 1927-1929 (Document)
2103 Leadbelly: Minneapolis Private Party 1948 (Document)
2104 Leadbelly: Private Party Nov 21 1948 (Document)
2105 Rev Edward W Clayborn: 1926-1928 (Document)
2106 V/A: Barrelhouse Piano Blues & Stomps 1929-33 (Document)
2107 John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers And Friends: (2CD) 70th
Birthday Concert (Eagle)
2108 Sharrie Williams: Out Of The Dark (Electro-fi)
2109 Jeff Beck's Guitar Workshop: With Terry Bozzio And Tony
Hymas (Epic)
2110 John Hammond: Can't Beat The Kid (Evangeline)
2111 James Brown: (2CD) I'll Go Crazy 1956-60 (Fantastic Voyage)
2112 V/A: (2CD) Cadillac Cuties & Hot Rod Heroes(Fantastic Voyage)
2113 V/A: (2CD) Instroville - Hits & Rarities From The Golden Age
Of Pop Instrumentals (Fantastic Voyage)
2114 Lenny Bruce: Thank You Masked Man (Fantasy)
2115 George Kilby Jr: Six Pack (George Kilby Jr)
2116 V/A: Lights! Camera! Doo Wop! (Giant Steps)
2117 V/A: One-derful, Mar-V-Lus, Northern Soul (Goldmine)
2118 Grant Dermody: Lay Down My Burden (Grant Dermody)
2119 V/A: New Orleans Gospel Quartets 1947-56 (Heritage Gospel)
2120 Tom Russell: Modern Art (Hightone)
2121 Marcos Coll & Adrian Costa: Y Los Homebreakers (Hotsak)
2122 Chicken Shack: From The Vaults (Indigo)
2123 Stan Webb: Webb (Indigo)
2124 Greg Chaisson: It's About Time (Intense)
2125 Joe Krown: Exposed (Joe Krown)
2126 Andrew Jr Boy Jones: I Need Time (JSP)
2127 James Booker: King Of The New Orleans Keyboard (JSP)
2128 Tom Coster: Gotcha! (JVC)
2129 Tom Coster: Let's Set The Record Straight (JVC)
2130 Impressions: Definitive Impressions Part 2 (Kent)
2131 Impressions: Impressions/Never Ending Impressions (Kent)
2132 Joe Pitts Band: One Night Only (Kijam)
2133 Janet Ryan: Mama Soul (Malaco)
2134 John Lee Hooker: More Real Folk Blues-Missing Album (MCA)
2135 V/A: Hits That Jumped! (MCA)
2136 Roy Orbison: Lonely & Blue/Crying (Monument)
2137 Olympic: Everybody! (Munster)
2138 Otis Grand: Live Anthology (Mystic)
2139 Warren Vache Quintet: Jazz Im Amerika Haus Vol 2 (Nagel)
2140 No Refund Band: The No Refund Band (No Refund Band)
2141 V/A: Wild & Frantic (Official)
2142 Old Sledge: Don't Let Your Deal Go Down (Old Sledge)
2143 Big Joe Turner: The Best Of Joe Turner (Pablo)
2144 Return To Forever Featuring Chick Corea: Hymn Of The
Seventh Galaxy (Polydor)
2145 Roy Buchanan: Best Of - The Millennium Collection (Polydor)
2146 Frantic Flattops: Cheap Women, Cheap Boogie, Cheaper
Thrills (Pravda)
2147 Taj Mahal: Senor Blues (Private)
2148 Muddy Waters: (2CD) Rollin' Stone (Proper)
2149 Z.Z. Top: Rhytheem (RCA)
2150 Coleman Hawkins: The Hawk In Paris (RCA Victor)
2151 Bill Wyman's Rhythm King: Best Of (Repertoire)
2152 Lisa Cee: My Turn (Rip Cat)
2153 Allison Williams: Give Me The Roses (Romeg)
2154 Charlie Landsborough: My Heart Would Know (Rosette)
2155 Chris Farlowe & Thunderbirds: Dig The Buzz 1962-65 (RPM)
2156 V/A: None But The Righteous - Masters Of Sacred Steel (Ryko)
2157 Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated: Red Hot From Alex
2158 Joe Jones: You Talk Too Much - The Best Of (Sequel)
2159 Soweto Gospel Choir: African Spirit (Shanachie)
2160 Don Covay: Funky Yo Yo - Legendary Lost Album (Shout)
2161 Jeffrey Foucault: Ghost Repeater (Signature)
2162 Buddy Guy: Heavy Love (Silvertone)
2163 Zakiya Hooker: Another Generation Of The Blues (Silvertone)
2164 V/A: (2CD) Great Rockabilly 2 - As Good As It Gets (Smith&Co)
2165 Lonnie Smith: Mama Wailer (Sony)
2166 Joe Liggins: Vol 2 - Dripper's Boogie (Speciality)
2167 Smokey Hogg: Angels In Harlem (Speciality)
2168 James Nixon: Live In Europé (SPV)
2169 Staple Singers: City In The Sky (Stax)
2170 Staple Singers: This Time Around (Stax)
2171 V/A: Rock Before Apache - 30 Instrumentals (Stylus)
2172 Molvaer: np3 (Sula)
2173 Joe Maphis: Fire On The Strings (Tbird)
2174 Hoodoo Kings: The Hoodoo Kings (Telarc)
2175 Sloleak: When The Clock Strikes 12 (TVT)
2176 B.B. King & Friends: 80 (Universal)
2177 Eric Clapton: (2CD) Clapton Chronicles-Japanese (Universal)
2178 Junior Wells: Coming At You (Vanguard)
2179 Mississippi John Hurt: Immortal (Vanguard)
2180 Mississippi John Hurt: Live (Vanguard)
2181 Mississippi John Hurt: Today! (Vanguard)
2182 Richard & Mimi Fari?a: Memories (Vanguard)
2183 Duke Ellington And Johnny Hodges: Back To Back (Verve)
2184 Ella Fitzgerald: The Best Of The Song Books (Verve)
2185 Nina Simone: Broadway, Blues, Ballads (Verve)
2186 King Swamp: Wiseblood (Virgin)
2187 Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead (Warners)
2188 Little Feat: Waiting For Columbus - Live (Warners)
2189 Nappy Brown & Kip Anderson: Best Of Both Worlds (Westside)
2190 Hooked On Blues: I Have To Stop (Wolf)
2191 Swamp Things: All Tanked Up (Alic)
2192 Curtis Salgado: Soul Shot - no back cover (Alligator)
2193 Janiva Magness: Stronger For It - no back cover (Alligator)
2194 Jesse Dee: On My Mind/In My Heart - no back cover (Alligator)
2195 Long John Hunter: Swinging From The Rafters (Alligator)
2196 Maurice John Vaughn: In The Shadow Of The City (Alligator)
2197 Denny Freeman: Blues Cruise (Amazing)
2198 Keri Leigh & The Blue Devils: No Beginner (Amazing)
2199 Stephane Grappelli Quartet: Django (American Jazz Classics)
2200 Solomon Burke: Don't Give Up On Me (Anti)
2201 V/A: Golden Era Of Doo-Wops (Apollo)
2202 Scott Ramminger: Advice From Father To A Son (Arbor Lane)
2203 Charles Mingus: Me Myself An Eye (Atlantic)
2204 John Coltrane: Giant Steps (Atlantic)
2205 V/A: (2CD) The Atlantic Story (Atlantic)
2206 V/A: Higher Ground - Hurrican Relief Benefit Concert (Blue Note)
2207 Ramon Goose: Uptown Blues (Blues Boulevard)
2208 Stevie Cochran: The Next Stage (Blues Boulevard)
2209 Annabelle Chvostek Ensemble: Rise (Borealis)
2210 Christina Smith & Jean Hewson: Like Ducks! (Borealis)
2211 Jon Brooks: Delicate Cages (Borealis)
2212 Laura Smith: Everything Is Moving (Borealis)
2213 Stan Rogers: Between The Breaks - Live! (Borealis)
2214 Stan Rogers: From Fresh Water (Borealis)
2215 Stan Rogers: Turnaround (Borealis)
2216 Dave Arcari: Devil's Left Hand (Buzz)
2316 V/A: She's Got The Blues (Gold Stars)
2317 Fiddlers Bid: Naked & Bare (Greentrax)
2318 Stranger: Rock Solid (Grooveyard)
2319 Billy Fury: (2CD) The Sound And The Fury (GVC)
2320 Peter Lang: Testament (Horus)
2321 Jean Shy & Friends: Blow Top Blues (King Edward)
2322 Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Acme (Matador)
2323 Sister Lucille Pope & Pearly Gates: The Best Of (Nashboro)
2217 Bettye Swann: Bettye Swann (Capitol)
2324 Troy Ramey: Best Of (Nashboro)
2218 V/A: (2CD) In Crowd - The Story Of Northern Soul (Castle)
2325 Willie Neal Johnson: Best Of ... (Nashboro)
2219 Vel Omarr: The Greatest Song I Ever Sang (CDS)
2326 Paul Reddick: Sugar Bird (NorthernBlues)
2220 Five Keys, The: Dream On (Charly R&B)
2327 John Lee Hooker: Country Blues Of (OBC)
2221 Bill Jennings: Stompin' With Bill (Collectables)
2328 V/A: (3CD) Point Of No Return - Liberty Records Story 1962
2222 Dan Pickett: 1949 Country Blues (Collectables)
(One Day)
2223 Al Stewart: Modern Times (Collector's Choice)
2329 Willie Dixon/Memphis Slim: Willie's Blues(OBC)
2224 Thorbjorn Risager: Dust & Scratches (Cope)
2330 Rakehell's Revels: Volume 1 (Pale Blue)
2225 Hank Shizzoe: Low Budget (Crosscut)
2331 Pam Taylor Band: Hot Mess (Pam Taylor)
2226 Memo Gonzalez: Dynomite (Crosscut)
2332 V/A: (4CD) Broke, Black & Blues (Properbox)
2227 Tim Hart And Maddy Prior: Heritage (Disky)
2333 Artie Shaw: (4CD) This Is Romance (Quadromania/Membran)
2228 John Martyn: (2CD) Live 1991 - The Best Of (Eagle)
2334 Benny Carter: (4CD) Royal Garden Blues (Quadromania)
2229 John Renbourn: The Nine Maidens (Edsel)
2230 V/A: Please Give Me Something -Roots Of Stray Cats (El Toro) 2335 Milt Jackson: (4CD) La Ronde Suite (Quadromania/Membran)
2231 Cliff Bennett: At Abbey Road 1963-1969 (EMI)
2336 Tommy Dorsey: (4CD) Well Git It (Quadromania/Membran)
2232 Jeff Golub: The Three Kings (e-One)
2337 Red White & Blues: Shine (Red White & Blues)
2233 Joyce Moreno: Tudo (Far Out)
2338 Solomon Burke: Platinum Collection (Rhino)
2234 Church Street Five: Daddy G Rides Again (Finbarr)
2339 George Jones: Country Church Time (Righteous)
2235 Alvin Youngblood Hart: Start With The Soul (Hannibal)
2340 Texas Ruby: Teardrops In My Heart (Righteous)
2236 Buddy Miller: Midnight And Lonesome (Hightone)
2341 Roy Mack: Shades Of Blues (Roma)
2237 Coasters: The Coasters + One By One (Hoodoo)
2342 Malouma: Desert Of Eden (Shanachie)
2238 Adam Irving: So Be It (Horn & Hoof)
2343 Planxty: Words & Music (Shanachie)
2239 Waifs, The: Sink Or Swim (Hot)
2344 Buddy Guy: Blues Singer (Silvertone)
2240 John Martyn: (2CD) Sweet Little Mysteries - Anthology (Island) 2345 Buddy Guy: Slippin' In (Silvertone)
2241 The Waifs: A Brief History Of (Jarrah)
2346 Bob Dylan: (2CD) Folk Singer-Humdinger ‘61-62 (Smith & Co)
2242 The Waifs: Shelter Me (Jarrah)
2347 Peter Green Splinter Group: (2CD) The Best Of (Snapper)
2243 The Waifs: The Waifs (Jarrah)
2348 Peter Green Splinter Group: (2CD) Soho Live (Snapper)
2244 The Waifs: Up All Night (Jarrah)
2349 Peter Green Splinter Group: (2CD) Time Traders/Reaching
2245 Jimmy Witherspoon: Big Blues (JSP)
The Cold 100 (Snapper Recall)
2246 Bryan Lee: Timepieces - Greatest Hits (Justin Time)
2350 Pig Iron: Helvete Ja! Live In Sweden (Sounds Of Caligula)
2247 Downchild: I Need A Hat (Linus)
2351 Bobby King And Terry Evans: Rhythm, Blues, Soul & Grooves
2248 Fontaine Brown: Tales From The Fence Line (Manatee)
(Special Delivery)
2249 Albert Collins: Truckin' With Albert Collins (MCA)
2352 Howlin' Wolf: (2CD) The Howlin' Wolf Anthology (Spectrum)
2250 Coleman Hawkins: (4CD) Body & Soul (Membran)
2353 Mello-Kings/Five Satins: Mello-Kings Meets Five-Satins (SPV)
2251 Hank Williams: Lost Highway & Other Live Favourites (Mercury)
2354 Nutmegs/Diamonds: Nutmegs Meets The Diamonds (SPV)
2252 V/A: (2CD) Story Of Brunswick - Sound Of Chicago Soul (Metro) 2355 Screamin' Jay Hawkins: Cowfingers & Mosquito Pie (SPV)
2253 V/A: (2CD) Story Of Vee Jay (Metro)
2356 Screamin' Jay Hawkins: I Shake My Stick At You (SPV)
2254 Fred McDowell: Long Way From Home (Milestone)
2357 V/A: Hesitatin' Fool (SPV)
2255 Ry Cooder: Chavez Ravine (Nonesuch)
2358 Staple Singers: Stax Profiles (Stax)
2256 G. Love & Special Sauce: G. Love & Special Sauce (Okeh)
2359 Old Union: Forgiveness Or Permission (Stonewall)
2257 Martin Taylor: Fraternity (P3)
2360 Arthur Weston: Pea Vine Whistle (Testament)
2258 Dr John: Anutha Zone (Parlophone)
2361 Bernard Allison: Storms Of Life (Tone-Cool)
2259 Dr John: Duke Elegant - Performing The Music Of Duke
2362 John Fahey: Requia (Vanguard)
Ellington (Parlophone)
2363 Down To The Bone: Crazy Vibes And Things (Verve)
2260 Dr John And The Lower 911: Sippiana Hericane (Parlophone) 2364 Prez Prado And His Orchestra: Mambo Jambo (Victor Japan)
2261 Albert Collins: Iceman (Pointblank)
2365 Terry Dene: Decca Singles Collection (Vocalion)
2262 Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Zuma (Reprise)
2366 Heart Attack Alley: Living In Hell - promo (Voodoo Rhythm)
2263 Neil Young And Crazy Horse: Sleeps With Angels (Reprise)
2367 Little Milton: Little Milton (Warner France)
2264 Lazy Lester: Blues Stop Knockin' (Retroworld)
2368 Miles Davis: Tutu (Warners)
2265 Earl Bostic: (2CD) Flamingo - The Hits And More (REX)
2369 V/A: Mark Lamarr's Ace Is Wild - Hot Rockin' Picks (Westside)
2266 Bobby Timmons: This Here Is Bobby Timmons (Riverside)
2370 Victor Wainwright & The Wildroots: Beale Street To The
2267 Linda Thompson: Fashionably Late (Rounder)
Bayou (Wildroots)
2268 Buddy Rich: Time Out (Scabeba)
2371 Victor Wainwright & The Wildroots: Lit Up! (Wildroots)
2269 Chava Alberstein: Crazy Flower: A Collection (Shanachie)
2372 Charles Walker: Number By Heart (Zane)
2270 Amund Maarud: Electric (Snaxville)
2373 Clarence Gatemouth Brown: Gate's On The Heat ()
2271 Stevie DuPree & Delta Flyers: Dr Dupree's Love Shop (Soulbilly) THESE AT £5.75 EACH
2272 Aretha Franklin: Aretha (SPV)
2374 Smokin' Gun: Bad Luck Blues (Appletone)
2273 Ella Mae Morse: Barrelhouse, Boogie & Blues (Timeless)
2375 Billy Cobham: Crosswinds (Atlantic)
2274 J.J. Cale: Rewind - Unreleased Recordings (Universal)
2376 Billy Cobham: Spectrum (Atlantic)
2275 Ace Andres: Cowboy Hat Blues (Urban Camo)
2377 Billy Cobham: Total Eclipse (Atlantic)
2276 Joe Henderson: So Near, So Far (Musings For Miles) (Verve)
2378 Paul Wassif: Looking Up Feeling Down (Black Brown & White)
2277 Becky Lee And Drunkfoot: Hello Black Halo - no back cover
2379 Percy Sledge: My Old Friend The Blues (Blues Boulevard)
(Voodoo Rhythm)
2380 Persuasions: Knockin' On Bob's Door (Blues Boulevard)
2278 Maryann Price: Etched In Swing (Watermelon)
2381 Claudette King: We're Onto Something (Blues Express)
2279 Will Thomas: Live In Copenhagen (Will Thomas)
2382 Jimmy Powell And The 5 Dimensions: Sugar Babe (Castle)
2280 V/A: Rockabilly Rarities Vol Two (Yeaah!)
2383 V/A: When Rockabilly Ruled OK? (Cherry Pie)
2384 52nd Street Blues Project: Blues & Grass (Chesky)
2281 John Hiatt: Slow Turning (A&M)
2385 V/A: Black On Blues - Tribute To The Black Keys (Cleopatra)
2282 Midnight Cattle Callers: Midnight Cattle Callers (Big Thicket)
2386 John Mayall: Looking Back (Deram)
2283 Diamond Jim Greene: Just A Dream (Black Magic)
2387 John Mayall: Thru' The Years (Deram)
2284 John Scofield: Time On My Hands (Blue Note)
2388 John Mayall Bluesbreakers: With Eric Clapton (mono & stereo
2285 John Scofield & Pat Metheny: I Can See Your House From
versions) (Deram)
Here (Blue Note)
2389 John Mayall's Bluebreakers: The Best Of (Deram)
2286 V/A: (2CD) Sharp Shades And Finger Snaps (Blue Note)
2390 V/A: (2CD) Bluegrass - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2287 Kim Lembo: Ready To Ride (Blue Wave)
2391 V/A: (2CD) Cajun - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2288 V/A: More Bona Fide Bluegrass And Mountain Music (BMG)
2392 V/A: (2CD) Country Blues - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2289 Miles Davis: The Complete Borth Of The Cool (Capitol Jazz)
2393 V/A: (2CD) Doo Wop - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2290 Rory Gallagher: Tattoo (Capo)
2394 V/A: (2CD) Great British Rock & Roll - As Good As It Gets(Disky)
2291 Rory Gallagher: Wheels Within Wheels (Capo)
2395 V/A: (2CD) Hillbilly - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2292 Albert Collins: Live - Charly Blues Legends Vol 7 (Charly)
2396 V/A: (2CD) Jazz Early Days - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2293 Lightnin' Hopkins: Free Form Patterns (Charly R&B)
2397 V/A: (2CD) Jukebox Blues - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2294 Muddy Waters: (4CD) Muddy Waters Story (Chrome Dreams) 2398 V/A: (2CD) Rhythm & Blues - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2295 Mahavishnu Orchestra: Visions Of The Emerald Beyond
2399 V/A: (2CD) Rockabilly - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2400 V/A: (2CD) Skiffle - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2296 Miles Davis: Kind Of Blue (CD & DVD Dualdisc) (Columbia)
2401 V/A: (2CD) Skiffle Vol 2 - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2297 Alison Brown Quartet: Out Of The Blue (Compass)
2402 V/A: (2CD) Western Swing - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
2298 Andy Palacio & Barifuna Collection: Watina (Cumabancha)
2403 V/A: Note Of Hope - Woody Guthrie Lyrics (Fontana)
2299 V/A: Foot Tappin' & Dance At Screamin' Festival Vol 4 (El Toro) 2404 Lee Scratch Perry: Rise Again (Friars Point)
2300 John Mays: I Found A Love (Electro-Fi)
2405 Yale Strom & Klazzj: Wandering Jew (Global Village)
2301 V/A: Santa's Got Mojo 2 (Electro-Fi)
2406 Yale Strom With Hot Pstromi & Klazzj: Tales Our Father Sang
2302 Charles Mingus: Tijuana Moods (Essential Jazz Classics)
(Global Village)
2303 Ella Fitzgerald: Mack The Knife - Ella In Berlin (EJC)
2407 V/A: (2CD) Ballin' The Jack - Music From 'On The Road' (GVC)
2304 Melvin Taylor: & The Slack Band (Evidence)
2408 V/A: (2CD) Boogiology (GVC)
2305 Melvin Taylor: Bang That Bell (Evidence)
2409 V/A: (2CD) Hollywood Hepcats (GVC)
2306 Melvin Taylor: Blues On The Run (Evidence)
2410 V/A: (2CD) Rock 'N Roll - Black 'N White (GVC)
2307 Melvin Taylor: Dirty Pool (Evidence)
2411 V/A: (2CD) Sneakin' Around - London Records R&B Story
2308 Melvin Taylor: Plays The Blues For You (Evidence)
1949-1951 (GVC)
2309 Melvin Taylor: Rendezvous With The Blues (Evidence)
2412 V/A: (2CD) Totally Cool! The Shag And How To Do It (GVC)
2310 Willie McBlind: Live Long Day (Freenote)
2413 Sterling Harrison: South Of The Snooty Fox (Hacktone)
2311 Rickie Lee Jones: Pop Pop (Geffen)
2312 Mickey Thomas: Marauder (Gigatone)
2313 Tori Sparks: (2CD) Until Morning (Glass Mountain)
Please note that we have now introduced a subscription service for
2314 Rainer & Das Combo: The Texas Tapes (Glitterhouse)
future Red Lick catalogues. For full details and to ensure your
2315 Dave Tarras: Master Of Klezmer Vol 1 1929-49 (Global Village)
subscription is correct and up-to-date, see page 9
2414 Mick Abrahams: Mick's Back (Indigo)
2415 V/A: Boogie Woogie Vol 1 - Piano Soloists (Jasmine)
2416 Paul Pigat: Boxcar Campfire (Little Pig)
2417 Bobby Bland: Greatest Hits Vol One - Duke Recordings (MCA)
2418 Jimi Hendrix: First Rays Of The New Rising Sun (MCA)
2419 Robert Cray Band: Some Rainy Morning (Mercury)
2420 Robert Plant & Jimmy Page: Walking Into Clarksdale (Mercury)
2421 Kelly Joe Phelps: (2CD) Roll Away The Blues - Very Best Of
2422 Georgie Fame: 20 Beat Classics (Polydor)
2423 Sloleak: Sloleak (Pure)
2424 Blind Boys Of Alabama: Go Tell It On The Mountain (RealWorld)
2425 V/A: Blues Masters Volume 14 - More Jump Blues (Rhino)
2426 V/A: Blues Masters Volume 5 - Jump Blues Classics (Rhino)
2427 Mississippi John Hurt: Legend (Rounder)
2428 Skip Gorman: A Greener Prairie (Rounder)
2429 Luther Allison And Friends: Pay It Forward (Ruf)
2430 Robert Cray Band: Time Will Tell (Sanctuary)
2431 Smokey Robinson: Double Good Everything (SBK)
2432 Slim-Line Papas: As Good As Dead (SLP)
2433 Robert Earl: A Bigger Piece Of Sky (Topic)
2434 Shooter Jennings: Put The O Back In Country (Universal)
2435 John Hammond: So Many Roads (Vanguard)
2436 Hugh Laurie: Let Them Talk (Warners)
2437 Seasick Steve: I Started Out With Nothin' And I Still Got Most
Of It Left (Warners)
Turn your unwanted CDs, Vinyl and DVDs into ready money or
exchange them for something new for your collection. Contact
us today with your list.
2438 V/A: 15 Down Home Country Blues Classics (Arhoolie)
2439 Dr John: Gumbo (Atco)
2440 V/A: All We Wanna Do Is Rock - sampler (Bear Family)
2441 Dave Mason: Mariposa de Oro/Old Crest On New Wave (BGO)
2442 Steeleye Span: Rocket Cottage (BGO)
2443 V/A: Rural Blues (BGO)
2444 V/A: Rural Blues Vol I & II (BGO)
2445 V/A: Rural Blues Vol III - Down Home Stomp (BGO)
2446 Clarence White: Tuff & Stringy - Sessions 1966-68 (Big Beat)
2447 Craig Horton: In My Spirit (Big Daddy)
2448 V/A: Still Here - Blackberry's Greatest Collection (Blackberry)
2449 V/A: That's All Right - When Sun Goes Down Vol 4 (Bluebird)
2450 James Brown: A Family Affair (Brownstone)
2451 Jimmy McCracklin: My Story (Bullseye)
2452 Pat Boyack: Super Blue & Funky (Bullseye)
2453 Preston Shannon: All In Time (Bullseye)
2454 Sauce Boss: Live At The Green Parrot (Burning Disk)
2455 John Renbourn: So Early In The Spring (Castle)
2456 John Renbourn Group: The Enchanted Garden (Castle)
2457 V/A: (2CD) Dancin & Romancin' - 54 Doo-Wop Ballad & Jump
Classics (Charly)
2458 V/A: (2CD) Everybody's Rockin' Tonight - 60 Rockabilly
Classics (Charly)
2459 V/A: (2CD) Rock The House - Birth Of R 'N Roll Vol 4 (Charly)
2460 Warren Smith: Rockabilly Legend (Charly)
2461 The Yardbirds: Five Live Yardbirds (Charly)
2462 V/A: Bob Dylan's Greenwich Village (Chrome Dreams)
2463 Chet Atkins: Read My Licks (Columbia)
2464 V/A: Devil In A Blue Dress -Music From Movie (Columbia)
2465 Elizabeth Eustis: Walk With Me (Delmark)
2466 John Mayall And The Bluesbreakers: A Hard Road (Deram)
2467 Kelly Carmichael: Queen Fareena (Dogstreet)
2468 Down To The Bone: The Main Ingredients (Dome)
2469 Ian North: Theory Of Your Life (Ear Rational)
2470 Jackie Oates: Saturnine (ECC)
2471 Mississippi John Hurt: Memorial Anthology (Edsel)
2472 Henry Mancini: Moon River And Me (él)
2473 Liliano Bertolo, Evelyne Girardon & Sandra Kerr: Voice Union
2474 The Strata-Tones: Dressed Up To Fess Up (Fruition)
2475 V/A: The Cotton Club - Original Movie Soundtrack (Geffen)
2476 Lucky Peterson: Lucky Peterson (Gitanes)
2477 Capercaillie: Sidewaulk (Green Linnet)
2478 Donnie Munro: Heart Of America - Across The Great Divide
2479 Bob Willis And His Texas Playboys: (2CD) So Let's Rock Hits & More 1936-1957 (GVC)
2480 Rocky Lawrence: Songs Of Robert Johnson (Highland)
2481 Alan Freed: Rock And Roll Dance Party (Jasmine)
2482 Leon McAuliffe & His Cimarron Boys: Take It Away The Leon
Way! (Jasmine)
2483 Will Bradley & His Orchestra: Beat Me Daddy To A Boogie
Woogie Beat (Jasmine)
2484 V/A: Chicago Blues Of The Fifties (KC)
2485 Slim Gaillard/Babs Gonzalez: Shuckin' And Jivin' (King)
2486 Cuarteto Cedron: Piove En San Telmo (Le Chant Du Monde)
2487 V/A: The Best Of M.C. Records 1996-2002 (M.C.)
2488 V/A: The Blues Is Alright - Greatest Hits (Malaco)
2489 B.B. King: Blues On The Bayou (MCA)
2490 B.B. King: Blues Summit (MCA)
2491 B.B. King: Deuces Wild (MCA)
2492 B.B. King: Live At The Apollo (MCA)
2493 B.B. King: Makin' Love Is Good For You (MCA)
2494 B.B. King: Reflections (MCA)
2495 B.B. King: Lucille & Friends (MCA)
2496 Buddy Guy: Left My Heart In San Francisco (MCA)
2497 Johnny Ace: Memorial Album (MCA)
2498 Yale Strom With Hot Pstromi & Klazzj: Garden Of Yidn (Naxos)
2499 Kelly Bell Band: Phat Blues Music (Philadelphonic)
2500 Eric Clapton: Eric Clapton (1970 solo debut album) (Polydor)
2501 The Who: Tommy (Polydor)
2502 Blind Boys Of Alabama: Down In New Orleans (Proper)
2503 Wynonie Harris: (4CD) Properbox (no box) (Proper)
2504 Muddy Waters: (4CD) King Of Chicago Blues (no box or
notes) (Properbox)
2505 Jo-El Sonnier: Come On Joe (RCA)
2506 Blind Boys Of Alabama: Higher Ground (Real World)
2507 Blind Boys Of Alabama: Spirit Of The Century (Real World)
2508 Beth Nielsen Chapman: Sand And Water (Reprise)
2509 Lau: Lightweights & Gentlemen (Reveal)
2510 Albert King: Very Best Of (Rhino Blues Masters)
2511 Blind Boys Of Alabama: Take The High Road (Saguaro Road)
2512 The Ravens: Rarities (Savoy Jazz)
2513 Al Roberts Jr: Hello, It's Really Me - Memorial Album (Sequel)
2514 Elliott Brood: Ambassador (Six Shooter)
2515 Miles Davis: Miles In Tokyo - Live In Concert (Sony)
2516 V/A: Bloodstains On The Wall (Speciality)
2517 V/A: Bells Of Love - Essential Doo Wop (SPV)
2518 V/A: Crazy, Crazy, Crazy - Essential Doo Wop (SPV)
2519 V/A: Let's Have A Ball - Essential Doo Wop (SPV)
2520 V/A: On My Merry Way - Essential Doo Wop (SPV)
2521 V/A: Please Play My Song - Essential Doo Wop (SPV)
2522 B.B. King: Makin' Love Is Good For You (Superbird)
2523 Kelly Richey: Sweet Spirit (Sweet Lucy)
2524 The Rip Chords: Hey Little Cobra & 3 Window Coupe (T-Bird)
2525 Terry Evans: Walk That Walk (Telarc)
2526 John Hammond: Best Of The Vanguard Years (Vanguard)
2527 John Hammond: John Hammond (Vanguard)
2528 John Hammond: Solo (Vanguard)
2529 V/A: (2CD) Blues With A Feeling (Vanguard)
2530 John Lee Hooker: John Lee Hooker (Warner (French))
2531 Grateful Dead: Workingman's Dead (Warners)
2532 James Taylor: The Best Of (Warners)
2533 Kathleen Edwards: Voyageur (Zoe)
2534 Paco Sery: The Real Life (Abribulles)
2535 B.B. King: Singin' The Blues (Ace)
2536 Elmore James: Blues After Hours (Ace)
2537 Mike Bloomfield & Al Kooper: Lost Concert Tapes - Fillmore
East (Columbia)
2538 Miles Davis: A Tribute To Jack Johnson (Columbia)
2539 Miles Davis: Bitches Brew Live (Columbia)
2540 Miles Davis: Cookin' At The Plugged Nickel (Columbia)
2541 Miles Davis: Decoy (Columbia)
2542 Miles Davis: ESP (Columbia)
2543 Miles Davis: Four & More - Live In Concert (Columbia)
2544 Miles Davis: In A Silent Way (Columbia)
2545 Miles Davis: Isle Of Wight (Columbia)
2546 Miles Davis: Jazz At The Plaza (Columbia)
2547 Miles Davis: Mellow Miles (Columbia)
2548 Miles Davis: Miles Ahead (Columbia)
2549 Miles Davis: Miles Davis In Europe (Columbia)
2550 Miles Davis: Miles In Berlin (Columbia)
2551 Miles Davis: Miles In The Sky (Columbia)
2552 Miles Davis: My Funny Valentine - In Concert (Columbia)
2553 Miles Davis: On The Corner (Columbia)
2554 Miles Davis: Panthalassa - 1969-1974 (Columbia)
2555 Miles Davis: Panthalassa - The Remixes (Columbia)
2556 Miles Davis: Quiet Nights (Columbia)
2557 Miles Davis: Seven Steps To Heaven (Columbia)
2558 Miles Davis: Sketches Of Spain (Columbia)
2559 Miles Davis: Someday My Prince Will Come (Columbia)
2560 Miles Davis: Sorcerer (Columbia)
2561 Miles Davis: The Best Of Seven Steps 1963-1964 (Columbia)
2562 Miles Davis: Water Babies (Columbia)
2563 Miles Davis: We Want Miles (Columbia)
2564 Miles Davis/Tadd Dameron Quintet: In Paris At The Festival
International De Jazz, May 1949 (Columbia)
2565 Yasmin Levy: Romance & Yasmin (Connecting Cultures)
2566 Susan James: Highways, Ghosts, Hearts & Home (Dumplings)
2567 Joe Jackson: The Duke (Ear)
2568 Julius Pittman & The Revival: Live Tonite (Ellersoul)
2569 Ted Hawkins: Love You Most Of All (Evidence)
2570 Hey Negrita: You Can Kick (Fat Fox)
2571 Richard Berry: Get Out Of The Car (Flair)
2572 American Aquarium: Dances For The Lonely (Floating World)
2573 Stan Rogers: Home In Halifax (Fogarty's Cove)
2574 Holly Williams: The Ones We Never Knew (Hump)
2575 Cassie Taylor: Blue (promo copy) (Hypertension)
2576 Art Blakey: Jazz Messengers!!!!!/A Jazz Message (Impulse)
2577 Sherman Robertson: I'm The Man (Indigo)
2578 Ray Charles: Dedicated To You -Sings The Blues (Jackpot)
2579 J Shogren & Shanghai'd: God Bless These Crooked Little
Songs (Jaha!)
2580 Joe Krown, Walter Wolfman Washington & Russell Batiste Jr:
Soul Understanding (Joe Krown)
2581 Gilles Servat: Les Albums De La Jeunesse (Keltia)
2582 Peter Bruntnell: Peter & Murder Of Crows - promo (Loose)
2583 Carrie Rodriguez: She Ain't Me (Manhatan)
2584 Patricia Vonne: Firebird (Measured)
2585 V/A: (2CD) Very Best Of Doo-Wop (MVTV)
2586 Erin McKeown: Sing You Sinners (Nettwork)
2587 V/A: (2CD) Doo Wop Underground (NMC)
2588 Five Blind Boys Of Alabama: Deep River (Nonesuch)
2589 Miles Davis: (3CD) Workin', Relaxin' Steamin' (Not Now)
2590 Barney Kessel: Original Jazz Classics Collection (OJC)
2591 Joe Henderson: Original Jazz Classics Collection (OJC)
2592 Dave Mason: 26 Letters - 12 Notes (Out The Box)
2593 Cory Platt: Daydreams (Patuxent)
2594 Nolan Struck & King Edward: Brother To Brother (Paula)
2595 John Lee Hooker: Don't Look Back (Pointblank)
2596 John Lee Hooker: Jealous (Pointblank)
2597 Hacienda Brothers: What's Wrong With Right (Proper)
2598 Ted Hawkins: I Love You Too (PT)
2599 Bill Stewart: On Top Of The World (RGF)
2600 Elmore James: The Sky Is Crying (Rhino)
2601 Davina And The Vagabonds: Black Cloud (Roustabout)
2602 Robert Cray: Shoulda Been Home (Ryko)
2603 Robert Cray: Take Your Shoes Off (Ryko)
2604 Taj Mahal: Live At Ronnie Scott's (Sanctuary)
2605 John Mayall: Smokin' Blues (Secret)
2606 T-Bone Walker: The Hustle Is On (Sequel)
2607 Kris Delmhorst: Shotgun Singer (Signature)
2608 Jimmy Cliff: (2CD) Wanted (Snapper Recall)
2609 Derek Trucks Band: Songlines (Sony)
2610 Eddie Cochran: Rockin' It With Eddie Cochran (T-Bird)
2611 Sonny James: Come On In - Columbia & Monument Country
Hits 1972-79 (T-Bird)
2612 Ben Reynolds: How Day Earnt Its Night (Tompkins Square)
2613 Roy Trevino: Roy Trevino (Troubador)
2614 Ray Davies: Other People's Lives (V2)
2615 V/A: Tease! The Beat Of Burlesque (Verve)
2616 John Lee Hooker: Chill Out (Virgin)
2617 Roy Orbison: King Of Hearts (Virgin)
2618 Grateful Dead: Skeletons From The Closet -Best Of (Warners)
2619 V/A: After Hours - Northern Soul Masters (Warners)
2620 Santana: (3CD) Santana (Weton)
2621 Jimmy Mayes: All My Best - Chicago Soul & Blues (Wolf)
2622 Souad Massi: Deb (Heart Broken) (Wrasse)
2623 Tres Chicas: Bloom, Red & The Ordinary Girl (Yep Roc)
2624 Jonny Lang: Lie To Me (A&M)
2625 Barry Goldberg Blues Band: Blowing My Mind (Acadia)
2626 Amadou & Mariam: Dimanche A Bamako (All Other)
2627 Neko Case: Fox Confessor Brings The Flood (Anti)
2628 Teddy Morgan: Ridin' In Style (Antone's)
2629 Beth Nielsen Chapman: (2CD) Prism (Beth Nielsen Chapman)
2630 John Lee Hooker: It Serve You Right To Suffer (BGO)
2631 John Lee Hooker: Simply The Truth (BGO)
2632 Merle Haggard & The Strangers: I'm A Lonesome Fugitive/
Mama Tried (BGO)
2633 V/A: Andy Smith's Northern Soul (BGP)
2634 V/A: DJ Andy Smith's Jam Up Twist (BGP)
2635 Lisa Biales: Just Like Honey (Big Song)
2636 Lisa Biales With Ricky Nye & The Paris Blues Band: Singing
In My Soul (Big Song)
2637 Howlin' Rain: Magnificent Fiend (Birdman)
2638 Tommy Ridgley: Since The Blues Began (Black Top)
2639 Fleetwood Mac: Fleetwood Mac (Dog & Dustbin Debut Album)
(Blue Horizon - Mini replica sleeve)
2640 Leadbelly: Take This Hammer - Secret History Of Rock & Roll
2641 Johnny Winter: The Progressive Blues Experiment (Capitol)
2642 Linda Ronstadt: Hand Sown, Home Grown (Capitol)
2643 V/A: Beat The Retreat - Songs Of Richard Thompson (Capitol)
2644 Alexis Korner: Alexis Korner (Castle)
2645 Alexis Korner: Bootleg Him! (Castle)
2646 Coasters, The: Just Coastin' (C-Five)
2647 V/A: Hollywood Rock 'N Roll (Chiswick)
2648 Al Di Meola: (2CD) Anthology (Columbia)
2649 Bob Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home (Columbia)
2650 Bob Dylan: Highway 61 Revisited (Columbia)
2651 Bob Dylan: New Morning (Columbia)
2652 Bob Dylan: Slow Train Coming (Columbia)
2653 Christine Perfect: Complete Blue Horizon Sessions (Columbia)
2654 Shakti With John McLaughlin: A Handful Of Beauty (Columbia)
2655 Big Blind: Circus Left Town (Cool Buzz)
2656 Paul Butterfield: Paul Butterfield Blues Band (Elektra)
2657 Jeff Beck: Jeff (Epic)
2658 V/A: Fritz The Kat & Heavy Traffic - Soundtrack (Fantasy)
2659 V/A: Drove From Home Blues (Flyright)
2660 V/A: Got My Mojo Working (Flyright)
2661 Niamh De Burca: An Ait A Bhfuil Do Chroi (Where Your Heart
Lies) (Gael Linn)
2662 Mercy Brothers: Strange Adventure (Gibraltar)
2663 Lunasa: Otherworld (Green Linnet)
2664 Patrick Street: Irish Times (Green Linnet)
2665 Freddie Slack: Mr Freddie's Boogie 1940-1947 (GVC)
2666 Phil Alvin: County Fair 2000 (Hightone)
2667 Bernard Allison Group: Hang On (Inakustik)
2668 V/A: Blues For Broken Hearts (Inakustik)
2669 Paul Lamb & The King Snakes: She's A Killer (Indigo)
2670 Ruby Turner: Guilty (Indigo)
2671 John Martyn: Solid Air (Island)
2672 Jean Shy: One Day (King Edward)
2673 Dorothy Norwood: The Best Of (Lunar Eclipse)
2674 Chris Ardoin: Alter Ego (Maison De Soul)
2675 Monti Amundson: I See Trouble (Me & My)
2676 Tal Farlow: (2CD) Modern Jazz Archive (Membran)
2677 V/A: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (OST) (Mercury)
2678 Lila Downs: Una Sangre - One Blood (Narada)
2679 Keb' Mo': Keep It Simple (Okeh)
2680 V/A: (2CD) I'll Go Crazy - Federal Records Story (One Day)
2681 Joan Osborne: Relish (PolyGram)
2682 Vipers Skiffle Group: Don't You Rock Me Daddy-O (Rexx)
2683 V/A: Better Believe It - Rare & Modern Soul Gems (Rhino)
2684 Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings: Groovin' (Ripple)
2685 Bill Morrisey: The Essential Collection (Rounder)
2686 Bill Morrissey: You'll Never Get To Heaven (Rounder)
2687 Clarence Spady: Just Between Us (Severn)
2688 V/A: Every Woman's Blues (Shanachie)
2689 John Lee Hooker: Complete 1964 Recordings (Shout)
2690 Lou Pallo Of Les Paul's Trio: Thank You Les (Showplace)
2691 Miles Davis: (2CD) Best Of Miles Davis (Sony Music Media)
2692 V/A: Going Back (Speciality)
2694 Roger McGuinn: Back From Rio (SPV)
2695 Willie Dixon: The Big Three Trio (SPV)
2696 Miles Davis: (3CD) Old Devil Moon (Starlite)
2697 Joe Hicks/Jimmy Hughes: Something Special (Stax)
2698 Nollaig Casey & Arty McGlynn: Causeway (Tara)
2699 Joe Page & The Colorado Mass Choir: God's Got It! (Verity)
2700 The Kurt Carr Singers: (2CD) Bless This House (Verity)
2701 Wes Montgomery/Wynton Kelly Trio: Smokin' At The Half
Note (Verve)
2702 Orlando Cachaito Lopez: Cachaito (World Circuit)
2703 Madredeus: Essencia (Wrasse)
2704 Clarence Edwards: Swamps The Word ()
2779 V/A: (3CD) Blues Brother Soul Sister (Warner)
2780 Bonnie Raitt: Takin' My Time (Warners)
2781 Joshua Redman: Freedom In The Groove (Warners)
2782 LaVern Baker: The Platinum Collection (Warners)
2783 Royal Crown Revue: Mugzy's Move (Warners)
2784 Royal Crown Revue: The Contender (Warners)
2785 Chris Thomas King: Chris Thomas King (21CB)
2786 Matt Walsh & Christian Bleiming: MC Shuffle (Acoustic Music)
2787 Matt Walsh Acoustic Quartet: A Part Of Me (Acoustic Music)
2788 Zed Mitchell: Game Is On (Acoustic Music)
2789 Howlin' Wolf: Rockin' The Blues, Live In Germany ‘64 (Acrobat)
2790 Son House: New York Central Live! (Acrobat)
2791 Booker T & The MGs: Green Onions (Atlantic)
2792 Ornette Coleman: The Shape Of Jazz To Come (Atlantic)
2793 Percy Sledge: When A Man Loves A Woman (Atlantic)
2794 Ray Charles: Genius & Friends (Atlantic)
2795 Ray Charles: Hallelujah I Love Her So! (Atlantic)
2796 Ray Charles: The Genius Of (Atlantic)
2797 Ray Charles: The Great (Atlantic)
2798 Solomon Burke: Very Best Of (Atlantic)
2799 V/A: Blues & Soul Power (Atlantic)
2800 Tristan Mackay: Out Along The Wire (Battered Hat)
2801 David Axelrod: Heavy Axe (BGP)
2802 James Taylor Quartet: 1987 (BGP)
2705 Left Lane Cruiser: Junkyard Speed Ball (Alive Natural Sound) 2803 Williams Brothers: Celebrating 50 Years (Blackberry)
2804 Damon Fowler: Devil Got His Way (no back cover) (Blind Pig)
2706 Atomic Roots Orchestra: Border Radio Gamble (Ato)
2805 Hamilton Loomis: Ain't Temporary (no back cover) (Blind Pig)
2707 Romney Getty: Fill In Your Gray (Augustus)
2806 Harper: Down To The Rhythm (Blind Pig)
2708 Mel & Tim: Mel & Tim (Beat Goes Public)
2807 Rounders, The: Wish I Had You (promo) (Blind Pig)
2709 Andrew Hill: Point Of Departure (Blue Note)
2808 Sena Ehrhardt: Leave The Light On - promo (Blind Pig)
2710 Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers: Moanin' (Blue Note)
2809 V/A: Tribute To Bo Diddley (Blues Boulevard)
2711 Bud Powell: The Amazing Bud Powell Vol 1 (Blue Note)
2810 Mamadou And Vanessa: Faso Mali (BMG)
2712 Cassandra Wilson: Belly Of The Sun (Blue Note)
2811 Brad Hatfield: Uphill From Anywhere (Brad Hatfield)
2713 Duke Ellington, Charles Mingus & Max Roach: Money Jungle
2812 Radiotones: Gravel Road (Buzz)
(Blue Note)
2813 Band, The: The Band (Capitol)
2714 Grant Geen: Am I Blue (Blue Note)
2814 Bonnie Raitt: Nick Of Time (Capitol)
2715 Herbie Hancock: My Point Of View (Blue Note)
2815 Fats Domino: Walking To New Orleans - Hits (Capitol)
2716 Horace Silver Quintet: Silver's Serenade (Blue Note)
2816 Chris Farlowe: Sings Handbags And Gladrags & Other Great
2717 Jackie McLean: Destination Out! (Blue Note)
Hits Of The 60s (Castle)
2718 Lee Morgan: The Gigolo (Blue Note)
2817 Bob Dylan: The Times They Are A-Changin' (CBS)
2719 Miles Davis: Volume Two (Blue Note)
2818 Bob Dylan: Under The Red Sky (CBS)
2720 Sonny Clark: Coll Struttin' (Blue Note)
2819 V/A: (2CD) Chicago Blues - Golden Era (no slip case) (Charly)
2721 V/A: Speedball - No Room For Squares Vol V (Blue Note)
2820 V/A: Nick Drake's Jukebox (Chrome Dreams)
2722 Wayne Shorter: Speak No Evil (Blue Note)
2723 V/A: (2CD) In The Tradition -Classic Blues Recs (Blues Alliance) 2821 Dinah Washington: A Slick Chick On The Mellow Side
2724 Miles Davis: Best Of The Capitol/Blue Note Years (Capitol)
(Collectors Choice)
2725 V/A: (3CD) Remember Then - Vocal Group Classics From The 2822 Bob Dylan: MTV Unplugged (Columbia)
Doo-Wop Era (Castle Pulse)
2823 Bob Dylan: Time Out Of Mind (Columbia)
2726 V/A: (3CD) Rock The Joint - Roots & Branches Of R 'N Roll
2824 Johnny Cash: At San Quentin (Columbia)
(Castle Pulse)
2825 Tony Bennett: Playin' With My Friends-Sings The Blues (CBS)
2727 Jackie Johnson: Memphis Jewel (Catfood)
2826 David Sanborn: Here & Gone (Decca)
2728 Kay Kay And The Rays: The Best Of (Catfood)
2827 Golden Gate Quartet: Incredible (DixieFrog)
2729 Sandy Carroll: Just As I Am (Catfood)
2828 Tino Gonzales: Nuke The World (DixieFrog)
2730 Albert King: (2CD) I'm Ready - Best Of Tomato Years (no box) 2829 Eric Clapton: From The Cradle (Duck)
2830 George Thorogood & The Destroyers: Ride 'Til I Die (Eagle)
2731 Jim Laslett: Loving Should Be Easy (Chaucer)
2831 John Lee Hooker: Face to Face (Eagle)
2732 Humdingers: The Humdingers (Chubby Dragon)
2832 Cliff Richard: The Rock 'N Roll Years (EMI)
2733 B.B. King: Sings Spirituals (Demon)
2833 Chico Banks: Candy Lickin' Man (Evidence)
2734 P-A-U-L: Tales From The Gravel (EE)
2834 V/A: Tribute To Bo Diddley (Evidence)
2735 V/A: The Blues - An Evolution (Electro-Glide)
2835 Mem Shannon: A Cab Driver's Blues (Hannibal)
2736 Zmimos: Cholent With Huckleberry (Global Village)
2836 Mem Shannon: Second Blues Album (Hannibal)
2737 Seelyhoo: Leetera (Greentrax)
2837 V/A: (2CD) Global Roots - Chess Blues (HMV)
2738 Montgomery Express, The: Does Party Fever (Ikef)
2838 Seth Walker: Seth Walker (Hyena)
2739 Slim Gaillard: Siboney (Indigo)
2839 V/A: The Chess Story - From R&B To Soul (Instant)
2740 Fran McGillivray & Mike Burke: The Road You Believe In (Joka) 2840 Jackie Lee: The Duck (Kent)
2741 Memphis Jug Band: Volume One (JSP)
2841 Calvin Russell: Dream Of The Dog (Last Call)
2742 Memphis Jug Band: Volume Three (JSP)
2842 John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers: With Eric Clapton (London)
2743 Dave Bartholomew: In The Alley (King)
2843 Howlin' Wolf: Genuine Article (MCA)
2744 Royal Crown Revue: El Toro (Kufala)
2844 George Shearing: Lullaby Of Birdland 1947-1952 (Naxos)
2745 Gary Bennett: Human Condition (Landslide)
2845 Thomas Fraser: Long Gone Lonesome Blues (Nel Music)
2746 Gene Vincent & His Blue Caps: Rebel Heart Vol 8 (Magnum)
2846 V/A: (2CD) Sticks & Stones - Sue Records Story 1957-62
2747 Dan Bern: Fleeting Days (Messenger)
(One Day)
2748 Michele Lundeen: Song Inside Me (Milestone)
2847 V/A: (2CD) Wait A Minute - Stax & Satellite Story 1959-1962
2749 Marco Pandolfi: Close Bottle When You're Done (Mojo Station)
(One Day)
2750 Thierry 'Titi' Robin & Gulabi Sapera: RakhÎ (Naive)
2848 Bessie Smith: Blues Queen (Phoenix Jazz)
2751 Amalia Rodrigues: Lisboa A Noite (Planet)
2849 V/A: Stompin' At The Honky Tonk (President)
2752 Allman Brothers Band: Eat A Peach (Polydor)
2850 V/A: Stompin' Western Swing (President)
2753 Cream: I Feel Free - Ultimate Cream (Polydor)
2851 V/A: (4CD) Broke, Black & Blues (no box) (Properbox)
2754 Jimi Hendrix: The Ultimate Experience (Polydor)
2852 V/A: (4CD) Good News (no box) (Properbox)
2755 Kevin Bowe & Okemah Prophets: Restoration (Pop Sense)
2853 Carl Verheyen: Slang Justice (Provogue)
2756 Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow (RCA/BMG)
2854 Carl Verheyen: Slingshot (Provogue)
2757 Eric Clapton: Unplugged (Reprise)
2855 Good Time Down The Road: Good Time Down Road (PRT)
2758 Amikaeyla: Being In Love (RootsJazz)
2856 V/A: (2CD) Skiffle At Its Best (REX)
2759 Shane Dwight: A Hundred White Lies (Rtist)
2857 National Gallery: Keep It Clean (Rhiannon)
2760 Rodrigo y Gabriela: Rodrigo y Gabriela (Rubyworks)
2858 Aretha Franklin: I Never Loved A Man ... (Rhino)
2761 Susanna: Wild Dog (Rune)
2859 Ray Charles: Best Of The Atlantic Years (Rhino)
2762 Professor Longhair: New Orleans Piano (Sequel)
2860 Kevin Montgomery: True (Road Trip)
2763 Buddy Guy: Damn Right, I've Got The Blues (Silvertone)
2861 Otis Grand: Nothing Else Matters (Sequel)
2764 Buddy Guy: Live! The Real Deal (Silvertone)
2862 Otis Grand: Perfume & Grime (Sequel)
2765 Sam Hare: Down To The Sea (SJH)
2863 Jimmy Reed: I'm Jimmy Reed (Snapper)
2766 Peter Green Splinter Group: Destiny Road (Snapper)
2864 Jimmy Reed: Rockin' With Reed (Snapper)
2767 Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Brain Salad Surgery (Sony)
2865 V/A: Legacy Of The Blues Maxi Sampler (Sonet)
2768 Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Pictures At An Exhibition (Sony)
2866 Jimi Hendrix: Experience Hendrix - The Best Of (Sony/MCA)
2769 Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Trilogy (Sony)
2867 Joe Walsh & James Gang: Best Of - 1969-1974 (Spectrum)
2770 Amalia Rodrigues: Queen Of Fado (Sounds Of The World)
2868 V/A: Champions Of R&B (SPV)
2771 Flanagan: The Chosen Few (Swashbuckle)
2869 Marvin Pontiac: Greatest Hits (Strange And Beautiful)
2772 Tasha Taylor: Taylor Made (Tasha Taylor)
2870 Susan Wylde: In The Light (Sun. Moon & Stars)
2773 Marcia Griffiths: Put A Little Love In Your Heart - Best Of
2871 V/A: Hellhound On My Trail - Robert Johnson Songs (Telarc)
1969-1974 (Trojan)
2872 Johnny Turner: Blues With A Feeling (Testament)
2774 Tweed Funk: Love Is (Tweed Tone)
2873 Lightnin' Hopkins: Country Blues (Tradition)
2775 Little Richard: The Best Of The Vee-Jay Years (Union Square) 2874 V/A: Chess Originals (Universal)
2776 Buddy Guy: Hold That Plane (Vanguard)
2875 B.B. King: (2CD) Original Greatest Hits (Virgin)
2777 Buddy Guy: This Is Buddy Guy (Vanguard)
2876 V/A: Best Of Country Blues - Southern Camptown Blues (Wolf)
2778 Billie Holiday: Body And Soul (Verve)
2877 Sam Cooke: My Gospel Roots (Xtra)
2878 John Lee Hooker: Everybody's Blues (Ace)
2879 John Lee Hooker: House Rent Boogie (Ace)
2880 V/A: Antone's 20th Anniversary (Antones)
2881 Patrick LeFebvre: Accordeon Gavotte (Arfolk)
2882 V/A: Fest Deiz Accordeons (Arfolk)
2883 Larry Johnson: Two Gun Green (Armadillo)
2884 Archie Roach: Charcoal Lane (Aurora)
2885 Steve Dawson: Nightshade (Black Hen)
2886 Lloyd Jones: Love Gotcha (Blind Pig)
2887 Renee Austin: Sweet Talk (Blind Pig)
2888 V/A: Tribute To Fleetwood Mac Blues Years (Blue Flame)
2889 V/A: Jump Blue - Rockin' The Jooks (Blue Note)
2890 Rory Gallagher: Blueprint (BMG)
2891 Ken Whiteley: Another Day's Journey (Borealis)
2892 V/A: The Northern Soul Of Brunswick (Brunswick)
2893 Les Paul With Mary Ford: Best Of Capitol Masters (Capitol)
2894 Muddy Waters: King Bee (CBS)
2895 John Lee Hooker: Travelin' (Charly)
2896 Lonnie Johnson: Me & My Crazy Self (Charly)
2897 T-Bone Walker: Low Down Blues (Charly)
2898 V/A: First Time I Met The Blues - Best Of Chess Blues Vol 1
(Charly CDRED11)
2899 Charles Mingus: Mingus Ah Um (Columbia Legacy)
2900 Charles Mingus: Mingus Dynasty (Columbia Legacy)
2901 Po' Girl: Po' Girl (Diesel Motor)
2902 V/A: The Very Best Of Doo Wop Vol 3 (Digimode)
2903 V/A: The Very Best Of Doo Wop Vol 4 (Digimode)
2904 V/A: The Very Best Of Doo Wop Vol 5 (Digimode)
2905 V/A: The Very Best Of Doo Wop Vol 6 (Digimode)
2906 Papadon Washington: Give Me Wings (Don Washington)
2907 Eileen McGann: Journeys (Dragonwing)
2908 Harry Chapin: Greatest Stories Live (Elektra)
2909 Steeleye Span: A Stack Of ...1973-1975 (Emporio)
2910 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble: In Step (Epic)
2911 Bára Grímsdóttir: Funi (Greenman)
2912 Janis Martin: My Girl Janis (GVC)
2913 NavaCross: NavaCross (Hi4Head)
2914 V/A: King Of The Blues - A Tribute To Muddy Waters (Hybrid)
2915 Johnny Whitehill: Guitar Slinger (Indigo)
2916 Mary Lee's Corvette: Love, Loss & Lunacy (MLC)
2917 Muddy Waters: Woodstock Album (MCA)
2918 Terry Callier: Essential - The Very Best Of (MCA)
2919 Muddy Waters: (2CD) They Call Me Muddy Waters (Music Ave)
2920 Ben Vaughn Combo: Beautiful Thing (Noble Rot)
2921 Blind Willie McTell: (2CD) Ultimate Blues Collection (Not Now)
2922 Bo Diddley: (2CD) Hey! Bo Diddley (Not Now)
2923 Chet Atkins: (2CD) Pickin' On Country (Not Now)
2924 Jimmy Reed: (2CD) The Anthology (Not Now)
2925 Memphis Slim: (2CD) Boogie After Midnight (Not Now)
2926 Miles Davis: (2CD) Kind Of Blue (Not Now)
2927 Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: (2CD) Cripple Creek (Not Now)
2928 V/A: (2CD) Best Of Cajun & Zydeco (Not Now)
2929 V/A: (2CD) Café Hawaii (Not Now)
2930 V/A: (2CD) Essential Chicago Blues (Not Now)
2931 V/A: (2CD) Essential Delta Blues (Not Now)
2932 V/A: (2CD) In The Beginning - The Mod Story (Not Now)
2933 Terry Callier: Lifetime (PolyGram)
2934 Taj Mahal: Best Of The Private Years (Private)
2935 Taj Mahal: Phantom Blues (Private)
2936 Sweet Claudette: That Man's Got To Go (Reel)
2937 Rich Del Grosso/John Del Toro Richardson: (R Del Grosso)
2938 Roy Roberts: Blues & Soul Review Vol 1 (Rock House)
2939 Clara & Real Lowdown: Clara & Real Lowdown (Smudged)
2940 V/A: Blackpool Mecca - The Northern Soul Story Vol 3 (Sony)
2941 V/A: The Golden Torch - The Northern Soul Story Vol 2 (Sony)
2942 Marvin Gaye: 15 Greatest Hits (Tamla)
2943 Dave Nachmanoff: Step Up (Troubador)
2945 Delaney Davidson: Bad Luck Man - promo (Voodoo Rhythm)
2946 Cory Morrow: Left To Hide (Write On)
2947 Hezekiah Walker & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir: Live
In London At Wembley (Zomba)
2948 Richard Smallwood: Persuaded - Live In DC (Zomba)
2949 Vanessa Bell Armstrong: Something On The Inside (Zomba)
3001 B.B. King: Sings Spirituals (Ace)
3002 B.B. King: The Fabulous (Ace)
3003 Lalo Schifrin: Presents Dirty Harry Anthology (Aleph)
3004 Ron Franklin: Ron Franklin (Alive)
3005 Mellow Fellows: Street Party (Alligator)
3006 Michael Hill's Blues Mob: Bloodlines (Alligator)
3007 Albert King: King Of The Blues Guitar (Atlantic)
3008 V/A: Mod Life Crisis (Backbeat)
3009 Jesse Thomas: Lookin' For That Woman (Black Top)
3010 Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup: That's All Right Mama (Bluebird)
3011 Debbie Bond: Hearts Are Wild (Blues Root)
3012 Charles Brown: Just A Lucky So And So (Bullseye)
3013 Leadbelly: (3CD) The Definitive (no box) (Catfish)
3014 Rising Sons: Featuring Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder (Columbia)
3015 Dede Priest: Candy Moon (Cool Buzz)
3016 Bebel Gilberto: Momento (Crammed Discs)
3017 J.T. Coldfire: Crazy Sun (Crazy Sun)
3018 JT Coldfire: Always & Never (Crazy Sun)
3019 Dede Priest: Kinky At The Root (Creeping Fig)
3020 John Mayall: Crusade (Decca)
3021 Bessie Smith: Blues Queen - Definitive Collection (Definitive)
3022 V/A: (2CD) Boogie Woogie - As Good As It Gets (Disky)
3023 V/A: A Capitol Rockabilly Party Part 1 (Disky)
3024 V/A: Red Hot Rockabilly Part 1 (Disky)
3025 Albert Collins: Live At Montreux 1992 (Eagle)
3026 Duke Ellington: (2CD) The Masters (Eagle)
3027 Canned Heat: Let's Work Together - The Best (EMI)
3028 V/A: (2CD) Capitol Gold Blues Legends (EMI)
3029 V/A: Girl Crazy - 28 Ultimate Girl Group Classics (EMI)
3030 Billie Holiday: (3CD) The Essential (Emporio)
3031 V/A: (3CD) Blues Blues Blues (Emporio)
3032 Stevie Ray Vaughan: Couldn't Stand The Weather (Epic)
3033 Stevie Ray Vaughan: In The Beginning (Epic)
3034 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble: Soul To Soul (Epic)
3035 Clarence Spady: Nature Of The Beast (Evidence)
3036 Jimi Hendrix: Fire - The Collection (Experience Hendrix)
Don’t miss out on the special box set LPs we have available for
auction in this catalogue - see page 8 for details.
Our ‘New Vinyl’ pdf can be downloaded from our website.
LPU4500 Buddy Holly: (6LP) The Complete…. (MCA Coral)
LPU4501 Little Walter: (2LP) Chess Blues Masters Series (Chess)
LPU4502 Blind Willie McTell: The Early Years 1927-1933 (Yazoo)
LPU4503 Brenda Lee: All Alone I Am (Brunswick - LAT 8530 mono)
LPU4504 Howlin' Wolf: Live & Cookin' At Alice's Revisited (Chess)
LPU4505 Henry Thomas: Sings The Texas Blues! (Origin Jazz)
LPU4506 Robert Wilkins: The Original Rolling Stone (Origin Jazz)
LPU4507 Bob Brozman: Devil's Slide (Rounder)
LPU4508 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: (3LP) Will The Circle Be Unbroken
(United Artists - UAS 9801)
LPU4509 Clifton Chenier: & His Red Hot Louisiana Band (Arhoolie)
LPU4510 Clifton Chenier: Classic Clifton (Arhoolie)
LPU4511 Lightnin' Hopkins: Po' Lightnin' (Arhoolie)
LPU4512 Aretha Franklin: (2LP) Amazing Grace (Atlantic)
LPU4513 V/A: (2LP) Woodstock Two (Atlantic)
LPU4514 Professor Longhair: (2LP) The Last Mardi Gras (Atlantic)
LPU4515 Johnny Winter: Still Alive And Well (Columbia -KC32188)
LPU4516 John Mayall: Looking Back (Decca (LK 5010))
LPU4517 V/A: Texas-Mexican Border Music Vol 1 - An Introduction
1930-1960 (Folklyric/Arhoolie)
LPU4518 Charlie Gracie: Cameo-Pockway Sessions (London/
Abkco -mono HAU 8513)
LPU4519 Rev Lonnie Farris: East Vernon Blues (Southern Sound)
LPU4520 John Fogerty: (2LP) Wrote A Song For Everyone(Vanguard)
LPU4521 Johnnie Lee Wills: Rompin' Stompin' Singin' (Bear Family)
LPU4522 Tex Williams/Spade Cooley With Sons Of The Pioneers:
Rompin' Stompin' Singin' Swingin' (Bear Family)
LPU4523 Gene Autry: Yellow Rose Of Texas (Bear Family-pic. disc)
LPU4524 Johnny Winter: Johnny Winter (CBS)
LPU4525 Buddy Holly: Greatest Hits (Coral CP8 mono)
LPU4526 V/A: Devil With The Devil - Hot Western Swing From The
1930s (Rambler)
LPU4527 Flaco Jimenez: El Sonido De San Antonio (Arhoolie)
LPU4528 Flaco Jiminez: Ysu Conjunto (Arhoolie)
LPU4529 V/A: Acapella Gospel Singing (Arhoolie)
LPU4530 Ray Charles: (2LP) 25th Anniversary In Show Business
Salute - All-Time Great Performances (Atlantic K60014)
LPU4531 Memphis Minnie: Blues Classics 1 (Blues Classics)
LPU4532 Memphis Minnie: Vol 2 - With Joe McCoy (Blues Classics)
LPU4533 Ella Mae Morse: Hits Of Ella Mae Morse And Freddie
Slack (Capitol)
LPU4534 V/A: (2LP) The Story Of The Blues Vol Two (CBS)
LPU4535 Muddy Waters: (2LP) Fathers And Sons (Chess)
LPU4536 V/A: Traditional Fiddle Music Of Mississippi Vol 2 (County)
LPU4537 Chet Baker: She Was Too Good To Me (CTI)
LPU4538 Screamin' Jay Hawkins: (2LP) Feast Of The Mau Mau
LPU4539 V/A: (2LP) Okeh - Western Swing (Epic)
LPU4540 Hop Wilson: Blues With Friends (Goldband)
LPU4541 Ronnie Earl & Broadcasters: Smoking (Making Waves)
LPU4542 Chuck Berry: (2LP) Rock 'n Roll Rarities (MCA)
LPU4543 Steve Earle: (2LP) Townes - 180g vinyl (New West)
LPU4544 James P. Johnson: Ain'tcha Got Music (Pumpkin (P-117))
LPU4545 Jim McHarg & His Scotsville Jazz Band: Strictly From
Scotsville (Pye Jazz)
LPU4546 Jim Robinson's New Orleans Band: New Orleans - The
Living Legends (Riverside)
LPU4547 Austin Pitre And The Evangeline Playboys: Louisiana
Cajun Music (Swallow - 6041)
LPU4548 Belton Richard: Louisiana Cajun Music (Swallow - 6032)
LPU4549 Rare Earth: Get Ready (Tamla Motown STML 11165)
LPU4550 Buddy Guy & Junior Wells: Play The Blues (Atlantic 40240)
LPU4551 Peggy Lee & George Shearing: Beauty & The Beat! Live
LPU4552 Chuck Berry: San Francisco Dues (Chess 6310 115)
LPU4553 Muddy Waters: Can't Get No Grindin' (Chess 6310 129)
LPU4554 Terry Lightfoot's New Orleans Jazzmen: Trad Parade
LPU4563 V/A: South Louisiana Juke Box Hits (Jin - 4006)
LPU4564 V/A: More South Louisiana Juke Box Favorites (Jin - 4010)
LPU4565 Walter Horton: Little Boy Blue (JSP)
LPU4566 V/A: Meat & Gravy From Cadillac Baby - Vol 3 Trying To
Make A Living (Red Lightnin')
LPU4567 Walter Horton & Paul Butterfield: An Offer You Can't
Refuse (Red Lightnin' (R.008/RL008))
LPU4568 King Biscuit Boy: Mouth Of Steel (Red Lightnin' - RL0049)
LPU4569 Big Joe Turner: (2LP) Have No Fear, BJT Is Here (Savoy)
LPU4570 Ella Fitzgerald: Big Sixteen (Verve - VLP 9166)
LPU4555 V/A: Rockin' Fever - Vol 15 ( FLY540)
LPU4556 V/A: Too Hot To Handle - Vol 21 (FLY570)
LPU4557 V/A: Bayou Beat - Vol 26 (FLY581)
LPU4558 V/A: Tag Along - Vol 1 (LP516)
LPU4559 Katie Webster: Whooee Sweet Daddy - Vol 9 (LP530)
LPU4560 V/A: Louisiana Swamp Pop - Vol 11 (LP532)
LPU4561 Nathan Abshire & The Pinegrove Boys: Vol 13 (LP535)
LPU4562 V/A: Zydeco Blues - Vol 14 (LP539)
LPU4571 Professor Longhair: New Orleans Piano (Atlantic SD7225)
LPU4572 Paul Butterfield: Put It In Your Ear (Bearsville)
LPU4573 Professor Longhair: Rock 'N Roll Gumbo (Dancing Cat)
LPU4574 Fabulous Thunderbirds: Tuff Enuff (Epic)
LPU4575 Canned Heat: Canned Heat (Liberty - LBL 83059E mono)
LPU4576 V/A: A Taste Of Harp (Moonshine)
LPU4665 Bob Wills: More Rare Presto Transcriptions (Outlaw)
LPU4666 Bob Wills: The Rare Presto Transcriptions (Outlaw)
LPU4667 Hank Williams: On The Air (Polydor)
LPU4668 The Dynatones: Curtain Call - Live, Featuring Charlie
Musselwhite (Red Lightnin)
LPU4669 Tommy Tucker: Mother Tucker (Red Lightnin')
LPU4577 Steve Earle: Washington Square Serenade (New West)
LPU4670 Buffalo Gals: First Born (Revonah)
LPU4578 Chris Barber: Plays Vol 2 - 10" mini LP (NixaJazz Today) LPU4671 Jim & Jesse: In The Tradition (Rounder)
LPU4579 Chris Barber: Plays Vol 3 - 10" mini LP (Nixa Jazz Today) LPU4672 Clarence Frogman Henry: The Legendary (Silvertown)
LPU4580 Ray Charles: Volcanic Action Of My Soul (Probe)
LPU4673 Staple Singers: The Best Of (Stax)
LPU4581 Sam Cooke: (2LP) The Man And His Music (RCA)
LPU4674 Billie Holiday: Miss Brown To You (Swing House)
LPU4582 V/A: (3LP) Boogie Woogie (RCA)
LPU4675 Billie Holiday: Songs For Distingue Lovers (Verve)
LPU4583 Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry: Climbin' Up (Savoy Jazz)
LPU4584 V/A: Suckin' And Blowin' - Harmonica Blues (Sundown)
LPU4585 Rev Horton Heat: Laughin' & Cryin' - 180g vinyl (Yep Roc) LPU4676 Dr John: Desitively Bonnaroo (Atco)
LPU4677 Joe Turner: Boss Of The Blues - That's Jazz (Atlantic)
LPU4678 James Ray: Itty Bitty Pieces (Charly R&B)
LPU4586 V/A: Famous Spiritual & Gospel Festival 1965 (Bellaphon) LPU4679 Champion Jack Dupree: Shake Baby Shake (Detour)
LPU4587 Howlin' Wolf: The Real Folk Blues (Chess/MCA)
LPU4680 King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band: Okeh Sessions 1923 (EMI)
LPU4588 Koko Taylor: Koko Taylor (Chess/MCA)
LPU4681 Long John Baldry: Baldry's Out! (EMI America-AML 3002)
LPU4589 Florida Spiritualaires: Faith, Hope And Charity (Jewel)
LPU4682 Five Blind Boys Of Alabama: Five Blind Boys Of Alabama
LPU4590 Left Bank Bearcats: In Hi-Fi (sleeve repaired) (Pye)
(Gospel Heritage)
LPU4591 Sonny Morris Jazzmen: Sonny Morris Jazzmen (10" mini
LPU4683 V/A: Atlanta Gospel (Gospel Heritage)
LP - cover repaired) (77 Records)
LPU4684 V/A: Cleveland Gospel (Gospel Heritage)
LPU4592 Rev C. L. Franklin: John's Vision Of A New Heaven (Battle) LPU4685 Archie Brownlee & Five Blind Boys Of Mississippi: You
LPU4593 Annisteen Allen: Fujiyama Mama (Capitol)
Done What The Doctor Couldn't Do (Gospel Jubilee)
LPU4686 Kevin Brown: Road Dreams (Hannibal)
LPU4594 Elvin Bishop: Hog Heaven (Capricorn)
LPU4687 Kevin Brown: Rust (Hannibal)
LPU4595 Elvin Bishop: Hometown Boy Makes Good! (Capricorn)
LPU4688 Jackie Wilson: The Soul Years (Kent)
LPU4596 Elvin Bishop: Juke Joint Jump (Capricorn)
LPU4689 V/A: Mississippi Blues - Blues Archive Series Vol 9 (Kent)
LPU4597 Elvin Bishop: Let It Flow (Capricorn)
LPU4690 V/A: Amazing Grace (Krazy Kat)
LPU4691 V/A: Get Right With God - Hot Gospel 1947-53 (Krazy Kat)
LPU4598 Taj Mahal: Happy To Be Like I Am (CBS)
LPU4692 V/A: Water Coast Blues (Krazy Kat)
LPU4599 Bob Dylan: Bob Dylan (first LP) (CBS (62022))
LPU4600 Rev C. L. Franklin: The Preacher Who Got Drunk (Chess) LPU4693 Sam Vooke: Live At The Harlem Square Club 1963 (RCA)
LPU4694 Howling Wilf: And The Vee-Jays (Unamerican Activities)
LPU4601 James Booker: Classified (Demon)
LPU4602 Barrence Whitfield & The Savages: Call Of The Wild
LPU4695 Howlin' Wolf: The London Sessions (Amiga - German)
LPU4603 Professor Longhair: The London Concert (JSP)
LPU4696 Leslie Keith: Black Mountain Blues (Briar)
LPU4604 Johnny Winter: (2LP) The Johnny Winter Story (feint
LPU4697 Asleep At The Wheel: Wheelin' And Dealin' (Capitol)
marks on vinyl) (Marble Arch)
LPU4698 Howlin' Wolf: London Sessions (Chess/Carisello - Italy)
LPU4605 Muddy Waters: At Newport (Marble Arch (MAL 661))
LPU4699 Jenks 'Tex' Carman: Redskin Cowboy (Danny - mono)
LPU4606 Geno Washington And The Ram Jam Band: Sifters,
LPU4700 Leon McAuliffe & Members Of Bob Wills' Texas Playboys:
Shifters, Finger Clicking Mamas (Marble Arch - MAL 816)
Live From Longhorn Ballroom, Texas, Vol1 (Jambalaya)
LPU4607 Mugsy Spanier: & His Dixieland Band - sleeve repaired
LPU4701 Big Joe Turner: I Don't Dig It (Jukebox Lil)
LPU4702 Louis Jordan & Tympany 5: Cole Slaw ‘47-52 (Jukebox Lil)
LPU4608 Arthur Smith: Guitar Boogie (MGM)
LPU4703 Nellie Lutcher: Ditto From Me To You (Jukebox Lil)
LPU4609 Elmore James: The Resurrection Of ... (Musicdisc)
LPU4704 Nellie Lutcher: My New Pap's Got To Have Everything
LPU4610 V/A: The Blues Vol 3 (Pye Int - NPL 28045 Monaural)
(Jukebox Lil)
LPU4611 John 'Lightning' Magnie: Now Appearing, Live At Tipitina's, LPU4705 Bob Wills & Texas Playboys: Tiffany Transcriptions Vol 1
New Orleans (Rabadash)
(Kaleidoscope - F-16 mono)
LPU4612 Rockin' Dopsie: Crowned Prince Of Zydeco (Sonet)
LPU4706 Bob Wills & Texas Playboys: Tiffany Transcriptions Vol 2
LPU4613 James Cotton: Live From Chicago (Sonet/Alligator)
(Kaleidoscope - F-19 mono)
LPU4614 Koko Taylor: Queen Of The Blues (Sonet/Alligator)
LPU4707 Tommy Ellison & 5 Singing Stars: Greatest Hits (Nashboro)
LPU4615 Lonnie Mac: Strike Like Lighntning (Sonet/Alligator)
LPU4708 Freddy Cannon: Explosive! (Phillips Sonic - SON 007)
LPU4616 Roy Buchanan: When A Guitar Plays The Blues (Sonet)
LPU4709 Muleskinner: Muleskinner (Ridge Runner)
LPU4617 Sonny Terry: Whoopin' (With Johnny Winter & Willie
LPU4710 Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson: Back Door Blues (Riverside)
Dixon) (Sonet/Alligator)
LPU4711 Paul Gayten & Annie Laurie: Creole Gal (Route 66)
LPU4618 V/A: Living Chicago Blues (Sonet/Alligator)
LPU4712 Phil Alvin: Unsung Stories (Slash/London)
LPU4619 V/A: (2LP) The Sun Story (Sun)
LPU4713 The Blasters: Over There - Live At The Venue (Slash)
LPU4620 V/A: Good Ole Memphis Country (Sun)
LPU4714 V/A: Chicago Gospel Pioneers (Spirit Feel)
LPU4621 Charley Musselwhite Blues Band: Stone Blues (Vanguard) LPU4715 Nappy Brown & Roosters: I Done Got Over (Stockholm)
LPU4622 Jimmy Smith: Hobo Flats (feint marks on vinyl) (Verve)
LPU4716 Brownie McGhee: Best Of (Storyville)
LPU4717 Canned Heat: Rollin' And Tumblin (Sunset)
LPU4718 Earl Bostic: Bostic Rocks - Hits Of Swing Age (Swingtime)
LPU4623 Albert King: New Orleans Heat (Charly R&B)
LPU4719 Captain Beefheart: Shiny Beast - Bat Chain Puller (Virgin)
LPU4624 Jerry McCain: Midnight Beat (Charly R&B)
LPU4625 Joe Turner: Jumpin' With Joe (Charly R&B)
LPU4626 Spade Cooley: Swing The Devil's Dream (Charly R&B)
LPU4720 B.B. King: Guess Who (ABC)
LPU4627 V/A: Blue Ribbon Boogie (Charly R&B)
LPU4721 Lash Lariat & Long Riders: Bitter Tears (Big Beat/Ace)
LPU4628 V/A: Zydeco Blues 'N Boogie (Gumbo/Cooking Vinyl)
LPU4722 Leroy Carr: Vol 2 (Collector's Choice)
LPU4629 B.B. King: (2LP) Now Appearing At Ole Miss (MCA)
LPU4723 Barney Kessel: Volume 1 (Contemporary)
LPU4630 Irma Thomas: Breakaway (Stateside)
LPU4724 Barney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray Brown: Poll Winners
LPU4631 Professor Longhair: Live On The Queen Mary (Stateside)
Three! (Contemporary)
LPU4632 Albert King: King Albert (Tomato)
LPU4725 Phineas Newborn Jr: A World Of Piano! (Contemporary)
LPU4726 Timmy Thomas: Why Can't We Live Together (Glades)
LPU4727 Chuck Berry: Chuck Berry (Marble Arch)
LPU4633 Diz And The Doormen: Bluecoat Man (Ace)
LPU4728 Chuck Berry: You Can Never Tell (Marble Arch)
LPU4634 Diz Watson: Rhumbalero (Ace)
LPU4729 Little Walter: Little Walter (Marble Arch)
LPU4635 Elmore James: The Best Of Elmore James (Ace)
LPU4730 Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: In London (Marble Arch)
LPU4636 Elmore James: Original Meteor & Flair Sides (Ace)
LPU4731 Sleepy John Estes: Down South Blues 1935-40 (MCA)
LPU4637 Frankie Ford: New Orleans Dynamo (Ace)
LPU4732 Earl Burtnett: & His Biltmore Hotel Orchestra (Take Two)
LPU4638 Howlin' Wolf: Riding' In The Moonlight (Ace)
LPU4639 Huey 'Piano' Smith & His Clowns: Rockin' Pneumonia
And The Boogie Woogie Flu (Ace)
LPU4733 Aaron Neville: Warm Your Heart (A&M)
LPU4640 Huey 'Piano' Smith & His Clowns: Somewhere There's
LPU4734 J Geils Band: Full House - Live (Atlantic)
Honey For The Grizzly Bear (Ace)
LPU4735 Original Animals: Before We Were Rudely Interrupted (Barn)
LPU4641 Jackie Wilson: Reet Petite (Ace)
LPU4736 Bonnie Raitt: Nick Of Time (Capitol)
LPU4642 Larry Williams: Alacazam! (Ace)
LPU4737 Pete Seeger: Rainbow Race (feint marks on vinyl) (CBS)
LPU4643 Little Richard: His Greatest Hits (Ace)
LPU4738 Bob Wills’ Texas Playboys: King Of Western Swing (Charly)
LPU4644 V/A: Bayou Boogie - The Jin Story Vol 1 (Ace)
LPU4739 Louis Jordan: Look Out, It's Louis Jordan (Charly R&B)
LPU4645 Little Richard: Modern Sides (10") (Ace - 10 CH 38 mono) LPU4740 Otis Redding: Greatest Hits (Duchesse)
LPU4646 Frank Wakefield: End Of The Rainbow (Bay)
LPU4741 Louvin Brothers: Songs That Tell A Story (Magnum)
LPU4647 Ramblin' Jack Elliott: Talking Dust Bowl -Best Of (Big Beat) LPU4742 JJ Cale: Special Edition (Mercury)
LPU4648 Muddy Waters: I'm Ready (Blue Sky)
LPU4743 Ry Cooder: Chicken Skin Music (Reprise)
LPU4649 Gene Vincent: Best Of (Capitol (T20957))
LPU4744 Ry Cooder: Into The Purple Valley (Reprise)
LPU4650 Chuck Berry: The London Chuck Berry Sessions (Chess) LPU4745 Ry Cooder: Paradise And Lunch (Reprise)
LPU4651 Aretha Franklin: The Gospel Soul Of Aretha Franklin LPU4746 Ry Cooder: Ry Cooder (1970 debut album) (Reprise)
Songs Of Faith (Chess/Vogue France)
LPU4747 Calvin Newborn: From The Hip (Rooster)
LPU4652 Jerry Lee Lewis: (2LP) Original Super Rock - Album
LPU4748 Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers: Best Of (Roulette/EMI)
Festival 184 (Disques Festival)
LPU4749 Golden Echoes, The: Heaven On My Mind (Rounder)
LPU4653 Billie Holiday: The Lady Day Story (DJM)
LPU4750 Radio Freedom: Voice Of The African National Congress
LPU4654 Don Covay And The Good Timers: Mercy (Edsel)
And The People's Army Umkhonto We Sizwe (Rounder)
LPU4655 Dr Feelgood (William Perryman): What's Up Doc? (Edsel) LPU4751 John Lee Hooker: Mr Lucky (Silvertone)
LPU4656 Johnny Winter: Johnny Winter (Edsel)
LPU4752 John Lee Hooker: The Healer (Silvertone)
LPU4657 Lonnie Mac: The Wham Of That Memphis Man! (Edsel)
LPU4753 Bonnie Raitt: Takin' My Time (Warners)
LPU4658 Paul Butterfield:: Paul Butterfield Blues Band (Edsel)
LPU4754 Ry Cooder: Boomers Story (Warners)
LPU4659 Screamin' Jay Hawkins: Screamin' Jay Hawkins (Edsel)
LPU4755 Ry Cooder: Bop Till You Drop (Warners)
LPU4660 Billie Holiday: Songs & Conversations (EMI/Paramount)
LPU4756 Ry Cooder: Borderline (Warners)
LPU4661 Joe Houston: Earthquake (Imperial)
LPU4757 Ry Cooder: Crossroads - Movie Soundtrack LP (Warners)
LPU4662 Huey 'Piano' Smith & His Clowns: The Imperial Sides
LPU4758 Ry Cooder: Get Rhythm (Warners)
1960-1961 (Imperial France)
LPU4759 Ry Cooder: Paris Texas (Warners)
LPU4663 Albert Ammons/Meade Lux Lewis/Peter Johnson: Jump
LPU4760 Ry Cooder: Show Time (Warners)
For Joy, Unissued 1938-45 - Piano Blues Vol 21 (Magpie) LPU4761 Ry Cooder: The Slide Area (Warners)
LPU4664 Don Covey: Super Dude 1 (Mercury)
RED LICK RECOMMENDS HOT NEW RELEASES! continued from the front cover
Inside Out
Willie’s Blues - Greatest Hits 1952-1957
Jasmine CD - JASMCD3040
If Willie Mabon is remembered at all it is likely to be for his
association with I Don’t Know, a song that become a standard and found its way into the repertoire of many a blues
and rhythm & blues band. While Willie did not write this song
(it came via a Cripple Clarence Lofton record dating as far
back as 1939), he did make it his own and had a monster hit
with it in 1953, topping the Billboard R&B charts and helping
fund the continuation of a then-struggling Chess Records. It
was also notable for its early adoption of the stop-time song
devise that Willie Dixon would soon employ with Hoochie
Coochie Man, I’m Ready and more.
While Willie could not sustain his
early success, it still seems baffling
that there has been such a paucity
of his early material available on
CD. So Jasmine should be congratulated for compiling his recordings for Chess on this release
Starting inevitably with his biggest
hit, the other 24 tracks on this CD
present a talented singer and
musician who may have felt a little
out of time and place in a early
1950s Chicago more attracted to
the guitar and harmonica driven
blues popularised by Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Howlin’
Wolf Sonny Boy Williamson and the rest. These sides present a bluesman more in tune with the piano and sax blues
that Charles Brown had popularised a few years previous,
and thankfully they now stand up remarkably well. There are
Willie’s own songs, some excellent covers, notably Willie
Dixon’s Seventh Son and Mel London’s Poison Ivy and a
handful of previously un-issued recordings. What unifies
them are Willie’s waspish vocal delivery and obvious charm.
By no means a major artist but far too good to be forgotten.
A welcome release of material you’d be hard pressed to find
Ask for JASMCD3040 - on offer at a special review price
of only £8.75 + p&p if bought before 21st February
Down In Washington Square
Smithsonian Folkways 3CD - SFWCD40213
The availability of CDs by Dave Van Ronk is among the
most often raised enquiries from Red Lick customers.
Listening to this new collection of recordings made for the
Folkways label between 1959 and 2001, it is easy to see
why. The 54 tracks herein demonstrate a musician equally
comfortable, confident and convincing in a number of idioms
- folk, blues, jazz, skiffle and just about anything else he
chose to try. Furthermore, he developed such a vast repertoire of songs and range of guitar techniques that it is not
just enjoyable to listen to him but also an education. No
wonder he acted as a musical mentor to so many younger
musicians on the Greenwich Village music scene through
the years, most notably Bob Dylan in the early 1960s.
This set draws on albums released during the period but
also to be found within the near-three hours of music included across these three discs are 16 never before released studio recordings and live sides.
The 40 page booklet is also an added bonus to the great
music, providing as it does not just introductory notes to the
man’s qualities, charms and talents but also a song by song
summary. This means you can not only listen to Dave’s
beautiful rendition of, say, Oh,
What A Beautiful City, you get
to find out that he learnt it from
Rev Gary Davis, that the classic
ballad Betty And Dupree was
about South Carolinian bad guy,
Frank Dupree, and so on.
This exceptional compilation
has been timed to co-incide with
the release of Inside Llewyn
Davis, a new movie about a
fictional folk musician struggling
in Greenwich Village in the
1950s and is believed to have
been based loosely around Van
Ronk’s published memoir of the
time, The Mayor Of MacDougal
Street. I’m not sure that the movie will be any good but
anything that raises his profile and re-awakens interest in his
great body of work, much of which is beautifully presented
here, is just fine with me.
Ask for SFWCD40213 - on offer at a special review price
of only £26.95 + p&p if bought before 21st February
Live At Rockpalast
Ram-Bam CD - RAM007
Repertoire DVD & CD - REP5322
Long-term Red Lickers already know how much perkier we
are when Jo’ Buddy has a new CD out. We just love his take
on the blues, being reverential to the music and his inspirations, but always delivering to his own uncompromisingly offbeam and distorted principles of what he should
sound like.
This newie is no exception, and has cheered us
up no end, providing 12 more sensational rockin’
sides full of off-kilter riffs, garbled lyrics, and allkiller, no-filler rhythms. And it may just be his best
yet as, alongside great tracks with regular musical
co-conspirator, Down Home King III on
drums, there are a broader range of
contributors. This allows Jo’ to spread his
wings a little and take to task other musical styles; and still come out on top.
The enduring appeal of all things Feelgood shows little
sign of dissipating. Recent times have seen the release of
two big selling box sets compiling their live and studio
recordings from their golden era; one featuring the years
with Wilko Johnson (1974-1977) and
the other with Wilko’s replacement,
Gypie Mayo (1977-1981). Most recently, and poignantly of course, the
live DVD of Wilko’s farewell tour has
been released and is now being
snapped up by long term fans wishing
to pay their respects.
And now the band have been included in the Repertoire series of reissuing live in-concert appearances as
recorded for the German TV show
Rockpalast. This Feelgood appearance occurred in Berlin on 31 October
1980 and is notable for being one of the very last shows
with Gypie in the band. Not known at the time, Gypie had
already quit the band and was working his period of notice.
Not that you’d know it as he is clearly giving his all alongside the mighty Lee
and The Big Figure.
A truly awesome
through 18 of their
best tracks and,
frankly, its great to
see and hear one
more time. There
must be a point at
which I will tire of
hearing yet another
version of Stupidity,
No Mo Do Yakomo,
She’s A Wind Up, Roxette or all the others but frankly I’m
nowhere remotely close to this point yet.
OK, if we wish to nit-pick, the camera work of the German
TV crew is fairly static and, in terms of visual appeal and
stagecraft, you can never fully replace Wilko’s antics. That
said, this is still stirring stuff and another must-have for the
legion of Feelgoods fans out there.
Ask for REP5322 - on offer for only £17.25 + UK p&p if
bought before 21st February
This is first apparent as early as the
second track, I Got A Li’l Gal, where Jo’
is joined by The (Original) Crawfish Kings
Featuring Masa Orpana, thereby incorporating
accordion, tenor sax and more to the musical mix
and adding an enjoyable zydeco dimension to proceedings. A couple of tracks later, Jo’ and Down
Home King III pick up the tempo with Groovy Eyes
Featuring Wiley Cousins, a manic garage band
rocker that is bound to be a big favourite at his live
appearances. Groovy Eyes are back on duty a couple of
tracks later on Barbwire Rider, a sedate and controlled
instrumental which acts as a showcase for Jo’s ace guitar
picking. On the next track, Jo’ gives Down Home King III a
breather while he picks up with The Uplifters, a bass and
drums combo who join forces to deliver Po’ Jo’, a souped-up
Mississippi delta blues that progresses along nicely in the
style of Tommy Johnson, before Jo’ decides its time to recreate the ‘Robert Nighthawk On Maxwell Street’ slide-guitar
sound to play us out. And mighty fine it is too!
On another track with The Uplifters, Blind Love, legendary
boogie woogie pianist Gene Taylor, best known for his work
with The Blasters, Fabulous Thunderbirds and James Harman, joins in the fun to add some sparking ivory-tickling.
My favourite though is the penultimate track, Someday, a
beautiful religious number pushed along just by Jo’s echoladen guitar riff and Down Home King III’s sublime driving
rhythm on the drums.
Another big winner from Finland’s finest. A must-have selection (as we no doubt have said for each of Jo’s CDs).
Ask for RAM007 - on offer for only £11.75 + UK p&p if
bought before 21st February.
The Blues Is Here To Stay 1947-1959
Jasmine 2CD - JASMCD3039
Few bluesmen can claim to have written a song that becomes an instant classic on release and proceeds to be
covered by incalculable bluesmen thereafter. Eddie Boyd
achieved this feat with Five Long Years in 1951 and it is for
this record that he is best remembered today, but there were
plenty of other superbly crafted and played recordings worthy of attention.
Fortunately for us, 52 of these are now compiled here,
tracing his evolution as a blues pianist just up from the south
and finding his way around early 1940s Chicago through to
his times with Chess and later Bea & Baby in the 1950s. The
first tracks on the first CD come from sessions in the late
1940s with ‘Bluebird’ producer Lester Melrose which were
decent enough but didn’t provide Eddie with any real scope
to present the individual style that he was developing.
By the early 1950s Eddie had been snapped up by
Chess (seemingly without his consent) and he
steadily started turning out high quality pianodriven Chicago blues classics, not just Five Long
Years but also other big-sellers such as Third
Degree and 24 Hours. Listening to these here,
alongside many of the lesser-known but no less
impressive tracks, it is positively bizarre that they
have not been as widely available as the recordings of the other great bluesmen on the Chess
roster in the 1950s. While CDs of Eddie’s recordings in Europe in the 1960s (where he regularly visited and eventually settled) have long been
available, this material that made his name in the
first place has never been easy to find in the CD
So, a big well done to Jasmine for getting these excellent
and important sides onto CD. They fill an important gap in
my record collection - and presumably will in yours also.
Ask for JASMCD3039 - on offer at a special review price
of only £10.25 + p&p if bought before 21st February
Fremeaux 3CD - FA5415
Don’t let the title confuse or put you off. The concept is
designed to show how and where 1970s punk rock took the
sounds, spirit and attitude from music and artists that had
gone before. But frankly, you don’t have to concern yourself
with this, just enjoy the set as a wonderful compilation of
exciting and often rare, early rock & roll, rockabilly, R&B,
blues, jazz and more.
The jazz tracks variously
feature Art Tatum, Charlie
Parker, Albert Ayler, Jelly
Roll Morton, Ornette Coleman and, my favourite, a
nine minutes Excursion On
A Wobbly Train by The
Cecil Taylor Quartet, which
is every bit as eccentrically
rickety as the title suggests.
R&B and blues sides are
included from Arthur
Crudup, Big Joe Turner, Sugarboy Crawford, Lowell Fulson,
Tiny Bradshaw, Roy Brown
and more, but overall the
rock ’n roll and rockabilly
sides are the most numerous, rare and enjoyably
unhinged. Hasil Adkins on
She Said has to be heard
to be believed, as does The
Phantom on
Love Me.
These, and other nut-jobs,
sit nicely alongside other
rockers including Bob
Luman, Vince Taylor, The
Crickets, Little Richard,
Johnny Burnette, Ronnie
Allen and many more.
So ditch the concept and simply revel in 3CDs full of 69
cracking tracks.
Ask for FA5415 - on offer at a special review price of
only £16.75 + p&p if bought before 21st February