CONTENTS - science of the future
CONTENTS - science of the future
CONTENTS Organizing Committee ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Рrogram Committee ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Invited speakers Plenary session ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Invited speakers Sections . ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 The Сonference «Science of the Future» Overview ......................................................................................................... 10 Sections Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies . ......................................................................................................... 14 Chemistry & Chemical technologies ........................................................................................................................ 19 Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management . ....................................................................................... 25 Humanities & Social Sciences ................................................................................................................................. 32 Information technologies .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Life Sciences & Medicine . ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Machinery & Energy ................................................................................................................................................. 53 Mathematics & Mechanics ....................................................................................................................................... 59 New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes ...................................................................................... 64 Physics & Astronomy ............................................................................................................................................... 72 Рresentations and other events Session «Popularization of science: from complicated to simple and back» ......................................................... 80 Interdisciplinary youth science forum with international participation «New approaches in the energetics» ...................................................................................................................... 81 Special session «Development of international scientific cooperation in research and development in priority areas of science and technology» .............................................................................. 82 Russian-French Day. Innovative Materials .............................................................................................................. 84 International school of students and young scientists «Materials and technologies of the 21st century» ................................................................................................... 87 A new generation of scientists. The Program Of Rossotrudnichestvo . ................................................................... 88 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Olga Vasilyeva Alexey Kavokin Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ilshat Gafurov Rector of the Kazan Federal University Korotkova Irina CEO Inconsult LTD 2 Lyudmila Ogorodova Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Alexander Kabanov Co-chair of the conference Program Committee, Doctor of Chemistry, professor. Co-chair of the conference Program Committee, professor. Zhores Alferov Rector of the St. Petersburg Academic University — Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Inna Bilenkina Head of the Department of Education and Science – Administrative Board of the President of Russian Federation Sergey Polyakov CEO of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises Engel Fattakhov Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Tatarstan — the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov President of the Republic of Tatarstan Sergey Salikhov Head of the Department of Science and Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Alexander Khlunov Director of the Russian Science Foundation Vladislav Panchenko Chair of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research Vladimir Stegaylov Head of the Department of Atomistic Modeling and Theory of Condensed Matter and Non-ideal Plasma, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences Kseniya Makovetskaya Head of a division of the Department of Science and Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 3 РROGRAM COMMITTEE Kovas Yulia PhD, Professor of Genetics and Psychology, Professor Kabanov Alexandr Doctor of Chemistry, professor. Co-chair of the Program Commitee Groisman Pavel Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. 4 Akhatov Iskander Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Zhivotovskiy Boris Doctor of Biology, professor. Candidate of biological sciences, professor at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and Texas A&M University (USA) Lomakin Evgeny Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Corresponding member of RAS Kavokin Alexey Moiseenko Tatyana Agladze Konstantin Krutovskiy Konstantin Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. Co-chair of the Program Commitee, professor Doctor of Biology, professor, associate member of the RAS Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Koltermann Klaus Doctor of Sciences, professor Valiev Ruslan Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, member of the European Academy of Sciences Ivanov Dmitry Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, professor Murzin Dmitriy Doctor of chemical sciences, professor Nabiev Igor Nedospasov Sergey Doctor of Chemisrty, professor of the 1st Class. Doctor of Biology, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor. Weber Shlomo PhD in mathematical economics, named professor of economics. Nikitov Sergey Klimentov Alexey PhD, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, professor. Pechen’Alexander Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Turaev Vladimir Utyuzhnikov Sergey Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, name professor, Indiana University, USA Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, University of Manchester Romanov Alexey Samsonov Vladimir Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Khazipov Rustem Doctor of medical sciences Doctor of physics and mathematics, professor Harton Vladislav Candidate of Chemistry, visiting Professor at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) 5 Thiede Jörn Doctor of geological nd mineralogical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory «Palaeogeography and geomorphology of polar countries and the World Ocean», Saint Petersburg State University, Germany INVITED SPEAKERS Plenary session Humanities & Social Sciences Grigorenko Elena Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of laboratory Interdisciplinary studies of early childhood , St. Petersburg State University, Russia Information technologies Furman Patrick Stanislav Smirnov Professor at University of Geneva, Switzerland, Fields Medalist Manfred Helmut Bayer PhD in Physics, Full Professor, Head of a section at the physical department of Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. Askold Ivantchik Corresponding member of the RAS, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belleslettres/ Scientific director of the Department for the comparative study of ancient civilizations, Institute of World History, RAS. Director of research at the CNRS AUSONIUS laboratory, University of Bordeaux, France Pavel Pevzner PhD, Professor University of California San Diego. Member of the Genome Institute of Singapore scientific advisory board and member of editorial staff of the PLOS Computational Biology journal Grigory Trubnikov Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, RAS Corresponding Member, Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the «Biotechnology in agriculture and industry» cluster of biomedical technologies, Skolkovo Foundation, Russia Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Chief researcher Laboratory of information technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia Aldo Di Carlo Professor, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Krayko Alexander Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Russia Tikhonovich Igor Elias C. Aifantis Fokin Valeriy, Penelle Jacques Savvidis Pavlos Professor, doctor of biological sciences, director of the AllRussian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology of the RAAS, Russia Professor of Mechanics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Heiser Thomas Professor University of Strasbourg, ICube Laboratory, CNRS USA Chemistry & Chemical technologies Ananikov Valentin Doctor of сhemical sciences, professor of Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia Bronitch Tatyana Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA Sukhorukov Gleb Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Queen Mary University of London, Laboratory Supervisor «Remotely controlled systems for theranostics» National Research Saratov State University, Russia PhD in Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Chemical Synthesis and Catalysis Laboratory, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Professor of East Paris Institute of Chemistry & Materials Science of French National Centre for Scientific Research France Tropsha Alexander Professor University of North Carolina, USA Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Technology Microelectronics Research Group, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Greece Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , Professor of University of Twente, Netherlands. 6 Galimov Erik Academician, doctor of geological – mineralogical sciences, scientific director of Vernadsky Institute, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Gelfan Alexander Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Water Problems Institute, Russia Lassnig Mario Professor, Department of Physics, ATLAS experiment, The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland Schulz Markus Professor, The European Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN), Switzerland Eramo Giuseppe President, Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics, Italy Nigmatulin Pobert Academician, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Repina Irina Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Associate Professor , Senior Researcher of the «Study of Earth and Space» at the Institute of Space Research, Russia Langdon Terence Professor of Materials Science at the University of Southampton, мember of the Royal Academy of Engineering the UK and the European Academy of Sciences, Honorary Doctor of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, UK Molodtsov Sergey Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences . Scientific Director European X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility, and Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, Russia Zhigilei Leonid Professor of University of Virginia, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, USA, Russia Physics & Astronomy Altshuler Boris Gil Bernard Hoefling Sven Lagoudakis Pavlos Suris Robert Shliapnikov Georgy Professor of Physics at Columbia University USA Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management Voinov Alexey Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes Larkin Denis Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Royal Veterinary College, University of London UK Koren’kov Vladimir Machinery & Energy Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Mathematical Institute, Russia Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies Kulikov Roman Professor of University of Ljubljana, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Ososkov Gennadiy Victor Bushtaber Sections Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Kersevan Borut Paul Mathematics & Mechanics KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Goncharov Nikolay PhD, Cache project leader, German electron synchrotron Research Center for Particle Physics (DESY), Germany Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Head of Solid State & Photonics Division, Deputy Head of School for Research, University of Southampton. UK Doctor of Sciences, Professor of Physics, Director of Research French National Centre for Scientific Research, Professor University of Montpellier, France Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of laboratory Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Professor of Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Scotland Jerome TIGNON Professor of Physics at the University Pierre et Marie Curie France Professor of Physics at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Director of the Science Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and statistical models of the National Center for Scientific Research (LPTMS CNRAS) (Orsay, France), Russia 7 September 21 2nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE «SCIENCE OF THE FUTURE» 8:30–9:00 9:00–10:30 Architecture program 2 International Scientific Conference «Science of the Future» nd September 19 Arrival of participants. Tours around scientific laboratories. Tours around Kazan Federal University museums. Meeting of mega-grant scientists with representatives of foundations: Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Foundation for Advanced Studies, Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) Session with editor of the «Nature Physics» Bart Verberck and official representative of SpringerNature «NaturePhysics» BartVerberck, официального представителя SpringerNature Round table «Expansion of network and strengthening scientific and technological cooperation of young scientists of Eurasian Economic Union» Russian-French day of young scientists «New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes» Student teams competition «Engineering for agriculture» 10:30–16:00 September 20 8:30–10:00 16:00–18:00 The second meeting of the Workgroup for cooperation with Russian scientific diaspora — lead by Vice minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Ludmila Ogorodova Registration of participants 10:00–12:30 Opening ceremony of the Conference. Plenary session 12:30–14:00 Lunch 14:00–14:30 Round table for megagrant scientists with Andrey Fursenko, advisor to the President of the Russian Federation 14:30–15:30 15:30–16:00 16:00–16:30 Session «Popularizing science: from complicated to simple and back» Special section «Development of international scientific communications in research and development for toppriority spheres of science and technology» Sessions within sections (in a separate program sections) Interdisciplinary youth scientific UMNIK forum with competition international of students’ participation research projects «New approaches in the power industry» 18:00–19:30 19:30–22:30 PRO SCIENCE in KFU City tours *** The dinner on this day will start after the end of sections — between 18:30 and 20:00 September 22 9:00–18:30 Session «Quantum technologies: transfer of fundamental science to the market» Sessions within sections (in a separate program sections) Sessions within sections (in a separate program sections) Interdisciplinary youth Student teams UMNIK competition scientific forum with competition «Engineering of students’ research international participation for Agriculture» projects «New approaches in the power industry» 18:30–21:00 Dinner and evening program. 16:30–18:30 Grant Committee session will determine the winners of the 5th «mega-grant» competition 18:30–22:30 Dinner. Evening program 8 September 23 10:00–18:00 Plenary session. Closing ceremony of the Conference. Award ceremony for the winners. 9 Program 2 International Scientific Conference «Science of the Future» nd September 19 Arrival of participants. Tours around scientific laboratories. Tours around Kazan Federal University museums. 20 сентября 8:30–10:00 Registration of participants UNICS Culture and Sports Center (Professora Nuzhina str., 2) 10:00–12:30 Opening ceremony of the Conference. Moderated by Alexey Kavokin, co-chair of the Program Committee of the Conference. Olga Vasilieva – Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrey Fursenko – Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Rustam Minnikhanov – President of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilshat Gafourov – Rector of Kazan Federal University Sergey Salikhov – Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation – «The «mega-grant» program: yesterday, today, tomorrow» Plenary session Moderator – co-chair of the Program Committee Alexander Kabanov Presentations by Russian and international scientists. Stanislav Smirnov — professor, Fields Medal recipient Manfred Helmut Bayer – professor, a world leader in spinoptronics Pavel Pevzner — professor of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering at the University of California San Diego, director of the Center for Computational Mass-Spectrometry of the National Institute of Health (USA) Askold Ivanchik – professor, doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian Association of Classical Studies Grigoriy Trubnikov – vice-director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences UNICS Culture and Sports Center (Professora Nuzhina str., 2) 12:30–14:00 Lunch 14:00–15:30 Round table for mega-grant scientists with Andrey Fursenko, advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (by invitation only)) Convention hall of the Supervisory board of Kazan Federal University (scientific library) 14:30–16:00 Session «Popularizing science: from complicated to simple and back». Speakers will elaborate on successful cases of positioning of scientific institutions in Russia, why researchers act as guides to science, how modern media are used for that and what is scientific news. Famous science popularizers will speak about Eastern and Western models of science popularization and ways to promote scientific knowledge using volunteering force without any investments. 15:30–18:30 Special section «Development of international scientific communications in research and development for top-priority spheres of science and technology» Key speaker — Andrey Dutov, CEO of the Scientific Research Center «Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky» «Interdisciplinary integration for technological development in aviation and other hi-tech industries — top priority directions and opportunities for international cooperation» 10 16:00–18:30 Session «Quantum technologies: transfer of fundamental science to the market». Moderated by Ruslan Yunousov, CEO of the Russian Quantum Center Key speakers – Boris Altshuler, professor at Columbia University (USA), – Alexey Ustinov, professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, head of a research group at the Russian Quantum Center – Yuriy Kurochkin, CEO of the Qrate company. – Alexandr Lvovskiy, professor at Univesity of Calgary, head of a research group at the Russian Quantum Center – Stanislav Protasov, co-founder and head of R&D at the Acronis company – Alexander Tarmasov, rector of Innopolis University The section will cover the following questions: How does the transfer of fundamental science to actual blueprints occur? Are there any prospective markets opening as a result of quantum technologies development? How do quantum technologies develop in terms of their applications in real-life business in the world and in Russia in particular? 16:00–18:30 Sessions within sections Sections consist of: – lectures by invited scientists – presentations by mega-grant scientists – poster sessions Sections: Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies Humanities & Social Sciences Information technologies Mathematics & Mechanics Machinery & Energy Life Sciences & Medicine Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes Physics & Astronomy Chemistry & Chemical technologies. 16:30–18:30 Grant Committee session will determine the winners of the 5th«mega-grant» competition Kazan Federal University — Green Hall 18:30 18:30–22:30 Press conference about the results of the 5th «mega-grant» competition Dinner. Evening program September 21 8:30–10:30 Meeting of mega-grant scientists with representatives of foundations: Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Foundation for Advanced Studies, Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) (by invitation only) 9:00–10:30 Session with editor of the «Nature Physics» Bart Verberck and official representative of SpringerNature How to use the Springer Link and what is the 100K20 initiative? Secrets of efficient usage of SpringerLink for Russian scientists Springer Link platform as an inexhaustable source of latest high quality scientific information Online resources of Springer Nature in aid of authors Predatory publishing: what is this? 9:00–10:30 Round table «Expansion of network and strengthening scientific and technological cooperation of young scientists of Eurasian Economic Union» with participation of Vice minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Alexey Lopatin and President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Myakzyum Salakhov Event hall at the main building of Kazan Federal University 9:00–18:00 Russian-French day of young scientists within the section «New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes». Moderated by: Dmitry Ivanov (Leader of the research group «Structure and phase transitions» at the Institute of Materials Science, CNRS, Mulhouse, France) and Igor Nabiev (first class professor of Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Medicine, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France) 11 9:00–18:00 Student teams competition «Engineering for agriculture» 10:30–19:30 Sessions within sections Sections consist of: – lectures by invited scientists – presentations by mega-grant scientists – presentations by young scientists — winners of grants from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation – presentations by students selected from the poster session Student poster session and selection of the best presentations. Sections: Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies Humanities & Social Sciences Information technologies Mathematics & Mechanics Machinery & Energy Life Sciences & Medicine Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes Physics & Astronomy Chemistry & Chemical technologies. 10:30–18:00 September 22 9:00–18:30 UMNIK competition of students’ research projects by Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) Sessions within sections Sections consist of: – lectures by invited scientists – presentations by mega-grant scientists – presentations by young scientists — winners of grants from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation – presentations by students selected from the poster session Sections: Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies Humanities & Social Sciences Information technologies Mathematics & Mechanics Machinery & Energy Life Sciences & Medicine Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes Physics & Astronomy Chemistry & Chemical technologies. 9:00–18:30 10:30–18:00 Interdisciplinary youth scientific forum with international participation «New approaches in the power industry» – organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Science. Interdisciplinary youth scientific forum with international participation «New approaches in the power industry» – organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Science 9:00–18:30 Student teams competition «Engineering for Agriculture» 19:30–22:30 PRO SCIENCE in KFU Popular science crash course by Kazan Federal University for students, citizens of Kazan and guests of the city. The fourth event of the project on the grounds of the «Science of the Future» conference is devoted to technology and education of the future. This is a non commercial event with educational mission. Program: 18.30 start of the event, gathering of guests (in the entrance hall) 18.30–21.00 Educational interactive sessions by institutes of KFU (on the floors) 19.00–21.30 Popular science lectorium (big hall) 19.30–21.00 Tours around museums and laboratories of KFU 19.30–21.00 Science slam — presentations by young scientist in the form of scientific fights (small hall) 21.00–22.30 Music entertainment show (2nd floor) 9:00–18:30 UMNIK competition of students’ research projects by Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) 18:30– 21–00 Dinner and evening program. September 23 10:00–18:00 Plenary session. Closing ceremony of the Conference. Award ceremony for the winners. UNICS Culture and Sports Center (Professora Nuzhina str. For mor information: 19:30–22:30 City tours *** The dinner on this day will start after the end of sections — between 18:30 and 20:00 12 13 September 21 SECTIONS DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) Agricultural, Biological & Food Technologies POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Krutovsky Konstantin 40 Head of research laboratory, Professor Krutovsky Konstantin Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences Pinus sibirica and Larix sibirica whole genome de novo sequencing 16:40–17:20 40 PhD Beckett Richard Peter University of KwaZulu Natal Extremophile plants: molecular mechanisms of stress tolerance and their practical applications Tikhonovich Igor Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Meteorology Role of microbial and plant signals in determination of highly specific symbiosis 40 Dr., academician RAS ORGANIZATION TOPIC 10:30–11:10 40 PhD Chief lecturer Larkin Denis Royal Veterinary College 11:10–11:50 40 Head of "Biotechnology in agriculture" of the biomedical technologies cluster Fund "SKOLKOVO" Kulikov Roman Skolkovo Foundation Supporting of the Innovative projects in Skolkovo Foundation 11:50–12:30 16:00–16:40 17:20–18:00 PRESENTING AUTHOR Chair Goncharov Nikolay September 20 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE Генетика сельскохозяйственных животных в геномную эру Coffee break 12:30–13.10 40 Dr. Zaitsev Sergey Moscow state Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K.I. Skryabin Development of State-of-theArt Biotechnologies to Assess Gene Expression in Relation to Performance and Disease Resistance in Poultry Industry 13:10–13.40 30 PhD Plygun Sergey All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Orel State Agrarian University Fertility without "chemicals": bases for biologization in agriculture of the Central Russia on example of the Orel region 13:40–14:10 30 Dr. Vasyutinskii Oleg Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg Laser methods for modern biotechnologies 14:10–15:10 Lunchtime Chair Krutovsky Konstantin 15:10–15:40 30 PhD Demin Dmitry 15:40–16:00 16:00–16:30 14 Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS Biotechnological method of processing of deposits of urban sewage treatment plants and industrial soils in the organic fertilizer Spare time 30 Dr. Glinushkin Alexey All-Russian Resistance of organisms: Research Institute of issues, opportunities Phytopathology 16:30–18:30 Poster session of students 18:30–19:30 Discussion 15 Presentations by Students – Finalists of the Competition September 22 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR September 21 ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Tikhonovich Igor 9:00-9:40 9:40-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-11:00 40 30 20 30 Dr., Corresponding member of the RAAS Goncharov Nikolay PhD Podkovyrov Igor "The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS" Доместикация растений или формирование цивилизаций посредством селекции злаков Volgograd State Agrarian University Methodical peculiarities of study of generic systems of woody plants in the conditions of introduction Deputy Director on scientific work Budrik Vladislav PhD Shestibratov Branch of Prospects and reality of GM Konstantin Shemyakin and trees in Russia Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS 11:00-11:30 All-Russian scientific Development of equipment for research Institute of grinding and dispersion during dairy industry production of flowable food products Coffee break 11:30-12:00 30 PhD Dydykin Andrei The Gorbatov's All-Russian Meat Research Institute Functional food based on meat 12:00-12:30 30 Dr. Kolbasov Denis National Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology of Russia International collaboration in veterinary science Innovation Center "Birüch" GenerationS-2016 accelerator of technology projects: presentation of AgroBioTech&Food track supported by EFKO Group of Companies 12:30-12:50 12:50-13:10 20 PhD 20 Sanina Tatiana Safina Guzel 13:40–14:40 Экологически безопасная технология производства огурцов в ООО «ТК «МАЙСКИЙ» Lunchtime Chair Krutovsky Konstantin 14:10-14:40 14:40-15:10 15:10-17:00 17:00-18:00 16 30 30 по 5-7 мин Dr. Dr. Vasenev Ivan Trchounian Armen PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Aksenova Olga Mathematical modeling of formulating extruded foods А1 Balahonova Alina Arachidonic acid synthesis study fungi Mortierella alpina using glycerol as a substrate-containing waste products of biodiesel А2 Sinitsyna Anna Formulation and technology of confectionery products of functional purpose А3 Barkhonova Venera Terinary and sanitary control of plant products in nitrates and nitrites in conditions of central market, cheboksary А4 Braulik Roman Ponyatovsky D.G. Perfection of technology and equipment for grain crops А5 Valeeva Liliya Troshagina D. S. Nyamsuren CH. Shakirov E. V. Development of algorithms and software for determining the volume of intracerebral hematoma in patients with acute ischemic stroke. А6 Vasilenko Nadezhda Production technology of automatic optical inspection of food quality А7 Gargolina Diana The use of Dioscorea opposita (Yam) in the production of bakery products functional purpose А8 Gurtovaya Anna Epizootology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention efforts with the blood parasite diseases of animals in the Republic of Crimea А9 Dzasokhov Chermen Implementation of the microorganism biocapacity – the destructor when disposing molasses stillage to produce a protein feed А10 Do Thi Zyen Lactobacillus as a basis probiotics and products of a functional nutrition for restoration of human intestinal flora after irradiating А11 Zanozina Olesya The development and application of new complex micronutrient fertilizers to improve grain quality of winter wheat А12 Karbysheva Kseniia The development, application and promotion of soil-improving agrobiotechnology as the factors of bioeconomy formation А13 Kirgizova Irina New biotechnology improvement and micropropagation Siberian potato А14 Kletskina Elena Development of technology and recipes of marmelade products enriched with functional ingredients А15 Konopkin Aleksey Getting the intact 5’-end fragment of the genome of the attenuated strain virus green mottle mosaic cucumber. А16 Krasnov Seergey Automated processing of biological waste system А17 Kunitsyna Victoria The influence of rhizobia and associative nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the formation of productivity of spring barley in conditions of molochnoy steppe in the Altai region А18 Russian Timiryazev State Agricultural University Agroecology-based DSS for Climate-smart farming in the Central Russia conditions Mgebrishvili Irina А19 Yerevan State University Biohydrogen and enhancing of its production Development of import substituting desserts milk-based products, with the use of raw material resources of the Volgograd region Mitishev Aleksandr Biotechnology of algal resinoid production А20 Mishchenko Alla Development of resource-saving technologies of functional fermented milk product with phytocomponents and prebiotic А21 Nikiteev Pavel Biocorrection reproductive function of cows А22 Reports of students selected after the poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and definition of the winners-students 17 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Ozerov Mikhail Optimization of tillage for winter wheat based on the use of modern tillage machines А23 Rakhmankulova Zilya Kirillina T.V Sirotkin A.S The analysis of nitrifying microorganisms ability to the biofilms formation А24 Redko Anastasia Tubalec A.A. Aspects of the road map the socio– economic and environmental development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation: from decline to the profit! А25 Rustamov Rizvan The technology development of production of the candida maltosa yeast protein influencing on the immune status of the animals А26 Talykh Darya The development of test systems for the diagnosis of plant pathogens of Pythium sp. А27 Fomin Ivan The production of organic fertilizers in the form of pellets from spent substrate of oyster mushrooms А28 Shcherbacov Sergej Mobile technology for secondary treatment of seeds А29 Yakovleva Tatyana Production and processing of goat milk as a factor of stimulation of development of peasant farm enterprises of the Volgograd region А30 SECTIONS Chemistry & Chemical technologies September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Emeline Aleksei 16:00–16:40 40 Dr. Fokin Valery University of Southern California Chemical Catalysis at the Junction of Biology, Medicine and New Materials 16:40–17:20 40 Dr. Ananikov Valentine N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences Adaptive Mechanisms in Modern Organic Chemistry and Catalysis 17:20–18:30 Poster session September 21 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Sukhorukov Gleb 10:55–11:20 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Gun'ko Yurii Trinity College Dublin New optically active nanomaterials 11:20–11:45 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Bahnemann Detlef Saint-Petersburg State University Converting Solar Energy into Storable Fuels: Understanding the Chemistry of the Underlying Photocatalytic Processes 11:45–12:00 15 Dr. Emeline Aleksei Saint-Petersburg State University Advances in new generation photoactive materials 12:00–12:30 18 Coffee break 19 TIME 12:30–13:10 13:10–13:35 13.35–13.50 13:50–14:05 14:05–14:20 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 40 25 15 15 15 September 22 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE Dr. PRESENTING AUTHOR Penelle Jacques ORGANIZATION TOPIC Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est – East Paris Institute of Chemistry & Materials Science Building Polymers For the Future: Toward Multifunctional Synthetic Macromolecules Inspired By Nature’s Mechanisms of Action Associate Professor Davide Proserpio Università degli Studi di Milano – Italy Periodic Structures and Crystal Chemistry Dr. Sladkovskiy Dmitry St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (technical university) Design of isobutane-olefin alkylation process over the solid catalyst using catalytic distillation with side reaction section Saratov State University Multifunctional nanostructured carriers with controllable sensitivity to ultrasound for theranostics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Сomputational chemistry, planetary science Dr. PhD Gorin Dmitry Saleh Gabriele 14:20–15:15 Lunchtime 15:15–15:55 40 Head of research laboratory, Professor Sukhorukov Gleb Saratov State University Remote Controlled Systems for Theranostics 15:55–16:05 10 PhD Voronin Denis Saratov state university In vitro and in vivo visualization and trapping of fluorescent magnetic microcapsules in a blood stream 16:05–16:15 10 PhD Mayorova Oksana Saratov State University 16:15–18:00 Poster session of students 18:00–19:00 Discussion TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR In vivo Visualization of Nanocomposite Microcapsules Addressed by Magnetic Field Gradient TOPIC 9:00–9:40 40 Dr. Tropsha Alex University of North Computer modeling of drug Carolina at Chapel Hill delivery systems 9:40–9:55 15 PhD Vokhmintcev Kirill National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Quenching of quantum dot luminescence under light irradiation 9:55–10:10 15 PhD Pulyalina Alexandra Saint-Petersburg State University Polymer membrane materials for effective separation of industrially important liquids and gases 10:10–10:25 15 Junior researcher Linkov Pavel National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) CdSe/ZnS/CdS/ZnS QDs with advanced two-photon properties for tumor diagnosis and treatment 10:25–10:40 15 PhD Rychkov Denis Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS Computational chemistry as a tool to provide new forms of biologically active and pharmaceutical substances 10:40–10:55 15 PhD Shevchenko Alexander Samara State Aerospace University An expert system for the design crystalline materials Coffee break 11:25–11:40 15 PhD Shcherbina Anna A.N. Frumkin Institute Transition zones in polymer of Physical chemistry adhesive joints and Electrochemistry RAS 11:40–11:55 15 Dr. Majouga Alexander Lomonosov Moscow State University 11:55–12:20 25 Dr. Blatov Vladislav Samara National Research University Topological approaches to design of new materials 12:20–12:45 25 Full Professor Afonso Carlos Alberto Mateus Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Portugal Ionic Liquids 12:45–13:00 15 Dr. Zemtsova Elena Saint-Petersburg State University Creating of Titanium Dioxide Nanocoating With Different Morphology on Titanium Mmatrix forR Bone Implants 13:00–14:00 Chair Kabanov Alexander 15:00–15:40 15:40–16:20 40 16:20–18:00 18.00–19:00 по 5-7 мин Magnetic materials for biomedicine: from synthesis to clinical application Lunchtime PhD Bronich Tatiana University of Nebraska Medical Center Polymeric Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery Head of research laboratory, Professor Kabanov Alexander Synthetic and Natural Nanomaterials for Novel Therapeutics 40 20 ORGANIZATION Chair Fokin Valery 10:55–11:25 Chair Murzin Dmitry University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Lomonosov Moscow State University Reports of students, selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and determination of students-winners 21 POSTER REPORTS Presentations by Students – Finalists of the Competition September 20 September 21 AUTHOR Akhmetshina Tatiana Alexandrov Eugeny Bychkov Aleksey ORGANIZATION Samara National Research University Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science, Samara National Research University TOPIC The nanocluster analysis of intermetallics: the collection of Topological Types of Nanoclusters (TTN) and its application Knowledge-based approach for prediction of 2D coordination polymers exfoliation Институт химии твердого тела и How to go from idea to pilot plant механохимии СО РАН Devyatkov Sergey Shaping of sulfated zirconia oxide catalyst and its impact on physico-chemical properties and activity in model reactions of n-hexane isomeriation and isobutane alkylation PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Allayarov Ilshat Getting gel formulations based on chitosan Х1 Bondar Olga Derivatives of Hyperbranched Polyesters for Biomedical Applications Х2 Borisov Kirill Silicone coating with self-healing effect Х3 Vlasova Valentina Giving biologically active substances of special properties method of microencapsulation Х4 Gess Tatiana Adsorption of oil from the water surface natural sorbent Х5 Glushihina Elena Nickel(II) ascorbates in aqueous solutions Х6 Grudina Viktoriya The development of refractory materials based on artificial ceramic binders of thermoactivating clays Х7 Gulyaeva Julia Getting of polymer dispersions based on casein, divinyl and acrylic monomers to create adhesive of medical purpose. Х8 Efremova Mariia Lomonosov Moscow State University Magnetic field-sensitive carriers for biomolecules immobilization on the basis of magnetite-gold hybrid nanoparticles Goltsev Andrey Samara University Chain coordination polymers: topological taxonomy, basic correlations Dremleva Olga Development of the new efficient and ecological way of dissolving crustosecorrosion deposits Х9 Ivanov Alexey Institute of Solid State Physics Novel materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity for solid oxide fuel cell technologies Zimina Viktoriya A study of high-performance catalysts in processes for the cleaner fuels production Х10 Kiwi-Minsker Lioubov Tver State University Development of novel palladium-containing catalysts on the basis of nanostructured polymers in hydrogenation and cross-coupling reactions for production of biologically active compounds Ibatullina Marina Synthesis and properties of complex of 1-hexadecyl-4-aza-1azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bromide with Cu(II) – potential agents for biological, sorption and catalytic application Х11 Nazarov Denis Saint-Petersburg State University, Synthesis of biocompatible coatings of high value Institute of chemistry of micro– and nanoroughness based on titanoxide structures on the surface of nanostructured titanium Idrisov Ayrat Thermostable reagent for increasing oil production. (Thermostable fail-safe acid composition for increasing of oil and gas recovery from carbonate reservoirs.) Х12 Omarov Shamil Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Genesis and structure of MoO3/ZrO2 solid acid catalysts Technology (technical university) of isobutene alkylation Iordan Yuliya Х13 Rudakova Aida Saint-Petersburg State University Self-cleaning coatings: Present and Future Development of theoretical-experimental methods of selection of effective pyrotechnic compositions to provide a burning or dispersion of the head fairing of the launch vehicle during the atmospheric phase of the trajectory of descent Solovyeva Elena Saint-Petersburg State University SERS spectroscopy for directly probing the interface and surface phenomena Kekhvaeva Anna Furan transformations in synthesis of benzofurans Х14 Stepanova Ekaterina ISSP RAS Ionic transport in zirconia-based single crystals Kobelev Alexandr Х15 Timofeyeva Yelizaveta Samara University K+-conductive inorganic ternary and quaternary compounds as advanced materials for solid electrolyte batteries The synthesis of new spiro-bis-heterocyclic systems by interaction of hetarenopyrrolediones with thioamides Kozlova Ekaterina New amperometric sensors based on electropolymerized phenolic compounds for evaluation of antioxidant properties of some beverages Х16 Kononova Arina A new type of liquid fuel on the basis of solid carbonaceous pyrolysis residue of tires Х17 Tsybrov Fedor Institute of Solid State Physics RAS A new technique for in-situ Raman spectroscopic analysis of redox mechanisms at the solid oxide fuel cell electrodes Yalovenko Dmitriy ISSP RAS Production of membrane-electrode assemblies for solid oxide fuel selected aspects Kotkov Kirill Absorption capacity of the copolymer diallyldimethylammonium chloride and acrylamide Х18 Ziyatdinova Mariyam D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Yttrium-aluminoborate glasses containing Tb2O3, Ce2O3 and Sb2O3 for visualization of UV and X-ray radiation Kutsevol Margarita Improvement of chemical methods in the purification of household wastewater Х19 Zolotarev Pavel SCTMS Anisotropy of intermolecular interactions and its relation to mechanical properties of organic molecular crystals Lapina Anna The influence of type and filler content on the thermal stability of elastomeric compositions Х20 Polyakova Marina Rezekin Igor Vantskul Anton Sandulenko Yuriy MIPT In situ click chemistry generation of candidate ligands for adenosine receptor A2A with a soluble adenosine binding protein template Mamchenkova Svetlana The anode electrolytic-plasma nitriding of titanium alloy Х21 Maslova Marina The development of biodegradable matrices based on hydrogels of chitosan and hyaluronic acid Х22 22 23 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Mironova Irina Potassium 4-Iodylbenzenesulfonate (PIBS) is a convenient water-soluble reagent based on hypervalent iodine Х23 Mariya Odintsova The study of Vanadate and Vanadate Samaria in the process of cracking of propane Х24 Romanenko Kristina Waste recycling industry hydrolysis to produce a high-performance carbon adsorbents Х25 Rostovtseva Valeriia Mixed matrix membranes with hybrid star-shaped macromolecule with C60 core for separation of liquid and gas mixtures Х26 Ryzhkina Aliona Development of termal and noise polyuretane foam isolation with low flammability Х27 Salomatina Anastasiya The synthesis of the "core-shell" nanocomposite Fe3-xO4-y@ZnO Х28 Safiullina Linara Synthesis of the fluorescent material based on yttrium oxide by chemical coprecipitation Х29 Tyutlikova Margarita The solid-state and planar sensors for the determination of some cephalosporin antibiotics in aqueous and biological fluids Х30 Khizrieva Salima Study of antioxidant activity of plant alkaloids of glaucine and des-glaucine with using a bioluminescent assay system (in vivo) and in the reaction with DPPH Х31 Chernov Fedor Synthesis of new substituted indoles Х32 Sholidodov Mekhrob Studies of phase equilibrium of multicomponent water-alcohol-salt systems by broadcasts Х33 SECTIONS Earth Sciences, Ecology & Environmental Management September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Moiseenko Tatiana 16:00–16:25 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Thiede Jörn Bremen University, St. Peterburg State University 16:25–16:50 25 Professor Voinov Alexey University of Twente, Participatory modeling: ITC. Nederland integrating models and stakeholders 16:50–18:00 The International Ocean Discovery Program: Will Russian marine geoscientists join the exploration of ocean floors through scientific drilling? Poster session September 21 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Moiseenko Tatiana 10:30–10:55 25 Dr. Gelfan Alexander Institute for Water and Environmental Problems RAS Hydrological model of Amur River basin: development and application for flood risk management 10:55–11:20 25 Dr. Repina Irina Space Research Institute RAS Contemporary problems of the Arctic studies 11:20–11:40 Coffee break Chair Groisman Pavel 24 11:40–11:55 15 PhD Chernokulsky Alexander A.M. Obukhov The modern climatology of Institute of tornadoes in Russia Atmospheric Physics RAS 11:55–12:10 15 PhD Chalov Sergey Lomonosov Moscow Fluvial systems under climate State University change 12:10–12:25 15 PhD Radchenko Dmitry Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources RAS Technogenic deposits in the field of mineral resources of the future – the basis of sustainable development 25 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 12:25–12:40 12:40 – 12:55 15 15 September 22 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PhD PhD PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Samsonov Timothey Lomonosov Moscow Spatial and Statistical Analysis State University of Gridded Models Considering Map Projection Distortions Sushkova Svetlana Southern Federal University TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair KOLTERMANN Klaus Peter Studying the mechanisms of accumulation, transformation and the inactivation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and sediments technogenic contaminated territories using environmentally friendly methods 9:00–9:20 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Moiseenko Tatiana V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Сhemistry RAS Water quality and ecosystem health assessment to define environmental management strategies: case study of Ob and Volga rivers 9:20–9:40 20 Dr. Solomina Olga Institute of geography RAS Paleoclimatology in Russia: recent progress and urgent needs Russian State Storm Ice Oil Wind Wave Hydrometeorological Watch System (SIOWS): Web University GIS application for monitoring the Arctic Russian 12:55–13.10 15 PhD Trashcheev Rostislav Institute of basic biological problems RAS Mathematical modeling of ecological communities on the example of the lemmings population 9:40–10:00 20 PhD Myasoedov Alexander 13:10–13:25 15 PhD Maslennikova Yulia Kazan federal university Сomprehensive analysis of oil and gas wells using high precision temperature and spectral noise logging techniques 10:00–10:20 20 Dr. Sergeev Daniil IAP RAS 10:20–10:40 20 Dr. Lebedev Sergey Russian State Integrated Use of Satellite Hydrometeorological Altimetry in the Investigation of University the Meteorological, Hydrological, and Hydrodynamic Regime of the Caspian Sea 10:40–10:55 15 PhD Khoroshavin Vitaly Tyumen State University 13.30–14.30 Lunch time Chair Thiede Jörn 14:30–14:50 14:50–15:10 20 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor KOLTERMANN Lomonosov Moscow Natural Hazards, Arctic and Klaus Peter State University climate change Head of research laboratory, Professor Zilitinkevich Sergey Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Cognitive chaos: turbulence in Earth system 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Kurths Juergen Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Prediction of extreme climate events 15:30–15:50 20 Head of research laboratory, Ph.D. Groisman Pavel Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS Freezing Precipitation and Freezing Events over Northern Eurasia and North America 15:50–16:10 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Guggenberger Institute of Soil Georg Science, Leibniz University 16:10–16:30 20 PhD Shibistova Olga 16:30–18:00 Poster session of students 18:00–19:00 Discussion 26 Water quality formation Factors Coffee break Chair Chernokulsky Alexander 15:10–15:30 V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS 10:55–11:25 New mechanism of seaspray generation and heatmass transfer under stormy conditions 11:25–11:45 20 Dr. Litasov Konstantin V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy RAS Material transport in the deep Earth's mantle 11:45–12:10 20 Dr. Druzhinin Oleg Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences The study of droplet-laden turbulent air-flow over waved water surface by direct numerical simulation Organic matter in permafrost soils: storage, turnover and possible effects of global warming 12:10–12:25 15 graduate student Studholme Joshua P.P. Shirshov Insti- Atmospheric buoyancy and tute of Oceanology tropical cyclones of the Russian Academy of Sciences Linking successional development of soils in the Maritime Antarctic to belowground processes using a combined stable carbon isotope and metabolomics approach 12:25–12:40 15 PhD student Kolosov Roman VN Sukachev Longterm variation of Institute of forest SB chemical elements fluxes RAS from river basins in Central Siberian Plateau, underlain by permafrost. 12:40–12:55 15 PhD student Komarova Tatyana Victorovna Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy Environmental assessment of soil greenhouse gases fluxes in forest – fallow succession at the Central Forest Reserve in European Russia 27 TIME 12:55–13:10 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 15 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PhD PRESENTING AUTHOR Dinu Marina 13:10–14:10 ORGANIZATION Tyumen State University POSTER REPORTS TOPIC The influence of the complexation of humic substances on the migration forms of metals in natural waters, areas of northern taiga and forest-steppe of the Tyumen region Lunch time September 20 AUTHOR 15 PhD Pokrovsky Oleg CNRS Biogeochemistry 14:25–14:40 15 PhD Danilova Irina V.N. Sukachev Using digital elevation model, Institute of forest SB satellite and ground data to RAS mapping of vegetation cover diversity 14:40–16:30 по 5-7 мин 16:30–17:30 Discussion and Round Table Topics: Climate changes ( Groisman Pavel ), Ecological Safety (Moiseenko Tatiana), Sustainable Development (Voinov Alexey) 17:30–18:30 28 Reports of students, selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) TOPIC Badina Svetlana Lomonosov Moscow State University Methods for assess the socio-economic impacts of natural risks on municipal level Chanyshev Artem V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy RAS Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at high pressures: oligomerization, carbonization, compressibility and thermal expansion Evtushenko Andrey Institute of Applied Phisics RAS Sprites in the Earth atmosphere. Numerical and labratory modeling Gavrilov Andrey Institute of Applied Physics RAS Evolution of principal nonlinear patterns of global sea surface temperature in XX century Kadantsev Evgeny University of Nizhny Novgorod Verification and calibration of Energy– and Flux-Budget (EFB) turbulence closure model Kandaurov Alexander Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory experiment on complex investigation of windwave interaction at the Small-Scale Air-Sea Interaction Facility Markina Margarita P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS 25-years wind wave hindcast for the North Atlantic Myslenkov Stanislav Lomonosov Moscow State University The frequency of storm events in the Barents Sea over the last 35 years Seleznev Aleksei Institute of Applied Physics RAS ANN-based empirical model for ENSO forecast Sergeev Daniil Institute of Applied Physics RAS Complex laboratory modeling of the transfer processes between atmosphere and ocean in the boundary layers Sokratov Sergey Lomonosov Moscow State University Arctic Research Tyuryakov Svyatoslav University of Nizhny Novgorod Personal learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate Verezemskaya Polina P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Mesocyclone activity over the Southern Ocean from satellite infrared mosaics for winter 2004 Yaroslavstev Alex Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy First climate smart agriculture approaches from results of RusFluxNet monitoring Zemtsov Stepan Lomonosov Moscow State University Hazardous hydrological phenomena and social vulnerability in Russia Chair Repina Irina, Gelfan Alexander 14:10–14:25 ORGANIZATION Discussion and definition of students-winners 29 Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition September 21 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Anokhina Ekaterina The local treatment of model water from ions of iron (III) by reagents from the shells of cereals НЗ 1 Tarasova Alyona Trends of fauna and population of typical birds and associated wetland complexes of the European forest-steppe НЗ 23 Antonova Ekaterina Development of new aeration system for rotation set up and area of its application НЗ 2 Tishchenko Artyom Bioremedation of soil contaminated with heavy mtals НЗ 24 Tyumina Elena Biodestruction of pharmaceutical pollutants using actinobacteria НЗ 25 Gaifutdinov Ruslan Research parascale-block structure of deposits PervomayskayaBondyuzhskoe burned in order to assess the degree of depletion, waterflooding efficiency and identify possible areas of replenishment of oil reserves. НЗ 3 Khaybrakhmanov Ildar The calculation of the potential soil loss from water erosion using GIS technology (for example, the territory Khvalynsk district of Saratov region) НЗ 26 Chebotareva Anastasia НЗ 27 Assessment of changes in water surface area of southeast Transbaikalia lakes using satellite monitoring methods and unmanned aerial vehicles НЗ 4 Problems of restoration of the historical appearance of the park Russian country estate (in Voronezh region) Cherezova Anna НЗ 28 Optimizing the use natural resource potential of the regional PAS based on environmental assessment of anthropogenic impact (on the example of the reserve "Klintsovskiy, Bryansk region) НЗ 5 Reconstruction of the Holocene environmental conditions on the Bolshevik Island (Sevarnaya Zemlya) based on the Lake Tverdoe sediment studies Shakhova Tatyana Snow cover pollution assessment in the impact area of oil refineries and petrochemical industry (for example, Pavlodar and Tomsk) НЗ 29 Dubkova Kseniya Structure and formation conditions of the lower Hauterivian in the Bodrak river basin of South-Western Crimea НЗ 6 Shestakova Anastasia Hydrochemical conditions of mineral waters origin of Eastern Tuva НЗ 30 Ionova Anna Phytomonitoring karst aquatic ecosystems and their development trends НЗ 7 Shchegolev Maksim Monitoring of recovery processes of mountain-meadow soils of the Lagonaki НЗ 31 plateau after cessation of intensive grazing Kankulova Lina Environmental protection technology and improvement of springs and natural monuments of the Kabardino-Balkaria and the North Caucasus НЗ 8 Shcherba Elena Using an integrated approach in the study of the ecological condition of the lake Sapsho National Park «Smolensk Lakes» Kvashevaya Ekaterina Gidrogenizirovannye magnetically controlled sorbent from industrial wastes "Magnecor" НЗ 9 Kirillov Roman Management of land resources of object of cultural heritage of regional value НЗ 10 Kosheleva Maria Accessory minerals inter-ore deposits of shale Lebedinsky KMA НЗ 11 Kulakov Evgeny Current status of geographic ecotypes of larch in the conditions of foreststeppe НЗ 12 Maltcev Andrei Creation of applied statistical forecasting model of performance indicators for repeated fracturing and automated selection of wells-candidates НЗ 13 Maiurova Aleksandra Energy-efficient lighting solutions to Kerch bridge НЗ 14 Mironova Anna A role of early flowering plant is in the productivity and circulation of substances in broadleaf forest НЗ 15 Mustafin Ranas Space-time analysis for microseismic emission multistage hydro fracturing process control НЗ 16 Nuretdinova Endzhe The use of waste agricultural complex in biotechnological industries НЗ 17 Ostrikov Igor Ecological Modernization of the Network in Krasnodar City Public Transport НЗ 18 Pligin Dmitry Detection of cyanobacterial toxins in tap water of the city of Yaroslavl: analysis of the causes and testing of removal methods НЗ 19 Polezhayeva Antonina Polar low modeling using satellite passive microvave data НЗ 20 Prokhorov Andrey Calculation of efficiency of development of stranded formation YUV0 Bazhenov Formation by thermal methods. НЗ 21 Silinsky Victor Estimation of technological efficiency of production of sodium hypochlorite from high-mineralized waters of the Vologda region НЗ 22 Golyatina Marina Drugach Karina 30 НЗ 32 31 TIME SECTIONS DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION Chair Kovas Yulia Humanities and Social Sciences 12:20–12:50 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Grigorenko Elena Saint Petersburg State University 12:50–13.20 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Kovas Yulia Tomsk State Utilising new methodology to University and study of child development Goldsmiths, University of London 13.20–13.35 15 PhD student Voronina Irina Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education Comparing socio-demographic, psychological and health characteristics across families using natural conception vs. IVF conception: evidence from the Russian genetically informative pregnancy cohort 13.35–13.50 15 Chernego Daria Saint-Petersburg State University Characteristics of Caregiving Environment in Institutions for Infants Left without Parental Care 13:50:14:05 15 Zhukova Marina Saint-Petersburg State University Early Language Development of Children with a History of Institutionalization: from Behavior to Psychophysiology September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Kovas Yulia 16:00–16:30 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Casati Fabio University of Trento Technologies for active lifestyle in later life: design and evaluation 16:30–16:45 15 PhD Yakovleva Alexandra Institute of Philosophy RAS Science as a phenomenon of modernity 16:45–17:00 15 PhD Fomin-Nilov Denis State Academic University for Humanities Modern technologies and the new culture of science communications 17:00–18:30 Poster session 14:05–15:05 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION A millennium of research on children growing up without their biological parents: What have we learned and how did we shape the policy? Lunchtime Chair Weber Shlomo September 21 TIME TOPIC 14:50–15:20 30 TOPIC Head of research laboratory, Professor Funk Dmitri Moscow State University Dr. Nam Iraida Tomsk State University Laboratory for Social and Anthropologycal Research Chair Casati Fabio Identifying Social Anthropology Within the Russian University System: the case of Tomsk 10:30–11:00 30 Professor emeritus von Hofsten Claes Uppsala University Perception and action in children with ASD 11:00–11:15 15 PhD Anikina Ekaterina National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Applying sociological approach to studying older people’s well-being 15:20–15:35 15 PhD Zemnukhova European University Liliia at St. Petersburg The Rise and Fall of the «Russian Techie» Brand in London 11:15–11:30 15 Senior Lecturer Pavlova Irina National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Holistic System Approach to Assess the Older Generation's Well-Being in Russia: the Need for the Russian Elderly WellBeing Index 15:35–16:05 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Weber Shlomo New Economic School Measurement of socioeconomic diversity 16:05–16:20 15 PhD Ushchev Philip NRU Higher School of Economics Do we go shopping downtown or in the 'burbs? 16:20–16:35 15 Candidate of sciences Kontareva Alina Center for Science Does infrastructure mean and Technology innovations? Studies (STS Center), European University at St. Petersburg 16:35–16:50 15 Magister of linguistics Ovchinnikova New Economic Elena School 11:30–11:45 15 PhD Ponarin Eduard NRU Higher School of Economics The Russian Elite: Values, Attitudes and Forecasts 11:45–12:00 15 PhD Sorokin Constantine New Economic School, NRU Higher School of Economics The role of information in conflict escalation 12:00–12:20 32 Coffee break 16:50–18:30 Poster session of students 18:30–19:30 Discussion Linguistic and cultural diversity 33 September 22 TIME TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC 13:00–13:15 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 15 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE Expert Dimitrova Svetla Velikova Chair Funk Dmitri 9:00–9:30 9:30–9:45 30 15 Head of research laboratory, Professor PhD Marie Pierre REY Frolova Elena University of Paris I and URFU Russian elites and European norms, models and innovations, 1700-1917: some lessons from the past in a long term perspective National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Active Ageing Index: Russian study 9:45–10:00 15 PhD Vasileva Ekaterina Volgograd State University Socio-economic and innovative activity of youth: a sociological a study of the factors underlying the formation 10:00–10:15 15 PhD Emelyanova Natalia Institute of Philosophy RAS Discourse of soft power in foreign policy of contemprorary India 10:15–10:30 15 PhD Tutnova Tatiana Institute of Oriental Studies RAS China in the world nuclear energy market (Latin America case) 10:30–10:45 15 PhD Almakaeva Anna NRU Higher School of Economics Social Capital in Russia 10:45–11:05 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Biagioli Mario UC Davis Topic TBC 11:05–11:30 13:15–14:15 ORGANIZATION European Commission, Brussels, Belgium TOPIC Boosting the cognitive functions according to the personal EEG profile Lunchtime Chair Savvateev Alexei 14:15–14:45 30 Dr. Savvateev Alexei 14:45–15:00 New Economic School Dynamics of binary choice on networks Spare time 15:00–15:15 15 Doctor of philological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dybo Anna 15:15–15:30 15 PhD Ivanova Vera NRU Higher School of Economics Grain prices in the Russian Empire: did convergence come by train? 15:30–15:45 15 PhD Musatov Daniil Game-Theoretic Models of Social Network Formation 15:45–17:30 по 5-7 мин 17:30–18:30 Coffee break PRESENTING AUTHOR Institute of Linguistics RAS New Economic School; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology An integral description of Turkic languages in Southern Siberia Reports of students selected after the poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and definition of the winners-students Chair Kornilov Gennadii 11:30–12:00 30 Dr. Kornilov Gennadii The institute of history and archaeology, Ural branch of Russian Scientific Academy Methodological aspects and source study comparative analysis of public hunger strikes of the Russian Empire and the USSR in the late 19th – mid-20th century (on materials of the modern Russian, Ukrainian and English historiography) 12:00–12:15 15 PhD Sokolov Sergey Ural Federal University The idea of the Novgorod Republic and European influence on 18th century Russian historians 12:15–12:30 15 PhD Zaitceva Olga National Research Tomsk State University «3D Revolution» in Archaeology in Russian Perspective 12:30–12:45 15 PhD Zapary Yulia Ural Federal University European project on Russian soil: History of Russian Red Cross 12:45–13:00 15 Dr. Shapoval Alexander New Economic School Inter-sector wage inequality and elasticity of substitution between skill-intensive products 34 35 POSTER REPORTS Presentations by Students – Finalists of the Competition September 20 September 21 AUTHOR Aksenova Yulia ORGANIZATION National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University TOPIC STAND NUMBER Construction of the model change of employment over working age in the Tomsk region, taking into account seasonal fluctuations ГС19 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Bagomedova Khamis Child injuries and prevention ГС1 Badertdinov Linar Experimental studying relativity of mechanical motion in high school ГС2 Aymaliev Ivan Higher School of Economics Business Policemen behind the Blue Veil of Silence: Determinants of Centrality and Law Enforcement Outcomes in Corrupt Elite Networks ГС1 Berezkina Naryya Judicial protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and persons belonging to them, in the Russian Federation: constitutional legal regulation and practice ГС3 Bugrov Konstantin Ural Federal University Western Innovations and Monarchist Ideologies in Political Culture of Imperial Russia ГС3 Gorshkov Georgii Effective Ways of Solving Foreign-language-teaching Problems: Traditional Experiment and Modern Corpus-based Research ГС4 Buldakova Anna Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko Психолого-юридическое просвещение потенциаль- ГС4 ных родителей в контексте перспектив усыновления ими детей Grechachin Vitaliy The algorithm for morphological parsing of the old Turkic texts (on the material of texts by M.-A. Chūqurī) ГС5 Didino Daniele National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Subjective wellbeing in older adults living in Tomsk Region ГС10 Grishina Kseniya Features of development of neurocognitive functions in preterm infants ГС6 Dudnik Evgeniya National Reseach Tomsk State University Student migration from Cental Asia to Russia: the case of Tomsk ГС2 Improving the efficiency of the privatization of Russian enterprises 20162018 years based on the theory of economic mechanism design ГС7 Dzhanyzakova Seil Evstigneeva Liubov National Research University Higher School of Economics Creating innovation and technology market: cause or consequence? ГС11 Ivanova Elena The role of media in intercultural communication: history, theory, practice (according to materials of newspapers "Udmurtskaya pravda", "Nezavisimaya gazeta", "Moskovski Komsomolets") ) ГС8 Gatiyatullina Galiya Kazan Federal University Academic spoken discourse in Biology ГС8 Karyagina Catherine Civil liability for violations of the patient rights ГС9 Idiatulina Gulshat Saint Petersburg State University Characteristics of the disturbances of attachment of children living in different social environment types ГС5 Konopelkina Anastasiia ГС10 Kashapova Elmira National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Social Desirability Bias of Participants of a Financial ГС12 Pyramid and its Influence on an Individual’s Well-being Stylistic Peculiarities of the Use of Epithets in Similar English and Russian Folk Fairy Tales Korotich Sofia Features of the language situation in the Republic of Altai ГС11 Lukyanova Ekaterina National Reseach Tomsk State University The Faculty of The History, Social Anthropology Korean Youth Centre "Anyong" as a place of interaction for the Korean youth in the city of Tomsk ГС9 Krivosheina Maria Sherlock Holmes in Russia: Reception and Appropriation ГС12 Kudryashova Valeriya The civil regime of cultural heritage objects ГС13 Mershieva Alena Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Techniques of active learning ГС13 Kuzmin Bogdan Codependency as a predictor of forming personality features and coping behaviour in adolescence ГС14 Sadyrin Anton National Research Tomsk State University Student migration from Central Asia to Russia: the case of Tomsk ГС14 Lebedev Alexander Adaptive behavior as an indicator of psychological health of preschool children ГС15 Smetanin Fedor National Research Tomsk State University/Laboratory of social antropology Mosque as a place for adaptation and socialization of migrants. ГС15 Markov Roman Russian Federation: problems of the federal structure and the possible ways of solving them ГС16 Sorokin Alexander National Reseach Tomsk State University “Homo universitatis”: dynamics of the corporate identity of Russian university lectures in the 19902000-ies ГС16 Masiaikina Elena The image of Siberia in Russian-language literary journals in the USA, 19902010. ГС17 Migashkina Olga ГС18 National research Tomsk state University Установки коллективизм-индивидуализм как фактор риска формирования депрессии у народов Сибири ГС17 Linguistic corpora in mass media text translation and editing (Russian, English and Spanish languages) Mukhortova Kseniya Development of self-assessment of Junior schoolchildren in the process of educational activity ГС19 Taran Ekaterina National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Subjective wellbeing in older adults living in Tomsk Region ГС18 Norpolova Olga The Development of the TRANS-Baikal railway in the 20th century ГС20 Terekhina Olga The Laboratory for Cognitive Psychological characteristics of women undergoing Investigations and Behavioural in-vitro fertilization treatment Genetics, International Centre for Research in Human Development, Tomsk State University Pervukhina Anastasiya Archeological site "Cultural layer of the city of Kurgan XIX – XX centuries: results and prospects of research" ГС21 Popova Yulia Forms and types of feedback at students with various socio-psychological features of personality. ГС22 Reshetneva Alexandra Health: a purpose or a means? ГС23 Tanabasova Ursula 36 ГС6 37 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Reshko Lyudmila Psychological factors of success of professional work of teachers ГС24 Salakhutdinov Artur Sociological analysis of the forms of political extremism in the virtual public arenas (for example, sites VKontakte and Facebook) ГС25 Salakhutdinova Polina On the concept of education complex in rural areas ГС26 Sviridov Ilya Spiritual condition of Great Russian peasants at the turn of the 19-20th centuries ГС27 Soroka Irina Creative activity formation of adolescents in children's association (for example, the school forestry society) ГС28 Starikova Kseniya Indirect communication in the aspect of the text linguistic expertise in cases of anti-corruption ГС29 Surovtseva Yana The role of euphemization in the erotic fiction translation from English to Russian (based on the D.H. Lawrence novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover") ГС30 Tyurina Yuliya Communicative peculiarities of the genre "video-dialog" in the German language ГС31 Fazlyeva Alina Forming of the competitive identity of the senior school students in the course of out-of-class educational work of high comprehensive school ГС32 Khannanova Irina A compative study of euphemisms belonging to the semantic field of "death" in the Russian, English and Polish languages ГС33 Tsareva Olga Socio-psychological preparation of children-orphans and children left without parental care living arrangements for substitute families through art-therapy ГС34 Chernyavskaya Elizaveta Orthodox vocabulary in New Bulgarian-Russian and Russian-Bulgarian dictionary ГС35 Shvets Maria Small colour ranges as the artistic and stylistic features of Russian landscape painting of 1870-80's ГС36 Khannanova Irina A compative study of euphemisms belonging to the semantic field of «death» in the Russian, English and Polish languages ГС37 Tsareva Olga Socio-psychological preparation of children-orphans and children left without parental care living arrangements for substitute families through art-therapy ГС38 Chernyavskaya Elizaveta Orthodox vocabulary in New Bulgarian-Russian and Russian-Bulgarian dictionary ГС39 Shvets Maria Small colour ranges as the artistic and stylistic features of Russian landscape painting of 1870-80’s ГС40 Shirokova Victoria Management of social and economic development of municipality ГС41 38 SECTIONS Information Technologies & Computer Systems September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Alexei Klimentov 16:00–16:30 30 PhD Schulz Markus European Organization for Nuclear Research The World Wide LHC Grid (WLCG), a large scale distributed scientific computing infrastructure 16:30–17:00 30 Dr. Ososkov Gennady Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Data intensive Science in HEP 17:00–17:15 15 PhD Kolesenkov Aleksandr Ryazan State Radioengineering University Application of geoinformation technologies in problems of environmental monitoring of hazardous objects and territories 17:15–17:30 15 Glukhikh Vadim Open Joint Stock Company "Ilyushin Aviation Complex" Development templates of electronic models of products, managed knowledge base 17:30–17:45 15 Boulytchev Alexandr Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" RAS System analysis of the macroeconomic indicators dynamics on the basis of small samples using Bayesian non asymptotic statistical methods PhD 39 September 21 TIME TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Samsonov Vladimir 10:30–11:00 11:00–11:20 11:20–11:40 11:40–11:55 11:55–12:10 30 20 20 15 15 Professor Borut Paul Kersevan University Lyublyana, Josef Stefan Institute Big Data processing at High Energy Physics experiments Head of research laboratory, Professor Klimentov Alexei Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Exabyte Scale Data Processing and Analysis System in Heterogeneous Computing Infrastructure Head of research laboratory, Professor Kazansky Petr University of Southampton topic TBC PhD Voinov Nikita Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Main objectives of Big Data analytics National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" The ATLAS PanDA Workload Management System Evaluation For Genome Sequencing Data Analysis On NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Computing Facilities PhD Poyda Alexey 12:10–12:30 12:30–13:00 13:00–13:20 30 20 Dr. Korenkov Vladimir European Organization for Nuclear Research Trends in the development of distributed computing and Big data technologies to support mega-projects Head of research laboratory, Professor Spokoiny Vladimir Skoltech, MIPT, WIAS and HU Berlin Adaptive Weights Clustering Federal research center "Informatics and management" RAS О разработке программного комплекса статистического анализа климатологических данных 15 PhD Gorshenin Andrey 13:35–13:50 15 Junior research assistant Gubin Maksim Tomsk Polytechnic University 13:50–14:05 20 Engineerresearcher Krasnopevtsev National Research Dimitrii Center "Kurchatov Institute" 40 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Korenkov Vladimir 15:00–15:30 30 Dr. Lassnig Mario European Organization for Nuclear Research Data Management For Exascale Experiments 15:30–15:50 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Samsonov Vladimir St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute "Modern read-out electronics systems in high energy physics ""mega-science"" experiments" 15:50–16:05 15 PhD Grigorieva Maria National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" A Data Knowledge Base for Mega-Science Class Experiments Studies 16:05–16:15 10 Researcher / M.Sc. Golubkov Dmitry National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" ATLAS Production System in heterogeneous computing environment 16:15–16:25 10 Design engineer / Specialist degree Korchuganova Tomsk Polytechnic Tatiana University ATLAS BigPanDA Monitoring and Its Evolution 16:25–16:35 10 EngineerDrizhuk Daniil National Research researcher / M.Sc. Center "Kurchatov Institute" Simplified pilot module development and testing within the ATLAS PanDA Pilot 2.0 Project 16:35–18:30 Poster session of students 18:30–19:30 Discussion Coffee break 13.20–13.35 14:05–15:00 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) September 22 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Kazansky Petr 9:00–9:30 30 Dr. Fuhrmann Patrick European Organization for Nuclear Research Machine Learning Technologies to Predict the ATLAS Production System Behaviour 9:30–9:50 20 PhD Tarkhanov Ivan Federal Research Modern approaches of Center "Computer business process management Science and Control" RAS Study of ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker performance with supercomputers and federated data storage system 9:50–10:05 15 Engineer Vorobyev Daniil National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" 10:05–10:20 15 Probationer Nikolaev Alexey Laboratory of Algorithm Selection for the Algorithms and Maximum Clique Problem Technologies for Network Analysis National Research University Higher School of Economics 10:20–10:35 15 PhD Perepelkin Dmitry Ryazan State Radio Engineering University Lunch time dCache, managed Cloud Storage Одна из основных технологий федерирование дисковых ресурсов для крупных ВЦ Software system for data processing Software defined networks: new paradigm of computer networks 41 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR 10:35–10:50 15 Senior Developer Yablokov Denis 10:50–11:05 15 Junior Researcher, Zarochentsev magister Andrey 11:05–11:35 11:35–11:55 11:55–12:10 12:10–12:25 12:25–12:40 12:40–12:55 12:55–13:10 13:10–13:25 13:25–13:40 ORGANIZATION Samara National Research University The universal data model in theoretical materials science Saint-Petersburg State University, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" Federated data storage system prototype for scientific applications. Coffee break 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dr. Bukhanovskii Aleksandr Student / Bachelor Utkina Irina Research Fellow / Master Degree engineer Students Student engineer, 4th year student Graduate student 13:45–15:00 Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics topic TBC National Research University Higher School of Economics Optimal graph for decentralized search problem Ponomarenko National Research Alexander University Higher School of Economics Algorithms for building highly scalable distributed data storages Klyunin Alexey Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics Human-Free Robotic Automation of Industrial Operations Andrianov Emelian Bochkov Maksim National Research Nuclear University MEPhI A study of approaches to reducing cost of ownership data warehouse exabyte sizes Grechikhin Ivan National Research University Higher School of Economics Tabu search heuristic for reallife vehicle routing problem Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics Output Robust Control with Anti-Windup Compensation for Robotic Boat Saratov State University Band gap controlling in layered structures based on magnonic crystals Petranevsky Igor Sharaevskaia Anna Lunchtime Chair Bukhanovskii Aleksandr 15:00–17:00 17.00–18:00 42 5-7 min. Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition TOPIC September 21 PRESENTING AUTHOR STAND NUMBER Arnautov Ruslan Software tools for securities portfolio management based on entropic risk measures ИТ 1 Begicheva Antonina Solution to the Problem of Checking Conformance of High-level Process Model Behavior with Event Log ИТ 2 Bogdevich Yuliya The software complex "FlashFlow" for solving applied tasks in gas dynamics ИТ 3 Byshov Vladimir Load balancing of data flows in the software defined computer networks ИТ 4 Egorov Alexey Performance evaluation frameworks and methods objects search and tracking algorithms in video stream ИТ 5 Zankin Vitaly Analysis of the effectiveness of deterministic channel access in IEEE 802.11ad networks ИТ 6 Knysh Alexander Vision autonomous vehicle system ИТ 7 Kolesnikova Tatyana Applying information technology in the development of regional transport policies ИТ 8 Korenev Artem Java Source Code Plagiarism Detector ИТ 9 Kukushkin Daniil Developing control system for small and ultra-small multirotor UAV ИТ 10 Kureev Aleksey Study of Mechanisms for Building a Logical Network Topology in MANET ИТ 11 Nikishkin Pavel Sub-band OFDM in broadband data transmission multicarrier systems ИТ 12 Postanogov Igor Building a Natural Language Query Interface for Structured Data Sources ИТ 13 Rolich Alexey Development and research of models, methods and algorithms for the dynamic user interface reconfiguration of the smart things ИТ 14 Ryzhova Svetlana Development of the high-speed decoder structure of BCH code and its implementation on the BCH code example (15,7,5). ИТ 15 Sapozhnikov Daniil Problem of information security of SAS “Elections” and solutions ИТ 16 Seltikova Ekaterina Development of T³3DRPI program module for numerical research of temperature effects in the production and injection wells ИТ 17 Spirina Liliya Recognition acoustic source signals using artificial neural networks ИТ 18 Tarasov Pavel Synthesis of locomotion stepping an anthropomorphic robotic systems ИТ 19 Tkach Roman Development of the training and research stand to explore typical vulnerabilities of corporate information systems ИТ 20 Tyurin Alexander Software solution of procedural 3D city landscape generation for rendering systems of simulators ИТ 21 Tyuryumina Ella Consolidated mathematical growth Model of the Primary tumor and the Secondary distant metastases ИТ 22 Filimonova Daria A Fast Algorithm of the E-Pulse Synthesis for Target Discrimination In UltraWideband Radio ИТ 23 Filin Jacob Development of the speech spoofing attacks detection method using the gaussian mixture models ИТ 24 Fridrikh Anastasiya Identification systems development of parameters of subsystem "power amplifier – motor – propeller" ИТ 25 Khashper Bella Informational and analytical system for designing of drilling ИТ 26 Chuvilina Anna A comparative analysis the main approaches to the extraction of business process models from event logs. ИТ 27 Reports of students selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and determination of students-winners TITLE OF PRESENTATION 43 TIME SECTIONS Life Sciences & Medicine DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE 12:00–12:25 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Lemasters John J. 12:25–12.40 15 PhD Gerasimov Evgeny 12:40–12:55 15 PhD 12:55–13.10 15 PhD 13:10–13:35 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Zhivotovsky Boris 16:00–16:25 16:25–16:50 16:50–17:15 25 25 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Nedospasov Sergei Engelhardt Institute Cell type-restricted cytokine of Molecular targeting in disease Biology RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Head of research laboratory, Professor Nabiev Igor Head of research laboratory, Professor Besprozvanny St. Petersburg Ilya State Polytechnical University 17:15–18:30 Université de Reims ChampagneArdenne Advanced multi-photon imaging and diagnostics with quantum dot-based hybrid nanostructures. Neuroscience 13:35–15:00 Chair Agladze Konstantin 15:00–15:25 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Poster session 15:25–15:40 15 Junior research scientist 15:40–15:55 15 PhD 15:55–16:20 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor 16:20–16:45 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor 16:45–18:30 18:30–19:30 120 September 21 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Nedospasov Sergey 10:30–10:55 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Vitkin Alex 10:55–11:10 15 Junior researcher Kostjuk Alexey Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Protein corona formation on polymer-coated nanoparticles 11:10–11:30 20 Dr. Zagaynova Elena New research directions in the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy on the basis of the megagrant achivements 11:30–12:00 44 University of Toronto Development of new optical coherence tomography technologies to enable individualized cancer therapy Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of RAS Lomonosov Moscow State University TOPIC Voltage Dependent Anion Channels, ATP/ADP Exchange and Warburg Metabolism Using next generation sequencing data for improvement of eukaryotic gene prediction Gubareva Kuban State Medical Intrathoracic organs and Elena University tissues biological scaffolds creation in rat and nonhuman primate models Murueva Institute of Polymeric micro– and nanoAnastasiya Biophysics SB RAS scale systems as a platform for encapsulation and delivery of drugs based on resorbable polyhydroxyalkanoates Zvyagin Andrei Lobachevsky Biofunctional photoluminescent State University of nanocomplexes for Nizhni Novgorod, visualisation of intracellular Macquarie molecular trafficking, University, Sydney, diagnostics and therapy Australia Lunch time Gatti Maurizio Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, SB RAS Protasova Center of Brain Maria Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Glukhov National Research Sergey Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) Rogaev Center of Brain Evgeny Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Chumakov Engelhardt Institute Petr of Molecular Biology RAS Poster session of students Discussion The mechanisms of Drosophila spindle assembly: The role of kinetochore-driven microtubule formation. Identification of the genetic cause for quadrupedal locomotion in human subjects by high– throughput sequencing Quantification and visualization of HER2 protein using nanocrystals conjugated with single-domain antibodies Genomics of brain functions and brain pathologies Challenges of oncolytic virus therapy Coffee break 45 September 22 TIME TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC 9:25–9:40 9:40–9:50 25 15 10 Head of research laboratory, Professor Zhivotovsky Boris Junior research fellow, Master of Applied Informatics Safonova Yana Saint Petersburg State University Master, student Lomonosov Moscow State University, Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm) Alkon Natali M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS TOPIC Chair Khazipov Roustem Chemoresistance of lung adenocarcinomas is regulated by Tudor staphylococcal nuclease Vysotski Eugene Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Siberian Federal University Advances in bioluminescence mechanism of calciumregulated photoproteins 14:50–15:15 25 Kazantsev Victor Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Topic TBC Y-tools: a novel toolkit for analysis of antibody repertoires using immunosequencing data Head of research laboratory, Professor 15:15–15:30 15 Dr. Bregestovski Piotr INSERM U1106, Aix- Trends and challenges of Marseille University, modern biotechnology Institute of System Neurosciences 15:30–17:30 7-10 min. Searching for Vicugna pacos VHHs against cancer stem cell markers CD44 and ERBB2 with the help of ribosome display Head of research laboratory, Professor Studitsky Vasiliy Lomonosov Moscow Chromatin Transcription: State University Epigenetics, Cancer & Aging 10:15–10:30 15 PhD Kulikov Dmitry Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute 10:30–10:45 15 Dr. Komarova Tatiana Lomonosov Moscow The plant as a Biofactory for State University the production of medicines 10:45–11:00 15 Dr. Gudkov Sergey Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS 17:30–18:30 Reports of students selected after a poster session Discussion and determination of students-winners Laser Doppler flowmetry in assessment of skin microcirculation in patients with diabetes Peroxiredoxin 6 is а natural radioprotector Coffee break 11:30–11:55 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Agladze Konstantin 11:55–12:05 10 student Gorn Anastasia Saint-Petersburg State University 12:05–12:15 10 PhD Garbuz David Engelhardt Institute Recombinant human stress of Molecular Biology protein Hsp70 as a perspective RAS neuroprotective agent 12:15–12:40 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Khazipov Roustem Kazan Federal University GABAergic functions in the developing neuronal networks 12:40–13:05 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Sheamus Martin Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology Identification of antagonists of psoriasis-associated IL-36 cytokine activation 13:05–13:30 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Danilov Sergei University of Illinois at Chicago ACE phenotyping in human heart 46 ORGANIZATION PhD 25 13:30–14:30 PRESENTING AUTHOR 20 9:50–10:15 11:00–11:30 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE 14:30–14:50 Chair Nabiev Igor 9:00–9:25 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Tissue engineering models on the basis of human cardiac cells for the study of cardiac tachyarrhythmia Emotions in institutionalized young children with special needs Lunch time 47 POSTER REPORTS AUTHOR September 20 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Abramov Andrey Institute eof Neurology, University Essential role of alpha-synuclein in brain energy metabolism – College London implication to health and neurodegeneration Akhmetshina Dinara Kazan Federal University Aleksandr Ishmatov Andreeva Tatiana Intercellular adhesion molecules of acute myeloid leukemia cells and drug resistance phenotype Center of Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS The evolution of language-readiness in the hominin lineage: an analysis of open chromatin regions implicated in gene regulation Gunbin Konstantin Center of Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS What drove the evolution of humans and hominids: the case study of core promoters evolution Guryev Evgenii Institute of Biology and Biomedicine, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Solid-binding peptide linker for targeted nanocomposites Gusev Fedor The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Individual variability of brain neuronal chromatin: implication to schizophrenia Kiseleva Elena Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy Development of new optical coherence tomography technologies to enable individualized cancer therapy Kratasyuk Valentina Siberian Federal University Portable bioluminescent laboratory for ecological and medical toxicity monitoring Nature of the early sensory input during the critical period of somatosensory system development Seasonality of influenza. The Role of environmental factors and supersaturation in the lungs in airborne transmission of respiratory infections TOPIC Gunbin Konstantin TOPIC Akatov Vladimir ORGANIZATION The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS The whole mitochondrial genome sequences from specimens of ancient Siberian Tagar and Pazyryk cultures vanished in the first century BC: implications to their origin and medical history Kravchenko Dmitry Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS The role of PDLIM4/RIL gene in the development of breast cancer Babasadikova Shakhnoza St. Petersburg State University Emotion regulation features of foster Infants Kudryashova Nina MIPT Computer Modelling of the Cardiac Tissue Layer Formation Berestovoy Mikhail Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Use of Semiconductor Nanocrystals to Encode Microbeads for Multiplexed Analysis of Biological Samples Kupriyanova Ekaterina Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS VDAC isoforms affect NAD(P)H-dependent redox processes and ROS generation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts Lipatova Anastasyay Bondar Natalya Inctitute Cytilogy and Genetics SB RAS Dynamic of prefrontal-cortex transcriptome profiles in mice exposed to social defeat stress. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Создание новых непатогенных онколитических штаммов РНК-содержащих вирусов Logvinenko Tatiana Saint Petersburg State University Bozrova Svetlana Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Semiconductor Quantum Dot Toxicity in a Mouse in VIVO Model Psychophysiological indices of reading skills in adults with a history of early psychosocial deprivation Lotfullina Nailya Kazan Federal University Increased hippocampal seizure susceptibility in FASD Chernyh Anastasiya Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS A potential significance of controlled autophagy in the enhancement of oncolytic virotherapy Marin Ivan A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology Artificial reefs as the method of biodiversity study and Evolution RAS Dalina Alexandra Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Influence of p53 reactivation by RETRA and its novel analogue on the anti-tumour effect of doxorubicin in tumour cells bearing mutated p53 Markova Svetlana Institute of Biophysics SB RAS Copepod Luciferases: Properties and Application as Bioluminescent Reporters Davydova Aleksandra Saint-Petersburg State University Psychophysiological parameters of prosodic discrimination in children with a history of psychosocial deprivation Mikhailova Darya Saint-Petersburg State University Adaptive behavior of children in babyhomes with different social environment Dubovaya Anna Donetsk national medical University named after M. Gorky Ways of improving the quality of life of children with arrhythmias, living in ecologically unfavorable conditions Mukhamedjarov Marat Kazan State Medical University Neurophysiology Dvoinina Lublyana Siberian Federal University Advanced carriers as ultrafine fibers and laser-treated films Munzarova Alina Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS A new method for accurate measurement of poleward microtubule flux in metaphase spindles of Drosophila S2 cells Evstifeev Alexander Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Versatile interface framework development Nasretdinov Azat Kazan Federal University Developmental EEG correlates of sleep and wakefulness in rats Nieminen Anna-Liisa Fadeev Roman Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Intercellular adhesion molecules of acute myeloid leukemia cells and drug resistance phenotype Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Voltage Dependent Anion Channels, ATP/ADP Exchange and Warburg Metabolism Nizamieva Aygul Fadeeva Irina Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Intercellular adhesion molecules of acute myeloid leukemia cells and drug resistance phenotype Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology The influence of anisotropy on excitation wave propagation in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes monolayer Odinokova Irina Frolova Sheyda Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Synthetic stilbene derivative controls the activity of voltagegated ion channels of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Chronic ethanol feeding causes controversial changes of functional parameters of rat liver mitochondria Parakhonskiy Bogdan Saratov State University Gerasimova Nadezhda Lomonosov Moscow State University Chromatin Transcription: Epigenetics, Cancer & Aging Photosensitizer loaded calcium carbonate particles for theranostics Pavlova Gera Gladkova Natalia Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy Development of new optical coherence tomography technologies to enable individualized cancer therapy Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS Genetic control of kinetochore-driven microtubule growth: An RNAi-based analysis in Drosophila S2 cells Pinegina Natalia Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod TNF expression studied with fluorescent reporter system in vitro and in vivo Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov Optimization of detection method of monocyte-platelet complexes in whole blood Gorshkova Ekaterina 48 49 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition TOPIC Podgurskaya Alisa Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Study of the alcohols influence on excitation wave propagation in neonatal rat ventricular myocyte monolayer Popova Julia Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS Genetic control of kinetochore-driven microtubule growth: An RNAi-based analysis in Drosophila S2 cells Prjibelski Andrey St. Petersburg State University SPAdes genome assembler Prutskova Alexandra Stavropol State Medical University Сосудистый статус у беременных в зависимости от срока гестации Ratnikova Natalia Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Development of blocking streptabody specific to CD47 receptor on cancer cells Saik Olga Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Senotov Anatoly September 21 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Agapova Yulia Structure-functional analysis of of bacterial HU-proteins. НЖ 1 Baydamshina Diana Ficin – destructor of biofilms НЖ 2 Gene network of interaction between Alzheimer's disease and lipid metabolism reconstructed by ANDSystem Buslaeva Natalia Comparison of protective activity of heparin and extract of Vaccinium myrtíllus НЖ 3 Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS Intercellular adhesion molecules of acute myeloid leukemia cells and drug resistance phenotype Godygina Elizabeth The study of cytokine status in experimental dysbacteriosis НЖ 4 Shabalina Ekaterina Saint-Petersburg State University Epigenetic study of early childhood Zharkikh Elena НЖ 5 Schedl Paul Princeton University, USA; Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Federation Chromosome structure Study of features of the microcirculatory-tissue systems reactions to different functional tests by optical non-invasive diagnostic methods Kolobynina Ksenia Tescalcin overexpression affects osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of НЖ 6 human adipose-derived stem cells Sidorenko Alena Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Defects in antiviral signaling as factors promoting viral oncolysis Konopleva Lidia Verification of MRI fiber tracking in vivo НЖ 7 Sintsov Mikhail Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Development of intrinsic optical signal in somatosensory cortex of neonatal rat Korobkov Denis IL– 1 System (IL-α; IL-1β; IL-RA) in the context of certain mechanisms tuboperitoneal infertility НЖ 8 Sivova Irina Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Impact of interferon system on Paramyxovirus-mediated oncolysis Krasulina Ksenia Study of the interaction of the neuromodulators of the latest generation with porous media for the creation of new dosage forms of drugs НЖ 9 Suchkov Dmitrii Kazan Federal University L6 modulates cortical activity in the neonatal rat pups Svenskaya Yulia Saratov State University Porous biodegradable submicron particles for efficient follicular drug delivery Kudashova Anastasia Detection of microcalcifications ( heavy spherical microparticles ) in soft biological tissues on the example of gelatinous phantoms НЖ 10 Terekhin Vladimir Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Мesoporous microcapsules based on polystyrol SiO2 core/ shell nanoparticles: synthesis and functional carrier's properties Kurbatova Ekaterina Compression of digital holograms for medical and biological applications and systems of three-dimensional supervision НЖ 11 Kurilova Anastasia Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Testing oncolytic activity of human enteroviruses against glioblastoma-initiating cancer stem cells Designing of a new injection form of a drug based on polymeric matrixes(micelles) and Methyluracilum with immunomodulatory, antianemic and adaptogenic properties НЖ 12 Tereshkova Alesya Tsvelaya Valeriya MIPT Excitation of wave propagation on self-organized monolayers, formed by cardiomyocytes with pathological prolonged QTinterval Odeniyazova Madina A study of placental alkaline phosphatase in the urine when preeclapsia. НЖ 13 Perekucha Natalia The role of xanthine oxidase in oxidative stress in adipose tissue of rats with experimental diabetes НЖ 14 Popova Anastasiya Development and implementation of layout prosthesis bionic hand,humanmachine interface and systems manegement.development and implementation of layout prosthesis bionic hand,human-machine interface and systems manegement. НЖ 15 Vagida Murad Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov Extracellular Vesicles in Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome Valeeva Guzel Kazan Federal University Inhibitory GABA action in the neonatal mouse cortex in vivo Valiullina Fliza Kazan Federal University GABABR-dependent long-term depression at hippocampal synapses between CB1-positive interneurons and CA1 pyramidal cells Prokhorova Evgeniya Assessment of the nuclear function of caspases following genotoxic stress НЖ 16 Romadanova Mariya Preparation and characteristic of new plant-derived anticoagulants НЖ 17 Romanchuk Natalya Neurophysiological EEG correlates of the influence of circadian system on a functional condition of the human organism НЖ 18 Viktoriya Rydchenko The role of potassium and chlorine membrane conductivity in mechanisms of action of extracellular ATP on the contractile activity of vascular smooth muscle cells НЖ 19 Vasilenko Ekaterina Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Anti-TNF Bispecific Antibodies: Functional Properties Vysotski Eugene Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Siberian Federal University Advances in bioluminescence mechanism of calcium-regulated photoproteins Yudin Nikolay The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Race-specific distribution of the trpm8 gene variants: signs of selection Zakharov Andrey Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Versatile interface framework development Rysev Georgy Clinical and immunological features of invasive aspergillosis in patients with multiple myeloma and acute lymphoblastic leucosis НЖ 20 Zhdanov Renad Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Нealthcare and sanocreatology Severinov Dmitriy Method of preoperative preparation of mesh implants НЖ 21 Zheltukhin Andrey Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Investigation of Life Span Extension by Torin-2 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Sergey Semenov The analgesic effect of melatonin, celecoxib, and combinations thereof НЖ 22 50 51 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Semina Maria Analysis of hydrogen peroxide role in induction of variation potential in pea seedlings НЖ 23 Solovev Ilya Neuron-specific overexpression of circadian clock genes influences Drosophila melanogaster lifespan НЖ 24 Subbotin Sergei Volumetric capnography – the method of functional diagnosis of asthma НЖ 25 Tarakanova Valeria Role of morphological and genetic features of the structure of estrogen receptors alpha in development of resistance to endocrine therapy with TAMOXIFEN in patients with luminal type of breast cancer НЖ 26 Tykheev Zhargal Pharmacognostic research of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd. with the aim to create a medicine with braod-spectrum НЖ 27 Khusnutdinova Dilyara Integral indicators of metagenomic profile changes in the intestinal microbiome after Helicobacter pylori eradication НЖ 28 SECTIONS Machinery & Energy September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Lomakin Evgeny 16:00–16:30 30 Dr. Lomakin Evgeny Perm National Research Polytechnic University Studies of properties of advanced structural materials and elaboration of mathematical models for the description of their behavior 16:30–17:00 30 Dr. MPV Eramo Giuseppe Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics Hybrid nanostructures for solar energy applications 17:00-18:30 Poster session September 21 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Movchan Andrey 10:30–11:00 30 PhD Di Carlo Aldo University of Rome Tor Vergata Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules 11:00–11:25 25 Dr. Valeriy Shlyanikov Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Structure from shape memory alloys and stability problems 11:25–11:50 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Panaiotis Tsiakaras University of Thesally Electrochemical devices based on solid oxide protonconducting electrolytes: a review 11:50–12:05 15 PhD Tatus Nikolay Institute of Machines Nature experience for design Science named after principles of composite A.A.Blagonravov structures RAS 12:05–12:35 52 Coffee break 12:35–12:50 15 PhD Antonov Fedor Anisoprint LLC 3D-printing of continuous fiber reinforced composites 12:50–13:05 15 trainee researcher Mokrin Sergey Far Eastern Federal University Experimental Investigation of Flame Extinction Limit in Planar Microchannel 53 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC 13:05–13:20 15 PhD Tumanov Andrey Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Crack growth resistance characteristics determination algorithm for creep-fatigue interaction 11:20–11:40 20 PhD Safonov Alexandr Skoltech – The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology 13:20–13:35 15 PhD Tretyakova Tatyana Perm National Research Polytechnic University Experimental Study of the Spatial-Time Inhomogeneity of the Plastic Flow in Metals by Analysis of the Strain and Temperature Fields 11:40–12:05 25 Dr.-Ing Lombardi Pio Fraunhofer Institute Multi Energy Systems within for Factory Operation the smart grid era and Automation IFF Magdeburg 13:35–13:50 15 PhD Tretyakov Mikhail Perm National Research Polytechnic University Experimental and theoretical study of the postcritical deformation stage of materials under the various types of loading conditions 12:05–12:25 20 PhD Obukhov Vladimir Research Institute of Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster Applied Mechanics Research and Development at and Electrodynamics MAI (RIAME) 12:25–12:50 25 Dr. Popov Igor Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev 13:50–14:50 15:00–15:30 15:30–15:50 16:00–18:00 Lunch time 30 20 Head of research laboratory, Professor Barakos George University of Glasgow PhD Fedulov Boris Aerodynamic 12:50–13:50 120 Skoltech – The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Modelling of thermoplastic composites manufacturing process Discussion Chair Fedulov Boris, Safonov Alexandr 13:50–14:15 25 Dr. Shlyannikov Valery 14:15–14:30 15 PhD Burmistrov Ilya Institute of Solid State Physics RAS 14:30–14:55 15:00–17:00 September 22 Increasing the hydraulic and thermal efficiency of transport heat exchangers Dinner Kazan Scientific Centre of the RAS Poster session of students 18:00–19:00 Topology Optimization System 17:00–18:00 A plastic stress intensity factor approach to turbine disk structural integrity assessment The operation principle and practical realization of highefficiency power plant based on solid oxide fuel cells Spare time 7-10 min Reports of students selected after a poster session Discussion and determination of students-winners TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Shlyannikov Valery 9:00–9:30 30 Vice-president 9:30–10:25 10:25–10:50 10:50–11:20 54 Pietro Perlo IFEVS, Torino e-District Electromobility: a new concept for parallel manufacturing using a cyber-physical system Spare time 25 PhD Demin Anatoly Federal state budget- Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on ary scientific orgaProton Electrolyte: Advantages, nization the Institute Problems and Achievements of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Coffee break 55 POSTER REPORTS Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition September 20 September 21 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Belyakov Nikolay Far Eastern Federal University The Effect of Water Droplets on Premixed Flames Bogatyi Aleksandr Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics Satellite power-plants. The production and consumption. Jimenez Garcia Antonio University of Glasgow Aerodynamic Kamalin Aleksandr Open Joint Stock Company "Ilyushin Aviation Complex" The modernization of the wing of the aircraft Ilyushin112V Kustov Oleg Perm National Research Polytechnic University Peculiarity of Experimental Research of South-Absorbing Liner Speciments Produced by 3D Printing Latypov Ravil Kazan Cooperation Institute (RUC) Research the termal efficiency and development of the ecological rotor motor applicable in agricultural farms Miroshnichenko Taisia Far Eastern Federal University Flame Behavior in Micro channels with Narrowing Palchikovskiy Vadim Perm National Research Polytechnic University New anechoic chamber for aeroacoustic research: development, qualification tests, use in experiments Shilov Mikhail Ivanovo State Power University named after V.I. Lenin Modeling of the main physicomechanical parameters of nanocomposite materials at friction Shtork Sergey Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Spaskova Elena Perm National Research Polytechnic University PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Abramov Sergei Development of wind power installation for the low-potential wind stream with use of the vortex ascending air streams in the conical and tubular basis МЭ 1 Borisov Ivan Design of Feedback Sensory System for Bio-inspired Underactuated Prosthesis Hand МЭ 2 Briutov Aleksandr Modeling the environmental performance of piston engines with spark ignition on the basis of thermodynamic and kinetic models of frontal and surround combustion МЭ 3 Vasilev Artem Simulation of the radial temperature distribution in the plasma of an arc discharge МЭ 4 Volkova Eugenia Performance management of local working area air purification systems МЭ 5 Gayfullin Ilnur Development of design and experimental results of small volume of a biogas plant МЭ 6 Galatov Kirill Technology and technical devices feather filling capacity enhancing mass based mechanical deformation of pen rod МЭ 7 Advance modelling of physical processes in energy engineering and environment Ganin Daniil Method of high precision cutting of biodegradable coronary stents, and transparent materials by femtosecond laser. МЭ 8 Experimental studies of non-uniform displacement and strain fields at the complex study of the strength, vitality and destruction mechanisms reinforcing structural materials Dorzhiev Demberel Analysis of the designs and the development of the mandrel for precision diamond burnishing МЭ 9 Zabrodina Margarita The production of the alternative fuel with high calorific value from industrial waste МЭ 10 Ivannikov Yuri The active electromagnetic bearings for electrospindles. МЭ 11 Suslov Konstantin Irkutsk National Research Technical University Avitve demand side management by industrial load Svotina Victoria Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster Research and Development at MAI Keldunov Andrey The subsystem of instrumental support, the integrated CAM system on the platform of KOMPAS-3D МЭ 12 Temerova Marya Perm National Research Polytechnic University Experimental studies of non-uniform fields of displacements and deformations during the quasi-static and dynamic tensile testing, punching, spinning the reinforcing fibers Kovalev Ilya Mathematical modeling of the cooling system of the electric vehicle МЭ 13 Koledintseva Marina Modification of numerical methods for solving the parabolic wave equation МЭ 14 Loginov Andrey Ensuring controllability of mobile robot based on the accurate determination of the trajectory using satellite technologies of global positioning. МЭ 15 Marchenko Andrey System development and prototypes of the technical devices of the intellectual accounting of the electric power and services entering it in electrical power systems with the distributed generation systems МЭ 16 Marchenko Stepan Improving the efficiency of the drying process of grain due to the substantiation of constructive-regime parameters of the recirculation of the dryer hopper type МЭ 17 Mendohov Astemir Investigation of heat sinks influence on the temperature distribution and flow МЭ 18 stress of a titanium alloy billet Novikova Yulia The designing of the high-power air brake device for the testing of prospective gas turbine engines Ponarina Mariya Three-coordinate laser heterodyne interferometer for metrological assurance МЭ 20 of scanning probe microscopes Rekadze Pavel The development of low-noise composite micropump for underwater installations Temerova Marya 56 Perm National Research Polytechnic University Experimental studies of non-uniform fields of displacements and deformations during the quasi-static and dynamic tensile testing, punching, spinning the reinforcing fibers МЭ 19 МЭ 21 57 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Sinelnikov Denis The generator for the combined generation of heat and electricity based on air-cooled internal combustion engine with a carburetor МЭ 22 Staroverov Nicolay The development of research techniques the internal structure of an object by multi-view microfocus X-ray. МЭ 23 Subbotin Sergey Development the method of increase of reliability of space-rocket electronic equipment with an analysis of stocks for the thermal regimes МЭ 24 Suhotski Vladimir Measuring channel for vibration diagnistics МЭ 25 SECTIONS Mathematics & Mechanics September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Toropova Nadezhda Innovative products based on fine carbonaceous wastes МЭ 26 Filatov Vladimir High-speed light class amphibian vehicle (hydroquad) МЭ 27 Chair Bogomolov Fedor Yakimova Anna Micromechanical accelerometer, sensing element, capacitance to voltage converter, testing МЭ 28 16:00–16:30 30 Dr. Akhatov Iskander Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Multiphase Fluid Dynamics of Materials Deposition 16:30–17:00 30 Corresponding Member of RAS Buchstaber Victor Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS Fullerenes and graphene from the point of view of classical and modern mathematics 17:00–18:30 Poster session September 21 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Kopiev Victor 10:30–11:00 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Bogomolov Fedor New York University, Algebraic geometry Higher School of Economics – National Research University 11:00–11:20 20 Dr. Osipov Denis Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" Arithmetic of algebraic curves 11:20–11:40 20 Scientific researcher Efimov Alexander Higher School of Economics – National Research University Non-commutative Jacobian conjecture via triangulated categories 11:40–12:00 20 PhD Serov Alexandr Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS A full proof of universal inequalities for the distribution function of the binomial law 12:00–12:30 58 Coffee break 59 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC 12:30–13:00 30 Dr. Semenov Alexey Moscow State Pedagogical University Когнитивистика и когнитивные нейронауки: применения в образовании 13:00–13:20 20 Dr. Karmanova Maria Sobolev Institute of Mathematics RAS Graph Surfaces in NonHolonomic Geometry 13.20–13.50 20 Researcher Turov Mikhail Chelyabinsk State University Martinet-Ramis modulus for one Quadratic System 13:50–14:20 20 PhD Pakulin Nikolay Institute for System Programming RAS Applied logic 14:20–15:20 Lunch time TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION 11:10–11:40 30 Dr. Pechen Alexander National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS Mathematical problems of quantum control 11:40–11:55 15 PhD Faranosov Georgy Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute Aeroacoustics 11:55–12:15 20 Dr. Shorkin Vladimir Orel State University Composite materials adhesion and cohesion properties research 12:15–12:35 20 Dr. Glushkov Evgeny Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia Piezo-fiber-optic technologies of structural health monitoring for the control of material property degradation, flaw detection and catastrophic failure prevention of aerospace and other safety critical facilities 12:35–12:55 20 PhD Kasimov Aslan King Abdullah Quantum dynamics of University of Science bouncing droplets and Technology Chair Semenov Alexey 15:20–15:50 30 Dr. Nigmatulin Robert P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS Тема уточняется 15:50–16:20 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Kopiev Victor Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute, State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm Development of innovative methods of investigation of noise generation mechanisms by turbulent flows 16:20–18:00 120 Poster session of students 18:00–19:00 20:00–20:15 13:00–14:00 Discussion 15 Dr. Dyachenko Alexander Novosibirsk State University Super compact spatial and temporal equations for water waves September 22 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION 9:00–9:30 9:30–9:50 30 20 Dr. PhD Kraiko Alexander Lisovenko Dmitry Central Institute of Aviation Motors Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS A new model of the big bang and the universe expansion. A comparison with modern observational data and cosmological theories Mechanics of carbon and noncarbon nanotubes 9:50–10:10 20 PhD Shushpannikov Institute for Pavel Problems in Mechanics RAS Mechanics in the technology of manufacture of modern integrated circuits 10:10–10:25 15 PhD Grishaev Viktor Morphology of the impact of particle-laden drops onto solid substrates 10:25–11:10 60 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Lunch time Chair Pechen Alexander 14:00–14:15 15 Researcher Yankin Andrey State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm Mechanical behavior of the viscoelastic polymers under two-frequency loads 14:15–14:30 15 Junior researcher Stepanov Robert Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev Investigation of velocity fields of rotor wake for hover mode 14:30–14:45 15 PhD Panov Aleksandr Chelyabinsk State University Symmetry properties of dynamics of two-phase medium 14:45–15:00 15 PhD Sergeichev Ivan Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Experimental analysis of effects of core joints on axial fatigue of composite sandwich structures 15:00–17:00 5-7 min. TOPIC Chair Pechen Alexandr TOPIC 17.00–18:00 Reports of students selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and determination of students-winners Coffee break 61 POSTER REPORTS Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition September 20 September 21 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Abramova Olga Bashkir State University Boundary element simulations of 3D bubble-dropletparticle dynamics Gaynetdinov Azamat Bashkir State University Gilmanova Galia PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Astapov Yury The coupled nonlinear problems in thermomechanics М1 Boundary element simulations of 3D bubble-dropletparticle dynamics Bagmutov Alexander Current-voltage characteristics for two quantum waveguides, connected to quantum resonators М2 Bashkir State University Boundary element simulations of acoustic selforganization in bubbly liquids Badykova Leysun Reducing of pressure losses across the ventilation tees М3 Baybulatova Guzel Conditional gradient method for linearized phase field system М4 Golubev Maxim Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Gradient projection method for convex functions and strongly convex sets Gabsalikova Nailya Application of the particle to describe the soil and granular media М5 Kshumanev Aleksei Saint-Petersburg State University Mechanical properties of amorphous and crystalline TiNiCu thin ribbons Goloshubova Yuliya Image contour detection based on residue number system М6 Golubenets Vyacheslav Nonlocal dynamics of state-dependent delay equations М7 Kvon Alexandr Novosibirsk State University Three-dimensional wave regimes on vertically falling liquid films: Downstream evolution of statistical characteristics Drushlyak Anastasiya Classical and nonclassical cones in non-smooth analysis. М8 Evdokimova Maria Methods of swarm intelligence in the optimization of parameters of technical М 9 systems Yermolenko Darya A variational approach for solving inverse problems in the mathematical model of HIV-dynamics М 10 Klyuchinskiy Dmitriy An investigation of the order of accuracy of the Godunov-Kulikov linearized scheme in the Euler coordinates М 11 Krasnitskiy Evgeny Investigation of the effect additives of inert particles on the stability of the combustion dust-methane-air mixture М 12 Kuznetsov Valeriy Corrosion fatigue strength of steel tubing in the reservoir environments М 13 Maliutina Mariia Periodicity of the Laplace convolution М 14 Matushkin Alexander Zero-One Law for random uniform hypergraphs М 15 Ostapovich Kirill Symmetry identification of elastic anisotropic materials М 16 Musin Airat Bashkir State University Experimental and mathematical modeling of fluid flow in microchannels with varying void volume in relation to the question of studying the fluid flow in hydrocarbon source rocks Pavlenko Nadezhda Lomonosov Moscow State University On Hamiltonian geometry of the associativity equations Pityuk Yulia Bashkir State University Boundary element simulations of 3D bubble-dropletparticle dynamics Sametov Sergey Bashkir State University Experimental study of dynamics of viscous bubbly liquids in ultrasound Seltikova Ekaterina Bashkir State University Dimensionless analysis of self-ignition of hydrocarbons during the high-pressure air injection process based on numerical simulation Staroverov Oleg State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm Study vitality and behavior of composite materials under the combined shock, cyclic and quasi-static loadings Petukhov Maksim Theoretical investigation of nonlinear convective regimes in Hele – Shaw cell М 17 Zamula Yuriy Bashkir State University Studying the mechanical properties of geological rock samples at micro– and nano– scales with atomic force microscopy-based techniques Popov Daniil Model of potential flow around the 2D body, formed by arcs of circles М 18 Popova Elena Smoothing images filters using residue number system М 19 Ripinen Aleksey Primitive expansion of linear graphs М 20 Romanov Kirill Development of the eddy pulsations calculation method in the damper М 21 Zhilyaev Petr Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Molecular dynamics simulation of surface tension Staroverov Oleg State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm Study vitality and behavior of composite materials under the combined shock, cyclic and quasi-static loadings Solovyev Sergey Development of methods for mechanical safety evaluation of existing buildings and structures М 22 Stepanov Robert Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev Investigation of velocity fields of rotor wake for hover mode Stryapunina Alyona Development of mathematical models sound absorbing structure М 23 Timofeeva Tatyana The Hilbert boundary value problem for the quasiharmonic functions М 24 Yankin Andrey State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm Mechanical behavior of the viscoelastic polymers under two-frequency loads Faleeva Maria Bound state for dielectric waveguide with locally perturbed core М 25 Zamula Yuriy Bashkir State University Studying the mechanical properties of geological rock samples at micro– and nano– scales with atomic force microscopy-based techniques Tsurina Aleksandra Linear complexity of the octal balanced binary sequences М 26 Cherednikova Svetlana The study of wave processes with involutive deviation М 27 Zhilyaev Petr Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Molecular dynamics simulation of surface tension 62 63 TIME SECTIONS New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies & Processes September 20 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR 16:00–16:30 30 Prof. Heiser Thomas University of Strasbourg, ICube Laboratory, CNRS Recent progress in solutionprocessed organic photovoltaic devices 16:30–16:55 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Ivanov Dmitri Moscow State University Combining nanocalorimetry and synchrotron nano-focus X-ray scattering to address fast structure formation processes ORGANIZATION TOPIC 12:45–13:15 30 Prof. Dr. Terence G. Langdon University of Southern California, США, University of Southampton, Великобритания Recent developments in the processing and properties of ultrafine-grained materials 13:15–13:45 30 Prof. Elias C. Aifantis Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University Nanomaterials and Nanomechanics: A Journey from Mythology to the Present Era 13:45–14:10 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Lamberti Carlo Southern Federal University of Russia Understanding the SCR mechanism in Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst with in situ and operando XAS and XES techniques 14.10–14.25 15 Derector of Research Center Soldatov Aleksandr Characterization of Picoscale 3D Local Atomic Structure of Nanomaterials by High Energy Resolution Synchrotron Based XANES Spectroscopy TOPIC Chair Golberg Dmitri 16:55–18:30 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) Southern Federal University of Russia Poster session 14:25–15:25 Lunch time Chair Soldatov Aleksandr September 21 15:25–15:50 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Golberg Dmitri National Institute for Materials Science, "NIMS", Tsukuba, Japan Boron Nitride Nanomaterials: Current Status of Developments and Applications 15:50–16:05 25 PhD Lisenkov Anton Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science Получение конструкционных керамических материалов на основе карбида и нитрида кремния 16:05–16:20 10 Engineer Fedotov Sergey Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Femtosecond laser pulse nanostructuring of sodium silicate glasses 16:20–16:35 10 research fellow Minaev Nikita Institute of Photonic Laser nanoengineering of Technology of biocompatible scaffolds and Federal State microbial systems Establishment "Federal Research Center "Crystallography and photonics" RAS TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Chair Valiev Ruslan 10:30–11:00 30 Prof. Dr. Molodtsov Sergey Scientific Director European XFEL European XFEL – novel tool for nanomaterials research and characterization 11:00–11:25 25 Head of research laboratory, Professor Valiev Ruslan Ufa State Aviation Technical University Bulk Nanostructured Materials with Superior Properties for Innovation Applications 11:25–11:40 15 PhD Dorogov Maksim Togliatti State University Нановискеры оксида меди: технология получения, структура, модели роста, применение 11:40–11:55 15 Associate professor Gorunov Andrey Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev – KAI (KNRTU-KAI) Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and tribological characteristics of the samples produced by the method of additive manufacturing 11:55–12:45 64 Coffee break 16:35–18:30 Poster session of students 18:30–19:30 Discussion 65 September 22 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 13:05–13:15 10 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE junior researcher Chair Romanov Aleksei 9:00–9:30 9:30–9:55 9:55–10:20 10:20–10:40 10:40–11:00 30 25 25 20 20 Prof. Doctor of Science José Maria Kenn Ph.D., associate professor Doctor of Science Savvidis Pavlos Греция Dorogin Leonid ITMO University 13:15–14:15 Real-time nanomanipulations for tribological measurements of nanostructures Nagulin Konstantin Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI Vikharev Anatoli Institute of Applied Physics RAS Empirical and theoretical approach to optimize the gaspowder flow in laser additive technology Semiconductor CVD diamond for electronic devices Saint-Petersburg state university TOPIC Modification of the structure and properties of amorphous alloys subjected hogh pressure torsion Lunch time Chair Ivanov Dmitri 14:15–14:45 30 Head of research laboratory, Professor Sukhorukov Gleb Queen Mary University of london Remote Controlled Systems for Theranostics 14:45–15:00 15 Doctor of Science Belov Alexey NanoInTech Inc. Technology and equipment for MEMS and IC elements synthesis 15:00–15:10 10 Kistankina Maria ITMO University Получение композитного люминофорного материала на основе раствора жидкого стекла Na2SiO3 15:10–17:00 5-7 min. 17:00–18:00 Reports of students selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and determination of students-winners Coffee break 11:30–12:00 30 Prof. Leonid V. Zhigilei University of Virginia Large-scale atomistic simulations of the structural transformations in short pulse laser processing of metals 12:00–12:15 15 expert Vasilev Evgenii Togliatti State University" Acoustic emission testing of materials 12:15–12:25 10 Laboratory Assistant Daubarayte Daria National University Investigation of the influence of Science and Tech- volume-surface hardening nology "MISIS" (VSH) on the tendency to corrosion of 20GFL steel used for cast parts of the railway transport 12:25–12:35 10 Head of Centre of Technology, Associate Professor Surmenev Roman National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University 12:35–12:45 10 PhD Nechaykina Tatiana National University Promising three-layer material of Science and Tech- based on vanadium alloy with nology "MISIS" a corrosion-resistant steel coated for ultrahard operating conditions 12:45–12:55 10 Junior researcher Bardakova Ksenia FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS Chitosan derivatives 3D structuring via laser stereolithography and twophoton polymerization. 12:55–13:05 10 junior researcher Bobruk Elena Ufa state aviation technical university, Saint-Petersburg state university Ultrafine aluminum alloys features of the structure, physical and mechanical properties 66 Boltynjuk Evgeniy ORGANIZATION Topic TBC IInstitute of Nanotechnology Nanocomposites for top-end Macromolecular of Advanced Functional Applications: the Compounds Composite Materials CINN-LECAST experience of the Russian Academy of Sciences 11:00–11:30 PRESENTING AUTHOR Fabrication and plasma treatment of different materials for biomedical applications 67 POSTER REPORTS September 20 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Rzhevskaya Elena Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia) The microstructure and mechanical properties promising alloys Mg-Zn-Ca system Shakhgildyan Georgiy D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Femtosecond laser modification of silver doped zincphosphate glass Batyrshin Eduard Center for micro– and nanoscale dynamics of dispersed systems, Bashkir State University, Ufa Effect of vacuum assistance on the void formation during liquid composite molding process Bogdanov Sergey Institute of Applied Physics RAS Investigation of boron delta doped layer growth Bygaev Aram Southern Federal University In situ and operando studies of active phase in supported palladium nanocatalysts Sidnov Kirill The National University of Science Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ni2AlTi and Technology MISiS Grigoryev Evgeny NRNU MEPhI Advanced electric pulse consolidation methods of powder materials Stepko Alexandr D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Phosphate glasses activated with Yb3+ ions. Golov Andrey Samara Center for Theoretical Materials Science, Samara University New method for analyzing systems of channels and cavities in crystalline porous materials Telegin Andrey M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics UB of RAS Coherent propagating spin waves excited in nanostructures by pure spin currents Stepko Alexandr KNRTU-KAI Gas dynamics research in the supersonic laser cladding D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Phosphate glasses activated with Yb3+ ions. Iskhakov Fanis Kabanov Artem Samara University Combined ab-initio and topological approach for prediction of new materials for energy storage Telegin Andrey M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics UB of RAS Coherent propagating spin waves excited in nanostructures by pure spin currents Kiselev Evgeniy Siberian Federal University, SCALING OF BIODEGRADABLE Institute of Biophysics, Siberian POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES SYNTHESIS TECHNOLOGY Branch of the Russian Academy of IN PILOT PRODUCTION CONDITIONS Sciences Voronin Denis Saratov state university In vitro and in vivo visualization and trapping of fluorescent magnetic microcapsules in a blood stream Kuryntsev Sergey Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev Fiber laser welding of metal materials Lomachenko Kirill Southern Federal University Advanced synchrotron techniques for operando characterisation of Cu-CHA deNOx catalyst Lotarev Sergey D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Direct laser writing of waveguiding crystalline channels in lanthanum borogermanate glasses Lysenkov Anton УГАТУ (Уфа), СПбГУ (СПб) ультрамелкозернистые алюминиевые сплавы: особенности структуры, физико-механические свойства Lyulin Sergey Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences Innovative materials based on thermoplastic polymers Murueva Anastasia Siberian Federal University SCALING OF BIODEGRADABLE POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES SYNTHESIS TECHNOLOGY IN PILOT PRODUCTION CONDITIONS Naumov Anton Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Microstructure formation during friction stir welding of high strength aluminum alloys Nefedova Evgenia National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) Spark plasma sintering β-SiAlON-BN ceramic composites Peretyagin Pavel MSTU "STANKIN" Graphene oxide doped YTZP nanocomposites obtained by spark plasma sintering Reshetnikova Natalia Ufa State Aviation Technical University Horizons of application of nanostructured metals in medicine Rubinkovskiy Nikita National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Spark plasma sintering of transparent aluminum oxynitride 68 69 Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition PRESENTING AUTHOR September 21 PRESENTING AUTHOR TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Popov Evgeny The influence of heat treatment on the structure and hardness of the coatings produced by supersonic spraying with the intensification of the process of laser radiation. НМ 25 Razumov Mikhail Methods to obtain the porphyrin-phthalocyanine containing materials for electronic devices НМ 26 Safaeva Diana Producing of nanocrystalline boron nitride powder by self-propagation hightemperature synthesis method with application sodium azide НМ 27 Sidelnikova Julia Improvingthequalityofdietoolinginthemanufactureofaircraftparts НМ 28 Valentina Tretyakova Non-fired technology for producing ceramic tubular products НМ 29 Ulrikh Andrey Development of abrasion-resistant alloy basedon titanium carbide and steel for treatment of non-solid materials. НМ 30 Khafizov Vitaliy Developing formulations film binders to produce parts by RFI (Resin Film Infusion). НМ 31 Akmeev Anvar Development of metal intellectual type of polymer composites НМ 1 Vitaly Belov The development of composite materials from lignocellulosic waste НМ 2 Borgardt Eugeny Application of micro-arc oxidation for obtaining of nanostructural titanium dioxide layers on a titanium substrate НМ 3 Burmistrovа Tatiana Biomimetic materials based on modified silicone polymer cells of microorganisms and their biotechnological potential НМ 4 Vorotilo Stepan Synthesis of Ultra-High Temperature Ta4ZrC5 ternary carbide by mechanically activated combustion synthesis НМ 5 Cherenov Alexey Development of polymeric coating compositions for improving the chemical resistance and durability of building constructions НМ 32 Galeev Ayzat High self-compacting sand concrete НМ 6 Chernykh Elena НМ 33 Gorbunov Alexander Device for Controlling the Water Content in the Oil-Water Mixture НМ 7 Waste microbiological productions to give the blowing agents for the building industry Danilova Sakhayana Development of ways to increase the adhesion strength between the components of polimers composites materials НМ 8 Draganyk Oksana The study and development of multilayer radiation-protective shields for spacecraft НМ 9 Egorova Lada Development and manufacturing application environmentally safe concrete based on the use of chrysotile-cement waste. НМ 10 Zakusilov Vladislav Synthesis of the high emission material by SHS method НМ 11 Istomina Maria The study of porous sol-gel nanocomposites based on dioxides of silicon and tin modified with fullerenol НМ 12 Iskhakov Fanis Gas and powder jets dynamics optimization in laser cladding nozzles НМ 13 Kazantseva Luydmila Structural state and phases formation of the aluminum alloys of the binary Al-Si and Ti-Al systems НМ 14 Konovalov Maksim Investigation of the resistance of the small diameter piercing plugs of Ni3Albased alloy НМ 15 Kulevich Vitaly The Structure and Properties of the Ti-Cu System Coatings НМ 16 Ladin Ilya Processing waste, debarking and polymers in wood-polymer composite НМ 17 Lapshin Sergey Study of thermal distribution in the laser treatment and automatic temperature control for laser direct metal deposition НМ 18 Malafeev Konstantin Working and research composites filaments based on Poly(lactic acid) for medicine application. НМ 19 Medvedev Denis The technological capabilities of diffusion welding in process hot isostatic pressing and investigate diffusion bonding of dissimilar metals, produced by this method. НМ 20 Moskvina Valentina The influence of low temperature ion nitriding on especially plastic deformation and fracture of austenitic stainless steel with different grain size НМ 21 Nikulina Julia Development of the collimator lens of high density extruded polystyrene НМ 22 Pankin Ilia Synchrotron-based in-situ experimental and theoretical study of solid-state hydrogen storage material НМ 23 Ponomarev Viktor Use of boron as an alloying component for imparting antibacterial properties НМ 24 TiCaPCON bioactive coatings 70 71 TIME SECTIONS DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) September 21 POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC 10:30–11:00 30 Dr. Hoefling Sven 11:00–11:20 20 Head of laboratory, Professor Ustinov Alexey National University of Science and Technology MISIS Superconducting metamaterials 11:20–11:40 20 Dr. Zapasskii Valerii Spin Optics Laboratory, SaintPetersburg State University Optics of spin noise in semiconductors ITMO University, Ioffe Institute Phase transition from photonic crystals to all-dielectric metamaterials 20 Dr. Limonov Mikhail 12:00–12:30 12:30–13:00 University of St. Andrews (Scotland) Semiconductor physics Head of Laboratory, Professor Suris Robert Ioffe Institute RAS 16:10–16:30 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Zakharov Vladimir Novosibirsk Weak-turbulent theory of windState University; driven sea University of Arizona 16:30–17:00 30 Head of Laboratory, Professor Fotiadi Andrei Ulyanovsk State University Dr. Gil Bernard Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS Poster session of students/ Poster session 18:30–19:30 Discussion Wide Band Gap Semiconductors 13:20–13:40 20 PhD Besson Dave Moscow Engineering Advances in Silicon Physics Institute Photomultiplier development and applications 13:40–14:00 20 PhD Mirzoyan Razmik Max-PlanckInstitute for Physics, Munich, Germany, Irkutsk State University TAIGA: A Large MultiComponent Detector for Gamma– and Cosmic Rays from a Few TeV to EeV Energy Regime 14:00–14:20 20 Dr. Krasnopolsky Vladimir Catholic University of America Atmospheres of Mars, Venus, and Titan 14:20–14:40 20 PhD Akimov Dmitry SSC RF ITEP of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Experiment on first observation of coherent elastic neutrinonucleus scattering 9:00–9:30 30 Professor Altshuler Boris Columbia University in New York City (USA) Modern mesoscopic 9:30–9:50 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Snigirev Anatoly Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Development of X-ray refractive optics. New promising prospectives for diffraction limited 4-th generation X-ray sources 9:50–10:10 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Ueda Keniti University of Electro- Development of the laboratory Communications of the diagnostics of novel optical materials for advanced lasers in 2013 – 2015 10:10–10:30 20 PhD Perin Anton Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Photorefractive waveguide and interferometric elements for non-linear conversion of light fields 10:30–10:50 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Pukhov Alexander University of Dusseldorf Bright X-Ray Sources from Laser-Driven Nanostructured Plasmas 10:50–11:10 20 Dr. Andreev Stepan A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS Nonlinear quenching of the radioactivity of cesium -137 Lunch 11:10–11:40 72 Physics and unified technology platform of intense ultrafast optics for avionics, medicine and nanophotonics. Chair Tignon Jerome 13:00–13.20 14:40–15:40 17:00–18:30 Quantum Mechanics – the Basis of Modern and Future Information and Nechnology September 22 Coffee break 30 TOPIC 30 Chair Fotiadi Andrei 11:40–12:00 ORGANIZATION 15:40–16:10 DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) PRESENTING AUTHOR Chair Suris Robert Physics & Astronomy TIME POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE Coffee break 73 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) POSITION /ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION 11:40–12:10 30 Dr. Tignon Jerome Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain Ecole Normale Superieure TeraHertz 12:10–12:40 30 Dr. Shliapnikov Georgy New physics with cold atoms in disorder 12:40–13:00 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Kuzmin Leonid Chalmers University of Technology Megagrant on Cosmology and European Competition PhD Okhrimchuk Andrey D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Laser writing with subnanosecond burst of femtosecond pulses Southern Federal University 13:00–13:15 13:15–13:30 13:30–13:45 15 15 15 PhD PhD University of Amsterdam Hooda Alexander Gelas Andrew 14:00–15:00 Novosibirsk State University TOPIC Bilyk Vladislav Moscow Technological University (MIREA) Thin-film photoconductive antennas using lowtemperature GaAs grown on a GaAs substrate of different crystallographic orientation for the generation and detection of terahertz waves Dolgirev Pavel MIPT Applications of Artificial Intellegence in Crystal Structure Prediction Phase transition in HTB-FeF3/ rGO cathode material: x-ray spectral diagnostics and ab inition modelling Kalashnikova Alexandra Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy Ultrafast optical control of magnetic anisotropy in of Science metallic and dielectric thin films Khripunov Sergey Novosibirsk State University Coherent population trapping resonance formation delay under dynamic excitation in 87Rb Collisions of coherent structures and formation of rogue waves in NLSE Khromov Alexander National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Search for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering with RED-100 detector Lepeshkin Sergey MIPT Structure and stability of silicon-oxide nanoclusters: the formation of reactive oxygen species on the surface Lugovskoy Andrey Materials Modeling and The Relation Between The Elastic And Electronic Development Laboratory, National Structure Properties Of Niobium Under Ultrahigh University Of Science and Pressures Technology "MISIS" Radnatarov Daba Novosibirsk State University Sheremet Alexandra Saint-Petersburg national Stochastic processes in the exciton-polariton Boseresearch University of information Einstein condensate technologies, mechanics and optics Akaeva Alina National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Numerical modelling of tungsten erosion under plasma irradiation PSI-2 facility Barannikov Alexander IKBFU Micro-Optics Test Bench based hard X-ray source Baturin Vladimir MIPT Structure and stability of silicon-oxide nanoclusters: the formation of reactive oxygen species on the surface Buryakov Arseniy Moscow Technological University (MIREA) Ultrafast processes in the semiconductors based on LTGaAs doped by delta-layer of Si Belyaev Nikita National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Observables sensitive to tensor structure of di-photon interaction of a hypothetical heavy spin-0 boson Brekhov Cyril Moscow Technological University (MIREA) The temperature dependence of Sn2P2S6 crystal nonlinear optical response study by the time-resolution spectroscopy technique Dimitriev Gregory Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy Fine structure of the Mn acceptor in GaAs in external of Science deformation and magnetic field Dubrovin Roman Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy Anomalous temperature behavior of dielectric permittivity of Science of magnetic fluoroperovskites as a prove of their intrinsic structural instability 15 Dr. Arzhannikov Andrey Novosibirsk State University Generation and Application of MM and Sub-MM Radiation 15:15–15:30 15 Dr. Budnev Nikolay Irkutsk State University The TAIGA experiment: from cosmic ray to gamma-ray astronomy in the Tunka valley 15:30–15:45 15 Dr. Kusmartsev Fedor Loughborough University Thorny Road to Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals 15:45–16:00 15 Dr. Vlasenko Leonid Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy of Science Spin dependent phenomena and magnetic resonance studies of point defects in silicon and silicon structures 74 ORGANIZATION The optical activity of semiconductor nanostructures and nanostructured media 15:00–15:15 18.00–19:00 AUTHOR ITMO University Lunchtime 5-7 min. September 21 Baimuratov Anvar Chair Kavokin Aleksey 16:00–18:00 POSTER REPORTS TOPIC Reports of students selected after a poster session (10-15 reports) Discussion and definition of the winners-students The influence of the frequency modulation parameters on the stability of CPT based atomic clock 75 AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Efremov Semen Novosibirsk State University Analytics-Based Numerical Method for Signal Evolution in Fiber Lasers Polikarpov Maxim Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Diamond Refractive Lenses for Diffraction-Limited X-RAY Sources Eremin Roman Samara University K-conductivity in solids: combined topological and density functional theory analysis Pshenov Andrey National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Energy balance in divertor plasma detachment Fedorov Alexey Russian Quantum Center Advanced post-processing procedure for industrial quantum key distribution systems Rodin Alexander Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology High resolution heterodyne spectroscopy for studies of planetary atmospheres Fedotenko Timofey Novosibirsk State University (NSU) RIN transfer induced signal degradation in fiber optical communication links Rudkovskaya Anastasiya Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy Resonant elastic driving of magnetization precession in of Science ferromagnetic nanogratings Golovanov Anton Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Analytical theory of blowout regime in radially inhomogeneous plasmas Ryzhov Ivan Saint-Petersburg State University Detecting nuclear polarization dynamics by spin noise spectroscopy Grishunin Cyril Moscow Technological University (MIREA) The investigation of the switching of ferroelectric films BiFeO3 by second harmonic generation optical microscopy in a planar pattern of electrodes Sagdiev Ilya National Research Nuclear University MEPhI 5 bit current steering low power DAC for threshold voltage adjustment Serebryakov Dmitry Ivanov Ivan Novosibirsk State University Sub-Thz Wave Generation by Plasma under High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam Impact in the GOL-PET Experiment Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Generation of gamma-rays and hard X-rays by intense ultra-short laser pulses interacting with foils: normal and oblique incidence Shaposhnikov Dmitry Kachulin Dmitry Novosibirsk State University Probability Distribution Functions of freak-waves Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Hydrological cycle in the Martian atmosphere general circulation numerical model MAOAM Kardakova Anna Moscow State Pedagogical University Energy relaxation in superconducting boron-doped diamond films Shchukarev Igor Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University Kutrovsky Stella Stoletovs' Vladimir State University The methods of probe lithography for the creation of ordered nanoarrays The Wave Flow Effect on a Plane Boundary between Vacuum and an Optical Medium with a Quasi-Zero Refractive Index Sidelnikov Oleg Novosibirsk State University Technological Research Institute of Ulyanovsk State University Temporal and spectral compression of pulses in fibers with a running refractive index wave Mathematical modeling of nonlinear propagation of the signal in the multimode fiber-optic communication lines Snigireva Irina DESY Photon Science Hard X-ray in-line interferometers fabricated by Si planar technologies European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Coherent hard X-ray microscopy for the characterization of mesoscopic materials Soldatov Mikhail Southern Federal University New hybrid MOF-based nanomaterials for storage and delivery of bioactive compounds Tal Alexey National University of Science and Morphology transition mechanism from icosahedral to Technology MISiS decahedral phase during growth of nanoclusters Lapin Victor Lyubomirskiy Mikhail Marenkov Evgeny Martynenko Irina Matsko Nikita Mintairov Alexander Mukhamedov Boburjon National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Plasma Surface Interactions and Plasma Technologies ITMO University Enantioselective interaction of chiral semiconductor nanocrystals and tumor cells Tikhonov Evgeny The impact of electron correlations on the energetics and stability of silicon nanoclusters Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Andreev reflection and shot noise in a diffusive 3D topological insulator proximized by a superconductor Trifonov Arthur Saint Petersburg State University Near-Field Scanning Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Wigner Molecules Four-wave mixing effect in quantum beats and Rabi oscillations in semiconductor heterostructures Zverev Dmitry Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction Based on Refractive Lenses Zvezdin Konstantin A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Spintronic machine vision system for autonomous Institute of RAS, Moscow Institute driving platform of physics and technology, Russian Quantum Center MIPT Ioffe Physical Technical Institute Materials Modeling and Development Laborotory (NUST "MISIS") Spinodal decomposition in the Fe-Cr-Co ternary system Normanov Dmitry National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Experience of designing application readout ASIC in the ASIC Lab of NRNU MEPhI Ostatochnykh Vladimir Ul'yanovsk state university Transmission and Reflection Spectra of Photonic Crystal with Plasmonic Defect Layer Pahorukov Alexander Irkutsk State University Wide-angle atmospheric Cherenkov array TAIGAHiSCORE Pankratov Andrey Institute for Physics of Microstructures of RAS Flux-flow oscillators based on high temperature superconductors Petrov Mikhail Saint Petersburg State University Polarization properties and photo-induced gyrotropy in Si:GaAs in a microcavity 76 77 Presentations by students – finalists of the Competition PRESENTING AUTHOR September 21 PRESENTING AUTHOR Abdrakhmanov Rustam TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER TITLE OF PRESENTATION STAND NUMBER Polubavkina Yulia Investigation of lasers based on coupled waveguides by the near-field scanning optical microscopy Ф 23 Pushilina Maria The propagation of wave processes in small-layered and fractured media Ф 24 Reduto Igor Synthesis and investigation of plasmonic nanostructures Ф 25 Sinelnik Artem Laue diffraction from two-dimensional photonic structures fabricated by laser direct printing Ф 26 Timshina Mariia A study of a streamer in a jet of helium Ф 27 Heterocorrelation two-dimensional NMR experiments and analysis of residual dipole-dipole interaction in determining structure OF beta-amyloid Aß13-23 in solution Ф1 Andreev Alexey The method of celestial bodies' center of mass defining using the harmonic analysis approach Ф2 Farukhshin Ilnur Color centers transient absorption and ultra-short pulse lasing from LiLu0.7Y0.3F4:Ce3+ active medium Ф 28 Babadzhan Raisa Analysis of a test null string motion in the gravitational field of the two-layer multi-string radially collapsing system Ф3 Cherednichenko Anton Discrete breathers in crystals Ф 29 Babich Ekaterina Small groups of metal nanoparticles: optical studies of resonance characteristics Ф4 Babicheva Valentina A new method of determining the speed of gravitational settling of particles of industrial emissions Ф5 Baksheeva Kseniya Hacker quantum "blinding"attack to the system of quantum cryptography Ф6 Grachev Andrey Discrete diffraction of spin waves in magnonic waveguide lattice Ф7 Danilova Irina The analysis of the radiation interaction with the modified ABS-plastic Ф8 Dmitriev Pavel Resonant Raman Scattering on Optical Magnetic Resonances of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles Ф9 Yermakov Oleh Hybrid surface plasmons on anisotropic metasurface Ф 10 Zaycev Sergey Development of a method of microparticles delivery into the skin through hair follicles Ф 11 Zamkovskaya Anastasia Crystallographic basics of optimization regime of using and processing of crystals Ф 12 Zograf Georgii Novel method for fabrication of gold-silicon core-shell nanoparticles for modern optical applications Ф 13 Kiiamov Airat Experimental and theoretical studies of iron chalcogenides Ф 14 Liubina Liubov Investigation the possibility of constructing broadband phased antenna array Ф 15 Martynova Inna Features of Phase Transitions in Complex Plasmas Ф 16 Melnikova Daria PFG NMR uncovering structural and translational mobility propertise of cuttung fluids Ф 17 Merzlova Natalia Development of a complex of programs for modeling transforming magnetic control systems micro – and nanoparticles Ф 18 Moiseev Eduard High-temperature lasing injection microdisk lasers with InAs/InGaAs quantum dots Ф 19 Nalbantov Nikolay Research and development of multi-channel photonic modules with nonuniformly doped laser crystals Ф 20 Petkovich Evgeny Xenon detector based gamma-ray spectrometer for a radioactive waste sorting complex and its characteristics Ф 21 Pogorelaya Daria Development of method for increasing the accuracy of fiber-optic angular rate sensor Ф 22 78 79 SESSION Interdisciplinary youth science forum with international participation «New approaches in the energetics » Popularization of science: from complicated to simple and back September 20 TIME NAME ORGANIZATION POSITION SPEECH TOPIC 14:30–14:55 Moderator – Andrey Konyayev, chief editor of N+1 14:35–14:42 Аlexander Panchin Russian Academy of Sciences scientist, science 50 shades of science communicator, author of popularization popular-science books 14:42–14:49 Anna Krongauz N+1 CEO, co-founder What is interesting about science? 14:49–14:56 Yegor Bykovsky Cherdak, Echo Moskvy Journalist, chief editor Popular science programs on the radio and in Internet 14:56–15:03 Elena Brandt MIPT PR director National models of science popularization. Does Russia have its own way? 15:03–15:10 Oleg Koronny 15:10–15:17 Ilya Abilov Arzamas project Editorial director Kissing a goose: Why science is fun, how to prove it to everyone and what it has to do with a goose? Set Up lecture center, Sci-One, Vert Dider Producer Oxfor University, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Professor 15:24–15:31 Luiza Nizamova «Guttenberg’s smoking room in Kazan» Organizator Popular science lectures — the most popular format 15:31–15:38 Anna Shangina Russian Quantum Center Head of PR Science institutions positioning as illustrated by RQC 15:17–15:24 Andrey Sery 15:38–16:00 Discussion How to create a popular popular-science video Inventing future science instruments September 21 10.30–11.00 The opening ceremony Words of welcome Section: Nuclear physics for energetics 11:00–12:00 H.V. Ehrlich (MSU) «The science of revolution and the revolution in science» 12:00–13:00 S.N. Andreev (GPI RAS), A.A. Kornilova (MSU) «New approaches to the problem of waste disposal of nuclear fuel» 13:00–14:30 Lunch Section: Earth science for energetics 14.30–15.30 V.N. Larin «The Earth: Composition, structure and evolution – a new geochemical model» 15.30–16.30 N.V. Larin, V.N. Larin, V.A. Zgonnik «How to get cheap hydrogen? To extract from the depths!» 16.30–17.30 I.M. Mazurin, V.V. Ponurovskaya «The crisis of choosing of working fluids in power cycles and its easy solution» 17.30–19:30 Poster session September 22 Section: Chemistry for energetics 10.00–11.00 O.V. Nudnov (Inenergy, Moscow) «Market challenges for power systems based on fuel cells» 11.00–12.00 A.P. Melnikov (MSU) «Portable sources of power generation» 12.00–13.00 A.V. Sivak (Inenergy, Moscow) «Electric accumulators. A brief overview of dozen technologies» 13.00–14.00 Lunch Section: Biology for energetics 14.00–15.00 M.D. Mamedov (MSU) «Primary processes of photosynthesis conversion of light energy» 15.00–16.00 A.A. Tsygankov (IFPB RAS) «Biological production of hydrogen» 16.00–17.00 R. Yu. Pischalnikov (GPI RAS) «Supercomputers in modeling of biochemical and biophysical processes» Section: Promising directions in energetics 16.00–17.00 17.00–17.30 80 Pietro Perlo (Italy) «Energy systems towards electrical mobility» Closing section: discussion 81 ВРЕМЯ SPECIAL SESSION «Development of international scientific cooperation in research and development in priority areas of science and technology» ДОКЛАДЧИК 17:15–17:35 Palchikovsky V.V., Kustov O.Yu., Anoshkin A.N. ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) Aviadvigatel JSC Via online video communi-cation September 20 15:00–18:30 SPEAKER’S NAME ORGANIZATION, JOB TITLE TITLE OF PRESENTATION CFD Laboratory, School of Engineering, James Watt South Building, University of Glasgow «Megagrant» program winner Transition Prediction Methods for Aerodynamic Flows 17:50–18:05 Mikhaylov S.A. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev – KAI, Vice-Rector for Research and Innova-tion, Doctor of Engineering, prof. Potential of Russia's leading university laboratories in promoting promising ideas and projects of international youth research consortia 18:05–18:20 Evdokimov Yu.K., Denisov E.S., Adiutantov N.A. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev – KAI Formation of joint research areas Fluctuation-noise diagnostics and monitoring of the technical state of hydrogen energy system elements Chair Sukhanov Valeriy L. 15:45–16:00 SYPALO Kirill I. First Deputy General Director of FSBI "National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky", Doctor of Engineering, professor of the RAS Interdisciplinary integrated projects in the field of aircraft industry 16:00–16:15 SUKHANOV Valeriy L. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) Opportunities for interaction of Russian scientists in the framework of international programs, TsAGI as the integrator of research teams interaction 16:15–16:30 LANSHIN Alexander I. Scientific supervisor, Deputy Director General of FSUE "Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering (CIAM)", Doctor of Engineering Areas of international integration in the field of research of promising aviation and aerospace power plants 16:30–16:45 First Deputy General Director of FSUE "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI)", Ph.D. in Engineering Science Opportunities for interaction of Main areas of international cooperation in the Russian scientists in the framework development of advanced avionics systems of international programs, TsAGI as the integrator of research teams interaction 16:45–17:00 Kopiev Viktor F. Advisor to the Director General of FSUE "GosNIIAS", Ph.D. in Engineering Science Main areas of international cooperation in the development of advanced avionics systems 17:00–17:15 Roberto Camussi Roma Tre, Italy Areas of international integration in the field of research of promising aviation and aerospace power plants 82 Interaction of Aviadvigatel JSC with PNRPU and FSUE «TsAGI» on the issues of investigation of sound absorb-ing structures in the full-scale engine air inlet 17:35–17:50 George N. Barakos «Intersectoral integration for the benefit of technology development of aerospace and other high-tech industries: priority areas and opportunities for international cooperation» TIME PNRPU’s opportunities in joint research in the field of sound absorbing structures Via online video communication Aleksentsev А.А. PLENARY PRESENTATION Dutov Andrey V., General Director of FSBI «National Research Center «Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky» ТЕМА S. Martemianov A. Thomas P’Prime, University of Poitiers, Poitiers (France) 18:20–18:30 Eremina Natalia V. The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Inde-pendent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo), act-ing Head of Humanitarian Cooperation and Youth Policy Department Development of international youth scientific co-operation 18.30–18:45 Salikhov S.V. (Polyakov A.M.) Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Depart-ment of Science and Tech-nology Topic and abstracts will be coordinated with Salikhov S.V. on September 07 83 Russian-French Day Innovative Materials DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) 10:50-11:10 20 ACADEMIC DEGREE Dr. 9:00–9:15 15 9:15–9:30 15 ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Dr. To be defined Representative of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Greetings and opening remarks Alexey Melnikov Laboratory of Soft Matter Systems at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical-Chemical Engineering of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Michel Alexis Counsellor for science Greetings and opening remarks and technologies at the French Embassy in Russia 10 11:40–11:50 84 20 20 20 20 Head of Laboratory, Professor Head of Laboratory, Professor Professor Professor Dimitri A. Ivanov Laboratory of Soft Matter Systems at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical-Chemical Engineering of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University/Institute of Materials Science of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Laboratory UMR 7361, Mulhouse Molecular self-assembly of wedge-shaped mesogens for fabrication of highly-ordered ionconductive membranes Igor R. Nabiev Colloidal nanocrystals as novel materials for biomedical applications Laboratory of nanobioengineering, National Research Nuclear University "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute"/ University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne Jacques Penelle Institute of Chemistrry and Materials, University Paris-Est, Laboratory CNRS UMR 7182 Thomas Heiser University of Strasbourg– CNRS, Laboratory iCube 10 11.50–12.00 Chairman: Alexis Michel 10:30–10:50 Counsellor for science Possibilities of the Russianand technologies at French collaboration in science the French Embassy in Russia Chairman: Dimitri Ivanov 11:30–11:40 Lectures of senior scientists on the topic of Innovative Materials 10:10–10:30 TOPIC Coffee break Chair: Aurelien Leynet 9:50–10:10 Michel Alexis ORGANIZATION Lectures of young scientists on the topic of Innovative Materials DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) Opening of the Russian-French Day 9:30–9:50 PRESENTING AUTHOR 11:10-11:30 September 21 TIME TIME Dr. Lionel Salesses Laboratory Jean Metamaterials and applied Kuntzmann (Grenoble) mathematics Kirill Vokhmintcev Laboratory of nanobioengineering, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Sylvain Beaurepaire Laboratory of Development of high-temperature electronics low-k dielectrics and information technologies Grenoble Kirill Gerasimov Laboratory of Soft Matter Systems at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical-Chemical Engineering of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Investigation of the structure formation processses in highlyconductive doped polymers for organic electronic devices Marina Andreeva University Paris-EstCréteil-Val-de-Marne (Créteil) Influence of membrane surface properties on scaling in electrodialysis Pavel Linkov Laboratory of nanobioengineering, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"/ University of Reims ChampagneArdenne CdSe/ZnS/CdS/ZnS QDs with advanced two-photon properties for tumor diagnosis and treatment Antony Thomas Institute PPRIME (Poitiers) Electrofluidics of electrolytes and electrochemical sources of energy 10 12:00–12:10 10 12:10–12:20 10 12:20–12:30 10 12:30–12:40 Fresh Opportunities in Materials Science and Engineering Driven by Modern Molecular Biology: Toward Efficient Strategies for Optimizing Transnational Scientific Collaborations Organic photovoltaics: challenges and opportunities 10 12:40–12:50 13:00–14:30 10 Dr. Development of an experimental setup for simultaneous nanocalorimetry and nano– and micro-focus X-ray scattering Quenching of quantum dot luminescence under light irradiation Lunch 85 TIME DURATION OF PRESENTATION (MIN.) ACADEMIC DEGREE PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC Lectures of young scientists on the topic of Innovative Materials International school of students and young scientists «Materials and technologies of the 21st century» Chairman: Igor Nabiev 14:30–14:40 14:40–14:50 10 Dr. 10 14:50–15:00 10 15:00–15:10 10 15:10–15:20 10 15:20–15:30 10 15:30–15:40 10 Ionela Iliescu Mikhail Berestovoy Dr. Laboratory of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology (Grenoble) New magnesium-based materials for H2 storage Laboratory of nanobioengineering, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Use of semiconductor nanocrystals to encode microbeads for multiplexed analysis of biological samples Alexandre Nominé Institute Jean Lamour, Plasma assisted treatment of Nancy materials: A multi-physics and multi-scale approach Kseniia Grafskaia Laboratory of Engineering of ion channels Functional Organic topology in self-assembled and Hybrid Materials, wedge-shaped amphiphiles Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Dmitry Khlopin Institut Charles Delaunay (Troyes) Enhancement of photoluminescence of ZnO with aluminium nanoparticles Dr. Vladimir Terekhin Laboratory of nanobioengineering, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Мesoporous microcapsules based on polystyrene-SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles: synthesis and functional carrier's properties Dr. Camille Goudenhooft Research Institute Dupuy de Lôme (Lorient) Multiscale characterization of mechanical properties of flax stems and fibers : the plant to inspire the development of new materials? Where: Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya street, Kazan, Russia Federation. When: 20.09.2016-23.09.2016 The main scientific directions of the conference: Biomedicine and pharmaceuticals Oil development, oil refining, petrochemicals Advanced materials, new techniques and technologies The school program includes plenary lectures by leading Russian and foreign scientists, sectional and poster presentations of students and young scientists, as well as workshops and seminars of representatives of major Russian and international companies. More info about the school: 15:40–16:20 Round Table: possibilities of the Russian-French collaboration in the field of innovative materials Moderator: Alexis Michel 16:20–18:20 Poster session 19:40 Dinner 86 87 A new generation of scientists. The Program of Rossotrudnichestvo September 20 Poster session PRESENTING AUTHOR ORGANIZATION TOPIC SECTIONS Inesa Ferulova University of Latvia In-vivo method of skins pathology diagnostics Life Sciences & Medicine Alberto Weinrichter Roncero Alvaro Miranda Rodriguez "Oracle" Group, "Ferrovial", Spain by time resolved and fluorescences spectroskopy" Information technologies Klagisa Renata Riga Stradiņš University The singularity frontier in the future workforce Life Sciences & Medicine Laila Zemīte Riga Technical University Head CT: incidemtial finding in the paranasal sinuses Machinery & Energy Bagirov Kamran Институт нефтехимических процессов имени Ю.Г. Мамедалиева Национальной академии наук Азербайджана Optimization of Distribution System Reliability Chemistry & Chemical technologies. Antonio JIMENEZ GARCIA CFD Laboratory, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow Роль компьютерного моделирования Physics & и его перспективы как связующего зве- Astronomy на между теоретической разработкой и экспериментом в области химии 88
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