Packet - Oskaloosa
Packet - Oskaloosa
City of Oskaloosa Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund Committee Lower Level Conference Room City Hall, 220 S. Market Street Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Agenda November 5, 2015 1. Call to Order/Roll Call - 12:00 P.M. Roll Call: ______ Chair Kandes Dalbey, ______Adams, ______ Caligiuri, ______ Davis, ______ Dykstra, ______ Hahn, ______ McCullough, ______ McReynolds, ______ Polkowske, ______ Stahle, ______ Vande Ree. Documents: 20151105 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL.DOCX 2. Approval of Claims Documents: 20151105 CLAIMS.DOCX, HOUSING CLAIM LIST SEPTEMBER 2015.PDF, HOUSING CLAIM LIST OCTOBER 2015.PDF 3. Review of Accounting Reports. Documents: 20151105 ACCOUNTING REPORTS.DOCX, ACCOUNTING REPORTHOUSING DEPT AUGUST 2015.PDF, ACCOUNTING REPORT-HOUSING DEPT SEPTEMBER 2015.PDF, OHTF ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 2015.PDF, OHTF ACTIVITY OCTOBER 2015.PDF 4. Approval of Minutes, subject to corrections. September 16, 2015 Housing Trust Fund Committee Minutes Documents: 20151105 APPROVAL OF MINUTES.DOCX, 20150916 OHTF MINUTES.DOCX 5. Citizens to be Heard This item is reserved to receive comments from the community for concerns whether or not they are included in the current agenda. Documents: 20151105 CITIZENS TO BE HEARD.DOCX 6. Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 415 3rd Avenue West. Documents: OHTF COMM.PDF, 415 3RD AVE W APPLICATION.PDF, LOCATION MAP.PDF, EXISTING PICTURE.PDF 7. Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 706 South D Street. Documents: OHTF COMM.PDF, 415 3RD AVE W APPLICATION.PDF, LOCATION MAP.PDF, EXISTING PICTURE.PDF 7. Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 706 South D Street. Documents: OHTF COMM.PDF, OHTF APPLICATION.PDF, EXISTING PICTURES.PDF, LOCATION MAP.PDF 8. Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 517 B Avenue West. Documents: OHTF COMM.PDF, OHTF APPLICATION.PDF, EXISTING PICTURES.PDF, LOCATION MAP.PDF 9. Consider approval of payment of release fees for outstanding FHLB forgivable loans. Documents: AGENDA ITEM-FHLB RELEASES.DOCX, OPEN FHLB LOANS 2015.PDF 10. Consider a motion to amend the First Time Homebuyers and Demolition program plans to change the language regarding processing fees and approve an increase in the processing fee from $75.00 to $100.00. Documents: AGENDA ITEM-FEE CHANGES.DOCX, FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS PLAN REVISION 01012016.DOCX, DEMOLITION I PLAN REVISION 01012016.DOCX, DEMOLITION II PLAN REVISION 01012016.DOCX 11. Discussion of demolition loan for 714 North C Street. Documents: ST.PDF AGENDA ITEM-DEMO LOAN 714 NORTH C ST.DOCX, 718 NORTH C 12. Miscellaneous Documents: 20151105 MISCELLANEOUS.DOCX 13. Adjournment If you require special accommodations, please contact the City Manager's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (641) 673-9431. OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: OHTF Committee Item Title: Call to Order and Roll Call – 12:00 p.m. Roll Call: ______ Chair Kandes Dalbey, ______ Adams, ______ Caligiuri, ______ Davis, ______ Dykstra, ______ Hahn, ______ McCullough, ______ McReynolds, ______ Polkowske, ______ Stahle, ______ Vande Ree. Explanation: Not applicable. Budget Consideration: Not applicable. Attachments: None. OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: Approval of payment of claims for September 2015 and October 2015. Explanation: Lists of claims for September and October are included in your agenda packet. Staff recommends approval. Budget Consideration: Totals appear on the claims lists. Attachments: Claims lists. City of Oskaloosa Claims Register Sep-15 September postage September copies GRAND TOTALS 0.97 13.52 14.49 FUND TOTALS Fund 140 - Housing Funds 14.49 *** 14.49 Signature Date Signature Date City of Oskaloosa Claims Register Oct-15 Mahaska County Recorder October copies 3rd quarter recording fees GRAND TOTALS 118.00 2.73 120.73 FUND TOTALS Fund 140 - Housing Funds 120.73 *** 120.73 Signature Date Signature Date OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: Review of accounting reports for August 2015 and September 2015. Explanation: Accounting reports for August and September are included in your agenda packet for review. Budget Consideration: Not applicable. Attachments: Accounting reports Activity reports OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND August 31, 2015 Fund Balance HOUSING FUND Beginning Balance Revenue: 140503044300 140503014531 140503014570 140503024711 140503024713 140503044830142 Expenses: 14050306405 14050306413 14050306414 14050306419 14050306490 14050306495 14050306497 14050306498 14050306508 14050306511 14050306910001 YTD Interest Late Fees Processing Fees Loan Repayments Loan Repayments (unrestricted) Transfer In Total Revenue $71.06 $15.00 $253.00 $4,753.73 $1,082.58 $0.00 $6,175.37 Recording Fee Expense Payments to Other Agencies Printing and Publishing Expense Technology Expense Other Professional Services Housing Loans/Assistance Demo Loan Refunds & Reimbursements Postage Copying Transfer Out Total Expenses $140.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.00 $2,625.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $2.43 $13.29 $0.00 $18,788.72 $214,909.41 Ending Balance $202,296.06 **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/11 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/12 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/13 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/14 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/15 balance Total $48,464.44 $42,687.69 $31,239.18 $15,727.19 $12,156.67 $150,275.17 HOUSING DONATED FUNDS Fund Program To Date Balance Revenue: 138503024705 Contributions 2007-08 Contributions 2009-10 Contributions 2010-11 Total Revenue Expenses: 13850306413 13850306495 13850306497 13850306910145 Ending Balance $84,125 $68,350 $68,350 $ $ $ $ 84,125.00 68,700.00 68,250.00 221,075.00 Payments to Other Agencies First Time Home Buyer 2008 $64,125 First Time Home Buyer 2009 $48,350 Housing Loans/Assistance Demo Loan 2008 $20,000 Demo Loan 2009 $20,000 Transfer Out (2010 IFA Grant Match) Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000.00 40,732.00 48,100.00 36,502.26 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 186,334.26 $ 34,740.74 OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND September 30, 2015 Fund Balance HOUSING FUND Beginning Balance Revenue: 140503044300 140503014531 140503014570 140503024711 140503024713 140503044830142 Expenses: 14050306405 14050306413 14050306414 14050306419 14050306490 14050306495 14050306497 14050306498 14050306508 14050306511 14050306910001 YTD Interest Late Fees Processing Fees Loan Repayments Loan Repayments (unrestricted) Transfer In Total Revenue $104.27 $30.00 $424.00 $8,883.43 $2,331.09 $0.00 $11,772.79 Recording Fee Expense Payments to Other Agencies Printing and Publishing Expense Technology Expense Other Professional Services Housing Loans/Assistance Demo Loan Refunds & Reimbursements Postage Copying Transfer Out Total Expenses $140.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.00 $2,625.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $3.40 $26.81 $0.00 $18,803.21 $214,909.41 Ending Balance $207,878.99 **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/11 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/12 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/13 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/14 balance **Loan Repayments (unrestricted) 6/30/15 balance Total $48,464.44 $42,687.69 $31,239.18 $15,727.19 $12,156.67 $150,275.17 HOUSING DONATED FUNDS Fund Program To Date Balance Revenue: 138503024705 Contributions 2007-08 Contributions 2009-10 Contributions 2010-11 Total Revenue Expenses: 13850306413 13850306495 13850306497 13850306910145 Ending Balance $84,125 $68,350 $68,350 $ $ $ $ 84,125.00 68,700.00 68,250.00 221,075.00 Payments to Other Agencies First Time Home Buyer 2008 $64,125 First Time Home Buyer 2009 $48,350 Housing Loans/Assistance Demo Loan 2008 $20,000 Demo Loan 2009 $20,000 Transfer Out (2010 IFA Grant Match) Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000.00 40,732.00 48,100.00 36,502.26 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 186,334.26 $ 34,740.74 Oskaloosa Housing Trust-Monthly Activity 1st time Homebuyer payments for September 1, 2015 Restricted $ 2,051.30 Non-restricted $ 518.67 1st Time Homebuyer Loan issued Name K Olson Amount $ 2,625.00 Sep-15 $ 2,569.97 Payments start 10/1/2015 1st Time Homebuyer Loans final payments this month Name E McDanel Date completed 9/1/2015 1st Time Homebuyer Loans final payments next month Name K Gibbons Date completed 10/1/2015 1st Time Homebuyer Loans paid in full Name Date paid N Sanchez 9/10/2015 N Veldhuizen 9/22/2015 Payment $ 707.76 $ 1,765.25 Demolition Loan approved Name B Booy Date approved 9/16/2015 Address of demolition 416 2nd Ave W (Changed to 302 South D St) NSF/Closed Accounts on payments Name I Miller Amount $ 17.30 Follow-up Rcvd notice for Account Closed 9-4-2015; Sent 1st letter 9-29-2015 Paid account + service fee Oskaloosa Housing Trust-Monthly Activity 1st time Homebuyer payments for October 1, 2015 Restricted $ 2,011.24 Non-restricted $ 512.52 1st Time Homebuyer Loans final payments this month Name K Gibbons Oct-15 $ 2,523.76 Date completed 10/1/2015 OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Staff Item Title: Approval of minutes subject to corrections. Explanation: The minutes of the September 16, 2015 meeting are included in your agenda packet for review and approval. Budget Consideration: Not applicable. Attachments: September 16, 2015 Housing Trust Fund Committee Minutes OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - 12:00 Noon City Hall Conference Room The committee meeting was called to order by Chair Dalbey at 12:00 p.m. with the following members present: Dan Adams, Joe Caligiuri, Kandes Dalbey, Randell Davis, Valinn McReynolds Noel C. Stahle (at 12:05 p.m.), and Carri Vande Ree. Members absent: Kathie Dykstra, Bernice Hahn, Dave Polkowske and Leon McCullough. Also present: Amy Miller, City Clerk; Michael Schrock, City Manager; Dylan Mulfinger, Management Analyst; and Marilyn Johannes. It was moved by Caligiuri, seconded by Adams to approve the July 2, 2015 Housing Trust Fund Committee Minutes and the August 3, 2015 Housing Trust Fund Committee Special Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Dylan Mulfinger, Management Analyst, distributed Housing Trust Fund Committee orientation packets to the committee. Mulfinger explained the packets were created to serve as an orientation document for new committee members on city boards and commissions. Mulfinger told the committee to feel free to make recommendations to change or enhance the packet for the Housing Trust Fund Committee. The committee discussed the request for a demolition grant from Brian Booy for demolition of a house located at 416 2nd Avenue West. (Stahle arrived at 12:05 p.m.) It was moved by Adams, seconded by Vande Ree to approve demolition grant funds up to $4,000 for demolition of the structure located at 416 2nd Avenue West. Motion carried unanimously. The committee discussed the changes made to the Demolition Program Plans. Miller stated City Council has to approve changes to the demolition programs and since the committee did not meet on September 3 due to lack of a quorum, if the changes are approved as presented by the Housing Trust Fund Committee, they will be presented to the City Council at the October 5, 2015 city council meeting and become effective October 15, 2015. It was moved by Caligiuri, seconded by Davis to approve the Demolition Program Plan changes. Motion carried unanimously. The committee reviewed and discussed the city manager’s 2015 Housing Action Plan with City Manager Michael Schrock. Schrock gave an overview of the plan and implementation of the program. Schrock said essentially it is what he would like to see done in the community regarding housing and explained that he worked with Main Street Oskaloosa and the Mahaska Community Development Group to develop the plan. Schrock said he hopes the group will get excited about the plan, embrace it and support if financially. Schrock indicated that he would like to receive funding to update the housing needs assessment. Schrock said he would be requesting $50,000-$75,000 at a future meeting. Miller gave an overview of the 2015 Annual Financial Report included in the OHTF agenda and discussed the report with the committee. The committee discussed the reason for the decrease in the use of the First Time Homebuyer Program. Miller offered to contact other entities to see if they are experiencing the same trend. It was noted the program has had a reduction in usage in the past but it has rebounded. Miller told the committee the report will be put on the city website. Vande Ree mentioned that she has had several conversations with clients regarding the Ironwood housing project. The committee discussed the Ironwood housing project with City Manager Schrock. Schrock indicated the project was still under construction so units have not been rented out yet. Schrock provided the committee with project sheets for the Ironwood housing project so the committee had accurate information if they receive future inquiries. The committee briefly discussed the possibility of contributing funding for the renovation of the building located at 212 North Market Street with city staff. McReynolds indicated the owner of the property does not want to take the matter to the committee at this time. Dalbey tabled the item until such time that further discussion or action is needed. Schrock recommended the committee verify the party asking for assistance qualifies for grant program assistance before providing financial support. Miller reported on the claims lists. It was moved by Caligiuri, seconded by Adams to approve the July and August claims lists for payment. Motion carried unanimously. Miller reviewed the accounting report with the committee. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Minutes by Marilyn Johannes OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: OHTF Committee Item Title: CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Explanation: This item is reserved to receive comments from the community for concerns whether or not they are included in the current agenda. Budget Consideration: Not applicable. Attachments: None. OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 415 3rd Avenue West. Explanation: Mr. Brian Booy has applied for funds under the Demolition Assistance Grant/Loan Program I for a property located at 415 3rd Avenue West. The assessed value of the house is $40,670 and land is assessed at $9,180. According to the Mahaska County website, the current house is in normal condition. Mr. Booy is proposing to replace the house with a 1,388 square foot single family residential dwelling. The residential dwelling will have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The value of the residential dwelling is estimated at $206,000. Budget Consideration: $75.00 Application Fee and $7.00 Recording Fee Expenditure up to $4,000 Attachments: Demolition application, Warranty Deed, Floor plan of replacement house, Mahaska County website and Pictures of existing structure OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 706 South D Street. Explanation: Mr. Brian Booy has applied for funds under the Demolition Assistance Grant/Loan Program I for a property located at 706 South D Street. The assessed value of the house is $19,410 and land is assessed at $8,100. According to the Mahaska County website, the current house is in poor condition. Mr. Booy is proposing to replace the house with a 2,600 square foot duplex. The duplex will have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom on each side. The value of the duplex is estimated at $180,000. Mr. Booy is in the process of acquiring the house north of 706 South D Street, which will allow him to build a duplex and combine the lots. Budget Consideration: $75.00 Application Fee and $7.00 Recording Fee Expenditure up to $4,000 Attachments: Demolition application, Warranty Deed, Floor plan of replacement house, Mahaska County website and Pictures of existing structure Existing Pictures 706 South D Street OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: Consider a demolition grant request for a house located at 517 B Avenue West. Explanation: Terry Anderson has applied for funds under the Demolition Assistance Grant/Loan Program for a property located at 517 B Avenue West. Wyatt Russell, Building Official declared the property unsafe or dangerous. The assessed value of the house is $52,520 and land is assessed at $16,370. Mr. Anderson is proposing to replace the house with a 3,507 square foot duplex. The duplex will have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The value of the duplex is estimated at $450 ,000. Budget Consideration: $75.00 Application Fee and $7.00 Recording Fee Expenditure up to $4,000 Attachments: Demolition application, Warranty Deed, Floor plan of replacement house, Mahaska County website, Letter from Building Official and Pictures of existing structure 517 B Avenue West Existing Pictures OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk/Finance Item Title: Consider approval of payment of release fees for outstanding FHLB forgivable loans. Explanation: FHLB Rehabilitation Forgivable (FHLB Rehab) loans were issued from August 2001 through December 2008; these loans provided up to $5,000 to assist with repairs to make homes safer or more energy efficient. Loans were forgiven after the homeowner had lived in the property for five years. In 2012, eighty-six letters requesting payment of the lien release fee were sent out to property owners who had FHLB forgivable loans that met all requirements of the loan. There currently are only fourteen outstanding FHLB forgivable loans remaining. The date of available release for these loans range from September 2006 through December 2013. Letters requesting the release fee were sent again April 2015. No response to the letters has been received from any of the outstanding loans. Staff is requesting $98.00 (14 liens x $7 per release) to pay the Mahaska County Recorder’s office to release these completed loans. Due to the nature of the loan, most property owners forget about the loan until they go to sell or transfer the property. This usually makes an emergency situation that needs to be resolved before the sale of the property, causing stress for the property owner and real estate agents, as well as office staff. Release of these liens will also allow staff to consolidate files and move them to electronic storage. Budget Consideration: $98.00 expended from Fund 140 – Housing Trust fee for release fees Attachments: List of FHLB loans ready for release FHLB complete and ready to release FHLB complete with no additional loans due Applicant Date of Payment Wheeler, David/Joyce 8/6/2002 Moore, Joyce 3/10/2004 Fisher, Ada (Farmer) 10/15/2004 Davis, John 2/13/2005 Almond, Tony 10/12/2005 Lathcam, Teresa/Moore, Laurence 9/18/2006 Waggoner, Jared/Olson, Kanya 6/19/2007 Jansen, Andra 11/20/2007 Thompson, TY/Katrina 12/27/2007 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,873.68 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,915.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Release Available 9/1/2007 4/1/2009 11/1/2009 3/1/2010 11/1/2010 10/1/2011 7/1/2012 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 Release fee due? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Additional Loans? No No No No No No No No No Income offset properties Applicant DeWeese, Kimberly Moore, Cynthia Date of Payment 8/25/2003 8/15/2001 Amount $ 4,694.70 $ 4,996.54 Release Available 9/1/2008 9/1/2006 Release fee due? Yes Yes Additional Loans? 1st time HB-income offset 1st time HB-income offset FHLB complete with additional loans due Applicant Stream, Shelley Thomas, Sherry Watts, Nathan Date of Payment 12/19/2006 11/15/2006 7/22/2005 Amount $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Release Available 1/1/2012 12/1/2011 8/1/2010 Release fee due? Yes Yes Yes Additional Loans? 1st Time HB/IFA IFA IFA OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk/Finance Item Title: Consider a motion to amend the First Time Homebuyers and Demolition program plans to change the language regarding processing fees and approve an increase in the processing fee from $75.00 to $100.00. Explanation: Staff is requesting changes to the First Time Homebuyers and Demolition program plans processing fee associated with the loans/grants. Currently the processing fee for all plans is $75.00 and property owners are also responsible for paying for any recording or release fees associated with the loan/grant. These fees are paid to the city, and the city pays the Mahaska County Recorder’s office for any recording completed. The change in the language for the First Time Homebuyer plan will say: “Participants shall be required to pay a loan-processing fee as approved by Resolution by the Oskaloosa City Council on the fee schedule.” The change in the language for the Demolition I and II plans will say: “Grant recipients shall be required to pay a processing fee as approved by Resolution by the Oskaloosa City Council on the fee schedule.” Staff is proposing to change the processing fee for all plans to $100.00 and drop the collection of recording and release fees associated with these loans. The fee will be approved by Resolution by the Oskaloosa City Council each year as part of the city’s fee schedule. Future changes in the processing fee will require approval by the OHTF prior to presentation to the city council. If approved by the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund, changes to the program plans require city council approval and will be presented at the December 7, 2015 meeting. The proposed changes will be effective January 1, 2016. Budget Consideration: The increase of $25.00 for the processing fee will be used to cover the expense of the recording and release fees, approximately $14.00 per loan (subject to change by the Mahaska County Recorder’s office). The processing fee was last amended from $50.00 to $75.00 November 2006. Attachments: Revised First Time Homebuyers Program Plan, Revised Demolition I Program Plan, Revised Demolition II Program Plan CITY OF OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND FIRST-TIME HOME BUYER LOAN FUND PLAN A. GENERAL PURPOSE OF THE FUND The Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) will utilize its City of Oskaloosa First-time Home Buyer Loan Fund in an effort to promote home ownership within the City of Oskaloosa. To accomplish this goal of increasing home ownership, the OHTF shall continue the successful down payment and closing cost assistance program. The down payment assistance shall be in the form of no interest loans. B. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES Eligible cost included within approved loans shall consist only of the following: 1. Down payment on the purchase of the home 2. Payment of closing costs on first mortgage loan C. ELIGIBLE PROPERTY An eligible property shall be any single-family residence located within the corporate limits of the City of Oskaloosa, Iowa. Homes purchased can be either newly constructed or existing housing (including manufactured and modular housing, although purchase of manufactured housing constructed prior to 1974 will not be permitted). D. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANT An eligible participant shall be an applicant who: 1. Has not had interest in a residential property (ownership of a property for the purpose of (re)development shall not be considered ownership of a residential property) in one of the following ways within the past three years prior to making application: a. Fee title ownership; b. Fee title ownership subject to mortgage; or c. A party to a contract for purchase of residential real estate. d. A party to a divorce proceeding who utilized these funds will be eligible if the previously owned property was sold or deeded to the spouse in the settlement agreement. And; 2. Has a total household income not exceeding USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Housing Program Income Limits as defined annually by the United States Department of Agriculture. (see Exhibit 1 for current maximum household incomes for Mahaska County residents). IFA grant funds awarded to capitalize the loan fund require lower maximum incomes than previously stated. Applications that do not qualify under the lower income guidelines shall be funded from recaptured loan repayments. And; 3. Is in good standing with the City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund by not having any outstanding balance(s) from previous OHTF program use whether or not the debt was due to foreclosure or any other action. E. TYPE AND AMOUNT OF ASSISTANCE 1. Funds shall be distributed in the form of non-transferable, no-interest (0%) loans. Term of the loan shall be the lesser of: a. Ten years b. The loan amortization period of the first mortgage loan 2. Loans will not be made for more than 5% of the purchase price of the home. An approved loan shall not exceed the lesser of: a. The amount of funds on hand in the revolving loan fund; or b. $3,500. 3. One dollar of match from the applicant is required for every dollar of loan. Match may be from any legal source but can not be in the form of a loan secured against the property to be acquired unless the lender is willing to take a third position behind the City's loan and the first mortgage loan. Match dollars may be included in the first mortgage loan. Borrowers qualifying for other down payment assistance programs are expected to utilize those programs and resort to this program as a last resort. Loans shall be secured against the property to be purchased and will carry a lien position in relation to the dollar amount of the other lender's loan(s) involved in the purchase of the home (see Exhibit 4 for sample mortgage). 4. Participants shall be required to pay all recording fees associated with the loan. Participants shall also Revision January 1, 2016 Revised 7/2012 be required to pay a loan-processing fee of $75.00as approved by the Oskaloosa City Council on the fee schedule. . All fees shall be due and payable at loan closing. F. CAPITALIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE LOAN FUND The first time home buyer loan fund has been capitalized through the Iowa Finance Authority’s State Housing Fund Grant, fundraising dollars and recaptured loan repayments. G. HOME BUYER EDUCATION Attendance and participation in a qualified first-time home buyer education course will be required prior to loan closing for all borrowers that fit the definition of a first-time buyer as defined in paragraph D.1., above. Applicants can participate in qualified homebuyer education courses that may be available through Oskaloosa area lenders or other sources offering this education as approved by the OHTF staff. H. LOAN APPLICATION PROCESS Applications will be provided to the OHTF on the application form provided to lenders (Exhibit 2). A copy of the participating borrower's first mortgage loan application form will be provided to the OHTF as documentation of applicant eligibility. The OHTF reserves the right to inspect and copy documentation of application information that may be included in the first mortgage loan application file. The application will be evaluated by the City of Oskaloosa Housing Department to verify eligibility. Information obtained through the application will be kept confidential, will not be available for public review, and is used to determine the eligibility for the loan program. The Department Head, OHTF Chair, OHTF Vice-Chair and City Manager shall be authorized to approve all eligible applicants. Upon approval of the application by two of the four persons authorized to approve applicants, the Department Head and Program Manager (the OHTF Chair, Vice-Chair or City Manager may approve payment in the absence of either the Department Head or Program Manager) shall be authorized to approve payment for the OHTF for all eligible applicants. I. PARTICIPATING LENDERS A participating lender will be required to enter into a participation agreement (see Exhibit 3) with the City of Oskaloosa and pay a participation fee of a minimum of $5,000. Lender participation fees will help capitalize the loan fund. The lender participation fee shall be waived for governmental first mortgage lenders. J. LOAN SERVICING Participants will be required to make their monthly payments through an automatic checking/savings account withdrawal. If sufficient funds are not in the participants account and payment is not made, a service charge as adopted in the current City of Oskaloosa Fee Schedule may be assessed to the borrower for each delinquent payment. K. MONITORING OF PROGRAM The OHTF committee would be charged with review of the loan portfolio, program usage, suggesting program modifications to the City Council and development of other programs to address other identified housing needs within the community. L. ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUND The city staff will administer the loan fund. All payments on loans issued through this fund shall be due and payable in the amounts and at the time specified within the loan agreement. Idle funds shall be invested, to the maximum extent possible, in interest bearing accounts. The City of Oskaloosa shall be allowed to utilize interest from invested funds to help cover incurred costs for administering the program. M. AMENDMENTS TO AND REVIEW OF THE PLAN This loan fund plan may be amended from time-to-time as deemed necessary and appropriate upon recommendation by the OHTF and by a majority vote of the Oskaloosa City Council. N. OTHER REQUIREMENTS In addition to the above requirements for participation in the program, the following shall apply: 1. Lenders participating in this program shall assure the City that they shall abide by all Fair Housing laws, as they may apply. 2. No employee, agent, consultant, officer or appointed official of the City of Oskaloosa shall be eligible to participate in this program without prior approval of the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund Committee. O. WAIVER OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Nothing contained within this Loan Fund prevents the OHTF Committee from waiving any adopted program Revision January 1, 2016 Revised 7/2012 rules and regulations, provided, however, that the waiver does not violate any applicable laws. Revision January 1, 2016 Revised 7/2012 CITY OF OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND DEMOLITION ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM PLAN I I. INTRODUCTION Removal of the dilapidated structures within the City of Oskaloosa is critical to the long-range development of the community. The 2000 Census reflected an abundance of low-end housing in Oskaloosa that cause obvious appearance problems for the community's neighborhoods as well as draining the value of other properties. The implementation of this program is designed to reduce the cost of redevelopment of existing lots within the community that provides benefits by decreasing the need to develop new subdivisions and allows for opportunities to develop affordable housing. II. DEFINITIONS Eligible Structure: A structure may be eligible for this program if it is determined to be dilapidated and is located in a residentially zoned area of the City of Oskaloosa. All applications for eligible structures will be evaluated by the OHTF Committee for participation in the program. Owner: The person/persons that are record titleholders at the Mahaska County Courthouse or other officially designated representative of the property such as an executor of an estate. Qualified Improvement: A structure(s) of equal or greater assessed value to the dwelling unit demolished irrespective of land value. III. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) will provide grants in the lesser amount of: a) Actual and reasonable costs incurred by the owner of the property; or, b) Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) toward the costs of removal and disposal of vacant dilapidated housing structures within the City of Oskaloosa. In consideration of the funds granted by the OHTF, the grant recipient shall pledge to rebuild on the property within two years of dispersal of the grant funds. If the property has not been redeveloped with a qualified improvement within two years the grant shall be repaid. Granted funds shall be repaid beginning the first of the month following the second anniversary of the demolition and will include current prime rate interest accrued over the first two years. The balance shall be amortized over a 12 month period of time at current prime rate of interest. IV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee, agent, consultant, officer or appointed official of the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund shall be eligible to receive a grant from this program. V. DISPOSAL OF DEMOLITION DEBRIS All debris shall be properly disposed of in compliance with the rules and regulations of the City of Oskaloosa, including the removal and disposal of hazardous materials such as asbestos. VI. GRANT PROCESSING PROCEDURES A. Applications (Exhibit 1) must be received and approved by the OHTF prior to demolition work commencing. Any work started prior to OHTF approval may be deemed ineligible for reimbursement and may disqualify the owner from participation in the grant program. Applications shall be on the forms provided by the OHTF and include the following additional information: 1. A minimum of two bids for the demolition. 2. If the applicant is not the owner, (i.e. executor of an estate) proof that the applicant has the authority to act on behalf of the owner. 3. Copy of the demolition permit for the property (to be provided after Committee grant approval). B. The application will be evaluated by the OHTF Committee for approval. Upon approval of the Revision January 1, 2016 application, the Department Head and OHTF Chair, Vice-Chair or City Manager shall authorize the City Clerk to draw funds on the account, as needed. C. Grant recipients shall be required to pay a $75 processing feea processing fee as approved by the Oskaloosa City Council on the fee schedule. and will be responsible for payment of recording fees related to the grant. D. All applications, along with proposed redevelopment projects, shall have the approval of the OHTF Committee. E. After OHTF approval of the application and the owner's execution of the grant documents, (Exhibit 2) the work may begin. F. These funds are granted to the current owner of the property and shall not be transferable to future purchasers. If the owner sells the property within the two year development period, the grant shall be repaid in full including accrued interest. G. A demolition permit must be obtained thirty (30) days after the demolition loan is approved. The demolition of the structure must be completed within ninety (90) days of the demolition loan approval. A building permit for the new structure must be obtained within ninety (90) days of the completion of the demolition. The building official may allow exceptions to these deadlines at their discretion. H. The owner will be responsible for monitoring the demolition work, although City inspections will occur as required by the permits issued and to verify completion of the work. HI Upon completion of the demolition, the owner shall submit copies of all bills associated with the demolition for processing of payment to the owner. Checks are made payable to the contractor and the property owner in lieu of a lien waiver. J. The OHTF shall be apprised of any improvements made to the property once the demolition has been completed so that the OHTF can determine compliance with the programs intent and Issue a Release of Lien. VII. ELIGIBLE COSTS Costs eligible for reimbursement to the owner under this program shall be the actual and reasonable cost of: A. Demolition permit B. Disconnecting utilities C. Removal and proper disposal of hazardous waste D. Removal and proper disposal of above and below grade structures and trees that may interfere with redevelopment of the property. VIII. SELF HELP It shall be the policy of the OHTF Committee that in situations where an owner wishes to do his/her own work on a demolition project that the allowable demolition cost shall be defined as those actual and reasonable costs incurred (e.g. cost of permits and rental of machinery and/or tools for actual and reasonable time to complete the task they are rented for) are the allowable cost. The OHTF will not reimburse the owner or owner’s employees for time/wages expended on the project. Revision January 1, 2016 CITY OF OSKALOOSA HOUSING TRUST FUND DEMOLITION ASSISTANCE GRANT/LOAN PROGRAM PLAN II I. INTRODUCTION Removal of dilapidated structures within the City of Oskaloosa is critical to enhance neighborhoods and stimulate development in the community. The City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund administers a demolition program for removal of dilapidated structures in an attempt to improve neighborhoods and increase assessed valuations by requiring redevelopment within two years. The trust fund is implementing an additional demolition grant/loan program to encourage green space and/or future redevelopment in exchange for removal of dilapidated structures. II. DEFINITIONS Eligible Structure: A residential structure may be eligible for this program if it is determined to be dilapidated and is located in the City of Oskaloosa. All applications for eligible structures will be evaluated by the OHTF Committee for participation in the program. Owner: The person/persons that are record titleholders at the Mahaska County Courthouse or other officially designated representative of the property such as an executor of an estate. III. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) will provide a combination grant/loan in the lesser amount of: a) Actual and reasonable costs incurred by the owner of the property; or, b) Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) toward the costs of removal and disposal of vacant dilapidated housing structures within the City of Oskaloosa. One half of the awarded funds shall be issued in form of a no-interest (0%) loan to be repaid in twenty-four (24) monthly installments beginning the first month following project completion. One half of the awarded funds shall be issued in the form of a non-repayable grant. In consideration of the funds granted by the OHTF, the grant/loan recipient shall pledge to repay the loan amount beginning the first of the month following project completion. Participants will be required to make their monthly payments through an automatic checking/savings account withdrawal. If sufficient funds are not in the account and payment is not made, a service charge as adopted in the current City of Oskaloosa Fee Schedule will be assessed to the borrower for each delinquent payment. IV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee, agent, consultant, officer or appointed official of the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund shall be eligible to receive a grant from this program. V. DISPOSAL OF DEMOLITION DEBRIS All debris shall be properly disposed of in compliance with the rules and regulations of the City of Oskaloosa, including the removal and disposal of hazardous materials such as asbestos. VI. GRANT PROCESSING PROCEDURES A. Applications (Exhibit 1) must be received and approved by the OHTF prior to demolition work commencing. Any work started prior to OHTF approval may be deemed ineligible for reimbursement and may disqualify the owner from participation in the grant program. Applications shall be on the forms provided by the OHTF and include the following additional information: 1. A minimum of two bids for the demolition. 2. If the applicant is not the owner, (i.e. executor of an estate) proof that the applicant has the authority to act on behalf of the owner. 3. Copy of the demolition permit for the property (to be provided after Committee grant approval). Revision January 1, 2016 B. The application will be evaluated by the OHTF Committee for approval. Upon approval of the application, Department Head and OHTF Chair, Vice-Chair or City Manager, shall authorize the City Clerk to draw funds on the account, as needed. C. C. Grant recipients shall be required to pay a $75 processing feea processing fee as approved by the Oskaloosa City Council on the fee schedule .and will be responsible for payment of recording fees related to the grant. D. All applications shall have the approval of the OHTF Committee. E. After OHTF approval of the application and the owner's execution of the grant documents, (Exhibit 2) the work may begin. F. These funds are granted/loaned to the current owner of the property and shall not be transferable to future purchasers. If the owner sells the property within the two year repayment period, the remaining loan balance shall be repaid in full. G. A demolition permit must be obtained thirty (30) days after the demolition loan is approved. The demolition of the structure must be completed within ninety (90) days of the demolition loan approval. The building official may allow exceptions to these deadlines at their discretion. H. The owner will be responsible for monitoring the demolition work, although City inspections will occur as required by the permits issued and to verify completion of the work. I. Upon completion of the demolition, the owner shall submit copies of all bills associated with the demolition for processing of payment to the owner. Checks are made payable to the contractor and the property owner in lieu of a lien waiver. VII. ELIGIBLE COSTS Costs eligible for reimbursement to the owner under this program shall be the actual and reasonable cost of: A. Demolition permit B. Disconnecting utilities C. Removal and proper disposal of hazardous waste D. Removal and proper disposal of above and below grade structures and trees that may interfere with redevelopment of the property. VIII. SELF HELP It shall be the policy of the OHTF Committee that in situations where an owner wishes to do his/her own work on a demolition project that the allowable demolition cost shall be defined as those actual and reasonable costs incurred (e.g. cost of permits and rental of machinery and/or tools for actual and reasonable time to complete the task they are rented for) are the allowable cost. The OHTF will not reimburse the owner or owner’s employees for time/wages expended on the project. Revision January 1, 2016 OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk/Finance Item Title: Discussion of demolition loan for 714 North C Street. Explanation: Gregory Meyer was approved by the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund Committee for a demolition loan on July 18, 2013. The demolition and payment of demolition loan of $4,000 was completed in October 2013. The demolition program plan states a structure of equal or greater assessed value to the building demolished must be built on the property within two years of dispersal of the grant funds. Mr. Meyer removed the house at 714 North C Street and combined the lots for 714 North C Street and 718 North C Street (Mr. Meyer’s primary residence). The demolition application stated an addition (laundry room and garage) to the house located at 718 North C Street would be the structure replacing the building on 714 North C Street, and this plan was approved by the Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund Committee. Per the Mahaska County Assessor, Lindsey Thomas, the addition to the home at 718 North C Street was only partially complete for the 2015 assessment. Assessments do not recalculate until January 1, 2016, and the final value will be released on April 1, 2016. The value change between 2014 and 2015 was $2,790.00; Mr. Meyer must complete improvements exceeding $6,770 to be in compliance with the demolition program plan. The last city inspection for this property was July 2014 for the footings of the addition. The property located at 714 North C Street was combined with 718 North C Street for the 2014 assessments. Budget Consideration: If the addition to the property meets the demolition plan guidelines, a $7.00 release fee will need to be collected to release the lien on the property. If the addition to the property does not meet the demolition plan guidelines, the full amount of the loan plus interest would be amortized over a 12-month period. Attachments: GIS for 714 North C Street Mahaska County, IA Summary Parcel ID Office Map Property Address 1013252011 916 718 North C Oskaloosa Sec/Twp/Rng 13-75-16 Brief Legal Description LOT 1 & N 5' LOT 2 B LK 3 DONAHEYS ADD & S 7.25' LOT 1 WESTER VELTS ADD (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Document(s) CON: 2007-3267 (8/30/2007) REC: 2012-4091 (12/11/2012) REC: 2013-1241 (4/15/2013) REC: 273-454 REC: 285-19 Gross Acres 0.00 Exempt Acres N/A Net Acres 0.00 CSR N/A Class R - Residential (Note: This is for tax purposes only. Not to be used for zoning.) Tax District OSKALOOSA School District OSKALOOSA SCH If this property is being split, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 641-673-5805 for property information. Owner Primary Owner (Deed Holder) Meyer, Gregory A/Wendy L 718 N C St Osklaoosa, IA 52577-2125 Secondary Owner Mailing Address Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lot: 74.25 x 120.00 Lot Area 0.21 Acres; 8,910 SF Residential Dwellings Residential Dwelling Occupancy Style Architectural Style Year Built Condition Grade what's this? Brick or Stone Veneer Total Gross Living Area Attic Type Basement Area Type Basement Area Single-Family / Owner Occupied 1 1/2 Story Frame N/A 1910 Normal N/A 1,314 SF None; Full 760 Basement Finished Area Plumbing Fireplaces Porches Decks Additions Garages 1 Full Bath; 1S Frame Open (66 SF); Wood Deck-Med (192 SF); 1 Story Frame (228 SF) (228 Bsmt SF); 1 Story Frame (182 SF); Sales Multi Parcel Date Seller Buyer Recording NUTC Type 4/15/2013 VELDHUIZEN, LEROY/FRANCES E MEYER, GREGORY A/WENDY L 20131241 Fullfillment of prior year contract Warranty Deed 8/30/2007 VELDHUIZEN, LEROY/FRANCES E MEYER, GREGORY A/WENDY L 20073267 6/10/2001 DIETRICH, DOUGLAS N/RANAE MEYER, GREGORY A/WENDY L 8/29/1997 VELDHUIZEN, LEROY/FRANCES E 10/30/1995 Amount Y $0.00 Normal ArmsContract Length Transaction Y $16,000.00 285-19 Normal ArmsWarranty Length Transaction Deed $18,000.00 VELDHUIZEN, LEROY/FRANCES E 273-454 Quit Claim Deed Warranty Deed Y $0.00 267-155 Normal ArmsWarranty Length Transaction Deed $22,000.00 + Valuation 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential + Land $12,990 $12,990 $6,130 $6,130 $5,880 + Building $45,060 $42,270 $42,270 $42,270 $41,140 = Total Assessed Value $58,050 $55,260 $48,400 $48,400 $47,020 Classification VALUES ARE NOT CERTIFIED UNTIL APRIL 1ST AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD OF REVIEW Taxation 2014 Pay 2015-2016 2013 Pay 2014-2015 2012 Pay 2013-2014 $7,240 $3,335 $3,238 + Taxable Building Value $23,559 $22,995 $22,326 + Taxable Dwelling Value $0 $0 $0 $30,799 $26,330 $25,564 Military Exemption $0 $0 $0 = Net Taxable Value $30,799 $26,330 $25,564 x Levy Rate (per $1000 of value) 36.84406 35.90845 37.25362 = Gross Taxes Due $1,134.76 $945.47 $952.35 + Taxable Land Value = Gross Taxable Value - - Ag Land Credit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - Disabled and Senior Citizens Credit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - Family Farm Credit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - Homestead Credit ($178.69) ($174.16) ($180.68) - Business Property Credit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - Prepaid Tax $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $956.00 $1,000.00 $772.00 Date Paid Receipt = Net Taxes Due Pay Property Taxes Click here to pay property taxes for this parcel. Tax History Year Due Date Amount Paid 2014 March 2016 September 2015 $478 $478 No No 2013 March 2015 September 2014 $114 $114 Yes Yes 6/15/2015 2/12/2015 14698 2013 March 2015 September 2014 $386 $386 Yes Yes 6/15/2015 2/12/2015 14697 2012 March 2014 September 2013 $386 $386 Yes Yes 6/16/2014 12/13/2013 14687 14722 Tax Sale Certificate Date Certificate 6/15/2015 2015-15095 6/15/2015 2015-15096 *** ACTIVE TAX SALE CERTIFICATE *** Iowa Land Records CON: 2007-3267 (8/30/2007) REC: 2013-1241 (4/15/2013) REC: 2012-4091 (12/11/2012) REC: 273-454 () REC: 285-19 () Data for Mahaska County between Beacon and Iowa Land Records is available on the Iowa Land Records site beginning in 2003. For records prior to 2003, contact the County Recorder or Customer Support at Photos Sketches Real Estate Changes Click here for the Assessor's form to report real estate changes. No data available for the following modules: Commercial Buildings, Agricultural Buildings, Yard Extras. The information in this web site represents current data from a working file which is updated continuously. Information is believed reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No warranty, express or implied, is provided for the data herein, or its use. Special assessments not shown. When using this information for payment purposes or for closing information please contact the Treasurer's office at (641)673-5482. Last Data Upload: 10/28/2015 8:29:20 PM Developed by The Schneider Corporation OHTF Communication Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Requested By: City Clerk Item Title: MISCELLANEOUS Explanation: A. Approval of claims 1. List of claims for September 2015 2. List of claims for October 2015 B. Accounting and Activity Reports 1. Accounting Report – Housing Dept. August 2. Accounting Report – Housing Dept. September 3. OHTF Activity September 2015 4. OHTF Activity October 2015 Budget Consideration: Not applicable. Attachments: List of claims for September 2015 List of claims for October 2015 Accounting Report – Housing Dept. August Accounting Report – Housing Dept. September OHTF Activity September 2015 OHTF Activity October 2015