2005-07-06 Wed
2005-07-06 Wed
"|r i f g a y l o r d 75' HERALD Wednesday, July 6, 2005 Drummond update Youth's condition improves Caylord, Mich. A vi0w froi M e » • • * • • * • * * • * * • » * * • 3 - D I G I T 488 *l31 BVI?4877 / / CLftRKE HISTORICAL LIBRARY PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PARK CMU MT PLh'ASANT MI 48859 'And the rockets'red glare i ^ c a i l c v v i 3 1 u i i Weekend ORV crash kills teen GAYLORD — "She's off the respirator, she's out of the coma, she pointed her finger for a drink of water," an excited Kevin Drummond shared Tuesday, 10 minutes after learning from his wife that daughter Rachel's condition had improved markedly. Seven teenyear-old Rachel Drummond had been listed in critical condition in the Intensive Rachel Drummond Care Unit of St. Mary's Medical Center in Saginaw since being airlifted there on June 22, when she was injured in a car accident. The crash claimed the life of her friend, 17-year-old Amanda Morsches, and injured another friend. Cherie Traub was treated and MONTMORENCY COUNTY — A 16-year-old Macomb teen was killed Saturday when the off-road vehicle (ORV) he was riding near Lewiston collided head-on with a second ORV The name of the victim is being withheld by the Montmorency County Sheriff's Dept., which continues to investigate the cause of the crash. A Saturday news release from Montmorency County Sheriff Ron Karr reported the Albert Township fatality occurred around 4:20 p.m. on the Red Oak Snowmobile Trail just off of Old 612, southwest of Lewiston. According to Karr, the victim was riding a dirt bike which crashed into a four-wheel ORV driven by a 28-year- i See Macomb, p. A6 The fatality occurred around 4:20 p.m. Saturday on the Red Oak Snowmobile Trail just off Old 612 southwest of Lewiston See Qaylord, p. A6 Bette Crook remembered as community leader TAPESTRY helping teenage moms, youngsters By Nicole L a s k o w s k i Staff Writer OTSEGO C O U N T Y — Jennifer Gadbury arrives at the Gaylord Alternative Program's (GAP's) daycare on a late Wednesday morning in May. Sitting in a circle of chairs waiting for her arrival are Cindy Lysiak, a part-time daycare worker, and Gadbury's kids — a group of four teenage m o m s who have been attending her parenting class. "Always assume dogs are going to bite," Gadbury said as one example on a Gadbury list of what to watch out for. "Little ones don't know better." The parenting class is one strand that makes up Together Agencies Parents and Elementary Schools Teaching Readiness to Youngsters (TAPESTRY) through the Cheboygan O t s e ^ Presque Isle Educational Services District (COP-ESD). TAPESTRY began the summer of 2001 with a Dept. of Education grant called All Students Achieve S— Young, p. A6 By M a r y J e r g e n s o n Staff Writer OTSEGO LAKE TWP — Bette Crook, Otsego County's first woman commissioner, died quietly in her home, Friday, July 1, with friends and family by her side. Crook will be missed by those who knew her to be a woman who loved life and people, and especially Otsego County. Otsego County Commissioner Erma Backenstose noted Crook's many accomplishments. "As the only woman commissioner, and with me as the treasurer, Bette and I had like interests. We were friends." Backenstose recalled many in the county who looked to Crook for leadership. "Bette spearheaded the Zonta program (an international women's service club) here in Otsego County." Crook, who was originally ftx)m Highland Park, spent summers on Otsego Lake from the time she was 12 years old. She moved to her Arbutus Beach home following the death of her husband, Dr. Charles Crook in 1972. A licensed pilot. Crook achieved the rank of captain in the Civil Air Patrol. She was a member of the international organization of women pilots, The Ninety Nines Inc. In the 1950s, she flew with the Red Devil Squadron of the Michigan Air National Guard in F-89s and a T-33 jet trainer, Having attended Michigan State University for journalism. Crook 'The bombs bursting in air' Rreworks Illuminate the night sky over Otsego Lake Saturday. More photos Otsego Lake Boat Parade B5 Joburg A8 Lewiston B7 S— 'She, p. AO Bette Crook 'She (Bette Crook) was a wonderful person who never talked about her own accomplishments. When she did something special, I would read about it in the paper before I heard about it from her.' Betty Cross, longtime friend CHECK OUT ^ I n s l d * JIM WERNIG CHEVROLET USED CAR O U T L E T Auto Bitsineis ..09 B9 CAR rRUCK #4 SUV I I S T I N G S O N THE AUTOMOTIVF PAC.I I N I H f CLASSIFIED SECTION CMMl OMO omtinatcb.., EdtorWs fimly t o d a v . In Our laotti Y»mr VW. 130. No. 9 34p*«,4S«lk>n. a ) M ; q SpQm - Bl-3 AJ M N G M WMB-IIII M M 9^ OlMOO AM., M-32 W t t k s t W M t of I-7S i m O M I M CAVUMID S A V l - A - l O T yaob-xm • 732-51s1 9 M - 7 I 2 - f l i r • Caylord, Ml M 0806"0010r 1 A-2 • Wednesday, July 6, 2006 gunrtord h m w tknm 50 seek to fill Emerson's band post at GCS GAYLORD — Gay lord band director Mike Emerson decided it was time to tempt fate. "I applied for a huge job on a lark," said Emerson. " I did not want to leave the (Gaylord) area, but the opportunity for something as major at a high school doesn't come along very often " In April, Emerson applied for the director of bands position at Holt Public Schools located just south of Lansing, where it is rumored that he was among 100 applicants including established band directors. Emerson, who is currently working on his Master of Music degree at the University of Michigan, will be in charge of four bands at Holt, including a 220-member marching band and an 85-member freshman band. ''It is difficult to say goodbye to such a wonderful situation,** said Emerson who. just completed his third year of teaching at Gaylord. "Sometimes opportunity knocks too loudly to ignore." Gaylord Community Schools (GCS) posted the band director job opening. Applications were due June 24. "Mike set the standard," said GCS Supt. Carl Hilling. "He was enthusiastic and wellrespected by parents and students." According to Melissa Reinelt, Human Resources secretary of the GCS administrative office, about 40 to 50 people have applied for the position. GCS is currently holding interviews. "We certainly hope to fill the band director position before (August) band camp," said Hilling. The GCS district Web site with job listings is www.gaylordschools.com. The closing date for all open positions has passed J P H E A T I N G OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN, L L C L d u i e ^ CXXXWG+tAnNG 24 Hour Service 732-7571 Improving Home Improvement' 1830 DIckerson Rd. • Gaylord Petoskey News-Review Available In Gaylord At NELSON'S DRUG STORE 1 5 / 3 2 " X 4 ' X 8' 3 P l y S h e a t N n g P t y w o o d •Use for roofs, walls, subfloors when used under urKjerlayment •Construction grade panete #12192 1 3 8 W. M a i n 'A view from 10% O f f * HERALD TIMES Owens C o r n i n g 30-year shingle bundles. YOURCHOICE $335 l l ] 2 l « 30-Year O a k r t d g e L a m i n a t e S h i n g l e ^ ^ •Tq^gh, laminated con9truQtion •Enhance o j r b appeal •UL Class-A Are and wind resistance rating 2 " X4 'X6 'I V e a t e d S Y P 446805 the 45th parallel' ' 6 - P a n e f S t i e e l E n t r y D o o r U r * •Ready for lockset and deadbolt •Primed af)d ready to paint •Ready-to-install door with frame •Lockset sold separately ExctudM modata wtth 9-Wie' jamb* 2 4 * , 2 8 ^ , 3 0 * . 3 2 * . 3 6 " e - P a n e l M o l d e d I n t e r i o rD o o r S t a b •1-3/8" thick molded construction •Primed and ready to paint #10973. 10974. 10975, 10976, 10977 Established 1875 Published by Otsego County Herald Times, Inc. (USPS 413-520) The Oaylord H e r ^ pi^ist^ semi-weekfy on Wedne^y ar>^ Saturday, Periodicals P o i l i s ^ p M - a t ^ Gaytord, Michigan Post Office under the Act of Congress March 3.1679 by Otsego County Herald Times, Inc. Send address chartges to Gaylord Herald Times, PO Bo* 598. Gaytord, Ml 49734. Publisher James L Grisso AsMtartt to the PubHther Marrlyn Kaczanowski EdKor Chhs Grosser Newt EdHor Peter Comings Sports EdKor Jeremy Speer Dealgn EJtor Prank Michels Compoaltkjn KAaneger Colette Hogan Director of Sales A Merketfog: Jim Driver Featm PuUicatiorts E(fitor Lisa Uwrason Delivery System Itenager Beth Anderson special values 5 days only! July 7-11 ADVERTISINQ &U£S.Karen Gregor, Kim Baiiard. Matt Smith, Kathleen Murray Business Gina Oef orge, \W(y Plummer, bnda Lyons, Kristi Kaczanowski COMPOSmON: Asst CorrtpoeMon IManeger Todd Pfaff Artists: Pam Danieis. Matt Ghwa. Darren Hardy, Sue Sides, Erica Wescoat eOfTORIAL Writers; Mtchael Jones. Mary Jergenson. Nicole Laskowski Support Dawn King, A/ine WickNn ChW Photographer BiH Serveny per linear ft 9 / 1 6 ' D X 3 - 1 / 4 - W B a s e M o u k K n g C o n t r a c t o r P a c k #208770 YOURCHOICE 87<= 2" X 2* X 3 6 ' severe Weatt>e< #07470 2" X 2" X 42" Sevwv W e M t e r BakMlar Souara or MHered •07950. 07951 S / B " X6 ' X6 ' O o o - E a r W o o d F a n c a B o a r d •PressuTB treated #202922 4 " X1 0 0 ' S o H d C o r r u g a t a d P l p a •For outdoor drair^age #24137 4" X 100* Slotted Comioaled F #24139 2068 S. Otaego Ave. per linear ft. 1 1 / 1 6 - D x 2 - 1 / 4 - W C a s i n g C o n t r a c t o r P a c k #204065 Double 4 ' WMte Vinyl Skiing #06032. 56639 Francis Chandonan OFFICE: Houre; 8 ajn. to 5 pjn. Monday through Friday O o u b i a 5 " W h t t a V i n y l S k U n g •Lifetime limited factory warranty •Won't decay, chip, peel or flake #6622, 44963 S29.9e DeUVERY SYSTEM: GIFT CARD spend $190 • 9et • StOOmCerd Spend 909 * smomcerct a Sm •tO'*tora»wii 3-Pack Q F C I •While only #142719 FREE KKpack wApurchaee o f Q F a a - p a o k «162 *397 3.»» $219 SO lbs R(JY O N E G F T O N E FREE C o n c r a t a #10385 30-pack omyKtuomnx I M t x F R E E Lo«v-C E n a r g y S a v t n g a (Maaa U p g r a d a on a i TbarmaSlv by PeMa SOS raplacamant vinyl wirxtowa. See atom for detaHa. Non-MaUMe t i ^ Mua Qang Z i p Box #130063 Abaopura W M a r Souroa Orta •Bonus pack with 4 extra bottlea #204501 24' I Extanalon L a d d a r •300 lb. toad capacity #96175 M o n d a y - l a t w r d w y 7 a . i n . *o 9 «mua w w i * jh* ««• ui t * » m wamab m av >uwdoy S c u n . to 6 p.in. ameamm plow. * fm m • i m r w e w e * w w ellw * w e w el* w mmsmaddkws. www.g^'fercffwniatimes. com Tenrn of SubecrtpVon In Otsego. Crawford, Montmorency. Charlevoix. Antrim. Cheboygan and Oscoda countiaa: 1 year $48/6 months $28. Local Samor CIttMra: 1 year $48/8 moniha $27. Outalda thaaa cotfiliaa: 1 year $88.50/8 months $37.75. Non-tocal Senior CMzana: 1 yaar $84.50/8 months $36.75. ($10.00 CanceNatton Feel vmver el 314 awedi mwe ims. mohjdkq • WMMT of 7 neMenal preea eaeide for 8004 k l t o r «am08>i0m| 600 Ed«lw*iss Villag* Parkway Oaylord, Ml 49735 • (989) 705-3920 »r a m im twy P.O. Bex 908, QeylortI, Ml 40734 Telephone: (MO) 732-1111 ToM free 1877) 819-8170 Pax (080) 733-3400 e-mei/address: ptaAgaytordh9nkibfTm.com e m ftewe* • • ««aie\w-1888, iiifciih • w w a e l Qaytord H e r a l d T h n M Wednssday, July 6, 2006 • A-3 Otsego County EMS, and Michigan State Police troopers responded Friday t o this oneveKiicie rollover, around 8:30 a.m., on northbound 1-75, just south of the 287 exit. HT • Michael Jones MICHIGAN STATE POLICE troopers responded to this single-vehicle crash Thursday afternoon on Wilkinson Road. There were no reported injuries, although the driver did run over a power supply box. KT • Dawn Kir»g were transported to Otsego Memorial Hospital by the Otsego County EMS/Rescue and treated and released. First responders from the Vanderbilt/Corwith Township Fire and Rescue Dept. assisted at the scene. Police Blotter Michigan State Police High winds cause rollover crash on 1-75 • Todd Coy, 40, Howell, was northbound on 1-75, one mile north of Winters Road in Corwith Township, Thursday, around 2:50 p.m. when he reportedly lost control of the 2003 GMC Yukon he was driving. High winds reportedly had caught the Starcraft travel trailer Coy was pulling, causing his vehicle to drive off the west side of the roadway and overturn. Moderate damage was reported to Coy's vehicle and trailer. Coy and two passengers, Jillian Coy, 11, and Jordyn Coy, 14, of Howell, reportedly were not injured in the crash. Four of Coy's passengers, Deborah Coy, 41, Aaron Coy, 17, Nicole Hordos, 16, and Nolan Coy, 7. ail of Howall, in Bagiey Township, Thursday, around 11 p.m. when she reportedly struck a trailer parked on the shoulder of the roadway with the 1999 Dodge Durango she was driving. Minor damage was reported to Jacob's vehicle and to the trailer. Jacobs reportedly 2-vehicle crash on 1-75 was not injured. • Shannon Lehr, 33, of Clio, was stopping for traffic on Gaylord City Police northbound 1-75, just north of Winters Road in Corwith Town- Driver hits utility pole ship, Thursday, around 6:35 on West Mitchell p.m. due to a prior accident, • Heather McBride, 22, of when the rear end of the 2002 Gaylord, was driving a 1999 Ford pickup she was driving Volkswagen eastbound on was reportedly struck by the West Mitchell Street at North front end of a 2002 Cadillac, Court Avenue, Saturday, driven by Cynthia Knight, 44, around 9:30 a.m. when she of Boyne Falls. reportedly blacked out and Knight reportedly did not struck a utility pole on the see the traffic stopping and south side of the roadway. struck Lehr's vehicle. McBride was transported to Minor damage was report- Otsego Memorial Hospital by ed to Knight's vehicle and no the Otsego County EMS/Resdamage was reported to Lehr's cue and treated and released. vehicle. Neither driver report- Moderate damage was reportedly was injured. ed to McBride's vehicle. Driver hits trailer in Bagiey Townsliip 2-vehicle crash on East Main Street • Collette Jacobs, 46, of • Jason Thompson. 19, of Gaylord, was southbound on Atlanta, was driving a 1992 West Dixon Lake "floatlf one- Isuzu eastbound at East Main half miie soutti of M i ^ o y Road Street afvi SQuth Center Avenue, Friday, around 6:40 a.m. when he reportedly struck the driver's side of a 1998 Freight Liner truck driven by Randal Vanduyn, 40, of Pellston. Thompson reportedly stated he thought the traffic light was green and began to drive through the intersection and struck Vanduyn's vehicle which was northbound on South Center Avenue. Minor damage was reported to tx)th vehicles. Neither driver reportedly was injured. was injured. Damage to trailer reported • Nathan Byard, 20, of Central Lake, was pulling a small trailer with a 1989 Dodge stopped for traffic in the westbound lane of West Main Street, just east of Murner Road. Friday, around 2:15 p.m. when the trailer reportedly was struck from behind by a 2004 Hyundai driven by Sally Stefanko, 32, of Gaylord. Moderate damage was reported to Stefanko's vehicle, Driver hits open door minor damage to Byard's trailer. on West Main Street • Robert Hamlet, 64, of Neither driver reportedly Rapid City, S.D.. was driving a was injured. 2004 Ford pickup eastbound on West Main Street, just east Otsego County of Court Avenue, Saturday, Sheriff's Dept. around 3:40 p.m. when the travel trailer he was pulling Driver cited for leaving reportedly struck the open scene of crash door of a parked 2003 Subaru • Deputies responded to a driven by Donna Johnson. 53, single-vehicle rollover crash of Gaylord. June 25, around 1:15 a.m. on Johnson's vehicle, which Cherwinski Road, one-quarter was parked on the south side mile south of Sturgeon Valley of West Main Street reportedly Road in Corwith Township. sustained moderate damage. A 1990 GMC pickup reportHamlet's vehicle and trailer edly was found submerged In reported weje not damaged. water resting on its roof on the Neither driver reportedly west side ,of the roadway with extensive damage to the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle. Gerald O'Rourke, 39. of Gaylord, had reportedly left the scene of the crash before deputies arrived at the scene. O'Rourke was later located and was cited for leaving the scene of an accident. O'Rourke reportedly was not injured. Crash reported in Corwith Township • William Schwandt, 31. of Atlantic Mine, was northbound on Old 27. just south of Alexander Road In Corwith Township. Monday, around 2:40 p.m. when the 1989 Dodge he was driving reportedly crossed the centeriine of the roadway. The driver's side of a southbound 1999 Chevrolet pickup , driven by Pamela Gerenler, 49, of Oakley, reportedly was struck by Schwandt's vehicle, causing minor damage to both vehicles. Neither driver reportedly was injured. — Compiled tuy fVlichael ylones CAR WASH For Carter's lee to the 1" SO shoppers Parking Lot Flea Market 3 d a y sale Saturday, July 23 AND Sunday, July 24 Value Choice 8th, gthf &iath 40 Spaces Available • First Come/First Serve Sign-up In Store To Reserve Your Space Ice Cream % 1/2 Gallon CARTER'S FOOD CENTER 2 ran 3 ; - - Rodsserie Chicken 1 Dozen Count Medium Eggs ^ • Touch FREE Cleaning Spot FREE Rinse • Attenilants on Duty Daily OPEN 24 HRS. 951 S. Otsego • Cavlord 399 W. McCoy Road 989-7s2-56ia 705-7330 We Haul Av\/ay Unwanted Vehicles... SOMETIMES FOR CMfleberry Hot Dog Sauce Country Baker Brand 5 oz. Mini Pies KAM'S TOWING From Our B a k e r y ^ 39t- lOmYO Our Family 1 lb. Stokely's 24 oz. Jumbo Hot Dogs Squeeze Ketcliui c 691 Plockman's 24 oz. Bonus Pack , CXr FamHy "nroplcal Fruit Salad Mustard bgt. HEARING CENTERS /^<ivising ifou in 90unJ decisions. 88 ice Cream Cones th^lgwmb^nmjtjqua^^ one free: CARTER'S FOOD CENTER 931 S. Otsego • Gaylord 989-732-36ia Come Hear. Audigare Now. W i Audicare Hearing Centers want to improve the quality of your life through better hearing. Call us today. 1-800-977-HEAR (4327) ((>20 I S \'()i tli I i.iw rsi- ( i(\ I iS M •f)6 ( h.ii l(.'\()i\ 6() i W. Main Stiwi (i.u lonl HeraIi^imes A-4 • Wednesday, July 6, 2005 Editor: Chris Grosser chrisOgaylordheraldtimos. com Q f l N I O N Makingj the ^est OUR VIEW Toasting traffic M aybe the Gaylord Regional Airport should consider basing a helicopter to be used for daily traffic updates. Dislike your traffic jam? Make some toast. Nothing new, traffic backed up Tuesday on eastbound M-32 fi-om 1-75 almost to Kohl's. Set your calendar by it. When the traffic backs up to Mumer Road, it's a Sunday during the winter. When the traffic reaches the Gaylord Cinema, it must be Sunday in the summer. But a Tuesday? "This is the fiirthest 1 've seen it," admitted Otsego County Road Commission Manager Mike Roper. "Would the (proposed S20-million) crossover help with this traffic?" It couldn't hurt. A note to local drivers. If you're headed into town fi-om the west in the near fiiture, expect work Lip'Rayes Tower Roatf- — I beginning t o ^ y . And^as^ soon as Gaylord finishes work on Dickerson, South Townline will come under construction. There is no denying: We depend on high traffic volumes in Otsego County. We're stuck with that. The Gaylord Herald Times editorial board is made up of publisher Jim Grisso, editor Chris Grosser, news editor Peter Comings, sports editor Jeremy Speer, design editor Frank Michels, staff writers Michael Jones, Mary Jergenson and Nicole Laskowski, and editorial assistant, Dawn King. R e a c h i n g Us "A_yiewfrom the 45th j>araU€l' Earning respect R espect is a word with a lot of meaning. Recently, this word has taken on a whole new meaning in my life. Through 22 years of living in a world that can be the biggest roller-coaster, I may have finally found the difference that this word can make. 1 am still learning a lot. Dawn One example that is often overlooked in regards to respect is the food industry. Since 14,1 have worked at KFC, Marsh Ridge, and I am still employed with La Senorita's. Through these jobs I have reached different stages of respect. Rationalizing with hungry people isn't exactly the easiest. I worked Thursday night at La Senorita's. I'd had a couple weeks off from waiting tables, and Til admit that I wasn't ready for the summer rush quite yet. Usually, I don't have a problem with dealing with people, but there is always that one table deciding that they are more important than everyone else. I've heard that everyone should experience woridng in the food industry. It is defmitely not the easiest job, and truly deserves respect from others who are not familiar with that type of woric. Respecting someone is probably one of the ^ s t gestures in the world. Knowing that you made someone feel good and showing that you care is often misunderstood, but could easily make a difference. A friend of mind called me last night and had found two German shepherds tied to a post outside the animal shelter. My first thought was how could someone be that inhumane. I personally have no respect for the certain type of person who would do such a thing. Other relationships partial to expressions of respect involve parents, relatives, siblings, friends, and significant others — all taking on an assortment of meanings. Most importantly, encouraging respect from others can only come from you. Its meaning lies within how hard you work for others. Take the chance to do something and you wouldnH take that for granted. Respect can come from opening a car door for someone; shaking shoes off before getting in a super clean vehicle; saying a quick "hi," "please" or "thank you"; helping someone out that normally you wouldn't have; putting on a turn signal while driving; giving someone a compliment; being on time; calling if your late or even just leaving a message on an answering machine. All of these things are often overlooked and for some hard to do. I certainly haven't mastered all of the areas of respect; but certainly would like to try. — Dawn King is the Herald Times editorial assistant. You may e-mail her at dawnk@gaylordheraldtimes.com or write PO Box 598. Gavlord. MI 497S4. Guest Column Keep tax-dodgers' hands out E very year in America, more than $300 billion in taxes owed by businesses, organizations, and individuals goes unpaid. This "tax gap" between what is owed and what is paid must be made up by honest taxpayers and by borrowing money from foreign countries. Simply collecting what is owed, without raising a single tax, would Sen. Carl wipe out nearly Levin three-quarters of the Vetfemi Inidget " deficit, projected at $427 billion this year. As a matter of basic fairness to honest Americans, we need to close this gapFor more than a year, the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, on which I am the senior Democrat, has been focusing on efforts to collect unpaid taxes from businesses that receive federal contracts. In essence, these goverrmient contractors take taxpayer dollars and then fail to pay their own tax obligations. Dodging taxes is never acceptable, but doing it while at the same time taking advantage of government contracts paid for by hardworking taxpayers is particularly galling. The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress' watchdog, has been investigating this issue. GAO found tens of thousands of contractors owing billions of dollars in unpaid taxes, including 27,000 contractors at the Defense Department alone that owe a total of $3 billion. To better understand the problem, GAO took a closer look at 97 DOD and civilian contractors and found egregious examples of companies dodging taxes for years. The abusers included executives withholding money from employee wages for Social Security and Medicare taxes and then spending the money on luxuries for themselves such as expensive homes, cars, or vacations. Despite those abuses, the contractors kept getting contracts and the taxpayer dollars that went along with those contracts. For example, last year,- one^con^ tractor owing $I million in unpaid taxes ' was paid $1.5 million by the-Departmerrt of Homeland Security and other federal agencies. Another contractor owing $900,000 had a 20-year history of opening a business, failing to remit payroll taxes to the IRS, closing the business, and then repeating the cycle. This tax dodging is not only unfair to the honest taxpayers left to make up the difference, but also to the honest companies that have to compete against the tax dodgers that aren't paying their fair share. It's simply mind-boggling that it is allowed to continue. One solution is to stop allowing all those taxpayer dollars to be paid to deadbeat contractors. Instead, a portion of each contract payment should be withheld and used to pay down the contractor's tax debt. Congress set up a system to do just that in 1997 when the Taxpayer Relief Act created a federal tax levy program authorizing federal agen- cies to withhold 15 percent of any federal payment going to a person with unpaid taxes. Last year, that percentage was hiked to 100. For a variety of reasons, however, the tax levy program has collected peanuts — $21 million from all federal contractors last year — when it should be collecting billions. We can do better. Earlier this year, I worked with Republican Sen. Norm Coleman to introduce legislation to fix one of the critical problems in the tax levy program. Our bill would require every contractor to provide its taxpayer identification number when bidding on a gofvemment contract so that the-govemrifteht c ^ identify those bu^^in^tsse& di^t -owclaxes and withhold a portion of their contract payments. We-are also working to require contractors who get paid by credit card to be included in the tax levy program. Right now $10 billion in credit card payments never get screened for tax cheats. Sen. Coleman and I will soon offer a more comprehensive bill to fix a host of other problems that allow tax cheating by federal contractors to persist, including a provision to bar tax cheats from getting government contracts to begin with. Most federal contractors provide our country with valuable goods or services, and do so while paying their taxes. The contractors who take payment in taxpayer dollars, while dodging payment of their fair share, hurt honest taxpayers, honest businesses, and our country as a whole. — Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, is Michigan's senior senator. Share your views with us Write to: Letter to the Editor By mail-. Gaylord Herald Times PO Box 598, Gaytond, Ml 49734 By e-ma'ri editor&gaylordheralcltimes. com By phone: (989) 732-1111 By FAX: (989) 732-3490 Letters to the Editor Please provide name, address and day and evening telephone numbers. Unsigned (or anonymous) letters will not be published. Letters should be 300 words or fewer and are subject to editing for space. They are printed on a space-available basis. W o r d oA t h e S t r e e t ^ by Peter Comings QUESTION: NASA purposefully smashed a probe into a comet on Monday. What scientific value do you see in s m a ^ n g a probe into a comet? Anything that we can learn atMut Don't know how I fMl about It If they are doing Htorthe future lilone. Why «w)uW they want to how the univeree works wm to h ^ divert a conwt from a Ruth Ptorca do It anyway? benefit us In the future. coiUalon with Earth, then if s Gaytord r Smith worth doing. smnburtw Gaylord Gaylord BnmAnnatt Htyta TWp. To learn something to help divert a comet or a meteorite that could be coming toward the earth. Gaylord To learn more. Katim MMon LMngslon TWp. Oaylord Harald TbiMa W M k i M d a y , July 6, 2006 • A-S Elsenheimer's 'Student Safet/ bill approved by state House, Senate LANSING — The Michigan House and Senate last week approved a bill by state Rep. Kevin Elsenheimer, RBellaire, to keep felons and dangerous individuals out of classrooms and day care centers. The House approved the bill June 29 which would "ensure a safe learning experience for our children," stated Elsenheimer, who has previously served on the Bellaire Board of Education. The House and Senate Bill packages require all school employees and regular contract employees to inform their school district and the Michigan Dept. of Education upon being charged with any felony and certain misdemeanors. The bill is part of a 14-bill package which would also prohibit convicted sex offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of a school. Under the new legislation, failure to report a sex crime would constitute a felony punishable by two years in prison District Court 46th Circuit THal Court DIstrfct Division Key; OUIL - Operating under the influence of liquor NSF - Nonsufficient funds BAG - Blood-alcohol content MIP - Minor in possession of alcohol The following cases were heard by Judge Patricia A. Morse; '• a/53/t)S. Adam John MorrffT, 'When criminal charges are filed I against someone in the local school system it can be a bombshell in the community.' Kevin Elsenheimer R - Bellaire and a $2,000 fine. Penalty for a misdemeanor is one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Both may lead to job dismissal. The "Student Safety" package would also call for the immediate revocation of teaching certification for convicted sex offenders and requires background checks on all paid and volunteer day care center workers and selfreporting for all arrests and charges. "When criminal charges are Tiled against someone in the local school system it can be a bombshell in the community," said Elsenheimer. "Acting on the situation as soon as possible will allow them to better protect the students." A state audit last year showed 222 licensed school workers, mostly teachers, with criminal records. The state had not been advised of 178 of them. Five employees had convictions for robbery, assault and criminal sexual conduct. To learn more about this and other proposed legislation visit the State of Michigan Web site at www.michigan. gov. l l i e package includes House Bill 4402, 4928, 4930, 4931,4933, 4934, 4935, 4936, 4037, 4957, 4958, 4991 and Senate Bill 130. 19, Frederic, NSF over $100 — less than $500, fined $200, restitution of $648.68 • 6/29/05, Garry Norman Haney Jr., 21, Gaylord. receive and conceal stolen property $200 to $1,000, fined $935. restitution of $200. 183 days' probation • 6/23/05, Juell Lavern Joseph Jr., 21, Frederic, operating while Intoxicated, 30 days' in jail, restitution of $75 • 6/27/05, Marlene Rae Gasco. 27, Petoskey, operating while Intoxicated, fined $865, 365 days' probation • 6/30/05. Carly Jo Roberts, 20, Gaylord,, , purchase/consuma/possesslon isy,. minor, fined $150 • 6/27/05, Kenneth Dale Johnson, 34. Gaylord. operating while visibly impaired, fined $945 • 6/27/05. Kathleen Marie Athey. 33, Boyne City, operating while intoxicated, fined $1.115 • 6/23/05. Jacob Wesley Warren. 20. Johannesburg, controlled substance possession of marijuana, operating while intoxicate, fined $350 • 6/23/05, Christina Marie Daneluk, 21, Frederic, fined $245, failure to stop after collision, driving while ur>licen8ed/licen3e not valid, 14 days in jal ipr f^il^re to pay LaForest, 19. Gaylord. operate while visibly impaired, fined $765 • 6/30/05. John Claude Twlgg, 42. Grayling, assault/assault and battery, fined $785,183 days' prot)ation • 6/30/05, Katrina Rrta Cryderman, 22, Gaylord. retail fraud third degree, fined $200, 163 days' probation • 6/30/05. Victor Walter BlblHamann, 21, Livonia, controlled substance possession of msirijuana, open alcohol in motor vehicle, fined $700, 183 days' probation ^i^nette Residential, Commercial, Additions, & Remodels Brian Olsen Cell 989-942-0299 Each month, your old air ditioner "steals" energy lars from you. A Bryant tem may cut 30% off energy bills. condolsysyour So your opportunity to get a Bryant system for about $14 a week gets slimmer each day you delay (all while your old system is still robbing you!). What*s that promise? Many companies **talk" energy savings, but won*t guarantee i t Why? Because inatallatioD makes the difference! So we put our expertise at stake. No Decision or Cash Needed Find how much you can save with a Bryant system...free with no obligation at all. Family Heating & Cooling guarantees that if you don't save at least 20% in energy use in the first year over your old central system, youll get a check for the difference! We want to be held responsible. Plus. youMI get our "5-Year Worry-Free Warranty". Many companies make you pay labor to fix your new system! We don't think that^ fair. ^ won*t let vou nav for r c m i n for 5 years QHf (If 2SS2 D * M Drive, Oiylord. M l 4973S Call 732-8099 Batedm avtngt 2-$m ijaitm al S.VUfiir 60 ma with apprmed awdlt. tKe wamym u tnt man! Juit call. t i a m • A ^ HERALiniMES — Information appears as it iff provided by ttie court. Otsego County residents depend on the Herald Times what's not to love? Camera phone Ajciovox COM8910 FuinMlPnc* tlMM Sale Price $-|g99 . Color screen Kyocera ScHo s b fi«tamprtm siae.flb Sale Price 99® Time's running out for y o u r c h a n c e t o win!" txt2win> $1 MILLION HOMEl cxjme and get your love" Text for your char>c« to win $1 million to build your dream home. Click altteltxt2win.conn for details. #Utel Swe«pstakM MKto July 8. wireless Pr*Mm*d by Ty P*nnlngton | hmtw Dwton expert alltel.com 1 -800-alttel9 1 Aaifeaftairf Aeaata I EquionwnT offart at thcM locattont may vary aETTs 23 1 SmM mnsimtn lanwmu fftwlww Sotml (MIIW-BO Cm ^HingftC«>ular IMOtM-TM St* A (2S1)T«-»«7 MHT^S. H<MV 10 Trt.Ca« CaMar I2S1I M7-44« AfaM?Coww>m»taoo«>« Sound! mitM-aao HvtartfHaaaAaftMtw VWaliw rttMm-tm Sowai WlfHaw 12311SN-MI MaM Ac* CofMfHiracatton* (2>1)M»-)101 Ma Mw Namai 4 PlaM m t»23M 1 > w Otf s Na^toaUfta fInM DaM mtt iwt H wwMMi In anm Sm AIMtorMan* A iMil iMM l i aiMm A M • IliplMft tai llMwwf fiM cHanfinc MW CWNRTET tarn m ^ • urtMn M M M accMMft. MM ttmmt mm m I m — CNMIM wtf kivwwwtcott q a v l o r d Mdmonai chwgM appty. Sm tMtowr *9L 20ai S AiraM U ) laiits-in Preei l#eesof of:- Family THE FOLLOWING CASES were heard by Alton T. Davis; • Dennis James Cooper, 47, of Gaylord, was charged with uttering and publishing. He was sentenced to 18 months' probation, 120 days in the Otsego County Jail, with one day credit. His jail time will be served with 10 days forthwith and 110 days' held in abeyance. He must pay $80 restitution, and $780 In state and court costs. • Lena Nadine Feltz, 42. of Millersburg. was charged with police officer assault and operating OUIL/per se. She was sentenced to 18 months' probation. She must not enter into establishments or bars that serve alcoholic beverages unless permission Is granted by field agent. She must participate in drug and alcohol testing via compliance of a field agent. She must not participate In any abusive, threatening or intimidating behavior. She was fined $790. • Dan Duane Wiacek, 37, of Vanderbilt, was charged with police offlcdr assault, possession of a weapon, and malicious destruction of personal property. He was sentenced to 18 months' probation, 6 months in the Otsego County Jail with 87 days' credit. He can participate in work release. His drivers license will be suspended for one year beginning July 3. Restitution is still to be determined by the court. He must pay fines of $835. • John Arthur Priami. 43, of Gaylord, was charged with failure to report an accident. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail with 3 days' credit. start your nights at 7:00 p.m. for Add lines for That's right, just call 7328099 and I'll send a fnendly, professional tech to assess your needs and let you know your savings— for free The call and the survey are free. The sooner you call, the sooner you start saving. That's Family Heating at 732-8099. v 900 Anytime Minutes - $59S Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile Minutes Unlimited Calls HonnesUnlimited Nights & Weekends Get ice cold central air for about $14 a week The best reason to get icecold air now is low payments! We can't continue this offer through summer while others are willing to pay full price. v N a t i o n w i d e Calling" with National Freedom Licensed & I n s u r e d Wouldn^t it be great to have a new, ice-cold air conditioning system in your home? That's good, because this is a perfect time to get it! The following cases were heard by Judge Dennis F. Murphy on June 6; • Kenneth Michael McKenzie, 26. of Gaylord, was charged with operating under the influence/ per se - second offense. He was sentenced to one year probation. 90 days in the Otsego County Jail with two days' credit. He must not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances with testing via compliance. He must also complete outpatient treatment. He will also participate in earned release or work release. He was fined $395. • Cody Michael Waier, 18, of Gaylord, was charged with operating-OUIL/per se. For this charge he was sentenced to 30 days' in the Otsego County Jail with one day credit. He must not drive a motor vehicle, with sanctions imposed on his drivers license. He must pay restitution of $150, and fines of $45. He was also charged with one count of police officer-fleeingfourth degree and police officer-assault. He was sentenced to four months with one day credit; 30 days will be served forthwith with the remainder held In abeyance. He must not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances. He must complete substance abuse treatment with testing via compliance of his field agent. He must not participate in any assaultive, abusive, threatening or similar types of behaviors. He is allowed school release, and must maintain employment of a minimum of 30 hours. Both sentences will run concurrent to each other. He was fined $480. change your plan without changing your contract nSkSSK. Office 989-731-2012 Circuit Court ^ Utm tijwiift tofaaofca.fc ii »a af»lat — CiM-Tovm MMtc « (m)73M471 iMnaO^ SMK Camutcaaof cmiwi-MM Cawwiu ostini-wa 83WMMi attmi-ow Na (wmaef Mil Mwal A Mali IMvanal lanlaa fMri laaa tail «arf fev MMnf EYCIA Ma taMk MB>II m Md>l» Uhmi tpatf to ctta bM men fUm afwlniaai MMaa m aaMalSL frtaiafy MM awat mm M n A aM In vw eaMna ana. CaaMMTi wtralaaa tdi^ai|>»iaii<>kcjaah<ii j|waitwi>aa>at>>a>7»m aiia. a w I dary IM la al|iM M aa aMMiiiai .-^^-^111.1^ rti • • • ! • •^iilin nai-H P tmm • mIIIK 11—.w^VajrtawrrMaalaawiaaawaalaa»iii>>gialil»aiKmm^mmrnrn MMM^SnSaS**' ea« M a»ar">ra<aet • aawtea waita ralarwiaii iiii iliiifca laii t$tH OOmaw i i m i m — JUMljiwi> Ci i Wi 11 »rtaiiiw>Ma— taiiliiM m l - - M T MM •"ft-?-: - r r r r * " A-« • Wadnaaday, Juty 6, 2006 Qaytord HaraM Thnaa jumr t a g l In wake of June 22 collision on IVI-32 Gaylord girl's condition improves Cont'd from p. A1 released for injuries she suffered in the accident on M-32 West, in front of the Home Depot. "We have awesome news " Drummond reported shortly after noon on Tuesday. He was home briefly in Gaylord when his wife, Jackie, called with the news. "Jackie just called 10 minutes ago, crying," he said, noting she was overcome with emotion. Drummond noted some of their other children had been able to visit Rachel, their eldest, over the holiday weekend. "SUNDAY morning she opened her eyes for about three minutes," said Drummond. "Monday, Jackie and 1 went in and she opened her eyes and recognized Jackie." When Drummond said, "Rachel, it's Dad," she squeezed his hand. They knew then things were looking up, he said. Additionally, Rachel's neck brace has been removed. "The neck injuries didn't happen," Drummond said, noting there had been debate for the past week over whether she had suffered a fractured neck. Cards may be sent to Rachel Drummond do St. Mary's Medical Center, 800 S. Washington Ave., Saginaw, MI 48601. BETTE CROOK (I) was presented the Woman Making History Award in 1996 by Maureen Derenzy of ttie American Association of University Women BETTE CROOK was a pilot and attained ttie rank of captain witti ttie Civil Air Patrol. In the 1950s she flew with the Red Devil Squadron of the Michigan Air National Guard. • She i/vas very proud of Cont'd from p. A1 was an accomplished writer/poet whose poetry book, "Shifting Shadows," was published in 1948. In partnership with her husband, they authored the medical installment of the adolescent book series "Famous Firsts." Gaylord resident Betty Cross knew Crook for more than 25 years. "She was a wonderful person who never talked about her own accomplishments. When she did something special, I would read about it in the paper before I heard about it from her." Cross noted Crook "Stood up for what she believed was right." Most of all, Cross saw Crook as a friend she could talk to. "If I had a decision to make I could go to her to talk, with confidence that anything I said would be kept confidential." In her seventies, and at a time when others might have considered retirement, Crook received certification as a court reporter. "She was very proud of her accomplishment," stated daughter Suzanne Whyte. "She never gave up, if it had been up to her she would have been doing court reporting two weeks ago, but her health wouldn't allow it." Whyte said of her mother, "She never wanted to retire. She had a strong will and the determination needed to stay busy doing the things she loved." Former county commis- sioner Bob Harden served with Crook on the board. "She was quite a gal — very thorough in her committee assignments. She was conscientious about looking after the interests of those she represented." Crook served on the Otsego County Board of Commissioners for six consecutive two-year terms, from 1978 to 1990, when she was defeated for the position by Ron Chavey. "Bette was a tremendous lady in the truest sense of the word," stated Chavey as he recalled receiving a call from Crook after the election. "She congratulated me for winning, and asked if there was anything she could do to help." Chavey had the utmost respect for the woman who became a good friend. "She was dedicated to Otsego County, and always gracious about offering comments, and suggestions." Crook was honored in 1996 by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) with the organizations Women Making History Award. Maureen Derenzy was on hand to present Crook with that AAUW award, in part for her inspiration. "She was one of our first," recalled Derenzy, noting Crook's name cropped up when AAUW first started the honor. "She had a remarkable life, piloting, at a time when most women would not have thought of doing those kinds of things." Likewise, Crook ventured into politics when it was unconventional 'She (Betty Crook) was one of our first. She had a remarkable life, piloting, at a time when most women would not have thought of doing those kinds of things' Maureen Derenzy for women to go there. "She was very supportive of library," Derenzy said of then-county commissioner Crook. "I had a great deal of respect for her. What I liked about Bette, she always wanted to be doing something, working, producing; she didn't Young moms benefiting from TAPESTRY Cont'd from p. A1 Program-Parent Involvement in Education (ASAP-PIE) with a local funding match. Three years later, when funding from the state ceased, C O P - E S D continued its support. TAPESTRY coupled with another program known as the Great Families, Great Start program, helps provide services to parents with children between the ages of 0 and 5 before they ever enter into a school setting. As part of her duties. Gadbury travels Otsego County doing home visit after home visit to provide information on brain research, development and growth to families she'* been referred to from the health department or pediatricians or nurses or the Department of Human Services. "There are no economic restrictions." said Gadbury, who Uught kindergarten for 28 y e a n before taking on this job. TAPESTRY coupled with another program known as the Great Families, Great Start program, helps provide services to parents with children between the ages of 0 and 5 before they ever enter into a school setting. And, according to the Web site, www.copesd.kl2.mi.us. a child does not need to have any problem or a developmental delay. By the end of the school year, Gadbury was visiting 84 kids in 64 families in Otsego County on a regular basis. "Sometimes moms just need to talk," said Gadbury, who describes a lot of what she tries to do as preventative by introducing them to new activities to help their children develop, for example, emotional, social, fine ai^d gross motor skills. But, there's something about the teenage moms at the GAP she holds close to her heart. At their last meeting before summer vacation, Gadbury received cards and thank-yous from the young mothers for supporting them and being there for them. "I've found that these girls especially walk a fine line," said Gadbury. "They are looked down upon. They are trying to be good moms, but no one takes them seriously," On that day in May, when Gadbury walked into her circle of kids, the discussion went from being cautious of dogs to personal topics. Because, most of the time, Gadbury is listening. "The first time I went in there, they didn't want to give me the antibiotics," said Jamie when describing her baby's ear infections. "In Florida, 1 took her to a walk-in and they said she was fine. Two days later, I had to take her to a pediatrician." "Exactly," said Casey. "I think they take it for granted that we're young." "No one knows your children like you do," said Gadbury. "Some of you are very wise, and they don't give you enough credit." Gadbury hopes this community of teenage parents, gives these students a place to release and regroup. She hopes her monthly visits keep them going just enough that they will finish high school and graduate, a slow growing trend she's noticed over the years. She hopes it will continue. like to sit still for long." A memorial service was held for Crook on Monday,' July 4. Contributions may be made through the Nelson Funeral Home to the Zonta Club of Gaylord for a Bette Crook Memorial Scholarship, or to Hospice of the Straits. Crash kills Macomb teenager Cont'd from p. A1 old Macomb Township man. The collision took place on a slight curve in the snowmobile trail. The victim was transported by the Albert Township to Otsego Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The rider of the second ORV was transported by the Albert Township EMS to Grayling Mercy Hospital where he was admitted for observation. The Montmafency Coonty Sheriff^ Dept. was assisted at the scene tay conservation oflicers f h m the Michigan D e p t of Natural Resources a i d the Albert Township Fne D e p t Alcohol was not believed to have been a factor in the crash. Qaytorrl H f i d T i m — J u l y 6, 2 0 0 6 • A - 7 Summer Sunset Over Otsego Lake Covering the North with a View from the 45th Parallel I D M Mann glow Ota Olaogo L i t e I t capbvad kilMtpliolDgraiili by S l w r y Maitki olGaytard. >bur photo o o d d bo hara,lDal Sand a photo (brMdaacilpaonol photo autfaoQ. name |]< photogiaphar and h o n i t t u w i i (dty; lownahlp,alc.).lndiide daythna tMaphona numbar. Sand photo* to: Haratd Unioa, P6 Box s e e , Gaytoid, Ml 49734, or 1 JPEG Imago to: fraompaiifenfnraw dmn. cam Thorn who have thair photograph* pubKahed w M recoive a free d a a i l f l a d ad ki the H e n M Time*. T • Q A Y L O R D heralij^rimes 2058 South Otsego, Gaylord, Ml 49735 (989|732-ini • l-e77-«9-«T70 www.gaylordheratdHniM.coin ATTENTION ADVERTISERS Are you looking for a cost-effect^v state/regional level? way to advertise on a Are you looking for a publication geared to both the tourist population as well as the local market? Are you looking to showcase your business in a publication that provides readers wtth quality northern Michigan content rather than 'syndicated columns & filler'? ^ N o r t h e r n Ughts covers what there is t o see and do in the north. From outdoor recreation, a r t s and entertainment, and hunting and fishing to hidden treasures and destinations, N o r t h e r n Lights has well-crafted articles and beautiful photography t h a t is the work of northern Michigan journalists. Distributed on a monthly basis 1 0 t i m e s a year including two seasonal showcase issues. N o r t h e r n Gaylord area weather in review Dato HI Low Pradp July 5 July 4 July 3 ^uly2 70 82 76 58 62 54 49 43 Date July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 .57" .40" .05" 1M> mofith'k preclp (7/S): 1.02" Precipitation to date this y e a r 15.12" Low PmciD Trace 58 64 Trace 62 0" 69 0" 81 85 84 90 Lights ts t h e publication of choice for getting the most out of IhHng in or visiting northern Michigan! Predp. this month last ysan .92" Last year's precip. to this date: 22.12" a H S I A L D TIMES PUBLICATIONS Today's Weather i in. MSOICAL Fri Sat Sun 7/8 7/9 7/10 % 75/51 G R O U P 8 2 9 N . C e n t e r Ave., G a y l o r d in 84/61 85/63 Internal Medicine Referralj: (989) 731-2300 /tv- 78/56 Clouds and sun mixed in the morning, then generally sunny for the afternoon. Sunrise Suneet >9 AM . 9 : 2 8 PM F<W f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o i i a n d A d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s , contsct JliD D H m at 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 . O T S E G O MEMORIAL Local 5-Day Forecast Wed If you anmwered yen to any of the abovm, than you need to advartime in the Northam Ughta. 84/63 Sunny. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 50s. Partly cloudy. Highs in the mki 80s and lows in the low 60s. Scattered thunderstorms. Highs in the mid 60s and (ows in the low 60s. Slight chance of a thunderstorm. Sunrise Sunset 6:00 AM 9:27 PM S u n r i s e Sunset 6:01 AM 9:27 PM Sunrise Sunset 6:01 AM 9:26 PM S u n r i s s Sunset 6:02 AM 9:26 PM vpamily kfsdiara! <. Becky AiUe>-. M . D V l f f t o b e r t P. Mee, D O Sqognda. D O . Steve PukcT. M . D :n Pswlinta, F.N.P. RA,-C MEDICINE Seger, Ph.D. G N P LLTENONE |.ai^ets,dq iMXX i * (^4>cs,*al-& f V i ^ t i i i q g i i n U M.EX; ^fareider. m-d J O H N WEI'SENREIDER, M . D . Board Certified •'^/Sfeveo Viimewski, MJ>. Michigan At A Glance GatCL M J X Sault Ste. Marie 76/50 Mi> Kaufintnn, DLO. Vdbd-Hix. O i a The staff andproviders of OMH Medical Group welcome Internal Medicine's newest member. Dr. John Weisenreider. (989) 731-7870 Enroll Now OMH INTERNAL MEDICINE 829 N. CENTER AVE. SUITE 140, GAYLORD MICHIGAN Gaylord 75/51 Q > ' for Stimmer & Fall <D< Free yourself from back paitty neck pairiy headaches... '*'o T h e U n l v c n t t y Center at Gaylord 989-705-3700 CMmaracUc Cam • Would you like safe, gentle care? • Would you like to resolve your pain without drugs or surgery? • WoukJ you like proven, effective treatment for back pain, neck pain & headaches? Gran Area C I t w s 60 78 76 78 79 80 82 75 76 Ann ArtX)r Bay City Benton Hart>or Big RapWs CNcago. IL 54 54 55 56 50 56 56 62 51 54 matsurmy ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny sunny ptsunny Otadwin Grand Rapkto Houghton Iron Moumain Ironwood Jackson Kalamazoo Lansing Macklf\aw City Manistee 78 78 69 79 75 78 81 79 75 77 51 56 51 51 51 53 60 55 53 51 pt sunny ptsunny surwiy mst eurtny sunny ptsunny ptsunny ptsunny surtny ptsur>ny Menomrtae Michigan City. IN MkAand Muskegon Ponttac Port Huron Saginaw Sauft Sis. M « K 1 Toledo. OH TravaraaCity 81 79 78 76 75 80 76 82 77 55 60 54 58 56 53 55 50 59 51 mst sunny ptsurviy ptsunny ptsunny ckxjdy ptsurmy ptaunrfy sunrfy ptsurwYy mat aunny National Cltlaa 75 79 96 86 Boalon Chteago M M Deiwsr 66 50 77 59 ram ptsunny mitsunny t-etorm uas anqeles miami MinnMpoUs New York 76 91 62 86 60 60 64 70 mat tunny mstiunny pt sunny sunny t-elOTTTI 71 56 66 56 StLouia 69 67 WaaNngton. DC 90 72 San Frandaoo sunny mat sunny rain mataunny pt aunny Nutritionml CouMiMelings • WouM you like to know wfiat vitamins are right for you? • Woukj you like to know what supplements woukl be most effective for your condkion? • Wouid you like to improve your health with a customized eating and lifestyle plan? WellneMS OrlentnL• Woukl you like a doctor who helps you stay healthy in addition to getting you healthy? • Would you like to prevent health conditions common with aging? • Would you like your doctor to offer proven alternatives to traditional health approaches? natngt Thtrfpi • WouM you like the perfect compiin>ent to chin^actic adjukments? • Would you Gke experierKed, certified and doctor-supen/ised massage care? •Would you Bke tt>e choice rtnOHml AtttiUani between relaxation ar>d • Would ytxj like a doctor who taitor therapeutic massage? makes a tiealnient plan spedfically tor your needs * sdiedule? • Would you like ocHiTne appointments? • Would you like accurate infotmalion about your imurance coverage? Dr. Gary Saks FotPtdtr, Saks Weiln Over 29 ^ e s n of caqwrknoc in alkimtlnxjitrdprsctk HeekhCaretaiGerfonL If you answered yes to arty of these questions, you should see us. UV Indax Moon PhasM • • juia a • First Pull Jul <4 Jul 21 Itai 7/B 7/7 V«ryHWi ^ M g h M m rm VoryMgh The UV Index i i m«Mured on • Q - n i 7/10 Wellness Chiropractic & Alternative Health Care (989) 732-7000 • 1447 South Otsego Avenue, Gaylord AooepMng B C B 8 . PPG. P P O M , Madloara and m o d ma|or Inauranoa*. ' - - - - — • A - a • W«dn«»dcy, Juty 6, 2005 Qaytord H*rakl Tlm«« Johannesburg shows its colors Patriotic spirit fires up Gloria Lynne of Atlanta sang the national anthem to open the festhfitles at Johannesburg's annual Fourth of July celebration Monday. Veterans were invited to stand In front of the stage. Colin KoscMniak, 2,of Gaylord was unhappy wtwn he and Ashley Hofstra,^ learned the 11 a.,m. parade was being postponed because of rain. But It got under way at 1 p.in. These youngsters were practicing for the greased pole dlmb, where dollar bills were attached at ttietopof the pole. Clowns Jessica O'Dell (I) and Jenae Brown lead a pack of patriotic bicycles along the parade route at IMonday in Joburg. r Dressed in ttieir patriotic best at Monday's parade were Nk:k BIssonette, 7, mom Clieryl, and sister, Alexis, 2, all of Saginaw. l E d and Shirley Roby v iotumnc s s ' c e t 2005 Parade MarshaU't Parade marshals Ed and Shirley Roby rCELtBRATION " " HANNAH FOSTER, 9, of Gaytord, creates a red handprint on the flag that was part of Monday's celebration. Donning their stars and stripe* OLO-FASHKMED fun prevailed at Monday's Fourth of Juty celebration in Johanneslxjrg wan Shasta — Fhnwnof Eatlportand 10-inonllioM Alnlt k- Photos by Chris Grosser UTTIE ROCK DAY CAK of Johwneaixjrg took I Monday^ Johannatburg Fourth of Juty parade. It hows In * MWIATWIE Statue of Liberty peeks out from this airplane, an entry in the Fourth of Juty parade from Matt Landers. B Qaylord Herald Times 5 f O R T 5 Wednesday, July 6, 2005 Sports Editor: Jeremy Sfjeer jeremy^gaylordhoraldtimes. com Little League heartbreak J-L Majors bow after another narrow defeat .Thereisratsontobe ocitsdwIltVntheGaykxil High School gills basleltnl prognun. Coach IMIP>tar recently heU her (list camp of her tenure at GHS as she tiegins to mold one of the most feared opponents within the Big North Conference. ParKer should have a talented group of players to woit( with. Including freshman M w * JenUna. who was selected to participate IntheAI-Statecamp. 'which Invites the top 250 pbyen In the state. Jenkins, wtvo plays In the Gayloid Pride AAU team, also Is a 4.0 student .Fonner Wolverine High School Softball standout Lyndny Moide is continuingtoplay wen at the coHege level. Playing tor RnlandlaUniveislty In Hancock. Moxle batted 397 with a 524 slugging percentage and 17 fffil this season for the DIvisnn IHUons. For her stnxig season. Moode received Honorable Mention-AH Independent lauiels from the Dfvlskxi III independents Association. "l^ndsey concentiates eodiemely hard when she is hitUng and that Is why she eamed honorable mentkm.' sakl iinlandia coach Joel Canmkr in a piess release. "She worked veiy hard throughout the season on every part of her game." The Uonsllnishedt 1-20 duhng the season _ Former Gaytord High Itamethnwing pitcher ROHUB Skanalt doesnl vioit to see his baseball career cometoan end. Skenatt is training hard and hopes to walk onto the Lansing Community Coiege team In the upcoming season. He had a 3J2 eamed run average wUh 78 strikeouts this year and was named Second Team AMrea by the Herald Times. SUnjUdhu doubles as an umpke during UUe League games and has sennd during the A t ^ tournament in Gaylofd. -TheA^StridetsniiningcUccmpMeda threes nin last Wednesay and J-Ldtetance standout M a SiMl again checl«llnMflRt.clocMng a17msaimmtm and Antar Kaaln 8ed for the wtmwA Mast time, as eadinE0tdK)a2134.The cU> By Robert McLean Sports Assistant LEWISTON — The JohannesburgLewiston 11-and-12-year-old All-Star team faced d6ja vu when it hosted Roscommon Saturday. Ro.scommon hii[. its way to a three run rally in the top of the sixth inning to earn an 8-7 win after trailing much of the game. It was the second time during the tournament that J-L lost after leading a game headed into the final inning. The first collapse came in the opener against Hillman. which J-L lost 7-5. J-L also lost 6-1 to Alpena Thursday, and has now been eliminated from pool play. j f you're hk) checking outan allemali« ipoithgaMrt. come check out SaluttytalaMxanl convaMan,«Mch takes plgc*atnoonattheQaytoniSMe Parte Team Scab,iBaiuitnokxal taanagenDamriMi r w l compete. J-L coach Todd Kortman "It's tough, but I just want to mention one thing," said J-L head coach Todd Kortman. "Eight of our 11 players are only 11-year-olds, so we'll all have big expectations for next year." Infielder Dustin Moore hit a twoRBI double to give J-L a 3-2 lead in the second inning. The hit knocked in Adam Haskill and James Koronka, which led to the 8-7 J-L loss. who both reached on singles. Dylan Newton eamed 11 strikeouts J-L increased its lead to 6-2 before the end of the second inning when in six innings of work on the mound for pitcher Dylan Newton ripped an RBI J-L and added a triple, double and a run single and eventually scored on a hard- scored at the plate. hit ball by Blake Huff. Dustin Moore went 2-for-2 with Spencer Perez smashed a home run three runs, while catcher Gunnar to lead off the fourth inning, sparking a Owens went 2-for-4 with a run. Blake two run rally to bring Roscommon Huff, Sean Aisthorpe, and Adam Haskill each added singles. within one run at 6-5. J-L picked up what was thought to Trent Hoffman led Roscommon, be an insurance run in the bottom of hitting 4-for-4, scoring three times. the inning on a single by Newton. Moore eamed eight strikeouts, and Leading 7-5 into the sixth inning went 2-for-3 at the plate, in the 6-1 loss with two outs, J-L looked like it would to Alpena. end the game, but that was not the case. First baseman Brian VanCoillie hit Shortstop Jordan McGurt hit an 2-for-3 with an RBI triple to score RBI single to start a three run rally. Blake Huff in the second inning, as J-L N. Michigan Speedway Opening a 'Scab' Businessman forms skating team, company By Jeremy Speer Sports Editor W ith a helmet on his head and a skateboard on his feet. Don Minor fearlessly hits a ramp on another muggy Gaylord summer day. Minor doesn't need any extra accessories for him to stand out, yet his bright red T-shirt with the words SCAB emblazoned across it makes him the focal point of onlookers. In a landscape dominated by teenagers, the 35-year-old Minor rides with the carelessness and exuberance of youth. He stops and grabs a couple of riders half his age, who are wearing the same bright red shirts. He pulls them onto a ramp and they pose for a photo. "What are you guys, a team?," a young skater asks from a growing crowd of onlookers. AM a tiHTile trail nrnTprntodayi 'Eight of our 11 players are only 11-year-olds, so we'll all have big expectations for nextyear! MINOR SMILES. "Yes we are," he says. "We're a new team forming right here in Gaylord." What Minor has done for Gaylord youth makes him a hero, albeit if few in the community are aware. When a youngster without immediate financial means breaks a board, it is Minor who Saddison narrowly wins race sometimes provides him with another. "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be skating," admits 18-year-old Dan Wheeler. "1 am just so thankful for the opportunity he's provided me." The aforementioned opportunity has blindsided the local skating community. Minor has formed a competitive skateboard team, created a- skateboard company to support it and convinced city council to allow him to host three tournaments later in the summer. And this was all within the past two weeks. And this on top of Minor's other life, where he has a family and his own business selling truck parts. "There aren't a lot of opportunities beyond this," Minor said. "I want to give these kids a chance to take it to the next level, whether it's in skating or in the business side of things. This thing is spreading like wildfire." tfT-JarwnySpnr AFTER growing The start of somefrustrated with seeing thing special... talented, young kids not Above, Gaylord's having any means of Josh Wheeler attacks progression. Minor had the ramps at the Gayan idea. lonl Skate Park. At He wanted to create right, Josh (1) and a skateboarding compabrother Dan Wheeler ny that sells quality flank Scab Skateboards for a cheap price boards creator and and a team that could owmer Don Minor. both help promote Minor recently themselves and the formed ttie team and company. skateboard company "Young people can and hopes to suconly go before city ceed In ttie wNMid of council so many times," skateboarding and business. Minor, p. B3 i '' £ fi • % i iimni By Mike Mathu Special to the Herald Times ELMIRA — Ray Saddison's slim season point lead gave him the pole position in the 35-lap Gaylord Ford Modified Mid-season Championship race Saturday night at Northern Michigan Speedway. After an accident on the fi-ont stretch knocked Jordan Pruitt from contention on lap two, S i u l d ^ n opened tip a sizable lead as focus shifted to Craig VanTielen. Last week's feature race winner continued his move up from row four and passed Jason Saddison for second on lap 12, then methodically inched closer to the leader. Keith McBee also gained notice by notching third on lap-27. Pressing to get into striking range, VanTielen's mn ended with five laps to go as he spun in tum three. McBee was now the new contender but he would need a few circuits to get by two lapped cars and though he made a final push, Saddison won by a car length. Sporting just a 1-2 record I when mnning ft-om the pole in feature races, Dan Holmes I exorcised his demons in the i 30-lap Gaylord Ford Limited Late Model showcase. Leaping into a comfortable lead, Holmes motored • along without a hint of trouI ble. Jason Hitchings slipped ] in behind Bemie Kilmer for I third on lap three, and the I race was halted only once I when Randy Day slowed on : lap 22. Kilmer tried to keep pace ' with Holmes after the restart, j but it was futile as car 79 fin< ished this mid-season feature j the way he has all others this I year,with the Midas touch, in S— HoImM, p. B3 GAYIORD'S NEWEST SUBDIVISION Meecher^ sunday 1:00-4:00 pm m e c u l o w y It- lit.Ill I fiiilt • I "• 'Mltr liM I i k I i |il.iii I ^tiM <1 II M'titliol ' M (i I o i l Ivft.til \lii(liti II " • Iniii I ' liliii I. Ii.i • iiK I I I * I I I il .mil St.iilinv.H '' l i . i l l i I i p i II l l i i ' i i ' I .11 . i l l . n In il •.'.11 I ' J ' Diane Poilipei - 989-732-4619 wm B - 2 • Wednesday, July 6, 2006 Qaylord H e r a l d T i m a s Lawnichak, Proctor, Newell make All-Ski Valley baseball SENIOR CODY LAWNICHAK (right) provided strong defense on top of his booming bat during his first full season on varsity. Lawnichak helped the Snowbirds capture the district championship. St. Mary senior Cody Lawnichak, J-L junior Cody Proctor and J-L sophomore Aaron Newell all were selected to the All-Ski Valley baseball First Team. Lawnichak completed his first season on varsity in a big way. He batted .433 on the season with four home runs and 29 RBI. Three of Lawnichak's homers came during district play, in which the Snowbirds beat favored Alanson and J-L. Lawnichak also was one of the best defensive players, in the area, solidifying S t Mary's first base position. Like Lawnichak, Proctor made his living as a power hitter. He batted .490 with three homers, 12 doubles and 41 RBI. He also helps secure the Cardinals' defense as a catcher. Newell enjoyed a breakout sophomore season, emerging as one of the Ski Valley's best pitchers. He led the area with an 11 -4 record, which posting a 2.50 earned run average and 93 strikeouts. He will be one of the rocks ALL-SKI VALLEY 2 0 0 5 BASEBALL RntTaam Nick Hammond, Maraon Ben HughM, Alanson Ben Belanger, Bellaire Dustin Bidcwell, Bellaire Zack LaPointe, Betlalre Connor Dawson, Central Uke Joe Stray, Forest Area Aaron NewaN, J-L Cody Procter, J-L Dean Meadows, Mancelopa Eric Bentley, Onaway Ben Rieger, Onaway Tim Babcock, Pellston Nikolas Burtiart Pellston Jim Wlllanski, Pellston Cody Lawnichak, St Mary Second Team Cody Kaiser, Alanson Graham Garwood, Bellaire Brad Keiser, Bellaire tlie Cardinals will build upon in the future. J-L seniors William Kitiney and Jake Reed and St. Mary senior Ryan Smith made the Second Team. Kinney was J-L's first baseman and posted a .319 batting average with three home runs Landon waiter. Central Lake Adam Schaefer, Forest Area Rob Lemon, Inland Lakes Pat McMullen, Inland Lakes Andrew Pollard, Inland Lakes Ckiinn Rkfley, Inland Lakes WIINam Kinney, J-L Jake Head, J-L Shawn Booth, Mancelona Josh Osborne, Mancetona Harry Cleaver, Onaway T.J. Hoffmeyer, Onaway Trevor Green, Pellston Derek McAlister, Pellston Ryan Smith, St Mary Honorable Mentkm NkARaffln,J-L Brad VanCoiIHe, J-L Robert DeLong, St Mary Joey Cuca, St Mary and 28 RBI. Reed was a speedy infielder who hit .373 with 37 runs and 36 stolen bases. Smith emerged as the Snowbirds' ace pitcher and leadoff hitter He went 8-5 on the season with a 2.02 earned run average. He also batted .402. O N THE LINKS Big hitters to tee it up at long drive qualifier at The Loon Golf Course GAYLORD — The Loon Golf Course will host local qualifying events for the 2005 Remax World Long Drive Championship on the weekend of July 23. Golf's big hitters will tee it up to see who's the longest driver in an event sponsored by Remeix of Gaylord, Golf USA and Oldies 101.5. Area Golfers are invited to compete in the premier event in power golf. Qualifying is at 1 p.m. and concludes at 6 p.m. each day. Competition will take place in four adult divisions — open, women, senior, (45-54) and super senior (55-up). Entry fees are $30 for open and senior division hitters, $20 for women and super senloi^. Golfers hit six drives p)er entry, with their longest official drive determining their place in the final standings. Top finishers advance to the Remax district competition later in the summer. The ultimate goal is to earn a spot at the 2005 Remax WLDC finals, which take place in Mesquite, Nevada Oct. 18-22. The Loon Golf Course is located on Charles Brink Road. The phone number to the pro shop is 731-1353. More information about the Remax World Long Drive Championship is available online at www.longdrivers.com com. or www.remaxwidv. Take your daughter to the Natural The Natural Golf Course invites family members to come to the course for the National Take Your Daughter to the Course Week, being held July 11-17. The natural will offer free green fees to young ladies accompanied by a paying adult. The paying adult will receive the junior rate of just $25. This event provides young ladies in the community to learn a game that they will be able to play for a lifetime. The Natural is an 18-ho)e golf course with a clubhouse and driving range located just minutes from downtown Gaylord. More information about the course and its facilities can be found at www.thenatural.org. Chamber announces golf outing GAYLORD — The Gaylord/Otsego County Chamt>er of Commerce announced the 17th annual golf outing to be held on Wednesday, August 17 at the Marsh Ridge Resort. The event is co-hosted by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a shotgun start. The Chamber is currently accepting reservations for players in the tournament. Cost Is $100 per player and includes the round of golf with car. box lunch, prizes and a reception following play. Special "Hole-in-One" prizes, including a 2006 Chrysler 300, are being provided by Feeny Chrysler-JeepDodge. Limited sponsorships are still available for local businesses, including Flag Sponsors ($150) and Tee Sponsors ($100). For player reservations, sp>on8orsh(p opportunities or for additional information, please contact Bob Kasprzak at the Chamber of Commerce at (989) 732-6333. GRBATGIFTI Watch for your Wednesday and Saturday editions of the (Not available In stores!) Gavlord Herald Times STREAM& LAKE MAP for purchase at your local newsstands early Wednesday and Saturday mot NEWS 'Pit 1^^ QAYLORD 7 Alpin« Haus* Al*! MorW AJlen Zimmar* AppleUeV AriaM's Dinir* Big BMT Otii* Big Boy Rastouranf* Big Ldcs MorW B. J.'s iUslouranr Bob Evan* Rtstouronf Burger King - Moin Sfrwf* Ekirger King Old 27 Soulh* Buy-low Foodt* (lorrrmr idoolkin) Coniinol Party Store Corler's* Coflar's Glgo Quid( AAorl CitQO - Moin St. Diana's Delights* Oowkar's Meal MoHcet & Deli E'ZMart Goytofd Herald Times Gfan'tMorkels Gobbler's ReAMont' Holiday Goi Sort WMMm Alpine lodge* Hap* hf Sdmopps * South •« fcjr ^ -' nofpe r r gamciftps komy ciib* U i » Anewheod* Meeiion • South trew CfabHouee' X M M V AMDS QAYIOW) Rile Aid Ruby Tuesday* S&KFoodi/BP. Solurw Booimlen Shel • South Shell-V^ Sparr AAol* Speedway Stony Hil Mariet* Upper Lakes Ttre Wol-Mort* ALBA Albo Mini Mart ATIANTA Chafler'i Pit Slop GoUin Pines Contar ilMIRA r i Famly RMoumnf ctgous-ar NofA End M i v W tMdkiaitW fitftoiNa 7flMn GWiMoriiM* Kikgs'tlrklgaOtMStop Hmdm^tGmary SMCMomhon •ipiammvht of Michigan Why every angler and boater needs this map lakis or tmi worth Settmgs ReslauronT (SeaeonaH Northern Bear Country Store ttWISTON GWi's Moriceb* Mordhon Mid Lakes Market Rile Aid Mobil Sunrise GviverMerKe Stare Wood/s Market L O V ELLS Cold's Morket VANDERBIIT And/iBP Gateway Restouront* Grarvt/s Kitdien* iH.ynn's Video & Boil Shop Lake Louiie* (Seosonol) Mobil Quick Shop Nonh Red Wing Market V rM - - - > A i . vMoge MOiWi WtACOtNEKS k q bmt poil Oajrfonta tSeownefl MiWiRS D rtCA- Ttie STREAM 4 LAKE MAP OF MICHIGAN resemWes anottief m a p known to Pennsylvania anglers as ttie "Lost Stream Map." The "Stream Map ol Pennsylvania" was completed m 1965 after a Oiirtyyear effort tiy Howard Higliee, a former Penn State Professor. Professor Hiflbee succeeded in creating a map of ttie lilghest detail possitjie—a map tnat stwws every stream and iatce . He painstakingly plotted by tiand, ttie kjcafion of 45,000 mUes of streams onto a 3 by 5 toot map. Tfie map sold extremely wetMmtil it was kist several years after it first appeared In print. Incredibly, tfie printer entrusted witti ttie original drawing and printing pbtes. declared bankruptcy, tben carelessly hauled Higbee's 30 years of wortc to a landfill. Tfie few remaining dog-eared copies bicitw I pttad M i a m i ' s poMtssioA. Proftssot Hl|lb« WIS oMnd M O Ibr m of Ms Ust maix And stampnclH MTt tMtid to kMp tfielr copM umkr lock an) key. Ei^arts UH Profissor MgbM t M n p i m w n impotdile. b K « M t M mapt wire ptw>d In noHilnHograiiWc bkn. Howinl HigbN't * ) i n i c m mN. Ceniiylin i M * I p o u M ID r^itnl M n p .HoUniaiupMMMp. ^ HOMM aM. 1 DM* (MTFT RI I N bwmiaqi' O L A V t - O R D >. O l M « » A v * . • R O . t a x S M , MM 4 9 7 3 4 ( 9 M ) 732-1111 • l-a77.«1V.«170 1 M^M't inowMQi wtt) Gonpulv MmHogHkiSTKMItLMCE MAPOFMCNBMwacnflid. II is estimated lhat 10% of all tbe angers catch 90% of the fish. Regardless which poup you fall into...there's a sure way to up your odd$...sioiply try new fishing waters. Now. with this map you can find hidden streams and lakes. Michipn is loaded with great fishioi waters. ..many of them overlooked. From the AuSable River to all the Great Lakes tributaries to the Pere Marquette River...thousands of mOes of streams, lakes and rivers on both tbe upper and lower peninsulas are now easy-to-loc-ate on one map. Professor HigheeV Stream h Lake Map of Michigan is the first I and only highly detailed map of its kind. This new 4-foot-by4-foo( color map shows virtuaDy &U of the 35,000 miles of Michigan streams & lakes. •a;i»mii.ir.i.i.iJ 7 «n Michigan with this valuabit guide. Easily hcata oi/er 5,000 strems and lakes shown on the Stream i Lake Map both alphatxlically and geographically. Your map and guklet)ook win take you to the top 443 select fishing waters-select waters for 14 species of RAVE REVIEWS 'It is amazingly detailed and names some creeks tfte Mohawlt Valley tfiat can't even be found on topograpfiic maps.' —John Pitarres, OBSERVER-DISPATCH, Utica ORDER YOUR COLOR STREAM i LAKE MAPS I AvaiMeicMottoMeil ALSO AVAUSlf ii l«a«y gauge • LHTMSIJAMN1{EO.giss-iieciear-larninalioti.wii»«i«ipej on iwtace.Mllibnsseyelelstoreasy hanging j Mi4FTI)y4FrROUiIlm«<s)posaoipM B5.95ia I II4NBY4NF(XIB)MM>LINAGIPAI ESISA. 'If you'rv looking for the I moet definitive m i p s ever I created depicting every ; single creek, river, Mreim. ; pond and lake...then | Profeseor Higbae't Str««ii( Maps' are withoul quwdonj thefineet.' j —HowardBrml, < THE NEWARK STARj LEDGER i ll4nay4FnANMIHIll>|l(9|»(IMg>|« t4SKll OKkormowyadwitickmili Eadi Mums l » WE SMtaok. Eat K M M i n M M MS k I M r M i l Me. • t a OKI n n i u n WTLOn ItEMU TMEI C r i M Cart O r t t n 24-HMn-A-Div 1-I0MSI-7W2 - D w i f f H l B A - C C QIMCM aikiMiCM a « M M i e « « CMCM< e«.oai I 'It i t in shoiwing wtMri to | I M out-oHh»««y trout i •kMtns mat TTHkM the n « p Mich • M a u r e to lhe| —JoeOordon, TneUNE-OEMOCRAT, JctvKtown IM.TD: GafMHmMTIni PO I n SN • 6i|M, Ml 4i734«M W « d n M d a y , July 6, 2006 • B - 3 Oayford H«ratd T h i > M Minor has major plans for Scab r n x n IM anMves of the I HentUVmE _ C o n t ' d f r o m p. B1 mftiaai— .APgenutUaguebal game, managed by SiMh mmMMlkiwIbeoneot ths aflnnoon attractions ot the annual Hospital Resia, July 18, at the 4-H Fairgrounds notth of Gaylord cn US-27. TTie Peanut league w l pby at 2:15 p.m. for six Innings, and w i tie fohNnd t)y Vn Ave Inning Pee Wee game. TTieie w i l» a dancerevueat 1:30 p.m. under t n dbectkm o( LucMtFittztoaddtDthe acUvWes. -TIK Vbuth ActMtles committee sponsored anottwr successful canoe tiip down the An Sable River cn June 25. Under the leadership of adults isid a number of high school students, the 147 boys and girls ditfled In canoes about live mies downstream from Graying to the fkst pubic landhg. SlMVInMland''Pa|i'' GmmnnM were miting at the landing site with plenty of hot dogs, lemonade, potato chips, and Ice cream for hungry youngsters. Two of the canoes capsized, and Jm Gamll was Ihnwnln. JumZ7,19t5 ^Four Snowbirds have been named to the SM Valley Conference soflball team. Junior (My MankowsU made the team as a pitcher senior Dawn Cherwinkt, catcher, junior Dmm NoMk, infielder. and junior U a Bannrtak, outfleider. Named to the honorable mention ist m e juniois Cahy JasMU and KaWy . S t Mary basebal junior catcher David McCoy was nanwHiMlwSId Valley Conference taam last weeic Two other Snowbirds made honorable mention In the recently announced squad. Including junior Cnig Maar aid Matt Nawldd. -Junior Bnica OUvat of VandeM has been named to the 1985 al-conference basebal team for the Northern Lakes Conference. The Yeiowjadets Tbn Mdmikn received honorable mention. ^TheGsylpnl Big League team won a pair of games over Cheboygan with some ley hits by Rkk B M o t n n , M M Stanck andMariiJotnaan. Tin victories evened the recon] at 2-2 forthe Gayloid team. m the opener; Bart Laali went the dbtance sMdng out eltft walling three and alowing just sb hlsloniihl>reairdtol-1, asGaytordwnS^ Gi^loid wen the second ^1s-3aspmtt»0* M the way in the hK —tnanrtlwiian !»0«S % ht • jcrwny soeer THE GAYLORD 9-10 TOURNAMENT TEAM improved to 2-0 in pool play with a 15-5 win against East Jordan Saturday. They are back in actional 5:30 p.m tonight against Boyne City. Team members: (front row I to r): Alex Payne, Casey Borowlal^, Patrick O'Connor, Nick Lochinski, Mitchell Hardy, Tyler Chen-y, Tanner Catt. H/llddle row (I to r): Harrison Quaal, Tyler Frisch, Michael Skerratt, Rory Ellafrits, Myles Groom, Garrett Koronka. Matt Spyhalski. Coaches (I to r): Paul Lochinski, Mark Koronka, Glen Catt. Missing is Brandon Campbell. SPORTS BRIEFS Gaylord Blue Chip football camp returns July 18 for youngsters GAYLORD - A Gaylord football tradition, the Blue Chip Football Camp returns to the fields of Gaylord High, July 18 and 19 for first-through-eighth graders. Directing the camp is GHS coach VITilliam Cleaver and his staff. The purpose of the camp is to develop skills in ail aspects of football — passing, catching, pass coverages, pass drops, blocking, tackling and position technique. Check-in is 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the GHS field. Pre-registered campers can sign up for $30 v^hile players can sign up the day of the camp for $35. Campers will receive a Tshirt and should bring gym shoes or cleats, sweat clothes, socks and/or gym shorts. (which will be refunded if the player does not make the team). For more info, contact Todd Peters at 732-6999. Call 614-0608 with any questions. Travel hockey tryouts GAYLORD — Tryouts for the Peewee. Bantam and Midget A travel hockey teams of the Otsego County Hockey Association (OCHA) are being held July 30 and 31 at the Sportsplex. The Peewee tryout time is from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The team is coached by Gary Wonski. The Bantam tryout time is from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The team is coached by Paul Ekert. The Midget A tryout time is from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Saturday and from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Sunday. The team is coached by Glenn Walsh. There is a $30 non-refundable skate fee for trying out plus the OCHA registration fee T. Hyde b-ball camp GAYLORD - The T Hyde summer basketball camp is back for its sixth consecutive year July 18-21. Cost for the camp is $30, which includes a T-shirt. Students in grades three-throughsix are from 9 a.m. until Noon and students grades seventhrough-10 are from 1 until 4 p.m. Campers can register at the Otsego County Community Center the day of the camp. The director of the camp is Gaylord native Travis Hyde. If you have any questions, call 732-8177 or call the Community Center at 732-6521. Alpenfest 3-on-3 hockey GAYLORD — The Otsego County Sportsplex will again be hosting the 3-on-3 hockey tournament. Sign-up information is available at the Sportsplex. Teams will be placed in divisions based on their level of play for the upcoming season. The cost is $170 per team or $42.50 per player Teams do not need a goalie. The goalies sign up on their own. The games will start in the evening on Thursday, July 14 and the championship games will be played on July 16. Sign-up closes at the end of the day on Monday. July 11. For more information, please contact the Sportsplex at 731-3546. Holmes continues unblemished season at Speedway Cont'd from p. B1 first. Shawn Diamond was in the clear from the outset of the 25lap Street Stock Mid-season Championship, but a challenger would appear from the back row. Randy WoLfgram used an extreme high line to slingshot by Karen Diesler to claim second on lap-7, then ramped up his effort to pursue Diamond. He pulled even with the leader on lap-15, and nudged to the front briefly four laps later but fell back. In a second rush, Woifgram captured the lead for good on lap-23 and went on to his second feature win of the season. front at the outset of the 2()-lap Mod-4 Mid-season main, but Kable Maxwell quickly challenged on the inside. Saddison used the outside on straight-aways, then cut low in the turns and this tactic worked until lap-11. At that point. Maxwell pulled even with the leader and the two tangled in turn three. Saddison s spin to the infield gave Maxwell the lead on the restart. Ric Newbury was able to pass Brian Baumgarten for second with two 1 ^ to go, but Maxwell held firm and became the seventh feature winner in the seven-wtiek The 20-lap Bomber feature was a picturc of consistency as Jim Gregware led Doug Finch by two car lengths after the initial lap and the margin wavered little after that. Bruce Finch passed Bob Lauwers for third on lap-8, but his progress stopped there. A small wisp of smoke was testament to Doug Finch's effort to catch Gregware, but the leader was never headed and captured the checkered flag. Tom Jepsen went wire-towire to win the 15-lap Pro Stock Four Cylinder feature, his fourth in a row. Dale Britting took the heat, but a mechanical problem kept his pick up out of the finale. Caleb Tompkins won the 12lap Pure Stock Four Cylinder event in his Ford Ranger. Upper Lakes Tire sponsors this Saturday night's show, the first in the final drive to the season championship. Tickets are $ 10. Seniors just $8. Kijis 5-to-12 $5, and under-5 fiw. N.M.S. is located 8 miles west of Gaylord on M-32, then 4.5 miles north on Camp Ten Road at Hufftnan Lake Road. Results from Saturday's race will nm in the next edition of the Herald Times. Minor said. 'They need an adult to go to bat for Aem and coordinate and organize ." As forthe name... "It just kind of came to me," Minor said. "I want to kind of scab the other companies by selling cheaper boards " Minor sees a pafect fiisicm between the business and team. He wants the squad to compete all across the state and eventually do demos with hc^jes of eventually gaining national recognition. For him, the sky is the limit. "What's to say a little grassroots company from Michigan can't be successful," he said. "It^ going to be a quality product" Minor has had some help. Alpine Design rushed his order for T-shirts in just a few days so that the squad could be decked out for its first competition in Harbor Springs. Odyssey Skate Shop of Gaylord has also helped sponsor the team. While the backing of the team may be with its company, the heart of it lies with its members. Minor signed Dan Ryckman of Mio to the team and added Jeff Gokee of Harbor Springs after the group's first competition. He also recently added Cjrayling's James Jones to round out the quintet. When choosing his riders, he looked not only for talent, but he emphasized personality. "I wanted good guys, people I know I can deal with," Minor said. "I want them to be able to sell the company and understand the business aspects of it. These guys have incredible energy and talent." The riders all pledge loyalty to the man who has provided them an opportunity. "1 never expected anything like this," Dan Wheeler said. "There is nothing better than getting to compete at different places each week and being part of a brand like this." The photo is over and the Wheeler brothers are back on the ramps, taking turns with the other teenagers. Like a badge of ; pride, their bright shirts set them ' apart from all others. Minor, too, is back on his board, a red streak against the beating sun. He m ^ not be as talented as some of the youths, but having skated off and on I since 1979, he is no novice. "I want to leave a legacy ' here," he said. "I want to give local kids someone to look up to. Nobody will remember me for my skating, but I don't want ! anybody to forget me for what I've done here." Dirt Dikes Charhe Wagar also had a nice run from the rear of the field to finish third. Kaiy Saddison whizzed to the .<» UMIAIES Kawasaki BOHftSCREW CO. • Retail or Wholesale • Fattenen Standard A UeMe • Power, Pneumatic A Hand Tool* • Drill Btta, Tapt A Diet, Catting Tools, Plaa Much Morel ' « L e t the good times roll.™ R v a i l o b i * a t Total Pouienports \ 1000 O f k M V i c a Blvd. • Qaytord L o c a t e d I n I t w O a y l o r d A i r I n d u s t r i a l Park'' wwwunkMatMbolLconi 732-3266 or (800) 6 2 8 - 2 4 4 8 IMon. - FrI. 7-6 • Smt. 8-12 989.705.8260 2731 S. OtMOO AV« Caytord. Ml 40735 SlTMt tBl«f Qaylord H«rald V m m B-4 • W«dnMday. July e. 2006 GAYLORD — Big Buck Brewery & Steakbouse in Gaylord is hosting a bcDefit concert July 16 with the proceeds being donated to the Friendship Shelter and Habitat for Humanity. The restaurant's way of giving back to the community was announced by General Manager Todd Chwatun. With Alpenfest wrapping up that weekend, local blues band Curious Blue will perform on the lawn next to Big Buck. Before the concert. Big Buck Big Buck hosting July 16 benefit will host a "Chef ^ Choice Dinner" on its patio, which will include a New York strip steak and other Big Buck creations. perfect way to end the exciting celebration of Alpenfest in Gaylord," said Chwatun. "The local Gaylord community is generous to us year-round, and their generosity has inspired us to touch the lives of others living in our community when they need it most." FOR $50, guests may enjoy dinner, with $30 of the cost going directly to the Friendship Shelter and Habitat for Humanity. For those who choose simply to listen to the band perform, their $5 cover charge will also be donated. "We thought this was the 'Mfe thought this was the perfect way to end the exciting celebration of Alpenfest.' Todd Chwatun Big Buck general manager People may call Big Buck Brewery & Steakhouse at 7325781 for more information on the July 16 event. Big Buck is located at 550 S. Wisconsin Ave. ourse hote men's 9-hole Rate Par Par 72 73 $29 WD, $ 3 4 WE 73 Not Available Twilight Rate IBMeRate 18-hole r n w r t e t s Power Carts ' " " W Lounge Michayw^ 18 989-939-8911 $50iim,$M«K $ 3 0 WD, $ 3 5 WE after 3 p.n Included Included Yes Yes 1535 O p a l Lake Rd., G a y l o r d Mkhayw^ T h e Lake 18 989-939-8911 $50 WD, $60 WE $ 3 0 WD, $ 3 5 WE after 3 p.m. ^es 1535 O p a l Lake Rd., G a y l o r d Gaylord Country Club ,g „ „ $ 2 5 WD, $ 3 3 WE $20 $30 WD, $35 WE with cart after 2 p.m. Monday through Friday only 231-546-3376 per person per person ^ No Yes Included Included No Yes Included Included Yes Yes Not Available included Yes Yes Included Yes Yes Included Vies M-32 West, Gaylord Black Bear Golf Resort 989-983-4441 72 $25 WD, $29 WE 19 72 18 71 18 71 73 Not Available $ 2 9 WD, $ 4 5 WE Not Available 18 72 72 Not Available $ 7 9 anytinie $ 5 5 daily from 2:30 to 4 p.ni. Not Available $ 4 7 WD, $ 5 9 WE $ 3 2 WD, $ 3 7 WE after 3 p.m. $23 WD, $29 WE $ 3 5 WD, $ 4 9 W l after 3 p.m. 1500 Alexander Road, Vanderbilt The Natural Natural 989-732-1785 $ 3 2 after 2 p.n $25 WD, $30 WE $ 4 7 WD, $ 5 7 WE 5004 W. Otsego Lake Dr., Gaylord 2|cnrsecx) ^ ODB ?!^'752-"5\O M-32 East Gaylord W a r S C G O ^ ' ^ ® Tribute ^ CLUB 989-732-5181 1-800-752-5510 ' Not availat^ M-32 East Gaylord Marsh Ridge 18 989-732-5552 ^valSlle Yes —i Old 27 South, Gaylord i : Black F o r e s t of Wilderness Valley Golf Resort 231-M5-7090 18 73 74 Not Available $65 18 71 71 $25 $45 18 60 60 $10 $15 Not Available Included No $ 1 5 (S), $ 2 5 (i») after 3 p.m. Included Included ; No ; Yes Not Available $c pwptnon $9 per person No - No $ 4 5 WD after 3 p.m. Yes Mancelona Road (C-38), Gaylord VILOERNESS VA..1.EV Wilderness Valley 231-585-7090 Mancelona Road (C-38), Gaylord JOmt Green Trees G o l f 989-732-6006 North Townline Road, Gaylord i j i p o l The Loon 989-732-4454 1-877-732-4455 $20 WD, $25 WE i ,8 • ' , 71 71 : Lakes Of , The N o r t h 231-58S-«800 i ,g ; : , Mancelona Rd. (0-38), Mancelona ; 1 „ [ 1 j ! i | $29uniinnit«i after 1 p.m. County Road 489, Lewiston ( , ! i [ f " : Included 1 Yes Yes irKluded 1 Yes Yes i Not Available * $ 5 0 after 3 p.m. I 1 AnHtbk I1 1 1 \ Not AvailabI* 1 | f ^ $ 5 0 after 3 p.m. i Wft $95 [ 1 HOt Included | Yb Yes Included | Yfes Yes • I 72 Not Available 72 | * $35 after 3 p.m. ! M ^ Mlibk 1 County Road 489, Lawiiton 1 Gariand 72 Fountains Caunty Road 489, Uwiston Yes 1 ^ mduded ^ i . Yes j < ' j f i A ^ ^ f $29wn,$3«w« i" . ^ Garland (3P) Swampfire CiARlAND »W-786-2211 Gariand Reflections 98»-7i6.2211 , r-—, , Induded { Included ; $40 WD, $45 WE $21 i County Road 489, Lewiston i^i_ ; 74 , ! Gariand GE> Monarch GARIAND 9®9-786-2211 after 2:30 p.m. $50WI>,$C0WE for Otsego Co. Residents $30 WD, $35 WE 4400 Championship Drive, Gaylord | t $40 WD 72 Not Availabi* $ 7 0 after 3 p.m. ^ 1 [ Not | Included £ ^ ' Yes I si Kap WD >1111110I ' W M k n d | »rif puts you on through tht golf SMSon, monthly in Northam Lights magazine and waakly In tha Gaylord Harald Timas, tha Coursa Dlractory of NortlMrn Michigan Indudas infonnation assantial to putting avary goKar on ysui graan. HhKaLD Times ~ For advartising opportunltias, contact Karan Gragor at (989) 732-1111 or •dsOgaylordharaldtimes.com • 2058 South Otsago Ava., Gaylord, Michigan :3 iii 111 le.i5ukl oajfjwdhfqidtbim^ W e d n e s d a y . J u l y 6, 2006 • The first-place winner In Saturday's Otsego Lake boat parade followed a "Christmas In July" theme, towing Santa's sleigh and reindeer on a catamaran. The boat decoration was designed by Diane and Craig Phelps and their daughter and sonin-law, Tara and Kyle Herrington. Otsego Lake patriotic boat parade w. DON THEISEN'S tamily finistied second in Saturday's boat parade with this patriotic entry designed by his wife, Donna, her two grandaughters. Heather and ijuren, and daughter-in-iaw Amy ARBUTUS BEACH resident Ken Moon finished in third place with this firecracl<er design, enjoy it," said Moon. "I tied for first iast year I wanted to win it this year. We tool( it out of the water for a weel<.' Photos by Bill Serveny Hometown Security GOO- Your Farm Bureau Insurance agent is dedicated to protecting your family, your home and your community. We're your hometown headquarters for affordable insurance and family security. Call Today, GRAND TRAVERSE RESORT & C A S I N O S . ^SAJ\rjS^ n V I he (,li'ivi Milloi Oidu'stm William Heska Making Your Future More Predictable luK I itli m i m F J u m ButcMJ] misvRMycE 400 West M a i n , Ste. 3 Gaylord 732-6734 m\ Otsego County Bus System Easy as 1,2.3Cash Giveaway •Monday - Mday 6 ajn. - 6 p.m. 732-622 ^SAJsrj5 Every Sunday In July ft August SatanUy 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. ICKEY Drowings f r o m 1 2 : 3 0 p i n - SiOOpm Siivtayt oBSSMlMinl CASH PRIZES FROM Otsej,'o (juinty Hus S\ stem Calls lor service talcen Men. - Fri. between 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. S50T0S500I I M your advertiftb^g do th« I b'BvUng for you - caH mora info. W Ara An Equal Opportunity Employer , lyfie Moiey Poker Towiiameiit 11 I -I 2 v I n 'fc Ml Mann FH $1,000 (or 100,000 p(Ms) OvK $110,000 in piin moMy (load M M partdfotai.) Cdl(231) 534422210 ftgidw. •jjessbtiniarufii Mickey Gllley Glenn Miller Orchestra July 1 5 , 2 0 0 5 1775 M-39 West • (989)731-9766 Tickets $25 & $30 (or 2,500/3,000 points) BIWrrCHED ra.i3 v . /vtu.sto i (800) s8s^3737 AOED ^ m III • • H I M S d July 29th, 7pm & 9pm Tickets $ 2 5 & $ 3 5 (or 2 , 5 0 0 / 3 , 5 0 0 points) HITS INCLUDE: DON! THE GililS AU GO PREniER M QOSING TIME' 'TRUE LOVE WAYS' t>e held under the Pavilion on Court in downtown Gaylord every Wednesday and Saturday July through Octot)er. For more information, call 732-6073. • Beaver Creek Resort, 5004 W. Otsego Lake Drive, will host an arts, crafts and collactibles s h o w July 23 and 24, and Aug. 20 and 21. Admission Is free. For more Information, or to become an exhibitor, call Joe Smetanka, 810-658-8080 or 810-6580440. • A v i n t a g e baseball team is being formed at Hartwlck Pines State Park. The team Is open to all staff, volunteers and friends of Hartwlck Pines, 18 and older. For more information, or to sign up, call team manager Rob Burg, 348-2537, or e-mail, burgr@michigan.gov. • The Bailey Bros Circus will be at the Otsego County Fairgrounds Friday with showtimes of 5 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door. • Harbor Springs Women's Club will hold its annual art festival July 13, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Nub's Nob in Harbor Springs, M - 1 1 9 to Pleasantview, right on Nub's Nob Road. Admission is $4, and children younger than 12 are free. All proceeds will go to community needs and scholarships. • Kids Nature Classes will begin at Grass River Monday and Tuesday at 10 a.m. with the program, At Your Leisure Events • BMssfest 2005 begins Friday and ends Sunday in Harbor Springs, beginning at 4 p.m. For more information, call 231-348-7047. • The C h a r l e v o i x A r t s and C r a f t s S h o w will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information contact the Charlevoix Area Chamtier of Commerce, 800-951-2101, or visit www.charlevoix.org • The National Cherry Festival continues through Saturday in Traverse City. For more information, call 231-947-4230 or visit www. cherryfestival. org. • In M a c k i n a w City, the summer concert series begins today (Wednesday) with the N a t i o n a l Guard Band of the Great Lakes. For more information call the Mackinaw Area Chamber of Commerce, 888-455-8100, or visit www.mackinaw chamber.com. • Farmers m a r k e t s will Herald Times • 989-732-1111 Musical Entertainment & More • The Tyrolean Restaurant and Lounge in Gaylord will feature live entertainment Friday and Saturday with Maryz Eyez, beginning at 9:30 p.m.; Reichert performs on Thursdays; and DJ Pie entertains at Wednesday's Hip-Hop Night. Shows start at 9:30 p.m. Call 7321186. • Big Buck Brewery & S t e a k h o u s e hosts Doug Thomas Fridays and Saturdays, 7-10 p.m. Call Big Buckr732-5781. • Zen Varnas is featured at the piano each Sunday at Michaywd Inn The Woods, 11 a.m.-l p.m. • Timothy's Pub features live entertainment Thursday nights and karaoke Fridays and Saturdays, 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Call 732-9333. • The S u m m e r 2005 Concert Series Pavilion o n Court will continue on Friday with A i r N a t i o n a l Guard Band of the Great Lakes, beginning at 7:30 p.m. h f r t r i ^ t r m f s Beginning on Saturdays, through Aug. 20. the Downtown Merchants Association will present Classic Movie Night Under the Pavilion. This week's movie will be "Heidi." • Treetops presents live Jazz o n the Hill featuring The Skyliners Quintet every Friday, continuing through July 29, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., on the porch of the Legends Restaurant of Treetops Resort, For more information call 732-6711, ext. 2473. • K i d Rock and his band Twisted B r o w n Trucker will perform at Boyne Mountain on July 17 at 7;30 p.m. General admission is $39.50; tickets are available at ticketmaster.com, and all Ticketmaster locations. Tickets may also be charged by phone at 616-456-3333, 517-484-5656 or 9989-7544800. • The Bay Harbor Summer M u s i c Series will continue Sunday with Nelson Olstrom. Musicians perform each Sunday through the summer from 3 to 5 p.m. on the lawn by the marina. Spectators are encouraged to bring a blanket or chair to enjoy the performances. For more information call 231439-2012. • M u s i c In M a c k i n a w features the 555th Air National Guard Band of the Great Lakes, today (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m. and the Petoskey Steel D r u m B a n d on Saturday at 8 newspaper, check out some of our other publications. In the Parish Hall North Ohio St., Gaylord Every MorKtoy - 7 p.m. Including the Northern New Games • Smoke-Free Michigan Dining Guide; the Bring your friends and come check us outi local guide for wtiere to eat p.m. Both at the Conkling Heritage Park, South Huron Avenue. For more Information visit www.mackinaw chamtier.com. S h o w s & Workshops • The Cheboygan Area A r t s Council will be hosting its 37th annual Arts Festival, at the Cheboygan Ice Pavilion Saturday. There will be an admission fee of $1, at the door. Concessions will be available on the grounds of the pavilion. Doors will close at 4 p.m. For more information call 231-6275432. • The Otsego Historical S o c i e t y M u s e u m is now open for the summer. Museum hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The museum is located at 320 W. Main St., Gaylord. For more information call 732-4568. • The Alpena H o r s e m e n ' s Club is having a horse show Saturday and Sunday at Otsego County Fairgrounds in Gaylord. The performance classes will start at 9 a.m. on both days. The speed class will begin Saturday at 6 p.m. Camping will be allowed. For more information, call 989-3560071 or visit www. geocities. com. nemahc. • The Cheboygan Opera House, 403 N. Huron St., will host the Air National Guard Band of the Great Lakes, Michigan jazz master, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, the Opera House will host the Chicago Chamber Orchestra. Tkikets are available through the box offtee at 231-627-5841. Admission for memt)ers is $15; nonmembers, $18; and $8 for students. Call 231-6275841. • Charievoix Area Hospital Physical Therapy Expansion and Community Health Education and Outreach Is planning the seventh annual "Symphony on the Green" featuring the Midland Symp h o n y Orchestra at the Charievoix Country Club on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. Seating is $25 per person. For $200, people may buy a patron ticket, including complimentary wine and a cash bar before the event, a sitdown dinner, concert, and preferred seating under the tent. Patron ticket holders also receive a $120 tax deduction. For more information call Patti Barraw, 231-5478685. • Kevin Barton will showcase his collection of original oil paintings, through Monday and The Peter Sparling Dance Company will present "Peninsula," Monday at 8 p.m. at the Crooked Tree Arts Center, 461 E. Mitchell St., Petoskey. Tickets for the dance presentation are $25 for reserved seating, $10 for general seating, and students are $5. For more information call 231-347-4337. "Everything Healthy If you see news happening, call (989) 732-1111. Along with our award-winning M. Mary Bingo For The Whole Family" i I 21st Annual I Flea Market ; I and Bake Sale ; • First Presbyterian Church • ^ S13 Charles Brink Road. ^ J Gaylord j fiusortfwp. Auxiliary Bingo In the Hudson Twp. Hall Camp Ten Rd., Elmira Every Wednesday - 7 p.m. At! Paper • Higher Payouts 231-549-3616 or 231-549-2789 to "Sense Seekers." To register, call 533-8314 or visit www.grassrlver.com. The cost is $5 per child. A paper making class July 14 at 10 a.m. will cost $7 for adults and $15 for families; for nonmembers. the fee is $10 for adults, and $20 for families. Grass River Nature Area Is located five miles south of Bellaire and four miles north of Alden on County Road 618 (Alden Highway). Gaylord Herald Times PUBLICATIONS B I MGO fUiK fun* yow m o o 9 m Qaytord H«r«kj TlmM le.i5ure. B-« • WadriMday, July 6, 2005 I Friday, July 8 • X 6:00 A M - 5:00 PM X Our friendly & knowledgeable staff and our on-site computerized resource will help you choose the products that ore right for you. * Saturday, July 9 t J pi wauling 7324111 todiyi 9:00 A M - 12:00 PM J SaII New For 20051-a I COLLECTIBLES * BOUTIOUE X Featuring Great Deals t on B e a u t i f u l Items & ^ AntiquesI * * X 2 I GOLF BALL SALE i Buy 1 dozen at regular X price... Get End dozen » at 1/2 prlcel | X ; « I • rs OTING YOUR BUSINESS. t t n w t kli cCeeter G^^enl Uwwitwuhthlipiwlil Vax: ( M f ) 73I-«}34 p^r4r(jerlencf • i m m o l ^ n d i n g t ReHable P I M O K A : Have Lunch at the YOUTH CAFfil QtaMtuo- AtU. BvtU* (989) 732-2712 SATURDAY SPECIAL | n i l a B a g for $ 1 . 0 0 f Pick up a great dessert at the BAKE SALEI products bqied on: » RAIN OR SHINE...WE°VE « X OOT IT ALL! J £ No pre-sales. please. j-NATURAL-MARKET i c ' , ^ the w o q ^ ^ ^ . e s t a u r a S A U L T S T E M A R I E • O N T A R I O • C A N A D A A one day rail e x c u r s i o n into the h e a r t of t h e C a n a d i a n w i l d e r n e s s ! 'Herb Luncfieon T%vo Night Wednesday, July 20, 2005 12:00 Noon packa^ Starting at - a c r ; : Jeaturiiw: Sue Fako of CirdzHerb Tftkc * nde on the iworkl f«iTKHM Agtwa (Canyon Tour Farm Train, »nd suy 2 nighti in of>e of our p«rticip«ting wx-ommocbtiora and «ach pvrion in yoor ptrty will St Inn the Woods !J(estaumnt Cfiej 'Deb Van Tit Three course luncheon & program '18 per guest tax and gratuity not indxuied Rtfcrvotioru fvquired. i 989-939-8800 Michayw6 Inn The Woods lIlllMllMltC no9® I M K I K M N • receive • SaA Ste. MAHT "AttrACtion* Pftaport*. Tilts gr««t offer provide* tdmiMkm into 4 other grvjt attractions. diKount* AU aboard for an incredible rail adventure over r^ towering tmtle*. alongside priatinc lakes and riven and ihrougB the awesome granite rock fbrniatioa* of the Canadian Shield, highlighted with two h o u n In beautiful Agaw* Canyon Park. Tour operates mid-lune through mid-October. Ontarios j j K iforth jCA h n h alr( w r i % VM O i M AMnrtiam i n MkUtmml 3 attractiom, v t d a CailiM Sadt Ste. Marie VIP packa|e. package guide call 9287 com « « vu f i 9 V « « W K h i M d a y , J u l y 8, 2006 • B - 7 LE.WI5TON Oaylord H«raM Tlm«« Patriotism on parade in Lewiston TEACHERS Cindy Bagnasco (left) and Ctirls Dandy sit In front of a mammotti Hershey Kiss as ttiey squirt the crowd with their squirt guns. This "Pencil" - Vania float was sponsored by Lewiston School teachers. Lewiston Sand and Gravel won Best of Show for their depiction of Utah, The Beehive State, in Saturday's July 4 parade. Mixed representatives from the 2004 and 2005 Miss Timberfest Scholarship pageants ride the California float. i SUNRISE WON best of Theme for Kansas, shown here dressed as" Wlzzard of Oz" characters. Photos by Jil Schult Jan Huston: Remembering where she's been T Jan H u s t o n hough she's lived in Lewiston for 37 years and is known for her many volunteer efforts, Jan Huston, 67, defines herself not so much by where she is now, but from where she came. She lived in Rapid City, then Torch Lake, as a small child, the daughter of a rural mail carrier. Her grandparents owned a half-mile on Torch Lake and woriced laboriously on their fruit farm. She has great pride in her heritage: she is half English on the Chaney side; and half Swedish on the Larson side. Jan traveled to Sweden to fmd the village her grandfather was bom in. She gets together with the Larson girls — 10 female cousins — every two years to reminisce and laugh a tot. One cousin hadn't been back to Michigan in 40 years, Jan said. By Jil Schult Jan* graduated from Elk Rapids High School in 1955. She recently attended her class reunion along with 19 of her 21 living classmates. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics and Science frx>m Michigan State University. Her love of sewing and years of helping her mother in the kitchen prompted her to teach home economics for four years in Southfield. In 1957 she met Mark Huston \siio was studying hotel /restaurant management. They married in 1959. In 1968 Mark had an opportunity to woilc for his Aunt l ^ ^ p n (Aunt Mickey) and Uncle Gordon Huston in the real estate business. Marion died in 1969 and Mark bought the business, Huston Real Estate, which today is owned and operated by their son, Shawn and daughter-inlaw, Wendy. In the fall of 1969, Jan and nine other local women formed the Lewiston Community Cooperative Nursery, which continues. "It's one of my greatest prides," Jan said. She has three children: Marie in Seattle, Wash.; Heather in Mill Valley, Calif; and Shawn (Wendy). She has a grandson, Connor, 12, and an expected granddaughter from Shawn and Wendy, due in early September. "I'm so excited to have a grandbaby five minutes fit)m me," said Jan. Jan's interests and talents FREE Jr. Golf Clinic Otsego County residents depend on the Herald Times Monday Mania f Residents Only Unlimited Golf techKUng c a r t i $29 ti Gras NJ Wh»«n vou are ready to take a different path. T h u r s d a y s Assorted Specials a n d E n l a n i i i i ^ t w i t h D o u g T h o m a s Sometimes, vw wish that vw could change directions. S u n d a y B r u n c b ^ i i mam. to 2 p-ai. O i e r i Caning SuttoD, GoMnei IWtle, When you are ready to change the path you ate following, Ferris State University and the University Center at Gaytord can help. and M l BoiH Dlqiiay, O M t a N e 9 M 1 m a D c M r t S W h M $ • FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY at th* UnlMrstty CtnUr at Gaytord iwethnlmdii/u^ 866.857 »• Op«n Nightly For Dinn«r Now SMvtoig Brattkfnst a Luneh Ladies Golf Lea^e Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Ladies Day Bfeiy Tkwsdj^ Ferris lirhifs select associate's and graduate programs to Gaylord so that you can b t ready fbr the change you have in mind. AH you havt to do H take the first step and give us a call. are varied. She loves volunteering and headed up the Lewiston Area Chamber of Commerce in the early '90s. Gardening, homemaking, oil painting, walking and reading top her lists of leisure activities, and she has a renewed interest in sewing with a new grandchild on the way. At a recent book signing by author Steve Amick, Jane learned his book "The Lake, the River, and the Other Lake" is about the area where she grew Jan has a new spring in her step these d^^s. Known as the lady wearing the craziest shoes in town, she is convinced her shoes with the spring in the heel are responsible for improving her back. — Someone you would like to see featured in Faces? Contact Jil Schult at 786-3918 or e-mail jes8I93@yahoo.com. Kids Eat FREE Aroo^ Thnnday with ChlldRn under I d Not vaUd «rtth any other dltcaunli. 4S1B O M >7 Seutli, Oaytord, MleliigMi M T S S 1-«00-74a-MAV or $15b.9 Tsssdi^ Couples Night a MMI*raaUappatiMn •t jm'a $33 B-8 • VMdnmday, July 6, 2008 Q a y l o r d H a r a M TUnaa Buy ^ a e £ dfte^ As a m«mber o( th« Goytord H«rald U n m ' Northern Michigan Dining Ciub, you'll havtt an opportunity to enjoy more of M t t ^ a l flavor. Purchase your card from the Gaylord Herald Times for $ 1 8 ! Use the Northern Michigan Dining Club Card just one or two times and it wiil more than pay for itieif. We are confident that you will enjoy new dining •xperiences I h i ^ h o u t the area, and will return again and again to these participating ^ »««»<«. , The Norttiem Michigan Dining Club Cord makes a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries or any occasion. For PKore^ Uifor^KotioH/, To purchase a Northern Michigan Dining Club Card, stop by the Gaylord Herald Times office at 2058 S. Otsego In Gay lord. One Coney Dos^ries . - - i - c a l l 732-1111 or toll-free 1-877-819-6170. Buy One Pizza, Get One Free TIMOTHY'S Pick up orders on & The Gaylord Gathering Family Place ink CONPf^RIU 107 North Center, Gaylord 731-1133 gatew: aylord 989-732-9333 Restaurant iMama ICfjmE'a rest J3E. Main, Vanderbilt 989-983-4466 &trTot Buy One Meal, Get One Free 7519 Mancelona Road, Gaylord - 231-585-7090 BiwOne BUY A PIZZA i\ 1951 S. Otsego, Gaylottl (989) 705-2223 Does not include tax & gratuity. 2583 Old 27 South, Gaylord 989-732-4431 Buy one 24 oz. FrappI or Smoothie, g e t ^ v i e ^ e ! ntl '705-7660 989-732-4160 1325 S. Otsego, Parkside Mini-Mall - Gaylord Brothers Coffee & Tea Northern Michigan Dining Club Expires June D Del RESTAURANT S & CATERING 2006 Buy a 1/4 lb. Single Combo and get a 1/4 lb. Single Combp-free Buy one bag of Caramel Com, and get one free! ay Night Old 27 N., Gaylord 732-4010 Offer good at Gaylord & Grayling locations 208 W. Main Street, Gaylord 732-1077 Buy One, Get One Free Breakfast Lmch-oCO^er «..n and get one cayiord free! 7 3 2 - 8 0 0 9 RESTAURANT Buy 1 small, medium or ia^e pizza, 210 Dickerson Rd. Gaylord (989) 731-6329 One 1 2 inch pizza ^1 610 8. Wisconsin, Gaylord (989) 731 -9929 * _— — ^ : West, Gayk>r«l 705-7332 One Dinner S p s d a h y pizzas not indudad. gratui^atix GARIAND 4700 N. F M Oik Lewtston. M i c h i { ^ 989-786-2211 Buy one medium as one freel St.. Gaylord 705-1516 V1I i TT-T- ' 7 Wednesday, Juty bu5ine.55 Q a y t o r d H e r a i d TInrws 6, 2 0 0 6 • B-9 County Records MOVING DAY Assumed Names The following assumed names recently was filed with the Otsego County Clerk's Office: • Two Broads and A Broom, PO Box 103, Gaylord, by Robben Adkins and Paulette Miles • J Krafts. 32, Crestwood, Gaylord, by John Knack • Journey To Freedom Counseling. 705 S. Otsego Ave., Gaylord, by Violet Luebs • C&J Timber Harvesting. 8583 Alba Road. Gaylord. by James Bennington To advertise^ call the Gaylord Herald Times at 989-732-11H. BlueCroM BkMShWd BhMCaraNitwortc of Michigui nocwfoM I^arpomsmt •nd nocprndro M U Y I O N / O N E G O COUNTY O U H H Of COWEKE is Pleased To Present Alpenfest Friday Evening Entertainment On The Alpenstage July 15.2005 The evening will kick off at 7:00 p m. with Caylord's own Melissa WIckson Melissa's unique vocal style will get the evening off to a rousing start. iiiEnw C r o s s r o a d s c l i e n t s finish m o v i n g in packaging e q u i p m e n t at its new M i l b o c k e r R o a d location. IS Crossroads opens new site of the old building. "We're getting situated," said CEO Bill Marshall. "We are out of the other building officially. Now we just have to find where we put everything." Among its other businesses, Crossroads offers manufacturing packaging services, a bulk-mailing program, and a woodshop which produces GAYLORD — Crossroads Industries Inc., a 501 c(3) community rehabilitation organization serving the employment needs for the developmentally disabled in Otsego County, has finished moving into its new location on Milbocker Road. The new building doubles the 15,000-square-foot space between 8,000 and 11,000 stickers — four planks nailed together used for separating items in a stack. Marshall hopes expanding the woodshop from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet will allow for further diversification of services to the 60 clients. Crossroads employs 33 people, including 10 who have come up through the clientele. Crossroads also offers a supported employment program through which clients are placed in community businesses and given training on site. "The clients, everyone is still pretty excited," said marshall. "Everyone is really pleased." At 8:00 p m . we welcome to the Alpenstage our headliner for the evening, Mark Preston. An international recording artist and former member of the renowned vocal group 'The Letterman', Mark and his nine-member orchestra will bring a Las Vegas-style show to the main stage. This versatile showman croons ballads, performs Broadway show tunes, country, rock and roll and contemporary music throughout his show Free Admission - Bring your lawn chairs! 'Adqjf a new best fiiefKl for life, ycn/tt both feel better for it. Abandoned I Housebroken Lab Beautiful Lost Dog Beauty Tourtie kitty. Spayed female. Under I year old. Pitbtdl found on Fimigan Rd. Ready For Your Home Cute Kitten Lab Mix Pup One of many kittens atready sterutxed. Male Lab mix puppy. 12 weeks old. ft This dog toas ai the shelter tied to a veiade. Am ir^onna^on about thii dog umud be appreciated. Show die woiid how much you love pets. Be an Adopt-A-Pet Sponsor. 2058 Sotxdi Otsego • Gaylord (989)732-1111 Spayed female bladt Lab. Housebrolten. Has ail her vacdrtatiam. Don & Sharon Tober President S Treasurer, Friends for Life 2058 South Ots«go • Gaylord (989) 732-1111 •NATUIAl MAftUT Healthy Dog A Cat Products Available Here! 989-705-8500 • 877-349-5656 14W S. Male, neutered Lab mix p about 4 months o ^• deerfield, com 4241 Old 276 South • Gaylord 732-8856 www.deerfi6ld.com Av« • G«vk>rd Ml W J 5 Adorable Younger blaek short-hatred htty. Sweet female starving for tome love. Female broum tabby. 1-2 years old. One ofmasry kittens ahtady sterihxed. Vk'The PAWfessional Touch (989) 732-4545 Show the worid how much you love pets. Be an Ado^-A-Pet Sponsor. 2058 South OtB^ • Gaylord (989) 732-1111 732-7111 (989) 731-6208 Lost Husky Mix Lap Warmer Male Retriever Loves People hdmd mp m ptsilaan boat on Douglas Lake. AfeiOwd Lai mix male puppy about 4 monOu old. BOZZER BROTHERS. INC. Show the worid how much you love pets. Be an Adopt-A-Pet Sponsor. 2058 South Otfcfo • (Gaylord (989)732-1111 Gaylord Veterinary Hospital h e r a l l i ^ r i m e s 2058 Soudi OtMgo • G«yk>rd (989) 732-1111 2 m i l e * n o r t h of t o w n . Old 27, G a y l o r d , M l 49735 Active Young Dog I Mate Hudry AeAmfnmh Come Spayed f^mak looking /br m kwing home. under I year old. h e r a u ^ i m e s M M Smitfc OCMfD • Gtylord (989)732-1111 Show dte worid how much yoti love pets. Be an Adopt-A-Pet Sponsor. 2058 South Ots^o • (Gaylord (989) 732-1111 ^ e l a o n ' s Jrug ^tore Imide Cayhrd fktu MW JI Hoepiial 1430 Otd 27 Nortfi • Gaytord 989-732-4520 MICHAEL J. CUSXnS, DOS 829 W, Main St. • Alpine Plaza 9m-73m261 1507 South O t s ^ o , Suite R Too Many Kittens I Eager To Be Yours Golden Retriever I Looking For Love I Cute Young Tabby Female Golden Retriever found OH M-il near Krys Road. Ooytord Eye Care Center Many, many, massy, many kittens. h a l l^year^fhnaU Husky vnth blue eyes. UCENSCD VrmaNAHlAN 3 1 4 N . Cmtft • Gaylord Many Cats Hugs mtietiom ef oAdt ^ayed ntutmdcats Ittkingfsrfattmfcpwn. PhoneCukfe m VITERIHUHV CllltlC D R . SUSAN HALT* (989) 732-4189 h e r a l l ^ i m e s 2058 South Otaego • C^ayford (989) 732-1111 I Help Us Find Homes 1-888-860-8606 www.th>phon»gMld>.cowi Likes to Shop HUGE srleeUm spayed Sf neutered tals. NORTHERN LIGHTS 2058 Soudi OtMgo • (Gaylord (989) 732-1111 Cousincan Chiropractic 997 N. Center Gaylord, Ml 4 9 7 3 5 989-732-2225 ro adopt a pet from the Otsego County sheherHous: Animal Shelter, call 705-7632, or stop 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in erf our facility on 7th Street. Monday through Frid . A portk)n of pfx>c«ecb fixmi B - 1 0 • W a d n M d a y , Juty «. 2006 Qayiord TWnes Gaylord Baby Boomers, mark your calendars for July 16 GHS '60s grads plan celebration for an all-decade reunion By Nicole Laskowski Staff Writer G A Y L O R D — ON JUNE 28, three friends who have known each other forever sat around a dining room table. Linda (Myers) Reinhardt, Judi (Snell) Martenson and Betty (Hitchcock) Moore, all members of the 1960s reunion committee, OF>en a 1965 Gaylord yearbook. Time subtly bends back and forth between photo and memory, between the past and The '60s the present. was a time before John Jenkins became the city police chief, before Evelyn (Montgomery) Pratt ('65) became the county clerk, before Tom Johnson and Jenni Mongeau ('69) were married, Linda (Nyers) before Betty (Hitchcock) Reinhardt Moore ('64) owned Jet's Pizza. A time of the Beatles and MoTown, of space exploration and moon walks. Judi (Snell) It was a Martenson time of war, of race riots, civil unrest and assassinations. And for Gaylord, Michigan, it was a time when girls always wore Betty skirts to (Hitchcock) school and Moore boys wore collared shirts. A movie — popcorn included — cost 50 cents. Teenagers gathered at the A&W Toot 'n' Tell (where Gobbler's is now located) or went to the Teen Chalet off M-32 where they danced or listened to live music. Downtown was just beginning to transform into the Alpine Village. Starting with the birthday girl and moving counterclockwise: Linda Myers, Janet Myers, Marilyn McMullen, Janette Fox, Beth Jehle, Mary Morrow, Lynn Fritz, and Judi Snell. Linda, Janet, Snell, McMullen and Morrow will all be attending the '60s reunion. 60s hair But memory for these three women is different tl^n you The '60s was a time of the Beatles and MoTown, of space exploration and moon walks. It was a time of war, of race riots, civil unrest and assassinations. And for Gaylord, Michigan, it was a time when girls always wore skirts to school and boys wore collared shirts. A movie — popcorn included — cost 50 cents. Teenagers gathered at the A&W Toot 'n' Tell or went to the . Teen Chalet off M-32 where they danced or listened to live music. would expect. For them it is not about a single moment. They see how their high school days back in the '60s shaped where they are today. Memory is about the things that have transgressed both the pressure and heat of time: influences, connections and friendships. "Because of our experiences then, it's the way we are now," said Martenson. About a year ago, Rein- The northeast comer of South Otsego and Main Street in the 1960s. hardt was in Petoskey when Steve Andrews, owner of Sturgeon River Pottery and a 1967 Gaylord graduate, suggested a 60s high school reunion to her. She loved the idea, and since her class was already working on a 40th reunion, she decided it would be worth expanding so that every class which graduated during the '60s would be invited. "It was such a small school and a small community that at the time, we were all friends," said Martenson. She began calling people she knew from the various classes who still lived in Gaylord until she collected enough people to form a committee. In October, the 14-member reunion committee held its first meeting. Reinhardt made sure as many classes as possible had a representative in charge of contacting old classmates. Look for "Half of the meetings have been spent reminiscing and remembering people we had not thought about in a long time," said Reinhardt who is the driving force behind the reunion. The other half was used to organize the details of the event. The reunion is set to take place the weekend of Alpenfest on July 16. Currently, 200 people are expected to attend, 36 of them from the class of 1967 alone, with graduates traveling from as far away as California, Oregon, Washington and Florida. Reinhardt, Moore and • Martenson are all looking forward to the reunion, to reminiscing with other classmates, and reconnecting with both upper and lower classmen. "We still have people pictured as they are in their yearbooks," said Reinhardt. LOOK FOR THESE INSERTS... A l l A C. E S W E I C O f !y.l! I u M E o f Onaway ^ e l s o n ' a Inserts running in the Gaylord Herald Times and Marketplace Call 989-732-1111 if you currently don't receive the Gayk>rd Herald Times or Marketplace in your home ar>d wouM like to start receiving It each week famous name htands u u Srug ^tore ' f i ^ d a y , Dave TiytoJTOjrBmunity Bank President, Sj^^nk Alice YeomW Financial Ed, Mgr., Northern J FCDC AnMe^yer, Accountant, OCf^ Rosemary Smitlm vVhi«^rs^<ient ~ lnva^fffGn\Ufif^Financial Denise H a r k n « , InvSmutt SpeciaR, Independent Bank Natalie DaM^^^^ctorXouegoyounty United Way la-z-toy > h o t w u • s a i y postwipidk « m o r l '•BREWrBAKEI^'S m m j u t v ^ s ; 2 0 0 5 1:00 to 10:00am ' C«Rter • Room U-11J GU^S^^PEAKER AND PANELISf S rating Hometown tif« Cutv^Sf The pomr to AfiMu AlpChTtmes PEAOfVisni * The EducationaMlVSifast Series • Continental breakfast included - $5 suggested donation at door. of Onaway Cnll Toll free 1 " 8 0 0 - 2 9 2 - 5 5 I 4 or .'iMf . on f". Ai b 01 brr wbal<ersfurnitute.(om FOR MORE I N F O R M A T I O N , PLEASE CALL 989-732-1122 Fax: Weekdays 8am to 4pm • 120 Crvndview Blvd. « Caylonl, Mi 4973 ix; 9 8 9 ^ 3 w 7 3 9 • e-mail: occoa^occx>aonline.org 35 HEKAD^Pmes QmznOS SUB '*hlllips . . . I N THIS SATURDAY'S V T OAVUORD HERALlffiriMES IraMffliyappw in zoiKl (xpiN of Th. litiaa Tlm« or l i M ^ hckm^imes lLrL5TYLL5 Just for the bluebirds! Qaytord Herald Tlmas Wodrasday, July 6, 2006 Audubon Society takes new role in maintenance of 16-nnile long trail D OVER TWP. — in the spring of 1998, Otsego County bird enthusiasts estabhshed a bluebird trail across from the Sparr Mall at the comer of Wintergreen and Sparr Roads. Until recently Brad Yohe, one of the original master planners of the trail, has worked on the maintenance and operation of the trail, with help from the Otsego Wildlife Legacy Society (OWLS), the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and the Elkland Seniors. All that now has been turned over to the National Audubon Society. Since the beginning of spring, Audubon member Mike Brandt of Gaylord has helped with BLUEBIRD the reconstruction and maintenance of TRAIL the trail and birde Mila* Long houses located along the trail. Along the partially paved, 16mile trail there are 94 bluebird boxes, providing homes to hundreds of bluebirds and swallows during the spring months. These boxes are Brad Yohe cleaned out each year for the next generation of bluebirds (facing sign and swallows to make new nests. front) hangs a "It is positive for the bird population and (observers) new trail sign can catch a glimpse of bluebirds and see them nesting," Witt) Mike said Brandt. "The Kalamazoo Nature Center is working to Platte, George keep better track of how (the species) bluebirds are doing Barker and around the entire state." Larry On the last trip out to the trail, Brandt and fellow Edwards See A trail, p. C3 (ctockwm). „ . tu . 'i- Members of the Audubon Society now help with the birdhouses' upkeep. THE 16-MILE LOfIG bluebird trail is spoHed with birdtxxjses for birds and their watchers to enjoy. Or. S h a n e Story by Dawn King • Photos by Bill Serveny Page design by Frank Michels is ... S e r v i n g Yoii N O A P P O I N T M E N T N E E D E D • W A L K I N S W E L C O M E • ACROSS F R O M E J S C o u s i n e a u C h i r o p r a c t i c C e n t e r , P.L.L.C. M'lT Dr. Shane M. Cooflneaa \ I rlllri. ( i . i \ l o i (I •• 1 he \ \ l I K \ l ( h()i( m m m C*2 • Wednesday, July 0, 2006 FAMILY Anniversary En^a^ement Ususans mark 60th anniversary -Bonamie G A Y L O R D — Z a m f i e r (Pete) and Helen U s u s a n of Gay lord will celebrate their 60th w e d d i n g anniversary on July 10. T h e y were married on July 10, 1945 in Detroit. They lived in Pontiac and Madison Heights until 1966 when they moved to Gay lord. They have five sons; Ray (Jean) o f ImaJy City; Dan ( G y p s y ) of Taylor, the late Bill U s u s a n ; Bob (Barb) of Vanderbilt; and Glen ( S h a w n ) of Gay lord. They also have eight grandchild r e n , three step-grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Mr. & Mrs. Z a m f i e r (Pete) U s u s a n (above) o n their 50th anniversary a n d (at left) 6 0 years ago G A I N E S V I L L E , Fla. — Paul F. and Valerie Malcolm of Ahachua, Fla., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ada Helen of Gainseville, Fla., to Charles (Chaz) Edward Bonamie V of Gainesville, Fla., the son o f Brenda B o n a m i e o f G a y l o r d and the late Charles E. Bonamie IV The bride-elect graduated from N e w b e r r y Florida High School and the University of Florida. Her fiance also graduated from N e w b e r r y Florida High School and works at Silkmasters, a family owned business. The couple is planning an Oct. 21 wedding cruise in Florida. jl • ! v Charles Bonamie V & Ada Malcolm / HT Birthday Wishes ? •.4Otsego County-area residents and their extended families with a birthday in the coming week include: July 6 • Jason Grosser. Hayes Twp. July 8 • Jason Dale, 17, Livingston Twp. • Cindy Betron, 48, Twining July 10 Grayling Health Dept. offers variety of clinics GRAYLING — District Health Dept. No. 10. Grayling office, has several immunization clinics this month. An immunization clinic will be offered on July 20; and a family planning clinic will be offered on July 19. Confidential HIV/AIDS testing will be done by appointment. WIC Supplemental Food Program for pregnant women, infants and children is scheduled for July 8, 11, 14, 18. 20. 25. 27. and 28. Please call Qaytord Herald T b n M ahead for an appointment and information (989) 348-7800. Breast and cervical cancer screening is scheduled for July 12. C^l! 800-968-7300 to schedule an appointment. This program is available to women ages 40 to 64 who have limited or no health insurance. The health department also offers a wide range of other services: maternal/infant supportfamilies matter, environmental health (well and septic pennits. food sen/ice, water testing, etc.). OSHA Bloodbourne Pathogen Standard training sessions call 231-876-3839/Heafth Education, free hearing and vision screenings for ages 3 to 18 {by appointment) are held in Crawford County at the health department, health promotion programssmoking ' cessation classes, abstinence education. Call 3487800 for an appointment. .< c ' » • Judi Doan, * ^ Gaylord ^ • • Gary Cassidy, , * 46, Frederic July 12 • Kathy Driver — Submit birthday wishes to: PO Box 598, Gaylord. Ml 49734, call 7321111: or e-mail peter@gaylordheraldtimes.com y V CHICAGO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Edward Benyas, Conductor O r c h e & t r a - l n Residence For t h e A r t I n s t i t u t e of Chicago 12-PASSENGER VAN RENTAL Kepertoire SATURDAY, JULY 9,2005 - 7: Weekly Specials! Call t h e Animals, Brahms Hungarian Dance # 5 , Martinu ~ Nonet $ 8 9 9per 5 day 200 FREE miles! r-uirnr^v/^am MI mi • • CHEBOYGAN, Call 231-627-5841 or 800-357-9408 Call 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 0 0 6 0 and reserve now! Klaseic for Kids • 10:00 2 4 0 1 Oh) 27 South, Gaylord • Just off 1-75 exit #279 OpMM«8M-7piii,Tw»*friSaM>6pM,Sitiaii*3««i, S«idt)r l O w S m n . NEXT Includes: Bizet, Carmen Suite, Saint Saens Carnival of TO JiM WERNIG Adrhisgloij am -- Free M e m b e r s - $15.00 Nchi-Members - $18.00 Students throuKh High School - $8.00 Reserved Seating Visit our Websf'ie*''Vlfw.tMoperahoiiae.ot| CHEVROLET 'improve Your Curb Appeal'' Contest MEDICAL SERVICES Sponsored by the C a y l o d H e r a l d Times Here's your opportunity to show off the finished product of your hard work outdoors this summer! Who's keeping your family healthy? Here's how: • Take a before and after picture of your outside curb-appeal project (in the Caylord Herald "nmes market area). • Send the photos to the Caylord Herald Times offtce, along with your name, street address and phone number. • A team of judges will consider all entries and pick a first, second and third place. • Entries will be judged based on their "curb appeal", judges will consider the extent of the improvements in relation to the before and after photo. • To be considered, entries must feature minor improvements to a resiDr. M i c h a e l Z k e r dential property. Over 28 years of experience In • Entry deadline is Friday, August 5, 2005. Fai^y Medical Care • Top 3 winners will be featured in the Fall Home Improvement pages. Photoi become the pmperty at the Cayhrd Herald rimes & wX nrji be returned Cayiord HerjJd Tunes emphyeei S /mmedisie family not eligible. Prizes: 1st Place - $200 Lappan's Gift Certificate 2nd Place - $125 Arrow Sanitation Gift Certificate 3rtl Place - $75 UBC Gift Certificate ^ ^ Located in the Saks Wellness Complex 5 S SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS F a m i l y C.MI • Would you like a doctor ipho treats your family like it was his own? • Are you tired of (haling with numerous doctors for one condition? • Wbu/rf you like a physician who coordinates all the medical semices you receive? • Would you like to go to a doctor gets you in on time? • Would you like a doctor who takes time to listen to you? • Would you like a doctor who explains your condition & treatment options?, liifttry A f l l i — t • Would you like a doctor experienced in disease management? • Would you like to work with a doctor who emphasizes illness prevention? • Would you like a doctor who will see you imrrtediately when you have an urgerU need? \ • WouU you Hke a doctor oho trks to give the least amount of drugs possible, whlk still addressing the problem? • Would you like your doctor to offer proven alternatives to traditional health approaches? • Would you li/u to prevent health conditions common with aging? • Would you Wee a family doctor who is certified in acupUTKture? If yoa answered yes to any of these questions, you should see us. HEFL^I^riMES 2058 South OtMCO Av«. P.O. Box 598 Qaytord, Ml 49734 (9S9) 732-1111 Fax: (999) 732-3490 ada^gaytofdhfkWm—.com Please fill out & return to the Qaylord Herald Times, P.O. Box 596, Qaylord, Ml 49734 with a before & after picture. Name ^WhoXeHealth Street Address City _State_ MEDICAL CENTER -zip Phone Entry deadline is Friday, August 5,2005 Photo* become pmperty of the Qaytord Herald Times twIM not be reUxned. S^OxsEodcA^ KIM faST AUTO DETAIUIIfC HAS MOVED! Mow located Insldo the lim Wemig Deed Car OnOet across the street from the Gaylord 8ave*Lot. CONTACT KIM TODAY FOR GREAT DISCOUNTS & SPECIALS 1 CALL KIM DIRECT A T 7 3 2 - 9 5 8 4 O R KKM I k M t A i r t * D « T O M N A • * M M W I H I I B C A L L 732-2121 O R 732-5161 I M M I € m O M t t o t - M - 3 2 M t e s t Just w M t o f 1-75 Qaytord H«rakj Tim«s Wednesday, Juty 6, 2006 • C>3 A trail for the birds and the bird lovers Cont'd from p. C1 Audubon member Tim Weier counted 59 bluebird eggs with 57 bluebird chicks and 107 swallow eggs with eight swallow chicks. They also discovered that bluebirds hatch earlier than the swallows do. "We try not to disturb them too much and we will check the boxes again " he said. The bluebird trail winds around Peanut Hill Road, near the Treetops Golf BLUEBIRD TRAIL OWLSmambers Mike Platte, Bred Yotie and Larry Edwards, Audubon Society mem ban Joan Ttwies, Carol Branch, Bill and Nari Myers (standing, back row, l-r) and OWLS member George Barker, (front) help maintain the bluebird trail. 1 6 Miles Long course, and eventually travels back on Sparr Road. There is a sign describing the trail across from the Sparr Mall. The Audubon Society meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Nature Center behind the Gaylord Middle School. "We encourage people to come who like nature," said Brandt. "We welcome new members." There are 30 to 40 members to the Gaylord chapter of the society. Death Notices Mary A. Churchill Mary A. Churchill of Gaylord, died Thursday. June 30, 2005, st Tendercare of Gaylord. She was bom on Feb. 12, 1922 in Plymouth. Mass.. to John and Sarah McCosh. After graduating from Plymouth High School, Mary moved to Michigan. 1944, she joined the Navy as a WAVE, where she worked for the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts as a shopkeeper. second class and attended college during World War II. In 1947, she married her husband of 47 years. Floyd Churchill, v^rtio preceded her In death. Also preceding her in death was a brother, John McCosh, and a sister, Priscilla Shingler Mary retired from the JL Hudson store at Oakl^d Mall. She worked there for 20 years in the book department while residing in Royal Oak. Mary moved to Gaylord in 1991. She was an avid reader. Playing bridge was her passion. She also enjoyed crossword puzzles and spending time at the family cabin in Central Lake. Mary Is survived by her sister, Betsey (Robert) Clark of Venice. Bette Jean Stevenson Crook Bette Jean Stevenson Crook died quietly In the eariy hours of July 1, 2005 surrounded by her family at their Arbutus Beach Home. She was born and raised in Highland Park. After graduating from Highland Park High School, she studied journalism at Fla., and her children. Terry (Alice) Churchill of San Diego. Calif., John Churchill of Northglenn, Colo.. David Churchill of Ionia, and Susan (James) Theisen of Gaylord, as well as seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. A memorial service for Mrs. Churchill will be held at the Congregational Church of Gaylord on Friday, July 8, at 11 a.m. Friends may call at the church on Friday beginning at 10 a.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Otsego County Library or the First Congregational Church. John Daniel Jackman Jack Jackman passed away on June 29. 2005 in Tyler, Texas. He was born in Emmetsburg, Iowa on June 19, 1927. After graduating from Emmetsburg Catholic High in ••^946v.^e proudly J^erved the Army .'and wcis stationed 'Hh cMing World War'lt^e subsequently moved to New rw ^ Orieans where he attended Loyola University. He met, courted and then married the love of his life, Dorothy Louise Calhoun, on Nov. 12, 1955. He devoted his life to Dot and his family of four children. He worked for the City of New Orieans for 32 years, retiring as Assistant Director of Civil Service. A devout Catholic, he sacrificed much to provide his children with a Catholic education at Holy Name of Jesus, Mercy Academy and Jesuit High School in New Orleans. He enjoyed lively conversation. bridge and horse racing. He was greatly moved by targe extended family reunions In 1961 and 2001. He took special interest in the endeavors of his children and grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 27 years, Dorothy Calhoun Jackman, in 1982. He is survived by his children Dr. J. Daniel Jackman Jr. of Tyler, Texas; Michael C. Jackman of % New Orieans: Joan Jackman Becker of Gaylord: and Worthing F. Jackman of El Dorado Hills. Calif. He is also survived by his nine grandchildren Dan. Jennifer, and Chris Jackman of Tyler: Travis, Clay and CiCi Becker of Gaylord: and Cabot. Cooper, and Kelsey Jackman of El Dorado Hills. ***" A rosary sdfvtoe was heldon Sunday. July 3, in Tyter, Texas. Funeral services were held in New Orleans at Lake Lawn Funeral Home on July 5. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Jackman Family Endowment at the Tyler Catholic Schools Foundation. PO Box. 131175, Tyler. TX 75713. Jack Pierce Jack Pierce. 84, of Mesa. Ariz., and Gaylord, died Saturday. June 4, 2005 In Mesa. Jack was born on Aug. 24, 1920 in Flint. the son of John W. and e u n i c e ( D e M o 11) Pierce. He m a r r i e d i Joanne S. i Swanson on I Feb. 21, I 1953. He was a graduate of Michigan State University, and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Gaylord and the Gaylord and Sunland Village country clubs. He served as a pilot in the Air Force In Wortd War II and the Korean War. He Is survived by his wife of 52 years, Joanne; two sons. John M. (Ann) of Alpine, Calif., and William D. (Andrea) of Ogden, Utah; three grandchildren, Adam. Jenna and Marc of Alpine. Calif.; Inlaws; Charles Ward, Janet Swanson and Shirley Swanson, all of Flint; and many loving nieces and nephews. Jack was preceded in death by his parents: his son, Thomas in 2004; four sisters-in-law: and three brothers-in-law. Jack will be sorely missed by his beloved family and his many friends and relatives. A "Celebration of Life" will be held on Saturday, July 9 at 11 a.m. from the First United Methodist Church in Gaylord, the Rev. John Naile, officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to the First United Methodist Church. PO Box 617, Gaylord, Ml 49734. , i ^ ' Allen Park, Brian Crook of Woodhaven, Alliefair Scalise of Buffalo, N.Y and Candace Scalise of Buffalo, N.Y. Bette lived an active life filled with unique talents and interests. At the age of 83, she was still worthing as a certified court reporter, a profession she undertook when she was in her 70s and in which she took great pride. Aviation was a family hobby. m i c h i g a n Bette was a licensed private State Univerpilot (single-engine, land) as sity and later transferred to the were her husband Charies and University of Michigan School of children Suzanne and Steve. Nursing. It was there that she The family owned one of the met and mamed her husband original 1947 Beachcraft Charies who was a senior med- Bonanzas and a Piper Tri Pacer. ical student at the University of Bette belonged to the Ninety Michigan. They resided in Nines Inc. the international Cincinnati. Ohio for a couple organization of licensed women years while Dr. Crook completed pilots. his internship and residency at She flew the Tri Pa(^r in sevBethesda Hospital. Their chil- eral Michigan small races which dren, Suzanne and Steve, were were round-robin proficiency born there. In 1944, Bette races. She belonged to the Avireturned to her parent's home in ation Space Writers AssociaHighland Park, while her hus- tion. She served as information band served in the Philippines officer with the rank of captain during World War II. After the in the- Great Lakes staff. of the war,-the farruiy made their home- C4v4 Air Patrol. In the 1960«. she in Highland Park. flew with ' the Red Devil Otsego Lake was a "second Squadron of the Michigan Air home" to Bette since the time National Guard in F-89s and a Tthat she was 12. Her family 33 jet trainer. This was one of vacationed on Arbutus Beach the most exciting experiences for years, before purchasing the of her life. family home in 1955. Bette and Bette was a talented and her youngest daughter, Leslie, sensitive writer, focusing on moved to Gaylord permanently poetry in her eariy life. Her book in 1972 after the death of Dr of poetry, "Shifting Shadows." Crook. Otsego Lake was was published in 1948. She "home." was the out-of-state editor for Bette was preceded In death "Echo's of West Virginia," a by her husband. Charies L. small poetry magazine pubCrook, MD in 1971 and her par- lished in the 1950s. In 1974, ents. George W. "Steve" Steven- "Famous Firsts In Medicine" son in 1958 and Pansy "Pat" was published by GP Putnam and Sons. Bette co-authored Williams Stevenson in 1^0. She is survived by her chil- this with her husband Dr. dren, Bette Suzanne Whyte, of Crook. Gaylord, Charles "Steve" Crook Bette loved people and poliof Dearborn, and Leslie tics. When Bette moved to Gay(Michael) Scalise of Buffalo, N.Y lord in 1972, she became She Is also survived by her involved in local government. grandchildren Peter Whyte of She was the first woman to Gaylord, Carolyn Whyte of serve on the Otsego County Grand Rapids. Michael Crook of Board of Commissioners. She v t aavlomo Herau^Times A view froni the 45th Parallel jne^ for gMng opportmitifs fieast call Otsego Memorial Hospital Foundation 825 N. C«nier Ave.. Gaylord, Ml 49735 (989) was elected, consecutively, to two-year terms from 1978 to 1990 and again from 1994 to 1996. She worked tirelessly and conscientiously on many county boards and commissions. Bette's life focused on her community. She was instrumental in organizing the Zonta Club of Gaylord Area In 1976 and served as charter president. She was also elected Area One director for District XV of Zonta International. Zonta is an international organization of professional women working to advance the status of women woridwide. Bette was honored with the Zontian of the Year Award by her club. Bette was also honored by the American Association of University Women with their "Women Making History Award" in 1996. She is a member of St. Andrew's Episc6pal Church and was a 1992 delegate to the Diocesan Convention. These are only some highlights trom a life dedicated to "living." was never one willing to accept the limitations of illness or age. Bette has and will continue to serve as an Inspiration to her family and friends. As one of her friends commuted, "1 think that It Is very appropriate that this accomplished and independent woman would have her funeral on July 4. 2005 — Independence Day." She Is loved and missed by many. A special thank you to her friends for their visits and prayers and to Dr. Paul Blanchard. Dr. Harry Colfer, Maria Gardner, Fran Lucas. RN. Joan Sorenson, RN. Michael Harmen. RN. and Fattw Rehagen for their care during Bette's final days. Memorial contributions may be made through the Nelson Funeral Home to the Zonta Club of Gaylord for a Bette Crook Memorial Scholarship or to Hospice of the Straits. Funeral services were held July 4 from the Nelson Funeral Home. CLASSIC HITS j o i n y o u r friends f r o m The FOX as w e broadcast live f r o m Timothy's Pub. Listen for live updates and special events all w e e k during Alpenfest. r -EAR- .• : . Summer Sli>ee(aiBulaf' V Money-Saving - ^ t i p #5: When o f f e r e d a great deal... TAKE IT! DURING THE SALE YOU ALSO GET lufniw i n t r o d u c i n g mTMHmmrgjRi TM«Y A C f O i U i . Y TALK T O KACM ladiijlllhm 731-2342 a... Mirack-Car* C t t r t t r • Gaylord MlamtaiiOnctCMv •WS.MNffSdMDt 9H)0AM-JMPm A u g w t lOOt A 24«h COO) $72-4014 C-4 • Wednesday, July 6, 2005 Qaylord H«rald Tlmas RC.LIGION A matter of waiting W aiting is not a strong Ameri- Thus, goes the world of waiting. can characteristic. While we Robert Levine coined a new word, spend a lot of time waiting, "honko-second" in his book, "A such times are usually enforced waitGeography of Time." ing periods such as the Independence He defines that term Day weekend checkout lines, gas staas ' ^ e time between tion lines, tollbooth lines, campwhen the traffic light ground check-in lines, boat launch changes and the perlines, etc. Such waiting can someson behind you honks times breed the most ghastly of his horn." That, options. Waiting in a doctor's office Levine claims, is the may give rise to patients' thoughts of smallest measure of sharing stories about the highly contatime known to scigious and fatal illness, gleefully ence. watching the waiting room suddenly So, how well do empty leaving him next in line. While you wait? What have a loll taker and a motorist chat happiyou learned by waitly, another waiting motorist may be ing? Some waiting becomes a trial of wondering if she could actually drive the soul. There's the waiting of an her car forward between the tollbooth infertile couple who deeply long for a and the chatty motorist s vehicle, pay child only to be disappointed — her toll and be quickly on her way. again. Then there's the medical wait- Give your b u s i n e s s card to of people... every week! Now, no one even suggests that waiting is easy. And, even though this — The Rev. Fred Nose is pastor of at the Vanderbilt Communin' Church. The Invacare* Zoom HMV" is the only way to go. Meet the )nvacare*Zoorn HMV, short for highly maneuVbrable vehicle, it travels over grass or gravel, right over the threshold of home doorways, and Into every room of your house. K Place your 2x2 dltplay ad and reach over 3.5 million readers for just $999! Place a 25-word classified ad and reach over 4 million readers for just $299! Contact this newspaper or Wendy and Christine at Michigan Press Association. "What Did You Say?" If you find yourself saying these words often, please give u s a call. Professional A u d i o l o g y Service Hearirl'g'Ardg Testing H e a r i n g A i d S u p p l i e s a n d Repair Dr. Michael W. Koskus & Robin L. Reynolds, M.A. Board Certified Audiologists Heading . •gsif mf w mfm Cost-Effective Statewide Coverage M i c h i g a n Press writer can write on the theme of waiting, that should not suggest accomplishment or expertise. Like many other character qualities, waiting must be learned and releamed. How many people find themselves financially in debt over and over and over? So of^en, they simply have been unwilling to wait. As a result they exi>erience the same condition repeatedly. Waiting well includes a trust that God knows well. Waiting requires a self-control and self-denial that sees a larger picture and that focuses on the well-being of others. When our life purposes are buried in God's kingdom purposes, we begin to wait well and leam that waiting can be a better part of living. ing o d c h a r d c C«N • M m i l l 827 N. Washingtc Lansing, Ml 469QdSl' Phone: 517.372.2424 Fax; 517.372.24; www.michiganpn wend)r@michiga I ONE M I G H T conclude that waiting is just a part of a fallen, sin-cursed world except that the Bible is full of examples, words of encouragement and, yes, commands to wait. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Isaiah 40:31 asserts: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as the eagles . . ." Even the Apostle Paul talked about our waiting for the return of Christ the Messiah. So, why is this waiting such a big deal? Waiting is a form of self-denial. Waiting delays gratification. As one writer puts it, "The ability to wait well is a test of maturity. Little children (and sometimes big ones) want something now, no matter how inconvenient, how untimely, how impossible the waiting might be. The inability and even unwillingness to wait represents the reality of man's sinftil, selfish and self-centered nature. Waiting is not simply passing time in order to get what we want. Waiting is learning patience, trust, and hopefulness among other character qualities. Waiting is a part of the process of people becoming what God wants us to be. O t s e g o C o u n t y residents d e p e n d on the Herald Times AdvertlM In the Gajriord Heisld Thses Hwt't My Cart pagH, and wstch your bMlness 9«irl i h e r a l i ^ i m e s ing as test after test fmally confirms the worst of fears and the succession of treatments keeps patient and family watting to see if the condition is arrested. Wliat kind of waiting is it of the depressed person who waits for the morning to come when he or she will want to live and be glad to live life? 2 MARKETS OPEN 7 DAYS In? )•*, you ctwi Call Toll-Free 8 7 7 - 9 3 7 - 5 4 6 4 Cherry *No( intmded kw >trcvt a Kishw*/ mc &Behab ^ ^N-fuck ci. ^?/)e-fnrk C o m e a n d e i ^ o y a w o n d e r f ^ f r n l t s eagont asont MohiU and wMmOOi 2 2 8 0 M-32 W • Gaylord Earn Your SabMota Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 960-706-2111 o r 866-705-2111 Host an Exchange Student Today! Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from Madonna University in Gaylord! • Gaylord program begins September 2005 • Designed for community college and four-year college transfer students Make a lifelong liiend from abroad. Graldi >nurfimu)>' with aaacber culture N^you cam hmr a Mgh school cxiiuaDt Muknt (jprl ur txiy)frcMDPcance, Gcmuny, Scmdinsvia, Sfxdn. Englmd. Japan. Brazil, haly „ . Of other counttiea. HannafromNorway 16 yn. Becomli*a ho« toayoung uka ddHK Inicmabonal vWcor k. an o * 4DMW OD i _ dma hA! experience of a bfetimc! KArrairmkiac ; 47-semester hour major can be completed by Dumber 2007 • Classes conveniently offered on Saturdays for busy, working adults m • Field placements and practicums available Nationally accredited by the Council on Social Work Education Social Work Program Information Session: Located at 854 North Center, Gaylord Wednesday, July 13 • 7 to 9 p.m. Across from Otsego Memorial Hospital iMtter myself.' Staying ^ M-88 n o r t h of Central Lake & U.S. Hwy 31 n o r t h of Elk Rapids Call 1-800-968-8080 for your appointment Accepted Insurances: Blue Care Network BCBS Auto Workers / BCBS Retired Teachers BCBS & Aetna State of Michigan Employee^ "Irtvacare says 'Yes you can,' and I coiridnt hav« said It Out? www.a»s6.com The University Center at Gaylord • 80 Livingston Boulevard E m m a a t l-SOO-736-1760 (Tbll Free) Call 1-800-852-4951, ext. 5498 NiundnJ n I97ti AS5E IntCTMtioniM Stttdcw Exchaage Pfonnun « publte benefit, nonitrcrfh txtt^mizsiiun Equal Opportunity Educator 6/05 I GOING OUT O F BUSINESS! in Caylordf All Apparel, Accessories, Wooden Puzzles Gi Toys w e are closing N o w O N SALE! our doors SiART YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL & CHRISTMAS SHOPPING After t06.7 W0.7 K • P • K Join your friends f r o m ie Peak as w e broadcast live f r o m Johnson's Furniture d u r i n g the 2005 Alpenfest. Listen for live updates and special events all week! 18 years forever NaMbom to SzB 1 4 NOWl and Alpine Kid^tuCf everything must be sold! ^ 0 ^ w j j m a l ^ ^ g a ^ o r ^ ^ 7 3 2 - 0 5 3 ^ ^ As a member of Otsego County Chamber of Commerce YOU'LL SAVE BIG! We « • plMMdtooflir ipacW dteounl ratoe iiom MoOwim* Inwranee Coaipinir on iuto, heme plut muRlple poley JhooiwH-to MMMbcn ol oonpiny upproved oraaninMona mM wanl Byv Mi (nMno. fom Auto^)»i» md * "DeoAent Sfieclaia. MMoe-lroiii Hw ttA rrminr rnplr. c a l l t o o a v amd « h o w v o u x l a a v b $ Z 0 c^%v€fv ^a»K€A c A w t ^ iKcJtudeA «utei a. d U t n t f t , tUM-l €teAAjent, KUcMAINAfU I N S U R A N C E AGENCY, INC. 114 N. Court. Qaylofd • 732-«471 w i f /lew 6 tmUt f mmtU $ m-.m. 989-732-4454 • 4400 Chomptonship Driv«, Oaylord ^ mm Q«yk>rd H«raM Times Wednesday, July 6. 2005 • C-5 Attend the church of your choice. 'Seek the LORD and his strength, 1 Chronicles Song of the Morning Retreat Center 9607 East Sturgeon Valtey Road, VarvJefDilt (96d) 963-4107 /• 75 North to Exit 290. turn right, at blinker turn let! onto Main St. (becomes E. Sturgeon Valley Rd.), continue 9 1/2 miles, turn right (3 mailboxes on rightJsign on left), convrvje 1 1/4 mies to the C^ter Sunday Worship-11 a.m. Sunday Vegetarian Oinner-1 p.m. ($0/per»on; reeervations required) Evening Meditation Service-8-9:15 p.m. (MonTWed.-Sat) 'Through meditatior), still the mind-arxj in the stillness. experierKe the Divine.' St. Andrew's Episcopal Church seek his face continually. 16:11 Peace Lutheran Church 3703 Old 27 S. Gaylord, 732-1991 Holy Communion 8:30 & 11 a.m. Thomas Mammoser, Pastor Friendship Church ^ m 4^ A Christian Reformed Ministry _ "Where You Have A Friend In Jesus and A Friend In Us" SUNDAY S C H O O L 11:15 a.m. WORSHIP: 10 a.m. 415 N. Ohio. Gaylord 732-3621 www.fnendshipchurch.org • friendshipcrc@i2k,com Pastor Jay Chamfc>ers Life Tabernacle Apostolic Church Corner of Hayes Rd. & Main St. P.O Box 920 • Gaylofd • 732-4163 SUNDAY' SCHOOL; Sunday at 1:00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE: Sunday at 2:00 p.m, Rev. Gerald Rehagen 8 a.m. daily morning prayer • Wednesday Eucharist at noon HfuiT 'Ifu 'BibU Is Tfit find^{utlumty Sunday Eucharist at 8 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Go and preach the gospel. Use worde If necessary. Franc!9 of Aooiel United C h u r c h of C h r i s t 218 W. Second Street Gaylord 732-5726 Sunday Worship 10a.m. Rev. Jannes Brammer 'Serving our commuriity for 130 years' John E. Naile, Pastor Dr. John H. Bunce, Associate Pastor 732-5380 Paul Block, Youth Director Web Page Email: firstumc@dunnsonline.com N o r t h e r M 9300 N. US 27 Vanderbilt, Michigan 989-983-4105 Christian Fellowship Pastor Wayne Hammonds 2622 West M-32-Gaylord • 732-9435 jFirst Congregational Church 215 South Center Avenue, Gaylord Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Live Broadcast 10:30 a.m. WMJZ 101.5 FM Mended Nursery at the 10:30 B.m. Service Worship with us Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenings at 7:30 p . a S. Wisconsin St.' Neor Glen s Market • Gaylord • 989-732-4001 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH fhal'^es MID-WEEK SERVICE: Sunday School • 10 ojn. SwKlov PMomlng Woishlp • 11 am. Sunctov Evening WonNp - 6 p.m. Wedneedov Mbl* Study - 7 pjn. Kkto't Kid* day • 7 pjn. Johannesburg Christian Church 10722 East M-32 - J o h a n n e s b u r g • 989-705-7456 P a s t o r Don Cleveland S u n d a y School 8:45-9:45 a.m. S u n d a y W o r s h i p S e r v i c e 10:00 a.m. S u n d a y Morning R a d i o M e d s s a g e o n Oldies I 0 I . 5 FM - 8:30 a.m. P a s t o r a l C o u n s e l i n g (Call for a n a p p o i n t m e n t ) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SERVICE ALPINE VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH A place of light in a world of darkness Christian Science Society Alpine Haus Bidg.. 209 W. First St., Suite 103, Gaylord. MI S u n d a y Service 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Service 7 p.m. 2"' & 4" (April - October) David R. Bumey Pastor M-32 West at north Townline Road. Qaylord Sunday Bible Study I0;00 a.m.. Morning Worship 11.00 a.m. Wednesday Service 6;00 p.m. " M e e k n e s s is the a r m o u r o f a Christian, his shield and buckler." Nursery- available fur all 5er\ ice.s For more information call 732-4602 or 731-2860 - Mary Baker Eddy FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 513 Charles Brink Rd. • Gaylord Ecumenical Worship S u n d a y Service and S u n d a y School 10 a.m. (nursery providal) T h e R e v e i a n d Mary A T M c Q u r e c»I 989-939-8739 Unity Church of Today North ()ir K w l o k i i 1 111 Stiiiil.ix Worship ' M I f u l l I N S i IHMII u \ n S:45 :<iii HIIOO .litt On the comer of W. 5th St. & S. Court Ave. (One bloci( east of the State Police Post.}" ( inn<- In the M / / S I'.lvCnl llltin ( Mtik 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 0 4 7 5 We believe the way we tre«»t each other is more We believe the search is more impoftant than certainty. Watt « 7 1 Co. w; 6t2, Frederic, Ml « 7 3 3 • Z3I-26M231 ' Ihinl8fieeway.net , Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 10:45 A.M. Sunday Evening 6 PM. Wednesday Prayer 6 PM. Mark Houk - Pastor 732-^909 732-8317 "Our Church Can Be Ybur Home" N important than the way we express our beliefs. GAYLORD CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1399 Wilkinson Rd., Gaylord ^ , Seventh-Day ^ Adventist Church 206 Wtst 5th Street • 9S9-70S-17S5 We proclaim jesus Christ and promote commmities of/oy, hope, love, and peace. Sabbath School • 9t30 a.111. • Worship Service • 11 a.111. CHURffl SCHOOL: 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP: I I :00 A.M. Midweek Prayer Service 220 S. Center ~ Gaylord • Further Information: Pastor Terry Nelson • (989) 732-1067 » (231) 525-6494 www.otsego.org/fpcg s oj" c^risf the TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH ill f Missouri Synod 1354 S. Otsego Ave. Gaylord (989)732-4816 Sunday Worship Services - 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & AduR Bible Class 9:15 a.m. Rev. Todd B r u n w o r t h Tune in to Lutheran Hour Radio Broadcast WBYC FM 92.5 on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. Gifts For Special Occasions •Bibles "Music Church Supplies Glen's Alpine Plaza MMNLSTORE 9 F C.'IYLOIW gaylordnaz@hoimail.com 732-7888 *A S A Place (o iBmnitate J i m ' 9:30 • Sunday School (for all ages) 10:15 FellotvsKip titne 10:30 Worship (Dunery & children's church) Kids' Church 2nd grade thru 6th grade Children's Church preschool thnt Isi gnde Psstor Adam S. Wolfgang • 848 Schreur St. www,invesiigatejesus.com • For more information call: (989) 732-7727 St. Mary Cathedral LIGHJHO^ET" R o m a n CathoHc : _ "FEttOWSHIR^ 6 0 6 North Ohio Avenue, Gaylord (989) 7 3 2 - 5 4 4 8 MASSES: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 & 11 a.m. HOLY DAYS: 7 & 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. CONFESSIONS: Friday Noon to 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. —(TB3d^eii5dn« Pamiljes reaching 7 OR FREEDOM COVEriAMT FELLOWSHIP " ' (989) 619-0195 or (231)223-8714 Pastor Ray Roach ravlfbc(a)vahoo.coni A WORD OF FAITH CHURCH ' W h e r e t h e love o f Qod can break t h r o u g h In y o u r l i f e . ' 5 6 0 4 OM S t u m p Service Times: Qaylord Sunday a t 10 a.m. Phone: 989-731*2691 Wednesday a t 6:50 p.m. rmtm Oevid Stcteilc Chttdmi * Owwcli a Flwtijij AvritaMc C O M E W O R S H I P W I T H U S AT T H E . . . Best Western Alpine Lodge Right Nejt Door to Olen^ Mattel 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY P.O. Boj 2127, Gaylord MI 49734 Gaylord Communitv Church Come Experience Community Sundjva Worship 8:45 a.m., 10:00 a.m., fir 11:30 a.m. Let everyone in the community k ^ w about your worship services. ttad the Gaylord Herald rime» :e your ad here. Call 732-lllL T u e o d m a • Klda Church 6:30 p.m. - 4 years old through 6th grade Adult Service At Otsego Christian School w n t n f i u t t t • 6 p.m. Cafe At Came Room Opens 7 p.m. Youth Worship Service Starts (|c£llfe.cam www.womenbyBracexomwww.24-7flcc.com 1 4 9 9 East M - 3 2 - Gaylord 989-732-9202 GAYLORD FREE EVANGELICAL CHURCH Surxiay Sacvtoee: 9:30 a . m . - Worship SarvtOM MIntetarfng ComrrvurittiM for AduHt Sur>day School for Kkto ar>d Taans Nurtary. TockMr and Jur>kx Church provklad 5:30 p.m. • Junior High Ybuth Qroup (7th A 8th grada) 7:30 p.m. - S*nk>r High Youth Qroup (0th -12th grada) 1649 M-32 East - Gaylord 732-2647 www.gaylordefrec.org C-® • WsdnMday, Jiriy 8, J006 Qaytord H«ratd TlmM Nonci TO RINnRS OTSEGO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ** S « « - S t o ™ Q « Unit B - 3 4 , A n i t a W t o a o n ^ ^ , A n d i » . 0 ' R l . l l y ; Unit C - e . D a v . a n d Unit F - 1 2 , .tiiir i" u ™ » Wil • m p t l e d a n d your b o l o n g i n o s wlU b e s o l d o r d o n a t e d t o s a t •wy your d e b t . BAGUY TOWNSHIP BOARD MINUTES J u n e 13, 2 0 0 5 M ^ n g o p e n e d «t 7 p . m . o n J u n e 13. 2 0 0 5 at the t o w n a h i p haN. AH o o ^ preeent. BiKs p a i d a n d p r e v k x j s m i n u t e s a p p r o v e d . Boartj r ^ e i v e d r e p o r t s f r o m attorney. D D A B o a r d . Planning ( k x n m i s s i o n a n d Fire Board. B o a r d a d o p t e d r e s o l u t i o n s u p p o r t i n g efforts in s e c u r i n g f u n d s for an over/ur>derpass o n 1-75 B o a r d m a d e a P o w e r Point presentatk>n a t t e m p t i n g t o answer n u m e r o u s q u e s t i o n s raised b y t h e S . O . L E . c o m m i t t e e . PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE July 13. 2 0 0 5 T h e C ^ s e g o C o u n t y Planning Commis»k>n will hokJ a public hearing duri n g a S p e c i a l Work S e s s i o n o n W e d n e s d a y . J u l y 13, 2 0 0 5 at 7-00 p m in ^ M u l t i - P u r p o s e R o o m of the J. R i c h a r d Yuill. A l p i n e Center ^ U v i n g s t o n Blvd., Gaylord, M i c h i g a n . SeW-Storaqe i m m e d i a t e l y at 9 8 9 - 7 0 5 - 7 8 6 4 . HAYES TOWNSHIP MINUTES p > e p u r p o s e of the publk: hearing will b e t o o b t a i n citizen c o m m e n t o n t h e f o l l o w i n g L a n d l i s e Request: Jim Szymaneki. Clerk Township of Bagley J u n e 14, 2CX)5 1. P C - 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 - B A G L E Y - S U P G a y l o r d C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h request t o e x p a n d a n existing c h u r c h . Phase 1 involves addir>g a n 6 0 ' x 8 0 ' a d d i t i o n t o t h e e x i s t i n g c h u r c h ar>d P h a s e 2 b e i n g futur e e x p a n s i o n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n of 2 large n e w buiWings a n d a n e w p a r k i n g area. T h e parcel n u m b e r f o r t h e p r o p e r t y in q u e s t i o n is: 0 1 0 - 0 0 2 - 3 0 0 - 0 2 5 - 0 1 . T h e legal d e s c r i p t i o n is: C o m at S 1/4 c o r n e r of S e c t i o n 2 B a g l e y Township: t h n N Od W 1319.2' t o P O B T h n N 8 9 d W 3 2 7 . 3 7 ' ; t h n N Od W 1499 98'- t h n S 7 2 d E 3 4 4 . 1 0 ' : t h n S Od E 1 4 0 0 . 2 8 ' t o P O B c o n t a i n i n g l O a Board m e e t i n g called t o order at 7 P M w i t h P l e d g e o f m e m t w s a n d eight g u e s t s w e r e present. M i n u t e s OT m e M a y 10. 2 0 0 5 m e e t i n g were a p p r o v e d . Treasurer's report w a s a p p « ^ s h o w i n g i n c o m e o f $2,380.79 a n d e x p e n d i t u r e s o f $10,310.55. All bills w e r e p a j d . M o t i o n p a s s e d t o pay a p p r o x i m a t e l y $ 1 6 0 annually for ^ r ^ e r y flags. M o t i o n p a s s e d t o e s t a b l i s h a s e p a r a t e a c c o u n t of WOO,000 f o r r o a d c o n s t a i c t i o n a n d repair, t o b e e a r m a r k e d for Hayes (three phases), S. Townline R o a d , a n d M t . Frederick Road, a n d a s e p a r a t e fire p r o t e c t i o n a c c o u n t of $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . R e v i e w e d a land divls » ^ request f r o m S c o t t J o h n s o n , Tail Timber, a 1 0 - a c r e p a r c e l d i v i d e d into Parcel a n d 2 . 5 - a c r e parcel. M o t i o n p a s s e d that the land split r ^ t » a p p r o v e d a n d a s k t h e C o u n t y t o set u p a m o r a t o r i u m o n any a d d t lorwl lar>d s p l i t s in H a y e s T o w n s h i p (of less t h a n five acres) until t h e m a s t ^ z o n i n g p l a n is c o m p l e t e d . Meeting a d j o u r n e d at 9:30 PM. N e x t Meeting. J u l y 12, 2 0 0 5 , at 7:00 PM. KIRTIAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS K i r t l a n d C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e is a c c e p t i n g p r o p o s a l s f r o m c a r p e t installaa n n u a l p e r i o d of July 1, 2 0 0 5 t h r o u g h J u n e 3 0 . 2 0 0 6 t o p e r f o n n c a r p e t installation at its c o i i ^ e facilities. P f O p o M i s will b e r e < ^ i v e d until Th u r s d a y . July 21. 2 0 0 5 at 3 : 3 0 p . m . in K i r t l a n d C o m m u n i t y College's facilities m a n a g e m e n t o f f i c e at w h i c h t i m e t ^ y will b e c ^ e d a n d p u b l i c l y read. All p r o p o s a l s m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d o n t h e official b ^ sheet. B i d d o c u m e n t s m a y b e o b t a i n e d in t h e facilities m a r w ^ m e n t office in t h e A r t / M a i n t e n a n c e B u i l d i n g or by c a l l i n g 3 8 9 - 2 7 5 5 0 M , Ext. 2 6 3 d u n n g regular b u s i n e s s hours. T h e c o l l e o e resen/es t h e ^ h t t o a c c e p t or reject any o r all p r o p o s a l s a n d / o r re-bid t h e p r o j e c t . P r o p o s a l s m u s t remain f i m i for a p e r i o d of thirty d a y s after t h e official b i d opening. Ail citizens are w e l c o m e t o a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g o r t o p r o v i d e written c o m rr>ent. If w r i t t e n c o m m e n t s are p r o v i d e d , the c o m m e n t s must b e received at t h e C o u n t y L a n d U s e Services O f f i c e s b y n o o n the day of the hearing. A n y citizen w h o has q u e s t i o n s regarding t h i s a p p l i c a t i o n or w h o needs a s s i s t a n c e t o a t t e n d this m e e t i n g s h o u l d c o n t a c t the Director of L a n d U s e S e r v i c e s at (989) 7 3 1 - 7 4 2 0 . R i c h a r d Ross, Clerk ^ y q u e s t i o n s regarding t h i s p r o j e c t s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d t o J o A n n C o m e r f o r d , Director o f Facilities at 9 8 9 - 2 7 5 - 5 0 0 0 , Ext. 249, NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDEBS " ^ e O t s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n will receive sealed p r o p o s a l s in t h ^ o f f i c e l o c a t e d at 6 6 9 West M c C o y R o a d . Gaylord. M i c h i g a n , until 2 : 0 0 p . m . o n Friday, July 15, 2 0 0 5 for f u r n i s h i n g t h e following: T h e O t s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n will r e c e i v e s e a l e d p r o p o s a l s in « ®69 West M c C o y R o a d , G a y l o r d . M i c h i g a n , until .i.uO p.m. o n Friday. J u l y 15. 2 0 0 5 for furnishing t h e f o l l o w i n g : H O T MIX A S P H A I T PAVING OF HATCH DRIVE, K E L L O Q Q DRIVF A N D TIMBERLANE TRAM PLAT O F A R B U T U S R F A R H HIQHUVND.S AVENUE THRfMlftH INCLUDINQ PLEASANT P L A r p PLAT O F K A T H R Y N A. H E F F E R N A N S B E A R L A K E SUBDfVISION T 2 9 N - R 1 W , S e c t i o n 1, C h a r f t o n TWp., O t s e g o C o u n t y tfffYlfrB, b i d s m u s t a m v e at t h e Gaylord Post Office B o x b y 1 2 : 0 0 n o o n o n Friday, J u l y 15, 2 0 0 5 . Mail to: O f s e ^ o C o u n t y R o s d Commission P.O. Box 537 Gayionj. Ml 4 9 7 3 4 - 0 5 3 7 |f t h r o u g h t h e p o s t a l ftftrvicff b i d s m u s t a m v e at the G a y l o r d P o s t O f f i c e B o x by 12:00 n o o n o n Friday, J u l y 15, 2005. Mail t o : O f s e g o County Road Commission P.O. Box 537 Gaylord. Ml 49734-0537 W O R K SESSION NOTICE J u l y 13, 2 0 0 5 T l ^ O t s e g o C o u n t y Planning C o m m i s s i o n will h o l d a w o r k s e s s i o n o n W ^ n e s d a y , J u l y 13, 2 0 0 5 at 7:00 p . m . in the M u l t i - P u r p o s e R o o m of t h e J. R i c h a r d Yuill, Alpine Center, 8 0 0 L i v i n g s t o n Blvd.. G a y l o r d , M i c h i g a n T h e p u r p o s e of the w o r k s e s s i o n will b e to review the f o l l o w i n o l a n d u s e issues: 1. C o n d u c t a p u b l i c h e a r i n g a n d review P C - 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 - B A G L E Y - S U P Gaylord Community Church request to expand an existing church. Phase 1 i n v o l v e s a d d i n g an 8 0 ' x 8 0 ' a d d i t i o n t o the e x i s t i n g c h u r c h a n d P h a s e 2 b e i n g future e x p a n s i o n a n d c o n s t n j c t i o n of 2 large n e w b u i l d i n g s a n d a parcel n u m b e r for the p r o p e r t y in q u e s t i o n is; 0 1 0 0 0 2 - 3 0 0 - 0 2 5 - 0 1 . The legal d e s c r i p t i o n is: C o m at S 1/4 c o r n e r of S e c t i o n 2 Bagley T o w n s h i p ; t h n N Od W p i 9 . 2 ' t o P O B Thn N 8 9 d W 3 2 7 . 3 7 ' ; t h n N Od W 1 4 9 9 , 9 8 ' ; t h n S 7 2 d E 344. 1 0 ' ; t h n S Od E 1400.28' t o P O B c o n t a i n i n g 1 0 a tf d t f l i y g r o d . bids m u s t arrive at the p h y s i c a l a d d r e s s of the O t s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n by 2:00 p . m . o n Friday, July 15, 2005 (closed n o o n - 1 2 : 3 0 for lunch): O f s e g o County Road Commission 669 West McCoy Road Gaylord. Ml 49735 Wds m u s t a m v e at the p h y s i c a l a d d r e s s of the O t s e g o O f s e g o C o u n f y Road Commission 669 IVesf McCoy Road Gaylord, Ml 49735 specifications may B i d s will b e o p e n e d a n d publicly read a l o u d at 2 : 0 0 p.m. o n July 15, 2005 at t h e ( ^ s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n . Plans a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s may t>e o b t a i n e d at the R o a d C o m m i s s i o n . M p r o p o s a l s m u s t b e in sealed envelopes, plainly m a r k e d as t o t h e item b i d u p o n a n d t h e n a m e o f t h e bidder. All unmari^ed b i d s will b e rejected. All p r o p o s a l s must b e in sealed e n v e l o p e s , plainly m a r k e d as t o t h e item b i d u p o n a n d t h e n a m e of t h e bidder. All u n m a r k e d bids will b e rejected. TTie O t s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n reserves t h e right t o a c c e p t or ^ e c t m y o r all b i d s , t o w a i v e any inegularities i n t h e b i d s , a n d t o a w a r d the b i d in a n y m a n n e r d e e m e d in t h e best interests o f O t s e g o C o u n t y T h e O t s e g o C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s s i o n reserves the right to a c c e p t or reject any o r all bids, t o waive any in-egularities in t h e bids, a n d t o a w a r d t h e b i d in a n y m a n n e r d e e m e d in the b e s t interests of O t s e g o C o u n t y OTSEGO COUNTY R O A D COMMISSION OTSEGO COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION at 2 : 0 0 p . m . o n July 15, 2 0 0 5 be S t a ^ I , ^ ' ' S ^ a d ' S m ^ r t o a ' ° " - OTSEGO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION J a c k Deming, Chairman D o n a l d R. H u f f . Vice C h a i r m a n E u g e n e S. Fleming, M e m b e r Jack Deming, Chairman D o n a l d R. Huff, Vice C h a i r m a n E u g e n e S. Flemir>g, M e m b e r 2. R e v i e w b a c k g r o u n d c e n s u s d a t a a n d g r o w t h d a t a for M a s t e r L a n d U s e Plan u p d a t e . Discuss p r e s s i n g i s s u e s o f c o n c e r n for n e w M a s t e r Plan G o a l s a n d Objectives. 3. R e v i e w W i n d Turbine p r o p o s e d draft ordinanceAll citizens are w e t e o m e t o a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g o r t o p r o v i d e written c o m m e n t . If written c o m m e n t s are p r o v i d e d , t h e c o m m e n t s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d at t h e C o u n t y L a n d U s e S e r v i c e s O f f i c e s b y n o o n the d a y o f t h e m e e t i n g . ^ y citizen w h o has q u e s t i o n s r e g a r d i n g t h e m e e t i n g or w h o n e e d s assistence t o a t t e n d this m e e t i n g s h o u l d c o n t a c t t h e Director of L a n d U s e S e r v i c e s at (989) 7 3 1 - 7 4 2 0 . ^Legal Notices^ IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLHCT A DEBT ATTN. PURCHASERS. I comef of said ing at law or in squity has been instituted t BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE 15. Otsego County Records. NOTICE OF MORTQAOE SALE from the date of such • « ™ d a t 5 a i » , plusintsrest. th«nc8 thence NortI North CX) degrees 05 rnirujtes 4 ond. Ea«. 1310.45 m « c . South Soutf, 88 88 NO'DCE N o i o E IS IS HEREBY HEREBY GIVEN that, by ^ vMue ©f ^ lfi0iA8Ma. inIn OEF^S^LTJuida^been macjAkCtbe teaBa.aQc^MORTQAQE o ' g . r w a i ^ ho« • th^ooe THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT of a certain mortgage n S e by m the conditions of a m o r t g a a a ^ ( t o ^ ' of M o d «hau "• u l a c o n t a i r ^ in "I satd MM Mortoaoa o panoo cnaii h^rvi days from ' ' tatute in In .och such caa case made and pro- sale. AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WIU. L. Rohd. and C<,™| A. R o M , 2 DaoW R aS g S ^ Thursday, August August 4. 4. 2005, 2005, at at 10.00 10.00 BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P L ^ Trustees of the Timothy L. Rohde and Carol A. Coiporaton, ortginaJ mortgagorfs) to UbSrtv ^ vi<led. on Thursday, ^ WW- , Q ». J #.« ., ... Buw< 11 1^11 Mu 111^1 lUeQOrXSI iO LJI 56 minut™ 35 saconda Wast. 331,00 o'clock a.m.. al tlia North do<* of th« Otaojio Dalad: Joly 6. 2005 COMTAf^T THE TWP OFFICE nPTirc BELOW BCI r\tAiIF ic I ARC- Rohde Revocable Livmn Tni«f hii«KanH D FSBr-r.n ^ '' CONTACT YOU ARE nevocabte Living Tnjst, husband and Savings Bank, Mortoaaee dated IN ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE. OR? iooo-r.-.K™, — -r-,, • w «««. oaTOO LawlMon Ml 49756. Mortoaoor, to First UlxK 947 on Pag. 215, In o i a g o CoJnN .n?" tha placo for For mor, inlonnation, plaaaa call; , _ n ^ n Michigan, m i c n ^ , Mortgagee, mod^a^, DEFAULT having been made in the terms arxS f . d , . _ ^_ o Northern cofKJtttona of a certain mortgage made by ^ 27th day of January. 2004. af>d is claimed ^ uro uaie iiweui ine highest bidder or bidders at public auction or Attorneys Fw Independent Bank, MSB Timothy L Rohde and Carol A. Rohde. hus^ Office of the Register of sum of One Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand band and wife, of P. 0 . 8 0 x 2 6 7 , 1 2 8 2 Timber [ ^ 9 ^ ' o ' t h e County of Otsego and Sute of Seven Hundred Ninety-F.ve And 28/100 The redemntion K. P"^se satisfying the f/V^VFirit N a t i w ^ B ^ k of GaJkird LaneTrBtt.Lewi»ton, MUS756. Mortaaaof to on the 4th day of February. 2004, in Dollars f$134.7a5 Pm ;nrj.^ir.« «. from the d a t e ^ ^ u n t s due and unpaid on said Mortgage. 30400 Teiegraph Rd, Ste. 200 ($134,795,28), .nduding interest at ti^ether with interest at the rate of 9.30%, all Bingham Farms. Michigan 48025-5822 First Federal of Northern Michigan. County Records, pages 829-833, 13.5% per annum Mortgagee, dated the 23rd day of May. 2003. mortgage there is claimed to be allowable costs of sale, taxes, and includible File #052556F03 Dated: June 22. 2005 attorney fees, the lands and premises situattj and recorded in the Office of the Register of pnricipal Under the power of sate contained in said ed in the Township of Otsego Lake. Otsego Deeds for the County of Otsego and State of interest, the sum of Nirw Thousand Nine mortgage ar>d the statute in such rasa ,,1 nCounty, Michigan, and legally descnbed as: Leqal ^ is hereby given that said FC D 248.593.1309 ' ^ Uber 937 of County Records, pages 003-(C4. 50). And no suit or proceedings at law mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of on which mortgag® t f w e is claimed to be hnuinn IS A DEBT COLLECTOR due. at the date of this notice, for prir>cipal -7 — c TO COLLECT^ A DEBT ~ tn,™ . ee . sANY eo and interest, the sum of Eighty Seven ^®^9age or any part thereof whereby the County Buildino in Gaylord at 10 00 am cvA P a m o ' T L L ! ' - — . * i u . qc u a r u Thousand One Hundred Sixty Two and <5^ sa*® c o u r t e d in said Mortgage has July 21. 2005. 3o2)0 Teiearaoh ^ S t l ^ o o COUNTY RECORDS. FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT 12/100 Dollars ($87,162.12). And no surt or operative. Ste. 2CW BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMMR ^ m ^ F proceedings at law or in equity having been Said premises are situated in Township of . ' igan - 822 TO ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY ' - j to recover the debt now remaining '^'•'^orB, by virtue of the power of sale Bagley, Otsego County Michiaan and are ^ 9 1 ^ 5-30-97 AND RECORDED by said Mortgage or any part thereof Mortgage, and pursuant to descnbed as: Unit 24. Krystal Meadows, des- LEGAL ^efrp MORTQAOE SALE whersby the ppwer of sale contained in said ^ statute of the State of Michigan In such ignated as Otsego County Condominium DEEDS OF Mortgage has become operative. ^ provided, notice is hereby Subdivision Plan No, 30. according to the MORTQAQE SALE COMMON- Default has been made in the conditions of ^ 21st day of July, Master Deed as recorded in Uber 7M. Pagw MORTQAOE SALE E. Sehl and Janet 854-889, Otsego County Records, as amend- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLFrTOR ^ ® TAX M. Sehl, husband and wife, to Fifth Third « | ^ n e d m said Mortgage, and pursuant to J * « > designated hghts m common ele- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A ^ B T AND ^ ®®-^^-000-50»-00. Mortgage - Ml, LLC. mortgagee, dated the statute of the State of Michigan In such h i g ^ b . ^ , at the main ments and limited common elements as set ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED w » i Th^ „ January 27. 2003 and recorded February 3. case made and provided, notice is hereby the Otsego County Courthouse, 225 f o r ^ in said Master Deed as amended and USED FOR T H A T ^ n ^ < ? ^ "months 2003 in Liber 908. Page 934, Otsego County giy»)thatonThur»day.the21std8yof J ^ VVe« Main, Gayloni, Michigan, of the premis- described in Act 229 of pUSCASTS^i^ USED FOR THAT PURPOSE ^ date of such sale unless determined Records There , r c l a i m e d > ^ 2005. at 10:00 o'clock a.m.. local time, said " * described in said mortgage, or so much as amended rwanit kbo a/-/- r.n -i — -• aMndoned in accordance with MCL such mortgage the sum of One Hundred 0 -FOAECLoeuAE wmee- morto.(,.«i«b..o™olo,«lBya«il,« p„.^ th«.o. » may », n«»».a,V to pay th. He auction, to the htgheet bidder, at the main of the Otsego County Courthouse, 225 We« Main, Qaytord. Michigan, of the premisea described m sakt mortgage, or so much 1 may be neceaaary to pay the amount due. as aforaaak}. on said mortgage. wrth tt>e interest thereon at 6.125% p>er •fWMjm artd aH legal coats, charges and axpensaa. including the attorrwy fees aftowed by lew, and alao any aum or sums which may be paid by the urtdersigned. r>eceas«v to protect Ns intarest in tfte prsmlsaa. which said deecrtbed aa foWows: All that Of parcel of land altualed in the TownaNp of Otsego Lake. County of Otaego, and State of MicNgan and deacribed as folkMva. to-wM: Lots 15 and 35, and that pert of Spruce Lane (Private) deecribed aa: Beginning at the Northwaat comer of Lot thertce proceedmg Nof»i » ' 4 4 ' 3 0 ' East, along the Eaateriy right-of-way Ine nf Summit Drive, 30.00 feet to the Southweat ooerm of Lot 36. ther>ce w i s ' i r E ' l i l o ^ l s >1» S o i i S i ^ Hna Of aaid Lot 36. 111.48 feet, thence South 8 6 ^ ' EaM, atong the South Hne of Lot 39. 100.63 «aat.lhance8ou»i 34*41-weat. 35.14 feat to the Northaaat comm of Lot 35. thence North 8 S W W m . atong Ihe North Ine of aaM Lot 36, 92.26 feet, thertce North 50^5'30" Wsat, ecnltnuif>g along sakJtotline of Lot 35, 121.29 fe«e to the Point of B a g m n o . CHUB LAKE H U S . M i n o n M ' Lber 1 Of PIM. P«o« 21, Otsego County loofda. •nLL j_LuLu.iL_.n«rirui«*i^K«-ii.*r - The radamptton panoo ihaa be aos |B) montha " " o u m d u ^ a s a f o r ^ . on said mortgage. « 6.500% per «" '•O®' «>«». charges and the attorney fees altowed ^ atoo any sum or sums which may ^be paw ^bv .he ur>dersigned, neceesary to intereet in the premises, which said described as fotksws: Ail that or parcel of lar>d situated In the of Otsego Lake, County of Otsego. ^ Michigan and described as fol- S^cv j7aS2Tf™;l, The redemption period shall be 6 months fn^m the date of such sale, unless d ^ ^ r S abandoned In accordance w ^ M r T l e00.3241a. m which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from ttie d a t e ^ f ^ ! ^ days from the dat. of ,uch sale Dated: Jur>e 22. 2005 For more information, please call FC Q 248.593.1310 Tnstt & Tro«. PC, ^ Attorneys For Liberty Savings Bank FSB ^ that part of Spruce L*>e 30400 Teleyaph Rd Ste 200 deecrlbed as: Beginning at the Bingham Farms. Michigan 48025-582? 'Northwest comer of Lot 35. thence proceed- FUe »OS8779FOl '"9 North 30"44"30' Eaat. akxtg the Eaaterty (6-22-4) right-of-way line of Summit Drive, 30.00 feat ^ Southweat comer of Lot 36. thence LEQAL ®outh SCIS'SO* Eaat. atong the Southerly Lot 36. 111.48 feet, therice South r40nCE OF MOnTQAOC •'ong the South line of Lot 39, FORECLOSURE SALE feet, ther>ce South 34*41' Weat, 35.14 t® t ' * Northeast comer of Lot 35. therxse THIS FIRM ™ « . - o n g tAa-No^t^,' of TO S o i i ^ C T A ^ ^ a f I S ? thence North INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WHJ. K U S ^ contlni*>g along saK>totHne FOR THAT PURPOSE PL£ASE CONTACT to the Point of C>UR OFFWC AT THE NUMBER B S O W ^ ^ l>KE HILLS, aa recorded YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MIUTARY DUTY ^ ^ 2^. Otaego County ATTN. PURCHASERS: This i. _ . ._ raacinded ^ the fnrecluaiiiy mortg^ee. radempBon period ahaN be six (Q mor>the ttwt evert, yoi* dMnaoas If m v <"•. unlaaada<«^^ toth«r«tumot'thabldamounl«idemount tan•ccordance wMh t948CL dared at sate, piua intereat eoo,324la. in w t ^ caae the redemptton period Shan be 30 days from the date of auch MOfTTCMOE SALE - D e f ^ he. •---"aa bean made ^ the condMona of a mortgaoe made bv 000.3241a. In «*ioh caae the redemption ^ NORTVCRN MICHKIAN A^ena. Ml 49707 Daiad: May ta. 2006 MORTQAOEE; FIR8T FH)CRAL OF NOmHEnN MCHIQAN 100 8. Sacorid Avenue I f O m r : t MMtoo.. PC. Ml 4*707 Anomay for Mortgagee. First Fedenri Of Northern M i c N ^ Dalad: May 1), 2006 114 8. Second Avartue Alpana. MicNgan 40707 I.P21832 4<%IHii i,»!C. fpf MortQMQAe. Arvt Padani Fargo Home Mortgage Inc Mortoaoee 28. 2004 m Uber 983 on Page 727. JnOtaego CourKy Records. U l c N ^ , en to be due at sum of One Hwtdred ..... seshee-e 114 8.8MondAM«nua A^Mna. Mtehl0«( 48707 N O m or MOMTOMdi ML! w f«0t1ct o r m c w t o a q f o w omct «r TMi i«WBtR l a j w r < atu--, p m p ^ p m o i i m eti P M of Soun ° thirty (30) days and 68/100 Dollars ($168,113.68) Including 6 . L^SoP^^TeS Th« ^ | ^ ings ti 1° ^ now $19,946.26. ™ PURCHASERS: The foreclosing Under the power of sate contained In the nvsrtgagee can reacind the Sheriffs Sale in mortgage and the statutes of the State of v ^ t a 3rd party buys the property and Mich^Sv notice ,s hereby giv«? S S the the debt, wh«h is there is^ a simultaneous resolution with - the the mrtrtnan. mortgage .»iii will ko be foreclosed by a sale of the ^ ^f"ort9ao®<JprBmt8es.orsomepartofthem.at ^ fwtum of the bid public venue at the North door of the City The mortgage wiH be foreclosed by s sale of amount tendered st the sale, plus any apoli- County Building In Gaylord. Michigan in the property, at public auction to the highest cable interest. Otsego County. Michigan at 10:00 a n bidder, on T>Kjrsday, July 21. 2005 at 10:00 August 4, 2005. a.m. local time, at front (north) door of City- Dated: June 20, 2005 County BuMing, Gaylord. Mk:;hlgan. ttM The premises are located in the Townahip of property^ll^aoidtop^jjj^ The CIT Group/Consumer F,nance, Inc , U ^ ^ s T w ^ ^ o ^ M « ^ ^ mortoaoe, together tooether with interest mtereat at Mortgagee MortnarMM ^ »-vu>iiy. wiicnigan, ana are due on the mortgage, descnbed as 12.5 per cent, forectoeure coats, attorney By: Brian L Groen (P-56673) feea, and also any taxes and insurance that WanSrop & V^rdrop, PC. A parcel of land on part of the Soumweat 1/4 the mortgage holder pays before the saie Attorneys for Mortgagee of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 21. Town 31 300 Ottawa Averxie NW; Suite 150 North. Range 3 West, deecribed aa comThe property la kx^ted In Bagley Towr>ship. Qrar>d Rapids, Ml 49503 mencing at the South 1/4 comer of Section Otsego County. Michigan, and Is deecribed in (616) 459-1225 21; thence North X Degrees 28 Mtnutea 1( the mortgage aa' (6-22-5) Secor>ds East, 422.06 feet along the NorthSouth 1/4 bna of said Section 21 to the point of beginning: thence continuing North 00 tSJ'i NOTICE OF MOOTOAOE Degreee 28 Mmutea 19 Seconds Eaat. 600 00 U ^ ^ o f Page 39. O a y County Also ir>ciude8 a 1980 Redman FORECLOSURE SALE feet aksng saKj North-South 1/4 Una; thence MStoHome'LwIlSr^^ South 88 Degrvee 45 Mmutea 55 Seconda MobUe Home, aerial w i s o . THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR East, 844 33 feet tt>er>ce 291 SO feM m The redemption period wM be six months ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY * .• o ' « « i « : ' « > « « » * ' I N F O R M A T I O N WE O ^ W N WIA B E ' U I O * panod « « b . FOR THAT PURPOSE. P T ^ CONTACT f ~ . , B«,,INO s O U T M one rrw^th from the date of a " ^ m i p r*Fv^.c * t tv»c kii mjqco oci .-«*< ««. ...... . ou pwnuteaSi O W OFFTCE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF Seconde West aiortg Weat line of the rtfroadYOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILfTARY DUTY. tt>ence cominuir>g South 23 Degrees 30 Data: Jur>e 15, 2006 , m i t k ^ 00 Seconds W»et. 351.58 feet alorm rttlroed right of way: thenoe N o r t i ^ a •Joeaph B Bacfct*. reeclrtded by tt>e forecloelr>g rrwtgagee Degrees 45 Mmutee 55 w M l 606.29 f M tn Attorney lor n>ortgage holder. In that event yoi* damages. If eny. shtf be the point of beginning PO Box 794 limited solely to the retum of the bid amourt terwJered at aaie, ph« mterset. The redemption penod shell be 12 montha ^ 'rom trie date of such sale, unleaa th* rwrm** (®*22-4) MORTQAOE SALE - Default haa been made ty le detemw>ed abandorted In ai r m a n • In tt»e condHiona of a nxjrtgage made by with MCLA f600 3241a. m w N < * i a w i 2 LMAL Steven D. RIozzi. a single man, original mort- redemption pertod shaN be 30 A M from gagerfa), to FlrM National Bank d Qtfylord. dateofthestfe -V*tw*the NOncc MOfVTQAOE Mortgagee, dated September 13. 2008. m d on OeKaiiiOat 17. 2002 In Uber TO ALL PURCHASERS The foredoelna o f b t ^ w n f o ^ ^ -wprt»»«eia«i.noaeeialw2)ygiye^^ nwigaped p w i e e a , or aome pert of r e m , el puMe vendue. m 9 m "" • • a tpy a atfe of v w DUTY. ^ininty OiuSd THH M S III _ ATTt>»»TINQ TO COU£CT A OeBT, ANV WfOWMATlOW WE OWAW VWU B t UMBO S Z 3 L g r ° ° ENA TU*T — . . . . . pcm TWJPWWOBt. pieak OONWCr ^-3241.; MSA 27A,3241(1), in M»oh caa. Sixty-EigM T^^S^and On, S u n ^ a rS^'eS A S S t a J ^ r ^ r T T dat^S e ^oletohty-flvethouaandslnt^ and tha a i M e m auoh eaae made and pro^ rtoVee la haraby ^ vtdad. given t a t aatd mort^ r * " * " ' •* 0, « « , *> CIT a l p d l l c v M w a i l w N M h d o a r o t i n a C l l y to .. ' ^ a a i * « m l<KU AM. on SSi. I A»9u«4.2006 I " A y , M . i W m H » t7». IMglnnfclf on P t j t M . OtMgo Cew% n w i l i M d p r a t M M a n M u.M.M. t i.C.K.y o f Q. a_y l o n l . l A M k i i a i i i L l K t a t e O m g o C o m y . MKHgin. M d n o t t M d m t m i m u m t a l « • M l al O n H u M d m ehhhsrs sti—---ss Oaied: July 6. 2006 ORONS ASSOCUTtS PC A.tom.,.to,FW.Th«M. Aa M o n g w * PO Bo> ! 0 4 l Ho,. Ml 4«007«>4t P4«4»7-,0I» _ » Nr a . M a i 4 < M F Mt. LLC, c-»<) Wednesday, July 6 , 2 0 0 5 (USSIFIED t 1> iMM* yMT O M M M « I , w ten frm m - l 1 9 . 6 1 7 0 20S8 S. Otsogo Ave. P.O. Box 596. Qaylord, Ml 49734 e-mail: classifiedsdgaylordheraldtinies.coni CoLDVVELL B A N K E R S C H M I D T R E A L T O R S mmM cbschmidt.com All Gaylord Area Listings Updated Daily List with #y 0 * N m W m W i N W I U I e w i w w i W l 4 * w n w 1 ' 1 « . »i<t tsusm wwyy,ml»t«rrDLQbayvtf*<eom Call Fred Smith 980-039-7008 r e a l t t o r ASSOCIATE e M Y REALLY N>CE maintertartce-free home on a Quiet cul-de-sac In Michaywe. 3 bedrooms. 2 Ciatrts, bnghl & cheery with finished lower level wfth walkout. Oak cabinets, harthvood floors, stone fireplace, 28x26 gvage & mora. $179.900 MLS #233679 REALLY NtCE CHALET on a large comertot.3 bedrooms. 2 baths, laroer Hvlng^dlranQ room wrthfleldstonefireplace,family room In lower level, * i d hot water Qasaboaro neat. Fu* 2rtd roo( to prevent ice dans. Landscaped with circUar drtve. Home wan-ar^ty iryiAjded. $129,900. MLS t23l768 W A N T RISULTST s h e r i k i i v i b e r i . v BEAUTIFUL TURN OF-T>ff-CENTURY Stone home. Many updates mciuOa mtanor remodeling, furnace, septic 4 roof. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, 9' ceilings 4 boemaw. Commardal bulk»ng on 2nd tot abo mduded. Good ixistness KxsHon. Seller « a i«ansed realtor Onfy (09.900. MLS >235614 CUTE li CLEAN - 3 bedroom, 1 batti cftalol with lake access to M-sports LakeLouae Partial basemen. M/2car garage, upgraded wood stove & LP he«. Homewarramy included. Oney $84,900 MLS >238856 LOO HOME • Many updates Include bath & rool Hardwood 4 ceranvc floors. Vaulted ceding with fan & log beams. Wood stove 4 mamfloorlaundry. Gaige with 220 4 furnace. Comer lot with lake view 4 access Warmityt Onfv $99 900 MLS >236469 ASSOCIATE B R O K E R , 989 732 4619 . 4nEWER 3 BEDROOM, 2-1/2 bath home tucked in the woods. Neat fknr iplan wftti lots of Interestmo spaces. Cathedral ceUtng, famty room. Imain floor master suite, walkout basement, large wraparound decMng & Mh:haywe amenraes. MLS #234136.nn HOI TITI Now$175,000. BUY ONE on BOTH! OrlgMwl 5 bednnm, 2 bam home is s one-of-a-kind fiekbtDne faritthouse. with split-stone fireplace. maple hardwood fk»r<. & coved ceilings. New addWon features master bedrootn wtth large, ceramic bath Many outtNMngs Inciude 1 ^ 2 trvtor. 44x102 hay & cattle. 24'x40' storage & 24 x24' workshop Newer roof & septk; fteU & 2.6 acres. MLS >236165 Was $210,000 - Now $199,000. Second. 3 bedroom, 2-t/2 bath home was buM In 2001 with cedar exterior and tongue & groove pine iftleftor. Main floor master suite, open floor plan, mam floor taundry, 9' poured baiement and hil length porches front & back Fenced pasture, harfwoods surroundhg • 7.8 acres. MLS >238164. Was $290,000 - Now $260,000. Both properties - ML£ #236166 Was $500,000 - Now $459,000. ' i l ' i • access to Lake Lous neer Johannesburg. TNs ipdated 2 bedroom has open llvlrtg area, large kitchen. midrDom & attached garage. Wall-maintairted including new roof & ntcely lar>dscaped. $106.500. MLS >236863 www.cbschmidt.com/bmartella WATERFRONT! Small cottage on beautiful aJispons lake! Cabin needs wont, but car tw a great getaway. »14«.90D. QUALITY CUSTOM HOME on over 8 actaa In a premier neighborriood. Home features 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, finished walkout basement, master suite, mam ftoor laundry, central air 4 SO MUCH MORE. A must see! $309,000 MLS #238023 - • 'I ' NEsTLH) IN THE WOODS Is this rww custom home feeturtng knotty pirte Interior, tie & maple ftoortng 4togexterkx. Entoy ad the amenWea of Lakea of the North. $i 45.000. Cindy Clark CALL FRED FOR MORE INFORMATION ON BEAUTIFUL HOME SrrES LOCATED WITHIN MICHAYWE. NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath homa. PERFECT SETUP tor aatf-emptoyed automotive repair & rectorabon or hobby man. 2e'x30' garage wtth a I2'x2e' paint tjooth. Separate furnace, weA, septic a v l 220 elKtric. $109,000. MLS >237268 MMACULATl. very doae to town! 3 be*DOma, 2 batha, central air, ful baaenwit with egreaa windows and attached 2.5 car parage. Home wairanty. $129,000. MLS >237990 WELL-MAMTAINEO. SCUD RED BRICK HOME ' wfth 3 beOPoma, 2 batha, ful baaement and an attached 2,5 car garage on 3 lota. A 'graat' biMI $109.900. MLS >238377 HOMI ON 8 ACREtl 3 bedroom ranch with fun basement and 2 car garage. Great starter with room to grow. W.aOO. MLS >237012 T H I 8 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 bath, BOCA home is situated on a beautiful lot in Brttny Pines. 'Pnde of ownership* shows throughout including the beautiful landscaped backyard. $229,000. MLS #238378. Call Don TODAY for full detaila!! Don Whit* Realtor-Associate Office: 989-732-4006 email: Dof^ald.whlteOcoldwettbanker com 190' LAKIFRONTI Traverse Lake m aastem Otsego County. Doubletot.ntoely sloptng buMdIng site, paved street 4 easy to M-32. 9BBJsoo. MLS >238490 gHJOY ALL THAT TRCET0P8 HAS TO OFFER wtth this fabulous 4 bedroom, 4 bath 'MASTERPIECe* condo on the Tom Fazio Premier. Fully furnished plus 1 car garage. Rental managerrrent available. $419,000. MLS «235915 BEAUTIFUL BUILDINO STTE on a quiet culde-sac. Frontage on Pencil Lake plus Gaylord Schoola. $36,000. MLS >236228 NICELY WOODED LOT in beautiful Michaywe with all Its amenities. Close to tovm. $3,000. MLS #229973 M i k e H e a t t i - Developer, Realtor-Associate 989.619.0400 Your H a w k s Landing Devek)per A SHORT WALK to Otaego Lake from thIa 3 bedroom, 2 bath home wtth formal dMng room, ivge Iving room with a mud room to the 2 car carpeted oarage. A great year-round home or summer cottage. Cloae to town. All thts can be yours for only $120,000. MLS #236068. HAWKS LANDING ThInkInQ o f b u y i n g reoreetional p r o p e r t y ? CAUEDt 8ervir>g O t o e g o A C r a w f o r d Countiee. W o r k i n g for youlll Buyer's A g e n t i3aylofd's hottest locationi Low association duee Many maintentfice-free living options Custom-finlah your home Beautifully larntecaped. irrigated & outfitted homes startirtg at $169,900. CL/TEST LOO HOME on the market (or $100,000. 3 bedrooma, vaulted ceiling with fan. 8 wood stove New bath & roof Hanjwood 8 ceramic floors. Oarage with 220 8 fi>naoe. Comer tot with leke view and accaae. Homa WWW.hBWkmlflndln9devel0pment.fc0m OTBEOO LAKE beati 3 bedroom home, garage 8 an extra lot acrosa the street. ThIa home la anuated on a canal, haa a mce dock 8 can Include a newer porv toon boat. Juat $199,000. MLS #238372 N o ^ ri^-conatrutftion f*ricind Peaceful a n d Private Setting .KOOEC (rom ON« LOWE^ tof plmns • get m cmriywtoi tptk h Extraordinary Values. tne lc< <3^ ifour clioae^ Thti it your opportur«v to own 1 new home ia » beeuttfuMy woodwl •TM (trtf minutM from downtown Cnto<4. Logan * Run feMu^M an iftcrediWc lelectten of homes lo fit wiy hfettyk. Startirtg from the IF Y O U ARE THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING, C A L L I LARRY! Larry Robinaon AaaocMa-AaaHor Offlca: 08»-73e-4312 Oal: 9 e » 4 1 M 2 8 4 Toll F r M 1-877-772-7175 Associate Broker, Q R I (989) 732-4661 EXCEPTIONAL HOME m the south and of Michaywe Deluxe in every wa/ Full finished basement with bar. 4th bedroom ar^ Jacuzzi tub. Deluxe Wteften, formtt dining room, master suite, large deck, finished gvage and more! $209,500. MLS *239720 Ed Venttlne Aaaociita-Sroker Valuation Specialiat Buyer A ^ t Oflk^ ( 9 ^ j 732-4078 Cd(l US f o r all y o u r real e s t a t e p u r c h a s i n g a n d r e f i n a n c i n g needs. More House For The Money Call Diane Pompei MICHAYWE HOME burft m 2002 ie00sq.ft..3beckTMm.2.Sbalhhomewtth tormal dining, famify room, master suHe with wafc-n & Jacuzzi tub. Anacftad garage & natural gas FreaWy paKitad 4 new floor covenng! Onfy $154,900 MLS 1236894 BRAND NEW, matntenar^ca-free rarv;h home on a quiet strew irt Michaywe. Large master suite with tray ceilings and laundry room Catrw3ral ceilings m great room, hickory cabinets in kitchen. See this one todayi Si 94.500 MLS •239561 Office: (989)732-4115 •chmoyr KEALTOSS 9 8 9 - e i 4 . - H S O WHAT A QREAT FLOOR PIANI Giam living room, large kitchen/dimr^g area. Natural fireplace Extensrve decking Giant master bedroom, fuii finished tower level. 24x50 heated garage with workshop, includes adiacem tot. $295,000. MLS Walter Swiderski BxoBDm ym cxptcTAmK Great Rates, Local Processing BANKGR • Bill Martella DELUXE HOME w>th a deluxe view Srtuated on the 1st farwray of the Michaywe Pirws Coune. Custom buitt 3 bedroom. 2 bath home wtth oak tnrn,fieidstonefireptace. large rooms, cathedral ceiling m great room,finishedlower level artd more $259,500 MLS *236153 EXCCmONAL 2 acraa with 30'x40' pole bam that haa • 12'x16' room wtthbasament & both, on a hitatde - perfect for wafcout. Aleo. a 32' 1998 HoHday RarrtMr fuNy toaded indudad. 4' wed & aaptic. A«torONLY $59,900. MLS >239609 C O L O U I C L L 700 W, mn •eWLOER^ SHOWCASEr Custom (xMi home or a quM cuHle-sac m Mtctiaywe. 3 bedrDoms, 2.5 baihs. exva laige deck, triefloors& flooMd lower level with wrahout Srtuaiad or> a '(rast lot' with view o( Whispertng Lake Adwcent lot«included wit^ home sale Thcs home a a 'mutt see*! S29S.900 MLStSJSSOO HOME 18 ON THE 4TH HOLE of the Lakes Course with spectacuiaf views <y Lake Mlchaywe. Impeccatjly ma/nta^ied & decorated 3 bedrooms, 2 b«h5, newer carpet, root, Wtcftan & fresh extwior paint in the faH o1 2003. Latge deck to take advantage of the views. $243,000 ^fLS*23683S D SRCMoitgage SlOO.OOCs One 10 two acre homMiiM Charni^ 8 Divttrtctiye archnecTural home deiign* lei rwwma from 1200 • MOO touare Opttona avaHafcletorkHdien. Iloori 8 WhrooriM Realtor-Aasociate, ABR Call 9 8 9 - 3 5 0 - 5 5 2 0 Office: 969-732-4569 H e * ciidydekrededww.net FOR DMCRHMNATINa BUYERS ONLYO 660 ft. erf all-sports McCormck Lake frontage. 51 ACRES of northern Mtofilgan woods surrourtded with acres of state land 4 a sprawNng window flHed 3 twdroonv 3 bath ranch houae createe one of the finest properties available In rwrthem Mtohlgan for that secKided compo(j)d you have always dreamed about. $795,000. MLS #238186 ASK DAVID f o r t h e I n f o r m a t i o n on Black Bear lota atarting f r o m $6,600 - $14,000. I I I I D a v M H . Burwi Realtor-Associate Office: 989-732-4583 Ceil: 989-858-0995 PORMBt -RARAOC OF HOMES- ahowcase home buNt by Diamond 8uik)ers. TMa 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath home has ttte *be8f of everything. Buy this model or Diamortd wM cuatom buHd orte for you. Agent incentives. $268,900. MLS #233727 BEAUTIFUL NEWLY BUILT cott^e-s<y4e raMed ranch on 2.5 acres in Lake 15 SubdMslon with part ownership of a lake acceestot.Open floor plan wtth 4 bedrooms arvl cattiedrai ceWng throughout. (Mood floors, designer kitchen cabinets wtth appUances mckjded, wood stove. 1st fkxM- laurtdry. flntshed towar leval. ful covered from porch ary] 2 car garage. Juat mtnutaa from town 4 achool, $149.900. MLS #237346 IT'S • U M M I R n M I I y o u n m d a f l a c i a t t h i l a k i . BEAUT1RX 4 BEDROOM, 2.5 bath home on aK-sporta THH LOVELY 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 tnth home has been recenOy remodeled inalda 8 out! It fetfurea new cabtneta. appkances & Ismrnatefloortngm the kitchen. The extartor haa 2 decks, wood aidino 8 cultured stone 8 a Z-year-oW roof. The garage « a generous 28x30. All Ihte & more on 3 lots with Lake eas. MLS #236072 W a n t t o buHd n e w ? CaH me f o r I Information en vacant lot*. Dorothy Rrm Associate Broiter. QRI OfRce: (989) 732-4327 Caii: (989) 350-3776 ONE LAKE QREAT FISHNO. a bedroom, 3 betfi home en a deep. bauMu#y landscaped lol Mora than 1800 aq. fl. inckxlas waBnut baaamant Mih bedroom 8 beth. Vtt and carpeted ftoortng throughout. Mtoie houae automaBc gnerawr 8 akxrHnum framed docka Mar^ •rtraa tor $ 3 2 9 ^ . MLS>23A75S GREAT SLOPMQ LOT Mtoheywe w » M as graniaea Mealy wooded with heiairoodB 8 ptnea. $ r ^ 8 8 . MLS #237282 500 f t en M-32. west of t W t . MLS #237082 C o n n i e Bietsfce, om. c u r s Offloe: 909-732-4047 •xt204 AOOTTKM. 2 car garage. CowKry i M n a Cal Lafry for a wak-ttvougN $481,000. MLS #230141 CHALET HtlLS - Large speOoua home la watting tor your family. Home featms 3 flntstied levels of IMng Irxsludlr^ 5 bedrooms. 4 bett«. office, famHy room, workshop & much mon. Cant duplteate for thia prtcell $265.000. MLS #233214 yeeWi*! M— lArrowhead. ttvlng room haa a hvtdsome «one llrsplaca. This la a fhIshed waliout bessmsnt 8 a wiaparound deck. ThetotItaalf la one of ths largest on the lake 8 has beautHul sandy I r o n t ^ . $255,000. «4LS #239240 ALL-8P0RT LAKEFRONT COTTAQE at Ra beat A perfect place for water M n g or snowmebMng. TNa oozy home haaa atone flraptace. laiga dsck ovsitookhg the We 8 Mshed wsfcout bessment. T>ie ssttlng a low maintsnance. 24x28 garage for teya. $2SaQ0a MLS #230682 ( ONLY TO BEAR STEPS LITTL£ LAKE. oondWw 2-3 bedroom cottage. Updaiad 8 laady to move #L NMurai gaa 8 wood he«.0aiachad2car A gnat piM* to oome uptoon AWESOME V I E W a 3 baOQon. > tMti bMa»sL 2000 aq. fL «ah detached ?4«32 g a r r a On a , mot») wooded. $ 1 9 6 , 9 0 0 . I A OMAT P M C E tar your 9#t- DEEDED ID Otaage uaa. ONLY $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . k U asMOM ouAiirr laKiiaoNT r Y im^ml8f23ms7 4i00 tQ. IL taaay hofna Huga 14M0 barua peon T«e alone B a p i m e Bandir baaoh «Wi doefc Fantaaoc toi m Great w e e d Bubdivisien N v r T M N LURB haaae « # • naA i r ^ ff« M a aMheui t a waiartant laaaa Itoir N> iwramed aoaige Mail, at •ewid fie ea pa tomermn naaae eai Lata at •8e-«u-i090 m j o a M u #naei« «a^r tanee 8 gaKan t D O M M m i T W P«VBCT LMO TO M U ) VOUN ONBMIHOMBT a H A H C M l L O M MrwMt1t4J00.MLi#23aS88 mWOIAM ramo^-abeocme OffloK m 7»-4aoo 989-732-4549 e*n»ai4-io» OLOOI t MOBUw 8 3 e » garage Unekta 1 McMgan salMng $87.900. MLB nteoi n ACRBB piaoatar a heme. Lard careattlswm $12.7Q0 M l B « n M N i n of M NwI anal «taa«. 100 «. ftentiee an U M ^ m e a t a u e a O M fat a aa Ma. $ i 8 j o t . MLB m o o a o (Mon HSMNt IMor • Ai mmmimmi'oiidkmi- * I ' 0 - 2 • W * d n * M t e y , J u l y e, 2 0 0 6 Advertising Standards ooo a o v e r t i s i n q d c a o u n c s . th« d«adNn* t o place a c t i s l f l a d a d In the WedneeUay H e r M TImee le Monday at I0;00am. The deadline for the Saturday Herald TVnea is Wedneaday at 5pm. To place your ciaasified ad, call us at (989)7321111. AOVERTtSINQ STANDARDS. Advertising published in the Qaylord Herald Tinnes is a c c e p t e d on the premise that the merchandise a n d services o f f e ^ am property described and willingly sold t o custonr>ef8 at the advertised price. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not c o n f o r m to these standards, or that is deceptive or misleading. Is never knowingly accepted. If any Gaylord Herald Times reader encounters non-compliance with these standards, w e asic that y o u inform the Advertising Department of this newspaper. (989)732-1111. Q«yk>rd H«r«ld H m M HousesForSale m DIXON LAKE Estates. BMutiful 4 bedroom, 3 bath, stick built, Cape C o d with finished baaament. new hardwood fk>ors. $162,000. View Hating at www.forsalebyowner.com listing number 20371752. (969)7320096.(070202004) FOR SALE by owner. Newer, 1999 two bednmm duplex. $1,300 monthly income property. Ck>se to schools and village. Natural gas arxj a great comer k>catk>n. Finish the tower level for your home or third, possibly fourth unit. 2.880 square feet for $135,000. (989)9398118.(070202004) BUY A 3 bedroom HUD hlome. Only $27,500. Fee. Ustings 1-800-6903990 extension R042.(070602004) H o u s e s F o r Sale ao4 H o u s e s For S a l e 3 BEDROOM. 2-1/2 bath ranch o n 2 acres. Wet plaster walls. Oak Wtohen. FuH basement. Attached garage. 42'xd4' pole bam with electric, water and heat. Underground dog farv^e. htot tub. Many other extras. $198,500. (231 )838-1100 or (231 )5462608.(070216004) Bl-LEVEL HOME for sale in quiet sutxliviston. 1 ^ 0 0 square feet. 3 bedrooms, 2 ^baths plus arx>ther room for an office. $117,000. (989)705-8717.(062212004) SPACIOUS HOME. 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths. Large 300'x250' lot. Lass than 2 miles from (Baylord. Asking $229,500. (989)7861094.(070203004) SEARCH MLS Listiiigs m Lots & A c r a a g e w e BUY houseal Caah or terms. Any araa or condWon. D o n t make another payment. (231)631-2008. www.rapidpfx)pertysolutk)ns.com.(06 2208004) RELOCATING. 4 bedroorr>s, 2-1/2 baths. In ground pool, screened hot hjb room, outdoor kitchen and much rr>ore. Minutes from town. Reduced. $268,900. (989)7328172.(041602004) BY OWNER. Johannesburg. 10 wooded acres borderir^g state land sast and west. Secluded, o n paved road. Dozens of lakes arxj miles of trails. Home is 4 years okJ with 3 bedroorris, 2 baths. stor>e fireplace, hardwood and ceramk; floors, cathedral ceiling. Full, finished walkout basement. Natural gas. 24'x60'x10' garage with heated workshop, satellite television and telephone. $220,000. (989)939-8572. (070202004) County Realty NOTICE: A L L ads are subfect to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, r ^ e c t or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported by 9am on the first tMJsiness day after publication. shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission of an advertisement. P U B L I S H E R ' S NOTICE: Ail real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, t o m^e any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living vidth parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowirrgly a c c e p t any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspsiper are available o n an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call H U D toll free at 1 -800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearir>g impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Equal housing opportunity. (0721tfn000) lwww.GavlordMlclili^an.comj Custom built, 2265 sq. ft home on a beautifut, wooded cul-de-sac. 4 becbooms, 2.5 baths, vaulted ceilings, wood burning fieldstone fireplace, loft, natural gas and OTenities. $248^. (968) 9 3 9 ^ kimSw IfKludhg • new fwnsc*. wetsr htetsr, NEW i^thgltd ro^, Per^ flooring snd fresh paint A GREAT DEAL FOR ONLY $78,0001 CALL 732-2667 DON'S NORTHLAND RIAL I S T A n oo4 3 BEDROOM home in Michaywe on eighth fairway. Hot tub. New carpet, paint. 2 car attached garage. (517)467-4995.(052816004) 3 BEDROOM ranch. Like new. 1619 Geres Street North. $114,500. (989)785-4295 for more informatk>n or www.forsalebyowner.com. listing 20328036.(070208004) KOft. »). k!, 2 bednxMTB, 1.75 baths, full basement with egress window, Andersen windows, knotty cedar cathedral ceiling, wood 6-panel doors, ceramic ble kitchen & bath floors, ceramic countertop, gas fireplace, half acre wooded lot. Perch Lake access, steps to The Natural Golf Course, dead-end paved road & quieL • l-tl«-M7-2<73 For more ptcs email warpup^Murtennijiel Call Don Butcher - (989) 732-2262 Evenir>gs - (989) 732-5916 * * * * *r n 8062 Pm«vi«w Dr. M«nc»tona, Mt 4 9 6 5 9 La 231-585-6200 LAKEFRONT HOME. Dixon Lake. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath. Garage. $174,000. (989)732-4388. (070604004) 136' OF PRIME FRONTAOE on the northeast corrter of Otsego Lake. Beautiful sand beach and a comfortable 2-story home. Hot water baseboard propane heat. Cement breakwall and aKirnirHjm dock. Ready to move Into. Reduced to $ 2 9 0 ^ . (R-3) WATERFRONT PROPERTY on all BOYNE CITY. 2 bedroom apartments. $525 plus security deposit. Includes heat, water, utilities. (231)582-3264.(070204010) sport WUdwood Lake, Wolverine. Michigan. Estate size piece, ksts 46 (waterfront), 12 and 13. Situated at the comer of Goifview and Valley Drtve. IfKludes mini twm, etectric servkje, dock and 2 boat hoists. $119,000 takes ail. Cail Rudy at (815)469-6962. cell (815)7356981 .(070202006) QUTHRIE LAKE Estates. Sectk>n 1 Lake Lot 421. 101' on water. $89,900. Negotiable. (989)732-6354 or (231)627-5963.(062208006) Nice « east side burnished. ous view. $i79.«oaiipl)^^ ^ BEAUTIFUL LOO HOME S(t8 on a Nil in Michaywe. 2 bedrooms, large loft, 2 baths, fireplace & electric heat. Fumrture negotiable. Ortly $168,000. Mobile Homes/Sites m^ o f f i c e , Home, Fax 2 3 1 - 5 4 ^ - 3 2 3 1 Local from Gaylard ToH-Frve Pogef 1 ' 8 7 7 - 8 0 2 - 5 3 9 0 LARGE, 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths. New ceramic, carpet and paint. Lots of privacy. First floor with deck. Cable, water $675/ month. (231 )238-0387 or (231 )2900872.(070604010) Resort/Vacation Property LOWER LEVEL 1 t>edroom apartment. Includes all utilities. $550/ month (989)732-1137. (070602010) FOR SALE by owner. 20 acres on Mancelona Road. Gaylord school district. Has 2 bedroom mobile with 5 block crawl space, 2 story bam. (231)586-7108.(062904006) MICHAYWE. 2 beautiful wooded lots on a quiet cul-de-sac. Association fees paki for 2005. $15,000 for both lots. (989)7312096.(070202006) LAKE LOT for sate. 95' frontage on Crooked Lake. 2 miles south of Atlanta, take right on Big Pine Street after passing the dam. $45,000. (989)732-2561 .(0622tfn006) $14,900 CaJI Scott at 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 7 4 9 4 E llOSorihEhi Qavtad, BUILDING FOR rent. 1.500 square feet. Office/ retail. Ample parking. {989)732-3603.{0507tfn011) 2 BEDROOM apartment. Lots of storage. Carport. Air, dishwasher, coin laundry. No pets. $550/ month. Cell phone. (810)333-2552, (989)732-3671 .(0622tfn010) 1,500 PLUS square foot professional office space in Bavarian Office Center. All utilities .and common area maintenance included in lease. Willing to negotiate pricing. (989)732-1586.(0122tfn011) • • ^ t a n d Tteto- * * SHELDON PLACE APARTMENTS Income Qualifications Apply One & Two Bedroom Ages 55 or Older M . FJ» 3 bedrooco. 2 bath, Gihand fliiaoe w/ gear toom. 3 lott. Amenities include: Appliances • Central Heat & Air • Private Patio • Beautiful Community Room • Much, Much More - Call or Stop By Today! 1500* SO, FT. chalet ptus 27x12 game room above a 26x24 drive-thru garage. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. 15.8x15 hot tub room. 144.900 910 W. Sheldon St. • Gaylord (3 blocks rKHth of Main Street & 1 block west of Ohio) 989-732-6237 For Other Listinga Call 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 2 8 - 5 6 7 3 HEFL^I^riMES KOSKE REALTY CO. your RENTAL APARTMLNTS-MTAIL OmCE • [NDUSTRIAL WAREHOtSE 2192 South Otsego • Gaylord • South Of McCoy Road 989-732-1012 Call MEMBER OF THE QAYlOROMULTKiST CHECK OUR WEB SnC WHWJCOSKEREALTYC . OM CONNECTION ^ Lej VILLAQE M A L L SPACE for lease. Rexlble terms for retail or offk^ opportunities. QAYLORD AIR INDUSTRIAL PARK - 8,000 sq. ft. building, fenced yard, diesel plug-ins, overhead doors, air compressor. Lease optkxi $2.800/rr»o. Net/Net LAKEV1EW APARTMENTS. Two bedrooms. 1 bath, carport, coinoperated laundry. $585/mo. LAKEFROHT - If you aretookir>gfor a lakefront home, see this 3 bedroom chalet with carpetmg throughout, natural fireplace, dlnlrig room. 1 3/4 baths, large deck. 2-car attached garage & beautiful view overtookir>g the lake. CaH for more details $180,900. NEW USTINQ - 2 bedroom, or>e bath home with 1,035 sq. ft. and two car garage plus covered porches. Appliances Ir^cluded. This mobile home was rerrxxleled ar>d a large dtnirtg room was added. Weil-wooded k)t close to town & Giaytord schools. Shirtgled roof over entire home. $48,900. CaH for more details. 850 N. CENTER 2 offices, conference room, tjreakroom and irrcludes utilities. $975/mo. 854 N. CENTER Compact 2 offices, reception area, and includes utilities. $37S/mo. 864 N. CENTER 1,000 plus sq. ft., renxxJel to suit. $1,150/mo. PARKSIDE MINI-MALL - OFFICE/RETAJL 2 ofTtces, reception or retail, Includes utilities. $500/mo. 3 offices, receptkxi or retail, irtckjdes utilities. $699/mo. HOMC ON 10 ACRES • Vbu can have what aN horse k>vars dream about. 10 sere farm, with 3-horse itaU bam. apartment ar>d bunkhousas for cornparry, pavilions & a^aoent to state land. House has been renxxMed with caramte tMe Moors srtd black caramic tNe In kitchen. 3 bedrooms, ful basemsnt A fireplace with waterfA In the Mrtg room. Patk> Ideal for entartaMno. nil Shaiow ShoTM ( CLEAN AND WeX-MAMTAMCD This 1.145 SQ. ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath mot>Ne home on almost a haTf acre of land, backs up to state land MXj has access to two sll-sporu lakes. AppSances and some furrishktgs stay. Firsplaca. decks, snd master suKe mahs lor a perfect vacation or year around »vlno. $97,200. Gal for mere 12,000 SO. FT. 2 k>ading docks, like new. great distributk>n. retail/v^holesale, lots of possibilities. Lease optk>n $4/sq. f t Triple net. 11,000 SO. FT. Great truck service facility, fkx>r hoists, \ota of bays, offices, and air compressor. Lease optk)n $4/sq. ft. Triple net. VILLAQE M A L L One bedroom, one bathroom a gaHey krtchen. Coin-operated washer ar>d dryer. $450 per month - heat inckjded. CONDO IN TOWN with 2 large bedrooms, 2 baths, coin-operated washer and dryer, and trash included. $67S/mo. C a l l ypur Rental Connection dale j . smith Realty (989) Tii-Wn • 1 - a 0 0 - S 9 8 - 9 3 S 0 Fax (989) 739-S108 e^asi • diis|«bwifeany#<wyatstn8t 1M* 1 Otssfa^ m, M 4mS TWO DAYS «fw«(,9ayloid«rufcaic*tatexom hxli MALEsmn 000 r m emms 001 B u H r i M Piopirty 002 f a m ^ j n d 000 nmlrma OppcrtmHy 004houm9fora^ 00611 AOVEfmaMQ DEAOUNES - 7 ^ dMdkw to pitc* t cUnMad ad In Ih* WKjnMdty HarakJ 006 LoM A AcfWQe TlntM l i Monday at 10:00 am. TTw diadiia 007 MoM» Homa^SAsa torttwSaturday H*md TknM & MartcalPlac* 006 Ran Estt*t Wwiltd ItWtdnaadayalSpjn. 000 rmials 010 Apanmama For Rant 011 BuHoasa Roparty For Rant 012 Houata For Rant 013RoofniForAinl 014 Rtaort Preporty For Ram 015\Mnlad16Rinl 016 Mhoalweoue N r Rant 017 Roommai ANNOUNCBMNTt 101 Announoamanta lOeCardofTMa 011 -k 1865 O'ROURKE BLVD. UNIT B 2 offices, warehouse, can remodel to suit. 3,500 sq. ft. $1,800/mo. ; TNa 3 badrooin. 1 Ixitti colkioe is locatM In a quiet area of oNi t p o f t i Big Lata. No noMa from M - 3 2 or Big Loin Rood, Just q u M and aaran*. Siwim. Ixiat, aM or Just «lt and anjoy ttw baauHk^ I sandy baoch fronlaga. > 4 8 0 , 0 0 0 . MLS • 2 3 8 4 9 0 m s » m - 7 a i - n i i Business Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM efficiency. Furnished. Utilities and cable included. Monthly lease, security deposit. No pets. (989)732-7737, (989)731 -3099. (0608tfn010) UUCIFRONT COTIAGi ON BIO U K I I WiUm SPACIOUS 1 bedroom apartrr>ent with screened in porch. No pets. $490/ month. (989)731-1175. (0604tfn010) 1 BEDROOM apartment. Exceptionally ntee. (989)732-5118. (0201tfn010) E s t a t e CLASSIFliD I NEWLY REMODELED, furnished, efficiency apartment on Otsego Lake. Includes utilities and cable. Daily, weekly or $435/ month. (^89)732-9795 or (231)4999396.{0608tfn0l0) A p a r t m e n t s F o r R e n t 010 FOREST • • I 009 5 LAKEFRONT cabins on Otsego Lake in Gayk>rd. Available July 23 through July 30. No pets. $350/ week. (989)732-3043.(070204009) 3 BEDROOM NEWER RANCH Ail appliances included. Very clean with deeded access to Otsego Lake. $92,900 e f ^ c i e n c y MAIN Street apartment. (989)732-2270. (0622tfn010) YOU REMOVE. 1983 Victorian mobile home. 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, 2 expandos. Needs remodeling, $1,500/ best. (231)5334138. (070204007) * ra oo? LAKES OF the North. 2 bedroom trailer. Well ir^ulated. 32'x30' pole barn irwiuded. (231)330-7875. (062504007) SBEAUTIFUL acres 6 miles west of town. $32,900. $500 down, $400/ month, 11 % larvd contract. www.northemlarKJco.com. Northern Land Company. 1 -800-9683118.(0608tfn006) on private road in N. Hayes Ibwns^ Survey onfile.Septic perk approved, miles to town. 4035 Parmaler Roacf, Gaylord, Ml 49735 Debbie Guiney, Saia Asuciite 731-1245 DUPLEX. QAYLORD area. 2 bedrooms. Garage. All appliar>ces includir>g washer and dryer. Air condition unit. 1 year lease and security deposit. $640/ month plus utilities. (734)604-8528 days. 1-888216-8918 evenings.(0625tfn010) IMMACULATELY CLEAN. 2 bedrooms. In town. (989)732-2270 (0608tfn010) 2 . 5 A C R E S of mature hardmods vyww.lakesofthenorth.com — * * * * * DUPLEX FOR rent. 2 bedrooms. 21/2 miles north of Gaytord on Meecher Road. $560 Irwiudes heat, garbage, snow bk)wing. (989)9834356. (070204010) 4 ACRES. Short walk to Opal Lake publk: access. $29,900. (989)9397192.(070202006) 100* OF OTSEQO LAKE pnOKTAQE with 3-2 bedroom cottages, detached 2 car garage, and sandy beach on <»ast side of ake. $425,000. (H-11) 2 BEDROOM COTTAR CONDOMINIUM. U K E new. 2 large bedrooms, 2 baths. Freshly p a i n t ^ arxJ new carpeting throughout! Nonsmokers, no pets. $650/ month. Security deposit and references required. Call Sandi at (989)7322804 or (989)858-1466.(0625tfn010) Lots & Acreage Howrs: 10-5 840 90. FT. 88 Skyline HUD manufactured home. 2 bedrooms.1 bath. Inchxles stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer. 8x10 shed. Adjoira common & state tarKl. «38.00a A p a r t m e n t s For R e n t 010 2 BEDROOMS. 1 bath. New carpet. Newly painted. Furnished. $600/ nx>r>th IrKjIodlrtg utilities. (989)7311887.(062504010) REFURBISHED 2 bedroom mobile. Ck>se to town. $29,900. Easy land contract or rent to own. (989)7324045.(070204007) OTSEQO LAKE - 50' of very nice sandy beach on aast side. 2 bedroom cottage. Nice lot with oak. ptr>e and btrch trees. $185,000. (S-l) Doris Pierce, ^ S R ^ ^ K E R 100 FT. FRONTAGE ON TEE LAKE Beauulul 2 . 2 0 0 sq. fl home o n Tee Lake between ihe town of Lewiston and beautiful Garland Golf Course Thts beauty is located on the quiet e n d of the all-spons lake. 2 1/2 X u r a g e , main floor laundry, and 1- _ -1/2 _ car. Treestandmg aarage This two story h o m e c o m e s with 1 complete living areas, each level has its own 2 bedrooms, kitchen, full bath, fireplace and separate lakeside entrance or exits. Hoi water heai with two zones, paved dnveway. in-ground -.pnnkling s)-stem. and a l u m i n u m boat d o t k For b i f o r m a i i c n and appoiatment. please call 9 e 9 - 7 8 6 - 4 3 3 1 . New, unique, upscale chalet in Michaywe with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, wood fireplace, cedar siding, oak trim, open stairway, and unique, one-of-a-kind security feature. Super<lean type construction. Cul-de-sac setting and level drive for easy winter access. $254,9M. MLS «238031 Realtor.com listing #250-1033. Builder 989-350-5800. First Realty Mortgage Corp. 246^26-1107. flL H o u s e s For Sale Michaywe ooe M A N I S n O U E LAKE 10.000 acre Luce County. 72'x235'X201 'X80'. $70,000. (906)293-3622. (062508006) lOOFraaOllara 104 Hippy Nolaa 106 Loat tTKi Found 106 Parson* 107ChldCai«Sarvtces 106 Sarvtoaa A¥«labla 206SauallonaWw«ad 207 T M a M M i a l 206SMaa 206 SaN Emptoymant OppoflunKy 210 k 201 AJiiiliilatiMKa^ Pinlaaaluiiai 301 OoMna 202 Ctubo/Raaiauranli 300 Pioduoa 6 PWits 203C»*jC«aHi«i\MMad 303Qv^i^SM 204 Halp WMadMaoalanaoua 3041 IsHng'A^ CoftdWonhg 2060toaarfOil 306 HouMhoU Qoodi 306 MMhnaoua For Sola X7 Musics^ Msrchandtaa caacvonica 306W«ilidlbBuy dIOMacNnary 311 AniquaaAAucilora 602PMB&Supplaa 603 Uvaakx* * Feed 900 Fraa OaaaMads rkfwational {Sepame Sactior^ 701 Cart 702 At*) ParWAooaaaertaa TOSUMVSponUtMtyVMcIa 704T(ucto 706 UNty Train 401 SpOflhoGoodi 402 RacfsalM VliNctea 403 ftpalii^^wtiiotiiaa UVMTOCKAPm 601 HoraaaAflUng3lM)taa automotive markktplacc Qaytord H « r a t d T l m a * Business Property For Rent WadnMday, July S, 200S • 0 - 3 Houses For Rent oil 2 OFFICES wtth reception area. 580 square feet. Prtme location on South Otaego Avenue. Price reckjced to $675/ month. AH utilities, air, sign, plowing. trash included. Nonsmoking facility. Lease/ option. Jim. (989)858-1360. (061808011) 2 OFftCES with reception area. 580 scjoare feet. Prime location on South Otsego Avernie. Price reduced to $675/ nx>nth. AJI utilities, air. sign, piowing. trash included. NofwnoWng facility. Lease/ option. Jim. (989)858-1350.(070208011) 200-1,360 SQUARE feet of office space or retail or any size in between. O n Main Street at the Alpine Executive Center in Gaylord. Plenty of private parking. Very flexible o n lease and rates. (231 )264-0081 .(0316tfn0l 1) AA. QAYLORD. Bavarian Office Colter. Up t o 10.000 square foot prin>e office space, will divide. Also 100. 150. 400. 800 and 1.535 square foot suites. Will accommodate your needs. Excellent location and parking. Reasonable. (231 )3482700.(0608tfn011) AFFORDABLE RETAIL/ office space. Great location. Old 27 South. 300 square feet at $300/ month. 550 square feet at $550/ month. 500 square feet at $150/ month. Storage space. Utilities included. 1-888-929B316. (062208011) COMMERCIAL WHOLESALE/ retail building. 2,4(X} square feet. Two 12'x12' overhead doors. Comer vacant lot included. 118 Meecher Road. Gaylord. 1 year lease required. (989)731-5856. (0402tfn011) DOWNTOWN BUSINESS locations available. Office suites or storefronts. (989)732-5118. (0201tfn011) DOWNTOWN QAYLORD retail/ office for lease. Great road exposure and parking. 2.000 square feet. (231)929-1068.(061808011) EXECUTIVE OFFICE space for lease. 2 indivkjual suites on ground level. Excellent kx^ation with ample parking outside your door. 1999 Walden Drive, Ga^^ord. Call Sue at (989)732-1000.(0219tfn011) GREAT LOCATION within first block north of Main Street. M-32. Ideal for new or existing busir>ess. 1.200 square foot commercial or office space for $995/ month plus utilities. Great parking for either employees or customers. Available immediately. First month and security deposit required. (231 )585-6608. ^4tfn011) ink ' P R O F E S S I O r U L OFFICE space for lease. 350 square feet up to 1,2CK) square feet. D o w n t o w n location. (989)732-5118. (0201 tfnO11) RETAIL/ WAREHOUSE. Up to 9.000 square feet. Will divide. (989)6141219. (1009tfn011) F O R L E A S E Offices • Stores All Sizes, P r i c e s & Locations 012 2 BEDROOM home on private, wooded lot. Large loft, 1 t>«th. Appliances. Furnished. $750/ month plus utilities. (734)516-9224. (070202012) 2 BEDROOM mobile. 491 Trillium T r ^ in Arbutus Highlarxjs. (989)7322197 leave message. (0706tfn012) 4 BEDROOM. 2 bath home. Close to town. $695/ month plus utilities. (989)732-1891 .(062904012) 2 BEDROOMS. Clean. Washer, dryer. Garage. Large deck. No pets. r>o smokirig. $550/ month plus utilities. (989)732-3141 or (989)6191374.(0702tfn012) 3 BEDROOMS. 2 baths. Deck. Laundry room. i^ke access. Johannesburg. $645/ month plus deposit. (989)732-3858.(0702tfn012) 3 BEDROOMS. 2-1/2 baths. Ctose to town. Family friendly area. $1,000/ month. {989)705-8439. (062208012) ADORABLE 2 bedroom house on lake. 2 full baths. 1 with jets. Family room, gas fireplace, air cor>dition«ng. 2 car garage. All appliances. No pets. $875 pkts utilities. (616)6446432. (0615tfn012) CABINS AT Lost /\cres. 1 bedroom cabins.. $375/ month ir>cludes all utilities, plus $200 security. 30 wooded acres, walk to Blue Gill U k e . 11010 North Old US 27. south of Waters. Call Leo toll free at 1-877-227-6976. Sorry, no pets.(0525tfn012) EXCEPTIONAL 3-5 bedroom home in town. Lots of extras. Perfect for professional family. $1,095/ month. (989)732-2271. (0518tfn012) FOR RENT or lease with option to buy. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 1 acre. $650/ month plus utilities. (231 )585-7108.(062904012) QAYLORD. 2 bedrooms. Garage. No pets. Security deposit. 1 year lease. $625/ month. (231)546-3809, (0629tfn012) HOSTMAN'S OUALITY Rental Homes. Pets considered. A propane supplier discount applies. (989)7320599. (989)390-1221. Mobile homes: 1596 Groveiand. 3 bedrooms. 1 bath, shed. $575. 1950 Springwood, petite. 3 bedrooms. 1 bath. shed. $475. 145-A North Indiana. 2 bedroom. 1 bath duplex, includes water, sewer. $545. 3757 Van Tyle, 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, shed. $455. 2021 Mt. Jack Road, Elmira, petite. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath. $355. 1600 Springwood, 2 bedrooms. 1-1/2 baths. shed. $475. 1676 Springwood. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, shed. $475. 4653 West Otsego Lake Drive. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, shed. $455.(0625tfn012) LEASE WITH option to buy! New 2 bedrooms. 2 t>aths. First floor laundry. 2 car garage. AJI appliances. Gk>lf course lot. Iru^ludes grass cutting a n d snoyy removal. $1.20<V month. (989)731-2950.(0525t^0-f2) MICHAYWE. 4 t>edroom home. Lots of room. 1 full bath and a 3/4 bath. Large garage. Backs up t o woods. Nk:e views. $900/ month. (989)7328215.(062904012) MOBILE HOME for rent, 5 blocks from downtown Gayksrd. No pets. Lease required. (989)732-7623 or (989)732-3576.(0521 tfnOI 2) STUDIO HOUSE in t o v ^ . $290/ month plus utilities. $435 security. Pets extra. (989)732-8765 before 8pm. (0702tfn012) Contact; Gottloeb Investments IMS. Center, Suite 101 Gaylord 732-5118 FOR RENT AT 109 MEECHER RD. 4.000sq ft. with 1,800 sq. ft of offices and 2.200 sq ft. of shop or warehouse Two overhead doors, two restrooms, and five individual ofhces Large parking lot across street $l.600/momh. OU Ken at 989-858-9241. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE tEADY FOl A NEW LOCATION Wrm A HEATED WAtEHOUSE? 1.920 sq. ft. with oSicc artd recepnon ares, conference room, and landscaped wuh im|>non s y « m Owner will lease wtth option or seH IMMEDUTl OCCUPANCY WITTI HIGa VBIMUTYI 7^00 aq ^ showroom and hr«ed warehouse Fenced flock«dc area Owner will kaM. sefl or consider land contrtct terms to a qualified buyer Owner is a bcexued rest* tor 19 ACtES ZONED i-1 locsed apptoacBfiinly \ trdk em of GayWwd tjU4sq fc. pole buiklanfi with thive cwerhead doon )29 Mather M., G^rlofd, Ml 497)5 www.CMGpjM43om 909-731-0608 FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 2 batt) single-wide with expando and large storage area. $575 per month plus utilities & 1 year lease. 3 bedroom, 2 bath single-wide with large 2 car garage. 8625 per month plus utilities & 1 year lease. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath country home. 8750 per month plus utilities & 1 year lease. Lease Option. 3 bedroom, 2.5+ bath luxury home in Michaywe with fireplace, family room, and craft room. 81300 per month plus utilities or purchase for $ 2 8 9 , 0 0 0 . Please call for details David J. Smith Real Estate Ltd. (989) 732-3002 Houses For Rent 012 MICE, 2 twdrooms, 2 birth*. 7551 West Otsego Lake (Drive. Open floor plan. Inckjdes appKwwee. Trash pickup. Larye deck. No pets. $600/ month plus aecurfty. Available July 1. (969)732-0976. Must see. (062906012) RENT OR lecMe with optk)n. furnished or not. between Grayling and Roscommon on 10 wooded acres borderif>g state larvj. Roscommon Schools. Large family home looking for a large family. 4-5 bedrooms, 4 baths, inlaw type suite with kitchenette available. 24'x40' toy bam with heated office and toilet. $1,250/ month plus utilities and $500 deposit. (989)275-8989 or (989)915-9323. Private owner is a licer\sed broker.(070204012) RENTAL W I T H option to buy. 1,800 square foot chalet in Lakes of the North. 3 t>edrooms. 2 baths. Includes major appliances. Game room wrth dry bar and poo! table over 2-1/2 car garage. $800/ month. 6 months to 1 year lease. $3,000 deposit (includes first and last month's rent and security deposit.) For more information, call (313)3045264.(062504012) VERY C L E A N 1 bedroom with loft ar>d storage shed. Lake Louise Subdiviskxi. Perfect for 1 or 2 people. $525/ month plus deposit. Available July 1. (989)732-3115 or (989)786-3669. (0615tfn012) Miscellaneous For R e n t oie 1-1/2 AND 2 car garages for rent. 1-1/2 miles north of Gaylord. $75 and $85/ month. (989)7057800.(0604tfn016) Announcements 101 21 ST A N N U A L flea market and bake sale. First Presbyterian Church of Gaylord, 513 Charies Brink Road. Friday. July 8, 8am-5pm. Saturday, July 9. 9am-12noon. Household goods, furniture, small appliances and lots of golf balls. New this year collectibles boutique.(062903101) LOOKING FOR investor/ partner to produce and market board game. Excellent money potential. Call for more information. (989)786-7588. (070602101) LUNCHTIME YOQA begins Wednesday. July 6. 12:05pm12:55pm. 4 weeks $25. $7 drop-in. Other classes Monday, 5:45pm7pm. Tuesday. 10:30am-12noon. Wednesday. 6:30pm-7:45pm. Nautilus Fitness. Drop-ins welcome $10. Register for series at (989)7326065 Sandi. (070202101) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Ladies or men that like to arrange fresh flowers. Monday momings at 10am. Fun, flexible and no experience needed. Just have a helping spirit to lift the spirits of our Hospice of Michigan patients! Contact Ellie Specht at (989)732-2151. (1208ttn101) Free O f f e r s FREE: ELECTRIC 3 tier (989)731 -1273.(070601103) 103 organ. Lost A n d Found FUN HOUSE Daycare has openir>gs. 16 years experience. (989)7328258.(070208107) STARS A N D Moon Daycare has o p e n i r ^ s Morujay through Friday. Ages 1 through 12. Arts ar>d crafts. Food program. FIA accepted. (989)732-8905.(062504107) S e r v i c e s Available home* ee«ytorany p u w « UAd Cofaeci * Mor^|iQ> Pa»o<>> Home ^npcxamanto. Oitit CoHanldaien. Iwaa Ce» xaiato tor deed. Sad. or ug»y Omm t-IOO-MS-iioo Anyttittl UnMMedoaotSarvteaa MMimmort- Mpntemvt. Raali %toa./Iny OnA ^onotoaiMa. Oafi C M • 1 1 4 m AeeaM DRIVEWAY SEAL coatirig by Ricit Eubank. Also parking line striping. Beautify and protect your existing pavement. 28 years experi«Hice. Referer>ces. Insured. (989)7326553.(0416tfn108) loe WOLF BUILDERS, family busir>ess servicing the Gaykxd area for the past 50 years. Garages, additions, remodeling, replacement windows, siding, decks. new corwtruction. Licensed and insured. Mike Wolf. (989)732-6921 .(0201tfn108) DJ/ KARAOKE entertainment for any www.larTyentertainment.com. Larry Reichert. (989)732-3933. (0201tfn108) D O N T WAIT for an accident to happ>en. Protect yourself right away. Call Insurance W k j e today. 1 -800-615-8991 .(061112108) Administrative Professional EDUCATOR TO provide sexual assault prevention program in area schools. An ability to work with high school students and young aduKs is required. A minimum of a bachelor's degree with work experience demonstrating knowledge of teaching life skills relating to healthy relationships, self esteem, decision making, assertiveness and other Bonded • E-^Krimced youth related topics is necessary. g FREE Quota • (x>mpenai>e Rata Send resume to: Chris Krajewski, Senior Gazen Dixount Women's Resource Center, 423 Refmnces Avadable Porter Street, Petoskey. Ml Wi»T8l-4eB8 EOE.(070604201) DARRYL'S EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMER/ developer needed to assist in high paced development environment. Interior & Exterior Skills should include (Doldfusk>n. Stain • Varnish • Paint ASP.Net. Java, HTML and detailed >Free EsUmatos S Insured •Vour Home Town Paintar project management. Experience (A Gaylord Excnange) working in a team environment is a Danyl Hill 9 8 9 - 9 3 9 - 7 1 1 6 must. Stop by Alpine Computers at 249 South Wisconsin Avenue with your resume to appty.(0521tfn201) Paintliig A Wallpapering Dutchman Home & Cottage Services 989-732-2639 . L.cen8«Ki. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. Large financial corporation willing to invest in 1 or 2 individuals to join our management development program. Upon completion you will be offered full management within our company. Qualifyir>g trainees earn in excess of $ 6 0 , ( ^ . You must be a college graduate or have 1 to 2 years business exper>er>ce. have management ability and be prepared to receive intensive training. For an interview, call (231 )947-4390 and ask for human resources. (062506201) Repairs Remodeling Oecli* Garden Structurea hetenborough Upholstery Elmira " ^ 1 3 3 1 ) 5 4 6 - 3 2 7 7 Clubs/Restaurants Cuslttm Ri'sidcnlitil Huildvr Stier Construction I i(<>nsc<l LITTLE CAESARS is now accepting applications for waitstaff, full or parttime. Apply in person, 1 block west of 1-75, Gaylord.(062504202) lnsiiri*(i CASUAL DINING restaurant has a management positk>n available for days, nights, weeker>d shifts. Good communrcation skills a must. Competitive wage arxj benefit package. Send resume to; Box 34048, c/o Gaylord Herald Tin>es, PO Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734. Email to hiringsmilingfaces9hotmail.com. (062504204) 120 Grandvlew BNd. ^ Gaylord, Ml 49735 989-732-1122 MARK'S HANDYMAN SERVICE C X LOON CLUBHOUSE now hiring lir>e cooks. Apply in person at The Loon Golf Club, 4400 Championship Drive. Gaylord.(070602202) L a w n Care, Remodeling, Powerwashing, D e c k Cleaning, and M o r e ! INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE HOME: 2 3 1 ' 5 4 6 - 2 0 2 1 ceu. g s g - e i o ' s e s o Fax: 989-731-2739 occoa^ occoaonlloe.org — 1 _ H A U S Oiuli S«rvu«* HELPING & CARING A S e r v k ^ of Otsego County Commissk>n on Aging Areyou afamily care giver needing help? Call Nancy or Chris 989-732-1122 I l\ 1\(..SI0\ I. W I O K P , NUUIIC. \ \ CHAIN UNK> WOOD FENCE FARM FENCE'VINYL FENCE UPlllE FENCE CO. Free Estimates Terry & Earien* Heger 989-732-5440 or 989-732-9384 W« accept Vita, MatterCard, DIecover & American ExprM* P.O. Box 1092 Gaylord, Ml 40734^ l> MCAMM immedMa Cath torStrudurad SeHMrnanti. AmuOm. Law SUTA WMflinm Mortga0a Notoa A Cah Rowa. JXl Wmlwonh- t i 1HKI0im-731O. Oft OANKLa AMO SON l«AL BTAT1 LOANS AND BUYS LAND C0NTIMCT8. F«l Futdhg. PHweto kilaney. Homaa. Land, Al PKoparty lypaa ttO.OOOtotaOO.OOO ArpyOedL^RMaon. DMf Oncly Daeeton IMw. I for thick OMvaiQ IVNnlnQ. TM) In MkMgan 30 Day Aoyam. WMemint Afiaila. Amertc«> Ihjcfc PMnq Sehoel. Cal thardal 1bdD« or <Mvw.yow1ukMalarWwa.eom DNMR - OOVVMWT TMMKMT. AMMMa Ejceig< Pay & BmMa. OilMra. Itoi*. OO A Studtrta WMWme MHpiratod Now AMMIa SIS-MOfC-MY (1- • TVfWr.DasMtaa. »e Oemp*y Owmr Opaelea » to 1157 pir L Con^OTy CMwa .40 epm d%na. Ca 202 HIRING. MUST be able to work all shifts. Apply after 2pm. Wendy's, 811 West Main, Gaylord. (0427tfn202) it. Our mission is to coordinate, provide and initiate programs, and promote the independence and well-being of senior citizens of Otsego County. • INFORMATION • ASSISTANCE ^RESOURCES 201 PHOTO RESTORATION. Think your precious photograph is unfixable? Bent, torn, faded, etc. Call Matt, certified graphic artist. (989)6141377.(0807tfn108) FREE: FIREWOOD. You cut. You haul. (989)939-7523.(070601103) FREE: FIREWOOD. You haul (989)732-4338.(070601103) los ALPINE DISCOUNT Lawn Owe & STTMU Engine Repair is havir>g a graryj openir>g special. Offering 25% off on all servtcee. We offer the same quality services as the big guys at a low rate to fit your budgetl We currently have no waiting list on repairs. Shop open 8anf>-8pm, Monday ttvough Frkjay, 109 Estelle Road. Gaylord. Telephone open daylight to midnight everyday, (989)^8-3983. Offer good through July 7. 2005.(062504108) C h i l d C a r e S ervi ces Michigan Statewide Classified Ad N e t w o r k OaCOOA aaiKM CONOOMMMMI THa need to low oo« quMy houMng and MMOM •tut to eeMn ihoaa wfio riev* loal M r «ouM or Iva Kane ia * « • « . 80 nnden«»im unNi d«ioned for atigto Mrtor • « now In tw pioc«eo of bMg cnaM m Oaeoda. The common viwrMtw indud* MuKky nonv room. moM SMrter. conpjm mem, cvd playtng w n t «M9a. (anty room, irtt t cnMi mm. • daytMie m«nag« «id • iriiimwue n«v plua i to cwa* the totor Qapdm* i «164,000 ma e one of Vie ftm, miielMigvt M ^lordMe SMor CNtan cendo deMlopOMfSilneiorNl. McNgan. Coma and 8M Oaeoda Sartor Cand0%. yau « • be impaiaad. Northwn MtoNOM RMy 108 Services Available LOST: REWARD. Female cat. AH white, short hair. Rnk ears and paws. yelkDw/ green eyes. She Is deaf. Please call (989)732-1320 If found.(062504105) G r o w i n g 100+ Tier O n e supplier located in the Gaylord area has an immediate opening for an experienced, self-starter, career m i n d e d , m a i n t e n a n c e / electrician person o n the first shift. Hydraulic/pneumatic, electrical, industrial equipment a n d p r o g r a m m i n g experience required. Ability to follow process i n s t r u c t i o n s , safety procedures and knowledge of MIOSHA regulations. Excellent pay a n d benefits. Compensation commensurate with responsibilities and experience. W e are committed to a drug-free workplace. N o phone calls. For immediate consideration, send o r 6 u resumes with salary requirements to: CMMCare Help Wanted 203 LOOKINQ FOR matui*. rMponaitXe adult to babysit In my honie. Approximately 10 hours per week. RefererKes are a must. Joh«nr>eeburg area. (989)7869912.(062504203) Help Wanted Miscellaneous FLOOfl COVERINQ helper wanted. 5874.(070204204) 204 Installation (989)732- BEST VALUE Royal Crest Inn front office staff ar>d housekeeping. We offer a flexible schedule with competitive wages. Apply in person. 803 South Otsego Avenue, Gayk>rd.(062904204) BEST VALUE Royal Crest Inn front office manager. Flexible hours, bonus, vacatkm. Apply In person, 803 South Otsego Avenue, Gaykxd. Great opportunity to grow with our company. (062904204) COMPUTER WORK. Competent, reliable person with in depth computer skills, programming knowledge to make some In depth changes to our Web based business. Limited term. Your hours, your home. $10/ hour. (989)7324980.(070602204) GLAZIER HELP wanted. Experience preferred but not required. Mechank:at and mathematical abilities a must. Apply in person only. No telephones calls, please. Mr. r s Glass, 414 South Otsego, Gaylord.(062504204) GOLF COURSE grounds crew. Wilderness Valley Golf Course. Contact Don. (231)585-7050. (070602204) HELP WANTED for 2 positions where attentksn to detail is essential. Full-time editorial assistant. Must be organized, enjoy fast pace and variety. Excellent k e y t > o ^ i n g and communlcatk>n skills necessary. Part-time proofreader. Excellent spelling and grammar imperative. Complete application and spelling test at Gaylord Herald Times, 2058 South Otsego Avenue.(0702tfn204) LIFE CHANGES. Discover a career that harmonizes body, mind and spirit as a professional massage therapist. Integrate lifestyle, health and business. See our career development programs at intherapies.com or call for a free catalog. Classes meet every other weekend in St. Ignace. Would you like to train in Thailand? We are the original, established in 1994, arvj your best vocational choicel I.N.T. Massage Therapy Schools. (906)482-2222.(060126204) STRINGER/ FREELANCE writer wanted to cover Lewiston area for the Gaylord Herald Times. Knov/ledge of or reskJence within the community helpful. Writing skills and accuracy essential. Send resume ar>d writing samples to: Editor, Gaylord Herald Times, PO Box 598, Gayk>rd, Mi 49734. (0406tfn204) Elmira Township 15 seeking an insured Handyman for Elmira Township. Respond by July 14, 2005. Contact Susan Schaedig for more information. (989) 732-2920. We are your toa great job! NO FEES FOR OUR SERVICES • Industrial • Clerical Come in and register with us today! Gtt Mm! Bt M«n! Jmh Ovr Ttaul OMAr<>OWER*0 1349 S. Ooego Ave., Saite #2 Gaylord, M I 49735 H u m a n Resources P.O. Box 4 2 6 VanderbUt, M I 4 9 7 9 5 Fax N u m b e r : (989)732-4884 DOLLAR GENERAL r<l . K l v n l i s . h i l l , i . l l l DWVm CMO VOU HAW. ^ Latf Load for L4M Than 42 CPM7 Our OTR drtm Mrt torn 40to43 cpm. w n to 43 cpml Home evary 14 day* aaigned (rucka you t*a home. Complato banaAi (*a bonueta. «MMy p«y. p«d orttntaMon aatfi wiafc- EOe. } moa 0)9 re^ A * itaui ow to-down laaae opbonl CM 1 •«77-462-Me7 HELP WANTID: MMtoworktora new^Mpar? Qal a Na wMtdy t-mrii lal of neMepapar poaHor* a man Sand m e - m a l t h e LOOK CAMM, n m M . MONIV. TWt w« BoattoOi*>etortw Bwt t« Oay CO. IVarttq wRh Job Piacanwt Lodging mcMM. c a Md« 1-«0&4IMK» IWir HUN WKWAit S 41Ai<iil Mora moal ioba. Hania «aMy. Qiaol ^ NaweM auda. Ouaalonto.. .Miy Nor? llMieiO &towaal-S0»44t^«SMewwlnafrt^witt I I I Oaanrwal 30k30 Nbw 12100. aOMO 16170. 40r90 tsaso 40hS0 t10.70a SOilOO t15J44 Uviy Ottar*. Cnd^Kcaaawtoa epsonal. nonaw. 1-SOO66S-5422 HOIMOIMNms WAWmN Kayak PooN la tooMng tor d«no homartntodkpMy ov vMuNiy lAMitonarwe Fiae* Kayak POOL SMttouaanda of ttS «Nh M urtQM ofpoMy Ca NowW aoo41-KAYAK ONceuM CodK S22-i15 HUSKY Mvnu. noofwatorMobiM. MB«i» Cemplatod Job or fflMW ortfyi Naw Coal Cotora wahaOyaarpMwarrarty. 1-S0IM80-2S79 iiuiam KU sum. «'i40'ii0', istiaoo. 12^10* Al k Oempany In McMgan l-S0M«2-0S7« Ali. CASN CANOV n o v n . 0» you a«n ^ to IS0(yday7>tarewnieMifl«ndyioyia. atdudaaao maeNnaa ma Candyi M iarlS.S». Ctf 1-SOOS14^72. To Aflvoilts<* A^TCMMaif MMJN CMM lS04t4S a HW* fSMyt Militfno H M M OWM. VMm mal buy* a 28-«Qid olaaaSad ad oiMng o«ar 14 mBar> ebeuMtoA and 4 eflon «Md««. Hue yew ad « • be piiMd art MoMgat Pfaaa AaaoetoSonn wabaMe Oenaet Vm Qaytoid HwaM Tkma a |SS« 7 » - l t l l I s C o m i n g To H i l l m a n , MI STORE M A N A G E R Dollar General Stores has many opportunities! If you are dependable, flexible, hard-working, honest, a team player and enjoy working with the public, apply nowl F»pgrtgncg R g q u t r f d FoU-Tlme Position. Competltlw CompenMtion Package. AfEordable Health. D e n t a l A n d Vision Insurance A f t e r 31 days of e m p l o y m e n t . 401K. Retail experience r e q u i r e d . Send to: District Manager 3080 Powder Horn Traverse Ctty, MI 49684 , A ^ vv-v • D-4 • WadnMday, July 8, 2006 Qaylord H*raid H m M SCAPE & SWEEP LANDSCAPING SERVICE • LarKiscape Design • installation J-N-J Construction, Inc. FOREST RESODRCE -ACRVICCS-I Wa»«|»n * * | r l f e w |bf Smwewt Awe Rnanciat Management Through Forestry Timber Sale« • Food Plots • Timber Tax Accountir>g 80 Years of Experience • Resistered Foresters 1-888-732-7188 • Brick Pavers I HOMEBUILDERS PLUS* "Over SO Years Combined Experience" New Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Garages Custom Decks • Siding & Windows • Snowpiowing Insured • Licensed / o b q \ T O -I Free E s t i m a t e s I f o f ; / a l Jim J e f f e r s • 2 - -I a a O l d d o • • • • • • Landscape Care • Lar>dscape Lighting Retaining Walls Hydroseeding S ^ n k i e r Systems Garden Pools & Fails Complete Chimney Service • Snowpiowing Established in 1982 Phone & Fax 989-732-7917 Kass ba Road • i; v i o r d M. higan 4 9 7 3 5 RKK DAi£ . " u • u i -. x > • ^ Phone 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 0 9 0 4 PINEVIEW ™ SURPLUS & SUPPLY RECTORY TRAINED UCENSEO MASTER TECH. ASECERTIRB). M C C L E R R E N BUILDING & REMODELING Specializing in Metal & Shingle Rooflng Homes, Additions, Garages, Decks, Kitchens, Roofs, Windows & Siding W h e r e O u a l i K Always Comes First Chuck McClerren Licensed & References L Dan & Chris Klatt (989) 348-8300 Fax: (989) 348-7955 Pineview Motel 7328 Old 27 North Frederic, Ml 49733 N o r t h p o i n t e Crreat Lak^s JOL 7S1-3S41 « t i l D Prodiut^ MOTORS. INSrANT cp.son B U Y E R OF S T A N D I N G TIMBER AND SAW L O G S T O P PRICES PAID Petoskey, Michigon cell (989) 751-7511 home (231) 535-5025 Norm Kasubowski Owner KISE PRUSAKIEWICZ C U S T O M BUILDERS, INC. P h o n e 989-732-8692 Honest H o m e t o w n B u i l d e r s with over 35 years e x p e r i e n c e . We do it all f r o m t h e G R O U N D LP. New Homes - Footing - Blocks - Framing - Siding - Roofing Finishing - Additions and Remodeling 2443 S. Otsego Ave. Gaylord, MI 49735 Web: instantcarcredit.com (989)732-8883 (800) 347-3917 Fax: (989) 705-8513 GREAT LAKES Phona T e l l Free PUMMNQ mmimn 1947 t i t l i i r i i n ALDEN Call Russ: Rd. Plieee 9»»-7J2-l780 (ifUrJ 4f7iS Design by A p p o i n t m e n t : i c k ' Carpet Cleaning • Fernittire Water Damage Restoration • Vehicle & Boat Cleaning lanred • Free Estimates Williams INSURED B U I L D E R S . wliilamskitchen.com I N C GENERAL CONTRACTORS 765 Expressway C o u r t Gaylord. Ml 4 9 7 3 5 Fax; 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 2 9 9 1 Custom Wood Decks Garages 1 : ; 8 6 6 i e a 5 j € 4 4 g UCENSED Kitchen & Bath 1 H W 7 3 1 - 1 2 7 3 ^ G a y l o r d T o U - F r » e TIMBER & S T Q N F ^ Gaylord S h o w r o o m Rick Sehi-Owner Ml 231-585^6440 o r • Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial • Experienced & Insured • Free Estimates • Wallpapering • References • Licensed Ann Wheeler Kitchen Design/Builder Sales 989-619-7730 Direct Cell awheeler@williamskiichen.com s Carpet Cleaning Painting Service CONCRETE QAYLORO <> INDIAN RIVER r RITE-WAY l-TOO-MUCH-MUD TODD BOUGHNER 408 SU. FOURTH ST. GAYLORD. Ml 49735 Vinyl & Aluminum Siding New Construction 989-731-6100 CELL 989-614-0163 FAX 989-731-9639 A U T O M A T I C Transmission "Specialists For Today's Transmissions" •Mnr/uperacor 25 Year* Expenance 1988) 7 3 M 8 4 8 108 W . C O M M E R C E R A N D Y (ofiF 27 near K-Mart) G A Y L O R D , M I P H 4 9 7 3 5 P H / F A X R O C K W E L L Mike Wolf (989) 7 3 1 - 9 0 0 0 U c a n s s d Builder (989) (989) 732-6921 7 3 1 - 9 0 0 1 Remodeling & Repairs No Job Too Small Knight Cleaners OM AppHwic* A Fiimltui* & Restoration, Inc. Tour Full Service Cleaning Company" •Water/SonlKDainage*Carpet/ljph^ • Janitorial Senc ies • Air Dud Qeaing (989) 7 3 2 - 9 2 5 3 M , Doug Kaiser Owner (989) 732-7102 • 8 0 0 ^ 3 3 3 0 Pager (989) 920-1361 (Emergency) S P.O. BOX 1523, QAYLORD, Ml 49734 MUFFLER MAN OF ICHIGAN HonM C t H n o u t i Mufnera, BrakM Oil & Fitter C h a n g « - $14.95 olmn-v|m •IcPuretiaM A C t u n up« 101 Ea«t M a i n Oaytard. M l 4S73S (SeS) 7 3 2 - 8 2 3 0 / (SeO) 7 3 2 - « 7 3 3 Jam«s Platte, Ownar VANCE MOREHOUSE IMON-FfU a-e P M 8ATa-aPM H Ught M e c h a n i c a l ' g t ftemodetng e g •win<low3 •D o o r s o w Home Sweet Home Savings! appliances i n U B o p t l o n a or C A W lawri^ Conslructlon a n d Hondtrnxat O n e c o l O e n r y T r w I e o o U C cr DoncI m - H O - k U a T & R H A N D Y M A N SERVICES m - T U O O A U d e v e l o p m e i v t O/AUSAii BirtUfH 12 I I I r « 2 < i < I 7 ( > 4 MINOR REPAIRS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE LAWNS T O CLEANING CARETAKING DEER PLOT PLANTING TIM HUDSON ROBERTA HUDSON 989-983-3626 If you Uke our work, tell others. If not, please tell us!! ' mm * 1 • Oaytord Herald T k n a * KMp Wanted M>sc«llan0ous W » d n * « d a y , July 8, 2000 • 0 - S Offlce/dwlcal 2oe Sales aos Medical/Professional 210 Clothing 301 Produce & Plants 204 DENTAL RECEPTIONWT r>ewled SALESPCRSON for growing dantat practice. Dentrix EXPCRIENCK) ALPCNFCST. JULY 12-16, 2005. RASPBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, OCCUPATIONAL experiertce a pkia. Pteaae aend wanted for growing new home FULL-TIME Atplr>e ck>thir>g Is available at 507 MAINTENANCE PERSON. 25-28 iMjiklktg company. IrxlivkJual must therapist raspberries. You ptok or ready at Mercy Hospltat, Acom Drive, Gaykxd. Located hours par wMk. Po«sibto work up to resume to: F o r s ^ Family Dentistry. be self motiv^ed, goal oriented arxj ptoked. Starting soon. Place orders Graytir>g. Full ber>efit8. Contact 1723 Weet M-32. Bulkling A. across from Mama Leone's, OkJ full-time. Must have «xp6rience and a team player. Real estate l i c e r ^ Kourtney, now. Goebel Farm. East Jordwi. (960)348-0414. 27 South. Women's dresses sizes be quaHfiad to do miacatlanaous Qayiord, Ml 49735.(070206205) preferred but not required. (061806210) (231 )536-7615.(070204302) 4 to 22, eyelet bkxises small to majntenanca work auch aa, but not Weekends a mustl BenefK package OFFICE HELP, Small business XXL, eyelet aprorts sizes small to limited to. replace floor tilee, celling avaUabie. Pleaae serxj reaun>e to: YOU PICK strawberries. Sparr XXL. girls' dresses sizes 2 to 12. tiles and paint. Muat have valid lookir^ for the right person to help PO Box 780. Graylir>g, Ml FULL-TIME PHYSICAL therapist/ office (Mies. Computer Valley Strawberries. 6 miles east of Layaway available. Please cali for drivers Ikcenae. own car and be with 49738.(070604208) physk^al therapist assistant at Mercy Gaylord. For information, call directions. (989)732willing to travel to various Knwt experience. Excel artd Quick B o ^ Family Care of Roscommon. Full a phjs, aocountir>g ar)d bookkeeping (989)732-1223.(062206302) 5204.(060805w301) stores throughout northern NORTHPOINTE MOTORS, home of ber>eft8. Contact Kourtr>ey, Michigan. Apply at Gaytord Kmart. skills. Part-time, ^ x i b l e hours. Serxj instant Car Credit, is looking for a (989)348-0414. (061806210) 1151 South Otsego Avenue. reply to: Box 03105, c/o Qayiord sales associate. The applicant must H e r ^ Times, PO Box 598, Gaylord. Gaytord, Michigan.(062504204) Clip and Take be a high energy person, self Ml 49734.(070204205) motivated, at>ility to work under RN'S. EXPERIENCED registered pressure and willing to leam the nur^e to serve as clinical lead in the TVades/lndustrial 207 special finance car business. No field for busy private duty home care NORTHERN STAFRNQ accepting applications for 3 companies In finance experience program. Supervisory experier>ce ARROW ENERGY Is looking fof special required, rehab background helpful. Boyne City. Full-time ar>d partpersorviel to fill all positior>s of necessary. Sales experience a plus. Current Mrchigan licensure required. time posltiona available. $8.75Salary plus commission to start. trucking, servk^e rigs, drilling rigs arKi Regular, full-time position with $10.00/ hour. Apply in person, heavy equipment operators. Payir^g $40,000 to $60,000. Fax resume to benefits. 401 (k), tuition 2202 MitcheH Park Drive, good wages. Interested candidates (231)938-0399 or mail to: PO Box reimbursement. C^act Lisa Petoskey. (231)347-3144. can pick up applrcations at 4030 146. Acme, Ml 49610.(0915tfn208) 9H9-732-II11 GiWner, RN, at 1 -888-626-2031 (0702(32204) Columbus Drive, Kalkaska, 10915 DISCOUNTQUESTROOMS.COM. extenston 2126 or visit us at Hetherton Road, Johannesburg or NEW arvj exciting business seeking www.vitatoare.org. VttalCare, an or 877-819-6170 McLachlan Drilling at 815 West a^ressive telemarketers to grow equal opportunity emptoyer. NORTHERN STAFFING accepting Seventh. Evart. (070204207) with our company. Income is (070604210) applicatk>ns for fuMlme or partlimitless. Call (989)732-0805 for WEST OF GAYLORD time irKlustrtal ciear>ers in Boyne FLEET/ TERMINAL manager more information.(062904208) City. $9/ hour. Apply in person. position available in northern DENTAL ASSISTANT needed for 2202 Mitchell Park Drive, I HUOE 2 family sale. July 8, 9amMULTIFAMILY YARD sale. July 7.8 Michigan. Company has excellent SALES ASSOCIATE needed for fast growing dental practice. Experierxse Petoskey. (231 )347-3144. long term opportunity. Indivkjual paced environment. Part-time. preferred. Please send resume to: • 4pfn. July9.9am-12noor.417Nortti and 9. 9am-? Lots of baby stuff, | (070202204) must have motivational skills and Weekends required. Apply at Forsyth Family Dentistry, 1723 West I Court Street, Qayloiid.(070601303C) kkjs' dottles, toys and cAjutJuiiUt. 7022 business acumen. Experience with Goodwill, 505 South Wisconsin M-32, Buildir>g A, Gaylord, Ml ygn Tyie Road, Qayk)rd4070202303VV) | transportation fleet management a 49735.(070206210) RESIDENT, FAMILY and staff garage JULY 8, 9am-4pm. July 9. 9 a m - 1 NOW HIRINQ ages 17 and up to must. Competitive salary with pnofit Gaylofd.(070202208) train as dance, baton twirlir>g and incentive, sale at Aspen Ridge Retirement 12noon. Antiques, fumiture, lamps, health insurance, pompon teachers. Call (989)731- emF>loyer matching 401 (k) and Village. Saturday, July 9. 8am-2pm. country decorating items, Boyd beers, | 8170 for appolntment.(070608204) Se^kx) 125 plan. If you fit the Refreshments, hot dogs and a wide household, lawn furniture, patio M E R A AMIURE HOMECARE & HOSPICE criteria, please fax your resume to variety of items. 1261 Mtege Pwkway, umbrella, hardcover books, | v y i x Affihoted with M u a HosmAi GMTUNG (989)356-3628, mail to: Mtehigan Qaylord.(070602303C) NOW HIRING for part-time positions Wood Carriers, Inc., PO Box 678, miscellaneous. 1359 West Martin ' at Kmart. Nighttime and weekends. Lake, Qaylord.(070601303W) | Please apply at service desk. Alpena. Ml 49707 or e-mail to yvonne_bahling_gcOchartermi.net. MY TRASH, your treasure? 1 day (062904204) SOUTH Of GAYLORD EOE.(062208207) only. Jily 9.9arrv4pm. 931 Strawberry Lane, Qayk>rd.(070202303C) 2 FAMILY sale. Lots of maternity MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN. THE HAMPTON Inn has positions Petoskey Plastics is seeking a arxJ baby cksthes. Large gold framed | One plus years of professional nursing experience required. open for night auditor, muKI skilled trade person with mirTDr. c a m ^ jars. Friday, July 8,9am- " housekeeping. maintenance. digital logic and microprocessors, Med/Surg or ICU skills desirable. Hosplce/Homecare experience 4pm. 2492 Castiewood, Gaylord. | Looking for flexible and reliable part- hydraulic/ Pneunuitic and preferred with ability to learn automated clinical documentation • HUQE MUUViAMLy garage saia Friday, (0702023033) time applicants. Please apply at proficient industrial electrical skills. system. Excellent wages/mileage reimbursement. On-call July 8, 7:30am-5:30pm, Saturday, Jufy front c ^ k , 230 Dk:kerson Road. Compensation Includes base wage 21 ST ANNUAL flea market and bake S Gaylord. (070202204) responsibilities. Send or fax resume to Brenda Lake, 9, 7:30am-4pm. 420 Poquette Road, $14 plus seniority to $15.70/ hour Qayiord. You want it, we got it. sale. First Presbyterian Church of • Business/Facilities Manager, Mercy Amicare Homecare & Hospice. plus $.30 shift premium plus 20% Seasonal decorations, bikes, tables Gaylord, 513 Charles Brink Road. I profit sharing. Full benefit package 201 Meadows Drive, Suite A, Grayling, Ml 49736. (health, dental, life insurance. of household items, beddings, lamps, Friday. July 8. 8am-5pm. Saturday, _ fax 989-348-0047. Phone 989-348-(X)44. Mercy Amicare 401 (k), vacation). Send cunent racks of men's and ladies' good July 9, 9am-12noon. Household I Homecare & Hospice is committed to the Mission and Values as resume to clean ctothes, various sizes, exercise goods, furniture, small appliances . fscanlonOpetoskeyplastics.com or set forth by Trinity Health. Mercy Amicare is committed to ecf43mer*, 2 sets of ladies' ooss ctxf*y and lots of goif balls. New this year I NOIRRHERNSTA^ROADCASTING mail to: Petoskey Plastics, Inc., achieving workfone diversity and is an equal opportunity employer skis, tools and some collectibles boutique.(062903303S) 4226 US-31 South, Petoskey, Ml fumiture.(070601303N) 49770, Attention: Frank Scanlon. DOf/T WSS Ihs cnei HoLfiehold. gaden, _ No telephone calls. please. building supplies. Kids' clothes 4-6 | (062504207) EAST OF GAYLORD and adult XL. Bikes, books, bath, LXX)KING FOR MERCY AMICARE HOMECARE & HOSPICE fabric, jewelry, camp stuff. Much, | PART*TIME TRACTOR/ trailer driver 3 FAMILIES. Name brand tx>ys' and much more. 5000 Wah Wah Soo, _ Affilkited with MERCY Hosmju GRAYLING for local manufacturing plant. 20-30 girls' clothing from infant to adult, Gaylord. East side of Otsego Lake. | A CAREER IN hours per week. Ovemights. Some double stroller, fishing gear, etc. Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and liftir>g required. Please apply at Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 10, 9 a m - 3 p m . (989)731-5496. | Michigan Wori<s office, 111 South BROADCASTING? Michigan, Gaytord. (989)7327-9,9am-6pra 967 South SifTTntview (070602303S) Full-Tlme/Contingent Registered Nurse Position 3886.(070202207) Drive, Gaylord. Off Krys Road.{070202303E) JULY 8 and 9, 8:30am-4pm. 762 ^ PMP PERSONNEL has an Candidate must be a graduate from an accredited school and have a McCoy, Qayiord. Something for | immediate opening for an current Michigan Itoense. Requirements: Minimum 1 year of professional LOG O N TO: experienced CNC lathe machinist • 4 R\MUE& JiJy 7-9,9anv? 4740 Alport everyone.(070601303S) nursing experience, ability t<3 assess and act ijjwn client need?-without with tool arxj die experience. Must Road, Lewiston. Antiques, old JULY 8-10, 9am-4pm. Quilting and S direct supervision, and willingness to travel in our geographic region. WWW.NSBROADCASTING.COM t>e willing to work any shift. Call bottles, rug loom, boys' and giris' Automated docurT>entation system, experience with this a plus. Incredible (989)731 -5627 or fax resume to sewing supplies. Over 500 yards of _ toddler clothing, dishes, toys, many fabric, batting, books, patterns, | (989)731 -5630.(070202207) benefits, competitive pay. and some on-call responsibility. For immediate miscellaneous. (070601303E) consideration, please fax resume to: notions, new serger. Miscellaneous _ household iterr^ toys, books, ganjering I Brenda Lake, Business Manager A N N U A L GARAGE sale. 1530 items, ladies' clothing. Also have Fax 989-348-0047 or call 1-800-424-1457 or 1-800-822-8318 antic^iM te^pqt^^pd dishes for sale. | CkOMkiw Lane, QgytawL Off WBqnaon Mercy Amicare Homecare & Hospice is committed to the Mission and and Pray Road. Clothes, girls' 6-12, 10781 Beaver Road, Waters. 2 Vak/es as set forth by Trinity Heatth. Mercy Amicare is committed to teen tfvou^ adiJL FiiTitLie, toys, cSshes, blocks west of Old US 27. o f f | achieving workforce diversity and is an equal opportunity employer. down comforter and more. Friday, Passenheim Road.(070602303S) JiJy 8,8arT>4pm. Saiifday. July 9,9amQUALITY ITEMS. Friday only, July 8, ^ 12noon.(070601303E) 9am-6pm. 6411 Foothills Trail, I Rehabilitation Services at Qayiord. Michaywe.{070601303S) HUGE BARN sale, 3 abandoned storage units. Pickup camper, saiboat, MULTIFAMILY PRE moving sale. ! N o r t h e r n Michigan Hospital SALES C O N S U L T A N T household, fumiture, tools, fishing Friday and Saturday. July 8 and 9,8anv • ar>d hunting equipment, ctothes and 5pm. Fumiture, househokd goods, I ^rard-winning family of publicatiDAirff ' • Occupational Therapists tots of miscellaneous. 3938 Gostow lamps, slate bumper pool table, 50 • Road, G a y l o r d . July 6 and gallon eiecthc water heater, bikes, griHs, I • Physical T h e r a p i s t s looking for an outside Adverlisii^ Sal0 9.(070202303E) tools, automotive jacks and ramps, • • Per D i e m OT, PT, SLP: n e w salary ratesi Consultant to meet th« advertising ne«df automotive parts, golf clubs, hockey I SEIDELL SALE. Thursday. July 7. equipment, skate sharper^er, trophies, . of our clients. Salary plus commisskMt We invite you to be a part of our growing team... 9an>1 pm. Friday, July 8,9an>12noon, coottxx]te and other bOGte,laMnmcM«c I a n d benefit package. Good grammar, spelHngjiiii Kids' ctothing, toys, sectional couch, yard miscellaneous and many . We are excited to announce our search for a f u l l - t i m e OT, F T and miscellaneous items. Krys to Kassutta LTiexpected items arxJ lots of tTeesurea. I skills a r e required. Attention to detail is very jmpop PTA in addition to our search for a per diem OT, PT, SLP to to 1420 Lake Club Drive, 2262 Martette Road, WMars. Exit 270, . It have sales experience. Media sales experienoey;; go 3.8 miles east on Marlette Road, I loin our highly experienced clinical staff. Rehab Services at Northern 08ylord.(070202303E) left side of road, chain link fence. _ ' but not required. College a plus. To be part of Michigan Hospital is committed to providing excellence in clinical care (070202303S) | in the inpatient, outpatient, pediatric and acute rehab settings. We are WEST OF GAYLORD d-winning team, send your resume to; looking for individuals who wznt to be part of a changing environn>ent LARGE MCVMQ Cub Cadet bwn I where your ideas and talents are recognized. • • • • • • • 4 tractor with bagger and trailer, baby ' grand piano, 65" HD television, srxjw | Jim Driver Christmas items, girts'clothes sizes blower, living room and bedroom Michigan registration & license 10 and up. Longaberger baskets, required. To leam more about these UrAie, ^ d o t r g 4T and ip, baEk8t3el I Advertising M a n a g e r tots of PartyUte product priced to net,tonsof toys, household term Much, ' excitir^ opportunities please comact sell, much, much more! 1830 EsteNe much more. 775 Crestwood Drive, • Gaylord Herald Time* Janice Dziurman. Director, Rehab Road, Qayiord. Friday, July 8,8am- Qayiord. July 2, 8am-2pm. July 7-9, • Services at (231) 487-7910 or apply P.O. Box 598 6pm. Saturday, July 9, 8am- 8am-1pm. Please can {989)731-0050| online at virww.nQrthemhgalth org HOSPITAL 4pm.(070602303W) Gaylord, Ml 49734 for more informatk)n.(070203303S) ' HERALI^riMES HOSPICE RN OPENINGS: Full-time/Contingent H O M E C A R E POSITION OPEN YOUTJ R S O N WE''' KING F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADVERTISING Northern Michigan M o r t g a g e s M a d e Easy!! Sherry A. Duntlev ONE STOP SHOPPING Over 100 Lenders Programs! 8 0 b - 8 0 4 - 0 9 2 4 l «ti2 2 3 1 - 6 2 0 - 6 2 0 7 a i T O m scluntlevwllllquallfv.com 1 I 1 LEE ROOFING> INC, F A R M E RS Semvinc Auekica fok 75 Ykaks .. "Wi Stand Btkimd Our W>rt And Will CompUtt Your Roof At If It Wert Our Own" ICE * SNOW REMOVAL • BONDED • LICENSED INSURED • NEW ROOFS • REPAIRS • REROOFING FREE ESTIMATES • PROMFT SERVICE EXPERIENCED WORKMEN CftalnT—dB •.MMf H sf HVICf S PflOVIDf D Afj( H •»' I AMI I r.lJT Tf RS . T; II . 1. f (M -IR', Auto • Home • Business Life • Health • Financial REED INSURANCE 309 Lake Street • P.O. Box 266 • RoncfMnmon 231-348-3009 (989) 275-4174 1-800-233-8857 OMcfOuArttccUX -888 AGENT EZ (243-6839) GETS YOV BACK WHERE YOV BEIX>NG y o u r n o * t h « n mkmigan n o g h b o w New Construction FtamocMt A Rapaira FuNy Inaurad Rafaranoaa AvaHabte DapandaUa QuaWy Quaramaadl Cornerstone Drywall, Inc. Your Orthodontic Spcctalist P.O. Box 2100 • GAYLORD Accq>tinf New Pationu Offices in Grayling, Traverse City, Cadilkc 8c ScottviUe (989) 732-1419 A s s u r a F i r s t Dr. Daniel M. Sarya 403 E. State Street, Traverte City, MI 49686 231-947-7250 • 1-800-326-7250 > l IM I I At A HoMcaruo Moimuat COHRUIV ^ I I I I I I I 2370 1-75 B u s l r t M s L o o p Qrcyling, Ml wwww49738 WW 989-348-4635 MjB Br*t Tima Home 9uyir» Zaro Down Loan OpUofw krtorwtOnlyLflww SFMDATEHLLMAITOFTIOM N S M * ANNUAL KAOIM A$ EXOTH) A I O U T YOUK NEW HOME . . . AS YOU DOI U M I I U ITT I Qaylord H m l d T I n w s D-O • Wedneedey, J u l y 8 , 2 0 0 8 ^TOWING 'JSYSTEMS Burns Plumbing, Inc. P.O. Box 381 h -irv? Residential & Commercial 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 4 4 8 8 HITCHES WATERS GARAGE D O W N T O W N WATERS (989) 732-2124 N e w C o n s t r u c t i o n • C a r p o r t s • P a v i l i o n s • Existing R o o f s M i n i - S t o r a g e s • W o o d s h e d s , Etc. D . R . S . DIVERSIFIED ROOFING SYSTEMS -METAL ROOF SPECIALISTSCommerciai • Residential • Agricultural Over 35 Years Combined Experience • Fully Insured (989) 3 4 8 - 7 2 3 8 Dave O'Deil Satisfaction Grayling Guaranteed! (989) 7 3 2 - 3 5 2 2 Scott Van Luchcne G^lord " 9 ® 9 ' 7 3 2 - 5 2 6 3 • BacttioeWwk • Hydroseediig/Sod • RetaimgWalls • RotoHling/S^ng • Lot Clean Ups • Lawn Maintenance Fully Insured«Free Estimates .JfcFf .JOHNSTON • ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 1 - 9 6 2 1 • Gay lord NORTHERN DRYWALL "Everything in Window Treatments" • Professional Installation by the Owner • Free Estimates • In-Home Appointments Excellent Customer Service Since 1958 (989) 732-3340 2281 OLD 27 SOIMI • GAYLORD ^INSU^EP • PartwgLotMaWenanM • Yoii Rakiig/FiMl Grading •Dnveways Graded/Graveled • Sprinkler Systems Gerta's Draperies EXCAVATING Craw! Space • Basements Lot Clearing • Drainfields Driveways BUILPING Decks • Roofing Remodeling • Painting Landscaping • Snow Removal TOTAL PLUMBING, HEATING, CMimetry KITCHEN & BATH FIXTURES CABINETRY AND, 319 w. Main St, Qaylord ACCESSORIES PHONE (989) 732-7786 Georqe Simmons Garages • Shcde JOHNSTONS RESIDENTIAL • C O M M E R C I A L C « 0 > M « P i A » N «Y UCEN5EP 1 By Appointment Ph: (989) 344-0498 Paul Eosterle NO-IMYSDmY B U I L D E R S & EXCAVATINC5 FREE The finest in sporting, defensive, and coHeclor weaponry. Therese Hoyem G G E A F T SIMMONS & SON ESTIMATES PAUL'S GUN SHOP STANDARD - R E C E I V E R C L A S S I-IV FRONT MOUNT RECEIVERS FIFTH W H E E L - GOOSENECK T O W BARS - B I K E R A C K S - W I R I N G Bvtcfa M n a f c o w i H MatMr r i a a s ^ r m Grayling, Ml 49738 We Buy Used Guns RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL HANGING • FINISHING TEXTURING • PAINTING I 2MAUT)F IT/O/JT * OTUWUD Owner; 2 3 1 - 5 3 5 - 5 0 2 5 NormEKasubowski • Charl«voix • Qaytord • Traversa City • Houghton Lake Insured Uc. Bid. 56764 Buyers of standing timber and sawiogs. Current Construction •Your Energy Efficient Creator" NEW HORIZON LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION CONTRACTORS S S4I GQM,MI4I73S ( m ) 7sz-m7 DMS Construction • • • • • New Homes Siding Garages Decks Cultured Stone • • • • • Additions Roofing Pole Barns Knotty Pine And More! Licensed Builder Over 25 Years Experience DAVID STUBLI JR. (989) 731-9747 Knights of Columbus Hall Rental & Catering 2 5 7 3 Wilkinson Road, Gaylord N«wly Remodeled • Smoke Free Air Conditioned CompetHive Rates • Weddhg Receptions Affliivenary & Birthday Parties Business Meetings • Any Special Event toSOOpeopKl nUCatcrlig BJTRAM neiM Cd (9M) 7(».1786 hr coq>lel« l U acMii * Catokg PKkaga CMrt«l«vtcC W M I L L please contact us about a management plan for your woodht. N&J AUTO/DIESEL REPAIR. INC. 24 H o u r Roadside Service All Automotive, Uglii, Med A HD Trucks, Trail arm. Motor Home* & Equipment Repair* & Service N&J Master q Certified Techs ' 1584 Dickerson Road j / H t t . 5109 Main Street Gaylord, MI 49735 MUlersburg, MI 49759 989-731-6967^989-733-6967 * AVAILABLE 24 HOURS-7 DAYS A WEEK CELL # 989-350-6967 ™ Quality Repairs at a price that's fair Residential Commercial tirfal C u s t o m Homes Pemianent W o o d Foundations and Basements Rough & Finish Carpentry Bill Current (969) 788-4695 Unliinited Internet Access . (989)732:0738 Spam Blocker • Virus Blocker • Web Mail Take Calls While Online • No Late Fees Free Local Tech Su|)pofl«No Coij^cts $9.9511-877-342-5995 Pel ivioiiili Visit us o n l i n e at: AIIDial.net A<fnrrit«hlit tnttirriRt A Mtctiigan Company • Insured • • fc- Drywall Repair, Textured Ceilings Si Walls, Powerwashing Gary « Brenda Hall smss^^aummam 1CA« C A M COUPOWR A 542 Tobias, Elmira. Ml 49730 CjII Terry Cushaway QSI) 3S7-79S2 or 1-877-667-4245 (989) 348-8169 Cell (810) 3 3 8 - 1 3 9 9 tiS/SiMSBm Tim Lawes (989) 731-4560 This Coupon & Get if ^ t a u ^ N ^ H A l r o a l K n ^ c n t ^ CO OFF BEST WASHES < OFF 5 0 ComfUtt WASH#1 /Ufo Dtfattg CONiiBucTiON S*/t CUtk A U T O W A S H Aniabh r u u SfRVICE INCLUDES • Exttrior Wosli • QMHI WHMIS • daon Wmdmn t Dow Jons • Vdawm Fkon t Seats 1377 W, Main, Gaytord (969) 731-1120 N«xt to Apptob**'* Gef a fuH mvice ¥/asb whiU you •of. FfM caliM M n | row 10-1S K M I Mil. i LICENSED & INSURED Homes • Garages • Additions • Decl<s • Ftoofing • Siding new conitructicn / remodel vinyl / cedar tiding licensed / Ininred cntom decks wiadvwi / doon free ettimate* Randy M u r p h y , Ownof (989) 731-6169 afiriitriiir"i-« Attention Builders & Contractors: Gail J«ani« MIcMichael. beem pm44lMg btilUlMg materlab w imOiiii Mlcklgmt (wtfrweefs time* tftS iWOAUaNGW gSTOKATWNOf OlDWOOOfljOWB s t a i / a r S r i p • Qaylord OM27Soutti (980)732-8862 Ht/F«x; M9.732.040> MM$:9t9M9M4J Petoikoy • HartMr Springs PRESTON FEATHER RONSSOCBBSS HtlpOiiVimBiMmiliCMtfUnet J VltednMday, J u l y 8, 200S • D - 7 Qaytord HaraM T k n w COMPLETE LOO COATINGS " F O R A L L YCXIR W O O D C A R E N E E D S " •Over 14 YearsChinking • Restoration • Staining * Decks New Construction • Lap Siding Heated Shop for Pre-Skainlng Licensed - Insured BOYME CITY % Located In Gaylord Located Next To The Fairarounds Loggu^Q/Lumoenng Lot/land Cleanng . Brutf> O i i p p i r i g RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL wVdintQdyIord,con m o 731-6457 F f M Estimat— 1-800-757-1879 lames Concrete Construction, Inc • 9 Licensed & Insured Fkx>rs* Walks Driveways • Patios Log H o m e Restoration Insured Licensed B u i l d e r ( U 1 ) 5 8 5 - 6 9 1 9 QBas. 300 Expressway Ct P O Bo* 670 Gaytord. Ml 49734 P A I N T I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L (989)732-1879 ( 2 - 4 4 6 5 ) Home: ( 2 3 1 ) 5 8 2 - 1 1 6 5 4 h For Over 12 Years COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Sales • S e r v i c e • Installation GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS Full Line of W i n d o w s • Exterior Doors EMERGENCY SERVICE 24 HOURS (231) 58-CHINK Whote Tree Chipping Scurrtp Grinding Tree Removal Trimming BROWNING'S The Door Specialists Cell # ( 9 8 9 ) 3 5 0 - 8 8 1 0 I I GAVLORD (989J 732-5230 Fa* (989) 705-20S0 We Make Half lo^ Sidinr logs r e p l a c e d , c a u l k e d chinked, sandblasted a n d s t a i n e d . AJl s o b u i l d n e w s t r u c tcures ures 12476 E. M-32 Johannesburg, MI 49751 I I aone 989 786 3265 ccU 989 390 1844 PhH James emaii: delthomas^S'oyager.net h L 5 ELECT P O W E R W A S H DAVE Hot Water Application THE COMPUTER DOC Siding, Fence & Deck Concrete Drive & Garage On Site Fleet Cleaning Wet Sandblasting Available A Windows/PC and Mac expert in: Hardware setup Software installation & training Troubleshooting Virus detection and removal • Internet connectior« Credit cards accepted Call for a free estimate R e s . (989) 6 1 9 - « 7 7 6 S v o i c e mail Bob Und Cell (969) 619-6782 & v o i c e m a n P a g e r (969) 4 8 0 - 0 0 0 6 Insured Licensed lowest Plantinf Hydroseeding • Sod , _ SpedsHzlng In BouMer Work (989) 732-4335 fr Natural Scttkifs rS30 Leelanau TraH, Caytord, HI 49735 ItoSarf Noitkwn MkUgam't 91 Residential - Additions Custom Ceil: ( 9 8 9 ) 6 1 4 - 6 4 6 0 989-939-7805 1021 MANKOMSKI FIAVLORD. M 48739 Design & P o n d s a n d NA^terfalls ovei^ 1? vem evpewewce PQgcfCA/ M P Commercial & Residential Flagstone W t t k s a n d Patios Reszka 30 Years Experience in Qmylordl B o u l d e i a n d Blodc R c t a i n i n s W i l l s N e w Homes 1 9 7 9 T o m a h a w k Tr., G a y l o r d briek pa¥€r pric^ Brick Pavers- W S I k s . P a t i o s & Firepits Wayne Weirauch SELECT the Hot One! Visit my website, call or email me at: www.DaveT1ieComputerOoc.coni (969) 705-9326 - Qaytord, Ml Davi9ODaveTheComputerOoc.com T & W Landscaping, Inc QuarantsMf Construction - Garages - Decks Work — Trint and Built-ins Quality Wofk 25 years Ucenaed and Iraurnd w n e ^ i t c M » - 7 3 2 - 2 2 n Randy Reszka Residential Builder P h o n e 9eS-37(H)74S MARGARET M O E N , M D American Board of Sleep Medicine American Board of Neurology Clinics also in Cayhrd, Crayling, Manisiee. Cadillac Your Busmess... Our Commitment. Microsoft Certified Staff Disaster Recovery and Prevention W A N / L A N - D e s i ^ A. Installation Secunty-Firewali and Antivirus Wireless Networks & Hotspott FT Consulting Remote User Coonectively-VPN SI F F P S I ' F C I M 1ST > i I-'»!'>-!!}«!<) ' ! l - ' ) 5'>-»l!')7 l . l \ . D r h w w a y a . Lot C l M r t a g . ctc. Fully Insured Centrex 5-8889 WWW.ECHOWARE.COM Toll Free 8 6 6 - 8 7 5 - 3 3 7 9 (1-866-USLEEPY) E-Mail; i n f o O e c h o w a r e com Call Today 877-549-1102 3537 W . Front St., Suite H • Traverse City, M l 4 9 6 8 4 Serving All o f Northeni Michigan PI2C P A I N T C C Professional Painting Log New Construction Additions • Remodeling • Log Homes Home Restoration Residentlai Commercial Scott Naumes 1 1 0 8 PoUur T r a i l (989) 7 3 2 - 7 8 6 0 Soaring Tree, mc. • BuckccmicbacliipfKn .MAIAIATAHAG .'BK'Unlagai'nadng • NTAILIVASLIAPTAG • DceKwnl • Dead Wooding (RancMnj DeadDicU^) Fully Insured ITmnk Brgmnt Locellnetrxiotore fpoonn ftaomant N fugm* _ M.T.W.TH 18 M.T.W.TM MO • KHM A.FN. •A) • 1(MI0A.M. mo'lomam •XIO - 1000 a.m. 3:90 • M O p.m. B e Hour* L m M DaMn. Drt«an» Iben C)aa»M M M t S Day* JwwlS.16. i e M.W.TH 1 0 u t L - 1 2 n a o n July ». 7. a T.TH/ 10 «JTV • 12 noon Am^I.S.4 lOftJK. • t a r a o n AUOUM22.94.2SM.W(.'TH l O a A - l ^ f w c n Sapt 14. IS. »1 W M W - •:» CSfrriFCD ROAD T c r r s - QUARAMTOD L O W n r P M C e sas Auto Qaytord • Qaytord Cmama 4M-32 S2S CyeMa l a w n c a r e & Yard C l e a n u p FULLY INSURED 989-348-6950 7891 H U L B E R T R D F R E D E R I C , M I 49733 Mode • Ifkfc • Cuhurvd StMM Trencliing & Driveway* Y Flatwork • Pour«d WsNs Jeff Reinsmith, [ 9 8 9 ] Ucarwcd S Insured 7 3 1 - 5 8 1 9 DECXONE D M k f l i l M H o m e Maintenance & Repair Dr. M c N o m o r a / D r . Visconti WWWIMO9INOR4I.ORG • Xfoy •\J»rmour4 • BfKHt oars osnlsr • • Spins pain Mnlir •CT/MW • Sons Jsmitomslry >giinwfanehasc^9^ 2922 OiM Ori^ Goyferti. Ml 49735 STORM WORK . NORTHERN LAWN & HOMECARE A A o o d ll<l<tala«y Spraluk LOT CLEARING Cmntar tUO Uvtn<mton Boulavmrd} M.T.W.TH M.T.W>TH NORTH t • I w H h thta a d m o i t r r t o o d a y on>v1 Maid: • StmpGriading 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 6 4 5 0 • Fax: 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 0 6 5 3 Cell: 9 8 9 - 6 1 9 - 9 8 7 4 Omce; 989-732-5200 STUMP GRINDING G u a r a n t e e Lowest Price! 800-256-9559 V»M Will tmmanyom'»a<fvwlimdpfk»ktQayk)rd by U Whan yo^ their ad on fgiatrmtion dayt Hooorsd for Smgrmnt I. tl. end fk>md Tmtf b 24 Hew* U c « M , e H e t n Orti«r« • Itec Evahadoi Thomas COURTESY DRIVING SCHOOL • LocOcailiig IMAGE • Owner Shaum TREE SERVICE REMOVAL • TRIMMING Custom Staining Power W a s h i n g DecK R e f u r b i s h i n g Sand Blasting Log Replacement TREE Estimates Licensed & insured Gaylord, Ml 4 9 7 3 5 Phone: 2 3 1 - 5 4 6 - 2 0 2 5 C«U: 9 8 9 - 3 5 0 - 1 0 6 2 Email; dandhexcavatlng@yatKX>.com Doug Francl(owlalc 7526 Siiop Road Ebnlra, MI 49730 705' 1100 B o t R o t o in Northern M i c h i f o n Uceratd 9 I n s m d * Free Esmtkue] Serrinf AB of Notikeni M k h l ^ (989)348-5725 oc C e t t ( 9 8 9 ) 3 9 0 0 0 9 3 F r e e D e c k P o w e r w a s h Avsllabla^J FREE ESniUTES SBPOR DBCaUNT 989-732-7855 0 - a • W*dnMday, July 8, 200S J Qaylord Herald ThnM GREAT AUTO RATESl HOME • BOAT • FARM • COMMERCIAL ANNUrriBS • IRA'S • HEALTH • MED-SUP J.P. CONSTKUCNON Specializing in Seamless Eavestroughs FREE Estimates A. Pleslngcr, Owner P.O. Box 453 Johtaatsborf, MI 49751 I I mmuMMce Rab«n A. C o o l a m ^ FARM BUREAU MUTUAL • FARM BUREAU UFE FARM BUREAU GENERAL CPCU, U C . CLU rgood«nOfb 1 nsnu .com Fast Quotes by: Phone, Fax or E-Maill ASK ABOUTOUR (989) 786-5830 C D ALTEKNATIVES (989)731.0052 FAX:(9«f) 731-3547 1723 W. M-32 Bldg. B G a y i o r d , MI 49735 (Next to tile New Theater) A l p i n e O r t h o p e d i c s . P.C. Judie's Dog The Kindest Of Care % ProtessionaJty Trained Groomer Dogs A Cats • AH Breeds FREDERICK D. RAU, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Ucensed • Free Estimates For all of your heating & air conditioning needs. Third generation, locally o w n e d & o p ^ r o t e d . New installations, c o m m e r c i a l & residential. D o n n l s Freese. o w n e r ROSCOMMON (989)275-1144 Beth's Embroidery & Upholstery 989-731-5528 'a- 11949 Bradford Lalte Dr., Waters, Ml Ph: ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 4 7 0 0 Fax: (989) 7 3 2 - 4 7 7 7 1371 W. MAIN ST. SUITE 200 GAYLORD. MI 49735 w w w. OrthoDoc .aaos .org/FrederickRau M D \ Nationally ^ C e r t i f M Wildlife Damage Professional Resolving Human Ci Animal Conflicts UaMoose Uarmint! MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE V am I J M TOTAL JOINTS • MINIMAL INVASIVE SURGERY ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY • HAND & FOOT SURGERY JIEDUCED RATES Cood Diivcra Mature Insured Discount Other Discounts Available EAGLE HEATING & COOLING 618 W. Mitchell Cormr ol Wisconsin s Mitchell Gayiord. Ml 49735 For Appointments Please Call 5-1115 A u t o • Boat • H o m e • RVs Cycles • Covers • Seats • Furniture Canvas • Glass • Screen Enclosures A w n i n g s • Porches • Garage Doors Souvenir & Logo A p p a r e l ' W e ' r e always here for your convenience." 18 Hole Executive Golf Course Range ARFEFSIMIEJ (Umniireiti + Ui Embroidery Digitizing Upbolst«ry + U p h e l t t s r y + A u t o + B o i t + RV RESIDCNTIAL ft C O M M E K C I A L Fully Insurod i Ucens&d NWCOA MADCA MMnb*r 9 8 9 3 4 8 2753-24 H E A R I N G IMPAIRED D-LINK 989-821 -8526 Hr Service 989 J90 4565 T E X T ME.SSAGR 989-302-2867 WE Wnj. MEET OR BEAT OUH COMPETTTOR'S PRICES VAN MOUNTCTEAMEXTRACTION UNIT » SHOKT DRYING TIME REMOVING STAINS. PET ODORS, AU OTHER ODORS 989-73 • PuH C a r t s l e * Times n o c i B t M n r 262MTownlln* 2 ("WttWestof Giyfordcn M<32 A NTownfirw Road UNDBiNewHtiaikomm^ aOm GRAYLING A ©COIN SHOP " "Over 31 Years Experience" GEMERAL COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION Building Your Future With Confidence, Clarity & Commitment m I N - H O U S E D E S I G N & BUILD • M a t t h e w LaHaie, Regional M a n a g e r P.O. BOX 460 ^989) 7 0 5 " 8 0 7 0 FAX; 9 8 9 - 7 0 5 - 8 1 7 9 ALPINE Laundry & Diy Qeaning "Professional Care For All Your Wear" 2 3 4 E . Michigan Ave.» G r a y l i n g , M I 4 9 7 3 8 Mon-Fri 10 ani-5 pm • Sat 10 am-3 pm Closed Wednestiay • SS BUY • SELL • APPRAISE WE PAY MORE! Roger Martin (989) 348-8309 1-866-33 COINS (26467) QUALITY IN SERVICE ^^^0?ESSI0IV4^^ brake service /SURE\ / \ STOP! I iTiore ENVIRONMENTAL PEST CONTROL O v e r 33 Years E x p e r i e n c e Serving All O f N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n 989.348.4500 or 8 0 0 . 4 3 4 . 8 0 9 2 • 7 3 2 - 7 8 6 7 J o h n H. BMkCCHEA c:(implete FOUNDATIONS FLAT WORK STONE BRICK Owner Raymond Wells LICENSED & INSURED 1341 M-32. Johannesburg, Ml 49751 (989) 786-1100 See. Touch. SmeU The Difference. ">T« GREENEARTH* CIEAKEX Interior / Exterior ^ Auwe Laundiy A Dry Cieamng # Complete Sbirt Service Commercial / Resider>tial # Same Day Service (989) 732-0700 Wood Finishing # Alterations ^150 S. Wisconsin ATC • Gayiord Wallpapering ( L o c a t e d I n A l p i n e Pfaaa) # Suede/Leather Dhop On Lm.Mwss: # Experts in Weddittg Gotat Presmation G r a y l i o g - O n y l i f ^ laundromat 20 years experience # Perfect Pieat Drapery Service IW Charles Si (989) 348-9844 # Wash & Fold LcwistOO-TImbertown Lmndry # Smoke & Water Restoration 2850 S. Co. Rd. 4 8 9 . . . ( 9 e 9 ) 7 8 6 - 3 0 6 9 Phone: (231) 585-6342 Licensed & Insured 732-STOP RAY'S MASONRY Undfr the a i r . i r SAVAGE M B I N G & Floor Covering Contraaor H E A T I u m i e r tlic " Ceramic Tile, C a r p e t H a r d w o o d Linoleum, VCT & Lamirvite Floor KHI -VD hciocl I AUTO & TRUCK. \ CENTER / 2 2 2 N. Center, Gayiord, M I Installations, Repairs & Sales S m i f T g all o f N o r t h w e s t e r n M t c h i g a n P h o n e : 231-587-8375 Cell: 231-499-7870 4 9 7 3 5 Pat Alexander (989)705-7542 I n t e g r a S p e c N o r t h LLC I N S U L A T E D CONCRETE FORMS CONCRETE FORMS A FOUNDATIONS Stoiwwork • Stucco • Til* Cultured Ston* • Flatworfc 4' to 24- Wall* Llcaniad ICF Crawt Avallabt* Insured - Free Estimates Lcutrn Maintenance Painting Fremaare Washing Trim Carpentry 231-546-3054 P O B o x 44 • Eltnlf*, M B u s h WTSO • C«(l; M » 4 S < H ) 7 3 3 <>ww.lnt>gmp*cxain Licensed & Insured • Over 20 Years Experience Serving All Your Construction Needa From Remodeling to New Construction Roofs • Decks • Vinyl Siding • Garages 15860 Riverside Trail Wolverine, Ml 49799 -HK ' BANKRUPTCY PROFESSIONALS ConfidentiaJ and Professiorud B^ikrupicy Spa Capsule Dry Water Massage B)* AppoWnw* O n l y - ( * ftftitate A v a i l s i \ GaytartM 49735 Services Fast Electronic Filing - where available S T O P creditor calk, lawsuits and garnishments! R E A S O N A B L E FEES Hmothy P. MAcArthur'Attomey with Over 25 Yean Experience S«mn£ all Northern Michigan T H E O S P R E V 6 R 1 L L £ | at Black Forest Wilderness Valley 7519 Mancelona Road • Gayiord 231-585-7090 ( 2 3 1 ) 6 2 7 - 7 3 3 4 macmhurUw#hoanail.<:on) J005 South Main Street • Cheboygi. Ml 49721 If you like our golf, you'll love our food! m mm Qaytord H«rsld T I m M Household Goods W e d n w d e y , July 6, 2006 • D - 9 aos Wanted To Buy KTFCHENAID WASHER and ®<eclnc dryw. WhKe. $200. (969)7321218.(070202305) MAYTAQ OAS range AJnx>nd. $400. Koher cast inx> exocutiva chef •Ink. Almond. $350. Like new. (960)732-5011 .(070602305) Miscellaneous For Sale m 4' T E N N Smith metal bending brake. Bends up t o 22 gauge. Good contmon. $200. (969)732-4868. (062902306) AUTHENTIC QERIMAN beer b o t t ^ from the Bavarian regk>n. 24 bottles and case. $25. (231)546-3179. (0323tfn306) CHICKEN PLUCKER with chicken scalder, computer desk, kerosene heater. (989)732-7409.(062904306) COUCH. $175. Dsulc wood. 5 drawer desk. $85. Large dog cage. $60. Maple c h i r u cabinet. $3(X). Gibson heavy duty gas dryer. $50. All items in good or better condition. (960)732-5567.(070202306) U F T R EC U N ER chair. Pride. New $900. 30 days old. Not needed. Sacrmce $450. (989)705-1321. (070202306) PROPANE TANK. 500 gallons. 2 0 % full. $350/ best. (248)974-5600. (062504306) RECUNER. $20. Refrigerator. $20. Single bed. $10. Natural gas cook top. $25. Stainless bar sink. $10. 19" and 25" cokjr televisions. $15 and $25. 3 oak bar stoois. $35. Natural gas heater. $25. (989)7323933.(070204306) SEARS TONING table passive exerciser. $85. 125 piece Pfaltzgraff stor>eware, Villager pattern. $220. 12 strk>g Seagull guitar with hard case. $150. Littermade automatic litter box. Brand new. $45. (989)7864963.(070202306) W o o d Slock A l t e r n a t i v e Fuels Firewood! 989-350-7993 Now Taking Orders Musical Merchandise 307 YAMAHA CONSOLE piano. $2,000. (989)705-3600 days. (989)826-2113 evenings.(070602307) PIANO. 2003 Kuwai. 47" upright. Lacquer finish. Excellent condition. $3,300. Will deliver locally (989)7323757. (070202307) Wanted To Buy 309 CASH PAID for antiques, furniture, glass, art. jewelry, old garage and bam stuff, deer, elk or moose horns. wHdIife stuff, old skis, snowshoes and fisfring items, etc. (989)731 0557. (0201tfn309) 300 IF YOUR chiklren have outgrovm their back yard playhouse, I wiH buy tt. CaN Mary. (989)350-1472. (0514tfn309) WANTED: 2 0 6 ^ 5 R 1 5 tires for trailer. (989)732-2920.(070602309) BUYING STANDING TIMBER OP ALL SPECIES. TOP DOLLAR PAID. TEN ACRES OR MORE. Please caO S t v c k B s a IVet Scnrlcc. 989-732-5230 310 Machinery CASE. 20 plus 4 trencher. 20 horsepower. 4 wheel drive. Rider. 4' digging depth. $1,000. Can be seen at Burn's Electric and Plumbing, 2088 West Dixon Lake Drive. Gaylord. (989)732-4488.(070202310) CRAFTSMAN 17 horsepower lawn tractor. 42" mower with bagger. Like new. $1,200. (989)732-3272. (070202310) FORD 1220 tractor. 4 wheel drive. 456 hours. 16 horsepower diesel. turf tires, 3 point hitch, 5' mower deck power takeoff driven. 5' back blade for snow, dirt scoop for 3 point hitch, 5 tine cultivator. Tractor and tires in good corKlitkxi. Great midsize tractor $6.5(X). (231)5856883.(062904310) Recreational Vehicles 402 1979 HONDA CX500 Custom. 137.000 nrtlles. $800/ best. (231)5463111 .(062904402) 1967 JAYCO 23' Class C motor home. 48.000 miles. New er>gine, water pump and manHokj. No rust. Immaculate condftk>n. ^.700. (989)731 -2687.(070204402) 1997 HONDA Magna. Low miles. $4,500/ best. 2001 Kawasaki 250 KLR Enduro. Only 1.500 miles. $3,000/ best. (231)546-3154. (0702tfn402) 2004 R1 Yamaha. Excellent condition. Asking $6,900/ firm. (989)614-6321. (070204402) Boats/Snowmobiles 403 1977 FIBERGLASS boat. 85 horsepower Johnson. Trailer. $1,200/ best. (989)348-7827.(070202403) 1996 SEA-DOO 14'6" Challenger. Excellent cor>ditk>n. $4,000/ best. (248)302-5983.(070204403) 1999 TIGER Shark 640. Adult owned. Low hours. Well maintained. New dhve bearings and impeller. Cover. 1995 Tiger Shark Daytona 770. Well maintained. New cover. Leiand 2 place trailer. Separate or all for $3,700. (989)786-2858 or (248)408-5962.(062504403) Antiques & Auctions 311 Q O D D A R D ESTATE auction. July 9. 10am. Mk). Quality contemporary ar>d antique furniture, appliances, art, kitchenalia, household. Troy-B'ift, Case Ingersol and Ranch King riding mowers. Rototiiler. garage arxJ outside related, horse stall doors, fishing related, toys, postcards, jewelry. Roseville. glass, porcelain. 1996 Ford E-150 Club Wagon. 1990 Kawasaki jet ski with trailer. 12' flat bottom boat on trailer 1993 E-Z Go gas golf cart. Cub Cadet pulling tractor, store showcases, coins ar>d more. Call for flyer or view online. Lets Talk Auction Company, ( 9 8 9 ) 8 4 8 - 5 1 5 6 . w w w . L e t s Ta l k A u c t i o n . c o m . (070202311) Sporting Goods 2000 POLARIS 500 Classk:. $2,500. 1996 Yamaha Phazer II. $1,500. (989)731 -0303.(070202403) 2002 YAMAHA Road Star Warrior XV. 1.7(X)cc. Very clean. Only 2.600 miles. Vance & Haines Big Shots exhaust system with Power Commander stage 2 kK. Gets over SOmpg. Lots of extras. $7,800. (989)732-2153.(062504403) RSHINQ B O A t . 14' aluminum with oars. $150. (989)732-1157 after 6pm.(070202403) FOUR WINNS boat. Shore Station, dock, Seashoos. Excellent condition. Cell (313)530-7256. (0622tfn403) 4oi Q U N SHOW. Cadillac. July 16 and 17. Wexford Civic Arena. Saturday. 9am-5pm, Sunday, 9am-4pm. 22 rifle door prize. J & J Sport Shows. 1-800-968-5016. (070603401) S M I T H & Wesson 66 SS target 357 with 2 holsters, 2 speed loaders and rounds. Like new. $450. Remington 20 gauge model 1100 semiautomatic with case and shells. Uke new. $525. (989)732-5929. (062504401) Horses & Riding Stables 601 REGISTERED ARABIAN and pinto horses. $150 and up. (906)297-2841 or www.detourhorses.com. (070202601) Pets & Supplies eoz AKC GERMAN shepherd puppies. Black and tan. (989)7869641.(062508602) CTEEl LIKE A FISH ^ OUT OF WATER? •-maih clossifiwisegaylerdlweWHmes.com Cars 701 Van/ Sport Utility Vehicle $89 DOWN on selected automobiles to qualified buyers. No credit, bad credit. no problem! Taikxed Enterprises, Petoskey, 1-800-9646760. (1018tfn701) Trucks 703 1992 FORD Explorer. 4 wheel drive. 4 door. Many extras. Rur^ good. Body fair 110,(XXD miles. $1,000. (989)732-7619.(070602703) 1967 CAfWiARO. New motor. Stkik. Excellent shape. 1995 Oldsmobile Delta Eighty-Eight. Ctoth interkar Fully k>aded. 3800 motor. Excellent shape. 730 West Petoskey Street. (989)705-1109, (989)732-4851. (070204701) 704 2001 FORD F-150. Four wheel drive. V-6. Air. tilt, cruise, CD. Bedlirw. 71.(XX) miles. Excellent cond(tk>n. $10,250. (231)546-3259. (062904704) 1992 PLYMOUTH Grarvj Voyager van. Needs transmission. Light blue. Good body. Seats 7, bench style. Asking $500. (231)546-4849. (070604703) 2003 SIERRA SLE extended cab 4 wheel drive truck. Irwiudes V-8, trailer package, exter>ded warranty, tonr>eau cover, bedliner. 43,OCX) miles. Not used as work truck. Excellent corxJition. $21,900. (989)732-1034. (070204704) 1994 FORD Taurus. Runs good. $2,000/best. (989) 732-1157 after 6pm. (070204701) 1995 CHEVROLET 3/4 ton van. 80.000 miles. Complete. New brake system. $2,250. (989)732-4488. (070204703) 1995 DODGE Intrepid ES. 70.000 miles. New tires. 1 owner Great condition. $3,500/ t>est. (989)7329518.(070202701) 1996 DODGE Starcraft conversion van. 110,000 miles. $3,000. (989)732-6354, (248)330-7991. (070202703) 1998 BUICK Century Limited. Power windows, locks. AM/FM. CD player Good condition. $2,800. (231)5463368.(070202701) 1998 FORD Econoline E-150 cargo van. 65,000 miles. 1 owner. Cruise, power windows and steering, air. $5,600. (989)732-2274, (989)7327003.(070204703) 1998 FORD Mustar^ convertible. Black. V-6, automatic. Air. Power steering, brakes, locks. Rear spoiler. 43,000 miles. Stored winters. Mint condition. $8,800. (989)732-2545. (070204701) 1998 GMC Safari AWD. Runs great. Leather Towing package. $5,800/ best. 1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4. Runs great. $7,200/ best. (231 )585-6282.(070202703) 2001 CAVAUER LS for parts only. $500/best. (989)732-3684. (07202701) 1999 GMC Yukon. 64,000 miles. Leather interior. Loaded. $12,000. (989)983-2714.(0611tfn703) Cap. Towing package. Well maintained. Motivated. 2000 FORD Explorer. Loaded. Excellent condition. $6,000. (989)983-2714.(0629tfn703) (989) ^ - 8 8 6 0 2002 MITSUBISHI U n c e r OZ Rally Sport edition. 4 door Black. Automatic. Air, CD changer. Great economy. 91,000 highway miles. lOO.OCX) mile warranty. $9,850. (231)546-3621 or (231)420-4132 . (070202701) Auto Parts/ Accessories Trucks 2001 FORD F-IBO Snper Craw 4x4. $ 8 , 2 0 0 Utility Trailers 4 TIRES. 3l"x10-1/2"x15". Summit Trail Climber MTs on chrome 15''x10' directional wheels. Fits a 6 lug Chevrolet. $350. (989)3060118.(070204702) UTILITY TRAILER. Tilt bed. 41/2'x8'. Steel. $450. (989)7322271 .(0604tfn705) Gaylord Herald Times CLASSIFIEDS Catch a ride in a used vehicle fmm the Automotive Marketplace. FRONT CLIP for 1985 Monte Carlo. Good condition. Asking $450/ best. (989)731-0930 ask for Bill.(0710tfn702) 703 H P B R F R | G R T M P < ; 1977 JEEP CJ7. 304, V-8. Fiberglass body. Lots of extras. $5,500/ best. (231)585-7505.(070204703) ^ 705 PACE AMERICAN 5'x8' Work-sport trailer. Barely used. $1,400. (231)546-3154.(0702tfn705) 704 1997 FORD F-150 extended cab. All power, cnjise, CD player. 17" rims. Towing package. Looks great. Runs great. $7,500. (989)732-0013. (070203704) 702 Van/ Sport Utility Vehicle IMES Do you htve local sporti news? CaN 732-1111. l b a d n r t l M , cm m 732-1111. JIM WERNIG CHEVROLET « • USED CAR O U T L E T Larry Porier Open • NEW IN TOWN? M o n . - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9 - 3 9 9 CHEWY stk -sset ^ .•uio.2 ? i r i• •8 9 9 6 Get acquainted with northern Michigan and ail it has to offer by ordering a subscription to the award-winning Gaylord Herald Times. 4door.suto StK. # 5 2 3 * •01 e H « « V4..uto..»r.2door mm 6TK ISOEG ^ ^ _ I MOOOWX'' CO. 41.000rf>tt*StK. i s a ^ e 1 Year Subscription Prices Local Local Senior ( 6 2 + ) $48.00 $46.00 Non-Local Non-Local Senior $66.50 $64.50 Service College (9 Month) $48.00 $44.00 •1 0 9 0 0 s« _ _aim • ' H"" " _ V--6. wAO' 9th. 'Local counties are Otsego. Crawiionl Montmomcy; Charlevoix, Antrim, Cheboygan and Oscoda. StK. >M j n P CRMID I I I V V OAVI-ONO 9«k.*6337 H e r a l i ^ P i m e s « ™ ™ f i s » o eetten* I N«nM «oiwupy"gg" Phon« No._ I Addrtw. Stat*. -Oty. • Chadc j Card Numbar I I • Dhcovar • MattarCard 4cyt., ^•6330 CO- •6988 I Subscription taWction and amount andoiad I * 4 9 9 5 OS S A T U B H S t a o I YmI I want to wbtcritM or fwmw my lubscription to the Gaylord Herald Timas for ona yaar. I (Stop in Of mail enclosed form wrtti payment) • Vita Exp. Data P.O. Box 598, Gayiord, Ml 49734 • 2058 S. Ottago Av«. 9<9-732-1111 *0fnca noun: 8 ajn. to 5 p m Monday through Friday ACROSS FROM THE GAYLORD SAVE-A-LOT •999® M-32 W K t Just w e s t of 1-75 D - I O • W a d r t M d a y , July «, 2006 Oaylord H a r a M T l m M Uvmtock & Feed ao3 Free Classifieds STANDINQ HAY. cut. Approx10 acras ilpti-alpfia/ ck>v«r/gr«M mix. Mak* offw. Appioxlm«l«(y 300-400 b M « In bam. 1-2 yaara. $1/ bal«. Bad. (869)8580030 laava' maasaaa or (231)5463468 aftar 6pni. (070202603) Free Classifieds 900 $100 OR less, ff you have something to setl for $100 or tees, you can piace a free. 10 word dawifled ad In the G«ytord Heratd Times Wednesday editJon. Limit 1 item per ad, 1 ad per household per week. Price of the item THist be advertised. Cali US todayt Qaytord HeraM nmee, (089)732-1111 ""Garage sales and pets not appiicabie. Not available for the use of commercial businesses. Free ads run on a space available basis. 10' ALUMINUM ladder with 2 extensions. $65. (989)939-8606. (070601900) 12' ALUMINUM boat. (989)939-8164.(070601900) $100. 12' WIDE tow behind spike drag. $100. (989)732-8138.(070601900) 13,000 BTU Whirlpool window air corxJitkjner. $80. (989)731 -2051. (070601900) 4 BIKE rack. 1 -1/4" hitch. $40. (989)732-7346.(070601900) 4 GOODYEAR Eagle tires. 225/60/ 16. $20. (989)732-8866. (070601900) ALPENFEST DRESS. Size 6. $25. (989)732-1681 .(070601900) ANTIQUE STEEL bed frame. $40. (989)732-4709.(070601900) BOY'S BICYCLE. Schwinn. 20" wheels. Very nice. WO. (231)5492500.(070601900) COMPUTER DESK. $15. (989)7311034.(070601900) LEDERHOSEN. WESTERN SLIDING GLASS door. 80-X73-. Germany. 34-36. Excellent conditkxi. $50. (989)731-6262. (070601900) Will deliver. $40. (231 )582-3248. SPACE HEATER. Warm Morning. (070601900) Natural gas. 50,000 Btu. $100. MOTORIZED TREADMILL. 4 years (989)705-7494.(070601900) okj. Digital scanning. $50. (989)705SWING SET. Good condition. $60. 1900. (070601900) (989)731-1408. (070601900) OUTDOOR LK3HTS. 18 yards. GOOD condition. Electric set. Brand new. $15. TREADMILL. $100. (989)732-3276. (070601900) (989)732-5854.(070601900) WOOD BUNK beds. $75. (989)7310443.(070601900) WARD 10" table saw. $50. (989)8580056 after 3pm.(070601900) ROBERT & SUSEN ESTATE AUCTION July 9 (Sat.), 2005 at 10 a.m. 8802 N. Petersen Rd., Frederic, M l Directions: From Grayling, go north o n 1-75 t o Exit 264, go 1 m i . east to Petersen Rd., go 2 miles n o r t h to location O R f r o m Lewiston, g o west o n Co. Rd. 612 t o Petersen Rd., go 2 miles north to l o c a t i o n . W a t c h for signs. S i l v e r w o o d c r e a m can, metal 7 U P cooler, vintage hats/boxes, C o n l o n (Chicago) e l e c t r i c w r i n g e r washer, Longaberger baskets, 70 piece silverplated o n copper tea set, collector plates, w o o d high chair adjusts to w r i t i n g table, steel wheels, a p p l i a n c e s , M c C o r m a c k hay m o w e r (wheel driven), JD hay m o w e r (PTO driven), Japan 4 c r o w n china. Harvest Ballerina, A u t u m n G o l d C e n t u r y Service Corp., end tables, display case w i t h glass doors, c u r i o cabinet, massage chair, b u b b l e d glass china c u p b o a r d ( R o b i n s o n Furniture), oak sideboard w i t h m a r b l e top, D u n c a n Phyfe d r o p leaf table w i t h 3 leaves, (5-chairs-1 captain) a n d w i t h m a t c h i n g buffet a n d c h i n a c u p b o a r d , w o o d d o l l h i g h chair, dressers, M i s s i o n o a k b o o k s h e l f , v e n d i n g m a c h i n e s , a n d tools. Get Results! Pick up your two FREE garage sale signs when you place a classified ad for your garage/yard sale Advertise in our special Garage Sale section of the Gaylord Herald Times, listing what you have to sell, the times and dates of your sale and your address. Sales will be listed by geographic area. What better way to get your sale noticed and turn those unwanted items into cash! Register with valid driver's license. Pay by cash or In-state check. Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed matter. TROVER AUCTIONS HARD TONNEAU cover. Fits Ford F-150. $100. (989)732-9610, (070601900) WOMAN'S ROLLERBLADES. Size 8. All pads. Hanjly used. $50. j(989)732-7126.(070601900) m Free Classifieds HEAVY DUTY Chicago 5 speed driH QUEEN WATERBED. Drawers, praaa. $70. (9e9)939-677e. bookcaaa, heater. No mattress. $55/ (070601900) bast. (988)731-9976.(070601900) LEDERHOSEN. SUSPENDERS, SHORE STATION boat lift. Otsego vest and socks. $65. (989)732- Lake. $50. (989)732-6054. 5325.<070601900) (070601900) y. Marvin Troyer, auctioneer Mailing address: 1318 Knepp Fairview, Ml 48621 Phone 989-848-2444 (home); 989-848-9991 G a r a g e Rd, (auction bam) Give your business card to ttiousands of peopie... every week! T Advertise In ttie Gaylord Herald Times Here's IMy Card pages, and watch your business growl IMES H GAYLORD T f r a t i M t m f s 2058 South Otsego Ave., Gaylord-989-732-1111 Advertising deadlines are Monday at 10 a.m. and Wednesday at 5 p.m. Call 9 8 t t - 7 3 2 - l l l l o r m a n liihMiiwiUon. 1 dalej. smith REA dale J. s m i t h GOOD AS GOLD... GOOD AS SOLD j ^ m • 3 4 9 S. a Dnve Lemanski Otsego, Gaylord, Ml 4 9 7 3 5 (989) 732-2477 • 800-822-2350 Visit us at w w w . G a y l o r d A r e a R e a l E s t a t e . c o m T I M C O M I P R O P K R T Y J H O M K 8 O P T H B W H K ^ ^ O O L P C O U R S I H O M I S 802 N. CENTER 19 rental units kept in good condition. Easy to rent the 1 and 2 bedroom units as they are convenieotty located to downtown Gaylord. Owner can iive on the premises or have a manager live on the premises. Unlimited possibilities for $600,000. Qotf course Ih/ing at its tiest! T h r M bedrooms, 2 ptus bettw, famlfy room, workshop, sprtnklef system, perennial gardens. Uinds. ceiling fans, hardwood fkwrs. great room & attached garage. Recerrtly remodeled & very wefl-maintained. $234,900. 26 acres by Sperr. Three bedroom home with 1-1/2 batt>s. famtty room, mud room. ofRce. 2 cer garage, pole buUding, workshop, landscaped wtth sprlnkier system and very wellmaintairwd. $218,800. TmgPTOPS NOflTH 2 bedroom condo wtth 2 beths & furrtished.&i)oythe)ettub. freestanding gea stove & ilyk>g on the goir couree or great for rariM Inveetmsnt $1M,0OO. New luxurious condo in Micheywe. CethedraJ ceWngs wtth open floor ptan ar>d the new turwiel skylights in kitchen A master t>sthroom. 3 bednx)ms. 2 batt>s. flrepiece. large utwty room. paftW besement, attached 2 car garage, gotf course view A Iwidscaptng. $229,490. A T n U C n v i H O M l C L O — TO TOWN has 3 bedrooms. 2* bathe, famtty room, wet bar, Anished baaamant, 2 4 t f 4 workshop & 20x20 leen-to in addWon to a 2 car garege. $154,500. OUTSTAMOINQ NEW HOMB 3 or 4 bedrooms, great room. 3 beths, island kltchan, fliepiace, garnet famlhr room 5 Is 3200 sq. ft. Custom features include tile featuree. wood fkxy. custom light A pkimbing ftxturee. Cathedral ceiling, Corlan tops, lots of cabinets & storage, ceiling fans, air condWoning, finished garage & laat but not iMSt custom stamped drrvewey to accent your sntraricel $289,000. L A K I R R O N T YOU C A N T A F T O K ) TO NOT BUY THW C O H O a Qrest irvlown locaOon wW> two bedrooms, two baths. d W v weshar, deck off IMng room A ooirv-operstsd waaher A dryer within w a U n g dManoe to rrtahoeiss Shopping Center, from i M . t o o te m , $ o o . Uocurtous condoe on Micheywe goir course wtth the 11 th hole at your beckyerd. Newly remodeled. 2 bedroome, whMpool tub. (hepleoe. air oondMor^ig, overeteed 2 oer gersge A mwiy extras such ee h s r * i m o d floors Aflprehrtekitchen ccunisrtops Saved for your h o m e . CALL NOW: M N T A L S 8 a o u n AD U N O M I W T A L OONNtCTiON. $188,000 • iiUiUI liUIIIIII C O M l a n THIS M C t L A K m O W T ON NAVAJO wNh 3 bedroome, 2 belhe, s u v o o m , 2 ear garage A 1.5 ed eoraa neer snowmobie t r t f #4. $184,800. H O M I S Newty rebuilt home on Bass Lake. Lovely mestsr betfvoom wfth tub. shower, A doubts einks edjoining msster t>edroom with h»s ar>d her doeets. CeMng fana m every room, flrapiece. famey room, workahop. fUly flniehed k>wer ievet. 2 car garegs. A aprawkng deck. Qreet arse for fl8hlr>g, snowmobMng. goMlng. hunting A sktmg. Brarxl new irwide A out. $318,000. COMJMBRCIAL A INDUSTRIAL IW UtTtNQ ON NOflTH O T M O O . Qreet loceion fbr r s t a l buemaaa m thia stvectlve t t oondltkwted b u M i n g wNh werahoiiee space, planty of pertdng and high ' M N y in the heart a< towm. Many I pniiitWIii fPrt888W. COMMOTCUL LOCATION wNh o n S. Otsego Avenue. 1000 aq. • > d gaiege currentfy be*tg montf) to mor«h. AJee a 500 sq. f t home. 32x40 pole bu8dkiQ wMh 14' snd 2 4 i M pels buHdkig 10* SOriQO s I M b u U n g kli o n s « e ' 1881 K I V T H O r a M O Oreel r s M ane wNh a t e u i 7600 aq. ft., tanced siofeos sue a l o i i a A LEMOHMR. I M S M . wax wtffmumm m « M I T A I M A N T wfih 7 0 % o l TAD. IQD* IIAAISL 1 M 2008 A ample room for s u f i e f l m i Loceiad on ataie ini»»wiiiiija