ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Bookkeeper, I878--9. Principal High School, Shullsburg, Wis., I879-80. Law clerk with Duell and Benedict, Cortland, N. Y., I88<>-2. Admitted to the bar at Ithaca, N. Y., 5 May I882; as Counselor at Law at Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. I882. Lawyer at Homer, N. Y., I882-3. Managing clerk with Hon. Gerrit A. Forbes, Canastota, N. Y., July I883-Feb. I884. Practiced independently at Canastota, I 884--9. Examiner of Titles for the German Am. Real Estate Title Co., New York City, I889-May I890. In business with Judge Adam E. Schatz, I89o-I; with John D . Townsend, 49 Chambers St., N. Y., I89I-3. Chief clerk and business manager with (Elihu) Root and Clarke, 32 Nassau St., I893-<i; with Gen. Horatio C. King, 375 Fulton St., Brooklyn, I 896--I 900. Practiced alone, I9oo-Jan. I 902 . Real estate operator, Homer, N.Y., since I902. Married IS Feb. I882, Lulu E. Chapman of Oneida Lake, N.Y. Children-HUBERT C., born I May I893· LUCILE ELOISE, born 23 Aug. I898. Residence, Homer, N.Y. 394· JOSE CUSTODIO ALVES DE LIMA Born 7 Sept. I852 at Tiete, Province of S. Paulo, Brazil. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I878. Z 'Y. C.E. 4\.ssistant Engineer of the Director of Public Works in I879 at S. Paulo, Brazil. Engineer of the Magyana railroad, S. Paulo. Government Engineer of the Bananalense and S. Paulo railway. Government Engineer of the Sorocabann railro~d, S. Paulo, 25 Nov. I88s-?. Planter in San Paulo, I89o-{). Brazilian Consul at Montreal, I89Q-I. Commissioner of Emigration at Lisbon, Portugal, since I897· Editor of Aurora Braziliera, a Brazilian monthly magazine published at Syracuse, N. Y ., I875-8. Also published a lecture on Brazil, its Social, Political and Commercial Relations with the United States." Married I878, Ella Barber of Syracuse, N. Y. Children- FREDERICO, born 17 Mar. 1879. (See Non-graduates.) PAULO, boni 4 Feb. I88I. GAY, born 22 May I883. (See Non-graduates.) ANTONIO, born 9 Mar. I888. (See Non-graduates.) MARIE, born 31 Dec. I89S· (See Non-graduates.) Residence, 2I2 Highland St., Syracuse, N.Y. t 395· FARRINGTON LEWIS MEAD Born I I Nov. I8So at Burnt Hills, N. Y. Student from Herkimer, N. Y., I874-8. A K E . Ph.B. Assistant editor of Ilion (N. Y.) Citizen, I879-81. Managing editor and proprietor of Ilion (N.Y.) Citizen, I881-3. Editor and proprietor of Mechanicville (N.Y.) Mercury since April I883. Appointed Postmaster at Mechanicville, N. Y., by President Arthur, for four years commencing Feb. I885. Owner of business block containing stores and offices. Has written much ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY on Municipal Government and questions of Taxation. Delegate to Republican Congressional Convention, 2oth District, I884. Delegate to Republican State Convention, I884. Married 30 Jan. I879, Lillian M. Clark of Weedsport, N.Y. Children-LILLIAN MARY, born 2 Apr. I88o. (No. 2I45.) FARRINGTON CLARK, born 2I Apr. 1883; died I May 1884. LEWIS CuRTIS, born 9 Sept. I886. (See Non-graduates.) FLORENCE ELIZABETH, born 20 Nov. I894· Residence, Mechanicville, N. Y. 396. 1875-8. M.D. ALFRED CLIFFORD MERCER (See Faculty Record, College of Medicine.) 397· CURTIS ELLIOTT MOGG Born 5 Dec. I853 at Euclid, N. Y. Student from Euclid, 1874-8. 1 K. IY 1. A.B. A.M. 188I (Philosophy). Ph.D. I883 (Christian Evidences). D.D. 1900. Clergyman, Meth. -Epis. Pastor at Fair Haven, N. Y., 1878-81; Van Ettenville, N.Y., 1881-2; Liverpool, N.Y., 1882-3; Jordan, N.Y., I883-5; Oneida, N.Y., 1885-? Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1895-1911. Married 23 July 1879, Jennie M. Andrews of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 13I W. 4th St., Oklahoma C!ty, Okla. 398. *PHILIP INGHAM MOULE Born 27 July I851 at Riga, N.Y. Student from Spafford, N.Y., 1874-8. d 1. A.B. Law student with Martin A. Knapp, Syracuse, N.Y., 1878-80. Engaged in sheep and stock raising in Montana, 1880-1908. Notary Public for Montana, 1885-6. Resided in Portland, Ore., 1908-<). Married 30 May 1881, at Fort Benton, Montana, Alice E. Jeffres (No. 476) of LaGrange, Wyoming Co., N.Y. Child-GRACIA, born 11 Feb. 1893. Died 19 Mar. 1909 at Portland, Ore. 399· THEODORE MANLY NICHOLS Born 2 Feb. 1882 at McConnellsville, N. Y. Student from McConnellsville, 1874-8. d 1. A.B. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Mallory, N. Y., 1878; Northwood, Iowa, 1878-9; Montour, Iowa, 1879"'-80; Reinbeck, Iowa, 1880-1. Since 1881 engaged in life irisurance business. Married 13june 1877, IdaJ. Brooks of Oneida, N.Y. Children-FLORENCE IDA, born 31 May 188G. ARTHUR, born 9 Sept. 1883. Residence, unknown. § ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 400. *JAMES D. OWEN Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I875-8. M.D. Died 3 Jan. I884 at San Francisco, Cal. 40I. GEORGE WESLEY PECK Born 7 Feb. I849 at Kingston, Pa. Student from Marquette, Michigan, I874-8. !;,. K E. Ph.B. A.B. and A.M. (Illinois Wesleyan University) I879· LL.D. (Hedding College) I882. President Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill., I878-82. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Buffalo, N.Y., Riverside church, I882-5; Medina, N. Y ., I885-6; Dansville, N.Y., I886--<)I; Rochester, N.Y., I89I-6; Buffalo, N.Y., since I896; Pastor of the Linwood Ave. Meth. Epis. church, I898-? Anti· Saloon League Superintendent at Rochester and Albany, I899-I9o6. International Reform Bureau Supt., Buffalo, N.Y., since I906. Also engaged in agricultural experiments at his "Oak Cliff Farm" in the Chautauqua grape belt. Has published "The Realization and Benefit of Ideals," pamphlet, I879, Syracuse, N.Y.; "Walkin the Light," pamphlet, Chicago, Ill., I882; "The Life of Bishop Jesse T. Peck, D.D., LL.D.," New York, I887; 1'History Unraveled," pamphlet, I888, being the annual oration before the Livingston County Historical Society. Revised and Indexed the Centennial edition of Bishop Peck's "Great Republic" for Nelson & Phillips, New York, in I876. Delivered the annual oration before the class of 1889, Garrett Bibiical Institute, Evanston, Ill. Delegate to the Ecumenical Methodist ,Conference, City Road Chapel, London, England, I88I, also traveled extensively in Europe and the Orient, especially in the Holy Land. Has lectured extensively. His "Exploits among the Turks and Arabs" has been delivered more than two hundred times in the United States and Canada. Has also lectured frequently on "The Crowning Work of Refo~" and "State and National Legislative Campaigns.'' Married I 1 June I 890, Ina Merle Carter of Adams, N. Y. Children- ARLINE CARTER, born I I Sept. I 89 I. EVELYN MARY, born 28 May I 893. GEORGIA BELLE, born--- I904. Residence, 30 Baynes St., Buffalo, N.Y. 402. *GEORGE EARL RYAN Born 5 Dec. I850 at Virgil, N . Y. Student from Buda, Ill., I874-8, three years. Ph.B. Principal of Public Schools, Northport, L. 1., I878-<J. Superintendent of Public Schools, La Grange, Ohio, I879-97 f Married 26 July I 88 5, Emma L. M yderse of La Grange, Ohio. Died--- I 897 in Ohio. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 403. SAMUEL JOHN SORNBERGER Born IS Aug. I849 at Harpersville, N. Y. Student from Cortland, N .Y., I874-8, three years. A K E. Ph.B. Ph.M. I881. Ph.M. I882 and Ph.D., I884 (Geology). M.D. (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, Ill.) I894· Teacher of English, Physics, Latin and History, State _Normal School, Cortland, N. Y., I878-81. Principal and Superintendent of Academy and Graded Schools, Westfield, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., I88I-2. Again at Cortland, I 882---90. Physician at Cortland, N. Y. since I 894. Author of "Normal Language Lessons," I884, Syracuse, N.Y. Married4 Feb. I88o, Kate M. Foster (No. 386) of Burnt Hills, N.Y. Child-FRANK FosTER, born 27 Dec. I88o (No. 4I I3). Residence, Cortland, N. Y. 404. WESLEY WATSON Born 28 Dec. I852 at Onondaga Valley, N. Y. Student from Sandy Creek, N.Y., I874-8. A.B. A.M. I88o. Principal of Union Graded School, Turin, N. Y., I878---9. Teacher in Michigan Center, Mich. , I879-80; in Ives Seminary, Antwerp, N.Y., I88o-I. Canvassed in Cleveland, Ohio, I88I-2. Connected with Hartigan & Bardwell, Cleveland, Ohio, as collector at various places since I882. Married 6 Aug. I882, Addie Bryant Thompson of Jackson, Mich. Further history unknown § 405- GEORGE WALTER WEAVER Brother of No. 225 Born 2 Nov. I8SS at Penfield, N.Y. Student from Elmira, N. Y., I874-8. A K E. A.B. A.M. I881. Teacher in Troy, N. Y., I878-8o. Editor and publisher of Ilion Citizen, I88I-8. Founder (and Editor and publisher for four years) of Herkimer Citizen, founded in October, I884. Printed and published 26 Sept. I884, the first newspaper in the world by electricity, the type being set entirely by machinery, viz., the Ilion Citizen of that date. Eight U. S. patents received. Newspaper Publisher, I88I-8. Sec'y and Dpt. Mgr. Lawyers Coop. Pub. Co., Rochester, N.Y., I889-I903. Pres. Rochester P~ism Light Eq. Co. since I905. With State Excise Dept. since I907. Has published "Washington and the North West," Rochester, I89I; "New Mexico, Its Minerals and Indians," Rochester, I893; "Gold Fields of British America," Buffalo, I897, Married I4Apr. I88o, Esther L. Mead of Nassau, N.Y. Children-JoE ERASTUS, born I May I882; died 6 Jan. I902. GEORGE WALTER, JR., born 2 Oct. I 884. REUBEN MEAD, 3I Oct. I887. MARION EsTHER, born 23 July I889. Residence, 32 Rowley St., Rochester, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 406. FRANK NASH WESTCOTT Born 8 Aug. I858 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I875-8. ~ K E. B.P. Ph.B. I879· Employed in the First National Bank and other offices in Syracuse, I879-80. In Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., I88o-3. In charge of St. John's Protestant Episcopal church, Syracuse, N. Y., I883-4. Rector of St. James church, Skaneateles, N. Y,, since I884. Has published "Catholic Principles," I902; "The Heart of Catholicity," Young Churchman Co., Milwaukee, Wis., I905; "The Church and the Good Samaritan," Thomas Whittaker, New York, I905; "The Philosophy of a Change in the Name of the Church," Church Electic Magazine . Associate Editor of The Living Church, Milwaukee, Wis., since I907. Delegate from Central New York to Convention, San Francisco, I90I. Appointed delegate to Missionary Conference in London, I908 . Residence, Skaneateles, N.Y. I875-8. CE WILLIAM AUSTIN WOOD (See No. 281.) 407. FRANCIS ASBURY WOODWARD Born 5 Sept. I853 at Depeyster, N.Y. Student from Ogdensburg, N.Y., I874-8. A.B. A.M. I881. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Ava, N. Y., I878-8o; Oriskany Falls, N . Y., I88o-I; North Western, N.Y., I88I-3; Natur;J.l Bridge, N.Y., I883-4. Professor of Ancient Languages in Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill., I884-5. Traveled for a Chicago Publishing House, I885--6, with residence at Waukesha, Wis. Teacher of Latin and Greek in Ives Seminary, Antwerp, N.Y., I886-8. Principal of Union School, Canarsie, N.Y., I888-<); Public School, Maplewood, N. J., I889-<)0. Supt. of Schools at Ellenville, N . Y., I890-4. Special agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., since I 894. Married 2 Sept. I875, Mary Josephine Walker of Depeyster, N.Y. Children-WINCHELL CLARK, born IO Feb. 1878; died 22 May ·I878. OTis GIBSON, born9June I879; died I8 Sept. I879· RANDOLPH FOSTER, born I4 Dec. I88o; died 24 Jan. I88I. CLINTON WALKER, born 20 Apr. I 887. Residence, 57 E. 5th St., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. t 408. *JOSEPH HENRY ZARTMAN Brother of No. 644 Born 19 Oct. I849 at Schauyes or South Waterloo, town of J;i'ayette, N.Y. Student from Waterloo, N.Y., I873-4 and I87s-8. ~ 1. A.B. A.M. I88I. B.D. (Drew Theological Seminary), IS8o. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Stockbridge, N.Y., 188o; East Homer and Truxton, N.Y., I88o-3; Sterling, N.Y., I883--6; Lodi, N.Y., I886-8; Owasco, N.Y., I888-<); McGrawville and Blodgetts Mills, N.Y., I889-<)I; ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Jamesville and DeWitt, N. Y., I89I-S; Solvay, N. Y., I895-8; Groton, N. Y., I898-I900; Odessa, N. Y., I9DO-I. Appointed to Union Springs, N.Y., 7 Oct. I90I. Married 6 Dec. I88I, Fannie Lois Dexter of Stockbridge, N.Y. Children~ARTHUR LEROY, born IO Nov. I882; died 3 Sept. I894, GEORGE WILLIAM, born 9 May I887. (See Non-Graduates.) FLoRENCE !RENE, born I6 Feb. I889. (See Non-graduates.) ALicE RuTH, born IO Oct. I894· Died suddenly IS Oct. I90I at Union Springs, N.Y. CLASS OF 1879 I87S-9· B.Ar. *WESLEY ASBURY ARNOLD (See No. 284.) 409· CHARLES BEACH ATWELL Brother of No. 74I Born II Apr. I8SS at Theresa, N. Y. Student from Watertown, N. Y., I87S-9· t:.. K E. Ph.B. Ph.M. I882. <I> B K. ~ Z (Northwestern Univ.) Assistant Principal, Academy, Lowville, N. Y., I87g-8o. Instructor in Mathematics and Physics, Nortl!western University, Preparatory Department, Evanston, Ill., I88o-2. Superintendent and Principal of Public Schools, South Evanston, Ill., I882-4. Instructor in Natural Science, Northwestern University, Preparatory Department, I884-8. Instructor in Biology, Northwestern University, I888-91. Professor of Biology, same, I89I-4. Professor of Botany, same, since I894· Registrar of the Faculty, College of Liberal Arts, Northwestern Univ., I89o-I902. City Forester, City of Evanston, Evanston, Ill., since Apr. I909· Has published "Report on Natural History of Devil's Lake, Wis.," in Report of Dept. of Natural History, N. W. University, I887; several "Botanical Notes" in Botanical Gaze~te, vols. xiv, xv and xvii; "Genealogy of the Atwell Family, formerly of New London, Conn.," Evanston, I896; "Alumni Record of the College of-Liberal Arts of Northwestern University," I903. Married 27 Dec. I883, Mary J. Kellogg of Watertown, N.Y. Children-HENRY K., born 22 Oct. I884. FRANCIS CHARLES, born 26 Mar. I887. RuTH SARAH, born 24 Jan. I81)9. WILLIAM]OSEPH, born I30ct. I892, Residence, Evanston, Ill. 4IO. *MALTBIE DAVENPORT BABCOCK Born 3 Aug. I8S8 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I87S-9· 'II' 1. A.B. D.D. (Syracuse) I89S· Clergyman, Presbyterian. Pastor of First church, Lockport, N. Y., I882-7; Brown Memorial church, Baltimore, Md., I887-99; Brick Presbyterian church, New York city, I899-I901. 1879 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Married 4 Oct. 1882, Katherine Eliot Tallman of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Sister of No. 448.) Children-EDWARD ANDERSON, born 2I Aug. 1883; died same date. JoHN TALLMAN, born II Feb. I89o; died same date. Died I8 May 1901 at Naples, Italy. 4II. FERNANDO PAES DE BARROS Born 4 Aug. 1858 at Capivary, San Paulo, Brazil. Student from Itu, San Paulo, Brazil, 1877-9. C.E. Proprietor of a Steam Sawing Mill, 1878-91. Treasurer of Paulista Railway', since 1891. Captain of Artillery in the legal Army during the Brazilian Civil War, i892-3. Married 10 Mar. 1880, Maria Raphaela de Paula Souza of S. Paulo, Brazil. Children-RAPHAELA, born 8 July 1884; married Carlos A. Dampaio Viduna. MARIA ANGELA, born 19 Jan. 1890. SISINIA, born 3 Aug. 1892; married Dr. Walderniro Fagundes, A.B. (Cornell 'o2). ANTONIO, born---; died---. DIOGO, bOIJ119 Aug. I896. Residence, San Paulo, Brazil. 412. FRANCISCO FERNANDO DE BARROS, JR. Born 17 Mar. 1856 at Capivary, Brazil. Student from San Paulo, Brazil, 1877-9. C.E. Cotton manufacturer at Salto d'Itu with 120 looms and 5000 spindles. Alderman for pro~ince of Itu, 1883-7. Superintendent of City Public Works. Married 8 Sept. 1879, D. Elbaria Alexandrina de Barros of Piracicaba. Children-ALIJS1A PAEs, born 9 Sept. 1880. ALEXANDRE LUIZ PAES born 2 Sept. 188t. FRANCISCO FEMANER PAES, born 26 June 1882; died Apr. 1884. FERNANDO LUIZ PAES, born 30 Mar. 1883; died Mar. 1884. ELARCILHO PAES, born 6 Apr. 1886. Residence, Salto d'Itu, San Paulo, Brazil. § 4I3. JOHN DEXTER BELKNAP Born 6 Nov. 1855 at Skaneateles, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1875-9. Ph.B. A.B. 188o. Ph.M. 1882. A.M. 1883. Ph.D; (Northern Illinois College). Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Student in Yale Theological Seminary, 187g,--8o. Pastor at Garrattsville, N. Y., I881-2; Worcester, N. Y., 1883-4. Supernumerary, 1884. Pastor at Candor, N.Y., 1885-6. Supernumerary, 1886-7. Pastor ist Cong. church.of Mt.Vernon, N. Y., 1887-8. Evangelist since 1888. Married28Apr. 188o, Lulu M. Doane of Hamden, N.Y. Chiltl-GERTRUDE MAY, born 4 Aug. 1882. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 644 4I4. I879 WILLIAM CLARKE BENNETT Son of Professor C. W. Bennett Born 29 Apr. I858 at Lima, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I875-9· 'I" T . A.B. A.M. I88:<.. Teacher of Latin and Greek at Academy, Norwich, N . Y ., I879-8o. Traveled through Eastern and Southern States, I88o-I. Law student with Sedgwick, Ames & King, Syracuse, N. Y ., I88I-3. Lawyer at St. Paul, Minn., I883-? at Duluth, Minn.,---. Married 2I Oct. I89I, May Morehouse of St. Paul, Minn. t 4I5. CHARLES A. BOYCE Born I6 Dec. I854 at Franklin, N. Y. Student from Franklin, I876-9· M.D. Physician at McLean, N.Y., since I88o. Married25 Aug. I882, IsabellaS. Worden of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, McLean, N.Y. t 4I6. ALBERT SYLVESTER CONGDON Brother of Nos. 259 and 502 Born 4 Dec. I857 at Rochester, N.Y. Student from Ovid, N.Y., I87S-9· 'I" T. A.B. A.M . I883. Bookkeeper for a Chicago Lumbering Company, Manistique, Mich., I88o-I. With C. D. Haven & Son, Minneapolis, Minn., until I886. Engaged in mining in Montana,. California, British Columbia and Mexico, being superintendent of mines and mills in various sections of the West, "I886-()8. Real estate dealer, North Yakima, Wash., since I898. Married 5 Oct. I893, Winifred Newcomb McKinney of Traverse City, Mich. Children-WINIFRED, born 9 Apr. I895· Died same day. SHIRLEY, born 3 July I904. DoROTHY, born IO Feb. I906. Residence, North Yakima, Wash. 4I7. *JAMES WILLIAM ARMITAGE DODGE Brother of No. 295 Born I Sept. I853 at Verona, N. Y. Student from Verona, I874-9, four years. d r. A.B. A.M. I88I (Hebrew). D.D. I905. B.D. (Drew Theological Seminary) I88I. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Jersey City, N. J ., Janes church, 188I-3; Carmel, N.Y., I883-6;· Liberty, N. Y., I886-(); Marlborough, N.Y., 1889-9I; N.Y. city, 30th St., 189I-4; Cold Spring, N.Y., I894-6; Peekskill, N.Y., St. Paul's Church, I896-I903; Asbury church, Tarrytown, N.Y., 1903-5; Tuckahoe, N.Y., I905-9; Supernumerary, Yonkers, N.Y., I909· Married 5 Mar. I 88 5, Lila C. Shurter of Carmel, N. Y. Children-Three sons, all of whom died in infancy. Died 24 Dec. I909 at Yonkers, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 1879 645 4I8. JOHN Du MONT ECKERT Born 28 Aug. I8S6 at Kingston, N. Y. Student from Kingston, 1877-<). A.B. A.M. 1882. Lawyer at Kingston, N.Y. Residence, Kingston, N. Y. 419. ANTONIO DE SAMPAIO PIRES FERREIRA Born 19 Jan. 1854 at Maranhao, Brazil. Student from Rio de Janeiro, 1877-9· C.E. Residence unknown. 420. *MARY AURELIA OSBORN (FOX) Born 30 Apr. 1850 at Oneonta, N. Y. Student from Oneonta, I877-<J· B.Mus. · Organist and teacher of Music. Organist First M. E. church, Syracuse, N.Y. Teacher of Piano and Organ at Oneonta, N. Y. The Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital at Oneonta, N.Y. was founded in Mrs. Fox's memory and largely endowed by Colonel Fox. Married 15 Oct. 1867, Col. Reuben L. Fox of Oneonta, N.Y., who died 7 Sept. 1909· Died 25 Jan. 1900 in New York City. 421. EDMUND BREMEN GEARHART Born 7 Sept. 1856 at McVeytown, Pa. Student from Catawissa, Pa., 18779· d 1. A.B. A.M. I882 (Philosophy) . Ph.D. 1884 (Metaphysics). B.D. (Drew Thao. Sem.) 1887. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Bridgeport, N. Y., 1879-80; Brewerton, N.Y., I88o-I; Venice Center, N.Y., 1881--2; Wellsburg, N. Y., 1882-3; Monroeton, Pa., I883-{); Troy, Pa., 1886-8; Palmyra, N.Y., 1888-<)I; Canandaigua, N. Y., I891-4; Manlius, N. Y., 1894-{); Cortland, N. Y., 1896-7. In insurance business, 1897-1902. Engaged in the work of the Anti-Saloon League, since I902. Married 7 Sept. 1882, Alice E. Dunham of Bridgeport, N.Y. Children-GRACE, born 29 Oct. 1886; died9 Sept. 1887. DAVID DUNHAM, born 3 Aug. 1888. ED:MUND BREMEN, JR., born 21 May 1892. Residence; 51 N. Seventh St., Newark, N.J. 422. *INEZ MARIA GEORGE (DUTRO) Sister of No. 42 3 Born 20 Feb. 1851 at Bath, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1877-<J· A <1>. Ph.B. l Married 1 Dec. 1881, John M. Dutro of St. Louis, Mo. Child-INEZ GEORGE, born 28 Jan. 1.873· Died 17 Feb. 1883, at St. Louis, Mo. ALUMNI 423. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY NELLIE LOUISE GEORGE (HOLLETT) Sister of No. 422 Born 2 Dec. I858 at Rochester, N.Y. Student from Elmira, N.Y., I875--9· A cl>. A.B. A.M. I882. Assistant Principal in High School at Parkersburg, W.Va., I88o-r. Alumni poet, I886. Married 2 Aug. I88I, Rhoderick P. Hollett (No. 39I, q. v. for further record) of Chicago, Ill. Residence, I044 Lake Shore Drive, Evanston, Ill. 424. *DANIEL CADY GERE Born I9 Jan·. I858 at Geddes, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I875--9· Z 'I'". B.S. M.S. I882. Connected with Syracuse Iron Works, I879-8I. With Onondaga Iron Co., I88I-3. With Gere & Co:, coal dealers, I883--6. Died I6 March I886, at Syracuse, N.Y. 425. *HARRY GIFFORD, ]R. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., I877-79· M.D. Physician at Syracuse, I879-83. Died 1883 at Syracuse, N.Y., of heart disease. 426. ALBERT LLEWELLYN HALL Born I4 Dec. I850 at Hastings, N.Y. Student from Central Square, N.Y., 1877--9· M.D. Student, Med. Dept. Univ: of Mich., I876-7. Physician at Fair Haven, N.Y., 1879--99; Fulton, N.Y., since I900. Coroner Cayuga Co., nine years. U.S. Pension Examining Surgeon, five years. Surgeon to L. V. R. R., 1890-7. Sanitary Inspector, U.S. Marine Hospital service. State Sanitary Inspector, post at Fair Haven. Health officer, for ten years. President Cayuga Co. Med. Society. Member Assoc. American Railway Surgeons; of N.Y. State Assoc. of Railway Surgeons; of Lehigh Valley Assoc. of Railway Surgeons. Has published; "Hemianaesthesia;" "'Simulation of Diseased States," etc., "Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis;" "Corneal Ulcer;" "Traumatic Neuroses," Med. Record; "Treatment of Hay Fever," and "Fracture of Greater Tuberosity of Humerus," Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour., etc. Married 29 Dec. I875, Almeda L. Allen of West Monroe, N. Y., who died 8 Feb. 1907 at Fulton, N. Y. Children-BLANCHE ALLEN, born 2 Mar. I877. RALPH LLEWELLYN, born I I Aug. I878. Residence, Fulton, N.Y. 427. *EVA LENA HARRISON Born 12 Nov. I854 at Georgetown, N. Y. Student from Georgetown, 1874--9· A «1>. B.P., having completed in addition three years in College of Liberal Arts. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Teacher of Drawing, Painting and English at Providence Conference Academy, East Greenwich, R. I., 1879-80. Preceptress and teacher of Painting, Drawing, French and German at same place, 188o-2. Student in Art at Boston, Mass., 1882-4. Teacher of Drawing also at Wellesley College, 1882-3. Preceptress and teacher of Drawing and Painting at Vermont Methodist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1884-7. Died 7 Jan. 1907 at Syracuse, N.Y. 428. *ELIZABETH FRANCE HAYWOOD (HAVEN) Born 5 Sept. 1856 in New Hampshire. Student from Fredonia, N. Y., 1875-9· I' <I> B. B.P. Married zoAug. 1879, Alfred C. Haven (No. 347) of Syracuse, N.Y. Died 1 Jan. x88o at Arkansas City, Kas. 1875-9· *KATE ELIZABETH HOGOBOOM (GILBERT) B.Mus. (See No. 265.) 429. FRANK HOPKINS Born 12 June 1856 in the town of Onondaga, N. Y. Student from Onondaga, 1875-79, three years. Ph.B. Ph.M. 1882. Admitted to the bar, Syracuse, Jan., 1886. Lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y., since 188o. School Commissioner,'Syracuse, 1892-3. . Has contributed occasional articles to magazines and newspapers. Married (1) 18 Aug. 1885, Mary A. Lally of Syracuse, N.Y. ; (2) 29-}une 1898, Margaret J. Butler of Syracuse, N. Y. Child-FRANK, JR., born 2 Mar. 1887 (No. 4358). Residence, 519 E . Willow St., Syracuse, N.Y. 430. HORACE HUMBOLDT HOWE Born 16 Apr. 1853 at New Albion, N.Y. Student from Fredonia, N. Y., 1875-9, two years. Ph.B. A.M. (Leland Stanford, Jr. University) 1896. <I>B K. Student, I87tr8o. Engaged in Stock raising in Montana, 188o-1. Principal Graded and High School, Bozeman, Montana, 1881-2; Public School. Forestville, Cal., 1882-4. Teacher of Mathematics in St. Matthew's School San Mateo, Cal., 1884-5. Principal of East Hall, Preparatory and Business. Department, University of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal., 1885-8; Central School, Auburn, N. Y., 1888-(). Business Manager San Mateo Military Academy, 1889-95· Graduate Student at Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ., 1895-6. Head of Dept. of Math., State Normal School, San Jose, Cal., 1896-8. Director of the Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md., 1898-(). Principal of Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1899. Has published "Evolution of the City School System in the U. S. and its present Tendencies,'' Stanford Univ., 1896. Married 23 Nov. 1876, Emily T. Hodgkins of Carthage, N.Y. Child-EuGENE CLARENCE, born 14 June 1883. Residence, Brooklyn, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 431. *JAMES CHESTER KNAPP Born 25 Nov. I853 at Drennon Springs, Ky. Student from Lima, N. Y., 1875-9· A.B. M.D. (New York Homeopathic Medical College) 1884. Physician at Geneva, N. Y. Married 22 June 1887, Alice S. Reynolds of Geneva, N.Y. Child-ALICE LoursE, born 25 Mar. 1890. (See Non-graduates.) Died I 1 Dec. I909· 432. JOSHUA BATES LARNED Born I2 Dec. I850 at Dudley, Mass. Student from Stafford, Conn., 1876-<). B.S. B.C.E. 1882. Principal High School, South Coventry, Conn., I879-81. Assistant Surveyor and Civil Engineer at Willimantic, Conn., I88I-2. Draftsman with King Bridge Co., Cleveland, Ohio, I882-9; Chief Draftsman, I889-I905. Retired and residing at Stafford Springs, Conn., since I905. Married (I) 2 I Jan. I884, Annie P. Andrews of Mansfield, Conn.; (2) 5 Sept. 1894, Anna Kr-ause of Cleveland, 0. Children-WINIFRED HANNAH, born I5 July I896. FRANK McDoNALD, born I4]an. I898. ELOISE ANNA, born.I2 Aug. I904. Residence, Stafford Springs, Conn. I874-9· B.P. 433· GEORGE HENRY LIDDELL (See Faculty Record, College of Fine Arts.) 434· WILLIAM DIXON MARSH Born 2 Aug. I854 at Potsdam, N. Y. Student from Potsdam, I875-9· 8 K E. A.B. A.M. I882. D.D. I9o2. B.D. (Boston University) I883. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Professor of Mathematics, State Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y., I879-81. Student at Barton Theol. Sem., I88I-3. Pastor at Parishville, N.Y., I883-5; Norwood, N.Y., I885-8; Malone, N.Y., r88893; Watertown, N.Y., I893-8; Utica, N.Y., I898-I904; Little Falls, N.Y., since I904. Member of General Conferences, I896, I9oo and I908. Member of General Missionary Committee of M. E. church, I90o-4. National Secretary of Knights of St. Paul, I906-8. Contributor to church periodicals. Has published article on Maltbie Davenport Babcock in Syracusan, Dec. I908. Married 5 Sept. I883, Lilian Church of Morristown, N.Y. Child-CLARA CHURCH, born I I Sept. I893· Residence, Little Falls, N.Y. 435· EUGENE G. MATSON Born 26 Dec. I858 at Corsica, Pa. Student from Brookville, Pa., I874-9· 8 r. Ph.B. M.D. (University of Pa.) 1883. A,LUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Medical student. in Philadelphia, Pa., 188o-3; and in Germany, 1883-5. Physician at Pittsburgh, Pa., since 1886. Professor of Pathology in Western University of Penn., since 1888. Bacteriologist, Bureau of Health, Pittsburgh, Pa., since 1896. Residence, Pittsburgh, Pa. t 436. OCTAVIANO ABDON PEREIRA MENDES Born 30 July 1856 at Itu, San Paulo, Brazil. Student from that place 1877--9· B.Ar. Engaged in construction of cotton mill and manager of same in partnership with No. 412, since 1882. In 1903 organized an electric company to furnish light and power of Itu. Residence, ltu, San Paulo, Brazil. 437· ROBERT JOHNSON MIX Born 8 July 1857 at Terryville, Conn. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1875-9. 'Y T. Ph.B. Law student for three months with Hiscock, Gifford and Doheny, Syracuse, N. Y. In R. R. office, St. Paul, Minn., 188o-1. Connected with Sweet'.s Manufacturing Co., Syracuse, N.Y., 1882-3. Hardware dealer at Sherburne, N. Y ., 1883-8. Life Insurance Business in New York city and Brooklyn, N.Y., 1888--93. Manager of a Dept. of the N. Y. Life Insurance Co., 1893-1900. Manager of Equitable Life Assurance Co., 19oo-5. Manager of Prudential Ins. · Co. of America, with headquarters at 261 Broadway, New York City, since 15 Oct. 1907. Married 25 Oct. 1882, Harriet Rumrill Elsbre of Sherburne, N.Y. Child-REBECCA ELSBRE, born 21 Nov. 1891 Residence, Cranford, N. J. 438. *JULIAN HENRY MYERS Born 13 Feb. 1856 at Potsdam, N. Y . Student from Potsdam, 1874-5, 1876--9. A K E. A.B. A.M. 1882. A.M. 1893 and Ph.D. 1895. (Chr. Evid.) <I> B K. Connected with St. Lawrence Herald, Potsdam, N. Y., 1879. Teacher in Union School at Redwood, N. Y., 1879-80; Academy, Lowville, N. Y., 188o-1. School Commissioner for 2d District of Lewis Co., 1881-4. · Law student with Judge H. E. Turner of Lowville, N . Y., and admitted to the bar at Rochester, N.Y., 6 Oct. 1882. Teacher at Union, N.Y., 1885. Instructor in State Teachers' Institutes at Chapel Hill, N. C., June-July 1885, and at Winston, N. C., June-July 1886. Principal Union School, Hermon, N. Y., 1885-6. Connected with Waterville (N.. Y.) Reflex, 1885. Student in Boston TheoL Sem., 1886-7. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Bangor, N. Y., 1887--9; Madrid, N. Y., 1889--91; Clinton, N. Y., 1891-6; Mexico, N. Y., 1896-1900;. Malone, N. Y., 19oo-5. Was a member of the General Conference of theM. E. church held at Los Angeles, Cal., 1904. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I879 Has published various poems; also "Philosophy of Faith," Syracuse, I896; "The Transfigured Life," I900; "Gleaning from the Field of Song," I903; and various contributions to magazines and papers. Married I3]une I888, MaryS. Bingham of Herkimer, N.Y. Children-FRANK B., born IS Apr. I889. WILLIAM M., born 22 Nov. I892. Died 7 Dec. I905 at Malone, N.Y. 439· PEDRO AMERICANO oo BRAZIL PAULISTA Born at Sorocala, San Paulo, Brazil, 29 June I856. Student from Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil, I877-9· Z '!". C.E. Civil Engineer, I88o-2; afterward owner of a large coffee plantation at Parassuningo, Brazil. Married 2 May 1885, Carolina Engler in Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil. Residence, Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil. § 440. *AMELIE VERONIQUE CHILD PETIT (MATHEWS) Born 7 Dec. I836 at Gorham, N. Y. Student from Gorham in Genesee College five terms between I854 and I8S8 in the classical course. Completed course of study as non-resident. Ph.B. Ph.M. I882. Teacher in Ft. Wayne Ind., three years; Female College, St. Charles, Mo., and Jefferson City, Mo., four years. Returned to New York in I872 and attended School of Art ai Cooper Institute, New York, and the Boston University School of Oratory. Resided at Gorham, N.Y., I872-83. Teacher of Music and oil painting at Ithaca, N. Y., 1883-6. Assisted in organizing the Woman's State Temperance Union. National Missionary, W. C. T. U., I896. Has published two books, one "Hints in Choosing the Best Books," Wells & Co., New York, and the other a novelette, "Plural Marriage," Ithaca, I885. Has also contributed largely to the Phrenological Journal and other publications. Married---, David Mathews .. Died I9 Oct. I908 at Lakewood, N.J. 44I. FRANKLIN PIERCE Born 22 Mar. 1853 at Marathon, N. Y. St)ldent in Amherst College. I874-6. A K E. · In Syracuse University from Cortland, N. Y., I878-9. A.B. A.M. 1882. Lawyer at Homer, N . Y., and New York city (3I and 33 Nassau St.) since 1879· First Assistant District Attorney of New York county. Married I I Sept. I893, Anna M. Shepard of Gallipolis, Ohio. Children-MILLICENT, born 3 Oct. I905. Son, born I900; died when three months of age. Residence, 3I2 W. I03d St., New York, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I879 442. CHARLES WATSON ROWLEY Born I Sept. I854 at Seward, N.Y. Student from Seward, I875-9· ~ r. A.B. A.M. I882. A.M. I885 (Ethical Philosophy). Ph.D. I885 (Chr. Evid.) Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Fultonville, N. Y., I879-8o; East Greenbush, N. Y., I88o-3; Canajoharie, N. Y., I883~; Hoosick Falls, N. Y., I886-8; Gloversville, N. Y., Isi church, I888-I)I; Nashua, N.H., I89I-5; Manchester, N. H ., St. Paul's church, I895-9; First church, Watervliet, N.Y., 1899-I9oo; Mechanicville, N.Y., 19oo-4; Bennington, Vt., I9048; First church, Cohoes, N.Y., since 1908. Married 3 Apr. I879, Emma Sexton of Seward, N.Y. Children-HOMER SEXTON, born 8 Feb. 1880. ELMA GRACE, born I8 July 1883. ALFRED WILLIAM, born 13 Oct. I886. (No. 3382.) Residence, Cohoes, N.Y. 443· GEORGE W. SARGENT Born I8 May I853 at Wallingford, Vt. Student from Montpelier, Vt.., I876-l). M.D. Physician at Skaneateles, N. Y., 1879-84; Seneca Castle, N. Y., since I884. Married 5 July I877, Jennie A. Lord of Montpelier, Vt. Children-MARY B., born 8 July I879· HENRY D., born 6 July I88I. RuTH M., born 13 May 1895. Residence, Seneca Castle, N. Y. 444· HARRIET SOPHIA SEAGER (GIFFORD) Sister of No. 485 Born 8 Nov. 1852 at Phelps, N. Y. Student from Phelps, I875-9· A ci>. Ph.B. Teacher in Macedon Academy, Macedon Center, N.Y., 1879-80; Seminary, Pulaski, N. Y., I88I-2; Pulaski, Tenn., 1882-4; Foster School, Clifton Springs, N.Y., I884-5. Married 1 Mar. I893, John C. Gifford of Pl).elps, N.Y. Residence, Phelps, N.Y. 445· BYRON NYE SHOECRAFT Brother of No. 634 Born 8 June 1857 at Oneida, N.Y. Student from Oneida, 1875-9· 1J1" r. A.B. Secretary and Treasurer of Nevada City Gold Quartz Mining Co., 1879-87· County Treasurer, I887-91. Superintendent of Mines since I891, Married 25 Apr. 1883, Belle D. Dorsey of Grass Valley, Cal. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Children-MARGUERITE, born IO June 1885. LuCILE, born 16 Oct. 1887. ELOISE, born I3 Apr. I890. Residence, 3040 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 446. 1879 t PEDRO DE MELLO SOUZA, ]R. Born 22 Mar. 1841 at San Paulo, Brazil. C.E. Residence, San Paulo, Brazil. § 447· Student from San Paulo, 1877--9· JAY NATHANIEL TAFT Born 23 Aug. I85o at Fulton, N. Y. Student from Fulton, four years (two of which were spent in Queen's College, Kingston, Ont.), 1874--9· Ph.B. Ph.M. 1882. . Ph.D. (Univ. of N.Y.) I894· Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Madrid, N.Y., 1879; Alexandria Bay, N. Y., I88o-I; Syracuse, N. Y., Furman St., 188I-3; Camillus, N. Y., I883-4. Was granted a certificate of location by the Central New York Conference, Oct. 1884, and assumed the pastorate of the Chestnut Street Congregational church, Lynn, Mass., Dec. I884. Became pastor of the East Cong. church of Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1888. Supplied 1st Cong. church of Greenville, Mich., I89I-4. Graduate student, Univ. of N., Y., 1894--6. Pastor of Congregational church, Orient, N. Y., 1896-1901. Acting Pastor of Union Evangelical church, Swarthmore, Pa., 190I-3. Acting Pastor of Presbyterian and Reformed Dutch churches in New York city, 1903-'-5. Pastor of Congregational church, Summer Hill, N. Y., 1905-8; Elizabeth, N. ]., two years. At present engaged in literary work at Syracuse, N. Y. Has published a series of sermons on "Brahmo Somaj"; also sermons in dailies and in pamphlet form. Married 30 Nov. I882, Henrietta G. Read of Brooklyn, N.Y. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. 448. JOHN FRANCIS TALLMAN Born 23 July I854 at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Student from Poughkeepsie, I875--9· 1JI' r. A.B. A.M. 1882. Admitted to the bar of the Superior Court of New York at Brooklyn, I5 Dec. I881. Lawyer at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., I88I--90 and I892 -4. Traveled, I89o-2. General Agent of the Brooklyn Branch of theN. Y. Life Ins. Co., I894-1900. Manager of Brooklyn Office of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, I9oo-4. Since 1904 has written a general business of life, health and accident insurance. Married 16 Apr. 1896, Mai C. Lathrop of Torrington, Conn. Child-jOHN LATHROP, born 16 Nov. 1898. Residence, _794 Prospect Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y. ALUMNI 1879 OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 653 449· ANTONIO DE QUEIROZ-TELLES Born 21 Sept. 1849 in Jundiahy, San Paulo, Brazil. Student from that place, 1877~. C.E. Coffee Planter and proprietor of cotton factory, Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil. Justice of Peace ahd President of Jundiahy Municipality or Board of Jundiahy Trustees and Assemblyman at various times. Married 26 Jan. I88I, Anna Emilia da Fonseca-Queiroz of S. Paulo, Brazil. Residence, rua deS. Jono I48, S. Paulo, Brazil. 450. EDUARDO DE ANDRADE VILLARES Born 13 Aug. 1853 at Porto, Portugal. Student from Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil, I876~. Z 'F'. C.E. Assistant Civil Engineer on Mogyana R. R., I88o-2. Superintendent of Ytuana R. R., 1882-3. On Mogyana R. R. since Apr. I883. Married 4 May I 886, Maria Bosalina Dumont in Campinas. Residence, Franca, San Paulo, Brazil. § 451. *OTTO HENRY WENZLAWSKI Born I9 Apr. 1855 at New York city. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1877~. B.Mus. Engaged in Real Estate and Insurance in Syracuse, N. Y. Ill much of the time after graduation. Died---. FRANK NASH WESTCOTT I875~· Ph.B. (See No. 406) 452. FRANK INGRAM WILLSEA Born 9 Nov~ 1852 at Albion, N. Y. Student from Lima, N. Y., I875~· A.B. A.M. 1882. Law student at Syracuse, N. Y., one year and at Lima one and one-half years. Admitted to the bar, I88I. Lawyer at Denver, Col., I882-I909. Married IS Sept. 1882·, Nellie I. Smith of Geneva, N.Y. Children-MARY AMELIA, born I Aug. 1883. CHARLES FLETCHER, born I6 Oct. I888. Residence, Scottville, Mich, 1875~. A.B. 453· *JAMES WILLIAM WILSON (See Faculty Record, College of Law.) 454· *JULIA FRANCES LYON (YALE) Born 8 Aug. 1839 at Elmira, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1878~. B.P: Preceptress, 1879-80, in Ladies' Seminary, Pottstown, Pa. Sailed for Europe Nov. 188o, for the purpose of studying art and modern language. 654 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I879-I880 Studied in Dresden and Berlin, copying many of the finest paintings in the galleries there, receiving therefor high commendation and special favors from the authorities. In I882 she painted in the Louvre and was teacher in a ladies' school, Paris. Ten of her paintings were brought to America. Married IS Jan. I86s·, Rev. A. Sumner Yale .of Wellsville, N. Y., who died in Syracuse, N.Y., 3 Feb. I877. Children-CARRIE 0., born 4 Nov. I869; died 1 Oct. I870 at Mineral Point, Wis. FREDDIE CLAY, born IO Mar. I873; died 7 Sept. I873 at Syracuse, N.Y. Died 25 Dec. I882 in Paris, France. I876-9. AUGUSTUS ADELBERT YOUNG M.D. (See No. 336.) CLASS OF 188o 455· WILBUR WATSON ALDEN Born IS May 1852 at Massena Springs, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. I876-80. B.S. M.S. I883 (Physical Science). In Census Office, Interior Department, Washington, I88o-2. Teacher of Natural Science and Mathematics, High School, Honesdale, Pa., I883-5; of Natural Science, High School, Paterson, N.J., I886-8. Engaged in editorial work on: the Syracuse Standard, since I889. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y. 456. ALEXANDER DUNCAN ALLEN Born I2 May I8S6 at Gorham, N. Y. Student from Gorham, I877-8o. M.D. Physician at Gorham, N. Y., since I88o. Supervisor tow!} of Gorham, I89o-S· Married I4 Feb. I883, AnnaT. Suydam of Geneva, N.Y. Children-JAMES S., born 28 Jan. I 884. ELIZABETH H., born I8 Dec. I886. WILLIAM A., born 3I Aug. I887. LLOYD F., born 7 Oct. I890. Residence, Gorham, N.Y. 457· *BESSIE JULIA ALLEN (RAPELJE) Born 28 Sept. I859 at Rasselas, Pa, Student from Syracuse,N. Y., I878-8o. B.P. Teacher of Language and Painting in So. Jersey Institute, Bridgeton, N.J., I88o-2. Married 24 June I885, John Rapelje of Denver, Col. ALUMNI I88o OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 655 Child-JoaN ALLEN, born I April I889. Died 27 Oct. I896 at Alderson, W.Va. 458. ERASMUS DARWIN ANGELL, JR. Born 30 Dec. I8SS in the town of Lapeer, N.Y. Student from East Virgil, N.Y., I876-8o. Ph.B. Teacher in Soldier's Orphan School, Mansfield, Pa., I88o-I. Since Aug. I88I, engaged in Loan Agency and Real Estate business at Fargo, N. Dak. Married28 Aug. I889, Jennie C. Bums (No. 463) of Phelps, N.Y. Child-Born I I Sept. I 89 I, died same date. Residence, Fargo, N.Dak. 459· FREDERICK SOCRATES AYRES Brother of No. 4656 Born 7 July I857 at Elmira, N.Y. Student from Elmira, I876-8o. A K E. A.B. Law student with Goodelle & Nottingham, at Syracuse, N.Y. Admitted to the bar in I883. Lawyer at Syracuse, N.Y., I883-90. In jewelry business at Elmira, N.Y., since I890. Residence, Elmira, N.Y. t I876-8o JOHN DEXTER BELKNAP A.B. (See No. 4I3.) 46o. CHARLES E. BENNETT Born IS July I8SS at Truxton, N.Y. Student from Cortland, N.Y., I8778o. M.D. Physician at Cortland, N.Y., since I88o. Has published various papers on medical topics--one on "Poisoning by Cyanide of Potassium," published in theN. Y. Medical Record. Residence, Cortland, N.Y. t 461. JOSHUA EDWARD BIGELOW Born I2 Feb. I8S8 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, I876-8o. Z 'Y. B.C.E. Orange Grower, Palatka, Fla. Residence, Palatka, Fla. § I876-8o. B.Ar. 462. *EDGAR MORSE BUELL (See Faculty Record, College of Fine Aris.) 463. JENNIE CYNTHIA BURNS (ANGELL) Born 25 Sept. I859 at North Cohocton, N.Y. Student from Phelps, N.Y., I876-8o. A 4>. B.S. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88o Teacher at Pulaski, N.Y., I88o-I; Weedsport, N.Y., I88I-82; Phelps, N.Y., I882-83; Weedsport, N.Y., I883-5; Phelps, N. Y., 1885-9· Married 28 Aug. 1889, E. D. Angell (No. 458, q. v. for further record) of Fargo, N. Dak. Residence, Fargo, N. Dak. 1877-80. 464. *GAYLORD PARSONS CLARK M.D. (See Faculty Record, College of Medicine.) 465. FRANCES AVERY COBB (STEPHENSON) Born I May 1860 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1877-So. I'<I>B. B.P Engaged in Amateur Art work at Syracuse, N. Y ., I 88o-3. Married IS Oct. I883, Frank H. Stephenson, M.D., of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-MARGUERITE, born 27 Apr. 1885. HAROLDCOBB, born I9 May I889. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, 708 James St., Syracuse, N.Y. 466. ELLA DELL COREY (QUICK) Born 5 Oct. 1859 at DeWitt, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I877-80. B.Mus. Solo soprano in choirs of Ist Meth. Epis. church, Syracuse, N. Y., in Ist Baptist and Trinity Episcopal churches, Watertown, N.Y., 1880-2; teacher of vocal and instrumental Music while in Watertown. In choir of Central Baptist church, Syracuse, 1882-6 and in 1890; in choir of May Memorial church, Syracuse, 1886-90. Teacher of vocal Music and Piano in Syracuse, I882-90. In choir of 1st Baptist church, Sioux City, Iowa, 1890-1. Soprano in quartette choir, Sioux City, 189o-8. Married 9 Apr. 1890, J. Herbert Quick of Mason City, Iowa. Children-EDWARD CONNELL, born 5 Jan. 1892. HOWARD COREY, born-J Dee. I893; died the same day. MARGARET, born 13 Feb. 1896. Residence, 1 I5I E. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. 467. JESSIE ZELETTE DECKER Born IO July I86I at Fayetteville, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1878-So. I' <I> B. B.Mus. Teacher in Music in Syracuse, N.Y., since graduation. Held position as organist in Grace and Trinity churches, Syracuse, N.Y. Student of Music in Boston, Mass., with Wm. H. Sherwood, 1882. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y. 468. GIDEON FRANK DRAPER Son of No. 4814 Born 20 July 1858 at Lakeville, Conn. 1876-So ~KE. A.B. Student from Coxsackie, N. Y., I88o ,ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Teacher in the Methodist Mission Seminary, Yokohama, Japan, 188o-1. Returned to America because of poor health. Pastor at Bridgeport, N. Y., I882-3. Principal, High School, Bloomington, Ill., 1883-4- Pastor on Marion Circuit, Iowa, 1884-5; at Dewitt, Iowa, I885--6. Returned to Japan as a missionary, May 1886. Presiding Elder, Aomori District, I887-8; Yokohoma Dist., I888--93; Shinshin Dist., 1893. In U. S. in missionary work, I893-5. Presiding Elder, Hakodate Dist., 1895-I908. In U. S. I904--6. District Evangelist, Yokohama Dist. and Seoul Dist., since 1908. On furlough in Syracuse, I908. Has published "Impressions of Hawaii," in The Treasury, Oct. I895; also articles in Missionary Review of the World and The Christian Movement in Japan, an annual publication. Married 28 Jan. I88o, Mira Enid Haven (sister of Nos. 347, 348 and SI6) of Syracuse, N.Y. (See Non-graduates.) Children-CHARLOTTE ENID, born I2 Jan. I88I. GIDEON CLARENCE, born 8 Sept. I886; died I9 Nov. 1886. WINIFRED FRANCES, born I2 Apr. I889. (See Non-graduates.) G~pEoNHAVEN, born 22 June I8go. (See Non-graduates.) MARION RoMER, born 15 Dec. 1891. (See Non~gra:duates.) ERASTUS OTIS, born 2 Jan. I90I. Residence, M. E. Mission, Nagoya, Japan. 469. *MARY ELIZABETH GATES Born 4 Feb. I849 at Lockport, N~ Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I8788o B.Mus. Director of Music in Napa (Cal.) Collegiate Institute, ·now Napa College, 188I--6. Teacher of Piano and Organ at Puget Sound University, Tacoma, Wash., for two years. At present (I898) teaching private classes, and organist of 1st. Meth. Epis. church of Tacoma. (Mrs. Gates was a widow when she entered college.) Died .- - . t I86S-7· A.B. 470. THERON REMSEN 'GREEN (See Officers of Administration.) 471. HIRAM SAMUEL GUTSELL I874-8o, four years. A.B. (See Faculty Record, College of Fine Arts.) 472. CHARLOTTE NEIL HARDEE Born 20 Sept. I857 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I877'-8o. A <1>. B.Mus. Teacher of Music in Seminary, Cazenovia, N.Y., I880--94; Normal School, Westchester, Pa., since I894· Residence, Kirkville, N.Y. ALUMNI I877-80 M.D. 473· OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88o ALFRED COLES HAVEN (See No. 347.) ELOISE HOLDEN (NOTTINGHAM) Sister of Nos. 349. 474 and 576 Born 3I May I858 at Charlotte, Monroe Co., N. Y. Student from Syni.cuse, N.Y., I876-8o. A <I>. Ph.B. Ph.M. I883. Married 26 Oct. I88I, William Nottingham (No. 3I5) of Syracuse, N.Y . .Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. 474· WILLIS AUGUSTINE HOLDEN Brother of J\!os. 349, 473, 576 Born 7 Nov. I855 at Charlotte, Monroe Co., N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I875-8 and 1879-80. 'Y Y. B.S. <I> B K. Dealer in coal, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1880. On a sheep ranch in Apache Canon, New Mexico, I88o-I. In coal business at Brooklyn, I88I. $ecretary and Treasurer of Syracuse Iron and Tube Co., I881-3. Member of Holden & Sons, dealers in coal, Syracuse, N.Y., 1883-I905. Treasurer of Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern Electric R. R. Co., Auburn & Syracuse Electric R. R. Co.and Auburn & Northern E. R. R. Co., since April I9Q8. Married 20 Sept. I88I, ldelle LOuise Fyler of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-CHARLOTTE MARIA, born I No'(. I882. (See Non-graduates.) ELOISE, born] Sept. 1885. (See Non-graduates.) HELEN, born I7 Dec. I895· Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. 475· *DAVID HOWARD HOTCHKISS Born 8 Jan. 1856 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I872 and I876-8o. 'Y Y. B.C.E. Manufacturer at Syracuse, N. Y., connected with Straight Line Engine Co.; also Secretary-of the company. Died29Apr. I885atSyracuse, N.Y. 476. ALICE EUGENIE JEFFRES (MOULE) Born 9 Feb. I854 at Perry, N.Y. Student from La Grange, N.Y., I877-8o. A<l>. B.S. Postmistress, I884-6. Married 30 May I88I, Philip I. Moule (No. 398, q. v, for further record) of Bercail, Mont.; died 19 Mar. I909. Residence, I92Y. E. 13th St., Portland, Ore. 477- ALBERT CHARLES LOUCKS Born IO Jan. I855 at Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y. Student from Lowville, I876-8o. A.B. A.M. I883. A.M. I891 and Ph.D. 1892. (Chr. Evid.) ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88o Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Warren, N . Y., I88o-I. Student in Boston Theological Seminary, I88I-3. Pastor at Clayville, N. Y., I883-4; West Winfield, N. Y., I884-7; Turin, N. Y., I887-<JO; Potsdam, N. Y., I89o-3. Traveling in Europe, Egypt and Palestine, I893-4. Pastor at Richfield Springs, N.Y., I894-6; Ilion, N.Y., I896-I90I; Ogdensburgh, N. Y., I90I-4. Superintendent of the Oswego District, N. N. Y. Conference, since I904. Married4 May I88I, Kate M. Crouse of Warren, N . Y. Residence, Oswego, N.Y. I877-80. 478. PEPPINO MELFI M.D. (See Faculty Record, College of Liberal Arts.) 479· GEORGE GARY MINER Born I9 Oct. I856 at Fredonia, N. y . Student from Fredonia, I876-8o. t:.. 1. A.B. Assistant Cashier of Miner's Bank, Fredonia, N.Y., I88o-? Married (I) 3 May I882, Edith L. Colgrove of Fredonia, N.Y., who died 20 Jan. I885; (2) I2 Nov. I89I, Julia M. Corey of Hamlet, N.Y. Children-MABEL E., born 3I Jan. I883. ARTHUR C., born 8 Jan. I885. LOUISE, born 29 Sept. I892. ELIZABETH, born I6 Nov. I894· Residence, unknown. t 480. *THEODORE BLAND NOSS Born IO May I852 at Waterloo, Pa. Student from Williamsport, Pa., I877-8o. t:.. K E. A.B. A.M. I882 and Ph.D. I884. (History). Vice Principal State Normal School, California, Pa., I88o-I and I882-3. Professor of Ancient Languages in Pittsburg Female College, I88I-2. Principal of the State Normal Sch., California, Pa., I883-I909· Local preacher in Meth. Epis. church, I876-I9<X). Lay Delegate from Pittsburg Conf. to General Conference, I 896. Instructor and Lecturer in Teachers' Institutes. Visited .E urope three times studying chiefly at Jena and Berlin. Published "Outlines of Psychology and Pedagogy," I890; "Child ·Study Record," California, Pa.; "The Chapel Hymnal," Pittsburgh, Pa., I900. General Editor of School Textbook Series, A. Flanagan Co., Chicago, Ill. Married 17 May r883, Mary Blanche Graham of Monongahela, Pa. Children-MARY T., born 20 Ma~: I886. THEODORE G., born ,{Apr. 1896. Died r Mar. I909 at Chieago, Ill. 481. ELIZABETH MUENSCHER PITKIN Sister of No. 54'1 Born 22 Apr. 1856 at Chelsea, Mass. I877-80. A <I>. B.Mus. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 66o I88o Music Teacher, Syracuse, N.Y., since 1880. Organist of Plymouth Cong. church, I878-I883 and I885- ; May Mem. church, 1883-5. Studied in Berlin, Germany, with Dr. Ernst Jedliczka, winter of I89o-1. Residence, 123 E . Onondaga St., Syracuse, N.Y. 482. CHARLES S. ROBERTS Born I4 Aug. I859 at Bridgeport, N. Y. Student from Bridgeport, 1877-80. M .D. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., I88o-I907; New York city, since I907. Coroner of Onondaga Co., I89o-3. Has published "A Modem Internal Treatment for Tuberculosis." Married 27 Sept. 1882, Louise Erhard of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 646 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 1876-80. A.B. 483. EDWARD DRAKE ROE, JR. (See Faculty Record, College of Liberal Arts.) MARTIN RUSSELL SACKETT Born :..8 Apr. 1853 (or 1855?) at Plymouth, N. Y. Student from Plymouth, 1876-8o ll. 1. A.B. A.M. 1883. Principal Wesleyan Seminary, Gouverneur, N. Y., 188o-7. Editor and proprietor of the Northern Tribune, Gouverneur, N. Y. 1897-1903· United States Consul, since I903. At present Consul to Canada. Local Preacher in Meth. Epis. church, since 1876. Treasurer of St. Lawrence Co., 1893--i). Has delivered many lectures and addresses, among them being "Boys in History" ·and an address on the life and work of Lincoln at the centennial celebration of his birthday, in 1909· Married 27 June 188~, Marion Josephine Cowles of Gouverneur, N.Y. Children-EMMAJEANNETTE, bom3Apr. 1883. MARION JosEPHINE, born Oct. 1888. JULIA COWLES, born June I896. RussELL HAMILTON, born 1897. Residence, Prescott, Ont. 484. 485. CHARLES SUMNER SEAGER Brother of No. 444· Born 26 Feb. 1856 at Phelps, N.Y. Student from Phelps, 1876-80. Ph.B. Teacher in Union and Classical School, Phelps, N . Y., 1881-2; Orleans, N. Y.; 1882-3. Engaged in agriculture, I883--iJ4· Bookkeeper in the office· of the Sager Gear Co., Rochester, N . Y., 1894-1903. Treasurer of the Haloid Co. of Rochester, manufacturers of Photographic Paper, since 19o6. Married 4 June 1902, Alice Wheaton of Clifton Springs, N. Y. Residence, 161 Pierpont St., Rochester, N .Y. ALUMNI nF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88o I876-8o. A.B. 661 486. BENJAMIN JAY SHOVE (See Faculty Record, College of Law.) 487. WILBUR S. SMITHERS Born 9 July I852 in .t he town of Os..,egatchie, N . Y. Student from Oswegatchie, I876-8o. !i 1. A.B. A.M. I883. S.T.B. (Boston University) 1883. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at East Blackstone, Mass., 188o-3; Pittsfield, Vt., I883--6. Island Pond, Vt.; I886-9; Brattleboro, Vt., 1889-92; Barre, Vt., I892-3; St. Johnsburg, Vt., I893-4; Hardwick, Vt., I894-9; St. Albans, Vt., I899-1904.; Waterbury, Vt., I904-7. District Superintendent, Montpelier Dist., Vermont Conference, since I907. Delegate to General Con£. at Chicago, I900.Married I9 Sept. I883, Susie A. Joslin of Blackstone, Worcester Co., Mass. Children-HowARD JosLIN, born I:< May 1889. OTIS SHERWOOD, born I2 July I890. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, Montpelier, Vt. 488. WILLIAM HERBERT STEVENS Born 3 May I859 at LaFargeville, N.Y. Student from Watertown, N.Y., 1876-80. liKE. A.B. Law student, I88o-2. Engaged in Fire Insurance business at Watertown, N.Y., since 1881. President of Agricultural Insurance Co., since I904. Married 17 Apr. I884, Inez L. Coon of Potsdam, N. Y. Child-HENRY H., born 3 May I885. Residence, Watertown, N.Y. 489. *ADA JOSEPHINE TODD Born I6 June I858 at Redding, Conn. Student from Redding, I879-80. A <I>. A.B. A.M. I883. (Greek). Ph.D. (Boston University) 1886 (Language and Literature). Preceptress and Teacher of Languages in Xenia (Ohio) Female College, I88o-I. Graduate student, I88I-2. Teacher of Natural Science, Union School, Waterville, Conn., 1882-3; Greek and Chemistry, High School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1883-93· Fellow in Philology, Univ. of Penn., 1893--6. Was member Assoc. Amer. Authors; of the Browning Soc. of Philadelphia. Vice-President Collegiate Alumnre Assoc.; Director for Conn. in same. Published two series of weekly artiCles on Natural Science in The Living Church; a book, "The Vacation Club," N. Y., I892; many articles and poems in papers and magazines. "A Comparison of the Book of Nahum, the Masoretic and Septuagint Texts and a Restoration of the Original Hebrew." Died 27 Oct. I904 at Porto Rico. 662 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 490. I88o-I88I DORA ANNA WESTFALL Sister of No. 884 Born I Feb. I859 at Brewerton, N. Y. Student from Geddes, N. Y., I876-8o. A ~. B.P. Continued studies _at home after graduation. Teacher of Drawing and Painting in Connecticut Literary InstitU'te, Suffield, Conn., for a time. Residence, I8I9 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. CLASS OF r881. 491. VINCENT ALDRIDGE Born 5 Sept. I857 at Ulysses, N. Y. Student from Trumansburg, N. Y. I877-81. :E '1". A.B. A.M. I883 (Spanish Lang. and Lit.). Teacher of Classics and Natural Science in Roc'kland College, Nyack, N.Y., r88I-2. Principal of Public Schools, Woodsburg, L. I., I882-3. Teacher in Steven's School, Hoboken, N. J., I883-6; Grammar School No. 79, New York city, I886-9. Professor of Math., Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., I889-I905; Manual Training High School, Brooklyn, since I905. Married I3 May I887, Belle Voorhees, M .D., of Daggett, Pa. Child-SHIRLEY VINCENT, born 5 Feb. I889. Residence, 32 Clarkson St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 492. FRANK ELTON ARTHUR Born 6 Feb. 1857 at Martinsburg, N. Y. Student from Lowville, N. Y., I876-81. A K E. A.B. A.M. I884. Superintendent of Public Schools, Carthage, N. Y., I88I-2. Principal High School, Evanston, Ill .• I882-3. Teacher in Academy, Lowville, N.Y., I883-4. Student in Boston Theological Seminary, I884-5. In busiti.ess at Lowville, N.Y., I885-6 Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Cape Vincent, N.Y., I886:...8; Hamilton, N. Y., 1888--9; Vernon, N. Y., I889--92; Sandy Creek, N.Y., I892-3. Principal of Ives Seminary, Antwerp, N. Y., I893-7. Pastor at Alexandria Bay, N.Y., I897-Dec. I898. Principal of High School, Sandy Creek, N.Y., I899-I901. Pastor at Richfield Springs, N. Y., I90I-4; Boonville, N. Y., I904--9; St. Johnsville, N.Y., since I909. Married 6 Oct. I886, Ruhamah Permelia Peebles of E. Martinsburg, N.Y., who died IO June 18g9. Children-EDWIN IRVING, born I3 Oct. I887. CHARLES FRANK, born 6 Oct. I888. BoYD FITCH, born 23 Nov. I890. ROBERT PEEBLES, born 3 July I 892. MAUDE RuHAMAH, born 22 Sept. 1893. LINCOLN DEFOREsT, born 21 Oct. I89.'i· Residence, Si. Johnsville, N.Y. 1881 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 493· ALICE BANNISTER (RACE) Sister of Nos. 252 and 742 Born IS June. l859 at Petaluma, Cal. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1877SI. I' <I> B. B.P. Teacher of Art in Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., I881--93· Married 25 June 1890, Rev. J. H. Race of Kingston, Pa., now Chancellor of Grant University, Chattanooga, Tenn. Residence, Chattanooga, Tenn. 494· BERTHA BOOMER (BROOKS) Sister of Nos. 603 and 1278 Born 26 June 1860 at Ellisburg, N. Y. Student from Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877-81. I' <I> B. Ph.B. Married 28 Nov. 188:o, F. B. Brooks, M . D. (No. 495, q. v. for further record) of Cincinnatus, N.Y. Residence, 206 Green St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1878-81. M.D. 495· FRANK BYRON BROOKS (See Faculty Record, College of Medicine.) 496. EDGAR HUNTINGTON BROWN Born 29 May 1858 at Burlington, Vt. Student from West Troy (Watervliet), N. Y., I877-81. ~ 1. A.B. <I> B K. D.D. I903. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor and Teacher at Lock Berlin, N.Y., 1881-2. Pastor at Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., I882-4; Troy, N. Y ., Third St. church, 1884-7; Greenbush, N. Y., 1887--92; Fort Plain, N.Y., I892-5; Gloversville, N.Y., 1895-I9oo; First church, Albany, N. Y., since 1900. Married 10 April I885, Hettie Richards of Schaghticoke, N.Y. Children-FRED RICHARDS, born I9 May I888. (No. 4241.) EDGAR Dow, born 28 June I889. (See Non-graduates.) HELEN MARY, born 24 March I891. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, Utica, N.Y. 497· HERBERT CLIFF BROWN Born.14 Feb. 1857 at Brookfield, N. Y. Student from Leonardsville, N.Y .• 1879-81. M.D. Student at N.Y. Post Graduate Med. School and Hospital, 1885. Physician at So. Brookfield, N.Y., 1881-5; Brookfield, N.Y., since 1885. Vice-President, Madison Co. Med. Society, I889. President, same, 1890. Health Officer, town of Brookfield for 3 years. Married 20 Oct. 1877, Caroline Babcock of Leonardsville, N.Y. Children-HERBERT jAMEs, born 17 Sept. 1882; died 5 Jan. 1883. KEARN BABCOCK, born 3 Sept. 1891 RuTH L., born 2 Mar. 1895. ELSTON STEPHEN, born 8 May 1896; died 22 Mar. 1899. Residence, Brookfield, N.Y. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88I 498. JOSEPH BIRKBECK BURROUGHS ·Born 26 Sept. I854 at Paterson, N. J. Student from Westfield, Mass., I878-8x. M.D. Physician at Liverpool, N.Y., I88I-3; Shortsville, N.Y., I884--96; Bridgeport, Conn., since I896. Lectured at Chautauqua on Bacteria, I89I; also delivered a course of lectures in various places on Ancient History. Has published "Nitro-Glycerine a substitute for Alcohol;" "Is Alcohol aU seless Drug in Sickness?" Has two .books ready for the press, viz.: "That which Was, Is and Shall Be;" "Unto the Mists of Darkness." Married -1884, Emma M. Greeley of Liverpool, N.Y. Children-WILBUR GREELEY, born I886. WALLACE COBURN, born I894· Further history unknown. t 499· JULIA ELIZABETH CHAMBERLIN (ALLEY) Born I86I at Geddes, N. Y. Student from Geddes, I878-81. B.Mus. Married 6 Feb. I889, WilliamS. Alley of Toronto, Can. Residence, I6 Elm Ave., Rosedale, Toronto, Can. t f' <I> B. soo. BENJAMIN F. CHASE Born 2 Sept. I8S9 at Boonville, .Mo. Student from Fayetteville, N. Y., 1878-81. M.D. Physician at East Syracuse, N. Y., since I88I. Health Officer, town of DeWitt and village of East Syracuse, I887--92; of village of East Syracuse, 1896. President of E . Syracuse, I896-7. Married (I) 2 Sept. I886, Fannie A. Belding of E. Syracuse, N.Y., who died IS Dec. I893; (2) 20 Feb. I894, Jennie Belding of E. Syracuse, N.Y. Children-GLENN MARSHALL, born I8 May I89I; died 3 Dec. I893· DoNALD WARREN, born IO Mar. I89S (or I896). DoRIS ELEANOR, born I3 Sept. I898. NINA jEAN, born 10 Sept. I90I. Residence, East Syracuse, N.Y. sox. EDITH EMILY CLARKE Born S Nov. I8S9 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I879-81. Ph.B. Teacher and Author. Student at New York State Library School, I887--9· Head of the Cataloguing department, Columbia University, I889--90. Head of Cataloguing department, Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill., I89o-4. Lecturer on Cataloguing, Chief of Cataloguing Division, Public Document Library, Washington, D. C., I89s-8. Librarian, University of Vermont, 1898-I909. Chief Cataloguer and Instructor in Government Documents, Syracuse University, since I9IO. · ALUMNI 1881 OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 665 Has contributed various articles to periodicals, especially to the Library Journal; "Woman in Literature at the Fair," a pamphlet, I893· "Catalogtie of the Public Documents of the U. S., I893-5 and 1895-6; contributions toward a "Bibliography of the Higher Education of Women," Suppl. 1, Boston, Public Library, 1905. Residence, 112 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 502. LAURA SOPHIA CONGDON (HEBARD) Sister of Nos. 259 and 416 Born IS Feb. I855 at Trumansburg, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., I,878-81. I' <I> B. B.P. Since graduation has resided at Syracuse, N. Y., Minneapolis, Minn., and Chicago, Ill., Rochester, N. Y., North Yakima, Wash., and White Salmon, Wash. Married 3 I Dec. 1892, George Hebard of Rochester, N. Y. Residence, White Salmon, Wash. 1876-81. 503. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS COOK A.B. and Ph.B. (See Faculty Record, College of Liberal Arts.) 504. *SIDNEY HEBBARD COOK Brother of .No. s6o Born 6 July I858 at Cicero, N . Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I877-81. 6. K E. A.B. A.M. I884. Student in Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., I881-4. Deacon in charge of Trinity Protestant Episcopal church, Camden, N. Y ., I884-5. Rector of same church and outlying missions at Sand Bank and Redfield, N. Y., 1885-6. From I May I886, Rector of Trinity church, Binghamton, N.Y. Married I2 Oct. I888, Grace Irene Stevens of Camden, N.Y. Child-LERoY FARNHAM, born 3 Nov. I889; died ·23 Jan. I893· Died at Binghamton, N.Y., 27 Mar. 1890. SGS. EDWARD H. COOKE Born 5 May I844 in Oswego Co., N.Y. Student from Tully, N.Y., I879-81. M.D. Physician at Lyons, N . Y ., I88I-3; Rose, N.Y., I883-7; Herington, Kan., since I887. Coroner of Wayne Co. N.Y. 1886-7. Surgeon C. R.I. & P. Ry. at Herington Kan. 1887-93· President Golden Belt Med. Assoc. I888. Served four years (I86I-S) in 75th N.Y. Vol. Infantry. Was in b;J.ttles at "Camp Bisland," Forty days siege of Port Hudson, "Winchester," "Cedar Creek" and "Fisher's Hill," and several skirmishes. Married 24 Feb. I868, Rosa M . Wood of Tully N.Y. Children-GRACE M . born 2I Aug. I871. CHARLES L. born 9 Aug. I872. EDNA D. born 28 May I874· Residence, unknown. t 666 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88I 506. LOUISA ANNA DARBONNIER Born IS Sept. 1858 at Berkshire, N.Y. Student from Berkshire, 1878-81. A<l>. B.P. Teacher of French and Art at Bethlehem, Pa., 1882; Seminary, Holidaysburg, Pa., 1882-4. Teacher of French and Art in Gardiner's Institute, 6o3 Fifth Avenue, New York city, I884-5. Residing at home since I885. Residence, Berkshire, N.Y. 507. *HORACE L. DRAKE Student from Caughdenoy, N. Y., I88o-I. A.B. (Univ. Mich.). Physician and druggist at Caughdenoy, N. Y. Died 8 Oct. 1905 at Caughdenoy, N.Y. M. D. soB. RUTH ANN EASTWOOD (HUTCHINSON) Born 30 July I8S8 at Stockbridge, N. Y. Student from Geddes, N. Y., 1877-81. A <1>. B.Mus. Private teacher of Music at Syracuse, N. Y., 1881-3. Principal of Music Department, Collegiate Institute, Augusta, Ky:, I883-4. Principal of Mu&ic Department of Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill., I884-5. Teacher of Piano, Rhetoric and E~glish Literature in McKendree College, Lebanon, Ill., I885--6. Principal of Music Department, W.Va. Con£. Seminary, 1890-7. Married I4 July I886, Principal Bennett Wertz Hutchinson (No. 4892) of Mt. Pleasant, Pa Children~ MARK EASTWOOD, born 29 June I889. PAUL EASTWOOD, born 29 Nov. 1891. Residence, 3904 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 509. GILES BENTON EVERSON Born 7 Apr. 1858 at Manlius, N.Y. Student from Manlius, 1877-81. A.B. Law student with Waters, McLennan & Dillaye, Syracuse, N.Y., from I3 Feb. I882, and admitted to the bar I6 Jan. I885. Lawyer at SyracuSe, N.Y., since 1885. Married 18 Aug. I887, EmmaJ. 'Fuller of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 116 E. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N.Y. 510. ERNEST LEONARD FOX Brother of No. 664 Born 31 Dec. I8S6 at North Western, N.Y. Student from North Western, 1877-81. A.B. B.D. (Garrett Biblical Inst.) I887. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor Fort Edward Circuit, Neb., I88I-2; Fullerton Circuit, Neb., I882-3. Teacher in N. W. University, I882-4. Pastor Cedar Rapids Circuit, I883-4; Stanton, Neb., I884-5; Fullerton, Neb., 1885; Hegewisch, IlL, and student in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill., I885-7; Guilford, Conn. (while taking graduate course at Yale Univ.), 1888--9; Waterville, Conn., 1889-9I; N. Y. city, Asbury church, I891-3; N.Y. city, Eleventh Street church, since 1893. 1881 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 667 Married 30 Dec. I896, Evelyn C. Conord of Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Children-MIRIAM, born 22 Feb. I899; died 4 Feb. I900. VICTOR LEONARD, born I3 Jan. I90I. VIDA, born 25 Jan. I903. HENRY ERNEST, born 22 Aug. I905. SYLVIA, born 27 Nov. I907. RICHARD ERNEST, born 7 Feb. I9IO. Residence, 543 E. nth St., New York, N.Y. 5II. *JOHN WILLIS FRY Born 1 Dec. 1855 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1878-81. M.D. Student in Niagara University, I874-5 and special student in Syracuse University, I876. Married 1 July I 89o, Mary Sullivan of Syracuse, N. Y Died- Mar. I9I I in Florida. 5I2. REUNETTE EMMOGENE FULLER (BOONE) Born 27 Apr. I845 at Tully, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1879-81. M.D. Physician at Macon, Ga., 9 Nov. I88I-I7 June 1891. Opened a sanitarium there in 1886. Traveled, I89I-7. Has lived and practiced at Los Gatos, Lake Side, Santa Rosa and Oakland, Cal. Has written many articles read before medical and other organizations in East, South and on the Pacific coast. Editor of Macon Health Journal, three years. Married 17 June I89I, William Nathan Boone of Valdosta, Ga., who died 8 July I90I. Children by former marriage-GRANT P. FULLER, born I Apr. 1866. CHARLES L. FuLLER, born I4 Nov. I867. Residence, 3530 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. 5I3. HELEN ELIZA GERE Sister of No. 665 Born 10 June I858 at Belle Isle, N. Y. Student from Belle Isle, I877-81. A <I>. Ph.B. Pd.B. (State Normal College, Albany, N. Y.) I896. Teacher at Wilson, N. Y., I893-4; of Sciences, High School, Sandy Hill, .N.Y., I896-9; Solvay, N.Y., since I900. Residence, Solvay, N.Y. 5I4 MONTGOMERY MOORE GOODWIN Born I9 Dec. 1855 at Geneva, N.Y. Student from Trumansburg, N.Y., 1877-8I. '¥ r. A.B. A.M. I884. S.T.B. (Episcopal Theo. Sch. Cambridge, Mass.) I884. ALUMNI 668 OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88I Clergyman, Prot. Epis. Rector at Camden, N.Y., Trinity church, I884; Norwich, N.Y., Emmanuel church, I88S-{)G; Decatur, Ill., St. John's church, 189o-4. Chaplain in U.S. Navy, I894-7, appointed by President Cleveland. Has published "Glimpses of Man-of-War Life;" Magazine articles, "The Nicene Creed and the Filoque Rationalism;" "Two Roman Apologies;" Sermons. Married IO Dec. I884, Dora B. Cromwell of Sandusky, Ohio. Child-MoNTGOMERY M., JR., borri 3 Nov. I885. Residence, unknown. t SIS. IDA MAY HAMILTON (MUNSELL) Sister of No. 760 Born 25 Dec. I86o at Manlius, N.Y. Student from Wolcott, N.Y., I8778I. B.Mus. Has published "Topsy up to Date," "The Responsibility of Motherhood," "Gideon," "Jack Foster's Emancipation," a novel, "The Gospel of Otherism," and various short stories and pamphlets. Married I2 July I882, Wm. W. Munsell of Naples, N.Y. Children-FANNY HAMILTON, born 29 Junei884. WILLIAM PERCY, born---- 1891. Residence, 7658 Union Ave., Chicago, Ill. SI6 THEODORE WOODRUFF HAVEN Brother of Nos. 347 and 348 Born I March I862 at Malden, Mass. Student from Syracuse, N. · Y., 1877-81. 'Y 1. A.B. A.M. I884. S.T.B. (Boston University) I884. Ph.D. (same) I88s. Clergyman, Meth Epis.. Pastor at Muscotah and Whiting, Kan., I884-5; Topeka, Kan., I88s. Supply of Congregational church, Burlington, Kan., 1885-6. Graduate student in Andover Theological Seminary and supply at Cliftondale (Mass.) Ind. Cong. church, 1886. Pastor of Ind. Cong. church, Battle Creek, Mich., 1886-8. Pastor, Cong. church, Hope, N. D., I89I-2; Unity church, Salem, Oregon, I893· Pastor, Central Pennsylvania Con£., I897-I904; Central N. Y. Con£., since I904. Pastor at Cardiff, N. Y., I964-5; Enfield, N.Y., I905-7; Montezuma, N.Y., I907-9; Tyrone, N.Y., since I909· Has published ''Natural Religion," 20th Cent. Pub. Co., N.Y., I892. Married (I) 2I Jan. I89o, Susan C. Gould of Topsfield, Mass., who died 23 July I908; (2) 20Apr. I9IO, Lizzie S. Weston, of Port Byron,N. Y. Child-THEO GouLD, born I3 Jan. I891. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, Tyrone, N.Y. 1879-81. M.D. 5I7. JOHN LORENZO HEFFRON (See Faculty Record, College of Medicine.) I88I ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIV~RSITY 5I8. WILLIAM JAMES HENNESSY Born 24 Nov. I856 at Rochester, N.Y. Student from Victor, N.Y., I8788I . M.D. Physician at Palmyra, N.Y., I88I-3 and since I884; Valley Centre, Kan., I883-4. Trustee of village of Palmyra four years. President of village two years. U. S. Pension Examiner for county of Wayne. Health officer of town and village of Palmyra ten years. President Wayne Co. Med. Society. Member of Cent. N. Y. Med. Society. Married (I) I3 June I883, Minnie Lovett Sprague, who died 24 June I884; (2) 28 Oct. I 888, May Birdsall Blodgett. Children-HAROLD C., born 24 May I884; died 6 Aug. I884. JAMES JENNER, born 29 Jan. 1890. GLADYS BIRDSALL, born I5 Aug. I893 DOROTHY C., born I I June I898 Residence, Palmyra, N.Y. 5I9. MENZO WHITE HERRIMAN Born I5 Dec. I857 at .Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I878-8,. M.D. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., I88I-2; New York, N.Y., I882-4: Surgeon, U. S. and Brazil Mail Steamship Co., I885-9· Physician at Long Island City, N. Y., since I889. Police Surgeon to Long Island City, I893-6. Visiting Physician to St. John's Hospital, Long Island City, since I892. N. Y. State Examiner in Lunacy, since I89Q. Police Surgeon of Long Island City, I893-6. Medical Inspector of Health Dept., I898-I9QI. Member Medical Staff of Jamaica (L. I.) Hospital and of Bushwick Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y. Married 1-7 Apr. I889, Josephine Hirsch of New York, N. Y., who died 3 Mar. I908. Residence, Jamaica & Ninth Ave., Long Island City, N.Y. 520. LAZELLE REMINGTON HOPKINS Born 7 Oct. I853 at Sennett, N.Y. Student from Weedsport, N.Y., I8768I. ~ 1. A.B. A.M. I884. Principal Union School, Weedsport, N.Y., I88l-92 and since I894· Married 28 June I883, Nan L. DanielsofWredsport, N.Y. Children-FREDERICK DAN, born IpApril I886. (No. 36o1.) LOUISE MIRIAM, born 25 Feb. I888. (No. 3968.) Residence, Weedsport, N.Y. 52I. *FREDERICK HERBERT HOWARD Born 2 Oct. I858 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I8778I. ~ 1. A.B. A.M. I884. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Vermont Methodist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., I88I-85. Teacher of Latin and Greek at Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Mass., I885-8; same, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., I886-C). At Friend's School, Providence, R. I., I889-93. Greek Master at Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N.Y., I893-I902. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88I Married I3 Nov. I886, Ella L. Boomer (No. 603) of New York city. Child-OscAR FREDERICK, born 8 Oct. I887. Died 26 Apr. I902 at Hamilton, N. Y 522. GEORGE EDMUND HUTCHINGS Born 7 March I855 at Tully, N.Y. Student from Cardiff, N.Y., I876-81. /1 1'. A.B. A.M. I884. Clergyman, Meth, Epis. Pastor at Mottville, N.Y., I88I-4; Georgetown, N. Y:, I884-5. Teacher of Latin and Greek in Ives Seminary, Antwerp, N.Y., I88s-6. Pastor at Towanda, Pa., I886; Tyrone, N.Y., I886-9I; Newfield, N.Y., I89I-3; - Troy,_Pa., I893-98; Wolcott, N.Y.; I898-I902; Mansfield, Pa., I902-4; First Ward M. E. church, Syracuse, N.Y., I904-9; Weedsport, N.Y., since I909· Instructor in "Harmon's Introduction· to the Holy Scriptures" at Silver Lake School of Conference Studies, I894-6. President Elmira Dist. Epworth League since I896. Has published ''A Century of Methodism in the First Ward of Syracuse," I9o7. · Occasional contributor to church papers; Married I4 Dec. I88I, Flora Baldwin of Syracuse, N. Y. (See Non-gradilate.s.) Children~ MARTHA, born 4 Aug. I884. (No. 3281.) CARLTON BALDWIN, born IO Feb. I890. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, Weedsport, N, Y.523. >!!HENRY FIDELIO KING Born l7 Apr. I858 at Fremont, Ohio. Student from Tully, N.Y., I877-8t. A.B. Admitted to the bar at Binghamton, N. Y., ro Oct. I884. Lawyer at Syracuse, N.Y., I884-93. -Died 24 Feb. 1893 at Syracuse, N.Y. 524. JAMES WEBSTER KNAPP Son of No. 5454 Born 25 Dec. 1852 at Jamesville, N.Y. Student from Jamesville, I878-81. M.D. Physician at Canastota, N.Y., since 1881. President village of Canastota, N.Y., I895· Coroner, Madison Co., 1898. Married 1882, Delia G. Benedict of Jamesville, N.Y. Residence, Canastota, N.Y. 525. WILLIAM BASTIAN KONKLE, JR . .Born I Mar. 1858 at Montoursville, . Pa. Student from Montoursville, 1878-81. /1 K E. · B.S. M.D. (Jefferson Medical College). Physician at Montoursville, Pa., since 1884. Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology, Lycoming Co. Normal School, Muncy, Pa., and Lecturer on :Hygie:O.e, bickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., for several years. I88I ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Papers: "The Limitations of Medicine as an Index to its Scope and Mission," read before the Lycoming Co. Med. Soc., I896; "The Materialistic Theory of Man's Being," President's address before same, I898; "Our Indigenous Cholagogues;" "Our Typhoid Fever, a Comparative Study," etc., etc. Married IS Apr. I884, Joan Saylor of Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Residence, Montoursville, Pa. 526. CHARLES PALMENTER LUCE Born 20 Aug. I857 at Onondaga, N.Y. Student from Onondaga, I8]7-8I. ~ K E. A.B. A.M. I884. A.M. I885 and Ph.D. 1886 (Chr. Evid.) Student in Auburn (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, I88o-3. Pastor of Presbyterian church at Cuba, N.Y., I883--9; First Presb. church at Owensboro, Ky., I890--9; Anderson, Ind., 1899-I9o8; Maryville, Mo., since 1908. Commissioner for Presbytery to General Assembly of Presbyterian church of U.S. A., at Cincinnati, Ohio, May I885. Moderator of Presbyterian Synod of Ky., I894-5. Married 10 Jan. I 888, Sarah A. Taylor qf Elmira, N. Y. Children-ARTHUR TAYLOR, born IO Oct. I888. CORNELIA BARTLETT, born 3 Jan. I890. CHARLES CAMERON, born 29 Oct. I893. RoBERT THOMPSON, born 20 Dec. I89S· CATHERINE AMES, born 23 Oct. I900. GEORGE ALFORD, born 3 Dec. I904; died I3 June I907. Residence, Maryville, Mo. 527. *IDA CLEFERE MARION .Sister of No. !)6o Born 26 Dec. I86o at Fulton, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I8798I. A <I>. B.Mus. Teacher of Music at Gordonsville Female College, Gordonsville, Va., I88I:-2. Teacher of Music at . ThomasviH.e Female Insti~ute, Thomasville, N. C., I882-3. Died 9 Jan. I884 at Syracuse, N.Y. 528. CAROLINE LILLIS MASON (JARVIS) Born 6 Dec. I849 at Canastota, N. Y. Student from Canastota, I88o-I. A <I>. B.Mus. Married 2 July I.8 8I, -George Milton Jarvis, C.E., of Canastota, N. Y., afterward of Fort Worth and Palestine, Texas. Children-RoY MASON, born 8 May I882; died 24 Oct. I898. MAY MAsoN, born 4 Oct. I885. (A.B. Texas Univ. I906.) MARJORIE MASON, born 5 Jan. I8QO. Residence, Austin, Tex. ALUMNI 529. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 1881 JAMES WILLIAM MAY Born II Oct. I857 at New .Albany, Ind. Student from Morganfield, Ky., 1877-81. B.Ar. Architect at Seymour, Ind., 1881. Draughtsman for Merz Architectural Iron Works, Louisville, Ky., 1882-4. Teacher in the Eikosi Academy, Salem, Ind., 1884-5. Principal of same, 1885--{). President jointly with brother, of De Pauw College, New Albany, Ind., 1889--{)3; President of same, 1893-4. Living on a farm since I 894. Married 7 June 1887, Ollie M. McKnight of Salem, Ind. Children-WILLIAM McKNIGHT, born 3 Mar. I889. RALPH OLIVER, born 5 Aug. 1890. MARY HELEN, born I3 Dec. I894· Residence, Salem, Ind. 530. BOYD McDOWELL Born 24 July 1857 at Chemung, N . Y. Student from Elmira, N.Y., 188781. lY r. Ph.B. Law student at Elmira, N.Y., 1882. Lawyer at Elmira, N.Y., since Jan. 1884. . Married 8 Oct. 1889, Carrie E. Pitkin (No. 540) of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-ROBERT PITKIN, 14 Oct. 1890. ·(See Non-graduates). ELIZABETH, born 24 June i89::0. MALCOLM, born 13 Apr. 1897; died 15 Apr. 1897. Residence, Elmira, N.Y. 531. 1879-81. M.D. WILLIAM HOUGH MILLS (See Faculty Record, College of Medicine.) 532. MARIETTA E. MORSE Born 26 Jan. 1856 at Eaton, N , Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1876-8I. three years. A <1>'. A.B. Teacher at Onondaga Valley, N.Y., 188I-2; Danforth, N.Y., I883-5. Preceptress Union and Classical School, Phelps, N.Y., 1886.:..? Residence, unknown. § 533· *JAMES F. MUNN Born 30 June I851 at Lyons, N. Y. Student from Lyons, I874-81, four years. M.D. Physician at South Butler, N. Y., 1881-7; Syracuse, N. Y., 1887-1906. Member Onondaga Co. Med. Society; of Syracuse Acad. of Medicine. Married 23 Nov. 1881, Lillian Palmer of Syracuse, N.Y. Died 16 Sept. 19o6 at Syracuse, N.Y. I88I ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 534· MILTON A. NOBLES Born 3 Feb. I8S8 at Elmira, N.Y. Student from Newark, N. J., I879-81. M.D. Has practiced continuously since graduation. Was for a few months at Springwater, N.Y.; Atlantic Highlands, N.J., one year; the remainder of the time at Philadelphia, Pa. For over twenty-five years has taken no fees. Has been interested in insurance. Lifelong student of geology. Has contributed much to medical and geological journals. Author of a book on "Tuberculosis." Has three books in preparation. Has been called as an expert in several cases in jurisprudence. Married I883, Elizabeth North Schofield of Philadelphia, Pa. Children-GEORGE ScHOFIELD. DoROTHY. LAURA GORDON, deceased. ]AMES, deceased. JOHN, deceased. Residence, 1036 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 535· *OSCAR W. OBERLANDER Born 26 Apr. I859 at Grossbreitenbach, Thuringen, Germany. from Syracuse, N.Y., 1877-81. M.D. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., I88I...:I9IO. Married I7 Mar. I89I, Hattie I. Shults of Syracuse, N.Y. Children~IRENE M., born 24 Nov. I891. OscAR W., ]R., born I4 July 1893. IRVING A., born--- I900. Died 25 June 1910 at Ogdensburg, N.Y. Student 536. FRANCISCO GOMEZ D'OLIVIERA Born 7 May I8S8 at San Paulo, Brazil. Student from Bahia, Brazil, I8778I. B.Ar. Further history unknown. Residence, Bahia, Brazil. § 537· JOHN C. OWENS Born 3 Jan. I857 in town of Western, N. Y. Student from Plainfield, Ill., I879-81. M.D. P.H.G. (State B~ard of Pharmacy, Ill.) I888. Physician atRochesier (N.Y.) City Hospital, I88I-2. Physician at Joliet, Ill., I882-3; Plainfield, Ill., since I883. Druggist since I888. Was Member Consulting Staff Physicians and Surgeons, St. Joseph's Hospital, and member Staff Physicians and Surgeons, Silver Cross Hospital, both at J oliei, Ill. Married 5 Dec. I883, Mary H. Hitchcock of Morris, Ill. Children-ROBERT H., born 22 Feb. 1889; died 5 Mar. l890. KENNETH HUNTER, born 23 Dec. I891. jAY CAYTON, born IS Sept. I893. Residence, Plainfield, Ill. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 674 1881 538. APDIE MARIA PHARIS (MONROE) Born 28 June 186o at Geddes, N.Y. Student from Geddes, I877-81. A <1>. B.Mus. President Silver Springs Nat. Bank, since 1904. Married (I) 20 Oct. I88I, Joseph M. Duncan of Syracuse, N.Y.; (2) 7 Mar. 1907, Dr. George T. Monroe of Warsaw, N.Y. Children-MARY PHARIS, born 27 Mar. I892. CAROLYN PHARIS, born 27 Mar. I892. Residence, Silver Springs, N.Y. 539· GREGORIO DE MIRANDA PINTO Born 24 March I859 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Student from Rio, I878-8I. B.Ar. Further history unknown. Residence, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. § 540. CARRIE EMILY PITKIN (McDOWELL) Sister of No. 48 I Born 20 Dec. I86o at Chelsea, Mass. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I8778I. A <1>. A.B. A.M. I884. Teacher in Ingham University, LeRoy, N. Y., I88I-2. Teacher of Latin and Mathematics, High School, Syracuse, N.Y., I883-9. Married 8 Oct. I889, Boyd McDowell (No. 530, q. v. for further record) of Elmira, N. Y. Residence, 408 W. Water St., Elmira, N.Y. 541. WILLIAM HENRY ROBERTS Brother of No. 322 Born 24 Apr. I858 at Onondaga, N.Y. Student from town of Onondaga, 1877-81. tl 1'. A.B. Engaged in farming, I88I-2. Student at Mead's Business College, Syracuse, 1882. Bookkeeper for Rumsey & Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y., I882. Manager for Eclipse Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y., I882-4. Traveling salesman for Weeks, Cossum & Co., Auburn, N. Y., I884-7, and for Moser, Lyon & Co., Syracuse, N.Y., I887-8. Proprietor of Electro Plating Establishment, Syracuse, N.Y., since I888. Married I2 June I884, Martha B. Carr of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-RoLLAND C., born I I Nov. 1885. Avis ELOISE, born 26 July I888; died I7 Feb. I891. HORACE M., born I I May I892. PAUL W., born 28 May I894· BESSY ELOISE, born July I897· Residence, 303 Crossett St., Syracuse, N.Y. 542. FREDERICK JAY SHACKLETON Born 5 Apr. I856 at Waverly, N. Y. Student from Waverly, I877-8I. tl 1'. A.B. A.M. I884. B.D. (Drew Theo. Sem.) I884. Ph.D. (Taylor University) I897· I88I ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 675 Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Round Hill, Conn., I884-5; Poundridge and High Ridge Circuit, N. Y., I885-7; Woodbury, N. Y., I887--9; Port Jefferson, N. Y ., I889--92; Stratford, Conn., I892-5. Bridgehampton, N . Y., I895-8. New York city, Forsythe St. church, I898-?; 27th St. church at present. Has published articles and sermons; also a thesis on "Evolution an Aid to Faith," I897· Married 10 June I885, Minnie M. Alroy of Waverly, N. Y. Children-RoBERT ALPHONSO, born 2 Nov. I886. CLARA EVERETT, born 23 Feb. I891. Residence, 2I9 E. 27th St., New York, N.Y. § 543· CARRIE IDA SHEVELSON (BENJAMIN) Born 25 Dec. I86I at Prenn, Russe-Poland. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I877-81. A <1>. A.B. A.M. I884. First Jewess graduated from Syracuse University". Teacher of Languages, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., I88I--<)O. Principal of the Benjamin-Deane School for Girls, I44 Riverside Drive, New York City, since I904. Has published several pamphlets: "Woman's Place in Charity," read before the Jewish Woman's Congress at Chicago, I893, and published in the Parliament of Religions; "Hebrew and Greek Thought," read in Washington, D. C., I894, before the National Council of Women. An article, "Homo sum, nihil humani a me alienum puto'," read before the Woman's Club of Denver, Col.; "The Colorado Woman," published in annual report of various charity organizations; a brochure on "The Education of Our Girls," and various other articles. Member of the State Board of Charities of Colorado. Chairman of the Philanthropic Department of the Woman's Club of Denver, Col. VicePres. foi: State of'Col. of the Nat. Council o{ Jewish Women, and Pres. of the Denver Section of same. Married I4 Jan. I890, Maurice C. Benjamin of Denver, Col. Children-MAURICE SHEVELSON, born 6 May I896. BARETS OscAR, born 3 I May I897. JoHN JACOB, born 8 July I899· Residence, I44 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. 544· ROBERT SIMPSON, JR. Born I3 Apr. I848 at Oswego, N.Y. Student from Fulton, N.Y., I88o-I. Ph.B. M.D. (College of P. & S. Baltimore, Md.) I892. Graduate student at Cornell University, I877-8o. Teacher and School Commissioner for some years before entering College. Teacher in Dr. N . T. Clark's Boy's School, Canandaigua, N. Y ., , I88I-2. Principal Academic Dept. State Normal School, Brockport, N. Y., I882-4. Supt. of Schools at Hornellsville, N. Y., I884-7. Principal Union School, Phoenix, N. Y., I887-go. Student of Medicine, Baltimore, Md., I8go-2. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I88I Principal Union School, Weedsport, N. Y., I892-4. Physician at Scriba, N.Y., and later at Volney, N.Y. Member Co. G. I84thN. Y. S. Vol. I864-5. Married 8 July I874, Maud Mary Hawks of Hannibal, N.Y. Children-MABEL C., born 9 Feb. I879· RoBERT, 3d, born IS Mar. I884. (See Non-graduates.) FosTER HAWKS, born I8 Jan. I893· LEIGH ARTHUR, born I I Mar. I895· Residence, Volney, N Y. 545· DAVID EUGENE SMITH Born 2I Jan. I86o at Cortland, N. Y. Student from Cortland, I877-81. 'Y r. Ph.B. <I> B K. Ph.M. I884. Ph.D. I887 (Art History). LL.D. I905. M.Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) I898. Law stude~t at Cortland, N. Y., I88I-3. Clerk of Surrogate's Court, Cortland, I88I-3. La~r at Cortland, N. Y, I883-4. Teacher of Mathematics, Cortland State Normal School, I884-91. Professor of Mathematics in the Michigan State Normal S.chool, Ypsilanti, Mich., I89I-8. - Principal State Normal School, Brockport, N.Y., I898-I901. Professor of Mathematics Teachers College, Columbia University, since I90I. Lecturer, Harvard Summer School, I900-3. Has published "History of Modern Mathematics," New York, I896 and 19o6; "Teaching of Elementary Mathematics," N. Y., I900; "Primary Arithmetic," Boston, I904; "Grammar School Arithmetic," Boston, I904; "Grammar School Algebra, 1904;" "Intermediate Arithmetic," ';Advanced Arithmetic," "Complete Arithmetic" and ''Outlook for Arithmetic in America," 1905; "Rara Arithmetica," 1908; ''Portfolios of Eminent Mathematicians," 3 covers, Open Court, I9o6; also a large number of memoirs, monographs, reviews, etc., published in Bibliotheca Mathematica, L' Enseignement Mathematique, Educational Review, etc. Joint author with George Wentworth of "Complete Arithmetic," I909, Joint author with Wooster Woodruff Beman of "Plane and Solid Geometry," 1895; "Famous Problems of Geometry" (from the German of Klein), I897: "Higher Arithmetic," I898; "New Plane and Solid Geometry," 1899; ''New Plane Geometry," I899; "New Solid Geometry," I9oo; ''Elements of Algebra," I900; "Academic Algebra," 1902; "Translation of Fink's History of Mathematics," I900; "Geometric Paper Folding," I90I. Mathematical Editor of "The New International Encyclopedia." Mathematical contributor to "The Encyclopedia Americana." Editor of the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Associate Editor of L' Enseignement Mathematique and of School Science and Mathematics. Librarian of American Math. Soc. Fellow of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. Member of the German Mathematiker-Vereinigung the Circolo Matematico di Palermo, the English Mathematical Association, the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics, and various other societies and commissions. I881 ALUMNI OF SY~ACUSE UNIVERSITY Married 19 Jan. I887, Fanny Taylor of Cortland, N.Y. Residence, S2S W. I 20th St., New York, N.Y. S46. EDGAR C. SWIFT Born at Paine's Hollow, N. Y. Student from Paine's Hollow, .I878-81. M.D. Married 28 Jan. I88S, Sophie McCready of Jordanville, N.Y. Children-LURA M., born I4 Nov. I887. (No. 412s.) DoNALD E., born 29 Jan. I908. Residence Jordanville, N.Y. S47· HENRY IRVING VANHOESEN Born 29 Oct. I8S4 at Preble, N.Y. Student from Preble, I879-81. M.D. A.B. (Princeton) 1879 and A.M. I882. Physician at St. Vincent's Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y., I88I; Binghamton, N.Y., 1882-4. On U.S. Geological Survey, I8f!4-S· Physician at Truxton, N. Y., since I88s. School Commissioner, 2d Dist. Cortland Co., I888-90 and I894-6. Married 3I May I882, Alice L. Peck of Oak's Comers, N.Y. Child-HENRY BARTLETT, born 2S Dec. I88s. Residence, Truxton, N.Y. S48. ADELAIDE LOUISE VINCENT (TAYLOR) Born IS Feb. I8S9 at Sherman, N. Y. Student from Sherman, I877-8I. A<l>. Ph.B. Married4 May I882, Almon N. Taylor of Portland,N. Y. Children-ALMON VINCENT, born I7 July 1887. KATHERYN MosHER, born 24 Oct. I89o; died 7 Jan. I892. ALICE, born 4 Nov. I893· Residence, Flagstaff, Ariz. S49· ALBERT CLARK WELLS Brother of No. 365 Born I6 Oct. 18S6 at Chateaugay, N.Y.. Student from Constable, Franklin Co., N.Y., I876-8I, three years. B.P. · Artist, I88I-4. Member of photographic firm of Alger & Wells, Syracuse, N.Y., I884-S· Photographer at Malone, N.Y., I88s-? Married IS Feb. 1882, Lizzie Williams of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-LAWRENCE GEORGE, born 28 July 1884. ALBERT ALoNzo, born 2S Feb. I886. Further history unknown. t sso. ALICE WELLS Born 3I July I8S7 at Lima, N. Y. Student from Schenectady, N. Y .. x8 79-81. A <1>. B.S.. M.S. I884. Residence, Schenectady, N.Y. ALUMNI 551. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 1881 MARY WHITFORD Sister of Nos. 929 and 976 Born 2 Jan. I858 at Port Byron, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1877-81. i' <I> B. B.Ar. Teacher of Drawing, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., I887-9I; of Mathematics in same since I891. Residence, 202 Kirk Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. t 552. WILLIAW WALLACE WILCOX Born I3 July I858 at Kirkville, N. Y Student from Kirkville, I877-81. 6 1. Ph.B. Ph.M. 1884. Principal of Graded School, Lawrence, L. I., 188I-5. Teacher at Cold Springs, N. Y., part of I885. Teacher in Steven's High School, Hoboken, N.J., I886-I907. Married 21 June I890, Virginia Pettit of Laurence, L. I. Child-PHILIP CoLVILLE, born I4 Feb. I90I. Residence, Goshen, N.Y. 553· WHITING SWEETING WORDEN Born 8 Dec. I858 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1877-81. A.B. A.M. I887. M.D. I886. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y. a short time in I886. Appointed Medical Missionary to Japan under Missionary Soc. Meth. Epis. church, I886. Teacher in Aoyama School, I886-7. Supt. of Gospel Soc., Yokohama, I887-90. Presiding Elder of Nagoya Dist., 189o-3. In America, I893-4. Supt, Gospel Soc., Yokohama, I895-7· Pastor Kanagawa (M. E.)'church, I896-7. Dispensary and Medical practice in Japan, I 886-97. Narrowly escaped death by earthquake at Nagoya, I891, and by fire, Yokohama, I896. Published a paper "Medicine in Japan," by request of Alumni Assoc. Col. of Med., I894· Married 7 Feb. I884, Harriet Way (See Non~graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-ERIC MAxsoN, born I I Apr. I885. WARREN HAVEN, born 3 Jllly 1887. MARY OLIVE, born 23 Feb. 1889. VIVIAN SALISBURY WAY born 4 May I892. RoY born 30 Jan. I 897. Residence Yokohama Japan. t 554· HERBERT B. WRIGHT Born I May I85I at Pompey, N.Y. Student from Elbridge, N.Y., 1878-1. M.D. Physician at Skaneateles, N. Y. President Alumni Assoc., College of Medicine, 1897-8. Married 6 Apr. I900, Clara Heald of Skaneateles, N.Y. Residence, Skaneateles, N.Y. ALUMNI 1881-1882 OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 555· *IDA YOUNG Born 29 July I859 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I877,-81. A <1>. A.B. Teacher of Languages in private school, Syracuse, N.Y., I88I-2. Teacher in Academy, Newark, N.Y., I882-3. Died 5 Jan. I885 at Syracuse, N.Y. CLASS OF I882 556. WILLIAM J. AYLING Born 30 July I858 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1879-82. M.D. Graduate student at St. Thomas Hospital, London, I882-4; Physician at Syracuse, since I884. Secretary, Syracuse Med Assoc., I886 and 1887. Physician to Free Dispensary. Married I884, Carrie M. Weller of Cicero, N.Y. Children-NELLIE LoUisE, born I I Apr. I885. (No. 3455.) JAMES S, born 20 Sept. I890. WILLIAM ELMER, born I8 June I893· Residence, 728 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y. 557· IRVING LONGSTREET BARKER Born 22 Sept. I86o at Onondaga Valley, N.Y. Student from Onondaga Valley, I878-82. Z 'Y. A.B. Student at State School of Mines, Golden, Col,, winter of I882-3. Assayer and civil engineer at Carbonate and Glenwood Springs, Colo., 1883--9. Stock ranchman, Laird, Colo. , since I889. Residence, Laird, Colo. 558. *FRANKLIN M. BURDICK Son of No. 5090 Born 21 July 1860 at Preble, N.Y. Student from Preble, I879-82. M.D. Physician at Monument, Kan., several years after I887, where he had a drug store also; then at Colorado Springs, Col. Died 29 July 1897 at Colorado Sprnigs, Col. 559· ALICE ELIZABETH CLARK (GREENE) Sister of No. 340 Born 11 Aug. I857 at Copenhagen, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1877-82. A <1>. B.S. Teacher of Modern Languages, Academy, Glens Falls, N.Y., I884-5. Married I7 Nov. I886, Almon C. Greene of Palmyra, N. Y., who died--Child-PERCY CLARK, born 26 Aug. I891. Residence, Copenhagen, N.Y. AI:.UMNI 68o 56o. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I882 GEORGE WASHINGTON BRADFORD COOK, JR. Brother of No. 504 Born 21 July 1862 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1878-82. t:. K E. A.B. A.M. I885. Teacher of Higher Mathematics in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1882-4. Student in the Law School of University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md., 1884-5. Law student at Syracuse, N. Y., I885-6. Admitted to the bar, 1886. Member of firm of Fuller, Fuller & Cook. Lawyer inN. Y. city, 1887. Sec. of the Mosler Safe Co., 1888. Partner in Mosler, Bowen & Co., 1889. Same in Mosler, Bowen & Cook, in the City of Mexico, 1890. Proprietor of Mosler, Bowen & Cook, Successor, in the City of Mexico, since 1891. President of the American Bank and of La Nacional Life Ins. Co., botb. of Mexico City, for many years. Married 27 June 1888, Elizabeth Reese Lester of Baltimore, Md. Child-DOROTHY LES1ER, bom 8 Mar. 1893. Residence, City of Mexico, Mexico. (P. 0. Box 658.) 561. *BERT COWLES Born 7 Aug. 186o at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1879-82. M.D. Interne at Rochester (N.Y.) City Hospital, 1882. Contracted diphtheria in the discharge of his duties and death resulted. Died 28 Sept. 1882. 562. LUCIUS PARMENAS DEMING Born 27 Dec. 1859 at New Haven, Conn. Student from New Haven, I88o2. M.D. Student in Yale University, 1879-80. Physician at Syracuse, since I882. Man~ed 7 Sept. 1885, Frances A. Whipple of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-FRANCES W., born 13 May I898. Residence, 207 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, N.Y. 563. HENRY ALBERT DICKINSON Born 27 July 1859 at Cincinnatus, N. Y. Student from Cortland, N. Y., 1878-82. 'Yr. A.B. A.M. I885. Law student, 1882-4. Admitted to bar, Oct. 1884. Partner with Judge A. P. Smith from 1889 until the death of the latter in 1897. Lawyer at Cortland, N.Y. Pres. Board of Education of Cortland, N.Y., 1896. Member of Assembly from Cortland County in 190.1, 1902, I903, I904. Married 1 June 1899, E. Elizabeth Clark of Plattsburg, N.Y. Residence, Cortland, N.Y. 564. JOHN CRONISE DRAPER, JR. Born 30 Aug. 1862 at Canandaigua, N. Y. Student from Canandaigua, 1878-82. Z 'Y. B.S. 1882 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 681 Law student at Buffalo, N. Y. Admitted to bar, Jan. 1885. Lawyer at Buffalo until 1897. In Court Dept. of the American Surety Co., New York city, 1897-1907; National Surety Co., 1907-1 Nov. I909· In the insurance and surety bond brokerage business, 7 Pine St., New York city, since I Nov. 1909· Residence, 11 E. 44th St., New York, N. Y. S6S. *EMMA AUGUSTA EVERDING Born 8 Aug. I858 at Brooklyn, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., I878-82. A <1>. Ph.B. Missionary to Japan under auspices of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Meth. Epis. church, I883-9. Died I3 Jan. I892 at Syracuse, N.Y. 566. JAMES EDWARD EVERETT Born 7 March I839 at Hindon, Wiltshire, England. Student from Danbury, Conn., I87I-4, leaving college on account of poor health. .6. 1. A.B. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at West Sandy Creek, N. Y., I877-8; Durhamville, N. Y., I878-9; Richville, N. Y., I879-8o; Lisbon, N.Y., 188o-2; Point Peninsula, N.Y., I882-5; Cedar Creek, N.Y., I885-7; Vienna, N. Y., I887-90; Volney, N. Y., I89o-2. Residing in Syracuse, N. Y., since I892. Engaged in insurance business for a time; at presen~ in real estate business. Married 2I Dec. I882, Annie E. Burrows of New York city. Children-MABEL NEELY, born I Oct. I886. (No. 39I6.) EARL, born IS May I889; died 5 June I889. RALPH. BURROWS, born I3 June I890. BEATRICE, born I6 Mar. I892. Residence, so8 StinardAve., Syracuse, N.Y. 567. *A. BLAIR FRAZEE Born 30 Oct. I859 at Rome, N. Y. Student from Baldwinsville, N. Y., I879-82, two years. M.D. Physician at Elbridge, N.Y., I882-90. Student at Phila. Polyclinic, I89o- r, part of the time an Asst: in the Eye department. Physician at Altoona, Pa., I89I-4; Elbridge, N.Y., I895-I900; Rochester, N.Y., I9oo-5. Died I I Mar. I 90S at Rochester, N.Y. 568. LOUIS ELISHA FULLER Born I7 March I862 at Vesper, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I87882. .6. K E. A.B. A.M. I88s. Law student at Syracuse, N. Y., I882-4. Admitted to bar, I7 June I884. Lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y., under firm names of Fuller, Kellogg &.Fuller, and T. K. and L. E. Fuller, and Fuller, Fuller & Cook, I884-95· Lawyer, Rochester, N.Y., since I89S· Married 2 Dec. I 886, Nettie A. Curry (No. 66o) of Oswego, N. Y. Residence, IOS So. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N.Y. 682 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 1882 569· C. IDA GILGER (SPICER) Born 11 May 1861 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, 1879-82. A <I>. B.Mus. Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music and Theory, Syracuse, N. Y., 1882-3. In charge of musical department of Judson Institute, Marion, Ala., 1885-6; of same in Ward Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., 1894-5. Organist of English Lutheran church, Syracuse, three years, and of 1st Meth. church, one year. Associated in teaching with Ruys Thomas at San Francisco, Cal., 1896. Private teacher of piano and organ, Syracuse. Instructor in Syracuse l,Jniversity in place of Miss Guibault, spring term, 1896. Pupil of Moritz Moszkowski in Berlin and of Alexandre Guilmant in Paristhe one eminent as a composer, the other as an organist-in 1892-3, and has excellent recommendations from both. Has published "Kazzonk," a novel, 1883; European letters in papers in 1892; "Christian Calendar, " 1894; a song "When Shall We Meet," Cincinnati, Ohio. Married 2 Jan. 1901, Willis James Spicer (No. 1506) of Syracuse, N . Y . Residence, 1121 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. 570. *FRANCIS DANIEL GOTT Born I I Apr. 1860 at Syracuse, N . Y . Student from Syracuse, 1879-82. 'Y Y'. Ph.B. Law student, 1882-4, at Syracuse, N.Y. Admitted to the bar, Oct. 1884. Law partner of his father, D. F. Gott, Esq., Syracuse, N.Y. Married 17 June 1886, Mary E. Leavenworth of Syracuse, N . Y. Died- Dec. 1901 at Syracuse, N.Y. 571. CARRIE ESTELLA GREEN Born 24 Oct. 1863 at Middlesex, N. Y. Student from Rushville, N. Y., 1878-82. I' <I> B. B.Mus. Teacher of Music and Organist in M. E. church at Rushville, N . Y ., since graduation. Residence, Rushville, N.Y. 572. *FRANK HAMILTON GREEN Born 7 Aug. 1856 at Homer, N.Y. Student from Homer, 1879-82. M.D. Physician at Homer, I8"S'2-1902. Sec. and Treas. Cortland Co. Med. Society, 189o-1900. Health Officer, town of Homer, 1894-? Was Pension Examining Surgeon and Coroner of Cortland County. Sec. and Treas. of Columbia Club of Homer, twelve years. Contributed articles to medical journals, etc. Married 20 June 1883, Sarah A. Fraser of Prescott, Ont. Children-MARGARET SARAH, born 19 June 1884. (No. 92c.) AGNES ROXANNA, born 19 Dec. 1884; died 30 Aug. 1885. Died 7 Dec. 1902 at Homer, N.Y. ,ALUMNI I882 I878-82. B.P. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY HIRAM SAMUEL GUTSELL (See Faculty Record, College of Fine Arts.) 573· *NEWTON HALL, 2d Born 22 April I86I at Leyden, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I87882. Z '1".. A.B. Cashier N. Y. Life Insurance Co., Syracuse, N. Y., I882-3. City Editor Syracuse Courier, I883-4. Engaged with Toledo Blade, Toledo, 0., I884. Engaged in mer~antile business in Omaha, Neb., I885. Foreign representative of Omaha Daily Herald. Since I882, engaged in special microscopic work and member of National Society of Microscopists. Married 26 Aug. I.886, Marne Huffman of Omaha, Neb. Died--. § 574· FRANK WILDER HEMENWAY Born I2 Apr. I86o at Kendallville, Ind. Student from Mexico, N. Y., I8 78-82. !:J. 1. A.B. A.M. I89o. Engaged in Insurance, Watertown, N. Y., I882-3. Farming, I884-7, at Zionsville, Ind., also I885-6, teaching at same place. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Bringhurst, Ind., I887-8; Wheeler, Ind., I888-90; Holley, N.Y., I890-93· Pastor Cong. church, Newton, Kan., I893-97· Pastor M. E. church at Old Orchard, Mo., I897-8. Was Registrar of Wichita Cong. Association; Moderator of Wichita Cong. Assoc., I896. Farming at Zionsville, Ind, I898Jan. I909· Pastor Congregational church, Anderson, Ind., since Jan. I909. Sec. and Treas., Cong'l H. M. Society of Indiana. Chaplain 2d Kanasas Militia, I896-7. Married 27 Aug. I884, M. Estella Sims (daughter of Chancellor Sims) of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-CHARLES SIMS, born I6 June I886. FRANK ALLEN, born I 5 June I 888. RuTH SIMS, born I3 Jan. I892. Residence, Anderson, Ind. 575· *EMIL HENCKELL Born 20 Jan. I859 at Herdecke, Germany. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I879-82. M.D. Married 22 May I885, Anna Burgmiller. Child-ALFRED, born 8 Jan. I889; died I6 June I89o. Died 24 Mar. I89o at San Antonio, Texas. 576. BERTHA HOLDEN (GILBERT) Sister of Ncis. 349, 473 and 474 Born I7 Jan. I86o at Charlotte, N. Y. I878-82. A<~>. Ph.B. Ph.M. I885. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I882 Engaged after graduating in reading and translating French and German, and continued studies in History and Painting. Traveled in Europe, I884-5. visiting Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, T'-'rkey, etc. Married (I) 24 Feb. I886, James William Wilson (No. 453, q. v. for further record) of Syracuse, N.Y., who died I6 Apr. I898; (2) I904, James M. Gilbert (No. 262) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. 577. OLIN RAYMOND HOWE Son of No. 4574 Born I Oct. I858 at Spencer, N . Y. Student from Fabius, N. Y., I878-82. A.B. A.M. I885. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Pastor at Oneida Lake, N. Y., I882-3; Delphi and Oran, N.Y., I883-4; New Hope and Kelloggsville, N.Y., I884--6. Later was Congregational minister. Married 20 Nov. I888, Lena Dana of Owego, N.Y. Children-FISKE DANA, born 2 Oct. I890. DoUGLAS BRIGDON, born I6 Jan. I892. OLIN RAYMOND, ]R., born 30 Sept. I894· GLADYS HILDRUP, born 23 Sept. I8~6. LORENS, born 24 Dec. I898. RoBERT, born 29 May I903. Last known address, Stoneham, Mass. 578. OSCAR CURTIS KENYON (or KINYON) Born 20 Jan. I86I at Onondaga, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., I878-82. fl. K E. A.B. A.M. I888. Engaged as Subscription Book Agent, Syracuse, N. Y., I882-3. Clerk in bookstore, Syracuse, N. Y., I883-5. Principal Union School, Painted Post, N.Y., I885-7. Principal Academy, Port Jervis, N.Y., I887-8. Teacher of Physics, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., since I888, except one year spent in study. Traveled in Europe, summer of I886. Has been influential in establishing a Manual Training Course in the Syracuse High School. Has published "Quantitative Exercises in Physics," I894· President N. Y. State Science Teachers Assoc., I908. Married 30 June I 892, Frances A. Howell of Port ] ervis, N. Y. Children-BRADFORD HowELL, born 2 May I893. LEONARD CURTIS, born 25 Nov. I895· FRANCES MARY, born 9 Feb. I903. ALICE GARDINER, born I6 July I907. Residence, 110 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 579· WILLIAM COPEMAN KITCHIN Born 7 Sept. 1855 at St. George, Ontario. Student from Oxford, Mich., 1879-82. fl. 1. A.B. A.M. 1884 (Philosophy). Ph.D. 1885 (Eng. Lit.) 1882 ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 685 Entered . the missionary service of the Meth. Epis. church immediately after graduation. Principal of Cobleigh Seminary, Nagasaki, Japan, 1882-5. Professor of Engli!>h Language and Literature in the Keio-Gi-Jiku, a large. Japanese ·College at Tokyo, 1885-;6. ProfesSor of English Language and Literature in the Tokyo Anglo-Japanese University, 1886-8. Student at Harvard University, 1888--92. Instructor in English and History, Boston University, 1889--l)I. Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, University of Vermont, 1892-4. Professor of Romance Languages in same, r89419W. In business, 1900-<). · Retired from business to resume literary, 1909. Has contributed many serial artd. other articles to various religious- and. secular papers, including the Independent and all the church papers of the Meth. Epis. church, and a series in the Japan Mail entitled "Th~: Christian Rebellion in 1637," being the result of original researches into the history of Christianity in Japan in the r6th and 17th centuries. Was the correspondent from Japai:J. of the San Francisco Daily Bulletin. Is author of several works in the Japanese language including "A Manual of Comparative Philology," r884-5; "The Resurrection of Christ Critically Considered," 1885; "Ethics on the Basis of Christian Ideas," r886; "The Christian Religion and Modern Scienee," 1886; "Six Reasons why Japanese Students Ought to Study the Bible," 1886; "History of the English Language," Tokyo, Japan; r887; · Masterpieces of English Prose," 4 vols., Tokyo, Japan, 1888--9. .Also "Paoli," an historical novel of Japan in the 17th century, 1890; "Story of Sodom," 1891. Has translated into the Japanese language, Bowne's "Difficulties of Materialism," and Strong's "Gospel Harmony." Has completed "The Battle of the Natives," the first of a series of projected Biblical novels, dealing with heroes and crises of Old and New Testament times. Presided at the first district conference in the history of Japanese Methodism, June r885. Married 23 June 1882, Fanny Carlotta Furbeck (see Non-graduates) of Collamer, N.Y. Children-EDITH CARLOTTA, born 28 July 1883. (See Non-graduates.) EsMOND FURBECK, born 29 July 1884. HoWARD WILLIAM, born 7 Feb. 1887; (See Non-graduates.) BERNARD LEE, born 27 June 1891. (See Non-graduates.) LOWELL COPEMAN, born 22 May 1900. Residence, Schenectady, N . Y. 580. NICHOLAS KNIGHT Born 2 Apri1186r at Mexico, N.Y. Student from Mexico, 1878-82. ~ r. A.B. A.M. r885. A.M. and Ph.D. 1888 (Geology.) Teacher of Natural Science at Cazenovia Seminary, Ca~enovia, N. Y., 1882--92. Graduate student of Chemistry at Strassburg, Germany, 1892-4, arid at Johns Hopkins University, 1894-5 and 1898--<). Professor of Chemistry at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va., 1895--9; Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Ia., since 1899. Traveled in Europe in summers of 1889 and 1891. ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 686 I882 Member of the Iowa Academy of Science, American Chemical Sodety and Deutschen Chern. Gesellschaft. Pres. Iowa Sec. Am. Chern. Soc., I908-9. Member of committee of five Iowa chemists on pure food. Has published "The Production of certain Oxylactones," in the Berichte der deutschen Chemischen Gesellshaft, Berlin, I894; "The Constitution of Benzanilid," in A mer. Chem. Jour., I897; "The Absorption of Water by Ammonia under various Conditions," a pamphlet; "Quantitative Analysis," A. S. Barnes &Co., 1899; "Notes on Blow-Pipe Analysis," Mt. Vernon, Ia., I905; "Chemical Arithmetic"; also about fifty papers on chemical subjects published in American, English and German journals. Married 11 Aug. I887, Anna M. Andas :>f Oneida, N.Y. Children-HAROLD ANDAS, born 4 Nov. 1890. DONALD M., born 24 Jan. 1900. Residence, Mount Vernon, Ia. 581. EDWARD F. LAKE Born 28 April I86o at Brownville, Neb. Student from Tully, N.Y., 188o-2. M.D. Physician at Fabius, N.Y., 1882-3; Manlius, N.Y., 1883-6; Tully, N.Y., 1886-7; Central City, Col., 1887---95; Denver, Col., since I895· County Supt. of Schools for Gilpin Co., Col., 1889, 1892, and 1893. Coroner of Gilpin Co, 1894. Instructor in Principles and Practice of Surgery in Gross Med. College, Denver, Col. Surgeo,n to the Herman Strauss Free Clinic, Denver. Mem. Col. State Med. Society. Married 29 June r882, Elizabeth Tily of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-ALFRED TILY, born 23 Mar. 1883. WINONA E., born 7 Jan. 1894; died I4 July 1894. Residence, Denver, Col. 1879-82. B.C.E. JOSHUA BATES LARNED (See No. 432.) 582. *GEORGE PECK LOOMIS Born 1 May 1859 at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Student from Wilkes-Barre, 187882. 'Y 1. A.B. A.M. 1885. Admitted to the bar at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Died 6 Nov. 1905 at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 583. SILAS DAY LOUGHMILLER Born 30 Nov. 1858 at Martinsville, Ind. Student from New Albany, Ind., 1878-82. B.Ar. In office of Henry Walters, architect, Louisville, Ky., 1883-4. With Swartzman and Buchman, New York city, 1884. Member of firm of Loughmiller Bros., Hardware Merchants, New Albany, Ind., 1884---95· Salesman for Hildebrand Hardware Co. of Indianapolis, Ind., 1895---9. Manager of
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