February New Release
February New Release
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BROTO EDUARD SCHMAL PETER YANLI WANG BOSSHARD, KURATH, Schiffer Publishing FIRM PB/ $49.99 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Prestel HB/ $80.00 Guangzhou Tangart HB/ $220.00 Niggli Verlag PB/ $99.00 9HSKHQE*deggee+ 9HSSELF*ejcibi+ 9HSNHTB*dfeaac+ 9HSTISB*cihgbi+ 9HSNHMB*caidag+ High-Rise City Hotels: Architecture and Le Labo des Heritiers: Frankfurt: Buildings Design Bakker, Scarpa, Van and Visions Since 1945 Severen and Light in Landscape and Living with Wood Architecture SCHMAL PETER BROTO CRALES POK MARIE, WENES KRAUEL JACOBO EDITORS Prestel HB/ $130.00 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Luster Publishing HB/ $120.00 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Frechmann Kolon HB/ $34.99 9HSNHTB*dfdgda+ 9HSSELF*ejcidc+ 9HSTEQA*fibdgg+ 9HSSELF*ejcecj+ 9HSNIQE*ahcijf+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 2 ARCHITECTURE Mini Houses Modern Country Homes New Designs in Kindergartens New Energies: Land Art New Trends in Micro Generator Initiative, Architecture Copenhagen EDITORS EDITORS KOTNIK JURE MONOIAN ELIZABETH KOTTAS DIMITRIS Frechmann Kolon PB/ $24.99 Frechmann Kolon HB/ $34.99 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Prestel HB/ $130.00 Links Books HB/ $59.99 9HSNIQE*ahdgje+ 9HSNIQE*ahcjfg+ 9HSSELF*ejciej+ 9HSNHTB*dfdgjc+ 9HSSELF*ejcehe+ ART Noble Houses of Scotland Prefab Architecture Student Residences Sustainable Houses Askew WEMYSS CHARLES EDITORS BROTO XAVIER KRAUEL JACOBO STUSSI RUDOLF Prestel HB/ $145.00 Frechmann Kolon HB/ $34.99 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Links Books HB/ $99.00 Nicolai HB/ $125.00 9HSNHTB*dehgcc+ 9HSNIQE*ahccfd+ 9HSSELF*ejchhb+ 9HSSELF*ejcicf+ 9HSNITE*hjihfi+ Bright Lights in the Dark Ages Bue. The Warrior Charles Rennie Mackintosh Drawing Perspective: Step by Step Entropy ADAMS DEBRA BUE THE WARRIOR KERR GORDON EDITORS VHILS (ALEXANDRE Giles HB/ $130.00 Lannoo HB/ $115.00 Flame Tree Publishing HB/ $34.99 Frechmann Kolon PB/ $12.99 Editions Gallimard HB/ $80.00 9HSLJKH*iaecfa+ 9HSTEKB*ecacfj+ 9HSLHSD*gbcahj+ 9HSNIQE*ahefgb+ 9HSMARC*fhabjd+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 3 ART Great Golden Age Book: Dutch Paintings Jacques-Emile Blanche Japanese Woodblocks John Byrne: Sitting Ducks Lazar Khidekel and Suprematism GILTAIJ JEROEN ROBERTS JANE ROBINSON MICHAEL BYRNE JOHN, BROWN PODDAR SANDHINI WBooks HB/ $130.00 Gourcuff Gradenigo HB/ $145.00 Flame Tree Publishing HB/ $34.99 Nat Galleries of Scotland PB/ $42.99 Prestel HB/ $175.00 9HSTEQC*fiachf+ 9HSMDPD*eabcjb+ 9HSLHSD*gbcbcd+ 9HSLJKG*chaich+ 9HSNHTB*dejgii+ Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Manga Step by Step Masterpieces of Picturing Mary: Woman, Pitt Rivers Museum Japanese Art: Cincinati Mother, Idea Art Museum BECKWITH, GRAU, EDITORS SUNG, HOU-MEI VERDON, KATZ, RUBIN, O'HANLON MICHAEL Prestel HB/ $95.00 Frechmann Kolon PB/ $24.99 Giles HB/ $75.00 Scala Publishers HB/ $95.00 Scala Publishers PB/ $54.99 9HSNHTB*dejghb+ 9HSNIQE*aheaia+ 9HSLJKH*iaebjj+ 9HSLIPH*fjijfh+ 9HSLIPH*fjjbbe+ Reading Revolutionaries Sea Battles in the Dutch Terry Adkins: Recital Golden Age Three Mona Lisas Two Roberts: Robert Colquhoun and Robert MacBryde SPARAGANA JOHN AND KLOEK WOUTER AND BERRY IAN HATFIELD RAB BRISTOW, ELLIOTT, Benteli Verlag PB/ $59.99 Prestel HB/ $115.00 Officina Libraria HB/ $80.00 Nat Galleries of Scotland PB/ $49.99 WBooks HB/ $65.00 9HSNHLG*fbibdh+ 9HSTEQC*fiacjj+ 9HSNHTB*dfchfg+ 9HSSITH*hdhdjb+ 9HSLJKG*chahec+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 4 ART William Beckman: Drawings, 1967-2013 William Merritt Chase: A William Morris Life in Art World is an Apple: The Still Lifes of Paul Cezanne Worlds Greatest Art: Turner, Whistler, Monet BUTLER, CHARLES T LONGWELL, ALICIA G ROBINSON, MICHAEL LECA BENEDICT PICKERAL, TAMSIN Giles HB/ $49.99 Giles HB/ $49.99 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RYLANT CYNTHIA RYLANT CYNTHIA NorthSouth Books HB/ $24.99 HMH Books PB/ $9.99 Words Childrens PB/ $6.95 Houghton Mifflin PB/ $9.99 Harcourt Children's HB/ $19.99 9HSKHNF*iebhde+ 9HSKFOE*ddjbih+ 9HSLIOA*ccbgjf+ 9HSKFOE*debbfj+ 9HSKBPC*agagdd+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 9 CHILDREN'S Mr. Squirrel and the Moon Muddle and Match: Jungle Animals My Extreme Machines School Planner One More Egg Outside MESCHENMOSER BROOK-PIPER HOLLY MASSEY, KAY BERG SARAH GILL DEIRDRE NorthSouth Books HB/ $24.99 Autumn Publishing BO/ $14.99 Autumn Publishing BX/ $14.99 NorthSouth Books BO/ $9.99 HMH Books HB/ $24.99 9HSKHNF*iebfgh+ 9HSLHSC*jgeafg+ 9HSLHSC*jgbbeh+ 9HSKHNF*iccibi+ 9HSKFOH*jbagfj+ Peter Pan Phoenix and the Carpet Pinocchio Pretty Princess: Words Puck of Pook's Hill ROSSI FRANCESCA NESBIT E ROSSI FRANCESCA DANIELS GAIL KIPLING RUDYARD Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 Words Childrens PB/ $6.95 Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 Award BO/ $9.99 Words Childrens PB/ $6.95 9HSSIPE*eaigda+ 9HSLIPD*cgbffi+ 9HSSIPE*eaigcd+ 9HSLJKJ*hgdbgg+ 9HSLIPD*cgbdib+ Railway Children Rainbow Fish Finds His Way Rapunzel Skateboarding Skills: Sleeping Beauty Everything a New Rider Needs to Know NESBIT E PFISTER MARCUS ROSSI FRANCESCA STUTT RYAN ROSSI FRANCESCA Words Childrens PB/ $6.95 NorthSouth Books HB/ $21.99 Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 Firefly Books PB/ $19.99 Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 9HSLIPD*cgbahh+ 9HSKHNF*icaief+ 9HSSIPE*eaigif+ 9HSLHRA*ifcjcb+ 9HSSIPE*eaigaj+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 10 CHILDREN'S Small Blue and the Deep Dark Night Snow White Stars of the World Cup Tales for Very Picky Eaters Tempestuous: A Twisted Lit Novel DAVIS JON ROSSI FRANCESCA JOKULSSON ILLUGI SCHNEIDER JOSH ASKEW KIM AND HMH Books HB/ $24.99 Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 Abbeville Press HB/ $22.99 Houghton Mifflin PB/ $9.99 Merit Press PB/ $14.99 9HSKFOE*bgeggg+ 9HSSIPE*eaifhj+ 9HSKHSJ*cbcbbf+ 9HSKFOE*ddjbej+ 9HSLEOA*ficidh+ Toddler's Big Book of Everything Unlovely What Katy Did at School / Winter Bees and Other What Katy Did Next Poems of the Cold Wizard of Oz PICTHALL CHEZ CONWAY CELESTE COOLIDGE SUSAN SIDMAN JOYCE ROSSI FRANCESCA Picthall and Gunzi HB/ $19.99 Merit Press HB/ $26.99 Words Childrens PB/ $6.95 Houghton Mifflin HB/ $24.99 Edizioni White Star HB/ $12.99 9HSLJKH*gaeaeb+ 9HSLEOA*fichja+ 9HSLIOA*ccedhf+ 9HSKFOH*jagfai+ 9HSSIPE*eaiggb+ CRAFT / DIY Wonderment: The Lisbeth Zwerger Collection Zoo Babies: Teach Your Hooking Animals: How Mariner's Compass Toddler Tab Books to Bring Animals to Life Quilts: Solid and Split in Wool Rugs Point Patterns Outdoor Carpentry: Make it Yourself ZWERGER LISBETH GUNZI CHRISTIANE CARTER JUDY SIMMS CYNTHIA ANNA JEPPSSON, NorthSouth Books HB/ $39.99 Picthall and Gunzi BO/ $9.99 Stackpole Books PB/ $49.99 Schiffer Publishing FIRM PB/ $29.99 Schiffer Publishing FIRM HB/ $49.99 9HSKHNF*iebihb+ 9HSLJKJ*hgdbhd+ 9HSLISB*jicjdh+ 9HSKHQE*defcfi+ 9HSKHQE*deeded+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 11 CRAFT / DIY CULTURE DESIGN Paper Only Encyclopedia of Native Ethiopian Highlands Tribes of North America 360° Industrial Design: Color Matching: Using Fundamentals of Color in Graphic Design Analytic Product Design HEAFFORD CLAIRE JOHNSON MICHAEL MANOLA LIZY EMAMI ARMAN SHAOQIANG WANG Page One Publishing PB/ $36.99 Firefly Books HB/ $54.99 Assouline SL/ $420.00 Niggli Verlag HB/ $95.00 Page One Publishing HB/ $90.00 9HSTILC*hfegjb+ 9HSLHRA*ifegbb+ 9HSLGLE*cicjgj+ 9HSNHMB*cajbfa+ 9HSTILE*fcdedb+ Detail in Typography Ecodesign: Ecofriendly Event Design Objects for Everyday Use Impossible Collection of Impossible Collection of Design * Watches * HOCHULI JOST BARBERO, COZZA & HUO RUILI CHAMBRE FREDERIC FOULKES NICHOLAS Niggli Verlag PB/ $49.99 h.f.ullmann FL/ $24.99 Designerbooks HB/ $175.00 Assouline Special LE/ $999.00 Assouline Special LE/ $999.00 9HSNHMB*cajchd+ 9HSNIND*bgdahe+ 9HSTISB*ccdceb+ 9HSLGLE*cicjah+ 9HSLGLE*cicbaf+ In Plain Sight Infographics: Designing Kolenik: Eco Chic and Visualizing Data Design Muller Van Severen: Book Printmakers' Art WIDMER, KEMBLE AND SHAOQIANG WANG KOLENIK ROBERT FRASER MAX AND BROCKLEHURST Giles HB/ $90.00 Page One Publishing HB/ $90.00 Lannoo HB/ $190.00 Luster Publishing PB/ $95.00 Nat Galleries of Scotland HB/ $42.99 9HSLJKH*iaeddf+ 9HSTILE*fcdece+ 9HSTASJ*ijgbdb+ 9HSTEQA*fibddf+ 9HSLJKG*chahfj+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 12 DESIGN FASHION FLORISTRY Scandinavian Designers Sevan Bicakci at Work Fashion Illustration Step by Step What We Wore: A People's History of British Style Araik Galstyan: Festive Floral Designs DURME JESSY VAN BECKER VIVIENNE EDITORS MANANDHAR NINA GALSTYAN ARAIK Luster Publishing HB/ $95.00 Assouline SL/ $280.00 Frechmann Kolon PB/ $24.99 Prestel HB/ $65.00 Stichting Kunstboek HB/ $105.00 9HSTEQA*fibdci+ 9HSLGLE*cibjce+ 9HSNIQE*aheahd+ 9HSNHTB*deijii+ 9HSTAPI*fgejhj+ FOOD & DRINK Constructed Bouquets Exploring Ikebana Flowers in Love 4 1,000 Spanish Recipes 201 Organic Baby and Toddler Meals DUPRE, GOTTLE, BEUNEN ILSE BERGHE MONIEK CASAS PENELOPE GARDNER TAMIKA L. Stichting Kunstboek HB/ $80.00 Stichting Kunstboek PB/ $80.00 Stichting Kunstboek HB/ $80.00 Houghton Mifflin HB/ $49.99 Adams Media PB/ $26.99 9HSTAPI*fgfabd+ 9HSTAPI*fgfaee+ 9HSTAPI*fgfaag+ 9HSKERA*bgejja+ 9HSLEOA*fibgbi+ Baking: Quick and Easy, Proven Recipes Beer Sommelier: A Journey through the Culture of Beer Best of Bridge Holiday Classics: 225 Recipes for Special Occasions Breads and Baking: Quick and Easy NC Caribbean Cooking STEER GINA FONTANA PIETRO BEST OF BRIDGE STEER GINA DE LA BEDOYERE, C Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 Edizioni White Star HB/ $90.00 Robert Rose Publishers SP/ $34.99 Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 9HSLHSD*gbdabe+ 9HSSIPE*eajabj+ 9HSKHRI*iaeihb+ 9HSLIOH*igbiab+ 9HSLHSD*gbceee+ 0215 * FIRM SALE 13 FOOD & DRINK Chocolate Cupcakes and Muffins: Delicious Drinks: Quick Diabetes Meals by the Quick and Easy Proven and Easy Proven Plate Recipes Recipes Everything Naturally Sugar-Free Cookbook STEER GINA STEER GINA STEER GINA DIABETIC LIVING FORSYTH ANNIE, HOLLY Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 Flame Tree Publishing PB/ $24.99 HMH Books PB/ $29.99 Adams Media PB/ $29.99 9HSKIPH*hfijba+ 9HSLIOH*igjdii+ 9HSLIOH*igjebi+ 9HSKFOE*dacbdg+ 9HSLEOA*fideid+ Everything Weeknight Gluten-Free Cookbook Everything Wine Book (3rd Edition) GALLAM CLAIRE Adams Media PB/ $29.99 Healthy Salads Hot and Cheesy How To Cook: Ingredients, Techniques, Recipes DIGIUSEPPE MARCELLO STEER GINA WRIGHT CLIFFORD A. 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