April 25 - 27, 2014 Eau Claire, WI
April 25 - 27, 2014 Eau Claire, WI
Welcome Welcome! Geek.kon 2013 Program Book Credits Editor: Rosanna Caponi Illustrations: Cheri Fakes Geek.Kon 2013 Program Book © 2013 by Geek.Kon, Inc. All rights reserved. The Geek.Kon logo is the property of Geek.Kon, Inc. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written consent of Geek.Kon, Inc. Table of Contents Letter From the Chairman..............................4 Hours of Operation.............................................. 5 Convention Rules....................................................6 - 7 Convention Operations....................................... 8 - 9 Guests of Honor..................................................... 11 - 15 Charity Events........................................................ 17 Main Events..................................................................18 - 20 Viewing Events...........................................................21 Gaming Events............................................................22 - 23 Video Gaming................................................................ 25 - 26 LAN Gaming.....................................................................27 Table Top Gaming.................................................... 28 - 34 Schedules...................................................................36 - 38 Programming............................................................... 39 - 50 Viewings.......................................................................... 52 - 61 Vendors/Artists................................................... 62 - 63 Geek.Kon Staff......................................................... 65 - 66 Thank Yous.................................................................. 67 Quotes........................................................................... 67 Convention Map..............................................back cover 3 Letter from the chairman Greetings and be Welcome to Geek.Kon 2013! We here at Geek.Kon Labs have carefully formulated three days of Geek Goodness so we can all Grock Geekness FOR SCIENCE!!! Why FOR SCIENCE!!! you ask? Is it the longing for jet packs? Is it the wanting to build our own giant robots? Is it so we could shamelessly invite an astronaut? Well yes and no. Science is all around us. It permeates how we live our lives, how we communicate, how we interact and even how we get more games and shows. It is the edge of the frontier we can explore, and I am about to geek out about science, so I will end this paragraph. Our convention is about all things geeky. It is a way to give us as staff a little more of a focus, plus it works so well for Posters! If you have read this far and are now saying to yourself “self, I did not see one event on Logan’s Run. I want to know how to LARP that.” Then we want you to help make that possible next year. Come talk to us about it at the end of the convention. In short we are FOR SCIENCE!!! because Science is for us. “AJ” Jonathan H. Bolte Geek.Kon Chairman 2013 4 hours of operation Convention Hours Friday, 10:00AM - Sunday 6:00PM Opening Ceremonies Friday, 5:00PM, Wisconsin Room Closing Ceremonies Sunday, 3:00PM, Wisconsin Room Registration Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 10:00AM - 9:00PM 8:00AM - 7:00PM 8:00AM - 2:00PM Vendors/Artist Alley Michigan Room Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 3:00PM - 9:00PM 10:00AM - 7:00PM 10:00AM - 4:00PM Con Ops/Volunteers Middleton Board Room Friday, 10:00AM - Sunday, 6:00PM Viewing Rooms Programming Rooms Main Programming Wisconsin Room Friday, 1:00PM - Sunday, 6:00PM Panels Mendota Room Friday: 2:00PM - Sunday, 3:00PM Geneva Room Friday: 3:00PM - Sunday 3:00PM La Cross Room Friday: 3:00PM - Sunday 3:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Rooms Friday: 3:00PM - Sunday 3:00PM Boffer Salon F, Salon G, Salon H Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 12:00PM - 5:30PM 6:00AM - midnight 6:00AM - 12:00PM Table Top Gaming Salon D, Salon E Friday, 10:00AM - Sunday, 4:00PM Salon A, Salon B, Salon C Friday, 12:00PM - Sunday 4:30PM Video Gaming Masquerade LAN Gaming Wisconsin Room Saturday 7:00PM Registration Registration Table Superior Room Friday, 10:00AM - Sunday 4:00PM Greenway Room Friday, 10:00AM - Sunday, 4:00PM Friday: Saturday: 3:00PM - 9:00PM 8:00AM - 11:00AM Saturday: 12:00PM Saturday: 1:00PM - 9:00PM Geek Club Adventures Saturday: 6:45PM Friday: Saturday: Sunday: OrientationGeneva Room GreenRoom Geneva Room Kon. Quest Monona Room Friday: Saturday: Audience Seating Wisconsin Room Monona Room 6:30PM - 11:00PM 10:00AM - 10:00PM 1:00PM - 8:00PM 10:00AM - 8:00PM 10:00AM - 4:00PM 5 Convention rules General Conduct and Hotel Rules Please note that Security and Staff have the final say in the intepretation of these rules and on all safety and security issues. This means if it’s not posted here and they say it is, it’s the truth. 1. 2. 3. 4. All applicable laws apply. If something is illegal, don’t do it. No smoking within the hotel. No open containers of alcohol outside the restaurant, serving areas or hotel rooms. Anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a guardian or have an over 18 sponsor. 5. Animals are permitted on the convention grounds, but please be considerate and responsible. For animals staying in hotel rooms, please consult the Marriott. 6. We have disproven the existence of Rule 6. 7. Badges must be displayed prominently at all times within the convention premises, except for viewing rooms. Replacement badges will be issued at the registration window for the cost of an on-site registration fee. 8. Please respect the staff and volunteers who check badges/IDs, and show them yours when asked. 9. Absolutely NO sleeping in public areas or event space is allowed. Please sleep in a hotel room. 10. Please do not block hallways. If staff or security asks you to move, please do so. 11. Please place all trash and recyclables in the appropriate bins. 12. The hotel staff works hard, so please treat them and the hotel property with respect. 13. No unauthorized sales on convention grounds. 14. Please try to keep the volume down in the late hours in the Atrium and hotel room areas. 15. No posters may be applied along walls in the Atrium area beginning from the Security Bridge. All posters must be applied using blue painter’s tape. The staff has the right to remove any and all inappropriate posters. 16. All lost-and-found items should be brought to the staff room (Middleton). 17. In the event of a medical emergency, please dial 911 and notify Security. For minor medical needs or first aid contact Security. 18. Mock and stage combat are not allowed on the premises outside of the boffer room, panel rooms and masquerade, and only with approval from staff and security. Actual combat is right out! 19. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Geek.Kon reserves the right to revoke your badge at any time for any reason, without refund, and escort you off the premises. The convention chairman and floor manager have the final say on this matter. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to: fighting, harassment, damaging or misusing convention/hotel property, stealing and causing injury or harm to another person or yourself. 20.Please obey all instructions from staff and security. 6 convention Rules Costuming Rules 1. No costume will be allowed that exposes the wearer in an inappopriate fashion. Madison rules and laws governing indecent exposure will be followed and any violators will be ejected from the convention and subject to arrest, penalties and fines as per city, state and federal law. No clothing is NOT a costume. 2. No mock fighting or sparring on the convention premises. 3. No real bladed weapons may be carried on the convention premises. 4. No working projectile weapons. This includes Airsoft and Nerf guns. All bows must be unstrung. 5. All other weapon props must be checked by convention security and tagged as checked before they may be carried for the rest of the convention. 6. No props larger than 5 feet long may be carried in the halls. Your prop can temporarily expand to larger than 5 feet for photography purposes, but must collapse down to 5 feet or less. 7. Convention staff and security reserves the right to peace-bind or make safe any spike or sharp edges they deem dangerous. Harassment Policy Geek.Kon has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards harassment of any kind. We are all here to have fun and staff/security will not allow harassing conduct from anyone on the convention premises. Don’t be that person who gets their name spread across the Internet for being a jerk at a con. Harassing conduct can take many forms and includes, but is not limited to: slurs, jokes, statements, gestures, pictures or cartoons regarding a person’s race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. In particular, sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: • Unwelcome sexual advances or request for sexual favors or acts • Unwanted touching or intimacy • Insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct • Verbal abuse of a sexual nature • Taking purposefully vulgar or sexual pictures of anyone without their consent. In all cases consent will be considered an affirmative or “yes” answer to a clearly posed question or inquiry. Costumes are not consent. Presence is not consent. Lack of “no” is not consent. Safe Zones Geek.Kon has several safe zones set up around the convention at areas with staff presence 24/7. If you feel you have been a victim of any kind of harassment please inform a safe zone staff member. The safe zones are labeled on all convention maps. 7 Convention Operations Registration Registration is located at the window near the main conference center, across from the Geneva Room. On-site Registration Cost Registration Hours Friday: 10:00AM - 9:00PM Saturday: 8:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM - 2:00PM Weekend:$35 Friday: $20 Saturday: $25 Sunday: $20 Age 6-12:$20 weekend pass when accompanied by an adult Age 0-5: Free when accompanied by an adult Geek.Kon Staff The occasional insane cackling you may hear from the Middleton Board Room likely comes from the mad scientists who bring Geek.Kon to life every year. The staff room is open throughout the convention and we are always available to answer all of your questions. The room also hosts the lost & found and the volunteers department. Volunteering Do you love Geek.Kon? Do you want to do your part to make it a success? Do you want a free t-shirt or even a free weekend badge?! We need volunteers to help us run the convention smoothly. If you’re interested, stop by the staff room or sneak into one of our scheduled Volunteer Orientation meetings to learn how you can help! Social Media Voluneer Orientations Middleton Room Thursday: 7:00PM Friday: 11:00AM Friday: 7:00PM Saturday: 11:00AM Stay in touch with Geek.Kon year round! Follow @GeekKon on Twitter to keep up with all the latest news regarding our convention, including guest announcements, 2014 registration information and panel submissions. You can also Like our Facebook page by scanning this big friendly QR Code. 8 Convention Operations Online Program book Like knowing what’s going on? Have a smart phone, tablet or other mobile Internet device? The program book in all its glory is available online at www.geekkon2013.sched.org Or view the schedule on your smartphone using the QR code to the right. Ambassador alley Geek.Kon may only happen one weekend a year, but thankfully there are other conventions happening all the time. Come to the Ambassador Alley outside the Vendor Room to meet representatives of some of these conventions and learn about the fun times that can be had throughout the year! Autograph Sessions There will be several autograph sessions throughout the weekend for our guests in the Atrium. See the guest section for session times. Signings will be on a first come, first serve basis. Attendees will be allowed a maximum of two signed items per guests. Guests reserve the right to refuse to sign any item at their discretion. Please keep discussion with the guests to a minimum for the courtesy of everyone in line behind you. What do you think? Geek.Kon always wants to know what you thought of the convention, what you enjoy most, and what we can do to improve. Your suggestions have led to several new events and improved operations of existing ones. There are three ways to leave your feedback! First, paper surveys will be available in the staff room and following Closing Ceremonies. You may find staff members roaming the hallways and passing them out as well. Please be honest and thorough. Second, attend our Post Con Q&A session following Closing Ceremonies to talk to staff members and leave feedback. Finally, check our website after the convention for a link to our online survey! 9 Guests of Honor Bill Bodden Bill Boden is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in RPGs such as Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Leverage, Wild Cards/Mutants & Masterminds, and Achtung! Cthulhu. Short fiction credits include “A Quiet House in the Country” in Haunted: Eleven Tales of Ghostly Horror by Flames Rising Press, and “In the Shadow of His Glory” in Sidekicks! by Alliteration Ink. His occasional reviews can be found on FlamesRising.com, and he blogs about writing and pop culture on Goodreads.com Tim Buckley By day, an aloof, billionaire, philanthropist, gamer playboy. However, when night falls and the city’s villainous element comes out to play, he dons a cape and cowl and valiantly... sits in his office drawing cartoons! For the Internet. For the last ten years, he has been the author and artist of Ctrl + Alt + Del, a comic strip about video games and the gamers that play them, as well as an animated series by the same name. Bridget Landry Bridget Landry was educated as a chemist and planetary scientist, trained as an engineer, and has worked in spacecraft operations at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena for more than 20 years. Most of her career has been in what is known as sequencing. She has worked on the Hubble Space Telescope, the joint US-French oceanographic Earth-orbiter Topex, the (wildly successful!) Mars Pathfinder project, the Cassini mission to Saturn and the Dawn mission to the main asteroid belt. Ms. Landry is currently a team member of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, where she supports the orbiter’s mission and relay for both currently functioning Mars rovers, Opportunity and Curiosity. Ms. Landry takes great interest in the advancement of women in technical fields. In her technical hat, she has been on the science-related panels at WorldCons, local, and regional conventions and has been a Science Guest of Honor at several regional cons as well as participating in outreach activities outside the fannish community,. With the other side of her brain, Ms. Landry is a Master level costumer with a twisted sense of humor (google “Strauss Waltz Assault Team”) and a fondness for ST:TOS. She has won Masquerade awards from the loacl to WorldCon level. 11 Guests of Honor Matt M. McElroy Matt M. McElroy is the Director of Marketing for DriveThruRPG.com, DriveThruComics.com, and other related sites. Here, he works with companies like White Wolf Publishing, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight Games and many more to deliver RPGs, comics and genre fiction fans around the world. A long-time horror, dark fantasy and dark science fiction fan, he is also the owner of Flames Rising Press which publishes the type of fiction and games he loves. Haunted: 11 Tales of Ghostly Horror, an award winning Anthology, is Flames Rising’s most popular book in its current catalog. Matt occasionally dabbles in freelance writing and editing in the role-playing game industry. Currently, he is working on supplements for Vampire: the Masquerade and Hunter: the Vigil. John Jackson Miller Wisconsin author John Jackson Miller has written many media-related novels, graphic novels, and games. He is the author of three Star Wars novels from Del Rey including the national bestseller Star Wars: Knight Errant and the just released Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith; his hardcover novel Star Wars: Kenobi, focusing on the early days of ObiWan’s exile on Tatooine, releases in September. He has also written more than a dozen graphic novels for Dark Horse, including three Knight Errant comics volumes, ten Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic volumes, and for 2013, a Lost Tribe of the Sith comics volume. He also writes for Bart Simpson for Bongo Comics, and has written three Mass Effect comics volumes. With a master’s in comparative politics from Louisiana State University, he’s sought to play on international and political elements in his fiction and games. His other comics work includes titles such as Marvel Comics’ Iron Man and Crimson Dynamo, and he also wrote the comics adaptation of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. His fiction website is www.farawaypress.com. In non-fiction, his research specialties include studies into comic-book circulation history, which in 2002 spawned the first of four Standard Catalog of Comic Books volumes. He has also edited magazines including Comics Buyer’s Guide, Comics & Games Retailer, and Scrye: The Guide to Collectible Card Games, serving also as Collectibles Editorial Director and later, Interactive Media Editorial Director for F+W Publications. Since that time, he has continued his research interests on his website, The Comics Chronicles, where he maintains the world’s largest database of comic-book sales figures. He has been interviewed by CNN, NPR, Wisconsin Public Radio, and many major newspapers and magazines. 12 Guests of Honor Chris Patton Chris Patton has been Voice Acting in Anime for fourteen years for ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks, Okratron 5000, and FUNimation Entertainment. Some of his many roles have included Kaoru in Kids on the Slope, Asura in Soul Eater, Keima in The World God Only Knows, Sousuke Sagara in Full Metal Panic, Gammon in Phi Brain: Puzzle of God, Soshi in Inu X Boku SS, Greed in Fullmetal Alchemist, Ayato Kamina in RahXephon, Ikki in Air Gear, Haruka in Tactics, Graham Spector in Baccano, Turles in Dragonball Z: Tree of Might, Ichiro in Nerima Daikon Brothers, Sho in Guyver, Daley Wong in Bubblegum Crisis 2040, and many many more. Chris has also performed on stage since age nine, has narrated over fifty Audiobooks, has done a whole slew of commercials, a handful of video games, plus elearning, corporate narration, and so on. He has an amazing life partner named RAD, a Bengal cat named Jynx, and is a huge fan of Synthpop, Freddie Mercury, Sharon Needles, and Aleister Crowley. Autograph Sessions Atrium Saturday: Sunday: 3:00PM - 5:00PM 9:30AM - 11:00AM Aaron Pavao Aaron Pavao started his career in geekery as a child playing D&D with the babysitter, and sold his first game (Live Role-Playing Chess) as a teenager. Since then, he has been something of a Renaissance geek. He helped start and run the chronicle LARP Madision By Night. He has consulted with advertising agencies to create games for marketing campaigns. His most recent work includes the card game Let’s Kill and its expansions and contributions to nearly two dozen titles for the Shadowrun and Leverage role-playing games. In his day job, he is a high school Computer Science teacher who combines games with teaching in ongoing development the Multiplayer Classroom. 13 Guests of Honor Ryan Reynolds For more than a decade, anime has had a fan in Ryan Reynolds. Needless to say, when she got the opportunity to do some voice work at Funimation Entertainment it was like a dream come true for her. Ryan’s big break came when she was given the chance to voice Latvia in a little show called Hetalia - Axis Powers. Since then she has voiced such characters as Amarty in the second season of Spice & Wolf, the younger version of Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail, Toto Sakigami in Deadman Wonderland, Mikihisa in Level E, and Yoshiko Mikami in Baka & Test: Summon the Beasts. Along with voice acting, Ryan also works as a Graphic Designer for an advertising agency in Dallas, Texas. Autograph Sessions Atrium Saturday: Sunday: 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM David Salo David Salo is the author of A Gateway to Sindarin, a description of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Grey-elven language, and is a longtime student of all of Tolkien’s invented languages. He is the moderator of the Elfling mailing list on yahoogroups for the discussion of Tolkien’s languages and linguistic writings, and was the linguistic advisor for the Lord of the Rings films. He is currently doing language-related work on The Hobbit. Alexis Tipton Alexis Tipton has been a Voice Actor for FUNimation Entertainment since late 2008. She has been in over 40 titles and has voiced roles such as Julia Chrichton in Full Metal Alchemist: The Star of Milos, Yomi Isayama in Ga-Rei: Zero, Musubi in Sekirei, Sun Seto in My Bride is a Mermaid, Moka Akashiya in Rosario+Vampire, Yuki Saegusa in Dance in the Vampire Bund, Mizuki Himeji in Baka and Test, and many more both announced and unannounced. Alexis has also provided vocals for character songs and a few of FUNimation’s trailers. On top of voice work, Alexis has been an active cosplayer for the past eight years and has been featured in a handful of magazines as well as the book Cosplay in America. Autograph Sessions Atrium 14 Saturday: Sunday: 1:30PM - 3:00PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM Guests of Honor Monica Valentinelli Monica Valentinelli is an author and game designer who lurks in the dark. Her publications include non-fiction, original and tie-in fiction. Stories range from Redwing’s Gambit, a novella set in the universe of the Bulldogs! RPG, and “Tailfeather”; which debuted in Apexology: Science Fiction and Fantasy. In addition to her short stories, novellas, articles, and RPG contributions, Monica crafted one of the first enhanced e-books titled The Queen of Crows. In her spare time, she dons the role of project manager for horror and dark fantasy webzine, Flamesrising.com. By day, Monica dons the role of Marketing Director for Steve Jackson Games and Business Manager for illustrator and comic artist John Kovalic. Rob Wieland An author, blogger, pop culture writer and game designer that writes about pirates, gangsters, Jedi, dragons, zombies and whatever else pays. He is most well-known for his work on Firefly RPG, Star Wars Saga Edition, Shadowrun and CAMELOT Trigger. Other projects include work on Honor and Intrigue, Edge of Midnight, Hillfolk, Our Last Best Hope, 7th Sea/Swashbuckling Adventures, Night’s Black Agents and 13th Age. His online presence includes multiple game blogs, interviews and articles for The Onion AV Club. He lives in scenic Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife, who has many more skills useful for the zombie apocalypse. Anime & Gaming Convention Radisson Hotel 333 West College Avenue Appleton, WI 54911 Anime Boffer Arcade Room Tabletop Special Guests Manga Cafe Cosplay Cospl Dance Ramen Eating Contest Charity Events Charity Bucket Battles Mythbusters vs Muppet Labs? Mcoy vs Tony Tony Chopper? GLaDOS vs HAL? As geeks we all love a good debate. Put your money where your mouth is and support a great cause. This year to raise money for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin we are doing bucket battles. Each bucket will be one side of a debate. Whichever bucket has the most donations at the end of the day wins! The buckets will be in the main lobby. Be sure to check back because the battle changes every day! Masked Ball Salon F-H Friday 7:00PM - 10:00PM You are cordially invited to the gala event hosted by the Court of the Noble Gases. To be held this Friday, the 23rd of August at 7:00PM, in honor of our esteemed visitors from the Court of the Noble Metals. Formal wear is required to show proper respect to the visiting nobility. Your most gracious hostess, the Duchess Neon, asks that all attending make a small donation to help those less fortunate. A gift of a non-perishable food item or a small sum of $3 is recommended for the benefit of the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin. --------------Help wanted: Detectives to assist in the solving of a crime most foul! Pirates have plundered the Iron Coast on the Sea of Electrons! The stolen photons must be recovered! Any interested parties may inquire with Countess Copper and Sir Gold. Applicants must be available to attend a formal event held in the Court of the Noble Gases on 23rd August, 2013 at 7PM. May the justice of our good King Hydrogen be swift! Super Mario Brothers: Lost Levels Event Geneva Friday 10:00PM - Morning Come and play one of the most rage-inducing Mario games ever made. But this time, you can rage for charity. Every world beaten is a donation to the worthwhile Child’s Play Charity. 17 Main Events Rock Show Once again the Friday night Rock Show Friday: 9:00PM - midnight returns to rock your socks off! Musical guests have been a beloved part of Geek.Kon since our first year and this year is no different! Geek.kon is proud to welcome back Sparklefrak! for their second Geek.Kon appearance. Joining them this year, born from the ashes of The SKAmbies, will be the band known as Countergank! Sparklefrak Madison’s hip new murderpunk-murderband-you-can-play-for-the-kids. They make happy music about murder....and sometimes elephants....but mostly murder. Karaoke Green Bay/Milwaukee Rooms DJ Sarge of Highland Entertainment is back for a fourth year with karaoke at is finest! Don’t be shy, come show off your singing skills with the largest karaoke selection in the state. Or just kick back and listen to the classics we all know and love. Friday: 9:00PM - midnight Saturday: 9:00PM - 12:30AM Ultimate Werewolf La Crosse and Salon D/E Your quiet little Geek.Kon village has suddenly become infested with some very unfriendly werewolves...can you and the other villagers find them before they devour everyone? Friday: 9:00PM - morning Saturday: 9:00PM - morning Ultimate Werewolf is the ultimate party game for anywhere from 5 to 68+ players (with expansions) of all ages. Each player has an agenda: as a villager, hunt down the werewolves; as a werewolf, convince the other villagers that you’re innocent, while secretly dining on those same villagers each night. Dozens of special roles are available to help both the villagers and the werewolves achieve their goals while thwarting their opponents. 18 Main Events Fanfiction Contest La Crosse Returning for a second year is Geek.Kon’s Saturday: fanfiction contest. Attendees have been toiling away at their prose. Hear the winners and selections from some of the top entries! 11:00AM - 12:00PM Masquerade Wisconsin Room Saturday: 7:00PM - 9:00PM Geek.Kon’s costume contest and masquerade is one of the best in the Midwest! We are proud to welcome all genres of costumes from science fiction and anime to fantasy and historical. Come and show off your best! Or come and join us in the audience to see all of the fabulous costumes! For a full listing of Masquerade rules and skill-level requirements, please visit the Masquerade page on the Geek.Kon website. Masquerade Times and Locations Registration Registration Table Friday: Saturday: 3:00PM - 9:00PM 8:00AM - 11:00AM Saturday: 12:00PM Saturday: 1:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday: 6:45PM Orientation Geneva Room GreenRoom Geneva Room Audience Seating Wisconsin Room 19 Main Events Mixer Once again, Geek.Kon will close out Saturday with some purotechnics! Three DJs are lined up for you to dance throughout the night. Saturday: 10:00PM - 4:00AM DJ Kade DJ Kade has been sighted at a number of Midwest Anime conventions, including Anime Central, No Brand Con, Daisho Con(coming soon!) and Kitsune Kon, where he manages and hosts their annual at-con dance. When not DJ’ing, he assists other con raves with lights, setup and management whenever possible. But when behind the mixer, Kade shakes the floor with energetic and aggressive beats from all over the globe, and will be mixing many genres from Tech House to Trance, Hardstyle to Hardcore and more! Prepare your senses, DJ Kade will leave them tingling! Liquid86 Liquid touched his first turntable in his Sophomore year of high school WAY back in 1999 and quickly developed a taste for Trance and House. Liquid witnessed what many regard as the “death” of the original rave movement back in 2001 and upon attending college in the fall of 2002, all but gave up DJing. In 2007, Liquid attended his first Anime convention: NoBrand Con in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He attended their dance and for the first time in years saw that the rave and electronic movement had been reborn here. Over the next 4 years Liquid threw himself headlong back into DJing, turning it from a simple hobby, into a a full fledged business, spinning several geek events and shows all over the Midwest. Liquid is proud and honored to have worked with some of the most talented individuals in the Convention and Rave worlds to bring shows and dances to fans that they will never forget. DJ Fermi DJ Fermi (aka Alex Mahr) started DJ’ing in Bars in early 2010. Refusing to simply jukebox and hard cut the requests he would take, DJ Fermi prided himself on making every transition smooth. He has been the resident DJ of NoBrandCon since 2011. His primary influences are Deamau5, Steve Aoki, and Wolfgang Gartner. DJ Fermi spins electro house and complextro with emphasis on mixing and mashing the tracks. DJFermi.com for more. Music Video Contests Stop by Geek.Kon’s fifth Anime Music Video contest on Sunday, showcasing the best Sunday: 12:00PM - 1:00PM from your fellow attendees in an epic session of AMV awesomness. For the second year, we’ll also be screening videos featuring live-action footage. Music will be played and prizes will be awarded! 20 Viewing Events Bride of It Came From the Internet Salon B The good, the bad, the horrid, and the strange. Everything the internet could provide for you in the visual medium and you pick what we watch! The Audience selects a number at random and we watch it. Friday: 10:00PM - 12:00AM Parental Discretion Advised The Iron butt challenge Salon B The epic public riffing is back, this year the special movie we are mentioning is Space Mutiny, but there is far more cheese waiting in sore for you all. Come all and poke fun at the new list of Bad movies! Geek.Kon Watches Salon B Saturday: 1:00PM - 4:30PM Parental Discretion Advised Saturday: 8:00PM - 10:00PM Advised Welcome one and all to a special riffing Parental Discretion event. “Watches” is an ongoing Blip and YouTube series where the host Matt talks about and pokes fun at Public Domain movies. And you are all invited to join in for the first Public hosted episode. Puppet Master Movie Marathon Salon B We at Geek.Kon think sleep is overrated. To accentuate this point, we’re treating you to the first three Puppet Master movies in one large marathon. Come join us, and never sleep again. Saturday: 10:00PM - 2:30AM Rated R Mystery Hentai Theatre 18+ Salon A There is good hentai, and there is bad hentai. This is the latter kind. Join our hosts as they proceed to rip it apart. Photo ID required. Sunday: 12:00AM - 3:00AM 18+ Event. ID Required 21 Gaming Events Kon.Quest Friday: 6:30PM - 11:00PM Saturday: 10:00PM - 10:00PM Monona Room Join Geek.Kon’s Fourth Annual Kon.Quest! Play Games - Fight Monsters Solve Puzzles - Draw Pictures - Trade Cards- Win Prizes! WHAT’S KON.QUEST? Unique to Geek.Kon, Kon.Quest is a special event with something for every Geek.Kon attendee. Whether you’re alone or with a group of friends, and whether you’ve got half an hour free between panels or all day open, stop on by, choose a character class (catgirl, android, elven bard, or 8-bit hero) and check us out! Kon.Quest consists of 3-6 separate challenges, each of which takes about 10-15 minutes. You (and your group) can come and go as you please, doing challenges whenever they fit into your convention schedule. Each time you successfully complete a challenge, you’ll be rewarded with loot cards to use in future challenges. WHAT ARE THESE CHALLENGES LIKE? The challenges are split among 6 different stations, each featuring a different sort of activity. There’s the Fighters’ Guild, where your party will face a series of combat challenges that require quick strategic decision-making and reaction time. The logic and word puzzles of the Water Temple will work your left brain while the art and roleplaying challenges of the Osaka High Art and Drama Club work the right. At the Cantina you’ll find a number of quick games of chance and skill to play, and #TriviaChannel will prove a true test of your geek knowledge. Lastly, the Kon.Monster Arena is home to our own miniature trading card game, Kon.Monsters! WHAT’S THE GOAL? Among the various loot cards in Kon.Quest are 30 fictional scientists. Your overall mission is to obtain as many of these 30 as you can. When the event ends at 10:00 PM Saturday, we’ll give awards to the players with the top scores and have a prize drawing where each unique scientist you find gives you a single entry. Winners will receive “Geek Gil” (usable as money in the dealer’s room) or free pre-registration to next year’s Kon! The first 25 players in line when we open on Friday will receive a Daedalus scientist card, not obtainable in any other way. Hope to see you at the Quest! 22 Gaming Events Geek Club Adventures Staff Room The Geek Club was conducting an experiment for science when Geekbot got hit by 1.21 gigawatts. Now geek club has to search around the con to help put Geekbot back into working order. So Geekbot is checking his program, while Rodgort is looking for some missing pieces, and Siggy is gathering things to fill Geekbot’s memory. Geek Club Adventure is a series of games for you to enjoy while you explore the convention. The games are designed for all ages, and is a great way for children to learn about the con and its various activities. Start and finish Geek Club Adventure at the staff room. There are three games: Geekbot Operation Puzzles : To help Geekbot check his programing Search the convention for Geekbot’s puzzles, solve and retrieve the code words. Rodgort Treasure Quest: The pieces of Geekbot are around the convention so look for rodgorts mark and get stamps that prove you frond the piece Siggy’s Scavenger Hunt: Siggy is looking for things to help reboot Geekbot’s memory, so she got her list. Boffer Salon F - H Geek.Kon is pleased to have our fun and exciting boffer room back for 2013! This is the room where you can hit your friends, family and random strangers without getting into trouble...with approved equipment of course. Friday: 12:00PM - 5:30PM Saturday: 6:00AM - midnight Sunday: 6:00AM - 4:00PM This year the boffer room will have chances to meet members of the local Belegarth chapter. There will also be a sign-in sheet of any attendees that belong to Amtgaurd and gain class credit for each day you play. Have fun and hope to see a ton of foam fighting! SCA Demos One of the furthest-reaching historical reenactment groups, the Society for Creative Anachronism began as a party in 1966 in Southern California and now spans the entire globe. Come and join the local chapter, the Barony of Jararvellir, as they demonstrate some of the activities that make the SCA so much fun! From loud and furious armored combat to fencing with live steel and beyond! Arts, sciences, and the Current Middle Ages! 23 Video Gaming Video Gaming Superior Room Prepare yourself to enter the largest video Friday 10:00AM game room in the Midwest! Geek.Kon through offers a gamers’ mecca of almost 10,000 Sunday 4:00PM square feet of over 40 tables of consoles and a dozen free-play arcade machines, round-the-clock tournaments and a 24-hour Rock Band stage. Please be respectful of the equipment. Most of it is being borrowed in good faith from Geek.Kon staff and attendees who would like it back in the same condition as they left it. Losing or damaging controllers, consoles, peripherals and games would betray their trust in us, and harm our ability to provide the best experience possible next year. Rock Band Stage Rock Band 3 will be set up on the main video game room stage for free play around the clock. The only exception to this fantastically open rule is during previously scheduled Rock Band Tournament (Saturday: 7PM). There is only one of these; otherwise, rock out with…well, just rock out. (For a non-refundable fee of $2, we will download any song we don’t have onto the Xbox being used for Rock Band. These will then be free for anyone to play during the weekend, and will be allowed for tournament use in tournaments by anyone. If wanted for a tournament please check with us first to see if there is time to get it before the tournament.) Video Game Library Speak to one of our specially trained librarians to check out video games and peripherals for all of your gaming needs! Most modern consoles with wireless controllers (Wii, Xbox360, PS3, and WiiU) as well as games for those consoles require you to check in your badge at the command center by the main entrance. You may check out ONE GAME and ONE CONTROLLER at most PER BADGE. Portable Meet-up area New this year we are going to have a PSP/DS meet-up area. We will have tables , chairs and chargers set up for you to play with friends and charge your portable gaming system. The Pokemon, Phantasy Star portable, Warhammer and other tournaments will be held in this area. TBA after sign ups. 25 Video Gaming Video Game Tournaments Geek.Kon continues its proud tradition of a professional competitive exprience at our many tournaments. We are intensely interested in not frustrating you. All of our tournaments have detailed rules available in the video game room. A full tournament listing is available. There may be additional unscheduled events. Check with the staff table for information. Friday, August 23 1:00PM - Tekken Tag2 (PS3) Can you defeat Combot, or will you just be another tournament casualty? 3:00PM - Goldeneye (N64) Rockets galore in this old school classic 5:00PM - Persona 4 Arena (PS3) The battle for supremacy of Yasogami High School. 7:00PM - Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) That’s the Wii version but use whatever controller you want. 9:00PM - Injustice God’s Among Us DC heroes and villains fight to see who is the greatest. 9:00PM - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (360) The latest entrant to the MW scene. 11:00PM - Gears of War Judgement (360) Get your Cog tags ready and prepare to defend against the Locust Horde. Saturday, August 24 2:00PM - Super Smash Bros. Melee 3:00PM - Dance Central 3 (360 w/kinect) Bring your best dance moves for this great Kinect dance game. 4:00PM - Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (360) Who will win Marvel Superheroes or Capcom heroes 6:00PM - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (PS3) Capcom’s great update to Street Fighter has gotten its own second update containing for new characters, and find tuning all around. 7:00PM - Rock Band 3 (360) 8:00PM - Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (360) The latest installment of Naruto fighting games. 10:00PM - Halo 4 (360) Free-fo-all play in one of the most well-organized competitive games around. Halo. ‘nuff said. Sunday, August 25 10:00AM - Tetris Are you the best stacker of blocks at Geek.Kon? Win this tournament and prove it. 2:00PM - Pokemon B&W Meet Up 26 LAN Gaming LAN Gaming Greenway Room Geek.Kon is having a LAN again this year. Come join us in the Greenway room for some awesome PC gaming fun. Show everyone your elite fragging skills in one of our LAN tournaments and win prizes for being the best. Just bring your computer and plug it into our network and off you go. Want to take break from all the awesome gaming? Don’t worry, we’ll watch your computer for you. Don’t have a computer or didn’t bring yours? No problem! Geek.Kon has new computers this year for you to use! Sign up and reserve them for the tournaments. We’ll be playing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Counter-Strike: GO Team Fortress 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Unreal Tournament 2004 Starcraft Other Popular Games Tournaments schedule Friday: Unreal Tournament 2004 Saturday: 11:59PM - 2:00AM Counter-Strike: GO Team Fortress 2 7:00PM - 9:00PM 10:00PM - 12:00AM Starcraft: 10:00AM - 12:00PM Sunday: What are you waiting for? Come sign up for the tournaments and start fragging! 27 Table Top Gaming Table Top Gaming Salon D - E Come one, come all to the Tabletop Gaming Room: We have board games, card games, miniature games, RPG’s and so much more for you to play or learn how to play! Enjoy our boardgame library, bring your own games or join in one of our many scheduled events! Charity Events Steve Jackson Game Demos Friday 8:00PM - Midnight Saturday 9:00AM - Midnight Sunday 10:00AM - 2:00PM $1 for every game taught will be donated to the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin. Friday 10:00AM through Sunday 4:00PM Pathfinder Society The Night March of Kalamedes Friday 2:00PM - 7:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 1-5. A veteran pathfinder exploring the Fenwall Mountains of Varisia has begun sleepwalking, traveling through the dead of night in the same direction... Gaming with the Guests Friday 8:00PM - 10:00PM Game to be decided. Miniatures A Call to Arms Saturday 12:00PM - 2:00PM (Demo) Saturday 4:00PM - 6:00PM (Demo) A Call to Arms Star Fleet is a miniature Game of Fleet combat. Take Command of ships belonging to the Federation, Gorn Confederation, Kziniti Hegemony or the Klingon or Roman Empires. Board Games Japanese Riichi Mahjong Saturday 10:30PM - 6:00PM Learn to play demos and coaching. Sets available for experienced players as well. 28 Words of the Ancients Friday 2:00PM - 7:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 7-11. After countless divinations and the efforts of undercover agents throughout Varisia, the pathfinder Society has discovered the location of the... Halls of the Dwarven Lore Friday 2:00PM - 7:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 5-9. The dwarven sky citadel of Janderhoff in eastern Varisia is one of least visited settlements in the land, at least by non dwarves. Nevertheless… Rivlary’s End Friday 2:00PM - 7:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 3-7. The pathfinder Society’s conflict with the Aspis Consortium in the frontier region of Varisia has come to a head, and the time to secure dominance… Table Top Gaming Pathfinder Society (Cont) Way of Kirin Saturday 6:00PM - 11:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7. On the eastern continent of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society remains a small player in the greater political landscape, but Amara Li, head of the Lantern Lodge in the teeming city of Goka, has plans to change that. Severing Ties Saturday 1:00PM - 6:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5. The Pathfinder Society has discovered a new Aspis Consortium base in the pirate city of Riddleport and sends a small team of agents to infiltrate the rival cell disguised as newly hired mercenaries from Magnimar. The Secrets Stones Keep Saturday 6:00PM - 11:00PM The Price of Friendship Saturday 1:00PM - 6:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9. The Pathfinder Society has discovered the hint of a monumental revelation, but in order to confirm their find, they must send a team of agents into the dangerous and unwelcoming orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. While an expedition could easily be dispatched to the orc capital of Urgir, the Decemvirate urges caution to ensure success. The Glass River Rescue Friday Sunday 7:00PM - midnight 10:00AM - 4:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 1-5. A Pathfinder leading a diplomatic envoy from dwarven holds of the Five Kings Mountains has gone missing, and the balance…. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed Card Games/CCG/TCG for levels 5-9. Deep beneath the orc King of Munchkin! city of Urgir in the Hold of Belkzen lie Round 1: Friday 4pm-6pm the ruins of the ancient dwarven Sky Citadel of Koldukar, where awaits what Round 2: Friday 8pm – 10pm could be the greatest discovery of the Round 3: Saturday 10AM – 12pm Age of Lost Omens: confirmation of the Round 4: Saturday 12PM – 2pm location of one of the lost Sky Citadels, Round 5: Saturday 3PM – 5pm built by the dwarves in their earliest Round 6: Saturday 6PM – 8PM days on the surface of Golarion. Final Round: Sunday 12PM Six shall enter. One shall be a true munchkin and have a shot at the King The God’s Market Gamble of Munchkin Final Round!Play in one of Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM six rounds to have your chance! A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5. Valuable relics of religious natures have been disappearing on their Kitsune: of Foxes and Fools way into Absalom and the Friday 12:00PM - 2:00PM Pathfinder Society stands to lose Saturday 2:00PM - 4:00PM countless irreplaceable artifacts if the Sunday 1:00PM - 3:00PM cause isn’t found. Amid the bustling (Demo) Mischievous foxes play tricks markets of the God’s Market in the on mortal fools to earn their tails, and shadow of the Starstone Cathedral, the become legendary nine-tailed Kitsune Society sets a plan in motion to ensure spirits. This is a new card game in the the parties responsible for the recent vein of Munchkin and Ninja Burger. thefts are caught and brought to justice. 30 Table Top Gaming Card Games/CCG/TCG (cont) Final Brawl Resident Evil Deck Building Game Friday 7:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday 11:00AM - 1:00PM Immerse yourself in survival horror. Play as your favorite characters as you arm yourself with powerful weapons to fight the unknown, the Infected. Saturday 4:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday 8:00PM - 10:00PM Shadowfist is the butt kicking, monster crunching Hong Kong cinematic action card game that like all your favorite movies all rolled into one. Baptism by Fire Saturday 12:00PM - 4:00PM Learn to play one of the best multiplayer card games. Shadowfist is the butt kicking, monster crunching Hong Kong cinematic action card game that like all your favorite movies all rolled into one. Weiss Schwarz Saturday 2:00PM - 4:00PM Saturday 10:00PM - midnight Trading Card Game involving all your favorite anime characters. Two Madison Locations: • West: 7475 Mineral Point Road 608-833-4444 • East: 944 Williamson Street 608-663-5555 Your Friendly Neighborhood Comic Shop! Look for us here at Geek.Kon! table Top Gaming Pathfinder Society (Cont) The Wardstone Patrol Friday 7:00PM - midnight Saturday 1:00PM - 6:00PM Sunday 10:00AM - 4:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 3-7. All-out war has erupted on the long-contested border between the crusader nation of Mendev and the demon-infested Worldwound. The Hellsknight’s Feast Friday 7:00PM - midnight Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM Sunday 10:00AM - 4:00PM A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 5-9. War between demons and the civilized peoples of the Inner Sea region has broken out in the Worldwound far to the north of Absalom, but despite the regional implications of an Abyssal victory, many nations are ambivalent toward the cause. The Waking Rune Friday 7:00PM - midnight A Pathfinder Society scenario designed for levels 7-11. After a year of searching and risking life and limb, the agents of the Pathfinder Society have discovered the resting place of the Runelord of Sloth, who has been sequestered from the world at large for 10,000 years awaiting the proper time for his return. Fangwood Keep (All Day Event) Saturday All Day event 8am - 11pm Fangwood Keep is an adventure of infiltration, investigation, and dungeon exploration for 3rd to 5th levels. Short breaks will be taken. 32 The Kortos Envoy Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-11. The centaur tribes of the Isle of Kortos have long been an enigma to the people of Absalom. But the Pathfinder Society needs the help of one of the horsemen’s greatest heroes, in it falls to you to negotiate an agreement between the Decemvirate and the centaurs of the plains. Red Harvest Saturday 1:00PM - 6:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-11. In the naga-ruled nation of Nagajor in the southern Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society finds itself caught between feuding factions in a remote village. Wrath of the Accursed Saturday 6:00PM - 11:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-11. When Pathfinders in and around the Osirian capital of Sothis don’t respond to an emergency summons to the Sothis Lodge, you are sent to discover their whereabouts. What you discover are a series of horrific murders all tied to a long-forgotten curse from the Society’s past. Day of the Demon Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM Sunday 10:00AM - 4:00PM A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7. The Blakros family, long an ally of the Pathfinder Society, has come into possession of a manor house in the imperial nation of Cheliax, where a once prominent noble family was known to practice diabolism before the Age of Lost Omens. Table Top Gaming ROleplaying Games (RPGs) Boarding Action Friday Friday 3:00PM - 5:00PM 5:00PM - 7:00PM (Rules Taught) For weeks the different empires of Chronopia have used Rogue’s Island in the delta of the Chronopia River to resupply their armies locked in combat nearby. It’s just a matter of time before two captains encounter each other’s ships and engage in battle. Supplies are hard to come by and it would be better to board your opponent’s vessel and capture their supplies before you scuttle the ship. The Future Belongs to us Friday 7:00PM - 11:00PM (Introduction) This session is an excellent starting point for players new to FBTU. The adventure will introduce players to the setting FBTU with a combat light story. Beneath the Full Moon Friday 7:00PM - 11:00PM Saturday 7:00PM - 11:00PM Dread is a horror role playing game player will attempt to survive a challenge in the wilderness. Sky Heist Friday 7:00PM - 9:00PM Air pirates rob a sky casino and attempt to escape the guns of Paladin Blake and The Hollywood Knights. All materials will be provided and rules will be taught. New players welcome. Setsuya Streets Saturday 10:00AM - 6:00PM Watch your back -- Setsuya’s a dangerous city. In this adventure of Tenra Bansho Zero (A newly translated Japanese RPG), high octane fantasy action meets click dark, rainy cyberpunk. Slaying Thor Saturday 1:00PM - 5:00PM (Rules taught) Each of you has a reason to hate Thor, the god of thunder. You may have to fight Valkyrie, giants, or even the dead of Valhalla, but today you will end Thor’s existence or die trying. Over the top combat and a touch of angst, inspired by movies like 300, Beowulf, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and the God of War video games. Battle for Safe Harbor Station Saturday 1:00PM - 5:00PM (Rules Taught) When a derelict space freighter was spotted falling toward the planet, a ship was launched to investigate and neutralize the threat. Just after launch Safe Harbor Station, the command and control base for the mission lost power. The reserve generator kicked in and radio traffic began reporting that the base was under attack. Can the defenders of Safe Harbor Station hold out against their attackers long enough to complete “Operation Falling Star”? Best Laid Plans... Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM (Rules Taught) Scout Team Badger 6 is awakened prematurely to rescue high ranking Morrow Project personnel and escort them to the Madison Airport amid the chaos of the last days of civilization. 33 Table Top Gaming ROleplaying Games (cont) Hardbodies Saturday 2:00PM - 6:00PM The Hardbodies have made their presence known by driving into town in a parade of newly acquired APC’s. Will the players have the courage and drive to put them down before too much damage is done? Body Count Sunday 11:00AM - 1:00PM Players compete head-to-head in this board game version of a 1st person shooter computer game. The rules are simple: Rule # 1 – Kill other players; Rule # 2 – Don’t get killed. The player with the most kills at the end of the game will be the winner Down with the Ship Saturday 5:00PM - 9:00PM (Rules taught) The storm blew in suddenly. Things have gone from bad to worse. There will be pirates, chaos, and probably a shipwreck or two. Original D&D meets modern narrative focused RPGs. Poker Run Saturday 6:00PM - 10:00PM Seven duelists compete in a Div 30 bike duel with two possible ways to win – either you can eliminate the other riders or survive to the end and hope for the best poker hand. UNE Saturday 7:00PM - 11:00PM Your clandestine activities have been discovered by the UNE. Do you have what it takes to escape and reorganize with your teammates and allies before you are hunted down? GEKs Sunday 11:00AM - 3:00PM A troupe of misfits is causing trouble for people downtown, and they aren’t the talkative type. Should these brats be taught a lesson or be recruited for your own purposes? 34 And One Shall Rule Them All Sunday 1:00PM - 5:00PM Since the death of the One King and the slaughter of humanity there has been chaos and betrayal amongst the other races. One noble house among the Elves has slowly spun their web of treachery, amassing allies and slaves in their quest for power. Having betrayed and enslaved the Dwarves of the Dragon Clan, the Obsidian House now openly battles House Helios in their first direct assault against the other noble houses of the Elves. Friday Costuming 101 Wisconsin Mendota Geneva La crosse Green Bay Dissecting Costumes From Fanfiction The 10 Myths of to Professional Filmmaking Disney Writing Princesses 4:00pm Attention The Works of the 4:30 Moonies! Sidekicks 5:00pm Resident The Big Top 11 “WTF?!” 5:30 Opening An Exploration moments in Evil: Enter Bang Ceremonies of Shoujo the Biohazard Theory Power Rangers history 18+ 6:00pm Crafting for VA Q&A 6:30 Geeks Whose Line is PromStuck 7:00pm it Anyway @ Homoerotic Cassini’s 7;30 Building 2013 Subtext of SuGeek.Kon Continuing Shadowrun pernatural 18+ Mission at Saturn 8:00pm The Workd The Evening 8:30 of John Setup Geek Music 102 Setup Show w/ Tim Jackson Buckley 18+ Miller 9:00pm Chris Patton 9:30 Shares too Ultimate Much 18+ Karaoke 10:00pm Rock Show An Idiots Werewolf SMB: Lost 10:30 guide t Yaoi 11:00pm Levels 11:300 18+ 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm 3:30 Masked Ball Setup Boffer Salon f Salon G Salon H Friday 10:00pm 10:30 11:00pm 11:30 9:00pm 9:30 8:00pm 8:30 6:00pm 6:30 7:00pm 7:30 5:00pm 5:30pm 4:00pm 4:30 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm 3:30 Wisconsin Mendota Geneva La crosse Green Bay 9:00am RIP Saturday Riichi! Japanese Godzilla & 9:30 Mahjong and Cartoons Kaiju Attack 10:00am anime What’s Wrong 10:30 Live Anime with this Movie?! A Look at 11:00am Commentary Tolkeen and Staff Fanfiction The Normal Show Middle Earth Meeting Contest w/Tim Buckley 11:30 Geekstuck 12:00pm Masquerade Fanfiction Big Damn Heros: 12:30 Live Anime Truth or Dare Orientation A Firefly RPG Panel Forum 1:00pm Commentary Education as a Conversational Geeks on Sports 1:30 Game Elvish Writing 101 2:00pm eBooks and Why Shadowrun Assassin’s Creed 2:30 is cool Innovations in Pub. Discussion 3:00pm Women in What’s Happening: 3:30 Munchkin & Dork Tower Anime 4:00pm Masquerade The works of Use the Force: A Green Monica Valentinelli Star Wars Discussion 4:30 Tech Ask a Nation Room / 5:00pm Rehersals How to Kick off a Western Lit. 5:30 Judging Kickstarter Anime 6:00pm The Alexis Slingin’ Dice: An 6:30 Masquerade Tipton Panel Intro to RPGs Ask an Avenger Seating 7:00pm 7:30pm DBZ Random Sci Fi Independent Ask a Filming in Madison 8:00pm Masquerade Homestuck Fandom 8:30 9:00pm Manly Men of Masquerade Setup 9:30 Anime Post Mortem Ultimate 10:00pm Karaoke Werewolf Whose line is 10:30 Mixer it Anyway @ 11:00pm Geek.kon 18+ 11:30 Saturday Boffer Salon f/G 9:00am 9:30 10:00am 10:30 11:00am Saturday 7:00pm 7:30 Jojo’s Bizarre 8:00pm Panel 8:30 Yugioh: Subs, 9:00pm Dubs & Cuts 9:30 10:00pm Lounge L33ts: 1:30 MMO Worlds 11:00pm After Dark 18+ 11:30 11:30 12:00pm 12:30 Geek Highbrow 1:00pm 1:30 Noob’s Guide 2:00pm to Playing God 2:30 Wait, That’s 3:00pm Not D&D 3:30 The Digimon 4:00pm 4:30 Panel 5:00pm Setup 5:30 6:00pm Retro Games 6:30 Showdown Intro to Scientific Skepticism Salon H 37 Cthulhu Mythos Wisconsin Mendota Corsets and other Undergarments throughout History Geneva Good Morning Geek.Kon! What are you doing up? La crosse 3:00pm Closing 3:30 Ceremonies 4:00pm Post Con Q&A 10:00am Costuming Q & A Women in Gaming 10:30 Twilight to 11:00am Sunrise: Vampires What’s Happening Stage Acting vs 11:30 Voice Acting Longe L33ts in Anime/Manga at White Wolf/Onyx Path? Presents: MMO 12:00pm AMV/Music Video Madtown Geeking out! Where is Worlds 12:30 my Jet Pack Contest Bronies 1:00pm Third Martian Tunr Your Page 1:30 From the Left: We were Novices and Cough - Join Geek.kon 2014 Mars Too Health of Comic Staff Reconnaissance Industry Orbiter Science. 2:00pm Stay in the Back, 2:30 Keep Your Eyes Doctor Who: Closed, Burn Every Timelord Makeup Techniques Son of “Anime Book You Find: History Explosion” A Look into the 9:00am 9:30 8:00am 8:30 Sunday Boffer and SCA Demos Boffer Salon f Salon G Salon H Sunday 3:00pm 3:30 4:00 2:00pm 2:30 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 10:00am 10:30 11:00am 11:30 9:00am 9:30 8:00am 8:30 38 Programming Friday Panels An Exploration of Shoujo Friday5:00PM – 6:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Vanessa Horrocks, Brenna Erickson Looking at the genre of shoujo through 3 different shows including Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Sailor Moon + 18An Idiot’s Guide to Yaoi Friday 10:00PM – Midnight Mendota Brenna Erickson, Beth Maus, and Vanessa Horrocks An entertaining and interesting look at the historical and cultural roots of the genre and explores some of the conventions and stereotypes of the genre. Attention Moonies! Friday 4:00PM – 5:00PM Costuming 101 Friday 2:00PM - 3:00PM Mendota Madison Area Costuming Society Cosplay looks like fun, doesn’t it? Getting started may seem daunting, though. Members of the Madison Area Costuming Society are here to offer quick tips and tricks for beginners, no matter what genre of costuming you’re about to jump into. Whether it’s research, budgeting, or learning new skills, advice and encouragement can be found here. Crafting for Geeks Friday 6:00PM - 7:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Monica Valentinelli Come and learn the finer points of Geek Crafting. La Crosse Jack Kress-Russick Are you a moonie - old or new? Well, Disecting Costumes then you’re in the right place! In this Friday 3:00PM – 4:30PM panel, we will discuss everything Sailor Mendota Moon from favorite attacks to favorite Madison Area Costuming Society senshi to well...just about everything! Sometimes the hardest part of cosplay We will also be discussing the re-make is figuring out what’s really going on in of the Sailor Moon anime and what we the references. This popular panel on researching a costume is back, now hope the outcome will be like. with a stronger emphasis on translating 2D designs to 3D living Building Shadowrun 5: 2 Years costumes. Watch as our panelists dissect a costume they’ve never seen to a New Edition before and talk about how they would Friday 7:00PM - 8:00PM go about making it. Mendota Aaron Pavao What does it take to create the latest Disney Princesses edition of one of the greatest Sci-fi/ Friday 3:00PM – 5:00PM Fantasy RPGs on the market? Come Geneva on in and find out! Sharon, Lulu A Disney themed panel run by the wonderful leading ladies of Disney’s Chris Patton Shares Too Much treasured movies, this family friendly Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM panel will include fun trivia games for Mendota all age groups. We encourage all ages and Disney lovers to join us for a Chris Patton magical panel. How much is “too much”? Grab a seat and find out! + 18 39 Programming Friday Panels From Fanfiction to Professional Writing Friday 3:00PM – 4:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Briana Lawrence (Chibi) We’ve all heard the story. Fifty Shades of Grey was, once upon a time, a Twilight fanfic. Is it bizarre to take a fanfic and turn it into a novel? Not as bizarre as you may think. Talk with an up and coming author who has taken the fanfiction and RPG logs she’s written and turned them into published books. I Go Around, Around, Around, Around...Cassini’s Continuing Mission at Saturn Friday 7:00PM - 8:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Bridget Landry Have you ever wondered what’s it like to explore other worlds and boldly go where no one has gone before? Join us as we take a swing past Saturn and have a chat with one of the project members of the Cassini Solstice Mission. Promstuck 2013 Geek Music 102 Friday 8:00PM – 9:00pm La Crosse Adam Pulver The primer on music for the rest of us returns! Geek.Kon staffer Adam Pulver presents an introduction to musicians and bands from multiple genres that speak to what really matters in life: the internet, gaming and pretending to be Cthulhu to turn down a date. We’ll hit mainstays like Jonathan Coulton along with suggestions in folk, nerdcore and chiptune rock + 18Homoerotic Subtext of SupernaturaL Friday 7:00pm – 8:00PM La Crosse Carla Benson Megan Hammer An exploration of the saucy relationships within the 8 seasons of Supernatural, we will cover Bro-mance, Dean/ Impala, Destiel, Win-cest, and Crowley, among others. You watch the show, you know it’s there, you love it, and so do we. No shipping wars allowed. 40 Friday 6:00PM – 8:00PM Geneva Claudia Burns Wisconsin’s very own Promstuck! Bring a date and join your favorite characters for a night of fun! Door prizes. Resident Evil: Enter the Biohazard Friday 5:00PM – 6:00PM Mendota Kevin Ross & Aryn Lively A look at the resident Evil franchise including all the games, movies, literature and everything in between. Join us if you can survive the horror of the Biohazard, Resident Evil. Super Mario Brothers: Lost Levels Charity Event Friday 10:00PM – Morning Geneva Sarah Anne Come and play one of the most rage-inducing Mario games ever made. But this time, you can rage for charity. Every world beaten is a donation to the worthwhile Child’s Play Charity. Programming Friday Panels The Big Bang Theory Friday 6:00PM – 7:00PM Geneva Simone Turner, Jessa Markert Do you love The Big Bang Theory? Are you a Rock-Paper-Scissors-LizardSpock champion? Do you identify with Sheldon, Howard, Leonard, or Raj? Come and join us. All guests will be offered a hot beverage. + 18The Evening Show with Tim Buckley The Works of John Jackson Miller Friday 8:00PM - 9:00PM Geneva John Jackson Miller Discuss the geeky works of John Jackson Miller, from comic books to Star Wars and everything in-between. The Works of the Sidekicks Friday 4:00PM - 5:00PM Mendota Tim Buckley This is not your ordinary Late Show. Green Bay/Milwaukee Bill Bodden Hold onto your capes! It’s tales of heroism from the other half of the dynamic duos, The Sidekicks! The 10 Myths of Filmmaking VA Q and a Friday Friday 8:00PM - 9:00PM 3:00PM – 4:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Vanessa Horrocks, Brenna Erickson Experience the busting of 10 major myths of filmmaking from a pair of MN filmmakers who were learned from our projects. We illustrate our tips and tricks using clips from our own movies and fan films. + 18The Top 11 “What the F***!?” moments in Power Rangers History Friday 5:00PM – 6:30PM La Crosse Richard Englebert Power Rangers has thrilled audiences with its action and tales of good overcoming evil for over 20 years now. But every now and then, they do something so out of whack, you can only think one thing: “What the eff!?” Come join Richard as he goes over the Top 11 (in his opinion) most stupidly mindnumbing and rage-inducing moments in the franchise’s history. 18+ for Mild Language. Friday 6:00PM - 7:00PM Mendota Chris Patton, Ryan Reynolds and Alexis Tipton Q&A with the Voice Actors. You got a question? They may have the answer! Come and find out! Whose Line Is It Anyway @ Geek.Kon Friday 6:00PM – 8:00PM Wisconsin Jesh Nyx Everyone’s favorite improv game comes to Geek.Kon again for the second year in a row! Join the WLIIA@ GK crew for fun, and prepare to be assimilated! 41 Programming Saturday Panels A Look at Tolkien and Middle Earth Saturday 10:30AM - 11:30AM Mendota David Salo Come talk about the various works of J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as derivative works like Steven Jackson’s movie adaptations. An Introduction to Conversational Elvish Saturday 1:00PM - 2:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee David Salo David Salo discusses his linguistic studies and work on the Elvish languages from Lord of the Rings. Ask a Homestuck Saturday 7:00PM – 9:00PM Mendota Antonio Licari Ask your favorite homestuck a question! Ask a Nation Saturday 4:00PM – 6:00PM Geneva Germany, Hungary, Finland, Canada, Kugelmugel, France, England, America, Italy, Prussia The hetalia tradition of assembling the nations to respond to your questions from silly to serious. Ask an Avenger Saturday 6:30PM – 7:30PM La Crosse Some of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers The Avengers have come to answer some of your questions. Come on and stop by to get those questions you’re itching to know answered. 42 Assassin’s Creed Discussion Saturday 2:00PM – 3:30PM La Crosse Delora Miksic, Kim Wieland, Are you big Assassin’s Creed fans? Well so are we. Come join Altair and Malik and talk about the amazingness that is the Assassin’s Creed series. We will all just gather around and talk about our favorite characters, stories and all around good times playing this amazing game franchise. Big Damn Heroes: A Firefly RPG Panel Saturday 12:00PM - 1:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Monica Valentinelli and Rob Wieland You wanna take the sky from me? Raise the Stakes! Dragonball Z Random Fandom Saturday 7:30PM – 8:30PM La Crosse Zach Fisher Let’s get a group of people to discuss and explore the lore that is DragonBall! eBooks and Innovations in Publishing Saturday 2:00PM - 3:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Matt McElroy From Nook to Kindle and everything in between, come discuss the evolution of books into the digital age. Education as a Game Saturday 1:00PM - 2:00PM Mendota Aaron Pavao Aaron Pavao will discuss using games in the classroom as an educational system. Programming Saturday Panels Fanfiction Forum Godzilla kaiju Attack Panel La Crosse Adam Pulver, Randy McCullick, Sari Hagen An open discussion on the wonders, curiosities and eternal frustrations of fanfiction. Newbies and veterans alike are welcome to bring questions, thoughts or helpful suggestions for the rest of us to ponder. All relevant topics are fair game, but expect talk about technique, publishing options, readers, editors, criticism, and making sense of this new Kindle Worlds thing. Geneva Chris J. Strauss AKA Slim The History of Kaiju Entertainment. Learn about the origins of Godzilla, Gamera, Rodan and The Giant Robots made to fight them. Saturday 12:00PM – 1:00PM Geek Highbrow: Shakespeare and Other Classic Lit Through a Geeky Lens Saturday 12:00PM – 2:00PM Salon H Nick Barovic, Alex Hancock, Bridget Conley and Sandy Lindner Classical literature is usually considered the antithesis of geekery, but they are often one and the same. Come trace the influence of Shakespeare and other classics throughout pop culture, and explore the geekier sides to the fine arts. Geeks on Sports Saturday 1:00PM – 2:00PM La Crosse Adam Pulver, Brian Hagen, Richard Englebert The time has come to tear down the false wall between nerd and jock! Not only is it acceptable for geeks to enjoy sports, the world of sports is geeky enough on its own. You’ll learn why Madden is no different than an RPG, how front offices value statistical analysis as much as scouting, the cool underground vibe that comes with being a soccer fan and more on fantasy and tabletop sports games. Saturday 9:00AM – 10:30AM How to Kick Off a Kickstarter Saturday 5:00PM - 6:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee John Kovalic You’ve seen them spring up all over the net, funding projects that might not normally come to light. But what does it take to really kick off a kickstarter endeavor? Introduction to Scientific Skepticism Saturday 11:00AM – 12:00PM Salon H Sarah Anne A Skepticism 101 panel which will give attendees a basic introduction to skepticism, good reasoning, and proper evidence. This panel will make no mention of political or religious issues. Jojo’s Bizarre Panel Saturday 7:30PM – 9:00PM Salon H Vincent Detra Do you want to learn more about one of the most influential, badass, fabulous, and insane manga/anime of all time? If you said yes then this panel is right for you! Jojo fans new and old are encouraged to come inside and experience a panel that can only be described as... bizarre. 43 Programming Saturday Panels Live Anime Commentary Saturday 12:00PM - 1:30PM Wisconsin Chris Patton Listen in on a live commentary track from Chris Patton as we check out some of his work in anime! Live Anime Commentary Saturday 10:00AM - 11:30AM Wisconsin Ryan Reynolds, Alexis Tipton Listen in on a live commentary track from Ryan and Alexis as we check out some of their works! + 18Lounge L33ts Presents: MMO Worlds After Dark Saturday 10:00PM – Midnight Salon H Erin Burke, Randy McCullick, Matt Winchell The Lounge L33ts explore the various adult rated MMO’s available from the mature to the immature. Manly Men of Anime Saturday 9:00PM – 10:00PM Mendota Richard “Azzy” Englebert and Nick Izumi Azzy and Nick Izumi once again bust out the Man Cards for another GARfilled edition of Manly Men of Anime! Join them as they and you, the audience debate and discuss who have their Man Cards issued (or renewed) and who have their applications REJECTED! Programming Saturday Panels Noob’s Guide to Playing God RIP Saturday Cartoons Salon H Timothy J. Scott A beginner’s guide to DMing. We will touch on world building how to deal with problematic players and tips for making things go smoothly. Green Bay/Milwaukee Jack Kress-Russick Remember what your Saturday mornings used to be like? You’d wake up, eat a quick breakfast, and be right in front of the TV until noon watching your favorite cartoons. As you may have noticed, those times have sadly ended in our society. So in honor of our awesome childhoods, we will use this time to discuss all of the cartoons we used to watch. Saturday 2:00PM – 3:00PM Reading West to East: Western Lit Anime Saturday 5:00PM – 6:30PM La Crosse Patrick Drazen A look at adaptations of western lit to anime, from Homer’s Odyssey and Alice in Wonderland to T Borrowers . Retro Games Showdown Saturday 5:30PM – 7:30PM Salon H Chris Graham Jacquelyn Maier Are you a bad enough dude to play retro games? Audience members will go head-to-head in some of the best (and worst) 8-bit and 16-bit games ever created in this interactive panel. You’ll see classic games, witness impressive retro gaming ability, and maybe even learn a little about yourself as a fragile human being in a world of homicidal robots and high-velocity fireballs. Also prizes. Riichi! Japanese Mahjong and Anime Saturday 9:00AM – 10:30AM La Crosse Dr. Andrew J. Nowak Seen Mahjong anime like Saki and Akagi and have no idea what the heck the players are doing? Come and learn the basics of the game so it all makes sense when someone declares RIICHI! Saturday 9:00AM – 10:00AM Science Fiction Independent filming in Madison Saturday 7:00PM – 8:30PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Max Blaska, Ben Wyveden, Alissa Kulinski Madison WI has a small but growing independent film scene, many of the local production companies specialize in Sci-Fi and horror. The panel will be about what it takes to take your ideas from your head to the screen; including a screening of their new independent time travel thriller Quantum of Vengeance. Slingin’ Dice: An Introduction to RPGs Saturday 6:00PM - 7:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Rob Wieland, Aaron Pavao, Bill Bodden, Matt McElroy Everything you wanted to know about getting into gaming but were too afraid to ask. 45 Programming Saturday Panels The Alexis Tipton Panel Wait, That’s Not D and D... Mendota Alexis Tipton Come and chat with Alex about life, the universe and everything. Salon H Andrew Hauge So you’ve played (or at least heard of) the big-name tabletop RPGs. Now it’s time to look at some of the ones you might not have heard of... Saturday 6:00PM - 7:00PM The Digimon Panel Saturday 4:00PM – 5:00PM Salon H Adam Pulver Need a break from that other monster show? Reminisce about Digimon and the stories and characters that set it apart from everything else on Saturday mornings. There will be plenty of time to discuss everybody’s favorite and least favorite parts of the show, but we’ll provide an introduction to the later seasons, including the new Digimon Fusion. The Normal Show w/ Tim Buckley Saturday 11:00AM - 12:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Tim Buckley A normal chat with a normal host about normal topics…..or is it? The Works of Monica Valentineli Saturday 4:00PM - 5:00PM La Crosse Monica Valentinelli Discuss the geeky works of Monica Valentinelli, from novels to webzines and everything in-between. Saturday 3:00PM – 4:00PM What’s Happening With Munchkin and Dork Tower Saturday 3:00PM - 4:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee John Kovalic Wanna know? Check it out! What’s Wrong With This Movie?! Saturday 10:00AM – 11:00AM Green Bay/Milwaukee Jesh Nyx Come and indulge yourself in an hour long discussion about a movie from a horrible dimension. Want to know what movie will be dissected? Join the terror and find out! + Line Is It Anyway @ Geek. Whose 18Kon (18+) Saturday 10:00PM – Midnight Mendota Jesh Nyx This will be just like the WLIIA@GK general show, but take out general show and make it a no-bars humorous slaughtering. Nothing will be held sacred in this round. Why Shadowrun is Cool Use the Force: A Star Wars Discussion Saturday 4:00PM - 5:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Rob Wieland and John Jackson Miller Did Greedo shoot first? Come and discuss the world of George Lucas in all its incarnations! 46 Saturday 2:00PM - 3:00PM Mendota Aaron Pavao and Rob Wieland Dragons and cyber and magic! Oh my! Programming Saturday Panels Women in Anime Yugioh: Subs, Dubs, and cuts Mendota Alexis Tipton and Ryan Reynolds Come and discuss with the VAs what it’s like being a woman in the anime industry; from voicing female roles to some of the male characters you see in anime and everything in between. Salon H Kevin Ross & Aryn Lively Join us as we take a different look at the Yugioh franchise as we examine the changes between the original Japanese and edited American versions for both the anime and card game. Saturday 3:00PM - 4:00PM Saturday 9:00PM – 10:00PM Writing 101 Saturday 1:30PM - 2:30PM Wisconsin Monica Valentinelli Do you dream of being a writer but you don’t know where to start? Grab a pencil and paper and saddle up to learn the basics of writing with author Monica Valentinelli. 47 Programming Sunday Panels AMV/Music Video Contest Sunday 12:00PM – 1:00PM Corsets and other Undergarments throughout History Sunday 9:00AM – 10:00AM Geneva Jamie Butler & Vicky Assarattanakul Come see why history was right to wear corsets and hoop skirts in order to achieve that shape! We will talk about how each era was different, and how you can put undergarments to use in your own costumes! Slide show with historical photos as well as recreated examples for you to touch and see will be provided. Costuming q and a Sunday 10:00AM – 11:00AM Mendota Madison Area Costuming Society There are so many topics related to cosplay that we couldn’t possibly cover all in one weekend. Have questions on props, wigs, fabric choices, or anything else we didn’t have a panel about? This is the place! The Madison Area Costuming Society is happy to sit and let you pick their brains about anything and everything related to costumes. Doctor Who: Timelord History Sunday 2:00PM – 3:00PM Geneva Scott Logan From Rassilon to the last time war, join us for a look at the Doctors people and home planet from what a fan has gathered by watching the show. 48 Geeking out! Where is my jet pack? Sunday 12:00PM – 1:00PM La Crosse Scott Logan This is an open discussion panel to talk about our current level of technology and how it compares to what science fiction has promised. Also what kind of device you would want from your favorite shows and movies. Geekstuck Truth Or Dare Saturday 11:30PM – 1:00PM Mendota Solluz, Terezi, Vriska, Tavros, Gamzee, Karkat, Kanaya, Eridan, Equius, Nepeta, Dave, Jade, John Fem!Dave, Aranea, Porrim, Jane, Roxy, Jake, Dirk, Hussie, Lil Cal, Aradiabot A panel in which characters from popular webcomic “Homestuck” will be able to take Dares and answer Truths. Good morning Geek.kon! What are you doing up? Sunday 8:00AM – 9:00AM Geneva Scott Logan So what are you doing up so early? This early morning panel is for morning people and those who have yet to go to bed. Come join us for a discussion on any number of topics. There’s not much else going on at this time. Programming Sunday Panels Lounge L33ts Presents: MMO Worlds Sunday 11:00AM – 1:00PM Mendota Erin Burke, Randy McCullick, Matt Winchell The year in MMO news and gaming presented by the Lounge L33ts videocasters. Makeup Techniques Sunday 2:00PM – 3:00PM La Crosse Catherine Cherwin Ever have questions about how to choose and apply make-up for your costumes? This panel will go over the basics of make-up selection and application for hall costuming, masquerades, and photo-shoots. We will focus on beauty make-up with some discussion of special effect make-up. Bring your make-up questions, see pictures of examples of make-up effects, and get hands on with some make-up supplies. Madtown Bronies Sunday 12:00PM – 1:00PM Geneva John McCreedy Rob Weiss Local Brony Club seeking to share the love of My Little Pony and Friendship with anyone who is seeking a group to join. Whether it’s a common interest, or just wanting to have fun! We’ll be having this panel to give you a much wider description of who we are, what events we plan, open Q&A, and general pony talk for anyone who’s interested. See you there, everypony! Post Con q and a Sunday 4:00PM – 5:00PM Wisconsin Geek.kon Staffers This convention doesn’t drop in once a year on its own. It takes a year’s worth of planning to put on a show like this and it takes geeks like you to keep it going! Learn about all the fun you can have on Geek.Kon staff and how you can help plan next year’s convention. Son of “Anime Explosion” Sunday 2:00PM – 3:30PM Mendota Patrick Drazen A preview of the second edition of my guide to anime, due out this summer Stage Acting vs. Voice Acting Sunday 11:00AM - 12:00PM Wisconsin Chris Patton, Alexis Tipton, and Ryan Reynolds On stage or in front of a mic, what’s the difference? Well, come chat with our VAs and find out. Stay in the Back, Keep Your Eyes Closed, and Burn Every Book You Find: A Look at the Cthulhu Mythos Sunday 2:00PM - 3:00PM Wisconsin Monica Valentinelli and Matt McElroy Check your sanity at the door as we explore the beast, the myth, the legend, the old one slumbering under the sea waiting to end the world…..Cthulhu! 49 Programming Sunday Panels Third Martian from the Left: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Science Sunday 1:00PM - 2:00PM Wisconsin Bridget Landry This isn’t your Daddy’s Barsoom. Join Bridget Landry as we explore the Red Planet and all the mysteries it holds. Turn Your Page and Cough: Health of the Comic Industry Sunday 1:00PM - 2:00PM Geneva John Jackson Miller, Tim Buckley It’s 2013 and the comic industry has come a long way. But where does it stand now and what does the future hold? And do the big hit comic-book movies help comic sales? Twilight to Sunrise: Vampires in Anime/Manga Sunday 10:30PM – 12:00PM Geneva Patrick Drazen A survey of the undead (and similarly themed) anime/manga, we’ll look at why so many are comic, and why Japan sees them as monsters. We Were Novices Too Sunday 1:00PM – 2:00PM Mendota Madison Area Costuming Society Master costumers don’t just spring into existence already perfect, they had to start somewhere just like everyone else. Come for a frank discussion with veteran costumers who are willing to show photos of their hilarious first attempts at costuming and the times they had to learn the hard way. 50 What’s Happening at White Wolf/Onyx Path? Sunday 11:00AM - 12:00PM Green Bay/Milwaukee Matt McElroy Onyx Path Publishing has taken over the task of publishing your favorite World of Darkness and Exalted RPGs. Find out more info at this panel! Women in Gaming Sunday 10:00AM - 11:00AM Green Bay/Milwaukee Monica Valentinelli, Sari Hagen Come and discuss what it’s like being a woman in the gaming industry; from slinging dice to working in the industry itself. Viewings This year Geek.Kon returns to its normal viewing schedule with 3 unique rooms going 24/7 and set up for your viewing pleasure. Visit Geek Cinema for all of your favorite geek movies and shows like Doctor Who and Iron Man 1 and 2. Check out the Ecclectic Showcase for all of those... unique movies and shows that have a special place in our hearts like the 1936 serials of Flash Gordon or great classic films like the Gamera series. And of course our Otaku Theater brings you all the anime you could want handpicked and separated into genre blocks like High School Hijinks and Real *!%&ing Vampires. Friday Geek Cinema Salon C 12:00pm 12:30 Doctor Who Classic: The 1:00pm Dalek Invasion 1:30 of Earth 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm Eureka 3:30 4:00pm 4:30 5:00pm Doctor Who 5:30 Classic: The Invasion 6:00pm 6:30 7:00pm 7:30 Break 8:00pm 8:30 Movie: Iron 9:00pm Man (2008) 9:30 10:00pm 10:30 Doctor Who 11:00pm Classic: Terror 11:30 of the Autons 52 Viewing Room Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do not touch the equipment. No sleeping in the viewing rooms. Please turn off cell phones. Be quiet during programs. Do not leave children unattended. Do not block the aisles. Pick up after yourself when leaving. Follow all instructions from projectionists. 9. Report problems to Geek.Kon staff. 10. Please note that some matieral may not be suitable for children. When available ratings are provided with the description. Ecclectic Showcase Otaku Theater Salon B Salon A Movie: Daikyoju Gappa 801 TTS Airbats (1967) (1:15) Full Metal Movie: Daikaiju Gamera Panic (1967) aka Gamera the Invincible Black Lagoon Movie: Gamera: Gaurdian of the Universe (1995) (3:45) Angelic Layer Hikaru no Go Break Movie: Star Knight (1985) (6:15) Prince of Tennis Break Superdimensional Movie: Metropolis (1927) Fotress Macross (Deluxe Moroder Version) (9:15) Tenchi Muyo GXP Bride of It Came from the Internet!!! Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko Friday 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm 3:30 4:00pm 4:30 5:00pm 5:30 6:00pm 6:30 7:00pm 7:30 8:00pm 8:30 9:00pm 9:30 10:00pm 10:30 11:00pm 11:30 Viewings Saturday Geek Cinema Salon C Part 1 12:00am 12:30 1:00am 1:30 2:00am Doctor Who: 2:30 Series 7 Part 1 3:00am 3:30 4:00am 4:30 5:00am 5:30 Break 6:00am 6:30 Doctor Who 7:00am Classic: Genesis 7:30 of the Daleks 8:00am 8:30 9:00am Eureka 9:30 10:00am Doctor Who 10:30 Classic: Kinda 11:00am 11:30 Break 12:00pm 12:30 Movie: Iron 1:00pm Man 2 (2010) 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 Doctor Who Classic: 3:00pm Vengeance on Varos 3:30 4:00pm Doctor Who Classic: 4:30 Remembrance 5:00pm of the Daleks 5:30 Break Ecclectic Showcase Otaku Theater Saturday Salon B Salon A Hellsing Ultimate Fandub INSANITY!!! Movie: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Break Movie: Demon City Shinjuku Break He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) Supernatural Tokko (7:45) Lucky Star Ultraman (1966) Movie: Gamera 2: Attack of Legion (1996) Azumanga Daioh (10:15) The Melanch Break Break A.D. Police (1:15) Dominion Tank Police THE IRON BUTT CHALLENGE!!! You’re Under Arrest (3:45) Movie: Steamboy Break Part 1 12:00am 12:30 1:00am 1:30 2:00am 2:30 3:00am 3:30 4:00am 4:30 5:00am 5:30 6:00am 6:30 7:00am 7:30 8:00am 8:30 9:00am 9:30 10:00am 10:30 11:00am 11:30 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm 3:30 4:00pm 4:30 5:00pm 5:30 53 Viewings Saturday Part 2 6:00pm 6:30 7:00pm 7:30 8:00pm 8:30 9:00pm 9:30 10:00pm 10:30 11:00pm 11:30 Geek Cinema Salon C Ecclectic Showcase Otaku Theater Saturday Salon B Salon A Part 2 6:00pm (6:15) Steam 6:30 Movie: Captain Detectives America: The JourneyQuest: Season 2 7:00pm First Avenger 7:30 Break (2011) 8:00pm Cowboy Bebop 8:30 Geek.Kon Watches Independent (9:15) Captain 9:00pm Film Festival Harlock/Outside 9:30 Legend 10:00pm 10:30 Puppet Master Movie Martian Successor 11:00pm Movie: Doctor Marathon Nadesico Who (1996) 11:30 Viewings Sunday Geek Cinema Salon C 12:00am 12:30 1:00am 1:30 2:00am 2:30 Doctor Who 3:00am Series 7 Part 2 3:30 4:00am 4:30 5:00am 5:30 6:00am Doctor Who: The 6:30 Empty Child/The 7:00am Doctor Dances 7:30 8:00am Eureka 8:30 9:00am Doctor Who: 9:30 Human Nature/ 10:00am Family of Blood 10:30 11:00am Eureka 11:30 12:00pm Break 12:30 1:00pm Movie: Marvel’s 1:30 The Avengers (2012) 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm Doctor Who: The 3:30 Doctor’s Wife 4:00pm Closed 4:30 Ecclectic Showcase Otaku Theater Salon B Puppet Master Movie Marathon (cont) Movie: White Zombie (1932) (3:45) Movie: The Brain that Wouldn’t Die (1959) Break Spider-Man (1967, Animated) Salon A Mytery Hentai Theater 18+ Break Crest of the Stars (4:45) Toward the Terra Galaxy Railways Ultra Seven (1967) The Staff’s Top Picks of Anime Flash Gordon (1936, serials) Break Break Movie: Gamera 3: The Revenge of Iris (1999) Movie: Invaders from Space (1965) (3:45) Kamen Rider ZO Our Guest’s Favorite Anime Closed Sunday 12:00am 12:30 1:00am 1:30 2:00am 2:30 3:00am 3:30 4:00am 4:30 5:00am 5:30 6:00am 6:30 7:00am 7:30 8:00am 8:30 9:00am 9:30 10:00am 10:30 11:00am 11:30 12:00pm 12:30 1:00pm 1:30 2:00pm 2:30 3:00pm 3:30 4:00pm 4:30 55 Viewings - Geek Cinema Geek Cinema Events th Doctor Who 50 Anniversary Marathon Various Various TV G Geek.Kon is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the longest running Science Fiction show in History. Head of Viewings Ran-san has picked one serial from each Doctor and are showing them in chronological order…the Doctor’s Chronology, that is. Check the Viewings Schedule Chart to know what is playing when. Geek.Kon Indeprendent Film Festival Sat 8:30PM 2 hrs NR Geek.Kon salutes independent filmmakers by showing off two independent films. First, the Film “Quantum of Vengeance” by local Madison Filmmakers. Then, the film “Life Tracker” by Joe McClean. Enjoy! Geek Cinema Movies Captain America: The First Avenger Sat 6 PM 124 min PG-13 In the height of World War II, a young American named Steve Rogers volunteers for a special program to make him the ultimate super soldier…Captain America. Iron Man Fri 8 PM 126 min PG-13 Billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr) is kidnapped by terrorists in Afghanistan. To escape, he builds himself a suit of powered armor, and becomes the superhero Iron Man. 56 Iron Man 2 Sat 12pm 124 min PG-13 Iron Man returns in this action packed sequel to the 2008 film. Tony Starks life is threatened when rival scientist Ivan Vanko attacks him, while the government schemes with business rival Justin Hammer to take the Iron Man designs. Marvel’s The Avengers Sat 12:30pm143 min PG-13 Marvel’s Greatest Superheros – Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and The Incredible Hulk, team up with S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, Hawkeye, and Black Widow to stop Loki and the Alien Invasion he’s bringing to Earth. Geek Cinema Shows Doctor Who Series 7 Overnight Catch up with the latest series of Doctor Who as we run all the episodes of the latest series overnight between midnight and 5 am. Eureka U.S. Marshall Jack Carter discovers that the small Oregon town of Eureka holds a secret: it’s really a think tank of the greatest scientific minds in the world. But when that many geniuses get together in one town, strange things happen… Otaku Theater - Viewings Otaku Theater Events Otaku Theater Shows Mystery Hentai Theater Sun 12 AM 3 hrs 18+ 801 TTS Airbats Fri 12 PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Our Guest’s Favourite Anime Sun 11:30 AM 5 hrs NR A.D. Police Sat 12 PM Ep 1-3 TV-MA Angelic Layer Fri 3:45 PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Azumanga Diaoh Sat 7:45 AM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Angelic Layer Fri 3:45 PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Azumanga Diaoh Sat 7:45 AM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Black Lagoon Fri 2:30 PM Ep 1-3 TV-MA There is good hentai, and there is bad hentai. This is the latter kind, and join our hosts as they proceed to rip it apart. We’ve asked our guests what their favourite anime they’ve been involved with is. Join us to see what their response was. The Staff’s Top Picks of Anime Sun 7 AM 4 hrs NR The Geek.Kon Staff has voted! Here we will show our top 3 favourite Anime shows of all time! Otaku Theater Movies Demon City Shinjuku Sat 4 AM 80 min R Shinjuku was destroyed by an earthquake and became a demon paradise. Now 10 years later, a young man must stop the man who caused the earthquake and rescue the president of the world. Steamboy Sat 3:45 PM 126 min PG In an alternate steampunky 19th century, a young inventor must stop his deranged father from overthrowing the monarchy and taking over the world…using the power of steam. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Sat 1:30 AM 103 min PG-13 When a young woman is kidnapped by an infamously powerful vampire, it’s up to the legendary Vampire Hunter, D, to rescue her. But can he do it before she becomes his next victim? A shy otaku mechanic is assigned to the 801 out all female aerobatics division of the JASDF. Hilarity insues. Set in the Bubblegum Crisis universe, this is the story of the A.D. Police, a special weapons squad of the MegaTokyo Police Force, whose job it is to take down rogue boomers, or super powered androids. The predecessor to Chobits. A young high school girl enters a game where players use robotic dolls to wage battle. A humorous and wacky series about the high school lives of a group of girls and their interaction with each other. The predecessor to Chobits. A young high school girl enters a game where players use robotic dolls to wage battle. A humorous and wacky series about the high school lives of a group of girls and their interaction with each other. In the lawless city of Roanpur, Thailand, we follow the activities of the mercenary Lagoon Company, and the things they have to do to survive this dog-kill-god city. 57 Viewings - Otaku Theater Captain Harlock: The Endless Odyssey Sat 9:15PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Captain Harlock must put his original crew, now scattered or in jail, back together to fight a viscious race called the Noo. Cowboy Bebop Sat 8PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Follow the antics of Spike, Jet, Faye, and Ed as they track down bounty-heads across the solar system. Crest of the Stars Sun 3:30AMEp 1-3 TV-14 The story of a war between the Abh and the Humanity, and the four people caught up in the middle. Dominion Tank Police Sat 1:15PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 In the futuristic Newport, Japan. Crime has gotten so bad the Newport Police have to use tanks to fight crime. Full Metal Panic Fri 1:15PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Sousake Sagara, a member of the secret organization Mithril, is assigned to protect 15 year old Kaname Chidori from the terrorists trying to abduct her. Galaxy Railways Sun 6AM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Leiji Matsumoto’s tale of a young man that joins the Space Defense Force and is assigned to the same platoon that his father was in before he died. Hellsing Ultimate Sat 12AM Ep 1-2 TV-MA In England the Hellsing Organization is the military forced used to seek and destroy the undead. Their secret weapon? The rogue vampire, Alucard. 58 Hikaru no Go Fri 5 PM Ep 1-3 TV-14 Lucky Star Sat 7:45AM Ep 1-3 TV-14 A coming of age story about a young boy and the game of Go. The story of four Japanese girls in high school. Martian Successor Nadesico Sat 10:30PMEp 1-3 TV-14 When Earth comes under attack by aliens from Jupiter, Nergal Heavy Industires creates a ship to fight them…the Mobile Battleship Nadesico Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya, The Sat 10:15AMEp 1-3 TV-14 A cynical young man is dragged by an eccentric young classmate into forming a club to seek out unusual events….but things are more than what they seem. Prince of Tennis Ep 1-3 Young Ryoma Echizen enters Seishun Academy and sets his goal on winning the National Tennis Championship and defeating all who would stand in his way. Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko Ep 1-3 In 2999 people in the midst of a interstellar war go back in time 1000 years to recuit starship pilots. Steam Detectives Ep 1-3 In Steam City, where steam is the only power source, Narutaki is a young detective fighting for truth and justice. Otaku Theater - Viewings Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Ep 1-3 On its launch day, the Earth ship Macross is attacked and accidentially winds up on the far side of Pluto. Supernatural Ep 1-2 Anime based on the 2005 US series that explores the childhoods of the Winchester family. Tenchi Muyo GXP Ep 1-3 A young man with phenomenal bad luck is accidentally sent to the Galaxy Police Academy. Tokko Ep 1-2 The Special Mobilization Public Safety Task Force, an organization in Japan to investingate and combat supernatural events. Toward the Terra Ep 1-3 In a far off computer controlled future, a psychic race of humans are created, the Mu are created. This is the story of their fight against the machines and their return to earth. You’re Under Arrest Ep 1-3 The episodic adventures of Natsumi Tsujimoto and Miyuki Kobayakawa, two members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Viewings - Eclectic Showcase Eclectic Showcase Events Bride of It Came from the Internet!!! Fri 10PM Parental Discretion Advised The good, the bad, the horrid, and the strange. Everything the internet could provide for you in the visual medium. And you pick what we watch! The Audience selects a number at random and we watch it. Fandub Insanity Sat 12AM Parental Discretion Advised Ran-san dips into his bag of tricks for another year to bring out the cream of Anime Fan Parodies, past and present. Geek.Kon Watches Sat 8PM Parental Discretion Advised Welcome one and all to a special riffing event. “Watches” is an ongoing Blip and YouTube series where the host Matt talks about and pokes fun at Public Domain movies. And you are all invited to join in for the first Public hosted episode. The Iron Butt Challenge!!!! Sat 1PM Parental Discretion Advised Eclectic Showcase Movies (The) Brain that Wouldn’t Die Sun 3:45AM 82 min NR A doctor experimenting with transplants keeps his girlfriend’s head alive when she is decapitated in a car crash, then hunts for a new body. Daikaiju Gamera Fri 1:30PM 86 min PG Daikyoju Gappa Fri 12PM 90 min PG a.k.a. “Gammera The Invincible”. The original dub of the first Gamera movie. A giant turtle is released from his ice prison and goes about stomping Japan. A.K.A. “Gappa, The Colossal Beast” or “Gappa: The Triphibian Monster”. 1967. When an expedition from Tokyo comes back with a monster named Gappa, they soon find out that it is only the child, and soon the parents come to try and find there lost child. Gamera: Daikaiju Kuchu Kessen Fri 3PM 100 min PG-13 A.K.A. “Gamera: Guardian of the Universe”. The Fire breathing turtle is back in this 1995 restart of the franchise. Watch as he fights off the man-eating Gyaos. The epic public rifting is back, this year the special movie we are mentioning is Space Mutiny, but there is far more cheese waiting in sore for you all. Come all and poke fun at the new list of Bad movies! Gamera Tsu: Region Shurai Sat 10AM 100 min PG-13 Puppet Master Movie Marathon Sat 10PM 4hrs 30 min R Gamera Suri Jyashin Irisu Kakusei Sun 12:30PM 108 min PG-13 We at Geek.Kon think sleep is overrated. To accentuate this point, we’re treating you to the first three Puppet Master movies in one large marathon. Come join us, and never sleep again. 60 A.K.A. “Gamera 2: Attack of Legion” or “Gamera 2: Advent of Legion”. The Earth is under attack by Legion, a race of insectoid extraterrestrials, prompting Gamera to come back to defend us. A.K.A. “Gamera 3: The Awakening of Iris” or “Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris”. Ayana Hirasaka, a troubled young girl forms a psychic bond with an aggressive parasitic creature known as Iris. It feeds upon her hate for Gamera, who is presently engaging more Gyaos. Eclectic Showcase - Viewings Invaders from Space Sun 2PM 78 min PG The second film of StarMan, the action hero that started live action Super Heroes in Japan. Watch as he fends off an alien race of Cappa, who attempt to invade the world. Metropolis Fri 8PM 90 min PG Star Knight Fri 6:30PM 90 min PG The perfected version of Moroder’s version of Metropolis with improved video, color tints, and fantastic 80’s music. A.K.A. “El caballero del dragón” or “The Knight of the Dragon”. An alien from outer space comes to Spain in the Middle Ages and seeks out the wonders of our world, while also falling in love with the local princess. White Zombie Sun 2:30AM1 hr NR Madeleine Short is a young woman who is being transformed into a zombie at the hands of an evil voodoo master, Murder Legendre, as played by Bela Lugosi. Eclectic Showcase Shows Flash Gordon Sun 10AM 120 min NR The original 1936 serial, the first attempt to bring one of the oldest modern Super Heroes to life. JourneyQuest: Season 2 Sat 6PM 2 hrs PG-13 The ongoing misadventures of a failed mage, the Undead Cleric, and the Elven Ranger continue to push on. Slapstick and surprises in store for all. Kamen Rider ZO Fri 5PM, Sun 3:45PM 1 hr Y-7 Spider-Man Sun 6AM 2 hrs G Ultraman Sat 8AM 2 hrs PG UltraSeven Sun 8 AM 2 hrs. PG A strange young man is awoken in the forest of Japan, with only one thing in mind. A whisper in mind to protect a young boy from oncoming monsters make by the Neo Organism, an experiment with a mind of its own. The popular 1967 Marvel Cartoon returns to the big screen for your Sunday morning enjoyment. One of the biggest super heroes of Japan comes to our viewing rooms. Watch as he aids the earth in fending off giant monsters when things get to dangerous for his human companions. The sequel to the original Ultraman, his brother visits earth and finds that it’s under threat of alien and monster attacks again, and takes human form to once again aid in protecting the humans he befriends. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Sat 6AM Eps 1-5 G The ORIGINAL 80’s cartoon comes to Geek.Kon. Relive your childhood with the first five episodes. 61 Vendors and Artists Vendor Room/Artist Alley layout Michigan Room Vendor room rules Friday: 3:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM 1. Shoplifting will not be tolerated. Getting caught stealing will result in the revocation of your badge. 2. Please be considerate of others while in the Vendor Room. No pushing or shoving. 3. Please provide proper photo ID with proof of age when purchasing adult materials. 4. Do not block the aisles if posing for a picture while in the vendor room. Please move out of the way. 5. Do not be disruptive while in the Vendor Room. Geek.Kon reserves the right to remove people from the room for inappropriate behavior. 62 Vendors and Artists Vendors V1 V2-V3 V4-V5 V6-V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17-V18 V19 V20 V21-V24 V25-V27 V28-V29 V30-V32 Elysium Armory Credits Remaining Gaming Generation Hell on Wheels Traveling Hobby Shop Wayne’s World Rubber Punk Productions Purple Koi Designs LLC Sara Cura Singing Lemur Jewelry Scrying Eye Games Pegasus Games OTP LLC Superior Shirt Works Westfield Comics 20th Century Books Your Way Anime AnimeStuffStore.com Eagle Anime Anime Klub Fast Food Anime Artists 1 Geek.Kon Merchandise 2 Day-Glow Studio 3 Geek Wear Ink 4-5 Maggs Creations 6 Angry Fox Studios 7-8 Super Effective Buttons 9 Cheri Fakes 10 Rainarc Rhapsody 11 Strange Land Costuming 12-13 Squirrel Creek Creations 14 Button Up Now 15-16 Prairie Knoll Stitchery 17 Sweet PlushieCake Creations 18 Sewn Together Reflections 19-20Alayna Lemmer LLC 21-22 Dragonrose Designs 23 Inefective Carnivore 24 Lee-OH Art 25 Maple Simplicity 26 BeCOS you PLAY 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 HylianJess Zashi’s Corner The Twitchy Kitten Lemmon Pinguin Tim Buckley John Jackson Miller Trae Dorn Productions Andrea JacqLee Studios & Yesterday’s Fantasy Gemini Studios Meg’s Crafty Creations Psydkicks Entertainment Wirefly Jewelry Clarke G Xypher 63 NoBrandCon Goes To the Movies April 25 - 27, 2014 Cosplay Contest Saturday Night Dance AMV Contest Mann Auction Variety Show Karaoke 24-Hour Viewing Room No Mercy Room Art Lounge Eau Claire, WI Left 4 Nerf Boffer Room 24-Hour Videogame Room League of Legends Portable Gaming Lounge 24-Hour Tabletop Room Magic: The Gathering Warhammer 40K Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG And So Much More! www.nobrandcon.org cfXccTa}UPRTQ^^Z}STeXP]cPac}cd\Q[a}fPaW^a] @NoBrandCon /nobrandcon #no-brand-con nobrandcon /no-brand-con-2014 Geek.Kon Staff A.J. Bolte Adam Pulver Jennifer Becker Rosanna Caponi AJ Sarah Anne Chris Bain Zach Beck Jason Becker Marina Beke Jeff Berger Sarah Bloy Andrew Bollman Brandon Boynton Erin Burke Cody Champa Tiffany Chambers Chelsie Catie Cherwin Brie Clark Alex Cobian Eric Craig Amy Dee Chris Duke Katie Dungar Dylan Cheri Fakes Jared Farmer Millie Fleming-Middleton Joe Frost Rachel Gebhard James Gibble-Keenan Sara Gorshe Gracie Christopher Hampton Brian Hagen Sari Hagen Chairman Vice-Chairman, Workforce Head Treasurer Secretary, Productions Head VGR Britt Halaas Equipment Head Steve Hanson Registration Hoklan Hau Guest Relations VGR Head John Haverty Equipment Head Security Security Costuming Paul Holmen Security Katie Huels VGR David Hunting Vendor Relations Rochelle Hunting Head Andrew Jun VGR Maggie Kane VGR VGR Konlea Costuming Amanda Koprowski Security David Kriger Kon.Quest Missy Kuntz Registration Ryan Kwit Head Robert Laib Costuming Marissa Langlais Video Production Laura Linde-Turnes General Staff Justin Legel Rock Show Laura LeGault Coordinator Scott Logan VGR Convention Artist James Lundberg Security Alex Mahr Costuming Jessa Markert Webmaster Randy McCullick VGR Shana Messina Security Kelsey Morse-Brown Equipment Deanna Morrison VGR Ashley Morrison General Staff Faith Morrison Guest Relations Jesh Nyx Guest Relations Head Dallin Pesce Public Relations Christopher Pogorski Head Mattie Redmer-Legel Guest Relations VGR LAN Gaming Coordinator Boffer Room Coordinator Costuming Vendor Relations Equipment Security General Staff General Staff Equipment Merchandizing Morale Head General Staff Security Security General Staff Security Events Head Security Costuming Security Head Security Geek Club Adventures Security Equipment Guest Relations Viewings Head Registration Security Guest Relations Costuming Costuming Artist Relations, Video Production VGR Security Security 65 Geek.Kon Staff (cont) Alex Richetta Anthony Rodriquez Charlotte Rucks Scott Schultz Tim Scott Shellie Michael Stone Eric Smith Alex Tasslehoff Ed Tentis Jeffery Thompson Simone Turner Marc Turnes Jenni Vetterlie Matt Winchell Will Emilie Woog Hanna Zoromski 66 Security General Staff TableTop Gaming Head Security Equipment VGR Guest Relations Equipment Kon.Quest VGR VGR Workforce Costuming Security Viewings VGR Security Costuming Final Words Thank you! The staff would like to thank for the following for their help and contributions to Geek. Kon: Madison Marriot West, our security team, our volunteers, Bill Boden, Tim Buckley, Bridget Landry, Matt M. McElroy, John Jackson Miller, Chris Patton, Aaron Pavao, Ryan Reynolds, David Salo, Alexis Tipton, Monica Valentinelli, Rob Wieland, the Rock Show bands, Wisconsin chapters of Belegarth and Amtguard, DJ Kade, Liquid86, DJ Fermi, John “Sarge” Baker, Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin, Madison Area Costuming Society, International Costumers Guild in honor of Marty Gear, Mark Turnes, our masquerade judges, Scott Melzer, Swank, Funimation, BBC, our panelists, Pathfinders Society, Tabletop gaming contributors, Paul’s Video Arcade, I Play Games, our LAN sponsors, Day Glow Studios, discountofficeitems.com, Nobrandcon, Kistunekon, Daishocon, Anime Central, CONvergence, Odyssey Con, Anime Fusion, Anime Milwaukee, Anime Detour, Geek Partnership Society, A/V Club, the City of Middleton, geekplastiq, Credits remaining, SCA - Barony of Jararvellir, Purple Koi Designs, The letter “S” for Science, the table of elements, Dihydrogenmonoxide, my cat, the Higgs Boson Particle, The XLR connector, Doc Brown, Einstein the real MC2, the infinite improbibility drive, duct tape, a pot of petunias, the Jupiter mining corportation, Umbrella Corp, Aperture Science and the moose who once bit my sister. The Quotable Geek A collection of the oddest utterings by Geek.Kon staff members... “FOR SARCASM!” - Bob “Slinging cats into fires” - AJ “Mew mew mew” - Everyone Else “I must have sacrificed enough virgins on their wedding nights to get Paypal® to work” - Eric “I swear this colonoscopy is con related” - Bob “One thing I like about it, it goes boing” - AJ “It’s PG-13, you can have one ‘f*&k’ in PG-13” - Chris H “I’m not in favor of setting the place on fire” - Sarah B “It sounded like a chipmunk with a little too much gas” - Jesh “Someone get the smelling data to bring Skype back.” - Jesh “The anime VA not the hot piece of man-meat I’d like to jump” - Maggie “...and now we know why the other Ryan Reynolds said ‘no’” - Adam “If you don’t see anything from me tomorrow morning, email me tonight.” - Bob “Shut up Paul Revere! I need some meat!” - Jason “Panel Idea: ‘Adam flips a table’” - Bob “You really can’t top the hotel exploding” - Randy “YES I CAN!” - Adam “Stop having quotes when the quotes page is full!” - Rosanna 67 Be sure to join us on Facebook to keep in touch with Geek.Kon year round! Keep track of everything happening this weekend using our online schedule!