VOTE MAY 8 - City of Richardson


VOTE MAY 8 - City of Richardson
April 23, 2010
Dear Resident:
The City Council recently and unanimously approved placing a bond election totaling $66 million on the May 8, 2010 ballot. As the election period draws near, we encourage you to review
the information on the projects so you can make an informed decision when you cast your vote.
This pamphlet is designed to give you some insight on the projects involved. I think it’s important for you to know the items in the proposed bond package went through a thorough review
process, which, for the Council, began last fall with a list of 450 projects totaling $500 million.
City Council
Gary Slagel
Bob Townsend
Mayor Pro Tem
Mark Solomon
John Murphy
Bob Macy
Steve Mitchell
Amir Omar
Bill Keffler
City Manager
Our initial discussions centered around the timing of such an election. In the past, Richardson
voters have supported such measures, but today’s economy makes the decision to carefully consider a bond proposal even more important.
We held numerous public meetings to review the merits of the projects and to discuss the timing of the election. Through this systematic evaluation and review by the City Council, community stakeholders and City Staff, the decision was made that the combination of low interest
rates for bonds, the City’s strong financial position and most recent AAA bond rating, and the
low cost for construction made this a good time to put this measure before our community.
The list of projects you will find inside was debated and refined during four months of dialogue.
However, this investment in our community does come with a price. If all four of the propositions are approved, it is estimated a 6-cent municipal tax rate increase will be needed to support
financing for the bonds. That would have about a $110 annual impact on the average homeowner in Richardson, which is approximately $9 per month.
I hope you carefully weigh the propositions before you, as your City Council and I have, and
read this material so you can make an informed decision.
The City Council and I thank you for your attention to this important issue.
Gary Slagel
1. Street Improvements
2. Park and Recreational
Public Buildings
Neighborhood Vitality
Voting information on page 7
2009-2011 Richardson City Council
Place 1
Bob Townsend
Mayor Pro Tem
Place 4
Gary Slagel
Place 2
Mark Solomon
Place 3
John Murphy
Place 5
Bob Macy
Place 7
Amir Omar
Place 6
Steve Mitchell
2010 City Bond Election to be held May 8
In the fall of 2009, the City Council
was presented a list of more than $500
million in recommended improvements
city-wide. Lower construction costs,
paired with historically low interest rates
nationally, made it apparent the environment was good to consider borrowing
money to complete some of the needed
With that in mind, the City Council
discussed the list of more than 450 projects, and debated whether or not the
time was right to use bond money to complete the work, and, if so, what items on
the list should be addressed.
In reviewing the merits of the projects, the City Council considered feed-
back from Richardson residents and local
business leaders. Four months later,
through a systematic evaluation and
review process, the list was refined to a
selection of 32 projects throughout the
City valued at $66 million.
The money would be raised through
the issuance of general obligation bonds,
which give cities like Richardson a tool
to raise money for projects that do not
provide direct sources of revenue. It is
not unusual for projects like roads,
bridges, parks and equipment to be funded this way. If approved, the City would
move to sell the bonds by this summer.
While the City has been able to keep
the property tax rate the same for the past
four years, the sale of the bonds would be
tied to a tax rate increase to support their
financing. This method helps the City
capitalize on its strong financial position
and its most recent AAA bond rating, and
helps ensure a better interest rate.
Through the years, residents of
Richardson have encouraged the City to
continue periodically reinvesting in public infrastructure and key facilities to further enhance the community’s neighborhoods and overall quality of life. Once
again, it is up to Richardson voters to
determine whether or not this type of
reinvestment is needed at this time.
This publication briefly describes the
32 proposed projects included in the four
propositions of the 2010 Bond Election.
For further questions regarding the proposed 2010 Bond Program visit, call 972-744-4141, or email your questions to
The anticipated tax impact of this proposal would increase Richardson’s property tax rate by 6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Based on the average value of a Richardson
home of $182,810, the anticipated annual tax impact of this proposal is $110, or about $9 a month.
Up to 5 percent of bond proceeds could be used to pay for specialists who would work directly on bond projects – engineers, planners and other analysts. A portion of the bond
proceeds are also being leveraged with funds from other federal, state and local entities, which will be used to pay for the Galatyn Overpass extension, University of Texas at Dallas
road projects and intersections and Central Trail expansion.
Richardson expects to sell the bonds at less than a 5 percent interest rate. The City’s strong financial position, its most recent AAA bond rating from Standard & Poor’s and financial backing from the property tax increase tied to the projects will help achieve that goal.
Tax Year
Avg. Home Value
Tax Rate
Municipal Taxes
~ $9/month
* Estimated — if all four propositions approved
2009-2010 Tax Rate
Fort Worth
Grand Prairie
(2010-2011 Estimated)
Proposition 1—Street Improvements
This $24,710,000 proposition addresses repairs and renovations to 36 alley segments, seven collector streets and 15 residential streets; City participation in extending the Galatyn
overpass and roadway connections at the University of Texas at Dallas; developer participation; construction of new turn lanes at Spring Valley/Weatherred and along Renner and at
Jupiter and 190; replacement and reconstruction of traffic control devices; flood prevention on Laurel Lane; erosion control on Timberway and Braeburn, and replacement of a culvert
with a bridge at Phillips Street and Floyd Branch.
Alley and street repair
400 block Malden Dr. (north alley)
2-50 Merrie Cir.(interior alley)
1100 Odessa Dr. (west alley)
900 block Pinecrest Dr. (north alley)
800 block Wateka Way (north alley)
600 block Ridgedale (north alley)
1400 block Lorrie Dr. (east alley)
1000 block Cardinal (east alley)
1000 block Coit
(east alley, from Arapaho to “T”)
600 block Lockwood Lane (north alley)
600 block Greenleaf (north alley)
2200-2204 Shannon Dr. (south alley)
1222-1236 Comanche Dr. (north alley)
1300-1336 Chippewa Dr. (north alley)
100-106 Dover Dr. (west alley)
401-405 St. Lukes (west alley)
303-305 St. Lukes (west alley)
700-714 S. Weatherred Dr. (west alley)
701-711 Palmer Pl. (east alley)
301-307 S. Weatherred Dr. (east alley)
401-407 S. Weatherred Dr. (east alley)
201-205 N. Weatherred Dr. (west alley)
804-830 Westwood Dr. (north alley)
& 301-307 N. Weatherred
405 West Shore Dr.
(west alley from Newberry to “T”)
605-611 Worcester Way (south alley)
701-707 Lorrie Dr. (west alley)
801-803 Lorrie Dr.
(west alley from Hanbee to “T”)
406-444 Marilu St.
(north alley from Custer to “T”
and south to Marilu)
406-444 Jolee St.
(north alley from Custer to “T”
and south to Jolee)
Richardson alley selected for repair
Proposition 1 includes repair and renovation of 36 alleys, seven collector streets
and 15 residential streets. Selection of
streets and alleys to be included in the program was based on a city-wide survey of
pavement conditions, field assessments and
funding priorities. The survey was
performed by a consulting firm
using a high-tech van that utilizes
sensors, lasers and video to create
a composite score called a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) for
every road surface in Richardson.
The PCI score ranks a roadway
condition from 0-100, with 100
being the best. Alley segments
with a PCI score of 55 or lower,
and street segments with a score
of 50 or lower, have been select-
ed for repair. In total, 4.8 miles of alleys, 4.5
miles of collector streets and 8.6 miles of
residential streets would receive full depth
concrete repairs to replace failed sections
of pavement.
Street and alley survey van
1101-1103 Lorrie Dr.
(west alley from Lynn to “T”)
317-319 Sutton Pl.
(south alley from Sutton to “T”)
1907-1927 Arvada Dr. (north alley)
1004 Harness Ln. (from Harness to “T”)
1412 Blake Dr. West (from Blake to “T”)
700-826 Ridgedale
(north alley from Floyd to “T”)
400-420 Tiffany Trail
(south alley from Abrams to “T”)
Residential Streets
100 N. Gentle Dr.
300 Wista Vista Dr. (resurface asphalt)
400 Grace Dr.
800 Lockwood
700 Northhill Dr.
300 Pittman St. (resurface asphalt)
400-500 Pittman St.
300 Huffhines (resurface asphalt)
1000 Meadowview Ct.
500 E. Tyler St.
700-800 Ridgedale Dr.
200-300 S. Lois Ln. (Polk to Highland)
100-300 N. Weatherred Dr.
100-600 Dover Dr.
Nantucket Dr. (Melrose to Campbell)
Collector Streets
Terrace (Greenville to Dorothy)
Dumont (Hyde Park to US 75)
1400-1500 E. Lookout
Melrose (Coit to West Shore)
500-600 Old Campbell Rd.
(resurface asphalt)
S. Grove
(Belt Line to Highland Blvd.)
N. Bowser (Belt Line to Apollo)
Street capacity and intersection projects
The street capacity elements of this
proposition include the construction of roadway connections on the University of Texas
at Dallas (UTD) campus and developer participation funding that would help pay for
the City’s share in the cost of public infrastructure within various projects. Construction of the roadways on UTD’s campus would
alleviate some traffic concerns on adjacent
streets and in nearby neighborhoods and
allow the City to make park and utility
improvements on portions of UTD’s property. If the project is approved, the City would
get long-term leases on portions of the campus to allow construction of a new water
tower and park and athletic facilities. A portion of the roadways would be constructed
with shared funds from Lake Highlands Soccer Association. Part of the money raised
from the bond sale would also be used to
meet an 80/20 funding split between the
City and federal government to extend the
Galatyn Overpass over the southbound
Location for proposed Galatyn Overpass extension
frontage road of US 75. Proposed intersection projects include the addition of dual
left-turn lanes and right-turn only lanes on
Spring Valley Road and Weatherred Drive.
Right-turn only lanes are also proposed at
the intersections of Alma and Renner roads,
Jupiter and Renner roads, Jupiter Road and
SH 190 and Renner Road and SH 190.
Regional Toll Revenue funding from the
North Texas Tollway Authority would provide 80 percent of construction costs for
these four intersections.
Street Capacity
Galatyn Overpass Extension
UTD Roadways
Developer participation
Spring Valley Road
at Weatherred Drive
Jupiter Road at Renner Road
Renner Road at SH 190
Alma Road at Renner Road
Jupiter Road at SH 190
Proposition 1—Street Improvements
State of Richardson’s Roads
More than 80 percent of the City’s roadways are more than 20 years old, with half of those age 40 years and older. The typical design life for a concrete road is 25 years, which is
why roadway rehabilitation is the largest part of the Proposition 1 project list. Alley segments with a PCI score of 55 or lower, and street segments with a score of 50 or lower, have
been selected for repair.
Traffic control devices
City traffic signal
Flood prevention, erosion control, bridges, culverts
Drainage projects in Proposition
1 include flood prevention, erosion
control and bridges and culverts. A
section of street and alley on Laurel
Lane from St. Lukes Drive to Waterview Drive would be repaired by
adjusting the pavement elevations
and installing new storm drains and
pipes to increase the drainage capacity. Gabion walls (stone-filled wire
baskets) would be constructed at the
1700 block of Timberway Drive and
the 1500 block of Braeburn Drive to
armor the creek bank and protect
against erosion of the channel wall.
An existing culvert at Phillips Street
on the Floyd Branch is substantially
undersized, causing flood waters to
overtop the roadway. A bridge is proposed that would accommodate the
creek flow and provide required
emergency access.
The traffic control devices portion of
Proposition 1 includes the installation of wireless communication capability at all of the
City’s 125 traffic signals to connect with the
City’s fiber optic network. The system would
be able to support traffic signals, traffic video,
water security systems, wireless meter reading, police and fire mobile data, various field
applications and serve as redundant links to
back up other services. Traffic signal communications allow personnel to view and evaluate traffic conditions via video and adjust signal timing from the Traffic Management Center without deploying technicians to the field.
Of the City’s 125 traffic signals, 57 intersections are in need of some level of signal
reconstruction. The equipment at seven signals has recently been replaced, 11 signals are
being rebuilt through shared Congestion Management Air Quality funds, the 2006 Bond
Program, the Brick Row development and
TxDOT, and five signals are included in the
proposed intersection improvement locations,
also a part of Proposition 1. The 2010 Bond
Proposal calls for the complete reconstruction of 14 of the highest ranked signals in need
of replacement. The next 20 highest ranked
signals would receive new signal control cabinets, battery back-up units and new wiring.
Drainage though City creek system
Flood Prevention
Laurel Lane-St. Lukes Drive
to Waterview Drive
Erosion Control
1709 Timberway Dr.
1502 Braeburn Dr.
Bridges and Culverts
Phillips Bridge at Floyd Branch
City traffic signal cabinet
Gabion wall
Proposition 2
Park and Recreational Facilities
The largest projects in this $22,645,000 proposal involve construction of a new recreation center and new aquatic center at Heights Park. Other items in the proposition include
playground redevelopment at up to four parks, construction of a pedestrian bridge at Breckinridge Park, acquisition of land for the development of small parks south of Belt Line and
north of Arapaho in the Heights and Northrich areas, and alterations to various parks to better comply with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Proposition 2 also
includes the Central Trail supplement and construction of new trails at Point North, Canyon Creek, Terrace and Woodhaven Grove parks. Construction of entry signs at Waterview,
Custer, Plano, Jupiter and Renner roads and construction of shade structures for the new ball fields at Breckinridge and Huffhines parks are also proposed.
Heights Recreation Center and pool
Neighborhood parks
Proposition 2 also includes acquisition of land for park development in two areas of
Richardson. If approved, the City would locate one 1-2 acre park in the Richardson Heights
neighborhood south of Belt Line and east of Cottonwood Creek, and one in the Northrich area near Custer Road, between Arapaho and Campbell, both areas are identified as
under-served in terms of park facilities. The proposed parks would be designed once land
is secured and would follow a public input process prior to construction. Elements of the
park could include playgrounds, picnic facilities and open play space.
Playground redevelopment
Proposition 2 funds
for redevelopment of
playgrounds would be
used at up to four locations where the playgrounds are in need of
replacement due to age
of the equipment and
lack of compliance with
current safety standards.
Redeveloped Heights Park playground
Proposition 2 would allow the City to
utilize $2.5 million in funding from Dallas
County to extend the Central Trail. The work
would stretch from the south City limits along
the DART rail line to Arapaho Road. The project includes the creation of a storm water
drainage system from Main to Phillips Street,
Overhead rendering of proposed Heights Rec Center and aquatic center
Proposition 2 includes 11 projects. The
largest two items on the list are demolition
and reconstruction of the Heights Recreation Center and Arapaho pool, which would
begin Phase 1 of implementation of the master plan for Heights Park developed and
approved in 2008.
Heights Park master planning began in
2007 to create a long-term vision for the
park and to establish a set of goals for future
activities and improvements. The planning
included multiple public meetings, community-based studies on park needs, national
trends and standards. The Master Plan was
recommended by the Park and Recreation
Commission and approved by the City
Council in 2008. Passage of Proposition 2
would allow the first phase of the plan to
move forward. That includes the new
Heights Recreation Center and pool facilities as well as the relocation of the Gymnastics Center to an undetermined location
within the City.
Current drawings on where the proposed
projects fit the site reflect a feasibility study
prepared by architects and engineers considering the best use for the northern most
area of the community park. The recreation
center would likely be rebuilt in the location where the pool now sits. Once construction of the new, 25,000 square-foot
center is complete, the old building would
be demolished and work would begin on the
new family aquatic center, to be constructed roughly in the area of the south parking
lot between the existing building and the
The Arapaho pool, built about 40 years
ago, is scheduled to be replaced because it
has numerous leaks and requires constant
repair. The bathhouses are also substandard
and do not meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. The new family
aquatic center would include 8,000 square
feet of water in a space of about 34,000
square feet where families would be able to
enjoy water activities together.
which would be paid for by the City, allowing the County to fund construction of the
Another Proposition 2 line item would
finance the construction of 6-foot-wide walking trails in Point North, Canyon Creek, Terrace and Woodhaven Grove parks.
Rendering of Central Trail conversion
Shade structures and entry signs
New shade structures
would be located at the
new Breckinridge and
Huffhines ball fields.
City entry signs at Waterview, Custer, Plano,
Jupiter and Renner roads
would also be funded
through this proposition.
Huffhines Softball Complex
Pedestrian bridge at Breckinridge Park,
ADA compliance
Proposition 2 also includes the construction of a pedestrian bridge at Breckinridge Park
to replace an old bridge destroyed by a fallen tree and funds for city-wide upgrades to
parks to better comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Model of proposed Heights Rec Center and aquatic center
Proposition 3
Municipal Public Buildings
The largest projects in this $10,495,000 proposition are the reconstruction and relocation of Fire Station No. 4 to the former site of Huffhines Recreation Center and the construction of a new fire training center. Other items in this proposal include installation of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) materials handling system at the Library for circulation efficiency and a project to construct an enclosure of the east courtyard of the Animal Shelter to create a visitation area for people considering pet adoption.
New Fire Station No. 4
Proposition 3 includes
the proposed relocation
and reconstruction of Fire
Station No. 4 located at
1530 North Plano Rd.,
which was built in 1973 in
response to population
growth in the eastern section of Richardson. The
new Fire Station No. 4
would be located on the
site of the former
Huffhines Recreation Center at 1500 Apollo Rd. The Station would be nearly twice
the size of the current 7,500 square-foot
facility due to the need for additional space
to accommodate today’s operational staffing
and separate quarters for female firefighters. The new station would also be designed
Proposition 3 includes a new Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) materials handling system for the Richardson
Library. The system would replace the
current book return conveyor, which handles 1.27 million books a year, a 30 percent increase from 2007. As the 40-yearold conveyor has aged, and its workload
has increased, it requires more maintenance and repair and materials don’t
always flow through it smoothly. The proLibrary book return conveyor
posed new equipment would automatically check materials in and sort them as they move along the conveyor. RFID technology
would replace the traditional barcode readers at the Library circulation desks. RFID tags
transmit a data signal, so there is no need to open a book cover or DVD case to scan a
barcode. The new system would allow more materials to be checked in and out and meet
the increased service demands without the need to hire more people.
Fire Station No. 4
to accommodate larger fire vehicles, and
would include a vehicle exhaust ventilation
system. Facilities would also be included to
meet state requirements for protective gear
maintenance, and to provide secured storage space for medical supplies used by paramedics.
Animal Shelter area
Construction of an Animal Shelter canine
visitation area is included in this proposition
and would provide a room at the Shelter for
adoptable dogs and potential owners to interact with each other. It would also allow Shelter volunteers to socialize with the dogs to
help them become acclimated to people. The
proposal calls for the enclosure of an existing outdoor courtyard to provide for the area.
Fire Training Center
A new Fire Training Center would replace the current facility located near Lookout
Drive and Plano Road. The Fire Training Center houses the City’s fire classroom instruction space, and has a training tower and a building used for live fire training. The new
center would update those facilities and add training space for hazardous material response,
confined space rescue, rope rescue, trench rescue and urban search and rescue. The new
classroom space could also be used by the University of Texas at Dallas Community Emergency Response Team and the Citizen Fire Academy volunteers.
Animal Shelter reception area
Proposition 4
Neighborhood Vitality Projects
This $8,150,000 proposition includes more than $6 million for sidewalk replacement in 11 areas of the City and $2.1 million for screening walls, entry features and bridge aesthetics in various locations.
HOA requested Neighborhood Vitality projects
Sidewalk repairs
There are 11 sidewalk repair regions
included in Proposition 4, which are estimated to impact more than 5,000 residential properties.
Repairs in the 11 regions would focus on
areas where sidewalks have trip hazards
exceeding 1 inch in vertical separation of
concrete. Sections which also have significant flaking concrete or lack barrier-free
ramps would also be eligible for repair.
A 2003 city-wide inventory of sidewalks
subdivided the City into 27 sidewalk repair
regions. The regions were then ranked
according to the identified sidewalk repair
needs. The 2006 Bond Program funded
repairs in 11 of the 27 regions, and Propo-
The proposition also includes
funding for screening wall treatments, entry features and bridge
aesthetics in neighborhoods
throughout the City. Similar to
the 1997 and 2006 Bond Programs, neighborhoods would be
invited to submit new, or previously submitted but not funded,
neighborhood vitality project
requests. Project selection criteria would be determined prior to
the call for projects and the City
Council would select the highest
priorities among the submitted
sition 4 would continue that work into an
additional 11 zones, leaving five regions to
be addressed in the future.
Neighborhood sidewalk
Bridge improvement from 2006 Bond Program
Recent History
of General Obligation Bond Elections
Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at the
Richardson Civic Center/City Hall, 411 W. Arapaho Rd., Richardson, Texas according to the following schedule and times:
Election Voted Amount
Monday, April 26
through Saturday, May 1
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday, May 2
1-6 p.m.
Monday, May 3 and Tuesday, May 4
7 a.m.-7 p.m.
The polling locations listed below will be open
7 a.m.-7 p.m., May 8, bond election day. The Richardson Civic
Center/City Hall Complex is NOT a voting place on election
day; it is used only for early voting.
Identification and/or a voter registration card will be required.
May 8 Election Day Polling Locations
Greenwood Hills Elem.
1313 West Shore Dr.
Dover Elem.
700 Dover Dr.
Jess Harben Elem.
600 S. Glenville
Canyon Creek Elem.
2100 Copper Ridge
RISD Prof. Dev. Center
701 W. Belt Line Rd.
Prairie Creek Elem.
2120 E. Prairie Creek
Richardson Terrace Elem.
300 N. Dorothy Dr.
Technology Magnet
450 Abrams
Mohawk Elem.
1500 Mimosa
1721, 1722
and 1726
Richland Elem.
550 Park Bend Dr.
Yale Elem.
1900 E. Collins Blvd.
Springpark Sports Club
3330 Springpark Way
78 and 110
1713 and
Dartmouth Elem.
417 Dartmouth Lane
Police Substation
2003 Renner Rd.
48 and 55
Berkner High
1600 E. Spring Valley
Aldridge Elem.
720 Pleasant Valley
94, 125
and 2102
Miller Elem.
5651 Coventry Dr.
Richardson North Jr. High
1820 N. Floyd Rd.
Northrich Elem.
1301 Custer Rd.
Arapaho Classical Magnet
1300 Cypress
Richardson Heights Elem.
101 N. Floyd Rd.
Richardson East
Church of Christ
1504 E. Campbell Rd.
All polling locations will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day, Saturday, May 8.
Questions about the Bond Program? Call 972-744-4141 or e-mail
Visit Richardson’s online bond information guide at—E-mail questions to
2010 Bond Program
Planned Project Overview Map