donate now - Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy
donate now - Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy
Museum oƒ American Comedy Community Impact Museum oƒ American Comedy Membership Appeal 2016 Individual Membership 2016 q $500 Patron q $1000 Diamond Patron Yes, I want to partner with the Museum to help continue Red’s Legacy of Laughter with my tax deductible donation! q $250 Sustaining Name________________________________________________________________________ New Member_______Renewal_______ q $100 Contributing Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ q $50 Family Credit Card #_____________________________________________ Expiration Date________________ City________________________________________________________________ State_______________Zip_____________________ _____Check Please remit payment in enclosed envelope to: Red Skelton Museum Foundation, 20 Red Skelton Blvd., Vincennes, IN 47591 • 812-888-4184 Phone________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ _____ Cash Membership: q $25 Individual Payment: Signature:________________________________________________________________ Program Highlights Educational Programming Our mission is to continue the legacy of Red Skelton through inspiration and education and we continue to succeed in that endeavor. • Our school tour program is growing, and we hope to double our numbers in 2016. We had 11 school tours in 2015 and reached 488 elementary aged students through those trips. This is up from two schools and 123 students in 2014. • We will introduce an adult lecture program in 2016 that will explore various aspects of Red’s life and career. • Red’s Comedy Camp for kids continues to grow. In addition to our paid campers, we are able to serve ten low income youth at camp through a grant from Psi Iota Xi sorority. The Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy has had a tremendous positive impact on Knox County and the surrounding area. It has drawn in visitors from across the nation and has enhanced the cultural entertainment sector for this area. A few fast facts: • Over 18,000 visitors have toured the museum since opening in July of 2013. • The Vincennes/Knox County VTB has reported a dramatic increase in tours since the opening. • Other Knox County sites have noticed increased attendance. • First Sunday of every month is free admission to allow people from all socio-economic groups to visit the museum. • The museum has had visitors from nearly every state and nearly 70 bus tours per year. RSM Foundation Board of Directors Entertainment Highlights Red was an entertainer in the grandest sense of the word and we keep that legacy alive through our Entertainment Showcase and fun social events throughout the year. • The Entertainment Showcase launched in 2014 and has featured performers such as, The Diamonds, The Nutcracker ballet, The Amazing Kreskin, Ball State University Singers and more. These shows provide entertainment opportunities for both the tri-state area and tour groups visiting the museum. • Our annual fundraising event has been very successful over the years, beginning with Red’s Run for the Roses derby event, and last year’s 50’s themed dance, Clem’s Kadiddle Hop. This year we hope to attract an even broader group of fans to “Red’s Dueling Piano’s” event in April. • The annual Christmas Wonderland wreath auction features beautiful wreaths created by area businesses and individuals. This lovely December display is not only gorgeous and fun, but also a fundraising opportunity for the Museum. Chairman - Mark Hill Chairman Emeritus - Jim McCormick President - Anne Pratt Vice President - John Frenz Secretary - Marilyn McCormick Treasurer - Mike Carney Shyla Beam Dale Bieber Darrel Bobe John Bobe Tony Burkhart Doug Carroll Bill Ferguson JR Gaylor Nancy Reynolds Hensel Chuck Johnson Rick Linenburg Will McCormick Marc McNeece Bernie Niehaus Tom Nonte Jim Osborne George Rapp Phil Rath George Rehnquist George Ridgway Anne Rinderle Shirley Rose Bill Sandiford Helen Seirp Bob Shetler Pat Summers Kent Utt Don Villwock Ken Whigham Joe Yochum Jerry Zeigler Red Skelton Museum Foundation, Inc. 20 Red Skelton Boulevard, Vincennes, Indiana 47591 812-888-4184 Our Mission The mission of the Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy is to continue the Legacy of Laughter through inspiration and education. If by chance some day you’re not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I’ve said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart, then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled. San Fernando Red (Patron) all benefits archive sneak peek admission for 10 per visit $250 $500 Clem Kadiddlehopper (Super Patron) all benefits behind-the-scenes tours admission for 10 per visit $1000 q $500 Bronze q $1000 Silver q $2500 Gold Please remit payment in enclosed envelope to: Red Skelton Museum Foundation, 20 Red Skelton Blvd., Vincennes, IN 47591 • 812-888-4184 Bronze - $500 • Company logo will be placed on a banner that will be hung in the museum store. • A window sticker identifying the company as a bronze partner of the Red Skelton Museum. • The company also will be given 5 one-day museum passes for their employees. Sheriff Deadeye (Sustaining) art print newsletter 10% museum store discount admission for 8 per visit $100 q $5000 Platinum Silver - $1000 • Company logo will be placed on a banner that will be hung in the museum store. • A window sticker identifying the company as a silver partner of the Red Skelton Museum. • The company also will be given 10 one-day museum passes for their employees. Cauliflower McPugg (Contributing) art print newsletter 10% museum store discount admission for 6 per visit Donor Level: Gold - $2500 • Company logo will be placed in every newsletter and on a banner that will be hung in the museum store. • A window sticker identifying the company as a gold partner of the Red Skelton Museum. • The company also will be given 15 one-day museum passes for their employees. $50 Phone________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ • • George Appleby (Family) art print newsletter admission for 4 per visit City________________________________________________________________ State_______________Zip_____________________ • $25 Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your generosity! • Platinum - $5000 Company logo will be placed on our website, in every newsletter and on a banner that will be hung in the museum store. A window sticker identifying the company as a platinum partner of the Red Skelton Museum. Red Skelton framed and certified acrylic reproduction print. The company also will be given 20 one-day museum passes for their employees. Freddie the Freeloader (Individual) art print newsletter admission for 1 per visit Contact Name___________________________________________________________________________________________________ We continue to strive to increase tourism in the area, but more importantly we strive to share Red’s comedic genius, creative talent plus patriotic and generous spirit as a role model for current and future generations. Businesses and corporations may partner with the museum by donating on an annual basis. Partnership levels range from $500 per year to $5000 per year. Corporate partners are recognized in museum marketing materials and receive special museum benefits such as admission tickets and receptions for their employees. Benefits vary based on donation level. Corporate partners recognize the benefit of supporting cultural development within the community. Company_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please consider making a donation to the Red Skelton Museum this year by either becoming a corporate partner, if you are a business or by becoming a member of the Red Skelton Museum. Although both of these programs come with benefits, the main reason most of you will donate is not because of this, but rather because you believe in the Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy and you recognize the impact it has had and will have in the future on our community. Museum oƒ American Comedy The Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy presents a unique support opportunity for individuals and corporations alike. The museum is a self-supporting 501 (c)3 organization. We rely on income from admissions, store sales and special events throughout the year. This, along with corporate and individual donations, fulfills our budget needs. Corporate Partnership 2016 Individual Member Benefits Yes, I want to partner with the Museum to help continue Red’s Legacy of Laughter with my tax deductible donation! Corporate Partner Benefits
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