CNS Pathology - III Motor Neuron Diseases Intracranial Tumours
CNS Pathology - III Motor Neuron Diseases Intracranial Tumours
CNS Pathology - III Motor Neuron Diseases ALS Intracranial Tumours Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. 1st. Med. Fac. Charles University, Prague NEURON Axon terminals Dendrites Cell body Node of Ranvier Schwann cell Myelin sheet Motor Neuron Damage Axonopathies toxic toxoinfectious metabolic (drugs!) avitaminoses traumatic (shearing injury) malignancy associated Motor Neuron Diseases Neuronopathies Poliomyelitis anterior acuta Poliomyelitis anterior chronica Sclerosis amyotrophica lateralis ALS Paralysis progressiva bulbaris Tractus corticospinalis Motor Neuron Diseases 2. 1. paralysis spastica spinalis 2. paralysis progressiva bulbaris C m. Aran - Duchenne (poliomyelitis ant. chronica) T m. Werdnig Hoffmann L myatonia (amyotonia) congenita Oppenheim SMA – 1. + 2. ALS Spinal Muscular Atrophy 1. Classification of Disorders Affecting Motor Neurons Primary – idiopathic (ALS) – inherited (SMA) genus Lathyrus sweat pea Secondary – – – – – – infective :acute poliomyelitis, HIV, syphilis, prions metabolic: hyper/hypo thyr, hyperparathyr… immune. paraproteinemia Environmental/toxic: Pb, Sb, Cd…neurolathyrism vascular paraneoplastic: nHML, MLH Multisystem neurodeg. diseases affecting motor neurons – – – – Western Pacific ALS /Parkinson/dementia complex spinocerebellar degeneration Huntington´s disease prionoses Neurolathyrism is a neurological disease of humans and domestic animals, caused by eating certain legumes of the genus Lathyrus sweat pea β-ODAP = 3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3diaminopropionic acid The level of this compound in the dry seeds varies depending on genetic factors and environmental conditions. motor neurons Spinal Muscular Atrophy -Type I - m. Werdning- Hoffman – autosomal rec. – floppy babysurvival not beyond 3 years of age Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Def. motor neuron disease affecting both 1st and 2nd neuron of pyramidal tract 5-10% familiar, autosomal dominant SOD I (SuperOxidDismutase) gene on chromosome 21 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Clinical features 10 – 60 yrs palsies spastic/ feeble neurogenous hand muscle atrophy „simian hand“ bulbar disturbances death in several years (aspir. bpn.) start: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Etiopathogenesis (Greenfield´s Neuropathology 9th ed., 2015) „IDIOPATHIC“ genetic factors (9, 18, 21…ALS 1…ALS5 types) mostly sporadic forms 5-10% autosom. dom. familial form – starts 10 years earlier autosomal recessive described as well environmental factors – toxic, infectious autoimmune Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Morphology macro: micro: atrophy of gyrus praecentralis atrophy of ventral roots atrophy of muscles („simian“ hand) loss of neurons (GPC, ant. horns) funicular demyelinisation atrophy (denervation type) Atrophia musculorum interossearum manus neurogenes ALS A L S ALS ALS anterior roots atrophy ALS – medulla oblongata ALS – medulla oblongata MS ALS ALS - tractus corticospinalis anterior palor ALS - tractus corticospinalis lateralis A L S ALS - tractus corticospinalis lateralis PPB ALS Paralysis progressiva bulbaris Clinical features fonation and deglution disturbances tachycardia, dyspnoe (insuff. n. X) Morphology neuronal atrophy nn. IX, X, XI, XII. chewing muscles, tongue Prognosis fatal (aspir. bpn.) Case Report man 52 yrs (driver) ALS *1943 †1999 July 1991 physical exercise (mountain bike trip) first symptoms Disturbance of pronounciation transient , later standing expressive aphasia swallowing central hemiparesis dx., later sin. Progression during 4 years death from bronchopneumonia Guerreiro R et al.: SnapShot: Genetics of ALS and FTD. Cell. 2015 Feb 12;160(4):798 Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are considered to be part of a spectrum. Clinically, FTD patients present with dementia frequently characterized by behavioral and speech problems. ALS patients exhibit alterations of voluntary movements caused by degeneration of motor neurons. Both syndromes can be present within the same family or even in the same person. The genetic findings for both diseases also support the existence of a continuum, with mutations in the same genes being found in patients with FTD, ALS, or FTD/ALS. CNS neoplasms primary CNS neo: – approx. 2% of all cancers – approx. 20% of cancers in children under 15 secondary – 25-50% (lung, breast, kidney, melanoma) fewer than 5% associated with hereditary syndromes (NF1,NF2, tuberous sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau, …MEN I) CNS Neoplasms - Manifestation epilepsy focal deficits –palsies raised intracranial pressure – headache – vomiting (esp. in children) – clouding of consciousness, coma – papiledema hydrocephalus Epilepsy – Epileptic Syndromes an „umbrella diagnosis“ for a broad family of neurologic disorders characterized by seizures of different quality after stroke the commonest neurological disorder up to 2% of population worldwide Epilepsy – Epileptic Syndromes Primary – genetic disorders of ion channels, brain neuronal architecture – many different genes involved Secondary – – – – brain malformations, metabolic diseases glioses (postinfectious, posttraumatic, postnecrotic…) neurodegenerations ( m. Alzheimer, m. Huntington…) NEOPLASMS Epilepsy – Epileptic Syndromes Morphology – not always provable – dysgenetic foci of cortex – hippocampal sclerosis – secondary causative pathologies – secondary posttraumatic lesions caused by seizures WHO – CNS - 2007 WHO (2007) Classification of Tumours of the CNS (4th ed. - 1979, 1993, 2000, 2007) - 134 nosology units WHO (2007) Classification of of Tumours of the CNS A new introductory chapter titled „WHO Grading of Tumours of the Nervous System“ WHO Grading of Tumours of the Nervous System (2007) G I - well circumscribed, slowly progressing, cured by resection II – infiltrative, low proliferation, a higher likelihood of recurrence G III – histologically malignant, require more aggressive adjuvant therapy G G IV – highly malignant, rapidly fatal WHO (2007) Classification of Tumours of the CNS NEUROEPITHELIAL TISSUE T. TUMOURS OF PERIPHERAL NERVES TUMOURS OF THE MENINGES LYMPHOMAS & HAEMOPOIETIC NEO GERM CELL TUMOURS TUMOURS OF THE SELAR REGION METASTATIC TUMOURS WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS TUMORS OF THE MENINGES Tumours of meningotelial cells – meningioma Mesenchymal non meningotelial – lipoma, angiolipoma, hibernoma, solitary fibrous tumor, fibrosarcoma, MFH, leiomyoma, rhabdomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, chondroma,chondrosarcoma,osteoma, osteosarcoma, hemangioma epith. hemangioendothelioma, hemangiopericytoma,angiosarcoma,Kaposi sarcoma Primary melanocytic lesions – diff. melanocytosis, melanocytoma, malignant melanoma convexity parasagital 85 61 24 fossa cerebri ant media post 45 27 • middle aged, elderly 35 19 • risk fc. :irradiation 12 • mutation of NF2 (22q) • mostly G 1 33 2 14 8 15 30 Topic frequency of MENINGEOMA falx n. olfactorius sella os sphenoides n. opticus tentorium medulla other multiple ICD-O 9530/0 Meningeoma parasellare Meningeomata multiplicia cum impressione corticis cerebri Meningeoma GI ICD-O 9530/0 G I- benign G II- atypical G III – anaplastic (malignant) G IV - exceptionally Meningeoma – Age & Sex Distribution Meningeoma fibrosum Meningeoma meningoteliomatosum Meningeoma psammomatosum Meningeoma transitorium Angioma racemosum cerebri et meningum Hemangioma cavernosum ICD-O 9121/0 Types of CNS vascular malformations arteriovenous capillary teleangiectasia cavernous hemangioma venous angioma Hemangioma – malformatio arteriovenosa Chordoma ICD-O 9370/3 • remnants of notochord • sacral 60% • sphenooccipital 25% • cervical 10% • thoracolumbal 5% WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS NEUROEPITHELIAL – – – – – – – – – astrocytic oligodendendroglial mixed ependymal choroid plexus neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial neuroblastic pineal cell poorly differentiated, embryonal Astrocytic tumours DIFUSELY INFILTRATING ASTROCYTOMAS • difuse – G2 • anaplastic - G3 Age Distribution PILOCYTIC ASTROCYTOMA – BRAF(V600E) mutation, • glioblastoma – G4 IDH1 immunocytochemistry Astrocytoma diffusum Astrocytoma fibrillare Astrocytoma A. protoplasmicum A. anaplasticum (GIII) Astroblastoma (GIII) Astrocytoma pilocyticum (juvenile) – ICD-O 9421/1 WHO G I • • • BRAF(V600E) mutation • • Does not share genetic abnormalities of astrocytoma. Better prognosis. Associated with neurofibromatosis type I. Children & young adults. Often cystic, better circumscribed Pilocytic Astrocytoma Pilocytic Astrocytoma Pilocytic Astrocytoma - syringomyelia Pilocytic Astrocytoma del 1p, 19q Oligodendroglioma ICD-O 9450/3 GII-III Oligodendroglioma Oligoastrocytoma ICD-O 9382/3 Glioblastoma (multiforme) ICD-O 9440/3 WHO – G IV Glioblastoma multiforme ICD-O 9440/3 Glioblastoma multiforme WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS NEUROEPITHELIAL – – – – – – – – – astrocytic oligodendendroglial mixed ependymal choroid plexus neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial neuroblastic pineal cell poorly differentiated, embryonal Ependymoma ICD-O 9391/3 associated frequently with NF 2 Ependymoma Ependymoma ICD-O 9391/3 Ependymoma Ependymoma sacrale WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS NEUROEPITHELIAL – astrocytic – oligodendendroglial – ependymal, choroid plexus – pineal cell: pineocytoma, pineoblastoma, intermediate; germinal cell tumours – neuronal – poorly differentiated, embryonal Pineocytoma ICD-O 9361/1 G II Pineocytoma ICD-O 9361/1 G II „Pinealoma anisomorphe“ – seminoma WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS GERMINAL TUMOURS – germinom – embryonal carcinoma – choriocarcinoma – teratoma – mixed WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS TUMOURS OF THE SELLAR REGION craniopharyngeoma, pituitary tumours Craniopharyngeoma Craniopharyngeoma WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS NEUROEPITHELIAL – – – – – – – – – astrocytic oligodendendroglial mixed ependymal choroid plexus neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial neuroblastic pineal cell poorly differentiated, embryonal medulloepithelioma, ependymoblastoma, medulloblastoma, medullomyoblastoma melanotic meduloblastoma, supratentorial PNET, neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma, atyp. rhabdoid tumour Medulloblastoma ICD-O 9470/3 G IV Medulloblastoma cerebelli Isochromosom 17q WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS TUMOURS OF CRANIAL & PERIPHERAL NERVES – neurilemmoma – neurofibroma – perineurioma – malignant peripheral nerve sheet tumour /MPNST/ Neurilemmoma ICD-O 9560/0 Neurofibroma WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS LYMPHOMAS AND HAEMOPOIETIC NEO ML (mostly B-cell) - DLBCL plasmocytoma granulocytic sarcoma Lymphoma malignum Lymphoma malignum (prim. cerebri) Pseudotumours (diff. dg.!) Cysts – Rathke´s cyst – epidermoid cyst – dermoid cyst – colloidal cyst of the 3rd ventrikle… VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS – capillary teleangiectasia – a.– v. malformation Cystis dermoides WHO Histological Typing of Tumours of the CNS METASTATIC TUMORS mostly carcinomas !!! …… melanoma….. Metastases adenocarcinomatis meningum et cerebri Carcinosis meningum Carcinoma diffusum ventriculi (ad meningos metastaticum) M57. History of melanoma. Melan A M73. History of bronchogenic carcinoma MGG MGG TTF1 TTF1 -control Hippocampus
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