1901 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System
1901 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System
K R III U l S H H A M F ! O i e a n C a m e t Cleaning W o r k , *"«««ij " V 1 I f t 1 1 1 imim FE/UHK.R Re<OVATING, E X C H A N G E NEW YVOKK A SPLC1ALTV. N A T I O N A L 0 L E H N , Capital, Surplus and B A N K . IS. Y , Profits, $ 5 2 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 FRANK L. BARTj-ETT, President. N. V. V. F R A N C H O T , Vict President. A, I. WILLIATCf>, Cashier. I. E. W O R D E N , Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: FRANK W. HIGGINS, c- s- GARY, N. V: V. FRANCHOT, G. H. STRONG, FREDERICK W. KRUSE, JAMES PIERCE, FRANK L. BARTLETT. Exchange B a n k Building Directory, ~_______?SEe INSIDE THIS C O V E R O L E A N M I L L S , OLIVER & B O L E N D E R , Proprietors, Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in F l o u r , F e e d , M e a l , G r a i n , ™d MILL STUFFS. PURE, FRESH, ROLLER-GROUND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Wfyt 0 h m x p u b l i c H t b r a r p / c.u*« coo-2 9H.A1 Book £ J L This is a reference book and can not be taken from the library without special permission of the librarian. D o t t e r w e i c h B r e w i n g C o - , iREWERS 0F EXTRA FINE LACER BEER, F R A N K W . HI^r.viiMS, 'OLEAN, IV Y Olean Duplex Dire.6tory. 1901. INCLUDING ALLEGANY, PORTVILLE and W E S T O N S MILLS. CONTAINING K GENERAL DIRECTORY OF CITIZENS—A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY—COPYRIGHTED STREET AND BLOCK DIRECTORY OF OLEAN—RECORDS OF THE CITY AND NORTH OLEAN VILLAGE GOVERNMENTS—THEIR INSTITUTIONS, THEIR CHURCHES, SOCIETIES, ETC. V O L U M E P R I C E III. = $3.00. [Entered according to Act of Congress, at the Office of the'Librarian of Congress at Washington D. C. in the year 1900, by Derrick Publishing Co.] FOR SALE B Y FRANK H. OAKLEAF, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 127 North Union Street, Olean, N. Y. DERRICK PUBLISHING COMPANY, (Directory Department,) PUBLISHERS, OIL CITY, PA. ANNOUNCEMENT. W e herewith submit the third issue of the Olean Duplex Directory, on. which neither pains nor expense have been spared. The publication of directories, like any other business requiring accuracy, cannot be undertaken by persons unacquainted with this difficult branch of bookmaking. W e are permanently in the directory business and employ assistants w h o are thoroughly conversant with all the details of the work. It is our purpose to continue the publication of the Olean Directory every two years until an annual publication is necessary. It has been the aim of the publishers to make the Olean Directory second to no work of its kind, not even excepting the large metropolitan directories, and the facilities possessed enables us to produce the work regardless of profit or loss. A n accurate directory is a matter of vital importance, not alone for the convenience of finding people at present, but for the certain record which it preserves for later years. It is a choronological history of Olean, its people and its institutions. A complete canvass has been made of every nook and corner of the city and suburbs, every adult has been interviewed both at his h o m e and place of business. The conditions of the city and its inhabitants are better than ever before, and the prospects for the future more favorable. O n every hand is ample evidence of material advancement and prosperity. This vodume contains, including wife's names, 10,568 names, being a gain of 855 names over the 1898 Directory. DERRICK PUBLISHING CO. (Directory Dept), 9MA1 OU City- PaPublishers. ^ n 4 GENERAL INDEX. General Index. Page. Abbreviations Allegany Directory American Protective Legion Ancient Order Hibernians Ancient Order United Workmen Announcement Bands and Orchestras Banks Benevolent Protective Order Elks Board of Education Board of Health (City) Board of Health (Town) Board of Supervisors Board of Water Commissioners Brotherhoo3 of Locomotive Engineers Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Catholic Mutual Benefit Association Cattaraugus County Officers Cemetery Churches City Government Clubs Commercial Blocks Daughters of Erin Daughters of the American Revolution Dutch Order Harigari Eclectic Assembly Express Companies Fire Alarm Boxes and Department Fraternal Mystic Circle Glass Bottle Blowers Association Grand Army Republic Grand International Auxiliary to the B. of L. E Halls and Opera Houses Improved Order Heptosophs Improved Order Red M e n Incorporated Companies Independent Order Foresters Independent Order Odd Fellows ."*.' 25 196 19 19 19 2 18 15 19 13 12 12 9 12 19 19 19 19 9 16 14 11 17 146 20 19 20 20 18 12 20 20 16 20 146 20 20 16 -.... 20 1 21 "" GENERAL INDEX General I n d e x — C o n t i n u e d . Index to Advertisements Index to Street and Block Directory Knights of Columbus Knights of Honor Knights of Pythias Knights of the Maccabees Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association Ladies of the Maccabees Library Local Tribe Ben Hur Loyal Mystic Legion of America Map Masonic Miscellaneous Organizations National Association Stationary Engineers National Guard Newspapers North Olean Schools North Olean Village Government Olean Alphabetical Directory Olean Board of Trade Olean Classified Business Directory Olean Improved Street and Block Directory Olean Miscellaneous Directory Patrons of Husbandry Police Department Portville Directory Postofflce Private Schools Protected H o m e Circle Public Schools and Teachers Railroad Companies Royal Arcanum Salvation Army Select Knights South Olean School Telegraph and Telephone Companies Temperance Organizations Title Page T o w n Officers Ward Boundaries Westons Mills Directory Page. 7 5 21 21 21 21 22 21 16 22 22 Opp. inside front cover 22 17 22 16 18 14 14 25 17 187 147 11 23 12 205 16 13 23 13 lg 23 15 23 14 18 23 1 14 14g 207 INDEX TO STREET AND BLOCK DIRECTORY. I n d e x to Street a n d A d a m s (City) A d a m s (Bast Olean) Alder Ash Avenue A (Boardmanville) Avenue A (North Olean) Avenue B Barry (North) Barry (South) Bartlett Avenue Bell Bishop Brickell Avenue Brook Buffalo Bush Canal Center Cherry Chestnut City Line Alley Clark Clinton (North) Clinton (South) Coleman Crown Davis Avenue Division Bast Avenue Elm Erie Avenue First Avenue First (North) First (South) Second Avenue Second (North) Second (South) Third Avenue Third (North) Third (South) Fourth Avenue Fourth (North) Fourth (South) Fifth Avenue Fifth (North) Fifth (South) ? Page. 147 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 148 149 143 149 149 149 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 154 155 155 155 156 156 156 157 157 157 158 Block Directory. Sixth (North) Sixth (South) Seventh (North) Seventh (South) Eighth (North) Eighth (South) Ninth (North) Ninth (South) Tenth (North) Tenth (South) Eleventh (North) Eleventh (South) Twelfth (North) Twelfth (South) Thirteenth (North) Thirteenth (South) Fourteenth Fifteenth (North) Fifteenth (South) Franklin Front Fulton Garden Avenue Genesee Goodrich Avenue Green (East) Green (West) Griffin Grossman Avenue Gulf Hamilton Henley (East) Henley (West) Higgins Avenue Homer Hoops Irving Jay Johnson King Laurel Avenue Laurens Line Main (City and N. Olean) Main (Boardmanville) Maple Page. 158 159 159 159 160 160 161 161 161 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 165 166 166 166 166 166 166 167 168 168 i6g 169 169 169 169 170 170 170 170 170 INDEX TO STREET A N D B L O C K DIRECTORY. Index to Street and Block Directory—Continued. Moore's Road North Oak Orchard Avenue Osgood Avenue Pierce Avenue Pine Plum Pond Prince Prospect Avenue Putnam Queen Railroad Avenue (City) Railroad Avenue (East Olean) Reed River (North Olean) River (North) (North Olean) River (South Olean) River (West) (South Olean) Ronolder Avenue Seymour South (City) Page. 171 South (Boardmanville) 171 Spring 171 Spruce 171 State (East) 171 State (West) 171 Sullivan (East) 172 Sullivan (West) 172 Tompkins 172 Union Place 172 Union (North) 172 Union (South) 172 Union (South Olean) 172 Van Campen Avenue 173 Vine 173 Walnut 173 Walnut (North) 174 Washington 174 Washington (North) 174 Water 174 Wayne 175 Whitney Avenue 175 Winters Avenue 175 Page. 175 175 175 175 176 178 178 179 180 180 183 184 184 184 184 184 184 185 185 185 186 186 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. I n d e x to A d v e r t i s e m e n t s . "It is the live m e n w h o advertise." The following are representative business houses of Olean, and well worthy of public patronage: The figures set opposite the name indicate upon which page the advertisement m a y be found. Page. A c m e Mills 27 Alderman & Stillman, insurance outside edges of leaves Binney Warren L., liquors 34 Chapman J. M., tobacconist 42 Collins Frank J marble works, Allegany 197 Cook Arthur G., shoemaker left hand bottom lines Dotterweich Brewing C o outside back cover and inside front cover Dunlavey Bros., liquors right hand bottom lines and 55 Edel Charles, liquors 56 Exchange Bank Building opposite title page Exchange National Bank outside front cover First National Bank outside back cover, back bone and side lines Fisher Laura J., manicure 60 Foley Bro.3., granite and marble inside back cover Fuller Charles H., blacksmith end colored page Gilligan & Bisett, transportation right hand side lines Gillingham & Son, builders' hardware right hand top lines Heliker & Patridge, insurance right hand top lines Hewitt Marion Mrs., manicure outside front cover International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa left hand top lines Karst Philip, wagonmaker, Allegany 200 Lay Albert L., shoes left hand side lines Leach E. D., International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa..left hand top lines Lemon Frank, meat market, Allegany 201 Luther Mfg. Co., foundry and machine shops inside back cover Mayer & Mayer, merchant tailors marginal line outside back cover McAuliffe Dennis F., City Cafe end colored page Morell Peter, shoemaker end colored page Neff Edward W., barber opposite inside front cover Oakleaf Frank H., bookseller 104 Oil Men's Directory 24 Olean House Barber Shop 135 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. I n d e x to A d v e r t i s e m e n t s — C o n t i n u e d . Page. Olean Carpet Cleaning and Feather Renovating Works, .marginal line front cover Olean Mills inside front cover Olean Monumental Works inside back cover Olean Times 145 Olean Transportation Co right hand side lines Oliver & Bolender, millers inside front cover Rafferty Charles H., job printer 112 Riley & Wands, wholesale grocers right hand top lines Rodgers L. G. & Co., plumbers left hand side lines Ross W . C , florist marginal line outside front cover Schamel Henry C , Olean Carpet Cleaning and Feather Renovating Works marginal line outside front cover Schnell Herman, liquors, Allegany 197 Sheridan Bertrand J., oil contractor end colored page Sheridan George A., oil producer opposite inside front cover Smith Charles, coal and lumber 124 Smith Henry A., harness marginal line front cover Straight Charles D., book -and job printer 145 Swanson Nils, boots and shoes opposite inside front cover Taylor Benjamin U., builders' supplies, .right hand top and left hand bottom lines Tyler F. E. & Co., boots and shoes left hand top lines Virginnia W . W., Olean House Barber Shop 135 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY OFFICERS. Cattaraugus C o u n t y Officers. Representative in Congress—Edward B. Vreeland, Salamanca. State Senator—Frank W . Higgins, Olean, N. Y. Members of Assembly—First dist., Myron E. Fisher, Delevan; second dist., A. T. Faneher, Salamanca. County Judge—W. S. Thrasher, Dayton. Surrogate—Carey D. Davie, Salamanca. Sheriff—Joseph E. Hazard, Randolph. Under Sheriff—Henry Sigel, Olean. Jailor and Deputy Sheriff—Edgar E. Waild, N e w Albion. Deputy Sheriffs—W. A. Oosterhoudt, Olean; Charles Nichols, Ischua; A. C. Wright, Perrysburg; C. H. Crowell, Dayton; H. P. Earl, Red House; H. DCoxe, Hinsdale; Edward Booth, Allegany; Roscoe Pierce, Humphrey; W . RGaylord, Franklinville; William Griffith, Freedom; H. W . Drumb, Machias; W . H. Proctor, Ashford; M. Markham, Salamanca; H. O. Holcomb, Little Valley; O. C. Wood, East Randolph; L. N. Woodruff, Randolph; L. Barber, Otto; H. C. Guile, Cattaraugus. District Attorney—J. M. Congdon, Gowanda. County Clerk—H. S. Merrill, Little Valley. Supt. of Poor—G. L. Mosher, Little Valley. Coroners—Fred Stillman, Salamanca; Cassar Smith, Olean; E. D. Williams, East Otto; C. L. Randall, Franklinville. School Commissioners—First dist, Miss C. McLennan, Franklinville; second dist., S. A. Peavey, Great Valley; third dist., George E. Waller, Little Valley. Loan Commissioners—Charles C. Maxon, Conewango; George A. Stoneman, Machias. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Officers—Chairman, M. V. Benson, Conewango; journal clerk, Edwin Baker, Machias; clerk, O. D. Sprague, Perrysburg; asst. clerks, L. H. Utley, East Otto; George H. Pierce, Allegany. Members of the Board—Allegany, George W . Hall; Ashford, George H. Hughey; Carrollton, A. R. Johnson; Coldspring, A. Covert; Conewango, M. V. Benson; Dayton, J. J. Volk; East Otto, G. A. Mateson; Elko, M. D. Holt; Ellicottville, A. M. Laidlaw; Farmersville, M. O. Tarbell; Franklinville; C. D. Van Aernam; Freedom, Theodore Hayden; Great Valley, W . S. Morton; Hinsdale, C. R. Bowen; Humphrey, T. C. Bozard; Ischua, Dr. R. Terry; Leon, W . P. Kysor; Little Valley, E. E. Kelley; Lyndon, A. M. Frary; Machias, W . J. 1 10 C A T T A R A U G U S C O U N T Y OFFICERS. Vandewater; Mansfield, Ward B. Smith; Napoli, M. S. Kendall; New Albion. S. F. Burger; Olean (town), M. L. Lee; Olean (city), W . F. Burlingham, W . P. Hannifan, C. F. Frey; Otto, D. B. Allen; Perrysburg, L. H. Wood; Persia. J. R. Leonard; Portville, H. C. Holcomb; Randolph, Ward Wadsworth; Red House, J. B. McCabe;' Salamanca, A. D. Bedell; South Valley, D. M. Tucker; Yorshire, Dr. M. E. Fisher. STANDING COMMITTEES. Equalization—Burlingham, Matteson, Fisher, Volk, Van Aernam, Allen, Hall, Morton, Hugfiey, Kysor, Covert Finance—Randall, Holcomb, Wood, Laidlaw, Wadsworth. Sheriff's Accounts—Burger, Lee, Smith, Hayden, Bedell. Clerk's Accounts—Bozard, Kelley, Van Dewater, Tarbell. Miscellaneous County Accounts—Wood, Terry, Leonard, Frary, McCabe. Justices' Accounts—Laidlaw, Fisher, Frey, Kysor, Johnson. Constables' Accounts—Kelley, Randall, Van Aernam, Hannifan, Morton. Printing and Printers' Accounts—Lee, Volk, Allen, Bowen, Hughey. Coroner's Accounts—Matteson, Hall, Lee, Wood, Tucker. Lawyers' and Physicians' Accounts—Hayden, Burger, Terry, Leonard, Bedell. Laws and Law Library—Leonard, Van Aernam, Laidlaw, Johnson, Kelley. Insurance—Volk, Bozard, Covert. Expenses of the Board—Van De Water, Burlingham, McCabe, Randall, Frey. County Buildings—Smith, Bozard, Holcomb, Frey, Holt. Settle with County Treasurer, Surrogate, District Attorney and Loan Commissioners—Holcomb, Burger, Hayden, Wadsworth, Kysor. Settle with the Supt. of the Poor—Terry, Matteson, Fisher, Van De Water, Tarbell. Grand Jurors—Allen, Hannifan, Hall. Highway and School Taxes—Hughey, Covert, Burlingham, Bowen, Tucker. Erroneous Assessments—Frafy, Bedell, Johnson, Holt, Smith. Reports of Officers—Morton, McCabe, Tucker. OLEAN MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. O l e a n 11 M i s c e l l a n e o u s Directory. 1901. Olean incorporated as a city April 26, 1893. City election, second Tuesday in February annually. M A Y O R S O F O L E A N SINCE I N C O R P O R A T E D A S A CITY, APRIL 26, 1893N. V. V. Franchot 1893-97 G. H. Strong J. H. Waring 1897-99 1899-1901 CITY G O V E R N M E N T . 1900-1901. Offices, City Building, 108 N. Union. Regular meetings,firstand third Tuesday of each month at 8 p. m. Mayor—Hon. James H. Waring. Treasurer—Allan I. Williams. City Clerk—Charles Keenan. Attorney—Allen J. Hastings. Superintendent of Streets—E. E. Allen. Superintendent of Poor—Fred H. Coleman. ALDERMEN. First Ward—L. G. Rodgers, Thomas Whltton. Second W a r d — B . F. Cowens, H. S. McNeille. Third Ward—William Hutchings, George A. Sheridan. Fourth W a r d — H . L. Gersfenherger, Daniel P. Ray. Fifth Ward—August Goebel, Charles L. Flagg. Sixth W a r d — W . A. Ward, M. C. Dugan. Standing Committees. Finance—Cowens, Gerstenberger, Hutchings. Claims—Sheridan, Gerstenberger, Rodgers. Fire Department—McNeille, Whltton, Rodgers. 12 O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. Streets—Ray, Goebel, Dugan. Sidewalks—Goebel, Whltton, Flagg. Police and License—Whitton, Ray Ward. Paving—Sheridan, McNeille, Flagg. Sewers—McNeille, Sheridan, Ward. Street Lighting—Goebel, Ray, Flagg. Health—Dugan, Ray, Goebel. Water Works—Ray, Whitton, Rodgers. Parks and Public Grounds—Hutching^, McNeille, Cowens. Rules—Gerstenberger, Cowens, Rodgers. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. Superintendent's office, room 7, City building. Pres., George J. Ball; treas., David E. Barrows, Herbert D. Sibley; sec. and supt, John Z. LeFevre; engineers, John McCorry, James D. Kelsey. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Police headquarters, City building. Police justice, P. S. Collins; chief of police, Daniel H. Allen; capt, Tmothy Hassett; patrolmen, John M. Allen, John J. Scanlon, Frank Piatt. BOARD OF HEALTH. City building. Pres... F. E. Bartlett; clerk and registrar of vital statictic Dr. Thomas B. Loughlen;" sanitary inspector, Thomas Gilligan; health officer. Dr. J. C. Clark; members of the board, Frank L. Bartlett, W . O. Curtiss, C. D. Judd, William Horner. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—William H. Simpson. Assistant Chief Engineer—J. A. Sheldon. FIRE ALARM BOXES. Box 7—Cor. Union and Green. 8—Cor. Union and State. 9—Cor. Tompkins and Clinton. 15—Grand Central Hotel. 16—Cor Union and Coleman. 24—Cor. State and Fulton. 25—Cor. Henley and Barry. 34—Cor. Henley and Third. 35—Cor. State and Seventh. 36—Cor. State and Eleventh. 37—Cor. Henley and Fifteenth. 42—Cor. Laurens and Third. 43—Cor. Wayne and Seventh. 44—Cor. Sullivan and Buffalo. 51—Cor. Sullivan and Fourth. 52—Cor. Buffalo and Thirteenth. FIRE COMPANIES. Acme Hose Co. No. 3—North Olean. Pres., J. F. Lee; vice-pres A J Cullaher; rec. sec, A. T. Dunlavey; fin. sec, E. J. Clancy; treas., Charles Keisel; foreman, George Besecker; 1st asst, E. J. Gill; 2d asst, Thomas Convey. „ Boardmanville Hook and Ladder Co.—Foreman, Oscar Carpenter; sec. H. F. Klee; treas., Michael Lyons. Chemical No. 1—City bidg. John O'Hara, James Brown (paid men) Chemical No. 2—1212 W . State. Charles Doyle, Joseph Buser (paid men). O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. 13 Pierce Hose Co. No. 1 (Independent)—Pierce's tannery. Pres., John J. Riordan; vice-pres., Thomas Creagan; sec, Fred Cahill; treas., Richard Allen; foreman, Benjamin O'Hara; 1st asst, Charles Balch; 2d asst., William Fox. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Office, No. 3 School, E. State and N. Barry. Regular meetings on thefirstMonday of each month at 8 p. m. Members of theBoard—J. E. Eggleston, J. E. Smith, E. E. Alderman, Patrick Priest, C. D. Straight, O. W . Godfrey, Andrew McMurray, George W , Hooker, W . S. Wilkinson. Officers—Pres., W . S. Wilkinson; sec, J. E. Smith; clerk, A. P. Arnold; treas., C. D. Judd; collector, George Schue; supt. of buildings and janitors, A. D. Cobb; truant officer, Richard Turner. Standing Committees. Finance, Printing and Law—Eggleston, Hooker, Alderman. Teachers and Visitation—Alderman, Godfrey, Smith. Buildings, Boundaries and Repairs—McMurray, Godfrey, Straight. Supplies—Priest, Eggleston, McMurray. Library—Smith, Straight, Priest. PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. Superintendent of Public Schools—Fox Holden. Office Assistant—Maud L. Lee. High School—W. Sullivan. O. W . Wood, principal; Mary A. Sweeting, F. Fern Lowell, Loa M. Dorr, Lydia I. Jones, Ellen M. Baker, Minnie B. Smith, Harriet C. Burlingham. Junior High School—Carrie E. Henry, principal; Helen E. Normandeau, Anna H. Guill, Lenore Conrad. School I—W. Sullivan, Grade 7, principal; Mary D. Childs, Jennie E. Estes, Lena M. Osborne, M. Mertice Knapp, Edith Chase, N. Maud Carpenter. Agnes James, Orra Williams, Lucie L. Gould, Anna Markham, Kate M . Browne, Florence Thompson, Carrie P. Burdick, Minnie C. Walker, Clara B. Long. School II—W. State cor. S. Eleventh. Grade 5, Ida Mandeville, principal; Alma Normandeau, Frances G. Conrad, Ethelyn B. Adams, Katherine Stewart, Mary Finnessy. School III—N. Barry, E. State and North. Grade 7, Mary Larkin, principal; Florence Hanson Nellie L. Davis, Harriet M. Perley, Alice H. Holden, Alice H. Beckwith, Anna K. Feuchter, Nellie A. Anderson, E m m a H. Mead. School IV (East Olean)—Grade 5, Margaret Finnessy, principal; Mary N. Cosgrove, Blanche S. Besecker, Ella G. Cronin, Delia O. Coates, Eliza Harvey. School V (Boardmanville)— Grades 4-5, Leone Gould, principal; Nellie L. Arnold, Edith B. Stewart, Mildred B. Hassett. School VI—Reed cor. N. Tenth. Grade 3, Harriet H. Loughlen, principal; Catherine Hogan, Flora Sanderson, Harriet Eaton. Special Teachers. Music and Physical Culture—Laura Kenniston. Drawing and Writing—Frank E. Mandeville. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. St. Mary's—614-616 W. Sullivan. Under direction of Sisters of Mercyaverage attendance, 325. COMMERCIAL ACADEMY. Westbrook Commercial Academy—156 N. Union. Principal and prop E. D. Westbrook; shorthand and penmanship, XT. T. Wiswell. ' 14 O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. NORTH OLEAN UNION SCHOOL AND ACADEMY. Board of Education—Pres., J. W. Murtaugh; P. Heeney, Thomas Connelly, J. E. Farrell, John Degnan; treas., J. V. Murphy. Public Schools and Teachers—Academic, principal, F. W . Mundt; preceptress, Mary Fitzgerald; preparatory, Teresa Boyle; intermediate, Agnes Coyle, Mary Moran; fourth primary, Katherine Sullivan; third primary, Mary McCormick; second primary, Nellie E. Colligan;firstprimary, Margaret Maloney; kindergarten, Nellie Maloney. Branch (Homer Annex)—Mary McMahon, Mary Linehan. SOUTH OLEAN SCHOOL. District No. 5—Grammar grade, Martin W. Tubbs, principal; primer grade, Mildred Nenno, teacher. N O R T H O L E A N VILLAGE G O V E R N M E N T . Village Board—Pres., M. F. Mack; trustees, J. Biglin, P. Henry, J. F. Shaw, Max Weis. Village Officers—Treas., William B. Shaw; clerk, James Norton. TOWN OFFICERS. Supervisor, M. L. Lee; town clerk, John V. Murphy; assessors, John W. Davis, Daniel Brown, Fred Hastings; tax receiver, John Reitz; highway commissioner, Ralph Schubert; poormaster, Patrick G. McGavisk; justices of the peace, George W . Cook, O. R. Stone, Martin B. Duncan, Wesley Follett; constables, George Osgood, William A. Oosterhoudt, E. B. Cook. Town Board of Health—Composed of town clerk, supervisor, four justices of the peace and one citizen member, John Ritzauer. CHURCHES. African Methodist Episcopal Church—525 W . State. Pastor, Rev. Anthony G. Lane; residence, 409 S. Fourth. Services, Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m., at pastor's residence. Christian Science—City bldg. First reader, Mary H. Danforth; second reader, J. K. Palmer. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Congregational Church—E. State cor. N. Barry. Pastor, Rev. V. P. Mather; residence, 131 S. Barry. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Young People's Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.; Ladies' Aid, 1st Wednesday of every month; Ladies' Missionary Society, 1st Wednesday of every month. Evangelical Lutheran Church—419 Laurens. Pastor, Rev. F. C. Weidman; residence, 415 Laurens. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Ladies' Aid, 1st Thursday of each month; Young People's Society, 1st Wednesday of each month. First Baptist Church—South st. Pastor, Rev. Frederick K. Fowler; residence, 115 S. Clinton. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 4 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. First Methodist Episcopal Church—N. Union cor. Hamilton Pastor Rev J. L. Sooy; residence, 203 N. Fourth. Services, Sunday 10:30 a. m. and 7-30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; class meeting, 6:30 p. m.; Junior League 3 p m prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.; Epworth League, Tuesday, 7:30 p m. O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. 15 First Presbyterian Church—Laurens cor. N. Second. Pastor, Rev. Newton L. Reed; residence, 206 Laurens. Services Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. First Wesleyan Methodist Church of Boardmanville—South St. Pastor, Rev. Edgar Fuller; residence, Westons Mills. Services, Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m.; class meeting, 2 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. German Evangelical Church—148 N. Thirteenth. Pastor, Rev. Jacob Burkhardt; residence, 142 N. Thirteenth. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; Young people's meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. North Ninth Street Methodist Episcopal Church—131-133 N. Ninth. Pastor, Rev. J. R. Wells; residence, 106 N. Ninth. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.; 'men's prayer meeting, Sunday 3 p. m.; class meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m.; Epworth League, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Olean Hebrew Congregation—101 N. Union. Minister, Rev. E. Winer; residence, 109 N. Second. Services, Friday, 6:30 p. m.; Saturday, 8 a. m. Pres., Cappel Cohen; vice-pres., B. A. Ruttenberg; sec. and treas., H. W . Marcus; trustees, J. Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Cohen. People's Methodist Episcopal Church—Garden av. cor Chestnut, E. O. Pastor, Rev. G. R. Harvey; residence, 73 Garden av., E. O. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; class meeting. 10 a. m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p. m.; Junior League, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. St. John's Roman Catholic Church—775-777 N. Union, N. O. Rector, Rev. J. F. Mooney; residence, 773 N. Union, N. O. Masses, 8 and 10:30 a. m.; catechism, 3 p. m.; vespers and benediction, 3:45 p. m.; masses, week-days, 8 a. m. ' St. Mary of the Angels' Roman Catholic Church—117 W . Henley. Rector, Rev. John J. Hamel; asst, Rev. H. H. Dolan; residences, 118 W . Henley. Masses, 7, 8 and 10:30 a. m.; catechism, 3 p. m.; vespers, 3:45 p. m.; baptism, 4 p. m.; morning masses, week days, 8 a. m. St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church—109-111 S. Barry. Rector, Rev. James W . Ashton, D. D.; residence, 112 S. Clinton. Services, Sunday, 9:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Holy Eucharist, every 1st Sunday of the month, 10:30 a. m., other Sundays 9:30 a. m.; Holy Days, Holy Eucharist, 10:30 a. m.; Wednesday evening prayer, 4 o'clock; additional service during lent; Sunday school, 12 m.; Holy Baptism at any service. Swedish Lutheran Church—144 N. Sixth. Pastor, Rev. P. E. Nordgren; residence, Bradford, Pa. Services, second and fourth Sunday of each month at 3:21 p. m. Union Chapel (South Olean)—Sunday school, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting, Friday, 7:30 p. m. SALVATION ARMY. 108 E. Sullivan. Services every evening and three times on Sunday. BANKS. Exchange National Bank—N. Union cor. Laurens. Organized 1879. Capital, $125,000; surplus and profits, $400,000. Pres., Frank L. Bartlett; vicepres., N. V. V. Franchot; cashier, A. I. Williams; asst. cashier, I. E. Worden; directors, Frank W . Higgins, C. S. Cary, N. V. V. Franchot, G. H. Strong, Frederick W . Kruse, James Pierce, Frank L. Bartlett. First National Bank—107 N. Union. Incorporated 1871. Capital stock, $100,000; surplus, $100,000. Pres., J. E. Dusenbury; vice-pres., W . E. Wheeler; cashier, A. T. Eaton; asst. cashier, C. D. Judd; directors, J. F. Johnson, J. E. Dusenbury, E. M. Johnson, E. G. Dusenbury, W . E. Wheeler. 16 O L E A N MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. OLEAN POST OFFICE. City Building, 108 N. Union. Office hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 11:45 a. m. to 12:45 p. m. T w o deliveries by carriers on outside districts, three on State st. and five on Union st. Postmaster, George M. Mayer; asst. postmaster, Ernest W . Bevier; mailing clerk, Daniel H. Sullivan; general delivery clerk, Charles E. Kelly; clerks, S. C. LeFevre, William A. Oosterhoudt; letter carriers, John W . Houghton, Thomas Donahue, John Kane, Onslow M. Merritt, Henry Schue, George Sutter, Samuel Bruckshaw; sub-carrier, Copeland E. Smith. CEMETERY. Mount View Cemetery Association—Office, Electric Light bldg.; cemetery, South Olean. Pres., George V. Forman; agent, George Fobes. LIBRARY. Forman Library—116 S. Union. Founded, 1871. Board of managers: Pres., Charles Gillingham; vice-pres., Frank L. Bartlett; treas., N. V. V. Franchot; sec, Mrs. E. M. Johnson; Mrs. Mary E. Hibbard, Mrs. G. T. Keith, Mrs. G. H. Strong. Open every day except Sunday from 1 to 6 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. NATIONAL GUARD. Olean Rifles, 43d Separate Co., N. G. N. Y.—Armory, North cor. Barry. Drill every Monday evening. Capt, Richard L. Franchot; 1st lieut, William Cobb; 2d lieut, A. A. McNeille; Q. M. S., W . E. Elliott; 1st sergt,. H. C. Perkins; sergts., A. W . Wakelee, W . P. Williams, F. E. Achenbach. GRAND ARMY REPUBLIC. C. D. Bayard Post, No. 222—Meets at Armory every Wednesday evening. Com., Henry Gale; sen. vice-corn., D. L. Smith; jun. vice-corn., John L. Holleran; surgeon, Dr. J. L. Eddy; Q. M., A. J. Dickinson; chaplain, W . L. Jones; O. D., B. A. Nobles; O. G., Henry Johnson; adjt, L. P. Abbott. Women's Relief Corps, No. 56—Meets at Armory every Saturday evening. Pres., Mrs. Alice E. Munger; sen. vice-pres., Mrs. Susanna Mallery; jun. vicepres., Mrs. Estella Lawton; chaplain, Mrs. M. R. Wilcox; treas., Mrs. C. C. Green; sec, Mrs. Maria Mead; conductor, Mrs. Mary Hamilton; guard, Mrs. Ophelia Cotton. INCORPORATED COMPANIES. Acme Glass Co.—Johnson, N. O. Incorporated 1895; capital stock, $50,000. Pres., John E. Farrell; vice-pres., Martin A. Brunner; sec, Joseph A. Sharp; treas., Henry U. Hanover. American Hide & Leather Co.—Moore's rd., W . O. Incorporated 1899. Pres., Thomas W . Hall; 1st vice-pres., W . N. Eisendrath; 2d vice-pres., E. L. White; 3d vice-pres., T. S. Haight; 4th vice-pres., Aaron Hecht; sec. and treas., George A. Hill. Dotterweich Brewing Co.—301-311 W . Henley. Incorporated August 21, 1893; capital stock, $100,000. Pres., Herman L. Dotterweich; vice-pres., Adolph H. Dotterweich; sec, John J. Woods; treas., A. T. Eaton. Keystone Gas Co.—128 N. Union. Incorporated December 23, 1880; capital stock, $100,000. Pres., E. O. Emerson; sec. and treas., J. N. Pew; local mgr., J. A. Johnson. Masonic Temple Association—205 Masonic Temple. Incorporated May 6, 1892; capital stock, $30,000. Pres., E. M. Johnson; vice-pres., F. E. Tyler; sec, F. W . Herron; treas., A. T. Eaton; directors, E. M. Johnson, F.»E. Tyler, A. T. Eaton, D. E. Barrows, B. S. Colwell, G. S. Bussell. N e w Conklin Wagon Co.—420-424 E. State. Incorporated 1895; capital stock, $125,000. Pres., J. E. Dusenbury; vice-pres. and sec. and treas., E. A. Judd; genl. mgr., D. C. Conklin. O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. 17 Olean Board of Trade—139 N. Union. Pres., N. V. V. Franchot; vicepresidents, E. M. Johnson, H. W . Marcus, D. W . Sheehan, G. H. Strong, James Pierce; sec, A. F. Miller; treas., C. D. Judd; executive committee, F. L. Bartlett, F. W . Higgins, W . F. Burlingham, C. E. Bell, A. T. Eaton. Olean Building, Loan and Savings Association—109 North. Incorporated 1892. Pres., J. F. Johnson; vice-pres., N. V. V. Franchot; sec, E. E. Alderman; treas., Hon. F. W . Higgins; attorney, Hon. F. W . Kruse. Olean Electric Light & Power Co.—430-432 N. Union. Incorporated November 2, 1887; capital stock, $35,000. Pres., N. V. V. Franchot; sec. and treas., H. L. Gerstenberger; supt, A. E. Ecklund. Olean Glass Co.—1409 Buffalo. Incorporated 1894; capital stock, $65,000. Pres., S. W . Pancoast; vice-pres., F. W . Higgins; treas., T. H. Pancoast; sec, J. L. Clyde. Producers' Gas Co.—205 Masonic Temple. Incorporated 1891; capital stock, $300,000. Pres., E. J. Wilson; vice-pres., G. S. Bussell; sec and treas., E. M. Johnson. Tanner's Shoe Stock Co.—1602-1610 W . Henley. Incorporated 1898; capital stock, $50,000. Pres., James Pierce; vice-pres., William E. Wheeler; sec. and treas., F. L. Bartlett; genl. mgr., Gilbert Tolman. The James Pierce Leather Co.—1601-1611 W . Henley. Capital stock, $300,000. Pres., James Pierce! vice-pres., H. H. Leathe; sec. and treas., F. L. Bartlett; supt, B. Frank Thomas. United States Leather Co.—743 N. Union. Incorporated M a y 1, 1892. Pres., James Horton, of N e w York City; vice-pres., Edward R. Ladew; sec, Josiah T. Tubby; treas., James R. Plum. Vacuum Oil Co.—Seymour cor. Buffalo, N. O. Incorporated 1866. Pres., H. B. Everest; vice-pres., C. M. Everest; treas., F. N. Beach; sec, Edward Prizer; mgr., G. W . Hooker. MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIZATIONS. Chautauqua Literary Circle—Meets Tuesdays at homes of members. Sec, E m m a Hubbell. , , City Relief Society—Meets at City Hall, every Monday at 2:30 p. m. during the winter. Pres., Mrs. John L. Baxter; vice-pres., Mrs. N. V. V. Franchot; treas., Edna Bussell; sec, Eva Moore. County Board of Fire Underwriters—Pres., W . H. Mandeville, Olean; sec, E. F. Hoy, Salamanca. Educational Council of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Cameron and McKean Counties—Membership open to superintendents, principals, commissioners and supervisors. Pres., Fox Holden, Olean, N. Y.; vice-pres., Burdette Phillips, Allegany, N. Y.; sec, Olin Wilson Wood, Olean, N. Y.; executive committee, William W . Miller, Friendship, N. Y.; E. E. Miller, Bradford, Pa.; with the pres. and sec. German American Relief Association—Meets at Edel's Hall, 1st and 3d Tuesday evening of each month. Pres., Alexander Anibas; sec, Paul Tumser; treas., John Barleon. Olean Microscopical Society—Meets 2d Friday evening of each month at homes of members. Pres., Dr. A. E. Smith; sec. and treas.. Dr. H. M. V. Smith. Olean Natural Science Society—Meets last Friday evening of each month except during July, August and September. Pres., W . V. Smith; sec, Bernice Brickell. Union H o m e Relief Society—Heets at Town Hall, Bv., every alternate Friday at 2:30 p. m. CLUBS. Authors' Club—Organized 1895; meets every Friday afternoon. Pres., Mrs. Flerence Eaton; Mrs. sec. treas., Elizabeth pres., V. V. City E. Abbey. Franchot, Club—113 M. Johnson; F. North. W .vice-pres., sec, Higgins, Re-organized Charles H. D. M.Agnes Judd; Ernst, 1894.L. treas., Pres., F.Waring; L. F. Bartlett, N.L. V. Eaton; V. and Franchot; E. M. trustees, Johnson, viceN. 18 O L E A N MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Charles D. Judd, J. H. Waring, F. L. Eaton; clerk, M. G. Fitzpatrick; steward, Thomas H. Barnes. Current Events Club—Organized 1895. Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, 2:30 p. m., at the various residences of members. Pres., Mrs. Cornelia Blakeslee; vice-pres., Mrs. Cornelia E. Ashton; sec. and treas., Mrs. Gertrude Johnson. Olean Medical and Surgical Club—Meets at Masonic Temple. 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. Pres., J. E. K. Morris; vice-pres., J. L. Eddy; sec, Mary Jepson; treas., J. P. Boothe. Olean Pedestrian Club—TEird floor, 125 N. Union. Pres., William M. Abrams, Jr.; sec. and treas., P. R. McNeille; medical examiner, Dr. Knowles. Olean Social Club—Pres., Edward H. Wright; vice-pres., Geo. E. Smith; sec, R. E. Bailey; treas., J. M. Karl; executive com., Hugh A. Cobb, George E. Smith, Walter Godden. Shakespeare Club—Organized December 13, 1882. Pres., Richard H. Franchot; 1st vice-pres., Anna R. Danforth; 2d vice-pres., Mrs. William Horner; sec, Maud D. Brooks; treas., Mrs. James H. Waring. Travelers' Club—Organized 1884. Pres., Eliza C. Danforth; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Gertrude B. Johnson; 2d vice-pres., Mrs. Eleanor L. S. Reed; clerk, Mrs. Agnes L. Waring; treas., Mrs. Janet B. Humphrey; cor. sec, Mrs. Mary I. Horner. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Bishop's Orchestra—Mgr., George L. Bishop. Foley's 43d Separate Co. Band and Orchestra—Mgr., P. C. Foley; leader of band, A. Jud Bowser; leader of orchestra, Austin J. Wright. RAILROAD COMPANIES. Erie—Passenger and Freight Station, N. Union and Pine, N. O. Agent, M. L. Lee. Olean Street Railway Co. (The)—N. Union cor. Main. Incorporated 1880; capital stock, $300,000. Pres. and treas., W . R. Page; vice-pres., W . E. Wheeler; sec. and supt, Irving W . Miller. Pennsylvania—Passenger and Freight Station, Railroad av. Agent, William A. Rapp. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES. New York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Co.—133% N. Union. District mgr., Clinton T. McKee. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co.—Olean House block, 128 N. Union. Mgr., Charles C. Frank. Union Telegraph & Telephone Co.—209-210 Masonic Temple. Mgr., B. W . Curtis. Western Union Telegraph Co.—Exchange Bank bldg., 165 N. Union. Mgr., George F. Thompson. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Co.—148 N. Union. Agent, E. C. Chamberlin. Wells, Fargo & Co.—172 N. Union. Agent, Frederick W . Davis. NEWSPAPERS. Evening Herald—215 N. Union. Annual subscription $5.00. Independent in politics. Proprietors, Sibley & Ostrom. Olean Ledger—241 N. Union. Published every Saturday; annual subscription, 50 cents; single copies, 3 cents. Props., W a d h a m s & Smith. Olean Times—107 North. Published daily and weekly; daily a morning paper; annual subscription, $5.00; weekly, $1.50. Republican in politics. Editor and publisher, C. D. Straight. OLEAN MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 19 Semi-Weekly Democrat—215 N. Union. Published Tuesdays and Fridays; annual subscription, $1.50. Proprietors, Sibley & Ostrom. The Hustler—310 Masonic Temple. Published monthly. Editor, E. D. Leach. AMERICAN PROTECTIVE LEGION. Olean Legion—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall every Saturday evening. P. P., G. H. Mayo; pres., M. N. Hamilton; vice-pres., Mrs. S. Wisner; sec, Abigail C. Dickison; treas., J. T. Bishop; trustees, B. F. Cowens, O. W . Hamilton, Mrs. G. H. Mayo. ANCIENT ORDER HIBERNIANS. Division No. 1—Meets at Sheehan's Hall every second Thursday evenin of each month. Pres., Frank Murphy; vice-pres., W . J. Hickey; rec sec, John J. Sheehan;fin.sec, Dennis Keating; treas., D. W . Sheehan. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. Crescent Lodge, No. 60—Meets at Riley & Wands Hall, first and third Friday evening of each month. M. W., M. F. Riley; F., George W. Leader; O., S. H. Wolf; recorder, C. A. Godden;financier,Thomas J. Brickell; receiver, E. J. Varney. BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER ELKS. Olean Lodge, No. 105%—105 N. Union. Meets every Wednesday evening. E. R., G. J. Ball; E. L. K., William Hutchings; E. L. K., L. C. Schroeder; E. L. K., J. J. Woods; treas., A. T. Eaton; sec, W. L. Myrick; trustees, J. A. Sheldon, Frank Collopy, M. A. Brunner. BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. No. 345—Meets at Miller's Hall, 1st and 3d Sunday of each month, at p. m. C. E., F. H. Steele; 1st asst. and sec. of ins., J. C. Hamilton; 2d asst, T. B. Jordan. BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN. Constant Lodge, No. 398—Meets at Foley's Hall, 1st and 3d Sunday of each month, at 2:30 p. m. M., J. Engelbach; S., G. C. Greenwood; C, F. Hubbard; R., B. Duffy; A., A. F. Johnson. BROTHERHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAINMEN. Lodge No. 133—Meets cor. State and Union, 2d and 4th Sunday of each month, at 8 p. m. M., J. P. Walsh; S., R. E. Goodrich; F., C. D. Morton; A., M. R. Cookinghan. CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Branch 53—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, every alternate Thursday evening. Spiritual director, Rev. John J. Hamel; pres., Joseph Streb; vice-pres., A. Schlosser; rec. andfin.sec, J. W. Houghton; treas., W . J. Quigley. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Organized December 14, 1897. R., Mrs. Anna Mcintosh Strong; 1st V. Mrs. Katherine E. Bradley; 2d V. R., Mrs. Neola P. Judd; 3d V. R., Mrs. S. 20 O L E A N M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. Lavina Kelsey; registrar, Mrs. M. I. Horner; rec sec, Mrs. Louisa R. Ballard; cor. sec, Mrs. Bertha Bussell; treas., Mrs. Lois G. S. Fobes; historian, Maud D. Brooks; chaplain, Mrs. Eleanor L. S. Reed; com. of safety, Mrs. Helen Strong, Mrs. Flora W . Judd, Mrs. Gertrude B. Johnson. DAUGHTERS OF ERIN. Meets at Foley's Hall, every alternate Wednesday evening. Pres., Mrs. Amelia McCorry; vice-pres., Mrs. Anna Duffy; rec. sec, Mrs. Catherine Hannifan;fin.sec, Mrs. Kate Dolan; treas., Mrs. Susan Gallagher. DUTCH ORDER HARIGARI. Standhaft Lodge, No. 425—Meets at Edel's Hall, 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month. O. B., L. Glasser; U. B., G. A. Hann; sec, A. Fritsch;fin.sec, William A. Haas; treas., John Hirlimann; dist. deputy, August Edel. ECLECTIC ASSEMBLY. Olean Assembly—Meets at Miller's Hall, every Friday evening. P. P., Mrs. Mary Field; pres., Mrs. Delia A. Cooper; vice-pres., Seymour Cline; sec, Mrs. Anna Bemis; treas., C. B. Field. FRATERNAL MYSTIC CIRCLE. Olean Ruling, No. 605—Meets at Foley's Hall, 2d and 4th Thursday evening of each month. W . R., W . R. Sanders; W . V. R., P. J. Haugh; W . C. H., S. Mott; W . C. and R., William Smith; physician, Dr. J. R. Allen; trustees, T. S. Magee, O. M. Carpenter, W . J. Foss, G. E. Finger. GLASS BOTTLE BLOWERS' ASSOCIATION. Branch 44—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, 2d and 4th Monday evening of each month. Pres., Alex. Lutes; vice-pres., John Long;fin.sec, Brazier Westcott; cor. sec, Edward Long; treas., Gustav Opel. GRAND INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF L O C O M O T I V E ENGINEERS. Ladies' Auxiliary, Star 95, Division No. 204—Meets at Miller's Hall, 1st and 3d Wednesday of each month, at 3 p. m. Pres., Mrs. E. J. Heller; vicepres., Mrs. T. Jordan; sec, Mrs. J. H. Kane; treas., Mrs. J. Stimlinger; ins. agent, Mrs. T. Greenman. IMPROVED ORDER HEPTASOPHS. Olean Conclave, No. 357—Meets at their hall, Riley & Wands block, every Thursday evening. A., G. H. Sicker; P. A., John M. Gena; sec, Martin Dwyer; treas., M. F. Riley;financier,F. E. Fisher; med. examiner, Dr. J. R. Allen; trustees, J. B. Smith, H. C. Whipple, C. P. Woodard. IMPROVED ORDER RED MEN. Cattaraugus Tribe, No. 159—Meets at McCormick's Hall, every Friday evening. S., Daniel Sherman; S. S., John McElfresh; J. S., Thomas CahielP., Benjamin A. Ruttenberg; C. of R., G. Michler; K. of W., C. L. Flagg. INDEPENDENT ORDER FORESTERS. Court Olean, No. 1752—Meets at 223 N. Union, 1st and 2d Friday evening of each month. C. R., Alexander Hutchinson; V. C. R., S. S. Turner; rec. sec, OLEAN MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 21 H. L. Schue; fin. sec, August Goebel; treas., Philip Zimmerman; physi Dr. J. Ross Allen; P. C. R., Henry Skinner. INDEPENDENT ORDER ODD FELLOWS. Olean Lodge, No. 471—Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall every Monday evening N. G., George A. Woods; V. G., James Kier; rec. sec, Edward Miller;fin.sec, H. D. Raub; treas., J. H. Passmore. Rebecca Lodge, No. 12—Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, 1st and 3d Wednesday evening of each month. N. G., Mrs. Anna Kraft; V. G., Mrs. Maloney; rec sec, Elmer Southworth;fin.sec, Edward Miller; treas., Mrs. Anna Jackson. Royal Lodge, No. 723—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, every Tuesday evening. N. G., J. C. Reitz; V. G., O. S. McClure; sec, R. S. Cunningham;fin.sec, George Conway; treas., Edward Dorsey. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Olean Council, No. 338—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, every Wednesday evening. G. K., Thomas Troy; D. G. K., M. G. Fitzpatrick; C, Edward Fitzgerald;fin.sec, J. W . Houghton; rec. sec, William E. Simpkins; treas., M. F. Mack. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Olean Lodge, No. 2117—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, every Wednesday evening. P. D., C. A. Turner; D., R. W. Smith; V. D., S. A. Anderson; asst. D., Ira Councilman; reporter, C. H. Rockwood;fin.reporter, Charles Smith; treas., H. L. Gerstenberger; trustees, H. W. Marcus, Charles Smith, Thomas B. Rutherford. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Olean Lodge, No. 273—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, every Wednesday evening C. C, William J. Foss; V. C, William J. Carter; prelate, Christopher Storms; M. of W., J. Huston; M lof F., H. Lucas; M. of E., J. Messer; K. of R. & S., B. Ruttenberg. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Acme Tent, No. 156—Meets at Fitzgerald's Hall, N. O., every Wednesda evening. Com., J. A. Ickles; lieut. com., George Besecker; P. C, W. H. Monahan; R. K., E. J. Lee; F. K., Thomas Malley; chaplain, Stephen Ryan. Hercules Tent, No. 109—Meets at McCormick's Hall. 1st and 3d Thursday evening of each month. P. O, William Whelan; com., H. J. Duke; lieut. com., B. Smith; prelate, Burr Larkin; R. K. and F. K., F. W. Davis; physician, Dr. J. L. Eddy. Olean Tent, No. 133—Meets at McCormick's Hall, 2d and 4th Thursday evening of each month. Com., J. J. Quigley; lieut. com., J. J. Loftus; R. K. and F. K., John Driscoll; prelate, Thomas Dolan; physician, Cassxr Smith. Riverside Tent, No. 10—Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, every l-'-iday evening. Com., T. B. Hall; lieut. com., Frank Bevins; R. K. and F. K., L. A. Mallery; prelate, Frank C. Pekham. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Bethel Hive, No. 82—Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall every alternate Tuesday, at 2 p. m. P. L. O, Mrs. Amanda Johnson; L. C, Mrs. Isabella Becker; lieut. com., Alice Grady; R. K., Mrs. E m m a Bevins; F. K., Mrs. Eveline Hutchings; P., Mrs. Sarah Barry. 22 OLEAN MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Union Hive, No. 12—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, very Thursday evening. P. L. C., Ruth Merwin; L. C, Mrs. Eunice Carter; lieut torn., Carrie Burdick; R. K., Mrs. Sadie McCready; F. K., Mrs. Mary R. White. LADIES' CATHOLIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Olean Branch, No. 12—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, every alternate Tuesda evening. Pres., Mrs. Mary McAulifte; rec sec, Agnes Harrington; asst. rec. sec, Mrs. Celia Gallagher;fin.sec, Agnes Harrington; treas., Mrs. Mary A. Reed. St John's Branch, No. 33—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, every alternate Wednesday evening. Pres., Mary Keisel; rec sec, Mary Linehan;fin.sec, Minnie Welsh; treas., Mollie Clancy. LOCAL TRIBE OF BEN HUR. Palestine Court, No. 2.—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, every Friday evening. P. C, S. Bruckshaw; C, J. W . Smith; J., Mrs. Julia Locke; S. and K. of T., T. B. Brickell. LOYAL MYSTIC LEGION OF AMERICA. Olean Council, No. 215—Meets at Miller's Hall, every alternate Tuesd evening. W. O, William Monahan; W . V., Mrs. Ada Harsch; W . T., Mrs. Cora Sawyer; W. S. Mrs. Amelia L. Cody; P., Owen Sweeney; W. P. C, Albert J. Sawyer. MASONIC. Masonic Temple, N. Union cor. North. Electa Chapter, No. 48, Order of Eastern Star—Meets 2d and 4th Wedne day evening of each month. W. M., E m m a Halliday; W . P., G. Henry Gillett; A. M., Elizabeth Smith; sec, Mary H. Hamilton; treas, Sarah D. Georgia. Light of the West Lodge, No. 42, F. and A. M. (Colored)—Meets 1st and 3d Tuesday evening of each month. W. M., S. J. Snowden; S. W., G. A. Ross; J. W., O. T. Barnes; sec, Fred Snowden; treas., G. W . Middleton. Olean Chapter, No. 150, R. A. M.—Meets 2d and 4th Friday evening of each month. H. P., A. A. Swarts; K., A. M. Shoff; scribe, L. C. Carrier; treas., A. T. Eaton; sec, W . L. Myrick. Olean Council, No. 33, R. & S. M.—Meets 1st Wednesday evening of each month. T. I. M., Ed F. Halliday; I. D. M., M. Southeron; I. P. C. of W., W . L. Myrick; treas., J. A. Smith; sec, A. A. Swarts. Olean Council, Princes of Jerusalem—Meets every Monday evening. M. E. P. G. M., J. A. Brendell; D. G. M., F. W. Goltz; M. E. S. G. W., A. W Georgia; M. E. J. G. W.,E. R. Russell; treas., A. T. Eaton; sec, A. A. Swarts; tiler, O. W. Hamilton. Olean Lodge, No. 252, F. and A. M.—Meets 1st and 3d Tuesday evening of each month. W . M., John Sloane; S. W., M. N. Hamilton; J. W., George Odell; chaplain, Richard Suddick; acting sec, L. H. Brooks; treas., A. T. Eaton; tiler, H. A. Brown. Olean Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R.—Meets every Monday evening T. P. G. M., E. R. Russell; H. T. dep. G. M., Ed F. Halliday; ven sen. G. W., M. Southeron; ven. jun. G. W., F. W.Goltz; treas., A. T. Eaton; sec, A. a! Swarts. St. John's Commandery, No. 24, K. T.—Meets 3d Thursday evening of each month. E. C, C. P. Burleigh, Jr.; gen., T. H. Pancoast; C. G., L. Y Miller; treas., A. T. Eaton; sec, E. M. Tothill. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION STATIONARY ENGINEERS. No. 52—Meets at 223 N. Union. Pres., W. J .Alger; vice-pres. and rec sec, William Williams; fin. sec. and treas., Michael Kuhn. OLEAN MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 23 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Olean Grange, No. 791.—Meets at Sheehan's Hall, every alternate Wedn day afternoon. P. M., H. A. Brooks; W. M., I. M. Godfrey; O., Mrs. H. A. Brooks; L., Mrs. Mitchell; S., T. Steele; asst. S., Martin Van Dusen; C, Mrs. O. W. Godfrey; treas., Mrs. F. Bartlett; sec, Flora Sanderson; trustees, H. A. Brooks, A. Shaffer, W. A. Townsend. PROTECTED HOME CIRCLE. Olean Circle, No. 209—Meets at Knights of Honor Hall, 1st and 3d Tue day evening of each month. P. P., E. J. Munger; pres., P. J. Spindler; treas., J. P. Johnson; sec, Mrs. M. Irene Gibbons; acct, F. E. Watts. ROYAL ARCANUM. Olean Council, No. 869—Meets at K. of H. Hall, 2d and 4th Tuesday ev ing of each month. P. R., W. J. Foss; R., L. C. Schroeder; V. R., Sherman Hall; O., W. F. Burlingham; collector, W. B. Hill; sec, H. C. Schamel; treas., C. H. Rockwood; chaplain, Rev. J. W. Ashton. SELECT KNIGHTS. Imperial Legion, No. 65.—P. C, C. B. Fries; com., William Cobb; vice com., Fred D. Ingalls; lieut. com., Peter J. Messer; recorder, Albert B. DeKay; rec. treas., George R. Daniels; treas., Merton Pennock; trustees, Peter Dorson, Elmer H. Vaughan, Charles Keenan; medical examiner, Dr. J. Ross Allen. TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. Olean Council, Royal Templars of Temperance—Meets at Riley & Wands Hall, 1st and 3d Wednesday evening of each month. S. O, M. A. Butler; sec, R. J. Feltham; rec. sec, Blanche Adams; treas., E. Munger. Women's Christian Temperance Union—Meets at 108 N. Barry, 1st and 3d Friday of each month, at 2:30 p. m. Pres., Mrs. Florence Smith; rec. sec, Mrs. Mary R. St. Clair; cor. sec, Mrs. Nettie Wood; treas., Mrs. Mary J. Raub. 24 OIL MEN'S DIRECTORY. OIL MEN'S DIRECTORY. • 1901 • NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL MEN IDENTIFIED WITH OIL. PRODUCERS, PUMPERS, REFINERS, RIG BUILDERS, DRILLERS, TOOL DRESSERS. IRON AND WOODEN TANK BUILDERS, OIL WELL PUMPING POWER MAKERS, OIL WELL CORDAGE COMPANIES, SUCKER ROD MANUFACTURERS, OIL WELL SUPPLY DEALERS, OIL WELL TOOL MAKERS, GAS ENGINE MAKERS, AND TORPEDO COMPANIES. [COPYRIGHTED. DERRICK ALL BIGHTS RESERVED.] PUBLISHING Publiehere. OIL CITY, PENN'A COMPANY, B. U Builders' Supplies, Coal and W o o d w » T A Y L O R 254 North Union Street 30 tj OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 25 •o I F OLEAN Alphabetical Directory. 1901. 1£ 12 o o •P ° o o o o o o k Names in bold type are advertisers and subscribers. HtH Explanation—Names in parenthesis are wife's given names. ^-J Abbreviations Used in this Directory—Adv., advertisement; asst. assist- ^ ^ ^ ant; av., avenue; bds., boards; Bv.,Boardmanville; E.,east; E. O., East Olean; H " T ^ h., house; Jr., junior;S.,mfr., manufacturer; manager; north; N. 0., ^ ^ rear; sec, secretary; south; S. O., Southmgr., Olean; supt., N., superintendent; North Olean; P. R. R., Pennsylvania R. R.; pi., place; pres., president; prop., »- *>. treas., treasurer; W . west: W . O., West Olean; wid., widow, proprietor; R. R., railroad; res., residence; Rev., reverend; rd. road; r., \ ^ U The word street is implied. - - - - - »-a Abbey Bessie L., res. 310 Laurens. > Abbey Lizzie J., wid. Alfred H., h. 310 Laurens. Abbey Sue B., res. 310 Laurens. -j ABBOTT D. S. CO. (THE), mfrs saw mill machinery specialties, 509 N. ^ ^ First; C. P. Luther, mgr. Abbott Frederick L., pipefitter, res. 816 Washington. Abbott Lucien P. (Nettie M.), timekeeper barrel factory; h. 816 Washington. Abbott May E., wid. David S., res. 153 N. Seventh. Abohmad Abraham (Minnie), oriental goods; h. 122 Whitney av. Abohmad Charles (Fereda), trav. salesman, h. 122 Whitney av. t—' Abrahamson Abraham, laborer, bds. 33 Maple, N. O. Abram Rose, domestic, 753 N. Union, N. O. t d Abrams Lovina J., wid. Franklin, h. 219 N. Fifth. Abrams William M. Jr. (Harriet), (Abrams & Sons), City bldg.; h. 405 Laurens. Abrams William M. Jr., 2nd., clerk City bldg.; res 405 Laurens •ABRAMS & SONS (William M., William M. Jr., and Mrs. L. J. Abrams) in- P s surance, City bldg. ' K«^ Academy of Music, 515 N. Union. ^^*" Achenbach Fred C, marble cutter, res. 118 W . State. t , Ackerman Ada, res. 315 S. Barry. ' ^>*^ Ackerman Alta M., res. 128 N. Fourth. Ackerman Celinda N. Mrs., dressmaker, 128 N. Fourth; h. do. Ackerman Edwin R. (Zue L.), painter, h. 316 N. First. Ackerman Eugene H. (Wealthy), veterinary surgeon, h. 148 N. Union. Ackerman Philip W . (Ida M.), painter, h. 315 S. Barry. /*••>. Ackley William, blacksmith, bds. 1 Union, S. O. I -J Acme Glass Co., Adams cor. Johnson; J. E. Farrell, pres. and gen. mgr. ^-i-4 Acme Hose Co., No. 3, 906 N. Union. ' J-J A C M E MILLS, 312-318 N. Barry; E. M. Johnson, mgr. (See adv. p. 27.) ACME OIL WORKS, N. Washington, N. O.; Standard Oil Co., props. Q Uul)l3V6]f Adams AckmanAndrew, Edwin Charles Blanche, Luella BrOSi (Emma), O, E., (Alice h. res. res. 125 barber, Liquor 715 O612 S. )stone ,E. Eleventh. teazer. res. N. Dealers, State. Union. cutter, 1201 h. W1201 h. .n.Sullivan. 210 W Union Sullivan. N. Street Sixth. " r~ IP™"^ r^^X^^ I,* ^. 09 03 CO CD ta CO ^ «g » F O O T W E A R . p. E. T Y L E R & C2.'S OF ALL KINDS, at 158 NORTH UNION STREET. 26 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. s < |*j q CM eg •s 2^ JZ^ ^^ a \ s^ "*^W O O w, rVj P^^ a \ n^ ^ ^ ^H •pH Y--, U J A d a m s E m m a E., res. 1201 W . Sullivan. A d a m s Ethelyn B., teacher No. 2 School, res. 125 S. Eleventh. A d a m s George B. (Geo. B. A d a m s & Co.), 149 N. Union; h. Middleton, N. Y. A D A M S G E O R G E B. & CO. (George B. Adams and John H. Bradner), dry goods, carpets, wall paper and crockery, 149-151 N. Union. Adams George G. (Helen M.), h. 715 E. State. Adams Henry J. (Catherine), plumber, 182 N. Union, h. Ill S. Seventh. Adams Lee, student, res. 110 S. Union. Adams Leon R., barber, 310 N. Union; res. 1201 W . Sullivan. Adams Minnie, res. 116 S. Fourth. Adams Pauline V., wid. Edgar A., h. 110 S. Union. Add Mayme, res. 202 Whitney av. Addy George (Mary Anna), glassblower, h. 420 N. Tenth. Adsit Arthur A., painter, bds. 11 Fifth av., Bv. Adsit Crittenden C. (Carrie), bartender Grand Central Hotel; h. 311 Jay. Adsit Earl, snapper, res. 531 N. Ninth Adsit Emily, wid. Otis D., h. 205 S. Clinton. Adsit George W., res 39 Center, Bv. Adsit Lemuel F. (Lula A.), bartender 146 N. Union; h. 307 Jay. Adsit Louis, res. 217 S. Barry. Adsit Louis, driver, res. 260 River, S. O. Adsit Milford J. (Mary), wagonmaker, h. 260 River, S. O. Adsit Myron C. (Catherine G.), h. 3 Fourth av., Bv. Adsit Rosaltha, wid. Ansil M., h. 312 S. Barry. Adsit Selden J. (Annie),fireman,h. 531 N. Ninth. Ahrens Adolph (Henrietta), meat market, 475 N. Union; h. do. Ahrens Gustave F., butcher, 475 N. Union; res. do. Ahrens John (Germonda U.), butcher, 152 N. Union; h. 528 do. Akins Ella, wid. Harvey, h. 78 King, E. O. Akins Homer, laborer, res. 78 King, E. O. Albright Mrs. clerk, bds. 115 S. First. Albright Wally (Nina), rms. 309% N. Union. Albro Georgia O., clerk, 802 N. Union; res. do., N. O. Albro Gladys M., student, res. 802 N. Union, N. O. A L B R O R U E L C. (Eliza M.), grocer, 802-804 N. Union; h. do., N. O. Alden Clothing Store, 266 N. Union; C H. Spraker, prop. A L D E R M A N E L B E R T E. (Minnie O ) , (Alderman & Stillman), 109 North; h. 312 N. Third. Alderman George C., student, res. 312 N. Third. Alderman J. Edward (Nellie M.), bookkeeper, 6 Riley & Wands blk.; res. 402 S. Fourth. A L D E R I W A N & STILLIVfAN (Elbert E. Alderman and Frank V. R. Stillman), general insurance, 109 North. (See adv. front edges of leaves.) Alexander Bonnie, res. 129 Fulton. Alexander John B. (Lydia), blacksmith, h. 129 Fulton. Alger Webster J., sta. engineer, 430 N. Union; h. Allegany, N. Y. Allegretta Perrea (Mary), laborer, h. 54 Elm, N. O. Allen Ada, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 1103 W . State. Allen Arthur S., laborer, res. 60 Bishop, E. O. Allen's Bargain Store, 174 N. Union, C. C. Allen, mgr. Allen Claude, student, bds. Genesee House. KING'S I NS. D S Barry. O R PLASTER Allen Claude C. (Eflie), mgr. 174 N. Union; rms.W107 B. U. T A Y L O R * A L L E N DANIEL F. (Anna T.), chief police, City Hall;FOR h. 609 W . State. 4 1M. F. Union Street. MILLS A N D CEILINGS. Allen2 5Daniel Jr., res. 609 W . State. Allen Dascom, molder, 134 E. Sullivan, bds. Genesee House. Allen A L Lbldg; E NEdward Ida, Dascom Edward, E h. Dres. M 121 UH., Jr., (Rachel), Nlaborer, 1103 DN. telephone molder, E. Clinton. W .(Harriet h. State. foreman, 45 134 inspector Orchard E. B.), Sullivan, h.city 328 133% av., engineer Jay. E. res, N.O. Union; 118 and E. supt. Henley. res. 609 of W streets, . State. City Builders' S u p p l i e s a n d SON, > o Contracting ——* 302 North Union Street. z r OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 27 GILUNGHAM & > ALLEN J. ROSS (Bertha G.), physician and surgeon, 129 Hamilton; h. do. office hours, 8-9 a. m , 2-4 and 7-8 p. m. Allen James, res. 45 Orchard av., E. O. Allen James, telegrapher, bds. 38 N. Washington, N. O. Allen John, laborer, res. 45 Orchard av., E. O. Allen John, helper,, res. 328 Jay. Allen John M. (Jennie E.), police, City Hall; h. 209 S. Union. Allen Kate, res. 1103 W . State. Allen Mary L , wid. Albert S., h. 60 Bishop, E. O. Allen Richard R. (Mary E.), currier, h. 13 Pierce av., W . O. Allen Riley (Melvina), oil producer, h. 1103 W . State. Allen William (Mary), blacksmith, h. 666 E. State, E. O. Alles Conrad (Katherina), h. 125 S. Clinton. AUes John W . (Mildred), carpenter, h. 213 S. Union. Allran Anna, domestic, 215 W . Henley; res. 541 N. Seventh. Allran Anthony (Annie), carpenter, h. 541 N. Seventh. Allran Louis, laborer, res. 541 N. Seventh. Allran Rose, domestic, res. 541 N. Seventh. Amblow Z., molder, 133 Railroad av.; bds. 322 Tompkins. A M E R I C A N E X P R E S S CO., 148 N. Union; Edwin C. Chamberlin, agent. American Hide & Leather Co., Moore's rd., W . O. American House, 1125-1127 N. Union, N. O.; M. C. Sullivan, prop. A M E R I C A N P A L A C E L A U N D R Y (L. J. White, J. C. Murray and Wesley Wright), 112 W . Sullivan. Amos Harry V. (Clara), car repairer, h. 337 N. Sixth. Anabas Alexander, car repairer, h. 114 N. Eleventh. Anderson , currier, rms. 328 N Third. A N D E R S O N A X E L W . (Amelia), grocer, 1102 W . State; h. do. Anderson Charles, laborer, bds. 603 E. State. Anderson Charles A. (Anna L.), laborer, h. 131 N. Eleventh. A c m e Patent P u r e Gold Northern Light f^^ Miiisf Empire White Satin \ Golden Wedding OH » o z raw ©M ^ 5 > H I—I •-3 o <! tJ i—a <n CD <3 fcd fcJ r> EVERY SACK OF FLOUR Q GUARANTEED. (0 *JI MILLERS O F Scalped Meal, «* C o r n . ?P3 f S Cracked FEED RND ALL KINDS OF COW FEED. CLEAN OATS A SPECIALTY. A *1e Finest C M E w i n e s a n d liquors « ——• Call on M I L DUNLAYEY L S . BROS., 3(| N. U n i o n Street. *i* DO YOU NEED AN EDUCATION? g [] [ [ ^ ( j 310 MASONIC TEMPLE. represents the International 9 £ Correspondence Schools, 9 U # 28 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. S C R A N T O N , PENN'A 35 H 0 > Anderson Charles P. (Louisa), loco, fireman, h. 126 S. Third. to -** •*< Anderson Earl J., driver, 121 W . State; res. 12 River, S. O. Anderson Henry, currier, bds. 208 N. Thirteenth. * 0 Anderson Jennie G., clerk, 123 N. Union; res. 12 River, S. O. Anderson John C. (Orilla), farmer, h. 12 River, S. O. Anderson John L. (Lena.), watchman, h. 1213 Reed. 3 Anderson Lovinia A., wid. Thomas, h. 37 Queen, E. O. m„ Anderson Maggie A., operative, res. 53 King, E. O. £/*. Anderson Nellie A., teacher No. 3 School, res. 205 S. Barry. . Anderson Samuel A. (Caroline), contractor, r. 121 N. Union; h. 205 S. Barry. Anderson Samuel B. (Mary L.), barber, 813 Wayne; h. do. Anderson Siverene (Hilda D.), currier, h. 208 N. Thirteenth. Anderson Svan (Louisa), laborer, h. 107 S. Seventh. Anderson Thomas C, freight handler, res. 37 Queen, E. O. Andrews A. Katherine, stenographer, Exchange National Bank; res. 322 N. First. Andrews Albert H. (Stella E.), laborer, h. 236% N. Eighth. Andrews Charles D. (Ida), laborer, h. 22 Bell, E. O. Andrews Christopher C. (Emma), glassblower, h. 137 N. Thirteenth. Andrews Clara, res. 322 N. First. Andrews Clarence E. (Augusta F.), h. 301 Laurens. Andrews Claude J., freight handler, res. 711 Washington. Andrews Cora, res.' 137 N. Thirteenth. A N D R E W S C R E I G H T O N S., lawyer, 201 Masonic Temple; rms. 118 Hamilton. Andrews Edwin B., clerk, res. 711 Washington. Andrews George J. (Sarah B.), laborer, h. 40 Elm, N. O. Andrews Jennie, wid. Joseph H., h. 711 Washington. ^ 3 Andrews John (Marion S.), carpenter, h. 315 Coleman. Andrews John G., conductor P. R. R., h. 315 Coleman. Andrews John H. (Katherine L.), conductor P. R.R., h. 304 Coleman. Andrews Mary L. Mrs., h. 322 N. First. ^ Andrews Robert, salesman, 149 N. Union; rms. 140 S. Union. C / 5 Andrews Scott, bookkeeper, bds. 711 Washington. « Andrews Wells G. (Lulu), clerk, 137 N. Union; h. 305 Laurel av. Andrews William, barber, 304 W . State; bds. do. Andrus Charles W . (Sarah A.), laborer, h. Dugan rd. Andrus Edgar B. (Blanche A.), laborer, h. 6 Grossman av., E. O. Angermuller Dora, wid. George, res. 1105 W . Sullivan. Antisdale Asa H. (Leola), gardener, h. 13 Railroad av., E. O. Apgar Sarah, res. 702 W . Green. Appleton Bertha, domestic, 230 N. Second. Arden Milton M. (Mary), trav. salesman, h. 37 Spring, E. O. Arenet Antony (Augustina), carpenter, h. 810 N. Union, N. O. Arenet James, carpenter, bds. 810 N. Union, N. O. Arizona House, W . State, W . O., P. B. McCarthy, prop. Armiding Charles, roller, bds. 606 N. First. j w Armiding Charles Jr., laborer, bds. 606 N. First. A R M O U R & CO., 424-426 N. Union; R. M. Shearer, mgr. HEN Arnold REPAIRING, Armstrong AYOUR R MN. Third. S T Third. SHOES Harry John RAlmond John call O NThomas Nellie Sylvester Cora Herman, Melpha, Duard GW(Mary), (Nellie), S.at NEED P. H(Laura D., EM., C, 'R(Kittie B. domestic, clerk, Mlaborer, B12 (Cora res. Apumper, sexton, (Annie JL clerk, NH.G., w. 20 131 P.), Q. ), V.), res. 161 Hoops, saloon, warehouseman B.), res. STAte h. N. res. COOK'S bookkeeper foreman N. 112 Union; 332 currier, 318 119 Union; 1319 E. street. N. Coleman. N. WO. oil res. Tenth. .Buffalo; h. Acme First. Green. rms. lease, P. 20 119R. Hoops, 128 Works, Wres. h. R., . E. Green. 119 Railroad 332 E. Henley. W N. N. O. . O.; Green. Tenth. av.; h. 225 h. N. 225 RILEY & _—— Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce Cigars a n d T o b a c c o s , W A N D S 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 29 £ '. r! >£ S m n" „ 5*c S* » ""P-b Sn » S-3 2 ; g h * Arnold Nellie L., teacher No. 5 School, Bv. Arnold Orrin N. (Fidelia), carpenter, h. 325 N. Sixth. A R S O N M O S E S , installment, 316% W . State; A. L. Masson, mgr. Arundel John, laborer, res. 53 Oak, N. O. Arundel Mary, housekeeper, 53 Oak, N. O. Arundel Michael, stillman, h. 53 Oak, N. O. Ashley Emily, wid. Alvin D., h. 701 Irving. Ashley Eugenia M., res. 701 Irving. Ashley Leva, nurse, res. 701 Irving.' Ashley M. Earl, bottler, res. 701 Irving. m^m^ Ashley Walter A., driver, res. 701 Irving. ^^^ Ashley William, laborer, res. 135 W . River, S. O. •™"" Ashley William J., driver, res. 701 Irving. Ashton James W . Rev. (Cornelia E.), rector St. Stephen's church; h. 112 S. Clinton. Atkinson William, plumber, 111 W . State; bds. 108 do. Atwood Eliza A., wid. Jeremiah, res. 11 Pond, E. O. August James W . (Luella), sta. engineer, h. 148% N. Union. Augustus Alfred L. (Cora A.), supervisor P. R. R., h. 149 N. Sixth. Augustus Leander L., lamplighter, bds. 138 N. Barry. Austin Alfred A., surveyor, res.' 91 W . River, S. O. Austin Harrington (Maria), farmer, h. 142 S. Barry. Austin Henry (Melissa), farmer, h. 91 W . River, S. O. Austin Lucy M., res. 146 N. Union. Austin Nellie M., bookkeeper, 149 N. Union; bds. 125 S. Second. Austin Nettie, wid. George, h. 332 N. Tenth. Austin Ralph, student, bds. 125 S. Second. Austin William A. (Josephine P.), mgr. N e w Arlington Cafe, 309 N. Union; h. do. Aylesworth Stella, wid. Walter, boarding house. 511 Irving Ayrault Frederick W . (Helen K.), driver, 120 N. Union: h. 51 Bishop E. O Ayrault Walter R. (Ella E.), driver, 229 N. Union; h. 52 Orchard av.! E. O. B Babcock Frank J. (Ellen E.), packer, res. 210 N. First. Babel John (Christina), bookkeeper, 133 Railroad av.; h 112 Irving Babinger Leo J., bell boy Olean House. Bachman Frank C. (Anna B.), machinist, 133 Railroad av.; h. 136 N Fourth. Bachman Fred, res. 136 N. Fourth Backus Carrie Mrs., millinery, 319 W . State; h do .Backus Fred W . (Carrie), clerk, h. 319 W . State Bacon Albert M. (Marguerite M.), horseshoer, lio N Third; h. 129 S Fourth Bacon George W., molder, res. 492 Higgins av o> Bacon Robert H. (Rose E.), molder, 133 Railroad av.; h. 492 Higgins av Badder Michael (Mary), traveling salesman res. 122 Whitney av m Bahny Ellis S., student, res. 115 N Second. Bahney Joseph (Minnie), clotmer h 115 N. Second Bailey Arthur E. (Louise), laborer, h 127 N Thirteenth Bailey Ernest R. (Mabel J.), clerk Vacuum Oil Co, h. 109 N Eighth Bailey Grace E., bookkeeper, 262 N. Union; res. 18 Third ac, Bv ' Bailey John H., res. 218 Winters av. Bailey Madison H. (Lorinda L.), grocer, 262 N. Union; h. 18 Third av.,311 Bv. Bailey Raymond M., baker, 237 N. Union; res. 18 Third av Bv D m ^ l ™ o s FamousOleanClubWhiskey,«. Union Bailey Roy, clerk, 141 N. Union. St. Bailey Ziba E. (Harriet), janitor, h. 218 Winters av Baish Charles E. (Jennie M.), cigars, 217 N. Union;'h 207 N Fifth P r" Baker Baker Ernest Ellen Elisha Charles Charles, Frank AlbertL., R. R., C(Frances), W., hostler, ,teacher (William miller, bollermaker, glassblower, bds High hdriller, Horner 43Hotel School, Orchard res. res. h. & Imperial' 35 Co.), 1206 1206 res. Third av., 136-138 W W115 ESullivan. Sullivan av. S.' O NFirst. Bv Union; ' res. 116 S'Second ^ oo="g »5 c,o5o m-z m The Best Shoes in the City p £ T Y L E R & CO., •" ABB SOLD BY 158 North Union Street. 30 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. Baker George E. (Anna), machinist, h. 310 W. Henley. Baker Henry (Anna), bookkeeper, 137 N. Union; h. 405 Irving. Baker Jacob (Mamie), car repairer, h. 332 N. Thirteenth. Baker James B. (Ella M.), laborer, h. 22 Genesee, Bv. Baker John (Mary), packer, h. 7 Pierce av., W . O. Baker Mary, operative, res. 7 Pierce av., W . O. Baker Miranda D., res. 43 Orchard av., E. O. Baker Ralph (Emily), carpenter, h. 116 S. Second. Baker S. Charles,finisher,bds. 30 N. Washington, N. O. aS Baker William B., h. 322 W . Henley. f Balch Charles H. (Jennie F.), currier, h. 1615 W . Henley. Balier Annie, res. 333 N. Sixth. ^j Balier Banerd (Mary A.), carpenter, h. 333 N. Sixth. <o Ball Dica, res. 307 Laurel av. £ Ball Elizabeth M , dressmaker, 207 W . Henley; res. do. .- 3j Ball Elizabeth M., wid. Bernard, Catholic book store, 205 W . Henley; h. 207 do, g: Ball Ray E., student, res. 208 Irving. VD Ball Frances D., dressmaker, res. 207 W . Henley. W . WA.. (W. SonsW .(Fred A.Sons), and Lewis W.), clothing, 168 Laurel N. Union. O -2 Ball's Ball Fred Ball's 168 N. Union; res. 307 av. Ballard Elise M., res. 211 N. Third. «i&+2 Ball George J. (Elizabeth M.), painter, h. 208 Irving. L. Tracy, res. 211 N. Third. v>l Ball Harriet N., wid. William W., h. 307 Laurel av. o V> Ballard Ballard Leon H. (Louie), oil h. 211Sons), N. Third. -£ Ball Lewis W . (Harriet L.), producer, (W. W . Ball's 168 N. Union; h. 418 W . !>« Ballweg Frank (Reicka), car inspector, h. 13 N. Walnut, N. O. 03 Henley. •-} Bame Albert E., carpenter, bds. 117 S. Barry. Eh Barber Cyrus N. (Eliza E.), carpenter, h. 321 N. First. Barber Eliab G. (Laura H.), horse trainer, TT 216 N. Seventh. o Barber Fidelia C, wid. Willard C., h. 404 E. State. Pi Barber Jacob, helper, res. 610 N. First. P-. Barber James H., machinist, res. 404 E. State. Barber John, laborer, res. 610 N. First. Barber Louisa,, wid. Androw, h. 610 N. First. i>« Barber Rose, domestic Olean House. i-3 Barker Fred J., laborer, res. 210 East av^ Eh Barleon John (Anna), assistant supt. streets, h. 122 N. Barry. <3 Barleon Kate, res. 122 N. Barry. Barleon Mayine, dressmaker, 122 N. Barry; res. do. Barnard Amelia, wid. Charles, h. Ill N. Ninth. ' Barnard Charles Earl, clerk, 620 W . Slate; res. Ill N. Ninth. Barnard Emery L., painter, res. Ill N. Ninth. Barnard Frank E., laborer, res. Ill N. Ninth. Barnard Mabel H., res. Ill N. Ninth. Barnard Mary E., wid. George, boarding house, 633 E. State CO Barnard William T., clerk, res. Ill N. Ninth. ft Barnes Albert, stave sawyer, 19 Griffin. Barnes George W . (Lucinda E.), farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. Barnes Guy S. CAliceM.), lumberman, h. Steam Valley, S. O I M a k eHarriet N e wa.Stock toDugan Order 513 Barnes Mrs., h. rd.,a n E.dO.• f\ t\t%t\ll W . State Barnes Harry G., assistant steward City Club, 113 North; res. do Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction . . M l U l UlJUlia ? Street. Barnes Judson O. (Allie M.), car builder, h. 304 Wayne. Barnes Oliver T , electrician, res. 113 North. Barnes Barnett Barnick Barr B A RHamilton. RDaniel E TThomas Harry, William, T C (Mary), H Afirst RH.Lbutcher, E(Mary Scook currier, L. Olean (Anna), B.), 325h. steward WHouse. .538 State; (Quigley N. Cfiy'Club, Fifth. bds. & 107 Barrett), 113 S. Third. North; 217 N. h.Union; do. h. 120 HELIKER & PATRIDGE, ffiPSble GENERAL INSURANCE. Represented. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 307 Masonic Temple. 31 cro Barrett Harriet L., wid. Levi, res. 120 Hamilton. Barrett Mary, waitress Olean House. Barrett Sarah, waitress Olean House. Barrows David E. (Nettie G.), dentist, 168% N. Union; h. 326 S. Union. Barrows Ellen T., wid. Erasmus, h. 212 S. Union. Barrows Ethel N., res. 326 S. Union. —*" Barrows Lee E., res. 326 S. Union. as Barrows Marion N., res. 326 S. Union. Z^^Z Barry Anna, wid. Michael, h. 1451 Buffalo, N. O. ^— Barry David (Katherine), laborer, h. 1013 W . State. Z^j' Barry George, res. 1451 Buffalo, N. O. ^=^ Barry John (Abbie), laborer, h. 74 Garden av., E. O. CV3 Barry Mamie, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 1013 W . State. m Barry Margaret D., res. 1013 W . State. •—-i Barry Mary, res. 1451 Buffalo, N. O. «E? Barry Sarah E., wid. John, res. 326 Tompkins. E3 Barry Thomas, bartender, res. 1013 W . State. Barry William, clerk, 1102 W . State; res. 1013 do. C°D B A R S E C. V. B. & CO. (DeWitt C. LeFevre, Henry Gale and Wilbur F. Burlingham), general hardware, 155 N. Union. Barth Joseph, teamster, h. Kittanning rd., S. O. Barth William H. (Arvilla), h. McCann Hollow, S. O. Bartle Lewis F., musician, rms. 114 N. First. Bartlett Cornelius H. (Sylphia C.), physician, 224 N. First; h. do. _ Bartlett Edward L. (Amelia), farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. fc, Bartlett Elenore, res. 224 N. First. « BARTLETT FRANK L (Fannie E->. Pres- Exchange National ,. u n u I £.1.1 I I Itjn&l\l\ I_. Bank> treas_ Tne James pierce Leather £ Co., and sec. and treas. Tanners' Shoe Stock Co., 165 N. Union; h. 302 £H Laurens. O Bartlett Grace A., wid. Ward, res. 210 E. Henley. 00 Bartley H. Samuel (Alida M.), barber Exchange Bank bldg., h. 119 N. Second. i-J Barton Amy, res. 201 East av. Q Barton Florence, res. 318 N. Ninth. £0 Bartoo Carlotta S., res. 123 N. Clinton. tfl Bartoo Ralston S. (Mary E.), contractor, res. 123 N. Clinton. O Bartow Charles R. (Addie), brick mason, h. 116 S. Tenth. Bartow Hiram D. (Jennie E.), mason, h. 219 Winters av. *» Bartow Mattie, res. 219 Winters av. ^ Bartsch Max C. (Amelia), laborer, h. Gil W . Green. * Basler Frank (Amelia), merchant tailor, 606 W . State; h. do. Bate:..an House, 527 N. Union; J M. Butler, prop. Bate', Fred R. (Catherine), laborer, h. 536 N. Sixth. (? Bates Henry, agent Penn. R. R , res 325 N. Fifth. ^ Bates Mary B., wid Clay, h. 325 N. Fifth. Bathurst George E. (Bertha), car inspector, h. 11 Third av., Bv. Battles Archibald (Elizabeth), night foreman P. R. R. shops, h. 524 N. Sixth, q £ Battles Emily A., wid. Josiah H., h. 209 N. Thirteenth. +, » Battles Eugene V (Carrie S ). pipefitter, res. 209 N. Thirteenth. ;• • Battles Ida E., res. 209 N. Thirteenth. <b » Battles John (Agnes L.), currier, h. 412 N. Thirteenth. -(* Battles Lizzie, wid. Frederick W., h. 512 N. Seventh. £( Bauman George (Esther), supt, h. 334 Laurel av. * Baxter John L. (Elizabeth M.), seeds, h. 423 E State *J Baxter John T. (Helen E.), lawyer, h. 209 S. Union. ° Baxter Kyla.n, bds. 134 N. Barry. ' J* Baxter Peter, Nellie Mrs., clerf, 149 Union; 209 Union. _ Uni0S:^l^key Beabout Beamer Baxter Altie William George HarryMrs., bds. E., (Julia), J.,helper, 527 res. car DUNLAVEY N. 319 drayman, repairer, Union. 134 N.NE. Union. Sullivan; res. 1006 BROS. 1006 Wh. Henley; res. W^ .S Henley. 1006 l'* h.W do. . Henley. to < 3 -+t •P}lj > TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN £. D. L E A C H 310 Te^Ti? • •» ___ Representing the I nternational Correspondence O SEE Schools, S C R A N T O N , PA. aj _»3 Bean 32 Celia, res. 336 N.OLEAN Eighth.DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CD £5 Bean Joseph (Angeline), laborer, h. 336 N. Eighth. <4 ^ Bean Michael, laborer, res. 336 N. Eighth. 3fi fe Bear Abraham H., insurance agent, res. 136 N. Ninth. 4j Bear Alice, clerk, 131 N. Main; res. 136 N. Ninth. -J^ H Bear Benjamin (Rebecca), mgr., 318 W . State; h. 106 S. Eighth. <2 ^ Bear Christina, wid. Joseph, h. 136 N. Ninth. 1^. © Bear Eva, wid., h. 509 N. Seventh. |> Bear Leopold H., conductor, res. 136 N. Ninth. Bear Michael (Kate), car repairer, h. 513 N. Eighth. ,—i Bear Rebecca Mrs., confectionery and cigars, 318 W . State; h. 106 S. Eighth. «"-• Bear William, snapper, res. 513 N. Eighth. Beare Clifford L., lawyer, 204 Masonic Temple. {J) Ui Beattie Minetta, res. 509 N. Ninth. .^ (V Beattie Thomas W., oil producer, h. 509 N. Ninth. IT *"* Bebee Henry C. (Kathryn), glassblower, h. 408 Irving. Vj [JJ Bechtle John A., res. 116 Wayne. JIj Becker Jacob (Lizzie), 17 Fourth av., Bv. r j i> tn Becker Becker Jacob Annette res.car 102repairer, River, S.h.h. O. if M.E., (Isabella), gardener, 102 River, S. O. \2 Becker Catherine Mrs., h.setter, 14 Fifth av.,2 Fourth Bv. Becker Lewis (Mary P.), res. av., Bv. fOiu . r"1 Beckman Becker Charles h. Fourth. 17 Fourth av., Bv. Robert,(Clara), helper,flagman, bds. 506 N. tf\ t_, JT1 Beckwith Becker Conrad h. 130 rms. S. Fifth. Alice (Barbara), H., teacher farmer, No. 3 School, 133 S. Barry. K UJ ra Jl, Beckwith Becker Ellen M., res. 130 S. Fifth. Charles H. (Clementine), carpenter, h. 608 W . Henley. (Y Becker John Eva H., 130 S. Fifth. Beden C, res. foreman job room, Herald; rms. 208 N. First, bds. Hotel ImHi K Becker Herbert J., driver. 137 N. Union; res 102 River, S. O. perial. Bedford Frank (Emily), locomotive engineer, h. 213 S. Barry. Bedford Louisa, wid. Charles C, res. 127 N. Barry. Beebe Alta, domestic. 309% N. Union. Beebe Charles A. (Louisa M.), flagman, h. 639 E. State, E. O. Behn May, domestic Genesee House. Behrndt Henry (Caroline), res. 140 N. Tenth. Beilinski Josephine, apprentice, 131 N. Union; res. Elm, N. O. < ^ Bell Andrew (Isabella J.), millwrigEt,""502 N. Union; h. 515 Irving. B E L L BROS. (Charles E. and George F.), dry goods, carpets, furniture, wallpaper, crockery, etc., 157-159 N. Union. Bell Charles E. (Carrie A.), (Bell Bros.), 157-159 N. Union; bds. Olean House. Bell Clarence D., laborer, res. 46 Third av., Bv. Bell Duncan (Louisa J.), carpenter, h. 46 Third av., Bv. Bell George F. (Bell Bros.l, 157-159 N. Union; bds. Olean House. Bell Harold S., student, bds. Olean House. Bell Jeannette A., res. 515 Irving. Bell Jennie, wid. Edwin, h. 207 S. Union Bell John D., plumber, 701 W . State; h. Portville, N. Y. Bemis Bessie H., res. 82 Queen, E. O. Bemis Emmett L. (Sarah E.), bottler, 248 N. Union; h. 82 Queen, E. O. BEMIS G E O R G E L. (Anna), carpenter and builder, h. 107 S. Clinton. Bemsel Marie, wid. Christian, h. 524 N. Fourth. Bendean Charles F., machinist. 134 E. Sullivan; res. 126 N. Twelfth. Bendean E m m a , res. 126 N. Twelfth. Frederick (Annie), laborer, h.be 126in N.1302, Twelfth. The Bendean Bender Bendean next Issue Mary Albert, William, Minnie, Fredof E., C, laborer, this res. res barber, machinist, 307 126 Directory res. N. N. Exchange Barry. 307 Twelfth. 134N. will E.Barry. Bank Sullivan; bldg.; res. res. 126126 N. N. Twelfth. Twelfth. HELIKER & Fire, life and 3 0 T Accident P A T R I D S E i a s s g a w , «..^r.-».^ - n OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 33 J J 2 J5J Bender Matthew (Sophia), h. 307 N. Barry. Bender Peter (Barbara), car repairer, h. W . State, W . O. Bender Peter Jr., laborer, res. W . State, W . O. Benedict George S. (Genevieve), traveling salesman, h. 206 E. Henley. Bengston Olive, domestic, 319 N. Second. Benjamin Albert O. (May), drayman, 45 Queen, E O.; h. do. Benjamin Charles W . (Ella), clerk 139 N. Union; h. 218 S. Fourth. Benjamin Harriet A., res. 45 Queen, E. O. Benn George A., farmer, h. 49 River, S. 0. Benn George I., driver, res. 49 River, S. O. Bennett Erwin (Alice F.), carpenter, h. 211 S. Second. Bennett Flora, res. 932 Buffalo. Bennett Nellie, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 932 Buffalo. Bennett William N. (Hannah), milk depot, 932 Buffalo; h. do. Bennie Alice H., res. 218 N. Second. Bennie Hamilton D. (Alice B.), h. 218 N. Second. Benson Charles F., res. 69 River, N. O. Benson Frank W . (Maggie), gate tender, h. 69 River, N. O. Benson Inez M." res. 69 River, N. O. Benson Louis R, driver, 302 W . State; res. 69 River, S. O. Benzino Louis, machinist, bds. 712 Wayne. Bernreuther Paul H. (Louisa), tinsmith, 129 N. Union; h. 149 N. Eighth. Berry Albert (Martha), carpenter, h. 1215 Washington. Berry Alexander F. (Henrietta S.), masseuse, 121 N. Third; h. do. Berry Amariah (Helen M.), laborer, res. 69 Bishop, E. O. Berry Frank O. (Martha), splitter, rms. 315% N. Union. Berry William H., res. 512 Wayne. Berryman Alice M., res. 125 Fulton. Berryman Arthur R., clerk, 264 N. Union; res. 125 Fulton. Berryman Fred W., clerk, 147 N. Union; res. 125 Fulton. Berryman John (Nellie), agent, h. 125 Fulton. Berryman M. Gertrude, res. 125 Fulton. Besecker Altie, res. 514 W . State. Besecker Blanche S., teacher No. 4 School, res 520 N. First. Besecker Cary G. (Lelia), laborer, h. 514 W . State. Besecker Claude J. (McCall & Besecker), 721 E. State; res. 27 Railroad av., E. n m ^ arifafl ta^ Jti j *••• ^^J ^ ^ ^ 23 2 ^ ^^r. !^™* ^^V *JLA ^^^ 1 PVM FliJ ••^T ^^^ ESS ^3? ^*** *3C 1^^ © ^ ^ p Besecker George J., driver, res. 31 Walnut, N. O. M Besecker James Z. (Sarah L.), helper, 522 N. Union; h. 520 N. First. ^ Besecker Lewis E., laborer, res 27 Railroad av., E. O. ^ Besecker Matie A., res. 27 Railroad av., E. O. Besecker Nettie S., res. 27 Railroad av., E. O. Besecker Ray W., laborer, res. 520 N. First. =5S=s= Besecker Sarah, wid. George, res. 112 E. Green. =35i==p Besecker Simon G. (Alida B.), laborer, h. 27 Railroad av., E. O. Besecker Zeno (Margaret), teamster, h. 31 Walnut, N. O. IA C\ iCJ i > Best William D. (A. Maud), laborer, h. 129 N. Eighth. Bevier Cora Mrs., laundress, 112 W . Sullivan; res. 21 Queen, E. O. ?0 *d Bevier D. Wallace (Cora), foreman retail dept., Acme Mills; h. 21 Queen, E O. TJ BEVIER E R N E S T W . (Euseba A.), asst. postmaster, h. 793 N. Union, N. O " Bevier R. Pearl, stenographer, 312 N. Barry; res. 21 Queen, E. O. DBevins U NFrank L A (V B R O S .h. 210 Jay. E m mEa Y E.), woodworker, Bevins Ralph S., Union res. 210Street. Jay. 311 North Biddlecombe Charles H. (Anna L.), foreman boiler shop, P. R. R.; h. 115 N. I I Clinton. Biehler Frank .D. ,(Ellen machinist helper, res. 320 S. Seventh. & LIQUOR Biglin Billington Biehler Bielinsky Billings © James Henry, Edwin Joseph M Runa DEALERS ay WJ. B., G. apprentice, (Anna), (Ida student, (Carrie LA.), ° ) ,saloon, J.), ° clerk, res. boilermaker, assistant 233 320 1002 120 S. N. Barry. N. Seventh. superintendent, Union; Union; h. 37 N.h. h. Wholesale River, 138 do.,S. N. h. N. Second. 233 O. O. and S. Barry. Retail o •*£ ©I -&* o| O Men's Fine Shoes Stetson, Burt & Packard f. E . T Y L E R & C O . E K S S * Co. 153 |\|0rth Union Street. and other good lines. "g 34 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CD U Binney Gertrude, res. 130 W . State. i? Binney Lillian E. Mrs., music teacher, 303 N. Union; h. 130 W State. (Jl BINNEY S A M U E L W (Mary A.), saloon and billiards, 105 N. Union; h. 126. (T) ^ S. First. O - p BINNEY W A R R E N L. (Lillie), saloon, 130 W . State; h. do. (See adv.) C3 Bird Charles A., barber. 106 W . State; bds. N. Adams. (V) -+? Bird James, porter, 130 N. Union; bds. 208 S. Fifth. ^ Ul Bird John C, laborer, h. 188 Railroad av , E. O BISETT C H R I S T O P H E R C. (Mary J.), (Gilligan & Bissett), 123 N. First; m h. do. q) Bishop Annie Mrs., h. 47 Bishop, E. O. K. Bishop Jason S. (Mary S.), real estate, h. 715 E. State. j> Bishop John G. (Anna), carpenter, h. 317V3 W . State. ' Black Electa, wid. Bruce, h. 138 N. First. r, Black James B., druggist and stationer. 141 N. Union; res. 138 N. First. • < Black Orville, student, rms. 321 N. Fifth. Blackall James (Mary), laborer, h. 43 Water, N. O. . - 4 Blackall James Jr., laborer, res. 43 Water, N. O. Blackall Maggie, dressmaker, 156 N. Union; res. 43 Water, N. O. Blackall Mary, res. 43 Water, N. O. i-4"Blackman Charles H. (Helen), driver, 412 N. Union; h. 29 Railroad av., E. O. Blackwell George, laborer, res. 33 River, N. O. Blackwell Joseph (Anna), gauger, h. 33 River, N. O. E - " Blad Andrew, currier, bds. 82 Clark, E. O. Blakeslee Alice R., res. 319 N. Second. Blakeslee Elizabeth L., student, res. 319 N. Second. Blakeslee Frank N. (Corna S.), real estate, h. 319 N. Second. w Blakeslee Norman N. (Lillian M.), currier, h. 66 Spring, E. O. Blanchard Claude M. (Rebecca M.), locomotive engineer, h. 113 N. Thirteenth. ^ 4 Blaskey Charles (Annie), beamhand, h. 1210 W . Sullivan. Blaskey Charles Jr., varnisher, res. 1210 W . Sullivan. Blaskey Paul (Annie A.), laborer, h. 301 N. Fifteenth. Blatt Joseph L (Nancy E.), clerk A m Exp. Co , 148 N. Union; h 111 N First. BLESSING C O N R A D J. (Huldah), horseshoer, 110 N. Third; h. 113 do. voee DC adv.) < Blessing George J. (Florence A.), horseshoer, h. 1111 W . State. UJ Blessing Grace M., res. 1111 W . State. Blitz Edward F., helper, res. 1205 W . Sullivan. I- Blitz George L. (Emma M.), laborer, h 1205 W . Sullivan. Bloch Abram H. (Annie), peddler, h. 123 W . Green. O Bloch Harry D., machinist, 502 N. Union; res. 123 W . Green. o Blood Bernice F., res. 439 N. Ninth. Blood Elsipher L. (Margaret H.), (Thacher & Blood), 324 W . State; h. 439 LU 0 N Ninth. Bloom Johnplace A. (Sadie), Clothing Co., 213 N. Union; h. 125 S. This is the for fine Wprop. i n eUnion g ) UqUOTS &Ud ClgafS, z Barry. Ll. Bloom David W., clerk, 213 N. Union; rms. 144 S. Union. W. L. BINNEY, Bloomfield Pearce B., asst city engineer, City bldg.; rms. 28, 303 N. Union. DC Bloodsworth Charles, clerk, IBS N. Union; res. 116 S. Clinton. 130 West State OLEAN, N. Y. O OBloodsworth Minnie A., Street, wid. Robert W., h. 116 S. Clinton. Ll. Blouin Simeon (Celia), buffer, h. 19 Center, Bv. Fire, Brick and Clay Q tZA P" B O A R D O F EDUCATION, No 3 School, E. State cor. Barry. Building ^-vJ"T n D BOARD 7 City and bid?Sewer Tile, N. Union St. . aOFTWATER A T COMMISSIONERS, L O l Blocks B T T T A V I H P fl) AH Kinds of 2 5 4 N. _. . U . I Jt\ I L K J i X Y( Roofing riaterial Union St. o » OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 35 2 P* n r^ Boardman Bruce D. (Effie M.), carpenter, h. 71 Railroad av., E. O. _ .« Boardman Marcia R., wid. Olcott P., h. 1 Main, Bv. M f*\ Bock Leo, clerk, 301 S. Union; rms. 118 S. Third. w W Bock Meyer, junk, 301 S. Union; rms. 118 S. Third. 2 ^Bockmier Caroleen, domesiic, 1214 Irving. 0 jj Boetner Lizzie, domestic, 227 N. Fourth. J> \SA Boggs A. Frank (Flora B.), cornice worker 108 S. Third; h. 106 S. Eighth. H B O L E N D E R G E O R G E P. (Georgiana M.), (Oliver & Bolender), 502 W . State; I Q"», h. 307 Tompkins. -q r» Bones James R. (Eva), night baggagemaster P. R. R., h. 409 W . State. ~ Bonham John L. (Elizabeth J.), h. 32 Third av., Bv. 5 yQ Bonhoff Edwin L., apprentice, res. 907 Buffalo. j «« Bonhoff Henry J. (Carrie S.), foreman, h. 907 Buffalo. • f «v Bonkeskie August (Augustina), laborer, h. 440 N. Tenth. J2 >£* Bonkeskie Edward, car repairer, res. 440 N. Tenth. -11 Pjl Bonner Edward D. (Julia), barber. 120 N. Union; h. 131 N. Third. p\ K * Boone Minnie E., wid. Rollin, h. 223% N. Union. n "™T. Boorom Cornelius A. (Juliet), clam dealer, h. 702 W . Green. H mJ Boothe John P. (Mary L.), physician, 210 N. Second; h. do. •* Borden Elizabeth, wid. George A., h. 123 S. Second. Bordwell Lavern, route agent A m . Exp. Co., bds. Olean House. Borneman William (Laura), cleaning and dying; 443 N. Union; h. do. Borsck John (Josephine), car repairer, h. 514 N. Eighth. 225 Bosler John E. (Rosa B.), machinist, 133 Railroad av.; h. 113 N. Fourth. ^S» Bosler Percy, machinist, 133 Railroad av.; res. 113 N. Fourth. *~™?t" Bosworth George H. (.Mary E.), laborer, h. 313 S. Eighth. fir«a» Bosworth Homer L., laborer, res. 313 S. Eighth. V*™? Bosworth Maud I., operative, res 313 S. Eighth. jag^ Bosworth Otis A., apprentice, 134 E. Sullivan; res. 313 S. Eighth. ^•Si, Both Byron J., waybill clerk, Empire Line; res. Portville, bds. Grand Central Q O Restaurant. SS3 Bottle William, locomotivefireman,bds. 438 N. Eighth. & 5 Bountain Oliver, laborer, res. 3 Avenue B, N. O. Bountain William H. (Carrie), bartender, h. 3 Avenue B, N. O. S O Bowen John W „ carpenter, 926 E. State; res. 930 Buffalo. ^ 3 Bowen William H. (Mary E.), carpenter, h. 930 Buffalo. G3L* Bower Blanche M milliner, res. 220 N. Sixth. Bower LeRoy (Clara J.), salesman, 225 N. Union; h. 220 N. Sixth. GT3& Bowers Sarah A., wid. Rude, rms. 134 S. Barry. Bowler William F. (Julia F.), supt. Jersey Farm, W.. State, W . O.; h. do. Bowler William G., res. W . State, W . O. Bowman Henry, painter, bds. 46 Elm, N. O. Bowman Margaret, wid. Frederick, res. 14 Moore's rd., W . O. Bowser A. Jud, pool room, 117 W . State; h. 134 N. Third. Bowser Archibald M., student, res. 114 Whitney av. Bowser Furman T. (Ella), barber, 301 N. Union; h. 117 E. Green. Bowser Rhinaldo M. (Mary A.), (Moran & Bowser), 312 N. Union; h. 114 Whitney av. Boyd E m m a Mrs., h. 505 Irving. , Boyd Linda Mrs., res. 302 S Eighth. ~^ZS« Boyle Francis L., bookkeeper Olean Street Railway Co., bds 124 S. Clinton. — » t F o r the fined Wines d L i q u o i s I d ^ l h e y j r p s . c Boyle Homer W . (Mary), h. 129 S. Second. ffO Bradford Daniel (Mary P.), farmer, li. River rd„ S. O. U^K Bradley Florence A., res. 311 Laurens. £!S Bradley Samuel H (Kate E.), oil producer, h. 311 Laurens. | Bradner John H. R.), (George B. Adams &Tenth. Co.), h. 149-151 N. Union; Bradt Brady Braico Main William John Patrick Josephine Louis, Bv(Catherine), porter. H. J.(Marcia M., (Essie (Mary res. 310 L.), N. buffer, C431 ) ,Union; horseshoer, N. currier, h. Union. 316 res. h. N. 431 522 112 Eighth. do. N. S.Union; 510 Higgins av.h. 1 25B5 O S' to T l L L I J l L I I ifl I D l l U U L Only Reliable Companies Represented jl! 36 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. M h # ^ t Braico Margaret M., res. 431 N. Union. ify 5 Braico Michael (Marie), confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 431 N. Union; US < h. do. rjj U Braley Jennie D., clerk, 149 N. Union; bds. 13 First av., Bv. ••J h Branch Bertha L., res. 21.6 Winters av. O Q * Branch Clifford E., res. 216 Winters av. S * ^5" Branch Cora M., clerk, 149 N. Union; res. 216 Winters av. Branch George W., oil treater, res. 216 Winters av. , H Branch William P. (Jennie), locomotive engineer, h. 216 Winters av. ^ ^ ff. Brant Arunah, operative, res. 213 S. Third. •» 4 Brant Eugene H. (Bertha M.), laborer, h. W . State, W . O. *"J (J Brant James M. (Elosia A.), carpenter, h. 213 S. Third. Q Brant James M. Jr., carriage painter, 477 N. Union; res. 213 S. Third. *"" Brant Nelson, driver, 410 N. Union; res. 213 S. Third. .. Brant Rufus, res. 213 S. Third. H Brasted Jane, wid. Benjamin, h. Ill S. Eleventh. W Breat William (Margaret), laborer, h. 74 W . River, S. O. JTJ Breder Charles (Sarah A.), carpenter, h. H 8 S. Third. r* Breder Tobias (Christine), h. 126 S Third. £ Breil Carl (Clara), laborer, h. 115 S. Twelfth. Brems Carrie, mgr., 108-110 W . State; res. do. W Brendell Frank, baker, 125 N. Union; res. do. rj Brendell John A. (Mary E.), bakery, 125 N. Union; h. do. ^ Brennan Anna, wid. Dennis H., h. 411 N. Eighth. f~* Brennan Elizabeth F., waitress, res. 501 N. Seventh. w Brennan Johanna, wid John, h. 501 N. Seventh. f-t Brennan Josephine, student, res. 411 N. Eighth. c/5 Brennan Kate, operative, res. 411 N. Eighth. g Brennan Mary H., operative, res. 411 N. Eighth. ^ Brennan Rose M., bookkeeper, res. 501 N. Seventh. Brenner Adolph P., tailor, res. 501 W . State. Brenner George (Annie), merchant tailor, 501 W . State; h. do. Brenner George H., emp. Hubbard's tannery, res. 501 W . State. •S Brenner George W . (Hilda F.). car inspector P. R. R., h. 214 N. Eleventh. • Brenner Joseph, laborer, res. 501 W . State. ^ J | Brenner Kate, tailoress, res. 501 W . State. _ m Brenner Michael, steamfitter,184 N. Union; bds. 1114 W . State. ^ ^ J Brenner Teresa A., res. 501 W . State. Brett Kingman (Ellen Z ) , bookkeeper, 31 Exchange Bank bldg; h. 229 N. » Fifth. kjJC% Brett Nellie, wid. William, res. 302 S. Eighth. ^ ^ Brett William, res. 229 N. Fifth. Brickell Anna, wid. William, h 213 N. Sixth. k ^ \ Brickell Bernice E., bookkeeper, 215 N. Union; res. 208 N. First. " 4 Brickell Frank painter, res. 213 N Sixth. A l V Brickell Isabella, wid. Eli. h. 210 N. First. U E m Brickell Thomas J. (Alice E.). insurance aarent. h. 208 N. First. <• | Brigham C F„ locomotive ensineer, rms. 8 Riley & Wand's block. Brily Joseph, currier, bds. 11 Pierce av., WWMcCann ..Walnut, O. •w^^t \ REPAIRING .\jjffl^r! A!•—• ^O^^*^gm^r\^WHEN Jt• Bromley Brock Brink Britt Brinkman Bristol Brink Bromley Britt Ella, William George J. YOU^TiOESNEED Laura Irving John, John James John R., Estella Anna, Margaret domestic, Call woodworker, A. sta. H., L., R. G. (Margaret), M.(Rosanna), laborer, fireman, M.. res. (Jennie student, at (Martha), (Margaret), A., bookkeeper, 512 218 223% wid., L.l. N. res. W. 502 res. laborer, bds. N. barber, Second. driver STATE 30 laborer, res. N. Union 1021 farmer, 15 Walnut, Union. 312 1021 AGh. Main. 130 STREET. N. h.N. 614 h. Union, 77 h. N. Barry; 30 N. COOK'S" Bishop, Union; Union, O. Green. N.res. O. h. N. E. Hollow, N. 208 Westona O. O.O.S. S. Fifth. Mills. O. GILLINGHAM & SON Building Contractors and Building Supply ^ 302 North Union Street. DEALERS. g £j, OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 37 H 0 3 9 Bronold Bessie L., clerk, res. 126 S. Fifth. w » H !zj Bronold Edward, messenger W . U. Tel Co.; res. 126 S. Fifth. M W I-1Cj Bronold George, clerk, 1320 W . State; res. 126 S. Fifth. M w Bronold George (Bessie), stonemason, h 616 W . Henley. W "t Bronold Minnie H., clerk, 131 N. Union; res. 126 S. Fifth. 3 HJ o n Bronold Peter (Barbara), bricklayer, h. 126 S. Fifth. re hd re cc Bronold Peter F„ bottler, res. 126 S. Fifth. m < C BTt>Bronsty Thomas (Bessie), laborer, h. 516 N. Fourth. &O e re Brooder Michael F. (Margaret A.), hubmaker, h. 316 N. Seventh. P Brooker Floyd, glass packer, bds. 809 W . Sullivan. Brooker Julius, glass packer, bds. 809 W . Sullivan. Brooks. Aylworth, farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. Brooks Charles E. (Nellie A.), laborer, h. r. 227 N. Union. Brooks Cora E., res. 25 Garden av., E. O. Brooks Grace E., res. 123 Hamilton. Brooks Henry K. (Mary L.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. Brooks Henry L. (Alice M. M.), stonemason, h. 326 S. Barry. *•]«* Brooks Herbert A. (Cornelia), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. p» i » Brooks John C. (Ida F ), stonemason, h. 241 S. Barry. tm^ B R O O K S L O R E N H. (Belle P.), (F. E. Tyler & Co.), 158 N. Union; h. 139 Z * S. Union. t/f Brooks Mary, res. Hotel Imperial. ^^" Brooks Mary M., wid. Amos C , h. 123 Hamilton. , . Brooks Maud D., res. 215 N. First. '^. Brooks Myra C. Mrs., h. 214 W . State. Brooks R. Frank (Clara I.), stonemason, h. 337 S. Barry. Brooks Stella F., res. 326 S. Barry. Brooks William A., stonemason, h. 25 Garden av, E. O. B R O T H E R S F. R. & CO. (Fred R. Brothers and Melville C. Follett), druggists, booksellers, stationers and photographic goods, 119 N. Union. Brothers Fred R. (Dinnie), (F. R. Brothers & Co.), 119 N. Union; h. 105 S. Second. Brothers Mary, wid. Edward, h. 107 S. Eleventh. Brothers Thomas, laborer, res. 107 S. Eleventh. Brothers William, student, res. 107 S. Eleventh. Brown Amanda, wid. Morris, res. 203% N. Clinton. Brown Ann, wid. John, h. 601 N. Union. O *3 Brown Bertha L., music teacher, res. 1014 Washington. Brown Bessie, clerk, 620 W . State; res. S. Fifth. Brown Carlos C, salesman Armour & Co., bds. Olean House. Brown Charles J. (Bessie), shoemakert 306 W . State; bds. Railroad av., E. O. Brown Charles W . (Lulu L.), barber, h. 310 S. Barry. Brown Elizabeth W., student, bds. 210 N. Barry. Brown Ella, wid. Edward, h. 1505 W . Henley. Brown Frank, gatherer, res. 505 N. Fourth. DBrown U NFrank L A(Lulu), V E tank Y inspector, B R O Sh. .15 cN. River, A - N. ^ -O.l e o ™ - ^ -9»3II Union Street.^F8II10US dill] WIllSl^ Brown FredNorth S., telegrapher, 306 Masonic Temple; bds.OleaH Imperial Hotel. Brown George, res. 124 W . State. Brown Laura George A. (Mary E.), stock dealer, h.Fourth. 117 S.Washington, Second. Brown Brown James James, Jennie, John Horatio Hester Henry James, Harry, Helen,M. A., W D., A. res. res. A. fireman, A., snapper, res. E. .(Nettie), nurse, bricklayer, (Emma (Catherine), (Mary wid. (Minnie), 601 124 601 N. WJohn N. res. res. bds. E.), . L.), Union. glassblower, Union. State. 505 carpenter, 1014 bds. H., 614 h. boilermaker, laborer, N. 809 res. 12 Wayne. Washington. Fourth. W N. 206 . h. h. Washington, Sullivan. 134 505 N. 514 h. N. 12 S. W .First. N. Fourth. Green. N. O. N. O -S• QP p2 ^ >• *t|r} j> BT oqg8 -g Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f T V I C D J? p n L Z e S 8 t 0 | k BEST LINES IN THE CITY. I i Ll I I LLII \JL Ulfl ,B8 N_ Un|on st. c* 0) ed< 38 1.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. £> HI +1 Brown *i ID Leonard J. (Carrie M.), h. 1014 Washington. o°1 « Brown Lillian, waitress Hotel Imperial, res. 505 N. Fourth. >>4 •+j^. IS Brown Ludwig (Sarah), carpenter, h. 7 3 % River, N. O. cj<i in Brown Mabel, res. Hotel Snyder. •«rtWB b* *> Brown Mabel J. L., res. 310 Wayne. £<) J) Brown Margaret, res. 505 N. Fourth. 01 S $ Brown Mary R., res. 809 W . Sullivan. C3 < — '' 0 Brown Michael F. (Mary), cooper, h. 405 N. Seventh. <U < N Brown Patrick, lamplighter, res. 405 N. Seventh. Brown Sadie, operative, bds. 1102 W . Henley. Ei Brown Samuel A. (Anna M.), painter, h. 320 S. Fourth. Brown Thomas, plumber, 113 W . State; res. 405 N. Seventh. Brown William, night clerk P E. R., res. 601 N. Union. kJ" Brown William H. (Sarah A.)', saloon, 124 W . State; h. 216 S. Union. ^•ji Browne Kate M., teacher No. 1 School, bds. 110 W . Henley. md Bruckshaw Samuel (Annie), letter carrier p. o., h. 14 Hoops, E. O. »w Brunnells Edward (Elma F.), laborer, h. 7 Union, S. O. J B r u n n e r George (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 222 S. Ninth. Brunner Martin A. (Christina), vice-pres. Acme Glass Co.; h. 122 S. Tenth. Bruno Michael, stonemason, bds. 1114 W . State. » Brunt Charles, bds. 527 N. Union. —J Brusehaber John C., res. 149 N. Eighth. Bryant Amelia M., res. 810 W . "Sullivan. ^J Bryant John S. (Jennie C ) , laborer, h. 224 S. Clinton. ^ Bryant William (Amelia M.), glassblower, h. 810 W . Sullivan. w Bryant William A., res. 224 S. Clinton. rt^ Z Bsheir Ketiar, peddler, res. 202 Whitney av. ao. Bubbs Edward (Sarah), laborer, h. Park av., E. O. U Buck T. Theodore (Helen), loco,firemanP. R. R., h. 113 Coleman. ••* Buck William S., brakeman P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. < Buckley Charles R. (Rose E.), carpenter, 502 N. Union; h. 4 Genesee, Bv. Buckley George O. (Nancy A.), carpenter, h. 8 Center, Bv. Buffalo House, 111 Railroad aV., William H. Lidstone. prop. Bulger Andrew (Barbara), oil producer, h. 131 S. Clinton. Bullis Gilbert P., res. 401 Laurens. j Bullis Helen M., res. 401 Laurens. < Bullis Martha A., res. 401 Laurens. O Bullis Raymond S.. res. 401 Laurens. . Bullis Spencer S. (Sarah E.). gen. mgr. G. & S. I. Ry. and pres. Buffalo, At*N tica & Arcade Ry.; h. 401 Laurens. jrt| Bullis Walter (Anna), bartender, rms. 127 S. First. ^T Bullmer Charles (Bullmer & Williamson), 214 Whitney av.; res. 718 W . QJ Henlev. ^ . Bullmer Mary, res. 718 W . Henley. T3j ^ Bullmer Mary, wid. George, h. 718 W . Henley. f \ B U L L M E R & W I L L I A M S O N (Charles Bullmer and James G. Williamson), "^™" props. Star Bottling Works, 214 Whitney av. Q Bullock George E. (Delia E.), splitter, h. 215 S. Eleventh. 2£ B u m p Milon V. (Cora B.), freight agent, h. 4 Walnut, N. O. W Bundy Orlando W . (Mary J.), (Bundy & Rockwood), 114 E. Sullivan; h. 515 l"6™* Bundy & Rockwood (Orlando W. Bundy and William Rockwood), painters and paper hangers, 114 E. Sullivan. Bunker May, bookkeeper 107 North, bds. 125 S. Second. Burchard Frederick W . (Josephine),finisher,h. 31 Second av, Bv. Burcher Sarah L., wid. James F., housekeeper, 205 W . Green. J3' G 33>2] Burchfield C Burdick Eurchfield N. Union. Anna, Arcelia Clara &John Co. P., student, M. V., (John teacher, (Elvira wid. M. bds. Horatio, Burchfield D.), res. 212(Burchfield 45 Winters h. Third and 45 Third av. Eugene av., & Co.), Bv. av., B. 309 Bv. HeaEE), N. Union; restaurant, h. 315% do. 309 R I L E Y a W A N D S w City h "Building a r oLots c eforr sale. s ' N . Union™St. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 39 Burdick Clella A., clerk, res. 134 S. Fifth. Burdick Clinton A., bookkeeper, res. 134 S. Fifth. Burdick Eugene B. (Clara C ) , physician, bds. 11 Front, Bv. Burdick Herbert S., res. 11 Front, Bv. Burdick Herman E. (Adelia H.), pipefitter, h. 134 S. Fifth. Burdick John H. (Mary R.), h. 11 Front, Bv. Eurdick Matthew K. (Eunice L.), freight handler, h. 65 King, E. O. Burdsall Samuel (Carrie), glassblower, h. 402 W . Henley. Burg Frank, machinist, bds. 538 N. Seventh. Burgard Annie, res. 120 E. Sullivan. Burge Chester A. (Rose A.), laborer, h. 1113 W . Sullivan. Burger Barbara, wid. Adam, res. 126 N. Ninth. Burger Charles J. (Minnie), stonecutter, h. 109 S. Twelfth. Burger John, stonecutter, h. 126 N. Ninth. Burke Albert J., res. 324 Coleman. Burke Anna, cook, 220 N. First. Burke Anna J., res. 324 Coleman. Burke Ella T., res. 324 Coleman. Burke John (Anna), laborer, h. 524 N. Fourth. Burke John F., telegrapher W . U. Tel. po., res. 324 Coleman. Burke Katie, domestic, 401 E. State. -Burke Mark (Kate), car repairer, h. 339 N. Seventh. „.Burke Michael (Margaret), boilermaker, h. 209 S. Eleventh. (S3 Burke Michael J. (Mary S.), cigars, 529 N. Union; h. 525 do. CO Burke Peter (Sophia), laborer, h. 46 Grossman av., E O. CD o Burke Timothy (Honora), blacksmith, h. 324 Coleman. 5" 3Burke Timothy C , telegrapher, res. 324 Coleman. Burkhardt Edith M., res. 142 N. Thirteenth. Burkhardt Edna F., res. 142 N. Thirteenth. B U R K H A R D T J A C O B REV. (Lena), pastor German Evangelical Church; N3 CO h. 142 N. Thirteenth. Burkhardt Jesse B., student, res. 142 N. Thirteenth. Burkhardt Olive M., res. 142 N. Thirteenth. Burleigh Charles P. Jr., laborer, h. 217 N. Eleventh. Burleigh David, blacksmith, res. 217 N. Eleventh. Burleigh Elizabeth, dressmaker, 217 N. Eleventh; h. do. Burleigh George H. (Louisa J.), blacksmith, h. 1007 Washington. Burleigh James (Ina), machinist, 502 N. Union; h. 931 Buffalo. Oi J£ Burleigh John A., laborer, res. 217 N. Eleventh. " Jg Burlingame Emeline, wid. Asa, h. River rd., S. O. cd Burlingame Rhoda M., wid. Rev. D. Anderson, h. 128 W . Green. -r* Burlingham Charles A. (Kate), sta.fireman,h. 112 S. Seventh. _ Burlingham Charles D., messenger Empire Line, res. 116 N. Barry. TlO Burlingham Elnathan M., clerk Acme Works, N. O.; res. 116 N. Barry. O O Burlingham Harriet C, teacher High School, res. 234 N. First. PO © Burlingham James H., apprentice, res. 234 N. First. f rj Burlingham Kate I., res. 205 E. State. J*j (yj Burlingham Laura, asst. bookkeeper 155 N. Union; res. 205 E. State 3 Burlingham Lloyd C . res. 112 S. Seventh. ' S V\ Burlingham Marion E., res. 234 N. First. 2 "j Burlingham Mary B., wid. Frank C , h. 234 N. First. ^3 O Burlingham Wilbur F. (Irene s H.), V.aB. h. Hl/tJ t d(C. ed t Barse o D U&N Co.), L A Y155 E YN.BUnion; R0S. 205 E. State. Whiskey 2 HI Union-Made —BY— 311 North Union Street. Burlingham William D., ( E m m a L.), telegrapher 128 N. Union; h. 515 W . «-J O Green. Burnham Frank D.(Etta (Luella M.), agent Life Ins. Burt Burroughs Burns Burnside 212 Eugene Nettie, Lewis, Irving. Stillman Solomon (Belle), painter, wid. Peter,' P. carpenter, bd^. (Melissa M.), h.46 laborer, 308 Elm, h. J.), S. 1006 N. mason, Eighth. h.Met. W O. Dugan State. h. rd., 113 N. E.Co., Eighth. O. 156 N. Union; h. M 40 m M I D G E E T I n s u r a n c e MasonicTemple 307 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. £^f Burt Joseph (Margaret E.), contractor, 604 Irving; h. do. * ^ 0 Busch Anna, charwoman, res. 147 Adams. Busch George (Julia), bricklayer, h. 149 Adams. Busch Henry (Mary), h. 147 Adams. Buser Joseph, laborer, bds. 1114 W . State. Bush May M., wid. Lewis R., h. 309y2 N. Union. Bush William (Florence A.), wagonmaker, h. River rd., S. O. Bussell Bertha E., res. 219 N. Fourth. Bussell Daisy L., res. 219 N. Fourth. Bussell Edna S., res. 219 N. Fourth. Bussell Elizabeth R., res. 219 N. Fourth. Bussell Gilmore S. (Mary J.), oil producer, h. 219 N. Fourth. Bussell Isaac, res. 219 N. Fourth. Bussler Augustus C. (Mina), carpenter, 105 N. First; h. 1002 W . State. Butanowicz Anna, clerk, res. 109 S. Eleventh. Butanowicz Kate, operative, res. 109 S. Eleventh. m Butanowicz Mary, clerk, 123 N. Union; res. 109 S. Eleventh. ^ ^ J Butanowicz Mary, wid. Louis, h. 109 S. Eleventh. Butler Ai W . (Flora S.), hotel, 437 N. Union; h. do. .. Butler Alfred A., laborer, h. 329 Railroad av. "£ Butler Bert B., res. 6 Goodrich av., E. O. . £ Butler Burt F. (Celia M.), buffer, h. 44 Garden av., E. O. | -s Butler Gertrude A., res. 527 N. Union. y-\ Butler James (Rosie C ) , laborer P. R. R., h. 6 Goodrich av., E. O. \_\ f> Butler James (Maggie), laborer, h. 216 S. Ninth. •} cs Butler Joseph M. (Margaret L.), prop. Bateman House 525-527 N. Union; h. do. t H S j Butler Milton G. (Jennie M.), woodworker 217 Wayne; h. 112 N. Ninth. I +, Butler Tina L., milliner, res. 112 N. Ninth. CahaneyRay Alexander D.),E.towerman, h. 75 Railroad av., E. O. «g Button E., res. (Mary 11 Plum, O. Margaret M.,fireman, bookkeeper 10911North; > Cahaney Button Roy H., loco, res. Plum, res. E. O.75 Railroad av., E. O. Cahiel Frank S. Barry. Button SamuelA., E.helper, (Nancyres. C ) , 312 carpenter, h. 11 Plum, E. O. CahielFrank Lucy A. J., (Carrie res. 312 Barry. B.),S.baker 1117 N. Union, N. O.; h. do. g o—„ Butts CahielWilliam Mary E., 312 S.M.), Barry. M Butts W res. . (Lizzie brakeman, h. 412 N. First. Cahiel Thomas carpenter, h. 312 S. Barry. ^mmm Buxton Charles,E., laborer, res. 409 W . Henley. Cahiel Thomas E. Jr., res. Buxton O. K., snapper, res.312 409 S. W .Barry. Henley. Cahill Catherine res. 214314 Coleman. Buxton Sylvia M.,G., domestic N. Second; res. 409 W . Henley. Cahill G. Fred (Edith), h. 211 Byron Gustave, laborer, currier, h. 15 King, E. S. O.Eleventh. Cahill John (Mary), foreman J. G. Wilson, N. O.; h. 214 Coleman. Cahill Mary, res. 28 N. Washington, N. O. C O Cahill Patrick (Ellen), laborer, 28 N. Washington, N. O. ^ ~ CAIN see also K A N E . Cain Austin C. (Carrie), conductor P. R. R., h. 317 N. Ninth. Calkins Charles H. (Susan A.), nigfit. foreman 1409 Buffalo; h. 309 N. Thir••» teenth. C O Calkins Charles K , bookkeeper, res. 309 N. Thirteenth. Cameron Allen W . (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 1 Avenue A, N. O. Cameron Charlotte, res. 126 South. Cameron Nora Mrs., res. 126 South. j HUE Camp Campbell I NEW andLucy, Guarantee WOK David, wid.TO Perfect glassblower, Alonzo, ORDER Satisfaction. h. 927% a. bds.Buffalo. G. 212 COOK, N. Third.w S5Z st 7 " • Obiiua Oi. B l l I Uf TAYI R D Builder8' Supplies, Coal and W o o d w „ IHILUn 254 North Union Street. 5 ^ OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 41 •o Campbell John, glassblower, bds. 212 N. Third. Campbell Leon C. (Franc), oil producer, h. 1107 W . State. Campbell Ruth L., stenographer, Johnson, N. O.; res. 1107 W . State. «r> 4 * Canfield Mary, cook Genesee House. Canfield Ursula Z., wid. Hiram, res. 218 W. Sullivan. Canty Jeremiah (Jane), section foreman, h. 532 N. Fifth. Capozzi James, shoemaker, 106 Hamilton; rms. do. Capozzi John G. (May), contractor, h. 451 N. Union. Capwell Sarah E., wid. Abel, h. 38 Third av., Bv. Card Florence E., res. 238 S. Barry. CARD JOHN M., M. D., D. D. S. (Flora A.), dentist, 234 N. Union; h. 238 S. Barry. Cardinal Charles, currier, rms. 238 N. Third. Cardinal Peter, currier, bds. 418 N. TBirteenth. Carl Nelson P., glassblower, bds. 212 N. First. G O Carley Charles E., clerk Hotel Imperial. CARLEY HEATER CO. (Oliver F. Carley, Fred L. Gleason, W m . M. Abrams,>-3 Jr., and Lovina J. Abrams), mfs. tannery machinery, 502-504 N. Union. Carley Oliver F. (Hattie M.), (Carley Heater Co.), 502 N. Union; h. 119 S. Second. Carlson Charles J., clerk First National Bank, bds. 414 W. State. Carlson Ernest O., clerk 149 N. Union; res. 119 N. Sixth. Carlson Florence A., clerk 131 N. Union; res. 119 N. Sixth. Carlson John (Lena), laborer, h. 108 N. Eleventh. Carlson K. Alfred (Matilda), cupolo tender, h. 42 Garden av., E. O. Carlson Mabel L., student, res 119 N. Sixth. Carlson Mollie, domestic, 211 Laurens. _. Carlson Oscar F. (Louisa), carpenter, h. 119 N. Sixth. >•••—J Carlson Peter, laborer, bds. 422 N. Eighth. -* Carlson Peter (Selma), tanner, h. 214 S. Eleventh. t—' Carpenter Charles W . (Louise D.), sta. engineer, h. 25 Second av., Bv. Carpenter Floyd, laborer, bds. 612 N. Union. Carpenter N. Maud, teacher No. 1 School, res. 215 N. Clinton. Carpenter Nelson, laborer, bds. 612 N. Union. Carpenter Oscar M., blacksmith, res. 38 Third av., Bv. Carr Jesse M. (Fidelia), sawyer, h. 65 Queen, E. O. Carr Robert E. (Harriet U.), farmer, h. Steam Valley. S. O. Carrier L. Grace, nurse, res. 112 N. Barry. W Carrier Louis C. (Carrie A.), real estate, h. 112 N. Barry. Carrig Elizabeth G., res. 469 N. Union. Carrig John J., res. 469 N. Union. Carrig Michael J. (Ann), currier, h. 444 N. Tenth. l^ Carrig William F. A., laborer, res. 469 N. Union. ^^^" Carroll Frances L., res 712 Wayne. P~" Carroll John (Lucy), prop. Globe Hotel, 712 Wayne; h. do. Carson Arthur W . (Grace B.), roller, h. 129 N. Eleventh. Carstater Amanda, domestic, 114 Hamilton. Carter Almond F (Susan), machine hand, h. 704 Wayne. CARTER CHARLES W. (Eunice T.), general collector, 315 Masonic Temple; h. 51 Third av., Bv. Carter Gail C, res. 306 Wayne. C 3 ffl . . 306 . Wayne. Wholesale and Retail 3 1 1 Carter IGrace A. E.,n res. , , res. 704 Wayne. UCarter I I I 1J. I William, 3 V 6 V tinner; UlOSi Liq u o r Dealers, N. Union Street ' JL I Carter Kate, res. 51 Third av., Bv. Carter Maud, res 51 Third av., Bv. /""N Cartwright Cary Carter Bank Charles William Reuben Sarepta, bldg.; Orlie Lovelia, S. C, N. (Luella hwid. (Viola), (S. res. (Mary), 221 nurse, Levi Ann). 51 N. I.), rigbuilder, Third Second. T., h. brakeman, carpenter; (Cary, 121 res. av., N.304 Rumsey Bv. h. Second. h.N. 7517 306 Goodrich Barry. N. & Wayne. Hastings), Fifth. av., E. 22-23 O. Exchange L~*-J f ^ l ^ C.t>^ j ' ,J( „ F O O T W E A R * F. E . T Y L E R 6- Q2.'S g OF ALL KINDS, at 158 NORTH UNION STREET. *j . 42 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. -g Z CARY, RUMSEY & HASTINGS (Charles S. Cary, Frank Rumsey and •**® *g 5 J. Hastings), lawyers, 22-23 Exchange Bank bldg. Casarly John, laborer, res. 29 Homer, N. O. Case Charles B. (Carrie), bookkeeper, 926 E. State, E. O.; h. 401 W . Henley. Casey Dennis J. (Bridget), carpenter, h. r. 21 Second av., Bv. Casey Jennie, domestic, 773 N. Union, N. O. Caswell Hannah D., wid. John C , h. 414 Laurens. J§ Catlin Thomas H., carpenter, h. 502 N. Ninth. eg Caufield Johanna, wid. Charles, res. 402 N. Eighth. Caulklns Sarah Mrs., dressmaker, 1213 Washington; h. do. Chadderdon E m m a B., laundress, 112 W . Sullivan; res. 44 Genesee, Bv. *s Chadderdon Sarah A., wid. Seeley, h. 44 Genesee, Bv. p ^ Chadwick Lewis, laborer, res. 63 Railroad av., E. O. jmd Chadwick Warren (Mabel), oil well driller, h. River rd., S. O. (•V Chaffee Clifford D., res. 509 N. Union. A J Chaffee Glenn (Alice M.), plumber, h. 207 Adams. J j ^ Chaffee Ida M., wid. Merton D., dressmaker, 509 N. Union; h. do. V^» Chaffee Le Roy M., res. 509 N. Union. ^*> Chamberlain Addie, res. 125 S. Second. \ \ Chamberlain Albert M. (Nellie E.), carpenter, h. 116 N. Fourth. ~*~* Chamberlain Albert W., h. 125 S, Second. ^ ^ Chamberlain Colby, boarding house, 206 N. Barry. 5 ^ Chamberlain George, waiter, 308 N. Union; rms. do. CJ ^ ^ Chamberlain Hazen E. (Mary O.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. *Chamberlain Raymond W., student, res. 116 N. Fourth. ^ S ^ Chamberlin C. Husted, emp. glassworks, res. 223 N. Union. ' *• C H A M B E R L I N E D W I N C. (Lelia E.), agent A m . Exp. Co., 148 N. Union; h. 119 S. First. Chamberlin E m m a O., wid Henry W., h. 144 S. Union. Chamberlin George L., res. 223 N. Union. ("*? C H A M B E R L I N MFG. CO. (Edward Troy and E m m a O. Chamberlin), mfrs. ^T stump pullers, 210-220 S. Barry. •^^ Chamberlin Patience S., wid. Lewis G., h. 223 N. Union. [ «> Chamberlin Seraph M., wid. George, h. 128 E. Henley. p*8*^ Chamberlin Willis A., ticket broker, 242 N. Union; rms. 213 N. Fifth. Chambers Margaret, waitress, Olean House. Chaplin Charles, laborer, rms. 414 S. Third. Chapman Archie TA. jointer, res. 509 Brickell av. Chapman Charles cr (Dora F.), clerk, 145 N. Union; h. 217 S. Third. Chapman Floyd E., helper, res. 509 Brickell av. Chapman Frank A., (Ella J.), agent G. U. T. Co.; h. 509 Brickell av. Chapman John I. (Viola), glassblower, h. 413 Laurens. C H A P M A N J O S E P H M. (Eleanor), cigars and tobacco, 126 N. Union; h. 308 Laurel av. (See adv.) Chappell Vera, res. 13 Railroad av., E. O. Charlinski Michael (Anna), laborer, h. 48 N. Washington, N. O. Chase Amanda, wid. Levi, re3. 123 S. Eleventh. Chase Arthur L. (Etta C ) , piano tuner, h. 123 S. Eleventh. Chase Edith P., teacher No. 1 School, res. 215 S. Fourth. Chase Etta Cotton Mrs., music teacher, h. 123 S Eleventh. Chemical Co. No. 2, 1212 W . State. Cheney Nelson, physician, 178% N. Union; rms. do. Chesner Ambrose (Mary), saloon, 305 W . State; h. do. Chesner Carrie, res. 308 W . State. J. U. .H. All OLEAN B. M. domkt" kinds CHAPMAN, HOUSE TAYLOR of CIGARS. BLOCK. small * <# Constantly KINQS Tobacconist. Tobaccos ELECTRICAL OLEAN, wiSSLPLA5TER in N.Stock and V. SUPPLIES Smokers' Articles. z < _j O I Builders' Suppliies a n d > o >? Contracting z r OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 43 o r n GILUNGHAM & SON, 302 North Union Street. t/j ^ Chesner Frank, laborer, res. 308 W. State H Chesner Lewis J., bartender, res. 308 W. State © ~i Chew Albert G. (Evelyn G.), glassblower, h. 232 N. Eighth. 53/0 Childs Mary D., principal No. 1 School; rms 218 W Sullivan ^ •> Childs Sarah W., wid. John, res. 16 Center; Bv. <ry? Chittenden Frederick C. (MargaretT, car repairer, res. I2D7 Reed bi £ Chittenden Jared (Maggie), laborer, h. 1311 Reed. »S Chodacki Louis Rev., asst. pastor St. John's Church; res. 773 N Union, N. O. f\ 2 Chong Charles, laundryman, 244 N. Union; res. do. V O Christian Science Rooms, City Building; Mary H.' Danforth first reader *Z,70 Chrysler Esther, bds. 520 N. First. »S H Church Electa L. Mrs., res. Hotel Imperial. "Q I> City Cafe, 146 N. Union; Dennis F. McAuliffe, prop >• ••} CITY CLERK, Charles Keenan City Building *y -5 CITY CLUB, 113 North; Charles D. Judd, sec. J O CITY ENGINEER, Edmund E. Allen, City Building. - 2 City Exchange Hotel, 1126 N. Union, N. O.; John Henneman, prop. feS City Installment Store, 407 N. Union; Hezeriah Willis, prop. *-* City Hall, 108 N. Union. City Relief Society, City Building; Mrs. Elizabeth M. Baxter pres. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 264 N. Union; A. W. Nelson, prop. City Storehouse, 442 N. Union. m Clancy Edward J., painter, res. 54 Oak, N. O. o Clancy Eugene, laborer, res. 54 Oak, N. O. <1 Clancy John (Anna), laborer, h. 511 N. Fourth. Clancy Mollie, tailoress, res. 54 Oak, N. O. Clancy Patrick (Bridget), section foreman, h. 819 W . State. Clancy Sadie, h. 54 Oak, N. O. Clancy William, res. 511 N. Fourth. o Clarey Edward J., lineman, 209 Masonic Temple; bds. 308 N. Union. <i Clark Alonzo, h. Steam Valley, S. O. Clark Andrew B. (Carrie), patternmaker, 133 Railroad av.; h. 629 E. State. E. O. Clark Bruce, telegrapher P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. Clark Cassie Mrs., laundress, res. 60 King, E. O. Clark Christina M. Mrs., h. 2 Union" pi. Clark Edward, loco, engineer P. R. R., bds. Grand Central Hotel. Clark Elisha, res. 313 Tompkins. Clark Eva G., res. 60 King, E. O. Clark Florence W. Mrs., ladies' shoe parlor, 409 W. State; h. do. Clark George W . (S. Cassie), laborer, 133 Railroad av.; h. 60 King, E. O. Clark Henry C. (Helen), driver, h. 107 E. Henley. Clark Henry S. (Rose L.), stonemason, h. 60 Alder, E O. Clark Irving M. (Bertha), driver, res. 107 E. Henley. Clark Janet, wid. Levi, res. 414 Laurens. Clark John, loco, engineer, bds. 614 Wayne. CLARK JOSEPH C. (Harriet C ) , physician and surgeon, office hours, 10-12 a. m., 2:30-3:30 and 7-8 p. m. Clark Joseph R (Jennie), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 108 Coleman. Clark Kathleen'M., wid. Oakley, h. 122 N. Sixth. £-} Clark Lewis, coachman, 126 South. ZS. Clark Lewis C. (Allie A.), driver, h. 305 Jay. - — Clark Lewis J. (Ruth), stock broker, 306 Masonic Temple; h. 321 Laurel av. £),•?• Clark Lillie E., student, res. 56 Pine, N. O. Dp Clark Mabel, student, res. 56 Pine, N. O. 03 *£ Clark Finest wines Morris Mary, Nellie William Miranda, Margaret, Thomas, L., domestic, (Emma and M., res. 'wid. wid. laborer, liquors 15 E.), Anson, Horace A. 244 N.Frank, foreman Walnut, Call N. res. res. T., Union. on DUNLAYEY 107 h. res. refinery 130 N. 1010 E.S. 115 O. Henley. Washington. Clinton. Acme Fulton. 311 BROS., Works, N. Union N. *ft O.; Street. h. 56 Pine, do. 3. (f 0 j =j•3*1 jS yjW 'Cfn 'r* .. DHoyEEHyDoc™ c d $ £ H M It£ J •g 5 * u ^ Jj pH 310 MASONIC TEMPLE International I F A C represents Hiresents 3 ^ the the International • nm UmU , SCRAI4Correspondence Schools, • •L" 11 "' •L L 'orrespondence Schools, SCRANTON. PENN'A. O L E A N —D ULl P L Ul E X LLIIUII) DIRECTORY. fe ^ H »j © Clarke Jed (Lizzie), moldmaker, h. 109 E. Henley. Clarkson Douglas R. (Annie M.), machinist, 133 Railroad ave.; h. 320 Laurel av. Clayson Cora B., res. 11 Crown, E. O. Clayson George R. (Esther C.), laborer, h. 11 Crown, E. O. Clayson Martha M., domestic Grand Central Hotel; rms. 108 E. Sullivan. Clemens Michael (Marcella), laborer, h. 507 N. Eighth. a,* Clemmons William, bds. 607 Irving. G / 3 demons Alice, res. 303 Irving. h _ demons Lester F. (Mary L.), barber, 704 W . State; h. 303 Irving. Cleveland Edgar W . (Emma), laborer,, h. 27 Grossman av., E. O. Cline Jesse, laborer, res. 34 King, E. O. Cline Marcus (Emma), laborer, h. 34 King, E. O. Cline Seymour J. (Lucinda O.), wheelmaker, h. 322 Jay. Clisbee Florence Mrs., dressmaker, rms. 209 E. State. Close Charles A., student, res. 15 Second av., Bv. Close Cycle Co. (Frank B. and Fred A. Close), mfrs. bicycles, 502-504 N. Union. Close Frank B. (Addie L.), (Close Cycle Co.), 502 N. Union; h. 11 Second av., Bv. Close Fred A. (Glenn M.), (Close Cycle Co.), 502 N. Union; h. 506 W . Henley. Close James C (Jennie A.), painter, h. 15 Second av, Bv. Clute Anna, night opr., 133% N. Union; bds. 319 Tompkins. Clyde James L. (Jennie L.), sec. Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo; h. 702 W . Sullivan. Coad John F., reporter Herald, rms, 207 N. Third. Coast Bessie, res. 104 South. COAST, DAVIS & N E N N O (John W . Coast, Charles L. Davis and Joseph J. C/Z} Nenno), clothing and men's furnishings, 154 N. Union. Coast Emily, res. 104 South. Coast John (John Coast & Son), 133y2 N. Union; h. 104 South. C O A S T J O H N & S O N (John and John W.), oil producers, 133% N. Union. m, Coast John W . (Anna), (John Coast & Son), 133% N. Union, and (Coast, C/5 Davis & Nenno), 154 do.; h 135 S. Union. ^ J _ Coates Delia O., teacher No. 4 School, bds. 79 Garden av., E. O. Cobb Alexander D., (Matilda C ) , superintendent, h. 122 N. Third. Cobb George W., janitor, res. 122 N. Third. Cobb Hugh A. (Pierce & Cobb), 308 Masonic Temple; rms. 237 S. Barry. Cobb John (Minnie M.), asst. undertaker, 232 N. Union; h. 203% do. Cobb Thomas (Katherine E.), motorman, h. 23 Elm, N. O. C O B B WILLIAM (E. Alice), lawyer and justice of the peace, 156 N. Union; res. 311 E. Henley. Cobleigh Lillie, wid. Charles, h. 339 N. Sixth. Cockerill William H. (Rose), Salvation officer, h. 230 N. First. Cohen Betsy Mrs., second-hand furniture, 429 N. Union; h. do. Cohen Cappel, dry goods and notions, 121 N. Union; h. 1507 W . State. Cohen Charles, cashier 121 N. Union; res. 1507 W . State. H EJoseph N Y O(Antonia), U R S Hh. O 1507 E S WN.EState. E D J^ Q . C O O K ' S Cohen R E Pcigar A I Rmfr., I N G210 , call at 12 w. state street. uCohen Meloy, W . State; res. 1507* Bdo. Cohen Morris, clerk, 131 N. Union; bds. 115 N. First. Cole Colby Colas Colburn CohenArthur Cohn Elias, Asa George Abner, Charles, MLeon, Joseph Karl, Tessie, Simon, aJ. xQ. L. Belle stonebreaker, laborer, cooper, (Jessie), agent, (Martha (Georgia (Annie (Maiia), laborer, cigarmaker, res. Mrs., 115 bds. res. 217 T.), E.), driver, A.), clerk, res. laborer, N. 134 Wayne; 6cigar h. sta. iAvenue driver, First. 89 89 nres. N. 157 engineer, Union, mfr., N. h. Union, Barry. N. res. 518 Union; 6 h. B,Avenue 326 Union; 93 Higgins Winters N. S.Wh. Union, C. res. .O. O. 21 State; h. B, av. av. Garden 1507 116 N. S.h. O. N. O. W 132 .Clinton. av., State. S.E.First. O. RILEY & W Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce Cigars a n d T o b a c c o s , A N D S 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 45 £• r! 3« "2 Cole Jay, h. r. 540 N. Union. <<» Cole Katie M., student, res. 85 Union, S. O 51 S Cole Merritt W . (Cora B.), milk dealer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. "".-< Cole Stella E., domestic, 9 Garden av., E. O. 3i- n Cole Sylvester (Anna), laborer, h. 85 Union, S. O. 53 g Cole Wilbur A. (Minnie J.), motorman, res. 920 Washington. 5- Cole William H. (Amanda C ) , laborer, h. 31 Garden av., E. O. * 5 Coleman Arthur E., res 301 Coleman. •"* h Coleman Frederick H., overseer of the poor, 1417 W . State; res. 1415 do. Coleman Henrietta, res. 1415 W . State. ""j^ Coleman John C. (Catherine), drayman, 1415 W . State; h. do. ^^— Colgrove Charles R. (Julia A.), conductor, h. 212 Wayne. ^__ Collard Henry J. (Elizabeth), wagonmaker, h. 137 S. First. 5^3 Colledge Lorin N. (Ida M.), laborer, h. 140 N. Sixth. Colligan Nellie, teacher, res. 1007 N. Union, N. O. Colligan Timothy T. (Bridget), h. 1007 N. Union, N. O. Jlins Bridget, domestic, 325 Tompkins , Tlins Daniel (Ellen), h. 1101% N. Union, N. O.ijlms Dennis, res. 1101% N. Union, N. O. Collins Frank,fireman,bds. 204 Coleman. Collins Frederick E., bookkeeper, 1409 Buffalo; h. Portville, N. Y. Collins James,fireman,bds. 204 Coleman. Collins John A. (Ellen), laborer, h. 502 N. Tenth. Collins Junius T. ( E m m a S.), car clerk Acme Works, N. O.; h. 439 N. First. Collins Kate, cook, 126 South. COLLINS PATRICK S. (Sophia L.), lawyer and police justice, 156 N. Union; h 133 S. Fifth. Collins Stephen (Edith), bds. 33 Railroad av., E. O. Collins Thomas, machinist, res. 1101% N. Union, N. O. Collins William (Margaret), trav. salesman, h. 56 Oak, N. O. C O L L O P Y BROS. (Frank E. and Charles P.), saloon and billiard parlor, 317 N. Union. Collopy Charles P. (Collopy Bros.), 317 N. Union; res. 15 River, N. O. Collopy Frank, laborer, bds. 87 Main, Bv. Collopv Frank E. (Collopy Bros.), 317 N. Union; h. 15 River, N. O. Collopy Mary, wid. John, h. 15 River, N. "O. Collopy Timothy B., rms 33 River, N. O. Colony Anna C , stenographer, 163 N. Union; res. 402 Laurens. Colony Arthur L. (Anna), trav. salesman, h. 402 Laurens. Colony Clarence M., res. 402 Laurens. Colony Cora E., res. 402 Laurens. Colony Edna M., res. 402 Laurens. O *> Colony Katherine S., stenographer, 163 N. Union; res. 402 Laurens. Colran Mary, wid. Michael, h. 207 S. Clinton. ' Comer Thomas D. (Renal, glassblower, res. 414 W . State. Comfort Thomas (Martha), laborer, h. 67 River, N. O. Comiskey Frank W.. switchman, bds. 712 Wayne. Condon John, woodworker, 502 N. Union, bds. 435 do. Condon John sta.fireman,bds. 414 N. First. Condon William H. <Maggie E.), sta.fireman,h. 414 N. First. Condon William J. (Rose L.), bartender, 202 W . State; h. 511 do. C O N K L I N D e W I T T C. (Hester M.), gen. mgr. N e w Conklin Wagon Co., 424 E. State: h. 30<i dn. Conklin DeWitt C. Jr. (Minnie G.), wagon mfr., h. 201 S. Barry. Conklin Elijah (Elizabeth )E. , wagonmaker, h. 416 E.Co.), State. p dunlavey Conley C Conkling O Nture h. K Lare I108 Mary, John Catherine, Nframing, Robert Gthe South. R(Catherine), sale res. bros. OWB . EA. owneri 733 res. R135-137 T(Emma), E A. 733 Famous ofCO. State, the currier, N. E. C(THE), Union. (The State, h. Olean O. Robert E. 733 furniture, O.E.A. Club State, Conkling carpets, E. Whiskey. O. wall 137 paper N. n*"°» J' and Union; Street. pic--" * o " = L>§_2 n S 5>H no . The Best Shoes in the City p . E . T Y L E R ™ ABK BOLD BY 1S8 North Union Stroot. C 46 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. & CO., — CONNELL see also O'CONNELL. • Connell John J., farmer, res. 42 Pine, N. O. •* Connell Lawrence P. (Mary), laborer, h. 35 Maple, N. O. Connell Lizzie, domestic, 140 S. Clinton. Connell Martin (Ellen), farmer, h. 42 Pine, N. O. Connell Mary T., operative, res. 35 Maple, N. O. Connell Richard, res. 35 Maple, N. O. Connelly Bernard (Catherine), packer, 137 N. Union; h. 1038 E. State, E. O. ^ Connelly James L. (Gertrude), res. 138 N. First. •J Connelly John (Mary), h. 36 Pine, N. O. ^ Connelly Mary, domestic, 120 S. Clinton. Connelly Kate, res 55 Oak, N. O. „j Connelly Patrick, laborer, res. 77 Oak, N. O. » Conner Jordan E. (Cora E.), carpenter, h. 130 N. Eleventh. £ Connor James W . (Ida), blacksmith, h. 223 N. Thirteenth. tr\ 3» Connors James T., plumber. Ill W . State; bds. Hotel Imperial. >y Connors John (Bridget), car repairer, h. 328 Coleman. 0 w •£ Connors Julia, res. 328 Coleman. ai 42 Connors Michael, res. 328 Coleman. o y «*» C O N R A D see also COONRAD. P) •£ Conrad Claude S. (Henrietta), conductor, h. 1013 W . Sullivan. | ® Conrad Frances G., teacher No. 2 School, res. 215 S. Fourth. l-H Eh3 Conrau Frederick B. (Carrie E.), carpenter, h. 303 W . State. P* Conrad Lee J., apprentice plumber, res. 303 W . State. Conrad Lenore S., teacher Jr. High School, res. 215 S. Fourth. O Pi Conrad Warren C. (Susan E.), watchman, h. 215 S. Fourth. P« Conrath Amanda E., asst. city clerk. City bldg.; res. 128 S. Seventh. PI Conrath- Florence K., res. 128 S. Seventh. £5 Conrath Mary A., wid. John, h. 128 S. Seventh. <tj Conrath Ruby M., clerk, res. 128 S. Seventh. Con?edine Frank J., student, res. 134 S. Twelfth. Cousedine John, h. 1207 W . Henley. E* Conscdine Martin J. (Mary), currier, h. 433 N. Ninth. < £5 Consedine Thomas P., currier, h. 134 S. Twelfth. C O N V E N T OF MERCY, 614-616 W . Sullivan. Converse David (Sylvia), janitor, h. 11 Fifth av., Bv. Converse Elizabeth E., clerk, res. 11 Fifth av., Bv. er Convey Patrick, res. 177 N. Tenth. Convey Roger P. (Mary), laborer, h. 177 N. Tenth. •l-H Convey Thomas J. (Anna), boilermaker, h. 55 Spruce, N. O. CO Conway Alexander J. (Ida M.), clerk, h. 23 First av., Bv. Conway Frank M., laborer, res. 23 First av., Bv. Q * Conway George R. (Elizabeth),finisher,h. 5 Center, Bv. Conway Robert B., student, res. 23 First av., Bv. Agnes P., Stock trimmer,tores. 41 Water, 513 \£Zi Cook I Make New Order and N. • O.fl 0 0 0 1 / Cook Albert, lineman, res. 1511 W . State. W . State Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction .. H l U l l l U U I V l Cook Ann, wid. Nicholas, h. 63 Bishop, E. O. Street. C O O K A R T H U R G., shoemaker, 512 W . State; h. do. (See adv. side lines.) Cook Jacob George Gottlieb, Julia, John Mabel Edwin Herman Frank Erastus Frank, Fred John;(Mary), (Anna), N. W., C, h. domestic, C, A. Wdriver, .B. J(Rose), . 1511 h. student, (Ada , conductor, machinist, (Lida (Millie 1312 res. laborer, pipecutter, W res. M.), . M.), Washington. 302 watchman, 711 res. A.), State. 1511 carpenter, justice Laurens. res. res. Wh. 770 .loco, W102 h. State. . 1312 711 N. State. of h. 1508 Spruce, hostler, Union, W the Washington. h. 711 .W. 414 peace, State, W .Henley. h. N. S. State. 41 O. Union. 906 Water, N. Union; N. O.h. 770 do. N.O. HELIKER & PATRIDGE, %£££** 307 GENERAL INSURANCE. Represented. Masonic Temple. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 47 e r o Cook Margaret, wid. Jacob, h. 814 W . Henley. Cook M a o (Jane), h. at Union, b. U. Cook Monroe i£. (Jennie), painter, h. 307 W . Green. Cook Nellie, res. 414 S. Union. Cook Richard, res. 414 C Union. Cook William J., clerk, res. 1312 Washington. Cooke Emily C, wid. Theodore, res. 4ls W . Henley. Cooke Zeph A. {Lillie M.J, cabinetmaker, h. 23 Genesee, Bv. Cookingham Albert L. (Angeline MJ, constable, h. 402 Wayne. Cookingham Marvin R., laborer, res. 402 Wayne. Cookingham Walter J., laborer, res. 402 Wayne. Cooley Charles M. (Carrie), stockkeeper, h. 23 Goodrich av., E. O. Cooley Clarence E. (Celia), driver, h. 311 Irving. Cooley John O., res. 23 Goodrich av., E. O. Cooley Sarah, res. 23 Goodrich av., E. O. C O O N R A D , see also C O N R A D . Coonrad N. John, bds. 51 Bishop, E. O. Cooper Charles b. (Adelia A j , gasntter, 184 N. Union; h. 123 S. Seventh. Cooper George W . (Carrie A.j, laborer, h. 47 Third av., Bv. Cooper John W., traveling salesman, rms. 29, 303 N. Union. Corbin Mary A., wid. John, h. 5 Kiver, N. O. Corbin Samuel R., lineman, 430 N. Union; res. 5 River, N. O. Corkins Anna Mrs., h. 615 irving. Corkins Joseph C., painter, res. 615 Irving. Corkins William ivl. (Neva), stonecutter, h. 1126 W . Henley. Corkins William T. F., laborer, res. 615 Irving. Cornwall David M. (Laura R.), carpenter, h. 117 N. Fifth. Cornwell Charles R. (Ambra A.), laborer, h. 506 Higgins av. Corn well Herbert (Mabel), laborer, h. 302 Wayne. C O R R Y H O U S E , 614-616 Wayne; Robert MiUiken, prop. Corsett Lincoln E. (Carrie), carpenter, h. 312 N. Ninth. Corwin Ransom G., plumber, h, 205 W . Green. Coegrove Frank F., driller, res. 51 Spruce, N. O. Cosgrove John (Bridget), laborer, h. 51 Spruce, N. O. Cosgrove Joseph, laborer, res. 51 Spruce, N. O. Cosgrove Mary N., teacher No. 4 School, rms. 319 Laurel av. Coss Amy, wid. John M., res. 113 Fulton. Cofs G. Myron (Frances R.), carpenter and barber, 617 E. State; h. 615 do., Tfl. O Coss Samuel L., laborer, res. 615 E. State, E. O. Costa George (Mary), laborer, h. 34 Elm, N. O. Costello Agnes, domestic, 107 S. Barry. Co£n.ello John H., pianos, organs and musical mdse., 124 N. Union. Cote Gertrude IT., domestic Grand Central Hotel. Cotton Abraham L. (Rebecca), carpenter, h. 655 B. State. Cotton Charles (Ophelia), carpenter, h. 212 S. Eleventh. v ™ ™ ^ ™ ! ^ DUNLAVEY BROS. . & Cotton Grace, wid. Lloyd, res. 49 Garden av., E. O. Cotton Louis B., res. 212 S. Eleventh. Cotton Samuel H., res. 121 S. Eleventh. Coughlin Cottrell Councilman Couse Cousins Coughan Asa James Roy John John Joseph, Daniel Timothy, Timothy Mary, C.Ira George Lula (May), B., (Ida D., WW. res. W., .stationary car P., C. (Josephine B.), farmer, res (Josephine), F. tank mason, 925 (Nellie), res. repairer, (Maud), traveling 408 E. builder, 118 Laurens. h. h. engineer, State, A.), 925 301 conductor, Fulton. driver, bds. machine salesman, E. carpenter, bds. Jay. E.17 State. bds. O. Hotel 254 River, hand, h. 336 h. N.408 Snyder. h. 215 Union; S. N. h. 9Laurens. O. N. Bell, Tenth. 118First. Fulton. h.E. 302 O.Coleman. *-—j °* ~^~ >*«• —> f*"> • °° t j 7^ —-n -= •—*^s <—, «—•> ZZ3 ^w <• ^jfc %j^ *$ C* c3 S % k i * DO f*. 0 U*» $ J^J 0 ^^ • »toQ^ o90) J2TS2••• ,_^T *•» f|i 3£& ffc TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN £ . D. L E A C H ~~ SEE CD M 48 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. in £ 310 ? £ £ $ £ Representing the International Correspondence Schools, S C R A N T O N . PA. ta Cousins William R. (Rosa), stationaryfireman,h. 63 Railroad av., E. O. -*J fe Covill Winfield S. (Lula A.), machinist, 502 N. Union; h. 309 Jay. wl ^ Cowens Benjamin F. (Catherine) (Exchange News Co.), 165 N. Union, and J j fc blacksmith, 133 Railioad av.; h. 246 S. Barry. ^ Cowens Charles U. S., res. 246 S. Barry. -*-? H Cowens Clara, tel. opr., 133 Ms N. Union; res. 246 S. Barry. o ^ Cowles Olive, bookkeeper, bds. 319 Tompkins. 1^. © Coxe George H. (Harriet G.), (Exchange News Co.), 167 N. Union; h. 108 W . 1^ Green. Coy James C , laborer, bds. 2 8 % Pond, E. O. £h Coy Jessie M., h. 108 E. Sullivan. •""• Coyle Agnes, teacher, res. 781 N. Union, N. O. . n Coyle Albert M., h. 781 N. Union, N. O. {/) Ul Coyle Albert M. Jr., boilermaker, res. 781 N. Union, N. O. K ( V Cradduck Bertha H., clerk, 258 N. Union; res. 611 E. State, E. O. T* Cradduck Charles (Mary), grocer, 258 N. Union; h. 611 E. State, E. O. i* HI Cradduck Conway B. (Allie), carpenter, h. 601 E. State, E. O. ( j t_ Cradduck Elizabeth, wid. Richard, res. 611 E. State, E. O. P Cradduck Frederick J. (Minnie), laborer, h. 12 Garden av., E. O. . i* Crahan J. W., express messenger, 148 N. Union; bds. Grand Central Hotel. t(\ rT Cram Burt F- G> clerk, 225 N. Union; res. 322 Laurel av. m"* LL Cram Eva A., wid. Henry, h. 322 Laurel av. fV t> Cram Harry D., res. 322 Laurel av. *** > Cramer David (Ella), glassblower, h. 137 N. Eighth. (II R Cramsie John (Julia), saloon, 101 N. Union; h. do. if Cramsie Martha, res. 101 N. Union. Cramsie Paul A., bartender, 101 N. Union; res. do. Crandall Adelbert (Mary), h. River rd., S. O. (h Crandall Alburn C. (Josephine M.), h. 511 W . Henley. Crandall Arnold G. (Phoebe M.), bookkeeper, 182 N. Union; h. 114 Hamilton. Crandall Curtis (Anna L.), agent, h. 119 S. Seventh. Crandall Edward,fireman,bds. 602 Wayne. Crandall Emily S., wid. L. Dana, res. 220 N. Sixth. Crandall E m m a Mrs., res. 220 N. Sixth. Crandall Josephine M. Mrs. (A. M. Palmer & Co.), 161 N. Union; h. 511 W . c * Henley. Crandall Jerome T. (Mary), lumberman, h. 92 Union, S. O. Crandall Lucy E., wid. Mansel M., res. 302"East av. Crandall M. Eugene (Dollie M.), laborer, h. 302 East av. Crandall Willard L. (May L.), stillman, h. 31 Main, Bv. Crannell Walter L. (Bertha B.), salesman, 137 N. Union; h. 205 N. Clinton. Crawford Clara, res. 712 Washington. Crawford Daniel W . (Sarah), tailor, 211 Masonic Temple; h. 712 Washington. Crawford George H., bookkeeper, res. 209 E. State. Crawford Henry C. (Sara), lumberman, h. 209 E. State. Crawford James W . (Sylvania), res. 120 S. Union. Crawford Jane Mrs., res. 206 E. Henley. Crawford John C. (Mabel C ) . barber, 106 W . State; h. 125 S. Fifth. Crawford Lulu L., res 209 E. State. Crawford Maude, tailoress, res. 712 Washington. Crawford Myrtle L., res. 209 E. State. Crawford William H. (Eva A.), machinist, h. 410 Wayne. Creagan Thomas F. (Nettie M.). currier, h. 125 S. Eleventh. Crocker Catherine, res. 115 S. Eleventh. Crocker George (Elizabeth), currier, h. 115 S. Eleventh. Crocker Cronin Crooker Cross Charles Cornelius Cornelius, Ella William Frank G.,H. S. teacher M. (Kate (Augusta (Lena), boilermaker, (Bina (Lizzie), D.), No. L.), boilermaker, L.), flagman, boilermaker, 4laborer, School, bds. laborer, Genesee h. h. rms. h.h. 502 512 133 IS 129 319 Garden House. N. WRailroad N. .Fourth. Laurel State. Eleventh. av., av.; av. E.h.O.116 East av. HELIKER & Fire, Life and 3 0 T Accident . PATRIDGE INSURANCE, MasonicTemple OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 49 J ^ J J^J Cross James A., laborer, res. 129 N. Eleventh. f _ Crosthwaite George R., plumber, res. 10 Main, Bv. ^^* Crosthwaite Jennie, wid. Richard, h. 10 Main, Bv. ^^ Crosthwaite Montgomery W., plumber, res. 10 Main, Bv. Crouse Charles W . (Mary), currier, h. 119 S. Eleventh. Crowe Raymond J., bartender, 405 N. Union; bds. 612 do. Crowley Catherine, wid. James, res. 1491 Buffalo, N. O. Crowley Edward W . (Delia), laborer, h. 321 N. Eighth. Crowley James, laborer, bds. 612 N. Union. )n^ Crowley John (Margaretta), laborer, h. 1491 Buffalo, N. O. ^^^ Crowley Patrick J. (Anna), carpenter, h. 414 N. Thirteenth. *^^Z C r u m m y John (Mary), buffer, h. 1102 W . Henley. Cudding Frederick C., carpenter, bds. 125 S. Second. ^^^ Cuffe Anthony M. (Mary J.), farmer, h. 16 River, S. O. ^ ^ Cuffe Ethel M., milliner, res. 16 River, S. O. f 3 Cuffe Ezra J., carpenter, res. 16 River, S. O. ^^^ Cuffe George C, driver, res. 16 River, S. O. ^ ^ Cullather Abraham J. (Mary E.), glassblower, h. 89 River, N. O. mm* Cullen Richard, marblecutter, rms. 118 Hamilton. ^^^ Culotta Antonio, mgr., 409 N. Union. >JL3t Cummings Charles, telephone insp., 133% N. Union; bds. Grand Central Hotel. fea« Curr.mings Ella M. V., res. 431 N. Thirteenth. | Cummings John, laborer, res. 431 N. Thirteenth. Cummings Thomas J. (Catherine), tank builder, h. 431 N. Thirteenth. m^* Cunneen Bridget, housekeeper, 773 N. Union, N. O. ^33 Cunningham Christopher C. (Julia), carpenter, h. 146 N Ninth. 2^T Cunningham James W . (Kate), h. 126 Fulton. ^^\ Cunningham Mary J., h. 119 N. Seventh. Si2 Cunningham Reuben S. (Lena J.), h. 211 N. Union. ^Jp Curran Agnes, res. 425 N. Seventh. »•< Curran Anna, apprentice, 131 N. Union; res. 425 N. Seventh. ^3C Curran Bernard M. (Anna), stationaryfireman,h. 425 N. Seventh. 1^"^ Curran Winifred, clerk, 121 N. Union; res 425 N. Seventh. Currier Jennie H., wid. Clarence, res. 217 N. Fifth. O Curry David (Helen), brickmason, h. 787 N. Union, N. O. *^ Curry Frank H., clerk Vacuum Oil Co., res. 417 N. Seventh. a Curry Mary, teacher, res. 787 N. Union, N. O. 2 Currv Mary A., wid. James, h 417 N. Seventh. M Curry Wilson M., boilermaker, res. 417 N. Seventh. S Curtin Timothy, bartender, 319 N. Union; bds. do. a Curtis Alvin H., driller, res. 218 N. Third. • Curtis Anna A., student, res. 27 Homer, N. O Curtis Anna R., wid. Allen R., h. 710 W . Sullivan. =~^= Curtis Arthu> A., currier, res. 27 Homer, N. O. =33=ks; CURTIS B E R N A R D W.,'mgr. Union Tel & Tel. Co., 209-210 Masonic Temple; bds. Hotel Imperial, rms. 119 S. First. ryj ^ Curtis Bertha, domestic, 310 N. Clinton. r^ kJ Curtis Byron E. ( E m m a L.), h. 316 S. Barry. W C Curtis Charles, gardener, 417 E. State; bds. do. TJ ^ Curtis Charles B., laborer, res. 27 Homer, N. O. f5 |"1 Curtis Edwin F.. oil producer and driller, res. 710 W . Sullivan. C P* Curtis Elizabeth, wid. John L.. h. 330 Jay.* D^LAV^sBROS. L -r'd^rs w * Curtis Flcrence E., res. 218 N. Third. Curtis George W . (Eliza A.), general store, 27 Homer; h. do., N. O. I I Curtis George W . Jr., laborer, res. 27 Homer, N. O. Monroe, magnetic healer, N. Union; h. do. I' . Curtis Curtiss CURTISS N. William O.; Solomon, W Clara Flora Wh. Hanford, I L326 P., Mrs., LH. Ilaborer, A Laurel res. (Louise M res. res. O. 326av (Ella 204 326 h. Laurel E.), 312 Laurel W H.), . oil123% Sullivan. East av. contractor, cashier av. av. Standard h 218 N. Oil Third. Co. (Acme Works), <5 S-W<5 -&» • S Men's Fine Shoes p. E. T Y L E R & C O . E S S S & Co. Stetson, Burt & Packard 153 North Union Street. and other good lines • —^_^_^-_^__^^^_^__——^—^^^^^^^^^_^^__^^^^^^_^_^^_—__»_^^^^^^^^^^_ "g 50 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. © Ph i? (/i C y d) O-P C3 r\f +? Gfi _p grj d) K. & Cushing John (Hannah), stationaryfireman,h. 3 9 % Spruce N. O. Cushing John T., gatherer, res. 3 9 % Spruce, N. O. Czaplicki Kanstanti (Apolonia), laborer, h. 413 N. Seventh. Czyz Tony, laborer, bds. 1002 N. Union, N. O. o Dahill Mary J., res. 24 Elm, N. O. Dahill Thomas (Mary), laborer, h. 24 Elm, N. O. Dailey Martin (Mary), railroad conductor, h. 420 N. First. Daily Jeremiah, res 469 N. Union. Dale Solomon (Sarah E.), farmer, h. Irving, W . O. Daley Bridget, housekeeper, 216 N. Barry. Daley Daniel (Mary), h. 22 Elm, N. O. Daley Mary, student, res. 22 Elm N. O. Daley Thomas CCaroline). laborer, h. Ill S. Fifteenth. _n D A L L A N B A U G H W . C A R L (Ella E.), surgeon and general practitioner, 136 K^ , N. First; h. 134 do.; office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. ^ > H Dalton E m m a L., wid. William W., h. 1309 Buffalo. r j Dalton Mamie B., res. 1309 Buffalo. • ^ ^ H Dalton Maud, res. 1309 Buffalo. ^ ^ Dalton Minnie, waitress Olean House. t ~] Daly Clarence O., res. 174% N. Union. ^ " ^ Daly John, express messenger, rms. 313 N. Union. Daly John F. (Jessie A.), motorman, h. 174% N. Union. • Damon Alice, waitress, res. 232 S. Clinton. ~1 Danforth Anna R., res. 240 N. Second. r™""^ Danforth Eliza C, res. 240 N. Second. Danforth Mary H..firstreader Christian Science, res. 240 N. Second. r Danforth Nancy A., wid. Edward M., h. 240 N. Second. f""H Daniels Ada F., res. 129 S. First ^ Daniels George R. (Minnie D.), jeweler, 166 N. Union; h. 205 S. Fourth. Q £ j Daniels Lewis E. tLois M.), freight handler P. R. R., h. 14 Brook, E. O. £ ^ ^ Daniels Silas J. (Anna), carpenter, h. 53 King, E. O. ^ J j J Darling Julia A., domestic, 239 N. Second. ^ T ^ Darling Kate Mrs., domestic Grand Central Hotel. < Q Q Davenport Amanville M. (Mary), tanner, h. 306 N. Ninth. UJ ^ ^ ^ Davenport Charles A. (Louise), cabinetmaker, h. 1316 Washington. i l Davenport Claude T., res 306 N. Ninth. ' ' Davenport Edith M., res. 306 N. Ninth. •^^T\ Davenport Ruth L., res. 1316 Washington. O ^ ^ S Davey Jeremiah (Mary S.), laborer, h. Ill S. Thirteenth. O Davidson Mary Cj wid. Alexander, res. 221 N. Third. Ll flf*0 Davidson Perry A. (Annie S.), telegr. Acme Works, N. O.; h. 221 N. Third. Davis Charles, laborer, h. 67 Bishop, E. O. UJ 0 Davis Charles, laborer, res. 122 Fulton. Davis Charles L. (Coast, Davis & Nenno), 154 N. Union; res. 319 W . Henley. ^ Davis Charlotte E., res. 122 Fulton. ^ Davis Edward, laborer, res. 447 N. First. l_ I Davis Frances C, wid John A., h 447 N. First. yZ DAVIS FREDERICK W . (Lillian M.), agent Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, 172 \ J m. N. Union; h. 41 Garden av. E. O. Q }» Davis Harry F. (Clara G.), statistician Acme Works, N. O.; res. 319 W . rr r Henley. Davis James W . (Harriet), pathmaster, h. 45 Garden av., E. O. Davis Jennie, wid. Daniel D., h. 301 Coleman. 1X# O JJT fY" Me [ I Davis Ifll Deabold LiVll John Ora Jennie Lucy Nellie Thomas John, L. M., S., A., L., Blocks E., (Phoebe), h. J.boxmaker, clerk wid. teacher domestic, 322 (Mary), Selkirk, and Tompkins. P. farmer, R. No. locomotive Sewer res. R., 611 3 res. Railroad 447 N. School, h. Tile, 907 Union; 319 N.fireman, Irving. First. Wrms. av.; N. . res. Henley. Union h. 122 h. 447 town N. 126 N. St. Barry. S. of First. Olean. Sixth. B T T T A V T O P ^ ) All Kinds of 2 5 4 N. . U . 1 f i I L \ J J\ ^f Roofing material ffmon S t o OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 51 3 P"" _ ^ » oi* Deabold John Jr. (Anna), fireman, h. 332 Tompkins. _ ^« Deabold Mary, res. 322 Tompkins. M M+. Deabold William N. (Anna K.), clerk, 149 N. Union; h. 301 S. Eighth. w U*'* Deabold William N. Jr., student, res. 301 S. Eighth. 2 ^ Dean Charles (Ellen A.), laborer, h. 1303 Buffalo. 0 !_L Dean Charles M. (Ellen M.), lumberman, h. 140 S. Eleventh. 8 2* Dean Frank H. (Alice), lumber, res. 519 N. First. H Dean Hiram (Ella T.), lumber, h. 519 N. First. I gr> Dean Lee (Lizzie), laborer, h. 1464 Buffalo, N. O. -q r» Dean Lettie M., res. 1303 Buffalo. = ^— Dean Vernie, snapper, res. 1303 Buffalo. 5 yQ Dearbori Edwin J. (Susan N.), night baggagemaster Erie depot, h. 52 Pine, 5 m m N. O. ,. fg. Dearborn Georgia E., res. 52 Pine, N. O. 3 ^** DeBois Thomas J., barber, 614 Wayne; bds. do. m PTl Decker Charles J. (Hattie M.), barber, 304 W. State; h. do. pi K * Deckman Charles A. (Catherine S.), butcher, 152 N. Union; h. 524 N. Fourth, pi *T. Degnan John M. (Katherine M.), boilermaker Vacuum Oil Co., h. 29 Maple, H * J vs.-a. D^* Degnan Mary A., dressmaker, res. 46 Spruce, N. O. m^^ Degnan Patrick, h. 46 Spruce, N. O. ^^ff DeGroff Abraham G. (Helen), stonemason, h. 112 East av. ^S% Deibler Addison (Lida M.), baggage transfer, h. 12 South, Bv. *^J Deibler Clarence (Maggie), laborer, h. 9 Third av., Bv. ^ ^ Deibler Ethelyn D., res. 12 South, Bv. SS^" Deiches Saul, clothing, men's frngs., 170 N Union; h. New York City. i^£_ Deittrich Edward H. (Louisa), h. 107 S. Thirteenth. U^R DeKay Albert (Minnie J.), cashier Erie freight depot, h. 536 N. Eighth. DeKay Elizabeth, wid. Charles M., h. 79 King, E. O. DeKay Harry M. (Lillian M.), bill clerk Brie freight depot, h. 18 Crown, E. O. DeKay Nathaniel O., car repairer, res. 83 Bishop, E. O. J53 DeKay Orry (Sena), trav. salesman, res. 79 King, E. O. C O DeKay William (Annie R.), grocer, 85 Bishop; h. 83 do., E. O. Delahunte , dressmaker, bds. 307 E. State. 8 0 Delahunte M. E., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. S. Barry. ;^g Delamater Edgar A. (Rose), bookkeeper American Hide & Leather Co.; h. ^ ^ Allegany, N. Y. ^^^ Delaney Margaret, res. 310 Tompkins. ^KU Delaney Thomas, mason, h. 310 Tompkins. G B Delano Joseph O. (Mattie), laborer, h. 69 Main, Bv. f S DeLaunay Arthur B. C. (Justina), baker, 120 N. Union; h. 814 do., N. O. ZSI Delfs George, night watchman, h. 216 S. Tenth. C P Delfs Sophia, wid. Fred, res. 216 S. Tenth. "™2 Delmage Cora V., wid. S. Lamont, h. 110 N. First. S O Delling Julia, domestic, 302 W. State. ^^" Dellinger Alzina Mrs., h. 213 Tompkins. |m^ Dellinger Arthur F., driver, 260 N. Union; res. 213 Tompkins. ^JJp Dellinger Floyd E., lineman, 430 N. Union; res. 213 Tompkins. ^^^ Demell George, loco,fireman,bds. 438 N. Eighth. «^22 Demmel Peter (Margratha), car repairer, h. W. State, W. O. ^JJJ5« Demmel Sebastian, driver, 157 N. Union; res. W. State, W . O. SSZ^ F o r the (weekly), 215 N. Union; Sibley & Ostrom, props. Democrat f^g? Finest Wines andmason, Liquors ^ N.^O.H . ? ™ 5 - U ^ K Dempsey Bartholomew (Ellen), h. 34lOak, Dempsey Catherine, res. 34 Oak, N. O. ^ ^ Dempsey John C, barber 1109 N. Union; res. 34 Oak, N. O. ^2, _Dempsey Nora, res. 34 Oak, N. • Demskie Dennison Denning Denzinger Demsky DenboskyCharles, August Stephen Dora Louisa Frank E. (Frances), Mrs., coachman, (Mary), C. Mrs., (Mary), h. h.laborer, 116 McCann stonemason, 104 carpenter, E.O.South. Sullivan. h. Hollow, 249 h. h. Spruce, 1117 S. 701O. W. WN. .Henley. Henley. O. *HEUKER&PATRIDGE • 6 e n e r a l » ^ £ 52 IIIbIbI IIIbII IO L1E1A1NI DIUIP LU EVXLDIRECTORY. Only Reliable Companies Represented M (f\ U Depscinsky Anna Mrs., res. 1103 Irving. i 5 Derby Frances E., res. 114 Fulton. 4 Derby M. Blanche, clerk 149 N. Union, res. 114 Fulton. w Ill Derby Melvin P. (Ettie), painter, h. 114 Fulton. r- Dermont Albert (Mary J.), sta.fireman,h. 405 N. Eighth. ^ H *" Derringer Louisa, domestic, 513 W . Sullivan. * ^ 0 DeRudder Louise, domestic, 319 W . Henley. J ^ 2 Derx Adam (Louisa), huckster, h. 25 Center, Bv. ~ * < Derx Conrad (Amelia), carpenter, h. 22 Second av., Bv. ^ J 0) Derx Emma, res. 25 Center, Bv. * 4 Derx John J. (Mary B.), boilermaker, h. 125 N. Thirteenth. «aaj 0 Deuter Andrew J. (Mary C ) , foreman, h. 1483 Buffalo, N. O. QW Douter George (Delia), sta. engineer, h 7 Division, E. O. "*" Devault William H. (Anna E.), gaffer, h] 137 N. Ninth. t/1 Devett Ellen, wid. Martin, h. 47 River, N. O. Devett Martin, switchman, res. 47 River, N. O. Devlin Georgia A., student, res. 226 N. First. < Devlin Mary T„ student, res. 226 N. First. Devlin Timothy J. (Agnes A.), oil producer, h. 226 N. First. Dewalaby Deep (Jennie), laborer, h. 122 Whitney av. Dickenson Elizabeth, h. 1310 Irving. £ W Dickerson Clark (Ella), laborer, h. 27 Garden av., E. O. «~! Dickinson Hebron E. (Abigail C ) , h. 122 N. Barry. Dickinson John W., time keeper Acme Works, N. O.; h. 315 N. Fourth. Dickinson Lynn L., res. 122 N. Barry. Dickinson Stanton C, drug clerk, 119 N. Union; bds. Hotel Imperial. Dieterman George (Margaret), laborer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. in DIFFENDERFER CLARENCE M. (Nellie A.), (Olean Supply Co.), 413 N. U Union; h. 336 Laurel av. Dillinger Lewis E., hostler, 140 N. Union; rms. 18 do. Dillon John, telegrapher, bds. 435 N. Union. Dinder Mary, housekeeper, 202 S. Union. Diver Jane, wid. William, h. 505 Van Campen av. es Diver John, laborer, res. 505 Van Campen av. • Dixon Patrick, laborer, W. State, W . O.; bds. do. ^ J I Doane Leonard (Emma), boxmaker, h. 25 Pierce av., W . O. _ • Dobmaier John (Theresa), brewer, h. 309 S. Eighth. I J Dobner Anna, domestic, 225 N. Third. ^ ^ Dodd Charles E. (Ida T.), machinist, res. 1012 N. Union, N. O. » Dolan Henry H. Rev., asst. pastor St. Mary of the Angels R. C. Church; res. K A 118 W . Henley. ' ^ ^ Dolan May, res. 1111 W . Henley. Dolan Thomas H. (Katherine), buffer, h. 1111 W . Henley. g^^\ Dollard John P. (Mary), asst. supt. water works; h. 119 S. Third. '*' j Dolson Cornelius (Mary J.), sta. engineer, h. 1107 W . Henley. A^s4 Donnellan Mary, res. 516 N. Sixth. U£a« Donnellan Thomas, sectionman, h. 515 N. Sixth. II 1 Donnellan William, switchman, res. 515 N. Sixth. ^j• , REPAIRING w*—f t U ^ |LeJ C_,l ^|^MS^\ ^^ JS ^^^#WHEN Donohue Doner Donnigan Donnelly Donohue YOUR Andrew George Call Jennie Edmund Thomas Henry Frank D. Kate Mary, Jeremiah James, SHOES at (Maggie), J. A., E., res. R., wid. (Mary (Mary J., (Anna), C, 512 clerk, stenographer, res. bookkeeper, C, 33 James, NEED letter res. J.), car Elm, w. J.), 324 laborer, 121 324 stonemason, lawyer, carrier repairer, ins. state A. S. h. N. S. Union. 33 res. Union; O. G. agent, h. Union. res. Elm, p. 121% 27street. bds. 324 COOK'S o., h. Pierce 324 303 res. N. N. 324 S. res. 717 S.O. Union; N. Union. 324 S. av., Union. W324 Union; .Union. S. State. S. Wh. Union. . Union. 120 O. h. Allegany, N. Clinton. N. Y. GILUNGHAM & SON Building Contr»ctorg and Building Supply ^ 3Q2 North Union Street. OEAi-EWS. — g ferj OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 53 H 0 *g Donovan Catherine A., res. 1024 N. Union, N. O. U H Donovan Charles D., bartender, 1024 N. Union; res. do., N. O. w 3 Donovan Ella D., student, res. 39 Spruce, N. O. m 2 Donovan Jeremiah, n". 331 N. Thirteenth. H JO Donovan John F., clerk, res. 1024 N. Union, N. O. JO j-4 Donovan Julia, dressmaker, 156 N. Union; res. 1024 do., N. O. <* " Donovan Kate, wid. Bartholomew, h. 337 N. Sixth. g* ,? Donovan Margaret, res. 39 Spruce, N. O. • g Donovan Michael (Catherine), laborer, h. 39 Spruce, N. O. I? pi Donovan Stephen glassblower, res. 1024 N. Union, N. O. g g Donovan William (Margaret), hotel, 1024 N. Union; h. do., N. O. g <*• Dooley Ellen, wid. Philip, h. 107 S. Third. g Dooley Lottie, operative, res. 107 S. Third. fiDooley William J. (Anna), currier, h. 128 S. Sixth. to Doolittle Alvah B. (Fannie L.), molder, 133 Railroad av.; h. 21 Pond, E. O. Doren August (Mary), laborer, h. 41 Spruce, N. O. Dorhan Kate, domestic, Olean House. Dorn Hattie, wid. Edward, res. 517 N. Sixth. pa Dorr Fred W . (Margaret M.), mgr. Singer Mfg. Co., 244% N. Union; h. 131 N. Thirteenth. ©r~ Dorr Frederick J., helper, 184 N. Union; res. 131 N. Thirteenth. C/-J Dorr John G., res. 131 N. Thirteenth. **^ Dorr Loa M., teacher. High School; rms. 223 N. First. ( Dorr Mary Mrs., h. 117 N. Second. '^ D O R S E Y E D W A R D (Celia A.), liquors and cigars, also wine vaults, 248 N. pa Union; h. 121 E. Henley. Dorsey Kate, waitress, Hotel Imperial. Dorson Mary, wid. Nicholas, h. 132 N. Sixth. o Dorson Peter, laborer, res. 132 N. Sixth. •n Dotterweich Adolph H., mgr. Dotterweich Bottling Co., 207 S. Second; h. 215 Q o W . Henley. rD O T T E W E I C H BOTTLING CO., 207 S. Second; Adolph H. Dotterweich, mgr. m DOTTERWEICH BREWING CO., 301-3H W. Henley; Herman L. Dot z terweich, pres.; Adolph H. Dotterweich, vice-pres.; John J. Woods, sec; CO A. T. Eaton, treas. (See adv. outside back cover.) Dotterweich Charles P., apprentice plumber, 111 W . State; res. 220 do. P > Dotterweich Elsie (Lena), laborer, h. 133 N. Eleventh. J3 Dotterweich, George H. (Minnie S.), h. 220 W . State. pmm. D O T T E R W E I C H H E R M A N L. CMary C.), pres. Dotterweich Brewing Co., r \ 301 W . Henley; h. 113 S. Second. Dotterweich Minnie S. Mrs., grocer, 220 W . State; h. do. Dotterweich Rudolph (Susan A.), (Dotterweich Bottling Co.), 207 S. Second; h. 314 W . Henley. Douds Charles R., clerk, 170 N. Union; res. 323 N. Fourth. Douds Joseph C. (Millie A.), storekeeper Acme Works, N. O.; h. 323 N. Fourth. Dougherty Bernard, tank builder, bds. 1126 N. Union, N. O. Dougherty Eunice C., res. 7117 W . State. Dougherty Michael (Mary), tank foreman, h. 1117 W . State. Draear DUNLAVEY Downs Doyle Douglas Dow Dougherty Douglas, -»»3ii h. dry Veres Eliza, Reuben Charles 141. John Arthur Charles, goods J. James Graham S. Teresa, M. Patrick Donald, wid. North BROS.r WBarry. .M. (Kate L. M. and S. boilermaker, Samuel (Mary), (June), Co. (Loretta), (Catherine), clerk, G., (Lena res. u millinery, E.), m(The) ^r^TTTJI^ laborer, o141 nM., lumber laborer. 149 gasfitter, E.), st^et.**— S. teamster. h. (James N. bds. 123 Barry. h. glassblower, (The 9Union; estimater, 502 Plum, N. 133 922 182 S. Douglas, •* Union. N. S. N. H. N. Douglas res. Union; E. Barry. * Union, 120 Union; h. O. h. Famous 133 N. 18 Graham 806 h. and S. N. Oak, Second. 116 n. WBarry. O. . Frederick 128 Olean E. N. Sullivan Co.), S. Henley. O.Second. Club 123 T.N. Whiskey Graham), Union; "5&3g QO"qtej "' hJ §• gO gSS. ., Ladles' and Children's Footwear f f T V I C D 9. p n ™ f 5 £ 3 * * . «£ • BEST LINES IN THE CITY. • • Ll I I LLII VjL U U l 158 N> ynion St. J J i 4* _ .. . i • > l % 54 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. > s i. 3 • <n Drake James O., pipefitter, res. 14 N. River, N. O. jLi • Drake Orin (Maggie), laborer, h. 16 N. Washington, N. O. £ 0 Draper Charles H. (Ida A.), laborer, h. 74 King, E. O. "% 4 % Drayton Ebbie K. (Mary A.), glassblower, h. 216 N. Sixth. j; 2 w Drews Anna M., domestic. 217 N. Second; res. 313 S. Seventh. X> \ t) Driscoll Catherine, res. 602 Wayne. ^ ? e Driscoll Daniel W . (Delia), currier, h. 44 Moore's rd., W . O. W C J Driscoll John, boilermaker, res. 919 N. Union, N. O. 2?<o Driscoll John W . (Mary), (Duringer & Driscoll), 268 N. Union; h. 129 S. 0 Twelfth. it j N Driscoll Joseph F., res. 602 Wayne. XI • Driscoll Mary, wid. Cornelius, h. 919 N. Union, N. O. J Driscoll Michael, res. 602 Wayne. •^ Driscoll Michael, laborer, res. 919 N. Union, N. O. ^"fc Driscoll Nora A., res. 602 Wayne. anrf Driscoll Patrick (Mary), h. 602 Wayne. •VJ Driscoll Thomas, laborer, bds. 1314 W . Sullivan. 1 D R O N E Y JOHN R. (Justina), wholesale lumber, 20-21 Exchange Bank bldg.; *-"* res. 107 S. Barry. m Ducey Agnes, domestic, Hotel Imperial. J Ducey Daniel (Hannah), laborer, h. 434 N. Eighth. Ducey Joseph, apprentice, res. 434 N. Eighth. Z Ducey Thomas, laborer, res. 434 N. Eighth. o .^J Duffy Bernard (Anna M.), locofireman,h. 510 Wayne. ^ ~ Duffy Charles, driver, 152 N. Union; res. 809 W . State. *"• Duffy Charles J. (Lillian), leather mfr., h. 143 S. Union. Q J Duffy Cornelius (Ella), sta.fireman,h. 934 Buffalo. a . Duffy James J. (Rose), laborer, h. 15 N. River, N. O. iM Duffy James V. (Sarah E.), carpenter, h. 108 Fulton. i""»< Duffy John M., helper, res. 510 Wayne. ^A Duffy William J., clerk. 122 N. Union; res. 809 W . State. ^ L j Dugan Cornelius P., laborer, res. Ill S. Fifth. Dugan Dennis D. (Elizabeth M.), oil contractor, h. 316 Laurel av. Dugan Dennis F., clerk, res. 602 N. Fourth. Dugan John H. (Abeline), driver, h. Ill S. Fifth. j Dugan Mary L., student, res. Ill S. Fifth. <; Dugan Mary T., res. 602 N. Fourth. O Dugan Michael C. (Nellie A.), supt.fillingstation Acme Works, N. O.; h 327 N. Twelfth. « Dugan Timothy (Ellen), gauger. h. 602 N. Fourth. grt Dtggan Michael, cooper, h. 1483 Buffalo, N. O. i>* Duggan Thomas J., tank builder, res. 1483 Buffalo, N. O. Q j Duke Horace J. (Flora Z.), yardman 217 Wayne; h. 133 N. Twelfth. 4>! ^ Duke John (Nancy J.), oil producer, h. 118 N. Clinton. J3< j ^ Duke J., Issue boxmaker, 133 N. Twelfth. will b e in 1 9 0 2 , T h eMilton next ofres. this Directory j ^ Dulan Charles (Mayme), glass gatherer, h. 825 Buffalo. "•J" Kate Mrs., domestic, h. 315% N. Union. DUNLAVEY TU"»< C<5^ 2QWT t• Dulling Duncan Dunkel Dunbar Dunlavey Dunlavs' BROS. liquors, Bessie Kate, Mary Lucius Arthur William Helen Martin Milton, (James Albert Francis Anna 311 W., domestic, E., E., E. J. B. laborer, N. M., T, (Delia W. wid. B., (Alzad), res. (Sarah), (Euretta) Union. bookkeeper, tailoress, and boilermaker, James 14 329 A.), 1S5 res. Jeremiah Center, machinist, S. teamster, (See S. stonemason, W.), 514 C, Barry. res. Barry. 113 res. Higgins adv. Bv. iron res. 120 J.), W14 h. .504 bottom worker, River, 120 State; Center, River h. av. wholesale N. River, 5Union; lines.) Plum, N. rd., res. h. Bv. 14 O. N. S. 120 E. h. Center, and O.River, 514 O.retail Higgins Bv. N. O. av. D l l C V X l l U / l l l i n O Wholesale Grocers, 301-305 B I L L I ^ IfflilU U City Building Lots for sale. N. Union St. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 55 ^J £ l Dunlavey James W. (Josephine), (Dunlavey Bros.), 311 N. Union; h. 107 ••••• Coleman. I Dunlavey Jeremiah J. (Mary), (Dunlavey Bros.), 311 N. Union; h. 112 Wayne. —*** Dunlavey Johanna, wid. John, res. 15 River, N. O. ^^S Dunlavey Margaret, wid. Patrick, h. 25 Water, N. O. Vat ' Dunlavey Thomas (Mary F.), h. 120 River, N. O. Djunn Kate, dressmaker, bds. 32 Homer, N. O. Dunn Robert T. (Lena), h. Ill S. Fifteenth.' Dunn William E. Alice), cook, Grand Central Hotel; res. do. .^P Dunne Mary, domestic, 124 S. Clinton. Dunnigan Thomas, section foreman, bds. 602 Wayne. f\m Dunning Abram G. (Mary L.), driller, h. 9 City Line al., N. O. IfV 2 Dunning Bessie M., res. 1442 Buffalo. ^* Dunning Demrous (Emma), driller, h. 70 Queen, E. O. Dunning Florence, res. 70 Queen, E. O. (/) Dunning Lee, snapper, res. 70 Queen, E. O. Duringer Florence I., res. 411 W . Sullivan. rn Duringer William M. (Elizabeth), (Duringer & Driscoll), 268 N. Union; h. 411 W . Sullivan. Duringer & Driscoll (William M. Duringer and John W . Driscoll), liquors, 268 N. Union. DUSENBURY JOHN E., Pres. First National Bank and New Conklin •*• rC Wagon Co.; h. Portville, N. Y. Dutton Esther, wid. Oscar E., grocer, 829 State; h. do., N. O. "™ Dutton Julia, domestic, 323 Whitney av. • D W I N E L L S C H A N D L E R S. (Lucy E.),lawyer, justice of peace and notary public, room 5, 156 N. Union; h. 1203 W . Henley. Dwyer John B., clerk, res. 710 Washington. <£J Earl Elton A. (Josephine E.), foreman, 1105 E. State; h. 56 Clark, E. O. Dwyer Margaret H., cashier, res. 710 Washington. , East Olean Green House, 43 Queen, E. O.; Mrs. Ella Shannon, prop. ro Dwyer Martin L. (Anna), dispatcher P. R. R., h. 710 Washington. Jo © East Side Hotel, 603 E. State; Alfred Kritter, prop. JJi *2 Dye Asa E. (Anna), trav. salesman, h 108 Hamilton. 5" 2. Eastabrook Annie, res. 540 N. Union. • t" EEastabrook » =F Emerson D. (Hattie), shoemaker, 540 N. Union; h. do. § E cashier First National Bank; h. 143 2 " H E A T O N A U G U S T U S T. (Harriet N.), "'* N. Barry. "T1 Ci E A T O N FREDERICK L. (Elizabeth B.), lawyer, 31 Exchange Bank bldg.; q a h. 603 W . Sullivan. jq X Eaton George B., bookkeeper First National Bank; res. 143 N. Barry. ** ^ Eaton Harriet, teacher No. 6 School, 1002 W . State. fyj w Eckenrode Frank A. (Ida M.), switchman P. R. R., h. 317 N. Sixth. jj C/3 Eckman May, clerk 157 N. Union; res. 327 Coleman. >_ ^j Eckman William H. (Elizabeth), foreman P. R. R. shops; h 327 Coleman. TJU S o raw DUNLAVEY BROS., 3§ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, \ -o 311 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y. O ^et^e40DUNLAVEY BROS. | Union-Made Whiskey —BY— 311 North Union Street. \ -^ I 2 5 M E B i m R l D G E ^ r 56 I n s u r a n c e MasonicTenpli " ' O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. « S ) Ecklund Alfred E. (Margaret), supt 430-432 N. Union; h 108 Coleman ^ ^ Edbrooke Hector W . (Mattie M.), carpenter, h. 57 King, E O. Eddy A. Merrill, driver, 148 N. Union; bds. 213 Tompkins. Eddy Clarence, driver 148 N. Union; .bds 213 Tompkins. Eddy John L. (Elvira L.), (Eddy & Knowies), 5-6 City Hall; h 417 E State Eddy Rose, wid. Loren L., res. 417 E. State Eddy William, laborer, bds. 118 E. Henley E D D Y & K N O W L E S (John L. Eddy and Charles P. Knowies), physician* and surgeons, rooms 5-6, City Hall. Edel Alexander (Justina), stonemason, h. 320 S. Seventh Edel Alfred (Mary), carpenter, h. 309 N Twelfth Edel Alphonse, clerk 323 W . State; res. Ill S. Eleventh. Edel August (Emma), grocer 323 W . State; h do. Edel Bernhardt (Sophia), asst. foreman, h. 615 W . State. Edel Charles, laborer, res. 109 N. Thirteenth. E D E L C H A R L E S (Josephine), liquors and cigars, 1123-1125 W State; h. do. „ (See adv.) ^ ^ J Edel Frank, laborer, res 215 N Eleventh EDEL'S H A L L , 1123-1125 W . State. .. Edel Henry, laborer, res. 215 N. Eleventh. "g Edel Jerome (Annie), car repairer, h. 120 N. Thirteenth. . £ Edel John (Sabina), car repairer, h. Ill S. Eleventh I +z Edel Joseph, clerk 1125 W . State; res. do. •y-\ Edel Joseph (Louise), laborer, h. 109 N. Thirteenth. H j 2 Edel Joseph, Jr., laborer, res. 109 N Thirteenth. , « Edel Lucy, res. 1125 W . State. T"1 c/j Edel Xavier (Jennie), laborer, h. 215 N. Eleventh. ^^ Edelman Ambrose, galvanizer, bds. 110 N. Ninth. g Edgett Charles, cabinetmaker, bds. 206 N. Barry. g Edson William N. (Viola O.), cashier Armur & Co.; h. Bv. Edwards Diantha, wid. David, res. 14 Garden av., E. O ms Edwards Edward L., clerk 262 N. Union; bds. 511 W . Green. G / 2 Edwards Eugene P. (Anna), sta. engineer, h. 511 W . Green. 4 ^ ^ Edwards Florence, res. Ill S. Second. Edwards Georgiana, dressmaker, res. 511 W . Green. Edwards Orson, loco,fireman,bds. 52 Pine, N O E G G L E S T O N J O H N E. (J. Agnes), gen. mgr'. Standard Oil Co. (Acme Works), Pine, N. O.; h. 319 N. Fourth. Ehman Christopher (Caroline), h. 1105 W . Sullivan. Ehman Dorothea, wid. John, h. 205 N. Thirteenth. C O Eichler Frederick, res. W . State, W . 0'. Eichler Margaret Mrs., h. W . State, W . O. £ 5 CBiehler H A Mary, R L E S W . State, E D WE .LO. res. 29 Maple, N. O. and Domestic •^ Eisert Katherine, res. Dealer in Foreign # ^ p ^ Eld Errick (Beatrice), currier, h. 27 Plum, E. O. Eldridge Charles and J. (Hattie J.), driver, h. 907 Irving. ^ Wines, Liquors Cigars, ^ g g Eldridge Clarence E., plumbers' helper, 113 W . State; res. 907 Irving. EDEL'S ^ — Eldridge Edward E.,and res.Proprietor 19 Fourthofav., Bv. HALL. Eldridge Frank M. (Ida M.), carpenter, h. PleasantOValley, 1123 and 1125 West State Street, L E A N ,Bv. N. Y. Eldridge Merton E. (Eleanor), laborer, h. 19 Fourth av., Bv. I w l • "E! ? ™ 1°JBD[B A . G . and RiiarantaA Papfaot SaticfertlAn 512 C O O K , W . State St. 7 HELIKER & PATRIDGE, 8622?* GENERAL INSURANCE. Represented. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 307 Masonic Temple. 57 Elliott Aaron B. (Adelia H.), millwright, h. 89 Railroad av., E. O. Elliott Flora M., res. 89 Railroad av., E. O. Elliott Frederick (Maud), cabinetmaker, h. 414 Laurens. Elliott Grant, barber 310 N Union; h. Portville, N. Y. Ellis B. Ellsworth (D. Belle), (Fitch & Ellis), City bldg; h. Allegany, N. Y. D3 Ellis Florence J., operative, res. 124 S. Seventh. Ellis Herman E. (Mary), sta.fireman,h. 124 S. Seventh. Ellithorp Johnson, bds. 311 N. Seventh. Ellsworth Franz M. (Nellie H.), street car conductor, h. 11 First av., Bv. CO Ellsworth Pearl G., student, res. 11 First av., Bv. Emerson Andrew J. (Sula), trav. salesman, h. 119 E. Henley. Emerson Edward O., pres. Keystone Gas. Co., 182 N. Union; h. Titusville, Pa. Emerson Susie, res. 119 E. Henley. Emlinger George (Pearl), stonemason, h. 517 N. Sixth. E m m o n s Jennie E., res. 121 S. Barry. E m m o n s William (Martha), glassblower, bds. 317 N. Thirteenth. Empire Art Co. (Frank C. Wright and Joseph S. Shoemaker), 6 Riley & Wands Block. Empire House, 1024 N. Union, N. O.; W m . Donovan, prop. E M P I R E LINE T R A N S P O R T A T I O N CO., Railroad av.; C. H. Rockwood, agent. Empire Mills, Pine, N. O.; John Sloane, mgr. Englebach Adolph (Catherine), hotel, 720 Wayne; h. do. Engelbach John (Lena), loco,fireman,h. 12TO Washington. Engelbach Otto E. (Lovisa A.), pipefitter, h. 418 N. Tenth. England Mary A., wid. James, res. 302 Laurens. English John J. (Katherine E.), (Harvey & English), 103 N. Union; h. do. English Samuel W . (Anna M.), glassblower, h. 107 N. Fourth. Ensworth Nellie, res. 657 E. State, E. 0. Erickson August, currier, bds. 66 Clark, E. O. Erickson Edward, currier, bds. 66 Clark, E. O. Erickson John A. (Minnie), sta. engineer, 19-25 Griffin, E. O.; h. 6 Pine do. Erickson John B. (Ellen C ) , helper, h. 132 Adams. Erie Dispatch, Erie depot, N. O.; M. L. Lee, agent. Erie Railroad, passenger and freight depots, N. Union cor. Pine, N. O.; M. L. Lee, agent. Ernst Eliza S.. res. 132 S. Union. E R N S T H E N R Y M. (Emily F.), oil producer, 37 Exchange Bank bldg; h. 132 S. Union. Estes Jennie E„ teacher No. 1 School, bds. 116 S. Clinton. Etter Harry E. (Anna), tinsmith, h. 316 W . Green. Eva^s Adelaide C , artist, h. 118 N. First. Evan* Anna, domestic, 206 N. Barry. Evans Frederick G. (Mary A.), teamster, h. 41 Union, S. O. Evans Mowbry (Sarah), teamster, h. 9 Brook, E. O. Evans Silas Eugene (Carrie), (Evans & Vasquez), 31iy2 N. Union; h. 305 S. Eighth. Evans & Vasquez (Silas E. Evans and Alfred Vasquez), barbers, 311% N. Union. Evening Herald, 215 N. Union; Sibley & Ostrom, props. Ewing Albert E (Miller Hardware Co.), 139 N. Union; bds. Olean House. E X C H A N G E B A N K BUILDING, 163-167 N. Union and 101 to 107 Laurens. Exchange Exchange Bank bldg; F. C. Bendean, prop. Union St SoldBarber direct toShop, the Trade by EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, ™££*^ 10l Bartlett, pres.; Allan I. Williams, cashier. (See adv. outside front Union=made Eyler E X Cand cover.) H AWilliam Sylvester Howard Ncigars, G E N A., E., E 167 Whiskey (Annabella), W Sglassblower, laborer, N. CO.Union. (George res. |]||N| sta. res. 26engineer. H. First 26Coxe First AVEV av., and 1409 av., Bv. Benjamin BROS. Buffalo; Bv. h. ^F. 26 Cowens), First av., news Bv. TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN £. Q. L E A C H _ ^ZL CO SEE 2 58 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. •+* . -*3 « _JS •> t/3 2 _- ^ Oi J ^ g ^ ® *"^ •—t w~\ <fl«9 i*. KlL ill O W f-> t_ •^ ID a tf\ _j ^ (Qui HT \A 2" p (O K U K 310 xe^Tef Representing the International Correspondence Schools, »A. S C R A N T O N , P/ Faber Edward, baker, 1120 W . State; bds. do. Fadus Joseph (Julia), laborer, h. 22 Erie av., N. O. J^agau Peter F. (Theresa), currier, h. 1203 Reed. Fagerstrom Charles J. (Emma), stillman, h. 822 Buffalo. Fagerstrom Juliet, res. 822 Buffalo. Fahey Michael J. (Maria), motorman, h. 8 First av., Bv. Fahey Sarah, domestic, 145 N. Barry. Fahrer Eugene, oil refiner, res. 140 N. Eleventh. Fahrer Joseph, laborer, res. 140 N. Eleventh. Fahrer Lewis, laborer, res. 140 N. Eleventh. Fahrer Paul, res. 140 N. Eleventh. Fahrer William (Frances), laborer, h 140 N. Eleventh. Fahrstein Abraham (Rose), peddler, h. 132 S. Third. Fairbanks John W . (Carrie), buffer, h. 20 First av., Bv. Fairbanks Louisa, wid. Moses, res. 20 First av., Bv. Fairchild Bertha E., music teacher, res. 138 N. Tenth. Fairchild James E., laborer, res 138 N. Tenth. Fairchild Nelson D. (Stella M.), canvasser, h. 138 N. Tenth. Fales Horace M. (Helen), laborer, h. 21 Second av. Bv. Fall John (Bridget), h. 1477 Buffalo, N. O Farley Falls Catherine, Frank, bartender, waitress,103 527N. N.Union; Union. res. do. Farley Fane Daniel, Georgiana, railway domestic, mail clerk, 103 N. res.Union. 48 River, N. O. Farmer Fane Mary, Jeanwid. B., res. Timothy, 208 N. h Second. 48 River, N. O. Farmer Fanning Jessie Charles F.,Wres. . (Harriet 208 N. Second. A.), machinist, h. 311 N. Sixth. Farmer Farley Anna, Thomas wid. A.Jsmes, (Bertha), res.night 103 N. watchman, Union. h. 208 N. Second. Farr Allen R. (Mary), yardmaster, h. 318 Tompkins. Farr Frank A. (Eunice J.), laborer, 133 Railroad av.; h. 6 River, S. O. Farr George D. (Josephine E.), sawyer, h. 40 River, S. O. Farr Robert W., elevator boy, 303 N. Union; res. 40 River, S. O. Farrell Ellen, res. 910 Wayne. Farrel! John E. (Anna M.), pres. and gen. mgr. Acme Glass Co.; h. 92 River, N. O. Farrell Margaret, domestic, 405 Laurens. Farrell Patrick, car repairer, bds. 8 First av., Bv. c * Farrell Robert, laborer, res. 1207 Reed. Farrell Thomas (Margaret), laborer, h. 312 E. Henley. Farren Philip H. (Elizabeth), currier, h. 19 Avenue A, N. O. Fate John J. (Olive), oil well driller, h, 80 River, S O. Fath William, laborer, bds. 110 S. Sixth. Faulkner Zoda Coast Mrs., h. 103 S. Barry. Faunce William E. (Susie), blacksmith, h. 319 S. Barry. Fauzy George (Ella J.), laborer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. Fay E m m a F., wid. Edgar, h. 14 Pierce av., W . O. Fay E. Leroy, boxmaker, res. 14 Pierce av., W . O. Fay Lewis C., currier, res. 14 Pierce av., W . 6. Fehan D. & Co. (David and Elizabeth M. Fehan). grocers, 1112 N. Union, N. O. Fehan David (D. Fehan & Co.), 1112 N. Union; h do , N O Fehan Elizabeth M. (D. Fehan & Co.), 1112 N. Union; h. do., N. O. Feller John C. (Emma L.), lumber inspector, h. 402 N. Ninth. Feltham Clarence V., charge of billiard parlor, Olean House; res. 337 Laurel av. Feltham Percy G., clerk, 126 N. Union; res. 337 Laurel av. Feltham Richard J. (Lizzie L.), blacksmith, h. 337 Laurel av. Feltham Roy L., helper, res. 337 Laurel av.' The Fenton Ferrin next Issue Martin John of F. A.this (Margaret), (Carrie), Directory sta. currier, engineer, will h.be 1226 h.in409 Buffalo. 1902. N. Ninth. M l FY A W A N n S ™"*&z!v&£ix&rntm' «; HILL I W lin'lUU 301-305 NORTH UNION STREET. p• OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 59 % g . „„ Ferris George, carpenter, h. 25 First av., Bv. < £ c Ferris Jennie V., res. 25 First av., Bv. Sij Ferris William C. (Myrtie E.), shipping clerk, Empire Mills, N. O.; h. 72 ""."< Bishop, E. O. »£ 3 Feuchter Anna K., teacher No. 3 School; res. 112 N. Second. 2" 3 Feuchter Clara A., dressmaker, 112 N. Second; res. do. g" 5 Feuchter Clara M., bookkeeper, res. 138 S. First. * £ Feuchter George (Caroline), blacksmith, 108" S. First; h. t12 N. Second. • * Feuchter George, sta. engineer, 926 E. State, E. O. Feuchter William G. (Hannah), plumber, 113 W . State; h. 409 Laurens. ^^^ Fie Elbert H., driver, h. 11 Brook, E. O. ^^_ Fie Fannie A., wid. George, res. 11 Brook, E. O. Fiechter Caroline, wid. William, h. 1406 W . State. Fiechter Theodore L. (Kate), laborer, h. 712 W . Green. Field Almon A., laborer, res. 37 Third av., Bv. Field Charles A., polisher, res. 605 W . State. Field Ernest E. (Oterlia), laborer, h. 7 First av., Bv. Field Frederick A., sta. engineer, bds. 7 First av., Bv. Field May M., wid. Charles A., h. 605 W . State. Field Sherman S. (Jennie E.), baker, 301 N. Union; h. 37 Third av., Bv. Fields Isabel Mrs., res. 419 N. Ninth. Fiester Carrie A. Mrs., ladies' tailoring, 215 N. Union; h. do. Filer Lydia, nurse, h. 229 S. Barry. Filis Edna M., res. 109 N. First. Filis Grace E., res. 109 N. First. Filkins Isaiah V. (Isidora), h. 212 S. Fourth. Finch William B. (Lina E.), carpenter, h. 10 Line, E. O. Finger August E., car repairer, res. 209 N. Eleventh. Finger Charles E. (Augusta E.), oil refiner, h. 209 N. Eleventh. Finger Clara E., dressmaker, 209 N. Eleventh; res. do. Finger Fred W., res. 209 N. Eleventh. Finger Gustav (Hattiel, helper, h. 1114 W . Sullivan. Fingerlow Dora, wid. John, res. 217 S. Barry. Fink John (Katherine), bakery and boarding house, 717 W . State. Finlay Robert (Margaret), glassblower, h. 36 N. Washington, N. O. Finn Menzo W., farmer, h. 90 River, S. O. Finn Thomas, clerk, 301 N. Union; res. Westons Mills, N. Y. Finnessy Bros. (Edward C. and John B.), grocers. 117 N. Union. Finnessy Edward C. (Finnessy Bros.), 117 N. Union; h. 124 S. Clinton. Finnessy John B. (Jennie), (Finnessy Bros.), 117 N. Union; h. 133 Fulton. Finnessy Margaret E., principal No. 4 School; res. 124 S. Clinton. Finnessy Mary U., teacher No. 2 School; res. 124 S. Clinton. O Fireman's Hall, Chestnut, E. O. ? 5 FIRQT NATiniMAI RANI/ 10? N- tTnion; J E. Dusenbury, o I r i n O I nril l«JM«l- U * i m \ , pres. A T.Eaton cashier. (See adv. side lines and back cover.) Fish Frederick W . (Clara B.), plasterer, h. 118 N. Third. Fish Fritz, advertising man, 239 N. Union: res. 215 W . State. 3-J* dunlavey Fitch Fisher Fisk Fish FISH FISHER bldg. N. blk.; Fred Stephen Stanley SIDNEY &are Frederick Leon, M Third. Charles, Ellis Lh. the CLouise A U,do. sole molder. RL bros. (Stanley S. mgr. E. A cook, supt. (Margaret owners E. (Hannah J., (Grace (See wid F.(Minnie hair 502 Hotel WChemical L. Famous adv.) of Julius .M.), dressing N. the Higgins Fitch E.), A.), E.), Imperial; Union; boots N., mason, (Fitch and Works; ticket & Oiean h. and and B. Co., bds. 108 &manicuring, h. Ellsworth shoes. h. agent 925 Ellis), rms. E. Farmer's 310 313 Club Buffalo; Sullivan. 239 P. WTompkins. 116 City .R. Ellis), N. State. room Hotel. Whiskey, S. R., bldg; Union; bds. Second. Railroad life 11 783 h.h. Riley insurance, 607 N. 215Union, Wav.; * '.& W .Sullivan. "A» Wands h. Street. State. City N. 216O. *• w• Prj oca>^' -j e2 >H—S „ The Best Shoes in the City p . E . T Y L E R •• ABB BOLD BY 158 North Union Street. C 60 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. & CO., Fitzgerald Catherine T., wid. Edward, h. 206 S. Barry. • Fitzgerald Edward W . (Helena M.), clerk, 176 N. Union; h. 135 Fulton. •" Fitzgerald Irene, res. 608 Washington. Fitzgerald Jennie K. Mrs., res. 411 W . Sullivan. ™ ' Fitzgerald John, laborer, res. 316 N. Ninth. ^ Fitzgerald John A., currier, res. 608 Washington. Fitzgerald Martin J., boilermaker, res. 608 Washington. Fitzgerald Mary, res. 316 N. Ninth. Fitzgerald Mary A., teacher, res. 608 Washington. J Fitzgerald Maurice (Adelia), currier, h. 608 Washington. a" Fitzgerald Michael, saloon, 447 N. Union. Fitzgerald Patrick (Nora), h. 316 N. Ninth. ^j Fitzgerald Teresa A., milliner, 131 N. Union; res. 608 Washington. g Fitzgerald William D., trav. salesman, res. 206 S. Barry. £ Fitzgerald William S., currier, res. 608 Washington. .«. 5» Fitzgibbons Anna, waitress, Olean House. U/ Fitzgibbons Katherine, head waitress. Olean House. Fitzpatrick Helena, dressmaker, res. 1209 W . Sullivan. O ** Fitzgibbons Mary, pastry cook, Hotel Imperial. !2iJ3 Fitzpatrick James (Fitzpatrick Bros.), 116Homer, W . State; res. 31 Homer, N. O. <yj AndrewE.(Mary), laborer, h. 31 N. O. (Agnes), blacksmith h. 34 N. Pine, V o CO Fitzpatrick John Andrew Jr., machinist, res.helper, 31 Homer, O. N. O. PI (Margaret), Bros.), 116 WW.. State; •JJ Fitzpatrick John Bros.J.(James E. and(Fitzpatrick John J.), saloon, State. h. 524 do. Mall G. boilermaker, (Mary J.), bookkeeper, Exchange Bank bldg; h. IS»® Fitzpatrick Daniel, 133 Railroad20av.; bds. 1024 N. Union, N.128 O. Eh S. Third. S Fitzpatrick Elizabeth E., domestic, 240 N. Second. Pi Fitzpatrick Ellen, Margaret, N.WUnion; res. 1209 W . Sullivan. wid.laundress, Morgan, h.264 1209 . Sullivan. Fitzpatrick Mary, res. 31 Homer, N. O. O P5 Fitzpatrick Michael J., tanner, res. 31 Homer, N. O. Fitzpatrick Patrick (Ellen), flagman, h. 540 N. Eighth. PI Fitzpatrick William, bartender, res. 31 Homer, N. O. Fitzsimmons John C., saloon, 1021 N. Union; h. do., N. O. Fitzsimmons Michael H. (Mary), currier, h. 132 N. Sixth. Fitzsimmons Thomas P., clerk. 1021 N. Union, N. O.; bds. do. S3 Flagg Charles L. (Nettie), carpenter, h. 135 N. Twelfth. Eh Flagg Minnie M., res. 135 N. Twelfth Flamant Frank .Amelia), laborer, h. 321 N. Sixth. i2i Fleming Henry A. (Sophia), currier, h. 1108 Irving. Flemming Frederick W . (Amelia), laborer, h. 438 N. Tenth. Flynn Catherine C , teacher, res. 116 S. Twelfth. Flynn Elizabzeth A., B M res. I S 116 S S. L Twelfth. , J. F I S H E R , Flynn Ellen, res 408 N. Thirteenth. Flynn Ellen F., domestic, 206 Laurens. •g Ibair ^Dressing a n b flfcantcudng. Flynn Frances A., student, res. 116 S. Twelfth. Flynn Helen, dressmaker, 116Riley S. Twelfth. Room res. No. U, & Wands Block, ft Flynn Hugh (Susan), waxmaker, h. 116 S. Twelfth. -OLEAN, Flynn James E., laborer, res. 116N.S. Y. Twelfth. 512 Q ^ T I Make N e w Stock to Order and • A A f t A l f W . State Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction .. M l U l U l J U l V l Street. GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 North umon street. _ jj Builders' Supplies a n d I Contracting. — OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 61 £ ? ^ > Flynn Johanna, domestic, 233 N. First. H Flynn John F. (Nellie T.), cooper, h. 114 N. Thirteenth. O H Flynn Kate, res. 408 N. Thirteenth. JQJQ Flynn Matthew (Percilla), night watchman, h. 408 N. Thirteenth. J> !> Flynn Matthew,wid. Jr., George night operator, N. Thirteenth. /-\ >t» Fobes Amanda, N., h. 407res. E. 408 State. raw T?r,Keie Elizabeth, Amanda -ntwid. \A nnni.»n rt"7TE. * a+n+n **J ^« Fobes Milton"NT B.,\.h.A307 State. "0 Fobes Mary C, res. 407 E. State. O 2 FOLEY BROS. (Peter C. and John P.), marble and granite works, 201-203 ^ ^ W . State. (See adv. inside tack cover.) ^ ""i Foley James G. (Katherine M.), marble cutter, h. 135 S. First. "0 !• Foley John P. (Catherine), (Foley Bros.), 201 W . State; h. 209 W. Henley. I> *-J Foley Marietta, cook, Olean House. 2 ?? Foley Martin, marble cutter, res. 203 W. State. ^ O Foley Mary, cook, Olean House. -**1Z Foley Patrick (Catherine), n 203 W . State. Foley Peter C. (Foley Bros.), 201-203 W. State; h. do. Foley Thomas A., marble cutter, bds. 135 S. First. t-H Foley William H., marble cutter, 201 W. State; res. 203 do. Foli Tony, laborer, rms. Ill S. Thirteenth. Follett Albert L. (Lottie), farmer, h. River rd., S O. id Follett Albert M. (Phoebe), stillman, h. 535 N. Sixth. fed Follett Edgar C. (Ida C.), gauger, h. 601 W. Green. Follett Fletcher M., h. River rd., S. O. Follett Jennie, res. 24 Griffin, E. O. < FOLLETT MELVILLE C. (Mary A.), physician and surgeon, 202 E. Henley; td h. do.; office hours, 11-12 a. m. and 4-6 p. m. tzS Follett Wesley (Ella L.), market gardener, h. River rd., S. O. Fong Lee, laundryman. 253 N. Union; res. do. Fontaine Elizabeth, wid. John, h. 90 W. River, S. O. o Fontaine Lucy, domestic, 91 W. River, S. O. <S Ford Bessie V., res. 113 E. Henley. fed Ford George C. (Ida M.), clothing, 176 N. Union; h. 113 E. Henley. id Ford Judson L. (Laura), farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. fed Forgason Edna, res. 19 Main, N. O. Forgason Henry R. (Lucy A.), blacksmith, h. 19 Main, N. O. <{ Forhan John P., telegrapher, Erie depot; rms. 264% N. Union. Forman Library, 116 S. Union. TS1 Forrest Frank F.. foreman Carley Heater Co.; res. 427 N. First. Forrest James M. (Caroline), cooper, h. 427 N. First. Forrest Lester M. (Nora E.), railroad conductor, h. 443 N. First. Forrester Albert H. (Fannie), asst. supt. The Prudential Ins. Co., 303 N Union; h. 410 W . Henley. Forrester Charles,flagman,bds. 336 N. Tenth. Forrester James M. (Minerval, sta. engineer, 217 Wayne; h. 210 E State FORTY-THIRD SEPARATE CO. N. G. S. N. Y. (Company I, 1st bat. 4th brigade), armory North cor. Barry; Richard H. Franchot, capt. Foss Earl R., res. 318 Wayne. Foss Mildred, res. 318 Wayne. ^s Foss Walter C. & Co. (Walter C. and W m . J. Foss), grocers, 16 Main, Bv. Z2. FOSS W A L T E R C. & CO. (Walter C. and W m . J. Foss), grocers, 16 Main, Bv. - S S FOSS WILLIAM J. (Fannie), general dealer, 318 Wayne; h do. (See adv. K^S* back cover.) QfQ Foster Arthur A., laborer, res. 144 N. Twelfth. ^ (fl Foster Bertha E., teacher, bds. 119 Main, Bv. •» S Foster Dora E., res. 144 Twelfth. 'BROS., a( -i *T Foster Finest WINES G. Edna Elmer George Glenn Fred L., AND M., E. M., (Margaret), *res. (Jennie), laborer, glassblower, LIQUORS 145 N. 'N. res. carpenter, Call currier, Eighth. 144 on res. DUNLAVEY N. 144 h.h. Twelfth 1024 N. 28 Pond, W. Twelfth. 311 Sullivan. n. E. union O. *J*Street. * I nt) "TT? r>j V) ^^ *0_ : lowiiEEBiiEiimioi? [_ d, L E 0represents 3 = the I International I S I P 9 fc Correspondence Schools, " 9U S C R A N T O N , PENN'A. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. as r* 62 9 Foster Jeremiah B. (Adeline), carpenter, h. 41 Genesee, Bv. i Foster Joseph E. (Helen A.), glassblower, h. 145 N. Eighth. ae Foster Maud, res. 41 Genesee, Bv. £ 0 Foster Michael, bds. 124 S. First. p* Foster Millard A. (Martha J.), carpenter, h. 144 N. Twelfth. Foster Roy E. (Hattie E.), laborer, h. 46 Crown, E. O. H Foster Thomas A. (Kate A.), laborer, h. 76 Main, Bv. •r, Foster Ward J., laborer, bds. 46 Front, Bv. C / S Fowler Clarissa L., res. 115 S. Clinton. U - « Fowler Elsie E., res. 121 N. Ninth. Fowler Frederick K. Rev. (Anna H.), pastor First Baptist Church; h. 115 S. Clinton. Fowler Jano R., res. 115 S. Clinton. Fowler Joseph C. (Emma), coppersmith, h. 121 N. Ninth. Fowler Mary A., res. 115 S. Clinton. Fowler Mary E., wid. Nathan D., h. 223 N. Union. Fox Albert R., plumber, 113 W . State; res. 802 Washington. Fee Anna Mrs., rms. 701 W . Henley. Fox Bessie A., student, res. 12 Union, S. O. Fox Charles, pipefitter, res. 520 N. Sixth. Fox Eugene O., res. 194% N. Union. Fox Isaac S. (Rebecca), glassblower. h. 802 Washington. Fox Iva, res. 802 Washington. Fox John (Annie), laborer, h. 122 N. Eleventh. Fox John (Rachel), laborer, h. 143 N. Thirteenth. Fox John (Rose), laborer, h. 520 N. Sixth. Fox John, Jr., laborer, res. 520 N. Sixth. C / i Fox Peter P. (Mary), carpenter, h. 508 N. First. Fox Samuel C (Ida J.) pipefitter foreman A c m e Works, N. O.; h. 12 Union, S. O Fox Wilbur, sta. engineer, 1105 E. State, E. O.; res. 1 9 4 % N. Union. v, Fox William J. (Mary M.), farmer, h. W . State, W . O. C/2 Fox William T. (Ella M.), currier, h. 1107 Irving. I ^ _ Frampus Frank C. (Gertie), glassblower, h. 1003 Washington. France Bessie M., res. 139 S. Union. F R A N C E G E O R G E P. (Flora A.), asst. gen. mgr. Standard Oil Co. (Acme Works). Pine, N. O.; h. 139 S. Union. France Gecrgc P. Jr., res. 139 S. Union. France George R., machinist foreman A c m e Works; h. 32 Maple, N. O. France Jason H., clerk, 1103 N. Union; res. 31 Maple, N. O. Franchot Annie C. W., res. 305 N. Second. F R A N C H O T B R O S . (Stanislaus P. and Nicholas V. V.), oil producers, 26 Exchange Bank bldg. Franchot Charles P., student, res. 305 N Second. Franchot Douglas W., student, res. 305 N. Second. Franchot Ellen L. W., res. 305 N. Second. J W Franchot Janet V. V., res. 305 N. Second. Franchot Nicholas V. V. (Annie W . ) , (Franchot Bros.), 26 Exchange Bank HEN Frawley Franklin Frasier Frank YOUR Franchot Francis F R Ah. bldg.; gara N. bldg N KCdo. Katherine, SHOES Union; HAmelia, William, Eva, C; OKate, Falls, Fred Stanislaus R HTh. h. AERres. R311 P305 Lh. IE., wid. NEED N. A Ewid. Cbrakeman, SHI 208 207 N. wid. Y. N. Aclerk, RC. RFred P. James, Fourth. I N. DE. Second. &Christopher, N(Blanche (Franchot Fifth. H. Henley. G Q. 113 A., ,bds. (Helene res. call COOK'S h. N.511 520 L.), 122 Bros.), Union; at prop. N. Fulton. S.), mgr. First. Union. Frank's oil 26 res. Postal Exchange producer, 511*Hotel, Telegraph-Cable do. B12 Bank 26 w. 108-110 Exchange STA bldg.; TE WSTREET. .Co., h. State; Bank Nia128 B l l • Ui T A Y I (1R Builder8' Supplies, Coal and W o o d C/J » I H I LUIl 254 North Union Street. C > OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 63 so -rj Frawley John B. (Margaret E.), hardware, 205 N. Union; h. 208 N. Fifth. Frazee Annie M., stenographer, res. 229 N. Third. ' ' Frazee Lois E., student, res. 229 N. Third. Frazee Willard L. (Alice E.), (Union Planing Mill Co.), Johnson, N. O ; h. 229 *£ t£ N. Third. g g Frazier William G. (Ellen M.), butcher, h. 36 Moore's rd„ W . O. - -P Freeburg August (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 812 N. Union, N. O. © o Freel Charles A., res. 142 N. Barry. O O Freel Michael, currier, bds. 1226 Buffalo. k Freel Patrick H. (Mary A.j, foreman, h. 142 N. Barry. Freel Sadie, dressmaker, res. 142 N. Barry. Freeman Don B. (Ada), sawyer, h. 310 S. Eighth. Freeman Herbert R., student, res. 310 S. Eighth. Freeman John W . (Adeline L.), laborer, 301 S. Union; h. 52 River, N. O. Freeman Lee E., setter, res. 310 S. Eighth. GO Freeman Melissa, wid. Lorenzo F., h. 201 S. Barry. Freeman Pritchard (Martha), laborer, h. 513 N. Fifth. French Helen M.. res. 118 N. Barry. French John C. (Effie D.), real estate, h. 118 N. Barry. French Leo H., laborer, res. 120 N. Twelfth. French Martha L., operative, res. 120 N. Twelfth. French Othelia D., wid. James R., res. 131 N. Barry. French William H. (Mary), currier, h. 120 N. Twelfth. Frey Albert (Anna E.), collector, 412 N. Union; h. 12 First av., Bv. Frey August H. (Frances T.), locomotive engineer, h. 436 N. Seventh. Frey Charles G. (Mary), general foreman P. R. R. shops, h. 516 N. Seventh. Frey Harry C , res. 516 N. Seventh. Friedman Robert (Esther), tailor, 212 Masonic Temple; h. 133 N. Eighth. ^_—J Frier Charles B. (Ida M.), insurance agent, h. 134 S. Clinton. -^ Frier Luanda Mrs., rms. 304 Coleman. Frisbee Ward A. CMaud), laborer, h. 1115 Irving. Fritsch Otis (Kate B.), car repairer, h. 127 N. Eleventh. Fritz Joseph (Mary), carpenter, h. 1214 Washington. Frizell Edward, locomotivefireman,bds. 438 N. Eighth. Frohlich Michael F. (Anna S.), butcher, 152 N. Union; h. 24 Genesee, Bv. Frutiger Casper (Carrie S.). laborer, h. 32 Walnut, N. O. Fuchs Rumwald (Wilhelmina), h. 1121 W . State. l . Fuchs Sophia, res. 1121 W . State. f™"^ F U L L E R C H A R L E S H. (Anna L.), blacksmith, 112 S. Third; h. 303 Jay. *~ (See adv.) ^••W Fuller George, car repairer, bds. 703 Wayne. r™j[\} Fuller Merritt H. (Gertrude E.), conductor, h. 305 N. Seventh. w w Fuller William A. (Agnes M.), bookkeeper, 19-25 Griffin, E. O.; h. 708 State, do. Fuller William F. (Stella Y.), clerk, 701 E. State, E. O.; h. 210 Jay. Fulton Robert, conductor P. R. R. rms. 9 Riley & Wand's block. Furcht Max (Henrietta), stationary engineer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. Furlong Althea, wid. Peter, h. 130 S. Fourth. Furlong Clifford C , laborer, res. 130 S. Fourth. Furlong LyJe, driver, 203 N. Union; res. 130 S. Fourth. ,, Furlong William, res. 327 Coleman. Q ]) Furlong William C. (Margaret A.), locomotive engineer, h. 435 N. First. L , Furman Jason L. (Pearl), locomtivefireman,h. 36 Elm, N. O. ^^tj Furry Michael (Rose P.), laborer, h. 332 N. Eighth. J o SGage UlM!3V8y Gabler I n Lorena, Frank am William John Christopher Wholesale P. Jr. UrOSi (Veronica), teacher, (Kate L. (Agnes), (Sophia (Pauline), and Liquor E.), res. milk plumber, Retail carpenter, A.), 40 peddler, Brook, plumber, painter, Dealers, TZ1 184h. E. 1N. h. 184 40 h. O. ^^^^ Union; 108 Brook, 919 N. N. N. W Union; .Thirteenth. Union h. E. State. 110 O.h.N. 1301 Street Thirteenth. Washington. a F ^ J ^^^" r^ JLJ ^^ ,^ ,. FOOTWEAR A F. E . T Y L E R & C2.'S £ OF ALL KINDS, at 156 NORTH UNION STREET. JK ^ • 64 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Gaino Annie, domestic, Olean House. Gaino Edward J., laborer, res. 10 Avenue B, N. O. *° jjS Gamo Joseph (Mary), laborer, h. 10 Avenue B, N. O. .»*- UJ ,"7; Gaino Susie T., res. 10 Avenue B, N. O. Galbraith William J. (Elizabeth), glassblower, rms. 321 N. First. Gale Harry B., shirt mfr., res. 331 Laurel av. CO Gale Henry (Carrie R.), (C. V. B. Barse & Co.), 155 N. Union; h. 331 Laurel av. CM Gale Lucinda, wid. Ellsworth, h. 703 Wayne. Gale Walter M. clerk,, 155 N. Union; res. 331 Laurel av. Galey Anna .domestic Olean House. _ •*> Galey Michael, yardman Olean House. )L^ Galey Stephen (Harriet), laborer, h. 49 Orchard av., E. O. tmd Galiski Andrew (Josie), laborer, h. 245 Spruce, N. O. V O Gallagher Cecelia, music teacher, h. 463% N. Union. A \ Gallagher Charles H., currier, res. 1302 W . Henley. j S ' Gallagher Daniel B. (Anna J.), mgr. Singer Sewing Machine Co., h. 442 N. \^* First. S * Gallagher Edward A., helper, res. 1302 W . Henley. , --> Gallagher Frank P., teacher, res. 1302 W . Henley. "^JT Gallagher Hugh (Susie), currier, h. 1302 W . Henley. ^ j Gallagher Jane, wid James, res. Ill Wayne. 2 T Gallagher John C. (Minnie), railroad conductor, h. 102 N. Seventh. tJ Gallagher Mary, res. Ill Wayne. {-) •Gallagher Stephen V. (Anna L.), tool dresser, h. 440 N. First. L j ^ Gallagher William, oil producer, 111 Wayne; h. do. ' 1 Galusha DeWitt C , driver, 217 Wayne; res. 321 Coleman. Gamble William G. (Hattie J.), teacher, h. 79 Garden av., E. O. Ganey Thomas (Mary), currier, h. 130 N. Thirteenth. _ Gannon Frank J., res. 215 Winters av. t ^ f Gannon Nellie M., apprentice, 131 N. Union; res. 215 Winters av. ^ J Gannon William (Margaret A.), locomotive engineer, h. 215 Winters av. £ T ^ Ganoung C. Arthur, painter, res. r. 250 N. Union. [ %s J Ganoung Florance S. (Ganoung & Son), r. 250 N. Union; h. do. r""H Ganoung Floyd A., painter, res. r. 250 N. Union. Ganoung Hiram P. (Mary E.), (Ganoung & Son), r. 250 N. Union; h. do. Ganoung & Son (Hiram P. and Florance S.), sign writers, r. 250 N. Union. Gardner Amos, laborer, bds. 435 N. Eighth. Gardner Anthony, res. 435 N. Eighth. Gardner Charles A. (Mary), currier, h. 329 N. Eighth. Gardner George A. (Rose), currier, h. 1215 W . Henley. Gardner Myrle, currier, res. 1215 W . Henley. Garr Dora, res. 1208 W . State. Garr Gilbert (Elizabeth), drayman, 1208 W . State; h. do. Garr Gilbert Jr., painter, res. 1208 W . State. Garr William, sorter, res. 1208 W . State. Garrity Frederick, telegrapher P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. Garry John (Mary), currier, h. 607 W . Green. Garvey Amy, res. 20 Third av., Bv. Garvey Anna, h. 109 N. Ninth. Garvey John, h. 1315 Buffalo. KING'S WINDSOR PLASTER Garvey B , UJohn e TJ.,Amotorman, Y L O res. R 1315*Buffalo. FOR Garvey Nora, res. 1315 Buffalo. 254 N. Union Street. MILLS AND CEILINGS. Garvey Owen, laborer, h. 20 Third av., Bv. Garvey Richard, molder, bds. Genesee House. Garvey Thomas P., painter, res. 20 Third av., Bv. Gault 307 Arthur James Bros. Joseph Lawrence N. Union. (Lawrence C. L. A. (Minnie (Nettie C. (Gault (Nellie C. Bros.) B.), E.), and A.), photographer, butcher, Joseph 260 (Gault N.h. A.), Union; Bros.), 6 First meat 236 bds. 260 N. av., market, Union; N. Grand Bv. Union; 260 h. Central 128 N. h.Union. Fulton. 207 Hotel, Jay. rms. Qll C Y X W A M B I Q Wholesale Grocers, 301-305 RI LL I J~ It Hi! UU City Building Lots for sale. N. Union St. £} OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 65 J^ Gaynor Michael (Ellen), laborer, h. 704 W. Henley. aaaai Gayton Charles W . (Elnora), tanner, h. 198 Railroad av., E. O. I Gayton Clarence, laborer, res. 198 Railroad av., E. O. ••"• Geise Bertha, domestic, 302 W . State. ^•*\ Geise Edward J., baker, 302 W . State; bds. do. W I Geise George W (Laura B.) tanner, h. 1502 Buffalo, N. O. Geise John F. vKatherine), locomotivefireman,h. 228 N. Fifth. Geise Joseph P. (Catherine), farmer, h. W . State, W . O. Geise Rose, laundress, 112 W . Sullivan. Geise William L. (Martha M.), blacksmith, 5 River, S. O.; h. 342 S. Barry. Gena John M. (Gena & Rice), 234 N. Union; res. 186 do. Gena Louis, foreman, 107 North. Gena & Rice (John M. Gena and Guy C. Rice), merchant tailors, 234 N. Union. E Gendron Charles, currier, res. 22 Main, Bv. Gendron Mary A., wid J. E., res. 22 Main, Bv. (/) Genesee House, 127-129 Railroad av.; William Hutchings, prop. Genthner Hattie, res. 211 Laurens. rn Geohegan Martin (Bridget T.), tanner, h. 124 S. Thirteenth. Georgia Albert W . (Sarah D.), lumberman, h. 303 N. Barry. Georgia Arthur C, student, res. 30 N. Washington, N. O. Georgia Fred B. (Carrie A.), ticket agt. Erie R. R., h. 30 N. Washington, N. O. Georgia Maria L., dressmaker, 301 N. Barry; h. do. Gerlach Mary, wid. John L , h. 718 W . State. rO Gerlach Mary S., res. 718 W . State. Gerry Patrick (Nora A.), currier, h. 22 Hoops, E. O. Gerstenberger Henry L. (Cora L ) , mgr. barrel factory Standard Oil Co. (Acme Works), h. 706 W . Sullivan. Gerstenberger Louis L., student, res. 706 W . Sullivan. Gesse William A. (Mary), chief clerk P. R. R., h. 613 Washington. W Getsee John (Lena), laborer, h^_57 Johnson, N. O. . _ Getz Stephen (Mary), car repairer, h. 18 Avenue B, N. O. cd © Geuder Albert G., student, res. 114 S. Seventh. J5" 3. Geuder George (Catherine), laborer, h. 114 S. Seventh. "° 3" Geuder Godfrey G. (Minnie C ) , driver, 802 W . State, h. 313 S. Seventh. © -r, Geuder John H (Anna L.), grocer, 422 W . State; h. 420 do. = ^' Geuder Michael C. (Emma C ) , clerk, 301 N. Union; h. 324 Jay. _ % Geuder Otto W., clerk, 620 W . State; res 114 S. Seventh. rO ,_ Geyer George O. (Helen), cornice worker, 108 S. Third; h. 615 W . State. W 52 Geyer Goldie, wid. Edward, res. 117 S. Second. J3 Geyer Jacob, bds. 116 S. Fourth. ». S O Geyer Louis W . (Anna), glass packer, h. 912 W . State. Geyer Valentine, bartender, bds. 116 S. Fourth. ,_. ^ Gibbons E m m a J., res. 432 N. Seventh. 2 S Gibbons Eva M., grocer, 432 N. Seventh; h. do. 2 ^ Gibbons James D. (Anna J.), bricklayer, h. 432 N. Seventh. /0 © Gibbons John E., bricklayer, res. 432 N. Seventh. »_ CJ Gibbs Albert M., clerk, 211 N Union; res. 229 N. First. 5*J t/3 Gibbs Ansel C, res. 229 N. First. Gibbs Arthur (Eleanor), variety store, 211 N. Union; h. 229 N. First. Gibbs Frank P., clerk, 211 N. Union; res. 229 N. First. Gibbs Jane Mrs., res. 3 Union pi. ^ wGibbs Lillian, res. 229 N. First. ffl/D Gibney Arthur W., clerk, res. 335 Laurel av. 2 HI Gibney Grace, reporter, 215 N. Union; res. 335 Laurel av. H O Gibney Harry J., drug clerk, 133 N. Union; res. 335 Laurel av. \ . Gibney James (Margaret), oilman, h. 335 Laurel av. 3^ Union-Made Gill Gilbert E. Anna, O. Ann Martin, Charles George steographer E.,C. Fred coachman, (Lizzie), wid. Whiskey Edward (Sarah City carpenter, 134 bldg., J.), P., So^»te N.sta. First. h.res. h. 5fireman, Orchard 190 115 DRailroad River, U31^Lav 926 av., N. E. av., E. O.State; O.E. eyO.h.brs.o 36 Garden g av., JIWI I >> y«QO2 J E U K E R & P A T R i D E E ^ r i n s u r a n c e MasonlcTempIt "" r» •% 66 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. _^^ Gill Margaret, student, res. 115 River, N. O. O S Gill Patrick (Catherine), laborer, h. 115 River, N. O. Gillard David, foreman J. G. Wilson's, N. O. Gillett G. Henry (Elizabeth W . ) , printer, h. 212 N. First. Gillett Gideon B. (Lucy J.), h. 216 N. First. Gilligan Catherine, bookkeeper, res. 113 W . Henley. Gilligan Dennis W., driver, res. 113 W . Henley. Gilligan Thomas (Mary), (Gilligan & Bisett), 123 N. First; h. 113 W . Henley, Gilligan William II.. driver, res. 113 W . Henley. GILLIGAN & BISETT (Thomas Gilligan and Christopher C. Bisett), transportation and storage, 123 N. First. (See adv. right-hand side lines.) Gillingham Charles (Gillingham & Son), 302 N. Union; h. 264% do. Gillingham Charles Jr. (Gillingham & Son), 302 N. Union; res. 264% do. G I L L I N G H A M & S O N (Charles and Charles Jr.), builders' hardware, sash, doors and blinds, 302 N. Union. (See adv., top lines.) Gilmore Charles E. M., laborer, res. 429 N. Ninth. Gilmore Delia M., housekeeper, res. 429 N. Ninth. ID Gilmore Elizabeth,(res. 414 Wayne. SB Gilmore Julia, wid.'Miller, h. 55 Railroad av., E. O. Gilmore Rose, wid. William, res. 414 Wayne. Ginter Frank C. (Isabel C ) , laborer, h. 902 Irving. Glase Lulu V , bookkeeper and stenographer, 413 N. Union; bds. 319 Tompkins. Glaser Charles A. (Seraphine), laborer, h. 1508 Buffalo, N. O. J j CO Glaser Ida H . res. 1508 Buffalo. N. O. T j a> Glass Herman I. (Bessie), agent, h. 126 S. Third. t H •£ Glasser Ludwig (Matilda), jeweler, 320 W . State; h. do. -rH C J, O Glaviu Andrew A., boilermaker, res. 324 N. Eighth. I Glavin Anna, wid. Patrick, h. 324 N. Eighth. I "S5 Glavin Edward, carpenter, h 324 N. Eighth. ® Glavin Mary, res. 324 N. Eighth. * Glavin Patrick J., boilermaker, res. 324 N. Eighth. _ Glavin William W . (Ellen J.), boilermaker, h. 815 N. Union, N. O. Gleason Alvin L., laborer, res. 147 Railroad av., E. O. Gleason Caroline T., res. 312 Laurens. Gleason Elisha, laborer, res. 5 Union pi. Gleason Fred L (Ella), (Carley Heater Co.), 502 N. Union; h. 312 Laurens. C O Gleason Luman B. (Samantha), carpenter, h. 147 Railroad av., E. O. Globe Hotel, 712 Wayne; John Carroll, prop. Godden Charles A. (Anna), chief clerk, 301 N. Union; h. 1311 Washington. Godden Harry B., machinist, res. 30 Third av., Bv. Godden John H. (Frances A ) , works 502 N. Union; h. 30 Third av., Bv. Godden Walter F„ laundryman, rms. 11 Second av., Bv. Godfrey Frank N. (Amelia V. D.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. Godfrey I. Melvin (Maud E.), milk peddler, h. 46 Front, Bv. Godfrey Mina A., res. 119 Main, Bv. Godfrey Myra E., res. 119 Main, Bv. Godfrey Orrin W . (Frances O.), farmer, h. 119 Main, Bv. Godfrey Walter D. (Lillian D.), clothing, 164 N. Union; h. 212 S. Barry. Goebel August (Anna E.), foreman Vacuum Oil Co.; h. 128 S. Eighth. Goebel Lucy M., res. 128 S. Eighth. Goggin Mary, res. 325 N. Seventh. C O Gold Edward, boxmaker, res. 711 Wayne. | H U E m WORK TO ORDER A . Q . C O O K , W S t a l s t Gold Elizabeth H., res. 711 Wayne. I and Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction. » •517 " - »N. • <ar w •) W . S i d l e Z l Gold George (Minnie), car repairer,* h. Eighth. Gold John (Catherine), repairer, h. 711 Wayne. ^— O•" Good Goltz Gonszorowski Golden Gold John Margaret, Ada Frederick John Charles L., (Johanna), A.res. Joseph (Elizabeth), E„ wid. W., 135 foreman contractor William, (Agnes), foreman S. car Second. driver, 1409 res. laborer, P. and Buffalo; R. 28 h. builder, R. Third 28 h. shops; Third bds. 432 av., 135 N. 809 h. av., S. Bv. Tenth. 535 WSecond; .Bv. N. Sullivan. Eighth. h. do. GILLINGHAM & SON Buildillg Contir»ctor8 and Building Supply deal.e:rs.3 0 2 North Union Street. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 67 Goodell Clarinda A., wid. James, res. 418 Laurens. Goodrich Alexander L. (Julia A.), res. 18 Center, Bv. Goodrich Bert, student, res. 41 Brook, E. O. Goodrich Jesse J. (Carrie), blacksmith, h. 40 Center, Bv. Goodrich Leo C , student, res. 40 Center, Bv. Goodrich Robert E. (May), flagman, h. 18 Center, Bv. Goodrich William F. (Nellie), driller, h. 41 Brook, E. O. Goodwin Nelson S. (Agnes), wagonmaker, res. 401 E. State. G O O D W I N W I L L I A M A. (Minnie C ) , druggist and stationer, 233 N. Union; h. 134 N. Fourth. Goodz Charles (Lena), h. 19 Vine, N. O. Gordon Charles H. (Mary), piano player, h. 413 S. Third. Gould Albert, loco, engineer, bds. 217 Winters av. 3 Gould Frank A. (Lillian M.), bartender, 105 N. Union; h. 503% W . State. Gould James M., farmer, h. 116 N. Second. Gould Leone E., principal No. 5 School, Bv.; res. 116 N. Second. Gould Lillian Mrs., h. 313 Jay. Gould Lucie L., teacher No. 1 School; res. 116 N. Second. pa Gould Nathan (Mary), teamster, h. 73 River, S. O. Gould Roy M., barber, 311% N. Union; bds. 503% W . State. O* Goyt Abner H. (Lucinda R.), h. 140 Adams. Grady Alice, res. 1461 Buffalo, N. O. Grady Edward (Catherine), laborer, h. 14 Moore's rd., W . O. Grady James, laborer, res. 1461 Buffalo, N. O. CD Graham Edith A., res. 129 S. Eleventh. Graham Frederick T. (Edna A.), (The Douglas, Graham Co.), 123 N. Union; 3 h. 242 S. Barry. Graham Samuel (Nettie), boilermaker, h. 129 S. Eleventh. © Graham William J. (Minnie), laborer, h. 1209 W . Henley. a G R A N D C E N T R A L H O T E L , 314-318 N. Union; Robert Graves, prop. Grand Central Restaurant, 308 N. Union; William M. Shoemaker, prop. Grand Union Tea Co., 145 N. Union; George E. Smith, mgr. Granger Bruce E., res. 705 Irving. Granger Lucas L. (Nettie C ) , carpenter, h. 705 Irving. Grant Ellen, dressmaker, 523 N. Fourth; h. do. Grant Ellen, wid. William, res. 523 N. Fourth. Grant John F., dispatcher P. R. R., rms. 118 Hamilton. 0 H Grant John J. (Ada M.), dry goods, 314 W . State; h. do. Grant Nellie A., res. 314 W . State. Grafts Paul (Mary), laborer, h. 34 Elm, N. O. Gratz Edward R. (Barbara A.), machinist helper, res. W . State, W . O. >Gratz Theodore (Louisa), machinist, h. 118 N. Ninth. Graves Ashley T., student, res. Grand Central Hotel. 9 E Graves Beatrice M., res. Grand Central Hotel. G R A V E S R O B E R T (Mary M.), prop. Grand Central Hotel, N.ofUnion; Are the sole314-318 owners the D Uh. Nrlr>L A V E Y B R O S . Famous Olean Club Whiskey •^1311 North Union Street.ii*g Graves Charles (Elizabeth), boilermaker, h. 521 N. Fifth. GRREANickles, GAlaborer, R(Lida), E William YM.), Green Gray GGrear EYKRose, Henry Lynn John Mary Frank Charles Daniel John, Alfred Charles -see A M Ealso A. J., domestic, RD., prop. sta. (Anna), (Jennie), CIE. H., (Ella laborer, ,wid. CJ. laborer, fireman, Nmason (Catherine), F.laborer, Olean Rfarmer, res. Ures. Ifarmer, tank res. contractor, bds. T 229% House. CO., C35 h. 2,builder, 32 h. carpenter, 2Grossman res. 5 9h. 201 N. Windfall River, %Pierce Windfall N. 211 Union. h. N.h. Union. 108 Union N. 229% h. av., rd., Fourth. O. E. 137 rd., E. Wand Green. N. .Bv. N. O. Bv. O. Union. 202-204 Ninth. Laurens; George Large Stock. .. Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f T V I C D f> P ( ] ] Prices right. f t . BBST LINEB LINES IN IN TT HH EE OITY. OITY. Ll II II 1-L.M L L I I VX >JL UUUUli)i6 8 N, Union St. BHST II II Ui ctfl1 0 68 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. *> 0 +1 1 0 Charles W. (Mary), rep. Lackawanna Lumber Co.; bds. Olean House. Green *i ©51 • Green Cornelia C, wid. Marvin J., res. 113 S. Barry. >> Green George W . (Nellie M.), trav. salesman, h. 601 W . Sullivan. +il «i<lift Green Harry H., res. 108 E. Green. •e>' +" Green Jennie M., res. 108 E. Green. *i1 0 Green Josephine A., res. 108 E. Green. ;* Green Lucy, wid. Warren R., res. 24 Hoops, E. O. J-j> 0 Greenan Thomas F. (Elizabeth R.), loco, engineer h. 325 N. Ninth. 4>-i « G R E E N M A N S A N F O R D G. (Emma J.), asst. supt. Met. Life Ins. Co., 156 N. El Union; h. 109 S. Clinton. Greenwood Celia, wid. George H., h. 438 N. Eighth. Greenwood Gardner C, loco,fireman,res. 438 N. Eighth. Greenwood George E., yard clerk, res. 438 N. Eighth. >s"" Gregory Rosario, laborer, res. 604 N. First. ^ ^ Gregory Thomas (Mary), h. 604 N. First. _-> G R E Y see also GRAY. v i Grey Beulah A., wid. John, h. 311 N. Seventh. ^ Grey Fannie D., teacher, res. 311 N. Seventh. ^-^ Grey Minnie B., res. 311 N. Seventh. m Griecke August (Barbara), watchman, h. 94 Garden av., E. O. J G r i e c k e George A., laborer, res. 94 Garden av., E. O. Griffin Celia L., wid. James res. 1 6 8 % N . Union. Griffin Elizabeth, res. 725 E. State. .^J Griffin Frank, conductor, res. 15 Griffin, E. O. ^^ Griffin James (Mary), sta. engineer, h. 15 Griffin, E. O. •"» Griffin Jennie, res. 4 6 3 % N . Union. (^ Griffin John J., machinist, res. 4 6 3 % N . Union. a. Griffin Josephine Mrs., h. 725 E. State, E. O. - U Griffin Josephine I., clerk, 235 N . Union; res. 725 E . State, E . O. -•••1 Griffin Katherine, tel opr., 1 3 3 % N . Union; res. 4 6 3 % do. ^ A Griffin Kathryn R., clerk, 131 N . Union; res. 725 E. State, E. O. ^l^ Griffin Lewis D., switchman P. R. R., h. 1 6 8 % N . Union. Griffin Margaret, res. 15 Griffin, E. O. g Griffin Margaret D., res. 725 E. State, E . O. , Griffin Marie I., res. 725 E . State, E. O. _j Griffin Philip, contractor, h. 4 6 3 % N . Union. <Z Griffin Rose, tel opr., 1 3 3 % N . Union; res. 4 6 3 % do. O Griffin Thomas, res. 15 Griffin, E. O. . Griffin William, clerk, 701 E. State; res. 15 Griffin, E . O. »-* Griffith Jabez B. (Margaret), laborer, h. 8 Davis av., E . O. W_ Griffith E., molder, 133 Railroad av. V? Griffith Margaret, music teacher, res. 127 N . Barry. ^J G r o o m Eugene I., fireman, res. 509 V a n C a m p e n av. _^. G r o o m Fred, laborer, res. 509 V a n C a m p e n av. J ^ G r o o m Jesse (Ida), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 509 V a n C a m p e n av. \x Grorantz Ferdran, laborer, h. 34 Main. ""^-' Grossman Benjamin C , poultry dealer, h. 19 Osgood av., E. O. rt Grossman Charles C. (Maggie), h. 2 3 3 % N . Union. O Grossman Charles J. (Minnie), painter, h. 110 S. First. Grossman Ida, (Grossman Sisters), 302 W . State; h. do. ^J Grossman Josephine (Grossman Sisters), 3D2 W . State; h. do. *-••' Grossman M a r y (Grossman Sisters), 302 W . State; h. do. Grossman Sisters (Ida, M a r y and Josephine), bakers, 302 W . State. Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co., Ill North; B. D. Nobles, agent. _. , Grundy Ellen, wid. James, h. 22 N . River, N . O. CS4) 4> t$2jr Guay Grundy Grundy Annie John Henry James, TPeter, John, h o W., mE., aF., slaborer, tank ,res. student, res. gatherer, res.22 builder, 1312 22 res. N.. N res. Reed. .res. River, 22" River, res. 1312 N1312 . 22 NRiver, Reed. N.N .O. Reed. .O.River, N . O.N . O. B T T T A V T H D /(fo A"Kind8of 2 5 4 N. ^ . U . 1 1 \ 1 LAJJLV ^f Roofing flaterial Union St. o » OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 69 2 IToL-» Guay Phelias J. (Mary E.), currier, h. 1312 Reed. _ ^ Guenther Frederick (Mary), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 109 Coleman. 5 ^. Gugle George (Matilda), laborer, h. 316 S. Barry. W U--J Guile Blanche M., res. 225 S. Barry. 2 ^Guile Othello P. (Mary B.), driver, h. 225 S. Barry. 0 !—1 Guill Anna H., teacher Jr. High School; rms. 218 W . Sullivan. JJ '_/* Gusto Annie, student, res. r. Homer nr. Avenue A, N. O. H Gusto Michael (Mary), laborer, h. r. Homer nr. Avenue A, N. O. I Qpi Gustwick Anton (Anna), currier, h. 335 N. Seventh. -j r^ Guyley Mary Mrs., res. 404% Wayne. — Haas William (Bertha), car repairer, h. 1208 Washington. q ft) Haase August (Augusta), machinist, h. 1103 Irving. H jjHaase Charles messenger, 131 N. Union. 9 fli Haase Jacob (Catherine), mason, h. 19 Main. PI ^ J Haase Joseph R., galvanizer, res. 1103 Irving. PJ ^ Hadley Oliver N. (Eliza E.), laborer, h. 209 Railroad av., E. O. P *"J Hagan John (Orpha J.), prop. Hagan House, 612 N. Union; h. do. ~* Hager Gib, glassblower, bds. 217 Winters av. iMaa. Hagerty John W . (Laurel M.), cook, h. 3 Union pi. Jj-Sall Hahn Fred, hostler, 152 N. Union; res. 116 N. Sixth. g-j Halm Julia, wid. Jacob, h. 116 N. Sixth. aa^ ere* Haight Albert, brakeman, rms. 307 N. Union. ^ 2 Haight William J. (Alice L.), carpenter, h. 124 S. Second. Haire Margaret, teacher, res. 238 N. Third. Haithcock Jerome (Grace), paver, h. 39 Railroad av., E. O. Halbran Gertrude, student, res. 313 N. Clinton. Halbran Honore P.. bookkeeper, 264 N. Union; res. 313 N. Clinton. Halbran Jules (Harriet N.), bookkeeper\h. 313 N. Clinton. Hall Andrew J. (Fannie), driver, TJ. 304 S. Eighth. S 3 Hall Caroline, wid. Frederick, res. 816 Washington. C O Hall Edward J. (Kate), ins. agent, 303 N. Union; h. 104 N. Third. Hail Eliza, wid. John, res. 1201 W . Sullivan. Hall George E. (Mary M.), laborer, h. 1 Garden av., E. O. Hall Herbert H., laborer, res. 35 Third av., Bv. Hall Homer (Jennie), carpenter, h. 35 Third av., Bv. Hall James (Mary A.), laborer, h. 28 Prince, E. O. Hall John C. (Eveline C ) , drayman, h. 29 Garden av., E. O. Hall Mae E., res. 29 Garden av., E. O. Hall Minnie B., teacher, res. 513 N. First. Hall Norman C., car repairer, res. 48 Third av.. Bv. Hall Oliver O., car repairer, res. 48 Third av., Bv. Hall Patrick (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 87 River, N. O. CTQ Hall Ralph A. (Sarah), gardener, h. 821 E. State, E. O. Hall Sherman L., warehouseman P. R. R., h. town of Olean. Hall Truman B. (Romelia A.), car repairer, h. 48 Third av., Bv. Hallem George, laborer, bds.' 603 E. State, E. O. Haller Elizabeth, wid. Charles, h. 414 Wayne. Haller E m m a , clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 414 Wayne. Haller Frank A., hubmaker, res. 414 Wayne. Haller Kate, dressmaker, 505 N. Union; res. 316 Coleman. Haller Theresa, wid. Augustus W., h. 316 Coleman. Hallett Elizabeth G., res. 305 W . Sullivan. Halliday Edgar F. ( E m m a L.), telegrapher, res. 94 River, N. O. Halliday Freeman B. (Mary J.), h. 94 River, N. O. (Mary), 15 Alder, O. For HHalliday Halloran A L Ltle O R ASamuel William, Timothy Daniel James N ,Finest seeH. (Esther), also laborer, (Esther), (Mary HWines Olaborer, Lpumper, J.), Lres. laborer, E Rlaborer, Ar. and N h. .h. Homer, h. r.Liquors h. Homer Homer, Homer nr. E. Avenue hill, nr. hill, Avenue JN.A, N. dunlavey O.N. O.A,O.N. O. jros. ~ General I N S U R A N C E . J flLLI UUL H E L 1IMwli K E RIfl & P IA RT I R I D GOnly E Reliable Companies Represented Id jjj 70 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY h V I- Halpin Thomas, currier, bds. 333 N. Tenth. Halstead James A. (Mamie C ) , clerk, 139 N. Union; h. 214 S. Clinton. | 3 Halsted _ Thomas _ _ J., » clerk, - 129 . N..Union; - h..2 Center, Bv. Caroline, operative, res. . State. U J |_ Halter Louise, operative, res. 508508 W .W State. fluQ 10 Halter (Frances), saloon, W . State; h. 414 508 S. do.Union. Halwig William Frank (Clara), waiter, 308 504 N. Union; rms. z Hamaster Henry, laborer, bds. 7 Center, Bv. 5 H a m b y Clark T., bricklayer, res. 711 W . Sullivan. H a m b y Mary Mrs., res. 711 W . Sullivan. 2 H A M E L J O H N J. REV., rector St. Mary of the Angels R. C. Church, h. 118 q W . Henley. H a m e r Charles L. (Anna), sta. fireman, h. 46 Avenue A, N. O. H a m e r William J. (Catherine F.), painter, h. 418 N. Eighth. Hamilton Bertha, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 5 Pond, E. O. Hamilton Blanchard E. (Maggie), decorator, 111 E. Green; h. do. Hamilton Florence A., laundress, h. 110 W . Sullivan. Hamilton Frank H., carpenter, res. 310 Coleman. Hamilton Fred C , stationary fireman, 430 N. Union; res. 115 E. Green. Hamilton George H., helper, res. 310 Coleman. Hamilton John C. (Frances H.), loco, engineer P. R. R., bds. Hotel Snyder. Hamilton Marvin N. (Anna), mason, h. 115 E. Green. Hamilton Nellie, res. 310 Coleman. Hamilton Oscar W . (Mary H.), h. 604 W . Henley. Hamilton Samuel C. (Lucina), carpenter, h. 310 Coleman. Plamilton William H. (Lottie), laborer, h. 5 Pond, E. O. H a m m Carl J., clerk Vacuum Oil Co. • H a m m o n d Lewis B. (Floy), prop. Homestead House, 323 N. Union; h. do. H a m m o n d Niles J. (Olive), switchman, h. 821 Buffalo. H a m u d George, laborer, h. 453 N. Union. H a m u d Rastoum, laborer, res. 453 N. Union. Hancox Frances E., wid. Ninian I., h. 117 S. Clinton. Handley Etta, domestic, 120 S. Clinton. ^ Handley Thomas J. (Kate), locomotive engineer, h. 318 N. Fifth. • Hanekey William, locomotive engineer, bds. 614 Wayne. ^ > | Haney John A. (Lucy), stillman, h. 1106 W . Sullivan. ^ * 5 Hanley Andrew, snapper, res. 511 N. Fifth. \ J Hanley Margaret, wid. John, h. 36 Walnut, N. O. ^•^ Hanley Patrick, laborer, h. 511 N. Fifth. _ Hannifan Agnes E., res. 1304 W . State. * J r t Hannifan Celia, bookkeeper, 1302 W . State; res. 1304 do. ' ^ ^ r Hannifan George M., bookkeeper Erie freight depot, res. 330 Coleman. Hannifan Gertrude, dressmaker, res. 330 Coleman. + / f \ Hannifan Johanna, wid. Maurice, h. 330 Coleman. V J Hannifan John A., clerk, 1302 W . State; res. 1304 do. ' Hannifan Michael J. (Bridget), h. 1304 W . State. Hannifan Katherine, clerk, res. 330 Coleman. «_ • Hannifan Michael J. (Bridget), wagonmaker, h. 1304 W . State. ^ L - J Hannifan Thomas F., clerk, 1302 W . State; res. 1304 do. «•••* Hannifan William P. (Catherine), grocer, 1302 W . State; h. 136 S. Eleventh. ,l-paa* REPAIRING *^4••••• ftC^Jl^\ mb^5J-^1VJ^WHEN m Hannon Hannigan Hannon YOUR Call Frank, John James Edward John, James, James, Eugene MJames Josephine Edward aSHOES yat J.laborer, E., C. laborer, res. (Margaret), J., I. gauger, 512 V. (Carrie student, (Mary), bartender (Estella 530 NEED M., (Susan res. w. res. N. student, h. A.), res. Fifth. oil 530 At state 95 M.), 530 gauger, M.), Olean stationary operator, River, N. 95 florist, N. G. res. boilermaker, Fifth. Fifth. River, h. House. COOK'S street. 95 N.615 h. River, O. engineer, N.W307 Oregon .O. Henley. h. N. 5Union. O. h. rd., Garden 118 S. N. O.av., Eighth. E. O. l1tLIIVtn W Fire, life and 3 0 T Accident i M I n l U b t t INSURANCE, MasonkTemple OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 71 Hannon Mary, domestic, 305 N. Second. > ^» Hannon Mary, wid. John, res. 218 S. Fifth. ^a/* Hannon Michael (Mary), laborer, h. 530 N. Fifth. Hannon Thomas J. (Hattie J.), roofer, h. 132 S. Eleventh. H Hannon William, telegrapher, res. 530 N. Fifth. Hannon William F. (Mary), laborer, h. 1310 W . Sullivan. Hanover Aurilla F., res. 1208 Reed. mmM Hanover Henry U. (Hattie M.), treas. Acme Glass Co., N. O.; h. 1208 Reed. aaaaal Hanrahan John (Catherine), farmer, h. River rd., S. O. »bm^ Hanrahan Julia, h. 62 Queen, E. O. aaaaa) Hansen Frank,finisher,res. 513 W . State. Hansen Frederica, wid. Fred, h. 513 W . State. Hansen William, laborer, res. 513 W . State. ^^_^ Hanson Florence E., wid. Charles, teacher No. 3 School, res. 710 W . Sullivan. ^ ^ ^ Hanson Helen T., res. 710 W . Sullivan. g J Hanson Peter (Alma S.), car repairer, h. 1208 Washington. JJ^ Happell Alexander (Anna F.), tailor, h. 609 Irving. ^^^ Happell Arthur A., res. 609 Irving. * * Happell James M., res. 609 Irving. ^^V Harbeck Arthur W., res. 1214 Reed. ••••• Harbeck Charles E. (Lillie A.), carpenter, h. 1214 Reed. ••"•• Hardel Charles (Sophia), laborer, h. 1115 W . Henley. 1 Hardel Henry, res. 1115 W . Henley. Hardel Libbie, res. 1115 W . Henley. part Hardin Sherman W . (Mary), lineman, res. 511 N. Fifth. ^3v Harkins Henry C , stonemason, res. 702 W . Sullivan. Saw Harkness George, molder, 133 Railroad av. ^L^aV Harmon Robert F., galvanizer, bds. 16 Fourth av., Bv. aaaa* H A R R I E S WILLIAM A., physician, 204 W . Sullivan; rms. do., bds. Olean ^ 2 House. ^™* Harrington Agnes, tailoress, 243 N. Union; res. 32 N. Washington, N. O. S?C Harrington Anna, bookkeeper, 152 N. Union; res. 32 N. Washington, N. O. *^^ Harrington Dennis (Johanna), laborer, h. 32 N. Washington, N. O. Harrington James (Julia), stationaryfireman,h. 24 Homer, N. O. O Harrington Julia, domestic, 130 N. Barry. *4 Harrington Kate, cook Hotel Imperial. g Harrington Kathryn, music teacher, res. 32 N. Washington, N. O. fi Harris Almon C. (Mary), laborer, h. 11 Brook, E. O. g Harris John D. (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 215 S. Second. > Harris Joseph (Dora), junk dealer, h. 214 W . Green. i*. Harris Julius M. (Mollie), jeweler and pawnbroker, 252 N. Union; h. 138 Fulton. Harris Mabel, res. 413 S. Third. ^g3 Harris Margaret M., res. 132 S. Eleventh. ~ ~ Harrison Charles E., switchman, h. 17 River, S. O. Harrison Fannie, wid. Albert, nurse, res. 24 Third av., Bv. t/1 (\ Harrison Josephine A., res. 17 River, S. O. C f> Harrison Mary E., res. 209 S. Fifth. ?0 TJ Harrison William H. (Clara E.), h. 209 S. Fifth. 'V £j Harsch Edward C. (Ada), laborer, h. 118 River, N. O. P S Hart Anna T., tel. operator, 209 Masonic Temple; res. 408 N. Eighth. £* [_, Hart D ^ Charles,'gauger, A V E Y s res. B 408 R ON. Eighth. S . * L | — , ^ s Hart Helen L., student, res. 408 N. Eighth. Hart John, gauger, res. 408 N. Eighth. Hart Mary M., stenographer, 20 Exchange Bank bldg.; res. 408 N. Eighth. Hart Harten Hartman Hartnett Twelfth. Matthew Henry Lottie Lizzie, Henry Conrad E„ F., F.domestic, (Anna H. (Catherine dressmaker, carrier, (Katherine), M.).116 res. merch. T.), Laurens. res. 1009 railroad merchant 1009 tailor, W . WHenley. . conductor, 147% Henley. tailor, N. 219% Union; h. 408 N.h. N. Union; 115 Eighth. S.h. Seventh. 112 S. Men's Fine Shoes p. E. T Y L E R & CO. S e S * o * Stetson, Burt & Packard 158 North Union Street. and other good lines • i i i -g 72 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. © ' U Hartz Albert, res. 1005 W . Sullivan. Z£ Hartz Fannie Mrs., h. 77 Oak, N. O. C/J Hartz Frank, laborer, res. 1005 W . Sullivan. Q Q Q) Hartz Herman, res. 1005 W . Sullivan. O - p Hartz Joseph M., clerk, 154 N. Union; res. 1005 W . Sullivan. (S Hartz Theodore, helper, res. 519 N. Sixth. pr» +? Hartz Thedore D. (Ida), pipefitter,h. 519 N. Sixth. ^ W. Hartz Theresa, wid. Henry, h. 1005 W . Sullivan. _p Hartz William F., butcher, 801 W . State; bds. do. 85 Harvey A. Frank (Anna B.), (Harvey k, English), 103 N. Union; h. do. Q) Harvey Adah, res. 73 Garden av., E. O. K. Harvey Eliza C, teacher No. 4 School, res. 73 Garden av., E. O. j> H A R V E Y G E O R G E R. REV. (Emeline), pastor People's M. E. Church, h. 73 Garden av., E. O. >s Harvey Moses, student, res. 73 Garden av., E. O. Harvey & English (A. Frank Harvey and John J. English), saloon, 103 N. Union. Harvison Mae C , clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 45 Water, N. O. Harvison Robert G., motorman, res. 45 Water, N. O. Harvison Thomas J. (Katie A.), switchman P. R. R., h. 118 Whitney av. > - J Harvison William (Catherine), foreman, h. 45 Water, N. O. Harvison William A., switchtender, res. 45 Water, N. O. Haskins E. Vernon (Bertha), weighmaster P. R. R., h. N. Clinton. Hassett Arthur, laborer, res. 413 W . Green. Hassett John B. (Mary), laborer, h. 301 W . Green. Hassett John B. Jr., plumber, res. 301 W . Green. w Hassett Margaret B., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 301 W . Green. Hassett Michael B., teacher No. 5 School, Bv.; res. 301 W . Green. Hassett Timothy (Mary), police captain, City Hall; h. 413 W . Green. HASTINGS A L L E N J. (Clara A.), (Cary, Rumsey & Hastings), and City Attorney, 22-23 Exchange Bank bldg.; h. 212 N. Fourth. Hastings Clarence D. (Laura B.), clerk, 236 N. Union; h. 120 N. Fourth. Hastings Fred B. (Jennie G.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. Hastings Loren S., res. 212 N. Fourth. < Hatch Fred S. (Grace M.), Hatch & Rumsey), 609 E. State; h. 70 Bishop, E. O. HI Hatch & Rumsey (Fred S. Hatch and Emmett D. Rumsey), druggists t.nd grocers, 609 E. State, E. O. rHatfield Joseph J. (Helen Mardell), barber, 120 N. Union; h. 126 N. Third. o Hatfield Kittie, res. 126 N. Third. c Hathaway Alta I., teacher, res. 61 Spring, E. O. Hathaway Daniel K. (Susie A.), gardener, h. 61 Spring, E. O. U_ Hathaway Frances A., h. 76 Bishop, E. O. Hathaway Frank F., driver, 260 N. Union; res. 76 Bishop, E. O. Hathaway Ina A., teacher, res. 61 Spring, E. O. Hathaway Irma E., laundress, 112 W . Sullivan; res. 61 Spring, E. O. LiHathaway Mary, res. 25 Prince, E. O. Haugh Chester P., studenE, res. 611 N. Union. Haugh James M., prop. Railroad House, 405 N. Union; h. do. n H A U G H M I C H A E L J. (Margaret A.), bottler and ice dealer, 611 N. Union; 0 h. do. Fire. Brick and Clay Q CZA r H A V E N S J A M E S H. (Helen L.), plumber, gas and steamfitter,113 Wi£,vrr . State; Building D h. . 319 U Laurel T d av. T L O R Blocks and Sewer Tile, N. Union St. Havens Louis, plumber, 113 W . State; rms. 125 do. 0 Hay Havens Margaret wid. Charles W., h. 121 S. Barry. Hawley Hayden H A YWELThomas SE,YWillard Rena, Martin Eugene see , see also R., clerk, M. also Wclerk, H.L., clerk, A(Susie (Kittie AH149 SOEL148 .N. L158 YJ.), W.), Union; N. . N. freight Union; Union; printer, res.handler bds. 61 rms. 241 King, 414 N. 128 P. WUnion; E. . E. R.State. Henley, O. R., h. h. 61 do. bds. King, Olean E. O. House. B l l I Ui T A Y I (ID Buiider8' Supplies, Coal and W o o d CO o InlLUIl 254 North Union Street. c > OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 73 30 TJ CO 1 Hayes Albert, marblecutter, bds. 117 S. Barry. Hayes James (Minnie E.), currier, h. 1016 W . State. * • Hayes John, laborer, h. 422 N. Seventh. Haynes Lloyd C. (Dora L.), res. 114 N. First. 22 *2 p ° Haynes Mary A. Mrs., res. 309 N. First. Hazelton , student, bds. 211 S. Union. o o Healy Michael (Maggie), boilermaker, h. 518 N. Seventh. o o Hearons Anna A., clerk, 233 N. Union; bds. 134 N Fourth. o o R e a m Joseph P., photographer, 1121 W . State; h. do k Heath Eugene E., rms. 309 N. Union. Heberle Edward J., res. 1110 W . Sullivan. Heberle Fred P., clerk, 117 N. Union; res. 1110 W . Sullivan. Heberle John J., bookkeeper First National Bank, res. 1110 W . Sullivan. Heberle Joseph A., driver, h. 1110 W . Sullivan. Heberle Nellie, res. 1110 W . Sullivan. GO Heck Annie, res. 1506 W . Henley. Heck Frederick, laborer, res. 1506 W . Henley. Heck Margaret, wid. Henry, h. 1506 W . Henley. Heck Henry Jr., laborer, res. 1506 W . Henley. Hederi Joseph N., dry goods, notions and jewelry, 445 N. Union; bds. 202 Whitney av. >• Heeney Patrick (Maria), laborer, h. 117 River, N. O. Heher Mary, domestic, 231 N. Second. Heilman Frances, res. 136 N. Sixth. Heilman John (Laftra A.), mgr. Olean Livery Co.. 140 N. Union; h. 136 N. Sixth. Hein Frederick, watchmaker, 503 W . State; rms. do. Heitzinger John H. (Hannah E.), tailor, 154 N. Union; h. 223 N. Seventh. ) 1 Helb Emil G., res. 117 W . Green. J Helb George (Amelia), laborer, h. 117 W . Green. Helb Julia A., res. 117 W . Green. Helb Selma, bookkeeper, 154 N. Union; res. 117 W . Green. H E L I K E R A L B E R T J. (Frances E.), mgr. Olean Bottling Works, 412 N, t d Union, and (Heliker & Patridge), 307 Masonic Temple; h. 41 Main, Bv. Heliker Clark R., res. 41 Main, Bv. H E L I K E R & P A T R I D G E (Albert J. Heliker and William M. Patridge), general insurace, 307 Masonic Temple. (See adv., top lines.) Heller Catherine, seamstress, res. 316 Coleman. W Heller Egidus J. (Anna J.), loco, engineer P. R. R.; h. 509 N. Fourth. Heller George J. (Margaret), machinist, h. 312 Coleman. Heller Joseph (Anna), loco, engineer P. R. R.; h. 501 N. Fifth. Heller Mary, milliner, re's. 316 Coleman. l ^ Heller Theresa, wid. Augustus, h. 316 Coleman. ^^*" Heller William (Anna), carpenter, h. 422 N. First. 'T . Hellwege Elizabeth, domestic, 108 South; res. 116 N. Ninth. Hellwege Fred L. (Carrie C ) , driller, h. 120 S. Seventh. Hellwege Henry (Annie), laborer, h. 1405 W . Henley. Hellwege Henry Jr., laborer, res. 1405 W . Henley. w Hellwege J. Fred (Rose M.), driller, h. 116 N. Ninth. Helmer Addie Mrs., res. 502 N. Ninth. , , Helmer Lena, res. 502 N. Ninth. C J Helvigh Charles ( Lena), h. 1205 Washington. ±—M Helvigh George, laborer, res. 1205 Washington. • JLJ Helvigh Harry, helper, res. 1205 Washington. Henne H UUI1IBVGV Hemmelman Hendryx Helwic Henderson I man. Q Wholesale August, Alfred Lottie Herbert Charles Edna Charles DlOSi B. laborer, M., (Ada), Cand J,compositor, E. .,motorman, H.res. (Agnes Retail Liquor bds. laborer, (Adelle 201% 115 E.), 311 rms. bds. E.), S. N. h. Dealers, sta. Fifth. -^{ 501 Eleventh. carpenter, 612 210 engineer, N.N.Seventh. Union. First. N. h.301 201% Union W . N. Henley; Eleventh. Street h. 105 " Cole- L, £/«*,. ^ i^^^ m,J ^^ m'*^ ^ F O O T W E A R * F . E . T Y L E R fr C 2 . ' S g OF ALL KINDS, at 158 NORTH UNION STREET. Jg . 74 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CO >as Henneman Edward, tank builder, res. 1126 N. Union, N. O. Henneman Jacob P., clerk, 1126 N. Union; res. do. N. O. Henneman John (Magdalene), prop. City Exchange Hotel, 1126 N. Union; +- < h. do., N. O. 2 |j Henneman Joseph (Bessie), driver, h. 90 Pine, N. O. 5 O Henneman Laura, student, res. 1126 N. Union, N. O. Henneman William, carpenter, res. 1126 N. Union, N. O. q Hennessy Dennis (Marcella), tanner, h. 131 Fulton. CM Hennessy James J. (Catherine E.), boilermaker, h. 517 N. Seventh. Hennessy Martin J., bookkeeper, 184 N. Union; res. 131 Fulton. Hennessy Patrick, cooper, res. 517 N. Seventh. _ •*» Henrietta James (Margaret), stationaryfireman,h. 31 Johnson, N. O. ^ H Henry Carrie E., principal Jr. High School, rms. 312 N. Third. V tmd Henry Charles (Martha), laborer, h. Hinsdale rd., Bv. V O Henry James, mason, bds. 309 Coleman. £ Henry Martha Mrs., h. 517 N. Union. + W Henry May I., res. 517 N. Union. Henry Rose, waitress Olean House. Hepker Elizabeth, clerk, res. 432 N. First. Herold Albert, messenger W . U. Tel Co., res. 125 S. Seventh. — Herold John (Eva C ) , mason, h. 125 S. Seventh. ^ Herrington Charles, barber, 130 N. Union; bds. 124 N. Fifth. O Herrmann Christina L., wid. Emil F., h. 124 S. Twelfth. O Herron Dana R. (Genevieve),florist,W . State, W . O.; h. do. Y-m Herron Frank W . (Minnie A.), bookkeeper Producers' Gas Co., h. 704 E. Uaarf State. E. O. ' A Herron Michael J. (Minnie M.), laborer, h. 21 Center, Bv. Herse Robert (Ellen), carpenter, h. 106 N. Third. Herse William, carpenter, res. 106 N. Third. —_ Hewitt George H., baggagemaster Erie depot, bds. American House, N. 0. LJ" Hewitt Irving P., emp. Chemical Works, res. 204 W . Sullivan. ,1^3 H E W I T T M A R I O N MRS., manicure and hairdresser, 145% N. Union; h. do. ^' ' (See adv. front cover.) ( V ; H E W I T T W A S H I N G T O N I. (Annie E.), physician and surgeon, 204 W . SulltP"••*, van, h. do; office hours, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 5 to 7 p. m. Union 'phone, 340; Bell 'phone 60. Heysel George, glassblower, res. 125 N. Third. Heysel Philip J. (Jennie), traveling salesman, h. 125 N. Third. Hibbard DeVere M. (Mary E.), physician, 128 S. Union; h. do. Hibbard Marie E., res. 128 S. Union. Hickey Anna M., res. 532 N. Eighth. Hickey Catherine, res. 58 Oak, N. O. Hickey Eugene, laborer, re. 58 Oak, N. O. Hickey James, laborer, res. 58 Oak, N. O. Hickey John M., molder, res 532 N.' Eighth. Hickey Patrick (Ann), laborer, h. 58 Oak, N. O. Hickey Robert E., plumber; 113 W . State; res. 532 N. Eighth. Hickey Robert S. (Ellen), pipefitter, h. 532 N. Eighth. Hickey William J., plumber, 184 TST. Union; res. 532 N. Eighth. Higby Frank F. (Marea), tooldresser, h. 118 S. Tenth. Higby William L. (Annie M.), oil operator, h. 1116 W . Henley. Higgins A., carpenter, bds. 140 S. Elventh. Higgins Adlmer O. (Margaret K.), clerk, h. 315% N. Union. Higgins Carl A., student, res. 315% N. Union. HIGGINS F. W . & CO. (Frank W . Higgins and Charles W . Smith), grocers, ITlL 25* IM. Higgins HIGGINS h. Union 120126 and Higgins TAYLOR N. Harry, 701 F F. South. RUnion. & E. Street. W A Co.) N .State. res. K& Wand CO. 126 . H(O. (Frank MILLS O South. N T. * . (Kate Higgins KINQS WAND . CHiggins), ) ,&CEILINGS. WINDSOR State Son),general Senator, office PLASTER 302-303 stores, pine Masonic land 925-927 andTemple; Buffalo, (F. W . CO GILLINGHAM & SON, jj Builders'Supplies and 302 North Union Street. » Contracting. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. — ^ >Q 2 f- 75 Higgins Josephine, res. 126 South. Higgins Kate, domestic, 104 South. HIGGINS O. T. & SON (Frank W.), general store, 1101 N. Union; Dexter W. Seely, mgr. Hiler Charles (Clara F.), lumberman, h. 26 King, E. O. Hiler Laura A., res. 26 King, E. O. Hiler Luella E., shirtmaker, res. 26 King, E. O. Hiler Orpha J., dressmaker, res. 26 King, E. O. Hiler Wildrick C, barber, res. 26 King, E. O. Hill Anna Mrs., res. 520 W . State. Hill Devla, res. 117 N. Fourth. Hill Edith J., res. 228 N. Seventh. Hill Edna, domestic, 212 N. Third. Hill E m m a M., laundress, res. 1320 W . State. Hill Frank (Mabel), driver, h. 424 N. Tenth. Hill Harry H. (Emma C ) , laborer, h. 88 Union, S. O. Hill Jennie, domestic, 113 N. Third; res. 1320 W . State. Hill Lucy domestic, res. 1320 W . State. Hill Mary, wid. Francis, h. 1320 W . State. Hill Sarah A., wid. George, h. 607 Irving. Hill William B. (Frances H.), cashier P. R. R., Railroad av.; h. 723 E. State, E. O. Hill William R. (Nellie J.), machinist, h. 228 N. Seventh. Hilliard Belford B. (Lucetta M.), glass finisher, h. 212 N. First. Hilliard Oakford D., snapper, res. 212 N. First. Hills Fred M. (Kate F.), clerk, h. 912 W . State. Hillyer Benjamin, gasfitter, bds. 205 Adams. Hillyer Charles L., res. 321 Tompkins. Hilton H. Louisa, wid. Sylvester B., h. 312 N. Fifth. Hines Margaret Mrs., h. 28 Pine, N. O. Hines Michael, lineman, res. 28 Pine, N. O. Hines Stanley, laborer, bds. 810 N. Union, N. O. Hinman Henry G. (Amelia M.), laborer, h. 87 Garden av., E. O. Hinton E m m a , wid. William, h. 211 N. Sixth. Hirchert Pauline C, embroidery and stamping, 143% N. Union; res. do. Hirlimann Albert (Margaret), laborer, h. 119 N. Thirteenth. Hirlimann August (Hattie), car repairer, h. 1302 W . Sullivan. Hirlimann John (Annie), car repairer, h. 140 N. Twelfth. Hitchcock Ebenezer (Mary), farmer, h. McCann hollow, S. O. Hitchcock Flavel (Jennie), farmer, h. McCann hollow, S. O. Hoberman Catherine, wid. John, res. 230 N. Third. Hodge Charles, plasterer, bds. 116 S. Eighth. Hodges Bertha L., wid. Thomas J., h. 305 N. Thirteenth. Hodges Fred B. (Frances P.), granite cutter, h. 212 S. Fifth, Hodges Lorenzo E. (Mary E.), painter, h. 125 N. Eighth. Hodges Marshall J., helper, 184 N. Union; res. 305 N. Thirteenth. Hofacker Ludwig (Louise), machinist, h. W . State, W . O. Hoffman John, res. 139 N. Eleventh. *£ Hoffman Hoffmire Hogan Hogan. Hoffmann WINES Finest James David John, James, Catherine Gertrude, L. John Margaret, Lawrence EGeorge Frank mB., mAND glassblower, laborer, (Nellie), F., alaborer, (Anna), switchman *Mrs., L., (Ida), h. res. (Mary), LIQUORS domestic, (Katherine), 37teacher h. res. 37 farmer, oil res. Spruce, baker, "1217 Spruce, res. —laborer, producer, P. 108 C37 ares. WR. No. 37 "1120 h. .Spruce, N. N. DUNLAVEY R., car on Sullivan. Spruce, McCann 6 Sixth. 139 N. O. h. WSchool, bds. repairer, h. O. .N. 1036 N. State; 224 Eleventh. Hotel N. hollow, O. E. N. res. O.h. BROS., h. Fourth. State, Imperial. 311 139 224 do. S.IM. N. N. O. E.Eleventh. Union Fourth. O. *£ Street. H © ffyQ ^. ^. raw7 C5 u A 2*3 *^'~ ^ ""J T) !> >•=1-J 2 S ,< g » \-\ Z •-3 a o <i fcl o o WrJS* -zrX JS rj f33J* T 512! •»• ;£. g££"^ •» f/j 2pjp m < DO YOU NEED AN EDUCATION ? f n I F I M M * M « f f i J S S B a « •g . Li Ui LLHUII. „ Correspondence Schools, J • £ £ ^ 76 as •* 9 r •g t» 5 *j * H ^ ^ ^ © Jj H ^ C O « _ LlUi UlllUll) S C R A N T O N . PENN'A. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. ' ~ . Hogan John D., clerk, res. 224 N. Fourth. Hogan Lucy A., res. 224 N. Fourth. Hogan Margaret, res. 37 Spruce, N. O. Hogan Margaret, wid. Patrick, h. 108 N. Sixth. Hogan Margaret E., res. 224 N. Fourth. Hogan Nellie, res. 224 N. Fourth. Hogan William A., driller, res. 224 N. Fourth. Holbrook Michael (Kate), laborer, h. 27 Maple, N. O. Holcomb Charles C. (Lillian M.), roller, h. 143 Railroad av., E. O. Holcomb Robert S. (Caroline), h. 140 Railroad av. E. O. Holcomb Wallie A. (Catherine), roller, h. 79 Bishop, E. O. Holden Alice H., teacher No. 3 School, bds. 213 E. Henley. H O L D E N F O X (N. Helen), supt. schools, office, No. 3 school, E. State cor. N. Barry; h. 221 N. Second. Holdman Charlotte, wid. Oliver, res. 112 S. Second. Hollander Abram, hides, 309 W . State; rms. 114 N. First. Hollander Andrew F. (Maud), glass packer, h. 1301 W . Sullivan. Hollander Daniel, leather inspector, res. 95 Railroad av., E. 0. ^•^ Hollander Frank, laborer, res. 95 Railroad av., E. O. , Hollander Wolfgang (Margaret), laborer, h. 95 Railroad av., E. O. Hollenbeck George (Mary E.), farmer, h. Pleasant valley, N. O. H O L L E R A N , see also H A L L O R A N . Holleran John L. (Mary A.), furniture, 465 N. Union; h. do. Holleran Tillie M., bookkeeper, 465 N. Union; res. do. Holliday Elijah F. (Barbara), foreman, 509 N. First; h. 16 Pond, E. O. Holliday Marsalie G., res. 16 Pond, E. O. Holliday William F., student, res. 16 Pond, E. O. G / 3 Hollister Gertrude, res. 708 Washington. Hollister H. Dell baker, 120 N. Union. H O L L Y , see also H A W L E Y . Holly Frank E. (Ella),finisher,res. 83 River, S. O. m. Holly Hannah, res. 83 River, S. O. C / S Holly Lewis (Elizabeth), laborer, h. River rd., S. O. « Holly Sarah D., wid. Daniel, h. 83 River, S. O. Holmes Earl D. (Florence M.) bookkeeper, 155 N. Union; h. 311 N. Sixth. ^ ^ ^ Holmes Elba D. (Catherine L.), carpenter, h. 1214 Irving. ^ — Holmes Mark M., clerk Exchange National Bank, res. 1214 Irving. £^™ Holmes Mary J., wid. James T., res. 1504 Irving. ^ 3 Holmes Ralph C , bookkeeper, res. 1214 Irving. _ i Holmes William K. (Blanche), h. 1005 W . Henley. IJSl^ Homan George, laborer, bds. 10 Main, Bv. Homer Eugene A. (Anna), h. 305 Laurens. » Homer James M. (Hattie B.), brick paver, res. 310 N. First. «•' Homer Sarah A., wid. Samuel R., h. 310 N. First. O Homer William A. (Blanche), loco,fireman,h. 606 Washington. ^ ^ 3 Homestead House, 323 N. Union; Lewis B. Hammond, prop. H O O K E R G E O R G E W . (Fanny L.), mgr. Vacuum Oil Co., h. 218 N. Fourth. ^B| Hooker L. Eugene, bookkeeper, 1409 Buffalo; res. Portville, N. Y. * " C I Hooper Angus M. (Mary), carriage striper, h. 713 W . Sullivan. Hooper Henry C. (Sarah J.), h. 503 N. Eighth. Hooper Luceba C. Mrs., res. 27 Second av., Bv. J W Hoover Charles J., farmer, res. 312 N. Thirteenth. Hoover Margaret Mrs., h. 312 N. Thirteenth. HENop2I£,Mr0ESn H Hornblower Hornbeck Horan Hopkins Hoover o m S. e Fred Second. John Timothy Carrie Silas, Francis Earl Ktir JWilliam, (Elizabeth), ., M., M., driver, clerk (Mary N,EED AIKIINU, P. wid. barber, (Leila car P. John A.), rss. R. Acurrier, measurer, M.), currier, R„ 461 312 P., <*• call res. N. N. currier h.h. Union; 1125 Thirteenth. 216 COOK'S bds. h. at 216 114 N. American WN. 204 .Eleventh. res. N. Henley. Eleventh. Coleman. Fourth. 509 Hide Irving. R1!f & w. Leather STaTE Co., STreet. h. 130 RILEY & Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce Cigars and Tobaccos, W A N D S 301-305 NORTH UNION STREET. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 77 3 g n„ Horner William (Mary E.), (William Horner & Co.), 136-138 N. Union; h. 219 <s • N. Third. S1 S H O R N E R WILLIAM & CO. (William Horner and Ernest R. Baker) clothing, 1Z -•< and men's furnishings, 134-136 N. Union. ' ar t Hornish John L. (Myrtie), laborer, bds. 414 W . State. oS3=2 Hornsby Edwin, tailor, rms. 135 N. Barry. Horsfull William I. (Mary E.), cashier Empire Line, h. 203 N. Clinton Horton George S. (Susan), mason, h. 105 N. Eighth. Horton Irvin (Ella G.), bricklayer, h. 114 N. Twelfth. Horton Martha, court stenographer, 107 N. Union; res. 105 N Eighth Horton Stephen (Sophia), laborer, h. 18 Hoops, E. O. Hotchkiss Collins H. (Mary), janitor, h. 50 Pine, N. O. Hotchkiss Evrel O. (Dora M.), motorman, h. 122 S. Sixth. Hotchkiss Milton V. (Amelia), clerk P. R. R., h. 113 S. Tenth. Hotel Capitol, 112 W . State; E. H. Templeton, prop. H O T E L IMPERIAL, 104 S. Union; E. H. Vaughan, prop Hotel Snyder, 402-404 N. Union; E. W . Very, prop Houd Isabel, res. 513 N. Ninth. Houd John M. (Mary), laborer, h. 513 N. Ninth. Houghton John W . (Ella), letter carrier p. o., h. 212 S. Clinton. House Bluker A. (Jane A.), laborer, h. 112% S. Third. House Charles R„ deliveryman, res. 121 N. Twelfth. House Minnie M., operative, res. 121 N. Twelfth. House William M. (Mary M.), car repairer, h. 121 N. Twelfth. Housknecht Herman E. (Martha E.), laborer, h. 802 Reed. Housman Carrie, res. 7 Center, Bv. Housman James C. (Sarah), laborer, h. 7 Center, Bv. Hovey George L. (Augusta L.), livery and stale stables, 160 N. Union; h. 309 N. Clinton. Howard Arthur J. (Belle), linotype operator, 107 North; h. 203% N. Clinton. Howard Byron (Mabel), lumberman, h. Steam valley, S. O. Howard Elmira Mrs., domestic, 508 W . Sullivan. Howard John (Margaret), hostler, rms. 327 Whitney av. Howard Samuel (Alice), clerk, 413 N. Union; h. 134 S. Second. Howe Hezekiah (Sophia), res. 314 S. Third. H o w e Owen, foreman J. G. Wilson's, N. O. H o w e William, bds. 527 N. Union. H o w e William, pipefitterVacuum Oil Co., bds. 38 N. Washington, N. O. Howell Delia Mrs., dressmaker, 242% N. Union; h. do. Howell L. Frank, student, res. 242% N. Union. Howell William A. (Delia), laborer, h. 242% N. Union. Howlett Frank D. (Elizabeth J.), printer, 215 Union; h. E. State, E. O. Hubabrd Arthur C. (Helen), heading turner, h. 7 Bishop, E. O. Hubbard Charles S. (Luella K.), farmer, h. 32 Queen, E. O. Hubbard Clara L., res. 32 Queen, E. O. Hubbard Edward S., res. 32 Queen, E. O. Hubbard Florence M., res. 32 Queen, E. O. Hubbard Franklin B., laborer, res. 32 Queen, E. O. Hubbard Frederick B. (Edith A.), loco,fireman,h. 431 N. Seventh. »**a H U B B A R D W A L T E R S. (Ethel B.), lawyer, room 4 City Hall; h. 216 N. First, '^gt Hubbard William J. (Sadie G.), farmer, h. 805 Reed. •"" Hubbell Alice, domestic, 304 N. Clinton. • Hubbell Bishop B., h. 26 Main, Bv. Hubbell E m m a E., res. 26 Main, Bv. •• Hubbell Horace C. (Lizzie), lumberman, h. 19 Third av., Bv. p H Huff dunlavey Huber Huff Kenneth G. Priscilla, Stephen Edward are Margaret, William, Wesley the sole R., E., P., bros. wid. (Millie), laborer, owners leather laborer, res. wid. Thomas, 241 of Matthias, Famous the splitter, bds. sta. Adams. res. res. engineer, 228 607h.241 River, res. Irving. Olean 320 Adams. 241 S. 210 S. Seventh. Adams. S. O. Club Barry;Whiskey. h. 241 Adams. J'*.&. Street. •='o»: oe. j •*s j -oo £> n.z m The Best Shoes in the City p# £ . T Y L E R — ABB SOLD BY 168 North Union Street. C 78 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. ~ & CO., Hughes Don E., res. 112 W. Green. 1 Hughes James H. (Lucretia A.), oil producer, h. 112 W . Green. •• Hughes John J. (Mary), switchman P. R. R., h. 112 N. Sixth. Hughes Lillie, domestic, 323 W . State. "•" Hughes Orra L. C, res. 310 S. Barry. (^ Hughes Silas A. (Ermeda), barber, 301 N. Union; h. 426 N. First. Hull Eugene S. (Addie L.), grocer, 236 N. Eighth; h. 234 do. Hull Frank L. (Edith), teacher, h. 114 Irving. Hull Ira V. (Eliza M.), h. 813 W . Sullivan. ^ Humes Grace E., res. 234 N. Third. •" Humes Nellie E., res. 234 N. Third. Humes Robert, res. 234 N. Third. (0 „j Humphrey Delia Mrs., domestic, 1002 W . State. g H U M P H R E Y FRED B. (Janet B.), mgr. National Transit Co., 24 Exchange u Bank bldg,; h. 226 N. Second. 25 Humphrey Grace, res. 226 N. Second. a Humphrey James M. (Agnes), pumper, h. 136 N. Third. O w *i Hunt Burt (Anna), trav. salesman, h. 230 S. Clinton. A] -2 Hunt Delia, dressmaker, rms. 307 E. State. o *° Hunt Ernest A. (Bertha M.), prop. Racket Store, 225 N. Union; h. 220 N_ « "5 Sixth. » Hunt Jessie S., stenographer, 254 N. Union; res. 217 N. Fifth. * Hunt M. Helen, wid. Elijah, h. 217 N. Fifth. P* Hunt Martha A., wid. Alfred, h. 124 S. Second. Hurd Claude B., clerk, 166 N. Union; bds. 205 S. Fourth. o Hurd Flora Mrs., res. 315% N. Union. Ph Hurd William H. (Floretta E.), loco, engineer, h. 118 S. Second. pi Hurley Timothy (Mary), laborer, h. 56 River, N. O. Huselstein Frank, sexton St. Mary's Church, bds. 118 W . Henley. <*3 Huselstein John (Kate), blacksmith, h. 118'N. Eleventh. I !>• Huson Anna, res. 140 S. Union. Ielfield Herman M. S. (Christina), machine hand, h. 318 Jay. Joseph, h. 140 Union. E-t Huson Ienbas John (Johanna), car repairer, h. 303"'S. Huson Joseph A., railroader, bds. 323 N. Union.Eighth. <U Ingalls Annie Mrs., h. 823 E. State. H U S T L E R (THE), monthly, 310 Masonic Temple; E. D. Leach, editor. W Ingalls Franc M.,P., clerk, N. Union; h. 137 S. Barry. Pearl res. 131 Genesee House. Jz5 Hutchings Ingalls Fred D. (Lizzie), barber, 120 W . 419 W .Railroad Green. av.; h. do. Hutchings William (Eva), prop. Genesee State; House,h. 127-129 Ingalls Orson L., hostler, 160 N. Union; rms. av.; do. res. Genesee Hotel. Hutchings William P., machinist, 133 Railroad er Ingalls OscarAlexander H. (SarahM.A.), night watchman, Railroad av.; h. 309 W . SulHutchinson (Lovila), machinist,133 h. 210 E. State. ••H Hutchinson livan. Harlow G. (Nellie), motorman, h. Ill S. Twelfth. Ingalls P. D. (Jean), h. 232 S. Clinton. •r—< Hyde Henry (Kate), pipefitter, h. 47 River, S. O. Ingraham Frances E., wid. Foster, h. res. 307 E. State. Hyland Patrick (Mary), bricklayer, 713 Irving. CO Ingraham G. Foster, res. 307 E. State. ft Ingley Lorenzo H. (Mattie), blacksmith, h. 121 W . Green. INTERNATIONAL C O R R E S P O N D E N C E SCHOOLS, SCRANTON, PA. (THE), 310 Masonic Temple; E. D. Leach, representative. (See adv., top. Q ^ I M alines.) k e N e w Stock to Order and • A f\i\(\]l 518 W . State Guarantee Perfect Irish Benjamin, res. 24Satisfaction Hoops, E. O.. . A | U l l l U U I V l Street. Irish Desire M., res. 219 N. Third. Irish Wardner, gardener, h. 11 Garden av., E. O. HELIKER & PATRIDGE, SS^S** GENERAL INSURANCE. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 79 307 Represented. Masonic Temple. Isaac Louis H. (Ella), laborer, h. River rd., S. O. Isaac Thomas (Laura F.), laborer, h. 124 S. First. Isaman John W . (Josie), milk peddler, h. 87 Man, Bv. Isenberg Arthur L. (Flora), currier, h. 1201 Washington. Isenberg Charles C, res. 1201 Washington. c=, Italo-American Fruit Co. (Angelo G. Questa and Lazzero A. Mazza), 231 N. Union. B£ Ivers Michael, bds. 527 N. Union. Jackson Alice M., res. 130 N. Third. CO Jackson Bertha M., nurse, res. 525 N. Sixth. i i Jackson Carrie M., wid. Edward S., h. 113 Fulton. ^^ Jackson Charles F. (Lois), porter Olean House, h. 212 W . Green. —i Jackson Clarence H., blacksmith, res. 525 N. Sixth. ;—[ Jackson Cynthia A., wid. William, res. 525 N. Sixth. i*~i • Jackson Frank B., paver, res. 130 N. Third. - i; Jackson Grace M., res. 130 N. Third. _ Jackson Mary L. Mrs., h. 108 E. Sullivan. «—. Jackson Milroy (Anna E.), h. 117 N. Second. —*•• Jacquett William H. (Tillie), loco, engineer, h. 418 N. First. C"D Jaeger Katherine, domestic, 218 N. Fourth. Jaekle Emiel M., laborer, res. 1020 N. Union, N. O. /» Jaekle Jacob (Anna), meat market, 1020 N. Union; h. do., N. O. ^t Jaekle Mabel E., domestic, 31 Walnut, N. O. "** James Agnes, teacher No. 1 School, res. 313 N. Thirteenth. ,_ m James Daisy F., res. 313 N. Thirteenth. 2 C James Fred, baker, bds. 211 Laurens. S 3 James Fred, laborer, rms. 214 W . State. " 2 James Margaret, wid. John, res. 1305 W . State. r/j m James Mark, cabinetmaker, h. 313 N. Thirteenth. •-] H James Michael (Carrie), laborer, h. 1 Avenue B., N. O. O S James Thomas E., teacher, h. 1305 W . State. W 70 James Thomas W., foreman job room, 107 North; res. 404 W . State. fr] W Jamison Lewis J., brakeman P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. O 5* Jandrew Henry A. (Seraphine), laborer, h. 401 N. Ninth. SJ Janke Charles L. (Clara), tailor, h. 415 Irving. * Q Janke Walter H., helper, res. 415 Irving. » JS Jaques Adelaide A., wid. Nelson, res. 119 Irving. ** H Jarl Svan P., porter, 112 W . State; res. 1051 Irving. ° Jbli Michael (Julia), laborer, h. 231 Spruce, N. O. Jebb Albert E. (Flora), currier American Hide & Leather Co., h. 1015 Buffalo. (? Jebb Samuel J. (Catherine V.), buffer, h. 308 Tompkins. ^fc Jefferson John, locomotive engineer, bds. 614 Wayne. DO Jelliff Nye C. (Miriam P.), bookkeeper, 1409 Buffalo; res. 611 W . Sullivan. ^^ Jenis Frank, currier, bds. 418 N. Thirteenth. q••to £j 0 Jenni Michael, clothing, 411 N. Union; h. do. m* 031 o Jennings Edward, sta.fireman,bds. 1126 N. Union, N. O. j- " ^ U n i 0 Mark, E ; !snapper, La^H s 1112 k e Buffalo. y DUNLAVEY BROS. < & 0 —. Jennings res. Jennings Mary, wid. Frank, h. 1112 Buffalo. "flfQ Jepson Mary B., physician. 103 S. Barry; res. do. u r& Jeralds Jessmore Jewell bldg, Second. J. John George, Joseph Dana James Mary, res. Madge, G., J.L. ,H. R. 310 laborer, wid. laborer, (Bertha), (Elizabeth (Laura (J. res. N.John, R. Second. 310 res. &res. K.), laborer, dressmaker, N. D. F.), 21 21 Second. lumberman, L.Homer, Homer. (J. Jewell), h.R.21h. & N. N. Homer, 32 h. 40 D. O. O.Exchange Steam Front, L. N. Jewell), O. valley, Bv.Bank 32S.Exchange bldg.; O. h. 310 Bank N. (2 I)J2J<• Z!P» "J TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN E . D. L E A C H ; a> £ SEE 80 310 T ^ T i ? Representing the I nternational Correspondence Schools, S C R A N T O N . PA. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. {a Jewell Joseph R. & Dana L., lawyers, 32 Exchange Bank bldg. -Jj fe J E W E L L M A R C I U S B. (Lizzie B.), lawyer, 153 N. Union; h. 217 N. Second. •4 „ Jewell Nellie L., dressmaker, h. 241 N. Union. J j fc Jewett Emily E., wid., h. Kittanning rd., S. O. ^ Jobe Ephraim H. (Helen E.), glass packer, h. 51 Brook, E. O. -*jj B Joheski Joseph (Nettie), laborer, h. 61 Bishop, E. O. o *i John Elijah, laborer, res. 453 N. Union. ! > O John L., peddler, res. 510 Brickell av. i^" John Mary Mrs., peddler, h. 453 N. Union. , John Michael, laborer, res. 510 Brickell av. «—« John Nassif, peddler, h. 510 Brickell av. 1—1 Johnson A. Lee, tinsmith, res. 903 Buffalo. « f. Johnson Albert F. (Augusta V.), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 510 N. Sixth. [/} UJ Johnsan Andrew, currier, bds. 82 Clark. E. O. K f V Johnson Anna W., res. 118 W . Sullivan. jT Johnson Arthur A. ( E m m a L.), foreman P. R. R., h. 903 Buffalo. G U I Johnson Ben (Augusta), sta. engineer, h. 113 S. Seventh. Lh Johnson Beulah E., res. 118 W . Sullivan. V. Johnson Charles (Jane), blacksmith, h. W . State, W . O. . r^ Johnson E. Martin, student, res. 118 W . Sullivan. f/) tT J°nnson Edward, bartender, 527 N. Union. *** lii Johnson Edwin W . (Hattie E.), night foreman Acme Works, N. O.; h. 41 (V f. Johnson, N. O. M"1 Si J O H N S O N ELISHA M. (C. Harriet), sec and treas. Producers' Gas Co., 205 |IJ [j Masonic Temple, and mgr. Acme Mills, 312-318 N. Barry; h. 118 W . Sul*** ll livan. *" Johnson Ellen E., domestic, 226 N. Second. Johnson Ethel E., res. 116 N. Third. [h Johnson Frances Mrs., h. 317 Railroad av. Johnson Frank (Jennie C.), sta. engineer Vacuum Oil Co., h. 215 N. Sixth. Johnson Fred A., roller, bds. 1464 Buffalo, N. O. Johnson Frederick H. (Isabella),florist,313 Whitney av.; h. do. Johnson George, porter Olean House. Johnson Harriet C, res. 118 W . Sullivan. Johnson Hattie, domestic Hotel Imperial. Johnson Helma, domestic, 219 N. Third. c * Johnson Henry H. (Martha), barber, 461 N. Union; h. do. Johnson James (Louise), res. 404 S. Fourth. Johnson James (Sarah), helper, h. 1712 W . Henley. Johnson James F. (Mary A.), h. 117 Hamilton. Johnson James M. (Anna S.), boots and shoes, 147 N. Union; h. 401 E. State. Johnson John A. (Amanda), tailor, h. 116 N. Third. J O H N S O N J O H N A. (Gertrude B.), local mgr. Keystone Gas Co., 182 N. Union; h. 314 N. Second. Johnson Josephine, wid. Albert H., domestic, h. 617 W . Green. Johnson Julius P. (Lodemia B.), bookkeeper, 157 N. Union; h. 818 W . Sullivan. Johnson Lewis A. (Nettie M.), mail clerk, h. 21 Crown, E. O. Johnson Mary E., res. 303 W . State. Johnson Maud, res. 315 Railroad av. Johnson Michael (Ellen), laborer, h. 512 N. Fourth. Johnson Michael (Paulina), laborer, h. 1439 Buffalo. Johnson Peter (Anna), laborer, h. 82 Clark, E. O. Johnson Samuel (Helma), laborer, h. 327 S. Barry. Johnson Samuel E. (Mabel R.), painter, h. 413% N. Union. Johnson Sarah, wid. James, h. 404 S. Fourth. Johnson Selma S., domestic, 116 S. Second. The next Jones Johnson Jonak Issue Adelbert Albert John F.Theodore Warren (Victoria), of (Victoria), this L., (Marguerite), helper, N.E., Directory (Mary), laborer, student, laborer, 184 h. N. laborer, h. will 303 res. Union; h. 17 12 WN. 215 be .N. Walnut, State. h. res. N. in Walnut, 259 Sixth. 1902. 326 N.N. Tompkins. Union. N. O. O. HELIKER & Fire} life and 3 0 T Accident b^b^b^b*! PATRIDGE I N S U R A N C E , MasonieTemple ^ | j OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. S Jones Alice A., wid. David B., res. 221 Adams. # ^ Jones Asa A. (Lucy A.), car inspector, h. 54 Pine, N. O. ^a^^ Jones Charles S. (Amy M.), painter, h. 221 Adams. ] Jones Clayton W . (Nellie R.), buffer, h. 26 Center, Bv. *^H Jones David T. (Mary E.), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 602 Washington. * Jones Edward (Hattie A.), conductor P. R. R., h. 326 Tompkins. Jones Lydia I., teacher High School, bds. 206 N. Barry. Naaajl Jones Newton I. (Anna M.), agent, h. 313 N. Union. feats* Jones Thomas, freight handler P. R. R., h. 38 Garden av., E. O. ta*^ Jones William L. (Hattie) painter, h. 14 N. River, N. O. JUhb Jones Winifred, wid. Anthony T., h. 117 S. Barry. Jordan C, grocer, 513 N. Union; res. do. Jordan Daniel E. (Margaret E.), boilermaker, h. 665 E. State, E. O. Jordan Milton A. (Catherine), mgr., 513 N. Union; h. do. ^a*w Jordan Sarah Mrs., housekeeper, 38 Garden av., E. O. 1^1 Jordan Thomas B. (Mary), loco, engineer, h. 429 N. Seventh. JJJ"^ Judge Reuben, Henry, gardener, h. 1205 Buffalo.E. O. P^F*) Joyce laborer, res. 51 Queen, ^^r. Judge Stephen Herbert A. F.,(Evelina laborer,S.), res.laborer, 27 Walnut, N.Queen, O. ^a#V Joyce h. 51 E. O. al^Judge res.V.), 27 Walnut, O. J U D D John C H A RL., L E Slaborer, D. (Flora assistantN.cashier First National Bank, rms. ^(b^. ^\ Judge bbCbV 134Katherine, S. Barry. res. 114 N. Third. aaaal M.), carpenter, h. 114 N. Third. JJudge U D D Levi E T H A(Emma N A. (Nevla P.), sec. and treas. New Conklin Wagon Co., 420 E. !J••J••2* Judge Martin, foreman wood shop, Carley Heater Co., bds. 312 Wayne. State; h. 128 E. Henley. I' ^^~ Judge Albert Michaelf F. (Annie), sta. fireman, h. 27 Walnut, N. O. aaaaia Ahhiei, contractor and builder, h. 313 W . Sullivan. Judson John H., harnessmaker, 204 W . State, rms. 126 N. First. ^?V Juhler Albert E. (Aldine C ) , chemist Acme Works, N. O.; bds. Laurens. r ~ K C Kaiser Andrew (Priscilla C), glassblower, h. 206 N. Fourth. q Kaiser Hester B., res. 206 N. Fourth. |H Kaiser Walter A., student, res. 206 N. Fourth. w Kallenback Ernest L. (Emma J.), plumber, 701 W . State; h. 137 N. Eighth. ^ Kamery Ella D., wid. William, h. 10 River, S. O. •jj Kamery Frederick S. (Carrie A.), farmer, h. River rd., S. O. 1/)n Kamery George C. (Hattie B.), mason, h. River rd., S. O. 5 Kamery Henry (Nettie), teamster, h. 45 River, S. O. =%5S~S I 1 Kamery Nelson R. (Ella), supt. Mt. View Cemetery, h. 17 Union, S. O. c^=^== Kamery Perry M. (Susan E.), milk dealer, h. River rd., S. O. Kamler Frank (Matilda), h. 1210 Washington. i i Kamler Henry, sta. engineer, 152 N. Union; res. 1210 Washington. K A N E , see also K E A N E and CAIN. Kane Edward (Nora E.), tanner, h. 817 N. Union, N. O. i i Kane John (Bridget), laborer, h. 18 Homer, N. O. Kane John F., student, res. 784 N. Union, N. O. Kane John H. (Elizabeth T.), loco, engineer, h. 784 N. Union, N. O, 8 3 Kane John J., letter carrier p. o., res. 113 Riyer, N. O. D U N L A V E Y B R O S . * WH0LESALE AND RETA,L Kane Leonard C, laborer, res. 784 N. Union, N. O. Kane 311 Mary, wid. John, 113 River, N. O. L I Q U O R DEALERS North Unionh.Street. Kane Minnie, laundress Genesee House. Kane Robert (Mary E.), currier, h. 117 S. Tenth. Anna, dressmaker, 156 N. Union; h.264% do. Karagan Karl Joseph Karnuth John, Amelia, Ellen street M.,Mrs., clerk, res. car res. conductor, 1514 266 156 Buffalo, N. N. Union; Union. rms. N.rms. 11O. First av.,do. Bv. Men's Fine Shoes Stetson, Burt & Packard p. E. T Y L E R & C0.SSK3**. 158 North Union Street, and other good lines "£J 82 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CD j-j Karnuth Ferdinand J. (Minnie), laborer, h. 1514 Buffalo, N. O. w^ Kaufman Arthur, res. 207 S. Union. Ui Kaufman Fred W . (Etta), painter, h. 207 S. Union. \ Q d) Kautz Bertha M., res. 40 N. Washington, N. O. O - P Kautz Henrietta, wid. Adolph, h. 40 N. Washington, N. O. CO Kautz Paul R., laborer, res. 40 N. Washington, N. O. C O ±? Kay Frances E., wid., h. 309 W . Green. ill Kayes Josephine, domestic, 706 W . Sullivan. p K E A N E , see also K A N E and CAIN. 3Q Keane William R. (Frances), plumber, 184 N. Union; h. 112 N. First. CD Keating Dennis W., musician, h. 1010 Washington. K. Keating Mary, dressmaker, 1010 Washington; h. do. j ^ Keefe Adam (Annie), car repairer, h. 22 Homer, N. O. Keegan William, glassblower, bds. 32 N. Washington, N. O. •s Keenan Agnes, res. 301 Coleman. K w j Keenan Albert A., driver, res. 230 N. Eighth. | ^ ^ > Keenan Catherine, wid. John, h. 306 Laurens. «^f* KEENAN CHARLES (Marguerite F.), city clerk, City bldg.; h. 227 N. ^**"< Fifth. ~1 Keenan Edward, section foreman, h. 301 Coleman. r™""*. Keenan Emeline, wid. Michael, h. 230 N. Eighth. Keenan Florence J., res. 306 Laurens. • Keenan Fred, clerk, 127 N. Union; res. 230 N. Eighth. "1 Keenan George B. (Jennie A.), (Phillips & Keating), 535 N. Union; h. 110 ^"•""•4 Hamilton. Keenan Gertrude C , res. 306 Laurens. r Keenan J. Harvey, clerk, 203 N. Union: res. 230 N. Eighth. p — H Keenan Mary E., bookkeeper, 203 N. Union; res. 230 N. Eighth, j Keenan Peter F. (Mary A.), foreman, h. 325 Tompkins. O r , Keesler Rosalie Mrs., h. 335 N. Sixth. ^ " ^ Kehoe Nellie, domestic, 1401 Buffalo. FttJ Keiff Adam (Annie), laborer, h. 5 Walnut, N. O. r*"^r; Keim Henry G. (Mary), insurance agent, h. 104 N. Thirteenth. QDCQ i Keim John G. (Frederica C ) , clerk, 301 N. Union; h. 113 N. Fifth. ' ' Keim John P., h. 104 N. Thirteenth. < ^LU^ J Keim Julia, wid. Charles F., h. 121 N. Seventh. ' " ^ Keir Isadora H., bookkeeper, res. 1005 Buffalo. •^^P Keir James (Loretta W.), nurse, h. 1005 Buffalo. ^ * * S KEISEL, see also KlESEL. O Keisel Charles (Marie), clerk, 1101 N. Union; h. 30 Elm, N. O. Keisel Elizabeth, student, res. 30 Elm, N. O. O Keith Albert B., clerk, 501 N. Union; res. 540 N. Eighth. LL Keith Charles E. (Sarah M.), rig builder, h. 5475 N. Eighth. LU Keith George T. (Evelyn A.), civil engineer, h. 315 Laurens. ^ Keith Gertrude M., cutter, res. 540 N. Eighth. Z < Kelley Elizabeth G., dressmaker, 401 N. Eighth; res. do. Keller Milton B. (Jennie F.), laborer, h. 1313 Reed. Kelley Harry W., laborer, res. 224 N. Seventh. DC - Kelley Mary I. Mrs., h. 224 N. Seventh. ' O 0 Kelley Matthew (Mary A.), laborer, h. 401 N. Eighth. Ll. \" Kelley Nora C, forewoman, res. 401 N. Eighth. ftBKellyCI Thomas C. (Edna), (Mcintosh 1129 W . State; T-flTI fiR &aKelly), Krnsanngd 01ayh.„do.2 5 4 0 a^a Kellmer Carl P., plumber, 701 W . State; res. 1016 Washington. > ! • 1 ITi 1 L v l l Blocks and Sewer Tile, N. Union St. 0 Kellmer David (Elise), painter, h. 1016 Washington. Kellmer Mary, res. 1016 Washington. Kelly Edward Charleslaborer, E., general delivery clerk o.,Elm. res.B, 39N. Third Kelly Daniel, Clarendon J (Elizabeth), (Mary .,(Martha switch M.), bds. tender, A.), glassblower, 435 plumber, h."N. 215 res. Union. S. h.30 h. Barry. 6p.Spruce, Avenue 11 N. N. O. O. O. av., Bv. R TI T A V T H P ^ All Kinds of 2 5 4 N. ~ D . U . I i i I L U J \ *$ Roofing flaterial Union St. o G j OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 83 3 f™* Kelly Edward W . (Florence J.), painter, 129 W . State; h. 330 S. Barry. Kelly Eugene, clerk, 145 N. Union; res. Allegany, N. Y. so Kelly Floyd L., laborer, res. 39 Third av., Bv. Kelly Francis H., laborer, res. 215 S. Barry. 2 ^. Kelly Henry M. (Nellie M.), sta. engineer, h. 20 Fourth av., Bv. 0 fj Kelly James P. (Bridget) switch tender, h. 30 Spruce, N. O. 3 \S[ Kelly Joel L. (Carrie K.), gauger, h. 39 Third av., Bv. H Kelly Leon, laborer, bds. 20 Fourth av., Bv. X Kelly Lucretia M., bookkeeper, 244% N. Union; res. 215 S. Barry. Kelly Thomas C. (Edna), (Mcintosh & Kelly), 1129 W . State; h. do. Kelsey Ferdinand (Sylvia A.), h. River rd., S. O. jjj H O Kelsey George S. (Mary E.), mgr. 144 N. Union; h. 306 N. Second. JJ Kelsey George W . (Cassie), h. 329 Laurel av. Kelsey Howard, res. 202 Laurens. j •» K E L S E Y J A M E S (Jane A.), cigar mfr. and wholesale and retail cigars, to- JJ! f^l baccos, etc., 144 N. Union; h. 202 Laurens. -^ * Kelsey James, Jr., clerk, 239 N. Union; res. 202 Laurens. Kelsey James D., engineer pumping station; res. 329 Laurel av. Kelsey Lavinia, res. 202 Laurens. _ Kelsey Lucy A., wid. Alexander, h. 123 N. Second. ^^^ Kennedy Edward (Celestia), boilermaker, h. 1217 W . Sullivan. ^BJ Kennedy Edward A., painter, res. 213 W . Green. "•"• CC OP Kennedy George (Evie L.), painter, h. 213 W . Green. Kennedy James E., switchman P. R. R., bds. Hotel Imperial. — S Kenney Mary, domestic, 401 Laurens. 3ZZ' Kenniston Laura A., teacher music and physical culture, public schools; res. , 7 ^ * 325 N. Fourth. (|Cf Kenny Patrick J. (Margaret), car builder, h. 407 N. Eighth. ^ Kenot James P., res. 316 N. Eighth. •*•«• Kent Anna, h. 438 S. Fourth. Kent Comfort, wid. Ethan, h. 210 N. Barry. Kent Howard T., mgr bundle room, 159 N. Union; res. 126 S. Fourth. Kent Lambert W., driver, 301 N. Union; res. 126 S. Fourth. Kent Omer P. (Carrie R.), teamster, h. 126 S. Fourth. Kent William H. (Emma), agent, 244% N. Union; res. 519 W . Henley. Keough Michael (Nellie), laborer, h. 651 E. State, E. O. Kerns Daniel E. (Mary E.), currier, h. 1305 W . Henley. Kerr Melville, laborer, res. 129 S. Fourth. Kerr Nancy C, wid. Uriah M., h. 129 S. Fourth. Kershner Eugene B., clerk, 161 N. Union; res. 22i N. Sixth. Kershner George H. (Emma M..), sta. engineer, h. 202 N. Barry. Kershner J. Willis (Nellie B.), machinist, Vacuum Oil Co.; h. 225 N. Sixth. Kershner Leila, res. 202 N. Barry. Ketchum Hiram D. (Maggie M.), laborer, 502 N. Union; h. 523 do. Keysaw Caroline M., res. 132 N. Fourth. Keysaw Harriet P., milliner, res. 132 N. Fourth. Keysaw Paul F. (Margaret A.), icemaker, h. 132 N. Fourth. Keyser Horace E. (Vera), h. 313 Tompkins. (Louisa), farmer, h. 228 River, O. ^r Kick Keysley Kichle Kiely Kiesel KIESEL K E Y StHe George TBessie, William, Mary Elizabeth, Patrick, Margaret, Conrad George Mary, Frank, O Bela George, Nsee E E., Finest G(Katherine), also dressmaker, res. AB. res. laborer, (Mary sta. dressmaker, Sres. dressmaker, res. (Anna 605 CO., KEISEL. 107 fireman, 605 E.), 228 N.182 S. h. CFirst. N. )car Wines River, Third. boilermaker, 605 res. ,N. 505 First. meat res. res. inspector, N. Union; 302 N. S. First. 605 605 market, Wayne. Union; O.and N. John N. 133 h. First. First. 325 120 Railroad res. A.Liquors WS. Johnson, S. .605 State; Eleventh. N. av.; First. mgr. h. h.107 302 I S. Wayne. dunl*veuy_bros. Third. U*"K *Z^5"„,_, =Sa—^Z^Z"Zgm*t»^**^ HFI IKFRXPATRIflPF $ General iWSURANCE2 I I L L I I V L l l _ _ r H I il I U U U only Reliable Companies Represented j|| 84 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. M fg\ h, Kiesel Michael (Elizabeth), shoemaker, 1001 N. Union, N. O.; h. do. >£•* | , Kiley 116 S. Third. Kiley Jennie, John P.res. (Mary), telegrapher, h. 117 Coleman. U Kiley Margaret J., res. 79 Bishop, E. O. h Kiley Michael, res. 13 Pierce av., W . O. (0 Killmer David F. (Catherine), painter, h. Irving, W . O. C q King Alice E., wid. Frederick, h. 518 Higgins av. D z King James H. (Ellen A.), carpenter, h. 528 N. Union. •» 44 King Jviug James M., plumber, res. 305 S. Eighth. King John, S.Henry Union.B., h. 455 N. Union. «aj m q King Mary h. J.,325 wid. King Kate M., res. 325 S. Union. Q King Sheridan B. (Estelle), st. car conductor, h. 314 S. Third. *•" King Susie J. Mrs., dressmaker, 61 King; h. do., E. O. Kinley Adam (Adam Kinley & Sons), N. Washington, N. O.; h. Breesport, N. Y. KINLEY ADAM & SONS (Adam, William, George A. and Charles H.), tan- ners of union backs, N. Washington, N. O. Kinley Charles H. (Adam Kinley & Sons), N. Washington, N. O.; h. Breesport, N. Y. Kinley George A. (Grace L.), (Adam Kinley & Sons), N. Washington, N. O.; W h. 230 N. Second. H Kinley William (Emma), (Adam Kinley & Sons), N. Washington, N. O.; h. 907 W . State. Kinner Levi C. (Mary G.), h. 211 N. Fourth. Kirk William, bartender, Genesee House. Kirkmire Joseph (Mary A.), farmer, h. Oregon rd., N. O. Kissinger Joseph, blacksmith, bds. 1012 N. Union, N. O. Kittleman Fred C. (Josephine), stillman, h. 1115 W . Sullivan. Kittleman John R. (Fena), laborer, h. 32 Elm, N. O. Klamt Alfred J., apprentice, 241 N. Union; res. 708 W . Green. Klamt Edward, lineman, 430 N. Union; res. 708 W . Green. Klamt Herman, clerk, 120 N. Union; res. 708 W . Green. e^ Klamt Joseph, cooper, h. 708 W . Green. a Klamt Joseph H., carpenter, res. 708 W . Green. 4 ^ I Klamt Paul, glassblower, res. 708 W . Green. J ^ m Klee Henry F. (Maud F.), bookkeeper, Exchange National Bank; h. 13 SecI J ond av., Bv. ^•^ Kleinsmith Charles, clerk, 422 W . State; bds. 420 do. Klice Francis, glassblower, res. 319 N. Thirteenth. * J f a Klice John M. (Frances T.), farmer, h. 319 N. Thirteenth. * ^ a # Klice Joseph G., glassblower, res. 319 N. Thirteenth. Klink Charles, h. 217 N. Thirteenth. _x**\ Klink Charles (Frances), blacksmith, h. 213 S. Ninth. W J Kink Charles M., res. 1411 W . State. Klink Fred, sashmaker, res. 1407 W . Henley. Klink Frederick W . (Catherine), mill hand, res. 217 N. Thirteenth. ,_ • Klink Henry, galvanizer, res. 1407 W . Henley. U L J Klink Jacob (Katherine), h. 1407 W . Henley. r m m Klink William (Eliza), laborer, h. 1411 W . State. \\^gf Klink G., cooper, res. 1407 WWAt .av. Henley. _f^^. \ REPAIRING *JJ"J g* •*••• ^*^ if^J ^^^^aM^fWHEN J^m Knights Knepp Knight Kluge Knaisar Knapp Kniep William YOUR Harriet Adam M. Dora Sarah, Frank Bert Fred George of James, Mertice, Columbus, Call L. A. J. (Elizabeth), A. wid. A., L., (Gertrude), Mrs., peddler, SHOES (Jennie (Ella at wid. painter, William, teacher 186 h. J.), August, M.), h. 126 N. 512 tanner, laborer, res. 202 carpenter, NEED N. h. Union. brakeman Whitney 1Whitney 2124 h.School, Second h. 216 W. 133 S. 504 . Second. N. Railroad P. av. State, rms. av., STATE Sixth. N. R.G. R., Union; 118 Bv. Wav.; STREET. h. . COOK'S N.205 O. Barry. h. N. 23 463% Union. Railroad do. av., E. 0. G I L L I N G H A M & S O N Buildlng Contractors and Building Supply 302 North Union Street. DEALERS. g jxj OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 85 H q Knights of Honor Hall, 186 N. Union. Knippel Amelia, wid. Charlesi h. 121 N. First. Knippel Henry M., pumper, res. 121 N. First. Knippel Otto, driller, res. 121 N. First. Knowies Caroline, wid. Isaac, res. 29 Second av., Bv. * Knowies Charles P. (Eddy & Knowies), 5-6 City Hall. Koboski Tony (Mary), laborer, h. 59 Bishop, E. O. Koebelin Carrie, domestic, 326 Laurel av. Koebelin Frederick E., snuffer, res. 31 Brook, E. O. Koebelin Jacob J., laborer, res. 31 Brook, E. O. Koebelin John (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 31 Brook, E. O. Koebelin John V. (Cora R.), buffer, h. 89 Garden av., E. O. Koebelin William C, laborer, res. 31 Brook, E. O. Koester John, tailor, res. 47 Spring, E. O. Koester John Jr., cigarmaker, res. 47 Spring, E. O. Koester Joseph (Tena B.), cigarmaker, h. 47 Spring, E. O. Kolbe Carl (Johanna), cabinetmaker, h. 223 Winters av. Kolbe Clara, res. 223 Winters av. K O L U M B I A N P H A R M A C Y , 133 N. Union; H. M. Wood, prop. Konescke _ B„ „. Martin _ __ (Agnes), _. o laborer, h. 10 N. Walnut, N. O. Konot William, James P.,laborer, res. 316 N.1022 Eighth. Kraft res. W . Sullivan. Kralinger Paul (Maggie), C, chief telephone and A, collector, Kosieck Tony laborer, h.operator 13 Avenue N. O. 133% N. Union; bds. Grand Cential Hotel. Kowalsky George (Anna), clerk, 135 N. Union; h. 124 N. Barry. Kratts Clarence E., laborer, bds. 119 Main. Bv. Kowalsky John (Frances), laborer, h. 15 Franklin, N. O. Kratts Isaac N. (Sarah J. C ) , farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. Kozicki Agnes, wid. Antony, res. 1017 N. Bv. Union, N. O. Kratts Lorinda, wid., h. Windfall rd., KozickiRhoda, Peter, wid., shoemaker, 1017 N. Kratts h. Windfall rd.,Union; Bv. h. do., N. O. Kozlow Stephen laborer, h. 1041 B. State, E. O. Kress Ella, wid. (Gertrude), Allen, h. 242% N. Union. Kraft George F. (Anna bartender, . State; Kress Frank F., clerk, M.), 124 N. Union; 108 res.W242% do. h. 1022 W . Sullivan. Kraft George gatherer, W . Sullivan Kreutter John F.H.Jr., (Nellie H.), res. glass1022 grinder, h. 814 W . Sullivan. Kreuzer Joseph F. (Freda E.), laborer, h. 523 N. Fifth. Kreytt Lewis (Mollie M.), car repairer, h. 1209 Putnam. Kritter Alfred (Sophia), prop. Bast Side Hotel, 603 E. State; h. do., E. O. Kritter John P., res. 603 E. State, E. O. Krott Andrew, operative, res. 126 S. Tenth. Krott Anna, res. 126 S. Tenth. Krott Charles, blacksmith, res. 126 S. Tenth. Krott John, h. 126 S. Tenth. Krott Mary, res. 126 S. Tenth. Krott Pierce J. (Anna), currier, h. r. Homer nr. Avenue A, N. O. Krott Sophia, operative, res. 126 S. Tenth. Kruck Michael (Anna), cooper, h. r. Homer nr. Avenue A, N. O. Kruge E., glassblower, bds. Hotel Imperial. Krummel Carl (Pauline), laborer, h. 6 N. Walnut, N. O. Kruse Alice, res. 140 S. Clinton. Are the sole owners of the KDR UUS ENFREDERICK court L A V EW .Y HON. B (Julia R O SV.), . supreme . .. judge, - 304-305 Masonic Temple; h. 140 S. Clinton. i F3ITI0US UIB3I1 UllID WIllSK North Union Street.uC Kubiak Stanislaus (Anna), laborer, h. 8 N. Walnut, N. O. Kufe Edward, carlaborer, repairer, bds. Pierce av.,Bv. W . O. Kugall Kuhn George Dora Frank, Mrs., R., (Edith), laborer, canvasser, laborer, res.bds. 514 res. h. 40 N.11 30 Elm, 115 Eighth. Third S.N.Twelfth. O. av., Sj g W &J gj 3 S 3 Ed fd W p-4 <- " g" I? ® * JJ pi g § pi «*• g f r^TS ^fl &3 ** m »j5 S 3£ ^ £g •"•>• ^^, , '.^^. ffi m Jj"* o P^i •n m z p >• H ' " " g' h «h S > § O -QP" 2 g •>. gqE Large Stock. Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f T V I C D P p n ] Prices right. BEST IJNEB TO TBI OITT. I • Ll I I LLII VjL U U l . j«f . BEST LINES IN THE CITY. ' • "-• '• •-«•'• >* **"• 158 N. Union St. 5 £ I 86 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. •H c3^l» Kuhn Henry (Thresa), sta.fireman,h. 5D1 N. Union, N. O. «j Kuhn Irma L., res. 1307 W . State. 0 Kuhn John (Nellie E.), sta. engineer, 430 N. Union; h. 1307 W . State. KuiperMichael Oeds T. upholsterer, N. Union. "2 i Jj Kuhn C.(Johanna), (Mary), sta. engineer, h. h. 463% 11 Avenue B, N. O. X •J! Kujawa Joseph (Anna), laborer, h. 337 N. Eighth. •^ 2 jj Kujawa Mary, operative, res. 337 N. Eighth. <« ^ $ Kurtzhaltz Edmond (Anna), merchant tailor, 243 N. Union; h. 119 S. Seventh. JJ 2 ^ Kurtzhaltz Edward B., glassblower, res. 119 S. Seventh. * • 0 Kuspa Frank, upholsterer, bds. Genesee House. 4) j N Kuzniewski Anthony (Tillie), carpenter, h. 113 River, N. O. JE • Kwiatkosky Albert (Alice A.), laborer, h. 10 Seymour, N. O. amt »V Lacy Charles (Delia), sta. engineer, 1602 W . Henley; h. 15 Main, N. O. L A F E V E R see also L E F E V R E . J La Fever George W . (Fannie M.), h. 801 E. State, E. O. La Fever Lenora, res. 801 E. State, E. O. Lafferty Appleton L. (Frances A.), carpenter, h. Ill N. Fourth. •• Lafferty Neil, laborer, bds. 717 W . State. ^ J Laing Annie, wid. Robert, h. 1008 Buffalo. = Laing Robert, snapper, res. 1008 Buffalo. .^J Laing William C, snapper, res. 1008 Buffalo. ^^ Lamb Bennie (Adelaide), galvanizer, h. 328 N. Eighth. *"* Lamb Owen (Lida), laborer, h. 330 N. Eighth. flj Lambert , car repairer, bds. 703 Wayne. a . Lambert John, bartender, 103 N. Union; bds. do. J U Lampack George (Sophia), tanner, h. 1011 Buffalo. *••* Lamper Acta M. (Nancy A.), carpenter, h. 1117 W . Sulivan. ^ A Landis Aaron T. (Mary A.), pumper, h. 17 Pierce av., W . O. ^ L < Landis May E., res. 17 Pierce av., W . O. Landis Pearl I., solemaker, res. 17 Pierce av., W . O. 5 Landstrome John (Emily), galvanizer, h. 1305 Washington. Landstrome Josephine, res. 1305 Washington. j Lane Henry G. Rev. (Hannah VS.), pastor A. M. E. church; h. 409 S. Fourth. .< Lane John C. (Lucy A.), inspector, h. 36 Water, N. O. U Lane Lester, laborer, h. 107 N. First. . Lang Catherine, wid. William, res. 1009 W . Sullivan. »•* Lang John C. (Eva), laborer, h. 916 Washington. gfj Lang Joseph I. (Agnes A.), cigars and tobaccos, 111 N. Union; h. 120 S. First. V* Lang Lewis N., painter, bds. 338 N. Third. Q«l Langley William A. (Edith M.),fireman,h. 512 Wayne. ^ . Langworthy Albert L. (Carrie C.), foreman, h. 425 N. First. j^ Lannin Mary E., clerk, Vacuum Oil Co.; res. 218 N. Fourth. l \ Lannin Rebecca A., res. 218 N. Fourth. "•*" Lannon wid. Thomas, h. 322 W502 . Henley. LarrabeeSarah, Hurd G. (Grace P.), laborer, E. State; h. 53 Garden av., E. O. •O N. Fourth. 2rt ^ Larkham LathropFrankie, Fred P. domestic, (Mary E.),211 teamster, N. Washington; h. 14 Elm, N. O. a .i Larkhan Page), 312 W . State; 4) Latimer Burr Amos(Larkhan J. (Katie& E.), loco, engineer, h. h. 34 do. River, N. O. 210 Barry; CW y Larkin LatimerGeorge BessieA., C,bookkeeper, student, res. 34 S. River, N. res. O. 137 S. Clinton. fJ Larkin John M.,J., clerk, N. Union; S. Clinton. Latimer Sarah wid. 163 Lyman h. 305 h. W .137 Sullivan. ••"•< Larkin Mary see A., also principal res. 137 S. Clinton. . LAUGHLIN, L O U GNo. H L E3NSchool; . cm 2 Larkin Matthew ., (Catherine), cigar mfr., 143% h. 137 S. Clinton. Laughlin Robert J D. supt. N. andUnion; oil inspector Acme Works, N. O.; O Thomas S., bookkeeper, Exchange National Bank; res. 137 S. Clinton. C T2 Larkin h. 113 Laurens. ^ The next Issue of this Directory will b e in 1902, n i l C Y X W A N n Q Wholesale Grocers, 301-305 IllLCI—WHIllly City Building Lots for sale. N. Union St. £j OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 87 JJJJ Laverty Catherine, operative, res. 508 N. Fifth. paaai Laverty Elizabeth, operative, res. 508 N. Fifth. I Laverty Elizabeth, wid. John, h. 508 N. Fifth. aaaai Laverty Margaret, operative, res. 508 N. Fifth. ^"V Lawlor William (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 32 Homer, N. O. \^ J Lawrence Andrew J. (Isabelle C ) . teamster, h. 77 Garden av., E. O. *»««^. Lawrence Burnett (Maud), miller, h. 26 Prince, E. O. ^^^ Lawrence Catherine L., res. 77 Garden av., E. O. ^ ^ Lawrence Horace, bds. 107 E. Henley. ~^9 Lawrence John (Anna), carpenter, h. 404% Wayne. Lawrence Luman, machinist, res. 404% Wayne. Lawrence Martha M., res. 404% Wayne. Lawrence Roger (Sarah B.), driver, 254 N. Union; h. 425 do. E Lawson Richard (Lavina), switchman, h. 207 N. Eleventh. Lawson William (Carrie), brakeman, h. 531 N. Sixth. Lawton Chester M. (Estella A.), bottler, 412 N. Union; h. 115 S. Tenth. Lawton Lorenzo (Lillian N.), laborer, h. 19 Main. rn Lawton Welcome J. (Emma), farmer, h. 94 Union, S. O. Lax Naftali (Rebecca), mgr., 170 N. Union; h. 120 S. Third. L A Y A L B E R T L. (Louise M.), boot and shoe maker, 206 W . State; h. 1115 Buffalo. (See adv. marginal lines.) Lay Alice L. Mrs., h. 164% N. Union. Lay George F. (Christine P.), carpenter, 217 Wayne; h. 321 N. Eleventh. ro Lay Leonard, shoemaker, 1117 Buffalo; res. 1115 do. Layton J. H., tank builder, bds. Hotel Snyder. L E A C H E A R L D. (The International Correspondence Schools), and editor The Hustler, 310 Masonic Temple; rms. 123 Hamilton. (See adv. top lines.) Leader Frederick G. (Edith), clerk, h. 130 S. First. CO Leader George W . (Frances St. John), tinsmith, 155 N. Union; h. 228 N. First. . _ Leader Howard, student, res. 228 N. First. cd © Leader Sarah, wid. Simon, h. 130 S. First. ©" 3Learn Almira, wid. Peter, res. 32 First av., Bv. 1* =" Leathe Henry H., asst. treas. The James Pierce Leather Co.; h. Woburn, © T, Mass. = ^Le Bar Henry (Adelia C ) , farmer, h. 36 Brook, E. O. _ » Le Bar Roscoe G7, laborer, res. 36 Brook, E. O. re Lee Arthur B. (Margery E.),h. nickel plater, J*1 S£ Lee Wm., saloon, 72 Oak; do., N. O. h. 19 Genesee, Bv. Lee Cassius res. " 3 Lee William M., S., telegrapher, boilermaker,Erie res. R. 46 R.; Elm, N.28 O.Water, N. O. Lee Edward J. (Elizabeth), boilermaker, res. 72 Oak, N. O. », Lee William T. (Louise), h. 28 Water, N. O. baggaga master Erie depot; bds. do., N. O. LLee E FHarry, E V R E asst. see also L A FEVER. LeeFevre JamesDeWitt (Nora), 107 N. Twelfth. _ Le C. laborer, (C. V. B.h. Barse & Co.), 155 N. Union; h. Buffalo, N. Y. HI 73 Lee FJohn res. 46supt. Elm,Water N. O. Works and sec. Board of Water "2,tt 2 2 LA E V R EF., J Oblindmaker, H N Z. (Kate M.), Lee Commissioners, John H., res. 107 N. Twelfth. ©H O 7 City Hall bldg.; h. 129 S. First. O LeeFevre Maude L., office asst.p. supt. res. Erie depot, N. O. 70 Le Shirley C , clerk o., schools; res. 129 S. First. \ O L E E M Ellen, A U R I C Ewid. L.John, (Jane), R. R., Pine cor. N. Union; h. do., N. O. 1 rr. >• O Lehan h.agent 530 N.Erie Sixth. Lee Tony (Phinie), laborer, 7 Walnut, •£ Lehan James T., cooper, res.h. 530 N. Sixth.N. O. 1 t/3Z Lehan John W., laborer, res. 530 N. Sixth. I Q Leighton Clara, res. 126 S. Second. W Leighton Thomas L. (Ella), clerk, res. 113 W . Green. \ \Q Leland Frank D. (Mary P.), mgr. Olean Bill Posting Co., 25 Exchange Bank <^" bldg.; h. 307 E. State. O Union Jade Whisbr«to^Nf^oBRos. 1 heliker M I D G E E *" *"> 88 T I n s u r a n c e MasonlcTemplft 807 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. £_Sj) Le Marbe Bertha, domestic, 308 Laurel av. * " ^ Le Marbe Edward G. (Delime), buffer, h. 21 First av., Bv. Le Marble Joseph (Nellie), tanner, h. 422 N. Eighth. Le Marble Julia M., domestic, 31 Water, N. O.; res. 422 N. Eighth. Lenehan Timothy J., lineman, 430 N. Union; bds. 108 Coleman. Lenhart Mary, wid. Charles, res. 136 S. Union. Leonard Albert J., laborer, h. 15 Avenue B, N. O. Leonard Anna, res. 3 Avenue B, N. O. Leonard Elizabeth, res. 505 W . Henley. Le Roy George C. (Lizzie), blacksmith, h. 119 Irving. Le Roy Ida, wid. Charles H., res. 119 N. Ninth. Le Strange William J. (Nellie C ) , tailor, 211 Masonic Temple; h. 115 N . Sixth. Le Strange William P. (Jane E.), pipecutter, h. 809 W . State. Letts Frank (Mary E.), molder, 133 Railroad av.; h. 314 Wayne. Levett John E. (Anna), clerk, 501 N. Union; h. 31 Water, N. O. Levy Charles, rms. 264% N. Union. a> Lewis Carl (Fannie), lineman, 430 N. Union; h. 109 S. Twelfth. S 5 1 +* t_ CO Lewis Lina A., res. 212 N. Third. m Lewis Stillman E. (Jennie M.), dentist, 186 N. Union; h. 212 N. Third. Lidstone William H. (Marie L.), prop. Buffalo House, 111 Railroad av.; h. do. H CO Lidstone William H. Jr., agent, res. Ill Railroad av. | *rf Liechti Godfrey (Barbara), h. 519 N. Fifth. a 0> 9 Liechti John A., carpenter, res. 519 N. Fifth. 3 Lindgren John (Sophia), currier, h. 613 E. State, E. O. Lindgren Signe, res. 613 E. State, E. O. Lindsay Anna Mrs., res. 104 N. Thirteenth. Linehan Daniel, laborer, res. 68 Oak, N. O. Linehan John (Julia), laborer, h. 68 Oak, N. O. Linehan Mary, school teacher, res. 68 Oak, N. O. Linn David, bookbinder, h. 429 N. Union. ^ Lipicki Lawrence (Margaretta), laborer, h. 52 N. Washington, N. O. © r O Lippe Robert (Dina), foreman, h. 211 S. Tenth. k^„ Lippert Casper (Eva), sta. engineer, 301 W.'Henley; h. 620 do. Little Anita, waitress, res. 232 S. Clinton. Little Archibald M., res. 237 N. Third. Livingston Bridget, wid. Thomas, res. 527 N. Sixth. Llewellyn Myron (Emma), h. 1010 Washington. Lloyd Ernest (Hattie), machinist, h. 481% N. Union. Lloyd Harry, hostler, res. 481% N. Union. Loan J. William (Mabel E.), clerk, 157 N .Union; h. 232 N. Third. Lobe Lizzie, domestic, 316 Laurel av. Locke George J., helper, res. 312 Wayne. Locke Philip D. (Myrtie E.), painter, h. 79 Main, Bv. { ^ 5 Locke Samuel B. (Julia M.), baggagemaster P. R. R., h. 312 Wayne. C O Lockeby John E., laborer, res. 120 E. Sullivan. ^ ^ 3 Lockeby John L. (Mary B.), laborer, h. 120 B. Sullivan. ^ ^ J Lockwood Abraham, bicycle repairing, 533 N. Union; rms. 20 Main. « q Lockwood Alice, res. 31 Second av., Bv. ^ * Lockwood Alice, waitress, res. 318 N. First. M Lockwood Fred LeRoy, laborer, res. 463% N. Union. Lockwood Mary Mrs., h. 463% N. Union. Lockwood William, painter, rms. 108 E. Sullivan. Loftus John J. (Julia), conductor P. R. R., h. 329 Tompkins. | UKLong Loidold in Walter, Hardie Clara John Edward, Annie, Anthony 1011 (Augusta), B., (Phoebe bartender, glassblower, apprentice, teacher (Frances TO A.), glassblower, No. 126 ORDER glassblower, A.), res. bds. 1WSchool, .605 laborer, State. 113Wh. N. .rms. 920 A. Green. h. Seventh. h.W 113 118 605 .Q. State. N. N. W .Seventh. Barry. Green. COOK, w ££ st HELIKER & PATRIDGE, 8 g 2 S f GENERAL INSURANCE. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 89 307 Represented. Masonic Temple. Longnecker Emmett, clerk, 120 N. Union; bds. Grand Central Hotel; rms. 206 S. Barry. Longnecker James, clerk, 120 N. Union; bds. Grand Central Hotel; rms. 206 S. Barry. Lonkto Anna E. Mrs., h. 108 E. Sullivan. £3-i Lonkto Cena M., res. 108 E. Sullivan. Lonkto Harry J., bookkeeper, res. 108 E. Sullivan. P3 Loop George H. (Winifred M.), iron molder, h. 229 Adams. ~~~~ Lott George H. (Nettie), carpenter, h. River rd., S. O. «-"•» Lougee Metta L., wid. Charles, h. 133 N. Twelfth. ^ L O U G H L E N , see also LAUGHLIN. C3Loughlen Harriet M., principal No. 6 School, res. 306 Laurens. °° L O U G H L E N J O H N J., physician and surgeon, 168% N. Union; bds. Grand - a Central Hotel; office hours, 9-10 a. m., 4-6 and 8-9 p. m. ^3 L O U G H L E N T H O M A S B., physician and surgeon, 168% N. Union; bds. Olean ^ House; office hours, 2-4 and 7-8 p. m. J^j Love Thomas B. (Winnifred), oil producer, h. 311 E. State. >• i Love William, oil producer, res. 311 E. State. • is Lowe Clara A., wid. George, res. 21 Fourth av., Bv. ,—, Lowe Leonard B. (Rose), laborer, h. 21 Fourth av., Bv. q Lowell F. Fern, teacher High School, bds. 207 N. Third. ^3 Lucas Harry H. D. (Adella C ) , ins. agent, 303 N. Union; h. 127 S. Seventh. CD Luce Charles H. (Nellie F.), blacksmith, h. 136 S. Third. Luce Harry J., sttfoent, res. 136 S. Third. rf» Luce Richard, carpenter, bds, 233 Adams. <ML Luderman John W . (Agnes T.), brakeman, h. 527 N. Sixth. *^ Luh Catherine S., res. 119 S. Fourth. ^ m Luh Charles C„ boxmaker, res. 119 S. Fourth. C cj Luh John (Caroline), machinist, h. 119 S. Fourth. . fl w Luh John Jr. (Hilda), bartender, 146 N. Union; h. 105 E. Henley. O •£ Lundberg Albert (Hilda J.), currier, h. 136 N. Thirteenth. r/j S Lundberg George E., buffer, bds. 119 N. Twelfth. i-j H Lundberg Peter G. (Emma M.), buffer, h. 119 N. Twelfth. Q g Lundy Charles A. (Mary A.), motorman, h. 5 Avenue B., N. O. JrJ g Lundy George M., law student, 153 N. Union; res. 124 River, N. O. frj P> Lundy James (Ann), laborer, h. 124 River, N. O. D g Lunney John, res. 1437 Buffalo. . S Lunney Patrick (Margaret), pipefitter, h. 1437 Buffalo. * ^ Lunney Rose M., res. 1437 Buffalo. &, J5j T** U Lunser Adolph (Catherine), clerk, h. 126 S. Second. Luntz Isadore (Rosa), insurance agent, h. 107 Irving. ^ DO Lutes Alexander (Kate), glassblower, h. 114 S. Second. Lutes Edwin M., salesman, 138 N. Union; res. 114 S. Second. *nj?to Lynch Mary James, P. R. R., bds. 435 N. Union. Lutes B.,sectionman res.114 S. Second. 3(jf^ O L U T H E R C H A R L E S P. (Emma C ) , Luther Mfg. Co.), 133 Railroad av., and mgr. The D. S. Abbott Co., 509 N. First; h. 130 N. Barry. -^ ^SSSSfJS^ DUNLAVEY BROS. <& * Luther George H. (Hannah L.), (Luther Mfg. Co.), 133 Railroad av.; h. 314 N. q Q Clinton. $ »"• Luther Lutz Lynch L U Tshops, HSylvester, EAnna, Edward Catherine, Daniel Hannah Harriet George Jessie Mabel R MFG. 133-149 head L., P. M., N., boilermaker, V., M., CO. carpenter, Jr., (Hannah), res. wid. res. Railroad milliner, machinist, h. res. (Charles boilermaker, 214 314 214 Neil, 525 N. N. bds. av. laborer, N. 131 Clinton. res. h. P. Clinton. 133 Seventh. 112 and N. 47 (See 525 Railroad res. Spruce. Union; WGeorge h. N. adv., . 525 State. Seventh. av.; res. N. N. inside H.Seventh. O. Luther), Allegany, res. back 314cover.) foundry N. N.Clinton. Y. and machine w 0 -Ji-QfO & pW£JTmm3*" TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN F_. D. L E A C H _ __ O 2 90 in ^ SEE 310 T e 8 ^ ? Representing the I nternational Correspondence Schools, S C R A N T O N , PA. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 0 . Lynch John J., boilermaker, res. 525 N. Seventh. -+J fe Lynch Joseph, bricklayer, res. 47 Spruce, N. O. ?j ,, Lynch Mamie J., dressmaker, 505 N. Union; rms. 109 Coleman. yy fe Lynch Margaret, domestic, 408 E. State; res. 520 N. Fifth. ^ Lynch Mary, res. 47 Spruce, N. O. "JjJ W Lynch Michael, apprentice, res. 47 Spruce, N. O. <D hJ Lynch Michael (Margaret), molder, 133 Railroad av.; h. 526 N. Fifth. j > © Lynch Miles, boilermaker, res. 525 N. Seventh. r" Lynch Thomas, laborer, h. 38 Homer, N. O. ,_, Lynd Alice S., student, res. 428 N. Seventh. «—i Lynd Joseph W., switchman, res. 428 N. Seventh. *-* Lynd Mark (Sarah M.), laborer, h. 428 N. Seventh. ff. .*. Lynd Mary E., student, res. 428 N. Seventh. \lt *" Lynd Michael J., pipefitter, res. 428 N. Seventh. K Q * Lynecki Lawrence (Margaret), laborer, h. nr. Chemical Works, N. O. Lytle Ada M. A. Mrs., laundress, 107 N. First; do. ... Lyons James (Anna), painter, h. 115 W .h. Green. res. wid. 325 S.Peter, Barry. O l i l Lytle LyonsMay, Martha, h. 1207 Reed. L* Mc Lyons Michael H. (Margaret), carpenter, h. 28 First av., Bv. r Lytle A. May, res. 107 N. First. g t u rj g McAhon Claude D. (Blanche L.), drug clerk, 133 N. Union; h. 312 Jay. P] McAllister Belle, wid. James VS., res. 207 Jay. McAtee Joseph Y. (Myrtle E.), jointer, h. 31 Railroad av., E. O. McAULIFFE DENNIS F. (Anna M.), prop. City Cafe, 146 N. Union; h. 118 S. [h Seventh. (See adv. colored page.) McAuliffe Margaret, domestic, 126 South. McAuliffe Mary, wid. Maurice, tailoress, h. 218 S. Fifth. McAuliffe William, bartender, 146 N. Union; rms. 120 Wayne. M c B R A T N E Y K Y L E , local mgr. Monroe Collecting Co., 40 Exchange Bank bldg. McCabe Abner E. (Mary), lumberman, h. 108 N. Sixth. McCall Edward W . (McCall & Besecker), 721 E. State; rms. 715 do., E. O. McCall & Besecker (Edward W . McCall and Claude J. Besecker),'meat market, 721 E. State, E. O. McCann Elizabeth, wid. William H., h. 49 Union, S. O. McCann John (Harriet), farmer, h. McCann hollow, S. O. c * McCartan Elizabeth, res. 58 Spruce, N. O. McCartan Nellie G., res. 58 Spruce, N. O. McCartan Peter F. (Mary), laborer, h. 58 Spruce, N. O. McCarthy Almeda, wid. John I., h. 202 East av. McCarthy Bartholomew P. (Mary A.), prop. Arizona House, W . State, W . O. McCarthy Eugene (Elizabeth N.), laborer, h. 5 Avenue A, N O. McCarthy Eugene S. (Nellie),flagman,h. 521 N. Sixth. McCarthy Florence E., res. 202 East av. McCarthy Matthew (Sarah), laborer, h. 1718 W . Henley. McCarty Dimner B. (Myra), bookkeeper, 701 E. State; h. do., E. O. McCarty Mary, wid Patrick, res. 47 Homer, N. O. McClory Patrick, res. 133 N. Third. McCloskey Bartholomew Y. (Carrie), laborer, h. Kittanning rd., S. O. McClure Iva, milliner. 207 N. Union; bds. 118 N. Third. McClure Orlando S. (Zilpha), painter, 162% N. Union; h. 114 Coleman. McCormick E. Marie, student, bds. 45 Union, S. O. McCormick Elizabeth M „ student, res. Ill River, N. O. McCormick John, glassblower. bds. 117 S. Barry. McCormick Margaret, wid. John H., h. 133 N. Third. McCormick Margaret, wid. Peter, h. 30 River, N. O. TheMcCormick next beMark Mary, of T., teacher, this oil producer, Directory res. 30 bds. River, 45will N. Union, O. be S. in O. 190?. Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce ,_ Cigars and Tobaccos, < • RILEY & W A N D S 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . r Po O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 91 * c n S 0)a McCormick Michael (Martha J.), leather finisher, h. Ill River, N. O. <« McCormick Thomas J., laborer, res. Ill River, N. O. o x !j McCorry Jeannette, res. 131 S. Barry. n n _-t McCorry John (Amelia), engineer pumping station, h. 131 S. Barry. 5™ -a M c C o y George W . (Maud H.), foreman mold dept, 1409 Buffalo; h. 120 S. Sec- 5 5 ' ond. 5- 2 McCready Charles H., yard clerk, res. 520 N. Fifth. 3 j McCready James J. (Katherine), galvanizer, h. 520 N. Fifth. * h McCready Robert H. (Lucinda B.), res. 117 S. Third. McCready Seeley N. (Sadie C ) , clerk P. R. R. shops; h. 117 S. Third. •"•>! McCutcheon Rollin, student, bds. 213 Tompkins. ^^^ McDermott Anna L., wid. Frank, h. 129 N. Third. ^^^^ McDermott John, laborer, bds. 423 N. Thirteenth. ea^S McDermott Peter (Mary), laborer, h. 813 N. Union, N. O. McDermott Thomas F. (Ella L.), flagman, h. 323 Whitney av. McDonald C. Lillian, teacher, res. 314 N. First. McDonald Felix (Elizabeth), boilermaker, h. 125 River, N. O. McDonald Flora M., res. 314 N. First. McDonald James, currier, bds. 610 E. State, E. O. McDonald Neil (Mary), currier, h. 1 Pierce av., W . O. McDonald Thomas, laborer, bds. 437 N. Union. McDonald William M . (Catherine A.), livery, h. 314 N. First. McDowell Clinton B. (Adelle), grocer, 3 Union; h. do., S. O. McDuffle William E. (Dell), physician, 301 E. State; h. do. McEachern John (Eliza), lumberman, h. 911 Buffalo. McElfresh John R. (Rosa), laborer, h. 16 Plum, E. O. McElhinney Sarah, wid. Jame3, h. 214 W . State. McElligott Daniel (Sarah Jane), granite cutter, h. 206 N. Seventh. McEvelia Bonnie L., student, res. 27 Second av., Bv. McEvelia D o n F., student, res. 27 Second av., Bv. McEvelia Percy J., student, res. 27 Second av.. Bv. McFadden Alexander (Lottie K.), molder, h. 208 N. Sixth. McFadden Anthony (Mary), glassblower, h. 48 Pine, N. O. McFadden John (Mary M.), glassblower, h. 817 Buffalo. McFadden Michael ( E m m a M.), glassblower, h. 28 Oak, N. O. McFarland Alpheus (Jennie C ) , warehouseman, 326 Coleman; h. 334 do. McFarland Harriet B., res. 334 Coleman. M c G a n n Cecelia, domestic, 107 Coleman; res. 402 N. Eighth. M c G a n n Harry E., laborer, res. 402 N. Eighth. M c G a n n James P., res. 402 N. Eighth. M c G a n n Thomas (Margaret), tool dresser, h. 402 N. Eighth. McGavisk Anna E., milliner, res. 670 E. State, E. O. McGavisk Christopher H. (Sarah), driver, 120 N. Union; h. 1048 E. State, E. O. McGavisk John C. (Johanna), laborer, h. 670 E. State, E. O. McGavisk Katherine A., res. 670 E. State, E. O. McGavisk Mary A., operative, res. 670 E. State, E. O. McGavisk Patrick G. (Mary), foreman P. R. R„ E. State, E. J' O. _ ^ McGever dunlavey McGee McGeever McGilliger McGilliger McGavisk McGEE, McGavisk are Dora Bertha see William, Frank Anthony the William Roy Andrew, Sadie Thomas James, John Jennie, Mrs., also sole bros. M., W., T., J., E., owners Mhelper, h. res. (Mary), res. H., brakeman, Apolice, laborer, (Lizzie), blacksmith, student, G207 res. E538 428 207 of Famous EN. the res. and 670 N. h. N. Eleventh. res. currier, res. 428 Eighth. First. Eleventh. res. E. 538 McKEE. bds. 428 State, N. 44 N. 661 Olean N. Garden First. 118 h. Eighth. E. First. 619 E. E. State, O. W Henley. av., Club .h. Henley. E.661 O. Whiskey. n™Street. •=" •*^"" • >* oa^ap p =•laaV • ' »6L* >nH0 ?o•n^ . The Best Shoes in the City p . E . T Y L E R •• ABB BOLD BY 158 North Union Street. C 92 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. & CO., — McGilliger Mary, wid. John, h. 538 N. Eighth. t McGilliger William, switchman, res. 538 N. Eighth. McGinnes John (Ellen), currier, h. 201 N. Thirteenth. McGinnis Arthur, farmer, h. McCann hollow, S. O. •"" McGinnis Hugh, tanner, res. 9 Union, S. O. C McGinnis Kate Mrs., h. 9 Union, S. O. McGinnis Katherine, domestic, 220 N. Fourth. McGinnis Mary, res. 9 Union, S. O. McGrath Elizabeth, housekeeper, 321 N. Fifth. •i McGrath James, snapper, res. 810 Buffalo. JJ McGrath Martin (Mary), stillman, h. 810 Buffalo. McGrath Thomas (Kate), laborer, h. 33 Water, N. O. ^j McGraw Daniel J., boilermaker, res. 108 Spruce, N. O. (0 g McGraw Jane, wid. Patrick, h. 108 Spruce, N. O. £ McGraw John R., laborer, res. 108 Spruce, N. O. r/j McGraw Mary E., res. 108 Spruce, N. O. - 0 McGraw Richard (Ina M.), boilermaker, h. 513 N. Union. O "J2 McGraw Samuel, laborer, bds. 612 N. Union. fyj •S *- McGraw Thomas J., laborer, res. 108 Spruce, N. O. *° McGuire Frances H., wid Simeon D., res. 36 Garden av., E. O. o5 McGuire James, gardener, h. 807 Reed. o • McGuire Peter, laborer, h. 340 N. Eighth. f=) McHugh Hugh, laborer, 133 Railroad av.; bds. Tompkins. McHugh William H. (Ella N ) , foreman P. R. R., h. 209 S. Clinton. > !>* Mclnerney Mary, housekeeper, 211 N. Third. i-3 Mcintosh Archie, machinist, res. 1311 W . Henley. IH Mcintosh Charles A. (Chloe M.), (Mcintosh & Kelly), 1129 W . State; h. 1311 P-i W . Henley. o Mcintosh Mary A. Mrs., res. 233 N. First. P$ Mcintosh & Kelly (Charles A. Mcintosh and Thomas C. Kelly) meat market, 1129 W . State. Mclntyre Mary, wid. James, res. 36 Walnut, N. O. M c K E E , see also M c G E E and M A G E E . «J M c K E E CLINTON T., district mgr. N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Teleg. Co., 133% N. Union; bds. Olean House. tx i-l McKello Michael (Cassie), laborer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. Eh McKinley Henry H. (Rose), clerk, h. 222 N. Third. McKinney Bertha, domestic, 711 W . Sullivan. <I McKinney Hattie, laundress, 112 W . Sullivan; res. Portville, N. Y. M c K l N N E Y LOUIS C , supt. South Penn Oil Co., 206 Masonic Temple; bds. Olean House. McKowen Henry (Martha L.), laborer, h. 71 River, N. O. McLaughlin Edward (Ella A.), glassblower, h. 329 N. Eleventh. McLaughlin Frank (Maggie), switchman, h. 503 N. Fifth. McLaughlin Leon C, student, res. 329 N. Eleventh. McLaughlin Philip, pipefitter, bds. 602 Wayne. McLowry James F. (Myra H.), (McLowry & Monahan), 219 N. Union; h. 134 Fulton. McLowry Mary, clerk, 149 N. Union; res. 209 S. Union. ,. McLowry & Monahan (James F. McLowry and Michael S. Monahan), clothing *OI< 219- N- Union. 518 res. 94 to Pine, N. O.and I ft 0 0 0 1 / ^^ *^w McMahon I Make Agnes, New Stock Order ^ ^ McMahon Edward, helper, res. 401 Irving. Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction . . H | U | U U U l V f W . State •••^ McMahon Ellen, housekeeper, 1205 Buffalo. Street. ^ . McMahon Harry (Mary), sta. engineer, res. 605 N. Fourth. ^2 McMahon Jay, pipefitter, res. 109 N. Sixth. •r"^ John,Jr., laborer, res. 401 Irving. £ LJL4 \ VJy Q^\ ' McMahon McMahon John Kate, H. (Mary), wid. teacher, (Catherine), laborer, Thomas, section res.res. 94 h. foreman, gauger, 605 94 Pine, Pine, N. N. Fourth. h. h.N. O. 94 109 O. Pine, N. Sixth. N. O. G I L L I N G H A M & S O N , jj Builders' Supplies a n d 302 North umon street. g Contracting. — ^ gf&V. OLESN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 93 offl w > McMahon Margaret, res. 401 Irving. H McMahon Margaret, wid. Simon, res. 52 Spruce, N. O. McMahon Mary, res. 401 Irving. McMahon Mary, teacher, res. 94 Pine, N. O. McMahon Mary, wid. Hugh, h. 401 Irving. McMahon May, student, res. 109 N. Sixth. McMahon Robert, laborer, res. 1205 Buffalo. McMahon Simon J., h. 52 Spruce, N. O. McMahon William, stationary engineer, res. 605 N. Fourth. McMann Mary, domestic, 221 N. Second. McManus Frank (Mary R.), foreman J. G. Wilson, h. 40 Pine, N. O. McMillan Delbert J., newspaper correspondent, h. 1214 W. State. McMillan Dolly A., wid. Marcus, h. 1214 W. State. McMillan Mabel H., res. 1214 W . State. McMurray Andrew (Fannie), (J. C. & A. McMurray), Hoops, h. 634 E. State, E. O. © «-j ^Q yQ ^ ^ q raw£» u ^ 9.70 >^/-w ^" "1 *0 !>• I> -^ 2 o .<• 2 - Z McMurray J. C. & A., brick mfrs, Hoops, E. O. McMurray James C. (Annie), (J. C. & A. McMurray), Hoops; h. 650 E. State, *rli E. O. Cj McMurray John (Melvina A.), farmer, h. 19 Crown, E. O. *rj McMurray Lillian, res. 19 Crown, E. O. jrf McMurray Maud L., res. 634 E. State, E. O. J-h McNall Ella, music teacher, res. 28 Pierce av., W. O. 1-3 McNall Mary L., wid. Charles, h. 28 Pierce av., W . O. Cj McNall May, res. 28 Pierce av., W. O. JtJ McNeille Abble R., milliner, res. 207 N. Clinton. ^ McNeille Arlington A., brick mason, res. Ill S. Clinton. McNeille Camilla J., student, res. Ill S. Clinton. p=i McNeille Horace S. (Florence E.), foreman Acme Works, N. O.; h. Ill S. O Clinton. <\ McNeille Jessie W., milliner, res. Ill S. Clinton. [xj McNeille Perry R. (Camilla W.), dentist, 133% N. Union; h. 207 N. Clinton. tJ McWilliams Charles H. (Myrtie), watchman, h. 1013 Washington. McWilliams Nellie, res. 115 Fulton. McWilliams Willis W. (Mary), driver, h. 115 Fulton. M O <{ MacGillis Alexander S. (Margaret), carpenter, h. 522 W. State. o^-i Mack Ellen, h. 417 N. Thirteenth. Mack Michael F. (Minnie), dry good and groceries, 1022 N. Union; h. 53 River, N. O. Mack Patrick, laborer, res. 417 N. Thirteenth. Mackey Henry L. (Emma), painter, h. 34 N. Washington, N. O. «^ Macomber Arvilla E., wid. Judson, dressmaker, res. 130 S. First. Kj,, - Madara Joseph M. (Laura M.), brakeman, h. 320 N Seventh. J^ Madden Sarah, linotype operator, 215 N. Union; res. 210 N. First. j^J Madison Elizabeth Mrs., h. 9 Alder, E. O. y* Madison Michael, laborer, res. 9 Alder, E. O. MAGEE, see also McGEE and McKEE. £"} Magee Charles S. (Mary E.), switchman, h. 114 River, N. O. m. Magee John H. (Minnie L.), master mechanic P. R. R. shops, h. 904 W . State. - SS5 Magee Nora, domestic, 417 E. State. «tt3* Magee Thomas, stationary engineer, rms. 141 N. Barry. 2 »5 Magner Frank W . (Cora B.), carriagemaker, h. 518 N. First. f E« Magner Thomas , 522 N. Union; bds. Bateman House. f-T Mahaffey Mahar Mahon Mahoney Finest WINES Ellen, James Kate Katherine, Bridget, Michael Mrs., AND (Catherine), dressmaker, 'J.J charwoman, LIQUORS wid. .student, ,carriagemaker, meat Daniel, h. res. cutter, Call bds. DUNLAVEY 113 h. h. 113 on 45 130 526% Railroad 503 Union, Railroad N. N. N. Ninth. Union. BROS., Fifth. S. av., av., O. 311 E.E. N. O.O. *ft Union Street. •* < 33. x 3 £2! mt/ j£; m>— jQ[* 310 MASONIC TEMPLE. DO YOU NEED AN EDUCATION? [ ^ [f|[(;|| ; t i l I u III H represents the International .11. I T H U N . Correspondence Schools, 9 m lUi LLnUII|SCRAWTOW PENN'A. |j ^ 94 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 9 •g fe Mahoney James, cooper, res. 526% N. Fifth. •3 ^ Mahoney Thomas, res. 526% N. Fifth. ® H Mahoney Thomas G. (Julia), stillman, h. 112 Wayne. gj hi Maines Joseph (Lena), laborer, h. 428 N. Tenth. ^ O Maisey Charles, laborer, res. 15 N. Walnut, NT t>. Jj Maisey Kate, student, res. 15 N. Walnut, N. O. H Maisey Reuben (Jane), stationaryfireman,h. 15 N. Walnut, N. O. •r> Maitland A. B., tank builder, bds. Hotel Snyder. C/Z) Malin William, machinist h. 413 N. Ninth.. a^B Mallery Charles M. (Susanna), farmer, h. 416 S. Union. Mallery Clyde A., porter Exchange Barber Shop, res. 416 S. Union. Mallery Ferris J. (Mary M.), h. 417 W . State. Mallery Flora A., res. 416 S. Union. Mallery George (Mary), farmer, h. River rd., S. O. Mallery Llewellyn A. (Sophia), bed spring mfr., 516 W . State; h. 413 do. Mallery Llewellyn E., res. 413 W . State. Mallory Albert, bill poster, 25 Exchange Bank bldg. Malone Margaret, res. 417 N. Ninth. Malone Owen E., res. 417 N. Ninth. Malone Simon W . (Agnes),flagman,h. 417 N. Ninth. Malone William P., clerk, res. 417 N. Ninth. Maloney Agnes, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 55 River, N. O. Maloney Edward (Carrie H.), brakeman, h. 441 N. First. Maloney Elizabeth, clerk, 1022 N. Union; res. 55 River., N. O. Maloney James (Ellen),flagman,h. 55 River, N. O. Maloney Nellie L., domestic, 311 N. Fourth. Maloney Patrick J. (Mary), stonecutter, h. 501 N. Eighth. C / H Maloy Mary A. Mrs., h. 202 Coleman. Mandeville Frank E. (Ida), teacher drawing and writing, Public Schools; bds. 212 S. Union. Mandeville Ida Mrs., principal No. 2 School, bds, 212 S. Union. ^ M A N D E V I L L E W . H . & CO. (William H. Mandeville and John Troy), general C/S insurance, Exchange Bank bldg, 163 N. Union. i _ Mandeville William H. (Helen L.), (W. H. Mandeville & Co.), 163 N. Union; h. 223 N. First. Mankie Clara, domestic Olean House. Mann Buel E. (Lillian M.), carpenter, h. 506 N . Fourth. Mann Mabel C, res. 506 N. Fourth. Mann Michael, laborer, res. 12 Third av., Bv. Mann Nora, housekeeper, 118 W . Henley. Mann Roy M., car repairer, res. 506 N. Fourth. Manning Edwin J., driller, res. 29 Railroad av., E. O. Manning Clara D., wid. Maurice H., h. 813 Buffalo. Marcea Angus (Nettie), h. 11 Pond, E. O. H E ^ S X £ i S l 0 l ^ i N*EED A - G- C O O K ' S wMarcea Olive M., res. 11 Pond, E. O. REPAIRING, alUnion, l at N. O. 512 w. state street. Marcinkiewicz Jennie, res. 902cN. Marcinkiewicz John, boilermaker, res. 902 N. Union, N. O. Maroney Markle Markham Margeson Markert Marcus MMarcinkiewicz A Rh. Union; C U115 George William SMendel Evelyn Leo David, Benjamin John Agnes Anna Clarence HARRIS N.h. J., First. (Emma 902 B., res. V., M., Nikoden J., K., L. res. M., do., plumber, (Dorcas), B. student, Wres. teacher 115 115 .student, C.), (Addie), N. (Eda), N. 124 115 N. (Victoria), laborer, O. First. N. S. No. First. res. 113 h.dry res. Sixth. clerk, First. 1444 1W115 .School, goods, h. 115 State; Buffalo, grocery N. 802 9N. Walnut, First. cloaks Wbds. First. res. . and N. State; 110 1444 N. and O. meat N. O. h. Buffalo, millinery, Second. 121 market, S.N. Eleventh. 131 O. 1113-1115 N. Union; N. B l l I Ul TJYI nD Builders' Supplies, Coal and W o o d <= > IHILUn 254 North Union Street. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 95 w r Maroney Anna F., res. 124 S. Sixth. Maroney James P., tinsmith, res. 124 S. Sixth. Maroney Julia, wid. Patrick, h. 124 S. Sixth. 52 2 Marron Frank (Mary), laborer, h. 55 Oak, N. O. o o Marshall Albert, brakeman P. R. R., rms. 264% N. Union. P ° Marshall Carrie D., res. 52 Main, Bv. o o Marshall Cora B., res. 52 Main, Bv. o o Marshall Eliza C , wid. I. T., res. 131 S. Union. Marshall Frank W . (Lucille W.), traveling salesman, h. 126 N. Fourth. o o Marshall James, currier, bds. 66 Clark, E. O. k Marshall Lewis F., apprentice, 502 N. Union; rms. 264% do. Marshall Sarah L., wid. Frederick, res. 25 Garden av., E. O. M A R T H ELIZABETH, millinery, 221 N. Union; res. 135 N. Thirteenth. Marth Martin (Sophia), repairing and upholstering, 1316 W . State; h. 135 N. Thirteenth. en Martin Eli (Caroline), stone mason, h. 11 Fourth av., Bv. Martin Elizabeth, wid. Wilson L., h. 244% N. Union. i-3 Martin Florence M., domestic, 22 Main, Bv. Martin Frederick, laborer, res. 11 Fourth av., Bv. Martin George S. (Maud), painter, rms. 303 N. Barry. Martin Jennie, res. 11 Fourth av., Bv. Martin Joseph,fireman,res. 11 Fourth av., Bv. Martin Lawrence, railway conductor, bds. 614 Wayne. Martin Lulu M., clerk, 174 N. Union; res. 244% do. Martin Sarah L., clerk, 201 N. Union; res. 244% do. Martin William, laborer, res. 11 Fourth av., Bv. Mason Frederick F. (Anna), sta. engineer, Olean St. Ry., h. 1105 Buffalo. Masoner E m m a , domestic, 904 W . State. Masonic Hall, Masonic Temple. Masonic Temple Association, 205 Masonic Temple; F. W . Herron, sec. IT"1 M A S S O N A L B E R T L., mgr. 316% W . State; bds. Hotel Snyder. Masterson Lula M., wid. Thomas H., h. 194% N. Union. Mather Charles V., res. 317 N. Clinton. t d Mather Frances, music teacher, res. 317 N. Clinton. Mather Homer C, res. 317 N. Clinton. Mather Vernum P. Rev. (Addie S.), pastor Congregational Church, h. 317 N. Clinton. Mathis Estelle M., res. 151 N. Eighth. Mathis Thomas J. (Laura), glassblower, h. 151 N. Eighth. Matish John (Annie), laborer, h. 509 N. Seventh. Mattern Abraham (Anna), car repairer, h. W . State, W . O. o Matthews Dunlap, clerk, 925 Buffalo; res. 908 Washington. M A T T H E W S F R A N K H. (Margaret E.), circulating mgr. Herald; h. 908 Washington. Matthews Sarah E., res. 908 Washington. o Mattson Ruhama, res. 114 N. Twelfth. r-1 Maurer Cora M., operative, res. 124 Fulton. w Maurer James M. (Katherine), carpenter, h. 124 Fulton. Maurer John (Phoebe), carpenter, h. 123% N. Union. Maurer L. Albert (Clara A.), driver, 117 N. Union; h. 316 Jay. Maurer Maud S., operative, res. 124 Fulton.and Retail Wholesale Maurer Phoebe Mrs., mfr. hair goods, 123% N. Union; h. do. 3 1 1 Liquor Dealers, R., res. 414 W . Henley. N. Union Street DMaxon u n lArchie a v e G., y yard B r clerk o s .P. R. Maxon Arthur L., res. 178% N. Union. Maxon Byron J., bellboy Olean House, res. 414 W . Henley. Maxon Cassius M., piano tuner, h. 178% N. Union. Maxson Grace A., tel opr., 133% N. res. 414Wdo. W. .Henley. Henley. May Maxon Ella, Edward James Mae Norman wid F., (Anna), A., Bernard, A., tel. cigar clerk, opr., laborer, mfr., h.149 133% 336 h. N. h. N. 414 N. Union; 1001 Tenth. Union; WUnion; .Irving. Henley. res. res. 178% 414 i FOOTWEAR A F. E . T Y L E R tV C 2 / S g OF ALL KINDS, at 158 NORTH UNION STREET. s+* 96 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. " " CO > 09 Frank . May H., res. 717 Irving. *rt -• 3^ May Lewis B. (Frances), commission merchant, h. 210 E. Henley. +* CO z Maybee John, porter Olean House. < CO UJ Maybee Theodore (Mary A.), laborer, h. 17 Railroad av., E. O. Mayer Bros. (Max F. and Rudolph C ) , meat market, 152 N. Union. S O Mayer Claude F. (Flora T.), (Mayer & Mayer), 122 N. Union; h. 136 S. Second. CO Mayer Edward (Eliza J.), laborer, h. 342% S. Barry. o MAYER GEORGE M. (Marie W.), postmaster City bldg.; bds. Olean CM House. Mayer Katherine, wid. Max., h. 231 N. Fourth. *\ Mayer Lila M., wid. Julius A., h. 602 W . Sullivan. £ ^ Mayer Mary T., h. 114 N. First. f-u Mayer Max F. (Julia A.), Mayer Bros.), 152 N. Union; h. 227 N. Fourth. (^ Mayer Rudolph C. (Elizabeth D.), (Mayer Bros.), 152 N. Union; h. 508 W . A \ Sullivan. -^•^ Mayer Veronica, domestic, 305 N. Second; rms. 117 Coleman. V ^ M A Y E R & M A Y E R (Claude F. and George M.), merchant tailors, 122 N. J^ Union. (See adv., outside cover.) \~i Maynard Edwin (Wealthy), laborer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. W * * Maynard Frank (Mary), farmer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. Q ) Mayo Greenleaf H. (Margaret F.), h. 920 Washington. y^ Mayo Harry B. G., gauger, res. 920 Washington. ^ ^ Mayo Mary L., clerk, 121 N. Union; res. 920 Washington. wMayo William, lumber inspector, res. 920 Washington. Ljj^-f Mayo Winfield G. (Mary), street car conductor, h. 117 S. Seventh. ^ ^ ^ Mazza Bmil, clerk, 231 N. Union; res. 229% do. Mazza Lazzero A. (Barbara), (Italo-American Fruit Co.), 231 N. Union; h. a \ 229% do. y Mazurck John, laborer, bds. 1002 N. Union, N. O. O Y Mead Bert (Bertha), laborer, h. 931% Buffalo. ^ ; Mead E m m a H., teacher No. 3 School, rms. 133 S. Barry. *^^ Mead Fred J., glass worker, res. 507 N. Ninth. [%/ j Mead George C. ( E m m a M.), driver, h. 264% N. Union. raaaa; Mead Glenn, glass worker, res. 507 N. Ninth. Mead Herbert E. (Hattie J.), carpenter, h. 5 Union pi. Mead John (Maria A.), carpenter, h. 507 N. Ninth. Mead Nettie R., res. 117 N. Fourth. Mead Pearl, res. 507 N. Ninth. Mead William L. (Fannie E.), cook, h. 117 N. Fourth. Meaney Catherine, domestic, 423 E. State. Meaney Ellen, domestic, 315 Laurens. Mecklen Wallace VS., woodworker, 217 Wayne; bds. 527 N. Union. Meder Jacob (Lena), car inspector,, h. 125 N. Seventh. Meilink John (Mary), laborer, h. 7 Franklin, N. O. Meloy Charles F. (Carrie F.), prop. Olean Job Printing Office, 314 Masonic Temple, h. 13 Front, Bv. Meloy Frances W., bookkeeper, 113 N. Union; res. 313 Laurel av. Meloy Fred O., printer, 314 Masonic Temple; res. 13 Front, Bv. M E L O Y J O H N W . (Frances W . ) , grocer, 113 N. Union; h. 313 Laurel av. Meloy Mary D., stenographer Acme Works, N. O.; res. 313 Laurel av. Mengel Lizzie, domestic, 130 S. Barry. Merchant h. 408 W .WJND?OR_ Henley. B . U .Austin T AW .Y (Mary L O A.), R janitor, * K,NQ'S PLASTER Merkle Leonard, machinist, bds. 112 W . AND State. 2S« N. Union Street. MILLS CEILINGS. Merrick Moses (Marietta E.), lumber inspector, Johnson, N. O.; h. 318 N. Ninth. Merritt Edward D. (Ada B.), machinist, h. 525 N, Sixth. F. W .O. & W .Wand William L.), general Merritt State, Bishop, George Frederick E. E. O. H.,Son Wres. . (Frederick (Ida 112 E.), E. Henley. (F. . Merritt & Son), 637 E.store, State;637 h. E. 71 Rll F Y a T W A N I I Q Wholesale Grocers, City Building Lots for sale. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 301-305 N . Union St. 97 ^ ^ Merritt Onslow M. (Francelia), letter carrier p. o., h. 112 E. Henley. *•*• Merritt William A. (Mina B.), laborer, h. 434 N. Tenth. I Merritt William L. (Grace M.), (F. W . Merritt & Son), 637 E. State, h. 73 •••• Bishop, E. O. ^"*\ Merry Charles A. D., plumber, 184 N. Union; bds. 313 W . Green. V ' Merwin Ethel P., clerk, res. 1102 W . Sullivan. ^ ^ Merwln Hattie M., res. 20 Gulf, E. O. ^ ^ Merwin James, currier, h. 20 Gulf, E. O. *=Merwin Lewis J. (Ruth E.), car repairer, h. 1102 W . Sullivan. ,^r Merwin Marcus D., lineman, res. 20 Gulf, E. O. Merwin Reuben (Myrtle), driver, 217 Wayne; h. 507 Van Campen av. ^ Messer George J., machinist, res. 408 Wayne. CfO Messer John (Eva A.), engine despatcher P. R. R., h. 408 Wayne. ^> E Messer Louisa J., res. 408 Wayne. Messer Mary J., trimmer, 235 N. Union; res. 408 Wayne. (/) Messer Peter J. ( E m m a M.), foreman, 134 E. Sullivan; h. 127 S. Fifth. Metcalf Amelia C, wid. Levi D., h. 520 W . State. rn Metcalf Earl, messenger, res. 520 W . State. Metcalf Fred, liveryman, res. 520 W . State. Metcalf William F. (Minnie), railroad conductor, h. 431 N. First. M E T R O P O L I T A N LIFE INS. CO., 156 N. Union; Sanford G. Greenman, asst. supt. ^^^ Meyer Julia K., res. 205 N. Thirteenth. ^^H Meyers Joseph (Kate), butcher, h. 307 S. Eighth. aaanU Michael Abraham I., clerk, res. 212 W . State. ^^1 Michael Esther, apprentice, 131 N. Union; res. 212 W . State. • Michael Rufus H., clerk, 252 N. Union; res. 212 W . State. Michael Samuel (Hannah), tailor, 212 W . State; h. do. J3 Michael William C. (Martha), laborer, h. 16 Cherry, E. O. CO Mlchler Gottlieb (Caroline), laborer, h. 116 S. Fourth. . _ Michler Rosine, wid. Andrew, res. 124 S. Twelfth. a o Mlchler William H. (Mary), blacksmith, h. 29 Walnut, N. O. 5" 3. Middleton George W . (Mandena), barber, 130 N. Union; h. 124 N. Fifth. "§. =• Miles Arminta B., res. 213 E. State. o ti Miles Edward A., bookkeeper, res. 213 E. State. jg s?1 Miles Frank (Jessie), laborer, h. 19 Pierce av., W . O. _ «$. Miles Gilbert D. (Elwllda J.), patternmaker, h. 213 E. State. ro ,_ Miles res. 213 E. State. J" S2 Miller Jacob AlbertC. B.,(Florence), clerk, res.night 133 S.lunch, Seventh. Miles John D. (Ora), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 417 W . Sullivan. " 3 Miller Amelia S., wid. George C , res. 26 Third av., Bv. 2 - *% Miles Nellie M., clerk, 242 N.h. Union; res.av., 213Bv. E. State. Miller Appolonia, wid. Jacob, 22 First Milham Frank,F. res. 1310L.), Irving. Miller Arden (Lois (Miller Hardware Co.), 139 N. Union; h. 214 N. . Millar Elizabeth W., res. 616 Washington. ,_ 70 ^. Third. HI Millar Bertha May A.,M., stenographer, 40Union; Exchange res. 616 Washington. 2 Miller clerk, 120 N. res.Bank 905 Wbldg.; . Henley. 22 HI Millar Charles Thomas W., (Mary Miller bds.L.), 603bookkeeper, E. State, E.34 O.Exchange Bank bldg.; h. 616 Wash- © H OO Ington. 70 © Miller Charles W., laborer, res. 15 Third av., Bv. \ MillardDaniel M. Lou, bds.contractor, 110 W . Henley. Miller H.teacher, (Mary B.), h. 224 N. Sixth. \»-.«^Q Miller Addle res. 15laborer, Third av^, Bv.W . Green. Miller David L., (Anna), h. 621 1zl f/ 25 Miller Elmer W., clerk, 121 W . State; res. 115 S. First. I £J Miller Floretta M., res. 133 S. Seventh. W Miller Frank J., messenger Postal Tel. Cable Co., res. 705 Washington. " >J Miller Fred, car repairer, bds. 611 W . Henley. «^ Miller Fred, porter Grand Central Hotel. O UnionJadeWhiskey^BtoD^LAV£BR08. § H E L W P A T R l D G E E r 98 I n s u r a n c e MasonicTemple "' O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. Miller Fred H., messenger Postal Tel. Cable Co., res. 905 W. Henley. « * Miller George (Christina), car repairer, h. 216 S. Tenth. Miller George (Jennie L.), painter, h. 705 Washington. Miller George D., loco,fireman,bds. 712 Wayne. MILLER H A R D W A R E CO. (Arden F. Miller, Albert E. Ewing and James G. Mitchell), hardware, stoves, tinning and gasfitting, 139 N. Union. Miller Henry C. (Grace B.), clerk, 121 W . State; res. 134 S. Second. Miller Henry E., machinist, res. 52 Third av., Bv. Miller Herman G. (Eva), foreman carpenter shop P. R. R., h. 52 Third av., Bv, MILLER IRVING W . (M. Winona), supt. and sec. Olean St. Ry., h. 213 W State. Miller J. Edward (Eda), painter, h. 311 S. Seventh. Miller Joseph, machinist, res. 215 S. Barry. Miller Laurentlne Y. (Eveline), produce, 121-123 W . State; h. 115 S. First. Miller Lenora, res. 219 W . State. Miller Lillie, domestic, 125 S. Second. •Jj Miller Margaret, wid. Jacob, h. 201 N. Thirteenth. •»«•J Miller Milton A. (Susan R.), dispatcher P. R. R., h. 308 N. Barry. Miller Otto (Susie E.), jeweler, 109 N. Union; res. 219 W . State. +J- Miller Paul W . (Leona B.), tel. inspector, 209 Masonic Temple; h. 125% N. g Union. I £ Miller Peter (Dora), laborer, h. 905 W . Henley. * , CO Miller Raymond, machinist apprentice, res. 52 Third av., Bv. tC H Ogj Miller Robert E. (Kate), cigarmaker, 111 N. Union; h. 133 S. Seventh. t H -g Miller Stewart (Anna), brakeman, h. 125 N. Eighth. L j -2 Miller Thornton A. (Mabel C ) , bookkeeper, h. 128 N. First. I *" Miller William, carpenter, res. 22 First av., Bv. I -£ Miller William F. (Mary), laborer, h. 15 Third av., Bv. » Miller William J., bookkeeper, 120 N. Union; res. 905 W . Henley. S Milliken Bridget, wid.Thomas B., h. 506 N. Sixth. Milliken Mary, wid. William, res. 614 Wayne. C O MILLIKEN R O B E R T (Nora), prop. Corry House, 614-616 W a w n e ; h. do. Milliken Walter, student, res. 614 Wayne. Mllliman Frederick D. (Mary A.), bartender, 315 N. Union; h. 321 Whitney av. Milliman Jennie B., res. 321 Whitney av. Milliman Mary Mrs., laundress, 264 N. Union; res. 321 Whitney av. Milliman Sarah E., wid. John, h. 40 Grossman av., E. O. Mills Stewart (Rowena), musician, h. 241 N. Union. Minehan Andrew (Olive A.), laborer, h. 32 First av., Bv. Mlnehan Michael, painter, h. 122 S. Fourth. Minehan Nora, res. 122 S. Fourth. Miner Frank M., laborer, res. 313 Jay. Miney Frederick (Dorothy), switchman P. R. R., h. 328 N. Sixth. Mitchell Frank, laborer, h. 67 Bishop, E. O. Mitchell J. Ritchie (Anna B.), h. 132 N. First. Mitchell James G. (Emma H.), (Miller Hardware Co.), 139 N. Union; h. 230 N. Third. Mix Frank A., laborer, res. 15 Pierce av., W . O. Mix C, wid. August, h.G. av.,h. WOil ..av., O. MAKE *^— C Oar» Monahan Mohr MMoffett raWORKTO O HBv. perial. RHuldah and Andrew George , Michael Joseph Amelia, Annie see Guarantee William Katherine Michael also P. J., (Julia), O. ORDER (Frances), res. (Mary Perfect Mres. H. O(Eugenia S.OV., 418 R418 (Mary (McLowry Satisfaction. car EJ.), stenographer N. A. N. and repairer, night carpenter, Thirteenth. E.), E. Thirteenth. MA.), O15 foreman, watchman, &R COOK, EPierce Monahan), foreman .h.Vacuum h.Ronolder Ronolder 1601 ^L, Acme W418 219 Henley; Co. N. av., Works, N. WThirteenth. .WUnion; O. . O. h. N.722 O.; bds. "Main, •h. olUbG Hotel 25Bv. Front, Ob. Im- G I L L I N G H A M & S O N Buildi"g Contractors and Building Supply 3Q2 North Union Street. DEALERS. g H OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 99 H q . _ MONROE COLLECTING CO., 40 Exchange Bank bldg.; Kyle McBratney, trj H local mgr. Monthey August (Ernestina), laborer, h. 63 River, N. O. Monthey Herman, laborer, res. 63 River, N. O. Monthey Paul, laborer, res. 63 River, N. O. Montle Albert E. (Mary), blacksmith, h. 118 N. Fifteenth. Montroy Frank (Jeannette), sta. engineer, h. 220 VS. Seventh. Montroy George J., sta. engineer, res. 220 N. Seventh. Monzello Florence, res. 337 S. Barry. Moodier Charles F. (Susan), carpenter, h. 605 N. Union. Moodier Viola M., res. 605 N. Union. Moodier Susan Mrs., boarding house, 605 N. Union. Moody Frederick, currier, res. 49 Brook, E. O. Moody Hattie, res. 49 Brook, E. O. Moody Maud E., res. 49 Brook, E. O. Moody Walter E. (Emma), driller, h. 49 Brook, E. O. Mook Benjamin, clerk, res. 1032 W . Sullivan. Mooney Addle, res. 119 Irving. Mooney Benjamin F. (Anjenette), shoemaker, h. 119 Irving. Mooney Benjamin J., shoemaker, 306 N. Union; res. 119 Irving. Mooney Edward, laborer, res. 423 N. Thirteenth. Mooney Frank, plumber, res. 119 Irving. M O O N E Y J A M E S F. REV., rector St. John's R. C. Church, h. 773 N. Union ^ g H g S § S W SO •< "<< " g- Jj* • g JJ g; g g g; «*2 ?- «.— CW ©" N. O. Mooney John, gathering boy, res. 423 N. Thirteenth. Mooney Mary T., res. 423 N. Thirteenth. Mooney Nellie E., res. 423 VS. Thirteenth. 00 Mooney Patrick (Ellen), driver, h. 423 N. Thirteenth. PS Mooney William, laborer, res. 423 N. Thirteenth. 85 3 M O O R E , see also M O H R and M O R E . Moore Anna, res. 36 Moore's rd., W . O. Moore Charles G., civil engineer, res. 232 N. First. o Moore Charles H. (Eliza), laborer, h. 48 Moore's rd., W . O. •a Moore Charles L., laborer, res. 43 Railroad av., E. O. o M O O R E E. R., lumber, planing mill and builders' supplies, 207-227 Wayne; h. r232 N. First. m Moore Earl L. (Maud), pumper, h. 16 Center, Bv. Moore Evelyn N., res. 504 W . Sullivan. _ Moore Foster (Anna E.), drayman, h. 43 Railroad av., E. O. p ^ Moore Frederick R., bookkeeper, 217 Wayne; res. 232 N. First. Moore George D., farmer, res. 17 Genesee, Bv. Moore George H., res. 48 Moore's rd., W . O. Moore George N., oil producer, h. 504 W . Sullivan. Moore George W . (Ida M.), carpenter Vacuum Oil Co., h. 1116 Washington. Moore Jane E., wid. John, res. 126 N. Barry. Moore Lovell G. (Helen E.), farmer, h. 17 Genesee, Bv. Moore Mary E., student, res. 232 N. First. Moore Richard (Lucine), tool dresser, h. 105 Fulton. Moore Rosina L., wid. Horace W., h. 214 N. Second. Moore William, carpenter, h. 36 Moore's rd., W . O. Moore William D. (Elizabeth R.), general mgr., 217-227 Wayne; h. 232 N. First. Moore William D. Jr., levelman, res. 232 N. First. Q f> Moran Edward D. (Kate), (Moran & Bowser), 312 N. Union; h. E. State, E. O. ' * Moran Fred, brakeman P. R. R., rms. 309% N. Union. P t^ Moran Mary, wid. Matthew, h. 12 Third av., Bv. e_, y Moran Mary H., teacher, res. 12 Third av., Bv. O ;> DUNLAVEY Moraskey Moran -a»»3ii VS. Thomas Minnie, &Union. Bowser Dora, Benjamin, North BROS.c domestic, (Altle), res. (Edward union 524 snapper, ^^^"J", saloon, W417 .D. str.et.^State. E. Moran res. 321 State. 524 tN.and Union; W . Rhinaldo State. Famous h. do.M. Olean Bowser), ClubWIiiskey billiards, 312 Q S>> ".W g=*•-^ V hj OgQ | Large Stock. Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f T V I C D P p n ] Prices right. BEST M N E 8 IN THB CITY. I I Ll I ILLII VjL UUli BEST LINES IN THE CITY. I I 1.1 I I L.I.II VI. V U l )B8 N Un|on st 5 100 O L E A N DUPLEX DIRECTORY. L , _ +1 * Moraskey John (Kate), laborer, h. 524 W . State. • MORE, see also M O O R E and MOHR. a More Kate H., wid. LaGrange F., res. 706 W . Sullivan. 1 *J MORELL PETER, shoemaker, 108 Laurens; rms. 143% N. Union. (See end 'm colored.) •jj Morgan Cassius C , clerk, 203 N. Union; res. 117 N. Third. 0 Morgan Charles B., helper Vacuum Oil Co., res. 117 N. Third. J Morgan George H. (Mary), glassblower, h. 106 Coleman. (P Morgan Horace H. (Emeline K.), salesman, 225 N. Union; h. 168% do. O Morgan Russell B., res. 118 N. Clinton. N Morgan Zelena E. Mrs., h. 117 N. Third. Morian Carlos C. (Marion E.), confectioner, h. 211 N. Clinton. Morian Fred E. (Mary), confectionery, W . State cor. N. Union; h. 109 S. Fifth. ^J* Morre Theodore, cutter, 138 N. Union. ^"^ Morris Caroline E., res. 249 N. Union. wmt Morris Charles D., student, res. 249 N. Union. »V Morris Charles J. (Carrie), helper, h. 506 Brickell av. J MORRIS C H A R L E S W . (Lulu), lumber, whol., 33 Exchange Bank bldg., and millinery, 235 N. Union; rms. 116 S. Clinton. Morris Elizabeth, seamstress, res. 420 N. First. J Morris Elizabeth C, wid. Samuel D., res. 409 N. Ninth. Morris Florence, res. 1308 W . Henley. z Morris Harvey, gen. supt. Weidmann Stave and Heading Mills, h. at Weido ;1 mann, Ontario, Canada. MORRIS JACOB E. K. (Sarah F.), physician and surgeon, 249 N. Union; h. do.; office hours, 11 to 12 a. m., 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. J i Morris Mabel, domestic, 209 S. Union; res. 1308 W . Henley. Morris Margaret, res. 249 N. Union. Morris Raymond B., student, res. 249 N. Union. Morris Sidney (Bina), currier, h. 1308 W . Henley. Morris William, night clerk, Grand Central Hotel. Morse Abbie, bookkeeper, rms. 135 N. Barry. Morse Cora B., res. 121 Fulton. Z Morse Emulls (Ella), gasfitter, h. 121 Fulton. Morse George (Alice), laborer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. •J Morse Martha V., bookkeeper, 133 Railroad av.; rms. 135 N. Barry. <; Morse Merlyn W., clerk, res. 121 N. Third. O Morse Roswell D., res. 121 N. Third. Morton Charles D. (Ida L.), switchman, h. 315 N. Seventh. M Morton Michael C. (Carrie), boilermaker, h. 526 N. Sixth. pp# Mortz George, currier, bds. 66 Clark, E. O. *>» Moses Edward C. (Bertha), carpenter, h. 611 W . Henley. Q ^ Moses John, laborer, h. 412 N. Union. ^^ Moses Joseph, laborer, bds. 453 N. Union. j ^ Moses Mary, housekeeper, 412 N. Union. r Mosher Alice D., dressmaker, 129 S. Second; res. do. r"» Mosher Alvln (Henrietta), lumberman, h. 129 S. Second. QThe Mosier Hattie B., telegrapher, res. 309 N. Fifth. )?JL* WT3T• 4, next Mott Mosier Motto Motts Moulton MottIssue Charles Floyd Fred Archibald Stephen May, George Slater Joseph Samuel Nellie William Brdlget, George Gertrude E. of clerk, S., (Mary S., A. (Cora C, A. (Susan), G. this res. M. H. W., (Mida yard res. (Mary (Tillle), wid 157 B., (Hattie (Helen J.), 317 E.), Directory emp. 309 N. John, clerk, wid. E.), farmer, blacksmith, E.), S. switchman, Union; N. Olean M.), meat M.), Barry. conductor Charles bartender, Fifth. h. res. distiller, h. will carriage 31 cutter, Chemical res. 27 55 Maple, h. P., h. First 27 Railroad be P. 27 437 h. First 260 R. painter, in h. First av., 315 Co., N. 213 N. R., 309 N. 1902, O. av., Ninth. S. av., Bv. av., res. E. Union; h. N.Barry. h. 404 Henley. Bv. Fifth. E. 52 Bv. 317 S. River, O. h.S. Union. 507 Barry. WN.. O. State. b. U. 1 A I L U K 6w Roofing Union 'st. g- n O~ • > — » - material • — OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 101 3 r" 0*1 Moulton John, porter, bds. 315 Railroad av. _ %— Mountain Rose E., res. Ill N. Union. lu *+. M O U N T A I N WILLIAM H., physician and surgeon, 111 N. Union; h. do.; office w W hours, 8-9 a. m., 1-3 and 7-8 p. m.; Sunday, 12-2 p. m.; Bell 'phone 153. 2 ^. Mouston Ella, res. 534 N. Sixth. 0 |_^ Mouston Michael (Mary), machinist, h. 534 N. Sixth. V S Moyer Bruce, helper, res. 1032 W . Sullivan. H ^~* Moyer Samuel L. (Julia), telegrapher, h. 1032 W . Sullivan. X ^* Muckey Fayette L., clerk, 154 N. Union; res. 805 W . State. % T* Muckey Orgen, livery, 238 N. Union; rms. do. Muckey William T., clerk, 120 N. Union; h. 805 W . State. * HQ Mudge Charles (Geraldine), bookkeeper, 1601 W . Henley; h. 113 S. Barry. J5 m Mukszchl Martin (Annie), laborer, h. 11 N. Walnut, N. O. >• f «. Mulholland William H. (Katherine), bartender, h. 312 Tompkins. JJ ^* M U L L E R H E R M A N C. (Mary E.), carriage and sign painter, 477 N. Union; h. JJ Pfl Allegany rd. PI ^ j Mullaly Ann, wid. William, res. 109 River, N. O. PI ^ * Mullaly Thomas W., laborer, h. 109 River, N. O. H »"J Mullln David (Hortense), pipefitter, h. 31 N. River, N. O. u» Mullln Patrick F. (Maggie A.), currier, h. 123 S. Thirteenth. m^^m Mullner Rose, domestic, 521 N. Fifth. ^^E Mulrain Jeremiah, stillman, bds. 1126 N. Union, VS. O. ^m^ Mulready John (Margaret H.), laborer, h. 1314 W . Sullivan. ^_S Multruss Millie, domestic, 116 S. Clinton. "*JB Mundt Frederick W . (Susan M.), principal N. O. School, h. 318 N. Third. — ^ Mundt William C, res. 318 N. Third. ff\B Munger Edwin (Alice R.), driver, 155 N. Union; h. 213 Whitney av. U*"€ Murphy Catherine, wid. George, h. 1103% N. Union, N. O. ^_^ Murphy Daniel, yard foreman Acme Works, N. 0.;'res. 56 Spruce, N. O. ^^"» Murphy Daniel J., car builder, bds. 407 N. Eighth. C3Q Murphy Daniel M., laborer, res. 17 Oak, N. O. SS3 Murphy Elizabeth, res. 1103% N. Union, N. O. C/9 Murphy Elizabeth, res. 56 Spruce, N. O. Murphy Ellen Mrs., h. 56 Spruce, N. O. Murphy Frank, currier, rms. 238 N. Third. Murphy Grace E. Mrs., stenographer, 1409 Buffalo, res. 309 N. Fifth. Murphy Henry B. (Lillian V.), laborer, h. Kittanning rd., S. O. Murphy John A., glassblower, res. 17 Oak, N. O. Murphy John E. (Clara D.), leather sorter, 1601 W . Henley; h. 1005 do. M U R P H Y J O H N V., druggist, 1103 N. Union; res. 1103% do., N. O. Murphy Mary, wid. James, res. 56 Spruce, N. O. Murphy Michael J. (Bridget), currier, h. 225 N. Thirteenth. Murphy Michael M. (Kate), laborer, h. 17 Oak, N. O. Murphy Nellie A., res. 17 Oak, N. O. Murphy William F., res. 17 Oak, N. O. Murray Henrietta, wid. Parmer, h. 29 Railroad av., E. O. Murray J. Calvin (Gertrude L.), (American Palace Laundry), 112 W . Sullivan; h. 71 Bishop, E. O. Murray Joshua N. (Elizabeth), knife setter, h. 28 King, E. O. Murray Patrick B. (Ellen), res. 1305 W . Henley. — Murtaugh Anna E., res. 207 S. Barry. a^w Murtaugh Edward (Rennie), tanner, h. 207 S. Barry. tli-m. Murtaugh John W . (Ella M.), foreman, 742 N. Union, N. O.; h. 752 do. U ^ Murtaugh Maud M., res. 207 S. Barry. ^m^ Myers Catherine, res. 510 N. Seventh. 52» Fortie Myers Myres Edward, E Kate, Martin Edith John m mfines! a dressmaker, F. M., Mrs., (Katherine), bartender, laborer, (Amelia clerk. h.Wines 1157 Union 184 R.), res. 1121 saloon, N. N. machinist, 1121 pi. Union; Union; and N. N. Union; 1121 Union, Liquors res. h.N. h. S. res. 211 Union; 510 Barry. N.do., S. N. O.Union. j h. Seventh. N.do., du»l«etj»us. O. N. O. ~ » H E L I K E R & P A T R I D G E ®General IE £ M Iff\ II r$ U \4 c a rkl II la la I II la 11 102 " ^ a n c l I fllllla#Uaa Only Reliable Companies Represented OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Myres Lavina, wid. Jacob H., h. 211 S. Union. Myrick George F. (May E.), clerk P. R. R., Railroad av.; h. 316 N. Clinton. MYRICK MACHINE CO. (Alfred and Edward M. Tothlll), 126-134 E. Sullivan. Myrick William L., steward, bds. 3 Union pi. C^ Q 2 , 4 ^~} J. •» 4 *-J q f} *"*• Nagle Felix (Mary), laborer, h. 67 Oak, N. O. Nalley Albert L., painter, bds. Genesee House. Nancarrow Frank H. (Sarah J.), horse trainer; h. 44 Avenue B, Bv. Nancarrow Rose C, wid. George, res. 44 Avenue B, Bv. Nash Aaron N. (Ellen C ) , h. 3 Bishop, E. O. Nash Parker U., laborer, res. 63 Garden av., E. O. Nash Uriah J. (Mary L.), laborer, h. 63 Garden av., E. O. N A T I O N A L T R A N S I T CO., 24 Exchange Bank bldg.; Fred B. Humphrey, mgr. I/) Neff Edna P., res. 716 Washington. N E F F E D W A R D W . (Emelie A.), barber, 108 N. Union, City Hall bldg.; h. 716 Washington. (See adv opp. front cover.) < Nelles Reginald F., tester, bds. Hotel Imperial. H N E L S O N A L E X A N D E R W . (Jennie M.), prop. City Steam Laundry, 264 N. Union; h. 312 Laurel av. Nelson Bartholomew M., driver, 925 Buffalo; res. 316 N. Thirteenth. Nelson Betty Mrs., h. 315 Railroad av. & Nelson Charles B., bookkeeper, First National Bank; res. 1072 E. State, E. O. Nelson Clara W., bookkeeper, 264 N. Union; res. 312 Laurel av. Nelson Electa Mrs., h. 520 W . State. (/} Nelson Fred (Albertina), laborer, h. 70 King, E. O. W Nelson J. Raymond, driver, 463 N. Union; res. 910 Wayne. Nelson John J. (Julia), sta. engineer, 1601 W . Henley; h. 316 N. Thirteenth. Nelson Magnus ( E m m a C ) , loco, engineer, 1105 E. State; h. 1072 do., E. O. Nelson Mary, res. 910 Wayne. Nelson Mary, wid. Rudolph, res. 115 N. Ninth. at Nelson Mary J., res. 316 N. Thirteenth. a Nelson Maude, res. 520 W . State. 4 Q | Nelson Minnie, domestic, 1120 W . State. j m Nelson Nellie, res. 1072 E. State, E. O. ^ ^ ^ Nelson P. Henry, polisher, res. 910 Wayne. ^"^ Nelson Paul H. (Mary), oil contractor, h. 910 Wayne. Nenno Joseph J. (Vida L.), (Coast, Davis & Nenno), 154 N. Union; h. 404 fr^t*\ Laurens. ^ • / N E W C O N K L I N W A G O N CO.. 420-424 E. State; J. E. Dusenbury, pres.; E. A. Judd, sec. and treas.; D. C. Conklin, gen. mgr. *_^\ N e w Era Merchant Tailoring Co., 719 W . State; Andrew Schelin, prop. V J N E W YORK & PENNA. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., 133% N. fk^ Union; C. T. McKee, district manager. \JS^ Newman Anna, wid. Wilson J., dressmaker, 512 Brickell av.; h. do. -_ • Newman Daniel, glassblower, res. 1480 Buffalo, N. O. LLbJ Newman Ellen, wid. William, h. 1480 Buffalo, N. O. vaaa« Newman John J. (Teresa B.), supt. Tanners' Shoe Stock Co., 1602 W . Henley; f^^ h. 145 S. Union. ^ b . Newman John T. (Kate), machine hand, h. 116 Wayne. _ ^ J Newman Lee, res. 512 Brickell av. *2JJ™ Newman Newell N. (Carrie E.), portraits, h. 1116 W. Sullivan. C f^^jkf Newman Roy SHOES G., student, res. 1116 W. Sullvan. v*aa* | D 1' •^"•™ _ ^ \^#1 WHEN Nichols Newman Nichols Nickel ington. YOUR Ernest Edward Ralph Mary, Thomas, Thomas wid. H., E. H.tank G. (Augusta), laborer, (Jennie), Samuel, (Dell), builder, NEED res. res. laborer, sta. sta. A, 47 res. 708 engineer, engineer, Johnson, G, 1480 W h.. Park State. COOK'S Buffalo, h. 301 N.av., 47 O. WJohnson, .E. N.Henley; O. N.h. O.1212 Wash- HELIKER & PATRIDGE Fire, Life and 3 0 T Accid.cn t INSURANCE, Masonic Temple O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 103 Nicklas Anthony A., asst. baggage master P. R. R.; h. Allegany rd. Nicklas John (Charlotta M.), barber, 108 S. Union; h. 520 N. Fourth. NICKLES G E O R G E (Greek-American Fruit Co.), 201 N. Union; h. 104 Laurens. Nickles Gust, clerk, 201 N. Union; res. 104 Laurens. Nickles Peter, clerk, 201 N. Union; res. 104 Laurens. N I C K U M C H A R L E S T. (Elizabeth L.), art and wall paper store, 240 N. Union; h. 131 S. Second. Nietner Henry (Mary), laborer, h. 1116 Irving. Noble Bartlett A. (B. Ann), driver, h. 421 N. Ninth. Noble Bessie L., res. 511% N. Union. Noble Edward M., tallyman, P. R. R., Railroad av.; rms. 135 N. Barry. Noble Fred J., machine hand, res 421 N. Ninth. Noble Laura J., res. 511% N. Union. "•""* Noble William E. (Helen L.), carpenter, h. 511% N. Union. ^^\ Nobles Byron D. (Louise E.), agent Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co., Ill North; ^ ^ h. 109% do. *"3P' Noonan Bina, student, res. 123 River, N. O. aaaaal Noonan Hannah, wid. Timothy, h. 123 River, VS. O. '•••^ Noonan James (Mary), currier, h. 610 E. State, E. O. aaaaa Noonan James, Jr., currier, res. 610 E. State, E. O. |aa«a; Noonan John, snapper, res. 610 E. State, E. O. 31 * Noonan John J., gauger, res. 123 River, VS. O. Noonan Mary, res. 610 E. State, E. O. ^^^ Noonan Mary B., tel. operator, 209 Masonic Temple; res. 123 River, N. O. aj-l Noonan Michael T., clerk, 167 N. Union; res. 123 River, N. O. >a»^ Noonan William, res. 610 E. State, E. O. Normandeau Helen E., teacher Jr. High School, bds. 210 E. Henley. Normandeau N. Alma, teacher, bds. 210 E. Henley. Northcote Frederick (Sarah), bricklayer, h. 75 River, N. O. Northcote John, laborer, res. 75 River, N. O. Northcote Lillian, domestic, 217 N. Eleventh; res. 75 River, N. O. Northcote Mamie, cigarmaker, res. 65 River, N. O. Northrup Eva A., wid. Titus, h. 74 Bishop, E. O. C Northrup May V., res. 74 Bishop, E. O. fcj Norton Edward (Mary), laborer, h. 1 Maple, N. O. a Norton Edward F., painter, res. 1 Maple, N. O. 5 Norton Emmett (Phoebe A.), carpenter, h. 30 N. River, N. O. M Norton James (Sadie), currier, h. 32 River, N. O. 2 Norton John R. (Lizzie), cabinetmaker, h. 30 First av. Bv. S Norton Louise A., wid. Henry J., h. 105 Main, Bv. ' • Norton Maria E., wid. L. B., h. 87 Main, Bv. Norton Ruth E., res. 105 Main, Bv. =sc=k= Nowinki Michael, laborer, bds. 810 N. Union. N. O. =3=«p Noyes William P. (Leila V.), dentist. 156 N. Union; h. 310 N. Clinton. Nutt Ella A., bookkeeper, res. 29 Pierce av.. W . O. in r\ Nutt Grace, laundress, 264 N. Union: res. 29 Pierce av., W . O. C 5 Nutt John A. (Rose A.), electrician, Olean Street Rv.; h. 120 Wayne. W M Nutt Mary E., wid. Newell S., h. 20 Pierce av., W . O. TJ "^ Nutting Alonzo (Eva), teamster, h. 26 Third av., Bv. I-1 H G > D U N L A V E Y B R O S .O * , ""°,L^l'^.R*T"'L l/j f Oakleaf student, res. 207 N. *"* Fourth. 3,1Edward North M., Union S.r.o,. LIQUOR DEALERS O A K L E A F F R A N K H. (Jennie B.), bookseller, stationer and news dealer, I I Oakley Oakleaf 127 Jennie George George, N. James Howard Marion Union; A., WF., O. molder, A., . B., domestic, (Blanche), student, (Edith h. res. res. 207 rms. 207 207 CN. )res. 418 ,N. N. City Fourth. carpenter, molder, 207 Laurens. Fourth. Fourth. Hall, N.133 (See Fourth. bds. h.Railroad 325 Genesee adv.) S. Barry. av.; House. h. 315 Irving. *» ** .' -w'" Men's Fine Shoes p. E. T Y L E R Stetson, Burt & Packard & CO. £ 2 3 1 * 0 * and other good lines -P 104 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 0 fn Oakley John L. (Maud), carpenter, h. 329 S. Barry. -P Oakley Joseph T., operator, bds. Grand Central Hotel. _ m— Oberist Henry, trav. salesman, rms. 110 Hamilton. C y © O'Brien Daniel (Elizabeth A.), sta. engineer, h. 27 Elm, N. O. O - P O'Brien Frank, brakeman, bds. 501 N. Eighth. (3 O'Brien James R., clerk, 205 N. Union; res. 208 N. Fifth. f\>+? O'BRIEN J A M E S W., managing clerk, Olean House; res. do. Ui O'Brien Jennie E., res. 301 E. State. .p O'Brien Jeremiah, res. 429 N. Seventh. 02 O'CONNELL see also C O N N E L L . © O'Connell Bros. (Philip and James), billiards, 126-128 W . State. K. O'Connell James (O'Connell Bros.), 126-128 W . State; rms. 127 S. First. t> O'Connell Nellie G., res. 115 Irving. O'Connell Philip (Margaret), (O'Connell Bros.), 126-128 W . State; h. 115 •s Irving. r^. , O'Connell Philip, Jr., snapper, res. 115 Irving. y^"1 O'CONNOR see also C O N N E R and C O N N O R . _u O'Connor Michael (Margaret), laborer, h. 1017 W . Sullivan. • ^ ^ H O'Connor Michael J., machinist, bds. 1012 N. Union, N. O. ^ J O'Connor Redmond, bartender, 130 W . State; rms. 409 W . Henley. 1 O'Day Jennie, clerk, 123 N. Union; res. S. Barry. • " ^ Odd Fellows' Hall, 229% N. Union. Odell Charles H. (M. E m m a ) , trav. salesman, h. 319 Tompkins. « O D E L L DANIEL W . (Anna), saloon, 315 N. Union; h. 223 do. t 1 Odell Fred W., bartender, 315 N. Union; res. 223 do. '""^ Odell Herman L. (Bessie F.), coachman, h. 113 N. Fourth. Odell John C , student, res. 223 N. Union. r , O'Dell Jennie H., dressmaker, 108 E. Sullivan; h. do. [^^^ O'Donnell Agnes, res. 73 Oak, N. O. _ ^ O'Donnell Gertrude, domestic, 1303 Buffalo. Q £ j j O'Donnell Honora, wid. Maurice, h. 1494 Buffalo, N. O. ' -J O'Donnell Jeremiah (Kate), driver, h. 73 Oak, N. O. [ T I O'Donnell John (Mena), buffer, h. 1313 W . State. '__; O'Donnell Julia, res. 73 Oak, N. O. Q G O'Donnell Madge, res. 1303 Buffalo. ' -J O'Donnell Mary A., domestic, 112 S. Clinton. ^ ^ J O'Donnell Nellie, dressmaker, res. 117 S. Barry. ' J O'Donnell Susie, res. 117 S. Barry. -.fc^P O'Donnell William P. (Susie), laborer, h. 1303 Buffalo. Oelkrug William William (Georgia), R. (Lizzie), h. 121 S. Twelfth. o^""N O'Hern h.pumper, 717 Irving Florence H., dressmaker, 109 N.538 Twelfth; res,E.do. 0 JJ O'Hara Olbey James B. (Mary A.), blacksmith, E. State, O.; h. 102 Fulton. fV" O'Hara John T., driver chemical wagon, res. 109 N. Twelfth. ~L O'Hara Mary, wid. Barclay, h. 109 N. Twelfth. ^ F. O'Hara Rose, domestic, 119 S. Third; res. 109 N. Twelfth. y§ H. OAKLEAF, [jj O'Hara William F., currier, res. 109 N. Twelfth. O'Hearn Book Henry and J., laborer, 209 S. Ninth. Stationer, News res. Dealer, O'Hearn Joseph, driver, res. 209 S. Ninth. L_ O'Hearn Mary, wid.BLANK John, h.BOOKS 209 S. RULED Ninth. TO ORDER. 1 O'Hern Gertrude E., res. 207 N. Fifth. Q 153 North Union Street. 127 North Union Street, D . a T d T L O R OLEAN, N. Y. Fire, Brick and Clay O tZA Building a.vJT" Blocks and Sewer Tile, N. Union St. B l l I Ul TAYI O R IH I LUll Builders' Supplies, Coal and W o o d w > 254 North Union Street =§ -o OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 105 r J Cfl ! Olds Charles (Lydia E.), carpenter, h. 212 Winters av. Olds Ethel M., res. Ill N. Clinton. Olds Fred C. (Miranda C ) , chemical mfr., h. Ill N. Clinton. o o Olds Jennie R., wid. John A., h. 8 1 0 % W . Sullivan. p ° Olean Bill Posting Co., 25 Exchange Bank bldg.; Frank D. Leland, mgr. O L E A N B O T T L I N G W O R K S , bottlers Schlitz Milwaukee beer, 412 N. Union; ^ o A. J. Heliker, mgr. O OLEAN BUILDING, LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, 109 North; E. k E. Alderman, sec. OLEAN CARPET CLEANING A N D FEATHER RENOVATING W O R K S , 257 N. Union; Henry C. Schamel, prop. (See adv.) Olean Carriage Works, 522-524 N. Union; George D. Thurber, mgr. Olean Chemical Works, N. Union, N. O. Olean Electric Light & Power Co., 430-432 N. Union; N. V. V. Franchot, pres.; G Oi H. L. Gerstenberger, sec. and treas.; A. E. Ecklund, supt. t Olean Fish and Oyster Co., 608 W . State; Joseph Yampolski, mgr. rll O L E A N F U N E R A L D I R E C T I N G CO., undertakers and embalmers, 217 N . f * ^ Union; Quigley & Barrett, props. Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo; S. W . Pancoast, pres.; F. W . Higgins, vicepres.; T. H. Pancoast, treas.; J. L. Clyde, sec. Olean Herald (The), 215 N. Union; Sibley & Ostrom, props. > O L E A N H O U S E , 126-140 N. Union; H. S. Sartweil, prop. O L E A N H O U S E B A R B E R S H O P , 130 N. Union; W . Wallace Virglnnia, Jr., ^ prop. (See adv.) Olean House Pharmacy, 134 N. Union; O. P. Ross, prop. Olean Job Printing Office, 314 Masonic Temple; Charles F. Meloy, prop. OOLLE AENA LNE D GMEO R R(N T HI E )N, G weekly, Smith, A N 241 D N. W EUnion; E K L WYa d hTa mIsM&E S , props. O L E A107 N North; L I Q U O R C.S TD. O RStraight, E , 248 N.editor Union; Edward prop. and prop. Dorsey, (See adv.) > • OOlean L E A NOpera L I V EHouse, R Y CO.,115 140W. N. State. Union; John Heilman, mgr. OOLEAN L E A N MILLS, 502 E. State; OliverGeorge & Bolender, props. POST OFFICE, City bldg; M. Mayer, postmaster. P""H OOLEAN L E A N MSAFE O N U MDEPOSIT E N T A L WCO., O R K Exchange S , 201-203 National W . State;Bank. Foley Bros., props. (See *adv. inside Olean School of back Music,cover.) 303 N. Union; Jarslow de Zielinskl, principal. OLEAN STEAM LAUNDRY, 312 E. State; Frank S. Tinklepaugh, prop. I I I 'Phone No. 179. W W > OLEAN STREET RAILWAY, N. Union cor. Main; Wilson R. Page, pres. and treas.; Irving W. Miller, supt. and sec. 3 OLEAN SUPPLY CO., builders' supplies, contractors, coal and wood, 413 N. Union. W Olean Tannery (U. S. Leather Co.), 1105 E. State, E. O. OLEAN TRANSPORTATION CO., 123 N. First; Gilligan & Bisett, props. (See adv. side lines.) O'Leary Katie, res. 16 Elm, N. O. Oles Mary Mrs., h. 9 Griffin, E. O. Oles Nellie C , res. 9 Griffin, E. O. o Oliver George (Nellie A.), (Oliver & Bolender), 502 E. State; h. 332 Laurel av. Oliver John (Caroline A.), miller and salesman, 502 E. State; h. 202 N. Clinton. O L I V E R & B O L E N D E R (George Oliver and George P. Bolender), props. Olean t n Mills, 502 E. State. (See £.dv. inside front cover.) Olmstead Russell (Dilla E.), brakeman, h. 327 Whitney av. Olmstead Wllliard, laborer, bds. 327 Whitney av. Wholesale and Retail -<-t 1 | Olson Charles (Hulda) tanner, h. 807 Buffalo. Olson Thomas h. 33 Maple, N. O.n. Union Street Dealers, D unl a v e y(Mary B rA.), o slaborer, . Liquor O'Meara Frank L., blacksmith, 112 S. Third; res. 435 N. Union. O'Meara Lawrence, cigars and soft drinks, 435 N . Union; h. do. „ g F O O T W E A R OF ALL KINDS, at 106 03 a F. E . T Y L E R & C 2 / S 158 NORTH UNION STREET. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. . O'Meara Louise, domestic, 319 N. Fourth. M -^ O'Neil Henry R. (Mary E.), trav. salesman, h. 911 W . Henley. 5 O'Neill Anna, waitress, Olean House. *• 2 O'Neill Annie, wid. Neil, h. 518 N. Fourth. cd _j O'Neill Berenice, res. 909 W . Henley. S CD O O'Neill Francis (Lena), watchman, h. 519 N. Ninth. O'Neill Frank (Ellen), carpenter, h. 909 W . Henley. _ O'Neill Henry, laborer, res. 518 N. Fourth. CM O'Neill Hugh C , res. 909 W . Henley. O'Neill Patrick, laborer, res. 518 N. Fourth. Oosterhoudt Charles (Carrie G.), farmer, h. 56 Front, Bv. - •^ Oosterhoudt Edwin I. (Lucy A.), asst. supt; h. 304 N. Barry. ^•4 Oosterhoudt Emeline, wid. William, res. 215 Jay. tmd Oosterhoudt Frank S. (Louisa), h. 309 N. First. *V Oosterhoudt Roy E., leather measurer, res. 57 Main, Bv. A ) Oosterhoudt William A. (Harriet F.), deputy sheriff, h. 57 Main, Bv. p^~ Oosterhoudt William A.-Jr., clerk p. o., res. 57 Main, Bv. \^* Opel Gustav (Capitola L.), glassblower, h. 806 Buffalo. S * Orcutt John H. (Carrie A.), laborer, h. 23 Pierce av., W . O. i -> Orcutt William S. (Mildred), clerk, 137 N. Union; h. 27 Genesee, Bv. ^ 5 J O'Rourke Edward, saloon, 521 VS. Union; h. do. ^ ^ O'Ro.urke George H. (Winnifred), oil tester, res. 219 N. Fifth. O O'Rourke John J., bartender, 521 N. Union; res. do. Osbon George W . (Carrie), restaurant, 129 W . State; h. do. •Osborn George, molder, bds. 56 Spruce, N. O. y ^ Osborne Lena M., teacher No. 1 School, bds. 116 S. Clinton. ' ' Osgood C. Edward (Ida J.), laborer, h. 432 N. Eighth. Osgood George N., laborer, h. 45 Grossman av., E. O. A \ Osgood William S. (Agnes A.), laborer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. ^ , O'SHEA see also SHEA. O Y O'Shea Mary, wid. Patrick, res. 314 N. Thirteenth. ^2 O'Shea Patrick (Johanna), laborer, h. 314 N. Thirteenth. l ^ ^ Osko Michael P., laborer, h. 59 Elm, N. O. [ %, j Osterman Frank (Nellie), currier, h. 713 Irving. paaa^ Osterman John (Celia), laborer, h. McCann Hollow, S. O. Osterman William, molder, 133 Railroad av.; bds. 322 Tompkins. Osterstuck E. Emory (Mary J.), farmer, h. Dugan rd., E. O. Osterstuck Emery (Adelia), farmer, h. 32 Water, N. O. Osterstuck Frank L. (Lena), farmer, h. Plucker Hollow, N. O. Ostertag Appolonia, wid. Christian, res. W . State, W . O. Ostertag Blanche, res. W . State, W . O. Ostertag John H. (Ettie E.), car repairer, h. W . State, W . O. Ostrander Arthur W., currier, bds. 131 S. Eleventh. Ostrander Fred, plumber, bds. 717 W . State. Ostrom Elizabeth S., wid. Lyman, res. 325 N. Fourth. Ostrom William L. (Katherine F.), (Sibley & Ostrom), 215 N. Union; h. 325 N. Fourth. Oswick George (Mary E.), pipefitter, h. 303 W . State. Othaflian Hall, 114 W . State. O'Toole Agnes, res. 121 S. Twelfth. O'Toole Edward F., brakeman P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. O'Toole Ella, res. 128 S. Sixth. O'Toole John (Maggie), glassblower, h. 134 N. Twelfth. O'Toole Joseph, glassblower, res. 17 Homer, N. O. O'Toole Mary, seamstress, 505 N. Union; res. 17 Homer, N. O. O'Toole Mary A., laundress, Grand Central Hotel. B. UN. ZSU TAYLOR O'Toole Otto Ouderkirk Union Andrew Nellie, Thomas Michael Mary $Abraham Street. KINQ'S J.K., waitress, (Jennie (Mary), (Minnie), domestic, (Lina), WJNDSOR_ MILLS D.), 323 laborer, laborer, 305 teamster, h. N. AND 120 N. Union. h.PLASTER h. Second. S.17 CEILINGS. Barry. Homer h. Homer, Dugan Hill, N. rd., O. N.E. O.O. G I L L I N G H A M & S O N , I Builders' Supplies a n d > © 302 N,.th union str,.t. g Contracting ^ 5^J OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 107 © P] — — • c«2 Ougist Stanislaus (Mary), laborer, h. 9 Franklin, N. O. OVERTON G. BLEASDALE, land agent, h. 321 N. Fifth. Owens Lizzie J., domestic, 602 W. Sullivan. Owens William, farmer, h. 35 Brook, E. O. P OZ * p *"3 © H pQ ;0 !>• !> raw Paddock Jennie H., dressmaker, res. 302 S. Eighth. _ "0 Paddock John H. (Emma L.), car inspector, h. 27 Second av., Bv. 8 ® Paddock Lizzie, wid. Roswell, dressmaker, 302 S. Eighth; h. do. 2^0 Paddock Ray A., res. 302 S. Eighth. 3! -^ Page Edward J., telegrapher, res. 96 River, N. O. "Q J>. Page Ellery L. (Diana M.), foreman, h. 1203 Washington. ^ ^ Page stenographer, 153 N.rss. Union; "7 """ Page Estella Joseph,M., driver, 1301 W. State; do. res. 96 River, N. O. Page Frank E. (Hattie M.), (Larkhan & Page), 312 W. State; h. do. ~1 © Page Margaret L., wid. John, h. 96 River, N. O. Page FrankA., W .wid., (Hattie M.),flagman, h. 419 a- 2 Page Mary h. Kittaning rd., S. O. N. Ninth. PAGE WILSON R. (Nellie F.), pres. and treas. Olean Street Railway Co.; Ed h. Ill S. Second. I—I Palmateer Florence M., res. 10 Garden av., E. O. •-3 Palmateer Harvey C, laborer, h. 10 Garden av., E. O. <3 PALMER A. M. & CO. (Alfred M. Palmer and J. M. Crandall), druggists, id booksellers and stationers, 161 N. Union; branch, 722 W. State. fed Palmer Alfred M. (Alice M.), (A. M. Palmer & Co.), 161 N. Union; h. 511 W . m Henley. o Palmer Amelia M., wid. Seward S., h. 125 N. Fifth. <J Palmer Benjamin (Nellie), snuffer, h. 51 Garden av., E. O. fed Palmer Carrie L., res. 125 N. Fifth. Palmer Irenus J. (Victoria E.), carpenter, h. 41 Railroad av., E. O. Palmer J. V., tank roofer, bds. 1126 N. Union, N. O. Palmer James H. (Bridget), carpenter, h. 8 Pond, E. O. o Palmer Jennie, res. 8 Pond, E. O. <J Palmer Joshua K. (Rebecca C ) , second reader Christian Science; h. 306 N. fed Clinton. Jd Palmer Lester I., helper, res. 125 N. Fifth. fed Palmer Sidney, foreman, bds. 1126 N. Union, N. O. <i Palon Orson (Barbara), laborer, h. 79 Railroad av., E. O. s> Pan-American Restaurant, 244 N. Union; Robertson & Rowley, props. Pancoast Samuel W . (Helen M.), pres. Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo; h. 120 Laurens. Pancoast Thomas H. (Ida J.), treas. and gen. mgr. Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo; h. 231 N. Second. Parish Caroline, wid. E. H., res. 311 Irving. Parish Melvin (Emellne), h. 18 First av., Bv. Parker Allen A. (Hannah M.), farmer, h. River rd., S. O. Parker Annis, wid. John A., h. Kittaning rd., S. O. Parker Blanche, res. 206 N. Fifth. Parker Carlton B. (Mary E.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. ? & /™s » Parker Charles W., car repairer, bds. 109 S. Clinton. ' feS. Parker Chester A., laborer, res. 331 N. Seventh. -» ™ j Parker David L. (Ella S.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. K **• Parker Edwin C. (Amy A.), driver, h. 12 Third av., Bv. QW} Parker Erastus G. (Mary), farmer, h. 80 Union, S. O. ? Pfl Parker Fidelia, wid. LeRoy, res. 206 N. Fifth. 2, 52 Parker Genevieve G., res. 206 N. Fifth. Parker Grace, wid. Wallace J., res. 135 W . River, S. O. *L Parker Finest wines Mildred Hiram Orin Sarah and B. A., M. F., *— (Mary liquors (Frances wid. res.A.), John '206Call E.), farmer, N. B., DUNLAVEY Fifth. laborer, onh.res. 135 W 135 h. . BROS., 331 River, W .311 N. River, rt. Seventh, S. *£O. Union S. O. Street. <f» >* •C. Jjj* O_ 00 Y00 NEED AN EDUCATION? f II I F A P H 3 ^ M ^ t | f a ^ E 9 1 II I I H1111 Correspondence Schools, £ 9h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Li Ui L.LnUII, S C R A N T O N RENNf'A. 5B * 108* 9 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. * Parker 3 fc William (Maryette), farmer, TT. 29 Main, Bv. •3 < WILLIS D., lawyer, 156 N. Union; h. 206 N. Fifth. PARKER ae Parkhurst John C. (Mame I.), glassblower, h. 210 N. Seventh. * 0 Parkhurst Wilbur P. (Bertha J.), glassblower, h. 144 N. Thirteenth. Pasche Adolph (Anna), laborer, h. 1301% W . State. M Paska John, laborer, res. 2 Avenue B, N. O. H Paska Michael (Mary), laborer, h. 2 Avenue B, N. O. »• Passmore Gertrude F., res. 213 E. Henley. C O Passmore John H. (Margaret), electrician, h. 128 S. Clinton. Passmore Mary, dressmaker, 131 S. Second; rms. do. P A S S M O R E S A M U E L E. (E. Louise), real estate and insurance, 309 Masonic Temple; h. 213 E. Henley. Passmore William D. (Emilie R.), lineman, h. 210 S. Clinton. Patterson E. Alonzo (Minerva A.), smoker, Armour & Co.; h. 34 Garden av., E. O. Patterson George B. (Abbie E.), carpenter, h. 208 W . State. Patterson Sarah, wid. Varne, res. 323 Whitney av. PATRIDGE WILLIAM M. (Heliker & Patridge), 307 Masonic Temple; h. Nunda, N. Y. Paul William (Lena M.), miller, h. 810 Washington. Paulman Fred H., cigars and barber, 1114 W . State; bds. do. Paulman Henry L. (Louise), laborer, h. 1435 Buffalo. Peabody Leona, res. 26 Griffin, E. O. Pease James A. (Lillian G.), pumper, h. 410 S. Union. Peck Allen D. (Rhoda A.), chief train dispatcher, P. R. R.; h. 304 N. Clinton. Peck Nathan B., re",. 216 N. Third. Peckham Allen Z., barber, 511 N. Union; bds. do. C O Peckham Frank C. (Carrie E.), carpenter, h. 434 N. First. C O Peckham Grace M., trimmer, 207 N. Union; res. 434 N. First. Peglar Abbie A., teacher, res. 86 River, N. O. Peglar Arthur R., machinist, res. 86 River, N. O. v Peglar Dora M., student, res. 86 River, N. O. C O Peglar Edna R., dressmaker, res. 86 River, N. O. 1 — Peglar George O. (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 23 Water, N. O. Peglar John G. (Mercy A.), towerman, h. 86 River, N. O. Pelton Frank D. (Anna E.), livery, 605 E. State; h. do., E. O. Pelton Frank W., res. 605 E. State, E. O. Pelton John G. (Mary F.), cleaning and pressing, 219% N. Union; h. 204 N. Clinton. Pelton William L., clerk, 163 N. Union; res. 204 N. Clinton. Pender Anna, domestic, 132 N. First. Pendergast Agnes, waitress, Hotel Imperial. Pendleton Ella M., wid. Charles, h. 312 S. Third. Pendleton Henry H., laborer, bds. 92 Clark, E. O. Penn Grafton (Sarah), barber, h. r. 520 W . State. Penn Norvin J. (Addie E.), glassblower, h. r. 810 W . Sullivan. Pennello Alfonzo (Rosie), laborer, h. 20 Oak, N. O. Pennock Charles E., conductor P. R. R.; rms. 13 Riley & Wands block. f HEN ^ ^ O^ YOUR Peters Peterson Perry Peper Perkins Perley Pennoyer Pennock PENNSYLVANIA Rapp, William James Sylvester SHOES Harriet Vira, Mabel Herbert Vivian, Alice George, Merton Frank, Ragent. Eretoucher, A. PC. M., ANEED G., (Mary C. bds. res. switchman, F. (Maude), IR. res. teacher res. Rpainter, (Mary (Mary), 146 I R. 527 36 B.), 302 N111% ff passenger G N. N. Moore's No. A.), railroad , N. painter, helper, Union. bds. Union. Gr bds. call North, Ninth. 3armorer, School, 320 COOK'S 506 rd., and at conductor, 320 134 bds. Jay. N.Wfreight E. Jay; h. .Fourth. 109% Sullivan; O. 133 210 h.^ h. depots, S. do. S. do. '445 Barry. Seventh. h. Jf;. N.109 Railroad First. N.™Tenth. ™ av.;.W . A. Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce Cigars a n d T o b a c c o s , A N D S 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 109 fc €• RILEY & W E " %c 3 (n Peterson Andrew (Anna), h. 302 N. Ninth. <S° Peterson Andrew, Jr., machinist, 134 E. Sullivan; res. 302 N. Ninth. s* % P E T E R S O N BROS. (Carl F. and George G.), saloon and restaurant, 209 N. "n -< Union. 2?"-o Peterson Carl F. (Augusta E.), (Peterson Bros.), 209 N. Union; h. do. S3 * Peterson Charles W . (Anna E.),flesher,h. 10 Plum, E. O. 5- 2 Peterson Florence, domestic, 134 Fulton. 3 « Peterson George E. (Irene), carftullder,h. 409 W . Henley. * f Peterson George G. (Peterson Bros.), 209 N. Union; h. S. Barry. Peterson Helen, res. 302 N. Ninth. m^m Peterson John H., wagonmaker, res. 132 Adams. ^^^ Peterson John P., bricklayer, h. 791 N. Union, N. O. _ ^ Peterson Per O., wagonmaker, res. 132 Adams. mXS Peterson Roy J. (Carrie L.), photographer, 236 N. Union; h. 146 N. Sixth. Peterson Solomon (Lena), h. 41 Spring, E. O. Peterson William P., clerk, 112 W . State; bds. do. Petitt George S. (Juliet), h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. Pettit E. C. Mrs., millinery and ladies' tailoring, 147 N. Union; h. do. Pettit Edwin C. (Kate M.), mgr. 147 N. Union; h. do. Pew Jacob VS., sec. and treas. Keystone Gas Co., 182 N. Union; h. Pittsburg, Pa. Pfeffer Ada K., dressmaker, bds. 205 N. Thirteenth. Pfeffer Mary, housekeeper, 1312 Washington. Phelps Freeman W . (Hattie), foreman, h. 26 Griffin, E. O. Phelps George H. (Nellie A.), pipefitter, h. 901 W . Henley. Philius Cornelius (Etta), auditor U. S. Leather Co.; bds. 125 S. Second. Philius Harry B., student, bds. 125 S. Second. Phillips Charles, oil treater, res. 821 N. Union, N. O. Phillips Daniel H. (Blanche M.), bookkeeper, Acme Works, N. O.; h. 206 N. Second. Phillips Emmett (Mary E.), laborer, h. Plucker Hollow, N. O. Phillips Frederick J. (Gertrude W . ) , brazer, 504 VS. Union; h. 319 Coleman. Phillips George A., bicycle repairer, 315 W . State; res. 143 N. Ninth. Phillips George E. (May M.), bicycles, 315 W . State; h. 143 N. Ninth. Phillips Luke, h. 821 N. Union, N. O. Phillips Margaret B., res. 206 N. Second. Phillips M a x B. (Stella), painter, res. 143 N. Ninth. Phillips Millie M., res. 143 N. Ninth. Phillips Peter (Sarah P.), (Phillips & Keenan), 535 N. Union; res. 821 N. Union, N. O. Phillips Sadie C , clerk, 237 N. Union; res. 821 N. Union, N. O. Phillips & Keenan (Peter Phillips and George Keenan), gen. store, 535 N. Union. Phinney Beriah (Harriet A.), contractor, h. 1102 W . Sullivan. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., City bldg.; Fitch & Ellis, mgrs. Pickard James,finisher,res. 824 .E. State, E. O. Pickard Mabel, res. 824 E. State, E. O. Pierce Frank (Lillian M.), h. 8 Genesee, Bv. J Pickard Mary E. Mrs., h. 824 E.carpenter, State, E. O. Pierce W., res. 824 1006E. W .State, State.E. O. PickardFrank William, m»X moM Pierce (PierceR.), & Cobb), 308 Masonic Temple; res. Allegany, N. Y. ^0 ^ — Pierce George A. LacyH.(Helen trav. salesman, h. 226 N. Third. Pierce Ada, h. 141 N. Barry. »a S Pierce Byron Ainsworth, res. 316 Laurens. a dunlavey bros. FamousQIeanClubWhiskev. «-^a«-1 Pierce Caleb D. Louisa S.), grocer, 201 N. Eleventh; h. 1114 Washington. are the sole owners of the » Street. Pierce Charles (Elizabeth), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. P > Pierce Daniel W . (Hattie E.), laborer, h. 47 Railroad av., E. O. D H Pierce Pierce Third. Eugene Eugene Ernest W W., S. . (Theodosia (Wilhelmina res. 316 Laurens. K.), M. E.), asst.coach city engineer, inspector,City h. 627 bldg.; E. State, h. 231 E.N. O. ^ c g_- »„'2 The Best Shoes in the City p . £ . T Y L E R ABK BOLD BY 158 North Union Street. 110 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. & CO., Pierce J. Frank (E. Lola), bookkeeper, h. 123 N. Clinton. Pierce James, pres. The James Pierce Leather Co., h. Maiden, Mass. PIERCE J A M E S L E A T H E R CO. (THE) 1601-1611 W . Henley; James Pierce, pres.; F. L. Bartlett, sec. and treas.; H. H. Leathe, asst. treas. Pierce James S. (Celia W.), oil producer, h. 1006 W . State. Pierce John F. (Olive M.), tower operator, h. 310 N. Eighth. Pierce Laura, wid. Nathaniel, res. 47 Railroad av., E. O. Pierce M. Mabelle, res. 316 Laurens. ^ Pierce Mary, wid. Joseph, res. 1615 W . Henley. J Pierce Maud E., res. 141 N. Barry. g Pierce Ormal W . (Margaret), cornice mfr., 108-110 S. Third; h. 403 W . State. Pierce William P. (Sarah Pearson), leather mfr., h. 316 Laurens. (0 *j PIERCE & C O B B (George H. Pierce and Hugh A. Cobb), lawyers, 308 Mag sonic Temple. £ Pierson John (Josephine), car inspector, h. 145 N. Sixth. CO Pifer Ada, dressmaker, 15 Riley & Wands blk.; res. Allegany, N. Y. a, Pinkerton Mary A., wid. Wayne, h. 46 Elm, N. O. 0 w "2 Piatt PinieyEdward SamuelA.A.,(Julia), res. 20 plumber, Fourth av., Bv. S. Fourth. h. 203 Al -3 Pirtie Nora, domestic, 130 W .City State. Piatt Frank (Emma), police, Hall; h. 141 Adams. o I w Piatt Pitcher John, barber, rms.hand, 205 S. John (Mary), lathe h.Barry. 601 W . State. "5 Pitts Lester C, C., agent, h. 107 N. Playford Henry machinist, 502Fourth. N. Union; res. 114 Wayne. pI ® Ploseal Placher Emanuel, Mary R.,blacksmith, wid. Henrybds. C , 23 h. Railroad 234 N. Third. av., E. O. •-3 * Plucker Placher Henry Sarah, J., wid. Joseph, res. Third. galvanizer, res.234 52 N. River, N. O. PL, Piatt Adam, baker, h. 601 W. Plucker William, clerk, res. 52State. River, N. O. \% Polane John (Aggie), h. 43 River, N. O. o Polane John, Jr., laborer, res. 43 River, N. O. Pd Polane Joseph, res. 43 River, N. O. (L| Polane Josephine, res. 43 River, N. O. Pi Police Headquarters, City Building. < Police Justice, P. S. Collins, 156 N. Union. i>« Pollard Frances Mrs., rms. 110 S. Union. Eh Polley Alice P., wid. Brewer D., h. 10 Second av.. Bv. < 4 Polley Frank G., machinist, 502 N. Union; res. 10 Second av., Bv. Polley George (Minnie), trav. salesman, rms. 211 N. First. W Polley Gertrude E., stenographer, 504 N. Union; res. 10 Second av., Bv. Polley Sarah Mrs., h. 41 Genesee, Bv. Pomeroy Lucy K., wid. A. King, res. 153 N. Seventh. Pope Fred B. night clerk, Hotel Imperial; res. do. Porch Archie (Johanna), glassblower, h. 107 N. Fourth. Porsch William J. (Anna), machinist, h. 1004 Washington. Post Albert M. Margaret M.), h. 801 Irving. Post Charles E., h. 1504 Irving. Post Elsie E., operative, res. 801 Irving. <£ljl Post Foster W., laborer, res. 801 Irving. X j . Post Grace F., res. 801 Irving. I M a k e N e w Stock to Order and 1 A 0 0 1 1 1 / 512 «^•7 Post JosePn (Delichta), laborer, h. 318 N. Eighth. Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction . . H i U l U U U l V l Street. # _ j Post Mary, res. 534 N. Seventh. (* , POST OFFICE, City bldg.; George M. Mayer, postmaster. P"< Thomas (Louisa), h.A.), 534 N.Barry. Seventh. ••••! * J \ ^ ™V* ^V* Post Pothe Powers Postle POSTAL P O W EWoodruff RHenry, John SEdward TELEGRAPH-CABLE BROS. L., laborer, (Permelia A. car (Edward (Powers repairer, ret,. 246 A. Bros.), bds. and h. S. CO., 205% 434 John 501 128 N.N. N. N. J.), Tenth. Thirteenth; Union; Union. saloon.Charles 501res. N. C. Thirteenth. 1401 Frank, Buffalo. mgr. HELIKER & PATRIDGE, 8 5 2 S f GENERAL INSURANCE. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Ill 307 Represented. Masonic Temple. Powers Frank F., laborer, res. 1401 Buffalo. Powers John (Ellen), h. 1401 Buffalo. Powers John J. (Powers Bros.), 501 N. Thirteenth; res. 1401 Buffalo. Pratt Dora M., operative, bds. 98 River, N. O. Pratt Dykeman A. (Adellah G.), grocer, 236 N. Union; h. 309 Laurel av. J=> Pratt Emerson A., extra conductor P. R. R., rms. 6 Union pi. Pratt EM ward W . (Margaret B.), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. PJ Pratt Emory B., res. 309 Laurel av. Pratt Ira F., bds. Hotel Imperial. y^ Pratt James A. (Mary A.), boilermaker, h. 528 N. Sixth. =5 P R A T T J O H N W . (Elncra I.), grocer, 203 N. Union; h. 225 N. Fourth. C3 Pratt Joseph, farmer, res. 13 Union S. O. C/3 Pratt M. Ella, res. 528 N. Sixth. Pratt Mary L., res. 225 N. Fourth. Pratt Merritt E. (Azalia E.), laborer, 502 N. Union; h. 27 Goodrich av., E. O. £=a Preckle Mabel L., res. 206 Coleman. •—j Preckle William B., loco, engineer, res. 206 Coleman. !""j Preckle William H. (Mary H.), machinist, h. 206 Coleman. «-«k Prest Harriet, wid. George, n. 65 River, N. O. * _ Prest Mary A., cigarmaker, 143% N. Union; res. 65 River, N. O. 'r—i Preston Hannah, waitress, Genesee House. —i Preston Louise, wid. Chester, h. 113 W . Green. CD Previgliaus Thomas (Nesta), laborer, res. 444 N. Union. Price Albert G., salesman, 14o N. Union; res. 110 N. Second. j» Price Alice M., res. 110 N. Second. uj> Price Edward (Serena), clerk, 157 N. Union; h. 110 N. Second. ** Price Harry W., messenger Am. Exp. Co.; rms. 133 S. First. ^ ,_. Price Nellie, clerk, 131 N. Union; res. 213 N. Clinton. Cj 3 Price Warren (Ella H.), tannery builder, h. 213 N. Clinton. Z S Priest Jennie, h. 717 Irving. D £j Priest Julia, dressmaker, 156 N. Union; h. 717 Irving. r/> 3 Priest Julia, wid. John, res. 819 W . State. h-J >-4 Priest Mary J., dressmaker, 156 N. Union; res. 717 Irving. Q C Priest Patrick (Anna), h. 804 W . Henley. *j W Prindle Henry E., wagonmaker, bds. 125 N. Fifth. m W P R O D U C E R S ' G A S CO., 205 Masonic Temple; E. M. Johnson, sec. and treas. O » Prospect House, 1621 W . State, W . O.; James A. Wilson, prop. * Prosser Wellington A. (Florence), h. 126 N. First. * Cj Prozeller Joseph M. (Margaret E.), oyster an"dfishpeddler, h. 11 Queen, E. O. ^ "S Prudential Insurance Co. (The), rm. 2 Riley & Wands blk.; A. H. Forrester, * H asst. supt. " Puddy Jane Mrs., housekeeper, 214 N. Barry. "00 Puhl Sophia, wid. Christian, res. 115 S. Twelfth. (? Purdy William C. (Carrie B.), machinist, h. 141 N. Thirteenth ^& Putney Delia P., res. 49 Garden av., E. O. Putney John C. (Anna), teamster, h. 49 Garden av., E. O. ^ o O Q *sn Quick Philip K. (Nettie L.), glassblower, h. 124 S. Twelfth. § J"*; Uniol-!La!!lWhiskey Quinlivan Quigley QQuesta U I takers 229% 206 G L EAngelo Delia John S. YNellie, Frank James do. WILLIAM Clinton. &andJ. BA. M., AP. wid. embalmers, G. (Eleanor), RS. (Mary res. R(Sarah (Carrie), E(Winifred), Michael, TJ.206 T (Frances E.), (Wm. S. B.), city 217 currier, Clinton. (Italo-American h.glassblower, sidewalk J. mason, N. 1209 CQuigley )Union. , h. Washington. (Quigley h. DUNLAVEY 1031 inspector, 321 and h.WFruit Coleman. . 126 &Charles Sullivan. Barrett), N. h. Co.), 301 Sixth. L. BROS. 231 S. 217 Barrett), Barry. N. N. Union; Union; D^Nst underh. h "2 !U*J * " (-fro !j I£)*J S3 VvA f •*• # P^ TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN E . D. L E A C H a> a> f-i SEE 112 310 ? * £ $ £ Representing International Schools, the S C R A N T O Correspondence N , PA OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. xn £ 0 . Quinn James B. (Mary), carpenter, h. 109 N. Twelfth. •+J fe Quinn Margaret M., res. 109 N. Twelfth. *^ „ Quirin Angie, housekeeper, 411 E. State. r n fe Quirin Charles H., foreman, 926 E. State, E. O.; rms. 233% N. Union. •*J Quirin George L. A. (Celia F.), tanner, h. 808 E. State, E. O. •*% S Quirin Leslie R., res. 808 E. State, E. O. to ^ Quirin Madeleine, res. 411 E. State! j > © Quirin William C. A., tannery, 926 E. State, E. O.; h. 411 do., City. R •—i £h Raber Christopher, tanner, bds. 513 N. Fourth. iy Racket Radley Store, George225 (Chloe B.), car repairer, h. 7 Fourth av., Bv. N. Union; E. A. Hunt, prop. IX Radley Henry E.M.', (Ada), laborer, h. av., 10 Bartlett av., N. O. tf\ ( | ) Radley Edith res. 13 Fourth Bv. K (JJ Radley J. Wilson, painter, h. 13 Fourth av., Bv. 0 \r Radley Mary, wid. Wilson, h. 13 Fourth av., Bv. h R A F F E R T Y C H A R L E S H. (Laura B.), job printing, rm. 7, 156 N. Union; h. |-< 312 S. Eighth. (See adv.) tr~ *h Railroad House, 405 N. Union; J. M. Haugh, prop. (/J II Rajski Joseph (Lena), laborer, h. 4 6 % Pine, N. O. -• Ramsey Eliza, wid. Sylvester S., h. 311 E. Henley. ID k4 Ramsey E m m a M., public stenographer, 214 Masonic Temple; res. 128 E. pi, Henley. K Ramsey Florence, student, res. 224 N. First. Ramsey W . Howard, res. 128 E. Henley. QJ Ramsey William H. (Juliet P.), bookkeeper, 5-6 City Hall; h. 128 E. Henley. t> r. Randall Addison (Almeda), carpenter, h. 1509 W . Henley. J> *T Randall Charles W . (Lizzie), laborer, h. 1515 W . Henley. F^» (0 Randall Claude E., coachman, 305 N. Second. "•} n Randall Ella M., res. 601 Irving. *•*' (J Randall Ernest (Bridget), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. | y Randall John (Sophia O.), laborer, h. 601 Irving. JT *+ Randall John P., carpenter, res. 1509 W . Henley. n if Randall Lewis H., carpenter, res. 1509 W . Henley. •* Randall Roxie, res. 105 Main, Bv. —„ Randall Walter U., res. 601 Irving. •i Randolph John A., res. 28 Queen, E. O. O Randolph Thomas (Alice L.), carriagemaker, h. 28 Queen, E. O. Rank George R. (Jennie T.), harness, 204 W . State; h. do., W . O. ^ ^ ? 1 Ranow John J. (Elvira C ) , blacksmith, 471 N. Union; h. r. 29 Garden av., E.O. ^^•^ Rapp Frederick C. (Lillie M.), sta.fireman,h. 226 N. Seventh. ^ ^ R A P P W I L L I A M A. (Ida P.), freight and passenger agent P. R. R. ;h. 215 Jay. Q & Z Rapp William C , res. 215 Jay. ^ ^ * Rarey Harry R., U. S. Army, res. 45 Railroad av., E. O. IRaffert^ the ©uick printer TOWER BUILDING Artistic Job Printing GOOD Work Delivered At Reasonable Prices ONLY When Promised Commercial Work a Specialty. Estimates Cheerfully Given. HELIKER & Fire, Life and 3 0 7 Accident P A T R I D G E INSURANCE, MdsonieTemple *™|l OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 113 " ' Rarey Henry F. (Harriet), driver, h. 45 Railroad av., E. O. Rarey Herbert (Lina), junk dealer, h. Kittaning rd., S. O. C/> Rathburn Charles B. (Stella D.), car inspector, h. 47 Orchard av., E. O. • Ratzel Charles (Almira B.), car repairer, h. 1213 Washington. ^aaal Raub Elmer E. (Bertha M.), molder, h. 24 Hoops, E. O. " Raub Herschel D. (Blanche I.), (L. M. Raub & Son), 311-312 Masonic Temple; h. 333 Laurel av. Raub Joseph (Mary J.), sta. engineer, h. 212 N. Sixth. Raub L. M. & Son (Lewis M. and Herschel D.), dentists, 311-312 Masonic Temple. Raub Lewis M. (Sarah M.), (L. M. Raub & Son), 311-312 Masonic Temple; h. 315 Laurel av. Raub William, driller, h. 407 S. Fourth. Rauschert A d a m (Kate), tinsmith, h. 527 N. Eighth. Rauschert Fred, snapper, res. 527 N. Eighth. Rauschert Katie, domestic, res. 527 N. Eighth. Rauschert William, boilermaker, res. 527 N. Eighth. Rawson Frank D., laborer, res. 8 N. Washington, N. O. Rawson Washington (Lizzie), laborer, h. 8' N. Washington, N. O. Ray Daniel P. (Anna M.), supt. Olean tannery, 1105 E. State; h. 220 N. First. Ray John K., res. 220 N. First. Ray Mabel H., res. 220 N. First. ^ Ray Richard R., clerk, res. 220 *N. First. Raymond August J., molder, 133 Railroad av.; res. 505 N. Seventh. •aaag Raymond Charles (Catherine P.), sta.fireman,h. 505 N. Seventh. CaJ Raymond Charles J., carrier, res. 505 N. Seventh. .^•T^ Raymond Rose C , res. 505 N. Seventh. Reader John (Eva), car repairer, h. 524 N. Seventh. ^^^ Reagan Margaret, domestic, 123 N. First. ^^9 Reagan Michael, currier, bds. 131 S. Eleventh. aaai Reager Josephine, domestic, 302 Laurens. ^"JB R E A R D O N see also R E I R D O N and RIORDAN. r*^^ Reardon Catherine, res. 42 Elm, N. O. Reardon Ellen, wid. John, h. 42 Elm, N. O. O Reardon James, res. 42 Elm, N. O. *4 Reardon Mary, res. 42 Elm, N. O. a Reazs Willard R. (Frances), currier, h. 311 S. Eighth. ^ s yp Rebman Frank E. (Teresa), machinist, h. 42 Walnut, N. O. Redding Catherine, wid. Michael, res. 232 S. Barry. ^ Reddy Charles (Mary), currier, h. r. 601 E. State, E. O. P ^B R E E D Mary N E W TB., O N domestic, L. Rev. 102 (Elinor L. S.), pastor First Presbyterian church; £ Cj Reddy E. Henley. w ^ R E Eh. D 206 see Laurens. also REID. Reed Shirley oil refiner, h. 128 VS. Fourth. Reed P. Byron W., (Gertrude), res. 206 Laurens. =53=^ Reed (Carrie M . ) ,res. brakeman, 3 2 0 % W . State. I I Reed Sylvester Caroline, J. wid. George, 128 N.h. Fourth. =s=s=; Reed (Bertie W .machinist, ) , foreman, N . Barry. Reed Wilbur Charles B. (Barbara), h. h. 222305 Winters av. Reel student, res.Laurens. 113 N. Sixth. I ( Reed Anastasia, Charlotte L., res. 206 Reel office boy, Ah. c m228 e Works, N. O.; res. 113 N . Sixth. I I Reed Charles Diantha,L., wid. Edward, S. Barry. Reel A.), asst.237 oil N. inspector, c m e228 Works, N. O.; h. 113 N. Sixth. JO ^rj Reed Frank E m m a (Mary C , domestic, Union; Ares. S. Barry. Reel Margaret M r 3 , housekeeper, 435 N . Union. Reed Hattie, wid. Albert, h. 413 S. Third. 3 ' " Reese AndrewW., J.,stenographer. drayman, h. 22 232 S. Barry.Bank bldg.; res. 305 N. Barry. Reed Minnie Exchange S B Reeve John C , mgr. 463 N. Union; h. 208 N. Fourth. & •*£ Reeve Josephine T., res. 208 N. Fourth. D l ^ £ V E Y B R O S . * u S S T S S i s Men's Fine Shoes p. E. T Y L E R & CO.ESiiCo. Stetson, Burt & Packard - 158 North Union Street, and other good lines ~g 114 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 0 ~~ I j* Reeve Juliet, res. 208 N. Fourth. ZS. Reeve Mary H., grocer, 463 N. Union; res. 208 N. Fourth. I C/i Reeves William (Nellie C ) , sta.fireman,h. 210 W . Green. £ Q 0 Reich Simon, hides, etc., 309 W . State; rms. 114 N. First. O - P Reichel Alvin S. (Elizabeth), blacksmith, h. 312 N. Thirteenth. c3 Reichel E. D., woodworksr, 502 N. Union; res. 312 N. Thirteenth. r\) +? Reichel Mary, wid. Charles O., res. 1205 W . Sullivan. u< CD REID see also REED. _p Reid Michael (Maggie), car repairer, h. 112 N. Eleventh. jj} Reiger Fidel (Florence), upholsterer, 501 W . State; h. do. Q) R E I R D O N see also R E A R D O N and RIORDAN. K. Reirdon John (Maria), baggageman, h. 709 Wayne. j> Reitz Annie K., res. 7 Third av., Bv. Reitz Catherine, wid. John, h. 5 Third av., Bv. •> Reitz Clara M., res. 7 Third av., Bv. Reitz Frederick J. (Gertrude M.), driller, h. 13 Third av., Bv. Reitz Henry W . (Anna M.), driver, h. 906 Irving. Reitz John C. (Hannah), h. 16 Main, Bv. Reitz Mary L., res. 5 Third av., Bv. Reitz Theodore H., driller, res. 5 Third av., Bv. Reitz William (Elizabeth), stonemason, h. 7 Third av., Bv. Reynolds David (Elizabeth), h. 136 S. Barry. Reynolds Earl W., student, res. 122 S. Eighth. Reynolds Edith, res. 118 Coleman. Reynolds Edward J. (Annie E.), carpenter, h. 122 S. Eighth. p a Reynolds Ellsworth (Frankie), contractor, 626 E. State; h. do., E. O. Reynolds Frank, res. 42 Front, Bv. Reynolds Frank E. (Rose A.), painter, h. 221 Railroad av., E. O. Reynolds Horace, res. 626 E. State, E. O. Reynolds Howard (Mabel L.), carpenter, h. 223 Railroad av., E. O. Reynolds James, res. 30 Elm, N. O. Reynolds John L. (Jane), farmer, h. 210 Railroad av., E. O. Reynolds Lewis I., farmer, res. 210 Railroad av., E. O. Reynolds Levi (Adeline), carpenter, h. 42 Front, Bv. cc Reynolds Lucius P. (Amanda), contractor, h. 30 Second av., Bv. < Reynolds Mary Mrs., res. 23 Elm, N. O. UJ Reynolds Samuel A. (Ettie E.), carpenter, h. 69 Bishop, E. O. Reynolds William E. (Alice A.), painter, h. 208 Railroad av., E. O. Reynolds William E. (Lizzie H.), carpenter, h. 118 Coleman. Rhodes Carrie L., res. 109 N. Third. Rhodes Hosea (Elizabeth A.), pile driver, h. 109 N. Third. Rice Bertha S., res. 210 Railroad av., E. O. Rice Cynthia L., nurse, h. 126 S. Eleventh. UJ Rice Elizur, bricklayer, res. 122 E. Henley. Rice Guy C. (Gena & Rice), 234 N. Union; rms. do., bds. Grand Central Hotel. Rice John H. (Nettie), brick contractor, h. 122 E. Henley. Rice Minnie, res. 325 Laurel av. Rice William E., bricklayer, res. 122 E. Henley. cc Rich Ada R., dressmaker, 264% N. Union; h. do. o p. Rich John (Susan), laborer, h. 57 Railroad av., E. O. U. U Richard Inez, domestic, 404 W . State. P B Richards res. 148% do. C IHarry T dJ., Ydriver, I 152 O N. R Union; a KreBB,u?ikdirgd01ay 254 Richards Union. and Sewer Tile, N. Union St. 1^# > t Florence a I f lA. Mrs., I l ah. a V148% / I A N. Blocks Richards Isa M., res. 148% N. Union. 0 Richards J. Belle, clerk, 225 N. Union; res. 148% do. Richards Mary, Richadson Richardson John Archibald, Ellas, Henry Daisy, Beulah, (AgnesJ, wid. laborer, J. domestic, domestic, Thomas, (Elizabeth), laborer, actor, h. 302 Dugan res. 134 302 h.Wfarmer, 108 781 E. W .rd., . State. Sullivan; Whitney N. State. B. Union, h.O. McCann av. res. N. Dugan O. Hollow, rd., S.E. O.O. B T T T A V T H P (1& All Kinds of 2 5 4 N. . U . 1 r i I L U l v J( Roofing Haterial Union St. o O OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 115 1 f—« JJL Richardson Leander C. (Sarah E.), carpenter, h. Kittaning rd., S. O. n ^^ Richell John A. (Addie),flagman,h. 1017 Buffalo. M a Rider Harry (Bella), plumber, h. 128 W . Green. U £) Riegraf Charles (Regina), sta.fireman,h. 43 Elm, N. O. m *^ Rlegraf Mary, domestic, 52 Main, Bv. n r^ Riel Elizabeth, res. 414 N. Eighth. jjj ""/ Riel Frederick A., laborer, res. 414 N. Eighth. -| ^ * Riel Millard (Louise), watchman, h. 414 N. Eighth. I f^ Riley Harriet N., res. 405 W . Henley. _ J<* Riley J. Wands, clerk, 301 N. Union; res. 405 W . Henley. 2 Riley Millard F. (Martha W.), (Riley & Wands), 301-305 N. Union; h. 405 W . » m Henley. » ._> RILEY & W A N D S (Millard F. Riley and Charles R. Wands), wholesale and H T~ retail grocers and bakers, 301-305 N. Union. (See adv. top lines.) to \jk Riley & Wands Block, 301-303-305 N. Union. 5 m R I O R D A N see also R E A R D O N and REIRDON. * tU Riordan Dennis W., cigarmaker, 111 W . State; res. do., W . O. 2 aJ Riordan J. Frederick, res. W . State, W . O. L| _ J Riordan John F. (R. E m m a ) , laborer, h. W . State, W . O. • ^* Rismus Joseph (Pauline), carpenter, h. 25 Pond, E. O. Ritter John (Eva), car repairer, h. 524 N. Seventh. JjjMB Ritzaur Anna, wid. John, res. 1004 Washington. aaaaal Ritzaur John C. (Pauline L.), contractor, h. W . State, W . O. ^ 9 Ritzaur Maud J., student, res. W . State, W . O. aa^ Rivenburgh Peter H. (Alice A.), jeweler, 702% W . State; h. do. ••"• Roach Frank, brakeman P. R. R., bds. Genesee House. _^B Robbins D. H., driver, Acme Mills; h. 310 N. Barry. (T^ Robbins Elmer F. (Sarah A.), carpenter, 217 Wayne; h. 1003 W . Henley. _ Robbins Frances M., re.3. 402 Irving. aaaS", Robbins Henry J., molder, res. 402 Irving. Robbins James H. (Annie), wagonmaker, h. 402 Irving. Robbins Mandeville, h. 526 W . State. CJ± Robbins W . Raymond, molder, 133 Railroad av.; res. 402 Irving. WrW Robertson Arthur W . (Robertson & Rowley), 244 N. Union. Robertson & Rowley (Arthur W . Robertson and Mrs.' Eurana A. Rowley), restaurant, 244 N. Union. Robeson M. E. Mrs., clerk, 157 N. Union. Robie Charles H. (Emma H.), jeweler, 143 N. Union; h. 141% do. Robinson Abraham A., baker, 237 N. Union; res. 311 Tompkins. Robinson Christopher, laborer, res. 79 Oak, N. O. Robinson Elizabeth Mrs., h. 79 Oak, N. O. Robinson Frank, barber, 106 W . State; bds. 117 N. Fourth. Robinson Hannah, domestic, 309 Laurel av. Robinson John (Elizabeth), laborer, h. r. barrel factory, N. O. Robinson John S. (Sue), h. 6 Canal. Robinson Norman R. (Nellie), bakery, 237 N. Union; h. 311 Tompkins. Robinson Patrick, laborer, res. 70 Oak, N. O. Robinson William C. (Emma C ) , trav. salesman, h. 135 S. Second. FOTtl,e Roddy Rockwood Rocchietti Roche R O DCfitting, Sullivan. GKEWLillian John Ellen, John, Michael, ROSO Charles E. William Harry Emeline, Anna, DFinest L. Wbuffer, wid. Louise, .CM., 111 G. H(Lizzie laborer, AL., dressmaker, res. W RMichael, & S. (Bundy L.wid. res. asst. Eres. CO. (Mary), 317 State. SB.), h. 317 Wines Aimed, H. 707 N. supt. (Langford h. & 317 machinist, N. Seventh. (Florence W currier, Rockwood), (See 317 rms. N. . Vacuum Seventh. res. N. Sullivan. Seventh. adv. 303 and G. 145 Seventh. 133 h. E.), N. side Rodgers), Oil 1041 S. Railroad 114 Liquors Barry. agent Clinton. Co.; lines.) E. State, res. Sullivan; Empire plumbing, av.; 707 h. E.jW406 Line, rms. O. .d«»l«etjros. gas WSullivan. .110% h. and Henley. 707steam do. W .(JCa^ *aag /^Ht J^^S^Z^ O*" ~ General I N S U R A N C E . H E L I K E R P A T R 1 D G E (t I ILL I IXLIl I fl I 11 I llUaa Only Reliable Companies Represented [l! 116 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. M h tf\ li Rodgers Langford G. (Mary), (L. G. Rodgers & Co.), Ill W . State; h. 215 W . *5 Henley. ^ Rodgers Lewis J. (Minnie M.), plumber, 111 W . State; h. 218 do. m hi Roeske Charles M. (Louise), currier, h. 1009 W . Henley. I- Roff Michael (Hannah), confectionery, 404 Wayne; h. do. W Rogers Calvin A., laborer, h. 23 Third av., Bv. ^ ^ _ Rogers Catherine A., res. 23 Third av., Bv. ?"" g Rogers Charles E. (Sophia), machine hand, h. 306 S. Barry. j — < Rogers D. R. Mrs., h. 131 S. Eleventh. ^ J 0 Rogers Elta I., student, res. 112 E. Green. •» 4 Rogers Frank F. (Ada I.), laborer, h. 229 S. Barry. *-J () Rogers Glenn E. (Katie F.), sawyer, h. 210 N. Seventh. Q HarryA., (Adaline), laborer, 523 Sixth. Rogers Mary wid. Amos H., h.h. 112 E.N. Green. *™ Joel W . H. (Lena M.), foreman, h. 323 N. Seventh. Rogers William (Louise), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 116 N. Second. Rogers Lewis (Jane), h. 26laborer, Hoops,h. E.202 O. Whitney av. Roggier Michael (Gracie), Roller Alice, res. 7 Center, Bv. Roller Anna res. Center, Bv. ROLLINSON LINDEN H. (Lizzie B.), contractor, h. 214 N. Seventh. Rollinson Ralph L., printer, res. 214 N. Seventh. Ronolder Herman J. (Anna M.), teamster, h. W . State, W . O. Ronolder William C. (Mary), laborer, h. W . State, W . O. Rooney Eleanor, wid. Thomas, h. 36 Pine, N. O. Root Charles, car repairer, bds. 703 Wayne. Root Earls L. (Maggie A.), blacksmith, 522 N. Union; h. 44 Orchard av, E. O. & c/5 Root Ernest J. (Belle), blacksmith, h. 306 W . Green. W Root Hiram (Maggie L.), laborer, h. 35 Grossman av., E. O. Root Kittie J., milliner, res. 10 N. Washington, VS. O. Root Mary J., wid. David, h. 1012 N. Union, N. O. Root Minnie M., res. 1012 N. Union, N. O. Root & Keating Tannery, 743 N. Union, U. S. Leather Co., props.; F. P. a\ Shaner, mgr. a Rorke John, supt., 113 W . State. 4^% | Rosa Joseph, shoemaker, 415 N. Union; h. do. ^ ^ m Rose Charles T. (Anna), currier, h. 20 Homer, VS. O. I J Rose Charles T. Jr., currier, res. 20 Homer, N. O. ^ ^ Rose E m m a A., dressmaker, 156 N. Union; res. 20 Homer, N. O. Rose Esther A., wid. Smith, dressmaker, h. 109 S. Fourth. #>^*i Rose John (Josephine), laborer, h. 444 N. Union. ^ ^ * r Rose Joseph D., currier, res. 20 Homer, N. O. Rose Mabel J., milliner, res. 109 S. Fourth. g £ ^ \ Rose Otto W., clerk, res. 109 S. Fourth. V J Rose Samuel (Angelo R.), fruits, 409 N. Union; h. do. f k ^ Rose Tony (Nora), laborer, h. 10 Canal. lifcra Ross Anthony (Anna), switchman, h. 525 N. Fifth. fl 1 Ross Clara G., res. 119 S. First. J L J Ross Frederick A., machinist, 133 Railroad av.; bds. Grand Central Hotel. ,-mpaf Ross George A. (Anna R.), teamster, h. 33 Railroad av., E. O. ^^^T Ross Marcia A. Mrs., saloon, 319 N. Union; h. do. ^ ^ Ross Oliver P. (Clara G.), prop. Olean House Pharmacy, 134 N. Union; h. 119 ^ ^ S. First. ^ T y Ross Tony (Mary A.), laborer, h. 45 Spruce, N. O. C_jl ROSS WILLIAM C ,florist,124 N. Union; h. Wellsville, N. Y. (See adv.) m k ^ Ross William H., res. 33 Railroad av., E. O. O ^ ^ Rossiter Lawrence, currier, bds 922 N. Union, N. O. •a"""1 Rounds Eunice, wid., h. McCann Hollow, S. O. (^ ^\ V^#y , REPAIRING M #WHEN Rouse Rounds YOUR Call Electa, Ira Mary FredM. SHOES at Mrs., E. wid. (Ann), (Bertha), 512 h. Lyman NEED Kittaning quarryman, w. teamster, E., A, res.' state rd., G-h.S. 52 COOK'S street. 84 h.Queen, Union, O. Kittaning S. E. O. rd., O. S. O. GILLINGHAM &. SON Building Contractors and Building Supply 302 North Union Street. DEAUERS. g OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 117 H Rouse Lavantia, wid. Barlow, res. 21 Front, Bv. K Rowan Ellen, res. 28 Pierce av., W . O. Rowan John J. (Mary E.), painter, h. 332 Jay. Rowan Patrick, h. 28 Pierce av., W . O. Rowe Clifford G., res. 221 S. Ninth. Rowe Frederick J. (Delia A.), sta. engineer, h. 17 N. River, N. O. Rowe George, hostler, 140 N. Union; rms. do. Rowe George A. (Carrie), coachman, 135 S. Union; h. 221 S. Ninth. Rowe William D. (Allie), farmer, h. 34 Grossman av., E. O. Rowland Edwin (Jetsie), farmer, h. Plucker Hollow, N. O. Rowland John W . (Ida M.), bookkeeper, Acme Glass Co., N. O.; h. 108 S. Clinton. Rowland Richard H. (Jessie), bookkeeper, Acme Glass Co., N. O.; rms. S. Clinton. Rowley Catherine, res. 130 N. Ninth. Rowley Eurana A. Mrs. (Robertson & Rowley), 244 N. Union; rms. 313 do. Rowley John, laborer, res. 130 N. Ninth. Royce Clara B. Mrs., laundress, 264 N. Union; res. 12 Fourth av., Bv. Royce Martin D. (Clara B.), foreman, 264 N. Union; h. 12 Fourth av., Bv. Ruchtie Alexander, molder, 502 N. Union; bds. Higgins av. Ruchtie Fred, tailor, 164 N. Union; bds. 108 W . State. Ruchtie William (Maud), molder, 502 N. Union; res. 30 Second av., Bv. Rugg Jennie O., stenographer, 26 Exchange Bank bldg. ' Rulison Henry J. farmer, res. 34 Grossman av., E. O. Rulison James G. (Rose), farmer, h. 34 Grossman av., E. O. Rumsey Emmett D. (Hatch & Rumsey), 609 E. State; bds. 70 Bishop, E. O. Rumsey Frank (Cary, Rumsey & Hastings), 22-23 Exchange Bank bldg; h Buffalo, N. Y. Ruprecht Conrad (Mary), roller, h. 606 N. First. Russ John (Emma A.), machinist, h. 121 S. Seventh. Russell Bessie E., res. 313 Irving. R U S S E L L E U G E N E R. (Catherine J.), ice dealer, 9 Garden av.; h. do., E. O Russell Frank, res. 313 Irving. Russell Frank E., teamster, h. 57 Union, S. O. Russell George, mason, h. 313 Irving. Russell Ida M., res. 313 Irving. Russell Katherine, operative, res. 1220 W . Sullivan. Russell Mary M., wid. Enoch, h. 1 Union; S. O. Russell Napoleon (Elizabeth), pipelineman, h. 1220 W . Sullivan. Russell Wilhelmina, res. 1220 W . Sullivan. Ruth Harry G., agent Met. Life Ins. Co.; bds. 125 N. Second. Rutherford Thomas B. (Mary A.), res. 128 N. First. Ruttenberg Benjamin A. (Sadie), mgr., 162 VS. Union; h. 110 N. Barry. Ruttenberg S., clothing, 162 N. Union; h. 110 N. Barry. Ryan Bridget, wid Michael, res. 45 River, N. O. Ryan James, molder, 133 Railroad av.; res. 44 Elm, N. O. Ryan John E. (Ryan & Shoemaker), 304 N. Union; h. 45 River, N. O. Ryan John H., lawyer, res. 44 Elm, N. O. Ryer DUNLAVEY Rybieski Saas Ryan -?»»3ii and Albert, Walter Alfred Agnes, & May, Nora, Stephen Michael retail Shoemaker Wellington clerk, North housekeeper, BROS.r res. (Mary E.V. liquors, D. W., (Catherine), 312 138 157 (Nellie), (Kate boilermaker, union G.), (John (Jennie), N. E. VS. ^^™»<*»» 304 Henley. Twelfth. car F.), Union; 45 E. N. helper street.^repairer, painter, River, cooper, Ryan Union. laborer, res. boilermaker, Vand N. 202 44 h.h. h. O. 312 Elm, 44 William Coleman. 138 9 Avenue E. Famous Elm, N.Henley. h.Twelfth. O. M. N. 38A, O. Shoemaker), Pine, Olean N. O. N.ClubWhiskey O. wholesale gj a § W ~<t g® $ gj pi g ?" 3 rtf. ©' "l ^* _^ '^ DO 3 £% £J3 m *™. P^ -• ~ 2 P D>«Sm-Ot" •i> J3 §• >• £8 fcrj Qo . Ladies' and Children's Footwear C f T V I C D 9. Pfl ^ J l ^ k f»£ . BEST LINKS IN THE CITY. I • Ll I I L_LI I UL U U l IB8 N. un|on st. 2 J ¥ _^__^^^^^^_______________^_^______________^_ 5fc© 118 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 9- \ u < •> 3 • * Sabation Antonia (Mary), laborer, h. 46 Pine, N. O. 5 4 9 Sabin Hannah Mrs., housekeeper, 1217 W . Sullivan. £ a Sadler Jennie, laundress, Olean House. "S S *j Sadon Lawrence F. (Jennie), butcher, 152 N. Union; h. 48 Washington, N. O. S ? " Sage Albert W . (Rose S.), laborer, h. 3 Center, Bv. •^ K % Sage Earl E., student, res. 3 Center, Bv. > 7 « St. Clair Chester L., helper, 509 N. First; res. 306 Tompkins. W P £ St. Clair Lewis V. (Marie R.), machinist, 133 Railroad av.; h. 306 Tompkins. g y (0 st- Mary's Parochial School, 614-616 W . Sullivan. «*5 • o Salisbury Archibald B. (Elizabeth), brickmaker, h. 55 Bishop, E. O. Q8 9) 4 «l Salisbury Eliza J., wid. Gaius M., res. 30 Prince, E. O. JJt Salisbury Hugh S. (Nana L.), architect, 182% N. Union; h. do. i Salisbury Lloyd M., res. 182% N. Union. ^"^ Salisbury Orson P., laborer, h. 30 Prince, E. O. Salisbury Thomas, driver, bds. 107 S. Third. Salomon H. R., agent, bds. Olean House. u Salvation Army, 108 E. Sullivan. 1 Sampson Daisy L., ironer, 312 E. State; res. 308 do. *••* Sandburg August W . (Dora), sta.fireman,926 E. State; h. 92 Garden av., E. O. Sanders William R. (L. May), yardmaster P. R. R., h. 223 N. Third. <• Sanderson Dorcas, wid. Ira F., h. 119 N. Ninth. ^J Sanderson Flora, teacher No. 6 School, res. 119 N. Ninth. Sanderson John S. (Anna B.), h. 83 Main, Bv. ,j_j S A R T W E L L H E N R Y S. (Kate B.), prop. Olean House, 126-140 N. Union; h. do. Sarver George C, telegrapher, res. 24 First av., Bv. Sarver John A. (Mary J.), gauger, h. 24 First av., Bv. Q ) Sauer Carl (Bertha M. E.), car repairer, h. 140 N. Tenth. a Sauer Catherine, wid. Jacob, res. 140 N. Tenth. i a W Sauer Otto, musician, bds. 140 N. Tenth. »••* Savage Daniel P. (Delia), tanner, h. 217 S. Ninth. ^A Savage John B. (Eltda), laborer, h. 109 S. Fifth. "^1^ Savage Minnie, res. 816 Buffalo. Savage Patrick J. (Elizabeth), saloon, 202 W . State; h. 816 Buffalo. Z Sawyer Albert J. (Cora D.), carpenter, h. 7 Osgood av., E. O. Scanlon Frank (Alice), laborer, h. 18 N. Washington, N. O. •j Scanlon John, machine hand, h. 1315 W . Sullivan. .<• Scanlon John J. (Katherine), police, City Hall; h. 134 N. Ninth. O Scanlon Minnie E., res. 1315 W . Sullivan. Scanlon William G., res. 1315 W . Sullivan. *•* Schalk George (Alice S.), car repairer, h. 141 N. Eleventh. apt Schalk Katherine, res. 141 N. Eleventh. * » S C H A M E L H E N R Y C. (Anna B.), prop. Olean Carpet Cleaning and Feather Qj Renovating Works, 257 N. Union; h. 814 Buffalo. (See adv. front cover.) ^ . Schanck E m m a Mrs., cook, 108 W . State; h. 1008 W . Sullivan. j ^ Scharle Conrad (Elizabeth), h. 456 N. Union. *^ Scheiterle Charles (Mary), boilermaker, h. 1406 W . State. •+•» Scheiterle Conrad (Carrie), h.W 1502 W .E. State. ^_ fMa< gCjj U<0 QW5The TI£2?, 4• next Schelin Schelling SSchlum Schlosser Schier Schelin Scheufele Schermerhorn C H LIssue O SJoseph Andrew Nellie Mollie George, Charles S William EMary John Charles John, Michael Mary Rof see B., George this (Barbara L., (Genevieve), H., (Christina), Jr., laborer, H., Mrs., res. dressmaker, also (Anna (Minnie), G. G., res. laborer, cutter, Directory R. (Clara 721 h. res. SLOSSER. C457 bds. (Mary), J.), )112 W, res. 1502 .teamster, painter, laborer, prop. res. N. laborer, M.), blacksmith, 901 S. State. res. will 721 Tenth. W Union. 442 porter, N. blacksmith, World .721 Wh. State. Union, N. be h. . 457 29 State. 442 Tenth. in Hotel, Hotel . h.Plum, N. State. McCann 1902, N.h. Union. Imperial; Tenth. O. 721 110 WO. Hollow, N. . State; Fifteenth. h. 233% S. h.O.N. do.Union. Wholesale Grocers, R I L E Y - W A N D S City Building Lots for sale. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 301-305 N . U n i o n St. 119 Schmidt Gottfried (Catherine), laborer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. S C H M I T T see also SMITH. Schmitt Peter (Mary), grocer, 511 W . State; h. do. Schnabel George (Lizzie), foreman, h. 124 S. Eleventh. Schnell Earl B., res. 707 W . State. Schnell George A., bell boy, res. 708 W . State. Schnell Mildred V., wid. George A., h. 708 W . State. Schnorr John, miller, 502 E. State; h. Allegany, N. Y. Scholes Sarah Mrs., res. 723 E. State, E. O. Schoolar M a x (Phoebe), h. 32 Garden av., E. O. Schott Charles F. (Celia A.), cornice worker, 108 S. Third; h. Ill do. Schott Erwin (Magdalen), insurance agent, h. 325 W . State. Schott George A., cornice worker, 108 S. Third; res. 325 W . State. Schott Julia, cashier, res. 325 W . State. Schrader E m m a , dressmaker, res. 1115 Buffalo. Schrader Otto, foreman, 1105 E. State; h. do., E. O. Schreder Lena M., dressmaker, 156 N. Union; res. 1009 W . Henley. Schreiber Peter, car driver, bds. 612 W . State. Schroeder Leo C. (Mary), supt. Acme Mills, h. 123 S. Fourth. Schubert Adolph G. (Anna), h. Kittaning rd., S. O. Schuder John (Regina), cooper, h. 66 Oak, N. O. Schuder Nellie, res. 66 Oak, N. O. Schue Christina K., res. 210 N. Thirteenth. Schue Conrad (Sophia), carpenter, h. 210 N. Thirteenth. Schue George (Anna), harnessmaker, h. 814 W . Henley. Schue Henry L. (Ellen), letter carrier p. o., h. 312 W . Green. Schue Mary M., res. 210 N. Thirteenth. Schuh Louis (Kate), laborer, h. 613 W . Green. Schuetz Herman (Louisa), jeweler, 109 N. Union; h. 219 W . State. Schuetz L., jewelry, 109 N. Union; h. 219 W . State. Schulze Philliphia, wid. John, h. 114 S. Fourth. Schulze William F., porter, res. 114 S. Fourth. Schussele John, farmer, h. McCann Hollow, S. O. Schussele Simon (Louisa C ) , foreman P. R. R. shops; h. 612 W . State. Schuster Zeno, laborer, bds. W . State, W . O. Schwinger Gottlieb (Henrietta), beam hand, h. 513 W . State. Schwinger Katherine, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 513 W . State. Scoonover Natalie, clerk, 157 N. Union; res. Portville, N. Y. Scott Don. C. (Rowine W . ) , photographer, 111% North; h. 109% do. Scott Elizabeth, wid. Archibald, h. 213 S. Union. Scott Florence A., res. 20 Main, Bv. Scott John H. (Mary A.), laborer, h. W . State, W . O. Scott John H. Jr., cigarmaker, 111 W . State; res. do., W . O. Scott Louis, glassblower, bds. 212 N. Third. Scott Milon W . (Mary E.), carpenter, 926 E. State; h. 45 Alder, E. O. Scott Samuel (Slina), merchant tailor, 221 N. Union; h. 302 N. Barry. Scott Walter W., res. W . State, W . O. Scott Winfield (Mary F.),finisher,h. 20 Main, Bv. Seacord Fred, plumber, 113 W . State; bds. Hotel Imperial. Seamon Frederick W . (Ida M.), laborer, h. 206 W . Green. Searles John (Roberta), millwright, h. 44 Johnson, N. O. Searles William L., roller, res. 44 Johnson, N. O. Sears Frank M. (Sarah A.), laborer, h. 6 0 % Clark, 311 E. North O. Union Street. -BY— Seaver Ada D., linotype operator, 215 N. Union; res. 36 Third av., Bv. Seaver Jay W., wid. James W., res. 126 N. Barry. ' -Sfiidler Seefried Seaver Seely • j-.ii Dexter Blanche Mae, William Charles John Augusta linotype WG. . O., ^SK,10 H. S., (Julia (Helen L., student, (Jennie h. operator, res. 36 F.), M.), Third DUNLAVEY 325 I.), loco, res. mgr., laborer, 215 N. av., 783 engineer Eleventh. 1101 N. N. Bv. Union; h. Union, N. BROS. 338 P. Union; R. S. res. N. R., Barry. O. h. 36 h. 783 325 Third do., N. av., Eleventh. N. O. Bv. > 92 (/) rn W CD © § ? CD ^ ™ CO _ p* -j CD • nCD o o o 70O g S m70 zra H O > z o \ > o ra o H E L i r o m G E E T InsuranceMasonicTemple 3m 120 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. jjQ Seiter Anna Mrs., h. 168% N. Union. ^ Q Seivert Charles S., sta. engineer, h. 7 Second av., Bv. Seivert John S. (Jessie M.), clerk, 925 Buffalo; h. 75 Garden av., E. O. Seivert Louise D., wid. John, res. 7 Second av., Bv. Seivert Sophia A., stenographer, 500-504 N. Union; res. 7 Second av., Bv. Selden Charles W., clerk, P. R. R., Railroad av.; rms. 123 S. Second. Selover Blanche E., student, res. 40 Garden av., E. O. Selover Jessie L., student, res. 40 Garden av., E. O. Selover William F. (Frances E.), helper, 133 Railroad av.; h. 40 Garden av., E. O. j ™"™™ •w" S I £ •.CO T ) gj t H "S CO -j-l*; | I "S ® S _ CO CO Senn J. Fred (Lena C ) , supt. acid works, Acme Works, N. O.; h. 903 N. Union, N. O. Serena Charles, farmer, h. 28% Pond, E. O. Sessions Susie A. Mrs., tailoress, 211 Masonic Temple; res. 503 W . State. Seuling Anna M., wid. Peter, h. 405 W . Green. Seuling George J., laborer, res. 405 W . Green. Seuling Joseph, res. 405 W . Green. Seuling Mary, res. 215 W . Henley. Seuling Mary M., bookkeeper, 111 W . State; res. 405 W . Green. Seuling Otto, laborer, res. 405 W . Green. Seuling Peter A., painter, res. 405 W . Green. Severn William G. (Cora J.), driver, 172 N. Union; h. 227 S. Barry. Sewell Mary J., wid. Henry W., res. 808 E. State, E. O. Shadbolt Alonzo (Ida F.), h. 124 S. First. Shaeon William, motorman, rms. 11 First av., Bv. Shafer Archie (Mary), driver, h. 72 Pine, N. O. Shafer Frank S. (Lucy E.), tinsmith, 205 N. Union; h. 524% do. Shafer Frederick (Grace), night check foreman P. R. R., h. 1215 W . State. Shafer Jacob (Mary H.), constable, h. 1213 W . State. Shafer Lavina, wid. Henry S., h. 537 N. Ninth. Shafer Michael (Rose), oil producer, h. 330 Laurel av. Shafer William, clerk P. R. R., Railroad av.; res. 1213 W . State. Shafer Willis, trimmer, res. 537 N. Ninth. Shaffer Charles A. (Emily), (C. A. Shaffer & Son), 402 W . State; h. 404 do. Shaffer Charles A. & Son (Charles A. and Francis J.), grocers, 402 W . State. Shaffer Francis J. (C. A. Shaffer & Son), 402 W . State; res. 404 do. Shaffer Frederick, laborer, res. 146 N. Seventh. Shaffer Frederick (Grace), freight handler, h. 24 Third av., Bv. Shaffer John (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 146 N. Seventh. Shaffer John, Jr., laborer, res. 146 N. Seventh. Shane Leonard, cigarmaker, 144 N. Union. Shaner Blanche E., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 121 River, N. O. Shaner Clara M., dressmaker, 15 Riley & Wands blk.; res. 121 River, N. O. Shaner Daniel C. (Lina), oil treator, h. 121 River, N. O. Shaner Floyd P. (Jennie F.), supt. Root & Keating tannery; h. 753 N. Union, N. O. Shaner Frank C, res. 121 River, N. O. Shaner Jennie E., milliner, res. 121 River, N. O. Shannon Agnes M., res. 43 Queen, E. O. Shannon Bessie E., res. 43 Queen, E. O. Shannon Ella, wid. James W., prop. East Olean green house, 43 Queen, E. O.; h. do. W State S t Shannon PatrickPerfect J. (Catherine), and Guarantee Satisfaction. laborer, h. 214 S. Second. Shannon William M. (Clara B.), laborer, h. 175 Railroad av., E. O. Sharp James, Guy A.,snapper, freight handler P. R. R.; bds. 633 State, E. O. • * C — Oar. MIKE Shaw Sharp Shattuck Edward John, Anna, Catherine, Joseph in Frank h. snapper, A. m R., 127 M. (Margaret), res. glassblower, TO N. (Lillian res. 1446 res. Barry. ORDER 1446 1446 Buffalo. M.), sec. res. Buffalo. Buffalo. carpenter, A c1446 m A. e Glass Buffalo. h. Q. Co., 56E. Bishop, N. COOK. O.; h. E. 44 O. Pine, w SI N. O. HELIKER & PATRIDGE, g**^1' GENERAL INSURANCE. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 121 307 Represented. Masonic Temple. Shaw John F. (Nora), laborer, h. 1446 Buffalo. Shaw William B. (Mary T.), saloon, 922 N. Union; h. do., N. O. S H E A see also O'SHEA. Shea Anna, student, res. 24 Homer, N. O. Shea Cornelius (Bridget), laborer, h. 24 Homer, N. O. *—\ Shea Mary, student, res. 24 Homer, N. O. Shea Michael J. (Margaret B.), tank builder, h. 308 N. Thirteenth. G*3 Sheahan John P. (Nora), blacksmith, h. 332 Coleman. ~~~" S H E A R E R R. M A C K , mgr. Armour & Co., 424-426 VS. Union; bds. Olean House. C/3 ^*? Sheehan Anna A., dressmaker, 104 Laurens; h. do. —i S H E E H A N DANIEL W . (Mary A.), dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and meat market, 501-505 N. Union; h. do. Sheehan Dennis P. (Jennie), currier, h. 65 Garden av., E. O. ~"~~» Sheehan Fremont F., res. 65 Garden av., E. O. ^^ Sheehan James (Johanna), laborer, h. 104 Spruce, N. O. —i Sheehan's Hall, 503 N. Union. ^^ Sheehan John J., student, res. 505 N. Union. •—* Sheehan John M. (Annie), clerk, h. 46 Spruce, N. O. « rg Sheehan Katie E., res. 104 Spruce, N. O. ,_-, Sheehan Margaret, domestic, 132 S. Union. «—» Sheehy Bridget, domestic, 305 N. Second. ~~» Sheldon Jesse A. (Lena M.), contractor, h. 138 S. First. C"D Sheldon Lewis, carpenter, bds. 435 N. Union. Sheldon William (Anna), physician, rms. 801 W . Henley. ff Shelling Mary H., res. 457 N. Union. Sjt Shepard William E. (Julia M.), agent, h. Pleasant Valley, Bv. *^ S H E R I D A N B E R T R A N D J., oil contractor, res. 145 N. Barry. ^ •, Sheridan Ellen A., wid. James L., h. 1206 Irving. 2j rj S H E R I D A N G E O R G E A. (Esther B.), oil producer and contractor, h. 145 N. 3 Ja Barry. (See adv. front colored page.) " <Sheridan Lina E., res. 145 N. Barry. 00 *. Sheridan Marena F., res. 145 N. Barry. ^J H Sheridan Marie, res. 1206 Irving. Q C Sheridan Nellie, res. 1206 Irving. J0 ? Sheridan Nettie I., res. 145 N. Barry. rt P Sheridan Philip J., res. 1206 Irving. f < Sherlock Fred, res. 1306 W . Sullivan. J: Sherlock Judd M. (Nellie L.), cigars, tobacco and billiard parlor, 180 N. Union; * *• h. do. . •* Sherman Amos, machinist, res. 42 Third av., Bv. * l Sherman Daniel M. (Louisa), woodworker, 217 Wayne; h. 22 Fourth av., Bv. *" Sherman Edgar F. (Lois A.), freight handler P. R. R., h. 32 Brook, E. O. Sherman George D. (Mattie). janitor, h. 32 Goodrich av., E. O. (f Shenis Elias (Jennie), peddler, h. 310 W . State. « Sherris Israel, bill clerk, P. R. R., res. 310 W . State. Sherwin Charles, res. 519 W . Henley. _ Sherwin Edward J., res. 519 W . Henley. n £ Sherwin Harry M., driller, res. 4 Second av., Bv. 31 •* Uni0L=!Lad„l^key Shinnerling Sherwood Shiber Shine Shiley Sherwin Catherine, William Carrie John Nettie Mary Sylvester Nancy Augusta Margaret Robert, Fannie, Elizabeth Fred T.M., J., A., P., (Maria wid. E. C, student, res. apprentice, wid. laborer, N. E., wid. Mrs., B., laborer, Daniel, B., (Caroline), res. 31 James, wid. E.), Ernest cigars res. DUNLAVEY Garden res. 29 bds. cooper, Myron h. res. res. Center, 419 h. 510 L., and 601 140 farmer, 519 av., 419 N. 601 Washington. h. N. B., confectionery, Railroad h. Union. Bv. WN. E. N. 419 Fourth. . h. BROS, 510 O. Henley. h. Fourth. Union. 29 N.Washington. 4Union. Center, av., Second ^nNst E. 321Bv. av., O. W . l? State; Bv. h. do. 2 ~0fC u0i. jJr3r>(0 ! %* tv •> M*• \J Mf\ ^ •• Vm TO LEARN WHILE YOU EARN £ . D. L E A C H 310 ttZRl? Representing the 1 nternational Correspondence a> SEE Schools, S C R A N T O N , PA. CD f-i -«-» 122 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. VI H Harry G., molder, res. 419 N. Union. o Shinnerling . -£ fc Shoemaker Joseph E., res. 318 N. First. ci Shoemaker Joseph S. (Minnie F.), (Empire Art Co.), 6 Riley & Wands blk.; * h. 223 N. Union. ^ t/3 O w 8 m 0 h Q* h U • [J] 2 w K m m [h <n OLK < * Shoemaker Paul, waiter, res. 318 N. First. Shoemaker W . Montgomery (Nellie E.), (Ryan & Shoemaker), 304 N. Union, and restaurant, 308 do.; h. 318 N. First. Sholer Mattie L., milliner, bds. 40 Garden av., E. O. Sholtz John Frances M.), car repairer, h. 11 Pierce av., W . O. Shortely John (Winifred), night watchman, h. 29 Homer, N. O. Shortely Michael, laborer, res. 29 Homer, N. O. Showalter Henry (Eliza), carpenter, bds. 302 E. Henley. Showalter William F. (Jeannette), carpenter, h. 302 E. Henley. Shroder Lena M., domestic, 336 N. Tenth. Shultz Anna, wid. John, housekeeper, 2 8 % Pond, E. O. Shultz William (Mary L.), laborer, h. 92 Clark, E. O. Shutts , laborer, bds. 74 Bishop, E. O. Sibley Herbert D. (Margaret E.), (Sibley & Ostrom), 215 N. Union; h. 207 N. Third. SibleyFred & Ostrom (Herbert Sibley res. and1010 William L. Ostrom), props. Olean Sigel W., clerk, 307 N.D.Union; W . State. N. E.), Union. SiselHerald, H e n r y 215 (Mary under sheriff, h. 123 S. First. Sigel H. (Louise), cigars and tobaccos, Union; h.N. 1010 W . State. SickerJohn George H. (Jennie), Vacuum307 OilN. Co.; h. 122 Eighth. "'""" " (Anna), ' foreman, Sigel laborer, h. 141 N. Eighth. Sigel Lewis Caroline, res. 1010 W . State. Sigel E., clerk,molder, 307 N. Union; 1010 W . State. Sigel William Casper (Minnie), h. 621 Wres. . Green. Silk Frank (Mary), laborer, h. 21 Pierce av., W . O. Silk John, laborer, res. 21 Pierce av., W . O. Silloway LeRoy J. (Ella), helper, h. 24 Griffin, E. O. Silvernail John R. (Mamie E.), barber, 321 N. Union; h. 120 Wayne. Simmons Charles H. (Bertha)^, car repairer, h. 147 N. Sixth. Simmons Kitty, wid. Jay, h. 15 Railroad av., E. O. Simmons Sophia H., nurse, h. 214 N. Second. Simon John, peddler, res. 202 Whitney av. Simon Joseph, peddler, h. 202 Whitney av. Simon Shaen, peddler, res. 202 Whitney av. Simons Ell (Anna L.), h. 28 Canal. Simons Henry M., laborer, res. 28 Canal. Simons John S. (Nellie M.), loco, engineer, h. 414 N. Tenth. Simons Salina I., wid. Benjamin, h. 13 Union, S. O. Simpkins Albert (Ellanora), glassblower, h. 141 VS. Thirteenth. Simpkins Anna, res. 121 N. Fifth. Simpkins Joseph B. (Lizzie), glassblower, h. 317 N. Thirteenth. Simpkins Norman (Mamie A.), glassblower, h. 1120 Buffalo. Simpkins Ralph (Laura), glassblower, h. 1120 Buffalo. Simpkins William B. (Anna C ) , glassblower, h. 121 N. Fifth. Simpkins William E., bookkeeper, res. 512 W . Sullivan. Simpson Ada V., res. 235 N. Second. Simpson Matthew, res. 1117 N. Union, N. O. Simpson Mortimer S. (Arda L.), supt. compound dept., Standard Oil Co.; h. 713 W . Sullivan. Simpson Walter H., student, res. 235 N. Second. SIMPSON W I L L I A M H. (Mary), plumbing, gas, steam and hot water fitting, 184 N. Union; h. 235 N. Second. Sing Sam, laundry, 253 N. Union; h. do. Singer Mfg. Co., 244% N. Union; Fred W . Dorr, mgr. Sirdevan Edwin A., laborer, res. 21 Water, N. O. Sirdevan Ella, res. 19 Oak, N. O. N. O. Sirdevan Frankstudent, J., laborer, res. 21 Water, Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce ,_ Cigars a n d T o b a c c o s , <• 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . E I"1 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 123 > c . 2 to Sirdevan George, res. 19 Oak, N. O. «- < o Sirdevan John J. (Kate T.), laborer, h. 26 Oak, N. O. s J <jj Sirdevan Luke, laborer, res. 21 Water, N. O. " n -s Sirdevan Margaret, housekeeper, 19 Oak, N. O. 3""ti Sirdevan Mary, h. 19 Oak, N. O. 35S Sirdevan Mary A., wid. Patrick F., h. 21 Water, N. O. 5-2 Sirdevan Patrick J. (Josephine), sta.fireman,h. 21 Oak, N. O. 3 S Sirdevan Sarah, student, res. 19 Oak, N. O. * * Sirdevan Thomas (Catherine), stillman, h. 16 Elm, N. O. Sirdevan Walter, laborer, res, 21 Water, N. O. «•••• Sisson Edwin G. (Helen E.), bookkeeper, Exchange National Bank; h. 223 N. "* First. Sisson Sophronia B., wid. Wellington, res. 223 N. First. Sisson William G., special agent N e w York Life Ins. Co., 230 N. Union; rms. 108 S. Clinton. Sivententl Mary, operative, bds. 7 Pierce av., W . O. Skiff Charles H. (Ellen J.), agent, h. 219 S. Second. Skiff Eleanor B., student, res. 219 S. Second. Skiff Flora M., res. 219 S. Second. Skiff Walter A., repairer, 256 N. Union; res. 219 S. Second. Skinner Archie, painter, res. 220 N. Eleventh. Skinner Henry (Mary A.), gauger, h. 220 N. Eleventh. Skinner Paul E., res. 220 N. Eleventh. Skopp Tony (Anna), laborer, h. 11 Franklin, N. O. Slater Benjamin F. (Minnie M.), h. 32 Pond, E. O. Slater Charles O., laborer, res. 3 Bell, E. O. Slater John W . (Mary J.), carpenter, h. 3 Bell, E. O. Sleboda Andrew (Josephine), laborer, h. 21 Erie av., N. O. Sliger Charles D., laborer, res. 314 N. Fifth. Sliger Hazel L., res. 314 N. Fifth. Sliger Odessa R., student, res. 314 N. Fifth. Sliger William R. (Anna C ) , carpenter, h. 314 N. Fifth. Slinker Christian J. (Augusta), painter, h. 606 W . Green. Sllnker Lola, res. 606 W . Green. Sloan Adeline E., wid. James, h. 426 N. Seventh. Sloan Agnes M., res. 426 N. Seventh. Sloan Albert C , student, res. 19 Bush, E. O. Sloan Albert E., res. 426 N. Seventh. Sloan Albert S. (Lucy J.), car repairer, h. 19 Bush, E. O. Sloan Annie E., dressmaker, res. 46 Orchard av., E. O. Sloan De Witt C. (Laura E.), laborer, res. 312 S. Eighth. Sloan Florence M., res. 46 Orchard av., E. O. Sloan Harriet E., student, res. 46 Orchard av., E. O. Sloan James, car builder, bds. 712 Wayne. Sloan John W . (Margaret M.), laborer, h. 46 Orchard av., E. O. Sloan Romaine, matcher, 19 Griffin; h. 715 E. State, E. O. Sloan William, carpenter, res. 19 Bush, E. O. •Sloane A. May, bookkeeper, Empire Mills, N. O.; res. 214 N. Barry. Sloane John, mgr. Empire Mills, Pine, N. O.; h. 214 N. Barry. ^X&V Sloat George E. (Jennie), gardener, h. 19 Railroad av., E. O. ^^__ S L O S S E R see also SCHLOSSER. aflCaa Slosser Aloysius J. (Eva C ) , machinist, h. 430 N. Thirteenth. • Small Peter (Nellie), interlocking switchman, P. R. R.; h. 115% N. Union. Smallwood E. E., machinist, 134 E. Sullivan; bds. Genesee House. P > Smiley Charles J. (Clara), sawyer, 502 N. Union; h. 13 First av., Bv. 0 _( Smiley D. M., tank builder, bds. Hotel Snyder. dunlavey Smirfltt Smirfitt SSmirfltt Smiley M I T H•re Glessner see James Robert Edith Maud thealso sole bros. A., A., (Eliza), J., owners A., S res. Cres. helper, Hclerk, MofI108 Famous galvanizer, 108 D the T233 res. N. N. and Ninth. N. 108 Ninth. SCHMITT. Union; Olean h. N.108 Ninth. res. N.Club Ninth. 13 First Whiskey. av., Bv. J'n.tsl Street.|s-° o • > S c £> §? RILEY & W A N D S The Best Shoes in the City p # £ . J Y L E R & CO., ABB SOLD BY—— 1S8 North Union Streat. 124 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. J a" SMITH A M B R O S E E. (Altie E.), physician and surgeon, eye and ear specialist, 105 S. Barry; h. 107 do.; office hours, 10-4. Smith Angie B., milliner, res. 75 Bishop, E. O. Smith Anna A., res. 102 E. Green. Smith Bertha M., res. 215 N. Clinton. Smith Bessie A., res. 109 W . Henley. Smith Bessie M., milliner, bds. 1307 W . State. Smith Blanche, solemaker, res. 23 Pierce av., W . O. Smith Buel R. (Ella M.), trav. salesman, h. 237 S. Barry. Smith Byron W . (Phoebe), drayman, 217 Adams; h. do. Smith Carrie, dressmaker, rms. 316 N. First. Smith Carrie L., wid. Stephen, h. 21 Front, Bv. Smith Charles Cassar (Edith), W . State; h. 120 do.N. Union; h. 112 N. W . (Effiephysician, M.), (F. W 903 . Higgins & Co.), SMITH C H A R L E S (Marian W.), coal, lumber and shingles, 474 N. Union; h. Clinton. 215 N. Clinton. (See adv.) Smith Charles F. (Catherine D.), clerk, 301 N. Union; h. 134 S. Third. Smith Charles R., driver, res. 102 E. Green. „j a £ tn 55 w „ of W V Jzi «" Smith Charlotte M., wid. Hiram B., h. 201 N. Clinton. o •Jo Smith Christina, domestic, 220 W . State. IPI<b Smith Clara A., res. 118 W . State. 55 Smith Clara F., res. 217 Adams. Eh Smith Claude R. (Virgie M.), repairer, 256 N. Union; h. 704 Washington. Ph Smith Copeland E., sub letter carrie p. o., res. 1017 Buffalo. Smith David L. (Emma M.), harnessmaker, 219% N. Union; h. 130 Fulton. o Smith Don, clerk, 138 N. Union. Ph Smith Edward E., student, res. 1 Crown, E. O. PI Smith Elizabeth, domestic, 115 S. First. Smith Elizabeth, wid. Christian, h. 217 Winters av. Smith Ella L. (Smith Sisters), res. 135 N. Barry. Smith Eugene C. (Virgie), (Wadhams & Smith), 241 N. Union; h. 426 N. First. Smith Eugene L. (Josephine C ) , trav. salesman, h. 1 Crown, E. O. < SMITH E U G E N E S. (Clara B.), jewelry, 115 N. Union; h. 132 S. Second. Smith Eva, student, rms. 316 N. First. W £5 Smith Frank (Clara M.), laborer, h. 61 River, N. O. Smith Frank (Rose), laborer, h. 26 N. Washington, N. O. Smith Frank T. (Amanda H.), carpenter, h. 17 Garden av., E. O. B CHARLES Smith Fred SMITH, B. (Elizabeth M.), patternmaker, 133 Railroad av.; h. 302 S. Barry.' Smith Gaius C, freight handler P. R. R., res. 75 Bishop, E. O. )••< DEALER IN Smith George, student, rms. 316 N. First. Smith George (Ella), (George Smith & Co.), 256 N. Union; h. 115 E. Henley. ft Coal, Lumber and Shingles, SMITH G E O R G E & CO. (George Smith and George P. Smith), bicycle mfrs. ft and repairing, 256 N. Union. 474 N. U N I O N STREET, O L E A N , N. Y. tJ Smith George E. (Minnie B.), mgr. Grand Union Tea Co., 145 N. Union; h. 213 New N. Fifth. 512 Q^ I Make Stock to Order and • ft 0001/ Smith George P. Jr. (Sarah J.), (George Smith & Co.), 256 N. Union; h. 114 W . State Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction . . H i U l U u U I V j W . Green. Street. Smith George R., helper, res. 217 Adams. Smith George W . (Polly), h. 234 S. Clinton. G I L L I N G H A M & S O N , | Builders' Supplies a n d 302 North umon straat. % Contracting. «w OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 125 O W - g « fyj^ Smith Georgia A., res. 217 Winters av. H Smith Gertrude, teachei, res. 75 Bishop, E. O. © "^ Smith H. Dean, student, res. 210 Coleman. *Q ;g S M I T H H. MacVICKER (Kittie G.), physician and surgeon, 112 Laurens; h. ^. ^ o- z do.; office hours, 8-10 a. m., 1-3 and 7-8 p. m. •• raw Smith Harry, laborer, res. 117 S. Tenth. Smith Harry, air brake inspector, res. 217 Winters av. Smith Hattie N. (Smith Sisters,), res. 135 N. Barry. 970 Smith Hendrick J. (Sarah S.), carpenter, h. 75 Bishop, E. O. Smith Henry, stonecutter, res. 10 Fifth av., Bv. i3^ S M I T H H E N R Y A., harnessmaker, 414 N. Union; rms. do.; bds. 117 S. Barry. ?S >-J (See adv. outside front cover.) *Q !> Smith Herman, teamster, h. 102 E. Green. 3> •-} Smith, Iva E„ res. 112 N. Clinton. 2 5? Smith J. Carrie, res. 201 N. Clinton. ^ w Smith J. Michael (Elizabeth), farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. - Z Smith J. Wesley (Florence), h. 1017 Buffalo. Smith James C. (Alma M.), plasterer, h. 121 S. Fifth. **! Sm Smith James H. (Lavina E.), letter carrier p. o., h. 205 Adams. dj Sm: Smith James T., bill poster, res. 214 W . State. JjJ Sm Smith Jasper E. (Mary L.), (W. V. & J. B. Smith), 133% N. Union; h. 110 w Sm W . Henley. ^J Sm th John B. (Eva E.), real estate, 230 N. Union; h. 214 E. State. i_g (^J Sm:th John C. (Agnes), boilermaker, h. 516 Wayne. ^ Sm th John W . (Maggie), foreman, h. 52 King, E. O. Sm:th Joseph A. (Lena), saloon, 118 W . State; h. do. th Joseph E. (Nannie H.), drug clerk, 722 W . State; h. 105 VS. Ninth. Sm th Julia V., music teacher, res. 650 E. State, E. O. JsJ Sm th Katie, bookkeeper, res. 52 King, E. O. CD Sm:th Lee (Mary D.), driver, 301 N. Union; h. 210 Coleman. <J Sm:th Lena, dressmaker, res. 52 King, E. O. Sm th Lena, student, rms. 316 N. First. Sm th Lewis (Margaret), laborer, h. 10 Fifth av., Bv. Sm th Lewis H. (Mary), repairer, 256 N. Union; h. 116 Irving. th Lodema A., wid. William, h. 135 N. Barry. Sm: th Mabel, res. 194% N. Union. CD Sm:th Mabel E., res. 23 Pierce av., W . O. O Sm:th Marshall F. (Alice), letter carrier p. o., h. 233 Adams. <J Sm:th Mary A., domestic, 217 Adams. Sm th Miles (Jennie), laborer, h. 78 Main, Bv. Sm th Minnie B., teacher, High School; res. 130 Fulton. Sm th Nathaniel D., res. 52 King, E. O. th Olive A., res. 135 N. Barry. O Sm th R. Porter, boilermaker, res. 130 Fulton. <3 Sm;th Ransom W . (Agnes F.), pipefitter, h. 16 N. River, N. O. Sm;th Ruth W., res. 16 N. River, N. O. ,. Sm:th Samuel E., draughtsman, res. 214 E. State. 5*5 f3 Sm:th Sisters (Ella L. and Hattie N.), dressmakers, 135 N. Barry; res. do. Sm:th W . J., tinsmith, 155 N. Union. £} Sm,:th W . V. & J. E. (William V. and Jasper E.), lawyers, 133% N. Union. 2. Sm th Warren W., student, res. 75 Bishop, E. O. -» ESS Sm:th William (Margaret), bartender, 105 N. Union; h. 28 Third av., Bv. Sm th William (Katherine), cabinet maker, 137 N. Union; h. 405 W . State. 8rJ5" -»^? Sm th William (Anna), foreman, h. 8 Second av., Bv. f B Sm:th William F. (Ella), laborer, h. 24 Elm, N. O. \e Smith Sm:WINES Finest th Henley. Wiliam William Williard Winifred, Winifred ZeriahAND WH., V. M. .Mrs., 'res. (Mary), (Dora night (Celia), LIQUORS nurse, 75A.), clerk "—Call Bishop, lumberman, teamster, h. (W. Olean 117 DUNLAVEY on V. E.S. &O. House. h. Tenth. J. h.215 128 E. Smith), N. S.BROS., Union. 311 Twelfth. N. 133% Union *J* N. Union; Street. h. 109 W ."n W g3. g* •r/j* *Og> _ p »S _ * *s* Sfa . SJ * 9 "g OB fe ^ H £ ri C 3 * v> C O a_ DO YOU NEED AN EDUCATION ? [ [ ) \ _ [ ^ 310^ M^A S^O N- I 1C ^T E-M P^ L E uu iuu iillu mi luuuiiiium i r ii • nil n represents the International L. U. I LHull. Correspondence Schools. 126 OLEAN fe DUPLEX DIRECTORY. *•' Ul UI-rlViM S C R A N T O N . PENN'A. Smullen Daniel J. (Anna S.), h. 603 W . State. Snell Louise B., res. 223 N. First. Snow Arlie M., student, res 23 First av., Bv. Snow William, driver, h. 238 S. Clinton. Snowden Fred S. (Grace M.), barber, 130 N. Union; h. 127 N. Sixth. Snowden Samuel J. (Susan E.), barber, 639 E. State, E. O.; h. 427 N. Union. Snyder Andrew (Catherine M.), car repairer, h. 607 W . Henley. Snyder Augustus (Elizabeth J.), laborer, h. 205 Adams. Snyder Charles F., carpenter, res. 611 W . Henley. Snyder Conrad D., res. 611 W . Henley. Snyder Edward F., laborer, res. 607 W . Henley. Snyder Elmer (Nellie), helper, h. 55 Queen, E. O. Snyder Esther E., laundress Hotel Imperial. Snyder Fred (Mary), laborer, h. 306 N. Thirteenth. Snyder Jennie, wid. Samuel, res. 513 N. Union. Snyder John J., laborer, res. 205 Adams. Snyder Joseph H., elevator boy, res. 205 Adams. Snyder LeGrand, clerk, 157 N. Union; rms. 108 S. Clinton; bds. Hotel Imperial. Snyder Masco, peddler, bds. 16 Garden av., E. O. S N Y D E R M A T T , whol. and retail liquors and cigars, 142 N. Union. Snyder William, clerk, 147 N. Union; rms. 108 S. Clinton. Sooy Elizabeth F., res. 203 N. Fourth. S O O Y J. L. REV. (Mary E.), pastor First M. E. church; h. 203 N. Fourth. S O U T H P E N N OIL CO., 206 Masonic Temple; L. C. McKinney, supt. Southeron Martin (Mina), h. 1017 W . State. Southworth Elmer E. (Emma), painter, h. 17 Garden av., E. O. C O Soutter Frank, loco,fireman,h. 131 S. Eleventh. Sowers Jane, wid. John, h. 127 S. First. Soztangerski Matensy (Louise), car repairer, h. 521 N. Seventh. Spaulding Harry E., shipping clerk Acme Works, N. O.; res. 223 N. Fifth. Spaulding William H. (Eliza J.), carpenter, h. 223 N. Fifth. C O Spears James, woodworker, 217 Wayne; res. 42 Third av., Bv. Spears Jeannette, wid. James, h. 16 Third av., Bv. Spears Jessie, domestic, 711 Washington. Spears John (Mary), laborer, h. 16 Third av., Bv. Spears John, student, res. 42 Third av., Bv. Spears Robert (Addie), laborer, h. 42 Third av., Bv. Spears William (Louise W.), car inspector, h. 44 Genesee, Bv. Spellain Michael, bds. 527 N. Union. Spellen Edward (Nora), switchman, h. 316 Wayne. Spencer Conrad (Emma), laborer, h. 520 N. Fourth. Spencer George C. (Rose), carpenter, h. 10 N. Washington, N. O. Spencer Ruby E., res. 10 N. Washington, N. O. Spiesman Mary, waitress Olean House. J l SPIESMAN l M A T T H I A S (Mary E.), meat market, 801 W . State; h. do. Spignard Michael (Grace E.), stone breaker, h. Kittanning rd., S. O. Spiller Eugene A. (R. Idella), painter, h. 121 N. Eighth. HEN Stadel REPAIRING, Stackhouse Spreter Spry Spraker Sprague Sprader Spindler YOUR enth. John, John George, Catherine, Harriet, Clarence Charles Elmer Albert Bros. John Peter SHOES S. painter, A., call John J.(John boilermaker, J., J. machinist, (Ameretta), (Lena), res. (Josephine H., carpenter, (Emma wid. (Mae), at rms. NEED prop. J. 107 and Adolph, laborer, " N. H.), 266% res. clerk, Alden Petor drayman, A.), B12 Clinton. res. bds. &(Spindler 308 h. N. (Spindler 308 Q. h. Clothing 922 157 J.), „. 107 Union. N. 15 N. N. h. general N. COOK'S Plum, Ninth. state Ninth. 1306 Union, Union; Bros.), Clinton. Bros.), Store, W E. store, .N. O. rms. 620 street. Sullivan. 620 266 O.W620 113 WN. ..State; Union; WState; S.. Barry. State. h. h. rms. 125 do.307 N. Sevdo. B l l I Ul TAYI M l IH I LUIl Buiiders" Supplies, Coal and W o o d CO CT 254 North Union Street. C= > =0 TB — -o 3 CO • DUPLEX 127 r~ J Stadel Kate, clerk, 157OLEAN N. Union; res. 308DIRECTORY. N. Ninth. Stadel Mary, wid. Michael, h. 308 N. Ninth. ' ' Stader George (Lena), painter, h. 64 King, E. O. O O Stadlish Albert J., tailor, 243 N. Union; bds. Genesee House. O O Stafford John, farmer, res. 1461 Buffalo, N. O. O O Stafford Richard (Mary), h. 1461 Buffalo, N. O. Stafford Thomas, res. 1461 Buffalo, N. O. o o Stafford Thorn ts (Bertha L.), pipefitter, res. 31 Garden av., E. O. o o Stambach George (Lisa), res. 1103 W . Henley. k Stanack Stanley (Victoria), laborer, h. 21 N. Walnut, N. O. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW YORK (Acme Works), J. E. Eggleston, general mgr. Stangurski Michael (Rose), car repairer, h. 521 N. Seventh. Stanhope Jennie, domestic, 237 N. Third. Stanway Fanny, domestic Olean House. S T A R BOTTLING W O R K S , 214 Whitney av.; Bullmer & Williamson, props. Starbitz Frank (Rosie), grocer, 818 N. Union; h. do., N. O. r ~. Stark Blanche E., res. 1306 Reed. CX-« Stark David D. (Hannah), driver, h. 1306 Reed. Stark Lee R., laborer, res. 1306 Reed. Stark Virginia L., res. 1306 Reed. Starks Fred C. (Sarah J.), upholsterer, 109 N. First; h. do. Starks M. Maud, music teacher, res. 204 East av. Starks Margaretta, wid. Daniel, h. 204 East av. Starks Stephen, laborer, bds. 233 Adams. Starnes Thomas A., salesman Armour & Co., 424 VS. Union. State Armory, 119 North. State St. Cash Grocery (The), 1223 W . State; Gilbert M. White, mgr. > Steadman Frank L. (Sarah), traveling salesman, h. 226 N. Fourth. Steadman Lyra, student, res. W226 N. Fourth. Stegner Magdalena, res. 1410 . State. Stedelman helper, res. 105 Fulton. Stein FrankPaul, E. (Minnie), laborer, h. 403 N. Ninth. Steele Frank H. (Kate), loco, P. R. R„ h. 138 VS. Barry. Steir Martin, laborer, bds. 332 engineer N. Thirteenth. b d Steele JohnMrs., S. (Blanche A.),312 clerk P. R. R., h. 126 Stell Lillie operative, B. State; h. 308 do.N. Barry. Steele Thomas (Lillie). L. (Lenah.M.), dealer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. Stell William 308milk E. State. Steenrod William Floyd L. The155 Olean Times;h.h. cor. N. Stephan N. (Anna), (Augustareporter N.), clerk, N. Union; 230Laurens N. Fourth. Fourth. t Stephens William (Anna), producer, h. 501 W . State. Stegner Adam (Lena), cooper, h. 1410 W . State. ^"^^ Sterling Arthur L.,finisher,res. 310 N. Thirteenth. Sterling Sarah E. Mrs., h. 310 N. Thirteenth. Stern Edna, domestic Olean House. Stevens George W . (Ella V.), engineer Olean House, h. 32 Adams, E. O. o Stevens Mary A., wid. Franklin, boarding house, 118 E. Henley. Stewart Celia M., tel. operator, 209 Masonic Temple, res. 115 N. Ninth. Stewart Edith B., teacher No. 5 School, Bv.; rms. 133 S. Barry. Stewart Joseph (Catherine), h. 115 N. Ninth. o Stewart Joseph A. (Annie), glass packer, h. 125 N. Ninth. Stewart Kathryn, teacher No. 2 School; res. 115 N. Ninth. Stewart Leo M., laborer, res. 115 N. Ninth. Steyner John J. (Frederica E.), h. 513 W . Sullivan. Stickel Lester F., glass packer, bds. 809 W . Sullivan. Stickney Edna L., res. 316 N. First,Wholesale and Retail tti i Stickney Edward W . (Alida D. E.), h. 218 W . Sullivan. Liquor D u n l aLena vey B rres. o s316 . VS. Stickney H. Mrs., First.Dealers, N. Union Street Stier August (Mary), laborer, h. 1518 Buffalo, N. O. . F O O T W E A R * F. E . T Y L E R & • C2.'S gs OF ALL KINDS, at 1S6 NORTH UNION STREET. a 128 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. tCO > Stier Frank, laborer, res. 1518 Buffalo, N. O. Stier John, laborer, res. 1518 Buffalo, N. O. g Stier Rica, res. 1518 Buffalo, N. O. 5 Stillman Carrie B. Mrs., clerk, 124 N. Union; h. 216 VS. First. _j STILLMAN F R A N K V. R. (Carrie B.), (Alderman'& Stillman), 109 North; h. © 216 N. First. Stimlinger John (Maggie), loco, engineer, h. 419 N. Seventh. Stimlinger Maud M., res. 419 N. Seventh. Stimlinger Reuben, laborer, res. 419 N. Seventh. Stimson Fannie, res. 42 River, S. O. Stimson George E. (Ida E.), butcher, 152 N. Union; h. 42 River, S. O. n •^ Stone Grata R., student, res. 30 Garden av., E. O. )-•( Stone Harry W., res. 30 Garden av., E. O. fmd Stone Jason E. (Anna R.), bookkeeper John Coast & Son, h. 128 N. First. <»W Stone Ora R. (Hattie A.), painter, h. 30 Garden av., E. O. AJ Stone Truman A., horseshoer, 110 N. Third; bds. 113 do. avT^ Storms Christopher (Amelia), molder, 133 Railroad av.; h. 211 Jay. ^ ^ Storrs Bessie, clerk, 225 N. Union; rms. 305 N. Clinton. Sk Storrs Thomas (Fannie T.), lawyer, 241 N. Union; h. 116 N. Clinton. i-> Stowell Aileen W., student, res. 211 N. First. <1*r? Stowell Betsy E., wid. Frank L., res. 225 N. Second. ^J Stowell Fannie, student, res. 211 N. First. Am. Stowell Frank L. (Lulu S.), (Union Planing Mill Co.), Johnson, N. O.; h. 225 \^ VS. Second. •• Stowell Herschel D. (Frances), blacksmith, 522 N. Union; h. 484 Higgins av. ^aiaai Stowell Louis W., law student, res. 211 N. First. ' ' Stowell Sarah W., wid. Calvin S., h. 211 N. First. Stowell & Frazee (Frank L. Stowell and Willard L. Frazee), props. Union M Planing Mill, Johnson, N. O. /•*"• STRAIGHT CHARLES D. (Mabel L.), editor and prop. Olean Morning *~* Times, 107 North; h. 125 S. Barry. •r"H Stratton Robert J. (Belle), loco,fireman,h. 321 Whitney av. y'*, Streb Joseph N. (Anna), machinist, h. 604 W . State. paaaa^ Strickland Viola Mrs., h. 14 Garden av., E. O. S T R O N G G. H O W A R D (Anna M.), real estate and oil producer, 38 Exchange Bank bldg; h. 233 N. First. Strong John, loco,fireman,bds. Genesee House. Strong Helen B., wid. Jairus B., h. 211 Laurens. Strong Helen E., res. 233 N. First. Strong Lew J. (Carrie L.), driver, h. 217 W . Green. Struble Louis W . (Laura C.), brakeman, h. 433 N. First. Struchen Charles P. (Cora E.), shuttermaker, h. 39 Center, Bv. Stubbie Charles (Mattie), driver, h. 509 Irving. Studholme Foster (Helen H.), drug clerk, 119 N. Union; h. 211 S. Barry. Studley William D. (Caroline), teamster, h. Hinsdale rd., Bv. Stupak Andrew (Rose), laborer, h. 535 N. Fifth. Sturm Charles J. W . (Lyda M.), barber, 1308 W . State; h. 108 S. Thirteenth. Sturm Edward (Josephine), contractor, 605 W . State; h. do. Sturm Edward Jr. (Caroline R.), clerk, 157 N. Union; h. 122 W . Green. Sturm Fred A., insurance agent, res. 1403 W . State. Sturm Jacob, res. 605 W . State. KING'S WINDSOR PLASTER Sturm B . Louis U . W., T Asnapper, Y L Ores.R1403 W*. State. FOR Sturm Mary C, wid. Charles F., h. 1403 W . State. as* N. Union Street. MILLS AND CEILINGS. Stuter J. Emmett (Hattie), foreman, 19-25 Griffin, E. O.; h. 305 E. Henley. Styker John, farmer, res. W . State, W . O. Styker Kate, wid. Christian, h. W9 . Griffin, State, W1 .Spruce, O. Subjeck Suddick Sullivan Richard, Agnes, Cornelius Michael res. (Frances), carpenter, (Mary), 38 32 N. Oak, Washington, yardmaster, N. laborer, res. O. h.N. h. 249 O. E. River, O. N. N.O. O. a> a w +* S 5 ,_ O CJ • R11E V^TlM A N n Q wholesaIe Q r o c e r s » City Building Lots for sale. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 301-305 N . Union Sf. 129 Sullivan Daniel B., boilermaker, res. 32 Oak, N. O. Sullivan Daniel H. (Margaret), mailing clerk p. o., h. 416 W . Henley. Sullivan Dennis H., clerk, 1101 N. Union; res. 32 Oak, N. O. Sullivan Dennis S., laborer, res. 88 Pine, N. O. Sullivan Edmund P., res. 512 W . Sullivan. Sullivan Eliza, wid. John, h. 88 Pine, N. O. Sullivan Elizabeth, res. 1127 N. Union, N. O. Sullivan Grade, res. 88 Pine, N. O. Sullivan James W., clerk, 157 N. Union; rms. 128 W . Henley; bds. Grand Central Hotel. Sullivan Jeremiah, printer, 107 North; res. 16 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan John C, res. 32 Oak, N. O. Sullivan John C. (Maggie), laborer, h. 325 N. Seventh. Sullivan John P. (Frances), loco, engineer, h. 34 Water, N. O. Sullivan Joseph, bellboy Olean House. Sullivan Joseph A. (Harriet M.), head bookkeeper Acme Works, N. O.; h. 512 W . Sullivan. Sullivan Joseph A. Jr., student, res. 512 W . Sullivan. Sullivan Kate, wid. Michael, res. 919 N. Union, N. O. Sullivan Kathryn M., teacher, res. 1127 N. Union, N. O. Sullivan Margaret A., res. 16 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan Margaret A., wid. Jeremiah, h. 16 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan Mary, wid. James, h. 32 Oak, N. O. Sullivan Michael, galvanizer, bds. 16 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan Michael C. (Elizabeth), prop. American House, 1125-1127 N. Union; h. do., VS. O. Sullivan Michael T. (Anna), sta.fireman,bds. 119 N. Seventh. Sullivan Nora, h. 47 Homer, N. O. Sullivan Robert (Frances T.), laborer, h. 10 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan Robert, painter, res. 16 Fourth av., Bv. Sullivan Susan, res. 1127 N. Union, N. O. Sullivan Susan, wid. Timothy, h. 38 N. Washington, N. O. Sullivan William (Catherine), driver, 502 E. State; h. 18 Fourth av., Bv. Summer J. August (Louise K.), car inspector, h. 30 Center, Bv. Sunck Henry A. (Eliza O.), laborer, h. 137 N. Eleventh. Superintendent of Streets, Edmund E. Allen, City bldg. Sutley Arthur J., bartender, 323 N. Union; bds. do. Sutter Charles (Zadie), farmer, h. 260 River, S. O. Sutter Frank (Elizabeth), grainer, h. 1028 W . Sullivan. Sutter George (Mayme), letter carrier p. o., h. 1317 W . Sullivan. Sutter Michael (Mary), farmer, h. 306 River, S. O. Sutton Alice E., wid. Owen, h. 131 N. Barry. Sutton Gertrude L., res. 131 N. Barry. Sutton Harry O., musician, res. 131 N. Barry. — Sutton M. Carl, res. 131 N. Barry. Swanson John A. (Alma U.), currier, h. 208 N. Thirteenth. Union J a d e W h i s k e f ^ t o D U 3 ^ E I ? L 0 « s Swanson John P., bartender, 112 W . State. S W A N S O N NILS (Anna A.), boot and shoe dealer and maker, 702 W . State h. George do. (See adv., inside cover.) Swart Swarm Swarts Mary Guy Rosa Anna Frederick, Catherine, Eva, Edgar Albert Alfred Charles Edward H., V., E., domestic C, WT. A. student, (Anna .operative, F., A. res. res. (Anna (Alice (Ella), laborer, wid. varnlsher, (Emma 481% 4opp. J.), Olean Fourth Henry, M.), res. blacksmith. lumberman, N. res. P.), bds. 481% House. freight carpenter, Union. res. av., 481% h. railroad 1front 4N. Union, 4Bv. handler Fourth Fourth N. Union. h. 111 Union. h. conductor, 67S. S.481% River, av., P. av., O. First; R.Bv. Bv. N. R., S.h. h. Union. O. h.125 2219 Fourth W .N.State. Second. av., Bv. 2 rn | ____J ^^^ • J3 CO _j _ OeoO o to 3~°. =" o -n jg s;3__© %. rO „ J" 52 3 2- 70 © ty. Q s Zf, (/J . m\" Z^M\ CB/V Wffl .£3 J* ?0 <**O_ - H E L l K M T B l D G E E r 130 I n s u r a n c e MasonlcTempIt IOT O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. £_S# Swarts Henry L., molder, res. 4 Fourth av., Bv. * " ^ # Swarts Ralph L. (Frances), farmer, res. 79 W . River, S. O. Swartz Belle, domestic, 312 Laurel av. Swartz Elmer W . (Elberta J.), farmer, h. Steam valley rd., N. O. Swartz Mary Mrs., res. 309 N. First. Sweeney Anna, clerk, 131 N. Union; res. 31 Elm, N. O. Sweeney Ella, res. 31 Elm, N. O. Sweeney John (Elizabeth), dentist, 313 Masonic Temple; h. Allegany, N. Y. Sweeney Lillie, student, res. 31 Elm, N. O. Sweeney Owen (Mary), boilermaker, h. 31 Elm, N. O. Sweet Bessie M., res. 1001 Buffalo. Sweet C. Leah, res. 1001 Buffalo. Sweet Frank C, boilermaker, res. 47 Bishop, E. O. Sweet Fred L., res. 1001 Buffalo. Sweet J. Henry, laborer, res. 47 Bishop, E. O. Sweet Jacob (Katie), laborer, h. 1212 N. Union, N. O. Sweet Jesse N., currier, res. 47 Bishop, E. O. 09 Sweet Laverne (Gertrude), whitener, h. 1001 Buffalo. Sweet Martha E., dressmaker, res. 47 Bishop, E. O. Sweet Minnie, cook, 527 N. Union. _ Sweetapple Eddie J., res. 301 Jay. a Sweetapple John W . (Ida), painter, h. 121 N. Eighth. | ** Sweeting Mary A., teacher High School, rms. 230 N. Third. _J "* Swetland Rufus, motorman, bds. 305 Jay. ^_] » Swift Alzina L., wid. Orlando, res. 138 N. Tenth. T l ea Swift Henry (Mary), laborer, h. 329 N. Sixth. T n to Switz George ( E m m a B.), stonemason, h. 105 N. Clinton. I ^ Switzer Gustave (Anna), laborer, h. 39 Elm, N. O. 1 «> Sykes John W . (Carrie M.), laborer, h. 29 Second av., Bv. sj Szymander Antony (Mary), clerk, h. 6 Pierce av., W . O. T CO Taggerty Ella, domestic, 131 S. Union. Taggerty John (Mary), galvanizer, h. 185 Railroad av., E. O. Taggerty Marie J., res. 185 Railroad av., E. O. Taggerty William (Ann E.), laborer, h. 911 Irving. Tallman Belle, wid. Charles, millinery, 207 N. Union; res. 214 N. Fourth. Tallman Gertrude, student, res. 214 N. Fourth. Tanner Clarence, laborer, res. 40 Crown, E. O. Tanner Ortello L. (Mary E.), beam hand, h. 52 Queen, E. O. Tanner William E. (Abbie), driller, h. 40 Crown, E. O. T A N N E R ' S S H O E S T O C K CO., 1602-1610 W . Henley; James Pierce, pres.; W . E. Wheeler, vice-pres.; F. L. Bartlett, sec and treas.; Gilbert Tolman, genl. mgr. Tannous Joseph, peddler, res. 453 N. Union. Tannous Kinaan (Julia), notions, cigars and tobacco, 453 N. Union; h. do. CO Tarbell Fred R. (Cora), h. 210 N. Clinton. Taylor Alzina, wid. Tracy, res. 114 S. Fourth. Taylor Aimee A., re3. 407 W . Sullivan. Taylor Augustus M. (Mary J.), blacksmith and carriage repairing, 471 N . C O Union; h. 402 S. Fourth. Taylor Bertha M., res. 43 Union, S. O. T A Y L O R BENJAMIN U. (Harriet M.), contractor and builder and builders' supplies, coal and wood, 254 N. Union; h. 407 W . Sullivan. (See adv. top and bottom lines.) Taylor Charles A. (Alice B.), bookkeeper, 254 N. Union; h. 122 S. Fourth. Taylor Elbert (Mary watchman, 502 N. Union; " h. W114 I MIKE Taylor J in andElla F., Florence Frank, Henry, Guarantee m laborer, P., TOT. pastry driver, res. E., Perfect DHDEH 119 407 res. cook 218 Satisfaction. Main, WE.), 407 .Wayne; A. Sullivan. Olean Wnight Bv.; . Q. Sullivan. House. bds. bds. COOK, do. do. ,-^Sa. . OS. U UFourth. LV O b GILLINGHAM & SON Buildlng Co"*"6*01"8 and Building Supply * 5-1 302 North Union Street. DEALERS. K H. M O OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 131 3 S Taylor Lucien F. (Annie), h. 310 Tompkins. M Taylor Melvtn K., driver, res. 43 Union, S. O. W § Taylor Raymond, driver, 237 N. Union; res. 311 Tompkins. g Taylor Rea, student, res. 114 S. Fourth. w * <! >U Taylor Tracy L., rig builder, res. 43 Union, S. O. oH n •1 Taylor William M. (Mina M.), teamster, h. 43 Union, S. O. ( ? 9* Taylorson George Arthur, jeweler, res. 133 N. Barry. s Taylorson George O. (Mary), road foreman of engineers P. R., h. 133 N. Barry.& ft§ Taylorson William A. (Margaret), brakeman P. R. R., h. 508 Brickell av. T E L E P H O N E P A Y STATION, 133% N. Union. Templeton Eliza H., wid. Culbert, prop. Hotel Capitol, 112 W . State; h. do. Ten Eyck Clarence, res. 1005 Irving. Ten Eyck Ernest, laborer, res. 1005 Irving. 3 Ten Eyck James E., gardener and poultry, 1005 Irving; h. do. n* Terpak George (Julia), laborer, h. 23 Grossman av., E. O. Terpak Lizzie, res 23 Grossman av., E. O. Teuscher Robert P. (Myrtle), laborer, h. 51 Johnson, N. O. Thacher John T. (Thurza H.), (Thacher & Blood), 324 W . State; h. 1311 W . p Sullivan. Thacher & Blood (John T. Thacher and Elsipher L. Blood), general produce, Z~* 324 W . State. to Thayer Adra A., wid. Frank S., res. 805 W . State. Theuer Edward (Maggie), laborer, h. 74 Clark, E. O. Thiemann Ulrich (Louise), car repairer, h. 1216 Washington. T H O M A S B. F R A N K (Lizzie M.), mgr. The James Pierce Leather Co., h. 410 W . State. Thomas Carrie Mrs., dressmaker, 211 Adams; h. do. "^ Thomas Eva, domestic Genesee House. 5k* Thomas John A., machinist, 133 Railroad av.; bds. 520 N. First. ^ Thomas Samuel (Adelia), laborer, h. 16 Garden av., E. O. £3 Thompson Carrie B., clerk W . U. Tel. Co., res. 515 W . Henley. £2 Thompson Daisy A., res. 228 S. Clinton. tZL. Thompson Ella G. Mrs., res. 309 Laurel av. ^^ Thompson Florence, teacher No. 1 School, res. 515 W . Henley. k_a Thompson Floyd A., res. 228 S. Clinton. VaV Thompson Frank B. (Ellen L.), glass packer, h. 228 S. Clinton. Gj Thompson Fred (Clara), conductor P. R. R., h. 509 Brickell av. M Thompson Fred, night switchman, res. 439 N. First. P. Thompson George F., mgr. W . U. Tel. Co., Exch. Bank bldg.; h. 515 W . Henley. S T * Thompson Georgia A., res. 515 W . Henley. Thompson Gladys, clerk, 310 Masonic Temple; res. 228 S. Clinton. • Thompson Joseph H. (Elizabeth H.), bookkeeper, 163 N. Union; rms 126 N Thurston Daniel (Cornelia L.), daughtsman, h. 35 Railroad av. E O f t»Q First. Thurston Dora M., res. 35 Railroad av., E. O. q §• Thompson Myron L. (Lillie A.), asst. supt. Acme Works, N. O., h. 711 W . Sul. 5 » D Ulivan. N L A V E Y B R O S . Arethe8°le°™*8<>fthe Thomson Georgia E., bookkeeper, 139 N. Union; res. 401 Laurens. - * * 3 n North union street..**- Famous Olean Club Whiskey Thorn Charlotte, bds. 438 S. Fourth. Thornbury Matthew A. (Mary), grocer and livery, 1301 WO. .res. State; h. Second 108 NS' '«h Thurber Thurston Thorne Thorpe Seventh. Twelfth. A. Charles Ida Louisa, Charles I. Adah Catherine George Albert Charles Clinton A.,R., M., res. wid. D., (Mary F.(Minnie cashier, B., (Clara mgr. (Jennie clerk, 410 Ira wid. A.), E. Olean S., M.), H.), 248 laborer, City William, E.), State. h.VS. watchmaker, machinist, Carriage 410 laborer, bldg.; Union; E. h. res. State. res. Dugan Works, 153 h. rms. h. 153 59 115 N. 223 rd., River, N. 313 N. Seventh. 522-524 N. Seventh. E. Union; do. Union. O. N.N. Union; 123 S h. 153 dP'b,. Q8 r>. x' f3 t>. J^ O^ ^. r* T . Large Stock. Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f TVI CD 9 o n ] Prices right. 132 BEST LINES LINES IN m THE THECITY. CITY. Li II II LLII BEST II •Ifci bkii VX » vU«Ull ,,58 N_ Un|on St. O L E A N TjTTPLEX D I R E C T O R Y . Thurston Frankie Mrs., h. 88 W. River, S. O. Thyng Mildred K., wid. C. J., res. 315 Laurens. Tidd David J., currier, res. 119 S. Twelfth. Tidd Ethel M., res. 908 W . State. Tidd Lewis T. (Ella M.), leather splitter, 1601 W . Henley; h. 908 W . State. Tidd William B. (Delia J.), leather splitter, 1601 W . Henley; h. 119 S. Twelfth. Tidd William S., currier, res. 119 S. Twelfth. Tidewater Pipe Co., Ltd., 24 Exchange Bank bldg. Tillow Harold (Belle), laborer, h. 20 River, N. O. Tilly Albert, laborer, bds. 82 Clark, E. O. Tilly Carl E. (A. Josephine), beamhand, h. 1008 Irving. Timblin Oswald L. (Gertrude E.), clerk, 176 N. Union; h. 113 N. Eighth. Timblin William M. (Carrie D.), optician, 143 N. Union; h. 214 E. Henley. Timmerman Helen, wid. Jefferson, res. 218 N. Fourth. T I N K L E P A U G H F R A N K S. (Cloie A.), prop. Olean Steam Laundry, 312 E. State; h. 214 E. Henley. Tobin Carthage G. (Bridget), laborer, h. 110 E. Green. Tobin Margaret A., res. 110 E. Green. Tobin Patrick C , cooper, res. 110 E. Green. Tolman Gilbert, gen. mgr. Tanners' Shoe Stock Co.; h. Boston, Mass. u Tomes Joseph N. (Margaret), glassblower, h. 914 W . State. Tompkins Harry E. (Nellie), laborer, res. 28 Pine, N. O. Tonkins Jesse D. (Julia), porter, 157 N. Union; h. 25 Railroad av., E. O. Toohey Anna A., res. 469 N. Union. Toohey Hannah M., res. 469 N. Union. Toohey Jeremiah, bricklayer, res. 469 N. Union. ^ Toohey John J., bricklayer, res. 469 N. Union. O **. Toohey Nora E., dressmaker, 469 N. Union; res. do. « 9JU Toohey Patrick J. (Margaret A.), contractor, h. 469 N. Union. ^ ™-1* Toohey Sarah, wid. Jeremiah, res. 469 N. Union. ^A Toohig Patrick J. (Mary A.) buffer, h. 1101 W . Henley. "U ^ h Torrey Edwin L. (Addie M.), ins. agent, 303 N. Union; h. 209 W . Green. Torrey Seymour,finisher,bds. 13 First av., Bv. £ TOTHILL, see also TUTHILL. Tothill Alfred (Phillipa J.), (Myrick Machine Co.), 126 E. Sullivan, h. 611 W . Sullivan. 5j Tothill Edward M. (Fannie D.), (Myrick Machine Co.), 126 E. Sullivan; h. 317 N. Fifth. Tothill Lucy E., res. 611 W . Sullivan. Tough William J. (Catherine), loco, engineer P. R. R., h. 305 N. Clinton. Prt Tower Block, 154-156-158 N. Union Vr Townsend Grace Mrs., res. 87 Main, Bv. QJ Townsend John H., traveling salesman, rms. 180 N. Union. ^ . Townsend William A. (Mary W . ) , farmer, h. Pleasant valley, N. O. r^. Toy William M. (Eva A.), meat cutter, 260 N. Union; h. 9 Second av., Bv. , ^ Travis Marie, rms. 118 Hamilton. ""I"* Troskovske Anton (Julia), laborer, h. 530 N. Seventh. O Trowbridge Lavern (Minnie), laborer, h. Ill S. Fifteenth. O T R O Y E D W A R D (Chamberlin Mfg. Co.), and planing mill, 210 S. Barry; h. 37 Main, N. O. fj Troy Elizabeth, housekeeper, 37 Main, N. O. ••»< Troy John (Minnie H.), (W. H. Mandeville & Co.), 163 N. Union; h. 216 N. t*a 7 Barry. © ^ Troy Nora E., seamstress, res. 37 Main, N. O. Troy Thomas, trav. salesman, res. 37 Main, N. O. JJ Trubee Christina Mrs., h. 132 S. Twelfth. C 4) £ ?•1 r Tubbs Truby TrubeeNicholas Peter Frank Nicholas, Herbert Ernst, (Martha), H.boilermaker, M. H. carpenter, (Mary E., (Minnie), res. bookkeeper, R.), 24 h. canvasser, res.. car Second 1307 inspector, 132 Washington. h.S. av., 1121 h.Twelfth. 24 Bv. Wh. Second .1103 Henley. Wav., . Henley. Bv. D. U . 1 A I L U K . V> Roofing material riaterial Union St. St. 2 Q . OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 133 3 f^ O p Tubbs Martin W. (Maud M.), teacher, h. 10 River, S. O. Tubbs Vernon (Electa), laborer, h. 53 Union, S. O. s o Tucker Albert J. (Sarah A.), h. 325 Laurel av. Tucker Clarence J., buffer, res. 325 Laurel av. Z '^Tucker Lottie S., bookkeeper, 129 N. Union; res. 325 Laurel av. 0 !_^ Tulley Henry W., bricklayer, res. 1016 Irving. J«0 jrt * Tulley Lottie, wid. Simeon, h. 1016 Irving. H Tulley Simeon, laborer, res. 1016 Irving. Tulley William H. (Eliza M.), bricklayer, h. 904 W . Henley. ij Tully Daniel L., foreman, res. 82 Pine, N. O. Z _Tully Frank, laborer, res. 82 Pine, N. O. J yO Tully Hannah, dressmaker, res. 82 Pine, N. O. -| Tully John R. (Elinore), h. 82 Pine, N. O. Tully John S., gauger, res. 82 Pine, N. O. Tully Kathryn, milliner, res. 82 Pine, N. O. Tumser Adolph (Katherine), cigarmaker, 111 N. Union; h. 126 S. Second. jq ^ j Tumser Alfred, laborer, res. 1114 W . State. PI ^ ^ Tumser Paul (Frances), stonecutter, h. 1114 W . State. H aJ Turner Albert E., clerk, 307 Masonic Temple; res. 321 Tompkins. <•• Turner Charles A. (Sarah), foreman, 182 N. Union; h. 321 Tompkins. m^_ Turner Charles F. (Anna), currier, h. 1101 W . Sullivan. ^^E Turner Claude, office boy Vacuum Oil Co., res. 706 Washington. ^ ^ Turner Elizabeth S., res. 321 Tompkins. ^ S Turner Eva A., student, res. 17 N. River, N. O. "*••• Turner Harry (Lena), painter, h. 6 Fourth av., Bv. --^ Turner Hose House, 716 Wayne. ff^9 Turner James T. (Mary), brickmaker, h. 324% W . State. U^*2 Turner Murray, laborer, res. 324% W . State. _^^ai Turner Richard (Mary C.), truant officer, h. 115% N. Union. Turner Samuel S. (Belle), treater Vacuum Oil Co., h. 706 Washington. TUTHILL, see also TOTHILL. S 3 Tuthill B. Frank (Ruth E.), clerk, 149 N. Union; h. 138 S. First. C O T Y L E R F. E. & CO. (Frank E. Tyler and L o m e H. Brooks), boots and shoes, 158 N. Union. (See adv., top lines.) Tyler Frank E. (F. E. Tyler & Co.), 158 N. Union; h. Portville, N. Y. Tyler Jennie E. Mrs., housekeeper, 134 N. Third. Tyler Phoebe, domestic, 117 S. Seventh. U Ubelhar Catherine, domestic, res. 538 N. Seventh. Ubelhar Frank, snapper, res. 538 N. Seventh. Ubelhar John, res. 538 N. Seventh. Ubelhar Sebastian (Mary), tanner, h. 538 N. Seventh. Ulmschneider Matthias (Louisa), car repairer, h. 1202 W . State. Ulmschneider William, car repairer, res. 1202 W . State. Unferfate Henry A., glassblower, res. 1110 Washington. Unferfate James G., glassblower, res. 1110 Washington. Unferfate John G. (Johanna), car repairer, h. 1110 Washington. Unferfate Joseph C, res. 1110 Washington. *—C Union Clothing Co., 213 N. Union; J. A. Bloom, prop. IS^" Union Planing Mill, Johnson, N. O.; Stowell & Frazee, props. t^TT^ T E L E P H O N E & T E L E G R A P H CO., 208-210 Masonic Temple; B. W . O ^ FUNION o r the Curtis, mgr. Wines and L i p i s i D « » L « E J L B R O s . s fined United States Leather Co., R. & K. Tannery, 743 N. Union, N. O.; F. P. Shaner, J j ^ . supt. Urbanswski Ursoy Utter N. Lawson Homer & Joseph Union. Utter John (Utter F. (Emma (Lawson (Utter (Mary), & L.), Utter), &F.laborer, laborer, Utter), and408 Homer), N. 408 h. h.Union; 22 414 N. carriages Oak, Union. S. h. Third. N.Cuba, O.andN.farm Y. implements, 408 ^""^ * HELIKER&PATRIDGE ® G e n e r a l ^ ^ ^ lla»a»ll»lal I IO LII Only Reliable Companies Represented jal! 134 E AIN I DIUIPULUE LX iDIRECTORY. M h id;'S V A C U U M OIL CO., Seymour cor. Buffalo, N. O.; G. W . Hooker, mgr. Ctfi 031< Valentine Louie V., wid. Charles H., dressmaker, 124 W . Green; h. do. jjj Valentine William E., canvasser, res. 124 W . Green. 03 - Valentine William S. (Hattie D.), weigher, h. 57 Queen, E. O. Van Brunt Andrew (Stella), carpenter, h. 204 Coleman. *«« 0 Van Brunt J. Bruce,fireman,res. 204 Coleman. ¥ ^ 2 Van Brunt Lulu A., teacher, res. 204 Coleman. D * Van Campen Benjamin, night operator, 209 Masonic Temple; res. 122 N. First. (0 Van Campen Frank R., timekeeper, res. 145 S. Clinton. Cice EarlGeorge W., clerk, res. 801 . Henley. ^ JH < Van Van Campen (Emily A.), h.W122 N. First. Edward, res. 801paving W . Henley. a*jjj0 Van Van Cice Campen Jameslineman, K. (Frances), contractor, h. 145 S. Clinton. Cice E m mMarcus a , wid.G., George, h. 801 W . Henley. Q h(2 Van Van Campen clerk Exchange National Bank, res. 145 S. Clinton. George, barber, res.George, 801 W . Henley. Van Cice Campen Sophia T., wid. re3. 122 N. First. C/l Van Van Cice Nina, res. 801 W . Henley. Van Curen George W., oil well shooter, h. 4 Union pi. < Van Deusen James L. (Adelia A.), farmer, h. Pleasant valley, Bv. H Van Dixon Philip (Marion), laborer, h. 37 Elm, N. O. K0 Van Dyke A., tank builder, bds. Hotel Snyder. Van Dyke Lysander M. (Minnie M.), tanker, h. 718 W . Green. Van Gorden Caleb A. (Emma W.), carpenter, h. 126 N. Eighth. £ Van Gorder John H. (Frances E.), clerk, 217 N. Union; h. 245 S. Barry. Van Gorder Mabel, clerk, 157 N. Union, res. 245 S. Barry. iQ Van Houten William H. (Hattie E.), in3. agent, h. 313 W . Green. Van Ness John R. (Cynthia M.), teamster, h. 32 N. River, N. O. Van Schoik Nina, milliner, 207 N. Union; bds. 118 N. First. Van Slyke Franklin, laborer, bds. 78 King, E. O. Van Valkenburg Earl (Nellie), loco, engineer P. R. R.; h. 509% Van Campen av. •* Van Valkenburg Kate, wid. James, res. 109 Fulton. ^~ ! Van Wert Bert, hostler, 140 N. Union; rms. do. V } I Van Wort Mabel, res. 230 S. Clinton. w M Varner Samuel B. (Eva J.), painter, h. 507 W . Green. !**## Varney Charles L., clerk P. R. R. shops, res. 230 N. Union. . VARNEY EZRA J (Ophelia W.), awnings, rubber stamps and marking «•*•*% supplies, 230 N. Union; h. do. *%•• Varney Maud L., res. 321 W . State. Varney Walter, messenger, 157 N. Union; res. 321 W . State. M m ^ \ Vasquez Alfred (Evans & Vasquez), 311% N. Union; rms. do V J V A U G H A N E L M E R H. (Helen A.), prop. Hotel Imperial, 104 S. Union; h. do. f k ^ Vaughn Celia, dressmaker, res. 904 Washington. U C e t Vaughn John (Emma), car repairer, h. 921% Buffalo. .. a Vaughn John H. (Hattie), boilermaker, res.~221 N. Thirteenth. |bLJ Vaughn Lewis D. (Mary W.),filler,h. 904 Washington. •rpaaa; W Vaughn 206 E. Henley. H E NMabel, Y O domestic, UR SHO ES NEED /^ Q C O O K ' S ^ ^ f Vaughn Maggie, dressmaker, res. 904 Washington. REPAIRING Call at 512 W. STATE STREET. ^ b . Veneski Felix (Josie), laborer, h. 41 Spruce, N. O. ^ ^ J Venus Jennie A. Mrs., dressmaker, 481% N. Union; h. do. ^""J"; Venus Martin V. (Harriet A.), machinist, h. 33 Johnson, N. O. %^tf -% ••*••' _^bb> [1**^ C J^m Very Vergason VVergason E RState. GJames Edward A S OGeorge Stella Ora NCharles E., see WM., .clerk, M., R. also (Nettie bookkeeper, L.res. (Dora), Hotel (Beatrice FORGASON. 210 E.),carpenter. Snyder; Wprop. .N. Green. M.), Washington, Hotel res. bookkeeper, 502 Snyder, N. do.Union; N. O.; 182 402-404 h. res. N.210Union; N. 210 W Union; .WGreen. . Green. h h. 1017do. W HELIKER & PATRIDGEI W $ s t » X x ^ Z , * . OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 135 n n — - Very John G. (Lizzie S.), bartender, Hotel Snyder, h. 522 Higgins av. # g* Vetter Joseph F.( Barbara), time keeper, h. 66 Clark, E. O. ^»## Vincent Elijah O. (Harriet), h. Kittaning rd., S. O. 1 Vincent Orton M. (Rose R.), wood dealer, h. 316 S. Barry. • !••••• VIRGINNIA W . W A L L A C E , prop. Olean House Barber Shop, 130 N. Union; » res. 208 S. Fifth. (See adv.) Virginnia W y m a n W . (Abigail), barber, 445 N. Union; h. 208 S. Fifth. aaaaaj Vogel Anna, res. 218 S. Eleventh. aaaaal Vogel Matilda, wid. Fidal, h. 218 S. Eleventh. fca^ Vollman Michael (Catherine), laborer, h. 533 N. Fifth. aaaaa Vollman Sophia M., asst, 3-4 Riley & Wands blk.; res. 533 N. Fifth. 1 Vollmer Annie C, wid. Fred, h. 316 W . State. *™1 Vollmer Fred W., meat market, 316 W . State; res. do. B—J Vollmer Gertrude, res. 316 W . State. ^a*. Von Storch Philip A. (Etta), supt. Acme Glass Works; h 512 W . Henley. t^^ Voorhees Ruby, domestic, 310 N. Second. b,-. Voorheis Edwin O. (Flora E.), head miller, Olean Mills; h. 513 N. First. L-^E Voorheis Grace, res. 513 N. First. taTT Voorheis William J. (Rena), h. 124 S. First. ^PX Vosseler John (Hannah), loco,fireman, E_H2 W h. 120 S. Eleventh. Vosseler William, laborer, res. W .circulator State, W Olean . O. Ledger; h. 130 S. Clinton. OJ 1™^ Wadhams Heman F. (Velona E.), Vosseler Xavier farmer, h. W . &State, W . O. I Wadhams Henry (Paulina), D. (Ida M.), (Wadhams Smith), 241 N. Union; h. 223 do. aaaa Vossler Anna dressmaker, 113 N.S. Fifth; h. res. do. do. Wadhams LenaA., M., dressmaker, 130 Clinton; aaaa W A D H A M S & SMITH (Henry D. Wadhams and Eugene C. Smith), props. « £ Olean Ledger, 241 N. Union. aaaa Wager Anton (Dora), emp. car shops, h. 119 N. Second. ^ ^ Wager Theresa, res. 119 N. Second. Wager Walter, res. 119 N. Second. q Wagner Alonzo (Harriet), h. r. 540 N. Union. nj Wagner Caroline, wid. Charles, h. 118 S. Sixth. Wagner Charles L., laborer, res. 129 S. Third. 2 Wagner Charles M. (Emily V.), gasfitter, 182 N. Union; h. 27 Main, Bv. £ Wagner Clara H., student, res. 118 S. Sixth. H Wagner Dorothy M., res. 129 S. Third. g Wagner Frederick J., clerk, 301 W . Henley; res. 129 S. Third. ? Wagner George, laborer, res. 129 S. Third. Wagner George, U. S. soldier, Manilla, res. 118 S. Sixth. Wagner Henry F. (Clara), mason, h. 118 S. Sixth. Wagner Joseph W . (Minnie), bookkeeper, Dotterweich Bottling Co.; h. 125 S. Third. Wagner Minnie W., milliner, res. 118 S. Sixth. W A G N E R W E N Z E L (Dorothy), supt. and brewer Dotterweich brewery, 301 W . Henley; h. 129 S. Third. i i W a h Quong, laundry, 244 N. Union; h. do. & I Louis i S G.,Ooil l ewell a n shooter, H o u sh.e4 Unicn S a n ipi. tary B a r b e r S h o p i i Wahl FIVE FIRST C L A S S A R T I S T S . W. W. VIRGINNIA. - - Proprietor. '> V*. V-\ S3 DUNLAVEY BROS. * 3M^hUr7onstVet * WH0LES4LE »-»»™»LIQUOR DEALERS Men's Fine Shoes Stetson, Burt & Packard • "g 0 Ijn Zf. (li CO 0 O-P (3 f\> z£ ^ Cli _p 02 (D \Z j> 136 p. E. T Y L E R & C0.ES&Co. 158 North Union Street. — O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. and other good lines • Waid Fannie, wid. Marvin, h. 21 Railroad av., E. O. Wakelee Anna T., tel. opr., 133% N. Union; res. 901 Buffalo. Wakelee Arthur W., clerk P. R. R., Railroad av.; res. 901 Buffalo. Wakelee Clyde D., clerk P. R. R., Railroad av.; res. 901 Buffalo. Wakelee John W . Jennie), driller, h. 901 Buffalo. Wakelee Minnie G., stenographer, res. 901 Buffalo. Walborn Ada, bds. 438 S. Fourth. Waldeck William (Hannah), saloon, 1312 W . State; h. do. Walker Albert P. (L. Jane), driver, 203 N. Union; h. 45 Union, S. O. Walker Benjamin F., helper, bds. 623 E. State, E. O. Walker Daniel D. (Nettie), trav. salesman, h. 211 S. Barry. Walker Edward (Delia),fireman,h. 522% W . State. Walker Flaud D., laborer, res. 25 Water. N. O. Walker Frank, matcher, 19 Grifiin; res. 623 E. State, E. O. -s Walker James H. (Lottie V.), grocer, 623 E. State; h. do., E. O. Walker James N. (Ellen), laborer, h. 25 Water, N. O. Walker Minnie C , teacher, No. 1 School, bds. 116 S. Clinton. Wallace Mary, waitress, 309 N. Union. Walldorff Marlen L. (Ida A.), acting mgr. Acme Mills; h. 308 N. Clinton. Wallen Anna, res. 219 S. Union. Wallen David J. (Ella)', car inspector, h. 209 N. Sixth. Wallen John (Alice), tailor, h. 219 S. Union. E - " Walley Caroline G. Mrs. h. 1102 Washington. Walley Clyde, messenger, 149 N. Union; res. 1102 Washington. P i Walley Edna E., dressmaker, res. 1102 Washington. Wallhauser Charles, laborer, res. 602 E. State, E. O. W Wallhauser Emil, machinist, res. 602 E. State, E. O. P Q Wallhauser George F. (Mary), bottler, 602 E. State; h. do., E. O. Wallhauser George O., civil engineer, res. 602 E. State, E. O. 1 — I Wallhauser Rose C , res. 602 E. State, E. O. Wallin Joel (Hilda), miller, Empire Mills, N. O.; h. 703 Washington. W A L S H see also W E L C H A N D W E L S H . Walsh Ella M., cashier, 131 N. Union; h. 238 N. Third. CC Walsh John P. (Margaret), brakeman, h. 431 N. Ninth. < Walters Elizabeth N., dressmaker, 112 S. Second; h. do. UJ Walton Andrew M. (Mary E.), currier, h. 735 E. State, E. O. Walton Archie D., res. 735 E. State, E. O. Walton Bessie B., res. 30 King, E. O. Walton Charles H. (Delora M.), currier, h. 22 King, E. O. Walton David E. (Mary E.), laborer, h. 30 King, E. O. O Walton Edith M., res. 30 King, E. O. LL. Walton Jacob A., currier, res. 30 King, E. O. Walton Lizzie N., res. 30 King, E. O. UJ Walton Vivian, res. 22 King, E. O. z Waltz Ida, clerk, 1223 W . State; bds. do. Wands Charles R. (Riley & Wands), 301-303-305 N. Union; res. 405 W . Henley. LL. Wands Edith M., res. 405 W . Henley. Ward Catherine F., res. 537 N. Seventh. CC Ward Edward, porter, 130 W . State; rms. 112 N. First. f. Ward Harry H., helper, res. 537 N. Seventh. 0 Ward James A. (Ida A.), carpenter ,h. 1307 Reed. P Ward James A., pipefitter, res. 43 Spruce, N. O. «. Warff John, laborer, res. 54 Spruce, N. O. 0 Ward John (Kate), laborer, h. 43 Spruce, N. O. B U0 Ward I T/1TI X *539William M Kate, Timothy Mary Sarah, John Patrick N. a Seventh. JOR M., res. .wid. ,1A. (Katherine), A., telegrapher, res. H 537 (Catherine a Barney, clerk, 822 N. 1 ""-SStfClay Seventh. N. a 1112 h. VUnion. res. h. aF.), 54 l N. 822 WSpruce, 822 foreman Union; l N. AN. N.O. Union, Union, N. Blocks res. carpenter, O. 43 „ N. N. Spruce, and O. ?54 O.Sewer Acme N. Works, O. Tile, N.N.Union O.; h. St. B l l I Ul T A Y I flR IH I LUll Builders" Supplies, Coal and W o o d CO o 254 North Union Street e= > so 3 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 137 ? jj W A R I N G J A M E S H. (Agnes L.), lawyer, 107 N. Union, and Mayor, City Hall; h. 237 N. Third. ' Warner Bertha, waitress, Grand Central Hotel. Warner Florence Mrs., h. 210 East av. o o Warner George W . (Myrtie L.), barber, 310 N. Union; h. 120 E. Green. P ° Warner James W . (Mary), h. 1009 W . Sullivan. o o Warner William G., apprentice, res. 1009 W . Sullivan. o o Warren Eunice C , res. 134 N. Barry. o o Warren Eveline H., res. 223% N. Union. k Warren Frank W., res. 134 N. Barry. Warren Mary A., wid. Seth W., h. 134 N. Barry. Washer Ella, res. 525 N. Ninth. Washer George, machinist, res. 525 N. Ninth. Washer George H. (Emeretta), laborer, h. 525 N. Ninth. Wasson Charles H. (Olive C ) , h. 118 Hamilton. GO Wasson Lena, res. 115 S. First. W A T E R COMMISSIONERS, 7 City bldg; John Z. Le Fevre, sec. Waters Lewis (Mary), pumper, h. 1507 W . Henley. Waters Nellie, operative, res. 1507 W . Henley. Waters William R. (Mettie M.), sta. engineer, h. 110 S. Sixth. Watkins Daniel (Alice), bone dealer, h. Oregon rd., N. O. >• Watson Hazel E., res. 316 N. Second. Watson James W . (Julia E.), inspector, h. 316 N. Second. Watson Nettie L., res. 316 N. Second. Watson William G., res. 316 N. Second. Watts Francis E. (Aria B.), physician, 131 S. First; h. do. W a y Charles E. (Elizabeth), blacksmith, h. 488 Higgins av. __ Weagraff Fred C. (Lizzie), carpenter, h. 1306 W . State. ) ] Weatherell Arthur, machine hand, res. 134 S. Barry. , -~ Weatherell Chauncey, res. 134 S. Barry. ^~H IT"1 Weatherell Chester H. (Bertha C ) , bricklayer, h. 141 S. Clinton. /""*N Weatherell Elizabeth, res. 134 S. Barry. tM , Weatherell George, clerk, res. 134 S. Barry. tr —d^ ^ Weatherell Harriet, res. 134 S. Barry. Weatherell James (Elizabeth), contractor, 134 S. Barry; h. do. Weatherell Martha, res. 134 S. Barry. Weatherell Robert N. (Martena), bricklayer, h. 112 Fulton. Weatherell Verona, res. 134 S. Barry. Webb Augustus E., trav. salesman, h. 214 N. Fourth. W e b b Charles W . (Carrie), storekeeper, h. 141 N. Ninth. Webb Herbert E., clerk, 164 N. Union; res. 214 N. Fourth. Webber Frank B. (Mary A.), tinsmith, h. 123 N. Sixth. Webber Fred J. (Florence B.), gasfitter, 139 N. Union; h. 619 W . State. Webber Loretta A., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 118 N. Sixth. Webber Mary A., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 118 N. Sixth. Webber Olive, res. 118 N. Sixth. Webber William (Catherine), tinsmith, 108 S. Third; h. 118 N. Sixth. Weber Carrie A. Mrs., h. 108 N. Barry. Weber George, printer, 215 N. Union; res. 125 N. Twelfth. Weber Henry H., shoes, 135 N. Union; bds. Hotel Imperial. . , Webster Ada M., student, res. 125 Wholesale S. Fourth. C 3 and Retail TZ1 1 Webster Alice J., res. 125 S. Fourth. ^^\ n. Union Street res.Dealers, 125 S. Fourth. ^ ^ DWebster u n l aEva v eH., y telephone B r o s operator, . Liquor Webster Henry N. (Katherine), teamster, h. 125 S. Fourth. Weidman Weeks W Weed Webster E I D MJosephine J. Guy, Helen A Leo NMabel Grant Amanda, see machinist, J. E„also student, F., (Jennie Mrs., res. res. W res. 117 Ilaundress, 502 E415 S.), res. D1206 N. MN. ALaurens. machinist, 125 Clinton. NW Union; . .S. h. Sullivan. Fourth. 3 Union res. h. 509 509 pi. N. do.Union. l^C^ •^^•* jJ . The Best Shoes in the City p # E . T Y L E R & CO., CO abb SOLD BY 158 North Union Street. 138 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. Weidman Catherine Mrs., res. 116 N. Ninth. Weidman Frederick (Christina), E. W . State, W . O. Weidman Frederick C. Rev. (Carrie), pastor German Lutheran church; h. 415 Laurens. Weidman Frederick W., res. 415 Laurens. **^^ Weidmann Stave and Heading Mills, 19-25 Griffin, E. O.; Paul Weidmann, *"^ pres.; Harvey Morris, gen. supt W A Weinhauer Carrie, wid. Ernest W., res. 206 N. Barry. ^ * ~ Weinhauer Ruth, res. 206 N. Barry. ^ — Weipper Dorothy E., res. 15 Riley & Wands blk. "^^^ Weipper Rose E. Mrs., dressmaker, room 15, Riley & Wands blk.; h. do. J Z ^ Weir Charles E., trav. salesman, rms. 24, Riley & Wands blk. ^v"> Weir Delia Mrs., h. 211 Tompkins. ^JJT Weir Romain, hostler, 160 N. Union;" rms. do. E ™ l Weis Maximilian (Ellen E.), boilermaker, h. 97 River, N. O. ,^^^ Weis Paul (Rosena), farmer, h. Oregon rd., N. O. £ M Weiser Theresa Mrs., h. 618 W . Green. iJJjU, Weitmer Peter (Fannie), carpenter, h. 1125 Irving. r*mi Weith Henry (Cecelia), tailor, 211 Masonic Temple; h. 503 W . State. \ZZZ Weith Henry, Jr., clerk, 157 N. Union; res. 503 W . State. J ™ W E L C H see also W E L S H and W A L S H . C*3 Welch John C. (Kate), farmer, h. Pleasant Valley, N. O. C J 3 * Welch Lida E.. domestic 717 W . State. m-mm- Welch Peter (Nellie), railroad conductor, h. 206 N. Sixth. ^™^£ Weld Charles A., laborer, res. 264% N. Union. SSS Weld E m m a C, res. 264% N. Union. C O Weld Irving J., student, res. 264% N. Union. Weld Mayme L., music teacher, res. 264% N. Union. G O Weld Moses E. (Elizabeth A.), h. 264% N. Union. S S 5 Weldon Charles, brakeman, res. 23 Second av., Bv. 0 C 3 Weldon Frank, glassblower, bds. 217 Winters av. —wjf Weldon Frank (Annie), painter, h. 19 Third av., Bv. ? Welsh William H., laborer, res. 26 Water, N. O. ^ " ^ Weldon George W., laborer, res. 23 Second av., Bv. jjj Wenceslow John B. (Louisa F.), currier, h. 117 N. Eighth. >-> ft Weldon H. Bert (Gertie M.), brakeman, h. 14 Third av., Bv. Wendal Paul (Magdalena), h. 902 Washington. ^ l U Weldon Samuel (Maria), laborer, h. 23 Second av., Bv. 5 £ Wenke Anton, res. 611 W . Green. h—" Weldy William L. (Rosie E.).flagman,h. 12 Fifth av., Bv. g Wenke Emanuel (Bertha), brewer, h. 1113 Irving. ••y. W E L L S , F A R G O & CO. EXPRESS, 172 N. Union; Frederick W . Davis, agent. j- Wenke Paul (Louisa), laborer, h. 1017 Irving. g - ^ Wells Jerome R. Rev. (Lena S.), h. 106 N. Ninth. "" Wentzell John B. (Bessie R.), glassblower, h. 612 Washington. Kate, wid. Frederick H., h. 118 N. First. z I Wells Wenzelburger Mary, domestic, 126 N. Barry. E L S H see also W E L C H and W A L S H . < I- WWerry George (Emily), cabinetmaker, h. 802% N. Union, N. O. Welsh Anna, helper, 144 N. Union; res. 26 Water, N. O. o tt Wescott Brazier (Sarah), glassblower, rms. 249 N. Union. r ~ . Welsh Katherine, tel. opr., 133% N. Union; res. 26 Water, N. O. 0 Wescott Edwin E. (Eva J.), milk depot, 921 Buffalo; h. 219 N. Sixth. PJ " h Welsh Minnie, dressmaker, res. 26 Water, N. O. Z Wescott George R. (Sarah E.), carpenter, h. 19 N. River, N. O. H W Welsh Patrick C. (Celia), oil producer, h. r. 445 VS. Union. n Wescott Grace M., clerk, 921 Buffalo; res. 219 N. Sixth. - -!|J Welsh Patrick E. (Anna), h. 26 Water, N. O. O 0W Wescott I Make James New (Nettie), Stock to Order and M M ^•M|e bartender, h. 306 .W . AState. ~ Guarantee West Ella M., wid. William VS., boarding house, 414 W . State. Perfect Satisfaction .. H l U l U U U I V l Street. 7^ West Edwin F., elevator boy, res. 414 W . State. z. West James E., res. 414 W . State. h. R TT T A V i n P f o AH Kinds of 254 N. U . U . L l \ l L \ J L \ f( Roofing riaterial Union St. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 139 } S 3* J 3 WESTBROOK COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, 156 N. Union; E. D. Westbrook, prop. W E S T B R O O K E L R O Y D. (Marian H.), prop, and principal Westbrook Commercial Academy, 156 N. Union; h. 117 N. Clinton. Westbrook Frank R. (Lucy), laborer, res. 140 Railroad av., E. O. Westerland Fred (Eva), carpenter, h. 1009 Washington. Western Union Telegraph Cc, Exchange Bank bldg.; George F. Thompson, mgr. Westfall Ethel P., res. 604 N. Union. Westfall John A. (Sarah L.), carpenter, h. 604 N. Union. Westling Oscar L., bartender, Hotel Capitol; bds. do. Weston Irving B. (Frances B.), tanner, h. 711 Irving. Wetzel John (Anna), laborer, h. 7 Avenue A, N. O. Weymer Ruth, domestic, 210 N. Second. Wheadon George, porter, Olean House. Wheaton Earl, stenographer, res. 321 S. Barry. Wheaton Lynn S., blacksmith, res. 321 S. Barry. Wheaton Samuel (Mary S.), painter and carpenter, h. 321 S. Barry. Wheeler Agnes A. Mrs., h. 202 N. Barry. Wheeler Dora, wid. John, res. 56 Bishop, E. O. Wheeler George E. (Mellie M.), brakeman, h. 1444% Buffalo. Wheeler George S. (Nellie J.), butcher, res. 325 S. Union. Wheeler Hiram (Cora E.), driver, 133 Railroad av.; h. 82 Bishop, E. O. Wheeler Kathryn. res. 202 N. Barry. Wheeler LeRoy R., laborer, res. 19 Osgood av., E. O. Wheeler Raymond S., collector, 107 North; res. 202 N. Barry. Wheeler Stewart M. (Elizabeth A.), laborer, h. 210 N. Fifteenth. W H E E L E R WILLIAM E., vice-pres. First National Bank, and Tanners' Shoe Stock Co.; h. Portville, N. Y. Whelan George T., car repairer, res. 812 Washington. Whelan Matilda Mrs., h. 812 Washington. Whelan Michael J. (Catherine), line inspector, h. 933 Buffalo. Whelan Myra, domestic, 316 Laurens. Whelan William, brakeman, h. 406 Wayne. Whelan Zula T., milliner, res. 812 Washington. Whelply Frederick (Carrie), glass packer, h. 3 Pierce av., W . O. Whipple Ellsworth O. (Cora M.), (O. Whipple & Son), 3-4 Riley & Wands blk.; h. 228 N. Third. W H I P P L E H E R B E R T C. (Carrie E.), photographer, 236 N. Union; h. 210 N. Fourth. Whipple Melville C, res. 210 N. Fourth. Whipple O. & Son (Otis arid" Ellsworth O.), dentists, 3-4 Riley & Wands blk. Whipple Otis (Mary L.), (O. Whipple & Son), 3-4Riley & Wands blk.; h. 601 W . Sullivan. Whipple Truman T. ( E m m a J.), blacksmith, h. 708 Washington. W H I T A K E R see also W H I T T A K E R . Whitaker Edward F., railroad employe, res. 125 N. Third. Whitaker Ida F., teacher, res. 125 N. Third. Whitcomb George N. (Minnie M J , blacksmith, 507 N. Union; h. 502 Higgins av. Whitcomb Lynas J. (Belle), sta. engineer, h. 512 Washington. 311 Whitcomb William H. (Augusta), laborer, h. 12 Second av., Bv. d u n l a v e y b r o s . Famous Olean Club Whiskey,«Union W H I T E see also W I G H T . the sA., ole owners of the J'Street. . White are Ailena res. 303 Jay. White E Erwin Edward, Elizabeth, Catherine Charles Calvin m m e t D. W(Anna F. . switchman, (MaTy), B., clerk, clerk, (Agnes), (Mary waitress, E.), 149 174 E.), carpenter, tanner, sta. res. VS. N. mason, Grand Union; Union; engineer, 529 h.h. N. 429 Central h.338 res. Seventh. res. 12 VS. h. Laurel Bartlett 75 432 136 Ninth. Hotel; King, N. S.av. av., First Union. res. E. N. O. 523O. N. Eighth. 310 MASONIC TEMPLE DO YOU NEED AN EDUCATION? f (^ [[JCH - ^ ™ =«»»*• # Jorrespondence Schools, 9 9 fc SCRANTON. PENN'A. h OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. SB H 140 9 White S fe Florence, res. 529 N. Seventh. *» < White Gilbert M. (Estella), mgr. 1223 W . State; h. do. H White Harry B., artist, 156 N. Union; res. 313 do. rS - White Henry (Harriet G.), druggist and stationer, 313 N. Union; h. 136 S. 0 Union. White James (Kate), laborer, h. 529 N. Seventh. H White James M. (Mary R.), R. R. conductor, h. 432 N. First. v. White James P., gatherer, res. 528 N. Eighth. < ^ 3 White Jennie, cook, res. 318 N. First. l _ White John M. (Maria J.), sta. engineer, h. 12 Bartlett av., N. O. White Lloyd J. (Bernice), (American Palace Laundry), 112 W . Sullivan; res. 75 King, E. O. White Lydia F., wid. Henry K., h. 52 Main, Bv. White Maggie G., res. 528 N. Eighth. White Mamie F., waitress, Grand Central Hotel; res. 528 N. Eighth. White Mary, wid. John, h. 528 N. Eighth. White Mary M., wid. John W., h. 75 King, E. O. White May, domestic, res. 338 Laurel av. White Michael, laborer, res. 529 N. Seventh. White Patrick (Ellen), laborer, h. 331 Tompkins. £ ^ * % White Richard, galvanizer, res. 331 rompkinS". ^•'af white Stephen, cigarmaker, res. 529 N. Seventh. _ _ _ White William H. (May), carpenter, h. 816 N. Union, N. O. * * Whitford Erastus, teamster, bds. 1 Union, S. O. C Whitman Edwin, res. 52 Pine, N. O. C O Whitmore Mary E., domestic, 309 N. Union. Whitney Edgar F., broker, res. 116 Laurens. C O Whitney Lambert, h. 202 S. Union. C O Whitney Lambert S., farmer, h. 79 W . River, S. O. j— p ^ Whitney Pearl S., res. 116 Laurens. ^•"^ Whitney Roy M., bookkeeper, res. 116 Laurens. _ _ Whitney Russell M. (Lydia St. J.), hub mfr., ft. N. Fifth; h. 116 Laurens. C*"3 W H I T T A K E R see also W H I T A K E R . Whittaker Clark F. (Martha E.), foreman, h. 203 W . Green. ^_^ Whittaker Daniel O. (Nellie M.), h. 11 Alder, E. O. J ^ S Whittam Frank R. (Annie J.), carpenter, 502 N. Union; h. 58 Bishop, E. O. L , ^ Whittam Mary, wid. John, res. 201 S. Barry. * Whitton Clara J., wid. James E., h. 9 Osgood av., E. O. S S 3 Whitton Maud F., stenographer, res. 505 W . Henley. g*""* Whitton Oscar J., res. 505 W . Henley. M U i Whitton Thomas (Eva B.), wholesale lumber, 34-35 Exchange Bank bldg.; h. 505 W . Henley. •^ Wholeben John (Louisa), laborer, h. 114 S. Tenth. «—i Wicklander Axel A., janitor, City Hall; rms. do. W I E DHMEA N N see Y Oalso U R W ESI DHMOA NE.S N E E D H Q. C O O K ' S Wiedman John, harness, . State; R E P A I R I N317 G , Wc«H at rms. do. ' Bia ^ STATE STREET. wWiedman Michael (Amelia), glass packer, h. 1213 W . Sullivan. Wiedman William G. (Lena), grocer, 1320 W . State; h. 104 N. Thirteenth. Wies wid. M., res. 802 Reed. % s^Sf WIGHT S^_ S. AUSTIN Wilbur Wieht Wiggins WWisjgins Wilber Wiesman Wilbert I Gof H Dora, TIda Music; Robert Frank, J. see May Fred Marcellus C. John M., (Ida E., also B., J. rms. B., teacher laborer, H. glassblower, M.), res. (Mary), Whelper, (Agnes (Minnie HJ., 211 I 1066 Tfeeder, teacher of bds. EN. .leather piano; res. R.), First. E. A.), 437 bds. State, res. 1066 farmer, barber, of N. rms. splitter, Hotel 1066 Union. violin, E. E.211 h. State, 310 E. Imperial. O. 75 N. h. State, N. studio River, First. 1066 E. Union; O. E.E.S. Olean O. State, h. O.127School E. S. O. Second. RILEY & W Wholesale Grocers, Provisions, Produce Cigars a n d T o b a c c o s , A N D S 301-305 N O R T H U N I O N S T R E E T . O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 141 Is Wilcox George, machinist, bds. 1126 N. Union, N. O. Wilcox Isaiah C. (Minerva R.), h. 920 W . State. Wilcox Joseph E. (Jennie R.), hostler, 1110 N. Union; h. 43 Walnut, N. O. i r TI Wilcox Roy, laborer, 217 Wayne; res. Allegany, N. Y. mn » Wilcox T. Paul, clerk, 203 N. Union; res. 305 Coleman. »j» 3 Wilcox Thomas F. (Flora A.), carriage trimmer, 524 N. Union; h. 305 Coleman. Wilde Frank (Mary), currier, h. 51 King, E. O. Wilde John, foreman, h. 21 King, E. O. Wiles John E. (Anna), laborer, h. 1409 W . Henley. Wiles Thomas (Catherine), machinist, 502 N. Union; h. 1402 W . Henley. Wiley Annie T., res. 409% Laurens. €/9 Wiley John J. (Bridget A.), h. 409% Laurens. Wiley Mary J., res. 409% Laurens. Wilkins Fred (Mina), painter, 302 S. Union; h. 304 do. Wilkins Herbert J. (Emma), beam hand, h. 608 E. State, E. O. Wilkins Wesley F. (Myra M.), car repairer, h. 3 Pond, E. O. W I L K I N S O N WILLIAM S. (Martha G.), hardware, stoves and crockery, 129 N. Union; h. 302 N. Clinton. W I L L A R D C H A R L E S (Lucy H.), pianos and musical instruments, 229 N. Union; h. 229% do. Williams Albert, res. 135 W . River, S. O. W I L L I A M S A L L A N B. (lone G.), accountant, 303 Masonic Temple; h. 130 S. Barry. W I L L I A M S A L L A N I. ( E m m a B.), cashier, Exchange National Bank; h. 703 W . Sullivan. Williams Clinton R., photographer, res. 137 N. Barry. Williams Frank, laborer, res. 410 S. Third. Williams Frank, tanner, American Hide & Leather Co.; rms. 114 N. First. Williams Jennie, domestic, 23 Second av., Bv. Williams John A. (Jane L.), agent, h. 98 River, N. O. Williams John M. (Rebecca E.), machinist, h. 137 N. Barry. Williams John P. (Margaret), farmer, h. Plucker Hollow, N. O. Williams John R. (Daisy E.), laborer, h. 322 N. Ninth. ~*\ Williams John W., car repairer, res. 145 N. Thirteenth. Williams Joseph (Julia), tanner, h. 513 N. Fourth. Williams Joseph (Sophia), car repairer, h. 145 N. Thirteenth. / Williams Joseph, Jr., laborer, res. 145 N. Thirteenth. / Williams Katherine, clerk, 131 N. Union; rms. 118 N. Barry. Williams Lena, res. 145 N. Thirteenth. Williams Orra, teacher No. 1 School. Williams Owen J. Jr. ( E m m a J.), ry. postal clerk; h. 208 Winters av. Williams Peter, laborer, h. 410 S. Third. Williams Samuel E. (Vida L.), laborer, h. 326 W . State. O J> Williams Simeon A. (Kate), laborer, h. 316 N. Fifth. Williams Thomas L. (Nellie M.), horse trainer, h. 168% VS. Union. c > Williams William H. (Minnie B.), sta. engineer, h. 1022 Buffalo. o o Williams William P. (Florence V.), leather worker, h. 109 S. Seventh. Williams William W . (Ella G.), foreman, h. 426 N. Tenth. Williamson James G. (Mary E.), (Bullmer & Williamson), 214 Whitney av.; h. do. Willis Carrie L., res. 1305 W . Sullivan. 311 Willis 315 av. Olean Club Whiskey,«Union d u n Charles, l a v ebarber, y b h. ro s Railroad . Famous Willis Clarence (Katherine), laborer, h. 268% N. Union. are the «ole owners of the * Street. * "Willis Clarence L., clerk, 407 N. Union; res. 1305 W . Sullivan. Willis Willover WillsSullivan.Katherine, Landon, LeRoy Hezeriah, George JohnA., fish A., domestic, (Nellie), clerk, prop. carpenter, peddler, City 407 glassblower, 128 N. h. Installment h. S. Union; 135 4Third. Homer, N. Eleventh. res. Store, N. 4 1305 Homer, O.407 W . Sullivan: N. N. ' Union; O. / h. /^ 1305 W . . Ladies' and Children's Footwear f f TVI C D ft P[] LXJ;,right. •• BEST LINES IN THE CITY. ' • ^i I I LLII VJL U U l 158 N Unlon gt •C 142 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Willson Durand F. Hattie), millwright, h. 614 E. State, E. O. 1 Willson Frank L. (Addie A.), millwright, h. 28 Garden av., E. O. — Wilmoth Baxter J. (Tryphena P.), claim agent, h. 239 N. Second. Wilmoth Cary B., student, res. 239 N. Second. ™ " Wilson Betty Mrs., h. 315 Railroad av. C Wilson Burt, laborer, bds. 1621 W . State, W . O. Wilson Clara A., bookkeeper, 301 N. Union; res. 213 Jay. Wilson David, cooper, res. 119 S. Eleventh. •* Wilson Elizabeth, wid. Andrew, h. 119 S. Eleventh. J Wilson Erie J., pres. Producers Gas Co., 205 Masonic Temple; h. Bolivar, N. Y. •£ Wilson G. Henry (Grace), currier, h. 40 Moore's rd., W . O. Wilson George W., lineman, res. 402 S. Union. to „j Wilson George W . (Ethel), painter, h. 28 N. River, N. O. g Wilson James, painter, res. 28 N. River, N. O. £ WILSON J A M E S GODFREY, mfr. of blinds and shutters, Johnson, N. O.; 5) Percy H. Wilson, mgr. Wilson John (Louise), laborer, h. 1117 W . State. O •«- Wilson Joseph (Louise R.), blacksmith, 134 E. Sullivan; h. 213 Jay. rvj *S Wilson Joseph W., gasfitter, 182 N. Union; res. 213 Jay. o v^ OT Wilson Kate M. Mrs., dressmaker, h. 241 N. Union. PI •JJ Wilson Lily, operative, res. 119 S. Eleventh. » Wilson Louis C. (Thalia E.), oil producer, h. 120 S. Union. S Wilson Matthew (Catherine), stillman, h. 68 Oak, N. O. P* WILSON P E R C Y H. (Mary A.), mgr. for J. G. Wilson; h. 120 S. Clinton. Wilson Ruth, res. 120 S. Union. O p5 Wilson Thomas (Addie), cooper, h. 123 N. Twelfth. Pi Wilson William W . (Orisa), laborer, h. 402 S. Union. PI Winber John, car builder, bds. 712 Wayne. S3 Winch John (Mary), laborer, h. 67 Bishop, E. O. Winch Joseph (Agnes), laborer, h. 59 Bishop, E. O. < Winchel Nathan (Florence L.), laborer, h. 501 Irving. Eh Wind Charles, liveryman, res. 507 W . State. Wind Ernestine, wid. Jacob, boarding house, 507 W . State. < Wind Mary, res. 507 W . State. W $5 Windsor Edwin L., agent Met. Life Ins. Co., 156 N. Union; h. Allegany, N. Y. Winer Elias Rev. (Annie B.), ratsbi Hebrew cong., h. 109 VS. Second. Wing Milford C. (Mae E.), stonecutter, h. 31 Main, Bv. Winsor Woodley C. (Harriet C ) , photographer, 150~N. Union; h. 124 N. First. Wint Jacob, laborer, res. 34 Homer, N O. Wint Joseph, laborer, res. 34 Homer, N. O. Wint William (Edna), laborer, h. 34 Homer, N. O. Winters Margaret Z., wid. George, res. 204 W . Sullivan. Wisner Fred (Eutheria V.), wagonmaker, h. 314 Jay. Wisner Walter H., res. 314 Jay. Wiswell Guy T. (Grace), teacher, 156 N. Union; bds. 605 do. Wittenburg William (Mary), hostler, h. 130 N. Fifteenth. Witter Charles H. (Kate), woodsman, h. 338 N. Third. Xavier (Hettie), laborer, h. 129 S. Fifth. Kt*^f) O^T ^ r» )iat »aH-") f*) j£^. Thfi HaW jWilz Wohlleben Wodell Wixon Wojciechoski "Wolf Wolf Wolfe Wohlleben Wolff Wolf nfixt Charles, Henry Joseph, Joseph Paul Charles, Samuel Charles Frances, William Issue Charles, William, Sophia, F., H., Adam Jr., (Arihie laborer, H. car F. baker, nf res. laborer, (Sarah), car (Ida (Ida repairer, wid. this (Annie), res. laborer, 115 M.), repairer, 312 M.), res. B.), Philip, 911 res. N. farmer, llirpntnrv W. laborer, 109 laborer, sta. Twelfth. Wres. laborer, res. 109 .State; N. h. res. engineer, State. h. N. 109 Eleventh. 911 h. res. 109 115 Eleventh. bds. N. h. W109 will .Eleventh. N. 247 22 State. h. State. do. N.Twelfth. Genesee, Eleventh. Spruce, 323 Eleventh. hfiColeman. inN. Bv. ISO?. O. GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 North Union Street. . f V Builders' Supplies a n d > © Contracting.z r OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 143 O W >• t«7 Wolverton Samuel, res. 141 S. Barry. H Wolverton Victoria, wid. George, res. 141 S. Barry. © *«j W O O D see also W O O D S . ^Q •£ raw Wood A. Monroe (Mary A.), machine hand ,h. 116 N. Barry. ^ ^ Wood Alfred B. (Mary E.), machinist, h. 114 Wayne. - •• Wvvvjwls O O D Annie, ELIAS V. Union; Wood 306M.), W .druggist, State. c u m odomestic, v. (Helen ^neieu ivi.;, ui uggmL,133 xaoN.in. umuii;h.n.131 ±31S.a.Union, union. >^ "J* Wood Charles, hostler, 238 N. Union; rms. do. Frederick, sta. engineer, Olean St. Ry.; res. 40 Front, Bv. *£70 H. res. (Nora), Wood Charles Gladys L., 116 blacksmith, N. Barry. 522 N. Union; h. 54 Bishop, E. O. ?a —J Wood Inez, milliner, res. 113 Fulton. "TJ J> Wood Nettie, wid. Ransom, dressmaker, 113 Fulton; h. do. J> —J Wood Olin W . (Kate S.), principal High School; h. 220 N. Fourth. 7 " Wood Owen, Thomas, currier, sta.fireman, bds. 332 bds. N. Tenth. 323 N. Union. 3» © Wood William Reuben E. F. (Mary (MyrtleT.), M.),sta. carriage engineer, painter, Vacuum 522 N. OilUnion; Co.; h.h.114 38 Front, S. Eighth. Bv. » Z W O O D A R D CLINTON P. (Ruby E.), undertaker 232 N. Union; h. 418 Laurens. a Woodard George B. (Mary L.), oil producer, h. 1616 W . State, W . O. Woodard Pearl E., res. 309 Coleman. •-3 Woodard William C. (Lillie R.), laborer, h. 309 Coleman. Woodruff Allen C. (Jennie H.), carpenter, h. 148 N. Seventh. c4 Woodruff Frank M., laborer, res. 11 Pond, E. O. Woodruff Gertrude L., trimmer, 207 VS. Union; res. 148 N. Second. m Woodruff Israel, laborer, h. 9 Pond, E. O. Woodruff Jason M. (Stella), agent, h. 511 W . State. o Woodruff Jessie, res. 511 W . State. <i Woodruff William C, carpenter, res. 148 N. Seventh. fcJ Woodruff Winford, stonemason, res. 511 W . State. W O O D S see also W O O D . Woods Anna M., clerk, 301 W . Henley; res. 220 S. Eleventh. o W O O D S H E N R Y C. REV. (Mary M.), pres. elder M. E. church, Olean dis.; o h. 126 N. Barry. <{ W O O D S J O H N J. (Mary B.), sec. Dotterweich Brewing Co., 301 W . Henley; h. 220 S. Eleventh. Woods M. Louise, res. 126 N. Barry. Woodward Albert E. (Angeline M.), barber, Exch. Bank bldg.; h. 310 Jay. Woodworth Fidelia, wid. William, h. 221 N. Thirteenth. Worden Charles H. (Lulu S.), farmer, h. Windfall rd., Bv. Worden Charles W . (Lulu B.), ins. agent, City bldg.; h. 138 S. Clinton. C/2 W O R D E N IRVING E. (Bessie E.), asst. cashier Exchange National Bank; bi,c:. Olean House. Worden John S., bds. Olean House. World Hotel, 721 W . State; Andrew Schelin, prop. Wright Arthur D., clerk, 266 N. Union; bds. 205 do. aQTQ Wright Bertha O., bookkeeper, 410 N. Union; res. 417 W . Green. Wright Charles (Lillian), stonecutter, h. Ill Irving. Wright Edward H., oil inspector Vacuum Oil Co.; bds. Winters av. Wright Elizabeth, wid. Benjamin, res. 41 Railroad av., E. O. f™ Wright Eva M., res. r. 227 N. Union. S CO Wright Frank C. (Empire Art Co.), 6 Riley & Wands blk.; bds. Grand Cen- -t nZZ tral Hotel. U •* Wright Frank H. (Susie H.). bookkeeper, 1105 E. State; h. 27 King, E. O. Wright George laborer, h. D r.U227 ^ w i nH. e s(Elizabeth), a n d liquors N LN.A Union. V E Y BROS., F Wright Grace E., milliner, res. 113 S. Fourth. J •— Wright Henry, teamster, 413 N. Union; bds. 28 King E. O. T Finest For Wright "Millard Lewis Mabel, Henry Mortimer, Call (Kate), H., res. on E. res. res. (Alice 311 334h. 43 121 n. S.M.), 334 Railroad Union Barry. S.S. teamster, Ffith. Barry. Street av., E. 413O. N. Union; h. 52 Bishop, E. O. JJ33 •<!> (fl~ Op TO LEARN WHiLE YOU EARN £ _ __ CD f* 144 xn ^ SEE Q . L E A C_ H 310 Ma9°n,° _ Temple, Representingthe international uorrespi Representing the International Correspondence A. Schools, SCRANTON, R OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 0 , W R I G H T O. I.,flour,feed, agr. implements, grain, coal and wood, 410 VS. -+J fc Union; h. 417 W . Green. *§ „ Wright Rolland R., grocer, 643-645 E. State; h. 662 do., E. O. j/2 fe Wright Seth W . (Phoebe A.), laundryman, h. 25 Prince, E. O. ^ Wright Susan E., wid. Dolphin, dressmaker, 130 N. Third; h. do. "J^ S Wright Wesley (American Palace Laundry), 112 W . Sullivan; h. 25 Prince, tt> iJ E. O. ! > O W R I G H T WILLIAM A. (Orseville I.), mgr. 410 N. Union; h. 417 W . Green. P*" Wright William R. (Mira E.), cabinetmaker, h. 113 S. Fourth. ._, Wright & Shoemaker (Frank C. Wright and J. Scudder Shoemaker), props. •-• Empire Act Co., 6 Riley & Wands block. 0 0 Wyatt Elmer E. (Mary), carpenter, h. 50 Crown, E. O. K |jj Wyvell William Wres. . (Polly blacksmith, h. 15 Fourth av., Bv. 110 N.A.), Ninth. LU Yahn Elizabeth, 0 h Yahn Paulina Mrs., dressmaker, 110 VS. Ninth; h. do. Yahn Rosa P., res. 110 N. Ninth. \-> Yampolski Joseph (Eva), prop. Olean Fish and Oyster Co., 608 W . State; h. do. Yampolski Phoebe, res. 608 W . State. Yannella Felix, shoemaker, 455 N. Union; h. do. Yard David S. (Hannah), state factory inspector; h. Ill Laurens. m fcj* Yard Elizabeth S., stenographer, 163 N. Union; res. Ill Laurens. K Yard Laura L., bookkeeper and stenographer, 1602 W . Henley; res. Ill Laur> ID UJ rens. h Yates Edgar A., laborer, res. 24 Center, Bv. E [U Yates Oney (Helen), laborer, h. 24 Center, Bv. Y a w Frank E. (Maud), glassblower, h. 124 N. Fourth. . Y a w Harvey A. (Sarah A.), h. Kittaning rd., S. O. Ul Y a w Jesse W . (Maria), laborer, h. 215 W . Green. Y a w Mahlon H. (Cora T.), tinsmith, 155 N. Union; h. Ill N. Second. DLK Yeahl Theophile (Caroline), tanner, h. 529 N. Fifth. Yehl Emil (Salome), car builder, h. 143 N. Eleventh. Yehl Mary S., res. 143 N. Eleventh. Yoerk Arthur, apprentice, 215.N. Union; res. 118 E. Green. Yoerk Edward L., student, res. 118 E. Green. Yoerk Joseph A. (Nancy E.), laborer, h. 118 E. Green. York Anna T., res. 13 Garden av., E. O. « * York Catherine, wid. James, h. 13 Garden av., E. O. York Christopher J., driver, 172 N. Union; res. 13 Garden av., E. O. York Marcella C, cashier, 120 N. Union; res. 13 Garden av., E. O. York Margaret, clerk, 149 N. Union; res. 13 Garden av., E. O. Yost Kate, domestic, 312 Laurens. Young A. Earl, freight handler P. R. R., res. 26 Second av., Bv. Young Armus, driver, bds. 31 Walnut, N. O. Young Bertha, res. 109 Fulton. Young Chester M. (Eliza), laborer, h. 306 S. Eighth. Young Cora, clerk, 174 N. Union; res. 130 N. Fourth. Young Eugene E. (Cora), photographer, h. 109 Fulton. Young Howard, student, res. 88 River, N. O. Young Itha M., res. 26 Second av., Bv. Young James W . (Margaret I.), freight handler P. R. R., res. 32 Third av., Bv. Young John (Mary), driller, h. 88 River, N. O. Young John W . (Lucy R.), tallyman P. R* R., h. 26 Second av., Bv. Young Katie DeLonc. res. 109 Fulton. T h e next I s s u e of this Directory will b e in 1 9 0 2 . Young Mildred E., domestic, res. 306 S. Eighth. Young Samuel (Ella M.), glassblower, h. 118 S. Eighth. Young Walter clerk, 127Xstonemason, N. 118 S. Eighth. Young Youngs William William SimeonS.,(Betsy), (Gertrude), A. (Emma laborer, ) , Union; molder, h. 130res. N. 133 h. Fourth. Kittanning Railroad av.; rd., h. S.219 O. N. Eleventh. H E L I K E R & P A T R I D G E I W ^ L c e , u £ £ 7 m & - n OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 145 *—* ; ^5 Zeile Frederick L. (Catherine), merchant tailor, 147 N. Ninth; h. do. \f_ Zeile William F., brakeman, res. 147 N. Ninth. Zerby John C. (Susan A.), laborer, h. 9 Pierce av., W . O. Ziegler Benjamin B., laborer, res. 134 N. Thirteenth. Ziegler Charles, lehr tender, res. 134 N. Thirteenth. ^^^ Ziegler Frank (Annie), laborer, h. 134 N. Thirteenth. """"^ Ziegler Frank B., plumber, 184 N. Union; res. 134 N. Thirteenth. Maaal Ziegler George B., glass gatherer, res. 134 N. Thirteenth. ^^V Ziegler John, student, res. 134 N. Thirteenth. aaUa Ziegler Mary, operative, res. 13T N. Thirteenth. ^^1 Zielinski Jarslaw (de), principal Olean School of Music, 303 N. Union; h. Buf- ^ ^ ^ falo, N. Y. a—a Zimbauer John (Barbara), farmer, h. W . State, W . O. ^^a^ Zimbauer John P., leather roller, res. W . State, W . O. ^Ba#r Zimmerman Anna, wid. Henry, h. 501 W . State. a 4 Z I M M E R M A N BROS. (Philip and Henry J.), grocers, boots and shoes, 802 W - ^aaa* State. pa^ Zimmerman Henry J. (Ella), (Zimmerman Bros.), 802 W . State; h. do. aa^am Zimmerman John (Mary M.), h. 810 W . State. ""^""J Zimmerman Lillie J., dressmaker, res. 32 Third av., Bv. ^^^ Zimmerman Philip (Johanna), h. 453 N. Union. Zimmerman Philip (Jessie M.), (Zimmerman Bros.), 802 W . State; h. 820 doZoghibe John (Minnie), peddler, bds. 23 Garden av., E. O. ^ O Zoghibe Said (Mary), laborer, h. 23 Garden av., E. O. ^a^» ".THE OLEAN TIMES... § 107 NORTH STREET. ^\ o MORNING TIMES—every day except Monday. 0 WEEKLY TIMES—every Thursday. ^ Morning, single copy $.02 ^ Morning, by carrier, per week 10 Morning, by mail, per month 45 _^_^_ Morning, by mail, per year 5.00 ^?«=CP Weekly, 8 pages, by mail, per year 1.50 00 n T H E B E S T A D V E R T I S I N G M E D I U M S c; 5 i—i IN CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. i-1 H ci 1 J O B i P R I N T I N G PROMPTLY AND SKILFULLY EXECUTED AT LOWEST PRICES 1 i C. D. S T R A I G H T , Proprietor. D U N L A V E Y B R O S . $ 311 North Union Street. WH0LES*LE AND RETA,L LIQUOR DEALERS 8 8 146 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. HALLS AND OPERA HOUSES. Academy of Music—515 to 521 N. Union. Blighton's Hall—215 N. Union. City Hall—108 N. Union. Edel's Hall—1123-1125 W . State. Fitzgerald's Hall—1106 N. Union. Foley's Hall—201 W . State. Knights of Honor Hall—186 N. Union. Masonic Hall—Masonic Temple. McCormick's Hall—101 N. Union. Miller's Hall—121-123 W . State. Odd Fellow's Hall—229% N. Union. Olean Opera House—115 W . State. Othalian Hall—114 W . State. Riley & Wands Hall—303 N. Union. Sheehan's Hall—501-503 VS. Union. Town Hall—S. Olean. Town Hall—Boardmanville. Village Hall—906 N. Union, N. O. COMMERCIAL BLOCKS. Coast Block—135-137-139 N. Union. Duke Block—239-241-243 N. Union. Exchange Bank Building—161-163-165 N. Union. Grand Central Block—304 to 318 N. Union. Imus Block—213-215-217 N. Union. Masonic Temple—120-122-124 N. Union. Odd Fellows' Block—229-231 N. Union. Olean House Block—126 to 136 N. Union. Opera House Block—113-115-117 W . State. Pierce Block—168-170 N. Union. Riley & Wands Block—301-303-305 N. Union. Sheehan Block—501-505 N. Union. Tower Block—154-156-158 N. Union. Union Block—262-264 N. Union. WARD BOUNDARIES. First—On the north by State St., east by Union St., south by Allegheny river, and west by Seventh st. Second—On the north by State st., east by Olean creek and Allegheny river, south by Olean creek and Allegheny river, and west by Union st. Third—On the north by town line and Olean creek, east by Olean creek, south by State st. and west by Union st. Fourth—On the north by town line, east by Olean creek, south by State st., and west by Seventh st. Fifth—On the north by Washington st., east by Seventh St., south by Allegheny river, and west by Fifteenth st. Sixth—On the north by town line, east by Seventh st., south by Washington st, and west by Fifteenth st. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. O L E A N 147 I M P R O V E D [copyrighted] Street and Block Directory. 1901. All streets south of E. State, the block divisions are from E. State to E . Henley 100, to E. Green 200, below E. Green 300. O n streets north of E. State, except N. Union and N. Barry, the block divisions are E. State to Laurel av. 100, to Tompkins 200, to Jay 300. O n N. Barry, from E. State to Tompkins 100, to Jay 200, to E. Sullivan 300. O n streets west of Union, from Union to First 100, to Second 200, etc. O n streets east of Union, from Union to Barry 100, to Clinton 200, to Fulton 300, to East av. 400, to Pond 500, to Orchard av. 600, to Chestnut 700, to King 800, to Duke 900, to Clark 1000. O n North Union, from E. State to Hamilton and Laurens 100 to Sullivan 200, to Whitney and Railroad avenues 300, to W a y n e 400, to Coleman 500, to N. First 600, to River 700, to Water 800, to Elm 900, to Oak 1000, to Pine 1100. O n streets north of W . State, from W . State to Laurens and Washington 100, to W . Sullivan 200, to Whitney av. and Reed 300, to W a y n e 400, to ColemA aD nA M500, to City Line 600.E. State, S STREET, fromal.424 Left and East Side. O n streets south of W . State, from W .McMurray's State to W . Henley southward, to E. Green. brick yard.100, to Irving 200, to W .Left Green below and300, East Side.W . Green 400. A D A M S S T R E E T (East Olean). 141 Frank Piatt, police. Right and West Side. 147 Henry Busch. 32 George W . Stevens. 148 George Busch, brklyr. Hoops st. intersects. E. Henley st. intersects. ALDER STREET (East Olean), from 47 205 James H. Smith, letter carrier. Railroad av., northward to limits. 205 Augustus Snyder, lab. Left and West Side. 207 Glenn Chaffee, plumber. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Madison. 211 Mrs. Ella Pendleton. 11 Daniel O. Whittaker. 211 Mrs. Carrie Thomas, dressmaker. 15 Samuel Halliday, lab. 217 Byron W . Smith, drayman. Spring st. intersects. 221 Charles S. Jones, painter. 45 Mllon W . Scott, carp. 229 George Loop, molder. ALDER STREET (East Olean). 233 Marshall F. Smith, letter carrier. Right and East Side. 241 G. Wesley Huff, civil engr. No houses. A D A M S STREET. Spring st. intersects. Right and West Side. No houses. No houses. Division st. intersects. 132 John B. Erickson, helper. 60 Henry S. Clark, mason. 140 Abner H. Goyt. A S H S T R E E T (North Olean), from Pine E. Henley st. intersects. to Elm. A DState, A M S southward S T R E E T (East to creek. Olean), from E. 148 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. Not built upon. 122 Hebron E. Dickinson. A V E N U E A (Boardmanville). 122 John Barleon, asst. supt. streets. 44 Prank H. Nancarrow, horse trainer. 124 George Kowalsky, clerk. AVENUE A (North Olean), from N. 126 Rev. Henry C. Woods. Washington, northwestward to Homer, 130 Charles P. Luther, mfr. second street N. E. of Buffalo. 134 Mrs. Mary A. Warren. Left and West Side. 134y2 Vacant. 1 Allan W . Cameron, lab. 138 Frank H. Steele, engr. 5 Eugene McCarthy, lab. 142 Patrick H. Freel, foreman. 7 John Wetzel, lab. Tompkins St. intersects. 9 Wellington Rybieski, lab. 202 George H. Kerschner, engr. 13 Tony Kosieck, lab. 202 Mrs. Agnes A. Wheeler. 19 Philip H. Farren, currier. 206 Colby Chamberlin, bdg. house. AVENUE A (North Olean). 210 Mrs. Comfort Kenyon. Right and East Side. 214 John Sloane, overseer. 46 Charles L. Hamer, fireman. 216 John Troy, ins. agt. AVENUE B (North Olean), from N. Jay st. intersects. Washington, first street east of Buffalo. 302 Samuel Scott, tailor. Left and North Side. 304 Edwin I. Oosterhoudt, asst. supt. 1 Michael James, lab. 308 Milton A. Miller, dispatcher. 3 William H. Bountain, bartdr. 310 D. H. Robbins, driver. 5 Charles A. Lundy, motorman. 312-318 Acme Mills. 7 Vacant. R. R. intersects. 11 Michael C. Kuhn, engr. BARRY STREET (South), from before 210 15 Albert J. Leonard, lab. E. State, southward to Allegheny river. A V E N U E B (North Olean). Left and East Side. Right and East Side. 103 Mrs. Zoda C. Faulkner. 2 Michael Paska, lab. 105-107 Ambrose E. Smith, phys. 6 Joseph Colas, lab. 109-111 Trinity Church. 6 Edward Kelly, plumber. 113 Charles Mudge, bkkpr. 10 Joseph Gaino, lab. 117 Mrs. Winifred Jones. 14 Vacant. 121 Mrs. Margaret L. Havens. 18 Stephen Getz, car repairer. 125 Charles D. Straight, editor. B A R R Y S T R E E T (North), from No. 125 John Bloom, clothier. School, E. Stale, northward to R. R. 129 Andrew J. Otto. Left and West Side. 131 John McCorry, sta. engr. Public school. 133 Harriet Perley, teacher. North st. intersects. 133 Patrick G. Dougherty, lab. 119 State Armory. 137 Frances Ingalls, clerk. 127 Anna Shaw. 141 James S. Douglas, mercht. 131 Mrs. Alice E. Sutton. E. Henley st. intersects. 133 George O. Taylorson, foreman. 201 DeWitt C. Conklin, mfr. 135 Mrs. Lodema A. Smith. 201 Mrs. Melissa Freeman. 135 Smith Sisters, dressmakers. 205 Samuel A. Anderson, contrctr. 137 John M. Williams, machst. 207 Edward Murtaugh, tanner. 141 Ada Pierce. 211 Daniel D. Walker, trav. salesman. 143 Augustus T. Eaton, cashier. 211 Foster Studholme, druggist. 145 George A. Sheridan, oil prod. 213 Walter D. Godfrey, clothier. Hamilton st. Intersects. 213 Frank Bedford, loco. engr. 301 Robert H. Bacon, molder. 215 Clarendon Kelly. 301 Maria L. Georgia, dressmaker. 217 Milford J. Adsit, blksmth. 303 Albert W . Georgia, lumberman. 225 Othello P. Guile, driver. 305 Wilbur B. Reed, foreman. 227 William G. Severn, clerk. 307 Matthew Bender. 229 Frank F. Rogers, lab. 313-325 Myrick Machine Co. 229 Lydia Filer, nurse. 116 118 B A RA. 108 110 112 Louis John Benjamin Mrs. RE.Monroe Y Sullivan Carrie C. SC. Right T French, RCarrier, EA. Wood, EA. Tand Ruttenberg, st.(North). Weber. real real intersects. machine Eastestate. estate. Side. clothier. hand. 321 325 301 315 317 319 237 233 Archibald 241 245 George Samuel William John Stephen Philip Buel Runa E. Green R. J. H. C. D. WO. Wheaton, Quigley, .A. E. Smith, Brooks, Van Billington, Ackerman, M. Oakley, Mott, st. Faunce, Mott, Gorder, intersects. trav. foreman. mason. bartdr. painter. Jr., painter. blksmth. asst. salesman. painter. mason. carp. supt. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 149 57 Tony Koboskl, lab. 327 Samuel Johnson, lab. 59 Joseph Winch, lab. 329 John L. Oakley, carp. 61 Joseph Joheski, lab. 337 R. Frank Brooks, mason. 63 Mrs. Ann Cook. BARRY STREET (South). Queen st. intersects. Right and West Side. 67 John Winch, lab. The Park. 67 Charles Davis, lab. South st. intersects. 67 Frank Mitchell, lab. 130 Allan B. Williams, bkkr. 69 Samuel A. Reynolds, carp. 134 James Weatherell, contrctr. 71 Frederick W . Merritt, grocer. 136 David Reynolds. 71 John C. Murray, laundry prop. 142 Harrington Austin, far. 73 William L. Merritt, mercht. E. Henley st. intersects. 73 Hendrick J. Smith, carp. 206 Mrs. Catherine Fitzgerald. 77 John A. Brock, driver. 210-220 Chamberlin Mfg. Co. 79 Wallie A. Holcomb, roller. 228 Mrs. Diantha Reed. 83-85 William D e Kay, grocer. 232 Andrew J. Reese, drayman. King st. intersects. 238 John M. Card, dentist. B I S H O P S T R E E T (East Olean). 242 Fred T. Graham, mercht. Right and South Side. 246 Benjamin F. Cowens, blksmth. N o houses. E. Green st. intersects. Orchard av. intersects. 302 Fred B. Smith, patternmkr. 52 Millard E. Wright, driver. 306 Charles E. Rogers, machine hand. 54 Charles H. Wood, carriage ironer. 310 Charles W . Brown, barber. 56 Frank M. Shattuck, carp. 312 Thomas E. Cahiel, carp. 58 Frank R. Whittam, carp. 312 Mrs. Rosaltha Adsit. 60 Mrs. Mary L. Allen. 316 George Gugle, lab. Chestnut st. intersects. 316 Byron E. Curtis. 70 Frederick S. Hatch, druggist. 316 Orton M. Vincent, wood dlr. 72 William C. Ferris, lab. 326 Henry L. Brooks, mason. 74 Mrs. Eva A. Northrup. 330 Edward W . Kelly, painter. 76 Frances A. Hathaway. 334 Lewis Wright. 82 Hiram Wheeler, driver. 338 Charles H. Seidler, lab. King st. intersects. 342 William L. Geise, blksmth. •" B R I C K E L L A V E N U E , from 212 Wayne, 342% Edward Mayer, lab. northward to Coleman. BARTLETT AVENUE (North Olean), Left and West Side. from Seymour to city line. 509 Fred Thompson, condctr. Left and East Side. 609 Frank A. Chapman, agt. 10 Henry E. Radley, lab. Coleman st. intersects. 12 John M. White, engr. BRICKELL AVENUE. 12 Charles F. White, mason. Right and East Side. BARTLETT AVENUE (North Olean). 506 Charles J. Morris, helper. Right and West Side. 608 William A. Taylorson, brkmn. N o houses. B E L L S T R E E T (East Olean), from 52 510 Nassif John, peddler. 512 Mrs. Anna Newman, dressmkr. Queen, eastward to King. Coleman st. intersects. Left and North Side. B R O O K S T R E E T (East Olean), from 3 John W . Slater, carp. King, eastward to limits. 9 James W . Cousins, carp. Left and North Side. King st. intersects. 9 Mowbry Evans, teamster. B E L L S T R E E T (East Olean). 11 Almond C. Harris, lab. Right and South Side. 11 Elbert H. Fie, driver. 22 Charles Andrews, lab. Gulf st. Intersects. King st. intersects. No houses. B I S H O P S T R E E T (East Olean), from 52 47 51 55 73Queen, Mrs. Archibald Frederick Arthur Aaron Orchard Annie eastward Left WC. . WB. av. Nash. Hubbard, Bishop. .and Salisbury, Ayrault, intersects. to North King. turner. Side. driver. brickmkr. B41 31 35R OWilliam 49 51 Walter John Ephraim William OClark Bush K Koebelin, SRight TE. st. st. ROwens, F. H. EMoody, intersects. Eintersects. Goodrich, Jobe, Tand (East lab. far. South driller. packer. Olean). driller. Side. 150 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 14 Lewis E. Daniels, lab. Bush st. intersects. 32 Edgar F. Sherman, lab. 36 Henry Le Bar, far. 40 Frank P. Gage, carp. Clark st. intersects. BUFFALO STREET, from 802 Washington, northwestward to limits. Left and West Side. 807 Charles Olson, tanner. 813 Mrs. Clara D. Manning. 817 John McFadden, glassblr. 821 Niles J. Hammond, switchman. 825 Charles Dulan, gatherer. N. Eighth st. not open. 901 John W . Wakelee, driller. 903 Arthur A. Johnson, foreman. 907 Henry J. Bonhoff, foreman. 911 John McEachern, lumberman. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 921 Edwin E. Wescott, milk depot. 921% John Vaughn, car repr. 925-927 F. W . Higgins & Co., gen. store. 927% Mrs. Lucy Camp. 931 James Burleigh, machst. 931% Bert Mead, lab. 933 Michael J. Whelan, line insp. N. Ninth st. not open. 1001 Laverne Sweet, whitener. 1005 James Keir, nurse. 1011 George Lampack, tanner. 1015 Albert E. Jebb, foreman. 1017 J. Wesley Smith. 1017 John A. Richell, flagman. N. Tenth st. intersects. 1105 Fred F. Mason, engr. 1115 Albert L. Lay, shoemkr. 1117 Leonard Lay, shoemkr. N. Eleventh st. intersects. 1205 Henry Judge, gardener. N. Twelfth st. intersects. 1303 Charles Dean, lab. 1303 William P. O'Donnell, lab. 1309 Mrs. E m m a L. Dalton. 1315 John Garvey. 1319 Sherman G. Armstrong, saloon. 1319 Frank Hill, driver. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1401 John Powers. 1409 Olean Glass Co. 1435 Henry L. Paulman, lab. 1437 Patrick Lunney, pipeftr. 1439 Michael Johnson, lab. 1451 Mrs. Anna Barry. North Olean. 1461 Richard Stafford. 1491 1477 B1483 806 U FJohn Michael Gustav Andrew John F A L OCrowley, Fall. Right Opel, SDuggan, J. T RDeuter, Eand Eglassblr. lab. T .East cooper. foreman. Side. 810 Martin McGrath, stillman. 814 Henry Schamel, carpet cleaner. 816 Patrick J. Savage, saloon kpr. 822 Charles J. Fagerstrom, stillman. N. Eighth st. intersects. 930 William H. Bowen, carp. 932 William N. Bennett, milk depot. 934 Cornelius Duffey, fireman. N. Ninth st. intersects. 1008 Mrs. Annie Laing. 1022 William H. Williams, engr. N. Tenth st. intersects. 1112 Mrs. Mary Jennings. 1120 Ralph Simpkins, glassblr. 1120 Norman Simpkins, glassblr. N. Eleventh st. intersects. 1226 John F. Fenton, currier. N. Twelfth st. intersects. N o houses. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1442 Abram G. Dunning, driller. 1444 William L. Markle. 1444% George E. Wheeler, brkmn. 1446 John F. Shaw, lab. North Olean. 1464 Lee Dean, lab. 1480 Mrs. Ellen Newman. Homer st. intersects. 1490 Vacant. 1494 Mrs. Honora O'Donnell. 1502 George W . Geise, tanner. 1508 Charles A. Glaser, lab. 1514 Ferdinand Karnuth, lab. 1518 August Stier, lab. B U S H S T R E E T (East Olean). Left and West Side. 19 Albert S. Sloan, car repr. B U S H S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and East Side. N o houses. C A N A L S T R E E T , from end First av., northwestward. 6 John S. Robinson. 10 Tony Rose, lab. 28 Eli Simons. C E N T E R S T R E E T (Boardmanville), from 10 Main, eastward to Fourth av. Left and North Side. 3 Albert W . Sage, lab. 5 George R. Conway, finisher. 7 James C. Housman, lab. First av. intersects. 19 Simeon Blouin, buffer. Second av. intersects. 21 Michael J. Herron, lab. 23 Vacant. 25 AMrs. 29 39 Charles dFourth Third a mMargaret Derx, av. P. av.Struchen, intersects. huckster. intersects. B. Sherwood. shuttermkr. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CENTER STREET (Boardmanville). Right and South Side. 2 T. J. Halstead, driver. 8 George O. Buckley, carp. First av. intersects. 14 Martin B. Duncan, ironwkr. 16 Earl L. Moore, pumper. 18 Robert E. Goodrich. Second av. intersects. 22 Hose house. 24 Oney Yates, lab. 26 Clayton W . Jones, buffer. 30 August J. Summer, car insp. Third av. intersects. 40 Jesse J. Goodrich, blcksmth. Fourth av. Intersects. C H E R R Y S T R E E T (East 01ean)k from Railroad av., northward. Left and West Side. N o houses. C H E R R Y S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and East Side. 16 William C. Michael, lab. C H E S T N U T S T R E E T (East Olean), from 733 E. State, northward to Bishop. Left and West Side. No houses. Garden av. intersects. Fireman's Hall. Public School No. 4. Bishop st. intersects. C H E S T N U T S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and East Side. N o houses. Garden av. intersects. People's M. E. Church. Bishop st. intersects. CITY L I N E A L L E Y (North Olean), from opp. 1451 Buffalo. 3 George E. Wheeler, brkmn. 5 William L. Markle, lab. 9 Abram G. Dunning, driller. C L A R K S T R E E T (East Olean), from 1105 E. State, northward to Goodrich av. Left and West Side. N o houses. C L A R K S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and. East Side. N o houses. Railroad av. intersects. 56 Elton A. Earle, lab. 60% Frank M. Sears, lab. 66 Joseph F. Vetter, timekpr. Plum st. intersects. 74 Edward Theuer, lab. 82 William 92 Peter BrookJohnson, Goodrich st. Shultz, av. intersects. intersects. lab. lab. 151 C L I N T O N S T R E E T (North), from 213 E. State, northward to Jay. Left and West Side. 105 George Switz, mason. 107 Mrs. Catherine Spreter. Ill Fred C. Olds, mfr. 115 Charles H. Biddlecombe, foreman. 117 Elroy D. Westbrook, teacher. 121 Edmund E. Allen, city engr. 123 J. Frank Pierce, bkkpr. Laurel av. not open. 201 Mrs. Charlotte M. Smith. 203 William I. Horsfull, cashier. 203% Arthur J. Howard, linotype opr. 205 Walter L. Crannell, salesman. 207 Perry R. McNeille, dentist. 211 Charles C. Morian, confctr. 213 Warren Price, builder. 215 Charles Smith, lumber dlr. Tompkins st. intersects. 305 William J. Tough, loco. engr. 309 George L. Hovey, liveryman. 313 Jules Halbran, bkkpr. 317 Rev. Vernum P. Mather. Jay st. intersects. C L I N T O N S T R E E T (Nortlp.'iS >-•> t Right and W-estSide. 112 Charles W . Smith, grocer. 116 Thomas Storrs, lawyer. 116 Mrs. Belle Colburn. 118 John Duke, oil prod. 120 Henry Donnelly, lawyer. Laurel av. intersects. 202 John Oliver, miller. 204 John G. Pelton. 206 William R. Sliger, carp 210 Fred R., Tarbell. 214 Harriet V. Luther. Tompkins st. intersects. 302 William S. Wilkinson, mercht 304 Allen D. Peck, dispatcher 306 Joshua K. Palmer. 308 Marlen L. Walldorff, mgr. 310 William P. Noyes, dentist. 314 George H. Luther, mfr. 316 George F. Myrick, clerk. Jay st. intersects. C L I N T O N S T R E E T (South), from 214 E State, southward to E. Green. _. Left and East Side. 107 George L. Bemis, carp. 109 Sanford G. Greenman, asst. supt 111 Horace S. McNeille, foreman 115 Rev. Frederick K. Fowler. 117 Mrs. Frances E. Hancox 209 141 145 205 217 125 James 131 137 207 Andrew William Mrs. Conrad John Chester Vacant E. Henley Emily Mary Larkin, K. Alles. H. building. Bulger, H.Van Weatherell, McHugh, Colran. Adsit. st.bkkpr. Campen, intersects. oil prod. foreman brklyr contrctr. 152' O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. CLINTON STREET (South). Right and West Side. 108 John W . Rowland, bkkpr. 112 Rev. James W . Ashton. 116 Mrs. Minnie A. Bloodsworth. 120 Percy H. Wilson, mgr. 124 Edward C. Finnessy, grocer. 128 John H. Passmore, electrician. 130 Heman F. Wadhams, canvasser. 134 Charles B. Frier, ins. agt. 138 Charles W . Worden, ins. agt. 140 Hon. Frederick W . Kruse, judge. E. Henley st. intersects. 206 William J. Quigley, undrtkr. 210 William D. Passmore, lineman. 212 John W . Houghton, letter carrier. 214 James A. Halstead, clerk. 224 John S. Bryant, lab. 228 Frank B. Thompson, glass packer. 230 Burt Hunt, salesman. 232 P. D. Ingalls. 234 George W . Smith. 238 William Snow, driver. COLEMAN STREET, from 539 N. Union, westward to N. Fourth. Left and South Side. 105 Charles E. Henderson, sta. engr. 107 James W . Dunlavey, liquor dlr. 109 Frederick Guenther, loco. engr. 113 T. Theodore Buck, loco, fireman. 117 John P. Kiley, telegr. N. First st. intersects. 203 Hiram Dean. Brickell av. intersects. 301 Edward Keenan, foreman. 301 Mrs. Jennie Davis. 305 Thomas F. Wilcox, trimmer. 309 William C. Woodard, lab. 313 Vacant. 315 John G. Andrews, condctr. 315 John Andrews, carp. 319 Frederick J. Phillips, brazier. 321 James S. Quinlivan, mason. 323 Samuel H. Wolfe, sta. engr. 327 William H. Eckman, foreman. Van Campen av. intersects. No houses. N. Fourth st. intersects. COLEMAN STREET. Right and North Side. 106 George H. Morgan, glassblr. 108 Albert E. Ecklund, electrician. 108 Joseph R. Clark, loco. engr. 112 John Arnold, sexton. 114 Orlando S. McClure, painter. 118 William E. Reynolds, carp. 214 302 210 206 202 John 204 George Lee Andrew Mrs. William Brickell N. Smith, First Mary Cahill, F.H. Van av. st. Councilman, Maloy. packer. Preckle, foreman. Brunt, not intersects. open. machst. carp. driver. 304 John H. Andrews, condctr. 306 Vacant. 310 Samuel C. Hamilton, carp. 312 George J. Heller, machst. 316 Mrs. Theresa Heller. 324 Timothy Burke, blksmth. 328 John Connors, car repr. 330 Mrs. Johanna Hannifan. 332 John P. Sheahan, blksmth. 334 Alpheus McFarland, foreman. 338 B. U. Taylor's sheds. N. Fourth st. Intersects. C R O W N S T R E E T (East Olean), from 32 Queen, eastward to Gulf. Left and North Side. 1 Eugene L. Smith, salesman. 11 George R. Clayson, lab. 19 John McMurray, far. 21 Lewis A. Johnson, mail clerk. King st. intersects. C R O W N S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and South Side. IS Harry M. D e Kay, clerk. King, st. intersects. 40 William E. Tanner, driller. 46 Roy E. Foster, lab. 50 Elmer E. Wyatt, carp. D A V I S A V E N U E (East Olean), from 31 Garden av., northward to Bishop. Left and West Side. 8 Jabez B. Griffith, lab. Bishop st. intersects. D A V I S A V E N U E (East Olean). Right and East Side. No houses. DIVISION S T R E E T (East Olean), from Alder to Queen. Deft and North Side. 7 George Deuter, engr. Queen st. intersects. DIVISION S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and South Side. No houses. E A S T A V E N U E , from E. State at Allegany Creek, northward to railroad. Left and West Side. No houses. EAST AVENUE. Riant and West Side. 112 Abraham G. DeGroff, mason. 116 Cornelius Cronin, boilermkr. Laurel av. intersects. 202 Mrs. Almeda McCarthy. 204 Mrs. Margaretta Starks. 210 Mrs. Florence Warner 214 Vacant. E312 302 Lwestward MSolomon M.Tompkins S TEugene R E EtoCurtis, T Vine. (North Crandall, st. intersects. lab. Olean), lab.from River, O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. Left and South Side. 11 Edward Kelly, glassblr. Walnut st. intersects. 23 Thomas Cobb, motorman. 27 Daniel O'Brien, engr. 31 Owen Sweeney, boilermkr. 33 Mrs. Mary Donohue. N. Union st. intersects. 37 Philip Van Dixon, lab. 39 Gustave Swilzer, lab. Maple st. intersects. 43 Charles Riejraf, fireman. Spruce st. intersects. 59 Michael P. Osko, lab. Vine st. intersects. ELM STREET (North Olean). Right and North Side. 14 Fred P. Lathrop, fireman. 16 Thomas Sirdevan, stillman. 22 Daniel Daley. Walnut st. intersects. 24 Thomas Dahill, lab. 24 William F. Smith, lab. 26 Vacant. 30 Charles Keisel, clerk. 32 John K. Kittleman, lab. 34 Paul Grafts, lab. 34 George Costa, lab. N. Union st. intersects. 36 Jason L. Furman, fireman. 40 George J. Andrews, lab. Maple St. intersects. 42 Mrs. Ellen Reardon. 44 Michael Ryan, cooper. 46 Mrs. Mary A. Pinkerton. Spruce st. intersects. 54 Perrea Allegetta, lab. Vine St. intersects. ERIE AVENUE (North Olean), from Buffalo, southwestward. Left and South Side. 21 Ai.urew Sleboda, lab. ERIE AVENUE (North Olean). Right and North Side. 22 Joseph Fadus, lab. FIRST AVENUE (Boardmanv'ille), from 11 Front, northward to Genesee. Left and West Side. 7 Ernest E. Field, lab. 9 Vacant. 11 Franz M. Ellsworth, condctr. Center st. intersects. 13 Charles J. Smiley, sawyer. 10 st. intersects. Center 21 Slater Edward G.st. Marbre, buffer. 25 27 23 George Alexander Genesee Mott, Ferris, J.Le blksmth. Conway, intersects. carp. clerk. 153 FIRST A V E N U E (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 6 James C. Gault, butcher. 8 Michael J. Fahey, motorman. 12 Albert Frey, pipeftr. Center st. intersects. 18 Melvin Parish. 20 John W . Fairbanks, buffer. 22 Mrs. Appolonia Miller. 24 John A. Sarver, gauger. 26 Sylvester Eyler, lab. 28 Michael H. Lyons, carp. 30 John R. Norton, cabinetmkr. 32 Andrew Minahan, lab. Genesee st. intersects. FIRST STREET (North), from 130 W. State, northward to limits. Left and West Side. 105 August C. Buss'er, carp. 107 Mrs. Ada M. Lytle, laundress. 107 Lester Lane, lab. 109 Fred C. Starks, uphlstr. Ill Joseph L. Blatt, express messenger. 115 Harris W . Marcus, mercht. 117 Vacant. 121 Mrs. Amelia Knippel. 123 Christopher C. Bisett. 123 Gilligan & Bisett, cartage. Laurens st. intersects. 211 Mrs. Sarah W . Stowell. 215 Asa C. Couse. salesman. 223 William H. Mandeville, ins. agt. 223 Edwin F. Sisson, bkkpr. 229 Arthur Gibbs, mercht. 233 G. Howard Strong, producer. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 303 Washington I. Hewitt, phys. 309 Frank S. Oosterhoudt. 321 Cyrus N. Barber, carp. Whitney av. intersects. 425 Albert L. Langworthy, foreman. 427 James M. Forrest, cooper. 431 William F. Metcalf, condctr. 433 Louis W . Struble, brkmn. 435 William C. Furlong, engr. 439 Junius T. Collins, clerk. 441 Edward Maloney, brkmn. 443 Lester M. Forrest, condctr. 445 Merton Pennock, condctr. 447 Mrs. Frances C. Davis. Wayne st. intersects. 509 The D. S. Abbott Co. machine wks. 513 Edwin O. Voorheis. 519 Hiram Dean, lumber. Coleman st. intersects. FIRST 110 605 Patrick 112 114 118 Mrs. Adelaide William Mary City S TCora Kate Right T. Line R EKiely, R. C. Mayer. EV. Wells. Tal. Keane, Evans, and Delmage. (North). intersects. lab. East plumber. artist. Side. 154 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 122 George Van Campen. 124 Woodley C. Winsor, photogr. 126 Wellington Prosser. 128 Jason E. Stone, bkkpr. 128 Thornton A. Miller, bkkpr. 132 J. Ritchie Mitchell. 134-136 W . Carl Dallanbaugh, phys. 138 James B. Black, druggist. Laurens st. intersects. 208 Thomas J. Brickell, ins. agt. 210 Mrs. Isabella Brickell. 212 Belford B. Hilliard, finisher. 212 G. Henry Gillett, printer. 216 Gideon B. Gillett. 216 Frank V. R. Stillman, ins. agt. 220 Daniel P. Ray, supt. 224 Cornelius H. Bartlett, phys. 226 Timothy J. Devlin, producer. 228 George W . Leader, tinner. 230 William H. Cockerill, Salvation Army. 232 William D. Moore, mer. 234 Mrs. Mary B. Burlingham. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 310 Mrs. Sarah A. Homer. 314 William M. McDonald, liveryman. 316 Edwin R. Ackerman, painter. 318 W . M. Shoemaker, saloon kpr. 322 Mrs. Mary L. Andrews. Whitney av. intersects. 412 William W . Butts, brkmn. 414 William H. Condon, fireman. 418 William H. Jacquett, engr. 420 Martin Dalley, condctr. 422 William Heller, carp. 426 Silas A. Hughes, barber. 426 Eugene Smith, printer. 428 Anthony McGever. 432 James M. White, condctr. 434 Frank carp.from 129 W. FIRST S TC. R E Peckham, E T (South), 440 Stephen V. Gallagher, tool dresser. State, southward to W . Henley. 442 DanielLeft B. Gallagher, and East mgr. Side. WayneA.st. intersects. Ill Albert Swarts, blksmth. 508 Peter P. Fox, carp. produce dlr. 115 Laurentine Y. Miller, 518 Frank WC.. Chamberlin, Magner, carrlagemkr. 119 Edwin exp. agt. 520 James Sigel, Z. Besecker, lab. 123 Henry under sheriff. Coleman intersects. 127 Mrs. Jane st. Sowers. 604 John Thomas Gregory. 129 Z. Le Fevre, supt. 606 131 Conrad Francis Ruprecht, E. Watts, roller. phys. 610 Louisa Barber. 133 Mrs. Vacant. N. Union st. intersects. 135 James G. Foley, marble ctr. 137 Henry J. Collard, wagonmkr. W . Henley st. intersects. FIRST S T R E E T (South). Right and West Side. 108 George Feuchter, blksmth. 110 Charles J. Grossman, painter. 112-114 Fire Station. 120 Joseph I. Lang, cigar mfr. 124 Thomas Isaac, lab. 124 Alonzo Shadbolt. 126 Samuel W . Binney, saloon kpr. 130 Mrs. Sarah Leader. 130 Frederick G. Leader, clerk. 132 Max L. Cohn, cigar mfr. 134 John M. Brown, glassblr. 138 Jesse A. Sheldon, contrctr. 138 B. Frank Tuthill, clerk. 142 Harvey Hoyt, lab. W . Henley st. intersects. S E C O N D A V E N U E (Boardmanville), from 21 Front, northward to Genesee. Left and West Side. 7 Charles S. Seivert, engr. 9 William M. Toy, butcher. 11 Frank B. Ciose, mfr. 13 Henry F. Klee, clerk. 15 James C. Close, painter. Center st. intersects. 21 Horace M. Fales, lab. 21 (rear) Dennis J. Casey, carp. 23 Samuel Weldon, lab. 25 Charles W . Carpenter, engr. 27 John H. Paddock, car insp. 29 John W . Sykes, lab. 31 Frederick W . Burchard, finisher. Genesee st. intersects. S E C O N D A V E N U E (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 2 Mrs. Sarah Knapp. 4 Sylvester N. Sherwin, far. S William Smith, foreman. 10 Mrs. Alice P. Polley. 12 William H. Whitcomb, snuffer. Center st. intersects. 22 Conrad Derx, carp. 24 Frank H. Tubbs, canvasser. 26 John W . Young, lab. 30 Lucius P. Reynolds, contrctr. 36 Vacant. Genesee st. intersects. S E C O N D S T R E E T (NORTH), from 220 W. State, northward, to Whitney av. Left and West Side. 109 Rev. Elias Winer. Ill Mahlon H. Yaw, tinsmith. 115 Joseph Bahny, clothier. 117 Mrs. Mary Dorr. 117 Milroy Jackson. 119 Horace S. Bartley, barber. 119 Anton Wager, car repr. 121 Cartwright, nurse. 123 239 217 Lovela 221 225 231 235 Mrs. Baxter Fox Frank Charles Thomas William Marcius Laurens Holden, Lucy L. J.H. S. B. Wilmoth, st. Stowell, A. Cary, Pancoast, Simpson, Jewell, supt. Intersects. Kelsey. lawyer. lumber schools. lawyer. claim plumber. mfr.agt. dlr. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 305 Nicholas V. V. Franchot, producer. 319 Frank N. Blakeslee, real estate. Whitney av. Intersects. SECOND STREET (North). Right and East Side. 110 Ediwin Price, salesman. 112 George Feuchter, blksmth. 116 James M. Gould, far. 116 William H. Rogers, engr. 120 Charles L. Doyle, teamster. Laurens st. intersects. 206 Daniel H. Phillips, bkkpr. 208 Thomas A. Farmer, watchman. 210 John P. Boothe, phys. 214 Mrs. Rosina L. Moore. 214 Sophia H. Simmons, nurse. 218 Hamilton D. Bennie. 226 Fred B. Humphrey, buyer. 230 George A. Kinley, tanner. 240 Mrs. Nancy A. Danforth. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 306 George S. Kelsey, mgr. 310 Joseph R. Jewell, lawyer. 314 John A. Johnson, mgr. 316 James W . Watson, insp. Whitney av. intersects. S E C O N D S T R E E T (South), from 219 W . State, southward to Allegheny river. Left and East Side. 105 Frederick R. Brothers, druggist. Ill Wilson R. Page, pres. 113 Herman L. Dotterweich, brewer. 117 George A. Brown, stock dlr. 119 Oliver F. Carley, mfr. 123 Mrs. Elizabeth Borden. 125 Albert W . Chamberlain. 127 John H. Wiesman, barber. 129 Homer W . Boyle. 129 Alvin Mosher, lumberman. 131 Charles T. Nlckum, art dlr. 135 Frederick W . Goltz, contrctr. 135 William C. Robinson, salesman. W . Henley st. intersects. 207 Dotterweich Bottling Co. 211 Erwin Bennett. 215 John D. Harris, lab. 219 Charles H. Skiff, agent. Irving st. intersects. S E C O N D S T R E E T (South). Right and West Side. 102 Fred B. Conrad, carp. 112 Elizabeth N. Walters, dressmkr. 114 Alexander Lutes, glassblr. 116 Ralph Baker, carp. 126 124 136 118 Adolph 120 128 130 132 134 Claude Mrs. William Francis Reuben Samuel George Eugene Martha Lunser. F. WM. Howard, P. H. S. J..Mayer, Hatght, Smith, Doyle, Hopkins, McCoy, Hurd, A. Hunt. clerk. engr. tailor. jeweler. gasftr. carp. foreman. clerk. 155 138 Edwin G. Billings, clerk. W . Henley st. Intersects. 214 Patrick J. Shannon, lab. Irving st. intersects. T H I R D A V E N U E (Boardmanville), from Town Hall, northward to Genesee. Left and West Side. 5 Mrs. Catherine Reitz. 7 William Reitz, mason. 9 Clarence Deibler, lab. 11 George E. Bathurst, car insp. 13 Frederick J. Reitz, driller. 15 William F. Miller, lab. 19 Horace C. Hubbell, lumberman. 19 Frank Weldon, painter. 23 Calvin A. Rogers, lab. Center st. intersects. 35 Homer Hall. carp. 37 Sherman S. Field, baker. 39 Joel L. Kelly, gauger. 45 Mrs. Arcelia V. Burdick. 47 George W . Cooper, lab. 51 Charles W . Carter, lawyer. Genesee st. intersects. T H I R D A V E N U E (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 12 Mrs. Mary Moran. 12 Edward C. Parker, driver. 14 H. Bert Weldon, brkmn. 16 Mrs. Jeannette Spears. 16 John Spears, lab. IS Madison H. Bailey, grocer. 20 Owen Garvey, lab. 24 Frederick Shaffer, lab. 26 Alonzo Nutting, teamster. 28 William Smith, bartdr. 28 John A. Good, driver. Center st. intersects. 30 John H. Godden. 30 George Kuhn, lab. 32 John L. Bonham. 36 Vacant. 38 Mrs. Sarah E. Capwell. 42 Robert Spears, lab. 46 Duncan Bell, carp. 48 Truman B. Hall, car repr. 52 Herman G. Miller, carp. Genesee st. intersects. T H I R D S T R E E T (North), from 326 W . State, northward to Wayne. Left and West Side. 109 Hosea Rhodes, pile driver. 113 Conrad, J. Blessing, blksmth. 117 Mrs. Zelena E. Morgan. 121 Mrs. Alexander F. Berry, masseuse. 125 133 207 211 219 221 223 129 131 William Philip Leon Perry William Herbert Edward Laurens Anna Margaret H. J. A.Horner, D. R. Bonner, Ballard, Heysel, Davidson, st. L. Sibley, Sanders, intersects. McDermott. McCormick. clothier. barber. producer. salesman. publisher. telegr. yardmaster. 156 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 225 Almond P. Arnold, clerk. 225 John W . Arnold. 229 Willard L. Frazee, mfr. 231 Eugene S. Pierce, civil engT. 237 James H. Waring, lawyer. W . Sullivan st. intersects. THIRD STREET (North). Right and East Side. 104 Edward J. Hall, ins. agt. 106 Robert Herse, carp. 110 Conrad J. Blessing, horsshoer. 114 Devi Judge, carp. 116 John A. Johnson, tailor. 118 Frederick W . Fish, plasterer. 122 Alexander D. Cobb, supt. 126 Joseph J. Hatfield, barber. 130 Mrs. Susan E. Wright, dressmkr. 134 A. Jud Bowser, billiards. 136 James M. Humphrey, pumper. Laurens st. intersects. 212 Stillman E. Lewis, dentist. 214 Arden F. Miller, mercht. 216 Fred E. Fisher, ticket agt. 218 William S. Curtis, oil contrctr. 222 Henry H. McKinley, clerk. 226 A. Lacy Pierce, salesman. 228 Ellsworth O. Whipple, dentist. 230 James G. Mitchell, salesman. 232 John W . Loan, clerk. 234 Mrs. Mary R. Placher. 238 Ella Walsh, bkkpr. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 312 Elbert E. Alderman, ins. agt. 318 Frederick W . Mundt, teacher. 338 Charles H. Witter, woodsman. Reed st. intersects. 438 Vacant (old office). W a y n e st. intersects. THIRD STREET (South), from 325 W. State, southward to Allegheny river. Left and East Side. 107 George G. Kichle, butcher. 107 Mrs. Ellen Dooley. 117 Seeley N. McCready, clerk. 119 John P. Dollard, asst. supt. 125 Joseph W . Wagner, bkkpr. 129 Wenzel Wagner, brewer. W . Henley st. intersects. 213 James M. Brant, carp. 217 Charles C. Chapman, clerk. Irving st. intersects. Vacant lots. W . Green st. intersects. 413 Mrs. Hattie Reed. 413 Charles H. Gordon, piano player. T H I R D S T R E E T (South). 108 112 112% 120 116 118 122 Charles Naftali Tobias William Bluker Right Breder. Lax, F. H. Breder, A. Webber, Schott, Fuller, House, and mgr. carp. West tinsmth. metal blksmth. lab.Side. wkr. 126 Charles Anderson, fireman. 126 Herman I. Glass, agent. 128 Mall G. Fitzpatrick, bkkpr. 132 Abraham Fahrstein, peddler. 134 Charles F. Smith, clerk, 136 Charles H. Luce, blksmth. W . Henley st. intersects. N o houses. Irving st. intersects. 312 Mrs. Ella M. Pendleton. 314 Sheridan B. King, condctr. W . Green st. intersects. 410 Peter Williams, lab. 414 Joseph Ursoy, lab. F O U R T H A V E N U E (Boardmanville), from South St., northward to Center. Left and West Side. 3 Myron C. Adsit. 7 George Radley, car repr. 11 Eli Martin, mason. 13 J. Wilson Radley, painter. 15 William W . Wyvell, blksmth. 17 Jacob Becker, car repr. 17 Charles Becker, flagman. 19 Merton E. Eldridge, lab. 21 Lenoard B. Lowe, lab. Center st. intersects. F O U R T H A V E N U E (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 2 Edward A. Swarts, condctr. 4 Mrs. Catherine Swarts. 6 Harry Turner, painter. 8 Martin D. Royce, laundryman. 10 Robert Sullivan, lab. 16 Mrs. Margaret A. Sullivan. 18 William Sullivan, driver. 20 Henry M. Kelly, sta. engr. 22 Vacant. F O U R T H S T R E E T (North), from 420 W . State, northward to City Line al. Left and West Side. 107 Samuel W . English, glassblr. 107 Archie Porch, glassblr. 107 Lester C. Pitts, agt. Ill Appleton L. Lafferty, carp. 113 Herman L. Odell, coachman. 113 John E. Bosler, machst. 117 William L. Mead, cook. Cemetery. Washingtci st. intersects. 203 Rev. J. L. Sooy. 207 Frank H. Oakleaf, bookseller. 211 Levi C. Kinner, mercht. 219 Gilmore S. Bussell, producer. 225 John W . Pratt, grocer. 227 M a x F. Mayer, butcher. 231 311 315 319 323 325 Mrs. Capt. John Joseph William NWWo..houses. Sullivan Katherine E. Sullivan Dickison, Aichard C. Eggleston, L.Douds, Ostrom, st. st. H. clerk. Mayer. intersects. Franchot, bkkpr. intersects. gen. publisher. mgr.producer. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Wayne st. intersects. 501 Joseph Heller, loco. engr. 505 James W . Brown, lab. 509 Egldius J. Heller, loco. engr. 511 John Clancy, lab. 513 Joseph Williams, tanner. 523 Ellen Grant, dressmkr. Coleman st. intersects. 601 Mrs. Catherine Shine. 605 Mrs. Kate McMahon. City Line al. intersects. FOURTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 114 Timothy Horan, currier. 116 Albert M. Chamberlin, carp. 120 Clarence D. Hastings, clerk. 124 Frank E. Yaw, glassblr. 126 Franw W . Marshall, salesman. 128 P. Shirley Reed, refiner. 128 Mrs. Celinda N. Ackerman, dressmkr. 130 William Young, lab. 132 Paul F. Keysaw, ieemkr. 134 William A. Goodwin, druggist. 136 Frank C. Bachman, machst. Laurens st. intersects. 206 Andrew Kaiser, glassblr. 208 John C. Reeve, mgr. 210 Herbert C. Whipple, photogr. 212 Allen J. Hastings, lawyer. 214 Augustus E. Webb, salesman. 218 George W . Hooker, mgr. 220 Olln W . Wood, teacher. 224 David Hogan, producer. 226 Frank L. Steadman, salesman. 230 William N. Stephan, clerk. W . Sullivan st. intersects. High School. Reed st. intersects. N o houses. Wayne st. intersects. 502 Frank S. Crooker, flagman. 506 Buel E. Mann, carp. 512 Michael Johnson, lab. 516 Thomas Bronsty, lab. 518 Mrs. Annie O'Neill. 520 Conrad Spencer, lab. 520 John Nicklas, barber. 524 Mrs. Marie Bemsel. 524 Charles A. Deckman, butcher. 524 John Burke, lab. Coleman st. intersects. 602 Timothy Dugan, gauger. City Dine al. intersects. FOURTH (South), from W. 109 113 119 123 125 129 State, Mrs. Albert Henry John Leo William W STREET .southward C. Esther Nancy Henley Luh, Left N. M. Schroeder, R. Webster, Bacon, machst. Wright, and C. A. st.Kerr. to Rose, East intersects. Allegheny horseshoer. supt. teamster. cabinetmkr. dressmkr. Side.419 river. 157 203 Edward A. Piatt, plumber. 205 George R. Daniels, jeweler. 215 Warren C. Conrad, watchman. Irving st. intersects. Vacant lots. W . Green st. intersects. 407 William Raub, driller. 409 Rev. Anthony G. Lane. FOURTH STREET (South). Right and West Side. 114 Elbert T. Taylor, watchman. 114 Mrs. Philllphia Schulze. 116 Gottlieb Michler, lab. 122 Charles A. Taylor, bkkpr. 122 Michael Minehan, painter. 126 Omer P. Kent, teamster. 130 Mrs. Althea Furlong. W . Henley st. intersects. 212 Isaiah V. Filkins. 216 Vacant. 218 Charles W . Benjamin, clerk. Irving st. intersects. 320 Samuel A. Brown, painter. W . Green st. intersects. 402 Augustus M. Taylor, wagonmkr. 404 Mrs. Sarah Johnson. 438 Anna Kent. FIFTH AVENUE (Boardmanville), from end of South St., northwardly. Left and West Side. 10 Lewis Smith, lab. 12 William L. Weldy, flagman. 14 Mrs. Catherine Becker. FIFTH AVENUE (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 11 David H. Converse, janitor. F I F T H S T R E E T (North), from 526 W . State, northward to City Line al. Left and West Side. 113 John G. Keim, clerk. 113 Anna A. Vossler, dressmkr. 117 David M. Cornwall, carp. 121 William B. Simpkins, glassblr. 125 Mrs. Amelia M. Palmer. Cemetery. Washington st. intersects. 207 Curtin E. Baish, cigar dlr 211 Vacant. 213 George E. Smith, mgr. 217 Mrs. M. Helen Hunt. 219 Mrs. Lovina J. Abrams. 223 William H. Spaulding, carp. 227 Charles Keenan, city clerk. 229 Kingman Brett, 309 317 321 325 William G. Not Mrs. Edward WWayne Reed Bleasdale . open. Mary Sullivan st. H. M. st. intersects. B. Mosier, Tothill, Overton, intersects. Bates. st. bkkpr. intersects. distiller. mfr. land agt 158 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 503 Frank McLaughlin, switchman. 511 Patrick Hanley, lab. 513 Pritchard Freeman, lab. 517 William N. Carter, brkmn. 519 Godfrey Liechte. 521 Charles Gravius, boilermkr. 523 Joseph F. Kreuzer, lab. 525 Anthony Ross, switchman. 529 Theophile Yeahl, tanner. 533 Michael Vollman, lab. 535 Andrew Stupak, lab. City Line al. intersects. FIFTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 124 George W . Middleton, barber. Cemetery. Washington st. intersects. 206 Willis D. Parker, lawyer. 208 John B. Frawley, mercht. 228 John F. Geise, fireman. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 312 Mrs. H. Louisa Hilton. 314 William R. Sliger, carp. 316 Simeon A. Williams, lab. 318 Thomas J. Handley, engr. Reed st. intersects. Not open. Wayne st. intersects. 508 Mrs. Elizabeth Laverty. 520 James J. McCready, galvanizer. 522 Carthage G. Tobin, lab. 526 Michael Lynch, molder. 526% Mrs. Bridget Mahoney. 530 Michael Hannon, lab. 532 Jeremiah Canty, foreman. 538 Daniel Barr, currier. City Line al. intersects. F I F T H S T R E E T (South), from 525 W . State, southward to W . Green. Left and East Side. 107 Unfinished. 109 John B. Savage, lab. 109 Fred E. Morian, confectioner. Ill John H. Dugan, driver. 115 Vacant. 117 Conrad Ruprecht, tanner. 121 James C. Smith, plasterer. 125 John C. Crawford, barber. 127 Peter J. Messer, machst. 129 Xavier Witz, lab. 133 Patrick S. Collins, lawyer. W . Henley st. intersects. 209 W m . H. Harrison. Irving st. intersects. 316 Fred WTnRight .RBecker, lab.pipeftr. F208 134 126 130 I FWPeter Conrad THerman yWH m.SaHenley Green Bronold, WESeamon, E. .E TVirginnia, st. Burdick, st. and (South). mason. intersects. Intersects. far. West barber. Side. 212 Fred B. Hodges, granite ctr. 218 Mrs. Mary McAuliffe. Irving st. intersects. N o houses. W . Green st. intersects. W. SIXTH STREET (North), from 622 State, northward to City Line al. Left and West Side. 109 John H. McMahon, gauger. 113 Frank Reel, tester. 115 W m . J. Strange, tailor. 119 Oscar F. Carlson, carp. 125 Frank B. Webber, tinsmth. 127 Fred S. Snowden, barber. 145 John Pierson, car insp. 147 Charles H. Simmons, car repr. 149 Alfred L. Augustus, supervisor. Washington st. intersects. 209 David J. Wallen, car insp. 211 Mrs. E m m a Hinton. 213 Mrs. Anna Brickell. 215 Frank Johnson, sta. engr. 219 Edwin E. Wescott, carp. 225 J. Willis Kershner, machst. 227 Vacant. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 309 Earl D. Holmes, bkkpr. 311 Charles W . Fanning, machst. 311 W m . C. Purdy, machst. 317 Frank A. Eckenrode, switchman. 321 Frank Flamant, lab. 325 Orrin N. Arnold, carp. 329 Henry Swift, lab. 333 Banerd Balier, carp. 335 Mrs. Rosalie Keesler. 337 Mrs. Kate Donovan. 337 Harry V. Amos, car repr. 339 Mrs. Lillie Cobleigh. Reed st. intersects. Not open. Wayne st. intersects. 517 George Emlinger, mason. 519 Theodore D. Hartz, pipeftr. 521 Eugene S. McCarthy, flagman. 523 Harry Rogers, lab. 525 Edward D. Merritt, machst. 527 John W . Luderman, brkmn. 531 William Lawson, brkmn. 535 Albert M. Follett, stillman. City Line al. intersects. SIXTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 108 Mrs. Margaret Hogan. 108 Abner E. McCabe, lumberman. 112 John J. Hughes, switchman. 126 132 118 122 136 140 144 146 116 Michael John Frank WSwedish Lorin Roy Mrs. Mrs.. Mrs. m . Peterson, Kathleen Webber, Mary Heliman, Julia N. Quigley, H. Church. Colledge, Fitzsimmons, Dorson. Hahn. tinsmth. photogr. M. foreman. glassblr. Clark. lab. currier. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Washington st. intersects. 206 Peter Welsh, condctr. 208 Alex McFadden, molder. 210 Edwin Adams, stone ctr. 212 Joseph Raub, sta. engr. 216 Mrs. Harriet A. Kluge. 216 Ebbie K. Drayton, glassblr. 220 Le Roy Bower. 224 Daniel H. Miller, contrctr. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 328 Fred Miney, switchman. Reed st. Intersects. Not open. Wayne st. intersects. 504 Corry House. 506 Mrs. Bridget Milliken. 510 Albert F. Johnson, loco. engr. 516 Thomas Donnellan, sectionman. 520 John Fox, lab. 524 Archibald Battles, foreman. 526 Michael C. Morton, boilermkr. 528 James A. Pratt, boilermkr. 530 Mrs. Ellen Lehan. 534 Michael Mouston, machst. 536 Fred R. Bates, lab. City Line al. intersects. SIXTH STREET (South), from 619 W. State, southward to Allegheny river. Left and East Side. N o houses. SIXTH STREET (South). Right and West Side. 110 William R. Waters, engr. 118 Mrs. Caroline Wagner. 118 Henry F. Wagner, mason. 122 Evrel O. Hotchkiss, motorman. 124 Mrs. Julia Maroney. 126 Thomas J. Davis, fireman. 128 W m . J. Dooley, currier. W . Henley st. intersects. SEVENTH STREET (North), from 722 W. State, northward to City Line al. Left and West Side. 113 Hardie Long, glassblr. 119 Mary J. Cunningham. 121 Mrs. Julia Kein. 125 Jacob Meder, car insp. 125 Peter J. Spindler, grocer. 153 George D. Thurber, mgr. Washington st. intersects. 223 John N. Heitzintger, tailor. W. Sullivan st. Intersects. 305 Merritt H. Fuller, condctr. 309 311 315 317 323 325 331 339 335 John Anton Mrs. Charles Michael Joel Mark Vacant. Hiram Reed WBeulah C. Burke, .Gustwlck, M. st. D. Sullivan, Roche, Rogers, Parker, Morton, intersects. A. carGrey. lab. foreman. repr. currier. tailor. lab. switchman. 159 405 Michael F. Brown, cooper. 413 Kanstanti Czaplicki, lab. 417 Mrs. Mary A. Curry. 419 John Stimlinger, engr. 425 Bernard Curran, fireman. 429 Thomas B. Jordan, engr. 431 Frederick B. Hubbard, fireman. W a y n e st. intersects. 501 Mrs. Johanna Brennan. 501 Alfred B. Helwlg. 505 Charles Raymond, fireman. 509 Mrs. Eva Bear. 509 John Matish, lab. 515 Vacant (burnt). 517 James Hennessy, boilermkr. 521 Michael Stangurski, car repr. 525 Daniel P. Lynch, lab. 529 James White, lab. 533 Vacant. 537 William A. Ward, carp. 541 Anthony Allran, carp. City Line al. intersects. SEVENTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 102 John C. Gallagher, condctr. 146 John Shaffer, lab. 148 Allen C. Woodruff, carp. Washington st. intersects. 206 Daniel McElligott, granite ctr. 210 Glen E. Rogers, sawyer. 210 John C. Parkhurst, glassblr. 214 Linden H. Rollinson, contrctr. 216 Eliab G. Barber, horse trainer. 220 Frank Montroy, engr. 224 Mrs. Mary I. Kelley. 226 Frederick C. Rapp, fireman. 228 William R. Hill, machst. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 316 Michael F. Brooder, hubmkr. 320 Joseph M. Madara, brkmn. 324-330 Vacant. Reed st. intersects. 422 John Hayes, lab. 426 Mrs. Adeline E. Sloan. 428 Mark Lynd, lab. 432 James D. Gibbons, brklyr. 432 Eva M. Gibbons, grocer. 436 August H. Frey, engr. Wayne st. intersects. 510 John F. Myres, machst. 512 Mrs. Lizzie Battles. 516 Charles G. Frey, foreman. 518 Michael Healy, boilermkr. SEVENTH 530 534 524 538 107 109 Ill State, Thomas William Sebastian Mrs. Henry Svan Antone John City southward STREET Jane Anderson, Ritter, Line Left J.Troskovske, Post. P.Adams, Ubelhar, Brasted. al. Williams, and (South), ear intersects. to lab. East repr. Allegheny plumber. tanner. lab. leather from Side. 721 river. wkr. W. 160 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 113 Ben Johnson, sta. engr. 115 Henry Hartman, tailor. 117 Winfield G. Mayo, condctr. 119 Edmond Kurtzhaltz, tailor. 119 Curtis Crandall, agent. 121 John Russ, machst. 123 Charles S. Cooper, plumber. 125 John Herold, mason. 127 Harry D. Lucas, ins. agt. 129 Frank J. Biehler, machst. 133 Robert E. Miller, cigar mkr. W . Henley st. intersects. Vacant lots. Irving st. intersects. 307 Vacant. 311 J. Edward Miller, painter. 313 Godfrey G. Geuder, driver. W . Green st. intersects. S E V E N T H S T R E E T (South. Right and West Side. 112 Charles A. Burlingham, fireman. 114 George Geuder. lab. 118 Dennis F. McAuliffe, restaurant. 120 Fred L. Hellwege, driller. 124 Herman E. Ellis, fireman. 128 Mrs. Mary A. Conrath. W . Henley st. intersects. 210 Herbert C. Perkins, armorer. Irving st. intersects. 320 Alexander Edel, mason. 320 Mrs. Margaret Huber. W . Green st. intersects. E I G H T H S T R E E T (North), from 820 W . State, northward to City Line al. Left and West Side. 105 George S. Horton, mason. 109 Ernest R. Bailey, bkkpr. 113 Solomon C. Burroughs, mason. 113 Oswald L. Timblin, clerk. 117 John B. Wenceslow, currier. 121 Eugene A. Spiller, painter. 121 John W . Sweetapple, painter. 125 Lorenzo E. Hodges, painter. 125 Stewart Miller, brkmn. 129 William D. Best. lab. 133 Robert Friedman, tailor. 137 David Cramer, glassblr. 141 Lewis Sigel, lab. 145 Joseph E. Foster, glassblr. 149 Paul H. Bernreuther, tinner. 151 Thomas J. Mathis, glassblr. Washington st. intersects. Not open. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 321 Edward W . Crowley, lab. 329 Mrs. Charles A. Gardner, 411 435 327 401 405 407 Albert Edward Joseph Matthew Patrick WReed a yAnna n est. Dermont, Kujawa, J. Gardner, st. Kelley, Kenny, intersects. Brennan. Intersects. lab. car lab. carcurrier. repr. bldr. 501 Patrick J. Maloney, stone ctr. 503 Henry C. Hooper. 507 Michael Clemens, lab. 513 Michael Bear, car repr. 517 George Gold, car repr. 527 A d a m Rauschert, tinsmth. 535 John Gold, foreman. City Line al. intersects. EIGHTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 118 James C. Hannon, engr. 122 George H. Sicker, foreman. 126 Caleb A. Van Gorden, carp. Washington st. intersects. Not open. Buffalo st. intersects. 230 Mrs. Emeline Keenan. 232 Albert G. Chew, glassblr. 236 Eugene S. Hull, grocer. 236% Albert H. Andrews, lab. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 304 Andrew J. Hall, driver. 310 John F. Pierce, opr. 316 John Brady, buffer. 31S Joseph Post, lab. 324 Mrs. Anna Glavin. 328 Bennie Lamb, galvanizer. 330 Owen Lamb, lab. 332 Michael Furry, lab. 336 Joseph Bean, lab. 340 Peter McGuire, lab. Reed st. intersects. 402 Thomas McGann, toll dresser. 408 Matthew F. Hart, condctr. 414 Millard Riel, boilermkr. 418 William J. Hamer, painter. 422 Joseph Le Marble, tanner. 432 C. Edward Osgood, lab. 434 Daniel Ducey, lab. 438 Mrs. Celia Greenwood. Wayne st. intersects. 514 John Borsck, car repr. 528 Mrs. Mary White. 532 Robert S. Hickey, pipeftr. 536 Albert B. D e Kay, cashier. 538 Mrs. Mary McGilliger. 540 Charles E. Keith, rig bldr. City Line al. intersects. E I G H T H S T R E E T (South), from 819 W . State, southward to Allegheny river. Left and East Side. N o houses until Irivlng st. intersects. 301 William N. Deabold, clerk. 303 John Ienbas, car repr. 305 Eugene Evans, barber. E106 309 311 313 307 114 I GJohn Willard George A. Joseph Reuben HS.TFrank H Dobmaier, SRight TH. Meyers, R. E. RBoggs, EBosworth, Reazs, Wood, Eand T (South). butcher. brewer. West tinner. sta. currier. lab. Side. engr. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 161 116 Benjamin Bear, fruit dlr. 126 John Burgar, stone ctr. 118 Samuel Young, glassblr. 130 Miss Kate Mahar, charwoman. 120 Unfinished. 134 John J. Scanlon, police. 122 Edward J. Reynolds, carp. 136 Mrs. Christina Bear. 128 August Goebel, stillman. 146 Christopher C. Cunningham, carp. W . Henley st. intersects. Washington st. intersects. N o houses. N o houses. Irving st. intersects. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 302 Mrs. Lizzie Paddock, dressmkr. 302 Andrew Peterson. 304 Andrew J. Hall, driver. 306 Amanville M. Davenport, tanner. 306 Chester M. Young, lab. 308 Mrs. Mary Stadel. 308 Mrs. Nettie Burns. W. 312 Lincoln E. Corsett, carp. 310 Don B. Freeman, sawyer. 316 Patrick Fitzgerald. 312 Charles H. Rafferty, printer. 318 Moses Merrick, lumber insp. N I N T H S T R E E T (North), from 920 322 John R. Williams, lab. State, northward to City Line al. Reed st. intersects. Left and West Side. 402 John Feller, lumber insp. 105 Joseph E. Smith, druggist. 440 Vacant (old house). 109 Anna Garvey. Wayne st. intersects. Ill Mrs. Amelia Barnard. 502 Thomas H. Catlin, carp. 115 Joseph Stewart. City Line al. intersects. 119 Mrs. Dorcas Sanderson. NINTH STREET (South), from 919 W. 121 Joseph C. Fowler, coppersmth. State, southward to Irving. 125 Joseph A. Stewart, glass packer. Left and East Side. 131-133 M. E. Church. N o houses. 137 Charles J. Green, carp. W . Henley st. intersects. 137 William H. Devault, gaffer. 209 Mrs. Mary O'Hearn. 141 Charles W . Webb, store kpr. 213 Charles Klink, blksmth. 143 George E. Phillips, bicycle dlr. 217 Daniel P. Savage, tanner. 147 Frederick L. Zeile, tailor. 221 George A. Rowe, coachman. Washington st. intersects. Irving st. intersects. N o houses. N I N T H S T R E E T (South). W . Sullivan st. intersects. Right and West Side. 317 Austin C. Cain, condctr. No houses. 325 Thomas F. Greenan, engr. W . Henley st. intersects. Reed st. intersects. 216Jam.es Butler, lab. 401 Henry A. Jandrew, lab. 222 George Brunner, lab. 403 Frank E. Stein, lab. Irving st. intersects. 4C9 Martin A. Ferrin, engr. TENTH STREET (North), from 1016 W. 413 William Malin, machst. State, northward to City Line al. 417 Simon W . Malone, flagman. Left and West Side. 419 Frank W . Page, flagman. 109 William C. F. Peper, lab. 421 Bartlett A. Noble, driver. Washington st. intersects. 429 E m m e t White, tanner. 277 Roger P. Convey, lab. 431 John P. Walsh, brkmn. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 433 Martin J. Considine, currier. T E N T H S T R E E T (North). 437 Fred E. Mott, switchman. Right and East Side. 439 Elcipher L. Blood, produce dlr. 138 Nelson D. Fairchild, canvasser. W a y n e st. intersects'. 140 Carl Sauer, car repr. 507 John Mead, carp. Washington st. intersects. 509 Thomas W . Beattie, oil producer. N o houses. 513 John M. Houd, lab. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 519 Francis O'Neill, watchman. N o houses. 525 George H. Washer, lab. Buffalo st. intersects. N118 106 108 110 112 116 531 537 I NTheodore James Rev. Milton J. Mrs. Selden TCity HFred SPaulina Jerome Lavina TRight Line Smirfitt, G. RAdsit, Hellwege, EGratz, EButler, al. Tand Shafer. R. Yahn, fireman. (North). intersects. Wells. galvanizer. East machst. carp. driller. dressmkr. Side. 332 Mrs. 336 414 418 Otto John ReedE. Nettie Ella S.st. Englebach, Simons, May. intersects. Austin. engr. pipeftr. 162 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 420 George Addy, glassblr. 424 Vacant. 426 William W . Williams, foreman, 428 Joseph Maines, lab. 432 William A. Merritt, lab. 438 Frederick W . Flemming, lab. 440 August Bonkeskie, lab. 442 John Schlosser, lab. 444 Michael J. Carrig, currier. Wayne st. intersects. 602 John A. Collins, lab. City Line al. intersects. TENTH STREET (South), from 1017 W. State, southward to Allegheny river. Left and East Side. 113 Milton V. Hotchkiss, clerk. 115 Chester M. Lawton, tinsmth. 117 Robert Kane, currier. 117 Mrs. Winifred Smith, nurse. W . Henley st. intersects. 211 Robert Lippe, foreman. Irving st. intersects. T E N T H S T R E E T (South). Right and West Side. 112 Mrs. Mary J. Scheufele. 112 Patrick J. Brady, currier. 114 John Wholeben, lab. 116 Charles R. Bartow, mason. 118 Frank F. Higby, tool dresser. 122 Martin A. Brunner, glassblr. 126 John Krott. W . Henley st. intersects. 216 George Delfs, watchman. 216 George Miller, car repr. Irving st. intersects. E L E V E N T H S T R E E T (North), from 1120 W . State, northward to Buffalo. Left and West Side. 109 Joseph Wolf, lab. Putnam st. intersects. 127 Otis Fritsch, car repr. 129 Charles H. Cross, lab. 129 Arthur W . Carson, roller. 131 Charles A. Anderson, lab. 133 Elsie Dotterweich, lab. 135 Landon Willis,fishpeddler. 137 Henry A. Sunck, lab. 139 Lawrence Hoffman, car repr. 141 George Schalk, car repr. 143 Emil Yehl, car bldr. Washington St. intersects. 201 Caleb D. Pierce, grocer. 201% Charles H. Hemmelman, carp. 207 Mrs. Dora McGee. 207 Richard Lawson, switchman. 209 Xavier Charles E. Finger, refiner. 217 219 325 209 215 321 William John Elizabeth George Clara Charles W . Sullivan G. E.Edel, F. A. Seefried, P. Finger, Burleigh, Lay, Youngs, Burleigh, st. lab. carp. dressmkr. intersects. engr. dressmkr. molder. Jr., lab. 329 Edward McLaughlin, glassblr. Reed st. intersects. E L E V E N T H S T R E E T (North). Right and East Side. 108 John Carlson, lab. 112 Michael Reid, car repr. 114 Alex Anabas, car repr. 118 John Huselstein, blksmth. 122 John Fox, lab. 130 Jordan E. Conner, carp. 140 William Fahrer, lab. Washington st. intersects. 214 George W . Brenner, car insp. 216 John H o m e , currier. 220 John J. Fitzpatrick, saloon kpr. W . Sullivan st. intersects. N o houses. Reed st. intersects. E L E V E N T H S T R E E T (South), from 1129 W . State, southward to Irving. Left and East Side. 107 Mrs. Mary Brothers. 109 Mrs. Mary Butanowicz. Ill John Edel, car repr. 115 George Crocker, currier. 119 Charles W . Crouse, currier. 119 Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. 121 Clarence B. Margerson, clerk. 123 Arthur L. Chase, piano tuner. 125 Thomas F. Creagan, currier. 125 Andrew Adams. 129 Samuel Graham, boilermkr. 131 Mrs. D. R. Rogers. W . Henley st. intersects. 209 Michael Burke, boilermkr. 211 G. Fred Cahill, currier. 215 George E. Bullock, splitter. Irving st. intersects. E L E V E N T H S T R E E T (South). Right and West Side. 108 Public School. 120 John Vosseler, loco, fireman. 122 George Kick, car insp. 124 George Schnabel, foreman. 126 Cynthia L. Rice, nurse. 132 Thomas J. Hannon, roofer. 136 W m . P. Hannifan, grocer. 140 Charles M. Dean, lumberman. W . Henley st. intersects. 212 Charles Cotton, carp. 214 Peter Carlson, tanner. 218 Mrs. Matilda Vogel. 220 John J. Woods, sec. Irving st. intersects. T W E L F T H S T R E E T (North), from 1214 W .Mrs. State, northward tocar Reed. 107 109 117 119 121 115 Florence James William Peter James Vacant. Mary Left G. B. Lee, Wodell, M. H. Lundberg, Quinn, and O'Hara. House, O'Hara, lab.West far. carp. buffer. dressmkr. Side. repr. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 123 125 133 133 135 Thomas Wilson, cooper. John Weber, lab. Horace J. Duke, woodwrkr. Mrs. Metta L. Lougee. Charles L. Flagg, carp. Washington st. intersects. No houses. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 309 Alfred Edel, carp. 327 Michael C. Dugan, foreman. Reed st. intersects. T W E L F T H S T R E E T (North). Right and East Side. 114 Irwin Horton, brklyr. 120 William H. French, currier. Putnam St. ends. 126 Frederick Bendean. 134 John O'Toole, glassblr. 138 Alfred Saas, car repr. 140 John Hirlimann, car repr. 144 Millard A. Foster, carp. Washington st. intersects. T W E L F T H S T R E E T (South), from 1223 W . State, southward to W . Henley. Left and East Side. 107 Edward H. Deittrich, lab. 109 Charles J. Burger, stone ctr. 109 Carl Lewis, light trimmer. Ill Harlow G. Hutchinson, motorman. 115 Carl Breil, lab. 119 W m . B. Tidd, splitter. 121 W m . R. Oelkrug, pumper. 129 John W . Driscoll, liquor dlr. W . Henley st. intersects. T W E L F T H S T R E E T (South). Right and West Side. 108 Matthew A. Thornbury, grocer. 112 Conrad Hartman, tailor. 116 Hugh Flynn, waxmkr. 124 Mrs. Christina L. Hermann. 124 Philip K. Quick, glassblr. 128 Zenah W . Smith, lumberman. 132 Mrs. Christina Trubee. 134 Thomas P. Consedine, currier. W . Henley st. intersects. T H I R T E E N T H S T R E E T (North), from 1320 W . State, northward to Buffalo. Left and West Side. 109 Joseph Edel, lab. 113 Claude M. Blanchard, engr. 119 Albert Hirlimann, lab. 125 John J. Derx, boilermkr. 127 Arthur E. Bailey, lab. 131 Mrs. Fred WFox, .Simpkins, Dorr, agt. 209 143 201 205 141 145 137 135 John Albert Joseph William Martin Christopher Washington Emily Margaret Dorothea McGinnes, Williams, Marth, C. Purdy, A. lab. C.st. Miller. Ehman. Battles. Andrews, cabinetmkr. currier. not car glassblr. machst. open. repr.glassblr. 217 221 223 225 163 Charles Klink. Mrs. Fidelia Woodworth. James W . Connor, blksmth. Michael J. Murphy, currier. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 305 Mrs. Bertha L. Hodges. 309 Charles H. Calkins, foreman. 313 Mark James, cabinetmkr. 317 Joseph B. Simpkins, glassblr. 319 John M. Klice, far. 331 Jeremiah Donovan. Reed st. not opened. 417 Ellen Mack. 423 Patrick Mooney, driver. 431 Thomas J. Cummings, tank bldr. Wayne st. not open. 501 Powers Bros., saloon. THIRTEENTH STREET (North). Right and East Side. 104 John P. Keim. 104 Henry G. Keim, ins. agt. 104 William G. Wiedman, grocer. 108 John Uabler, Sr., milk peddler. 110 John Gabler, Jr., plumber. 114 John F. Flynn, cooper. 120 Jerome Edel, car repr. 130 Thomas Ganey, currier. 134 Frank Ziegler, lab. 136 Albert Lundberg, currier. 142 Rev. Jacob Burkhardt. 144 Wilbur P. Parkhurst, glassblr. 148 German Evangelical Church. Washington st. intersects. 208 John A. Swanson, currier. 20S Siverene Anderson, currier. 210 Conrad Schue, carp. W . Sullivan St. intersects. 306 Fred Snyder, lab. 308 Michael J. Shea, tank bldr. 310 Mrs. Sarah E. Sterling. 312 Mrs. Margaret Hoover. 314 Patrick O'Shea, lab. 316 John J. Nelson, engr. 332 Jacob Baker, car repr. Reed st. intersects. 408 Matthew Flynn, watchman. 412 John Battles, currier. 414 Patrick J. Crowley, carp. 41S Michael Moffett, watchman. 430 Aloyisus J. Slosser, machst. Buffalo st. intersects. THIRTEENTH STREET (South), from 1313 W . State, southward to Irving. Left and East Side. THIRTEENTH 124 108 123 109 Martin Ill Charles Patrick Carl Jeremiah W . Henley Henley Lewis, Right Geoghegan, F. J. J. STREET Davey, WMullin, Burger, and st. .st. lab. Sturm, intersects. West (South). intersects. lab. currier. tanner. stone Side. barber. ctr. 164 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 109 Eugene E. Young, photogr. FOURTEENTH STREET. 113 Mrs. Carrie M. Jackson. Not open. FIFTEENTH STREET (North), from af- 113 Mrs. Nettie Wood, dressmkr. 115 Willis W . McWilliams, driver. ter 1502 W . State, northward' to limits. 121 Emulis Morse, gasftr. Left and West Side. 125 John Berryman, agt. 301 Paul Blaskey, lab. 129 John B. Alexander, blksmth. F I F T E E N T H S T R E E T (North). 131 Dennis Hennessy, tanner. Right and East Side. 133 John B. Finnessy, grocer. 110 Michael G. Scheiterle, blksmth. 135 Edward W . Fitzgerald, clerk. 118 Albert E. Montie, blksmth. E. Henley st. intersects. 130 William Wittenburg, hostler. FULTON STREET. Washington st. not open. Right and West Side. 210 Stewart M. Wheeler, lab. 108 James V. Duffy, carp. W . Sullivan st. intersects. F I F T E E N T H S T R E E T (South), from 1511 112 Robert N. Weatherell, brklyr. 114 Melvin P. Derby, painter. W . State, southward to W . Henley. 118 Ira W . Councilman, machine hand. Left and East Side. 122 James B. Olbey, blksmth. Ill Lavern Trowbridge, lab. 124 James M. Maurer, carp. Ill Robert T. Dunn. 126 James W . Cunningham. Ill Thomas Daley, lab. 128 Arthur L. Gault, photogr. W . Henley st. intersects. 130 David L. Smith, harnessmkr. F I F T E E N T H S T R E E T (South). 134 James F. McLowry, clothier. Right and West Side. 138 Julius M. Harris, broker. Not built upon. E. Henley st. intersects. F R A N K L I N S T R E E T (North Olean), from N. Walnut, westward to Chemical GARDEN AVENUE (East Olean), from Pond, eastward to King. Works. Left and North Side. Left and South Side. 1 George E. Hall, lab. No houses. 5 Eugene V. Hannigan, boilermkr. F R A N K L I N S T R E E T (North Olean). 9 Eugene R. Russell, ice dlr. Right and North Side. 11 Wardner Irish, gardener. 7 John Meilink, lab. 13 Mrs. Catherine York. 9 Stanislaus Ougist, lab. 17 Elmer E. Southworth, painter. 11 Tony Skopp, lab. 17 Frank T. Smith, carp. 15 John Kowalski, lab. F R O N T S T R E E T (Boardmanville), from 21 Asa Q. Cole, engr. creek bridge, southeastward to limits. 23 Said Zoghibe, lab. 25 William A. Brooks, mason. Left and East Side. 27 Clark Dickerson, lab. N o houses. 29 John C. Hall, drayman. First av. intersects. 29 (rear) John J. Ranow, blksmth. 11 John H. Burdick. 31 William H. Cole, lab. 13 Charles F. Meloy, printer. Davis av. intersects. 21 Mrs. Carrie L. Smith. 41 Frederick W . Davis, express agt. Second av. intersects. 45 James W . Davis, pathmstr. N o houses. Orchard av. intersects. South st. interests. 49 John C. Putney, teamster. 25 William H. Monahan, boilermkr. 51 Benjamin Palmer, snuffer. Prospect av. intersects. 53 Hurd G. Larrabee, brickmkr. F R O N T S T R E E T (Boardmanville). 63 Uriah J. Nash, lab. Right and West Side. 65 Dennis P. Sheehan, currier. 38 William F. Wood, painter. Chestnut st. intersects. 40 Mrs. Mary Jessmore, dressmkr. 71 People's M. E. Church. 42 Levi Reynolds, carp. 73 Rev. George R. Harvey. 46 O. Melvin Godfrey, milkman. 75 John S. Seivert, clerk. 56 Charles Oosterhoudt, far. 77 Anderw J. Lawrence, teamster. intersects. F105 Usouthward LRichard TProspect O N Left S Tto Moore, Rav. EE. and E THenley. ,tool East from dresser. Side. 312 E. State, GARDEN 79 87 89 10 14 12 William 16 18 John Harvey Mrs. Cornelius Frederick Samuel Henry King AVENUE Viola V. Right st. G. Thomas, C. G. Koebelin, Cronin, J. Hinman, (East Palmateer, Gamble, intersects. Strickland. and Cradduck, South lab. Olean). boilermkr. buffer. lab. teacher. lab. Side. lab. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 28 Frank L. Willson, millwright. 30 Ora R. Stone, painter. 32 Max Schoolar. 34 Ezra A. Patterson, driver. 36 George F. Gilbert, fireman. 38 Thomas Jones, lab. 40 Will F. Selover, blksmth. 42 K. Alfred Carlson. 44 Burt F. Butler, buffer. Orchard av. intersects. No houses. Chestnut st. intersects. 74 John Barry, lab. 92 August W . Sandburg, fireman. 94 August Griecke, watchman. King st. intersects. GENESEE STREET (Boardmanville), from 26 Main, eastward to Fourth av. Left and North Side. 17 Lovell G. Moore, far. 19 Arthur B. Lee, plater. 23 Zeph A. Cooke, cabinetmkr. 27 William S. Orcutt, carpet lyr. 41 Jeremiah B. Foster, carp. 41 Mrs. Sarah Polley. GENESEE STREET (Boardmanville). Right and South Side. 4 Charles R. Buckley, carp. 8 Frank E. Pierce, carp. First av. intersects. 22 James B. Baker, lab. 24 Michael F. Frohlich, butcher. Second av. intersects. No houses. Third av. intersects. 44 William Spears, car insp. 44 Sarah A. Chadderdon. Fourth av. intersects. GOODRICH AVENUE (East Olean), from Gulf, eastward to limits. Left and North Side. 7 Orlie Cartwright, rig bldr. Line st. intersects. 23 Charles M. Cooley, stock kpr. 27 Merritt E. Pratt, lab. G O O D R I C H A V E N U E (East Olean). Right and South Side. 6 James Butler, lab. Clark st. intersects. 32 George D. Sherman, janitor. G R E E N S T R E E T (East), from 325 S. Union, eastward to Adams. Left and North Side. Ill Blanchard E. Hamilton, decorator. 115 Marvin Hamilton, mason. G102 117 R ENo Herman Furman ES. N houses Barry SRight T RN. Smith, T. E st. Eto Bowser, and T end. (East). intersects. South teamster. barber. Side. 165 108 Alfred H. Green, contrctr. 110 Carthage j. Tobin, lab. 112 Mrs. Mary A. Rogers. 118 Joseph A. Yoerk, laborer. 118% Vacant. 120 George W . Warner, barber. S. Barry st. intersects. No houses to end. GREEN STREET (West), from 326 S. Union, westward to S. Seventh. Left and South Side. 113 Mrs. Louise Preston. 115 James A. Lyons, painter. 117 George Helb, lab. 119 Sylvester Armstrong, foreman. 121 Lorenzo H. Ingley, biksmith. 123 Abram H. Bloch, peddler. S. First st. not open. 203 Clark F. Whittaker, foreman. 205 Ransom G. Cor win, plumber. 209 Edwin L. Torrey, ins. agt. 213 George Kennedy, painter. 215 Jesse W . Yaw, lab. 217 Lew J. Strong, driver. S. Second st. not open. 301 John B. Hassett, lab. 307 Monroe E. Cook, painter. 309 Mrs. Frances E. Kay. 313 W m . H. Van Houten, ins. agt. 315 Vacant. S. Third st. intersects. 405 Mrs. Anna M. Seuling. 413 Timothy Hassett, police. 417 W m . A. Wright, mgr. 419 Fred D. Ingalls, barber. S. Fourth st. intersects. 507 Samuel B. Varner, painter. 511 Eugene P. Edwards, sta. engr. 515 Orlando W . Bundy, painter. 515 W m . D. Burlingham, telegr. S. Fifth st. not open. 601 Edgar C. Follett, gauger. 605 Anthony Loidold. 607 John Garry, currier. 611 Max C. Bartsch, lab. 613 Louis Schuh, lab. 617 G. Henry Wilson, currier. 617 Mrs. Josephine Johnson. 621 Casper Sigel, molder. 621 David Miller, lab. G R E E N S T R E E T (West). Right and North Side. 108 George H. Coxe, cigar dlr. 112 James H. Hughes, oil producer. 114 Harry George Smith, Jr., mfr. 214 124 210 212 122 128 206 Joseph Mrs. Edward Charles WFrederick S. m .First Louisa Rhoda Voorhies, Reeves, Rider, Harris, R. F. Sturm, st. Vergason, WJackson, M. .V. not plumber. sta. Seamon, tanner. junk Burlingame. Valentine, Jr., open. fireman. clerk. dlr. carp. porter. lab.dressmkr. 166 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. S. Second st. intersects. 306 Ernest J. Root, biksmith. 312 Henry L. Schue, letter carrier. 316 Harry E. Etter, tinsmth. S. Third st. intersects. Vacant lots. S. Fourth st. intersects. 514 Horatio E. Brown, carp. S. Fifth st. intersects. 606 Christian J. Siinker, painter. 614 W m . Britt, lab. 618 Mrs. Theresa Weiser. S. Sixth st. not open. 702 Cornelius A. Boorom, clam dlr. 708 Joseph Klamt, cooper. 712 Theodore L. Fiechter, lab. 718 Lysander M. Van Dyke, tanker. S. Seventh st. intersects. 810 (rear) Norvin J. Penn, glassblr. GRIFFIN S T R E E T (East Olean), from 22 King, eastward to tannery. Left and North Side. 9 Mrs. Mary Oles. 15 James Griffin, engr. 19-25 Weidmann Stave & Heading Mills. GRIFFIN S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and South Side. 24 Leroy J. Sllloway, helper. 26 Freeman W . Phelps, foreman. G R O S S M A N A V E N U E (East Olean), from 832 E. State, southward to creek. Left and East Side. 23 George Terpak, lab. 27 Edgar W . Cleveland, lab. 35 Hiram Root, lab. 45 George N. Osgood, lab. G R O S S M A N A V E N U E (East Olean). Right and West Side. 6 Edgar B. Andrus, lab. 34 James Rulison, far. 34 William D. Rowe, far 40 Mrs. Sarah E. Milliman Osgood av. intersects. 46 Peter Burke, lab. G U L F S T R E E T (East Olean). Left and West Side. No houses. G U L F S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and East Side. 20 James Merwin. currier. H A M I L T O N S T R E E T , from 188 N. Union, eastward to N. Barry. Left and North Side. First M. E. Church. 117 James F. Johnson. 123 Mrs. Mary M. Brooks. H106 129 A MJames J. IN. LRoss TBarry ORight NCapozzi, Allen, STREET. st. andintersects. phys. shoemkr. South Side. 108 Asa E. Dye, trav. salesman. 110 George B. Keenan, clerk. 114 Arnold G. Crandall, clerk. 118 Charles H. Wasson. 120 Charles L. Barrett, undertkr. N. Barry st. intersects. H E N L E Y S T R E E T (East), from 145 S. Union, eastward to Adams. Left and East Side. 107 Henry C. Clark, driver. 109 Jed Clarke, moldmkr. 113 George C. Ford, clothier. 115 George P. Smith, mfr. 119 Andrew J. Emerson, trav. salesman. 121 Edward Dorsey, mercht. S. Barry st. intersects. 207 Charles C. Frank, telegr. 213 Mrs. Gertrude B. Moulton. S. Clinton st. intersects. 305 J. Emmett Stuter, foreman. 311 Mrs. Eliza Ramsey. Fulton st. intersects. No houses. Adams st. intersects. H E N L E Y S T R E E T (East). Right and South Side. 102 Melville C. Follett, phys. 112 Onslow M. Merritt, letter carrier. 116 Veres M. Dow, lab. 118 Mrs. Mary A. Stevens, bdg. house. 122 John H. Rice, contrctr. 128 Mrs. Seraph M. Chamberlin. 128 William H. Ramsey, collctr. S. Barry st. intersects. 206 George S. Benedict, trav. salesman. 210 Lewis B. May, com. mercht. 214 William M. Timblin, jeweler. 214 Frank S. Tinklepaugh, laundry prop. S. Clinton st. intersects. 302 William F. Showalter, carp. 312 Thomas Farrell, lab. 312 Walter E. Ryer, painter. Fulton st. Intersects. No houses. Adams st. intersects. H E N L E Y S T R E E T (West), from 144 S. Union, westward to limits. Left and South Side. 109 William V. Smith, lawyer. 113 Thomas Gilligan, cartage. 117 St. Mary's Church. S. First st. not open. 203-205 Mrs. E. M. Ball, books. 209 John P. Foley, marble dlr. 215 Langford G. Rodigers, plumber. 215 Adolph Dotterweich, brewer. 301-311 319 Ora 401 405 Millard, Charles S.Dotterweich Third L. Second Davis, B. F.st. Case, Riley, st.intersects. far. intersects. Brewing bkkpr. grocer.Co. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 409 George E. Peterson, car bldr. S. Fourth st. intersects. 505 Thomas Whitton, lumber dlr. 511 Alburn C. Crandall. 611 Alfred M. Palmer, druggist. 515 George F. Thompson, mgr. 519 Mrs. Mary Sherwin. S. Fifth st. intersects. 607 Andrew Snyder, car repr. 611 Edward C. Moses, carp. 615 John J. Hannon, ganger. 619 Thomas McGavisk, currier. S. Sixth st. intersects. 701 August Demskie, mason. S. Seventh st. intersects. 801 Mrs. E m m a V a n Cice. S. Eighth st. intersects, 901 George H. Phelps, pipeftr. 905 Peter Miller, lab. 909 Frank O'Neill, carp. 911 Henry H. O'Nell, trav. salesman. S. Ninth st. intersects. 1003 Elmer F. Robbins, carp. 1005 William K. Holmes. 1005 John E. Murphy, sorter. 1009 Charles M. Roeske, currier. S. Tenth st. intersects. 1101 Patrick J. Toohig, buffer. 1103 Nicholas H. Truby, car insp. 1107 Cornelius Dolson, sta. engr. 1111 Thomas H. Dolan, buffer. 1115 Charles Hardel, lab. 1117 Stephen C. Demsky, carp. 1121 Peter Truby, bkkpr. 1125 Mrs. Carrie M . Horan. S. Eleventh st. intersects. 1203 Chandler S. Dwinells, lawyer. 1207 John Considine. 1209 William J. Graham, lab. 1215 George A. Gardner, currier. S. Twelfth st. intersects. 1305 Daniel E. Kerns, currier. 1311 Charles A. Mcintosh, butcher. S. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1405 Henry Hellwege, lab. 1407 Jacob Klink. 1409 John E. Wiles, lab. S. Fourteenth st. intersects. 1505 Mrs. Ella Brown. 1507 Lewis Waters, pumper. 1509 Addison Randall, carp. 1515 Charles W . Randall, lab. S. Fifteenth st. intersects. 1601-1611 James Pierce Leather Co. 1615 Charles H. Balch, currier. intersects. H118 110 E NNRev. Jasper LoPierce S. Ehouses. YFirst John Right SE. Tav. Rst. Smith, EJ. and E intersects. THamel. North (West). lawyer. Side. 167 S. Second st. intersects. 310 George E. Baker, machst. 314 Rudolph Dotterweich, brewer. 322 William B. Baker. 322 Mrs. Sarah Lannon. S. Third st. intersects. 402 Samuel Burdsall, glassblr. 406 John W . Roddy, machst. 408 Austin W . Merchant, janitor. 410 Albert H. Forrester, ins. agt. 414 James A. Maxon, cigar mfr. 416 Daniel H. Sullivan, mail clerk. 418 Louis W . Ball, clothier. S. Fourth st. intersects. 506 Fred A. Close, mfr. 512 Philip A. Von Storch, supt. S. Fifth st. intersects. 604 Oscar W . Hamilton. 608 Charles H. Beckwith, carp. 616 George Bronold, mason. 620 Casper Lippert, sta. engr. S. Sixth st. intersects. 704 Michael Gaynor, lab. 718 Charles Bullmer, bottler. S. Seventh st. intersects. 804 Patrick Priest. 814 Mrs. Margaret Cook. 814 George Schue, harnessmkr. S. Eighth St. intersects. 904 W m . H. Tulley, brklyr. S. Ninth st. Intersects. 1006 George Beabout, drayman. S. Tenth st. intersects. 1102 John Crummy, buffer. 1116 William L. Higby, oil" operator. 1120 William M . Corkins, stone ctr. S. Eleventh st. intersects. Vacant lots. S. Twelfth st. intersects. 1302 Hugh Gallagher, currier. 1308 Sidney Morris, currier. S. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1402 Thomas Wiles, machst. 1408 Vacant. S. Fourteenth st. intersects. 1506 Henry Heck. 1508 John Cook, pipectr. S. Fifteenth st. intersects. 1602-1610 Tanners' Shoe Stock Co. Pierce av. intersects. 1712 James Johnson, helper. 1718 Matthew McCarthy, lab. H I G G I N S A V E N U E , from 472 N. Union, northeastward to Main. Left and West Side. o houses. HIGGINS 484 NCharles 488 Herschel Right A E. V D. EWay, Nand UStowell, E .blksmth. East blksmth. Side. 168 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 492 Robert H. Brown, molder. 502 George N. Whitcomb, blksmth. 506 Charles R. Cornwell, lab. 510 William H. Bradt, blksmth. 514 Arthur J. Duncan, machst. 518 Mrs. Alice King. 522 Glenn J. Very, bartdr. Main st. intersects. H O M E R S T R E E T (North Olean), from Johnson, northeastward to Buffalo. Deft and South Side. 17 Michael O'Toole, lab. 21 John J. Jewell, lab. 27 George W . Curtis, gen. store. 29 John Shortely, watchman. 31 Andrew Fitzpatrick, lab. 47 Nora Sullivan. Buffalo st. intersects. H O M E R S T R E E T (North Olean). Right and North Side. 4 John A. Willover, carp. Public school. 18 John Kane, lab. 20 Charles T. Rose, currier. 22 A d a m Keefe, car repr. 24 Cornelius Shea, lab. 26 Vacant. 28 James Harrington, fireman. 32 William Lawler, lab. Avenue A intersects. 34 William Wint, lab. Buffalo St. intersects. 38 Thomas Lynch, lab. H O O P S S T R E E T (East Olean), from McMurray's brick yard, eastward. Left and North Side. N o houses. H O O P S S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and South Side. McMurray brick yard. 14 Samuel Bruckshaw, letter carrier. Adams st. intersects. 18 Stephen Horton, lab. 20 Thomas B. Armstrong, currier. 22 Patrick Gerry, currier. 24 Elmer E. Raub, molder. 26 Lewis Rogers. I R V I N G S T R E E T , from 216 S. Union westward to limits. Left and South Side. 105 John Luh, lab. 107 Isadore Luntz, ins. agt. Ill Charles Wright, stone ctr. 115 Philip O'Connell, saloon. 117 Charles Wright, stone ctr. 119 Benjamin F. Mooney, shoemkr. 119 Clarence C.E. Le Roy, blksmth. 313 303 311 Lester N oS.houses. George First Second F. Russell, st. demons, st. Cooley, not intersects. mason. open. barber. driver. 315 George W . Oakley, foreman. S. Third st intersects. 401 Mrs. Mary McMahon. 405 Hemry Baker, bkkpr. 415 Charles L. Janke, tailor. S. Fourth st. intersects. 501 Nathan Winchel, lab. 505 Mrs. E m m a Boyd. 509 Charles Stubbie, driver. 511 Mrs. Stella Aylesworth, bdg. house. 515 Andrew Bell, carp. S. Fifth st. not open. 601 John Randall, lab. 607 Mrs. Sarah A. Hill. 609 Alexander Happell, tailor. 615 Mrs. Anna Corkins. S. Sixth st. intersects. 701 Mrs. Emily Ashley. 705 Lucas L. Granger, carp. 711 Irving B. Weston, tanner. 713 Frank Osterman, currier. 713 Patrick Hyland, brklyr. 717 Jennie Priest. 717 William O'Hern. S. Seventh st. intersects. 801 Albert M. Post. S. Eighth st. intersects. 907 Charles J. Eldridge, driver. 911 William Taggerty, lab. S. Ninth st. not open. 1001 Edward May, lab. 1005 James E. Ten Eyck, gardener. 1017 Paul Wenke, lab. S. Tenth st. not open. 1103 August Haase, machst. 1107 William T. Fox, currier. 1113 Emanuel Wenke, brewer. 1115 Ward A. Frisbee, lab. 1125 Peter Weitmer, carp. IRVING STREET. Right and North Side. 112 John Babel, bkkpr. 114 Frank L. Hull, teacher. 116 Lewis Smith, machst. S. First st. intersects. 208 George J. Ball, painter. 212 Frank D. Burnham, ins. agt. S. Second st. intersects. N o houses. S. Third st. intersects. 402 James H. Robbins, wagonmkr. 408 Henry C. Bebee, glassblr. S. Fourth st. intersects. N o houses. S. Fifth st. Intersects. 604 Joseph Burt, contrctr. Sixth st. 902 906 Frank NHenry oS.houses Eighth C. W .Ginter, Redtz, until st.intersects. intersects. driver. lab. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. S. Ninth st. intersects. 1008 Carl E. Tilly, beam hand. 1016 Mrs. Lottie Tulley. S. Tenth st. intersects. 1108 Henry A. Fleming, currier. 1116 Henry Nietner, lab. S. Eleventh st. intersects. 1206 Mrs. Ellen A. Sheridan. 1214 Elba D. Holmes, carp. S. Twelfth st. not open. 1310 Elizabeth Dickenson. S. Thirteenth st. not open. No houses. S. Fourteenth st. not open. 1604 Cahrles E. Post. J A Y STREET, from 216 N. Barry, eastward to East Avenue. Left and North Side. 207 Lawrence C. Gault, butcher. 211 Christopher Storms, molder. 213 Joseph Wilson, biksmith. 215 William A. Rapp, frt. agt. N. Clinton st. intersects. 301 Roy Coltrell, mason. 303 Charles H. Fuller, biksmith. 305 Lewis C. Clark, driver. 307 Lemuel F. Adsit, cafe. 309 Winfield S. Covin, machst. 311 Crittenden C. Adsit, bartdr. 313 Mrs. Lillian Gould. 317 Storehouse. 321 Refrigerator. East av. intersects. JAY STREET. Right and South Side. 210 Frank Bevins, woodwrkr. 210 William F. Fuller, clerk. N. Clinton st. intersects. 310 Albert E. Woodward, barber. 312 Claude D. McAhon, druggist. 314 Fred Wisner, wagonmkr. 316 Lewis A. Maurer, driver. 318 Herman M. Ielfleld, machine hand. 320 James A. Perry, painter. 322 Seymour J. Cline, wheelmkr. 324 Michael C. Geuder, clerk. 328 Edward Allen, foreman. 330 Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis. 332 John J. Rowan, painter. East av. interests. J O H N S O N S T R E E T (North Olean), from Wilson's factory, northwestward to limLeft 11 J O57 41 47 its. 31 33 51 HJohn Robert Martin NEdward. Edward James and Homer S O NGetsec, West Henrietta, P. V. SH. TSt. WTeuscher, RVenus, .Nichols, Side. EJohnson, intersects. Elab. T (North fireman. machst. engr. lab. supt. Olean). 169 Right and East Side. James Godfrey Wilson, mfr. blinds. Union Planing Mill Co. Acme Glass Co. 44 John Searles, millwright. KING STREET (East Olean), from 829 E. State, northward to limits. Left and West Side. 15 Gustave Byron, lab. Garden av. intersects. 21 John Wilde, foreman. 27 Frank H. Wright, mgr. Bishop st. intersects. 51 Frank Wilde, currier. 53 Silas J. Daniels, carp. 57 Hector W . Edhrooke, carp. 61 Willard J. Hawley, lab. 65 Matthew K. Burdick, lab. Prince st. intersects. 75 Mrs. Mary M. White. 79 Mrs. Elizabeth De Kay. Crown st. intersects. KING STREET (East Olean). Right and East Side. 22 Charles H. Walton, currier. Griffin st. intersects. 26 Charles Hiler, lumberman. 28 Joshua N. Murray, knife setter. 30 David E. Walton, lab. 34 Marcus Cline, lab. Railroad av. intersects. 52 John W . Smith, foreman. 60 George W . Clark, helper. Brook st. intersects. 64 George Stader, painter. 70 Fred Nelson, lab. 74 Charles H. Draper, lab. 76 Vacant (old shop). 78 Mrs. Ella Akins. Crown st. intersects. L A U R E L A V E N U E , from 120 N. Clinton eastward to East av. Left and North Side. 305 Wells G. Andrews, clerk. 307 Mrs. Harriet N. Ball. 309 Dykeman A. Pratt, grocer. 313 John W . Meloy, grocer. 315 Lewis M. Raub, dentist. 319 James H. Havens, plumber. 321 Lewis J. Clark,'broker. 325 Albert J. Tucker. 329 George W . Kelsey. L316 335 337 308 331 333 312 A UJoseph Henry James Dennis Richard Alexander Herschel REast E L Right Aav. C. Gale, D. M. VJ.D. Gibney, EDugan, Chapman, intersects. WNFeltham, and .URaub, mercht. ENelson, .South oil oilman. dentist. tobacconist. blksmth. contrctr. "Side. laundry. 170 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 320 Douglas R. Clarkson, machst. 322 Mrs. Eva A. Cram. 326 William O. Curtiss, cashier. 330 Michael Shafer, oil producer. 332 George Oliver, miller. 334 George Bauman, supt. 336 Clarence M. Diffenderfer, mercht. 338 Erwin D. White, carp. L A U R E N S STREET, from 167 N. Union, westward to N. Fourth. Left and South Side. 103 Exchange National Bank. Ill David S. Yard, factory insp. 113 Robert D. Laughlin, oil insp. 119 Joseph C. Clark, phys. N. First st. intersects. 211 Mrs. Helen B. Strong. N. Second st. intersects. 301 Clarence E. Andrews. 305 Eugene A. Homer. 311 Samuel H. Bradley, oil producer. 315 George T. Keith, civil engr. N. Third st. intersects. 401 Spencer S. Bulls, gen. mgr. 405 William M. Abrams, ins. agt. 409 William G. Feuchter, plumber. 409% John J. Wiley. 413 John I. Chapman, glassblr. 415 Rev. Frederick C. Weidman. 419 German Lutheran Church. N. Fourth st. intersects. LAURENS STREET. Right and North Side. 102-104 Greek-American Fruit Co. 104 Anna A. Sheehan, dressmkr. 106 George Nickles, confctr. 108 Peter Morell, shoemkr. 112 H. MacVicker Smith, phys. 116 Russell M. Whitney, mfr. 120 Samuel W . Pancoast, mfr. N. First st. intersects. 202 James Kelsey, cigar mfr. 206 Rev. Newton L. Reed. 212-214 First Presbyterian Church. N. Second st. intersects. 302 Frank L. Bartlett, banker. 306 Mrs. Catherine Keenan. 310 Mrs. Lizzie J. Abbey. 312 Fred L. Gleason, mfr. 316 William P. Pierce, mfr. N. Third st. intersects. 402 Arthur L. Colony, trav. salesman. 404 Joseph J. Nenno, mercht. 408 Timothy C. Coughlin, condctr. 412 Thomas J. Mathis, glassblr. 414 Frederick Elliott, cabinetmkr. LINE 414 418 road NMrs. Clinton STREET oN. av., houses. Fourth Hannah Left northward P. (East Woodard^ and st. D.Olean), intersects. West Caswell. to limits. undrtkr. Side. from Rail- L I N E S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and East Side. 6 John A. Erickson, fireman. 10 William B. Finch, carp. Plum st. intersects. MAIN STREET (North Olean), from 612 N. Union, northward to creek bridge. Left and North Side. 15 Charles Lacey, lab. 19 Jacob Haase, mason. 19 Lorenzo Lawton, lab. 19 Henry R. Forgason, blksmth. 37 Edward Troy, mfr. M A I N S T R E E T (City). Right and South Side. 30 Vacant. 32 Vacant. 34 Ferdran Grorantz, lab. MAIN STREET (Boardmanville), from Allegany creek, northward to Hinsdale rd. Left and West Side. 1 Mrs. Marcia R. Boardman. 1 John H. Bradner, mercht. 27 Charles M. Wagner, gasftr. 29 William Parker, far. 31 Milford C. Wing, stone ctr. 31 Williard L. Crandall, stillman. 31 Mrs. Bridget Moulton. 41 Albert J. Heliker, ins. agt. 57 William A. Oosterhoudt, dep. sheriff. 69 Joseph O. Delano, lab. 79 Philip D. Locke, painter. 83 John S. Sanderson. 87 John W . Isarnan, milkman. 87 Mrs. Maria E. Norton. 105 Mrs. Louise A. Norton. 119 Orrin W . Godfrey, far. M A I N S T R E E T (Boardmanville). Right and East Side. 10 Mrs. Jennie Crosthwaite. Center st. intersects. 16 Walter Foss & Co., grocers. 16 John C. Reitz. 20 Winfleld Scott, finisher. 22 Joseph Moffett, supt. 26 Bishop B. Hubbell. Genesee st. intersects. No houses. Avenue A intersects. 52 Mrs. Lydia F. White, Avenue B intersects. 76 Thomas A. Foster, lab. 78 Miles Smith, lab. M A P L E S T R E E T (North Olean), from 32 Water, northward to Oak. 27 29 31 1 Edward John Michael Mrs. Elm M. Bridget Left st.Norton, Holbrook, Degnan, intersects. and Moulton. West lab. boilermkr. lab. Side. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 171 20 Alfonzo Pennello, lab. 33 Thomas Olson, lab. 22 John Urbanswski, lab. 35 Lawrence P. Connell, lab. 26 John J. Sirdevan, lab. Oak st. intersects. 28 Michael McFadden, glassblr. M A P L E STREET. Walnut st. intersects. Right and East Sida 32 Mrs. Mary Sullivan. 32 George R. France, machst. M O O R E ' S R O A D (West Olean), from 1451 34 Bartholomew Dempsey, mason. N. Union st. intersects. Buffalo, southward to tannery. 54 Sadie Clancy. Left and South Side. 56 William Collins, trav, salesman. N o houses. 58 Patrick Hickey, lab. M O O R E ' S R O A D (West Olean). 66 John Schuder, cooper. Right and North Side. 68 John Linehan, lab. 14 Edward Grady, lab. 68 Matthew Wilson, stillman. 36 William Moore, carp. 72 William Lee, saloon. 36 William G. Frazier, butcher. Spruce st. intersects. 40 Henry G. Wilson, currier. O R C H A R D A V E N U E (East Olean), from 44 Daniel W . Driscoll, carrier. 665 E. State, northward, to railroad track. 48 Charles Moore, lab. Left and West Side. 56 Polish. 5 Mrs. Ann E. Gilbert. 58 Polish. Garden av. intersects. American Hide & Leather Co. N O R T H STREET, from City Hall, 108 N. 43 Elisha R. Baker, miller. 45 Edward Allen, lab. Union, eastward to N. Barry. 47 Charles B. Rathburn, car insp. Left and North Side. Bishop st. intersects. 107 The Times Office. 49 Stephen Galey, lab. 109 Alderman & Stillman, insurance. 109 Olean Building, Loan & Savings Assoc. O R C H A R D A V E N U E (East Olean). Right and East Side. 109% Byron D. Nobles, trav. salesman. No houses. 109% Don C. Scott, photogr. Garden av. intersects. Ill Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co. 44 Earl L. Root, blksmth. 111% Don C. Scott, photogr. 46 John W . Sloan, lab. 113 City Club. Bishop st. intersects. 119 State Armory. 54 Walter A. Ayrault, clerk. N. Barry st. intersects. O S G O O D A V E N U E (East Olean), from N O R T H STREET. end of Grossman av., westward one Right and South Side. block. City Hall. Left and, South Side. Union School No. 3. 7 Albert J. Sawyer, carp. N. Barry st. intersects. 9 Mrs. Clara J. Whitton. O A K S T R E E T (North Olean), from east 19 Benj. C. Grossman, huckster. of 31 Walnut, westward to Vina O S G O O D A V E N U E (East Olean). Left and South Side. Right and North Side. 17 Michael M. Murphy, lab. No houses. 19 Mary Sirdevan. P I E R C E A V E N U E (West Olean), from 21 Patrick J. Sirdevan, fireman. end of W . Henley, northward to 1621 W . Walnut st. intersects. State. N o houses. Left and West Side. N. Union st. intersects. 1 Neil McDonald, currier. 53 Michael Arundel, stillman. 3 Fredrick Whelply, packer. 55 Frank Marron, lab. 5 Frank Gray, lab. Maple st. intersects. 7 John Baker, packer. 67 Felix Nagle, lab. 9 John C. Zerby, lab. 71 Vacant. 11 John Sholtz, car repr. Spruce st. intersects. O 18 77 79 A73KJohn Mrs. Jeremiah Vine S T RElizabeth WFannie Right E.st. E Downs, TO'Donnell, intersects. (North and Harts. Robinson. North estimater. Olean). driver. Side. 29 13 Aaron 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Mrs. Frank Richard Leonard George John Mary Hulda H. T. Silk, Miles, Doner, R. Doane, Orcutt, Landis, E. Allen, C.lab. lab. Nutt Mix. lab. boxmkr. lab. pumper.. currier. 172 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. P O N D S T R E E T (East Olean), from 549 E. W . State st. intersects. State, northward to Boardmanville. P I E R C E A V E N U E (West Olean). Left and West Side. Right and East Side. 3 Wesley F. Wilkins, car repr. 6 Antony Szymander, clerk. 5 William H. Hamilton, lab. 14 Mrs. E m m a F. Fay. 9 Israel Woodruff, lab. 28 Mrs. Mary L. McNall. 11 Angus Marcea. 28 Patrick Rowan. 13-15 Russell's Ice House. W . State st. intersects. P I N E S T R E E T (North Olean), from 4 19 Gasometer. 21 Alva B. Doolittle, molder. River, westward to Acme Works. 25 Joseph Rismus, carp. Left and South Side. 27-31 Dotterweich Ice Houses. 28 Mrs. Margaret Hines. POND STREET (East Olean). 34 John Fitzpatrick, helper. Right and East Side. 36 Mrs. Eleanor Rooney. 8 James H. Palmer, carp. 36 John Connelly. Garden av. intersects. 38 Stephen V. Ryan, helper. 16 E. Frank Holliday, machst. Ash st. intersects. Railroad av. intersects. 40 Frank McManus, foreman. 28 Elmer E. Foster, carp. 42 Martin Connell, far. 28% Charles Serena, far. 44 Joseph A. Sharp, glassblr. 32 Benjamin F. Slater. 46 Antonia Sabation, lab. PRINCE STREET (East Olean), from 46% Joseph Rajski, lab. Pond, eastward to King. 48 Anthony McFadden, glassblr. Left and North Side. 50 Collins H. Hotchkiss, janitor. 25 Seth W . Wright, laundryman. 52 Edwin J. Dearborn, ticket agt King st. intersects. 54 Asa A. Jones, car insp. PRINCE STREET (East Olean). 56 Morris Clark, foreman. Right and South Side. Walnut st. intersects. 2 Orson P. Salisbury, lab. 68 City Exchange Hotel. 26 Burnett Lawrence, miller. N. Union st. intersects. 28 James Hall, lab. 72 Archie Shafer, driver. King st. intersects. 82 John R. Tully. P R O S P E C T A V E N U E (Boardmanville), 86 Vacant. from 56 Front, eastward* 88 Mrs. Eliza Sullivan. Left and North Side. 90 Joseph Henneman, driver. 23 Vacant. Spruce st. intersects. P R O S P E C T A V E N U E Boardmanville). 94 John McMahon, foreman. Right and South Side. P I N E S T R E E T (North Olean). N o houses. Right and North Side. P U T N A M S T R E E T , from 127 N. Eleventh, Empire Mills. westward to N. Twelfth. Maurice L. Lee, agent Erie R. R. Left and South Side. Erie R. R. Depot. 1209 Lewis Kreytt, car repr. Erie Dispatch. N. Twelfth st. intersects. Standard Oil Co. (Acme Works). P L U M S T R E E T (East Olean), from 10 P U T N A M S T R E E T . Right and North Side. Line, eastward to limits. No houses. Left and North Side. Q U E E N S T R E E T (East Olean), from 63 1 Vacant. Bishop, northward to limits. 5 William Duncan, mason. Left and West Side. 9 Mrs. Eliza Dow. No houses. 11 Samuel E. Button, carp. Railroad av. intersects. 16 Charles Sprader, lab. 11 Joseph M. Prozeller, peddler. Clark st. intersects. 21 Wallace Bevier, clerk. 27 Errick Eld, currier. Prince st. intersects. 29 Joseph Schier, lab. P 16 10 L UJohn NCharles MoClark Cherry Shouses. TR. Right Rst. EWMcElfresh, Est. .Tintersects. Peterson, and (East intersects, South Olean). lab. flesher. Side. 37 East 43 45 Mrs. Albert Spring Olean Lovinia O.st. Benjamin, Green intersects. A. Anderson. House. drayman. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 51 Stephen Joyce, lab. 55 Elmer Snyder, helper. 57 William S. Valentine, weigher. 65 Jesse M. Carr, sawyer. QUEEN STREET (East Olean). Right and East Side. 28 Thomas Randolph, carriagemkr. 32 Charles S. Hubbard, far. Crown st. intersects. 52 Ortello L. Tanner, beamhand. 62 Julia Hanrahan. 70 Demrous Dunning, driller. 82 Emmett L. Bemis, bottler. RAILROAD AVENUE, from 402 N. Union, eastward to limits. Left and North Side. 101-103 Hotel Snyder. 105 Vacant. Ill Buffalo House. 329 Alfred A. Butler, lab. 119 Vacant. 121 Vacant. 123 William Hutchings, grocer. 127-129 Genesee House. 133-149 Luther Mfg. Co. foundry. P. R. R. Freight Depot. Empire Line. 315 Mrs. Betty Wilson. 315 Charles Willis, barber. 317 Mrs. Frances Johnson. 329 Alfred A. Butler, lab. R A I L R O A D A V E N U E (East Olean), from foot of Pond, eastward to limits. Left and North Side. 13 Asa H. Antisdale, gardener. 16 Mrs. Kitty Simmons. 17 Theodore Maybee, lab. 19 George E. Sloat, gardener. 21 Mrs. Fannie Waid. 23 Frank A. Knight, helper. 25 Jesse D. Tonkins, janitor. 27 Simon G. Besecker, lab. 29 Mrs. Henrietta Murray. 29 Charles H. Blackman, driver. 31 Joseph Y. McAtee, jointer. 33 George A. Ross, teamster. 35 Daniel T. Thurston, draughtsman. 39 Jerome Haithcock, paver. 41 Irenus J. Palmer, carp. 43 Foster Moore, drayman. 45 Henry F. Rarey, driver. 47 Daniel Pierce, lab. Alder st. intersects. 55 Joseph Motts, far. 55 Mrs. Julia Gillmore. 113 89 95 97 75 71 57 63 James Aaron Wolfgang Alexander Orson Bruce William John King Queen Rich, D. Palon, Mahar. B. st. st. R. Elliott, Boardman, Hollander, Cahaney, intersects. lab. intersects. Cousslons, lab. millwright. towerman. carp. lab. foreman. 173 117 Vacant. Bush st. intersects. N o houses. Line st. Intersects. 143 Charles C. Holcomb, roller. 147 L u m a n B. Gleason, carp. Clark st. intersects. N o houses. Cherry st. intersects. 175 Will M. Shannon, lab. 185 John Taggerty, galvanizer. 209 Oliver N. Hadley, lab. 221 Frank E. Reynolds, painter. 223 Howard Reynolds, carp. RAILROAD AVENUE (East Olean). Right and. South Side. 140 Robert S. Holcomb. 148 John McElfresh, lab. 188 John C. Bird^ lab. 190 Charles Gilbert, carp. 198 Charles W . Gayton, tanner. 208 William E. Reynolds, painter. 210 John L. Reynolds, far. REED STREET, from 338 N. Third, westward to N. Thirteenth. Deft and South Side. N o houses until N. Seventh st. intersects. 805 William J. Hubbard, far. 807 James McGuire, gardener. N. Eighth st. intersects. No houses until N. Eleventh st. intersects. 1203 Peter F. Fagan, currier. 1207 Mrs. Martha Lyons. 1213 John L. Anderson, watchman. N. Twelfth st. intersects. 1307 James A. Ward, carp. 1311 Jared Chittenden, lab. 1313 Milton B. Keller, lab. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. R E E D STREET. Right and North Side. N o houses until N. Seventh st. intersects. 802 Herman E. Housknecht, lab. N. Eighth st. intersects. N o houses. N. Ninth st. intersects. 1010 Union School No. 6. N. Tenth st. intersects. N o houses. N. Eleventh st. intersects. 1208 Henry U. Hanover, mfr. 1214 Charles E. Harbeck, carp. 1312 1306 David Phelias N. Thirteeuth Twelfth D.J. Stark, Guay, st.st. driver. intersects. currier. intersects. 174 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. RIVER STREET (North Olean), from Erie R. R., southward to Chestnut, and from thence westward to Spruce. Left and East Side. 1 Cornelius Sullivan, yardmaster. 5 Mrs. Mary Corbin. 15 Mrs. Mary Collopy. 31 Timothy B. Collopy. 33 Joseph Blackwell, gauger. 43 John Polance. 45 John Ryan, mercht. 47 Mrs. Ellen Devett. 53 Michael F. Mack, grocer. 55 James Maloney, flagman. 59 I. Clinton Thurber, lab. 61 Frank Smith, lab. 63 August Monthey, lab. 65 Mrs. Harriet Prest. 67 Thomas Comfort, lab. 69 Frank W . Benson, gatetdr. 71 Henry McKowen, lab. 73 Vacant. 73% Lodvig Brown, carp. 75 Frederick Northcott, brklyr. 87 Patrick Hall, machst. 89 Abraham J. Cullather, glassblr. 95 James Hannigan, gauger. 97 Maximillian Weis, boilermkr. N. Union st. intersects. 109 Thomas W . Mullaly, lab. Ill Michael McCormick, finisher. 113 Anthony Kuzniewski, carp. 115 Patrick Gill, lab. 117 Patrick Heeney, lab. 121 Daniel C. Shaner, treater. 123 Mrs. Hannah Noonan. 125 Felix McDonald, boilermkr. Spruce st. intersects. R I V E R S T R E E T (North Olean). Right and West Side. 2 Empire Mills. Pine st. intersects. 20 Harold Tillow, lab. 30 Mrs. Margaret McCormick. 32 James Norton, currier. 34 Amos J. Latimer, engr. Elm st. intersects. 48 Mrs. Mary Fane. 52 John W . Freeman, lab. 56 Timothy Hurley, lab. Water st. intersects. 86 John G. Peglar, towerman. Walnut st. Intersects. 88 John Young* driller. 92 John E. Farrell, mfr. 94 Freeman B.Magee, Halliday. 100 114 116 118 98 96 John Public A. Edward Mrs. Charles Vacant. N.Kuznawski, Maple Union Margaret A.School. S. Williams st. C. St. Harsch, intersects. intersects. L. lab. collctr. Page. switchman. lab. 120 Thomas Dunlavey. 124 James Lundy, lab. Spruce st. intersects. R I V E R S T R E E T (North), (North Olean), from end of River, northward to limits. Left and West Side. 15 James J. Duffy, lab. 15 Frank Brown, tank insp. N. Washington St. intersects. 17 Frederick J. Rowe, sta. engr. 19 George R. Wescott, carp. 31 David Mullin, pipeftr. 37 James W . Biglin, boilermkr. R I V E R S T R E E T (North), (North Olean). Right and East Side. 2 Empire Mills. 14 William L. Jones, painter. 16 Ransom W . Smith, pipeftr. 22 Mrs. Ellen Grundy. 28 George W . Wilson, painter. 30 Emmett Norton, carp. 32 John R. Van Ness, teamster. R I V E R S T R E E T (South Olean), from Union, eastward. Left and North Side. 5 William L. Geise, blksmth. 17 Charles E. Harrison, switchman. 45 Henry Kamery, teamster. 47 Henry Hyde, pipeftr. 49 George A. Benn, far. 67 Alfred Swarts, far. . 73 Nathan Gould, teamster. 75 Robert H. Wilber, far. 83 Mrs. Sarah D. Holly. R I V E R S T R E E T (South Olean). Right and South Side. 2 Vacant. 6 Frank A. Farr, lab. 10 Mrs. Ella Kamery. 10 Martin W . Tubbs, teacher. 12 John C. Anderson, far. 16 Antony M. Cuffe, far. 40 George D. Farr, sawyer. 42 George E. Stimson, butcher. 44 Vacant. 78 Vacant. 80 John J. Fate, driller. 90 Menzo Finn, far. 92 Vacant. 102 Jacob M. Becker, gardener. 228 Bela Keysley, far. 260 Charles Sutter, far. 260 Milford Adsit, wagonmkr. 306 Michael Sutter, far. R I V E R S T R E E T (West), (South Olean), from line.Olean). R I306 79 91 12 74 88 VLambert Henry William Mrs. Vacant. EMichael R Union, SFrankle TRight Left RAustin, EBreat, S. Sutter, Ewestward and TWhitney, and Thurston. (West), lab. South far. North far.to far. (South Side. Side. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 90 Mrs. Elizabeth Fontaine. R O N O L D E R A V E N U E (West Olean), from W . State, northward: Left and West Side. No houses. R O N O L D E R A V E N U E (West Olean). Right and East Side. George P. Mohr, carp. Andrew Mohr, car repr. S E Y M O U R STREET (North Olean), from 1451 Buffalo, northward. Left and West Side. Vacuum Oil Works. S E Y M O U R STREET (North Olean). Right and East Side. 8 Vacant. 10 Albert Kwiatkosky, lab. Bartlett av. intersects. S O U T H S T R E E T , from S. Union at the park, eastward to S. Barry. Left and North Side. City Park. S O U T H STREET. Right and South Side. 104 John Coast, producer. 108 Robert A. Conkling, furniture dlr. 112-114 Baptist Church. 126 Hon. Frank W . Higgins. S. Barry st. intersects. S O U T H S T R E E T (Boardmanville), from Town Hall, eastward to Fifth av. Left and North Side. Town Hall. Third av. intersects. W . M. Church. Fifth av. intersects. S O U T H S T R E E T (Boardmanville). Right and South Side. Public School. 12 Addison Deibler, transferman. Fifth av. intersects. S P R I N G S T R E E T (East Olean), from Pond, eastward to Queen. Left and South Side. 37 Milton M. Arden, salesman. 41 Solomon Peterson. 47 Joseph Koester, cigarmkr. Alder st. intersects, 61 Daniel K. Hathaway, gardener. Queen st. intersects. S P R I N G S T R E E T (East Olean). Right and North Side. N o houses. Alder st. intersects. 66 Norman Queen st. N. Blakeslee, intersects. currier. 175 S P R U C E S T R E E T (North Olean), continuation of N. Fourth, city, northward to Franklin. Left and West Side. 231 Michael Jbli, lab. 241 Felix Vineski, lab. 243 Vacant. 245 Andrew Gallski, lab. 247 A d a m Wjciechoski, lab. 249 Michael Subjeck, lab. 249 Frank Denbosky, lab. 37 James F. Hogan. 39 Michael Donovan, lab. 39% John Cushing, fireman. 41 August Doren, lab. 43 John Ward, lab. Water st. intersects. 45 Tony Ross, lab. 47 Mrs. Catherine Lynch. 51 John Cosgrove, lab. Elm st. intersects. 55 Thomas J. Convey, boilermkr. Oak st. intersects. Acme Oil Works. Franklin st. Intersects. S P R U C E S T R E E T (North Olean). Right and East Side. 30 James P. Kelly, switchtdr. River st. intersects. N o houses. Water st. intersects. 46 Patrick Degnan. 46 John M. Sheehan, clerk. 52 Simon J. McMahon. Elm st. intersects. 64 Mrs. Sarah Ward. 56 Mrs. Ellen Murphy. 58 Peter F. McCartan, lab. Oak st. intersects. No houses. N. Washington st. intersects. 102 John Cook, lab. 104 James Sheehan, lab. 108 Mrs. Jane McGraw. Franklin st. intersects. S T A T E S T R E E T (East), from junction of N. and S. Union, eastward through East Olean. Left and North Side. 101-103-105 City Building. 123 Public School No. 3. N. Barry st. intersects. 201 Congregational Church. 205 Wilbur F. Burlingham, mercht. 209 C. Crawford, lumberman. 213 Henry 301 307 311 401 Mrs. Gilbert Thomas William James Frank N. Clinton Elizabeth D. M. D. B. E. Leland, Johnson, Miles, Love, McDuffle, st.Fobes. intersects. oil bill patternmkr. mercht. producer. phys. poster. 176 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 407 Mrs. Amanda Fobes. 411 William C. A. Quirin, tanner. 417 John L. Eddy, phys. 423 John L. Baxter, seeds. East av. intersects. East Olean. 549 Ccnway B. Cradduck, carp. Pond St. intersects. 601-603 East Side Hotel. 601 (rear) Charles Reddy, currier. 605 Frank D. Pelton, livery. 607 Vacant. 609 Hatch & Rumsey, druggists. 611 Charles Cradduck, grocer. 613 John Lindgren, currier. 615-617 G. Myron Coss, barber. 623 James H. Walker, grocer. 627 Eugene W . Pierce, coach insp. 629 Andrew B. Clark. 633 Mrs. Mary E. Barnard, bdg. house. 637 F. W . Merritt & Son, gen. store. 639 Charles A. Beebe, brkmn. 639 Samuel J. Snowden, barber. 643-645 Rolland R. Wright, grocer. 651 Michael Keough, lab. 655 Abram L. Cotton, carp. 657 Mrs. Miranda D. Briggs. 661 Patrick G. McGavisk, foreman. 665 Daniel E. Jordan, boilermkr. Orchard av. intersects. 701 F. W. Higgins & Co., grocers. 701 Dimner B. McCarty, bkkpr. 715 Jason S. Bishop, real estate. 715 George G. Adams. 715 Romaine Sloan, lab. 721 McCall & Besecker, meat mkt. 723 William B. Hill, clerk. 725 Mrs. Josephine Griffin. 731 Unfinished house. 733 John Conley, currier. 735 Andrew M. Walton, currier. Chestnut st. intersects. 801 George W . LaFever. 821 Ralph A. Hall, gardener. 823 Mrs. Annie Ingalls. 829 Mrs. Esther Dutton, grocer. King st. intersects. 925 Timothy Coughlin, far. Duke st. intersects. 1005 Vacant. 1041 Charles D. Rochietti, currier. 1041 Stephen Kozlow, lab. 1105 Olean Tannery. Clark st. intersects. STATE STREET (East). Right and South Side. 304 308 210 William 214 DJohn James Alex City eS.Witt Clinton Barry Park. M. B.M.Stell. Hutchinson, C. Smith, Forrester, st. Conklin, st.intersects. intersects. real Sr., estate. sta. machst. wagon engr. mfr. 312 Olean Steam Laundry. Fulton st. intersects. 404 Mrs. Fidelia C. Barber. 408 George Fobes, sawmill prop. 410 Mrs. Louisa Thurber. 416 Elijah W . Conklin, mfr. 420-424 N e w Conklin W a g o n Co. A d a m s st. intersects. 502 Olean Mills. Olean Seed House. East Olean. 53S James B. Olbey, blksmth. 602 George F. Wallhauser, bottler. 608 Herbert J. Wilkins, beam hand. 610 James Noonan, currier. 614 Durand F. Willson, millwright. 626 Ellsworth Reynolds, contrctr. 634 Andrew McMurray, brick mfr. 650 James C. McMurray, brick mfr. 662 Rolland R. Wright, grocer. 666 William Allen, blksmth. 670 John C. McGavisk, lab. 706 Frank W . Herron, bkkpr. 70S William A. Fuller, bkkpr. 80S George L. A. Quirin, tanner. 824 Mrs. Mary Pickard* Grossman av. intersects. 926 Quirin's tannery. 1036 George Hoffmire, lab. 1038 Bernard Conley, clerk. 1048 Chris H. McGavisk, driver. 1066 Fred J. Wiggins, splitter. 1072 Magnus Nelson, fireman. S T A T E S T R E E T (West), from Union (dividing streets into North and South), westward to city limits. Left and South Side. 101-103 Imperial Hotel. Ill L. G. Rodgers & Co., plumbers. 113 James H. Havens, plumber. 115 Olean Opera House. 117 A. Jud Bowser, pool room. 121-123 Laurentine Y. Miller, produce. 125 Albert A. Swarts, blksmth. 129 Edward W . Kelly, painter. 129 George W . Osbon, restaurant. S. First st. intersects. 201-203 Foloy Bros., marble wks. 203 Patrick Foley. 209 Vacant. 213 Irving W . Miller, supt. 215 Sidney E. Fish, mercht. 219 Herman Schuetz, jeweler. S. Second st. intersects. 303 George Oswick, pipeftr. 303 Frederick B. Conrad, carp. 303 319 317 317% 321 323 325 309 Fred 315 John Warren August Mrs. George Simon Erwin JohnWiedman, Carrie Nancy Backus, Reich, G. Schott, E. Edel, B. N.Bishop, Phillips, Kichle, Johnson. Backus, E. grocer. clerk. hides. ins. harness. Sherwood, carp. meats. agt. bicycles. millinery. confctr. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. S. Third st. intersects. 403 Ormel W . Pierce, roofer. 405 William Smith, cabinetmkr. 409 James R. Bones, baggageman. 409 Mrs. Florence W . Clark, shoes. 413 Llewellyn A. Mallery, mfr. 417 Ferris J. Mallery. 419 Vacant. S. Fourth st. intersects. 501 George Brenner, tailor. 501 Henry Weith, tailor. 501 William Stephen, producer. 501 Mrs. Anna Zimmerman. 503 Frederick Hein, watchmkr. 503% Frank A. Gould* bartdr. 507 Mrs. Ernestine Wind, bdg. house. 511 Peter Schmitt, grocer. 511 Jason M. Woodruff, agt. 511 William J. Condon, bartdr. 513 Mrs. Frederica Hansen. 513 Gottlieb Schwinger, beamhand. 525 A. M . E. Church. S. Fifth st. intersects. 601 A d a m Piatt, baker. 601 John Piatt, lathe hand. 603 Daniel J. Smullen. 605 Edward Sturm, contrctr. 605 Mrs. M a y M. Field. 609 Daniel F. Allen, chief police. 615 Bernhardt Edel, foreman. 619 Fred J. Webber, clerk. 619 George Geyer, lab. S. Sixth st. intersects. 701 Ernest L. Kallenback, plumber. 711 Jacob N. Cook, watchman. 717 John Fink, baker. 719 N e w Era Merchant Tailoring Co. 719 Roy M. Gould, barber. 721 World Hotel. S. Seventh st. intersects. 801 Matthew Spiesman, meat mkt. 805 William T. Muckey, clerk. 809 William P. Le Strange, pipectr. 819 Patrick Clancy, foreman. S. Eighth st. intersects. 903 Cassar Smith, phys. 907 William Kinley, tanner. 911 Mrs. Sophia Wohlleben. 919 William L. Gabler, painter. S. Ninth st. intersects. 1013 David Barry, lab. 1017 Martin Southeron. 1017 Charles L. Vergason, bkkpr. S. Tenth st. intersects. 1103 Vacant. RileyCharles Allen, oil producer. 1123-1125 1107 1111 1121 1123 1127 1129 1117 Leon Edel's Mcintosh George Michael John Rumwald Joseph C. Wilson, Hall. J. P. Campbell, Dougherty, &Fuchs. Blessing, Hearn, Edel, Kelly, lab. liquors. oil photogr. meats. horseshoer. foreman. producer. 177 1129 Thomas C. Kelly, butcher. S. Eleventh st. intersects. 1209-1211 Public School. 1213 Jacob Shafer, constable. 1215 Fred Shafer, foreman. 1215 Vacant store. 1217 Vacant. 1221 Vacant. 1223 The State St. Cash Grocery. S. Twelfth st. intersects. 1301 Matthew A. Thornbury, grocer. 1301% Adolph Pasche, lab. 1305 Vacant store. 1305 Thomas E. James, teacher. 1307 John Kuhn, sta, engr. 1313 John O'Donnell, buffer. S. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1403 Mrs. Mary C. Sturm. 1411 William Klinck, lab. 1417 Frederick H. Coleman, overseer poor. S. Fourteenth st. not open. 1507 Joseph Cohen. 1511 John Cook. S. Fifteenth st. intersects. West Olean. 1621 Prospect House. STATE STREET (West). Right and North Side. 106 John C. Crawford, barber. 108-110 Frank's Hotel. 112 Hotel Capitol. 114 Othalian Hall. 116 Fitzpatrick Bros., saloon. 118 Joseph A. Smith, saloon. 120 Fred D. Ingalls, barber. 122 Vacant. 124 William H. Brown, saloon. 126-128 O'Connell Bros., billiards. 130 Warren L. Binney, saloon. N. First st. intersects. 202 Patrick J. Savage, saloon. 204 George R. Rank, harness. 206 Albert L. Lay, shoemkr. 208 George B. Patterson, carp. 210 Meloy Cohen, cigar mfr. 212 Samuel Michael, tailor. 214 Mrs. Sarah McElninney. 214 Mrs. Myra C. Brook. 218 Lewis J. Rodgers, plumber. 220 George H. Dotterweich, grocer. N. Second st. intersects. 302 Grossman Sisters, bakers. 304 Charles J. Decker, barber. 306 Charles J. Brown, shoemkr. 306 Wescott, bartdr. 310 308 312 314 316 318 316%James Elias Mrs. Larkhan Burr Frank Charles John Ambrose Moses. Rebecca Fred J. Larkhan, Sherris, E. Grant, Fisher, Arnson, &Chesner, Page, Vollmer, Page, peddler. Bear, dry baker. cook. baker. installment. bakery. saloon. goods. confctr. meats. 178 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 320 Ludwig Glasser, jeweler. 320% Sylvester J. Reed, brkmn. 324 Thacher & Blood, produce. 324% James T. Turner, brickmkr. 326 M a x L. Conn, cigar mfr. 326 Samuel E. Williams, lab. N. Third st. intersects. 402 Charles A. Shaffer & Son, grocers. 404 Charles A. Shaffer, grocer. 410 Benjamin F. Thomas, foreman. 414 Mrs. Ella M. West. 41S Mrs. Jane Sowers. 420-422 John H. Geuder, grocer. N. Fourth st. intersects. 504-508 Wm. Halter, saloon. 512 Arthur G. Cook, shoemkr. 512 William M . Crocker, lab. 514 Cary G. Besecker, lab. 516 Llewellyn A. Mallery, bed springs. 520 Mrs. Electa Nelson. 520 Mrs. Amelia C. Metcalf. 520 (rear) Grafton Penn, barber. 522 Alex S. MacGillis, carp. 522% Edward Walker, fireman. 524 John J. Fitzpatrick, saloonkpr. 524% Joseph B. Simpkins, glassblr. 526 Mandeville Robbins. N. Fifth st. intersects. 604 Joseph N. Streb, machst. 606 Frank Basler, tailor. 608 Olean Fish & Oyster Co. 608 Joseph Yampolski, fish dlr. 612 Simon Schussele, foreman. 620 John J. Spindler, grocer. 620 Spindler Bros., gen. store. N. Sixth st. intersects. 702 Nils Swanson, shoes. 702% Peter H. Rivenburgh, jeweler. 704 Lester F. demons, barber. 708 Mrs. Mildred V. Schnell. 718 Mrs. Mary Gerlach. 722 A. M. Palmer & Co., drugs. N. Seventh st. intersects. 802 Zimmerman Bros., grocers. 802 Henry J. Zimmerman, grocer. 810 John Zimmerman, carp. 820 Philip Zimmerman, grocer. N. Eighth st. intersects. 904 John H. Magee, master mechanic. 90S Lewis T. Tidd, splitter. 912 Louis W . Geyer, glass packer. 912 Fred M. Hills, clerk. 914 Joseph N. Tomes, glassblr. 920 Isaiah C. Wilcox. 920 John Long, glassblr. N. Ninth st. intersects. 1002 1006 1114 1010 Eugene 1016 1102 1120 Augustus Axel Fred Paul James John Frank N. Tenth Eleventh WH. Tumser, H. .Hoffmann, Hayes, Burt, Paulman, Anderson, Sigel, C. st.Bussler, carp. intersects. st. stonectr. currier. cigar baker. intersects. barber. grocer. dlr. carp. 1202 Matthew Ulmschneider, car repr. 1208 Gilbert Garr, drayman. 1212 Chemical Co. No. 2. 1214 Delbert J. McMillan, journalist. N. Twelfth st. intersects. 1302 William P. Hannifan, grocer. 1304 Michael J. Hannifan. 1306 Fred C. Weagraff, carp. 1308 Charles J. W . Sturm, barber. 1310-1312 William Waldeck, saloon. 1316 Martin Marth, upholstr. 1320 Mrs. Mary Hill. 1320 William G. Wiedman, grocer. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. 1406 Charles Scheiterle, boilermkr. 1406 Mrs. Caroline Fiechter. 1410 A d a m Stegner, cooper. N. Fourteenth st. not open. 1502 Conrad Scheiterle, teamster. N. Fifteenth st. intersects. West Olean. 1616 George B. Woodard, oil producer. SULLIVAN STREET (East), from 268 N. Union, eastward to N. Barry. Left and North Side. Ill Vacant. N. Barry st. intersects. S U L L I V A N S T R E E T (East). Right and South Side. 104-106 Duringer & Driscoll, liquors. 108 Salvation Army. 108 Jennie H. O'Dell. 108 Martha Clayson. 108 Jessie M. Coy. 108 Mrs. Anna E. Lonkto. 108 Mrs. M. Louise Fisher. 108 Mrs. Mary L. Jackson. 110 Vacant 114 Bundy & Rockwood, painters. 116 Mrs. Dora E. Dennison. 120 John L. Lockeby, lab. 126-134 Myrick Machine Co. N. Barry st. intersects. S U L L I V A N S T R E E T (West), from 265 N . Union, westward to city limits. Left and South Side. N o houses. N. First st. intersects. N o houses. N. Second st. intersects. 305 Mrs. Sarah J. Latimer. 309 Oscar H. Ingalls, watchman. 313 Aibert Judge, contrctr. N. Third st. intersects. 407 Benjamin U. Taylor, contrctr. 411 William M. Duringer, liquor dlr. 417 601 513 John Otis George N. Whipple, Fourth Fifth D. J.W Steyner. Miles, . st. Green, st. dentist. intersects. loco. intersects, salesman. engr. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 603 Frederick L. Eaton, lawyer. 607 Stanley L. Fitch, ins. agt. 611 Alfred Tothill, mfr. N. Sixth st. intersects. 703 Allan I. Williams, banker. 707 Charles H. Rockwood, frt. agt. 711 Myron L. Thompson, oil refiner. 713 Mortimer S. Simpson, foreman. 713 Angus M. Hooper, painter. N. Seventh st. intersects. 809 Henry A. Brown. 813 Ira V. Hull. N. Eighth st. intersects. A d a m s Park. N. Ninth st. not open. 1005 Mrs. Theresa Hartz. 1009 James W . Warner. 1013 Claude S. Conrad, condctr. 1017 Michael O'Connor, lab. Winters av. intersects. 1031 John A. Quigley, currier. N. Tenth st. intersects. 1101 Charles F. Turner, currier. 1105 Christopher Ehman. 1113 Chester A. Burger, lab. 1115 Fred C. Kettleman, stillman. 1117 Acta M. Lamper, carp. N. Eleventh St. intersects. 1201 Charles Adams, teazer. 1205 George L. Butz, lab. 1209 Mrs. Ellen Fitzpatrick. 1213 Michael Wiedman, glass packer. 1217 Mrs. E m m a Hoffmire. 1217 Edward Kennedy, boilermkr. N. Twelfth st. intersects. 1301 Andrew F. Hollander, glass packer. 1305 Hezeriah Willis, dealer. 1311 John T. Thacher, com. mercht. 1315 John Scanlon, machine hand. 1317 George Sutter, letter carrier. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. SULLIVAN STREET (West). Right and North Side. 102-108 Riley & W a n d s blk. 110 Florence A. Hamilton, laundress. 112 American Palace Laundry. 116 Gilligan & Bisett, dry storage. 118 Elisha M. Johnson, mgr. N. First st. intersects. 204 W . I. Hewitt, phys. 218 Edward W . Stickney. N. Second st. intersects. Private grounds. N. Third st. intersects. 504 Rudolph 508 512 602 614-616 Olean Mrs. Joseph George N.Convent Fourth Fifth Julius High A. N. C.Sullivan, st. School. A. Moore, st. of Mayer, Mayer. intersects. Mercy. intersects. oil butcher. bkkpr. producer. 179 614 616 St. Mary's R. C. School. N. Sixth st. intersects. 702 James L. Clyde, sec. 706 Henry L. Gerstenberger, supt. 710 Mrs. Anna R. Curtis. N. Seventh st. intersects. 806 Arthur M. Downs, glassblr. 810 W m . Bryant, glassblr. 810% Mrs. Jennie R. Olds. 814 John H. Kreutter, glass grinder. S18 Julius P. Johnson, bkkpr. N. Eighth st. intersects. N o houses. N. Ninth st. intersects. 1008 Mrs. E m m a Schanck. 1022 George F. Kraft, bartdr. 1028 Frank Sutter, grainer. 1024 G. Fred Foster, currier. 1032 Samuel L. Moyer, telegr. N. Tenth st. intersects. 1102 Lewis J. Merwin, car repr. 1102 Beriah Phinney, contrctr. 1106 John A. Haney, stillman. 1110 Joseph A. Heberle, driver. 1114 Gustav Finger, helper. 1116 Newell N. N e w m a n , portrait dlr. N. Eleventh St. intersects. 1206 Albert Baker, driller. 1210 Charles Blaskey, beamhand, 1220 Napoleon Russell, lineman. N. Twelfth st. not open. 1302 August Hirlimann, car repr. 1306 Albert Sprague, drayman. 1310 William F. Hannon, lab. 1314 John Mulready, lab. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. TOMPKINS STREET, from 142 N. Barry, eastward to East av. Left and North Side. 209 Vacant. 211 Mrs. Delia Weir. 213 Mrs. Alzina Dellinger. N. Clinton st. intersects. 307 George P. Bolender, miller. 311 Norman R. Robinson, baker. 313 Horace E. Keyser. 313 Stephen S. Fish, mason. 319 Charles H. Odell, trav. salesman. 321 Charles A. Turner, foreman. 325 Peter F. Keenan, foreman. 329 John J. Loftus, condctr. 331 Patrick White, lab. East av. intersects. TOMPKINS STREET. 306 308 310 312 318 William No Lewis Lucien Thomas Samuel Allen N.houses. Clinton Right V. R.F. J. H. Delaney. Farr, St. Jebb, Taylor. Mulholland, ast. nClair, d1yardmaster. buffer. intersects. South machst. bartdr. Side. 180 O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 157-159 Bell Bros., department store. 322 John Deabold. 161 A. M. Palmer & Co., drugs. 326 Edward Jones, condctr. 163 W . H. Mandeville & Co., insurance. 332 John Deabold, Jr., fireman. U N I O N P L A C E , from 243 N. Union, west- 165 Exchange Bank Building—offices. Western Union Tel. Co. ward. Exchange National Bank. 1 Mrs. E m m a Myers. 20-21 John R. Droney, lumber. 2 Mrs. Christina M. Clark. 22-23 Cary .Rumsey & Hastings.lawyers. 3 John W . Hagerty, cook. 24 National Transit Co. 3 Mrs. Josephine Weed, laundress. 24 Tide Water Pipe Co., L't'd. 4 Louis G. Wahl, oil well shooter. 4 George W . Van Curen, oil well shooter. 25 Olean Bill Posting, Co. 26 Franchot Bros., oil producers. 5 Herbert E. Mead, carp. 26 Richard H. Franchot, oil producer. 6 Emerson A. Pratt, condctr. 31 Fred. L. Eaton, lawyer. UNION STREET (North), from State, 32 J. R. & D. L. Jewell, lawyers. northward, through North Olean. 33 Charles W . Morris, lumber. Left and West Side. 34-35 Thomas Whitton, lumber. 101 John Cramsie, saloon. 37 Henry M. Ernst, producer. 101 McCormick's Hall. 38 G. Howard Strong, oil producer. 103 Harvey & English, saloon. 40 Monroe Collecting Co. 103 A. Frank Harvey, saloonkpr. 167 Exchange News Co. 103 John J. English, saloonkpr. Exchange Barber Shop. 105 Elks Club. Laurens st. intersects. 105 Samuel W . Binney, saloon. 201 Greek-American Fruit Co. 107 James H. Waring, lawyer. 203 John W . Pratt, grocer. 107 First National Bank. 203% John Cobb, undrtkr. 109 L. Schuetz, jeweler. 205 Fred A. Knight, brkmn. Ill Joseph I. Lang, cigars. 205 John B. Frawley, hardware. Ill W m . H. Mountain, phys. 205% Woodruff Post. 113 John W . Meloy, grocer. 207 Mrs. Belle Tallman, millinery. 115 Eugene S. Smith, jewelry. 209 Peterson Bros., saloon. 115% Peter Small, switchman. 211 Arthur Gibbs, variety store. 115% Richard Turner, truant officer. 213 Union Clothing Co. 117 Finnessy Bros., grocers. 215 The Olean Herald. 119 F. R. Brothers & Co., drugs. 215 The Olean Democrat. 119% Vacant. 215 Carrie A. Fiester, ladies' tailoring. 121 Cappel Cohen, dry goods, 215 Willard M. Smith, teamster. 121% Henry Donnelly, lawyer. 123 The Douglas, Graham Co., dry goods. 217 Olean Funeral Directing Co. 217 Charles E. Baish, cigars. 123% D. Monroe Curtis, magnetic healer. 219 McLowry & Monahan, clothing. 123% Mrs. Minnie E. Boone. 219% John G. Pelton, cleaner. 123% John Maurer, carp. 219% David D. Smith, harnessmkr. 123% Mrs. Phoebe Maurer, hair goods. 219% Conrad H. Hartman, tailor. 125 John A. Brendell, baker. 221 Samuel Scott, tailor. 125% Paul W . Miller, electrician. 221 Mrs. Elizabeth Marth, millinery. 127 Frank H. Oakleaf, books. 223 Mrs. Patience S. Chamberlin. 129 W m . S. Wilkinson, hardware. 223 Daniel W . Odell, saloonkpr. 131 H. W . Marcus, dry goods. 223 Mrs. D. G. Chamberlain. 133 Kolumbian Pharmacy. 223 Scudder J. Shoemaker, restaurant kpr. 133% Perry R. McNeille, dentist. 223 Mrs. Mary E. Fowler. 133% W . V. & J. E. Smith, lawyers. 223 Charles F. Thurber, machst. 133% N. Y. & P. T. & T. Co. 223 Henry D. Wadhams, editor. 133% John Coast & Son., oil producers. 225-227 Racket Store. 133% Harry J. Gibney, clerk. 227 (rear) George H. Wright, lab. 135 Henry H. Weber, shoes. 135-137 The Robert A. Conkllng Co., frntre. 227 (rear) Charles E. Brooks, lab. 229 Charles Willard, pianos. 139 Miller Hardware Co. 153 149-151 155 143% 145 147 141 C. 141% 143 145% Marcius James Charles Grand James Mrs. Edwin Pauline Matthew Marion Charles V. Geo. B. E. B. Union M. C. H. B. B. Barse Pettit, Hewitt, H. C. Black, Pettit, J, Johnson, Jewell, Robie, Adams Hirchert, Robie, Tea Larkin, & millinery. Co., druggist. manicure. mgr. Co. &jeweler. lawyer. jeweler. Co., shoes. hardware. cigar stamping. drymfr. goods. 233 233% 235 239 241 229%Thomas 231 237 Sidney Stewart Charles William Eugene Italo-American Norman Charles John Angelo Lazzero George I. O. A. O. E. WStorrs, Mills, A. WR. G. . C. A. Gray, F. .Fish, Goodwin, Morris, Schermerhorn. Questa. Grossman. Robinson, Hayden, Mazzo. Hall. musician. Fruit lawyer. tankbldr. shoes. millinery. printer. Co. drugs. bakery. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 241 Nellie L. Jewell, dressmkr. 241 Mrs. Kate M. Wilson, dressmkr. 241 The Olean Ledger. 243 Edmond Kurtzhaltz, tailor. Union pi. intersects. 249 J. E. K. Morris, phys. 253 Sam Sing, laundry. 257 Olean Carpet Cleaning & Feather Renovating Works. 259 Adelbert Jones, lab. 265 Vacant. W . Sullivan st. intersects. 301-303-305 Riley & W a n d s block. 301 Silas A. Hughes, barber. 301-305 Riley & Wands, grocers. 303 Eugene E. Heath, restaurant prop. 303 Laura J. Fisher, hair dresser. 303 Empire Art Co. 303 O. Whipple & Son, dentists. 303 The Prudential Insurance Co. 303 Mrs. Rose E. Weipper, dressmkr. 303 Olean School of Music. 307 John H. Sigel, cigars. 307 James I. Hannigan, florist. 309 N e w Arlington Cafe. 309% Mrs. M a y M . Bush. 311 Dunlavey Bros., liquors. 311% Evans & Vasquez, barbers. 313 Henry G. White, drugs. 313 Newton I. Jones, agent. 313 Mrs. Eurana A Rowley. 315 Daniel W . Odell, saloon. 315% John M. Burchfield, restaurant. 315% Adlmer O. Higgins, clerk. 315% Mrs. Kate Dulling. 317 Collopy Bros., saloon. 319 Mrs. Marcia A. Ross, saloon. 321 Thomas Moran, saloon. 321 John R. Silvernail, barber. 323 Homestead House. Whitney av. intersects. 405 James M. Haugh, hotel. 407 City Installment store. 409 Samuel Rose, fruits. 411 Michael Jenni, clothing. 413 Olean Supply Co. 413% Samuel E. Johnson, painter. 415 Joseph Rosa, shoemkr. 419 Mrs. Fannie Shinnerling. 425 Roger Lawrence, teamster. 427 Samuel J. Snowden, barber. 429 Mrs. Betsy Cohen, furniture. 429 David Linn, bookbdr. 431 Michael Braico, confctr. 453 455 447 449 451 445 437 443 435Mrs. George Kinaan John Vacant Philip Michael Joseph A. W(rear) Lawrence William Vacant. y mW aMary .Mary C. nPatrick Zimmerman. Butler, Hamud, N. store, Tannous, Capozzi, Fitzgerald. WBorneman, .O'Meara, John, Hederi, J.Virginnia, Kingl. C. lab. hotel. peddler. confctr. Welsh, notions. dry cigars. dyer. goods, barber. oil producer. 181 455 Felix Yannella, shoemkr. 457 William Schelling, painter. 459 Vacant. 461 Henry H. Johnson, barber. 463 Mary H. Reeve, grocer. 463% Philip Griffin, contrctr. 463% Bert Knight, carp. 463% Cecelia Gallagher, music teacher. 463% Mrs. Mary Lockwood. 463% Oeds T. Kuiper, uphlstr. 465 John L. Holleran, furniture. 469 Patrick J. Toohey, contrctr. 471 Augustus M. Taylor, blksmth. 475 Adolph Ahrens, meats. 477 Herman C. Muller, painter. 481 Vacant store. 481% Mrs. Jennie A. Venus, dressmkr. 481% George W . Swart, carp. 481% Ernst Lloyd, machst. 487 Vacant store. Wayne st. intersects. 501-505 Daniel W . Sheehan, gen. store. 501-505 Sheehan's Hall. 505 Mary E. Kiely, dressmkr. 507 George N. Whitcomb, blksmth. 509 Mrs. Ida M. Chaffee, dressmkr. 509 John G. Weeks, machst. 511 Vacant store. 511 Allen Z. Peckham, barber. 511% William E. Noble, carp. 513 C. Jordan, grocer. 513 Richard McGraw, boilermkr. 515 Academy of Music. 517 Mrs. Martha Henry. 521 Edward O'Rourke, saloon. 523 A. Z. Peckham, barber. 523 Mrs. Kate L. Franklin. 523 Hiram D. Ketchum, lab. 525-527 Joseph M. Butler, hotel. 529 Charles Andrews, barber. 529 Michael J. Burke, cigars. 531 Vacant store. 533 A. Lockwood, bicycles. 535 Phillips & Keenan, gen. store. Coleman st. intersects. 601 Mrs. Ann Brown. 605 Charles F. Moodier, carp. 611 Michael J. Haugh, bottler. N. First st. intersects. North Olean. 743 U. S. Leather Co.—R. & K. Tannery. 753 Floyd P. Shaner, supt. 773 Rev. James F. Mooney. 775-777 St. John's Church. 903 919 821 901 817 801-805 813 815 787 791 781Mrs. 783 793 John Henry William Edward Luke Peter Ernest John Dexter Davia Albert Water River Public Mary F. Phillips. Peterson, McDermott, Curry, Kuhn, WM. Wst. Senn, Kane, W st. ..School. . Coyle. Bevier, intersects. Driscoll. Seely, Glavin, intersects. mason. foreman. fireman. tanner. brklyr. mgr. lab. asst. boilermkr. p. m. 182 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Elm St. intersects. 1001 Michael Kiesel, shoemkr. 1001% Daniel Collins. 1007 Timothy T. Colligan. 1017 Peter Kozicki, shoemkr. 1021 John C. Fitzsimmons, saloon. Oak st. intersects. 1101 O. T. Higgins & Son. gen. store. 1103 John V. Murphy, druggist. 1103% Mrs. Catherine Murphy. 1109 John C. Dempsey, barber. 1113 Nikoden Marcinkiewicz, meat mkt. 1115 Nikoden Marcinkiewicz, meat mkt. 1117 Frank A. Butts, baker. 1119 Vacant. 1121 Martin Myers, saloon. 1125-1127 American House. Pine st. intersects. U N I O N S T R E E T (North). Right and East Side. 108 City Hall. Post Office. Abrams & Sons, insurance. Edward W . Neff, barber. Police headquarters. C o m m o n Council Chambers. City Clerk's Office. Superintendent of Streets. City Relief Society. Walter S. Hubbard, lawyer. 5-6 Eddy & Knowies, phys. North st. intersects. 120 Joseph J. Hatfield, barber. 120 F. W.'Higgins & Co., grocers. 122 Mayer & Mayer,, merchant tailors. Masonic Temple—offices. 201 Creighton S. Andrews, lawyer. 202-203 Vacant. 204 Clifford L. Beare, lawyer. 205 Producers' Gas Co. 206 South Penn Oil Co. 207-208 Vacant. 209-210 Union Telephone & Telgrph Co. 211-212 Mayer & Mayer, tailor shop. 213 Vacant. 214 E m m a M. Ramsey, stenographer. 302-303 F. W . Higgins. 304-305 Frederick W . Kruse, judge. 306 Lewis J. Clark, broker. 307 Heliker & Patridge, insurance. 308 Pierce & Cobb, lawyers. 309 Samuel E. Passmore, real estate. 310 The International Cor. Schools. 310 The Hustler. 311-312 L. M . Raub & Son, dentists. 313 John Sweeney, dentist. 128 124 126-140 126 130 132 136-138 140 142 144 134314 315 Joseph Olean Matt Postal William James John Charles Olean Olean William Snyder, H. House Livery House Telegraph-Cable Kelsey, M. Job C. Costello, House. WChapman, Horner .Ross, Pharmacy. Printing Barber liquors. Office. Co. Carter, cigar florist. pianos. &Shop. mfr. collector. cigars. Co., Office. Co.clothing. 146 City Cafe. 148 American Express Co. 148 E. H. Ackerman, vet. surgeon. 148%'James W . August, engr. 148% Mrs. Florence A. Richards. 150 Woodley C. Winsor, photogr. 152 Mayer Bros., meat mkt. 154 Coast, Davis & Nenno, clothing. 156 Chandler S. Dwinells, lawyer. 156 Anna Karagan, dressmkr. 156 Charles H. Rafferty, printer. 156 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 156 Westbrook Commercial Academy. 156 Patrick S. Collins, lawyer. 156 Julia Priest, dressmkr. 156 William Cobb, lawyer. 156 Willis D. Parker, lawyer. 156 William P. Noyes, dentist. 158 F. E. Tyler & Co., shoes. 160 George L. Hovey, livery. 162 S. Ruttenberg, clothing. 162% Orlando S. McClure, painter. 164 Walter D. Godfrey, clothing. 164% Mrs. Alice L. Lay. 164% Mrs. Lula M. Masterson. 166 George R. Daniels, jeweler. 168 W . W . Ball's Sons, clothing. 168% Thomas B. Loughlen, phys. 168% John J. Loughlen, phys. 168% Mrs. Anna Seiter. 168% Lewis D. Griffin, switchman. 168% Clarence Willis, lab. 168% Thomas D. Williams, horse trainer. 168% David E. Barrows, dentist. 168% Horace H. Morgan, salesman. 170 Saul Deiches, clothing. 172 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express. 174 Allen's Bargain Store. 174% John F. Daly, motorman. 176-178 George C. Ford, clothing. 178% Nelson Cheney, phys. 180 Judd M. Sherlock, cigars. 182 Keystone Gas Co. 182% Hugh S. Salisbury, architect. 184 William H. Simpson, plumber. 186 Knights of Honor Hall. 186 Stillman E. Lewis, dentist. 1S8 Vacant store. Hamilton st. intersects. First M. E. Church. 230 Ezra J. Varney, rubber stamps. 230 William G. Sisson, insurance. 230 John B. Smith, real estate. 232 Clinton P. Woodard, undertaker. 234 Gena & Rice, merchant tailors. 234 Dykeman John M. Card, dentist. 236 238 242 242% 244 248 240 244% 246 250 252 254 Julius Charles Vacant Willis Herbert Edward Muckey's (rear) Pan-American Quong Benj. William Mrs. Singer U. Hiram A. Ella M. Elizabeth Wstore. T. C. Dorsey, Mfg. aTaylor, Chamberlin, Livery. A. hHarris, Kress. Whipple, Nickum, , Howell, Pratt, laundry. P. Co. Restaurant. Ganoung, liquors. Martin. contrctr. pawnbroker. grocer. art photogr. lab. ticket store. painter. broker. O L E A N D U P L E X DIRECTORY. 183 256 George Smith & Co., bicycles. Elm st. intersects. 25S Charles C. Cradduck, grocer. 1002 Joseph Bielinsky, saloon. 262 Madison H. Bailey, grocer. 1012 Mrs. Mary J. Root. 260 Gault Bros., meats. 1020 Jacob Jaekle, meat mkt. 264 City Steam Laundry. 1022 Michael F. Mack, grocer. 264% Moses E. Weld. 1024 Empire House. 264% Charles Gillingham, mercht. Oak st. intersects. 264% George C. Mead, driver. 1106 Vacant. ———" 264% Ada R. Rich, dressmkr. 1110 Frank Hale, livery. 266 Clarence H. Spraker, clothing. 1112 David Fehan & Co., department store. 266% John Spry, painter. 1126 City Exchange Hotel. 268 Duringer & Driscoll, liquors. Pine st. intersects. E. Sullivan st. intersects. 1212 Jacob Sweet, lab. 302 Gillingham & Son, hardware. UNION STREET (South), from State, 304 Ryan & Shoemaker, liquors. southward to Allegheny river. 306 Benjamin J. Mooney, shoemkr. Left and East Side. 308 Shoemaker's Restaurant. City park. 310 John H. Wiesman, barber. South st. intersects. 312 Moran & Bowser, billiards. 131 Elias V. Wood, druggist. 314-318 Grand Central Hotel. 135 John W . Coast, producer. P. R. R. Depot. 139 George P. France, refiner. Railroad av. intersects. 139 Loren H. Brooks, mercht. 402-404 Hotel Snyder. 143 Charles J. Duffy, mfr. 408 Utter & Utter, farm implements. 145 John J. Newman, supt. 410 O. I. Wright,flourand feed. E. Henley St. intersects. 410 William A. Wright, mgr. 207 Fred W. Kaufman, painter. 412 Olean Bottling Works. 207 Mrs. Jennie Bell. 412 John Moses, lab. 209 John T. Baxter, lawyer. 414 Henry A. Smith, harnessmkr. 2H Mrs. Lavina Myres. 424-426 Armour & Co. 213 Mrs. Elizabeth Scott. 430-432 Olean Electric Light & Power Co. 213 John W . Alles, carp. 442 City storehouse. 219 John P. Wallen, tailor. 444 John Rose, lab. E. Irving St., not open. 456 Conrad Scharle. 301 Meyer Bock, junk. 474 Charles Smith, coal. 325 John King. 502-504 Close Cicyle Co. E. Green st. intersects. 502-504 Carlty Heater Co. No houses to river. 522-524 Olean Carriage Works. UNION STREET (South). 524% Frank S. Shafer, tinner. Right and West Side. 528 John Ahrens, butcher. 104 Hotel Imperial. 528 James H. King, carp. 108 John Nicklas, barber. 540 Emerson D. Eastabrook, shoemkr. 110 Mrs. Pauline Adams. 540 (rear) Jay Cole. 116 Forman library. 540 (rear) Alonzo Wagner. 120 Louis C. Wilson, producer. 604 John A. Westfall, carp. 128 De Vere M. Hibbard, phys. 612 John Hagan, hotel. 132 Henry M. Ernst, producer. Main st. intersects. 136 Calvin W . White, engr. North Olean. 140 Joseph Huson. Olean St. Ry. Depot and Offices. 144 Mrs. E m m a O. Chamberlin. 752 John W . Murtaugh, tanner. W . Henley st. intersects. 770 George W . Cook, justice. 202 Lambert Whitney. 780 Vacant. 212 Mrs. Ellen T. Barrows. 784 John H. Kane, engr. 216 William H. Brown, saloonkpr. River st. intersects. Irving st. intersects. 802-804 802% 810 812 822 902 906 814 George 816 818 922 Village Antony August Acme William Frank Arthur Patrick Nikoden Water George Ruel Hose Hall. Starbitz, WB. Freeburg, Arenet, st. Ward. B. H. .Werry, C. Marcinkiewicz, C. Cook, Shaw, White, House. Albro, intersects. De carp. grocer. Launay, cabinetmkr. justice. saloon. cabinetmkr. grocer. carp.grocer. baker. 402 302-304 324 326 404 414 416 410 William Charles David Charles Edwin Edmund James W .Fred Green E. A. M. A. W. Wilkins, Donahue, Barrows, Pease, Cook, Mallery, Mott, st. Wilson, intersects. carp. pumper. condctr. painter. mason. dentist. far. lab. 184 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. UNION STREET (South Olean), from Al- 4 Milon V. Bump, frt. agt. legheny river, southward. Water st. intersects. Left and East Side. 26 Chapel. 1 Mrs. Mary M. Russell. Elm st. intersects. 3 Clinton B. McDowell, grocer. 30 George R. Brink, lab. 7 Edward Brunnells, lab. 32 Casper Frutiger, lab. 9 Mrs. Kate McGinnis. 36 Mrs. Margaret Hanley. 13 Mrs. Salina I. Simmons. Oak st. intersects. 17 Nelson R. Kamery, sexton. 42 Frank E. Rebman, machst. 21 Union Chapel. Pine st. intersects. 37 Milo Cook. WALNUT STREET (North), (North 41 Frederick G. Evans, teamster. Olean), from 30 N. Washington, north43 William M. Taylor, teamster. ward to limits. 45 Albert P. Walker, clerk. Left and West Side. 49 Mrs. Elizabeth McCann. 11 Martin Mukszcki, lab. 53 Vernon Tubbs, lab. 13 Frank Ballweg, car insp. 57 Frank E. Russell, teamster. 15 Reuben Maisey, fireman. 85 Sylvester Cole, lab. 17 F. Jonak. 89 Elias Cole, stonebreaker. 21 Stanley Stanack, lab. 93 George Cole, driver. WALNUT STREET (North), (North UNION STREET (South Olean). Olean). Right and West Side. Right and East Side. 2-4-6 Water works. 6 Carl Krummel, lab. 8 Public school. 8 Stanislaus Kubiak, lab. 12 Samuel C. Fox, plumber. 10 Martin Konescke, lab. W . River st. intersects. 12 John Jonak, lab. Mount View Cemetery. W A S H I N G T O N S T R E E T , from 203 N. 80 Erastus Parker, far. Fourth, westward to N. Thirteenth. 84 Ira M. Rounds, quarryman. Left and South Side. 88 Harry H. Hill, lab. Cemetery. 92 Jerome T. Crandall, lumberman. 613 William A. Gesse, clerk. 94 Welcome J. Lawton, far. N. Sixth st. intersects. V A N C A M P E N A V E N U E , from 318 703 Joel K. Wallin, miller. Wayne, northward. 705 George Miller painter. 505 Mrs. Jane Diver. 711 Mrs. Jennie Andrews. 507 Reuben Merwin, driver. N. Seventh st. intersects. 609 Jesse Groom, loco. engr. N o houses. 509% Earl Van Valkenburg, loco. engr. N. Ninth st. intersects. V I N E S T R E E T (North Olean), from end 1003 Frank C. Frampus, glassblr. of Water, northward to Oak. 1007 George H. Burleigh, blksmth. Right and East Side. 1009 Fred Westerland, carp. 19 Charles Goodz. 1013 Charles H. McWilliams, watchman. Elm St. intersects. N. Tenth st. intersects. N o houses. N o houses. Oak st. intersects. N. Eleventh st. intersects. W A L N U T S T R E E T (North Olean), from 1201 Arthur L. Isenberg, currier. 88 River, northward to Pine. 1203 Ellery L. Page, foreman. Left and West Side. 1205 Charles Helvigh. 3 Michael James, lab. 1209 John Engelbach, fireman. 5 A d a m Keiff, lab. 1209 Mrs. Nellie Quigley. 7 Tony Lee, lab. 1213 Charles Ratzel, car repr. 9 John Markert, lab. 1213 Mrs. Sarah Caulkins. Water St. intersects. 1215 Albert Berry, carp. N o houses. N. Twelfth st. intersects. Elm St. intersects. 1301 Christ Gabler, plumber. 27LJoseph Michael Judge, fireman. W 43 41 A31 29 William Vacant. Zeno NPine Oak U T Right Besecker, st. SSt. E.H. TF.Intersects. RWilcox, intersects. EMichler, and E T teamster. (North East hostler. blksmth. Side. Olean). 1305 1307 1311 W 510 A SNicholas Charles John HN. I NThirteenth GRight Landstrome, T. T OA. Truby, Shiber, N Godden, and STREET. st. North carp. cooper. Intersects. galvanizer. clerk. Side. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 512 Lynas J. Whitcomb, engr. N. Fifth st. intersects. 602 David T. Jones, loco. engr. 606 William A. Homer, fireman. 608 Maurice Fitzgerald, currier. 612 John B. Wentzell, glassblr. 616 Thomas Millar, lumberman. N. Sixth st. intersects. 704 Claude R. Smith, machst. 706 Samuel S. Turner, oil treater. 708 Truman T. Whipple, blksmth. 710 Martin Dwyer, telegr. 712 Daniel Crawford, tailor. 716 Edward W . Neff, barber. N. Seventh st. intersects. 802 Isaac S. Fox, glassblr. Buffalo st. intersects. 810 William Paul, miller. 812 Mrs. Matilda Whelan. 816 Lucien P. Abbott, timekpr. N. Eighth St. intersects. 902 Paul Wendal. 904 Lewis D. Vaughn, filler. 90S Frank H. Matthews, mgr. 916 John C. Lang, lab. 920 Greenleaf H. Mayo. N. Ninth St., not open. 1004 William J. Porsch, machst. Winters av. intersects. 1010 Mrs. Nellie L. Clark. 1010 Myron Llewellyn. 1010 Dennis W . Keating, musician. 1014 Leonard J. Brown. 1016 David Kellmer, painter. N. Tenth st, not open. 1102 Mrs. Caroline G. Walley. 1110 John G. Unferfate, car repr. 1114 Caleb D. Pierce, grocer. 1116 George W . Moore, engr. N. Eleventh st. intersects. 1208 Peter Hanson, car repr. 1208 William Haas, car repr. 1210 Frank Kamler. 1212 Ernest E. Nickel, engr. 1214 Joseph Fritz, carp. 1216 Uirich Thiemann, car repr. N. Twelfth st. intersects. 1302 Vacant. 1312 Gottlieb Cook. 1316 Charles A. Davenport, cabinetmkr. N. Thirteenth st. intersects. W A S H I N G T O N S T R E E T (North), (North Olean), from N. River, westward to limits. 12 Left and South Side. W 12 A10 Olean). SSHenry AAcme George Olean Washington HdIaNmGRight Glass Chemical TKinley A. C. O NBrown, Spencer, and SWTorks. Rawson, T&RWorks. North Sons, E Eboilermkr. carp. T lab. (North), Side. tanners.(North 185 16 Orin Drake, lab. 18 Frank Scanlon, lab. 26 Frank Smith, lab. 28 Patrick Cahill, lab. N. Walnut st. intersects. 30 Fred B. Georgia, ticket agt. 32 Dennis Harrington. 34 Henry L. Mackey, painter. 36 Robert Finlay, glassblr. 38 Mrs. Susan Sullivan. N. Union st. intersects. 40 Mrs. Henrietta Kautz. 48 Lawrence F. Sadon, butcher. 48 Michael Charlinski, lab. 52 Lawrence Lipicki, lab. WATER STREET (North Olean), from opp. 57 River, westward to Vine. Left and South Side. N o houses. Walnut st. intersects. 21 Mrs. Mary A. Sirdevan. 25 Mrs. Margaret Dunlavey. 25 James N. Walker, lab. N. Union st. intersects. 27 George O. Peglar, burner. 31 John Lavett, butcher. 33 Thomas McGrath,. lab. Maple st. intersects. 39 Vacant. 43 Erastus B. Cook, loco, hostler. 43 James Blackall, lab. 45 William Harvison, foreman. Spruce st. intersects. N o houses. Vine St. intersects. WATER STREET (North Olean). Right and North Side. No houses. Walnut st. intersects. 26 Patrick E. Welsh. 28 William T. Lee. N. Union st. intersects. 32 Emery Osterstuck, far. 34 John P. Sullivan, engr. Maple st. intersects. 36 John C. Lane, insp. Spruce st. intersects. N o houses. Vine st. intersects. W A Y N E S T R E E T , from 487 N. Union, westward to N. Thirteenth. Left and South Side. Ill William Gallagher, oil prod. N. First st. intersects. 207-227 E.Seventh R. Moore, lumber. 813 703 709 711 Samuel John P. Mrs. N.R. Lucinda Reirdon, Gold, R. B.shops Anderson, car st. Gale. baggageman. repr. and intersects. yards. barber. 186 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. N. Eighth st. intersects. W A Y N E STREET. Right and North Side. 112 Thomas G. Mahoney, stillman. 112 Jeremiah J. Dunlavey, mercht. 114 Alfred B. Wood, machst. 116 John T. Newman, machinehand. 120 John R. Silvernail, barber. 120 John A. Nutt, electrician. N. First st. intersects. 212 Charles R. Colgrove, condctr. Brickell av. intersects. 302 Conrad Kiesel, boilermkr. 302 Herbert Corn well, lab. 304 Judson O. Barnes, car bldr. 306 William Carter, carp. 310 Vacant. 312 Samuel B. Locke, baggageman. 314 Frank Letts, molder. 316 Edward Spellen, switchman. 318 William J. Foss, genl. store. Van Campen av. intersects. N. Third St., not open. 402 Albert L. Cookingham, constable. 404 Michael Roff, confctr. 404% John Lawrence, carp. 406 William Whelan, brkmn. 408 John Messer, dispatcher. 410 William H. Crawford, machst. 414 Mrs. Elizabeth Haller. N. Fourth st. intersects. 510 Bernard Duffy, fireman. 512 William A. Langley, fireman. 516 John C. Smith, boilermkr. N. Fifth st. intersects. 602 Patrick Driscoll. 614-616 Corry House. N. Sixth st. intersects. 704 Almond F. Carter, machine hand. 716 Turner Hose House. 712 Globe Hotel. 720 Adolph Engelbach, hotel. N. Seventh st. intersects. No houses. N. Eighth st. intersects. 910 Paul H. Nelson,joil^contrctr. l Q t * N. Ninth St. intersects. W H I T N E Y A V E N U E , from 323 N. Union, northwestward. Left and South Side. No houses. N. First st. intersects. 213 Edwin J. Munger, driver. N. Second st. intersects. 313 Frederick H. Johnson, florist. 321 Frederick D. Milliman, bartdr. 321 Robert J. Stratton, fireman. 323 Thomas F. McDermott, flagman. 327 Russell Olmstead, brkmn. WHITNEY AVENUE. Right and North Side. 106 Vacant. 108 John Richards, actor. 110 Vacant. 114 Rhinaldo M. Bowsel, cigar dlr. 118 Thomas J. Harvison, switchman. 122 Abraham Abohmad, dealer. 122 Charles Abohmad, salesman. 122 Deep Dewalaby, lab. 126 Mrs. Dora J. Knepp. N. First st. intersects. 202 James Knaisar, peddler. 202 Joseph Simon, peddler. 202 Michael Roggier, lab. 214 Star Bottling Works. 214 James S. Williamson, bottler. 218-220 Vacant. N. Second st. intersects. W I N T E R S A V E N U E , from 1004 Washington, northward to W . Sullivan. Left and West Side. 215 William Gannon, engr. 217 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. 219 Hiram D. Bartow, mason. 223 Carl Kolbe, ca'onetmkr. W . Sullivan st. intersects. WINTERS AVENUE. Right and East Side. 208 Owen J. Williams, Jr., postal clerk. 212 Charles Olds, carp. 216 William P. Branch, engr. 218 Ziba Bailey, janitor. 222 Charles C S & Reed, j v machst. ^ W . Sullivan st. intersects. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 187 O L E A N Classified Business Directory. 1901. Names in CAPITALS are Advertisers. A C A D E M I E S A N D SCHOOLS. Gould R. M., 719 W . State. Convent of Mercy, 614-616 W. Sullivan. Hatfield J. J., 120 N. Union. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Hughes S. A., 301 N. Union. SCHOOLS (THE), 310 Masonic Temple. Ingalls F. D., 120 W . State. (See top lines.) Johnson H. H., 461 N. Union. Westbrook Commercial Academy, 156 N. N E F F E. W., 108 N. Union (City Hall. (See Union. opp. inside front cover.) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Nicklas John, 108 S. Union. Utter & Utter, 408 N. Union. O L E A N H O M E B A R B E R SHOP, 130 N. Wright O. I., 410 N. Union. Union. (See p. 135.) ARCHITECTS. Paulman F. H., 1114 W . State. Button S. E., 11 Plum, E. O. Peckham A. Z., 511 N. Union. Salisbury H. S., 182% N. Union. Silvernail J. R., 321 N. Union. A R T GOODS. Snowden S. J., 639 E. State, E. O. Empire Art Co., 6 Riley & Wands block. Sturm C. J. W., 1308 W . State. Nickum C. T., 240 N. Union. Virginriia W . W., 445 N. Union. ARTIST. Wiesman J. H., 310 N. Union. Evans Adelaide C , 118 N. First. BARGAIN STORE. Allen's Bargain Store, 174 N. Union. AWNINGS. B E D SPRINGS M A N U F A C T U R E R . Varney E. J., 230 N. Union. Mallery L. A., 516 W . State. BAKERS. BICYCLES, SUNDRIES A N D REBrendell J. A., 125 N. Union. PAIRERS. Butts F. A., 1117 N. Union, N. O. Close Cycle Co., 502-504 N. Union. Fink John Mrs., 717 W State. Phillips G. E., 315 W . State. Grossman Sisters, 302 W . State. Smith George & Co., 256 N. Union. Hoffman Frank, 1120 W . State. BILL P O S T E R S . Larkhan & Page, 312 W . State. Olean Bill Posting Co., 25 Exchange Bank Riley & Wands, 301 N. Union. bldg. Robinson N. R., 237 N. Main. BILLIARDS A N D P O O L . BANKS. E X C H A N G E NATIONAL, 165 N. Union. Binney S. W., 105 N. Union. BINNEY W . L., 130 W . State. (See p. 34.) (See outside front cover.) FIRST NATIONAL, 107 N. Union. (See Bowser A. J., 117 W . State. Collopy Bros., 317 N. Union. outside back cover and side lines.) Grand Central Hotel, 318 N. Union. BARBERS. Moran & Bowser, 312 N. Union. Anderson S. B., 813 Wayne. O'Connell Bros., 126-12S W . State. Andrews Charles, 529 N. Union. Moran Thomas, 321 N. Union. Bendean F. C, Exchange Bank bldg. Sherlock J. M., 180 N. Union. demons L. L., 704 W . State. World Hotel, 721 State. Coss G.&C. M., 617 E. State, E. O. Crawford Decker Dempsey Evans DeBois T. Vasquez, J. J. JJ., ., CC,, 614 304 1109 106 Wayne. W311% .W N.State. .Union, N. State. Union. N. O. B Feuchter FULLER Geise Olbey BLESSING L colored A CW KJ. S .M page.) George, B., L., C. IC. T5H., H 538 J., River, SW E. 108 112 110 &.State, S. N. S. S. H OThird. First. Third. R O.SE. E SO. H(See O E R Send . 188 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Olean Carriage Works, 522-524 N. Union. Star Bottling Works, 214 Whitney av. Swarts A. A., Ill S. First. Wallhauser G. F., 602 E. State, E. O. Taylor A. M., 471 N. Union. BREWERS. Whitcomb G. N., 507 N. Union. DOTTERWEICH BREWING CO., 301-311 BOARDING HOUSES. W. Henley. (See outside back cover.) Aylesworth Stella Mrs., 511 Irving. BRICK M A N U F A C T U R E R S . Barnard Mary E. Mrs., 633 E. State, E. O. Murray J. C. & A., Hoops, E. O. Fink John Mrs., 717 W . State. BRIDGE BUILDERS. Moodier Susan Mrs., 605 N. Union. Groton Bridge & M'f'g Co., Ill North. Stevens M. A. Mrs., 118 E. Henley. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. West Ella M. Mrs., 414 W . State. GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 N. Union. (See Wind Ernestine Mrs., 507 W . State. top lines.) BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Moore E. R., 207-227 Wayne. Ball E. M. Mrs. (Catholic), 205 W . Henley. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Black J. B., 141 N. Union. Moore E. R., 207-227 Wayne. Brothers F. R. & Co., 119 N. Union. Olean Supply Co., 413 N. Union. Goodwin W . A., 233 N. Union. T A Y L O R B. U., 254 N. Union. (See top Kohmbian Pharmacy, 133 N. Union. and bottom lines.) O A K L E A F F. H., 127 N. Union. (See p. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA104.) TION. Palmer A. M. & Co., 161 N. Union and 722 Olean Building, Lean & Savings AssociaW . State. tion, 109 North. White H. G., 313 N. Union. C A R P E T CLEANING. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. O L E A N CARPET CLEANING A N D Albro R. C, 802 N. Union, N. O. F E A T H E R RENOVATING W O R K S , Ball's W. W. Sons, 168 N. Union. 257 N. Union. (See front cover.) Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ETC. Clark F. W . Mrs. (ladies), 409 W . State. Adams George B. & Co., 149-151 N. Union. Fish S. E., 239 N. Union. Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. Ford G. C , 176 N. Union. Conkling Robert A. Co. (The), 135-137 N. FOSS W . J., 318 Wayne. (See outside Union. back cover.) C A R R I A G E S A N D SLEIGHS. Higgins F. W . & Co., 927 Buffalo. Olean Carriage Works, 522-624 N. Union. Higgins O. T. & Son. 1101 N. Union, N. O. Utter & Utter, 408 N. Union. Jenni Michael, 411 N. Union. CHEMICAL WORKS. Johnson J. M., 147 N. Union. Olean Chemical Co., N. Washington, N. O. L A Y A. L., 206 W . State. (See side lines.) CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Sheehan D. W., 501-505 N. Union. Cohn M. L., 326 W . State. S W A N S O N NILS, 702 W . State. (See opp. Cohen Meloy, 210 W . State. inside front cover.) Kelsey James, 144 N. Union. T Y L E R F. E. & CO., 158 N. Union. (See Lang J. I., Ill N. Union. top lines.) Larkin M. J., 143% N. Union. Weber H. H., 135 N. Union. CIGARS A N D TOBACCOS. Zimmerman Bros., 802 W . State. Baish C. E., 217 N. Union. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS AND Bear Rebecca Mrs., 318 W . State. REPAIRERS. Braico Michael, 431 N. Union. Brown C. J., 306 W . State. Burke M. J., 529 N. Union. C O O K A. G., 512 W . State. (See bottom C H A P M A N J. M., 126 N. Union. (See p. lines.) 42.) Capozzi James, 106 Hamilton. Dorsey Edward, 248 N. Union. Eastabrook E. D., 540 N. Union. D U N L A V E Y BROS., 311 N. Union. (See Kiesel Michael, 1001 N. Union, N. O. p. 55 and bottom lines.) Kozicki Peter, 1017 N. Union, N. O. Exchange News Co., 167 N. Union. L A Y A. L., 206 W . State. (See side lines.) Kelsey James, 144 N. Union. Lay Leonard, 1117 Buffalo. Lang J. I., Ill N. Union. B. J., 306 N. Union. Moran Bowser, 312 Union. MMooney Rosa SOHaugh Yannella Dotterweich colored OLWinside Union. ERA AENJoseph, NLS M. LOfront page.) NFelix, BOTTLING PJ., ENILS, Bottling T415 cover.) B611 E OR455 N. T,N. 702 T108 N. LUnion. Union. ECo., WUnion. Laurens. RW.SO.State. 207 R K SS., Second. (See 412opp. end N. RILEY O'Meara Sherlock Tannous Sigel top lines.) J.&& H., J. Kinaan, Lawrence, W 307 AM., N DN. ISO S 453 ,Union. N. 301-305 435 N.N. Union. N. Union. N.Union. Union. (See OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Borneman William, 443 N. Union. Pelton J. G., 219% N. Union. CLERGYMEN. Ashton J. W., 112 S. Clinton. Burkhardt Jacob, 142 N. Thirteenth. Chodacki Louis, 733 N. Union, N. O. Dolan II. H., 118 W . Henley. Fowler F. K., 115 S. Clinton. Hamel J. J., 118 W . Henley. Harvey G. R., 73 Garden av., E. O. Lane A. G., 409 S. Fourth. Mather V. P., 317 N. Clinton. Mooney J. F., 773 N. Union, N. O. Reed N. L., 206 Laurens. Sooy J. L., 203 N. Fourth. Weidman F. C , 415 Laurens. Wells J. R., 106 N. Ninth. Woods H. C , 126 N. Barry. C L O A K S A N D SUITS. Marcus H. W., 131 N. Union. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS & MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Alden Clothing Store, 266 N. Union. Ball's W . W . Sons, 168 N. Union. Coast, Davis & Nenno, 154 N. Union. Deiches Saul, 170 N. Union. Ford G. C, 176 N. Union. Godfrey W . D., 164 N. Union. Horner W m . & Co., 136-138 N. Union. Jenni Michael, 411 N. Union. McLowry & Monahan, 219 N. Union. Racket Store, 225 N. Union. Ruttenberg S., 162 N. Union. Union Clothing Co., 213 N. Union. 189 Green A. H., 108 E. Green. Griffin Philip, 463% N. Union. Judge Albert, 313 W . Sullivan. Lamper A. M., 1117 W . Sullivan. Maurer J. M., 124 Fulton. Miller D. H., 224 N. Sixth. Olean Supply Co., 413 N. Union. Phinney Beriah, 1102 W . Sullivan. Reynolds Ellsworth, 626 E. State, E. O. Reynolds L. P., 30 Second, av., Bv. Rice J. H., 122 E. Henley. Ritzaur J. C, W . State, W . O. Rollinson L. H „ 214 N. Seventh. Sheldon J. A., 138 S. First. Sturm Edward, 605 W . State. T A Y L O R B. U. 254 N. Union. (See top and bottom lines.) Toohey P. J., 469 N. Union. Weatherell James, 134 S. Barry. Woodruff A. C , 148 N. Seventh. CONTRACTOR—PAVING. Van Campen J. K., 145 S. Clinton. CORNICE M A N U F A C T U R E R . Pierce O. W., 108-110 S. Third. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Adams Geo. B. & Co., 149-151 N. Union. Beli Bros., 157-159 N. Union. Wilkinson W . S., 129 N. Union. DENTISTS. Barrows D. E., 168% N. Union. Card J. M., 234 N. Union. Lewis S. E., 186 N. Union. McNeille P. R., 133% N. Union. Noyes W . P., 156 N. Union. Raub L. M. & Son, 311-312 Masonic Temple. Sweeney John, 313 Masonic Temple. COAL AND WOOD. Whipple O. & Son, 3-4 Riley & Wands blk. Olean Supply Co., 413 N. Union. DEPOTS. S M I T H C H A R L E S , 474 N. Union. (See p. Erie, Pine cor. N. Union, N. O. 124.) T A Y L O R B. U., 254 N. Union. (See top Pennsylvania, N. Union cor. Railroad av. and bottom, lines.) DRAYMEN. Wright O. I., 410 N. Union. Beabout George, 1006 W . Henley. COLLECTOR. Benjamin A. O., 45 Queen, E. O. Carter C. W., 315 Masonic Temple. Coleman J. C , 1415 W . State. CONFECTIONERS. Gilligan & Bisett, 123 N. First. Bear Rebecca Mrs., 318 W . State. Hall J. C , 29 Garden av., E. O. Braico Michael, 431 N. Union. Moore Foster, 43 Railroad av., E. O. Brendell J. A., 125 N. Union. Reese A. J., 232 S. Barry. Greek-American Fruit Co., 201 N. Union. Smith B. W., 217 Adams. Grossman Sisters, 302 W . State. Sprague Albert, 1306 W . Sullivan. Italo-American Fruit Co., 231 N. Union. DRESSMAKERS. Morian F. E., W . State cor. N. Union. Ackerman C. N. Mrs., 128 N. Fourth. Rose Samuel, 409 N. Union. Ball Elizabeth M., 207 W . Henley. Anderson Burt GFish Goltz Bemis Breder Bussler Button Sherwood Itop CLOLF. Nlines.) Joseph, IF. G. TNCharles, S. A. R W., GW., L., S. A Nancy HE., CAC118 ,135 MA., T107 604 11 105 O&N. 118 S. RrIrving. Plum, E. S. .N. SON, SThird. S. Second. 121 Mrs., Clinton. AFirst. Third. NN. E. 302 D321 Union. N. BUILDERS. O.WUnion. . State.(See Barleon Burleigh Chaffee Finger Howell Caulkins Cline Feuchter Forrester Georgia Grant Hawley L. Ellen, Clara Delia Ida Mayme, Susie Maria Elizabeth, O. Sarah Clara Minerva M. 523 E., Mrs.. Mrs., J. L., Mrs., Mrs., A., 122 Mrs., N. 209 Mrs., 301 242% 322 Fourth. N. 217 112 N. 509 1213 61 N. Barry. N. Jay. Eleventh. N. N. 210 N. King, Barry. Washington. Eleventh. Union. Union. Second. E. State. E. O. 190 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Jewell Nellie L., 241 N. Union. Karagan Anna, 156 N. Union. Keating Mary, 1010 Washington. Kelley Elizabeth G., 401 N. Eighth. Kiely Mary E., 505 N. Union. Macomber A. E. Mrs., 130 S. First. Mosher Alice D., 129 S. Second. Newman Anna Mrs., 512 Brickell av. O'Dell Jennie H., 108 E. Sullivan. O'Hara Florence H., 109 N. Twelfth. Olbey Mary A. Mrs., 122 Fulton. Paddock Lizzie Mrs., 302 S. Eighth. Passmore Mary, 131 S. Second. Priest Julia, 156 N. Union. Prosser Florence A. Mrs., 126 N. First. Rich Ada R., 264% N. Union. Rose Esther A. Mrs., 109 S. Fourth. Sheehan Anna A., 104 Laurens. Smith Sisters, 135 N. Barry. Switz E. B. Mrs., 105 N. Clinton. Thomas Carrie Mrs., 211 Adams. Toohey Nora E., 469 N. Union. Valentine L. V. Mrs,, 124 W . Green. Venus Jennie A. Mrs., 281% N. Union. Vossler Anna A., 113 N. Fifth. Wadhams Lena M., 130 S. Clinton. Walters Elizabeth N., 112 S. Second, Weipper Rose E. Mrs., 15 Riley & Wands blk. Wilson Kate M., 241 N. Union. Wood Nettie Mrs., 113 Fulton. Wright S. E. Mrs. 130 N. Third. Yahn Paulina Mrs., 110 N. Ninth. Zimmerman Lillie J., 32 Third av., Bv. DRUGGISTS. Black J. B., 141 N. Union. Brothers F. R. & Co., 119 N. Union. Goodwin W . A., 233 N. Union. Hatch & Rumsey, 609 E. State, E. O. Kolumbian Pharmacy, 133 N. Union. Murphy J. V., 1103 N. Union, N. O. Olean House Pharmacy, 134 N. Union. Palmer A. M. & Co., 161 N. Union and 722 W . State. White H. G., 313 N. Union. DRY GOODS. (See also General Stores.) Adams Geo. B. & Co., 149-151 N. Union. Albro R. C, S02-804 N. Union, N. O. Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. Cohen Cappel, 121 N. Union. Douglas, Graham Co. (The), 123 N. Union. FOSS W . J., 318 Wayne. (See outside back cover.) Grant J. J., 314 W . State. Hederi J. N., 445 N.535 Union. Racket EMBROIDERY ELECTRIC Mack Marcus Phillips Olean Hirchert Sheehan N. Union. M. Electric Store, & H. D. F., Pauline Keenan, W., W., 1022 LIGHT 225 Light AND 131 501-505 C, N. N.Union, 143% Union. STAMPING. &Union. N. N. &Power Union. N. POWER N.Union. Co., O. 430-432 CO. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American, 148 N. Union. Wells, Fargo & Co., 172 N. Union. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST. Smith A. E., 105 S. Barry. FEATHER RENOVATOR. OLEAN CARPET CLEANING AND FEATHER RENOVATING WORKS, 257 N. Union. (See outside front cover.) FISH AND OYSTERS. Olean Fish and Oyster Co., 608 W . State. FLORISTS. Herron D. R., W . State, W . O. Johnson F. H., 313 Whitney av. ROSS W . C, 124 N. Union. (See outside front cover.) Shannon Ella Mrs., 43 Queen, E. O. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. Higgins F. W . & Co., 925-927 Buffalo. Wright O. I., 410 N. Union. FLOUR AND FEED MILLS. A C M E MILLS, 312-318 N. Barry. (See p. 27.) Empire Mills, Pine, N. O. O L E A N MILLS, 502 W . State. (See inside front cover.) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Carley Heater Co., 502-504 N. Union. L U T H E R MFG. CO., 133-149 Railroad av. (See inside back cover.) Myrick Machine Co., 126-134 E. Sullivan. FREE AMBULANCE. Olean Funeral Directing Co., 217 N. Union. FRUIT DEALERS. Greek-American Fruit Co., 201 N. Union. Italo-American Fruit Co., 231 N. Union. Rose Samuel, 409 N. Union. F U N E R A L D I R E C T O R S A N D EMBALMERS. OLEAN FUNERAL DIRECTING CO., 217 N. Union. Woodard C. P., 230 N. Union. FURNITURE DEALERS. Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. Conkllng Robert A. Co. (The), 135-137 N. Union. Holleran J. D., 465 N. Union. FURNITURE—SECOND HAND. Cohen Betsy Mrs., 429 N. Union. GAS COMPANIES. Keystone, 182 N. Union. Producers, 205 Masonic Temple. GAS FIXTURES A N D STOVES. Barse C. V. B. & Co., 153-155 N. Union. Keystone Gas 182N. N. Union. Wilkinson Miller Hardware W . Co., S., 129 Co., 139Union. N. Union. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. GENERAL STORES. (See also Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Grocers.) Curtis G. W., 27 Homer, N. O. Fehan David & Co., 1112 N. Union, N. O. Higgins F. W . & Co., 925-927 Buffalo. Higgins O. T. & Son, 1101 N. Union. Merritt F. W . & Son, 637 E. State, E. O. Spindler Bros., 620 W . State. 191 HAIR GOODS MANUFACTURER. Maurer Phoebe, 123% N. Union. H A R D W A R E , CUTLERY, ETC. Barse C. V. B. & Co., 153-155 N. Union. Frawley J. B., 205 N. Union. G I L L I N G H A M & SON, 302 N. Union. (See top lines. Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union. Wilkinson W . S., 129 N. Union. GLASS BOTTLE MANUFACTURERS. HARNESSMAKERS AND DEALERS. Rank G. R., 204 W . State. Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo. Smith D. L., 219% N. Union. GLASS MANUFACTURERS. S M I T H H. A., 414 N. Union. (See front Acme Glass Co., Johnson, N. O. cover.) GROCERS—RETAIL. Wiedman John, 317 W . State. (See also General Stores.) HIDES, F U R S A N D W O O L . Albro R. C , 802-804 N. Union, N. O. Reich Simon, 309 W . State. Anderson A. W., 1102 W . State. HORSESHOERS. Bailey M. H., 262 N. Union. (See Blacksmiths and Horseshoers.) Cradduck C. C , 258 N. Union. HOTELS. De Kay William, 85 Bishop, E. O. American House, 1125-1127 N. Union, N. O. Dotterweich M. S. Mrs., 220 W . State. Arizona House, W . State, W . O. Edel August, 323 W . State. Bateman House, 527 N. Union. Finnessy Bros., 117 N. Union. FOSS W . J., 318 Wayne. (See outside back Buffalo House, 111 Railroad av. Butler A. W., 437 N. Union. cover.) City Exchange, 1126 N. Union, N. O. Foss Walter & Co., 16 Main, Bv. Corry House, 614 Wayne, ,R. A. Milliken, Geuder J. H., 422 W . State. prop. Gibbons Eva M., 432 N. Seventh. East Side, 603 E. State E. O. Hannifan W . P., 1302 W . State. Empire House, 1024 N. Union, N. O. Hatch & Rumsey, 609 E. State, E. O. Higgins F. W . & Co., 120 N. Union and 701 Englebach Adolph, 720 Wayne. Frank's, 108-110 W . State. E. State, E. O. Genesee House, 127-129 Railroad av. Hull E. S., 236 N. Eighth. Globe, 712 Wayne. Hutchings William, 123 Railroad av. Grand Central, 314-318 N. Union; Robert Jordan C , 513 N. Union. Graves, prop. Mack M. F., 1022 N. Union, N. O. Marcinkiewciz Nikoden, 1113 N. Union, Hagan House, 612 N. Union. Homestead House, 323 N. Union. N. O. Hotel Capitol, 112 W . State. McDowell C. B., 3 Union, S. O. Hotel Imperial, 104 S. Union, E. H. VaughMeloy J. W., 113 N. Union. an, prop. Phillips & Keenan, 535 N. Union. Hotel Snyder, 402-404 N. Union, E. W . Very, Pierce C. D., 201 N. Eleventh. prop. Pratt D. A., 236 N. Union. Olean House, 126-140 N. Union, H. S. SartPratt J. W., 203 N. Union. well, prop. Reeve Mary H., 463 N. Union. R I L E Y & W A N D S , 301-305 N. Union. (SeeProspect House, 1621 W . State, W . O. Railroad House, 405 N. Union. top lines.) World, 721 W . State. Schmitt Peter, 511 W . State. Shaffer C. A. & Son, 402 W . State. HUB MANUFACTURER. Sheehan D. W., 501-505 N. Union. Whitney R. M., ft. Fifth. Starbltz Frank, 818 N. Union, N. O. ICE D E A L E R S . State St. Cash Grocery (The), 1223 W . Haugh M. J., 611 N. Union. State. Russell E. R., 9 Garden av., E. O. Thornbury M. A., WState, .3 State. IEMT. N&RASS. RE., A N309 CSTILLMAN, Elines.) AGENCIES. FISHER RHiggins Zimmerman Walker Wiedman Wright HAIR Ip. top L E60.) lines.) YGROCERS—WHOLESALE. & DRESSER R. J. F.LAURA WWH., WR., A.Bros., .NG., 1320 & D643-645 SCo., 1320 ,1301 W802 J.301-305 .,AND E. W 120 3W0. .State, N. N. State. N. MANICURE. Union. E. Union. Union. E.O.O.See (SeePassmore Abrams A HBrickell Mandeville Metropolitan New ETemple. L(See LDIEYork KRoutside Life Sons, J., (See W NU&. Life edges &H. 208 Ins. Ptop ACity Ins. & TN. Co., RMasonic Co., of Ibldg. First. Co., D leaves.) G230 163 E ,156 N. Temple. 307 N. 109 Union. Union. Masonic Union. North. 192 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co., City Hall. MACHINISTS. Prudential Ins. Co. (The), 303 N. Uuion. (See Founders and Machinists.) INSTALLMENT GOODS. MAGNETIC HEALER. Arnson Moses, 316% W . State; A. L. Mas- Curtis Monroe, 123% N. Union. son, mgr. MANICURES. Willis Hezeriah, 407 N. Union. FISHER L A U R A J., 18 Riley & Wands JUNK DEALER. blk. (See p. 60.) Bock Meyer, 301 S. Union. H E W I T T M A R I O N , 145% N. Union. (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. front cover.) Cobb William, 156 N. Union. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKSCook G. W., 906 N. Union, N. O. FOLEY BROS., 201-203 W. State. (See inDwinells C. S., 156 N. Union. side back cover.) Hubbard W . S., 4 City Hall bldg. MASSAGE. LADIES' HAIR DRESSER. Berry A. T., 121 N. Third, H E W I T T M A R I O N , 145% N. Union. (See M E A T MARKETS. front cover.) Ahrens Adolph, 475 N. Union. LADIES' TAILORS. Gault Bros., 260 N. Union. Fiester C. A. Mrs., 215 N. Union. Jaekle Jacob, 1020 N. Union, N. O. Pettit E. C. Mrs., 147 N. Union. Kichle G. B., 325 W . State. LAUNDRIES. Marcinkiewciz Nikoden, 1115 N. Union, American Falace, 112 W . Sullivan. N. O. City Steam,-264 N. Union. Mayer Bros., 152 N. Union. Olean Steam, 312 E. State. McCall & Besecker, 721 E. State, E. O. Sing Sam, 253 N. Union. Mcintosh & Kelly, 1129 W . State. W a h Quong, 244 N. Union. Sheehan D. W., 501-505 N. Union. LAWYERS. Spiesman Matthias, 801 W . State. Andrews C. S., 201 Masonic Temple. Vollmer Fred Mrs., 316 W . State. Beare C. D., 204 Masonic Temple. MEATS—WHOLESALE. Carter C. W . (collection agent), 315 Ma-Armour & Co., 424-426 N. Union. sonic Temple. M E R C H A N T TAILORS. Cary, Rumsey & Hastings, 22-23 Exchange Basler Frank, 606 W . State. Bank bldg. Brenner George, 501 W. State. Cobb William, 156 N. Union. Gena & Rice, 234 N. Union. Collins P. S., 156 N. Union. Godfrey W . D., 164 N. Union. Donnelly Henry, 121% N. Union. Hartman C. H., 219% N. Union. Dwinells C. S., 156 N. Union. Kurtzhaltz Edmond, 243 N. Union Eaton F. D., 31 Exchange Bank bldg. M A Y E R & M A Y E R , 122 N. Union. Hubbard W . S., 4 City Hall bldg. Michael Samuel, 212 W . State. Jewell J. R. & D. L., 32 Exch. Bank bldg. N e w Era Merchant Tailoring Co.. 719 W Jewell M. B., 153 N. Union. State. Parker W . D., 156 N. Union. Scott Samuel, 221 N. Union. Pierce & Cobb, 308 Masonic Temple Zeile F. L., 147 N. Ninth. Smith W . V. & J. E., 133% N. Union. MILK DEPOTS. Storrs Thomas, 241 N. Union. Bennett W . N., 932 Buffalo. Waring J. H., 107 N. Union. Larkhan & Page, 312 W . State. LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. MILLINERY. Pierce James Leather Co. (The), 1601-1611 Backus Carrie Mrs., 319 W . State. W. Henley. Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. LIVERY A N D S A L E STABLES. Douglas, Graham Co. (The), 123 N. Union. Hovey G. L., 160 N. Union. Marcus H. W., 131 N. Union. Muckey Orgen, 238 N. Union. Marth Elizabeth Mrs., 221 N. Union Olean Livery Co., 140 N. Union. Morris C. W., 235 N. Union. Pelton F. D., 605 E. State, E. O. Pettit E. C. Mrs., 147 N. Union. Thornbury M. A., 1301 W . State. Racket Store, 225 N. Union. LUMBER DEALERS—RETAIL. Tallman Belle Mrs., 207 N. Union. Whitton LUMBER Moore Droney Morris SMITH 124.) E. C. J. CHARLES, Thomas, R., W., DEALERS—WHOLESALE. R.,217 33 20-21 Exchange Wayne. 30Exch. Exchange 474 N.Bank Union. Bank Bank bldg. bldg. See bldg.p. Brown Olean (See Binney School Bertha L.MUSIC MUSIC E. MUSIC Pianos of Mrs., L., Music, 1014 TOlean DESand EACAWashington. CH303 LHOSchool EOrgans.) EON. RRLSS ..Union. .of Music. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 193 Bussell G. S., 219 N. Fourth. Chase E. C. Mrs., 123 S. Eleventh. Campbell L. C, 1107 W . State. Fairchild Bertha E., 138 N. Tenth. Coast John & Son, 133% N. Union. Gallagher Cecelia, 463% N. Union. Curtis E. F., 710 W . Sullivan. Griffith Margaret, 127 N. Barry. Harrington Kathryn, 32 N. Washington, Devlin T. J., 226 N. First. Duke John, US N. Clinton. N. O. Ernst H. M., 37 Exch. Bank bldg. Kenniston Laura A., 325 N. Fourth. Franchot Bros., 26 Exch. Bank bldg. Mather Frances, 317 N. Clinton.' Franchot R. H., 26 Exch. Bank bldg. McNall Ella, 28 Pierce av., W . O. Gallagher Wm., Ill Wayne. Smith Julia V., 650 E. State, E. O. Hogan David, 224 N. Fourth. Starks M. Maud, 204 East av. Hughes J. H., 112 W . Green. Weld Mayme M., 264% N. Union. Johnson E. M., 118 W . Sullivan. W I G H T A. J., Olean School of Music. Dove T. B.. 311 E. State. Wight Ida M., 211 N. First. McCormick M. T., 45 Union, S. O. NEWS DEALERS. Moore G. N., 504 W . Sullivan. Exchange News Co., 167 N. Union. OAKLEAF F. H., 127 N. Union. (See p. Pierce J. S., 1006 W . State. Shafer Michael, 330 Laurel av. 104.) S H E R I D A N G. A., 145 N. Barry. (See opp. NEWSPAPERS. HUSTLER (MONTHLY), 210 Masonic inside front cover.) Strong G. H., 38 Exch. Bank bldg. Temple. Olean Democrat (Weekly), 215 N. Union. Welsh P. C, r. 445 N. Union. Wilson L. C, 120 S. Union. Olean Herald (Daily), 215 N. Union. Woodard G. B., 1616 W . State, W . O. Olean Ledger (Weekly), 241 N. Union. OPERA HOUSES. O L E A N TIMES (Daily and Weekly), 107 Academy of Music, 515 N Union. North. (See p. 145.) Olean Opera House, 115 W . State. N O T A R Y PUBLIC. OPTICIANS. Dwinells C. S., 156 N. Union. Daniels G. R., 166 N. Union. NOTIONS. Robie C. H., 143 N. Union. Cohen Cappel, 121 N. Union. FOSS W . J., 318 Wayne. (See outside back PAINTERS A N D P A P E R H A N G E R S . Ball G. J., 208 Irving. cover.) Bundy & Rockwood, 114 E. Sullivan. Hederi J. N., 445 N. Union. Ganoung H. P. & Son, r. 250 N. Union. Tannous Kinaan, 453 N. Union. Hamilton B. E., Ill E. Green. NURSES. Hodges D. E., 125 N. Eighth. Carrier L. Grace, 112 N. Barry. Jones C. S., 221 Adams. Cartwright Lovelia, 121 N. Second. Harrison Fannie Mrs., 24 Third av., Bv. Kelly E. W., 129 W . State. McClure O. S., 162% N. Union. Jackson Bertha M., 525 N. Sixth. Perry, J. D., 320 Jay. Keir James, 1005 Buffalo. Phillips M. B., 143 N. Ninth. Rice Cynthia D., 126 S. Eleventh. Spiller E. A., 121 N. Eighth. Simmons Sophia H., 214 N. Second. Wilkins Fred, 302 S. Union. Smith Winifred Mrs., 117 S. Tenth. P A I N T E R S — C A R R I A G E A N D SIGN. Wiley John Mrs., 409% Laurens. Ganoung H. P. & Son, r. 250 N. Union OCULIST. Muller H. C, 477 N. Union. Smith A. E., 105 S. Barry. PAINTS, OILS A N D V A R N I S H E S . OIL C O M P A N I E S . National Transit Co., 24 Exch. Bank bldg. GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 N. Union. (See top lines.) South Penn Oil Co., 206 Masonic Temple. Moore E. R., 217 Wayne. Standard (Acme Works), Pine, N. O. PAWNBROKER. Vacuum, Buffalo cor. Seymour, N. O. Harris J. M., 252 N. Union. OIL C O N T R A C T O R S . Curtis W . H., 218 N. Third. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Dugan Dennis D., 316 Laurel av. Hearn J. P., 1121 W . State. OIL Beattie Bulger Bradley Brown Allen Ballard Nelson S colored H E RPRODUCERS. Riley, IH. Andrew, P. D T. L. S. Apage.) H., W., NA., H., 1103 B.910 809 509 211 311 J., 131 WWayne.. W N. N. .145 Laurens. . S. State. Ninth. Third. Sullivan. N. Clinton. Barry. (See end Clark Whipple Brothers Allen Cheney Winsor Bartlett Boothe Scott PHYSICIANS D. J. J. PHOTOGRAPHIC WJ. Nelson, C. H. C, R., F. .C,P.. C, H., R. C111% 119 129 ,210 150 &236 Laurens. 224 178% Hamilton. Co., North. N. A N. N. N. NN. Union. Second. D Union. 119 First. Union. SN. GOODS. U RUnion. GEONS. 194 OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. Dallanbaugh W. C, 136 N. First. Eddy & Knowies, 5-6 City Hall. Follett M. C, 102 E. Henley. Harries W . A., 204 W . Sullivan. Hewitt W . I., 204 W . Sullivan. Hibbard De V. M., 128 S. Union. Jepson Mary B., 103 S. Barry. Loughlen J. J., 168% N. Union. Loughlen T. B., 168% N. Union. McDuffie W . E., 301 E. State. Morris J. E. K., 249 N. Union. Mountain W . H., Ill N. Union. Smith A E., 105 S. Barry. Smith Cassar, 903 W . State. Smith H. M., 112 Laurens. Watts F. E., 131 S. First PIANOS AND ORGANS. Costello J. H., 124 N. Union. Willard Charles, 229 N. Union. PIANO TUNERS. Chase A. L., 123 S. Eleventh. Maxon C. M., 178% N. Union. (See front edges of leaves.) Harris J. M., 252 N. Union. Passmore S. E., 309 Masonic Temple. Strong G. H., 38 Exch. Bank bldg. REPAIR SHOP. Smith George & Co., 256 N. Union. RESTAURANTS. CITY CAFE, 146 N. Union. (See end colored, page.) New Arlington Cafe, 309 N. Union. Osbon G. W., 129 W . State. Pan-American, 244 N. Union. Peterson Bros., 209 N. Union. Shoemaker W . M., 308 N. Union. ROLLING BLINDS & SHUTTERS MFR. Wilson J. G., Johnson, N. O. RUBBER STAMPS. Varney E. J., 230 N. Union. SALOONS. (See also Hotels, also Wines and Liquors, Wholesale and Retail.) Armstrong S. G., 1319 Buffalo. PICTURES AND FRAMES. Conkling R. A. Co. (The), 135-137 N. Bielinsky Union. Joseph, 1002 N. Union, N. O. Binnev S. W., 105 N. Union. Nickum C. T., 240 N. Union. B I N N E Y W . L., 130 W . State. (See p. 34.) PIPE LINE COMPANY. Brown W . H., 124 W . State. Tide Water Pipe Co., 24 Exch. Bank bldg. Chesney Ambrose, 308 W . State. PLANING MILLS. John, 101 N. Union. Gillingham & Son, N. Second, cor. R.Cramsie R. City Cafe, 146 N. Union. Moore E. R., 207-227 Wayne. Collopy Bros., 317 N. Union. Troy Edward, 210-220 S. Barry. Donovan Wm., 1024 N. Union, N. O. Union Planing Mill, Johnson, N. O. E D E L C H A R L E S , 1123-1125 W . State. (See Wilson J. G.,. Johnson. N. O. p. 56.) PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS Fitzgerald Michael, 447 N. Union. FITTERS. Fitzpatrick Bros., 116 W . State. Havens J. H., 113 W. State, Fitzsimmons J. C, 1021 N. Union, N. O. Kallenback E. L., 701 W . State. Halter William, 504 W . State. Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union. R O D G E R S D. G. & CO., Ill W . State. (SeeHarvey & English, 103 N. Union. Lee Wm., 72 Oak, N. O. side lines.) Moran Thomas, 321 N. Union. Simpson W . H., 184 N. Union. Myers Martin, 1121 N. Union, N. O. Wilkinson W . S., 129 N. Union. Odell D. W., 315 N. Union. PRINTERS—BOOK AND JOB. O'Rourke Edward, 521 N. Union. Olean Job Printing Office, 314 Masonic Peterson Bros., 209 N. Union. Temple. R A F F E R T Y C. PI., 156 N. Union. (See p. Powers Bros., 501 N. Thirteenth. Ross M. A. Mrs., 319 N. Union. 112.) Savage P. J., 202 W . State. Sibley & Ostrom, 215 N. Union. S T R A I G H T C. D. (Olean Times), 107 Smith J. A., 118 W . State. Waldeck William, 1312 W . State. North. (See p. 145.) SAW MILL MACHINERY SPEWadhams & Smith, 241 N. Union. CIALTIES. PRODUCE DEALERS. Abbott D. S. Co. (The), 509 N. First. Miller L. Y., 121-123 W. State. SCREW STUMP PULLERS. Thacher & Blood, 324 W . State. Chamberlin Mfg. Co., 210-220 S. Barry. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND SEWING Mfg. MACHINES. Abrams & Sons, ALDERMAN &DEALERS. STILLMAN, City bldg. 109 North. Singer Co., 244% N. Union. OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 195 SHOE STOCK MANUFACTURERS. Western Union Teleg. Co., Exch. Bank Tanners' Shoe Stock Co., 1602-1610 W. bldg. HenTICKET BROKERS. ley. Chamberlin W. A., 242 N. Union. STAVE AND HEADING MILL. Harris J. M., 252 N. Union. Weidmann Stave & Heading Mills, 19-25 TIN AND COPPERSMITHS. Griffin, E. O. Barse C. V. B. & Co., 153-155 N. Union. STENOGRAPHERS. Frawley J. B., 205 N. Union. Horton Martha (Court), 107 N. Union. Ramsey Emma M., 214 Masonic Temple. Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union. Webber William, 108 S. Third. STOCK BROKER. Clark L. J., 306 Masonic Temple. _, Wilkinson W . S.. 129 N. Union. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. STORAGE. Empire Line, Railroad av. GILLIGAN & BISETT, 123 N. First. Erie(See Dispatch, N. Union cor. Pine, N. O. side lines.) GILLIGAN & BISETT, 123 N. First. (See TANNERIES. side lines.) American Hide & Leather Co., Moores rd., UNDERTAKERS. W. O. (See Funeral Directors & Embalmers.) Kinley Adam, & Sons, N. Washington, UPHOLSTERERS. Conkling R. A. Co., 137 N. Union. N. O. Marth Martin, 1316 W . State. Olean Tannery, 1115 E. State, E. O. Pierce James Leather Co., 1601-1611 W . Reiger Fidel, 501 W . State. Starks F. C, 109 N. First Henley. VARIETY STORES. Quirin W . C. A., 926 E. State, E. O. Root & Keating Tannery, 743 N. Union, Gibbs Arthur, 211 N. Union. Racket Store, 225 N. Union. N. O. VETERINARY SURGEON. TANNERY MACHINERY. Carley Heater Co., 502-504 N. Union.Ackerman E. H., 148 N. Union. WAGON MANUFACTURERS. TEAMSTERS. New Conklin Wagon Co., 420-424 E. State. Besecker Zeno, 31 Walnut, N. O. Doyle C. L., 120 N. Second. WALL PAPER & WINDOW SHADESEvans Mowbry, 9 Brook, E. O. Adams Geo. B. & Co., 149-150 N. Union. Gilligan & Bisett, 123 N. First. Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union. Gould Nathan, 73 River, S. O. Conkling Robert A. Co. (The), 135-137 N. Kamery Henry, 45 River, S. O. Union. Lawrence A. J., 77 Garden av., E. O. Nickum C. T., 240 N. Union. Moore Foster, 43 Railroad av., E. O. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. Nutting Alonzo, 26 Third av., Bv. Daniels G. R., 166 N. Union. Putney J. C, 49 Garden av., E. O. Glasser Ludwig, 320 W . State. Ronolder H. J., W . State, W . O. Harris J. M., 252 N. Union. Ross George A., 33 Railroad av., E. O. Hein Frederick, 503 W . State. Russell F. E., 57 Union, S. O. Rivenburgh P. H., 702% W . State. Scheiterle Conrad, 1502 W . State. Robie C. H.. 143 N. Union. Smith Herman, 102 E. Green. Schuetz L., 109 N". Union. Smith W . M., 215 N. Union. Smith E. S., 115 N. Union. Taylor W . M., 43 Union, S. O. WINES & LIQUORS— (Whol. & Ret.) Van Ness J. R., 32 N. River, N. O. (See also Hotels and Saloons.) Webster H. N., 125 S. Fourth. Dorsey Edward* 248 N. Union. Whitford Erastus, 1 Union, S. O. D U N L A V E Y BROS., 311 N. Union. (See TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES. p. 55 and bottom lines.) Grand Union Tea Co., 145 N. Union. Duringer & Driscoll, 268 N. Union. TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE COS. E D E L C H A R L E S , 1123-1125 W . State. (See N. Y. & Penn. Tel & Teleg. Co., 133% p. N. 56.) Union. Shoemaker, 304 N. Union. Postal Union sonic Telephone Telegraph-Cable Temple. & Teleg. Co., Co., 128 209-210 N. Union. Ma- Ryan Snyder& Matt, 142 N. Union. 196 ALLEGANY DIRECTORY. A l l e g a n y D i r e c t o r y . Alger Webster J. (Elizabeth), sta. engineer, h. River. A L L E G A N Y CITIZEN, 50 Main; Joseph Mutschlechner, editor and prop. Allegany Laundry, 113 Main; George C. Derby, prop. Allen Edward C, clerk, 54 Main; res. First. Allen Elmer D. (Sophia A.), h. First. Appleton Charles W . (M. Anna), laborer, h. Day. Appleton Rodney, laborer, res. Day. Badger Dwight, laborer, res. Five Mile. Badger Sophia, wid William L., h. Johnson. Balona Barbara Mrs., res. Central House. Barnes Fidelia, wid. John, h. 11 First. Barney Anna E. Mrs., h. Five Mile. Barney Eugene, barber, 50 Main; res. Five Mile. Bascom George H., farmer, h. Day. Bascom John R., carpenter, res. Day. Bascom Lotta E., teacher, res. Day. Bauer Barbara, wid. John, res. 121 Main. Bcellagle Dominick (Josephine), laborer, K. Main. Bcellagle Tony (Mary), laborer, h. Main. Bear Andrew (Mary), h. 154 Main. Beshgetour S. Horace Rev. (Anna N ) , Presbyterian, h. Johnson. Bickmire Louisa Mrs., h. First. Bickmyer Henry (Maggie), farmer, h. Cemetery. Binkey Martin, res. Cemetery. Bishop Henry R., laborer, res. Nine Mile. Bishop Romain (Mina M.), laborer, h. Nine Mile. Blair Francis B. (Lydia C ) , physician, Johnson; h. do. Blair Joseph C. (Mary J.), (Blair & Learn), h. Johnson. Blair & Learn (Joseph C. Blair and Ernest H. Learn), furniture, 63 Main. Blessing Charles A. (Annie S.), horseshoer, 24 Main; h. Day. Blessing William M. (Jennie), blacksmith, 24 Main; h. 20 do. Boatz August F., res. 121 Main. Boatz John A. (Katherine), carpenter, h. 21 Main. Boatz William, painter, res, 121 Main. Bockmier Conrad (Margaret), canvasser, h. Nine Mile. Bockmier Edward J., driver, River; res. do. Bockmier George A., clerk, res. River. Bockmier John B. (Anna S.), painter, h. 98 Main. Bockmier Katherine L., clerk, 56 Main; res. River. Bockmier Joseph G. (Sophia), lumberman, h. River. Bockmier Sallle, wid. Henry, h. First. Bockhoven DeWitt C. (Chloe A.), paperhanger, h. Harmon av. Bockhoven Maria, wid. William, res. Harmon av. Booth Edward (Mary), farmer, h. First. Boser Henry W . (Lena), carpenter, h. John. Bradley Charles, farmer, bds. John. Bradley Irving M. (Lillian C ) , farmer, h. John. BradleyFrank Brenner Briggs William Kittie, S. cook, (Eva E. (Clara E.), 40 Main. cooper, L.), farmer, h. First. h. John. A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. 197 Briody Matthew, farmer, h. Cranberry rd. Briody Thomas (Rose), farmer, h. Cranberry rd. Brooks Sidney R. (Luceba H.), baker and lock expert, 56 Main; h. do. Broveak Paul, bartender, 38 Main. Brown Scott S. (Carrie), driller, h. Johnson. Brownson Galen E. (Maggie A.), insurance agent, h. Harmon av. Brushingham Timothy J., bottling works, h. River. Bulkley George (Ellen), pumper, h. River. Bulkley Oliie,teacher,res. River. Bullock Asa W . (Augusta C ) , h. 67 Main. Burr Jennie L., teacher, res. First. Burr Levi L., h. First. Burst H e m a n (Melissa M.), laborer, h. John. Burst William (Mattie), laborer, h. First. Burt Mary, wid. John, h. Harriet. Caldwell Weld (Mary N.), laborer, h. Johnson. Calkins John C. (Mary E.), h. First. Carlson John (Lottie), laborer, h. First. Cassidy Thomas (Mary), h. 166 Main. Caufield Andrew (Mary A.), contractor and driller, h. Nine Mile. Caufield Ellen G., teacher, res. Nine Mile. Caufield Julia K.,teacher,res. Nine Mile. Caufield Margaret E., teacher, res. Nine Mile. Central House, First; Andrew H a m m . prop. Chamberlin E m m a , wid. Lorin I., h. Day. Chamberlin Frank (Kate VS.), laborer, h. Cemetery. Chamberlin Mabel, teacher, res. Harriet. Chamberlin Ralph R., lumberman, res. Day. Chamberlin Willard, laborer, res. Cemetery. Chamberlin William (Rose), laborer, h. Harriet. Chapin Hattie E., carpet weaver, res. Johnson. Chapin Nancy E., wid. Anson, h. Johnson. Chase Ursula U., wid. Samuel, res. 160 Main. Clare Michael P. (Flora E.), furniture and undertaking, 99 Main; h. 9. Harm o n av. Clare Walter (Mary), farmer, h. Harmon av. Clark Harriet L., wid. Calvin G., h. 69 Main. Clark Walter, bds. Central House. Cleaver Joseph (Margaret), carpenter, h. 155 Main. Coleman Carrie L., dressmaker, res. Cemetery. Coleman Hannah R., wid. Isaac E., h. Cemetery. Colligan Michael J. (Catherine), brickmaker, h. River. Colligan Teresa, teacher, res. River. MANUFACTURER OF F milliner, . J. res. C OHarmon L L Iav. N S , Collins Aileen, Collins Alice L., dressmaker, res. Harmon av. Collins h. John. G r Edward a n i t (Bridget), e a n d Harble H o n u m e n t s , Collins Edward Jr., motorman, res. John. CO L L I N S F R A N C AND I S J. TABLETS. (Sarah A.), marble works, 115 Main; h. do. (See adv.) HEADSTONES Collins John, h. Thomas. Established J876. Allegany, N . Y . 198 A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. Collins John S., clerk, res. Harmon av. Collins Julia, dressmaker, res. John. Collins Mary, dressmaker, res. Thomas. Collins Michael S. (Eliza), brickmason, h. Harmon av. Consedine Michael (Honora), farmer, h. Cranberry rd. Cook Benjamin L. (Jane), plumber, h. Harmon av. Cook Charles (Helen), lineman, h. Johnson. Corthell Annette F., wid. Lewis S., harness, 25 Main; h. Johnson. Covell James Z. (Mary E.), grocer, First; h. do. Criqul Mary A., teacher, res. Cemetery. Crooks George (Myrtle E.), farmer, h. Cemetery. Culbertson Mae Mrs., res. 168 Main. Curtis Louisa, wid. William, res. Cemetery. Delamater Edgar A. (Rose), bookkeeper, h. River. Derby Alice Mrs., h. First. Derby Francis O., res. 113 Main. Derby George C. (Anna), laundry, 113 Main; h. do. Derby W . Claude, laborer, res. First. DeVeaux Eugene (Mary), laborer, h. First. Dewes Frank J„ messenger, 42 Main; bds. do. Dieterman Henry (Carrie), saloon, 120 Main; h. do. Dobbin Frank, laborer, bds. 141 Main. Dobner Matthew (Anna), h. 163 Main. Donnelly William E., res. First. Donnelly William J. (Catherine A.), driller, h. First. Drew George, marblecutter, bds. Park Hotel. Dye Bros. (Mason M. and William H.), bankers, 57 Main. Dye Mason M. (Dye Bros.), bds. 40 Main. Dye William H. (Jennie S.), (Dye Bros.), h. Johnson. Edwards Alonzo C. (Jane), carpenter, h. River. Edwards Edgar F. (Blanche M.), carpenter, h. Day. Edwards Nathan, carpenter, h. Five Mile rd. Edwards Walter W., laborer, res. Five Mile rd. Egan Peter (Ethel M.), laborer, h. Five Mile rd. Ellis Adelaide G., carpet weaver, res. Harmon av. Ellis B. Ellsworth (D. Belle), insurance agent, h. Harmon av. Ellis S. Jeannette, wid. William H., h. Harmon av. Emhiser John (Bertha D.), dry goods, groceries, etc., 44 Main; h. First. E m m o n s John C. (Ella), trav. salesman, h. 51 Main. Enright Jane E., wid Michael, h. Harmon av. Enright Julia E., dressmaker, res. Harmon av. Enright Mary J., teacher, res. Harmon av. E X C H A N G E H O T E L , 38-40 Main; James D. Hunt, prop. Fadel Jacob (Minnie), car repairer, h. Day. Felt John (Angie C ) , blacksmith, 29 Main; h. do. Felt Joseph W . (Lena), foreman, h. Harriet. Felt Nicholas (Margaret), h. 135 Main. Field Celesta D., wid. J. M., res. Johnson. Flynn Michael C,flagman,h. 127 Main. Ford Henry A. (Orpha E.), tanner, h. Cemetery. Forness Frederick W . (Birdie L.), piano dealer, h. Day. Forness Tony, lineman, bds. Park Hotel. Fournes John J., tooldresser, bds. 92 Main. Frasier Adeline, wid. Spencer, res. Cemetery. Freeland James A. (Charlotte), h. Johnson. Fuller Charles (Melvina), laborer, h. First. Gallets Marcus Garringer Tony H. (Lena), (Phoebe), laborer, driller, h. Five h. Five Mile.Mile rd. A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. Geary Charles F. (Laura J.), gauger, h. 117 Main. Geary Robert M. (Katie), gauger, h. Thomas. Geary Thomas F. (Anna), superintendent, h. Day. Geise John G. (Sophia), clerk, h. River. Gerringer Henry E., barber, 84 Main; bds. First. Gilligan Christopher (Mary), laborer, h. Main. Goodin Nelson, res. Cemetery. Gjandusky Anthony (Caroline A.), laborer, h. Thomas. Grandusky Constantine (Lena), laborer, h. River. Grandusky Louis (Christina), laborer, h. Harmon av. Grant James (Anna), laborer, h. r. 154 Main. Grant Mary, wid. John, h. Harriet. Green Ben H. (Zelia K.), grocer and spice grinder, 49 Main; h. do. Green Ernest F., res. 92 Main. Green Lena C , wid. Alvin, h. 92 Main. Hadfield Mamie W., res. 103 Main. Hahn Susan, wid. John, h. Johnson. Haley Maggie, wid. Boone, h. First. Hall Boardman O., res. John. Hall Danford L. (Helen E.), farmer, h. First. Hall George A. (Mattie C ) , carpenter, h. John. Hall James W . (Myrtle V.), tooldresser, h. Harmon av. Hall Nettie M., teacher, res. First. Hall Norman C. (Lulu M.), carpenter, h. First. Hall William N., carpenter, res. John. H a m m Andrew (Christina), prop. Central House, First; h. do. H a m m Herman, res. Central House. Hannifan Kate, clerk, 33 Main; res. Olean, N. Y. Harbell Theresa, wid. Andrew, h. Harmon av. Harms Henry E. (Pauline), postmaster, h. 61 Main. Hatch George M. (Sadie), prop. Park Hotel, Main; h. do. Hatch Phillip (Ann L.), h. Five Mile. Hicks Jacob S. (Mary E.), physician, 51 Main; h. Day. Hitchcock Charles E. (Anna), farmer, h. First. Hills Alphonso (Martha E.), farmer, h. Nine Mile. Hills Floyd A., laborer, res. Nine Mile. Hoffman Henry (Eva), car repairer, h. Day. Hoimerle Mary, wid. Michael, h. Harmon av. Hollander George (Anna), farmer, h. River. Hollander Maggie, dressmaker, res. River. Hollister Isaac T. (Celestia), farmer, h. Five Mile. Humes Milford (Mabel M.), driller, h. First. Hungerford Bert, clerk, res. Day. Hungerford Fannie Mrs., h. Day 7 H U N T J A M E S D. (Julia A.), prop. Exchange Hotel, 38-40 Main; h. do. Hyde Charles V., shoemaker, 68 Main; h. do. Johnson Jennie U., dressmaker, res. 160 Main. Johnson Wiber F. (Jane M.), gauger, h. 160 Main. Johnston Frederick M. (Louie B.), painter, h. Cemetery. Jones Mae R., teacher, res. 168 Main. Kahm John A. (Flora A.), farmer, h. Nine Mile. Karl John S., street car conductor, h. 166 Main. Karl Joseph F. (Mary A.), telegrapher, h. River. Karl Rose M., dressmaker, res. 166 Main. Karst Karl Wensel Charles(Margaret), George P., (Barbara), (Maggie), laborer, blacksmith, wagonmaker, laborer, res. First. h. 6Harmon Main; 6 Main; h. av.h. Cemetery. 4 do. 199 200 A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. KARST PHILIP (Kate E.), carriage mfr., 22 Main; h. First. (See adv.) Karst William J., res. Cemetery. Kaufman John W . (Mary), oil producer, h. 144 Main. Kaufman Maud, music teacher, res. 150 Main. Kaufman Simon E. (Laura), oil producer, h. 150 Main. Keefe William, res. River. Keefe William T., res. River. Keim William (Millie), seed house, First; h. do. Kelly Eugene, clerk, res. Main. Kelly Joseph, telegrapher, res. Main. Kelly Mary, wid. Michael, h. 125 Main. Kelly Thomas (Margaret), laborer, h. Main. Kenyon Bradley W., farmer, h. Cemetery. Kerwin Joseph, driller, res. Harmon av. Kerwin Thomas, oil producer, h. Harmon av. Knerr John S., printer, bds. 92 Main. Knock Frederick, res. Cemetery. Krampf Edward A., clerk p. o., res. Day. Krampf Joseph F., cigar mfr!, 63 Main; res. Day. Krampf Leo F., clerk, res. Day. Krampf William F. (Barbara), music teacher, h. Day. Lahr Gustave E. (Emma E.), clerk. 54 Main; h. First. Lahr Henrietta, dressmaker, res. First. Lamb Carrie, bookkeeper, res. Johnson. Lamb Prudence C , wid. George W., h. Johnson. Lamont Frank G. (Lizzie), pumper, h. First. Lang Max, harnessmaker, bds. Johnson. Larson John (Augusta), shoemaker and grocer, 31 Main; h. do. Laubenthal John (Lucy), miller, h. River. Lauser Andrew, res. John. Learn Caleb B. (Augusta), clerk, h. Johnson. Learn Ernest W . (Abbie), (Blair & Learn), h. Nine Mile. L E M O N F R A N K (Mary), meat market, 103 Main; h. do. (See adv.) Lemon Lewis J., clerk, res. 103 Main. Leonard James, laborer, h. 149 Main. Leonard John, laborer, res. 149 Main. Lewis Ada, music teacher, res. Harmon av. Lewis Oren J. (Olive), (Crescent Milling Co.), h. Harmon av. Linderman Alice, teacher, rms. First. Linderman Lester P. (Clara H.), farmer, h. Nine Mile. Lippert Andrew (Catherine), farmer, h. Five Mile. Lippert Rose, dressmaker, bds. Harmon av. Lynch Celia, teacher, res. Main. Lynch James (Mary), h. Main. Lyons Elizabeth, wid. John, res. 149 Main. Mahaney Mary, wid. Daniel, h. River. Mahaney Mary, teacher, res. River. PHILIP KARST. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Wagons, Carriages and Sleighs. Carriage Painting and Repairing. All Kinds of Turning. -ALLEGANY, N. Y. A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. 201 Mahaney Patrick H. (Catherine), driller, h. River. Mahoney Margaret, wid. Patrick, h. River. Maloney James, laborer, h. Cranberry rd. Margrave Sidney H., clerk, bds. 49 Main. Marteana Caroline, wid. Frank, h. Main. Marteana John, farmer, res. Main. Marteana Peter (Catherine), h. Thomas. Martin Fred E. (Gertrude S.), barber, 84 Main; h. do. Matteson George B. (Roxy D.) ^farmer, h. River. Matthews Joseph (Margaret), boilermaker, h. Cranberry rd. Mtthews Mary C , clerk, res. Cranberry rd. McAllister Benjamin (Cordelia), canvasser, h. Cemetery. McAuliffe James (Mary A.), general store, 101 Main; h. 129 do. McCabe Hugh (Margaret), h. 146 Main. McCabe William F. (Mary M.), grocer, 86 Main; h. do. McCaffery John (Elizabeth), h. 143 Main. McClure Lillian, wid. Arch, housekeeper, Day. McClure Luella, h. 16 Main. McClure Sanford B. (Alice C ) , physician, 152 Main; h. do. McCoy Edward T. (Minnie M.), clerk, h. First. McCoy Wallace W . (Estella J.), farmer, h. Nine Mile. McCray Dennis, laborer, h. First. McGovern Arthur, clerk, res. First. McKenna James H. (Mary E.), veterinary surgeon, h. First. McMahon Edward F. (Catherine), gauger, h. Harmon av. McNall John C. (Mary), livery, 148 Main; h. do. Meiers Joseph (Teresa), laborer, h. 165 Main. Merrill Lot A. (Belle V.), harnessmaker, 28 Main; h. Day. Miller A. H. & C. A. (Andrew H. and Charles A.), cigar mfrs. and liquors, 54 Main. Miller Andrew H. (Nellie), (A. H. & C. A. Miller), 54 Main; h. 5 2 % do. Miller Charles A. (Caroline E.), grocer, 54 Main; bds. 1 First. Miller John (Mary), h. Day. Miller John E. (Rose), confectioner, 27 Main; h. do. Miller Joseph H. ( E m m a L.), hardware, 47 Main; h. Day. Moore David H. (Josephine G.), foreman, h. Five Mile. Morris Cornelius, painter, res. First. Morris Eli (Calfernia), laborer, h. First. Moscrip John W., laborer, res. Day. Moscrip William (Lillian),fireman,h. Day. Mosman William J., carpenter, res. 9 Main. Moss Frank V. (Eva A.), laborer, h. Johnson. Mott Samuel H. (Virginia), h. 6 Main. Moulltraus Norbert (Eliza), laborer, h. Main. Moyer Solomon H., h. Day. Murphy James (Mary), currier, h. River. MurphyanJohn, FRESH d SALTtelegrapher, i V l e a res. t S River. atlG U V S t e r S WHOLESALE. Murray James, laborer, res. John. Murray Margaret, wid. Thomas, h. River. Murray Mary, wid. Patrick, h. John. FRANK LE7VTON, Meats and Oysters 103 MAIN STREET, ALLEGANY, N. Y. 202 A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. MUTSCHLECHNER JOSEPH (Clara M.), editor and prop. Allegheny Citizen, 50 Main; h. Harmon av. Mutschlechner Joseph F. VS., printer, 50 Main; res. Harmon av. Neff Adelbert B. (Philopena), barber, 50 Main; h. Cemetery. Nelles Josephine E., wid. Samuel S., res. Johnson. Nenno Barbara H., wid. Nicholas, h. Thomas. Nenno George L. (Mary J.), farmer, h. John. Nenno Julius P., butcher, res. 42 Main. Nenno Michael C. (Margaret), driller, h. Main. Nenno Oliver, clerk, res. Main. Nenno Peter J. (Barbara R.), meat market, 42 Main; h. do. Nenno William F. (Margaret), contractor, h. 142 Main. Neuschel Henry, laborer, res. Cranberry rd. Neuschel William (Louisa), carpenter, h. Cranberry rd. Newcomb Michael, h. 133 Main. Nolan James J. (Honora T.), driller, h. John. Nolan Mary T., teacher, res. John. Noonan Patrick, driller, h. Nine Mile. N O R T O N C H A R L E S L., confectioner and tobacconist, also town clerk, 99 Main; res. 158 do. Norton Edward, laborer, res. 158 Main. Norton Joseph T., buffer, res. 158 Main. Norton Thomas (Bridget), roller, h. 158 Main. Norwood Byron (Jennie), express messenger, h. Cemetery. Norwood Sarah P., wid. Thomas, res. Cemetery. Nourse A. Louise, trimmer, 1 First; res. do. O'Connell Thomas J. (Mary), foreman, h. John. O'Meara Katherine, music teacher, res. 140 Main. O'Meara Margaret E., teacher, res. 140 Main. O'Meara Mary C, teacher, res. 140 Main. O'Meara Owen (Mary), h. 140 Main. Overton William C. (Belle), lawyer, 59 Main; h. Cemetery. Park Connell (Susan), painter, h. Day. Park Frank E. (Anna P.), meat market, 72 Main; h. Cemetery. Park Hotel, Main; G. M. Hatch, prop. Pattitucci Joseph (Rose), laborer, h. Main. Pechtold Albert, clerk, res. Day. Pechtold Anna C, seamstress, res. Day. Pechtold August T. Rev. (Margaret), pastor Lutheran Church, h. Day. Phillips George M. (Hattie M.), rigbuilder, h. John. Pierce A d a m (Maggie), stonecutter, h. First. Pierce Frank, stonecuter, res. First. Platner Thomas E. (Maria L.), carpenter, h. First. Post Office, 53 Main; H. E. Harms, postmaster. Potter Benjamin F. (Alta F.), farmer, h. 9 Main. Potter Monroe (Helen), farmer, h. Nine Mile. Presack Gustave, res. 5 Main. Presack Joseph (Carrie), insurance agent, h. 5 Main. Preston William M. (Ina P.), roller, h. Five Mile. Putnam William M. (Margaret M.), miller, h. River. Putt Frederick (Mary), farmer, h. John. Putt Louise, wid. Charles, res. John. Radle John, laborer, h. First. Reagan Dennis, h. 172 Main. Reynolds Cornelia Mrs., res. 11 First. Reddy John, laborer, res. River. Reddy Michael Michael Jr., (Honora), laborer,section res. River. foreman, h. River. A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. 203 Rehler Joseph (Neno), lumberman, h. Thomas. Riley James (Catherine), oil producer, h. Day. Ringer Frank M. (Susan M.), driller, h. First. Ringer Sarah, wid. William, h. Cemetery. Robe Joseph (Theresa), shoemaker, h. 174 Main. Robinson William B., clerk, res. Union. Rogers Olive J., wid. Levi, res. First. Ross Ahimon J. (Addie E.), farmer, h. Harmon av. Ryan John A. (Nellie B.), agent Erie R. R., h. River. Ryan John W . (Catherine), h. Harriet. Sackinger Richard (Mary T.), driller, h. 11 First. Sackinger William (Elizabeth), farmer, h. Cranberry rd. ST. B O N A V E N T U R E C O L L E G E A N D S E M I N A R Y , Main; Right Rev. Father Joseph, provincial. St. Elizabeth Convent, Main; Mother Theresa, superior. Scheier William W . (Rosie C.), tinner, 66 Main; h. River. Schelling John ( E m m a F.), saloon, 78 Main; h. do. Schnell Christina, wid. John, res. 48 Main. Schnell Frank, bookkeeper, res. 48 Main. S C H N E L L H E R M A N (Rosa), saloon, 48 Main; h. do. (See adv.) Schnell William M., clerk, res. 48 Main. Schnoor John (Mary), miller, h. First. Schulz Peter, merchant tailor, 60 Main; h. do. Scofield Willis J. (Sarah E.), hardware, 66 Main; h. Day. Scott Jane, wid. Jefferson, h. First. Shafer Lewis (Ella A.), driller, h. Cemetery. Shank Edward H. (Flora S.), laborer, h. First. Shank Harry, laborer, res. First. Shaw James, stone mason, h. Five Mile. Sheehan Nellie, tailoress, res. Main. Sheldon Norton T. (Louisa A.), farmer, h. Nine Mile. Sheldon Park C. (Kate E.), bookkeeper, h. First. Sheldon Rebecca H., wid. George C , res. Nine Mile. Shultz William F. (Mary E.), farmer, h. Five Mile. Smith Calista M. Mrs., milliner, 1 First; h. do. Smith David J. (Kate M.), carpenter, h. Johnson. Smith Edward F. (Georgia), clerk, h. First. Smith Elida, wid. William H., res. 123 Main. Smith Frederick J., laborer, res. Johnson. Smith Frederick K. (Mary L.), general store, 33-37 Main; h. Day. Smith John S. ( E m m a L.), clerk, h. Johnson. Smith Katharina, wid. John, h. Harriet. Smith Robert D. (Drusilla), farmer, h. First Smith William B., farmer, h. Five Mile. Smith William C , laborer, res. Johnson. Snyder Benjamin P. (Atta), carpenter, h. Five Mile. Snyder Lewis (Agnes), butcher, h. Main. Soule Charles M. (Ida), clothing, 61 Main; h. Cemetery. Soule David (Louisa A.), laborer, h. First. Soule Gilbert (Kathleen), lumberman, h. First. Soule Henry A. (Rose), druggist, 65 Main; h. Day. Sporanze Joseph (Mary), laborer, h. 141 Main. HERMAN SCHNELL, ?«•.'.".. . ALLEGANY, N. Y.in stock. Best brands ofCHFE Wines,^. Liquors GIVE and MCigars B A CALL always 204 A L L E G A N Y DIRECTORY. Spraker Charles (Mary), mail messenger, h. 71 Main. Spraker George V. (Maud D.), tinsmith, 47 Main; h. Harmon av. Spraker William (Phoebe), h. Harmon av. Steele Mary Mrs., housekeeper, Nine Mile. Stephens Henry (Louisa), currier, h. Harmon av. Stintman August (Caroline), h. 45 Main. Stone Russell A., laborer, h. Five Mile rd. Stoneroad John T. (Lavern), agent P. R. R., h. River. Strobel John, clerk, res. Day. Strohuber George (Hannah), cigar mfr., 74 Main; h. do. Sunbeam Photo Co., 60 Main. S W E E N E Y J O H N (Elizabeth), dentist, 63 Main; h. do. Switzer Charles (Annie), tanner, h. Five Mile. Thomson Fred G., telegrapher, res. 102 Main. Thomson H e m a n G. (Louisa C ) , h. 102 Main. Torrey Edward (Mary E.), physician, 62 Main; h. 64 do. Trostle Bert, clerk, res. Day. Trostle Richard F., clerk, res. Day. Van Gelder John C. (Mary E.), laborer, h. Day. Wagoner John H. (Olive E.), contractor, h. Johnson. Walters George (Kate), laborer, h. Cranberry rd. Ward Dwight W . (Julia E.), janitor, h. 123 Main. Weiler Sebastian F. (Louise), h. 94 Main. Welch Frederick S. (Kate A.), milk dealer, h. Cemetery. Wheaton Olive M., wid. Hiram, res. Harmon av. Wheeler E. E., superintendent, bds. 92 Main. Wheeler Lavanchia Mrs., h. First. Wheeler Reicka, wid. Jasper, h. Johnson. Weidmann John G. (Apollonia), wagonmaker, h. Harriet. Wilber Catherine, wid. Philo C , h. 69 Main. Wilber Clara B., dressmaker, res. 69 Main. Wilber Sarah, wid. Amasa, res. Day. Wilber Stanley P. (Kate M.), grocer, First; h. do. Wilcox Melvin (Sallie E.), farmer, h. Cemetery. Willard Clare (F. Estelle), oil producer, h. 39 Main. Willard Harriet A., wid. Erastus, res. 39 Main. Willard Hook and Ladder Co., 82 Main. Williams Grace, h. First. Wiltse Clifford D. (Evan G.), jeweler and musical instruments, 6 0 % Main; h. Short. Wiltse Cornell (Electa K.), farmer, h. Five Mile. Windsor Edward E. (Lillie L.), insurance agent, h. First. Wing Julia, teacher, res. First. Woodard Frederick J. (Anna VS.), prop, creamery, Five Mile; h. do. Woodard George B., res. Five Mile. Wright Chandler G. (Sarah), clerk, h. Johnson. Wright Frank M., res. Five Mile. Wright John M. (Ellen J.), farmer, h. Five Mile. Wright Sanford, clerk, res. Johnson. Zink John F. (Elizabeth M.), carpenter, h. Five Mile. Zink William (Frederica), car repairer, h. Cemetery. PORTVILLE DIRECTORY. P o r t v i l l e 205 D i r e c t o r y . Alexander Delia, wid. Sidney. Dunn Jonathan, laborer. American Hide & Leather Co. Dusenbury Edgar G., oil producer. Ames Adella, milliner. D U S E N B U R Y J O H N E., pres. First Anderson Albert, laborer. National Bank, of Olean. Anderson Carl, laborer. Dygart Roseltha, dressmaker. Anderson John. Elliott Grant, currier. Archibald George, farmer. Elliott Timothy, laborer. A U T O G R A P H (Weekly), N. C. Hol- Fairchild Bruce, miller. comb & Co., props. Fairchild Fred W . (Holcomb & FairBarnard George J., laborer. child). Barnard George S., telegrapher. Fairchild James H., rhingle mfr. Barnes James S., farmer. Fairchild James W., student. Barrett Richard, laborer. Fairchild Lewis L., miller. Bedford Charles L., clerk. Farmers' Hotel, L. B. Rogers, prop. Bedford Erza M., general store. Fattey George D., i.rop. Delaware Bell George, laborer. House. Bell John D., plumber. Fleere Wlliam P., ''•arpenter. Bell Wheeler W., carpenter. Fox Daniel B., teamster. Booth Jacob, painter. Fox Daniel T. Borst Frank, piler. Fox Frank, laborer. Boyle Bernard, farmer. Fox I. L., lumber. Bradley Hattie, housekeeper. Fox lohn, laborer. Brown Olivia, wid. Frank J. Fritts llerbert H., principal public Burdick Adelbert E., laborer. school. Burdick Albert, laborer. Fulford Charles, laborer. Caneen Frank D., druggist. Fulford Mary, wid. Nathaniel. Calrson Benjamin J., sta. engineer. Fusler Jacob, currier. Carlson Frank H., laborer. Fusler John, currier. Carlson Ludwig, laborer. Fusler William, currier. Carr Minor H., barber. Gardner Anthony, Is borer. Casey Frank, laborer. Garey Alvin, teamste". Casey William, laborer. Gayton Andrew, laborer. Casey William Jr., laborer. Gayton Leamon, laborer. Clarke Samuel T. Rev. Gibbons Edward, laborer. Colwell Benjamin S., general store. Gibbons John, currier. Comstock Ella, housekeeper. Gibbons Mary, wid. Patrick. Connor Fred, farmer. Gibby Cora, wid. George. Cox Thomas D., laborer. Giblin Thomas, laborer. Crandall Henry J., general store. Glover Albert D., bookkeeper. Cronin James, laborer. Halbert Asa E., farmer. Cronin John, laborer. Hardy Irving D., laborer. Cronin John Jr., currier. Hatch .Albert, driver. Davidson James, hostler. Hatch Archie, farmer. Davidson Roy, laborer. Hatch George, farmer. Davidson William, carpenter. Hatch Wilson, laborer. Delaware House, Geo. D. Fattey, George laborer. Devore Dolan DemingJohn, Dickinson Olin Henry Percy. tanner. A.,B., insurance farmer. agent. prop. Haynes Heinz Jacob, Holcomb Cass Adrian blacksmith. CH., ,F.farmer. 206 PORTVILLE DIRECTORY. Holcomb Charles, farmer. Holcomb Clayton, farmer. Holcomb Fred, carpenter. Holcomb Harry C , supervisor. Holcomb Levi. H O L C O M B N. C. & CO., props. Autograph. Holcomb Nellie C!., asst. postmaster. Holcomb Nelson S. (Holcomb & Fairchild). Holcomb Richard R., carpenter. Holcomb William B., farmer. Holcomb & Fairchild (VS. S. Holcomb and F. W . Fairchild), grocers. Holden Joseph L., tanner. H O L D E N WILLIAM, postmaster. Hotton Bros. (Nicholas und Anthony W . ) , millers and grocers. Hotton Catherine, wid. Anton. Hotton John A., clerk. H o w e Jeremiah, laborer. JACOBY HENRY, mgr. Producers' Gas Co. Jacoby John, laborer. Jacoby Robert, piler. James John, engineer. James Walter E., laborer. Johnson Andrew, currier. Johnson Charles, laborer. Johnson John, laborer. Johnson Lewis, buffer. Johnson Otto, currier. Johnson William, laborer. Kayes Patrick, laborer. Kayes Thomas, laborer. Keller Addison T., farmer. Keller Frank, laborer. Keyes Eugene, laborer. Keyes Herbert F., blacksmith. Keyes Myron, farmer. Kruso A. P., laborer. Lahey John, currier. Lane John, laborer. Langworthy Friendly A., laborer. Larson George, laborer. Latham Loyal, laborer. Lewis Charles E., contractor. Livingston Harriet M., teacher. Lowrey Guy, carpenter. Ludden Henry, drayman. Ludden Perry, laborer. Mapes William, laborer. Marsh Earl, meat market. Marsh Otis E., clerk. Martinson Freda, wid. August Maxson Braton, farmer. Maxson Orson James, Marshall F., conductor. L., farmer. farmer. May Burr, fireman. McCarey Michael J., physician. McDonald Henry H., foreman. McDonald John, farmer. McDougall Archie, meat market. McDougall Archie W., student. McGraw Charles, telegrapher. McGraw Emeline, wid. John. McGraw Fred, clerk. Mclnery Michael, blacksmith. McKinney George, laborer. Mersereau William B., lumber. Metcalf Charles, laborer. Miller Clara A., teacher. Minahan Patrick A., currier. Mohan Charles, laborer. Mohan Michael, billiards. Mullane Eugene, currier. Muthers Sarah, wid. Myres George W., miller. Nagles John, wagonmaker. Nichols Amelia, wid. Erastus H. Nichols Enoch H., farmer. O'Brien John, laborer. O'Brien Thomas, currier. Olson John, laborer. Olson Napoleon, barber. Page DeWitt, laborer. Parish Frank, currier. Parish Fred, clerk. Parish John G., grocer. Parish Lavina, wid. Smith. Parish Mary, wid. David L. Parish Smith, hardware. Peckham Arthur, laborer. Peckham David, laborer. Peckham Frank, laborer. Peckham George, laborer. Peckham John, mason. Peckham John H., billiards. Percival Ed B., farmer. Percival William A., lumber. Persing David, oil producer. Phillips Henry, station agent. Phillips John. Pielow Edward, hostler. Pielow Ella, wid. Edward. Pilon Joseph, laborer. Prince Lorenzo, laborer. Prince Ralph, laborer. P R O D U C E R S ' G A S CO., Henry Jacoby, mgr. Putt Sophia, dressmaker. Reagan John, laborer. Reagan Patrick, laborer. Reed Henry Rev. Rice Rickenberger Riley Herman Patrick,A. George, L., laborer. druggist. laborer. W E S T O N S MILLS DIRECTORY. Roberts Israel P., farmer. Roberts William, machinist. Roulo Fillmore Rev. Roulo Fillmore, Jr., laborer. Roulo Philmon, laborer. Scofield Ellen, wid. Edwin R. Scofield Jeannette, wid. Wesley. Scoonover Natalie, clerk. Scutt Addison, farmer. Scutt Leonard P., farmer. Shifley Ernest, currier. Shifley Henry, laborer. Shifley Michael, laborer. Sies Charles E., laborer. Sies Daniel, tinsmith. Smith Calvin, bookkeeper. Smith Charles M., sawmill. Smith Henry J., laborer. Smith Sidney, hostler. Stevens Albert N., jeweler. Stoneman John, laborer. Swanson John, laborer. Thompson Elizabeth B., teacher. Throop W e Marcia, s t owid.n Daniel. s M i l 207 Trenkle Jacob, livery and blacksmith. T Y L E R F R A N K E., manager. Vaughn Edgar B., laborer. Vaughn James, laborer. Venberg John T., laborer. Warden John H., furniture & undrtkg. Warden Maggie. W a y m a n William E., sawyer. West Loomis. West N. L., laborer. Wheeler Frank. Wheeler John. Wheeler Marilla, wid. William F. W H E E L E R WILLIAM E., vice-pres. First National Bank, of Olean. Wheeler William M., student. Whitman George S., currier. Whittmore Lewis M., piler. Wickwire Maggie, wid. A. B. Wickwire Wesley, sawyer. Wilson Mary, wid. George. Wilson William, laborer. Winterstine George W., physician. l Wso o d Orson, D i rlaborer. e c t o r y . Wright Charles K., tanner. Allen Thomas, laborer. Baldwin Joel A., gardener. Bargay Clarence L., farmer. Bargay James J., farmer. Barnes Andrew J., farmer. Baxter James, farmer. Belknap Jonathan S., farmer. Blighton E. C, farmer. . Bloodsworth Minnie A., wid. Robt. W . Borst Charles H., piler. Borst Deborah, wid. Morris. Borst Ezer, kindlingwood. Borst Jabez, laborer. Borst Jabez W., foreman. Borst R. Lewis, blacksmith. Borst William, laborer. Bradford Edward C , night watchman. Bradford J. Frank, farmer. Bromley Lillian, wid. A. Thomas. Brooks J. Gilbert, bdg. house. Budgeon Walter, laborer. Budgeon William, laborer. Callahan Jeremiah, laborer. C a m p Benjamin, laborer. Camp Frank, laborer. C a m p George Mrs. Chappell Ira S., teamster. Chappell Sylvester, laborer. Collins Frank L., loco, fireman. Collins James, loco, fireman. Collins John C., bookkeeper. Collins Myron C., laborer. Conway Michael, laborer. Conway Michael, laborer. Conway Simon, laborer. Conway Thomas, laborer. Crannell Adelbert, laborer. Crowley Michael, farmer. Dowman Edward E., peddler. Elliott Frank, laborer. Elliott Samuel O., farmer. Fairbanks Alanson L., farmer. Feuchster Charles, farmer. Finn Thomas, laborer. Fish C. Kendall, farmer. Fish E. John, farmer. Fish Senia, teacher. Fitzgibbons Garrett Mrs., wid. Fitzgibbons James, laborer. Fitzgibbons John, laborer. Florence Daniel, farmer. Foley Dennis, laborer. Foley Ellen, wid. Thomas. Foley Joseph, laborer. Frost Charles D., laborer. 208 W E S T O N S MILLS D I R E C T O R Y . Gena Andrew J., laborer. Goode William, laborer. Hackman Mary Mrs. Hadley Frederick, farmer. Hallock George, sta. fireman. Handley James, laborer. Handley Martin, laborer. Handley Martin Mrs., wid. Handley Simon, laborer. Harbeck Roscoe, laborer. Hastings Charles, laborer. Hawley Chauncey C, farmer. Hawley Horace E., teamster. Hendy Charles W., saw setter. Hendy Lewis F., sta. engr. Hendy Raymond, laborer. Hollanby Fred C , laborer. Hollanby George, laborer. Hollanby John, farmer. Holland Charles, laborer. Holland George, laborer. Holland James, farmer. Holland James, Jr., laborer. Humphrey George, laborer. Humphrey James G., laborer. Hunt Henry, night watchman. Kayes Anna, wid. John. Kayes Elizabeth, wid. Dennis C. Kayes Joseph, laborer. Keesler Albert Mrs., wid. Kelsey Ferdinand, farmer. Kinney Jesse, laborer. L A W L E R E D W A R D J., postmaster. Lewis Henry, laborer. Lindsay James C, laborer. Lindsley James, piler. Lockwood Robert, laborer. Love Stafford, laborer. Manley Edward J., laborer. Manley Mandana, wid. James T. Maroney John, clerk. Milgate Thomas, farmer. Miller Edward, teamster. Mitchell Howard, laborer. Mitchell James W., supt. Moore Samuel, farmer. Noonan Edward, laborer. Orcutt Harvey B., farmer. Page Joseph, laborer. Parks Charles F., laborer. Perkins Dorr D., farmer. Petty Eugene, laborer. Petty Samuel B., sawyer. Petty William H., teamster. Petty William I., laborer. Priel Joseph H., carpenter. Prince Reeves Rockwell Riel Frank, Charles, Canar, Philip, Charles, laborer. farmer. farmer. farmer. sta. fireman.. Shaffer Frank E.: laborer. Shaffer George E., laborer. Shaffer George W., laborer. Shaffer Nathan, laborer. Sheahan James, clerk. Sheahan Jeremiah, laborer. Sheahan John J., farmer. Sheahan Michael, farmer. Sheahan Michael, Jr., farmer. Sheahan Michael J., laborer. Sheahan William, motorman. Sherman Frank, farmer. Simons Elbert H., laborer. Skuse Frank, laborer. Skuse John, foreman, Smith Fred E., laborer. Smith George, laborer. Smith Henry D., laborer. Smith Myron, teamster. Smith Russell A., inspector. Smith Walter S., teamster. Smith Fred, sawyer. Spencer Frank C , teamster. Sullivan John J., laborer. Sullivan John L., farmer. Sullivan Timothy, foreman. Sullivan William, laborer. Swarts Fred, laborer. Swetland John W., laborer. Swetland Rufus, motorman. Taylor Ruth Mrs. Tyler Juliana Mrs. Tyler Robert, laborer. Wakelee Walter, laborer. Weston Charles, pres. The A. Weston Lumber Co. W E S T O N L U M B E R CO. (THE A.), mfrs. of lumber and gen. store. Incorporated 1892; capital stock, $100,000; Charles Weston, pres.; Wallace W . Weston, sec. and treas. Weston Wallace W., sec. and treas. The A. Weston Lumber CCo. Whittaker George, farmer. Wickwire George, farmer. Wickwire Henry, farmer. Wickwire Mahlon W., laborer. Wildrick Fanny, wid. George. Wildrick Lewis, farmer. Wilson George, currier. Witherall Charles, farmer. Witherall Huldah, wid. William. Witherall Robert, laborer. Witherall Roy L., laborer. Wood Frank, laborer. Wood George, laborer. Wood Henry, Woodard Woodruff Martin Wilson, Llewellyn Ernest, laborer. G., laborer. laborer. sawyer. J., laborer. B E T R A N D J. S H E R I D A N , CONTRACTOR. - ^r* PROSPECT CONTRACTING FOR OILS AND MINERALS A SPECIALTYjtjtjtjt Office, North Barry, cor. Hamilton Street, OLEAN, N, Y. C. H- FULiLkEf^«P^ Practical Horseshoer. DRIVER AND INTERFERERS A SPECIALTY. t!4 South Third Street, OLEAN, N. Y. Peter Morell, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. 108 Laurens street, Kepairing Promptly and Neatly Done OLEAN. N. Y. While You Wait. GIVE ME A CALL. ...THE OLEAN TIMES... 107 NORTH STREET. MORNING TIMES—every day except Monday. WEEKLY TIMES—every Thursday. Morning, single copy $ .02 Morning, by carrier, per week Morning, by mail, per month Morning, by mail, per year Weekly, 8 pages, by mail, per year 10 45 5.00 1.50 THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. J O B P R I N T I N G PROMPTLY AND SKILFULLY EXECUTED AT LOWEST PRICES 0. D. S T R A I G H T , Proprietor. O I L M E N ' S D I R E C T O R Y . 1901 • NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL MEN IDENTIFIED WITH OIL. PRODUCERS, PUMPERS, REFINERS, RIG BUILDERS, DRILLERS, TOOL DRESSERS. IRON AND WOODEN TANK BUILDERS, OIL WELL PUMPING POWER MAKERS, OIL WELL CORDAGE COMPANIES, SUCKER ROD MANUFACTURERS, OIL WELL SUPPLY DEALERS, OIL WELL TOOL MAKERS, GAS ENGINE MAKERS, AND TORPEDO COMPANIES. [COPYRIGHTED. DERRICK AIL RIGHTS RESERVED.] PUBLISHING Publishers. OlL CITY, PENN'A. COMPANY, For Reference N o t to b e taken from this library THE ABOVE MONUMENT FROM OUR WORKS SET IN OAKWOOD CEMETERY, WARREN, PA CALL FOR PRICES BEFORE PCHCHASISG ELSEWHERE. FOLEY BROS., 201=203 W. State St., cor. First, Olean, N. Y. G. H. LUTHER. L U T H E R C. P. LUTHER. M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. Natural Gas Regulators, Engines, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, HANGERS, PIPE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, ETC. BLACK GIANT MACHINES AND GAS ENGINES, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK, INTERNATIONAL BOILERS. Tubing, Casing and Oil Well Supplies. WORKS AND OFFICE: 133 to 149 Railroad Avenue, opp. Penna Depot, OLEAN, N. Y. L O N G DISTANCE TELEPHONE. Call or write for prices. fi, • ""'J 0> ^ « » lf\. W ' ^ F J * .qiiifc-iittnuiiiii-'Viiiiii ' r»iM%, T I 124 ;<orth Union Street M a ronic Temple. 03 f ! K 5 T t N A O F A L • - B A N K Surplus 100,000. P j :'138Trj !3I*'T. - VlCE-fBl SJDBWT. - Case « •'. ASSIFTAN? OAt B1E. >. J. E. DUSENBURY, W M . E. WHEELED, A. T. r.VTON, C. ij. JUDD, ?07 N Deposits N O L E H N . Capital $100,000. CO CM O UNION STREET. Received o n Favorable Terns. FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND PASSENGER TICKETS FOR SALE. 'c i/\L J . F O S S , Groceries, Provisions, Dry G o o d s , Notions, S h o e s , AND ALL KINDS O F RUBBER 318 W A Y N E S T R E E T , D o t t e r w e i c h GOODS, O ' . E A N , N . Y. b r e w i n g c o . , ce Ui < < \— X UI Cm 3Oi-3il -VA^EST H E N £.-* S T R E E T 3 B I I P Y ft W A N D S IVlJLvl^J- VA II H 1 1 1 7 U Wholesale Grocers, 301-305 N. UNION STREET.
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