Y Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gifts for Kids 2012 Invitation
Y Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gifts for Kids 2012 Invitation
Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gifts for Kids 2012 Invitation Y our participation in this year’s Friends of Karen Adopt-A-Family Program will help provide our children and their families with a happy holiday season. Worries about medical treatments, medical bills, household expenses and so many other illness-related issues put a great deal of stress on the mothers and fathers of critically ill children. Where to find the time ... where to find the money to give their children even a minimal holiday... this only adds to their worry. Friends of Karen is dedicated to helping seriously ill children and their families throughout the New York tri-state area with financial, emotional and advocacy support. Although we do this all during the year, we are determined to do all we can to keep the holidays a special time of joy for our children and their families. One important way we do this is through our ADOPT-A-FAMILY PROGRAM. With help from donors like you, we ensure that all our families have holiday gifts for their children. Here’s how it works: Our social workers ask moms and dads to send us their children’s “wish lists” for toys, books, music, clothing or other gifts. We then ask our donors to “adopt” a child or children and shop for the gift or gifts on the lists. Donors may choose to buy one gift for one child, or several gifts for several children, or donate all the gifts for a family’s holiday. Or if it’s easier, you can send gift cards or a check, and we’ll do the shopping. The choice is up to you and your gift budget. Please join us this holiday season and provide an extra measure of comfort and love to our children, their brothers and sisters, moms and dads. What better way to celebrate the holiday spirit than by giving to a child? Adorable two-year old Valentina recently completed treatment for Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare cancer of the bone and soft tissue. PLEASE TURN SHEET OVER FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE FILL OUT FORM AND RETURN TO: Friends of Karen, AAF/Holiday Gifts for Kids, PO Box 190, Purdys, NY 10578 NAME:______________________________________________________________________________ DATE:_____________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________ ZIP:___________ E-MAIL:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________ _______________ Daytime/Work Time _____________________________ _______________ Home: Time: Please indicate the best time and way to reach you. (Calls will be made during business hours.) ❑ Telephone CHECK ONE: ❑ I will shop. My gift budget is $________. ❑ I prefer to send gift cards. My budget is $________. ❑ I cannot shop but I want to help. My tax-deductible donation for $________ is enclosed. DELIVERY METHOD ❑ Drop gifts at Friends of Karen’s office in Purdys, NY CHECK ONE: ❑ Drop gifts in Larchmont (call for location) ❑ Drop gifts in Briarcliff Manor (call for location) ❑ E-mail ❑ UPS or mail to Friends of Karen in Purdys, NY ❑ Drop gifts in Yorktown Heights (call for location) Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gifts for Kids DETAILS: It’s easy to participate! You can help by shopping for and donating gifts on our children’s wish lists. Here’s how: ❑ Complete this form and send it no later than December 3rd to: Friends of Karen AAF/Holiday Gifts for Kids PO Box 190 Purdys, NY 10578 ❑ We will call or e-mail you with the name, age and gift list(s) of a child or children. ❑ Deliver the unwrapped gifts ASAP to Friends of Karen. You will be given a drop-off deadline date when you receive the wish list. ❑ Include the enclosed green Gift Inventory Sheet when you deliver your gift(s). Please be sure to include your estimate of the gifts’ value. Hold your receipts for your tax records. IMPORTANT: Please remember you are making an important commitment to provide gifts for the child(ren) you have pledged to help. If you cannot find the toy or gift, please CALL US immediately. Please DO NOT SUBSTITUTE and DO NOT WRAP GIFTS. We welcome gift wrap, scotch tape, bows, tissue paper and holiday candy. DELIVER BY: You will be given a two-week delivery deadline date. All gifts are due AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Please include your Gift Inventory Sheet with your items. DELIVER IN PERSON:* FRIENDS OF KAREN 118 Titicus Road (Route 116) Purdys, NY BY US MAIL TO: FRIENDS OF KAREN PO Box 190 Purdys, NY 10578 BY UPS TO: FRIENDS OF KAREN 118 Titicus Road Purdys, NY 10578 OFFICE DELIVERY HOURS: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM QUESTIONS: Call Denise Tredwell at (914) 617-4052 or e-mail denisetredwell@friendsofkaren.org * Directions available on our website www.friendsofkaren.org.