Document 6423134
AUCKLAND DISTRIC.T .IfIlALTH BOARD LUNG CANCER ADVANCED COURSE Thursday 15th March, 2012 Clinical Education Centre Auckland City Hospital This one day course has been designed to provide a broad and comprehensive overview of modern multi-disciplinary lung cancer management in New Zealand. The sessions are designed to be up-to- date, interactive and case-based. The course is aimed primarily at advanced trainees and newer SMOs from all disciplines involved in lung cancer care, including respiratory/general medicine, cardiothoracic surgery, medical and radiation oncology, radiology and palliative care. However, the content is likely to be relevant to those from other fields and disciplines who are also welcome to attend. Registration is free of charge. This course is kindly sponsored by an educational grant from AstraZeneca 4 AUCKLAND DISTlilICT 'H£""Tt! aOAIfD Lung Cancer Advanced Course Registration form Name (for badge) Position Institution Address for correspondence Telephone Email I wish to attend the advanced course I wish to attend the course dinner (Dietary requirements YES/NO ) Delegates will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation. A list of accommodation options near Auckland City Hospital or Auckland Airport is available on request, from Tracie Erridge : ONCE COMPLETED, PLEASE EITHER FAX your form to 09 631 0712 and/or EMAIL CLOSING DATE (for catering purposes) _15th February 2012 AUCKLAND DI$TIItIC~HC"I.Ttf BOARD LUNG CANCER ADVANCED COURSE Clinical Education Centre Auckland City Hospital Thursday 15th March 2012 Programme (provisional} 9am Welcome and introduction Session 1: Diagnosis of lung cancer 9.15am Lung cancer in New Zealand: where are we at and where do we need to be? Or Wendy Stevens 9.35am Screening for lung cancer: current evidence and controversies Or Rob Young 9.55am Modern pathological Or Chris Van Vliet classification of lung cancer MORNING TEA Session 2: Staging and work up of lung cancer 10.45am Lung cancer staging: Or Tim Christmas 11.05am Radiological diagnosis and staging modalities Or Oavid Rogers 11.25am Staging: endoscopic and surgical techniques Or Chris Lewis 11.45pm Physiological assessment of fitness for radical treatment Or Ken Whyte the 7th IASLC staging system LUNCH Session 3: Surgical management and follow up 1.00pm Surgical resection: established and new techniques Mr Indran Ramanathan 1.25pm Adjuvant treatment and follow up of resected cases Or Rita Sasidharan and Or Chris Lewis AUCKLAND DISTRICT re' ~r()Jca HEALTH BOARD ru""tl. Session 4: Radical treatment of lung cancer 1.45pm Radical radiotherapy: state of the art Or Ramesh Arunchalam 2.05pm Radical combined treatment of stage 3 disease and small cell Or Oragan Oamianovich 2.30pm Novel interventional Or Brendan Buckley techniques: Radiologic ablation AFTERNOON TEA Session 5: Palliative treatment and management of lung cancer 3.15pm Palliative chemotherapy Or Mark McKeage 3.35pm Mutation analysis and targeted therapy Or Gareth Rivalland 3.55pm Bronchoscopic palliation of large airway tumour Or Mark O'Carroll 4.10pm Modern management of malignant pleural effusions Or Fiona Horwood 4.25pm What happens at the end? Or Chris Lewis 4.35pm Simulated TMDM cases - expert panel with spot prizes Quizmaster: Or Chris Lewis 5.00pm Orinks reception 6.00pm DINNER This course is kindly sponsored by an educational grant fram
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Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Treatment Market
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 8.2 million people died from cancer around the world in 2012, and cancer is now one of the leading causes of death. Lung cancer is the leading cancer type and caused 1.59 million deaths in 2012.
Small cell lung cancer is two types -
• Oat cancer
• Combiner small cell cancer
The major risk factors for small cell lung cancer are tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy food and physical inactivity. Some chronic infections also causes cancer. Having family history of lung cancer and being effected with the HIV also risk factors for small cell lung cancer
Symptoms of small cell lung cancer include coughing, blood in sputum, wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Current treatments are not cure the cancer in some patients with small cell lung cancer.
To treat small cell lung cancer following treatments are available:
• Surgery
• Radiation therapy
• Chemotherapy