Bone Abstracts 6th International Conference on Children's Bone Health


Bone Abstracts 6th International Conference on Children's Bone Health
Society for Endocrinology BES 2012
19 –22 March 2012, Harrogate, UK
Endocrine Abstracts
June 2013 Volume 2
ISSN 2052-1219 (online)
Volume 31
6th International Conference
on Children's Bone Health
March 2013
22-25 June 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
published by
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Volume 2
June 2013
Bone Abstracts
6th international Conference on
Children’s Bone health
22– 25 June 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Organising Committee
M L Bianchi (Milan, Italy) Chair
N Bishop Sheffield, UK
C B Langman Chicago, USA
C Netelenbos Amsterdam, Netherlands
Programme Organising Committee
M L Bianchi (Milan, Italy) Chair
N Bishop Sheffield, UK
A Boot Groningen, Netherlands
H Jueppner Boston, USA
C B Langman Chicago, USA
M Leonard Philadelphia, USA
R Lorenc Warsaw, Poland
C Netelenbos Amsterdam, Netherlands
A Sawyer San Francisco, USA
E Schönau Cologne, Germany
Local Organising Committee
S de Muinck Keizer-Schrama Rotterdam, Netherlands
C Netelenbos Amsterdam, Netherlands
A Boot Groningen, Netherlands
H van Leeuwen Rotterdam, Netherlands
A Uitterlinden Rotterdam, Netherlands
C Zillikens Rotterdam, Netherlands
ICCBH 2013
ICCBH are extremely grateful to the following organisations for their support
Platinum Sponsors:
Danone Baby nutrition
Gold sponsor:
Bronze sponsor:
Novotec Medical
Other Supporters:
American Society for bone and Mineral research (ASBMR)
European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS)
International one and mineral Society (IBMS)
Endorsed by
International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)
Meeting organisation
Janet Crompton
+44 (0)1453 549929
+44 (0)1453 549929
Web site:
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
ICCBH 2013
The fracturing child: epidemiology . . .
The fracturing child: biology . . . . . . .
Rare diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The fracturing child: diagnostics . . . .
The fracturing child: therapeutics . . . .
Chronic diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paediatric cancer and bone: round table
Obesity as a bone disease: round table .
. . IS1 –IS2
. IS3 – IS4
. IS5 –IS7
. . IS8 –IS9
IS10 – IS11
IS12 – IS14
IS15 – IS16
IS17 – IS18
. . OC1 – OC6
. OC7 – OC12
OC13 –OC18
OC19– OC24
OC25– OC30
Epidemiology . .
Biology . . . . .
Diagnostics . . .
Miscellaneous . .
Chronic diseases
ORAL POSTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OP1 – OP15
POSTER PRESENTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1 –P201
LATE BREAKING ABSTRACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LB1 – LB2
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Invited Speaker Abstracts and
Biographical Notes
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The fracturing child: epidemiology
Bone mass and other determinants of fractures in children and adolescents
Emma Clark
Musculoskeletal Research Unit, School of Clinical Sciences, Avon Orthopaedic Centre, Southmead Hospital,
University of Bristol, Southmead Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, UK
There is evidence from case-control and prospective cohort studies that low bone volumetric density is a risk factor for
fractures in children and adolescents, and the size of effect is similar to that seen in postmenopausal women. Bone
density and size is important even in childhood fractures due to moderate or severe trauma. However, there are
determinants that may influence fracture risk through other pathways than bone fragility. These include gender,
ethnicity, obesity and physical activity. Understanding how all the determinants of fractures in childhood and
adolescence interact may allow us to intervene and reduce the burden of fractures in this age group.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS1
Biographical Details
I am a Consultant Senior Lecturer in Rheumatology at the University of Bristol, UK. My research
area is Musculoskeletal Epidemiology, with a particular interest in the role of bone mass in
determining fracture risk in children and adolescents. Other areas of interest are the epidemiology of
hypermobility and scoliosis in adolescents, and identification of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in
older adults. I am on the Editorial Boards of Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Diseases and Frontiers
in Medicine. I am a member of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme, and convene
the British Society for Rheumatology Osteoporosis Special Interest Group. I have been a recipient of
the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) President’s Book Award.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Epigenetic influences on childhood bone accrual
Kassim Javaid
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Fragility fractures including hip fracture are a significant global burden. There is a growing body of evidence that the
early environment influences an individual’s risk of fracture. Evidence from longitudinal studies have demonstrated the
relationship between measures of body size in early life with later bone mass and risk of fragility fracture. These
observations have been extended by parent/offspring cohorts with detailed examination of the maternal environment
and specific effects on foetal and neonatal bone size and post natal trajectories. The mechanism for persisting effects on
an individual’s bone phenotype are likely to involve epigenetic changes of key regulators of bone mass. Current work
has focused on CpG methylation of the vitamin D/RXR and eNOS pathways and offer potential insights as well as
surrogate outcomes and therapeutic targets for future studies.
Declaration of interest
K Javaid has an advisory role in Consilient.
NIHR systematic review of vitamin D treatment during pregnancy.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS2
Biographical Details
After completing medical training at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, I specialized in
adult rheumatology at the Wessex Deanery. During that time, I completed a PhD examining the
maternal determinants of intra-uterine bone growth as part of an ARC Clinical Fellowship at the
University of Southampton. In my last year of clinical training, I was fortunate to be awarded an ARC
travelling fellowship and worked with the OA group in UCSF to study the role of vitamin D and bone
in lower limb OA, a fantastic opportunity. Since my return to the UK, I have been appointed as Senior
Research Fellow in Metabolic Bone Disease/Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at Oxford and
further extended my research into the role of vitamin D status in musculoskeletal disease, improving
outcomes after fragility fracture as well as continuing work looking into the bone phenotypes in
osteoarthritis. Balancing clinical and teaching, my direction of research is evermore linking the basic
science with the key clinical issues in OA and OP.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The fracturing child: biology
Bone structure and fractures
Salman Kirmani
Medical Genetics and Pediatric Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
The incidence of distal forearm fractures in children is increasing, and peaks during the adolescent growth spurt.
Advances in bone imaging have allowed us and other groups to obtain non-invasive ‘virtual bone biopsy’ data in
growing children using high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT). We studied changes
in bone structure at the distal radius in individuals ranging from age 6 to till 21 years using HRpQCT. Transient
regional deficits in cortical strength due to increased cortical porosity were observed during the pubertal growth spurt,
mirroring the peak incidence of forearm fractures. In males during this period of rapid growth, we observed that a rise
in serum osteocalcin (OCN) was associated with increasing serum testosterone (T), which in turn correlated with
increasing periosteal circumference. This supports the evidence for a novel bone-testis axis, where OCN may further
stimulate testicular testosterone production, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in bone size. Serum sclerostin (S)
levels were found to be higher in boys compared to girls, and declined in both sexes after puberty. In both males and
females, serum sclerostin levels were inversely related to cortical porosity, suggesting that changes in sclerostin
production may play a role in defining cortical structure. We then went on to perform a fracture case-control study to
directly compare bone structure in children aged 8–14 years with and without a distal forearm fracture. We found that
in children with a distal forearm fracture due to mild trauma, there was cortical thinning and deficits in trabecular
microstructure not only at the distal radius, but also at the tibia. No such differences were found between cases and
controls in children who fractured due to moderate trauma, indicating that fractures caused by mild trauma are due to
underlying skeletal deficits. Our population-based cohort studies indicate that a distal forearm fracture in boys, but not
girls, is associated with an increased risk for fragility fractures as older adults. Further work needs to be done to clarify
these sex-differences, and to show if lifestyle and nutritional interventions will prevent these deficits in bone quality.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS3
Biographical Details
Dr S Kirmani is an Assistant Professor in Medical Genetics and Pediatrics at Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
MN. He received his medical degree from Dow Medical College, University of Karachi, Pakistan. He
went to Mayo Clinic to pursue a residency in Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, and stayed there for a
fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology. He went on to pursue further training in Medical Genetics and
has been on staff at Mayo Clinic since 2009. His clinical and research interests include pubertal bone
mass accrual, hereditary metabolic bone disease and connective tissue dysplasias.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The biology of bone revealed through bone biopsy
Katherine Wesseling-Perry
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 10833 Le Conte Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
Children with long-standing chronic kidney disease (CKD) display clinical symptoms of bone disease, including boney
deformities and fractures, which contribute to long-standing disability. Bone biopsy is the only available method for
assessing all three recommended areas of bone histology (turnover, mineralization, and volume) and new techniques in
human bone tissue analysis have shed light on the progression of renal ROD throughout the course of CKD, including
its early stages, as well as on the alterations in cell biology that accompany ROD.
Recent studies have identified that bone expression of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), dentin matrix protein 1
(DMP1) and sclerostin (SOST) increase early in the course of CKD and are linked to abnormalities in bone turnover an
mineralization skeletal mineralization, thus defining osteocytes as endocrine cells which generate hormones that affect
bone healthy. In contrast to patients with normal kidney function, FGF23 processing and osteocyte biology appear to
change with a progressive decline in kidney function. Indeed, although circulating FGF23 undergoes cleavage in
patients with normal kidney function and in those with mild CKD, the majority of circulating FGF23 in dialysis patients
is in its full-length form. Changes in circulating mineral ion and hormone concentrations may play a significant role in
osteocytic protein expression as CKD advances. Current data suggest that increasing PTH levels suppress osteocytic
SOST expression and that circulating phosphorus and PTH both increase FGF23 concentrations. Vitamin D sterols, the
most common therapy for controlling secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone turnover, also alters osteocytic protein
expression. The effect of these changes on long-term outcomes, including on the systemic effects of altered mineral
metabolism in CKD (i.e. cardiac morbidity and mortality), remain to be determined.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS4
Biographical Details
Kate Wesseling-Perry, MD, is an Assistant Professor in Pediatric Nephrology at UCLA. Her research
is focused on understanding the regulation of skeletal mineralization in patients with all stages of
chronic kidney disease. Her research interest is identifying the abnormalities in bone that lead to the
early development of renal bone disease.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Rare diseases
Agnès Linglart
Paediatric Endocrine Service, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Paris, France
Acrodysostosis refers to a group of rare chondrodysplasia that share severe brachydactyly, short stature and nasal
hypoplasia. Through a candidate gene approach or exome sequencing, heterozygous mutations in PRKAR1A or in
PDE4D, respectively, have been identified in patients with acrodysostosis. PRKAR1A encodes the regulatory subunit
of the protein kinase A (PKA), which allows, upon binding of cAMP, phosphorylation of target proteins by the catalytic
subunit of PKA. PDE4D is a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase. Interestingly, patients with PRKAR1A mutations
present with resistance to hormones that signal through G-protein coupled receptors including PTH, TSH and
epinephrine resistance. PDE4D mutations have been identified in patients with acrodysostosis yet, in most patients, no
hormone resistance. In addition, impaired cognitive function is more prevalent in patients with acrodysostosis due to
PDE4D mutations. We propose that acrodysostosis results from the deficient action of PTHrp, hence PKA, because the
chondrodysplasia is highly reminiscent of bone features observed in patients with mutations in PTHLH, the gene
encoding PTHrp and PHP1A/pseudoPHP syndromes caused by inactivating loss of function mutation in Gsa, the a
subunit of the G-protein necessary for the signaling of GPCRs. Our in vitro studies indicate that PRKAR1A mutants are
expressed when transfected in a cell model, and prevent the dissociation of the catalytic subunit of PKA. The impact of
the PDE4D mutations on the protein function remains unsolved. Further investigation of the growth pattern,
chondrodysplasia and hormone resistance in patients with acrodysostosis is required to decipher the roles of key
components of the cAMP pathway in endocrine diseases.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS5
Biographical Details
Dr A Linglart is a Paediatric Endocrinologist working at the Hôpital St Vincent de Paul in Parism,
France. She has a special interest in rare diseases.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Gaucher disease
Maja Di Rocco
Unit of Rare Disease, Department of Pediatrics, Gaslini Institute, Largo Gaslini 3, 16147 Genoa, Italy
Gaucher disease (GD) is a lysosomal storage disorder due to deficiency of glucocerebrosidase, leading to
glucocerebroside storage mainly in macrophages, but also in other cells (lymphocytes, osteoblasts, and neurons).
Clinically important bone manifestations of GD include severe acute ‘bone crisis’ (acute avascular osteonecrosis),
medullary infarction, osteopenia or osteoporosis, osteolytic lesions, pathologic fractures, defective bone remodelling
(Erlenmeyer flask deformity) and growth failure in children. At diagnosis nearly 100% of patients exhibit symptomatic
or imaging evidence of at least one of these skeletal manifestations.
Decreased bone mineral density has generally been attributed to increased bone resorption, possibly due to
osteoclastogenesis mediated by T cell via TNF-a or by macrophages via other cytokines. However biomarkers of
osteoclast function are inconsistently increased in GD patients and no significant clinical response arises from
inhibition of bone resorption with biphosphonates. Recently osteoblast dysfunction mediated by accumulating
glycolipid through inhibition of protein kinase C has been demonstrated in GD. Nonetheless poor osteoclast-osteoblast
signalling from osteoclasts via reduced sphingosine 1 phosphate production may also play a causal role.
Avascular necrosis and medullary infarction are generally related to bone marrow infiltration by macrophages, causing
vascular occlusion, compression and increased intraosseous pressure. However the inflammatory mediators secreted by
macrophages may also play a causal role. The biomarkers PARC/CCL18 and chitotriosidase, which are directly related
to burden of storage in macrophages, are associated with prevalent osteonecrosis, and, in particular, with osteonecrosis
occurring despite treatment.
The golden standard of treatment in GD is enzyme replacement therapy with macrophage targeted recombinat
glucocerebrosidase. Enzyme replacement therapy reverses haematological and visceral complications, but bone
improvement occurs slowly and incompletely. In particular the achievement of age- and sex-adjusted normal bone
mineral density takes a longer period of time and require higher doses of ERT than other complications of GD. Other
GD therapies, like substrate inhibitors, which are not macrophage targeted seems to have better efficacy to bone
mineral density.
Declaration of interest
M Di Rocco has an advisory role in genzyme, Shire and has received honoraria from Genzyme, Shire, Actelion and
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS6
Biographical Details
Maja Di Rocco, MD, is Head of the Unit of Rare Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, at the IRCCS
Gaslini, Genoa, Italy, and a professor of metabolic diseases at the Postgraduate Schools of Pediatrics,
Medical Genetics, and Pediatric Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Genoa. She graduated
in medicine and surgery from the University of Genoa in 1979, before completing a postgraduate
degree in paediatrics in 1983, and in paediatric neurology and psychiatry in 1987, at the same
institution. In 1986 she completed a fellowship in the Department of Neurology at Columbia
University, New York, NY, USA. Her research interests include the biochemical and molecular bases
of inborn errors of metabolism, the treatment of lysosomal diseases, and the molecular bases of genetic
diseases. She is a member of several national and international societies for Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Genetics
and published over 160 original articles on metabolic and genetic matter in peer-reviewed journals.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Gerard Pals
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder, leading to fragility of the bones. The clinical variability is extreme,
ranging from relatively mild to perinatally lethal. Secondary features such as short stature, blue sclerae, dentinogenesis
imperfecta and hearing loss may also exist in affected individuals. OI is most often caused by mutations in the collagen
type I genes COL1A1 and COL1A2, that show a dominant mode of inheritance. The least severe OI cases are usually
caused by a reduction in the production of collagen type I protein, due to an effective null allele or deletion of one allele
of COL1A1, leading to haploinsufficiency. The more severe forms of OI are often caused by missense mutations in the
type I collagen genes, that affect the formation of the triple helix of the collagen type I protein. Incorporation of
aberrant collagen in the extracellular matrix leads to a dominant negative effect.
In recent years, several genes have been discovered that convey recessive forms of OI. Many of these genes encode
proteins, involved in processing, modification or transport of type I collagen.
In our laboratory, some 25% of the O1200 OI cases that were tested by DNA analysis were negative for mutations in
all known OI causing genes. So it is evident that several hitherto unknown genes are involved in OI. These will most
likely be identified by exome sequencing in the near future.
Severe OI is evident at birth, but milder cases may not be noticed immediately. Therefore, in young children, OI may
lead to suspicion of non-accidental injury, which may have devastating effects on families. Differential diagnosis,
based on radiological and molecular findings, is essential in cases of suspected child abuse, if suspicion is mainly based
on recurrent unexplained fractures.
The primary defect in most OI cases is the production of insufficient amounts of collagen type I, or deposition of
structurally abnormal collagen type I in the extracellular matrix. Collagen fibers in the correct orientation are essential
for proper bone mineralization. The therapy that is currently used is based on bisphosphonate inhibition of osteoclasts
to reduce bone turnover. This leads to reduction of bone fragility by increasing the bone mineral density, but the
resulting harder bone is still brittle. Bisphosphonate therapy does not target the primary defect of reduced, or
structurally abnormal collagen. Long term administering of these drugs may eventually have adverse effects, such as
complete loss of osteoclasts. Consequently, new therapeutic targets are needed for OI.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS7
Biographical Details
G Pals is Director of the Centre for Connective Tissue Research at the VU University Medical Center
(VUMC) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Following completion of his MSc in Biochemistry in
Utrecht he completed his PhD training in Human Genetics in Amsterdam. In 1987 he held a position as
Visiting Scientist/Professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, USA, and then as Research Scientist
from 1989 to 1997 in the Department of Clinical Genetics at the VUMC. He directed the VUMC
Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory from 1997 to 2007 when he took up his current position. He is active
in many national and international societies, particularly those relating to Human Genetics.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The fracturing child: diagnostics
Non-invasive assessment of bone structure and strength using QCT and MRI
Mary Leonard
Division of Nephrology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Skeletal development is characterized by sex-, race- and maturation-specific increases in bone strength. Studies using
conventional QCT in the spine and femur, and peripheral QCT (pQCT) in the extremities provided insight into
differences in compartment volumetric BMD (vBMD) and cortical dimensions but were limited by inadequate
resolution to assess microarchitecture. For example, pQCT studies demonstrated that cortical vBMD was greater in
females, while cortical section modulus was greater in males and these differences in structure were more pronounced
in later Tanner stages (Leonard JCEM 2010). In contrast, high resolution (HR-pQCT) scanners have a voxel size of
82 mm (conventional pQCT scanners have a voxel size of 400 mm and a slice thickness of 2.3 mm) and provide
estimates of trabecular microarchitecture and cortical porosity. HR-pQCT images can be used as input for micro-finite
element (mFE) analysis to estimate bone strength. These methods have been used to identify changes in cortical
porosity and the proportion of load borne by cortical bone during mid- to late puberty that mirror the timing and sex
differences in distal forearm fractures in epidemiologic studies (Kirmani JBMR 2009). Similarly, a study comparing the
tibia and radius suggested that more rapid modeling at the distal radial metaphysis results in a greater dissociation
between growth and mineral accrual than observed at the distal tibia with transitory low cortical thickness and vBMD
in boys but not in girls (Wang JBMR 2010). To our knowledge, no prospective studies have examined associations
between HR-pQCT results and subsequent fractures. However, Chevallley et al. reported that fractures in healthy
females during childhood were associated with lower trabecular thickness and mFE measures of bone stiffness and
failure load at age 20 years (JCEM 2012). Micro-MRI also has sufficient resolution for in vivo assessment of bone
microarchitecture; however, relatively long scan times (e.g. 20 min) and the lack of automated methods for the
quantitative analysis of microstructural parameters have limited use in children. Of note, MR spectroscopy measures of
marrow adipose tissue has been used in children and may provide an index of adipocyte vs osteoblast differentiation in
the mesenchymal stem cell pool.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS8
Biographical Details
Dr Mary Leonard, MD, MSCE is a Professor of Paediatrics and Epidemiology at the Perlman School
of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Director of the Office of Clinical and
Translational Research at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Her multidisciplinary research
program is focused on the assessment of bone health in children, and the detrimental effects of
glucocorticoid therapy, chronic kidney disease, muscle deficits, vitamin D deficiency and
inflammation on bone development in chronic pediatric disease. Her research uses quantitative
computed tomography and novel micro-MRI imaging techniques. Her research program is supported
by multiple NIH investigator-initiated grants.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
DXA and vertebral fracture assessment
Judith Adams
Consultant Radiologist, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, The Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester,
M13 9WL, UK
Vertebral fractures (VF) in adults are the most common osteoporotic fracture, are powerful predictors of future fracture
risk (hip X2; spine X5) and their prevalence increases as bone mineral density (BMD) declines. The most common
imaging method for diagnosis is spinal radiography, but they can be identified fortuitously also on other imaging
techniques performed for various clinical indications.1 Midline reformations of multi-detector CT (MDCT) scans of
thorax and abdomen are particularly sensitive to identify VF.1,2 There is underreporting of VF in adults3,4 which
stimulated the Vertebral Fracture Initiative of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (http://www.iofbonehealth.
org/vertebral-fracture-teaching-program). For assessment of VF grading the semi-quantitative method (SQ) method is
most widely applied.5 Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) from DXA images is being used increasingly in adults with
improvement in spatial resolution to 0.35 mm (6).
In children the epidemiological study of VF is much less extensive and relation to low BMD less clearly defined.7 VF may
occur in children in relation to trauma8 and in various diseases and therapies which compromise bone strength. Spinal
radiographs are the most common imaging technique used to identify VF in children and studies applying the SQ method of
grading have indicated the prevalence is higher than previously perceived.9 This might in part be that clinicians have been
reluctant to perform spinal radiographs because of the high dose of ionising radiation involved (500–600 microSv for
lateral projection).10 DXA VFA has several advantages with the entire spine being depicted on a single image, the X-ray
beam being parallel to the vertebral endplates, so avoiding the biconcavity of endplates (‘bean can’ effect) caused by the
divergent X-ray beam in radiographs and most importantly a low radiation dose (3–10 microSv).10 Single (SE) and dualenergy (DE) VFA images are obtained, but differently between scanner manufacturers; simultaneously in a single pass
with Lunar General Electric (Madison, MI, USA) and separately by Hologic (Bedford, MA, USA). Former has advantages
in children with DE images obtained more rapidly. In adults DE images are superior to SE images to visualize the thoracic
vertebrae. An initial report in 2007 of DXA VFA in children was disappointing,11 but further improvements in image
quality give VFA the potential for routine application to identify VF in children.
Link TM et al. Eur Radiol 200 15 (8) 1521–1532.
Williams AL et al. Eur J Radiol 2009 69 (1) 179–183.
Gehlbach S et al. Osteoporos Int 2000 11 577–582.
Delmas PD et al. J Bone Miner Res 2005 20 (4) 557–563.
Genant HK et al. J Bone Miner Res 1993 8 (9) 1137–1148.
Diacinti D et al. Calcif Tissue Int 2012 91 (5) 335–342.
Rauch F et al. ISCD 2007 Pediatric Official Positions. J Clin Densitom 2008 11 (1) 22–28.
Roche C & Carty H. Pediatr Radiol 2001 31 (10) 677–700.
Halton et al. of Canadian STOPP Consortium. J Bone Miner Res 2009 24 (7) 1326–1334.
Damilakis J et al. Eur Radiol 2010 20 (11) 2707–2714.
Mäyränpää MK et al. Bone 2007 41 (3) 353–359.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS9
Biographical Details
J Adams is Consultant Radiologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Honorary Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging
Science and Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) at the University of Manchester, UK. She is a musculo-skeletal radiologist with a
particular interest in metabolic bone disease (especially osteoporosis) and quantitative assessment of the skeleton. Her
publications include 155 scientific papers, 20 reviews and 23 chapters and she has collaborated in over £3M research grants. Prof.
Adams has served as Dean (Vice President) of the Royal College Radiologists, Chairman of the Osteoporosis Group of the
European Society of Skeletal Radiology (ESSR) and of the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) Bone Densitometry Forum.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The fracturing child: therapeutics
Medical therapies: present and future
Craig Munns
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia/School of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Bisphosphonates are the mainstay of medical therapy in the fracturing child with osteoporosis. The majority of the data
in children pertains to i.v. pamidronate use in children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), where
pamidronate has been associated with improvements in bone mineral density, cortical thickness, vertebral shape, pain,
mobility and height.1 Side-effects of pamidronate including acute phase response to the initial dose and retardation of
bone healing have also become apparent. To date, there have been no reports of osteonecrosis of the jaw. The best
functional outcomes occur when bisphosphonates are given as part of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment.
More recently, bisphosphonates have been used to treat other primary and secondary osteoporotic disorders e.g.
immobility and glucocorticoid. Zoledronate is a third generation bisphosphonate with a potency 100–200 times that of
pamidronate. Even though both pamidronate and zoledronate have a similar mechanism of action, zoledronate has
potential advantages over pamidronate in the management of paediatric bone disorders due to its shorter infusion time
and longer duration of action. Zoledronate has been shown to be effective in the management of osteogenesis
imperfecta2 and secondary osteoporosis.3 The optimal regimen for intravenous bisphosphonate use in both the acute
and maintenance phase of treatment remains to be developed.
Oral bisphosphonates do not appear to be as beneficial as intravenous bisphosphonates in children. Although they result
in increased bone density, they do not improve bone pain or alter bone histomorphometry.4 Larger studies await
publication. Further the use of bisphosphonates in primary fracture prevention in children is yet to be investigated.
Biological agents hold promise for the future. Denosumab (RANKL inhibitor) use in children has been reported but it
would appear unlikely it will be used widely. Anti-sclerostin antibodies and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1), two Wnt pathway
inhibitors, however are potential treatments for primary and secondary osteoporosis with their potent effects on
periosteal bone formation.5
In summary, bisphosphonates have improved the life of children with significant bone fragility. Their use in primary
fracture prevention and the utility of new agents such as anti-sclerostin antibodies and DKK1 require further
Rauch F & Glorieux FH. Lancet 2004 363 1377–1385.
Vuorimies I, Toiviainen-Salo S, Hero M, et al. Horm Res Paediatr 2011 75 (5) 346–353.
Simm PJ, Johannesen J, Briody J, et al. Bone 2011 49 939–943.
Rauch F, Munns CF, Land C, et al. J Bone Miner Res 2009 24 (7) 1282–1289.
Ke HZ, Richards WG, Li X & Ominsky MS. Endocr Rev 2012 33 (5) 747–783.
Declaration of interest
C Munns has an advisory role in Aventis, Sanofi.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS10
Biographical Details
Associate Professor Munns is a Senior Staff Specialist in Bone and Mineral Medicine and Endocrinology at the Children’s
Hospital at Westmead and Conjoint Associate Professor in the Sydney Medical School at the University of Sydney, Australia.
Following the completion of his Paediatric and Endocrinology training at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia,
Associate Professor Munns was Clinical Associate in Genetic and Metabolic Bone Disorders at the Shriners Hospital for
Children, Montreal, Canada. He was awarded his PhD through the University of Queensland in 2004. Associate Professor Munns’
major clinical and research focus is the diagnosis and management of primary and secondary bone disorders in children.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Other therapeutic options: nutrition, vitamin D, and physical activity
Catherine Gordon
Hasbro Children’s Hospital and Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
The childhood and adolescent years represent a critical period for bone acquisition. Extrinsic factors such as diet and
physical activity represent modifiable variables that may have a significant impact on a young adult’s peak bone mass.
This lecture will consider dietary supplementation with specific nutrients as a strategy to augment bone density during
the childhood and teenage years. An overview will be provided, as well as data reviewed from supplementation trials in
the pediatric age group. Calcium and vitamin D will be discussed as traditional approaches to increase bone mass, as
well as data from trials of vitamin K and magnesium, with discussion on these and other less common nutrients. Lastly,
physical activity will be discussed as part of the skeletal therapeutic armamentarium for children and adolescents.
Different types of activities will be reviewed (weight bearing vs not), as well as the use of vibrating plates for pediatric
chronic disease groups. These platforms represent a unique means by which high frequency, low magnitude mechanical
stimulation can be provided to change bone turnover to increase bone mass in children.
Declaration of interest
C Gordon has an advisory role in Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS11
Biographical Details
Catherine M Gordon, MD, MSc is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Alpert Medical School of Brown
University and is Director of the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. She
is board-certified in adolescent medicine and pediatric endocrinology. She is on the Board of Directors
for the International Society for Clinical Densitometry, and directs the Student Research Program
co-sponsored by the American Pediatric Society and Society for Pediatric Research. Her clinical
interests include bone loss in pediatric chronic disease, pediatric densitometry, disorders of vitamin D
and calcium metabolism, and eating disorders. Her research focuses on the effect of malnutrition on
bone loss including the early osteoporosis seen in adolescents with anorexia nervosa, cystic fibrosis,
and inflammatory bowel disease.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Chronic diseases
Bone mineral density and fractures in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease
Susanne Schmidt
Department of Pediatrics, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
The term ‘inflammatory bowel disease’ (IBD) describes a chronic and relapsing inflammation. Up to 25% of all
patients with IBD develop the disease during childhood and adolescence. IBD is considered one of the most common
chronic childhood diseases in the Western world. Besides epidemiologic data, a short overview about disease
presentation, diagnostic criteria and current treatment strategies will be given.
The etiology of IBD is still unknown but it is considered to be multifactorial. It has been hypothesized that a yet
unidentified trigger may, in a genetically susceptible individual with an altered intestinal microbial flora and in
association with particular environmental factors, activate an aberrant immune response, which results in a chronic
intestinal inflammation. Key players in the inflammatory process are cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a
(TNF-a) and interleukin6 (IL6) that are released from the inflamed mucosa. Possible links between autoimmune
disease and bone metabolism will be highlighted.
The association between IBD and bone mineral density (BMD) was first described in the 1960s. Since the introduction
of new methods of BMD measurement in the early 1990s, several studies have concluded that low BMD is common in
both adults and children who suffer from IBD. However, only few studies have investigated the clinical relevance of
low BMD, the occurrence of fractures, in IBD patients. An overview over studies that are available to date will be
given. In addition, current guidelines and recommendations regarding evaluation, treatment and follow-up of low BMD
in IBD patients will be reviewed.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS12
Biographical Details
S Schmidt graduated with a medical degree from the University of Rostock (Germany) in 1996 and
received her pediatric training in Germany, Norway and Sweden. Already during this time she became
interested in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and bone mineral density. After residency, she
worked as a pediatric gastroenterologist in the region of Gothenburg (Sweden) and intermittently also
at the tertiary centre of pediatric gastroenterology of Sahlgrenska University Hospital. At the Institute
of Clinical Science at Sahlgrenska Academy she conducted clinical studies as part of her PhD work,
and in 2010 she defended her PhD thesis with the title ‘Bone mineral density in pediatric inflammatory
bowel disease’. S moved very recently to New Jersey (USA), but remains involved in an ongoing
project in Gothenburg focusing on the development of bone mineral density in patients with inflammatory bowel
disease during the transition from adolescence into adulthood.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Muscle–bone interaction in pediatric bone diseases
Frank Rauch
Shriners Hospital for Children and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Muscle size and function are closely correlated with skeletal development. Examining the relationship between muscle
and bone is thus of central interest in clinical bone research. Surprisingly, however, there is little information on how to
evaluate the functional muscle-bone relationship in clinical studies. Many past studies on muscle–bone interaction
seem to have analyzed muscle and bone measures that were convenient to collect but did not evaluate a specific model
of the muscle-bone relationship. Recently, Anliker et al. (Med Sci Sports Exerc 2011 43 2102–2109) have proposed a
an approach to examine the relationship between bone and muscle function that is based on the mechanostat model.
According to this model, bone strength adapts to the largest physiological forces to which it is exposed. The proposed
approach relates tibia characteristics, as assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography to results of muscle
performance tests on a force plate (‘mechanography’). Bone mineral content at the 14% site of the tibia (measured from
the distal articular surface) is used as a surrogate parameter of bone strength, as this is the cross-sectional location
where bone mineral content is at its minimum. As the largest physiological forces on bones result from eccentric
muscle contraction, the approach uses peak force during forefoot hopping as a measure of muscle function (‘functional
muscle-relationship’). In a study on 30 individuals with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH), we found that
muscle force was significantly lower in XLH patients than in age- and sex-matched controls. The XLH cohort had
statistically significant higher bone mineral content, due to a larger bone cross-sectional area. Thus, patients with XLH
had increased bone mass and size at the distal tibia despite muscle function deficits. Viewed from the perspective of the
mechanostat model, these results suggest that the bones of individuals with XLH are more sensitive to mechanical
forces than those of healthy controls.
Research was funded by Novartis and Alexion.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS13
Biographical Details
Frank Rauch trained as a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Cologne University, Germany,
where he started working on pediatric bone disorders in Dr Schoenau’s laboratory. He then performed
a research fellowship on metabolic bone disorders at the Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal,
Canada. Since 2001 he has been a clinician scientist at the Shriners Hospital and he is an Associate
Professor at the Department of Pediatrics of McGill University. Dr Rauch has published 140 peerreviewed publications and since 2009 has been the Editor of the Journal of Musculoskeletal and
Neuronal Interactions. His main research areas are muscle-bone interaction and heritable bone
disorders in children.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Chronic diseases: type I diabetes
Susanne Bechtold
Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Children’s Hospital, Munich, Germany
Numerous studies in adult patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) described an association with reduced bone mineral
density, altered bone geometry and osteoporosis. Epidemiologic data on hip fractures demonstrate an increased risk in a
large adult population with T1D. Diabetes is therefore categorized as adversely affecting the skeleton.
In children and adolescence observations have been more controversial regarding bone mineral content, bone mineral
density and markers of bone turn-over. Several studies have documented a lower bone mineral density (BMD) or bone
mass, altered bone strength and postponed attainment of peak bone mass. However, other studies found normal levels
of bone mass and BMD. The methods used for measuring bone quality have varied making comparison of results from
individual studies difficult. The majority of studies are cross-sectional using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
of the spine. The clinical impact of possibly lower bone mineralization in children with T1D has to be discussed since
fracture rate data are lacking. Analyzing bone histomorphometry and micro CT in young adults with T1D normal
results were seen. However, with diabetes associated complications lower bone mass was present.
Low rates of bone formation along with reduced trabecular bone structure and strength have been shown in rat and mice
models of T1D but it is unclear whether this could be transferred to humans. The mechanisms behind impaired bone
metabolism in T1D are not clear. Lack of insulin, IGF1 and further osteoanabolic factors (e.g. amylin), chronic
hyperglycemia, inflammation and increased concentrations of advanced glycation end products (AGE) as well as
diabetic complications like microangiopathy or neuropathy were reported. Further a smaller muscle mass and an
intrinsic bone disease were discussed.
The extent of diagnostic and therapeutic activities in patients with T1D in respect to generalized bone disease or
diabetic osteopenia should be based on individual conditions and risk profile. Encouraging patients to optimize
glycemic control in the long run, to follow a healthy life style and to increase muscle mass by emphasizing physical
activity may help to prevent the reported decrease of bone mass and elevated fracture risk later in the course of the
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS14
Biographical Details
S Bechtold-Dalla Pozza is a Consultant Pediatric Endocrinologist working at the Department of
Endocrinology and Diabetology of the Dr von Haunersches Kinderspital, Ludwig-Maximilians
University, Munich, Germany. She completed her pediatric training at the department of Pediatrics at
the University Children’s Hospital, Munich, following a clinical and research fellowship at the same
institution. Her past and current research focuses on the influence of chronic diseases on growth and
bone strength and density. She performed a 10 year study on GH treatment in juvenile idiopathic
arthritis and the influence on bone and growth development. She received twice a grant for a one year
scholarship each for excellent researchers from the Ludwig-Maximilians University.
She published more than 80 research papers and is a reviewer for about 20 international journals.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Paediatric cancer and bone: round table
Osteogenic complications during and after childhood cancer
Marry van den Heuvel-Eibrink
Associate Professor in Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Childhood cancer has become curable in the majority (O70%) of patients. This is mainly due to rising intensity of
treatment, including (combinations of) surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and stem cell transplantation. In addition,
intensive international collaboration for rare subgroups, enhanced stratification for treatment regimens and optimised
supportive care has contributed to the improved survival of pediatric cancer that was accomplished over the last
Decreased bone mineral density and subsequent increased fracture risk is an important consequence of childhood
cancer treatment in which substantial dosages and long-term administration steroids is required. Not only the total
cumulative dosage (TCD), but also the type of steroids has been shown to be relevant. In addition, therapeutic agents,
used for solid tumors such as ifosfamide are detrimental for bone turnover, directly or due to renal toxicity (Renal
Fanconi). Recently, the use of the promising drug Imatinib, has shown to cause serious bone toxicity. Apart from
treatment, the diseases itself (bone marrow infiltration), lymphokine production, immobilisation and general illness are
obvious contributing factors for impaired bone mineral density. In addition, similar treatment can cause differenct bone
toxicity in different individuals, suggesting a role for genetic variation, which has been confirmed by identifying
several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that predispose to a higher risk for osteopenia in childhood cancer.
Another important osteogenic complication of childhood cancer treatment is avascular bone necrosis or osteonecrosis
(ON), which is especially observed in children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Risk factors for
developing this serious invalidating side effect are female gender and pubertal age. Also it has been show that treatment
factors are important, and especially the individual combined steroids and asparaginase pharmacokinetics, seems to be
the most important factor for the development of ON. In addition, also for ON, genetic variance is relevant. Avoidance
of ON in a teenager with disease as ALL is a challenge, as treatment adjustment carries the risk of impaired survival.
As survival rates improve, the absolute number of childhood cancer survivors increases substantially, and late sequelae
become increasingly important. Interestingly, avascular bone necrosis has been shown to be reversible in a substantial
number of children that have survived childhood ALL. Long term effect studies as based on national survivor cohorts
are currently being designed. Although it has been shown that most childhood cancer survivors reach normal peak bone
mass in young adolescency, whether the risk of osteoporosis is increased in survivors reaching menopause, to be
determined as the first cohorts of childhood cancer survivors now reach that era.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS15
Biographical Details
M van den Heuvel-Eibrink is Associate Professor of Pediatric Oncology at the Erasmus MC/Sophia
Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She began her medical career with an MD from the
University of Utrecht and following a number of years of clinical work in the pediatric oncology field
completed her PhD in Rotterdam in 2001. Since 2009 Dr M van den Heuvel-Eibrink has been Head of
the ‘late effects after childhood cancer treatment’ outpatient clinic. She is a member of the SIOP Renal
Tumour Study Group (RTSG) Steering Committee, and Chair of the EWOG-MDS Study Group
Protocol Committee of the DCOG. Her research is dedicated to translational research in pediatric
oncology/hematology and the genetic variation of toxicity and late effects of childhood cancer, with a
special interest in endocrine sequelae.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Fractures among long-term survivors of childhood cancer
Carmen Wilson
Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Improvements in diagnosis, multi-modal therapy and supportive care over the past several decades have resulted in
substantial reductions in mortality rates for childhood cancer. Approximately 80% of children diagnosed with cancer
are now expected to survive for at least 5 years after initial diagnosis. Nevertheless, improvements in survival rates
have not come without cost, with survivors at risk of skeletal morbidities as a result of disturbances in normal bone
metabolism during childhood or adolescence. Deficits in bone mineral density (BMD) are among the most commonly
reported skeletal morbidity among long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Reductions in BMD may develop as a
consequence of the side effects of childhood cancer, such as nutritional deficiencies and reduced physical activity
levels, or as a result of the anti-cancer therapies, such as methotrexate and corticosteroids, received in childhood.
Among survivors, BMD deficits may also occur as a result of gonadal failure following exposure to pelvic radiation or
alkylating agents, or as a consequence of hypothalamic pituitary endocrinopathies following radiation to the CNS. In
the general population, reductions in BMD can significantly increase the risk of fracture, which may result in acute or
chronic pain, impaired mobility and physical function, as well as an increased risk of mortality. Failure to accrue
sufficient bone mass during childhood may place childhood cancer survivors at an increased risk for fracture and
skeletal morbidity later in life. This presentation will review the literature and findings from two large cohort studies,
the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study and the St Jude Lifetime Cohort Study, regarding the current state of knowledge
of fractures and associated risk factors among childhood cancer survivors. A brief discussion of the methodological
challenges encountered when conducting research among cancer survivors will also be included. This presentation will
conclude with a short discussion of several innovative approaches and interventions being explored in an effort to
ameliorate or reverse bone loss among individuals treated for childhood cancer.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS16
Biographical Details
Dr C Wilson received a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in
2008 for research focusing on the late complications of anti-cancer therapies among individuals
diagnosed with childhood cancer. She then worked for a short time as study coordinator for the New
South Wales Childhood Cancer Survivor Study before coming to work in the Department of
Epidemiology and Cancer Control at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee in
2010. Dr Wilson’s studies have focused on examining genetic and treatment-related factors which
modify the risk of long-term complications among cancer survivors. Dr C Wilson is the principal
investigator of several genome-wide association studies evaluating genetic variation associated with
cardiac dysfunction, obesity, bone health and neurosensory impairments in childhood cancer survivors.
Her work has been funded by the Rally Foundation.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Obesity as a bone disease: round table
Bone as an endocrine organ
Paul Baldock
Head Bone and Metabolism Group, Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Division, Faculty of Medicine, Garvan Institute of
Medical Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Our understanding of skeletal biology has revealed bone as a tissue under complex regulatory control, with numerous
systems influencing bone development and remodeling. In contrast, the regulatory output from bone tissue is very
minimal. However, skeletal research is currently undergoing a period of marked expansion. One aspect in particular is
the relationship between bone and fat metabolism. In addition to well-defined responses to weight bearing, emerging
evidence indicates that bone and adipose tissue are co-regulated and interdependent. Signals from fat cells are known to
regulate bone mass, with prominent adipokines such as leptin and adiponectin. Interestingly, signals produced by bone
cells are now being identified that are capable of regulating fat cells, both directly and through central hypothalamic
signalling, thereby providing feedback from bone to the regulatory elements of energy homeostasis, within the
adipocyte and the brain.
Osteocalcin, a protein secreted by osteoblasts, has emerged as a bone-specific endocrine signal, capable of feedback
control of energy homeostasis. Osteocalcin null mice are obese, hyperglycaemic, glucose intolerant and
hypoinsulinaemic. Importantly, opposing changes were evident following treatment with exogenous Ocn. Increasing
Ocn levels reduced fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity in wild type mice. In subsequent studies investigating
energy and glucose homeostasis, osteocalcin has been demonstrated to beneficially regulate energy metabolism through
secretion of the undercarboxylated form of osteocalcin (ucOC), acting to increase the insulin sensitising adipokines
adiponectin, and directly increasing insulin production in the beta cell. Recently, our laboratory has produced data
suggesting a novel central loop for OC signalling, also capable of regulating adipose and glucose homeostasis. To date
human data are emerging with varied results, with several recent studies in children conflicting with this view.
In conclusion, the link between energy and bone homeostasis is far more complex than a response to weigh bearing,
with multiple axes of control, involving both central and direct signalling pathways. Feedback signals must exist for
this bone/fat cross talk to be controlled, and osteocalcin has emerged as a candidate for that role. Further research,
particularly in children, is required to define this novel axis.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS17
Biographical Details
Paul Baldock is Senior Research Fellow and Group Leader of the Bone Regulation Group,
Neuroscience Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia. He
completed his PhD in Human Physiology at the University of Adelaide in 2001 and since then has gone
on to win several awards. His areas of interest are bone mass, neuropeptide Y, bone strength,
osteoporosis, leptin, and the hypothalamus.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Obesity and skeletal health
Paul Dimitri
Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TH, UK
Child and adolescent obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. The impact of excess fat on musculoskeletal
health is of significant concern. Abnormal mechanical loading of the lower limbs in obese children may lead to
anatomic alterations and an increased prevalence of slipped capital femoral epiphysis and tibia vara. Obese children are
also over-represented in fracture groups and excess fat may result in low bone mass relative to body size, although this
effect may be confined to adolescence. Paradoxically, obese adults have a higher bone mass and fracture less, although
this observation may be bone site-specific. The factors underpinning this paradox are poorly understood. Changes in
bone microarchitecture may differ in relation to the relative proportion of subcutaneous and visceral fat. Fat-induced
alterations in hormonal factors and cytokines during growth and pubertal development may play a pivotal role in
disturbing osteoblast and osteoclast function and thus bone accrual. These changes may be more prevalent in obese
children who have obesity-related metabolic risk factors. Reduced levels of physical activity and calcium intake during
childhood and adolescence may further exacerbate poor bone mass accrual in obesity.
Despite a considerable body of bone densitometry data there remains controversy about the affect of obesity in children
and adults. DXA is unable to capture changes in bone compartments and adjustments are required during DXA analysis
to account for body size in children. Longitudinal analysis using novel scanning techniques including high resolution
peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) and skeletal MRI may help to overcome the limitations in
using DXA and provide information about obesity-mediated alterations in skeletal microstructure, geometry and
strength during growth. Understanding the effects of fat mass on skeletal health during growth is vital in informing
future health strategies to optimise peak bone mass and prevent fracture across all ages.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.IS18
Biographical Details
Dr P Dimitri studied Medicine at the University of St Andrew’s in Scotland and the University of
Manchester where he received a medal in pathology and a distinction in Paediatrics. In 2010 he was
awarded a PhD in Medicine and the Michael Blacow Award from the Royal College of Paediatrics and
Child Health for his work on the relationship of fat and bone in children. P Dimitri currently works as a
Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. He was appointed as the
Director of Research and Innovation and the Deputy Director for the Medicines for Children Research
Network (East of England) in 2012. P Dimitri’s research interests include the effect of obesity on
skeletal growth and the development of novel imaging of bone in children and adults.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Other Biographies
Maria Luisa Bianchi
Dr M L Bianchi has been engaged in clinical activity and scientific research on bone metabolic diseases since the early 1980 s. Dr M L Bianchi is
currently working at the Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, a hospital and research institute in Milan, Italy. She has special interests in
pathophysiology, problems of diagnosis and treatment of primary and secondary osteoporosis in children and adolescents; evaluation of adherence
to treatment and quality of life in osteoporosis. Dr M L Bianchi has been a member of the ICCBH International Scientific Committee since 1997 and
is on the Board of Directors of the International Bone and Mineral Society and the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) and the Editorial
Boards of Bone and Calcified Tissue International. She is author or co-author of over 200 scientific articles and book chapters.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN1
Nick Bishop
The UK’s only Professor of Paediatric Bone Disease, N Bishop trained in Manchester (clinical), Cambridge (MRC and Wellcome Fellowships) and
Montreal (visiting Professor at McGill). He was appointed to Chair in Sheffield in 1998. In 2002 Nick was appointed Head of the Academic Unit of
Child Health and in 2008 Director of the Children’s Clinical Research Facility. He is also Director for Undergraduate Medical Education at the
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. His clinical research group focuses on the treatment of childhood osteoporosis and his basic science
group on pathophysiology of childhood bone diseases. Prof. N Bishop has been a member of the ICCBH International Scientific Committee since
1997 and organised the 2002 and 2009 ICCBH meetings in Sheffield and Cambridge.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN2
Annemieke Boot
A M Boot is Paediatric Endocrinologist at University Medical Center Groningen, Beatrix Children’s Hospital in Groningen, The Netherlands. After
her study she worked as general medical doctor in Blantyre and Mangochi in Malawi from 1989 to 1992, Africa. Her training of paediatrics and
paediatric-endocrinology (Head Prof. Dr S L S Drop) was in Sophia Children’s Hospital, Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her research
is focussed on bone mineral density and bone metabolism in children. She was awarded her PhD in 1997. She is a member of The European Society
of Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) and is active in the ESPE Bone and Growth Plate working group.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN3
Rachel Gafni
R I Gafni received her BA from Barnard College and her MD from Temple University. She completed a pediatric residency at the Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia followed by a pediatric endocrinology fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), serving as an officer in the
Public Health Service from 1996 to 2002. She subsequently served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland. Dr R I Gafni returned to
NIH in 2007 as a staff clinician in the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. She is also faculty in the NIH Pediatric Endocrinology
Training Program. She is an investigator on several protocols studying and treating patients with endocrine disorders including hypoparathyroidism,
McCune–Albright Syndrome, hypophosphatemic rickets, tumoral calcinosis, and other metabolic bone diseases.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN4
Francis Glorieux
Dr F H Glorieux received his MD from the University of Louvain and his PhD from McGill University. It is there that he developed his interest in
heritable pediatric bone diseases. His doctoral thesis focused on hypophosphatemic rickets and the demonstration that calcitriol and phosphate
allowed for control of the bone disease, a regimen still used worldwide in such patients. Since 1992 he has documented the beneficial effects of
bisphosphonate in severe forms of osteogenesis imperfecta. Programs based on the Montreal protocols are now used all over the world. For 40 years,
he has been the Head of the Genetics Unit at the Montreal Shriners Hospital for Children and a Professor at McGill University. He is the recipient of
numerous Awards, and in 2004 was made an Officer of the Order of Canada, the country’s highest honor for lifetime achievement.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN5
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Wolfgang Högler
W Högler is a Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, heading the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Birmingham Children’s Hospital,
Birmingham, UK. Dr W Högler is also Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham,
UK and current Chair of the ESPE Working Group on Bone and Growth Plate.
Dr W Högler completed his paediatric training at the Department of Paediatrics at Innsbruck University Hospital in Innsbruck, Austria. Following
a clinical and research fellowship at the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, in Sydney, Australia,
he worked as an Associate Professor in Paediatrics at the Medical University in Innsbruck, Austria before moving to the United Kingdom.
Dr W Högler’s current research focuses on novel measures of mobility, bone strength and density and growth disorders. His group is currently
investigating the role of whole body vibration on mobility and bone strength in children with osteogenesis imperfecta, as well as the complications
of the rare growth disorder ALS deficiency on glucose metabolism and bone strength, including novel treatment options. His commitment to
postgraduate education has led him to chair the endocrine branch of the IPOKRaTES Foundation. He organizes paediatric endocrine specialist
seminars across the globe.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN6
Harald Jüppner
Dr H Jüppner is a Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Chief of Pediatric Nephrology at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children,
and a senior member of the Endocrine Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. His research focuses on the regulation of mineral ion homeostasis and
bone metabolism, with a primary interest in the PTH/PTHrP receptor and understanding its role in bone, kidney and cartilage biology. He is
furthermore interested in parathyroid hormone (PTH) and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), has developed assays to measure these hormones,
and helped assess their role in patients with phosphate-wasting disorders and chronic kidney disease. For more than a decade, molecular genetic
studies have been the main focus of his research. His laboratory identified the molecular defect of several inherited disorders, including
pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib, Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, infantile cortical hyperostosis, and several hypophosphatemic disorders.
To explore the molecular basis of these and other inherited human disorders, he has collaborated with a large numbers of investigators and clinicians.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN7
Craig B Langman
C B Langman MD is the Isaac A Abt, MD Professor of Kidney Diseases and Tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the Feinberg School of Medicine,
Northwestern University and Head, Kidney Diseases at the Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. He has had a career-long
interest in the understanding of genetic or acquired rare and ultra-orphan diseases of kidney and bone, including nephrolithiasis. He participates in
creation of evidence-based medicine guidelines, and his research is funded through the National Institutes of Health in the areas of genetic stone
disease, chronic kidney disease, and cystinosis. Dr C B Langman served as the Chair of the ICCBH meeting held in Montreal CA in 2007.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN8
Coen Netelenbos
J C Netelenbos is Emeritus Professor of Endocrinology in the Department of Internal Medicine at the VU University Medical Center (VUMC),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is author/co-author of more than 200 scientific publications and reviewer/member editorial advisory board of
several international journals and reviewer of national/international grant applications for MRC’s. Prof. J C Netelenbos holds several positions on
national and international societies, including President and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Dutch Osteoporosis Foundation. He organised
the First International Symposium on Children’s Bone Health in Maastricht, The Netherlands (4–7th May 1999), and has remained on the
organising committee since.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN9
Farzana Perwad
Dr F Perwad is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco. Dr F Perwad’s research focuses on the
regulation of vitamin D and phosphorus homeostasis in health and disease. Her research projects include investigating the pathophysiology of
X-linked hypophosphatemia in mouse models of the human disease, and to study the molecular mechanisms of action of fibroblast growth factor-23
in the kidney.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.BN10
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Oral Communications
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The Amalgamated Paediatric Bone Density Study (The ALPHABET
Study): the collation and generation of UK based reference data for
paediatric bone densitometry
Nicola Crabtree1, Mike Machin2, Natalie Bebbington1, Judith Adams2,
Faisal Ahmed3, Paul Arundel4, Nicholas Bishop4, Mary Fewtrell5,
Wolgang Hogler1, M Zulf Mughal6, Laura Rhodes7, Nicholas Shaw1 &
Kate Ward8
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK; 2Central Manchester
University Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK; 3Royal
Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK; 4Sheffield Children’s Hospital,
Sheffield, UK; 5Institute for Child Health, London, UK; 6Royal Manchester
Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; 7University of Leeds, Leeds, UK;
MRC Human Nutrition Research Elsie Widdowson Laboratory,
Cambridge, UK.
age of 18 years than the other groups (W: 31% vs B: 6%; P!0.001 and MA: 16%;
MAOB: P!0.01). An adolescent’s risk of fracture was higher if a sibling had a
history of fracture (ORZ1.5; 95% CI 1.02–2.21; P%0.05), and if they were white and
male, and decreased with increasing maternal lumbar spine BMC (24% reduction in
fracture risk for every unit increase in maternal BMC Z-score). Adolescent height,
maternal bone area (BA) and bone mineral content (BMC), and white ethnicity were
positive predictors for adolescents’ bone mass.
In conclusion we had demonstrated firstly, a strong familial component in fracture
patterns among South African adolescents and their siblings, and secondly a
significant influence of maternal bone mass on their adolescents’ fracture rates;
a novel finding across all ethnic groups.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC2
Understanding normal patterns of bone growth is important for optimising bone
health in children and reducing osteoporotic fractures in later life. Recently
published guidelines for bone assessment in children state that to predict fractures
a technique should identify children at risk of clinically significant fractures and
that dual-energy absorptiometry (DXA) is the preferred method of assessment.
Despite these guidelines there is still inconsistency and lack of consensus
regarding the management of paediatric bone disease across centres, both
nationally and internationally. The major inconsistencies arise from lack of robust
reference data and clarity regarding the diagnostic application of these data. The
aim of this project was to create a large robust but modifiable reference data set
for the assessment of bone status in children by collating all currently available
UK measurements of bone density in healthy children.
Seven centres provided data on just over 3000 healthy children aged between 5
and 20 years. DXA scans were acquired from either GE Lunar (DPX-L, Prodigy
and iDXA) or Hologic Discovery. To account for the known differences between
Hologic and GE scanners and between different generations of machines in vivo
and in vitro cross calibration was performed. To ensure consistency all scans were
analysed using the latest version of software (Apex 4.0; Hologic, Encore 14.0
GE). To test for significant historic changes in software versions and ensure
sustainability of the reference data for future software iterations a subset of 100
Hologic and 100 GE scans were randomly selected from the database.
Analysis between software versions was stable for lumbar spine and hip scans.
However, significant changes were recorded for the latest versions of whole body
analysis. Standardisation of the data was achieved using transformation equations
generated from the in-vivo cross calibration and published data (Shepherd 2011).
Overall, 3030 whole body, 2823 lumbar spine and 1221 hip scans were included in
the dataset from which gender, age and size specific reference curves were generated.
In summary, the newly generated curves provide robust reference data which enables
successful interpretation of paediatric DXA scans and permits clinicians to follow
internationally agreed guidelines on the interpretation of paediatric DXA.
Declaration of funding
This work was funded by an Arthritis Research-UK Grant.
K Ward is funded by Medical Research Council Grant Code U105960371.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC1
Fracture patterns and bone mass in South African adolescent–mother
pairs: the Birth to Twenty Cohort
Kebashni Thandrayen*, Shane Norris, Lisa Micklesfield & John Pettifor
MRC/Wits Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit, Department
of Paediatrics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Differences in fracture rates and bone mass in families and individuals of different
ethnic origins may be due to differing lifestyles and/or genetic backgrounds. This
study aimed to assess the associations of bone mass and fracture prevalence in
adolescents with maternal bone mass and fracture history, and sibling fracture history.
Data from 1389 adolescent-biological mother pairs from the Birth to Twenty (Bt20)
longitudinal study were obtained. Questionnaires were completed by adolescents on
fractures until 17/18 years of age. Caregivers completed questionnaires on fractures
occurring at any age in the adolescent’s sibling/s. Biological mothers completed
questionnaires on their own fractures prior to the age of 18 years. Anthropometric and
bone mass data on adolescents-biological mother pairs was collected.
White adolescents reported more than double the fracture prevalence of that of other
ethnic groups (white (W): 42% vs black (B): 20% and mixed ancestry (MA): 20%;
both P!0.001). White mothers reported a higher prevalence of fractures before the
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Pediatric differences in bone mineral density according to ethnic
background in children: The Generation R Study
Carolina Medina-Gomez1,2, Denise Heppe2,3, Albert Hofman2,3,
Andre G Uitterlinden1,3, Vincent Jaddoe2,3 & Fernando Rivadeneira1,2
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2The Generation R Study Group, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands.
Differences in fracture risk between ethnic groups have been documented. The
basis for these differences is yet incomplete and the age at what ethnic differences
appear is uncertain. Assessment of bone health in pediatric populations could
bring insights on factors compromising bone accrual. We describe here
differences in total body bone mineral density (TB-BMD) in a unique setting of
children of the same age, measured with the same device (iDXA) different ethnic
background and in a well-defined geographic region.
The Generation R study is a prospective multiethnic birth cohort in Rotterdam,
The Netherlands including in this study 6134 children visiting the research center
at 6 years. Up to 45% of the children were of non-Dutch background and
belonging to 15 ethnic groups (Dutch Central Office of Statistics) and regrouped
into European, Asian and African descent. Differences in TB-BMD were assessed
by multivariate regression with multiple comparisons of least-squares (LS) means
using the Dutch/European population as reference, adjusting for age, gender,
(followed by) fat mass, lean mass and height.
TB-BMD was highest in groups of African descent and lower in groups of Asian
descent as compared with Europeans when adjusting for gender and age. After
adjustment for body height and lean mass, BMD levels in Asians were equal to
Dutch and Europeans, while differences in children of African descents remained
significantly higher even after correction for diverse lifestyle variables.
Ethnic differences in bone mass are already present in childhood. Lower BMD in
Asian children (as compared to Dutch and Europeans) results from smaller
skeletal frame size and adaptation to loading (i.e. lean mass); while the higher
BMD in African children is independent of body size or loading. These findings
provide further understanding into the differences in fracture risk observed at a
given BMD value across ethnicities.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC3
Maternal antenatal 25(OH)-vitamin D status is associated with
offspring muscle strength at 4 years of age
Rebecca Moon1,2, Avan A Sayer1, Georgia Ntani1, Justin Davies2,
Sian Robinson1,3, Keith Godfrey1,3, Hazel Inskip1, Cyrus Cooper1 &
Nicholas Harvey1
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; 2Paediatric Endocrinology, University Hospital Southampton
NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK; 3NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University of Southampton and University Hospital
Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK.
Serum 25(OH)-vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration is known to influence muscle
function in postnatal life. Maternal 25(OH)D status during pregnancy has been
ICCBH 2013
implicated in the fetal programming of bone and fat mass, but little is known
about its role in determining offspring muscle development. We investigated the
associations between maternal serum 25(OH)D concentration in pregnancy and
offspring muscle mass and strength at 4 years.
Materials and methods
A prospective mother–offspring birth cohort, the Southampton Women’s Survey
(Southampton, UK), was studied. Maternal serum 25(OH)D status was measured
at 34 weeks gestation. At 4 years, offspring hand-grip strength (Jamar
Dynamometer) and body composition by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
(Hologic Discovery) were assessed. Offspring physical activity (PA) was assessed
over seven days using accelerometry (Cambridge Neurotechnology Actiheart).
326 mother–offspring pairs were included. Maternal serum 25(OH)D concentration in late pregnancy was positively associated with offspring height-adjusted
hand grip strength (bZ0.12 S.D./S.D., PZ0.02), which persisted after adjustment
for a number of maternal confounding factors (including maternal height, prepregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, walking speed in late pregnancy and
smoking status), duration of breastfeeding and child’s physical activity at 4 years
(bZ0.12 S.D./S.D., PZ0.03). Maternal 25(OH)D was also positively associated
with offspring percent lean mass (bZ0.11 S.D./S.D., PZ0.05), but not total lean
mass (bZ0.02 S.D./S.D., PZ0.67). This however did not persist after adjustment
for confounding factors (bZ0.07 S.D., PZ0.24).
Maternal 25(OH)D status during pregnancy is positively associated with offspring
grip strength at four years. These results are consistent with a role for antenatal
25(OH)-vitamin D exposure in offspring muscle development.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC4
Novel musculoskeletal phenotypes during childhood for epidemiological
Rajbir N Batra1,*, Nicholas C Harvey2, Zoë A Cole2, Pat Taylor3,
Cyrus C Cooper1,2, M Kassim Javaid1,2 & The Southampton Women’s
Survey Study Group2
Oxford NIHR Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, Nuffield
Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 2MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit,
University of Southampton, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton,
UK; 3Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Southampton
University Hospitals, National Health Service Trust, Southampton General
Hospital, Southampton, UK.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Bone, muscle and fat share common mesenchymal origins yet current methods
separately examine lean, fat and/or bone content. We hypothesized specific
musculoskeletal phenotypes derived from relative contributions of each tissue.
Design: We obtained information from the 6-year follow-up of mother–offspring
pairs within the Southampton Women’s Survey, a prospective population-based
cohort study of 12 583 initially non-pregnant women.
Measurements: Fat, lean and bone mineral content of the offspring’s upper limbs
were measured by DXA (Hologic Discovery, MA, USA). The following maternal
characteristics were used: pre-pregnancy height and weight; early pregnancy
triceps skinfold thickness; late pregnancy smoking status, strenuous activity and
serum 25(OH)-vitamin D concentration (Diasorin, MN, USA).
Upper limb
Upper limb Upper limb
Bone Mineral
Big (17%)
Small (28%)
Fat bone (19%)
Lean bone
Figure 1 DXA-derived fat, lean and bone mineral content
composition for each of the four upper limb phenotypes. ‘C’ and
‘K’ for each of upper limb fat, lean and bone mineral content
indicate comparison of each phenotype to the total sample.
Statistics: Two-stage variable clustering was used to identify statistically
independent phenotypes based on arm fat, lean and bone mineral content using
log-likelihood and Bayesian Information Criterion. We tested predictors of the
clusters adjusting for the child’s sex and age at time of DXA scan using logistic
1050 offspring (median age 6.8 years; 52% boys) had whole body DXA. Using the
above methods, four independent phenotypes were identified (Fig. 1): two
proportionate phenotypes – big (17%) and small (28%); and two disproportionate –
fatty bone (19%) and lean bone (36%). Within proportionate offspring, big
phenotype had significantly higher maternal weight (PZ0.001), height (P!0.001)
and smoking during pregnancy (PZ0.024) compared to small. Within
disproportionate offspring, increased maternal triceps skinfold (PZ0.001) and
lower 25(OH)-vitamin D concentrations (PZ0.012) were independent
determinants of fatty vs lean bone phenotypes.
We have identified novel composition phenotypes that have distinct early life
predictors. These phenotypes may offer insights into aetiopathogenesis of growth
and inform future research into the impact of early environment on clinical
outcomes in later life.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC5
Role of bone-associated loci identified in GWAS meta-analyses in the
context of longitudinal pediatric BMD in European Americans
Babette Zemel1,3, Heidi Kalkwarf2, Mingyao Li3, Sandra Deliard1,
Celia Kim1, Liming Qu3, Rosetta Chiavacci1, Donna Paulhamus1,
Joan Lappe4, Vicente Gilsanz5, Hakon Hakonarson1,3, Sharon Oberfield6,
John Shepherd7, Ben Voight1,3, Andrea Kelly1,3 & Struan Grant1,3
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA;
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 4Creighton
University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA; 5Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles,
California, USA; 6Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New
York, USA; 7University of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
With recent genome wide association studies (GWAS), w70 loci have been
robustly and reproducibly associated with adult bone density and/or osteoporosis.
However, to date no systematic effort has investigated which of these loci operate
early in life. We investigated whether these single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) are associated with childhood areal bone mineral density (aBMD). In
addition we determined if any of the associations were age dependent.
The Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study (BMDCS) was a multi-center,
multi-ethnic longitudinal study that enrolled w2000 subjects, (ages 5–19). aBMD
was measured annually (up to 7 years) using Hologic DXA devices. Scans were
analyzed centrally and adjusted for inter-site differences and longitudinal drift.
Additional measures included growth, puberty stage, and dietary intake and
physical activity. Blood or saliva was collected at the final visit and genotyped on
the Illumina Human OmniExpress BeadChip, involving in excess of 700 000
markers. Principal component analysis and self-report were used to restrict the
cohort to subjects of European ancestry. Longitudinal mixed effects models were
used to test for associations between spine BMD Z-score and all SNPs previously
identified in adulthood, while accounting for sibships and multiple observations
on the same subject. All models included adjustment for height and BMI Z-score,
age, sex, puberty, calcium intake and physical activity. SNPs were included in the
model as an additive trait. A SNP!age interaction term was also included
to assess whether the associations changed relative to age. Significance was
determined at a nominal P value of 0.05.
The following GWAS-established adult bone density loci were associated with
spine aBMD: LACTB2(C), GPATCH1(C), DHH(C), WLS(K), IDUA(C),
LRP5(C), SPTBN1(C) and STARD3NL(C). In addition, significant SNP!age
interactions were identified for: ARHGAP1, SP7, GPATCH1, JAG1, MEF2C,
FOXL1, PKDCC, SMG6, C17orf53, C16orf38/CLCN7, CYLD, INSIG2, WNT16,
SOX9, KLHDC5/PTHLH and C6orf97/ESR1.
These findings suggest that multiple variants originally associated with adult bone
density are in fact exerting their effects early on in life, and become increasingly
expressed as children increase in age.
Support: R01 HD058886 and U54 RR024134.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC6
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The PPP6R3/LRP5 locus influences lean mass in children of different
ethnic background and highlights pleiotropic effects and muscle–bone
Carolina Medina-Gomez1,2,*, Denise Heppe2,3, Karol Estrada1,3,
Albert Hofman2,3, Yi-Hsiang Hsu4, David Karasik4, Vincent Jaddoe2,3,
M Carola Zillikens1, Andre G Uitterlinden1,3 & Fernando Rivadeneira1,2
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2The Generation R Study Group, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands; 4Hebrew SeniorLife and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Lean and bone mass have considerably high phenotypic and genetic correlations
with a shared heritability estimate ranging between 30 and 40% in adults. A
genome-wide association study (GWAS) on total body lean mass and a bivariate
GWAS on lean mass and BMD were ran in a cohort of children to identify genes
with pleiotropic effects on muscle mass and peak bone mass attainment.
Subjects are part of the Generation R study, a prospective multiethnic birth cohort
in Rotterdam, The Netherlands; we included 4096 children (mean ageZ6.2,
S.D.Z0.50 years) with total body DXA measurements (GE-Lunar iDXA) and
genomewide genotyping (Illumina 660K). The univariate and bivariate GWAS
were adjusted for age, sex, height, fat percent and 20 genomic principal
components using bivariate PLINK. A P!5!10K8 was considered genomewide significant (GWS).
Genomic inflation factors were close to unity indicating adequate correction
for stratification. In the univariate analysis we identified a GWS association with
lean mass (bZ0.13, PZ2.9!10K8) for a SNP mapping to 11q13.2, in the
PPP6R3/LRP5 locus. The SNP explained 0.8% of the variation in lean mass and
was nominally significantly associated with BMD (bZ0.10, PZ7.6!10K5)
explaining 0.4% of BMD variation. The association with lean mass was reduced
after additional correction for bone mineral content (bZ0.08, PZ0.001),
explaining 0.2% of the phenotypic variance. In the bivariate GWAS this SNP
was also associated at GWS level (PZ4.8!10K8) showing positive correlations
of the bivariate trait with both lean mass (0.96) and BMD (0.68).
While LRP5 (an ubiquitously expressed gene member of the Wnt signaling
pathway) is known to play a key role in bone mechanosensing with GWAS
showing association with BMD and fracture in elderly adults; we showed that
genetic variation in the PPP6R3/LRP5 locus exerts pleitropic effects on muscle
mass and peak bone mass acquisition of children. Given the high regional LD it is
difficult to establish from which gene the GWAS signal is arising. PPP6R3 is a
gene of unknown function ubiquitously expressed across tissues among others in
bone and muscle. Replication in additional children cohorts is underway while the
exact same SNP has been found associated at genome significant level in a
bivariate GWAS of bone strength and lean mass in two large consortia of adult
individuals. Such pleiotropic effects on muscle mass and BMD observed in
children are still evident later in life.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC7
Generation of the first mouse model of autosomal dominant type II
osteopetrosis harbouring the pG213R-clc7 mutation
Andrea Del Fattore1,*, Amie Gray2, Shoji Ichikawa2, Kang Chu2, Khalid
S Mohammad2, Marta Capannolo3, Mattia Capulli3, Maurizio Muraca1,
Michael J Econs2, Anna Teti3 & Imranul Alam2
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy; 2IUPUI, Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA; 3University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Autosomal dominant type II osteopetrosis (ADO2) is a rare osteosclerotic
disorder due to heterozygous missense mutations of CLC7 gene encoding the type
7 chloride channel. Our two labs (L’Aquila and Indianapolis) independently
generated the first C57 black 6 (B6) mouse model of ADO2 by inserting the
pG213R-clc7 mutation. We created pG213R-clc7 KI mice using a gene targeting
approach. Homozygous mice showed lack of tooth eruption and died within
30 days of age with severe osteopetrosis and central nervous system degeneration.
Compared to WT, heterozygous B6 ADO2 mice showed increase of whole body
aBMD (4%, P!0.05) and much greater change at distal femur for BV/TV and
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Trab.N (75 and 65%, P!0.01). Histomorphometric analysis revealed twofold
increase of osteoclast number in the proximal tibia compared to WT mice. Bone
marrow monocytes from B6 ADO2 mice showed twofold increase of TRAcPpositive mononuclear cells and of osteoclast formation, and 80% reduction of
resorption pits, confirming cell autonomous impairment of bone resorption. Since
the penetrance of the disorder in human is w66% and severity varies
considerably, we cross-bred B6 ADO2 with mice of different genetic backgrounds (129, D2, Balb/c and CD1). Compared to WT, the whole body aBMD
and BMC at 12 weeks of age were very high in ADO2 mice on 129 background (8
and 12%, P!0.01). ADO2 mice on D2 background also had significantly higher
whole body aBMD (4%, P!0.02). The BV/TV was significantly higher at distal
femur in ADO2 mice on 129, D2 and Balb/c backgrounds. CTX:TRAcP ratio was
significantly lower in all ADO2 backgrounds, except the D2. Our results
demonstrate that we have generated the first animal model of ADO2 that will help
us to study the penetrance and to test innovative therapies to treat this incurable
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC8
EPO signaling and hematopoietic expansion as causes of osteoporosis in
a thalassemia mouse model
Maria Vogiatzi1, Zhiwei Yang1, Rea Oikonomidou1, Stefano Rivella1,
Adele Boskey2 & F Paddy Ross2
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York 10021, USA;
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, New York 10021, USA.
Thalassemia is a chronic anemia associate with high rates of osteoporosis.
To determine how erythropoiesis leads to bone loss in thalassemia, we used the
th3/C thalassemia mouse to study the role of erythropoietin (EPO) and
hematopoietic progenitors (HP), since they are both increased in thalassemia.
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultures and MSC cocultures with
various HP from wild type (wt) and th3/C mice were differentiated into
osteoblasts. Osteogenesis was determined by colony forming units for Osteoblasts
(CFU-O) and qPCR for osteogenesis genes (Runx2, BSP, osterix, and
Compared to wt, bone formation was decreased in th3/C animals. MSC cultures
from th3/C showed decreased osteogenesis, indicating that altered MSC fate
leads to decreased osteogenesis in thalassemia. Treatment of MSC cultures with
EPO antibody (EPO-Ab) or soluble EPO receptor (sEPOR) reversed the
decreased osteogenesis in th3/, demonstrating that EPO signaling guides MSC
fate. Furthermore, increased EPO and EPOR expression and changes in
JAK2/Stat signaling were seen in thalassemia MSC.
We then isolated various HP and co-cultured them with MSC from wt animals.
Lin-ScaC ckitC (LSK) precursors from th3/C mice led to decreased
osteogenesis, while mature erythroid cells (Ter119C) had no effect. Treatment
of LSK–MSC co-cultures with EPO-Ab or sEPOR normalized the suppressed
osteogenesis in th3/C, indicating a role of EPO signaling in LSK–MSK
interactions. Consistently, EPOR and EPO expression in thalassemia LSK was
Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) potentiate both erythroid expansion and
osteogenesis. BMP-2, -4,and -6 expression in LSK was decreased in th3/C
compared to wt, and reversed with treatment with EPO-Ab or JAK2 inhibitor. In
LSK–MSC cocultures, the effect of EPO-Ab on osteogenesis was lost with
additional treatment with noggin, a BMP inhibitor, suggesting that EPO affects
LSK–MSC interaction in thalassemia by regulating BMP expression in LSK.
Overall, in th3/C thalassemia mice, we observed i) decreased osteogenesis as a
result of altered MSC differentiation. ii) EPO produced by thalassemic MSC
decreases osteogenesis via direct EPO signaling, supporting an extra-hematopoietic action of EPO. iii) LSK but not mature erythroid cells interact with MSCs
in th3/C and decrease osteogenesis iii). EPO guides MSC–LSK interactions by
regulating BMP expression in hematopoietic progenitors.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC9
Phenotypic dissection of bone mineral density facilitates the
identification of skeletal site specificity on the genetic regulation of bone
John P Kemp1,2,*, Carolina Medina-Gomez3,4, Karol Estrada3,4, Denise
H M Heppe4,5, Carola M Zillikens3, Nicholas J Timpson1,2, Beate St
Pourcain1, Susan M Ring1,2, Albert Hofman4,5, Vincent W V Jaddoe4,5,
ICCBH 2013
George Davey Smith1,2, André G Uitterlinden3,5, Jonathan H Tobias6,
Fernando Rivadeneira3,4 & David M Evans1,2
MRC Centre for Causal Analyses in Translational Epidemiology,
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; 2School of Social and Community
Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; 3Department of Internal
Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands; 5The Generation R Study Group, Erasmus Medical Center,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 6School of Clinical Sciences, University of
Bristol, Bristol, UK.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Heritability of bone mineral density (BMD) varies at skeletal sites, possibly
reflecting different relative contributions of environmental and genetic influences.
To quantify shared genetic influences across different sites, we estimated the
genetic correlation of BMD at the upper limb (UL), lower limb (LL) and skull (S)
obtained from whole body DXA scans, using bivariate genome-wide complex
trait analysis (GCTA). The study (nZ9395) combined data from the Avon
Longitudinal Study of Parents and their Children (nZ5299, mean ageZ9.9 years)
and the Generation R study (nZ4096, mean ageZ6.2 years). GCTA estimates
indicated that LL- and UL-BMD shared a high proportion of common genetic
architecture (rgZ0.78), compared to UL- and S-BMD (rgZ0.58) and LL and
S-BMD (rgZ0.43). To explore the basis for these differences, genome-wide
association analyses (GWAS) (with meta-analysis) were performed to identify
genetic signals associated with specific skeletal regions. A novel variant was
identified within the RIN3 gene, independent of that previously reported in
association with BMD, which was specifically associated with LL-BMD (P!5!
10K8). Several genetic variants previously reported to be associated with BMD
differed in their associations with BMD at different sub-regions. Specifically,
effect sizes of variants which were independent, but proximal, revealed
considerable degrees of site specificity at the WNT16 (7q31.31) and CENPW
(6q22.32) loci. WNT16: rs13223036 showed stronger associations with S-BMD
(bZ0.17, PZ1.5!10K28) and UL-BMD (bZ0.19, PZ1.3!10K34) compared
to LL-BMD (bZ0.02, PZ0.2); rs2908004 was more strongly associated with
UL-BMD (bZ0.18, PZ1.4!10K32) compared to S-BMD (bZ0.09, PZ3.6!
10K9) and LL-BMD (bZ0.10, PZ3!10K11). CENPW: rs2130604 was
associated with S-BMD (bZ0.11, PZ3.3!10K11) more strongly than with
UL-BMD (bZ0.04, PZ0.02) and LL-BMD (bZ0.02, PZ0.28). Our results
suggest that BMD at different skeletal sites are to a certain extent under distinct
genetic influences. Allowing for these differences may help to uncover new
genetic influences on BMD, by providing greater power due to stronger site
specific genetic effects.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC10
Connectivity map-based discovery of novel compounds that induce
osteoblast differentiation
A M Brum1,*, J van de Peppel1, A van Kerkwijk2, M Janssen2,
M Schreuders-Koedam1, T Strini1, M Eijken2, J P T M van Leeuwen1
& B C J van der Eerden1
Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2Arcarios
BV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Osteoporosis is a common skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass
leading to increased bone fragility and fracture susceptibility. Little is currently
known about what specific factors stimulate osteoblast differentiation from
human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Therefore, the aim for this project is to
determine novel factors and mechanisms involved in human bone production
which can be targeted to treat osteoporosis, using gene expression profiling and
bioinformatic analyses, including the connectivity map, as an in silico approach.
Gene expression profiling was performed on hMSCs differentiated towards
osteoblasts using Illumina microarrays. Osteogenic hMSC differentiation was
assessed by analyses of alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) and mineralization
by calcium assay and alizarin red staining. Gene expression was determined by
qPCR. Immunofluorescent analysis was performed to examine changes in the
cytoskeleton. Kegg analysis was performed to determine enriched pathways.
The gene signature of osteogenic hMSCs (top significantly regulated genes 6 h
after induction by dexamethasone) was uploaded into connectivity map (www. This identified parbendazole as a compound with a
statistically significant correlating gene signature to osteogenic hMSCs.
Parbendazole stimulated osteogenic hMSC differentiation as indicated by
increased ALP and mineralization, which interestingly occurs independent of
the presence of glucocorticoids. Moreover, strong upregulation of glucocorticoid
receptor target genes by glucocorticoids, is absent in parbendazole-treated cells.
Parbendazole caused profound cell morphological and cytosketetal changes
including strong inhibition of microtubules. Kegg analysis of the gene signature
indicated TGF-b signalling, mineral absorption, and MAPK signalling pathways
were enriched.
By combining genomic and bioinfomatic tools against the backdrop of highly
characterized human osteogenic differentiating hMSCs we have identified a novel
bone anabolic candidate that induces osteoblast differentiation independent of
glucocorticoid stimulation. In combination with the Kegg analysis we will
identify important cellular processes and signalling cascades that can be
manipulated to stimulate bone formation.
Declaration of funding
This work was supported by EC FP-7 program Interbone and is financially
supported by Arcarios BV.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC11
Improvement of collagen synthesis in fibroblasts of Brtl model for
osteogenesis imperfecta following lentiviral-shRNA-mediated
down-expression of mutant Col1a1 allele
Valérie Trichet1,2, Julie Rousseau1,2, Roberta Gioia3, Pierre Layrolle1,2,
Dominique Heymann1,2, Antonio Rossi3, Joan Marini4 & Antonella Forlino3
INSERM, UMR 957, Nantes, France; 2Université de Nantes, Nantes,
France; 3Section of Biochemistry, Department of Molecular Medicine,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4NIH, Section of Connective Tissue
Disorders, Bone and Extracellular Matrix Branch (BEMB), NICHD,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
The Brtl mouse, a unique model for the autosomal dominant forms of
osteogenesis imperfecta was used to prove the feasibility of a lentiviralshRNA-based strategy to improve collagen quality by targeting the mutant
Col1a1 allele at the point mutation responsible for the causative substitution
Gly349Cys. The ability to specifically suppress the mutant allele should convert
the moderate Brtl outcome to the mild one caused by quantitative defect.
A model of human embryonic kidney cell lines which express the firefly luciferase
gene combined with either wild-type or mutant Brtl Col1a1 exon 23 sequences
enabled the identification of two siRNAs which were effective specifically against
mutant sequence and not active against the wild-type allele.. The corresponding
shRNA subcloned in a lentiviral vector were evaluated ex vivo in Brtl fibroblasts
at transcript and protein levels, respectively measured by allele specific qPCR and
collagen quantification after fluorescent labeling and SDS–PAGE in non reducing
No effect was detected on cell proliferation, but a preferential reduction of the
mutant allele transcript (up to 52%) associated to a decrease of the mutant protein
(about 40%) was obtained. Interestingly a down regulation of Hsp47, a specific
collagen chaperone known to be up regulated in some osteogenesis imperfecta
case, was also detected. Brtl fibroblasts stably expressing the shRNA of interest
and down-regulating the mutant Col1a1 were seeded in alginate to measure
engraftment in mice and collagen synthesis in vivo.
Our data support the use of cautiously designed, lentivirus delivered-shRNAs as a
strategy to specifically suppress the mutant allele making appealing the
modification of mesenchymal stem cells of osteogenesis imperfecta patients for
autologous transplantation.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC12
Level of calcium intake modifies the correlation between parathyroid
hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D: a proposal of adequate
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in children
Marı́a Loreto Reyes1, Marcela Molina1, Raúl Escobar2,
Marı́a Isabel Hernández4, Gabriel Cavada3 & Carlos Arturo Jr Camargo5
Endocrine Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; 2Neurorehabilitation and
Neuromuscular Diseases (RE, MH) Units, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty
of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile;
Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Universidad de los Andes,
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Santiago, Chile; 4Institute of Maternal and Child Research, University of
Chile, Santiago, Chile; 5Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard
Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts,
The ‘adequate’ level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) in children remains
unclear. For bone outcomes, parathyroid hormone (PTH) is an important
functional biomarker. Prior studies have shown too weak a correlation between
25OHD and PTH levels to determine adequate 25OHD level.
To determine adequate 25OHD level(s) in children using a normal PTH value of
65 pg/ml while adjusting for calcium intake.
We performed a cross-sectional study in 403 children; 237 were healthy (age
10.2G4.4 years; 51% male) and 166 were chronically ill (9.9G4.2 years; 53%
male). Diseases in ill children were cancer, osteogenesis imperfecta, connective
tissue disorders, and motor disabilities.
Serum 25OHD !20 ng/ml was present in 41% of healthy and 66% of ill children,
while 25OHD !10 ng/ml was present in 3.0% of healthy and 11.4% of ill
children. PTH was negatively correlated with both 25OHD and caIcium intake
(rZK0.11, PZ0.02 and rZK0.25, PZ0.01 respectively). The 25OHD–PTH
correlation became stronger when adjusted for calcium intake: For caIcium
!600 mg/day: rZK0.45 (PZ0.02), 600–1500 mg/day: rZK0.30 (P!0.001)
and O1500 mg/day: rZK0.27 (P!0.001). Serum 25OHD levels that maintain
a PTH concentration of !65 pg/ml were: 24 ng/ml at caIcium intake
!600 mg/day, 19 ng/ml at 600–1500 mg/day, and 11 ng/ml at O1500 mg/day.
25-hydroxy vitamin D (ng/ml)
Calcium intake (mg/d)
≤ 600
≥ 1500
Total body less head (TBLH) and spine are the recommended DXA sites for bone
health assessment in children and adolescents. However, inter-machine
differences will affect use and interpretation of results in clinical care and
research applications. We examined BMC and areal-BMD (aBMD) at 4 skeletal
sites among healthy children to identify the magnitude of inter-machine
differences in Z-scores.
BMDCS evaluated healthy participants, ages 5–20 years, as previously described.
All five centers used Hologic devices and scans were analyzed centrally. Data
from the first study visit for subjects with complete data for the distal 1/3 radius,
hip, spine and and TBLH, and covariates (demographic information, height and
BMI Z-score, race, puberty stage, calcium intake and physical activity) were
included in the analysis. BMDCS Z-scores for BMC and areal-BMD were
calculated, and differences among study centers assessed by ANCOVA adjusting
for covariates. Logistic regression assessed the probability of having a BMC or
aBMD Z-score %K1.5 among centers after adjusting for covariates.
1889 subjects (48% females, 24% African American, 17% Hispanic, 47% nonHispanic white, 12% other) were evaluated. There were significant differences in
Z-scores adjusted for covariates among study centers for all measures except total
hip aBMD Z-score. Differences from the group mean in adjusted Z-scores were
lowest for spine and hip measures (K0.14 to 0.14 SDS), and highest for TBLH
aBMD (K0.19 to 0.53 SDS). After adjusting for covariates, the probability of
having a Z-score %K1.5 (expected probability .067) was not significantly
different between centers for most skeletal sites, except for TBLH aBMD
(probabilities ranged from 0.02 (95% CI: 0.1–0.04) to 0.09 (95% CI: 0.07–0.15)).
Spine aBMD and hip measurements showed relatively good agreement between
centers. There was wide variation in DXA whole body scan results obtained on
healthy children measured on comparable Hologic DXA devices. This can
potentially result in misdiagnosis of children with low bone status in clinical care
and research. The recommendation of whole body scans as an optimal
measurement site in children should be reconsidered.
Support: R01 HD058886, U54 RR024134, N01-HD-1-3331.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC14
Bone health index: Swiss children have less in the bank than a
generation ago
Hans Henrik Thodberg1, David D Martin2, Jon Caflisch3 & Oskar Jenni3
Visiana, Holte, Denmark; 2University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany;
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Parathyroid hormone (pg/ml)
PTH can help define adequate 25OHD levels for bone outcomes when the
25OHD–PTH correlation is adjusted for caIcium intake in children. Based on
the serum 25OHD level that maintains PTH !65 pg/ml, we propose adequate
25OHD levels for three ranges of calcium intake. To improve generalizability of
these findings, we encourage replication of our analysis in diverse populations.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC13
What DXA measurement sites are best for bone health assessment in
children? Effect of inter-machine differences on bone outcomes from
the Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study
Babette Zemel1,2, Heidi Kalkwarf3, Mary Leonard1,2, Vicente Gilsanz4,
Joan Lappe5, Justine Shults1,2, John Shepherd7, Sharon Oberfield6 &
Karen Winer8
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 3Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; 4Children’s
Hospital, Los Angeles, California, USA; 5Creighton University, Omaha,
Nebraska, USA; 6Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New
York, USA; 7University of California, San Francisco, California, USA;
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda,
Maryland, USA.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
The aim of this study is to compare the bone health index (BHI) for healthy Swiss
children born in 1955 with healthy Swiss children born a generation later.
BHI is derived from the cortical thickness in the three middle metacarpals. It is
determined with the BoneXpert medical device, which automatically analyses a
standard bone age hand radiograph. The measurement result is independent of the
sharpness of the image. The image data are from two longitudinal studies
performed on healthy children at Zurich University Hospital. The first study
recruited 232 children who were followed longitudinally with annual hand X-rays
until age 20 years. The second study includes 200 children which have a
participant in the first study as one of their parents, and these children were
imaged biannually until adulthood.
Reference curves of BHI are presented. The shapes of the curves are similar in the
two generations, but the level of BHI is different. To quantify the level we form
the average BHI over the bone age range 7–14 years for boys and 6–14 years for
girls. This BHI level is found to be 1.5% lower in the modern generation.
The two generations exhibit the same adult height and the same tempo of
maturation. In contrast, the BHI showed a secular trend of K1.5%. The stringent
design of the study minimises other factors, which could explain the difference.
Secular trends in bone health are difficult to study, because DEXA scanners were
not available a generation ago, and even if they were, it would be difficult to
ensure compatible calibration given the change of technology in these machines.
In contrast, plain X-rays were a mature technology already 100 years ago, and
large archives of hand X-rays have been collected for the purpose of bone age
determination around the world and over the time. With the BHI method these
become a valuable resource for studies of secular trends, population differences
and relationship between children’s bone health and fracture incidence later
in life.
ICCBH 2013
Declaration of interest
H H Thodberg is the owner of Visiana, which holds and markets the BoneXpert
medical device for automated determination of bone age. The other authors have
nothing to disclose.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC15
Longitudinal analysis of volumetric density, size and strength towards
the end of skeletal maturation in Gambian males habituated to low
calcium intake
Simon Schoenbuchner1,*, Ann Prentice1,2, Yankuba Sawo2,
Mustapha Ceesay2, Michael Mendy2 & Kate Ward1
MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UK; 2MRC Keneba, West
Kiang, Gambia.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
To understand differences in bone health between and within populations, it is
crucial to characterise bone development during childhood and adolescence. Peak
height velocity at age 16 and young adult height at age 23.5 years were recently
reported in Gambian males accustomed to low calcium intake1. Our study aims to
describe bone accrual after peak height velocity in the same population.
We used peripheral quantitative computed tomography to measure the 66% radius
biennially, at mean (S.D., n) ages 19.4 (0.9, 60), 21.7 (1.0, 59) and 23.6 (0.9, 51)
years. Outcomes were cortical volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), bone
mineral content (BMC), total and cortical cross-sectional area (CSA), and stressstrain index (SSI). We used random intercept and random slope models to assess
the relationship between each outcome and changes in age, height and weight.
Random intercept models assume that all individuals’ slopes share the same
gradient, but allow their intercepts to vary. Random slope models allow for
between-individual variation in gradients as well as in intercepts.
Random slope models were a significantly better fit than random intercept models
for BMC, vBMD and total CSA against age (likelihood-ratio tests P!0.05),
indicating individual differences in the rate at which these bone measures
changed. For all other variables, random intercept models were sufficient. Annual
change in SSI and cortical CSA was similar for all individuals. No bone measure
showed significant differences between individuals’ gradients when modelled
against height or weight. Slope coefficients in all models were significant and
positive (P!5!10K5).
Individual differences in the rate of age-related change in BMC, vBMD and total
CSA may reflect differences in deceleration of bone development in older
individuals. Alternatively, differences in maturational stage may modify the effect
of age on bone. Anthropometric measures are more directly associated with bone
development than chronological age i.e. somatic and skeletal growth are
co-ordinated but not determined by chronological age alone. This may reflect
biomechanical responses in the skeleton, but could equally be due to joint control
of growth and bone development by genetic, hormonal or nutritional factors. The
age of cessation of bone accrual remains to be determined, and the implications
for population bone health require further investigation.
UK Medical Research Council (Grant codes U105960371 and U123261351).
1. Prentice et al. AJCN 2012 96 1042–1050.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC16
Determinants of bone mineral density in long-term adult survivors of
childhood cancer
B C Klap, M L te Winkel, M den Hoed, M van Waas, S J C M M Neggers,
A M Boot, R Pieters, S M F Pluijm & M M van den Heuvel-Eibrink
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Osteopenia is a complication of childhood cancer treatment but it is unknown to
which extend this occurs in adult survivors, and which subgroups are at risk. We
examined bone mineral density (BMD) and assed the relative importance of
potential determinants of low BMD in very long-term adult survivors of
childhood cancer.
The single-center cohort study included 410 adult CCSs (median age at diagnosis:
6.6 years (range: 0–17 years) with a median follow-up time of 15.2 years (range
5–39 years). Total body BMD (BMDTB) and BMD of the lumbar spine (BMDLS)
were measured with dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In a subsample of 188
survivors, a sequential DXA scan was performed (median time after first DXA:
3.2 years).
Survivors had a lower BMDTB (median standardised difference score (SDS):
K0.60; P!0.001) and BMDLS (SDS: K0.40; P!0.001) as compared to healthy
peers. In the subsample, BMDTB and BMDLS significantly increased between the
first and second DXA (mean SDS: BMDTBZ0.08; PZ0.003; BMDLS: 0.06;
PZ0.03). We identified higher age (st. bZK0.17), having had a brain tumor
(st. bZK0.20) or sarcoma (st. bZK0.13), cranial (st. bZK0.23) or total
body irradiation (st. bZK0.16), use of glucocorticoids (GC) during treatment (st.
bK0.22), and lower BMI at follow-up (st. bZ0.53) as important determinants of
low BMDTB. BMDLS was only associated with BMI (st. bZ0.22) and use of
cyclophosphamide (st. bZK0.18).
Long-term childhood cancer survivors have a lower BMDTB and BMDLS as
compared to healthy peers, but improvement in BMD may still occur.
Furthermore, we showed that patients who have had a brain tumor or sarcoma,
those who were irradiated, who were treated with glucocorticoids and who have
low BMI, are at risk of osteopenia.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC17
Trabecular bone score applied to normal children’s lumbar spine
DXA scans
Judith Adams1, Elizabeth Marjanovic2, Stephen Roberts3, Zulf Mughal4
& Kate Ward5
Manchester Royal Infirmary and Manchester Academic Health Science
Centre, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Manchester, UK; 2Arthritis Research UK Epidemiology Unit, Institute of
Inflammation and Repair, Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, University
of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 3Institute of Population Health, Centre for
Biostatistics, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 4Paediatrics and
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Central Manchester
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK; 5MRC
Human Nutrition Research, Elsie Widdowson Laboratory, Cambridge, UK.
Trabecular bone score (TBS) extracts a texture parameter from pixel grey-level
variations in DXA lumbar spine images. The TBS is claimed to be a measure of
trabecular structure and was validated in an in-vitro study of vertebral bodies with
micro-CT1. TBS has shown the potential for fracture pre-diction in adults2.
However, data are sparse regarding the reliability and usefulness of TBS3 and the
method has not previously been applied in children.
The Manchester Children’s DXA BMD reference database (Hologic QDR
Discovery) was published and is widely applied in UK4. The LS-DXA (nZ463;
males; age mean (S.D.) range; nZ252, 15.0 (5.6), 5.2–25 years; females nZ211;
12.6 (3.9), 5.4–20.7 years) have been retrospectively analyzed and TBS L1–L4
extracted. The relationships between TBS and age, BMD (g/cm2), bone mineral
apparent density (BMAD), height, weight and BMI were examined. Linear
regression analysis explored predictors of TBS; model 1 included LSBMD, age,
BMI, model 2 LSBMAD, age, BMI. Significant predictors are reported.
There was a significant correlation between TBS and age in females (rZ0.63,
P!0.001) and males (rZ0.67, P!0.001), and between TBS and BMI (females
rZ0.41, P!0.001; males rZ0.41, P!0.001). For both males and females mean
TBS was lower in the younger (!13 years) relative to the older (O13 years) age
groups (P!0.001), but not significantly different between children in annually
adjacent year groups. TBS was lower (P!0.001) in children with a lower
(!20 kg/m2) vs a higher BMI (O20 kg/m2). Correlation between BMAD and
TBS was rZ0.61, P!0.01 in females and rZ0.62, P!0.01 in males. Predictors
of TBS were: females: i) L1–L4 aBMD (P!0.001), and BMI (PZ0.002);
ii) L1–L4 BMAD (P!0.001), age (P!0.001), BMI (PZ0.086); males: i) L1–L4
BMD (P!0.001), BMI (P!0.001); ii) L1–L4 BMAD (P!0.001), age
(P!0.001), BMI (PZ0.004).
TBS is related to age, aBMD and BMAD in growing children. The dichotomy of
the relationship with age and BMI may be due to technical limitations in the
method. Our findings require further investigation in this and other populations. A
critical evaluation of the tool and whether it improves our understanding of
children’s bone health is required.
K Ward is funded by Medical Research Council Grant Code U10596037.
Acknowledgement for access to specialist TBS analysis software: http://www.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
1. J Clin Densitom 2011 14 302–312.
2. J Bone Miner Res 2011 26 2762–2769.
3. Osteoporos Int 2012 23 1489–1501.
4. Arch Dis Child 2007 92 53–59.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC18
Exercise completed when young provides lifelong benefit to cortical
bone structure and estimated strength
Stuart Warden, Sara Mantila Roosa, Andrea Hurd & Robyn Fuchs
Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
New therapeutic approach in OI VI: suppression of bone resorption
using the RANKL antibody denosumab
Heike Hoyer-Kuhn1,*, Oliver Semler1, Christian Netzer2, Jörg Dötsch1 &
Eckhard Schönau1
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University of Cologne,
Cologne, Germany; 2Institute of Human Genetics, University of Cologne,
Cologne, Germany.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) as a rare disease is characterized by reduced bone
mass, increased fracture rate, bone deformities and skeletal pain.
Currently patients are treated with i.v. bisphosphonates regardless of the
underlying mutation.
Recently the gene causing OI type VI was described (SERPINF-1, altered
RANKL-pathway). This leads to a new understanding of the underlying
pathophysiology and offered a new therapeutic approach.
OI type VI is not caused by a reduced synthesis of collagen in the osteoblasts but
by an increased activity of osteoclasts leading to a higher proportion of bone
Suppression of bone resorption in children with OI type VI treated with the
RANKL antibody denosumab?
This case serie includes four patients (maleZ4, median age 10.0 years) with
confirmed mutation in SERPINF-1 and reduced response to bisphosphonates
(measured by inadequate reductions of urinary deoxypyridinolin (DPD) level as
parameter for osteoclastic suppression) who were treated with denosumab
1 mg/kg body weight s.c. every 12 weeks. DPD levels were determined under
treatment as a marker of bone resorption. Bone mineral density (BMD (g/cm2))
was determined after a completed 1 year course of treatment by DEXA of the
lumbar spine.
Urinary DPD/creatinin dropped to the normal range after each injection (Table 1).
BMD of the lumbar spine increased during the first year of treatment more than
during bisphosphonate treatment. Levels of serum calcium were stable under oral
substitution (Table 1).
Table 1 Changes of calcium and DPD levels during the first treatment
Calcium (mmol/l) (2.20–2.65)
DPD/Crea (nM/mM)
Days after
Pat 1
Pat 2
Pat 3
Pat 4
Pat 1
Pat 2
Pat 3
Pat 4
Day 1
Day 2
Day 7
Day 14
Day 29
Denosumab was well tolerated and laboratory parameters and BMD measurement
provided evidence that this treatment reversibly reduced bone resorption in OI VI.
A prospective trial to evaluate efficacy and safety is needed for further proof of
the effect of denosumab in patients with OI caused by mutations in
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC19
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Objectives and methods
Exercise induces greatest bone gains during growth, yet reduced bone strength is
an age-related phenomenon. This raises the question of whether exercise-induced
bone changes when young persist into adulthood. Previous work has suggested
exercise-induced gains in bone mass are lost with aging. However, exercise
during growth primarily influences bone structure rather than mass to increase
strength and mechanisms exist for the maintenance of exercise effects on
structure. The current studies used major/minor league baseball (MLB/MiLB)
players to explore whether exercise-induced gains in humeral bone structure and
strength accrued when young persist lifelong. MLB/MiLB players are a unique
model as the unilateral upper extremity loading associated with throwing enables
the contralateral side to serve as an internal control site and former MLB/MiLB
players were consistently exposed to extreme loading reducing secular variations
in exercise levels between generations. Dominant-to-nondominant (D-to-ND)
differences in humeral cross-sectional properties in MLB/MiLB players in the
current studies were normalized to matched controls to correct for side-to-side
differences due to elevated habitual loading associated with arm dominance.
Exercise when young induced significant skeletal benefits, with active
MLB/MiLB players having nearly double the estimated ability to resist torsion
(polar moment of inertia, IP) in the humerus of their dominant arm. The cortical
bone mass and area benefits of exercise observed in active MLB/MiLB players
were lost in former MLB players following 40–49 years of detraining (ageZ
68.4G4.9 years) as a result of elevated medullary expansion and endocortical
trabecularization. However, 42% of the total bone area benefit persisted following
50C years of detraining (ageZ81.4G6.4 years) and contributed to the
maintenance of 24% of the benefit on IP. In MLB players who continued to
exercise during aging, medullary expansion and endocortical trabecularization
were reduced and there was maintenance of the cortical bone mass and area
benefits of exercise.
These cumulative data indicate: i) the extreme plasticity of the growing skeleton
to exercise; ii) that exercise when young has lifelong benefits on cortical bone size
and estimated strength, but not bone mass, and; iii) exercise continued during
aging maintains the bone mass benefits of exercise.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC20
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of alendronate
treatment for fibrous dysplasia of bone
Alison M Boyce1,2,*, Marilyn H Kelly3, Beth A Brillante3,
Harvey Kushner4, Shlomo Wientroub5, Mara Riminucci6, Paolo Bianco6,
Pamela G Robey3 & Michael T Collins3
Bone Health Program, Division of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine,
Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia,
USA; 2Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Children’s National
Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; 3Clinical Skeletal
Diseases Branch, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; 4Biomedical
Computer Research Institute Corp., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 5Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Dana Children Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel;
Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology, La Sapienza
University, Rome, Italy.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign skeletal disease caused by activating mutations
of Gsa. These mutations lead to formation of abnormal and mechanically unsound
bone and fibrotic tissue. Clinical sequelae include deformity, fracture, and pain.
Studies in bisphosphonates have shown improvement in bone pain and
inconsistent effects on FD mineralization; however interpretation has been
limited by a lack of controlled trials.
To determine the efficacy of oral alendronate for treatment of FD.
Forty subjects with FD (15 children, median age 10, range 6–16, and 23 adults,
median age 40, range 20–57) were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind
ICCBH 2013
placebo-controlled trial of alendronate (one subject in each group withdrew prior
to treatment). The co-primary efficacy endpoints were the change from baseline in
N-telopeptide and osteocalcin at 18 months. Secondary endpoints included effects
on pain, and bone mineral density at FD and non-FD sites. Subjects received drug
or placebo for 6 months, followed by 6 months off, 6 months on, and 6 months off.
Dosing was stratified as follows: 40 mg/day for subjects O50 kg, 20 mg for
30–50 kg, and 10 mg for 20–30 kg.
Compared to placebo at baseline, at 18 months alendronate use was associated
with a decrease in the resorption marker N-telopeptide (PZ0.001), with no
significant effect on the formation marker osteocalcin (PZ0.7). Subjects in the
alendronate group did not show significant changes in pain as compared to
placebo. At FD sites there was no significant change in bone mineral density at
affected femora or humeri. At non-FD sites there was a significant increase in
bone mineral density (PZ0.003). Three subjects in the placebo and three in the
alendronate group sustained fractures during the study period. One alendronatetreated subject with an undisclosed history of reflux developed an esophageal
Alendronate at four times the osteoporosis dose decreased bone resorption
markers, but did not improve FD mineralization or bone pain. These data support
findings from previous open-label studies which demonstrated a lack of effect of
bisphosphonates on FD mineralization, and suggest that oral bisphosphonates
may be ineffective for FD-related bone pain.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC21
PD resulted in significant reductions in trabecular bone volume (P!0.0001),
trabecular number (P!0.0001), trabecular thickness (PZ0.018), cortical bone
volume (PZ0.004) in 28-day-old mice only and femoral length at 28 days
(PZ0.0005) and 2 months (PZ0.017). There was no effect of genotype on
mechanical properties.
PD in mice reduced trabecular bone volume, thickness and number as well as
cortical bone volume and femoral length in comparison to wild-type mice at
28 days. This indicates that delayed collagen recycling through PD affected bone
structure at early stages of development. The catch up seen by 2 months
potentially reflects reduced need for rapid collagen turnover. There was no clear
effect of PD on bone material properties measured by microindentation. The
prolidase deficiency phenotype is essentially osteoporotic in early life.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)
patients entering adulthood should continue with bisphosphonate therapy or
would benefit from switching to a RANKL blockade therapy. To address this
question, we used a mouse model of type III OI.
Animal studies were performed under IACUC approval. OI (oim/oim) and wildtype (WT) mice were treated from 2–26 weeks with i) saline; ii) alendronate
(ALN; 0.21 mg/kg per dose weekly); or iii) ALN from 2–14 weeks followed by
1.5 mg/kg per dose biweekly RANK-Fc from 14–26 weeks (ALNCRANK-Fc).
There were 20 mice per group. Fracture number was calculated from highresolution faxitrons obtained in the anterior–posterior and medial-lateral planes at
14 weeks and sacrifice. Femurs (nZ4–10/group) were analyzed by microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) using a Scanco mCT 35 system (Scanco
Medical, Basserdorf, Switzerland). A subset of the femora were embedded in poly
methyl methacrylate and section at 2 mm for Fourier transform infrared imaging
(FTIRI) analysis (nZ3–5/group). Nine images of cortical and trabecular bone
were taken from each femur using a Perkin Elmer Spotlight Imaging
Spectrometer and ISys (Malevern Instruments) software. Results are statistically
significant P!0.05 by two-way ANOVA (SigmaStat).
Fractures: at 14 weeks, ALN-treated oim/oim mice had fewer fractures compared
to saline. At 26 weeks, both treatment groups had fewer fractures compared to
saline. There were no differences between treatment groups at either time-point
and no new fractures after 14 weeks in either group.
Micro-CT: there were no differences in cortical bone in any parameters studied.
Trabeculae number was increased in oim/oim for both treatment groups compared
to saline. ALNCRANK-Fc increased trabeculae number compared to ALN.
Trabeculae spacing decreased and bone volume fraction increased in both treated
oim/oim groups compared to saline. Changes in the WT mirror oim/oim.
FTIRI: oim/oim trabecular bone: ALN treatment increased mineral:matrix ratio
compared to saline and both treatment groups increased collagen maturity
compared to saline. oim/oim cortical bone mineral:matrix ratio was increased in
ALN compared to ALNCRANK-Fc treatment. WT cortical bone: ALNC
RANK-Fc treatment resulted in more perfect crystals compared to saline.
Based on our current data, treatment with ALN or ALNCRANK-Fc comparably
reduces fracture number, increases bone quantity, and alters bone quality in
oim/oim mice. Mechanical testing will be essential in determining the implication
of these changes on patient life.
Declaration of interest
A Boskey owns stock in Amgen. Amgen supplied the drugs for this study.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC23
Prolidase deficient mice are osteoporotic in early life
Sarah Foster1,*, Peter Grabowski3, Orla Gallagher1, Roberta Besio3,
Antonio Rossi3, Nick Bishop1,2 & Antonella Forlino3
Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK; 3Department of Molecular
Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 4Department of Oncology,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Proline and hydroxyproline account for w25% of aminoacids in collagen.,
Prolidase (peptidase D (EC, cleaves iminodipeptides with a C-terminal
proline or hydroxyproline, playing a major role in collagen catabolism. Mice with
prolidase deficiency (PD) present with varied phenotypes including reduced size
compared to wild-type littermates. We measured structural and mechanical
properties of bones in PD mice.
Whole femurs from 28-day-old male (nZ6) and female (nZ10) mice with PD
(HOMO) and wild-type mice (WT: male, nZ6; female, nZ10) and male 2 month
old mice (HOMO: nZ6, WT: nZ6) were scanned on a Skyscan m-CT 1172 using
published protocols. Bone mineral density was calculated by linear extrapolation
using a 2 mm phantom rod pair containing 0.25 and 0.75 g/cm3 calcium
hydroxyapatite. Data were analysed by two-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc
analysis for genotype and gender effects. Mechanical properties of whole femurs
were analysed using microindentation (Biodent).
1 month old mice
Femur length
2 month
Femur length
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC22
Switching from alendronate to RANKL blockade alters bone properties
after 14 weeks of therapy in the oim/oim mouse
Josephine Marino1, Nancy Pleshko2, Steve Doty1, Erin Carter1,
Adele Boskey1 & Cathleen Raggio1
Hospital For Special Surgery, New York, New York, USA; 2Temple
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Plasma Levels Are Elevated with Early
Chronic Kidney Disease and Positively Associated with Steroid Based vs
Steroid Free Immunosuppression in Pediatric Renal Transplant
Rachana Srivastava1,2,*, Poyyapakkam Srivaths1,2 & Eillen Brewer1,2
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Texas Childrens
Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a circulating phosphaturic hormone that
also suppresses renal 1a-hydroxylase activity. In adult patients (pts) plasma
FGF23 increases in early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), even before
serum phosphorus changes. In a study of 984 adult renal transplant pts, higher
FGF23 levels were independently associated with increased risk of all-cause
mortality and allograft loss during 39 months follow-up2. Few studies have
focused on FGF23 and CKD in immunosuppression in pediatric (ped) renal
transplant (Tx) pts.
Determine plasma FGF23 and evaluate potential associations with renal function
and mineral metabolism parameters in ped Tx pts.
Cross-sectional study of 59 ped Tx pts (21F; median age 15.2 years, range
3.9–21.8 years; 25 Hispanic/17 White/16 Black/1 other) with CKD stages 1–3
(meanGS.D. Schwartz eGFR 97G25 ml/min per 1.73 m2); median time since Tx
1.2 years (range 0.16–11.1 years). Immunosuppression was 47 pts steroid free
(SF) and 12 steroid based (SB). Serum Cr, Ca, P, iPTH, 1,25vitD; plasma
C-terminal FGF23 by ELISA; and urine Ca, P, and Cr were measured. 12/59 pts
(209%) were on P supplements for hypophosphatemia for age. 13/59 pts (25%)
were prescribed calciferol, and 4/59 pts (7%), calcitriol.
17/59 pts (28.8%) had plasma FGF23 O140 RU/ml (normalG2 S.D.Z69G39 in
healthy controls in two ped studies). Plasma FGF23 levels were not associated
with gender, age, ethnicity, time since Tx, tubular reabsorption P (TRP), or serum
P, iPTH, or 1,25vitD. Elevation of plasma FGF23 was the only mineral
metabolism abnormality associated with lower eGFR to CKD stages 2–3 (Table).
Plasma FGF23 was higher in pts receiving SB vs SF (206G207 vs 95G
67 RU/ml, PZ0.004).
Table 1
Chronic diseases
Wnt/b-catenin: a candidate pathway for bone repair in neurofibromatosis type-1
Saber Ghadakzadeh1,2,*, Saeid Amini Nik2, Gurpreet Baht2,
Heather Whetstone2 & Benjamin Alman2,3
Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada; 2Hospital for Sick Children, Program for Developmental and Stem
Cell Biology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Division of Orthopaedics,
Department of Surgery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Skeletal abnormalities occur in half of the individuals with neurofibromatosis
type-1 (NF1), usually in the first 2 years of life; the most difficult to manage is
congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia (CPT, tibial non-union) which may lead to the
amputation of the limb. Previous work in our lab identified that high levels of
b-catenin early in fracture repair, result in a phenotype similar to CPT. There is
data showing higher than normal b-catenin levels in CPT samples from NF1
patients, therefore we hypothesized that Wnt/b-catenin pathway mediates the
effect of NF1 mutation on bone by altering the differentiation of mesenchymal
stromal cells (MSCs) into osteoblasts.
Nf1fl/fl mice were crossed with conditional b-catenin over-expressing and knockout models. Adenovirus containing Cre was injected at the site of tibial fractures
to both knock-out (k/o) Nf1 and modulate b-catenin levels. Fracture healing was
evaluated using radiological, histological and biomechanichal tests.
Nf1K/K tibial fractures were associated with higher cellular b-catenin levels early
after fracture and did not heal after 21 days, exhibiting a fibro-cartilaginous
phenotype at the site of fracture. Nf1K/K; b-catenin k/o fractures showed
repair and union with significantly decreased fibro-cartilaginous tissue. Nf1K/K;
b-catenin stabilized fractures did not heal and the amount of fibro-cartilaginous
tissue increased significantly. Utilizing Dkk-1, as a specific Wnt/b-catenin
signaling inhibitor, at the site of Nf1K/K fractures resulted in markedly improved
bone formation and union of fractures.
Consistent with our in-vivo mouse models, human NF1 CPT samples contained
increased b-catenin levels. Unlike wild-type bone marrow (BM) MSCs, cultured
human NF1 and mouse Nf1K/K BMMSCs showed impaired osteoblastic
differentiation which was either rescued or further inhibited by b-catenin
signaling down- or up-regulation, respectively.
(ml/min per
1.73 m2)
eGFR R90;
Serum Ca
Serum P
iPTH (pg/ml)
TRP (%)
9.9 (9.6, 10.2)
4.1 (3.6, 4.6)
62 (35, 104)
19 (12, 23)
67 (55–87)
85 (81–89)
73 (49, 113)
9.7 (9.4, 9.9)
4.4 (3.2, 4.7)
63 (39, 163)
22 (18, 27)
47 (39–60)
84 (80–88)
113* (93, 164)
eGFR 30–89;
Nf1K/O; β-cat
Nf1K/O, β-cat K/O
800 µm
1. Values as median (interquartile range); *PZ0.0003, CKD 1 vs CKD 2–3.
FGF 23 and ped Renal Tx
100 µm
FGF 23
100 µm
400 µm
In ped renal Tx pts with CKD stages 2–3 plasma FGF23 is the earliest mineral
metabolism marker of decreasing GFR. Elevated FGF23 is strongly associated
with steroid-based transplant immunosuppression, suggesting an effect of steroids
on FGF23 metabolism in ped renal Tx pts. Longitudinal study of this pediatric
renal Tx population will be needed to assess whether early elevation of plasma
FGF23 predicts increased risk for worsening graft function/loss.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC24
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
These data indicate that the level of b-catenin needs to be precisely controlled for
normal osteoblastogenesis during fracture repair, and that in NF1 patients, this
level is abnormally elevated, inhibiting osteoblastogenesis and bone formation.
This study provides important insights into the pathways regulating impaired
fracture healing in relation to NF1 patients and will assist the clinical management
of non-unions healing.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC25
ICCBH 2013
Vertebral fractures in the 3-year period following steroid initiation
among children with chronic illnesses
P M Miettunen1, M Taljaard2, N Alos3, S Atkinson4, D Cabral5, C Clarson6,
R Couch7, E A Cummings8, J Feber2, R M Grant9, B Lentle5, M Matzinger2,
H Nadel5, C Rodd10, N Shenouda2, R Stein6, D Stephure1, S Taback11,
F Rauch10, K Siminoski7, L M Ward2 & the Canadian STOPP Consortium12
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 2University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec,
Canada; 4McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; 5University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 6University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 7University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 8Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada; 9University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 10McGill University,
Montréal, Quebec, Canada; 11University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada; 12Canadian Pediatric Bone Health Working Group, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
To describe the incidence of vertebral fractures in steroid-treated children.
Fractures were assessed prospectively each year for 3 years according to the
Genant semi-quantitative method. Proportions of children with incident fractures
were determined annually over the study period. To examine associations with
baseline clinical factors, the 3-year total number of incident fractures was
analyzed using multivariable Poisson regression.
404 children were enrolled at a median age of 6.2 years, range 1–17; 50% boys;
188 (46%) had leukemia, 136 (34%) rheumatic conditions, and 80 (20%)
nephrotic syndrome. The baseline study visit occurred at a median of 18 days
following steroid initiation (inter-quartile range 11–24 days). Overall, the
prevalence of vertebral fractures at baseline was 11% (95% CI 8–14), and 19% of
children (95% CI 15–24) had at least one incident fracture over the 3 years.
Among those with incident fractures, 23/52 children (44%) had R1 moderate or
severe fracture; in addition, 53/130 incident fractures (41%) were moderate or
severe. Disease-specific results for baseline fracture prevalence and 3 year
incidence were as follows: Leukemia: 16% (95% CI 11–21) and 25% (95% CI
19–33); rheumatic disorders: 7% (95% CI 4–12) and 14% (95% CI 9–22);
nephrotic syndrome 8% (95% CI 4–16) and 11% (95% CI 4–25). The annual
proportion of children with incident fractures peaked at 12 months and declined
thereafter (PZ0.04). In Poisson multivariable modeling assessing baseline
clinical factors, the following were associated with higher fracture incidence:
prevalent fractures (incidence rate ratio (RR) 6.3, 95% CI 3.2–12.4), female
gender (RR 1.8; 95% CI 1.0–3.3), pre-pubertal status (RR 2.1; 95% CI 0.8–5.4),
and lower BMD Z-scores (RR 1.4; 95% CI 1.1–1.7).
Within 3 years of steroid initiation, 19% of children had incident vertebral fractures.
Fracture incidence peaked at 12 months, and almost half of the incident fractures were
moderate or severe. Of the clinical factors measured at baseline, prevalent fractures
were most strongly associated with fracture incidence over the study period.
Declaration of funding
Funded by CIHR FRN 64285.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC26
Serum vitamin D level can affect the treatment outcome of whole-body
vibration for low bone mass in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Tsz Ping Lam1, Franco Tsz Fung Cheung1, Queenie Wah Yan Mak1,
Fiona Wai Ping Yu1, Kwong Man Lee2, Bobby Kin Wah Ng1 &
Jack Chun Yiu Cheng1
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; 2Lee Hysan Clinical
Research Laboratory, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) was associated with low bone mass which,
apart from being an important health issue that could persist into adulthood, was
also a significant prognostic factor for curve progression in AIS. We have
performed a randomized controlled trial on whole-body vibration (WBV) and
reported its effect on increasing femoral neck areal bone mineral density (aBMD)
mainly at the dominant leg. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of
Vit-D in moderating the anabolic bone effect of WBV.
This was a study nested within a randomized controlled trial, with enrolment of
122 AIS girls (15–25 years old) with BMD Z-scores !K1. They were randomly
allocated to the treatment or control group. The treatment group received WBV
by standing on a low-magnitude high-frequency WBV platform 20 mins/day,
5 days/week (acceleration 0.3 g, frequency 35 Hz). The control group received
observation alone. The study period was one year. aBMD at bilateral femoral
necks was measured with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry at baseline and at
12-month. Serum 25(OH)Vit-D level by liquid chromatography–tandem mass
spectrometry was measured at 6-month within the treatment period.
The mean age was 17.8(S.D.Z1.5) years old and mean Cobb angle was
29.4(S.D.Z8.8) degrees. Subgroup analysis for those with serum 25(OH)Vit-D
O40 nmol/l revealed not only the positive effects of WBV were greater at both
sides, treatment effects were explicitly also noted at the non-dominant
leg(Table 1). In addition, the positive correlation between serum 25(OH)Vit-D
and percentage increase in femoral neck aBMD that was not present in the
Control group was explicitly detectable in the Treatment group at the nondominant leg (PZ0.004).
Table 1 Percentage change in femoral neck a BMD from baseline to
12-month follow-up for the treatment and control group (S.D.: P from
independent samples t-test, *:P!0.05).
Percentage change
Treatment group
Control group
All cases nZ61 (Treatment group) and (nZ61 Control group)
Dominant femoral neck aBMD
Non-dominant femoral neck aBMD
For those with serum 25(OH)Vit-D level !Z40 (nZ46 (Treatment group), nZ42
Control group)
Dominant femoral neck aBMD
Non-dominant femoral neck aBMD
For those with serum 25(OH)Vit-D level O 40 (nZ15 (Treatment group), nZ19
Control group)
Dominant femoral neck aBMD
Non-dominant femoral neck aBMD
The results strongly suggested the treatment effect of WBV could be enhanced
through its synergistic factor interaction with Vit-D. The study carried significant
clinical implication in that Vit-D insufficiency could affect negatively the
treatment outcome of WBV for low bone mass in girls with AIS.
Funding source: General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
(project nos: 467808 and 468809).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC27
Bone mineral density at diagnosis determines fracture rate in childrentreated according to the DCOG-ALL9 protocol
Mariël Lizet te Winkel1,*, Rob Pieters1,2, Wim C J Hop3, Jan C Roos4,
Inge M van der Sluis1, Jos P M Bökkerink2,5, Jan A Leeuw2,6, Marrie C
A Bruin2,7, Wouter J W Kollen2,8, Anjo J P Veerman2,9,
Hester A de Groot-Kruseman2 & Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink1,2
Department of Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, Erasmus MC-Sophia
Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2The Dutch Childhood
Oncology Group, The Hague, The Netherlands; 3Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 4Department of Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 5Department of Pediatric Oncology,
Hematology, University Medical Center St Radboud, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands; 6Department of Pediatric Oncology, Beatrix Children’s
Hospital, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 7Department of
Pediatric Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands;
Department of Pediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, The
Netherlands; 9Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
To elucidate the incidence and risk factors of skeletal toxicity in children with
ALL treated with the dexamethasone-based DCOG-ALL9 protocol.
Prospectively, the cumulative incidence of fractures was assessed in 672 patients
and compared between different subgroups using the log-rank test. Serial
measurements of bone mineral density of the lumbar spine (BMDLS) were
performed in 399 ALL patients using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
We evaluated risk factors for a low BMD using multivariate regression.
Osteoporosis was defined as having a BMDLS %K2 SDS combined with clinical
significant fractures.
The cumulative incidence of fractures at 3 years was 17.8%. At diagnosis, mean
BMDLS of ALL patients was lower than that of healthy peers (mean
BMDLSZK1.10 SDS, P!0.001), and this remained significant lower during
and after treatment (8 months: BMDLSZK1.10 SDS, P!0.001; 24 months:
BMDLSZK1.27 SDS, P!0.001; 36 months: BMDLSZK0.95 SDS, P!0.001).
Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that age at diagnosis, weight and
B-cell-immunophenotype were associated with a lower BMDLS at diagnosis.
After correction for weight, height, gender and immunophenotype, stratification
to the HR protocol arm and older age had a significant independent larger decline
of BMDLS during treatment (HR group: bZK0.52, P!0.01 and age: bZK0.16,
P!0.001) Cumulative incidences of fractures between ALL risk groups and age
groups were not significantly different. Patients who developed fractures had a
lower BMDLS during treatment than those without fractures. Treatment-related
bone loss was similar in patients with and without fractures (respectively:
DBMDLSZK0.36 SDS and DBMDLSZK0.12 SDS; interaction group time,
PZ0.295). Twenty of the 399 patients (5%) met the criteria of osteoporosis.
This large prospective study shows that a low absolute value of BMDLS both at
diagnosis and during treatment, rather than the treatment-related decline of
BMDLS, determines the markedly increased fracture risk of 17.8% in children
with ALL.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC28
Mineral metabolism, cortical volumetric bone mineral density and
fracture risk in childhood chronic kidney disease
Michelle Denburg1,5, Anne Tsampalieros1,2, Ian de Boer3, Justine Shults1,5,
Heidi Kalkwarf4, Babette Zemel1,5, Debbie Foerster1, David Stokes1 &
Mary Leonard1,5
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 2Children’s
Hospital of Eastern Ontario, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;
Kidney Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
USA; 4Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
USA; 5Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Background and Objectives
The relations among cortical volumetric bone mineral density (CortBMD) and
comprehensive measures of mineral metabolism have not been addressed in
chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim was to identify determinants of CortBMD
in childhood CKD. A secondary objective was to assess if CortBMD was
associated with subsequent fracture.
This prospective cohort study in children, adolescents and young adults (ages
5–21 years) with CKD stages 2-5D included 171 participants at enrollment and
89 1 year later.
Serum measures included vitamin D (25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D, 24,25(OH)2D),
vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), fibroblast
growth factor 23 (FGF23), calcium, and phosphorus. Tibia pQCT measures of
CortBMD were expressed as sex-, race-, and age-specific Z-scores based on 675
controls. Multivariable linear regression identified independent correlates of
CortBMD-Z and change in CortBMD-Z. Cox regression analysis, adjusted for sex
and age, was used to determine if baseline CortBMD-Z was associated with
fracture (hazard ratio for time to first fracture).
Lower calcium (bZ0.31/1 mg/dl, PZ0.01) and 25(OH)D (bZ0.18/10 ng/ml,
PZ0.04) and higher PTH (bZK0.02/10%, PZ0.002) and 1.25(OH)2D
(bZK0.07/10%, P!0.001) were independently associated with lower baseline
CortBMD-Z. The correlations of total, free and bioavailable 25(OH)D with
CortBMD did not differ. Higher baseline 1.25(OH)2D (P!0.05) and greater
increases in PTH (P!0.001) were associated with greater declines in CortBMDZ (Table). Greater increases in calcium concentrations were associated with
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
greater increases in CortBMD-Z in growing children (interaction PZ0.009). The
hazard ratio for fracture was 1.75 (95% CI: 1.15, 2.67; PZ0.009) per S.D. lower
baseline CortBMD-Z.
Greater PTH and 1.25(OH)2D and lower calcium concentrations were
independently associated with baseline and progressive cortical deficits in
childhood CKD. Lower CortBMD-Z was associated with increased fracture risk.
Declaration of interest
I de Boer receives research funding from Abbott Laboratories. The remaining
authors have nothing to disclose.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC29
Table 1 Final multivariate model of determinants of change in CortBMD-Z*.
Change in tibia length*
Change in calcium*
Change in calcium by change in
tibia length interaction
Change in PTH*
Baseline 1,25(OH)2D*
95% CI
K2.06, K0.37
K1.58, 0.01
0.12, 0.79
K0.37, K0.14
K0.13, K0.0003
Also adjusted for age, study site, baseline CortBMD-Z, baseline calcium, and change in
renal function.
*Natural log transformed.
Alteration of wnt/b-catenin signaling in HIV-infected youths: a
mechanism leading to impaired bone health?
Stefano Mora1, Vania Giacomet2, Maria Puzzovio1, Katia Maruca1,
Sara Stucchi2, Paola Erba2, Silvia Capelli1, Alessandra Viganò2 &
Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti2
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy; 2L. Sacco Hospital,
University of Milano, Milano, Italy.
Impairment of bone mass accrual and alterations of bone metabolism is a common
finding in HIV-infected youths. In particular, previous studies demonstrated
higher bone formation and bone resorption rates in HIV-infected children and
adolescents. Wnt ligands promote bone formation by stimulating osteoblast
differentiation and their survival. Recent studies demonstrated that sclerostin
(Scl) and dickkopf factor 1 (DKK-1), Wnt antagonists, are important negative
regulators of bone formation. The aim of the study was to measure serum
concentration of Scl and DKK-1 in young HIV-infected patients.
We studied 86 HIV-infected patients whose ages ranged from 5.7 to 27.9 years.
Their mean CD4 number was 674 (S.D. 274) and their CD4% was 33.2 (9.5).
Patients were all on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), but seven who
were naı̈ve to antiretroviral treatment. Scl and DKK-1 were measured in serum by
enzyme immunoassay. Bone mass was measured by dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry at the lumbar spine and in the whole skeleton. We also measured
Scl and DKK-1 concentration in 105 healthy youths (age range 4.5–17.7 years).
The values of young adult patients (O20 years) have been compared with
published reference data.
HIV-infected patients had lower than normal bone mineral density measurements
(spine P!0.005, and whole skeleton P!0.03). Serum concentration of Scl of
HIV-infected children and adolescents were lower than in controls (25.0 (11.5) vs
34.2 (16.3) pmol/l respectively; PZ0.003). Similarly, DKK-1 concentration was
lower in these patients than in controls (19.2 (12.5) vs 22.5 (14.1) pmol/l
respectively; PZ0.05). HIV-infected young adults showed both Scl and DKK-1
serum concentration (19.1 (12.1) and 15.6 (7.4) pmol/l respectively), lower than
reference (P!0.001). The serum concentration of both analytes of patients naı̈ve to
antiretroviral treatment was not different from that of HAART-treated patients. No
correlations were found between Scl, DKK-1 and bone mineral measurements.
Our data confirm the alteration of bone metabolism pathways in HIV-infected
individuals, possibly leading to reduced bone mineral density. The increased
concentration of Wnt antagonists is consistent with the increased bone formation
markers observed in previous studies.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OC30
ICCBH 2013
Oral Posters
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Oral Posters
Skeletal effects of hypothyroidism are mediated by thyroid hormone
receptor a
Moira Cheung1,*, Alan Boyde1,2, Holly Evans1,3, Duncan Bassett1 &
Graham Williams1
Imperial College, London, UK; 2Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry, London, UK; 3University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Childhood hypothyroidism results in delayed skeletal maturation and impaired
growth. Thyroid hormones act via temporo-spatially regulated thyroid hormone
receptors a (TRa) and (TRb).
In the skeleton, TRa is the predominant receptor and we hypothesise that the
skeletal effects of hypothyroidism are mediated by TRa.
To investigate this we assessed the response of wild-type (WT), TRa knockout
(TRa0/0) and TRb knockout (TRbK/K) mice to hypothyroidism. Adult mice from
each genotype were rendered/remained hypothyroid (hypo) or euthyroid (eu) for
six weeks before skeletal phenotyping.
WT hypo mice had increased bone mineral content (BMC) by 26 kV point
projection digital X-ray microscopy analysis compared to eu controls (P!0.001,
nZ6). Trabecular bone volume (BV/TV) by mCT (4.3 mm voxel) was elevated in
WT hypo mice compared to controls (15.6G1.3 vs 10.9G1.1%, meanGS.E.M.,
nZ5–6, P!0.05 t-test). Bone formation rate (BFR) in WT hypo mice was
reduced compared to controls (0.04G0.03 vs 0.45G0.04 mm3/mm2 per day,
meanGS.E.M., P!0.001 Students t-test, nZ4). TRbK/K hypo mice also had
increased BMC (P!0.001, nZ6) and BV/TV (13.4G0.8 vs 7.7G0.8%
P!0.001, nZ5–6) and BFR was similarly reduced compared to controls
(0.03G0.01 vs 0.33G0.06 mm3/mm2 per day, P!0.01, nZ4). In contrast to WT
and TRbK/K mice, TRa0/0 hypo mice had similar BMC (PZNS, nZ6) and
BV/TV (12.1G0.5 vs 13.1G0.4%, PZNS, nZ5–6) compared to controls. BFR
was reduced in TRa0/0 hypo mice compared to controls (0.18G0.07, 0.53G
0.04 mm3/mm2 per day, P!0.001 nZ4). In summary, WT and TRbK/K mice had
similar responses to hypothyroidism resulting in increased BMC and BV/TV and
reduced BFR. In contrast, TRa0/0 mice showed no change in BMC or BV/TV.
BFR in TRa0/0 hypo mice, although reduced compared to controls, was fourfold
higher than WT hypo or TRbK/K hypo mice.
In conclusion, these studies indicate that TRa has a key role in the skeletal
response to hypothyroidism.
Declaration of funding
Funded by a MRC clinical research training grant.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP1
High FSH serum levels may support the altered bone remodeling in
Turner syndrome patients
Giacomina Brunetti1, Anna Maria Ventura2, Laura Piacente2,
Angela Oranger1, Maria Ciccarelli2, Giorgio Mori3, Silvia Colucci1,
Luciano Cavallo2, Maria Grano1 & Maria Felicia Faienza2
Section of Human Anatomy and Histology, Department of Basic Medical
Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy;
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of
Bari, Bari, Italy; 3Department of Biomedical Science, University of Foggia,
Foggia, Italy.
Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal aberration characterized by total or
partial loss of one of the two X-chromosomes, and affects about 1 in every 2500
girls. TS patients can develop the bone disease with decreased bone density and
selective reduction in cortical bone thickness, which probably contributes to the
increased fracture risk. However, the mechanisms underlying the bone disease
remain poorly understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the
osteoclastogenic potential of unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) and T cell-depleted PBMC cultures from TS patients (mean age
10.44G3.48) with high or normal FSH serum level and controls.
PBMCs and T-cell depleted culture from patients and controls were cultured in
presence/absence of M-CSF and RANKL, or neutralizing antibodies antiRANKL and anti-TNF-a. At the end of the culture period, mature multinucleated
OCs were identified as TRAPC cells. By real-time PCR we studied gene
expression in freshly isolated T cells and monocytes. ELISA were performed in
sera and media.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Spontaneous formation of active resorbing osteoclasts, without adding M-CSF
and RANKL, occurred in PBMC cultures from TS patients with elevated FSH
serum levels. Conversely, M-CSF and RANKL were essential to trigger and
sustain osteoclastogenesis in PBMCs from controls as well as TS patients with
normal FSH serum levels. T-cell depleted PBMC cultures from TS patients with
high FSH serum level showed only a partial reduction of spontaneous osteoclast
formation, suggesting that both monocytes and T cells have an important role
supporting the elevated osteoclastogenesis. In fact, in these patients, the
percentage of circulating osteoclast precursors (OCPs) is increased and
monocytes expressed elevated c-fms, IL-1, TNF-a and RANK levels, whereas
T cells showed high RANKL amounts. Moreover, elevated amount of RANKL
were detected in PBMC culture media and sera from TS patients with high FSH
circulating levels by ELISA. Finally, functional anti-RANKL and anti-TNF-a
antibodies significantly inhibited osteoclastogenesis.
We showed for the first time the high osteoclastogenic potential of PBMCs from
young TS patients with high FSH circulating levels. This condition could
contribute to the bone disease that become evident in their adult life.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP2
Calcimimetics as adjunct therapy in XLH: 18 months experience
Uri Alon & Connie Haney
Bone and Mineral Disorders Clinic, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas
City, Missouri, USA.
Based on our preliminary findings, indicating a potential for Cinacalcet (due to its
suppression of PTH (CJASN 2008 3 658)), to allow the use of lower doses of oral
phosphate (OP) and calcitriol in treating XLH, the objective of this study was to
examine its long-term effect as adjunct treatment in children with XLH.
Eight children (F5), ages 7.8–20.9 years (median 13.9), who were already treated
by OP and calcitriol were enrolled in the study. Cinacalcet was added at 30 mg
once daily to those weighing %30 kg and 60 mg to those O30 kg. Clinic visits
were done every 3 m; dose of medications adjusted to maintain serum P similar to
baseline, PTH within its normal range and CaCCO1.00 mmol/l. In case of
hypercalciuria (O4 mg/kg per 24 h) a thiazide/amiloride preparation was added.
Blood was checked for creatinine, CaCC, P, Alk. Phosph., PTH and FGF23; and
urine for TP/GFR and Ca excretion. Radiographs of lower joints were done every
6 months and renal ultrasound annually.
Follow-up lasted 21.2G5.3 m (median 18).
Table 1
Calcitriol dose (ng/kg per 24 h)
K-Phos dose (mg/kg per 24 h)
PTH (pg/ml)
P (mg/dl)
AlK. Phos. (m/l)
FGF23 (RU/ml)
TP/GFR (mg/dl)
Urine Ca (mg/kg per 24 h)
The addition of the calcimimetic: i) resulted in significant decreases in PTH and
FGF23 and increase in TP/GFR enabling significant decreases in calcitriol and OP
doses and ii) requires careful attention to serum and urine calcium. Further studies
are warranted exploring the beneficial effects of calcimimetics in the treatment of
children with XLH.
Rickets stayed healed in all. Nephrocalcinosis grade one was present at baseline
and did not change in one child, and in another developed after 2 years into the
study. Serum creatinine was normal in all. At the end of the study, seven children
were receiving Cinacalcet 30 mg, and the oldest 60 mg. Three children had their
growth plates closed at start. Height SDS improved in two patients, were
unchanged in two and decreased in one. One child was on thiazide/amiloride at
baseline and in three it was added during the study. No side effects were observed
and none of the patients discontinued the study.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP3
ICCBH 2013
A new start-codon in IFITM5 causes osteogenesis imperfecta type V
Oliver Semler1, Heike Hoyer-Kuhn1, Lutz Garbes2, Christian Netzer2 &
Eckhard Schoenau1
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital
Cologne, Cologne, Germany; 2Institute of Human Genetics, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare disease characterized by increased fracture
rate and bone deformities. Patients are classified by phenotype and most are
affected by mutations in COL1A1/2.
Patients with OI type V present with specific clinical symptoms including
hyperplastic callus formation, only mildly decreased height, metaphyseal lines
and a calcification of the membrane interossea of the forearm. The disease
causing mutation for OI type V was unknown till now.
Identification of the mutation causing OI type V.
In one patient (age 4.8 years) with clinical signs of OI type V we performed
‘whole exome sequencing’ to identify the underlying mutation Additionally, the
phenotypical healthy parents were analyzed for ‘de novo mutations’. A second
patient with clinically proven OI type V (15.1 years of age) and his unaffected
parents were analyzed per Sanger sequencing.
Using whole exome sequencing we identified a ‘de novo mutation’ in the 5 0 -UTR
region of IFITM5, a bone-specific gene. The mutation was 14 bp above the
regular startcodon. Exactly the same mutation was found in our second patient.
Therefore this mutation could be described as the causative mutation for OI type
V. This mutation leads to a new startcodon. Further functional analysis could
proof that this codon is predominantly used in vitro. The additional five
aminoacids (M-A-L-E-P) will be added to the den N-terminus and change its
function as a transmembrane receptor interacting with the osteoblastogenesis.
Using whole exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing we were able to identify
the molecular reason for OI type V. The dominant mutation leads to the creation
of a new startcodon, which prolong the resulting transmembrane receptor IFITM5
by five aminoacids. By now for all clinically defined types of OI the molecular
reasons are known.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP4
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP5
Children with nephrotic syndrome have increased tibial bone area but
similar volumetric bone mineral density to healthy controls
Rebecca Moon1,2,*, Rodney Gilbert3, Anna Page1, Liam Murphy1,
Pat Taylor4, Cyrus Cooper2, Elaine Dennison2 & Justin Davies1
Paediatric Endocrinology, University Hospital Southampton
NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK; 2MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology
Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; 3Paediatric
Nephrology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust,
Southampton, UK; 4Osteoporosis Centre, University Hospital Southampton
NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
An increased fracture risk is reported in children requiring recurrent courses of
glucocorticoids. Reduced bone mineral density (BMD), particularly in the trabecular
compartment, has also been demonstrated in a number of childhood diseases treated
with glucocorticoids. The differential contribution of glucocorticoids and underlying
inflammatory disease to bone demineralisation is poorly understood. Childhood
nephrotic syndrome (NS) often follows a relapsing-remitting course, requiring
multiple steroid courses, but with low systemic inflammation during remission.
We therefore used peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) to
investigate compartmental volumetric BMD and bone geometry in NS, and
evaluated the influence of treatment factors on bone outcomes.
Children with NS (nZ29, 55% males, age 10.7G3.1 years) were compared to
healthy controls (nZ29, 55% males, age 11.0G3.0 years). Body composition was
assessed by whole body DXA. pQCT scans were obtained at metaphyseal (4%) and
diaphyseal (66%) sites of the tibia. Lifetime cumulative glucocorticoid exposure
was calculated from medical records. Bone outcomes were adjusted for age, gender,
height, ethnicity and pubertal status using linear regression.
Children with NS had similar height SDS to controls (PZ0.28), but were heavier
(0.65G1.28 vs K0.04G0.89 SDS, PZ0.022) and had greater body fat SDS
(0.31G1.01 vs K0.52G1.10, PZ0.008). Tibial trabecular and cortical vBMD
were similar between the two groups but bone cross-sectional area (CSA) was
significantly greater in children with NS at both the metaphysis (954G234
vs 817G197 mm2, PZ0.002) and diaphysis (511.0G1.4 vs 442.1G1.4 mm2,
PZ0.006). Endosteal and periosteal circumferences were greater in children with
NS than controls (both P!0.01), resulting in reduced cortical thickness (2.4G0.7
vs 2.8G0.7 mm, PZ0.018), but similar cortical CSA (PZ0.22). The differences in
cortical geometry were not statistically significant when weight was included as a
confounding factor. There were no associations between cumulative steroid
exposure, duration of NS or number of relapses and any bone parameter.
Tibial bone CSA is increased in children with NS. We speculate this is a
compensatory response to increased body weight. Defects in trabecular BMD were
not identified in this cohort of children with NS.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP6
Bone mineralization density distribution, bone formation rate and bone
turnover markers in a cohort of children with CKD before and after GH
Nadja Fratzl-Zelman1, Kamilla Nawrot-Wawrzyniak1, Barbara Misof1,
Malgorzata Pańczyk-Tomaszewska2, Helena Ziółkowska2, Paul Roschger1
& Klaus Klaushofer1
1st Medical Department, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Osteology at
Hanusch Hospital of WGKK and AUVA Trauma Centre Meidling, Vienna,
Austria; 2Department of Pediatrics and Nephrology Medical University,
Warsaw, Poland.
Background and methods
A specific skeletal complication in children with CKD is growth impairment. The
effects of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy on bone turnover
and bone material quality are not well understood. Bone matrix mineralization
density distribution (BMDD) as assessed by quantitative backscattered electron
microscopy (qBEI) is an important determinant of bone material quality and
reflects bone turnover (average tissue age) and mineralization kinetics of the
individual bone packets of the sample.
We have recently evaluated the BMDD in cancellous and cortical bone in paired
transiliac biopsies (before/after one year rhGH) in short children on dialysis
(AJKD in press) and in the present study we extended the cohort to 20 pediatric
patients (CKD stage 4: nZ2; end-stage renal disease treated by dialysis: nZ18).
Bone histomorphometry was performed and all biopsies were classified according
to the new TMV system.
Prior treatment, strong associations between the mean bone matrix mineralization
and bone turnover were found: bone matrix mineralization was higher while
BFR/BS was lower compared to reference data.
After rhGH-treatment, the mean height acquisition was about 8.5 cm, serum ALP
levels and bone turnover indices were significantly increased compared to
baseline, and bone matrix mineralization in cancellous and cortical compartments
was decreased towards normal range. A striking exception was the case of an
adolescent with difficulties to adhere to therapy, who developed severe
hyperparathyroidism and osteitis fibrosa concomitantly with abnormally low
bone matrix mineralization.
Our data show that bone turnover rate is a strong predictor of the BMDD in young
patients with CKD and growth deficiency. At baseline, our cohort had low bone
turnover and, increased bone matrix mineralization, indicating further normal
mineralization kinetics in these patients with CKD. The data suggest that rhGH
treatment in children with CKD does not only increase height but also bone
turnover, which appears beneficial for bone matrix mineralization.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP7
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Quantitative measurement of abnormal bone quality and strength with
bone micro-architecture and rod-plate configuration in osteopenic
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Wing Sze Yu*, Ka Yan Chan, Fiona Wai Ping Yu, Kwong Man Lee,
Kin Wah Ng, Tsz Ping Lam, Ling Qin & Chun Yiu Jack Cheng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Multiple studies have documented the presence of systemic osteopenia in
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and in simulated animal models. Osteopenia was
also found to be associated with severe curves and as one of the prognostic factor
in predicting curve progression in AIS. The objective of this study was to compare
the bone quality and its association with osteopenia between AIS and normal
AIS (nZ234) and non-AIS girls (nZ211) between 11–13 years old were
recruited. aBMD of bilateral femoral necks was measured by DXA. Subjects were
classified into the osteopenic (Z-score%K1) and non-osteopenic (Z-score OK1)
subgroup. Trabecular Bone Micro-architecture and Structural Model Index (SMI),
which measures the degree of rod/plate-like configuration of trabeculae, were
measured using HR-pQCT.
In AIS, osteopenic group showed a lower trabecular thickness, greater trabecular
separation and SMI, reflecting more rod-like trabeculae when compared to the
normal BMD AIS subjects. In contrast, among the controls, only lower BV/TV and
trabecular thickness were found between the osteopenic and normal BMD
subgroups. Two-way ANOVA showed a significant interaction between AIS and
osteopenia on Trabecular Thickness.
We revealed a unique alteration of trabecular bone micro-architecture in
osteopenic AIS. Besides, there is an interaction between osteopenia and AIS on
trabecular thickness, which indicates an important role of trabecular bone microarchitecture in the etiopathogensis of AIS. The % difference in SMI between
osteopenic and non-osteopenic AIS (15.6%) was highest among all the parameters.
One of the clinical significance was the call for developing a composite prognostic
factor incorporating both BMD and SMI for more accurate prediction of curve
occurrence and progression in AIS in clinical practice.
This study was supported by Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong S.A.R.,
China (project nos: 468809 and 468411).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP8
Anticalciuric effect of recombinant PTH in patients with activating
mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor causing autosomal dominant
Anya Rothenbuhler1, Jeremy Allgrove2, Regis Coutant3, Klaus Kapelari4,
Lucie Bessenay5, Myriam Isnard5, Wolfgang Hogler6, Agnes Linglart1 &
ESPE Working Group on Bone & Growth Plate7
Paris 11 University and INSERM U986, Kremlin-Bicetre, France; 2Royal
London and Great Ormond Street Hospitals, London, UK; 3Hopital
Universitaire d’Angers, Angers, France; 4Innsbruck Hospital, Innsbruck,
Austria; 5Hopital de Clermont-Ferand, Clermont-Ferand, France;
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK; 7European Society of
Pediatric Endocrinology, ESPE, UK.
Most patients with hypoparathyroidism are controlled under conventional
treatment with calcium and vitamin D analogues. However, this treatment may
be difficult to manage, especially in patients with ADHH who have an increased
risk of nephrocalcinosis and chronic renal insufficiency. ADHH is caused by
activating mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) resulting in
suppressed PTH secretion and decreased calcium reabsorption within the thick
ascending limb of loop of Henle. The CaSR modulates urinary calcium
reabsorption through a PTH-independent mechanism.
Evaluate the efficacy of rPTH1–34 as an alternative to vitamin D analogue therapy
for ADHH patients, in particular regarding the prevention of hypercalciuria and
Four patients, three toddlers (8, 18, and 30 months old; P1, P2, and P3) and
one young adult (19 years old, P4) with ADHH and CaSR mutations, received
rPTH1–34 by continuous subcutaneous infusion via an insulin pump. The observed
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
duration of therapy was 2 to 8 months (ongoing in all patients), with a mean daily
dose of rPTH1–34 0.54, 0.57 and 0.37 mg/kg per day in the toddlers and 0.20 mg/kg
per day in the adult patient. Three additional patients received rPTH1–34 (nZ1, 48
months 0.75 mg/kg per day, twice daily injections) of rPTH1–84 for 6 and 19
months, and (nZ2, 100 mg/day). Additional treatments received were adjusted
calcium supplements and cholecalciferol (none received vitamin D analogues
after switching to rPTH).
On rPTH therapy mean serum calcium levels increased in P1, P3 and P4
respectively from 1.4G0.15 to 2.1G0.25 mmol/l (P!0.05), 1.5G0.3 to 1.8G
0.5 mmol/l (NS) and from 2.2G0.3 to 2.38G0.3 mmol/l (NS). P2 decreased her
calcemia from 2.13G1.8 to 1.95G0.1 mmol/l (P!0.05). All four patients
showed a decrease in mean urinary calcium excretion respectively from1.8G0.9
to 0.5G0.5 mM/mM (NS), 2.4G0.5to 1.1G0.4 mM/mM (P!0.05), 1.3 to 0.6G
0.26 mM/mM (NS) and from 4.8G3.4 to 3G0.9 mmol/l (NS) in P1, P2, P3 and
P4. When the three toddlers are analyzed as one group, the mean calcium level
increased from 1.8G0.4 to 1.95G0.2 mmol/l (NS) and the mean urinary calcium
excretion decreased from 2.1G1 to 1G0.5 mM/mM (P!0.05).
Our data show that rPTH allows the maintenance of serum calcium at near-normal
levels in ADHH and correction of the clinically severe manifestations of
hypocalcaemia. More importantly, even with near-normal blood calcium, rPTH
had a significant anticalciuric effect, i.e. decreased significantly the urinary
calcium excretion in ADHH patients, likely preventing or delaying renal damage.
Treatment was safe and well tolerated.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP9
Metacarpal width, length, medullary diameter and cortical thickness in
hypophosphatemic rickets
Signe Sparre Beck-Nielsen1,2, Kim Brixen1,3, Jeppe Gram4 &
Mette Ramsdal Poulsen1,5
Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
Denmark; 2Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of Southwest Denmark,
Esbjerg, Denmark; 3Department of Endocrinology, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark; 4Department of Endocrinology, Hospital of
Southwest Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark; 5Department of Clinical
Radiology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.
Hand X-rays from patients with hypophosphatemic rickets (HR) were assessed to
evaluate if HR influences the dimensions of the metacarpal bones and the
distribution between cortical and cancellous bone. In addition, we aimed to test
the hypothesis that HR caused by mutation in DMP1 has a greater impact on bone
dimensions than HR caused by mutations in PHEX.
Hand X-rays from 17 children with HR were evaluated. Three children had HR
caused by a DMP1 mutation, and the remaining 14 had a verified PHEX mutation.
BoneXpertw (Visiana) was used to calculate the dimensions of the second, third
and fourth metacarpal bones. HR patients were compared with age- and gender
matched healthy children from Switzerland. For the whole HR group, data are
reported as mean Z-scores (95% CI) and p value, followed by the mean Z-score in
subgroups of patients with a PHEX mutation followed by patients with a DMP1
Overall, patients with HR had significantly broader metacarpal bones, C2.5 (95%
CI 1.7–3.2) S.D., P!0.001, (2.0; 4.6) S.D., with a wider medullary diameter of
C2.4 (95% CI 1.8–2.1) S.D., P!0.001, (2.1; 4.2) S.D. and a reduced cortical
Figure 1 Distribution of metacarpal dimensions in children with
PHEX and DMP1 mutations respectively.
ICCBH 2013
thickness of -0.6 (95% CI –1.3 to –0.3) S.D., P!0.02, (K0.8; 0.3) SD. The
metacarpal length of C0.7 (0.2–1.2) S.D., PZ0.3, (0.4; 1.9) S.D., was not different
compared with controls (Fig. 1).
Children with HR have significantly broader metacarpal bones, a wider medullary
diameter, and decreased cortical thickness. The metacarpal bones in children with
a DMP1 mutation appear longer and broader with a wider medullary diameter
compared to children with a PHEX mutation. Our data suggest that DMP1
mutations affect bone size more severely than PHEX mutations.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP10
Artistic gymnasts display micro-architectural advantages over
trampolining and tumbling gymnasts: a high resolution peripheral
quantitative computed tomography study
Lauren A Burt3,4,*, Scott P Stanger1,3, John D Schipilow1,2 &
Steven K Boyd3,4
Schulich School of Engineering, 2Roger Jackson Centre for Health and
Wellness Research, 3McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health,
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Participation in high impact sports during growth increases bone quality.
Gymnasts have previously displayed increased bone mass and strength at both the
upper and lower limbs compared with controls. However, it is not yet understood
how bone microarchitecture is affected by gymnastics participation, and if this
differs based on gymnastics discipline. Therefore, the objective of this study was
to investigate the influence of gymnastics discipline on bone microarchitecture
in a youth cohort using high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed
tomography (HR-pQCT).
Seven artistic and 18 trampolining and tumbling (T&T) gymnasts were recruited.
Gymnasts were male and female 16–24 years. HR-pQCT was used to determine
bone microarchitecture, specifically total volumetric bone mineral density
(Tt.BMD), cortical BMD (Ct.BMD), trabecular BMD (Tb.BMD), total area
(Tt.Ar) and cortical thickness (Ct.Th) of the radius and tibia. Finite element
analysis estimated apparent bone strength. Muscle strength was determined by
grip strength and Biodex dynamometers. The gymnastics-specific non-dominant
limb was used for all procedures. Independent sample t-tests and two-way
ANOVAs compared group means.
At the radius, artistic gymnasts had bigger bones (Tt.Ar C30%), greater bone
density (Tt.BMD C18%; Tb.BMD C36%), higher Ct.Th (C12%) and superior
bone strength (C57%) than T&T gymnasts (P!0.05). While there was a trend
for artistic gymnasts to have enhanced microarchitectural parameters at the tibia,
significant differences between groups did not emerge (PO0.05). Furthermore,
gymnasts displayed enhanced bone quality compared to our normative
population. There were no significant muscle strength differences between
gymnastics groups, and no interaction effect for gymnastics discipline and sex
Compared with T&T gymnasts, artistic gymnasts had bigger, stronger and denser
bones at the radius. Trends for advantageous microarchitectural parameters
displayed in these gymnasts are likely the result of the increased mechanical
loading observed at the wrist. While both gymnastics disciplines are associated
with high ground reaction forces on landings, the trampoline likely dissipates the
ground reaction forces observed at the wrist of T&T gymnasts. In addition, many
T&T skills do not involve wrist contact with the trampoline or sprung floor. In
conclusion, gymnastics discipline influences bone microarchitecture on a skeletal
site-specific basis at the radius, but not the tibia.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP11
The bone/vessels interplay in teenagers with chronic kidney disease
Justine Bacchetta1,*, Anke Doyon2, Sophie Vershelde3,
Nicolas Vilayphiou4, Roland Chapurlat5 & Bruno Ranchin1
Hospices Civils de Lyon and Université de Lyon, France; 2University of
Heidelberg, Germany; 3CHU Saint-Etienne, France; 4Scanco Médical,
Zurich, Switzerland; 5INSERM UMR 1033, Lyon, France.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Bone fragility and vascular calcifications are to the two main morbidities of
the mineral and bone disorders associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD),
resulting from a combination of abnormalities such as impaired GH axis, vitamin
D deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, increased FGF23 levels, hypogonadism,
denutrition and drug toxicity.
In a single-centre ancillary study of the longitudinal prospective European 4C
study (Cardiovascular Comorbidities in Children with CKD), we evaluated bone
and cardiovascular status in 22 teenagers with pre-dialysis CKD. We used the
tridimensional non-invasive high resolution peripheral quantitative computed
tomography (HR-pQCT, SCANCO), as well as pulse wave velocity (PWV),
carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and ambulatory blood pressure (BP)
monitoring (ABPM). Statistical analyses were performed with non-parametric
tests (SPSS).
At a mean age of 14.1G2.7 years (skeletal age 12.8G2.5 years, 16 boys), average
height and BMI were 152G15 cm and 18.9G2.5 kg/m2 corresponding to SDS of
K0.8G1.2 and 0.0G1.0 respectively. Median serum phosphorus was 1.41 (0.90–
2.58) mmol/l for an average GFR of 32G10 ml/min per 1.73 m2. PTH and 25OHvitamin D levels were 107 (29–359) pg/ml and 66G18 nmol/l respectively.
Bivariate analyses between bone and cardiovascular data showed strong positive
associations between trabecular densities/thickness and BP (24-h and daytime
ABPM results for systolic, diastolic and mean BP), the Spearman correlation
coefficient ranging from 0.46 to 0.65 (P!0.05). Trabecular thickness was also
strongly associated with PWV (rZ0.598, PZ0.003). In contrast, IMT results
were not associated with any bone parameter.
For the first time, these results suggest a significant interplay between trabecular
bone and BP in teenagers with pre-dialysis CKD: the greater the trabecular
thickness, the greater the PWV and ABPM parameters, and thus the greater the
arterial stiffness. These data seem conflicting with previously published studies in
adults showing increased vascular calcifications with decreased bone densities as
assessed by DXA. In pediatric CKD however, one may hypothesize that the use of
calcium therapies may be efficient for improving bone quality while deleterious
for vessels.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP12
Long-term effects of bisphosphonate therapy in children with
osteogenesis imperfecta
Andrew Biggin1,2,*, Linda Zheng1, Julie Briody3, Mary McQuade1 &
Craig Munns1,2
Institute of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Sydney Children’s Hospitals
Network - Westmead, NSW, Australia; 2Discipline of Paediatrics & Child
Health, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia; 3Department of Nuclear
Medicine, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network - Westmead, NSW,
*Winner of New Investigator Award
To evaluate the clinical outcomes of intravenous bisphosphonate treatment in
children with mild-moderate osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) who had progressed
from active bisphosphonate treatment to maintenance therapy for O2 years.
A retrospective review was conducted on 17 patients with mild-moderate OI.
Clinical data, fracture history, biochemistry, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
(DXA) parameters, vertebral measurements, bone age and metacarpal cortical
thickness were collected at three time points: before treatment, following active
treatment with high dose bisphosphonates and after establishment on a low dose
maintenance treatment phase. Active treatment was defined as zoledronic acid
0.05 mg/kg 6-monthly or pamidronate 6–9 mg/kg per year. Maintenance
treatment was defined as zoledronic acid 0.025 mg/kg 6-monthly or pamidronate
!4 mg/kg per year.
The mean age at commencement of active treatment was 4.8G2.6 years and
progression to maintenance therapy was 10.0G2.6 years. Mean time on
maintenance therapy was 4.1G1.4 years. Height Z-scores did not change
significantly over time but weight Z-scores during active and maintenance
treatment were higher than pre-treatment levels (see Table 1). There was a
significant reduction in fracture rate when active treatment was commenced. This
improvement was maintained during maintenance treatment. Biochemical
analysis of bone homeostasis revealed a significant reduction in bone turnover
markers between active and maintenance treatment.
DXA showed a significant improvement in bone mineral density (BMD), bone
mineral content (BMC) and BMC for lean-tissue mass Z-scores. Vertebral height
increased in both normal lumbar vertebrae (L1–L4) and fractured thoracic and
lumbar vertebrae from pre-treatment to active therapy and was maintained during
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
maintenance treatment. Assessment of hand X-rays showed that 2nd metacarpal
cortical thickness and relative cortical area increased over the treatment periods.
Table 1 Mineral homeostasis, DXA data and bone morphometry
Height Z-score
Weight Z-score
Fracture rate (number/
Calcium (mmol/l)
Alkaline phosphatase
Phosphorus (mmol/l)
Osteocalcin (nmol/l)
25-OH-Vitamin D (nmol/l)
Urine Deoxypyridinoline:Cr ratio (nM/mM)
Total BMD Z-score
L1–L4 BMD Z-score
Total BMC Z-score
BMC for LTM Z-score
Vertebral height (anterior:length ratio)
2nd Metacarpal relative
cortical area
improvements in trabecular BMD in younger participants, and the positive
association between growth and accrual of cortical dimensions suggest a window
of opportunity for recovery in the absence of significant glucocorticoid exposure
and disease activity.
Table 1 Results at baseline and LTFU.
Pediatric CD activity index,
n (%)
No active disease (% 10)
Mild (11–30)
Moderate to severe (O
Trabecular BMD-Z
Cortical BMD-Z
Cortical area-Z
P value
! 0.001
1 (2)
14 (29)
33 (69)
41 (85)
0 (0)
*P!0.05 compared to reference participants. Table limited to the 51 that
completed the LTFU visit. Z-scores presented as mean G S.D.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP14
Values represent meanGS.D.,*Represents P!0.05 compared to pretreatment values.
Maintenance intravenous bisphosphonate therapy preserved the beneficial effects
of a high dose active treatment regimen. Further studies are required to determine
the optimal bisphosphonate treatment regimen in the management of children
with OI.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP13
Dissecting the role of osteoblast derived nitric oxide in bone remodeling
Monica Grover*, Sandesh Nagamani, Ayelet Erez & Brendan Lee
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Inflammation and glucocorticoid therapy impair skeletal modeling
during growth following crohn disease diagnosis
Anne Tsampalieros1, Justine Shults2, Babette Zemel2, Robert Baldassano2
& Mary Leonard2
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Examine changes in volumetric BMD and cortical structure following Crohn
Disease (CD) diagnosis, and identify associations with growth, glucocorticoid
exposure and disease activity.
Prospective cohort study in 76 CD participants, ages 5–21 years. Tibia pQCT
scans were obtained at diagnosis, 6, 12 and a median of 42 months later. Sex, race
and age-specific Z-scores were generated based on O650 controls. Cortical
dimension Z-scores were adjusted for tibia length-for-age Z-score. Generalized
estimating equations were used to identify correlates of changes in Z-scores.
Disease activity improved markedly over the study interval (Table 1). Trabecular
BMD Z-scores increased significantly: improvements were greater over the first 6
months and in younger children (PZ0.005), and were associated with
improvements in disease activity (P!0.001). Cortical BMD Z-scores decreased
significantly: greater increases in tibia length were associated with greater
increases in cortical area Z-scores and declines (improvements) in endosteal
circumference Z-scores (both P!0.001). Increases in cortical area Z-scores were
associated with declines in cortical BMD Z-scores (P!0.001). Greater
glucocorticoid doses and disease activity were significantly associated with
lesser gains in cortical area, and these associations were more pronounced with
greater linear growth (interaction P!0.05). Despite minimal disease activity at
the final visit, trabecular and cortical BMD and cortical area Z-scores were
significantly reduced, compared with controls (all P!0.001).
These data suggest glucocorticoids and inflammatory disease activity independently impair cortical bone accrual relative to increases in tibia length, reflecting
the unique vulnerability of the growing skeleton. In contrast, the greater
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Bone accrual during adolescence is the main contributor to peak bone mass. Bone
remodeling is a balance between bone formation and resorption as directed by
osteoblast and osteoclast activity, respectively. nitric oxide (NO) is a potent
regulator of bone remodeling via mediating effects of cytokines, estrogen and
mechanical strain. NO is synthesized from the conversion of L-arginine to
L-citrulline by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Citrulline can be
reconverted to arginine by the enzymes argininosuccinate synthase (ASS) and
argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). ASL is the sole mammalian enzyme responsible
for endogenous L-arginine production and routing exogenous arginine to NOS for
NO synthesis. Deletion of ASL abolishes arginine dependent NO production in
the cell. Multiple studies have attempted to determine the role(s) of NO in bone
remodeling. However, as of yet no study has been able to dissect its role in a cell
specific manner.
NO produced by osteoblasts stimulates osteoblast proliferation and increases
bone mass in homeostasis and under hormonal stress.
Research design and methods
Using Cre-Lox technology, we created an osteoblast specific knockout of Asl in
the mouse model. Bilateral ovariectomy was performed at 12 weeks of age to
induce estrogen deficiency. Osteoblast activity and bone remodeling was
evaluated at 12, 20 and 24 weeks using bone turnover markers, mCT and
histomorphometry. Asl cKO female mice were compared to their sham-operated
and Asl Flox/Flox littermates at each time point.
Preliminary results
At 12 weeks of age, Asl cKO female mice have significantly lower trabecular
bone density (BV/TV), trabecular number (Tb.N.) and higher trabecular
separation (Tb.Sp.) in lumbar spine when compared to AslFlox/Flox littermate
female controls (P!0.05).
Our preliminary results show that Asl cKO female mice have lower bone mass in
lumbar spine at baseline suggesting an inherent role of NO in normal bone
mineralization. Evaluation of bone remodeling in the Asl cKO female mice under
an estrogen deficient state is ongoing. The translational value of the Asl cKO
model is potential development of pharmacologic and genetic manipulation of
ASL as an effective regulator of NO metabolism, ultimately leading to improved
bone mineralization.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.OP15
ICCBH 2013
Poster Presentations
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Poster Presentations
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P1
responsible for causing CACP syndrome has been reported previously in eight
patients of our cohort; it has been assigned to 1q25–q31. Furthermore; in seven
newly diagnosed patients from four unrelated families; five novel mutations were
found. No genotype/phenotype association was observed. All patients referred to
us while they were on NSAIDs, ten patients used prednisone and methotrexate;
and two patients treated with etanercept. Treatment in all patients was ineffective
apart from mild pain relief.
CACP syndrome is not uncommon disorder in Saudi Arabia. Pericarditis is rarely
seen in our patients. Our data suggests that CACP syndrome may be easily
confused with JIA, causing a delay in diagnosis and probably unnecessary
treatment with anti-rheumatic drugs including biologic agents.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P5
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P2
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P3
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P4
Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis syndrome: clinical
and molecular genetic findings
Sulaiman Al-Mayouf & Intisar Albuhairan
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
To describe the clinical, laboratory, radiological and genetic findings of
camptodactyly-arthropathycoxa vara-pericarditis (CACP) syndrome in Saudi
Medical records of all children with CACP syndrome seen between June 1990 and
June 2012 at KFSHRC-Riyadh were reviewed. The data included: gender, age at
disease onset, referral diagnosis, clinical and radiological features and molecular
genetic studies as well as functional status at the last follow-up visit.
Twenty-two patients (15 boys) with mean age at diagnosis of 3.7 years were
identified. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) was the referral diagnosis in the
majority. Camptodactyly and large joints arthropathy were present in all cases.
Camptodactyly was observed in the neonatal period in all patients, while other
joint involvement was observed through the 1st year of life. Two children had
evidence of pericarditis. All patients had normal inflammatory markers and
negative rheumatoid factor. Radiological findings included coxa vara with short
femoral neck and flat, irregular femoral heads and intra-osseous cysts. Synovial
biopsy from three patients revealed proliferating synovial epithelium with
moderate fibro-collagenous densities and multinucleated giant cells. A locus
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
The relationship between bone health and body composition profile in
patients with galactose metabolic disorders: implications for practice
Artemis Doulgeraki, Ioannis Monopolis, Domna Deligianni,
Maria Kalogerakou & Kleopatra Schulpis
Institute of Child Health, Athens, Greece.
To evaluate bone health and its possible correlations to body composition
parameters in young patients with galactose metabolic disorders, aiming to
suggest appropriate lifestyle interventions.
We studied 22 patients, aged 5–16 years with galactose metabolic disorders,
detected by neonatal screening. Fourteen suffered from classic galactosemia and
eight from other galactose metabolic disorders (i.e. epimerase or galactokinase
deficiency or homozygosity in Duarte type 2). All subjects had normal growth and
were under strict dietary control, using a non-soya product, which is a caseinbased, lactose-free feed, enriched with vitamins and minerals. They were
followed-up closely (every 6 months). Bone mineral density and body
composition were assessed with dual X-ray absorptiometry and the results were
compared to the reference population of the pediatric software of the apparatus.
We evaluated areal bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and total body, lean
tissue mass, body fat percentage, fat mass index and bone strength (bone mineral
content/lean tissue mass ratio).
In both groups, bone strength and median bone mineral density Z-scores were
within normal limits at both sites. However, classic galactosemia patients
appeared sarcopenic (median lean tissue mass Z-score ZK1.93, P!0.05),
whereas subjects with other enzymatic defects had low-normal muscle mass.
Also, nearly half of all patients were either overweight or obese. In classic
galactosemia, spine and total body bone mineral density were strongly correlated
to muscle mass (rZ0.81 and rZ0.9 respectively, P!0.05). In patients with other
galactose metabolic disorders, bone mineral density of total body was positively
correlated to BMI (rZ0.78, P!0.05). Finally, an almost linear relationship was
found between body fat percentage and fat mass index.
Adequate dietary control and close follow-up favour our patients’ bone health.
However, it appears that there is an imbalance between muscle and fat mass,
especially in patients with classic galactosemia. Given the observed strong
correlation between bone and muscle mass, counseling on exercise is needed, in
order to prevent sarcopenia, combat fatness and preserve bone quality.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P6
Osteometric parameters of mature rats mandible molars when
implanted in the tibia biogenic hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron
Luzin Vladislav, Morozov Vitaly & Morozova Helen
Luhansk State Medical University, Luhansk, Ukraine.
The aim of the study was to examine experimentally the possibility smoothing of
adverse effects of «fracture syndrome» in the parameters of the growth of the
molar row of the mandible with implant in the proximal tibial shaft biogenic
hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron at concentrations of 0.05, 0.15 and 0.50%.
For the experiment were collected 168 white mature male rats were divided into
four groups: 1st group, animals that in the proximal tibial shaft was applied the
ICCBH 2013
defect, 2nd, 3rd, 4th groups, the animals that formed in the bone defect was
implanted biogenic hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron at concentrations of 0.05,
0.15 and 0.50% respectively. Observation periods were 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 and
180 days. After the time of observation rats were euthanized under ether mask
anesthesia, extract of mandibles and using calipers measure the length and height
of the molar row of the mandible. The results obtained were processed in the
program «STATISTICA 5.5».
The height of the molar row in the group of animals with implanted biogenic
hydroxyapatite, saturated with iron in a concentration of 0.05% was more
parameters comparison group to 90 days at 5.03%, with 0.15% – length of the
molar row increased from 30 to 90 per day for 4.85, 2.74 and 3.00%, and the
height to only 90 days 3.91%, with 0.50% – length of the molar row increased to
60 days at 2.31%, and the height – decreased to 180 days at 7.88% (P!0.05).
Thus, we can assume that the implantation of biogenic hydroxyapatite, saturated
with iron in a concentration of 0.15% is preferable to smooth the negative
manifestations of the ‘fracture syndrome’ in relation to the growth parameters of
the molar row of the mandible than 0.05 and 0.50%.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P7
Compound heterozygosity of two functional null mutations in the ALPL
gene associated with deleterious neurological outcome in an infant with
Christine Hofmann1, Johannes Liese1, Hermann Girschick2, Franz Jakob3 &
Birgit Mentrup3
Children’s Hospital, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany;
Children’s Hospital, Vivantes Hospital im Friedrichshain, Berlin,
Germany; 3Orthopedic Department, Orthopedic Center for Musculoskeletal
Research, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a heterogeneous rare, inherited disorder of bone and
mineral metabolism caused by different mutations in the ALPL gene encoding the
isoenzyme, tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). Prognosis is very
poor in severe perinatal forms with most patients dying from pulmonary
complications of their skeletal disease. TNAP, a ubiquitous enzyme, is mostly
known for its role in bone mineralization. TNAP deficiency, however, may also
result in neurological symptoms such as neonatal seizures. The exact biological
role of TNAP in the human brain is still not known and the pathophysiology of
neurological symptoms due to TNAP deficiency in HPP are not understood in
Presenting problem and clinical management
In this report, we describe the clinical features and functional studies of a patient
with severe perinatal HPP which presented with rapidly progressive encephalopathy caused by new compound heterozygous mutations in the ALPL gene which
result in a functional ALPL ‘knock out’, demonstrated in vitro. In contrast, an
in vitro simulation of the genetic status of his currently asymptomatic parents who
are both heterozygous for one mutation, showed a residual in vitro AP activity of
above 50%. Interestingly, in our patient, the fatal outcome was due to progressive
encephalopathy which was refractory to antiepileptic therapy including
pyridoxine, rather than hypomineralization and respiratory insufficiency often
seen in HPP patients. The patient‘s cranial MRI showed progressive cystic
degradation of the white matter and nearly complete destruction of the cerebrum.
To our knowledge, this is the first MRI-based report of a deleterious neurological
clinical outcome due to a progressive encephalopathy in an infant harboring a
functional human ALPL ‘knock out’.
This clinical course of disease suggests that TNAP is involved in development
and may be responsible for multiple functions of the human brain. According to
our data, a certain amount of residual TNAP activity might be mandatory for
normal CNS function in newborns and early childhood.
CH received a scholarship from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research
IZKF Wuerzburg, Germany, B Mentrup is supported by Bundesministerium für
Bildung und Forschung BMBF, Berlin, Germany. J Liese and C Hofmann
received a study grant for a phase two study on Asfotase alpha treatment for
severe forms of HPP.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P8
A 6-month intervention study with vibration therapy in severely
disabled children: effects on bone, biochemical markers and acceptance
Diana Swolin-Eide1, Gunnar Braathen2, Roger Emilsson2, Ulla Glansen2,
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm3, Per Magnusson4, Bosse Zetterlund2,
Barbro Westerberg2 & Sophie Kilebrant2
Department of Paediatrics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, The Queen Silvia
Children’s Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; 2Habilitation and Health, Västra
Götalandregionen, Child and Youth Habilitation, Gothenburg, Sweden;
Department of Orthopaedics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska
Academy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; 4Division of
Clinical Chemistry, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
To study acceptance and the effects on bone during a 6-month whole body
vibration (WBV) therapy in severely disabled children.
Nineteen patients, age 5–16 years, with severe motor disabilities completed the
6-month WBV therapy standing on a self-controlled dynamic platform with
vibration, jumps and rotation. The WBV was performed twice per week at 40–
42 Hz. Bone mass and biochemical markers were measured at start and after 6 and
12 months.
WBV was perceived as positive by children and staff. Fractures were reported
during the study and 58% of the children had sustained fractures earlier in life.
Total body bone mineral density (BMD) (head excluded) and total body bone
mineral content (BMC) (head excluded), increased over the study period
(P!0.05). Total body BMD Z-scores were low in the group (range K4.4 to
K0.8) at start and did not change. Their BMI, fat and lean mass were unchanged
during the WBV. Markers of bone and mineral metabolism did not change
significantly, except for a small decrease in serum calcium. CTX, a marker of
bone resorption, was increased in 8 of 19 patients. Some patients normalized their
CTX levels after WBV, which could indicate a positive response to WBV.
However, the actual CTX values did not change significantly.
WBV appears to be safe and well-tolerated. Total body BMD and BMC (head
excluded) increased; however, the Z-scores were low and unchanged over the
study period. The low BMD Z-scores could be an effect of increased bone
resorption and decreased bone formation. Larger study groups, and possibly
longer vibration treatment periods, are needed to elucidate the potential benefits
of WBV on bone mass in children with severe motor disabilities.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P9
Osteoporosis in young patients with neurological impairments
Yasser Yaghi1,2, Fatiha E L Horr2, Youssef Mousa2, Kinda Yaghi2 &
Zeinab Hneineh2
Hammoud Hospital UMC, Saida, Lebanon; 2Lebanese Welfare Association
for the Handicapped, Sarafand, Lebanon.
Osteoporosis and resulting spontaneous fractures in young patients with
neurological impairments living outside institutions have not received much
attention. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of demineralization
in children and teens with such disabilities living in South Lebanon, an under
privileged region.
Subjects and methods
We reviewed 40 patients attending outpatient clinics in a referral rehabilitation
center in South Lebanon. All patients were under 20 years of age and their
impairment ranged from paraplegia to spastic palsy and polio. All patients
underwent CUS measurements, serum vitamin D testing and calculation of daily
dietary calcium intake.
We observed bone loss in almost all patients, Their mean serum vitamin D level
was 19.32 ng/ml while their mean daily calcium intake was 429.25 mg/day.
Younger patients with neurological disabilities are super fast bone loser
population and this could lead to high fracture rate, their management should
include supplementation with calcium and vitamin D and nutritional intervention
to improve dietary calcium intake and malnutrition as well as intensive
rehabilitation programs that include standing using various devices and walking
with orthotics for weight bearing the skeleton.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P10
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Abstract withdrawn
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P11
DXL measurements in children 2–10 years
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm1, Ragnar Kullenberg3, Kerstin
Albertsson Wikland2 & Diana Swolin-Eide2
Department of Orthopaedics, Clinical Sciences Sahlgrenska Academy,
Gothenburg, Sweden; 2Department of Paediatrics, Clinical Sciences
Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden; 3Department of Radiology,
Halmstad, Sweden.
To generate pediatric reference values for calcaneal bone mineral density (BMD)
in healthy 2–10 years old Swedish children.
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in combination with a laser
measurement of the heel thickness, DXL Calscan (Demetech AB), measures
bone mass in the calcaneus and an apparent density (BMAD) is calculated.
Healthy, Swedish children were included. The left foot was scanned in 117,
2-year-old; 110, 4-year-old; and 107, 7-year-old children using the DXL
technique. Half of the children were boys. More than 35% of the children from
each age group were followed for another 2 years. Height and weight were
determined annually and questionnaires concerning general health were
completed at every visit.
The mean BMD in the 2-year-old was 0.170G0.003 g/cm2, in the 4-year-old
0.221G0.003 g/cm2 and in the 7-year-old 0.296G0.005 g/cm2. The 7-year-old
girls had a significantly higher BMD than the boys (PZ0.026) but there were no
significant gender differences in the calcaneal BMD in 2- and 4-year-old. BMD
was significantly correlated with age (P!0.001, rZ0.78). A weaker correlation
was found between BMAD and age (P!0.001, rZ0.23). Based on the data from
the 2-year follow-up; a total of 645 (328 girls/317 boys) measurements, reference
curves (meanG2 S.D.) were produced for calcaneal BMD in girls and boys aged
2–10 years according to age and height.
Calcaneus can be an alternative for measurements when other bone mass
measurement techniques are not possible to use. Gender differences are present in
the calcaneal BMD at an early age. This study presents gender specific calcaneal
BMD reference curves for children 2–10 years of age. These data will be valuable
in future research and for evaluating the bone health in children with different
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P12
Bone turnover compensates for the delayed growth in small for
gestational age neonates
Roxane Tenta1, Ifigeneia Bourgiezi1, Evangelos Aliferis1,
Magda Papadopoulou2, Antonis Gounaris2 & Maria Skouroliakou1
Department of Nutrition Science and Dietetics, Harokopio University,
Athens, Greece; 2NICU, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, General Hospital of
Nikaia, Athens, Greece.
To investigate the possible relationship between neonatal anthropometric
characteristics and bone turnover and growth markers in a sample of neonates
and their mothers, taking into account the size for the gestational age.
A sample which consisted of 20 small for the gestational age (SGA), appropriate
for the gestational age (AGA), and large for the gestational age (LGA) randomly
selected term neonates and their 20 mothers were analyzed twice, at birth and at
exit. Elisa method was used to measure the osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor
activator of nuclear factor-kB (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), IGF1, IGFBP3,
and leptin levels in neonate and maternal serum. Data was analyzed using SPSS
Software (16.0).
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Birth weight and height were positively correlated with RANKL, IGF1, IGFBP3,
and negatively with the ratio OPG:RANKL. The multi-adjusted analysis showed
that SGA neonates presented lower RANKL values (bZK0.520, PZ0.036) and
higher OPG:RANKL ratio (bZ0.498, PZ0.044) comparing to AGA neonates,
while LGA neonates had higher RANK levels than AGA neonates (bZ0.593,
PZ0.022). Moreover, a positive association was shown between neonatal
IGFBP3 and maternal IGF1 values at birth (rZ0.466, PZ0.038) and at exit (rZ
0.558, PZ0.011) as well as between neonatal and maternal RANK values at birth
(rZ0.464, PZ0.039) and at exit (rZ0.732, P!0.001). Leptin levels did not
show any statistically significant results. The kind of birth, the number of birth
and the maternal habits (smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption) did not alter
these correlations.
These results reveal a remarkable up regulation of OPG:RANKL ratio in SGA
neonates, pointing out the role of bone turnover in compensating for the delayed
neonatal growth.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P13
Bone status and body composition analysis in young patients with
phenylketonuria and hyperphenylalaninemia
Artemis Doulgeraki1, Ioannis Monopolis1, Astrinia Skarpalezou1,
Areti Theodosiadou2 & Kleopatra Schulpis1
Institute of Child Health, Athens, Greece; 2Agia Sophia Children’s
Hospital, Athens, Greece.
To evaluate bone status and body composition in patients with phenylketonuria
and hyperphenylalaninemia.
Eighty patients (48 with phenylketonuria and 32 with hyperphenylalaninemia),
aged 5–18 years, early-diagnosed, underwent dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Bone mineral density (lumbar spine and total body), bone strength (bone mineral
content:lean tissue mass ratio), lean tissue mass, body fat percentage, and fat mass
index were measured. The above parameters were compared to reference
population values.
Compared to controls, all patients had bone strength and bone mineral density
within normal range at both sites (Z-score between K2 and 2), with low-normal
Z-scores at the spine (between K1 and K2) in 16% of patients with
phenylketonuria and 31% of hyperphenylalaninemics. Nearly 20% of patients
in both groups appeared sarcopenic (lean tissue mass Z-score !K2) and 33% had
low-normal muscle mass. Regarding fatness, 33% of the subjects in both groups
were either overweight or obese. Phenylketonuric, female teenagers with poor
dietary compliance were most at risk of being fat. In the hyperphenylalaninemia
group, no sex-related difference was detected; however, adolescents also tended
to be heavier. A positive correlation was found between bone mineral density and
muscle mass; also, between bone and fat mass. Moreover, Phenylalanine levels
and fat indices were positively correlated. Between the two groups, a higher body
fat percentage was recorded in the hyperphenylalaninemic subjects. There was no
difference in muscle and fat mass.
Despite the muscle-fat imbalance in patients with phenylketonuria and
hyperphenylalaninemia, bone status is relatively preserved. Adolescent patients
with poor dietary compliance or low-normal bone mineral density should be
targeted towards participation in more active exercise programs and more
frequent follow-up.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P14
Osteogenesis imperfecta-bone mass acquisition under bisphosphonates
treatment and additional gain in BMD in time of rhGH treatment for
growth delay
Corina Galesanu, Valentin Zaharia & Luminita Apostu
University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Gr.T.Popa’, Iasi, Romania.
Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type IA have a mild phenotype with
normal or near-normal height. The addition of recombinant human GH (rhGH) to
ongoing treatment with bisphosphonates can increase measures of BMD and
ICCBH 2013
growth. We studied growth rate bone density and bone metabolism in two girls
affected by OI type IA and growth delay.
Materials and methods
Eight children (six girls and two boys) with OI type IA were treated with
Risedronate. Among them two girls with mean age 6.5 years old presented growth
delay. These girls were treated with rhGH at a dose 0.35 mg/kg per week for 4
years or more. Auxologic data were measured every 3 months, bone age was
determined at the start and at every 6 months. At every 3 months IGFI,
osteocalcin, alkalinphosphatase, calcium and phosphorus blood levels, and
urinary hydroxyproline and calcium levels were determined. Bone mineral
density (BMD) measurements were made at the start and repeated at 12, 24, 36,
and 48 months at the lumbar spine and whole body by DXA.
After 48 months, linear growth velocity increased from 4.5 to 8 cm/year in the
first year, to 8.5 cm/year in the second, to 9.5 cm/year in the third year, and
5 cm/year in the fourth. DXA–BMD at lumbar spine increased significantly from
0.359 to 0.464 g/cm2 (C29%) in the first year to 0.505 g/cm2 (C9%) in the
second and to 0.585 g/cm2 (C15%) in the third and 0.649 g/cm2 (C10%) in the
fourth year. Whole body:BMD improvedC36% in the first year, 4.4% in the
second year, 9.5% in the third, and 16% in the fourth year. Serum osteocalcin
levels increased significantly after rhGH treatment.
rhGH treatment addition at bisphosphonates in OI type IA increases significantly
the rate of linear growth velocity. The bone turnover increases, and BMD in
lumbar spine and whole body increase also. The fractures did not increase. More
children shoud be treated with rhGH to see the long-term benefits of this treatment
in final adult height and quality of bone in OI.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P15
Bone size and bone mineral content in adolescents and young adults
with eating disorders
Sheila Shepherd1, Syed Faisal Ahmed3, Charlotte Oakley2,
Michelle Thrower2 & Guftar Shaikh1
RHSC, Yorkhill Hospitals, Glasgow, UK; 2Connect Eating Disorders,
Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS, Glasgow, UK; 3University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, UK.
The incidence of eating disorders has increased in 15–19 years old1. There is
growing concern as to its impact on bone health during adolescence where peak
bone mass acquisition is of paramount importance. This paper describes bone size
and size adjusted bone mineral content in an adolescent/young adult eating
disorder population.
A total of 68 patients (63 F/5 M, 90% anorexia nervosa and 10% atypical eating
disorder), median age 15.4 years (range 10.9–19.8) median BMI SDS K1.2
(range K4.7 to 0.8) attended the bone densitometry service between January 2009
and December 2012 for total body (TB) and lumbar spine (LS) DXA scans (Lunar
Prodigy DXA scanner driven by Encore Paediatric Software Version 13.3). Bone
size is reported as percent predicted bone area for age (ppBA-for-age), and for
size adjustment, the extent of bone mineralisation within the bone is described as
percent predicted bone mineral content for bone area (ppBMC-for-BA).
Median ppBA-for-age was 89% (range 66–114) at TB site, with 59% of patients
presenting with ppBA-for-age %90. When size adjusted, median ppBMC-for-BA
was 99.5% (range 89–116), with only 3% being in the %90% category at TB. At
LS site, median ppBA-for-age was 95% (range 65–128), while median ppBMCfor-BA was 94% (range 73–131). TB ppBA-for-age correlated positively with
BMI SDS (rZ0.417, PZ0.001), and negatively with age (rZK0.245, PZ0.021).
Median DXA Software derived paediatric analysis centiles were 35th (range
0–91st) for height for age (shorter bonesZless linear growth), 22nd (range 0–75th)
for bone area for height (thinner bonesZless periosteal expansion), 27th (range
0–95th) for lean mass for height (reduced muscle mass), and 52nd (range 1–99th)
for BMC for lean mass centile (adequate BMC for reduced lean mass).
In the adolescent/young adult eating disorder population, bones are small
compared to the normal healthy population, but not obviously pathological at this
stage. Muscle mass is low, but bone mineral content appears preserved at the
expense of a combination of periosteal expansion and linear growth. It is likely
that bone pathology in anorexia nervosa begins when restricted calorific intake is
prolonged following closure of the endplates, where little scope remains for size
adaptation. Long-term follow-up in these patients is required.
1. Epidemiology of eating disorders: incidence, prevalence and mortality rates.
Curr Psychiatry Rep 2012 14 406–414.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P16
The optimal dose of vitamin D in growing girls during academic years: a
randomized trial
Samane Tefagh, Mehrdad Shakiba & Zahra Nafei
Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
Vitamin D is an essential hormone for growth and development of bones in
children. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is remarkable during childhood and
adolescence throughout the world. The aim of this study was to specify the
optimal dose of vitamin D in growing girls during an academic year in a sunny
Materials and methods
This randomized clinical trial study was carried out in Yazd in the Center of Iran
in 2007; 120 junior high school girls (aged 12–15 years) were randomly divided
into four groups. Sixty students in groups I and II were initially treated for vitamin
D deficiency with 300 000 IU vitamin D3 and then randomly received
50 000 U/monthly or 100 000 IU/3 months vitamin D3; 60 other students in
groups III and IV received 50 000 and 100 000/3 months from the beginning of
the academic year. Medication continued for the entire academic year; 1 month
after the last dose, serum 25(OH)D levels were measured.
The mean level of 25 (OH) D was 29.7G4.60 ng/ml in group I and 30G
5.61 ng/ml in group II. Mean serum levels of 25(OH)D were 15.2G6 and 23G
6.8 ng/ml for groups III and IV respectively (Table 1).
This study shows that in the area with high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency
(more than 50%), recommended doses of neither 400 nor 800 IU/day are
sufficient to maintain optimal level in all. But after treatment of deficiency with
300 000 IU of vitamin D, both doses of 1000 or 2000 IU/day would maintain
serum 25(OH)D concentrations R20 ng/ml in all of the samples during academic
years. Yazd is one the sunniest provinces in the country and the Middle East,
therefore this study could reveal the minimum requirement of vitamin D in other
areas with less sunshine than our region.
Table 1
Groups 25(OH)D level
300 000C
50 000 IU
Group I
300 000C
100 000 IU
every 3
Group II
50 000 IU
every 3
Group III
100 000 IU
every 3
Group IV
Sever deficiency (25(OH)D !12) (%)
Deficiency (25(OH)DZ10–20) (%)
Adequate (25(OH)DZ20–30) (%)
Ideal (25(OH)DZ30–100) (%)
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P17
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Influence of anthropometric parameters on assessment of paediatric
bone mineral density and bone mineral content
Thomas N Hangartner1, David F Short1, Vicente Gilsanz2, Heidi
J Kalkwarf3, Joan M Lappe4, Sharon Oberfield5, John A Shepherd6, Babette
S Zemel7 & Karen Winer8
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA; 2Children’s Hospital, Los
Angeles, California, USA; 3Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; 4Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA;
Columbia University, New York, New York, USA; 6University of
California, San Francisco, California, USA; 7Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 8Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Creation of reference curves for areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and bone
mineral content (BMC) with consideration of relevant anthropometric variables.
Analysis of the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) data collected as part of
the Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study1, including 2012 boys and girls, 5–
22 years old, with a total of 10 525 visits, resulting in aBMD and BMC
observations at the lumbar spine, hip (neck and total), forearm and whole body
(total and sub-cranial). Multivariate statistics were used to rank order the
influence of the independent variables age, gender, race (black/non-black), height,
weight, percent body fat (%fat), and sexual maturity. Two different models were
created for each aBMD and BMC parameter, the practical model containing age,
gender, race, height, and weight as well as the full model adding %fat. We
compared the number of cases that fell below 2 S.D.s in our models with those
below the same limit of the currently standard LMS model2, which is based on
age, gender and race, and of the height adjusted Z-scores3.
For the six aBMD parameters, age, gender, weight and %fat were the most
influential predictors, whereas height, race and maturity added little improvement
to the models. In contrast, for the six BMC parameters, age, weight and %fat were
the top predictors, but not gender. In comparing the overlap of subjects identified
as below the normal limit of K2 S.D.s, between 56 and 84% of subjects identified
as below normal based on the LMS model are not classified as being below
normal in our practical model. Using the full model, the misclassification
increases for all aBMD and BMC parameters, ranging from 61 to 92%. The
height-adjusted Z-scores reduced the misclassifications to 41–59% in comparison
to the practical model and to 55–73% in comparison to the full model.
The traditional comparison of paediatric BMD and BMC data against age-,
gender-, and race-matched controls can be refined if anthropometric parameters
are taken into account.
1. Sponsored by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development.
2. Zemel BS et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011 96 3160–3169.
3. Zemel BS et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011 95 1265–1273.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P18
Positive correlation of serum vitamin D status with bone density and
bone quality among adolescent girls in Hong Kong
Tsz Fung Cheung1, Wing Sze Yu1, Tsz Ping Lam1, Ka Yan Chan1, Fiona
Wai Ping Yu1, Bobby Kin Wah Ng1, Simon Kwong Man Lee2, Ling Qin1 &
Jack Chun Yiu Cheng1
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 2Lee Hysan Clinical Research Laboratory, Faculty
of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Vitamin D is essential for bone modeling/remodeling but the relationship between
vitamin D status, bone mineral density (BMD) and bone quality parameters
remains controversial especially in adolescent population. The aims of this study
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
wase to evaluate the vitamin D status and its correlation with BMD and bone
quality parameters among adolescent girls in Hong Kong where information is
156 adolescent girls (11–15 years old) were recruited separately in both summer
and winter. Serum 25(OH) VitD was measured by liquid chromatography–
tandem mass-spectrometry. BMD of bilateral femoral necks and bone quality
parameters (bone morphometry, compartmental volumetric BMD (vBMD), and
trabecular micro-architecture) of the non-dominant distal radius were measured
by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and high-resolution peripheral quantitative
computed tomography respectively. Multivariate linear regression was used to
detect any correlation between bone parameters and serum 25(OH)VitD levels
and P!0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Prevalence of significant vitamin D insufficiency (25%25(OH)VitD !50 nmol/l)
and deficiency (25(OH)VitD !25 nmol/l) was 69.2 and 11.5% respectively. The
mean serum 25(OH)VitD level in summer and winter were 43.9G12.0 and
34.9G10.0 nmol/l respectively. After adjustment for age, BMI, Tanner staging,
physical activity level, dietary calcium intake and season, the positive correlations
between 25(OH)VitD and femoral BMD was statistically significant. The positive
correlations between 25(OH)VitD and femoral BMD, distal radius trabecular
vBMD, meta-trabecular vBMD and bone volume-over-tissue volume remained
significant for those with 25(OH)VitD level O25 nmol/l in summer. In contrast,
no significant correlation was detected with the winter data.
Despite being a subtropical city located at a latitude of 228N, vitamin D
insufficiency with associated low femoral BMD and abnormal key bone quality
parameters was found to be highly prevalent among adolescent girls in Hong
Kong. This could post an important bone health issue of significant public health
concern. Further studies to investigate the association with lifestyle factors and
related therapeutic measures targeted on vitamin D insufficiency are warranted.
The project was funded by General Research Fund, University Grants Council of
Hong Kong (project numbers: 468411, 468809).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P19
Assessment of vitamin D nutrition status and dietary calcium intake in
children 2–5 years of age
Priyanka Kureel, Anju Seth, Ritu Singh, R K Marwah & Satvinder Aneja
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India.
To assess the vitamin D nutrition status of healthy children in the age group 2–5
years and to assess the daily dietary calcium intake of these children.
A total of 100 healthy children (age group 2–5 years) were studied in this cross
sectional study. Dietary calcium and energy intake was estimated using 24 h
dietary recall method. Average sun exposure over last 3 days was assessed by
calculating u.v. score. Biochemical parameters assessed included serum calcium
(total and ionic), inorganic phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), parathormone (PTH) and 25 hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD).
Diet of 32% children provided met the ICMR recommendation of daily dietary
calcium intake R600 mg. 23% children had an adequate vitamin D nutrition
status (serum 25OHD R20 ng/ml). Average sun exposure was 21.4G19.8
min/day (range 5–120 min). Only 9% children had adequate calcium intake
(R600 mg/day) as well as optimal vitamin D status. 54% children did not have
either adequate calcium intake or optimal vitamin D status. Serum PTH was
elevated in 5% and ALP in 10% cases. Serum ALP was significantly higher in
subjects with 25OHD !10 ng/ml. No correlation was observed between serum
25OHD and PTH levels.
Bone health status of children 2–5 years of age is sub-optimal, with prevalence of
vitamin D deficiency in 77% and low dietary calcium intake in 68% subjects.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P20
ICCBH 2013
Bone disease in children with geroderma osteodysplasticum: a 25-year
experience from a single tertiary centre
J S Gopal-Kothandapani1, R Padidela1, J Clayton-Smith2, K E Chandler2,
J E Adams3, A J Freemont4 & M Z Mughal1
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; 2School of
Biomedicine, Genetic Medicine, Manchester Academic Health Sciences
Centre (MAHSC), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 3Department
of Radiology, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC), The
Royal Infirmary and University of Manchester, Manchester, UK;
Regenerative Medicine, Developmental Biomedicine Research Group,
School of Medicine, Stopford Building, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK.
Geroderma osteodysplasticum (GO) is a rare autosomal recessive connective
tissue disorder characterised by progeria like facies, wrinkled lax skin, joint
hypermobility, congenital dislocation of hips and propensity to fragility fractures.
In the past 25 years, five patients (three females and two males) diagnosed with
GO were referred to our Paediatric metabolic bone service for assessment and
management of secondary bone problems. All five children were born to
consanguineous parents of Pakistani origin.
Four out of five patients had significant bone problems at presentation or
developed them subsequently. Two patients had congenital dislocation of hips
and two had talipes equinovarus. Four patients with radiologically apparent
osteopaenia developed vertebral wedge fractures. Three children suffered nonvertebral fractures, which included: the femur, the tibia, the clavicle, a metatarsal
bone and a middle phalanx.
this study was to investigate the bone quality in AIS and its association with leptin
and soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R).
This was a case–control study involving 94 newly radiologically diagnosed AIS
girls (Cobb angle 12–488) aged 12–14 years old and 87 age and gender-matched
normal controls. Serum total leptin and sOB-R were assayed with ELISA. Nondominant distal radius was scanned with high resolution peripheral quantitative
computed tomography for assessing bone quality in terms of bone morphometry,
volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and trabecular bone micro-architecture.
AIS girls had higher sOB-R (PZ0.006), lower cortical vBMD (PZ0.023), higher
cortical bone perimeter (PZ0.024), and higher trabecular area (PZ0.026).
Correlation analysis (Table 1) on leptin level indicated that while its correlations
with cortical bone parameters were present in both AIS and controls, the
correlations with trabecular bone parameters were only present significantly in
AIS. For sOB-R, significant correlations were detected with cortical bone
parameters only in controls.
This study showed that bone quality in AIS was deranged as compared with
normal controls. In addition, the difference in correlation pattern between leptin,
sOB-R and bone parameters indicated possible abnormalities in bone metabolism
and disturbance on leptin signaling. The implication and how this is linked to the
generalized low bone mass and the etiopathogenesis of AIS warrant further
Table 1 Correlations of cortical and trabecular bone parameters with leptin
and sOB-R in AIS and controls. This study was supported by Institut de
France Fondation Yves Cotrel.
Lumbar spine bone
mineral apparent
density Z-score
BMD Z-score
Distal radial
total BMD
Distal radial
BMD Z-score
Trans-iliac bone biopsies in two childrens showed severe cortical and trabecular
osteopaenia. Data on bone densitometry, which was performed in three childrens,
is shown in the table below. Cyclical intravenous Pamidronate therapy resulted in
reduced number of long-bone fractures and remodelling of vertebral fractures. In
one patient who had serial bone densitometry performed, intravenous
Pamidronate therapy resulted in an improvement in bone mineral density
(BMD) values at axial and appedicular skeletal sites.
In our experience, severity of bone disease in children with GO is variable. It is
characterised by cortical and trabecular osteopenia and intravenous
bisphosphonate therapy appears to improve bone mineral density and reduce
the fracture risk.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P21
Association of volumetric bone mineral density, bone morphometry and
trabecular bone micro-architecture with leptin and soluble leptin
receptor in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Elisa M S Tam1,4, Fiona W P Yu1,4, Vivian W Y Hung1, Zhen Liu2,4, TszPing Lam1,4, King Lok Liu1,4, Bobby K W Ng1,4, Simon K M Lee3,4,
Yong Qiu2,4 & Jack C Y Cheng1,4
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 2Spine Surgery, The Affiliated Drum Tower
Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China; 3Lee
Hysan Clinical Research Laboratories, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong; 4Joint Scoliosis Research Center, Chinese University of
Hong Kong and Nanjing University, Hong Kong.
Low bone mass in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has been well reported,
however the etiologies of the disease and this abnormal phenotype were still
unknown. Leptin have profound effects on bone metabolism and skeletal growth,
and was speculated to play a role in the etiopathogenesis of AIS. The objective of
Cortical vBMD
Cortical area
Cortical thickness
Cortical bone perimeter
Trabecular vBMD
Meta trabecular vBMD
Inner trabecular vBMD
Trabecular area
Trabecular BV/TV
Trabecular thickness
*P!0.05 and †P!0.01. NS, not significant.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P22
Drop in allograft function associates with drop in bone mineral density
Z-score in pediatric renal transplant recipients
Elizabeth Anyaegbu, Jie Zheng, Stanley Hmiel & Vikas Dharnidharka
Washington University, St Louis, Missouri, USA.
The high prevalence of renal osteodystrophy (ROD) in pediatric renal transplant
recipients has been linked to the duration on dialysis pre transplant, exposure to
steroids, nutritional deficiencies, limitations in physical activity and ethnicity.
The incomplete resolution of ROD in transplant recipients has been found to be
associated persistent abnormalities in mineral metabolism associated with
allograft dysfunction in the post transplant period.
We hypothesized that the rate of change in bone mineral density is associated to
the change in allograft function after correcting for the change expected with
increasing age.
We retrospectively reviewed the DEXA scan and iothalamate GFR (iGFR) results
in 48 post pubertal pediatric renal transplant recipients who had at least one study
done between 2005 and 2012. These tests are standard of care in our program at
1 year post-transplant in children above 12. The mean age was 16G2.3 (12–20)
years and 60% (29/48) were male. The average age at transplant was 13G4.2 (2–
19) years and 62.5% (30/48) were transplanted preemptively. The duration of
CKD prior to transplant was 904.6G829.6 (37–3856) days. 17/48 patients had
more than one DEXA scan done. The mean Z-score for the spine, femur and hip
were K0.2G1.3, K0.5G1.1, and K0.4G1.0. Spine, femur and total hip BMD Zscores were O2 S.D. below the mean in 6.25, 8.33, and 6.25% respectively.
Change in allograft function correlated inversely with change in Z-score at the hip
(r2ZK0.725; P valueZ0.027) but did not reach statistical significance for the
spine (r2ZK0.625; PZ0.057).
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Although the DEXA scan has limitations in the detection of impaired bone
mineralization in the pediatric population, it appears to maintain a strong
correlation with allograft function in this limited cohort.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P23
Effects of endurance training on somatic growth in a rat model of
chronic kidney disease related growth retardation
Daniel Landau1, Maayan Guterman1, Ari Yahalom1, Ariel Troib1,
Ralph Rabkin2 & Yael Segev1
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel; 2Stanford University, Palo Alto,
California, USA.
CKD in children is associated with suppressed body growth. Physical activity has
been previously shown to increase expression of IGF1 signaling in muscles of rats
with CKD, but the effects of this intervention on bone tissue have not been
investigated yet. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aerobic
exercise on CKD related bone disease.
Twenty-day old/50 g male rats underwent a two step subtotal nephrectomy (Nx)
or sham surgeries. The animals were divided into two running groups: control
(Cr) and CKD (CKDr) (treadmill running, 20 m/min, 0.5 h/day, 5 days/week) and
two non running groups: control (C) and CKD. Food delivery was equal for all
groups. The intervention lasted 4 weeks. We monitored somatic growth levels,
kidney function and proximal tibiae epiphyseal growth plate (EGP) histomorphometry.
Growth retardation (both longitudinal and weight gain) was well noticed in CKD
vs C. Exercise caused an increase in longitudinal growth and tibial length in Cr Vs
C rats. However, CKDr rats did not grow better than CKD. CKDr rats consumed
less food than CKD but grew to the same extent, hinting for better food efficiency.
The EGP hypertrophic zone was wider and vascularization at the primary
ossification center was decreased in CKD vs C. EGP immunostainable IGF1 and
VEGF as well as VEGF mRNA were reduced in CKD. However, total EGP width
(both proliferative and hypertrophic zones) was increased in CKDr vs CKD.
CKD induces growth retardation irrespective of food intake, associated with
widened EGP hypertrophic zone but less vacularization, hinting for a chondrocyte
maturation arrest. Endurance training did not rescue CKD somatic growth
retardation, but longitudinal bone formation (as reflected by EGP histomorphometry) was better organized.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P24
Maternal bone density and rickets in Nigerian children
Jennifer Hsu1, Philip Fischer1, John Pettifor2 & Thomas Thacher1
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA; 2Third Department of
Paediatrics, University of the Witwatersrand and Chris Hani Baragwanath
Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa.
While nutritional rickets is traditionally associated with vitamin D deficiency, a
number of other etiological factors have been proposed, including low calcium
intake. Maternal nutrition can affect fetal and infant skeletal growth and
development. Our aim was to determine the relationship between maternal bone
density and rickets in Nigerian children.
We measured areal forearm bone mineral density (BMD) in 56 and 131 mothers
of children with and without nutritional rickets, respectively. Active rickets was
confirmed with radiographs of the wrists and knees. Pregnancy and lactation
status were recorded, but bone density measurements were not performed in the
first trimester of pregnancy. Using logistic regression, we assessed the association
of maternal forearm bone density, controlling for parity, pregnancy and lactation
status, duration of most recent breastfeeding, age of menarche, and maternal age
with nutritional rickets.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
The median (range) age of mothers was 30 years (17–47 years), and parity was 4
(1–12). A total of 36 (19%) were pregnant and 55 (29%) were currently breast
feeding. Mean (GS.D.) distal forearm BMDs were 0.321G0.057 and 0.314G
0.052 g/cm2 in mothers of children with and without rickets respectively
(PZ0.43). Proximal 1/3 forearm BMDs were 0.719G0.071 and 0.713G
0.070 g/cm2 respectively (PZ0.58). Bone mineral content and bone area were
not significantly different between the two groups. Neither the distal nor proximal
1/3 forearm maternal BMD was associated with nutritional rickets in multivariate
logistic regression (PZ0.42 and 0.84 respectively). In the adjusted analysis,
rickets was associated with shorter duration of breast feeding (OR 0.90 for each
additional month; PZ0.01) and use of lead-containing eye cosmetics by mothers
(OR 4.78; PZ0.01). Maternal age, parity, age of menarche, and BMI were not
associated with having had a child with rickets in multivariate analysis.
There was no relationship between maternal BMD and nutritional rickets in
children. However, early discontinuation of breast feeding and use of leadcontaining eye cosmetics may increase the risk of nutritional rickets in Nigerian
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P25
Improvement in genu valgus deformity in hypophosphatemic rickets
due to primary de Toni-Debré-Fanconi syndrome treated with
phosphate, calcitriol and alkali therapy
Sasigarn Bowden, Hiren Patel, Allan Beebe & Kim McBride
Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA.
Primary de Toni-Debré-Fanconi syndrome is a metabolic disorder characterized
by hypophosphatemic rickets or osteomalacia, renal tubular acidosis, renal
glycosuria, generalized aminoaciduria. It is a non-FGF23-mediated hypophosphatemic disorder, with primary defect in proximal tubular dysfunction. The
orthopaedic sequela of this rare disorder in the literature is scarce.
Presenting problem
We present a clinical case of a 10-year-old female with primary de Toni-DebréFanconi syndrome resulting in hypophosphatemic rickets treated with
phosphorus, calcitriol and sodium citrate with a satisfactory orthopaedic outcome.
Clinical management
The patient presented with genu varum with biochemical and radiographic rickets
at age 1 year. She was initially diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency rickets and
treated with ergocalciferol at various doses for 2 years with no improvement. She
had complaints of polyuria, polydipsia, enuresis, and bone pain. Further
investigations showed phosphaturia, glycosuria, proteinuria, and acidosis.
Diagnosis of hypophosphatemic rickets due to primary de Toni-Debré-Fanconi
syndrome was subsequently made, without evidence of cystinosis. Respiratory
chain enzyme analysis identified a complex I mitochondrial deficiency as
underlying cause. She was then started on low dose phosphate therapy, and
sodium citrate at age 3 years with some improvement in bone pain but continued
bone deformity. At her first evaluation at the Pediatric Metabolic Bone Clinic at
age 5 years, she was noted to have swelling of her knees with genu valgus
deformities of 24 degrees. Her phosphate dose was increased to 70 mg/kg per day
and she was started on calcitriol 0.5 mg/day. She had significant improvement in
her genu valgum with normal growth. By age 10 years, her genu valgus
deformities were 4 degrees with healing of rickets. She had no fractures. Her bone
mineral density (BMD) at age 10 years showed normal lumbar BMD Z-score at 0,
while total body BMD Z-score was low at K2.2.
This patient had excellent improvement in bone deformity associated with
hypophosphatemic rickets, despite late proper medical intervention. Non-FGF23mediated hypophosphatemic rickets may have better response to medical therapy
as compared to FGF23-mediated hypophosphatemic rickets in which bone
deformity continues to progress on medical therapy and surgical correction is
often required.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P26
ICCBH 2013
Randomized-controlled study in kidney transplanted children: early
corticoids withdrawal and effect on bone health recovery
Maria Loreto Reyes1, Verónica Mericq2, Paulina Salas3, Viola Pinto3,
Francisco Cano4, Magdalena González6, Keenan Brown5 &
Angela Delucchi4
Unit of Pediatric Endocrinology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile; 2Institute of Maternal and Child Research, University of
Chile, Santiago, Chile; 3Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Hospital Excequiel
Gonzalez Cortes, Santiago, Chile; 4Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Hospital
Luis Calvo Mackenna, Santiago, Chile; 5Mindways Software, Austin,
Texas, USA; 6Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Chile,
Santiago, Chile.
Glucocorticoid immune suppression in kidney transplanted children jeopardizes
optimal bone health recovery. So far, there are no studies that evaluate the effect
of transplant and corticoid in bone parameters separately.
To determine the effect of early corticosteroid withdrawal in bone parameters.
Randomized, controlled study; two groups: corticosteroid withdrawal (at the
6th day post-transplant, then tacrolimus/mycophenolate; CW) and corticosteroids
(C). Evaluations: PTH, 25OH and 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D, bone turnover markers,
Klotho, FGF-23, IGF1, IGFBP3, pQCT (radius 4% and tibia y radio 65%) at
baseline and 12 months post-transplant.
Thirty patients: 14 CW and 16 SC, age: 7.8G4.3 years, 17 males. Significantly,
there was a decrease in PTH, increase in IGF1; IGFBP3; 25OHD, bone specific
alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatases increase only in C group (Fig. 1).
Cortical bone mineral density (BMD) decreases in both groups significantly at the
4% radius, and tends to increase at the 65% tibia and 65% radius. These increases
correlate positively with IGF1 and lean mass. In both groups, 4% radius changes,
in trabecular and cortical BMD and CSA correlate with changes in height-SD,
bone turnover markers and PTH. In 65% radius and tibia, increase in trabecular
CSA correlated positively with height–S.D., IGF1 and 25OHD. In both groups,
FGF-23 and Klotho decrease. Klotho correlates negatively with trabecular CSA in
4% radius and 25OHD.
Transplant produces significant changes in pQCT and turnover markers
independently of corticoids. These changes are more favorable when
corticosteroids are removed earlier.
Supported by Fondecyt 1080166. (IDr:
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P27
Vitamin D insufficiency and its correlation with low bone mass in
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Tsz Ping Lam1, Fish Wing Sze Yu1, Queenie Wah Yan Mak1, Franco Tsz
Fung Cheung1, Kwong Man Lee2, Bobby Kin Wah Ng1, Ling Qin1 & Jack
Chun Yiu Cheng1
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 2Lee Hysan Clinical Research
Laboratories, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Figure 1 Percentage changes in pQCT variables (mean and S.E.M.). Rose bars, corticoid
withdrawal; blue bars, corticoid group. *P!0.05. In all sites, cortical cross sectional area
(CSA) decreases and trabecular CSA increases, significantly more in the C group.
AIS is associated with both low bone mass and elevated serum bone alkaline
phosphatase. The greater the latitude of the geographical region, the higher is the
prevalence of AIS. These specific features were compatible with the presence of
either Vit-D insufficiency or abnormal physiology with Vit-D. It is important to
evaluate these potentially treatable conditions regarding their roles in the
etiopathogenesis of AIS. The objectives of this case-control study were to
evaluate Vit-D status and its correlation with areal bone mineral density (aBMD)
in AIS subjects and normal controls.
215 AIS girls and 186 gender-matched non-AIS healthy controls (mean age
12.9G0.6 and 12.9G0.5 yeas old respectively, PZ0.449) were recruited in the
summer and winter season. aBMD at bilateral femoral necks was measured with
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and serum 25(OH)Vit-D was measured
with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectroscopy.
The mean aBMD at the right and left side for AIS subjects were 0.752G0.109 and
0.745G0.107, and that for controls were 0.785G0.114 and 0.785G0.117 g/cm2
respectively. The mean 25(OH)Vit-D levels for AIS and controls were 41.6G
14.4 and 39.5G11.5 nmol/l respectively(PZ0.103). With multivariate linear
regression analysis using aBMD as the dependent variable and after adjustment
for age, body weight, armspan, season, physical activity and dietary calcium
intake levels, the P value of the regression coefficient for 25(OH)Vit-D level for
the right and left side for controls were 0.055 and 0.047, while that for AIS were
0.804 and 0.466 respectively.
Both the AIS and control group had mean 25(OH)Vit-D levels at the insufficiency
range. The positive correlation between Vit-D level and aBMD that was seen in
normal controls was not present in AIS subjects, thus spelling out the possibility
of certain degree of Vit-D resistance being present in AIS. Whether the lack of
correlation is responsible for low bone mass that characterizes AIS and how this is
related to the etiopathogenesis of AIS warrant further studies.
Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong S.A.R., China (project nos: 468809
and 468411).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P28
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Coping with osteogenesis imperfecta; what kind of difficulties are
families living with?
Leyla Baysan Arabacı2, Sati Bozkurt1, Senay Vara3, Samim Ozen3,
Damla Goksen3 & Sukran Darcan3
Nursing Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey; 2Health Science Institute,
Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey; 3Department of Pediatrics,
Medical Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) the most common genetic disorder of bone is
characterized by frequent, unpredictable fractures of long bones with progressive
skeletal deformity. Although patients with OI are severely affected physically,
this disorder may have a profound influence on patients and their families. This
report reviews the extent of this influence, which includes the emotional burdens,
the social costs of immobilization and repeated hospitalization.
A total of 46 OI family members were included in this cross sectional report. The
interviews were based on a questionnaire including a total of 16 open ended and
19 close ended questions. Descriptive statistical methods were used.
The mean age of the study group was 35.52G6.65 years and 93.5% of the were
mothers. 37% of the families were consanguineous. 95.7% of the family members
described OI as brittle bones but included emotional emphasis as ‘very bad, damn,
something that needs sacrifice, hard, disappointing, a disease that composes
perturbation and hopelessness’. 91.3% of them thought that their knowledge
about OI and books in Turkish about OI were inadequate. When they were first
diagnosed all of them felt anxiety, 95.7% sadness, 89.1% amazement, 87%
uneasiness, 87% fear, 84.8% disappointment, and 60.9% depressive. They coped
with this situation by; trying to learn about the disease 67.4%, taking social
support from their relatives 65.2%, with the help of religion 54.3%, help of their
doctor 45.7%, with the help of the health care providers 37% and by drifting apart
from people 43.5%. 56.5% them had physical, 97.8% psychological, 97.8%
social, and 76.1% had economical problems. 82.6% of the caregivers claimed
inadequate information was given by the health care professionals.
Although medical treatment is of utmost importance it is necessary to regard other
aspects as psychological, social, and moral in patients and their families with OI.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P29
The effect of psychoeducation in families with osteogenezis imperfecta
Sati Bozkurt1, Leyla B Aysan Arabaci2, Senay Vara3, Samim Ozen3,
Sukran Darcan3 & Damla Goksen3
Nursing Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey; 2Health Science Institute,
Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey; 3Department of Pediatrics,
Medical Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.
To investigate the effect of psychoeducation program in families with
osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
Sixteen family members of OI patients were included in the program. The
research was designed as a semi structural, semi experimental pre and post test.
The scales used were; Introductory Information Form, Burden Interview (BI),
Coping Strategies Scale (CSS), Problem Solving Inventory (PSI), and
Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS). A ten session psycho education
program was conducted between September and December 2012 with the
caregivers of OI patients. SPSS 16 package program was used for the statistical
The mean age of the caregivers’ was 35.25G6.79 years. In the pre education
period the participants described OI as; fragile bones (100%) and the emotional
impression was described as ‘very bad, damn’. After psychoeducation these
changed to ‘a decrease in collagen’ (68.8%) and a disease that effects a family
lifelong without a definite cure. The psychological effects of the disease decreased
with education. Anger from 43.8 to 6.3%, sadness from 93.8 to 6.3%, anxiety
from 68.8 to 31.3%, stress from 81.3 to 6.3%, and intimidation from 50 to 0%.
Similarly social isolation decreased from 50 to 18%, social scantiness from 87.5
to 12.5%, protective behavior from 93.5 to 12.5%. Besides all of these the
participants reported a decrease; in neglecting the healthy child, channeling the
anger to the other child or to the spouse and feeling of anger. The ambiguity in
the progress of the disease decreased from 100 to 56.3%, lack of information from
75 to 6.3%, and the cosmetic anxiety from 18.8 to 6.3%. After psychoeducation
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
75% of the participants stated positive modifications in their lives. In variance
analyses the differences before and after psychoeducation was significant in
burden interview scale; compliance subscale of coping strategies scale;
orientation, professional surrounding, social surrounding and psychosocial
adjustment subscales of PAIS-SR (P!0.05).
With the psychoeducation as their knowledge increased about OI, the feeling of
anxiety have decreased. Positive modifications have been stated in social area and
their family relations. With this education program the participants had the chance
of evaluating their lives and making changes in their psychosocial environment.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P30
Craniofacial consequences of high dose zoledronic acid injections in
onco-pediatric patients
Frederic Lezot1, Julie Chesneau1, Severine Battaglia1, Regis Brion1, JeanChristophe Farges2, Dominique Heymann1 & Francoise Redini1
INSERM UMR 957 – Université de Nantes EA 3822, Nantes, France;
IGFL, CNRS UMR-5242, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France.
High doses of zoledronic acid (ZOL), one of the most potent inhibitors of bone
resorption; is currently evaluated in a phase III clinical trial in Europe for the
treatment of malignant pediatric primary bone tumors. The impact of such an
intensive treatment on the craniofacial skeleton is a critical question in the context
of patients with actively growing skeleton; in particular in the light of our
previous studies evidencing that endochondral bone formation was transiently
disturbed by high doses of ZOL.
Two protocols adapted from pediatric treatments were developed for newborn
mice (A total of five or ten injections of ZOL 50 mg/kg every 2 days). Their impact
on skull bones and teeth growth was analyzed by microCT and histology up to 3
months after the last injection.
ZOL administrations induced a transient delay of skull bone growth and an
irreversible delay in incisor and first molar eruption and root elongation. Other
teeth eruption was affected, but most were erupted by 3 months. All molars root
histogenesis was severely impacted and massive odontogenic tumor-like
structures were observed in all mandibular incisors.
High doses of ZOL irreversibly disturbed teeth eruption and elongation, and
delayed skull bone formation. These preclinical observations are essential for the
follow-up of onco-pediatric patients treated with ZOL.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P31
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on calcium excretion in
Sadana Balachandar, Maria Vogiatzi, Patricia Giardina, Sujit Sheth,
Dorothy Kleinert & Rachel Randolph
Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York,
Transfusion dependent thalassemia (TM) patients have routinely been placed on
vitamin D supplementation due to their increased risk of osteoporosis, as well as
their high rates of vitamin D deficiency (serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD)
!11 ng/ml) and insufficiency (25-OHD !30 ng/ml). Furthermore, recent studies
have linked 25-OHD levels to hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis in TM. The
objective of this study is to determine the effect of vitamin D supplementation on
vitamin D stores and calcium excretion in TM patients.
Prospective, single-blind, placebo-controlled study of TM patients followed in the
transfusion clinic at Weill Cornell/New York Presbyterian Hospital. Patients with
25-OHD concentrations between 15 and 29 ng/ml were eligible for this 3-month
study. Subjects were assigned in a block type of enrollment to the ‘high dose’
(2,000 IU of vitamin D/day) group vs placebo group.
Twenty subjects were evaluated, with 10 assigned to each group. The ‘high dose’
group consisted of seven females/three males, aged 14.6–45.7 years. The placebo
group consisted of five females/five males, aged 15.2–45.5 years.
ICCBH 2013
After the 3 month study period, hypercalciuria developed more frequently in
those treated in the ‘high dose’ group. In the placebo group, the average 25-OHD
level did not change significantly (baseline: 17.6 ng/ml, 3 month 17.0 ng/ml,
PZ0.65). 2/10 (20.0%) and 0/5 (0%) developed hypercalciuria or had worsening
hypercalciuria, based on spot urine calcium/creatinine and 24 h urine calcium
excretion, respectively. In the ‘high dose’ group, the average 25-OHD level
increased from 20.1 to 31.9 ng/ml (P!0.01). 5/10 (50.0%) and 3/7 (42.8%)
developed hypercalciuria or had worsening hypercalciuria, based on spot urine
calcium/creatinine and 24 h urine calcium excretion, respectively.
Our findings suggest that ‘high dose’ vitamin D supplementation results in high
rates of hypercalciuria in TM patients. Further studies are necessary to determine
the optimal dose of vitamin D supplementation and ideal 25-OHD level to
minimize the risk of osteoporosis while preventing nephrolithiasis in TM patients.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P32
Patients with mutations in PHEX or FGF23 share FGF23 excess but
present distinct bone and mineral metabolism features
Claire Théret1, Laure Esterle2, Pierre-Francois Souchon3, Emma AllainLaunay4, Gwennaelle Roussey4, Georges Deschenes5,
Catherine Chaussain6, Anya Rothenbuhler2, Dominique Prié7,
Caroline Silve2, Peter Kamenicky2 & Agnès Linglart2
Hôpital de Lons Le Saunier, Saunier, France; 2INSERM and Paris 11
University, le Kremlin Bicetre, Kremlin, France; 3CHU de Reims, Reims,
France; 4CHU de Nantes, Nantes, France; 5Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris,
France; 6Paris-Descartes University, Paris, France; 7Hôpital Necker, Paris,
Mutations in PHEX and specific missense mutations of FGF23 result in elevated
circulating FGF23 and hypophosphatemic rickets, respectively X-linked
hypophosphatemic rickets (XLHR) and autosomal dominant HR (ADHR).
FGF23, secreted by osteoblasts and osteocytes, regulates phosphate handling and
vitamin D metabolism through its action on kidney. Extra renal effects of FGF23,
including bone, have been very recently suspected mainly from overexpression or
underexpression of FGF23 in mouse models. PHEX is expressed by osteoblasts,
osteocytes and odontoblasts; its precise function in controlling circulating FGF23
level is still unclear.
Examine the role of PHEX on bone and mineral metabolism by comparing the
phenotype of patients with elevated FGF23 levels due to PHEX or FGF23
Six patients with FGF23 mutations and ADHR (four children and two untreated
adults); 23 patients with PHEX mutations and XLHR (18 children and 5 untreated
adults); XLHR patients were matched to ADHR patients for age at start of
Children with ADHR were diagnosed earlier (1.5G0.0 years) than children with
XLHR (2.3G0.2 years, PZ0.03), with similar leg bowing (intercondylar distance
7.9G2.3 and 5.0G0 .7, respectively). At diagnosis, they presented with bone
demineralization and fractures in one patient, whereas none of the 18 XLHR
patients had fractures nor bone demineralization. ADHR children had
significantly higher alkaline phosphatases than XLHR children (649G103 and
2037G439, PZ0.01, respectively). Phosphate, PTH and calciuria were similar in
both groups. Follow-up revealed that, in opposition to XLHR, phosphate
supplements and vitamin D analogs easily restored serum phosphate levels in
ADHR. Final height of untreated ADHR adults appears higher than that of
untreated XLHR.
Despite the limited number of patients, we pinpointed differences in the
phenotypes of ADHR and XLHR. This suggests that the phenotype associated
with PHEX deficiency does not uniquely result from FGF23 excess, yet advocates
a direct role of PHEX on bone mineralization and growth.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P33
Reliability of pQCT scan protocol of second metatarsal for children
with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
David Greene1, Elodie Chaplais1, Gordon Hendry2, Anita Hood3 &
Dan Schiferl4
Australian Catholic University, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia;
University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown, New South Wales,
Australia; 3Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, New South Wales,
Australia; 4Bone Diagnostic, Inc., Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is associated with low bone mass, poor bone
strength, and an increased fracture risk. Children with JIA enter adulthood with
suboptimal bone mass. In children with JIA, fracturing of the 2nd metatarsal is
common due to poor bone strength. Currently no gold standard measure exists for
bone quality in the foot. A reproducible protocol is required to assess key bone
outcomes at the 2nd metatarsal using pQCT.
To develop a pQCT scan protocol for the measurement of 2nd metatarsal bone
A custom-made foot plate standardised the optimal scanning position. Eleven
embalmed cadaveric lower leg specimens were scanned six times; three times
with, and three times without repositioning. 66 scans were obtained at 15% (distal
end) and 50% (mid shaft) of the 2nd metatarsal. Voxel size and scan speed were
reduced to 0.40 mm and 25 mm/s, respectively. The reference line was positioned
at the most distal portion of the 2nd metatarsal. To maximise trabecular bone
analysis at the 15% distal end, we selected a zero contour threshold, 650 mg/cm2
inner threshold, peel mode four, and 1% concentric peel. At 50% mid shaft, a
600 mg/cm2 threshold and separation mode two were used.
Reliability of scans without repositioning: trabecular area (intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC) 0.86, 95% CI 0.63–0.96), trabecular density (ICC 0.96, 95% CI
0.90–0.99), strength strain index (SSI) (ICC 0.99, 95% CI 0.99–1.0), cortical area
(ICC 0.99, 95% CI 0.98–1.0). Reliability for scans after repositioning: trabecular
area (ICC 0.96, 95% CI 0.90–0.98), trabecular density (ICC 0.98, 95% CI 0.95–
0.99), SSI (ICC 0.99, 95% CI 0.98–1.0), cortical area (ICC 0.99, 95% CI 0.98–
The scanning protocol generated excellent reliability for key bone outcomes
measured at the distal and mid-shaft regions of the 2nd metatarsal. The pQCT
protocol will now be applied to children with JIA for identifying insufficiency
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P34
Six-monthly i.v. zoledronic acid in childhood osteoporosis
Andrew Biggin1,2, Hooi Leng Ooi1, Julie Briody3, Chris Cowell1,2 &
Craig Munns1,2
Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Sydney Children’s Hospitals
Network, Westmead, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; 2Discipline of
Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia; 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sydney Children’s
Hospitals Network, Westmead, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Childhood osteoporosis can be treated with i.v. bisphosphonates in order to
improve bone mass and density. The aims of this study were to evaluate the safety
and efficacy of 6-monthly zoledronic acid (ZA) in children with osteoporosis.
A retrospective cohort study of 27 patients (16 males and 11 females) were treated
with 6-monthly ZA (0.05 mg/kg per dose) for a minimum of 1 year. Seventeen
patients were immobile, 4 had steroid-induced osteoporosis, 2 had osteogenesis
imperfecta, and 4 had other diagnoses. 16/27 (59%) had long bone fractures and
12/27 (44.4%) had vertebral wedging at baseline. Mineral homeostasis, bone
mineral density by DXA and vertebral morphometry were evaluated at baseline
and 1 year.
The median age at commencement of treatment was 12.3 years (range 8–15.8).
Following the first infusion, 2/27 (7%) and 1/27 (4%) developed asymptomatic
hypocalcemia at 48 and 72 h respectively. A fever above 38 8C developed in
14/27 (52%), generalised aches/pains in 13/27 (48%) and nausea in 6/27 (22%).
At 1 year there was a significant reduction in bone turnover and improvement in
bone mineral density (BMD) (Table 1). Patients with vertebral wedging at
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baseline showed significant improvement in anterior, middle and posterior
vertebral height ratios at 1 year. Only one patient fractured after starting ZA.
There was normal growth.
Six-monthly ZA was associated with an acute phase reaction to the first dose and
improvement in BMD, reduction in bone turnover and improved vertebral shape
at 1 year.
Table 1 Mineral homeostasis and DXA data at baseline and 1 year.
Calcium (mmol/l)
Alkaline phosphatase (U/l)
Osteocalcin (nmol/l)
25-OH-VitD (nmol/l)
Parathyroid hormone (pmol/l)
Total body aerial BMD Z-score
L2–L4 aerial BMD Z-score
Bone mineral content for lean
tissue mass Z-score
1 year
2.38 (2.35 to 2.44)
188 (143 to 271)*
7.9 (4.35 to 11.35)*
75 (67 to 94)
3.5 (2.3 to 4.1)
K0.56 (K1.7 to 0.35)*
K1.73 (K2.43 to K0.96)*
K1.68 (K2.51 to K0.60)*
2.36 (2.28 to 2.42)
148.5 (127.25 to 205.5)*
2.5 (1.1 to 3.95)*
76 (57.5 to 86)
3.65 (2.93 to 5.4)
K0.03 (K1.13 to 0.86)*
K0.37 (K1.44 to 0.09)*
K0.10 (K0.9 to 1.35)*
Values represent median (interquartile range), *P!0.05 comparing baseline to 1 year.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P35
Vitamin D deficiency and its relationship to parathyroid hormone in
morbidly obese adolescents prior to bariatric surgery
Marisa Censani, Emily Stein, Elizabeth Shane, Sharon Oberfield,
Donald McMahon, Shulamit Lerner & Ilene Fennoy
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
Obese adults commonly have vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism prior to bariatric surgery. Whether similar metabolic abnormalities
exist in morbidly obese adolescents is not known. This study investigated the
prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and evaluated the relationship between
vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in morbidly obese adolescents
undergoing evaluation for bariatric surgery.
A cross-sectional study of preoperative laboratory measures from 236 adolescents
evaluated for bariatric surgery between March 2006 and June 2011.
Of 236 patients, 219 patients had 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and PTH levels.
Patients (76 boys and 143 girls; age, 15.9G1.2 years; 43% Caucasian; 35%
Hispanic; and 15% African–American) had mean BMI of 47.6G8.1 kg/m2.
Serum 25OHD levels (mean 20.7G9.8 ng/ml) were deficient (!20 ng/ml) in
53%; 8% had severe deficiency (!10 ng/ml); only 18% of patients were replete
(O30 ng/ml). Findings varied by race, with 82% of African-Americans, 59% of
Hispanics, and 37% of Caucasians vitamin D deficient. Race was the strongest
predictor of 25OHD (P!0.0002). Greater BMI was associated with lower serum
25OHD (rZK0.28, P!0.0001); this persisted after controlling for PTH (rZ
K0.22, P!0.002). PTH levels varied inversely with 25OHD (rZK0.24,
PZ0.0003). Although only eight patients (3.7%) had frankly elevated PTH levels
(O55 pg/ml), 37 patients (16.9%) had PTH levels in the upper third of normal (O
40 pg/ml), 89% of whom had 25OHD levels !30 pg/ml. African American race,
BMI, and PTH explained 21% of the variance in 25OHD (P!0.0001).
The vast majority of severely obese adolescent patients presenting for bariatric
surgery have sub-optimal vitamin D levels. Those at greatest risk for deficiency
were African-American and those with highest BMIs. Our results also suggest
that the current laboratory normal range for PTH may significantly overestimate
normal values for children and adolescents and underestimate the prevalence of
secondary hyperparathyroidism with its subsequent negative effects on long-term
bone health. This is particularly important prior to bariatric surgery, where weight
loss itself and decreased calcium and vitamin D absorption in some procedures
may place these patients at further risk.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P36
Reduction in bisphosphonate side effect profile using short-term steroid
Andrew Biggin1,2, Tina McLean1, Mary McQuade1, Chris Cowell1,2 &
Craig Munns1,2
Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Sydney Children’s Hospitals
Network, Westmead, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; 2Discipline of
Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia.
Bisphosphonate infusions are associated with numerous adverse effects including
acute systemic inflammatory reactions and electrolyte abnormalities. The aims of
this study were to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 3-day course of prednisone
on children receiving their first dose of pamidronate or zoledronic acid.
A retrospective cohort of 166 patients (85 males) were commenced on
pamidronate (16%) or zoledronic acid (84%) for treatment of osteoporosis. 58
patients (35%) received a 3-day course of prednisone (1 mg/kg per day) starting
on the day of bisphosphonate treatment. All patients received supplementation
with calcium (1 g twice-daily) and calcitriol (250 ng twice-daily) for 3 days.
Mineral homeostasis was assessed on days 2 and 3. Symptomatology (including
fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, and malaise) was evaluated on day 3.
The mean age at commencement of treatment was 11G4 years for both groups
(PO0.05). There was a significant decrease in serum calcium and phosphate on
day 2 that persisted to day 3 post bisphosphonate infusion for both groups
(Table 1). Alkaline phosphatase levels remained unchanged throughout. There
were no differences in mineral homeostasis between those receiving prednisone
and those who did not. There were no new cases of significant hypocalcemia
(!1.9 mmol/l) on day 3 that were not evident by day 2.
Table 1 Mineral homeostasis.
Ca (mmol/l)
ALP (U/l)
Day 2
Day 3
No steroid
No steroid
No steroid
Values represent meanGS.D. *P!0.05 compared to corresponding baseline value.
Patients receiving steroid cover had a significantly lower incidence of headache,
nausea and malaise compared to those who did not (Table 2).
Table 2 Symptomatology.
No steroid (nZ108 (%))
30 (28)
36 (33)
71 (66)
14 (13)
43 (40)
Steroid (nZ58 (%))
5 (9)
7 (12)
23 (40)
5 (8)
28 (48)
Relative risk (95% CI)
There were no differences in mineral homeostasis or symptomatology between
those receiving pamidronate and zoledronic acid.
A 3-day course of prednisone at the time of initiating intravenous bisphosphonate
therapy significantly reduced the incidence of headache, nausea and malaise.
Steroid use did not effect bisphosphonate-induced hypocalcemia or hypophosphatemia. Biochemical monitoring for hypocalcemia was not necessary
beyond 48 h.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P37
Abnormal bone quality in both cortical and trabecular compartments in
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Wing Sze Yu, Ka Yan Chan, Wai Ping, Fiona Yu, Kwong Man Lee, Kin
Wah Ng, Tsz Ping Lam, Ling Qin, Chun Yiu & Jack Cheng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is associated with osteopenia, which was
found to be a significant prognostic factor for curve progression. However,
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ICCBH 2013
in-depth quantitative assessment of bone quality was previously hampered by
invasive nature of the investigations. The recently available high-resolution
pQCT (HR-pQCT) allows a three-dimensional assessment of the bone quality
in-vivo. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the bone quality in AIS girls
and controls.
234 untreated AIS and 211 non-AIS healthy girls between 11 and 13 years old
were recruited. Bone quality, including bone morphometry, vBMD, and
trabecular bone micro-architecture were measured at the non-dominant distal
radius using HR-pQCT. To consolidate our understanding on the trabecular bone
micro-architecture, Structural model index (SMI), which measures the degree of
rod/plate-like configuration of trabeculae, was further determined in 73 AIS and
48 controls.
Bone quality is altered in both cortical bone and trabecular bone in AIS. With
multivariate linear regression analysis, after adjusted for age, arm span and sexual
maturity, AIS was significantly associated with lower cortical area, cortical
thickness, cortical bone vBMD, trabecular bone vBMD, BV/TV, trabecular
number and greater trabecular separation, and SMI.
The abnormal profile in bone quality suggested the presence of disturbed
endocortical modeling, trabecular bone formation and bone mineralization and
could contribute to a better understanding of the role of abnormal bone quality in
the etiopathogenesis of AIS. Furthermore, cortical area, an important parameter in
bone strength index associated with cross-sectional moment of inertial (CSMI),
could be an important potential clinical parameter for further longitudinal studies
on the prognostication of curve progression in AIS.
This study was supported by Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong S.A.R.,
China (project nos: 468809 and 468411).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P38
Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in adolescent Muslim girls attending
a school in the UK, which adheres to a conservative dress code
S Lukman1, R Syahanee2, J L Berry3 & M Z Mughal1
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Central Manchester University
Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, Manchester, UK; 2Alder Hey Children’s
NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK; 3Vitamin D Research Group,
Endocrine Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
To determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among adolescent Muslim
girls attending a school in the UK, which adheres to a conservative dress code.
Fifty-six (31%) out of 180 girls attending a Muslim High School for Girls (median
age 13.2years, (IQR 12.5–13.8 years)) took part in this cross-sectional study.
Seventy-nine percent (nZ45) were of South Asian origin, 3.5% were Black
African origin (nZ2), 1.8% was Middle Eastern origin (nZ1), and 15.8% were
other ethnic origin (nZ9). The participant’s serum concentration of calcium (Ca),
phosphate (P), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and
serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) were measured. Dietary intake of calcium
and vitamin D were also estimated.
Fifty-one out of 56 (91%) (95% CI 86–95) girls were found to be vitamin D
deficient (25OHD !25 nmol/l) and 4 out of 56 (7%) (95% CI 5–17) were vitamin
D insufficient (25 nmol/l!25OHD !50 nmol/l). The median serum concentration of 25OHD was 12.8 nmol/l (IQR 10–17 nmol/l). Serum concentration of
Ca, P, ALP, and PTH were all within the normal limits. The median vitamin D
intake was 69 IU/day (IQR 29–122 IU/day), which is 17% of the recommended
daily intake (400 IU). The median dietary calcium intake was 662 mg (IQR 456–
860 mg), which is four-fifth of the recommended daily intake (800 mg). The
median serum 25OHD of subjects taken multivitamin (MV) supplements
(medianZ17.3 nmol/l (IQR 13–26.3)) was (P!0.01) higher than that of subjects
not taking MV supplements (11.3 nmol/l (IQR 8.8–14)).
All subjects (98%) bar one had vitamin D deficiency (91%) and vitamin D
insufficiency (7%). Those taking MV supplements had higher serum 25OHD
concentrations, although optimum serum concentrations of O50 nmol/l were not
achieved. Further studies are needed to determine the dose of vitamin D
supplementation needed to optimise the vitamin D status of these groups of
adolescent girls.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P39
Altered bone metabolism in obese children: the pathogenic role of
adipocytokines and inflammation
Pawel Abramowicz*, Jerzy Konstantynowicz, Irena Werpachowska,
Jacek Jamiolkowski, Maciej Kaczmarski & Janina Piotrowska-Jastrzebska
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
*Winner of New Investigator Award
Associations between childhood obesity and disturbed bone metabolism have
been extensively studied. Both RANK/RANKL/OPG and adipocytokines are
involved in bone metabolism in obese individuals although published data remain
inconsistent. Some reports show evidence of protective role of adiposity in the
maintenance of skeletal mass, whereas others fail to support this evidence or even
demonstrate an increased fragility. The aim of the study was to assess bone
metabolism in obese children and to evaluate influence of adipocytokines on their
bone mass.
In 40 obese children aged 7.1–17.6 years and 30 non-obese controls, total and
lumbar spine bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) were determined
using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Serum lipids, total calcium
(Catotal), 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD), parathormone (PTH), leptin,
adiponectin, osteocalcin (OC), osteoprotegerin (OPG), RANK-ligand (RANKL),
and high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) were measured.
Higher levels of leptin (P!0.001), hsCRP (P!0.001), Catotal (PZ0.012), PTH
(P!0.001) were found in obese children. Serum adiponectin and OC were lower
in obese individuals (PZ0.005 and PZ0.12 respectively). Total and spine BMD
and BMC were higher in the obese than in controls. We found association
between adiposity and hsCRP which correlated with leptin (rZ0.55; P!0.001),
RANKL (rZ0.25; PZ0.04), PTH (rZ0.36; PZ0.004), and total cholesterol and
triglycerides (rZ0.38, 0.39; both PZ0.001). Furthermore, PTH activity
correlated positively with leptin and inversely with adiponectin levels. There
was no difference in RANK/RANKL/OPG pathway activity between obese and
controls, and no correlations were found between its activity and adipocytokines
levels either. No differences were found in concentration of 25OHD between the
These results support the role of inflammation in obesity. Chronic inflammation
with altered adipocytokine levels may be responsible for inadequate bone
metabolism in childhood obesity. Higher PTH and Catotal concentrations may
reflect parathyroid hyperactivity as a mechanism leading to bone resorption in
obese individuals despite excessive BMD accrual. Coincidence of hypercalcemia
and decreased adiponectin seems an additional risk factor of atherosclerosis
during growth. More research is needed to understand the role of PTH in bone and
fat relationships in children.
The study was supported by the Human Capital Programme (8.2.1.) organized by
the European Social Fund (EU Structural Fund).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P40
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Management of a new case of neonatal hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
related to mutation of the calcium-sensing receptor gene with bone
Thomas Edouard1,2, Céline Mouly1, Emmanuelle Mimoun1,
Isabelle Gennero1, Corinne Magdelaine3 & Jean Pierre Salles1,2
Endocrine and Bone Diseases Unit, Children Hospital, Toulouse, France;
INSERM UMR 1043; University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France; 3EA 6309
Faculté de Médecine Université de Limoges, Toulouse, France.
A 5-month-old girl was referred to our unit after a systemic screening for hip
dislocation by X-rays revealed bilateral femoral bowing. She was the first child of
healthy non-consanguineous parents, and her family history was unremarkable.
Her parents had a normal physical examination, and normal laboratory findings.
At presentation, her height was 64.0 cm (Z-score: 0.0) with a regular height
velocity. Weight was 7.4 kg (Z-score: 1.0). On physical examination, there was
bilateral bowing of the femurs. The remaining examination was unremarkable.
Presenting problem
Laboratory investigations revealed hypercalcemia (total calcium 3.20 mmol/l),
phosphatemia at lower limit (1.6 mmol/l), normal alkaline phosphatase level
(643 IU/l), inappropriate level of intact PTH (85 pg/ml), and urinary calcium:creatinine ratio at upper limit (1.08 mmol/mmol). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
(25OH D) level was normal (23 ng/ml). A skeletal survey revealed bilateral
femoral bowing without other bone abnormalities. Calcium-sensing receptor
(CaSR) gene analysis found combined heterozygote mutations with a missense
mutation resulting in amino-acid N592S substitution in the extracellular domain
and a R648X nonsense mutation.
Clinical management
Intravenous disodium pamidronate (two infusions of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg at months
6 and 7 respectively) was administrated to control the excess of bone resorption
and hypercalcemia. Tolerance was good. Calciuria decreased under treatment.
Cholecalciferol was associated.
We report here a new case of neonatal hypocalciuric hypercalcemia responsible
for bone deformity with combined mutations of the CaSR gene. Inactivating
mutations of the CaSR gene usually cause familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia,
an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hypercalcemia, inappropriately
high PTH levels, and low urinary calcium excretion. Various managements have
been proposed. Because of the bone presentation, instead of reduction of calcium
intake and cholecalciferol administration, we indicated biphosphonate treatment
in order to reduce hypercalcemia and the consequences of chronic hyperparathyroidism. Calcemia remained controlled and calciuria was reduced, indicating
reduction of the bone turn-over. Like in other cases of hyperparathyroidism, the
use of biphosphonates seemed to us logical as transient treatment in cases of
CaSR mutations associated with bone lesions. Use of calcimimetics also should
be further considered when the mutations potentially affect CaSR binding.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P41
The effect of glucocorticoids on bone indices in children with rheumatic
and oncological conditions
Jennifer Harrington1, Etienne Sochett1 & Marc Grynpas2
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada; 2Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Children with chronic medical conditions are at increased risk for bone fragility
from multiple mechanisms, related both to the underlying condition and its
treatment, in particular glucocorticoids. The differential effects of the underlying
medical disease on bone micro-architecture have not been well elucidated.
To describe the bone micro-architectural characteristics in children with
rheumatic and oncological disorders treated with glucocorticoids, and to
determine associations between micro-architectural findings with clinical
Trans-iliac biopsies were performed on 25 children (13.9G3.4 years, 10 males)
on chronic glucocorticoids; 15 with either systemic lupus erythematosis or
idiopathic juvenile arthritis, 10 with previous malignancy or transplant. Subjects
presented with at least one vertebral compression fracture. Static histomorphometry results were compared between groups and to published controls.
Mean duration of glucocorticoid exposure was 3.7 (0.4–14.4) years with a
cumulative prednisone dose of 0.27G0.26 mg/kg per day in the 12 months prior
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
to biopsy. Lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) was reduced (Z-score
K3.3G1.4), with no difference between groups. On histomorphometry, there
were significantly lower structural and formation parameters compared to
controls, but no difference between groups.
Glucocorticoid dose correlated with bone volume (BV/TV rZK0.5, PZ0.01),
osteoblast surface (rZK0.42, PZ0.02) and bone adipose volume (rZ0.47,
PZ0.02), while steroid duration was associated with osteoid volume (rZK0.42,
PZ0.03). Controlling for glucocorticoid dose, lower bone volume was associated
with slower growth velocity (rZ0.51, PZ0.01). Lower bone formation
(PZ0.01) and greater bone adipose tissue (PZ0.02) was seen in females
compared to males. There were no significant associations between lumbar spine
BMD and histomorphometry parameters.
Children on chronic glucocorticoids have significant impairments in bone
structural and formation parameters, independent of the underlying condition.
These deficits relate primarily to cumulative glucocorticoid dose.
Bone volume
21.0 (6.5)
BV/TV (%)
118.6 (55.2)
thickness (mm)
470.6 (123.8)
separation (mm)
1.9 (0.1)
volume (%)
19.5 (9.5)
surface (%)
4.6 (1.6)
25.5 (7.0)
volume (%)
P valueb
21.4 (6.9)
20.3 (6.3)
114.7 (33.2)
125.2 (83.9)
469.5 (133.1) 469.7 (114.4)
1.8 (0.7)
2.0 (0.7)
18.5 (7.8)
21.5 (12.9)
4.6 (1.6)
4.6 (1.6)
24.3 (8.0)
28.3 (3.5)
Data are mean (S.D.).
Compared to published controls (Glorieux et al. 2000).
Between groups.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P42
Bone quality in young thalassaemic patients
Alberto Argentiero1, Nadia Agnello1, Cosimo Neglia1, Giovanna Chitano1,
Alessandra Della Rosa1, Giovanni Quarta2, Antonella Quarta2,
Prisco Piscitelli1 & Alessandro Distante1
Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Scientific Institute, ISBEM, Brindisi,
Puglia, Italy; 2Local Health Authority, ASL Brindisi, Brindisi, Puglia, Italy.
Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity in patients affected by
b-thalassaemia major (TM) and intermediate thalassaemia (TI). Appropriate
supportive care and identification of long-term sequels of therapy are important in
thalassaemic patients. As low bone mineral quality (BMQ) in patients can be
considered a marker of possible degeneration to osteopenia and osteoporosis in
adulthood, we evaluated bone features in a young population followed at ‘A.
Perrino’ Hospital in Brindisi. Fifty-five thalassaemic patients (29 males, 26
females; aged 18–45 years) were analyzed during 2012 and compared vs. a
matched control population (55 healthy adults: 24 males, 31 females; aged 18-46
years). Seven patients were affected by TI while the rest was affected by TM.
BMQ was assessed by quantitative ultrasound (QUS) technique at the phalanx
level. The main values of phalangeal QUS are the amplitude-dependent speed of
sound (AD-SoS, m/s) and the bone transmission time (BTT, microsec). QUS
values were significantly lower in cases than in controls (AD-SoS: 2119.4G53.9
and BTT: 1.75G0.3 in controls; AD-SoS 2031G75.2 and BTT: 1.43G0.3 in
cases). AD-SoS was negatively associated with BMI (rZK0.36, PZ0.0067 in
controls; rZK0.37, PZ0.0054 in cases), while BTT was correlated with gender
in both cases (P!0.01) and controls (P!0.0001), showing lower values in
females. Our results suggest that bone quality in thalassaemic young patients is
influenced by many factors that were not present in control subjects, such as iron
chelation therapy, delayed sexual maturation, growth hormone deficiency,
parathyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism and liver diseases.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P43
ICCBH 2013
A homozygous mutation in the DNA binding domain of human
vitamin D receptor causes vitamin D resistant rickets
Bram van der Eerden1, Josine van der Heyden2, Jan Piet Hamburger3,
Marijke Schreuders-Koedam1, Patrick Asmawidjaja3, Sabine de Muinck
Keizer-Schrama2, Erik Lubberts3, Johannes van Leeuwen1 &
Stenvert Drop2
Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2Pediatric
Endocrinology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3 Rheumatology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
In this case report, we present a brother and sister with hereditary vitamin D
resistant rickets (HVDRR). Both children presented at the age of 18 months with
severe rickets and elevated serum levels of 1,25-(OH)2D3. They differ from each
other in that the girl presented with hypophosphatemia instead of hypocalcemia.
Besides, she developed alopecia earlier than the boy and needed more 1,25(OH)2D3 supplementation. Interestingly, the boy does not require supplementation anymore since the age of 19.
We performed DNA sequencing of both patients along with their three siblings and
their parents, who are first cousins. Both patients carry a homozygous point mutation
(A133G) in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene, leading to an amino acid change in
the DNA binding domain (K45E). Both parents were heterozygous for the same
mutation. We collected skin fibroblasts from the boy. 1,25-(OH)2D3 was unable to
inhibit their proliferation (in contrast to a healthy subject). Moreover, 1,25-(OH)2D3
failed to enhance 24-hydroxylase activity and VDR expression. Binding of 1,25(OH)2D3 to the VDR, however, was not affected in the patient.
Since 1,25-(OH)2D3 plays a role in the innate and adaptive immune system, we
screened the 1,25-(OH)2D3 response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) from the boy, his parents and healthy controls. Both the T helper cell
(Th) population-specific transcription of Tbet (Th1), Gata3 (Th2) and Roryt (Th17)
as well as production of cytokines, such as interferon g (Th1) and interleukins IL4
(Th2), IL10 (Th17) and IL22 (memory T cells) was altered in control PBMCs. No
transcriptional or translational changes were observed in the PBMCs from the boy
further supporting the inability to respond to 1,25-(OH)2D3.
Collectively, these data show that the A133G mutation in the VDR prevents nuclear
binding, which leads to unresponsive 1,25-(OH)2D3 downstream signalling.
Although 1,25(OH)2D3 acts on the immune system and has been associated with
autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis, the patient, who is 1,25(OH)2D3 insensitive, has no immunopathies but long-term follow-up necessary to
monitor this. The treatment independence of the boy may be related to enhanced
calcium uptake capacity in the intestine between 15 and 25 years of age, an age range
he currently is in. The intriguing differences in onset of alopecia between the boy and
the girl as well as their respective reduced serum calcium and phosphate at 18 months
of age remain to be scrutinized.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P44
Bone mineral density impairment in marfan syndrome: a hidden and
neglected issue
Giuliana Trifiro1, Susan Marelli2, Stefano Mora3 & Alessandro Pini2
Pediatrics Department, AO Salvini Garbagnate, Rho (Milano), Italy;
Marfan Clinic-Cardiology Department, Sacco Hospital, Milano, Italy; 3San
Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy.
Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a connective disorder caused by mutations in FBN1
gene which encodes the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin 1. Pathogenesis relies
on a dysregulation of activated TGF-b. Cardiovascular, ocular and skeletal
systems are involved with a variable expressivity. Findings evolve with age,
making the diagnosis in children more difficult. Skeletal involvement includes
disproportionate long bone overgrowth, scoliosis, and chest deformity. Although
several surveys investigated bone mineral density (BMD) in adult MFS patients,
data on children are scarce. Aim of our study was to assess BMD in a large cohort
of children with an ascertained diagnosis of MFS.
Sixty Caucasian patients with MFS diagnosis based on 2010 Ghent nosology (29
females and 31 males, mean age 10 (3.7) years), were investigated. Neither
calcium or vitamin D supplementation, nor exercise restriction was performed.
Height, as expected, was above mean values (1.5 (0.2) m, Z-score 1.9 (1.4)). We
measured BMD by DXA (Discovery W- Hologic) at the lumbar spine and
proximal femur. PTH and 25(OH)D3 concentrations were measured in serum.
BMD Z-score were lower than normal: K0.9 (1.1) at lumbar spine, K0.69 (1.3)
total femur, K1.1 (1.4) at the femoral neck (FN). As DXA overestimates density
of large bones, an accurate estimate of bone mass requires a correction of the
potential confounding effects of body size. The adjustments for tall stature were
made using height-for-age Z-score (HAZ). Corrected data showed worse values
than those standardised only to age and gender: K1.8 (1.0) at lumbar spine, K1.5
(1.3) at total femur and K0.97 (1.7) at FN. All these data were significantly
different from 0 (P!0.0001). Four fractures were reported (6.6%), above the
mean incidence per year from literature. PTH levels were within normal range
(44.3 (25.8) pg/ml), while 25(OH)D3 levels were below international reference
values (22.6 (7.8) ng/ml).
MFS children have low BMD values and a high prevalence of fractures. Bone
density should be considered among the skeletal features in MFS. Management
guidelines should take into account bone density impairment.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P45
Interactions of adipokines and bone metabolism in patients with severe
juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Kati Markula-Patjas1, Kaisa Ivaska2, Minna Pekkinen3, Sture Andersson4,
Heli Viljakainen4 & Outi Mäkitie3,4
Paediatric Research Centre, University of Tampere and Tampere
University Hospital, Tampere, Finland; 2Department of Cell Biology and
Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland;
Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland; 4Children’s Hospital,
Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki,
The skeleton and adipose tissue interact. Our aim was to evaluate the interactions
between adipokines and bone metabolism, and their association with diseaserelated factors in patients with severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
The study included 49 patients (median age 14.8 years, median disease duration
10.2 years) with refractory polyarticular JIA and 89 sex- and age-matched healthy
controls. The subjects underwent clinical examination, body composition
measurement with DXA and analyses for leptin, adiponectin and bone turnover
Patients with JIA were shorter and more often overweight (PZ0.001) or obese
(P!0.001) than controls. They had significantly higher leptin levels, even when
adjusted for fat mass (P!0.001), and similar adiponectin but slightly lower
adiponectin-to-fat mass ratio (PZ0.073) than controls. Concentrations of bone
formation markers were similar, but the level of carboxyterminal telopeptide of
type I collagen (ICTP) (PZ0.006) and the ratios of ICTP to osteocalcin or
alkaline phosphatase were higher in the patients, indicating increased bone
resorption. In controls, the inverse association between leptin and bone turnover
markers was largely dependent of fat mass. Conversely, in patients the inverse
association between leptin and bone formation markers was strengthened and
became significant when adjusted for fat mass. Leptin, adiponectin or bone
markers did not associate with disease duration or activity. Adiponectin
associated inversely with ICTP in the controls.
We observed high adiposity and thus increased risk for metabolic complications
in a cohort of patients with severe JIA. This was accompanied with increased
bone resorption. Serum leptin was higher in patients, even when adjusted for fat
mass. In patients leptin tended to associate inversely with bone formation markers
but it did not associate with disease activity.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P46
Vitamin D deficiency and structural and functional state of bone tissue
in schoolchildren of Ukraine
Vladyslav Povoroznyuk1, O Tyazhka2, Nataliya Balatska1, T Budnik3,
I Kubey4 & N Haliyash4
D.F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine; 3Lugansk State
Medical University, Lugansk, Ukraine; 4I.Y. Horbachevsky Ternopil State
Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Vitamin D is an essential material in bone metabolism, and regulation of body
minerals. Vitamin D deficiency has various causes, including limitations in
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
sunlight exposure (type of clothing, sunscreen usage, indoor activity), seasonal
geographic latitude and altitude, atmospheric pollution, diet, and ageing.
The aim of the work was to determine the frequency of vitamin D deficiency
among Ukrainian schoolchildren and its influence on bone mineral density.
There were examined 304 children aged 10–18 years. The boys consisted 55.0%.
The average age of boys was 12.9G0.2 and girls – 12.4G0.2-year-old. The study
was performed within 2 months – October and November 2011, to exclude the
influence of seasonal factors on the level of 25(OH)D. Researches included
ultrasound densitometry of calcaneus by SAHARA (Hologic), blood chemistry,
25(OH)D and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) in plasma were determined by
Elecsys 2010. Also, it was evaluated the average content of calcium and vitamin
D in the diet form the products consumption frequency questionnaire.
Vitamin D deficiency was founded in 92.2% of schoolchildren, and vitamin D
insufficiency was diagnosed in 6.1% of cases. Secondary hyperparathyroidism
was verified in 0.9% of children. The average level of consumption of calcium
and vitamin D in children was below recommended data, and consisted (Me 649
(488.7; 691.86)) mg/day for calcium and (Me 68.69 (58.45; 117.3)) IU/day for
vitamin D.
Children with vitamin D insufficiency had significantly higher data of structural
and functional state of bone tissue in comparison with the data of pupils with
severe deficiency of vitamin D: stiffness index 105.03G6.12 vs 93.7G2.51%
(P!0.02); BMD 0.574G0.024 vs 0.528G0.019 (P!0.02) and speed of sound
1573.61G6.70 vs 1557.2G5.41 (P!0.01).
High level of vitamin D deficiency (92.2%), secondary hyperparathyroidism
(0.9%), low data of ultrasound densitometry in severe vitamin D deficient
children make doctors to research the effective methods of treatment and
prophylactics of revealed disorders.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P47
Some features of regulation of the bone tissue metabolisms at the
newborns who have transferred infectious influence during intrauterine
Gulsym Manasova1, Vladyslav Povoroznyuk2 & Alexander Zelinsky3
City Maternity House no. 5, Odessa, Ukraine; 2Institute of Gerontology,
Kyiv, Ukraine; 3National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine.
Perinatal infections appreciably defines the level’s of the neonatal deseases and
death rates. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome at the infections can
promote the softening of the bone’s tissue in pregnant women and their fetuses.
Definition of the connection of the level’s calcium-regulated hormones and bone
tissue remodeling marker’s in blood at 32 (II) healthy and 48 (I) pregnant women
with perinatal infections, also in the funic blood at their fetuses with development
of bone-muscular system of children.
In dynamics were defined the blood levels of 25 (OH) vitamin D, parathyroid
hormone (PTG), osteocalcin (OC), b-CrossLaps by immunoassay methods. At
children’ birth anthropometrical data, development of the bone-muscular system,
quality of neonatal period’s reflexes were estimated.
At the third newborns from I-st group clinical attributes of insufficient
mineralization of bone system are revealed. At women I-st group concentration
of vitamin D (72.17G3.29 vs 84.22G5.08 mmol/l) was authentically smaller; in
the funic blood was above (85.39G6.72 vs 51.40G3.01 mmol/l, P!0.01).
Significant distinction in PTG levels between groups at women (25.46G2.20 vs
30.24G1.61 pg/ml) and in funic blood (6.12G0.14 vs 6.14G0.12 pg/ml,
PO0.05) is not revealed. Concentration of OC (90.37G5.96 vs 53.00G
6.09 ng/ml, P!0.01) and b-Cross-Laps in the umbilical cord (0.85G0.03 vs
0.65G0.04 pg/ml, P!0.01) was above in II-nd group. At women with infection
bones synthesis and resorbtion’s speed were significant above (OK-24.46G1.79
vs 18.48G1.17 ng/ml, b-CrossLaps – 0.80G0.07 vs 0.61G0.04 pg/ml).
At women with perinatal infections and their newborns infringement of processes
of regulation of the bone’s tissue metabolism and the mineralization is observed.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P49
Pubertal induction with testosterone of a boy with bilateral anorchia
guided by the development of his monozygotic twin brother
Eva Van Caenegem1, Sara Vandewalle1, Youri Taes1, Jean-Marc Kaufman1,
Margarita Craen2 & Guy T’Sjoen1
Department of Endocrinology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium;
Department of Pediatrics, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.
We describe a monozygotic twin pair, of which one boy was diagnosed with
anorchia. Both were followed-up till age 17.
Case report
At birth, in one twin 46 XY boy (A), testes were not palpable while his brother (B)
was unaffected. Stimulation with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and
orchidopexia were unsuccessful at age 3. A second hCG-stimulation test was
performed at age 8, where serum testosterone response failed to increase. No
testicular tissue was detected by abdominal laparoscopy. At the age of 10.5, when
the bone age was 11.6 years both in A and B, low dose testosterone substitution
therapy (25 mg/2 weeks) was started. Before puberty induction, A and B had
similar weight and height. During puberty, a slightly faster increase in weight
(A/B 11–19%) and height (A/B 3–7%) was observed in A. A and B ended up with
a similar and normal final height, weight, arm span and sitting height. Secondary
sexual characteristics developed normally in both brothers. At the age of 17, bone
mineral density, body composition (dual X-ray absorptiometry, DXA-scan),
volumetric bone parameters at forearm and calf (peripheral quantitative CT-scan)
were evaluated. We observed similar bone mineral density at the lumbar spine,
total hip, distal radius and whole body (DXA, A and B!5%). Fat percentage was
14% in A vs 11% in B. Trabecular (distal radius) and cortical volumetric bone
parameters (mid and proximal tibia) were comparable (A and B !0.5%).
However, at one cortical site (proximal radius), A had a smaller cortical bone size
with a thicker cortex (all 10–20%).
Low dose testosterone substitution in bilateral anorchia, guided by the pubertal
evolution in the healthy twin, led to a comparable pubertal development, final
height and bone mineral density. Moreover, testosterone did not seem to be
necessary for normal increase in length before puberty.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P48
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Bioelectrical impedance as a screening tool for low bone mass in Indian
children and adolescents
Veena Ekbote1, Anuradha Khadilkar1, Shashi Chiplonkar1, M Zulf Mughal2
& Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra, India; 2Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
i) To assess bone (BMC) by BIA in apparently healthy Indian children. ii) To
generate percentile curves for BIA measured BMC by age/gender. iii) To
investigate relationship between BMC measured by BIA and DXA in separate
In a multicentre study, 4154 children (2298 boys), 5–18 years underwent BMC
assessment by BIA. BMC for age percentiles were computed using LMS method.
In 41 children (not from the multicentre study) total body BMC was measured by
DXA and BIA. Z-scores for BMC for age by DXA and BIA (derived from the
present study) were computed. Pearson’s correlation and Bland-Altman limits of
agreement were derived between BMC by BIA and DXA. Receiver operating
curve (ROC) analysis was performed for cut-off point for BIA Z-score
corresponding to Z-score of K2 by DXA to discriminate between those with or
without risk of low bone mass.
Mean age of children was 10.7G3.3; height, weight and BMI for age Z-scores
were close to zero for all ages. Correlation coefficient between BMC by BIA and
DXA was 0.83. Bland-Altman limits of agreement indicated that a BIA reading
would be K1.52 below or 1.3 above the DXA, thus ROC analysis was performed.
Cut-off yielding the maximal sensitivity and specificity for predicting low bone
mass by BIA was Z-score of K1.3 (10th percentile) (sensitivityZ94.1%,
specificityZ40%, AUC 0.85) (95% CI: 0.694–0.941).
ICCBH 2013
A Z-score of K1.3 by BIA corresponds to K2 of DXA which may be a useful tool
for screening for the risk of low bone status. Further studies are required to
confirm our results.
BMC Z-score by BLA
BMC Z-score by BLA
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Age (Years)
Age (Years)
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P50
incidence of fractures in Indian children and adolescents and to investigate
association of fractures with physical activity.
Data on history of fracture, age, site of fracture and physical activity were
collected from 9496 (5230 boys) apparently healthy children and adolescents
from five major cities from the north, south, east and western regions of India
(2011–2012). Height and weight were measured and BMI was computed; SDS
were calculated using Indian reference data (Indian Pediatr 46 477–489, 2009).
Mean age of the study children was 10.6G3.6 years. The mean height for age,
weight for age and BMI for age Z-scores were K0.2G1.2, K0.1G1.4 and 0.0G
1.5 respectively. Of the children studied, 9.4% (890 children) had suffered at least
one fracture (5.9% fractures were in boys). The incidence of fractures was
significantly (P!0.05) greater in boys than in girls. Fractures had occurred
between 2 and 5 years in 2% children, between 6 and 9 years in 26%, between 10
and 14 years in 53% and between 15 and 18 in 18% children. Of the fractures,
58% were in the upper limbs, 26% in the lower limbs and 16% were other
fractures. After adjusting for age, as minutes of physical activity (sports; Football,
Volleyball, etc.) per week increased the odds of fracture increased by 1.1.
Fractures were commoner in boys; in upper limbs; 10–14 years was commonest
age. Strategies for fracture prevention are important, especially with increased
physical activity.
Average physical activity (minutes/week) in
children with and without history of fracture
Mild visual impairment in a 13-year-old child with osteoporosispseudoglioma syndrome
Moira Cheung, Caroline Brain & Jeremy Allgrove
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.
Osteoporosis-pseudoglioma (OPPG) syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder
characterised by severe juvenile osteoporosis and congenital or infancy-onset
visual loss. OPPG is caused by loss of function mutations in LDL receptor-related
protein 5 (LRP5) gene. We present a 13-year-old child with a homozygous
mutation in LRP5 and low bone mass but without visual loss.
Presenting problem/clinical management
This child presented with multiple low trauma fractures and baseline bone
mineral density at the lumbar spine was 0.759 g/cm2 (age matched Z-score of
K2.0) prior to treatment with cyclical intravenous bisphosphonates. Ophthalmology assessment detected retinal folds and myopia (0.56 on the LogMAR
scale). Functionally the patient was able to attend normal school, read and travel
on public transport without support.
The LRP5 gene was analysed and found to be homozygous for the sequence
variant c1517AOT predicted to result in a p.Asn506lle amino acid change. Both
parents were non affected heterozygous carriers.
Mutations in the LRP5 gene are known to be associated with skeletal disorders:
gain of function mutations lead to high bone mass; loss of function mutations
results in OPPG and heterozygous mutations can result in primary osteoporosis.
The homozygous mutation in this patient was in the highly conserved YWTD
motif and supported the diagnosis of OPPG. Most patients with OPPG are blind
by 15 years of age; however, this patient’s visual impairment only caused mild
functional compromise. Whilst further functional studies are needed, this unusual
case of mild visual impairment in a patient with OPPG is important in furthering
our understanding of genotype-phenotype correlations in this disease.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P51
Incidence of fractures in 2–18 years old affluent Indian children: a
multicentre study
Veena Ekbote1, Anuradha Khadilkar1, Deepa Pillay1, Shashi Chiplonkar1,
M Zulf Mughal2 & Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra, India; 2Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Fractures represent a common injury during childhood and adolescence.
Knowledge of epidemiology of fractures is crucially important for implementation of prevention strategies for target population. Our objective was to evaluate
Physical activity (Min/Wk)
History of fracture
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P52
The influence of anthropometry and body composition on children’s
bone health the Childhood Health, Activity and Motor Performance
School (The CHAMPS) study, Denmark
Malene Heidemann1, René Holst4, Anders Schou1, Heidi Klakk2,
Steffen Husby1, Niels Wedderkopp2,3 & Christian Mølgaard1,5
Hans Christian Andersen Children’s Hospital, Odense, Denmark; 2RICH,
Centre of Research in Childhood Health, Odense, Denmark; 3Spine Centre
of Southern Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark; 4Department of Biostatistics,
Institute of Regional Health Research, Odense, Denmark; 5Department of
Nutrition, Exercise and Sport, Faculty of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Adiposity, physical inactivity and sedentary behavior have become an increasing
problem during the past decade and raise concerns about future health. Increased
sedentary behavior may change the body composition by increasing the fat mass
(FM) relative to the lean mass (LM). These changes may influence bone health.
This study aimed at evaluating the influence of BMI and body fat percent (BF%)
and LM on children’s bone health represented by bone mineral content (BMC),
bone area (BA) and bone mineral density (BMD) during a 2-year follow-up
The study is a part of The CHAMPS study- DK. In this longitudinal observational
cohort study children were DXA scanned at baseline and at a 2-year follow-up.
Body composition (BC) represented by LM, FM and BMC, BMD, and BA were
measured, using total body less head (TBLH). The relationship between bone
traits and anthropometry (height and BMI) and BC were analyzed by multiple
regression analyses.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Of the invited children, 742/800 (93%) accepted to participate in the DXA scans.
Of these, 682/742 (92%) participated at follow-up. Mean (range) of age at
baseline were 9.5 years (7.7–12.1). Mean (range) BMI, BF% and LM were 16.7
(12.3–28.5), 20 (6–43), 24.1 (16.3–40.1), respectively.
BMI is an important predictor of bone traits obtained by DXA in boys and girls.
LM is a better predictor of bone traits in boys and BF% is a better predictor in
girls. BMI do not detect gender differences in bone outcome as well as
measurements of BC by DXA.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P53
Association of calcium and dairy intake with growth in Indian children
Veena Ekbote1, Anuradha Khadilkar1, Shashi Chiplonkar1, M Zulf Mughal2
& Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra, India; 2Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Optimal intakes of calcium and milk are necessary in children and adolescents to
facilitate not only mineralization but also growth in stature. Low intakes of
calcium and also, of milk and milk products in Indian children have been
reported. Hence, the objective was to study Indian children’s growth with respect
to their calcium and dairy intakes.
We studied 220 children (boys 104, age range 2–16 years). Data on their height,
weight and dietary intakes (by 24 h dietary recall for 2 non-consecutive week days
and a Sunday) were collected. Height, weight and BMI for age Z-scores were
computed using contemporary Indian normative standards (Indian Pediatr 46
477–489, 2009).
Mean height for age (HAZ) and weight for age (WAZ) Z-scores were K0.8G1.2
and K1.2G1.5 respectively. Eighteen percent children had their HAZ below K2
and 27% had their WAZ below K2. Average daily energy intakes were 83% of
the age and gender matched RDA. Mean % RDA intake of protein was 115% and
of calcium was 55%. The median daily calcium intake was 367 (258–556) mg; of
this, 30% was from dairy sources and 70% was from plant foods. A significant
(P!0.05) positive correlation was found between the HAZ with the intake of
protein (rZ0.27), calcium (rZ0.19), phosphorus (rZ0.23) after controlling for
energy intake. Further, a significant (P!0.05) positive correlation of HAZ was
found with the consumption of dairy products (rZ0.14).
Indian children studied had low intakes of calcium which was chiefly derived
from non-dairy foods. Consumption of dairy foods is likely to be associated with
better growth.
Mean dairy intake (g/day) in children with
height for age Z-score above and below –2
Mean dairy intake (g/day)
* P < 0.05
> –2
< –2
Height for age Z-score
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P54
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Body composition, anthropometric parameters and bone densitometry
in young Ukrainian male
V Luzin, L Stklyanina, A Turenkov, A Ignatyev & H Nuzhna
Lugansk State Medical University, Lugansk, Ukraine.
To establish the correlations between the body composition, somatotypes and
average bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in young
(17–18 y.o.) male living in Donbass region (Ukraine).
Materials and methods
Anthropometric and skinfold measurements were carried out. Estimations of the
calcaneal BMD (g/cm2) and BMC, (r), estimated on ALOKA-5.0 DXA machine
among 156 male were done. Total body fat percentage was calculated by the
Mateigka (1921) equation, total body muscular mass by the Kuczmarski RJ and
Flegal KM equation (2000). The correlation analysis was carried out between the
anthropometric measurements and densitometry data.
Densitometry reveals that both BMD and BMC were lower in D than in B persons
(BMD 0.96G0.02 g/cm2 in D and 1.41G0.01 g/cm2 in B; BMC 67.67G2.53 r in
D while 91.20G0.04 r – in B). BMD and BMC in D have no correlations with the
longitudinal parameters (height, limbs length), but show the negative correlations
with the transverse body parameters, such as the intercondylar distances of the
elbow, knee and ankle (K0.41 to K0.50). In B the BMD was strongly inversely
dependent on the pelvic length, the BMC – with the thigh length. D bear the
higher body mass and lean muscular mass (71.80G2.80 and 58.20G1.66 kg) than
the B (63.44G0.98 and 52.09G0.41 kg), but the B have higher body fat content
(up to the 3.00% than in D, P!0.05). BMC in D directly correlates (rx/y 0.65)
with the body fat, and negatively – with the lean muscular mass (rx/y K0.42),
when in B both the BMD and BMC were predicted (rx/y 0.27–0.51) by the lean
muscular mass.
BMC in young dolychomorphes directly correlates with the body fat. In
brachymorphes the mineral density higher than in dolychomorphes and directly
correlates with the muscular content of the body.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P55
Effect of puberty on the muscle–bone relationships in Indian children
and adolescents
Anuradha Khadilkar1, Neha Sanwalka1, M Zulf Mughal2,
Shashi Chiplonkar1, Veena Ekbote1 & Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra, India; 2Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
To describe changes in the muscle–bone unit, assessed as the ratio of bone
mineral content (BMC) to lean body mass (LBM) at skeletal sites during puberty
in Indian males and females, after adjusting for age and fat.
Data on arm, leg and total body (less head) BMC, LBM and fat mass (FM)
assessed by DXA for 888 apparently healthy children and adolescents (426
females), 5–17 years of age from a cross-sectional study used to generate bone
mineral density reference data were used (Bone 2011 48 (4) 810–819). Tanner
staging (TS) was performed. Amount of BMC per unit LBM (arms, legs and total
body) was computed. Linear regression was performed to examine change in
mean BMC/LBM at various TS (adjustment: age, fat).
Mean total BMC/LBM increased significantly (7.7%) at successive TS from 1
(4.76G0.04) to 4 and by 5% from stage 4 to 5 (adjusted for age) in females
(P!0.001). In males, % increase in total BMC/LBM was small (1.8 to 4%) and
insignificant from TS 1 (4.89G0.05) to 4 (PO0.1) but increased significantly by
7.4% from 4 to 5 (P!0.001). Similar results were seen for total BMC/LBM
adjusted for fat. Significant increase of 6.6–14.7% in mean arm BMC/LBM (age
adjusted) was seen in females; in males increase (7.4%) was significant only from
stage 1 to 2 and 4 to 5 (4.9%) (P!0.001). BMC/LBM increased significantly by
18.5% from stage 3 to 4 in males (P!0.001); increase in leg BMC/LBM in
females was small (PO0.1).
ICCBH 2013
BMC for LBM increased with TS, but was more marked at arms and total body in
females; this ‘extra’ BMC may act as a reservoir for later demands of pregnancy
and lactation,
Weighted predicted value for
reabsorption of O2.0 mmol/l (NR 0.8–1.35 mmol/l). Serum creatinine and
calcium were within the normal range and serum PTH was inappropriately normal
(4.5 pmol/l).
Clinical management
Treatment with sevelamer and acetazolamide resulted in a serum phosphate of
1.6 mmol/l, reduction in pain and increased mobility.
DNA analysis showed no mutations in FGF23 or KL. The patient was
heterozygous for a novel missense variant, p.Val267Phe (c.799GOT) in exon 3
of GALNT3. Familial studies revealed that the non affected father also had the
same mutation in heterozygous form.
HFTC has been described to result from homozygous or compound heterozygous
mutations in FGF23, GALNT3 and KL. In this case, it is unclear if the
heterozygous GALNT3 missense mutation detected is related to HFTC. Her
unaffected father also carries this mutation as do 3.4% of individuals from SubSaharan Africa and 3.31% of African Americans. HFTC in this child may be as a
result of an autosomal recessive compound heterozygous mutation in which the
maternal mutation in GALNT3 remains undetected or due to mutations in a gene
related to phosphate metabolism which is as yet unidentified.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P57
Puberty is critical for the development of bone mineral density
impairment in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Stefano Mora, Marco Pitea, Katia Maruca, Silvia Capelli & Gianni Russo
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy.
Weighted predicted value for
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P56
Heterozygous mutation in GALNT3 in a case of hyperphosphataemic
familial tumoral calcinosis
Katie Knight, Moira Cheung & Jeremy Allgrove
Royal London Hospital, London, UK.
Hyperphosphataemic familial tumoral calcinosis (HFTC) is a rare autosomal
recessive condition in which increased renal phosphate reabsorption is associated
with elevated serum phosphate, inappropriately normal or raised PTH and
extraosseous calcification. It is caused by mutations in genes related to phosphate
metabolism: fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 3 (GALNT3) and Klotho (KL).
We present a patient with HFTC and a heterozygous mutation in GALNT3.
Presenting problem
A 9-year Afro Caribbean old girl presented with a hot, swollen, tender mass of her
right hip and buttock associated with several months of fatigue and pain. She was
previously well and from a non consanguineous union with no family history of
renal or skeletal disorders. Examination revealed a 7–8 cm mass in her right
buttock and X-ray and CT imaging demonstrated a large calcified mass in the
muscle and subcutaneous fat in the region of the right greater trochanter. Serum
phosphate was elevated at 1.83 mmol/l, the fractional excretion of phosphate
(FEPO4) was 4.09% with an elevated theoretical tubular maximum of phosphate
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a rare condition characterized by the
inability of the adrenal gland to produce cortisol. The classical form is due to the
deficit of 21-hydroxylase activity (21-OHD) and it accounts for 90–95% of all
CAH cases. Treatment of CAH patients consists of life-long glucocorticoid
therapy, which must be dosed carefully to avoid excessive or insufficient adrenal
suppression. There are data showing low bone mineral density (BMD) in adult
patients with CAH, particularly evident in male patients. Few data are available
describing the bone mass situation in children. The objective of the current study
was to describe bone mineral status in prepubertal CAH patients, and the
evolution of their BMD measurements through puberty.
We enrolled 29 prepubertal children with the classical form of CAH (16 girls and
13 boys), aged 4.8–11.5 years at baseline. All patients were receiving cortisone as
replacement therapy. We assessed BMD by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at
the lumbar spine and the whole skeleton at enrollment, and after completion of the
pubertal period. We compared BMD values of CAH patients with those of 116
healthy controls of comparable ages.
At baseline lumbar spine BMD values of CAH patients (0.755G0.112 g/cm2)
were not different from those of healthy controls. Similarly, whole body BMD
measurements (0.902G0.139 g/cm2) did not differ from those of healthy subjects.
After puberty we observed significantly lower BMD values of CAH patients both
at the lumbar spine (1.162G0.133 g/cm2, P!0.05), and in the whole skeleton
(0.161G0.098, P!0.05). When BMD data were expressed as Z-scores, we could
observe a mean decrement after puberty of K0.2 (1.1) in the lumbar spine, and of
K0.7 (1.1) in the whole skeleton. The mean decrement in BMD Z-score of male
patients was significantly larger than that of female patients in both skeletal sites.
Our data identify puberty as the critical period for the development of bone
density impairment in CAH patients. It is therefore important to monitor closely
the bone mass acquisition in relation to the replacement therapy during puberty to
promote bone health in CAH patients.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P58
The rapid effect of vibration on bone formation and resorption in the
growing skeleton
Rachel Harrison1, Kate Ward1,2, Ellen Lee1 & Nick Bishop1
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; 2MRC Human Nutrition Research,
Cambridge, UK.
Mechanical stimulation is thought to be critical for bone anabolic activity. It is
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
unclear how quickly the growing skeleton responds to additional externallyapplied mechanical stimuli. We wished to determine the acute effect of a
standardised mechanical stimulus to the growing skeleton.
To determine the acute time course and magnitude of bone’s response to whole
body vibration (WBV) in pre-pubertal boys.
Healthy boys aged 9–12 years were recruited to stand on either the Juvent 1000
(low magnitude, high frequency) or Galileo Advanced (high magnitude, variable
frequency) vibrating platforms for 1, 3 or 5 days for 10 min (nZ36). A control
group (nZ15) stood on a non-vibrating platform. Pre- and 10 min post vibration
blood samples were taken to measure changes in bone formation (P1NP,
osteocalcin), bone resorption (CTx) and the bone derived factors osteoprotegerin
and sclerostin. Samples were collected half hourly for 2 h in the control group.
In the immediate pre to post vibration period P1NP decreased by up to 7.9% and
CTx by up to 8.8% in the Juvent and Control groups; no change was seen in the
Galileo group. There was no difference in the response between groups across the
pre- to post-vibration period. At 8 days, in boys exposed to 5 days of WBV on
either platform, there was an increase from baseline in P1NP of 25.1% (PZ0.005)
and in CTx of 10.9% (PZ0.009). There was no intergroup difference. There was
no change in osteocalcin. Osteoprotegerin increased by 7.2% at day 8 (PZ0.08)
possibly explaining the smaller increase in resorption. No change was seen in
In the growing skeleton a short period of mechanical stimulation resulted in
increased bone activity, with a greater response in the formation marker P1NP
than the resorption marker CTx after 5 days WBV. The lack of change in
osteocalcin may reflect the ‘early’ nature of the response measured by P1NP in the
bone formation process. Increased formation was not due to repression of
sclerostin, nor due solely to increased remodelling/resorption, suggesting that
other pathways mediate the acute anabolic response seen here to WBV.
Declaration of funding
K Ward is funded by Medical Research Council Grant Code U105960371.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P59
Failure of free, public vitamin D supplementation program for Quebec
infants: temporal trends and significant predictors
Maude Millette1, Atul Sharma1, Hope Weiler1, Odile Sheehy2,
Anick Berard2 & Celia Rodd1
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Ste-Justine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Over 80% of Quebec woman initiate breastfeeding, and rates of exclusive
breastfeeding at 6 months doubled from 2003 (9.7%) to 2009 (19.0%). To prevent
deficiency, current recommendations for these infants include 400 IU/day of
vitamin D. For 20 years, Quebec has offered a program of free vitamin D
supplements through its public medication insurance plan (RAMQ).
Program evaluation over the last decade.
This is a retrospective descriptive analysis of infants born between Jan 1998 and
Dec 2008. All healthy term infants covered by RAMQ drug plan were eligible;
w30% of pregnant women and infants are covered. Data were extracted from the
Quebec Pregnancy Registry linking three databases: RAMQ (diagnoses,
medications, and SES), MedEcho (hospitalizations), and IQ20 (birthweight,
SES). Multivariable logistic regression (GEE) examined predictors of participation.
A total of 123 018 infants were eligible. Mean annual prevalence of vitamin D
exposure was 17.9%G5.6. Median age at which the first bottle of supplements
was obtained was 36 days (rangeZ0–370). The majority (51.0%) obtained only
one bottle of fifty doses (medianZ1, rangeZ1–20). Significant predictors
(P!0.05) were prescription by pediatrician (odds ratio (OR)Z1.23, with 95%
CIZ1.19–1.27); increasing maternal age (ORZ1.018/year, 95% CIZ1.015–
1.021); non-synthesizing season for vitamin D (ORZ1.04, 95% CIZ1.01–1.07);
women living alone (ORZ0.87, 95% CIZ0.83–0.91), less education (OR 0.88,
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
95% CIZ0.84–0.92) and rural residence (OR 0.94, 95% CIZ0.91–0.98). There
was also a decline in program participation over time (OR 0.89/year, 95% CIZ
Program participation was low and decreased with time. Additional risks for
rickets included long delay prior to filling the first prescription, failure to renew,
younger mothers, mothers with less education, and care by a non-pediatrician.
Overall, poor uptake suggests difficulty in administration of supplements, poor
understanding of their potential benefits, or low acceptance of health
professionals’ advice. New preventive strategies need to be developed to increase
long-term vitamin D compliance.
Declaration of funding
Funded by Montreal Children’s Hospital-Research Institute and Gray Family
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P60
Elevated FGF23 levels in premature infants without excessive
Tarah Fatani, Asma Binjab, Hope Weiler, Atul Sharma & Celia Rodd
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Preterm infants develop reduced bone mass and fragility fractures. Nevertheless,
normal ranges in preterm infants are poorly defined for concentrations of vitamin
D; its isomers (C3a-epimer of 25(OH)D3) and metabolites (24, 25(OH)2D3, 1,
24(OH)2D); and other mineral-regulating hormones, including FGF23 in both
intact (iFRG23) and inactive (C- terminal) forms.
To clarify normal concentrations of minerals and hormones in healthy, preterm
infants (AGA).
We conducted a longitudinal, pilot, cohort study on infants born at 28–32 weeks
gestation, monitoring blood and urine at 1, 3, and 5 weeks and at term. Analyses
included morning plasma and urine calcium, phosphorus, creatinine (Beckman
Coulter, USA), whole blood ionized calcium (Radiometer, Denmark), PTH,
cFGF23 (C-terminal and intact; Immunotopics, USA), iFGF23 (Kainos, Japan), 1,
25(OH)2D (IDS, UK) and 25(OH)D3 and its C3a-epimer and metabolites by LC–
MS/MS (Warnex, Canada). Data are meanGS.D.
Eleven infants (mean GA 30.9G1.5 weeks, wt 1866G21.6 g, maleZ5) were
recruited. At weeks 1, 3, 5, and term, the % achieving 50 nM concentrations of
25(OH)D3 were 40, 60, 100, and 67%, with good intakes of vitamin D. Levels of
iFGF23 were mildly elevated (double adult norms) with a marked increase in
cFGF23 (ten times adult norms). Nevertheless, tubular resorption of phosphorus
(TRP) was normal (88G8%) for those with urine samples. Preterm infants had
substantial concentrations of C3a-epimer, much higher than in adults. Calcitriol
levels were robust at all ages.
Table 1 Results of blood biochemistry and hormone concentrations across
time in preterm infants.
1 (nZ10)
2 (nZ10)
5 (nZ2)
D3 (nM)
C3a epimer (%)
PTH (pM)
1,25(OH)2D (pM)
49. 9G14.8
*nZ1, nZ3.
Many infants achieved acceptable 25(OH)D3 concentrations. Despite elevated
concentrations of FGF23, there was not excessive phoshaturia.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P61
ICCBH 2013
The effect of the ketogenic diet on the developing skeleton
Peter Simm1,3, Jill Bicknell-Royle4, Judy Nation5, Kellie Draffin6,
Karen Stewart7, Fergus Cameron1,3, Ingrid Scheffer8,9 & Mark Mackay1,2
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, The Royal Children’s Hospital
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 2Department of Paediatrics,
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 3Murdoch
Childrens Research Institute, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 4Department of
Neurology, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,
Australia; 5Department of Nutrition and Food Services, The Royal
Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 6Department
of Nutrition and Dietetics, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia;
Department of Paediatrics, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia;
Department of Medicine, Epilepsy Research Centre, University of
Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia; 9Florey Neuroscience
Institutes, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
The ketogenic diet (KD) is a medically supervised, high fat, low carbohydrate and
restricted protein diet which has been used successfully in patients with refractory
epilepsy. Only one published report has explored its effect on the skeleton. We
postulated that KD impairs bone mass accrual and examined skeletal health
parameters in this patient group.
Patients commenced on the KD from 2002–2009 were enrolled in a prospective,
longitudinal study; with monitoring of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
derived bone parameter including bone mineral content and density (BMD). Areal
BMD was converted to bone mineral apparent density (BMAD) where possible.
Biochemical parameters, including vitamin D, and bone turnover markers,
including osteocalcin and urinary deoxypiridinolone, were assessed.
29 patients were on the KD for a minimum of 6 months (range 0.5–6.5 years,
mean 2.1 years). There was a mean reduction in lumbar spine (LS) BMD Z-score
of 0.37 S.D. 20 patients (68%) had a lower BMD at the end of treatment. There was
no correlation between change in LS BMD and ambulatory status (RZ0.02).
Height adjustment was possible for 13 patients, with a mean reduction in BMAD
Z-score of 0.19 S.D. ALP levels were in the normal range but osteocalcin showed a
mean 26.5 nmol/l, which was elevated. Only one patient sustained fractures
(bilateral femoral fractures). Urinary calcium-creatinine ratios were elevated
(mean 0.77) but only one patient developed renal calculi.
The KD has a small but significant effect on the developing skeleton, independent of
height and ambulatory status. Effects on bone turnover and calcium/creatinine ratios
point to abnormal mineral metabolism. Clinicians should be aware of potential
skeletal side effects and monitor bone health during KD treatment. Longer term
follow up is still required to determine adult/peak bone mass and fracture risk.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P62
Bone status of Indian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Lavanya Parthasarathy1, Anuradha Khadilkar1, Veena Ekbote1,
Shashi Chiplonkar1, Zulf Mughal2 & Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Pune, India;
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Royal Manchester Children’s
Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (TIDM) has been shown to adversely affect bone health
in children. Hence, objective was to assess bone health status of children with
T1DM, and to assess relationship between bone status and disease duration.
Bone mineral content for total body (less head) (TBBMC) and lumbar spine was
measured by DXA in 47 (25 boys) children with T1DM. Z-scores for TBBMC for
bone area (TBBA), TBBA for height, lean body mass (LBM) for height, TBBMC
for LBM and lumbar spine bone mineral apparent density (LSBMAD) were
computed reference data (Bone 2011 48 (4) 810–819).
Mean age was 10.9G2.5 years, height Z-scores were K1.1G1.2 (32% below K2
S.D.); duration of diabetes was 2.7G3 years, glycosylated hemoglobin was 9.1G
2.2%. Mean Z-scores for total body (TBBMC for TBBA, TBBA for height, LBM
for height, TBBMC for LBM) were within normal range for all; in contrast, mean
LSBAMD Z-score was K5.2G0.8. Children were divided according to median
for disease duration; children with diabetes for O1.5 years had significantly lower
LSBMAD Z score for disease duration
<1.5 years
>1.5 years
Figure 1
<1.5 years
>1.5 years
LSBMAD scores (K5.0G0.7 vs K5.5G0.8, P!0.05, Fig. 1). 71% children with
diabetes for O1.5 years had LSBMAD Z-scores lower than the median values (ZscoreZK5.1). Whereas 64% children who had diabetes for !1.5 years had
LSBMAD Z-scores above K5.1. Further, boys had significantly lower LSBMAD
Z-scores (K5.5G0.8 vs K4.9G0.6) whereas the LBM for height Z-scores in girls
were significantly lower than in boys (K0.2G0.8 vs K0.3G0.9, P!0.05).
Children with T1DM with longer duration had lower bone mineral content at the
lumbar spine possibly due to trabecular bone loss.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P63
The level of vitamin D and calcium in urban pregnant women in
Russian Federation
Olga Ershova1,2, Valentina Dzhalatova1,2, Ksenia Belova1,2 &
Ekaterina Svetalkina1,2
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Yaroslavl, Russia; 2State Clinical
Hospital for Emergency Medical Care n.a. N.V. Solovyev of Yaroslavl
Region, Yaroslavl, Russia.
Optimal intake of calcium and vitamin D of pregnant women is an important
component for the normal course of pregnancy, but here are the contradictory
opinions about the case of shortage of the consumption, there is no uniform
approach to the appointment of them.
To assess the level of consumption of alimentary calcium, and characteristic of
the status of vitamin D and calcium in blood serum of pregnant women.
Materials and methods
We examined 80 women at the age of 20–35 years (mean age of 27.12G4.36
years) in the third trimester of pregnancy (gestation 31.71G3.37 weeks) residents
of Yaroslavl city, Russian Federation. The average consumption of calcium in
foodstuff was estimated according to the tables with norms from Russian
guidelines for osteoporosis, 2012. The analysis of calcium and vitamin D (25(OH)
vitamin D) in blood samples was carried out during the whole year. The
concentration of vitamin D in blood serum was determined by the electrochemiluminescence immunoassay («ECLIA»), the concentration of calcium – by
the method of optical density on the unit COBAS 400 PLUS.
The average consumption of calcium in foodstuff was 1148.25G368.91 mg/day
(from 350 to 2064 mg). 29 (36.25%) of women consumed !1000 mg, !1200 mg –
46 (57.50%), more than 1500 mg – only 16 (20.00%) women. The total blood
calcium was 2.14G0.28 mmol/l (from 1.43 to 2.48 mmol/l). Hypocalcaemia was in
40 (50.00%) of the pregnant women. The average level of 25(OH) – vitamin D was
26.61G13.69 ng/ml (from 4.10 to 58.16). The normal content ration (more than
30 ng/ml) was detected in 29 (36.25%) of people, insufficiency (from 21 to
29.9 ng/ml) – at 18 (22.50%), deficit (!20 ng/ml) – at 33 (41.25%) women. There
was no difference in mean concentration of vitamin D in blood samples from different
seasons (from Oct to Apr – 26.51G11.69 ng/ml, from May to Sep – 26.79G
17.32 ng/ml, PO0.05). The clinical manifestations of the vitamin D deficiency
and/or hypocalcaemia were noted in 17 (21.25%) women.
Our data demonstrate the wide prevalence of the deficiency of dietary calcium and
low level of vitamin D of the urban pregnant women in the third trimester of
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P64
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Improvement in morphological properties of trabecular bones and
longitudinal growth in tibia for growing rats through an impact
Sinae Eom1, Chang-Yong Ko2, Ji Hyung Park1, Dong-Hyun Seo1,
Young Jin Jung1 & Han Sung Kim1
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju,
Republic of Korea; 2Korea Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Research Center,
Incheon, Republic of Korea.
Mechanical stress and strain generated by physical exercises or the other passive
stimulations are well known to have a positive effect on the growing
musculoskeletal system. Especially, when the impact stimulation which evokes
high magnitude of strain in a second is applied to bone, it improves bone qualities.
Thus, to verify the effect of impact stimulation, we conducted longitudinal study
on morphological properties of the tibia in growing rats. Free falls from
designated heights were implemented to induce high impact stimulation. Sixweek-old male Wistar rats were randomly allocated to one of three conditions:
free fall from 20-cm-height (W20; nZ7), free fall from 40-cm-height (W40;
nZ7), and control (WC; nZ7). The impact stimulations were administered to the
free fall groups, ten times/day, and 5 days/week for 8 weeks. The right tibia was
scanned by in-vivo micro-CT at 0, 4, and 8 weeks of experiment and structural
parameters and tibia‘s length were measured to evaluate the variation in
morphological characteristics and bone length with maturing. After 4 weeks of
the experiment, relative values (value of 4 or 8 weeks/0 week, thus 1 at 0 week) of
BV/TV and Tb.N were significantly higher in W40 group than in WC and W20
groups (all P!0.05), while relative values of Tb.Sp was significantly smaller
(P!0.05). However, there were no difference in relative values in Tb.Th and
bone length among the groups (all PO0.05). No significant difference in all
structural parameters between W20 and WC groups (PO0.05). After 8 weeks of
the experiments, relative values in Tb.Th and tibial length were significantly
higher in W40 group than in WC and W20 groups (P!0.05). Only relative value
of Tb.Sp in W20 group was significantly smaller than that in WC group
(P!0.05). Overall, impact stimulation for 8 weeks generated by free falls at a
40-cm-height affected not only trabecular bone homeostasis but also bone growth.
Furthermore, since a significant bone growth was appeared after 8 weeks of
stimulation, but not after 4 weeks, continuous stimulation may be needed to
improve bone growth length in growing rats.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P65
Effect of resistance training on peripheral bone mineral density and
muscle strength in adolescents with motor difficulties
Beth Hands, Fleur McIntyre, Francisco Bervenotti & Aris Siafarikas
University of Notre Dame Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
Adolescents with motor difficulties may have a higher fracture risk due to limited
participation in high impact physical activities that improve bone mineral density
(BMD). Equipment constrained resistance training (RT) interventions may be an
effective way to improve both muscle strength and BMD in this population. The
aims of this study were to investigate the effect of a GYM-based RT intervention
on peripheral BMD, and to determine the extent of the relationship between BMD
and muscle strength, among adolescents with motor difficulties.
Participants were 21 adolescents (13 intervention and 8 control) with motor
difficulties, with a mean age of 14 (1.54) years. The participants were recruited
from a larger research project (Adolescent Movement Program; AMPitup) and its
wait list. The intervention was a 13-week aerobic and resistance exercise program
that participants attended for 90-min twice a week. The exercise program
included five pre-set exercises targeting the forearm and lower leg (leg–press,
push-ups, seated row, calf raises, and up-right rows) to be completed every
session. Measures taken pre and post intervention included peripheral BMD scans
(tibia and radius; trabecular and cortical density) using peripheral quantitative
computer tomography (pQCT), height, weight, upper (grip strength, chest pass)
and lower (IRM leg press, distance and vertical jump) body muscle strength.
General linear models, adjusting for physical maturity, and correlations were used
to analyse the data.
Improvements in muscle strength, in particular for the upper body (right hand grip
strength PZ0.01; chest pass PZ0.01) were observed in the intervention group
but not the control group. Changes in BMD measures from pre to post test in the
intervention group were less conclusive due to the small sample size and short
time frame, however positive trends were apparent. Muscle strength and BMD
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
was related as evidenced by moderate to strong correlations, particularly for the
lower leg.
A targeted resistance training program may be effective in improving muscle
strength and stimulating bone changes in adolescents with motor difficulties.
Further research is needed to clarify the most effective exercises for site specific
BMD improvements in this group.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P66
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in predicting clinical bone disease in
adults with childhood onset end-stage renal disease
Maike van Huis1, Judith Vogelzang1, Hanneke van der Lee2,
Annemieke Boot3 & Jaap Groothoff1
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Academic Medical Center, Emma
Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Clinical Research Unit,
Division Woman-Child, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Beatrix Children’s
Hospital, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The
Metabolic bone disease is a frequent complication of end-stage renal disease,
characterised by a decreased bone mineral density, which can be measured with
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Its validity as a marker for clinical bone
disease and increased fracture risk has never been established in adults with
pediatric onset of end-stage renal disease (1–3). Adult survivors of pediatric end
stage renal disease have very low bone mineral density and small stature (4). In
this cohort study, the association between low bone mineral density measured
with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in adult survivors of pediatric end-stage
renal disease in 2000 and manifestations of clinical bone disease between 2000
and 2010 was assessed.
113 from all 187 living patients of the so called LERIC-cohort (4) agreed to
participate. Data regarding bone mineral density and clinical bone disease were
gathered in 2000. Volumetric bone mineral density was calculated. Data on
clinical outcome were gathered retrospectively by reviewing medical charts over
the period 2000–2010 and by questionnaires.
Mean volumetric bone mineral density Z-scores (95% CI) of the lumbar spine
was K1.0 (K1.2 to K0.7) and femoral neck was K3.0 (K3.5 to K2.5). 27% of
the patients suffered from clinical bone disease. 16 patients (14%) had suffered
from a fracture in the last 10 years, of which four were pathological fractures. The
odds ratios (95% CI) of volumetric bone mineral density for clinical bone disease
and fractures over 10 years were 1.033 (0.867 to 1.231) and 0.679 (0.437 to 1.055)
Adult survivors of pediatric end stage renal disease have low volumetric bone
mineral density and the prevalence of clinical bone disease is high. However, we
found no significant association between bone mineral density and clinical bone
disease. Therefore, the usefulness of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in
predicting clinical bone disease in patients with pediatric end-stage renal disease
is still uncertain.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P67
Engineered tridimensional hydroxyapatite scaffold to support bone
Alfredo Cappariello1, Eleonora Mirabile2, Maurizio Muraca1 & Anna Teti2
Children Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy; 2University of L’Aquila,
L’Aquila, Italy.
In many traumatic or pathological conditions, bone turnover is low and osteoclast
activity is reduced or abolished. We developed innovative hydroxyapatite (HA)
scaffolds carrying RANKL expressing cells with the aim of supporting bone
resorption when this is defective. Membrane-bound (m)RANKL is cleaved into
soluble (s)RANKL by MMP14. We hypothesized that the osteoclastogenic
potential of RANKL-producing cells could be improved if they were seeded on
scaffolds engineered by immobilization of MMP14 to rise the shedding of
ICCBH 2013
Primary osteoblasts (OBs) and stromal bone marrow cells from 10 days old WT
CD1 mice were used. MC3T3 cells were stably transfected with sRANKL-vector.
MMP14 was immobilized on 3D-HA scaffolds using procedures based on
protein-to-substrate binding by glutaraldehyde (10% v/v). For in vivo studies, the
scaffolds were entrapped in diffusion chambers (Millipore).
We identified in OBs the best spontaneous sRANKL source, then on these cells
we demonstrated a concentration-dependent RANKL shedding ability of the
catalytic domain of MMP14. Next, we quantified in about 50% the enzymatic
efficiency of MMP-14 functionalized scaffolds vs soluble MMP14, and tested the
efficacy of MMP14-engineered 3D-HA scaffolds on OBs noting increased release
of sRANKL vs scaffolds not subjected to MMP14 immobilization. Intact
scaffolds are also seeded with MC3T3 cells stably overexpressing sRANKL.
Moreover, we assembled devices with scaffolds embedded in diffusion chambers
and proved the safety of their implants in WT mice. Finally, we tested the
efficiency of devices harboring either OBS or sRANKL-MC3T3 implanted in
RANKL KO mice. In tibial sections we noted the appearance of TRAcP positive
cells in both groups of implanted animals in contrast with sham KO mice, which
were TRAcP-negative.
Our results demonstrated the feasibility of a strategy based on engineered biodevice for supporting sRANKL release from osteoblast mRANKL.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P68
Isolated bilateral zeugo-autopodal segments agenesis of the lower limb:
unusual malformation case report
Antoine Christiaens1,2, Pierre M L Deprez1, Antonella Mendola2,
Pierre Bernard3, Yves Gillerot3, Philippe Clapuyt3, Benoı̂t G Lengelé1,
Miikka Vikkula2 & Catherine Nyssen-Behets1
Université Catholique de Louvain – Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et
Clinique – Pôle de Morphologie, Brussels, Belgium; 2Université Catholique
de Louvain – de Duve Institute – Human Molecular Genetics, Brussels,
Belgium; 3Université Catholique de Louvain – Cliniques Universitaires
Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium.
Congenital limb abnormalities represent a prevalence of 0.79/1000 of live births in
Massachusetts1. A better understanding of their physiopathology could improve
the management of the patients. We report on a 23 weeks female fetus affected by
an isolated bilateral terminal transverse defect of the lower limbs with nubbins.
Both familial history and chromosomal analyses were irrelevant. We performed a
deep morphological examination of the fetus in comparison with an age-matched
control fetus in order to precise the diagnosis. The estimated skeleton age
corresponded to the gestational age. The bones of both legs and feet were
completely lacking, whereas no abnormality was observed in the axial and upper
limb skeleton as well as in the other systems. The distal femur epiphysis presented
an unusual shape and was composed of a cartilage bud including the proximal tibia
anlage. Targeted sequencing of exons involved in limb morphogenesis was carried
out with skin tissue and showed no significant mutation. Such a rare malformation
was never reported in the medical literature. Considering the data available in the
literature, we can suggest the genetic cause is the most probable. Only few theories
exist to explain the limb and joint development and malformation. This extremely
rare malformation comes up against some contradictory theories, like the Progress
Zone model2 and the Early Specification model3. The minute description of the
present case is a real chance to give cues to the correct understanding of limb and
joint formation, especially the chronological sequence of the different genes,
molecules and targets involved in limb morphogenesis.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P70
sRANKL/OPG in children with idiopathic hypercalciuria
Maria Pavlou1, Ekaterini Siomou1, Vasileios Cholevas2,
Antigone Siamopoulou1 & Anna Challa2
Division of Paediatric Nephrology, Health Department, Ioannina, Greece;
Pediatric’s Research Laboratory, Child Health Department, Medical
School, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.
To determine any relationship of serum concentrations of osteoprotegerin (OPG),
sRANKL and sRANKL:OPG ratio with idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH) in
children, as there is some evidence of increased bone resorption in these patients.
In a prospective study, twenty four children of median age 6.5 years (range 2.3–
16.4) with IH (five had urolithiasis and two nephrocalcinosis) were examined at
the time of diagnosis and after 3 months of salt free and adequate Ca diet.
Clinically healthy children (nZ46) matched for age, sex and season were used as
controls (median 8.0 years, range 1.8–16.3). sRANKL (total), OPG, 25(OH)D,
and 1.25(OH)2D, PTH, Ca, Pi, osteocalcin (N-MID OC), ALP and CTXCrosslaps were determined in serum and Ca, creatinine, oxalate and citrate in
urine. Height was recorded and BMI Z-score was assessed.
The BMI Z-score was lower in patients than controls (K0.425G0.641 vs
C0.106G1.0, PZ0.016), but height did not differ. Although urinary Ca excretion
(24 hCa and UCa/UCr) decreased at 3 months (24 hUCa: 6.29G2.0 vs 5.19G
2.3 mg/kg, PZ0.06; UCa/UCr: 0.30G0.19 vs 0.21G0.12 mg/mg, PZ0.014) on
average it had not reached control values (2.14G1.08, P!0.0001; 0.10G0.06,
PZ0.0003). Ucitrate/UCr, UCa/UCitrate and 24 h oxalate did not differ in
patients before and after diet or compared to controls. No significant differences
were found for serum Ca, Pi, 25OHD, 1.25(OH)2D, PTH, osteocalcin, ALP, OPG
and sRANKL or for the sRANKL:OPG ratio. Only serum concentrations of CTXCrosslaps were significantly higher in both patient samples (1.63G0.67, P!0.02;
1.56G0.45, P!0.05 than controls (1.24G0.56 pmol/l).
No evident changes in the serum cytokines OPG and sRANKL were noted in
children with IH. However, growth might have been affected by increased bone
resorption, as indicated by the higher levels of serum CTX-Crosslaps and
unaffected formation, since osteocalcin was not found different from controls.
Hence, an autocrine role of the above cytokines cannot be excluded.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P69
The microarchitecture of bone in osteochondromas
Heleen Staal1, Bert van Rietbergen2 & Lodewijk van Rhijn1
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Maastricht University Medical
Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands; 2Department of Orthopaedic
Biomechanics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
Hereditary multiple osteochondromas (HMO) is characterized by the outward
growth of cartilage-capped bone tumors. Osteochondromas contain a bone
marrow cavity continuous with the normal bone cavity. Because of their off-axis
position, osteochondromas are expected to carry less load than normal bone
tissue. According to Wolff’s law, we therefore hypothesized that osteochondromas would have a less developed, osteoporotic-like microstructure. To test
this hypothesis, we measured the bone morphology of osteochondromas with
microCT scanning and compared it to normal bone. To our knowledge this is the
first study done with microCT and human osteochondromas.
Materials and methods
Micro-CT scans were made of thirteen osteochondromas from human subjects to
evaluate tissue mineralization and bone structural parameters. Values for normal
bone were taken from the literature.
Large differences in tissue mineralization were found, with three specimens being
hardly mineralized and the others being less mineralized than normal bone. The
osteochondromas have less but thicker trabeculae than normal bone. The spacing
between the trabeculae is increased. The structure lacks a clear orientation, being
more isotropic than normal bone.
Osteochondromas resemble an osteoporotic structure in some aspects (increased
trabecular spacing, decreased trabecular number) but the osteochondromas have a
higher trabecular thickness. This may be due to the influence of the cartilage cap
nearby. The osteochondromas also lack a clear trabecular orientation, probably
due to the absence of mechanical loading.
Osteochondromas have a less developed structure, as witnessed by the lower
mineralization and the absence of a clear trabecular orientation, but is not
comparable to osteoporotic bone.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
This study is the first to show that the architecture of the osteochondromas is
not osteoporotic. It only resembles an osteoporotic structure in some aspects
(increased trabecular spacing, decreased trabecular number) but that they have a
higher trabecular thickness.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P71
Abstract withdrawn.
(K0.67G1.28; range K3.95 to 2.47) indicating decreased bone mass (!K2) were
found in five patients. At time of diagnosis hypovitaminosis D (!50 nmol/l) was
found in 69% of patients. Increased bone markers (as compared to adult reference
ranges) were observed in 75% for osteocalcin, 95% for P1CP, 98% for CTX and 45%
for crosslaps urine. Osteoprotegerin was similar to normal adult values in 92% of
patients. After 1 year follow-up statistically significant increase was found for
osteocalcin (0.002) and P1CP (0.001), and decrease for crosslaps urine (0.0005) and
osteoprotegerin (0.03). Hypovitaminosis D was still present in 41% of cases. These
results indicate that CIBD in children and adolescents did not considerably impair the
skeleton. Increased bone markers probably indicate increased bone turnover
characteristic of growth and puberty. The observed changes of bone markers during
follow-up probably reflects recovery and continuation of growth processes. Normal
osteoprotegerin levels suggest that bone resorption at diagnosis and during
monitoring was not predominant. Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D is a serious
problem of this disorder, its treatment and prevention should be a measure for
preventing osteoporosis risk.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P74
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P72
Histomorphometric parameters of the alveolar ridges of the mandible
in immature rats after thymectomy
V Luzin, A Kochubey & V Morozov
Lugansk State Medical University, Lugansk, Ukraine.
Study the features changes of histomorphometric parameters of alveolar ridges in
immature rats after thymectomy.
The study was conducted on 120 immature male rats were divided into two
groups: 1st group – sham-operated animals, 2nd group – rats with removed of the
thymus under mask ether anesthesia (thymectomy). Periods of observation were
7, 15, 30, 90 and 180 days. Rats were euthanized under mask ether anesthesia. For
histological examination the mandible was cut at the level of the second molar,
separated dentoalveolar segments were fixed in 10% neutral formalin, decalcified
in 5% formic acid, dehydrated in increasing concentrations of alcohol, embedded
in paraffin and stained with hematoxylin–eosin. Morphometry program included
the following parameters: the total width of the alveolar ridge at the level of 2nd
molar and the width of its layers: the outer cortical plate, inner cortical plate,
osteon layer and diameters of osteons and their channels.
In animals of 2nd group the total width of the alveolar ridge and the width of the
outer cortical plate decreased, compared with the same parameters in 1st group,
from 30 to 180 day of observation respectively by 3.55, 7.13, 8.89 and 5.44, 8.71,
9.41%, width of osteon layer – by the 90th and the 180th days by 8.83 and 9.28%
and the width of the inner cortical plate – by the 180th day by 7.87%. Diameters
were lower than those of 1st group by the 90th and 180th days of observation by
4.35 and 4.46%, and the diameter of osteons channels, in contrast, were more by
8.46 and 15.88% respectively.
Thus, under conditions of thymectomy in immature rats there was a disturbance in
the structural organization of alveolar ridge of the mandible in the later period of
observation (from 30 to 180 per day), which may indicate a generalized periodontitis.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P73
Vitamin D receptor gene Fok1 polymorphism and bone mass accrual in
Indian girls
Anuradha Khadilkar1, Neha Sanwalka2, Shashi Chiplonkar1,
Kavita Khatod3, Nikhil Phadke3, vaman Khadilkar1 & Veena Ekbote1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra, India; 2NutriCanvas, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India;
GenePath Diagnostics, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
To study association of VDR gene Fok1 polymorphism locus on bone mass
accrual in adolescent girls.
An intervention trial was carried out in 102 girls aged 8–16 years (Pune, India).
All girls received 500 mg elemental calcium (daily) and 30 000 IU of vitamin D3
quarterly for 1 year. Outcome variables were measured at baseline and end of the
year. Serum levels of ionised calcium (iCa), inorganic phosphorous, parathyroid
hormone (PTH) and 25-hydroxy vitamin-D were measured (25(OH)D). Bone
mineral content (BMC), bone area (BA), bone mineral density (BMD) and lean
body mass (LBM) were measured at total body by DXA. Percentage increase in
BMC, BA and BMD was calculated. Polymorphisms (FF, Ff, ff) of VDR gene at
Fok1 locus were detected using SYBR Green quantitative PCR.
Overall prevalence of Fok1 genotypes were 43.1 Ff, 9.8 ff and 47.1% FF. There
were no significant differences in percentage change in serum parameters during
the intervention period between groups (PO0.05). At baseline, FF genotype had
significantly lower BMD as compared to ff and Ff genotype (P!0.05) and
significantly lower BA as compared to ff genotype (P!0.05). A significant
increase in BMC, BA, BMD and LBM was observed post supplementation in all
the three Fok1 polymorphism groups (P value!0.05). However, there were no
significant differences in the percentage increase in BMC (Ff (17.9%); ff (18.1%);
FF (17.4%)), BA (Ff (11.6%); ff (11.2%); FF (11.8%)), BMD (Ff (5.4%); ff
(6.3%); FF (4.9%)) and LBM (Ff (8.4%); ff (9.2%); FF (10.7%)) (PO0.05) (Fig).
Percentage change in bone parameters post supplementation
Assessment of bone mass and bone metabolism in children with chronic
inflammatory bowel diseases
Vesna Kusec & Irena Senecic-Cala
Clinical Hospital Centre, Zagreb, Croatia.
Skeletal integrity during childhood may be compromised by diseases interfering with
bone metabolism. Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CIBD; Crohn’s disease,
ulcerative colitis) in children is a recognized risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. This
study was aimed at assessment of bone mass and bone metabolism in children with
CIBD at diagnosis and after 1 year during therapy. Patient population comprised 64
children (boys 23 and girls 42) and adolescents aged 14.6G2.7 years (7–20). Dual
X-ray densitometry (lumbar spine) and, measurement of 25-OH D and bone markers
(osteocalcin, P1CP, CTX, crosslaps urine, osteoprotegerin) by standard methods
were performed. No difference between sexes was found. Densitometry Z-scores
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
change TBBMC change TBBA change TBBMD change LBM
Girls with FF genotype had significantly lower bone indices as compared to ff
and Ff genotypes. VDR gene polymorphism as defined by Fok1 genotype had no
positive influence on bone mass accrual in study girls.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P75
ICCBH 2013
Final height and bone health in young adults, transplanted in childhood
Maria Van Dyck, Jean Herman & Rita Lombaerts
Pediatric Nephrology Department, University Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium.
Variable relationship of fat mass and bone with pubertal staging in
obese and normal weight Indian children and adolescents
Anuradha Khadilkar1, Veena Ekbote1, Deepa Pandit1, Shashi Chiplonkar1,
M Zulf Mughal2 & Vaman Khadilkar1
Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Jehangir Hospital,
Pune, Mumbai, India; 2Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
This study analyses the long-term effect of rhGH on final height (FH) and bone
health in renal transplanted patients.
Twenty-one young adult patients, aged 17–26 years, were studied. Group A
consisted of 15 patients (12 boys) who received rhGH during 3.0 years before
transplantation. After transplantation three boys needed rhGH again for 3.5 years.
In group B six patients (three boys) didn’t need rhGH before transplantation, three
girls received rhGH afterwards for 4 years. There is nog significant difference
between the two groups for median age at transplantation, median follow-up
period afterward and median GFR at final evaluation. At FH (defined as adult
bone age or height velocity of !1 cm/year), clinical evaluation included
measurement of height and weight and GFR measurements by Cr EDTA. Lumbar
spine and total body mineral content and density and body composition were
studied by DXA (Discovery A).
FH was expressed as SDS (Cole 1995). We compared the lumbar spine density,
expressed as standardized lumbar bone density L2–L4(sLBMD), with normative
data of Belgian healthy young adults. Osteopenia was defined as a sLBMD
T-score of !1.0, osteoporosis as sLBMD T-score of K2.5 SDS. Lean body mass
and fat mass were expressed as percentage of the total body weight.
Median height SDS at transplantation was better in group A (S.D. K0.3) than in
group B (S.D. K1.7, PZ0.03). Final height SDS was no longer different. For the
total group FH SDS ranged from K2.3 to C1.0 SDS. BMI SDS was within the
normal range. Fat mass % was lower in group A (16.5) compared to group B
(24.5) (PZ0.016).
Lumbar density values were better at the moment of renal transplantation in group
A, however there was no difference at final height. In both groups one patient has
a osteoporotic sLBMD.
In children with chronic renal failure rhGH treatment improves height and results
in better bone health at the moment of transplantation. At final height patients
with rhGH before transplantation have significantly better lean body mass. Future
studies in a larger cohort should confirm these data.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P76
In children, factors such as age and puberty are confounders when investigating
associations of fat or lean with bone mineral content (BMC). Our aim was to
assess influence of fat on BMC in overweight/obese (ow/ob) and normal weight
(nw) children at different stages of puberty.
Cross-sectionally, 244 childrenCadolescents (6–16 years) (73nw, 177ow/ob)
were assessed (tanner staging (TS), body composition (DXA) (total body BMC,
lean mass (LBM) and fat (BF))).
BMC was highly correlated with LBM (rZ0.68 in boys; rZ0.72 in girls,
P!0.0001) more so than with BF (rZ0.56 in boys, rZ0.67 in girls, P!0.0001).
After adjustments (age, LBM), ow/ob boys showed higher values of BMC than
controls at TS1&2 (910G74 vs 1340G41 g; 1598G39 vs 1358G64 g
respectively) (P!0.05); no difference was observed at TS3,4&5; adjusted
BMC values in ow/ob girls were significantly higher than controls at all TS’s
(P!0.05). Multiple linear regression (entire cohort) was performed at each TS in
both genders to assess simultaneous effect of lean, fat on BMC (age adjusted). In
boys, at all TS’s, lean was significant predictor of BMC (P!0.001); additionally
at TS’s 2, 3, 5 fat was significant predictor (r2Z0.71, P!0.01). In girls, at TS’s 1,
2, 3 (r2Z0.77) and 5 (r2Z0.41) lean was significant predictor (P!0.05); at TS3
fat was also predictor (r2Z0.77), at stage 4 (r2Z0.53) fat was the only predictor.
Differential relationships between lean, fat and bone were observed in both
genders at different TS’s; lean was the main predictor in all children (nw, ow/ob)
at almost all TS’s. In boys, at earlier TS’s, bone mass was higher in ow/ob boys,
but this effect of fat on bone was not maintained at later TS’s, suggesting that
intervention may be necessary at later TS’s to improve bone mass in
overweight/obese boys.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P78
A novel mutation in CRTAP gene in a patient with severe ostegenesis
imperfecta type VII
Ilkka Vuorimies1,2, Minna Pekkinen1,2, Jutta Becker2, Helena Valta2,
Christian Netzer3 & Outi Mäkitie1,2
Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics, Helsinki, Finland; 2Children’s Hospital,
Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki,
Finland; 3Institute of Human Genetics, University of Cologne, Cologne,
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder with low bone mass and bone
fragility. Type VII OI is one of the autosomal recessive subtypes and clinically
moderate to lethal. It is caused by mutations in the cartilage associated protein
(CRTAP) gene. Currently !20 mutations are known.
Case description
An 11-year-old Iraqi female was referred to our hospital after immigration to
Finland. She had suffered numerous peripheral and spinal fractures. At
presentation she had severe vertebral and limb deformities and could not stand,
her height was 75 cm. The lumbar spine and whole body BMD Z-scores were
K5.6 and K3.0, respectively. The clinical and radiographic features were
consistent with OI. Her parents and three siblings were healthy; one sibling had
died soon after birth due to similar bone disease. The parents were 1st cousins.
All known OI genes were analysed with flanking markers. The genes flanked by
homozygous markers were chosen for direct sequencing. A homozygous mutation
(c.141dupC) was identified in exon 1 of the CRTAP gene. The mutation leads to a
premature stop codon. Both parents were heterozygous carriers of the mutation.
The mutation has not previously been described.
The patient has received intravenous pamidronate and zoledronic acid treatment for
3 years. Spinal deformity required surgery. Bisphosphonate treatment improved subjective
well-being and reduced bone pain and she is able to sit for much longer periods.
This family illustrates the extreme severity of type VII OI. Bisphosphonate treatment was
of subjective benefit even though it was not started until age 11. The reported novel
CRTAP mutation expands the genetic defects associated with OI type VII.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P77
High sedentary lifestyle practices has adverse influence on
musculoskeletal health in adolescent boys and girls: findings from a
population-based study in Malaysia
Pey Sze Teo1, Nurul-Fadhilah Abdullah1, Chee Keong Chen2,
Mohd Ezane Aziz2 & Leng Huat Foo1
School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian,
Kelantan, Malaysia; 2School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia.
The combined effect of lifestyle physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavioral
practices on musculoskeletal health in growing populations is still poorly
To investigate the combined influence of mechanical loading of weight-bearing
PA (WBPA) and screen-based sedentary practice (SSR) on musculoskeletal
profiles among 455 adolescents aged 12–19 years.
Validated PA and SSR behaviour assessments were used to determine daily
physical activities and sedentary practices, respectively. Bone mass of total body
(TB), lumbar spine (LS) and proximal femur (PF) was assessed using dual energy
X-ray absorptiometry, while muscular strength of the upper and lower extremity
were determined using handgrip and isokinetic dynamometers respectively.
Four groups of combined influence of the WBPA and SSR were i) HighWBPALowSSR, ii) HighWBPAHighSSR, iii) LowWBPALowSSR and iv) LowWBPAHighSSR.
Multivariate analysis model showed that adolescents with high SSR and low
WBPA had significantly lower size-adjusted bone mineral content (BMC) of the
LS and PF (all, P!0.01) and TB bone area (TBBA) (P!0.001), muscular
strength of the handgrip (P!0.001) and hamstring (P!0.01) than those at high
WBPA and low SSR group, after adjusting for body size, pubertal growth status,
socio-demographic and calcium intakes. Furthermore, participants with higher
levels of WBPA and SSR practices had significantly higher size-adjusted PFBMC
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
(P!0.01) and TBBA (P!0.01) compared to those adolescents engaged only in
high SSR levels.
These findings suggest that adolescents with higher participation of daily WBPA
and low SSR practices exert positive impact on bone mass and muscular strengths
than those involved only in high sedentary practice. Effective strategies to
promote active lifestyle practices should be emphasised in children and
adolescents in order to maximise bone mass accretion and muscular strength
during these growing years.
Declaration of interest
This study was funded by University Science Malaysia Research University (RU
grant: 1001/PPSK/812015).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P79
Osteogenesis imperfecta and short stature: effect of sclerostin antibody
treatment in oim/oim mice
Mickaël Cardinal1, Catherine Nyssen-Behets1, Mike Ominsky3,
Jean-Pierre Devogelaer2 & Daniel H Manicourt2
Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Pôle de Morphologie,
Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 2Institut de
Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Pôle de Rhumatologie, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 3Metabolic Disorders, Amgen,
Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, USA.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by low bone mass, skeletal fragility
and, frequently, short stature. We previously showed in oim/oim mice that
sclerostin inhibition increased bone mass, mineral content and strength. Here, we
compared the body length and the sizes of long bones, head and vertebrae
between oim/oim and wildtype mice and analyzed the effect of sclerostin
antibody (Scl-Ab) on these parameters.
Materials and methods
Five-week-old oim/oim and wild-type mice received s.c. injections of either SclAb VI (25 mg/kg) or vehicle (PBS) twice a week for 10 weeks. Body length and
bone growth were evaluated on DXA scans collected at 5 and 15 weeks of age by
measuring the snout-sacrum length. After termination at 15 weeks, the length of
humerus and tibia and the craniofacial dimensions of the head were measured on
radiographs. The heights of vertebrae L5, L6 and sacrum were measured on
sagittal pQCT slices.
All mice had a significant increase in body length during the experiment, but SclAb-treated oim/oim mice remained significantly shorter than the vehicle-treated
animals. Humerus and tibia length was similar in all the groups, without influence
of Scl-Ab-treatment. Similar results were obtained in the craniofacial dimensions.
In the spine, the sacrum (S1–S3) was significantly shorter in vehicle-treated
oim/oim than in vehicle-treated controls (K20%). Individual vertebrae of
oim/oim mice showed a non-significant increase in their height with Scl-Ab
In oim/oim mice, short stature could be due to global vertebral shortening. The
absence of an effect of sclerostin antibody on stature could be related to its
administration after the rapid growth phase. Future studies will investigate earlier
phases of growth.
Declaration of interest
M Ominsky is an employee of Amgen, Inc.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P80
Reference point indentation testing detects age-related changes in tissue
mechanical properties in mice
Mhairi Forbes1,2, Nick Bishop1,2 & Peter Grabowski3
Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK; 3Department of Oncology,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
The ability to discriminate bone fractures that result from non-accidental injuries
and those that result from underlying bone fragility is limited by the lack of
clinical instrumentation to directly measure bone mechanical properties. The
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
BioDent Hfc (Active Life Scientific) is an experimental device that has been
validated for measuring cortical bone fracture resistance in adults. We are
currently developing protocols to test the feasibility of its use in infants and
children. As part of our studies, we are investigating the practical limitations of
testing fracture resistance using animal models. In this study we assessed the
ability of the instrument to detect age-related differences in bone mechanical
properties between young and old mice.
Femora from C57BL/6 male mice aged 3, 12 and 24 months (nZ6 per group)
were dissected free of muscles and tendons and stored at K80 8C wrapped in
gauze wetted in Hanks Balanced Salt Solution. For measurements, bones were
thawed at room temperature for 2 h and indented at five locations using a
reference force of 260 g and a test force of 2N over 10 cycles at 2 Hz. Indentation
parameters were calculated using dedicated software from the manufacturer.
Both the total indentation distance (TID) and indentation distance increment (IDI)
were significantly higher in the 24-month-old mice: (TID (mm): 3 mo, 30.7G2.8;
12 mo, 38.3G8.9; 24 mo, 48.4G11.8; P!0.05, 3 vs 24 mo. IDI (mm): 3 mo,
6.4G0.8; 12 mo, 9.4G2.8; 24 mo, 15.5G7.0; P!0.01, 3 mo vs 24 mo).
The increase in both IDI and TID implies a reduction in fracture resistance with
aging. With increasing age, the variation in both measurements increased,
possibly indicating that genotype exerts less of an effect than environmental
factors in the age-related deterioration of the skeleton. The data show that agerelated changes in bone mechanical properties can be detected using the reference
point indentation technique, and suggest that the instrument will be a useful tool
in studying paediatric bone diseases.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P81
The influence of sclerostin serum levels on bone mineral density and
body composition in patients with Rett syndrome and healthy
adolescent girls
Carla Caffarelli1, Loredana Tanzilli1, Maria Dea Tomai Pitinca1,
Joseph Hayek2, Valentina Francolini1, Beatrice Franci1, Ranuccio Nuti1
& Stefano Gonnelli1
Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrine-Metabolic Science and
Biochemistry, University of Siena, Siena, Italy; 2Paediatrics Neuropsychiatry Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Siena, Italy.
Sclerostin, product of the SOST gene, is an important determinant of bone
formation and resorption. Rett patients, frequently present marked decreases in
bone mineral density (BMD) beyond that expected from disuse atrophy.
However, sclerostin has not been yet examined in Rett subjects as a potential
mediator of impaired bone metabolism.
This study aimed to investigate whether there is any associations between
sclerostin levels, body composition and BMD in Rett patients and in healthy
controls. We studied 32 Rett girls (mean age 11.8G5.9 years) and 25 agematched controls. Serum calcium, bone alkaline phosphatase, 25-hydroxyvitamin
D and sclerostin were measured in both Rett patients and controls. In all subjects
bone mineral density at whole body (BMD–WB), BMC-WB and body
composition were measured by using a DXA machine (Hologic QDR 4500).
QUS parameters were assessed at phalanxes by Bone Profiler-IGEA (amplitude
dependent speed of sound: AD-SoS and bone transmission time: BTT).
The values of BMD-WB, AD-SoS and BTT were significantly lower in Rett
subjects than in controls; as expected Rett patients had lower weight, lean mass
and fat mass. The values of sclerostin were not different in Rett girl respect to
healthy controls. Sclerostin showed a significative correlations with BMD-WB
that remained significant after adjustment for age (rZ0.27; P!0.05). Sclerostin
was significally correlated with both lean mass (rZK0.41; P!0.05) and fat mass
percentage (rZK0.42; P!0.05). In Rett girls sclerostin serum levels were not
predictors of bone status. Instead, we found that in the Rett subjects, weight and
age were positively associated with BMD-WB (P!0.05).
Our preliminary study shown that sclerostin presents mild, but significant
relationship with both BMD-WB and body composition parameters. Further
studies are needed to elucidate the role of sclerostin on bone metabolism and body
composition in Rett subjects.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P82
ICCBH 2013
Comparison of socioeconomic status on bone mass assessed by
quantitative ultrasound of hand phalanges of boys from 7 to 15 years old
Luiz Carlos de Barros Ramalho, Juan Eduardo Samur-San Martin,
Fábio Bertapelli, Ezequiel Moreira Gonçalves, Vinicius Barbeta,
Tathyane Krahenbuhl, Roberto Regis Ribeiro, Marcos Tadeu Nolasco da
Silva & Gil Guerra-Júnior
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), Center for
Investigation in Pediatrics (CIPED), University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Campinas (SP), Brazil.
Several environmental and genetic factors are determinant, also including sex,
hormonal, ethnics, nutritional and lifestyle, may interferer on bone mass of
children. However, the pediatric studies that approach the socioeconomic status
and the quantitative ultrasound parameters (QUS) are scarce. The aim of this
study was to compare the socioeconomic status on bone mass assessed by QUS in
boys from 7 to 15 years old. In this cross-sectional study, were evaluated 520
Brazilian boys (9.7G1.5) from different socioeconomic status. The measurements of QUS parameter, amplitude dependent of speed of sound (AD-SoS) were
obtained by using the 3th generation of DBM Sonic BP device (IGEA-Carpi,
Italy). The socioeconomic status was classified according with the Criteria of
Economic Classification Brazil of Brazilian Association of Research Company
(ABEP-Brasil). Regarding to the socioeconomic status, most boys (48.8%) were
classified in the lower class. The AD-SoS values were significantly higher
(P!0.05) in the high class (1926.8G45.1), when compared to the lower class
(1906.6G50.8), as shown at Fig. 1.
AD-SoS (95 % CI)
The interaction between RANK and its ligand RANKL is critical for the
regulation of osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. Inhibition of this interaction
helps restore the balance between bone resorption and bone formation. ALX0141, a novel biological agent (Nanobody) that specifically targets RANKL, was
studied in a phase I trial to assess the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity and
PK after a single s.c. injection.
Forty-two healthy postmenopausal women (53–77 years, mean age 66 years)
were included in this randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled study.
Participants received a single s.c. injection of ALX-0141 (nZ31) at 6 dose levels,
ranging from 0.003 to 1 mg/kg, or placebo (nZ11). PK, PD and safety parameters
were monitored for 3 months in the lowest dose level and for more than a year in
the higher dose levels.
The safety analysis indicated that ALX-0141 was well tolerated. No serious
adverse events related to ALX-0141 or dose-limiting toxicity occurred. The
frequency of treatment emergent adverse events (TEAE) was similar in placebotreated subjects (16 events in 7 subjects (64%)) and in subjects treated with ALX0141 (93 events in 23 subjects (74%)). The most frequent TEAE were
musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (nZ27, reported by 14 subjects)
and all TEAE were transient, of mild intensity, and did not result in any study
withdrawals. After s.c. injection, ALX-0141 showed a favourable PK profile,
triggering a prolonged PD response. Serum levels of the lead biomarker for bone
resorption, cross-linking telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTX-1), decreased
rapidly in all ALX-0141 treated subjects and stayed suppressed (below 70% of the
baseline level) up to 390 days after a single administration of 1 mg/kg ALX-0141.
The results from this phase I trial indicate that ALX-0141 is a potent RANKL
inhibitor that is well tolerated over a wide range of doses. Collectively, this data
supports the further development of ALX-0141 in bone-resorptive diseases with a
reduced bone mineral density and increased fracture risk, such as in cancerrelated bone diseases, osteoporosis and other disorders.
Declaration of interest
All authors are employees of Ablynx nv.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P83
High (A1 e A2)
Medium (B1 E B2)
Low (C, D e E)
Socioeconomic status
Figure 1 Comparison of AD-SoS values according to the
socioeconomic status.
The results of this study shows that the socioeconomic factors may interferer
significantly on the bone mass of this sample.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P84
Comparison of socioeconomic status on bone mass assessed by
quantitative ultrasound of the phalanges in girls from 7 to 15 years old
Juan Eduardo Samur-San Martin, Luiz Carlos de Barros Ramalho,
Ezequiel Moreira Gonçalves, Fábio Bertapelli, Vinicius Barbeta,
Tathyane Krahenbuhl, Roberto Regis Ribeiro, Roberto Teixeira Mendes
& Gil Guerra-Junior
Center for Investigation in Pediatrics, University of Campinas, Campinas,
São Paulo, Brazil.
Several environmental and genetic factors may interfere on bone mass in children.
However, the pediatric studies that approach the socioeconomic status and
quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters are scarce. The aim of this study was to
compare the bone mass in girls from 7 to 15 years old of different socioeconomic
status. The sample consisted of 860 Brazilian girls (8.95G1.32) of different
socioeconomic status. The bone mass parameter, amplitude dependent speed
sound (AD-SoS) in meters for seconds (m/s) was assessed for QUS of the
proximal phalanges using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) device. The
socioeconomic status was classified according to the Economic Classification
Criteria Brazil of Brazilian Association of Research Company (ABEP-Brazil).
Regarding to the socioeconomic status, most girls (43.6%) were classified in the
lower class. The AD-SoS values were significantly higher (P!0.05) in the lower
AD-SoS (95 % CI)
Anti-RANKL nanobody ALX-0141 shows sustained biomarker
inhibition in a phase I study in healthy postmenopausal women
Pieter Schoen, Sandy Jacobs, Katrien Verschueren, Ingrid Ottevaere,
Sigrid Sobry & Josefin-Beate Holz
Ablynx nv, Zwijnaarde, Belgium.
High (A1 e A2)
Medium (B1 E B2)
Low (C, D e E)
Socioeconomic status
Figure 1 Comparison of AD-SoS values according to the
socioeconomic status.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
class (1941.2G53.7) when compared to medium (1927.4G52.1) and high class
(1928.1G54.0), as illustrated in Fig. 1.
In conclusion, the results presented in this study demonstrates that socioeconomic
factors may interfere significantly on the bone mass of the population studied.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P85
Assessing bone quality and fracture resistance in children using
Lydia Forestier-Zhang1, Peter Grabowski3, Orla Gallagher1,
Ameeta Patel1,2, Sanjeev Madan2, Paul Arundel1,2 & Nick Bishop1,2
Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK; 3Department of Oncology,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
At present, clinical assessment of bone strength in children predominantly relies
bone mass measurement using absorptiometry (DXA) or QCT densitometric
approaches. However, bone strength is not only dependent on mass/density, but
also structural and material mechanical properties. Currently no technique
measures bone mechanical properties. Recently, a new micro-indentation device,
the reference point indentation (RPI) instrument has been validated for the
measure of cortical bone fracture resistance in adult subjects.
To establish safe and effective protocols for using the RPI instrument in infants
and children.
We planned to perform RPI testing on bone samples from 18 children aged 0–16
undergoing orthopaedic operations where bone was routinely excised. The RPI
parameters for total indentation distance (TID) and indentation distance increase
(IDI) were measured at 3, 5 and 7N force. The RPI parameters were compared
with participants’ vitamin D, PTH and calcium levels. Scanning electron
microscopy (S.E.M.) of bone samples was carried out to quantify damage cause by
RPI testing.
Preliminary results
Of the 18 samples obtained, only 5 had cortices O2 mm and were suitable for
testing. In these samples, S.E.M. analysis showed that micro-indentations using the
three forces (3, 5 and 7N) did not cause cracks greater than microcracks formed
physiologically in cortical bone; crack length was statistically greater for the
7N force (194.9 mm 95% CI 136.0–253.9) compared with either 3N (124.7 mm,
95% CI 101.0, 148.3) or 5N force (116.8 mm, 95% CI 97.1, 136.5); PZ0.001 and
PZ0.005 respectively. There was no difference between 3N and 5N. There was
no clear correlation of RPI outputs and measures of vitamin D homeostasis within
this limited group.
Preliminary results suggest RPI testing using 3N and 5N indentation forces is safe
on children’s bone with a cortical bone thickness of over 2 mm. Further testing
will ensure the RPI instrument is safe to use on children of all ages and on children
with metabolic bone diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta, who have fragile
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P86
Serum homocysteine levels in children and adolescents with impaired
bone health
Stepan Kutilek1,2, Sylva Skalova2 & Petra Rehackova3
Pardubice Hospital and Faculty of Health Studies, Pardubice University,
Pardubice, Czech Republic; 2Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine
in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic;
Center for Clinical and Basic Research (CCBR), Pardubice, Czech
Association between high serum homocysteine (S-Hcy) levels and low bone
mineral density (BMD) and increased fracture risk in postmenopausal women has
been repeatedly documented. There are scarce data concerning S-Hcy and bone
health in children and adolescents.
Patients and methods
We assessed S-Hcy levels in 37 children and adolescents (22 boys and 15 girls;
mean age 13.9G3.5 years) with prevalent low-energy trauma fractures (mean
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
3.3G2.3 per patient) and/or low spinal L1–L4 BMD (below K2 S.D. Z-score;
DXA Lunar GE). We also evaluated S-ALP, serum CrossLaps, osteocalcin (SOC), body height, weight, and BMI. At the time of assessment, the children were
not taking any drugs known to influence bone metabolism. The age-dependent
parameters (S-Hcy, BMD, S-ALP, S-OC, S-Crosslaps, height, weight and BMI)
were expressed as Z-scoresGS.D.
Mean S-Hcy Z-score was significantly higher (1.3G1.5; P!0.0001) and mean
L1–L4 BMD Z-score was significantly lower (K1.7G1.3; P!0.0001),
respectively, in comparison with reference values. S-ALP did not differ from
reference values (PZ0.88), while S-CrossLaps and S-OC were higher (1.2G1.8
and 0.4G0.5 respectively; PZ0.001). Mean body height, body weight, and BMI
Z-score was K0.05G1.31, 0.18G1.62 and 0.48G1.88, respectively, which
did not differ from reference values. The body height, weight and BMI
Z-scores positively correlated with L1–L4 BMD Z-score (rZ0.44, 0.53 and
0.50, respectively; PZ0.01). S-Hcy was inversely correlated to L1–L4 BMD
(rZK0.33; PZ0.05) and S-ALP (rZK0.40; PZ0.02) and not related to number
of prevalent fractures (rZ0.01), S-osteocalcin (rZK0.22) or S-CrossLaps
(rZK0.003). There were positive correlations between S-ALP and S-OC
(rZ0.58; PZ0.01), S-ALP and S-Crosslaps (rZ0.39; PZ0.05), S-OC and
S-Crosslaps (rZ0.36; PZ0.05), respectively. These results suggest increased
bone turnover and negative influence of elevated S-Hcy on bone formation and
BMD in children and adolescents with recurrent fractures.
Our results suggest that elevated S-Hcy should be considered a risk factor of
impaired bone health in children and adolescents.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P87
Children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis have normal volumetric
BMD and geometry at the radius, but low muscle area at the forearm
Ondrej Soucek, Jan Lebl, Veronika Skalicka, Dana Zemkova &
Zdenek Sumnik
Department of Pediatrics, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in
Prague and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.
While studies in adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) showed increased fracture risk
and decreased bone mineral density (BMD), the results of the pediatric studies
have been contradictory. Our aims were to assess volumetric BMD, bone
geometry and the muscle–bone relation at the forearm in children with CF using
peripheral quantitative CT (pQCT), and to correlate these bone parameters to
pulmonary function.
Fifty-three patients with CF (median age 12.9 years, range 6.7–18.8, 29 girls)
were examined by pQCT at the non-dominant forearm. Results were expressed as
Z-scores using published reference data. Median forced expiratory volume in one
second (FEV1, % predicted) of the spirometry examinations performed during the
last year before densitometry was selected as a surrogate of pulmonary function.
The differences from reference data were tested by one-sample T-test, Pearson
correlation coefficient was used to correlate pQCT-derived bone parameters
with FEV1.
Trabecular BMD was normal (mean Z-score K0.2G1.3, NS) in children with CF.
Total bone cross-sectional area, cortical bone area and cortical thickness were all
normal when adjusted for height (mean Z-scores 0.0G1.1, 0.0G1.0 and 0.0G0.8,
respectively). Cortical BMD was increased (mean Z-score 1.0G0.9, P!0.001).
As a consequence of decreased muscle area (MA, mean Z-score K1.5G1.5,
P!0.001) the bone mineral content to MA ratio was increased (mean Z-score
1.3G1.0, P!0.001). Whereas FEV1 was positively correlated to muscle area
(R2Z0.20, P!0.002) and bone geometry (i.e. cortical thickness (R2Z0.24,
P!0.001) and cortical bone area (R2Z0.20, P!0.002)), the correlation with
BMD was weak (R2Z0.08, PZ0.035 and R2Z0.007, NS for trabecular and
cortical BMD, respectively).
Children and adolescents with CF have normal volumetric bone density and
geometry at the radius but decreased muscle mass at the forearm. FEV1 seems
to be a good predictor of changes in muscle area and bone geometry in children
with CF.
Grant support
Supported by the project (Ministry of Health, Czech Republic) for conceptual
development of research organization 00064203 (University Hospital Motol,
Prague, Czech Republic).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P88
ICCBH 2013
Painful vertebral fractures during pregnancy: be aware of a potentially
underlying genetic cause
M Carola Zillikens1, Natalia Campos-Obando1, Ling Oei1 &
Marleen Simon2
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands; 2Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The baby growing in its mother’s womb needs calcium for skeletal development.
Maternal osteoporosis has been attributed to pregnancy in some cases.
Presenting problem
A 27-year-old woman in the 7th month of her first pregnancy complained of midthoracic back pain after lifting a non-heavy object. The pain remained with
differing intensity and was attributed to her pregnancy. After the delivery of a
healthy child, the back pain prevented her from lifting her baby. Physical therapy
had no effect. Her past medical history was uneventful without fractures, except
for severely reduced vision of her left eye since birth. She used three dairy
products daily and no medication. Family history revealed that her maternal
grandmother had osteoporosis at old age. Physical examination: height 1.58 m,
weight: 53 kg. No blue sclerae; amblyopic left eye. No hyperlaxity of skin or
joints. Laboratory examination including serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline
phosphatase, creatinine, bCTX 25-hydroxyvitamin D and TSH was normal.
Spinal X-ray showed end-plate compressions of thoracic vertebrae (Th7, 9, 10
and 12). DXA-scanning showed severe osteoporosis (T-score L2-L4: K5.7 S.D.,
femur neck: K3.9 S.D.). DNA analyses revealed two mutations in the LRP5 gene.
Family screening with DXA and DNA analyses was performed. Her mother,
recently postmenopausal, had osteoporosis and carried the LRP5 mutation. Her
only brother, treated with cabergoline for a microprolactinoma, had osteopenia on
DXA and was an LRP5 mutation carrier.
Clinical management
The patient was diagnosed with osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome and treated
with risedronate for 2.5 years. BMD and back pain improved. She stopped the use
of bisphosponate 6 months before planning a second pregnancy.
Potentially underlying genetic causes like osteogenesis imperfecta or osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome should be excluded in pregnancy-associated
osteoporosis. A genetic diagnosis has implications for the patient and relatives.
More studies regarding bisphosphonate treatment preceding conception are
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P89
Intravenous pamidronate in the treatment of severe idiopathic infantile
Sylva Skalova1, Stepan Kutilek1,2, Lucie Cerna1, Milan Bayer1,
Karl-Peter Schlingmann3 & Martin Konrad3
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles
University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Pediatrics,
Pardubice Hospital and Faculty of Health Studies, University of Pardubice,
Pardubice, Czech Republic; 3Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
University Children’s Hospital, Muenster, Germany.
Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia (IIH) is a rare disorder caused by CYP24A1
loss-of-function mutation, resulting in impaired degradation of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Typical signs include muscle hypotonia, dehydration, failure to
thrive, psychomotor retardation, constipation, nephrocalcinosis. IIH should be
distinguished from other causes of hypercalcemia in infancy. Treatment includes
low calcium diet, glucocorticoids, furosemide, calcitonin. Pamidronate, an
intravenous bisphosphonate, which is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption, has
been so far used only in infants with osteogenesis imperfecta, hypercalcemia due
to Williams–Beuren syndrome or neonatal severe primary hyperparathyroidism,
and just once in IIH.
Case report
We present a case of previously healthy 5-month old boy with IIH, where
calcemia peaked to 5 mmol/l. The boy suffered from poor apetite, dehydration,
constipation, and failure to thrive. Treatment with methylprednisone and
furosemide had only minor effect, therefore two intravenous infusions of
pamidronate (0.6 mg/kg per dose) were necessary to correct the serum calcium
level to 2.95 mmol/l. Furthermore, CYP24A1 homozygous mutation p.R396W
(c.1186cOt) was identified in this patient, confirming the clinical diagnosis of
IIH. Currently, the boy is 5 years old, thriving with normal psychomotor status
and is being followed on an out-patient basis.
IIH has a favourable outcome once properly detected and appropriately treated.
Pamidronate has a beneficial effect in those patients with IIH where
glucocorticoids and furosemide fail to meet the expectations.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P90
Hypovitaminosis D in chronically ill children in Greece and its
Damiani Tsiamasfirou1, Charalambos Tsakiropoulos2,
Alexandros Vassilakis2 & Ioanna Paspati2
Department of PM and R, KAT Hospital, Athens, Greece; 2Department of
Orthopaedics, Pendeli Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Study the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in chronically ill children in Greece,
as well the efficacy of a proposed replacement therapy.
A total number of 213 children (121 males and 92 females), with mean age 10.1
years (1–18), suffering various pathological conditions (cerebral palsy, Duchenne
myopathy, epilepsy), were sampled to measure serum 25(OH)D and parameters
of bone turnover. 101 children were given replacement therapy according to
levels of hypovitaminosis (15–20 ng/ml pos ergocalciferol and calcium
(4000 IUC500 mg/day), !15 ng/ml intramuscular ergocalciferol (400.000 IU)
once per month for 2 months combined with pos ergocalciferol and calcium
(4000 IUC500 mg/day)) while 60 children were re-evaluated during the 4 months
The mean serum 25(OH)D was 14.20 ng/ml on total (15.5 ng/ml for patients !12
years old and 12.6 ng/ml for patients O12 years old), while the highest rate was
measured at 44.53 ng/ml. Respectively median value for PTH was 48.87 pg/ml on
total. 34.74% of patients had vitamin D deficiency (10–20 ng/ml) while overt
vitamin D deficiency (!10 ng/ml) was measured in 21.59% of patients of whom
21.73% had !4 ng/ml. Of the 22 children receiving antiepileptics, 86.34% had
vitamin D deficiency. 9% presented secondary hyperparathyroidism. Higher
serum PTH levels were observed in the group of 25(OH)D !10 ng/ml for both
age groups, however the inverse relationship between serum 25(OH)D and PTH
was statistically nonsignificant at 25(OH)D levels O10 ng/ml. A positive
correlation between 25(OH)D and serum phosphorus was also observed
(PZ0.003) After replacement therapy, children displayed higher levels of
25(OH)D on total (median 25(OH)DZ25.8 ng/ml, P!0.0005) and for both age
groups (Fig. 1).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P91
Bone mineralization in children with chronic gastroduodenitis
Larisa Scheplyagina1, Irina Kruglova1 & Mikhail Kostik2
Moscow Scientific and Research Clinical Institute Named M.F.
Vladimirskiy, Moscow, Russia; 2Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical
University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Children with chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) have decreased absorption of
nutrients, minerals particularly, which can influence on bone strength and linear
We evaluated bone mineral density (BMD) in children with CGD and compared
with healthy individuals.
BMD was measured in 97 children aged 5–13 years by lumbar spine DXA (DPX
MDC, Lunar) with pediatric reference database. BMD was evaluated according
official positions of International Society of Clinical Densitometry (2007).
Calcium supplementation was estimated by urine calcium\creatinine relation. The
main group consists of 42 CGD children, the control group – 55 healthy children.
BMD and calcium supplementation was related to age, height and weight (rZ
0.25; rZ0.5 rZ0.3 relatively, P!0.05). BMD, BMC, BA and calcium\creatinine
relation in CGD children were lower (P!0.04) then in healthy controls.
Decreased BMD had 36% CGD children and 26% healthy controls when
children’s BMD was compared with densitometer reference database. After
adjustment of BMD with height the number of children with decreased BMD
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
reduced more than three times in both groups, so low BMD for chronologic age
(!K2 S.D.) in CGD children was detected in 12% compare to healthy controls –
7%, P!0.05). False-positive decreased BMD was detected predominantly in
children with growth delay (height was lower 10th percentile for chronological
age). Applying ISCD recommendations allowed reduce more than three times the
overdiagnosis of decreased BMD which prevent them from inappropriate
Children with CGD had insufficient calcium supplementation. Near 10% of CGD
children had growth delay. Clinically significant BMD declining was detected
more often in CGD children.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P92
Long term efficacy of low dose pamidronate treatment in osteogenesis
imperfecta and its effects on growth
Damla Goksen, Ozgur Ozdemir, Samim Ozen & Sukran Darcan
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Ege University Faculty of
Medicine, Izmir, Turkey.
To assess long term safety of low dose pamidronate therapy and the effects on
pubertal growth spurt.
A retrospective study was conducted in 36 girls and 21 boys whose mean age was
4.1G3.6 years at baseline. Intravenous pamidronate 3–4 mg/kg per year once
daily therapy with 2–4 cycles/year for 0.5–15 years) was given with physical
therapy and orthopedic surgery as appropriate. Mobility score, height, puberty
and bone mineral density (BMD) was evaluated throught follow up (6.4G4.08
Puberty started before study inclusion in two patients and during the study 26
additional patients. Ten of these patients completed puberty during study. Overall
lumbar spine BMD Z-score improved from K3.2G1.8 to K2.1G1.7 g/cm2
(P: 0.0). The overall mobility score improved from 2.7G1.6 to 3.36G1.1 (P: 0.0)
(13 of the patients were in infancy so they were not included in the mobilization
scores). Mean height SDS was K2.12G2.6 at baseline and K2.0G2.3 at
treatment completion (P: 0.7). Catch-up linear growth did not occur. Mean height
SDS was K2.9G3.4 at the start of puberty and K3.6G4.7 at completion of
puberty (P: 0.0). Although these patients did not catch up linear growth during
puberty, their lumbar BMD Z-score increased from K2.1G1.5 to K0.9G0.95
during puberty (P: 0.3).
Our data suggests that cyclic low dose pamidronate therapy combined with
physiotherapy and orthopedic procedures may improve the clinical manifestations as mobilization and bone mineral density. No significant catch up
growth occurred during the study period and especially a decrease in height
occurred during puberty. This decrease in linear growth can be related to the
nature of the disease or to pamidronate therapy.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P93
Bone anomalies in Noonan syndrome
Ioana Bodescu, Cristina Rusu, Jeanina Idriceanu, Ioana Vasiliu,
Carmen Vulpoi & Georgiana Constantinescu
University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Gr.T. Popa’, Iasi, Romania.
Noonan syndrome (NS) is a genetic multisystem disorder characterized by
distinctive facial features, learning difficulties, short stature, and cardiac defects.
Other important findings include skeletal anomalies, especially spinal and chest
deformities. Skeletal dysplasia was proven to be secondary to a disorder of RASmitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway which is essential for
regulation of cell differentiation and growth including bone homeostasis. We
describe the pattern and severity of bone deformities and other related clinical
characteristics in five patients with Noonan syndrome.
We reviewed the cases of five children with NS (three boys and two girls, aged
between 5 and 13 years), evaluated at the Endocrinology Department between
January 2010 and January 2013. Evaluation included clinical and hormonal data
as well as radiographic assessment of deformities.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
All patients had specific phenotype for Noonan syndrome. Three had also a
molecular confirmation (the first with KRAS mutation, the second – PTPN11, and
the third – SOS1). All children had short stature, with a mean S.D. K3.27 in
heights. Hand–wrist radiography showed a moderately delayed bone age in all
patients. None of the patients had congenital bone deformities, and the birth
weight and length were within normal ranges for gestational age. The most
frequent skeletal anomaly was chest deformity – four children had inferior pectus
excavatum and two of them associated superior pectus carinatum. One patient,
with SOS1 mutation, had scoliosis with double major curve, developed at age
two. Another patient also associated cubitus valgus and slightly shortness of the
fingers and toes.
All five patients with Noonan syndrome had short stature with late bone
development and skeletal deformities. Chest deformities are usually correlated
with a PTPN11 positive genotype, confirmed in only one case of the four children
with this type of skeletal anomaly. Scoliosis and kyphosis occur in about 15% of
patients, mainly associated with SOS1 mutations, as it was in our case with severe
double curved scoliosis. Since bone anomalies tend to develop early and some are
relatively severe, patients require clinical and, if necessary, radiographic
assessment with careful follow-up for early detection and treatment.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P94
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P95
Cross-sectional associations of sex steroids with bone maturation, bone
mineral density and bone geometry in boys
Sara Vandewalle1,*, Youri Taes1, Tom Fiers1, Kaatje Toye1, Inge Roggen2,
Jean-Marc Kaufman1 & Jean De Schepper1,2
Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium; 2Brussels University Hospital,
Bruxelles, Belgium.
*winner of New Investigator Award
Although both testosterone and estrogens are considered essential for normal
bone growth, epiphyseal maturation and bone mass accrual during adolescence,
only very few data concerning the changes of estrogens, bone maturation, bone
mineral density (BMD) and bone geometry in healthy boys at different pubertal
stages have been published.
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between sex steroids and more
especially estrogens and skeletal maturation, BMD and bone geometry in healthy
boys and adolescents.
Two hundred and five healthy boys (aged 6–18 years; median age 13 years) were
included in this cross-sectional study. Pubertal status of the subjects was assessed
according to the method established by Tanner. Estradiol (E2) and testosterone
(T) levels were determined by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
Whole body areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and area, lumbar aBMD and area
were determined by DXA. Trabecular (4%) and cortical (66%) volumetric BMD
and bone geometry (trabecular area, cortical area, periosteal circumference,
endosteal circumference and cortical thickness) were assessed at the nondominant forearm using pQCT. Skeletal age was determined by an X-ray of the
left hand and wrist.
As expected increasing sex steroids (E2 and T) levels were found with advancing
pubertal development (P!0.001). Lumbar and whole body aBMD and area,
trabecular and cortical vBMD, trabecular and cortical area, periosteal and
endosteal circumference and cortical thickness increased significantly throughout
puberty (P!0.001). Regression models including age and BMI showed that
estradiol (E2) was positively associated with lumbar (E2: b: 0.35 P!0.001) and
whole body aBMD (E2: b: 0.20 P!0.001), trabecular vBMD (E2: b: 0.32
P!0.01), and cortical thickness (E2: b: 0.27 P!0.01) at the radius. Moreover, E2
ICCBH 2013
was positively associated with the degree of bone age advancement (E2: b: 0.26
P!0.01). No associations were found between E2 and cortical vBMD and
endosteal circumference. Testosterone was positively associated with lumbar (T:
b: 0.36 P!0.001) and whole body area (T: b: 0.23 P!0.001), trabecular (T:
b:0.29 P!0.01) and cortical area (T: b:0.21 P!0.02), periosteal circumference
(T: b: 0.28 P!0.001).
Circulating estradiol is strongly associated with bone maturation and areal and
volumetric bone mineral density in healthy boys, whereas testosterone determines
mainly bone area (lumbar spine area, whole body area, cortical area and
trabecular area, periosteal circumference). These cross-sectional findings need
confirmation by a longitudinal study.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P96
Vitamin D status and bone health in survivors of childhood
lymphoblastic leukemia
Michael M Schündeln2, Pia K Hauffa2, Sara C Goretzki1, Harald Lahner3,
Laura Marschke1, Angelika Eggert2, Berthold P Hauffa1 &
Corinna Grasemann1
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Kinderklinik, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany; 2Department of Pediatric Oncology and
Hematology, Kinderklinik, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany;
Klinik für Endokrinologie und Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Germany.
Lymphoblastic leukemia is the predominant form of childhood malignancies with
survival rates of O80%. Late effects of cancer and treatment can affect endocrine
function and may account for acute and chronic impairment of bone health.
Aim and design
To assess bone health in pediatric patients after therapy for lymphoblastic
leukemia we initiated a clinical trial investigating clinical and biochemical
parameters of growth, puberty, bone turnover, and vitamin D metabolism, as well
as bone densitometry using DXA scans in a subgroup of patients. Additionally a
questionnaire was developed assessing life style parameters including calcium
and vitamin D intake and levels of physical activity. Patients (nZ90) were treated
for leukemia according to applicable ALL-BFM protocol (1994–2011) and
recruited at follow-up visits at the Children’s Hospital Essen.
39 of the 90 patients were female. Mean (range) chronological age (CA) was
11.47 (3.8–20.9) years, age at diagnosis was 6.9 (0.8–16.9) years, height SDS
K0.04 (K3.69 to 2.72), BMI SDS 0.48 (K4.12 to 2.74), SDS for Tanner stage
0.22 (K3.2 to 3.5). Mean serum 25-OH vitamin D levels were 17.34 (1–62.6)
ng/ml, 1.25 (OH)2 vitamin D levels were 60.2 (13–158) ng/l, BAP was 119.9
(18.3–283) U/l, PTH 46.7 (9.6–159.8) pg/ml, N-telopeptide in urine 908.8 (21–
3000) mmol/mg creatinine and calcium:creatinine ratio in urine was 0.12 (0.01–
0.4) mg/mg. Mean calcium intake/week was 5.64 g (1.2–10.5), vitamin D intake:
15.4 mg (0.22–46.6). Average screentime was 1.9 (0–5) h/day, average daily
activity: 5.12 h/day. Mean age corrected Z-score in DXA scans was K0.55 (K3.3
to 2.1, nZ30).
11% of the patients experienced fractures after chemotherapy, 3 patients reported
frequent fractures. Vitamin D deficiency (25 OH-vitamin D!20 ng/ml) was
observed in 68% and secondary hyperparathyroidism in 17%. 15% reported bone
pain after physical activity. Male and female patients did not differ significantly
with respect to biochemical or clinical findings. There was a trend to lower height
SDS in boys in this cohort. Accordingly mean bone age (BA) was delayed in boys
(Delta BA/CA: K1.7 (K5.1 to 0.33) years. Osteopenia (Z-score !K2) was
detected in 15% of the patients screened. No correlation between Z-scores and
N-telopeptide levels in urine or total dosage of prednisone, dexamethasone or
methotrexate was observed.
Bone health is impaired in some patients after treatment for childhood leukemia.
Clinically this is reflected in bone pain and/or fractures. Prediction or
identification of children at risk is difficult and requires assessment of additional
clinical, biochemical and radiological measures. As previously reported, vitamin
D and calcium deficiencies are frequent findings in this group and adequate
monitoring and supplementation is recommended.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P97
Effects of denosumab on bone biochemistry and calcium metabolism in
a girl with Juvenile Paget’s disease
Corinna Grasemann1, Michael Schündeln2, Regina Wieland2,
Christoph Bergmann3, Dagmar Wieczorek4, Bernhard Zabel5,
Bernd Schweiger6 & Berthold P Hauffa1
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Kinderklinik, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany; 2Department of Pediatric Oncology,
Kinderklinik, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany; 3Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Essen, Essen, Germany;
Institute for Human Genetics, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen,
Germany; 5Children’s Hospital, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany;
Department of Radiology, Universitätklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany.
Juvenile Paget’s disease (JPD) is an extremely rare, yet painful and debilitating
bone disease with onset occurring during early childhood. JPD can be caused by
loss of function of osteoprotegerin, resulting in subsequent osteoclast stimulation
via the activated receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK) pathway.
Increased bone turnover and a lack of bone modelling lead to severe deformities,
frequent fractures, short stature and loss of hearing.
The treatment of JPD is challenging and has previously been based on either
calcitonin or cyclic administration of bisphosphonates. However, with the
development of denosumab, a RANK-ligand antibody, a treatment targeting
pathophysiology in JPD may be available.
We report clinical and biochemical effects of denosumab treatment on an 8-yearold girl with a severe form of JPD. The patient is the second child of healthy,
consanguineous parents of Turkish descent. Genetic analysis revealed a novel
homozygous mutation in the osteoprotegerin gene TNFRSF11B:c. (2TOG);
(2TOG), which results in a methionine to arginine exchange at position one of
exon 1, presumably resulting in the loss of the start codon and therefore a
significant loss of functional osteoprotegerin protein. Osteoprotegerin levels in
serum were diminished in the patient (0.7 pmol/l, normal range 1.69–3.6 pmol/l)
and within the lower normal range in mother and father.
Before starting the denosumab treatment regimen, the patient had been treated for
3.5 years with i.v. pamidronate. However, with an intensified pamidronate
treatment bone turnover markers stayed elevated and the girl suffered from
frequent bone pain and pathological fractures.
The administration of denosumab resulted in a prompt improvement of disease
control. Bone pain ceased on the day of the injection and N-telopeptide and
desoxypyridinoline levels in urine decreased the same day. Alkaline phosphatase
levels dropped within the normal range and remained at normal levels for
5 months following the final dose of denosumab.
However, concomitantly with the first injection, severe hypocalcemia developed,
for which the patient was hospitalized and i.v. calcium substitution was required
for a total of 13 days. Calcium demand remained high (900 mg/day) for the
6 weeks following the injection. A second dose of denosumab was well tolerated
and markers of bone turnover stayed within the normal range. With ongoing
calcium supplementation a sudden but severe hypercalcemia developed 6 weeks
after the second dose of denosumab. At that time denosumab was discontinued
despite the clinical improvement and pamidronate treatment was commenced.
In summary, denosumab appears to be significantly effective for osteoclast
inhibition for the treatment of JPD. However, severe hypocalcemia and possibly
hypercalcemia later on are side effect for which close patient monitoring is
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P98
Potential association between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension in
adolescents: a Pilot study
Edyta Babinska-Malec, Jerzy Konstantynowicz, Pawel Abramowicz,
Irena Werpachowska, Malgorzata Bazyluk-Muszynska &
Janina Piotrowska-Jastrzebska
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
Insuficient vitamin D supply defined as serum hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD)
!20 ng/ml is considered as one of possibile cardiovascular risk factors among
adults with hypertension. Furthermore, some data also suggest an independent
association between vitamin D deficits and hypertension and obesity during
growth. The aim of the study was to assess vitamin D status in children and
adolescents with hypertension.
The cross sectional study was performed on a group of 99 subjects (43 girls and
56 boys) aged 8.4–17.6 years (mean: 12.1), stratified according to their values of
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
blood pressure (BP). Blood samples were taken to determine 25OHD;
anthropometric traits and BP measurements were carried out using standard
methods and equipment. The study was performed after winter time i.e. in March
Only 8% of all studied children and adolescents demonstrated vitamin D level
above 20 ng/ml, whereas predominantly severe deficits were found (92%).
Significant correlations were observed between 25OHD and systolic BP
(rZK0.37, PZ0.0003) and mean BP (rZK0.3, PZ0.002). Children and
adolescents with normal systolic BP had better supply with vitamin D compared
with age- and sex-matched hypertensive pairs i.e. subjects with critically
increased systolic BP (O90th percentile). The association (PZ0.03) was
independent of age, BMI and anthropometric parameters.
Wykres rozrzutu Vit D wzgledem Mean BP
Mean BP:Vit D: y = 24.308 – 0.1342x
r = –0.2973; P = 0.0052: r 2 = 0.0884
trabecular bone and especially trabecular BMD (TRAB_DEN, mg/cm3). For 14%
we assessed parameters of subcortical bone and for the 38 and 66% sites
parameters of cortical bone. pQCT data of the children with IH were compared to
those of healthy race-, age- and sex-matched children from the published pQCT
database of Moyer–Miller et al. (J Clin Densitom 2008) who used the same pQCT
device, software, and site measurements that we did.
7/14 children with IH (50%) were found to have Z-scores!K1 S.D. in the DXA
measurements of the lumbar spine. For the pQCT measurements, we report here
only the preliminary results of trabecular BMD (ongoing analysis). 8/14 children
with IH (57%) had reduced volumetric bone mineral density (TRAB_DEN!2
S.D.) when compared with healthy children of the same age, race, sex and height of
the Moyer-Miller study.
Our study provides preliminary evidence of reduced trabecular bone mineral
density in children with IH as compared to healthy ones.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P100
Rapid bone mass recovery after parathyroidectomy for primary
hyperparathyroidism in a 15-year-old boy
Cristina Tau1, Gisela Viterbo1, Victor Ayarzabal2, Laura Felipe3 &
Alicia Belgorosky1
Endocrinologı́a Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Cirugı́a Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Medicina Nuclear, Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan, Buenos Aires,
Vit D
Mean BP
Figure 1 Correlation between mean blood pressure (Mean BP)
and serum concentration of 25(OH)D in subjects aged 8–17
Our findings show associations between decreased levels of serum 25OHD and
hypertension in adolescents suggesting potential role of vitamin D deficits in the
development of this condition. However, these relationships and possible causal
links need to be investigated in further prospective studies including larger groups
of pediatric patients.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P99
Preliminary evidence of reduced volumetric trabecular bone mineral
density in children with idiopathic hypercalciuria: a peripheral
quantitative computed tomography study
Erato Atsali1, Konstantinos D Stathopoulos2, Ilias Bournazos2,
Polyxeni Nikolaidou1, Panagiotis Papagelopoulos2, Aristides B Zoubos2
& Grigoris Skarantavos2
3rd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athens, ‘Attikon’ University Hospital,
Athens, Greece; 2Bone Metabolic Unit, 1st Department of Orthopedics,
University of Athens, ‘Attikon’ University Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH) is defined as excessive 24 h urinary calcium
excretion (O4 mg/kg per 24 h), that persists after correction of dietary
imbalances in the absence of secondary causes. Recent studies with DXA in
children with IH provide evidence of decreased areal BMD. We used peripheral
quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) of the tibia, to test the hypothesis that
IH results in decreases of volumetric (mg/cm3) BMD of the trabecular and/or
cortical compartment of bone.
Patients and methods
We studied 14 children (eight boys and six girls, aged 6–18 years) with newly
discovered IH that were admitted to our clinic. Most of them presented with either
hematuria or recurrent abdominal or lumbar pain. After establishment of the
diagnosis, all children underwent DXA of the lumbar spine. We also performed
pQCT of the tibia (Stratec XCT-2000 scanner), 4 slices were obtained at the 4, 14,
38 and 66% of tibia length sites. For the 4% slice, we assessed variables of
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Primary hyperparathyroidism is extremely rare in childhood and adolescence.
Here we report a clinical case of a 15-year-3-month-old boy who began 2 years
before with pain in his knees, genu varum, and fatigue. Physical examination
showed severe genu valgum with an inter-malleolar distance of more than 30 cm.
Biochemical tests showed hypercalcemia (12.2 mg/dl), hypophosphatemia
(2.3 mg/ dl), hypercalciuria (6.4 mg/kg per day), high alkaline phosphatase
(2812 IU/l), low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (6 ng/ml), and hyperparathyroidism (PTH:
2653 pg/ml, normal value 12–72). Skull X-rays showed salt-and-pepper
appearance, and loss of lamina dura in the mandible, X-rays of the hands
showed subperiosteal resorption and severe rickets, and X-rays of the knees
showed rickets and osteomalacia. Kidney ultrasonography showed increased
echogenicity on both sides. Urine catecholamines were normal. Neck
ultrasonography and technesium-99 m Sestamibi revealed parathyroid adenomas.
Spine, femora, and whole body bone densitometry disclosed markedly reduced
bone mineral density: L2–L4: 0.87 g/cm2, Z-score: K2.3, right femur 0.67 g/cm2,
left femur 0.76 g/cm2, and whole body 0.82 g/cm2, Z-score: K3.4. Two
parathyroid adenomas situated on the upper and lower part of the right lobe of
the thyroid gland were successfully removed. Histopathology reported
parathyroid adenoma of chief cells. PTH fell to 38 pg/ml 30 min after the
adenomas were removed. He developed severe hungry bone syndrome 96 h after
surgery requiring up to 7.5 mg of calcitriol and 14.5 g of oral calcium/day and i.v.
calcium for 19 days to normalize serum calcium and phosphate. Bone
densitometry, repeated after 4 months, showed a dramatic increase of bone
mineral density with normalization in all sites: spine: L2–L4: 1.192 g/cm2,
Z-score: C0.7; right femur: 1.097 g/cm2, left femur: 1.088 g/cm2, whole body:
1.065 g/cm2, Z-score C0.4. In conclusion: Here, we report a case of primary
hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid adenomas in an adolescent boy. After
surgery, the patient needed high doses of calcitriol and calcium to normalize
calcemia and phosphatemia. Follow-up and outcome were good and 4 months
after surgery he had completely recovered bone mass.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P101
Influence of nutritional status in the bone mass assessed by quantitative
ultrasonography of boys
Vinı́cius Justino de Oliveira Barbeta, Fábio Bertapelli, Ezequiel Moreira
Gonçalves, Tathyane Krahenbuhl, Luiz Carlos de Barros Ramalho, Juan
Eduardo Samur-San Martin, Roberto Régis Ribeiro & Gil Guerra-Júnior
University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
The childhood is an important period for bone mass acquisition, and this tissue
may be influenced by the nutritional status. However, the relation between the
nutritional status and the bone parameters of quantitative ultrasound (QUS)
ICCBH 2013
remains unclear. The aim of this study was to verify the influence of nutritional
status on bone mass assessed by QUS in male children from 7 to 10 years old. The
sample consisted of 461 Brazilians pre-pubertal schoolchildren (8.30G1.13
years). The nutritional status was classified according to extended International
BMI cut-offs (Cole & Lobstein 2012). For the bone mass measurements was used
the QUS of proximal hand phalanges, using the DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi,
Italy) device, which provides the parameter amplitude-dependent speed of sound
(AD-SoS). Most subjects (64%) presented a normal nutritional status
(15.8 kg/m2), 11.3% at thinness (13.7 kg/m2), and 14.8% at overweight
(19 kg/m2) and 9.5% at obese (23 kg/m2). The obese subjects (1875.4G
43.76 m/s) presented lower values (P!0.04) of AD-SoS when compared to the
other groups (1902.2G49.2; 1896.3G48.47; 1900.7G49.5 m/s, thinness, normal
e overweight, respectively), as shown at Fig. 1.
Table 1 (Result expressed in mean G S.D.)
Whole group
(n: 52)
Age at diagnosis (year)
Z-score height (S.D.)
Z-score weight (DS)
BMD Lumbar Spine (S.D.)
BMD Lumbar Spine
25 (OH) D (ng/ml)
%6 years old at
diagnosis (n: 16)
O 6 años years
old at diagnosis
(n: 36)
9.11 (G4.60) (1.6
– 18)
K0.82 (G1.46)
K0.73 (G1.36)
18.11 (G4.14)
K1.1 (G1.5)
0.642 (G0.18)
3.44 (G1.28)
11.6 (G2.99)
K0.33 (G1.03)
18.10 (G0.9)
0.48 (G0.45)
K1.01 (G1.66)
K0.90 (G1.47)
17.30 (G3.74)
K1.33 (G1.15)*
0.687 (G0.035)
25.58 (G13.48)
30.26 (G10.36)†
22.94 (G11.94)†
†P!0.03. *P!0.02 LS: L2 – L4 Lumbar Spine
95% CI AD-SoS (m/s)
We found an important percentage of vitamin D deficiency and low bone mass at
the moment of diagnosis in the whole group. The age at the diagnosis influenced
bone mineral density and biochemical manifestations. Our results suggest that the
early diagnosis and treatment is essential for the bone health of patients affected
with CD.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P103
Figure 1 95% CI of AD-SoS values according to nutritional status.
The results presented in this study shows that the nutritional status may interferer
negatively at the bone mass parameters, and may implicate the bone health in
adulthood. Preventive actions must take place with children to minimize the
negative effects of obesity.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P102
Celiac disease and bone disorders: diagnosis age influence
Oscar Brunetto1, Ana Arias Cau1, Claudia Insua1 &
Chriatian Boggio Marzet2
Hospital Gral de Niños Pedro de Elizalde, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Hospital Gral de Agudos I Pirovano, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Celiac disease (CD) is a frequent cause of malabsortion in childhood and affects
calcium and vitamin D absorption.
Analyze the vitamin D levels and bone mineral density (BMD) at diagnosis in
patients affected with CD, and the influence of the age of diagnosis in the clinical
52 patients (female: 26) were evaluated.
The percentage with vitamin D deficiency (!20 ng/ml) was 37, 7% (nZ20) at
the moment of diagnosis and 26.4% (n: 14) of the patients had BMD LS below 2
S.D.(Table 1). In the whole group we found positive correlation between: BMD Zscore and vitamin D levels (P!0.01, r: 0.527) and BMD Z-score and
chronological age at the moment of diagnosis (P!0.05 r: K0, 345). Levels of
25(OH)D correlated with and BMD Z-score (P!0.005, r: 0.486) in the group
with more than 6 years old at diagnosis.
Immunohistochemical localization of bone morphogenetic proteins and
their receptors in human osteochondromas
Araceli Cuellar1, Atsuyuki Inui1, Michelle James1,2 & A Hari Reddi1
University of California, Davis, California, USA; 2Northern California
Shriners Hospital for Children, Sacramento, California, USA.
To define the role of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) in human
osteochondromas. The expression of bone morphogenetic proteins and their
corresponding receptors has not been clarified in osteochondromas. We
determined immunohistochemically the localization and distribution of bone
morphogenetic proteins 2, 4, 6 and 7, bone morphogenetic protein receptor types
1A, 1B and 2 and the functional effectors phosphorylated Smad proteins 1, 5 and 8
in the cartilaginous cap of human osteochondromas and compared with growth
plate and articular cartilage of bovine knee joints.
The localization of antibodies against human BMP-2/-4, BMP-6, BMP-7, BMP
receptor type 1A, 1B and 2 and phospho-Smads 1/5/8 on sections of solitary
(nZ6) and multiple hereditary (nZ6) osteochondromas was examined using
immunohistochemical localization methods.
The distribution and localization of BMP-2/-4, BMP-7 and receptors BMPR-1A,
BMPR-1B and BMPR-2 was observed uniformly in chondrocytes in osteochondromas and growth plate. A difference in the distribution of BMP-6 and phosphoSmads 1/5/8 was observed between osteochondroma and growth plate. BMP-6
was localized throughout the cartilaginous cap of osteochondromas while BMP-6
was mainly found in the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. In
osteochondromas phospho-Smads 1/5/8 was observed in hypertrophic chondrocytes undergoing calcification. In contrast, phospho-Smads 1/5/8 was
observed throughout the growth plate with greater staining intensity in the
resting zone. The expression of BMP-6, BMPR-1A, BMPR-1B and BMPR-2
varied among the cartilaginous cap of solitary and multiple hereditary
osteochondromas, the difference is not significant (PO0.05).
The localization of BMP 2, 4, 6 and 7, BMP receptor types 1A, 1B and 2 and
phosphorylated Smad proteins 1, 5 and 8 was analysed in human osteochondromas immunohistologically. Distributions of BMP-6 and phosphorylated Smad
proteins 1, 5 and 8 in human osteochondromas were different from normal growth
plate. Since bone morphogenetic proteins can stimulate proliferation and
differentiation of chondrocytes, these findings suggests that there may be a
dysregulation of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation in the cartilaginous
cap of human osteochondromas.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P104
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
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Bisphosphonate treatment in non-ambulatory patients with spastic
quadriplegic cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular disorders:
effectiveness of pamidronate vs zoledronic acid
Sasigarn Bowden, Ashley Jessup, Wei Wang & John Mahan
Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA.
To examine the bone mineral density (BMD) response to i.v. pamidronate (Group
1) vs i.v. zoledronic acid (Group 2) in non-ambulatory children and young adults
with severe cerebral palsy or other neuromuscular disorders.
A total of 50 non-ambulatory children and young adults, (mean age 11.3 years,
range 2.1–32) with low BMD and/or history of fractures were retrospectively
studied. Thirty-nine patients (30 spastic quadriplegic cereal palsy, 6 spinal
muscular atrophy, 3 myelomeningocele) were treated with IV pamidronate (from
1999–2007). Eleven patients (seven spastic CP, two spinal muscular dystrophy,
and two myelomeningocele) were treated with zoledronic acid (from 2006–2011).
I.v. pamidronate, 1 mg/kg per day was administered three consecutive days,
repeated at 3-month intervals for the first year. I.v. zoledronic acid, at
0.025 mg/kg per dose, was given at 3-month interval for the first year. Frequency
of both treatments was decreased in subsequent years to every 4, 6 or 12 months
depending on BMD response. Lumbar BMD (Hologic DEXA), Z-score (adjusted
for weight and pubertal status) at baseline and 1, 2 and 3 years were analyzed.
Mean lumbar BMD Z-score increased significantly from baseline to 1, 2, and 3
years in both groups (P! 0.01): from K3.89 at baseline to K2.68 at 1 year,
K1.97 at 2 years, and K1.73 at 3 years in Group 1; from K3.89 at baseline to
K2.43 at 1 year, K1.52 at 2 years, and K1.35 at 3 years in Group 2. There was no
significant difference in BMD Z-score response between groups; treatment was
well tolerated with no serious adverse reactions.
Both pamidronate and zoledronic acid treatment are effective in improving BMD
and BMD Z-score in children and young adults with neuromuscular disorders.
The BMD response was comparable between these two treatments. Zoledronic
acid should be considered as a treatment of choice in this patient population, given
the much shorter duration of infusion. Long-term follow-up study is needed to
confirm safety and efficacy in fracture reduction and prevention.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P105
Acquired hypophosphatemic rickets in a 13-year-old boy presenting
with knee pain and valgus deformity
Sasigarn Bowden, Allan Beebe & Sally Wildman
Nationwide Children’s Hospital/The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA.
Hypophosphatemic rickets commonly presents in early childhood as inherited
disorders. Acquired hypophosphatemic rickets or osteomalacia is a rare condition
in children caused by paraneoplastic production of phosphaturic factor or FGF23
and is called tumor-induced rickets or osteomalacia. Localization of tumor is
important as hypophosphatemic rickets completely resolves after resection of
Presenting problem
We present a challenging case of a 13-year-old male with acquired hypophosphatemic rickets, the etiology of which has not yet been identified.
Clinical management
The patient presented to orthopaedic clinic with bilateral knee pain and genu
valgum at age 10.5 years. Knee X-ray showed widened physes in distal femur and
proximal tibia with mild metaphyseal fraying of distal femur, suggesting remote
rickets. Additional X-ray revealed mild widening and irregularity of distal radius
and ulnar physes. Lab showed normal calcium, normal 25-OH vitamin D
(28 ng/dl; normal 32–100), normal 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (45 pg/ml; normal
15–90). He continued to have worsening knee pain with difficulty walking. He
was referred to the Metabolic Bone Clinic at age 13 years, and was noted to have
valgus angulation of 24 degree with persistent mildly widened physes on his knee
X-ray. Biochemical studies showed normal calcium (9.1), low phosphorus
(2.8 mg/dl; normal 3.3–5.4), elevated alkaline phosphatase (488 U/l; normal 100–
400), normal 25-OH vitamin (28), normal 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (51 pg/ml),
and normal PTH (51 pg/ml; normal 10–65). Hypophosphatemic rickets was
suspected as he also had low tubular resorption of phosphorus. He had normal
knee X-ray at age 1 year with no signs of rickets. Serum FGF23 was 220 RU/ml
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
(normal ! or Z230; Mayo Laboratory). His bone mineral density (BMD)
showed normal lumbar BMD Z-score at K0.3, while his total body BMD Z-score
was low at K2.3. Patient was started on calcitriol and phosphate therapy. A
month later, he had medial distal femur hemiepiphysiodesis performed to correct
his deformity.
Hypophosphatemic rickets in the case is acquired as he was well until age 10
years and had normal joint X-ray during early childhood. Lab investigation is
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P106
Bone cross-sectional geometry and volumetric density at the distal
radius in female adolescents with anorexia nervosa
Inge Roggen, Jesse Vanbesien, Inge Gies, Ursula Van den Eede,
Annik Lampo, Olivia Louis & Jean De Schepper
Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Jette, Belgium.
Osteopenia is a well-known complication of anorexia nervosa (AN) in older
adolescents and adults, especially in those with a long duration of the disease and
a severe underweight.
We investigated whether young premenarchal girls with AN have similar risk
factors for a disturbed bone growth and mineralization.
Twenty-four female premenarchal AN patients as well as 24 age and height
matched female controls underwent a peripheral quantitative computed
tomography (pQCT) scan at the distal radius of the non-dominant arm.
The age of the AN subjects ranged between 11.8 and 18.5 years. Mean (GS.D.)
weight loss was 22.3G9.3%, which occurred during the preceding 7.8G3.9
months. Mean weight Z-score (K2.19G1.40 vs 0.15G0.90; P!0.0001) as well
as mean BMI Z-score (K2.28G1.09 vs 0.07G0.83; P!0.0001) was significantly
lower in AN patients, whereas height Z-score (K0.36G1.02 vs 0.23G1.02;
PZ0.1) was comparable at the moment of examination. AN patients had a
significantly lower mean total bone cross-sectional area (CSA) (294.9G31.5 vs
334.1G54.4 mm2; PZ0.004) and periosteal circumference (60.8G3.2 vs 64.6G
5.0 mm; PZ0.003) in comparison with the control subjects. Trabecular bone
mineral density (186.1G32.2 vs 203.5G30.9 mg/cm3; PZ0.06) and bone
strength index (30.1G9.0 vs 34.6G10.5 mg/mm4; PZ0.1) were also lower,
but at borderline significance. Total bone CSA Z-score correlated with duration of
the weight loss (rZ0.43; PZ0.03), but not with the age and BMI Z-score at
diagnosis and the severity of the weight loss was found. None of the other bone
parameters correlated with any of the disease related factors.
In female premenarchal AN patients the rapidity but not the severity of the weight
loss before diagnosis affects the periosteal bone apposition, which is more
disturbed than the bone mineralization at the distal bone end of radius.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P107
Antenatal glucocorticoid injections do not aggravate stress-induced
bone loss in young adult mice
Holger Henneicke1,*, Sylvia J Gasparini1, Tara C Brennan-Speranza1,
Hong Zhou1 & Markus J Seibel1,2
ANZAC Research Institute Concord Hospital, The University of Sydney,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; 2Department of Endocrinology and
Metabolism, Concord Hospital, The University of Sydney, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia.
Winner of New Investigator Award
Antenatal glucocorticoid (GC) injections are not only used to enhance fetal lung
maturation in preterm children but also for the treatment of maternal conditions
such as autoimmune diseases or infections. Animal models and clinical studies
suggest that the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is altered in
the offspring of GC-treated mothers with increased sensitivity to stress.
The aim of this study is i) to define the effects of chronic mild stress (CMS) on the
skeleton of young adult mice and the molecular pathways involved; and ii) to
ICCBH 2013
determine the effect of antenatal exposure to exogenous GCs on CMS-induced
bone loss in young adult mice.
We used a transgenic (tg) mouse model in which the GC-inactivating enzyme,
11b-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase type 2, is overexpressed in osteoblasts and
osteocytes, resulting in disruption of pre-receptor GC-signaling in these cells.
8-week old tg mice and their wild type (WT) littermates were exposed to CMS for
the duration of 4 weeks, followed by euthanasia and analysis of lumbar spine
vertebrae by micro-CT. Stressors included: restraint stress, exposure to hot and
cold, tilted cages and overnight illuminations. A subset of mice was exposed to
elevated levels of GC at the end of the gestational period when their mothers
received dexamethasone injections (0.2 mg/kg) on day 14.5 and 15.5 of pregnancy.
Exposure to CMS resulted in spinal bone loss in WT but not tg mice (BV/TV WT:
K17%; PZ0.10; tg: K0.3%, PZ0.97) when compared to their respective
non-stressed controls. This was mainly due to a decrease in trabecular number
(WT:K17%; PZ0.08; tg: K1%; PZ0.84) and a corresponding increase in
trabecular separation (WT:C14%; PZ0.04; tg: C2%; PZ0.84) in WT mice only.
At 12 weeks of age the bone phenotype of mice exposed to antenatal
dexamethasone did not differ from non-injected, non-stressed mice. Also,
antenatal GC exposure did not aggravate stress-induced bone loss in either WT
or tg mice (BV/TV WT: K10%, tg: K2%).
i). CMS induces vertebral bone loss in mice via osteoblastic GC signaling.
ii). Antenatal exposure to GC does not aggravate stress-induced bone loss in
young adult mice.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P108
Vertebral morphology assessment in children: can a modified
algorithm-based qualitative technique be used reliably?
Ese Adiotomre1,2, Lucy Summers3, Penny Broadley1, Isla Lang1,
Giles Morrison2 & Amaka Offiah1,3
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK; 2Sheffield
Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust UK, Sheffield, UK; 3Academic
Unit of Child Health, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
There is no agreed standardised method for assessing vertebral morphology. The
algorithm-based qualitative technique appears to be promising in adults to rule
out non-osteoporotic fractures and non-fracture deformities, however it has not
been previously trialled in children. We aim to modify a technique for use with
both dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and radiographs in children, and to
evaluate its reliability and reproducibility.
50 patients with a suspected reduction in bone density, having a lateral spine
radiograph and lateral dual energy X-ray absorptiometry on the same day,
between the ages of 5–15 years, were recruited prospectively.
Three observers have independently assed all images (blinded to corresponding
results of radiographs and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) using the modified
algorithm-based qualitative criteria. A consensus read was performed by the
observers simultaneously to act as a gold standard for sensitivity and specificity
assessment. Inter-observer and modality agreement of fracture detection and
characteristics have been assessed.
Interim results using the modified algorithm-based qualitative criteria had
limitations. It was useful for fracture detection, severity grading and shape analysis,
but not for endplate or position assessment. A survey was sent to 14 British Paediatric
and Adolescent Bone Group members to assess the clinical relevance of the criteria;
13 responded. Following consultation simplifications were made.
The images will be re-assed after an interval of 3 months using the new modified
algorithm-based qualitative criteria and the data analysed as before. The reliability of
the two techniques will be compared.
Analysis with the original modified algorithm-based qualitative technique showed 26
patients had one or more vertebral fractures. The inter-observer agreement for fracture
detection, severity grading, shape analysis, end plates affected and position analysis on
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry ranged between 68 and 78% and on radiographs
between 66 and 77%. Analysis using the second scoring system is in progress.
The modified algorithm-based qualitative assessment had limitations. We have
further modified the scoring system to allow standardisation of readers’ observations
and note only findings of clinical relevance. We are currently evaluating the new
system and comparing its reliability to the previous technique.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P109
Replacing conventional spine radiographs with dual energy X-ray
absorptiometry in children with suspected reduction in bone density
Ese Adiotomre1,2, Lucy Summers3, Penny Broadley2, Isla Lang2,
Giles Morrison1 & Amaka Offiah2,3
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust UK, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK; 3Academic
Unit of Child Health, University of Sheffield UK, Sheffield, UK.
Children have greater lifetime risks of radiation-induced complications compared
to adults. In children with osteogenesis imperfecta conventional radiographs are
obtained to assess spine morphometry, while DXA assesses bone density. In
adults DXA is now used for both. We aim to establish whether iDXA can replace
spine radiographs in the assessment of paediatric vertebral morphometry.
An 18-month prospective recruitment of 200 consented children with, and 50
without suspected reduction in bone density, aged 5–15 years, will have lateral
spine radiographs and lateral DXA scans on the same day. Three observers will
independently assess all images (blinded to corresponding results of radiographs
and DXA) using a modified ABQ technique. 100 random images will be
interpreted twice. Diagnostic accuracy and inter and intra-observer reliability of
DXA will be compared to the gold standard of radiography.
Patient/carer experience, radiation dose of DXA compared to radiographs and
health economics will be assessed.
Interim results of the first 50 recruited patients showed 26 had 1 or more vertebral
fractures. The fracture detection sensitivity for DXA was 62.7% and specificity
87.8%. The overall accuracy for vertebral fracture detection with DXA was
83.5%. The overall agreement between radiographs and DXA was 68.7%.
Using the ABQ technique in children has limitations and a more reliable scoring
system is required. Compared to radiography DXA does not appear to be worse
for morphometry and given the reduced dose and comparable CEC qualities,
DXA should be recommended for morphometry in children after more robust
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P110
Vitamin D status and association to bone health in 781 healthy 8–11
years old Danish school children: preliminary results from the Opus
school meal study
R A Petersen1, C T Damsgaard1, S Dalskov1, L B Sørensen1, R P Laursen1,
M F Hjorth1, R Andersen2, I Tetens2, H Krarup3, A Astrup1,
K F Michaelsen1 & C Mølgaard1
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science,
University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg C, Denmark; 2Division of
Nutrition, The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark,
Søborg, Denmark; 3Section of Molecular Diagnostics, Department of
Clinical Biochemistry, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark.
Low vitamin D concentrations among children and adolescents at northern
latitudes are frequently observed. Also, inverse associations between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and PTH concentrations have been found in children of
different ages. More studies on the link between vitamin D status and childhood
bone health are needed.
To evaluate the status of serum 25(OH)D in autumn and the association between
25(OH)D concentrations and bone health in 781 healthy 8–11 years old Danish
children (558N).
A cross-sectional analysis was performed using baseline data from the optimal
well-being, development and health for Danish children through a healthy New
Nordic Diet (OPUS) School Meal Study, including 3rd and 4th graders from nine
public schools. In autumn 2011, fasting blood samples were drawn and serum
25(OH)D and intact PTH analysed. Background interviews were conducted and
anthropometry, puberty stage, intake of dietary supplements and physical activity
was measured. Whole body DXA scans were performed and total body less head
(TBLH) DXA values were used in data analyses.
Serum 25(OH)D ranged from 15.2 to 132 nmol/l, with mean of 60.7G
18.7 nmol/l. Twenty-six percent of the children had concentrations between
25 and 50 nmol/l, while 2.4% had concentrations !25 nmol/l. Intake of dietary
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
supplements R4 days/week (nZ305) was associated with higher serum 25(OH)D
(P!0.001). Girls had significantly lower 25(OH)D (P!0.001), and significantly
higher iPTH (PZ0.012) concentrations than boys. Serum 25(OH)D was inversely
associated with iPTH without, and with, adjustment for age, gender, pubertal
stage, month and ethnicity (P!0.001). No significant associations were found
between serum 25(OH)D and bone mineral content (BMC) without, nor with,
adjustment for bone area (BA), age, height, weight, gender, pubertal stage,
ethnicity and physical activity. Likewise, no associations were found between
serum 25(OH)D and BA or BMD.
A substantial number of Danish children did not reach the recommended level
of 25(OH)D (O50 nmol/l) during autumn. Despite a significant association with
iPTH, no overt association between serum 25(OH)D and bone health was
The OPUS project (optimal well-being, development and health for Danish
children through a healthy New Nordic Diet) is supported by a grant from the
Nordea Foundation.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P111
Association between parameters of bone mass measured by dual energy
X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultrasound of proximal
phalanges in children and adolescents with congenital adrenal
Ezequiel M Gonçalves1, Vinicius J O Barbeta1, Fábio Bertapelli1,
Tathyane Krahenbuhl1, Luiz Carlos B Ramalho1, Juan Eduardo Samur-San
Martin1, Sofia H V Lemos-Marini1,2 & Gil Guerra-Júnior1,2
Growth and Body Composition Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics,
Center for Investigation in Pediatrics (CIPED), University of Campinas
(UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil; 2Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Department
of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), University of Campinas
(UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil.
Abstract withdrawn.
The chronic use of glucocorticoids in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH) may result in decreased bone mass. Therefore, using simple and accurate
methods for assessing bone status in these patients could facilitate the treatment
of disease. The purpose of this study was to verify the association between
parameters of bone mass measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of proximal phalanges in children adolescents
with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. We evaluated 26 patients (15 girls and 11
boys) with CAH due 21-hydroxylase deficiency, aged 6–14 years. Bone mineral
content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were assessed with a DXA
whole-body scan, model Discovery Wi (Hologic, Bedford, MA, USA). The
ultrasound bone parameters, amplitude dependent speed sound (AD-SoS) and
bone transmission time (BTT) were assessed for QUS of proximal phalanges
using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) device. No significantly associations
were observed between hydrocortisone dose (HC) and bone parameters assessed
by DXA and QUS. BTT demonstrated higher correlations with BMC and BMD
than AD-SoS (Table 1).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P112
Table 1 Descriptive values and correlations in patients with CAH.
Everyday chemicals modulate bone properties during development
Maria Herlin1, Ewa Björkeson1, Wayne J Bowers2 & Helen Håkansson1
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
Sweden; 2Environmental Health Sciences and Research Bureau, Health
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
In the modern society, all individuals are exposed throughout life to a variety of
chemicals, which may contribute significantly to the human disease burden. Most
of these chemicals are transferred to the fetus in-utero and to the infant via
mother’s milk. Until recently, few studies have addressed effects of chemicals on
the development of mineralized tissues following exposure during these early
stages of life. In this experimental study, we analysed consequences of human
relevant chemical exposure on developing bone.
Pregnant Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed to a mixture of polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides and mercury, or to the PCB- and mercury
components of the mixture alone, from gestational day 1 to prenatal day 23.
Tibias from male and female offspring at postnatal day 21 were analysed using
peripheral quantitative computed tomography.
Exposure to the mixture resulted in bone with smaller mid-diaphysis crosssectional area, but higher cortical thickness. Further, the trabecular bone area was
smaller, while the trabecular bone mineral density was higher. The increase in
trabecular bone mineral density was larger in the female offspring, while the
effects on bone geometry were generally more pronounced in the males. Offspring
exposed to PCBs alone showed the same trend of bone alterations as caused by the
mixture, although less pronounced and with no increase of cortical thickness. In
contrast, exposure to mercury alone resulted in increased cortical thickness, but
had no effect on trabecular bone mineral density.
Higher trabecular bone mineral density and increased cortical thickness were the
most notable alterations of bone following early life exposure to a mixture of
chemicals mimicking the human exposure situation. The functional consequences
of these observations should be further investigated in order to identify preventive
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P113
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
BMC (g)
BMD (g/cm2)
BTT (mseg)
AD-SoS (m/s)
HC (mg/m2 per
*P!0.01 and †P!0.05.
In our sample with children and adolescents with CAH due 21-hydroxylase
deficiency the bone parameters assessed by DXA and QUS of proximal phalanges
demonstrated significantly association. More studies are needed to evaluate the
usefulness of QUS method in these patients, given that the QUS is a radiation-free
method can be advantageous in monitoring of children and adolescents
with CAH.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P114
Bone mineral density in late adolescence of transsexuals treated with
GnRH-analogues in their teens
Daniël Klink1,2, Martine Caris1, Mick van Trotsenburg2,3 &
Joost Rotteveel1,2
Department of Pediatrics, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; 3Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, VU Medical
Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Young transsexuals at a minimum age of 12 years are treated with GnRHanalogues (GnRHa) to suspend pubertal development until the addition of
hormones of the desired sex is started at a minimum age of 16 years. The effect of
this treatment on adult bone mineral density (BMD) is still unknown. We aimed to
assess BMD at the age of 22, as this is near its peak in healthy individuals.
In this prospective observational study 19 female to male (FtM) and 16 male to
female (MtF) transsexuals were included. In the MtFs mean lumbar and hip BMD
were 0.85 (0.66–1.1) and 0.89 (0.68–1.0) g/cm2, respectively at start GnRHa (age
15.0 years (12.3–17.9)) and at start estrogen (after 16.5 months (7–45) GnRHa
treatment) 0.82 (0.63–0.95) and 0.88 (0.78–0.99) g/cm2 respectively. At the age
ICCBH 2013
of 22, these were 0.93 (0.75–1.1) and 0.94 (0.74–1.1) g/cm2 respectively.
In the FtMs mean lumbar and hip BMD were 0.95 (0.76–1.1) and 0.92 (0.77–1.1)
g/cm2, respectively, at start GnRHa (age 15.2 years (11.6–18.6)) and at start
testosterone (after a GnRHa-treatment duration of 18 months (3–62)) 0.92 (0.76–
1.1) and 0.92 (0.75–1.0) respectively. At the age of 22, mean lumbar and hip
BMD was 1.0 (0.77–1.1) and 0.94 (0.71–1.1) g/cm2 respectively.
BMD development in adolescent transsexuals
Lumbar spine MtF
Lumbar spine FtM
Impact of age and pubertal development on bone mass assessed by
quantitative ultrasound of the proximal phalanges in boys and girls
aged 10–14 years
Tathyane Krahenbuhl, Ezequiel Moreira Gonçalves, Vinicius Barbeta,
Luiz Carlos Ramalho, Juan Samur-San Martin, Fabio Bertapelli,
Roberto Regis Ribeiro, Antonio Azevedo Barros-Filho & Gil Guerra-Junior
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Hip MtF
Hip FtM
BMD (g/cm2)
Patients with DDR-1 should receive life long replacement treatment with 1a
hydroxyvitamin D or calcitriol.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P116
Start GnRHa
Addition hormones
Age 22
Figure 1
BMD remained stable during GnRHa-therapy, deterioration was not observed.
Upon hormonal administration, BMD increased until the age of 22. These first
data appear to support the safety of the treatment protocol. However, study
population was heterogeneous regarding pubertal stage and age at start of
treatment and duration of GnRHa-treatment. Further investigation is aimed at
continued monitoring of BMD until the age of 30.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P115
The quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the proximal phalanges has been used for
the indirect evaluation of bone status. Furthermore, the relative simplicity and
non-exposure to radiation, presents advantages for the use of QUS compared to
other methods in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to determine
the influence of age and pubertal development on Amplitude Dependent Speed
Sound (AD-SoS) assessed by QUS of proximal phalanges in girls and boys aged
10–15 years old. The QUS measurements were performed on 1892 Brazilian
white students (1165 girls: weightZ43.4G10.8 kg and heightZ152.7G10.1 cm,
and 727 boys: weightZ43.8G11.9 kg and heightZ152.0G11.8 cm) using the
DBM Sonic BP device (IGEA, Carpi, Italy). The pubertal development was
evaluated by self-assessment according to breast stage (I–V) for girls and pubic
hair (I–V) for boys. Girls demonstrated significantly higher AD-SOS values
(range 1808–2190 m/s) compared to boys (range 1976–2140 m/s), in all ages
(Fig.1 left panel) and pubertal stages, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (right panel). This
result is repeated when the groups were compared in relation to maturational
stage, the same stage for girls presented higher values of Ad-SOS. The AD-SoS
increased significantly from 11 to 14 years old (P!0.01) for girls and for boys the
increase was significant from 13 to 14 years old (P!0.001). As for the pubertal
development, a statistical difference were found between the stages II and IV for
girls (P!0.001) and between stages III and IV for boys (P!0.001).
95% CI AD-SoS (m/s)
Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1: 2 years after discontinuation of
Victoria Kougia, Stella Seitanidou, Asterios Kampouras, Filotas Talidis,
Konstantinos Kollios & Emmanuel Roilides
Third Department of Pediatrics, Hippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki,
95% CI AD-SoS (m/s)
Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1 (VDDR-1) is an autosomal recessive disorder
caused by 1a hydroxylase enzyme deficiency, that leads to low or undetectable
levels of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D despite normal levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
levels. Additional laboratory findings include hypocalcemia and increased levels
of parathyroid hormone. Clinically, it presents as early onset rickets and severe
Presenting problem
A 6-year-old Caucasian girl was referred to our Clinic after a 6 months history
of hypotonia. Rickets was diagnosed at the age of 9 months, based on typical
laboratory and radiological findings. Severe hypophosphatemia and generalized
aminoaciduria were identified then. The levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D were
normal. She was started on 1a hydroxyvitamin D with prompt clinical and
laboratory improvement. Under medication, the biochemical findings normalized
and the child remained asymptomatic. That misled the parents into discontinuing
treatment 3.5 years after diagnosis and for the next 2 years.
Clinical management
Physical examination on admission revealed genu valgum, short stature and
generalized hypotonia. Laboratory workup revealed hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, marked elevation of alkaline phosphatase and parathormone, with
normal levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and low levels of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D. Based on these findings and the fact that she had previously responded well to
1a hydroxyvitamin D, VDDR-1 was diagnosed. Awaiting genetic confirmation
she was restarted on 1a hydroxyvitamin D. Biochemical and radiographic
improvement was achieved within 3 and 6 months respectively.
Clinical and radiological findings of VDDR-1 are indistinguishable from those of
other forms of rickets. Distinction between the two can be based on characteristic
biochemical findings. Normal levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D exclude nutritional
rickets, while normal serum calcium combined with elevated PTH excludes
hypophosphatemic rickets.
Age (years)
Pubertal development
Figure 1 AD-SOS values for boys (green) and girls (blue) by age
(left panel) and pubertal stage (right panel).
This sample of Brazilian children and adolescents, the values of AD-SoS of girls
suffered greater influence of age and pubertal stage. It is suggested that more
longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these results.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P117
Variation in response to vitamin D therapy in a series of consecutive
children referred to a paediatric bone disease service
Fawaz Arshad1,2, Sally Hinton2, Nick Bishop1,2 & Paul Arundel2
Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
Guidelines for treatment of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) vary. We aimed to
review the range of treatment regimens for VDD used locally and variation in
We conducted a retrospective review of the records of consecutive patients
referred to a Children’s Bone Disease Service with a putative diagnosis of VDD
over a 14-month period. Data collected includes vitamin D type used, dose and
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
duration of treatment, and pre- and post serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD).
Cases were excluded if these data were missing. Weight was used to calculate
total dose of vitamin D per kg administered. In the absence of a contemporary
weight, subjects were assumed to have mean weight for age. Presence of rickets,
radiographic reports, history of fracture and adverse events were collected.
From 66 consecutive subjects, 29 had pre- and post-treatment 25OHD
concentrations and a confirmed serum 25OHD !25 nmol/l. Demographics –
18/29 male; 12/29 South Asian, 7/29 Black African, and 4/29 White British. 13/29
had radiographs looking for signs of rickets. In 2/13 rachitic features were
identified. In both cases repeat radiographs confirmed resolution with treatment.
4/29 had ever suffered fractures. Cholecalciferol treatment was variably instituted
by primary or secondary care physicians. Daily doses ranged 3000–10 000 U
(median 6000); duration 4–12 weeks (median 6). 2/29 subjects received two doses
of 100 000 U each. Estimated total dose/kg ranged 3400–35 000 U/kg (mean
13 500, S.D. 7400). The increase in serum 25OHD correlated with estimated total
dose/kg (R2Z29%, PZ0.003). 2/29 remained vitamin D insufficient (34 and
45 nmol/l). 4/29 subjects had an increase in 25OHD O200 nmol/l. These were all
under 18 months of age and received estimated total doses 11 000–35 000 U/kg
over 4–12 weeks. There were no recorded adverse effects.
We found that commonly used regimens for treatment of VDD were effective in
raising 25OHD to O50 nmol/l with no evidence of harm. This study is limited by
its retrospective character, small size, incomplete data and potential bias
regarding subject selection. However, there is variability in response to vitamin
D treatment and we believe that clinicians should consider the weight-related total
dose, particularly in younger children.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P118
Depressive symptoms and bone mineral density in a cohort of
portuguese adolescents: no association
Teresa Monjardino1,2, Sara Lourenço1,2, Raquel Lucas1,2,
Elisabete Ramos1,2 & Henrique Barros1,2
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public
Health, University of Porto Medical School, Porto, Portugal; 2Institute of
Public Health of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Since depressive symptoms, which have been related to low bone quality in
adulthood, may also be associated with suboptimal bone mineral accrual, we aim
at quantify the association between depressive symptoms and bone mineral
density (BMD) throughout adolescence.
We analysed prospective data from 969 adolescents (56.2% girls) from a
population-based cohort of urban adolescents, born in 1990, evaluated during the
2003/2004 and 2007/2008 school years in public and private schools of Porto
(EPITeen). In both evaluations, at 13 and 17 years of age, the severity of
depressive symptoms in the previous 2 weeks was evaluated by self-report using
the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Bone mineral density (g/cm2) was
measured at the non-dominant forearm by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
(DXA) using a Lunar Peripheral Instantaneous X-ray Imager (PIXI) device. In
order to estimate the cross-sectional and prospective associations between
depressive symptoms and BMD during adolescence, linear regression coefficients
(b) and 95% CIs crude and adjusted for BMI, age at menarche, smoking, and
sports practice were estimated.
In girls, mean (S.D.) forearm BMD was 0.360 (0.057) at 13 years old and changed
0.024 mg/cm2 per year, while in boys was 0.346 g/cm2 (0.053) at 13 years of age
and changed 0.035 mg/cm2 per year. In girls, median (25th and 75th percentiles)
BDI-II score remain the same at 13 and at 17 years old (6.0 (2.0; 10.0) and 6.0
(3.0; 11.0) respectively), while in boys BDI-II scores decreased from 13 to 17
years of age (3.0 (1.0; 6.0) and 2.0 (1.0; 6.0) respectively) and, comparing with
girls, were lower in both evaluations. In both sexes, cross-sectional associations
between depressive symptoms and BMD at 13 and 17 years old were not detected
even after adjustment for major confounders. Similarly, there were no significant
associations between depressive symptoms during adolescence and the annual
BMD change from 13 to 17 years old.
Depressive symptoms were not associated with BMD accrual throughout
adolescence. The mechanisms explaining the relationship between depression
and BMD are not largely known and explored, but they may not be present at this
period of life.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P119
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Osteoblasts communicate with their neighbouring cells via extracellular
Jess Morhayim1, Jeroen Demmers2, Ton de Jong3, Eric Braakman4,
Jeroen van de Peppel1, Jan Cornelissen4 & Hans van Leeuwen1
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2Proteomics Centre, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
Department of Pathology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
Department of Hematology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Strong coordination between osteoblasts and bone marrow cells is fundamental
for the regulation of healthy bone turnover and other (patho)physiological
processes. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate communication between cells via
horizontal transfer of proteins and nucleic acids. Osteoblasts secrete EVs in the
form of matrix vesicles involved in bone mineralization, however, information
about a role in intercellular communication is still lacking. In this study, we focus
on the characterization of human osteoblast-secreted EVs and study their role as
mediators of communication with neighbouring cells in their bone marrow
We used a human pre-osteoblast-based in vitro bone formation model to isolate
EVs at various time-points during osteoblast differentiation and mineralization by
a series of ultracentrifugation steps. We characterized the EVs by electron and
atomic force microscopy and proteomics. Furthermore, we studied their
interaction with neighbouring cells by fluorescent labelling and flow cytometric
Microscopic analyses demonstrated that osteoblast EVs are very heterogenic in
size and morphology. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analyses identified
known matrix vesicle proteins (annexins, phosphatases, etc.) and an interesting
range of membrane and signalling proteins that may be linked to cell
communication. Fluorescently labelled osteoblast EVs were internalized by
neighbouring cells such as CD34C hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) as well as
bone-metastasizing prostate cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. Cultures of
CD34C HSCs with osteoblast EVs led to a donor-dependent two to three-fold
increased proliferation of the CD34C expressing cells.
We demonstrated that osteoblasts secrete EVs that are taken up by the cells
residing in the surrounding microenvironment. Osteoblast EVs are specifically
packaged not only with common matrix vesicle proteins showing their
importance in bone metabolism but also with proteins not-primarily linked to
mineralization suggestive of a novel mechanism of intercellular communication.
This study has been supported by Erasmus Stem Cell Institute.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P120
Tibial metaphyseal shape varies between children according to history
of fracture
Paul Arundel1,2, Thomas Hangartner3, David Short3, Ben Holden2 &
Nick Bishop1,2
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK; 2Department of Human
Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; 3Department of
Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors Engineering, Wright State
University, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Measurement and interpretation of metaphyseal shape in children is difficult. We
aim to develop relevant assessment methods using commonly available spiral
computed tomography (CT) scanning.
We analysed 12 pairs of age and pubertal stage matched subjects from a larger
group of children recruited into a non-interventional case–control study in which
all had suffered trauma; half had sustained a fracture. Each subject underwent
anthropometry, pubertal stage self-assessment, LS DXA and spiral CT of the
whole of both tibiae. Total area and volumetric trabecular bone density (TBD)
were extracted from each 1.25 mm CT slice between the growth plates. Eight
nested cylinders were defined within the metaphyseal volume. Metaphyseal
ICCBH 2013
extent was defined as being between the growth plate and where TBD reaches 0 in
the central 1/8 area. Equal-length datasets were created to allow data comparison.
We assessed metaphyseal extent, absolute metaphyseal area at 50% metaphyseal
length (50% area) and change in area across the 40–60% metaphyseal length
(40–60 Darea) in relation to tibial length, tibial width at narrowest point and
aspect ratio (length:width).
Subjects were aged 5–13 years. Girls: 4/12 controls and 3/12 fractures. Mean tibia
length was 29.2G5.1 cm. There was no significant difference in height or
tibial length between fractures and controls. Aspect ratio varied from 13 to 19
(median 16).
The proximal metaphysis varied from 11 to 25% tibial length (median 15%);
distal metaphysis from 8 to 20% (median 13%). There were no significant
differences between fracture and control groups for these parameters or for the
ratio of 50% area to shaft width. 40–60 Darea correlated with age, height, tibial
length and height Z-score. 40–60 Darea of the proximal metaphysis was greater in
controls compared to fractures (PZ0.02). This was not the case for the distal
metaphysis. There was no correlation of aspect ratio or metaphyseal data with LS
DXA values.
We have described a method for determining the size and variability of the shape
of the tibia and its metaphyses. The combination of observed differences suggests
less in-waisting of the proximal metaphysis in children with a history of fracture.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P121
Fasting total ghrelin levels are increased in patients with adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis
Isabelle Gennero2,5, Françoise Conte-Auriol2,4, Marianne Mus2,4,
Catherine Molinas-Cazals2,4, Franck Accadbled3, Maı̈thé Tauber1,2,
Jérôme Sales De Gauzy3 & Jean Pierre Salles1,2
Endocrine and Bone Diseases Unit, Children Hospital, Toulouse University
Hospital, Toulouse, France; 2INSERM UMR 1043, University of Toulouse,
Toulouse, France; 3Orthopaedics Unit, Children Hospital, Toulouse
University Hospital, Toulouse, France; 4Clinical Investigation Unit,
Children Hospital, Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France;
Biochemistry, Institute of Biology, Toulouse University Hospital,
Toulouse, France.
Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone produced by the stomach that reflects body
weight changes and stimulates GH secretion. Recently, it has been shown to be
associated with bone metabolism and eating behaviour. The underlying
pathophysiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) refers to possible
abnormal bone development. AIS patients also frequently present with low BMI
Eating behavioural disorders, endocrine disorders, abnormal growth pattern and
osteopenia have been well documented in AIS. However, the circulating levels of
ghrelin have never been evaluated in patients with AIS.
A study was designed to investigate circulating ghrelin levels in adolescent girls
with AIS and normal control subjects. Forty-nine AIS girls and 15 controls were
included. Anthropometric parameters and fasting circulating total ghrelin were
measured. Curve severity was evaluated in AIS girls. The relationships between
ghrelin and age, body weight, height, BMI, BMI Z-score and corrected
anthropometric parameters were analyzed in AIS girls and controls.
A significant increase of circulating ghrelin was found in AIS girls compared with
controls. Elevation of ghrelin levels remained significant when considering
corrected BMI or corrected BMI Z-score. Unlike in controls, positive correlations
were found between ghrelin and age in AIS girls. Indeed, a gradual increase of
circulating ghrelin was observed until 13.9 years of age, while remaining stable
thereafter. There was no significant difference in body weight, height, BMI or
BMI Z-score between AIS and controls.
We observed significantly higher circulating ghrelin levels in AIS as compared
to controls with a positive correlation with age. These observations suggest
that ghrelin might play a role in the initiation or development of AIS and
consequences on bone status.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P122
Inadequately treated hypophosphataemic rickets in 14-year-old boy: a
case report
Athanasios Athanasakos, Vasiliki Bizimi, Eri Atsali, Gregory Skaradavos,
Natali Sideri, Georgios Oikonomoulas, Efthymia Alexopoulou &
Olympia Papakonstantinou
University General Hospital Attikon, Athens, Greece.
Inadequately treated hypophosphataemic rickets (HR) in 14-year-old boy: a case
HR is a rare cause of short stature associated with limb deformities.
To report the clinical, laboratory and radiologic features of HR in a 14-year-old
Presenting problem
We present the case of the 14-year-old boy, with short stature and deformities of
extremities, who complained for limb pain and weakness. The boy was diagnosed
with vitamin D deficiency 4 years and was receiving vitamin D. He had a previous
surgery for bowleg deformity.
Clinical management
The clinical examination showed signs of rickets/osteomalacia and biochemical
evaluation revealed severe renal loss of phosphate with hypophosphatemia,
normal calcium, normal PTH, moderately elevated serum alkaline phosphatase,
increased GFG23 and normal 1,25 (OH)2D3. Bone densitometry, PET-CT and
abdominal ultrasound were normal. The final diagnosis was hypophosphatemic
Radiographic findings included cupping and fraying of metaphysis, poorly
mineralized epiphyseal centers with delayed appearance, irregular widened
epiphyseal plates, periosteal reaction, Looser’s zones and bowing of long bones.
The child received phosphorus along with vitamin D resulting in remission of
pain and weakness.
HR occurs rarely, and although it leads to physical development disturbance and
to severe deformities of the extremities, it makes a significant medical problem as
it may be misdiagnosed or delayed diagnosed. Phosphorus along with vitamin D
are administered whereas in case of severe leg deformities, orthopaedic surgical
intervention is, additionally, needed.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P123
Adipokines and bone turnover throughout adolescence: an exploratory
approach in a cohort of girls
Teresa Monjardino1,2, Elisabete Ramos1,2, Raquel Lucas1,2,
Margarida Prata1,2, Milton Severo1,2, Ana Rodrigues3,4, Helena Canhão3,4,
João Eurico Fonseca3,4 & Henrique Barros1,2
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public
Health, University of Porto Medical School, Porto, Portugal; 2Institute of
Public Health of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; 3Rheumatology
Research Unit, Lisbon School of Medicine, Instituto de Medicina
Molecular, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; 4Rheumatology and
Bone Metabolic Diseases Department, Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon,
By prospectively evaluating a cohort of girls we aim to identify population
patterns linking adipokines and bone turnover during early and late adolescence
and to assess the associations of those patterns with forearm bone mineral density
The study was developed within a population-based cohort of urban adolescents
born in 1990 and assembled in public and private schools of Porto, Portugal
(EPITeen). We analysed prospective data from 300 girls evaluated at 13 and 17
years of age. Anthropometric assessment included height, weight and body fat
percentage. BMD was measured at the distal forearm using dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry. Pubertal development status was estimated through menarche
age. Serum concentrations of leptin, adiponectin, receptor activator of nuclear
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
factor kB ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), collagen type 1 cross-linked
C-telopeptide (CTX), and procollagen I N-terminal propeptide (PINP) were
determined using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.
Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify patterns of associations between
serum parameters at each age and to assess their maintenance between 13 and 17
years of age. Associations between factors at each age and BMD were estimated
using linear regression coefficients (95% CIs), crude and adjusted for height,
weight, and menarche age.
We found that the same two factors at 13 and 17 years of age, named ‘factor leptin
CTX RANKL’ and ‘factor PINP OPG’, accounted for more than 40% of the
variability observed in the selected set of variables. ‘Leptin CTX RANKL’ factors
were positively associated with leptin and negatively with CTX and RANKL at
13 and at 17 years of age. There were crude positive associations between these
factors and BMD, (bZ25.1 (18.8, 31.4) at 13 and bZ9.6 (3.8, 15.3) at 17 years),
that lost significance after adjustment. ‘Factor PINP OPG’ was directly correlated
with PINP and inversely with OPG but not associated with BMD at 13 or 17 years
of age.
By using an exploratory approach to population data, we identified an important
pattern linking fat and bone in adolescent girls, involving systemic mediation by
leptin and local mediation by RANKL, reflecting an effect on bone resorption.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P124
Growth plate modifications in lysophosphatidic acid LPA1 receptorinvalidated mice
Isabelle Gennero1,3, Sara Laurencin-Dalicieux2, Françoise Conte-Auriol2,
Fabienne Briand-Mesange2, Jerold Chun4 & Jean-Pierre Salles1,2
Endocrine and Bone Diseases Unit, Children Hospital, Toulouse University
Hospital, Toulouse, France; 2INSERM UMR 1043, University of Toulouse,
Toulouse, France; 3Biochemistry, Institute of Biology, Toulouse University
Hospital, Toulouse, France; 4Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps
Research Institute, Dorris Neuroscience Center, La Jolla, California, USA.
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a potent lipid growth factor which possess several
G protein-coupled receptors LPA1-6. We have recently demonstrated that LPA1
receptor-invalidated mice display abnormal bone development and osteoporosis,
suggesting abnormal endochondral ossification. We have here further studied the
growth plates of LPA1 receptor-invalidated mice.
We performed a microscopic and immuno-histochemistry analysis of the femoral
and tibia bones of 1–4 weeks old LPA1(K/K) mice raised on a C57BL/6
Microscopic analysis demonstrated marked narrowing of the growth plate of the
long bones. The proximal tibia was significantly affected with a 27.7% decrease.
In the proximal growth plate of the femur, the reserve zone was relatively
preserved in LPA1(K/K) mice. In contrast, the columnar proliferative zone was
clearly decreased. The hypertrophic zone was not significantly affected.
Quantification of the different zones showed a significant decrease in the
proliferative zone of LPA1(K/K) mice, especially in the tibia growth plates
which were diminished by 37.8%. Other abnormalities were also detectable in the
growth plate of LPA1(K/K) mice. The columnar structures were less regular and
less organized in comparison to WT. Application of Ki67 antibody to quantify the
mitotic index in the proliferative zone, cell proliferation appeared decreased by
31% in the proliferative zone of LPA1(K/K) mice.
These results suggest that LPA1 receptor is involved in the development of
growth plate by influencing the proliferating rate of chondrocytes. LPA and LPA1
are new factors potentially involved in patho-physiological situations where
endochondral ossification is impaired.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P125
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
The role of severity of GH deficiency on clinical and instrumental
features and response to treatment in children
Anzhalika Solntsava, Olga Zagrebaeva & Hanna Mikhno
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus.
To determine the response to treatment, clinical and instrumental features in
children with partial GH deficiency (pGHD) and severe GHD (sGHD).
We examined retrospectively 30 children with isolated GHD (stage on Tanner 1)
in the Endocrinological department of University hospital (Minsk) over 2004–
2012 years. Group 1 (G1) – children with pGHD (nZ5) meanGS.D., age 6.3G1.4
years; group 2 (G2) – sGHD (nZ25), 4.8G0.9 years (PZ0.4). Children in both
groups were treated with GH more than 3 years. Stimulating GH levels, height on
the moment of diagnosis (H); bone X-ray with the calculation years of delay
relative to chronological age on diagnosis (D1), 1 year (D2), 2 years (D3), and 3
years (D4) of treatment; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were analyzed.
The results were processed using SPSS 17.
The maximum GH levels (IU/l) in clonidine sample G1 was 14.8G0.5, G2 6.2G
0.6 (PZ0.6), insulin sample 5.7G1.5 and 5.6G0.4 (PZ0.8). G1 was treated with
GH in the average dose 0.75G0.3 mg/day, G2 0.7G0.3 (PZ0.5). H G2 3rd
percentile was in 5 (100%) children; G1 !3 percentile was in 13(52%), 3rd
9(36%), and 10th 3(12%) children.
Six (24%) children in G2 had been confirmed pituitary pathology by MPI
(two microadenoma and four pituitary hypoplasia), G1 microadenoma in one
Maturation by X-ray was delayed in both groups, the dynamics G2: D1 3.1G1.7,
D2 2.4G1.2, D3 2.1G0.4 (p(D1–D2)Z0.2), (p(D2–D3)Z0.3), and
(p(D1–D3)Z0.4); G1: D1 2G1.4, D2 1.5G0.5, D3 1G0.5 (p(D1–D2)Z0.1),
(p(D2–D3)Z0.01), and (p(D1–D3)Z0.01).
We didn’t notice the reliable differences of bone age retardation in children with
sGHD at the age of diagnosis and all years of treatment. There were the reliable
reducing of bone age retardation in group with pGHD between the beginning of
the treatment, 2nd (PZ0.01) and 1st years (PZ0.01).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P126
Mechanosensitive TRP channels are essential for Ca2C signaling in
Yu-Mi Yang & Dong Min Shin
Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Bone remodeling and maintenance require a fine balance between bone formation
of osteoblasts and resorption of osteoclasts. Therefore, various skeletal disorders
cause by imbalanced differentiation and activities of these cells. Receptor
activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL) induces Ca2C oscillations and activates
nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 (NFATc1) during osteoclast differentiation.
Although Ca2C oscillations play a key role for osteoclastogenesis, the molecular
identification of Ca2C influx via mechanosensitive calcium channels located on
the plasma membrane for the generation of Ca2C oscillation are not well known.
We investigated the expression and functional role of mechanosensitive transient
receptor potential (TRP) channels on Ca2C signaling during osteoclastogenesis in
RAW264.7 and bone marrow macrophage (BMM) cells using RT-PCR, western
blot, Ca2C imaging, TRAP staining, and immunocytochemistry.
Ca2C oscillations and entry were changed by the over-expression of TRPC3 and
TRPC6, and the agonist of TRPM7. Activation of these channels had effects on
the expression of NFATc1, PLCg1, and IP3Rs, and TRAPC cell formations.
These results suggest that mechanosensitive TRP channels play a key role in the
Ca2C signaling of osteoclastogenesis. This research was supported by the Basic
Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2012007673).
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P127
ICCBH 2013
Bone mineral density in survivors of childhood lymphoma
Eryk Latoch, Katarzyna Muszynska-Roslan, Marcin Jakub Kaminski,
Anna Panasiuk, Jerzy Konstantynowicz & Maryna Krawczuk-Rybak
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
Assessment of bone mineral density in children completing therapy for
Thirty-five children treated for childhood Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
at the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology of Medical University
of Bialystok in Poland were included. Patients were scanned with DXA at two
time points: 1st – up to 5 years and 2nd – above 5 years after the completion of
the treatment. Bone mineral density (total (TBMD) and spine (BMDS)) were
determined using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results were
compared to age- and sex-matched references ranges and expressed as a
Z-score for bone mineral density according to both the local reference population
and manufacture’s database. Statistical analysis were performed using the
Wilcoxon matched-pairs ranks test. A P value !0.05 was considered significant.
Median time interval from the completion of the treatment to the beginning of the
study was 3.4 years (1.6, 4.5) for 1st group and 7.1 (6.4, 8.9) for 2nd group. We
did not find any significant difference between analyzed patients for TBMD and
BMDS Z-scores (PZ0.702, PZ0.093 respectively). Low bone mass (defined as a
Z-score %K2) was observed in two children in the 1st group (5.7%) and three
children in the 2nd group (8.6%).
In this study, time interval from the completion of the treatment did not influence
on bone mineral density. Overall, pediatric lymphoma survivors had negligible
bone mineral density deficits.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P128
Radiographic evidence of rapid healing of vitamin D deficient rickets
after 2 weeks of therapy
Kathryn Stephens & Sasigarn Bowden
Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, USA.
Following supplementation with adequate vitamin D and calcium, healing of
vitamin D deficient rickets has generally been demonstrated on radiographic films
3–6 months following the initiation of therapy. However, we report a case that
demonstrates radiographic evidence of rapid healing of vitamin D deficient
rickets in only 2 weeks after starting therapy.
Presenting problem
An 8-month-old African American male presented to the emergency room with a
distal left femur fracture near the metaphysis on radiographic film following a fall
from height of w2 feet. Orthopedics was consulted and placed a long leg cast.
Owing to the location and suggested mechanism of his fracture, non-accidental
trauma was suspected. A skeletal survey was obtained which revealed irregular
cupping and fraying of the metaphysis of the long bones, suggestive of rickets.
Vitamin D studies, serum calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphorous were
obtained which established the diagnosis of severe nutritional vitamin D deficient
rickets. He had markedly low 25-OH vitamin D (2.8 ng/ml; normal 32–100), low
serum calcium (6.7 mg/dl; normal 8–10.5), low phosphorous (4.1 mg/dl; normal
4.2–6.5), elevated alkaline phosphatase (753 U/l; normal 55–380), and markedly
elevated PTH (368 pg/ml; normal 10–65). Subsequently, following a thorough
investigation, non-accidental trauma as a cause for the injury was excluded.
Clinical management
This patient was started on calcium and ergocalciferol 2000 IU daily for treatment
of nutritional vitamin D deficient rickets. Owing to his femur fracture, a repeat
radiographic film was obtained w2 weeks following his initial injury. Repeat
radiographic film demonstrated remarkable resolution in cupping and fraying of
the metaphysis. Repeat vitamin D studies 4 months after starting treatment with
ergocalciferol demonstrated adequate vitamin D stores with 25-OH vitamin D
level of 59 ng/ml and normalization of serum calcium, phosphorous and PTH.
This case demonstrates radiographic evidence of rapid healing of vitamin D
deficient rickets following initiation of treatment with calcium and ergocalciferol
after only 2 weeks of therapy. This is much more rapid than previously
demonstrated. Furthermore, this case also demonstrates that vitamin D deficiency
can predispose infants to fractures mimicking those caused by non-accidental
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P129
‘Bone in bone’ sign in juvenile osteoporosis in a 13-year-old girl
Maria Sakalidou2, Eri Atsali1, Vasiliki Bizimi1, Gregory Skaradavos1,
Alexia Balanika2, Athanasios Athanasakos1, Efthymia Alexopoulou1 &
Olymbia Papakonstantinou1
University Hospital of Athens ‘ATTIKON’, Athens, Greece; 2Asklepion
General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
We present an interesting case of a young child under bisphosphonates, for the
treatment of juvenile osteoporosis (IJO), that developed a ‘bone in bone sign’, in
several vertebral bodies, evident both on radiographs (CRX) and on magnetic
resonance (MR) studies.
Presenting problem
A 13-year-old girl was admitted in our hospital complaining with thoracolumbar
pain. The patient had been diagnosed with IJO 2 years ago because of.a history of
a low energy fracture of a thoracic vertebra and a low BMD, measured by DEXA
(Z-score: K2.2). The girl was receiving bisphosponates for 1 year and 6 months
before her current admission.
She underwent a new BMD and radiographic study, with CRX and MRI of the
thoracolumbar spine and the pelvis.
Clinical management
Bone, new, densitometry values, by DEXA, were normal (Z-score: K1.2).
Radiographs of the thoracolumbar spine and pelvis revealed a ‘bone within a
bone’ appearance of the vertebrae and iliac bones. MR imaging of the thoracic
and lumbar spine, showed a moderately low signal of the vertebral end plates,
producing a ‘frame’ like picture, on T1 weighted images after fat-suppression and
administration of contrast agent.
In a retrospective study of previous radiographs of the thoracic spine, there was a
reduction of the visual height of the vertebral bodies, and the uncalcified end
plates were barely visible.
The bone within bone’ radiographic pattern, has been frequently described in IJO
patients and it is either attributed to the disease it’s self or the treatment with
bisphosphonates or even the termination of the use of such drugs.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P130
Ghrelin differentiates human osteoblasts via GHS-R1a receptor
Isabelle Gennero2,3, Ronan Barre2, Françoise Conte-Auriol2, Nicolas Beton2
& Jean Pierre Salles1,2
Endocrine and Bone Diseases Unit, Children Hospital, Toulouse University
Hospital, Toulouse, France; 2INSERM UMR 1043, University of Toulouse,
Toulouse, France; 3Biochemistry, Institute of Biology, Toulouse University
Hospital, Toulouse, France.
Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted in the stomach, which stimulates GH
release and food intake. It is also known to have an effect on bone metabolism.
The ghrelin specific receptor, GHS-R1a, belongs to the G protein-coupled
receptors (GPCRs). Its downstream pathway in osteoblasts remains unclear. We
attempted to clarify the way by which ghrelin acts on osteoblast differentiation.
We studied two human osteosarcoma cell lines, MG63 and SaOs, previously
described as preosteoblastic and osteoblastic cell lines, respectively, which were
submitted to ghrelin during differentiation.
Ghrelin stimulated alkaline phosphatase activity, mineralization and expression
of RUNX2 in differentiated osteoblastic cells: MG63 previously cultured in
osteogenic medium, and SaOs cells. Ghrelin decreased the cAMP content of these
differentiated cells. The inhibiting effect of ghrelin on osteoblastic cells cAMP
level was reversed by GHRP6 (D-Lys), a GHS-R1a inhibitor. Conversely, in
undifferentiated MG63 cells, ghrelin slightly increased proliferation. Lastly,
ghrelin increased the expression of GHS-R1a. Overall, our data showed that
ghrelin contributes to progression in the osteoblastic lineage of already
differentiated osteoblasts only, and not of undifferentiated cells. It is therefore
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
suggested that GHS-R1a along the differentiation of osteoblastic cells contributes
to their optimal differentiation.
These results emphasize the potential role of ghrelin and GHS-R1a in the
regulation of bone formation and maturation of osteoblasts. They may have
consequences in pathophysiological conditions like puberty or anorexia, both
known to significantly modify ghrelin secretion.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P131
Studies on bone and osteoclasts in patients with Shwachman Diamond
Miep Helfrich1, David Mellis1, Fraser Coxon1, John Greenhorn1,
Taco Kuijpers2 & Julie Crockett1
Musculoskeletal Research Programme, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen,
UK; 2Academic Medical Centre, Emma Children’s Hospital, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Shwachman Diamond syndrome (SDS; MIM 260400) is a monogenic, autosomal
recessive, pancreatic condition often accompanied by low bone mass and fracture.
In SDS, as in cystic fibrosis, a low bone mass may be secondary to poor nutrition
or chronic low-grade infection, but it has also been suggested there may be a
primary bone phenotype. Paradoxically, recent studies in cell lines and in a mouse
knockout for the SBDS gene, have suggested changes in important osteoclast
growth factors and impairment of osteoclast formation and migration. Here we
evaluated whether there were osteoclast abnormalities in bone biopsies of seven
patients with SDS and assessed bone histology (but not histomorphometry) using
trephine biopsies. We also studied whether previously reported abnormalities in
signalling through the osteoclast receptor RANK (receptor activator of nuclear
factor kB) in the mouse SBDS knockout, was seen in osteoclasts carrying mutant
SBDS generated in vitro from patient monocytes (in five patients). Bone histology
was variable: osteoclast function was evident in all patients and evidence of bone
formation, but also osteoid accumulation was seen in some. Osteoclast
ultrastructure revealed no gross anatomical abnormalities. In vitro studies did
not reveal defects in osteoclast formation and RANK signalling, both in osteoclast
precursors and in mature osteoclasts, was not impaired. Our data suggest that in
SBDS patients, osteoclast formation is normal and that osteoclast activity may be
increased, rather than reduced, in keeping with the increased fracture risk in
patients. Our findings suggest that the SBDS mouse knockout model does not
reproduce the phenotype seen in patients harbouring mutated SBDS alleles.
Further studies using histomorphometry with dynamic bone markers are indicated
to fully understand the basis of the increased fracture risk in these patients. Bone
mass in SBDS patients should be monitored, including by non-invasive
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P132
disease and stable clinical parameters on imiglucerase therapy. They were
allocated to velaglucerase alfa at the same dose as their previous imiglucerase
dose. Eligible patients who had completed TKT034 (1 year) could enrol in an
extension study (HGT-GCB-044). The height percentiles and height Z-scores of
children were determined by gender and age (months) using WHO 2007 growth
reference data (exploratory analysis).
Nine children, who had previously received imiglucerase for R4 years, received
velaglucerase alfa in both TKT034 and HGT-GCB-044 for a total of 2 years. One
child was at or below the 50th percentile at baseline of TKT034 (Table). At
baseline and 2 years respectively, the median (range) Z-scores were 0.65 (K1.11,
1.31) and 0.79 (K1.33, 1.38), corresponding to percentiles 74.2 and 78.5.
Comparing Baseline with 2-year values, no child crossed a major percentile (3,
15, 50, 85, or 97) downward; the Z-score change in each child was no OG0.51
(half a S.D.); and the mean Z-score change was not significant (0.06 (95% CI
K0.17, 0.30); PO0.05).
In nine children with type 1 Gaucher disease switched from long-term
imiglucerase therapy, height relative to age- and gender-matched reference
populations was stable on average over 2 years of velaglucerase alfa therapy.
Declaration of interest
A Zimran: consulting fees (Protalix Biotherapeutics); options in Protalix
Biotherapeutics and Scientific Advisory Board membership; honoraria (Shire
HGT, Actelion, Pfizer). A Zimran’s institution: support (Genzyme (ICGG
Gaucher Registry), Shire HGT (GOS), Medison). D Hughes: consulting fees,
travel and research grants, and honoraria for speaking (Shire HGT, Genzyme,
Protalix, Amicus). D Elstein: reimbursement for travel expenses to meetings
(Shire HGT). L Smith: research grants (Genzyme, Shire HGT, BioMarin);
consultant fees (Shire HGT, BioMarin). P Harmatz: consulting support (Shire
HGT); speakers’ honorarium and travel support (Shire HGT); advisory boards
(Shire (HOS)); consulting support (BioMarin); advisory boards, research support,
and travel and speakers’ honoraria (BioMarin); speakers’ honorarium (Genzyme).
W Rhead: clinical trial support (TKT, Genzyme, Shire, Hyperion); speaker fees
(Ucyclyd). P Giraldo: consulting fees (Shire HGT, Genzyme, Actelion). N
Mendelsohn: travel funding (Genzyme, BioMarin, Shire); grant funding
(Genzyme, BioMarin, Shire); seat on North American Advisory Board and
publications committee for Shire. C-H Park: research grants (Genzyme, Shire
HGT). D Zahrieh and E Crombez: Shire HGT employees.
Table 1
Linear growth over 2 years of velaglucerase alfa therapy in children
with type 1 Gaucher disease previously treated with imiglucerase
Ari Zimran1, Derralynn Hughes2, Deborah Elstein1, Laurie Smith3,
Paul Harmatz4, William Rhead5, Pilar Giraldo6, Nancy Mendelsohn7, ChanHoo Park8, David Zahrieh9 & Eric Crombez9
Gaucher Clinic, Hadassah Medical School, Shaare Zedek Medical Center
and Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; 2University College London,
London, UK; 3Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, USA;
Children’s Hospital Oakland, California, USA; 5Children’s Hospital of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 6Centro de Investigación
Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras and Hospital Universitario
Miguel Servet, Zaragoza, Spain; 7Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of
Minnesota and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA;
Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Jinju, Republic of Korea; 9Shire
Human Genetic Therapies, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts, USA.
As children with confirmed type 1 Gaucher disease (inherited metabolic disorder)
may have linear growth retardation, we evaluated linear growth over 2 years in
children enrolled in the interventional study TKT034, in which patients receiving
imiglucerase enzyme replacement therapy were switched to velaglucerase alfa.
Trial TKT034 enrolled patients who were R2 years of age with type 1 Gaucher
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Prior imiglucerase
Tanner stage
kg per
2 years
Not done
Height (cm)
2 years
1 at 1 year.
TKT034 and HGT-GCB-044 were sponsored by Shire Human Genetic Therapies,
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P133
Cessation of ambulation results in a dramatic loss of trabecular bone
density in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Nicola Crabtree1, Natalie Bebbington1, Helen Roper2, Heather McMurchie2
& Nicholas Shaw1
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK; 2Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
Steroids are currently used to improve muscle strength and prolong ambulation in
boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) although the effect on bone
health is still unclear. The aim of this study was to compare bone strength in
healthy children and boys with DMD and investigate the interaction between
diminished muscle function, loss of ambulation and high dose oral steroids.
Fifty children were studied, 14 healthy boys (HB), 13 boys with DMD who
remained ambulant (DMD-RA) and 23 boys with DMD who lost ambulation
ICCBH 2013
(DMD-LA). All boys with DMD were taking oral steroids. Peripheral quantitative
computed tomography was used to measure bone geometry, density, strength, and
muscle mass of the non-dominant tibia. Measurements were made at baseline, 12
and 24 months at the distal metaphysis and mid diaphysis sites. Differences
between the three groups were evaluated using ANOVA and a repeated measures
There were no significant differences in age between the groups, mean age was
9.4 (2.7), 8.7 (1.9), and 8.8 (1.8) years for HB, DMD-RA and DMD-LA
respectively. There was no significant difference in steroid exposure between
DMD groups. However, boys who lost ambulation had significantly lower muscle
function. Healthy boys had significantly greater trabecular bone density (26%)
than boys with DMD (P!0.001). However, the rate of change of trabecular bone
density was only significant for boys who lost ambulation. By 2 years nonambulant boys had 51% less trabecular bone than their healthy age matched peers
(see Fig. 1).
Depending on rater, 92.8–94.8% of the vertebrae were analysable by RA. In
contrast, 98.5% were analysable by VFA. For the high-risk group, moderate
agreement was noted between raters for RA (k 0.496–0.556), between RA and
VFA (k 0.510–0.586) and between raters for VFA (k 0.0.630–0.687). In contrast,
for the low-risk group, where only mild deformities were observed, poor-to-slight
agreement was noted between raters for RA (k 0.075–0.2116) and slight-to-fair
agreement was noted between RA and VFA (k 0.100–0.365) and between raters
for VFA (k 0.308–0.343). In the high-risk group, agreement improved to
substantial if the deformities were dichotomised as normal or mild vs moderate or
severe (k 0.810–879). Subsequently, diagnostic agreement was tested by
categorising each subject as having at least one severe or at least one moderate,
mild only or no deformity. This approach resulted in consistent levels of moderate
agreement between rater and technique (k 0.483–0.645).
In conclusion, VFA is accurate and consistent when identifying moderate and
severe fractures in chronically sick children. However, since the diagnostic
sensitivity of VFA appeared to be comparable to RA for both groups, VFA should
prove to be a useful tool in the assessment of bone health in all children.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P135
4% Trab density (g/ccm) (95% CI)
Time to low bone mass occurrence in children diagnosed with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
Eryk Latoch, Katarzyna Muszynska-Roslan, Anna Panasiuk, Marcin
Jakub Kaminski, Jerzy Konstantynowicz & Maryna Krawczuk-Rybak
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
Lost mobility
Remained mobile
Remained control
1 Year
2 Years
Figure 1
Previous work has suggested that loss of ambulation can be predicted by
assessment of muscle function. Since this study highlights the dramatic loss of
bone density with loss of ambulation, it is likely that functional assessment can
help identify the point at which medical intervention to strengthen bones should
be considered.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P134
Assessment of low bone mass in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
A total of 141 patients (83 boys and 57 girls) treated for acute lymphoblastic
leukemia at the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology of Medical
University of Bialystok in Poland were assessed for low bone mineral density.
Depending on age of diagnosis three clinical groups were analyzed: i) up to 5
years old, ii) from 6 to 12 years old, and iii) from 13 to 18 years old. Survival was
measured as the date of birth to the date of low bone mass at DXA scans or most
recent follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed using Kaplan–Meier Method,
Wilcoxon’s test and c2 test. A P value !0.05 was considered significant.
Median age at diagnosis was 5.9 years (3.8, 9.5). The longest observation period
was 20.9, while medium time for a whole group was 17.97 years. There was no
statistical difference in time to low bone mass between males and females
(PZ0.218). However, the number of observed events of low bone mass in boys
was lower than expected. Patients diagnosed between 6 and 12 years of age
tended to have bone deficits earlier then patients diagnosed before 5 and after 13
year of life (PZ0.068). Among all patients a low bone mass (defined as a Z-score
%K2) was observed in a total of 17/83 boys and 20/57 girls (PZ0.054).
This study suggests that there is no difference in time of occurrence of low bone
mass between the analyzed groups. However 20.5% of boys and 35% of girls had
a low bone mass during the study. It seems that children diagnosed with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia should be screened for bone mass.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P136
Is vertebral fracture assessment by DXA more useful in a high fracture
risk paediatric population than in a low-risk screening population?
Nicola Crabtree, Steve Chapman, Wolfgang Hogler & Nicholas Shaw
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA is an accepted tool in adults.
However, its use in children has not been validated. The aim of this study was to
validate VFA using iDXA against spinal radiographic assessment (RA) for the
identification of vertebral fractures in children.
Spine radiographs and VFA (L5–T2) by GE-iDXA were acquired on the same day
in 80 children. Forty children were considered high-risk for fracture as their
metabolic bone specialist had initiated a referral for a radiographic spine
assessment. The remaining 40 subjects consisted of children participating in a
prospective fracture study and were considered low-risk for vertebral fracture.
Agreement between RA and VFA was assessed by an expert paediatric radiologist
and two metabolic bone specialists. Vertebrae were ranked as normal, mild,
moderate or severe if they had !10, 11–25, 26–50, and O50% deformity
respectively. Levels of agreement were calculated using the kappa statistic and
consistency by the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC).
Influence of nutritional status in the bone mass assessed by phalangeal
quantitative ultrasound of girls aged 7–10 years old
Fabio Bertapelli, Ezequiel M Gonçalves, Vinicius J O Barbeta,
Tathyane Krahenbuhl, Luis C B Ramalho, Juan E Samur-San Martin,
Roberto R Ribeiro & Gil Guerra-Júnior
University Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
The childhood obesity is a global epidemic. Some studies with pre-pubertal
children reported a positive relationship between fat mass and bone. However,
there are no available data on the influence of the nutritional status on parameters
of quantitative ultrasound (QUS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the
influence of nutritional status in bone mass assessed by QUS of proximal
phalanges in girls. The bone mass parameter, amplitude dependent speed sound
(AD-SoS) in meters for seconds (m/s) was assessed for QUS of the phalanges
using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) device, in 514 pre-pubertal Brazilian
school girls aged 7–10 years old. The nutritional status was classified according to
extended International body mass index cut-offs (Cole & Lobstein 2012). Most
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
girls (69.8%) presented values of BMI considered appropriate for age (BMI:
15.8G1.1 m/kg2 and Z-score: K0.02G0.54), 14.6% were classified as thinness
(BMI: 13.5G0.5 m/kg2 and Z-score: K1.47G0.40), 11.1% as overweight (BMI:
19.3G1.0 m/kg2 and Z-score: 1.44G0.28) and 4.5% as obese (BMI: 22.9G
1.8 m/kg2 and Z-score: 2.48G0.31). The AD-SoS values were significantly lower
(FZ7.54, P!0.05) among overweight (1915.6G46.6 m/s) and obese girls
(1896.0G45.6 m/s) in comparison with normal (1935.9G47.8 m/s) and thinness
group (1937.6G52.5 m/s) as shown in Fig. 1.
demonstrated that the R110Pfs52X product does not support ligand-dependent or
ligand-independent activation of NFkb, whereas the putative C-terminal products
of the alternative translation start sites induced only ligand-independent
activation of NFkb which may explain the ligand-independent osteoclast
formation observed in osteoclast cultures.
Taken together, these results provide molecular insights into the regulation of
RANK signalling underlying the patient phenotypes associated with each
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P138
AD-SoS (95% CI)
How to cope with a case of heterotopic ossifications
Grazia Morandi1, Evelina Maines1, Claudia Piona1, Orsiol Pepaj1,
Elena Monti2 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex Operative Unit of Pediatric,
A.U.L.S.S. 21, Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Figure 1 Comparison of AD-SoS values according to the
nutritional status.
Our preliminary results demonstrated that the group overweight and/or obese may
influences the bone mass parameter measured by QUS at phalanges in girls from 7
to 10 years old. This highlights the need of preventive actions to prevent the
excess weight gain in children.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P137
Rare mutations associated with osteoclast-poor osteopetrosis provide
molecular insights into receptor activator of NFkb signalling
Julie Crockett1, Subhajit Das1, Cahal Dignan1, David Mellis1,
Angela Duthie1, Cristina Sobacchi2,3, Ansgar Schulz4 & Miep Helfrich1
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK; 2Institute of Genetic and
Biomedical Research (IRGB), Milan, Italy; 3Istituto Clinico Humanitas
IRCCS, Rozzano, Italy; 4University Children’s Hospital, Ulm, Germany.
Twelve different mutations in TNFRSF11A (encoding the RANK receptor) have
been associated with osteoclast-poor autosomal recessive osteopetrosis in
patients. Two truncated RANK proteins resulting from substitution mutations
(W434X and G280X), identified in two infants, cause loss of the intracellular
oligomerisation motif and in the case of the G280X mutation the TRAF6 binding
domain. A third mutation was identified in a 10-year-old patient and is a
frameshift mutation encoding a protein that is truncated within the extracellular,
N-terminal domain (R110Pfs52X) raising the possibility that translation of the
C-terminal region of the protein from alternative translation initiation sites may
occur. We have been investigating the effects of these mutations on receptor
processing and downstream activation of NFkb to inform on the molecular cause
for this condition.
W434X-RANK and G280X-RANK proteins were overexpressed in Hela cells
and immunoprecipitation revealed that, unlike wild-type-RANK, the W434X–
RANK and G280X-RANK mutant proteins failed to oligomerise. In addition,
whereas wild-type-RANK and W434X-RANK interact with TRAF6, G280XRANK does not. p65 translocation experiments revealed that RANKL activates
NFkb in cells transfected with wild-type-RANK or W434X-RANK, but not
G280X-RANK. These results strongly suggest that, whilst the TRAF6 domain is
critical for activation of the RANK signalling pathway, the oligomerisation motif
is not essential.
For the R110Pfs52X mutation, in vitro osteoclast cultures surprisingly
demonstrated some osteoclast formation in the absence of RANK ligand. We
generated seven myc-tagged expression constructs representing the N-terminal
and potential C-terminal translation products. p65 translocation experiments
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Heterotopic ossification (OH) is a rare condition characterized by the presence of
extra-skeletal ossification; in most cases OH is due to the inactivation of the gene
of guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-stimulating activity polypeptide
(GNAS). In some cases they remain confined to skin and subcutaneus tissues
(osteoma cutis, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO), pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a and c (PHP1a/c), and pseudopseudohypothyroidism (PPHP)), in
other they grow also into deep organs (e.g. progressive osseous heteroplasia
Case report
We report the case of a 9-year-old boy, who presented soon after birth several
cutaneus lesions, increased over time, above all on legs, which were found to be
‘cutanues osteoma’ with a skin biopsy. He was K1/M S.D. for height and M/C1
S.D for weight, he had a small development delay, but no brachydactyly, nor round
face and obesity. The genetic analysis showed GNAS mutation (IVS8C2, TO
GC IVS8C26 STOP). Soon before the visit after an incident to his back, he
underwent a MRI, showing an aberrant right paravertebral ossification. It was
therefore fundamental to understand if the new finding was a sign of a progressive
disease, although usually extra-skeletal ossifications in this kind of disorders are
not associated with trauma. Physical examination and laboratory determinations
permitted to exclude both AHO and PTH resistance. The most specific way to
distinguish POH from PHP1a is the study of the genomic imprinting: maternallyinherited GNAS mutations lead to PHP1a, whereas paternally-inherited ones are
linked to POH. In our case RNA analysis clarified that the mutation came from the
father, confirming the prior suspect of POH. Our child began periodical visits to
control the progression of the disease and started a therapy with bisphosphonates,
obtaining up to now conflicting effects: we observed no progression of the deep
lesions by imaging but our patient’s pain has not improved.
As there is no specific genotype-phenotype correlations between the more
progressive forms of HO and the non-progressive ones it is important to follow
the patient with appropriate clinical, laboratory and genetic assessments. Besides,
the debate on therapy options and results is still open.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P139
Defects of SERPINF1 cause progressively deforming recessive osteogenesis imperfecta with normal collagen I
Giacomo Venturi1, Alberto Gandini1, Elena Monti2, Massimiliano Corradi1,
Monica Vincenzi1, Claudia Piona1, Evelina Maines1, Grazia Morandi1,
Orsiol Pepaj1 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. 21 Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta is commonly due to dominant mutations in type I
collagen genes, COL1A1 and COL1A2. Recessive forms, which are rarer, are
caused instead by mutations in various genes coding for proteins involved in
collagen post-translational modifications, folding and secretion. A novel disease
locus, SERPINF1, coding for pigment-epithelium-derived-factor (PEDF), a likely
key factor in bone deposition and remodelling, has been found recently.
ICCBH 2013
We have investigated a group of patients with unresolved genetic diagnoses by
means of genomic DNA sequencing and, when possible, by means of further
histomorphometric characterization.
In two of them we found homozygous mutations leading to either nonsensemediated decay or truncated mutant mRNA. A third subject harbours two
different mutations: compound heterozygosity results in a diminished mutant
mRNA expression. Another patient, finally, is homozygous for a missense
mutation which causes an E/K substitution in a highly conserved domain at the
C-term region of the protein.
All patients exhibit a common peculiar phenotype characterized by a progressive
worsening of the clinical symptoms, greyish sclerae, normal dentition, severe
deformity of the long bones without Rhizomelia.
Synthesis and secretion of mutant PEDF are differently affected, accordingly to
the type of mutation, but in all cases type I collagen seems to be quantitatively and
qualitatively normal.
Clinical, radiographic, histological and histomorphometric findings in these
probands are reminiscent of type VI OI, previously described by Glorieux et al.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P140
Novel splicing mutation in FKBP10 gene in a patient with
moderate/severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta
Giacomo Venturi1, Alberto Gandini1, Elena Monti2, Massimiliano Corradi1,
Monica Vincenzi1, Claudia Piona1, Grazia Morandi1, Orsiol Pepaj1 &
Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. 21 Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a group of hereditary disorders characterized by
bone fragility and osteopaenia, with a broad spectrum of clinical severity. The
majority of cases are dominantly inherited and due to mutations in type I collagen
genes, whereas recessive forms are less frequent and attributable to mutations in
different genes involved in collagen I post translational modifications and folding
(prolyl-3-hydroxylase complex, SERPINH1, FKBP10).
Case report
We report the case of an Italian 14-year-old boy with an initially mild and then
increasingly moderate–severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta. He revealed wildtype sequence in COL1A1, COL1A2, CRTAP, LEPRE1 and SERPINH1 genes,
respectively. Biochemical analysis, moreover, of dermal fibroblasts type I
collagen and procollagen chains showed normal migration and amounts.
Subsequent sequencing of FKBP10 gene revealed instead a novel homozygous
splicing mutation in intron 8 (c.1399C1GOA), which results in aberrant mRNA
processing and consequent lack of FKBP65 chaperone.
The proband’s clinical features seem milder than those described in other
FKBP10 cases, resembling OI type I at infancy, with slight joint laxity but no
arthrogryposis. The histomorphometric analysis confirms an osteomalacic aspect
meanwhile a qualitative evaluation shows loss of the normal orientation of the
lamellae, with mixed ‘fish-scale’ and ‘mesh like’ patterns.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P141
A case of geleophysic dysplasia
Claudia Piona1, Grazia Morandi1, Evelina Maines1, Elena Monti2,
Giulia Rodella1, Orsiol Pepaj1 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. 21 Legnago, Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Geleophysic dysplasia is a rare genetic bone disorder characterized by severe
short stature, short hands and feet, characteristic facial features, limited joint
mobility, thick skin, progressive cardiac valvular disorders and sometimes upper
respiratory stenosis. Diagnosis of this disorder is based on clinical and
radiographic criteria. Until now only 60 cases have been reported in the literature.
Case report
One-month-old male baby was initially referred to our Pediatric Clinic because of
short limbs with small hands and feet and a diagnosis of Achondroplasia.
He was born at term to non-consanguineous unaffected parents. At birth his
weight and length were both under the 3rd percentile.
Amniocentesis performed at week 16 of gestation revealed a normal male
karyotype (46, XY). Ultrasound scan at 28 weeks of pregnancy showed short long
bones with a femur length (FL) below the 10th percentile, which worsened below
the 3rd percentile in the consecutive cheks.
During the first year of life both weight and length remained under the 3rd
percentile with a marked growth retardation. At clinical examination the patient
had a broad nasal bridge and joint mobility was generally restricted especially at
the elbows. The thorax was flared and abdomen was prominent without any
apparent hepatosplenomegaly.
Skeletal X-ray examination showed cone shaped and enlarged epiphyses of long
bones, hand and feet abnormalities with short tubular bones, widening of the 1st
and 5th metacarpals and abnormal shape of the proximal and middle phalanges.
The upper respiratory tract and echocardiography findings were normal.
Thus, we diagnosed a case of an intermediate form of geleophysic dysplasia
without cardiac and upper respiratory involvement.
As a consequence of the clinical variability of this rare genetic bone disorder, a
better knowledge of its pathogenesis may probably help to find a therapeutic
approach that is actually still lacking; finally only a regular follow up and a
multidisciplinary approach could help us to early detect life-threatening signs of
the disease and to improve the patient’s quality of life.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P142
Fractures in juvenile idiopathic arthritis children: role of disease
activity and genetic factors
Mikhail Mikhail1,*, Grigoriy Demin2, Arseniy Smirnov3,
Alexandra Klyushina4, Larisa Scheplyagina5 & Valentina Larionova6
Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia; 2‘Gene’ Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 3‘Genetic Systems’, SaintPetersburg, Russia; 4Federal Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 5Moscow Scientific and Research Clinical
Institute Named M.F., Vladimirskiy, Russia; 6The Turner Scientific and
Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
*winner of New Investigator Award
We evaluated role of disease activity and genetic factors in fractures predisposing
among juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) children.
Bone mineralization parameters were detected by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of lumbar spine L1–L4 in 197 (81 boys and 116 girls) JIA children. Bone
biochemical markers included osteocalcin, C-terminal telopeptides, parathyroid
hormone (PTH), Ca, CaCC, P, total alkaline phosphatase (TAP) activity. We have
detected ApaI-, TaqI-, BsmI-, Cdx2 restriction length polymorphism assay of
vitamin D (VDR) receptor gene, HindIII polymorphism of osteocalcin gene, TaqI
and K1997 G/T polymorphisms of I type collagen Ia chain (ColIaI), BclI
polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene (GCR). Disease activity was
measured by clinical and laboratorial parameters and special indexes.
Differently localized fractures were in 29/197 children (14.7%), 7/81 (8.6%) in
boys and 22/116 (19.0%) in boys. In fracture group of JIA children we have
revealed higher physician (PZ0.004) and parental (PZ0.01) overall disease
activity by visual-analog scale (VAS), higher Steinbrocker functional class
(PZ0.01), indexes JADS10 (PZ0.027), JADAS27, JADAS71 (PZ0.02), lower
BMD Z-score (PZ0.027). Girls with fractures had longer disease duration
(PZ0.04), higher frequency of low BMD (!K2S.D, PZ0.01), lower BMD Zscore (PZ0.02). Boys with fractures had higher physician (PZ0.02) and parental
(PZ0.02) overall disease activity. Also we have no differences in fracture rate
due to glucocorticoids administration in JIA children. Independent predictors of
osteoporotic fractures (BMD Z-score !K2.0 S.D) were: physical VAS (ORK
4.52, PZ0.044), DAS28 O5.3 (ORZ4.99, PZ0.01), Steinbrocker OI (ORZ
6.17, PZ0.01), Steinbrocker OII (ORZ18.9, P!0.00001), polyarthicular and
systemic course (reference-oligoarthicular course, ORZ1.68 and 6.27, respectively, PZ0.03), disease duration O5years (ORZ25.5, PZ0.007), parental VAS
O5 (ORZ29, PZ0.0015), number of active joints O10 (ORZ5.5, PZ0,007),
morning stiffness O120 min (ORZ4.12, PZ0.03), ESR O20 mm/h (ORZ3.9,
PZ0.037), CRP O1.2 mg/dl (ORZ5.9, PZ0.007). Boys with fractures had
significantly frequent H allele of HindIII osteocalcin gene polymorphism
(PZ0.047) and TT genotype (14.3 vs 0%) of TaqI ColIaI (PZ0.004).
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
we have revealed that fractures in JIA children associated with higher disease
activity rather glucocorticoids administration. In JIA boys fractures were
associated with presence of H allele of HindIII osteocalcine gene and TT
genotype of TaqI ColIaI.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P143
Long-term bone sequelae following severe meningococcal septicaemia
Shaila Sukthankar, Musa Kaleem & Zulf Mughal
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Meningococcal septicaemia in childhood has a high mortality rate in the acute
stage, often requiring intensive care support. Survivors are well known to have
long-term sequelae in the form of neuropathy, renal scarring, loss of limbs and
necrotic tissue damage. We describe here a case where a survivor of this disease
developed growth plate arrest and consequent severe bowing of both tibias which
now require surgical correction. Relevant literature is also reviewed.
Presenting problem
A 14-month-old boy with severe meningococcal septicaemia and wide spread
necrotic skin lesions over buttocks and knees had required ventilation, inotrope
support, and renal replacement therapy in the acute stage; but recovered well in 3
weeks with none of the well recognised complications. Three months later he
developed progressive bowing of both legs (more noticeable on walking) and a
waddling gait but no other clinical or biochemical features of rickets. X-ray of
lower limbs revealed abnormal metaphyseal changes at the distal femoral and
proximal tibial ends with linear lucencies, sclerosis and irregular widened growth
plates. MR scans confirmed growth plate abnormalities secondary to septicaemic
Clinical management
Over the next few months, his bowing became further pronounced. Though he
was initially managed conservatively, he will need corrective osteotomies on the
medial side. In addition to optimising calcium and vitamin D intake as well as
active physiotherapy, he remains under close follow up for growth, limb length
and deformity monitoring.
Few studies in the literature (Canavese 2010, Monsell 2011, Park 2011) have
described similar experiences with larger cohorts of children, and recognised need
for monitoring for late bone sequelae, as well as role for corrective osteotomies in
this group. Likely aetiologies include ischemia secondary to endotoxin induced
microvascular damage to the physes, peripheral growth plate injury due to
tethering under areas of skin necrosis, and high metabolic rate with differential
perfusion of different areas of the growth plate.
Orthopaedic abnormalities though not very common, can have significant impact
on growth and development of children surviving severe meningococcal disease.
Increased awareness and prompt recognition as well as early orthopaedic
intervention is required to optimise long-term growth potential of the long bones
and restoration of limb length as well as mechanical axis in this group.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P144
The recurrent IFITM5 c.K14COT transition which causes
osteogenesis imperfecta type V occurs at a highly methylated CpG
dinucleotide: a novel mutational hot-spot?
Elena Monti2, Margherita Mottes1, Giacomo Venturi1,
Massimiliano Corradi1, Alberto Gandini1, Evelina Maines1,
Grazia Morandi1, Claudia Piona1 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. 21 Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized
by bone fragility. The current classification comprises five forms (OI types I–V)
with autosomal dominant inheritance and seven rarer forms (OI types VI–XII)
with recessive inheritance. OI type V (MIM 610967) has distinguishing
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
radiological features, such as propensity to hyperplastic callus formation,
calcification of the forearm interosseous membrane, radial-head dislocation,
and a subphyseal metaphyseal radiodense line. The disease gene, coding for
interferon-induced-transmembrane-protein-5 (IFITM5) has been identified very
recently. A c.K14COT recurrent mutation in its 5 0 UTR region has been found in
63 patients so far.
Case report
The 7-year-old male proband was diagnosed as affected by OI soon after birth
because of a forearm fracture and classified as type V after age five because of
pathognomonic radiological signs. Heterozygosity of the proband for the c.K14
COT transition was revealed by direct sequencing of amplified patient’s genomic
DNA obtained from a peripheral blood sample.
Methylation analysis
Total genomic DNA was extracted from cultured skin fibroblasts, leukocytes,
sperm and bone marrow, from healthy male and female subjects. Sequence
analysis of all samples revealed that c.K14C is 100% methylated in sperm and
leukocytes while it appears R80% methylated in bone marrow and in fibroblasts.
Unlike all other OI types, characterized by high genetic heterogeneity, OI type V
appears consistently associated to a unique de novo COT transition within the
5 0 UTR of IFITM5 gene.
Our data demonstrate that the recurrent de novo mutation causing type V OI
involves deamination at a CpG dinucleotide which showed the lowest
methylation levels, in the fibroblast DNA, in agreement with the connective
tissues-specific expression of the gene, while is 100% methylated in male germ
cells. We suggest that this recurrent base substitution may well represent a
mutational hot spot in the human genome.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P145
A case of familial cherubism
Evelina Maines1, Grazia Morandi1, Claudia Piona1, Elena Monti2,
Francesco Doro1, Rossella Gaudino1 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. 21 Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Cherubism is a rare autosomal dominant bone disease characterized by bilateral
painless enlargement of the jaws, that typically first appear at the age of 2–7 years.
In this condition the affected bone is replaced with fibrous tissue, giving the
patient a cherubic appearance.
Until now only 300 cases have been reported in the literature.
Case report
A caucasian 4-year-old male child came to our Pediatric Clinic complaining pain
and bilateral swelling of the face. His parents reported that the swelling started
gradually, increasing in size from the age of three years. His past medical history
was unremarkable.
Intraoral examination showed bilateral expansion of the mandibular angle
extending to the retromolar and molar regions. Panoramic radiography showed
generalized multicystic bilateral lesions affecting mandible and maxilla and the
absence of several teeth buds. MRI images confirmed the panoramic radiography
findings. Mineral metabolism markers are within normal range.
His mother reported that during childhood she suffered from the same problem. At
12 years old she underwent jaw surgery for aesthetic problems. Histopathological
examination of the biopsy specimens showed proliferating fibrous connective
tissue interspersed by multinucleated giant cells.
Her bone lesions presented a pattern of enlargement until 20 years and then
regressed. At the moment of the evaluation of the child, the mother was 35 years
old and her condition showed a complete regression.
Thus, we diagnosed a case of familial cherubism. The child is now under clinical
and radiological observation. He will undergo biopsy, when he will need surgery.
Usually, the diagnosis of cherubism is based on a combination of patient age,
skeletal distribution of lesions, radiographic findings and histopathological
features. A positive family history for cherubism could confirm the diagnosis, but
biopsy and gene testing are often recommended. It is important to improve our
current knowledge of pathophysiology of this disorder to evaluate future medical
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P146
ICCBH 2013
A case of Gorham-Stout syndrome with chylothorax
Claudia Piona1, Grazia Morandi1, Evelina Maines1, Elena Monti2,
Orsiol Pepaj1 & Franco Antoniazzi1
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Complex of Operative Unit of
Pediatric, A.U.L.S.S. Legnago, Verona, Italy.
Gorham Stout syndrome, also called disseminated lymphangiomatosis, is a rare
disease of unknown etiology and pathogenesis. This syndrome is characterized by
an abnormal proliferation of thin walled capillaries and small lymphatic vessels
that results in the massive osteolysis of adjacent bone. Surrounding soft tissues
such as muscle, connective tissue, and viscera may also be affected. Chylothorax
occurs secondary to direct involvement of the pleural cavity or the thoracic duct
and this complication is almost always fatal.
Until now only about 35 cases of Gorham’s syndrome complicated by
chylothorax have been reported in the literature.
Case report
A 11-month-old boy presented to our hospital with respiratory distress and
tachypnea. His medical history was significant for a mild growth retard and
feeding difficulties with recurrent vomiting since the 6th month.
A chest radiograph showed left pleural effusion. MRI of thorax and abdomen
demonstrated multiple cystic lesions containing multiple septa; the major was in
the mediastinum and extended from the neck base to diaphgram involving the
aorta. Other cystic lesions were described in the spleen, ribs, omerus and dorsal
and lumbar vertebrae. Thoracentesis revealed chylothorax and chest tubes were
placed bilaterally with continuous and large volume of chylous drainage.
Infection, malignancy and immunodeficiency were ruled out. Several surgical
interventions were performed during the following months: excision of the bigger
lymphatic mass, ligation of multiple oozing sites, pleurodesis and finally thoracic
duct ligation. At 17 months the patient started therapy with a-2b interferon. 10
months later MRI showed no recurrence of pleural effusions, but a progressive
enlargement of skeletal lesions was described. Thus, after an informed consent,
we decided to start therapy with bisphosphonates.
we described a case of Gorham syndrome, complicated by chylotohrax, that
presented a good response to aggressive surgical management. Due to the rarity
and varied presentations of Gorham’s disease, there is no standard treatment for
this disorder but new and focused therapeutic interventions are needed. Only a
regular follow up could help us to known if bisphosphonates are helpful in this
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P147
Low bone mineral density in a group of girls with Rett syndrome
Steven Bachrach, Heidi Kecskemethy, H Theodore Harcke &
Carolyn Schanen
Nemours/AI du Pont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
In girls with Rett syndrome
Describe bone mineral density (BMD) and contributing factors in a cross-section
of subjects.
Examine serial DXA measures.
Examine effect of pamidronate on BMD over time.
We reviewed the clinical course, medications, level of ambulation, 25-OH-Vit D
levels, fracture history and DXA results in 13 girls with Rett syndrome. Eight
subjects had more than one DXA study, including two treated with Pamidronate.
Body sites scanned included whole body when possible (WB), lumbar spine (LS),
and lateral distal femur (LDF). Age and gender-matched Z-scores were calculated
using manufacturer-provided normative values for LS and WB, and published
norms for the LDF.
13 girls with a mean age of 9.6 years (range 6.6–18.2) at the time of initial DXA
were included in this study. Eight were partially or fully ambulatory.
We were able to obtain LDF and LS DXAs on all subjects. Mean (and range) LS
BMD Z-scores were K1.9 (K0.1 to K4.4); for the LDF: R1: K4.5 (K1.9 to
K8.5); R2: K3.4 (K1.3 to K7.8); and R3: K3.5 (0.1 to K11.2).
Only six WB scans could be acquired, with a mean Z-score of K2.6 (K1.3 to
K4.4). The inability to lie still and positioning limitations precluded WB DXA
25-OH-Vit D levels ranged from 6.0 to 50.8 ng/dl at the time of initial DXA, with
a median level of 26.0.
Serial DXA studies
Length of observation in the six untreated subjects ranged from 3.1 to 6.1 years
after the initial study, and 2.8 to 8.2 years in the two treated girls. The two girls
treated with Pamidronate, of whom one was ambulatory, had a history of multiple
fractures prior to treatment, and the lowest baseline LS and LDF DXA Z-scores.
As expected, their Z-scores increased dramatically with Pamidronate. In contrast,
there was no clear pattern in BMD Z-scores in the six untreated girls; slight
increases and decreases were observed over time, seemingly unrelated to
ambulatory status and vitamin D levels.
Girls with Rett syndrome have below normal BMD, particularly of the lower
extremities. The two who suffered multiple fractures and then received
bisphosphonate, have had no fractures since treatment began. As demonstrated
in other disabled populations, the LDF proved to be an easily-obtained, useful
alternative DXA site in Rett syndrome.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P148
Bone mineral content in healthy danish children assessed by DXAscanning and by computerised determination from hand radiographs
Anders Schou1, Malene Heidemann1, Mette Ramsdal Poulsen1,2 &
Christian Molgaard1,3
Hans Christian Andersen Children’s Hospital, Odense, Denmark;
Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark;
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
The mineral content of the skeleton in children may be estimated by a number of
methods including DXA-scanning, ultrasound, pQCT-scanning and from plain
radiographs. Recently, a new method offering an estimating of the bone mineral
content in children based on computerised assessment from hand radiographs has
been introduced. The new measure is named bone health index (BHI) and
expresses the mineral content in the metacarpal bones divided by the volume of
the same bones. However, it is not clear to what degree BHI correlates to bone
mineral content measured by DXA.
The aim of the present study was to compare bone mineral content in healthy
Danish children measured with DXA and BHI.
85 healthy Danish children were included in the study. The children were all part
of the CHAMPS-study-DK. As a part of CHAMPS-study-DK, the children were
DXA-scanned on a Lunar Prodigy (GE Medical Systems, Madison, WI, USA),
equipped with ENCORE Software (version 12.3, Prodigy; Lunar Corp., Madison,
WI, USA). The total body less head (TBLH) BMC, BMD and BA were measured.
On the same day, radiographs of the participants’ left hand were taken. The BHI
was determined by the BoneXpert Software (Visiana, Holte, Denmark).
BMC, BMD and BA in each child were correlated to BHI by simple linear
regression analyses (SPSS, version 19).
BHI correlated well to BMD with r2Z0.56 (P!0.001). BHI also correlated
highly significantly (P!0.001) to BMC and BA, although the r2 were lower (0.46
and 0.38 respectively).
BHI may offer a new method to estimate the mineral content of the bones in
The present data will be supplied with additional data on the whole study
population, which are 700 children. Furthermore, the methods will be compared
by Bland–Altman plot, and the change in BHI over a 2-year period will be
compared to the change in BMD and BMC during the same period. These data
will be available at the time of the conference.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P149
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Markers of bone turnover in obese children: relationship to the
nutritional status and oxidative stress level
Pawel Matusik1, Magdalena Olszanecka-Glinianowicz2, Jerzy Chudek2 &
Ewa Malecka-Tendera1
Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes,
Katowice, Poland; 2Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of
Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Recent data showed that some bone related markers (osteocalcin, 25OHD3)
correlate with BMI in the pediatric population. From the other side, obesity in
childhood can increase the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
adulthood. Increased oxidative stress can be one from the causative mechanisms
involved in the pathophysiology of almost every complication in obesity. The aim
of this study was to determine the relationship between bone turnover markers,
nutritional status and oxidative stress markers in obese children comparing to the
lean control group.
Material and methods
Bone turnover markers (osteocalcin (OC), N-terminal telopeptide of type I
collagen (NTx), sRANKL), oxidative stress markers (TAC – total antioxidative
capacity, glutathione peroxidase, oxy-LDL) and leptin were determined in 50
obese children and 79 healthy controls. Nutritional status assessed by BMI
calculation and body composition parameters as: fat mass (FAT), fat-free mass
(FMM), predicted muscle mass (PMM) and total body water (TBW) were
evaluated using bioelectrical impedance analyzer in all children.
OC was significantly lower in obese children and correlated significantly
(negatively P!0.01) with BMI in the lean group. There was also significant
positive correlation between OC and TAC in obese children. NTx correlated
significantly with oxy-LDL (positively) in either, obese and lean group (P!0.05
and P!0.01 respectively). In the lean group only, there were significant relations
between NTx vs leptin and body composition parameters (rZ0.245 vs leptin, rZ
0.245 vs FAT%, rZK0.252 vs PMM%, and rZK0.245 vs FFM% respectively).
There was no significant correlation between RANKL and every other parameter
assessed in both studied groups.
i) Bone turnover seems to be disturbed in the obese children and pathophysiological factor with can be involved in that mechanism may be an increase
oxidative stress level. ii) Even in lean children nutritional status is inversely and
directly related with osteocalcin and NTx respectively.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P150
Severity of spine deformity in children and adolescents with idiopathic
scoliosis is associated with nutritional status and body composition
Edyta Matusik1, Jacek Durmala1, Pawel Matusik2 & Karol Wadolowski1
Department of Rehabilitation, Katowice, Poland; 2Department of
Pediatrics, Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Medical University of
Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Body composition changes during the developmental period and differs in
children with idiopathic scoliosis (IS). No large-scale study has been performed to
reveal the link between scoliotic deformity and body composition assessed by
bioimpedance method (BIA). The study objective was to correlate the extent of
scoliotic-curve severity with nutritional status of patients with IS based on
standard anthropometrical analysis and BIA.
Material and methods
279 patients (224 girls/55 boys) in mean age of 14.21G2.75 years, with IS were
qualified into the study. Scoliotic curve was assessed by Cobb angle and angle
vertebra rotation (AVR). Curve severity was categorized into a mild (10–198), a
moderate (20–398) and a severe group (R408) based on Cobb’s angle. Height,
weight, waist and hip circumferences were measured and BMI, BMI Z-score,
waist:height ratio (WHtR) and waist:hip ratio (WHR) were calculated in the
entire group. Body composition parameters as: fat mass (FAT), fat-free mass
(FMM), predicted muscle mass (PMM) and total body water (TBW) were
evaluated using bioelectrical impedance analyzer.
Mean Cobb angle of the mild, moderate and severe groups were 13.69G2.958,
26.74G5.678 and 52.36G12.438 respectively. Cobb’s angle and AVR were
positively correlated (P!0.01) with FAT% and BMI, but inversely (P!0.01)
with FFM, TBW and PMM% in the study group. Subgroups analysis revealed the
same relationship only in the group of severe spinal deformity, also for BMI Z-
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
score and WHtR. Body fatness expressed as FAT% was significantly higher
(P!0.05) in the severe vs mild group, but FFM, TBW and PMM% were
significantly (P!0.05) lower.
i) Body composition parameters assessed by BIA are associated with scoliotic
curve severity, mainly in severe spinal deformity patients. ii) Fatness degree
(FAT% and BMI Z-score) and fat tissue distribution (WHtR) seems to have
significant relation with clinical grade of IS.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P151
Zinc supplementation improves bone density in young adults with
Ellen B Fung1,3, Janet L Kwiatkowski2, James N Huang4,
Ginny Gildengorin3, Janet C King3, Anne C Queisser3 & Elliott
P Vichinsky1
Children’s Hospital and Research Center, Oakland, California, USA;
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California, USA;
University of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
Poor bone mineralization remains a major health problem in patients with Thal
and has been linked to functional zinc deficiency despite adequate dietary intake.
The global etiology of poor bone mineralization includes inadequate dietary
intake of calcium and vitamin D, endocrinopathies leading to disturbed calcium
homeostasis, dysregulation of the GH–IGF1 axis, and delayed puberty, all
resulting in limited growth, decreased bone formation and increased bone
resorption. These effects are further aggravated by chronic blood transfusions and
chelation therapy, which are indispensable for survival. The aim of this study was
to ascertain whether zinc supplementation leads to improved bone mineralization
in adolescents and adults with Thal. 42 subjects (21 females, 10–30 years) with
Thal and low bone mass were randomly assigned to receive 25 g zinc/day or
placebo; 33 completed the study (16.9G5.1 years, meanGS.D.), 81% were
transfusion dependent. Bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral areal
density (aBMD) were assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Dietary
intake was assessed by food frequency questionnaire at 0, 12 and 18 months.
Fasting blood was assessed for plasma zinc and copper at 0, 3, 6, 12 and 18
months. Plasma zinc was depressed (%70 mg/dl) in 11 subjects (26%) at baseline
and increased significantly with zinc supplementation (PZ0.014). Zinc intake at
baseline averaged 123G66% of US dietary recommendations. Using intention to
treat analysis, and mixed effects linear modeling controlling for baseline, the zinc
group (nZ24) had significantly greater relative increases in whole body BMC
(3.2%, PZ0.027) and whole body aBMD (2.3%, PZ0.046) compared to placebo
after 18 months. Zinc-supplemented adults (nZ15) had significantly greater
relative increase in spine BMC (PZ0.03), spine aBMD (PZ0.039), whole body
BMC (PZ0.046) and whole body aBMD (PZ0.019) compared to placebo. No
significant change was observed in any of the bone variables in the adolescent
subjects taking zinc, likely due to the increased variability and smaller sample
size. These results suggest that Thal patients suffer a functional zinc deficiency
which limits bone mineralization. This nutritional supplement was well-tolerated
and merits further investigation in larger trials across a broader range of age and
disease severity.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P152
Low urinary citrate: a risk factor for fragility fractures in children and
Jarzy Konstantynowicz, Tadeusz Porowski, Pawel Abramowicz,
Irena Bialokoz-Kalinowska & Janina Piotrowska-Jastrzebska
Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
Idiopathic hypercalciuria may infer not only an increased risk of nephrolithiasis
but may also be associated with reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in adults.
However, little is known about relationships between hypercalciuria, oxaluria,
urolithiasis, citraturia and fracture risk in children. The aim of this cross-sectional
study was to evaluate associations between hypercalciuria, urinary oxalate and
citrate, BMD and fractures in hypercalciuric children.
Medical records were studied to evaluate history of fractures, which were
documented by X-ray examination. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
ICCBH 2013
was used to assess body composition, bone mineral content (BMC) and BMD in
total body and lumbar spine L1–L4 in 40 children and adolescents (26 boys and
14 girls) aged 3.5–18 years (meanGS.D.: 14.9G3.3) with hypercalciuria and/or
urinary calcium oxalate stones (87.5% of the sample) diagnosed using high
resolution ultrasonography. Urinary calcium, phosphate, uric acid excretion,
oxaluria, and citraturia were invetsigated in the 24-h urine collections.
Mean Z-score for spine BMD was K1.08G1.09. Decreased BMD (Z-score below
K2.0) was found in nine subjects (22.5% of the sample). Of all studied children,
13 (32.5%; boys/girls: 10/3) sustained 20 low-energy fractures in the peripheral
skeleton (forearm, wrist, tibia, and ankle). Subjects with fractures had
significantly lower citraturia rate (467G296 mg/g creatinine/24 h) compared
with those fracture-free (484G266 mg/g creatinine/24 h) (PZ0.02). Urinary
citrate excretion was positively correlated with BMD (adjusted for age and lean
mass) only in the fractured children (rZ0.76, PZ0.04), whereas no such
correlation was observed in children without fractures. No associations were
found between calciuria, oxaluria, uricosuria, phosphaturia and bone mass or
Deficits in BMD among hypercalciuric children and adolescents are common
although not associated with calciuria or oxaluria. Small sample size in this study,
however, limits inferences that could be drawn. Our findings suggest that
prolonged hypocitraturia may be, at least partly, an independent risk factor of both
reduced peak bone mass and an increased fragility during growth. Whether the
life-long risk of osteoporotic fractures attributable to low citrates will be sustained
in these patients is unclear.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P153
Smad4 regulates growth plate chondrocyte proliferation, columnar
organization and proteoglycan synthesis
Amanda Whitaker*, Ellora Berthet, Andrea Cantu, Diana Laird &
Tamara Alliston
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
*winner of New Investigator Award
The physis, or growth plate, is comprised of precisely organized chondrocytes
that confer longitudinal growth of the bone. Multiple signaling pathways
cooperate to regulate growth through their control of chondrocyte shape, polarity,
proliferation, and differentiation.1,2 Disruption of these cellular events result in
physeal defects, skeletal deformities, and abnormal limb growth. Loss of function
mutations in Smad4, a common intracellular effector of all transforming growth
factor b (TGFb) family members, is responsible for human Myhre syndrome
characterized by short stature, brachydactyly, and joint stiffness.3 In the physis of
Smad4 deficient mice, the columnar organization is replaced with a disorganized
mass of misshapen chondrocytes.4 Although many studies affirm the key role for
Smad4/TGFb family signaling in chondrocytes, the mechanisms by which Smad4
maintains normal growth plate organization are not defined.
Tibias of Col2a1-Cre;Smad4fl/fl mice were isolated at e18.5 and frozen sections
were used for immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry. Primary
chondrocytes were isolated from Smad4fl/fl mice, underwent adenoviral-cre
infection and cultured in a pellet for 21 days.
Our data indicate Smad4 is responsible for maintaining normal proliferation,
columnar organization and proteoglycan synthesis in vivo and in vitro with
consistent results in the physis and primary murine chondrocyte pellet cultures.
Using immunofluorescence, we determined several markers of cell polarity,
including cell shape and direction of cell elongation, are aberrant in Smad4deficient chondrocytes. The number of cells in a proliferative column and markers
of proliferation are reduced. Proteoglycan content, through Safranin-O staining
and immunohistochemistry, is also reduced.
Smad4 is involved in cytoskeleton reorganization and proteoglycan synthesis in
the physis and could alter the extracellular signaling of many critical pathways,
including the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. This study enriches our
knowledge in the development and regulation of the growth plate, cartilage
biology, tissue engineering, joint formation, articular cartilage development, and
1. Abad V et al. Endocrinology 1999 140 (2) 958–962.
2. Sasaki A et al. J Biol Chem 2001 276 (21) 17871–17877.
3. Caputo V et al. Am J Hum Genet 2012 90 (1) 161–169.
4. Zhang J et al. Dev Biol 2005 284 (2) 311–322.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P154
Assessment of bone density in MPS IV (Morquio disease)
Heidi Kecskemethy1, H Theodore Harcke1,2, Kristen Ruhnke1 &
Shunji Tomatsu1,3
Nemours/A.I. du Pont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware, USA;
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA.
i) Describe bone mineral density (BMD) of children with MPS IV (Morquio
disease), a rare genetic disorder which produces skeletal deformity, small stature
and results in physical limitations such as the ability to walk.
ii) Examine fracture history and factors affecting bone health in Morquio.
iii) Describe technical issues encountered in assessing BMD by DXA in Morquio.
In this prospective cross-sectional study, BMD of the whole body (WB), lumbar
spine (LS) and lateral distal femur (LDF) were acquired by DXA on a group of
children with MPS IV(A) or MPS IV(B). Functional abilities, medical history,
Tanner score, and laboratory results were reviewed. Radiologic images of the
lateral spine, including X-rays and IVA by DXA were used to aid in correct region
of interest placement on the LS DXA and in interpretation. Age and gendermatched norms were used to calculate Z-scores.
Ten children (eight females) with a mean age of 11.8 years (range 3.3–18 years)
participated in the study. Both subtypes of Morquio (A and B) were represented.
While every subject was weightbearing, half were full-time ambulators. Whole
body could be obtained on only four subjects due to respiratory compromise
caused by the position, presence of hardware or positioning difficulties. Mean WB
Z-score was K2.2 (range K0.6 to K4). Mean LS BMD Z-score was K3.5 (range
K0.8 to K6.9) with seven subjects exhibiting low BMD. Technical issues
encountered with this metabolic condition included kyphosis at the thoracolumbar
junction and wedge configuration of the vertebrae. Lateral views of the spine were
needed for correct identification of vertebrae. LDF BMD Z-scores at all regions
were low, with mean Z-scores of K2.6, K2.5, and K2.8 at regions 1, 2, and 3
respectively. Only one fracture was reported and was due to trauma of the hand.
Children with Morquio exhibited low BMD at all sites measured. Despite the low
BMD and skeletal dysplasia, fractures were not reported. WB DXA was not well
tolerated or feasible. Anatomical abnormalities of the spine and technical
limitations of DXA make assessment of the LS challenging.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P155
Reflection analysis of infant scans results may improve infant DXA bone
density and body composition result that contain motion
John Shepherd1, Bo Fan1, Cassidy Powers1, Lynda Stranix-Chibanda2,
Mary Fowler3, Linda DiMeglio4, Kathy George5 & George Siberry6
University of California, San Francisco, California, USA; 2University of
Zimbabwe, Harare, Zambia; 3Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda;
Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; 5Family Health
International, Durham, North Carolina, USA; 6National Institutes of Child
Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Special dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) protocols permit quantification
of bone mineralization, fat mass, and fat distribution in infants. Our objective was
to evaluate the accuracy and precision of a multiscan acquisition protocol
designed to allow for reflection and imputation analysis for regions with
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The IMPAACT P1084s Study assesses bone and kidney safety of antiretrovirals
used for PMTCT. Newborns received a spine and whole body DXA scan with up
to three attempts to acquire a motion free scan. A novel six-region whole body
analysis was used to isolate movement artifacts. Precision was estimated as a root
mean square error (RMSE) or percent coefficient of variation (%CV) for scans
with multiple valid results. Results from whole body scans without movement
were compared to estimated whole body results from either single-scan reflection
of arms and legs, or from multiscan imputation using the Student’s t-test.
Of 229 sequentially recruited infants (100 males), 41 and 132 infants had repeat
scans for spine and whole body respectively. Spine precision for duplicate scans
was 5.0% (BMD) and 4.4% BMC (nZ38). Whole body bone precision was 9.9%
for BMC and 6.7% for BMD (nZ3), and 0.9, 4.9, 4.0, and 1.1% for lean, fat, %
fat, and total mass respectively. Omitting one of the four vertebrae did not
significantly impact the total BMD no matter which vertebrae was left out. Onevertebra imputation resulted in less than a 1.5% difference in total BMD. The
standard error of total body measures using reflected appendages was in all cases
less than the precision for any single region, and smaller than for imputed values
in most cases.
Motion artifacts can be effectively removed from infant DXA scans using either
omission, reflection, or imputation techniques. The reflection method provides the
best agreement to whole body results without movement.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P156
Growth and bone health after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
or tyrosine kinase inhibitors in children with chronic myeloid leukemia:
a single institution experience
Kimberley Dilley1,2, Larisa Broglie1, Sonali Chaudhury1,2 &
Nobuko Hijiya1,2
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois,
USA; 2Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,
Illinois, USA.
To examine the impact on growth and bone mineral density (BMD) of tyrosine
kinase inhibitors (TKI) vs hematopoeitic cell transplant (HCT) for treatment of
chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in patients !18 years of age.
We performed a retrospective review of children with CML in chronic phase
treated between 1992 and 2011 at a single institution and evaluated available
growth and BMD data.
Twenty-five patients were included in the analysis. Ten patients were treated by
HCT without TKI (group 1), nine with TKI followed by HSCT (group 2) and six
with TKI alone (group 3). Overall survival at 3 years for HCTGTKI (groups 1
and 2) was 68%. All six patients in group 3 remained in complete hematological
remission on TKI for a median of 10.5 months (range 5–72 months) at time of
study but one has since gone on to HCT. Among four patients in group 1 with
evaluable long-term growth data, only one patient was definitely prepubertal at
diagnosis (defined as age !11 years girls and !12 years boys). Group 2 had 4/6
prepubertal and group 3 had 1/6. Mean change in height Z-score diagnosis to 1
year was C0.09 for group 1 (nZ2), K0.4 for group 2 (nZ3), and K0.03 for
group 3 (nZ5). Combining all treatment groups, change in height Z-score at 1
year was 0.01 for pubertal vs K0.3 for prepubertal children. For subjects
evaluable at 3–5 years from diagnosis, height Z-scores tend to be most negatively
affected in group 1, while group 3 shows consistently negative Z-scores over time
but only one data point each at 3 and 5 years. BMD Z-score by DEXA (using the
lowest value between lumbar or whole body less head as available) was positive
for the single group 3 patient with a scan at 1 year, but trends for group 2 (nZ4)
appeared more negative at 3–5 years than for group 1 (nZ2).
Our study looked at patients treated with CML at our institution in the last two
decades. In the short term (1 year), growth retardation seems to be most affected
by prepubertal status, but in the longer term both HCT and TKI are likely to affect
growth. Limited data suggest the BMD appears to be negatively affected by
TKIGHSCT. Long-term monitoring of growth and BMD in pediatric patients
treated with TKI is needed.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P157
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Exploring vertebral abnormalities in patients with thalassemia and
sickle cell disease
Ellen Fung1,2, Katie Reget2, Aenor Sawyer3, Drucilla Haines1 &
Ashutosh Lal1
Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland, Oakland, California,
USA; 2Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California,
USA; 3University of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
Low bone mass is common in thalassemia (Thal) and sickle cell disease (SCD).
Bone pain is also reported, though its relationship to low bone mass has not been
explored. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of vertebral
height abnormalities (VHA) and evaluate the relationship between VHA, low
bone mass and patient assessed pain in Thal and SCD. Data were collected from
the Thalassemia Clinical Research Network Pain Survey study and CHRCO
Clinical Bone Density database. The Pain study used a validated pain survey to
collect data on patients from CHRCO at multiple time points. This was then
analyzed with clinical bone mineral density (aBMD) scans if G6 months. Full
lateral spine scans conducted at the time of aBMD scan were re-analyzed by one
observer using the Vertebral Fracture Analysis (VFA) Software (Hologic
v12.6.1), and scored according to Genant for VHA (Grades 1 to 3). 232 VFA
scans were re-analyzed from 91 patients with Thal (21.5G10.7 years, 55% F) and
46 SCD (38.1G12.7 years, 61% F). Of the patients with Thal who had VFA scans,
26.9% had at least one VHA, compared to 34.8% of those with SCD (PZNS). A
similar percentage of Thal patients had substantial VHA deficits (Grade 2 or 3;
15.1%) compared to SCD (13.3%). The average number of vertebrae with
abnormalities within a patient was lower in Thal (1.6G0.2) compared to SCD
(2.8G0.4; PZ0.003). Thal had wedge-type whereas SCD had biconcavity-type
deformed vertebrae. The presence of a VHA was related to age in Thal
(PZ0.029) with a trend towards a relationship to low bone mass (PZ0.12). In the
patients for which both VFA scans and pain studies were performed (nZ32),
bodily pain was not related to VHA. A high percentage of both SCD and Thal
patients had significant VHA. The etiology of the abnormal morphology is
unclear but appears to be more developmental in SCD, but apparently a
consequence of inherent bone fragility in Thal. Further research should focus on
the clinical relevance of VHA and possible temporal relationship to bone pain in
these at risk patient populations.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P158
Novel SLC34A3 mutation causing mild hypophosphataemia, hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis but no clinical or radiological evidence of
Caroline Steele, Mark Bradbury & M Zulf Mughal
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Genetic disorders of mineral metabolism causing nephrolithiasis and bone
abnormalities are uncommon and have a varied clinical spectrum. Hypophosphataemic rickets with hypercalciuria (HHRH) is a rare autosomal-recessive
condition, typically presenting with severe rickets and hypophosphataemia.
Milder forms can present with hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis without bone
disease. The underlying pathophysiology is due to mutations in the SLC34A3
gene, which encodes the sodium-phosphate transporter NaPi-IIc in the proximal
renal tubules.
We describe HHRH in two siblings; the elder presented with hypercalciuria and
nephrolithiasis, the younger subsequently diagnosed on biochemical screening;
neither with clinical or radiological evidence of rickets or osteomalacia.
Presenting problem
A 13-year-old Caucasian girl from a non-consanguineous family presented with
intermittent loin pain, macroscopic haematuria and passage of a kidney stone.
Ultrasound showed a right-sided renal calculus and bilateral nephrocalcinosis.
Recurrent episodes of calculi followed. Urine biochemistry demonstrated
hypercalciuria (0.16 mmol/kg per day (normal !0.1)) and hyperphosphaturia
(TmP/GFR 0.59 mmol/l (0.93–1.71)). Plasma analysis revealed hypophosphataemia 0.78 mmol/l (0.95–1.5), suppressed serum parathyroid hormone (9 pg/ml
(15–65)), elevated serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 109 pg/ml (20–50) and
inappropriately low FGF23 30 RU/ml considering the hypophosphataemia.
ICCBH 2013
Clinical management
Genetic studies found a heterozygous missense mutation c.413COT (a rare but
known SNP) and a homozygous inframe deletion c.1576_1578delCTC. Parental
DNA analysis found her mother heterozygous for both the missense mutation
c.413COT and the inframe deletion c.1576_1578delCTC, but no evidence of any
mutation in her father. Screening of her 10-year-old brother revealed
hypercalciuria (urine calcium:creatinine ratio 0.87 mol/mol), mild nephrocalcinosis on ultrasound, normal serum phosphate (1.25 mmol/l (1.0–1.8)), raised
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (252.0 pmol/l (48–120)) and FGF23 84 RU/ml. DNA
analysis is awaited. Maternal biochemistry is also awaited.
Treatment of the index patient with oral phosphate supplements (introduced in
incremental doses to prevent side-effects) has reduced urinary calcium excretion
to 0.096 mmol/kg per day, with no further episodes of renal calculi. Her brother
will also be treated with oral phosphate.
Only a few sporadic cases of HHRH without rickets are described worldwide. It is
likely to be underdiagnosed and requires treatment with oral phosphate
supplementation alone, without vitamin D supplementation, which will worsen
the condition. Treatment with oral phosphate supplements may help to prevent
renal calculi and worsening of renal function.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P159
healthy, normally growing children. Standard therapy is long-term
prednisone, aimed at avoiding progression to cirrhosis. Considering the
inflammatory origin of the disease and the long-term steroid therapy,
negative consequences for bone health can be expected, but no data on this
complication have been published until now.
We measured lumbar spine bone mineral density in 17 children (8 F, 9 M)
affected by AIH and treated with steroids. Two DXA scans were performed,
at the time of diagnosis (liver biopsy) and after 12 months of steroid therapy.
The bone mineral apparent density (BMAD) Z-score was K1.8G1.3
(calculated with respect to a healthy age- and sex-matched Italian
population). In particular, 12 children had a lower-than-normal Z-score
(K1.2 to K3.8), and the lower values were observed in pubertal (Z-score
K1.9G1.7) rather than in pre-pubertal children (Z-score K1G1.2).
After 1 year of steroids, even with adequate calcium intake and vitamin D
supplementation, BMAD showed a further decrease (Z-score K2.5G1.4):
13 children (76.4%) showed a mean Z-score reduction of K0.95G.5. Three
children sustained a fragility fracture in the first months of steroid treatment
(vertebral fractures in two cases).
The BMAD Z-score values were correlated to age at onset of AIH
(rZK0.31, P!0.02) and cumulative steroid dose (rZK0.30, P!0.02).
In conclusion, these data call attention upon a problem that has been
neglected until now. In AIH, bone mineral density may be reduced at a very
early time, even before starting steroid therapy, particularly in pubertal
children. The risk of vertebral fractures strongly recommends an evaluation
of bone density with DXA as soon as possible after a diagnosis of AIH. The
required immunosuppressive therapy must be carefully and individually
tailored to minimize further negative effects on bone.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P161
A familial case of osteogenesis imperfecta: study of genotype–phenotype
Emanuela Ponti, Alessandra Mihalich, Francesca Broggi, Anna Maria Di
Blasio & Maria Luisa Bianchi
Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a clinically heterogeneous heritable connective tissue
disorder. Most OI cases are due to mutations in type I collagen genes, COL1A1
and COL1A2 encoding the pro-alpha1(I) and pro-alpha2(I) chains respectively.
However, genotype–phenotype correlation has not been completely elucidated
yet. In this study we evaluated a familial case including a mother and a daughter,
classified as OI type I. The daughter had more severe clinical features compared
to the mother. Both were carrying a 4005C1GOT mutation in COL1A1 gene,
which leads to loss of a splicing site with retention of intron 49 and insertion of a
stop codon in the mRNA. Accordingly, both patients had lower levels of COL1A1
transcripts compared to control subjects. Owing to the retention of intron 49,
mRNA derived from the mutated allele should be longer than that derived from
the wild-type allele. Differential expression analysis of the two alleles was
performed on mRNA derived from dermal fibroblasts using RT-PCR. A low
amount of transcripts derived from the mutated allele was present only in the
daughter. Semi-quantitative determination of allele expression was evaluated by
real-time PCR with primers and probe specific for the mutated and the wild-type
mRNA. In the daughter, the levels of the mutated transcripts were 17 times higher
than in the mother. In contrast, wild-type mRNA levels were similar in the two
patients. Based on these results, it is tempting to speculate that the more severe
clinical characteristics of the daughter might be due to the concomitant presence
of a quantitative and a qualitative defect. Furthermore, these findings highlight the
importance of a detailed molecular characterization of each genetic variant to
explain the different phenotypic consequences of the same mutation.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P160
Autoimmune hepatitis and bone density in children
Silvia Vai1, Gabriella Nebbia2 & Maria Luisa Bianchi1
Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milano, Italy; 2Clinica Pediatrica,
Università di Milano, Milano, Italy.
Low bone mass and fractures in young patients with chronic diseases
Maria Luisa Bianchi1, Silvia Vai1, Carla Colombo2, Fabrizia Corona2,
Luciana Ghio2, Lucia Morandi3 & Gabriella Nebbia2
Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milano, Italy; 2Clinica Pediatrica,
Università di Milano, Milano, Italy; 3Clinica Neurologica, Istituto C. Besta
IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
We performed a prospective study on 440 young patients (aged 3–20 years),
affected by various chronic diseases (cystic fibrosis; juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
nephrotic syndrome; systemic lupus erythematosus; Duchenne muscular
dystrophy; autoimmune hepatitis; transplants; etc.), with periodical bone mineral
density (BMD) evaluations with DXA, for 3–14 years (7.8G6.2).
266 patients were on long-term treatment with glucocorticoids (GCs); among
them, 140 stopped GC treatment and were followed for 3–5 years after GC
withdrawal. BMD was measured at lumbar spine (LS) and on total body (TB); LS
BMAD (g/cm3) was calculated. Z-scores were calculated with respect to a sexand age-matched healthy Italian population.
Patients never treated with GCs had a higher BMD (TB C2.6%; LS C5.9%) than
those (of same sex, age, pubertal status, and disease) who received GCs.
GCs mainly affected trabecular bone, independently of age and disease. GCs
influenced bone mass differently in relation to disease and age at onset. The BMD
reduction was related to GC cumulative dose (!10 g prednisone equivalent,
K23%; 10–30 g, K40%; and O30 g, K68%). There was a significant correlation
between BMAD Z-score vs cumulative GCs dose (rZK0.84, P!0.001). LS
bone loss was higher during the first year on GCs (K16%), and was different in
different diseases.
Regarding fragility fractures, 83 (31%) of the 266 patients who received GCs
sustained at least one fracture, and 33 more than one. In total, 161 fractures (39
vertebral) were recorded. 21 (15%) of the 140 patients followed after GC
withdrawal sustained new fractures (all peripheral). Thiry-three (18.9%) of the
174 patients never treated with GCs sustained fractures (all peripheral), only six
of them having more than one fracture (P!0.01).
This prospective study demonstrates that GCs cause bone loss and fractures also
in young patients, affecting normal bone accrual. The fracture rate (at any site)
significantly increases during GCs treatment. Vertebral fractures were observed
only in patients receiving GC treatment.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P162
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory
disease of the liver of unknown origin, that suddenly appears in previously
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Phenotype–genotype correlation and role of ancillary investigations in
atypical and rare forms of osteogenesis imperfecta
Meena Balasubramanian1, Michael Parker1 & Nicholas J Bishop2
Sheffield Clinical Genetics Service, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation
Trust, Sheffield, UK; 2Academic Unit of Child Health, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders of
bone formation, resulting in low bone mass and an increased propensity to
fracture. It is a variable condition with a range of clinical severity. About 90% of
patients with a clinical diagnosis of OI have a mutation in the COL1A1 or
COL1A2 genes, which shows an autosomal dominant pattern (AD) of inheritance.
Other genes are associated with the autosomal recessive (AR) forms of OI.
Mutations in IFITM5 have recently been described in type V OI. Other, rare
phenotypes have also been described.
For the purposes of this study, we considered patients with OI who had
phenotypic similarities to Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS), OI syndromes (not
commonly fitting the Sillence classification) such as Cole-Carpenter and Bruck
syndrome and patients with a clinical diagnosis of type V OI. All these conditions
were collectively referred to as atypical OI.
To identify and investigate individuals with atypical forms of OI, with a view to
proposing sub-classifications and identify genotype–phenotype correlations.
Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited from the Sheffield
Clinical Genetics and OI Services. One patient was excluded as the family did not
consent to participation. Detailed phenotyping, skin biopsy for histology,
including electron microscopy (EM) and collagen species analysis (CSA), urine
N-terminal telopeptide (Urine NTx), skeletal survey, and sequencing of OI genes
and aCGH were performed.
Recruited patients (nZ14) were phenotypically divided into three sub-groups:
Group 1, predominant features of RSS (nZ5); Group 2, OI with additional
features (nZ6); and Group 3, type V OI (nZ3). Common clinical features
included poor growth, feeding difficulties, facial dysmorphismGfractures.
Pathogenic single gene mutations were identified in seven patients (four in
Groups 1 and 2; three in Group 3); chromosomal imbalances were identified in
three patients. Skeletal surveys and skin biopsies (histology and EM) have
revealed some common findings. CSA has shown good correlation with
molecular findings.
This study has enabled us to start to sub-classify patients with atypical OI. It has
also established the need to consider aCGH, skin histology, EM and CSA,
routinely in the investigation of such patients.
Parker MJ, Balasubramanian M, et al. Type 1 collagenopathy presenting with a
Russell-Silver phenotype. Am J Med Genet A 2011 155 (6) 1414–1418.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P163
Vitamin D deficiency in Moscow children and adolescents
Dmitry Shilin1, Tatyana Osipova2 & Lidia Kostina2
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia;
Scientific Center EFIS, Moscow, Russia.
To determine the prevalence and intensity of D-deficiency in children and
adolescents in the metropolitan area with subtotal deficiency of ultraviolet B
(558 N).
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
From May 2008 to May 2010 in a random sample of 163 Muscovites 0–18 years
old (9.9G0.4; girls/boys, 81/82) serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D content was
determined by chemiluminescent analysis (DiaSorin, Inc., USA; nZ56 and
Roche Diagnostics; nZ107). The results were evaluated according to the criteria
McKenna & Freaney (1998).
The 2-year overall frequency of subnormal vitamin values (!40 ng/ml) was 77%.
Mild decrease (20–!40) is set at 32% of young Muscovites, moderate (10–!20)
– 30%, severe (!10) – 15%. A mild deficiency prevailed from May to August
(43G7%, nZ54 vs 27G4%, nZ109 in the remaining months, RRZ1.6 with
95% CI (1.03–2.5); P!0.04), and more severe (!20 ng/ml) – from September to
April (53G5%, nZ109 vs 28G6%, nZ54 for others, RRZ1.9 (1.2–3.1);
PZ0.002). Gender differences were not found. Between chronological age and
separate degrees of D-deficiency was found the weak correlation (rZC0.23–
0.32; PZ0.0008–0.004). The sole category of children with the best vitamin
status were at the age of 0–3 years: they had normal levels three times more
common (‘O40 ng/ml’: 57G11%, nZ23 vs 18G3%, nZ140 in patients 4–18
years, RRZ3.2 (1.9–5.2), PZ0.0001) and three times more rare were cases with
moderate to severe D-deficiency (‘!20’ 17G8% vs 49G4%, RRZ0.35 (0.14–
0.87), P!0.009).
In Russian largest metropolis with geographical and social disadvantage (due to
low insolation and absence of mass prophylaxis) most children older than 3 years
and adolescents have vitamin D insufficiency; this unfavorable feature revealed
regardless of sex, often manifests with moderate to severe degree, for the most
part of calendar year.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P164
Morquio disease in two sisters: clinical case
Liliana Mejia de Beldjenna1,2 & Juan Javier Lamoglia3
Clinica Valle delLili, Cali, Colombia; 2Fundacion Clinica Infantil Club
Noel, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia; 3Fundacion Santafe, Bogota,
Morquio disease was described by the Uruguayan pediatrician Luis Morquio. It’s
a congenital disease caused by a deficiency of the N-acetilgalactosamine 6
sulfatase (MPS IV A) or B galactosidase (MPS IV B) and his frequency is
1/100 000 live births Accumulation of mucopolysacharides in tissues results in
short stature, skeletal anomalies (vertebral column deformities), loss of hearing,
visual anomalies (corneal opacities), cardiac, hepatic and respiratory problems
with a life expectancy of 40 years.
Presenting problems
Two sister with 18 months and 4 years of age, consulting for short stature (O3 S.D.
lower for age), bone deformities at 18 months, dolichocefhaly, serrated teeth,
thoracic kyphosis, pectum carinatun, globular abdomen, joint thickening and
genu valgus and corneal opacities in one. With spinal cord compromise toraxic
and atlanto occipital subluxacion with fixing atlanto occcipital. Leukocytes
enzymatic activity of galactose 6 sulfate with decreased (Morquio type IV A).
Clinical management
Patient with short stature and skeletal deformities showed be suspected disease
Morquio type IV A in this same family, currently in multidisciplinary follow-up.
Since other tissue involvement appear later on, a cardiology and ophthalmology
evaluation should be done including a bone marrow analysis.
Theres is promising results with new enzymatic replacement therapy and
management multidisciplinary.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P165
ICCBH 2013
Severe metabolic bone disease of prematurity following continuous
veno–veno haemofiltration
Charlotte Elder1,2, Paul Arundel1,2, Jeff Perring2 & Nick Bishop1,2
Department of Human Metabolism, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK;
Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
A first twin born at 28 weeks gestation weighing 630 g underwent an end-to-end
anastamosis for colonic stricture on day 92 of life. He collapsed with severe
Upper range
Lower range
Escherichia coli sepsis post-operatively and became anuric. Veno–veno
haemofiltration (CVVH) was instituted as a life-preserving measure, continuing
for 3 days.
On day 119, osteopaenia and rachitic changes were noted on a chest X-ray.
Review of his prior biochemistry showed a precipitous fall in serum phosphate, as
well as alkaline phosphatase, followed by a rapid rise in serum alkaline
phosphatase activity dating to the period of haemofiltration. The filtrate solution
contained no phosphate; phosphate supplementation (1 mmol/kg per day) had
been discontinued prior to his end-to-end anastamosis and not recommenced.
His skeletal survey showed multiple fractures including both femurs, both lower
legs, the small bones of the feet, left distal ulna and left distal humerus and
vertebral crush fractures. The fractures had not been suspected clinically. X-rays
prior to his operation showed thin cortices but no rickets or fractures.
Fractures have been previously reported in the context of metabolic bone disease
of prematurity (preterm MBD) in association with prolonged intravenous feeding,
physiotherapy, diuretic and steroid use and with conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia.
The profound loss of phosphate during hemofiltration likely resulted in severe
bone disease with substantial increase in bone fragility. Loss of alkaline
phosphatase activity may have allowed a transient increase in mineralisation
inhibitors, contributing to the problem. To our knowledge vertebral crush
fractures have not been reported previously in preterm MBD. Care should be
taken to ensure adequate provision of mineral substrate in infants undergoing
even brief periods of CVVH.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P166
Sample collected
Upper range
Lower range
Sample collected
Upper range
Lower range
Recurrent fractures and low bone mass in a patient with new mutation
of LRP5 gene
Agnieszka Rusinska, Maciej Borowiec, Wojciech Mlynarski,
Karolina Antosik, Izabela Michalus, Joanna Golec & Danuta Chlebna-Sokol
Medical University, Lodz, Poland.
In recent years, the important role in bone remodelling Wnt/b-catenin pathway is
highlighted. Key receptor of this pathway is LDL receptor-related protein 5
(LRP5). It was demonstrated in adults that polymorphism in LRP5 gene was
associated with bone mineral density and fracture risk. So far no such studies were
conducted in children.
The aim of the study was the analysis of LRP5 and COL1A1 genes in a patient
with recurrent fractures and low bone mass of unknown aetiology.
Description of the patient and the method
A 14-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital because of recurrent low-trauma
fractures. The patient sustained five fractures: the first took place at the age of 4,
the last at 14 years of age; it was fracture of forearm (three times), humerus, and
metatarsal bone. There was no fracture history in the family. The father of the
patient suffered from pain in the extremities and in the spine; he was diagnosed
with scoliosis. There were no abnormalities in the physical examination of the
patient with exception of a slight scoliosis. We diagnosed low bone mass by DXA
method: Z-score index in the AP spine was K2.2. Hormonal disorders,
malabsorption syndrome, chronic inflammation, kidney and liver diseases were
excluded. An analysis of the LRP5 and COL1A1 gene by direct sequencing was
performed. LRP5 analysis was also conducted in the parents and siblings of the
We identified a new, not yet described in the literature, R1146C heterozygous
mutation (c.3436 CO T, CGCO TGC) in the LRP5 gene sequences. The same
mutation was found in the patient’s father, but it was not present in the mother and
siblings. We did not identify COL1A1 gene mutation.
† LRP5 gene mutation may be the cause of recurrent fractures and low bone mass
in the examined patient.
† It seems likely that the scoliosis, and bone pain in the patient’s father are also
related to LRP5 mutation.
The study was financed as a grant NN407 060 938.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P167
Sample collected
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Osteogenesis imperfecta: diagnostic difficulties due to clinical symptoms
diversity: the results of own studies
Agnieszka Rusinska, Elzbieta Jakubowska-Pietkiewicz, Izabela Michalus,
Olga Kurnatowska, Ewa Rychlowska, Joanna Golec & Danuta ChlebnaSokol
Department of Paediatric Propedeutics and Metabolic Bone Diseases,
Medical University, Lodz, Poland.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic bone dysplasia characterized by
recurrent fractures and reduced bone mineral density. The severity of its
symptoms varied from very mild to severe, which strongly affect the quality of
life and cause premature death.
The aim of the study is to compare the clinical symptoms of different types of
osteogenesis imperfecta and to present diagnostic difficulties based on the
analysis of our patients.
Patients and methods
The study included 83 patients with a diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta (type
I, 34 children; type III, 30; and type IV, 19), at the age from 1 week to 18 years. A
survey on the appearing ailments and the previously used therapy, paediatric and
anthropometric examination were conducted. Bone densitometry using dual
energy X-ray absorptiometry was performed. In 20 patients COL1A1 gene by
direct sequencing was analyzed.
We revealed a statistically significantly lower bone mineral density in patients
with type III OI, the best bone mineral density was in patients with OI type I
(P!0.05). The total number of fractures ranged from 0 to 40, but there was no
significant difference in the average fracture number between different types of
OI. Skeletal deformities were present in 50/83 subjects and were the most
common in patients with type III (27/30). The blue sclerae was present in the
68/83 subjects, mostly in types I and III. Dentinogenesis imperfecta was
diagnosed only in 18/83 patients, with a similar frequency in all types of OI. There
were no significant differences in the number of fractures and bone mineral
density, or in other phenotypic manifestations of OI between patients with and
without identified mutation in COL1A1.
† OI is a heterogeneous group of skeletal disorders associated with increased
fracture risk, characterized by different genetic background and variable clinical
† Symptoms subject to variable phenotypic expression in different patients with
the same type of OI, which often make it difficult to determine the correct
diagnosis and prognosis.
The study was financed as a grant NN407 060 938.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P168
Milk, childhood and postmenopausal osteoporosis
Antonio Bazarrra-Fernandez
A Coruña University Hospital Trust, Coruña , Spain.
To determine if milk is always good for preventing osteoporosis in children
Materials and methods
Worldwide bibliography review on the problem and our experience.
Studies performed in children and adolescents relate to the subject of the long-term
relative effects on bone health of the protein content of the diet compared with that of
the diet’s net load of acid in the body. Long-term acid loading in humans causes an
increase in renal acid excretion. People taking high doses of PPIs are more likely to
break a hip. PPIs interfere with the continuous breakdown and rebuilding of bone.
Consumption of animal protein, grain, and high amounts of milk increases the acidity
of the body. Metabolic acidosis in humans results in a significant decrease in serum
IGF1 concentration without a demonstrable effect on IGF binding protein 3, and is
related to a resistance to the hepatocellular action of GH. Scant evidence supports
nutrition guidelines focused specifically on increasing milk or other dairy product
intake for promoting child and adolescent bone mineralization. The catabolic effect
on bone related to the magnitude of the diet’s net acid load can offset the anabolic
effect of higher dietary protein intakes. Sodium chloride, and elevates urinary
calcium excretion. Consumption of fruits and vegetables has been implicated in
lowering net acid excretion. The association between fruit and vegetable
consumption and indexes of bone health was first identified within the older
population by the alkalizing effect of fruit and vegetable consumption.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Increased dietary intake of calcium during childhood, usually as calcium in milk, is
associated with increased bone mass in adulthood. Whether the increase is due to
the calcium content of milk, however, is not certain. Humans take milk as
nourishment at any age but not the other animals.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P169
Achondroplasia: medical and orthopedic management in a pediatric
Liliana Mejia de Beldjenna1,2 & Juan Javier Lamoglia3
Fundacion Clinic Valle del Lili, CES, Cali, Colombia; 2Fundacion Infantil
Club NoeL, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia; 3Fundacion Santafe,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder wich affects bone growth leading to short
stature. It occurs in 1 of every 25 000 live births and it is characteristized by short
extremities, hyperlordosis, small hands and macrocephaly, with high forehead
and saddle nose. Neurologic complications are due to narrowing of the vertebral
foramen. Is transmitted as autosomal dominant and it is due to mutations of the
FGFR3 gene witch codifies the fibroblastic receptor of GH expressed in
provisional cartilage.
Presenting problem
Female with 15 years old with achondroplasia, hypothyroidism, short stature,
dolichocephaliy, dental anormalities, shortering of the inferior segment, bilateral
genu varus, forearm varus, and trident sign of both hands.
Clinical management
Patient was treated with sodium levotiroxine and GH at 0.85 mg/kg per week
from age 4 until age fourteen. Heigth increased by 54.5 cm, from 83 to 137.5 cm
with treatement, an elongation of lower extremities with ILISAROF was
performed and height increased by 21.5 cm in 2 years.
Bone elongation combined with GH therapy produced better result in height than
GH alone.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P170
Vitamin D levels and signs of metabolic bone disease in adolescents with
idiopathic scoliosis
Annika Adodra, Andreas Kouklinos, Priscilla Julies, Mathew Shaw &
Benjamin Jacobs
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK.
Biochemical assessment of teenage patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Blood sampling from 120 patients with AIS aged 12–17 years. The patients all
had significant scoliosis and blood samples were taken a few days or weeks before
they underwent scoliosis surgery. Serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OHD),
calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were
measured. Patients with a 25-OHD level below 25 nmol/l were classified as
deficient in line with current UK guidance.
The 25-OHD levels ranged between 8 and 150 nmol/l. The median level was
45 nmol/l. The mean level was 51 nmol/l (S.D.Z28). 21 patients (17%) were
vitamin D deficient, 47 patients (39%) were vitamin D insufficient meaning that
56% of the AIS patients had inadequate vitamin D levels.
PTH was significantly higher for individuals with vitamin D below 50 nmol/l
when compared with individuals with vitamin D above 50 nmol/l (one-way
ANOVA P!0.001).
Vitamin D deficiency is common among patients with AIS. Both vitamin D
deficiency and insufficiency were associated with higher PTH levels in this
population indicating that metabolic bone disease may play a role in the aetiology
of this scoliosis. Patients should be assessed and treated for vitamin D Deficiency
before scoliosis surgery.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P171
ICCBH 2013
Longitudinal assessment of spinal bone mineral density in children with
neurofibromatosis type 1 using dual energy absorptiometry and
quantitative computed tomography
Judith Eelloo1, Kate Ward2, Susan M Huson1, Judith E Adams3,
Sarah Russell1,3, Naville Wright3, Gareth Evans1 & M Zulf Mughal1,4
Complex NF1 service, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK; 2MRC,
Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UK; 3Radiology, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK; 4Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
Scoliosis is a common skeletal problem affecting 10–30% of patients with
neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). NF1 patients have been shown to have reduced
bone mineral density (BMD) which may play a role in the pathogenesis or
progression of scoliosis. Our centre is one of four international centres currently
evaluating the efficacy of various spinal imaging techniques and BMD as
predictors for scoliosis in NF1. In our cohort we measured the lumbar spine (LS)
BMD both by dual energy absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative computed
tomography (QCT).
Clinical examination, spinal x-ray and bone densitometry was undertaken in 22
children with NF1 aged 6–9 years (12 females). This was repeated at year 4. BMD
of L1–L4 was measured by DXA; data was expressed as bone mineral apparent
density (BMAD; g/cm3) and values transformed to Z-scores using previously
published normative data (ADC 2007 92 (1) 53–59). Volumetric trabecular BMD
(TBMD; mg/cm3) of L1–L3 was also measured using QCT; values transformed to
Z-scores using the Mindways Software (Austin, TX, USA). The mean difference
between years 1 and 4 was calculated using a paired T-test.
Year 1 mean Z-score LSBMAD (K0.62G1.1; PZ0.01) and TBMD (K0.86G
0.7; P!0.001) were !0. Initial data for year 4 mean Z-score LSBMAD
(K0.75G1.3; PZ0.01) and TBMD (K1.07G0.94; P!0.001) were also !0.
Mean difference in LSBMAD between years 1 and 4 is (K0.07G0.64; PZ0.58)
and for TBMD (K0.21G0.5; PZ0.07).
and 2012. Emphasis in the remarks about prevalence has shifted from ‘deficiency
is uncommon’ to ‘symptoms are uncommon’. Each of the eight editions has stated
that children on treatment doses should have a blood test weekly (or twice
weekly) to check calcium levels.
Table 1
1 mC
Medicines for
BNFc 2005
BNFc 2006
BNFc 2007
BNFc 2008
BNFc 2009
6 m–12 y
12–18 y
1 mC
6 m–12 y
12–18 y
Indications of
10 000
As above
10 000
‘Nutritional deficiency
uncommon’, ‘Certain ethnic groups’
10 000
As above
10 000
As above
10 000
‘Symptomatic deficiency uncommon’,
‘Certain ethnic
10 000
‘Asymptomatic deficiency common’,
‘Certain ethnic
BNFc 2010
BNFc 2011
As above
BNFc 2012
As above
The BNFc portrayal of D deficiency as an uncommon problem has gradually
changed thorough the editions so that since 2011 the high prevalence of
asymptomatic deficiency has been acknowledged. However the recommendation
that children should have regular blood tests, which is not based on evidence, and
is against the consensus of national experts, has remained through the editions.
We propose a new clearer national dosage guide in line with the recommendations
of the Chief Medical Officer and withdrawal of the recommendation to monitor
serum calcium in well children with asymptomatic D deficiency.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P173
Yr 4
Yr 4
Children with NF1 had reduced LS BMD which was more marked in the
trabecular compartment. Furthermore this persisted during the period of followup.
K Ward is funded by Medical Research Council Grant Code U105960371.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P172
Vitamin D prescription: a review of British National Formulary for
children recommendations, and a proposal
Andreas Kouklinos, Julian Lim & Benjamin Jacobs
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK.
To review changes in the advice regarding vitamin D deficiency in the UK and
compare these with other national guidance.
All Vitamin D guidance in the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
2003 guide (Medicines for Children) and in the eight editions since the British
National Formulary for Children (BNFc) was first published in 2005 was
Dosage and indications of prevalence are shown in the Table 1.
Doses are higher than recommended by the UK Chief Medical Officers in 2005
Elite child athlete is our future: bone lumbar spine adaptation in
Egyptian children monofin athletes
Magdy Abouzeid
Faculty of Sports Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
Over the last several years, the Monofin has appeared with increasing regularity at
swim practices throughout the world. Physical activity during childhood is
advocated as one strategy for enhancing peak bone mass as a means to reduce
osteoporosis. Clinical studies have found that non-impact sport like swimming are
associated with normal to low bone densities. Little is known about the influence
of monofin swimming during childhood on lumbar spine mass. This is a novel
descriptive study examining bone mass indices in prepubertal monofin children,
and to quantify structural bone lumbar spine adaptation of monofin – as a nonweight-bearing sport, and compare the results with non active healthy agematched children, and the potential determine the effects of monofin training on
bone health.
Monofin children athletes (nZ14) who had been training for a minimum of 3
years with a volume of 10/h, aged (12.7G2.6 years), were compare to agematched control non-active healthy children (nZ14), aged (13.04 years). All
groups underwent Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to determine bone
density (BMD (g/cm2)), bone mineral content (BMC (g)), and bone area (cm2) of
lumbar spine (L1–L4) were assessed. Anthropometric parameter (weight–height,
chest G – leg length), vertical jump was measured. Statically methods SPSS,
meanGS.D., paired t-test were used.
BMD, BMC, and area of lumbar spine of monofin children was significantly
greater than control (PZ0.01), BMD (1.07G0.08 vs 0.74G0.05 g/cm2), BMC
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
(44.8G2.6 vs 26.9G2.7 (g)), area (67.7G2.03 vs 49.4G2.31 cm2). Anthropometrical and muscular power (vertical jump) of monofin was significantly
(PZ0.01) greater than controls, chest girth (cm) (83.1G3.2 vs 59.7G3.6), leg
length (cm) (78.2G3.7 vs 66.5G1.7), vertical jump (cm) (39.6G2.5 vs 23G1.6).
Participation in monofin training may enhance BMD, BMC, and area of lumbar
spine in prebubertal children, and demonstrate superior morphological shape and
fitness, and improved body composition. These positive physiological,
anthropometrical, and bone health effects suggest the brisk monofin training
can be considered as a useful activity for osteogenic stimulus among prepubertal
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P174
Correlation analysis of bone vibration frequency and its mass:volume
Hajar Razaghi1, Reza Saatchi1, Amaka Offiah2,3, Nick Bishop2,3 & Derek
Patrick Anthony Burke3
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK; 2University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, UK; 3Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Trust, Sheffield, UK.
F (Hz)
Vibration analysis is a well-established technique in industry to analyse materials
physical properties. The application to bone’s physical properties is unclear. This
study investigated the relationship between bone vibration frequency and
mass:volume ratio (r).
We used eight turkey bones (tibio tursus). Following soft tissue removal, a 12 cm
diaphyseal section was isolated, marrow removed using a water jet and the bones
dried at 25 8C for 1 week. Bone volume was determined by water displacement,
and mass by weighing.
Bones were held in a vice at one end in a consistent manner and vibrated either
using a miniature vibration motor (continuous vibration approach) or a miniature
electronic hammer (impulse vibration approach). Vibration signals were recorded
using CM-01B sensor. For the impulse approach, the highest peak in the
magnitude frequency spectrum of the vibration signal (F) was used to determine
the bone vibration frequency. For the continuous vibration approach, the
difference (FD) between the motor vibration frequency and the bone vibration
frequency (obtained from the highest peak in the magnitude frequency spectrum)
was used.
The impulse approach correlated more strongly with r than did the continuous
approach (correlation of F with r 0.57 vs 0.38 respectively).
F = 62.6r + 152.5
FD (Hz)
Mass/volume (ρ) (g/cm3)
Figure 1 Vibration frequency versus r (impulse vibration
FD = 8.65r + 11.31
Mass/volume (ρ) (g/cm3)
Figure 2 Vibration frequency difference versus r (Continuous
vibration approach).
This study suggests that vibration analysis may be a valuable technique in
assessing bone mass/volume properties. This was a preliminary study and we are
currently conducting a larger study to explore the findings further.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P175
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
One case of pseudohypoparathyroidism, clinical characterisation,
follow-up and treatment
Juan Javier Lamoglia1 & Liliana Mejia de Beldjenna2,3
Fundation Santa fe, Bogota, Colombia; 2FundationClin ica Valle del
LILI.CES, Cali, Colombia; 3Fundation Club Noel UNILIBRE, Cali,
Pseudohypoparathyroidism is characterized by a resistance to parathormone, with
variable phenotypical and biochemical manifestations. With genetic disorder
caused by heterozygous inactivating mutations in GNAS1, the gene encoding the
alpha-chain of G(s), and is associated with short stature, obesity, brachydactyly,
and sc ossifications. AHO patients with GNAS1 mutations on maternally
inherited alleles also manifest resistance to multiple hormones (e.g. PTH, TSH,
LH, and FSH).
Presenting problem
The first patient consult at 7 years old with ataxia with serious episodes of
spasticity and tapeto retinal degeneration, neuropediatric evaluation shown in tets
PTH of 500 pg/ml and low ionized calcium of 1.04 mmol/l and total calcium of
7.5 mg/dl without metabolic acidosis and normal lactato piruvate test and
phosphate levels, for this reason the concept was made to us. Moderate deficiency
of vitamin D was treated without response in low levels of calcium and whit
hypocalciuric persistence. Sestamibi test was normal also renal function. Dexa
Osteodensitometer shown low bone mineral density of L1–L4. Calcitriol was
begun with initial phosphate of 6.8 mg/dl, PTh of 581.9 pg/ml and hypocalciuria.
Clinical management
Two months later with high calcium diet and calcium citrate 1500 mg BID,
calcitriol 0.25 mg BID. PTH antibodies was negative. Baclofen pump was
initiated to this patient and clinical espasticity decrease.
We comment some points of this clinical association and our experience with this
difficult case.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P176
The bone mineral density of children with CF
Marie Roddy, Basil Elnazir, Ciara McDonnell, Montaseur Nadeem &
Peter Greally
NCH, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland.
Low bone mineral density (BMD) is reported frequently in adult cystic fibrosis
(CF) patients but the data is less consistent for children and adolescents. The aim
of our study is to describe bone mineral density (BMD) in a group of children over
a period of 10 years and to determine if BMD is related to vitamin D level,
calcium intake, lung function, height and age.
A retrospective review of 123 DXA scans conducted in 50 children with CF was
evaluated (Lunar, DPXL/ PED, WI, USA). To adjust for body size we calculated
apparent BMD (BMAD) of DXA reports using the Dutch reference database1 as
recommended by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD)2.
Subsequent DXA scans were repeated at 1, 2 or 3 years depending on severity.
Nutritional status (BMI) pulmonary status (FEV1%), vitamin D, calcium intake
(5 day food diary) and age were evaluated as potential correlates of BMAD.
Minitab statistical package (version 14) was used to analyse the data.
Fifty children (24 girls) with mean age 12.8G2.1 (S.D.) years at time of first DXA
scan were included. BMAD was normal (DXA Z-score of OK1) in 64% of
children while 30% had DXA Z-score between K1 and K2 and 6% had low
BMD with DXA Z-score of !K2. Follow-up DXA scans at 1, 2 and 3 years
interval revealed deterioration rates of 2, 43 and 75% respectively. The main
determinant of BMAD was FEV1, BMI and height. Calcium intake or vitamin D
level did not influence BMAD.
Low BMAD was present in a significant proportion of children and adolescents
with CF independent of age or sex. BMAD depended on pulmonary function,
height and BMI. This study highlights the importance of earlier and more regular
monitoring of BMD in children with CF to help prevent deterioration of their
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P177
ICCBH 2013
Hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria secondary to mutations in the
Claudin gene: a single-centre experience
Shaila Sukthankar, Mohan Shenoy & Zulf Mughal
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK.
Familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis is a rare
autosomal recessive renal tubular disease caused by mutations in Claudin 16 and
19 genes, often complicated by progressive renal failure. We describe the clinical
and genetic features and management of this condition in three patients at our
Case 1
A 3-year-old south Asian boy with consanguinity presented with hypocalcemic
seizures. Investigations revealed hypomagnesaemia and hypercalciuria with
extensive nephrocalcinosis. Genetic studies confirmed homozygous inactivating
mutation in the Claudin 16 gene. Over last 2.5 years he had stable renal function
and normal blood pressure, and he remained on oral citrate and magnesium
supplements, and hydrochlorothiazide. He has now developed hyperphosphatemia with secondary hyperparathyroidism and chronic kidney disease
stage 2 (GFR 69, normal being O80), and needs 1a hydroxycholecalciferol with
dietetic management for phosphate control.
Case 2
A 3-year-old white Caucasian girl with consanguinity presented with recurrent
urinary tract infections, hematuria, and a large bladder stone requiring lithotripsy.
Her investigations confirmed hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and
extensive nephrocalcinosis. Genetic studies revealed homozygous missense
mutation in the Claudin 16 gene. Over last 4 years, she has remained well on oral
magnesium and citrate supplements, and hydrochlorothiazide with normal blood
pressure and renal function.
Case 3
A 9-month-old white Caucasian girl presented with two episodes of febrile
convulsions. Investigations revealed profound hypomagnesaemia with normal
other biochemical parameters. Urine calcium and magnesium levels were initially
immeasurable. Once serum magnesium was normalised on oral magnesium
supplements, she developed progressive hypercalciuria. Genetic studies show a
heterozygous mutation in the Claudin 19 gene. Over last 9 months she has
remained well with normal growth and development, and no vision problems. Her
renal ultrasonography is currently normal; with normal blood pressure and renal
Mutations in the Claudin genes are known to cause hypomagnesaemia,
hypercalciuria and progressive nephrocalcinosis due to paracellular absorption
defects in the renal tubules. Long-term prognosis is poor with eventual renal
failure requiring renal replacement therapy. Our experience suggests that children
with this condition can have widely variable clinical presentation and progress.
While Claudin 19 mutation is also associated with profound mental retardation
and visual problems, the milder course in Case number three may be due to a
heterozygous mutation that influenced the severity of the disease.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P178
The impact of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on bone mineral
density in the pediatric and young adult population
Alexis Feuer & Maria Vogiatzi
New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New
York 10021, USA.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter with multiple functions in the gastrointestinal tract
and CNS. Recent animal studies indicate that serotonin regulates bone mass and
remodelling. In humans, a handful of studies have shown decreased bone mineral
density (BMD) in adults treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRI) for depressive symptoms. Although SSRI’s are prescribed in pediatric
practice, there are few studies examining the effect of SSRIs on bone mass in
children and young adults. The objective of this study was to examine if SSRI’s
are related to BMD in pediatric subjects.
Cross sectional epidemiologic study utilizing data obtained from 2005 to 2010
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). We compared
DEXA scan data from subjects taking a single SSRI aged 8–20 years. DEXA
information is only available for subjects aged 8 years and older. We then used
multivariate regression analysis adjusting for age, gender, height, weight and
Out of 8.838 subjects, we found 92 subjects with valid DEXA data. The mean age
of the subjects in the study group was 15 years. SSRI use was revealed to be a
negative independent factor on femur BMD (R2 Z0.49, correlation coefficient
ZK0.054, P%0.00) and whole spine BMD (R2Z0.64, correlation coefficient
ZK0.037, P%0.011).
Our findings suggest that SSRI use has a negative impact on BMD in the pediatric
and young adult population. Further prospective studies are needed to
characterize this effect.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P179
Beyond brittle bones: a preliminary report from the osteogenesis
imperfecta adult natural history initiative
Laura Tosi1, Fergus McKiernan2, Matthew Oetgen1, Melanie Rak3,
Carole Tucker4, Kyle Mulroy5, Barbara Simmonds5, Angela Mancuso5,
Ann Kennelly1, Lauren Greco1, Winslow Blankenship1, Marianne Floor1,
Mary Beth Huber5 & Tracy Hart5
Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia,
USA; 2Marhfield Clinic, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA; 3Rehabilitation
Institute of Chicago, Illinois, USA; 4Temple University, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA; 5Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Washington,
District of Columbia, USA.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous, rare disorder most commonly
affecting type I collagen. The OI Adult Natural History Initiative (OI ANHI) was
established following a 2010 Ostegenesis Imperfecta Foundation (OIF) national
meeting at which patient participants noted that i) there is little information about
the natural history and progression of OI beyond childhood, and ii) most of the
data available are focused on musculoskeletal issues. Adults with OI face the
possibility of complications in nearly every organ system in the body, and yet
there is little information about the extent of these complications.
Presenting problem
Although the cardinal manifestation of OI is bone fragility, the clinical picture
includes impaired dentition, joint laxity, hearing loss, cardiopulmonary problems,
etc. While the literature offers a range of case studies, the low prevalence of OI
means that few papers offer a full picture of these complications. The OIF and
members of the medical community, in collaboration with adults with OI, created
the OI ANHI to address this gap.
Clinical management
The OI ANHI established a web-based portal within the existing OIF website to
create a cost-effective outreach and data management clearinghouse to survey the
OI community and capture a first-ever ‘snapshot’ of the health status, needs, and
priorities of adults with OI. The survey included questions on general health
concerns and health behaviors plus a review of systems, with scale-based rankings
of respondents’ priorities, concerns, and impacts of common impairments and
conditions within each medical system.
More than 950 individuals completed the ANHI survey. Over 93% of respondents
completed the survey on the web. The OI ANHI survey identified numerous
opportunities for future research. As our next step, we plan to pilot a systemspecific health module to determine whether a patient reported outcomes tool can
measure discernible differences in pulmonary function in individuals with OI. The
marked heterogeneity of OI also demands a clearer methodology for stratifying
patients; therefore we plan to use survey measures to explore the development of
a new classification/stratification system for OI. It will be essential to recruit more
men and minorities in future surveys.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P180
Long-term imiglucerase/alglucerase treatment in Latin American
children with type 1 Gaucher disease: lessons from the International
Collaborative Gaucher Group (ICGG) Gaucher Registry
Jose Simon Camelo Jr1, Juan Francisco Cabello2, Guillermo G Drelichman3,
Marcelo M Kerstenetzky4, Isabel C Sarmiento5 & Adriana Linares6
Hospital de Medicina De Riberão Preto Universidade de São Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil; 2Laboratorio de Genetica y Enfermedades Metabolicas,
INTA, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; 3Hospital de Niños Ricardo
Gutiérrez, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 4Instituto Materno Infantil Prof.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Fernando Figueira (IMIP), Recife de Brazil, Brazil; 5Institución Fundación
Hospital de la Misericordia, Bogota, Colombia; 6Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
Evaluate the clinical characteristics of all Latin American pediatric patients with
Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) enrolled in the ICGG Gaucher Registry at baseline
and investigate long-term outcomes and clinical benefit of prolonged
imiglucerase/alglucerase therapy in patients with manifestations of GD1 at
All Latin American patients with GD1 in the ICGG Gaucher Registry
(NCT00358943) who were !18 years of age at the start of therapy and received
treatment with imiglucerase (Cerezymew, Genzyme) or alglucerase (Ceredasew,
Genzyme) were identified. Of the eligible patients, subsets were classified based
on clinical diagnosis of anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly,
bone disease and/or growth retardation at baseline and who had one or more
follow-up assessments. Data were analyzed using nonlinear mixed models. An alevel of 0.05 designated statistical significance.
As of October 2011, 443 Latin American patients with GD1 met the inclusion
criteria. At baseline, 174 patients reported anemia (mean hemoglobin 9.2G
1.29 g/dl); 184 reported thrombocytopenia (mean platelet counts 80.6G1.37!
103/mm3); 19 reported hepatomegaly (mean 2.1G0.65 MN); and 33 reported
splenomegaly (mean spleen volume 21.4G9.98 MN). Mean height Z-scores were
K1.3G2.93 (225 observations); 74 reported bone pain and 24 reported bone
crises. After 8 years of imiglucerase/alglucerase treatment, patients showed
significant (P!0.05) improvements in mean hemoglobin levels, platelet count,
liver and spleen volumes, bone pain, bone crises and growth.
Among ICGG Gaucher Registry GD1 pediatric patients from Latin America,
continuous and long-term imiglucerase therapy improves hematological, visceral
and skeletal symptoms and reverses most of the clinical and biochemical
manifestations of GD1.
Declaration of interest
J S Camelo, Jr works full time at the University of São Paulo, participates in the
ICGG Gaucher Registry and receives fees from Genzyme for lectures and
educational activities; J F Cabello is a member of the ICGG Gaucher Registry
Latin American Board; G G Drelichman is a member of the ICGG Gaucher
Registry Latin American Board and receives fees from Genzyme as a lecturer and
for educational activities; M M Kerstenetzky is a member of the ICGG Gaucher
Registry Latin American Board and receives fees from Genzyme as the Registry
coordinator for Brazil, for lectures and educational activities; ICS is a member of
the ICGG Gaucher Registry Latin American Board and received fees from
Genzyme as the Registry coordinator for Colombia.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P181
Reference curves for bone health index for Han children from five large
cities in China, and a comparison to Asian-American children
Hans Henrik Thodberg1 & Shao-Yan Zhang2
Visiana, Holte, Denmark; 2Hebei Research Institute of Sports Sciences,
Shijiazhuang, China.
The bone health index (BHI) has previously been shown to be 1.5% lower in
Asian children than in Caucasian children, both living in USA. The aim of this
study is to present reference curves for BHI of Chinese Han children and to
compare to Asian children living in USA.
BHI is derived from the cortical thickness in the three middle metacarpals. It is
determined with the BoneXpert medical device, which automatically analyses a
standard bone age hand radiograph. The measurement result is independent of the
sharpness of the image. The data were from 6200 children from five major cities
in China recorded in 2005. For comparison we use the Asian-American reference
curves based on 280 children from Los Angeles recorded 1993–2006.
The Chinese reference curves cover the bone age range 3–17 years for boys and
3–15 years for girls and show a steeper rise in puberty for boys than for girls as
previously seen in other populations. An average BHI level is defined by the
average over the bone age range 7–14 years for boys and 6–14 years for girls. This
BHI level is found to be consistent with being the same in Chinese and AsianAmerican children.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
BHI was designed to exhibit the minimum variance for children of the same bone
age and gender in a given population. This lead to a scaling of the cortical bone
thickens with a certain power of the bone width and the bone length, and this can
be understood to ‘take out’ the ‘uninteresting’ dependence on the highly variable
size and proportion of the children. The Asian children in USA and China
compared in his study could have different adult heights, but were found to have
the same BHI. This suggests that BHI could be a good candidate for a universal
measure of bone health and that the amount of cortical bone could have reached a
similar optimum in these two populations. The broad availability of bone age
hand X-rays across the world, as well as over the long history of radiology, makes
BHI a useful tool for auxological studies of children’s bone health.
Declaration of interest
H H Thodberg is the owner of Visiana, which holds and markets the BoneXpert
medical device for automated determination of bone age. The other authors have
nothing to disclose.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P182
Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis: a case study
Ciara McDonnell1, Catherine Gibbons1, Nuala Murphy1, Mark Kilbane2,
Susan van der Kamp2 & Malachi McKenna2
Children’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; 2St Vincent’ Hospital,
Dublin, Ireland.
This case illustrates the longitudinal improvements quantified by serial bone
mineral density scans in an adolescent female with juvenile idiopathic
osteoporosis treated with pamidronate.
Presenting problem
The girl in question presented at 11 years and 10 months with a 5-month history of
increasing back pain. A MRI scan prior to referral had indicated vertebral collapse
and osteopenia. She had no medical, social or developmental history of note.
There was no family history of bone problems. Her diet was varied with no
restrictions. Her exercise had been restricted by the back pain. Her height was
138 cm (!10th centile) for a predicted mid parental height of 160 cm (25th
centile) while her weight had increased recently and was 47.3 kg (75–90th
Clinical management
Once all secondary causes of osteoporosis were excluded and a clinical diagnosis
of juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis was reached, then i.v. pamidronate treatment
was commenced. She received i.v. pamidronate 1 mg/kg for three doses every 3
months for 3 years then 6 monthly for a fourth year. After the first 6 months she
became asymptomatic for bone pain and serial DXA scans showed improvement
in lumbar spine bone mineral density from 0.381 g/cm2 at diagnosis (Z-score
K4.3) to a peak of 0.884 g/cm2 at cessation of bisphosphonate therapy and this
has been maintained at 0.855 g/cm2 (Z-score K1.4, 3 years post bisphosphonate
therapy). DXA spinal images demonstrate thickening of superior and inferior
endplates, reminiscent of a Rugger–Jersey spine. Resolution of pain resulted in an
early return to exercise and normalisation of her weight to the 25th centile over
the subsequent 3 years.
Juvenile osteoporosis is a condition mostly affecting female adolescents that can
result in spontaneous resolution. It is a condition of exclusion. Treatment with
bisphosphonates has been proposed but the effect can be difficult to quantify in
view of the natural improvement of the condition. This case underlines the rapid
resolution of symptoms and serial improvements of bone mineral density with
pamidronate therapy, but with residual endplate thickening.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P183
High FGF23 measurements in a child with vitamin D dependent rickets
type I: cause or consequence?
Ciara McDonnell1, Bryony Treston1, Nuala Murphy1, Mark Kilbane2 &
Malachi McKenna2
Children’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; 2St Vincent’s Hospital,
Dublin, Ireland.
Defects in 1-a-hydroxylase enzyme activity result in reduced activity of
1,25(OH)2D causing vitamin D dependent rickets. Physiologically FGF23 levels
ICCBH 2013
Bone mass, bone microarchitecture and anthropometric measurements
during childhood growth in Spanish girls
Luis Del Rio1, Renaud Winzenrieth2, Catherine Cormier3 &
Silvana DiGregorio1
Cetir Grup Mèdic, Barcelona, Spain; 2R&D Department, Med-Imaps,
Bordeaux, France; 3Service de Rheumatology A, Hospital Cochin, APHP,
Paris, France.
aBMD L1-L4 (g/cm2)
are stimulated by a rise in 1,25(OH)2D which in turn suppresses 1-a-hydroxylase
expression to complete the feedback loop.
Presenting problem
A 15-month-old Irish Caucasian girl was referred by her GP for failure to weight
bear. She was born at term via elective section, and was bottle fed with no dietary
or absorption issues. She had prominent swelling of her wrists, femora and tibiae
but no genu valgum or varum, talipes or spinal anomalies. X-rays demonstrated
metaphyseal flaring of all long bones suggestive of rickets. Skeletal biochemistry
confirmed this with raised alkaline phosphatase, low-normal calcium and low
phosphorus. Serum 25OHD was raised while 1,25(OH)2D was inappropriately
low. Subsequent genetic testing identified a heterozygous mutation in the 1-ahydroxylase gene considered to be pathogenic because it creates a frameshift
mutation changing the amino acid sequence from position 387 with a premature
truncation. The mutation is paternally inherited.
Clinical management
The girl was commenced on calcium supplementation with 1-a replacement
resulting in improvements in serum PTH, alkaline phosphatase, calcium and
phosphorus over subsequent months. FGF23 levels were measured at initial
assessment and during recovery and are persistently raised (range 127–
190 RU/ml, reference range !100) despite persistent low phosphorus levels
thought to be secondary to the raised PTH level. Clinically, her demeanour has
improved from initial treatment and after 6 months she began weight bearing
without difficulty and showing interest in walking.
The phenotype of this girl reflects the diagnosis of a 1-a-hydroxylase mutation albeit
with the identification of only one affected allele. Blunted activity of 1,25(OH)2D and
hypophosphataemia should both result in the lowering of FGF23 levels yet counter
intuitively the levels remain high. Is this a cause or consequence of therapy?
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P184
L1-L4 aBMD age-related curve
for young girls (2 to 16 years)
Age (Years)
An unusual presentation of progressive osseous heteroplasia in a 7-yearold female child
D E Schrander1, T J Welting1,2, J J P Schrander1, L W van Rhijn1,2,
I Korver-Keularts1 & C T R M Schrander-Stumpel1
Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum C, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht, The
Netherlands; 3GROW School for Oncology and Developmental Biology,
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Progressive osseous heteroplasia (POH) (OMIM 166350) is a rare autosomal
dominant condition, characterized by heterotopic ossification of the skin,
subcutaneous fat and deep connective tissue. This condition is distinct from
Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy or Mccune–Albright syndrome (AHO)
(OMIM 103580) and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) (OMIM 135100).
Presenting problem
We present an unusual presentation of POH in a 7-year-old female child. The
clinical features included a painful swelling on the left heel, with mechanical
complaints. There was no congenital hallux valgus. Family anamnesis was
positive in the father. There were subcutaneous ossifications of his left upper arm,
right-sided thorax and lateral side of the right ankle. The father did not allow any
radiographs or further examinations. Radiographic examination of the patient
revealed ossified subcutaneous plaques on the left heel, thoracic spine and both
scapulae. Additional blood samples were analyzed, revealing no pseudohypoparathyroidism. Sequence analysis of the gene associated with POH, the GNAS1
gene, revealed the heterozygote mutation c.565_588del, previously found in
AHO. Histopathological examination of the subcutaneous ossification showed
presence of chondrocyte clusters, a feature usually found in FOP.
The combination of the clinical features, the absence of pseudohypoparathyroidism,
histology revealing chondrocyte clusters and the specific GNAS mutation in this
patient, makes this a truly unusual presentation of POH. The findings in the described
case might denote subdivisions of POH. The condition is associated with progressive
superficial to deep ossification, progressive restriction of range of motion and
recurrence if excised. We hope to inform pediatricians and orthopedic surgeons in
order to create more awareness of this disorder so that unnecessary treatments can be
avoided, and proper counseling offered.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P185
L1-L4 vBMD age-related curve
for young girls (2 to 16 years)
Age (Years)
L1-L4 TBS age-related curve
for young girls (2 to 16 years)
vBMD L1-L4 (g/cm3)
Age (Years)
Figure 1 Age-related curves for aBMD and TBS at spine L1-L4 (The black line
represents the 50th centile. The dark gray represents the 25th to 75th centiles; The
medium gray area represents the 5th 95th centiles; The light gray area represents the
3th to 97th centiles)
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone mass and bone
microarchitectural texture as assessed by trabecular bone score (TBS)
modification at spine during childhood growth in girls.
The study group was composed of 415 healthy girls aged between 2 and 17 years
old. Height, weight and BMI Z-scores were evaluated and compared to The WHO
Child Growth Standards. Pubertal stage was evaluated using Tanner score. The
areal BMD (aBMD) was assessed at spine L1–L4 using a prodigy densitometer
(GE-LUNAR, USA). Pseudo 3D BMD (vBMD) was calculated based on
cylindrical model proposed by Kroeger et al. (Bone Mineral 1992). TBS was
evaluated using TBS iNsight v2.0 (Medimaps, France). The LMS statistical
method proposed by Cole & Green (Stat Med 1992) was used to construct aBMD,
vBMD and TBS age-related curves using R software (v2.15.3).
Mean age, weight, height and BMI Z-scores were respectively 10.9G4.4 years,
K0.22G1.3, K0.44G1.3 and 0.02G1.2 S.D. respectively. Positive significant
correlations (P!0.05) exists between TBS and age, BMI, aBMD and vBMD (rZ
0.39, 0.27, 0.47 and 0.43 respectively). Height, weight and BMI followed normal
pattern with age (data not show).aBMD increases with the growth with an
acceleration at the puberty (as presented Fig. 1a). This finding is consistent with
the data of Kalkwarf et al. (JCEM 2007). When normalized by the 3D volume,
effect of puberty on vBMD is more visible (see Fig. 1b). Before the puberty,
vBMD trend seems to be flat. Concerning TBS, we observed first a decreasing
phase until the puberty follow by an increasing phase until 17 (Fig. 1c).
DXA can be used to assess trabecular bone microarchitectural texture, as assessed
by TBS, in children with a high degree of reliability. Age-related TBS curve can
be useful, in complement to the BMD curve, to help clinician to identify children
with bone microarchitectural modifications induced by chronic diseases or drug
Declaration of interest
R Winzenrieth is a senior scientist at Med-Imaps.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P186
Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis responsive to intravenous alendronate
Miguel Angel Guagnelli, Diego Yeste, Marı́a Clemente, Marta Garrido &
Antonio Carrascosa
Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain.
Osteoporosis in otherwise healthy children demands thorough study as it may be
the first manifestation of an occult illness. When other diseases can be ruled out,
juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis (JIO) is the purported diagnosis.
We report the case of an 8-year -old boy with no personal or family history of
chronic disease who presented with sudden ankle pain unrelated to trauma and not
responsive to rest and ibuprofen treatment. Physical examination revealed no
abnormalities other than ankle tenderness. X-ray showed a distal tibial fracture
after which DEXA was performed and a lumbar bone mineral density (BMD) of
0.541 g/cm2 (Z-score K1.7) was found. Basic haematological, biochemical and
endocrine determinations were within normal ranges except for vitamin D. The
patient was discharged with supplementation and a 6-month follow-up was
scheduled, at the time of which he was unable to walk or stand because of leg
pain. He was admitted and new tests performed included renal function,
rheumatological and bone turnover markers, with no significant alterations.
X-rays found an asymptomatic fracture of the wrist, platyspondilia of lumbar
vertebrae and a ‘salt-and-pepper’ image of the skull. Lumbar MRI confirmed
lumbar deformities but showed no signs of radicular lesion. New DEXA showed a
BMD of 0.448 g/cm2 (Z-score K2.8, K17.8% from previous). Bone SPECT
found no new bone lesions suggesting tumoral activity. Bone marrow aspirate
revealed normal cellularity, bone biopsy showed diminished number and
thickness of bone trabeculae. Eventually the diagnosis of JIO was established
and he received a 3-day treatment with i.v. pamidronate prior to discharge. 4 and 8
months later, BMD Z-scores were K2.4 and K1.5 with no further treatment
required. The patient regained full mobility as pain subsided and he had a
moderate linear catch-up growth during the following year.
JIO is a rare disease of unknown cause presenting in prepubertal children, often
self-limited and with spontaneous resolution, treatment is focused mainly on
preventing bone deformation, particularly scoliosis. Biphosphonate treatment
may be attempted, as in this case, to hasten recovery.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P187
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P188
Clinical features of temporary brittle bone disease
Colin R Paterson
University of Dundee (formerly), Dundee, Tayside, UK.
Temporary brittle bone disease has been a controversial explanation of multiple
unexplained fractures in early childhood. Evidence for its existence is growing.
We report the clinical and laboratory features of 104 patients investigated
personally. These patients had in aggregate 984 fractures or fracture-like lesions.
Our patients included disproportionate numbers of infants born preterm or as a
result of multiple pregnancy. The fractures were mainly identified in the first 6
months of life and entirely within the first year of life. Most fractures were
asymptomatic, particularly the many rib fractures and metaphyseal lesions. 140
fractures were diaphyseal including 81 transverse fractures. Few patients had
evidence of bruising at presentation; none had clinical evidence of inflicted injury
commensurate with the fractures found.
In several cases fractures took place while the children were in hospital.
Unexplained bruising and sub-conjunctival haemorrhages also occurred in
hospital, suggesting a collagen defect. Hernias were recorded; in most these
resolved spontaneously, again suggesting a transient collagen defect. Among the
unexplained symptoms of the patients was a history of vomiting, often projectile
vomiting. Some patients had unusually blue or grey sclerae for the child’s age.
Many patients had abnormally large anterior fontanelles. Laboratory findings
included anaemia, neutropenia and an exceptionally high serum alkaline
Our findings reinforce the view that children with temporary brittle bone disease
have a distinctive and identifiable disorder and that they are not the victims of
non-accidental injury. The potential causes of this disorder including rickets,
scurvy and copper deficiency will be discussed. While the causes remain unclear,
its characteristic features should be recognised.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P189
Vitamin D deficiency rickets in neonates
Colin R Paterson1 & David Ayoub2
University of Dundee (formerly), Dundee, Tayside, UK; 2Clinical
Radiologists SC, Springfield, Illinois, USA.
This paper reviews clinical reports of vitamin D deficiency rickets in neonates
from 1930 onwards. In 24 reports there was good evidence of maternal deficiency.
In some the diagnosis of the rickets led to the identification of symptomatic
osteomalacia in the mothers; several had been severe and longstanding. Of the 15
mothers who had assays for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) 13 had values
!25 nmol/l (10 ng/ml) and 10 had values !12.5 nmol/l (5 ng/ml).
Presentations in the infants included craniotabes, wide skull sutures, rachitic
rosaries, enlargement of the wrists and ankles, tetany and hypocalcemic
convulsions. In three cases rickets had been suspected from antenatal X-rays.
In four cases fractures were found at the time of initial presentation. Of the 19
infants with serum calcium assays 12 had values lower than 2.0 mmol/l
(8.0 mg/dl). A variety of methods had been used for serum alkaline phosphatase
assays but of 18 infants at least 15 had abnormally high levels for a child. Of the
11 infants in whom serum 25OHD was measured before treatment, all had values
!25 nmol/l (10 ng/ml). Eight had values !12.5 nmol/l (5 ng/ml). Seven infants
had assays for serum parathyroid hormone; all had substantially raised values.
These reports provide strong support for the view that maternal deficiency leads to
overt bone disease from before birth. Larger surveys have shown that maternal
deficiency leads to long-term impairment of bone quality in postnatal life. The
importance of ensuring adequate vitamin D nutrition in pregnancy is emphasised.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P190
ICCBH 2013
Long-term follow-up in Stuve–Wiedemann syndrome: a case report
Buonuomo Paola Sabrina1, Marina Macchiaiolo1, Paola Cambiaso2,
Rossella Capolino1, Maria Cristina Digilio1 & Bartuli Andrea1
Rare Diseases and Medical Genetic Unit, Department of Pediatrics,
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy; 2DPUO Endocrinologic
Unit, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Stuve–Wiedemann syndrome (SWS, OMIM 601559) is a severe autosomal
recessive condition characterized by bowing of the lower limbs with cortical
thickening, wide metaphyses, abnormal trabecular pattern and camptodactyly.
Additional features include dysautonomia symptoms with temperature instability,
respiratory distress and sucking/swallowing difficulties in the first months of life.
Most SWS cases do not survive beyond the first year of age, unexplained
hyperthermia and respiratory distress being a frequent cause of death. The number
of survivors is small, and it is not known at present what proportion of infants with
SWS may survive.
Therefore, the clinical phenotype with age has not yet been clearly characterized.
Presenting problem
Here we report on the natural history of a girl with SWS, born from two
consanguineous Romanian parents. She presented osteodysplastic signs and
autonomic nervous system symptoms: lack of corneal reflex and neuropathic
keratitis, absence of fungiform papillae, paradoxical sweating at low temperature,
patellar hyporeflexia, and progressive scoliosis.
The diagnosis was molecularly confirmed in Paris by the detection of a
homozygous mutation in exon 7 of LIFR gene: c.756_757insT.
At the age of 9 years old she developed significant joint swelling of both knee with
subsequent inability to walk. Doppler-US detected synovial hypertrophy and
significant effusion.
Clinical management
Coagulation, metabolic, endocrine, and immunological studies were all normal
with the exception of elevated C-reactive protein (three, normal value !
0.5 mg/dl) and serum alkaline phosphatase levels (1.439 U/l; normal values 145–
420 U/l).
Radiographically, our patients have a pattern of bowing, metaphyseal undertubulation, rarefaction, and striation that has been reported before in long-term
In order to avoid the progressive decrease in knee mobility described in survival
patients that lead to became wheelchair dependent, ultrasonography was used for
guidance of synovial aspiration and steroid injection. Synovial fluid cell count
showed a white cell count of about 1000 with prevalence of monocyte cells. The
increased synovial fluid appears to originate from dilated capillaries adjacent to
altered joint structures, suggesting a primary role for mechanical factors.
Follow-up beyond adulthood will permit to better define the range of the clinical
manifestations, and the natural history in adulthood.
1. Stuve A & Wiedemann HR. Congenital bowing of the long bones in two sisters.
Lancet 1971 2 495.
2. Gaspar IM, Saldanha T, Cabral P, Manuel Vilhena M, Tuna M, Costa C,
Dagoneau N, Daire VC & Hennekam RCM. Long-term follow-up in Stuve–
Wiedemann syndrome. Am J Med Genet Part A 2008 146A 1748–1753.
3. Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome: long-term follow-up and genetic heterogeneity.
Clin Genet 77 266–272.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P191
The assessement of the vitamin D supply in the population of polish
children at the age of 9–12 years: multicentre research: preliminary
Danuta Chlebna-Sokol1, Joanna Golec1, Jolanta Karalus1, Zenon Halaba2,
Elzbieta Karczmarewicz3, Jerzy Konstantynowicz4, Beata Kulik-Rechberger5, Marek Niedziela6 & Anna Dobrzanska7
Department of Propedeutics of Paediatrics and Bone Metabolic Diseases,
Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland; 2Department of Ginecology and
Neonatology, Medical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland; 3Department of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, The Children’s
Memorial Hospital, Warsow, Poland; 4Department of Paediatrics and
Developmental Disturbances in Children, Medical University of Bialystok,
Bialystok, Poland; 5Department of Propedeutics of Paediatrics, Medical
University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland; 6Department of Endocrinology and
Reumatology of Children, Medical University of Poznan, Poznan, Poland;
Department of Neonatology Pathology and Intensive Care for Newborns,
Medical University of Warsow, Warsow, Poland.
The importance of vitamin D in metabolism, bone growth and functioning of
many organs and systems (the plejotropic effect) has been broadly discussed in
the literature recently. The systemic deficiency of vitamin D connected with the
lower sunlight exposure and the decreased diet supply favours to bone mineral
density lowering and the bone structure disorganization. More and more often the
common vitamin deficiency in children and adolescents has been observed. It is
universally known that even temporary shortage of vitamin D during the rapid
growth may hamper the correct peak bone mass acquistion.
The aim of the study was to determine the vitamin D supply in schoolchildren
from the different regions of Poland.
Patients and methods
The study comprised research centers from the six cities in Poland: Łódź
(coordinator), Białystok, Katowice, Szczecin, Lublin, Poznań. The healthy
schoolchildren at the age of 9–11, 99 were examined. In every child the liver
metabolite of vitamin D was detected twice (first after the winter season, secondly
after the summer). The serum was analysed in the laboratory with the
international certificate in the Department of Biochemistry and Experimental
Medicine in The Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsow. The serum
concentration of vitamin D (25OHD) was detected with the immunochemiluminescence method with the DEQAS international control system. The sufficient 25
OHD serum concentration was recognized at range of 20–100 ng/ml. The
concentration at the range of 10–20 ng/ml was recognized as vitamin D
insufficiency and below 10 ng/ml as vitamin D deficiency.
The results
The 715 of children were examined. The greatest vitamin D shortages were
observed in Szczecin and Białystok – in 95 and in 90% of children (insufficiency
in 64 and 67% and deficiency in 31 and 23%). In Katowice and Lublin the lower
vitamin D concentration was detected in 89 and 88% of children (insufficiency in
73 and 68% and deficiency in 16 and 20%). The lower shortages were revealed in
children from Łódź and Poznań- in 77 and 74% (insufficiency in 57 and 59% and
deficiency in 20 and 15%). The results of the vitamin D in the same children
proved considerable improvement after the summer. The greatest shortages were
obtained in Poznań and Szczecin – in 52.9 and 42.1% (insufficiency in 52.2 and
42.1% and deficiency in 0.7 and 0%). On the other hand in Łódź the decreased
25OHD concentration was observed in 41.5% of children and it was the
insufficiency only. The lowest shortages were revealed in Lublin, Białystok and
Katowice- in 28, 26.3 and 26.3% of children and again it was the insufficiency
1. The lower concentration of liver metabolite of vitamin D in as many of
examined children indicates on adverse diet and climatic conditions which may
influence on bone mineralization in children.
2. The results of this study confirm the neccesity of the prophylaxis of vitamin D
deficiency in schoolchildren in Poland.
3. The considerable improvement of the 25OHD serum concentration in the
majority of children after the summer may provide favourable influence of the sun
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P192
The effect of levothyroxine therapy on vitamin D and bone mineral
Atilla Cayir1, Mehmet Ibrahim Turan2 & Behzat Ozkan3,4
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey;
Department of Pediatrics, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey; 3Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey;
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Dr Behcet Uz Children’s Hospital,
Izmir, Turkey.
Treatment in thyroid function disorders, which lead to clinical hypothyroidism, is
replacement with levothyroxine. We aimed to investigate the effect of long-term
levothyroxine therapy on vitamin D metabolism and bone mineral density in
Materials and methods
Twenty-seven children with hypothyroidism receiving levothyroxine therapy
(M/F: 13/14, mean age, 12.1G0.7 years) and 21 healthy controls (M/F: 13/8,
mean age, 11.8G0.5) were enrolled. Calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase,
parathormone and 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels were measured from serum
specimens collected from the study and control groups. DEXA scans were
performed and Z-scores determined.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Mean duration of levothyroxine treatment was 7.7G0.5 months. Serum vitamin D
levels were significantly lower in the study group (17.1G7.6 ng/ml) compared to
the control group (23.6G7.8 ng/ml) (PZ0.006), but short-term treatment did not
appear to have an effect on BMD Z-scores (PO0.05).
Long-term levothyroxine therapy can affect vitamin D levels and impair bone
health. Accordingly, bone mineral density analysis would seem to be useful in
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P193
Celiac disease underlying rickets in an adolescent
Korcan Demir1,2, Coskun Celtik3,4 & Behzat Ozkan1,5
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Dr Behcet Uz Children’s Hospital,
Izmir, Turkey; 2Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Gaziantep Children’s
Hospital, Gaziantep, Turkey; 3Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Sifa
University, Izmir, Turkey; 4Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Gaziantep Children’s Hospital, Gaziantep, Turkey; 5Department of Pediatric
Endocrinology, Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bone health is negatively affected in children with celiac disease. Alterations in
calcium and vitamin D metabolism are frequently encountered in children with
celiac disease but rickets is rarely a presenting complaint.
Presenting problem
The patient was first admitted at the age of 13 due to waddling gait and weight loss
for 3 years.
Clinical management
Detailed history revealed that loss of appetite and intermittent diarrhea were
apparent since 3–4 years of age. His past medical history was otherwise
unremarkable. Physical examination revealed a listless child with a height of
130.7 cm (SDS, K3.6), weight 16.5 kg (SDS, K5.6), BMI 9.7 (SDS, K11.6),
genu valgum, rachitic rosary, and pubertal stage Tanner I. Laboratory studies
showed iron deficiency anemia, mildly elevated AST and ALT, hypocalcemia,
hypophosphatemia, low vitamin D, and elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase
and parathormone. Left hand X-ray revealed metaphyseal widening and fraying.
Rickets due to malabsorption was considered. Positive celiac antibodies resulted
in endoscopic and pathological evaluation, which confirmed the diagnosis.
Gluten-free diet was introduced and intramuscular vitamin D (a single dose of
600 000 IU) along with oral calcium (75 mg/kg per day for 1 week) was given.
Evaluation after 3 months revealed a contented and alert child with a weight gain
of 13 kg (29.5 kg, SDS K3.0; BMI 17.1, SDS K0.78) and normal levels of
calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, 25-OH vitamin D, and parathormone.
Undiagnosed celiac disease may result not only in vitamin D and calcium
deficiency but also in rickets. Intramuscular administration of high dose of
vitamin D is effective along with gluten-free diet and oral calcium.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P194
A case of progressive generalised osteolysis: a fibrous dysplasia or
something else?
Veselin Boyadzhiev & Diqn Handjiev
Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria.
In pathological conditions the osteolysis is defined as a process of dissolution or
degeneration of bone tissue due to abnormal bone resorbtion. It is rare in
childhood and the diagnosis and the management is always a challenge.
Presenting problem
We present a 10-year-old boy with multiple osteolytic lesions discovered initially
when he was 2 years of age because of leg length discrepancy and waddling gait.
The lesions are located predominantly in the diaphyseal regions of the long bones,
the pelvis and the basis of the skull. They have well-defined borders, with no
periosteal reaction and show slow, but progressive evolution. The child
experienced two pathological fractures in the affected zone of his distal right
femur. A moderate congenital deformity of the head comprised of a hypoplastic
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
mandibulae, small mouth and crowded teeth is also present and multiple
orthodontic interventions have been done till now. The patient suffers from
frequent ENT infections, difficult breathing and recurrent nose bleeding with
unclear etiology. Bone histology shows fibrous changes, but on bone scintigraphy
scans there are no pathological accumulations. Interestinly, whole-body
densitometric measurements are in the referent limits. There are no physical
signs of any skin, hematologic, endocrine or other systemic involvement, too. In
2013, because of an increasing neck pain and weakness in the left limbs, several
crushed cervical vertebrae (C3–C6) with narrowing of the spinal canal were
Clinical management
Two neurosurgical interventions were performed including vertebroplasty and
occipito-spinodesis. A bisphosphonate therapy has been commenced, too.
The patient presents with multiple polyosteotic osteolytic lesions with aggressive
evolution. In the differential diagnosis except Fibrous dyplasia (McCune–
Albright syndrome) as a leading working diagnosis, neurofibromatosis type 1
(von Rekclinghausen’s disease), Gorham–Stout syndrome (generalized lymphangiomatosis) and many others were discussed. For most of them, the genetic
background and the underlying molecular pathoethiologic mechanisms are
already well-known but treatment options still remain quite limited.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P195
Bigger but not stronger? GH treatment in Turner syndrome may confer
no benefit to HR-pQCT determined bone micro-architecture
Munier Nour1,2, Steven K Boyd2, Rebecca J Perry1,2, David K Stephure1,2 &
David A Hanley3
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Alberta Children’s Hospital,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada; 3Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Turner syndrome (TS) is known to be associated with increased risk of
osteoporosis and fracture. Childhood treatment with GH has been considered
standard of care for treatment of growth failure in TS, while the influence of GH
on bone health has been poorly understood. The purpose of this study is to assess
the influence of GH on bone microarchitecture on a cohort of TS subjects.
TS subjects aged 16–45 were included. Bone mineral density (BMD) was
assessed at the lumbar spine, hip and radius using dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DXA). High resolution peripheral quantitative computed
tomography (HR-pQCT) scans of the radius and tibia were completed. Bone
microarchitecture analysis included total volumetric BMD (Tt.BMD), cortical
BMD (Ct.BMD), trabecular BMD (Tb.BMD), total area (Tt.Ar) and cortical
thickness (Ct.Th). Simulated bone strength was determined using finite element
(FE) analysis. Group means were compared using independent t-tests and twoway ANOVA.
Sixteen TS subjects were recruited, six GH-treated and ten non-GH-treated. Both
groups were similar in regards to age, estrogen exposure and bone health related
lifestyle parameters. GH-treated subjects were significantly taller than the
untreated group (152.0G 3.3 vs 143.9G 6.5 cm respectively, PZ0.005). DXA
BMD of hip, spine and radius was similar between treatment groups. At the
radius, Tt.Ar was greater among GH-treated subjects (C17.3%, P!0.03), while
Tt.BMD, Ct.BMD, Tb.BMD, and Ct.Th were similar in both groups. Similarly, at
the tibia, Tt.Ar was greater among the GH-treated subjects (C21.8%, P!0.005)
while the remaining parameters were not significantly different. FE determined
bone strength trended higher in the GH-treated group (radius C2.5%, PZ0.9;
tibia C6.3%, PZ0.5), but results were not statistically different.
Despite GH treatment in TS resulting in increased height and larger bones, no
significant difference in DXA derived BMD, HR-pQCT micro-architectural
parameters, or FE simulated bone strength were detected. While these early
findings may be due to insufficient statistical power, the significant difference in
final height and bone area suggest a substantial GH effect on other aspects of bone
growth. Further study seeks to understand the effects of GH on bone health in this
unique patient population.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P196
ICCBH 2013
Parathyroid hormone administered by continuous s.c. infusion is more
effective than when given by intermittent injection
Moira Cheung1,3, Jackie Buck2, Caroline Brain3 & Jeremy Allgrove3
Royal London Hospital, London, UK; 2Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich, UK;
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.
Activating mutations in the calcium sensing receptor can result in severe
hypoparathyroidism with symptomatic hypocalcaemia. Complications of treatment with calcitriol or alfacacidol include hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis and
renal failure. The use of synthetic parathyroid hormone (PTH 1–34, teriparatide)
provides a more physiological treatment option and reduces the risk of
We report our experience with such a patient who had increasing requirements of
PTH on multiple daily injections over 5 years. The large PTH requirements
significantly reduced when multiple s.c. injections were changed to a continuous
subcutaneous infusion of PTH (CSIP).
Presenting problem
A 1-year-old girl presented with hypocalcaemic convulsions and was found to
have hypoparathyroidism due to an activating mutation of the calcium sensing
receptor (CaSR) (c.2528COA p.A843E) which prevents secretion of PTH under
any circumstances. She was initially treated with alfacalcidol but continued to
have episodes of symptomatic hypocalcaemia, particularly associated with
intercurrent infections. After lengthy informed discussion with the parents, she
was treated with daily injections of teriparatide. Normocalcaemia was initially
maintained with twice daily injections but, after 3 years of treatment, her dose
increased to 75 mg daily in three divided injections, almost twice the
recommended adult dose. In order to try to reduce the total dose of PTH and
the need for multiple daily injections, she was changed to CSIP using an insulin
infusion pump to deliver the PTH at a constant rate throughout the day and night.
Clinical management
Plasma calcium was 2.2 mmol/l prior to starting treatment. PTH 1–34 was infused
initially at a rate of 72 mg/day (equivalent to the dose being received by injection)
but she rapidly became hypercalcaemic. 72 h after starting the infusion, her total
dose had been reduced by 50% and her calcium stabilised.
Shortly after starting treatment with a continuous infusion of PTH, the total dose
was able to be reduced significantly indicating that the PTH was much more
effective when given in his manner. She no longer required multiple injections
and only needed to have her giving set changed every 3 days. We recommend that
this is the treatment of choice in such circumstances.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P197
Severe hypercalcemia in an infant with idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia caused by mutation in CYP24A1 gene
Francesca Olivieri1, Claudia Piona1, Milena Brugnara1, Grazia Morandi1,
Evelina Maines1 & Martin Konrad2
Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences and Pediatric Clinic,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2University Children’s Hospital,
Muenster, Germany.
Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia (IIH) is a rare cause of infantile hypercalcemia
characterized by failure to thrive, vomiting, dehydration, and nephrocalcinosis.
This condition has recently been associated with mutations in the CYP24A1 gene,
which encodes 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase, the key enzyme of 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 degradation. Until now, only 13 cases genetically tested for
IIH have been reported in the literature.
Case report
We reported a case of a 10-month-old male infant, who was referred to our
Pediatric Clinic because of failure to thrive. His weight was 6560 g (between K3
S.D and K2 S.D below the mean) and length was 69 cm (between K1 S.D and the
mean). Laboratory studies revealed severe hypercalcemia (4.58 mmol/l),
hypercalciuria (3.05 u ca/u cr), suppressed parathyroid hormone (0.106 pmol/l)
and elevated plasma levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (169.48 nmol/l). His renal
ultrasonography scan revealed marked medullary nephrocalcinosis.
We started a conservative therapy with i.v. rehydration, diuretics and i.v.
neridronate (1 mg/kg), that normalized plasma calcium levels (2.7 mmol/l).
Karyotype excluded Wiliams syndrome. Additional tests excluded malignancy,
chronic renal disease, hypoadrenocorticism, granulomatous disorders and
Molecular testing of the CYP24A1 gene revealed a homozygous deletion
(E143del). Both parents were heterozygous for this mutation.
At subsequent checks, we observed an improvement of his growth velocity and a
good weight gain.
In spite of bisphosphonate therapy, the patient maintained elevated plasma levels
of osteocalcin (10.4 nmol/l), bone alkaline phosphatase (92 mg/l) and the
C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (1210 ng/l).
We report the case of an infant affected by IHH, caused by a homozygous
CYP24A1 gene mutation, who normalized plasma calcium levels and growth
velocity with conservative therapy.
The prognosis of these patients is not still clearly known, but, considered the
nephrocalcinosis and the high bone turnover markers, we suggest that a closely
nephrologic and endocrinological follow-up is strictly necessary.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P198
Levels of 25(OH)vitamin D in children and adolescents with type 1
diabetes mellitus and in healthy controls in Bulgarian population
Olga Slavcheva1, Maia Konstantinova1, Adelina Tsekova2, Radka Savova1
& Margarita Arshinkova1
University Pediatric Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria; 2Alexandrovska University
Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The aim is to examine the serum levels of 25(OH)vitamin D in children and
adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus and in healthy controls and to determine
whether patients with diabetes have higher prevalence of vitamin D
deficiency/insufficiency and whether it is correlated to its metabolic control.
A cross-sectional study of 73 patients (35 males) aged 11.84G4.44 years and 27
healthy controls (15 males), aged 7.36G4.71 years. The participants are divided
in two subgroups according to the month the sample was taken – May–September
and October–April. Patients are divided in two subgroups according to their
metabolic control: good (HbA1c%7.5%) and poor (HbA1cO7.5%). Levels of
25(OH)vitamin D were determined by electrochemiluminescence detection
technology. The statistical methods used are Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis
There is no statistically significant difference between 25(OH)vitamin D levels in
diabetic patients and in controls (PZ0.783). The mean level of 25(OH)vitamin D
in patients is slightly higher – 25.39G8.14 ng/ml than in controls – 24.44G
11.88 ng/ml. The mean levels of 25(OH)vitamin D are higher in the period with
more outdoor sunlight. In May-September period – 29.01G9.2 ng/ml in patients
(nZ28) and 29.85G8.42 ng/ml (nZ9) in controls, for October-April period
25(OH)vitamin D levels are 23.14G6.55 vs 21.74G12.63 ng/ml for patients
(nZ45) and controls (nZ18) respectively. We use US Endocrine Society
guideline to define vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency as 25(OH)vitamin D
level %20 and 21–29 ng/ml respectively. 36% of all patients (nZ26) and 33% of
controls (nZ9) have vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D insufficiency is observed in
37% of patients (nZ27) and 37% of controls (nZ10).
Mean level of HbA1c in good control group (nZ16) is 7.05G0.33%, in poor
control group(nZ39) – 9.18G1.36%. No correlation between metabolic control
and vitamin D levels is found. Level of 25(OH)vitamin D are 25.86G7.29 and
25.56G8.23 ng/ml respectively (PZ0.476).
Presence of diabetes mellitus type 1 does not influence vitamin D metabolism.
Our results show no significant differences between 25(OH)vitamin D levels in
diabetic patients and in healthy controls. Vitamin D deficiency is slightly but not
significantly prevalent in diabetic patients and is almost equal to that observed in
healthy Bulgarian adults.
Supported by Grant from Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P199
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Abstract withdrawn.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P200
Guided growth with hinge plates for lack of extension and fixed flexion
of the knee
Miguel Galban, Roceli Villanueva & Annie Carpio
Clinica Leopoldo Aguerrevere, Caracas, Venezuela.
Lack of extension of the knee and fixed flexion of the knee may occur in patients
with arthrogryposis, rheumatoid arthritis, achondroplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, cerebral palsy and other conditions. They develop a crouch gait and this is
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
an energy non-efficient condition that causes a compensatory flexion deformity of
the hip and lumbar lordosis. Recommended treatments have included bracing,
physical therapy, posterior release, distal femoral osteotomy or progressive
distraction with external fixation; but these treatments often fails. We studied 11
patients (12 knees) with: arthrogryposis (7), achondroplasia (1), osteogenesis
imperfecta (1), postaxial hypoplasia and short femur (1), rheumatoid arthritis (2)
and 1 knee with cerebral palsy and hemiplegic pattern. The average age was 6
years (3–13) and the average lack of extension was 408 (208–608). Clinical
assessment included measurement of knee range motion, gait evaluation, and
screening for concomitant deformities. We found three patterns: Type 1: fixed
flexion with limitation of flexion and extension; Type 2: lack of extension but
normal flexion; and Type 3, pro-curvatum deformity of the distal femur with lack
of extension. One patient had previous treatment with staples that failed because
of forward migration and five patients had been treated previously with custom
plates (without hinges), in these cases we observed that the correction stops when
the screws impinge the plate and lock. These six patients where treated changing
the staple or the plate to a Hinge Plate. 82% of the knees had a full correction in 14
months, the rest are progressing. We do not find loosening of the screws or
migration. We observed in some cases that after the screws impinged the plate the
hinge started to move. We observed that guided growth is effective with the Hinge
Declaration of interest
M Galban is unpaid consultant for Pega Medical, Inc.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.P201
ICCBH 2013
Late Breaking Abstracts
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
ICCBH 2013
Late Breaking Abstracts
Influence of age and gender on spine bone density and TBS
microarchitectural texture parameters in infants
Renaud Winzenrieth1, Catherine Cormier2, Silvana DiGregorio3 & Luis
Del Rio3
R&D Department, Med-Imaps, Bordeaux, France; 2Service de Rheumatology A, Hospital Cochin, APHP, Paris, France; 3Cetir Grup Mèdic,
Barcelona, Spain.
Children bone knowledge is relatively sparse. This is especially true for infant and
for bone microarchitecture data. We have investigated, in this study, the agerelated modifications of spine microarchitectural texture, as assessed by TBS, on
male and female infants during their two first years of life.
The study group was composed of 143 and 109 healthy female and male infants
aged between 0 and 2 years. Height and weight Z-scores were significantly lower
than zero (K0.61 and K0.65 for female; K0.62 and K0.77 for male), showing
that infants were shorter and underweight relative to The WHO Child Growth
Standards. The areal BMD (aBMD) was assessed at spine L1–L4 using a prodigy
densitometer (GE-LUNAR, USA). TBS was evaluated using TBS iNsight v2.0
(Medimaps, France). The LMS statistical method proposed by Cole & Green (Stat
Med 1992) was used to construct aBMD and TBS age-related curves for each
gender using R software (v2.15.3).
Female and male infant shave the same mean age, height and weight Z-score and
TBS (PO0.3) whereas female infants have higher aBMD than male (PZ0.01).
Before and after 12 months of age, TBS and aBMD correlations in both female
and male infants were low (r2!0.20).We have observed a first TBS decrease
Spine aBMD age-related curve for Baby girls
(1 to 24 month old)
aBMD L1-L4 (g/cm2)
aBMD L1-L4 (g/cm2)
Age (month)
Spine TBS age-related curve for Baby girls
(1 to 24 month old)
Age (month)
Age (month)
Spine TBS age-related curve for Baby boys
(1 to 24 month old)
Spine aBMD age-related curve for Baby boys
(1 to 24 month old)
Age (month)
Figure 1 Age-related curves for aBMD and TBS at spine L1-L4 (The black line
represents the 50th centile. The dark gray area represents the 25th to 75th centiles; The
medium gray area represents the 5th to 95th centiles; The light gray area represents the
3th to 97th centiles)
from birth to 12–15 months (for female and male infants respectively) followed
by a TBS increasing without reaching the mean birth TBS value. In parallel, the
aBMD always increases (see Fig. 1).
To date, our study is the first which has evaluated the modification of spine
microarchitectural texture occurring in infants. Results obtained showed similar
aBMD and TBS evolution shapes for both male and female infants. Surprisingly,
TBS evolution exhibits a decreasing/increasing pattern. We can hypothesis that
this pattern correspond to the infants bed-rest phase (no weight loads on the
spine/trabecular structure adaptation using minimum energy adaptation rule/
TBS decreasing) and the stand/walking phase (weight loads on spine/
mechanical stress increasing/trabecular structure positive adaptation/TBS
increasing). Further studies have to be conduct to confirm these first findings.
Bone Abstracts (2013) Vol 2
Declaration of interest
R Winzenrieth is a senior scientist at Med-Imaps.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.LB1
WNT1 mutations in early-onset osteoporosis and osteogenesis imperfecta identify a key WNT ligand regulating bone mass
Christine Laine1,5, Kyu Sang Joeng6, Philippe Campeau6, Riku Kiviranta3,
Kati Tarkkonen3, Monica Grover6, James Lu7, Minna Pekkinen1,
Maija Wessman1, Terhi Heino4, Vappu Nieminen-Pihala3, Tero Laine5,
Heikki Kröger8, William Cole9, Anna-Elina Lehesjoki1, Deborah Krakow10,
Cynthia Curry11, Daniel Cohn10, Richard Gibbs6, Brendan Lee6 &
Outi Mäkitie1,2
Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics, Helsinki, Finland; 2Children’s Hospital,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 3Department of Medical
Biochemistry and Genetics and Department of Medicine, University of
Turku, Turku, Finland; 4Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,
University of Turku, Turku, Finland; 5Sahlgrenska University Hospital,
Gothenburg, Sweden; 6Department of Molecular and Human Genetics,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 7Department of
Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 8Bone and Cartilage Research
Unit, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland; 9Division of Pediatric
Surgery, University of Alberta, Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 10University of
California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA; 11University of
California–San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
The role of the WNT pathway in skeletal maintenance has been extensively
studied since the identification of mutations in key signaling WNT mediators
(LRP5 and sclerostin) in high and low bone mass phenotypes. However, the
identity of the key WNT ligand that signals via LRP5/6 has remained unknown.
We aimed to identify genes with a major effect on the skeleton by studying
individuals and families with early-onset osteoporosis or osteogenesis imperfecta
We recruited a Finnish family with severe early-onset and dominantly inherited
osteoporosis, characterized by low BMD and vertebral fractures, in ten
individuals. Histomorphometry showed severe low-turnover osteoporosis with
low bone formation in two adults and reduced bone remodeling in a 14-year-old
boy. A genome-wide microsatellite scan, fine-mapping and targeted nextgeneration sequencing of the linkage region identified a single novel variant in
WNT1 (p.C218G) segregating with the phenotype. We also ascertained a Laotian
Hmong family with two severely affected daughters suffering from recessive OI.
After exclusion of mutations in the known OI genes we performed whole-exome
sequencing and identified a homozygous nonsense mutation in WNT1 (p.Ser295*)
in both affected children.
The mutant WNT1C218G and WNT1S295* proteins were stable and exhibited
similar cellular distribution to the wild type (wt) WNT1. In contrast with
wt-WNT1, WNT1C218G and WNT1S295* did not induce significant accumulation
of active b-catenin in the nucleus. Accordingly, WNT1C218G and WNT1S295*
showed significantly reduced capacity to induce canonical WNT signaling in a
TOPFLASH reporter assay. They also had impaired capacity to induce the WNT
target gene expression and osteoblast differentiation in vitro. In expression
profiling by RT-PCR we detected Wnt1 expression in mouse brain, femur and
spleen but not in calvarial osteoblasts, osteoclasts or human mesenchymal stromal
cells. Wnt1 was clearly expressed in bone marrow, especially in B cell lineage and
hematopoietic progenitors. Using a Wnt1-Cre crossed with a reporter mice Wnt1
expression was also detected in a subset of osteocytes.
Our results suggest altered cross-talk of WNT signaling between hematopoietic
and osteoblast lineage cells as the pathogenetic mechanism. These findings
indicate that loss-of-function heterozygous or bi-allelic mutations in WNT1 result
in early-onset osteoporosis or OI and identify WNT1 as a key WNT ligand in the
regulation of bone mass.
DOI: 10.1530/boneabs.2.LB2
ICCBH 2013
Author Index
Abdullah, N P79
Abramowicz, P P40 & P99
Adams, J IS9, OC1 & OC18
Adams, JE P21
Agnello, N P43
Ahmed, F OC1
Ahmed, SF P16
Al-Mayouf, S P5
Alam, I OC8
Albuhairan, I P5
Aliferis, E P13
Allain-Launay, E P33
Allgrove, J OP9, P51 &
Alman, B OC25
Alon, U OP3
Alos, N OC26
Andersson, S P46
Aneja, S P20
Anyaegbu, E P23
Apostu, L P15
Arabacı, LB P29
Arabaci, LBA P30
Argentiero, A P43
Arundel, P OC1 & P86
Asmawidjaja, P P44
Atkinson, S OC26
Atsali, E P100
Ayarzabal, V P101
Aziz, ME P79
Bökkerink, JPM OC28
Babinska-Malec, E P99
Bacchetta, J OP12
Baht, G OC25
Balachandar, S P32
Balatska, N P47
Baldassano, R OP14
Baldock, P IS17
Barbeta, V P84 & P85
Bassett, D OP1
Batra, RN OC5
Battaglia, S P31
Bayer, M P90
Bazyluk-Muszynska, M
Bebbington, N OC1
Bechtold, S IS14
Beck-Nielsen, SS OP10
Becker, J P77
Beebe, A P26
Belgorosky, A P101
Belova, K P64
Berard, A P60
Bergmann, C P98
Bernard, P P70
Berry, JL P39
Bertapelli, F P102, P84 &
Bervenotti, F P66
Besio, R OC22
Bessenay, L OP9
Bianco, P OC21
Bicknell-Royle, J P62
Biggin, A OP13, P35 &
Binjab, A P61
Bishop, N OC1, OC22,
P59, P81 & P86
Bodescu, I P94
Boggio Marzet, C P103
Boot, A P67
Boot, AM OC17
Boskey, A OC23 & OC9
Bourgiezi, I P13
Bournazos, I P100
Bowden, S P26
Boyce, AM OC21
Boyd, SK OP11
Boyde, A OP1
Bozkurt, S P29 & P30
Braathen, G P9
Brain, C P51
Brewer, E OC24
Brillante, BA OC21
Briody, J OP13 & P35
Brion, R P31
Brixen, K OP10
Brown, K P27
Bruin, MCA OC28
Brum, AM OC11
Brunetti, G OP2
Brunetto, O P103
Budnik, T P47
Burt, LA OP11
Cabral, D OC26
Caffarelli, C P82
Caflisch, J OC15
Camargo, CAJ OC13
Cameron, F P62
Campos-Obando, N P89
Cano, F P27
Capannolo, M OC8
Capelli, S OC30 & P58
Cappariello, A P68
Capulli, M OC8
Cardinal, M P80
Carter, E OC23
Cau, AA P103
Cavada, G OC13
Cavallo, L OP2
Ceesay, M OC16
Censani, M P36
Cerna, L P90
Challa, A P69
Chan, KY OP8, P19 & P38
Chandler, KE P21
Chaplais, E P34
Chapurlat, R OP12
Chaussain, C P33
Chen, CP P79
Cheng, CYJ OP8
Cheng, J P38
Cheng, JCY OC27, P19,
P22 & P28
Chesneau, J P31
Cheung, FTF OC27 & P28
Cheung, M OP1, P51 & P57
Cheung, TF P19
Chiavacci, R OC6
Chiplonkar, S P50, P52,
P54, P56, P63, P75 &
Chitano, G P43
Cholevas, V P69
Christiaens, A P70
Chu, K OC8
Ciccarelli, M OP2
Clapuyt, P P70
Clark, E IS1
Clarson, C OC26
Clayton-Smith, J P21
Cole, ZA OC5
Collins, MT OC21
Colucci, S OP2
Constantinescu, G P94
Cooper, C OC4 & OP6
Cooper, CC OC5
Couch, R OC26
Coutant, R OP9
Cowell, C P35 & P37
Crabtree, N OC1
Craen, M P48
Cuellar, A P104
Cummings, EA OC26
Dötsch, J OC19
Darcan, S P29, P30 & P93
Davies, J OC4 & OP6
de Barros Ramalho, LC
P102, P84 & P85
de Boer, I OC29
de Groot-Kruseman, HA
de Muinck KeizerSchrama, S P44
de Oliveira Barbeta, VJ
De Schepper, J P96
Del Fattore, A OC8
Deliard, S OC6
Deligianni, D P6
Delucchi, A P27
den Hoed, M OC17
Denburg, M OC29
Dennison, E OP6
Deprez, PML P70
Deschenes, G P33
Devogelaer, J P80
Dharnidharka, V P23
Di Rocco, M IS6
Dimitri, P IS18
Distante, A P43
Doty, S OC23
Doulgeraki, A P14 & P6
Doyon, A OP12
Draffin, K P62
Drop, S P44
Dzhalatova, V P64
Econs, MJ OC8
Edouard, T P41
Eggert, A P97
Eijken, M OC11
Ekbote, V P50, P52, P54,
P56, P63, P75 & P78
Emilsson, R P9
Eom, S P65
Erba, P OC30
Erez, A OP15
Ershova, O P64
Escobar, R OC13
ESPE Working Group on
Bone & Growth Plate,
Esterle, L P33
Estrada, K OC10 & OC7
Evans, DM OC10
Evans, H OP1
Faienza, MF OP2
Farges, J P31
Fatani, T P61
Feber, J OC26
Felipe, L P101
Fennoy, I P36
Fewtrell, M OC1
Fiers, T P96
Fischer, P P25
ICCBH 2013
Foerster, D OC29
Foo, LH P79
Forbes, M P81
Forestier-Zhang, L P86
Forlino, A OC12 & OC22
Foster, S OC22
Franci, B P82
Francolini, V P82
Fratzl-Zelman, N OP7
Freemont, AJ P21
Fuchs, R OC20
Galesanu, C P15
Gallagher, O OC22 & P86
Garbes, L OP4
Gennero, I P41
Ghadakzadeh, S OC25
Giacomet, V OC30
Giardina, P P32
Gilbert, R OP6
Gillerot, Y P70
Gilsanz, V OC14, OC6 &
Gioia, R OC12
Girschick, H P8
Glansen, U P9
Godfrey, K OC4
Goksen, D P29, P30 & P93
Gonçalves, EM P102, P84
& P85
Gonnelli, S P82
González, M P27
Gopal-Kothandapani, JS
Gordon, C IS11
Goretzki, SC P97
Gounaris, A P13
Grabowski, P OC22, P81 &
Gram, J OP10
Grano, M OP2
Grant, RM OC26
Grant, S OC6
Grasemann, C P97 & P98
Gray, A OC8
Greene, D P34
Groothoff, J P67
Grover, M OP15
Grynpas, M P42
Guerra-Júnior, G P102 &
Guerra-Junior, G P85
Guterman, M P24
Hakonarson, H OC6
Haliyash, N P47
Hamburger, JP P44
Hands, B P66
Haney, C OP3
Hangartner, TN P18
Harrington, J P42
Harrison, R P59
Harvey, N OC4
Harvey, NC OC5
Hauffa, BP P97 & P98
Hauffa, PK P97
Hayek, J P82
Heidemann, M P53
Helen, M P7
Hendry, G P34
Heppe, D OC3 & OC7
Heppe, DHM OC10
Herman, J P76
Hernández, MI OC13
Heymann, D OC12 & P31
Hmiel, S P23
Hneineh, Z P10
Hofman, A OC10, OC3 &
Hofmann, C P8
Hogler, W OC1 & OP9
Holst, R P53
Holz, J P83
Hood, A P34
Hop, WCJ OC28
Horr, FEL P10
Hoyer-Kuhn, H OC19 &
Hsu, J P25
Hsu, Y OC7
Hung, VWY P22
Hurd, A OC20
Husby, S P53
Ichikawa, S OC8
Idriceanu, J P94
Ignatyev, A P55
Inskip, H OC4
Insua, C P103
Inui, A P104
Isnard, M OP9
Ivaska, K P46
Jacobs, S P83
Jaddoe, V OC3 & OC7
Jaddoe, VWV OC10
Jakob, F P8
James, M P104
Jamiolkowski, J P40
Janssen, M OC11
Javaid, K IS2
Javaid, MK OC5
Jenni, O OC15
Jung, YJ P65
Kaczmarski, M P40
Kalkwarf, H OC14, OC29 &
Kalkwarf, HJ P18
Kalogerakou, M P6
Kamenicky, P P33
Kapelari, K OP9
Karasik, D OC7
Kaufman, J P48 & P96
Kelly, A OC6
Kelly, MH OC21
Kemp, JP OC10
Khadilkar, A P50, P52,
P54, P56, P63, P75 &
Khadilkar, V P50, P52,
P54, P56, P63, P75 &
Khatod, K P75
Kilebrant, S P9
Kim, C OC6
Kim, HS P65
Kirmani, S IS3
Klakk, H P53
Klap, BC OC17
Klaushofer, K OP7
Kleinert, D P32
Knight, K P57
Ko, C P65
Kochubey, A P73
Kollen, WJW OC28
Konrad, M P90
Konstantynowicz, J P40 &
Kostik, M P92
Krahenbuhl, T P102, P84
& P85
Kruglova, I P92
Kubey, I P47
Kullenberg, R P12
Kureel, P P20
Kusec, V P74
Kushner, H OC21
Kutilek, S P87 & P90
Lahner, H P97
Lam, T P22
Lam, TP OC27, OP8, P19,
P28 & P38
Landau, D P24
Lappe, J OC14 & OC6
Lappe, JM P18
Layrolle, P OC12
Lebl, J P88
Lee, B OP15
Lee, E P59
Lee, KM OC27, OP8, P28 &
Lee, SKM P19 & P22
Leeuw, JA OC28
Lengelé, BG P70
Lentle, B OC26
Leonard, M IS8, OC14,
OC29 & OP14
Lerner, S P36
Lezot, F P31
Li, M OC6
Liese, J P8
Linglart, A IS5, OP9 & P33
Liu, KL P22
Liu, Z P22
Lombaerts, R P76
Lubberts, E P44
Lukman, S P39
Luzin, V P55 & P73
Mäkitie, O P46 & P77
Mølgaard, C P53
Machin, M OC1
Mackay, M P62
Madan, S P86
Magdelaine, C P41
Magnusson, P P9
Mak, QWY OC27 & P28
Manasova, G P49
Manicourt, DH P80
Marelli, S P45
Marini, J OC12
Marino, J OC23
Marjanovic, E OC18
Markula-Patjas, K P46
Marschke, L P97
Martin, DD OC15
Martin, JES P102
Maruca, K OC30 & P58
Marwah, RK P20
Matzinger, M OC26
McBride, K P26
McIntyre, F P66
McLean, T P37
McMahon, D P36
McQuade, M OP13 & P37
Medina-Gomez, C OC10,
OC3 & OC7
Mendes, RT P85
Mendola, A P70
Mendy, M OC16
Mentrup, B P8
Mericq, V P27
Micklesfield, L OC2
Miettunen, PM OC26
Millette, M P60
Mimoun, E P41
Mirabile, E P68
Misof, B OP7
Mohammad, KS OC8
Molina, M OC13
ICCBH 2013
Monopolis, I P14 & P6
Moon, R OC4 & OP6
Mora, S OC30, P45 & P58
Mori, G OP2
Morozov, V P73
Mouly, C P41
Mousa, Y P10
Mughal, MZ OC1, P21,
P39, P50, P52, P54 &
Mughal, Z OC18 & P63
Munns, C IS10, OP13, P35
& P37
Muraca, M OC8 & P68
Murphy, L OP6
Nadel, H OC26
Nafei, Z P17
Nagamani, S OP15
Nation, J P62
Nawrot-Wawrzyniak, K
Neggers, SJCMM OC17
Neglia, C P43
Netzer, C OC19, OP4 &
Ng, BKW OC27, P19, P22
& P28
Ng, KW OP8 & P38
Nik, SA OC25
Nikolaidou, P P100
Nolasco da Silva, MT P84
Norris, S OC2
Ntani, G OC4
Nuti, R P82
Nuzhna, H P55
Nyssen-Behets, C P70 &
Oakley, C P16
Oberfield, S OC14, OC6,
P18 & P36
Oei, L P89
Oikonomidou, R OC9
Ominsky, M P80
Ooi, HL P35
Oranger, A OP2
Ottevaere, I P83
Ozdemir, O P93
Ozen, S P29, P30 & P93
Pańczyk-Tomaszewska, M
Padidela, R P21
Page, A OP6
Pals, G IS7
Pandit, D P78
Papadopoulou, M P13
Papagelopoulos, P P100
Park, JH P65
Parthasarathy, L P63
Paspati, I P91
Patel, A P86
Patel, H P26
Paulhamus, D OC6
Pavlou, M P69
Pekkinen, M P46 & P77
Pettifor, J OC2 & P25
Phadke, N P75
Piacente, L OP2
Pieters, R OC17 & OC28
Pillay, D P52
Ping, W P38
Pini, A P45
Pinto, V P27
Piotrowska-Jastrzebska, J
P40 & P99
Piscitelli, P P43
Pitea, M P58
Pitinca, MDT P82
Pleshko, N OC23
Pluijm, SMF OC17
Poulsen, MR OP10
Povoroznyuk, V P47 & P49
Prentice, A OC16
Prié, D P33
Puzzovio, M OC30
Qin, L OP8, P19, P28 &
Qiu, Y P22
Qu, L OC6
Quarta, A P43
Quarta, G P43
Rabkin, R P24
Raggio, C OC23
Ranchin, B OP12
Randolph, R P32
Rauch, F IS13 & OC26
Reddi, AH P104
Redini, F P31
Rehackova, P P87
Reyes, ML OC13 & P27
Rhodes, L OC1
Ribeiro, RR P102, P84 &
Riminucci, M OC21
Ring, SM OC10
Rivadeneira, F OC10, OC3
& OC7
Rivella, S OC9
Roberts, S OC18
Robey, PG OC21
Robinson, S OC4
Rodd, C OC26, P60 & P61
Roggen, I P96
Roos, JC OC28
Roosa, SM OC20
Rosa, AD P43
Roschger, P OP7
Ross, FP OC9
Rossi, A OC12 & OC22
Rothenbuhler, A OP9 &
Rousseau, J OC12
Roussey, G P33
Russo, G P58
Rusu, C P94
Söderpalm, A P12 & P9
Salas, P P27
Salles, JP P41
Samur-San Martin, JE P84
& P85
Sanwalka, N P56 & P75
Sawo, Y OC16
Sayer, AA OC4
Schönau, E OC19
Schündeln, M P98
Schündeln, MM P97
Scheffer, I P62
Scheplyagina, L P92
Schiferl, D P34
Schipilow, JD OP11
Schlingmann, K P90
Schmidt, S IS12
Schoen, P P83
Schoenau, E OP4
Schoenbuchner, S OC16
Schou, A P53
Schreuders-Koedam, M
OC11 & P44
Schulpis, K P14 & P6
Schweiger, B P98
Segev, Y P24
Semler, O OC19 & OP4
Senecic-Cala, I P74
Seo, D P65
Seth, A P20
Shaikh, G P16
Shakiba, M P17
Shane, E P36
Sharma, A P60 & P61
Shaw, N OC1
Sheehy, O P60
Shenouda, N OC26
Shepherd, J OC14 & OC6
Shepherd, JA P18
Shepherd, S P16
Sheth, S P32
Short, DF P18
Shults, J OC14, OC29 &
Siafarikas, A P66
Siamopoulou, A P69
Silve, C P33
Siminoski, K OC26
Simm, P P62
Simon, M P89
Singh, R P20
Siomou, E P69
Skalicka, V P88
Skalova, S P87 & P90
Skarantavos, G P100
Skarpalezou, A P14
Skouroliakou, M P13
Smith, GD OC10
Sobry, S P83
Sochett, E P42
Soucek, O P88
Souchon, P P33
Srivastava, R OC24
Srivaths, P OC24
St Pourcain, B OC10
Staal, H P71
Stanger, SP OP11
Stathopoulos, KD P100
Stein, E P36
Stein, R OC26
Stephure, D OC26
Stewart, K P62
Stklyanina, L P55
Stokes, D OC29
Strini, T OC11
Stucchi, S OC30
Sumnik, Z P88
Svetalkina, E P64
Swolin-Eide, D P12 & P9
Syahanee, R P39
Sze Teo, P P79
T’Sjoen, G P48
Taback, S OC26
Taes, Y P48 & P96
Taljaard, M OC26
Tam, EMS P22
Tanzilli, L P82
Tau, C P101
Taylor, P OC5 & OP6
te Winkel, ML OC17 & OC28
Tefagh, S P17
Tenta, R P13
Teti, A OC8 & P68
Théret, C P33
Thacher, T P25
Thandrayen, K OC2
The Canadian STOPP
Consortium, OC26
The Southampton
Women’s Survey Study
Group, MK OC5
ICCBH 2013
Theodosiadou, A P14
Thodberg, HH OC15
Thrower, M P16
Timpson, NJ OC10
Tobias, JH OC10
Toye, K P96
Trichet, V OC12
Trifiro, G P45
Troib, A P24
Tsakiropoulos, C P91
Tsampalieros, A OC29 &
Tsiamasfirou, D P91
Turenkov, A P55
Tyazhka, O P47
Uitterlinden, AG OC10,
OC3 & OC7
Valta, H P77
Van Caenegem, E P48
van de Peppel, J OC11
van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M
van den Heuvel-Eibrink,
MM OC17 & OC28
van der Eerden, B P44
van der Eerden, BCJ OC11
van der Heyden, J P44
van der Lee, H P67
van der Sluis, IM OC28
Van Dyck, M P76
van Huis, M P67
van Kerkwijk, A OC11
van Leeuwen, J P44
van Leeuwen, JPTM OC11
van Rhijn, L P71
van Rietbergen, B P71
van Waas, M OC17
Vandewalle, S P48 & P96
Vara, S P29 & P30
Vasiliu, I P94
Vassilakis, A P91
Veerman, AJP OC28
Ventura, AM OP2
Verschueren, K P83
Vershelde, S OP12
Viganò, A OC30
Vikkula, M P70
Vilayphiou, N OP12
Viljakainen, H P46
Vitaly, M P7
Viterbo, G P101
Vladislav, L P7
Vogelzang, J P67
Vogiatzi, M OC9 & P32
Voight, B OC6
Vulpoi, C P94
Vuorimies, I P77
Ward, K OC1, OC16,
OC18 & P59
Ward, LM OC26
Warden, S OC20
Wedderkopp, N P53
Weiler, H P60 & P61
Werpachowska, I P40 &
Wesseling-Perry, K IS4
Westerberg, B P9
Whetstone, H OC25
Wieczorek, D P98
Wieland, R P98
Wientroub, S OC21
Wikland, KA P12
Williams, G OP1
Wilson, C IS16
Winer, K OC14 & P18
Yaghi, K P10
Yaghi, Y P10
Yahalom, A P24
Yang, Z OC9
Yiu, C P38
Yu, F P38
Yu, FWP OC27, OP8, P19
& P22
Yu, FWS P28
Yu, WS OP8, P19 & P38
Zabel, B P98
Zaharia, V P15
Zelinsky, A P49
Zemel, B OC14, OC29, OC6
& OP14
Zemel, BS P18
Zemkova, D P88
Zetterlund, B P9
Zheng, J P23
Zheng, L OP13
Ziółkowska, H OP7
Zillikens, CM OC10
Zillikens, MC OC7 & P89
Zoubos, AB P100
Zuccotti, GV OC30
Zulf Mughal, M P78