Public health importance of triggers of myocardial Articles Summary
Public health importance of triggers of myocardial Articles Summary
Articles Public health importance of triggers of myocardial infarction: a comparative risk assessment Tim S Nawrot, Laura Perez, Nino Künzli, Elke Munters, Benoit Nemery Summary Lancet 2011; 377: 732–40 Published Online February 24, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S01406736(10)62296-9 See Comment page 694 Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium (T S Nawrot PhD, E Munters MD); School of Public Health, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (T S Nawrot, Prof B Nemery MD); and Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (L Perez PhD, Prof N Künzli MD) Correspondence to: Dr Tim S Nawrot, Hasselt University, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Agoralaan gebouw D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium Background Acute myocardial infarction is triggered by various factors, such as physical exertion, stressful events, heavy meals, or increases in air pollution. However, the importance and relevance of each trigger are uncertain. We compared triggers of myocardial infarction at an individual and population level. Methods We searched PubMed and the Web of Science citation databases to identify studies of triggers of non-fatal myocardial infarction to calculate population attributable fractions (PAF). When feasible, we did a meta-regression analysis for studies of the same trigger. Findings Of the epidemiologic studies reviewed, 36 provided sufficient details to be considered. In the studied populations, the exposure prevalence for triggers in the relevant control time window ranged from 0·04% for cocaine use to 100% for air pollution. The reported odds ratios (OR) ranged from 1·05 to 23·7. Ranking triggers from the highest to the lowest OR resulted in the following order: use of cocaine, heavy meal, smoking of marijuana, negative emotions, physical exertion, positive emotions, anger, sexual activity, traffic exposure, respiratory infections, coffee consumption, air pollution (based on a difference of 30 μg/m³ in particulate matter with a diameter <10 μm [PM10]). Taking into account the OR and the prevalences of exposure, the highest PAF was estimated for traffic exposure (7·4%), followed by physical exertion (6·2%), alcohol (5·0%), coffee (5·0%), a difference of 30 μg/m³ in PM10 (4·8%), negative emotions (3·9%), anger (3·1%), heavy meal (2·7%), positive emotions (2·4%), sexual activity (2·2%), cocaine use (0·9%), marijuana smoking (0·8%) and respiratory infections (0·6%). Interpretation In view of both the magnitude of the risk and the prevalence in the population, air pollution is an important trigger of myocardial infarction, it is of similar magnitude (PAF 5–7%) as other well accepted triggers such as physical exertion, alcohol, and coffee. Our work shows that ever-present small risks might have considerable public health relevance. Funding The research on air pollution and health at Hasselt University is supported by a grant from the Flemish Scientific Fund (FWO, Krediet aan navorsers/G.0873.11), tUL-impulse financing, and bijzonder onderzoeksfonds (BOF) and at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven by the sustainable development programme of BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy). Introduction Although the primary prevention of myocardial infarction has to be based on the development of atherosclerosis, the factors that precipitate the occurrence of myocardial infarction and that are amenable to intervention should also be addressed for public health and to help decision makers. To do so, however, one needs to know the relevance of these triggers to efficiently allocate the scarce resources to protect and enhance the health of the public. The role of triggers such as alcohol,1 anger,2,3 physical exertion,3,4 and use of marijuana5 in the onset of myocardial infarction is well recognised. Evidence of associations between the onset of acute cardiovascular outcomes, such as myocardial infarction, and air pollution is also substantial.6–8 Measures such as the population attributable fraction (PAF) are useful methods to present the public health relevance of epidemiological findings.9–11 The population attributable risk depends on the strength of the association between exposure to a risk factor and the prevalence of this risk factor within the population. Therefore, it is probably the most useful epidemiological 732 variable for public health administrators. In this study, we used the PAF approach to compare triggers of myocardial infarction in populations. Methods Search strategy and selection criteria We searched PubMed and the Web of Science citation databases from January, 1960, to January, 2010, to identify studies of triggers for myocardial infarction published in English that would enable a computation of PAFs. We compiled all studies of trigger events defined as stimuli or activities occurring within a relevant period (1 h to 10 days) before the onset of acute myocardial infarction. We initially used “myocardial infarction” and “trigger” as key terms. We also searched for studies including both terms “myocardial infarction” and “case-crossover” because the design of case-crossover studies is typical for assessment of triggers. We did additional searches in which we replaced trigger by “onset” or “preceding”. We also considered references found in our literature search and review articles. Vol 377 February 26, 2011 Articles We excluded studies done exclusively at an ecological level but we included all population-based or hospitalbased case-control and case-crossover studies with sufficient information about number of patients and exposure. We selected only studies that used particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter of 10 μm or less (PM10) or 2·5 μm or less (PM2·5) as indicators of air pollution. Statistical analysis For triggers studied in more than one study, a metaanalytical pooled effect estimate was derived from the point estimate of each separate study weighted by the inverse of the variance (1/SE²). We used random effect estimates. The association between outdoor air pollution and health outcome is usually described by an exposureresponse function that expresses the relative increase in adverse health for a specific increment in air pollution. So, we calculated the pooled relative risk (with upper and lower 95% CI) for two scenarios of change in PM10— namely, increases by 30 μg/m³ and 10 μg/m³. When data for only PM2·5 were available,12–15 we converted the odds ratios (ORs) with the assumption that PM10 consists of 70% of PM2·5.16 However, other conversion factors were also considered as part of sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity of the findings was examined by recalculation of the pooled association sizes after exclusion of studies one by one. If the variables of a non-significant air pollution effect were not reported, the investigators of the paper were contacted to avoid bias resulting from the exclusion of non-significant studies, which is an important problem in any meta-analysis.17,18 If no additional information was made available, the nonsignificant ORs were assumed to be 1 and the non-significant p values to be 0·50.17,19 The prevalence of exposure to air pollution in the population was estimated as 100%, which is in line with the assumptions made by the epidemiological studies providing the effect estimates. For consistency with other triggers, and in the absence of detailed population surveys, the prevalence of exposure in the general population was estimated from the control group (for case-control studies) or the control period (for casecrossover studies) from the identified studies. When several studies existed for a same trigger, the average prevalence of the risk factor was calculated by weighting by the sample size of each study. As opposed to most triggers for which the excess risk is expressed for a binary exposure (yes or no), the effects of air pollution need to be expressed on a continuous scale. We, therefore, presented three scenarios to estimate the effect of PM10 on the incidence of myocardial infarction in the population: the effect of lowering PM10 by 30 μg/m³, 10 μg/m³, and 1 μg/m³. Role of the funding source The sponsors of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or Vol 377 February 26, 2011 writing of the report. T Nawrot and L Perez had full access to all the data in the study. The corresponding author had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication (all authors gave permission). Results We identified 36 studies2–5,12–15,20–47 that investigated, at an individual level, 13 types of triggers of acute myocardial infarction (figure 1); 28 case-crossover studies, seven time-series, and one case-control study. The prevalence of the reported triggers ranged from 0·2% to 100%. The mean age of the people studied ranged from 44 years, for studies of cocaine or marijuana use, to 72 years, for studies of respiratory infections (table 1). Most studies had a time window before the onset of myocardial infarction ranging from less than 2 h to 1 day, apart from respiratory infections, which ranged from 1 to 10 days (table 1). Across all studies, the reported ORs ranged from 1·5 to 23·7 (table 1). The attributable fraction in exposed people ranged from 33% for drinking coffee to 96% for cocaine use. We identified more than one study for six triggers: 14 studies of air pollution (n=593 480),12–15,20,21,40–47 four studies2,3,24,25 on anger (n=422), three studies25,28,29 of negative emotions (n=1885), six3,4,31–34 of physical exertion (n=5208), four33,35–37 of respiratory infection (n=76 770), and three33,38,39 of sexual activity (n=2802), for which combined estimates were developed (table 2). One 538 references identified in PubMed by use of search terms: “myocardial infarction” and “trigger” 521 publications excluded 32 pharmacological studies 123 clinical studies or studies with not a specific trigger for myocardial infarction 116 experimental studies 28 case reports 173 reviews 7 letters to editor, editorials 12 ecological studies 15 studies with not preventable trigger (eg, circadian pattern, weekdays) 5 biomarker studies (population-based mechanistic) 8 not full papers, or papers that did not report risk estimates 2 papers double published 17 studies identified for inclusion 19 studies additionally identified by search terms: “myocardial infarction” and “case-crossover” or “time-series” 36 studies included in analysis Figure 1: Flow chart of included studies 733 Articles study assigned the effect of participation in traffic (as driver or passenger in a vehicle or as a cyclist) as a trigger of myocardial infarction.22 Although the findings of that study could be interpreted as an effect of exposure to traffic-related air pollution, the study did n Hazard period before MI episode Exposure metric 60 12 h Drinking any alcohol Mean age (years) not provide quantitative data for air pollution nor control for other traffic-related stressors (eg, noise, stress due to driving, or congestion). Consequently, all that can be derived from that analysis is that participation in traffic might trigger myocardial infarction. Therefore, Exposure frequency in controls or control period* Odds ratio (95% CI) Attributable fraction of exposed people (95% CI) Alcohol Gerlich23 250 3·2% 3·1 (1·4–6·9) 67·7% (28·6–85·5) Anger 1623 61 2h Anger scale >5 (very angry, furious, or enraged) 1·0% 2·3 (1·7–3·2) 56·5% (41·2–68·8) Möller24 660 60 2h Anger scale >5 (very angry, furious, or enraged) 0·3% 5·7 (3·0–10·6) 52·3% (66·7–90·6) Strike3 295 60 2h Anger scale >5 (very angry, furious, or enraged) 6·7% 2·06 (1·12–3·92) 51·5% (10·7–74·5) Lipovetzky25 209 52 1h Anger scale >4 (moderately angry, hassled in voice) at workplace 0·6% 9·0 (1·1–71·0) 88·9% (9·1–98·5) 38 44 1h Person-time exposed to cocaine (average yearly exposure×1 h) 0·04% 23·7 (8·1–66·3) 95·8% (87·7–98·5) 503 57 1h Drinking coffee 10·6% 1·5 (1·2–1·9) 33·3% (16·7–47·4) 209 52 1h Standardised mood scale, PANAS questionnaire; emotions at workplace 1·0% 3·5 (0·7–16·8) 71·4% (0·0–94·0) 209 52 1h Standardised mood scale, PANAS questionnaire; emotions at workplace 0·6% 14 (1·8–106·5) 92·8%(44·4–99·1) Steptoe28 295 60 2h Depressed mood was assessed on a 5-point scale 6·1% 2·5 (1·05–6·5) 60·0% (4·8–84·6) Möller29 1381 59 24 h Work related stress: deadline 0·2% 6·0 (1·8–20·4) 83·3% (44·4–95·1) 209 52 1h Did you eat a meal much larger than usual? 0·4% 7·0 (0·8–66) 85·7% (0·0–98·5) 124 44 1h Smoking marijuana 0·2% 4·8 (2·9–9·5) 79·1% (65·5–89·5) Mittleman4 1228 62 1h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 0·7% 5·9 (4·6–7·7) 83·1% (78·3–87·0) Willich31 1194 61 1h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 3·9% 2·1 (1·1–3·6) 74·3% (9·1–72·2) 660 NR 1h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 1·9% 3·3 (2·4–4·5) 69·7% (58·3–77·8) 79·6% (73·0–84·6) Mittleman2 Cocaine use Mittleman26 Coffee Baylin27 Emotions (positive) Lipovetsky25 Emotions (negative) Lipovetsky25 Heavy meal Lipovetzky30 Marijuana Mittleman5 Physical exertion Hallqvist32 Baylin33 530 57 1h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 2·3% 4·94 (3·73–6·54) Strike3 295 60 1h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 2·8% 3·5 (1·4–10·6) 71·4% (28·6–90·6) 1301 61† 2h ≥6 metabolic equivalents 5·7 (3·6–9·0) 82·4% (72·2–89·0) Von Klot34 ~3% Respiratory infection 1–10 days Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and productive cough 1·04% 2·7 (1·6–4·7) 62·9% (37·5–78·7) 72† 1–3 days Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, chest infections, influenza 0·3% 4·95 (4·43–5·53) 79·8% (76·7–81·8) 499 57 1–6 days NR 1·3% 1·48 (0·92–2·38) 32·4% (0·0–58·3) 11 155 71 1–7 days Acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and productive cough 0·3% 2·55 (1·71–3·80) 60·7% (41·2–73·7) Muller38 1633 61 2h Frequency of sexual activity 1·2% 2·5 (1·7–3·7) 60·0% (41·2–73·0) Baylin33 470 57 2h Frequency of sexual activity 0·3% 5·47 (2·71–11·0) 81·7% (63·0–90·9) Möller39 699 NR 1h Frequency of sexual activity 1·3% 2·1 (0·7–6·5) 52·4% (0·0–84·6) 625 60 1h Time spent in cars, on public transportation, and on motorcycles and bicycles 4·1% 2·92 (2·22–3·83) 65·8% (54·5–73·7) Meier35 Smeeth36 Baylin33 Clayton37 1922 20 921 ~60 Sexual activity Traffic exposure Peters22 MI=myocardial infarction. PANAS=positive and negative affect schedule. NR=not reported. *In the absence of detailed population surveys, the prevalence of exposure in the general population was estimated from the control group (for case-control studies) or the control period (for case-crossover studies). †Median. Table 1: Triggers for non-fatal myocardial infarction 734 Vol 377 February 26, 2011 Articles we analysed participation in traffic separately from air pollution. Of the four studies of respiratory infections, one study37 was based on the case-control design. The OR reported in this study (2·55, 95% CI 1·71–3·80) and did not differ significantly from the overall combined estimate of three case-crossover studies33,35,36 (2·77, 1·25–6·12). The combined estimate for anger was driven mainly by the observations of Lipovetzky and colleagues;25 after exclusion of this study, the combined estimate dropped to 2·91 (1·66–5·09). The combined estimate for negative emotions was driven by Steptoe and colleagues’ study,28 after exclusion of this study the combined estimate increased from 4·46 (1·85–10·8) to 7·49 (2·64–21·3). The combined estimates for physical exertion, respiratory infection, and sexual activity did not show heterogeneity of effects across studies (data not shown). We identified 14 studies12–15,20,21,40–47 relating particulate matter air pollution with non-fatal myocardial infarction. Seven studies14,20,21,40–42,46 were time-series analyses and seven studies12,13,15,43–45,47 were case-crossover studies (table 3). For the 14 studies, the combined risk estimate included 593 480 individuals and was 1·02 (95% CI 1·01–1·02; p≤0·0001) for an increase of 10 μg/m³ in PM10. The corresponding pooled OR for an increase of 30 μg/m³ was 1·05 (1·03–1·07). Estimates were not affected by exclusion of two studies19,40,46 for which the association size was reported as non-significant, but details of the statistical variables were not available. Exclusion of Barnett et al12 led to a drop in the pooled OR to 1·013 (1·007–1·0019; p≤0·0001), whereas the pooled estimate increased to 1·019 (1·010–1·027; p≤0·0001) after exclusion of the study of Zanobetti and colleagues.47 The combined estimate expressed for a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM10 was 1·01 (1·00–1·02) for time-series studies and 1·03 (1·01–1·03) for case-crossover studies. For all the triggers studied, the ORs were inversely associated with their exposure prevalence (table 2; r=–0·81; p<0·0001), indicating that high risks are infrequent, whereas low risks are frequent. Triggers ordered from the highest to the lowest OR were: use of cocaine, heavy meal, smoking of marijuana, negative emotions, physical exertion, positive emotions, alcohol, anger, sexual activity, traffic exposure, respiratory infections, coffee consumption, and air pollution (table 2). When the estimated prevalence of exposure within the population was taken into account, the highest attributable fractions were calculated for participation in traffic, followed by a 30 μg/m³ change in PM10, physical exertion, and coffee consumption (figure 2). The PAF for participation in traffic alone was 7·36% (95% CI 4·81–10·49) (table 2). A change of 30 μg/m³ in the daily mean PM10 would be associated with a 4·8% (2·6–7·1) change in incidence of myocardial infarction, and a change in PM10 by only 10 μg/m³ would be expected to change incidence by 1·6% (0·9–2·4). A change of 1 μg/m³ in PM10 would result in a change in myocardial Vol 377 February 26, 2011 Prevalence of exposure* OR† (95% CI) PAF (95% CI) Air pollution, 10 μg/m³ reduction (n=11)† 100% 1·02 (1·01–1·02) 1·57% (0·89 to 2·15) Air pollution, 30 μg/m³ reduction (n=11)† 100% 1·05 (1·03–1·07) 4·76% (2·63 to 6·28) 5·03% (2·91 to 7·06) Alcohol 3·2% 3·1 (1·4–6·9) Anger (n=4)† 1·5% 3·11 (1·8–5·4) 3·07% (1·19 to 6·16) Cocaine use 0·04% 23·7 (8·1–66·3) 0·90% (0·28 to 2·55) Coffee 10·6% 1·5 (1·2–1·9) 5·03% (2·08 to 8·71) Emotions positive 1·0% 3·5 (0·7–16·8) 2·44% (–0·30 to 13·64) Emotions negative (n=3)† 1·2% 4·46 (1·85–10·77) 3·92% (0·99 to 10·34) Heavy meal 0·5% 7·00 (0·8–66) 2·69% (–0·09 to 23·00) Marijuana 0·2% 4·8 (2·9–9·5) 0·75% (0·38 to 1·67) Physical exertion (n=6)† 2·4% 4·25 (3·17–5·68) 6·16% (4·20 to 8·64) Respiratory infection (n=4)† 0·4% 2·73 (1·51—4 95) 0·57% (0·17 to 1·29) Sexual activity (n=2)† 1·1% 3·11 (1·79–5·43) 2·21% (0·84 to 4·53) Traffic exposure 4·1% 2·92 (2·22–3·83) 7·36% (4·81 to 10·49) OR=odds ratio. PAF=population attributable fraction. *Prevalence was based on control time window. It was estimated from the control group (for case-control studies) or the control period (for case-crossover studies). When several studies existed for a same trigger, the average prevalence of the risk factor was calculated by weighting by the sample size of each study. For triggers studied in more than one study, the prevalence was based on the weighted average. †OR based on pooled OR and prevalence based on weighted means. Individual estimates are given in tables 1 and 3. Table 2: Prevalence of exposure within the population, pooled OR, and PAF for the studied triggers of myocardial infarction Design n Hazard period before MI episode OR (95% CI) for 10 μg/m3 increase Linn41 Time series Peters43 Case-crossover ~51 465 24 h 1·01 (1·00–1·01) 772 24 h Ye46 1·18 (1·04–1·36) Time series ~7380 24 h NS Mann42 Time series 19 690 24 h 1·00 (0·99–1·01) Koken40 Time series ~4073 24 h NS Sullivan45* Case-crossover 5793 24 h 1·01 (0·99–1·05) Zanobetti47 Case-crossover 302 453 24 h 1·01 (1·00–1·01) Peters15 Case-crossover 851 24 h 1·02 (0·97–1·06) Pope44 Case-crossover 4818 24 h 1·02 (1·01–1·05) Zanobetti13* Case-crossover 15 578 24 h 1·10 (1·01–1·20) Cendon21 Time series 24 h (ICU) 24 h (infirmary) 1·03 (1·02–1·09) 1·05 (1·00-1·10) Lanki20 Time series 24 h 1·00 (0·99–1·01) Barnett12* Case-crossover ~30 660 24 h (age ≥65 years) 1·05 (1·02–1·08) Zanobetti14* Time series 121 652 48 h 1·02 (1·01–1·02) 593 480 .. 1·02 (1·01–1·02) Combined estimate 724 717 26 854 MI=myocardial infarction. OR=odds ratio. NS=not significant but no details were reported. ICU=intensive care unit. PM2.5=particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter of 2·5 μm or less. PM10=particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter of 10 μm or less. *Based on PM2.5 and converted into PM10, with the assumption that 70% of PM10 consists of PM2.5. Table 3: Characteristics of the studies on particulate air pollution and non-fatal myocardial infarction infarction incidence by 0·16% (0·09–0·24). Ranking of the other triggers showed PAFs from highest to lowest for physical exertion, alcohol, coffee, negative emotions, anger, heavy meal, positive emotions, sexual activity, cocaine use, marijuana smoking, and respiratory 735 Articles 10 PAF (%) 8 Traffic exposure or participation in traffic 6 4 Air pollution 30 μg/m3 Coffee Anger 2 Physical exertion Alcohol Sexual activity Air pollution 10 μg/m3 Negative emotions Positive emotions Heavy meal Cocaine use Marijuana use Respiratory infections 0 1·00 1·58 2·51 3·98 6·31 10·0 15·8 25·1 38·1 OR Figure 2: Relation between OR and the PAF for each studies trigger PAFs were calculated and reported with their 95% CI (error bars). Not significant triggers show 95% CIs that are lower than 0%. X-axis is log scale, and ORs are given as anti-logs. OR=odds ratio. PAF=population attributable fraction. infections (table 2). PAFs differed only marginally when we assumed that PM10 consisted of 50% of PM2.5 instead of 70% (PAF for a 10 μg/m³ changed from 1·6% when we used a factor of 0·7 to 1·2% when with a factor of 0·5). We assumed that the respective changes in air pollution affect 100% of the population. Discussion Of the triggers for myocardial infarction studied, cocaine is the most likely to trigger an event in an individual, but traffic has the greatest population effect as more people are exposed to the trigger. Clinical, epidemiological, and experimental studies increase our knowledge of triggers, but they do not indicate their relevance in terms of public health. This knowledge can be obtained by calculation of PAFs, which give a measure of how much disease would be avoided if the risk was no longer present.11 No agreement exists about how long before the onset of symptoms an activity can take place to be regarded as an acute trigger rather than a more general causal factor. Trigger studies typically assess activities in the period ranging from a few minutes to 24 h before the onset of myocardial infarction or, in the case of infections, a few days before onset. Of the relevant studies identified, three-quarters used the case-crossover design. The casecrossover design represents a powerful approach to study acute health effects.48–50 The major advantage of the approach is the ability to control for confounding. In the case-crossover design, all the individuals studied had the event. The hazard period is defined as the average time that is relevant for the acute effect of the event, and this period is compared with control times. Identification of the timing of events is crucial to identify the roles of short-term potential triggers, such as anger, and data from hospital interviews are needed to establish the time of onset of the myocardial infarction. Our study shows that the highest PAFs for myocardial infarction were related to participation in traffic, and to a 30 μg/m³ change in PM10. However, the effect of a decrease in PM10 736 of only 10 μg/m³ was still within the range of the public health relevance of the other known triggers. Results for both participation in traffic and air pollution expressed as PM10 need to be interpreted with caution. The study that assessed participation in traffic as a trigger of myocardial infarction did not have measurements of air pollution.22 Hence, to what extent air pollutants, stress, noise, or other factors related to commuting could explain the associations is unclear. Our impact assessment for air pollution is based on two scenarios, a decrease by 30 μg/m³ or 10 μg/m³ in the daily mean PM10. Other scenarios will obviously change the results, and a locally relevant scenario for PM10 should be used to compare its relevance with the other public health issues. Obviously, the high PAF for outdoor air pollution is essentially driven by our assumption that the prevalence of exposure to this risk is 100%. This assumption is reasonable since people cannot avoid exposure to air pollution and because the epidemiological studies generally assign the outdoor average level to everyone. Moreover, we quantified the risk in terms of a change in air pollution, and given that the shape of the relation between daily mortality and changes in daily PM10 is linear without a threshold,6 our model is applicable to many populations. Although air pollution is a mixture of several pollutants, epidemiological evidence suggests that PM per se might have an important role in the causation of adverse effects. The effects detected with other indicators of pollution such as nitric oxide might indicate exposure to PM as well, but they are narrowed to a specific source. By selecting PM10 as a common indicator, we aimed to capture all effects of different sources and components of PM that might trigger myocardial infarction. Our assessment of PM10 is based solely on the acute effects of pollution. Animal studies51 and some crosssectional observations52 show that particulate pollution could also be an underlying cause of the development of atherosclerosis,53 and one study54 reported an association of PM and traffic proximity with 2–3 years of progression Vol 377 February 26, 2011 Articles of intimamedia thickness, an accepted marker of atherogenesis. Thus, the real PAFs for air pollution are substantially higher when its chronic effects are taken into account in addition to the acute effects.55 Our estimated PAF should be interpreted within the context of its limitations. The prevalence of triggers within the studied populations might differ from that in the general population; consequently, the ranking of the factors might also differ. In our selection of studies we did not take quality into account. Clearly, some triggers are defined less accurately than others, thus providing potentially less robust risk estimates. This is particularly true for qualitative triggers such as emotions, and for triggers such as cocaine use. However, we decided not to attribute quality scores to the published studies or to exclude methodologically poor articles and we took heterogeneity of the results into account when applicable. Some well documented triggers of myocardial infarction, such as earthquakes,56,57 Football World Cup,57 exposure to environmental tobacco smoke,58,59 outdoor temperature60–63 and participation in wars64,65 were not amenable for inclusion in our analysis because they have only been studied at the aggregate (or ecological) level, and not by means of case-crossover, time series, or case-control studies in which the relation between risk factor and outcome can be assessed within individuals. The time between the exposure to the trigger and the onset of a cardiac event can vary substantially. Extension of the hazard period to longer durations can lead to an increase in the prevalence of trigger-mediated myocardial infarction. Anger, for example, was reported to precede 2% and 8% of acute myocardial infarctions in the 2 h and 24 h before the onset of symptoms, respectively.4 Different triggering factors, such as stress, physical activity, and air pollution could interact. Interaction between triggers has not been addressed directly but two studies22,34 provide indirect evidence of such interactions. In Peters and colleagues’ study,22 participation in traffic was used as a marker of exposure to traffic-related air pollution; the risk was higher in cyclists (3·94, 95% CI 2·14–7·24) than in those who used cars (2·60, 1·89–3·57), suggesting an interaction between physical activity and exposure to traffic-related air pollution. In another study,34 the odds ratio for acute myocardial infarction onset was significantly higher when physical exertion was done outdoors (10, 4·3–24) than indoors (2·3, 1·2–4·4). A possible explanation for this finding is an interaction between physical exertion and environmental stressors such as air pollution or outdoor temperature. The age distribution between some risk factors and the age of onset of myocardial infarction might differ. Studies of cocaine use,26 marijuana,5 positive emotions,25 and heavy meal30 had a lower mean age (<52 years) than did most of the other studies (about 60 years). Sixth, air pollution is a continuous exposure66,67 whereas other risk triggers are usually reported as dichotomous. The Vol 377 February 26, 2011 scenario of 30 μg/m³ reduction does not apply for all cities (eg, Scandinavian cities where PM10 <20 μg/m³). Assumption of only a 5 μg/m³ decrease in daily PM10 in countries with lower average concentrations of particulate matter might prevent 1% (95% CI 0·5–1·2) of all myocardial infarctions. As most of the studied triggers are based on questionnaires, only non-fatal events can be studied. Therefore, we included only studies of non-fatal events of myocardial infarction. However, results from two large studies68,69 in which air pollution was a trigger of fatal myocardial infarction showed similar estimates as did our meta-analysis based on non-fatal endpoints. Some triggers, such as physical activity or air pollution, have been studied many times whereas for others such as cocaine use, we have only one report. Finally, some triggers should be interpreted within the context of their role in prevention of myocardial infarction. Thus, that regular physical activity protects against coronary heart disease is well established. Studies show that physical exertion acts as a strong trigger of myocardial infarction, mainly in those who do not regularly exercise. For Europe 62·4% of European adults are estimated to be inactive, ranging from 43·3% (Sweden) to 87·7% (Portugal).70 Similarly, regular moderate alcohol consumption without heavy drinking has a protective effect for myocardial infarction. However, the effect of alcohol consumption before the event has received little attention, and we retrieved only one study.23 Both during heat waves and cold spells, morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders rise,61–63 but the temperature with the lowest population mortality is country specific.71,72 Assuming that 2·7% of days of a year are hot days (30°C or more), as observed in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and Northern France,61,63 and assuming a relative risk (RR) of 1·25,60 our approach would assign 0·7% of the myocardial infarctions to heat waves. The observed heat-related effects in some studies might partly be explained by exposure to ozone, as the incidence of myocardial infarction rose by 5·0% per 5 μg/m³ increase in daily ozone concentrations.73 A recent analysis of UK data74 showed an effect of cold weather rather than heat. On days below the average temperature, the risk of myocardial infarction was about 4% higher (lag 0–1). Assuming 50% of days of a year are below the used reference (in this study average temperature of 11°C) and assuming a RR of 1·04 below this temperature (lag 0–1 or average across lag 2–7), our approach would assign 2% of myocardial infarctions to the colder period of the year. We were not able to quantify the role of passive smoking as a trigger of myocardial infarction in our analysis, because this type of trigger has not been studied in individuals. However, as with polluted ambient air, environmental tobacco smoke is largely composed of an aerosol of particles derived from combustion, therefore, our conclusions for outdoor air pollution and those for 737 Articles passive smoking mutually support each other, even in terms of the relative magnitudes of the effect.75 Pooled aggregated data showed that after the implementation of legal smoking bans in public places, the rate of admittance to hospital for acute myocardial infarction during the following 12 months decreased by 17% (95% CI 20–13) on average.59 With the assumption of a causal relation between present levels of air pollution and morbidity or mortality, our analysis shows that the magnitude of the effect of realistic changes in PM10 is comparable with the effect of prevention of other well appreciated triggers. Participation in traffic was the most important trigger at the population level. In view of the uncertainty of its meaning (air pollution, stress, or a combination) further research is needed into this trigger. Our estimates are conservative and realistic for many countries. Most urban areas worldwide have PM10 concentrations greater than the WHO target of 20 μg/m³, with a change in the population mean PM10 of 10 μg/m³ being achievable, and in most large cities a decrease of at least 30 μg/m³ will be needed to match the WHO guidelines set to protect public health. A more accurate, but much more complex computation of benefits would need knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollution. However, the simplified model using the average reduction for all 365 days will result in the same means in PAF if the risk function is linear. In conclusion, we identified that acute effects of both participation in traffic and exposure to particulate matter air pollution are substantial contributors to the triggering of myocardial infarction in the population. Improvement of the air we breath is a very relevant target to reduce the incidence of this disease in the general population. Contributors TN, BN, LP, and NK designed the study. TN and LP constructed the database with the help of EM and did statistical analyses. TN and LP wrote the first draft. All authors took part in the interpretation of the results and prepared the final version. Conflicts of interest We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. Acknowledgments The research on air pollution and health at Hasselt University is supported by a grant from the Flemish Scientific Fund (FWO, Krediet aan navorsers), tUL-impulse financing, and bijzonder onderzoeksfonds (BOF) and at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven by the sustainable development programme of BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy). References 1 Kauhanen J, Kaplan GA, Goldberg DE, Salonen JT. Beer binging and mortality: results from the Kuopio ischaemic heart disease risk factor study, a prospective population based study. 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