A P ijopp Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice
A P ijopp Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice ijopp Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF A P T I Dr. Shobha Rani R. Hiremath shobha24@yahoo.com ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. G. Parthasarathi partha18@airtelmail.in Dr. Pramil Tiwari ptiwari@niper.ac.in ASSISTANT EDITORS Mr. Jaiprakash S. Vastrad jsvastrad@gmail.com Mr. Ramjan Shaik ramjanshaik@gmail.com EDITORIAL OFFICE INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE An Official Publication of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India H.Q.: Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Opp. Lalbagh Main Gate, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560 027, INDIA Mobile: +91 9845399431 | +91 9845659585 | +91 9878488050 | +91 9972588878 +91 9916069842 | Ph: +91 80 22107467; Fax: +91 80 22225834 www.ijopp.org || ijopp@rediffmail.com Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice ijopp Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Anil Kumar, Chattisgarh Dr. Atmaram P. Pawar, Pune Dr. Claire Anderson, Nottingham,UK. Dr. Dhanalakshmi Iyer, Mumbai Prof. Ganachari M S, Belgaum Dr. Geeta.S, Bangalore Dr. Hukkeri V.I, Ratnagiri (Dist) Dr. Krathish Bopanna, Bangalore Prof. Mahendra Setty C.R, Bangalore Dr. Miglani B D, New Delhi Dr. Mohanta G.P., Annamalai Nagar Dr. Nagavi B.G, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE Dr. Nalini Pais, Bangalore Dr. Rajendran S.D, Hyderabad Dr. Ramananda S.Nadig, Bangalore Dr. Revikumar K G, Cochin Dr. Sampada Patawardhan, Mumbai Dr. Sriram. S, Coimbatore Dr. Sreekant Murthy, Philadelphia, USA Dr. Sunitha C. Srinivas, Grahamstown, RSA Dr. Suresh B, Mysore Dr. Tipnis H.P, Mumbai Disclaimer: The editor-in-chief does not claim any responsibility, liability for statements made and opinions expressed by authors Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice ijopp Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 CONTENTS Editorial Review Articles = Obesity: Increased risk of chronic non-communicable diseases in South Africa and India Sunitha C Srinivas, Natisha Dukhi, Wendy Wrench------------------------------------------------------------------1-7 l Introducing Pharm. D. Programme in India: A Need of the Day Patil J S, Kulkarni RV, Marapur SC, Dalavi VV---------------------------------------------------------------------8-12 = Biochemical Tests in Pregnancy Babitha K Vazhayil, Jayakrishnan SS------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-15 = Introducing Pharm. D. Programme in India: A Need of the Day Mahvash Iram, Shobha Rani R Hiremath--------------------------------------------------------------------------16-18 Research Articles = Retrospective Patient Data Analysis with Respect to Irresponsible Self-Medication in a Community Pharmacy Setting in Taiping (Malaysia) Sam A T, Naga Jothy Nagesvararao, Nager Devi Vampanan, Sharon T X X S, Arumugam D-----------------19-30 = Impact on the outcome of pharmacotherapy of senior Indian inpatients: A pharmacist led intervention Mandavi1, Padmavathi R, Mangu R, Pramil T, Vinay K----------------------------------------------------------31 -37 l Impact of patient education on health related quality of life of dialysis patients Ramani GK, Dholakiya RB, Patel GF------------------------------------------------------------------------------38-41 Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice ijopp Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 = Safety and efficacy of amiodarone in arrhythmias – a prospective study in the South Indian population Vasantha Janardhan, Kousalya K, Ramalakshmi S, Vanitha Rani N, Kannan G, Jyothsna G, Uma MRC----42 -47 = Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of artesunate-amodiaquine and artesunate- mefloquine artemisininbased combination therapies. Adepoju GKA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48-52 l Utilization of Third Generation Cephalosporins in Multispeciality Teaching Hospital, Dehradun Rekha Bisht, Bhattacharya S, Katiyar A--------------------------------------------------------------------------53-57 = Effect of combination of steroids, antibiotic and emollient on atopic dermatitis lesions Sabry EY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------58-63 Case Report = Adverse drug reactions in geriatric patient with chronic asthma Dixon T, Seeba Zachariah, Molly M, Vijaya RC-----------------------------------------------------------------64-66 Instructions to Authors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------67-70 Editorial Dear Readers, Greetings from the Editorial board of ijopp. Although we received a good number of articles in the last six months, it was very unfortunate that only less than fifty percent of the articles were of quality. Thus we appeal to all the contributors to send us quality articles. We also noticed that many of the contributors do not follow the norms while preparing the manuscript especially with respect to titles, tables, figures and references which becomes a huge problem while formatting. Contributors, kindly take care of this. Another major problem that we are facing is most of our reviewers are not getting back to us with their comments on time. Also the authors are not resubmitting the articles immediately after including the necessary corrections. Due to these problems it is becoming difficult for us to meet the deadlines with respect to publishing the journal. Journal publication being a team work involving various stake holders such as authors, reviewers and editors, co-ordination at all levels is required for the prompt publication of the journal. We once again appeal to all concerned to co-operate and follow the deadlines for the smooth and timely publication of the journal. Dr. Shobha Rani R.Hiremath Editor-in-chief Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Obesity: Increased risk of chronic non-communicable diseases in South Africa and India Sunitha C Srinivas, Natisha Dukhi, Wendy Wrench Faculty of Pharmacy, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140 Address for Correspondence: s.srinivas@ru.ac.za Abstract Although the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) is increasing, CNCDs were not included in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (2000) which focussed on the major global challenges of communicable diseases, child and maternal health and poverty-related issues along with strengthening health policies. Although some countries have since incorporated CNCDs into the MDGs, this has not happened globally, a matter which requires urgent attention. Obesity and physical inactivity are risk factors for some CNCDs such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The incidence of these risk factors is increasing in developing countries such as India and South Africa with an increase in urbanization and the influence of Westernization playing an important role. Cultural influences may also play a role in the increase in obesity e.g. in South Africa, being overweight or obese is associated with affluence and happiness in some cultures. The World Health Assembly Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (2004) provides guidelines to reduce global disease, deaths and CNCD risk factors, with an emphasis on improvement of diet and physical activity promotion. To reduce the incidence of CNCDs, these guidelines should be implemented using a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach. Key words: Obesity, chronic non-communicable diseases, Millennium Development Goals. Global health risks, the World Health Organisation's upcoming report on global and regional mortality and disease burden, identifies the following five leading risk factors that account for one-quarter of all deaths in the world and one-fifth of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs): being underweight in childhood, unsafe sex, alcohol use, unsafe water and sanitation and high blood pressure1. Global health is in a state of transition, with Chronic Non Communicable Diseases (CNCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, causing double the number of deaths ascribable to infectious diseases2,3. Exposure to unhealthy dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle, especially among indigent urban populations, increases the risk of CNCDs4. Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity risk factors are the result of a complex interplay of various factors that include irregular, unbalanced meals; aggressive fast food marketing; sedentary lifestyles; adverse economic, social and environmental conditions; urbanization; industrialization and global trade5,6,7. During the 20th century in most regions around the world, an extensive range of demographic and socio-economic shifts has resulted in major changes in diet and physical activity. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 21/08/200 9 Accepted on 23/12/2009 © APTI All rights reserved There has been a steady increase in the consumption of partially hydrogenated fats, refined carbohydrates, and a substantial decrease in consumption of whole grains, fibre, fruits and vegetables8,9. Also, increasingly, food is seen by many people as a beauty and health tool or emotional medication and not as providing nutritional satisfaction10. Physical activity has been greatly reduced by urbanization, industrialization and mechanized forms of transport9. Approximately 1.9 million deaths occur among populations annually due to physical inactivity11. People with lifelong habits of reduced physical activity and unhealthy diets have an increased risk of obesity and this in turn leads to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance12 which ultimately can cause cardiovascular diseases (CVD), type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, osteoarthritis and some forms of cancer13,14. The CVD burden is increasing rapidly in middle and low income countries and affects young economically productive people. If the overwhelming CNCD risk factors are addressed adequately, quality of life may be increased15. In the last five decades, unhealthy weight prevalence has been increasing steadily, and obesity is reaching epidemic levels in both developing and developed countries16,17. Obesity has presented as the most prevalent global nutritional problem over the last two decades, 1 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 eclipsing infectious diseases and under-nutrition as a significant mortality and ill-health contributor. Globally an estimated 1 billion adults are overweight, with 300 million of them being obese17. An estimated 155 million obese children contribute to this epidemic18. Obese children tend to become obese adults. Obesity-related health problems occur in the early years of life and progress into adulthood14. Obesity results in some non-fatal but incapacitating health problems such as respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility but most significantly results in four main areas of lifethreatening health problems: CVDs; conditions associated with insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes; certain types of cancers, especially the hormonally related and large-bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease. The World Health Report of 2002 highlighted that globally, approximately 58% of diabetic cases, 21% of ischaemic heart disease cases and 8-42% of certain cancers were attributable to a body mass index (BMI) above 21 kg/m2 (12) . In 2005, 60% of all deaths in the world were attributed to CNCDs, which caused an estimated 35 million of the 58 million global deaths. It has to be noted that CNCDs account for double the number of deaths from all infectious diseases (including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies combined3,19. It is equally important to note that of the 60% global mortality, 80% of CNCD related mortality rates occur in 23 middle and low income countries, which include South Africa and India20. These appalling statistics when viewed against the popular misconception that CNCDs affect only populations in high income countries, shows the major challenges that countries like South Africa and India face due to the double burden of infectious diseases along with CNCDs. In order to address the global health challenges, the Alma Ata declaration of 'Health for all' was followed up by Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)21,22. The UN Millennium declaration was signed by 189 countries in 2000 and was developed into the MDGs23. The eight MDGs emerged to assist in focusing attention on major global challenges of communicable diseases, child and maternal health and poverty-related issues along with strengthening health policies24. While the public health and medical communities can rejoice that three of the eight MDG goals are specifically health focused, it is extremely important to note that CNCDs have not been included within the global MDG targets 1 5 , 2 4 . Prioritization and investing in CNCD prevention as well as management is misconceived to remove the emphasis from communicable disease11,15. Countries with poor health status are far from the health targets, are unlikely to make any progress substantially, and are unlikely to achieve the MDGs by 201523, especially in sub-Saharan Africa25. As a way forward to deal with CNCDs which are the major cause of adult illness and death, some countries are adapting their MDG goals to incorporate CNCDs. Countries such as the Czech Republic, Mauritius, Poland and Thailand have included new indicators such as heart disease prevalence and death rates to monitor their MDGs while countries such as Hungary, Indonesia, Jordan and Lithuania have started noting the importance of chronic diseases in their countries' MDGs. This is an important step forward in addressing this immense challenge3. South Africa: Since 1996, after overcoming the Apartheid era, South Africa has been investing resources in collecting valuable data that informs the current situation, highlights various health care challenges and paves the path for addressing the enormous challenges in the area of CNCDs along with other health related problems. A few of the important strategies and studies are highlighted below: ? The introduction of the Outcome Based Education (OBE) systems implemented at schools resulted in life skills being integrated into the curriculum. In 1997 both HIV/AIDS and life skills education commenced as part of the Department of Health's initiative26. Stakeholders noted that communication as part of information exchange in health education was important and not only based on HIV/AIDS but included various other health issues of importance27. Health promotion activities in schools have been recognized as an effective way of addressing health related awareness in the community28. ? The 1999 National Food Consumption Survey (NFCS), documented the prevalence of being overweight at 17% and this increased concerns regarding the nutrition transition, CNCDs and its association to 29 urbanization . CNCDs are the leading causal agents of death in every region of the world except lowestincome countries and sub-Saharan Africa. While HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death in South Africa, CVD is ranked first in women's burden of 15 disease . 2 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 ? According to data from the South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) in 1998, as education levels increase so do unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity due to urbanization and other related factors30. This suggests that access to education does not necessarily translate to a greater awareness about healthy lifestyle. ? Obesity emergence especially in Black African women has been documented in studies over recent years31.The 1998 SADHS revealed that 56% of women and 29% of men were either overweight or obese. Comparing urban and rural situations, 33% of urban women and 25% of non-urban women were identified as either overweight or obese32. ? In 2000, a study of BMI contributing to an estimated disease burden was conducted among the four population groups of South Africa. This study highlighted the similarity among Coloured, Indian and White populations who subsisted on a diet high in fat and sugar, and low in fibre and carbohydrate. This study also reveals that while urban Black Africans tend to consume a western diet, rural Black Africans tend to follow a traditional diet high in carbohydrates and fibre but low in simple sugars and fat32. Traditional perceptions and culture regarding body size promote the use of food rich in fat and sugar. In Black communities, being overweight has positive connotations and is considered a sign of happiness and affluence33. Black women are feeling the pressure mounting on them as they are subjected to the norms of Westernization, whereas local tradition emphasizes the desirability of a larger body size. Also, a thin figure is associated with sickness and being HIV positive34. ? In 2001, a South African report discussing 'Poverty and chronic diseases' highlights that as people get richer, obesity and hypertension emerge as risk factors. Therefore it is important to protect poor people from these risk factors because economic progress and upward social mobility increases the risk of major changes in diet and physical activity35. ? In the 2002 National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey with adolescents, overweight prevalence was documented at 17% and postulated to be due to increased energy-dense food consumption and low physical activity levels. Nationally 37.5% of adolescents have shown no or very little physical activity and this confirms the decrease in physical 29 activity . ? The 2003 SADHS was carried out as a follow up survey to the 1998 SADHS. These surveys assist in tracking changes in the population's health status, identifying risk factors as well as in understanding if health services are accessible and utilised by the population. The 2003 SADHS survey highlights that being overweight or obese has not changed since 1998 and remain particularly high for women. Fifty five% of women and 30% of men aged 15 and above are overweight or obese and the survey also points out that currently there is considerable evidence of health problems associated with excess bodyweight which highlights the urgent need to initiate healthier environments and lifestyles among all ages. It is interesting to note that for the first time in the SADHS, physical activity was measured compared to other countries. It is not surprising that the survey shows very high levels of inactivity, especially in urban settings, with 48% of men and 63 % women in South Africa being inactive. This data is extremely important to set the trend in understanding the reasons behind this behaviour and then setting agenda to change it so as to avoid the resulting burden of diseases36. In 2004, a Multi-sectoral National Health Lifestyle Task Force was established and a strategy document was drafted in 2005 which is currently in the advocacy stage. In 2004, government and private sectors, NGOs and tertiary institutions convened for the Youth Charter on Physical Activity Sport Stakeholder Workshop, which resulted in drafting the Youth Charter and constituting a steering committee37. As part of the Healthy Lifestyle initiative of the Department of Health, “Vuka South Africa” was formed in 2005 with the intention of expanding health education, identifying benefits of fitness and promotion of physical activity. The Move for Health core message is the encouragement of individuals to participate in 30 minutes of moderate physical activity as many times in a week as possible38. In South Africa, although policies and guidelines for the management and prevention of CNCDs have been developed, their successful implementation at the provincial and local levels has yet to be achieved39. Inadequate staff and training, short consultation times, infrequent use of clinical treatment guidelines, little patient education in regard to self-care and low rates of regular clinic attendance and adherence to medication are some of the factors that constrain the management of these chronic conditions40. In addition, attitudes of health care professionals and patients may hinder optimal prevention and management of CNCDs such as hypertension and diabetes41,42. 3 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 India: WHO Global info base, a data warehouse that collects, stores and displays information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states reports that 15.2% of females and 16.8% of males fall into the overweight/obesity range = 25 kg/m² (43). In India, 1024.9% of women aged 30 and above fall into the overweight range (BMI equal to or greater that 25 kg/m2) whereas as in South Africa in 2005, more than 75% of women fell into this category. It has been projected that by 2015, the number of overweight women in India will increase to 25-49.9% which will have dire consequences w.r.t. the prevalence of CNCDs3. It is important to note that overweight is more prevalent among female, urban and high-socioeconomic-status (SES) groups44 and the prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and coronary artery disease is two- to threefold greater in the urban population than in rural populations45. A WHO report highlights that in 2005, projected death rates from CVDs in India was 400 per 100,000 when compared to less than 100 per 100,000 from HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. This data highlights the myth that 'Low and middle income countries should control infectious diseases before chronic diseases'. CNCDs are preventable and therefore it is important to adopt health promotion strategies rather than wait until the challenges of infectious diseases have been addressed. India has to guard again another misunderstanding that 'Chronic diseases affect old people'. The statistics show that projected chronic disease death rates in 2005 for people aged 30-69 years were close to 700 per 100,000 in India whereas it was only 500 per 100,000 in China. A common misunderstanding that 'Chronic diseases affect men more than women' has to be reconsidered because global statistics show that projected global coronary heart disease deaths in 2005 affected not only 53% men but also 47% women. In the light of all these statistics it is important to consider that chronic disease prevention strategies are cost-effective and have to be implemented without delay3. The WHO is estimating an increase of 42% in the number of diabetics in the developed countries but an enormous increase of 170% in developing countries by 2025. Among the various regions that will be most affected by this increase is the South East Asia region which is expected to carry the maximum global burden of diabetes46. India requires urgent policy and regulatory governmental interventions along with societal and individual management of obesity and cardio vascular diseases to sustain the economic boom with health population to avert the growing epidemic due to increased risk factors which range from urbanization to possible genetic predisposition due to lipoprotein (a) excess47. If urgent attention is not paid to these epidemic health challenges, increasing trends of CNCDs such as CVDs and diabetes will result in calamitous consequences for developing countries like China, India and the Russian Federation which are expected to lose between $200 billion and $550 billion in national income over the next 10 years3. Way forward: The World Health Assembly Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (2004) provides guidelines to reduce global disease, deaths and CNCD risk factors, with improvement of diet and physical activity promotion, resulting in effective preventative interventions. The way forward is drafting and implementing action plans and policies from global to community levels48. As part of the CNCD action plan, various responses are necessary at national level which include: research capacity promotion; health-related socio-economic, environmental and behavioural policies; policies in public and private sectors; capacity building; addressing health inequalities and burden of disease monitoring 49 .This global strategy uses experience, evidence and the best practices of countries that are addressing CNCD prevention, along with health, physical activity and nutrition knowledge from developed and developing nations. Thus countries can choose from a policy 'toolbox', with the strategy emphasizing that a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach to CNCD reduction is needed to decrease the global disease burden4. Therefore the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health must be implemented at a national level11. Scope exists for the dietary and environmental factors of obesity prevalence to be better understood by researchers. Many countries lack the necessary data, particularly for children, as it is in this population group that unhealthy diet and physical inactivity have increased noticeably. Obesity co-morbidities and the BMIs of the various ethnic groups need identification, along with documentation of obesity high risk factors in populations50. A grounded protocol that addresses the major knowledge gaps needing to be filled with emphasis on risk factors in all populations is an 4 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 For nutritious food selection, knowledge and support is necessary for communities. Necessary healthy diet messages must be creatively conveyed to target groups. Where the resources of government are poor, effective working partnerships between NGOs, schools, families, health professionals, policy makers, corporate leaders, key leaders, government stakeholders, faith-based organizations and local communities are vital to initiate, develop and implement intervention51,52,17. There is a need for operational research to develop effective communitybased prevention programmes as part of interventions53. Specifically, the Health and Education Departments, as government stakeholders, play an important role in facilitating the understanding of the contributing risk factors for diet and decreased physical activity in children and adults17. Interventions focusing on the risk factors make CNCDs preventable and accomplish improvement, which can reduce morbidity, mortality and disability, leading to more positive health outcomes54. It is estimated that by the year 2020, lifestyle-related CNCDs will account for 60% of the burden of disease, and 70% of deaths worldwide, if adequate health promotion intervention programs are not established. It is possible to reduce mortality rates by 2% annually during the 2006 - 2015 period if the global goal of CNCD prevention is achieved. This achievement would avert 24 million deaths in the 23 middle and low-income countries55. To reduce the chronic disease burden, modification of lifestyle, promotion of preventative measures in health care systems, improved dietary habits and physical activity, community-based interventions for all age groups, and initiatives to create awareness of risk factors in the most vulnerable sectors of the population are vital56,20. It is important for health systems to be developed to address all CNCDs together rather than in a “disease by disease” vertical pattern15. Although evidence indicates that there is feasibility in unhealthy lifestyle prevention in both children and adolescents, lack of information on intervention development, implementation and content, leads to inadequate intervention programme components being determined57. Also, generally nutrition programs tend to focus on children under five years of age, infants, lactating and pregnant mothers. School-going children are generally not included in these programs. This neglected group presents an opportunity for constructive intervention51. Nutrition education provided during childhood enables this group to begin making informed dietary behavior decisions. Thus, during these schoolgoing years, prevention of obesity is vital as juvenile obesity often worsens or begins during this period of accelerated growth58. REFERENCES: 1. Stevens G, Mascarenhas M, Mathers C. Global health risks: progress and challenges. Bulletin of World Health Organisation 2009;87:646. 2. Waxman A. WHO's global strategy on diet, physical activity and health, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition 2004;48(2):58-60. 3. WHO. Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment. 2005. Available at: http://www.who.int/ chp/chronic_disease_report/full_report.pdf. Accessed June 1, 2009. 4. Parker W. Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases. Available at: 2008. Accessed June 1, 2009. 5. Popkin BM. 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Diet and lifestyle guidelines and desirable levels of risk factors for the prevention of diabetes and its vascular complications in Indians: a scientific statement of The International College of Nutrition. Indian Consensus Group for the Prevention of Diabetes. Journal of Cardiovascular risk 1997 Jun;4(3):201-208. 46. WHO. Non communicable diseases, Available at http://www.searo.who.int/en/Section1174/Section1 459_7409.htm Accessed on 18 September 2009. 47. Enas EA, Singh V, Munjal YP, Bhandari S, Yadave RD, Manchanda SC. Reducing the burden of coronary artery disease in India: challenges and opportunities. Indian Heart Journal 2008;60(2):161175. 48. WHO. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Available at www.who.int/dietphysical activity/strategy/strategy_english_web.pdf Accessed on 12 May 2009 49. Magnusson RS. Rethinking global health challenges: Towards a 'global compact' for reducing the burden of chronic disease. Public Health 2009; 123:265–274. 50. York DA, Rössner S, Caterson I, Chen CM, James WPT, Kumanyika S, Martorell R, Vorster HH. Prevention Conference VII: Obesity, a Worldwide Epidemic Related to Heart Disease and Stroke: Group I: Worldwide Demographics of Obesity. Circulation 2004;110: 463-470. 51. WHO. Strategic Directions. Available at: www.searo.who.int/.../Nutrition_for_Health_and_D evelopment_Annex-1(Lifecycle_approach).pdf Accessed on 2 June 2009. 52. Devlin LM. A Call to Action. North Carolina Medical Journal 2002;63(6):302-304. 53. WHO. Secondary Prevention of Noncommunicable diseases in Low and Middle income countries through community-based & Health service interventions. Av a i l a b l e a t : www.who.int/cardiovascular_diseases/media/en/61 5.pdf Accessed on 2 June 2009. 54. WHO. Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: implementation of the global strategy. Available at www.who.int/gb/ ebwha/pdf_files/A61/ A61_8-en.pdf Accessed on 2 June 2009. 55. Horton R. Chronic diseases: the case for urgent global action. Lancet 2007;370(9603):1881-1882. 56. Sarrafzadegan N, Kelishadi R, Esmaillzadeh A, Mohammadifard N, Rabiei K, Roohafza H. et.al. Do lifestyle interventions work in developing countries? Findings from the Isfahan Healthy Heart Program in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2009;87:39-50. 57. Singh AS, Paw CAMJM, Kremers SPJ, Visscher TLS, Brug J, Mechelen VW. Design of the Dutch Obesity Intervention in Teenagers (NRG-DOiT): systematic development, implementation and evaluation of a school-based intervention aimed at the prevention of excessive weight gain in adolescents. Public Health 2006;6:304-310. 58. Holcomb JD, Lira J. Evaluation of Jump into Action: A program to reduce the risk of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in school children on the Texas-Mexican border. Journal of School Health 1998; 68(7). 7 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Introducing Pharm. D. Programme in India: A Need of the Day Patil JS,*Kulkarni RV, Marapur SC, Dalavi VV Department of Pharmaceutics, B.L.D.E.A's College of Pharmacy, B.L.D.E University Campus, Bijapur-586 103, Karnataka Author for Correspondence: pharmajspatil@gmail.com Abstract This article aims to focus on need of changes in the Pharmacy education in India and proposed role of clinical Pharmacist in the healthcare system. A thorough search of literature was carried out and critically compared the recently introduced Pharm. D. programme with the same of other countries especially United States of America. An attempt was also made to identify the need of Pharm. D. programme, which is going to produce clinical Pharmacists as per the requirement of our healthcare sector. This study made an attempt to narrate the role of Pharmacist in clinical and biomedical research and also tried to focus on the scope of pharm. D. graduates across the world. This is not the right time to say some thing on Pharm. D. programme, because it is in the stage of infancy. The Pharmacy Council of India is appreciable for introducing this programme. Hence, the study critically reviewed and tried to draw attention of our regulatory bodies to take attention for successfulness of this programme.The study also identified some regulatory and upgradational suggestions to our government authorities and policy makers, which may help in successful implementation of Pharm. D. programme in India. Key words: Pharm. D. programme, Clinical pharmacy, Healthcare sector. INTRODUCTION Recently, Pharmacy Council of India decided to introduce Pharm. D. course for the first time in the country from the academic year 2008-09.Though the Pharmacy profession is an ancient profession dedicated to invention and development of drugs, it has been relegated to backseat and the role of Pharmacy profession in the healthcare system has not gained required recognition. In India, Pharmacy education has initiated in the year 1932 at Banaras Hindu University by Prof. M.L.Schroff. Since those days the Pharmaceutical education has developed to great extent and slowly getting popularity as much as other professional courses.1 But the central and state governments of India have not recognizing our profession even lot many employment opportunities are available to Pharmacy graduates especially in clinical and hospital pharmacy areas. All over the world Pharmacy education has now grown itself into a clinical profession, while in India the Pharmacy programme has concentrated more on industrial aspects. Since 1948, by producing B.Pharm. graduates, the Pharmacy profession has been quite useless in fulfilling the need of public healthcare sector. We proved that we are producing the Pharmacist as a “drug experts rather than health experts”. 2 By Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 31/03/2009 Accepted on 12/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved considering all such limitations associated with our profession, it is a right decision of the Pharmacy Council of India to start the Pharm. D. programme which is based on clinical pharmacy care for the fulfillment of the need of public healthcare system. This decision also gives an opportunity for a Pharmacist to involve actively in this noble health care process. In this article, an attempt was made to appreciate the decision of Pharmacy Council of India and focus on need of this proramme and upgrade our self to compete with global Pharmacy world. Need of Pharm. D. programme in India In the last consensus, India has crossed one billion population with an exponentional rise of 30-40 million population added every year. Most of the India's population is rural based, illiterates with little or no adequate basic emenities including healthcare facilities. As a result majority of the population is suffering from various health problems including mal-nutrition disorders, maternal and infant deaths, in spite of various government health programmes failed to provide net results. While in the cities, people are little educated having number of social habits such as smoking, drinking etc., and becoming slaves and burden to the society.3 The reasons for the above problem are numerous. There are more than six hundred Pharmacy institutes in India producing over 13,000 pharmacy graduates every 8 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 year, pharmacy practice experiences are more or less non existent with particularly no emphasis on phamacotherapeutics and clinical pharmacy, there may be exceptions like Jadhavpur university and JSS college of pharmacy.4 Presently, most of the people in India when they are suffering from diseases rarely go to the doctors either because of they are very poor or too busy and often rely on local Pharmacist for medical advice. In the Indian healthcare system the doctor diagnosis and prescribe the medicines, a Pharmacist may explain how to take the medicines. The people of India are more dependent on pharmacist rather than a doctor. Along with these, some other following reasons emphasize on the need of pharmacist in health care system and focuses on the development of clinical pharmacy in India. 1) Poor healthcare facilities in the rural areas of the country. 2) Medical professionals not moving towards villages. 3) Increased work pressure on doctors necessitates involvement of pharmacists. 4) Increased awareness of medicines in patients leading to self medication habits. 5) Improper implementation of “rational drugs use” policy. 6) Improper use of antibiotics, leading to serious problems such as drug resistance. 7) Improper educational background of patients. 8) Unidirectional decision of medical people in healthcare system. 9) Social and economic factors 10)Grave shortage of healthcare personnel in healthcare sector. These reasons necessitate revamping the conventional role of Pharmacists in Indian health care sector. And hence by producing the world competent Pharm. D. graduates mainly having the knowledge of clinical profession and pharmaceutical care, the above problems can be solved at measurable extent. In the rapidly changing healthcare system across the world, the service of the Pharmacist is well accepted in patient care. The concept of practice of pharmacy care in the developed countries is well recognized the pharmacist as health care professional. The world health organization has given recommendations regarding roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in community pharmacies. But in most of the developing countries like India, involvement of Pharmacist though important and primary requirement is worse neglected. By considering all these aspects, introduction of Pharm. D. programme in India is utmost right decision of our apex body. Figure.1: The scope for Pharm. D. graduates Community practices Services at hospital pharmacy departments Public service practice Collaborative clinical practices Pharm.D. Pharma industry Graduates Biomedical research areas Academic services Managed-care pharmacy services 9 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 The scope for Pharm. D. graduates The Indian students choose the Pharm. D. course as their career, because they have number of opportunities across the world. These include community practices, collaborative clinical practices, services at hospital pharmacy departments, pharmaceutical industry, public service practice, academic services, managed-care pharmacy services and biomedical research areas as shown in Figure 1. Community practices As the Pharmacists are easily accessible to the public, they considered as healthcare professionals. They can effectively counsel the patients, give precise drug information, take pharmaceutical care, render health screening services and work for public health promotion. Hence, Pharm. D. graduates can have opportunities in community practice area, such as work at independent corporate pharmacies, neighborhood health clinics, home healthcare services and consulting for nursing homes. Collaborative clinical practices Always in the healthcare system, optimizing the clinical outcomes solely depends on adequate management of drug therapy. Hence the Pharm. D. graduates have intense training and broad knowledge in the clinical aspects, they can work with other healthcare professionals to select and manage the drug therapy to optimize the clinical outcomes of the specific cases. Services at hospital pharmacy departments As the hospital is a complex health care setup, involving the services of different healthcare professional. As a valued member of the healthcare team, hospital pharmacist can involve in various activities such as drug therapy management, health education, clinical studies, administration and drug use evaluation. Pharmaceutical industry Pharm.D. graduates can also have broad scope in the area of Pharma industries particularly in the manufacturing, marketing, sales, clinical research, and regulatory affairs. Public service practice The Pharm.D. graduates have options to have practices in federal agencies such as food and drug administration (FDA), Drug enforcement administration (DEA), Airforce, Navy, Army, public health services, and the department of veterans' affairs. Academic services Pharm.D. graduates can have opportunities in teaching and administrations too. Managed-care pharmacy services Pharmacist with Pharm.D. degree can provide clinical services and management services in a managed care settings. Biomedical research areas As the Pharmacists have a broad base of knowledge in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, phamacodynamics, p h a r m a c o g e n e t i c s , p h a r m a c o t h e r a p y, a n d pharmacoeconomics along with good understanding of human metabolism, transport and elimination, The Pharm.D. graduates can significantly involve in the translational/clinical research activities. Also the Pharmacist has a multiple level knowledge related to drug development and therapeutics; they can acquire unique positions to conduct research towards achieving the goal of individualized prescription drug therapy. As the Pharm.D. graduates have the ability to envisage translational endpoints; they can work as a valuable component of the current biomedical research enterprise. The Pharm.D. graduates offer biomedical research as career field and can have perspectives to clinical research, they can have scope in introducing and integrating pharmacogenomic approaches and methods to clinical trials in various disease areas. Further, the Pharm.D. graduates can become bridge between clinical investigators. The broad knowledge of physiology and drug metabolism enables them to pursue research interests in a range of therapeutics areas. Comparison of Indian Pharm.D. programme with other countries If we have the glance on the overall curriculum of Indian Pharm.D. programme, it can be noticed that, the subjects and their content for first to third pharm.D. course is not much differing from our current B. Pharm course. This clearly indicates that much emphasize has neither been made to make this programme more patient focused nor clinical oriented concepts. Whereas, in other countries in contrary have given more importance and focus on subjects such as hematology, oncology, pain management, special population, renal/pulmonary diseases etc., along with the basic subjects such as pharmacokinetics, pharmacotherapy, pharmaceutics, pharmacology and medicinal chemistry. These subjects will prepare the students for the practice of pharmacy as these are focusing on disease state management aspects. And most of the universities abroad are offering dual degrees like Pharm.D. / MBA, Pharm.D./MS and Pharm.D./Ph D. This kind of joint degree programme permits the students to study concurrently for a Pharm.D. and graduate degrees like MS and PhD in pharmaceutical sciences. In such cases, students will learn about literature evaluation, research design, career opportunities and current issues in the healthcare. In the Indian Pharm.D. programme, such subjects seem to appear after completion of three years of the course. 10 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 But we hope in future in the up-gradation process of this programme, our experts can tailor made to meet the needs of Indian health care sector. We should emphasize more on pharmaceutical care aspects rather than industry oriented principles. As there is no clear statement about global equality of this programme, it is being expressed by different people in different meanings in media. But it is yet to be clear that, whether Indian Pharm.D. graduates whishing to serve at United States of America have to appear for NAPLEX examination or it is not necessary? Regulatory and upgradational suggestions To start any new courses it may not take much pain but maintaining and upgrading the same to meet the global standards is the area where we Indians are lacking behind. It is quite natural to feel very hard for any new thing to begin but as time goes on, it must always become easier to manage. In this context, to strongly establish the Pharm.D. course here, there is a scope for establishment of specific task force, charged with assessing the Pharm.D. programme periodically. The task force may given powers to define the career opportunities for Pharm.D. graduates exploring the demand for Pharm.D. graduates in the situations of competencies. It also may have special powers to inspect the institutes to monitor the quality of education. This task force may be having vision and mission as that of the American association of College of pharmacy- Clinical scientist's Task force (AACP-CSTF). This kind of attempts may bring out some collective changes and improvements in the programme, which may prepare our graduates more competent. Better co-operation from medical faculty is an ultimate need Clinical pharmacy promotes rational drug use and plays an important role in patient care. However, in developing countries, clinical pharmacy is promoted as an isolated single entity and not related to a stable population based pharmaceutical system. Whereas, in the western countries and United States the clinical pharmacy is well established with stable drug distribution system in hospitals and efficiently regulated by the authorities. But it is really a challenge for the developing countries like India to promote the Pharm. D programme based on clinical pharmacy in the absence or nearly absence of good governance of pharmaceuticals. As this course is mainly hospital oriented, and Pharmacy Council of India has made it compulsory that the college wish to start Pharm.D. course must have an adjoined hospital. This necessitates the pharmacists to work with medical faculty and the better cooperation between each other is required to run this programme, otherwise it becomes absolutely meaningless. In the Pharm.D. programme, students undergo extensive clerkship and internship training including posting in especiality units. Students should independently provide the clinical pharmacy services to the allotted wards. As per the Pharmacy Council of India curriculum, student must work six months in general medicine department and two months each in three other specialty departments. Every student shall spend half a day in the morning hours attending ward rounds on daily basis as a part of clerkship. The student shall provide patient care in cooperation with patients, prescriber and other member of inter professional healthcare team. But presently the pharmacy education in India is under the control of private educational societies which may have their own medical college hospital or may utilize government hospitals. The medical profession in India always suffering with a superiority complex, they even not considering the doctors practicing Indian medicine system as a health care professionals, hence there is a big question mark on the better cooperation of medical faculty in successful run of pharm.D. programme. The cooperation from medical faculty also depends on our sound therapeutic principles, highly ethical and knowledgeful skills in monitoring of therapeutic outcomes, as it is already proved in JSS College of Pharmacy, where pharmacy professionals are recognizing as other healthcare professionals. Modifications are needed in health policies of the central government and all the state governments to give respectful recognition of pharmacy profession and pharmacist as the one of inter-professional health care team. After modifying the policies, we hope that pharmacy profession will overcome the limitations associated with it and emerge stronger in function and offer the concept of health for all. Even in United States, to consider the pharmacy profession as one of the potential health care team it took years, now the simple drug dispensing pharmacist is considering as a highly skilled clinical pharmacist. As the Pharm.D programme was introduced first in United State was done on prior arrangement and strengthening of pharmacy practice system, that was useful for their country, whereas in developing countries like India the pharmacy practice system is seldom exists and the conditions are worse where it is still fighting for 11 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 recognition with its own worth and reputation. In India, pharmacy colleges running the basic degree in pharmacy (B Pharm) are still suffering with inadequacy. Most of the colleges are absolutely failed to fulfill the requirements of apex bodies such as inadequate staff profile, lack of advanced facilities and equipments etc. The pharmacy colleges are in a debilitating state; their curricula are devised by highly non-technical personnel who have no idea about technical or clinical pharmacy practice subjects. Many of the pharmacy colleges are very busy in producing postgraduates and PhD holders obviously in bulk. To avoid such types of manipulations our apex bodies must be more cautious and required to strictly monitor the quality of Pharm. D. education to create a world class clinical pharmacist. CONCLUSION In the health care system, the requirement of controlling the adverse drug reactions, patient compliance, therapeutic drug monitoring, better drug dosage regimen etc are few among many, which we need to achieve. The drawbacks and limitations of our medical services to the public of our nation, can overpower by training the Pharm..D. graduates in ensuring patient compliance and acceptability. And hence the emerging field of Pharm.D. in India is the ultimate requirement and to achieve better patient compliance which ultimately make us success in achieving the concept of health for all. This may results in increased recognition and respect to the Pharmacists. REFERENCES 1. Mukharjee PK. Inclusion of pharmacy subject in Indian civil service examinations. Ind J Pharm Edu 1999;33:141-145. 2. Adepu R, Nagavi BG. Community pharmacy Practice-A Review. Ind J Pharm Edu 2003;37:14-27. 3. Kale S. Pharmacy education: current problems and suggested solutions. Ind J Pharm Edu 2004;38:154160. 4. Parthasarathi G, Ramesh M, Nyfort H, Nagavi BG. Clinical pharmacy in a South Indian teaching hospital. Ann pharmacother 2002;36:927-932. 5. Babar ZU. Defining clinical pharmacy in Asia (posting) Essential Drugs 2007. Available at: http:/www.essential drugs.org/edrugs/archieve/2007. 12 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Biochemical tests in pregnancy Babitha K. Vazhayil, Jayakrishnan.S.S# Govt. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Author for Correspondence:jayakrishnanss@gmail.com Abstract Pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon associated with marked hormonal and biochemical changes in the maternal circulation which facilitates the metabolic, vascular and immunological adjustments necessary for the fetus to thrive. Abnormal concentrations of these hormones or of other plasma constituents of fetoplacental origin may indicate gestational pathology. The metabolic changes associated with pregnancy are relatively short lived and thus are rarely harmful to the healthy mother. When pregnancy deviates from its normal course there are many biochemical markers which can be used to assess these abnormalities. As biochemistry is only one part of obstetric care the results should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical and medical imaging data. Key words: human chorionic gonadotrophin, alpha fetoprotein INTRODUCTION Prior to the widespread availability of high resolution ultrasound scanning, the diagnosis of early pregnancy failure (such as spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy), of fetal malformation and fetal growth disturbances relied solely on clinical evaluation backed by blood tests on the maternal circulation. There are certain biochemical markers which can be used to assess maternal, placental and fetal health. They help to diagnose maternal conditions such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia, placental conditions like trophoblastic disease and fetal chromosomal abnormalities like Down's syndrome. Biochemical diagnosis of pregnancy: Biochemical diagnosis of pregnancy is routinely made by the detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG) using a latex agglutination technique detecting concentrations >200 i.u/L while a monoclonal antibody enzyme immunoassay will detect concentrations as low as 50 i.u/L. Also estimation of schavengershaftsprotein 1 (SPI) and pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPPA) helps in determining gestational age in early pregnancy.1 Biochemical monitoring of pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy The incidence of ectopic pregnancy appears to be increasing making accurate diagnosis of this condition increasingly important. Even though definitive diagnosis still depends on laparoscopy, use of additional tests may help reduce the number of unnecessary laparoscopies. Determination of urinary â -hCG and plasma monoclonal Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 09/12/2009 Accepted on 15/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved antibody tests are the commonly employed tests for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. When the test is positive and an ectopic pregnancy is suspected a quantitative â hCG (0.15 – 0.8 i.u/L) may be advocated. In ectopic pregnancies with normal hCG concentrations PAPPA concentrations have been reported to be consistently low. If these observations are confirmed estimation of PAPPA may prove useful as an adjuvant test in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion Many studies have reported low concentrations of various hormones and placental proteins in cases of early spontaneous abortion. Measurement of hCG is a valuable adjunct in the evaluation of threatened abortion in the first trimester. If less than 3000 i.u/24 hrs is excreted the fetus is almost invariably dead. Also plasma progesterone concentrations have been reported to be low in such situations.1 Biochemical assessment of maternal health Common maternal problems in pregnancy include anemia, urinary tract infection, toxemia, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Anemias of pregnancy Types of anemias that are more prominent in pregnancy include iron deficiency anemia, hemoglobinopathies and megaloblastic anemia. The last variety is quite unusual. Examination of well prepared and well stained blood film helps in the diagnosis of anemia. Urinary tract infections in pregnancy The urinary tract stasis and dilation, possible instrumentation or catheterization, and the trauma of childbirth all increase susceptibility of the woman to UTI during or following pregnancy. 13 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 The periodic microscopic examination of the urine sediment for white blood cells and bacteria as well as screening procedures to detect significant bacteria helps in the proper diagnosis. Toxemia of pregnancy Along with periodic measurement of blood pressure and weight the check for proteinuria is a valuable screening procedure for toxemia, because proteinuria and renal impairment are prominent features of this disease. Toxemia can progress to pre-eclampsia and frank eclampsia (convulsions).² Diabetes mellitus Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus ranges from 1 to 14 % depending on the populations studied. Screening for gestational diabetes can be carried out at 26-28 weeks gestation. This enables early intervention which results in significant improvements in both fetal and maternal outcomes. The diagnosis can be confirmed by further tests of fasting glucose concentration or 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. These patients should be reassessed in post partum period for evidence of diabetes. The woman's glycated hemoglobin should be maintained in the normal range to ensure optimal fetal outcome.³ Pre- eclampsia Pre-eclampsia occurs typically in the third trimester and affects 4-8 % of pregnancies. It constitutes a triad of pregnancy associated hypertension, marked proteinuria (>300 mg daily) and pathological edema. It is thus critical to carry out dipstick testing for protein at each antenatal visit together with blood pressure measurement and careful examination for edema. Other findings include rises in serum uric acid, urea and creatinine. Low hemoglobin and platelet concentrations are informative if the patient is suspected to have severe form of preeclampsia-haemolysis-elevated liver enzymes-low platelets (HELLP).³ Biochemical assessment of placental health Biochemical assessment of placental health is important because it helps in diagnosing trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma).Maternal serum human placental lactogen and serum or urinary oestriol concentrations which were previously used extensively in the assessment of placental function are rarely used nowadays. Physiologically serum hCG arising from trophoblastic activity is elevated as early as eighth day after implantation. Concentrations double every 2-3 days and peak at approximately 10 weeks. They then decline and plateau out at lower concentration until parturition. In addition to confirming pregnancy hCG can be used as a marker to assess various abnormalities in first trimester. An elevated serum hCG level suggests the presence of multiple pregnancies or gestational trophoblastic disease such as chorionic carcinoma or hydatidiform mole. A hydatidiform mole appears as snow storm on ultra sound. Confirmatory biochemical tests include free â-hCG concentrations because this form of hCG is secreted in disproportionately high amounts. hCG can be used to assess the effectiveness of therapy and monitor for recurrence following surgery for gestational trophoblastic disease. A rapid decline or disappearance of serum hCG is to be expected after surgery. After the second month of pregnancy the fetoplacental unit becomes the major source of estrogen production in the pregnant woman. These estrogens are excreted in the urine and are proportional to the amount and type of trophoblastic disease in the placenta as well as the blood flow through the placenta. Mean excretion in the last 6 weeks is about 16 mg/day with a range of about 20 to 24 mg/day. Level of urinary estriol less than 12 mg/day, during the last weeks of pregnancy is associated with impending fetal death. Levels below 4 mg/day almost indicate fetal death. Sudden falls in estriol levels from above 12 mg to 4 or 6 mg indicate serious fetal difficulties and prompt delivery must be considered.4 Biochemical assessment of fetal health The major aim of fetal assessment is to ensure satisfactory growths in utero.There are many factors which can cause fetal growth retardation. These may range from poor maternal nutritional state to placental insufficiency and fetal abnormality. Fetal abnormalities that can be detected using biochemical markers include neural tube defects, Down's syndrome, hemolytic disease of the newborn and lung immaturity. Alpha fetoprotein It is a fetal protein arising form the yolk sac and fetal liver. It can be detected in maternal serum until 32 weeks of normal gestation. Neural tube defects Neural tube defects are among the most common fatal congenital malformations. In neural tube defects such as spina bifida8 and anencephaly, the concentration of alpha fetoprotein in the maternal serum is unusually high in the first trimester because cerebrospinal fluid leaks into the amniotic fluid. As a marker of neutral tube defects maternal serum alpha fetoprotein, ideally, should be measured between 15 and 18 weeks of gestation. Elevated maternal serum AFP levels are seen in about 85% of open neural tube defects. After maternal serum AFP is found to be elevated the 14 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 level of AFP in the amniotic fluid should be determined. Elevated amniotic fluid AFP is about 95% sensitive for open neural tube defects. Any suspicion of a neural tube defect can be further assessed with ultrasound, usually at 18-20 weeks.5 Diagnosis of fetal genetic abnormality Most of the fetal genetic disorders are diagnosed using tissue sampling techniques, although majority of these procedures are performed for fetal karyotyping. Tissue sampling techniques that can be used for the diagnosis are amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS).most commonly occurring fetal genetic abnormality is Down's syndrome. Another procedure used for screening of Down's syndrome is maternal serum screening (triple test). Chorionic villus sampling As the fetus and the placenta both develop from the same early blastocyst their genetic make-up is identical in the vast majority of cases. Thus, chromosome and DNA analysis of the placenta will provide information about the fetus. Amniocentesis Traditionally amniocentesis has been performed at 16 weeks gestation and the result is available 2-4 weeks later. As a result of the late gestation at which the result becomes available earlier amniocentesis is currently under investigation. This new technique can be employed from 10 weeks gestation. Down's syndrome Down's syndrome is one of the common causes of fetal growth retardation. It is the result of either partial or total trisomy of chromosome 21 or a major obstetric concern, particularly in older women. Important biochemical markers include alpha fetoprotein, hCG, unconjugated oestriol, pregnancy-associated plasma protein –a, serum inhibin-a and free â -hCG. These markers are used in various combinations and together with ultrasound to increase the detection rate of Down's syndrome. Between 11 and 13 weeks (that is late first trimester), serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A. Free â hCG and ultrasound assessment of nuchal thickness (the physiological space between the back of the neck and the overlying skin of the fetus) are most commonly used in the assessment of Down's syndrome. In the second trimester screening for Down's syndrome traditionally employs the triple test of maternal serum hCG, serum unconjugated oestriol and alpha fetoprotein at 15-18 weeks of gestation. Some laboratories also measure serum pregnancy associated plasma protein -A.6 Fetal lung maturity The lungs are among the last of the fetal organs to mature. Thus, mature lungs usually indicate that the fetus is ready for birth. Fetal lung maturity is evaluated by measuring the amount of surfactant in the amniotic fluid. A deficiency in surfactant leads to the development of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in neonates.75 percent of the surfactant consists of phosphatidyl choline (lecithin), 10 percent consists of phosphatidyl glycerol and the remainder consists of various phospholipids and sphingomyelin. Various assays can be used for measuring the concentration of various components of surfactant. The most popular biochemical assay used to assess FLM is the lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio. Hemolytic disease of the newborn In hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) the red blood cells of the fetus are coated with maternal IGG antibody and are destroyed in the infant's reticuloendothelial system. Several blood group systems have been associated with HDN, for example, the Rh system, the ABO system, and other groups that form IgG antibodies. At present there are no laboratory procedures that can predict ABO hemolytic disease during the prenatal period. The objective of prenatal blood studies is to identify women at risk for having babies affected with HDN. Following studies can be done early in the pregnancy: 1) ABO grouping; 2) Rh testing; and 3) screening for unexpected antibodies (indirect coombs' test) 7. CONCLUSION Although ultrasound based bio-physical tests are available for the diagnosis of early pregnancy failure, fetal malformation and fetal growth disturbances, biochemical assays still form an important part of the screening of many pregnancies. These biochemical and hormonal tests constitute only one aspect of obstetric care and so the results should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical findings and imaging, particularly ultrasonography REFERENCES 1. Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical-by William.J.Marshall and S.K.Bungert, 413-418. 2. John AK, John FK. Textbook of clinical laboratory approaches. pp. 343-354 3. http://www.australianprescriber.com/magazine/ 29/2/48/52/ 4. Ravel R. Textbook of clinical laboratory medicine. pp. 740-750 5. http://www.medsacpe.com/viewarticle/408805_9 6. http://www.geneticcounselling.eu/genetics4:html 7. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. pp. 1736-1760. 15 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Pharmacoeconomics: Need for the day Mahvash Iram*, Shobha Rani. R.Hiremath Deaprtmentt of Pharmacy Practice, Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Bangalore-560027 Author for Correspondence: mahvashiram@gmail.com Abstract Health economics shed's light on the concept of making decisions about resource allocations at the time of scarcity of resources and increased demand, by evaluating the rationale of choices in terms of their cost and benefit. Pharmacoeconomics is one of the strongest pillars of health economics to make the allocation decisions with respect to the medicines and there by ensure that society allocates minimal health care resources wisely, fairly, and efficiently. Two major components of any pharmacoeconomic evaluation are cost and consequences and using pharmacoeconomic principles, methods and theories into practice, for quantifying the value of pharmacy products and pharmaceutical care services utilized in real world environment is one of the major applications of pharmacoeconomics. The key reason for studying pharmacoeconomics is to be able to estimate, understand and interpret the complete impact of a drug therapy. Such an impact would be shown on individual's health, safety, their use of health care services, cost of health care, quality of life, functional status and on society as a whole. The price of drug therapy will be then justified based on its impact on broad range of outcomes. Key words: Pharmacoeconomics, cost, consequences, health care, benefit INTRODUCTION In India because of growing pressure on the healthcare budget, appropriate justification of current expenditures and future investments in public healthcare are becoming a priority. Pharmacoeconomic analyses are one means of justifying and minimizing these expenditures. Health care professionals must be able to create a balance between the needs and desires of individual patients with the needs and desires of society at large. Comparing the expected benefits of a medical intervention against the expected cost of that intervention along with the health care benefits many times is difficult to interpret, in such a scenario pharmaco-economic studies helps to ensure that society allocates minimal health care resources wisely, fairly, and efficiently. Cost and Consequences (Outcome) Two major components of any pharmacoeconomic evaluation are cost and consequences (outcome).Cost is the total value of resource consumed for drug therapy of interest or related services. Consequence is the outcome of drug therapy of interest or related services. Assessment of cost and consequence depends mainly on two perspectives – Patient and Provider.1 In patient's perspective it will be the health care services received where costs include co-payments, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 12/01/2010 Accepted on 23/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved transportation, loss of income and consequences include relief of symptoms, cure, and quality of life. This outlook is more subjective because it includes patient preferences and less common in the empirical literature. Provider's Perspective includes health care services delivered. Costs here will be in terms of personnel, supplies and consequences will be measured as length of stay, mortality, morbidity. This perspective depends on capitation and managed care penetration.2 To help decision making regarding a drug therapy, the pharmacoeconomic evaluation should include an assessment of the economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes. (i.e., ECHO model). Sometimes the consequences are grouped as positive and negative where desired effect or efficacy of the drug will be a positive outcome and adverse drug reaction or treatment failure will be a negative outcome. 2 Pharmacoeconomic techniques Cost-of-illness analyses: Identifies and measures the costs of the illness itself but not treatment outcomes. Cost-benefit analyses: Measures the costs of treating an illness, along with monetary equivalents that provide the same outcome, with the ultimate aim of identifying the most economic option. Cost-effectiveness analyses: Measures the costs of treating an illness, by using clinical measurements which involve the comparison of cost per standardized unit of effectiveness, such as cost per life saved or cost per 16 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 hospitalization avoided for two or more interventions that provide varying outcomes. Cost-utility analyses: Measures the costs of treating an illness in terms of their social value, expressed in incremental measures or preference equivalents (QOL, QALY) for the treatment's outcomes. Cost-minimization analyses: Directly compares the costs of treatment options for an illness, assuming equivalence of their outcomes. Using Pharmacoeconomic principles, methods and theories into practice, to quantify the value of pharmacy products and pharmaceutical care services utilized in real world environment is major application of Pharmacoeconomics.3 Modelling and sensitivity analysis Lack of cost and consequences data for many complicated health care interventions presents with problems of interpretation, these problems can sometimes be solved by using clinical and economic modelling most common being decision trees and Markov models. A decision tree maps out the alternative being compared in as much detail as possible. Usually starts with a decision node and subsequently probability nodes show the chances of each possible consequence occurring. A range of interventions and their possible consequences can be mapped out clearly in a decision tree. Once 4 options are clear, probabilities can be attached to them either using new trial data or existing information. Sensitivity analysis is the act of changing assumptions about the value or probability of costs and consequences, to determine whether the results of an evaluation are Visit doctor sensitive to such changes or not. Markov models are helpful when decision trees are not sufficient such as in case of chronic diseases and complex interventions where same decisions recur constantly. 4 Limitations Numerous limitations exist when pharmacoeconomic studies are put into practice. Entire process may be biased with respect to choice of comparator drug, assumptions made or reporting of results. Since most studies are conducted or funded by pharmaceutical companies who are keen on the results, 5 there exists a publication bias towards those studies favorable to sponsoring companies. Pharmacoeconomics hence is misused sometimes as a marketing tool.6 Similar problems may arise in studies funded by health care payers (Insurance companies). Doctors may have the tendency to equate pharmacoeconomics with cost cutting, and hence reject on principle as unethical. One of the major problems is ability to implement the results of a study. Irrespective of how good a study is, and how cost effective a therapy is when compared to existing treatment, it may not be possible to achieve its potential benefits because of the existing management structures. Management authorities have a short term outlook which limits the application of pharmacoeconomic evaluations showing long term savings for the health service in return for increased spending.7 Many budgets operate in isolation, and it is not easy to move money between them and a new intervention may not be affordable no matter how cost effective it might prove to be. Gets better p p1 Alternative treatment p-1 Return to Doctor p1-1 diagnostic Procedure Disease/ Ailment Gets better q q1 Chronic disease Self Treatment q-1 No-improvement q1-1 emergency medical care 17 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 SUMMARY Various methodological advances have been implemented to make available the tools that are necessary to measure comprehensive outcomes; which includes Strategies for collecting pharmacoeconomic data. Using psychometric techniques, tools for measuring changes in general and disease specific health status have been developed and validated.8 Frequentist and Bayesian approaches are preferred for designing as well as analyzing of a clinical trial and observational data to use in Pharmacoeconomic evaluations. Individuals or organizations who are involved in health care decision making such as, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, consumers of such products and health care providers9,10 should have a through knowledge of various elements of Pharmacoeconomic analysis to be able to understand the interpretation in terms of result. The key reason for studying pharmacoeconomics is to be able to estimate, understand and interpret the complete impact of a drug therapy. Such an impact would be shown on individual's health, safety, their use of health care services, cost of health care, quality of life, functional status and on society as a whole. The price of drug therapy will be then justified based on its impact on broad range of outcomes. Economic evaluations of drug therapy are increasingly important in decision making. Health care providers should welcome this as a means to promote efficiency and effectiveness of prescribing, and aim to move the debate away from pure cost to value for money in prescribing. This tool can be effectively used in drug evaluation & formulary decisions in hospitals, clinical guidelines & drug use policy development, supporting pricing decisions for new products, service or program evaluation. To improve upon the existing knowledge and practice of pharmacoeconomics; more education has to be provided and workshops to health professionals, decision makers & medical representatives on should be conducted on: Various pharmacoeconomic study designs, literature of Pharmacoeconomic studies, modeling studies including decision analysis, sensitivity analysis and markov modeling, pharmacoeconomic courses incorporation in the curriculum. Inspite of the complexicity of the subject it is need for the day more so because the new age has numerous drug therapies and devices being launched everyday REFERENCES 1. McGhan WF, Lewis NJ, Guidelines for Pharmacoeconomic studies. Clin Ther 1992;3:486-494. 2. Kozma CM, Reeder CE, Schulz RM. Economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes: A planning model for pharmacoeconomic research. Clin Ther 1993;15:1154-1176. 3. Guzman RA, Tosti A, Hay R. Pharmacoeconomics – an aid to better decision-making. JEADV 2005;19(1):34–39. 4. Winfield AJ, Richards RME. Pharmaceutical Practice. 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2004. 5. Walley T, Davey P. Pharmacoeconomics: a challenge for clinical pharmacologists. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1995;40:199-202. 6. Hillman A, Eisenberg J, Pauly M et al. Avoiding bias in the conduct and reporting of cost effectiveness research sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies. New Eng J Med 1991;324: 1362-1365. 7. Cull R, Wells N, Miocevick M Economic costs of migraine Br J Med Econ 1992;5:103-115. 8. Maukskopf JA. Why Study Pharmacoeconomics?. Expert Rev Pharmacoeconomics Outcome Res 2001;1(1) :1-3. 9. James S, Waddington C. Capacity building in health economics opportunities for training in developing countries.Health Economics 1996;5:473-8. 10. Heckman J, Smith J. Assessing the case for social experiments. Journal of Economic Perspectives 1995;9(2):85-110. . 18 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Retrospective Patient Data Analysis with Respect to Irresponsible SelfMedication in a Community Pharmacy Setting in Taiping (Malaysia) Sam A T*, Naga Jothy Nagesvararao, Nager Devi Vampanan, Sharon T X X S, Arumugam D Faculty of Pharmacy, AIMST University, Semeling-08100, Kedah, Malaysia. Author for Correspondence: samthamby@yahoo.com Abstract This study was undertaken to determine the incidences of self-medication by means of patient data analysis in a defined time period, in a community pharmacy in Taiping (Malaysia). This was a data format-based retrospective study. A simple patient data analysis format was used. The details were filled in when the consumers (patients) came to purchase medications. The inclusion criteria were those who purchased medications without a prescription. The subjects intending to self-medicate were included. Age, gender, presenting complaints, medications purchased, social history. A total of 65 cases were obtained. The most common age group that purchased non-prescription drugs from the pharmacy counter falls in the age group 30-39. The number of smokers, non-smokers and alcoholics in the study were (31 cases; 47.69%), (23 cases; 35.38%) and (3 cases; 4.6%) respectively. The most common presenting complaints were headache (10 cases; 14.7%), fever (9 cases; 13.2%) and flu (10 cases; 14.7%). The proportion of self-medication was almost equal in both the genders, with 34 females and 31 males. The ethnicity noted amongst the cases were Malay (20 cases; 30.76%), Chinese (25 cases; 38.46%) and Indian (25 cases; 38.46%). The most frequently purchased medications were antihistamines (15 cases; 23%). All the cases of self-medication were inappropriate or irresponsible, in that the consumers were not at all aware of the risks associated with selfmedication. Most of them purchased the drug/s based on advices and suggestions from family members, friends and peers. There was no stringent protocol for intervention regarding dispensing medications to these consumers. The practice of self-medication was common and often irresponsible or inappropriate. Knowledge about the risks of selfmedication was poor. Health authorities must develop stringent protocols in regard to self-medication. Pharmacists have a pivotal role in ensuring that each patient who self-medicates is aware of the risks associated. This can only be achieved by appropriate intervention and counseling techniques Key words: Over-The-Counter medications; Irresponsible self-medication; Polypharmacy, Patient data analysis. INTRODUCTION Rational use of drugs is 'the appropriate, timely use of drugs, for an ailment, which is properly diagnosed and prescribed by a physician, in the right dosage of a right regimen and right duration of treatment.' Paracelsus (1493 - 1541), the alchemist-physician, observed that 'all drugs are poisons.' The availability of potent and dangerous drugs has increased considerably since the close of the 19th century. At the same time, expanding availability of medical care exposes a large population of people to drugs, leading to a greater number of toxic reactions. Even certain prescription medications are available to the lay person without the physician's authorization. As people vary greatly in their sensitivity to drugs, an appropriate dose for one person can be an overdose for another. Even skilled physicians sometimes Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 04/11/2009 Accepted on 06/02/2010 © APTI All rights reserved fail to avoid such reactions. Thus, the lay person is illadvised in subjecting themselves to potentially dangerous self-medication. Today, over 7000 drugs and drug combinations have been released for general use, and are sold directly to the public as Over-The-Counter (OTC) remedies. A large number of potent drugs are thus available to the individual for self medication. There is an obvious difference between drugs and other commodities of life. The consumer, in most cases, has no way to judge the efficacy of a drug or it's hazards, and therefore these judgments have to be made for him / her by the physicians.1 Self-Medication is defined as 'the use of medications, whether modern or traditional, for self treatment.' Studies done on self-medication reveal that it's a fairly common practice, especially in economically-deprived countries. It is a growing trend of self-care, which has 19 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 both positive and negative aspects.2 In several studies, it has been found that inappropriate self-medication results in wastage of resources, increases resistance to pathogens and generally entails serious health hazards such as Adverse Drug Reactions, prolonged sufferings and dependence. 3 Self-medication usually involves common drugs which are freely available. It is questionable whether the benefits outweigh the potential hazards. They account for poisonings, allergies, habituation, addictions and other adverse reactions. Above all, their use often delays the proper treatment of diseases. People often take medicines on their own, for a small ailment, which can probably be cured by simple measures or even by creating or improving hygienic conditions. Easy access to medicines, advertisements of drugs by pharmaceutical companies, information from peers and friends and a compelling desire to avoid going to the doctor drive people to self-medication. Modern drugs are specific, potent and have side effects which are not fully known to people. Nearly 805 of illness episodes and complications have arisen only out of self-medication by people. All this amounts to misuse and irrational use of drugs. 1 Non-prescription drugs or OTC drugs are 'completely compounded, packaged drugs and non-bulk chemicals, not requiring a prescription order, which are sold, offered, promoted and advertised by the manufacturer or distributor to the general public.' 4 Categories of drugs which are misused [self medicated] ? Antibiotics (Penicillins, amoxicillin, tetracyclines, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin etc.). ? Musculoskeletal drugs (Aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide, etc.). ? CNS drugs (Diazepam, lorazepam, fluoxetine, barbiturates, etc.). ? Alimentary system drugs (Laxatives, purgatives, antidiarrhoeals, antiulcer drugs, etc.). ? Respiratory system drugs (Bromhexine, salbutamol, phenylpropanolamine, codeine, dextromethorphan, antiallergenic drugs, etc.). ? Hormones, vitamins, etc.5 Reasons why people self medicate ? Easy accessibility to prescription drugs. ? Easy access to OTC drugs. ? Old prescriptions used again and again. ? Overdose for quick relief. ? Easy availability of 'prescription only' drugs without physician's prescriptions due to inefficient control by regulatory authorities. ? Advice by friends, relatives on medicines (often relating their own experiences). ? Patient's social, economic and health factors, which influence his / her decisions. ? Choice by the patient whether or not to buy the medications, even if they have the prescriptions. The patients also decide what items are important and worth buying. ? Patient also decides on the dosage, whether and when to take medicines, and if continuing the medication is necessary, if side effects appear or symptoms disappear. ? Unethical marketing of drugs. Promotional, material advertisements in the newspapers and the media by the pharmaceutical companies. Drugs are distributes, prescribed and used in ways that frequently do not accord with rationality. ? False, misleading claims and commercial promotions, disguised as clinical trials.5 Patient data analysis Patient safety is a new health care discipline that emphasizes the reporting, analysis and prevention of medical errors that often lead to adverse health care events. Patient safety has emerged as a distinct health care discipline supported by an immature yet developing scientific framework. One of the key components of pharmaceutical care is an in-depth understanding of the data obtained from the patient, i.e. Patient data analysis. The resulting patient safety knowledge continually informs improvement efforts such as applying lessons learned from practice, adopting innovative technologies, educating providers and consumers, enhancing error reporting systems and developing new economic incentives.6 Recently, the profession of pharmacy has adopted Pharmaceutical Care as it's mission, and thereby, extends the responsibilities of the pharmacist. The goal is to achieve optimal outcomes that improve the patient's quality of life. In order for this to happen, the pharmacists have to collaborate with the patients, patent's care givers, physician, nurses and other health care personnel, to i n i t i a t e , m o n i t o r, m o d i f y a n d d i s c o n t i n u e pharmacotherapy (if needed). The aim is to resolve medication-related problems. One of the primary responsibilities of the pharmacists in order to achieve successful outcomes is to collect essential patient data or information. 20 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Patient information is organised into three categories: Lifestyle: daily activities; tobacco, alcohol & caffeine use; dietary & exercise practice; compliance with current therapy. Demographic & Medical: age; gender; race; health status; impairments / disabilities; current medical problems. Therapeutic: past therapies; prescription drugs use; nonprescription drugs use; allergies; ADRs; alternative therapies.5 Data to be included in patient information Core medical information: past medical problems; all current acute & chronic diseases, including assessments of their severity, prognosis and presenting complaints of the patients. Additional medical information: patient's immune status when the selected drug therapy can cause further immunosuppression. Therapeutic information: name of prescription and nonprescription drugs used by the patient, frequency of use and therapeutic indications. Drug allergies, previous ADRs and intolerance are also noted. Lifestyle information: habits like smoking, alcohol, which have some effects on the drugs administered. Sexual history (to prevent recurrence of STDs). Sources of information Patient. Patient's caregiver. Patient profile (from the pharmacy). Medical records. Laboratories. Physicians, nurses, etc.5 The purpose of this study is to perform an initial survey of the incidences of self-medication in a specific location in Malaysia, to asses the percentage of this phenomenon, across various parameters and to note the pharmacy's dispensing activities in relation to self medication. OBJECTIVES ? Retrospective analysis of patient self medication and pharmacy dispensing activities. ? Identification and review of patient profiles. ? To identify the trends of self medication practices and occurrence rates in Malaysia, and to compare it with the existing data available. ? Research studies into drug-related trends to aid in improving pharmaceutical care. ? To improve the researchers' competency levels with respect to data collection and analyses. MATERIALS AND METHOD The sequential plan of work which was carried out:Stage-1: Collecting literature-based evidences from books, journals and the internet. Stage-2: Fixing or setting or preparation of a standardized team for collecting patient data, with priority assigned to age, gender, social status, presenting complaints, past and current medication. Stage-3: Obtaining permission from the community pharmacists to perform the field study. Stage-4: Collection of patient data from all the patients who purchased drugs without prescription (selfmedication). This was done for a period of 8 weeks Stage-5: Analysis of all the data obtained, comparison with, and observing the trends with existing literature. Subjects: Any customer / patient purchasing medications without a prescription, with the sole intention of self-medicating. Setting: Retail pharmacy in Taiping (Malaysia). RESULTS & DISCUSSION Age: We found that the highest incidences of self-medication was in the age group 30-39 (20 cases, 30.8%). This was consistent with the study conducted by Dr. P.R. Shankar et al (2002) on selfmedication practices amongst the population in Pokhara valley (Nepal). They reported that 76 respondents (54%) were aged between 20 – 39 years. Majority of the respondents stayed within 30 minutes of a pharmacy store. The most common reasons given for selfmedication were mild illness, previous experience of treating a similar illness and non-availability of health care personnel.6 Older people are more prone to fall ill than younger persons, due to weaker body resistance. They will also usually require more time to recover from the illness. Dr. Pascal Goldschmidt (Duke University Medical Center) and Duke researchers discovered that a major outcome of aging is an unexpected failure of the bone marrow to produce progenitor cells needed to repair and rejuvenate arteries exposed to a genetically induced risk of high blood pressure in the mouse. Stem cells are immature cells produced in the bone marrow that have the potential to mature into a variety of different cells. The researchers demonstrated that an age-related loss of these particular stem cells which reside in the marrow but are also designed to repair arteries is critical to determining the onset and progression of atherosclerosis, which causes arteries to clog and become less elastic.7 Thomson W.M. et al (2006) surveyed the change in medication use from ages 26 to 32. Nearly two-thirds took at least one medication at each age, with medication prevalence higher among women than among men. Three-quarters of those taking at least one at age 26 were doing so at 32. Over-the-counter medication prevalence 21 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Figure.1: Age distribution of the patients Age Group of subjects 25 No. of. subjects 20 20 17 15 12 10 7 3 5 3 2 1 0 1- 9 -19 0 -29 0 -39 0 -49 0 -59 0 -69 0 -79 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 Age group increased from 35 to 43% between 26 and 32 years of age. The prevalence of prescribed medications decreased. Other categories showing major changes were analgesics (increased), anti-asthma drugs (decreased), antidepressants (increased) and antiulcer drugs (increased). At 32, 82% of those taking analgesics, 85% of those taking nutrient supplements, 71% of those taking antihistamines and 33% of those taking antiulcer drugs had self-prescribed them.8 Gender: From the data's obtained, we found that more females (34) purchased non prescription drugs from the pharmacy than males (31) although there is just a small gap difference. Sex hormones like estrogen, and genes appear to play a big part in how individuals' bodies, and emotions, react to pain where higher estrogen levels made a difference in the activation of the brain's natural painkiller system. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that variations in women's estrogen levels like those that occur throughout the monthly menstrual cycle, or during pregnancy regulate the brain's natural ability to suppress pain. When estrogen levels are high, the brain's natural painkiller system responds more potently when a painful experience occurs, releasing chemicals called endorphins or enkephalins that dampen the pain signals received by the brain. But when estrogen is low, the same system doesn't typically control pain nearly as effectively. In all 28 countries included in the database, analgesic use was higher in girls than boys. Use of analgesics for headaches increased by age, but medications for inability to sleep or nervousness declined. Use of medications for stomachache increased by age in girls, but decreased in boys. The data revealed analgesic use for headache in 48.9% of boys and 65.9% of girls, with medication for stomachache used in 20.5% of boys and 34.6% of girls, while medications for sleeplessness or nervousness were used in 10% or less.9 This finding was consistent with the result of an earlier study done by Thomas et al, in which self medication prevalence was higher among women.8 Figure.1: Gender distribution of the patients 31 34 Male Female 22 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Complaints: From the datas collected, the most frequent complaints from patients were headache (10 cases, 14.7%), fever (9 cases, 13.2%) and flu (10 cases, 14.7%). This was found to be consistent with the findings in the self-medication epidemiology studies conducted in Ethiopia (2003), where headache, fever, cough and diarrhea were the common illnesses that led to an increased incidence of self-medication. [10] Dr. Shankar et al (2002) conducted a study assessing the self-medication patterns in Nepal. Their findings too indicated that the commonest illnesses that led to selfmedication were usually self-limiting 'minor illnesses' like headache, fever, cough, diarrhea and flu. Analgesics and antipyretics were the medications most commonly self-medicated. This corresponds well with headache, fever and flu being the common indications. Analgesics and antipyretics are used for headache, fever, body aches and pains respectively. [11] In the study by Henry James et al (2005) pertaining to self-medication, the most common indications for selfmedication were to relieve the symptoms of headache (70.9%), cough, cold and sore throat (53.7%), stomachache (32.8%) and fever (29.9%). Analgesics (81.3%) were the most common drugs used for selfmedication. The practice of self-medication was appropriate in only 14.2% of cases. They concluded that the knowledge about appropriate self-medication was poor, attitude towards self-medication was positive, and the practice of self-medication was common and often inappropriate.[12] Social history: Based on the data collected from the research project, it was found that most of the patients are smokers (31 people, 54%) and a few are alcoholics (3 people, 5.2%). ALCOHOLICS Many medications can interact with alcohol, leading to increased risk of illness, injury, or death. For example, it is estimated that alcohol-medication interactions may be a factor in at least 25 % of all emergency room admissions.13 Approximately 70% of the adult population consumes alcohol at least occasionally, and 10% drink daily [14]. About 60% of men and 30% of women have had one or more adverse alcohol-related life events.15 Alcohol can influence the effectiveness of a drug by altering its availability. Typical alcohol-drug interactions include the following: 1) Inhibits a drug's metabolism by competing with the drug for the same set of metabolizing enzymes and enhances the drug's availability, 2) Activate drug-metabolizing enzymes, thus decreases the drug's availability and diminishing its effects. 3) Enzymes activated by chronic alcohol consumption transform some drugs into toxic chemicals that can damage the liver or other organs. 4) Magnifies the inhibitory effects of sedative and narcotic drugs at their sites of action in the brain.16 Figure.1: Graph showing the common presenting complaints by the patients 10 9 10 8 6 6 5 2 3 1 2 3 H ea da ch e Fl Fe e/ ru ve Pa nn r in in g (le no g, se ba ck bo dy ) C ou gh So re th ro at D ia rrh oe a D ia be te s So re ey H es yp er te ns io n Ec D ys ze as m a/ ia ps or ia si s As th m a 3 Complaint 23 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Some specific interactions Narcotic pain reliever (codeine): These drugs are prescribed for moderate to severe pain. The combination of opiates and alcohol enhances the sedative effect of both substances, increasing the risk of death from overdose. [17] Non-narcotic pain relievers: Aspirin and similar nonprescription pain relievers are most commonly used by the elderly. Some of these drugs cause stomach bleeding and inhibit blood from clotting; alcohol can exacerbate these effects.[18] Older persons who mix alcoholic beverages with large doses of aspirin to selfmedicate for pain are therefore at particularly high risk for episodes of gastric bleeding. In addition, aspirin may increase the availability of alcohol, heightening the effects of a given dose of alcohol. [19] Antihistamines: Drugs such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl and others) are available without prescription to treat allergic symptoms and insomnia. Alcohol may intensify the sedation caused by some antihistamines. [20] These drugs may cause excessive dizziness and sedation in older persons; the effects of combining alcohol and antihistamines may therefore be especially significant in this population. Smoking Tobacco smoking is associated with many drug interactions. Drug interactions can occur via pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic mechanisms. Pharmacokinetic interactions may cause smokers to require larger doses of certain drugs through an increase in plasma clearance, a decrease in absorption, enzyme induction or a combination of these factors. Pharmacodynamic interactions may increase the risk of adverse events (for example, in smokers with cardiovascular disease, and in women who smoke and use oral contraceptives). Below are the possible interactions of analgesics, antihistamines and NSAIDs due to smoking Analgesics – less effective as analgesics in smokers than in nonsmokers Anti-inflammatory drugs – greater clearance in smokers than in non-smokers. H2 Blockers – reduced plasma levels and reduced nicotine clearance in non-smokers. Drugs purchased: Based on the datas collected from the research project, we found that the most frequently purchased drugs are the Antihistamines (15 cases, 23%) and NSAIDs (13 cases, 20%) A histamine antagonist is an agent that serves to inhibit the release or action of histamine. Antihistamine can be used to describe any histamine antagonist, but it is usually reserved for the classical antihistamines that act upon the H1 histamine receptor. Antihistamines are used as treatment for allergies. There are 2 types of antihistamine, one acting on the H1 receptors and the [21] other on H2 receptors. Figure.1: Graph showing the social history of the patients 23 31 3 Smoker Non-smoker Alcoholic 24 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table. 1: Drugs purchased by the patients Drugs Classification of drugs No. of Patients Famotidine 20 mg, Cimetidine H2 receptor antagonist 2 Cetrizine 10mg, Orphenadrine citrate, Benatussil expectorant, Loratadine, Dimenhydrinate, Triprolidine HCL 2.5mg, Cetrizine, Betahistine HCL Antihistamine 15 Norethisterone 10mg, Evening Primrose oil capsules Hormonal contraceptives 2 Ambroxol HCL 30 mg, Cylindrol-mucoflux syrup 5ml, Bromhexine HCL 8mg Mucolytics 4 Lyzozyme HCL 200mg, Serratiopeptidase Anti inflammatory 4 Metformin 850mg, Metformin HCL, Glibenclamide 5mg, Gliclazide Antidiabetics 3 Calcium dodesilate monohydrate 500mg Anti haemorrhagic 2 Naproxen sodium 275mg, Diclofenac sodium, PCM, Etoricoxib, Naproxen Serratiopeptidase, Rofecoxib NSAIDs 13 Prime edema, Macrogol 400 Laxatives 3 Fungazol 10's, Clotrimazole lotion Broad spectrum antifungal 1 Loperamide Opioid receptor antagonist 2 Clobetasol propionate ointment, Prednisolone Corticosteroids 2 Charcoal Antidiarrheals 2 Fusic acid, Na fusidate, Ceturoxime axetil Antibiotics 1 Losartan potassium Antihypertensives 2 Dextromethorphan Antitussives 2 NSAIDs are usually indicated for the treatment of acute or chronic conditions where pain and inflammation are present. For example, NSAID can be used for treatment of the following: · Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Acute gout · Inflammatory arthropathies (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome) · Dysmenorrhoea, Metastatic bone pain, Headache and migraine, Postoperative pain, Mild-to-moderate pain, Pyrexia, Ileus and Renal colic[22] Aspirin, the only NSAID able to irreversibly inhibit COX-1, is also indicated for inhibition of platelet aggregation. This is useful in the management of arterial thrombosis and prevention of adverse cardiovascular events. Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting the action of thromboxane -A. Aspirin does have certain drawbacks. It can irritate the stomach lining, causing heartburn, pain, or nausea. Coating aspirin capsules helps reduce this irritation by preventing the release of the aspirin until it has passed through the stomach and into 25 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 the small intestine; however, coating also slows the absorption of aspirin and increases the amount of time before it starts to work. Other side effects include the fact that high doses of aspirin may cause ringing in the ears. Aspirin shouldn't be given to children under the age of twelve or to pregnant women, especially during the last three months of pregnancy since it could cause complications during delivery. [23] Taking more than the prescribed dose of NSAIDs can increase the risk of gastrointestinal upset and ulcers. A study (2002) involving 138 patients showed that taking multiple NSAIDs – either intentionally or inadvertently – can adversely affect a person's overall health. The results showed that 26 percent of participants were dual users, meaning that they reported taking at least two NSAIDs (multiple prescriptions, OTC, or both) during the previous month. Using multiple NSAIDs was found to be associated with worse scores on the physical health component of the survey. Little is known about patients who take multiple NSAIDs, whether multiple prescriptions or OTC NSAIDs. As OTC use is difficult to track, few studies have evaluated it. In addition, OTC medication is often not discussed during doctor visits, even though taking high doses of NSAIDs raises safety concerns. [24] Polypharmacy From our findings, we discovered that polypharmacy is quite common among Malaysian patients accounting for about 29 cases (44.6%). The term 'Polypharmacy' is derived from the Greek words polus (many) and pharmakon (drugs / poisons), and literally means 'many drugs' [25].The intent of co-pharmacy is to produce a drug-drug interaction that will have beneficial consequences for the patient. Generally, the goal is to produce a pharmacodynamic interaction in which the effect of one drug accentuates or diminishes the effect of another. Alternatively, the goal could also be to produce a pharmacokinetic interaction in which one drug alters the absorption, distribution, metabolism, or elimination of another. Polypharmacy occasions greater concern because each drug that is added to the patient's regimen increases the likelihood of an adverse outcome and the expense of the treatment. A study by Dr. Barkley et al (2006) revealed that one of the major contributing factors to polypharmacy is selfmedication by the patient. Surveys show that 73% of Americans would rather treat themselves at home than see a doctor and 96% are confident about their ability to make their own healthcare decisions. This decreases the ability of healthcare providers to properly monitor potentially dangerous interactions. Patients' ability to start their own regimens without input from a healthcare provider is increasing as more medications make the switch to over-the-counter (OTC) status. According to Dr. Barkley, there are more than 700 products available OTC today that were prescription-only less than 30 years ago. Elderly patients are certainly at high risk for polypharmacy -- seniors consume 34% of all prescription drugs, 33% of all over the counter drugs and 6.5 million use 1 of 33 inappropriate prescription drugs. But, the possibility should not be discounted in other patients. Patients with co-morbidities, with multiple healthcare providers, and those who fill prescriptions at more than one pharmacy are at increased risk. [26] Figure.1: Graph showing different class of drugs purchased by the patients 15 13 4 2 2 4 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 H 2 re ce pt or an H ta or An go m on t ih nis t al is ta co m nt ra ine ce pt iv es M uc An ol ti y in fla tics m m at An t id ory An ia ti be ha em tic or s rh ag ic Br N oa SA d ID sp s O ec Lax pi tru at oi iv d es re m a ce nt ifu pt or n an gal ta C go or n tic os ist An tero id t id s ia rrh ea ls An An t ib t ih io yp tic er s te ns i An v t it es us si ve s 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 26 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 According to the WHO – among the populations most impacted by the challenges of polypharmacy are the elderly. In the U.S., the elderly consume more than 1/3rd of all pharmaceutical drugs. Polypharmacy is problematic for elderly because it is the greatest risk for adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, etc. The same report also reveals increasingly high levels of medication use among the elderly. 66% of men and 88% of women consume atleast one medication per week. When OTC drugs are included, the percentage rises significantly to 89 % men and 94% women. [27] The criteria for rational co-pharmacy are: 1. Knowledge that the combination has a positive effect on the pathophysiology or pathoetiology of the disorder. 2. Convincing evidence that the combination is more effective, including more cost-effective, than monodrug therapy 3. The combination should not pose significantly greater safety or tolerability risks than monotherapy -Drugs should not have narrow therapeutic indices. -Drugs should not have poor tolerability profiles. 4. Drugs should not interact both pharmacokinetically and pharmacodynamically. 5. Drugs should have mechanisms of action that are likely to interact in a way that augments response. 6. Drugs should have only one mechanism of action. 7. Drugs should not have a broad-acting mechanism of action. 8. Drugs should not have the same mechanism of action. 9. Drugs should not have opposing mechanisms of action. 10. Each drug should have simple metabolism. 11. Each drug should have an intermediate half-life. 12. Each drug should have linear pharmacokinetics. [28] Distribution of patients according to the race Indian, 25 Malay, 20 Chinese, 25 CONCLUSION This retrospective survey shows that a significant proportion of the general population (65 cases) in the span of 14 weeks opted for self medication. Most of the consumers had a foreknowledge of the medications they had to purchase based on previous prescribed medication regimen, old prescriptions, and suggestions from friends, family and peers. All of them were not aware of the side effects and the risks posed by the medications that they purchased without prescription. The practice of selfmedication in this survey period was common and inappropriate or irresponsible. As no clear-cut protocols exist regarding self medication and dispensing to such patients, the pharmacists had no other alternative, but to dispense the medication. It would have been beneficial to these consumers if counselling was provided on a regular basis. Self-medication must be accompanied by appropriate health information. Responsible self-medication can help prevent and treat ailments that do not require medical consultation and provides a cheaper alternative for treating common ailments. Self-medication is an area where governments and health authorities need to ensure that it is done in a responsible manner, ensuring that safe drugs are available over-the-counter and the consumer is given adequate information about the use of drugs and when to consult a doctor. Unlike other aspects of selfcare, self-medication involves the use of drugs, and drugs have the potential to do good as well as cause harm. In this context, the pharmacists have a pivotal role in ensuring responsible self-medication. 27 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Retrospective patient data analysis with respect to irresponsible self medication in community pharmacy setting PATIENT CHARACTERICTICS Name : Age : Education Sex : File No. : Date : Social History Primary (<6) Smoker Alcoholic Secondary (6-12) Tobacco Betel Nut Graduates and above (>12) Snuff Marital Status : M UM Know Allergies : House hold Income : C/O : Past Medical History : Past Medication History : No of drugs prescribed : 0-1 2-4 >5 For Treatment Of : DRUGS PROCURED No Drugs Tr. Name Gen. Name Route of Administration Dose No of days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Recommendations for future research Self medication is defined as 'the use of medication, whether modern or traditional, intended for the sole purpose of self treatment. Studies assessing self medication reveal that it is a fairly common practice, especially in economically deprived countries. Self medication moves patients towards greater independence in making decisions about management of minor illnesses, thereby promoting empowerment. Self medication also has advantages for healthcare systems, as it facilitates better use of clinical skills; increases access to medication and may contribute to reducing prescribed drug costs. However, irresponsible self medication is associated with risks such as misdiagnosis, use of excessive drugs, and prolonged duration of action, drug interactions and polypharmacy. The latter may be particularly problematic in the elderly. Monitoring systems, a partnership between patients, physicians and pharmacists, and the provision of education and information to all concerned on safe self medication, are proposed strategies for maximizing benefit and minimizing risks.2 This research work can, provided the time frame is increased, delve deeper into this aspect, by assessing many more patients, include successive stages (namely pharmacists' intervention, counselling and evaluation of the efficacy process and patient compliance). Close coordination with the pharmacists can ensure, over a period of time, improved counselling sessions with the patients. Furthermore, evaluation of the counselling process as well as compliance can be done through regular follow customers. The pharmacist's attitude towards self medication with respect to dispensing and counselling can also be evaluated. REFERENCES 1. Hughes CM, McElnay JC and Fleming GF: Benefits and risks of self-medication. Drug Saf 2001; 24: 1027 – 1037. 2. Kiyingi KS, Lauwo JAK: Drugs in Home: Danger and waste. World Health Forum 1993; 14: 381 – 384. 3. Montastruc JL, Bagheri H, Geraud T and Lapeyre MM: Pharmacovigilance of self-medication. Therapie 1997; 52: 105 – 110. 4. http://www.chpa-info.org. 5. Tipnis HP, Amrita baja, editors. Clinical Pharmacy. 1st edition (July 2003). Career publications; 1 – 3; 447 – 454. 6. Holder, H.D. Effects of Alcohol, Alone and in Combination With Medications. Walnut Creek, CA: Prevention Research Center, 1992. 7. Midanik, L.T., & Room, R. The epidemiology of alcohol consumption. Alcohol Health & Research World 16(3):183-190, 1992. 8. Egbert, A.M. The older alcoholic: Recognizing the subtle clinical clues. Geriatrics 48(7):63-69, 1993. 9. Lieber, C.S. Interaction of ethanol with other drugs. In: Lieber, C.S., ed. Medical and Nutritional Complications of Alcoholism: Mechanisms and Management. New York: Plenum Press. 1992. 165183. 10. Solomon Worku, Abebe G. Practice of selfmedication in Jimma town: Ethiop. J.Health Dev. 2003; 17(2): 111 – 116. 11. http://www.Self Medicating.info/Self medicating – news related stories.mht 12. Henry James, Shailendra S et al. Evaluation of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Self-Medication among First-year medical students: Med Princ Pract 2006; 15:270-275. 13. Mahid S, Minor S, Soto R. Smoking and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Meta-analysis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006; 81:1462-1471. Available : http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf vid=9&hid=103 &sid=fc8975b4-e464-46ab-8d79-ebfc85a5f037% 40sessionmgr106.Accessed on February 10, 2008 14. Osborne M, Stansby G. Cigarette smoking and its relationship to inflammatory bowel disease: a review. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1992; 85:214-215.Available at: http://web.ebscohost. com/ehost/pdf?vid=7&hid=103&sid=692aa35ce1bf-4045-9917-14575104cff8%40sessionmgr108. Accessed on February 10, 2008. 15. Carmelli D, Swan GE, Reed T, Schellenberg GD, Christian JC. The effect of apolipoprotein E epsilon4 in the relationships of smoking and drinking to cognitive function. Neuroepidemiology 1999; 18: 125-33. 16. Kaplan-Machlis B, Klostermeyer BS. The cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors: safety and effectiveness. Ann Pharmacother 1999; 33:979-88. 17. Shorr RI, Ray WA, Daugherty JR, Griffin MR. Concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral anticoagulants places elderly persons at high risk for hemorrhagic peptic ulcer disease. Arch Intern Med 1993; 153:1665-70. 18.http://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/Library/Services/ Clinical_Services/Pharmacy/Smoking_Interactions. pdf. 29 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 19. Cady RK, Lipton RB, Hall C, et al. Treatment of mild headache in disabled migraine sufferers: results of the Spectrum Study. Headache 2000; 40(10):792–7. 20. Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Sliwinski M. Classification of daily and near-daily headaches: field trial of revised IHS criteria. Neurology 1996; 47:871–5. 21. Gladstein J, Holden EW. Chronic daily headache in children and adolescents: a 2 year prospective study. Headache 1996; 36(6):349–51. 22. Simons, F. Estelle R. (November 2004). "Advances in H1-antihistamines". The New England Journal of Medicine 351 (21): 2203–17. Doi: 10.1056/NEJMra033121. ISSN 0028-4793. PMID 15548781. 23. Simone Rossi, ed (2006). Australian Medicines Handbook 2006. Adelaide: Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd. ISBN 0-9757919-2-3. 24. http://www.faqs.org/health/Healthy-LivingV2/Over-the-Counter-Drugs.html 25. http://www.arthritistoday.org/conditions/rheumatoid-arthritis/news-and-research/multiplensaids.php 26. Berube MS, Neely DJ, De Vinne PB: American Heritage Dictionary. 2nd edition (Boston): Houghton Mifflin 1982. 27. http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ AANP/6037 28. World health Organization, “Adherence to longterm therapies: Evidence for action”, 2003. 29. McInnes GT, Brodie MJ, Drug interactions that matter: a critical reappraisal. Drugs 1988;36:83-110 30 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Impact on the outcome of pharmacotherapy of senior Indian inpatients: A pharmacist led intervention 1 2 3 4* 5 Mandavi , Padmavathi R , Mangu R , Pramil T , Vinay K 1,2,3,4 Department of Pharmacy Practice, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab, INDIA, 5Department of General Medicine, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, INDIA Author for Correspondence: ptiwari@niper.ac.in Abstract It is well known that due to physiological changes, elderly patients are prone to suffer from Drug-Related Problems (DRPs). By the year 2040, the elderly will account for 14% of total global population. Since the elderly population will increase, it is expected that the DRPs will also increase. To determine the potentially inappropriate prescription(s), understand risk factors and study the impact of providing regular feedback to the clinicians on the inappropriate medications prescribed to the elderly inpatients using the Modified Updated Beers Criteria 2003. A 3 year long term prospective interventional study included 1972 elderly inpatients (60yrs or above) at a public teaching hospital. Regular feedback was provided to the clinicians and the changes effected in the therapy were documented. The average age of the patients was 68.03±0.16 yrs. On an average, each patient had 2 diagnoses & was prescribed 7 drugs. Of 1972 patients, 285 (15%) patients were identified to have at least one inappropriate medication. The most common inappropriate drugs were administration of anticoagulant therapy with aspirin or Clopidogrel (22.2%), Amitriptyline (18.5%), Digoxin (9.8%), Amiodarone (8.7%) and Chlorphenaramine (7.3%), followed by Promethazine & Ferrous Sulfate (4.9%). The risk factors for the inappropriate prescription were age over 70 yrs, more than 5 medications prescribed, longer stay in the hospital and multiple diagnoses. The extent of inappropriateness in the first, second and third year of the study was 19%, 18% and 7%, respectively. There was a significant improvement in the inappropriateness in third year, when compared from the first 2 years of the study. Some illustrative instances where the drug(s) was discontinued or the use decreased, in the third year, are anticoagulant therapy with Aspirin or Clopidogrel (4.6% to 0.46%), Amitriptyline (3.3% to 1.3%), Digoxin (2.1% to Nil), Promethazine (1.05% to Nil), and use of Anticholinergic agents in obstructed bladder (0.52% to Nil). These results have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce inappropriateness of pharmacotherapy in elderly patients through provision of relevant unbiased information to healthcare professionals. Reinforcement of the feedback is a possible route to sustain the improvement. Key words: Elderly; Inappropriate drugs; Beers criteria 2003, India INTRODUCTION By 2040, the world is projected to have 1.3 billion older people—accounting for 14% of the total. [1, 2] According to the data projected by United Nation, the Indian elderly population will rise to 21.2% of total by 2050 from 7.2% estimated in 1995. Globally, this will witness a rise to only 16.5% in 2050 from 12.4% in 1995. [3] The elderly, often, have chronic medical conditions and they require multi-drug treatment. Because of the unfavorable anatomic and physiologic function changes, elderly patients are prone to suffer from drug-related problems. The advancement in medical technology has added extra length in life as well as improved the quality of healthcare. However, the problems associated with Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 19/11/2009 Accepted on 23/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved pharmacotherapy have also increased. [4] Inappropriate medication use in elderly population has long been an issue of healthcare quality along with over and under use of medication. The major factors which contribute to changes in the drug use patterns among elderly are increasing age, availability of new classes of drugs, and changes in physicians' prescribing habits. The findings from United States and other countries showed a higher prevalence rate (up to 49%) for [5, 6] inappropriate medication among elderly. Like their counterparts in other countries, Indian elderly are also not immune from receiving potentially inappropriate medications. The earliest study from the country has reported 18% inappropriateness among Indian elderly patients.[7] Although the reported prevalence is lower 31 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 when compared to other countries, this is one of major issues of concern. It was, therefore, relevant to conduct a long term study to determine the potentially inappropriate prescription(s), understand risk factors and study the impact of providing regular feedback to the clinicians on the inappropriate medications prescribed to the elderly inpatients. METHODOLOGY Participants and Data source: This prospective study was conducted at a public teaching hospital for a period of three years. The patients admitted to three medicine wards and one cardiac care unit were randomly enrolled in this study and followed until discharge. The patients recruited in the study were 60 yrs. or more and were prescribed drugs for duration of five days or more. For each patient, a study form was completed at admission and updated daily until the discharge from the hospital. The information on age, sex, diagnosis, prescribed drugs, dose, formulation, route of administration, frequency and duration of therapy was obtained from the case records. Spread over the three consecutive years, a total of 2037 prescriptions were captured. However, 65 records did not match the inclusion criteria and the results are based on the prescriptions of 1972 patients. Problem Identification: The potentially inappropriate medications were identified according to the Modified Updated Beers Criteria 2003.[8] The Updated Beers criteria 2003 is applicable to the general population above 65 yrs. of age, regardless of level of frailty or place of residence. However, in this study, the cutoff age was 60 yrs. and, hence, the criteria was termed “Modified Updated Beers Criteria 2003” (now onwards, Beers Criteria 2003). This tool is an internationally accepted criteria for assessment of inappropriate prescribing practices in the elderly patients. [9,10] Finally, the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) [11] was used to code the diagnosis. Regular feedback was provided to the clinician(s) for every identified inappropriateness to resolve the problem and improve the pharmacotherapy. Statistical analysis: The results are presented as average±SEM & percentages. The variables such as age, number of drugs and number of diagnosis were expressed as frequency and percentage of the respective totals. The potential risk factors in the logistic regression equation were age, gender, number of medications prescribed, number of diagnosis and duration of treatment in the hospital. Odds Ratio was used to determine the risk factor for the inappropriate prescriptions. Statistical significance was determined at 95% level of confidence. The data was analyzed using Sigma Stat version (2) software. [12] RESULTS The results were based on the data of 1972 patients. The male and female patients were in ratio of 3:2 {(n=1206):(n=766)}. The average age of the patients was 68.03±0.16 yrs. The demographic profile of patients is given in table I. On an average each patient had 2 diagnoses & was prescribed 7 drugs. Nearly one third (34%) of the patients received less than five medications; about half of the patients (54%) received medications between 6-10 and approximately 12% of patients received more than ten medications concurrently. It should be noted that the distribution of the number of drugs prescribed to patients in this study followed a normal gaussian distribution. The number of the patients suffering from multiple disorders was 61%. The most commonly noted disorder among elderly, classified on the basis of ICD-10, was the 'circulatory system disorders' (66.6%). This was followed by 'endocrine disorders' in the second rank (28.2%) & 'respiratory system disorder' in the third place (18.3%) (Table II). Prescribing of Potentially Inappropriate Medication: Of 1972 patients, 285 (15%) patients were identified to have at least one inappropriate medication. The Beers Criteria 2003 classifies two types of inappropriateness with respect to drugs. The first one is the prescription of drug(s) which should be avoided, in general, to the elderly because of the risk of adverse effect and second is the use of the prescription drugs whose dose is considered as higher than normal for elderly & those drugs avoided in specific disease condition. The most common inappropriate drugs identified in 285 cases (who were prescribed inappropriate drugs according to the first list of Beers criteria 2003) were Amitryptiline (18.5%), Digoxin (9.8%) and Amiodarone (8.7%). The recommended dose of Digoxin for elderly patients in Beers criteria is 0.125mg. But, it was observed that the dose in use was nearly four times the recommended dose (i.e. 0.5mg) in patients. In several instances, the clinician chose to revise the dose based upon the feedback provided by the investigator. The rank order of inappropriateness in descending order was: Chlorphenaramine>Promethazine>Iron>Clindinium>Fl uxetine>Dicylamine>Diazepam>Diphenhydramine>Pe ntazocine>Indomethazine>Doxazosine>Piroxicam>Thi oridazine>Biscodyl Hydroxyzine>Oybutyrine. The second kind of inappropriateness depends upon the 32 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table I: Age and Gender Wise Distribution of Patients Sl.no 1 Characteristics Number of patients (n=1972) 60-69 yrs Age 1166 (59.1%) 70-79 yrs 608 (30.8%) 80-89 yrs 173 (8.7%) 90-99 yrs 23 (1.2%) Over 99 yrs 2 2 (0.1%) Male Gender 1206 (61.2%) Female 766 (38.8%) Table II: Top Five Disorders on the basis of ICD-10 Sl.no Class of Disease Number of patients & proportion (%) 1 Circulatory System Disorder 1301 (66.6%) 2 Endocrine Disorder 555 (28.2%) 3 Respiratory System Disorder 361 (18.3%) 4 Digestive System Disorder 333 (16.8%) 5 Genitourinary System Disorder 234 (11.9%) % o f In a p p ro p ri a te M e d i c a ti o n U s e Figure I: Changes in prescribing-Impact of provision of regular feedback 25% 20% 19% 18% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2004 7% 2005 2006 2007 Year 33 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table III: Prevalence of inappropriate drug use (IDU) by sample characteristics Sl.no Variable 1 All 2 Age 60-69 yrs 3 4 5 6 Total no. of patients 1972 1166 Patients with IDU Prevalence of without IDU Odds ratio (95% confidence interval) 285 1687 15% 145 1021 1(reference) 70-79 yrs 608 102 506 1.42 (1.07-1.89) (0.98-2.05) (p=.008) 80 yrs 198 38 160 1.61 (1.11-2.52) (.98-2.85) (p=0.009) Men 1206 165 1041 1(reference) Women 766 120 646 1.17 (.90-1.52) (.83-1.65) (p=.12) 1- 5 684 56 628 1(reference) 6-10 1061 156 905 1.93 (1.38-2.7) (1.25-2.9) (p=0) 11 or more 227 73 154 5.32 (3.53-8.0) (3.13-9.04) (p=0) 5 days 1211 166 1045 1(reference) 6-10 days 636 99 537 1.16 (-88-1.53) (.81-1.67) (p=0.15) 11 days 125 20 105 1.20 (.7-2.04) (.6-2.37) (p=.27) Single 763 91 672 1(reference) Double 738 109 629 1.28 (.94-1.74) (.86--91) (p=0.061) Triple 385 68 317 1.52 (1.11-2.26) (1-2.51) (p=0.006) Multiple 86 17 69 1.82 (.98-3.34) (.83-3.96) (p=0.034) Sex No. of medication Length of treatment No of Diagnosis 34 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 the diagnosis or conditions. The most frequently encountered instance was administration of anticoagulant therapy with aspirin or using a combination of Aspirin and Clopidogrel (22%). It was observed that the prescribed dose of aspirin was higher than recommended in patients; hence, it was revised to the recommended level by the physician. It was also found that in a few patients, the inappropriate administration of anticoagulants caused bleeding. Another common situation noted was the use of anticholinergic agent in patients having bladder outflow obstruction. Some other less common instances were use of metoclopromide in parkinson's patients, use of prazosin in incontinence and use of sodium chloride in heart failure. Out of total inappropriate prescription, 241 prescriptions identified as potentially inappropriate prescriptions had a “high severity” potential as defined by the Beers Criteria 2003. Risk Factors: The risk factors responsible for the inappropriate prescriptions were also studied. Inappropriate drug use was more common in the patients of more advanced age (over 70 yrs) as compared to the patients of age group 60-69 years (p=0.008). A higher prevalence was detected in the elderly patients with increasing number of medications and longer hospital stay. Fourthly, the inappropriate drug use was more prevalent in the patients having multiple diagnoses. The effect of variables on the inappropriate drug use is depicted in Table III. Impact of Provision of Regular Feedback: The extent of inappropriateness in the first, second and third year of the study was 19%, 18% and 7%, respectively (fig I). There was a significant improvement in the inappropriateness in third year, when compared from the first 2 years of the study. This demonstrated that the feedback provided by the investigator(s) was being pursued and the clinicians were certainly cautious in prescriptions to elderly.Some noteworthy examples of the changes in clinical practice are as follows: Anticoagulant therapy with Aspirin or Clopidogrel (reduced from 4.6% to 0.46%), Amitriptyline (use decreased from 3.3% to 1.3%), Digoxin (from 2.1% to Nil), Promethazine (changes from 1.05% to negligible), and use of Anticholinergic agents in obstructed bladder (from 0.52% to Nil). DISSCUSSION This 3 year study has confirmed that the prevalence of inappropriate drug prescribing among Indian elderly patients is not very high. Only 15% of 1972 patients prescriptions were found to be inappropriate according to the modified updated beers criteria 2003. This finding matches very well with reports from other countries.[13,14,15] The level of inappropriateness identified in similar studies from France[16], Finland[17] , Croatia [18] Cuyahoga [19] and Taiwan[20] ranges between 21-40% which is certainly alarming. The results of a retrospective study on 493,971 patients in USA has shown an increased inappropriate prescribing to the tune of 49%.[ 5] It is not wise to compare the extent of inappropriateness on a head to head statistical basis. This reasoning is based upon fact that there is possibility of variation in prescribing pattern(s), availability of drug(s) in hospital formulary, morbidity profile(s), sickness of patient(s) and physician(s) prescribing behaviour. The most common instances contributing to inappropriate usages were administration of anticoagulant therapy with aspirin or Clopidogrel (22.2%), Amitriptyline (18.5%), Digoxin (9.8%), Amiodarone (8.7%) and Chlorphenaramine (7.3%), followed by Promethazine (4.9%) & Ferrous Sulfate (4.9%) . This pattern is in agreement with the results from other countries. [20,21] The use of dugs like propoxyphen[22,23,24], ticlopidine[25,9], long acting benzodiazapenes[26,27], muscle relaxants, calcium channel blockers[28] was not so common in the patients of this setting. This is an important difference in the pattern of inappropriateness between Indian elderly inpatients and patients from other countries. This study did not only determine the extent of inappropriateness but also the responsible risk factors. The finding of this study shows similarity with other published results in connection to the risk factors (older age, increased number of medication, longer hospital stay and multiple numbers of diagnoses) identified for the inappropriate prescribing.[10,18] The result of this study demonstrated that as the number of medications in the regimen increased the likelihood of an unnecessary medication also increased (Odds Ratio: 5.32; CI: 3.53-8). This finding is consistent with study which showed association of polypharmacy with the inappropriate prescribing. [29] One of the most important objectives of this study was to assess the impact of providing regular feedback to the clinicians on the inappropriate medications prescribed to the elderly patients, based on Modified Beers Criteria 2003.The inappropriate drug use in the first, second and third year of the study was 19%, 18% & 7% respectively. 35 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 While the first two years had a nearly matching inappropriate drug use, the third year study registered a steep decline in inappropriate prescribing (18% compared to 7%). The steep decline in the inappropriate drug use can be very well understood because the intervention applied was purely educational in nature. It can be argued that the first two years were largely utilized for sensitization of the clinicians. And, this sensitization started bearing fruit in the third year of the study. This observation also reiterates the fact that the clinicians had started pursuing the feedback provided by the investigators on individual inappropriate drug use. In essence, this study has provided evidence for a pharmacist led intervention producing a beneficial impact on the outcome of pharmacotherapy of Indian elderly inpatients. CONCLUSIONS These results have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce inappropriateness of pharmacotherapy in elderly patients through provision of relevant unbiased information to healthcare professionals. Reinforcement of the feedback is a possible route to sustain the improvement. REFERENCES 1. K, He W. U.S. Census Bureau, International Population Reports, P95/09-1, An Aging World: 2008, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2009. 2. Soneja S. Abuse of elders, in: Country report submitted to World Health Organization, (Electronic version), Helpage India, New Delhi, pp.1-16. 3. United Nation, World Population Prospects: Estimates and Projection Revised in 1998. 4. Chang CM, Liu PY, Yang HK. Potentially Inappropriate Drug Prescribing Among First Visit Elderly Outpatients in Taiwan. Pharmacother 2004; 24:848- 855. 5. Rothberg MB, Pekow PS, Liu F. Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Hospitalized Elders. J Hosp Med 2008; 3(2):91-102. 6. 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Potentially Inappropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in Hospitalized Elderly Patients in France: CrossSectional Analysis of the Prospective, Multicentre SAFEs Cohort. Drugs Ageing 2008; 25(11): 933-46. Hosia-Randell HM, Muurinen SM, Pitkälä KH. Exposure to potentially inappropriate drugs and drug-drug interactions in elderly nursing home residents in helsinki, Finland: a cross-sectional study. Drugs Ageing 2008; 25(8): 683-92. Radoseviæ N, Gantumur M, Vlahoviæ-Palcevski V. Potentially inappropriate prescribing to hospitalized patients. Pharmacoepidmiol Drug Saf 2008;17(7):733-7. Nixdorff N, Hustey FM, Brady AK, et al. Potentially inappropriate medications and adverse drug effects in elders in the ED. Am J Emerg Med 2008; 26(6): 697-700. Lin HY, Liao CC, Cheng SH, et al. Association of potentially inappropriate medication use with adverse outcomes in ambulatory elderly patients with chronic diseases: experience in a Taiwanese 36 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 medical setting. Drugs Ageing 2008; 25(1): 49-59. 21. Aparasu RR, Mort JR. Prevalence, Correlates, and Associated Outcomes of Potentially Inappropriate Psychotropic Use in the Community-Dwelling Elderly. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 2004;2:102-111. 22. Fredric MH, Nicole W, Jonathan M. Inappropriate prescribing in an older ED population. Am J Emerg Med 2007; 25:804–807 23. Andrea MW, Paul JN, Ruth GJ, et al. Inappropriate Medication Use in the Elderly: Results from a Quality Improvement Project in 99 Primary Care Practices. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 2008; 6:21-27. 24. Bahl SK, Stuart BC, MH Beers. National Trends in and Predictors of Propoxyphene Use in CommunityDwelling Older Adults. AmJ Geriatr Pharmacother 2005; 3:186-195. 25. Martins SO, Soares MA, Foppe van Mil JW , et al. Inappropriate Drug Use by Portuguese elderly outpatient-effect of the Beers criteria update. Pharm World Sci 2006;28: 296-301. 26. 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Profile of pharmacotherapy in elderly Indian patients: Preliminary findings. Int J Risk Safety Med 2006;18: 151-157. 37 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Impact of patient education on health related quality of life of dialysis patients 1* 2 3 Ramani G.K. , Dholakiya R.B. , Patel G.F Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, KIM Near railway station, Kudsad Road, Kim-394110 Author for Correspondence: gaurang.ramani@gmail.com Abstract The Dialysis patients require life time treatments which may cause side effects that impair their quality of life. Studies have shown that when pharmacists were involved in the care of dialysis patients, significant improvements in patients' HRQoL were achieved. This study aimed to assess the impact of patient education on HRQoL of Dialysis patients. This was a prospective, open comparative study. This study was approved by the ethics committee of KIMS Hospital, Bangalore. Patients were kept under observation for a period of one month. We assessed the HRQoL before and after providing them patient education. We provided patient education regarding the disease, medication, storage of medication, OTC drugs, diet, exercise, dressing, emotion sharing, and problems occurring during and after dialysis. The HRQoL of the patients was assessed using SF-36 Questionnaire. After the patient education the improvement in HRQoL of dialysis patients was significant (p<0.05). At the end of study patients had significantly (P<0.05) higher HRQoL score as compared to their scores before receiving patient education. Our study concludes that patient education can play an important role in the improving the HRQoL of patients on Dialysis. Key words: Dialysis, HRQoL, OTC drugs INTRODUCTION The incidence and prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF) and consequently end –stage renal disease (ESRD) has steadily increased in the last two decades.1 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health problem with significant co morbidity and mortality. Improving quality of life and survival of CKD patients necessitates a large number of preventive and therapeutic interventions. To resolve these issues several organizations have developed guidelines.2 One of the main reasons for the rapid growth in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) measurement is the reorganization of the importance of a better understanding of the impact concerning the health care interventions on the life of the patient.12 Over this period, the treatment of patients in end stage renal disease or on dialysis has also changed dramatically with development of newer, but expensive renal replacement techniques, while there is a greater acceptance of higher risk patients, like diabetics, elderly and those with many cardiovascular problems.3 Chronic renal failure is the progressive, irreversible deterioration of renal function usually resulting from long standing disease. It some time derives from Acute Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 17/06/2009 Accepted on 20/09/2009 © APTI All rights reserved Renal Failure (ARF) that does not respond to treatment.4 In medicine, Dialysis is the removal of toxic substances from the blood by diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane in an artificial kidney machine, used in cases of kidney failure when a transplant is not available. It is a life support treatment and does not treat any kidney diseases.5 In last two decades, quality of life has become an increasingly important outcome measure in medicine3. One of the main reasons for the rapid growth in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) measurement is the reorganization of the importance of a better understanding of the impact concerning the health care interventions on the life of the patient.6 As per World Health Organization (WHO, 1947) the Health Related Quality Of Life is defined as “a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.3 This definition identified key dimensions of health that should be included, such as physical, social, and psychological domains. Identification of these domains expanded the construct of HRQoL and led to a set of principles which guided its measurement.7 The Short Form health survey SF-36 [Short Form with 36 questions] with 36 questions is a well-documented 38 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 scoring system that has been widely used and validated as a HRQoL assessment tool for the general population as well as patients on Dialysis. SF-36 consists of 36 questions, 35 of which are compressed into eight multiitem scales: (1) physical functioning; (2) role-physical; (3) bodily pain; (4) general health; (5) vitality; (6) social functioning; (7) role-emotional; and (8) mental health. Hence, in the SF36 scoring system, the scales are assessed quantitatively, each on the basis of answers to two to ten multiple choice questions, and a score between 0 and 100 is then calculated on the basis of well-defined guidelines, with a higher score indicating a better state of health7. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted at the dialysis centre of KIMS hospital and Research Center, a 1000 bedded hospital in Bangalore, Karnataka. It was a hospital based prospective study designed as an open comparative study. Informed consent forms were obtained from the patients recruited for this study. 53 patients of either sex who were above the age of 18 years and with co morbidities were provided with patient education to assess the impact of patient counseling on the Health Related Quality of Life in dialysis patients. The patient education consisted of tips regarding the disease, medication, storage of medication, OTC drugs, diet, exercise, dressing, emotion sharing, and problems occurring during and after dialysis. Demographic and lab data were recorded for all patients from the patient's case sheet, direct patient and their care givers' interviews, and dialysis charts. It included age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, income level, diagnosis. To assess the HRQoL we used a SF-36 questionnaire. This is a WHO validated questionnaire. In our study we used English and Kannada version of SF-36 questionnaire. We converted this questionnaire in to Kannada version and validated as per the standard procedure mentioned in Linguistic Validation of SF-36. The baseline SF-36 scores were obtained from the patients before they were given patient education. After collection of the SF-36 scores on day 1, they were given patients counseling. After 15 days of them being recruited for the study, they were counseled again regarding their dialysis, disease, medication, and the life style modifications required to improve their HRQoL. The follow up SF-36 scores were then collected after a month from the patients. The total SF-36 scores were assessed from the Physical and Mental health scores. Analysis We used Paired –t test to analyze and compare the study data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The comparison of the Scores of different parameters before and after counseling One of the main objective of the study was to measure the impact of patient education on the HRQoL in dialysis patients. Measuring Quality of Life in Dialysis patients has special significance. Dialysis therapy has been associated with side effects and impairment of quality of life which are the major reason of reduced quality of life in dialysis patients. The improvement seen can be explained as follows: at before counseling all patients had SF-36 score below 50. The lower score of SF-36 indicates lower HRQoL. While lab data also showing higher values which indicating that health is not well. Our result shows the mean score and standard deviation [std dev] of lab data such as hemoglobin, serum creatinin, Blood urea, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), total counts of the pre and post dialysis weights and the mean score and std deviation of physical health, mental health and total SF-36 before and after counseling. The mean score and standard deviation for the same parameters after counseling shows significant difference (P<0.05). The data shows a significant improvement after counseling. The greater improvement seen in the test group can be attributed to the fact that they received pharmaceutical care in addition to a regular physicians care. Our data shows that when we correlate lab data and QoL its shows that both the lab data and the QoL have improved, so the lab data and the QoL can be correlated with each other. These findings suggest that pharmacist who provides patient education can have a positive impact on the HRQoL of Dialysis patients. CONCLUSION: Health related QoL is increasingly viewed as a therapeutic outcome and is gradually gaining the same level of importance as clinical or physiological outcome parameters. This study aimed to assess the impact of patient education provided on HRQoL in dialysis patients. At before patient education all patients had very poor HRQoL. This was reflecting in their SF-36 score below 50. At the end of the study period, the patients who had received extensive patient education regarding dialysis, life style, exercise and its management from a pharmacist showed a greater improvement in HRQoL. Our study confirm that improvement in knowledge of the 39 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table-1 Comparison of Different Parameters in Dialysis Patients. Parameter Duration Mean Std Dev Physical Health On 1st day 40.97 20.25 th Mental Health Total SF36 Score On 30 day 51.69 26.90 On 1st day 45.83 18.10 On 30th day 56.25 25.13 On 1st day 43.86 18.80 th Hemoglobin On 30 day 55.38 26.09 On 1st day 9.65 1.45 th Creatinine Blood Urea On 30 day 10.32 1.73 On 1st day 7.12 13.35 On 30th day 6.81 13.51 On 1st day 101.55 53.85 th FBS Sodium On 30 day 95.81 53.63 On 1st day 178.10 35.74 On 30th day 164.57 27.00 On 1st day 142.63 6.39 th Potassium On 30 day 144.31 6.25 On 1st day 4.81 0.63 th Chloride T.C On 30 day 4.88 0.59 On 1st day 96.52 9.45 On 30th day 98.21 8.81 On 1st day 5276.09 1512.05 Mean Difference T P-value -10.717 -4.857 <0.001* -10.416 -4.630 <0.001* -11.518 -4.924 <0.001* -0.672 -5.919 <0.001* 0.309 2.836 0.006* 5.736 3.262 0.002* 13.524 4.118 0.001* -1.688 -3.218 0.002* -0.069 -1.649 0.106 -1.688 -3.864 <0.001* -150.000 -4.011 <0.001* 40 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 disease and its management, improves HRQoL, which in turn has a positive impact on treatment outcomes and QoL of Dialysis patients. This study also emphasis the potential of the pharmacist to plat an important role, as a patient educator, in the management of Dialysis patients. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors specially acknowledge to Visveswarpura Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and KIMS Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore for allow me to carry out ma research work. Also thanks to Mrs. Geetha K. for guiding me in my research work. REFERENCES 1. Arogundade FA, Abd-Essamie MA, Barsoum RS. Health Related Quality of Life in Emotionally Related Kidney Transplantation: Deductions from a Comparative Study. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2005;16: 311-320. 2.Vanbelleghem H, Vanholder R; Levin NW, Becker G, Craig JC, Ito S, Lau J.et al. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Website: Comparison of Guidelines as a Tool for Harmonization. Kidney Int. 2007; 71(10):1054-1061. 3.Gokal HR. Nephrol 2002; 14 (Supplement 1): 170 173. 4. Shargel L. Chronic Renal Failure, Comprehensive Pharmacy Review. 2 nd Edition, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hong Kong, London, Munich. Harwal Publishing.1994. pp.819. 5. http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchTyp e=0&Keyword=dialysis&goquery=Find+it%21& Language=ENG 6.Modi AC, Quittner AL. Validation of a DiseaseSpecific Measure of Health-Related Quality of Life for Children with Cystic Fibrosis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2003;28(8):535-546. 7. Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kopple JD, Block G, Humphreys MH. Association Among SF36 Quality of Life Measures and Nutrition, Hospitalization, and Mortality in Hemodialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001; 12:2797-2806. 41 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Safety and efficacy of amiodarone in arrhythmias – a prospective study in the South Indian population *Vasantha Janardhan, Kousalya K, Ramalakshmi S, Vanitha Rani N, Kannan G, Jyothsna G, Uma M R C Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-600 116 Author for Correspondence: vasajan2001@hotmail.com Abstract To study the cardiac and non-cardiac safety of amiodarone and measure the efficacy of amiodarone in restoring and maintaining sinus rhythm. 35 patients on amiodarone therapy were examined for its safety and efficacy during a period of 6-months. The dosing schedule of amiodarone in the study population was as follows: I.V. loading doses of 150-300 mg bolus over 30 minutes, followed by 1 mg per minute for 6 hours, followed by daily oral maintenance dose of 100-400 mg; I.V. + oral loading dose of 800-2320 mg per day, to a total dose of up to 10 gm, followed by daily oral maintenance dose of 100-400 mg; Oral loading dose of 200 mg T.D.S. for 5 days followed by 200 mg B.D. for 5 days and a daily oral maintenance dose of 100-200 mg O.D. Out of 35 patients, only 2 patients developed severe ADR (hypothyroidism) and discontinued amiodarone therapy. Amiodarone could restore rhythm in 15 (83.33%) out of 18 patients with Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias (VT) and in 10 (83.33%) patients out of 12 patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF). In other types of arrhythmias (Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Premature Complexes (VPCs) & Supraventricular Premature Complexes (SVPCs), amiodarone could restore rhythm in 5 (100%) out of 5 patients. Amiodarone was found to be safe and effective in treating all types of arrhythmias. Key words: amiodarone; arrhythmias; efficacy INTRODUCTION An arrhythmia is any abnormality in rate, regularity, or site of origin or a disturbance in conduction that disrupts the normal sequence of activation in the atria or ventricles.1 Arrhythmias may indicate an underlying abnormality of the heart muscle, valves or arteries. When the normal sequence of impulse initiation and propagation is perturbed, an arrhythmia occurs. Failure of impulse initiation may result in slow heart rates (bradyarrhythmias), whereas failure of impulses to propagate normally from atrium to ventricle results in dropped beats or "heart block" that usually reflects an abnormality in either the AV node or the His-Purkinje system. These abnormalities may be caused by drugs or by structural heart disease; in the latter case, permanent cardiac pacing may be required.2 Arrhythmia may be classified by rate (normal, tachycardia, bradycardia), or mechanism (automaticity, reentry, fibrillation). 3 Lidocaine, procainamide, amiodarone, verapamil and isoproterenol are the various anti-arrhythmic agents used widely.4 Among these, amiodarone has become the most widely prescribed anti-arrhythmic because of its Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 01/ 12/2009 Accepted on 05/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved wide spectrum of efficacy and relative safety in patients with structural heart disease.5 Amiodarone Structure Systematic (IUPAC) name: (2-butyl-1-benzofuran-3-yl)-[4-(2-diethylaminoethoxy)-3,5-diiodophenyl]methanone. Amiodarone is indicated for acute termination and maintenance of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia (pulse less or with a pulse), atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter.6 It is effective in the maintenance of direct current cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation and in the termination of reentrant 42 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 arrhythmias, including the WPW (Wolff-ParkinsonWhite) syndrome.7 Intravenous amiodarone is also effective in suppressing ventricular arrhythmias, and oral amiodarone appears to decrease cardiac mortality after MI.1z Amiodarone is a unique drug with a combination of pharmacological properties that are effective in treating a variety of arrhythmias.8,9,10 This medication is a class III antiarrhythmic that blocks potassium channels and thus prolongs the action potential and refractory period in myocardial cells, thereby decreasing membrane excitability. Unlike other class III antiarrhythmic agents, amiodarone maintains this prolonged myocardial action potential despite faster heart rates, a characteristic that explains its effectiveness in treating tachycardias.11 Amiodarone also acts as a weak sodium channel blocker, causing a decline in the rate of membrane depolarization and impulse conduction.12 As a calcium channel blocker, Amiodarone can cause significant AV nodal block and bradycardia.13,14 These properties cause smooth muscle relaxation as indicated by dilatation of coronary and peripheral arteries, thereby increasing coronary blood flow and reducing systemic blood pressure and afterload.11,15 Adverse effects are very common in patients using amiodarone. 1 6 Adverse reactions affecting the cardiovascular, central nervous, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hepatic, neuromuscular, skeletal and respiratory systems can occur with large doses (>400 17 mg/d). The aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of amiodarone in various arrhythmias. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study was conducted in the cardiology in-patient and out-patient departments of a tertiary care teaching hospital, with the approval of the Institutional ethics committee and informed consent of the patients. 35 patients prescribed with Amiodarone for a period of six months (September 2007 to March 2008) were included in the study. Patients prescribed with a daily dose of not less than 200mg of amiodarone either orally and/or parenterally (I.V.) were included in the study. Children, pregnant and breast-feeding women and patients prescribed with amiodarone of a daily dose less than 200mg were excluded from the study. The dosing schedule of amiodarone in the study population was as follows: I.V. loading doses of 150-300 mg bolus over 30 minutes, followed by 1 mg per minute for 6 hours, followed by daily oral maintenance dose of 100-400 mg I.V. + oral loading dose of 800-2320 mg per day, to a total dose of up to 10 gm, followed by daily oral maintenance dose of 100-400 mg. Oral loading dose of 200 mg T.D.S. for 5 days followed by 200 mg B.D. for 5 days and a daily oral maintenance dose of 100-200 mg O.D. Patient data were collected in specially designed forms which included patient demographics (age and sex), History of present illness, past medical and medication history, social history, general and systemic examination, clinical and cardiac investigations, lab investigations, diagnosis, disease condition for which amiodarone was prescribed, dose, route, dosing interval and duration of therapy. diagnosis of these patients were made by the cardiologist based on clinical signs and symptoms, history of illness along with the results of cardiac investigations like E.C.G., echo and Holter monitoring if required. The drug-charts were reviewed for prescribing patterns of amiodarone such as dose, route of administration and dosing intervals. Adverse drug reactions of amiodarone reported by the study group were also analyzed. The safety and effectiveness of amiodarone in the study group was determined by comparing dose and duration of amiodarone with the incidence of ADRs and outcome of the treatment. Statistical analysis was carried out using software Graph pad (Instat, Version 3.05). RESULTS A total of 35 patients who were diagnosed to have arrhythmias and prescribed with amiodarone not less than 200 mg daily dose were enrolled in the study. Table 1 summarizes the patient demographics, duration of therapy, distribution of arrhythmias and severity of arrhythmias. Among 18 patients with Ventricular Tachycardia, the underlying cause was found to be Myocardial Infarction (MI) in 50% (n=9) of the patients. Of the 35 enrolled patients, loading dose was given for 91.43% (n=32), of which, 46.88% (n=15) were given I.V. + Oral loading dose (mean dose of 6670mg), 31.25% (n=10) patients were given only oral loading dose (mean dose of 6180mg) and 21.87% (n=7) were given only I.V. loading dose (mean dose of 1150mg). 3 patients were cases of Ventricular and Supra Ventricular Premature Complexes and they required only maintenance doses for regular rhythm. Oral maintenance dose of 100-200 mg O.D. were given for all the patients except two, as the drug was withdrawn for them due to adverse drug reactions (ADRs). 43 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table 1: Baseline characteristics Characteristics No. of patients (n=35) % Male 26 74.29 Female 9 25.71 Smoking 6 17.14 Both smoking & alcohol 2 5.71 Tobacco 1 2.86 < 1 week 4 11.43 < 6 months 15 42.86 6 months – 1 year 9 25.71 > 1year 7 20 Stable 10 28.57 Unstable 25 71.43 AF 12 34.29 VT 18 51.43 SVT 2 5.71 VPCs, SVPCs 3 8.57 Sex: Social History: Duration of Therapy: Severity of arrhythmias: Distribution of arrhythmias: Safety Out of 35 patients enrolled for the study, 5 patients (14.29) developed mild ADR like hypotension (n=3) and bradycardia (n=2). Only 2 patients (5.71%) developed severe ADR (hypothyroidism) and discontinued amiodarone therapy. Hence the rest continued amiodarone therapy and ADRs did not affect treatment in 94.29% of the patients. The mild ADR was cardiac and severe ADR was non-cardiac. The distribution of ADR is summarized in Table 2. 44 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Efficacy Of the 35 patients enrolled, sinus rhythm was restored in all the 10 patients on oral therapy (n=10), 14 patients with I.V + oral therapy (n=15) and in 5 patients on I.V amiodarone therapy (n=7). Amiodarone restored rhythm in 15 (83.33%) out of 18 patients with VT and in 10 (83.33%) patients out of 12 patients with AF. In other types of arrhythmias (SVT, VPCs & SVPCs), amiodarone restored rhythm in all 5 (100%) patients. Table 3 summarizes the rate of 'P' wave in atrial fibrillation and QRS duration in Ventricular Tachycardia of ECG before and after administration of amiodarone. Table 2: Distribution of ADRs ADRs No. of patietns (n=35) Mild (n=5) Hypotension (n=3, 8.57%) Bradycardia (n=2, 5.71%) Severe (n=2) Hypothyroidism (n=2, 5.71%) - Table 3: paired “t”test for comparision of rate of “p” wave in atrial fibrillation and “qrs” duration in ventricular tachycardia before and after administration of amiodarone Rate n Mean ± S.D Before treatment 12 408.42 ± 6.11 After treatment 12 124.33 ± 80.62 Before treatment 18 134.47 ± 5.57 After treatment 18 91.53 ± 14.5 p value Rate of P Wave: 0. 0001 Rate of QRS Complex: 0.0001 45 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 DISCUSSION Amiodarone is indicated for acute termination & maintenance of stable (or) unstable Ventricular Tachycardia, Ventricular Fibrillation, Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter. It is effective in the maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with Atrial Fibrillation and also in the termination of reentrant arrythmias. The present study indicated suppression of Incessant VT or VF with amiodarone, in 70% of patients. In the other 20%, amiodarone was accompanied by Adenosine/ Lidocaine /DC shock for suppression. Overall amiodarone played a role in 90% of patients in the suppression of incessant VT or VF. The report of the present study is in accordance with the study conducted by Rosenbaum et al (1976) where total suppression of arrhythmias was observed in 72% of patients.18 In the present study, 100% of amiodarone patients were observed to have almost complete suppression of VPCs and non-sustained VT. This study report is similar to that of Canadian Amiodarone Myocardiac Infarction Arrhythmia trial (CAMIAT) pilot study in which almost complete suppression of asymptomatic VPCs were observed in 86% of the enrolled patients.19 Amiodarone exhibited excellent results in 15 of 18 patients (83.33%) with symptomatic VT or VF in the current study. These results are in accordance with the study done by Rosenbaum et al (1976) where they reported excellent results in 82% with symptomatic VT/VF.18 In the present study, amiodarone was given in 3 different doses of 960mg (group 1), 1050 mg (group 2) and 1200mg (group 3) over 24 hours for incessant VT or VF. There was no recurrence of VT/VF with in or after 24 hours in group 1 and 3 where as 50% recurrence was observed in group 2. The present report has no correlation with the study done by Scheinman MM et al where the reports were 32%, 45% and 53% of recurrence in low, medium and high dose groups respectively20. Conversion of sinus rhythm (SR) with I.V. amiodarone was achieved in 10 of 12 (83.33%) patients. This result was similar to that of the randomized controlled study conducted by Panos E.Vardas et al. They reported that conversion to SR with I.V. amiodarone was achieved in 80.05% of patients21. In the present study, loading and maintenance doses were found to have no significant effect on restoration and maintenance of SR in patients with AF. Maintenance of SR in patients with AF was achieved in 9 of 10 (90%) patients. The results were different from the reports of the study conducted by O’keefe et.al. where the maintenance of SR was 32.5% at 1 month.22 In the present study, the incidence of spontaneous marked QT prolongation resulted in polymorphic VT was observed in 2 of 35 patients (5.71%) in contrast to the reports of studies conducted by Greene HL et al where the incidence was found to be < 0.5%.23 Amiodarone induced torsade de pointes was absent in the present study. A meta analysis of double blind study on amiodarone reported 1 year net risk of events as Pulmonary toxicity in 1%, hepato toxicity in 0.6%, peripheral neuropathy in 0.3% and hyper thyroidism was found in 0.7%.24 None of the above toxicities were observed in the present study. Amiodarone exhibited excellent results in the control of symptomatic VT/VF. It is effective in the suppression of incessant/ recurrent Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias and asymptomatic or symptomatic VPCs, SVPCs and nonsustained VT and SVT. It is effective in termination of AF, restoration and maintenance of SR in AF patients. Amiodarone exhibits good safety for other cardiac and non-cardiac ADRs in the treatment of various arrhythmias. Hence it was observed that effective restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm was achieved in patients after treatment with amiodarone. The improvement in cardiac condition was found to be higher. Only 2 ADRs were severe requiring discontinuation of the drug. The others were not serious and did not lead to any compromise in normal life-style. Limitations of the Study The time period was very less and hence the number of subjects was minimal. The same study can be carried out in a larger population. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We sincerely thank Dr.Ramesh, Professor, Department of Cardiology, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, for his valuable guidance and encouragement throughout the study. REFERENCES 1. Tien MHNG, Jason J, Mark A Gill. Cardiac Arrhythmias. In:Eric T. Herfindal, et al., editors. Text book of Therapeutics - Drug and Disease Management, Eighth Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. p. 534- 568. 2. Keating MT, Sanguinetti MC. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias. Cell 2001, 104:569-580. 3. Velebit V, Podrid P, Lown B, Cohen BH, Graboys TB. Aggravation and provocation of ventricular arrhythmias by antiarrhythmic drugs. Circulation 1982; 65:886-894. 46 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 4. Hanaki Y, Sugiyama S, Hieda N, Taki K, Hayashi H, Ozawa T. Cardioprotective effects of various class I antiarrhythmic drugs in canine hearts. J Am Coll Cardiol 1989;14:219-224. 5. 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Br Heart J 1984; 51:103. 23. Greene HL, Graham EL, Werner JA. Toxic and therapeutic effects of amiodarone in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. J Am Coll Cardiol 1983; 2:1114-1128. 25. Vorperian VR, Havighurst TC, Miller S, January CT. Adverse Effects of Low Dose Amiodarone: A MetaAnalysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997; 30(3):791-798. 47 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of artesunate-amodiaquine and artesunate- mefloquine artemisinin-based combination therapies. Adepoju G.K.A. Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria. Address for Correspondence: monarch012002@yahoo.com Abstract These two artemisinin-combination therapies (ACTs) have been found to be rarely prescribed due to various reasons relating to both clinical and marketing promotional considerations. This study aims at uniting these factors by evaluating the pharmacoeconomic considerations on the choice of these two drugs. Published data on efficacy/ effectiveness trials were reviewed from where the data for this study were extracted. A pharmacoeconomic analysis was carried out using the various tools of pharmacoeconomics. It was found out that clinically derivable utilities and health outcomes (Side-effects and, probably, convenience of dosage regimen) did not favour the frequent choice of these drugs. Side effects and, probably, convenience of dosage regimen mainly affected the choice of these drugs.Clinical cure should not be the only health outcome to be guided in therapy. Other unfavourable health outcomes should be considered also. Disability/Distress to the patients should be considered also. However, Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AAQ) has a superior pharmacoeconomic advantage over Artesunate-Mefloquine (AM) in terms of cost and cost utility. Artesunate-Mefloquine (AM) has a higher cost-benefit than AAQ but this is rarely used in health considerations. Side effects of these drugs limit their choice as antimalarials. in effective in treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria Key words: Pharmacoeconomics; health outcomes; disability/distress scale; recrudescence; health utility; sensitivity analysis; effectiveness-efficacy data INTRODUCTION Pharmacoeconomics has become a subject of great interest. Riding the wave of managed care-and the increased cost consciousness of government, employers, insurers, and patients, pharmacists, providers, and pharmaceutical companies use economic models to prove the value of their drugs and therapeutic interventions.1 This must include the use and cost of laboratory and diagnostic services, physician and ambulatory visits, hospitalizations, and other resources consumed; more importantly, they must now include the costs and benefits to the patients, their families and to the society.The utility of a particular health state is a cardinal measure of the strength of one's preference for a health state. 2 ,3 The time spent in various health states by an individual, weighted by the utility values assigned by this individual, represents the health-related quality of life for this individual as measured in Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). The gains in QALY for an individual or a group of Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 17/11/2009 Accepted on 28/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved individuals due to a health programme can be used as a measure of that programme's effectiveness. When changes in cost before and after the implementation of the programme, are calculated and matched with the gains (or losses) in QALY due to the programme, the resulting ratio is the cost-utility ratio of that programme. It should be recognized that a number of researchers have been working in the area of measurement of health state utilities and changes in QALY as a measure of effectiveness of health programmes.2,4,5 The results of Torrance showed varying utility values of 1.00 for health and 0.00 for dead as reference states.2 The health states with negative values are viewed as worse than death. The Rosser and Watts Matrix (Table 1) also provide another index for utility values.6 It should be recognized that measures of improvement in health states due to any programme or treatment simply provide data that may be used by pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to improve their decisions. They do not provide definitive answers nor do they make decisions for us. The study, therefore, aims at evaluating the Pharmacoeconomic basis for guiding the choice of the Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), particularly focusing 48 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 on Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AAQ) with Artesunate Mefloquine (AM) as antimalarial drugs. METHODOLOGY Literature search was carried out on the effectiveness and other health related parameters of these WHO approved ACTs. Thus, it was the efficacy data obtained from randomized clinical trials that were applied in this pharmaco-economic analysis whose aim was to determine the relative PE data of these drugs and use them in their ratings for real life situations. Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AAQ) and Artesunate Mefloquine (AM) are two Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) that have been widely used for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria across the sub-Saharan Africa. The efficacy of these two regimens is well established. 7-12 Aside from their efficacy, no convincing evidence of artemisinin neurotoxicity has been demonstrated during routine clinical use in humans. 7 The absence of longitudinal studies limits the prospective areas of study. The major pharmacoeconomic evaluation tools are Cost Minimisation Analysis (CMA); Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) and CostBenefit Analysis (CBA). 19-24 Cost Minimization Analysis (CMA) The average prices of AAQ and AM in retail pharmacies in Nigeria are respectively N800 and N1050. The too ACTs produce a very rapid therapeutic response, 25 no resistance to them has been reported 26-29 and the outcomes are the same--cure to malaria episodes. Hence, only the costs of the drug are considered more so as the other costs are equal for the interventions. Since CMA identifies the intervention with the lowest possible costs bearing in mind that the outcomes are the same, it is glaring that AAQ has a lower cost than AM. Hence, AAQ is the drug of choice under this evaluation tool as only the cost differences are the main determinants of the decision about the choice of therapy. Cost Benefit Analysis Under this tool, it is the benefit that arises as a result of applying the intervention that is considered relative to the cost and this parameter is measured in monetary values. 30 The studies by Bukirwa et al, 8 Mattenson et al 10 and van der Broek 31 showed AL as the 'gold standard' being the most effective of all the ACTs followed by AM. Hence, AM is more efficacious than AAQ in the treatment of malaria episodes. Hence the net cost of using AAQ is higher than the net cost of using AM (alternatively, the net benefit of using AAQ is less than that of AM). The pharmaco-economic decision rule to choose the drug with the higher net benefit (of the two) favours AM. Hence, in terms of CBA, AM will be drug of choice. Cost-Effectiveness, Analysis Outcomes to be compared are efficacy, side effects, productivity cost and all patient and family costs etc. Although AM has been widely studied in Asia, data are limited in malaria-endemic areas in Africa. 32- 34 Stoher et al 35 has shown the excellent efficacy and tolerability of AL and AM in Northern Laos while that of Hutagalung et 36 37 al and Sagara et al showed that AM was well tolerated and is as effective as AL for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The two drugs remained highly effective and resulted in equivalent therapeutic responses and prevented more new infections. Hence, AM is more effective and well tolerated than AAQ. Therefore, in effectiveness ratio, AM has a higher cost-effectiveness than AAQ. This was confirmed by the studies by Mattenson et al, 10 and Bukirwa et al, 8 that compared AL to AAQ (an effectiveness study in Tanzania and an efficacy trial in Burundi). AL resulted in fewer failures and fewer parasitological failures. Thus AL provided greater protection against re-infection compared with AAQ. AL was superior to AAQ in preventing new infections. 8 Therefore, since AM and AL were found to be highly efficacious and equivalent in there therapeutic responses and AL was found to be superior to AAQ, hence AM is superior to AAQ. It should be noted that CEA is not useful to decision makers in deciding among programmes with different or multiple health effects involving morbidity and mortality. It does not provide an overall measure of healthcare programmes. Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) Here the consequences are expressed in utilities such as the quality-adjusted life years (QALY) as opposed to natural units in CEA - recrudescence, re-infection and treatment-related adverse events are variables that affect the QALY measurements. Ndiaye et al, (2009) showed that these adverse events are milder in AAQ (insomnia, somnolence and gastro-intestinal system disorders) when compared with AM (neuropsychiatric reactions cardiac conduction disorders, circulatory disorders etc). (www.lariam.com). Other reported effects of Mefloquine included bad dreams, ringing in the ears, emotional instability, numbness, rashes and itching. Recrudescence was higher in AAQ than AM. 38 49 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table 1 shows the DDS for these drugs using the Rosser and Watts Disability/Distress Scale. From this Table, AAQ has 0.973 and 0.956 value for AM. The cost per QALY gained is calculated as: (Cost B – Cost A)/(QALY of B – QALY of A). Table 1: Showing the Rosser and Watts Disability/Distress Scale for these drugs Drug Disability Distress AAQ Slight social disability 0.978 AM Severe social disability 0.956 Table 2: Showing the cost per QALY for the Drugs Drug AAQ AM AAQ - -14705.88 AM -14705.88 - Table 2 showed that substituting either of these drugs for the other cost - #14705.88 per QALY. Hence, neither is cost effective over the other in treating P. falciparum malaria. The cost /QALY surpassed the cut-off threshold for cost-effectiveness by this value. Hence, it is not cost effective to use these drugs where an alternative ACT is available. Sensitivity Analysis Increasing the DDS for AM to 0.995 made the drugs to become alternative cost-effective replacement therapy for each other (Table 3). Table 3: Showing the Sensitivity Analysis Drug AAQ AM AAQ - -11363.64 AM -11363.64 - It cost N11, 363.64 above the cut-off threshold for costeffectiveness per QALY gained for either therapy 9 Table 3). Hence, it is not cost-effective using AM in place of AAQ. Reducing the price of AM by 20% (N840) while maintaining the DDS of 0.973, increased the cost per QALY gained by # 2392.94 above the cut-off threshold this discounting reduced the cost/QALY gained but none is cost-effective over the other. Again, the drugs are equally cost-effective over each other. Conclusion: Apart from being of a lower cost, AAQ has superior advantage over AM in terms of CUA. AM has higher CBA, and CEA than AAQ while they are equally costeffective over each other. Side effects of these drugs (particularly AM) limit their choice as anti-malarial. REFERENCES 1. Wilson AL. Issues in Pharmacy Practice Management. Maryland, USA. 1997. 2. Torrance GW. Utility Approach to Measuring Health Related Quality of Life. Journal of Chronic Diseases 1997; 40:593-600. 3. Hunt SM, McEwen J, McKenna SP. Measuring Health Status: A New Tool for Clinicians and Epidemiologists. 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A Randomized Trial of Artesunate-Mefloquine versus ArtemetherLumefantrine for Treatment of Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Mali. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008;79(5): 655–661. 38. Simpson JA, Watkins ER, Price R. Mefloquine Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models: Implications for Dosing and Resistance. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2000;44: 3414–3424. 52 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Utilization of Third Generation Cephalosporins in Multispeciality Teaching Hospital, Dehradun Rekha Bisht1*, Bhattacharya S1, Katiyar A2 1 Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology and Science, Patel Nagar, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 2 Ranbaxy Laboratory (Ltd), Paonta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh Address for correspondence: rekha_al03@rediffmail.com Abstract Antibiotic resistance has become a major clinical and public health problem within the life time of most people living today. The liberal use of third-generation cephalosporins in hospitals has been associated with the emergence of extended-spectrum beta- lactamases presenting concerns for bacterial resistance in therapeutics. The present study was carried out to identify the utilization of third generation cephalosporins in tertiary care teaching hospital in Dehradun. Total 250 inpatients were interviewed by using a data collection form. The study revealed that out of 250 patients, 213 were prescribed third generation cephalosporins. Ceftriaxone (46%) was most widely prescribed drug followed by cefixim (20.18%), ceftazidime (12.25), cefotaxime (8.92) and cefpodoxime (5.63).The maximum use of third generation cephalosporins was in medicine ward (39%) followed by patients in surgical (59, 28%), gynecology (36, 17%), orthopedic (18, 8%) and pediatric ward (9, 4%). The most common reasons for administration of third generation cephalosporins were high grade fever and gastrointestinal infections (26.29%) followed by respiratory tract infections (33,15.49%), injury cases (43, 20.19%), urinary tract infection (35,16.43%), skin and soft tissue infection (19,8.9%) and septicemia (04, 1.88%) and maximum patients were between the age group of 41-50 (23.47%) who were prescribed third generation cephalosporins. Key words: Antibiotic, Resistance, Third generation cephalosporins, Prescription, infections INTRODUCTION Appropriate use of antibiotics is central to limiting the development and the spread of resistant bacteria in hospitals and communities. Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, in particular the third generation cephalosporins in nosocomial infections have been linked to the emergence of antibiotic resistance and increase in costs.1 The emergence and spread of resistance are also threatening to create species resistant to all currently available agents.2 The hospital setting is particularly conducive to the development of antibiotic resistance as patients who are severely ill, immunocompromised or have devices and/or implants in them are likely to receive frequent courses of empirical or prophylactic antibiotic therapy.3 Furthermore, the absence of guidelines for antibiotic use, protocols for rational therapeutics and infection control committees have led to overuse and misuse of antibiotics in different specialized units in hospitals.1 Overuse and misuse of antibiotics influences the Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 25/11/2009 Accepted on 29/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved prevalence and distribution of antibiotic resistance in common pathogens. Antibiotic usage is the only form of medical treatment where the choice of therapy for one patient can affect diseases suffered in the future by another, through the selection of resistant organisms followed by cross-infection to the new host.4 Multiple drug resistance (MDR) mediated through R plasmids among Gram-negative bacteria has become a major nosocomial problem worldwide.5 Due to multiple drug resistance to â-lactams, aminoglycosides and quinolones, antibiotic treatment of nosocomial infections caused by these bacteria is compromised.6 Among the â-lactams, third generation cephalosporins, such as ceftazidime, cefotaxime, and ceftriaxone are routinely used in our clinical settings, and resistance to these drugs, due to â-lactamase production, is rampant.7 The increasing resistance to third generation cephalosporins accompanied by an increasing cost burden has raised concerns about the detection, prevalence, and clinical implications of infections with Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. An important source of this resistance results from the production of extendedspectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) by bacteria. 53 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 ESBLs are modified beta-lactamase enzymes mainly derived from the ubiquitous TEM1/2 and SHV-1 plasmidmediated enzymes, which hydrolyse expanded spectrum cephalosporins to varying degrees. Many betalactamases result in resistance to third generation cephalosporins in Enterobacteriaceae. Genera such as Enterobacter, Citrobacter and Serratia posses chromosomal broad spectrum beta-lactamases which are normally repressed, and when induced result in resistance to third generation cephalosporins. Klebsiella and E. coli usually have the SHV- or Temtype betalactamases and key mutations in these results in true "ESBLs". ESBLs have received attention in the last decade because although penicillins, cephalosporins, or aztreonam appear to be susceptible in vitro, ESBL producing E. coli or Klebsiella spp. may demonstrate clinical resistance to these antibiotics leading to treatment failures. Liberal use of the third generation cephalosporins antibiotics has resulted in the ESBLs conferring resistance among Enterobacter 8 and Enterobacteriacae worldwide 9-11 compromising their clinical use. In order to identify the utilization of third generation cephalosporins, an audit of prescriptions of inpatients was undertaken at Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital, a multispecialty teaching hospital in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study Site The present study was carried out at Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital, Dehradun, which is a multispecialty teaching hospital providing both inpatient and outpatient services to people in and around Dehradun district. Study setting The study was performed using prescriptions of 250 inpatients. The study was carried out in between June to August 2009. Various age group patients admitted in different wards of hospital were selected for the study. The prospective study in various patients was conducted who had received one or more course of treatment with one of the third generation cephalosporin. Patient's data such as the age, name, gender and data on prescribed drugs that include name of drug, dosage form, route of administration, most widely prescribed drugs and so on. Patient's characteristics, clinical data and laboratory investigations were obtained from the hospital records. Specific data on the category of service, concomitant disease and drug therapy, organ system with infection and third generation cephalosporins used were collected by using a customized data collection sheet in an approved manner. RESULTS Out of 250 patients studied during study period, 213 were prescribed cephalosporins either alone or in combination with other antibiotics. Gender wise distribution of patients showed that, 109 patients were male and 104 patients were female accounting for 51.17% and 48.83% of total population who were prescribed cephalosporins respectively. The maximum number of patients who were prescribed 3rd generation cephalosporins were between the age groups of 41-50 (50, 23.47%) and 51-60 (47, 22.07%) followed by 31-40 ( 45, 21.13%) and 21-30 ( 26, 12.21%). (Table-1). During the study it was found that the use of third generation cephalosporins was highest in medicine ward (83, 38.97%) followed by patients in surgical (59, 27.7%), gynaecology (36, 16.90%), orthopedic (18, 8.45%) and pediatric ward (9, 4.22%). Table-2 shows the distribution of patients according to the wards in which they were admitted. Amongst the various reasons for administration of 3rd generation cephalosporins, the maximum reasons were of high grade fever and gastrointestinal infections (56, 26.29%) followed by respiratory tract infections (33, 15.49%), injury cases (43, 20.19%), urinary tract infection (35, 16.43%), skin and soft tissue infection (19, 8.9%) and septicemia (04, 1.88%). (Table-3) By interpretation of data collected during study, it was found that ceftriaxone (98, 46%) was the most widely prescribed antibiotic amongst all 3rd generation cephalosporins followed by prescriptions of cefixim (43, 20.18%), ceftazidime (26, 12.25%), cefotaxime (19, 8.92%), cefpodoxime (12, 5.63%).(Table-4) DISCUSSION The increasing frequency with which antibiotic resistant microorganisms are recovered from patients in hospital and community setting has been commented widely in recent years.12,13,14 The major selective pressure driving changes in the frequency of resistance is in each case, the volume of antibiotics use.15 The increasing resistance problems of recent years are probably related to the overuse of broad spectrum agents such as cephalosporins.16 The extensive use of third generation cephalosporins has caused the emergence of extended spectrum beta lactamases in gram negative bacteria worldwide. 1 More third generation cephalosporins are being widely used in hospitals for empirical and prophylactic therapy and as their use extends across the board, more organisms will develop 54 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table. 1: Age wise distribution of inpatients that were prescribed 3GCs Age Group ( years) Male Female Total (%) 1-10 5 4 9 4.22 11-20 11 10 21 9.86 21-30 12 14 26 12.21 31-40 19 26 45 21.13 41-50 28 22 50 23.47 51-60 25 22 47 22.07 61-70 09 06 15 7.04 Total 109 104 213 100 Table. 2: Ward wise distribution of patients that were prescribed 3GCs Hospital Ward Number of Patients (n=213) Percentage (%) Medicine 83 38.97 Surgery 59 27.7 Gynaecology 36 16.90 Orthopedics 18 8.45 Pediatrics 09 4.22 Other 08 3.76 n= Number of patients that were prescribed third generation cephalosporins Table. 3: Reasons for administration of 3GCs Reasons Number of Patients (Percentage) % Fever/ GIT infection 56 26.29 Respiratory tract infection 33 15.49 Injury 43 20.19 Urinary tract infection 35 16.43 Skin and soft tissue infection 19 8.92 Septicemia 04 1.88 Others 23 10.80 Total 213 100 55 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table. 4: Distribution of prescriptions according to widely prescribed 3GCs Third Generation Cephalosporins Number of Prescription n= 213 Percentage (%) Ceftriaxone 98 46.00 Cefixime 43 20.18 Ceftazidime 26 12.25 Cefotaxime 19 8.92 Cefpodoxime 12 5.63 Ceftriaxone + Salbactun 7 3.28 Cefixime + Salbactum 5 2.34 Cefotaxime + Salbactum 3 1.40 n= Number of patients that were prescribed third generation cephalosporins resistance to them presenting the threat of antibiotic ineffectiveness in life threatening infections. Various literatures have been reported the inappropriate use of third generation cephalosporins. Inappropriate antibiotics use has been reported from teaching hospitals in New York17 in the surgical practice, in China18 where inappropriate third generation cephalosporins use was an independent risk factor for significant high mortality, in Malaysia19 for patients in medical wards and in South Africa20 for patient in gynaecology ward. In our study we found that out of 250 patients, 213 were receiving third generation cephalosporins, which was quite inappropriate. The result of the study revealed the higher inappropriate use of ceftriaxone when used as single agent rather than in combination therapy with other antibiotics. We believe this practice may have followed from the convenience of a single daily dose by intramuscular injection particularly for ceftriaxone, which was the most frequently used third generation cephalosporin. CONCLUSION Antibiotic resistance is rapidly increasing global problem. It contributes to health and economic losses world wide. As antibiotics have important role in clinical care, thus efforts should be made to reduce the volume of unnecessary antibiotic prescribing. The present study shows the high proportion of hospitalized patients who receive antibiotics particularly broad spectrum agents like cephalosporins. In addition to their broader spectrum activity, third generation cephalosporins are widely used for empirical treatment of severe or complicated infections and for direct treatment of otherwise resistant organisms. The expanding use of these agents can promote escalating antibiotic resistance within both individual and communities. As a result, the medical profession is losing some of its most potent therapies for patients with greatest need. REFERENCES 1. Pereira LMP, Phillips M, Ramlal H, Teemul K, Prabhakar P. Third generation cephalosporins use in a tertiary hospital in Port of Spain, Trinidad: Need for an antibiotic policy. BMC Infect Dis 2004; 4:59. 2. Okesola AO, Makaanjoula O. Resistance to third generation cephalosporins and other antibiotics by Enterobacteriaceae in Western Nigeria. Am J Infect Dis 2009; 5(1):17-20. 3. Patterson JE. Antibiotic utilization: Is there an effect on antimicrobial resistance?. Chest 2001;119(2):426430. 4. Gupta V, Datta P, Agnihotri N, Chander J. Comparative in vitro activities of seven new â-lactams alone and in combination with â-lactamase inhibitors, against clinical isolates resistant to third generation cephalosporins. Braz J Infect Dis 2006;10(1):22-25. 5. Ram S, Gupta R, Gaheer M, Uppal S. Prevalence of multiple drug resistant organisms in an intensive care burn unit. Indian J Med Res 2000;111:118-120. 6. Gales AC, Jones RN, Turnidge J. Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates: occurrence rates, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and molecular typing in the global SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance program 1997-1999. Clin Infect Dis 2001;32(2):146-155. 7. Mahapatra A, Samal B, Pattnaik D, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of clinical isolates of nonfermentative bacteria. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2003;46(3):526-527. 56 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Cosgrove SE, Kaye KS, Eliopoulous GM, Carmeli Y. Emergence of third-generation cephalosporin resistance in Enterobacter species. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:186-190. Sanders CC, Sanders WE. Beta-lactam resistance in Gram negative bacteria: global trends and clinical impact. Clin Infect Dis 1992;15:824-839. Pfaller MA, Jones RN, Doern GV, Salazar JC. Multicenter evaluation of antimicrobial resistance to six broad spectum â- lactams in Colombia: Comparison of data from 1997 and 1998 using E test method. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 1999;35:235241. Goossens H. MYSTIC (Meropenam yearly susceptibility test information collection) results from Europe: comparison of antibiotic susceptibilities between countries and centre types. MYSTIC Study Group (European centers only). J Antimicrob Chemother 2000;46:39-52. Cohen ML. Science 1992;257:1050-1055. Neu HC. Science 1992;237:1064-1073. Greenwood D. Lancet 1995;345:1371. Austin DJ, Kristinsson KG, Anderson RM. 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Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 APTI ijopp Effect of combination of steroids, antibiotic and emollient on atopic dermatitis lesions Sabry E.Y Allergy Unit- College of Medicine and Medical Sciences - Taif University, Taif - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Address for correspondence: ehsan_fr@yahoo.fr Abstract Topical steroids are the mainstay of therapy in atopic dermatitis. However, as massive colonization of lesional and non-lesional skin of atopic dermatitis patients with staphylococcus aureus had been proved to exist and aggravate the skin lesions, thus topical antibiotics seem necessary to be added. New combined topical antibiotics and steroid formula eliminate forcefully the organism. Moreover, as topical medication penetrates a moist stratum corneum more effectively than it will penetrate a dehydrated stratum corneum. Thus combining two and not one moderately potent topical steroids, a topical antibiotic with an emollient, in rapidly and effectively controlling atopic dermatitis lesions was the aim of this study. Twenty females with non facial non extensive forms of atopic dermatitis were included in this study. Atopic dermatitis severity scoring was performed using the SCORAD index. Three weeks after the start of therapy (second visit), marked improvement of the treated lesions were observed, especially erythema, oozing/crusting and oedema/papules, with minimization of pruritus and sleep disturbance. These three signs disappeared on the third visit, six weeks after start of therapy, only minimal dryness was detected with no more personal complaints, thus patients were shifted to maintenance therapy with an emollient. The combined topical therapy was effective and safe in rapidly controlling treated lesions. Key words: atopic dermatitis; combined therapy; emollient; topical antibiotics; topical steroids INTRODUCTION Atopic dermatitis (AD) remains a therapeutic challenge, and topical corticosteroids continue to have an important role. There are a large number of topical corticosteroids available, classified according to potency (mild, 1,2 moderate, potent or very potent). In 1974, Leyden et.al. showed that 90% of patients with atopic dermatitis have their skin colonized with staphylococcus aureus (SA).3 Thereafter, many studies proved the increased carrier state of SA in both involved and uninvolved skin in atopic dermatitis(AD).4-8 Moreover, as SA produces superantigens that perpetuate the eczema, thus it was presumed that combining moderately potent topical corticosteroid and an antibiotic could tackle AD more effectively than steroids alone.9,10 Dry skin is a common skin condition as well as a key aspect of a number of diseases such as atopic dermatitis. Dry skin has an impact on the patient in terms of discomfort, pruritis and impaired quality of life. Within the overall treatment regimen for these diseases, the use of emollients to manage dry skin plays a considerable Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 17/11/2009 Accepted on 03/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved role in managing skin conditions, to an extent that emollients are considered the mainstay of maintenance therapy for atopic dermatitis.11-14 Hence, the primary goal of this study was to evaluate the role of combining two moderately potent topical steroids, a topical antibiotic and an emollient, in effectively and rapidly controlling AD. Patients and methods Patients A total of thirty one patients with atopic eczema were recruited for this study from "Allergy Unit" at Taif University. All the patients satisfied the diagnostic criteria of Hanifin and Rajka for atopic eczema.15 All patients provided their verbal consent and approval and were voluntarily included in this research study. The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (South Africa, 1996 amendment) and Good Clinical Practice guideline. Patients were ineligible for the study if they had only periorbital and /or facial eczema (four cases) or extensively generalized eczema (seven cases) for fear of side effects from the use of two topical steroids on delicate skin or on a large body area. Thus a total of 20 cases were actually included in this study, (age range, 1926 years; mean age 22.1± 2.07 years; all were females). 58 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Assessments Six clinical signs were recorded: erythema, oedema/papulation, oozing/crusting, excoriations, lichenification and dryness. These clinical signs are the most widely used and validated in atopic eczema currently available scoring system: Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) index, The SCORAD used; scored the extent, six intensity criteria, and subjective symptoms of AD.16 Disease extent was measured using the rule of nines. The average intensity of each clinical sign was graded on a scale from 0 to 3 (0=absent, 1=mild, 2=moderate, and 3=severe) at a representative body site, per the SCORAD protocol. Subjective symptoms, pruritus, and sleep loss were evaluated with regard to the last 3 days and nights, and all were scored by the patients. Both subjective items can be graded on a 10-cm visual analogue scale. The SCORAD index formula is: A/5 + 7B/2 + C. In this formula A is defined as the extent (0–100), B is defined as the intensity (0–18) and C is defined as the subjective symptoms (0–20). The maximum SCORAD score is 103. Mometasone furoate 0.1% and fusidic acid 2% with betamethasone valerate 0.1% were mixed in a glass jar with petroleum jelly (50gm) and were applied on the lesions twice daily. To those with hand and feet eczema, cotton gloves and socks were recommended to be worn respectively following mixture application. Participant flow and follow up Participants were first seen at baseline (week 0) when they were assessed for eligibility, provided their verbal consent. All patients who met eligibility criteria started therapy. Participants had clinical assessments at week 3 and week 6. A detailed history was obtained at baseline and SCORAD assessment was also performed at each visit. The primary outcome measure was effective and rapid control of eczematous lesions. Statistical analysis Using the t- test, baseline values were compared with visit 2 (week 3) and visit 3 (week 6) values and values of visit 2 (week 3) and visit 3 (week 6) were compared together. Results Twenty female patients with atopic dermatitis and an age range of 19-26 years (mean age 22.1±2.07) were included in this study. At baseline, prevalence rate of other allergic problems (Table1) and thorough clinical assessment were done with the determination of the SCORAD score to each case. Thereafter, their eczematous lesions were treated with the combined topical therapy of two steroids, an antibiotics and petroleum jelly. At baseline, all except one case had had severe form of AD as estimated by the SCORAD index. At the second visit (3 weeks latter) (Table 2), erythema, oozing/crusting and oedema/papules in studied cases showed much more rapid improvement or even disappearance than excoriation, lichenification and dryness, with complete disappearance at the third visit (6 week latter( (Table3,4). However, patients were still complaining of minimal pruritus causing slight sleep disturbances. On visit 3 (week 6), clinical examination revealed minimal dryness with no more personal complaints, thus patients were shifted to maintenance therapy with an emollient. It was observed that all comparative parameters showed statistically significant difference (P < 0.000) at visit 2 and visit 3 (P < 0.000) when compared to baseline values and when compared with each other (P < 0.000). During the study period, no local side effects were ever reported by any of the studied cases. Discussion Topical corticosteroids have been the mainstay of treatment for AD over the past 40 years.17 Currently, there is no standard therapeutic regimen for the long-term management of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis but most regimens include a topical steroid and an emollient. 1 8 Topical applications containing corticosteroid compounds vary greatly in potency. In general the more potent ones are associated with the greater risk of adverse effects.19 Mometasone furoate; is a highly effective topical corticosteroid with a less systemic absorption and a low potential for local and systemic side effects.20,21 Oncedaily use of mometasone furoate was found to result in a greater percentage improvement in total atopic dermatitis scores compared with twice-daily betamethasone valerate in one study, and an improvement in pruritus only in another study compared with twice-daily hydrocortisone 17-butyrate.22,23 The frequency of application is a key clinical issue when prescribing topical corticosteroids. Topical corticosteroids are available for application one to four times per day. Although there are few empirical data to assess the patterns of prescribing with respect to frequency of application, it is generally accepted that a twice-daily regimen is the most widespread approach to the use of topical corticosteroids in atopic eczema.20 59 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Table 1: Demographics and percentage of associated allergies in studied cases Age in years Number of patients with history of Range (mean) 19-26 years (22.1± 2.07 years) Asthma: 10 (50%) Allergic rhinitis: 19 (95%) Urticaria: 16 (80%) Food allergy: 8 (40%) Allergy to animals: 2 (10%) Allergy to insects:2 (10%) Latex allergy: 2 (10%) Values indicate number of patients (%) Table.2: Statistical comparison of SCORAD index score at baseline and after 3 weeks (second visit) Baseline Second visit t p 48.99±5.01 26.48±4.36 50.163 0.000 Table.3: Statistical comparison of SCORAD index score at baseline and after 6 weeks (third visit) Baseline Third visit t p 48.99±5.01 10.98±2.41 37.489 0.000 Table.4: Statistical comparison of SCORAD index score at the second and third visits Second visit Third visit t p 26.48±4.36 10.98±2.41 18.914 0.000 60 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Guidelines from the British Association of Dermatologists suggest that the use of topical corticosteroids should be limited to a few days to a week for acute eczema and for periods of up to 4–6 weeks to gain initial remission for chronic eczema.24 Staphylococcus aureus has a peculiar ability to colonize the skin of patients with eczema and AD and is consistently found in eczematous skin lesions in these patients. The skin lesions of 80–100% of patients with eczema and AD are colonized with S. aureus. In contrast, S. aureus can be isolated from the skin of only 5–30% of normal individuals, mainly from intertriginous areas.8,25,26 A correlation between the severity of the eczema and colonization with S. aureus has been demonstrated, and it has been determined that bacterial colonization is an 26,27,28 important mechanism aggravating skin lesions. Hence the eradication of S. aureus may lead to a steroidsaving effect.25,29,30 Moreover, aside from an antiinflammatory effect, treatment with topical steroids contributes to a reduction of skin colonization with S. aureus and therefore might affect a further trigger of AD.31,32 Therefore, a combination topical treatment with antibacterial and corticosteroid agents has been recommended.33-36 Topical fusidic acid proved to reduce the prevalence and population density of S. aureus without increasing fusidic acid-resistant S. aureus.37 Moreover, the new combined fusidic acid-betamethasone lipid formulation showed more strength in eliminating bacteria originally present in these skin lesions, and relieved the dryness of 38, atopic dermatitis skin. 39 Therapies directed towards restoring the impaired barrier function of the epidermis seem to be of significant importance in AD. Emollients, which reconstruct integrity and continuity of stratum corneum, may blockade penetration of air-borne allergens across damaged skin barrier and prevent AD flares.40 Studies proved that combined steroids with emollients could reduce the total high potency topical corticosteroid consumption, resulted in significantly greater improvement of disease severity, pruritus and skin dryness compared to corticosteroid treatment alone, decreased the risk of irritant contact dermatitis in AD and significantly improved skin dryness and enabled to maintain the achieved remission in the majority of patients.41-44 In this study, AD lesions were effectively and rapidly controlled after the six weeks therapy with the topical combination, suggesting that the idea of benefiting from the results of previous studies that showed that the use of combined topical steroids and antibiotics or topical steroids and emollients were much better than topical steroids alone in managing AD. Thus combining all these topical therapy together in a single combination containing two and not one topical steroids; one known of its high efficacy and another that potentiates the action of the used topical antibiotics, with an emollient known for its action in skin barrier repair and thus enhancing the rate of local drug absorption, all this combined together proved their efficacy in controlling non-facial, non extensive AD in a short period of time (six weeks), thus guarding against the hazards of prolonged use of topical steroids, the mainstay of therapy in AD, and emergence of resistant S.aureus strains. However, no control group was included; as this was not the goal of the study because the efficacy of combined therapy of a single topical steroid with antibiotics or with emollient in AD had been studied extensively and proved its effect, but this new combination idea aimed at finding a rapid and effective control of AD lesions with to assure better compliance of patients and to guard against any side effects. In spite of the fact that the quality of life indices were not studied, but the great improvement in patients' clinical status are expected to be good solid proof of the improvement of the quality of life of such patients. Conflict of interest The author declares that there is no conflict of interest and there that this study was not funded. Acknowledgement I would like to thank all those who had helped in the establishment of the "Allergy Unit'. The first Allergy Unit in all Saudian Universities. REFERENCES 1. Atherton DJ. Topical corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis. 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He was diagnosed by his physician as having uncontrolled asthma, gastrointestinal bleeding and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The patient had taken Salbutamol, Diclofenac and Betamethasone for three years without valid prescription. It was a case of problem due to self medication by the patient and community pharmacist dispensinging the medication without a prescription. Key words: Self Medication , asthma, salbutamol, pharmacist INTRODUCTION A 70 year old male with chronic asthma was presented to the hospital pharmacy in a primary health center in Kannur, India. The patient was unable to walk without help, was tired and was experiencing wheezing with his breathing. He had severe itching, bruises, thinned skin, and gastrointestinal bleeding as observed by the pharmacist. He was diagnosed by his physician as having uncontrolled asthma, gastrointestinal bleeding and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The patient had taken Albuterol, Diclofenac and Betamethasone for three years without valid prescription. It was a case of serious medication error by the patient and the community pharmacist gave medicines without a prescription. The patient was referred to an intensive care unit of tertiary care hospital by the physician. The patient scored 40% on Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status Scale (AKPS).1 The patient had started some of the standard treatment of asthma years prior with inhalers for routine use. As the patient became older and unemployed, he had to restrict his treatment for asthma to inexpensive medicines such as tablets. The patient had no health insurance either. The patient lives in a rural village from where it is a two hour journey to the tertiary care hospital where he was originally prescribed by his physician for the following medications for his shoulder pain and asthmatic symptoms. Tab. Asthalin (Salbutamol) 4mg three times a day Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Received on 03/12/2009 Accepted on 20/01/2010 © APTI All rights reserved Tab. Voveran (Diclofenac) 50mg two times a day Tab. Betnesol (Betamethasone) 0.5 mg three times a day2 It is a lengthy process in the hospital so the patient is hesitant to go to the hospital even though it is necessary. The patient reported the hospital pharmacist that he was not cared properly by his children at home. He added that once he lost the prescription mentioned above, his local community pharmacist who used to dispense medicines for few refills of the prescription wrote a duplicate copy of the prescription on his notebook and given it to the patient. No staff from the local community pharmacy referred the patient to any physician even after the prescription was lost. Patient purchased those medications whenever possible and consumed them for his satisfaction. It is not clear as to whether the patient was taking any other medications for the protection of gastrointestinal mucosa. Each time when patient produce his note book contains the above mentioned medications, pharmacist used to give the medication for one month and this continued for three years. At times, the rural pharmacy was staffed with an unqualified pharmacist. This is not uncommon in India where the system of pharmacy health care is very much malfunctioning especially in rural parts. The practice of local community pharmacy showed no respect to valid prescriptions, drug interaction checking or adverse drug reaction monitoring. ASTHMA AND ITS MANAGEMENT National asthma education and prevention program (NAEPP) reports define asthma as a lung disease with the following characteristics: 64 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 1.Airway obstruction that is reversible (but not completely so in some patients) either spontaneously or with treatment. 2. airway inflammation; and 3. Increased airway responsiveness to a variety of stimuli.3 The goals of chronic asthma treatment are; 1. Prevent or minimize symptoms 2. Maintain normal or near normal pulmonary function 3. Maintain normal activity (including exercise) 4. Prevent exacerbations; minimize need for emergency visits or hospitalizations 5. Provide optimal pharmacotherapy with minimal or no adverse effects 6. Meet patients' and families' expectations of and satisfaction with asthma care. 4 The pharmacotherapy of asthma employs drugs aimed at reducing airway inflammation (i.e., anti-inflammatory agents) and drugs aimed more directly at decreasing bronchospasm (i.e., bronchodilators).5 DRUG INTERACTION Interactions between betamethasone and diclofenac (Moderate Drug-Drug Interaction) The combined use of oral corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may increase the potential for serious gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity, including inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and perforation. In a large, case-control study of elderly patients, those who used corticosteroids and NSAIDs concurrently had an estimated relative risk (RR) for peptic ulcer disease and GI hemorrhage of 14.6 compared to those who used neither. Oral corticosteroid use was associated with a doubling of the risk (estimated RR = 2.0), but the risk was confined to those who also used NSAIDs. It is possible that both categories of agents are ulcerogenic and have additive effects on the GI mucosa during co administration. Some investigators have also suggested that the primary effect of corticosteroids in this interaction is to delay healing of erosions caused by NSAIDs rather than cause de novo ulcerations. Caution is advised if oral corticosteroids and NSAIDs are used together, especially in patients with a prior history of peptic ulcer disease or GI bleeding and in elderly and debilitated patients. During concomitant therapy, patients should be advised to take the medications with food and to immediately report signs and symptoms of GI ulceration and bleeding such as severe abdominal pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, and the appearance of black, tarry stools. The selective use of prophylactic anti-ulcer therapy (e.g., antacids, H2-antagonists) may be considered.6 DICLOFENAC Diclofenac is a prototypical Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Agent (NSAIA) that also exhibits analgesic and antipyretic activity. Dermatologic and sensitivity reactions of diclofenac include rash or pruritus occurs in up to 10% of patients receiving diclofenac. Other adverse dermatologic reactions including alopecia, photosensitivity, and excessive perspiration have occurred occasionally. Bullous eruption, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiform, exfoliation dermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, urticaria and angioedema have occurred rarely. Sensitivity reaction, asthma, bronchospasm, chest tightness, wheezing and anaphylactoid reactions are also reported. Potentially severe hypotension may also be produced. Fever, infection and sepsis have occurred in patients receiving diclofenac. Usual doses of diclofenac sodium reportedly produce fever adverse gastro intestinal (GI) effects than usual anti-inflammatory dosages of aspirin and naproxen. GI bleeding was determined by fecal blood loss. There is no consistent evidence that use of low dose aspirin mitigates the increases risk of serious cardiovascular events associated with NSAIAs. Many of the spontaneous reports of fatal adverse GI effects in patients receiving NSAIAs involve geriatric individuals. NSAIAs including diclofenac should be used with caution in geriatric patients 65 years of age or older. SALBUTAMOL The most frequently reported adverse GI effect of Salbutamol is nausea. Nausea was reported in 9 or 10 % of patients receiving Salbutamol of Salbutamol sulfate oral inhalation aerosol respectively. Salbutamol sulfate may be associated with clinically important cardiovascular effects, including tachycardia, increased or decreased blood pressure and related symptoms. Bronchospasm has been reported in 8 %, and wheezing in 1%, of patients receiving Albuterol sulfate inhalation. Extensive or prolonged use of some sympathomimetic amine aerosols can lead to tolerance. Failure to respond to a previously effective dosage of Salbutamol may indicate seriously worsening asthma. Fatalities may result from severe, acute asthmatic crisis and hypoxia followed by cardiac arrest. Geriatric precautions; Data on the use of Salbutamol inhalation aerosol in geriatric patients 65 years of age or older are limited and are insufficient to determine 65 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 whether the efficacy and safety of Salbutamol are different in geriatric patients versus young patients.7 DISCUSSION There is an important moderate drug interaction happening between betamethasone and diclofenac increasing the GI risk of the patient. Serious adverse drug reactions such as GI bleeding and Stevens-Johnson syndrome were observed on the patient. GI bleeding was caused by the combined effect of betamethasone and diclofenac. It was unclear that which drug cause StevensJohnson syndrome as both diclofenac and albuterol have the potential to cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome. There was no gastrointestinal protective agent included in the list of medications for the patient. The patient remained medically illiterate on asthma management even after getting treated for many years. It shows the lack of crucial patient counseling essential for the management of asthma. It was a case of serious medication error by the private pharmacist or pharmacy in charge of the patient for the past three years. Medications were dispensed without valid prescription and the pharmacy was concentrating only on the sale of the medications. The medically illiterate patient was uncared by the pharmacy as well as family setup. Patient was very sick with asthmatic conditions as the combination of medications are no more working for the patient, but only to harm. CONCLUSION Poverty, lack of quality health care facilities and noncompliance lead patient more in to self medication which causes adverse drug reactions. In this case patient suffered from Stevens-Johnson syndrome, GI bleeding and uncontrolled asthma due to irrational use of medications. REFERENCES 1. Abernethy AP, Tania SJ, Belinda FS, David W, David CC, The Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) scale: a revised scale for contemporary palliative care clinical practice. BMC Palliat Care 2005;4:7. 2. Indian Drug Review, CMO Medica India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2009;3(127):165-256. 3. A m e r i c a n p h a r m a c e u t i c a l a s s o c i a t i o n , Nonprescription products: patient assessment hand book, Washington DC, 1997, 11th ed., 104-117. 4. Koda-Kimble MA, Yee YL, Wayne KA, Joseph GB, Brian AK, Robin CL, Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, Wolters Kluwer Health (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007, 11th Ed. 22.3 5. Laurence BL, Keith PL. Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2008; 462-474. 6. Drugs.com Drug Information Online, Interaction Checker, Accessed on 29 Sep. 2009, http://www. drugs.com/drug_interactions.php 7. AHFS Drug Information, ASHP, Bethesda 2008; 1340-2092. 66 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS -2009 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE (ijopp) Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice (ijopp) is official journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI). Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, a quarterly publication is devoted to publishing reviews and research articles in the area of Pharmacy Practice. Articles in the areas of clinical pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, clinical research, clinical pharmacokinetics and other related issues can be sent for publication in ijopp. All manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate along with 'Authorship Responsibility Undertaking', signed by all the authors of the paper to, The Editor, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India, H.Q.: Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Hosur Road, Opp. Lalbagh Main Gate, Bangalore- 560 027. Authors should retain a copy of all materials submitted to the journal; the editor cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to submitted materials. Manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process to determine their suitability for publication, provided they fulfilled the requirements of the journal. 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No indentation At the end of context with rows and columns active; tables should have individual rows and columns for each value expressed. All text should be fully justified. Please put all primary section titles in UPPER CASE letters (Example INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOW-LEDGEMENT, REFERENCES) and subheading in both Upper and Lower Case letters (Italics). Do not number your subtitles (for example, 1.0 Introduction; 2.0 Background; 2.1.1 are not acceptable). Do not use the tab key to indent blocks of text such as paragraphs of quotes or lists because the page layout program overrides your left margin with its own, and the tabs end up in mid-sentence. References Literature citations in the text must be indicated by Arabic numerals in superscript. Each reference separately in the order it appears in the text. The references should be cited at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the text. 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Editor, compiler, as author Dausser J, Colombani J, editors. Histocompatibility testing 1972. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1973. Organisation as author and publisher Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medicaid program. Washington: The Institute; 1992. Conference proceedings Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996. Dissertation Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly's access and utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Washington Univ.; 1995. 69 Indian J. Pharm. Pract. 2(3), Jul-Sep, 2009 Patent Larsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR, inventors; Novoste Corporation, assignee. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart. US patent 5529 067. 1995 Jun 25. Chapter or article in a book Format: Author(s) of chapter (surname initials). Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) name, editors. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. page numbers. Electronic journal article Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infec Dis [serial online] 1995Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5];1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/ ncidod/EID/eid.htm World Wide Web Format: Author/editor (surname initials). Title [online]. Year [cited year month day]. Available from: URL: World Wide Web page McCook A. Pre-diabetic Condition Linked to Memory Loss [online]. 2003 [cited 2003 Feb 7]. 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