Executive Director Update


Executive Director Update
A pri l/ May 2006
Executive Director Update
Kelley Wesley
Our scripture theme for
2006 is “Therefore, my
beloved brothers, be
steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in
the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
Always abounding in the work of the Lord…yes, I believe
this well describes the hearts of the staff, board, and
volunteers who work in Alexandria, Fairfax, and LifeChoices.
Last week 4 clients from our Fairfax and Alexandria offices
made commitments to Jesus Christ! LifeChoices is seeing
sexually active students in the office and we are taking
advantage of opportunities to speak about abstinence on
campus—GMU Health Fair, sorority meetings, club and
ministry meetings..
God has blessed us by expanding the opportunities to
reach those in our community with the gospel. We are so
appreciative of all those who share their resources with
SLM! Our annual banquet on March 31st was a wonderful
event of fellowship and inspiration. It was our best
attendance to date-664 people who generously gave over
$204,000. Randy Newman was our gifted keynote speaker
and the client testimonies were filled with the grace of God.
Here are excerpts from these admirable women.
Alexandria Pregnancy Help Center—
Center—Ruthlyn. In 2005, I
got pregnant. It had been years since my last pregnancy
and not wanting another child, abortion seemed the best
option for me. One day at the bus stop, I spotted an APHC
flyer. I called the number and the counselor I met gave me
Sanctity of Life Ministries is a non-profit, Christian Ministry
proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We offer lifeaffirming alternatives to abortion as well as compassionate
counsel and support to those who face pregnancy,
abstinence, and post-abortion related issues.
Sanctity of Life Ministries
10875 Main Street, Suite 109, Fairfax, VA 22030
p (703) 278-5433 f (703) 278-8645
Alexandria Pregnancy Help Center
advice and prayed for me. It took time for me to understand
the hand of God on my pregnancy and I finally decided not
to have an abortion. Later, I would return to APHC to tell my
counselor I decided to keep the baby. I also told her that I
was carrying twins, but had miscarried one—which at the
time I imagined as God’s punishment for earlier thoughts of
abortion. The counselor reassured me that the miscarriage
had nothing to do with my earlier thoughts of abortion. A
healthy baby boy was delivered a month early. My husband
was so happy! As for myself, each day I look at my baby
Mathew, and I know I made the right decision.
Fairfax Pregnancy Help Center-Center--Zaida.
--Zaida. A couple of
months after coming to the US, I learned I was pregnant. In
one way I felt glad about a baby, but being unmarried, I also
felt hurt, concern and shame. My parents were upset about
my pregnancy and it was painful that the father of my baby
didn’t want to be involved. Despite the problems, I promised
myself that I’d be strong for my child. During the first, lonely
months of pregnancy, desperate to talk with someone, I
located the website of SLM. I called and met with Marcella,
a counselor. That day, when Marcella prayed for me, I found
my resistance to spiritual things diminishing. Later I would
join her church and learn many amazing things about Jesus.
Most importantly, I accepted Him as my Savior. I thank God
for my child and for everyone who helped me understand
the Gospel. Also, I thank God for sending His Son to die on a
cross for MY sins and those of the whole world!
LifeChoices Resource Center—
Center—Peggy. One of the most
painful times in my life happened during my freshman year
in college. I had met a guy I thought I could trust and call a
friend. One night, without asking me, he brought over some
alcohol. To please him, I drank it. Then I blacked out, and
was date raped. I never spoke with the “friend” again. A
month later, I was devastated to discover I was pregnant. In
the end, though I loved children, I aborted my baby.
Through an SLM counselor who spoke at my church about
abortion, I learned that God could help me heal. Through
Bible Study, church, and prayer, His
amazing love and forgiveness replaced my
guilt and has changed my life completely.
May God be glorified as we continue to
abound in the work of the Lord! We covet
your prayers and your involvement!
Fairfax Pregnancy Help Center
Walking by Faith
and Not by Sight
Margery Williams, Office Manager of APHC
On January 10, 2005, I started working at the
Alexandria Pregnancy Help Center as the office
manager. For 21 years, I had been a stay at home
mom enjoying my family, volunteer work and a very
comfortable lifestyle. When my youngest child left for
college in the fall of 2004, I was itching to work again
to use my time in a meaningful way. When the
position became available at APHC, I felt a calling to
this ministry. It would be meaningful to have a role in
helping young women in crisis. I had no idea how this
ministry would impact my life in my own personal
On January 31, my husband, Wes, went to the
doctor to be treated for a “virus”. Three days later, I
took him for a follow-up appointment with the doctor
who ordered an ambulance to take Wes to the
hospital. I never dreamed that when I drove Wes to
the doctor that day, he would never come home again.
Three nightmarish weeks followed with ten or more
specialists, innumerable tests, moving from one
hospital to another. Daily, the news would worsen.
Wes was finally diagnosed with advanced cancer one
week before he died at age 51.
In the midst of our anguish, a letter Wes wrote to
our family in the middle of the night, on February 24,
showed me that God undeniably had His hand on my
family. My husband wrote this while he was heavily
drugged. He could not talk and his hands shook so
much that he could barely write, but he
wrote his last words to us that we cherish.
J.B., Rachel, Margie, Mom and Dad:
It seems that there will be one, at most 2 more chemo
attempts. I believe that I yet have gifts and experience
to offer, but should it be God’s time for me then remember I trade a tent here for one of many mansions. Above
all – do not blame God – but embrace His will. Center
your life on Him and His call and all else will fall into
place. Man may not contend with God – set your heart
on Him and all that you truly need will be added.
Love, Dad
These words are a gift from God and from Wes. I
was privileged to share my life for 25 years with this
godly man who was Christ-centered in everything he did.
It has now been a little more than a year since my
beloved husband was taken home to be with the Lord on
February 25. Trusting God through this loss has been a
profoundly challenging faith walk. Although many days
and nights I have sobbed and ached for my children and
me, I must say I have felt the everlasting arms of my
Father around our family. God has held us and loved us
in so many ways. He knew that a job with a Christian
ministry where godly people would reach out and
encourage me would be the best environment in which I
could begin to heal. The staff and volunteers have loved
me, prayed for our family and me, left notes, books, and
scripture passages for me. I have been so blessed to be
surrounded by such support and care.
He also knew that giving to others with deep needs
would also help me to heal and fill an empty reservoir of
need in my own life. In this “rubber meets the road” faith
experience, God has been bringing me through Romans
12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world; but be
transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that you may prove
what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of
God.” The Lord does not allow
us to be passive participants in
our faith. As we go through a
lifelong sanctification process
Mai Bean, Director of Administration
and we yield ourselves to Him,
He walks with us as we
In March, LifeChoices staff and volunteers spoke with over 200 students
experience the trials of this
and faculty members over the 2-day event and handed out numerous
broken world. God is a loving
pamphlets and client webcards. Many conversations were sparked using the
Father, whose grace is sufficient.
STD I.Q. quiz and the fetal models.
Even when we think we have been
Students were surprised at how they
given more than we can humanly
might be at risk for STDs and were
bear, He will hold us and carry us
challenged to think about their choices.
as we surrender to Him. “My
Most importantly, we had the
grace is sufficient for you, for my
opportunity to “plant seeds” about God’s
power is made perfect in
love for them and His plan for sex.
weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9.
Please pray for the students and faculty
who we met.
LifeChoices Attends
GMU Heath Fair &
Fitness Expo
Please pray for SLM…
...with thanksgiving
Clients have come to know the Lord as their Savior and have had safe deliveries
Many calls and visits to APHC have occurred as a result of the bus ad in Alexandria
New office workers and counselors are volunteering at all three centers
Rebecca Lewis, a long time volunteer counselor at APHC, will be the Interim Director of Alexandria
starting May 1st
After a time of transition, Melissa Jansen will serve as full-time Center Director of LifeChoices
The SLM 2006 Fellowship Banquet was the best one yet
The Lord is doing good things at LifeChoices including clients visiting as
the result of ads on the internet, ads in High School newspapers and
the LifeChoices booth at the GMU Health Fair
...for our Clients & Centers
Our unbelieving clients will respond to the Gospel and grow in their
relationship with the Lord
God will change the hearts of our abortion-minded clients, to save
their babies’ lives
God will provide medical care and resources for the clients in need
More sexually active students and single adults will visit LifeChoices and receive counsel
The Lord will bring healing to those attending the post abortion Bible study
Volunteer counselors will be fully equipped by the Lord to minister to clients
Staff, board and volunteers will grow in their relationship with the Lord
Computers at all three centers would continue to run effciently
God’s grace and finances will be provided for those going to Romania
May 12-22 to encourage CPC directors and volunteers
The Lord will bring revival to the people of the United States of
Please pray that the Lord would give grace and wisdom to Margie Williams, Rebecca
Lewis and Melissa Jansen as they prepare for Melissa
Melissa to transition to be the Center
Director of LifeChoices and Rebecca is trained to be the Interim Center Director of
LifeChoices Office Needs
paper products, office supplies
2 medium-sized office chairs with wheels (for volunteer desks)
new Dell computers
Client Needs
boys’ summer clothes
(newborn, 9-24 mos.)
girls’ summer clothes (12–
and 18-mo.)
diapers (especially sizes 3,
4, 5 and 6)
benevolent funds for
infant and convertible car
seats (less than six years
Bassinets, cribs, strollers,
and baby food
Address Service Requested
10875 Main Street, Suite 109 . Fairfax, VA 22030 . P. 703-278-5433
slm@maranatha.net . www.slmgetinvolved.org
Non-profit Org.
Merrifield, VA
Permit No. 6280
Alexandria Pregnancy Help Center
Fairfax Pregnancy Help Center
April/May Newsletter 2006
Serving Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Romania - May 12-22
Please pray for Kay Gardner, Center Director of FPHC, Kelley Wesley, Executive Director of SLM, and
Ginny Cyphert, Client Services Director of CPC of Richmond, as they conduct training at the Romanian
National Conference on May 18-20 in Timisoara, Romania.
Studies show there are more abortions performed than live births in Romania. SLM has been working
with Foundation Estera in Timisoara, Romania since 1997, helping them with resources, training, and
support for staff. Pray for the team as they provide needed supplies, consultation to the board and staff of
Foundation Estera, and conduct workshops at the Romanian National Conference.
Mark Your Calendars!
Saturday, April 15:
Post Abortion
Bible Study Begins
Monday, April 17:
Steering Committee
Meeting for LCRC
Friday, April 21:
VA Directors Meeting
Monday, April 24:
Open House at
Monday, May 1:
Banquet Team
Thank You Dinner
Friday, May 12:
Trip to Romania
Monday, May 29:
Closed for
Memorial Day
Friday, June 9:
SLM Staff Retreat