abc MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC MATERNITY SERVICE GUIDELINE TITLE: AUTHORS: GUIDELINE LEAD: RATIFIED BY: ACTIVE DATE: RATIFICATION DATE: REVIEW DATE: APPLIES TO: EXCLUSIONS: RELATED POLICIES THIS DOCUMENT REPLACES 1. Caesarean Section Denise McEneaney, Supervisor of Midwives, Sarah Wray (Consultant Anaesthetist) Anita Sanghi, Consultant Obstetrician Anita Sanghi Guidelines group Dec 2009 Nov 2009 (amended Feb 2010 – monitoring tool added) Nov 2012 Maternity Unit Staff None Obstetric Analgesia and Anaesthesia Prophylaxis for Thromboembolism at Caesarean Section Cell Salvage in Obstetrics Provision of Red Cell Units for LSCS in Patients with Placenta Praevia Policy for the Labour Ward Post Operative Recovery Unit The Severely Ill Parturient Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section (VBAC) Guideline for Caesarean Section November 2008 V 2.0 Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Caesarean Section Antacid Prophylaxis for Obstetric Patients INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINE Page 1 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC abc This document outlines general guidance for planning either elective or emergency caesarean sections (CS). The decision to perform a Caesarean section (CS) should be taken after discussion with a consultant obstetrician in all but the most urgent and clear cut situations where time is of the essence i.e. uterine rupture or prolapsed cord with fetal decelerations before full dilation. 2. IMPLEMENTATION • • • • 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • • • • 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Paper copy will be attached to guideline and audit notice boards. Emailed copies to all midwives and obstetricians. Will be available via the trust intranet. Circulated to guidelines folders. Obstetric Staff – will make decision for and perform all CSs after discussion with a consultant obstetrician in all but the most urgent and clear cut situations. Midwifery Staff - will provide midwifery support and to women and their partner and to scrub top receive the baby Theatre Nurses – to scrub for elective and emergency CS Maternity Care Assistants – to circulate in theatre during CS GUIDELINE DECISION MAKING: The grade of obstetrician discussing the procedure with the woman should be of appropriate seniority. As a minimum this should be Specialist Trainee Obstetrician (ST3) level. Documentation should include grade of the doctor. The Specialist Trainee Obstetrician should consult an Obstetric Consultant, during the decision making process for all CS, unless doing so would be life threatening to the woman or the fetus. There should be midwifery input and support in this process (if there are conflicting professional opinions, these should be resolved away from the bedside, if necessary involving more senior input. Then an agreed plan which all co-professionals must support is presented to the woman. Details should be documented clearly). All women who have had one previous CS and no subsequent vaginal birth should be offered an appointment in the midwifery led Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) clinic to discuss and agree a care plan for this birth as early as possible in the pregnancy. Women requesting a primary CS, history of uterine surgery or who have had at least 2 previous CS should be reviewed by a consultant obstetrician by 34 weeks at the latest to discuss mode of delivery and management plan. Page 2 of 11 abc MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC This must be clearly documented in the maternity hand held records and if a trial of labour has been agreed. CLASSIFICATION OF ALL CAESAREAN SECTIONS The urgency of CS should be decided and documented using the following standardised scheme in order to aid clear multi-professional communication about the urgency of a CS: Grades 1. Immediate threat to the life of the woman or fetus 2. Maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately lifethreatening 3. No maternal or fetal compromise but needs early delivery 4. Delivery timed to suit woman or staff (see Table 1) Table 1 Classification of Caesarean sections Grade 1 (crash / immediate CS) There is immediate threat to the life of the woman of baby. Delivery should be achieved within 30 minutes of the decision to perform a CS. Emergency Examples: cord prolapse, prolonged decelerations / bradycardia < 80bpm for more than 12 minutes, scar rupture, abruption with fetal heart rate changes, scalp ph <7.20. Grade 2 (urgent CS) There is maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately life threatening Delivery should be achieved as soon as possible and within 1 hour to prevent further deterioration. Examples: fetal heart rate changes on CTG but not ominous Grade 3 Grade 4 – elective There is no maternal or fetal compromise but needs early delivery A planned procedure to suit woman, staff, delivery suite etc. Delivery should preferable be within 12 hours up to 24 hours. Examples: To fit in with labour ward workload and allow for fasting and some degree of planning i.e. preterm, Severe Fetal Growth Restriction/ Preeclampsia allowing for steroid therapy. Examples include deterioration in a mother with Pre-eclampsia, deteriorating fetal surveillance test. Elective caesarean sections should routinely be carried out after 39 completed weeks gestation (National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG),2010) Page 3 of 11 abc MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC 4.5 CONSENT 4.5.1 Evidence based information should be given to women, and documented in the maternity hand held records. This will include indications for CS, what the procedure involves, associated risks and benefits and implications for future pregnancies and birth. Women should be given written information where possible. 4.5.2 Support from the Maternity Health Advocates (Mon-Friday 9-5pm and Sat 912.30) should be sought. Language Line or Face to Face interpreting used out of hours wherever possible. 4.5.3 A competent woman is entitled to refuse CS, even when the treatment would clearly benefit her or her baby’s health. In such cases, the consultant obstetrician and Supervisor of Midwives must be involved. 4.5.4 Documentation must contain an accurate account of discussions with the woman. Advice can be sought from the Legal Team ext 18-4131 in office hours or via switchboard out of hours. 4.6 PRE-OPERATIVE WORK UP 4.6.1 For elective CS, women will be referred to the pre-assessment clinic held every 2 weeks. This clinic is led by a midwife and anaesthetist (see Appendix 1). 4.6.2 All women should have a full blood count (FBC) and Group and Save sent before going to theatre. In all elective cases and where possible for emergency cases, the operator should check and document FBC and Group results in the notes before beginning the operation. Cross matched blood should only be requested where there is strong likelihood of excessive bleeding i.e. Placenta Praevia or where the client is known to be anaemic pre-operatively. Antacid regime will be prescribed as below Elective CS (Grade 4) Grade 1 & 2 CS 10 pm the night before LSCS Oral Ranitidine 150mg At the decision to perform LSCS 7 am on the day of LSCS Oral Ranitidine 150mg Oral Metoclopramide 10mg IV/IM Metoclopramide 10mg If woman has not received ranitidine within 6 hrs, give IM/IV ranitidine 50mg in addition Consider IM Glycopyrolate 0.2mg for patients prone to excessive salivation In theatres Oral 30mls of 0.3M Sodium Citrate immediately prior to GA In theatres - Oral 30mls of 0.3M Sodium Citrate immediately prior to GA. Grade 3 – Timing of the Antacid regime will be variable. Page 4 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC 4.7 abc ANAESTHESIA: 4.7.1 Regional nerve blockage should be used unless contraindicated or declined. 4.7.2. For general anaesthetic (GA) LSCS in out of office hours, the Obstetric Anaesthetic Specialist Trainee (CT2) must inform the anaesthetic Senior Specialist Trainee (Bleep 1220) when proceeding. 4.8 SURGERY 4.8.1 The grade of the Obstetrician present/scrubbed in theatre should be suitable for the complexity of the case, and be at ST3 level at a minimum. There may be cases where it would normally be expected for the Consultant Obstetrician to operate for example; Jehovah's witnesses and where placenta praevia and previous Caesarean section co-exist. 4.8.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis should be administered to all women - Augmentin 1.2G Intravenous (IV) after delivery of baby. If allergic follow the Trust policy. 4.8.3 Thromboprophylaxis should be considered in all cases – see Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist (2009) Guideline. 4.8.4 Pubic hair must not be shaved - this will be clipped just prior to the operation by the case midwife. 4.8.5 Paired umbilical cord gases should be sampled. Results must be written in the Birth notes and the printed results slips must be filed in the marked envelope in the Maternity Notes. 4.8.6 The position and timing of cord clamping should be deliberate, allowing adequate length for umbilical catheterization of the baby should this be required. 4.8.7 Women will be given Syntocinon 5 IU IV for delivery of the placenta and membranes. A further 5 units may be required in some circumstances to contract the uterus. 4.8.8 Oxytocin infusion (40 units/500mls Normal Saline / 4 hours) following the CS will be prescribed based on clinical need, i.e. risk of haemorrhage. 4.9 ELECTIVE CAESAREAN SECTION 4.9.1 Providing there is no documented clinical reason to the contrary, elective caesarean sections should be performed in the morning, aiming to complete all booked work by noon. The elective lists on Wednesday and Thursday should always be filled first before booking another day in the week. 4.9.2 In the event of a delay of 12 hours or more from fasting, an IV infusion of Hartmanns liters/8 hours via a wide bore cannula prescribed to maintain hydration. The on call consultant obstetrician must review the women and explain the circumstances regarding the delay. 4.9.3 Delays in start time or between cases should be coded on the appropriate audit form in theatre and reported through trust risk reporting process. 4.10 ELECTIVE CAESAREAN FOR MATERNAL REQUEST 4.10.1 Maternal request is not on its own an indication for CS 4.10.2 If requested in the absence of an identifiable reason, the risks and benefits of CS compared with vaginal birth should be discussed at obstetric consultant level and documented in the maternity records Page 5 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC abc 4.10.3 If a woman has a fear of childbirth, she should be offered counselling. 4.10.4 The consultant is able to refuse to conduct a CS in the absence of an identifiable indication. 4.10.5 The woman’s decision however should be respected and further opinion then be sought from a senior midwife/supervisor of midwives and obstetric consultant colleague so that a management plan is constructed. Once this has been done, all consultants are required to respect & if necessary assist with the implementation of the recommendation. 4.11 NEONATOLOGY INPUT 4.11.1 A Neonatologist does not need to be present for elective CS under regional anaesthesia if there is no evidence of fetal compromise. 4.11.2 Staff attending CS must be sufficiently trained to undertake resuscitation of the newborn. 4.12. Skin to Skin Contact 4.12.1 In all cases where the baby is born in good condition and the mother is well and agrees, the baby should be handed directly to the mother and skin to skin contact actively encouraged. 4.12.2 The baby can be checked, dried and identity bands applied whilst on the mother’s chest and covered with a warm towel to keep warm. 4.13 EMERGENCY CAESAREAN SECTION: 4.13.1 In labour, any such decision not supported by fetal blood sampling (FBS) should be justified and documented by the operating obstetrician. 4.13.2 Continuous cardiotocograph (CTG) monitoring must continue until skin preparation prior to knife to skin. 4.13.3 All CS must be graded according to Table 1. The timing of the decision for the CS, timing of consent, if there is significant delay and timing of ‘knife to skin’ together with the grade of urgency of the procedure should be clearly documented in the obstetric case notes, together with the reasons for any delay in delivering the baby 4.14 Documentation expectation i.Operative details The Birth Notes “Operative Details” must be fully completed. For Grade 1 and 2 CSs this must include reason for performing the CS by the person making the decision. If for any reason, the person making the decision is not present throughout the surgery, the above must be documented in the main maternity records. ii.Reminder: If there is a significant delay, the timing of consent, and timing of ‘knife to skin’ together with the grade of urgency of the procedure should be clearly documented in the “Birth Notes”, together with the reasons for any delay in delivering the baby. An incident form must be raised in the instance. iii.Cord samples for gases Page 6 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC abc The results must be written in the page 20 of “Birth notes” and the printed results slips must be filed in the marked envelope in the Maternity and Baby’s records. 5. IMMEDIATE POSTNATAL CARE In addition to general postnatal care, women who have had a CS should be provided with “one to one” care in Recovery after CS. 5.1 ANALGESIA • In the post operative period, the woman should be prescribed for regular analgesia of Paracetamol and Diclofenac sodium. • Encourage the woman to take these regularly. Additional pain relief such as opiates is prescribed as p.r.n. If the woman reports inadequate analgesia, discuss with the anaesthetic team. 5.2 MATERNAL AND NEONATAL WELL-BEING • Care of the newborn will be addressed in the “Immediate Care of the Newborn” guideline • The Recovery observations plan is addressed in the “Recovery” guideline • Following Recovery period, unless there is a clinical indication, the woman should have temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure check every four hours for the first 24 hours. Please refer to the “Severely Ill Parturient” guideline if there is a clinical indication to monitor observations frequently. • Full postnatal assessment with particular attention to wound and vaginal loss must be performed to ensure early identification of complications such as secondary haemorrhage or infection. • Intravenous fluid may be prescribed to address fluid balance but the woman may start drinking and eating according to obstetric advice. All observations must be documented in the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS) chart. Fluid balance chart must be used until the woman is able to drink and eat normally. 5.3 WOUND CARE I. Remove the dressing 24 hours after the CS. If non absorbable sutures are used, these are removed on day 5 if first CS, or Day 7 if subsequent CS. II. The wound should be observed for signs of infection or dehiscence. III. Women should be advised to shower daily and gently clean and dry the wound daily and be encouraged to wear loose, comfortable clothes and cotton underwear 5.4 BLADDER CARE I. The urinary catheter should be removed once the woman is mobile, and at least 8 hours after regional anaesthetic. Page 7 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC abc II. Observe for urinary symptoms for signs of urinary tract infection, stress incontinence (occurs in about 4% of women after CS), urinary tract injury (occurs in about 1 per 1000 CS). Refer to “Bladder Care” guideline for further management. 5.6 THROMBOPROPHYLAXIS I. Women who have had CS are at increased risk of venous thromboembolic (VTE) disease (both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism). II. All women should be encouraged to mobilise. Risk assessment for VTE must be carried out to individualise the VTE plan. Graduated compression stockings should be wore, if thromboprophylaxis is contraindicated. 5.7 PLANNING FUTURE PREGNANCIES I. Women should have the opportunity to discuss the rational for the CS and implications for future pregnancies. II. Ideally this is performed on the postnatal ward before transfer home or may be discussed at a planned outpatient appointment approximately 6 weeks post birth prior to discharge from maternity services. 6. DOCUMENTATION EXPECTATION All postnatal care must be documented in the mother and baby’s sets of postnatal notes. Ensure all loose charts are filed securely in the maternity record. 7. BREACH OF GUIDELINE The incident will be reviewed within the risk management framework. The impact of this incident will be reviewed by the appropriate lead clinician and feedback/training be given to staff as required. 8. MONITORING COMPLIANCE Compliance will be monitored via continuous audit of implementation and classification of all Grade 1 and 2 CS. Findings will be reviewed by the Audit Committee and circulated to maternity staff. REFERENCES Confidential Enquiry into Maternity and Child Health (CEMACH) (2007) Saving Mothers’ Lives: Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safe – 2003-2005. London: RCOG Press National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2004). Caesarean Section. London: RCOG press Page 8 of 11 MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC abc National Institute for Health and Clinical Effectiveness (NICE) (2005) Intraoperative blood cell salvage in obstetrics. London: NICE Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) (2007) Birth after previous caesarean section. London: RCOG Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (2009) Thrombosis and embolism during pregnancy and puerperium, reducing the risk (Green-top 37). London: RCOG. RCOG (2010) Good Practice 11 Classification of Urgency of CS – a continuum of risk. London. RCOG Press. Page 9 of 11 abc MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC APPENDIX 1 Care pathway for women requiring Elective CS (ELLSCS) Consultant Led AN appointment Consultant Obstetrician agrees ELLSCS Obstetrician completes consent form and women signs – file in Antenatal Maternity Notes. Give leaflet – Planned Caesarean Section Request CS date via ext 2474 (Labour Ward Clerk) Pre-Assessment Clinic - woman to see midwife and anaesthetist Midwife led session Anaesthetist led session Request appointment in pre-assessment clinic group session (alternate Tuesday afternoons 12.30pm or 14.00pm) ANC support staff to prep notes preceding Friday or Monday (print results, collate forms etc) DVD shown – 16 minutes ‘Your Anaesthetic for CS’ Group session re taking pre medication MRSA swabs shown how to take (not required if already done within last 2 weeks). Request generated day before. Give blood forms for FBC, Clotting, Group and Save requested (woman attends phlebotomy on ground floor OPD) Weight recorded on anaesthetic chart Give BLT information leaflet - Planned Caesarean section Midwife available during Anaesthetic appointments and leads unstructured session with women addressing further queries Individual assessment with each woman. Risk assessment and discussion of risks/benefits of spinal/general anaesthesia Prescribe pre med oral Ranitidine 150mg and Metoclopramide 10mg Confirm with woman date/time to attend Labour ward for ELCS (morning of CS) Record significant medical history on anaesthetic chart If decision for CS made and pre-assessment clinic appointment not available – obstetrician to consent woman as usual and prescribe pre-medication. ANC midwife to organise: MRSA swabs, FBC, Clotting, Group and Save requested (woman attends phlebotomy on ground floor OPD) Give Information leaflet Woman to attend LW morning of CS and anaesthetist to complete anaesthetic risk assessment and discussion of risks/benefits of spinal/general anaesthesia Page 10 of 11 abc MAT/GUI/1109/CAESEC APPENDIX 2 MONITORING TOOL Element to be monitored Lead Monitoring Tool Agreed Classification used Audit and Quality Midwife/ HDU Lead Midwife Proforma Decision to delivery interval for CS Documentation of reasons for performing grade 1 and 2 CS by the person who makes the decision Consultant involvement in the decision [unless doing so would be life threatening to the woman or the fetus] Documentation of reasons for delay in undertaking the CS Administration of prophylactic Augmentin or substitute if the woman is allergic to Penicillin Documentation of minimum observations in first 24 hours post operative. Documentation of that a discussion has been had with the woman regarding implications for future pregnancies prior to discharge Frequency Reporting arrangements Acting on recommendations and Lead (s) Change in practice and lessons to be shared All Grade 1 & 2 caesarean sections Labour Ward Forum, (multidisciplinary team) review quarterly results and recommendations Labour ward forum will undertake recommendations. Quarterly report will be circulated it all relevant clinical areas Quarterly report produced Results of report shared quarterly This process with be documented in the meetings minutes Maternity and Gynaecology Governance Board will receive an annual audit report and completed /outstanding action plans. Emailed to all relevant staff groups Required changes to practice will be identified and actioned within a specific time frame, at the Labour ward forum. A labour ward forum (LWF) member will be identified to take each change forward. Lessons will be shared with the relevant staff groups Page 11 of 11
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