Cornucopia Trainee Application
Cornucopia Trainee Application
2007 ACE Colorado HIV/AIDS Resource Directory AIDS Coalition for Education 2008 AIDS COALITION FOR EDUCATION HIV/AIDS RESOURCE DIRECTORY DIRECTORIO DE RECURSOS PARA EL VIH/SIDA DE COLORADO 2008 EDITION EDICION 2008 Edited by: MeriLou Johnson, MPA, MSW Lisa Lawrence, MSW Peter Ralin, MS AIDS Coalition for Education Board of Directors Karen F. Corsi Director, Project Safe Robert Dorshimer Executive Director, The Council Daniel Garcia President, Persons Living with HIV Action Network of Colorado Marshall Gourley Health Program Administrator HIV Prevention, Denver Public Health Lisa Lawrence Program Coordinator, Colorado AIDS Education and Training Center Barbara Lussenhop State Government Affairs Manager Hoffmann-La Roche Anne Marlow-Geter Planning Unit Supervisor Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Peter Ralin President, AIDS Coalition for Education Beth Rotach Web Conference Coordinator Academic Impressions Anne Smith Prevention Programs Manager Colorado AIDS Project Linda Tamayo Colorado Department of Education Megan Marx Associate Director of Special Contracts for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Revised and Edited by: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The AIDS Coalition for Education (ACE) 2008 Colorado HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care Resource Directory is partially funded by unrestricted educational grants from our sponsors: Abbott Laboratories, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc Pfizer, Inc. HIV/AIDS Roche Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Tibotec Therapeutics Additional funding for the Resource Directory is provided by membership dues from ACE members: SUSTAINING MEMBERS ARTS Special Services Clinic The Council Brother Jeff’s Community Health Initiative Denver Health HIV Primary Care Clinic The Children’s Hospital-Children’s Immunodeficiency Program Denver Public Health Department PLWH Action Network of Colorado Colorado AIDS Education & Training Center Project Safe Colorado AIDS Project ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS Boulder County AIDS Project Hep-C Connection Project Angel Heart Colorado Department of Human Services- Aging & Adult Services HIV CareLink RAIN Colorado Idea Infusion Rainbow Alley It Takes a Village Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention Colorado Department of Human Services – Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division Colorado HIV/AIDS Treatment Taskforce (CHATT) Colorado Organizations Responding to AIDS Jewish Family Services JSI Research & Training Institute Mountain Plains AIDS Education & Training Center Mental Health Center of Denver Denver Area Youth Services Northern Colorado AIDS Project Empowerment Program Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Community Center of Colorado (The Center) Peer Assistance Services Inc. The Positive Project Servicios de la Raza Sisters of Color United for Education Southern Colorado AIDS Project Urban Peak Western Colorado AIDS Project Women’s Lighthouse Project Agency Inclusion, Corrections, and Updates HOW CAN MY AGENCY RESOURCE DIRECTORY? BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT HIV/AIDS Send information about your agency in the directory format (i.e. name, address, phone and fax numbers, email, website, contact name, hours, fees and target audience, etc. with a descriptive narrative of your program) to ACE at P.O. Box 18909, Denver, CO. 80218. WHAT IF MY AGENCY MAKES CHANGES? If your agency has changes, please contact ACE at P.O. Box 18909, Denver, CO. 80218 or e-mail Updates will be listed on the ACE web site at WHAT IF INCORRECT INFORMATION ABOUT MY AGENCY IS LISTED IN THE DIRECTORY? With production of each edition of the directory, ACE makes every effort to verify that all information is current and correct. Information that changes between editions, or corrections of any publication errors should be reported to ACE as above, and corrections will be listed on the ACE site at TABLE OF CONTENTS Day One: After You've Tested Positive for HIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 El Primer Día: Cuando Tu Prueba Resulta VIH Positivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 HIV Testing Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Prevention for Positives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Comprehensive Risk Counseling and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Medical Services Referral List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Colorado Community Health Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Planned Parenthood Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Women’s Support Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Home Health and Hospice Referral List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Substance Abuse Treatment Referral List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Substance Use and HIV and HCV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Co-infection with HIV and Hepatitis C Information and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Youth Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Counseling Services Referral List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 County Social Services Referral List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Disability Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Certified Independent Living Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Toll-free Disability Phone #’s & Web Quick List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Housing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Spiritual Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 BEGIN AGENCY LISITINGS AIDS Coalition for Education (ACE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 AIDS Drug Assistance Program Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 AIDS Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 American Red Cross - Centennial Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 American Red Cross - Pikes Peak Chapter (Colorado Springs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 American Red Cross- Mile High Chapter (Denver) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Angels Unaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Arapahoe House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 ARTS Outpatient Special Services Clinic/ UCHSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Asian-Pacific Development Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Beacon Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Behavior Service Institute (Center for Community Excellence and Social Justice) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Boulder County Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Bridging Group, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Brothas4Ever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Brother Jeff's Community Health Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Caritas Clinic, Exempla St Joseph Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Children’s Hospital HIV Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 CHIP Youth Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Clinica Campesina Family Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Coloradans Working Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Colorado - Anti-Violence Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Colorado AIDS Clinical Trials Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Colorado AIDS Education and Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Colorado AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Colorado Campaign for Safe Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Colorado Department of Education - HIV/AIDS Prevention Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Colorado Department of Human Services - Aging & Adult Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Colorado Department of Human Services -Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment-Consumer Protection Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment -Resource Referral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment -STD/HIV Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Colorado Division of Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Colorado Legal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Colorado Nurses Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Colorado Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Colorado West Regional Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 CORA (Colorado Organizations Responding to AIDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Council, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Cover Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Delta County Department of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Denver Area Youth Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Denver Church of Religious Science, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Denver Health HIV Primary Care Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Denver Health Medical Center HIV/AIDS Psychiatric Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Denver HIV Resources Planning Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Denver Indian Health and Family Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Denver Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Denver Public Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Denver Public Health Infectious Disease Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Denver STD/HIV Prevention Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 ECCOS Family Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 El Futuro Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 El Paso County Department of Health and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Emmanuel Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Empowerment Program - Women’s AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Community Center of Colorado, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Gill Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Harm Reduction Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Healthier Options for the Parenting Experience (HOPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Hep C Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 HIV Care Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 HIV/AIDS Regional Resource Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Hope Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Howard Dental Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Insurance Continuation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Island Grove Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 It Takes A Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Jewish Family Service - Hearts & Hands Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 JSI Research and Training Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 La Clinica Tepeyac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Larimer County Department of Health and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Latin American Research and Service Agency (LARASA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Mayor’s Office of HIV Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Mental Health Center of Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Metro Community Provider Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Metropolitan Community Church of The Rockies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Namaste Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 National Pediatric AIDS Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Northeast Colorado Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Northeast Women's Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Northern Colorado AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Office of Archdiocesan Social Ministry-Archdiocesan HIV/AIDS Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Otero County Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Pan African Arts Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays(PFLAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Peer Assistance Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Persons Living with HIV Action Network of Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Positive Project, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Project Angel Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Project Redemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Project Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Pueblo City and County Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Pueblo Community Health Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 R A D Education Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 RAIN Colorado - The Regional AIDS Interfaith Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Rainbow Alley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Red Ribbon Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Rehabilitation & Visiting Nurse Association (Ft. Collins) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Rocky Mountain Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 San Juan Basin Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 San Luis Valley Area Health Education Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Servicios de la Raza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Sisters of Color United for EducationHermanas de Color Unidas Para La Educación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Social Security Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Southeastern Colorado Area Health Education Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Southern Colorado AIDS Project (SCAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Southern Ute Health Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 St. Mary's Family Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Tri-County Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Two Spirit Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 United States Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 University of Colorado Hospital HIV/AIDS Primary Care Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Urban Peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center - Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Visiting Nurse Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 VOA- Rainbow House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Weld County Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Western Colorado AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Women’s Lighthouse Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Women's Resource Center of Larimer County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Yoga Group, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 AFTER YOU'VE DAY ONE: TESTED POSITIVE FOR HIV Adapted from original prepared for the ACE directory by Al McKittrick A positive HIV antibody test can ruin your whole day or your whole week. It could be the hardest news that you’ve ever had to deal with. But don’t despair! It’s scary, but it is not a death sentence. Today, many of us with HIV are alive and well many years after becoming HIV positive. There is still not a cure, but with all we’ve learned over the course of the epidemic, and with the development of new drugs, HIV is becoming a chronic manageable disease. But the real work is up to you. Getting informed and taking charge of your health will help you make the best of your situation and the ACE directory you are holding in your hands can be very helpful in accomplishing that goal. You may feel very alone right now but you are not. There are over 11,000 people in the State of Colorado living with HIV and a lot of agencies to assist us in managing this disease. Welcome to our community. Before you get started, here are just a few basic things to remember. #1. You need to have a doctor who is a specialist in HIV. Studies have shown that your chance of survival is much better if you have a doctor who treats people living with HIV on a daily basis. HIV treatment is constantly changing and a provider without a lot of HIV care experience or many HIV patients may not have time to keep up on the latest developments, so find a specialist. You’ll find them in the Medical Services Referral List (page 13). Have your regular doctor refer you to a specialist for your HIV care needs. #2. Be patient with yourself. Start thinking about getting healthier. Reducing or stopping your use of alcohol, nicotine and recreational drugs will help you stay healthier longer. So will eating nutritiously and adding vitamins and exercise to your daily life. Don't beat yourself up about being HIV+; it will only keep you from getting on with what you need to do to survive. A few days of feeling sorry for yourself is OK but a couple years of denial is not. You can seek out help in the Counseling Services Referral List (page 29). If you need help quitting or limiting alcohol or drug use, you’ll find support groups and assistance in that same list. Seek out hugs and support from friends and family. Be careful who you discuss your status with. It should be on a need to know basis (doctors, nurses, sexual partners, AIDS service organizations). Be aware that discrimination against someone who is HIV+ is forbidden by the Americans with Disabilities Act. #3. Don’t put yourself or others at risk. When you are HIV+, you can be re-infected again and again if you have a partner who’s positive or if you share needles with someone who is also HIV+. This can just make treatment more difficult and lessen your chances of survival. You of course do not want to give HIV to someone who is not positive, so safer sex needs to become your mode of conduct. Mothers who are HIV+ should not breast feed their children. There are many organizations listed in this book that can give you information on safer sex and how to keep from infecting anyone else. #4. Don’t worry about money. You have enough to worry about when you are first diagnosed with HIV. You don’t need to add to your stress by worrying about how you’ll pay for drug treatment or doctor’s appointments. Whether or not you have insurance or a job, you can get quality HIV care in the State of Colorado. Assistance with housing, food and other necessities is also available. A case manager can help you with many of these concerns and can connect you with the programs you need. You’ll be able to find a case management agency in your area, and information about what services they offer through this directory. They include Colorado AIDS Project, Boulder County AIDS Project, Western Colorado AIDS Project, Southern Colorado AIDS Project, Northern Colorado AIDS Project, Servicios de la Raza, and Empowerment. 1 #5. Your best weapons in the fight against HIV are attitude and knowledge. If anyone tells you they have a cure for HIV, don’t believe them; there isn’t one. If anyone tells you that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, or that the HIV test is a fraud and you have nothing to worry about, don’t believe them either. Be wary of outdated information. Changes in treatment of HIV can develop rapidly so get current information from reputable web sites and publications that you can find listed in this directory. Learn as much as you can about HIV but do it at your own pace. Ask questions of your doctors and care providers; remember they work for you. You tested positive. Your test result is a piece of knowledge and knowing about the disease is a powerful weapon. Now that you know, you can do something about it. HIV AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. A virus is an organism that has to be inside some other cell in order to multiply. In the case of HIV, the virus attacks white blood cells in your immune system, specifically your CD4 T-cell. This is not good news for your immune system because it is the CD4 T-cell that would normally lead the attack against HIV. And it does. From the time you are infected, the body is very busy making millions of CD4 cells to combat the millions of new cells that the virus is making. This battle goes on for years until slowly the virus overwhelms the immune system and the body loses its ability to fight off a variety of illnesses, called opportunistic infections. This gradual destruction of the immune system doesn’t happen the same way in everyone, or at the same pace. In a small percentage of people, infection with HIV leads to destruction of the immune system very rapidly, in just a few years. But on average, even without drug treatment, most people remain well for 7 - 10 years before experiencing the first serious symptoms. That’s why it’s a good thing that you know now that you are positive, because you can slow or prevent the destruction of your immune system with medications and therapies. MONITORING YOUR HEALTH There are two kinds of tests that can measure the degree to which your HIV progresses. 1. A T-cell count or CD4+ count lets you know how many T-cells you have. A normal count for people not infected with HIV is usually 800-1200. An HIV+ person who has progressed to AIDS will have a count below 200. If your count is below 200, your doctor should recommend that you take certain “prophylactic” drugs (usually antibiotics) to prevent you from getting some of the more serious illnesses and infections that people with suppressed immune systems are at risk for. 2. A viral load test shows how much virus is floating around in your blood. Results can range from undetectable (under 20 copies of the virus, is a good result), on up to a count in the millions (not good news). You want to get a high T-cell count and a low viral load, but there are treatment options for all combinations of T-cell counts and viral loads. Doctors and patient advocates recommend you get both tests every three months. 2 TREATMENT OPTIONS Regardless of when you were infected with HIV, you should visit a doctor right away so your health status can be monitored on an ongoing basis. At some point, you will want to decide with your physician when would be a good time to initiate drug therapy. By the end of the year there will be 24 different HIV medications in six different classes, which means they work in six different ways to attack the virus. Some of the drugs are combined together in one pill. When you start drug therapy, you should be using more than one of these drugs at the same time. Optimally you want your drug therapy to suppress the virus to “undetectable”, so that your immune system has a chance to raise your T-cell count back towards normal levels. It is important to know that even with an “undetectable” viral load the virus is not completely gone and can still be passed on through known risk modes. Any drug has side effects and HIV drugs are no different. After starting a drug regimen you will want to visit your doctor on a regular basis to help monitor your progress and watch for possible drug toxicities. It is also important to be aware of interactions that your HIV drugs may have with other medications, so be sure to tell your doctor about all other medications and supplements you are using. The whole objective is for you to stay as healthy as possible so that you can be here to enjoy life and take advantage of all the advances in treatment that keep coming. Stay well! 3 CUANDO EL PRIMER DÍA: TU PRUEBA RESULTA VIH POSITIVO Adaptado del original para el directorio de ACE por Al McKittrick. Un resultado positivo de la prueba del VIH puede arruinarte el día o la vida entera. Puede ser la noticia más desvastadora que tengas que enfrentar en toda tu vida. ¡Pero no te desesperes!… Es alarmante pero no tiene que ser tu sentencia de muerte. Actualmente hay personas que han estado viviendo con el virus por muchos años y todavía gozan de buena salud. Aún no se ha encontrado una cura, pero es mucho lo que hemos aprendido desde el comienzo de la epidemia. Hoy en día, con el desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos, VIH se ha convertido en una enfermedad crónica tratable. Puedes hacer mucho para ayudarte a tí mismo. Informate acerca del VIH y toma el mando en el control de tu salud. En Colorado, hay más de 11.000 personas viviendo con el VIH y un gran número de organizaciones que te pueden ayudar. No estas solo. Este directorio (ACE directory) puede ser de gran ayuda para tí. Antes de que comiences a leer esta guía, queremos compartir algunos consejos básicos que debes tener siempre presente: #1. Necesitas tener un doctor que sea especialista en el VIH. Los estudios han demostrado que la probabilidad de supervivencia es mucho mejor si usted tiene un doctor que es especialista del VIH. Los avances en el tratamiento del VIH cambian constantemente y un doctor de cuidados generales posiblemente no este actualizado en los ùltimos avances sobre el VIH, así que consulta con un especialista del VIH. Usted puede encontrar especialistas en la lista de referencias de servicios médicos (pàg.,#13). Solicita a tu doctor general que te remita a un especialista del VIH para tus necesidades del cuidado del VIH. #2. Tienes que aprender a ser paciente contigo mismo. Comienza a pensar en lo que puedes hacer para mantenerte sano. Evita el uso de cigarrillos y drogas ilegales, reduce el consumo de alcohol. Debes mantener una dieta balanceada y rica en vitaminas. Práctica ejercicios regularmente si estás en condición de hacerlo. No te desesperes por ser VIH positivo, esto no te ayudará a mantenerte saludable. Es completamente normal que te sientas deprimido algunos días, pero no tiene sentido negarte a aceptar la realidad por mucho tiempo. Sí necesitas ayuda psicológica y soporte emocional consulta nuestra Lista de Referencia de Servicios de Consejería (Counseling Services Referral List, pág., 29). Sí estás pensando en reducir el uso de alcohol o drogras ilegales puedes encontrar asistencia y grupos de soporte en la misma lista. También busca soporte emocional en tus amigos y familia. Ten cuidado con quien discutes tu estado medico (accent on the e). Deberias discutir tu estado solo con personas que necesitan saberlo (doctores,enfermeras, tu pareja sexual, y proveedores de servicios sociales para personas con VIH/SIDA). Estes consciente que la discriminacion (accent on the o) es prohibido por la ley Americans with Disabilities Act. #3. Protéjete a tí mismo y a los demás. Sí eres VIH positivo y tienes relaciones sexuales con otra persona que es positiva o compartes agujas para la injección de drogas ilegales, estás corriendo el riesgo de ser infectado otra vez. Esto puede comprometer tu salud, posiblemente el tratamiento no tendrá efecto y tus posibilidades de sobrevivencia serán reducidas. Por supuesto, tú tampoco quieres infectar a una persona que no es VIH positiva. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es practicar sexo seguro como norma de conducta sexual. Las madres que son VIH positivas no deben amamantar a su niños con leche materna. En este libro puedes encontrar los nombres de muchas organizaciones que te pueden ofrecer información sobre sexo seguro y sobre que hacer para no infectar a otros. 4 #4. No te preocupes del dinero. Para una persona que ha sido diagnosticada VIH positiva lo más preocupante es el precio de las medicinas y servicios médicos. Sí tu situación financiera no es capaz, no te desesperes. En Colorado puedes recibir atención médica de calidad y tratamientos para el VIH, independientemente de si estas trabajando o no, o si tienes seguro médico o no. También hay diferentes tipos de ayuda para alimentos, vivienda y otras necesidades. Un Consejero especializado en VIH puede ayudarte en este momento. El Consejero(a) puede referirte o ponerte en contacto con los diferentes servicios y programas de ayuda disponibles. En este directorio puedes encontrar el nombre de las organizaciones que ofrecen servicios de consejería especializada en VIH cerca del área donde vives vives. Algunas de estas organizaciones son: Colorado AIDS Project, Boulder County AIDS Project, Western Colorado AIDS Project, Southern Colorado AIDS Project, Northern Colorado AIDS Project, Servicios de la Raza y Empowerment. #5. Las mejores herramientas en la lucha contra el VIH son aumentar tu conocimiento, estar bien informado y asumir una actitud positiva. No creas en personas que dicen que tienen una cura para el VIH, todavía no se ha encontrado ninguna. Actualiza constantemente tus conocimientos acerca de los tratamientos para el VIH porque estos tratamientos cambian rápidamente. Pregunta a tus doctores y proveedores de servicios médicos. Puedes encontrar información en la red internet (web sites), en cualquiera de las publicaciones presentes en este directorio y también recuerda, sí eres VIH positivo, es tu trabajo aprender todo lo que puedas a cerca de la infección y tratamientos del VIH. Hazlo en tu propio ritmo. ¡Comienza ahora mismo! VIH Y EL SISTEMA INMUNOLOGICO VIH son las siglas que representan al Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Un virus es un microorganismo que necesita vivir en el interior de una célula para reproducirse. En el caso del VIH, el virus ataca y destruye las células sanguíneas blancas presentes en tu sistema inmunológico, especialmente aquellas conocidas como CD4 o células T ayudantes. Esta no es una buena noticia para tu sistema inmunológico porque justamente las células CD4 son las encargadas de atacar el VIH y combatir infecciones. Desde el momento en que has sido infectado con el VIH, tu cuerpo comienza a producir millones de células CD4 para combatir a los millones de nuevas copias del virus. Esta batalla se mantiene por varios años hasta el momento en que el sistema inmunológico comienza a debilitarse y tu cuerpo pierde la habilidad de luchar contra ciertas enfermedades llamadas infecciones oportunistas. La destrucción gradual del sistema inmunológico no ocurre de la misma manera o a1 mismo ritmo en todas las personas infectadas con el VIH. Para ciertas personas, la infección del VIH destruye el sistema inmunológico muy rápidamentey en pocos años. Normalmente, la mayoria de personas infectadas, aun sin ningún tratamiento con medicamentos, mantienen su salud alrededor de 7 a 10 años antes de comenzar a experimentar los primeros síntomas graves de la infección. Por eso es bueno saber pronto si ha sido infectado con el VIH, porque de esta forma puedes reducir o evitar la destrucción de tu sistema inmunológico con medicamentos y terapias antes de que sea tarde. MANTENIENDO EL CONTRO DE TU SALUD Actualmente existen dos tipos de pruebas para determinar los cambios que pueden afectar tu salud: 1. El Recuento de las Células CD4 es una prueba en que el laboratorio mide el número de las células CD4 en una muestra de sangre. La cuenta normal para una persona que no esta infectada con el VIH varía entre 800 y 1200 células CD4. Las personas viviendo con SIDA tienen un recuento de células CD4 menos de 200. Sí tu recuento de células CD4 es menos de 200, es recomendable que tu doctor te comienze a suministrar algunos de los tratamientos que te ayudarán a prevenir algunas de las infecciones oportunistas. 5 2. La prueba de la Carga Viral mide la cantidad de virus en la sangre. Los resultados pueden variar desde valores indetectables (menos de 20 copias del virus, que es un buen resultado) hasta millones de copias (que no es un resultado óptimo). Los valores óptimos son tener un mayor número de células CD4 y un bajo nivel de la carga viral, de cualquier forma puedes encontrar diferentes opciones de tratamientos de acuerdo a tu recuento de células y carga viral. Se recomienda hacerse estas pruebas cada tres o cuatro meses. OPCIONES PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Sí tú sabes que has sido infectado recientemente (en las últimas semanas o meses) deberías considerar en comenzar los medicamentos inmediatamente. Estudios recientes han demostrado que las personas que han comenzado un tratamiento en las etapas tempranas de la infección del VIH, han podido reducir la rápida destrucción del sistema inmunológico a causa del VIH. Sí has estado infectado con el virus por un largo período de tiempo es recomendable que discutas con tu doctor cuando seria el mejor momento para iniciar el tratamiento. Actualmente tenemos 24 diferentes tipos de medicamentos en cinco diferentes clases que atacan al virus. Cuando comiences el tratamiento, debes usar por lo menos tres de estos medicamentos al mismo tiempo. Claramente lo que tú quieres alcanzar con el tratamiento es reducir la cantidad de virus en tu sangre para realizar un nivel indetectable, y de esta forma ayudar al sistema inmunologicó en aumentar la cuenta de células CD4 a niveles normales. Algunos medicamentos tienen efectos secundarios y los medicamentos para tratar el VIH no son diferentes. Después de comenzar tus medicamentos debes visitar a tu doctor regularmente para ver tu progreso y observar cualquier efecto tóxico de los medicamentos. El principal objetivo es estar lo mas saludable posible, para poder gozar de tu vida, y tomar ventaja en los avances de los tratamientos. Cuidate Mucho! 6 HIV TESTING SITES The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), STD/HIV Section’s Client Based Prevention Program provides highly focused statewide outreach to people living with or exposed to HIV and STDs (syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia). They also offer technical assistance, capacity building and partner notification services which include: • Follow-up to ensure that untreated STD-infected and uncounseled HIV infected persons receive test results, counseling and treatment • Prevention case management • Partner counseling and referral services (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, persons co-infected with Hepatitis C and HIV) • Counseling and testing, including social network testing • Referral to other service providers • Content expertise in services provided. Staff can be reached by contacting the main office in Denver at, 303-692-2760, or at the following regional sites: Fort Collins: 970-224-0186 • Grand Junction : 970-248-7146 • Pueblo: 719-545-4650 Local health departments and community-based organizatiosn also provide HIV, STD and HCV testing throughout the state. Following is a list of providers and locations available in Colorado as well as a brief description of the types of services available at each location. COLORADO STD/HIV TESTING SITES Alamosa Planned Parenthood 1560 12th Street #7 Alamosa, CO 81101 719-589-4906 Cost: No charge Call to make and appointment. Confidential and Anonymous Tests Arvada Jefferson County Dept. of Health and Environment 6303 Wadsworth By-Pass Arvada, CO 80003 Phone: 303-275-7500 Web Site: STD Clinic Hours: By Appointment STD Clinic Cost: Sliding Scale HIV Clinic Hours: By Appointment HIV Clinic Cost: $30 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Aspen Community Health Services 0405 Castle Creek Rd., Ste. 6 Aspen, CO 81611 Phone: 970-920-5420 STD Clinic Hours: By Appointment STD Clinic Cost: Sliding fee scale. HIV Clinic Hours: By Appointment HIV Clinic Cost: High School $10 or donation, others $30 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Aurora It Takes a Village 1475 Lima St. Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: 303-367-4747 Web STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins: Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursday, 4 - 6 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursday, 4 - 6 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests 7 Boulder Boulder County AIDS Project Call for an appointment 2118 14th Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6121 Boulder Boulder County Health Department 3450 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: 303-413-7500 Web Site: STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, hours vary, call ahead. STD Clinic Cost: Hepatitis B $20, Hepatitis C $10, Both $20 HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment HIV Clinic Cost: $35 Anonymous Tests Boulder The People's Clinic 3303 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: 303-449-6050 Email: Web Site: STD Clinic Hours: M,W,F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. T 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Th 8:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: Sliding Scale-$0-$45 Co-pay HIV Clinic Hours: By Appointment HIV Clinic Cost: Co-pay, Confidential Tests Broomfield Broomfield Health and Human Services 6 Garden Center, Broomfield, CO 80020 Phone: 720-887-2220 Web Site: Reproductive Health Services, including STD/HIV checks for males & females; sliding fee scale Conifer Mt. Resource Center at Safeway Shopping Center 10875 US Highway 285, Suite D202 P.O. Box 425, Conifer, CO 80433 Phone: 303-838-7552 STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, days and hours vary STD Clinic Cost: Sliding scale HIV Clinic Hours: No HIV Testing, referrals Cortez Montezuma County Health Department 106 W. North, Cortez, CO 81321 Phone: 970-565-3056 Web Site: STD Clinic Hours: No STD testing HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment Monday-Friday HIV Clinic Cost: $20, Confidential Tests Denver The Center (GLBTCCC) 1050 Broadway Denver, CO 80203-2708 Center Saguache County Public Health Department Phone: 303-733-7743 HIV Clinic Hours: First and second 220 S. Worth Street Wednesday of the month Center, CO 81125 HIV Clinic Hours: 5:30-8 p.m. Phone: 719-754-2773 STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins, Monday-Friday, HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests 8 a.m.-4 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: $10 Donation HIV Clinic Hours: Walk-ins, Monday-Friday, Denver CHIP Youth Project (Youth-friendly HIV 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Testing and Treatment) HIV Clinic Cost: $10 Donation Call for an appointment Confidential and Anonymous Tests 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 720-777-8233 Colorado Springs El Paso County Health Department 301 S. Union Blvd. Denver Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Colorado AIDS Project Phone: 719-578-3148 Diamond Hill Office Complex, Building A, Email: 2490 W 26th Ave., Third Floor, Suite 300 Web Site: Denver, CO 80211 STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins or by appointPhone: 303-837-0166 ment, Monday 1:30-4 p.m.; Wednesday, Web Site: 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m.; Friday, 8 -11 a.m. HIV Tesing:Last Thursday of each month. STD Clinic Cost: $20 HIV Clinic Hours: Walk-ins or by appointment HIV Clinic Hours: 6-8:30 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Cost: $30 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Confidential Tests 8 Denver Denver AIDS Prevention (HIV Only) 605 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 303-436-7240 HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver D.A.Y.S. (Denver Area Youth Services) Call for more information 1240 W. Bayaud Ave Denver, CO 80223 303-302-3273 Denver Denver Metro Health Clinic (STD & HIV) 605 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 303-436-7240 STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.; Wednesday 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: Call for fees HIV Clinic Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: Call for fees Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver Eastside Health Clinic 501 28th St, Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-436-4600 HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver ECCOS Family Center 655 Broadway Ste#450, Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 303-480-1920 STD Clinic Hours: On call testing STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver El Futuro Project 881 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 720-904-7125 STD Clinic Hours: On call testing STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver Empowerment Program 1600 York St., Denver, CO 80206 Phone: 303-320-1989 Web STD Clinic Hours: The third Tuesday/month. STD Clinic Cost: Free (Hep C only) HIV Clinic Hours: 5-7 p.m. for testing, results available every 4th Tuesday, HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver La Clinica Tepeyac 5075 Lincoln, Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 303-458-5302 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: On call testing STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver Montbello Health Clinic 4685 Peoria St., Montbello, CO 80239 Phone: 720-956-2730 STD Clinic Hours: On call testing STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver Rainbow Alley (GLBTQ youth center) Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m. HIV testing Friday 8:00-10:00 p.m. 1050 Broadway (in the alley) Denver. CO 80203 303-831-0442 Denver Sisters of Color United for Education 2895 W. 8th , Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 303-446-8800 Web STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: Third Wednesday by appointment HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver Urban Peak (youth shelter) Call for more information 303-777-9198 1630 S. Acoma, Denver, CO 80223 Denver Westside Health Clinic 1100 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 303-436-4200 STD Clinic Hours: On call testing STD Clinic Cost: Free HIV Clinic Hours: On call testing HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential and Anonymous Tests Denver OASOS (GLBTQ youth program) PO Box 1018, Boulder, CO 80306 303-678-6259 Call for more information 9 Durango San Juan Basin Health Department 281 Sawyer Dr., Ste. 300 Durango, CO 81303 Phone: 970-247-5702 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, women only, Tuesday & Wednesday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: Sliding scale fee: Family Planning/Prenatal Patients Only HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment for general public HIV Clinic Cost: $40 (Hep B,C/Syphilis) Family planning clinic Confidential and Anonymous Tests Fort Collins Larimer County Public Health 1525 Blue Spruce Drive Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Phone: 970-498-6700 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: $46-66 includes HIV testing HIV Clinic Hours: Walk-ins, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: $36-56 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Fort Collins Northern Colorado AIDS Project 400 Remington, Ste 100 Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Phone: 970-484-4469 FAX: 970-484-4497 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: No hours, referrals given HIV Clinic Hours: Walk-ins, by appointment, Wednesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: $20 or sliding scale fee Confidential and Anonymous Tests Fort Morgan Salud Family Health Center 909 E. Railroad Ave., Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 Phone: 970-867-0300, 970-542-9399 Toll Free: 1-877-867-9399 STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., can do field testing STD Clinic Cost: Fees according to income level HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment, oral test HIV Clinic Cost: Free Confidential Tests Grand Junction Mesa County Health Department 515 Patterson Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81506 Phone: 970-248-6906 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: By appointment STD Clinic Cost: According to income HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment, Monday-Friday, 8a.m.-4 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: $25 Confidential Tests Grand Junction Western Colorado AIDS Project (WCAP) 805 Main St. Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970-243-2437 HIV Testing: Call for appointment HIV Testing Cost: $25 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Greeley Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment 1555 North 17th Ave. Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-304-6420 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: By appointment STD Clinic Cost: $50 HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment HIV Clinic Cost: $50 or w/ STD test Confidential and Anonymous Tests Julesburg Northeast Colorado Health Department County Courthouse Annex Julesburg, CO 80737 Phone: 970-474-2619 STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, testing can be done through family planning Lakewood Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment 260 S. Kipling Lakewood, CO 80226 Phone: 303-239-7036 Web site: STD Clinic Hours: By appointment STD Clinic Cost: Sliding scale fee HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment HIV Clinic Cost: $25 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Pueblo Pueblo City/County Health Department 151 Central Main St. Pueblo, CO 81003 Phone: 719-583-4371 STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins or by appointment, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., closed 12-1 STD Clinic Cost: Males $38, Females $45 HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment, Monday-Friday, 8-11:30 a.m., 1-3 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: $20 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Trinidad Las Animas-Huerfano County Health Department 412 Benedicta Ave., Trinidad, CO 81082 Phone: 719-846-2213 STD Clinic Hours: Walk-ins or by appointment, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. STD Clinic Cost: $20, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea Culture HIV Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m. HIV Clinic Cost: $15, Hepatitis C $35, Syphilis $10 Confidential and Anonymous Tests 10 Walsenburg Las Animas-Huerfano County Health Department 119 E. 5th St Walsenburg, CO 81089 Phone: 719-738-2650 STD Clinic Hours: By appointment, Monday-Friday STD Clinic Cost: Chlamydia $20, Gonorrhea $20 HIV Clinic Hours: By appointment HIV Clinic Cost: $15, Hepatitis C $35, Syhilis $10 Confidential and Anonymous Tests Statewide, various locations Planned Parenthood 950 Broadway Denver, CO 80203 Call for nearest location. Phone: 303-321-7526 or 1-800-230-PLAN Web site: STD Clinic Hours: Walk in appointments only STD Clinic Cost: Fees vary for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV combined HIV Clinic Hours: Walk in or by appointment HIV Clinic Cost: Fees vary Confidential Test PREVENTION WHAT FOR POSITIVES THE SERVICES ARE The goal of this program, as implemented by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and its sub-contractors, is to support an integrated system of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) intervention services for men and women living with HIV who reside in urban settings (including the counties of Denver, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe, and Larimer), especially those disproportionately affected by HIV. The objective is to implement an integrated system of interventions that change risk behavior and is accessible and acceptable to people living with HIV. Prioritized services for people living with HIV include some of the following: linking the client to client advocacy and care case management, providing basic HIV and transmission information, helping the client address the immediate and emergency needs in their life that impact their health and disease transmission, ongoing screening for sexually transmitted infections, assessment of medical eligibility and referrals to care, viral load and CD4 testing, assistance with partner notification and disclosure, mental health and substance abuse screening with appropriate referrals, and support for adherence to HIV care and treatment regimens. Local agencies contracted by CDPHE for this service in 2008 (as of December 2007): · Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program (CHIP) · Denver Public Health Department · The Empowerment Program · It Takes a Village · Northern Colorado AIDS Project · University of Colorado/ARTS Outpatient Special Services Clinic 11 COMPREHENSIVE RISK COUNSELING AND SERVICES Comprehensive Risk Counseling and Services (CRCS) is a client-centered HIV prevention activity for increasing behaviors that reduce risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV by clients with multiple or complex problems such as mental health or substance abuse issues. The goal of CRCS is to promote the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk-reduction behaviors and to improve skills in accessing community resources that support behavior change for clients who have multiple, complex risk-reduction needs. CRCS is a one-to-one, multi-session, intensive intervention that is intended for clients who would otherwise have a poor prognosis for changing behaviors. CRCS is voluntary and confidential, is flexible as to time and setting based on client needs, and may be delivered to a person living with HIV or at highest risk of becoming infected. CRCS is delivered in conjunction with Ryan White CARE Act case management services to the extent that these services are available. CRCS must compliment, coordinate with and fill the gaps in the services provided by Ryan White, chief of which is risk reduction counseling. Please contact Rebecca Jordan of the CDPHE, Client Based Prevention, for further information about this program or to enquire about access to CRCS services, (303) 692-2969. 12 MEDICAL SERVICES REFERRAL LIST METRO DENVER DENVER FAMILY MEDICINE Alford, William, MD 5800 E. Evans Ave., Suite 101 Denver, CO 80222 Phone: 303-759-8145 Matthew McCoy, MD 1700 Marion St. Denver, CO 80218 Phone: 303-830-6666 APEX FAMILY MEDICINE Mack, Paul PA-C Mohr, Michael DO Scott, Mia, DO 210 University Boulevard, Suite 440 Denver, CO 80206 Phone: 303-321-0222 “Innovative health care setting including family practice, chiropractic, massage therapy, psychotherapy, and dietary counseling.” DENVER PUBLIC HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINIC BEACON CLINIC 303-880-5747 See complete listing in main directory. 605 Bannock, #551 Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 303-436-7240 Must be a Denver resident. See complete listing in the main Resource Directory. DENVER HEALTH HIV PRIMARY CLINIC Ryan White Part C EIS Ryan White Part C EIS King, Mark MD Maltzman, Alicia, NP Pujet, Heather MD Rogers, Maya MD Turner, Todd MD 1136 Alpine, Ste 205 Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: 303-938-3167 DENVER INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONSULTANTS Greenberg, Kenneth, DO Hammer, John, MD Kennedy, Tara FNP Young, Benjamin, MD 4545 East 9th Avenue, Suite #120 Denver, CO 80220 Phone: 303-393-8050 THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL IMMUNODEFICIENCY PROGRAM (CHIP) HIV CARE – VA HOSPITAL 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 CHIP: 720-777-8233 Toll free: 800-624-6553 x8233 Clinical drug trials available for children and pregnant women. Care for children, teens & parents with HIV/AIDS. See complete listing in main Resource Directory Pages. Bessesen, Mary, MD Shapiro, Lee, MD Stamper, Trish, MD 1055 Clermont St Denver CO 80220 Phone: 303-393-2837; Infectious Disease office, Confidential phone line. Public agency serving honorably discharged veterans and their spouses. COLORADO INFECTIOUS DISEASE ASSOCIATES Karakusis, Peter MD Kotula, Rudolf MD 950 East Harvard Avenue, Ste 690 Denver, CO 80210 Phone: 303-777-0781 “Practice focuses on up-to-date & cutting edge HIV therapies and treatments.” INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONSULTANTS Blum, Ray, MD Gass, Rebeka, MD 1601 E. 19th Ave., #3650 Denver, CO 80218 Phone: 303-831-4774 13 KAISER PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP SOUTH DENVER INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALISTS Emily Bruce, HIV/AIDS Case Manager 1375 E. 20th, Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-861-3154 Must carry Kaiser Insurance. Golub, Burton, MD Messa, Jacqueline, MD Williams, Josephine, MD 601 E. Hampden Avenue, Suite 340 Englewood, CO 80110 Phone: 303-788-5900 LA CLINICA TEPEYAC 5075 Lincoln, Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 303-458-5302 Web site: UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HOSPITAL HIV/AIDS PRIMARY CARE PROGRAM 1635 N. Ursula St., Aurora, CO 80045 720-848-0191 See complete listing in main Resource Directory. METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK Administration: 3701 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80013 Various sites, please call. Phone: 303-761-1977 COLORADO SPRINGS WESTERN INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONSULTANTS DesJardin, Jeff, MD Fujita, Norman, MD Lucks, Dave, MD Mason, Susan, MD 3885 Upham St., Suite 200 Wheatridge, CO 80033 Phone: 303-425-9245 AND SOUTHERN COLORADO: COLORADO SPRINGS HEALTH PARTNERS PEAK VISTA COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS Silveria, Linda, MD 6025 Delmonico Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Phone: 719-535-0648 Brooke, James, MD 340 Printer’s Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80910 719-632-5700 INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALISTS PUEBLO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Brookmeyar, Peter MD Gates, Robert, MD Hackenberg, Thomas, MD Hofflin, Jesse, MD Strandberg, Donald, MD Weber, Robert, MD 3230 E. Woodman Road, Ste 210 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Phone: 719-578-5176 Ryan White Part C EIS Schwartz, Mark, MD 310 Colorado Avenue Pueblo, Colorado 81004 Phone: 719-543-8711 See complete listing in main resource directory. SOUTHERN COLORADO FAMILY MEDICINE St. Mary Corwin Hospoital 1008 Minnequa Ave. Pueblo, CO 81004 Phone: 719-560-5855 Financial assistance available Lieberman, John, MD 1925 E. Orman Ave., Suite 410 Pueblo, CO 81004 Phone: 719-560-5930 Mawharter, Linda, MD 2115 Stuart Alamosa, CO 81101 719-589-3000 14 NORTHEAST COLORADO: Currie, James, MD SALUD FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 7251 W. 20th St., Unit K, Greeley, CO 80634 Phone: 970-353-4322 Hicks, Paul, MD 1115 Second Street Fort Lupton, CO 80621 Telephone: 303-857-2771 Kennedy, Christopher, MD 2420 - 16th St., Greeley, CO 80634 Phone: 970-353-7668 SUNRISE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER ROCKY MOUNTAIN INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONSULTANTS 1028 5th Avenue Greeley, Colorado 80631 Phone: 970-353-9403 Cobb, David, MD Peskind, Robert, MD Ong, Jacob Lee, MD 2121 E. Harmony Road, #300, Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-224-0429 FOUR CORNERS AREA: MONTEZUMA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 106 W. North Street Cortez, CO 81321 970-565-3056 No testing, refers to Planned Parenthood SAN JUAN BASIN HEALTH DEPT Contact: Janet Pippenger or Deb Banton 281 Sawyer Dr., Suite 300 Durango CO 81302 970-247-5702 Blood drawn by appt. FOUR CORNERS INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND INTERNAL MEDICINE Salka, Carl MD 1010 Three Springs Blvd Durango, CO 81301 970) 764-3810 WESTERN SLOPE: GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES MARILLAC CLINIC 1830 Blake Ave Glenwood Spgs CO 81601 970-945-8503 2333 N. 6th St. Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-255-1782 Only low income, no insurance; Mesa County residents. Expanded county eligibility for HIV dental patients. ST. MARY’S FAMILY MEDICINE ASPEN INTERNAL MEDICINE CONSULTANTS Ryan White Part C EIS Davis, Amy, MD Dickerson, Keith, MD Lockwood, William MD 1160 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506 970-255-1735 See complete listing in main Resource directory. Mass, Anne, MD Zimet, Susan, MD Internal Medicine 225 N. Mill Street, Ste 116 Aspen CO 81611 970-544-1234 970-544-1131 GRAND JUNCTION VAMC Steven Meyers, MD 2121 North Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970-242-0731 15 COLORADO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS The Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN) is an association of community and migrant health programs located in medically underserved areas in Colorado and Wyoming. Member organizations provide primary health care services, including services to people with HIV and AIDS, to the medically indigent and underserved. Facilities range from an isolated, single provider site, located 30 miles from a hospital, to the large neighborhood health centers in the Denver Health System. Anyone can access services at these clinics. The cost of services is based on a sliding scale and most clinics simply require patients to complete an encounter form upon entering the clinic that asks for both basic personal and financial information. The following clinics will provide medical services directly to people with HIV and AIDS. Under most circumstances, the clinics will not refer patients elsewhere to be served but may refer for specialty care. Visit the Colorado Community Health Network website at for current and additional information. CHC ADDRESS CITY COUNTY ZIP PHONE FAX 1345 Plaza Court North 1701 W. 72nd Ave. 8990 N. Washington Lafayette Denver Thornton Boulder Adams Adams 80026 80221 80229 303-665-2962 303-665-3397 303-650-4460 303-650-6830 720-929-1655 720-929-1417 Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver 80205 80205 80205 80203 80204 80211 80220 80239 80207 303-293-2217 303-293-2220 303-294-0241 303-436-4600 303-436-5444 303-436-8700 303-436-4545 720-956-2730 720-956-2820 Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver 80204 80204 80219 303-602-8070 303-602-8076 303-436-4200 303-436-4360 720-956-2900 Clinica Campesina Lafayette Pecos Thornton Denver Health Community Svs. Colo. Coalition for Homeless 2111 Champa CCHomeless/Stout St. Clinic 2100 Broadway CCHomeless/Samaritan Hse 2301 Lawrence Eastside Health Center 501 28th St. General Medical Clinic 777 Bannock St. La Casa/Quigg Newton FHC 4545 Navajo St. Lowry Family Health Center 1010 Yosemite Montbello Health Station 4685 Peoria St. Park Hill Family Health Ctr 3380 Dahlia Wellington Webb Center for Primary Care 301 W. 6th Ave. Westside Family Health Ctr 1100 Federal Blvd. Westwood Health Station 4320 W. Alaska Pl 303-293-2309 303-293-3970 303-296-2055 303-436-4798 303-436-3056 303-436-6134 303-436-4578 303-375-4211 303-331-4129 Dove Creek Community Health Center Dove Creek CHC 495 W. 4th Dove Creek Dolores 81324 970-677-2291 970-677-2540 Mountain Family Health Larimer County Office Mesa County Office Olathe Medical Clinic 1905 Blake 424 Pine 510 - 291⁄2 Road 308 Main, Ste 205 Glenwood Fort Collins Grand Jct. Olathe Garfield Larimer Mesa Montrose 81526 80524 81504 81425 970-945-2840 970-945-2893 719-589-5161 970-248-6906 970-323-6141 201 Kendall Dr. 200 Kendall Dr. Lamar Lamar Prowers Prowers 81052 81052 719-336-0261 719-336-0265 719-336-8445 719-336-2589 High Plains Community Health Center Dental Center 16 Metro Community Provider NetworkAltura Plaza Dental Clinic Community Services Dept 15400 E. 14th Pl, Ste 301. 3515 S. Delaware 1300 S. Potomac Jefferson H. Sch. Teen Clinic 2305 Pierce Hoffman Heights Clinic 730 Peoria St. Jeffco Clinic 8500 W. Colfax Ave. Littleton Health/Wellness 1950 W. Littleton Blvd. Parker Place Clinic 2600 S. Parker Rd, #2-100 Platte Canyon Clinic 460 County Rd. 43, Ste 2 Stein Wellness Center 80 S. Teller St. Aurora Englewood Aurora Edgewater Aurora Lakewood Littleton Aurora Bailey Lakewood Arapahoe Arapahoe Arapahoe Jefferson Arapahoe Jefferson Arapahoe Arapahoe Jefferson Jefferson 80011 80110 80011 80214 80011 80215 80121 80014 80421 80226 303-343-7277 720-833-0885 303-695-1670 303-237-2764 303-343-6130 303-239-9964 303-738-9043 303-752-8070 303-838-1166 303-238-4662 303-343-7290 303-761-7764 303-695-9424 303-237-0597 303-343-1106 303-237-4343 303-738-1136 303-752-8068 303-838-1124 303-238-8796 80422 80466 303-582-5276 303-582-3929 303-258-3206 303-258-7302 Mountain Family Health Center Black Hawk Nederland 562 Gregory St. Black Hawk Gilpin 20 E. Lake View Dr. # 205 Nederland Boulder Peak Vista Community Health Centers, Inc. Dental Services Clinic Dental Services Clinic Divide Health Clinic Family Health Clinic Immediate Care Clinic Pediatric Health Clinic Respite Care Clinic Women’s Health Center 722 S. Wahsatch Ave. 2828 International Crcl. 11115 W. Highway 24, 2-C 2840 International Crcl. 2502 E. Pikes Peak Ave. 2502 E. Pikes Peak Ave. 117 W. Rio Grande 350 Printer’s Park Way Co. Springs Co. Springs Divide Co. Springs Co. Springs Co. Springs Co. Springs Co. Springs El Paso El Paso Teller El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso 80910 80910 80814 80910 80909 80909 80903 80910 719-471-2789 719-475-0783 719-687-4460 719-632-5700 719-632-5700 719-632-5700 719-475-7558 719-632-5700 719-577-4362 719-475-7478 719-687-4457 719-630-6445 719-228-6603 719-228-7159 719-473-3155 719-228-6644 3303 N. Broadway Boulder Boulder 80304 303-449-6050 303-417-2854 Avondale Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo 81025 81004 81003 81001 81004 719-947-3344 719-564-4823 719-584-3964 719-543-8711 719-543-8711 719-947-3346 719-564-4858 719-253-1988 719-545-0466 719-543-0171 Brighton Comm. City Estes Park Fort Collins Frederick Ft. Lupton Ft. Morgan Brighton Longmont Loveland Adams Adams Larimer Larimer Weld Weld Morgan Adams Boulder Larimer 80601 80022 80517 80524 80530 80621 80701 80601 80501 80538 303-659-4000 303-286-8900 970-586-9230 970-494-4040 970-833-2050 720-857-2771 970-530-2071 303-655-1950 303-776-3250 970-669-4855 303-659-9306 303-286-8260 970-586-0292 970-494-4076 970-825-7664 720-322-9434 970-867-7607 303-659-1994 303-682-9269 970-669-7389 Greeley Greeley Greeley Weld Weld Weld 80631 80631 80631 970-352-8898 970-351-7075 970-393-9403 970-353-9906 970-352-0048 People's Clinic People's Clinic Pueblo Community Health Center, Inc Avondale Dental Clinic Grand Ave Health Ctr Park Hill Clinic Routt Avenue 328 Avondale Blvd. 2030 Lake Ave. 1008 N. Grand 1302 E. 5th St. 110 E. Routt Ave. Salud Family Health Center Brighton Salud Clinic Commerce City Salud Clinic Estes Park Salud Clinic Fort Collins Clinic Frederick Salud Clinic Ft. Lupton Salud Center Ft. Morgan Salud Center Horizon’s Teen Clinic Longmont Salud Center Loveland CHC 30 S. 20th Ave. 6075 Parkway Dr., 160 1950 Redtail Hawk Dr. 1635 Blue Spruce Dr. 5995 Iris Pkwy. 1115 Second St. 909 E. Railroad 30 S. 20th Ave. 220 E. Rogers Road 450 N. Cleveland Ave. Sunrise Community Health Center Monfort Children’s Clinic Sunrise CHC Greeley Sunrise Dental Clinic 100 No. 11th Ave 1028 5th Ave. 1006 A St. 17 Uncompahgre Combined Clinics Norwood Clinic 1350 S. Aspen St. Norwood San Miguel 81423 970-327-4233 970-327-4228 Alamosa Alamosa Center Center Canon City Antonito La Jara La Jara La Junta Las Animas Mancos Moffat Monte Vista Rocky Ford Rocky Ford San Luis San Luis Alamosa Alamosa Alamosa Saguache Saguache Fremont Conejos Conejos Conejos Otero Bent Montezuma Saguache Rio Grande Otero Otero Costilla Costilla Alamosa 719-589-9691 719-589-3658 719-754-3584 719-754-2778 719-275-2301 719-376-5426 719-274-8948 719-274-4350 719-383-5900 719-456-2653 970-533-9125 719-256-4025 719-852-2512 719-254-7623 719-254-7623 719-672-3352 719-672-3352 719-589-3658 Valley-Wide Health Services, Inc Alamosa Dental Clinic Alamosa Family Med Ctr Center Dental Clinic Cesar E. Chavez Center Fremont Fam. Med. Ctr Guadalupe Health Center La Jara Dental Clinic La Jara Casa de Oro La Junta CHC Las Animas Mancos Valley Health Ctr Moffat Family Medicine Rio Grande Medical Center Rocky Ford CHC Rocky Ford Dental Clinic San Luis Health Center Ernesto Pacheco Dental Cl Sierra Blanca Med Ctr 128 Market St. 1710 First St 220 S. Worth 186 N. Hurt St. 602 Yale Place 10th/Dahlia 421 Walnut 17361 US Hwy 285 1100 Carson Ave. #201 245 Vine Ave. 111 E. Railroad Ave 545 Moffat Way 95A W. 1st Ave 903 S. 12th St. 903 S. 12th St. N. Hwy 159 N. Hwy 159 106 Blanca Ave 18 81101 81101 81125 81125 81212 81120 81140 81140 81050 81054 81328 81143 81144 81067 81067 81152 81152 81101 719-587-9148 719-589-0997 719-754-2392 719-754-2166 719-275-7048 719-376-5880 719-274-8950 719-274-4355 719-383-6533 719-456-0105 970-533-7310 719-456-4027 719-852-3923 719-254-5112 719-254-5112 719-672-3638 719-672-3638 719-587-9514 PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINICS Planned Parenthood's mission is to improve the quality of life by giving health care that is lower cost and easier to obtain for women and men of all ages and income levels. All services are confidential, meaning that no information can be given to anyone about a client unless that client specifically gives their permission. Planned Parenthood services include: • HIV (AIDS) counseling, testing and information. • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. • Yearly exams, pap smears, pregnancy testing, prenatal care, birth control and more. For more information see the Planned Parenthood Website at Alamosa Arvada Aurora Boulder Colorado Springs (East) Colorado Springs (West) Cortez Denver-Central Denver-Vine Street Durango Fort Collins Glendale (Denver Southeast) Glenwood Springs Granby Greeley La Junta Lakewood (Denver Metro) Littleton (Denver Metro) Longmont Parker Express Pueblo Salida Security Steamboat Springs Trinidad 1560 12th Street #7 7853 N. Wadsworth Boulevard 1150 South Abilene 2434 Arapahoe Ave 3958 North Academy Blvd. #108 1330 West Colorado Avenue 20 West North Street 921 East 14th Avenue 2030 E. 20th Ave 46 Suttle Drive 825 S. Shields S.E. 6310 East Exposition 410 20th St. #203 236 Agate Ave., PO Box 88 3487-B West 10th Street 112 Santa Fe Ave. 1400 South Wadsworth Blvd. 131 W. County Line Road 195 South Main #8 12543 S. Parker Rd #214 955 West Highway 50 233 E. 2nd St 3029 South Academy Blvd. 1104-B 11th Street 328 Bonaventure Ave., Suite #2 19 81101 80003 80012 80302 80917 80904 81321 80218 80205 81303 80521 80224 81601 80446 80634 81050 80232 80129 80501 80134 81008 81201 80916 80477 81082 719-589-4906 303-425-6624 303-671-7526 303-447-1040 719-573-8880 719-475-7162 970-565-7011 303-832-5069 303-321-2458 970-259-4205 970-484-8677 303-320-1630 970-945-8631 970-887-2454 970-352-4762 719-384-4496 303-988-3821 303-798-0963 303-772-3600 720-851-6606 719-545-0246 719-539-7291 719-390-5411 970-879-2212 719-846-6000 WOMEN’S SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program (CHIP) Sisters of Color United for Education - Hermanas de Color Unidas para la Educación Pediatric HIV Clinic serving HIV-infected pregnant women and children - infant through age 24. See complete listing in the back of the directory. Latina HIV Group, Promotora Program, Hermanas y Hermanas Program and other services. See complete listing in the back of the directory. The Empowerment Program The Women's Bean Project, Inc Education, employment assistance, health, housing and support services. See complete listing in the back of the directory. 3201 Curtis St.; Denver, CO 80205 303-292-1919 Assists women living in poverty to move toward long-term employment and self-sufficiency. It Takes a Village HIV testing (in English or Spanish) and programs for AfricanAmerican women. See complete listing in the back of the directory. The Women’s Lighthouse Project Peer advocacy and support/empowerment for women living with HIV See complete listing in the back of the directory. Mi Casa Resource Center for Women, Inc. Small business planning; job training and placement, GED and English classes. 360 Acoma Street; Denver, CO 80223 303-573-1302; Work Options for Women 1200 Federal Blvd.; Denver, CO 80204 720-944-1917 Helps low-income women to work their way out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. Project WISE 3401 W. 29th Avenue; Denver, CO 80211 303-765-5879; Serves women at poverty level and receiving TANF and/or struggling to keep employment. CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT Angels Unaware & Camp Ray-Ray Columbine Site 2390 W. Cedar Ave., Denver CO 80223 303-765-4408 Support group for children living in families with HIV/AIDS and annual free family camp. See complete listing in the back of the directory. Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Aspen Family Services The Bridge Project After School Program, Summer Program, Scholarship Program, and Adult and Family Program Westwood Site 827 S. Irving St., Denver CO 80219 303-975-0078 1455 Dixon Ave., Ste. 200 , Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1043 Adams, Boulder and Jefferson Counties - x 2953 Denver County - x 2811 Provides financial subsidies to approved childcare providers to assist working families. South Lincoln Site 1217 W. 10th Ave., Denver CO 80204 303-446-0319 20 CHILD AND FAMILY SUPPORT (CONTINUED) Families Connecting for Kids - The Adoption Exchange Rainbow House (VOA) Daycare program for children affected by HIV/AIDS. See complete listing in the back of the directory. Helps caregivers make legal plans for their children and their future and other services. 14232 E. Evans Ave., Aurora CO 80014 303-755-4756 Tri-County Health Department Process WIC applications in addition to providing basic child and family health care. See complete listing in the back of the directory. Jewish Family Service – The Hearts & Hands Program Homemaker services to persons living with HIV/AIDS. See complete listing in the back of the directory. Project Angel Heart Home delivered meal program and nutritional support - Pregnant women living with HIV qualify. See complete listing in the back of the directory. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT Colorado Anti-Violence Project RAAP (Rape Assistance and Awareness Program) Crisis intervention, food, transportation, shelter, information, and referrals for LGBT victims of violence. Metro Denver / Boulder: 303-852-5094 or Statewide Toll free: 1-888-557-4441 (24 hours) 24-hour English-speaking hotline 303-322-7273 and 24-hour Spanish-speaking hotline 303-329-0031 Provide crisis intervention, victim advocacy, referrals, counseling (child care and transportation provided) and information on issues concerning sexual assault and sexual abuse. National Domestic Violence Hotline Provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 140 languages through interpreter services 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) 21 HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE REFERRAL LIST Accredo Health, Inc. Fax: 303-799-6551 800-488-0290 361 Inverness Dr. South #F; Englewood, CO 80112 Private, for-profit home health care agency with IV infusion and pharmacy services. Provides comprehensive in-home services such as skilled nursing, physical therapy, and nutritional consultations. Full service pharmacy available for IV medications. CNA/HHA, PCP/Homemaker, Live-in Companions available, 24 Hour Care- 7 days a week. Spanish translation available if needed. Hospice of Metro Denver Fax: 303-321-8686 303-321-2828 501 South Cherry St., #700; Denver, CO 80246 Private, nonprofit agency providing interdisciplinary care of terminally ill persons. Services are provided at the client's home, in two hospice care centers and nursing homes throughout the city. English and Spanish are spoken. Hospice of Peace Fax: 303-561-5992 303-561-5100 12420 W. 26th Ave, #200-D; Denver, CO 80211 Private, nonprofit agency offering hospice care and support groups for terminally ill persons, their family and friends. Home visits are provided. English and Spanish are spoken. Centura Homecare and Hospice Fax: 303-561-5050 303-561-5000 1391 Speer Blvd #600; Denver, Co 80204 Private, nonprofit serving Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Jefferson and Douglas Counties. Agency provides nursing, psychosocial and spiritual care for persons with a terminal diagnosis. Bereavement care available for persons experiencing loss and grief. Also have Home Health Aides, skilled nursing care, social workers, and physical and occupational therapy. Home visits provided. English and Spanish spoken. Hospice of Saint John Fax: 303-232-3614 303-232-7900 24/7 1320 Everett Court; Lakewood, CO 80215 Coorporate, nonprofit agency offering hospice care for terminally ill persons and bereavement support groups for family and friends. Home visits are provided. English and Spanish are spoken. Exempla Lutheran Hospice Fax: 303-467-4925 303-425-8000 8300 W. 38th Ave; Wheatridge, CO 80033 Exempla Lutheran Hospice recognizes dying and managing a life-limiting illness as a normal part of living and thus focuses on the quality of remaining life. ELH provides care anywhere it is needed, including in the patient’s home or in a special unit of Exempla Lutheran Medical Center. ELH also offers grief support groups and Transitions, a volunteer-based program for those not yet ready for hospice. Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association Fax: 970-870-1326 970-879-1632 940 Central Park Dr. #101; Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Mailing Address: PO Box 770417; Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Public health agency serving Routt and Moffat Counties. Agency provides home health services including education, referral, health screening, immunizations, and travel immunizations. HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties Fax: 303-449-6961 303-449-7740 2594 Trailridge Drive East; Lafayette, CO 80026 Nonprofit hospice offering life-enriching services in homes, assisted living, nursing facilities, hospitals and in our inpatient HospiceCare Center. Charges are on a sliding scale. English and Spanish are spoken. Summit County Nursing Fax: 970-668-4115 Info: 970-668-5230 37 County Road #1005; Box 2280; Frisco, CO 80443 County nursing service. Public agency providing referrals, and HIV testing to residents of Summit County and the surrounding areas. Sliding scale. English and Spanish spoken. Hospice of Larimer County Fax: 970-663-1180 970-663-3500 7604 Colland Drive; Fort Collins, CO 80525 Private non-profit agency serving Larimer County. Agency provides physical, emotional and spiritual homecare to terminally ill people & their families. Grief counseling and support groups available at no charge for hospice families. Services available on a sliding fee scale for community participants. Visiting Nurse Association Fax: 303-698-6380 303-698-6405 390 Grant Street; Denver, CO 80203 Private, nonprofit offering comprehensive home health, respite, and hospice services. Spanish translation is available 22 Colorado Department of Human Services ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT REFERRAL LIST DESIGNATED MANAGED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS (MSO) CONTACT SHEET Counties Served: Designated MSO - To access publicly funded substance abuse treatment services: Larimer, Weld, Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Washington, Yuma, Jefferson, Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Cheyenne, Pueblo, Crowley, Otero, Bent Prowers, Kiowa, Saguache, Mineral, Rio Grande, Alamosa, Conejos, Huerfano, Costilla, Las Animas, Baca Signal Behavioral Health Network, Inc. 1391 Speer Blvd. #300 Denver, Colorado 80204-2553 Treatment Referrals Questions/complaints/problems e-mail address Boulder Boulder County Public Health Addiction Recovery 3450 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 80304 Treatment referrals/questions/complaints/problems e-mail address Contact: Bill Wendt Contact: Lake, Park Teller, Chaffee, Fremont, Custer 719-572-6153 Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Grand, Rio Blanco, Garfield, Eagle, Summit, Mesa, Pitkin, Delta, Gunnison, Montrose, San Miguel, Ouray, Hinsdale, Dolores, San Juan, Montezuma, LaPlata, Contact Info: 1-888-607-4462 303-639-9320 Fax: 303-639-9241 1-888-607-4462 303-639-9320 Jo Ruder, Program Manager Connect Care 220 Ruskin Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910-2564 Treatment referrals/questions/complaints/problems e-mail address Contacts: Annette Fryman, Executive Director Michael Allen, Associate Director Archuleta West Slope Casa P.O. Box 234 Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado 80451 Contacts: Sandy Roberts, Clinical Director Treatment referrals/questions/complaints/problems e-mail address P.O. Box 40/6916 Highway 82 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Contact: Kenneth Stein, President e-mail address 303-441-1275 Fax: 303-441-1286 303-441-1275 303-441-1463 719-572-6133 Fax: 719-572-6089 719-572-6133 none 719-572-6097 970-725-3614 Fax: 970-725-3614 970-945-2241 Fax: 970-945-5523 MANAGED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS, OR MSO'S, maintain a network of providers that offer a continuum of services throughout the state. Treatment services include detoxification, inpatient, outpatient, and short- and long-term modalites, all adjusted to fit the individual client's needs. To look up state licensed treatment providers in your area, visit, click on treatment directory, and then MSO map. 23 SUBSTANCE USE AND HIV AND HCV Individuals who inject, inhale or swallow recreational drugs or who take non-prescribed prescription drugs should be aware of their risk for contracting diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) that are transmitted through blood. Additionally, individuals who use recreational drugs or substances should be aware that ingesting those substances may result in behaviors that put people at risk for HIV and HCV such as: sharing needles, sharing other drug use paraphernalia (cooker, cotton, water), injecting with unclean or used needles, having sex without protection, and exchanging sex for money or drugs. Once infected with HIV, other issues are important for a substance user to consider. For example, substance use may make it difficult to adhere to a rigorous schedule of HIV medications and/or may cause drug interactions between HIV medications and other drugs. Co-infection of HIV and HCV may cause medical problems that require additional care and treatment. The following agencies specialize in assisting substance users with these issues (see full information in Directory): Acacia Counseling 303-861-9378 1600 Downing St. #300 Denver, CO 80218 ARTS Outpatient Clinic 303-355-1014 2121 East 18th Avenue Denver, CO 80206 Arapahoe House 303-657-3700 8801 Lipan St. Thornton, CO 80260 Arvada Counseling Center 303-420-4494 7850 Vance Drive, Suite 280; Arvada, CO 80003 Behavior Service Institute 303-831-4500 1600 Downing St. Denver, CO 80218 Behavioral Health Services Division of HealthONE 303-869-1999, 24 Hour Emergency 1719 East 19th Avenue; Denver, CO 80218 The Boulder Clinic, Inc. 303-245-0123 1317 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Boulder County Health Dept 303-413-7522 3482 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 Bridge Counseling Center 2757 North Bryant Street Denver CO 80211 (719) 264-0718 (303) 937-8060 Dynamic Directions Counseling Services 303-797-1440 8191 S. Parklane Littleton, CO 80120 Colorado AIDS Project (CAP) P.O. Box 48120 Denver, CO 80204 303-837-0166 Essex Growth Center, Inc. 303-922-1200 4055 South Broadway Denver, CO 80219 Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services 303-394-2714 2222 East 18th Avenue; Denver, CO 80206 Exempla West Pines 303-467-4000 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-779-2701 3400 Lutheran Parkway Wheatridge, CO 80033 The Council 303-825-8113, 24 Hour Hotline 655 Broadway Denver, CO 80203 The Haven (ARTS) 303-762-2193 3630 West Princeton Circle Denver, CO 80236 Denver Behavioral Health Center 1337 Delaware St Milestone Counseling Denver, CO 80204 303-234-9130 (303) 629-5293 8533 West Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80215 Denver Health Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Substance Treatment Services Denver Health Medical Center (OBHS) 777 Bannock Street Unit 9 Denver CO 80204 (303) 436-5690 (303) 436-6635 Multi Services Clinic, Inc 303-480-0693 24 Hour Hotline 2001 Federal Boulevard Denver, CO 80211 North Denver Behavioral Health Center 303-487-7776 7290 Samuel Dr. Ste 110 Denver, CO 80221 24 Parker Valley Hope 303-841-7857 22422 East Main Street Parker, CO 80138 Peer I Therapeutic Community 303-761-2885 3762 W. Princeton Circle Denver, CO 80236 Project Safe 303-315-0950 Toll Free: 800-429-9240 1741 Vine Street Denver, CO 80206 Sobriety House 303-722-5746 107 Acoma Street Denver, CO 80223-1429 Synergy Adolescent Treatment Services 303-781-7875 3738 W. Princeton Circle Denver, CO 80236 Urban Peak 1630 S. Acoma Denver, CO 80223 303-777-9198 Walter S. Jackson Community Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation and Education Center 303-295-2521 3315 Gilpin Street Denver, CO 80205 CO-INFECTION WITH HIV AND HEPATITIS C INFORMATION AND RESOURCES Hepatitis C People who are HIV infected should be tested for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Hepatitis C (HCV) is spread when infected blood from one person enters the body of another. Sharing needles and drug paraphernalia while injecting drugs is the most common risk factor. People who received a blood transfusion or organ transplant prior to 1992, blood-clotting products prior to 1987 or long-term hemodialysis may also be at risk. Healthcare workers exposed to accidental needle sticks and children born to hepatitis C positive mothers can also become infected. Sexual transmission of hepatitis C does occur, but it is not easily spread in this manner. The risk of sexual transmission increases with multiple sex partners and other sexually transmitted diseases. The risk of sexual transmission is also higher in the MSM population than in heterosexuals. Unlike HIV, HCV may not be passed from infected mother to infant through breastfeeding. What are the symptoms of hepatitis C? Many persons with hepatitis C have no symptoms at all for decades, but some will notice mild to severe symptoms such as: “flu-like” symptoms, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, and sometimes yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Why should I be tested for hepatitis C? Early diagnosis is important to check for liver damage and provide treatment if indicated. Treatment is most effective before severe liver damage has occurred. You can also learn how to protect your liver from further harm and how to prevent the spread of HCV to other people. If you think you may have been exposed to the virus or have signs or symptoms of liver disease such as an abnormal liver enzyme test, you should talk to your doctor about getting tested. How can I protect myself from getting hepatitis C? Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after blood exposure. Wash blood-contaminated surfaces with soap and water and then disinfect with a bleach and water solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). Healthcare professionals should always follow routine barrier precautions and should safely handle needles and other sharps. Injection drug users should make sure that needles, syringes and works are sterile and never shared. Never draw drugs out of a supply that has been mixed in a shared and possibly contaminated container. Never share a straw or bill when snorting drugs. When getting a tattoo or body piercing, make sure the artist uses sterile needles, tools and ink and follows good health practices. Practice safer sex by using latex condoms every time. Do not share personal items that may have your blood on them such as razors, nail files and toothbrushes. Why should HIV-infected persons be concerned about coinfection with HCV? About one third of HIV-infected persons in the United States are also infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is one of the most important causes of chronic liver disease in the United States and HCV infection progresses more rapidly to liver damage in HIV-infected persons. HCV infection may also impact the course and management of HIV infection. The U.S. Public Health Service/Infectious Diseases Society of America (USPHS/IDSA) guidelines recommend that all HIV-infected persons be screened for HCV infection. Prevention of HCV infection for those not already infected, and reducing chronic liver disease in those who are infected are important concerns for HIV-infected individuals and their health care providers. HCV infection is viewed as an opportunistic infection in HIV-infected persons and was included in the 1999 USPHS/IDSA Guidelines for the Prevention of Opportunistic Infections in Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is not, however, considered an AIDS-defining illness. As highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and prophylaxis of opportunistic infections increase the life span of persons living with HIV, HCV-related liver disease has become a leading cause of hospital admissions and deaths among HIV-infected persons. 25 How can coinfection with HCV be prevented? Persons living with HIV who are not already coinfected with HCV can adopt measures to prevent acquiring HCV. Such measures will also reduce the chance of transmitting their HIV infection to others. Not starting, or stopping injection drug use eliminates the chief route of HCV transmission; substanceabuse treatment and relapse-prevention programs should be recommended. If patients continue to inject, they should be counseled about safer injection practices; that is, to use new, sterile syringes every time they inject drugs and never reuse or share syringes, needles, water, or drug preparation equipment. How can HIV and HCV coinfected patients prevent further liver damage? Individuals with evidence of HCV infection should be given information about prevention of liver damage, undergo evaluation for chronic liver disease and, if indicated, be considered for treatment. Persons coinfected with HIV and HCV should be advised not to drink alcohol. When appropriate, referral should be made to alcohol treatment and relapse prevention programs. Because of possible effects on the liver, HCV-infected patients should consult with their health care professional before taking any new medicines, including over-the-counter, alternative or herbal medicines. When indicated, coinfected patients should receive hepatitis A and B vaccines. The vaccines appear safe for these patients and more than two-thirds of those vaccinated develop antibody responses. Coinfected persons may be at increased risk for HAART-associated liver toxicity and should be closely monitored during antiretroviral therapy. Hepatitis C Resources Hepatitis C Testing Sites: Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC: 888-443-7232 Division of Viral Hepatitis, CDC: 888-443-7232 Hep C Connection: 800-390-1202 Parents of kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDS): 877-557-5437 Hepatitis Magazine: 800-792-6397 American Liver Foundation: 800-465-4837 HCV Advocate Support Project: 415-978-2400 Hepatitis B Foundation: 215-489-4900 LATINO Organization for Liver Awareness (LOLA) 888-367-5652 ARTS: 303-355-1014 Boulder County Health Department: 303-436-7500 Denver Health and Hospitals: 303-436-7251 El Paso County Health Department: 719-578-3250 Empowerment: 303-320-1989 Hep C Connection: 303-860-0800 Intermountain Harm Reduction Project: 303-572-7800 Jefferson County Health Department: 303-239-7171 Mesa County Health Department: 970-248-6905 North West Colorado VNA: 970-871-7618 National Institutes of Health: HIV and Hepatitis: Hepatitis C Caring Ambassadors: National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP): Northern Colorado AIDS Project: 970-484-4469 San Luis Valley AHEC: 719-589-4977 Summit Community Care Clinic: 970-668-4040 Pharmaceutical Companies Patient Assistance Programs: Sisters of Color United for Education: 303-446-8800 Valeant: 888-668-3393 Roche: 877-734-2797 Schering: 800-521-7157 Western Colorado AIDS Project: 970-243-2437 For additional sites, contact Viral Hepatitis Program, CDPHE. 303-692-2700. 26 YOUTH RESOURCES Brothas4Ever Peer led program of It Takes A Village, promoting the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of same-gender loving AfricanAmerican men. Youth focused programs available. 1475 Lima St., Aurora, CO 80010 303-292-0399 CHIP Youth Project (Youth-friendly HIV Testing and Treatment) Health care program providing prevention, testing and treatment to HIV-infected and at-risk youth (13- 24 years old). 13123 E. 161th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 720-777-8233 Colorado Anti-Violence Program Serving GLBTQ victims of violence P.O. Box 181085, Denver, CO 80218 303-839-5204; Crisis: 303-852-5094 Toll Free: 1-888-557-4441 Fax: 303-839-5205 D.A.Y.S. (Denver Area Youth Services) Substance Abuse/HIV/STD prevention and treatment services to youth and families 1240 W. Bayaud Ave; Denver, CO 80223 303-302-3273 El Futuro Program for Gay and Bisexual Latinos. Youth focused programs available. 881 Federal Blvd; Denver, Colorado 80204 720-904-7125 Inside/Out Youth Services GLBTQ youth center Located at: 210 E. Vermijo Mailing address: 235 S. Nevada, Colo Springs, CO 80903 719-328- 1056 It Takes A Village Serving African-Americans living with HIV; African-American single mothers and their teenage sons. 1475 Lima St.; Aurora, CO 80010 303-367-4747 National Runaway Switchboard (24-hour support) 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) OASOS GLBTQ youth program PO Box 1018, Boulder, CO 80306 303-678-6259 OutFront Youth Group Group for GLBTQ youth P O Box 1602 , Pueblo CO 81002 719 564 4004 Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Colorado PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of GLBT persons, their families and friends Post Office Box 18901; Denver, CO 80218 303-333-0286 PFLAG Spanish Helpline (303)-231-6030 GLSEN Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network P.O. Box 280346, Lakewood, CO 80228 303-936-6562 27 Rainbow Alley GLBTQ youth center 1050 Broadway (in the alley) Denver. CO 80203 Mailing Address PO Box 9798, Denver, CO 80209 303-831-0442 Urban Peak, Denver Homeless and Runaway Youth Shelter 1630 S. Acoma, Denver, CO 80223 303-777-9198 Urban Peak, Colorado Springs Homeless and Runaway Youth Shelter 423 E. Cucharras Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-630-3223 Rape Crisis Hotline (24-hour) 303-322-7273 Rainbow Peaks Group for GLBTQ youth 149 West Oak Street, Suite 8; Fort Collins, CO 80524 Phone: 970-221-3247 Yellow Ribbon Suicide Helpline 24-hour hotline 800-784-2433 Youth HIV Advocacy Coalition (YHAC) Advocacy, Awareness and Activism for Youth and HIV (303)-837-2604 YOUTH FRIENDLY HIV TESTING SITES Boulder County AIDS Project Call for an appointment 2118 14th Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6121 Boulder County Public Health Call for an appointment Contact: Kyla Holcomb 3482 Broadway Boulder CO 80304 303-413-7500 CHIP Youth Project (Youth-friendly HIV Testing and Treatment) Call for an appointment 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 720-777-8233 Colorado AIDS Project Call for an appointment 2490 W. 26th Ave., Building A Suite 300 Denver, CO 80211 303-837-1501 D.A.Y.S. (Denver Area Youth Services) Call for more information 1240 W. Bayaud Ave, Denver, CO 80223 303-302-3273 El Futuro (Program for gay and bisexual Latinos) Call for an appointment 881 Federal Blvd Denver, Colorado 80204 720-904-7125 The HUB 1551 Ogden St Denver, CO 80218 303 837 1501 Primarily for youth 18 and over; provide HIV testing std testing and group support It Takes A Village Call for an appointment 1475 Lima St. Aurora, CO 80010 303-367-4747 HIV-FOCUSED INTERNET SITES 28 OASOS (GLBTQ youth program) PO Box 1018, Boulder, CO 80306 303-678-6259 Call for more information Rainbow Alley (GLBTQ youth center) Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m. HIV testing Friday 8:00-10:00 p.m. 1050 Broadway (in the alley) Denver. CO 80203 303-831-0442 The Spot (youth drop-in center) HIV testing every Sunday evening 2100 Stout St. Denver, CO 80205 303-291-0442 Urban Peak (youth shelter) Call for more information 303-777-9198 1630 S. Acoma Denver, CO 80223 Urban Peak Resource Center 2062 Stout Street Denver CO 80205 303-292-0641 FOR YOUTH COUNSELING SERVICES REFERRAL LIST Aurora Mental Health Center Fax: 303-617-2397 303-617-2300 24 Hour Emergency Services 303-617-2300 11059 E. Bethany Dr; Suite 200; Aurora, CO 80014 Community, nonprofit mental health center serving residents of Adams & Arapahoe Counties. Multiple locations. Services include counseling for adults (including older adults), adolescents, children, & families, crisis intervention, residential and vocational services, groups, and educational classes. Acacia Counseling Fax: 303-839-8306 303-861-9378 1600 Downing St. #300; Denver, CO 80218 Nonprofit, outpatient counseling service offering DUI, domestic violence, anger management, group and individual therapy, and drug abuse counseling. English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Russian spoken. Serving all of Colorado. ARTS Outpatient Special Services Clinic Fax: 303-355-0899 303-355-1014 2121 East 18th Avenue; Denver, CO 80206 Public agency providing outpatient substance abuse treatment and primary medical care for persons with HIV/AIDS. Also offering HIV counseling and testing and individual, group, and family counseling. Serving all of Colorado. See complete listing in the main Resource Directory pages. Behavioral Health Services Division of HealthONE Fax: 303-839-6258 303-869-1999 24 Hour Emergency Services 303-869-1999 1719 East 19th Avenue; Denver, CO 80218 Private, for-profit behavioral health treatment services focusing on psychiatric and addiction treatment. Screening for psychiatric evals and CD. Multiple locations serving Metro Denver. Emergency services for HealthONE Hospitals. Alternative Homes for Youth Fax: 303-940-5542 303-940-5540 700 W. 84th Avenue, Suite 70; Thornton, CO 80260 Nonprofit youth facility offering day treatment and residential treatment to adolescent boys age 12-18 and their families. Location also in Greeley. The Boulder Clinic, Inc. Fax: 303-245-0119 303-245-0123 1317 Spruce Street; Boulder, CO 80302 Private, for-profit outpatient methadone treatment targeting individuals in all of Colorado with heroin and other opiate addictions. Services include treating opiate and other chemical dependencies, assisting patients with related psychological, medical, social, occupational and legal issues. Arapahoe House Fax: 303-657-3727 303-657-3700 24 Hour Hotline 303-657-3700 8801 Lipan Street; Thornton, CO 80260 Private, nonprofit substance abuse service provider serving individuals and families with substance abuse problems. Also have parenting classes. Spanish translation available for outpatient services. Serving all Colorado Counties with multiple locations. Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services Fax: 303-394-2732 303-394-2714 2222 East 18th Avenue; Denver, CO 80206 Private, for-profit outpatient methadone program targeting opiate/heroin abusers in all of Colorado. Arvada Counseling Center Fax: 303-420-4512 303-420-4494 7850 Vance Drive, Suite 280; Arvada, CO 80003 Private, for-profit outpatient mental health and substance abuse provider serving Metro Denver, Boulder, Larimer and Weld Counties. Services include drug/alcohol treatment, marital and family therapy, domestic violence treatment, anger management, and conflict resolution. The Council Fax: 303-825-8166 303-825-8113 24 Hour Hotline 655 Broadway; Denver, CO 80203 Private, nonprofit agency offering referrals and treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues and services. Serving all of Colorado. 29 Denver Behavioral Health Center Fax: 303-922-1016 303-922-1104 6045 W. Alameda Ave, Suite 101; Denver, CO 80226 Private, for-profit outpatient methadone treatment targeting individuals in all of Colorado with Heroin and other opiate addictions. Services include treating opiate and other chemical dependencies, assisting patients with related psychological, medical, social, occupational and legal issues. Exempla West Pines Fax: 303-467-4064 303-467-4000 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-779-2701 3400 Lutheran Parkway; Wheatridge, CO 80033 Psychiatric hospital serving persons from all of Colorado with psychiatric and/or addictions problems. Assessment & referral department can be reached at 303-467-4080. The Haven (ARTS) Fax: 303-762-2194 303-762-2193 3630 West Princeton Circle; Denver, CO 80236 Public agency providing residential drug treatment for women, especially those who are pregnant, post-partum, or criminally involved. Must have severe substance abuse problems and be motivated for long-term (6-9 month) residential treatment. Some participants may have infants in residence. Serving Metropolitan Denver. Denver Health Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Substance Treatment Services Fax: 303-436-5071 303-436-6393 777 Bannock; Denver, CO 80204 Public, non-profit agency providing individual and group relapse prevention and adjunctive therapies including methadone & antibuse. Dynamic Directions Counseling Services Fax: 303-797-3052 303-797-1440 8191 S. Parklane; Littleton, CO 80120 Private, for-profit outpatient program targeting persons ordered by court to attend classes for DUI, DWAI, and other drug/alcohol related offenses. Serving primarily Arapahoe and Douglas Counties. Jefferson Center for Mental Health Fax: 303-432-5036 303-425-0300 485 Independence St.; Wheatridge, CO 80033 Comprehensive outpatient mental health care provided for residents of Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin counties. Services include individual, family and group counseling, intensive care program, older adult program, child/adolescent programs, and a day program for persons who are chronically mentally ill. Empowerment Counseling Services, Inc. Fax: 303-462-1556 303-238-9689 1675 Carr St., Ste. 110B; Lakewood, CO 80215 Private, for-profit outpatient programs targeting persons ordered by court to attend classes for DUI or domestic violence. Offices located in Denver, Thornton, Lakewood, and Arvada. All offices are located on buslines. Mental Health Corporation of Denver/ Living & Learning with HIV Fax: 303-320-4830 303-504-1200 TDD: 303-320-8526 4353 East Colfax Avenue; Denver, CO 80220 Private, nonprofit community mental health centers offering individual counseling, group therapy, crisis and emergency services, medication evaluation, and family counseling. Serving Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Jefferson, and Douglas Counties. See complete listing in the main Resource Directory pages. Essex Growth Center Inc. Fax: 303-783-0559 303-922-1200 e-mail: 4055 South Broadway; Denver, CO 80219 Private, for-profit program serving probation referred and halfway house clients or self-admits. Multiple locations providing drug/alcohol counseling, Level I & Level II educational therapy, women's group and intensive outpatient therapy to residents of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, and Jefferson Counties. Milestone Counseling Fax: 303-234-0760 303-234-9130 8533 West Colfax Avenue; Denver, CO 80215 Private, for-profit drug/alcohol outpatient program focusing on Denver drug court, DUI, and voluntary addiction problems. Offering education and therapy groups and individual counseling. Four offices serving the Denver Metro area. 30 Multi Services Clinic, Inc. Fax: 303-480-0695 303-480-0693 24 Hour Hotline - 303-480-0693 2001 Federal Boulevard; Denver, CO 80211 Private, for-profit outpatient drug/alcohol and domestic violence program targeting Hispanic & Latino populations in Gilpin, Jefferson, Denver, Adams, and Arapahoe Counties. Services available in English and Spanish. Sobriety House, Inc. Fax: 303-777-7601 303-722-5746 107 Acoma Street; Denver, CO 80223-1429 Private, nonprofit alcohol/drug rehabilitation agency with an outpatient DUI program. Agency targets low income alcohol and/or drug addicted persons in Metropolitan Denver. Synergy Adolescent Treatment Services Fax: 303-762-2196 303-781-7875 3738 W. Princeton Circle; Denver, CO 80236 Public agency providing residential and outpatient drug/alcohol treatment for adolescent males and outpatient and day treatment drug/alcohol services for adolescent males and females. Serving Colorado residents ages 14-18. North Denver Behavioral Health Center Fax: 303-487-7868 303-487-7776 7290 Samuel Dr. Ste 110; Denver, CO 80221 Private, for-profit outpatient methadone treatment targeting individuals in all of Colorado with Heroin and other opiate addictions. Services include treating opiate and other chemical dependencies, assisting patients with related psychological, medical, social, occupational and legal issues. Walter S. Jackson Community Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation and Education Center Fax: 303-295-2326 Denver Main: 303-295-2521 3315 Gilpin Street; Denver, CO 80205 Private, nonprofit alcohol/drug abuse and domestic violence intervention program for young adults. Serving all of Colorado including free Basic HIV/AIDS Educational youth information and referral. Parker Valley Hope Fax: 303-841-6526 303-841-7857 22422 East Main Street; Parker, CO 80138 Private, nonprofit alcohol/drug abuse treatment program providing detoxification, residential partial/day treatment, outpatient and aftercare. Multiple sites (Westminster, Denver Tech Center, and Colo. Springs) serve all of Colorado. Serve ages 18+. Peer I Therapeutic Community Fax: 303-761-1450 303-761-2885 3762 W. Princeton Circle; Denver, CO 80236 Public residential drug treatment agency targeting male substance abusers with significant drug/alcohol problems, often with criminal problems as well. Serving all Colorado Counties. Male counterpart of The Haven (Female Division). Project Safe Fax: 303-316-7697 303-315-0950 Toll Free: 800-429-9240 1741 Vine Street; Denver, CO 80206 Public agency providing treatment entry facilitation and HIV prevention services for HIV+ drug injectors and crack smokers. No charge for services. Serving Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties. See complete listing in the main Resource Directory pages. 31 COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES REFERRAL LIST Persons with HIV or at-risk for infection may have a number of immediate needs. Many people ask "Where can I look for assistance?" or simply "Where do I start?" For persons with limited incomes, the local County Social Services Department may be a good place to begin. At the Department of Social Services people can find out whether they are eligible for assistance programs including Medicaid, Medicare, disability assistance, home care allowance, home community based services for PLWA, and food stamps. Each Department of Social Services also has programs for employment assistance, emergency assistance and, in some cases, assistance for persons facing eviction. There is no charge for services and home visits may be offered in some areas. Most social services programs have translators available. County Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder Broomfield Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson1115 Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas AIDS Specialist Phone Number Jo Greeley Kathy Cordova Shawn Bodiker Erlinda Gonzalez Connie Ring Claudia Budd Maria Gomez Pam Thompson John Niedfeldt Tonya Lemley, Director Elaine Prichard Maria Garcia, Director Ramona Archuleta, Director Roxie Smith Laura Lockhart, Director Patricia Sullivan, R.N. Coleen Nieto Regan Appello Dennis Story, Director Valerie Robson Kathleen L. Forinash, Director Susan Walton, Director Christopher Garvin Janice Brekke Heidi Ross Nora Shumate Lynn Grey Laura McLoughlin, R.N. Laura McLoughlin, R.N. Ken Lenzotti Phillip Maes, Director Thomas Hitpas Sarah Peil Kindra Mulch, R.N., Director Lorrie Vigil Robert Loeser Shawnette Dodge-Sherwood Robert Bertolino 303-227-2294 719-589-2581 303-734-4334 970-264-2182 x202 719-523-4131 719-456-2620 x114 303-678-6056 720-887-2243 719-539-6627 719-767-5629 303-567-3134 719-376-5455 719-672-9206 719-267-3546 719-783-2371 970-874-2189 720-944-3293 720-944-2901 970-677-2250 303-688-4825 970-328-8840 303-621-3149 719-444-5751 719-275-2318 x3032 970 625-5282 x104 303-582-5444 x1129 970-725-3331 970-641-7910 970-641-7910 719-738-2810 x31 970-723-4750 303-271-4255 719-438-5541 719-346-8732 719-486-1673 970-382-6125 970-498-6388 719-846-2276 32 Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma Mimi Lyons Alison Goodman Vickie Clark Kathy De Rose Jim Berg, Director Marie Peer, Director Dennis Story, Director Peg Mewes, Director Isabel Weins Joanne Corsaut Allan Gerstle, Director Amy Flint Judy McFadden, Director Kate Jangula, Director Carole Yokley Patricia Cosyleon (0-18 yrs.) Renate Tursi (18 yrs +) Bonnie Ruckman, Director Jim Berg, Director Robert White, Director Elizabeth (Vera) Garcia Robert Loeser Allan Gerstle, Director Janet Kingsbury Susan Gruber, Director Pam Elliott Jerri Spear, Director Kyle Ragland, Director David K. Henson, Director 33 719-743-2404 x146 970-522-2194 x250 970-248-2802 970-248-2790 719-657-3381 970-824-8282 970-565-3769 970-252-5000 970-542-3530, x1542 719-383-3133 970-325-4437 719-836-4143 970-854-2280 970-927-1611 719-336-7486 x 130 719-583-6909 719-583-6836 970-878-9640 x1221 719-657-3381 970-879-1540 719-655-2537 970-382-6125 970-782-4411 970-474-3397 x102 970-668-9160 719-686-5510 970-345-2238 x 225 970-352-1551, x6284 970-332-4877 x 306 DISABILITY RESOURCES ADVOCACY / FAMILY SUPPORT Colorado State Department of Education Colorado Talking Book Library 303-727-9277 800-685-2136 180 Sheridan Blvd.; Denver, CO 80226 Recorded materials for persons who are blind, visually impaired, physically disabled or have a reading disability. Colorado Cross Disability Coalition 303-839-1775 TTY: 303-839-0015 655 Broadway, Suite 775; Denver, CO 80203 A state-wide organization run by and for people with all kinds of disabilities. Our mission is to promote full participation for all people with disabiltities. Our strategies include grass roots organizing, systemic and individual advocacy, youth development, education and legal advocacy. We provide limited non-emergent individual advocacy if the situation is related to one of our current issues. We are primarily a volunteer organization and are always looking for good volunteers. Denver Human Services - Aid to the Blind, Colorado 720-944-2459 720-913-8484 TTY 1200 Federal Boulevard; Denver, CO 80204 Program provides financial supplement to bring total to $455 per month less, SSI, other income, and Medicaid for persons who are blind. Cannot apply over the phone. Must come to Adult Services to apply. BLINDNESS American Council of the Blind of Colorado, Inc. 303-831-0117 2421 Orchard, Grand Junction; CO 81501 Resource and referral services for information regarding organization, Companies, products and services utilization by the blind/visually impaired. Local chapters hold monthly business informational and social meetings. Scholarships available to qualifying visually impaired students in college National Federation of the Blind 800-401-4632 6656 S. Lincoln; Littleton, CO 80121 Offers publications in Braille, tape or print on the problems and challenges of blindness. Offers information and referral for persons who are blind, on services available to them including support groups, handling of discrimination complaints, employment opportunities and obtaining health aids and appliances (i.e. canes, watches, paper etc.) Beyond Sight 303-795-6455 5650 Windermere; Littleton, CO 80122 Superstore for the blind and visually impaired. Over 800 products for Persons who are Blind or Visually impaired. Assistive Technology .... (computers, etc.) Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic 303-757-0787 800-221-4792 National Office 1355 S. Colorado Blvd. #C406; Denver, CO 80221 Recorded textbooks or professional books for persons with print-disabilities. Maintains a library of over 80,000 selections which have been transcribed into cassette tapes. Tapes are loaned out to clients. Colorado Rehabilitation Center 303-937-1226 2211 W. Evans; Denver, CO 80223 Rehabilitation services provided for blind and visually impaired individuals, including cane travel, computer skills, daily living and communication skills, vocational evaluation and career development. On site AIDS specialist and monthly support group for those experiencing vision loss due to AIDS free of charge. CEREBRAL PALSY Cerebral Palsy (CPOC) of Colorado 303-691-9339 2200 South Jasmine; Denver, CO 80222 (3 other sites in Denver, Boulder & Windsor) CPOC provides direct and indirect services for people with disabilities. Children's program serves children 6 weeks old to 5 years through early intervention, Daycare and Preschool. Two donation pick-up offices and a state serviced Early HeadStart for children program. 34 DEAFNESS SPINAL CORD INJURIES Center for Hearing, Speech & Language 303-322-1871 Voice & TTY 4280 Hale Parkway; Denver, CO 80220 Screening diagnostic and therapeutic services for the hearing, speech, learning and language disorders for children and adults. Christopher Reeves Paralysis Association 800-225-0292 500 Morris Avenue; Springfield, NJ 07081 Provides a toll-free information number for persons with spinal cord injuries, or other central nervous system disorders. Colorado Department of Human Services Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services 720-866-4150 V/TTY 1575 Sherman St.; Denver, CO 80023 Operates a rehabilitation center, which offers instruction on Independent Living Skills for persons who are deaf or visually impaired. National Rehabilitation Information Center 800-346-2742 (301) 495-5626 TTY 4200 Forbes Blvd #202, Lanham, MD 20910 Provides Information and referral to persons on all aspects of disability and rehabilitation for persons with disabilities nationwide. EPILEPSY STROKE / BRAIN INJURY Epilepsy Foundation 303-377-9774 Brain Injury Association of Colorado 303-355-9969 234 Columbine Street #333; Denver, CO 80206 Counseling, Information & Referral, Employment Assistance, 4200 W. Conejos, #524; Denver, CO 80224 Public and professional education. Information and Referral, support groups, advocacy, education/prevention, Outdoor Adventure Challenge, conferences. LEGAL ASSISTANCE The Legal Center for Persons with Disabilites and Older National Stroke Association 303-649-9299 FAX: 303-649-1328 People 303-722-0300 Voice & TTY 9707 E. Easter Lane; Centennial, CO 80112 Offers information on all aspects of stroke including prevention, 455 Sherman Street #130; Denver, Co 80203 Legal services provided to persons with disabilities and seniors liv- nutrition and rehabilitation and provides referrals to agencies and support groups for stroke survivors and their families. ing in Colorado, including assistance in obtaining services from the state vocational Rehabilitation program and community service programs. There is a civil rights focus on disability law issues. See complete listing in main resource directory. Agency for Human Rights and Community Relations 720-913-8450 Voice & TTY 202 West Colfax, Dept. 1102; Denver, CO 80202 Advocates and mediates for rights of persons with disabilities who live in Denver for employment, access to public buildings, recreational facilities and programs. Assists with securing handicap placards, Iicense plates and erection of signs to benefit persons with impairments. Provides a sign language interpreter for persons who are hearing impaired when transacting business with Denver government. 35 CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTERS Boulder Center for People with Disabilities 1675 Range St. 303-442-8662 Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Independence Center 21 East Las Animas 719-471-8181 Craig Independent Life Center PO Box 612 970-826-0833 Denver Atlantis 201 South Cherokee 303-733-9324 Denver Disability Center for Independent Living 4821 E. 38th Ave 303-320-1345 Durango Southwest Center for Independence 835 E. 2nd Ave., Ste 200 970-259-1672 Fort Collins Disabled Resource Services 424 Pine St., Suite 101 970-482-2700 Grand Junction Center for Independence 740 Gunnison Ave. 970-241-0315 Greeley Connections for Independent Living 1024 9th Ave., Suite E 970-352-8682 Loveland Disabled Resource Services 640 E. Eisenhower Blvd. Box 6 970-667-0816 Pueblo Sangre De Christo Independent Living Center 1304 Berkley 719-546-1271 TOLL-FREE DISABILITY PHONE #’S & WEB QUICK LIST American Council of the Blind American Foundation for the Blind Association of Retarded Citizens of the U.S. Better Hearing Institute Christopher Reeves Paralysis Association Colorado Assistive Technology Information & Referral Legal Center National Brain Injury Foundation National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities Recordings for the Blind United Cerebral Palsy Association 36 800-424-8666 800-232-5463 800-433-5255 800-327-9355 800-225-0292 800-255-3477 800-288-1376 Voice/TDD 800-444-6443 800-695-0285 800-221-4792 800-872-5827 HOUSING RESOURCES Housing Opportunities for Person With AIDS (HOPWA) HOPWA is a federal program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), supplying funding for supportive housing needs for people living with HIV/AIDS. Metro Denver (Arapahoe, Adams, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Jefferson and Park counties) HOPWA funds are administered by the City and County of Denver’s Housing and Neighborhood Development Services. The State of Colorado Grant covers the balance of the state. Funds are used to support development of dedicated units, rental utilities assistance, support services (including case management and permanent housing), advocacy and evaluation. Currently there are approximatey 100 HOPWA-funded HIV specific independent living units located in developments throughout the metro area. These units are available to individuals who are HIV positive and the rent is structured on a subsidy basis. HOPWA funded rental assistance is disbursed through the Colorado AIDS Project. Application for rental assistance may be made through any metro Denver AIDS case management agency. Rental assistance is based on a subsidy approach. Rental assistance is limited in both the amount and duration of the assistance. Or contact your local AIDS Project Boulder County AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-444-6121 Longmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-774-8827 Colorado AIDS Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-837-0166 Northern Colorado AIDS Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970-484-4469 Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern Colorado AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719-578-9092 Pueblo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Western Colorado AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970-243-2437 37 SPIRITUAL RESOURCES Brother Jeff’s Community Health Initiative HIV Care Link Brother Jeff Fard 303-293-0024 680 26th St. Denver, CO 80205 Brother Jeff provides Islamic information and assistance to Muslim men living with HIV, and accompaniment to Jumu’ah services. Mike Berges Tucker 303-949-7440 303-382-1355 (FAX) 303-382-1344 528 Commons Drive, Golden, CO 80401 A Christian organization providing HIV prevention presentations for ages 13-24, friendship/visitation ministry, 1-day work projects, Christian support group, World AIDS Day materials for churches, educational and speaking services, and African mission opportunities Catholic Archdiocese of Denver HIV Ministry Al Hooper 303-715-2042 (FAX) 303-715-3220 1300 S. Steele St; Denver, CO 80210 The Ministry supports individuals and families infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through monthly support groups, pastoral support, annual retreats, liturgical celebrations, publications, education and advocacy. It Takes A Village Imani Latif 303-367-4747 1475 Lima St. Aurora, CO 80010 Imani provides Islamic information, assistance and services to Muslim women living with HIV, as well as Muslim women who are at risk for contracting HIV. Colorado Council of Churches Jim Ryan, Director 303-825-4910 3690 Cherry Creek South Drive Denver, CO 80222 Referral source for churches of all denominations throughout the state. Jewish Family Services Ann Reilly 3201 S. Tamarac Dr. Denver, CO 80231 303-597-5000 The Denver Church of Religious Science Rev. Jim Chandler 1420 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218 303-832-6210 (FAX) Diverse Affirming Communities Metropolitan Community Church of the Rockies 303-832-5206 HIV/AIDS ministry team Rick Smith 303-860-1819 Xt 12 303-860-1594 (FAX) 303-860-1819 980 Clarkson, Denver CO 80218 Weekly social support group, prayer concert for World AIDS Day and individualized advocacy and support Emmanuel Baptist AIDS Ministry Jai Jackson 719-635-3522 (FAX) 719-635-4865 One South Walnut Street, Colorado Springs CO 80905 The ministry is designed to educate and prevent the spread of this pandemic we call HIV/AIDS, as well as spiritual support for persons and families who live with the disease. 38 RAIN Colorado - Regional AIDS Interfaith Network Tajuddin Ashaheed David Cooper 303-355-1923 (FAX) 303-355-5665 1290 Williams Street Ste. 102 Denver, CO 80218 RAIN Colorado provides non-medical, nonjudgmental, compassionate, practical assistance and pastoral care to people living with HIV/AIDS as well as pastoral care and education in the HIV/AIDS community and beyond. 720-480-9785 Tajuddin provides information about Islamic services, times and locations; can provide transportation and assistance to men who want to attend services. Temple Micah Rabbi Adam Morris 303-388-4239 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207 Temple Micah is a Reform synagogue that honors the values of inclusiveness, integrity and creativity in the Jewish tradition, best expressed by the prophet Micah in his summation of Judaism’s fundamental expectations of humanity: Do Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly. Saint Ignacious Loyola Catholic Church Health Ministry Mary Leisring 303-715-3165 303-715-2042 (FAX) 303-322-8042 2305 Gaylord Street, Denver CO 80205 Confidential and respectful HIV Counseling, referral services, Partnership with Metro Denver Black Church Initiative and Congregational Health Partnership with Exempla St Joseph Hospital and World AIDS Day Mass . Urban HIV/AIDS Faith Coalition Rev. Steven Dewberry 720-944-3810 2855 Tremont Pl., Denver, CO 80205 Housed out of the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance. A referral source for HIV active and aware African-American churches. Spirit of Christ Catholic Community AIDS Outreach Carolyn Habel 303-422-9173 (FAX) 303-227-3030 7400 W. 80th Avenue Arvada, CO 80003 There to support and journey with those who are living with HIV/AIDS through partnership with local HIV/AIDS organizations 39 A wealth of HIV/AIDS information is available on the Internet. Listed here are additional national & international links. NATIONAL WEB LINKS Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AEGIS (now part of aidsinfo.nih) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . African American AIDS Policy & Training Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIDS Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIDS & the Latino Community . . . . . . . . AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIDS Education Training Centers (AETC) National Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . AIDS in Prison Project (Osbourne Association) . . . . . . . . . . . AIDS Treatment News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Guttmacher Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AmFAR (American Foundation for AIDS Research) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Red Cross, African American HIV/AIDS Program . American Social Health Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Association of Nurses in AIDS Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AVERT – AIDS Education & Research Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Balm in Gilead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Blacklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CDC Business Responds to AIDS and Labor Responds to AIDS Resource Service . . CDC Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CDC Division of STD Prevention (DSTDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center for AIDS Prevention Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deaf AIDS Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deaf Queer Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Hepatitis C Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El SIDA y la Comunidad Latina/AIDS and the Latin Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gay Men's Health Crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gay Men of African Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvard AIDS Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hepatitis Information Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIV InSite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johns Hopkins AIDS Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mothers' Voices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAMES Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Association of People with AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Association for Victims of Transfusion Acquired AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Clinicians’ Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National HIV Testing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Minority AIDS Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Native American AIDS Prevention Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers . . . National Prevention Information Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North American Syringe Exchange Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Positive Words – HIV Newsletter Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POZ Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Inform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sexual Information & Education Council of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stop AIDS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIH y SIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YouthCO AIDS Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERNATIONAL WEB LINKS CONASIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNAPRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World Federation of Hemophilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World Health Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 RYAN WHITE HIV/AIDS TREATMENT MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2006 The Ryan White Program was enacted by Congress in 1990 and is reauthorized every 5 years. The Ryan White Program is divided into Five Parts. Each Part, along with specialized programs, is designed to address a specific aspect of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The federal government administers the act and distributes the funding to the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (part of HHS), HIV/AIDS Bureau administers the Ryan White Program. Part A: Provides emergency relief funding for health care & support services to the 56 metropolitan areas, Puerto Rico & the District of Columbia disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. Part A in Denver is managed by the Mayor’s Office of HIV Resources. Part B: Assists states & territories in improving the quality, availability & organization of health care & support services for individuals & families with HIV disease and provides access to pharmaceuticals through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP). Part B in Colorado is managed by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. Part C: Provides support directly to community-based providers for early intervention & primary care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. The four Part C Programs in Colorado include: HIV Early Intervention Services – Denver Health Medical Center Mary Ann Bolkavatz, RN 501 28th St. Denver, CO 80205 Cell line: 303-880-5747 Message Phone: 303-880-9360 Must be a Denver resident unless eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. See complete listing in the main Resource Directory. Beacon Clinic Guy Lively Title III Program Manager 1136 Alpine Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: 303-938-3167 Fax: 303-938-3174 Pueblo Community Health Center Western Colorado HIV Specialty Care Clinic JoAnn Grove, RN EIS Case Manager 1302 E. 5th St. Pueblo, CO 81001 Phone: 719-543-8718 ext 727 Fax: 719-542-1639 Lucy Graham, RN, MPH St. Mary’s Family Medicine 1160 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81506 Phone: 970-255-1735 Fax: 970-255-6289 NOTE: also the contact for satellite clinic in Durango Part D: Enhances access to comprehensive care & research of potential clinical benefit for children, youth, women & their families with or at risk for HIV. Part D in Colorado is run by The Children’s Hospital Children’s HIV Immunodeficiency Program. Part F: Includes the HIV/AIDS Education & Training Centers (AETC) which support training for health care providers to identify, counsel, diagnose, treat & manage individuals with HIV infection & to help prevent high-risk behaviors that lead to infection. The Colorado AETC at University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center serves Colorado. Part F also includes two dental programs. Dental Reimbursement Program provides support to dental schools, postdoctoral dental education programs & dental hygiene programs for non-reimbursed care provided to persons with HIV/AIDS. The Community-Based Dental Partnership Program (CBDPP) builds dental care capacity to meet the oral health needs of underserved HIV+ persons by pairing and training community providers and dental students to manage oral health care of HIV-infected individuals in target sites. In Colorado, the CU School of Dental Medicine is the grantee for both dental programs. CBDPP sites are: Denver Ft. Morgan Grand Junction Longmont Pueblo Howard Dental Center 1420 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218 303-863-0772 Sally Preston, DDS, Dental Director Salud Family Health Center 909 E. Railroad Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 970-530-2071 Maribel Reyes, DDS, Dental Director Marillac Clinic 2333 N. 6th St. Grand Junction, CO 1501 970-255-6320 Tom Lavery, DDS, Dental Director Salud Family Health Center 220 E. Rogers Rd. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1906 Marie Welton, DDS, Dental Director Pueblo Community Health Center 2030 Lake Ave. Pueblo, CO 81004 719-564-4823 Karen Miller, DDS, Dental Director 42 Special Projects of National Significance: Supports the development of innovative HIV/AIDS service delivery models that have the potential for replication in other areas. Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative (MHAI): Was created in 1999 to provide funding and services for African American communities as a result of an emergency declared by the Congressional Black Caucus for the alarming rates of HIV/AIDS in this community. In 2000, support for the program was given by the Congressional Hispanic and Asian American Caucuses to include all communities of color. MHAI Goals are to expand the infrastructure of community-based organizations and HIV service delivery to people of color living with HIV/AIDS, expand services in historically underserved minority communities and ensure sustainability in an effort to reduce persistent health disparities. Each Title/Part of the Ryan White Program has a MHAI component. Ryan White Program funded services are for uninsured/underinsured individuals. Funds are “the payor of last resort” for services for which an individual has no other means, such as Medicaid or private or employer provided insurance, to pay for their services. 43 44 AIDS COALITION FOR EDUCATION (ACE) Nonprofit coalition of public and private agencies and individuals with an interest in, or activities specifically related to, HIV/AIDS education, prevention & care services. ACE sponsors educational programs throughout the year & produces various educational/referral pieces including the “ACE Colorado HIV/AIDS Resource Directory”. These programs & materials are free of charge. Some materials are produced in Spanish. La coalición no lucrativa de agencias públicas y privadas y de individuos con un interés en las actividades relacionadas especificamente con educación, prevención, y cuidados del VIH/SIDA. ACE patrocina programas educativos a tráves del año y realiza varias formas de referencias educativas, incluyendo “ACE Colorado HIV/AIDS Resource Directory”. Estos programas y materiales son gratuitos. Algunos materiales estan disponibles en Español. ADDRESS PO Box 18909 Denver, CO 80218 # TELEPHONE 303-830-0706 4 FAX Call first WWW CONTACT \ $ 3 E-MAIL LOCATION Call for directions and to confirm meeting location, time, and date. FEES Educational programs, resource/referral information are free. Membership fees vary. Peter Ralin President AUDIENCE Persons/Agencies with an interest in HIV/AIDS education, prevention & care services. AIDS DRUG ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COLORADO Provides HIV/AIDS drugs to Ryan White CARE Act eligible Colorado residents who have HIV disease and are medically indigent. ADDRESS ADAP 4300 Cherry Cr. Dr. S. Bldg A-3 Denver, CO 80246 i HOURS 9:00 am - 5:30 pm M-F # TELEPHONE 303-692-2716 877-640-0006 Toll free 4 FAX 303-499-5308 E-MAIL 3 WWW Medically Indigent HIV+ $ AUDIENCE CONTACT Thelma Craig Colorado Dept. of Health FEES Call for fees. “To live with fear and not be afraid is the final test...” Edward Weeks 45 AIDS INFO AIDS Info answers questions about HIV/AIDS treatment and also provides current information on federally and privately sponsored clinical trials for HIV-infected individuals, and on the drugs being investigated in these trials. Also provides information on vaccine trials and prophylaxis for exposed health care workers. Source for most current HIV-related guidelines. El “InfoSIDA” contesta preguntas sobre el tratamiento de VIH/SIDA y también proporciona información actual sobre los ensayos clínicos patrocinados por agencias federales y privadas para los individuos infectados con VIH y en las drogas que son investigadas en los ensayos clínicos. También proporciona información sobre las vacunas que están en ensayo y la prevención y protección de trabajadores de salud que están expuestos. Fuente para la mayoría de las pautas VIH-RELACIONADAS actuales. A DDRESS PO Box 6303 Rockville, MD 20849-6303 i # TELEPHONE 4 FAX 800-448-0440 TTY: 888-480-3739 301-519-6616 HOURS 3 WWW 10 am - 3 pm MST Monday-Friday www.AIDSInfo. $ FEES E-MAIL ContactUs@AIDSInfo. \ No Charge LOCATION Telephone access only CONTACT Marge Canik Information Specialist AUDIENCE All LANGUAGE Espanol AMERICAN RED CROSS - CENTENNIAL CHAPTER Non-profit agency offering HIV/AIDS education classes to the general public as well as workplace training. Speakers bureau available. Culturally specific programs. Presentations are non-judgmental, culturally specific, and based on HIV/AIDS information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Serving Routt, Rio Blanco, Moffat, Jackson, Larimer, Weld, Washington, Morgan, Logan, Phillips, Sedgewick and Yuma counties. Agencia no lucrativa que ofrece clases educativas sobre el VIH/SIDA al público en general al igual que entrenamientos en lugares de trabajo. Las presentaciones son conducidas sin juicio, son diseñadas culturalmente y basadas en la información de VIH/SIDA provista por el Centro para el Control de las Enfermedades, CDC (siglas en inglés). ADDRESS 120 Saturn Drive Ft. Collins, CO 80525 i HOURS 9am - 4:30pm Mon - Fri # TELEPHONE 970-226-5728 3 WWW www.northerncolor 4 FAX 970-226-2839 $ FEES Free to general public. Workplace training done at low cost. \ E-MAIL LOCATION Route 287 to South Fort Collins. Right on Saturn Drive. 46 CONTACT AUDIENCE Communities and workplaces in Northern Colorado LANGUAGE Presentations can be done in Spanish. AMERICAN RED CROSS- MILE HIGH CHAPTER (DENVER) HIV/AIDS education and training. Speakers bureau, video lending library, brochures, transportation services. Culturally specific programs for Hispanic, African-American, Native American and youth populations. Education programs for employees at workplaces. ADDRESS # 444 Sherman Street Denver, CO 80203 303-722-7474 i 3 WWW HOURS 9am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday 4 TELEPHONE $ FAX 303-722-7588 \ FEES Fee scale varies by program LOCATION Located on the corner of Grant, Speer, and Sherman streets. South on Speer from I-25 AUDIENCE General Public with focus on Hispanic, African American, Native American, and youth populations AMERICAN RED CROSS - PIKES PEAK CHAPTER (COLORADO SPRINGS) HIV/AIDS education and training. Service to military families. Provide CPR, first aid and babysitting classes. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 040 South 8th Street Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-632-3563 i 3 WWW HOURS 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday 4 FAX 719-632-0206 $ FEES Fee scale, varies by course E-MAIL CONTACT David Just \ LOCATION Located on the corner of Cascade & Caramillo. AUDIENCE El Paso, Crowley, Kiowa, Teller, Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Fremont, and Cheyenne Counties. ANGELS UNAWARE Non-profit support group for children living in families with AIDS. Meets monthly with support for the entire family. Angels Unaware offers a monthly newsletter and an annual free family camp. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 6370 Union St. Arvada, CO 80004 303-420-6370 1-866-420-6370 i $ HOURS Meets Monthly FEES No charge for services 4 FAX 303-456-4040 \ LOCATION Call for directions. 47 E-MAIL AUDIENCE Families affected by HIV/AIDS. CONTACT Kristen Klaassen 3 WWW ARAPAHOE HOUSE Counseling, testing, referral, alcohol/drug treatment, Hep C Testing ADDRESS 8801 Lipan St. Thornton, CO 80260 i HOURS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F # TELEPHONE 4 FAX 303-657-3700 E-MAIL CONTACT 3 WWW $ FEES Sliding scale available for uninsured in Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Broomfield, Jefferson, Gilpin, Clear Creek Information and Access Department AUDIENCE Clients needing alcohol and/or drug treatment ARTS OUTPATIENT SPECIAL SERVICES CLINIC/ UCHSC Outpatient substance abuse treatment for HIV-positive clients. Offers individual, family, and group counseling as well as urine screening and pharmacological (methadone, antabuse) treatment. Medical care provided by physicians through University of Colorado Hospital’s HIV/AIDS Primary Care Clinic. HIV and STD testing available. Case management and referrals to other services provided. Ofrecemos Ttrataiumiento ambulatorio para mindividuos que estan infectados con el VIH y que tienen problemas de abuiiso de alcohol y/o de drogas. Ofrecemos consejeria individual, familiar, grunipos de apoyo, pruebas dec orina, y tratamiento farmacológico (metadona, antabusec). Asistencia meditca es proporcionada a travez de médicos que forman parte de la Practica de Enfermedades Infececiosas del Hospital Unimversitario de Colorado. Pruebas de VIH y de STD son disponibles. Tambien proveemos consejeriamanejo de caso y referencias a otros servicios. ADDRESS # 2121 E. 18th Ave. Denver, CO 80206 303-355-1014 i $ HOURS 7 am-3:30 pm M-F 4 TELEPHONE FAX 303-355-0899 \ FEES Free for HIV+clients at poverty level and on sliding fee scale for clients above poverty level LOCATION Centrally located at the northwest corner of 18th and Gaylord, near City Park. CONTACT Anyone AUDIENCE HIV+ Substance Abusers in Denver extended metropolitan area “That which does not destroy me makes me stronger.” Nietzsche 48 ASIAN-PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT CENTER Multi-Human services including behavioral counseling and employment assistance. Private nonprofit. Provides AIDS Education in Asian/Pacific ethnic languages. A Youth Peer Education: Peer program • Speakers Bureau: Available to speak on HIV/AIDS E-MAIL # TELEPHONE 4 1825 York Street Denver, CO 80206 303-393-0304 303-388-1172 1544 Elmira St. Aurora, CO 80010 303-365-2959 303-344-4599 6055 Lehman Drive, Ste 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719-553-1301 DDRESS i $ HOURS 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday- Friday \ FEES Sliding Scale FAX LOCATION Denver: 18th and York. Aurora: Elmira & Colfax BEACON CLINIC Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program - Ryan White Part C. ADDRESS 1136 Alpine Boulder, CO 80304 i # TELEPHONE 303-938-3167 $ HOURS 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday- Friday 4 FAX 303-938-3174 FEES Varies Asian Americans LANGUAGE Various Asian languages. E-MAIL CONTACT Guy Lively AUDIENCE FOR Ivy Hontz Dr. Frank Kim CEO AUDIENCE HIV infected and affected BEHAVIOR SERVICE INSTITUTE (CENTER SOCIAL JUSTICE) CONTACT LANGUAGE English & Spanish COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AND Nonprofit 501(c)3 offering mental health services, substance abuse services, HIV/AIDS faith-based intervention and prevention; Training and development and prison reintegration. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1600 Downing St. Denver, CO 80218 303-831-4500 i 3 WWW HOURS 9:30 am - 5:00 pm 4 FAX 303-831-4499 $ FEES Varied E-MAIL CONTACT Marjorie Lewis \ LOCATION 17th and Downing 49 AUDIENCE Open to any gender, race, ethnicity BOULDER COUNTY AIDS PROJECT (BCAP) Non-profit agency offering a range of client services including case management, financial assistance, housing assistance, food bank, treatment advocacy, legal assistance, psychotherapy, and body work. HIV prevention services include programs serving Latino adult and adolescent females, the MASSKE program serving MSM and SHAPE programs for youth. BCAP also provides a Positive Perspective speaker’s bureau, information line and anonymous HIV antibody testing (OraSure and OraQuick). Agencia no lucrativa que ofrece una gama de servicios al cliente incluyendo manejo del caso, ayuda financiero, vivienda, banco de alimentos abogacía para el tratamiento medico, sicoterapia y fisioterapia. Los servicios de la prevención de VIH incluyen los programas que ayudan a la mujer latinaadulta y adolecente y el programa MASSKE que ayuda a los programas MSM y SHAPE para jovenas. BCAP también proveé un departamento de voceros “Perspective Positive,” una línea de la información y pruebas anónimas del anticuerpo VIH (OraSure y OraQuick). ADDRESS 2118 14th Street Boulder, CO 80302 i HOURS 9:00am - 6:00pm M-F # TELEPHONE 303-444-6121 Español: 303-444-7181 Español LANGUAGE 4 FAX 303-444-0260 $ FEES No Charge for services; Fees for HIV testing E-MAIL CONTACT generaldelivery@ Interim Agency Director: Richard Varnes \ LOCATION 2 blocks north of Pearl Street Mall, 3 blocks north of the bus station on 14th between Spruce and Pine. AUDIENCE Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin and Clear Creek County residents: HIV+ for client services. General population for information, speakers bureau, etc. Never, never waste a minute on regret. It’s a waste of time. Harry S. Truman 50 BOULDER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Anonymous/Confidential HIV counseling and testing. The Works: Comprehensive HIV prevention services for injection drug users including syringe exchange; OASOS (Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation Support): Support and education for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered/questioning youth under 21; Hepatitis B and C testing Pruebas y consejeria anonimas y confidenciales del VIH “Los Trabajos”: proporciona servicios de prevención del VIH para los drogadictos que se injectan y que se intercambian jeringas. El programa OASOS (ayuda abierta y afirmativa en la orientación sexual): apoya y educa a las personas homosexuales menores de 21 anos; pruebas de la hepatitis B y C. Anonymous and Confidential HIV Testing: Call for hours • The Works: “Needle exchange program.” • OASOS: Support group for questioning youth- GLBTQ. ADDRESS Mailing: 3450 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 Physical: 3482 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 i HOURS Hours vary by program. Call for hours # 4 TELEPHONE 303-413-7522 303-413-7505 $ LANGUAGE Español FAX E-MAIL CONTACT \ Kyla Holcomb us Agency Director: Chuck Stout, MPH FEES HIV test $35 (waived in case of need) $25 for hepatitis LOCATION North Boulder, east side of Broadway behind the Mental Health Center AUDIENCE Boulder County residents (especially: MSM, IDU’s, gay youth). BRIDGING GROUP, THE Consultation, support services, and case management for African descent individuals living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. 4821 E. 38th Avenue Denver, CO 80207 # ADDRESS E-MAIL thebridginggroup 4 TELEPHONE 720-272-3787 French LANGUAGE CONTACT FAX 303-355-3488 \ LOCATION 38th Avenue & Dahlia 51 Jacquelyn Stanton $ FEES Sliding fee scale i HOURS By appointment BROTHAS4EVER E-MAIL Health promotion and HIV prevention case management for black men who love men. ADDRESS 1475 Lima St. Aurora, CO 80010 i # TELEPHONE 303-292-0399 4 303-292-0293 $ HOURS FAX CONTACT info@ittakesavillage \ FEES Monday meeting 7-9 pm and drop-in hours None Monday-Friday Benjamin Reynolds Executive Director LOCATION Colfax and Lima BROTHER JEFF'S COMMUNITY HEALTH INITIATIVE Brother Jeff's Community Health Initiative's mission is to reduce the disproportionate HIV and AIDS rate among African Americans and to enhance the quality of life for African Americans living with HIV and AIDS regardless of age, faith, background or sexual orientation. They provide cultural specific capacity building workshops, support groups, prevention with positives and prevention case management, and produce the Pro-Active 4A Change: National HIV/AIDS African American Community Conference. ADDRESS 608 26th Street, 2nd floor Denver, CO # TELEPHONE 303-293-0024 303-293-8879 3 WWW English E-MAIL CONTACT Executive Director: Brother Jeff $ LANGUAGE FEES none AUDIENCE African American CARITAS CLINIC, EXEMPLA ST JOSEPH HOSPITAL STD treatment, HIV testing and care, training ADDRESS 2005 Franklin St. Denver, CO 80205 i HOURS 8:30 am - 4:30 pm M-F # 4 TELEPHONE 303-318-2250 303-318-2252 $ 3 WWW FAX FEES Sliding scale available 52 CONTACT Aaron Calderon, MD AUDIENCE Uninsured needing health care CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL HIV PROGRAM Pediatric HIV Clinic serving HIV-infected women of childbearing age and infants through 24 years old. Also focus on pediatric AIDS clinical trials information and education. Peer Counselors: Peer program. Clínica pediátrica sobre el VIH que ofrece servicios a mujeres y niños menores de 24 años, infectados con el VIH. También se enfoca en suministrar información y educación sobre estudios clínicos pediátricos sobre el SIDA. ADDRESS The Children’s Hospital CHIP Team - B055 13123 E. 16th Ave. Aurora, CO 80045 i HOURS 8:30am - 5pm M-F # TELEPHONE *Main: 720-777-1234 CHIP: 720-777-8233 Toll free: 800-624-6553 x8233 3 WWW 4 FAX 720-777-7294 $ FEES Sliding scale LANGUAGE Español. ASL available with notice. \ LOCATION CONTACT Carol Salbenblatt, RN AUDIENCE Within Children’s Hospital Children, youth, pregnant women. CHIP YOUTH PROJECT Youth-focused HIV Clinic serving HIV-infected youth 13 through 24 years old. Offers HIV/AIDS clinical trials. Clínica pediátrica sobre el VIH que ofrece servicios a mujeres y niños menores de 24 años, infectados con el VIH. También se enfoca en suministrar información y educación sobre estudios clínicos pediátricos sobre el SIDA. ADDRESS The Children’s Hospital CHIP Team - B055 13123 E. 16th Ave. Aurora, CO 80045 i HOURS 8:30am - 5pm M-F # TELEPHONE *Main: 720-777-1234 CHIP: 720-777-8233 Toll free: 800-624-6553 x8233 3 WWW 4 FAX 720-777-7294 $ FEES Sliding scale 53 E-MAIL Forsyth.Jessica@ \ LOCATION CONTACT Jessica Forsyth AUDIENCE Within Children’s Hospital 13-24 year olds CLINICA CAMPESINA FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES Healthcare services for medically underserved populations. Clinics serve primarily southeast Boulder and Adams counties. Three locations. Servicios de cuidado médico dirigido a la comunidad. Las clínicas dan servicio en tres condados: el de Boulder (área sur-oriente) y el de Adams. ADDRESS # 4 TELEPHONE FAX 1701 West 72nd Ave Denver, CO 80221 Denver: 303-650-4460 Denver: 303-650-4403 1345 Plaza Court North Lafayette, CO 80026 Lafayette: 303-665-2962 Lafayette: 303-665-2964 8990 Washington Denver, CO 80229 Thornton: 720-929-1655 Thornton: 720-929-1417 i HOURS 8 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday $ LANGUAGE Español CONTACT \ LOCATION 72nd + Pecos Lupita Agency Director: Pete Leibig I-25 to 88th; east to Washington FEES Sliding scale COLOR (COLORADO ORGANIZATION REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS) FOR LATINA OPPORTUNITY AND The mission of COLOR is to educate on, advocate for, and promote the quality of health and reproductive rights for the sisterhood of Latinas. While not a direct-service organization, COLOR strives to increase Latinas’ access to culturally proficient reproductive health care, to attain equitable funding for health care research on Latinas and to improve their reproductive health status through education and advocacy. Promoting a holistic approach to improving the reproductive health status of all Latinas, COLOR’s areas of action include breast and cervical cancer, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, family planning, contraception, and abortion. ADDRESS P.O. Box 201061 Denver, CO 80220 3 WWW # 4 TELEPHONE 303-393-0382 FAX 303-316-7772 English & limited Spanish FEES do not provide direct service advocacy and technical assistance - no fee 54 CONTACT E-MAIL $ LANGUAGE Jacinta “Jacy” Montoya Latinas AUDIENCE COLORADANS WORKING TOGETHER CWT is a coalition-based planning process housed at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Through a statewide planning group, CWT advises CDPHE on the types of services that should be funded to prevent HIV, how those services should be conducted, and where they should be available. CWT is particularly interested in involving community members directly affected by HIV/AIDS. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. South Denver, CO 80246-1530 303-692-2736 i 3 WWW HOURS 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 4 FAX 303-782-0904 $ E-MAIL CONTACT Anne Marlow-Geter Agency Director: James Martin \ FEES Free. Participants may be reimbursed for some costs including travel. LOCATION Meetings take place in communities statewide. AUDIENCE All groups affected by HIV. COLORADO - ANTI-VIOLENCE PROGRAM The Anti-Violence Program serves LGBTQ victims of domestic violence, bias-motivated, sexual assault, law enforcement and random violence in Colorado. E-MAIL El Programa Anti Violencia sirve LGBTQ víctimas de crímenes de odio y violencia doméstica en Colorado. ADDRESS P.O. Box 181085 Denver, CO 80218 i HOURS Hours vary. Call ahead. # TELEPHONE 303-839-5204 24 hour Crisis lines: 303-852-5094 888-557-4441 4 FAX Call for number $ 3 WWW CONTACT FEES Free service Anyone AUDIENCE Victims of bias-motivated crimes, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Dream as if you’ll live forever live as if you’ll die today. James Dean 55 COLORADO AIDS CLINICAL TRIALS UNIT Clinical research studies for persons with HIV. Experimental drugs, lab work, and clinic visits are usually free. Transportation provided. Estudios clínicos para personas infectadas con el VIH. Drogas experimentales, pruebas de laboratorio, vísitas a la clínica y transporte son ofrecidos gratuitamente. # ADDRESS UCDHSC-A01 12631 E. 17th Ave., P.O. Box 6511, MS B196 Aurora, CO 80045 TELEPHONE 303-724-0772 i 3 WWW HOURS 7:00 am - 4:30pm M-F caactu COLORADO AIDS EDUCATION 4 FAX 303-724-0802 $ FEES Free AND LANGUAGE Español, ASL \ LOCATION Call Sarah McKelvey for directions, 303-724-0779 CONTACT Graham Ray, RN, ANP Community Advisory Board; Sarah McKelvey Tom Campbell, MD Agency Director RESTRICTIONS Eligibility criteria varies with each research study. TRAINING CENTER Didactic, skill building and clinical education and training conferences, as well as mini-sabbaticals, for health care providers particularly physicians, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, dental hygienists, and mental health clinicians. Conferencias y entrenamientos educativos en áreas didácticas, clínicas y de desarrollo de destrezas, y también sabáticas de corto tiempo para proveedores de servicios de salud, como los son: médicos, asistentes de médicos, enfermeras, dentistas, higienistas dentales y clínicos de salud mental . ADDRESS Colorado AETC 12631 E. 17th Avenue, MS A089 UCD, AO1, Room 7402 PO Box 6511 Aurora, CO 80045 i HOURS Call for specific program hours or to request a program. # TELEPHONE 303-724-0646 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-724-0875 $ FEES Varies by program. Generally no charge. 56 E-MAIL lisa.lawrence@ CONTACT Lisa Lawrence LANGUAGE Trainers with Spanish competency available Six weeks advance notice preferred \ LOCATION RESTRICTIONS AUDIENCE Colfax Avenue and Peoria Clinicians, health care Street ; Academic Office 1, facilities or organizations, Room 7402 or health profession students. COLORADO AIDS PROJECT The Colorado AIDS Project (CAP) is the oldest and largest private, non-profit, community-based HIV and AIDS service an education agency in Colorado. CAP’s mission is to improve lives affected by HIV/AIDS and to prevent HIV infection. El proyecto de SIDA de Colorado (CAP) ofrece manejadores de casos para personas que son VIH positivas y sus familias. Podemos asistirlo con acceso a cuidado medico, comida, vivienda, aseguranza de salud, transportación, y asistencia financiera. También tenemos limitados servicios de consejeria en Español. Serving the Denver-Metro area and the surrounding counties (Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson), any man, woman or child with an HIV or AIDS diagnosis is eligible for many of Colorado AIDS Project’s services and referrals. Some services may have financial requirements as defined by the grant funder. Offering case management, bilingual case management, mental health and substance abuse counseling, HIV prevention counseling, support groups, food bank, housing, health insurance assistance, and transportation and financial assistance. No charge for services. Clients must have formal intake interview and must have an HIV+ or AIDS diagnosis for most services. CAP also maintains an emphasis on prevention of new infections in high-risk communities, focusing on men who have sex with men, youth, people living with HIV/AIDS, and communities of color. CAP reaches an estimated 35,000 people a year through community outreach, education and prevention programs that place emphasis on the behaviors which put people at an increased risk for HIV Infection. CAP also offers free, confidential HIV testing for adults on the last Thursday of every month and youth testing (ages 13-24) by appointment. EMAIL Restrictions: Must have an HIV+ or AIDS diagnosis to be eligible for many services. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4 Mail: P.O. Box 48120 Denver, CO 80204 Physical: 2490 West 26th Avenue Suite 300 Denver, CO 80211 Main : 303-837-0166 i 3 WWW $ www.coloradoAIDS Free. HOURS M-F 9am - 5pm LANGUAGE Español FAX 303-837-0388 FEES info@coloradoaids Deirdre Maloney Executive Director \ LOCATION Call for directions. RESTRICTIONS Must have a HIV+ or AIDS diagnosis and reside in one of the following counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson 57 CONTACT AUDIENCE People infected with, affected by, or at-risk for HIV. COLORADO CAMPAIGN FOR SAFE ACCESS The Colorado Campaign for Safe Access is a non-profit devoted to insuring the rights of Colorado's state-licensed medical marijuana patients. We provide free assistance to individuals curious about Colorado's medical marijuana law and can help patients find support groups and supportive doctors. ADDRESS PO Box 18768 Denver, CO 80218 # TELEPHONE 720 890 4247 COLORADO DEPARTMENT EDUCATION 3 WWW OF E-MAIL CONTACT Brian Vicente, Esq. Executive Director, Sensible Colorado EDUCATION - HIV/AIDS PREVENTION E-MAIL CONTACT HIV/AIDS prevention education for children, youth, young adults and . No direct services to persons with AIDS. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 201 E. Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80203 303-866-6616 i 3 WWW HOURS 8am - 5pm FAX 303-866-6785 COLORADO DEPARTMENT 4 OF $ FEES No charge. \ LOCATION Corner of East Colfax & Sherman Avenue. HEALTH CARE POLICY AND Linda Tamayo AUDIENCE School-age children and adolescents. FINANCING State of Colorado Medicaid program coordination (see County Social Social Services Referral List for more information on all available services). Serving all residents of Colorado. Programs include Home and Community Based Services for Persons Living with AIDS Waiver (HCBS-PLWA) designed as an alternative to nursing facility placement or hospital care. CONTACT Programa de Medicaid coordinado en el estado de Colorado. Sirve a todos los residentes de Colorado. ADDRESS 1570 Grant St Denver, CO 80203 i HOURS 8am - 5pm # TELEPHONE 303-866-3058 Info Hotlines: 303-866-3513 4 # TELEPHONE FAX 800-221-3943 303-866-2573 HCBS-PLWA Info: 303-866-3728 3 LANGUAGE RESTRICTIONS FEE Español Maximum income of $1656/mo, Many Medicaid at this income you must qualify medical services for nursing home care. Apply for have a co-pay charge. Medicaid at your County Dept of Human/Social Services. \ 58 Kathy Stillman AUDIENCE Serving Medicaid eligible Colorado residents. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING & ADULT SERVICES Assists recipients to live safely with maximum personal independence by planning and promoting an effective, integrated, accessible delivery system. ADDRESS 1575 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203 # TELEPHONE 4 303-866-2800 303-866-2696 CONTACT i HOURS Jeannette Hensley Adults, 18 and older FAX 8:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F AUDIENCE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE DIVISION (ADAD) ADAD’s mission is to develop, support and advocate for comprehensive services to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other drugs of abuse and promote healthy individuals, families and communities. La misión de ADAD (siglas en inglés) es la de desarrollar, apoyar y abogar por servicios que reduzcan el abuso de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas, así como la promoción de la salud individual, familiar y comunitaria. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4055 S. Lowell Blvd. Denver, CO 80236 303-866-7493 i 3 WWW HOURS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 4 FAX 303-866-7481 $ FEES Free Español E-MAIL CONTACT Daria.Leslea@state. Daria Leslea Agency Director: Janet Wood \ LOCATION South Federal Blvd to Oxford Street. West on Oxford to South Lowell Blvd. Right (North) on Lowell. AUDIENCE Residents of Colorado Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. Lillian Dickson 59 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION AND ENVIRONMENT- Through the Colorado HIV/AIDS Treatment Task Force (CHATT) reviews and investigates health and fraud issues and provides information to the public on how to make decisions regarding the use of products and treatments. ADDRESS # 4 TELEPHONE 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. So. 303-692-3620 Denver, CO 80246-1530 i $ HOURS 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 303-753-6809 Agency Director: Barbara Hruska LOCATION East of Colorado Blvd on Cherry Creek Dr. South. Just east of the Sheraton Four Points. OF CONTACT Dan Rifkin \ FEES Free COLORADO DEPARTMENT RESOURCE REFERRAL CONTACT FAX PUBLIC HEALTH AND AUDIENCE Colorado ENVIRONMENT - Provide, directly or through technical assistance and financial support, HIV counseling and testing services, partner notification, HIV/AIDS risk reduction education and training, and prevention case management services. Proporciona servicios directos o a través de asistencia técnica y financiera. Estos servicios son: consejería y pruebas del VIH, notificación a las parejas de la persona infectada, entrenamientos y educación sobre la reducción de riesgos del VIH/SIDA y servicios de consejeros de prevención. Capacity Building: training, technical assistance, consultation and mentoring for improvement of HIV Prevention. • Contract Monitoring: oversees contracted and non-contracted agencies to ensure quality of HIV prevention. • Partner Counseling and Referral Services: Confidentially inform partners who have been exposed to HIV infection. Link at risk people to prevention, care and treatment. • Prevention Case Management: Intensive ongoing counseling for those who are HIV+ or at risk of infection; Support for behavior change to prevent HIV transmission. • Public Information: articles, brochures for at risk populations, video lending library, website, hotline. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4 FAX 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. So. 303-692-2729 303-782-0904 Denver, CO 80246 1-877-478-3448 (Outside the Denver Metro Area i HOURS 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday 3 WWW $ FEES Most services are free 60 CONTACT LANGUAGE Leslie Mathews Español \ LOCATION East of Colorado Blvd on Cherry Creek Dr. South. Just east of the Sheridan Four Points. All AUDIENCE COLORADO DEPARTMENT STD/HIV SECTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT - Provide, directly or through technical assistance and financial support, HIV counseling and testing services, partner notification, HIV/AIDS risk reduction education and training, and prevention case management services. Proporciona servicios directos o a través de asistencia técnica y financiera. Estos servicios son: consejería y pruebas del VIH, notificación a las parejas de la persona infectada, entrenamientos y educación sobre la reducción de riesgos del VIH/SIDA y servicios de consejeros de prevención. Capacity Building: training, technical assistance, consultation and mentoring for improvement of HIV Prevention. • Contract Monitoring: oversees contracted and non-contracted agencies to ensure quality of HIV prevention. • Partner Counseling and Referral Services: Confidentially inform partners who have been exposed to HIV infection. Link at risk people to prevention, care and treatment. • Prevention Case Management: Intensive ongoing counseling for those who are HIV+ or at risk of infection; Support for behavior change to prevent HIV transmission. • Public Information: brochures for at risk populations, website, hotline. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. So. 303-692-2760 Denver, CO 80246 Hotlines: 303-692-2777 800-252-AIDS i HOURS 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-782-0904 $ FEES No fees CONTACT LANGUAGE Jean Finn English/Español/French \ LOCATION East of Colorado Blvd on Cherry Creek Dr. South. Just east of the Sheridan Four Points. AUDIENCE All Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. Marcus Aurelius 121-80 AD, Roman Emperor, Philosopher 61 COLORADO DIVISION OF INSURANCE Regulators of Colorado Insurers. Consumer advocates for those with insurance. ADDRESS # 1560 Broadway, #850 Denver, CO 80202 i 303-894-7881 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday insurance FAX 303-894-7455 $ 3 WWW HOURS 4 TELEPHONE Free CONTACT Dayle Axman \ FEES LOCATION 16th and BroadwayDenver Post Building. AUDIENCE All individuals in Colorado with insurance. COLORADO LEGAL SERVICES Private nonprofit organization offering pro bono (free) legal services for persons with low incomes. No criminal related cases. A DDRESS # TELEPHONE i 1905 Sherman St., #400 Denver, CO 80203 303-837-1313 $ HOURS 8:30 -11am \ LOCATION FEES Free service Call. AUDIENCE Low income individuals COLORADO NURSES ASSOCIATION Agency mission is to respond to general health issues including HIV disease, issues, and concerns as pertaining to nursing proactive health care and human rights. Services include providing information to nurses, legislators and the community on health care issues. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1221 S. Clarkson #205 Denver, CO 80210 303-757-5049 i 3 WWW HOURS 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday 4 FAX 303-757-8833 $ FEES Fee for some services. 62 E-MAIL CONTACT Fran Ricker Executive Director \ LOCATION Turn south from Evans on Grape, then east on East Evans Place. AUDIENCE Registered Nurses in Colorado. COLORADO PHARMACY Full service retail pharmacy. Citywide free delivery. Medications mailed free across Colorado and U.S. # TELEPHONE ADDRESS 701 E. Colfax, #102 Denver, CO 80203 i HOURS 9:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F 4 303-863-7644 1-800-PWA-DRUG (1-800-792-3784) 303-863-7656 $ 3 WWW www.colorado FAX FEES Accepts Medicaid and all major insurance carriers. Best prices available COLORADO WEST REGIONAL MENTAL HEALTH \ info@colorado LOCATION # TELEPHONE 436 South 7th 970-245-4213 Grand Junction, CO 81501 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 4 FAX 970-243-7297 FOR AUDIENCE Colfax and Washington Full service pharmacy specializing in HIV/AIDS E-MAIL CONTACT Drug treatment, mental health, CTR, Hep C testing. Call for more information. ADDRESS E-MAIL CLINICAL RESEARCH ON Ken Eielson AIDS The Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA) is a community-based AIDS research program based at Denver Public Health. The Denver CPCRA is part of the larger INSIGHT network. INSIGHT (International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials) is one of six HIV/AIDS clinical trials networks funded in 2006 by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a component of the National Institutes of Health. Currently, INSIGHT is conducting studies in 36 countries worldwide. The mission is to develop strategies for the optimization of treatment (antiretroviral and immunomodulatory therapies as well as interventions to prevent and treat complications of HIV and antiretroviral therapies) to prolong disease-free survival in a demographically, geographically, and socioeconomically diverse population of individuals infected with HIV. The site structure allows patients to participate in research while continuing to receive care by their primary care provider. After initial referral, the CPCRA/INSIGHT clinician works collaboratively with the primary care provider along with other specialists. Participants must be under the care of an affiliated physician or clinic involved with the CPCRA/INSIGHT. Studies include therapies that treat the AIDS virus as well as therapies that prevent or treat opportunistic infections. ADDRESS 605 Bannock St., #538 Denver, CO 80204 i HOURS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 303-436-7224 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-436-7194 $ FEES No charge for services. 63 E-MAIL CONTACT David L. Cohn, MD \ LOCATION 6th and Bannock, 2 blocks west of Broadway. Bus routes 0 and 52. AUDIENCE Persons with HIV- infection who receive care at an affiliated physician (please call for info.) CORA (COLORADO ORGANIZATIONS RESPONDING TO AIDS) CORA is a statewide coalition of HIV and AIDS service organizations and individuals who share its interests and concerns. Direct services and prevention programs are provided by the member organizations, and not by the coalition. With a mission to promote, develop and implement collaboration, CORA offers its members opportunities to raise a collective voice for public policy issues about and around HIV/AIDS, to participate in activities building collaboration, expertise, and influence for the benefit of all people living with HIV/AIDS in Colorado and beyond. To be eligible for membership, organizations must have non-profit status or be an affiliate of a non-profit. ADDRESS # c/o RAIN 1290 Williams St., Ste 102 Denver, CO 80218 3 4 TELEPHONE 303-355-5665 WWW E-MAIL FAX 303-355-1923 CONTACT Chair: David E. Cooper, MDiv COUNCIL, THE The Council is a leader in innovative prevention and treatment techniques for alcohol abuse, other drug use and addictions. The Council is dedicated to providing quality services and programs with a focus on promoting prevention, treatment and education. # ADDRESS 655 Broadway Suite 200 Denver,CO 80203 TELEPHONE 3 WWW 303-825-8113 CONTACT Robert E. “Bob” Dorshimer MA.ed CAC III Executive Director COVER COLORADO Cover Colorado provides comprehensive, full-service health insurance to Coloradans who are denied insurance by private insurers because of pre-existing medical conditions. ADDRESS 425 S. Cherry St., #160 Glendale, CO 80246 i HOURS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm M-F # TELEPHONE 303-863-1960 1-877-461-3811 (members) RESTRICTIONS 4 FAX 303-863-0460 $ FEES Programs have restricPremiums vary. tions & eligibility criteria. 64 E-MAIL Sbriles@CoverColorado. org \ LOCATION South of Leetsdale on Cherry Street CONTACT Sheryl Briles AUDIENCE Persons in Colorado who have been denied insurance. DELTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT HEALTH OF Offer STD screening and treatment, immunizations, TB testing, adolescent services, Family Planning Program, HIV Blood test and referrals, women’s health care services, and Colorado Women’s Cancer Control Initiative (low income women 50+) Ofrece pruebas y tratamiento para el STD (siglas en inglés) enfermedades de transmisón sexual, también ofrece inmunización, exámen de la tuberculosis, servicios a adolescentes, programas de planificación familiar, exámenes de sangre para el VIH y provee una lista de los lugares donde proveen tratamiento, servicio medico femenino, y el programa para la iniciativa de control del cancer para la mujer (mujeres con ingresos financieros bajos, o mujeres mayores de 50 años) Confidential HIV Testing- HIV counseling, testing and referral. $20 charge. ADDRESS 255 W. Sixth Street Delta, CO 81416 i HOURS 8 am - 5 pm M-F Closed noon - 1pm # TELEPHONE 970-874-2165 LANGUAGE Español por el interpretter 4 FAX 970-874-2175 $ FEES Sliding scale and free services. HIV Testing $35 (includes draw fee) CONTACT CONTACT Pat Sullivan Agency Director: Bonnie Koehler \ LOCATION Call for directions AUDIENCE General population DENVER AREA YOUTH SERVICES Serves youth (age six and up) and families. Offer individual, group and family counseling. HIV awareness and education. HIV/STD presentations utilizing the “Be Proud. Be Responsible” curriculum. Proporciona servicios a la juventud (de seis años en adelante) y a familias. Ofrece asesoramiento individual, familiar y de grupo para el conocimiento y la educación del VIH. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1240 West Bayaud Ave Denver, CO 80223 303-302-3273 i 3 WWW HOURS 8am - 5pm Some evening groups 4 FAX 303-698-2903 $ FEES Sliding Scale. Some free services. 65 E-MAIL CONTACT mmacfarlane@ Maggie McFarlane Agency Director David Martinez \ LOCATION Alameda to Platte River to Bayaud. On a lot with a park, on the south side of Bayaud. (Bus line #3) Español LANGUAGE DENVER CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE, THE This is a place where all people, in all our diversity, on all our different paths and with all our individual and unique expressions of life, may come together to celebrate our inherent oneness as perfect manifestations of the One Spirit through the use of Science of Mind principals. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1420 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 303-832-5206 i 3 HOURS 10 am Sundays 4 EMAIL FAX 303-832-6210 DenverReverend@ $ WWW FEES None, contributions www.DenverChurchof CONTACT Rev. Jim Chandler LANGUAGE English AUDIENCE Diverse affirming community DENVER HEALTH HIV PRIMARY CARE CLINIC Provides primary medical care for HIV+ individuals. Patients will initially receive a comprehensive intake overview with a Nurse Clinician for overall assessment of needs. Each patient is then assigned a Primary Care Provider (MD), who along with the nursing staff, provides outpatient care and can make referrals to specialty clinics. An interdisciplinary team is available, consisting of a Clinical Social Worker, a Nutritionist, a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, and nurses. They provide patient counseling, education and referrals to various agencies. Transportation and home visits may be provided. Proporciona asistencia médica inicial para individuos con HIV+. Los pacientes responderán a preguntas de un enfermero/a clínico quien evaluará las necesidades de cada cliente. Cada paciente es asignado un doctor (MD) (siglas en ingles) quien junto con los enfermeros, proporcionaran las visitas médicas, y las transferenciias a las clinicas especializadas en las necesidades del paciente. Un equipo interdisciplinario esta disponible, el cual consistente de un trabajador social clínico, un nutricionista, un enfermero/a especialista clínico en psiquiatria y enfermeras. Ellos proporcionan al paciente asesoramiento, educación y los refieren a diferentes agencias, según sus necesidades. Se pueden proveer transportación y visitas a domicilio. A DDRESS 501 East 28th St Denver, CO 80205 (Eastside Clinic) i HOURS M-F 8am - 5pm A # DDRESS 301 W. 6th Avenue Denver, CO 80204 (Wellington Webb Center for Primary Care) CONTACT Sharisse Torres Mary Ann Bolkovatz, RN $ 4 TELEPHONE 303-880-5747 \ LOCATION FEES Sliding scale Call for directions and most convenient location. 66 FAX 303-436-4779 AUDIENCE HIV+ Denver residents or Medicare/ Medicaid eligible persons outside of Denver. LANGUAGE Español. Interpreters for other languages by arrangement DENVER HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER HIV/AIDS PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES Coordination of treatment for medical and mental health conditions. CONTACT Coordinación para el tratamiento médico de la salud mental. ADDRESS 605 Bannock St Denver, CO 80204 i HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE Infectious Disease/AIDS Clinic: 303-436-7240/7241 LANGUAGE Español. Interpreters for other languages by arrangement. $ FEES Accept Medicaid, Medicare. Sliding scale. Karen Fukutaki, MD for ID Clinic \ LOCATION Corner of 6th Ave & Bannock St.(ID Clinic) AUDIENCE Denver Residents DENVER HIV RESOURCES PLANNING COUNCIL The Denver HIV Resources Planning Council is a Mayoral appointed community body whose basic function is to establish a plan for the delivery of HIV care services in the Denver Transitional Grant Area (TGA) and establish priorities and resource allocations for the use of Ryan White Program Funds. The Denver TGA includes Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties. Planning Council members must participate in a monthly meeting of the full Council, attend Council orientation and participate in at least one Council committee. Council members are not paid for their services, however reimbursement of certain expenses are available for people living with HIV serving on the Council. Planning Council committee membership is open to the public. To nominate someone to the Council or to join a Council committee as a community volunteer, please call or write the Planning Council. ADDRESS 4130 Tejon, Suite A Denver, CO 80211 # TELEPHONE 720-855-8641 4 E-MAIL FAX 720-855-8273 CONTACT Mark Irlando 3 WWW Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Joseph Addison 67 DENVER INDIAN HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES, INC. Private nonprofit organization providing referral and outreach health services to the Denver Native American Community. Services include dental, optical, and medical assistance, health education, mental health program, diabetes program, substance abuse treatment, youth substance abuse prevention and victim’s services. ADDRESS 3749 S. King Street Denver, CO 80236 i HOURS 8am -5pm M-Th 1pm-5pm F # TELEPHONE 303-781-4050 4 FAX 303-781-4333 RESTRICTIONS Proof of degree of Indian blood required. $ FEES No charge for services. DENVER OPTIONS EMAIL \ LOCATION CONTACT Agency Director: Del Nutter AUDIENCE Two blocks south of Hampden (Hwy 285) at the Lowell/Knox Court exit. RTD routes 51 & 36. Native American population in Metro Denver. E-MAIL CONTACT Agency Director: Stephen Block, Ph.D. Private nonprofit organization serving persons with developmental disabilities. Variety of services provided ADDRESS 9900 E. Iliff Ave Denver, CO 80231 i HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 303-636-5600 3 WWW www.denver 4 FAX 303-636-5603 $ FEES Medicaid & state funded. \ LOCATION RESTRICTIONS Southwest corner of Parker Rd and Iliff Ave. Adults must meet criteria for developmental disability. Children must have a developmental delay. Persons with developmental disabilities, ages 0-3 and 18+. May apply at 14 years of age. “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. “ Japanese Proverb 68 AUDIENCE DENVER PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public agency providing confidential and anonymous HIV testing, STD testing and treatment, Tuberculosis testing and treatment, HIV/AIDS treatment and care, and HIV medication trials. Prevention programs targeting substance using men who have sex with men, at risk youth, and members of the Latino community. Case management, triage to care, and secondary prevention services for those living with HIV/AIDS or who are at high risk for acquisition. A Denver-based STD/HIV Prevention Training Center that offers a multitude of programs for health and prevention professionals focusing on improving STD/HIV diagnostic techniques, treatment, and patient management skills; as well as programs focusing on proven behavioral interventions and behavior change theories. Agencia pública que proprciona pruebas del VIH confidenciales y anónimas, pruebas de enfermedades transnntidas sexualmente (STD siglas en Inglés) y tratamiento, pruebas de Tubeculosis y tratamiento, trat miento y cuidado del VIH/SIDA y medtcamentos para e1 VIH que están en periodo de pr eba. progranas preventivos dingidos a hombres que usan sustancias y que tienen exo, con otros hombres iovenes en nesgo, y miembros de la comumdad latina. La dire cion de los casos y los servicios de prevención secundan'a para aque Hos que iven con el VIH/SIDA o para 1os que estan en alto nesgo de de adquirirlo. El centro de entrenamiento establecido en Denver para la prevención de enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente Y del VIH, que ofrece una multitud de programas para los profeciónales de 1a salud v la prevención, enfocandose en mejorar las te'cm'cas de diagnóstico de las enternedades transmitidas sexualmente y del VIH, e1 tratamiento, y las habilidades en el manejo del paciente; así como programas enfocados en comprobar las teorías de la intervencion condutual y el cambio de comportamiento. Anonymous and Confidential HIV Testing Site: 605 Bannock St., First floor. Call for an appointment. 303-4367251• STD Clinic - 605 Bannock St., First floor. Walk-ins only, call for hours. 303-436-7251; Denver HIV/STD Prevention Training Center- 605 Bannock St., Second floor. Call or go online for schedule of courses. 303-436-7227. Outreach Prevention Programs: Specifically for substance using men who have sex with men, at risk youth, and members of the Litino community. Walk in or call for info, 303-436-7227. Prevention Case Management: 605 Bannock St., Second floor. Call for an appointment 303-436-7227 • Off-Site Outreach Testing: Call for information 303-436-4141. ADDRESS 605 Bannock Denver, CO 80204 # TELEPHONE 303-436-7491 303-436-7251 (testing) 303-436-4141 (outreach testing) i HOURS Call for specific program hours. $ Español; Many others by translation. 4 FAX 303-436-7262 FEES Some services are free, others (like STD & HIV testing) are on a varying scale EMAIL Marshall.Gourley@ \ LOCATION I-25 to 6th Avenue East. Corner of 6th Avenue and Bannock. AUDIENCE General at-risk population; Persons with HIV/AIDS CONTACT Marshall Gourley Agency Director: Chris Urbina, MD RESTRICTIONS Most programs are open to everyone but a few require Denver residency. Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us. Sir Thomas Browne 69 DENVER PUBLIC HEALTH INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINIC Primary health care, mental health, substance abuse treatment, dental care and on-site pharmacy for persons with HIV/AIDS. Also see Denver Health’s HIV Primary Care Clinic (PCC) and Denver Public Health’s Infectious Disease (ID) Clinic. Cuidado medico inicial, salud mental, tratamiento de abuso de drogas, cuidado dental y farmacia para personas con VIH/SIDA. Ademas. vea el directorio de los Servicios de Intervención Temprana para el VIH/SIDA y los servicios de Salud Pública para enfermedades infecciosas (ID) siglas en ingles, de Denver. 605 Bannock St, Rm 551 Denver, CO 80204 i # TELEPHONE # Hospital Information: 303-436-6000 Infectious Dis/AIDS Clinic 303-436-7240 ADDRESS HOURS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm M, T, Th, F 8:00 am - 7:00 pm W 3 WWW www.Denver $ TELEPHONE \ LOCATION FEES Sliding scale but co-pays often required 605 Bannock Street, between 6th Avenue and 8th Avenue, two blocks west of Broadway. CONTACT Pat Gourley, RN for ID Clinic AUDIENCE LANGUAGE Denver Residents or anyone with Insurance/ Medicare/Medicaid. Español. Interpreters for other languages by arrangement DENVER STD/HIV PREVENTION TRAINING CENTER The Denver STD/HIV Prevention Training Center (PTC) provides state-of-the-art training in the clinical diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and in evidence-based behavioral interventions. The PTC also offers program support courses designed to improve agency capacity and to increase the quality of services delivered in community settings. The Denver PTC is program of Denver Public Health, a department of Denver Health and Hospital Authority. The PTC operates in partnership with the University of Colorado Denver & Health Sciences Center with whom we share an interdisciplinary staff and faculty with years of professional and practical experience in medicine, social sciences, health education, and human services. ADDRESS 605 Bannock St. Denver CO 80204 # TELEPHONE 303-436-3259 (Behavioral Intervention Training) 4 EMAIL FAX 303-436-3117 Scott.Pegues@dhha .org (Behavioral Intervention Training) 303-436-7263 (Clinical Courses) i HOURS Training hours vary by course and program. Admin hours: 8 - 5 M-F LANGUAGE $ FEES Most courses offered Vary by course. in English. Some in Spanish. (Clinical Courses) CONTACT Scott Pegues (Behavioral Intervention Training) 3 WWW John Fitch (Clinical Courses) LOCATION AUDIENCE RESTRICTIONS Offices: I-25 to 6th Behavioral Although most Avenue East. NW cor- Interventions: courses are filled on a Persons involved in first-come first-serve ner of 6th Avenue STD/HIV Prevention. basis, some have and Bannock St. Training locations Clinical: Medical prerequisites or providers of all levels. requirements. vary by program. \ 70 ECCOS FAMILY CENTER Individual or partner counseling; Support group for Latino men living with HIV; Internet and computer access; Group workshops and educational classes; Social and sports events; Access to HIV testing and referals to Hepatitis C screening; Resource center. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 881 Federal Blvd 720-904-7125 Denver, Colorado 80204 i 4 FAX 303-433-9627 $ 3 WWW HOURS M-F Call for hours E-MAIL elfuturoprogram@ FEES $55 CONTACT Reynaldo Mireles, Jr AUDIENCE Latino gay and bisexual men, their partners, family and support systems EL FUTURO PROGRAM To support Latino gay and bisexual men by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions that promote health, diversity, strength, and pride in our community. El Futuro provides educational, social, and counseling interventions to the Latino community at risk or living with HIV/AIDS. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 881 Federal Blvd 720-904-7125 Denver, Colorado 80204 i HOURS M-F Call for hours 4 FAX 303-433-9627 3 WWW $ $55 71 E-MAIL CONTACT elfuturoprogram@ Reynaldo Mireles, Jr FEES AUDIENCE Latino gay and bisexual men, their partners, family and support systems EL PASO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Public agency providing confidential HIV/STD/Hepatitis testing, treatment and prevention programs. Call for appointments for HIV testing and access to testing for STD clinic hours. Confidential HIV Testing: Call for appointment. • Public Information: HIV A/V lending library and brochures. • Safety Network Alternative Project (McMasters Center)- HIV prevention program focused on IDU. 301 South Union Colorado Springs, CO 80910 i # ADDRESS TELEPHONE 4 STD Clinic 719-578-3148 719-575-8629 Main Health Dept. # 719-578-3199 HOURS 3 WWW 8am - 5pm M-F Call for clinic hours or to schedule HIV and/or Hepatitis testing STD Clinic Hours: M 1:30-4:00 pm W 6:00 - 8:00 pm F 8:30 - 11:00 am $ E-MAIL FAX CONTACT HelenRogers@ \ FEES Charge for services on a sliding scale based on ability to pay; $20 for Walk-in STD testing. $30-45 for HIV testing; $30 for HBV; $30 for HCV testing HIV Program Director/STD/ BBP Director Helen Rogers Agency Director: Rosemary Bakes-Martin LOCATION I-25 to Uintah exit, go east on Uintah to Union Boulevard, then south on Union Blvd. Cross streets are Pikes Peak and Fountain. AUDIENCE General population. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Emmanuel's vision encompasses a progressive and wide-ranging doctrine, stressing spiritual and personal growth, arts and humanities, and compassionate community outreach. In addition to a professional-grade music program, Emmanuel supports an aggressive array of growth and support ministries, including a proactive AIDS ministry, Habitat For Humanity, Share Colorado, Prison Fellowship and other outreach ministries. Forging ahead into this new millennium, Emmanuel continues to set new standards of excellence in ministry. Emmanuel's AIDS Ministry offers education and prevention information to our congregation and the community at large on AIDS prevention, education and treatment. Emmanuel collaborates with The Southern Colorado AIDS Project and Hospice to assist those persons living with AIDS with day-to-day chores and visitations. The Holy Bible and Emmanuel's vision are the basis for the services we provide. ADDRESS One South Walnut Street Colorado Springs, CO 80905 # 4 TELEPHONE 719-635-4865 FAX 719-635-3522 72 E-MAIL EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM - WOMEN’S AIDS PROJECT Women’s AIDS Project serving adults and juveniles in the Denver Metropolitan area. Offers case management, support groups, drug and alcohol treatment, transportation, employment, GED, and housing assistance. # ADDRESS TELEPHONE 1600 York St. Denver, CO 80206 303-320-1989 i 3 WWW HOURS 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Closed for lunch. 4 FAX 303-320-3987 $ www.empowerment FEES No charge for services. E-MAIL CONTACT Carol Lease \ LOCATION Colfax & York. 20 blocks east of Broadway. AUDIENCE Women infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS in the Metro Denver area. GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL & TRANSGENDERED COMMUNITY CENTER OF COLORADO, THE Referral resource for all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual folk. Recursos y referencias para la gente homosexual, lesbianas, bisexual y transgenero. # ADDRESS 1050 Broadway (PO Box 9798) Denver, CO 80203 i 303-733-7743 3 WWW HOURS 10:00 am 6:00 pm M-F Call first. TELEPHONE 4 FAX 303-282-9399 $ E-MAIL info@ \ LOCATION FEES Free services CONTACT Broadway between 10th and 11th. AUDIENCE Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered. LANGUAGE Español. Access to translators and ASL interpreters by arrangement. GILL FOUNDATION Philanthropic organization dedicated to securing equal opportunity for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. The Gill Foundation grants to national and state-wide nonprofit organizations, throughout the country with a focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and HIV/AIDS organizations, while its Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado supports non-LGBT organizations located in Colorado. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4 FAX EMAIL 2215 Market Street Suite 205 Denver, CO 80205 303-292-4455 303-292-2155 3 WWW $ \ LOCATION None. FEES Market street & 22nd. 73 i HOURS Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:30 pm PURPOSE Funds agencies and groups in a number of areas. See website for specific info & for grant application specifications. HARM REDUCTION PROJECT Dedicated to advocating for and implementing harm reduction interventions among populations at risk for HIV, Hepatitis, and other maladies associated with drug using and sexual behaviors. IDU & substance user drop in center, acupuncture for detox, Hep C testing. 775 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80204 i 303-572-7800 $ HEALTHIER OPTIONS CONTACT FAX 303-572-7800 3 WWW HOURS MWF 11-5 4 # TELEPHONE ADDRESS FOR THE Monique Whalen FEES None AUDIENCE Those actively injecting drugs PARENTING EXPERIENCE (HOPE) A care and consultation program for persons with HIV who are considering parenthood. ADDRESS 13123 E. 16th Ave., B055 Aurora, CO 80045 i # TELEPHONE 720-777-2841 $ HOURS Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm 4 FAX 720-777-7294 E-MAIL FEES Varies CONTACT Jennifer Pappas, LCSW LANGUAGE English, Spanish HEP C CONNECTION Hep C Connection is an education, support and prevention network for those affected by, or at risk for hepatitis C. We offer a helpline with up-to-date medical information, links to support groups, quarterly newsletters and information packets. We also provide printed materials and educational presentations on HIV/HCV co-infection. ADDRESS 1325 S. Colorado Blvd Bldg B, Ste 302 Denver, CO 80222 i HOURS Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00 # TELEPHONE 720-917-3960 303-860-0800 800-522-HEPC 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-860-7481 $ FEES None E-MAIL lginnett@ \ LOCATION Colorado Blvd and Louisiana 74 CONTACT Laura Ginnett AUDIENCE Persons infected with or seeking more information on Hepatitis C and coinfection. HIV/AIDS REGIONAL RESOURCE NETWORK The Clinical Division offers trainings for health care clinicians including physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, mental health providers, dentists, pharmacists, and other clinical professionals. ADDRESS # US Dep of Health and Human Services, Region VIII 1961 Stout St., Rm 498 Denver, CO 80294 EMAIL FAX 303-844-2019 303-844-7853 $ 4 TELEPHONE \ CONTACT 3 WWW LOCATION Lisa Cohen AUDIENCE Health care professionals HIV CARE LINK HIV Care Link is an outreach of Christian compassion and hope committed to preventing the spread of HIV, empowering and supporting those affected by HIV and equipping the church to minister effectively to people living with HIV. Care Program: A “ministry of friendship.” Participant focused visitation, encouragement, and support for those affected by HIV • Work Projects: HIV+ and need help? We mobilize groups for one-day projects such as moving, painting, yard work, etc. • Embracing Life Series Support Group: a 14 week, Christian group that strengthens one to live more fully, surmounting the fears and obstacles that a life-defining illness has put in one's way. Though developed primarily for persons infected with HIV, the group is open and applicable for those with other life-defining conditions • The Safe Project: HIV prevention presentations for youth ages 1324. • HIV Workshop: HIV information and training that equips Christians in the eleents of ministry to people infected and/or affected by HIV • Speaker Services: Powerful and moving HIV presentations. ADDRESS 528 Commons Drive Golden, CO 80401 i HOURS 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday - Friday # TELEPHONE 303-382-1344 4 FAX 303-382-1355 $ 3 WWW FEES Services are free. E-MAIL \ LOCATION CONTACT Carrie DenBleyker, Program Coordinator Rev. Michael D. Berges AUDIENCE Call for directions. HIV+ HOPE PROGRAM Homeless outreach for HIV-positive clients managed by Visiting Nurse Association. Lunch provided by Project Angel Heart. Assist with filling mediplanners, keeping track of appointments, encouraging good self care to those dealing with homelessness. ADDRESS 1555 Race Denver, CO 80218 # TELEPHONE 303-832-3354 4 FAX 3 WWW 303-832-7823 CONTACT i HOURS Lisa Wheeler 75 8:00 am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday HOWARD DENTAL CENTER Full dental care including diagnostic and prevention services. Home care instructions, restorations, extractions, replacement of missing teeth and regular dental cleanings. Treatment available to all HIV+ individuals. Fees range from free to full price depending on income. ADDRESS 1420 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 i HOURS Call for hours # TELEPHONE 303-863-0772 FAX 303-832-7823 $ 3 WWW www.Howard 4 E-MAIL \ LOCATION FEES All HIV+ persons are eligible for sliding fee scale. Sliding scale based on income. CONTACT On Ogden between Colfax and 14th. Denise Coleman AUDIENCE Individuals with HIV/AIDS RESTRICTIONS Must be a resident of Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson or Broomfield Counties to qualify for services. INSURANCE CONTINUATION PROGRAM Statewide insurance premium assistance program targeting working persons or persons with insurance. State will pay up to $500/month to assist in paying health insurance premiums. Program is income-based. Applicants must not be receiving Medicaid. Program is administered through local AIDS Projects. Applicants should contact their local or regional AIDS Project for more information. ADDRESS # Metro Denver residents - Contact Colorado AIDS Project (CAP) Boulder County residents- Contact Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) Northern Colorado residents Contact Northern Colorado AIDS Project (NCAP) Southern Colorado residents- Contact Southern Colorado AIDS Project (SCAP) Western Colorado residents- Contact Western Colorado AIDS Project (WestCAP) i HOURS Hours vary by agency $ FEES No charge for service. \ LOCATION Call individual agency for directions. TELEPHONE CAP- 303-837-0166 BCAP- 303-444-6121 NCAP- 970-484-4469 SCAP- 719-578-9092 WestCAP- 970-243-2437 AUDIENCE Persons with HIV/AIDS. RESTRICTIONS Not receiving Medicaid. Hope, the best comfort of our imperfect condition. Edward Gibbon 76 ISLAND GROVE TREATMENT CENTER CONTACT Drug treatment and counseling some HIV information/education ADDRESS 1140 M Street Greeley, CO 80631 i 4 # TELEPHONE 970-356-6664 970-356-1349 $ 3 WWW HOURS 24 hour detox facility FAX FEES Sliding scale available AUDIENCE Clients needing detox facility IT TAKES A VILLAGE A non-profit agency which provides free, confidential HIV and STD testing Monday through Thursday 10-5. Services include non-medical case management, prevention counseling, substance abuse treatment and groups for people living with HIV. Other programs include the Just Us Project, which provides support, education and counseling for HIV positive African-Americans; Community Without Walls, which provides groups, assistance and counseling for HIV positive men of color recently released from incarceration; Phenomenal Women, which provides groups and outreach for at-risk African-American women; Brothas4Ever, which provides groups and activities for African-American same gender loving men; and TransAction, which provides outreach, groups and assistance for at-risk and HIV positive transgenders. # ADDRESS 1475 Lima St. Aurora, CO 80010 i HOURS 9 am – 5:30 pm Mon. – Friday TELEPHONE (303)367-4747 $ Free FEES 4 FAX (303)367-0227 \ E-MAIL CONTACT info@Ittakesavillage Imani Latif Executive Director 3 WWW LOCATION Located on Lima, 6 www.ittakesavillage blocks east of Havana, off Colfax in Aurora AUDIENCE African-Americans at risk for or living with HIV; all individuals living with HIV; testing available to individuals of all races. The miracle is this the more we share, the more we have. Leonard Nimoy 77 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Public agency providing HIV/AIDS risk reduction education, anonymous and confidential HIV antibody testing and referral. Lakewood, and Arvada locations. Agencia publica que proporciona educación y reducción de riesgo de VIH/SIDA, examen de anticuerpos del VIH, consejeros de prevención. Localizados en Lakewood y Arvada. Anonymous and Confidential HIV Testing Site- $30 Charge may be waived in some cases. Testing at each location; HIV/STD prevention programs. ADDRESS # 1. 6303 Wadsworth Bypass Arvada, CO 80003 2. 260 S. Kipling Lakewood, CO 80226 i HOURS Call for hours CONTACT 4 TELEPHONE FAX HIV Testing: 303-275-7500 Arvada: 303-275-7503 N/A HIV Testing: 303-239-7078 Lakewood: 303-239-7088 N/A 3 WWW $ \ LOCATION LANGUAGE FEES $30 charge for HIV Lakewood, Arvada, Español. th testing. locations. Call for directions. Varies by service Agency Director: Jeannie K. Springer, MPA E-MAIL AUDIENCE Residents and visitors to Jefferson County (some services give priority to Jefferson County agencies/residents but serve the Denver Metro area when possible). JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE - HEARTS & HANDS PROGRAM Nonprofit organization providing homemaker services (general housekeeping, laundry, light meal preparation and grocery shopping) to persons with HIV/AIDS regardless of their religious, cultural, or ethnic background. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 3201 S. Tamarac Drive Denver, CO 80231 303-597-5000 x315 i HOURS 3 WWW 8:15am - 4:45pm Monday - Friday www.jewishfamily 4 FAX 303-597-7700 $ FEES No charge for services CONTACT LANGUAGE Ann Reilly Program Coordinator English Russian \ LOCATION S. Tamarac Dr and Eastman AUDIENCE All persons with HIV “Out of opposition, a new birth.” Carl Jung 78 JSI RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE Region VIII family planning training center and the CDC grant recipient for HIV prevention training at family planning sites. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1860 Blake St., Ste. 320 Denver, CO 80202 303-262-4300 i 3 WWW HOURS 8:30am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday 4 FAX 303-262-4395 $ E-MAIL CONTACT Patrice Zink Agency Director: Debra Olesen \ FEES Variable charge for services. LOCATION 17th & Wynkoop AUDIENCE Public health care organizations/providers. LA CLINICA TEPEYAC The Clinic provides a wide array of primary medical care services as well as specialty HIV/AIDS medical care. La Clinica provee un gran cuidado medico de servicios y especialista de VIH/SIDA. ADDRESS 15075 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80216 # TELEPHONE 303-458-5302 Appointments – 303-458-0150 Administration – $ 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-433-7452 clinica@clinicatepeyac.o rg i HOURS 9am-5pm Monday-Friday FEES Free LARIMER COUNTY DEPARTMENT E-MAIL OF HEALTH AND CONTACT Executive Director: David Lack Clinical Manager: Oswaldo Lozano AUDIENCE Primary medical care for all HIV/AIDS patients who are not eligible to receive specialty HIV/AIDS care in other hospital/clinic settings. ENVIRONMENT Offers STD and confidential HIV testing and other services for residents of Larimer County. Two offices. Ofrece examenes del VIH y STD(enfermedades de transmisión sexual) y otros servicios para los residentes del condado de Larimer. ADDRESS 1525 Blue Spruce Dr. Ft. Collins, CO 80524 205 East 6th St Loveland, CO 80534 1601 Brodie Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 i HOURS Call for hours # TELEPHONE 4 FAX 970-498-6700 970-498-6772 970-679-4580 970-498-4589 970-577-2050 970-577-2060 $ \ FEES HIV & STD testing. Call for fees. Sliding scale for family planning. 79 LANGUAGE Español LOCATION Call for directions. CONTACT Agency Director: Adrienne LeBailly, M.D. AUDIENCE Residents of Larimer County LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH SERVICE AGENCY (LARASA) AND The Latin American Research and Service Agency (LARASA) was created in 1964 to improve the health, education and self-sufficiency of Colorado's Latino community. We are located in the heart of the Baker Neighborhood, in Denver, Colorado. Through the collaborative efforts of our five operating centers, we are able to promote the well-being of Colorado Latinos statewide. Our centers and programs work to encourage and increase Latino awareness and activity within their own communities, helping to create a stronger and more richly diverse Colorado. ADDRESS 309 W. 1st Ave. Denver, CO 80223-1509 i 3 HOURS # TELEPHONE 4 303-722-5150 303-722-5118 $ WWW 9:00 am - 5:00 pm M-S LEGAL CENTER FOR \ FEES Fees vary PEOPLE WITH E-MAIL FAX LOCATION Four blocks west of Broadway between Cherokee and Delaware DISABILITIES AND AUDIENCE Latino/a population OLDER PEOPLE, THE Private, nonprofit legal organization providing legal representation, advocacy and technical assistance to individuals who have experienced discrimination due to their HIV/AIDS or other disabilities. Organización legal privada no lucrativa que proporciona la representación legal y asistencia tecnica a individuos que han sido descriminados debido al VIH/SIDA u otras incapacidades. ADDRESS 455 Sherman Street, Ste. 130 Denver, CO 80203 i HOURS 8:30am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 4 Voice/TTY 303-722-0300 Toll Free 800-288-1376 303-722-0720 $ 3 WWW MAYOR’S OFFICE OF FEES Free service with the exception of litigation fees CONTACT FAX \ Barry Glass LOCATION Fourth & Sherman AUDIENCE Qualified persons in need of disabilityrelated legal assistance. HIV RESOURCES The Mayor’s Office of HIV Resources (MOHR) staff is responsible for securing, disbursing and monitoring Part A funds and its share of Part B funds for the Denver Eligible Metropolitan Area, which encompasses Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties. Funds are made available every three years through a competitive request for proposal process to ensure there is a comprehensive continuum of care for people living with HIV/AIDS. Interested entities wishing to be on the list to receive notice when these funds become available please write or e-mail to the contact information listed. ADDRESS 201 West Colfax, Dept. 1009 Denver, CO 80202 # TELEPHONE 720-865-5421 4 FAX 3 WWW 720-865-5536 www.denvergov. org/mohr 80 CONTACT i HOURS Lynn Hough 8am - 5pm M-F MENTAL HEALTH CENTER OF DENVER Living and Learning with HIV program provides a continuum of psychotherapeutic mental health care and support to HIV+ persons in underserved, and high risk populations and caregivers/family/children who support persons living with HIV. Viviendo y aprendiendo con programa del VIH proporciona una serie continua de cuidado médico mental sicoterapia y la ayuda a las personas de HIV+ adentro underserved, y las poblaciones del alto riesgo y caregivers/family/children que apoyan a personas que viven con el VIH. ADDRESS 1555 Humboldt Denver, CO 80218 i HOURS 8am - 5pm M-F # 303-504-1650 303-504-1660 LANGUAGE $ Español 4 FAX TELEPHONE E-MAIL CONTACT Craig Iverson \ FEES Free; Ryan White funded program and insurance accepted LOCATION Near Colfax and Downing AUDIENCE Adults with serious mental illness METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK MCPN's service area includes all the City of Aurora and Arapahoe and Jefferson Counties. Services within the area are developed to provide primary health care for people who have no other access to health care. A Family Practice model of health care is supported by case management services, pharmacy services, and other coordination efforts to remove barriers to health care. Well Child Care, immunizations, obstetrics, gynecology, and chronic disease management are among the most often-requested services. Staff, fluent in languages other than English, help remove cultural barriers to care. # TELEPHONE 303-761-1977 4 FAX i 303-761-2787 HOURS M-F 7:00am - 5:30pm METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CONTACT John Kuenning THE ROCKIES Formed in 1978, and is a charter member of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. We offer an inter-denominational service, open to all members of the community, regardless of sexual identity. Our principles are based on trust and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. En 1978, y forman a un miembro de carta de la beca universal de las iglesias metropolitanas de la comunidad. Ofrecemos un servicio inter-denominational, abierto a todos los miembros de la comunidad, sin importar identidad sexual. Nuestros principios son bases en confianza y la fe en Jesús Cristo como salvador. ADDRESS 980 Clarkson Denver, CO 80218 i # TELEPHONE 303-860-1819 E-MAIL HOURS Sunday 9 AM - Traditional Service Sunday 11 AM - Contemporary Service Wednesday 7 PM Taize Style Service AUDIENCE 81 CONTACT James Burns Senior Pastor NAMASTE HOSPICE Namaste Comfort Care exists to shift the dominant paradigm regarding the way the world views serious and life-limiting illness, the process of decline, and death itself. # ADDRESS 1633 Fillmore St., Suite 300 Denver, CO 80206 4 FAX TELEPHONE 303-860-9915 E-MAIL 303-860-9914 NATIONAL PEDIATRIC AIDS NETWORK The National Pediatric AIDS Network (NPAN) is a resource for information from pregnancy through adolescence. ADDRESS # PO Box 1032 Boulder, CO 80306 i HOURS 9:00 m - 5pm M-F TELEPHONE 800-646-1001 3 WWW (for youth 13-24) E-MAIL $ \ FEES Free CONTACT Gary Gale LOCATION No walk-ins. AUDIENCE Caregivers, adolescents, prospective positive parents NORTHEAST COLORADO HEALTH DEPARTMENT HIV/AIDS educational programs, English and Spanish Video Lending Library, referral for Ryan White case management services. Los programas educativos del VIH/SIDA, los videos en ingles y español que presta la biblioteca, la remisión a los servicios de dirección del caso por Ryan White. ADDRESS 700 Columbine Sterling, CO 80751 i # TELEPHONE 970-522-3741 $ HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday 4 970-522-1412 \ FEES None CONTACT CONTACT FAX Trish McClain LOCATION Call for directions. Public Health Administrator:John Crosthwait AUDIENCE General Public including high risk women and young adults in Morgan, Logan, Washington, Yuma, Phillips, and Sedgewick Counties. NORTHEAST WOMEN'S CENTER HIV education, family planning i HOURS M-Th 9am - 4pm Fri 9 am - 1 pm 4 # TELEPHONE 303-355-3486 FAX 303-355-3488 82 CONTACT Vittoria Whitsett NORTHERN COLORADO AIDS PROJECT Northern Colorado AIDS Project (NCAP) endeavors to empower persons affected by HIV and AIDS, to expand their options, and to promote their fundamental rights. To this end, NCAP educates and builds awareness of HIV/AIDS in our community. Services include anonymous and confidential HIV testing; Hepatitis C testing; prevention and substance abuse counseling; community presentations; exhaustive social services and financial assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS. Mission Statement: To improve the quality of life for those affected by HIV/AIDS and reduce the spread of HIV. El proyecto norteño del SIDA de Colorado NCAP(siglas en ingles) se esfuerza para atender a personas afectadas por el VIH y SIDA, y ampliar sus opciones, para promover sus derechas fundamentalmente. Para este fin NCAP educa y toma conciencia del VIH/SIDA en nuestra comunidad. Los servicios incluyen examen del VIH confidencial y anónimo, educación así como los programas de trabajo de campo. ADDRESS 400 S. Remington, Suite #100 Fort Collins, CO 80524 i HOURS # TELEPHONE 970-484-4469 800-464-4611 $ 4 CONTACT EMAIL FAX 970-484-4497 \ FEES 9-5 Mon-Fri. Testing avail. No charge for Wednesdays 10-5 and by most services. appt. Jeff Bassinger Executive Director LOCATION LANGUAGE AUDIENCE Same as mailing address; call for directions Español AUDIENCE Persons age 3 to adult affected by HIV/AIDS; Serving Larimer, Weld, Morgan, Yuma, Phillips, Sedgewick, Logan & Washington Counties OFFICE OF ARCHDIOCESAN SOCIAL MINISTRY-ARCHDIOCESAN HIV/AIDS MINISTRY The ministry offers support to person who are HIV positive, and for persons living with AIDS including their families, friends and associates. Support groups, retreats, information and referral, and pastoral support are available. The ministry extends compassion and advocates for all people affected by this disease, both at the local, national and international levels. Support Group meets the first Monday of each month. Yearly AIDS memorial and World AIDS Day masses. La ayuda de las ofertas del ministerio a la persona que es positivo del VIH, y para las personas que viven con el SIDA incluyendo sus familias, amigos y asociados. Los grupos de ayuda, los retratamientos, la información y la remisión, y la ayuda pastoral están disponibles. El ministerio ofrece a la compasión y a abogados para toda la gente afectada por esta enfermedad, ambas en los niveles locales, nacionales e internacionales. El grupo de ayuda resuelve el primer lunes de cada mes. El día anual del SIDA del monumento y del mundo del SIDA se forma. ADDRESS 1300 S. Steele Denver 80210 i HOURS Call for hours # TELEPHONE 303-715-3220 \ EMAIL LOCATION St. Dominic’s Parish Hall 83 CONTACT Al Hooper AUDIENCE Infected/Affected by HIV/AIDS OTERO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HIV information and referral. ADDRESS 13 West 3rd St, Rm #111 La Junta, CO 81050 i # TELEPHONE 719-383-3040 8am - 5pm Monday-Friday FAX 719-383-3060 \ HOURS 4 CONTACT CONTACT Referencias e información acerca del VIH. Lorene Nelson LOCATION Call for directions Agency Director Richard Ritter AUDIENCE General Public PAN AFRICAN ARTS SOCIETY The Pan African Arts Society (PAAS) is a non-profit 501c3 organization that organizes and executes a myriad of arts education, social change venues throughout the year and within the Denver metro-area. The PAAS also collaborates with individuals, organizations and corporate entities in the community-at-large in order to increase dialogue and action in diverse settings through the use of cultural icons including film, performance, creative writing and oration. Black arts programming such as the Denver Pan African Film Festival, the monthly poetry and arts venue, “Café Nuba,” and the BLAM Youth Project offer provocative HIV/AIDS education, counseling and testing as a part of their community interaction. It is our hope that these seeds will be nurtured and yield increased possibilities for public engagement, professional, spiritual, and personal development, and preservation and perpetuation of cultural heritage. ADDRESS 911 Park Ave. West 2nd Floor, Denver, CO 80205 # TELEPHONE 3 WWW E-MAIL CONTACT 303-298-8188 PARENTS, FAMILIES (PFLAG) AND FRIENDS OF BluBlakwomyn@ LESBIANS AND Ashara Ekundayo GAYS Information and support for families and friends of lesbians and gays. ADDRESS P.O. Box 18901 Denver, CO 80218 FAX TELEPHONE 303-573-5861 (office) 303-573-3949 303-333-0286 (helpline) 303-231-6030 (en Español) i 3 WWW HOURS Call for times. # 4 $ FEES No charge 84 PURPOSE PFLAG provides an opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. \ LOCATION Call for directions. AUDIENCE Families and friends of PLWAs PEER ASSISTANCE SERVICES INC. The HIV, Hepatitis and Substance Abuse Prevention Program of Peer Assistance Services Inc. is funded by the Center for Substance Abuse. The Program targets minority parolees and offers prevention education classes, HIV and hepatitis testing, prevention supplies including condoms, and referrals to various services. In addition, Peer Assistance Services, Inc. provides prevention and intervention services including mentoring and family education programming as well as assessment and referral to treatment for individuals with substance abuse/mental health issues. Visit our website for more information. ADDRESS P.O. 2170 S. Parker Rd., Suite 229 Denver, CO 80231 # TELEPHONE 303-369-0039 i 4 FAX 303-369-0982 PERSONS LIVING OF Andres Guerrero AUDIENCE Minority parolees in the Denver Metro area. FEES No fees for prevention programs HIV ACTION NETWORK WITH CONTACT aguerrero@ $ 3 WWW HOURS Call for hours. E-MAIL COLORADO The Persons Living with HIV Action Network of Colorado provides education and referral services to people living with HIV/AIDS, service providers, elected officials and decision-making bodies in Colorado. ADDRESS PO Box 9926, Denver, Colorado 80209 EMAIL danielgarcia@ CONTACT Program Director: Daniel Garcia $ FEES Free AUDIENCE People Living with HIV/ AIDS, Service Providers and Elected Officials POSITIVE PROJECT, THE Our mission is to use the stories of people with HIV/AIDS to raise public awareness, reduce stigma, promote prevention, and improve quality of care and quality of life through education and training. ADDRESS 1221 South Clarkson Street, #302, Denver, CO 80210 i Flexible HOURS # TELEPHONE 303-733-0545 $ E-MAIL Tony Miles, Ph.D. Co-Founder/Executive Director FEES None to those offering stories, negotiable to end users 85 CONTACT AUDIENCE people infected/affected or at risk, care providers, general public PROJECT REDEMPTION Provides substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis prevention intervention in communities of color in Denver and for individuals (and their families) re-entering the Denver community from prison or jail. ADDRESS 3030 Downing St, Denver, CO 80205 i # TELEPHONE 4 FAX 303-297-8010 330-296-3468 $ HOURS 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, M-F E-MAIL markashmun-gdia Mark Ashmun FEES None CONTACT AUDIENCE Communities of color, formerly incarcerated PROJECT ANGEL HEART Home delivered meal program. ADDRESS 4190 Garfield, #5 Denver, CO 80216 # TELEPHONE 303-830-0202 x13 Toll-free 800-381-5612 4 CONTACT 3 WWW FAX 303-830-1840 Toll-free 800-731-5622 Outreach: Program Director , ext. 15 Referral: Client Services, Coordinator, ext. 13 AUDIENCE LOCATION FEES No charge for services Meals delivered to clients’ homes Persons living with HIV/AIDS and Eligibility involves having a life- in a 700+ square mile radius of other life-threatening diseases. threatening illness and limited metro Denver; kitchen and mobility, and is solely based on offices located near I-70 & health status. Please call for com- Colorado Blvd; walk-in pick up plete eligibility requirements. service is available \ $ i HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday PROJECT SAFE NIH-funded research project providing substance treatment entry facilitation and HIV prevention services for HIV+ drug injectors and crack smokers. ADDRESS 1741 Vine Street Denver, CO 80206 i HOURS 8:00am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 303-315-0950 800-429-9240 $ 4 FAX 303-316-7697 \ FEES No charge for services CONTACT Karen F. Corsi LOCATION 17th & Vine 86 E-MAIL Agency Director: Robert Booth, Ph.D. AUDIENCE Current injection drug users and crack smokers. PUEBLO CITY AND COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public agency offering STD and Confidential and Anonymous HIV testing, prevention, immunization, and TB skin testing. Appointments are preferred but will take walk-ins. Agencia publica ofrece examenes confidenciales y anónimos de VIH y STD (enfermedades de transmisión sexual), prevención, vacunas y examenes de piel de TB. Referencias con cita previa. ADDRESS 151 Central Main St Pueblo, CO 81003 i HOURS 9am - 11am & 1 pm -3:30 pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 719-583-4300 4 E-MAIL FAX 719-583-4524 $ LANGUAGE Español sarah.ruybalid@co.pueb \ FEES Sliding scale (services not refused due to inability to pay) LOCATION I-25 south to exit 98B (1st Street), west for 2 blocks, left on Main St. for 1 1/2 blocks. One story building,west side. CONTACT Sarah Ruybalid Christine Nevin-Woods, Agency Director AUDIENCE General Public PUEBLO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER i HOURS 8:30 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday $ 4 # ADDRESS Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program (Ryan White - Part C) 310 Colorado Avenue Pueblo, Colorado 81004 TELEPHONE 719 543-8711 FEES CICP, Sliding scale, private pay and insurance FAX 719-295-1322 AUDIENCE Persons HIV infected and affected CONTACT Analee Beck, EIS Program Coordinator EMAIL R A D EDUCATION PROGRAMS Non-profit community-based organization. Develop STD/HIV curriculum for children, adolescents and adults in both school-based and out-of-school settings including training of teachers and HIV educators. A DDRESS PO Box 9059 Aspen, CO 81612 3 WWW # TELEPHONE 970-927-5347 $ 4 FAX 970-927-5347 \ FEES Call for info. LOCATION Call for detailed directions. 87 EMAIL CONTACT Deborah Schoeberlein AUDIENCE Adolescents, teachers and HIV educators RAIN COLORADO - THE REGIONAL AIDS INTERFAITH NETWORK RAIN is a nonprofit organization offering trained volunteers for non-financial, non-medical “extended family” style of support. Education and outreach services include presentations to all kinds of audiences about living with HIV/AIDS. RAIN provides opportunities (individually and in groups) to explore life challenges, develop personal responses, and to access resources for all people lving wih HIV/AIDS. ADDRESS # 4 TELEPHONE 1290 Williams St, Ste 102 303-355-5665 Denver, CO 80218 i $ HOURS 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday FAX 303-355-1923 David E. Cooper, MDiv \ FEES No charge for services. CONTACT E-MAIL LOCATION 13th & Williams AUDIENCE Anyone with HIV/AIDS RAINBOW ALLEY Drop-in center for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer youth. HIV education and support. Several other culturally specific programs and support groups for GLBTQ youth 12-21. Speakers bureau, lending library, brochures, regular special events and youth programs. Free medical clinic. Free HIV testing, free mental health clinic. El centre de visitas para homosexuales/lesbianas/bisexuales/transexuales/homosexuales jovenes. La educación v ayuda sobre VIH . Los distintos progranias espacíficos culturales y arunos de ayuda para homosexuales/lesbianas/bisexsuales/transexuales/homosexuales jovenes de 12 a 21 años de edad (GLBTQ, siglas en Inglés). La oficina de los conferencistas, la biblioteca para prestamos de vídeo, la propaganda, 1os eventos especiales v los programas juveniles. La clínica médica gratuita. Pruebas del VIH gratuitas. Clínica de salud mental gratuita. ADDRESS 1050 Broadway Denver, CO 80203 i HOURS 3-8pm T & TH 3-9 W 3-10pm F 4-10pm Sat # 4 TELEPHONE 303-831-0442 FAX 303-282-9399 3 WWW $ Free services FEES E-MAIL rainbowalley@ CONTACT Hope Wisneski LANGUAGE \ LOCATION AUDIENCE Broadway and Lincoln behind The Center GLBTQ youth, 12-21 Access to translators and ASL interpreters by arrangement. RED RIBBON PROJECT The purpose of the Red Ribbon Project is to provide prevention, awareness, education and support around HIV and AIDS in Eagle County, Colorado. We are the only organization providing HIV and AIDS support and education in our county. Our programs include: 6x/year free testing dates, condom distribution in liquor stores, bars and tattoo parlors and an extensive educational program in the middle and high schools of Eagle County. ADDRESS PO Box 6058 Avon, CO 81620 # TELEPHONE 4 970-827-5900 970-827-4176 FAX 3 WWW www.redribbon 88 E-MAIL CONTACT redribbonprojectus@ Paula Palmateer REHABILITATION & VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION (FT. COLLINS) Non-profit agency offers assistance with nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, home health aids and homemaking services. Medical equipment is not offered. ADDRESS # 107 Cameron Ft. Collins, CO 80525 i 4 TELEPHONE FAX 970-225-6095 970-225-9399 $ HOURS 8:30 am - 5:30 pm & after hours triage \ FEES Vary by service/program ROCKY MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATION 3 WWW LOCATION Call for information. OF NURSES IN AUDIENCE Infants to geriatrics - all diagnosis AIDS CARE (ANAC) Local chapter of a national nursing organization. ANAC welcomes participation of anyone in the field of HIV services (including those infected/affected by HIV). Monthly meetings usually include dinner and a presentation. ADDRESS The Children's Hospital 13123 East 16th Avenue B055 Aurora, CO 80045 i $ HOURS Monthly meetings. RURAL CENTER E-MAIL Nominal membership fee. FOR Kay Kinzie \ FEES CONTACT LOCATION Call for location & date of meetings. AUDIENCE Anyone in the field of HIV services included HIV infected/affected persons. AIDS/STD PREVENTION (RCAP) A joint project of Indiana University, University of Colorado, and University of Kentucky, RCAP promotes HIV/STD prevention in rural America to reduce HIV/STD incidence. RCAP provides prevention and educational resources to professionals and the public through their website, RAP Time enewsletter, identification of promising rural interventions, and national and regional conferences. ADDRESS University of Colorado Campus Bx188 Denver CO 80217 i Varies HOURS # TELEPHONE 303-556-6796 4 FAX 303-556-8501 E-MAIL susan.dreisbach@ 3 WWW 89 CONTACT Susan Dreisbach AUDIENCE Rural providers, rural persons affected by HIV and other STDs SAN JUAN BASIN HEALTH DEPARTMENT HIV counseling and testing, education, home care and case management for PLWA. Examenes y consejeros de VIH, Educación, visitas a domicilio y manejadores de casos para personas que viven con el VIH/SIDA. Se habla poco Español ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 281 Sawyer Drive Durango, CO 81301 PO Box 140 Durango, CO 81302 970-247-5702 x 213 i 3 WWW HOURS 8am - 4:30pm 4 FAX 970-247-9126 $ FEES Fees vary, call for information. E-MAIL CONTACT Deb Banton \ LOCATION South of city in BODO Park. West at Durango Mall light. Located in the Columbine Center. AUDIENCE General Public SAN LUIS VALLEY AREA HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER Offers materials and speakers on HIV/AIDS. Anyone desiring this information can call the SLV-AHEC. Proporciona los materiales y entrenamientos educativos de VIH y SIDA. A cualquier persona que desea esta información puede llamar al SLV-AHEC. ADDRESS 300 Ross Alamosa, CO 81101 i HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday # TELEPHONE 719-589-4977 3 WWW 4 FAX 719-589-4978 $ FEES Usually no charge for services. E-MAIL LANGUAGE Español, German CONTACT Charlotte Ledonne, RN Agency Director: Freddie Jaquez, MA Executive Director AUDIENCE Health Care Providers & consumers Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr. 90 SERVICIOS DE LA RAZA Mental Health: A range of mental health services are provided to adults including individual and group counseling, psychotherapy, medication management, and psychiatric srvices such as evaluations and consultations. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment: The state licensed and certified outpatient substance abuse treatment program provides Level II Alcohol Education and therapy. Service are provided by state-certified alcohol counselors. Additional services include monitoring of sobriety through monitored antabuse, breathalyzer and urinalysis. Domestic Violence Victim Services: Our Domestic Violence program focuses specifically on the Chicano/Mexicano/Latino population. The Victim Advocate works with victims of domestic violence and their families serving as their advocate as they navigate the judicianl system, shelters and social service systems. Additional services include counseling, support groups and a 24-hour crisis line - 303-458-7088. E-MAIL CONTACT marial@serviciosde Maria Lopez Agency Director: Sherie Calvillo, MBA Speakers Bureau: Targeting limited English speaking or monolingual Spanish speaking individuals. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 4058 Tejon Street Denver, CO 80211 303-458-5851 303-953-5902 i 3 WWW HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday 4 FAX 303-455-1332 $ \ FEES Sliding scale LOCATION AUDIENCE I-25 to 38th Avenue, to Latino/a Tejon and 41st. Or take I-70 to Federal then south to 41st, left to Tejon. SISTERS OF COLOR UNITED FOR EDUCATION HERMANAS DE COLOR UNIDAS PARA LA EDUCACIÓN Comadres: Latina HIV Group (meets twice monthly); Colores Humanos: Colores Humanos is the youth component of Sisters, and is a cultural literacy and health after-school program. This program works with children from fourth grade to high school; Promotora Training: The 18-week training (one evening per week; childcare provided) for women who would like to become health advisors (promotoras) to their neighborhoods and networks. The extensive curriculum includes: Human sexuality, psycho-sexual development, cultural education, anatomy, STD presentations, birth control methods/pre-natal, reproduction health education and rights, HIV/AIDS prevention education & panels including: free Community testing, peri-natal transmission awareness and Hermanas y Hermanas Program; drug & alcohol abuse, domestic violence; harm reduction; advocacy skills; leadership building; Community Outreach/Home Presentations (Presentaciones): any of the above topics are available as an in-home presentation, in Spanish or English. ADDRESS 2895 W. 8th Ave Denver, CO 80204 WWW # TELEPHONE 303-446-8800 4 FAX 303-446-8799 E-MAIL bernadette.berzoza@sistersof ceasar.montoya@sistersof LANGUAGE All services are offered in Spanish or English 91 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Public agency. Coordinates pay benefits (SSI, Medicare, SSDI, retirement and survivor’s benefits) to eligible persons. Agencia publica. Coordinando los beneficios de pago (SSI, Medicare, SSD, Retirados y Beneficios a Pensionados) Para personas que califican.. # ADDRESS Call toll-free number for the nearest address. i TELEPHONE 800-772-1213 $ HOURS M-F 7am - 7pm for 800-number FEES Free 3 WWW LANGUAGE Español, All others available. \ LOCATION Call for directions. AUDIENCE All Americans and legal immigrants. SOUTHEASTERN COLORADO AREA HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER E-MAIL Nonprofit agency providing continuing education for healthcare professionals. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 503 North Main, #422 Pueblo, CO 81003 719-544-7833 866-330-7100 i 3 WWW HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday 4 FAX 719-544-7955 $ FEES Charge for workshops CONTACT \ LOCATION Corner of 5th & Main streets. Randy Evetts AUDIENCE Healthcare professionals Hope encourages men to endure and attempt everything. Maurice de Saxe 92 SOUTHERN COLORADO AIDS PROJECT (SCAP) Non-profit AIDS Service Organization (ASO) offering: • Medical case management • Support groups • Referrals for persons infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS • Prevention programs • Education and outreach • Speakers Bureau • Free and confidential HIV tests • Food pantry • Insurance continuation # ADDRESS 1301 South 8th St #200 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 i TELEPHONE 719-578-9092 800-241-5468 8:30am - 5pm Monday - Friday E-MAIL FAX 719-578-8690 $ 3 WWW HOURS 4 Organización de Servicios para el SIDA. (Agenda sin afan de lucro) ofrece: • Manejo de casos medicos. • Grupos de Apoyo. • Canalización a servicios para personas infectadas o afectadas por el VIH/SIDA • Programas de Prevencion • Educación a la comunidad. • Presentaciones Publicas • Pruebas gratis y confidenciales para dectectar el VIH • Distrubución de Despensas. • Continuación del Seguro Médico. \ LOCATION FEES No charge for services CONTACT Call for directions. Linda J. Boedeker Agency Director AUDIENCE LANGUAGE Anyone infected with HIV Español Translator can be arranged SOUTHERN UTE HEALTH CENTER Medical, dental, mental health, social services, public health nursing services, referral, and nutrition services for eligible American Indians. Offers STD & HIV testing and treatment. Eligibility proven by certificate degree of indian blood (CDIB) or tribal enrollment documents. A DDRESS PO Box 988 Ignacio, CO 81137 # TELEPHONE 4 970-563-4581 FAX 970-563-0206 LANGUAGE i CONTACT HOURS $ FEES 8 am - 4:30 pm No charge for Susan Turner M-F; ex. Tue. services for afternoon eligible American Indians. English ST. MARY'S FAMILY MEDICINE The Western Colorado Specialty Care Clinic is funded by a Ryan White Part C grant. The clinic provides primary care, HIV specialty care, case management, mental health, dental and adherence counseling in an integrated setting. Care is provided in conjunction with the University of Colorado ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1160 Patterson 970-255-1735 Grand Junction, CO 81506 1-866-448-8383 i HOURS M-F; 8-5 3 WWW 4 FAX 970-255-6289 $ FEES Insurance, CCIP sliding scale, Medicaid, Medicare 93 E-MAIL lucy.graham@ \ LOCATION CONTACT Lucy Graham, RN, MPH AUDIENCE TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public health department providing educational training, women’s health, and testing for clients. Six locations. Departamento de salud pública que proporciona a los entrenamientos educativos, salud para la mujer, y examenes para clientes. Seis locales. ADDRESS # 15400 East 14th Place, #309 Aurora, CO 80011 i HOURS 8am - 5pm (Hours vary by clinic) 4 TELEPHONE 303-363-3018 303-367-2597 $ LANGUAGE Español CONTACT FAX \ FEES Sliding scale Agency Director: Richard L. Vogt LOCATION Call for directions. AUDIENCE General Public TWO SPIRIT SOCIETY Agency offers HIV and education services utilizing traditional ways as well as information and referral services to HIV-infected individuals. Services include a support group targeting two spirit men and women, an annual retreat and training and a regularly scheduled ceremony and ritual for those affected/infected by HIV. ADDRESS PO Box 18566 Denver, CO 80218 i HOURS 10am - 10pm # TELEPHONE 303-832-4296 3 E-MAIL WWW CONTACT $ LANGUAGE Español, Lakota, Dineh, Cherokee UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS \ FEES No charge for services. OF HEALTH Joey Criddle LOCATION Call for directions. AND AUDIENCE Native American community. HUMAN SERVICES Public agency which investigates complaints of discrimination against agencies that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services. ADDRESS 1961 Stout St. #1426 Denver, CO 80294-3538 i HOURS 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday 4 # TELEPHONE 303-844-2024 $ FAX 303-844-2025 \ FEES Free service LOCATION Located in the Federal Office Building at 19th & Stout. 94 CONTACT Emily Prehm Winston Wilkenson Agency Director AUDIENCE Agencies receiving Federal money from the department UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HOSPITAL HIV/AIDS PRIMARY CARE PROGRAM Nonprofit pubic hospital offering HIV/AIDS primary care, psych and social work services and dermatology and oncology services. Hospital publico no lucrativo ofrece cuidado primario de VIH/SIDA con servicios trabajo social, psicologico, de dermatologo y oncologia (cancer). ADDRESS 1635 N. Ursula St. P.O. Box 6510 Mail Stop B163 Aurora, CO 80045 i HOURS 8am - 4:30pm Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9am-4:30pm Thu # TELEPHONE 720-848-0191 LANGUAGE Español 4 FAX 720-848-0192 $ FEES Sliding scale if no health insurance CONTACT CONTACT Anyone who answers phone. Agency Director: Dr. Steven Johnson \ LOCATION Fitzsimons/Anschutz Medical Campus; E. Colfax and Ursula, Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 7th floor AUDIENCE HIV/AIDS patients 18 and older. URBAN PEAK Nonprofit agency targeting runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth under 21. Services include food and shelter, free condoms and bleach kits, HIV testing, STI and pregnancy testing, medical care, clothing, ID’s, transitional living references, education and employmnet services, housing and GED testing, legal assistance, recreational activities, job counseling, drug and alcohol counseling, and mental health screening. Agenda no lucrativa dirigida a los que estan huyendo de casa a los que no tienen hogar, y a los jovenes en riesgo menore de 21. Los servicios incluyen comida y albergue, condones y bleach kits gratis, pruebas del VIH, pruebas de infecciones transmitidas sexualmente y pruebas de embarazo cuidados medicos, ropa identificaciónes, referencias de viviendas transitorias, servicios de educación y de empleo, vivienda y diploma de High school (GED), asistencia legal, actividades recreativas, consejería de empleo, consejería de medicamentos y alcohol y pruebas de sa1ud mental. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 1630 S. Acoma Denver, CO 80223 303-777-9198 2100 Stout Street Denver, CO 80205 (The Spot drop in center) 303-377-9198 i HOURS 9am - 5pm 24 Hour drop-in shelter 3 WWW 4 FAX 303-777-9438 LANGUAGE Español English CONTACT Kimberly Gordy LGBTQ Case Manager Kendall Rames Clinical Site Manager $ FEES \ LOCATION AUDIENCE No charge for services. Take Broadway south from Colfax, right on Iowa, left on Acoma. Building is between Mexico and Iowa. The Spot Sun - Thurs 4:30-9:30pm 95 Runaway and homeless, and at-risk youth between 15-21 VETERAN’S AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER - DENVER Rehab for drug and/or alcohol addiction. Primary Focus: General health services. Services Provided: Rehab for drug and/or alcohol addiction. Type of Care: Outpatient, Partial hospitalization/Day treatment, Hospital inpatient. Special Programs/Groups: Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Women, Men, DUI/DWI offenders. Forms of Payment Accepted: Medicaid, Medicare, Private health insurance, Military insurance (e.g., VA,TRICARE). Special Language Services: ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired. # ADDRESS 1055 Clermont Street Denver, CO 80220 i 4 TELEPHONE 303-393-2837 HOURS 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F Emergencies: 24 hours/day FAX 303-393-2898 RESTRICTIONS Must be an honorably discharged veteran. $ FEES Sliding scale. E-MAIL CONTACT Kathy Estenson \ LOCATION AUDIENCE Honorably discharged veterans. VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION Broad range of home care services including hi-tech (chemotherapy, ventilators, TPN, blood transfusions), mental health, physical rehabilitation, social work, hospice-at-home and “Prelude,” and skilled nursing teams. Durable medical equipment to care for a broad spectrum of clients including PLWH/A’s. Servicios de cuidado a domicilio de alto rango incluyen (quimoterapia, ventiladores,TPN(siglas en ingles) transfusión de sangre) salud mental,rehabilitación fisica, trabajadores sociales, hospicio-asilo, equipo pediatrico y materno. El equipo es duradero para todo el cuidado del cliente incluyendo PLWH/A’s. ADDRESS # 4 TELEPHONE FAX 390 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 1520 N. Union Blvd. 303-698-2121 Colo. Springs, CO 719-577-4448 80909 866-613-9489 i 3 WWW $ FEES Varies by service / program. \ LOCATION HOURS 8am -5pm M-F After hours triage. Call for directions. 96 E-MAIL AUDIENCE LANGUAGE CONTACT Vnadenver@vnacol- HIV Resource Coordinator Infants to geriatrics, Español. Others by all diagnosis. arrangement. VOA- RAINBOW HOUSE Daycare program for children affected by HIV/AIDS. ADDRESS 3400 Bruce Randolph Blvd Denver, CO 80205 i HOURS # TELEPHONE 4 303-355-9581 303-355-3450 $ 3 WWW 7am - 4:30pm FAX FEES Low cost service, based on a sliding scale E-MAIL CONTACT \ LOCATION 1/4 mile west of Colorado Blvd. Southeast corner of Cook and Bruce Randolph (34th street). Anne Conklin Agency Director: Dianna Kunz AUDIENCE Children, 6 weeks - 5 years of age, with HIV/ AIDS or with a family member with HIV/AIDS WELD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public health agency offering confidential and anonymous HIV counseling and testing and HIV education and information. Call for appointment. Agencia de la salud pública ofrece examenes y consejeros para el VIH, educación e información del VIH, y servicios de referencias. ADDRESS 1555 N. 17th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631 i HOURS 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday CONTACT # TELEPHONE 970-304-6420 LANGUAGE Españoles por el interpretter CONTACT Vanessa Wilkins $ FEES Call for information Agency Director: Dr. Mark Wallace \ LOCATION Corner of O Street and North 17th Avenue. AUDIENCE All Weld County residents. WESTERN COLORADO AIDS PROJECT HIV/AIDS service organization providing case management, support, referral, education and risk reduction for the 22 counties of western Colorado. ADDRESS # TELEPHONE 805 Main Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-243-2437 800-765-8594 i 3 WWW HOURS 8:30 - 5:00 Monday - Friday 4 FAX 970-243-5791 $ FEES No fee for service for persons with HIV/AIDS Proof of residency in service area required. 97 E-MAIL CONTACT Mary Beth Luedtke \ LOCATION Call for directions AUDIENCE Persons with HIV/AIDS in Western CO. WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER LARIMER COUNTY OF Dedicated to increasing access to health care for medically underserved women through outreach, education, connection to care and advocacy. WRC maintains offices in Fort Collins and Loveland. Program services are available in Spanish and English. ADDRESS 424 Pine Street #201 Ft. Collins, CO 80524 315 E 7th Street Loveland, CO 80537 # TELEPHONE 970-484-1902 (Ft Collins) 970-663-2288 (Loveland) i HOURS M-Thurs 9-5 (Ft Collins) M-Thurs 9-4 (Loveland) E-MAIL CONTACT Lupe Harbison WOMEN’S LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT WLP provides a unique system of support through empowerment, education, advocacy and a community of peers. Programs involve: Client Treatment Advocacy Program, helps women with HIV/AIDS navigate the medical system as well as the continuum of care. Women in Corrections Program, provides advocacy for women living with HIV and incarcerated for assistance during incarceration and for those newly released. Educational Workshop Series that provides a 16 week series of HIV treatment and life issues. Statewide Summer Retreat for those women living outside of the Denver Metro Area and collaboration around the Clinical Care of HIV Infected Women Conference. The mission is to respect, support and empower women in managing their HIV Disease. ADDRESS 1400 Dallas St #1A Aurora, CO 80010 i # TELEPHONE 303-344-1878 $ HOURS Mon-Fri 9-6 E-MAIL 4 FAX 303-568-0019 womenslighthouse@aol. com CONTACT Shannon Behning Conn 3 WWW FEES No charge for services YOGA GROUP, THE Nonprofit agency teaching free yoga classes to persons with HIV/AIDS. ADDRESS 5474 W. Leawood Dr. Littleton, CO 80123 i HOURS Three classes per week. Call for times. # TELEPHONE 303-575-1673 3 WWW E-MAIL $ FEES Free. Donations are accepted. 98 \ CONTACT Agency Directors: Brent Johnson, Craig Kurtz, Denise Johnson LOCATION Call for directions. AUDIENCE Persons with HIV/AIDS Proud sponsor of the 2008 Colorado ACE HIV/AIDS Resource Directory The Colorado AIDS Education and Training Center is one of 8 state program sites affiliated with the Mountain-Plains AIDS Education and Training Center. The Mission of the AIDS Education and Training Center is to improve the care of HIV-infected patients by supporting the education needs of health care professionals including physicians, nurses, advance practice nurses, physician assistants, dental health professionals and pharmacists. Affiliated with Contact Us Colorado AETC Academic Office 1, Room 7402 12631 E. 17th Avenue, MS A089 PO Box 6511 Aurora, CO 80045 303-724-0646 DENVER PUBLIC HEALTH Serving the Public Health Needs of Denver Since 1860 Your community partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS since the first case was diagnosed in Colorado. Denver Public Health offers a spectrum of HIV/AIDS services, including: N ID/AIDS Clinic N Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS N HIV Counseling and Testing N STD Testing and Treatment N Community HIV Prevention N Transition Case Management for Newly Diagnosed N State-of-the-Art Training on Behavioral Interventions and Capacity Building 605 Bannock St., Denver, CO 80204 303-436-7200 Honored to sponsor the 2008 ACE HIV/AIDS Resource Directory It is with great pleasure GlaxoSmithKline provides its support as a sponsor for the 2008 Colorado ACE HIV/AIDS Resource Directory. Pfizer HIV/AIDS Pfizer HIV/AIDS Proud to be a sponsor for the Proud to be a 2008 Colorado sponsor for the ACE HIV/AIDS 2008 Colorado ACE HIV/AIDS Resource Directory Resource Directory Tibotec Therapeutics is proud to partner with the AIDS Coalition for Education in producing the 2008 Colorado ACE HIV/AIDS Resource Directory 107