HHPA 214 – Preventative Techniques in Athletic Training Office Phone Email


HHPA 214 – Preventative Techniques in Athletic Training Office Phone Email
HHPA 214 – Preventative Techniques in Athletic Training
Spring 2012
Location: Field House 005
Tuesday 2-3:50pm / 1 semester hours
Forestt Bridges, MS, ATC, LAT
Interim Instructor / Clinical Coordinator of Athletic Training Education
Office: Field House 211
Phone: (903) 886-5553
Email: Forestt_Bridges@tamu-commerce.edu
Office Hours: M 10:00am – 2:00pm, T 12:30 – 2:00pm, & W 9:00am – 4:00pm; other times by
Required Text
Beam, J. (2006). Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, & Padding, 1st ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia, PA.
ISBN: 0-8036-1212-5
ATEP Educational Competencies & Proficiencies Manual
Course Description
Students will learn taping, wrapping and padding techniques used to support and prevent athletic injuries.
Techniques for making and applying special preventative pads, splints and fitting of protective equipment will
be taught. Demonstration of proficiency of clinical skills will be required to complete this course.
Participation in directed clinical experience in on-campus athletic training facilities is required. Course fees
and lab fees are listed in the current course schedule.
Additional Course Information
Students will also learn and demonstrate skills necessary to 1) obtain, interpret, and make decisions regarding
environmental data, 2) obtain a medical histories, 3) assess clinical signs associated with common
4) utilize special tests and instruments to assess vital signs, 5) recognize, evaluate, and provide care during
medical emergencies, & 6) properly care for open wounds.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will develop the ability to satisfactorily
demonstrate the following skills which are outlined here as educational proficiencies within the ATEP
Risk Management
Explain the risk factors associated with physical activity.
Identify and explain the recommended or required components of a preparticipation
examination based on appropriate authorities’ rules, guidelines, and/or recommendations.
Describe the general principles of health maintenance and personal hygiene, including skin
care, dental hygiene, sanitation, immunizations, avoidance of infectious and contagious
diseases, diet, rest, exercise, and weight control.
Explain the importance for all personnel to maintain current certification in CPR, automated
external defibrillator (AED), and first aid.
Explain the principles of effective heat loss and heat illness prevention programs. Principles
include, but are not limited to, knowledge of the body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms,
acclimation and conditioning, fluid and electrolyte replacement requirements, proper practice
and competition attire, and weight loss.
Explain the accepted guidelines, recommendations, and policy and position statements of
applicable governing agencies related to activity during extreme weather conditions.
Interpret data obtained from a wet bulb globe temperature (WGBT) or other similar device
that measures heat and humidity to determine the scheduling, type, and duration of activity.
Explain the components and purpose of periodization within a physical conditioning
Explain the basic principles associated with the use of protective equipment, including
standards for the design, construction, fit, maintenance and reconditioning of protective
equipment; and rules and regulations established by the associations that govern the use of
protective equipment; and material composition.
Explain the principles and concepts related to prophylactic taping, wrapping, bracing, and
protective pad fabrication
Explain the principles and concepts related to the fabrication, modification, and appropriate
application or use of orthotics and other dynamic and static splints. This includes, but is not
limited to, evaluating or identifying the need, selecting the appropriate manufacturing
material, manufacturing the orthosis or splint, and fitting the orthosis or splint.
Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of environmental stress.
Describe the etiology, pathogenesis, pathomechanics, signs, symptoms, and epidemiology of
common orthopedic injuries, illnesses and diseases to the body’s systems.
Explain the roles of special tests in injury assessment.
Describe the components of medical documentation (e.g. SOAP, HIPS and HOPS).
Medical Conditions
Describe and know when to refer common medical conditions of the renal and urogenital
systems from trauma, local infection, congenital and acquired disease, nutritional imbalance,
and hormone disorder (e.g., kidney stones, genital trauma, gynecomastia, monorchidism,
scrotum and testicular trauma, ovarian and testicular cancer, breast cancer, testicular torsion,
varicoceles, endometriosis, pregnacy and ectopic pregnancy, female athlete triad, primary
amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, kidney laceration or contusion, cryptorchidism).
Acute Care
Describe and know when to refer common and/or contagious skin lesions from trauma,
infection, stress, drug reaction, and immune responses (e.g., wounds, bacteria lesions, fungal
lesions, viral lesions, bites, acne, eczema dermatitis, ringworm).
Describe and know when to refer common injuries or conditions of the teeth (e.g., fractures,
dislocations, caries).
Explain the importance and proper procedures for measuring body temperature (e.g., oral,
axillary, rectal).
Describe the availability, content, purpose, and maintenance of contemporary first aid and
emergency care equipment.
Determine what emergency care supplies and equipment are necessary for circumstances in
which the athletic trainer is the responsible first responder.
Describe the principles and rationale of the initial assessment including the determination of
whether the accident scene is safe, what may have happened, and the assessment of airway,
breathing, circulation, level of consciousness and other life-threatening conditions.
Differentiate the components of a secondary assessment to determine the type and severity of
the injury or illness sustained.
Identify the normal ranges for vital signs.
Describe pathological signs of acute/traumatic injury and illness including, but not limited to,
skin temperature, skin color, skin moisture, pupil reaction, and neurovascular function.
Describe the current standards of first aid, emergency care, rescue breathing, and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the professional rescuer.
Describe the role and function of an automated external defibrillator in the emergency
management of acute heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms.
Describe the role and function of supplemental oxygen administration as an adjunct to
cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.
Describe the proper management of external hemorrhage, including the location of pressure
points, use of universal precautions, and proper disposal of biohazardous materials.
Describe the appropriate use of aseptic or sterile techniques, approved sanitation methods,
and universal precautions for the cleansing and dressing of wounds.
Describe the injuries and illnesses that require medical referral.
Explain the application principles of rest, cold application, elevation, and compression in the
treatment of acute injuries.
Describe the signs, symptoms, and pathology of acute inflammation.
Identify the signs and symptoms of head trauma, including loss of consciousness, changes in
standardized neurological function, cranial nerve assessment, and other symptoms that
indicate underlying trauma.
Explain the importance of monitoring a patient following a head injury, including obtaining
clearance from a physician before further patient participation.
Define cerebral concussion, list the signs and symptoms of concussions, identify the methods
for determining the neurocognitive status of a patient who sustains a concussion and describe
contemporary concepts for the management and return-to-participation of a patient who
sustains a concussion.
Describe cervical stabilization devices that are appropriate to the circumstances of an injury.
Describe the indications, guidelines, proper techniques and necessary supplies for removing
equipment and clothing in order to evaluate and/or stabilize the involved area.
Describe the effective management, positioning, and immobilization of a patient with a
suspected spinal cord injury.
Identify the appropriate short-distance transportation method, including immobilization, for
an injured patient.
Identify the signs, symptoms, and treatment of patients suffering from adverse reactions to
environmental conditions.
Describe the proper immobilization techniques and select appropriate splinting material to
stabilize the injured joint or limb and maintain distal circulation.
Describe the proper ambulatory aid and technique for the injury and patient.
Describe home care and self-treatment plans of acute injuries and illnesses.
Explain the effectiveness of taping, wrapping, bracing, and other supportive/protective
methods for facilitation of safe progression to advanced therapeutic exercises and functional
Explain the psychosocial requirements (i.e., motivation and self-confidence) of various
activities that relate to the readiness of the injured or ill individual to resume participation.
Explain the stress-response model and the psychological and emotional responses to trauma
and forced inactivity.
Nutritional Aspects
Explain consequences of improper fluid replacement.
Describe disordered eating and eating disorders (i.e., signs, symptoms, physical and
psychological consequences, referral systems).
Describe federal and state infection control regulations and guidelines, including universal
precautions as mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), for
the prevention, exposure, and control of infectious diseases and discuss how they apply to the
athletic trainer.
Explain typical administrative policies and procedures that govern first aid and emergency
care (e.g., informed consent and incident reports).
Identify and describe basic components of a comprehensive emergency plan for the care of
acutely injured or ill patients, which include (1) emergency action plans for each setting or
venue; (2) personnel education and rehearsal; (2) emergency care supplies and equipment
appropriate for each venue; (3) availability of emergency care facilities; (4) communication
with onsite personnel and notification of EMS; (5) the availability, capabilities, and policies
of community-based emergency care facilities and community-based managed care systems;
(6) transportation; (7) location of exit and evacuation routes; (8) activity or event coverage;
and (9) record keeping.
Explain basic legal concepts as they apply to a medical or allied health care practitioner’s
responsibilities (e.g., standard of care, scope of practice, liability, negligence, informed
consent and confidentiality, and others).
Risk Management
Select and fit appropriate standard protective equipment on the patient for safe
participation in sport and/or physical activity. This includes but is not limited to:
Shoulder Pads
Prophylactic Knee Brace
Prophylactic Ankle Brace
Other Equipment (as appropriate)
Select, fabricate, and apply appropriate preventive taping and wrapping procedures, splints,
braces, and other special protective devices. Procedures and devices should be consistent
with sound anatomical and biomechanical principles.
Obtain, interpret, and make decisions regarding environmental data. This includes, but is not
limited to the ability to:
Operate a sling psychrometer and/or wet bulb globe index
Formulate and implement a comprehensive, proactive emergency action plan
specific to lightening safety
Access local weather/environmental information
Assess hydration status using weight charts, urine color charts, or specific gravity
Medical Conditions
Obtain a medical history of the patient that includes a previous history and a history of the
present condition.
Apply commonly used special tests and instruments (e.g., otoscope, stethoscope,
ophthalmoscope, peak flowmeter, chemical “dipsticks” [or similar devices]) and
document the results for the assessment of:
Vital signs including respiration (including asthma), pulse and circulation, and blood pressure
Pupil response, size and shape, and ocular motor function
Body temperature
Acute Care
Survey the scene to determine whether the area is safe and determine what may have
Perform an initial assessment to assess the following, but not limited to:
Level of consciousness
Other life-threatening conditions
Implement appropriate emergency treatment strategies, including but not limited to:
Activate an emergency action plan
Establish and maintain an airway in a patient wearing shoulder pads, headgear or other
protective equipment and/or with a suspected spine injury
Normalize body temperature in situations of severe/life-threatening heat or cold stress
Control bleeding using universal precautions
Perform a secondary assessment and employ the appropriate management techniques for nonlife-threatening situations, including but not limited to:
Open and closed wounds (using universal precautions)
Closed-head trauma (using standard neurological tests and tests for cranial nerve function)
Environmental illness
Acute musculoskeletal injuries (i.e. sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations)
Spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is required. Excused absences include university approved absences or those that
the instructor receives appropriate notification of (i.e. sudden/serious illness, death to immediate
family member, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor ahead of time if they are
going to miss class due to an excused absence and make arrangements for all materials and
assignments that will be missed on that day. In the case of excused absences due to unavoidable or
emergency situations, the student must promptly notify the instructor via phone call or email
(sending a text is not considered professional and is not an acceptable means of notification) explaining
the circumstances. Prompt notification is required to have an absence excused; additionally, written
documentation may be required to have the absence excused. If a student misses a class, excused or
unexcused, the student is responsible for obtaining all information presented and turning in all
assignments by the due date. Remember: Poor planning on your part is not an emergency on my part.
Unexcused absences beyond three (3) will automatically drop your final grade by 5% (i.e. if your final
grade = 83 with 3 or fewer absences, the 83 stands; but drops to a 78 with 4 absences; 73 with 5
absences, etc.). A student who misses 5 or more classes must meet with the instructor to determine if
they need to drop the course.
Tardiness WILL NOT be tolerated. Classroom doors will be locked at the beginning of class. If a student
cannot attend class because the door is locked it will be considered an unexcused absence.
Additionally, this course requires each student to be in attendance for assigned clinical experience
according to the Athletic Training Student’s assigned rotation. Each student is responsible to contact the
ACI/CI directly if unable to attend their assigned clinical hours. See Clinical Experience Guidelines for
more information on attendance related disciplinary action and how it can affect a student’s grade in this
NOTE: Both failing to attend the scheduled class meeting time and disciplinary action in your clinical
experience assignment will affect your grade for this course!
Missed Work
Absolutely no missed activities will be allowed for make-up unless prior arrangements have been made or the
student can justify the reason for missing the activity. Documentation may/will be required by the student and
the decision for making up missed work is entirely up to the instructor and will likely result in lost points.
Also, due to the nature of certain activities within this course, it may not be feasible for make-up due to time
Students with Disabilities
The ADA is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for
persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities
be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities.
Students requesting accommodations for disabilities must go through the Office of Student Disability
Resources and Services. For more information, please contact SDRS at Gee Library – Rm. 132;
(903)886-5150 or (903)886-5835; StudentDisabilityServices@tamu-commerce.edu
All athletic training students (ATS) must sign the program’s Technical Standards Form. Any student
that requires assistance related to an ADA eligible problem needs to inform the instructor as soon as
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated in any form at Texas A&M University
– Commerce. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University
regulations and procedures. Discipline may include losing points on an assignment, not receiving credit on an
assignment, suspension from the class, or expulsion from the University.
Classroom/Student Expectations
THIS IS NOT AN ONLINE CLASS! Be professional, come to class. Students are expected to prepare
for, participate in, and attend each scheduled class. Failure to do so may/will lead to a decline in the
student’s overall grade. Forming study groups to prepare for class will also greatly benefit students
throughout the semester.
Students are also expected to behave appropriately in class and avoid being a distraction to their
fellow students and the instructor. Appropriate behavior involves paying attention, actively
participating, and following instructions. Cell phones (including text messaging), music, inappropriate
language/gestures, and any other behavior determined to be a distraction will not be tolerated.
Students who are considered to be a disturbance in class will be asked to leave.
All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable
behavior conducive to a positive learning environment (see Student’s Guide Handbook, Policies and
Procedure, Conduct).
Students are expected to follow the ATEP Clinical Experience Guidelines while completing the clinical
experience portion of this course.
Clinical Observation…………...……… 500 points maximum (dependent on number of clinical observation
In-Class Activities……………………..200 points maximum
Evaluated Clinical Proficiencies ………… 5 points each (80 proficiencies for a total of 400 points)
Educational proficiencies will/must be evaluated on a weekly basis to ensure successful completion of the
course. Students are responsible for keeping up with their progress and making necessary arrangements to
have their educational proficiencies evaluated by both a peer and an ACI. Students will be provided with
an Athletic Training Student Handbook (which outlines the clinical experience/observation guidelines)
along with an Educational Competencies & Proficiencies Manual which contains the educational
proficiency evaluation forms and instructions. All students should have these materials in their possession
for each class meeting.
Grading Scheme
Each graded component of the course is worth a pre-determined amount of points (see above). Upon the
completion of the course, grades will be calculated by adding up the total number of points each student has
earned and dividing it by the total amount of points available in the course. This will produce a percentage of
points earned (Ex. Student earned 850 points out a possible 1000 in the course: 850/1000 = 85% “B”).
Grades will be assigned based upon the percentages below. There will be approximately 1180 total points
possible in the course.
A = 90 – 100 %
B = 80 – 89 %
C = 70 – 79 %
D = 60 – 69 %
F = 0 – 59 %
At no point during the semester will extra credit be permitted. Students are expected to earn points toward
their final grade during the course of the semester with the assignments and tests that are already scheduled.
All students are graded based on the exact same criteria and no exceptions will be made for individual
assignments, tests, or final point values.
Clinical Experience Requirement:
The Clinical Observation portion of the ATEP is essential for the development of the ATS. ATSs are
required to accumulate a minimum of 75 hours of supervised clinical observation over the course of the
semester for successful completion of this course and ATEP requirements. ATSs will need to
accumulate a total of 100 supervised clinical observation hours in order to receive the full 500 points
allotted for the clinical observation portion of the course. ATSs will lose 3 points from their clinical
observation points for every hour they are short of 100 down to the minimum of 75 hours. ATSs who
fail to accumulate a minimum of 75 hours will receive an Incomplete “I” in the course and will be
expected to make-up the hours they missed. ATSs who fail to accumulate at least 50 hours of clinical
observation will receive an “F” in the course and will be required to re-take the course. ATSs will be
notified of their clinical observation assignment/rotation. Clinical observations will involve: practice
and game treatments, rehab sessions, field set-up/tear-down, cleaning of athletic training equipment
and facilities, documentation of injuries and treatments, attending athletic competitions, etc. Also, ATSs
must document their clinical observations on the appropriate form. All clinical observation hours must
be supervised by an Approved Clinical Instructor (ACI), Clinical Instructor (CI), licensed medical (or)
allied health care professional.
100+ hours:
ATS will receive full credit (500 points) for the Clinical Observation portion of
the course requirements.
75 – 99 hours:
Three (3) points will be deducted from the 500 point total for every hour the
ATS falls below 100 hours.
50 – 74 hours:
ATS will receive an incomplete “I” in the course and be required to make up the
missed hours. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade “F” and require the
ATS to re-take the course the next time it is offered.
Below 50 hours:
ATS will receive a failing grade “F” in the course and be required to re-take the
course the next time it is offered.
All clinical hours are to be performed under the direct supervision of an ACI or CI as indicated
above. Unsupervised clinical experiences are not part of the educational program and cannot
be required, furthermore, they are in violation of CAATE Standards, ATEP Policy, and are not
While completing the Clinical Experience Requirements, the ATS is expected to practice and perform
skills as they are taught in the courses he/she is enrolled in. ATS are required to be taught and
evaluated on the athletic training skills prior to performing the skills on patients or athletes under
the supervision of an ACI/CI. Once an ATS has completed the required coursework and has
sufficiently demonstrated proficiency on specific athletic training skills through evaluation by an
ACI, the ATS is expected to continue to practice and perform these skills in order to refine and
advance the skills to ensure learning over time.
ATEP Clinical Hours Policy
ATS typically complete an average of 20-25 hours of Clinical Hours each week in order to meet the
Clinical Experience Requirements set forth by the ATEP. Because some weeks an ATS may complete
less than 20 hours, students are allowed to complete more than 20 hours so they can successfully
meet the Clinical Experience Requirements (i.e. one week an ATS may complete 28 clinical hours and
the following week 12 clinical hours). ATS should not complete more than 30 clinical hours each
week and will be closely monitored that they do not exceed this amount. ATS must continue to
report for their Clinical Experience assignment as scheduled by their ACI or CI even if they have met
the minimum clinical experience requirement. ATS should discuss their schedule with their ACI or CI
if they have met the minimum requirement and would like to have their schedule adjusted. ATS
should not exceed more than 400 clinical hours over the course of a semester.
ATEP Clinical Placement Prerequisites
Documentation of the following prerequisites is required before a student can be placed in the clinical
setting for Clinical Observation OR Clinical Experiences:
1. Current certification in CPR/AED and First Aid
2. Completion of blood-borne pathogen
3. Proof of immunization against bacterial meningitis and hepatitis B* (HBV)
* a signed declination form can substitute for HBV
4. ATEP Athletic Training Student Handbook Acknowledgement Form
Tentative Weekly Schedule
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Introduction to Course
Wound Care & Universal Precautions
Medical History
Environmental Conditions
Emergency Action Plans
Emergency Care
Emergency Care
Protective Equipment
Taping, Wrapping, Splinting, & Bracing
Taping, Wrapping, Splinting, & Bracing
Taping, Wrapping, Splinting, & Bracing
Taping, Wrapping, Splinting, & Bracing
Vital Signs
Vital Signs
Vital Signs