Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11, 2014 CATHOLIC AREA FAITH COMMUNITY


Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11, 2014 CATHOLIC AREA FAITH COMMUNITY
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 11, 2014
Lake Benton
Fr. Ronald Huberty, Pastor – Residence: (507) 694-1402,
P O Box 49,Ivanhoe, MN 56142; E-mail
Sarah Barstad, Director of Religious Education (507) 247-3464 or (507) 828-0320;
Sarah’s email:
Betty Thooft, Secretary (507) 247-3464; E-mail:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.; Phone No: (507) 247-3464
Fax No: (507) 247-3286; Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday afternoon; website:
Monday, May 12
No Mass
Tuesday, May 13
8:15 A.M.
Word/Communion Service and Bible Study at
St. Genevieve, Lake Benton
Wednesday, May 14
8:15 A.M.
Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler
For +Ambrose Citterman
Word/Comm. Service at Tyler Nursing Home (Beth)
10:30 A.M.
Thursday, May 15
8:15 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Friday, May 16
8:15 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
Saturday, May 17
4:30 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Sunday, May 18
8:15 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
Mass at St. Genevieve, Lake Benton
For +Ted Schwing
Mass at Divine Providence Chapel, Ivanhoe
For +Roy Steffes
Mass at St. John Cantius, Wilno
For +Carolyn and Bernard Rybinski
Mass at Hendricks Hospital, Hendricks
For +Martin Sik
Individual Confession, Lake Benton
Mass at St. Genevieve, Lake Benton
For +Clem and Rosie Drietz, Betty Meyer
Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul, Ivanhoe
For +Dorothy Leibfried & David Leibfried
Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler
For +Harry Thooft
Mass at St John Cantius, Wilno
For the People
BAPTISMS: Please make arrangements for attending a baptism session with Fr. Ron anywhere from one to two months prior to the
date of the baptism of the child. Note: At least one godparent has to be of the Catholic faith!
MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Please contact Fr. Ron (507) 694-1402 at least six months ahead of time to plan and prepare for
your wedding. No wedding date is final until approved by Fr. Ron.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF NEW ULM provides help with individual, marriage and family counseling;
pregnancy counseling, adoption and respect life resources. Phone 1-866-670-5163 or 1-507-359-2617
PASTOR’S NOTES: God’s blessings on all Mothers on this Mother’s Day. “Loving God, bless these
women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine
forth. Grant that we, their sons daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect.”
May God’s blessings be with all our graduates. May God fill their hearts with a spirit of gratefulness for
their years of schooling and for all who have helped them to reach this point in their lives. May God now
bless them as they move on to new plans in their lives and strengthen them to always live this Christian faith.
Thank you to all who helped with the senior reception after the Sunday Masses.
SCRIPTURE NOTES: "Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from
recognizing him." Why didn't they recognize Jesus until "he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave
it to them"? During their encounter, Jesus had appeared to be just another man. But when he broke the breadin fact, celebrating the Eucharist-they realized who he was. And then, he "vanished from their sight." Could it
be that the risen Lord wanted to teach his followers about the new way in which he was present? He was
there, as we Catholics profess, through his real presence in the Eucharist. We are not so different from the
disciples on the road to Emmaus. We may at times wish that Jesus was with us in a more obvious, traditional
way. But the risen Lord comes to join us every time we go to Mass, remaining with us through his presence
in the Eucharist.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: Today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd
Sunday, is a special day for everyone in our parish. We celebrate “World Day of Prayer for Vocations”.
We ask that we may be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit as we carry on the mission of Jesus, our Good
Shepherd. Let us pray for one another that we may be strengthened in our Christian vocations as married and
single people, priests, deacons, and religious. May our youth listen to God’s call and be encouraged to
respond generously.
PRAYER NETWORK: We pray for those that are in need of our prayers, especially Julie Deslauries,
Paula Jacobson, Jennifer Vaith, Becky Paluch, Marge Taveirne, Claude Dobel, John Muchlinski Steffani
PanKonin, Linda Jenniges, Bill Otto, Sharon Bakker, Dwayne Murphy; Marjorie Popowski, Kim Ostlund,
Betty Nelson, Cheryl Kjergaard; Helen Murphy; Deb Schultz; Daniel Kerkaert, Norbert Knoff, Michael and
Cheryl VanGuilder, Shirley Greene, Paula Phipps, Marge Duthoy, Kendra Fehlinger, Carole Jordan, Frank
Dombeke Buck Barber, Elaine Kerr; Audrey Steffes, Les Blegen, Pat McGill, Larry Sterzinger;Richard
Lipinski;Ferdinand Citterman, Albin Kubiszewski, Hank Jacobsen; Barb Friedeman, Dawn Ruppert;
For a premature baby to continue to grow strong and healthy; For good weather to ensure a good harvest;
For those in the military, especially Tim Greenwood, Laron Dass, Joe Koopman, Ryan Otto, Michael
Nagengast, Colton Sik, Alex Appelwick, Mitch LaRock, Johnny Speakman, and Troy McKenney
For eternal rest for Fr. Leo Otto, Andrew Wieme, and Bill Groepel
PRAYER INTENTIONS: If you have placed someone on the prayer network, please contact the parish
office (507-247-3464) and let us know if you wish to have their name remain on the list or we will remove it.
Lake Benton
$ 7.97
$ 11.50
Loose Plate
$ 14.00
$ 9.00
$ 151.00
$ 266.80
$ 10.00
$ 80.00
$ 100.00
$ 20.00
$ 271.00
$ 75.00
$ 10.00
Home Missions
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 20.00
Initial Env
$ 6.00
$ 55.00
Diocesan Fund
$ 10.00
our Area Faith parishes are making plans to attend the Catholic Heart Workcamp in Billings, Montana, in
July, 2014. We are confident that this will be an unforgettable trip as we serve the poor and disabled through
community service, along with over 300 other students from around the country. We’ve raised $7000.00
through various fundraisers and are grateful for your generous support. We need to raise an additional
$5000.00 to cover our final travel expenses for the trip. If possible, consider a donation of money or gift of
grain. Donations can be made to the Christ the King Area Faith with a note for the Youth Mission Trip. If
you have questions, contact Fr. Ron, Betty Thooft, or Ron and Rhonda Wiering. Thank you for your support.
Monday, May 12
CCW Meeting at Ss. Peter & Paul, 5:30 P.M., and
Monday, May 12
CCW Meeting at St. John Cantius, Wilno, 7:00 P.M.
Tuesday, May 13
CCW Meeting at St. Genevieve, Lake Benton, 10:00 A.M.
Wednesday, May 14
Schoenstatt Prayer Group meeting, 12 noon, at Tyler rectory
Thursday, May 15
St. Dionysius Mission Sewing Group meets, 1:00 P.M.
Thursday, May 15
6:00 P.M. Dinner at St. Genevieve sponsored by CCW – all welcome!
Sunday, May 18
K.C. Breakfast after Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler
Wednesday, May 21
K.C. Meeting at Tyler rectory, 7:30 P.M.
Saturday, May 24
Baby Shower for Jayne Salentiny at St. Dionysius, Tyler
Sunday, May 25
Breakfast after Mass at St. Dionysius served by CCW (Unit III)
Sunday, May 25
Tyler Nursing Home Visit, 2:30 P.M., by St. Genevieve CCW
June 9-12
Vacation Bible School in Ivanhoe for all Area Faith students
Sunday, July 20
50th Birthday Celebration for Fr. Ron Huberty for all Area Faith
at St. Dionysius, Tyler (more details at a later date)
 Vacation Bible School will be held in Ivanhoe, June 9-12, for our Area Faith students who will be
entering Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Registration forms are available on the website.
 Congrats to our Area Faith Grade 12 students who were recognized at the Senior Masses this
Sunday! Adam Biren, Brett Vercruysse, Kaitlyn Vos, Brittney Schueller, Courtney Mensen, Justine
Possail, Shannon Cauwels, Maria Weber, Mason LaRock, Samantha Brust, Ty Thooft, Walker
Schouviller, Vanessa Vercruysse, Alex Schwing, Jacob Nomeland, Walker Sik, Nathan Krog, Kristi
Citterman, Morgyn Drietz, Morgan Citterman, Logan Veire, Kendra Steffes, Greg Hansen, Ashley
Vlaminck, Amanda Marczak
ladies to an enjoyable evening on Thursday, May 15, 6:00 P.M. The theme is “Let it Go”. The St.
Genevieve ladies want to invite you to an evening of good food and entertainment, May 15, 6:00 P.M., at the
St. Genevieve church basement (elevator available). RSVP required. Please call Mary Caraway (507) 3689437 or JoAn Burk (507) 368-9484.
SUMMER ORGAN LESSONS: The Diocese will once again be offering summer organ lessons with
instructor Aaron Hirsch! All organists, pianists, and any interested students in our Area Faith parishes are
welcome to take advantage of these lessons. The lessons will be held during the months of June and July,
and the instructor will meet students at their home parish to practice on the organ they generally play. We
especially encourage pianists to become familiar with organ technique so that this wonderful instrument can
be more effectively used in parish liturgies. For more information contact Sr. Myriam Rose, ACJ, New Ulm
Diocesan Office of Worship, (507) 233-5320 or email There is a limited number of
participants so please register by May 23, 2014. Brochures are also available in the parish office.
Have you heard about Immaculee Ilibagiza who is coming to New Ulm on June 20th, 2014 to share her
amazing story of survival and healing after the Rwanda genocide? Here is a bit of information of what
Immaculee will speak about: On April 7, 1994, Immaculee Ilibagiza, through the request of her father,
entered a small bathroom with seven other women to take shelter from a storm of evil that had
overtaken Rwanda, literally overnight. She did not know upon entering, that when she left that tiny
cubicle 91 days later, she would be an orphan. Losing not only her parents to the Rwandan Genocide,
but everyone in her entire family(except for a brother who was studying overseas). The murderers
were not strangers, but family friends she had known all her life. Check out her story
on Join us and hear Immaculee speak about her journey from losing her loved
ones to forgiving their murderers, an incredible and powerful story.
Tickets: $30
Friday, JUNE 20, 2014 at 7:00PM
St. Mary’s Church • 417 S. Minnesota Street • New Ulm, MN 56073
Doors Open at 6pm: Entertainment provided by the Goetke Family
This is for everyone, men, women, teenagers, families, any faith. Several in our parish heard her in
Worthington a couple years ago, speaking to a sold out crowd of around 700! Contact Betty Thooft or
Rhonda Wiering to get tickets - we expect we will sell out, don't wait! We also have books available to
borrow that tell her story.
WE WELCOME OUR NEW REGISTERED MEMBERS….Steve and Mary Wilson to St. Genevieve;
and Brad and Kayla Thooft, Chelsey and Daren Gravley, and Matthew and Jayne Salentiny to St. Dionysius!
CCW MEETING AT ST. GENEVIEVE, Tuesday, May 13, 10:00 A.M. All ladies welcome!
ST. DIONYSIUS MISSION SEWING GROUP will meet Thursday, May 15, 1:00 P.M., at St. Dionysius.
K.C. BREAKFAST, Sunday, May 18, after 8:15 A.M. Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler. Breakfast committee:
Rich Wiering (Chairman), Nick Wiering, Joel Wiering, Mark DeJaeghere, Greg Kohler, Tom Garrow, Jose
K.C. MEETING, Wednesday, May 21, 7:30 P.M., at the Tyler rectory.
TYLER NURSING HOME VISIT, Sunday, May 25, 2:30 P.M., by St. Genevieve CCW
CCW BREAKFAST AFTER MASS at St. Dionysius, Tyler, Sunday, May 25. Unit III serves.
TYLER FOOD SHELF ITEMS NEEDED…..cereal, paper products, personal products, and pancake
mix/syrup. The food shelf is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays or you may drop donations off in the
designated box in back of St. Dionysius. Thank you.
ATTENTION LADIES OF Ss. PETER & PAUL: Please pick up your crockpots, cake pans, and bowls
from the church.
CCW MEETING, Monday, May 12, 5:30 P.M., at Ss. Peter & Paul, Ivanhoe; and 7:00 P.M. at St. John
Cantius, Wilno. All ladies welcome!