Document 6429447


Document 6429447
Annual screening for men at age of 50 recommended
Prostate carcinoma 2nd most prevalent cancer in men
By Valiya S. Sajjad
Arab Times Staff
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 10: Prostate carcinoma is the second most prevalent cancer in men worldwide, usually affecting
men above 50 years.
Dr. Ehab Elmallah, Consultant and
Head of Urology and Andrology
Department, Taiba Hospital, Kuwait, was
talking to the Arab Times in a recent
interview on prostate related diseases.
Before dwelling on the disease
aspects, Dr Ehab explained that prostate
is a glandular organ in men located
below the urinary bladder and surrounding the bladder neck. The posterior urethra and two ejaculatory ducts pass
through it. The prostate secretes many of
the enzymes and nutrients of the seminal
fluid and shares by 30% of the semen.
Many disorders might affect the
prostate including prostatitis, benign
enlargement and cancer.
On the subject of prostate cancer, Dr
Ehab said the American and European
Urologic Associations recommend annual screening of prostate cancer for all
men from the age of 50. For men with a
positive family history of prostate cancer
annual evaluation should begin from 40
Screening of prostate cancer is the cornerstone of early detection of the prostate
cancer. Annual Screening includes digital
rectal examination and total and free
prostate specific antigen (PSA). Any suspicion rising after a digital examination
of the prostate or elevation in PSA might
need transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) with
anatomically oriented prostatic core biopsies and histopathology, Dr Ehab noted.
Many investigations are required for
the accurate staging of the tumor such as
Pelvic MRI, Bone isotope scan,
Ultrasound or CT of the Abdomen and
Chest CT scan.
Prostate cancer is classified according
to many parameters to locally confined
or metastatic tumor. Treatment of
prostate cancer depends on many factors
and ranges from watchful waiting, radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, hormonal ablation therapy and many recently introduced therapies. Treatment and
cure depends on detection of the locally
confined prostate cancer in early stages
and grade.
Another common prostate-related disease is Prostatitis, which is an inflammatory process that affects men of all ages,
but more commonly seen in young men.
Prostatitis can be acute or chronic, chronic prostatitis being either bacterial or non
bacterial. Acute prostatitis might be presented by severe burning micturition,
increased urine frequency, pain in the tip
of the genital, perineal pain, suprapubic
pain and urethral pain. Fever and difficult
voiding is usually associated with the ill-
watchful waiting up to open prostatectomy.
ness, while urinary retention is the worst
complication of acute prostatitis.
Management of acute prostatitis
should start once it is clinically established and in certain situations patient
might need hospitalization with intravenous antibiotics and good analgesics
with antipyretics. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a disease that might be hidden
for months or years and could present
with mild or moderate pain of the tip of
the genital, urethra, perineum, suprapubic
area, testes and low back.
It could also have symptoms like frequent voiding, urine or sex related abnormalities. Prostatic or seminal fluid should
be investigated to isolate possible organism. Treatment includes proper antibiotic
according to the culture and sensitivity
test for a proper time which should not
be less than 28 days; some patients need
analgesics and or anticholinergic drugs.
Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH)
affects men above 50 years but could not
be symptomatic. BPH is a benign condition and is related to age and there is no
other definite cause. Patient may complain of nocturia (waking from sleep to
void), increased urine frequency during
day time, hesitancy, weak urine stream
and force, interruption, dribbling of the
urine, incomplete emptying of the bladder, urgency, urge incontinence or retention of urine.
Dr Ehab Elmallah
XPS Green Laser
Some patients with neglected BPH
might develop repeated urinary tract
infection, hematuria, stone bladder, retention of urine or impairment of the kidney
function. Any patient suffering from
BPH should be evaluated through
detailed history, international prostate
symptoms score and quality of life score,
general examination, focal neurologic
examination of the saddle shape area and
digital rectal examination.
Investigations which should be done
include urinalysis, total and free prostate
specific antigen (PSA). Other investigations that include fasting blood sugar,
kidney function tests, urine culture and
sensitivity, Uroflowmetry (computerized
assessment of the urine stream and
strength) and abdominal and pelvic ultrasound with measurement of the post void
urine residue are helpful to categorize the
severity of the condition. Treatment
modalities are many and depend on the
degree of obstruction and ranges from
Talking of the treatment methodologies, Dr Ehab spoke about the Green
Laser Vaporization of the prostate which
has been in use for some time. It is a less
invasive treatment procedure with no
serious complications.
Advances in the technology of the
Green LASER is regularly introduced for
better results and is equal to the open
prostatectomy and TURP; however of
minimal side effects.
The most recent advances are
increased power of the LASER beam to
reach 180 Watt which gives the maximum vaporization effect of the prostate
adenoma in conjunction with the best
coagulation results with minimal bleeding and no TUR-syndrome.
XPS Green LASER is the most
advanced machine in the world manufactured by AMS-USA and introduced in
the American hospitals in 2010. Dr Ehab
said that this technology is now available
in Taiba Hospital. Also, this treatment
entails short hospital stay, minimal or nil
side effects, rapid convalescence and no
serious complications. Due to its high
safety it is the only definitive treatment
option for high risk patients with cardiac,
hypertensive, diabetic and geriatric problems and who are receiving anticoagulants.
IDF members and guests during health guide launch.
Childhood obesity on the rise
IDF issues health
guide ‘Globesity’
By Valiya S. Sajjad
Arab Times Staff
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 10: The
Indian Doctors Forum (IDF) distributed the recently released
Health Guide, Volume 9, at a special ceremony held at Kuwait
Medical Association, Jabriya,
Friday, in the presence of Vidhu
Nair, Charge D’Affairs, Embassy
of India.
Leaders of around 50 Indian
organizations registered with the
Indian Embassy also took part in
the event and received copies of
the Health Guide, creatively titled
Vidhu Nair praised the activities of IDF carried out either
towards its members or the community at large. He said that he
was fascinated to see so much of
talent displayed by the Indian
Doctors Forum in carrying out
any activity they undertake, be it
cultural or quiz or community
service. He further endorsed IDF
as one of the leading associations
in Kuwait which has set an example for other like minded associations to follow.
Gulf Indian School organized a workshop for all its Pre-Primary and Primary
teachers on Sunday, Jan 27, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the school auditorium. The main resource person for the workshop was the renowned educationist Mrs Manjushree Patil. She was assisted by Mrs Shilpa Vaidya, a spe99616965, 65095345.
Continued from Page 27
known actor and writer, Sylvester Vaz –
Hitman of Konkani stage, besides a few
prominent well established actors and
singers from the tiatrist fraternity in
Kuwait. The proceeds of this drama will
be sent to Old Goa Retreat Centre. Please
make note in your diary to attend this
must-to-see by all parents and children,
and support this noble cause.
Await for more details how to obtain
your entry passes or email: Tel: +965 66698257,
April 12
Konkani drama: Comedian Agostinho
will present in Kuwait his new Konkani
drama ‘Corruption Kabar?’ on Friday,
April 12, 2013 at 4:30 pm at the Kuwait
Medical Association Hall, Jabriya. The
star cast includes veteran Sabina
Fernandes, Jessica Gomes, comedian
Janet, Jr Nelson, Salu de Loutolim, Jaju
Fernandes, Filipe Almeida, Sylvester Vaz,
comedian Selvy Correia, comedian
Agostinho Temudo and above all the
singing sensation Seby de Divar. For more
details, contact tel 99923176, 99540232
or e-mail
cialist in Pre-Primary education. The focus of the workshop was on sensitizing
teachers towards the needs of individual children and helping them maintain a
happy and healthy classroom atmosphere. The session succeeded in empowering the teachers through sound and thorough theoretical and practical inputs.
Football Coaching Course: The
next P.G.A. Everton Football Coaching
Course at the new location by Abdullah
Al-Rujaib High School, Bayan Block 7,
Masjed Al-Aqsa Street. Courses are available for boys and girls aged from 3 to 18
years. For further details see or contact academy Director Mike on 99981327
or Executive Director Baker on 66918666.
KLL registration: Kuwait Little
League (KLL) has kicked off registration
for the 2012-2013 baseball and softball
season. The various divisions and corresponding age groups are as follows:
Tee Ball: Boys and Girls — 5 to 7
years old; Minors: Boys and Girls — 8 to
10 years old; Majors: Boys and Girls —
11 to 12 years old; Juniors: Boys and
Girls — 13 to 14 years old; Seniors: Boys
and Girls —15 to 18 years old; Softball:
Girls only — 11 to 18 years old.
Challenger* – Boys and Girls — 7 to
12 years old (for children with special
Persons who deem themselves eligible
as volunteer baseball coaches, umpires or
team parents are also welcome to register.
For registration and more information
please visit www.Q8LL.ORG.
Kwt-Brits football supporters: A
new football supporters website for
British expats living and working in
Prof P.S.N. Menon introduced
the Health Guide touching on the
seriousness of obesity and the various avoidable damage that it
does. He also stressed on the rising incidence of Childhood
Obesity that is being seen at an
alarming rate not only in Kuwait
but also in India and many other
parts of the world. He emphasized
that healthy lifestyle and eating
habits are the two strong pillars
that could prevent obesity in most
of the cases.
Kuwait has been set up by an Everton
supporter, Trevor Powell. The Kuwait
Brits Football Supporters Association
(KBFSA) site aims to provide contact
information for supporters of each others’
whereabouts and also in the future hopes
to organise social events such as quizzes
and even five-a-side matches on a home
international teams basis. We need expats
to register their support and hence we can
then start to cast around for a suitable
meeting venue. The site can be accessed
IBL commences registration:
Dr Jaganath R.C., General
Secretary of IDF, gave the welcome address. In the Presidential
Address given by Dr Amir
Ahmed, the activities of IDF were
detailed. He referred to the recent
recognition that IDF received in
the form of the Pravasi Bharatiya
Samman Award, which is the
highest order to be given by the
Government of India to any NRI
Dr Amir further stated the
award was meant for all the members of IDF and thanked all the
Indian Associations for their
cooperation in making IDF’s
social activities a success, especially the Health Screening
Camps, which are very popular in
In the interactive session that
followed, representatives of various associations were given an
opportunity to provide suggestions or ask questions related to
any community service activity
carried out by IDF.
President of Federation of Indian
Muslim Associations, Muriel
Alphonso, President of Indian
Women’s Association, Dinesh
Kamtekar from Maharashtra
Mandal and other leaders from
different associations hailed the
services of IDF, alongside voicing
their opinions, comments and suggestions on the health camps.
In the vote of thanks delivered
by Dr Vinod Grover, IDF’s Vice
President, he expressed gratitude
to the Indian Embassy and all the
Indian associations for their support. The health guide can be
accessed on IDF website —
Indian Bowling League (IBL) – Kuwait.
Team registration begins for season 2.
Kindly email for registration forms or contact 99503348 after
6 pm only.
Kuwait Cricket for schools:
Kuwait Cricket, the apex body of cricket
in Kuwait would like to invite school
cricket teams to participate in their tournaments which are planned to be held at the
turf ground at Sulaibiya. Kuwait Cricket
intends to conduct two cricket tournaments for U-15 and U-18 school children
Continued on Page 31