Document 6431246
•7) fir:. o • Joseph's offers pediatric heart to CM tr UJ o m O 1 CO DC One of the sweetest sounds to a parent's ears is the first audible hearbeat of an unborn child through the obstetrician's stethoscope. That faint "rub-dub" is what tells Mom and Dad-to-be, "Yes, I am really here." But what happens when that some hole heart-shows an abnormality in rhythm or function? What does a parent do if a new infant comes into the world a defect or malformation of its tiny heart? While the majority of infants are born with strong, healthy hearts, eight out of every 1,000 children have heart defects pra-7) 'Sent before birth. But the joy need not turn to fear. AuVSDCCS ID fllCdXCV FCSCattCu flQQ tOBQ" tech procedures - even before birth - are available to -correct m o a cardiac-related According to Dr. John Messina, chief of-> Pediatric Cardiology at SL Joseph's Cnk£~ ren's Hospital in PWTUTI, an affp***1** of The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New 1 oik, special eompoiGUt designed ior even die tiniest of patients gives medical personnel me ability to detect problems prior to the baby's birth. "State-of-the-art equi|»iirca, Kkei features speaker Disturbances in the mother's oxygen supply, infec- at next meeting tions, drugs, smoking and nutritional deficiencies are factors that harm the fetal heart, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. about the tourth week, even though a fetal heartbeat is not detcrtfd until the tenth to 12th week. The tube twists and divides in such a fashion as to form four chambers, valves, and other parts. Since the developing fetus gets its oxygen from the mother's IHUUU, me icQD encntanoB' uy uuses ~ me lungs viaasbonvefad or duct mat links the aorta, me main artery, and the artery. > In the normal course of events, this duct doses shortly after birth and the infant heart, tangs and circulatory system begin to function on their own. Smce the heart's development is so complex, many * cocumstances can anect its the babies bom with congenital defects, the specific cause of the abnormality cannot be identified; in a small number, the defect can be traced to a specific cause, such as die • mother's having rubella or chromosomal abnormalities. -Most mngmitaV heart defects involve eirher an obstruction to blood flow or an tbnpmul routing of blood through the heart with disturbances of the heart's normal rhythm. > Some congenital heart abnormalities may be so mild that they are barely noticeable; < in others may correct themselves in time. However, there arc others that are serious enough to be life threatening or to interfere with normal growth and developmenL bolter lltffllltOPOP nfflpS to eOSUX^ uk6 l&EnCSt defects occur with some frequency. "Cardiac defects don't discriminate," level of specialized care," staled Dr. Disturbances in the mother's oxygen commented Dr. Messina. "We see heart Messina. supply« i nicctKrTtti uiiwtj ^n^flfctwff &DQ problems in children of all races, all socioAnd mis kind of care can be^ especially nutritional deficiencies are among the major economic backgrounds, and in all environreassuring to parents as well as vital to the factors that can harm the fetal heart, espements,'' he added. little patients. cially during die first three months of preDiagnosing treating heart problems as (jp The development of (be fetal heart is a gnancy when die heart is undergoing its basearly as possible is key to turning around a very complex, process, Toe burnsD "^-II^ ic formation. begins to develop from a single tube in about Genetics or heredity also play arolei n ,child's life, and helping that child to have a happy, healthy future. the third week of pregnancy ad starts beating causing heart defects. In about 97 percent of Dr. Sorosh Roshan. •. win discuss "Women's Health Issues — Local. National and International" at the Oct. 30 dinner meeting of Executive Women of New Jersey. Dr. Roshan is a Board Certified Obstetrician and. Gynecologist, a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American College o f Surgeons. Presently, Dr. Roshan is an Attending Physician at Overlook Hospital in Summit Dr. Rosban founded and is president of die International Health Awareness' Newtwork, which is a nan-profit organization dedicated to improving me health and welfare o f women and children, parAs a non-governmental organization's delegate to the United Nations since 1987, Dr. Roshan has been in the forefront of health issues affecting women locally, nationally and intematipnaUy. The program begins at 6 the Short Hills Hilton. Cost for the evenings ^^^Uiia«*UMiiMMMi The Prostate Center of the New Jersey, a medical service providing diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant prostate disorders as wen McnniMriingfnrpfffrTrti md their families, has opened in Livingston. Louis C GakBeri, M D . , and Matthew LS. Whang. MJX, are co-medical dmxtpntefthe center, which is a service of Physicians in Urology, P A . Though prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, the symptoms common to the director do not always reflect malignancy, according to D r Galdieri. Prostate problems occur primarily in men over 50 and can resajt in symptoms such as difficulty urinating, pain while urinating, the need to urinate frequently, especially at night; painful ejaculation, and pain in the lower back or pelvis. An nuiual prostate examination is recommended for all men beginning at age 40. "With earfy.-detection and treatment, the chances of surviving prostate cancer are ninety percent/ Dr. fi»Vfrri said. Non-malignant conditions of the prostate, points out Dr. Whang. MIX, which are quite *~cmde prostatitis, an infuunation or infection of the gfanrf usually «•«••—»< by a bacterial infection, and Benign Prostate Hypetrophy or BPH, which is an enlargement of the prostate. Enlargement, Dr. Whang explains, OCCUR! as a natural result of «g™g Physwians at The Piiutalc Centei of New Jersey, buaid certifiedmuluguu wbuaieu staffs of Saint Barnabas Medical Center and Overlook Hospitalutilize advanced diagnostic tools to evaluate patients including ultrasound, uroflow, urodynamka, Prostate Specific Antigen blood test, and a wide range of comprehensive laboratory tests. Physicians employ a wide range of treatment options ranging from *Vatchful waning" to advanced therapies, radioactive seed implantation and surgical procedure. The Center's medical staff participates in national prostate cancer research «™frf and patients may qualify to participate in clinical trials for new medica being developed for Dom oemgn prostate amnmr and prostate cancer. In addition to medical diagnosis and treatment; The Prostate Center of New Jersey provides counseling for patients and families. AccordingtoGinger P. Archer, MSW, a. counselor'at the Center, "Just at the time when interpersonal comtnunicati g entire new set of fears and conceptions must be dealt with immeolatery and effcetivery." Archer, a clinical social worker, is availahle to provide intforiAni and family wMwrfmg mt die patient's request | . To request information, or to make an appointment, call The Prostate Center of New Jersey at (800) 983-7770. • That'* the advice oT Hugo^F. Barth III. partner In Haeberle Barth of Union, Smith and Smith of Springfield and Brougb Funeral Home In Summit. " When famlllea choose a uneral director at m e Ume of a death. they,1houM seek put a home In which they fed mdortable aa a result of their own experience In visiting friends and relatives who have ost loved ones," Barth aavs. iiw ii mini gf m lailfcwi \n tin l|inl iif 1117 j lit fiiniHj i iifiiiiifiii t Barth believes that r relative who has been Involved tn planning a funeral In the recent past T d suggest that they aak the blend or relative u* they had felt comfortable with the rofcsstaaHaa) of the funeral dlrectorpd the sensitivity of the staff.- Barth continues. "IT he mdhrldual consulted shares the sane values, the comments should weigh heavily in the Although moat *mvr*\* are arranged at the Ume of a death, a growing number of houcfatml Individuals are pre-planning their own arrangements. Barth points out. "By preamneraL one is assured of having precisely the type of service he or she would d avoid leaving the decWons to others who might not be familiar with the wishes *Pre-aaanc*ag one'a mneral is really nothing more than sensible planning. Just as making lU a v^iatwiiiliasaiglneliBmanccaie steps UK^TTuderrtpeinitetBice:.'Barth notes. Haeberle & Barth. Snath and Brough Funeral Home offer free booklets that provide H I m 3) I O lf DELAIRE Do you have a friend or loved one who is hospi Ask them to consider Delaire for transitional can? to ease their recovery members, including dinner. Advanced reservations are required. For additional information regarding the program or membership, call the EWNJ office (908) 530-4098. ../* Executive. Women of New Jersey is an organization designed tc promote the advancement for women. against prostate cancer Because fiunfllea must arrange a funeral service when they are most vulnerable modonany. tt*a lna.wtanl to make decisions based on one's own past experience and good We Do It AIT' To learn more about our premier healthcare facility, call Ronnie Forster at fHIROMED CWalr© Provide* 400 W. Stimpson Avenue Dekarels HopefbrMtodepententUfestyk linden, NJ 07036 Have you ever had the feelint^hat something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it? Allergies arc like that. Al Allergy Care we can help to make seme of your symptoms. Whether it's an allergy to Latex. Dust Mites. Ragweed or your pet hamster, won me latest tests wenn G Allergy Care Centers o Call us for an appointment at Overlook Hospital Richard Schaller, M.D. Robert Fallon, D.C. .•Steps To IndependenceH Pare':~ «Nutr»^Sen*5«!8«Th«wp«ite •- Recraartidn 800-535-5227 We accept Insurance •Physical Therapy in Downtown Scotch Plains •Minor Emergencies •Medical and Chiropractic Care List Of Available Services: Complete Physical Therapy Facility • Chiropractic Evaluation & Treatment Routine Medical Care • Complete Physical Exams School, Sports, Work, Camp Physicals EKG's • Urinalysis • Bloodwork • X-Ray Facility • Suturing Splinting & Casting • Cryotherapy for Minor Skin Lesions Sprains, Strains'Minor Emergencies Computerized Range of Motion and Strength Testing Onftrte llnHininn .0 V ' Sports Medicine Automobile Accident, Injury Evaluation and Treatment Call For Appointment: (908) 322-6611 Located at: 1949 Westfield Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ AHonlic Heaart System1! SBflOR CX)NTACT has omr 10.000members! New, Ovwkwk Hosplld is bfogkK) senlca in cw receive up4o-daie informoiton on heoJm (optes end services Just tor t»em. • Please send me this free booklet with no obligation. Name C M TOLL FREE 88M07-3646 •Hecatitcreeringi and women teduret ; Yesl Please *end me a FRK membership packet: lOfSt^rORCONTAa. No cost or obligation • Social events • Quarterly newstefer • Accento WorrnaBon oncornmun»y»9ryte8s •Dtaouftial Overtook Hosplal and In f w communly j Umd *K SBtOS CONMCt OvMtook HcNpaat : 99Baou«olrAM,Sunirnl.NJ07V01 O 1100 FDOB AVEHUB • UNION (908)686-6666 S M I T H AKTI> S M I T H -ATLANTIC HIALTH S Y I I I M MorrtstownMer Afllotej; Newton Memorial H«pltal Mounlolnac»Hc<3lte*Morrtclolr/G)en BROUGH FUNERAL HOME M8-373-3333 o. . T .O O
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