Nano Letters (ISSN 1530-6984) is published monthly by the American
Nano Letters (ISSN 1530-6984) is published monthly by the American
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LIEBER Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University ASSOCIATE EDITORS Uri Banin The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yi Cui Stanford University Sanjiv Gambhir Stanford University School of Medicine Julia Greer California Institute of Technology Naomi J. Halas Rice University Jianguo Hou Philip Kim Columbia University Daniel Kohane Boston Children’s Hospital Colin Nuckolls Columbia University Hongkun Park Harvard University Joachim P. Spatz Max Planck Institute for Metals Research and University of Heidelberg University of Science and Technology of China Younan Xia Washington University in St. Louis COORDINATING EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Nicole S. Alivisatos FAX: 510 705-1980. Phone: 510 705-1979 Sarah C. Dornin FAX: 617 496-9810. Phone: 617 496-9772 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Edwin A. Chandross MaterialsChemistry LLC Lars Samuelson Lund University Jinwoo Cheon Yonsei University Nadrian C. Seeman New York University Harold G. Craighead Cornell University Samuel I. Stupp Northwestern University Alexander L. Efros Naval Research Laboratory Shouheng Sun Brown University Henry Hess Columbia University Edwin L. Thomas Rice University Cherie R. Kagan University of Pennsylvania Richard P. Van Duyne Northwestern University Robert S. Langer Massachusetts Institute of Technology Zhong Lin Wang Georgia Institute of Technology Helmuth Möhwald Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid und Grenzflächenforschung David B. Warheit DuPont Haskell Laboratory Catherine J. Murphy University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Horst Weller Universität Hamburg, Germany Teri W. Odom Northwestern University Itamar Willner Hebrew University of Jerusalem Reginald M. Penner University of California, Irvine Ulrike Woggon Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Albert Polman FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) Peidong Yang University of California, Berkeley