FOCUS 1 - Dog Show Art
FOCUS 1 - Dog Show Art
UDCFocus3rdQuarter2010 Members of: AL DOBER • INTER IDC Contents Advertising Rates and Guidelines ................................................................2 IO N AL CLUB • M ER DOB AN N MA NN NA ON TI AT CLUB TERN IN Mission Statement The United Doberman Club or UDC http:// is made up of Doberman enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and protecting the Doberman and its heritage as a working dog. UDC is advancing the interests of the breed by educating members about working ability, conformation, temperament, health, breeding, training and maintenance of the total Doberman, sound in mind and body. The UDC encourages its members to participate in a variety of activities for which the Doberman is suited, including Agility, Conformation, Drill Team, Guide Dog, Obedience, Ring Sports, IPO, Search & Rescue and Therapy. Editor in Chief Bunnie Allard • Dog Show Art 571 Blue Star Court, Traverse City, Michigan 49685 Phone: (231) 943-4626 • Publisher Dog Show Art • Bunnie Allard Plant: 571 Blue Star Court, Traverse City, Michigan 49685 Phone: (231) 943-4626 • Fax: (231) 943-4911 Email: Hours: Mon thru Fri, 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm EST Home: Phone/Fax (231) 275-6366 - Please leave message Website: UDCFOCUS is published four times a year (plus the National Catalog) by the United Doberman Club, PO Box 58445, Renton, WA 98058-1455. UDC Focus is a tax exempt educational organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of this publicaiton may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication, either editorially or in advertising copy, are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the United Doberman Club. This publicaiton is not liable for contents used in advertisement. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. President’s Message .....................................................................................3 From the Editor ............................................................................................3 Upcoming Events .........................................................................................3 On the Cover ................................................................................................4 Versatility Committee Report ......................................................................4 Canine Leptospirosis Update .......................................................................6 2009 Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes ..................................8 February 2010, March 2010 and April 2010 Board Meeting Minutes........12 2010 Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes ................................26 2010 Post Annual General Membership Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ..........................................................30 Human Remains Detection and Cemetery Work ........................................31 UDC Member Clubs ....................................................................................33 UDC Board of Directors ..............................................................................33 Membership, UDC Dog Registration & Scorebook Application..................34 Advertisers Center: UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz, “Caper”; Clockwise from top left: Highlands Rowan “Rowan”; Rebholzer Spirit Rain “Miley”; UDC Ch BJF Run Like The Wind V Kansa “Ryun”; UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz “Caper”; Elischa Von Der Burgstätte “Elischa”; UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz “Caper”; Omni’s One Of A Kind “Kia” ....Front Cover Ray Allen ..........................................................................Inside Front Cover Julie Ferado Recognition..............................................................................5 Ascomannis Heiko/Ricardo & Julie Ferado ..................................................7 UDC CH Blue Chip Reign of Terror/Pam Burns ..........................................32 UDC SAR Dogs/Michelle Limoges...................................... Inside Back Cover Ray Allen ......................................................................................Back Cover UDCFOCUS 1 AdvertiseinFOCUS Deadlines 3rd Qtr 2010: 4th Qtr 2010: 1st Qt 2011: 2nd Qtr 2011: Ads and Articles June 15 September 15 December 15 March 15 Publication July 31 December 1 January 31 April 31 UDCAdvertisingPolicies UDC FOCUS offers complete ad design facilities for you. All advertising is subject to the editor’s approval before publication. Send all advertising materials to Dog Show Art, UDC FOCUS, 571 Blue Star Court, Traverse City, MI 49685. No advertising layout will commence until the UDC Treasurer receives and verifies the payment in full. US Funds Only. Ads cannot be canceled after the deadline. No refunds for published advertisements. MasterCard and Visa accepted. Pay by check or money order payable to UDC, mailed to: Treasurer, United Doberman Club, 2800 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 78731 Please mark UDC FOCUS AD and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER on the memo line of your check OR Pay by credit/debit card or bank draft using PAYPAL. To ensure credit for your payment, please make sure to indicate “UDC FOCUS AD” and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER in the comments section of your electronic payment! UDCFOCUSAdSizes&Rates ElectronicUDCFOCUSAdSizes&Rates(1st-3rd Qtr) All Prices are for CAMERA READY ADVERTISING PER PUBLISHER’S SPECIFICATIONS. Additional layout charges may apply UDC FOCUS PAGE TRIM SIzE IS 81/2” x 11” Bleed ads must include a ⅛” bleed on all 4 sides. FourthQuarterPrintedYearbook (4th Qtr) Cover positions will be selected by RANDOM drawing of all advertisers who have paid a non-refundable cover reservation deposit of $25.00. The reservation window will be announced via UDC-OFFICIAL, via the 3rd Quarter Electronic FOCUS, and in a first class mailing to our members. Payment for cover positions must be received by the UDC Treasurer within 10 business days of selection, or selection will move to the next person in draw order until all cover positions are paid. COLOR ADVERTISING Electronic Printed UDC Focus Yearbook (1st-3rd Qtr) (4th Qtr) Front Cover Designed by Dog Show Art......$125 ................. $250 (Full Page Only)—Includes up to ½ page bio with 1 b&w photo on inside pages Back Cover (Full Page Only) ....................$100............... $200 (8¾ W x 9¼ H with bleeds) (7½ W x 8½ H without bleeds) Inside Front Cover (Full Page Only) ........$100............... $175 (8¾ W x 11¼ H with bleeds) (7½ W x 9¾ H without bleeds) Inside Back Cover (Full Page Only) .........$100............... $175 (8¾ W x 11¼ H with bleeds) (7½ W x 9¾ H without bleeds) Inside Color Page (7½ W x 9¾ H) ............. $75............... $145 2 UDC FOCUS BLACK & WHITE ADVERTISING (INSIDE POSITIONS ONLY) Electronic Printed Full Page (7½W x 9¾ H) ............................ $45..................$80 Half Page (7½W x 4¾ H) ........................... $35..................$50 Quarter Page (3½ W x 4¾ H) .................... $25..................$35 Business Card Ad (3½ W x 2 H, No Photo) ... $15 ....................$20 DESIGN AND LAYOUT BLACK & WHITE and COLOR Full Page (7½W x 9¾ H) .....................................................$40 Half Page (7½W x 4¾ H) ....................................................$30 Quarter Page (3½ W x 4¾ H) .............................................$20 Business Card Ad (3½ W x 2 H, No Photo) .......................$10 Each Photo...........................................................................$10 UDCFOCUSAdvertisingGuidelines COLOR REQUIREMENTS fOR CAMERA READY ADS • All color ads must be set up in Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (CMYK)* values. • Change any Pantone colors to CMYK*. *NOTE: If file is not set at CMYK values, the ad will run in black and white. Electronic files are preferred. Please refer to Digital Specifications. DIGITAL fILE SPECIfICATIONS fOR CAMERA READY ADS • Supply ads as Adobe Acrobat PDF or PhotoShop JPG. • Artwork and photos must be placed in the file at 100%, 300dpi. • ALL FONTS MUST BE EMBEDDED. • Dog Show Art cannot be held responsible for files that have been formatted incorrectly. PHOTOGRAPHS fOR ADS DESIGNED BY DOG SHOW ART • Digital photos should be sent without editing. Do not crop, resize or resave to a larger resolution in a photo-editing program. • Do not change color photo scans to grayscale. Send as color. • Scanned photos should be at 100%, 300 dpi, tiff or jpeg. • Do not write on the back of the photo itself; tape to the back of the photo the name of the dog plus your name and address. Article photos should be assigned a numeric title with corresponding text as typed copy identifying subjects of photo. • When mailing photos, mark the outside of envelope “Photos —Do Not Bend.” All photographs must be of good quality. To receive your photo back after being printed, you must enclose a return address; otherwise all photos will be kept on file at Dog Show Art. COPY fOR ADS DESIGNED BY DOG SHOW ART • Please provide ad copy electronically (via e-mail), (do not use all capital letters!) clearly indicating what you want in the ad, include the correct spelling of names, and state the size of ad you would like. PHOTOGRAPHS fOR ARTICLES • Follow Photographs for Ads specifications above. Dog Show Art cannot be held responsible for any errors caused by missing or incorrect files or information. If there are any questions, please call us at (231) 943-4626. MessagefromthePresident The national was held this year in Newburgh, NY hosted by the Tri-State Doberman Club. It was one of the best nationals ever and the BOD has sent a certificate of gratitude to the club. Special recognition should go to Jim and Janis Toman (and especially Jim for his hours over the lobster pot and hot dog grill). The FOCUS yearbook will feature the nationals so be sure to get all your win pictures and articles in to appear in this deluxe version of our magazine. The deadline for the 4th Qtr. Yearbook is September 15th, 2010. The board has accepted a bid from the Working Dobermans of the Carolinas to host the 2011 nationals. Dates and venue have yet to be determined but stay tuned for more information. There will be two conformation shows, two obedience trials and an IPO trial. Other activities are still under development. WDC is one of our most active regional clubs so we are expecting a great event. As I am sure you are all aware, our dream of international recognition for our working dog titles has been realized at last. Although the AKC’s own program was not a success, AKC will recognize the working titles (BH, IPO, SchH, FH) on our AKC registrations and pedigrees that were earned since 1990 at UDC events. Since AKC is recognized by FCI as the kennel club of the United States, this means that these titles should be recognized in all FCI and most non-FCI countries. This is a wonderful development for UDC: DPCA and AKC have designated UDC events as the venues through which working titles will be recognized. Download the application from: application_to_record.pdf After you file the application, AKC will contact the UDC Administrator of Records (my other job), to verify the titles. This applies to deceased dogs. Now the working titles of foundation dogs can be reflected in the official pedigrees of all their descendents. There have been many calls for a Fall IPO national. Teams living in colder parts of the country have had little time to prepare for our Spring national while our sister club, DPCA, held ITS national in the Fall. We have the obvious solution to both these problems. UDC will hold its first IPO FALL CLASSIC in Topeka, KS on October 8, 2010 at the site of the DPCA national. This is a national event that will qualify for nomination to our IDC team. We hope to make this event a permanent offering at the site of future DPCA nationals. Finally, I want to reiterate the call for volunteers. We hear many complaints from members but very few are offering their effort to make it better. If the FOCUS is not up to your expectations, we need someone to help round up articles and advertisements. If the website has inconsistencies and outdated information, we need proof readers and article preparers to find and fix these problems. If your favorite dog activity is not a part of UDC offerings, then there is room for a volunteer. If you have ideas to improve YOUR club and are willing to work for it, there will be support for your effort on the BOD. Contact your regional director to get your ideas discussed and proposals on the Agenda of the monthly board meeting. Linda Kurz UDC President UDC Administrator of Records Chair, UDC Health Committee MessagefromtheEditor Dear UDC Members, Welcome to the first electronic version of the UDC Focus! I hope all the members will enjoy this new format that will take place for 3 out of the 4 yearly issues. Don’t forget that the 4th Qtr. issue will be our printed yearbook issue. By taking these publications online, the club will be able to save some money. This means that advertising prices have gone down for you. The board has worked very hard on setting these new, lower prices for advertisers. Take advantage of these low affordable rates and advertise! The new rates can be found in this issue on the ‘Advertise in FOCUS’ page. Here in Michigan, along with the rest of the country, the thermometers are reaching record temperatures. Until these heat waves are over, remember to keep an extra eye on your dog. Knowing the warning signs of a heat stroke in your dog is crucial. When noticing heavy panting or more than usual drooling, get your animal to a cool place immediately. Always take time to give your best friend a hug, Bunnie UpcomingEvents September 19, 2010 Sport Doberman Club of Colorado Denver, Colorado Open to All Breeds – BH, SchH/VPG A, IPO, SchH/VPG 1, 2, 3, TR 1, 2, 3, OB 1, 2, 3 Event Secretary: Nancy Christensen (303) 340-3673 Judge: Hartmut Beckmann UDCFOCUS 3 ON THE COVER Center: UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz BH, OB 1, ATT, CGC, WAC “Caper” Clockwise from top left: HIGHLANDS ROWAN “Rowan” REBHOLzER SPIRIT RAIN “Miley” UDC Ch BJf Run Like The Wind V Kansa RN, NA, NAJ, OAC, WV-O, NJC, TG-N, TN-N, WAC, ATT “Ryun” UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz BH, OB 1, ATT, CGC, WAC “Caper” ELISCHA VON DER BURGSTäTTE “Elischa” UDC pt’d/UKC CH. Incredible Caper v Rebholz BH, OB 1, ATT, CGC, WAC “Caper” OMNI’S ONE Of A KIND CD, RA, CGC, TDI “Kia” VersatilityCommitteeReportThirdQuarter2010 congratulations to the following very special Dobermans and their proud owners for their attainment of the VCX and VC titles during the month of May 2010! Versatility Companion Excellent (VCX) 09-May-10 UDC Ch. Tri-Star’s Avalon Sunset, OA, AXJ, NF, WAC, ATT, CGC Owned and Loved by Laura Hulke Versatility Companion (VC) 09-May-10 Bell’Lavoros Primo Diamante Rio, BH, WAC, ATT, CHC, ThD Owned and Loved by Marie Iulo 09-May-10 Cara’s Thorny Issue, BH, WAC, ATT, CHIC, CGC Owned and Loved by Jeffrey Saporito Send me your new and updated Versatility Profile Questionnaires for the quarterly “Versatility Spotlight” feature in Focus! Don’t pass up this unique opportunity for 4 UDC FOCUS recognition of your special Doberman companion and your accomplishments together as a working team! If you have a VC or VCX Title and would like to submit or update your Versatility Profile Questionnaire, please call or write and I will be happy to send you a new questionnaire. If you have earned new titles since your VC or VCX Title was awarded, let me know and I will be pleased to announce your new titles in the next Versatility report! If you would like more information on the UDC Versatility program or a VC-VCX application, please print out the Versatility Title Requirements and Application Form from the UDC website at or call me at (425) 226-4810 (evenings, or anytime to leave a message) or contact me at my “UDC” email address: Julianne Ferado, UDC Versatility Committee, P.O. Box 58455, Renton, WA 98058-1455 UDCFOCUS 5 UpdatedCanineLeptospirosis By Regina R. Allen DVM I recently had the pleasure of attending veterinary continuing education and seeing Dr. Richard Goldstein DVM DACVIM DECVIM-CA speak on canine Leptospirosis and Lyme Disease. He is a leading researcher on both of these emerging diseases, and he presented some intriguing and useful information. For this article, I’ll summarize his presentation on Lepto, and I’ll cover Lyme in the next issue. Leptospirosis is the number one zoonosis in the world! (A zoonosis is a disease that is transmitted from animals to people.) Most human cases are from contact with rat urine, and cattle and raccoons are also reservoirs of infection. Transmission occurs via contact with contaminated soil or water, or by direct contact with infected urine. The bacteria survive in the environment outside the host animal, but do not replicate outside the host. Warm, wet environments are ideal conditions for survival, and the highest numbers of cases occur in the late summer and fall. The amount of rainfall in the previous spring also correlates to the number of cases in a year. However, we don’t have a good test for Lepto, and may miss cases. There are a number of different Leptospira serovars that cause clinical disease, but the treatment is the same for all. Infection with Leptospirosis in dogs causes thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), vasculitis (inflammation of the arteries and veins), coagulopathy (difficulty with blood clotting), liver and kidney damage, and uveitis (inflammation in the eye). “Moon blindness” in horses is also caused by Lepto infection, but the disease is very rare in cats. Infected dogs may also vomit, drink and urinate excessively, and have glucose and protein in their urine, which indicates kidney damage. Most infected dogs do not have a fever. Diagnosing Leptospirosis is often difficult. Urine and/or blood cultures are not practical methods of diagnosis, because the organism is very difficult to culture and requires a special medium. Additionally, a dose or two of antibiotics will cause a negative culture, even though the dog is still infected and sick. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) on blood and urine is the best way to diagnosis Lepto, as a positive test is a strong indicator of infection, but this test also must be done prior to giving the dog antibiotics. The most commonly used test is the MAT (microscopic agglutination test). A definitive diagnosis can be made with paired rising titers taken seven to ten days apart. A negative titer on the first test is just a baseline (it does not mean no infection), and a four-fold or greater 6 UDC FOCUS increase distinguishes active infection from a vaccine titer. Titers drop quickly in dogs receiving antibiotic treatment. Many dogs do not receive a definitive diagnosis, and are simply treated for acute kidney or liver failure and a presumptive diagnosis of Lepto. Treatment consists of intravenous fluids, antibiotic therapy, and supportive care for the kidney and/or liver damage and other manifestations of the disease. Antibiotic therapy is especially important to minimize organ damage, and to sterilize the urine to prevent spread of infection to other dogs or their human caretakers. Either injectable penicillin or ampicillin along with injectable Baytril, or oral doxycycline (if the dog can stomach oral medication) for three weeks is considered the best course of treatment, but controlled studies are lacking. The concern is a carrier state in recovered dogs, who will continue to shed bacteria in their urine and spread the disease. Carriers can be diagnosed by urine PCR, and should be treated with a course of doxycycline. Environmental drying and iodine-based disinfectants are effective against the highly-infectious urine. The survival rate of dogs with acute kidney failure caused by Lepto that receive prompt treatment is approximately 80%. Leptospirosis can be prevented by inoculation with a fourstrain bacterin-based vaccine, but there are more than four serovars, and the currently available vaccines don’t prevent infection from all of them. Puppies and dogs receiving their first Lepto vaccine need a booster two to six weeks after the first vaccine for it to be effective. Boosters are also recommended yearly because the vaccine does not have a good duration of immunity. Lepto is considered to be a “reactive” vaccine, although only about 1% of dogs suffer side effects. Small breeds of dogs are more likely in general to react to vaccination, and the four-strain Lepto vaccine is no exception. However, the two groups of dogs that have the highest prevalence of Leptospirosis are hunting dogs (due to exposure in the field) and toy dogs (because owners often skip vaccination due to concerns about reactions). Another concern is that the vaccine may promote the carrier state of the disease, but it has been demonstrated that this is not the case. While vaccination causes a low positive MAP titer, it does not cause a positive PCR test, and will not hamper diagnosis. Since dogs do not practice good hygiene, and often sniff and/or lick urine from other dogs or wild animals, annual vaccination with the four-strain Lepto vaccine is recommended to prevent this highly infectious disease. In Harm’s Way Ascomannis Heiko Field-Qualified for Wilderness Search with German Shepherd Search Dogs of Washington State (GSSD) TRACkIng OBEDIEnCE SCHUTzHUnD SEARCH AnD RESCUE COMPAnIOnSHIP Dobermans do it all! “Are We Ready Yet?”... Harm and Rick, GSSD Workout at Mt. Rainier National Park, WA. Ricardo and Julianne Ferado PO Box 58455, Renton WA 98058-1455 For information about UDC Versatility Titles, contact Julie Ferado, UDC Versatility Committee. PH: 425-226-4810 • EMAIL: or visit the UDC website at UDCFOCUS 7 BoardMeetings All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB MINUTES Of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, APRIL 29, 2009, WARRENSBURG, MO Members in Attendance (22): Beth Bishop, Dave Korotev, Irene Korotev, Laural L. Harris, Carol Maxwell, Ed Gurdjian, Suzan Shipp, David Stroff, Matthew Arpano, Marie Miller, Mary Chrusciel, Sean Salke, Mitchell Edley, Laura V Baugh, Bunny Lanning, Makayla King, Penelope Brooks, Doug Matson, Jacque Matson, Tammy Rush, Pete Lindic, Linda Lindic. Non-Members in Attendance: (2) Vicki Chritton-Myers, Ron Myers. The following reports were presented. Those reports are available but highlights only are included below. 1. Introduction of UDC Members in Attendance Leslie Carpenter started the meeting by asking the members in attendance to give their name and where they live and tell a little about them and their dogs. There were 22 members in attendance as listed above. Treasurer from Irina Sasu – quarterly P&L and Balance Sheet submitted showing total assets of $24,022.75 as of March 31. 2008. 2. President’s Report – Leslie Carpenter a. Breeders Directory - Leslie thanked and acknowledged Shannon Elkins and Ray Carlisle who worked on getting out a printed Breeders Directory. We will be going back to a printed Directory. Leslie reminder members that there is an online version which is updated every three months. b. New IPO Equipment – Purchased new IPO Equipment for the Nationals IPO Trial. The equipment for around $2,000. This is regulation equipment. Equipment folds up and is light-weight and can be shipped across the country. Equipment will be retained by the President and is going back to North Carolina with Leslie. c. focus – Focus has been going out on time Leslie thanked Marie Miller who has done an awesome job in getting advertisers for the Focus. Advertising is a great way for advertising your dogs and Leslie encouraged members to support the club and advertise in the Focus. The FOCUS goes to a small but targeted audience who appreciate the qualities of working dogs. d. 2010 Nationals – Leslie informed the group that it is hoped that Sean Salke’s Long Island Hard Dog Club and Ray Carlisle’s Tri-State Doberman Club would hold next year’s National. 3. Minutes from the 2008 Annual General Meeting Leslie Carpenter read the minutes from the May 14, 2008 Annual General Meeting. They are as follows: “The meeting was called to order by president Ray Carlisle at 8:10 p.m., although at the time a quorum was not yet present. Mr. Carlisle suggested that some Constitutional changes might be necessary and a review would be done and any recommended modification submitted. A reading of the minutes of the prior Annual General Membership meeting was waived. 8 UDC FOCUS Report of the President by Ray Carlisle – trend in membership and member clubs, projects underway including web enhancements, Judges’ College to include Confirmation, Obedience, and Working Dog components entailing criteria and guidelines. Corresponding Secretary by Carma Cleveland in person Registry by Linda Kurz – 49 dogs were registered during year, importance of health statistics yet 16.66% of update notices are returned undeliverable, goal is to have information available on-line. Questions posed regarding need for membership number. Ray Carlisle asked that Mary Chruscial as AWDF delegate to get clarification on above. Archivist by Beth Bishop – help identifying dogs and handlers in photos needed, inventory Includes photographs, Focus issues, video, directories, National catalogs, articles Breeders & Membership Directory by Shannon Elkins – costs and privacy concerns of combined publication vs. separate booklets and suggested rates for advertising Breed Survey from Linda Calamia – new rules more “user friendly”, currently 4 certified breed survey judges Competitors Fund by Terri Clary Obedience Committee Report by Pam Burns – obedience rules being reviewed by committeincluding indoor ring Director of Judges’ Report by Ray Carlisle – apprentices are Alvin Clemmons and Bunny Lanning Focus by Leslie Carpenter – concern over delays between deadline for ads and publication of magazine, goal is 10 weeks between ad deadline and Focus mail date. Three jobs need to be filled by volunteers – proof reader for spelling and grammar review, ad sales coordinator,and article coordinator. Health by Linda Kurz and Sue Krom – heritance of DCM report including pattern, records, and testing. Detailed veterinary clinical reports made available. National by Suzan Shipp Legislative by Terri Clary – BSL is bad and getting worse, responsible breeders and responsibldog owners not the problem, need everyone to be involved, letters to legislators to make a difference, best of all is person to person communication and education of lawmakers. Membership from Julie Ferado – membership same from May 2007 to May 2008 at 270 members in U.S., international membership declined by 1 during year and now at 14, total UDC membership as of May 2008 is 284. Procedure Manual by Leslie Carpenter – a work in progress to keep continually updated Rescue by Bunny Lanning Search & Rescue by Irene Korotev – SAR workshop postponed until Oct. so attendees can participate in DPCA centennial celebration, but for 2009 the annual SAR workshop will agaibe held in conjunction with the UDC National. National Training Director from John Soares – offer any UDC member who is competing at the National level training assistance without cost Versatility from Julie Ferado – three new VCX and 7 new VC titles earned this year Liason, ADA – position is open Liason, AWDF by May Jacobson – Germany and Europe in general are having some trouble with Public sentiment and legislative pressure to reduce dog biting activities, but they don’t want to water down the sport. Liason, DVG, Larry Kye – has taken judges out to dinner so no report Liason, DPCA by Ray Carlisle – Ray will represent UDC at the centennial celebration at the DPCA National in October. “Always Faithful” will be displayed. DVD will be played continuously. Bill to be presented to ask for funding for American bred dogs. Pamela Stevens was presented with the 2008 Service Dog Award in commemoration of Alexander’s Loki (Jaeger), BH, Certified Narcotics Dog, CGC. Officers for the upcoming year were elected as identified by Ballot sent to the membership as prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws. Ray Carlisle introduced and welcomed the new UDC president, Leslie Carpenter. Leslie gave a brief address and asked that the membership stay focused on the mission and theobjectives. She also that anyone who had ordered silk screen items could return them for a full refund because of the poor quality. It is anticipated that a reorder of embroidered items will be made as those were of exceptional quality. Bids are being taken for the 2009 National. Thus far, one has been received from Working Dobermans of the Carolinas for a Fall IPO trial. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carma Cleveland, Acting Recording Secretary Motion made to approve the minutes as read was made by Dave Korotev. Seconded by Penelope Brooks. 21 Members voiced their approval and minutes were approved as read. 4. Report of the Membership Secretary Total individual and family memberships for 2009 are 265 which is down 19 memberships from 2008. Total number of members for 2009 is 310 and decrease of 21 members from 2008. 5. Membership Club Report UDC Member Clubs have increased to 13 Members Clubs and many of our member clubs are active. The Redwood Doberman Club has had a show and trial. The Working Dobermans of the Carolina’s has put on a Debbie Zappia Seminar and is planning a Conformation show and IPO trial in the fall. Members need to get on the Yahoo “UDC Official List” so they are aware of upcoming shows and trials. 6. Report of the Treasurer – Profit/Loss 2008 Jan - Dec 08 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Ads 10,149.92 Breeders Listing 901.17 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund 169.17 Health Fund 365.00 Rescue Fund 215.00 Trophy Fund 5.00 Total Restricted 754.17 Total Contributions Income 754.17 Litter Ad Membership Dues Club Family Individual Junior Total Membership Dues 228.79 Miscellaneous Income National Income Banquet Catalog Catalog Ads Entries Logo Wear Miscellaneous Seminar Silent Auction Trophy Donations Total National Income Program Fees Versatility Program Fees Total Program Fees Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges Computer 433.75 2,883.33 10,984.84 18.00 14,319.92 547.59 1,420.00 770.04 725.00 5,595.00 2,979.31 559.09 3,625.00 1,255.50 2,678.80 19,607.74 65.00 65.00 2,865.00 49,439.30 594.55 2,204.80 UDCFOCUS 9 Dues and Subscriptions FOCUS Production Total FOCUS 866.87 22,382.57 22,382.57 Insurance Liability Insurance Insurance - Other Total Insurance 2,010.00 219.00 2,229.00 Miscellaneous 764.58 National Expenses 2007 Trophies & Ribbons Total 2007 255.18 255.18 2008 Catalog Hotel & Meals Judges Location Logo Wear Miscellaneous Premium List & Postage Refunds Seminar Trophies & Ribbons Total 2008 1,307.43 1,177.22 4,118.34 1,290.00 2,436.50 296.00 321.54 372.15 1,503.50 764.45 13,587.13 2009 Total National Expenses Postage and Delivery Total Expense 100.00 13,942.31 1,433.78 44,418.46 Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Interest Income Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income 5,020.84 118.49 118.49 118.49 5,139.33 Profit Loss – January 1st to March 31st 2009 Jan - Mar 09 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Ads 991.50 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund -263.32 Health Fund 20.00 Total Restricted -243.32 Total Contributions Income Litter Ad19.41 Membership Dues Club Family Individual Total Membership Dues 10 UDC FOCUS -243.32 33.75 255.00 250.00 538.75 Miscellaneous Income National Income Trophy Donations National Income - Other Total National Income 576.00 3,238.98 3,814.98 Program Fees Versatility Program Fees Total Program Fees 35.00 35.00 Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges Computer Dues and Subscriptions FOCUS Production Total FOCUS Insurance Liability Insurance Insurance - Other Total Insurance Miscellaneous National Expenses 2009 Equipment Premium List & Mailing Trophies & Ribbons Total 2009 Total National Expenses Postage and Delivery Telephone Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 351.20 240.00 5,747.52 83.93 216.49 413.00 3,474.01 3,474.01 630.00 890.00 1,520.00 2,233.60 2,062.75 410.49 1,089.06 3,562.30 3,562.30 271.16 1,226.44 13,000.93 -7,253.41 -7,253.41 It is to be noted that we do not have income from memberships which will not show up until June and July. Restricted Contributions January 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Trophy Fund Total Restricted 1,247.42 1,488.00 1,142.00 1,545.00 5,422.42 Restricted Contributions are made when you pay your dues. Contributions to the Competitors Fund allow us to help with the expenses of our competitors competing in the AWDF Championships. This year we will have 5 Doberman teams competing in the AWDF. Contributions to the Health Fund help support the Cardio Clinic. Assets & Liabilities March 31, 2009 Mar 31, 09 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank of America Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets Other Assets Certificate of Deposit Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 13,314.90 13,314.90 13,314.90 10,244.56 10,244.56 23,559.46 30,812.87 -7,253.41 23,559.46 23,559.46 The Treasurer’s Report was read in and accepted into the minutes. 7 Committee Reports Archives Report – Beth Bishop Beth Bishop presented the Archives Report and presented the following list of items in the Archives: The following items are currently in the archives: 1. Focus Issues: 1990 to 2001 (see inventory) 2. Photos: i. Albums, 1996 and 1998 Nationals—labeled ii. Loose photos: from 1998, 1999, 2000 Nationals, some labeled, some not iii. Loose photos, most not labeled, no year. 3. Video CD from Linda Lindic of 2007 Nationals. 4. Misc Correspondence (see inventory) 5. Members Directory, 1992, 1995, 1997 6. Breeders Directory, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 7. Members Directory, Constitution and Bylaws: 1994, 1996, 1999. 8. Nationals Premium list: 1992, 1995. 9. National Catalog: (91, 92, 93, 97, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008). 10. Regional Specialty Catalog 2001 11. DPC of Canada National Catalog 2001 12. AWDF Team Championship 1992 Beth has purchased a scanner and will start to scan the archives material. Beth could use assistance in identifying people and dogs in many of the photos. If anyone has anything to contribute please send her the originals of a scan. Also submitted was an inventory list of all materials in the UDC Archives. SAR Committee – 2009 – Irene Korotev The UDC SAR committee presented the puppy project proposal to the board for approval the proposal was approved and added to the Administrative Manual. It is advertised on the SAR Doberman list. Interested handlers may submit their applications up to 1 year in advance of when they would like to start a puppy in the SAR program. A bright spot in 2008 was the recognition of service dogs by the DPCA. Three UDC members received awards – the Lifetime Achievement Award honored the years of service by Shirley Hammond in Search & Rescue. The recipient of the Rescue Dog of the year was Cota, rescued by Rayanne Chamberlain and trained in wilderness (air scent). The recipient of the of the SAR dog of the year category was Questwood’s Kisatchie Man (Jager) who is owned by Irene Korotev. Jager is operational in wilderness, human remains (land & water), evidence and is current test toward operational status in trailing. This year’s SAR workshop also reflected the effects of a poor economy. Attendance was low with only six UDC members participating. One encouraging sign was the addition of two UDC members to our ranks, Bunny Lanning and Laurel Harris. IPO Committee – Chris Rasmussen The idea was to send a congratulatory note to folks to let them know we are taking notice and appreciate their hard work, and also to let them know dates of upcoming UDC events. It has been extremely hard to find addresses for nonUDC members. It also became evident that those who were doing the most work/title gathering already knew about the UDC and the events. I started prioritizing for non-UDC members, or UDC members we have never seen at nationals or AWDFs -- with the motivation to try to get them more involved. I am not sure that I will be continuing this effort moving forward. I found it to be very difficult to get addresses, and I don’t see the real merit in the idea unless we can target non-UDC members. I felt as though I couldn’t guarantee that everyone would get a letter if they earned a title, and I didn’t want people to come to expect it, like they would if the DPCA were handing out letters after AKC titles were earned. At this point, I’m not sure that the 50 letters garnered any extra UDC support. fOCUS Advertisers Sales – Marie Miller Marie requested that if the membership has any contacts with vendors, that they supply her with contact information. One of the most difficult aspects of obtaining advertisers for the FOCUS is to get past the “gate keepers” at the business. If she could give a referral name it would make the job much easier. Linda Lindic reminded membership that they can publish “brags” in the FOCUS for $25.00. Leslie Carpenter mentioned that the major winners at the Nationals can feature their dogs on the cover the FOCUS at no-charge as the UDC would be picking up that cost. Registry Report – Linda Kurz In 2008, UDC issued 72 new registrations/scorebooks. So far in 2009, we have issued 16 new registrations/ scorebooks. No litter registrations have been issued. UDCFOCUS11 Due to programming costs, we have postpone updates to the registry. There were 5 new Versatility Companion Excellent (VCX) dogs and 7 new Versatility Companion (VC) dogs in 2008. Vice President’s Report – Linda Kurz Membership Directory - Shannon Elkins We continue to slowly update the manuals with sections added for the UDC SAR puppy program, the detailed rules for putting on a UDC event. Detailed criteria for the UDC Service Dog of the Year award have been approved but not yet added to the manuals. Shannon thanked Amy Smith for her dedication to the project and Ray Carlisle for picking up the project at the end and getting the directory out to the membership. A project has been initiated to improve the online entry system to make it available to regional clubs for their use. Time constraints on volunteers have resulted in slow progress. Rescue Committee Report – Bunny Lanning Currently there is $480.00 in the Rescue Fund. Versatility Committee Report – Also as 2009 Trophy Chairperson, Shannon thanked Laura Hulke for her dedication in helping get the trophies and ribbons ordered and collected in time for the show. 8. 2009 Service Dog of the Year Award The 2009 UDC Service Dog of the Year was Chelsea – CGC, TT, R.E.A.D., Delta Society Pet Partner, 2006 Honorable Mention Delta Beyond Limits Award, H.O.P.E. Crisis Response Dog owned by Dolores Schaub. Dolores supplied a lovely biography documenting the many accomplishments of this very special dog. All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB BOARD Of DIRECTORS MEETING, fEBRURARY, 2010 ONLINE MEETING fORUM Members in Attendance (11): Linda Lindic, Leslie Carpenter, Beth Bishop, Irina Sasu, Penelope Brooks, Linda Kye, Debbie Hartzell, Irene Korotev, Lorna O’Connor, Teri Clary, Linda Kurz. 2. Report of the Recording Secretary – L. Lindic January BOD Meeting Minutes were posted. – Motion by Linda Kurz, seconded by Penelope Brooks, to approve the minutes of the January Board of Directors on-line meeting. 1. Report of the President – L. Carpenter A. The Corresponding Secretary has mailed the 2010 slate of nominees to all members. YesVotes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. B. The bylaws amendment approved for consideration by the membership will be mailed out in March, along with an updated printed Membership Directory. C. The DPCA has decided to ask AKC to recognize working titles on Dobermans and has name the UDC as an endorsing organization and as the organization that will be allowed to host trials in conjunction with DPCA events. Hopefully this will increase the number of trial available around the country. The DPcA board motions were as follows: “Motion 10-51 (Shorr/Brooks) to approve the Working Dog Sport using the endorsement concept wherein DPCA chooses two other organizations to actually put on the WDS trial within the constraints set forth by AKC. Motion passed unanimously. Motion 10-52 (Brooks/Brucker) to apply to AKC for approval to have BH and VPG/IPO levels 1, 2 and 3 titles available as AKC recognized titles. Motion passed unanimously. Motion 10-53 (Christensen/Brooks) to apply to AKC for approval to use UDC and DVG as our endorsement organizations. Motion passed unanimously.” 12 UDC FOCUS 3. Report of the Membership Secretary – J. ferado New Members and late renewals were posted for February. NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS Ackerman, DVM, Donna M. 6835 Wildon Grove Road Gordonsville VA 22942-1504 (h) 540-832-2614 (w) 540-832-7703 Individual Sponsor: Chris Rasmussen Bach, Dr. Gregory & Debra von Bach 670 Mill Road Hamburg PA 19526 Northeast (h) 215-669-5948 (w) 610-488-8030 Family Sponsor: Anne Rammelsberg. Former UDC members 1995-2005. LATE RENEWALS Brown-Galonska, Elaine von der Bernsaver Jagd 48 Saint Nicholas Place #42 New York NY 10031 Northeast (h) (49) 224 775 8192 Individual Late renewal 02-02-10. DeChiro, Ellen, & Brian Wachtel 112 Deepkill Road Troy NY 12180 Northeast (h) 518-238-3672 Family Sponsor: Traci Mulligan. Changed to Family for 2008-2009; added Brian Wachtel. Late renewal 02-04-10. LaMesa, Diana M. Kiziah Dobermans 33 Belmont Drive Torrington CT 06790 Northeast (h) 603-714-0324 (w) 860-361-6500 Individual Original Sponsor: Ray McIntyre. Current Sponsor: Ali Baker. Late Renewal 02-04-10. Quartararo, Marianna D. 113 Ridge View Road Lackawaxen PA 18435 Northeast (h) 570-685-7869 (w) 845-292-6180 Individual Sponsor: Ray Carlisle. Late renewal 01-22-10. Woods, Janet Tattersall 5346 County Road 599 Farmersville TX 75442 Midsouth (h) 972-843-2257 Individual Late Renewal 01-30-10 Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 4. Report of the Member Club Secretary No Report 5. Report of the Corresponding Secretary – L. Kye Report of the Corresponding stated the Nominating Committee letter containing the list of candidates for the upcoming year along with the bios of each candidate was mailed to the UDC membership on January 30, 2010 - Terri Clary made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Lorna O’Connor. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 6. Reports of the Treasurer – I. Sasu Assets & Liabilities – December 31, 2009 Dec 31, 09 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank of America Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets Other Assets Certificate of Deposit Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 9,898.24 9,898.24 9,898.24 10,244.56 10,244.56 20,142.80 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Profit & Loss – December, 2009 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 20th Anniversary Miscellaneous Income Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges FOCUS Production Total FOCUS Miscellaneous Postage and Delivery Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 30,812.87 -10,670.07 20,142.80 20,142.80 Dec 09 2,262.94 14.00 297.38 2,574.32 51.35 3,986.14 3,986.14 20.24 287.58 4,345.31 -1,770.99 -1,770.99 Assets & Liabilities – January 31, 2010 Jan 31, 10 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank of America 11,273.99 UDCFOCUS13 Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets Other Assets Certificate of Deposit Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 11,273.99 11,273.99 10,244.56 10,244.56 21,518.55 20,142.80 1,375.75 21,518.55 21,518.55 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 20th Anniversary Ads Breeders Listing Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted Total Contributions Income Membership Dues Family Individual Total Membership Dues Miscellaneous Income Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income Restricted Contributions – January 31, 2010 Restricted Contributions January 1 - January 31, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted January 1, 2006 to January 31, 2010 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund 14 UDC FOCUS 20.00 5,342.42 7. Website Report Webmaster, Leslie Carpenter is currently seeking a webmaster volunteer. 8. AWDf Delegates Report – W. Schmitt, M. Jacobson 2010 AWDF Team Coordinator Lindsay Davis reports: financials – January, 2010 January 1 - December 31, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted Trophy Fund Total Restricted Jan 10 374.00 416.00 -25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 65.00 350.00 415.00 62.00 115.00 1,407.00 31.25 31.25 1,375.75 1,375.75 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 1,720.42 1,823.00 1,779.00 The 2010 AWDF CHAMPIONSHIP is May 28-30, 2010 in Indianapolis, IN.? The official website is www.2010awdf. com. It is that time for all competitors to be thinking about being part of the UDC Team.? I do not have exact dates for entry deadlines, therefore, I am giving approximate deadlines at this time.? If you are even thinking about competing, please send me an email at davislindsaye@ The following is an approximate timeline: Letter of intent with all necessary paperwork must be received by March 31st. Entry form with entry fee check made payable to the UDC must be received by April 10, 2010. Please remember that sending in the letter of intent with the appropriate documentation does not commit you to attending. You have time from that deadline to the entry deadline to make your final decision. I want to encourage anyone thinking about it to contact me. Since this is the UDC’s 20th anniversary, it would be great to have a big turn out at the AWDF. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Lindsay Davis AWDF Chair 434-577-9489 Lindsay and I have since communicated and we have agreed to move the entry deadline to conform with the other major clubs in AWDF to 4/25/2010. Lindsay just wanted to make sure that all competitors understand that there is NO leeway on getting the entry in if she is going to order the team clothing. Leslie Leslie J. Carpenter President United Doberman Club Note: Terri Clary questioned when elections were coming up but did not receive reply. 9. UDC fOCUS Bunnie Allard reports: The 1st Qtr 2010 was mailed February 8th and I am now working on the 2nd Qtr issue. The deadline for this issue is March 1st. There is still time to place an ad or get an article ready to send in. I know we have some talented writers out there and the Focus needs you! The Focus is also looking for a cover for the 2nd Qtr 2010. We need the support of the membership and if you’ve been thinking of having your dog on the front cover now is the time! I’m looking for filler photos that I can use in the Focus. If you have good fun photos of the antics our guys get into or just plain cute photos, send them on to me! The photos must be casual fun photos not show poses. I will print the owner and dogs name along with the photo. Please put UDC Filler Photo in the subject line so I will know what the photo is for. I am now doing digital printing for smaller quantities. This saved the club approximately $500.00 for the 1st Qtr 2010 issue which was 24 pages plus outside color cover. The cost savings is reflected in the invoice that was sent to Irina for this issue. Terri Clary made a proposal to use the UDC Calendar to automatically send notices of fOCUS deadlines, rates, wants & needs. Linda Lindic made a motion to accept the proposal and the motion was seconded by Beth Bishop. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 10. UDC 20th Anniversary Project Update – L. Lindic Calendar Project: A total of $1,903.77 was generated from the 2010 Calendar Project. The proceeds are designated for the UDC Health Fund. The Calendar Project is completed. Café Press Store Project: Sales from the Café Press Store as of 12/31/2009 was $359.85 which generated $86.00 in commissions Opportunity of Additional Income for Sales at UDC Nationals: We may have an opportunity for additional income by selling limited merchandise at the UDC Nationals. For example: I can purchase 15 mugs @ $7.14 each plus shipping. I can then sell them at the UDC Nationals for $12.00. I will make a profit of $4.86 per mug. A total profit of $72.90 (less shipping). They have a special going on right now with free shipping until Tues, Feb 16. The coffee mugs are just an example I can purchase a quantity of 15 of any of our items for re-sale at the UDC Nationals. The Framed Tiles sell for $5.52 for a quantity of 15. We also have Water Bottles and Travel Mugs. Let me know if you think this is a feasible idea. You may also visit our Cafe Press Store to view the items we have on sale. The link is : If we decide this is something we would like to do, I will make sure I get OK from Tri-State No motion was made to approve additional purchases and items were not ordered. 11. 2010 National Update – J. Toman Terri Clary questioned how to make a Trophy Donation and received answer from Linda Kurz to contact Meryl Winnie or Linda Lindic. 12. Status Report on UDC Judges College – R. Carlisle No report was posted. 13. Unfinished Business – Record Poll Results for January, 2010 New Members Record official results of poll to approve new members for January, 2010. The following individuals were approved by poll of the UDC board during early February, 2010, with the following board members answering in the affirmative: Brooks, Kye, Bishop, O’Connor, Hartzell, Korotev, Clary, Sasu. NEW MEMBER APPLICANTS fOR January 2010 Kapp, Sally R. 613 Paper Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 Northeast (h) 215-572-1314 Indvidual Sponsor: Janis Toman Madler, Lisa W. 103 Clearwater Court Columbus GA 31909-3466 South (h) 706-569-9774 Individual Sponsor: Janet Tomlin, DVM Zwart, Scott 40 Algodones Peralta NM 87042 Southwest (h) 505-866-0668 Individual Sponsor: Ray Carlisle LATE RENEWALS Brantingham, Rachel D. DeVyne Dobermans 5110 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99212 (h) 509-921-8952 (w) 509-979-9610 Individual Late Renewal 01/20/2010 Chamberlain, Rayanne & David Holcomb 7395 Kimball Road Lyons, MI 48851 Mideast (h) 989-855-3934 (w) 989-855-3671 Family UDCFOCUS15 Late Renewal 01-19-10 Hulke, Laura T. Dobestar 23901 Nebula Street NE Linwood MN 55079 Midcentral (h) 651-462-2778 © 612-282-9491 Individual Sponsor: Terry Jarka. Linda Kurz. Late renewal 12-07-09. Kitzinger-Painter, Vicki Lee 830 S. Park Plaza Drive Evansville IN 47715 Mideast (h) 812-457-0542 (w) 812-473-0151 Individual Sponsor: Tammy Marshall-Weldon. Late Renewal 11-23-09. LaBarre, Catherine E. 1360 S. 116 Road Bristol VT 05443 Northeast (h) 802-453-3666 Individual Sponsor: Traci Mulligan. Late renewal 01-14-09. Matson, Douglas & Jacque Kansa Dobermans 6721 N. Seneca Wichita KS 67204 Midsouth (h) 316-744-3214 (w) 316-393-5440 (Doug) (w) 316-304-7126 (Jacque) Family Sponsor: Nancy Christensen. Late renewal 12-21-09. Strong, Olivia Olson 86 Alpine Drive Jericho VT 05465 Northeast (h) 802-899-2693 (w) 802-899-2693 Individual Sponsor: Ray Carlisle, Traci Mulligan. Late renewal 01-14-10 16 UDC FOCUS Record Poll Results, New Members for January, 2010 – Penelope Brooks moved to approve/record the official results of the poll to approve new members for January 2010, seconded by Beth Bishop. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 14. Unfinished Business – Record Poll Results to approve Alvin Clemmons Record results of an official poll of the UDC board to approve Alvin Clemmon, Texas, as a UDC Temperament Test Judge, upon recommendation of former Director of Judges Ray Carlisle. The board was polled and the following individuals responded in the affirmative: L. Kurz, I. Sasu, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, B. Bishop, L. Lindic, L. Kye, P. Brooks. There were no dissenting Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 15. Unfinished Business – Record Poll Results to approve Mid-South Event Record results of an official poll to approve the MidSouth Regional UDC Event as submitted by Terri Clary to the Board. The Board is acting as Director of Judges until a replacement is appointed by the President. The following individuals responded in the affirmative: L. Kurz, I. Sasu, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, B. Bishop, L. Lindic. L. Kye, P. Brooks. There were no dissenting votes. Beth Bishop moved to record the poll results to approve the MidSouth Regional UDC Event as submitted by Terri Clary, seconded by Linda Kye. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 16. Submit copy of of Performance Judges Program to USA Schutzhund Assn. Terri Clary has requested that we submit a copy of our Performance Judges Program to USA for their approval. According to Terri, we need to do this in order to utilize USA judges to apprentice our VPG/SchH judges under. At current entry rates (in UDC IPO trials) it would take approximately 5 years just to meet the required number of dogs an apprentice must evaluate. By availing ourselves of USA judges and trials a UDC apprentice could feasibly meet the dogs evaluated requirement in 1 years time. (T. Clary) Motion made by Terry Clarry to allow Terri Clary to forward that portion of the UDC Judges Manual applying to SchH/IPO Judges programs to Nathaniel Roque, USA Director of Judges for approval. Motion seconded by Linda Kurz. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 17. Approve mailing of Membership Directory Board is to approve first-class mailing of printed membership directory to the members in mid-May, in combination with the ballot to the membership regarding the bylaws amendment adopted by the Board. The mailing date selected follows the formal installation of new officers and directors while it also helps to reduce mailing expenses for mailing the ballot separately. The membership directory will be a 4.25 x 8.5 booklet, with heavy cardstock cover and photocopy internal pages. There will be no advertisements in this booklet. It will include a list of the current Officers and Directors, the Bylaws and Constitution and the Code of Ethics, in addition to the membership list. Leslie Carpenter volunteers to prepare the document using the current membership list available from the Membership Secretary and provide the print-ready document to the Corresponding Secretary for duplication at a quick print shop. The Corresponding Secretary will complete the mailing. (L. Carpenter) Motion by Beth Bishop and seconded by Linda Lindic to approve the printing of a UDC membership directory and mailing to the UDC membership. Mailing is to take place in mid-May via first class mail in combination with the ballot for the bylaws amendment. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 18. Designation of 4 Qtr. focus as Breeders Directory Edition Board approve that 4th Quarter FOCUS be designated as the Breeders Directory edition of the magazine, and purchase 50 extra copies of the magazine to be distributed free of charge to individuals requesting a printed Breeders Directory, in lieu of a combined Membership and Breeders Directory. The Breeders Directory edition of the FOCUS shall include a copy of the UDC Code of Ethics, a membership application, and an individual dog registration form. (L. Carpenter) th Lorna O’Connor questioned the reason for the 50 extra copies. Which individuals might these be sent to? Do you mean non UDC members? If we used the Focus, which I think is a good idea, wouldn’t every UDC member get a copy anyway? Beth Bishop answered: I think the rationale for the 50 extra copies is to provide people (nonmembers) with copies that inquire about UDC breeders. A listing in the breeder’s directory must be purchased, so should be distributed beyond just UDC members. Motion made by Lorna O’Connor that the 4th Quarter FOCUS be designated as the Breeders Directory edition of the magazine and that UDC purchase 50 extra copies of the magazine to be distributed free of charge to individuals requesting a printed Breeders Directory, in lieu of a combined Membership and Breeders Directory. Linda Kurz seconded the motion requesting the person in charge of this project needs to check with UDC Administrator of Records for an improved registration application. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 19. Approve the continued use of the Online Edition of the Breeders Directory. Board is requested to approve the continued use of the online edition of the Breeders Directory at the rate of $25.00 per year. (L. Carpenter) Motion by Linda Lindic, seconded by Penelope Brooks to approve continued Use of the Online Edition of Breeders Directory at the rate of $25.00 per year. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. 20. Approve Matt Arpano to represent the UDC at the 2010 IDC IPO Competition in Slovakia. Approve Matt Arpano to represent the UDC at the 2010 IDC IPO competition in Slovakia and to reimburse Matt $500.00 for travel expenses upon receipt of supporting travel expense documentation. (L. Carpenter) Per Terri Clary: “Not that I disapprove but... Can we get the details...event scores ect that we are using for this approval?” Penelope Brooks moved to approve Matt Arpano to represent UDC at the 2010 IDC IPO competition in Slovakia and to reimburse him $500 in travel expenses upon receipt of supporting travel expense documentation. Seconded by Linda Lindic. Yes Votes: (8) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. Abstain: (1) T. Clary 21. Discussion of Director of Judges Position The Director of Judges position requires a good deal of administrative paperwork, and with only a few UDC judges, it is difficult to find an individual who has time to be both a judge and an administrator. I would like for the Board and membership to consider and provide input for the following idea: The Director of Judges is appointed by the President, and serves at the requrest of the President, although the DOJ appointment, like other standing committee appointments, are approved by the Board. Instead of appointing a Director of Judges who is responsible for maintaining records for judging apprentices and making recommendations for approval, the President will appoint an Administrator of Judges. The duties of the AOJ will be to: 1. Respond to inquiries about UDC apprenticeships, providing applications and supporting paperwork when requested. 2. Ensuring that information on the website is up-todate, and that all necessary forms are available for the use of members/apprentices/judges. 3. Assist apprentices in scheduling apprenticeship dates. 4. Record apprenticing evaluations, and notify the Judges Committee when apprentices have completed all apprenticeship requirements. 5. Record any disciplinary action for UDC judges enacted by the Judges Committee. 6. Record CE requirements for UDC judges. UDCFOCUS17 7. Record self-certification by UDC judges of meeting requirements for judges. committee will meet for this purpose and add the Club Chair as a temporary member of the judges’ committee. In short, the AOJ is an administrator, not a decisionmaker with regard to whether an individual is qualified to become or remain a UDC judge. This item needs a lot of discussion.” The Judges Committee will be comprised of the Club Chair (not the Nationals chair) of each of the judged events: IPO, Conformation, Obedience, Breed Survey plus three UDC judges and the President. The President will be the acting chair of the committee. The job of the Judges committee will be to meet quarterly to review applications for judging apprentices submitted by the AOJ, to recommend approval or denial of an apprentices who have completed apprenticeship requirements submitted by the AOJ, and to recommend disciplinary actions against a UDC judge if necessary. The AOJ is the liaison between the Judges Committee and the judges, apprentices, applicants, and the BOD. IMO, this approach allows much of the day-to-day work of the current DOJ position to be performed by an individual that is skilled in administration tasks, leaving our UDC judges to evaluate and recommend apprentices. It also shares responsibility for decisions regarding our UDC judges. This item is FOR DISCUSSION ONLY at this time. We will involve the membership via UDC OFFICIAL early in the process. Once we have initial input, we can draw up the changes into a DRAFT documents for approval by the Board, which will then be circulated to members via UDC-OFFICIAL. This is NOT a bylaws change and does not require a vote of the members to enact, BUT it is a major change and will need thorough discussion before adoption. Leslie Per Linda Kurz: “The Judges Committee will be comprised of the Club Chair (not the Nationals chair) of each of the judged events: IPO, Conformation, Obedience, Breed Survey plus three UDC judges and the President. I believe that this is inappropriate or at least needs clarification. The club chair varies from event to event. I do not envision the judges’ committee as an adhoc committee that is convened only occasionally but one that sits in session more or less continually. We might say: For the purpose of approving an event (and in particular the judges for the event), the judges’ 18 UDC FOCUS Terri Clary was not sure she liked this change. “ I frankly am not sure the Board is the right entity to make these decisions nor that another “renamed” and reworked committee is going to do a better job. In her opinion she felt we need a DOJ who wants all facets of our programs to work. Linda Kurz explained that one reason for this change is that if we use a single person, who is also a judge their time restraints may keep them from doing a thorough job. This position requires an individual who is totally engaged in the process and is able to follow through on a timely basis. She inquired if we had another suggestion for improving this? Better record keeping, someone who is on top of the process? There was no further discussion. This discussion will be carried forward at next month’s meeting. 22. Breed Survey Requirement for Best of Breed Competition Proposal to require passing breed survey to win Best of Breed at the National Specialty Shows. (T. Clary) There was a good discussion around this proposal. Some members felt that if we make this requirement, we would need to institute it at a later time in order to give members the opportunity to complete the BSA or BSB. It was also thought that perhaps we make a working title a requirement at this time and ramp up to the BSA or BSB at a later time. No motions were made at this time and discussion should move forward to next moths meeting. 23. Approve Beth Bishop as the Club Obedience Chair Motion was made by L. Lindic to approve Beth Bishop as United Doberman Club Obedience Club Chair. Motion was seconded by P. Brooks. Yes Votes: (8) P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. Abstain: (1) B. Bishop. 24. Need Approval for Working Dobermans of the Carolinas Summer Event Motion made by Penelope Brooks, seconded by Lorna O’Connor to approve the Working Dobermans of the Carolinas Summer Regional Event. Yes Votes: (9) B. Bishop, P. Brooks, T. Clary, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, L. O’Connor, I. Sasu. All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB BOARD Of DIRECTORS MEETING, MARCH, 2010 ONLINE MEETING fORUM Members in Attendance (11): Linda Lindic, Leslie Carpenter, Beth Bishop, Irina Sasu, Penelope Brooks, Linda Kye, Debbie Hartzell, Irene Korotev, Teri Clary, Linda Kurz, T. Champagne. 1. Report of the President – L. Carpenter A. Nominations - There have been no alternate nominees for the vacant positions of officers and directors for 2010 2011, so the slate mailed to the membership in January will be formally recorded by the Recording Secretary at [/B]the Annual General Membership meeting in April. B. Bylaws - The bylaws amendment ballot was not mailed with the slate of nominees. The Board approved at the last meeting to mail an updated Membership Directory during May to the members following the AGM in April. The ballot will go in the same mailing. C. DPCA The DPCA is negotiating with AKC to recognize the UDC as the endorsing organization for working dog trials held in conjunction with DPCA events, and to endorse working titles (BH, VPG/IPO) earned by AKC registered Dobermans in this country so that these titles might appear on the official AKC pedigree of these dogs. The UDC is continuing to work with the DPCA to work out the details of how this program will be implemented. DPCA President Jan van Wormer has asked for written confirmation from the UDC to the DPCA stating that we accept the DPCA using UDC as the endorsement club for working dog titles and conducting working dog trials in conjunction with AKC/DPCA events. Below is the letter I have sent to the DPCA board through Jan: Dear DPCA Board members: The United Doberman Club is pleased to be named as the official endorsement organization by the DPCA and American Kennel Club for working dog titles earned by Doberman Pinschers in the USA. It is our understanding that the UDC will endorse BH, SchH1, SchH2, SchH3, VPG1, VPG2, VPG3, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, SchHA, FH1 and FH2 titles earned at UDC sanctioned events awarded by a UDC approved judge. It is further understood that the UDC is designated as the official endorsement organization to conduct IPO trials in conjunction with, but not as an official part of, DPCA events. It is a pleasure to work with the DPCA and the AKC to gain recognition for our working Dobermans. Sincerely, Leslie Carpenter President United Doberman Club D. Alvin Clemmons - Congratulations to UDC member Alvin Clemmons of Texas on his approval as an official UDC Temperament Test Judge. 2. Report of the Recording Secretary – L. Lindic February BOD Meeting Minutes were posted. – Motion by Beth Bishop, seconded by Penelope Brooks, to approve the minutes of the February Board of Directors on-line meeting. Yes Votes: (9) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, B. Bishop Abstain: (1) T. Clary 3. Report of the Membership Secretary – J. ferado New Members and late renewals were posted for March. NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS Bonnie Bailey 6009 Wilton Road Alexandria, VA 22310 (h) 703-960-2776<mailto:dreadnoughtdobes@> Sponsor: Tammy Marshall-Weldon Aileen Devergie & Antonin Zmuran 5 Cypress Terrace West Roxbury MA 02132-5014 (h) 617-553-0222 (w) 617-553-0222 Family Sponsor: Linda Lindic James & Minny Honda 101 Morristown Road Gillette, NJ 07933 (h) 908-698-9012<> Sponsor: John Soares, Patti Nemoto Christopher & Lisa Kuehne 35 Lester Drive Orangeburg, NY 10962 (h) 845-359-2724<> Sponsor: Ray Carlisle Tim Norton 91 Mt. Rascal Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840 (h) 908-850-0068<mailto:Tim@happytailsinn. com><http://www.happytailsinn. com> Sponsor: Jim Toman Barbara Stephensen 3024 Monkton Road Monkton, MD 21111 UDCFOCUS19 (h) 410-472-3167<> Sponsor: Debra Hartzell Yes Votes: (10) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, T. Clary, B. Bishop Interim Member Club Secretary Report – L. Lindic Approve new Member Club the Pacific Northwest Doberman Pinscher Club. The Constitution and Bylaws of the Pacific Northwest Doberman Pinscher Club was submitted for approval. The Constitution and Bylaws meet requirements as printed in the Membership and Member Club Manual. . Founding members are: Ellen Higgins, Michelle Limoges, Sue Kelly-Walsh and Rachel Brantingham. Motion made by Penelope Brooks, seconded by Debbie Hartzell to approve the new member club. Yes Votes: (10) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, T. Clary, B. Bishop 4. Report of the Corresponding Secretary – L. Kye No report. 5. Reports of the Treasurer – I. Sasu Assets & Liabilities – february 28th, 2010 Feb 28, 10 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank of America Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets Other Assets Certificate of Deposit Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 11,440.35 11,440.35 11,440.35 10,244.56 10,244.56 21,684.91 20,142.80 1,542.11 21,684.91 21,684.91 financials Income & Expense - february, 2010 Feb 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 20th Anniversary 103.39 Ads 1,044.00 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund 110.00 Health Fund 10.00 Rescue Fund 10.00 Total Restricted 130.00 Total Contributions Income 130.00 Litter Ad 18.82 Membership Dues Club 45.00 20 UDC FOCUS Family Individual Total Membership Dues Miscellaneous Income National Income Catalog Ads Trophy Donations Total National Income Program Fees Versatility Program Fees Total Program Fees Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges Dues and Subscriptions Insurance Miscellaneous Postage and Delivery Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 195.00 516.22 756.22 248.00 96.80 72.52 169.32 15.00 15.00 317.08 2,801.83 34.06 408.50 1,570.00 270.00 352.91 2,635.47 166.36 166.36 Restricted Contributions - february 28th, 2010 Restricted Contributions February 1 - February 28, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund 110.00 Health Fund 10.00 Rescue Fund 10.00 Total Restricted 130.00 January 1 - February 28, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted 135.00 10.00 35.00 180.00 January 1, 2006 to February 28, 2010 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund 1,830.42 Health Fund 1,833.00 Rescue Fund 1,789.00 Trophy Fund 20.00 Total Restricted 5,472.42 6. Website Report We are fortunate to have recruited Laura Baugh, who has so capably administered the online entry system for the past two or three years to assist us in making better use of the what we have in place, and to help us make some planned improvements to the website. We still need programming volunteers and content development volunteers 7. AWDf Delegates Report – W. Schmitt, M. Jacobson No report 8. UDC fOCUS – Leslie Carpenter & I. Sasu There was a lengthy discussion regarding the FOCUS. Situation: The board agreed about 18 months ago to support the FOCUS and pay any shortfalls in advertising income in order to help keep the FOCUS on schedule and improve advertising revenues. Despite these efforts, revenues are not keeping pace with production costs, despite the addition of commercial advertisers. The Board needs to decide how to proceed with publication of the FOCUS in order to bring expenses in line with revenues, or needs to provide another source of revenue to pay for the FOCUS Bunnie Allard, Dog Show Art, our current publisher has taken on more than most publishers would take on in an effort to keep the magazine going. Not only does Bunnie layout the publication and advertising, she also solicits advertising and articles. Traci Mulligan assists Bunnie by reviewing articles and editing copy. Despite numerous attempts at securing additional volunteers to provide advertising sales and planning for the magazine, I have been unable to find any UDC member willing to take on this task and continue in this role for more than a few months. financial Impact reported on by Irina Sasu: I have uploaded the financial data just now in the Treasurer folder. Board members presented multiple ideas and as the meeting was at its conclusion, it was decided to continue the discussion on Newboard and/or UDC Official. 9. UDC 20th Anniversary Project Update – L. Lindic A. Calendar project is closed. Net income was $1,903.77. B. The Cafe Press store is still active and will incontinue to be so until such time the BOD decides to shut it down. I am unable to get financial reports directly because I have the newest version of I.E. which is not supported by the Cafe Press site. The information I have received is as follows: To date, we have received one check for $103.39. On March 15th they are scheduled to send out another check for $103.49. Total income will be $206.88. Expenses are store fees of $ 6.95 per month for a total of $20.85. Here is Laura Hulke’s report: The $20.85 charge was for 3 months of the Cafe Press shop fees. $6.95/month for the months of January/February/ March. We had to upgrade to a premium shop to offer multiple items. Linda is correct, there will be a check sent out on March 15th for $103.49. We’re definitely making more money than we are spending. We’ll close the shop after the Nationals, but because Cafe Press has a 45 day “hold-back” on payments (in case customers return merchandise), we probably won’t see our last check until sometime in June. We are losing A LOT of money. in 2008 FOCUS ate up 37% of our revenues in 2009 FOCUS ate up 41% of our revenues. Linda, can you make another announcement about purchasing merchandise? Every time that you do, we get a surge of orders. We cannot continue with the current arrangement as it is quickly depleting our funds. Laura Hulke Some general comments: 1) Going to no more than twice a year would be a good cost savings, while maintaining our club requirement to let members know of rule changes, minutes, etc. Going to B & W printing won’t save that much money. 2) Eliminating printing costs and mailing costs is not going to save that much money, it’s the layout that’s is expensive. 3) We have 2 advertisers with annual contracts: Ray Allen and Mary Chrusciel. Sincerely, Note I did post a solicitation on UDC Official to generate more sales 10. 2010 National Update – J. Toman The following report was posted by Jim Toman: We have just secured a stadium for the IPO trial. The stadium will be available for practice all day Fri. and it is ours for the trial on Sat. 2. I feel the entries are going very well as is the sale of banquet tickets and logo wear. 4) We print 300 issues. 3. Premium lists were mailed on Feb. 12 and emailed to all judges. 5) I like the idea of 3 newsletters sent out electronically and 1 super-issue/yearbook sent out in hardcopy - to include breeders’ directory, national issue, etc 4. Need early entries for Cerf and cardio. We are trying to get 50 for cerf. 6) Bids are a great idea - we definitely need to consider other alternatives. 5. Ribbons have been ordered. Trophy order is complete,but will wait several days to submit it as the Euro is dropping daily(trophies will come from Germany) A decision needs to be made VERY VERY SOON. Q2 issue has already closed - we will lose $3000 on it. If we are going to consolidate Q3/Q4, we need to decide NOW. 6. We will need volunteers during the event from UDC. Our 10 members can’t be in 6 places at once. I suggest getting bids in the next 3 days, and consolidating Q3/Q4. Irina 7. Trophy donations and sponsorships are coming along. Please help us in securing sponsors. This event is very expensive to put on the way we are and we can use every penny. Really it would be nice to see our parent club (UDC) do a sponsorship. UDCFOCUS21 8. We will keep posting reminders on UDC official. 9. Hotel seems to be booking well. I will know a number for you later and let you know. 10. Let me know if you have any questions. 11. Unfinished Business – Breed Survey Requirement for Best of Breed Competition Make the Breed Survey a requirement for the BOB award at the UDC National implementing it in the following progression: a) a “working” title to be awarded Best of Breed starting with the 2012 national b) passing Breed Survey Rating to be awarded Best Of Breed at the UDC National in 2014 a foreign breed survey plus current health tests for an “B” health rating accepted c) passing breed survey title BSA -A in 2016 foreign breed survey with grips plus current health tests for an “A” health rating. Linda Lindic made a motion to accept the BOB progression. The motion was seconded by Terri Clary. Yes Votes: (8) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Lindic, T. Clary, B. Bishop Abstain: (2) L. Kye, I. Sasu 12. New Business – Approve Working Dobermans of the Carolinas fall Trial Approve the Working Dobermans of the Carolinas Fall IPO Trial October 23rd & October 24th at Raleigh Schutzhund Assoc. Field in Roujemont, NC. Yes Votes: (10) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, T. Clary, B. Bishop 13. New Business – Approve Rayanne Chamberlin & Cota for UDC Service Dog of the Year Award. Lorna O’Connor moved to approve Rayanne Chamberlin and SAR dog Cota for the UDC Service Dog of the Year Award., seconded by Linda Lindic. Yes Votes: (8) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, B. Bishop Abstain: (2) D. Hartzell, T. Clary 14. New Business – Recognize APDT Rally titles Linda Kurz moved to recognize APDT rally titles the same as we recognize AKC Rally titles, after a dogs’ name in the data base (all titles) and as obedience points for each title for VC/VCX. Linda Lindic seconded the motion. Yes Votes: (9) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic, I. Sasu, B. Bishop No: (1) T. Clary 15. New Business – Director of Judges Position Linda Kurz moved that we send the following proposal to UDC official for comments. Motion seconded by Beth Bishop. 22 UDC FOCUS The Director of Judges is appointed by the President, and serves at the request of the President, although the DOJ appointment, like other standing committee appointments, is approved by the Board. Instead of appointing a Director of Judges who is responsible for maintaining records for judging apprentices and making recommendations for approval, the President will appoint an Administrator of Judges. The duties of the AOJ will be to: 1. Respond to inquiries about UDC apprenticeships, providing applications and supporting paperwork when requested. 2. Ensuring that information on the website is up-to-date, and that all necessary forms are available for the use of members/apprentices/judges. 3. Assist apprentices in scheduling apprenticeship dates. 4. Record apprenticing evaluations, and notify the Judges Committee when apprentices have completed all apprenticeship requirements. 5. Record any disciplinary action for UDC judges enacted by the Judges Committee. 6. Record CE requirements for UDC judges. 7. Record self-certification by UDC judges of meeting requirements for judges. In short, the AOJ is an administrator, not a decision-maker with regard to whether an individual is qualified to become or remain a UDC judge. The judges committee will be comprised of the following: The UDC IPO, Conformation, Obedience and Breed Survey Chairs, three approved UDC judges and the UDC president. The President will be the acting chair of the committee. The job of the Judges committee will be to meet quarterly to review applications for judging apprentices submitted by the AOJ, to recommend approval or denial of apprentices who have completed apprenticeship requirements submitted by the AOJ, and to recommend disciplinary actions against a UDC judge if necessary. The AOJ is the liaison between the Judges Committee and the judges, apprentices, applicants, and the BOD. IMO, this approach allows much of the day-to-day work of the current DOJ position to be performed by an individual that is skilled in administration tasks, leaving our UDC judges to evaluate and recommend apprentices. It also shares responsibility for decisions regarding our UDC judges. Yes Votes: (8) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, L. Lindic,B. Bishop Abstain: (2) I. Sasu, T. Clary 16. New Business – Approve Trophy Donations to AWDf Motion by Terri Clary, seconded by Linda Kurz to donate $200.00 to the AWDF trophy fund, $100.00 for High Doberman, $100.00 for general use. If no Doberman entered the remainder is to go to the general fund. Yes Votes: (8) P. Brooks, T. Champagne, D. Hartzell, I. Korotev, L. Kurz, L. Kye, T. Clary, B. Bishop No Votes : (1) L. Lindic Abstain: (1) I. Sasu All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB BOARD Of DIRECTORS MEETING, APRIL 25, 2010 NEWBURGH, NY Meeting commenced at 1:46PM on Sunday, April 25th at the Knights Inn Hotel in Newburgh, NY. Members in Attendance (6): Linda Lindic, Leslie Carpenter, Beth Bishop, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, Linda Kurz. 1. Report of the President – L. Carpenter A. Recognition of Working Titles on AKC Pedigrees AKC has approved DPCA’s request to recognize working titles earned by AKC registered Dobermans at UDC trials. The following is from DPCA President Jan Van Wormer (verbatim): April 14, 2010 To All DPCA Members, Good news folks!!! In March 2010 the AKC board was petitioned on behalf of the DPCA to recognize Working Dog Titles and allow them to be included on AKC pedigrees. This is what we asked for: What Working titles would the DPCA like the AKC to record? The DPCA would like all Working titles recently approved by the AKC Board to the GSDCA. BH, SchH1, SchH2, SchH3, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, SchHA, FH1, and FH2. Today the AKC Board voted to grant Dobermans all of the titles we have asked of them. The AKC board was also petitioned on behalf of the DPCA to grant the Working Dog Sport titles that AKC previously denied to everyone who earned titles during the trial period of the AKC Working Dog Sport (WDS). This too was voted on in the affirmative by the AKC board. Those of you who have earned titles in the WDS may go to the AKC website and get the forms on the left hand side of the site to get the forms to fill out for your title on AKC pedigrees. http:// The AKC Board did not grant Dobermans working titles on pedigrees going back to the early 1990’s as requested during this month’s meeting. However, they will be looking at it for a vote next month. Best Regards, Janet Van Wormer DPCA President It should be noted that at this time, only one title is to be recorded per dog. Therefore, whatever title you ultimately want on your dog’s pedigree is the one that should be recorded. It was mentioned that there may be an opportunity to renegotiate this at some time in the future. Details will soon follow about the time frames for previously earned titles and the procedures for applying for newly earned titles. At this time, ONLY titles earned at UDC events will count; however, the title applied for is the one that must be UDC. Titles earned at other events accepted by UDC can be used for lower level titles. So, if your dog has earned its SchH2 through USA or DVG, you do not have to repeat your titles to move to the UDC SchH3, and you can make application to have the SchH3 title added to your dog’s AKC pedigree. B. UDC/DPCA IPO Trial The UDC/DPCA IPO Trial will be held in Topeka, Kansas on Friday, October 8th. Anne Conroy is trial coordinator. Mary Chrusciel is trial secretary. The committee now consists of May Jacobson, Doug and Jacque Matson, Tiffany Mahaffey, Suzan Shipp, Linda Kurz, and Leslie Carpenter. Laura Baugh, in her role as webmaster, has been asked to join. Also, Victoria Hall, who is a UDC member is the liaison appointed by DPCA president Jan van Wormer to assist in this effort. We welcome others UDC members who wish to be a part of the planning and implementation for this event. One idea that came up was that we would have “Meet the Sport Doberman” day at the event. Ellen Higgins will be contacted regarding the UDC Medallions that can be given as Trophies at the Trial. Linda Lindic will contact Ellen Higgins regarding the number and type of Medallions that are available. 2. Report of the Recording Secretary – L. Lindic March, 2010 BOD Meeting Minutes were read. – Motion to approve by Penelope Brooks, seconded by Linda Kurz, to approve the minutes of the April Board of Directors on-line meeting. Yes Votes: (5): Linda Lindic, Beth Bishop, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, and Linda Kurz. 3. Report of the Corresponding Secretary – L. Kye No Report 4. Report of the Membership Secretary – J. ferado NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS Bradley Bezzina 6246 Charlesworth Dearborn Heights MI 48127 Mideast (h) 313-399-7273 Individual Sponsor: Richard Serio Jennifer L. Davidson P. O. Box 75 Latham NY 12110-0075 Northeast (h) 518-221-5366 Individual Sponsor: Traci Mulligan Lynn Eggers Foxhall 3216 Wintergreen Terrace UDCFOCUS23 Grapevine TX 76051-4241 Midsouth (h) 817-481-4187 Individual Sponsor: Linda Kurz. Former UDC member 2006-2007 with Sponsors Jill Graves, Terri Clary, Jill Harris, Wendy Schneider, Cornelia Grabichler, Nancy Christensen. Julie Inglis 7333 Denton Hill Road Fenton MI 48430-9421 Mideast (h) 810-750-1354 (w) 810-623-9866 Individual Sponsor: Richard Serio Eugene Smith 196 East Union Street Ashland, MA 01721 (h) 508-881-8257<> Sponsor: Ray Carlisle, Tony DeGregorio LATE RENEWALS Frank D’Andrea 19 Jersey Avenue Suffern NY 10901 (h) 845-368-2017 Individual 10-25-08 Sponsor: Vicky Brachfeld Late renewal 04-09-10 Motion: Motion to Approve the new and late renewal members was made by Irene Korotev. Seconded by Penelope Brooks. Yes Votes (5): Linda Lindic, Beth Bishop, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, and Linda Kurz. 5. Reports of the Treasurer – I. Sasu Assets & Liabilities as of March 31, 2010 Mar 31, 10 24 UDC FOCUS 11,122.83 11,122.83 11,122.83 10,244.56 10,244.56 21,367.39 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY financials as of March, 2010 Margaret McCormick 80 Lake Ridge Cove Mohegan Lake NY 10547 Northeast (h) 914-471-8348 (c) 631-379-4497 Individual Sponsor: Ray Carlisle. ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bank of America Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets Other Assets Certificate of Deposit Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 20,142.80 1,224.59 21,367.39 21,367.39 Mar 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 20th Anniversary Ads Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted Total Contributions Income Membership Dues Family Individual Total Membership Dues Miscellaneous Income Registration Fees Total Income Expense Bank Service Charges FOCUS Production Total FOCUS Insurance Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income Restricted Contributions as of March, 2010 Restricted Contributions March 1 - March 31, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted January 1 - March 31, 2010 Contributions Income Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted 82.64 2,219.50 10.00 15.00 45.00 70.00 70.00 130.00 346.80 476.80 152.00 369.85 3,370.79 56.87 3,581.44 3,581.44 50.00 3,688.31 -317.52 -317.52 10.00 15.00 45.00 70.00 145.00 25.00 80.00 250.00 January 1, 2006 to March 31, 2010 Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Trophy Fund Total Restricted 1,840.42 1,848.00 1,834.00 20.00 5,542.42 6. Website Report Laura Baugh has taken over the web site and is working on it. Laura will make recommendations to improve content and organization on web site. We need “Content Managers” for specific section of the site. The thought is to have individuals provide content which Laura will then add to the UDC web site. We need to get back on track and provide consistency on the site. 7. AWDf Delegates Report – W. Schmitt, M. Jacobson No report 8. UDC fOCUS – Leslie Carpenter Discussion of bids on FOCUS is listed under “Unfinished Business”. 9. UDC 20th Anniversary Project Update – L. Lindic To date, we have received two checks - $103.39 and $103.49. We have earned an additional $92.54 through our account. Of the amount, $58.05 has cleared the mandatory 30 return period, and will appear in our next check. The remaining $34.49 comes from sales in the past 30 days and remains in a pending state. Net Calendar income was $1,903.77. Checks received from logo wear total $290.88. Calendar and logo wear income total $2,194.65. 10. Status Report on Documentation for UDC Judges College for inclusion in the Administration Manual – R. Carlisle No Report 11. Unfinished Business – Evaluation of bids for electronic version plus one printed yearbook of fOCUS Mariah Dupuy is a UDC member who has volunteered to be editor of FOCUS. Mariah has sent out bids from Bunnie Allard, Chris Baker, and Susan Lombard. Estimates were received from the three bidders. These bids are for design only. Bunnie does so much more than just the design layout, she solicits ads and content. Bunnie has done a good job getting the magazine back on track with exception of the Nationals issue where there was confusion with photo identification. Bids Bunnie Allard with Dog Show Art – Based on producing 3 electronic issues and one annual hardcover issue. $1,169.00 per quarter based on 24 pages. The printed and mailed issue of 24 pages plus cover was quoted at $1.894.75 for printing, $180.00 for mail prep, and $213.81 for postage for a total of $2,288.56. Bunnie quoted $6,900.00 (rounded) for the three electronic and print copy. Chris Baker with Print It Design For a 25 page magazine the cost is $1,000 - $1,400. per issue. Printing will be done by printer of your choice. This does not include mailing costs. Susan Lombard with Daybreak Design – Design and layout 25 page magazine some color and some b/w. $980.00 per issue for electronic issue. Both Chris Baker and Susan Lombard require editors. Bunnie does her own editor work and we are not relying on other sources. It should also be noted that Bunnie is a UDC member. We are familiar with the quality of Bunnie’s work. Since we are changing our format i.e. from print to electronic is a big change. Also changing Vendors is another big change. The thought process is staying with Bunnie and seeing how the change goes from print to electronic version will also us to ease into the process. The Board was very impressed with the pricing structure for the 2010 UDC Nationals Catalogs and is looking at pricing the ads in the electronic version within the same parameters. Leslie Carpenter and Penelope will work on the pricing proposal for ads and come back to the BOD with more information. Leslie will talk with members to get feedback on advertising pricing. Leslie will also call Bunnie to clarify her pricing and get additional information. 12. Unfinished Business - Director of Judges Program The discussion was regarding an Administrator of Judges position which will serve in a clerical role to assist the Judges’ Committee consisting of the President, the Chair of each judged or evaluated event within UDC, and the judges of those events, that will oversee apprentice applications, review and approval as judges. The AOJ will not be a decision making position. Only the Judges Committee will have that ability. Board expressed that we received negative comments regarding this new position. Leslie suggested in mapping out a proposal and taking it to our current judges for their feedback. We will not make a decision regarding the Director of Judges/ Administrator of Judges Program at this point. Continuation of Meeting – The BOD meeting reconvened on April 28TH, 2010 at 7:30 PM Members in attendance were Linda, Lindic, Deb Hartzell, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, Beth Bishop, and Leslie Carpenter. Linda Kurz joined at 7:50 PM. 1. fOCUS Electronic Version - Leslie spoke with Bunnie and got formula. She came up with price structure on electronic version of $45.00 B/W and $75.00 Color in FOCUS. Front Cover for FOCUS will be priced at $125.00. This prices are not yet set and Leslie will discuss with Bunnie. Print Version - Print version will be one time a year “super book”. On a Qty of 350 with 48 pages of black & white with color cover price would be $52.91 per page. Color would be $107.44 per page. For ads we could conceivably charge $80.00 for a black and white ad and $145.00 for color. Our thought process is we are not UDCFOCUS25 trying to make money on ad but merely break even. We want ads to be affordable for membership. The cover on the once a year print issue will be valuable. Individuals who want to buy the front cover will have their name submitted and will we draw name for cover. Pricing for front cover would be $250.00. Back cover would be $200.00. Inside back or front would be $175.00. Advertiser would be selected by random drawing. We will draw for front cover first and the names will go into drawing for back cover and then inside front and back. Current contracts for ads would be honored. If we start now, Bunnie will be able to produce the 3rd Quarter electronically. 2010 UDC Nationals will be featured in the 4th Quarter. Here is what Bunnie quoted us on the print version: 48 pages and cover with a quantity of 350 issues. 28 pages color at $107.44 per page = $3,008.22 20 pages black & white @52.91= $1,058.20 Total for print version would be $4,066.22 Our minutes will go as insert and not be part of printed book. Our Breeder’s Directory will also go into this issue. All members will receive as part of their membership. We can also sell this version on a pre-paid basis. Charge for mailing electronic version could be $5.00 plus shipping and handling. Letter from President (Leslie Carpenter) will go in our mailing with Membership Directory explaining our need to go to an electronic version. We will continue to use Bunnie until next AGM and we agree to her pricing proposal. The contract to be renegotiated following 2nd Qtr 2011 issue. Motion: Motion to approve Dog Show Art as editor publisher. Will produce electronic version 3rd, 1st and 2nd quarters. Print version for 4th Quarter. Will honor rates she proposed. Will provide her with price structure for advertisements. The four cover slots will be selected by random drawing with preference given to current contract advertisers. Motion made by Debbie Hartzell, seconded by Beth Bishop. Yes Votes (6): Linda Lindic, Deb Hartzell, Beth Bishop, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, Linda Kurz. Meeting concluded at 8:40 PM. Motion to adjorn Penelope Brooks, seconded by Irene Korotev. Yes Votes (6): Linda Lindic, Deb Hartzell, Beth Bishop, Irene Korotev, Penelope Brooks, Linda Kurz. All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB MINUTES Of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, APRIL 28, 2010, NEWBURGH, NY Members in Attendance (40) – Guests (15): Members: Bonnie Wittrock, Sue Kelly-Walsh, Makayla King, Barbara Lenahan, Jacque Matson, Doug, Matson, Danielle Reed, Pete Lindic, Sean Salke, Loel Turpin, Mai My, Susan LeClair, Ali Baker, Joanne Petrilli, Arnold Jacobson, Wayne Tartaglia, Tim Norton, Sandra Hanrahan, Jeffrey Saporito, Lyn Kargaard, Chris Spiniello, Mary Chrusciel, Ellen Gilmour, Janis Toman, Jim Toman, Pam Burns, Meryl Winnie, Ray Carlisle, John Soares, Patricia Nemoto, Leslie Carpenter, Beth Bishop, Debbie Hartzell, May Jacobson, H. Leibman, Dave Korotev, Irene Kortev, Linda Kurz, Linda Lindic, Laura Hulke, Joe Kurz. Guests: William Mundy, Kim Mundy, Jason Gillan, Joe Lenahan, Diana LaMesa, Cindy Noland, Sharon Hildebrand, Eve Auch, Dustin Moffitt, Natalie Russell, Andre Gardner, John Marinos, Sally Rusin, Mark Rusin, Tessa Wolben (sp?) IPO Judge – Joseph Buleo and spouse Glena Galladz. Meeting was called to order on Thursday, April 28th at the Knights Inn in Newburgh, NY. President Leslie Carpenter called the meeting to order and requested that all individual sign-in on the sign-up sheet that was being passed around and to indicate that you are a member or guest next to your name. Minutes from the 2009 Annual General Meeting - Leslie informed the assembly that the minutes of the 2009 AGM were quite lengthy and offered to read the minutes. Also, she 26 UDC FOCUS informed the membership that printed copies of the minutes were available to distribute. Motion: Meryl Winnie made motion to waive the reading of the minutes. Motion was seconded by Jim Toman. Motion passed unanimously. Report of the President – Leslie Carpenter: We have 5 significant topics to inform the members about. 1.AKC recognition of Doberman working titles - We are really excited that the AKC has recognized the UDC as the official endorsing organization for the recognition of working titles on AKC registered Dobermans in this country. This has been a long time coming and taken hard work from a lot of folks. This was at the recommendation of the DPCA. The title to be recorded has to be earned at a UDC trial. However, preliminary titles may be earned at any trial the UDC recognizes. The titles to be recognized are Schutzhund 1,2, and 3, IPO 1,2, and 3 and WDS 1,2,3 BH and FH. We were able to include those folks whose dogs earned the WDS titles during the trial period of the AKC Working Dog Sport. Janet Van Wormer and the DPCA are continuing to negotiate to get historical titles recognized. We have submitted a list of titles earned at UDC events since 1990 to the AKC. We don’t know if that will happen but we are doing our best to get it done so those dogs can get their titles recorded on their pedigrees. Owner will submit an application to AKC and the title will be confirmed by the UDC Administrator of Records. 2. UDC IPO Trial - We now have two Nationals level events at which our Schutzhund Dobermans can compete. This is another exciting development. Ann Conroy is heading the committee and Mary Chrusciel will be Trial Secretary. We are in negotiation to find a Judge. We are looking at USA judges to help nurture our relationship with fellow AWDF clubs. We do need help. We need folks to help with ribbons, and donations and all the other work that goes with putting on a trial. It will be on Friday, October 8th, 2010 in Topeka, Kansas. 3. focus Changes – In the past year, the FOCUS has cost us a lot of money and we have not been able to sell enough ads to meet production costs. Your Board has made the difficult decision to go to a 3 time a year electronic version. We will have a printed “yearbook” version at the end of the year. The cost of advertising will be reduced substantially in the electronic version. This means that any of us can afford to take out an ad in the electronic version. The cost of ads will also be reduced in the yearbook. The colors ads will be reduced significantly. So I hope that each of your will consider to place an ad in the yearbook. Brag about your dog’s accomplishments in the past year, welcome a puppy, honor a veteran whatever you see fit. It does not have to be about litters for sale. This will be a commemorative issue – a keepsake that people will want to have. We will also offer it for sale without the Club information. Club information will be an insert. Members will receive it as part of your membership dues. We will offer it for pre-sale on the web site to non members. Only members will receive the club information (minutes, etc) as an insert. 4. Director of Judges – Administrator of Judges Position - If you have been following along on UDC Official you are aware that we do not have a Director of Judges. The Director of Judges has resigned. Your Board has been acting as Director of Judges in the interim. This is a problem because we have some very qualified applicant or apprentice judges and we want to let them be judges. We want to have an administrator who can help to handle the clerical end of processing for judging apprentices, keeping paperwork straight, and so forth. Judging decisions such as who will become judges and evaluation of apprentices will be left to judges. The position of Administrator of Judges will not be a position of decision making but will be a position of support. As we develop that position you can look for more information on the email list and Leslie will be available for questions after the meeting. We have suspended reading of the minutes and this concludes my President’ Report. I have reports of Secretaries. In the interest of time I would like make those available in a written report to the membership. Briefly, we are holding steady in membership. We lost one membership but we totaled out in the same number of memberships. We have 310 total members. We have one new member club. We welcomed Sue Kelly-Walsh’s new club - We now have 14 Member Clubs. We need our member clubs to have events at home. The Report of the Treasurer will be in the FOCUS and on UDC Official and the same with the reports of the committees. 5. Election of Officers & Board - The next thing we have is the election of Officers and Board Members at the Annual Meeting. Our nominees were not contested so we will automatically elect those Officers and Directors at this meeting. The nominees are for President, Linda Kurz, Vice President, Lorna O’Connor, Recording Secretary, Terri Clary, Treasurer, Irina Sasu as agreed to continue. Corresponding Secretary will be Laura Hulke, Membership Secretary will be Linda Kye, and Member Club Secretary will be Linda Lindic. We have new Regional Directors – MidCentral will be Tiffany Mahaffey, Mid-South is Doug Matson, Northeast is Debbie Hartzell, Mid-West is Sue Kelly-Walsh. She is actually filling the remainder of a two year term from the West. So she will serve one year and be up for re-election if she is willing to serve again. The South Region is Chris Rasmussen, the Southwest Region is Sandi Atkinson, and the West is Wendy Schmitt again another one to be filled for one year and up for re-election for a year. Our non-re-elected Directors will be Beth Bishop for the MidEast and Tamara Champagne from Canada. So with that list I am going to ask our acting Recording Secretary, Linda Lindic to cast a ballot and we accept the nomination for Officers – one vote. Linda Lindic cast one ballot for the nominees for Officers and Directors. Vote was unanimous. Your new Officers and Directors are now in force. Word from New President – Linda Kurz: Linda Kurz addressed the assembly stressing that this next year is critical as one of the major desires of the Doberman sport community has been recognition of our Doberman sport titles on our pedigrees. We know the only way that will get official is to have the AKC record those titles because the FCI recognizes AKC as the kennel club of the United States. We have been working toward this for 20 years. In order to make this work we need to nurture our relationship with the DPCA and we need a really good turn-out at the IPO Trial in Topeka on October 8th. I have some fliers for that trial. Please feel free to pick up a flyer and try to enter the event – even if you are just doing BH. We want a really good turnout. We also want to have some extra events to show and educate our DPCA members about the working dog. We mentioned a number of possibilities such as having a “Meet the Sport Doberman” – we are not yet sure how this will all work out. The DPCA has been very accommodating in donating space and including our Premium List in their Premium List and a number of other very supportive actions. We have to be the ones come through. We have to show up and support this event. Ray Carlisle asked for a motion to adjourn and several individuals in the audience made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Linda Lindic. UDCFOCUS27 Presentation of the Service Dog of the Year Award The 2010 award was presented to Rayanne Chamberlain and her Doberman Cota. The following is the acceptance speech from Cota & Rayanne! “From Cota: Rayanne, my partner, has graciously allowed me to express my appreciation for this award. I was originally meant to be a search dog, but it didn’t work out with my first handler, so I got placed in a pet home. Much to my delight, I thought my new family had provided me with my very own squeaky toy in the form of a little yappy ankle biter. I was wrong and my life became the six sides of a crate. Finally they decided I was uncontrollable and I went into rescue where Rayanne found me and started to work with me. I had no idea how much work or how much fun that was going to be! First I had to learn how to find live people and dead people in the woods. Next I had to learn how to find people who had drowned. She told me I had to be able to find people in big scary buildings, in the dark, when it’s hot, when it’s cold, when there are two feet of snow on the ground, when it’s raining and on and on. And she made me practice and practice all those things! She still does. Three years ago, Rayanne decided I didn’t have enough to do, so I became a Delta Society Therapy Dog. Now every month I go to a school and children read stories to me. At least that’s relaxing! But she still wasn’t done with me. Recently she’s been training me to find something called alcohol and drugs. I guess she met up with a private organization that wants to use dogs for Memberships - April 2010 Type of Membership this purpose at large companies, schools and private homes and she decided that would be the perfect job for me in my old age. I thought old age meant you got to slow down. Honestly! How many people have three jobs? I’m almost nine years old (that’s 63 in dog years) and I work all the time. But I love it all. I love the partnership I have with Rayanne and I feel like I’m fulfilling the purpose that every Doberman is born with. I’m really proud of this award and am glad I can represent Dobermans this way! From Rayanne: Cota said it all. From a dog with little selfesteem or purpose, he has become a focused, driven working dog with great stamina. I only wish that dogs had the same understanding of an honor like this that we, as humans, do. He is so deserving of this honor and I am so proud of all he’s accomplished. I could not ask for a better partner. From both of us, thank you so much for this award. We will treasure it.” Reports of the Membership Secretary United Doberman Club Membership Secretary Report April 2010 Total number of UDC memberships as of April 2010, is as follows: Memberships - May 2009 Increase / Individual Family Total Individual Family Total (Decrease) United States 207 45 252 208 44 252 0 International 11 1 12 12 1 13 -1 Total Individual & Family 218 46 264 220 45 265 -1 Total UDC membership count as of April 2010, is as follows: No. of Memberships - April 2010 Type of Membership No. of Memberships - May 2009 Increase / Individual Family Total Individual Family Total (Decrease) United States 207 90 297 208 88 296 1 International 11 2 13 12 2 14 -1 Total Individual & Family 218 92 310 220 90 310 0 This membership count includes the new and late renewal members to be voted on in April 2010. A list of current Individual and Family memberships and non-renewals is attached. Since May 2009, UDC membership has decreased by a net total of only one Individual and Family membership because non-renewals have been offset by new member applicants. Respectfully submitted, Julianne Ferado UDC Membership Secretary April 19, 2010 28 UDC FOCUS UDC Versatility Reports UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB VERSATILITY COMPANION ( VC ) Date Title Awarded Dog’s Name / Owner’s Name 110 6-Sep-09 Citto von der Wudritz, BH, IPO III, TDI, CGC Vicky K. Brachfeld 111 6-Sep-09 UKC Ch., UKC CD D’Lano’s Guns N’ Roses, WAC,ATTS,TDI, CGC, RN Linda Rusinko & Deborah Otlano 112 6-Sep-09 UDC Ch. Cicily vom Koby Haus, BH, BSB-E3A Jim & Janis Toman 113 6-Feb-10 CKC Ch. Seven’s Strekoza Pennylane, RA, TT, ROMC Leah Hamaluk 114 6-Feb-10 Aurora’s Jetta, CD, RA, NAC, VADC, VSGDC, AGNS, AGIJ, CGC, CGN, ThD Leah Hamaluk 115 6-Feb-10 Ch. Gentry’s Beck ‘N’ Call, CGN, CD, RN, RAMCL, TT, ROM Caitlin Rathburn 116 6-Feb-10 Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya, BH, SchH1, IPO2, VPG3, CD, CGC, RN, WAC Brandi Williams UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB VERSATILITY COMPANION ExCELLENT ( VCx) Date Title Awarded Dog’s Name / Owner’s Name 57 06-Sep-09 AKC Ch., UKC Ch. D’Lano’s Make My Day Traditions, RA, NAJ, ROM, ATTS, CGC Deborah Otlan 58 06-Sep-09 AKC Ch., UKC GrCh. Zima Is Mine Always, ROM, CD, RN, CGC, ATTS, TDI, CGC Deborah Otlano 59 23-Oct-09 UDC Ch. , UKC Ch. Gravin Vera V. Neerlands Stam, CD, RN, WAC, CGC Lynda L. Herndon 60 06-Feb-10 UDC, UKC Ch. Beja’s Sorella Suzy Q, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, ADA CAC, CHIC Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio Treasurer Report for 2009 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 20th Anniversary Ads Breeders Listing Contributions Income Restricted Competitors Fund Health Fund Rescue Fund Total Restricted Total Contributions Income Litter Ad Jan - Dec 09 3,010.70 1,738.15 71.49 184.68 355.00 612.00 1,151.68 1,151.68 39.41 Membership Dues Club Family Individual Total Membership Dues Miscellaneous Income National Income Banquet Catalog Catalog Ads Echoes Entries Logo Wear Miscellaneous Seminar Silent Auction 431.25 3,200.31 9,157.01 12,788.57 1,321.91 1,240.00 491.83 280.00 2,625.00 4,178.10 1,689.42 1,566.82 1,245.00 1,063.00 UDCFOCUS29 Trophy Donations Total National Income Program Fees Versatility Program Fees Total Program Fees Registration Fees Total Income 1,291.00 15,670.17 80.00 80.00 2,623.00 38,495.08 Expense Bank Service Charges Computer Dues and Subscriptions Equipment Purchase FOCUS Production Total FOCUS 15,883.21 15,883.21 Insurance Liability Insurance Insurance - Other Total Insurance 630.00 890.00 1,520.00 Miscellaneous 5,342.99 1,160.38 524.20 763.54 2,062.75 National Expenses 2009 Catalog Echoes Hotel & Meals Judges Location Logo Wear Miscellaneous Premium List & Mailing Trophies & Ribbons Total 2009 Total National Expenses Postage and Delivery Telephone Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Expense Expense Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income 1,285.17 3,650.00 1,775.01 5,998.78 1,465.00 1,659.06 181.95 765.89 2,296.61 19,077.47 19,077.47 1,316.85 1,226.44 48,877.83 -10,382.75 287.32 287.32 -287.32 -10,670.07 All Board Meeting Minutes are printed unaltered as submitted. UNITED DOBERMAN CLUB POST AGM BOARD Of DIRECTORS MEETING, APRIL 30, 2010, NEWBURGH, NY Meeting commenced at 7:15 PM on Friday, April 25th at the Knights Inn Hotel in Newburgh, NY. Members in Attendance (8): Linda Kurz, Beth Bishop, Sue Kelly-Walsh, Laura Hulke, Debbie Hartzell, Doug Matson, Linda Lindic, and Conformation Chair Jacque Matson. 1. Report of the President – L. Kurz A decision was made to go with Bunnie Allard and Dog Show Art for publishing the FOCUS. Strong wording will be made to have issues go out on time. We will have three electronic versions and one hard copy. Doug Matson made the point that in the electronic version the color ads should not cost more. Leslie Carpenter will continue to work on getting the Administrator of Judges Program on track. 4. Casual Discussions – All There was a lengthy discussion regarding the UDC data- 30 UDC FOCUS base and difficulties with making changes. There was also discussion regarding the changes to the Conformation Rules and Jacque Matson asked why there was opposition to the Intermediate Class. It was expressed that the opposition was that a dog could finish Championship prior to attaining 2 years of age. There is a need for us to wrap up the proposed changes under discussion. Linda Kurz then expressed the importance of ensuring that we have a good IPO Trial in Topeka, Kansas and she is confident that we can do a great job and have a good turn-out. Doug Matson felt that giving out cash awards would be a good incentive to have good participation in the IPO event given the current economy and the expense necessary to attend the IPO Trial. Beth Bishop made a motion to adjourn and Sue KellyWalsh seconded. The motion was unanimous. HumanRemainsDetection/CemeteryWork By Bonnie Guzman Historic human remains detection (HHRD) has evolved into a subspecialty of HRD. The use of dogs for pinpointing locations of historic level graves (pioneer cemeteries, homestead burials, Native American burials, archeologic sites, cold case homicides) is a growing discipline and the training for it requires more specific methodology. Dogs trained to pinpoint such subtle source are, ideally, imprinted with nothing but historic level sources for the first year of their life and, in some cases, stronger sources are never added, depending on the dog team’s preference. Developing the advanced dog’s nose to recognize source on the surface and then buried source, at varying depths, can be trained by creating a grid of carefully measured buried teeth, placed at varying depths in rows. (See Photograph 1.) the cemetery that can now confidently be used for future graves without the concern of disturbing previously buried. Although GPR is deemed scientific, there are many land surfaces that GPR is not able to maneuver. Surfaces must be relatively level and adaptable to work the GPR device. What better to use for variable surface scent detection than a great dog’s nose? Cemetery work requires an obedient dog who has the ability to work with other dogs simultaneously. Off lead work is preferred. (See photograph 3). The dog must possess tenacity, a willingness to commit to scent, be detail oriented, methodical in style, and have a very well established/ desired reward system. What better breed than a Doberman Pinscher? Follow up training opportunities have been Photo 2: Porter at Paul True’s grave, Highlands Lake Pioneer Cemetery, Mead, CO. provided by Evergreen Cemetery in Leadville, CO., which has significant unmarked burials Photo courtesy of Pauli Smith. from gold rush days. We plan to make a year long project of this extraordinary resting Other training sources may include clean bone, bone chips place, with the assistance of Gail Kilgore, historian. Colorado has and cremains, but the practical application of training on unextensive gold rush cemeteries, so we have our three week vacamarked but known gravesites helps instill the slow, methodition lined up to travel extensively and stay busy. cal work ethic needed by both dog and handler. Many thanks to the following people, who have helped to Recently, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work my get us on our way: Tammy Marshall Weldon-breeder; Shirley dog, Swift Run’s Warrior CGC, BH, aka Porter, at Highlands Hammond for her wise counsel; Cris Goodhue- who imprintLake Pioneer Cemetery, Mead, CO at the request of Pauli Smith, ed scent; Pauli Smith and Gail Kilgore- for offering exceptionthe cemetery historian. Simultaneously, GPR (ground penal training opportunities; and last, but by no means least, to etrating radar) was performed, as a college class project that Jim Delbridge and Murphy, to whom I owe all our success. included markers for all graves that Porter located. For more information, contact me directly at bonefinder@ (See Photograph 2). Photo 1: Photo courtesy of Jim Delbridge. The following week, my friend and mentor, Jim Delbridge, along with his Airedale, Murphy, worked with Porter and me to locate even more graves. The college students utilized Porter’s results and could not dispute where there were differences in results. The report suggests that non coffin burials are more difficult for the GPR to be conclusive. Both Porter and the GPR were able to clear a large portion of Photo 3: Training buddies, Porter and Murphy. Photo courtesy of Jim Delbridge. UDCFOCUS31 2010 UDC 20th Anniversary National: All for the Breed UDC CH Blue Chip Reign Of Terror UD, IPO 1, TT, D-CDX, ASCA - CD, BSB-E-3-A, WAC, CHIC BISS Am./Can. Ch. Anozira’s Cactus Jack SchH 3, FH, IPO 3, WH, AD, CDX, NAJ, RE, Can. CD, ROMC, ROM, BFL-2, LC-14D X BIS/BISS AKC/UDC CH Blue Chip Purple Reign CDX, NA, NAJ, NF, ROM, ATT, CGC, TDI, BH, BSB-E2A, UDC-CD, CHIC #29253 Pam Burns & Christine Spiniello Roar would like to thank all involved in her success at the UDC National. 2 X 1st Place Champion Bitch Class BOS Conformation Show #1 Open 1st HIT new D-CDX Utility 1st HIT IPO High IPO 1 High HOT High Obedience High Tracking High Protection High Point Over All Happy 10th Birthday to Aura! Am/Can. Ch OTCH UDC CH Alisaton Aurora Borealis VCD1, UDX 5, RN, SchH 1, WD 1, OB 3, T-2, D-UD, ASCA-UD, BSA-E-2-A, ROM, CHIC Pam Burns & Merry Fitzgerald DVM Thanks to the members and supporters of UDC for a wonderful 2010 National. Special thanks to her protection trainer: John Soares 32 UDC FOCUS UDCMemberClubsEffective April 14, 2009 CENTRAL TExAS DOBERMAN CLUB IRINA SASU 2800 Perry Lane Austin, TX 78731 (h) (512) 458-1818 fREE STATE WORKING DOBERMAN CLUB MARY CHRUSCIEL 6972 Eylers Valley Flint Road Sabillasville, MD 21780 (301) 271-3619 LONG ISLAND HARD DOG DOBERMAN CLUB SEAN SALKE 327 Dogwood Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 (631) 478-2128 MID-CENTRAL WORKING DOBERMANS CLUB SUZAN SHIPP 501 NE US Highway 50 Warrensburg, MO 64093 (816) 565-0210 MID-SOUTH WORKING DOBERMAN CLUB CARMA CLEVELAND 12211 Monterey Rd. Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 854-4268 NEW ENGLAND WORKING DOBERMANS NAZARENE MONDELLO 256 Moss Hill Road Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (h) (617) 522-0253 REDWOOD WORKING DOBERMANN CLUB LORNA O’CONNOR 3163 Juniper Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 544-6371 SPORT DOBERMAN CLUB Of COLORADO JOANNAH DAVIS 915 E. 23rd Avenue Denver, CO 80205-5110 (303) 861-7613 SANDI ATKINSON 9845 Sand Cherry Way Highland Ranch, CO 80129 (303) 471-6266 TOTAL DOBERMAN ASSOCIATION TERRI CLARY 358 E. Pecan Tree Road Waxahachie, TX 75165 (h) (972) 904-3141 (w) (972) 904-3141 TRI-STATE DOBERMAN CLUB RAY CARLISLE P. O. Box 203 Spring Valley, NY 10977 (845) 352-6300 Office (845) 987-2357 Home (914) 393-0166 Cell (845) 352-0067 Fax MERYL WINNIE 896 West Duane Lake Road Duanesburg, NY 12056-2706 (518) 895-2385 Home (518) 459-1128 Office membership@tristate VERMONT TOTAL DOBERMAN CLUB TRACI MULLIGAN P. O. Box 71 Arlington, VT 05250 (h) (802) 375-6121 ELLEN DECHIRO 112 Deepkill Rd. Troy, NY 12180 (518) 788-2829 WORKING DOBERMANS Of THE CAROLINAS CHRIS RASMUSSEN 10117 Old Roxboro Road Bahama, NC 27503 (h) (919) 477-7932 (w) (919) 541-6775 President@workingdobermans www.workingdobermansof Mid-East BETH BISHOP 6031 Sleight Rd. Bath, MI 48808 (517) 641-7345 West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky South CHRIS RASMUSSEN 10117 Old Roxboro Road Bahama, NC 27503 christine.rasmussen@gmail. com (919) 477-7932 Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina Mid-South DOUG MATSON 6721 N Seneca Wichita, KS 67204 (316) 744-3214 Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana Mid-Central TIFFANY MAHAFFEY (816) 830-6619 North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri Southwest SANDI ATKINSON 9845 Sand Cherry Way Highland Ranch, CO 80129 (303) 263-0921 Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico Northwest SUE KELLY-WALSH 15710 S Molter Rd Rockford, WA 99030 (509) 291-3147 Alaska, Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming West WENDY SCHMITT (916) 802-7318 California, Nevada, Hawaii UDCBoardofDirectorsEffective June 16, 2010 oFFIcERs President LINDA KURZ 3640 Yellow Dog Rd Lonedell, MO 63060 (636) 629-4553 Vice President LORNA O’CONNOR 3163 Juniper Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 544-6371 Treasurer IRINA SASU 2800 Perry Lane Austin, TX 78731 (512) 458-1818 Recording Secretary TERRI CLARY 358 East Pecan Tree Road Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 904-3141 Corresponding Secretary LAURA HULKE (651) 462-2778 Membership Secretary LINDA KYE 114 Chickasaw Place Jacksonville, AR 72076 (501) 982-7668 Member Club Secretary LINDA LINDIC 44 East 209th Street Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 789-7025 DIREcToRs Canada VACANT Canada Northeast DEBBIE HARTZELL 4255 Laurel Ridge Drive Allison Park, PA 15101 (412) 487-5177 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland UDCFOCUS33 Join the UDC Mail this application with the appropriate dues (in US currency and made payable to United Doberman Club) to: UDC Membership Secretary, PO Box 58455, Renton, WA 98058-1455 o I am interested in joining a UDC Member Club in my area. LAST NAME (please print) FIRST NAME PLEASE LIST ALL DOG CLUB AFFILIATIONS: LOCAL NATIONAL - INTERNATIONAL MI LIST DOBERMAN-RELATED INTERESTS CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP: (Check the appropriate box) ADDRESS CITY o $50 Individual (age18 and over) o $65 Family o $30 Junior (under age 18) STATE/PROV. CODE o $65 International Individual o $80 International Family o $30 International Junior All clubs with five or more members must also submit a copy of their constitution and bylaws as well as a list of names and addresses of officers. “Individual” and “Family” dues apply to the United States, Canada and Mexico. “International” dues apply to all other countries. KENNEL NAME OCCUPATION WEBSITE PHONE (RES) (WK) METHOD OF PAYMENT: o Check enclosed CARD # o Visa EXP. DATE o Mastercard SIGNATURE The above signature indicates that the member applicant has read and subcribes to the United Doberman Club Code of Ethics FAX EMAIL SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR (UDC member in good standing) DATE Dog Registration & Scorebook Application NON-UDC REGISTERED DOGS MAY ENTER THE NATIONAL EVENTS (not Breed Survey), BUT THEY WILL BE CHARGED A HIGHER ENTRY FEE. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO REGISTER YOUR DOG. Apply early. It takes six weeks to process applications. Upon submission of all information, a Registry Certificate, Pedigree, and Record Book will be issued. The Record Book should be submitted at all trials and shows in which the dog is entered, and updated regularly. • To register your dog, complete the following UDC Individual Doberman Registration & Scorebook Application. Please sign and initial each line as you add materials to a large envelope. Questions will be answered by Linda Kurz via email at, or telephone (636) 629-4553. • Mail directly to: UDC Registry c/o Linda Kurz, 3640 Yellow Dog Road, St. Louis, MO 63060 Home Telephone: (636) 629-4553 UDC Registry email address: OWNER’S LAST NAME (please print) FIRST NAME MI DOCUMENTED HEALTH INFORMATION ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROV. CODE PHONE EMAIL DOCUMENTED TITLES PERSONAL WEBSITE ADDRESS I, DOG’S FULL NAME , certify that I have SIGNATURE AKC REG. # CKC REG. # OTHER REG. # COLOR DATE WHELPED COUNTRY OF BIRTH TATTOO # MICROCHIP # BREEDER 34 UDC FOCUS enclosed copies of the correct: SEX _____ Registration certificate (AKC, CKC, or foreign). _____ Pedigree (preferably 3 generations) for this dog. _____ Health documents (OFA certificate, vWD DNA result letter, CERF certificate, Michigan Thyroid Test Results, etc.) _____ Evidence documenting all titles, championships, temperament evaluations, etc. _____ A check for $40 US dollars payable to UDC. UDC SAR Dogs Gravin Garmina vd Accani, CD (Tyndre) (Jim vom Aurachgrund CD, AD, GFFB SG1A,WAC, CGC, Therapy Dog, SchH3 x Beretta vd Accani, BH) Accredited for urban/wilderness live person search. Search & Rescue Dog Association of Alberta (pround to be a founding member of SARDAA since 1989) Michelle L. Limoges, 780.468.6245 E mail:
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