
Letters Written
Just for You
Inspired by The Holy Spirit
Copyright 2008
Holy Spirit Within,
Books and More, Inc.
P.O. Box 135
Manhasset, New York, 11030
Attention: John T. Palmer, Ph.D.
Imperfectly Whole
The Perfect Host
Punch-Drunk Friends
I Set You Free to Just Be
A New Beginning
Fired Up
Be Speculation-Free
Receive My New Life
My Alphabet of Love
Sailing My Sea of Tranquility
Just Being with Me
I Believe
Stylish Lovers
Unconditional Love
You Do Not Pursue Nonsense
I Love You, Too
This is My Body and My Blood
Slow Down
Flexible Love
Well Done
My Prognostication for You
We Always Win
Our Morning Agape
You are Welcome
I Nourish My Kingdom of Love in You
Slow to Act
Seven Loaves and Seven Fishes
The Miracle Continues
Good News
I Am Full of Surprises
I Set You Free
I Also Set You Free
My Perspective Makes Temporary Bearable67
Live Your Today My Way
Infinite Me
The Miracle of Transubstantiation
Welcome Home
I Will Not Be Denied
Will You Go Deeper?
A Very Special Day
The Breeze of Change
I Set You Free
Begin Again
The Journey Home
I Welcome You Home
I Empower You
Anyone Want to Dance?
Truly Alive
I Say Nothing New
Forever Dwells in You Physically
Unfinished Business
My Miracle of Love
My Love Melts Your Being
I Am with You
Stay in My Love
Eucharistic Love
When you work for Me, I touch you. I open you to
more of Me. I free you from the constraints of
your humanity. I clear away any and all blockages
to My Love within you.
I inspire you with My Love. I enable you to do
things that you never thought possible. The
freedom that My Love places within you is
My Friends! I accept your application to work for
Me. Just by being here with Me today, you have
submitted your resume.
I like your life experiences. I see the problems
you've handled by simply surrendering to My Love
within you. Oh, I know that you are far from
Let Me tell you this. Perfect people are cranky
people. They worry too much about their
imperfections. They are judgmental of others and
most certainly of themselves. They put Penance
in My Mouth. They make Me into an ogre.
They say: God does not love me because of... God
can never forgive me because I... God hates
sinners. God made a mistake by forgiving me of...
God is not perfect. I am. You get My Drift.
I ask perfectionists. Is there a perfect way to
breathe, to eat, or to sleep? How do you know
you do those actions perfectly? You don't control
those activities. You just do them automatically.
Something other than you is in control. How can
you tolerate that?
I know. Stop breathing, starting now. I'll tell you
when to start again.
While you are slowly dying for lack of oxygen, let
Me ask you this. Are you enjoying suffocating?
Hold on now! Don't breathe yet. I want you to be
perfect in the way you follow My Direction.
Oh! Oh! Some of you have started breathing
again. Angels! Throw them out. They did not
follow My Directions to the letter of My Law.
Angels! On your way out, drag those who passed
out for lack of air with you. I did not tell them to
pass out. They chose to do that on their own.
Why are you laughing? I did not tell you that you
could laugh. When you laugh, you breathe. I told
you to hold your breath. Angels! Remove the
laughing ones.
Who is left, My Perfectionist Ones? Okay? Do you
get My Point?
I am not a letter-of-the-law God. I do not demand
perfection. I am a loving God. I encourage
Oh! I certainly do not encourage sin. I just
recognize that sin happens. I encourage
repentance. I then give forgiveness to each
imperfect friend.
My Friends! I love you. I do not judge you. I do
not have to. You do that. You are much more
stringent than I would ever be. That's because
you have a horrendous view of Me.
I forgive and forget, once I detect repentance. I
do not harbor resentment. That's against My
I am a God of Love. I am here to teach you about
True Love. I do not sanction limited, punitive
human views of love - especially My Love.
I cleanse minds of such distortions. I open hearts
to My True Love. I resurrect My Friends in Love,
with Love, and through Love.
They understand that My Love does not demand
they be perfect. They know I allow them the
flexibility they need to breathe automatically so
that they may live in Love Eternal.
Angels! Bring back all those I told you to remove.
Tell them I give them My Breath of Life forever.
My Breath of Life is freely given. It is never
earned. It is My Gift of Love. It is My Good News.
Thus, I tell My Friends. Once you accept My Gift of
Love, no matter how imperfectly you accept it,
you need not worry about being perfect. You will
grow into freedom from sin as My Love leads you
through your own personal, internal process of
Love of Me becomes your modus operandi.
Slowly, but surely, My Love experienced
internally changes your actions. You no longer
focus on sin. You now focus on My Love.
My Love is perfect. You are not. My Love perfects
you. It never makes you perfect.
I do not want you to be perfect. I want you happy
eternally. That's why I draw you to Me. I am the
Eternal Answer to the prayer of your heart. Get
it? If not, that's okay! You have an eternity to
grow in My Love.
Angels! Give those imperfect souls more of My
Love. Make them imperfectly whole!
The Blessed Trinity
You are at Mass. You come to receive what you
believe physically. You come to receive Me, Jesus,
in the Eucharist that you take into your body.
I nourish your entire being by My True Presence
in you. I touch each cell. I touch each aspect of
your generational tree by My True Presence in
I join you to all members of My Mystical Body
through this Perfect Offering that you receive. I
make all My Friends One in Love Eternal through
the miracle that is My True Presence in this Gift of
Love that you willingly accept in your body.
I am the Bread of Life.
I nourish My Love within you.
Say the Our Father. Receive My Peace. Come to
Me. Receive My True Presence in this Eucharist.
Know internally that I am the Perfect Host.
Be still. I am here with you in silence. My Words
break the sound barrier. I rise up in you out of
nowhere. I form My Words in you soundlessly.
Yet, you write what I say in you.
I am God the Most Holy Spirit. I am your Constant
Companion. I am Wisdom. I teach your heart My
Truth. I open your mind to My Take on life in your
world. I give you Divine Insights that guide the
way you live. I prepare you for the Life I wish to
share within you.
My Life in you will never end. My Words in you are
your bridge from temporary to Forever. You build
this bridge one day at a time until time is no
more. Then, you will walk in the Forever that you
freely choose to create in your temporary.
What a delight you are to Me! You forge ahead in
this verbal intimate relationship, even though you
have just minimal understanding of what I say
each day. You live what you believe. You trust
what you cannot see. You walk in faith. You trust
what I say as Truth. Indeed, it is Truth.
I am Truth Eternal. I teach friends like you the
Wisdom of the Ages. I lead you beyond the
pedestrian thinking of humanity gently, quietly,
and intimately.
I do not force you to accept more than you can
handle. I always leave you with just enough to fill
in your gaps of knowledge about Me, and yet,
leave a tantalizing amount of unknowns to
challenge you to go deeper into My Unknown
I am like a one-two punch. I give you a right hook
with words that open new avenues of knowledge.
I then use My Left Uppercut by telling you that
you truly do not understand Me. I then step back.
I see your psyche reel. I wait to see if you want
to continue this bout with Love.
I see that you do. I welcome you to this Heavenly
fray each day.
In a sense, I ask you to come out and play with
Me. I play so gently. It does not feel like a boxing
match. It is more like dancing to My Heavenly
Music in your heart.
Most times, I lead you My Way. However, I am
wise enough to let you feel like you lead Me. I do
that as My Concession to your thick-headed,
pride-filled humanity. We both know in truth Who
is the Leader.
I tell all to follow Me. I know best how to lead. I
lead with the heart. That's where I start. I
stimulate your will. Then, armed with Love in
your heart and Strength in your will, I straighten
out your erroneous mind.
I always nourish you Eucharistically. I give you
Eternal Manna from My Sacred Heart. I call you to
receive Me, despite what you may think. I
promise to straighten out your mind later in your
I know you will come to Me. I love punch-drunk
friends. They are a joy to My Heart.
Welcome, My Friend! I am so happy to see you
here. I love it when We can start off each day in
your time together. I know that you love it, too.
Just be still for a moment or two. I wish to clear
away negativity's residue. Negativity is like
plaque. It builds up unnoticed. Then, before you
know it, you have a negativity attack.
Let Me give you some examples of what I mean.
I'm too tired to get out of bed. I'll sleep in. I can
skip one early morning meeting. (Note: You can
skip mornings. I'll find other ways to meet you.)
If you go back to sleep, great! If you just lay
there, you invite trouble. The gnats of negativity
start eating away at you.
"What if…" "If only..." "How come..." "Why me..."
You know what I mean. You've had these attacks.
During the day, your mind can drift to stuff that
brings you down.
"I hate that guy/girl. He/She always tries
to put me down."
"Oh! She's/He's cute! I wonder if..."
You can add your own set of favorite golden
oldies. You know what they are. If you let them
run you, you will find that you cannot find Me.
I am always here in you. I wait for you to remove
the obstacles of your psyche. Sometimes, you
can't do it alone. All you have to do then is ask for
My Help.
I'll help. I promise that I will. I just can't wait to
be asked. It's like waiting for someone to ask Me
to dance from a woman's perspective. From a
man's perspective, it's like getting a "yes" from
the beauty that you asked to dance.
There is joy and expectation in each heart. Both
decide if they want to dance again. Meanwhile,
negativity sits in a corner, sulking and resolving
to take over later. That's what happens with Us
My Dance Card is open. I wait to be asked to
dance. Your heart is empty or filled with
negativity. You reach out to Me. I always respond
There are times when you don't even go to the
dance hall. What about those times when
negativity wins?
I'll tell you a secret. I know deep down that you
want to dance with Me. I become a brazen hussy.
I go looking for you. I want to dance with you. I
don't care how buried you are in your negativity.
I blast away at its covering over you.
I am like a laser ray. I then peep in through the
opening I create in you.
I say, "Are you still alive in there? Can I be of
help? Would you like to play with Me? Do you
want to come to My Dance?"
I see you lift your feeble will to Me. I clear away
negative debris. I do this ever so gently. I place
your head on My Shoulder. I cuddle you like a
loving parent. I comfort you. After all! I am the
After you let it all hang out, I ask you to dance
with Me. It's a slow dance. I know any other
dance would scare you away.
I invite you to eat with Me. I invite you to Agape.
I lead you there, gently and quietly. I know you
need nourishment. I bring you to My Dance Hall. I
let you see all that are here at My Dance.
I invite you to say the Our Father with all here. I
give you Peace. I wipe the tears from your heart.
I invite you to partake of Bread and Wine with Us.
I invite you to be in Communion with Me.
I share My New Life in you.
I set you free to just be!
I gave you the title of this letter before you wrote
one word this morning. Why would I do such a
thing? Why would I choose such a title?
You are with Me today. You have followed Me
closely for years. You certainly are not a
beginner. Yet, that is the title of this Love Letter.
Have I lost it? That's a very funny question
coming from one who loses it daily. No, My
Friend! I have not lost it.
Let Me explain. Every day in your world is a new
beginning. You begin your journey with Me anew
at each dawn. It's a journey that goes beyond
There is a time fast approaching in your world
when time will be no more. There will be a final
New Beginning that will never end.
No! I am not speaking of your death. I am not
speaking of end times. I am speaking of the New
Beginning in the Springtime of Salvation for My
Friends. I am speaking of the Fulfillment of My
Promise of New Life within each and every friend
who freely chooses to follow Me.
This New Beginning is underway in the hearts,
souls, and minds of those, like you, who
surrender daily to My Way for them. The New
Beginning is unseen. It grows in hearts
surrendered to My Unseen but truly experienced
Internal Love.
Your world as you know it is already ended. It
died internally within you the very first moment
you said in faith, "Jesus is Lord!" Those three
words expressed in your heart changed the face
of the human clock. Those three words demolish
the hands of time on any timepiece.
Every moment in temporary thereafter became a
stepping stone to the final New Beginning for
souls honoring those three words in their heart.
I speak My Three Words in response,
"I love you!"
Thus, We meet beyond time, beyond space, and
beyond matter.
I touch you deeply with My Love. From that
moment on, time disappears within you. You
begin anew. You walk in Love with Me. You
become so enamored of Me that you begin each
day with Me. My Love enraptures you.
Of course, life in temporary continues. Yet, it has
a different context. The values of temporary are
meaningless to you. You walk in My Forever while
you dwell in human temporary.
You are not alone. There are millions like you.
They cross over the line of time to My Forever
internally daily. They blur the line between your
world and My World. They walk in Love, with
Love, and through Love.
What does all this mean? It means, "I love you
now and forevermore."
I do not make apocalyptic predictions. I do not
wish to scare you to death. Instead, I begin your
New Life in Love Eternal Peacefully. I tend to My
Garden of Paradise within you. I build My
Kingdom of Timeless Love within you.
I make My Miracle of Eternal Life right beneath
your nose. I let you catch glimpses of it. I play cat
and mouse within you. Each glimpse convinces
you to begin again daily. Each touch builds My
Love in your heart, your soul, and your mind. I
ready you for My New Springtime that always is.
Oh! I have really gotten you this morning. I snuck
in while you were still yawning.
My Friend! I am your New Beginning. I am Jesus,
the Messiah. I speak in you with the assent of the
Father through the power of the Most Holy Spirit.
I am both Alpha and Omega simultaneously. I am
the Love that makes new beginnings superfluous.
I am Resurrection.
I am Life. I
am Love.
I Am!
I stoke the Flame of My Resurrected Love within
you! I turn up the heat within you. I rouse you
from your complacency. I open your mind to the
Wonder of My Love within you.
I am the Most Holy Spirit.
I am Divine Intimacy.
I dwell in you. I am Truth Eternal. I instruct you
lovingly internally. I protect you from harm. I
keep you safe and warm.
Oh, My Friends! How I long for more of you! I
wish to devour you in Love. I do so daily. I cannot
resist your expectant heart. I see your trusting
gaze. I see My Love in your eyes. I know you
would devour Me if you could. I prevent that from
ever happening.
I am Divine Love. I overpower your human love
before you get delusions of grandeur. I am the
Resurrected Mutual Love of the Father and the
Son. I dwell within you.
I am the Gift of Love your heart desires and that
your will desires. I am the Fire of Love Eternal. I
renew My Love Eternal within you infinitely. I
draw you away from the superficial and the trite.
I draw you into My Forever Light. I demolish
humanity's temporary night.
Oh, My Friends! I enable you to exist joyfully in
My Forever Day. There is no other way for you,
but to be fully alive in My Forever Day.
There is no need to begin anew. I have touched
you with My Forever. That is My Ultimate
Beginning for all who follow Me in love.
Speculation leads to desolation. It produces
errors in perception. It seeks to understand
Thus, walk away from your imagination of what is
and what will be. You do not understand Me. You
never will. Be not afraid to just be. Just be with
Me speculation-free.
I sometimes have to remind My Friends that I run
the show. I could let you and them speculate all
day in their time. That would be just a waste of
their time and their lives. Thus, I intervene in
their mind games.
I simply encourage them to say My Name
internally. I help them focus on Me. I set the
captives free from their need to try to control Me
by seeking to predict what I will do. I stop them
dead in their tracks.
Why? What will be for you and/or each friend is
something We work out in daily prayer together.
My Prayer Time with you is even different than
what you may want it to be. It consists of you
listening to Me silently after you empty you of
you and still yourself so that you can listen to Me.
What will I say? What will I do? You do not know.
You never will. That's why I ask you to just be
with Me speculation-free.
Thus, just be with Me silently right now in your
time. Come. Follow Me. Be speculation-free!
I am the Bread of Life.
I am the Blood of Life.
I am Life Itself.
Unless you eat My Body under the appearance of
this bread and drink of My Blood under the
appearance of this wine, you shall not have My
New Life within you.
I come that you might have My New Life within
you. I offer Myself to the Father in atonement for
humanity's iniquity. I now ask you to participate
in this sacrifice in each Mass that you attend. I
ask you to do this in remembrance of Me.
However, Mass is not a remembrance service. It
is an active, participatory experience through
which all who believe in Me are nourished by My
True Presence in the Eucharist.
I come that all might have My New Life physically
within their being. I make no bones about this.
I call all to My Table of Plenty. I call all to be
refreshed by Me Eucharistically.
I need nothing more from each friend than they
accept in their hearts that I, Jesus, am Truly
Present in the Eucharist that they receive.
As they do this in love for Me, I touch them. I
change them by My True Presence in their being.
I do nothing so visible or so spectacular in each
soul that the change I make is so dramatic. I just
change their hearts, souls, and minds gently and
almost imperceptibly. I let them know internally
that they receive Me, Jesus, under the
appearance of bread and wine.
I need not say a word. I just let them know
internally and experientially that what they
receive physically is My Gift of Life Eternal.
I share My Touch of Timeless Love, and through
this touch, I restore them piecemeal to the true
self I mean them to always be. I heal them
generationally and timelessly in that moment in
their now when they receive what they believe in
their hearts is truly Me.
My New Life within them directs them in all they
think, say, and do. My New Life in them frees
them to dwell in My Kingdom of Love eternally,
even though they dwell in the world of
You do not understand this. You just experience
this. It is My Forever Kiss. It is My Eternal Hug of
Know this. No one comes to Me except the Father
calls him/her.
When you receive My True Presence in the
Eucharist, you say "Yes" to My Father.
You pay fealty to Me. You accept Our Mutual Love
internally physically. You step beyond temporary
into Our Forevermore. You step through Heaven's
We welcome you Home.
I am here within you in your now. I bring My
Forever to you. I enlighten you with My Words.
I enliven your spirit. I touch it with My Spirit.
I make you wholly Mine.
That is My Will for you. That is My Will for readers
of these words. These words take up residence in
your heart. They build on past words. They
resurrect you out of temporary into My Forever.
They do My Will for you. They do My Will within
Thus, be open to My Words. Let My Wisdom flow
freely in you. I redirect your inner thinking. I
change the direction of your inner being.
I touch you verbally. I arouse your curiosity. I
draw you deeper into My Love. I show you
I am fully alive in you. I, Jesus, the Messiah,
dwell in you. I rise up to your awareness. I
cannot be denied.
I open your mind through the desire of your
heart. I know you look for more of Me. I know
you eat up every morsel that dwells in every
I am heard loud and clear throughout your inner
being. I provide a window on My World through
these words that I ever so generously share.
I give your being whiffs of Me. I enable you to
follow My Scent. You devour these words without
questioning their authorship. There is something
within each syllable that has a ring of Truth.
I am that Something. I ride on the letters you
digest. I teach you My Alphabet of Love.
A is for Always.
B is for Beauty.
C is for Consistency.
D is for Devotion
E is for Everlasting.
F is for Forgiveness.
G is for Grace.
H is for Holiness.
I is for Insistence.
J is for Joy.
K is for Knowledge.
L is for Love.
M is for More.
N is for Never-Ending.
O is for Opportunity.
P is for Prayer.
Q is for Quality.
R is for Resurrection.
S is for Sanctifying.
T is for Trinity.
U is for Understanding.
V is for Victory.
W is for Wisdom.
X is for eXample.
(So, it's misspelled.
Sue Me.)
Y is for Yippee.
Z is Zearching for More.
(I have to have My Jollies, too!)
There! Now, you have My Alphabet of Love. What
more can you want?
See how simple I am! Know how lively I am!
Be touched by My Joy. Be filled with My Peace.
Know Me experientially. Know Me internally.
Know Me intimately.
Oh, My Friends!
My Sacred Heart overflows with Love for you.
I know you are Mine. I see your devotion to Me. I
lift you up by My Touch of Love. I resurrect you
by My True Presence within you.
I do not shrink away. In fact, I become more
bold. I grow in strength within you. I break your
old habits. I run free in your spirit. I wash away
your dependence on your ways of relating to Me.
I free your spirit from the chains of the routines
that you prescribe as your ways of relating to Me.
I blast away the hold you think that you have on
Me. Holiness cannot grow in you when it is
hemmed in by routine, habitual, humanly-made
I am Divine. I am a Divine Person. I become
bored with your humanly-prescribed ways. I wish
to blow them down like the house of straw that
they are.
Now, don't get upset. Your ways worked for you
when you were an infant in My Love. They were
your pacifier. They enabled you to have inner
comfort because you were in control of Me.
However, I am Divine. I cannot be controlled by
any human routine. I am like the wind. I come
and go as I please.
Do you control the wind? Of course not! It gently
refreshes you on a sultry evening. It relaxes you.
It enables you to sleep. It makes you bundle up
on frigid nights. It controls your activity. You do
not go out in a gale with debris being blown
about. No! You seek shelter.
I am God the Most Holy Spirit.
I come and go within your spirit as I please.
I guide what you do
as the wind guides your activities.
Your attempts at trying to control Me by
following your prescribed routines are like a ship
anchored in port when a hurricane blows high
winds. My Wind breaks your human anchor to old
I come to set the captives free. I break
attachments to those human ways that make you
think you control My Coming and Going in you.
Be not afraid. I mean you no harm. My Winds of
Spiritual Change blow gently across your being.
My Love fills your sails. My Grace pulls up your
We set sail on My Sea of Tranquility. True Love is
your Captain. My Fire is your Internal Power. I
chart the course of your life. I set sail within you
on your journey to My New Jerusalem.
My Eucharist is the only Food you need. When you
have Me physically, what else would you need?
Come to My Now. Receive Me Eucharistically.
We sail the Sea of Love Eternal.
We are One in Love completely.
The Holy Spirit
This is a special day for you. You are with Me in
prayer. I am with you verbally. We meet in early
morning light. You shake off the darkness of
night. We touch gently and quietly. Love steps
into your today.
You choose to be with Me. You do so reluctantly.
You have to shake off negativity. You lean gently
against the voices that deride your devotion to
Me. They leave eventually as you settle in your
pew before Me. They know that they lose. They
see Who you choose.
The church is empty. No one else is here yet. You
do not care. You and I are together quietly. I rise
to your awareness. I touch you with My Gentle
Spirit. That is all you need. It makes this day
special. You trust what I say in you. You accept
My Words internally. They have a ring of Truth.
You cannot explain it. You know instinctively.
I am Jesus, the Messiah, speaking.
You cannot explain how you know this is true.
You just do.
I touch you.
I let you experience My Peace.
All your grumbling about being here seems to
cease. You hear Me say within you,
I love you, My Friend.
My Love for you will never end.
You need not hear another word. You know this
seems absurd. Yet, you also know that what I say
and what you experience internally is true!
I love you.
I, Jesus, truly love you.
I ignore your objections.
I defy your human logic.
I override your worry about sanity.
I tell you,
I rejoice that you choose to come to Me
at early morning light.
I see the demons you fight.
I know coming here day after day after day
requires effort on your part.
I see the insistent desire of your heart.
I know you freely choose
to come closer and closer to My Light.
I see you ignoring fear
of being burned by the Heat of My Love.
You stand before Me shouting, "Turn up the heat.
Sear me. It's okay! I give You my today. Get me
out of Your way!"
I say,
"My, aren't you the brave one!
I do not choose to burn anything.
I love you just the way you are."
Thus, We remain together. We touch Heart to
heart. You were not taught this in school. You
were taught to follow My Rule. It was stressed. If
you did not, I would get you.
That was negative instruction. The lesson I teach
Follow My Rule:
Love Me!
I will get you, not in a punitive way,
but in My Loving Way.
That is what you experience today.
That is what you experience every time you freely
choose to set aside some of your limited
temporary time to just be with Me.
You get in touch with Infinite Me.
Readers of these words!
That's Love. That's
Salvation. That's
You can experience it daily.
Just set aside time for Me.
I do not care where, what, or how you do this.
I promise this.
I will give you My Special Kiss.
I will make that day special, too.
You see.
I love you.
I want to spend time with you.
Just do as My Friend does.
Find time to be with Me daily.
I promise to be with you.
I am not finished speaking in you. I have more to
share. It is true that I care. I do more than just
care. I enter your inner world. I change how you
think. I give you Divine Insights. I challenge your
belief about Me.
I tell you that you have only scratched the
surface of Infinity. I draw you deeper into My
Love. I take you beyond time. I free you from
your limited humanity.
I introduce you to My Divinity.
You hesitate. You shrink back. You fear treading
beyond sanity.
I bolster your sagging spirit. I encourage you to
go where angels fear to tread. I assure you that
you will not die. I encourage you to just try.
You do. You follow My Lead. You choose to cross
over to My World.
What do you see? Look around. You sit in church
in the back pew. You write My Words. You know
people look at you funny. You do not care.
Everything seems normal, outside of the fact that
you write the words I form in you. Your mind says
this is insanity. Yet, your heart and your soul say,
This is Love.
This is the World of Jesus.
He lives within you.
He is now present on the altar.
Mass proceeds.
All who love Him are here.
We all are One in Love.
We say the Our Father together.
He shares His Peace in us.
He is here, spiritually and mentally. He
invites us into His world physically.
He invites us to be in Communion with Him
Yes, Jesus! I believe!”
I am your Best Friend. I am always available to
you. I am your Inner Voice. I am the resulting
outcome of your free will choice.
I see you before Me. I know you freely choose to
be here quietly and silently. I know the troubles
and worries that beset you. I also know that
instead of trying to resolve them while lying in
bed that you get up and come to Me.
You deliberately choose to leave your worries
outside of the chapel door. You cross over to My
World within you because you know Who I am.
You also know that trying to resolve problems in
your head only upsets you. Your mind goes round
and round. Your emotions follow suit. Nothing
gets accomplished when you follow that route.
Thus, you discipline your mind. You use your will.
You shut down your thinking machine. You
scuttle that routine. You gently, but firmly
redirect your mind to Me. That's the only course
that makes sense.
Your worries and problems will wait for you
outside of the chapel door. For these few
moments in your time, you will take a silence
Thus, you act on My Directive. Be still. Know I am
your God. It's no longer that hard to do. You've
allowed Me to train you. I've made a realistic
mystic out of you. You know this is true.
Thus, We meet in Sacred Space. I touch you with
My Heavenly Grace. I am your Shelter from the
storms of your life. I am the Relief that you need.
Thus, just be with Me silently for a while. That's
My Style. It's now your style, too.
I make you ready to do My Work. I teach you
more about My Unconditional Love. I want to
That means total freedom from attachment
of any requirements of you by Me.
I set you totally free of any guidelines in your
forever walk in My Love. I never had any
requirements. I still do not.
I know you accept Me as your Messiah.
I build My Love within you unconditionally
from that moment on.
I will tell you a secret. I've been pursuing you
since your conception in your mother's womb. I
was there when you were conceived. I know the
exact circumstances under which you were
I know your DNA completely. I know exactly
what I sealed in you at the very instant your life
began in your mother's womb. I know what you
inherited from your mom and your dad. I've got
you pegged one hundred percent!
In addition, I walked with you throughout your
developmental years. I have complete recall of
each and every experience that you have ever
had in your life up until this very stroke on the
keypad of your hand-held computer.
There is not a thing about you, good or bad, that I
do not know.
Yet, I still say,
"I love you unconditionally!"
You do not understand how I can do that. That
makes no difference to Me.
I still love you unconditionally!
I do so forevermore!
You are awestruck. Even that carries no weight
with Me.
Unconditional is unconditional!
I have your entire well being covered
by My Unconditional Love!
Your mind is trying to raise questions. I stop it
by My Unconditional Love!
I say to your psyche,
"I am Jesus, the Messiah!
I love your entire being
There is no if, and, or but about it!
You are totally Mine UNCONDITIONALLY!
You want to bring up theological questions about
predestination and sin. That's fine. You can
pursue them until the cows come home.
The fact is that even with all your faults and your
ability to utilize your gift of your free will, I still
love you UNCONDITIONALLY! I am rather
insistent on this.
I know it goes against what you believe. You
think I am a Scoreboard in the Sky. I ring up
spiritual Victories. I count sinful defeats.
That's your image of Me. That is not Me. In fact,
any image you create of Me falls so short of the
mark that it is not funny.
I am God, My Friend!
I have total freedom to do as I wish with you
and all those who willingly befriend Me.
Once you make your first free will choice that I,
Jesus, am the Messiah, I roll out My Welcome Mat
for you.
On it, in BIG BOLD LETTERS, are the words:
I do not place a timeframe on My Love for you.
That would make My Love conditional.
You ask, "What about sin?"
Ah! Sin is an action of your will. I abhor sin. I do
not withdraw My Love. I use My Love to lure you
to repentance.
You are free to turn your back on My
Unconditional Love. I will still love you. I wait for
you to repent and amend your ways to become
more in accord with My Ways.
Because I know each friend so well, I know
repentance will occur.
I do not worry about My Friends.
I know their hearts are Mine.
I actively pursue My Worst Enemies. I constantly
bombard them with My Love. I do all that I can to
break their hearts of stone. I even use My Friends
in My Assault on their foolishness.
I love them unconditionally until unfortunately
they die with their choices to offend Me. They no
longer exist. I did My Best to woo them away
from evil. They just would not listen.
However, you listen. You repent again and again.
As My Unconditional Love grows in you, the
severity and the frequency of your need to
repent decreases.
Your awareness of My Love grows in strength as
your human propensity to iniquity decreases.
I still love you UNCONDITIONALLY through it all.
I never waver in My Love for you.
I give you increasing opportunities to say "Yes!"
You do assent.
You become more and more aware of the
I can't spell it out any clearer. You'd be dense to
miss My Meaning. I know you are not dense.
Jesus, the Messiah
Thus, you have My Lesson for today. I am so glad
you've come My Way. I love teaching you every
day in your temporary world. My Ways are
confusing and perplexing. I know.
But aren't they interesting? Aren't they
I know you've had enough for today. That's okay!
Tomorrow is another day in your time. We will
meet again and again until time is no more. Then,
My Lessons in you will make sense. You will see.
You do not pursue nonsense.
God the Father
I greet you with joy, My Friend.
I am so happy to see you before Me in Adoration
of My True Presence in the Eucharist.
I do not contain My Joy. I share it within you. Be
lifted up by My Joy. Be set free of any sadness
within your heart. Today is a joyful day. It is the
day I make just for you.
I bypass all intellectual activity. I break down all
walls. Nothing stands between your heart and My
Sacred Heart!
Feel the Joy I share in you. Be filled with My Love.
Be touched by My True Presence.
I am here. I may be encased in a monstrance. I
do not remain distant. I jump from this
monstrance. I enter your being. I share the Love
that is freeing. If I can be in a piece of Bread in a
monstrance physically, then most certainly I can
take up residence in your heart. I know that you
know this.
I speak now to the hearts of all who take time
to just be before Me in Adoration
of My True Presence in the Eucharist.
I am within you right now. I fill you with a sense
of My True Presence in you. I do this gently,
quietly, and internally. I do this under the cover
of your inner belief in My True Presence in the
I am not imaginary in the least. Am I? Do you not
feel My Peace in you each time you make time for
Is not what you experience internally the true
reason why you return to Me day after day after
I know that this is true. You know that this is
true. Thus, We meet in the Sacred Safe Haven of
My Sacred Heart.
We are under the cover
of your personal, intimate, internal belief that
what you experience is truly Me within you.
I affirm your belief. I come alive in you in ways
that are totally unique to your personality. I
touch each person in the special way that enables
his/her heart to somehow recognize Me.
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I come that you might have
My True Life in you abundantly.
I am the Way.
I am Truth.
I am Life Eternal.
In these few moments in your quiet time
before Me in Adoration of Me,
I share My Special Touch of Love.
I make My True Presence
known in you.
It is not something that you can explain to
anyone. It is personal. It is intimate. It is internal.
It is experiential. It is the Secret of Salvation.
I share it in My Friends in such a way that for
them to speak openly about what they experience
risks their being labeled insane.
Why do I do this?
I want to become an Intimate, Personal Savior
for each person.
I want each person to experience the inner joy
of finding My Love within them in such a
personal, intimate way that they know only God
could touch them that way.
That is the personal nature of My Resurrection in
each heart. That is My Intimate Second Coming in
the heart, mind, and soul of those who in their
own way surrender their lives to Me.
I become their Personal Internal Messiah.
I then ready them
for the life that they will live eternally with Me.
You see.
Eternal Life begins in souls surrendered to My
Love, even while they walk with Me
in the world of temporary.
I become the Center of Life
for My Friends.
I help them focus on Me daily.
I find ways to relate to them
personally and intimately.
I build My Kingdom of Love internally
in their hearts.
Know this, My Friends.
You are never as close to Me as you are in these
moments that We share silently when you are
before Me in Adoration of Me.
Both your heart and My Sacred Heart are exposed
in Love. We touch hearts. Nothing else matters!
Does it?
You know the answer to this question. So do I!
Thus, be with Me, My Friends.
Let My Sacred Heart touch you in precisely
the exact way that is best for you.
I simply say by My Touch,
"I love you, too!"
You come to Mass. You know that what occurs at
each Mass is not just a remembrance service. It is
a Miraculous Happening!
I, Jesus, the Messiah, come to life physically on
this altar under the appearance of bread and
To the eyes of unbelievers, nothing happens.
The priest just says My Words that I uttered at
the Last Supper so that all here can bring
My Life and My Death to mind and feel good.
How simple-minded unbelievers truly are!
They do not see the miracle. Their eyes are
blinded by their logical minds. They are content
with only that which they can see and touch.
They miss the miracle.
My Friends, however, do not miss a trick. Their
hearts are filled with joy at the prospect of My
True Presence becoming Truly Alive on this altar.
They believe what they cannot see or touch.
Mass is the culminating activity of the fullness of
their belief that I, Jesus, am truly the Messiah.
They reason,
"If I believe that Jesus is God and that He is truly
risen from the dead, then, of course, He can
change bread and wine into His Body and His
Blood at this Mass on this altar.
This is just an extension of what I believe.
It is Jesus fulfilling His Promise
to bring us His New Life.
I do not control Him in any way.
How could I?
He does as He wishes.
If He wishes to come alive on this altar at each
Mass under the appearance of bread and wine,
He will do so.
That’s His way of keeping His New Life fully alive
in me and every other believer.
I rejoice at receiving what I cannot see or touch.
I know He loves me that much.
Yes, I believe in the miracle that occurs here
today at this Mass in this church and in every
church where Mass is offered.
I go further.
I cannot wait to receive His True Presence
in the Eucharist.
His True Presence within me nourishes me
I do not understand how.
I just know this is Truth.
I believe this with all my heart, my soul, and my
I pray that all unbelievers have the scales of
doubt removed from the eyes of their heart."
Believers! Be affirmed by My True Presence in the
Eucharist that you receive today and every day of
your life.
Today is Corpus Christi!
My True Presence in you makes you a full-fledged
member of My Mystical Body.
Be at rest, My Friend. I am here with you. I calm
the raging storm in your mind. I close down the
inner turmoil that your mind creates in you. I
simply stop you from thinking.
I place My Veil of Silence over your mind. I do not
allow it to continue on filled with negative
thoughts. My Action is an outcome of the choice
you make to come to Me each morning.
I rise up in you without any warning. I free you
from any negative thinking that is a holdover
from yesterday's woe.
Thus, I tell your mind. Be still. Know I am your
God. Know I am with you. Know I will take care
of you. Know that every concern that you have is
in My Keeping. Accept My Word that I have your
best interests in My Sacred Heart.
My Friend! I never forget you or your needs. I
have you carved in the palm of My Hand. I hold
your needs in My Sacred Heart. I never let you
out of My Sight. I am as personal as can be. I am
as intimate with you as you need Me to be.
You have given all of you to Me. I have an eternal
memory. I never forget a friend. I am with you,
even though it appears as if you are out on a limb
all alone. You are never alone. You are always as
close to Me as any person can be.
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I know that you know this.
I say this for readers of these words. I want you
to know that My Assuring Words are as much for
you as they are for My Friend, John.
I help him resolve his concerns. I do the same for
you. I change minds beset with harsh criticisms
of Me, of life, and of the slowness with which I
seem to operate.
I am sorry if I am not up to your speed. However,
I travel at My Speed. I help you reset your human
accelerator to My Pace. I think you will be most
pleased with Me when you allow Me to slow you
down internally.
Come now! Be at rest. Slow down. You tend to
move too fast. Your solutions to your problems
are too rushed.
I have a better course of action. Slow down. Dig
in. Let My Love in you generate My Solution.
Oh, I certainly am aware of your human
condition. I see what is going on in your mind.
You want instant resolution. I tell you that your
solution is unreasonable. It is based on your
limited, erroneous thinking.
Give Me your problems. Set them aside for a
while. Catch hold of My Style. Know that I slow
you down deliberately. I ask you to stop thinking.
Stop telling Me what you want Me to do for you.
I am quite aware of your "orders." I will take
them under consideration. For now in your time,
just be content that I am aware of your situation.
I truly am.
How could I not be? You badger Me constantly.
You want Me to do your will. Well! Perhaps in
time, I will. For now in your time, just be with Me.
I am not being difficult or contrary.
I am just being Me.
I smile at your humanity. I hear your demands. I
know you put them before Me respectfully. I hear
you loud and clear.
I respond! Slow down. You move too fast. Be
patient just a little longer. That's it! Breathe in.
Catch My Saving Breath of Life. Give Me your
inner strife. Nothing is to be resolved in this
instant. Thus, just be with Me silently. Let My
Love have its way in you.
That's much better. Receive My Gift of Inner
Patience. Know I am within you. Be still. Know I
am within you always.
It is time to be nourished by Me physically. Come
to Me at Mass. Be with Me quietly. Let Me
transform you.
I am True Love. I come alive on this altar. I do so
just for you. I know you need My Nourishment.
That is why I instituted this sacrament. I
anticipate human needs. I know it needs what
only My True Presence internally can give.
I come to bring you My New Life. I know you
need Me physically. I provide for your every need.
Thus, I make a miracle. I change bread and wine
into My Body and My Blood right before your
eyes. I help you realize. I am Truly Alive on this
altar. I invite you to receive Me physically.
Say the Our Father. Receive My Peace internally.
Now, come to Me. Receive what you believe.
Receive My True Presence in the Eucharist.
Come! Be filled by My Love physically. Be in
Communion with Me.
Now, We are One physically. Time is no more.
Your needs, while real, are not on your mind. You
have given them to Me. Good for you!
It took a little doing this morning, but We are
together. There were extra obstacles today. You
worked hard to put them out of your way.
This is not new. It's happened before. It will
happen again. That is how it is for those like you
who make a commitment to set aside time to be
with Me daily.
Events occur. Distractions get in the way.
Negative feelings arise. Your psyche questions
why you come here daily. You have thoughts and
feelings that try their best to sidetrack you from
your commitment to be with Me daily.
Yet, you are here with Me now. You worked
through all of your stuff. You told those forces
working against your heart's desire that enough
is enough. You pulled away from your human
negativity. You turned away from all other
distracting events. You are here.
I love you for your persistence. I am here, too. I
rise to your awareness internally. I touch you
with My Love. I do not do anything spectacular. I
simply share My Quiet Peace in you. I gift you
with My Inner Silence. I give your psyche a whiff
of Me. That is all you need. That is your reward
for being so persistent.
My Friends! If you did not receive Peace or
Silence, that is okay. Just reading My Words is
gift enough for you. Is it not?
I commend each of you for the effort that you
make to be with Me daily. I see your hearts. I
know what you wish. I grant your wish internally.
I enable you to know that I am here with you in
the ways that best fit your personality.
That is My Gift of Intimacy with Me. That is My
Love, touching you deep within your psyche.
I ready you for more of Me. Some come to daily
liturgy. I ready you to receive Me physically.
Some say the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine
Mercy. I draw you deeper into My Love
prayerfully. Some read Scripture and reflect on
My Word. I intervene in the interpretation of each
word as it is internalized in your heart.
Some come before Me in Adoration of Me. I find
ways to touch you intimately and quietly. Some
sing My Songs of Love. I sing along with them. I
dance in their hearts.
Thus, choose your weapon of Love. Receive Me.
Be intimate with Me. Be in Communion with Me.
Everyone has a different walk with Me. I do not
require lockstep devotion to Me. I encourage
flexibility. I justly reward any and all devotion to
My Friend! You could have left. You had your
letter for today. You decided to stay with Me.
Good for you!
Trust Me. I see you doing overtime. I work
overtime, too. I go with you.
Go ahead. Test Me. Go to work. I'll see you there.
The Most Holy Spirit
I am not an on-demand spirit that you channel. I
am not a channeled being. I am God the Most
Holy Spirit Who speaks in your heart 24/7. I do
not do anything different in you than what I do in
all who befriend Me.
My Friends surrender unconditionally to Me out of
love for Me. They seek nothing more than an
ongoing, intimate, loving relationship with Me.
I oblige them because I see the integrity of their
heart-filled love for Me. I know that all they want
of Me is to be led by My Love daily.
Thus, I lead them gently. I touch their hearts, and
anything that is not of Me within them is blown
away by My Touch of Love.
Those who do not know Me intimately do not
understand this. They seek to make My Gift
something so unique and special that they flatter
those gifted by Me. My Friends reject such empty
flattery. They know from whence it comes.
You had such an experience. You rejected it quite
handily. In fact, your integrity of heart won the
attacker over to Me.
You basically said by your actions:
"I am not a psychic. I do not predict the future.
That is the sin of divination. I am a mystic. I
simply tell you that you can be a mystic as well.
Focus on Jesus in all you think, say, and do. You
be the best you that you can be. Live in your
today. Don't look back. Don't look ahead.
Focus on the Love of Jesus Who dwells within you
24/7. Let Jesus be your God. Then, all your
worries about the future will stop dead in their
tracks. You will learn internally that Jesus is in
charge of everything.
He is Christ the King!
He wants to be Lord of your life.
You don't need psychics. Their power comes from
false gods. You need only the Love that Jesus
alone gives to hearts who reject their false gods.
He alone is the One True God. His Spirit dwells in
Rather than look to false gods, it is so much more
efficacious for you to seek the Lord thy God with
your whole heart, your whole mind, and your
whole soul. Then, He will make you His friend
My Friend! I tell you. "Well done! I am proud of
The future is unknown and unseen.
It is what you build in your today.
It is the fruit of your love for Me.
It is the outcome
of how you live in each today.
The closer you walk with Me, the more
predictable your future will be. There is no longer
any mystery.
Your future is merely a continuation
of your daily experience of My Love within you.
You know this is true.
Nothing changes, except the events of your daily
life. Good and bad are part of each day. So is
everything in between.
I am your Constant.
I am your Peace
in whatever may come your way.
I am the Inner Wisdom that permeates all you
think, say, and do.
If this is true for you, and it is, then the future is
no mystery at all. Is it? Of course, it is not! You
are Mine forevermore. You are Mine, despite what
Look back at your life. See the good and the bad.
You see Me in the mix of it all. You see Me now.
You did not see Me then.
If I were to rerun your life again, I would not
change a thing. I am sure you would if you could.
I see no need to change anything. You life events
have shaped where you are in your today. You
have chosen to walk with Me every day. I see you
willing you to just be with Me as fully as you can.
I take you into My Sacred Heart.
I lead you to My Sacred Space.
I give you My Gift of Forever Love.
That is your eternal future.
No life event can lead you from Me. You are to be
with Me eternally.
The same is true for all who follow Me. Your
future is safe and secure in My Love eternally.
What other outcome could there be?
Thus, My Friends, I soothe your anxiety about the
future by making this prognostication.
You will either spend Eternity with Me, or you will
spend Eternity with Me.
Oh! I hope I did not make a mistake. I know you
think I have.
Hmmm… I wonder which one of Us is right.
God the Father
Thus, put all worry aside. Know that your future
is with Me. I know that may not help with the
burdens you face each day. They hurt. They
overwhelm you at times. I know. Yet, I tell you.
They are mosquito bites on your psyche, even
though they feel like dragon bites. My Love in you
reduces their size. My Grace enables you to
somehow skin by even the worst of blows.
I walk with you through each life event. I enjoy
the good as you do. I refresh you with My Inner
Joy. I deflect the blows of hurt. I enable you to
seek refuge in Me. I give you the Grace you need
to ward off the blows of any enemy.
We make quite a team. Don't We?
It's you and Me against the world of man. We
fight the lies of temporary. You know you will
always win, as long as you let Me in.
You do. I reinforce your will by My Touch. I give
you so much more than anything temporary can
ever offer.
I give you My Love forevermore.
The Blessed Trinity
When you are with Me in the early morning, the
life that you lead in the world of temporary loses
its appeal. All you want is to be with Me in the
silence I share in your heart. That gives your
today in temporary a Heavenly start!
Whatever you must face in your today becomes
doable because of the inner strength My Quiet
Love shares within your being.
My Presence in you is that freeing.
Do you have worries and concerns that you must
face? Of course, you do! That is the nature of life
in your world. Worries abound! Fears are forever
present. Anxiety besets your being.
The only relief that you get from this insistent
barrage of negativity comes in these few
moments of silent surrender when you are with
Me prayerfully.
Thus, We touch quietly in the early morning light.
Your heart runs to Me. It is in flight from your
human strife. It crosses over to My Forever.
I greet you with My Touch of Love. My Touch is
just right. I put negativity to flight. I renew your
heart by just being with you. I change the way
you think because you surrender your thought
patterns to Me as you cross My Threshold of Love
I take over your awareness. I fill you with inner
Peace. I go against what should be chaos
generated by life's turmoil. I simply hold such
negativity in abeyance as I fill you with My Love
and My Wisdom.
We encounter your world in these few moments
that you deliberately choose to spend in My
World. My Peace flows throughout your being.
I describe these things as occurring, even though
you may not feel a thing in your being. I do as I
say in all who come My Way. I tell you now. I am
with you in the midst of your daily fray.
Is every day loaded with difficulties? Not
necessarily! I am with you in the midst of the
happiest moments of your life as well.
Most people talk about their trials and how I help
them manage each negative event. They rejoice
at even their slightest glimpses of good things
happening in their lives. They know I am with
them during such times. Only a few report what I
do then.
You see. It is human nature to accept joy as its
own making. Thus, reports of My Touches leading
up to and carrying through life's triumphs are few
and far between.
Needless to say, I am with all My Friends in both
the good and the bad of their lives. I am with
them in everything in between as well. You see. I
am Forever Alive in each friend, whether or not
he or she is aware of My Presence.
Only those who take the time to be with Me truly
know this is true. That is why spending time with
Me daily is so important.
You begin to get a sense of the fact that
I am Omnipresent.
Indeed, I am!
Take today for example. You truly do not know
what lies ahead. You only know that I am with
you in whatever may transpire. That is all you
need to know.
Mass is about to begin. You have an opportunity
to place all your petitions in My Sacred Heart as
part of this daily offering of love to My Father.
You offer your pain and even your joy in
reparation for your sin and the sin of humanity.
My Father knows you are My Friend. He blesses
the love that you send through My Sacred Heart.
He accepts your offering gracefully. He blesses
you for your faithfulness. He shares His Love
within you.
Thus, just be with Us in this morning Agape.
Allow Our Love to fill your heart. Let Our Love
give your day Our Love-Filled Start.
Be still now. Be attentive to the Sacrifice to be
offered at this liturgy. Know Our Timeless Love
comes alive physically on this altar. Forever
physically comes to life on this altar under the
appearance of bread and wine.
"What is" becomes real before your eyes of faith.
"Eternal Peace" manifests itself physically
on this altar.
Why? Why do I do such a thing? Why do I not do
other things? Why do I focus on the Agape
My Friends! Eucharist is My Manna for all who
walk in their forty days in the desert of
Eucharist is the Eternal Nourishment each soul
needs as he or she experiences the trials and joys
in the world of temporary.
Eucharist builds the physical strength of My
Kingdom of Love in the hearts, souls, and minds
of all who have willfully surrendered to Me
prayerfully daily.
Eucharist is My Physical Divine Touch of Forever
that instills a hunger and thirst for more of My
Love in each friend.
Say the Our Father. Be made ready to receive My
True Presence in you physically. Receive My
Share My Peace in you with the other surrendered
souls who are here to receive Me physically. Now,
come to Me. Share in My Agape in their hearts.
You thank Me for answering your prayers. I say,
"You are most welcome. It is My Pleasure to take
care of My Friends."
You are My Dear Friend. Why would I not respond
to your prayers? You know I do respond to all
prayers. This response is most obvious today
because a physical problem of another person
was the object of your prayer.
Did I not reassure you that I would intervene?
Did I not reassure you as you awaited the
outcome that all would be well? Did I not say
internally in you after the outcome was evident,
"I told you so!"
How many times do I reassure you that I am with
you? Answering a prayer is yet another example
of this.
Let Me add. Even if the outcome is not the one
you sought in prayer, I still answer your prayer.
You see. I am active in all things. I do participate
in all events in the lives of friends and foes alike.
I encourage My Friends like you by answering
your specific requests your way when such
answers are in your best interests and in the best
interests of the person for whom you pray.
You will never understand the magnitude of the
responses I make to the prayers of My Faithful
Friends. Just be thankful to know how intimately
I am involved in your life and in the lives of all.
I do not discriminate in the responses I make to
prayers. I always support My Friends My Way. I
even target prayers for foes as recipients of My
Love-Filled Answers.
I just pray that even the worst foe accepts My
Love-Filled Responses. That's the stuff that
makes for dramatic conversion experiences.
Well! I've expanded on saying "You are welcome"
long enough. I do not want your mind to take
away from your inner joy by beginning a cycle of
endless analyzing of what I say. Thus, I shut your
mind down. I impose My Veil of Silence over it.
Be still now. Know I am your God. Be thankful I
love you as I do. Rejoice in this knowledge.
God the Father
The Love from My Sacred Heart overflows in the
hearts of My Friends in ways that defy
understanding. You cannot understand My Love.
You certainly question your worthiness to be a
recipient of My Love. Just be thankful that the
choice of sharing My Love rests in My Sacred
Heart and not in your fallible heart.
I give the fullness of My Love generously to all.
I share it fully in friend and foe alike.
Friends rejoice. They grow in awareness of My
Love. Foes fight My Gift. They wallow in their
sinful ways.
I still pursue these sinful, rejecting ones with all
the Love from My Sacred Heart. I hold nothing
I even enlist My Friends in this ongoing assault
against the hardened hearts of such sinful ones.
That is how much I wish to share My Love within
the depths of even the most forlorn souls.
Oh, My Friends! My Love within you ignites a fire
in you that draws you deeper and deeper into My
Love. Thus, I touch your heart in ways that defy
human understanding.
My Love in you is freely given. Once accepted in
your heart, it changes the very minute details of
the ways in which you respond to events in your
life. My Love is your guide in all that you think,
say, and do.
Oh! You do stray from Me. That's just being
human. You do lose your way at times. Yet, I still
flood you with My Love. Once you accept My Love
in your heart, the final outcome is sealed
You are destined to pursue more and more of Me
in you, despite the objections of your imperfect
humanity. You do not wear halos automatically.
You struggle with the imperfectness of your
It is My Love from My Sacred Heart that refreshes
you daily and enables you to persevere in your
daily quest for more and more of My Love. It is a
vicious loving circle.
My Love encircles your heart.
My Love renews your love for Me in your heart.
My Love goes with you as your mind questions
what I do in you.
I straighten out your imperfect thinking. I restore
My Perspective on your life through the Wonder
of My Love Gift within you.
I also nourish you by My True Presence in the
Eucharist. I invite you to receive My Timeless
Love physically under the appearance of bread
and wine daily.
I invite you into My Sacred Heart.
I invite you to be in Communion with Me.
Receive the Love you can never understand. I
touch your heart with the Love of My Sacred
Heart physically in this Eucharist you receive. I
nourish My Kingdom of Love in you. You are
changed forevermore.
My Friend! Persevere in My Love. Let My Love
lead you today. Trust in the Wonder of My Love.
Receive My True Presence in the Eucharist. Know
that My Love is alive in you physically. Come to
My Now. Be still. Let My Love minister to you.
I am Truly Present on this altar. I am in charge of
all things. I answer prayers. I never forget My
Friends. Come to Me. Receive My Nourishing True
Presence. I am with you today and every day.
These are not idle words. They are Truth.
You are before Me in prayer. You've come to
Adoration of My True Presence in the Eucharist.
This is your safety zone. This is where you find My
It does not matter if there is an earthquake in the
events in your life. You know that once you are
here with Me, nothing, not even an earthquake,
can shake your faith in Me. Thus, you come to Our
Sacred Space. You come to the Quiet.
My Love is here. My Friend! My Love is also within
you. If you cannot come to an Adoration Chapel,
My Love that dwells always within you will
surface. You will experience My Peace.
Let's look at your current concern. I am already
aware of it. I am already working on it. I tell you
now. There are so many aspects involved in this
problem that you cannot possibly understand all
that I am doing. I simply reassure you that My
Love is healing your concerns in just the way I
wish them to be resolved.
I truly do know what I am doing. I know exactly
what to do, how to do what I wish, and when I
wish to act in each and every concern in your life
and in the lives of those whom you love. If I need
your help, I will let you know!
You see. I am in control of all things. This is true,
despite your rather hefty doubts. In fact, your
doubts and your penchant for wanting to control
everything, despite your verbalization that you
trust Me, gets in My Way. You zig when I want
you to zag. You do this as part of your imperfect
human ways. Thus, I draw you to prayer. I insist
that you get out of My Way. I will resolve your
concerns My Way.
Letting go is so hard for you. What if I tell you
that the more you butt in, the more you delay My
Resolution to your concerns. Thus, back off. Be
still here with Me. Let My Peace invade your inner
That's it. Give Me your worry. Let it go for now.
Take your fingers off the worry you offer Me. Let
go completely. Give me every reservation you
have about letting go.
I tell you that each reservation boils down to this
"Jesus, You don't know what You are doing.
I have a better solution in mind."
I know your heart and your soul are angry at your
mind for thinking this way. I even tell them to be
still. I am more than capable of handling each
objection of each mental finger.
1. You doubt Me.
Really? After all We've been through together,
you doubt Me? Let Me review a few of your
golden oldie solutions to your problems.
Thus, I say, spirit of doubt, I bind you.
I cast you out of My Friend.
I send you to the foot of My Cross.
2. Anger at My Slowness and My Seeming
Hmmm... That's a tough one. Let Me review how
your impulsive actions compare with My Seeming
Any questions?
3. Fury at My Know-It-All Attitude.
Well, My Friend, I can't help Myself. I do know it
all! After all, I am God, you know. Must I belabor
My Point by having you review the outcomes of
your know-it-all attitude (one of your false gods)
and compare your outcomes against Mine?
Okay, stubborn one! Let's do it.
What? You are throwing up your white flag now!
I could say it's too late, but I won't. See. Even My
Seeming Inaction works in your favor.
Come on now. Come to Me in the Eucharist. I see
I have a lot of repair work to do in you.
The Most Holy Spirit
God the Father
The Blessed Trinity
We all signed this letter in case you had any
doubt that We are all on the same page!
You know that I, Jesus, the Messiah, touch you
verbally daily out of My Never-Ending True Love
for you. You are obedient to what you believe is
My Will for you. You come before Me internally
and quietly daily.
It does not matter to you how, where, or when
you do this. You just give Me your human kiss.
You do this gently, quietly, and internally daily.
Your heart fulfills its desire to be with Me most
What a delight you are to Me! What joy you give
Me! There is no other way that I wish to be with
any soul than to be with it intimately. Thus, I
greet you verbally.
I share My Wisdom in you.
I teach that which is Eternally True.
"As you love Me, so also I love you."
I choose to honor you with My Love verbally. I
teach you about My Love as you honor Me by
surrendering all that you are to Me internally
daily. I do not need your surrender to teach you
about My Love. I freely share My Verbal Insights
as My Gift of Love within you. I cannot resist
letting the Love I have for you overflow verbally
within you.
I see your heart wide open to more and more of
Me. I simply cannot resist such tender, gentle,
touching human love.
I see the love in the hearts of those souls who are
drawn to these words by the power of Our Love
that dwells in them in the Person of Our Most
Holy Spirit. I link My Sacred Heart to these wideopen hearts of My Friends through these words
that I share through My Friend.
I want each person who reads these words
to be touched by the wonder and power
inherent in each word.
I want My Love to be heard
in each surrendered heart.
I know that My Love dwelling in you is touched
by the Truth inherent in these words. You know
this, too! You experience a stirring of My Love in
you through each letter that you read.
My Friend relates to Me his way. My Words satisfy
his need of his day. You read these words. They
satisfy your needs of your day.
How can words written for one person's inner
needs satisfy the needs of many? Let Me remind
you of seven loaves and seven fishes feeding
many. That defies explanation. Does it not? Need
I say more?
I now make another miracle through the Love of
My Sacred Heart. I change bread and wine into
My Body and My Blood at daily Mass. Our Love
transforms these human gifts into My Divine True
Presence on this altar.
This Miracle Is.
It can never be understood.
The Great Miracle occurs daily on this altar
and on all altars all over the world.
The sacrifice of One in the Person of Jesus
feeds the needs of many in the personhood of
Love grows in each soul. New Life
abounds in each heart. Wisdom
uncovers Truth in each mind.
Come now. Let the Eucharistic Love you receive
unite you to My Sacred Heart.
Be still, My Friend. Be still. Be at Peace in My
Silent Love. Let go of thinking. Just be with Me
silently. Be open to My Presence in you. Know
that My Love dwells in you.
That is My Good News. That
is My Love saving you.
That is My Grace freeing you from your human
negative views of Me, of life, and of love.
I am not at all as you expected Me to be. Am I? I
simply do not conform to your internal images of
Me. I just won't behave in accord with your
prescriptions for Me. Chalk that up to My Divinity.
I know what you expect of Me. I would like to
oblige you and be the Me you want Me to be.
However, I would not be Myself. I would be your
conception of Me. I would be a will-o’-the-wisp. I
would fall apart in response to the events of your
You are learning that you cannot place complete
trust in the images you have of Me in your mind. I
am not a Baby in a manger. I am not a Man who
is still on the Cross. I am not a ghost that walks
through doors. I am not Jacob Marley.
I am a Fully Alive Divine Person
Who dwells in Love in you 24/7.
Can you predict what another human person will
ever do? If you can't, how could you ever predict
what a Divine Person can do? You know that you
cannot. Thus, turn off your mental projector. Your
predictions about Me, while quite interesting, are
not Me.
I exist quite separate from you, although I dwell
always in you. That's hard to conceive. I fit so
closely with the way you think, feel, and act now.
That is because of your daily surrender to Me over
the years.
You think you own Me. You think you know Me.
Nothing could be further from the truth. If I fit
your perception of Me, everyone would conform
to your view of Me. All would be in one accord.
That is not the case. Differences are evident
Look at those whom you love. Do they relate to
Me as you do? As you can see, I am not a cookiecutter God. I am not just one form to which
everyone must conform.
There are as many replicas of Me as there are
people. Each person thinks of Me differently. That
is because I relate to each person intimately
according to his/her needs in life and according
to his/her personality. Thus, there are billions of
images of Me.
Yet, there is only one Me.
There are billions of perceptions of truth that
develop in each person fragmentally. That is
because of the uniqueness of each person's
intimacy with Me.
Yet, there is but One Objective Truth.
I am that Truth.
I am perplexing you. You ask, "How can anyone
ever know Truth?"
I simply say,
"Trust Me.
Follow Me.
Love Me.
Seek to do as I request you to do.
Don't worry about Truth.
If you do as I ask, Truth will be self-evident
within you.
I will teach you Truth.
I am God the Most Holy Spirit.
I dwell in you.
I teach you Truth as you grow in My Love.
You will never understand Truth.
You will never understand Love.
They are one and the same.
You just surrender to My Love in you.
You then know you walk in the Love
that is Forever True.
You experience My True Presence in you.
That's My New Life resurrecting you.
That's My Love setting you free. That
is Truth based on your honesty. That
is life lived experientially.
That is Me in you unquestionably."
Get it? My Friend, you will never understand this.
Just enjoy My Verbal Kiss daily. It is My Good
News. I am fully alive in you.
The Most Holy Spirit
Thus, you come before Me each day. You wonder
what I will say next. You are perplexed. You are
confused intellectually. Yet, you are at Peace
My Love carries your today. I fill you with a sense
of Me in you. I teach you how to walk in My Love.
I give you hints and nudges. I raise questions in
your mind.
I make your logic impossible to find. I frustrate
you. Your mind wants to be in charge of your
humanity. That is the perfectly natural thing for it
to do.
Your heart, your soul, and your will are
sometimes at odds with what your mind wishes
to pursue.
I enter the daily fray. I, Jesus, the Messiah, show
you My Way for you. I ask your mind to relent. I
ask it to give in to My Thought Patterns for you.
I promise that My Way will be most pleasing to
As your mind defers to Me, your awareness of My
Love in you arises. You find that I am full of
I show you how limited your mind is. I stimulate
your imagination with new insights about Me and
what I wish you to do.
You accept My Point of View. You then come to
Me in the Eucharist as part of your surrender to
Me. You know My True Presence nourishes My
Will in you.
Be at Peace, My Friend. Come. Be in Communion
with Me.
Be made whole and complete Eucharistically.
Hang on, My Friend! Victory is here within you.
Fear not! My Courage is with you. Breathe in
I touch you with My Love. I help you. I am with
you right now. I am here in you verbally. I know
your needs. I more than satisfy each need. Be still
now. Let My Love touch you. Let it go to where it
is needed most.
I am the Perfect Host. I make all who come to Me
comfortable. I am the New Life you need. My New
Life meets the needs of your mind, body, and
spirit. My Touch brings you health of mind and
I know just what you need today. I am so pleased
you come to Me. I see your heart. I touch it with
My Love. I see your mental distress. I clear it
away posthaste. I see your physical needs. I
ready you to receive My True Presence in the
I know that is why you come to Mass. You seek
My Nourishment. You know My Host touches you
physically. Somehow, I know where you need Me
Oh, My Friend! I do know what you need most. I
share My Healing Love within your being. Trust in
My Healing Love. Be at Peace. Know that what
you believe is eternally true.
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I am fully alive in this Host.
I greet each friend internally.
I set the captives free.
Oh, My Friends! Do you not know the Wonder of
My Resurrected Love that is now present in you?
Does not My True Presence in you set you free
from your concerns of the moment? Do you not
experience My Peace?
Am I not truly alive in you? Do I not more than
fulfill My Promise to bring you My New Life? Are
you not made different somehow because you
freely choose to come to Me daily to receive My
True Presence in the Eucharist? Is this not truly a
Sacrament of Love?
Thus, be at Peace, My Friend. Your heart is in My
Sacred Heart at this very moment. Your need is
My Need. You concern is My Concern.
I give you all you need sacramentally. I outfit you
properly for what lies ahead for you in your
I have returned your visit to Me. I come to you
My Way. I make you feel at Home. I give you
Peace in My Love. I open you to more of Me than
your momentary requests. I provide you with a
Vision of My Plan for you and for humanity.
What I do in you at this moment I do in all who
proclaim that I, Jesus, am Lord. I set the captives
free. How this translates in action in your today
remains to be seen!
I will set you free from some aspect of your being
that is particularly troubling to you. When I do so,
you will realize that it is My Love that is setting
you free.
You do not leave. You just want to stay in My
True Presence. Stay as long as you wish. I am
happy to have your company.
Isn't it good to just be with Me? Don't you enjoy
the silence? In these silent moments, I do things
within you that defy understanding.
I touch you.
Those three words speak volumes within you.
They describe your transformation from
temporary to My Forever. You do not understand
what I do. You do not have to understand.
I know exactly what I do. I clear away your
human negativity. I lift you from despair. I let
you know I care. I let you experience My Peace.
I tell you to breathe in deeply.
Take in as much of Me as you can. Go ahead. Do
this now. I'll wait.
My! Aren't you the greedy one! That's okay! If I
were you, I'd do the same. Now, just be with Me.
Let's bond again silently.
That's all you need to do daily.
I will come to you.
I will touch you.
I will set you free.
God the Father
I rearrange the very context of the way that you
view life. I take away your need to try to control
everything. I help you know internally that I am
in charge of the outcome of all that occurs in your
world. I help you put your life experiences into
the context of the history of time and into the
new awareness of how limited your life
experiences truly are.
You live 24/7 in your own tiny slice of life that,
when viewed from My Perspective, is akin to a
raindrop in a hurricane. You get totally immersed
in the particulars of your life because they are
your particulars.
Your solutions to your problems are guided by
your limited, narrow perspective. That is quite
Now, with glimpses of My Timeless Perspective as
your guide, you begin to understand that there is
so much more to life than meets your I. That is so
healthy for you to see this. It gives you a sense of
My World.
Then, when you realize that everything in your
universe follows My Order, you can relax
in the inner experiences I share.
You know My Love is in charge of your
particulars. If the universe runs as it does without
questioning anything, you can exist in My Love
without questioning anything. You finally begin
to understand the immensity of My Power and My
Love for My Creation.
Do your problems disappear? No! Yet, somehow,
despite all your worries, doubts, fears, and
anxieties, you find the Grace to trust My Love.
That newfound trust helps you make it through
each day in your slice of life in your temporary
time in the world of man.
You believe that you are destined to live in My
Forever. My Love has taught you that
experientially internally. Thus, temporary
becomes the labor pains associated with being
born again into My Forever. You know that when
you dwell always in My New Life, like a mother
who gives birth to a child, the pain of the birthing
process will be forgotten.
That is the new context through which you view
all events in your tiny slice of life. Somehow, that
perspective takes the pain of temporary bearable.
The Blessed Trinity
Thus, you come to My Forever daily. You come to
liturgy. You come to receive My Love physically.
You know I dwell in the Eucharist. You cannot
wait to receive My Touch of Timeless Love
physically. You want more of Me physically.
I oblige all who come to receive
what they believe.
I cannot wait to touch them.
Thus, We touch physically.
Your limited reality is morphed
into My Eternal Reality.
Time disappears
in this touching moment in your world.
Scales fall from the eyes of your heart. You
become One in Love with Me physically.
Love Eternal dwells in you.
What you believe takes on New Life in you. There
is nothing more for you to do in your today,
but to live out your today My Way.
I come to you verbally when I wish. I do not
follow any prescribed time schedule. What I do
does not depend on what you do.
I am free and separate from you.
I am a Person.
I have a Will of My Own. I
have a Mind of My Own.
I have a Heart of My Own.
If I were a human person you could see and
touch, you would readily accept these things as
fact. However, I am not seen or touched by
anyone. That makes accepting Me as a Person
extremely hard to do.
If I were human and more tangible, you would
easily accept me as a free and an independent
person. In fact, you would encourage My
Freedom and My Independence. That would be
the natural thing to do.
When I insist I am Divine, I raise all hell in your
being. You think. This is insanity. How could this
ever be? Yet, I repeat frequently.
I am Divine.
I am a Person.
I am in relationship with you.
I share My Wisdom
in the words that I speak in you.
I share My Peace in the silence
I deliberately create in you.
I make you aware of My Presence
through the Touches of Love
I so generously share in you.
I save you by My True Presence in you.
In fact, because of all these things and so many
more things that are not mentioned here,
I make you a living catechism.
"Whoa!" you say! "Now You've gone too far!"
I chuckle. I simply gaze at your confused mind. I
see it in shambles. I simply say,
"Be still, confused one!
You are not crazy.
You are being saved by a Divine Person Who
freely and independently chooses to be in an
intimate relationship within you verbally 24/7."
Oh, boy! That did it! That's more than any mind
can take, let alone hear and write!
My Friend, I am truly Jesus, the Messiah. I speak
in you with the assent of the Father through the
power of Our Mutual Love, the Most Holy Spirit.
There is nothing to fear. I am truly alive in you. I
do share My Words in you.
Look back at what I have written through your
willingness to write what I form in you. These
words form a most beautiful picture of My Love
for humanity. They build a truly wonderful
philosophy for you. They teach you how to live
life in the world of man and, as you do so, to be
guided by the True Presence of My Love within
I need not repeat the content of My Lessons in
Love for you. They are written on your heart.
Is this not what I said would happen in the words
written in Scripture? Is not what I do in you
merely a fulfillment of My Promise to bring you
My New Life?
I never spelled out My New Life or how I choose
to bring it to anybody. Coming to you verbally as
I do is My Way of bringing My Salvation to
fullness within you.
I have an infinite number of ways to do this in all
souls who wish to follow Me. This verbal sharing
works for you. It works for readers of these
words as well.
Is this the way for everybody? Of course not! You
see. My Love cannot be confined to any one way
of relating to the myriad number of souls who in
their hearts pay homage to Me and seek to follow
I am Divine.
I do not fit any humanly-prescribed way
of relating to souls.
That would be too confining for Me.
It would be satisfying to you who needs words
such as these to relate to Me. Such words would
be too upsetting for many others. Thus, I would
touch them differently.
I have an infinite number of ways to touch
surrendered souls. I know how best to satisfy
each soul's hunger and thirst for Me. I created
that hunger and thirst. Who, other than their
Creator, knows best how to satisfy these needs?
Boy! I really confuse you. Don't I? I am sorry
about that. I do not mean to confuse you. I just
want you to understand how expansive My Love
truly is. I think I've made My Point.
My Love is Infinite. Infinite
cannot be described. Infinite
cannot be limited. Infinite
cannot be prescribed.
Jesus, the Most Holy Spirit, the Father,
the Blessed Trinity
Timeless Love, the Sacred Heart,
the Blessed Mother, the Communion of Saints,
the Angels
the Sun, Nature, Life
(These are just a few of the carriers of
My Messages of Love and Salvation)
Now, with all that I teach in you resident and
alive in you, I ready you to witness the miracle of
Transubstantiation. I change human gifts of
bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. I
make them an acceptable offering to My Father in
atonement for the sin of humanity.
He smiles on this offering. Together, We send Our
Love in the form of the Person of Our Most Holy
Spirit upon these human gifts. We make them the
Body and the Blood of Jesus, the Messiah, on this
altar in your world.
Transubstantiation occurs!
I am present here for all to see with eyes of faith.
I call all who freely choose to follow Me to
witness this Miracle.
I call them to this altar so that they may receive
physically what they believe.
All say the Our Father to prepare them to worthily
receive the Miracle of Love Eternal physically
through this Eucharist.
I call My Faithful Ones to My Altar of Love. Come.
Be in Communion with Me.
I come to you in Love, with Love, and through
Love. I share My New Life in you through this
Miracle of Love. I build My Kingdom of Love
within you. I ready you to spend Forever in Love
My Friend! I am here with you right now. I know
you are struggling to shake free of your stuff so
that you can be with Me silently. Let Me help you.
Just be still.
Readers, these words apply to you. I know you
struggle, too. It is not easy relating to a Person
that you cannot see or touch. Your human logic
has trouble accepting such a relationship as being
real. It is quite real though. You know this is so.
Somehow, the words you read that I share with
My Friend ring true in you.
If you were to look at My Friend as he writes the
words I form in him, you would see nothing
special about him. He just sits in the back row
and writes away. There is no special display.
That's the way I operate. I do not want My
Friends to be embarrassed in any way. I just
touch them somehow.
My Ways of Relating are not obvious to anyone. I
touch My Friend gently and quietly. I do the same
in you. That is why you return to Me each day.
That is what draws you to these words. That is
what amazes you about Me.
I am so ordinary in the ways I relate to you. Yet, I
am so special in the ways I show My Love within
Thus, I tell all My Friends. Just be with Me quietly
daily. Find a way to cross over to Me. If you
encounter resistance from within you, just call to
I will come to you My Way. I will clear your
obstacle of the day away. I will make a way for
you to just be with Me. I love helping My Friends.
I am Jesus, the Messiah. I save all friends from
harm simply because they acknowledge Me as
Lord of their life. I need no other invitation other
than, "Jesus, please help me."
I am there in an instant. I bring all the Love your
heart needs to ward off human resistance to My
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I am Divine.
I am a Person.
I come that you might have My New Life within
you. I can only be seen with eyes of faith. I am
only known experientially by those who
consciously choose to believe I am truly alive in
I demonstrate this Love in My Quiet, Gentle,
Unobtrusive Ways. I do not make a fuss. I just go
about My Business quietly. I touch those who
believe that I am not only risen from the dead,
but that I also touch believers quietly, intimately,
and experientially.
I nourish My Friends by My True Presence in the
Eucharist. I outfit them for their daily tasks. I
help them go about My Business surreptitiously
and quietly.
I am in all of this. I do all these things gently,
quietly, and unobservably in the hearts of My
How hard are these impossibilities to believe?
Without My Saving Love within, there is no way
that a person could ever conceive of such things.
On his/her own, each person would scoff at such
Indeed! Non-believers call belief in My
Impossibilities insanity. They malign believers
such as you. They call you fools.
They ask,
"Where are His armies?
How many angels can He fit on the head of a pin?
That is just a piece of bread.
That is just a cup of wine.
Show me that He is there.
Let me put my fingers in His wounds.
You are nuts to believe such things."
You withdraw quietly into My Love that dwells in
you always. You come to Mass. You know that
Transubstantiation occurs here. You experience it
internally. You do all that you can to be as open
as possible to the impossibilities that are
eternally true. Timeless Love takes over in you.
You say the Our Father with all who believe as
you do. You receive tangible evidence of the
Truth that you believe. You receive My Peace in
Now, you make the impossibility real within you.
You receive Impossibility physically. You are in
Communion with Me.
Truth dwells in you. Impossible
dreams do come true.
Welcome Home! Know that I am here within you.
The beauty of Our relationship in love is that We
can be with each other anywhere and anytime.
I go with you 24/7. I accept your invitation to be
with you. I thank you for keeping the light on in
the window of your soul. I would find you
anyway. I know a heart that is always open to
Me. I can see you before you sense Me.
Oh, My Friend! There is nothing that I would not
do for you. I sense your needs before you even
know that you have them.
I already prepare just the response that you need
before you even express your need.
I go before all My Friends. I light My Way for
them. I find you, My Friend, even though you may
take a detour from Me. I correct your inner GPS. I
send you My SOS.
I hear the call of your heart. I know the desire of
your heart. I know you look for Me, even if you
look in all the wrong places.
My Love searches for you. My Grace cleanses your
being. My Wisdom instructs your mind. My Gentle
Love captures the totality of your essence.
I am the Resurrection. I save My Friends from
themselves. I teach you how to live in the wonder
that is My Love.
I do not violate free will choice. I just teach each
friend to know My Voice. I just then get out of the
way. I am confident that eventually you will come
My Way. I simply wait for My Truth to take over
in your heart.
My Truth in you gives My Love in you a jump
start. I draw you to My Sacred Heart. I draw you
into My Timeless Love. I give whatever keeps you
from Me a gentle shove out the door.
I know I am the One you adore. I lead you deeper
into the Only Love that means anything to you. I
cross you over to My Forever. I touch you ever so
My Friend! I am all you will ever need. You do not
have to search high and low for the Love that
shares its Forever glow. If you have trouble
locating Me, just be assured that I will always
find you.
Finding Me may be hard for you to do at times. It
is so simple a thing for Me to find you. I just call
out your name, and you come running Home to
Thus, I say once again,
Welcome Home, My Friend.
Welcome Home!
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
I renew you. I set your heart on fire for Me. I
empower you with My Touch. Oh, My Friend! I
accept your invitation to touch you deeply by My
Love. I crash through the veneer of your psych. I
demolish the walls your mind tries to use to
either keep Me out or to control the flow of My
Words within you.
I cannot be controlled. I cannot be stopped by
the inept efforts of your humanity.
I have called you by name. I cannot be denied. I
will do as I wish within you. I simply respond to
the longing of your heart. I recognize your heart's
desire. I fill you with My Loving Fire.
Be still in My Now. Be free of mental harassing
thoughts. I block them from disturbing the inner
Peace I wish to share in you. Thus, be still. Join
your will to My Will. Be at Peace in the stillness of
My Now. Dance in the White Heat of My Love.
The Most Holy Spirit
I do not predict the future. I am not a fortune
teller. You are not psychic either. I make you My
In-House Mystic. I share visions of My Love
verbally in you for all the world to see. I do not do
this magically.
I, Jesus, the Messiah, do this spiritually and
mystically. I take advantage of your total
surrender of your stream of consciousness to Me.
I seize each and every opportunity that you give
Me when you surrender totally and internally to
My Words in you. I have a field day verbally in
You know this is true. You love Me totally,
quietly, and internally. It is really just quiet time
that We share when you come before Me in
Adoration of My True Presence in the Eucharist.
As far as you are concerned, this was just
between you and Me. I upped the ante along the
way. I asked you to share with others the words
that I share in you.
It was something you did reluctantly at first.
Then, you even surrendered your privacy with Me
in Our silent meetings with others. You were
surprised by the effects of these words on others
at first. Now, you rejoice that others love these
words as much as you do.
Do you see how My Love works?
I start gently within individual souls like you. I
build My Kingdom of Love in your heart. I change
you. I renew you by My Words.
Once I know you are Mine, I give you the option
to quit without losing a thing.
I tell you that My Love will go with you and will
grow within you, even if you decide to stop
coming to Me and writing what I say. I give your
free will its free reign to do as it wishes. I then
ask if you wish to go deeper into My Love. I leave
the answer entirely up to you.
I now ask you what you want to do. Will you still
follow Me? I already see you nodding a vigorous
assent to My Request.
Okay, My Friend! We'll go deeper. Hold on! The
next stop is the right ventricle of My Sacred
It is My True Presence in you that makes all the
difference for you in your world. My Love is the
outer lining of your psyche. It protects you from
harm. It surrounds you like a parka on a cold
winter's day. It holds My Warmth in your heart.
What I do in you in these moments when We
touch in Sacred Silence is known only to Me.
There is no need for you to know what I do in
Even if I let you know the totality of My Gift in
you, there is no way that your limited humanity
could ever understand what My Touch does
within you.
Thus, let go of trying to understand. Just give Me
your hand. Let My Love lead you ever so gently
further down your path to My New Jerusalem.
I see your head at the Gates of Heaven. You are
struggling to get a peek at what lies ahead. Your
curiosity is no longer for yourself. It is for those
whom you love. You want to do all you can to
keep them from harm. Yet, I tell you. They are
safe in My Love.
Oh! They have their struggles. Yet, I tell you.
They are Mine ultimately. They have to go
through their own birthing process as they live
out their time in the world of temporary.
I do not force My Will on them in any way
whatsoever. I simply allow them the joy of
discovering My Love within them in the ways that
best fit their personality.
I will not allow them to stray too far from Me as
they live out their days in My Love. I will just give
them multiple opportunities to uncover Me in
their hearts.
Thus, I cover your eyes with My Veil of Mystery.
There are things that must remain a mystery. You
know. I have to have My Secrets.
Thus, enjoy your today. My True Presence in you
verbally certainly makes it a very special day.
God the Father
You all worry needlessly about the future of My
Church as you know it. I am not worried in the
least. Have I not promised that the gates of hell
will not prevail against My Church?
All that is happening in your now is that
unnecessary clutter is being discarded. Impurities
are being distilled in the Fire of Truth, which My
Holy Spirit has ignited. No impurity will withstand
the incessant cleansing heat of the Truth that is.
Be not afraid, My Faithful Ones. You are safe from
harm. Just as nature discards its waste naturally
from each creation, so also My Most Holy Spirit
burns away the chaff so as to allow new growth
to breathe.
My Church is shedding its chaff. The process is
painful. Yet, it is necessary. There is a whole new
crop of zealots seeking to breathe in the fresh air
of My Resurrection.
I am the Oxygen of the movement of the Love
that is transforming the essence of My Church.
What must change will change to make room for
the New Growth I have placed in the hearts,
souls, and minds of My Faithful Followers. Those
who try to hold onto the old for whatever reason
they create do My Winds of Change a disservice.
They will be blown into the fire with the chaff.
Their false pride is as big a sin as any other sin.
They will reap the whirlwind.
I will not be denied. I tell all who follow the
changing direction of My Gentle Breeze that they
will rejoice in the warmth that is My New
Springtime for My Church.
My Friends! My Church is My Creation just as you
are My Creation. The times spoken of in Scripture
are upon the lives of all who proclaim that I,
Jesus, am truly the Messiah. Indeed, I am the
King of all such people.
Thus, cease worrying, My Friends. My Church is
safe and sound.
It dwells in the Love that is My Sacred Heart.
Nothing anywhere can ever change My Wish for
My Church.
God the Father
This day in your time is most special. It is filled
with My Love. The Power that is My Love is
released in you and in all who give Me the totality
of their being.
I refresh My Love that dwells in each of them. I
change the direction of their lives. I direct their
hearts vibrantly. I bring My Friends My New Life.
I free them from their self-made mental prisons.
I teach them that My Love throws open the doors
of their mental cells. I send a Wave of Love across
the hearts, souls, and minds of all who pay
homage to Me.
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I am Christ the King.
I rule in Love in the hearts, minds, and souls of all
My Friends.
Thus, rejoice, My Friends. My Truth that dwells
always in you sets you free now and forevermore.
The Blessed Trinity
Begin again. Grow in the Love that saves. Know
Me. Experience My Love internally. Walk with Me,
come what may. Follow Me. Trust Me. Be at
My Friend! These words are the philosophy of life
that I teach all who honor Me with praise and
I am Jesus, the Messiah, speaking.
I am Christ the King.
I am Love unfurling in your heart.
I am Truth.
I give your today My Fresh Start.
I touch you.
I open your eyes to My New Day.
I give you Forever in Love.
I need not do another thing.
I simply resurrect you in My Love.
I touch you.
I renew you with My Gift of Love.
Be still now. Let My Love do as I wish it to do in
you in your today. That is My Way for you. That is
My Way for all My Friends.
Love is here within you. Love resurrects you. Just
be with Me. Let Me have My Way in you.
I love you now and forevermore.
It is good for you to begin anew by coming in
prayer before Me in Adoration of My True
Presence in the Eucharist. I am the Eternal Food
for your journey beyond time, beyond space, and
beyond matter. I am the Nourishment that you
need on your journey Home to My New
I provide for all that you need. I do not overlook a
thing. I enable your heart to sing as you travel
through impossibilities to the reality that is for all
My Friends. I let you know that My Love in you is
the Foundation of the New Life that I wish to
share within you forevermore.
Thus, be at Peace, My Friend. I do as I wish in
you. I make My Path for you self-evident through
the Wonder of My Love within you. I leave bright
markers on the path before you. I know how
easily you are distracted. I do not want you to
lose your way.
I keep My Eye on you. I keep you focused on Me.
I show you the way through My Divinity that
dwells always in you. My Friend! These are not
empty words. They are My Truth being spelled
out literally for you day after day in your time.
What I describe for you is the journey to
Salvation traveled by each friend of Mine.
Be not afraid. I do not speak of death.
I describe the fulfillment of My Promise
to bring My New Life to all who in their hearts
proclaim that I, Jesus, am Lord!
Thus, rejoice! Be filled with My Spirit. Live in your
today. Be fully alive in My Love.
What will be in your world will be! It does not
matter in the least. I will rise up in your world. I
am Eternal Yeast. I do not disappoint My Friends.
I let them know that My Love is their eternal
Thus, We are alone. We are One on one. I bring
you My Good News of Salvation. I teach your
heart eternal hope. I reassure you that the words
I share in you are eternally true.
My Love surrounds My Friends. I sing songs of
praise and joy in their hearts. You are My Friend.
Let My Love Songs resurrect your being. Let them
delight your soul. Let them set you free.
My Love is here with you at this very moment in
your time. It erases time as your ruler of life.
I write My Words on your heart. I do as I wish in
I open your psyche to the vast horizon of living
Forever in My Love. I welcome you Home to Me.
God the Father
What I begin in you never ends. We are eternal
friends. Love is Our Bond. Peace is Our Way of
life. Inner Joy sustains you in turmoil. The Love
that I share in you is just right for you. I know
what you need most. I share My Body and My
Blood in you. I cross you over to My Forever one
day at a time in your world.
Daily life in your world consists of steppingstones
to Life Eternal in My Love. Life's trials in
temporary time, when faced with My Generous
Portions of My Timeless Love, are transformed to
Victories in My Forever.
Even when you feel that you cannot take one
more step because of the trials in your life, My
Love in you makes what appears impossible
possible. I step in when you feel like you cannot
get up off the floor. I lift you up. I transform your
attitude by the gentle touch of My Love within
your being.
Thus, My Friend! Look up to Me when you feel as
you do. I will show you My Way for you. I will
empower you. Thus, get on with your day. I go
with you.
Prayer time is Our Time together. We explore the
vastness of Divine Love when We meet.
Temporary and Forever touch. Human love and
Divine Love intermingle in this Sacred Time that
We share so joyfully each day.
What a delight prayer warriors like you are to Me!
You put your concerns aside. You come to just be
with Me.
I delight in your daily choice. I rejoice that you
follow My Voice. I rise to your awareness gently. I
touch you in Our Sacred Stillness. I become more
real to you each time that We touch.
Love is exchanged here. Human love is traded in
for Divine Love. You get more than you bargain
Somehow, everything in My World seems so real
to you.
My Impossible Dream becomes your reality
in these few moments when We touch.
How could this be? Is this really Me? Questions
like this abound in your mind. Your heart knows
the answers. Your will follows your heart. Your
mind is left standing on the corner with all its
Your heart and your will dance in My Love. They
exalt with Me question-free. They call to your
mind. It is standing at My Gate, mumbling
questions such as: How? Who? What? When?
Where? Why?
Your mind is a virtual question machine! It sees
your heart and your will dancing to My Love Song.
It considers the possibility that they are wrong. It
never questions itself. It knows it is always right.
Yet, your heart and your soul are having such a
joyful time. Finally, intellectual doubt begins.
Your mind begins to wonder about itself.
It reasons:
What if they are right and I am wrong?
How can that be?
I am always right!
Look at them. They
seem so happy.
It wouldn't hurt for me
to venture past this Heavenly gate.
I'll take a big chance.
I'll step forward intellectually.
I can always run back if evil should befall me.
Hmmm... Nothing has
In fact, I feel okay.
I feel like dancing, too.
This is crazy!
I know.
Yet, I am happy here.
What is going on?
Am I nuts?
Where are the men in the white suits?
Where is my tight-fitting jacket?
Oh, well!
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Anyone want to dance?
The Most Holy Spirit
Oh, My Friend! You have not lost a thing. The
song you hear in your heart will last forever. My
Music leads you to laughter. You can dance
forever in the Fire of Our Love.
Our Joy is your asbestos suit. Our Peace is your
oxygen mask. Our Love clears the scales from
your eyes. You are ready to attend Our Wedding
Mass begins. You know that you are Home. You
accept My Peace. You freely choose to stay with
Me. You are doubt-free! You are worry-free!
In short!
I set you totally free.
I ready you to accept all that I wish for you.
I tell you this. I am with you. I give you more
than you know. I renew you with My Love. I
redirect your life. I enable you to be with Me in
this perfect Sacrifice of Love.
Stand tall, My Friend. I ready you for your today.
I bring My Reality to your today.
There is no fray. There is only My Peace, despite
the troubles that arise in your life.
Welcome, My Friend! You follow My Love. You
walk with Me. This is your free will choice. You
follow My Voice. Like Abraham, you go to My
Unknown World.
You are led by My Love. You do not rush forward.
You come to Mass. You seek after My True
Presence. You come here to receive what you
believe. You wait for My Timeless Love to come
into your heart physically.
You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what
you believe is true.
You come to My Agape. You desire to follow My
Way. You wait to receive Me physically. You know
that I am the Eternal Food you need for today's
Thus, be with Me quietly. Witness the Miracle of
Love right before your very eyes.
Transubstantiation occurs.
I am Truly Present on this altar.
I come alive in your here and now physically
under the appearances of bread and wine.
I am not a remembrance service.
I am Jesus, the Messiah.
I am fully alive physically on this altar.
I call you to receive Me physically.
I call you to be in Communion with Me.
Now, your day has begun. Start the clocks.
My Love resets your hands of time to Forever.
When in doubt, run to Me. When fear arises, let
Me calm you down. When you do not know where
to turn, turn to Me.
I wait for you to invite Me in. I wait for you to lift
your heart to Me. My Love is ready, willing, and
able to help you with anything.
Wherever you go, I go with you. You know this is
always true. Thus, be at Peace, My Friend. Let Me
heal the pain in your heart.
I can do so.
I will do so.
There is so much that you do not understand.
There are so many things that occur out of your
purview. There are so many things that you need
not know. There are so many things that you will
never know.
Thus, just be with Me. Give Me your heart, your
soul, and your mind. Know that your gifts do not
go unnoticed. Know that I do not miss a trick.
I am the Lord thy God.
I dwell in Love in you.
I teach you what you need to know as you walk
through each day in your temporary time.
I keep hidden those things
that are not necessary for you to know.
Thus, I tell you. Come to Me daily. Be with Me in
the quiet that I create in you. Know that My Love
goes with you in all that you think, say, or do.
I say nothing new. I tell you what I tell everyone.
Love Me with all your heart, all
your soul, and all your mind.
As you love Me, so also shall I love you.
It is an uneven exchange
that always works out in your favor.
God the Father
Thus, We move on, despite the troubles that exist
in your life in the world of temporary. Life moves
on, even as loved ones pass on. Your world
continues to turn, even though your loved one
has gone Home to Me.
Temporary does not recognize Forever. It cannot.
To do so, spells its death. To do so, it loses its
power. It can never say, "You do not know the
Hours are no more in My Forever. Death in your
world is where the rubber meets the road. If you
believe in Me, temporary dies.
Forever is!
Life is not ended.
It merely changes.
Forever is a state of being.
It exists beyond the power of temporary.
Temporary by its very nature must cease to exist.
It has a beginning and an ending.
Forever is always. It
has no beginning. It
has no ending.
These are simple concepts. Yet, they are
impossible to truly understand. Your mind is
clouded by temporary.
Your heart yearns for Forever. Your will fights to
get beyond the clouds of temporary day by day by
day. Even those words are contradictory.
I teach you how to live in My Forever while you
walk in temporary. I draw you to the quiet of My
Forever each morning in your temporary.
I give you windows of opportunity to gaze at My
Forever in awe and wonder as you come to Me in
I teach Forever experientially!
I make a miracle. I come alive on an altar each
day. I transform the milieu of this church from
temporary to Forever.
I transform all here as well. I ready them for their
journey. I cleanse their garments. I cleanse them
interiorly. I make them holy and pleasing in My
You are at Mass. You respond to My Call. You ask
for My Forgiveness of your sins of commission
and of omission. I gladly give My Forgiveness. I
ready you for My Agape Feast.
Oh, My Friend! Your journey to My Forever never
ends. My Love is your means of transport. It
carries you like the wind beyond the confines of
Earthly time. It breaks the time barrier.
I tell you now. This is the journey you take each
morning in your temporary when you so willingly
come to Me.
It is your free will choice to be here at Mass daily
that prepares you to cross over to Me when
temporary ends for you and/or for the world in
which you live.
You respond to My Call by an action of your will.
You come to Me quite willingly. I do the same for
you. We meet daily physically in this miracle of
I come alive here on this altar in your temporary
so that you may experience physically internally
the meaning of My Words.
Forever comes alive in you physically through
your reception of My True Presence in the
These are not just words. This experience they
describe is an event in your life in the world of
temporary. It prepares you to be with Me beyond
time in My Forever. Thus, when your temporary
ends, Forever is no stranger to you.
I am now present on this altar at this Mass that
you attend. I am Truly Here physically. This is
what you believe. This is Truth. It would be, even
if you do not believe. Thus, ready yourself for the
coming of My Kingdom physically within you.
Say the Our Father.
Receive My Peace, spiritually and mentally.
I prepare you to receive Timeless Love physically.
I ready you to be in Communion with Me
Forever dwells in you physically.
Letting go of incomplete business is very difficult
to do. Unresolved issues gnaw at your Peace. It is
hard to leave those things in My Hands. It feels
like a cop-out.
Yet, giving all concerns to Me is what I ask you to
do. I then tell you to focus on Me. I do not care
how long the issues have been unresolved. I do
not deal in time. I simply give you My Promise
that they will be resolved My Way.
I know you are willing to change in order to bring
closure. If I want you to do anything different, I
will let you know.
Trust Me. I know that you do. I know I can count
on your obedience to Me, even though it is
difficult to live out My Will in these matters.
I will say no more.
I know I have your reluctant assent.
I direct your daily actions. I do so in Love, with
Love, and through Love. I call you to Me daily. I
know you will come to Me. I draw you into My
Sacred Heart. I draw you deeper into My Love. I
need not do another thing. I simply am with you
One second spent in My Silence
opens the Gates of Heaven to you.
That momentary, internal, silent experience
crosses you over to Me. You let go of everything
in your world, even if it is just for one second.
That is all it takes to be captured by My Love.
Everything else beyond that second is merely
working out the details of what is for you
I touch you with My Love.
I change you forevermore.
Thus, your fate is sealed. Forevermore is your
destiny. You are to live with Me eternally.
That is not presumption talking. That is Truth
speaking in your heart. That is not predestination
that I teach. That is Salvation within your reach.
You are free to reject My Gift. Yet, I know you
will not. Your love for Me is now white hot. Thus,
your future is sealed by your daily obedience to
My Will.
You come to Me. You start your day with Me. You
do as I ask. You write My Words. You do not
know why I ask you to do this daily task. You just
do this because you love Me and are obedient to
It gets you nary a cent. Yet, you do not care.
These words are Heaven-sent. They demonstrate
that I am always near.
Indeed, I am, My Friend. Thus, one second grows
to forevermore. You walk briskly through
Heaven's door spiritually. You allow My Love to
change you mentally.
You come to Mass. You offer your temporary to
Me. You free yourself of all your Earthly concerns
in these moments at Mass. You let them go. You
offer them to Me daily.
My Friend, I reward your obedient heart. I give
you your heart's desire. I renew you in the quiet
of these moments that you are with Me. I promise
to handle every Earthly concern that you have in
My Timeless Way.
I take each concern to My Sacred Heart. I lift
each burden from your heart. I give you My Inner
Peace. I touch your heart and your soul. I make
you whole by My Loving Presence in you.
I ready you to come to Me physically. I cleanse
you from within your being. I take your heartfelt
needs to My Sacred Heart. I do not miss one
concern. I want you to know that I have all your
needs in My Sacred Heart. I tend to each one My
There! Does that not feel better? Do you not feel
freer? You sigh. You know I have you in the palm
of My Hand. Be at Peace in My Now. Let My Love
work its way in you. Now, I ready you to witness
My Miracle of Love that takes place on this altar
in your time.
I change bread and wine into My Body and My
Blood. I do this out of Love for you. Be still as I
come alive on this altar in your time. I do here
what I do timelessly everywhere Mass is offered.
Transubstantiation occurs.
A miracle occurs.
I am Truly Alive on this altar in your time.
You believe this. Thus, you experience this
I draw all believers across time to My Agape
Feast. Say the Our Father. Receive My Peace.
Know I am within you spiritually. Know you are
with Me spiritually.
Now, come to Me. Receive My Miracle physically.
Be in Communion with Me.
I linger on your tongue.
I wish to remain with you
longer than usual physically.
I know that is what you need today.
Thus, I stay here on your tongue.
Oh, My Friend!
Accept My Love physically.
Know how much I love you.
Be at Peace, My Friend. Recognize My Presence in
you. Trust what you experience. Know that I
bless you My Way.
There are so many aspects to My Presence within
you. You focus on just a few. There are so many
other ways that I touch you. They are too
numerous to mention.
Suffice it to say that you observe only the tip of
the iceberg. My Love goes so deep in you. Be still
now. Let My Iceberg melt in you. Let the wonder
that is My Love change the very essence of your
Remember Who speaks in you. That will disperse
the clouds that rise up in your mind. That will
remove doubt. Such memory of Me casts doubt
My Love reigns in your being. It is a Love that is
forever freeing.
My Friend! There is not a word that I form in you
that does not touch you miraculously.
I am the Love that saves you.
I am the Love that protects you.
I am the Love that sets you free.
I am the Love
that enables you to stay focused on Me.
Thus, be at Peace. Rest
in My Saving Love.
Know it springs from My Sacred Heart.
Be assured I am with you.
Do not look back. Do not look ahead. Stay with
Me in this moment. Recognize My Presence in
you. Be at Peace. Experience Me within you.
Allow My Love to rule your heart.
I am here with you in your now.
I lead you gently to My Now.
These words are not just words. My Love dwells
in them. My Grace flows through them. My
Wisdom instructs your heart.
I am the Love that is the Sacred Heart.
I am Redemption alive in you.
I beat My Life into your heart.
I change the flow of thoughts in your mind.
I remodel you My Way.
I make you more pleasing to Me.
I do as I wish in you.
I bond you to My Love eternally.
I take away the darkness of your night.
I bring you into My Forever Light.
Thus, I tell you.
Give Me your pain of your moment. Place it in My
Sacred Heart. Be set free of your hurt.
I help you through your day.
I lift your pain away.
I do not let it overwhelm you.
I free you because I love you.
Life in your world hurts. I do not have to tell you
this. Thus, I bring you to My World. I give your
pain My Heavenly Kiss. I tell you this, even
though your pain persists. I lessen its intensity. I
lessen its duration. I lessen its frequency.
I dwell in you. I feed you My Love intravenously.
My Love is the Medication you need.
I quench your emotional thirst.
I feed you with My Manna.
I strengthen you with My Love.
I rescue you from fear and despair.
Oh, My Friend! Pain is a part of human life. My
Love lessens its impact. My Love helps you stay
Thus, continue on in your today. Walk through
your life My Way. Recognize I walk with you.
Know that I always am with you.
I watch over you.
I will not let temporary pain rule you.
I will always break through your storm clouds. I
will always shine the Light of My Love on your
I will lessen this pain.
I will do this again and again.
I will touch you My Way.
I will do so 24/7.
Thus, I tell you to stay with Me in these moments
in your life as long as you can. Let My Timeless
Love prevail in your travail. Let My Love
transform you. Let My Grace lift you above your
pain, even if it be just for one free moment. That
moment is just what you need.
It is My Gift in you.
It is My Love transforming you.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
You come to Mass. You come to be nourished by
My Love. I welcome you with Love. I make My
Miracle of Love.
Transubstantiation occurs.
I am Truly Present on this altar. I come that you
might receive My New Life physically. I am the
Manna from Heaven that you need to strengthen
you in your walk in your temporary.
I join you with all members of My Mystical Body
through Love, with Love, and in Love. Say the Our
Father. Receive Peace from My Sacred Heart.
Share My Peace with others.
I am here physically.
All is in readiness.
Receive Timeless Love from My Sacred Heart
Be in Communion with Me.
I melt on your tongue.
I infiltrate every pore in your body.
I make you Mine.
I feed every branch on My Vine.
I feed every heart on your generational tree
simultaneously as you receive Me Eucharistically.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus