Document 6432776


Document 6432776
Robin Hood Lane
Surrey SM1 2SF
Tel : 020 8642 5666
Fax : 020 8643 2578
Headteacher: Mrs Jan Allen
Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Shola Aziz
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Claire Harrison
Brochure TW Brochure 2013 September
Dear Parents
Welcome to Thomas Wall Nursery School part of the Federation
of Thomas Wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infants.
We believe that a good Nursery education is a firm foundation for all
future learning. At Thomas Wall we aim to provide for all pupils
whatever their needs and ability. We offer children a rich and exciting
curriculum, and the opportunity to learn through play both inside and
Our 2013 OFSTED report said:
Thomas Wall Nursery provides an outstanding start to children’s
school life. It is an extremely stimulating, caring and supportive
environment where children thrive and develop an enthusiasm for
learning. Children make outstanding achievement equipping them well
for the next stage of their school life.
We are a happy school with a caring atmosphere, coupled with
a strong leadership team and experienced and enthusiastic staff.
We value our close relationship with parents. We work in partnership
with Robin Hood Infants School and Thomas Wall Children’s Centre to
provide integrated care and education from 0-7 years.
We hope that this brochure will be helpful.
Yours sincerely
Jan Allen
Mrs Jan Allen
Federation Headteacher
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Vision, Mission and Aims of the School, Principles and Values
The History of Thomas Wall Nursery
Nursery Times
Out of Hours Care
The Nursery Curriculum
Other Information
Children are our first concern. We provide a rich and welcoming, challenging and caring
environment where every child matters. Children learn to become independent and thoughtful,
building strong foundations for their future part in society.
We recognise that play and practical experience are essential to effective learning for young
children. We teach an exciting curriculum and build on children’s previous knowledge and
understanding. We offer a seamless and enjoyable learning journey from nursery to the end of
Key Stage 1.
We aim for children to :
feel happy, secure and valued
try their best at learning and enjoy their success
become lively, independent and inquisitive thinkers
adopt a healthy and safe lifestyle, enjoying physical exercise and good nutrition
value the cultures and beliefs of themselves, the community and the wider world
care for their possessions and their environment
learn the technological skills necessary for the 21 century
As a staff, we:
work with parents and carers for the benefit of all children
make a good team and create a learning culture
teach children the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics to a very high
teach creatively and motivate children to enjoy learning
treat pupils with respect, developing their self-confidence and independence
reward good behaviour and work with children and families to correct poor behaviour
Brochure TW Brochure 2013 September
Thomas Wall Nursery was founded in 1914 by Thomas Wall (of ice-cream and sausage fame).
The school opened at its new site in Robin Hood Lane in September 1986.
In September 2007 the Nursery federated with Robin Hood Infants School and in 2008 the
Thomas Wall Children’s Centre was opened. Since federating, we have created an outstanding
Early Years Unit comprising three Nursery and three Reception classes. Children in the Early
Years Unit learn and play together in their class bases, the canopied area and the Early Years
playground. Our 2013 OFSTED report said:
The Nursery children’s behaviour is exemplary. They play exceptionally well together, talking
to each other about what they are doing and using equipment safely. The children say that
they really enjoy coming to nursery.
We are a Community Federation within the London Borough of Sutton.
Beginning in 2014 there will be one main intake for nursery each year, which will be in
September. The earliest that a child will normally be considered to start at a Sutton
Community nursery is at the beginning of the September following their third birthday. It may,
however, be possible for younger children to gain a place starting mid-way through the year.
Please see ‘Starting Nursery’ Sutton booklet for more information available from the school
If you would like to visit the school please contact the Nursery school office to make an
appointment to look around the school.
Please note that admission to the Nursery school does not guarantee a place in the Infants
School. This is the same policy as all Sutton Community schools.
We have two mainstream classes each with morning and afternoon sessions. There are 26
children in each making a total of 104. Whichever session children attend, they will be offered
the same session learning experiences.
Our third Nursery class is ‘Dragonflies’ for children who have complex communication
difficulties. These children are referred by professionals in the Borough. There are places for
16 children, again divided into morning or afternoon sessions. ‘Dragonflies’ follows a highly
structured and communication based approach to the Foundation Stage Curriculum.
The Nursery morning session starts at 9.00 a.m. and finishes at 11.30 a.m.
The Nursery afternoon session starts at 12.30 p.m. and finishes at 3.00 p.m.
Extended Hours
Every Nursery child is entitled to an additional 2½ hours per week extended Nursery provision.
Please see our extended hours leaflet.
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We have a flourishing Breakfast Club which is very popular. It is open to children from Thomas
Wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infants School.
The children are dropped off from 8am to have their breakfast with us (cereal, toast, fruit juice,
milk and beans on toast) with activities afterwards. They are then escorted to their classrooms.
At Thomas Wall we can supplement Nursery education hours with additional hours of care and
education in Honeybees class, for which you pay.
We have links with SCOLA through the Learner Support Package, Carshalton College, NHS
bursaries and Day Care services to encourage parents to return to work or training.
For both these services, please enquire at the office for current application procedures and
In 2009 we achieved the Quality Improvement in Learning and Teaching (QUILT) accreditation.
The nine modules were: Aims and Objectives, Parental Partnership, Home and Community
Liaison, Planning, Assessment and Record Keeping, Physical Environment, Equal
Opportunities, Relationships and Interaction, Curriculum and Learning Experiences, Learning
and Teaching, Staffing. We worked on each of these for one term in a cyclical programme.
In 2009 we also achieved the ‘Smiling for Life’ award. This award was designed by the Health
Education Authority to promote good nutrition and oral health for 0-5 year olds. To this end we
incorporate nutrition and oral health issues in our planning, having attended workshops in this
"Play is a child’s work and the means whereby he grows and develops" (Susan Isaacs)
All the children will have access to a broad, balanced, planned curriculum to enable them to
develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, creatively and aesthetically. This
empowers them with skills, knowledge, attitudes and understanding.
The Early Years Curriculum is divided up into the following areas:
Communication and Language
Physical development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
We value everyone in our learning community and make sure that all participate fully in the
whole nursery curriculum, regardless of race, age, gender, culture, disability or class.
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Language development is a priority in the nursery and we spend a great deal of time in
conversation with children and we encourage their conversation with others. Activities are
planned to extend children’s vocabulary and to help them develop confidence in speaking and
listening in different situations.
You can help a great deal by talking with them about what they have done and experiences
that you both have shared, like going to the park, walking to school etc.
Children learn to move confidently and with increasing control and co-ordination and an
awareness of space and others. They use a range of small and large equipment and balancing
and climbing apparatus with increasing skill. They learn to handle appropriate tools, objects,
construction and malleable materials, safely and with increasing control. Children are helped to
understand why it is important to stay healthy and active and we use fruit time to explain
healthy food choices.
Children are encouraged to be confident; have self -respect; to establish effective relationships
with other children and adults. They work in groups and independently. They are taught to
concentrate and persevere in their learning, seeking help when needed.
We enable children to have a thirst and eagerness for learning and an ability to initiate ideas
and solve simple practical problems. We encourage independence in the classroom and in
dressing and personal hygiene.
We lead children to be sensitive to the needs of others and to show respect for people of other
cultures and beliefs.
Children are helped to share and take turns, to express their feelings in appropriate ways,
developing an understanding of what is right and wrong, and why.
Children develop caring attitudes towards living things, environment and property. They
experience a range of feelings such as wonder, awe, joy and sorrow in response to their
experiences and environment.
In small and large groups children are encouraged to listen and respond to stories, songs,
nursery rhymes and poems. They develop confidence in role play and making up their own
They begin to write in their own way at first. We all value these first efforts and their attempt to
‘read’ you a story from memory or from the clues in the pictures. In the spring term we put on a
writing workshop for parents where we explain in more detail how you can encourage your
child to develop early writing skills.
Children enjoy and handle books carefully, understanding how they are organised; that words
and pictures carry meaning and that English print is read from left to right and from top to
bottom. They learn to associate sounds with patterns in rhymes, letters and words. They learn
to recognise their own names and some familiar words and to begin to write these.
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In the spring and summer terms children take part in a daily phonics session where they begin
to learn letter sounds, this is done in a fun stimulating way using a squirrel puppet called
Children use mathematical language, such as circle, in front of, bigger than and more, to
describe shape, position, size and quantity. They learn to recognise and recreate patterns.
They will have opportunities to learn number rhymes, songs, stories, counting games and
activities. They will sort, compare, match, order, sequence and count, using everyday objects.
You can help them by counting while you are at home going up and down stairs, sharing
sweets amongst the family, etc.
The children have opportunities to use numbers and to solve practical problems and to begin
to understand simple addition and subtraction.
You can help with this understanding by encouraging games like dominoes and lotto and by
letting your child help to weigh and measure when you are cooking, etc.
Children talk about where they live, their environment, families and past and present events in
their own lives. They explore and recognise features of living things, objects and events in the
natural and made world looking closely at similarities, differences, patterns and changes. They
become aware of the area in which they live and explore, observe and record why things
happen and how they work. They explore and select materials and equipment and use skills
such as cutting, joining, folding and building. They use technology, where appropriate, to
support learning. The children take part in food preparation activities. We aim to use recipes
that are nutritional and will contribute to a well-balanced diet.
The children explore sound and colour, texture, shape, form and space in two and three
dimensions. They respond in various ways to what they see, hear and smell, touch and feel.
They participate in art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play which increases their ability
to use their imaginations and to listen and absorb. They use a widening range of materials,
suitable tools, instruments and other resources to express ideas and communicate their
We have a range of support staff and teachers who extend the curriculum for individuals and
groups of children.
We welcome all parents into our Nursery. We invite helpers from all cultures and with all
languages. We have a teacher in charge of EAL who has a wealth of experience.
We have a teaching assistant who helps children develop their English vocabulary through
play based activities.
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We have a teaching assistant who works with children who have individual speech and
language programmes.
We are also able to refer children for support with a speech and language therapist
We quickly identify where pupils need extra help, and ensure they receive it.
If your child has a Statement of Educational Needs or is not making the expected progress for
a three or four year old, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written by the class teacher and
special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO). These targets are shared with parents
termly, worked on in school and then reviewed the following term.
At Thomas Wall Nursery we have an ‘open door’ policy regarding day to day issues that affect
your child. The Nursery teachers and nursery nurses are available at the end of each Nursery
session to talk to you about your child. A senior member of staff is always available to help
you sort out any problems.
During the term your child starts in Nursery, and in the summer term, there is a formal
consultation or ‘open evening’. This is to discuss your child’s progress and development with
the Nursery staff. In the Spring Term parents are invited to a writing workshop with the Nursery
lead teacher.
The Federation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and
expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment, consequently all adults working in
school are required to complete a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) Enhanced Police Check.
Staffs also regularly attend child protection training. We look after our learning environment,
keeping it well maintained, and carry out regular health and safety checks.
A monthly newsletter is sent out which updates parents about staff, school, governor and
borough news. Dates for the term/year are mentioned. Curriculum topic leaflets are sent out at
the end of each term telling you what your child will learn in the following term.
We have a ParentMail service and send you letters via email, and text messages about school
closures, for example if the school is closed due to heavy snow. Once all the new children are
on roll you will be invited to register for the ParentMail service.
In 2010 we launched our MLE site – a website just for our Federation community to show you
what we do at school.
As soon as your child has started nursery school, you are automatically a member of ‘The
Friends of the Federation’. You will be given a warm welcome and it is hoped that you will be
able to join in with activities.
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We have a Summer Fair and a Christmas Fair which need your support and help. ‘The Friends’
committee and staff rely on help from parents to:
Help behind stalls
Contribute to them by bringing items we might need
Support us by coming along on the day
Other events include Baking Days, Colour Days, and sponsored Obstacle Course/walk/quiz
All the money raised by ‘The Friends’ goes towards buying equipment or into the environment
of the school and benefits the children.
We plan a school outing once a year. This broadens the children’s experience and enhances
their learning.
At Christmas we have parties for the children and they take part in a Christmas entertainment
with the Reception classes.
To celebrate spring we have a colourful hat parade.
Other special events are held during the year and parents are warmly welcomed to attend.
We place great value on our links with the community. The local police and fire brigade are
regular visitors, while local businesses, shops and companies support our fund-raising events
and accommodate visits whenever possible.
At Thomas Wall Nursery we recycle card, paper, tins and plastic bottles. We have facilities to
recycle ink cartridges and used stamps. We have a buggy park at the back of the school to
encourage families to walk to school rather than use the car. The children are rewarded with
stickers at the end of each month if they walk to school at least once a week. We also use
energy provided by solar panels that were installed in April 2005.
Website All this information, up to date news and more can be found on our website at:
Brochure TW Brochure 2013 September