Document 6433091


Document 6433091
Sept. 9 – 13, 2013
BPES- 817.744.4600
Unit of Study: Colors/Rhyming/Germs
Show & Tell Letter: M
Colors of the Week
Next week we are going to celebrate the third week of
school by all dressing in the same color as we learn to
read and spell our color words. Don’t forget to have
your child wear the specified color each day!!
Monday: Blue
Tuesday: Red
Wednesday: Green
Thursday: Orange
Friday: your favorite color
Kindergarten Yearbook
In your child’s folder today is a Kindergarten Yearbook
page. Each child (with some assistance) needs to complete
the Kindergarten Yearbook page and return it no later than
Monday, Sep. 16. You can use real pictures, drawings, or
pictures cut out of magazines. The kids love to share their
page with the class and then we will put it together as a
book for them to look at throughout the year!
Shorts & Water bottles
Girls need to wear shorts under their skirts and dresses.
Your child is allowed to bring a water bottle to the
classroom since we do not have water fountains in our
rooms, but it must have their name on it and it can only
contain water (this includes their drink for snack- water
Watch Dog Dad Pizza Night
Calling all dads and their children. Thursday,
September 12 is the kick off night for Watch Dog
Dads. There will be pizza served at the meeting.
Please return the pink flyer that came home in your
child’s folder earlier this week or you can sign up at
this link: We hope to see everyone there!
Your child is starting to slide into the daily routine.
Please help us by allowing them to carry their backpack
into school and let them go into their room by
themselves and put their things away. This will help
them become more independent throughout their day.
Show and Tell
Every Friday your child may bring something for Show
and Tell that begins with the specified letter for the
week. They will keep it in their backpack and then they
will need to be able to tell the class 3 clues about their
show and tell. The other classmates will then try to
guess what they brought. Don’t forget it must start
with the designated letter for that week.
Homecoming Parade & Float
Timbercreek High School’s Homecoming Parade is on
Monday and we would love your child to come and walk
in the parade or come and watch the parade and cheer
us on. If your child wants to walk in the parade, we are
asking that you walk with them and you will need to
return the permission slip that is coming home in their
folder today, by Monday morning. Our fabulous PTA is
sponsoring the BPE homecoming parade float. Join in
the fun of preparing it for the parade. Decorating will
begin at 2:00 on Sunday, September 8th in the back
parking lot. See you there.
Parents, we want you to be informed when we practice
our fire drills, bad weather drills, and lockdown drills.
We hope to never need any of these, but we want your
child to know what to do for their safety in case we
were to have a fire, tornado, or their safety was
compromised in the building. Under dates to
remember, we will post the dates of these drills.
Sight Words
Your child will be responsible for learning how to read
and spell a list of sight words. As we introduce the
words, we will post them in the newsletter.
Dates to Remember:
9: Homecoming Parade
12: Watch Dog Dad Pizza 6:30