August 27, 2007 English Language Arts Dear Parent/Guardian:


August 27, 2007 English Language Arts Dear Parent/Guardian:
August 27, 2007
Subject: Seventh Grade English Language Arts Introduction Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to a new and exciting school year! As the new school year begins, let me say that I am
looking forward to having your child in my class. While my responsibility is that of teacher, you,
the parent/guardian, are the most important educator in your child’s life. It is my goal that we
work together so that your child receives the best education possible.
You will find attached to this letter a Course Syllabus and my Classroom Rules and Expectations,
which include behavioral expectations and general course information.
English Language Arts is a challenging course designed to prepare students for Pre-AP ELA in
the 8th grade. Expectations are high! I ask that you read the information carefully and review
with your son/daughter. You may contact me if you have questions. I ask that you return this
Introduction Letter, by your son/daughter no later than Wednesday, August 29. 2007.
You may keep the Introduction Letter Copy for your records. The attached Course Syllabus
and Classroom Rules and Expectations are for your records.
There is an incentive for your child to return this signed Letter on time: a 100 bonus daily
If at any time during the year you have questions concerning your child’s progress, please
contact me. My personal planning period is 5th period, or 1:15 pm – 2:02 pm. The school phone
number is 281.634.3520, however, the most efficient method of contacting me is through email,
I look forward to meeting you and working with you throughout the coming year.
Mr. G. Jammer
I/We have reviewed the information contained with my/our son or daughter.
Parent/Guardian ____________________________ Date _____________
Parent/Guardian ____________________________ Date _____________
August 27, 2007
Subject: Seventh Grade English Language Arts Introduction Letter COPY
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to a new and exciting school year! As the new school year begins, let me say that I am
looking forward to having your child in my class. While my responsibility is that of teacher, you,
the parent/guardian, are the most important educator in your child’s life. It is my goal that we
work together so that your child receives the best education possible.
You will find attached to this letter a Course Syllabus and my Classroom Rules and Expectations,
which include behavioral expectations and general course information.
English Language Arts is a challenging course designed to prepare students for Pre-AP ELA in
the 8th grade. Expectations are high! I ask that you read the information carefully and review
with your son/daughter. You may contact me if you have questions. You may keep this Letter
for your records, however, I ask that you return the Introduction Letter Copy, by your
son/daughter no later than Wednesday, August 29, 2007. The attached Course Syllabus and
Classroom Rules and Expectations are for your records.
There is an incentive for your child to return this signed Letter on time: a 100 bonus daily
If at any time during the year you have questions concerning your child’s progress, please
contact me. My personal planning period is 5th period, or 1:15 pm – 2:02 pm. The school phone
number is 281.634.3520, however, the most efficient method of contacting me is through email,
I look forward to meeting you and working with you throughout the coming year.
Mr. G. Jammer
7th Grade English Language Arts
Course Syllabus 2007-2008
Mr. G. Jammer
Room: 2310
Team: 701
Welcome to a new year at Lake Olympia Middle School!
Teacher Contact Information:
Room: 2310
Conference: 5th Period
Email: – best form of communication
Phone: (281) 634-3520
*In order to schedule a conference, please call the school and leave a message or email me*
Materials needed to be successful:
- 3-ring Binder (at least 2 inches)
- 8 Tab Dividers
- poly vinyl 3 prong folder, with pockets
- paper (lots of it!)
- markers
- colored pencils
- red pen
- pens – blue or black ink only
- pencils
- highlighter
- 3 1/2 floppy disk or flash drive
- post-it notes
- Kleenex
- A self-selected book for independent reading
Course Description:
In grade 7, students refine and master previously learned reading, writing, listening, speaking,
viewing and representing skills in increasingly complex presentations, reading selections, and
written compositions. Seventh grade students analyze and evaluate a speaker’s message,
credibility and delivery. Students read widely in classic and contemporary selections and
informational texts. Students select and use different forms of writing, varied sentence
structure and more complex verb tense, grammar and usage, spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization to improve their writing. Students produce error -free compositions on a regular
basis. Students draw data from multiple sources for use in research and projects. Gifted and
Talented classes emphasize language study, problem solving and advanced reading and research.
Students produce high level critical and creative products and performances.
Thematic Units/Units of Study:
Each 7th grade ELA classroom will include, but are not limited to the following units of study:
1. Short Stories
a. Story Structure
2. Parts of Speech, Grammar and Punctuation
3. Vocabulary Development
a. Common
i. Affixes
ii. Prefixes
iii. Suffixes
4. Compositions
a. Personal Narratives
b. Persuasive Letters
c. Research Paper
5. Greek Mythology
6. Poetry
7. Novels (subject to change)
a. Taking Sides
b. Crash
c. Full Tilt
d. Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
8. Technology
9. Drama
a. 12 Angry Men
b. A Christmas Carol
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Arrive on Time
• This means that you are in your seat completing your warm-up when the bell rings.
Once you enter the room, you are not allowed to leave, without permission, even if the
tardy bell has not sounded. “Once you’re in, you are in ‘til the end”
• Tardy Policy – a student is considered tardy if not in his/her assigned seat when the
tardy bell rings.
o A Tardy Log will be kept for Class or School Detention, when appropriate.
2. Come Prepared to Class
• Bring your binder, assignments, self-selected book and writing utensils to class
everyday. NO EXCEPTIONS! Complete class work and homework, when assigned, so
that you are ready to participate in any class discussions. Only ELA related material
should be on your desk during ELA classes. “If it’s not ELA, put it away!”
• Supplies Policy – students who do not bring their supplies to class will receive a verbal
warning for the first offense. If it becomes a habitual occurrence, parents will be
notified and detention will be assigned, when appropriate.
3. Be Respectful of Others and Property
• DO NOT prevent another student from learning.
• DO NOT prevent the teacher from teaching.
• Raise your hand and obtain permission before speaking or asking questions.
• Wait patiently for others to finish speaking before adding your own views.
• If you need to borrow items, please ask.
• My desk and cabinets are off limits to students unless permission is granted by me.
• Clean and organize work area the last 5 minutes of class, once instructed to do so.
• Return any borrowed materials in an orderly and neat manner.
4. Display appropriate behavior
• Respect others right to learn.
o Maintain silence when walking to the library, or assemblies.
• Respect others’ opinions and differences.
• Horse playing is not permitted.
• Positive attitudes are the only type of attitudes permitted. Encourage each other
daily by offering positive and constructive comments, where appropriate.
• Students will be treated as pre-teens/teenagers, so please act accordingly. If you act
like a child, you will be treated like a child. The choice is yours!
5. Follow All Directions and Adhere to School Policies
• Listen attentively and carefully and follow directions . . . the first time!
• There will be no eating, drinking, or gum chewing. There will be no personal grooming
of any kind during class by males or females.
Consequences, if you choose not to follow class room rules:
1st: Verbal warning
2nd: Attitude Adjustment Sheet – must have parent signature
3rd: Teacher or School Detention – 2nd form of parent contact
4th: Office Referral
Any severe disruption of class is an automatic Office Referral (i.e. fighting, disrespecting an
adult/classmate, inappropriate language, etc…).
1. Daily Praise, High fives, etc…
2. ‘Free Time’ Passes - Students may earn one pass every grading
period. You can also earn passes by bringing in supplies that are
needed in the classroom (i.e., Kleenex, paper towels, glue sticks,
3. ‘Good Behavior Ticket Award!’ - students may earn tickets, at teacher’s discretion,
during each grading period. Each ticket automatically enters the student in an End of
Semester Lottery for prizes and awards. (Any subsequent Office Referrals by this ELA
teacher renders the Ticket Award! null and void).
4. Super Stars – each student who receives an A on an exam or composition will receive a
spot on the ‘WALL OF SUPERSTARS’.
Restroom/Other Passes:
Students are encouraged to tend to personal needs before or after class.
Restroom passes will not be given except in an emergency. There will be no break in
block classes; students are expected to be in class for the full 90 minutes.
Students will be allowed to go the restroom during class time ONLY after the lesson
is completed and students are working independently (at the teacher’s discretion).
Students will sign the classroom log to record all passes issued, including date, time
and destination.
Daily Routines:
• Homework
Homework is designed to help each child reach his/her academic potential and develop habits
of self discipline and responsibility. Homework is also intended to foster increased
communication between the school and home.
Homework assignments are intended to help students:
• DEVELOP independent study habits
• REINFORCE classroom learning
• ENRICH their lives through independent projects
• INVOLVE parents with their child’s education
Read 20 pages daily from your self-selected book (parent signature required.)
Any unfinished or make-up work.
• Library
Our Lake Olympia Library is a wonderful resource, but we must share its use with other
Our library schedule will allow us to visit the library as a class once every two
Students who need to visit the library more frequently may obtain a
morning/afternoon/lunch library pass so that the student may go to the library
before or after school.
Students will not be given a pass to turn in books, but can drop the books in the
book drop located just outside the library doors during a passing period.
ELA department has determined that passes to the library during the class day are
limited to one pass per student between scheduled library visits.
• Reading Requirement
There is a 7th grade Reading TAKS test this year. We are going to start focusing on preparing
for the exam. This reading program will help your student build fluency and basic
comprehension skills for the test.
The Reading Program is not an option!
Students are required to read a book at their independent reading level every day.
Students are expected to read 20 minutes (silent sustained reading) in class and for
thirty minutes each night as homework.
Students are required to read a daily minimum of 20 pages
A parent signature is required weekly in order to receive credit for the homework
Assessments will be given to determine the student’s comprehension of his/her selfselected text.
Accelerated Reader
Later in the first nine weeks I will provide parents with a letter containing updated information
on policies and procedures for the AR Program
FBISD Grading Policy:
Conduct grades are determined by a student’s behavior for each nine week grading period.
Parents will be notified if a student’s conduct needs improvement or is unsatisfactory.
E=Excellent/ or O=Outstanding
N=Needs Improvement
Academic grades are determined by the student’s performance in the curriculum. Actual
student numerical grades are recorded in the grade book. Nine weeks averages are determined
by averaging the grades in the grade book. Semester averages are determined by averaging the
report card grades.
69-below=F (not passing)
NG=No Grade
Late Work Policy
All daily assignments submitted after a posted due date will receive the following credit:
1 day late=89 maximum points may be earned
2 days late= 85 maximum points may be earned
3 days late= 79 maximum points may be earned
4 days late= 75 maximum points may be earned
5 days or more= 50 maximum points may be earned
Make-up work – students will have time to do make up work if they are absent. They have the
same number of days to do the work as they were absent. For example: if you are absent for 2
days you have 2 days to complete the work, make up exams, or lab assignments.
Mr. Jammer, 7th Grade ELA
Syllabus and Class Rules and Expectations
Please Re-read the syllabus with your parents and sign below. Fill out the
information sheet located on the back of this form and return to your teacher.
I, ___________________________________, have read and I understand
Student’s Name
Mr. Jammer’s Classroom Rules and Expectations. I agree to follow these procedures as
stated and practiced in class at all times. Failure to comply will result in the
consequences outlined.
Student (printed): __________________________________
Student signature: __________________________________ Date: ______
I, ___________________________________, have read and I understand
Parent’s Name
Mr. Jammer’s Classroom Rules and Procedures. I will assist the teacher in maintaining
my child’s success in his classroom at all times.
Parent (printed): ___________________________________
Parent signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______
Parent (printed): ___________________________________
Parent signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______
Mr. Jammer, 7th Grade ELA - Student Information Sheet
Student Information: (please print)
Student’s Name (First and Last)
Birthday - m/d/yr
Home Phone Number
City State
Zip Code
) __________________________
Alternate Phone Number
Parent Information: (please print)
Must be in parent’s handwriting to receive credit!
_________________________ ____________________
Mother’s Name
Place of Employment
_________________________ ____________________
Father’s Name
Place of Employment
) ______________________
Wk. Ph. #
) _____________________
Cell Ph. #
) ______________________
Wk. Ph. #
Cell Ph. #
Email address for student progress and general information:
This is the best form of communication!
Mother’s Email: _____________________________________________________________
Father’s Email: _____________________________________________________________
Mother’s Signature
Father’s Signature
Any special needs or concerns: