Document 6433668


Document 6433668
Academic Emergency Medicine Journal Author Guidelines
Read our Peer-Review Policy
Advances (educational
published research
& Procedure
research, curriculum planning
articles), Media
Read our Conflict of Interest
and development, and
Reviews (solicited book,
Policy & Procedure
procedural skill training and
software, and other media
Academic Emergency
assessment),Commentaries (so
reviews – published online
Medicine is the official journal of
licited editorial statements,
only), Resident
the Society for Academic
editorials related to the content
Portfolios (reflections and
Emergency Medicine
of the current issue, and
introspection of emergency
(SAEM). AEM publishes peer-
unsolicited opinion pieces not
reviewed information relevant to
related to the content of the
residents), Reflections (humani
the practice, educational
current issue), The Biros
stic essays or photographs),
advancement, and investigation
Section on Research
and Dynamic Emergency
of emergency care, including
Ethics (original analysis,
Medicine (short video
(but not limited to): Progressive
commentaries, and reviews on
productions that provide verbal
Clinical Practice (articles that
the ethics of research), Special
and visual instruction or
seek to answer clinical questions
Contributions (SAEM policy
information). AEM does not
through consideration of relevant
papers, and narrative
publish case reports.
clinical evidence or provide an
reviews), Research Methods
appraisal of existing evidence on
and Statistics (descriptions and
Academic Emergency
a topic pertinent to most
explanations of research
Medicine publishes both in print
emergency physicians -
methodologies and statistical
and online, and publishing
academic and non-
techniques), Bench to Bedside,
selected papers online-only
academic), Original Research
Clinical Pathologic
allows the editors to conserve
Contributions (this combines
Conference (published online
print space, and take advantage
the three previous sections
only), Ethics
of some of the features that only
Basic Investigations, Clinical
Seminars, Profiles in Patient
electronic publishing can offer.
Investigations, and Clinical
Safety, Brief Reports (pilot
The editorial board will exercise
Practice). Possible content
studies and methodological
its discretion in determining
includes: clinical trials,
whether a given submission will
observational cohort studies,
papers), Evidence-based
run in the print journal, or online-
other human subject studies,
Diagnostics (systematic
only in its e-pages. Similarly, the
innovative diagnostics and
reviews of history, physical
editors may choose to run data
therapeutics, concept papers,
exam, and bedside tests for a
supplements, appendices, and
clinical controversies,economic
single diagnosis), Peer-
other text-dense material, as
or policy research, health
reviewed Lectures
well as complex or
services research, laboratory
(PeRLs) (videos of lectures on
supplementary figures, tables,
science, basic science studies,
topics in emergency
and graphs online-only, with
and volunteer human non-
medicine), Correspondence (let
links to the print-version paper.
patient studies), Educational
ters related to previously
electronically at the AEM online
sources, industry relationships,
AEM submission requirements
submission web
correspond with the “Uniform
site, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.
Authors experiencing any
Requirements for Manuscripts
com/aemj. Complete guidelines
difficulty during the submission
Submitted to Biomedical
are available at the web site,
process or requiring any
Journals” (
along with a Manuscript
assistance, should contact the
We require that clinical trials be
Template form. When submitting
editorial office at one of the e-
a manuscript to the online
mail addresses listed at the end
at http:/ or
system, authors must provide an
of these Author Guidelines. If
another nationally recognized
electronic version of the
authors do not receive an e-mail
clinical trials registration system.
manuscript. For this purpose
confirmation of submission
The requirement for clinical trial
original source files, not PDF
within 24 hours, it may be an
registration includes
files, are preferred. Submissions
indication that the manuscript
observational as well as
must include:
has not been received by the
interventional trials, as
● One copy of the complete title
editorial office. All
discussed on the
correspondence, including the web site
● One blinded copy of the
editor's decision and request for
manuscript, in which all authors,
revisions, will be by e-mail.
about-studies/learn#WhatIs) and
institutions, and other identifiers
Correspondence and questions
on the ICMJE “Obligation to
from the title page, methods, and
regarding the status of review
Register Clinical Trials” web site
elsewhere throughout the
should be directed to
manuscript have been deleted.
the AEMoffice and include the
_10register.html), which defines
● All figures and tables
assigned manuscript number
a clinical trial as “any research
● Any supplemental material for
and its title. Manuscripts under
project that prospectively
online-only publication
consideration by another
assigns human subjects to
● A completed AEM cover page,
publication and/or materials
intervention or concurrent
including the author
previously published elsewhere
comparison or control groups to
contributions section, available
by the authors will not be
study the cause-and-effect
for download at the website.
relationship between a medical
● A completed ICMJE conflicts
Copies of similar manuscripts
intervention and a health
of interest disclosure form for the
currently under review or
outcome. Authors from nations
lead author upon submission
previously published elsewhere
with no registry or who do not
and for each named author upon
must be provided.
feel their study requires
acceptance. Members of a study
Accepted manuscripts become
registration should contact the
group who are not named
the permanent property
editor-in-chief prior to
authors are not required to
of AEM and may not be
submission. AEM utilizes a web-
submit a form. Note: the journal
published elsewhere in whole or
based manuscript submission
may request additional
in part without permission from
and peer-review system. Authors
information from authors,
the publisher (Wiley-Blackwell).
should submit their manuscripts,
beyond what is shown on the
with figures and tables,
ICMJE form, regarding funding
Writing should conform to
accepted English usage and
reproduced. The sources of
Substantial edits may not be
reproduced material must be
made at the proofs stage of
Avoid the use of slang and
acknowledged in the manuscript.
medical jargon. All abbreviations
should be defined the first time
General: The editor-in-chief
used in the manuscript; obscure
AEM uses a blinded peer-review
determines the category in which
abbreviations should be avoided.
process with multiple statistical
each manuscript will be
Measurements should be given
and topic reviewers to evaluate
published. Aside from the Brief
in standard international units
submitted manuscripts.
Reports and Correspondence
and generic drug names should
Submitted manuscripts are
formats, AEM does not have
be used unless the trade name
assigned to the appropriate
guidelines regarding article
is relevant.
associate editor, who assigns
length. In general, use as many
primary reviewers, collates raw
words as needed to present the
For authors whose primary
reviews of the manuscript, and
material in a comprehensive yet
language is not English,
develops a consensus review.
succinct manner. Manuscripts
the AEM editorial board offers
The consensus review describes
are typically too long, not too
language editing assistance for
the major concerns that arose
SAEM members, and for authors
during the primary review of the
from nations that are
paper. The consensus review
Conflict of Interest and
beneficiaries of the HINARI
and a decision regarding the
initiative. Others may take
manuscript are sent to the
AEM uses the ICMJE
advantage of the Wiley-
standardized conflict of interest
Blackwell author services
form for author reporting of
potential conflicts. Relevant
Acceptance of the manuscript for
potential conflicts of interest will
Please note: Editing assistance
publication is contingent upon
be listed in the front matter of the
in no way guarantees
completion of the editing
article. All funding sources must
publication. Standard peer
process. This includes
be disclosed. A completed
review processes will be
copyediting and a final review by
ICMJE conflicts of interest
followed for all such papers.
the editor-in-chief, who may ask
disclosure form must be
for more information or
completed for the lead author
Written permission from
additional revisions, or even
upon submission and for each
the copyright holder for
reverse a previous 'accept'
named author upon acceptance.
reproduction of figures and
decision. Every author is
Click here to view the form
tables taken from other
responsible for all statements
and here to view a sample
publications must be provided at
published in the article, including
indicating how it should be filled
the time of manuscript
the revisions made in the editing
process. After typesetting, the
Original Research
Permission must be obtained for
proofs will be e-mailed to the
both print and electronic
corresponding author for routing
Original Research Contributions,
versions of the material to be
to co-authors and final approval.
research-related Brief Reports,
and Educational Advances
members must meet the criteria
study should be included here.
submissions should contain the
for authorship. Identify the
When equipment is used in a
following sections. Number the
members by responsibility or by
study, provide in parentheses
pages consecutively, and
institution on the study group
the model number, name, and
include the running title as a
authorship page.
location of the manufacturer. If
3. Abstract. The abstract should
citing an in-press paper for the
contain no more than 500 words.
description of methods (i.e.
1. Title Page. The title should not
Original research submissions
when referencing methods used
exceed 50 words. Do not use
require a structured abstract that
in a prior study, which is
abbreviations. List the full
defines the Objectives, Methods,
currently in press), please
names, terminal degrees, and
Results, and Conclusions. The
upload a copy of the in-press
affiliations of all authors or
abstract should not include
paper for the editor and
members of a study group; the
references, figures, tables, or
reviewers. This in-press material
addresses, phone numbers, fax
will be handled with appropriate
numbers, and e-mail addresses
4. Introduction. The introduction
to which requests for reprints
should briefly describe the study
Research involving human
and author correspondence
question, its scope and
subjects or animals must meet
should be sent; and a short
relevance to emergency
local legal and institutional
running title. If an author’s
practice, and the hypothesis
requirements and generally
affiliation has changed since the
and/or objectives of the
accepted ethical principles such
work was completed, list the new
investigation. The reader should
as those set out in the
and old affiliations. If the work
have a very clear understanding
Nuremberg Code, the Belmont
described in the manuscript has
of exactly what the study
Report, or the Declaration of
been formally presented at a
question or objective is after
Helsinki. (See Biros MH,
scientific meeting or has won a
reading the introduction section.
Hauswald M, Baren J.
presentation award, provide the
5. Methods. The methods should
Procedural versus practical
name of the organization, date,
include subsections with
ethics. Acad Emerg Med
and location of the meeting.
headings that detail the Study
2010;17:989-990 for more
Identify financial support of the
Design (include human subject
investigation or manuscript
or animal use committee
Manuscripts reporting data
review), Study Setting and
involving human subjects must
Describe any financial
Population, Study Protocol,
indicate a positive review by an
arrangements that may
Measurements or key outcome
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
represent conflict of interest.
measures, and Data Analysis
or equivalent. This requirement
Acknowledge individuals who
(include sample size
includes studies that qualify for
have provided assistance or
determinations and other
IRB expedited status. Most
support in the study or
relevant information, the names
institutions require IRB review of
manuscript preparation.
of statistical tests, and software
studies that qualify for exempt
2. Study Group Authorship
used). The role of funding
status and that this
Page. When authorship is
organizations and sponsors in
determination be made by the
attributed to a study group, all
the conduct and reporting of the
IRB, not by the authors. The
“Methods” section of the
Statistical methods used should
was blinding successful, was
manuscript must explicitly state
be defined, and any not in
there a high inter-rater
that IRB approval was obtained,
common use should be
that the IRB determined the
described in detail and/or
7. Discussion. The discussion
study was exempt, or that the
supported by references.
should put the study results in
study did not involve human
Reporting of randomized
the context of current
subjects (e.g. publicly available
controlled trials must conform to
knowledge. An unbiased review
and previously de-identified
the CONSORT statement
and critique of previous relevant
information from national data
studies should be included and
sets, or other studies not and include a
appropriately referenced.
meeting the definition of human
flow chart describing patient
8. Limitations. Discuss
subjects research as set forth in
progress throughout the trial.
shortcomings and biases related
US Code of Federal
Resuscitation studies should
to study design and execution.
Regulations, Title 45, Part 46 –
follow the applicable Utstein
Highlight areas where future
additional information available
criteria when appropriate. We
investigations and/or different
support consensus-based
methods of analysis might prove
iol.html). The “Methods” section
methodologic standards for other
should also indicate the type of
study types, including the
9. Conclusions. The conclusions
consent used (written, verbal, or
MOOSE standards for meta-
should not simply repeat the
waived), and confirm that
analyses of observational
results, but rather answer the
consent was obtained from all
studies, the PRISMA standards
study question.
subjects (unless waived by the
for systematic reviews and other
Recommendations supported by
types of meta-analyses, the
the study findings may be
Manuscripts reporting the results
STARD statement on studies of
of investigations of live
diagnostic tests, and the
10. References. Citations and
vertebrate animals must indicate
STROBE statement on
references should be listed in
approval by an Animal Care and
observational epidemiologic
numerical order. Every reference
Use Committee or equivalent.
studies. Authors are encouraged
must be cited at least once in the
We reserve the right to request
to adhere to these whenever
text. Use the NEJM reference
submission of IRB or Animal
style: all authors up to six, article
Care and Use Committee
6. Results. Results should be
title (and subtitle, if any), journal
documentation at any time.
concisely stated and include the
name (with no following period),
Authors with any questions or
statistical analysis of the data
year, volume number (and issue
concerns, particularly those from
presented. Results presented in
number if the journal's pages are
countries that have different
tabular or graphic form should
not numbered consecutively
requirements for approval,
be referred to in the text, but the
throughout the year), and
should contact Dr. Mark
material should not be presented
inclusive page numbers.
Hauswald, Senior Associate
again. In addition to the data
(Examples a and b below) When
Editor for Global Emergency
collected in the study, the results
there are seven or more authors,
should also indicate the success
list the first three, followed by “et
of protocol implementation (e.g.,
al.” (Example c below) Book
references should include:
b. Wagner EH, Sandhu N,
(e.g., *) must also be defined in
authors as above, chapter title, if
Newton KM, McCulloch DK,
a footnote.
any, editor, if any, title of book,
Ramsey SD, Grothaus LC.
12. Figures and legends. Figures
city of publication, publisher, and
Effect of improved glycemic
must be referenced in the text in
year. Include volume and
control on health care costs and
sequential order. Figures should
edition, specific pages, and
utilization. JAMA 2001;285:182-
clarify and augment the text. Put
translators where appropriate.
figure legends on a separate
(Example d below) Website
c. Shapiro AMJ, Lakey JRT,
page. Figures in PDF are not of
references should include the
Ryan EA, et al. Islet
acceptable quality for
most recent date of access.
transplantation in seven patients
publication. Photographs must
(Example e below) Personal
with type 1 diabetes mellitus
be submitted electronically
communications and
using a glucocorticoid-free
according to the following
unpublished data should be cited
immunosuppressive regimen. N
specifications: color photographs
in the body of the paper in
Engl J Med 2000;343:230-8.
should be saved as TIF files in
parentheses, not listed in the
d. Goadsby PJ. Pathophysiology
RGB at a minimum of 12.5 cm (5
references section. Manuscripts
of headache. In: Silberstein SD,
in.) in width at 300 dpi; black and
that have been accepted for
Lipton RB, Dalessio DJ, eds.
white photographs should be
publication may be listed as “in
Wolff's headache and other head
saved as TIF files in grayscale at
press”; manuscripts that have
pain. 7th ed. Oxford, England:
a minimum of 12.5 cm (5 in.) in
been submitted or are under
Oxford University Press,
width at 300 dpi. Figure
revision but have not been
reproduction cannot improve on
accepted may not be cited as
e. Centers for Medicare &
the quality of the originals. Any
references. The use of abstracts
Medicaid Services, U.S.
special instructions about sizing,
that have not been published as
Department of Health and
placement, or color should be
full manuscripts is discouraged.
Human Services. CMS
clearly noted. Symbols, arrows,
Please do not capitalize each
proposals to implement certain
or letters used to identify parts of
word in a reference title – only
disclosure provisions of the
the illustration must be explained
capitalize the first letter unless
Affordable Care Act.
clearly in the legend. If a figure
there is a proper noun or other
has been previously published,
word clearly needing
the legend must acknowledge
capitalization in the title. Authors
21. Accessed January 30, 2012.
the original source. The ability to
are responsible for the accuracy
11. Tables. Tables should be
reproduce figures and
and completeness of the
created using the table tool in
photographs in color is limited,
references and text citations.
MS Word. Tables must be
and at the discretion of the
referenced in the text in
editor-in-chief. Line drawings
a. Cone DC. Knowledge
sequential order. Each table
and graphs are not published in
translation in the emergency
should be submitted on a
color, and color should not be
medical services: a research
separate page with a descriptive
used to differentiate data in
agenda for advancing
title. Define all abbreviations in a
these. In some circumstances,
prehospital care. Acad Emerg
footnote to the table. Symbols
color figures and photographs
Med 2007;14:1052-7.
related to the table contents
may be published.
Brief Reports
are aware of other papers
should be reported in these
Brief Reports related to research
underway from that same
analyses, including interval
efforts should be formatted as in
conference's research agenda,
likelihood ratios for continuous
the general methods listed
they are encouraged to
data. Test-treatment thresholds
above. However, brief reports
coordinate submission with the
should be defined using the
should not exceed 1,500 words,
authors of those other papers.
methods of Pauker and Kassirer.
and should contain no more than
Contact: Gary Gaddis, MD, PhD
The discussion section should
10 references and no more than
include a succinct summary of
one table or figure. The title
Evidence-based Diagnostics
implications for future diagnostic
page and AEM cover page
Submissions to this section seek
research within this field. All
should follow the format listed
to answer diagnostic clinical
articles in this series undergo
above. Case reports will not be
questions on a single topic
standard blinded peer review.
considered and case series are
pertinent to most emergency
Authors are encouraged to
generally assigned a low priority
physicians using a diagnostic
contact the section editor with
for publication.
systematic review. An
any specific questions regarding
Consensus Conference
appropriate report would seek to
submission to this section.
Follow-Up Manuscripts
promote the use of information
Contact: Christopher R.
Submissions in any category
drawn from previous high quality
Carpenter, MD
(Original Research
diagnostically-focused clinical
Contributions, Brief Reports, etc)
research upon the routine
Non-research Educational
that describe research that was
clinical practice of emergency
Advances and Special
initiated to address a research
medicine. Search methods
agenda topic generated at one
should be explicit and
These submissions should
of the priorAcademic Emergency
reproducible. These submissions
include a non-structured
Medicine consensus
should use at least two
abstract, an introduction,
conferences should be identified
investigators to rate the
discussion, and conclusions or a
as such in the cover letter that
evidence quality using
summary statement. The title
accompanies the manuscript,
the Quality Assessment Tool for
page and AEM cover page
when the manuscript is
Diagnostic Accuracy Studies.
should follow the format listed
submitted for review. Authors
Heterogeneity should be
above. A blinded copy is
should state to which consensus
assessed and meta-analysis
conference the manuscript
performed, when applicable.
relates, and should also state
Disease prevalence in
Ethics Seminars/Profiles in
which issue(s) discussed or
emergency medicine populations
Patient Safety
raised at that consensus
presenting with the suspected
Ethics Seminars and Profiles in
conference is/are addressed by
condition should be defined via
Patient Safety should include a
the manuscript. Attempts will be
the literature review. Diagnostic
brief case presentation, a
made to publish consensus
accuracy (sensitivity, specificity,
discussion of relevant principles
conference follow-up
likelihood ratios) for history,
and concepts related to the
manuscripts as a group, rather
physical exam, bedside tests,
case, and a discussion of their
than individually, and if authors
and relevant imaging studies
application. Discussion of
innovative concepts, new
in the acute care setting, and
medicine (EBM) reviews
observations, and analysis of
ethical analysis of existing or
(click here for instructions on
approaches to solving dilemmas
potential guidelines are invited.
structured EBM reviews). All
are encouraged. A
Protecting research subjects
articles in this series undergo
comprehensive review of the
during investigations conducted
standard blinded peer review.
subject is not required. Citations
under emergent circumstances
Authors are encouraged to
are encouraged, but are limited
is a priority focus. AEM is
contact the section editor with
to 15.
dedicated to advancing the
any specific questions regarding
science of the specialty, and
submission to this section.
Bench to Bedside
manuscripts that help shape,
Contact: Alan E. Jones, MD
Articles for this series should
advance, enable, and improve
include a brief abstract
the way that research is
Educational Advances
describing the purpose of the
conducted will be considered for
Authors are encouraged to
article and a brief overview of
this section. Submissions should
submit educational advances
the topic. The usual instructions
follow existing guidelines, while
both as original research
regarding structured methods
mentioning the Biros Section on
manuscripts and non-research
section do not apply, but the
Research Ethics in the cover
educational advances. Research
manuscript should include a
letter. Contact: James G.
advances should follow the
section that specifically
Adams, MD (
journal guidelines above for
discusses the topic from the
Progressive Clinical Practice
original research articles. Non-
perspective of its role in
Articles in this section seek to
research educational advances
emergency medicine research
answer clinical questions
should include a non-structured
and clinical practice. Other
through consideration of relevant
abstract, an introduction,
guidelines for format and style
clinical evidence, or provide an
discussion, and conclusion(s) or
are consistent with those listed
appraisal of existing evidence on
a summary statement. Studies
in the general author guidelines.
a topic pertinent to most
that assess changes in behavior
emergency physicians -
and practice and benefit to
The Biros Section on
academic and non-academic. An
patients from the educational
Research Ethics
appropriate report would seek to
intervention (higher on the
The journal invites submissions
promote the use of information
modified Kirkpatrick
for the ongoing Biros Section on
drawn from previous clinical
Research Ethics. Original
research in the routine clinical
analysis, commentaries, and
practice of emergency medicine.
/kirkpatrick.html) are preferred to
reviews are invited. The goal is
Examples of appropriate formats
those that assess learner
to advance the practical issues
for this section include (but are
participation, satisfaction,
and philosophical thinking
not limited to): systematic
attitudes, and perceptions.
related to research in emergency
reviews, meta-analyses,
Authors may wish to consult the
comprehensive topical reviews
following two articles for
Investigator experiences
with evidence grading, clinical
information regarding principles
regarding patient consent,
scenarios with limited evidence,
and methodologies of high-
original insights about research
and structured evidence-based
quality education research:
Kessler C, Burton JH. Moving
related topics will also be
editorials are occasionally
beyond confidence and
considered. Manuscript
published, and submissions
competence: education
submissions should target
should include a title page and
outcomes research in
clinicians and other end-users,
acknowledgment page, similar to
emergency medicine. Acad
with a goal of promoting mastery
that described above.
Emerg Med 2011;18:S25. Yarris
of an increasingly complex
Unsolicited submissions should
LM, Deiorio NM. Education
scientific literature and
be limited to 10 double-spaced
research: a primer for educators
enhancing the conduct of high-
pages and include no more than
in emergency medicine. Acad
quality emergency care
10 appropriate references.
Emerg Med 2011;18:S27.
research. Articles describing
Contact: John H. Burton, MD
applied methodology are
All letters that comment on a
encouraged, with use of relevant
published work must be received
clinical examples, sample data,
by the end of the month
Research Methods and
and sample statistical code (e.g.,
following publication (e.g., by the
available through an online
end of December for letters
As the biomedical research
appendix), as appropriate.
commenting on material from the
enterprise becomes increasingly
Manuscripts simply expanding
November issue). Letters should
complex, investigators who
and detailing the methods
be no longer than 500 words,
perform studies and clinicians
section of another study are
with no more than five
who incorporate research
discouraged. Organization of the
references. An editorial decision
findings into clinical practice may
manuscript is flexible, but should
regarding acceptance of the
benefit from literature that
be appropriate to the technique
letter will be made after the
describes and explains the
or methodology being described,
author of the related work has
applied use of these methods.
and should typically be
had the opportunity to review the
Submissions to this section
instructional in format, rather
letter and comment. Letters
should address innovations in
than using the traditional
regarding current issues in
methodology that can facilitate
manuscript headings
academic aspects of emergency
the conduct of research in
(Introduction, Methods, Results,
medicine, but not related to a
emergency medicine, or provide
Conclusions). We suggest
published work, are also
new insights into the critical
reviewing the format and content
encouraged. Research studies
appraisal of studies that address
of previous “Advanced Statistics”
will not be accepted as
the interpretation, evaluation, or
publications in AEM for
correspondence. No tables or
application of research into
formatting examples. Contact:
graphs should accompany
practice. Acceptable
Craig D. Newgard, MD, MPH
letters to the editor.
submissions of particular interest
Contributions must otherwise
to researchers can cover the
conform to the relevant
gamut from study design to
In most circumstances,
manuscript submission
novel or complex analytic
commentaries are solicited and
guidelines. The editors reserve
methods to standards for the
the author will be provided with
the right to edit the length of
reporting of clinical research,
appropriate information.
letters, and the number of letters
though additional methods
Unsolicited opinion pieces or
published on a given subject. In
general, after publication of
editor. Contact: Peter E.
A Clinical Pathologic Conference
letters and the author reply (if
Sokolove, MD
(CPC) manuscript describes the
any), further letters on the same
logical systematic evaluation and
subject will not be considered.
diagnosis of a clinical case as it
General tips on writing letters to
Dynamic Emergency Medicine
unfolds in the emergency
the editor can be found at: Golub
Videos of interest to our readers
department. An effective CPC
RM. Correspondence
are published in this online-only
case illustrates the typical
course. JAMA 2008; 300:98-99.
section of the journal. Each
presentation of an uncommon
Contact: Jeffrey A. Kline, MD
submission must be
disease or the unusual
accompanied by a brief written
presentation of a common
description of the video contents.
disease. We invite all
Examples of acceptable content
participants of the Annual CPC
The Reflections section
include the demonstration of a
Competition sponsored by
publishes essays, poetry,
procedure, an overview of a
reflective writing, and creative
disease process, an interview
submit their cases for
photographs. The general author
with an author, and any other
publication. CPC cases not
guidelines listed above should
creative or professional
presented at the Annual
be applied for any text
presentation of useful
Competition will also be
submitted. There is a limit of 600
Emergency Medicine-related
considered. The manuscript
words, and shorter works that
content. In general, case reports
format should mirror the format
can be used as filler on partial
with short video clips (such as
of the CPC competition: case
pages are preferred. In most
ultrasound) will not be
presentation, discussion of the
circumstances, photographs will
considered for publication.
differential diagnosis, and case
be accepted only in black and
Videos should not exceed ten
resolution. All accepted
white. Each photo should be
minutes in length, and will
manuscripts are published as
titled, and should contain a brief
undergo peer review. The
online-only articles. Contact:
legend. If the photo includes
preferred formats are Apple
Mark B. Mycyk, MD
identifiable patients, health care
QuickTime, MPEG or Windows
providers, or other individuals,
Media. Please submit through
Resident Portfolios
permission must be obtained to
the online website as any other
Manuscripts of reflections and
publish them in the journal.
submission. Upload the video as
introspection of experiences
Reflections are published on a
"supplemental materials for
encountered by emergency
space-available basis. Contact:
online publication." The section
medicine residents during their
Brian Zink, MD
editor will contact you if there are
training are invited. Submissions
file size, quality, or compatibility
should be no more than five
issues with the video you submit.
pages, with no more than 15
Media Reviews
Contact: Scott Joing, MD
references, and may include one
Media reviews are, in general,
table or figure. Patient and
solicited, and information
colleague confidentiality must be
regarding these can be obtained
Clinical Pathologic
assured. An abstract that places
directly from the department
Conference (CPC)
the experience into a
professional development
Des Plaines, IL 60018
high level of educational content
context and a “take home” point
Tel: 847-813-9823
for an audience of practicing
are required. Portfolios may
Fax: 847-813-5450
emergency physicians. Video
undergo invited commentary
content should enhance the
from individuals with expertise in
practice of emergency medicine
the identified area of discussion.
PeRLs Author Guidelines
by rendering additional insight,
These commentaries will be a
data, or expertise to the
maximum of two pages and will
Academic Emergency
audience. General core
focus on “learning points.”
Medicinepublishes selected
curriculum reviews for
Primary authors must be
videos of lectures on topics in
emergency medicine topics will
emergency medicine residents
emergency medicine. These are
not be accepted for review.
or reflect an experience
intended to represent the state
Videos should contain both the
encountered in the residency
of the art in EM education.
presented AV materials for the
training environment by an
Residents, practicing physicians,
lectures (such as PowerPoint
emergency medicine graduate.
and medical students may use
slides) and live video of the
Contact: Carey D. Chisholm, MD
them for didactic education.
presenter. Each video lecture
Prospective authors should
should contain the following
consider contacting the PeRLs
Editorial Board for a discussion
- A written abstract describing
David C. Cone, MD
before starting video production
the content of the lecture
of a lecture for a determination
- Lecture title, author, and
Tel: 203-785-4710
of topic suitability. Videos can be
institutional affiliation on a title
Fax: 203-785-3196
complex to produce, and given
the effort involved, having a
- Conflict of interest statement
Journal Manager
discussion with an editor either
- A brief overview of the lecture
Sandra K. Arjona
by e-mail or phone before
content (~1 minute)
producing the video is
- The body of the lecture ( 30
Tel: 412-772-1190
recommended. Prior discussion
Fax: 412-772-1190
with an editor does not
- References and further reading
guarantee the likelihood of
(~30 seconds)
Technical Editor
acceptance for a submitted
- Contact information for
Kathleen G. Seal
video. However, it is the goal for
questions Please note that brand or
an advance discussion to
names should not be shown in
optimize the potential submitted
these lectures unless clearly
Tel: 612-824-3805 x.1
relevant to the discussion.
Fax: 612-929-2603
Society Office
PeRLs is designed to provide
It is strongly recommended that
Society for Academic
state-of-the-art educational
prior to recording a video,
Emergency Medicine
material in emergency medicine.
authors submit a lecture outline
2340 S. River Road, Suite 208
The content should represent a
to the PeRLS editorial board for
review. The outline should be
videos submitted separately.
regarding the topic being
submitted with relevant
presented on a slide after the
accompanying visuals (video
When using images of patients
title slide.
and graphics that are a central
and staff, either the subjects
portion of the lecture) as
should not be identifiable, or
their pictures must be
The lecture should be produced
The outline will form part of the
accompanied by written
as a split screen with two views:
review process by both the
permission to use the material.
one of the lecture slides (e.g.
editors and peer-reviewers, and
Original Material
PowerPoint), and one of the
the editor will respond to the
The authors must ensure that all
presenter. Slide resolution
authors with recommendations
video, graphics, and audio
should be adequate to make text
regarding proceeding with
portions of submitted work are
easily readable, usually equal to
recording. In the event that a
original. Written permission is
or larger than the video of the
video has already been recorded
needed for figures, tables, and
presenter. Timing of the slide
(e.g. a recording is made at a
other material that is borrowed
changes in the video should
regional conference and it is
or adapted from other works,
match the actual changes used
later decided to submit it for
using the same process as
by the presenter during the
consideration), please indicate
permission for re-use of material
this in the cover letter.
in a regular journal article.
Permission can either be listed
There are many ways to produce
Written Abstract
on the appropriate slide
a high-quality split screen video
A written abstract should be
(preferable), or on a separate
presentation of a lecture. Timing
submitted with the video. The
slide at the end of the
of the slide changes can be
abstract should provide an
accomplished by capturing the
overview of the lecture content.
Journal Style
slides real-time with a VGA
The text is limited to 350 words,
Academic Emergency
grabber such as those made by
and it will be published online
Medicine has created a template
Epiphan ( and
and made available through
for consistent video
various recording software. Post-
PubMed and other search
presentation, abstract, title slide,
production editing can be
engines. The intent for the
disclosures / conflict of interest
reduced by using real-time
abstract is to give the potential
(COI) slide, introduction slide,
layering/recording software such
viewer enough information to
body of presentation, reference
as Boinx TC (
know whether he or she wishes
slide, contact information, and
Another way to accomplish slide
to view the video.
concluding slide, as well as
capture is by using screen
Video Length
disclaimer and copyright
casting software such as
The lecture should be limited to
information. It is recommended
ScreenFlow by Telestream
30 minutes. If more time is
that authors review this template
( Final Cut Pro
required, this should be
prior to beginning production.
(or any other video editing
discussed with the editor. A
Disclosure Statement
software) can be used to
longer lecture can be
Author must disclose any
combine two video sources
restructured as several shorter
potential conflicts of interest
(slides and video of the
presenter) into one video,
with the intent to arrange for the
available, the Progressive Scan
though syncing the slide
production of a higher quality
option in the camera should be
changes with the video of the
product if advised by the journal
enabled. If the video footage
presenter requires more time
reviewers/editor following the
was not shot with progressive
and editing work than real-time
initial review of the lower quality,
scan, the video needs to be de-
capture of the slide changes.
PeRLS-specific submission.
interlaced when compressed.
Video filming opportunities may
The lecture should be presented
be arranged with a PeRLS
with a well-paced clear voice,
editor. These opportunities can
It is important that there is
free of excessive accenting or
be scheduled with Academic
adequate lighting on the
dialect, using conversational
Emergency Medicine editorial
presenter. Overhead lights are
inflections. Acronyms and
board support at regional or
not always sufficient. Often, a
eponyms should be defined and
national emergency medicine
light at 45 degrees from the
used carefully. Acronyms are
conferences (e.g. SAEM Annual
lecturer provides superior
generally appropriate only when
lighting than overhead lights.
Direct light may cause the
they are immediately
recognizable by our readership
lecturer to squint, and can cause
(such as ED for Emergency
The editorial board recommends
unwanted reflection from
Department). The addition of
PowerPoint slides, with a plain
hardware. Ensure the lights are
natural sounds such as heart
font such as Sans-Seriff, Times
not in the camera frame
beat, bedside monitor, voices,
NewRoman, or Helvetica, 32
(practice a pan / zoom before
etc. should remain subtle.
point type, with a clear color
contrast. Avoid red type or large
Videos should be original and
areas of red in charts, graphs, or
Typically, camera-mounted
produced for the purposes of a
illustrations. Avoid different
microphones are of poor quality
PeRLS submission. Video filmed
colored backgrounds between
and will pick up the machine
for the purposes of a
slides or changes in font within
noise of the camera and the
conference, grand rounds, or
the lecture.
operator. External microphones
other separate activity will not be
are preferred. A camera that
considered for review or
We recommend using a high-
allows an external microphone to
acceptance. Video filmed for
quality digital camera.
be attached can be used, or
other purposes may be
Movement reduces image
sound can be directly captured
submitted as part of an outline
quality. Strategies to reduce
using an external microphone
for concept consideration.
movement include the use of a
into the computer running the
However, the final video
tripod and minimizing movement
video capture software. Consider
submitted for review
across the frame, including
using a lavaliere microphone on
consideration must be produced
shadows or moving items
the lecturer. This is a
solely for the purposes of the
outside a window. Zooming and
microphone that attaches to the
PeRLS category. An author with
panning should be avoided or
clothing. Ensure that the
limited high-quality video access
limited. In particular, panning
microphone wire is not in
may submit a lower quality video
should occur horizontally only. If
camera view.
Graphics & Illustrations
submitted video material are
private noncommercial purposes
All graphics should be clear and
expected to sign copyright
only; it may not be transmitted,
legible. Avoid brand names or
statements at the time of review
distributed, republished, or
use of acronyms when possible.
to assure copyright permission
broadcast without the prior
Review spelling and grammar
and protection.
written permission of the Society
carefully as these cannot be
Review Process
for Academic Emergency
edited in post-production.
Submitted lectures will be
subject to peer and editorial
Source Video
In-camera effects such as low-
review. Each video and the
Submissions should be made via
light gain, strobe, or in-camera
associated abstract will be
dissolves and post-production
reviewed by at least two external
dissolves, fades, wipes, spins,
peer reviewers before
) with abstract, cover letter and
and transitions should be
related materials with a link to
avoided. Straight cuts or edits
the uploaded video. Videos must
are preferred. In general, the
be uploaded to for
following recommendations
Professional Judgment
viewing by editors and
apply: -cut from wide angle to
This video is intended solely for
reviewers. All video content must
close-up, -cut after all movement
informational purposes and to
be viewable through
has stopped -use dissolves for
supplement, not replace, proper
with no exceptions. Authors
time-lapse or to make an edit
training and supervision by
must establish an account at
from one close-up shot to
qualified instructors. Medicine is with enabled sharing
another close-up shot. Citation
an ever-changing field; viewers
via password-protected access.
Accepted lecture videos will be
are advised to check the most
Password and a link to the
cited in PubMed, referencing the
current information provided by
account should then be provided
issue and an e-page number.
the manufacturer for every
in the cover letter at the time of
The presentation will be
device being used and to verify
submission in
published online with its abstract
the indications,
ManuscriptCentral. Uploaded
and a link to the video file.
contraindications, and proper
videos should be complete, in as
procedural technique. The dose,
high a resolution as possible,
Accepted videos become the
method of administration, and
and submitted as uncompressed
property of, and are protected
contraindications for any
files. Video editing is the
by, the copyright of Academic
administered drug should be
responsibility of the author..
Emergency Medicine, which is
confirmed before use.
held by the Society for Academic
Copyright Slide
The following format is
Emergency Medicine. However,
Copyright © [year date of
authors of videos may use their
publication] Society for
own videos for their own in-
Academic Emergency Medicine.
house purposes without
Except as otherwise permitted
requesting permission from the
by United States copyright law,
Digital video format:
Compression CODEC:
Frame Size (at least):
Frame Rate:
journal or the society. Co-
this video may be viewed,
authors and all participants in
reproduced, and stored for
To allow viewers with slower
connection to view video files,
Quicktime (MO
MPEG4 or H.26
1280x720 prefer
29.97 (native fra
De-Interlaced (i
the files will be converted to the
following formats for viewing:
- Flash environment (with
captioning, and chapter
- Quicktime (broadband and
dialup connections), and
- Windows Media (broadband
and dialup connections)