Santa Letters from Would someone you know


Santa Letters from Would someone you know
Letters from
A Relay For Life Fundraiser
All proceeds support the American Cancer Society
Would someone you know
like to receive a personalized
letter from Santa?
Santa and his Elves are teaming up with the American Cancer Society
Relay For Life, to fight backagainst cancer.
Just fill out a letter request form (on backside ofthis sheet) and Santa will do
the rest! All requests must be received by December 1to arrive by Christmas
with an official USPS North Pole cancellation.
Mail the completed request form(s) with your checkor money order payable
to the American Cancer Society and bring a holiday smile to someone
special while supporting a worthy cause. Letters are age-appropriate
and suitable for newborns through senior citizens.
The Pendleton-Clemson Relay for Life will be held May 10–11, 2013at Pendleton High School
For more information on being a sponsor, joining a team or event committee, or making a donation... find us on the webat:
2013Event Chair: Nancy Leininger,
Letters from Santa REQUEST FORM: PC Santa will need the following information for each letter recipient.
This information will only be used by Santa for creating this letter. It will not be given to anyone for any other purpose.
1. Please PRINT clearly
About the person to receive the letter:
First Name: ____________________________ Last Name:______________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________State: _____________ Zip: ____________
Gender:  Male
 Female
Age :______ • Received a letter from Santa last year:  No  Yes
• OK to reference the birth of Jesus:
 No  Yes
... you have ________________________________________________ this year.
(Examples - learned to play the piano, made good grades in Math, made the football team, lost your first tooth, kept your room clean...)
Holiday Traidition:
...  looking forward to or  have fond memories of _____________________________
(Examples - baking cookies, dinner at Grandma’s, putting the star on top of the tree...)
References to be named in the letter: (Every attempt will be made to include all names listed. If many, please indcate most significant.)
Close Friends . . . . . . . . Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . Sisters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Names :_______________________________ Also receiving a letter from Santa?  No  Yes
Names and Ages: __________________________ Also receiving a letter from Santa?  No  Yes
Names and Ages:: _________________________ Also receiving a letter from Santa?  No  Yes
Pets’ Names: ____________________________ Indicate type of pet:  Dog  Cat  ________
About the person requesting the letter:
First Name: ____________________________ Last Name:______________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
(Email and phone will only be used to contact you if Santa has a question about this letter request) How should Santa reference you in the letter?
Reference me as: ___________________________________________________________
(examples: Grandma Janie, Aunt Mary, your friend Ruth, Mommy and Daddy)
Please do not reference me in the letter
2. Complete a separate form for each letter recipient (You are welcome to make additional copies. ) and mail
to arrive by Saturday, December 1 for an official USPS North Pole cancellation.
When requests are received together, siblings receive different letters.
3. Include check or money order payable to: The American Cancer Society
$6 donation for each letter
Mail request form(s) with donation to: PC Relay Santa
307Monaco Circle
Clemson, SC 29631
QUESTIONS: Contact Nancy Leininger,
Santa’s Use Only