
T.028 254 9260
Memo 26/2014
Friday, 8th August, 2014
Dear Parents and Friends of Greyton House School
Reading Competition and Social: Tonight is the night; we look forward to seeing you at the Greyton
Bowling Club at 17h30. We intend to start the actual reading competition promptly at 17h30 and
envisage the reading to take approximately one hour; thereafter we can enjoy a social together. Thank
you to Janine for co-ordinating the supper side of things.
Notice of Annual General Meeting: Kindly note that the combined Annual General Meeting of the
Governing Body and Parents’ Committee will take place at 19h00 on Tuesday 23 September 2014.
Please make a note in your diaries as it is important that as many parents as possible attend. A notice
regarding nomination procedures, and changes to the Constitution, will be distributed closer to the time.
Forthcoming Drama Production: (A message from Grant Griffiths) “I wonder if in your newsletter you could
just remind parents that it would be a great help if children could learn their lines at home. Not many have
started, and they need to get to know them over the next three weeks.”
“Go Focus” Remedial Programme: After training, our staff members are now ready to give remedial
assistance to those children who we feel will benefit. This is indeed a wonderful opportunity and for those
parents whose children have been given letters, please let us know as soon as possible whether you are
happy for your child/children to start on this programme. There will be no cost attached to this exercise.
Open Day/Entrepreneurs’ Day Programme – Thursday 4th September: The programme is repeated
below as there have been a number of queries about the events taking place that day. Drama classes
will run as normal in the Moravian Hall so you will be able to time your visit for when your child is actually
taking a lesson. The Entrepreneurs’ Day will be scheduled to take place also at the school from 12h30 to
14h30 on the same day as Open Day, so please do stay and support the children.
Between 08h00 – 09h00
Normal classroom activities
(Parents are most welcome should you wish to sit in on lessons)
Children’s Displays and Projects
09h00 – 09h30 Nursery Class
09h30 – 10h00 Grade R and Grade 1
Normal Drama Classes at the Moravian Hall
TEA for visitors
10h30 – 11h00 Grade Two and Three
11h00 – 11h30 Grade Four and Five
11h30 – 12h00 Grade Six and Seven
Children to set up their stalls
12h30 – 14h30
Entrepreneurs’ Day
Eye Tests: Philip Obermeyer has offered to come out to the school on Wednesday 27th August to
conduct eye tests for those parents who wish their children to undergo this procedure. A letter has been
given to every family in the school for your consideration. There will be no charge for this service. I
would strongly urge you to take advantage of this opportunity.
Boerewors Stand: Thank you to those of you who have kindly offered to help out at this stand over the
weekend of the 30/31st August – however, we still need help on both days, so please consider giving an
hour or so of your time. Thank you so much for your consideration.
A letter from Elise and Ruth Herring who are now at school in the UK: “ We miss you all sooooo
much. We really miss Greyton a lot. Our new school is different; our school teachers are amazed at how
beautifully we write, thanks to our teachers at Greyton House. The teachers at my new school, which is
called Harlaxton, say that our manners are incredible because in my school, no offence, they don’t have
nice manners. They back-chat the teachers and shout at them and if we did that in Greyton House we
would get detention on the spot! The reason we have good manners was because we went to Greyton
House and it has been a lovely school and no school can replace it. We miss all of our friends. It is safe
to say Greyton House was the nicest, best mannered school we ever went to!”
From Elise and Ruth Herring
Cake Raffle: Thank you to the Loots family for a beautiful sponge cake which was won by Dylan
Erith Harris
11 August
12 August
13 August
14 August
15 August
16 August
Governing Body
18 August
Cake Raffle
Thomas Lourens
19 August
20 August
21 August
Outing for
Nursery Class to
The Oaks Estate
25 August
Competition and
22 August
23 August
Cake Raffle
Chloe Matthysen
26 August
27 August
14h30 Parents’
Eye Tests
28 August
29 August
30 August
Cake Raffle
Joël Mentor
Boerewors Stall
For Cycle Race
Our Governing Body:
Tim Quinlan (Chairperson) Peter Duncan (Vice Chair), Jenny Duncan, Di Segal.
Parents’ Committee Contact details for information, queries, concerns and suggestions:
Mark de Villiers – 079 106 0452 ;(Interim) Chairperson; Natasha Carter – 084 584 6946 (Vice Chairperson)
Janine Winfield – 079 658 6656; Sam Fouché – 082 403 4434; Roisin Povall – 082 576 1829;
Deidre Erasmus 072 845 9741; Erith Harris - 072 587 4289;