15 Languages In YS District


15 Languages In YS District
Volume Twelve, Number 2
York Suburban School District
October 2009
15 Languages In YS District
This year the York Suburban School District has
88 students who speak 15 foreign languages and are
receiving English Language Learners support.
The figures show the languages and the number
of students:
East York Elementary School has the most foreign
language-speaking students with 31. Valley View and
York Suburban High School each have 22 students. York Suburban Middle School has 12 and Indian Rock
Elementary School has one student.
‘Golden Passes’
For Senior
Nathan Gumke/
Nathan Keyes
YS Grad
Stars in
New Film
A York Suburba n
graduate’s star is on the
rise in Hollywood.
Nathan Gumke, Class
of 2004, will appear in
a movie this November
that is generating a lot of
buzz on the Internet. He
will be playing “Kevin
(continued on page 2)
Yo r k S u b u r b a n
School District residents who are 65 years
old or older are eligible
for “Golden Passes”
to attend most schoolsponsored events in the
Senior citizens may
obtain a “Golden Pass”
by showing proof of
age and residency at
the York Suburban
High School office.
“Golden Passes” are
not honored for activities sponsored by the
Booster Club. Pass
holders should confirm
with the high school
office if the passes are
applicable for the annual spring musical.
Left to right: Mark Russell, Stephen Logue, Eric Bulgarelli, Michael Tabb,
Charles Smith, and Allegra Ketterman. Jesse Bohanan was not available for
the picture.
3 Named Merit Semifinalists,
4 Letters of Commendation
Three York Suburban
High School seniors have
been named 2010 National Merit Scholarship
Semifinalists and four
have received Letters of
The Sem ifinalists
Jesse P. Bohanan, son of
Rev. J.P. and Mrs. Robin Bohanan of Springettsbury Township.
R. Eric Bulgarelli, son of Mr.
Richard and Mrs. Wendi
Bulgarelli of Springettsbury Township.
Michael J. Tabb, son of Dr.
Randy and Mrs. Deborah Tabb of Spring Gar(continued on page 2)
Steel Topped Out at Yorkshire
Kindergarten students from Valley View Center, who will be part of the first
grade class at the new Yorkshire Elementary School, react as the steel beam they
had signed is hoisted into place in the framework of the building during a Topping
Out ceremony on October 9.
4 Recognized As
AP Scholars
Merit, continued from front page
den Township.
They were among more than 75,000 Pennsylvania
students from 900-plus high schools in the state who
took the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test and are among only 16,000 students
from across the nation to be designated as National
Merit Semifinalists. Finalists will be notified in
February of 2009.
The Letters of Commendation recipients are:
Allegra D. Ketterman, daughter of Mr. Kent and Dr.
Tawn Ketterman of Spring Garden Township.
Stephen J. Logue, son of Ms. Peggy Logue, Spring
Garden Township.
Mark F. Russell, son of Mr. Gerard and Mrs. Cathy
Russell of Spring Garden Township.
Charles M. Smith, son of Mr. Matt and Mrs. Susan
Smith of Springettsbury Township.
Gumke/Keyes, continued from front page
Levin” in “Ben 10: Alien Swarm,” a live action film
on the Cartoon Network.
But when you read the credits, you’ll have to look
for him under his professional name, Nathan Keyes.
Nathan, the son of Holly and Dale Gumke, appeared in a made-for-television film this summer
on the Hallmark Channel in which he portrayed
Cybil Sheppard’s son in “Mrs. Washington Goes to
His other credits include roles on the CBS show
“Numbers,” ABC’s “Women’s Murder Club,” and a
recurring role on ABC Family’s “Three Moons Over
Nathan knew he wanted to be a professional actor
as a child. “At the age of seven, and in just second
grade,” he notes he convinced his teacher he “could
write, produce, direct, and star in a play based on ‘The
Tailor of Gloucester.’ ”
By age 11, he was in a local theater production
of “A Christmas Carol.” Over the years, many other
roles followed at York Suburban: Romeo in “Romeo
and Juliet,” the Scarecrow in “The Wizard of Oz,”
the Emcee in “Cabaret,” and Albert in “Bye, Bye
Birdie.” Nathan also was a member of “Bang Bang,
You’re Dead,” a play about school violence that was
presented in high schools around York County.
In addition to his stage work, Nathan was a member of the pop group, “As 1,” appearing in more than
75 shows and concerts in the Northeastern United
States. At the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, he
was cast as Robin Hood, where he honed his improvisational skills.
Since moving to Los Angeles after graduating
from York Suburban, he has been a graphic designer
and photographer working on cover art for CDs.
Nathan’s classmates at York Suburban named him
“Most Likely to Be Famous.” It appears they may
2have been right on target.
Jon Vu
Four members of the York Suburban High School
Class of 2009 have been recognized as Advanced
Placement Scholars.
The students are: Casey George, Madeline Manbeck, Amy Myers, Macy Marcucci (With Honors).
Advanced Placement courses are a standardized
curriculum in high schools across the United States.
Student Rep
on School
AP Course Added
This school year, York Suburban High School
Jon Vu, 16, is looking
forward to his year as the
student representative
on the York Suburban
School District Board of
A junior at York Suburban High School, Jon
responded to an open
call for students interested in holding the student
representative position. “I thought it would be
a good experience,” he
says. “I’m on Student
Council and we deal
with students, but not the
administration.” He was
president of his class for
two years and is now a
Student Senator.
Jon plays violin in
the YSHS orchestra and
sings in the school choir. He’s also on the wrestling team and one of
the founders of Food for
Thought, an organization
with the goal of fighting
hunger around the world. He recently participated
in a national Tae Kwan
Do tournament.
Jon’s father, Tuan,
is a neurologist and his
mother, Phuong, is a
pharmacist, so it is not
surprising that Jon “may
lean towards studying
for a medical career” in
college, but he’s keeping
his options open.
Jon’s sister, Lauren, is
a seventh grade student
at York Suburban Middle
has added an Advanced Placement biology course to
the AP classes available to students, according to Dr.
Patricia Maloney, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. Fifteen students are enrolled
in the course.
Other AP courses offered at York Suburban are: calculus, computer programming, United States history, and European history.
Exchange Student
Enjoying YS Life
Seventeen-year-old Diana Carolina Izurieta Sanchez is a long way from her
home country of Ecuador. However, she is feeling very
comfortable as a Rotary
Exchange Student spending this school year as at
senior York Suburban High
Diana Izurieta Sanchez
The resident of Machala, Ecuador has actually
completed her high school education in her home
country and was in her first semester at University
del Pacifico when she was selected as an exchange
Diana’s father is an engineer and her mother is a
doctor. She has four brothers. She plans to study business when she returns to the university in Ecuador.
Her first host in the York Suburban School District
is the Jeffrey Ohl family.
A second host family is needed for part of the
school year. Interested families should contact Rotary
Club of York member Mark Ottemiller, who is coordinating host families, at m_ottemiller@ntda.com.
Dunk the
Students at Indian
Rock Elementary School
had the opportunity to
Dunk their Principal last
spring. For two hours,
the students who raised
the money for the Race
for Education could try
their hand at hitting the
target and sending Principal Greg Gulley into
the tank.
Post Prom 2010 Planning Begins
Although it is only autumn, plans are already under way for Post Prom
The alcohol-free and substance-free Post Prom 2010 will be held at York
Suburban High School on May 15, 2010.
The following were
volunteers for the 2009
Post Prom event.
Julie Amberg
LeAnne Appleby
John Badovinac
Missy Badovinac
Liz Barton
Mike Barton
Emily Bates
Angie Baughman
Christian Bedard
Matt Bedard
Myriam Bedard
Albert Blakey
Daphne Blakey
Sophie Blakey
Jodi Bloss
Cody Bluett
Mark Bluett
Matt Blythe
Michael Bortner
Wendy Bulgarelli
Bob Butterworth
Candace Campbell
Sean Campbell
Lisa Calkins
Angelina Comerci
Lynn Conrad
Ellie Conrad
Marion Cosaro
Bill Cote
Patty Cote
Ian Crumm
Rosemarie Drusedum
Lonnie Engels
Scott Engels
Bill Eshler
Pam Eshler
Sterling Feeser
Fred Flaccavento
Deidre Folkers
Patty Fontanazza
Karen Fornadel
Molly Gard
Russell Garman
Doug George
Kim George
Barry Girling and Custodial
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Greenholt
Mac Grubbs
Paul Grubbs
Wendy Grubbs
Mike Hadginske
Dave Hall
Kathy Hall
Mrs. Hammond
High School Office Staff
Joanne Himes
Celeste Hinnenkamp
Steve Hinnenkamp
Karen Hook
Mary Hook
Jacqueline Hostler
Joanne Jellison
Amy Johns
Karen Jones
Kent Ketterman
Tawn Ketterman
Pam Kinard
Christine Kirk
Greta Kottmyer
Gina Kruper
Lynne Leopold-Sharp
Laura Lutz
Helen Marsteller
Todd Marsteller
Nancy McCullum
Marie McInerney
Nancy Menard
Nancy Mock
Amy Myers
Julie Myers
Lloyd Myers
Ryan Myers
Robyn Noll
Kristen Page
Pam Patel
Bob Perina
Sarah Perina
Lori Petraco
Jill Raudensky
Brad Rehnberg
Morgan Rehnberg
Zoe Rehnberg
Darlene Robertson
Randy Robertson
Mary Robinson
Sarah Rodenburgh
Rick Rohrbaugh
Marina Roos
Allison Ruth
Lisa Schmittle
Bev Schryver
Ann Shaffer
Jim Shaffer
Allison Siegelman
Karen Simon
Steve Smith
Sylvia Smith
Bill Snyder
Helen Snyder
Patty Snyder
Darrell Steckler
Kelly Steckler
Sue Steckler
Stephanie Sullivan
Donna Sylvester
Deborah Tabb
Alex Thibodeau
Jill Urey
Nathalie Veater
Stephanie Veater
Kathy Viehman
Ralph Viehman
Peggy Vinarski
Christopher Vosburg
Kathy Vosburg
Bret Wallace
Mary Wallace
Brian Waltersdorff
Donna Deerin-Ward
Chad Ward
Yvette Weber
Elizabeth Winters
Bob Woods
Through a community partnership, there is
now a newly renovated ball field at Indian Rock
Elementary School. Shown, with the field in the
background, are: Eric Eytcheson, York Little
League; Barry Girling, York Suburban School
District; Steve Golden, York Little League; and
Jennifer Clancy, York Suburban School Board/York
Little League.
Field of Dreams
at Indian Rock
Indian Rock Elementary School is now home to a
newly renovated ball field. The summer renovations
resulted from a partnership among the York Suburban
School District, the York Little League, and the York
Revolution professional baseball team.
The project served to improve the condition of
the field for use by Indian Rock students and for
local softball and baseball organizations within
the community. Jennifer Clancy, a York Suburban
School Board Member and York Little League Board
Member, met with Barry Girling and Bill Boll of the
York Suburban Buildings and Grounds Department,
and Brandon Putnam, York Revolution head groundskeeper, to plan for the project.
Jennifer Clancy, Eric Eytcheson and Steve Golden,
York Little League softball coaches, designed the
infield dimensions per Little League softball regulations. Golden also donated his expertise in removing
grass from the infield using a skid-steer. The York
Suburban School Board approved funds to purchase
Dimatch for the infield surface and to make fence
repairs. York Little League purchased safety bases, a
pitching rubber and home plate. It also will purchase
a storage unit to be placed at the field.
Penn State Blue Band
Three recent York Suburban High School
graduates are new members of the Penn State
Blue Band.
Ryan Bulgarelli and Kieran Carlisle are
both musicians and Tristalyn Bixler-Kint is a
Announcing the 5th Annual�.
Announcing the 5th Annual
York Suburban
Communities That Care
12 Win Awards at York Fair
Twelve York Suburban High School students
have won awards for their Consumer Sciences
entries at this year’s York Fair. The winners are:
Bar cookies
1st place – Chelsey
3rd place – Katie
1st place – Ebony
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November
7:00 pm 21 , 7pm
You There!
High School
Jams and Jellies
1st place – Ryan
2nd place - Kory
3rd place – Ryan
3rd place – Colin McClernon
Letter from the Superintendent, continued from back page
the development of the whole child as inquirer, both in the classroom and in the
world outside. The IB course of study:
• Encourages international-mindedness
• Encourages a positive attitude to learning
• Is rigorous
• Reflects real life
• Emphasizes the development of the whole student-physically, intellectually,
emotionally and ethically.
The IB Primary Years Programme frames the learning activities of the school
community. The framework is flexible enough to incorporate state, local, national
and international curricula. IB Primary Years Programme is designed to enable
students to move directly into the IB Middle Years Programme and then the
Diploma Programme.
Charter schools are public schools, but they are not run by the school districts
that approve them. The funding comes from the student home district on a per
pupil basis as it does for all other charter schools. This collaborative effort is a
first in York County and has many distinguished educators, school administrators, school board members and community and business leaders involved in all
phases. For any one school district to undertake the necessary funding needed to
pursue and achieve International Baccalaureate accreditation, the costs would be
prohibitive. As well, smaller school districts would not have the potential student
pool to adequately maintain and grow the program. The regional charter approach
is a most innovative and cost effective manner in which to afford our students the
best opportunities without an undue burden on taxpayers.
If you are interested in learning more about the York Academy Charter School
and the International Baccalaureate Programme, please call or e-mail. If you are
interested in the opportunity to have your child participate beginning in 2011-2012,
please e-mail me.
As always, I sincerely thank you for your support of the York Suburban School
Dr. Kate Orban
4 korban@yssd.org
Cookie convenience
2nd place – Megan
3rd place – Jordan
Children’s books
3rd place – Mariah
No-bake cookies
1st place – Jodie
2nd place – Anna
3rd place – Jacob
Donna Haun and
Bethany Haun are
both Learning Support
Teachers at
The only parent-child
teachers in the York SubYS Community urban School District are
in York Suburban High
Bus Trip and
Donna Haun, a Learning
Support teacher and
chair of the Learning
Don’t miss the bus!
Support department, has
There are still a few been teaching at York
seats remaining on the bus Suburban for 13 years.
trip to New York City on Bethany Haun, a 2001
Saturday, November 28.
graduate of York Subur For more information ban High School, joined
contact Kathy Meals at the faculty this year, also
848-9854 or kmeals@ as a Learning Support
teacher. “I liked coming
Registrations for the back to where I graduated
winter season of the Tro- from,” Bethany says, “bejan Aquatics Club (TAC) cause I knew the people.” are now being accepted. Before coming to SubTo obtain a registration urban, she taught in the
form log onto www.tro- Donegal and Littlestown
school districts.
Drama Club Changes On YS Calendar
Dates of two Drama Club productions have
changed on the York Suburban School District
The fall production will be presented on Thursday, October 29, and Friday, October 30.
The winter production will be presented on
Thursday, December 3, and Saturday, December
Hollywood Memories:
A Scrapbook of
Homecoming 2009
The Homecoming Court: Seated, left to right: Pascale Frem, Natalie
Thompson, Elena Nentcheva, Tara Owens, and Jennifer Hall. Standing,
left to right: Aubrey Woodward, Carrie Morris, Bailey Rehnberg, Daniela
Rodriquez, Diana Izurieta Sanchez, and Caitlin Carmody, who was named
Homecoming Queen.
For the most part, the weather cooperated for York
Suburban’s 2009 Homecoming.
The weather on Friday evening, September 25,
was perfect for the Powder Puff football game, the
all-district Homecoming Parade, and the traditional
bonfire on the baseball field, which was followed by
the faculty-sophomores Powder Puff. The sophomores emerged victorious.
Saturday afternoon began clear as the members of
the Homecoming Court walked across the field prior
to the football game. Members of this year’s court
were: Caitlin Carmody, Elena Nentcheva, Pascale
Frem, Jennifer Hall, Diana Izurieta, Carrie Morris,
Tara Owens, Bailey Rehnberg, Daniela Rodriguez,
Natalie Thompson, and Aubrey Woodward. The
Homecoming Prince and Princess were: Caitlin
Carmody, the daughter of Judy and Daniel Carmody,
Caitlin Carmody was named Homecoming Queen.
Rain began falling during the football game, but
despite the wet conditions, the York Suburban Trojans
won over Littlestown.
That evening, with the rain continuing to fall, more
than 600 students attended the Hollywood-themed
Homecoming dance.
Students and teachers catch the York Suburban Middle School spirit during “Caught in the Middle Day.”
Middle Schoolers Show Their Spirit
York Suburban Middle School held its fifth annual “Caught in the Middle
Day” in September. During the morning, students attended workshops ranging
from sports, to fitness, to the arts, and community service.
In the afternoon, a Spirit Assembly was held in the gymnasium. Later in the
day, motivational speaker Lamar Darnell Shields, of Leadership by Design, spoke
to the students.
‘Story Town’ Comes to YS
Indian Rock
‘Up and
The newly installed
Indian Rock Elementary
walking-running, macadam track is getting a lot
of use.
The track, funded by
the Indian Rock PTO,
was installed over the
In the photo above,
students from Mrs. Janifer Nolte’s fourth grade
class use the track as part
of Mr. Michael Appleby’s
physical education class.
Reading is a cornerstone of educational programs.
The York Suburban School District long ago
moved beyond the “Dick and Jane” books to programs
based on language arts.
Kimberly Stoltz, York Suburban’s Language Arts
Coordinator, says “Story Town,” the district new reading program for grades kindergarten through five,
“supports York Suburban’s philosophy of a balanced
literacy model.”
The new program emphasizes phonemic awareness, being able to hear and manipulate sound;
phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and
“Story Town” was piloted last year through representative grades. Dr. Patricia Maloney, Assistant
Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, points
out the York Suburban Middle School language arts
program focuses on literature and at the high school
the programs are course specific. She said the main
purpose of “Story Town” is to present “a clearer
scope and sequence of reading, writing, English,
and spelling.”
Kimberly Stoltz notes: “Teaching reading is
rocket science. There’s a lot to it. The strength of the
York Suburban program is our phenomenal teachers
who bring artistry and enthusiasm to it.”
Parents play a key role in reading preparedness,
the educators said. “Parents should read to and read
with their children.” “We will have an on-line computer component for home use, eventually,” Kimberly
Stoltz said. That will allow parents to become even
more involved with their children’s language arts
Meet New Director of YS
Student Services
As the new Director of
Student Services for the
York Suburban School District, Dr. Bettie J. Bertram
is in charge of many of the
programs that support students in the district.
The school nurses, guidance counselors, gifted and
special education programs
all fall under her supervision.
She comes to York Suburban from the Upper AdDr. Bettie Bertram
ams School District and
from LIU #12. Dr. Bertram holds her bachelor’s
degree in special education from Indiana University
of Pennsylvania, her master’s degree from McDaniel
College, and her doctorate in educational leadership
from Duquesne University.
“My (immediate) goal is to get to know the community and the district and to establish relationships
with people,” she said. Her other goals include: To
make sure the district is in compliance with state and
federal regulations.
Dr. Bertram got a first-hand look at York Suburban
a few years ago when she served as a state auditor for
special education for the Pennsylvania Department
of Education. She liked what she saw and when the
administrative opening became available, she applied
for the position. “I’m very impressed with the focus
of this district,” she noted.
She provided definitions for some commonly used
educational terms.
Special education, she said, is designed for students with disabilities – mental, emotional, physical,
health-related, non-ambulatory, or having autism. Gifted and talented students are those who are
able to function well beyond their same age peers.
YS Education Foundation
Launches Grant Program
York Suburban Education Foundation announces
Fall applications are now being accepted for the YSEF
Grant Program. The grant program provides grants
to teachers, students, administrators and the York
Suburban community that support the Education
Foundation’s mission.
Types of grants include:
Professional -- available to teachers and administrators.
Classroom -- available to teachers, students and administrators.
Special Projects – available to members of the YS community, teachers, students and administrators
For more information on the Grant Application
process, visit www.ysef.org.
To support YSEF, contributions are now being accepted. Checks should be made payable to the York
Suburban Education Foundation and mailed to York
Suburban Education Foundation, 1800 Hollywood
YS Foundation Donors
Recent contributions to the York Suburban Education Foundation have been received from:
Emily Bates & Brad
Patti & Chuck Behrend Judy & Bud Blakey Albert Blakey & Eleni
Jessica & Patrick
Brubaker Bruce Bushwick & Lise
Charles Chodroff Keith & Jennifer Clancy Marion & Tom Corsaro Donna Deerin-Ward Richard & Diane Eicher Jennifer & Anthony
Foster Laurie & Keith Gee Kim & Doug George Bill & Rosenna
Hartman William Kerlin Kent Ketterman Bob & Tammy Lehman Betsy Lehner Kristen & Roger
Marquis Kevin & Nancy
McCullum James D. Mills Tom & Joan Norris Kathy & Ander
Pindzola Todd & Leslie Platts Brian Ports Scott E. & Sarah
Reinecker Raymond Rosen Mark & Ruby Schmidt Cathy & Keith Shaffer Daniel Sharp & Lynne
Leopold Sharp
Dr. Bryan & Mrs.
Siegelman Bill Swartz III Ann Marie & William
Unwin Linda & Peter Van
Giesen Richard H. & Patricia
Walters Laura & Steve Wand Kristine Gilbert
Wasilewski Jon & Sharon Whittle Robert & Julia Winters Bob & Judy Woods James & Jane Zarfoss Company Name
Senft Law Firm
Douglas Bare, Esq.
Williams & Ports
Architecture &
Jeffrey Sindicich
East York Adopts SWEBS
Students at East York Elementary School were introduced to the SWEBS
program in September.
SWEBS – School Wide Effective Behavior Support – endorses positive attitudes
on the part of all students and staff.
In the photo above, students take part in an assembly program on SWEBS.
York Suburban School District
1800 Hollywood Drive
York, PA 17403
Published by the York Suburban School District, 1800
Hollywood Drive, York, PA 17403. (717) 848-2814.
A Letter from the Superintendent
About the International
Baccalaureate School
I would like to take this opportunity to inform the York Suburban School
District community about the York Academy Regional Charter School and its
mission to become an International Baccalaureate accredited program.
In partnership with YorkCounts, the York Suburban
School District has initiated a planned partnership in the
regional York Academy Charter School and, as such, will
apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Education as one of
the founding partners. It is anticipated this partnership will
include two other school districts with a planned opening date
of August 2011.
Chartering district students will have the opportunity
to attend the Academy. Any slots vacant after all students in
the chartering districts have been enrolled will be available to
Dr. Kate Orban neighboring districts on a lottery basis. The York Suburban
School District was the first district to come out in support of
the planned charter school, which will feature a rigorous curriculum designed to
achieve International Baccalaureate (IB) accreditation.
The Educational Opportunities subcommittee of YorkCounts has spent nearly
two years in the planning and development of a charter school with a unique and
challenging academic program. After much study and visitations to academic
institutions, the subcommittee recommended the school begin at the primary
level. Students in grades K-1 were the first targeted group. Depending upon parent/student interest, staffing, funding and facilities, the York Academy Regional
Charter School could extend to grade 3 by 2012. The intent is to add grade levels
as the students progress to eventually become a K-12 program.
Students in the 21st century are faced with the challenge of learning about an
interconnected world where knowledge is constantly developing. At the same time
individual school districts are faced with economic constraints. If York Suburban
is to continue to excel and meet the needs of every student through a rigorous and
relevant curriculum, innovative and challenging curricula are necessary.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme focuses on
(continued on page 4)
Homecoming Queen
Homecoming Queen Caitlin Carmody is shown
with her parents, Judith and Daniel Carmody. For
additional photos of the 2009 Homecoming activities,
turn to page 5.
Dollars for Scholars
The following contributions have been made
to the York Suburban Dollars for Scholars fund:
In memory of Charles Lehman from:
Barbara & Milton Bushey
General Donations from:
Susan & Mark Brousseau
Delia & Robert Senft
EY Casual Day Fund