Commerce Career Services


Commerce Career Services
Commerce Career Services
Rouss Hall Suite 407  434.924.7986 
This handout contains guidelines for writing effective job search
correspondence, including…
 Cover letters…………………………….page 1
 Thank-you letters…………………….…page 11
 Offer acceptance/decline letters……….page 13
 Informational interview letters……… 16
The Cover Letter
A cover letter is a vital tool in marketing yourself to prospective employers, for several reasons:
An effective cover letter draws attention to your qualifications and experiences you possess that are
most relevant to the position for which you are applying.
Employers often use cover letters to assess the written communication skills that you will need for any
A cover letter provides you the opportunity to convey to a potential employer your interest, enthusiasm,
and other personal attributes that are not easily expressed in a resume alone.
An effective cover letter will display your knowledge of the company, and communicate how your
education and skills align directly with the position qualifications.
Whether you are conducting your job search on or off Grounds, using CavLink and CommTrak, or using a wide
range of search engines and other options, cover letters play a critical and influential role in helping you to gain
interviews. As such, it is important that you take as much care in composing your cover letters as you do in
constructing your resume.
Cover Letter Handout—General Guidelines
When should I send a cover letter?
 Every time you apply for a position!
 If a cover letter is listed as an “optional” document, you should still send a letter, as it is your
opportunity to begin adding context and depth to the experiences and accomplishments you shared in
brief on your resume.
 If you are sending a cover letter in response to a referral from a friend or acquaintance, the cover letter
will provide the opportunity to communicate your interest in the position using your own words.
If you are sending an email in response to an online job posting, you can choose to send your cover
letter as the body of the email or attach your cover letter as a pdf. However, using your cover letter as
the email body is preferable.
 If you are conducting an off-Grounds job search, sending a cover letter will provide the employer with
helpful information to complement your resume. A cover letter can convey your interest and indicate
how you are a match for the position.
Exceptions to sending a cover letter
 If you are conducting an on-Grounds job search, a cover letter may not always be required. It is
important to note that unless requested, cover letters cannot be submitted through the CAVLink system.
 If you are searching for jobs using various off-Grounds search engines, it is important to note that some
online posting systems do not allow cover letter submission.
What should my cover letter include?
 Why you are writing and how you learned about the organization or opportunity.
 Your knowledge and/or familiarity with the organization (e.g., attendance at information sessions,
conversations with current employees, introductions at career fairs).
 How your specific qualifications uniquely complement the position requirements and/or company
 At least two specific examples of substantive experiences that showcase your fit for the position.
 An assertive and gracious closing paragraph that reiterates your strong interest and appreciation for
How do I begin to compose the letter?
Use your own words! Resist the temptation to compose your letter simply by replacing a few words in the
attached samples or reusing previous cover letters. Remember that the purpose of your letter is not only to
showcase your individual strengths and your written communication skills but also to communicate your unique
fit for the job. Think about experiences and accomplishments that you have enjoyed and how they highlight the
skills being sought. These skills may differ, even slightly, from one job to the next, which is why it is so
important to be distinct in every letter you write! Use the samples as a guide, but be unique. Use a varied
sentence structure and avoid beginning each sentence with “I.” Look over the job description carefully. What
key words, phrases, and qualifications are mentioned? Try addressing those specific skills in your cover letter
using detailed examples.
To whom should the cover letter be addressed?
Research the company website in order to address the cover letter to a specific person, not “Dear Sir/Madam” or
“To Whom It May Concern.” If contact information is not available on CAVLink or CommTrak, use a position
title (e.g. Dear Internship Coordinator or Dear Recruitment Manager). Make sure to use current information.
You can also search LinkedIn and HoosOnline to determine the appropriate contact, or call the company and
ask for the name of the individual responsible for hiring college students.
How long is a cover letter?
Cover letters should not exceed four paragraphs or one page in length. They should be clear and concise both in
sentence structure and in paragraph length, using proper business format when constructing the letter. In
business letters, the term “enclosure” or “enclosures” after your closing salutation is often used to indicate a
resume accompanies the cover letter. It is not necessary to add this term when sending documents via email.
What is the best way to print and send my cover letter?
While Web-based job applications are the norm, on occasion you might hand deliver or mail your cover letter
and resume. Print the cover letter in the same font and on the same type of paper as your resume. The cover
letter and resume may be folded for mailing. Use envelopes that match your cover letter and resume. Make sure
to use good-quality paper of a heavier weight than plain, white copy paper and use a good-quality printer.
Cover Letters for Internet Job Postings
If you are responding to an online posting, read the application instructions carefully. They may indicate
specific instructions such as reference a job code or title in the subject line or elsewhere in your cover letter.
Failing to do may result in your application materials not being considered.
 Subject line-Unless the job posting specifies a required subject line entry, the best option is to use the
job title. For example, “Summer Finance Intern Application Materials.” If you are “cold calling” an
employer, try “Accounting Student Seeking Full-Time Opportunity.”
 Method of Delivery-Include your cover letter as the body of the email, and indicate that your resume is
attached. When attaching documents to an email, it is best to convert documents to a PDF. This method
is preferable over writing a short paragraph indicating your cover letter is attached, as it enables
employers to have a quick glance your qualifications. This is especially key if they are reading your
email on a smartphone.
Examples of Cover Letter Power Phrases
I have developed my organizational skills through a variety of leadership roles in volunteer and
extracurricular activities. For example, as Vice President of the student-led Sustainable Investing Group…
I am impressed by McKinsey’s emphasis on the culture of growth, and am convinced that my background in consulting,
my diverse skill set and personal values complement your company’s vision and the demands of the position.
As a long-time resident of the Chicago area, I plan to return to the area to develop my career in consulting.
I look forward to speaking with you and will call your office during the week of October 10 to see if we might arrange a
convenient time to meet.
With my accounting and finance background, bilingual skills, and business internship experience, I am confident I can
make a contribution to your international trade department.
In addition to my coursework, I have been involved in analytical research over the course of two separate
summer internships. While at Company X, I researched…
My internship at Company Z involved researching consumer reaction to new marketing techniques, making pitch phone
calls, drafting press releases, coordinating and working at promotional events, and sharing my marketing ideas in
brainstorming meetings.
XYZ’s use of advanced business analytics is of particular interest to me.
As assistant store manager, I recruited and trained new seasonal hires and managed visual merchandising for the new
product line.
My extracurricular activities at the University of Virginia have been focused on communication. As a member of the
debate team, I am constantly learning how people view various topics and strategically talking my way through conflicts.
Sample Format for a Cover Letter
Your Street Address
City, State, Zip
Contact Person’s Name
Position Title
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr./Ms.___________:
The First Paragraph-Indicate why you are writing and where you heard about the position. Make sure to
include the specific position title for which you are applying. If an individual or personal contact referred you to
the organization, be sure to mention the name in the first or second sentence. Finally, provide a brief
explanation of your interest that reflects the research you have done into the organization. Keep the first
paragraph brief and compelling.
The Body-In one or two paragraphs, detail how you can contribute to the company. Show how your
qualifications, skills, and attributes will benefit the firm. Make sure not to reproduce your resume in this space,
but rather highlight two or three of your most pertinent experiences and/or academic achievements. If you have
access to a position description or job listing, specifically address how your background matches the
qualifications the company is seeking. When addressing your qualifications, try to use similar language to that
used in the job description. You might even list your qualifications in the same order that the criteria were listed
in the job description. Your objectives here are to demonstrate that you are a “match” for the position and to
stimulate enough interest that the contact person will want to read your resume. Create a “need” for yourself at
the company, and indicate your willingness to contribute to the organization.
The Closing-In this paragraph you should suggest the next step. In this case, what you want is an interview
and/or the opportunity to further discuss your qualification and any employment opportunities the employer
may have. You can suggest that you will call the contact person on a certain date and during a certain week to
discuss scheduling a time to meet or interview. Be sure to thank the employer for their consideration of your
Full Name
/your initials
Third-Year Student Writing for a Summer Position, CommTrak Posting
100 Brandon Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903
December 4, 2011
Ms. Jane Smith
Recruiting Coordinator
PO Box 660634
Dallas, TX 75266-0634
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am writing to express my interest in a summer internship as a marketing intern at Frito-Lay as posted on
CommTrak. I have chosen to contact Frito-Lay because of my strong interest in the corporation. Based on my
research of the company, I have found that Frito-Lay has a strong commitment to the communities where its
employees live as well as loyalty and support to the YMCA. The YMCA has played a large role in my life and I
have participated in the We Build People campaign and worked as a camp counselor.
My concentrations in finance and marketing at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce have
prepared me well for this internship position. Through my coursework I have steadily progressed in my
understanding of marketing concepts, marketing strategies, and decision making. Last semester, I worked in a
team of five individuals to market a new product to individuals in Asia. Our team worked together to strategize
and compose a marketing plan and proposal. I collaborated with my team members and played a significant role
during the discussion session after our presentation. I believe that my personal attributes and strong
organizational and interpersonal skills will serve as an asset to Frito-Lay.
I will be in Texas during the week of January 7-18 and would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you
further about the position. I believe that my qualifications would be a match for the marketing internship. Thank
you for your time and consideration.
Sandra L. Cooper
Third-Year Student “Cold Calling” for a Summer Position
12 Wertland Street
Charlottesville, VA 22904
October 2, 2011
Sandy Smith
Smith, Paris, and Huddle
One Main Street
Stoughton, MA 22222
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to express my interest in the possibility of a summer 2012 internship position with Smith, Paris,
and Huddle. Presently, I am a third-year student at University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce,
concentrating in finance and management. Although I do not believe SP&H has a formal internship program, I
am contacting SP&H because of my keen interest in all aspects of commercial aviation and a strong desire to
use my research and analytical skills in the field of aviation consulting.
Commercial aviation has been my passion since I was young, fostered by my extensive worldwide travels and
reflected in my work experience with airline and airport operations and my airline collectibles hobby. Over the
past few years, I have purposefully sought out internship positions within the aviation industry to gain a better
understanding of the field. This past summer I had the unique opportunity to intern with the low-cost startup,
Skybus Airlines, in its Operations Department. There I used historical flight times and routings to analyze and
create adjusted block times for future flight scheduling. As an intern at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
Authority working for the airport director, I conducted several marketing research projects. In addition, my
internships with the Columbus Regional Airport Authority and NetJets provided exposure to charter, cargo and
commercial operations. All of these positions have required research and analysis, including spreadsheet
problem solving, and strong written communication skills.
The knowledge gained through these experiences, combined with my course work at the McIntire School of
Commerce, has prepared me well for a possible internship. This summer at SH&E, I would look forward to
expanding my knowledge of the commercial aviation industry, while applying my research and analytical skills
to become a productive contributor.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you and the
possibility of internship opportunities available for the summer of 2012.
Dominic DeAngelis
Fourth-Year Student Seeking Full-Time Employment
2301 College Place
Charlottesville, VA 22903
September 15, 2011
Ms. Q. Employer
Evercore Partners
65 East 55th Street
New York City, NY 10260
Dear Ms. Q. Employer,
Please accept my attached resume for consideration for your Asset Management Analyst position. My interest in
Evercore Partners has grown after attending two of your information sessions on the University of Virginia grounds
and getting to speak with Scott Seal, an Evercore associate. I am impressed with the firm’s emphasis on building and
training a strong team of world citizens and am glad to see how this fits with my own values. The Asset Management
division’s recent creation of podcasts that aim to help businesses navigate the current financial difficulties is a great
way for banks to provide support and educate their clients, and this is the type of project which I would be glad to
play a part.
My interest in finance developed during my internship last summer with SunTrust Robinson Humphrey’s Corporate
and Investment Banking Group. At SunTrust, I increased my knowledge of various securities by using different
investment databases, including Bloomberg, to prepare pitch books used by the Vice President with 11 separate
clients. Due to my success with this, I was part of a client meeting regarding a potential deal of $5 million. This
experience has given me a desire to spend more time working with individuals and businesses regarding their
investments. My coursework at the McIntire School of Commerce in finance has prepared me for working in a
results-oriented, team-centered environment like Evercore.
I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further about your Asset Management Summer Analyst position.
In addition to applying on CavLink, I have also applied at your company website (, but if you
have any other information that would be of help to you as you review my candidacy, please contact me at 703-5555555 or at Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jane Q. Intern
Attachment: Resume
Fourth-Year Student Seeking Full-Time Employment via referral
Todd Rush
Present Address
Permanent Address
34 Jefferson Park Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 111-2222
111 Surrey Court
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 123-4567
March 5, 2012
Ms. Jane Jones
Vice President, Human Resources
Capitol Media Solutions
3340 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1050
Atlanta, GA 30326
Dear Ms. Jones:
I recently spoke with Margaret Stallings, who encouraged me to contact you regarding possible openings in the
Marketing Research Department. Margaret mentioned that due to demand, the department is expected to expand
this year. I would like to be considered for any new positions that may be created with this expansion.
I would bring to Capitol Media Solutions what I believe is a strong background in market research and some
very valuable experience in your industry. In my coursework at McIntire, I have frequently worked as part of a
team to develop comprehensive marketing plans for real-life products such as Nissan automobiles. Through
these projects, I have learned how to develop research proposals, collect and analyze data, and create effective
growth strategies. In addition, this past summer I worked for The Dow Chemical Company, researching one of
its product lines. At Dow, I helped design a market survey for a new product, surveyed potential customers by
telephone, and processed the results. Drawing on my background as a marketing and finance concentrator, I
believe that my skills and attributes would be a good match for Capital Media Solutions.
I would like to discuss my qualifications with you personally at your convenience. My schedule is flexible, and
I travel home to Atlanta quite frequently. I will call you within the next two weeks to see if an interview can be
arranged. Thank you in advance for reviewing my attached credentials.
Todd M. Rush
Graduate Student Writing for Full-Time Employment
444 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
September 2, 2011
Ms. Suzie Bright
Director of Campus Recruiting
Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland
200 South 10th Street
Suite 900
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Dear Ms. Bright:
I am writing to express my interest in employment with Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland for a full-time accounting
position. I will be graduating with a Master of Science in Accounting degree this May from the McIntire School
of Commerce at the University of Virginia.
My undergraduate degree is in business with concentrations in accounting and global analysis from the Wharton
School at the University of Pennsylvania. I decided to continue my present course of study in accounting after
working for KPMG in New York as an auditor. During my years of work in the accounting field I have become
skilled in the areas of audit and tax accounting.
I honed these skills further as an intern last summer at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York as an audit
associate. In this role, I was able to assist clients with solving business problems from locations all over the
world. I am now hoping to combine my undergraduate and graduate education in my next position. I am also
interested in the opportunities to travel and utilize my language skills in French and Chinese.
Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland particularly appeals to me because your company is a regional leader in
professional services; offering a full range of accounting services. I am seeking a position in which I can
contribute by working both individually and as a member of a team. I believe that my strong quantitative, verbal
and analytical skills will be an asset to Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland.
Thank you for reviewing my credentials. I look forward to meeting you when you come to Charlottesville in
Jane E. Lane
Cover Letter Sent via Email
Subject: (Make sure it is logical to recipient!) Inquiry about a marketing position after completion of M.S. in
December 12, 2012
Mr. Robert Burns
Director, Human Resources
11240 Waples Mill Road, Suite 420
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dear Mr. Burns:
I am applying for the position of Marketing Associate as posted in CavLink at the University of Virginia. In
August 2012, I will complete my Master of Science in Commerce, with a concentration in Marketing and
Management. From my research on your web site, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and
interests and your needs. I am interested in a marketing position with a growing firm such as the Borenstein
Group upon completion of my degree.
As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a marketing team that is developing a marketing and social
media campaign for a NASA educational outreach program. My responsibilities include market research via
organizing focus groups, online surveys, and developing a print and online campaign aimed at elementary
schools. I have a strong background in marketing and graphic design and believe that these skills benefit the
Borstenstein Group as the company looks to grow market share in multiple areas, such as digital marketing and
social media. In addition to my education background, I also served as public relations chair for my sorority. In
this role, I promoted and publicized a variety of events from recruitment related activities to our annual
philanthropic event; Kappa’s for a Kure, a 5k run/walk fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen foundation. This past
year, we increased event participation by 25%, through increased advertising and event promotion.
My qualifications equip me to make a contribution to the project areas in which your division of the Borenstein
Group is expanding efforts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact
you in a week or ten days to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information
from me. Thank you for your consideration.
Charlotte Queen
123 Ascot Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(540) 555-2556
Resume attached as PDF document
Thank-You Letter
Follow-up with employers is a critical step in the interviewing process. It is important to send a thank-you note
to employers immediately after the interview. A well-written, timely thank-you letter tells an employer
something important about your personality—that you are courteous and thoughtful. Thank-you letters are used
to reconfirm and reinforce your interest in a position. They can also provide a format where you can clarify
answers you gave in an interview. E-mail is one appropriate method of sending a thank-you letter, but make
sure to use proper business format. Sending a thank-you letter via e-mail can be useful for getting your
correspondence to an employer quickly, particularly if you expect to hear back from the employer soon after the
interview. Additional options include mailing a neatly handwritten thank-you letter on a note card or typing a
formal thank-you letter.
General Guidelines
Always send a thank-you letter to people who have spent time interviewing you or providing you with
information about careers such as individuals with whom you have conducted informational interviews.
It is best to send a thank-you note via email as soon as possible to your interviewer. For an office visit,
this should also be followed up within 2-3 days with a handwritten thank-you note.
If more than one person interviewed you, a thank-you letter should be addressed to the key decision
maker and one to the coordinator of the visit. Both letters may be added to your candidate file, so
personalize each letter.
In your letter to the coordinator, be sure to thank by name each of the individuals with whom you
Reinforce how you see yourself fitting into the organization and satisfying the requirements of the
position. Create a “match” between yourself and the position.
Although this is a business letter, be personal to the extent that you are comfortable. You may wish to
refer to one of the highlights or one of the specific points discussed during the interview; by doing so,
you will create a more personal letter and may refresh the interviewer’s memory of you and the
Keep it brief—no more than one page and three to four paragraphs.
If you are sending a thank-you letter by mail, make sure to use appropriate stationary such as cream or
white cardstock with a simple “Thank You” on the card front. It is best to avoid flashy designs or colors,
sticking with a classic navy or other dark typeface.
Thank-You Letter
36 College Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903
February 3, 2012
Mr. Graham Smith
Manager of College Recruitment
685 North Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22203
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you on Grounds at the University of Virginia on January 28.
Our meeting has solidified my interest in working as a merchant intern for Hecht’s.
After speaking with Scott Stringfield, who interned with your company last summer, attending a company
presentation and speaking with you, I have confirmed my belief that the May Company would be a wonderful
working environment to learn and grow. I am confident that my experience in retail and the knowledge I have
gained through my Commerce education at the McIntire School would enable me to contribute to your cohesive
and professional team of retailers. After my interview I have concluded that the prospect of working for Hecht’s
is an exciting one because of the fast-track merchandising career path. My enthusiasm and strong interpersonal
skills will make me a good fit for the position.
Again, thank you for your time and consideration. If you need any additional information, please feel free to
contact me. I look forward to hearing from you in the next few weeks.
Andrew D. Carter
Accepting or Declining a Job Offer
You have the option of providing written documentation to confirm your acceptance or decline of an offer.
Letters responding to offers are used to maintain positive, professional relationships with employers.
General Guidelines
Is it appropriate to call or send a letter first?
Always respond to an offer by telephone first, and then follow up with a letter.
What should an acceptance letter include?
Confirmation of details such as job title, starting location, and date. Other details such as salary,
relocation agreement, benefits, and other bonuses should be included in your offer package you receive
from the employer.
A statement of appreciation for the opportunity to join the organization and become part of the “team.”
What should a letter declining an offer include?
A statement of appreciation for the offer
A reason for declining the offer
A statement, if appropriate, that leaves the door open for some possible future contact
What format should I use for constructing the letter?
Use proper business format and be brief when constructing an acceptance or decline letter.
Letter Accepting a Job Offer
10 Old Reid Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
December 14, 2011
Ms. Joy Flowers
Human Resources Generalist
MassMutual Financial Group
1295 State Street
Springfield, MA 00111-0001
Dear Ms. Flowers:
I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your offer to become a credit research analyst at MassMutual
Financial Group. As stated in your offer letter that I received on December 5, my starting salary will be
$40,525, with an added allowance of $2,500 for moving expenses to be mailed upon receipt of my acceptance
letter. I will report to work on June 1 in Springfield.
I am extremely pleased to be given the opportunity to work for MassMutual. It will be enjoyable to utilize my
analytical skills as well as my accounting and finance background to assist with investments. I look forward to
the challenges ahead.
Thank you for your kindness and consideration in working with me during the recruiting process. My positive
experience is one of the major factors in my decision to accept your offer. I look forward to being on your team.
Carol B. Bradley
Letter Declining a Job Offer
17 Oakhurst Circle
Charlottesville, VA 22903
March 5, 2012
Mr. Phil Phillips
Personnel Director
Wells Fargo Corporation
100 North Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27150
Dear Mr. Phillips:
Thank you for your kind offer to become a banking operations associate at Wachovia’s Charlotte office. As I
mentioned over the telephone, I regret that I have to decline the offer. I have chosen to take a position with an
organization closer to my home in Northern Virginia.
I am very impressed with Wells Fargo and the company’s commitment to customer service. You and all of the
individuals with whom I met during my visit treated me with kindness and respect. I truly am honored to have
been selected for a position at Wachovia. As I continue in my career, I hope to keep the lines of communication
open with your company.
Thank you again for your offer, and I hope to have the opportunity to see you in the future.
Kathryn S. Cole
Email Requesting an Informational Interview
Informational interviews are a wonderful opportunity to obtain further information about different careers and
network with individuals in the field. The letter should clearly state that your purpose is to gather advice and
information, not to obtain a position. Attaching a resume to the letter will give the contact a frame of reference
for your experience and background. The letter should introduce you and prepare the reader for the follow-up
phone call or visit. Using the University Career Assistance Network (UCAN) and LinkedIn are excellent tools
for obtaining career-related information from UVA’s alumni. The UCAN database can be utilized by all UVA
students by setting up an account at
General Guidelines
Introduce yourself and your reason for contacting the person.
Explain how you acquired the person’s name.
Briefly explain your background and your interest in the person’s field.
Provide details of when and how you will be contacting the person for a time to meet.
Use proper business format and be brief.
Follow up after the informational interview and send a thank-you note to the individual who assisted
Follow up with your contact concerning the outcome of your search.
Sample Email Requesting an Informational Interview
Dear Ms. Poole:
I am a third-year student concentrating in finance and marketing at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of
Virginia. I also have a minor in economics from the College of Arts and Sciences. I located your name using the alumni
database, UCAN, at the University of Virginia. Recently I spoke with Carl Hill, who works at your McLean office, about
potential careers in consulting. He suggested that you could offer some valuable information on this matter. I would
greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you and learn more about your career path in consulting.
I have shown interest in the consulting industry through my active membership of the Consulting Group at McIntire. I
believe that my analytical abilities, interpersonal communication skills, and strong work ethic will be a match for
positions in consulting.
I will be arriving in Northern Virginia for fall break October 14-17. I will call you next week to see if we can arrange a
time when we could briefly meet. Attached you will find my resume to provide you with information concerning my
educational and work experiences. Thank you for your consideration of my request for career information, I look forward
to communicating with you in the near future.
Danielle E. Brown
Cover Letter Checklist
The introduction paragraph indicated the specific position or field I am seeking.
The introduction paragraph indicated where I found the posting (CavLink, CommTrak, Referral,
Online Posting, etc.)
If I read only the first sentence of each paragraph, I get the message of the cover letter.
My purpose for sending the letter to the reader is clear.
My introductory paragraph motivates the reader to continue.
I demonstrate interest in the organization/field and indicate I have knowledge about the
I address specific skills, experiences, or education that the organization/field is seeking.
My cover letter "flows" smoothly. Similar skills are grouped in the same paragraph.
I have thanked the reader.
My contact information is included (phone # and email address).
I have indicated my next step.
My cover letter comes off as personal, warm, and professional.
I have used active voice and action verbs.
My sentences are easy-to-read, with varied structure and length
My cover letter is in a business letter format.
There are no spelling or grammatical errors in my cover letter.
I have signed my cover letter, if sending a hard copy.
Updated July 2012. Please note all identifying names and contact information have been changed.