Certified Mail 3 Free
Certified Mail 3 Free
Certified Mail 3 Free S3086FREE Table of Contents Quick Start...........................................2 System Requirements ..........................3 Introduction .........................................3 Installation ...........................................3 Obtaining your DUNS Number...........4 (Please Read ) Getting Started.....................................4-7 Help Button..........................................7 Registering with Post Office ...............8 (Please Read ) Assembling the Mailer ........................8-10 Tracking Letters on the Web ...............10 Other Certified Mail Products .............11-12 Ordering Supplies................................12 Technical Support is provided by e-mail support@nwinds.com Postal rates Postal rates do change. Please consult your local Post Office to verify the current rates. Note: to change rates see page 5 “Postal Fees”. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 1 Certified Mail 3 Free Quick Start 1) Load your Certified Mail 3 Free Insert CD into your CD-RROM drive. Go to Start, Run – Browse – d:certfree3.exe, click Open Click Ok, Follow the prompts. Each Mailer from this system will contain a unique identification number, consisting of the DUNS number for your company and a serial number. 2) HOW TO OBTAIN A DUNS® NO. Postal Bulletin 22019 (3-9-00) The DUNS® number is one component of the new tracking number. It is required for all privately printed labels. It is a unique 9-digit Customer ID that identifies the customer who prints the bar code. If you do not already have a DUNS® number, request one from your postal representative or contact Dun and Bradstreet by phone (800-234-3867). D & B offers several Duns Numbers. Request a Federal Registration Duns Number pursuant to a Federal Contract. There is no charge for this number and it should be available promptly. On occasion, a Duns representative, or postal representative, not familiar with the nature of your request, may advise that it takes several weeks to obtain the Duns Number and costs $90. Ask for a supervisor and repeat your request for a Federal Registration Duns Number pursuant to a Federal Contract. If you already have a DUNS number go to step (3). 3) Input your DUNS number in [A] see figure 1. Enter your DUNS number in the data entry cell for Customer ID (DUNS #) [A] A B figure 1. 4) 5) 6) Assigning Identifier Serial number see figure 1. Each computer this program is installed on must have a unique serial number. We suggest that you use the first two placeholders to identify the workstation [B]. As you print mailers, Certified Mail will increment the mailer number [B]. e.g., 01000000 for first station 02000000 for second station 03000000 for the following station ….and so on Registering with the Post office Print out the Bar Code Registration Form. You can find this under “Help”- Print bar code registration. Complete this form and present it to the Post Office with your first batch of certified mail. Be sure you include your DUNS number in the place indicated. Testing Printer Alignment see figure 2. Before you print labels, make photocopies of the certified mail form. Then print a test label. If you need to align the print, choose Options and Printer Alignment C figure 2. To make the correct alignment adjustments, measure the distance you need to move the type, e.g., ¼” to the left, enter –25 in box [C] 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 2 Certified Mail 3 Free System Requirements ● Pentium-based IBM PC with CD-ROM. ● Windows 98, 2000, XP Professional (not compatible with XP Home or Millennium Edition). ● 64 MB RAM. ● Mouse. ● Windows-compatible Inkjet or Laser printer. ● 10 MB hard drive space available. Introduction Filling in Certified Mail Cards can be a tedious, repetitious task. Save time and headaches with our new Certified Mail Software. An entire certified mail piece can be prepared in less time that it takes to type a label. The software is easy to use: fill in the blanks on the screen image of the form; then edit and print. All price calculations are done automatically by the software. Current standard certified mail fees have been programmed, but if rates change, they can be easily adjusted. See page 6, “Postal Fees.” Installation 1) Place the CD-ROM into the D: drive. (If you have multiple devices, substitute the correct letter for your CD-ROM throughout this section.) 2) Go to Start and Run D:certfree3setup.exe Click “OK,” follow the prompts. 3) Certified Mailer for Windows will request a subdirectory in which to load the files. The default subdirectory is Cert3. Press enter to select the default. (We suggest that you use the default. This will simplify installation of future upgrades.) If you wish to change the default subdirectory, type in the new subdirectory. The install routine will automatically create a subdirectory “CERT3” on the drive selected. 4) The screen will display the status of the installation. The installation of the program files will take a few minutes. Setup will create a Certified Mail program Icon Blumberg-. To access the Certified Mail Free program go to -> > Certified Mail Free Blumberg -> PROGRAMS -> PROGRAMS – 5) Restart your computer after installing the software. 6) For further Setup requirements, be sure to please read “Getting Started” on page 5. NOTE: For additional information, click Help from the menu bar. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 3 Certified Mail 3 Free Obtaining you DUNS number HOW TO OBTAIN A DUNS® NO. Postal Bulletin 22019 (3-9-00) The DUNS® number is one component of the new tracking number. It is required for all privately printed labels. It is a unique 9-digit Customer ID that identifies the customer who prints the bar code. If you do not already have a DUNS® number, request one from your postal representative or contact Dun and Bradstreet by phone (800-234-3867). D & B offers several Duns Numbers. Request a Federal Registration Duns Number pursuant to a Federal Contract. There is no charge for this number and it should be available promptly. On occasion, a Duns representative, or postal representative, not familiar with the nature of your request, may advise that it takes several weeks to obtain the Duns Number and costs $90. Ask for a supervisor and repeat your request for a Federal Registration Duns Number pursuant to a Federal Contract. Getting Started Your Name, Address and Customer ID (DUNS Number) see figure 3. The system will request your name and address the first time you run it. Enter the return address you want to appear on the certified mail piece. Make any necessary corrections on the screen. figure 3. Entering the Your DUNS number and Identifier Serial Number see figure 4. Each mailer generated by the system will contain a unique identifying number, consisting for the DUNS number for your company and a serial number. A B figure 4. Under the Options menu choice choose Mailer Number Enter your DUNS number in the data entry cell for Customer ID (DUNS #) [A] enter the DUNS number. Enter the starting Identifier Serial Number in box [B] as instructed below. If you have more than one computer using this software set each computer’s Identifier Serial Number about 1,000,000 apart. e.g. start the second machine at 0200000, the third at 0300000 etc. As you print mailers, Certified Mail will increment the mailer number. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 4 Certified Mail 3 Free Postal Fees see figure 5. (Check default charges to se if they are current) C figure 5. Check the values in the postage fee window [C]. Highlight the value that needs to be changed and correct it. When all the corrections have been made go to Options-> Default Postage -> Save Value. This locks in the values delete extra space for future use. Note: When typing an information into the fee fields, do not type the dollar sign ($), but do use a decimal point (e.g., .32). The program does the calculations for you. Addressee and Other Information see figure 6. Comment Line [E] Comment Line [G] Name & Address line [A] 6 City [B] State [C] Zip [D] figure 6. To enter the addressee information, type the name and street address [A] in the large white box in the Addressed To section. The city [B], state [C] and zip code [D] are typed in the bottom three boxes. Entering data in the Comment and Re: boxes is optional. The information entered in the Comment line [E] will be saved to the report and printed on the receipt. The information entered in the RE: line [G] will be printed on the return receipt card, the receipt, and a special file folder label. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 5 Certified Mail 3 Free Printing see figure 7. Use a photocopy of the label for a test print. Position the label properly in the printer using the red feed arrow on the label as a guide. After the labels have been properly loaded, click on Print. A screen will display the Customer ID and the mailer number being used. Press OK to finish the printing and return to the input form. 4 figure 7. Click OK to print Check the printer manual when loading labels in your printer. Insert labels upside down for most Inkjet printers. Some Inkjets are loaded upside-down and backwards. Laser printers are usually loaded right side up. A quick look at the printer manual and a test print on a photocopy will save labels. Start a New Mailer see figure 8. 5 A 6 1 B Figure 8 2 3 4 To start a new mailer, click on Clear [B] to remove the existing name and address. You can copy and paste text from any windows compliant program. Data fields [1 though 4] must be populated separately. Highlight and select COPY usually found under Edit->: Copy in your windows program. Switch to Certified Mail Free and click Paste [A]. Tip: mass copy then paste into field [1], then cut and paste into fields [2],[3] and [4]. Menus File There are only two options, Print and Exit. Print - Same as clicking on the Print button. Exit - Exit the program. Options Printer Setup - Allows detailed setup of the printer . 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 6 Certified Mail 3 Free Printer Alignment- For use if the data does not quite align with the appropriate areas of the label. (see 6, p. 3 Testing Printer Alignment Quick Start) Mailer Number - Used to change the DUNS number or the starting Identifier Serial Number. Bar Codes - Turns the bar code printing on or off. Default Postage - Set the default postage. Report (Available in advanced edition) see figure 9. Print - Prints the standard report of mailers processed Preview - View the report, on the computer screen. Clear - This function clears the report. Not available on the Free edition. figure 9. Help see figures 10 & 11. An interactive help file is available under HELP on the menu bar. figure 10. figure 11. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 7 Certified Mail 3 Free Registering with the Post Office To use this package you must register with the Post Office. Print out the “Application to Print Special Services Barcoded Forms/Label” Go to Help->Print Bar Code Printing Registration The application form will print. Fill it out completely by hand. Besides being required, this will enable you to track your certified mailers on the Internet . Present the form when you take your mailers to the Post Office for the first time. Your information will be entered into their database. Assembling the Mailer see figure 12. After printing the form, it must be assembled. A Mailer Legend B C D 1 E figure 12. F A- Return Address label B- User definable label (return address or addressee) C- Addressee D- Barcode for front of envelope E- Post office mailing receipt F- Return post card Assembling the return post card. Figure 13. a) Fold the Certified Mail form in half length wise b) Pop Return Address tab [1] and fold back c) Tear top half (auxiliary labels) off, leaving green address tab affixed. d) Remove the backer from green return address tab, then fold and affix the back beneath the words “return to”. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 8 Certified Mail 3 Free E Peel off backing and fold over figure 13. HINT: When assembling mailer be sure not to separate the Post office mailing receipt[E]. If you do separate it by mistake attach it with a small piece of tape for detaching after the PostOoffice validates it. E. remove the peel strips from the right and left of the return receipt card. See figure 14. Remove backing to attach label figure 14. F. affix return receipt card to the back of your mail piece. (figure 15) figure 15 G. Affix the labels to the front of envelope as follows: See figure 16. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 9 Certified Mail 3 Free Return address Certified bar Code Addressee figure 16. H. USPS will round-stamp its acceptance and detach the receipt for certified mail for your records. Tracking you letters on the Internet You can track your certified mail on the USPS website. http://www.usps.com/shipping/trackandconfirm.htm Copy the link above and paste it as a bookmark or favorite in your web browser. figure 17. 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 10 Certified Mail 3 Free Advanced Versions of Certified Mail Products Two higher-levels version of the Certified Mail software are available. Each offers additional features to office productivity. Certified Mail 3.0 Standard The Certified Mail 3.0 Standard is a stand-alone program used on a single computer, and is not networkable (see Certified Mail 3.0 Pro). It has all the features of Certified Mail 3 Free plus: Saves names and addresses of addressee. Add, delete, edit and import names and addresses to a saved file. Batches printing, processing of mailers for later printing. Creates databases of addressees. S3086STD Certified Mail Standard 89.95 All prices subject to change 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 11 Certified Mail 3 Free Certified Mail 3.0 Pro Certified Mail Pro provides more features and power: Certified mail tracking (using an inexpensive bar code wand, not included), automatically updates a register of mailings, Auto-fills City and State from Zip Code. Enhanced database and interface for the selection of “To” & “From” address. Power-search feature finds entry by name or group. Special network version allows multiple users to share same database. One package generates a unique certified mail number for all users. Extensive reporting capabilities, Enhanced data file access allows name segregation and partial mailings. S3086PRO S3086NW5 S3086USL S3086PROAU Certified Mail 3.0 Pro Certified Mail 3.0 Pro 5 user version Certified Mail 3.0 Pro unlimited Additional user 209.95 415.00 519.00 79.50 Ordering Certified Mail Forms Quantity 100 250 1,000 Price Per .61 .58 .45 Ext Price 61.00 144.00 447.00 Request pricing for larger quantities. . All prices subject to change To order forms or the program, please call 800-221-2972 62 White St. New York, NY 10013 © 2003 BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. NYC 10013 62 White Street, New York, NY 10013 (800) 221-2972 12 Certified Mail 3 Free
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