The Chatter and Blade Aug 13 - Schenectady Wintersports Club


The Chatter and Blade Aug 13 - Schenectady Wintersports Club
SWC, PO 228,Schenectady, NY 12301
Clubhouse Phone (802) 244-8918
Phone numbers in the Ski Chatter are in the 518 area code unless otherwise noted. WEB Site:
Kayak/Paddling Weekend Aug 9-11
Thursday Night Biking
Cathy McCabe & Rick Cobello are hosting a paddling
weekend August 9-11. Saturday we will be paddling the
Green River Reservoir in Hyde Park VT. which is
approximately 50 minutes from the club house. This is a
beautiful area which encompasses 653-acres and
includes about 19 miles of shoreline, one of the longest
stretches of undeveloped shorelines in Vermont. The
Reservoir is designated as a “quiet” lake under Vermont
“Use of Public Waters Rules.” Only boats powered by
electric motors up to 5 mph and human-powered
watercraft (canoes, kayaks, etc.) are allowed. PFD'S
are a must and the ability to stay in your boat for 3-4
hours at a time as there are limited take outs. This will
be at least a 5 hour paddle.
While the primary focus of the organized event is
exploring the Green River Reservoir, all members are
welcome to join in the events at Stowe that weekend.
There is the Stowe Antique-car-show on Sat & Sun as
well as great day hiking and just strolling along the
Quiet Path in Stowe.
Please use the on-line sign up for a room by the 7th
so we know how many there will be for dinner. In the
event of rain there are many other things to do in the
area. The antique car show is also going on that
weekend . Sunday everyone can bike, paddle, hike or
explore the area. Any questions please call Cathy
McCabe or Rick Cobello at 587-5013
Our season of Thursday night biking continues and is
good to remember that just because it looks like rain at
your house, it may not be raining just 1 or 2 miles away.
Thanks go to all who have hosted rides and to those
who have volunteered to host rides for the rest of the
season. Remember that biking is an excellent form of
aerobic exercise and it is a great way to keep in shape
for next year’s snow season.
The Biking Page inside gives details and directions to
the rides. Each Thurs the host plans at least two rides
(a short easy ride and a longer more challenging ride)
so there is something for everyone. They provide maps
and all you need to bring is your bike and a helmet
(helmets are required for all riders at Club rides).
Now is the Time to Renew
Our membership season runs from June 1 to May
31 so your dues for next year are due. If you pay
now, we can update your membership while you are still
a member and it will reduce Craig Lindsey’s work as
Volunteer membership chairman. Please Renew
now., don't wait till you want to make a reservation and
expect Craig to do it all overnight. There are three
ways to get your Chatter notification this year. Mark
your choice on the form.
Which brings us to the next topic, if you really can’t
get your dues in by June 1, how would you like to
volunteer to be the next membership chairman. There
are only 1000 people to keep track of.
There is a New Roof in our Future
Aug 1 Bike Ride at Sue Knapik
Aug 8 Bike Ride at Holly Hawkes
Aug 9-11 Kayak/Paddle Weekend at the Clubhouse
Aug 15 Bike Ride at Kiwanis Park (YoYo ride)
Aug 22 Bike Ride with Anna Palmer & Heidi Walsh
Aug 31 Barge Chaser Canoe & Kayak Regatta
Dec 13-15 34th Annual Bombers Early Season Clinic
The Clubhouse is getting a new roof this summer.
We have contracted with Twin States Roofing to install
a new Green standing seam metal roof on the
Clubhouse. It should be on sometime in August. This
is a major expense and is much needed. We are doing
the whole roof so the house will look good when we are
done with the project. One of our members has
reminded the Clubhouse Committee that the only
problem with metal roofs is the avalanche factor. All
that snow that usually sits on a roof tends to slide down
and off of roof as steep as ours.
Lost serving spoon:
Gina Kornrumpf is missing her stainless serving
spoon that she brought to the SWC picnic Fri, June 14
at the Crossings. It got misplaced during the clean-up,
and she hopes someone brought it home for
safekeeping. Please give her a call 370-4017, or email Thank you!!
as we age, but because a few years ago the folks he
The Thunderbolt Ski Trail drops off the top of Mount maintains the trail with and skis with noticed Sid’s little
secret round-about the Big Bend and they made a sign
Greylock and descends gracefully down the mountain
and posted it on the tree on the path Sid made which
until the Big Bend, a cliff, where the trail whips around
leads back to the Thunderbolt, just below Big Bend’s
on a double fall line falling over The Steps, and slips
cliff. Hidden behind the green leaves of summer, we
through the Needle’s eye, then curves around to the
Big Schuss and over the Bumps to the finish line. The saw the sign. SIDROW, it read. As in skidrow, for
sure! Skidding around the Big Bend.
finish line, or the end of the trail, which is also the
How cool is that?! To have a ski trail named after
beginning of the trial, is located a considerable distance
We walked along the SIDROW trail, which led us
from where cars may be parked, or even seen for that
onto the Thunderbolt and we continued our hike
matter, and so folks who seek the thrill of skiing down
and when we got to the end of the trail, after
the Thunderbolt begin by skiing into a quiet snow
all day all the way up the mountain and all the
covered woods to where the end of the trail begins to
the mountain, Sid asked, so do you ladies
begin their ascent up the mountain, to the top, to where
the short way back to the car or the long
the Thunderbolt Trail begins a graceful descent down.
The Big Bend! Flying off the top and into the air
over this cliff and thank you god for powder and the soft
cushion of snow all around blinding and cold and no
bones broken landing and rolling over and thanking
god believer or no we can’t help sometimes but thank
the lord for landing safely. I could only imagine this,
skiing down the Thunderbolt and over the cliff and
falling into a frozen stream of ungroomed snow. This
day, we were hiking down the trail in 90 degree heat,
soaking in all the humidity of a hot summer day,
sweating profusely.
Ladies! Sid called to us to follow. He walked along
the edge of the Big Bend cliff and into the woods. We
had picked up Sid in North Adams in the morning and
he led us up the Gould Trail to the summit of Greylock.
Sid knows every trail, every stream, every tree. He
The SIDROW sign along the Thunderbolt Trail
knows all the birds and wild flowers and butterflies.
(Shhh. Listen. He would say. That’s the song of the
white breasted sparrow. She is singing to us.) He
knows every nook and cranny and every turn and bend
of the Thunderbolt Trail for he has helped maintain the
trail since, well, I can’t quite remember how long he
said, for about the last 40 years or so I’d say. There
are no chair lifts, no parking lots, no condos. In the
summer months the road to the summit of Greylock is
open for cars and bicycles. I’m not sure why anyone
would want to drive a car to the summit of Greylock
when at least three beautifully maintained hiking trails
lead to the top and the smooth pavement of the road
and views along the way would make for a beautiful
bike ride up and a hellish screamer going down. We
followed Sid into the woods.
I’ll let you in on a secret, he said. We love secrets
and were all ears. Sid told us that when he gets to the
top of the Big Bend cliff he skis off into the woods, and
onto the Bellows Pipe Trail whose drop along this ridge
is easier to ski, and likewise more inviting to hike down
as well, and then right here he sneaks back onto the
Sid Sidway at the Spring Work Weekend
Thunderbolt. So you ski around the cliff! We
exclaimed. Not much of a secret anymore! And not
only because he just confided in us, we two old ladies
whose secret protecting powers seem to be diminishing 2
Presidents Column by Dorie Valenti
Clubhouse News by Sandy Leith
Journal from the SWC House:
Summer & Fall at the Club House
June 15
Summer is fading and soon the leaves will change color
What a great summer! I hear that it has been hot
and humid down there in the South. Up here, we made so make sure you schedule a trip to the Clubhouse
it through the monsoon season with nary a flood or other before stick season. Hope to see you at the house!!
disaster. The new coat of paint I got during the spring
Fri, Aug. 09 - Sun, Aug. 11
work weekend has held up well and now I hear that I will
have a nice new hat (roof) soon. The fans have been
Annual Antique Car Show
used during the hot days and many members have been
The Stowe Annual Antique Car Show is a perennial
having breakfast and dinner out on the patio. I am ready favorite in Stowe, Vermont. Over 800 antique & classic
for more SWCers to come up and visit on my back deck. cars are on display. Food concessions, giant automotive
I had quite a crowd up for the Bike/Hike weekend with
Flea Market, Car Corral. Fashion judging contest and
most of the rooms purring with our members sleeping off antique car parade through town. One of the largest
the mountain hikes and bike rides. I hope to see you up and oldest in New England and a cherished summer
here in August and September.
tradition in Vermont. For more info, please visit:
Good Weather for Bike/Hike Weekend
The Bike/Hike weekend, July 12-14, was a great
success with a break in the hot/humid weather and great
food served on the patio. The Hikers were able to make
it to the summit of Camel's Hump mountain on Fri and
Sat (tow different groups), while the bikers rode to
Craftsbury Common where there was an Antique Show
and crafts fair going on on Sat. Sunday they rode their
bikes to Montpelier to see the Capital Building and stop
in at the famous Onion River Sports store after touring
the town. The Paddlers went to both the Waterbury and
Green River Reservoirs and were rewarded with calm
cool waters and some wild life sightings. Walt Kangas
treated two of our members to a sailing demonstration
on Waterbury Reservoir.
Active Vacationing in Vermont
Vermont is repeatedly ranked the Healthiest State in
the nation. From its ‘chiseled’ granite sculptors to
Olympic skiers and riders and mountain biking
mommas, it shows. In the Green Mountain State, there’s
an ultra-marathon, adventure race, century ride, fun run,
swim or yoga-fest for all athletic appetites. Sports
enthusiasts come to train, race, compete, tour and
experience the state’s beautiful landscape. Of course,
Vermont’s farm to plate culinary scene also plays a large
role in fueling and tantalizing visitors and local athletes
alike! Vermont’s sports events schedule is massive;
plus, the caliber of the events and participation
continues to increase and appeal to destination-savvy
athletes. Come to train, or just come to enjoy a leisurely
tour – here’s the Vermont Tourism Roster of Sports
Events starting this spring and running through summer
Mountain Biking in Stowe
(50 miles of marked trails)
Did you know that Stowe is an ideal place to take a
great mountain bike ride? There are over 50 miles of
mapped and legal trails in the Stowe area. The
Kimmer's Trail was rated at one of the 10 best biking
trails in America last summer. The Stowe, Waterbury
and Morrisville mountain bike trail network meanders
through land graciously used by permission from private
and public landowners, and are maintained and
developed by volunteers, largely through the efforts of
Stowe Mountain Bike Club and its members.
SMBC is hosting groups rides the 1st Tuesday of the
month in Stowe and the 3rd Tuesday of the month in
Waterbury. Rides meet at 6pm and depart at 6:10pm.
Trail maps are available at local bikes shops including
AJ's Ski and Sports, iRide, Skiershop, and Trapp Family
Check the trail conditions and ride calendar (Weekly
Women's and coed rides) at the SMBC website:
Stowe , Vt - The Perfect place for
a Family or Friends Reunion
Have you been thinking about trying to get your old
group together but your place is too small ? The "off"
season in Stowe is anything but Off, and your
Clubhouse is the ideal place for you and your friends.
Activities such as Biking, Covered bridges, shopping,
the VT Brew Tour, Frisbee Golf, fine dining, hiking,
sailing, canoeing and more all happen after ski season.
If you are interested in bringing your family or friends to
our Clubhouse this Spring, Summer or Fall, please
contact our Lodge Committee for further information.
Needed: New Ski Ticket Seller for
13/14 Season
For Sale:
Mongoose Men’s Hybrid 26” Bicycle 21 speed $75.00
Please call Ronda Anderson 518-885-0971
Do you have 5 minutes per day? The system has
been simplified and the ticket buyers are pleasant and
cooperative. What more could you ask for? Help the
club and take this over for a year or two. Bill will be
happy to assist the new person who would like to take
this on. You have the flexibility to modify/update the
program to make it even better. Contact Bill Schaefer
(370-0229) or a Board Member to find out more.
Panasonic Men's Bike: Lots of gears and alloy wheels,
will discuss price if interested. Call Jan Elliott 355-8319
Sailboat: Have a ball sailing this summer on your
Spindrift! It's a 16' centerboard boat, everything
included- (trailer as well). $500 needs new lines and will
be happy to get out on the lake. Call Jan Elliott to see it
Names and Numbers to Remember
Board of Directors:
Dorie Valenti, Pres
H 334-0652
Judy Brandow VP Administration
H 482-4610
Anna Palmer, VP Nordic
H 489-5092
George Astle, VP Activities
Dan Kirkpatrick VP-Alpine
H 683-1477
Anna Palmer NNYP President
H 489-5092
Keith Freeman, Secretary,
Ray Asselin, Treasurer
H 355-1882
Sandy Culver, Clubhouse Director
Zack Rutnik, At Large
H 339-6480
Bob Wright, At Large
H 279-1428
John Rack, Mohawk Valley Hiking Club
Pete Weykamp, Past Pres
H 785-6433
Craig Lindsay, Membership
H 356-0557
Dave Slezak, Clubhouse Reservations
H 573-6431
Bill Schaefer, Ticket Vouchers
H 370-0229
Bill Kornrumpf, Chatter Editor &
H 370-4017
Clubhouse Facilities
Sue Knapik Blade Editor H 843-8133
Cecilia MacDonald MVHC Editor
H 872-0823
Dorie Valenti Webmaster
Clubhouse at Waterbury Center
More of Shield Bishop's Toys for Sale
Old Town Sport Kayak 9 or 10' 1 person, Lime Green,
used a few times; with paddle, PFD & cover $475
Pamlico 500 Kayak 11'; 1 person; Yellow; Used once;
with cover $750
Burnt Hills Canoe- Kevlar; 17.5 '; 2 person; tracks
great; $250
Tule & Yakima Rocket Boxes; with all the hardware;
$200 each
Barrecrafters Ski Rack for car top - $20
Northstar Snow Thrower – gas; 22'; used a few times
Minn Kota small motor – for fishing boat; not used;
with battery and instruction manual - $175
North Woods Mountain Bike – 21 speed; dark green;
can be taken apart for travel; nearly new $100
Black & Decker Vac 'N Mulch electric leaf sucker $75
50 Amp Analog battery load tester – Never used $50
Single Bike Rack for trailer hitch - $50
Wheel Barrow - $20
Nylon Tent – Blue; 2 person; used once $75
2 PFD's – Adult medium; zipper front; never worn; green
& red; $60 each
* Added bonus to buyers – your pick of free men's
medium clothes
* Call Cyd Geiger and visit in Sch'dy 518-377-4098
Change Of Address Notices
Change of Address notices should be sent to:
Craig Lindsay, 2012 Lisa Lane, Schenectady, NY
12303.356-0557 tlindsa3@nycap.rr.comDo not send
to the editors, or the Club PO Box, they will get lost
Newsletter by E-Mail Very Soon !
We hope your email is up do date as we are close to
replacing the Postcard. If not, be sure to send a
correction to the Membership E-Mail address , or be sure to include your email
address as you renew your membership. Remember to
write CLEARLY so we can actually read your email
Photos from the Bike/Hike Weekend
Bocci is a game of infinite concentration
Marilyn & Joe sport native organic native face paint
Your President and Sid swing dancing after dinner
Someone has to watch the chicken cooking on the fire
But the food was great
Dinner on the Patio is always better with good friends
Monday Night Canoeing
& Potluck Suppers
Monday Night Paddling continues every Mon
evening after through Sept 10. The group will get
together at Kiwanis Park (Rotterdam Junction at
Route 5S) at 6pm. Experienced and nonexperienced paddlers are welcome – there
generally is someone in the group that is willing to
give some paddling advice. On “potluck” nights,
you might want to start paddling around 5pm.
Canoes and paddles are available (see later) but if
you have a life vest (PFD) you should bring it along.
Potluck Suppers will be held the second
Monday of each month on August 12 and
September 9. Heidi Walsh has again graciously
agreed to host these fabulous feeds with Ken
Corsetti over the coals.
Saturday August 31
Barge Chaser Canoe and Kayak Race
Kiwanis Park, Rt. 5S, Rotterdam, NY
Distance: Distance: 3 miles and 7 miles on the Mohawk
River (between Lock 8 and Lock 9)
Registration:10 am, First Start:11 am.
All NYMCRA classes plus Recreation
Entry fee: $10/adult and $5/youth Picnic will follow bring
a dish to share or pay $2
Contact: Linda and Bob Cooley, 518-393-9201,
NNYP Time Trials
The Wednesday-night time trials will continue
until Sept 18, at 6:30 PM and on the Mohawk River,
starting and finishing at the Aqueduct Park dock,
Town of Niskayuna (that's where NY Route 146
crosses the river on the Rexford Bridge).
There is the usual course and an additional
course of about 16 minutes duration geared to the
more recreational paddler as seen in local racing at
the Towpath or Barge Chaser races.
Any self-powered craft is welcome - usually
paddling are canoes and kayaks, sometimes war
canoes, outrigger canoes, rowing shells, and
sculls. There are age and gender classes for any
imaginable paddler. Registration starts at 6, is free
for club members, but $10 for the season for nonmembers (the first night is free for non-members.
Start at 6:30PM whether you're ready or
not. Times are recorded for comparison during the
season or against prior recent seasons. The
“standard” course is 3.65 miles long and takes
from 27 minutes to a week (that is why they're held
only once a week). Coaching for racing or
paddling technique usually follows the time trial for
all interested. Cancellation is only in cases of
lightning or river over the bank.
Further information is available from Alec Davis,
518 399-1435 or
Keep The News Coming
Water sport write-ups, photos, jokes, stories,
etc. or activities that might interest the group (like
hiking, trips, etc) are fine. Send to Susan Knapik: by the 10th of month. Put
NNYP, SWC or Blade in the email subject title line.
For Sale
2 Wilderness Systems Pongo 120 Yellow
Duralite Kayaks. Each kayak is 12 feet long,
weighs 40 pounds and comes with Aquaterra
Whisper paddles and a cockpit cover. All in
excellent condition and stored inside when not
Price for each kayak is $600 firm. If interested
contact Bob Lawrence at 518-369-6570 or
Kayak - Current Design model Kestrel 140 TCS,
14', used 5 times $1200; Paddle, Aqua-bound
Sting Ray carbon shaft 230cm $100; Thule roof
rack $145; Men's Stohlquist Med life vest $80;
Indoor wall-mount storage rack $75 - email, 518-817-5174.
Advertisements will run for two months unless an
extension is requested.
Saturday August 31
Remington II
Classes: any canoe, kayak, single, tandem, group,
gender class
Registration: 9:00 am
Start time: 10:00
Entry fee: SLVP schedule $20.00 per paddler,
$15.00 SLVP member, $10.00 military and veterans,
$5.00 youth
Start in Rensselaer Falls on Oswegatchie River and
finish at Heuvelton, NY.
Distance: 6 mi.
Downstream race with 2 short rapids which can be
portaged easily on either side of the river. upstream
option after awards.
Contact: Kerry Newell 203 Mount Alone Road,
Heuvelton, NY 13654
Club Canoe Availability
NNYP has canoes, paddles, PFD’s (limited), and
one kayak for use by members, along with three
adult-size wet suits:
18’ 6” Wenonah CC 18’ 6” Lincoln CC
18’ 6” Sawyer CC 18’ 5” Alumicraft 12” Acadia
New Boat available: 18’6” TW Whitewater
canoe (has done the Allagash 100 miles trip)
Club members may borrow these boats for a
$10/day, $40/week donation. They are located at
Uncle Donnie Patneaude’s house at 741 River
Road, Lower
Rotterdam Junction (about 0.3 mile from the
Kiwanis boat launch (518-887-5483). There are 5
canoes for members at the Clubhouse including a
reasonable Old Town. Since the availability of life
vests (PFDs), is limited, you should bring one if
you have one.
Saturday & Sunday August 17 & 18
Wells Bridge Canoe and Kayak Races
Wells Bridge, NY
Two Day event this year!
NYMCRA Canoe Points Race
Saturday August 17, 3:00 pm C-1 Pro $500 purse,
C-1 Amateur, C-1 Stock, K-1
Registration; 1:00-2:30, Race begins at 3:00
8 miles all classes – start in Wells Bridge paddle up
stream past the Otego Fishing access to the
highway bridge buoy turn around the abutment and
return to Wells Bridge.
Sunday August 18, 10:30 C-2 Pro $1000 purse,
C-2 Amateur, C-2 Stock, K-2
Registration 8:30-10:00. Race Begins at 10:30
11 Miles Pro, 10 Miles Amateur
Pro start in Wells Bridge with a sprint loop then
head up stream 5 miles to buoy turn and back to
Wells Bridge.
Amateur start in Wells Bridge go upstream 5 miles
to buoy turn and back to Wells Bridge.
C-4 15 miles.
Fees: $25 Pro and Amateur
Contact: Jeff Pedersen
PO Box 245 Gilbertsville, NY 13776 607-783-2880
Camping will be available at the Wells Bridge
Pavilion ¼ mile from the start/finish with water,
electric and bathrooms.
Start of General Clinton Generation Gap Race
May 2013
Black River Race June 2013
Photos courtesy of Gary McLain
Electric City Regatta
July 20, 2013 Results
12 mi - NYMCRA Points Race
K-1 Touring M<50
James King
K-1 Unl M<50
Tim Hudyncia
K-1 Unl M 50+
Dave Wiltey
C1 M<50
Darryl Lipinski
C1 M 50-59
Bruce Lee
John Young
C1 M 60-69
Ed Sayre
Bob Allen
Bob Fisher
C1 M 70+
Jim Dami
C2 M A/J
Trent & Bill Robinson
C2 Mx Jr
Briana Fitzgerald, Daken Broadhead
C2 Mx A/J
Annie Ripton, Glen Vandewinckel
C2 M<50
Patrick Madden, Eric Seyse
C2 M 50+
Larry Harrison, Allan Nichols
Jim Amell, Alec Davis
C2 Mx <50
Pam Fitzgerald, Ken Ostrowski
Ann Seyse, Brian Stitt
C2 Mx 50+
Linda & Bob Cooley
C2 Stk M<50
Brian Watson, Fred Goodnough
Tim & Nate Corwin
C2 Stk Mx 50+
Sue Knapik, Geoff Moore
Nancy & Rodger Dempster
Rich Butts, Kevin Berl, Jim Mallory,
Bruce Coddington
Pete McConville, Tim Henning, Pete
Ross, Mike Skivington
3 mi Rec Race
C2 Mx
Judy Brandow, Mel Kincel
Margaret Parks, George Astle
1 mi Family Fun Race
C2 W A/J
Rachel Broadhead, Pam Fitzgerald
August 8 Holly Hawkes
14 Davids Lane, Burnt Hills
Take Rt 50 north from Scotia to Burnt Hills.
Turn left at light onto Lake Hill Rd. (there is an
ice cream stand on the near left corner called
“Mamas”). Turn right onto Goode St. (second
right). Turn right onto Davids Lane (second
right). Holly’s house is # 14, at the end of the
street. If you need further directions, call Holly
at the number above.
Thursday Night Bike Rides
2013 Season
Bike Rides Continue
Join riders of all skill levels every Thursday from
May through August to get some exercise, enjoy
the outdoors and socialize afterward over pizza.
When it hasn’t rained, the riding has been good
but rain or shine there will be a party every
Thursday evening. The rides start promptly at
6:30. Each Thursday the host plans at least two
rides (a short easy ride and a longer more challenging ride) so there is something for everyone.
They will provide maps and all you need to bring
is your bike and a helmet (helmets are required
for all riders with SWC).
July 25
August 1
August 8
August 15
August 22
August 15 We do not have a host for this
ride so we will do a YOYO (You’re On Your
Own - well, not really), meeting at Kiwanis
Park / Rotterdam Junction. We will plan to
meet at 6:00 PM and leave by 6:30. There
will be maps, drinks and fruit. We will order
pizza from a local pizzeria afterward. Call Terry
at 435-1704 for info.
Bike Ride Schedule
Nancy Hauenstein
Sue Knapik
Holly Hawkes
Kiwanis Park (YoYo)
Anna Palmer and Heidi Walsh
From Schenectady, I-890 West to Exit 1A –
West (Route 5S West), for about ½ mile and
look for the Kiwanis Park sign on the right. Drive
across the bike path (watch for bikers!) and enter the lower parking lot.
From Albany, take Thruway to Exit 26. Take
the I-890 West exit (straight ahead) and then the
Exit 1A west to Route 5-S. The Park is just off
the exit ramp on the right. The after ride festivities will be held at the park in the picnic pavilion.
This location offers biking, roller blading and
boating so bring your other recreational equipment and come early.
Driving Directions to Rides/ Host Homes
July 25 Nancy Hauenstein
137 Crane Street, Charlton
From Scotia Take Rte 147 (Sacandaga Rd.)
north out of Scotia and follow for about 5 miles
to the top of the hill. Turn right onto Dawson Rd.
and follow for about 1 mile to Crane St. Nancy’s
house is on the right at the corner of Crane St.
and Dawson Rd.
August 22 Anna Palmer 728-4754 and Heidi
Walsh 456-4394
The ride will start and finish at the Albany
Riverfront Barge in the Corning Preserve. The
trail will take us along the Hudson River for a
route of no more than ten miles. Meet in the
barge parking lot and be ready to ride at 6:30,
as the sun setssets at 7:40. We'll party later on
the barge, a full service restaurant.
August 1
Sue Knapik
649 Cranes Hollow Road
Amsterdam, NY 843-8133
From Albany or Schenectady:
I-890 W to end at Rt 5 or I-90 W to I-890 exit,
EXIT 26, Merge onto RT-890 W via the exit on
the LEFT toward RT-5/Scotia/RT-5S Rotterdam
JCT. Take Amsterdam Rd/RT-5 toward Amsterdam.( 8.2 mi) Turn RIGHT onto Cranes Hollow Rd/CR-2. (2.7 mi) 649 Cranes Hollow Rd is
on the LEFT – Ranch house with maroon shutters, stone wall along road.
Sue has a pool, so she asked that we let you
know you are welcome - urged to bring bathing suits for an after-ride dip.
Directions are as follows: From Points North
and West, take 787 South. Take Exit 4A and go
straight to the second light and turn left. At the
next light (facing the Hudson River) take another
left. Stay to the right and watch for Corning Preserve sign.
If you don't like fast roads - From Schenectady, take Rt. 5 to State St. and Broadway in
downtown Albany. Take right on Broadway and
at next light take left. At light (facing the Hudson
River) take another left. Stay to the right and
watch for Corning Preserve sign.
From the Thruway, take Exit 23 to 787 North.
Take Exit 4 then merge to the far right lane. Stay
to the right and follow signs to Corning Preserve.
The Kornrumpf’s had cool weather and a big turnout
It may have been hot but we had a good ride at the Hamlin/Miller house.
Even the dog got an after ride treat
A cold shower is appreciated after a hot ride
Please call leader in advance; weather and other factors may cause changes.
Please, no pets on any hike as a courtesy others. This is a volunteer organization
and with any activity there is a presumption of risk. Each participant is responsible
for his or her own safety. Bring ample food and water, dress appropriately.
Remember, Life is as good as you make it. The
MVHC newsletter will be back next month.
Interesting Facts and Trivia
Night butterflies have ears on their wings so they can
avoid bats.
One kind of insect called a spittlebug, lays its eggs in
a big nest of saliva bubbles. I guess no predator would
look for a meal in there!
The weight of all the termites in the world outweighs
the weight of all humans 10 to 1!
If you see this rash around a tick bite, see your doctor
you probably have Lime Disease
If all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to
end, they would reach about 60,000 miles
Schenectady Wintersports Club
Northern New York Paddlers
PO Box 228
Schenectady New York 12301
Send in your membership dues now
Membership Renewal Application 2013-14
Membership is from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014
Please check your Newsletter delivery preference:
Email version of the Newsletter (new this year) _______
Email notice that the newsletter is at the web site: ________
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Post Card Reminder notice:
for reminder notices: (that the newsletter has been posted to
This saves trees & club resources).
Receive Newsletter by postal mail:
__________(Slower, higher club cost)
Name _____________________________________________
Age Group (circle 0ne) 18-29 30-39 40-55 56-69 70+
Phone _________________ E-Mail___________________________
New Member( ) Renewal( ) $20 individual( ) $30 Family( )
For Family Membership, please indicate:
Name of Spouse________________________________________________
Age Group (circle 0ne) 18-29 30-39 40-55 56-69 70+
Names and Ages of Junior Members________________________________
To qualify for family membership, children must be under 18 or 18 and still in High School.
Interested in volunteering ? Clubhouse, SWC Board, Snow Show, NY Capital District12Ski
Council, Activities, other Club help such as outreach.
Make check payable to SWC and mail with the completed application to SWC, PO Box 228, Schenectady, NY 12301